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Filename: 20160303_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 3, 2016
3551 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars Live, Alex Jones discusses Mitt Romney's criticism of Donald Trump, new documents about Osama Bin Laden released by the Obama administration, and a new AutoShip feature at InfoWarsLife.com. He also promotes the Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system. In another segment, Donald Trump speaks about his success with the Hispanic vote, criticizes Marco Rubio's decisions, defends himself against lawsuits, and highlights his disruption of the mainstream media narrative in the election cycle."

Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Simply incredible.
About 15 minutes ago, I got done watching, as I prepared for the broadcast, in the control room, Mitt Romney falling on his sword politically for the Republican establishment.
It was clearly disgusting.
It came off like bad comedy.
Donald Trump is not a good businessman.
He is bad.
He is a fraud, a con artist, a phony, and then gave no evidence.
And they're clearly positioning him to run.
That is disgusting.
Horse race live wire.
Mitt Romney pledges to hit Trump harder than he ever did Obama.
The fix is in.
And the Republican establishment is panicking.
Another big story for Breitbart.
It's up on Infowars.com.
We told you about that meeting last Thursday that Politico admitted happened, but was secret.
200 top political donors and Rubio.
And how they were going to appoint the head of Rubio's campaign was going to be the Koch brothers' chief political strategist.
That then happened.
Roger Stone put out the video Friday night, went viral on Drudge to millions of readers and viewers.
Well, it wasn't just Roger Stone that had somebody in the audience in that meeting, a mole for Liberty.
It was recorded by a Breitbart operative, and it's them in there, how to steal the election, how to raise the money, how to have a broker convention for Marco Rubio.
It's incredible.
Roger Stone's coming on in the second hour.
We're going to play the tape here.
The article's at Infowars.com.
DrugReport.com's linked to it, and obviously, where it originates from, Breitbart.com.
Breitbart does more journalistic work with all their divisions, Breitbart Texas, you name it, and their people than...
Really, really, any other media organization out there, more and more, along with World Net Daily, of course, Drudge, aggregating it all and helping put anti-establishment talking points out there, but really got to commend them.
And of course, InfoWars is here, but a lot of investigative journalism as well, analysis and historical review and breaking through globalist disinformation and really putting out, again, counter-narratives to their globalist world government system and exposing the whole technocracy.
The point is there is a new burgeoning media that isn't the alternative media.
We are the new media, and that's becoming more evident every day.
So the system wants to come in with censorship, show we can't go back into the memory hole, as we do, and show you the flip-flopping, show you the deceptions, show you Obama promising you wouldn't come after his guns or your guns, but then he does, or you can keep your doctor, but you can't.
Now Mitt Romney says that Donald Trump is the worst thing on earth, basically.
If you only had those type of words for Obama.
But he didn't.
He got them for Donald Trump as the establishment has the panic button.
Well, what about all the flashbacks to the endorsements that he made and the endorsement he got from Trump that he groveled for?
Here it is.
Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.
He's done it here in Nevada.
He's done it across the country.
He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad.
He's one of the few people who stood up and said, you know what, China has been cheating.
They've taken jobs from Americans.
They haven't played fair.
We have to have a president who will stand up to cheaters.
We believe in free trade or free enterprise, but we don't believe in allowing people to cheat day in and day out.
I spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless.
Sufficiently successful to understand what it takes to get America to be the most attractive place in the world.
For innovators, entrepreneurs, and business, and job creators.
I think it's time for us to recognize we can't keep going down the road we're on.
We have to dramatically change course.
So I want to say thank you.
Now basically he wants to thank Donald Trump.
So there you go.
Now we've seen the reverse of that today.
We've got clips of that coming up as well.
Roger Stone joins us.
Mark Dice on his new book, The Illuminati in Hollywood.
And how that ties into the secret rituals and things Bohemian Grove and Justice Scalia's death in part of a secret society.
It's all coming up today.
We are quickly approaching the five-year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's supposed death at the hands of Navy SEALs.
And to commemorate this, the Obama administration released 113 documents that were seized in the May 2nd, 2011 raid.
And if you read the myriad of articles at Daily Mail, he supposedly writes he wants to leave his vast multi-million dollar fortune to the global jihad.
He also worried that his wife had been implanted with a tracking chip.
But he doesn't sign any of the documents in his name.
He signs one, Saeed bin Usama, another, Usama bin Muhammad, and another, Abu Abdallah.
But I ask, why didn't he use his CIA codename of Tim Osman in any of these letters?
Remember, it was C. Bell Edmonds, the FBI translator, who broke a gag order and said that the US had been working with Osama bin Laden right up until 9-11.
And they were outsourcing him to conduct terror operations all over the world.
There's one final note.
He was calling on Americans to help President Obama fight climate change.
So using liberal logic, if you don't disavow climate change, then you refer Osama bin Laden.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it's 3-3 2016 on this Thursday Worldwide Broadcast.
I'm your host Alex Jones and we are going to be live here for the next four hours.
Anthony Gucciardi will be hosting the fourth hour today.
Roger Stone is going to be joining us about the huge developments with Mitt Romney coming out and saying that Donald Trump is, quote, a phony and a fraud and echoing the con artist statements that has been coming out of the flying elephant Marco Rubio, Dumbo.
And I wish Dumbo would just fly away since he wants to make comments about Donald Trump's T-Rex hands.
People's hand sizes are some type of insult that you supposedly are unendowed.
At least in my life, that is the wives' tale that has not been true.
But this is what the campaign has stooped to, so we are now stooping to that with the Ferengi ambassador, Marco Rubio, who I heard has been scheduled to be in the next Star Trek.
I'm actually serious that they want to cast him, because in the next episode the Ferengi actually attack the Federation.
And so he's got a big starring role as the Ferengi ambassador in the new Star Trek series.
Okay, I'm joking around, ladies and gentlemen, he actually has a starring role in Dumbo.
I don't write this stuff, I just come up with it.
He does also... never mind.
Let's get serious.
We don't care about how big his ears are or what he does in bubble baths, quite frankly.
The fact is he's a globalist.
The establishment, the Koch brothers, the entire establishment is behind him and that's why he's bad news.
We also have the Republicans trying to obviously stop Trump with a brokered convention coming up.
At the Republican National Convention in a few months.
And they're admitting now, more and more, that's their plan.
Trial ballooning, selling, stealing an election like it's no big deal, and kosher.
Well, there's also something called a FBI primary.
And the fact that they just gave one of Hillary's underlings that minded her computer immunity means it looks like he's getting ready to testify.
And if he does testify,
Chances are that's not going to be good news for Hillary, who's been caught lying so many times and has changed her story so many times.
I tried to do a video on it and found like 15, 16 different times she changed it the last few years to where I got so confused I didn't even do the video.
That's the problem with the Clintons.
It's just there's so many lies.
It's kind of like I tried to find all the clips where Donald Trump, since 2001, disavowed David Duke and the KKK.
And there were so many of them in so many instances that I just turned it over to Rob Dew and I said, you try to find them all.
And it's well over 15.
I had said 14.
We found 15.
And of course, there's more since then.
But it was so funny Tuesday night during the live coverage.
I've talked a lot about this because it illustrates everything.
Three different reporters get up and say, why won't you disavow the Klan?
He said, I disavowed it in 2001, I disavowed it last week a whole bunch of times, I disavowed it today, several times on the road, but I disavow.
I don't support any of that, I'm inclusive, and I love the fact that blacks and Hispanics are voting for me in record numbers, it's wonderful.
Guys that like the Klan don't have black ladies up on stage kissing him.
And the next reporter gets up and says, why won't you disavow?
Not go deeper into how you disavow or some angle like that, still pushing it, but just, why would you disavow?
And he went, I just disavowed.
Two minutes ago.
Okay, I'll disavow again.
Another one.
Oh, wait a minute.
How many times?
Okay, I'll disavow.
But wait, you just heard the answer.
And he had to disavow and play the game because they're going to keep saying it.
If he says, look, I already did that.
I'm not getting into it.
That's the game.
And this is how they operate.
Then they can get Democrats into Republican positions, have them say wild and crazy things, like we see happening in Travis County right now, in my view, and then say, disavow this person.
It's the oldest trick in the book.
It happened to Rand Paul.
When he won the Republican primary, the Democrats started coming out.
Remember four years ago?
Dressed in hayseed outfits with overalls.
And I remember saying, that looks like that's fake.
We need to investigate who these people are.
Folks did Google face analysis and found them Democratic Party campaign paid members.
Out with signs saying, I hate Mexicans.
In fact, you guys, Democrats caught posing as racist against Rand Paul.
They also got caught in Houston.
A proto-Black Lives Matter type group got caught doing that, and they just do it over, running around screaming the N-word and saying, I support Rand Paul.
This is what they do, and it's a dirty trick, and it just shows how sick these people are.
Now, I'm not getting back to an old story from yesterday, because I have lack of information.
I got too much.
The Justice Department grants immunity to
Hillary Clinton's email server technician.
Denmark's leading Muslim imam calls for death of infidels and women who cheat on their husbands.
He's telling his flock, kill people.
That's not legal.
That's a call to action.
It's not free speech.
France warns Britain of migrant influx after EU exit.
Mass transit meets mass surveillance, and now legislation is being introduced to not let them listen and watch you on buses and on street corners.
See, now we admit this is going on to ourselves, now we can do something to stop it.
Police appeal to lawmakers for future options on arming drones.
My issue was, when we warned of all this coming, people said it didn't exist.
Remember just three or four years ago they would say, there's no plan to put drones in the sky surveilling farmers, when it was already happening.
Again, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump is a phony and a fraud.
Trump rolls out free market health care plan.
It's an excellent plan.
He actually does have a plan.
The media just runs this hoax that he doesn't have a plan.
Mitt Romney's niece to stuff Republican debate audience with anti-Trump insiders.
It's good to be on the inside, isn't it there?
Audio, Rubio campaign manager, plots broker convention in Manhattan donor meeting with the Koch brothers to take nomination from Trump.
This, by the way, confirms everything that Stone said, that he had an operative in the meeting listening to him.
And of course, Stone writes for Breitbart.
I'm not mad at him that he's giving them the scoop, but gee, I wonder whose operative got the audio in Manhattan.
Roger Stone is joining us next hour.
I don't care if other groups get the scoops.
I want them to.
Because we need more successful groups exposing tyranny and more investigative journalism, not less.
That's how I don't get killed or put in prison.
We all fight for liberty together.
Rising Tide raises all ships.
We work together in the liberty media and we defeat the globalist takeover.
That's what this revolution against tyranny, this insurrection, this overthrow of the occupying globalist is about.
And notice that narrative is getting out there.
So we're going to play that audio next hour when Stone joins us.
Report, this is from Infowars.com, a lot of evidence points towards it.
This is not a dirty trick here, you know, like they said the Carson was dropping out, the Cruz did.
This is where it's all pointing to, because the elite aren't giving him money, they're all getting behind Rubio, with Romney in the back, as we told you, with Roger Stone last week.
He had the inside moles at the inside meeting with 200 millionaires and billionaires, and they told him, we're giving you 25 million of our own money this week,
Another $50 million from these other donors is pledged in the next week.
But if you lose Florida, coming up in the middle of March, you are done.
And then Romney comes in.
And that's exactly what Stone said last week.
You gotta go watch that 10-minute interview I did on the outside after we ate dinner in downtown Austin with Stone.
Headline, uh... What was that headline?
It was Coke Brothers
To give 75 million to Rubio to defeat Trump.
And now everything Stone said has been borne out.
Cruz next to exit race according to reports.
We have linked to Infowars.com.
Kit Daniels article.
Texas Senator losing cash fast and underperforming in delegate count.
We're going to get into that article.
The Republican establishment has four options to try to stop Trump and none of them are good.
We'll get into Michael Snyder's article.
Another Breitbart article.
We're having the President of Breitbart on to talk about this.
No, this is the Eagle Forum.
This is from Breitbart.
How the GOP-ers insider plan to steal the nod from Trump.
Another big story.
Neocons pen open letter declaring war on Donald Trump.
I mean, what more do you need to know?
We've got to be behind Trump.
This is just ridiculous.
Over 65,000 people signed petition.
To arrest and prosecute Bill Clinton for violating election laws.
That was last night.
This morning it was close to 100,000.
That's in the Don Salazar article in fullwars.com.
Establishment strategist back Trump too late to ask mommy to rewrite rules.
Threat against Trump on Facebook.
Leads to deportation order for Egyptian student that wants Trump bye-bye.
Congressman suggests the FBI is taking advantage of San Bernardino tragedy to push legislation.
Gee, you think so?
They let the jihadis in under White House orders, but then want to take all of our remaining remnant of liberties away to keep us safe.
Carson has quit, as we said a few days ago, he was set to quit the presidential race saying no path forward.
That is just some of the news I'm going to burrow back into after the break.
This is even bigger than Trump and everything we're talking about.
Because if you don't understand this, you don't understand anything.
And when we come back, I'm going to get into the most important subject in the world for just the six-minute segment.
I don't
A lot to cover, obviously, here on this live Thursday, the third day of March 2016, Global Transmission.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the frontline sites, and we also have a great store with a lot of amazing items and big discounts, and 50% off right now, colloidal silver.
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Whether they're honeybees, or wolves, or canine familiaris, the family dog.
Whether it's a bison on the plains,
Of North America.
Or a mule.
Or dolphins.
Every higher order species.
Fire ants even.
Defend their young.
And cherish their young.
You can have
20 foot great white shark and one female dolphin protecting her pup will attack that great white shark even though she's only 5 feet long, 6 feet long and will drive that shark away.
That's not feminism, that's not male power, that's not female power, that's mammal power.
And mammals are known, really more than any species, to become highly agitated and vicious in the defense of their young.
There's many documented cases by fire departments and police departments of a mother picking a multi-thousand pound car up off of their baby that's screaming in pain.
Because the governor isn't there anymore and a woman that couldn't normally squat 200 pounds can suddenly squat over 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 it's been estimated.
Because their child is screaming and bleeding and begging and they black out and they pick the car up.
Now that's hardwired into us for a reason.
It's a base level program.
It's called a drive state.
Sex is a drive state.
Being hungry is a drive state.
Needing to go to the bathroom is a drive state.
But the strongest
Isn't sex, isn't even food, protecting the young?
And what is the most important thing we can understand in this world?
And I'm going to play this clip after the break.
If we don't care about our young, it means we don't care about ourselves.
We don't care about our old.
And if we don't care about our young and our old and our unborn, we don't care about our veterans.
And it means nobody's going to care about us.
And the yuppie, the trendy, they always want to socially run up a flag that they're not racist, or they give to charity, or they care about the earth.
But statistically, you can pull it up in major university studies from Canada and England, six or more times likely to steal, to not give to charity, and to lie.
Those that keep socially signaling that they're morally superior and better.
Whereas conservatives and libertarians are, globally, the biggest givers, and the people that don't tell you when they make a donation, or don't tell you how much.
Because it almost ruins it when you do that, unless you're doing it as an example to get others to give to a good cause.
If we don't care about the unborn, we don't care about anybody.
And of course, that's just a common sense thing that a normal person has, but they've engineered that out of us with the modern culture.
And here's the article, CNS News, it's up on Infowars.com, with the audio, the video.
Bioethicist, we're gonna play it when we come back.
Listen to these key words, this is the most important thing ever.
We have commodified babies and baby parts.
Like pork bellies,
And chicken eggs.
We have dehumanized ourselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, at least these babies go through pain and it's horrible, but at least it's not as completely conscious as a child or an adult.
It's horrible.
But let me tell you something.
The fact that for 30 years they've been growing humanoid chimeras in utero,
I've been talking about this for 20 years on air.
I couldn't believe it when it was in trade publications 20 years ago.
21 years ago.
And no one believed me, even when it was in the BBC 18 years ago.
They said yes in South Korea and yes in Costa Rica and other areas.
They are growing embryos where there aren't laws against it, up to larger size in mammals, like cows and pigs.
And so that they're not rejected, they've been engineered to be part animal.
Now, again, I keep harping on this because it's the loss of humanity and not caring and losing that instinct to say no and have our young torn apart that lowers our spiritual defenses.
I'll explain it when we come back.
It opens the gate.
Hey there, how's it going?
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
Tonight's the big night, isn't it?
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
Alright, I'm gonna get into the latest
Loveless jihad invasion accelerating.
I'm gonna get into the campaign Mitt Romney's vicious, underhanded, treacherous, backstabbing, dishonorable behavior.
I mean, if he's gonna call Trump a phony and a fraud and a conman, deliver the goods.
You know, I'm loyal to a fault.
If I endorse somebody, and they endorse me, and I'm friends with them, and I play golf with them, and I eat dinner with them, as these two have done dozens of times, and then you come out, and you trash them, and you don't even deliver evidence,
I'll admit it, I grew up thinking Texas was nothing special.
I was so sick of, you know, the families all flying Texas flags at their houses and telling me about how illustrious our family was in Texas history and how Texans, you know, real Texans do what they say they're going to do.
I mean, I didn't dislike it, but you're a kid.
You're rebellious with your parents and grandparents and, you know, what you hear and everybody with the Texas stuff on their cars and, you know, taking me to memorials and sesquicentennials and Daughters of the Republic of Texas, you know, events and I'm like, oh, mom, dad, why are you involved in this Texas stuff?
Well, it's heritage.
We've got to keep it alive and it's special.
And then all these years later I look back and I realize I was actually at a disadvantage in my life because I grew up around people that didn't cheat, didn't steal, and did what they said they were going to do.
And also didn't back down.
And I look around at so many of my fellow Americans and I tell you they're scum.
And they think it's cute to backstab.
They think it's smart to be betrayers.
I know so many people I have helped and done nothing to in my life.
And they think it's manly or cool to lie about me and to try to destroy me.
Like blowing up a friend or lying about someone that helped you is cool.
And it's because they're mentally ill, they're narcissistic,
And they're so twisted in their competition that they can't stand seeing someone else who's more successful than them.
And so they want to pile on and tear somebody down who doesn't deserve it.
I have no wish to hurt somebody who's better looking than me, more wealthy than I am, more successful than I am.
As long as they're honorable, then I admire them.
I want to learn things from them.
I want to be in the company of people like that.
Of honorable people.
And then I look at somebody like Mitt Romney.
Friends with Donald Trump.
Off and on for decades.
At dinners and events and saying they're friends.
And I just... I just look at it and it's embarrassing.
Because this is supposedly an upstanding, honorable guy.
But he's not.
He's a sociopath, in a suit,
With plastic surgery.
That's the thing I like about Trump.
Yeah, there's no plastic surgery there.
He loves the fact that he looks like a toad.
And when I'm almost 70 years old, I already look like a toad.
There's not going to be any plastic surgery here, folks.
People say, you ought to get a skin treatment.
You've got sunspots.
Great, I'm going to get more.
And my crow's feet.
And my teeth will fall out.
And one day I'll go back to the dust.
I'm just sick of phony people.
And I realize that I was at an advantage later in life because once you get through all the losers and the fake people, you get into the society that's left in some areas of successful men and women that are honorable, then all the doors open up for you.
But there's also the dishonorable society at the top as well that's always waging war against the honorable society, and it always says the honorable society is the one that's dishonorable.
The whole power structure, the dishonored, mass-murdering, kingpin winners of all human time, all ages, all human experiences, the communist Chinese have killed in their own annals 84 million of their own citizens.
Never brought to justice, never tried, and the children of those elites
are still carrying on the murder, the warehousing of humans, the selling of the organs, the Falun Gong, because they're Buddhist, they don't drink, they don't smoke, they have, quote, fresh organs, the Chinese government advertises, and they have mobile execution vans, where they cut you up on the tarmac, when the plane's ready to take off, they take your heart, your liver, your lungs, rich Americans and others fly into Japan, they wait at the hospital, it's an hour away, they take off,
And they land and you get your organs.
Again, Seattle ties back into the commodity.
As if lying about someone, it's just a commodity now.
Mitt Romney groveling at the feet of the establishment, coming in with the Koch brothers and the Chinese government and the Mexican government and the British government and the Pope and the RNC and the Davos group and Larry Summers, the architect of the Baker bailouts and the subprime scams and the derivatives.
There's one big author, it's him.
And the Clintons, all weighing in.
Because Donald Trump didn't spend money with the political class, because he didn't appoint a bunch of their top advisors and promise to do whatever they said and make the deals.
He said, I'm not going to let China have an internal 20% tariff on us.
We're going to have real free trade.
And they went, no, you're not.
We own factories over there and made the deal to sell out.
And we've got America on its knees with our foot on their neck.
And you're not coming in like a bunch of hyenas over there killed.
It's almost dead.
And they're really in the night with their eyes shut.
And they're looking over at Trump.
And the American people going, I don't know who you are, whether you want to eat this or save it.
I don't know if you're a mama, it's daddy, or you want the meat.
I don't know if you're a predator like me or you're here to save it.
But you're not getting it.
And more hyenas are coming in.
And Trump, like a lion, sitting right there with like 500 hyenas.
And more and more Americans are becoming lions, backing him up.
And all these cowards sit there.
There's thousands of hyenas now line up against hundreds of lions.
With their big snappin' jaws.
Their eyes in the night.
You ever seen footage of hyenas in the night?
Those eyes flashing?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Calling up the hordes!
More power against him!
We will steal it at the... Convention!
We will disqualify whoever we want, whenever we want!
We're forcing the establishment to show their hand.
To show their cards.
Resistance is victory, because when you resist, you make the enemy come out in the open.
And Donald Trump, and Matt Drudge, and Alex Jones, and people like that.
I've had my name, to a great extent, cut up and attacked.
I mean, with stupid people, I'm a horrible person.
But I know who I am in my heart.
God knows who I am.
I'm here to be destroyed, just like Donald Trump is, or any other leader.
I hope I'm not, and I may not, but it doesn't matter.
I know the role I'm playing.
I know the office I'm in, and there is completion in that.
I know I'm doing the right thing.
I'm doing the best analysis I can.
I'm trying to be the most honorable person I can.
I've been over backwards to be the best person I can, and to really not lie to myself, and to really be a good person.
And so I struggle with guilt constantly.
People that know me go, why are you guilty?
You're like really good.
Yeah, but I could be better.
And it's because there's a quick slide into wickedness.
But I'm not going to cheat to win and to defeat the establishment just to become it.
I want to overthrow this entire corrupt system that's sitting on top of humanity.
I want to restore the Republic, restore the Renaissance.
You know, I've been praising George Washington a lot on air lately, and I've seen trash, weak trash, on the internet, on YouTube, on InfoWars, you name it, bad-mouthing George Washington.
And I'm a student of history because growing up, it's so entertaining.
Let me get to the news and this body parts story that's key.
And I have read about Julius Caesar, and I read about Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, and Joseph Stalin, and
All, I mean, I've basically read it all.
And I've read the military books, and I've read the stories about everything from George Washington to German-French Foreign Legion fighter Rolf Steiner.
Hundreds and hundreds of military books, because it was so entertaining.
I had no idea I was getting military training the whole time.
I basically read most of what West Point, I learned, has in their library.
Including Starship Troopers.
The fiction and the non-fiction.
By the way, Starship Troopers is not like the movie.
When the Pentagon makes it required reading, go read the book.
And then look at the movie and realize it was written by Heinlein in the 50s and it all basically, technologically, has come true.
Robert A. Heinlein.
Now, let's continue here.
And they say he was a dirty, filthy Mason.
And Jones, you are a scumbag, Mason coward yourself.
I love how I'm a Mason and I work for the Vatican and I work for Israel.
I don't work for the Vatican.
I don't work for Masons.
I don't work for Israel.
I don't work for anybody.
But humankind surviving and being successful and giving everybody a shot to be free.
And it's easy to sit there and attack the masons all day because just like society, they become corrupt and weak.
And they've been overtaken.
Like a fiddler crab moves into some other creature's shell after it dies.
There aren't any, many real masons in the world today.
It was taken over by the Illuminati.
And I break all that down in that very video where people are saying, how dare you defend George Washington and say he was a great man, when he wrote about it and tried to expose it and stopped the French Revolution here, which was a communist revolution.
And I'm just so sick of ignorant people that like have a word like, Mason!
They know nothing!
And they just throw it out there like, like Jew!
You're a Jew!
And I'm like, I mean, it's like saying, you know, decry the Ku Klux Klan.
I'm like, well, I'm not for the Klan, but to say Jew, it's so diverse.
It's so big.
It's so many ideas and thoughts.
I go, okay, I am Jewish.
I have right to return to Israel.
That's right.
I was born in Israel.
It's not true.
I don't have one drop of Jewish blood in me, but I've had a lot.
I do have a lot of Jewish friends and I've never gotten anything but help.
From not my Jewish sponsors.
Last time I checked, none of them were Jewish.
But, from Jews in my life.
The problem is a lot of Jews have been pushed around and stepped on, so they turn to the dark side.
And Jews that have turned to the dark side are truly very evil indeed.
Anyone that turns to the dark side is evil.
And bad news.
So I'd like to not fight with blacks and Hispanics and Jews and Masons and Catholics and everybody else.
I'd rather just promote humanity and liberty and say, hey, let's agree we're not going to sell body parts of babies, and let's agree we're not going to keep them alive to take their organs, and let's agree we're going to tell China to stop killing Christians and Buddhists and holding them in cells for years and genetically typing them, preparing them in lockers, basically,
They even exercise them and feed them good food, getting them ready to have their organs harvested, because as a human, I don't like seeing mammals kept in bad cages, or chickens with their beaks cut off in filth, and I don't want to eat that either.
Bad mojo.
But my empathy for animals, like when I see a dead dog on the side of the road, what about empathy for the baby parts?
For the humans?
Where's that empathy, see?
So I want to transcend all the labels and all the garbage, but I want to say, George Washington, by military historians around the world, in Russia, in England, in Japan, in France, in Venezuela, a hundred years ago, look it up, look at who in military training academies, who they have voting societies and military groups that vote on the greatest general ever and the toughest,
It's George Washington.
Our founder was the best there probably ever was.
And you sit there, because you're a big man, and you call him a Mason, and say he was a devil worshipper when he was a devout Christian, and tried to keep Masonry Christian.
And it was overthrown by the Satanists, to a great extent, and you sit there in your ignorance, and you piss on George Washington.
I didn't know they stacked garbage that high.
That's all I want to say to you.
You're filth.
You're stupid.
You're dumb.
And you should apologize for where the crap comes out of your mouth.
I'm so sick of weak people that hadn't done nothing that think because they got fake social justice warrior arrogance that they're above everybody else that's done something.
And that goes for fake conservatives too.
Let's go to this clip.
This is from Congress.
Bioethicists, we have commodified babies and baby parts.
We've reached a point in our society where there effectively is an Amazon.com for human parts, entire babies.
Representative Diane Black, Republican Tennessee, asked the witness at the special hearing on bioethics and fetal tissue on Wednesday.
Jared Kevin Donovan, a pediatrician and bioethicist at Georgetown University, responded that the practice of using tissue from aborted babies, the government termed research, shocks my conscience and it should shock the conscience of the nation.
See, they played a game where they go, fetal tissue, fetal tissue, Bush won't let us have fetal tissue.
But then if you label it differently, you can use whatever you want.
See, it's all games.
And that's being shattered now.
Let's go ahead and go to this testimony.
I want to ask the panelists, have we reached a point in our society where there effectively is an Amazon.com for human parts, including entire babies?
And I'd like to ask our panel for their opinion on this email and the notion of obtaining potentially entire embryos on demand.
Dr. Donovan, would you like to address this?
I personally find that it shocks my conscience, and I think it should shock the conscience of the nation.
I think you're absolutely right.
You know, we have commodified what have been referred to as the products of conception, meaning babies and baby parts.
And yes, they are for sale, supposedly just to cover one's costs.
Those costs seem to be quite variable.
But even if they were given away free, it's shocking to be ordering what you want.
Can I have a boy fetus or a girl fetus or a brain or a heart or a liver?
This is totally in distinction to the honorable transplantation industry that is life-saving and shows great respect for the donors.
I think what we need to pay attention to here is not, is this somehow increasing abortion?
My concern is that researchers have come to count on induced abortion for their research.
And one of the articles that I cited in my written testimony shows that they say that liver from induced abortions is widely available and is a promising source.
What have we come to where researchers need induced abortion to do their research?
Wouldn't it have been better if we had banned this at the beginning and used the creative minds that we have to find ethical alternatives?
Thank you, and I just have one brief comment to make because my time is going to end here in just a second.
I believe that we should give the same information and dignity to these young women that are making these decisions.
And I believe that it should be a more informed and educational decision that they are making, and I don't believe that is happening currently.
Alright, for an 8 month old induced abortion, what they mean is late term, they can get hundreds of thousands of dollars, but to run these giant facilities and the ads and the marketing, they call it expenses.
It's all a sick game.
But they always just change the subject.
This is total dehumanization.
And remember, we talked about this 15, 16, 17, 18 years ago.
And people would say, oh, they're not selling baby parts.
Ladies and gentlemen, women wonder why abortions were $300 when I was in high school, and they're $300 today.
That's just the number they've got to make you think it's a service.
They get federal and foundation grants that pay for it all, and then they're selling the tissue.
They have been selling melted down baby collagen for at least 30 years out of China.
It's fenced into France.
It's put in the finest cosmetics that women buy.
And women, you really should investigate if your companies you're buying from are that, because you don't want to be smearing melted down baby fat on your face, sweetheart.
And yeah, it does make you look young, doesn't it?
You have become vampires unknowingly.
Now, here's the big secret, and I don't personally follow this or believe this.
When I say these things, it's like I'm an anthropologist or a sociologist in New Guinea, studying the tribes that eat their enemies' organs and shrink their heads and believe that they get the power of their spirit.
I don't believe that.
But the dominant religion in the global elite is an amalgamation of a host of occult practices around the world.
They even integrate Aztec
You know, end of Mayan culture ideas as far west as that, but it's mainly settled around Germanic, Luciferian, Faustian death cult.
And they do black magic rituals at Bohemian Grove.
I've been there, and skull and bones come out, people broken in there, and there's the animals.
First they do corrupting rituals where they bathe in feces and urine and have sex.
That's even in the movie The Good Shepherd that has Matt Damon in it and was directed by...
Robert De Niro.
I mean, I'm just telling you, and of course we told you about it years before that was in the movie.
And then after they've got you to get ready to corrupt yourself, then you start to corrupt others.
And they basically want to introduce corruption into you spiritually.
And whether you believe there's a spirit or not, which obviously there's other dimensions there is, just another dimension of our being, but the core that goes on, the animation of the body,
But it's more sophisticated.
Your Earth suit is a genetic memory, literally, of everybody before you.
So, it's multi-levels.
And no one else says this.
I say this.
This is the truth.
Dealing with the body.
But it's a fact.
It's prima facie right there.
The memories, the instincts, the cells, the genetics.
It's a code.
I mean, the elite know this.
But I'm the only one saying it publicly.
And I know it's in their writings, a lot of times before I even read their writings, because I'm just tuned in directly to what's going on.
I'm not bragging, it's just a fact.
And the secret is, the allegory is like the Golden Child, pretty good movie, with Eddie Murphy, and they're trying to get the little holy boy
They want to kill so they can bring in the Antichrist to, you know, unbalance the world and bring in the evil.
It's more of an Illuminati view of things, but they want to kill him with this special dagger, but they can't till he's injected and until he's willfully ingested the blood of sacrificed children.
And it's like Episode 3 in Star Wars when Palpatine, Darth Sidious, says to Darth Vader, you know, to really get evil and to really get rid of the goodness in you and to really go to the dark side, I need you to go kill about a hundred kids.
Go to the Jedi Temple and kill all the younglings.
Only then will you be powerful enough to face Obi-Wan Kenobi.
And see, these are children's movies, but they're allegories, and Lucas said that, of how things really work.
And he said, you want to know about 9-11?
See episode 3, where it's a false flight.
And so, they need us to say abortion's okay.
They need us to eat
And ingest the sacrificed babies.
It's spiritual.
Because then God's protection is taken away from us.
That's why Pepsi and a whole bunch of other formulators use baby fetal parts in their flavor production.
Then they synthetically, off the baby parts, produce the flavor, but then they test it in a genetic match with the flavor of baby fat, baby endorphins, growth hormone, things like that.
That's how they get around the law to not tell you they're putting growth hormone-like things in the food.
They just create something that's close to it, but is biological in nature and has a larger molecule.
And so food is really drugs.
That's why they want to addict you and get you off real food and force you into their matrix.
I remember that came out like five years ago, people couldn't believe it.
Now folks go, oh yeah, it's been in the news, Pepsi, Pepsi, you know.
Remember Obama came in and wouldn't let the board of directors even wanted to know why we have baby parts, it's hurting sales.
And the Homeland Security got involved and said, and was in the news and said, it's not being looked at, okay?
Because it's national security that you drink Pepsi tainted with the essence of dead children.
It's in the game, folks.
Because then, metaphorically, the Ajani dagger can be slid right into you and your family.
Then they got spiritual right to kill you.
They're conducting black magic on a huge scale.
You need to understand that.
Now, if you've been involved in abortion, or you've been drinking, or using cosmetics, and ingesting humans,
You can be forgiven at any time.
It's metaphysical.
You gotta say, I didn't know, I repent, or I believed it was just body parts, I didn't know I killed my child, or I didn't know I paid girlfriends to kill their kids, I repent, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again.
You will feel the weight just come off you.
I'm telling you folks, the enemy knows how to control things for a reason.
They've got you caught in what they believe is a black magic spell, and quite frankly, whatever it is, it's working.
I mean, they don't have
I've studied them.
You know, all the Bush sons bathing in feces and worshipping Satan for nothing.
You understand that?
They do all this for a reason.
You're baptizing water as a Baptist, they baptize in feces while being urinated on.
I'm sorry to be gross, that's who runs this country.
They get on their knees to the devil.
They want to kill you and your family.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.
What little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.
He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad.
He's one of the few people who stood up and said, you know what, China has been cheating.
They've taken jobs from Americans.
They haven't played fair.
We have to have a president who will stand up to cheaters.
His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war.
And that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America.
I spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless.
Sufficiently successful to understand what it takes to get America to be the most attractive place in the world for innovators, entrepreneurs, and business and job creators.
He inherited his business, he didn't create it.
A business genius he is not.
Rob Dewey put that together.
We're going to put that up on Infowars.com.
I'm going to do a blurb.
I'm going to send it to Drudge and everybody else.
I'm going to put it on our Facebook.
It needs to go viral.
What do you call that?
Romney caught in incredible lies about Trump, but it's worse than that.
It's like Mitt Romney, the most two-faced man in history, or Mitt Romney
Praises Trump, then attacks Trump.
I mean, what do you say in the headline so that people click on it to relay how important that video is?
In the control room?
What do I call that?
Ask Kit Daniels, ask Saddam Salazar, ask Jokari, somebody.
What do you call that?
When we come back from break, I'm going to try to come up with a headline.
Because, I mean, a video that short, a minute and ten seconds long, and that powerful has got to go viral.
And I just need to think of the name of it.
I don't know what you call that video.
By the way, I didn't plug anything last hour.
I got so upset about how humans have been turned into commodities.
How we don't stand up for each other.
Nobody will stand up for us.
It's just a metaphysical rule.
And I got into some pretty hardcore subjects, but it's just, I've been fighting the globalist 25 years, 21 years on air.
And I, about 24 years actually, and I just have come pretty much to the bottom of the rabbit hole.
And scientifically, historically, I mean, as a sociologist, as an anthropologist, this is what the elite believe they're doing.
You look at the Super Bowl, you look at the Emmys, the Grammys, it's all weird ritual.
They had the Tower of Babel at the Academy Awards and other weird stuff.
I mean, they admit at the Olympics they're doing global government rituals and things.
At the New Millennium in Egypt, it was all over national television, they were doing an Illuminati ritual.
These people are really into this stuff, and they believe they're getting power out of it.
Now, are they just insane?
Maybe so, but they're in power.
What's your view on Romney coming out against him and flip-flopping?
What's your view on Hillary and the Justice Department grants immunity to Hillary Clinton's email server technician, which some most say means they're getting ready to go after her.
Is that really true?
Could she get past the FBI primary?
She may be able to steal the election, but can she continue to get away with her crimes?
But again, just briefly, you've got to stand with Infowars as well, because we really are out on the field against the dragon.
I don't think anybody else is more out there against the enemy but a Donald Trump or a Matt Drudge.
A Breitbart or a World End Daily, I mean, and none of us are perfect.
You know, even Limbaugh has been kind of coming out against Trump all of a sudden, which shows they put the screws to him.
On one hand, he wants to have an audience that I'm sure likes Trump.
On the other hand, you know, they've got people breathing down his neck.
Boy, if anybody's been blackmailed, it's him over stuff that just doesn't matter.
That's why I'm a libertarian.
I don't care what he's doing as a man with women, or what he's doing with Viagra coming through the airport, or pain pills because his back's hurt.
I mean, just, you know, that's his issue.
Uh, but it just shows how they're controlling people.
So that's why, whether they attack me, make stuff up, whatever.
Hey, I'm out here on the field.
So you gotta support what we're doing.
Just like with Trump.
Uh, got a big sale on colloidal silver.
It's only running until, I guess, Sunday.
50% off.
And a bunch of other specials.
Anthroplex, sold out for a while.
It's back in stock.
Infowarslife.com or infowarsstore.com.
And get the Hillary for Prison shirt, the new limited edition.
Breaking news!
Marco Rubio quietly cancels rallies in Kentucky and Louisiana.
Marco Rubio was scheduled to appear at two rallies in both of those locations.
Both events are now canceled according to the Rubio campaign.
This coming on the same day that failure Mittens Romney is going to actually come out and give a speech on the state of the GOP and urge supporters
We're good to go.
Go to infowars.com forward slash show and watch tonight's live coverage of the GOP debate.
You can find more reports like this at infowars.com.
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Don't look for it.
Be happy with what you got.
Because the owners of this country don't want that.
I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners.
The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls!
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now, they're coming for your social security money.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
It's a big club.
And you ain't in it.
And you said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I've given to, just so you understand.
A lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
That's right.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The great George Carlin!
I kind of like the puppet on the left.
Hey, I kind of like the puppet on the right.
Wait a minute, there's one guy holding both puppets.
That, of course, the late, great as well, Bill Hicks.
And that's where we stand today.
And then in comes Trump saying, I'm not spending money on ads.
I'm not getting all the inside strategists.
I'm not going to go meet with the Koch brothers.
If he'd have done all that, they'd put him in.
He says, I'm not going to let China have a 20% internal tariff on us.
That's not fair.
And they say, no, you will not be president.
Bring in Romney.
And I played this one minute, 10 second clip earlier.
I'm going to play it again.
We're putting it up on YouTube.
We're going to run a little blurb around it.
And I guess you would label it this video.
Destroys Mitt Romney's claims against Trump.
This video destroys Mitt Romney's claims against Trump.
That's it.
Tweet it.
That's the name of it.
Facebook it.
I want to get it up.
I want a maximum push on this video.
And then under it just lists how the whole articles with the whole power structure, the Pope, the Communist Chinese murderers, the Mexican president with his narcotics trafficking brother, just everybody, the whole establishment, Davos, the Clintonistas, the Bushes, the Koch brothers.
Man, I can't tell you how many times snot-nosed pseudo-intellectuals would email me or call me or, like, walk up to me at a table in a restaurant and go, kind of liked your show for a while, so I thought I'd invite you and the Koch brothers.
And this started, like, ten years ago, and I'd go, I'd read their name and I'd call them Koch Brothers.
Because, you know, there's a bunch of billionaire donors, and they're one of the biggest, but overall they're outnumbered by a bunch of others, and they used to only buy Democrats.
What's his name?
Greg Palast is the big liberal on it.
He's a great investigative journalist many times.
And he's like, oh, they're really Democrats, but they've been trying to buy the Republicans for 20 years.
And now almost spend exclusively with them to make them, you know, neocon rhinos, which is true.
And then these pseudo-intellectuals come up and go, I know you're paid by, boy I sure wish I was, it's like this, like, like, like, I know you're paid by the Chinese government, I know you're paid by the Jews, I know you're paid by the Masons, I know you're paid by the Vatican, I know you're paid, because I'm morally superior to you, I just say that, and then don't listen to anything you have to say.
And then here we are fighting the Koch brothers toe-to-toe, they're responding to Stone in my show, say,
We didn't at the secret meeting call for Rubio to have a new campaign head, and we didn't call for a broker convention, we didn't give $25 million with a $50 million pledge.
It's all come out since then.
They deny it.
They deny it.
And now it's all come out.
Their cheap strategist goes to run Rubio's campaign.
And now it's being reported to the Koch brothers eyeing Rubio for a billion-dollar campaign contribution.
That was them last year.
They've already given hundreds of millions of the campaign, but here's what was great about them in the New York Times, the Washington Post on Saturday.
The morning after, Stone broke all that and Drudge linked to it.
They were already countering Drudge by Saturday night and Sunday.
And Stone's coming on in 20 minutes.
It was incredible.
They said we've given no money to the primaries.
You can pull it up.
And we're not going to be involved in the primaries when they have been involved all over the place in hundreds of articles in their own statements.
Just like you can keep your doctor if you want your doctor, and Obamacare is free.
And they're raising the debt limit, doesn't raise the debt, 2 plus 2 equals 5.
No one wants your guns, but we are trying to ban them.
And Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
And Trump has not decried the Klan.
They're still saying he hasn't decried the Klan.
It's got to be 30, 40 times now.
It's like 14 times by Tuesday that I've seen
Three times in a row in the same press conference.
I've decried it last week, this week, 15 years ago.
I decry it again.
I'm not part of it.
I think it's terrible.
Next question.
Why will you not decry the Klan?
Yeah, I just did a minute ago.
Okay, I decry it again.
Another one.
Why don't you decry, I just did it!
Well, now you won't.
And that's why when I had the consummate hacker and computer programmer, John McAvee, on yesterday,
I mean, if you want to say somebody has basically gone over to a culture, that's what McAbee likes.
I mean, I've known him for years and he's well known that he mainly has black girlfriends.
He's now married to a black lady and he's even gone black.
He's kind of gone urban, whatever.
That's what he likes.
Guns, pitbulls, you know, techno music, which is kind of the white trendies.
And I just kept saying, say,
That you decry the Klan.
He goes, OK, I decry the Klan.
And I said, why won't you decry them?
He goes, but I just did.
I said, no, you didn't.
It was fine, I decry the Klan.
He starts laughing, but still getting irritated, because he's a man, successful, made hundreds of millions of dollars, been a major executive, owned a big company.
It's still not fun.
But I did it to illustrate that, not to be mean.
And I said, why won't you decry them?
He goes, listen, I'm married to a black lady, and my best friend's a black guy.
Look, I'm not.
And he goes, I know this is a joke, but this is crazy.
And I said, buddy, you got a Klan problem.
Now, I did that to show how ridiculous this is.
I'm going to play that clip coming up.
Because it shows the mind game.
But with the yuppies in the street, they'll walk up to me sometimes, again when I'm on the street doing a shoot, and she's almost always a white person, and they'll go,
Yeah, I heard you're racist.
And they go, ooh, like, like, like, like, they just body slam me.
Like, ooh, they got magic powers.
And I just go, oh.
And they go, well, you're not going to deny it?
And I go, so I kind of get why Trump didn't.
I'm just like, whatever.
And they go, yeah, I heard you're a homophobe.
And I'll just go, man, that college degree was really worth something for you turning into a basket case of neurotic BS.
Now, on Halloween, the guy was kind of getting to my face.
And I just said, listen, get out of my face.
You are the stupidest, most... I mean, it went on for like a minute.
I said, you are so dumbed down, so pathetic, trying to use psych warfare on me, trying to guilt me as like some social action to give you power.
That won't give you any success in the real world.
You've learned how to be charming and cool.
Why aren't you here?
I don't see you with a woman.
I had like two women right here talking to me.
I wasn't, you know, I'm a family guy.
I wasn't doing anything.
They were talking to me.
And I just said, why don't you actually go try to have fun instead of mess with people, you social justice warrior.
And both women went, wow, you're fascinating.
Tell us more, and I went, I will.
That's what I did!
That's what I did!
Put that sucker in his place!
And it already happened a couple times that night, so that's why I was starting to get a little bit angry, because it was the way he swaggered over.
That wasn't a white guy, he was an Arab guy.
He sized me up and he said, what's your costume?
And I went, oh, it's an airline captain.
He goes, really?
I thought it was a Nazi.
I don't like Nazis.
I was like, you're not a Nazi, are you?
Imagine how, and I'm like, I'm sitting there in purple jeans and a t-shirt wearing an airline hat, because we went on a little cruise on the lake for my cousin's birthday party.
I need to stop, I need to get on the news.
I told the story.
Well, a couple hour cruise and I ate food and danced and went back, but... And I looked at him and I was just like...
It's a captain's hat.
And then he pushed it.
It was like, oh, really?
Because I was like, that's it, man.
Get out of my face.
Let me just tell you.
Let me tell you how pathetic you are.
Let me tell you who you are and how you're not going to get a job with that fake degree and why you're a loser and why you're frustrated you can't seem to get jobs because all you were taught was social justice, warrior garbage.
And I went through probably a two minute rant of the sociology, the anthropology, how he was ruined, how he had no life.
And he was destroyed.
He deserved it.
I see you're not with women.
I see you're not successful.
Get away from me!
Maybe he wanted to do something else, and I'm not looking for trouble, but I can only be pushed so far.
He was racist and didn't like a white guy with two good-looking women talking to him.
He thought I'd roll over and apologize for being who I was.
I should have said, I'm sorry for the renaissance in quantum mechanics.
I apologize.
You're my God.
I have to skip this network break, just because I've run over and I'm an evil person.
This is the last one of the day.
I'm so horrible.
I apologize.
I've got to get to the truth.
Nico, you just popped in my ear and said you have another clip.
Oh, yeah.
I'm going to get McAfee disavows the Klan.
I think the headline I wanted was, I told him last night and this morning, I'm not mad.
You gotta get the social justice warriors to get excited that they may be bringing somebody down and have like little ceremonial victories in imaginary land.
Because I want to use them to make it go viral.
The headline needs to be something like... John McAfee challenged on the KKK.
And show people how absurd it is.
About KKK, something like that.
Put it up on InfoWars, put it up on Prison Planet, let's have it go viral.
Let's play that before we play the clip of Romney being endorsed by Trump, endorsing Trump four years ago, now completely flip-flopping.
It's the greatest 180 flip-flop I believe I've ever seen in 70 seconds.
The only way it could be more perfect is if it was 180 seconds.
But let's go to McAfee to illustrate the guy's married to a black lady.
No one's ever challenged him.
He's not connected to anything racist.
It doesn't matter.
Watch what I do to him.
And it's the same thing the social justice warriors do.
They don't have jobs.
They don't have charm.
They have no future.
But they run around like little bots in their community organizer roles, messing with people all day.
They're creeps.
Here it is.
Oh, they're totally wrong.
Look, I disavowed.
I disavowed when I, in fact, Chris is my number one.
When Chris gave me the honor of joining the campaign, he called me, said, Donald, what you've got is a movement.
We spoke today in Kentucky.
You've never seen a crowd like that.
That had to be 20,000 people inside this massive convention center, and it was incredible.
When Chris joined, we had a news conference, and they asked me the exact same question.
I said, I disavow.
Now, right after the program that we're talking about, and I thought it was clear, but, you know, we're talking about groups, groups, groups, I do have to know the name of the group, because who knows?
I mean, they have to give me the name of the group.
But right after, when I reviewed it, I put out a tweet and I put out on Facebook that I totally disavow.
Now, everybody knew I did that, but the press refused to look at that.
It was right after.
And I disavowed then.
I disavowed today on ABC with George Stephanopoulos.
I disavowed again.
I mean, how many times are you supposed to disavow?
But I disavow, and hopefully it's the final time I have to do it.
But if you look at Facebook and if you look at Twitter, right after the show, I put out a statement because I want everybody to be sure.
Yes, go ahead.
I disavow, okay?
I don't know anything about David Duke, okay?
We still don't know if the Republican frontrunner wholly rejects the controversial support.
It's a question Trump has been struggling to answer clearly for months.
No, he hasn't.
So, McAfee, let me ask you now, as a joke, will you disavow the KKK even though you have nothing to do with it?
I know no one within the KKK, at least to my knowledge, Alex, and I will definitely disavow the KKK.
I'm against anybody— Hold on, why won't you disavow them?
I'm sorry?
Why won't you disavow him?
Why do I?
You get it now.
Go ahead and disavow again.
I've got the moral authority.
Disavow again.
My point made, you've got it.
This is how it works Alex.
No wait a minute.
You won't disavow?
Say I disavow!
My wife is black.
How's that?
No, no, no.
Say I disavow.
I disavow, Alex.
Wait a minute, John McAfee, why won't you disavow?
You're seeing him not disavow, folks!
I'm gonna ask you one more time or Paul Ryan's gonna have to come out and give a speech.
Now he's done it ten times by Paul Ryan's speech.
He's done it over fourteen as of last night.
I want you to disavow fourteen times and disavow the way I want.
Go ahead.
I want to just continue to say one phrase over and over.
My wife is black.
My wife is black.
And if I keep saying that... Not good enough, say I disavow.
Nick Duke is my best friend.
We hang out together and drink beers.
Now she actually... Okay, why won't you disavow the KKK?
No seriously, I'm gonna take this piece and edit it together, with him disavowing over and over again, at the same press conference disavowing, and they go, why won't you disavow?
It's that crazy!
What are these people thinking, John?
That tweet from Mitt Romney, he called your response disqualifying and disgusting, says your coddling of repugnant bigotry is not in the character of America.
Your response?
Well, first of all, Mitt Romney is a failed candidate.
Should have won the race and he failed miserably.
He was a terrible candidate for the Republicans.
Secondly, David Duke and all were disavowed.
I disavowed him on Friday.
I disavowed him right after that because I thought if there was any question and you take a look at Twitter, almost immediately after on Twitter and Facebook, they were disavowed again.
I disavowed him every time I speak to somebody virtually.
They just keep it going, they keep it going.
They said, we never looked at your Twitter account, we never looked at Facebook.
I said, take a look at Facebook.
It was totally disavowed.
Everyone follows that.
Are you prepared right now to make a clear and unequivocal statement renouncing the support of all white supremacists?
Of course I am.
Of course I am.
That's where Trump communicates is his Facebook and Twitter.
...quality as I have.
You take a look at Palm Beach, Florida.
I built the Mar-a-Lago Club.
Totally open to everybody.
We still don't know if the Republican frontrunner wholly rejects the controversial support.
It's a question Trump has been struggling to answer clearly for months.
They said that two days after he did that piece before was Stephanopoulos.
Think of the level of deception.
That was Tuesday morning they put that out.
He was on Stephanopoulos Sunday.
And totally disavowed everything.
All white supremacy.
And then they still said they don't know he disavows white supremacy.
And then in that press conference that we carried live and followed, Tuesday night, with our live coverage, we got live coverage tonight as well, the Republican debate.
It was amazing.
Three different reporters.
And he's like, I just disavowed one minute ago.
Okay, I disavow.
And they go, why won't you disavow?
And he went, wait a minute.
Because they were going to cut that for those news channels, them saying, why won't you disavow and not show what was on two minutes before, hoping their viewers didn't catch the press conference.
It's all about deceiving you.
And you notice McAfee started getting irritated there at a certain point.
I said, listen, you're going to disavow it?
That's why Ventura came out, who's known for not being a racist.
In fact, they even use it against him.
People guilt him into everything.
You know, open borders, you name it.
Going, I wouldn't even disavow it.
People are going to tell me what somebody else is doing and make me say something.
And that's why he disavowed it three times and then wouldn't do it anymore for about a day and they made a big deal out of it.
He's like, I already did it.
So I get it.
You know, I said Trump was dumb to not disavow even more up front.
But I get the fact that I've had people call up and ask me if I'm racist, and I just go, I'm not answering that.
I mean, at a certain point, it just gets old.
It's like, do you rape your wife?
The answer's no.
You know, do you sell PCP on street corners?
Do you rob old ladies?
And stop asking me the question!
It's guilt by association, it's a demonization technique, and it's targeting these idiots in the street that come up to our reporters and threaten them and go, I want to see Donald Trump killed!
I thought it's a joke you're out here supporting him!
That bigot racist who hates Hispanics!
Mexico has a southern fence and guys with machine guns for Guatemala.
But we can't have one.
It's just, we're pathetic!
We get lectured by everybody, we get treated like garbage, and then here's the Mitt Romney clip.
From four years ago versus today.
Short and sweet.
It's going up at InfoWars.com.
As we speak, let's make it go viral.
Here it is.
Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.
What little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.
He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad.
He's one of the few people who stood up and said, you know what, China has been cheating.
They've taken jobs from Americans.
They haven't played fair.
We have to have a president who will stand up to cheaters.
His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war.
And that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America.
I spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless.
Sufficiently successful to understand what it takes to get America to be the most attractive place in the world for innovators, entrepreneurs, and business and job creators.
He inherited his business, he didn't create it.
A business genius he is not.
There you go.
And we're putting that video out on Infowars.com right now.
To my knowledge, no one else has done that mashup yet.
It's short.
It's sweet.
72nd video destroys Mitt Romney's claims about Trump.
I mean, it is total flip-flop 180.
Mitt Romney is a dishonorable dirtball.
And I'll be honest.
I mean, I liked him.
Obviously a lot more than Obama.
I held my nose and supported him in the last election.
But man, they are pulling out the stops on Trumpists.
In a big way.
We need to get all the men, all the women, all the kids out there.
I'm dubbing the name Trumpkins.
My children all love Donald Trump.
They got the t-shirts, just came in the ball caps.
I kept begging for them.
I ordered them.
And they're now officially Trumpkins.
Uh, so, uh, you know, we need the army of Trumpkins, like the Ewoks, to help, you know, bring down the Empire here.
I wanna go out on the street and do a Trumpkin video.
Meet the Trumpkins.
Meet the Trumpkins.
Alright, we'll be back with Roger Stone, who's been proven correct in spades about the Koch brothers' claim he made last week.
Stay with us, I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Mitt Romney's needs to stuff Republican debate audience with anti-Trump insiders.
Well, that's kind of been going on already for the past few debates.
The Donald could face another hostile crowd in Detroit, article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
Most are likely unaware that a sizable portion of the debate's ticket allocation was controlled by the Michigan Republican State Chair, reports DC Whispers, namely,
Rona Romney McDaniel.
As the Detroit News reports, the Michigan Republican Party received more than 21,000 ticket requests for Thursday's presidential debate in Detroit, but will only be giving out about 50 tickets to the public.
Tickets will be handed to elected officials, state committee members, and grassroots activists, according to Michigan GOP spokeswoman Sarah Anderson, including Rona Romney McDaniel.
The rest of the tickets will be split evenly between the candidates.
So here we have more trickery from the GOP trying to dethrone the Trump train.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Look, foreign corporate interests have come in, sold off America, moved our main base to China, India, and hundreds of other nations.
They've set up internal tariffs by shutting off our coal power plants, increasing our energy prices, putting regulations in place that make it impossible to do business here.
China has internal tariffs with their currencies of between 20 and 40 percent.
It varies.
Trump just says we're going to have a level playing field.
They call that protectionism.
Now you heard Roger Stone on the show Friday in studio for two hours and you heard him in that viral 10-minute video we shot in downtown Austin after dinner after he talked to his inside source that was in the big 200
Millionaire, billionaire meeting with Rubio and the Koch brothers.
Everything he talked about in that video that went viral at DrugsReport.com has now been confirmed.
We're going to walk through that.
What the Mitt Romney attack means, I asked Stone.
Does it look like they're trying to shave points to states that aren't winner-take-all?
So that he doesn't get 50% of the delegates.
He said that's absolutely happening in Texas and other states.
And we had the reports now from hundreds of people.
And news TV, news radio, we have the viral reports documenting it where people would vote for Trump and it would flip to Rubio or Cruz.
And it is a big, big deal.
And now we have them saying they're going to have a broker convention.
They're going to steal it.
Breitbart got it on tape.
The audio is up on InfoWars.com from the Koch brothers run meeting.
Where they then send their head campaign person to run Rubio's campaign.
But say they quote in the New York Times and Washington Post.
I love the quote.
We're not involved at all in the primary.
We're giving no money.
You pull up articles from last year where they said, we're giving a billion!
We're going to Roger Stone here in just a moment.
This is incredible.
But the video that we played twice this hour, that I'm going to play again, is up on Infowars.com.
I don't usually send it to Drudge and say, please post it.
Plus, Drudge doesn't really post something if you ask.
He posts it if he wants to, but we're sending it over there because I think it's pretty important.
I don't like to get involved in inner party type garbage.
But I mean, only the Republican Party has half decent candidates.
The Democrats are just like communists.
But Mitt Romney is a liar and is really stabbing Donald Trump in the back.
It's very sickening.
And I would say this video needs to go mega viral.
It's on Infowars.com, red link.
We're putting it on Facebook, Twitter.
Maximum push.
This video destroys Mitt Romney's claims against Trump.
Go F yourself, you hypocrite.
Voter says to Romney.
So it is a big deal.
So that video is on Infowars.com.
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What difference does it make?
And you are funding the literal tip of the spear in the Infowar for human liberty.
We've got this pack of thousands of globalist hyenas.
Attacking the lion, Donald Trump.
But hundreds of lions are now joining him.
So the battle is joined.
You've got the lion, Donald Trump, out there.
Trying to go and save the other lion that's under attack, the female lion, the Republic.
You've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hyenas attacking.
Now thousands have showed up, but hundreds more lions are showing up.
And the entire power structure, I know I say this every hour, it's so insane, but the biggest murderers in history of the Commie is Chinese.
The corrupt Vicente Fox of Mexico, the corrupt Pope with his 200-foot walls so the pedophile parties can happen and his secretary can be found dead, pregnant.
I mean, it's just a charnel house of satanic behavior.
All the hypocrisy, the Koch brothers, the Democrats, the Republican leadership, just the entire establishment, the Davos Group, the Financial Times of London, Larry Summers that created the derivatives and the subprime scams for the Clintons.
Every evil, goblin-like establishment creature has crawled out from under their rocks, crawled out from under their pedophile command bases, crawled out of their narco-state lairs.
In fact, forget a lion, how about a knight challenging a bunch of pus-filled, giant, fat dragons?
Dragging themselves along, drunk on the blood of the innocent.
This is phenomenal.
I've never seen anything in the history of politics and modern systems like this.
The entire power of the dying dinosaur horror media at Trump.
Will they risk open revolt?
If you think the tsunami of support behind Trump with the establishment attacking him is big, if they steal it at a broker convention, it is going to be a 50 on the Richter scale.
I know it doesn't go above 10.
It is going to be seismic, earth-shattering.
It is going to be insane.
And they're openly trying to steal it, they're openly organizing it.
I want to thank Roger Stone of StoneZone.com for coming on with us.
Again, the consummate Trump insider, confidant of 40 years.
Ran major campaigns, did the whole Republican recount in Florida.
Turned against the Republican establishment after that.
You know who he is, he's been on a lot lately.
Mr. Stone, you made major international headlines.
They came out in a bunch of newspapers.
24 hours after you were on and Drudge carried that report where you said they met, they're giving $75 million, $25 million this week, they're sending their campaign head to run his, Rubio's, but he doesn't win Florida, they're out, they're not going to give money to Cruz, which has now come out.
You laid everything out.
You said that they're going to try to have a broker convention, that you had your moles, your quislings there, and now Breitbart, I know you're right for Breitbart, I wonder if your quisling is their quisling, or maybe there's multiple patriots in there.
But they've got to be upset now because here are the Koch brothers coming out saying, Stone's wrong.
We haven't given any money to the Republicans this cycle.
Well, you go to the Federal Elections Commission.
It's massive.
It's hundreds of millions.
They were in the news last year saying they were planning to give a billion.
We showed that article earlier.
We'll show it again while you're on screen.
What is happening here?
I mean, this is just so epic.
I don't even have words, Mr. Stone.
Well, it's the last dying gasp of the two-party duopoly of the folks who've been running this country for the last 30 years and who have run it into the ground.
Everything I told you last week, Alex, has come to pass.
The Kochs are clever.
They say, oh, we're not spending our money in an anti-Trump effort.
No, they aren't.
Their associates Paul Singer and Stanley Hubbard and the Ricketts, all of whom were at their meeting or represented at their meeting.
So, weasel words, very carefully worded.
Our associates are spending the money, we're not spending the money.
I also predicted to you that Mitt Romney would be in the fray.
After months of dead silence from Mitt Romney.
He started attacking Donald Trump on his Twitter feed the night of the last debate.
He has now scheduled this announcement today, this speech today, in which he did what his father, George Romney, did to Barry Goldwater.
A last desperate attack to make sure that he is unelectable.
Look, being called a phony by Mitt Romney is like being called ugly by a frog.
Ran up and down the country three years ago saying, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan.
Mitt Romney never supported Ronald Reagan.
He was a Democrat.
Not in 1980.
He supported Paul Songist, the left-wing Democrat Senator from Massachusetts.
I worked on the Reagan campaign.
Massachusetts was a state I worked on.
Mitt Romney was nowhere to be found because he wasn't even a Republican.
Uh, the guy calls Trump a phony?
He's had more plastic surgery and more hairdos than Hillary Clinton.
There's nothing genuine about this guy.
He's not a conservative.
Not even remotely.
Even when he tried to sound like one, he said he was severely conservative.
What does that mean?
No liberty-believing conservative would describe themselves that way.
So, uh, I think he's the Sonny Liston of American politics.
I saw those debates.
I think he took a dive.
That's what I think.
So, uh, this is the last gasp of the establishment.
I predict to you now he's sticking his toe in the water to see what the reception is like.
There is a statement by one of his lackeys today up in Breitbart saying this is, today's assault on Trump was only the first step.
So, you know, he should get in the water.
He should enter the late primary.
He has until April 29th to file for California and New Jersey and a spate of others.
You know, what it was that Teddy Roosevelt, who is not one of my favorite presidents, said, the credit belongs not to the man who stands on the sideline.
The man in the arena.
The man who gets in the arena.
So, Mitt, if you're so opinionated, if you're so tough, get in the arena with Donald Trump.
File for those late primaries.
Has he not become a true Judas Iscariot to be his friend, to play golf with him, to eat dinner with him, to off and on know him for 20 years, and then to get up there and literally 180 in front of everyone?
I mean, I gotta say, Mitt Romney is a true Benedict Arnold piece of trash.
Well, Alex, I would suggest that your folks go right now and get the media clips of Romney praising Trump at the press conference in which Trump endorsed Romney, where he calls him an incredible business success, where he admits that he is richer than Romney, where he praises him.
Get those clips and you'll see what we're dealing with.
A total Judas Iscariot.
And now kicking himself, because remember, Mitt wanted to run in 2016.
He didn't make the race.
Because he deemed Jeb Bush unstoppable.
And by the way, he's attacking with more vitriol and more vicious words Donald Trump than he did Obama.
He was like wearing giant pillow-sized gloves and Obama was attacking him with a hatchet.
And Romney I think pretty much just took a dive.
I think it's pretty clear now he's a Democrat operative, probably already has been.
And it's 100% clear.
He's a Democrat operative, not just a rhino.
He probably gets direct orders from Obama, and the payoff, I'm sure, was extravagant.
What a traitor to this country, his family, his God, and everything else.
But since you mentioned that clip, we have the clip, Roger.
We need you to help this go viral.
It's a one-minute clip.
You can send it to Trump.
We've tweeted it at Donald.
It's just 70 seconds that destroys Mitt Romney.
The article's on InfoWars.com.
This video destroys Mitt Romney's claims against Trump.
Here it is.
Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.
What little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.
He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad.
He's one of the few people who stood up and said, you know what, China has been cheating.
They've taken jobs from Americans.
They haven't played fair.
We have to have a president who will stand up to cheaters.
His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war.
And that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America.
I spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless.
Sufficiently successful to understand what it takes to get America to be the most attractive place in the world for innovators, entrepreneurs, and business and job creators.
He inherited his business, he didn't create it.
A business genius he is not.
By the way, that's an oxymoron.
If you inherit money and then make even more, it means you're even more successful because usually people are spoiled and lose it all.
You do inherit great genetics, but then you also are in the environment of having things so good, most rich kids tend to not do so well.
He worked for his dad on record.
I've seen the documentaries that are three hours long on History Channel that you're part of.
They talk to everybody.
He was working when he was 12 years old.
He was out there and he got a million dollars from his dad.
And by the time his dad died, he had his own separate business, Trump had made billions and billions, and his dad then gave $200 million to different parts of the family.
So Trump dwarfed his father.
But it's just incredible how they lie, unlike the Bushes, who never made any money, and had all these failed oil companies that were really CIA drug dealing fronts, with silver spoons shoved in their addled mouths.
Well, the irony of this, of course, is that Mitt Romney inherited a fortune from his father, George Romney, who made his money at American Motors in Detroit.
So what is Mitt talking about in terms of privilege, in terms of entitlement?
Look, this is not about Republican Democrats.
This is about the globalists versus the one and only nationalist running for president this country, this year, this cycle.
Donald Trump believes in American sovereignty.
Donald Trump believes in American strength.
He is scaring the daylights out of the lobby.
Our listeners know this.
They're sold on Trump.
Even people that were against him are in the office.
I'd say 90% now.
I mean, they see it.
It's clear.
What are the new attacks?
What's the next big shoe to drop?
How big is it?
You talked about this.
They talked about a broker convention, you said, inside the Koch brother meeting.
Uh, running the whole show.
Now they're campaign guys running, uh, Rubio's campaign.
How big is it that Breitbart has this audio?
It's like, it's on infulwares.com.
I can play the whole thing here.
Uh, where they admit that they're going to steal the election at the broker deal.
Now we see shaving, it appears.
I want you to confirm that.
You said earlier you agree, uh, at Texas and other levels.
I believe Trump really won Texas.
Yeah, first of all, I think I've been working with something called the Trump Ballot Security Project, where we have tried to respond immediately to complaints of voter irregularities and frauds.
We have over 600 individual complaints now spread into six counties in Texas where people tell us they voted for Donald Trump only to see their vote tallied overwhelmingly for Marco Rubio.
Don't we need a lawsuit to draw attention to this immediately?
Yeah, I think it's vital.
I urge those who agree with us to go to StopTheSteal.org to help us in this effort.
We have to send teams now to Ohio, where we're beginning to get reports about irregularities in the absentee balloting process, which I think is a precursor to more stealing on the actual election day.
I can tell you the Ohio Republican machine is more adept at this than any Republican.
And that's why Kasich says he will stand or fall on Ohio, because he knows the fix is in.
Yeah, no, so my question as far as Texas is concerned, is this Karl Rove at work?
I don't think we got an honest count.
I think we got a distorted count.
I actually, we're looking into smaller but significant reports of irregularities in Oklahoma, the only other state
And I talked to people that were down there as election judges.
No, obviously.
It was almost all Trump.
But then magically, he didn't win.
And then everybody, I mean, everybody's saying the vote's flipped from Trump.
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By the way, I'm not gushing over Roger Stone for no reason.
I was trying to mention all the things he broke Friday here in studio, but also out on the street with our interview that ended up coming true and being proven to be accurate.
He said, get ready for Mitt Romney to come in.
They're getting him thawed out and prepared.
He'll start coming out and attacking Trump now.
And then that's just him preparing for folks to beg him to quote, run.
So it doesn't look like he's coming into the convention and a broker convention and just stealing it.
And sure enough, boom, he's now out there doing that.
I mean, I had friends call up that their wife, you know, had the vote flip.
And I know the guy's wife, you know, she's a computer manager, expert.
There were dozens of calls per news show on 590, where I've worked for years, off and on for 20-something years, you know, the news station here in town that we're part of, and we went and interviewed those folks, and they had them flooding the newsroom as well, and Jakari went out and talked to folks on the street, and they were talking about it, and election judges were saying, yeah, we're hearing it, it's happening.
I mean, judges off camera are going, no, this is going on, this is happening, and it's Trump that it's flipping from.
It's not, oh, sometimes it's Trump, sometimes it's Rubio, sometimes it's Cruz, sometimes it's Carson, sometimes it's Kasich.
That's a big deal.
Clearly, explain to people, if Trump's got 320,
And they've got, what is it, 370-something now, because it's changed as more votes came in.
Then, again, they're more than 50%.
At the convention, that means they can bypass him and give it to whoever they want.
And are they that arrogant, Roger?
Yeah, look, I think they will stop at nothing.
This is rule or ruin.
They don't mind if the Republican nomination is worthless at the end of the day.
They want Hillary!
They said that!
They love her!
Well, they would certainly prefer her to Donald Trump.
So this is very clear what they have planned.
By keeping this a multi-candidate race, by keeping as many candidates in the race as possible,
With Ted Cruz probably stealing, or the net result, winning Texas because of a steal, and presumably John Kasich winning Ohio in 100 votes there, it is certainly possible for Trump to run the tables in these primaries, meaning win every primary in caucus, but with a plurality, not a majority.
Get to Cleveland with the largest block of delegates, close to the magic number but not quite there.
And the establishment stalls him, understanding that on the second ballot, hundreds of delegates that are legally bound to Trump are now free to do whatever they want.
This is how the big steal works.
And I've seen it with Ron Paul, where the whole room in Texas goes, Ron Paul!
And they go, oh, uh, no, not Ron Paul, Mitt Romney.
And then the master delegate just steals in front of everybody anyways.
Well, and they control the Rules Committee.
Now, currently, the rules say, in order to even have your name put in nomination, you have to have the majority of the delegates in eight states.
It used to be six states, but when Ron Paul, who I admire enormously, achieved the six states, they changed it to eight.
And if he had gotten eight, they would have changed it to ten.
You know, I know Ron Paul's a purist, and I admire him, and I love him, and he's a great man, but he's been screwed over just like Trump is.
He sees the populism.
Maybe if Trump said, hey, I'd make you Treasury Secretary so that Paul could know he'd have some say.
We need Ron Paul to endorse him.
Come on, Dr. Paul!
Well, such an agreement, of course, would be illegal.
You can't- No, no, I mean, I don't mean literally.
I'm just saying if Trump made noise, it's like, hey, I've listened to Ron Paul.
What I would have to say is I want men and women like Ron Paul in my administration.
He's already said, as I predicted on this show, he wants to audit the Fed, which is enormous because no other Republican candidate other than Rand Paul takes that position.
I agree, the support of Ron Paul would be very valuable now.
Roger Stone, stay there, we got a break.
Back in 70 seconds.
And then, this is just broke at InfoWars.com.
Mitt Romney's changed his official Facebook page, saying he's running for president.
So is this a test or what is this?
And, federal judge says the FBI is preparing to indict Hillary.
This is just out.
Two huge stories at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us, we're coming back in 70 seconds with Roger Stone, StoneZone.com.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Man, I am frothing here.
I'm in Roadhart put away wet.
I mean... Steve Watson, judge, FBI is ready to indict Hillary over emails.
This is enough to shake the American political system to its foundation.
That story's up on InfoWars.com.
We've got Mitt Romney, and this is even bigger.
He had it changed on his page, it was a new update, and then they just took it down, just like when they were testing election results beforehand.
And so they definitely were testing the Facebook to approve it, and accidentally published it, that he's going to run for president.
Stone, you said it first, and you got the floor for the last five minutes.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
How do they try to steal it?
What's going to happen with Mitt Romney?
How does Hillary possibly getting indicted play into all this?
Boy Alex, you're on fire today, no question about it.
Look, I think we're breaking a lot of news here.
As I predicted right here on InfoWars.com last week, Mitt Romney is the anointed horse.
It's very clear Marco Rubio cannot make it.
He has not been able to come in first in any state.
He's heading for a crushing defeat in his home state primary on March 15th, unless they steal it.
This is why the Trump ballot security project that I'm working on is so important because the establishment will stop at nothing.
We've seen Karl Rove rig election results before as he did in Ohio for George W. Bush.
Don't put anything beyond the Republican machine and the globalists.
They must stop Trump.
I think Romney will run.
I think this was the warm-up.
And I think that the guy is the last dying gasp of the establishment.
They have no one left because Trump decimated Jeb.
He's decimated Marco.
He would decimate Kasich but Kasich can't get any traction.
He's running fifth.
In the Michigan primary where he said he's going to make his last stand.
So Romney is now the designated hitter for the bipartisan two-party duopoly.
And they're going to make their last stand there.
But remember, they don't mind if they blow up the Republican Party.
They don't mind if they blow up the party's chances to win.
They're claiming Trump is doing that.
They're claiming Trump is doing that, but they're the suicide bombers.
In fact, Trump has moved to a more unifying message.
No question about it.
If you go back to the last debate, he clearly said he respected the other candidates on the stage.
He was acting in a conciliatory manner until he was viciously attacked by little Marco.
So, uh, look, one thing I know about Donald Trump, if you punch him, be prepared to get punched back at twice the velocity.
The guy's a fighter.
He would wipe Romney up in the late primary, so MIT.
Get in!
Come on, the water's fine!
Jump in in California!
When is Dumbo going to fly away?
Say again?
When is Marco Dumbo going to fly away?
I suspect that if he loses the March 15th primary in his home state here in Florida, he is done.
I fully expect Governor Rick Scott to endorse Trump.
Scott is a man of courage who comes from outside the political order.
He's not a career politician.
He and Trump have an excellent relationship.
I have no inside information.
I just think it is likely.
That would be a major boost here in the Sunshine State.
But right now, let's recognize, Rubio is the senator representing this state.
Trump is running ahead of him in the public polls by almost 25 points.
Final questions, and obviously I appreciate you popping in on an almost daily basis because so much is moving so fast.
What about this Koch brother plan they're talking about to run a third party to scuttle the Republicans, a right-wing party to steal votes?
That's incredibly transparent.
And then what about Trump's talk, if they violate their contract, him running third party?
Is it the answer?
Stay in the Republican race?
Fight it all the way?
Yeah, I believe that it is.
First of all, having done this, since I played some role in getting my friend Governor Gary Johnson on the ballot in 48 states, the Kochs may not understand how difficult it is to get on the ballot, particularly as an independent, not a third party candidate.
They'd have to try to buy the Libertarian Party.
You know what, they'd have to have a real Libertarian.
Who would that be?
Who's going to play the Stooges game for them?
You know what?
I know you've got to go.
We have another guest.
We'll do two more minutes because I'm going to tell you.
Ventura's getting ready to get in as the Libertarian nominee.
I want to ask you, I think that's going to affect things.
Hey there, how's it going?
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in about 10 minutes, and for the balance of this hour, we're going to be joined by my good friend Mark Dice and the author of The Illuminati in Hollywood.
Why are they so into this?
Why is it in all the big events?
How does it tie into the election?
We'll be talking to Mark Dice, who of course has the viral videos that we carry and Drudge carries where he goes out and has liberals say they want to put gun owners in FEMA camps and kill Donald Trump and all the rest of it.
And this is really who he's talking to.
This is the majority of them.
These are very, very sick, demented people.
That's coming up in a moment.
Donald Trump's getting ready to have a quick speech and a response to Mitt Romney.
So we've got that feed as well from his YouTube.
And I just love how they can bypass the whole mainstream media.
Because the mainstream media was a gatekeeper.
And speaking of breaking the gatekeeping, two best-selling books, The Bush Crime Family and Hillary's War on Women, both available by Roger Stone, at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
I know you gotta go.
Roger, I appreciate your time, but I'm really concerned.
I like the fact that Ventura said he's on tomorrow.
Jesse Ventura said, I'm not going to run third party or get in if it's Donald Trump or Sanders, because they're anti-establishment in his views, and he's been friends with Trump's.
He's classy.
But he said, if it is Rubio or Hillary, I'm getting in.
And the libertarians have been talking to him.
I know that.
So they're telling him, hey, if you come, you'll probably get it.
You're very popular.
I know McAfee's going for it, but I think...
I think with his bona fides that it'd be Ventura.
So that's also a prospect there that could cause a problem.
But again, overall, what other dirty tricks do the Koch brothers have?
Well, first of all, let me speak to that.
I spoke to Governor Ventura the day before yesterday.
In fact, he said to me the same thing he said to you, which is he likes Bernie Sanders because he's outside the machine.
He really likes Donald Trump.
He's outraged by the voter theft that's going on.
And he would run.
If the country is faced with two globalists, call it Rubio and Hillary, I'd go a step further.
Alex, he asked me if I would manage his campaign.
If Donald Trump is cheated out of the nomination and he's not on the ballot, I would be open to helping Jesse Ventura.
He's a good friend of many years.
Wow, so talk about moving in the same circles.
Very, very interesting.
Yeah, that's what he told me.
So he's on tomorrow, and I think that's classy.
He likes Donald Trump, likes him, orders his free market, they play golf, they're friends for 20-something years.
But I was checking in to Trump six, eight months ago before I even started, you know, giving him some support and saying he might be good.
I talked to not just Ventura, but four or five other people that I know have known him for decades, and they said, no, what you see is really him.
And that's why he makes brash jokes and says, you know, the difference between me and a dead possum or a wet raccoon is I got seven bleeping, you know, billion dollars.
And some people that rubs in the wrong way, but even evangelicals have been going for him because they're sick of these fakes, you know, that say they're so Christian but then backstab people.
What is your gut, though?
How is it going for the panicking establishment in closing?
Because they've gone
From trying to act slick to just, you're not getting it, it's over, we will kill the Republican Party, we will give it to Hillary.
They're on Fox and CNN and MSNBC saying they will slit the party's throat in front of everyone.
Well, that just shows us they're a foreign occupying army with the Democrats.
I mean, these people, I think, have really shown us their dirty skirts.
Yeah, here's what they don't understand.
This is not your father's Republican Party.
Donald Trump has the capacity to bring millions of new people into this election.
He's already doing it.
People who have never voted before.
People who stopped voting because they figured out that politics is fixed against the common person.
So they do that at their own peril.
Trump is a much, much stronger candidate against Hillary Clinton than any other Republican candidate because he will take the fight right to her.
And the numbers show that.
That's not rhetoric.
It's why they're scared to death.
The Republican lie that he can't beat Hillary is a fraud.
And now, Roger, I'm gonna let you go because your man, my man, our man, Donald Trump, has just taken the stage.
Let's go to that live feed via his YouTube.
I should do well there.
Let's hope I do well there.
I love Florida.
But I was, I was going to Detroit and I said to my people, I have to stop in Maine.
I felt so, I just had to stop in Maine.
So I wouldn't say that it's a very direct route, would you say?
Instead of going this way, I went this way, and this way, and that is good.
I'm so glad.
And you know, to put this incredible sold-out crowd, and you have thousands of people outside, to put this crowd together in a period of, what, 24 hours?
It's brilliant.
And Maine is amazing.
You know, Maine is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
And people don't realize how large your land mass is.
I was talking to Paul.
As large as all of New England, when you think of it.
That's some piece of land.
Can I buy some, please?
Can I buy some?
Can I buy some?
So, you know, I've been watching with great interest as we get to, you know, go down the line.
We've had some amazing results.
And right nearby with New Hampshire, it was an amazing, incredible thing.
And by the way, every single time I went to New Hampshire, whenever I met with people, they'd always say, number one problem, number one problem, heroin.
Number one problem.
And I'd say, how's that possible?
You know, you look at these beautiful fields, and the beautiful little roads, and everything's so beautiful, and it was the number one problem, and it comes from our southern border, and we're gonna close up that border, and we're gonna build a wall, and we're gonna stop the drugs from coming in.
Believe me.
We're gonna stop.
And people are gonna come into our country, but they're going to come in legally.
They're gonna come in legally.
But we're going to solve the problem.
But, you know, I watched these pundits and when I first started, my wife Melania and I, we came down the escalator, right?
And I first started and it was an amazing thing.
I said, you know, we have to do something because we have people that don't know what they're doing.
They don't know what they're doing in running our country.
And I got some of that today, you know, just in hearing some of these things.
But they don't know what they're doing.
We have to do it.
And it takes guts to run for president.
I'm not a politician.
I'm not a politician.
All talk, no action.
Nothing gets done.
And anyway, we're coming down and and I said to myself, you know, there's so many things.
And then I watched the pundits and they said, oh, Trump, I don't know.
We have some great talent running and I'm trying to figure out where, where, what's the talent?
What's the talent?
But, you know, you come down and you do it and you start talking about trade and you see what happens with trade.
Trade has been trade has been such a disaster.
But the pundits all said, you know, I came out at 3%, first one.
And my wife said, you know if you run you're going to win.
But you actually have to run.
You can't say you're going to run because they won't poll it.
But even if they do poll it, people still say you're not going to run.
She said, but if you run, you're going to win.
I said, oh, she's my pollster.
She's my pollster.
I paid her less money, but she's better than the pundits.
So you know what happened?
I started at 3, the first day or something, I was at 3, which I wasn't exactly thrilled about.
Then it went up to 6, it went up to 12, it went up to 18.
And then it kept going up.
And every time I went up, the pundits would say, he's plateaued!
You know, plateaued.
Well, he's always gonna get 6.
That's a 6 solid group.
Then I went up to 12.
Well, you know, that's a solid group.
Then I went up to 24.
And he said, and don't forget, that's with 17 people.
We had 17 people.
24 with 17 people is pretty good.
That's a lot.
So we went up to 24, and they said, well, that's the max.
That can't be any more.
Then we went up to 28, 32.
So CNN just came out with a poll.
Trump, 49.
That's high.
That's right.
And I'm very proud of it because this is not a plateau.
This is a movement.
We have a movement going on, folks.
Time Magazine did a story recently, a couple of weeks ago, talking about what's going on, and they've never seen anything like it.
People have never seen it.
They say, actually, and I don't think I'm exaggerating this at all, and I don't want to exaggerate, but many of the great writers, of which there are very few, because the media is among the most dishonest people I've ever met here.
No, it's true.
It's pure Americana.
Nothing like this has ever happened.
They said that in the history of this country, there's never been anything like this.
What's happening?
We were in Huntsville, Alabama the other day.
We had 35,000 people.
35,000 people.
We were... We went to Arkansas, which you saw we went... Oh, is that another one?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
All right, get them out.
Get them out.
Get them out.
They just don't stop.
All right, get them out.
Thank you.
Now, you know, you can be nice.
But if you're nice, they'll say, oh, you were so soft.
Then you can be vicious.
Get out of here, right?
And then they'll say you were too harsh.
So I've developed a nice... All right, please get him out.
They want to take our free speech, folks.
These are the totalitarians.
I love you.
And by the way, you know, I'm self-funding my campaign.
I'm putting up all my money.
I'm not... But you have to do all I want.
I don't want your money.
I just want one thing.
Your vote on Saturday.
Get out and vote.
Don't forget, I did that big, long turn.
Slightly long.
It did a big turn.
What's revolutionary is he's not spending any money and he's not going to the political class.
I wouldn't say in the country's history it's the only time, but in the modern television era, this has never happened.
This is the death knell to the establishment.
I'm going to go back to Roger Stone real quick because he's going to leave us.
He wanted to stay and hear some of the speech.
I'm going to go to break and come back with Mark Dyson.
We'll have excerpts of the speech as well, especially if he goes after Romney.
But I tell you, he's looking good.
He's lost a lot of weight.
He looks younger.
He looks sharper and I'm not just kissing Trump's rear end here.
He looks like 10 years younger and like he's lost 30, 40 pounds.
And it seems like he's thriving off the stress.
This guy really, I really respect him now because I'm not just watching a guy on TV.
This is a real alpha male, Roger.
60 seconds.
He's drawing strength from the crowds, Alex.
He's having the time of his life.
This is a fight that he's enjoying.
Contrast that with Jeb Bush.
Going through the motions.
We want a president who sleeps three hours.
We want an alpha male.
Yeah, look, he's a brawler.
And it's going to take a brawler to take on Hillary Clinton and to turn this country around.
He's a fighter.
And he will never buckle to the establishment.
He'll never buckle to the insiders.
This is the most exciting thing I've seen in my 40 years in politics.
And it's a natural, grassroots phenomena.
The campaign is not that big.
Trump is a penny pincher.
He's running a cost-efficient campaign getting huge votes.
It's really, it's breathtaking.
That's another reason they hate him.
All those billions that they get from a regular candidate aren't going to all those filthy politicos.
I tell you, Roger Stone, thank you so much.
Thank you for helping drive this insurgency.
This is 1776 Part 2, folks.
This is History Happening.
Stay with us.
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No, I didn't.
She called me sexist, and I hit her with the husband.
And that was the last time I ever heard the word sexist.
That was it.
No, that was it.
And he hit the bushes with 9-11.
Bill was not happy.
I guarantee you, he said, don't you ever say that to him again.
Say it to somebody else, but not to Trump.
That was a rough, rough weekend they had.
This guy's really got the gloves off.
We're getting all the zingers.
This is live right now with time codes and we'll be interspersing them with our talk with Mark Dice.
He's doing the fourth hour.
Good shot.
We're going to have big clips of this speech however long it goes in the fourth hour, but we'll cut out all the Maine is beautiful.
Oh, I love the roads stuff.
He does the locals.
Maine is beautiful though.
Uh, and then give me the meat potatoes next hour.
But, uh, my friend Mark Dice is here.
His new book, we're not selling it yet, but we should be, uh, at InfoWareStore.com.
The Illuminati in Hollywood.
Celebrities, conspiracies, and secret societies, and cop culture in the entertainment industry.
And the reason, I know this book just came out a few weeks ago, I said, it's time to get Mark Dyson as his book's coming out, and notice, people won't pay attention to this normally, but when you just have the Oscars, and all that weird Babylon stuff, and Tower of Babel, and the Super Bowl, and all these rock, and all this stuff,
This isn't just some pentagram at a rock concert to act tough for teenagers.
This is serious people.
This is Babylon stuff.
This is Luciferian.
And then you have Bohemian Grove that was founded by Skull and Bones, founded by the Bavarian Illuminati.
Through that line, you have
Antonin Scalia dying, part of a secret society of hunters.
No, it was a secret society that was held in lodges that is connected to the Illuminati that is founded by Bohemian Grove.
Refounded in 1961.
That's in the Washington Post.
So, with that backdrop, got a long segment coming up.
This is a short segment.
People need to understand, this is the real religion of the elite.
And they're not like PCP crackheads, you know.
Killing somebody's dog in a trailer because they're getting power off of it.
You know, because somebody's, you know, rotted their brain.
These are people that believe Lucifer is God.
Satan and Luciferians, two different bags.
You need to understand that.
And I tend to conflate it, too, and say Satanism.
It's really Luciferianism, and you swing a stick around billionaires, you hit them.
So we're going to Mark Dice here.
Mark, I think that's a way to basically introduce this.
Right under the surface, this stuff's going on.
You've made a great study of it.
What do you think we're facing right now, and why are they bringing so much of this out in the open?
You know, we've seen over the last five years the Illuminati go from what it originally was perceived to be, for many researchers like yourself,
As a secret society or a mafia of banksters, politicians and media moguls, we've seen it morph into the minds of the public as a celebrity secret society.
And so in the book, I've tracked why this happened, the whole agenda, essentially with social media becoming a part of everybody's lives around 2010, 2011.
Everybody now has been introduced to Illuminati symbolism, the Illuminati quote conspiracy theories, because originally people had to go and seek that information out for themselves.
Shows like yours, certain obscure websites, some very popular books, but not mainstream.
So with social media, people who are interested in that kind of information have exposed it to their friends through posting
Unfortunately, many well-meaning people who are trying to expose the Illuminati conspiracy
Unfortunately, we don't really have a good grasp of it, and it has morphed into a celebrity secret society.
And there's also a lot of now bottom feeders that, you know, tell girls who are 15 years old, I'm in the Illuminati, baby, you know, do all this and I'll let you in on it.
There's also, there used to be pretenders to the throne, or I remember in high school and college, there was always somebody claiming they were a Rothschild or Rockefeller, and you'd learn two months later they scammed everybody.
You'd tell folks,
There's a very popular book that's been published recently
Well, by the way, uh...
Kevin Trudeau, I literally was ignorant about him.
I thought he had a vitamin and mineral book he was being persecuted for and some memory thing.
Once I got informed, they were like, well Mark Dice is actually right criticizing you about this.
I only had him on once.
He has a thing where he's in the Illuminati and you send him money and you get into it.
And I was like, whoa.
So I called you up and said, OK, you got me on this one.
And you're like, oh, really?
I thought you knew that.
I was like, I don't know everything.
I can't keep track of infomercial people.
I just knew they were going after him for vitamin and minerals and I'm for the First Amendment.
My criticism could be pretty brutal, and yeah, you had him on the show.
Obviously, you don't know everything about him, but I didn't know when you had him on the show at the time.
And so, for those who don't understand what we're talking about... Well, stay there.
I mean, let's come back, because this is a good entryway into this.
Like, what's the real Illuminati and the real occult system versus what people say?
And I've been into Bohemian Grove.
I've studied it.
I know what it really is, and I know Mark has studied it as well.
We'll get our views, and then the pop view.
That's one way they cover stuff up.
They just make it pop.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Breaking news!
Marco Rubio quietly cancels rallies in Kentucky and Louisiana.
Marco Rubio was scheduled to appear at two rallies in both of those locations.
Both events are now canceled according to the Rubio campaign.
This coming on the same day that failure Mittens Romney is going to actually come out and give a speech on the state of the GOP and urge supporters
We're good to go.
Go to Infowars.com forward slash show and watch tonight's live coverage of the GOP debate.
You can find more reports like this at Infowars.com.
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We're good to go.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We've got the team in there watching Trump live.
And it's a lot of provincial filler.
Him talking about, you know, business ideas and things like that.
Interspersed with some really good punches at Hillary and Mitt Romney and the Republican establishment and the Koch brothers.
So we're going to have those excerpts next hour when Anthony hosts.
They'll also cover the latest breaking news.
They'll also be premiering a very special report on the future of America and a lot more.
I cannot stress enough to everybody to go to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and get the video that's in the article and make it go viral.
This video destroys Mitt Romney's claim against Trump.
Where it's him endorsing him four years ago, and Romney saying all these great things about Trump that are the 180 opposite of what he said today.
And by the way, you heard it from Roger Stone a week ago, now it's happening.
He's getting ready to come in if Rubio fails, which it looks like he is.
So this is going to be an unprecedented attempt.
Everything's coming out in the open.
But one tactic they have is what Mark Astuteley's been pointing out about three years ago.
He started to say, they're mainlining it.
They're confusing it.
And I was like, don't be the Illuminati, you know, police dice.
But then I started to really see what he was saying.
He was, they are coming out with a lot of truth, but also mixing bull in.
And is that what's happening with the X-Files?
I mean, I don't want to say that entirely because Carter says he likes me and I'm a good guy and he's a listener and, you know, the character he's got based on me is a nice guy and I'm going to meet with him soon.
I haven't set the date yet because I've been too busy.
He said, yeah, come out, let's meet.
But is that why they're letting him come out with more truthful scenarios is because they can't hide it anymore, you see?
But that's OK.
It shows we're winning.
But man, the open Illuminati rituals on football and in drama shows, people say, well, what's this con game where they have these deals where you sign up the Illuminati or you send them money and you get the secret book?
Really, that's what it always was.
Adam Weishaupt wanted to take over the Masons, take over the Liberty movements, take over
The Rosicrucians take over a bunch of different organizations that were good, bad, ugly, you know, a mix.
And the letters from the Illuminati, and he's written books about it, he's an expert, we have these letters, his orders are how to get good organizations to join you and not know what you're doing.
So the fact that, you know, some crackhead 18-year-old gets a 14-year-old girl to have sex with him and give him money because he's going to let her into the Illuminati, she thinks she's going to meet Jay-Z and Kyanne West.
Okay, I know it's Kanye and the gay fish.
The point is, is that it came from a con, it is a con, just like communism came out of the Illuminati and the Jacobins and the French Revolution.
That's a fact!
It didn't come with Marx and Engels!
So when you realize that communism and all of this is just more occult con artistry...
My grandfather used to say, Satan is the cosmic con artist.
And really, that's what it is.
So it just never seems to end.
Let's go now about to Mark Dice's new book, The Illuminati in Hollywood.
Available at markdice.com, Amazon, and bookstores, I guess, everywhere.
We're going to be carrying it.
I just haven't gotten around to it.
And fullwordstore.com is going to give me a good deal on it.
Mark, okay, I've been ranting here.
What do you think of my kickoff there?
We were using Kevin Trudeau as kind of a window into this.
Go ahead.
What we're seeing in the mainstream is the mainstream Hollywood establishment has been obviously promoting this Illuminati.
It's a more modern-day version of Satanism.
And we know that the New World Order, One World Religion, the Antichrist will admit, will announce that he is Lucifer, that he's Satan, to overthrow the evil creator God and offer everybody freedom and utopia here on Earth through the transhumanist technology.
So we have these celebrity puppets who are being controlled by the studios, and we're seeing this with Kesha now, who is a very popular pop star who was posting satanic pentagrams and drinking fake blood out of a heart on stage, now crying in court because she's locked into a contract with her music producers.
So these celebrities in the studios, in the movie heads, at the Oscars... They're slaves!
They are puppets and slaves to their corporate controllers behind the scenes who are promoting this Illuminati philosophy and their celebrity pawns who obviously the general public worship and mimic mindlessly as modern-day gods.
So these are the people and the systems being used to promote Luciferianism or Satanism as the coming one world religion offering people success and you can see it most people want to join this Illuminati
We're good to go.
And literally, they changed the website after a while, but originally it said, Bilderberg Group members, Bohemian Grove members, Illuminati members, Skull and Bones, insert your high-level secret society member.
They all left their organizations to join Kevin Trudeau to form the Global Information Network.
That's right, and when you were saying this, Rob Jacobson walks in one day and he goes,
I sent off for the Natural Cures I Don't Want You To Know About, which is a great book, and it covers a lot of well-known stuff.
I was like, wow, yeah, vitamin C, you know, cures scurvy.
It's a fact, you know.
Why are they taking this guy down?
But they made it about that.
What you would do is then, after you buy the book, then you get the letter, like it's hand-typed.
And it says from him, join the Illuminati with me, I've been to Area 51, and I was like, wow, Marks, wow, because I couldn't find that when you were talking about it, and then there it was, it was like, wow, this is what he, I don't want to get off onto him, it's just, that's an example.
So the book, The Illuminati in Hollywood, is about the real Illuminati, how it has morphed into this supposed celebrity secret society, why we're seeing so many celebrities and major award shows, halftime shows at the Super Bowl, promoting this as the secret to success, as the secret of their coming savior.
And it also gets into some more detailed information about how the movie industry and television industry are literally, and this is an open
Chris Carter admits the CIA approaches him.
I can't wait to talk to him in person.
This is from CIA.gov, and it's about the Entertainment Liaison Office.
So in the 1990s, the CIA assigned one of their officers as a liaison to Hollywood to work with them to develop scripts and films and television shows.
And now it's in the headlines that the CIA and the Pentagon meet daily in huge meetings with all the big producers, just like the former Attorney General said, let's brainwash the public against guns.
That was in one of these big corporate meetings as well.
And so this is where the Department of Defense and the CIA works with Hollywood to produce films like Top Gun because you can't just get an aircraft carrier and access to jets unless you go to the government.
And so here is from CIA.gov.
I'm reading this verbatim.
It says, quote, if you're a part of the entertainment industry and you're working on a project that deals with the CIA, the agency may be able to help you.
We're in a position to give greater authenticity to scripts, stories, and other products in development.
That can mean answering questions, debunking myths, or arranging visits to the CIA to meet with known intelligence agencies and officers.
So, what we have here is an open secret of
Liberal Hollywood, who has been carrying the water for torture through films and television shows like 24, this is an open secret.
Everybody knows.
So here's the question.
What is the goal on every show?
Attacking manhood, attacking the family, making men dumb, putting women in all the power positions.
They admit that's the order.
It's why the road warriors were
Well, you know, film won all the deals.
They said that.
It's an order.
And we're not against women in those positions, but this is an order.
It's not to empower women.
It's to break everything up.
Hollywood, they declassified, put out ugly art to, quote, hurt our minds.
The CIA admitted that in the 60s.
It came out last year.
But they're ramping it all up.
Illuminati, sacrifice, death, the devil.
What are they trying to bring in?
They're trying to condition us for horrors of totalitarianism.
They're trying to pre-prepare us.
That's my view.
What's yours?
They're destroying the moral compass, the social fabric of the family in this country.
They're literally paving the path for their global messiah, who will claim to be God, predicted in the Bible.
That's right.
One world religion being called for by the Pope.
One world government being called for by the Pope.
What are people going to do when the Pope calls the man of sin the Christ and kneels to him as the false prophet?
The vast majority of the country, unfortunately, are totally lost, and that's why I appreciate you having me on, because I know most of your audience is probably familiar with my social justice warrior persona in my Man on the Street video, so I appreciate the opportunity to come on so the audience can hear the real me.
Because this is some very serious material that we're talking about.
The country... I've been trying to illustrate... Well, your social justice warrior thing ties in where 9 out of 10 Californians say, I want gun owners in forced labor camps.
I want them executed.
I want to burn their bodies.
I want their property.
You go, yeah, and they go, and they speak clear English, white people, Hispanics, blacks.
They want tyranny.
They have no personal power, but they love evil.
And these are the people they're going to use to persecute Christians and people that don't take the microchips.
They're already announcing it.
And you can see it.
They're gonna say, you don't accept the one-world religion, you don't let us teach your three-year-old how to, you know, give a blowjob, you're hateful, literally, and so we're gonna put you in a forced labor camp.
That is the plan.
There's a whole chapter in the book on the gay mafia, and obviously it's undeniable that they're promoting what's under 2% of the population as if it was 50% of the people.
They take a great family show like Full House, and they reintroduce it, and just as I predicted...
I'll get people that are, quote, gay, but every TV show I try to watch, the new Irish family is Catholic, but they're breaking up, the dad's an idiot, and the son has a halo that's a rainbow, he's gay!
They're just bombarding us!
They are ending our reproductive system.
Call it the devil, whatever, they want the end of humanity, the end of families, the end of procreation, it's population control, their own university documents, I cover it in Endgame, admit it.
They said in the 60s, we will attack male role models, we will break up families, we will make women work, and we will promote homosexuality to lower the birth rate.
You know, Alex articulates it so well, and for those who, you know, want to sit and read and study this material, I've compiled it in the Illuminati in Hollywood.
You can get it at Amazon.com.
I know I'm ranting, it's just you're so right that I'm just backing up what you're saying.
And I've talked to a lot of the big Hollywood people who know this is going on, and they know I'm a journalist, we're a journalist hat, so if something's off record, if something isn't illegal, and somebody tells me something, then it never comes out.
And they're really sad and scared and say, we hate being ordered to do this, and you're right, these people above us are pure evil, and oh my God, Alex, we want to get out of it, oh it's horrible, and oh my God, my father was so hounded because he wouldn't go with them, and he was exposing them.
I'm talking about Stanley Kubrick, because he wouldn't go with them.
Oh my God.
Look at this perverted agenda and the blurring of politics and Hollywood.
We have Joe Biden appearing at the Oscars.
Granted, for a good cause, to raise awareness.
Obama's coming to South by Southwest with his training wife.
Well, you have Lady Gaga, who is now the poster child of supposedly fighting sexual assault, when she did a music video with the infamous pervert, alleged sexual predator R. Kelly, who I don't know anybody in their right mind who would even want to be in the same room in the same city.
But let's not forget, she has to have bodyguards at night because she is attacked by ghosts and demon possessed and lives in a living hell and calls herself a slave.
Yeah, she's sold her soul to Satan, it's quite clear.
Why would anyone want to get temporal power to be a horrid slave?
These are the victims and willing participants in the mind control system.
To have somebody like Lady Gaga being held up as the poster child for fighting against sexual assault is completely 180 degrees from her previous persona and activities, giving R. Kelly a boost back into the limelight, who was indicted by the way on
Let me ask you this.
I mean, you live a little bit outside LA, right?
Yeah, I would never go up there.
I'm in San Diego.
I'm just making sure I was right.
I've been down there before.
I just, memory fails.
I used to think it was the smog, and that does make you sick, and all the, you know, everything else in those mountains with the sea, but I start feeling ill when I'm flying in.
It took me a while to notice this.
I used to go out there and be in films, be on TV, and, you know, do projects.
I just refuse them now, and I go out there maybe every three years now to just do business, because I get physically ill when the plane's at 20,000 feet descending into it.
There is a spirit there.
It is.
And for those who don't know, and I guess I've never really talked about this, you know that I've been in some meetings with some networks that, you know, they wanted to talk to me about developing shows.
So, you know, I have a pretty good insider view.
You run shows with some folks from Motley Crue, stuff like that.
And I've hung out with paparazzi.
I've been involved in and I was in their cars when they were involved in high-speed chases, stalking celebrities.
I've shadowed them as part of my research.
I've been in the high-level boardrooms with the Hollywood sign out in the background.
In the meetings of Spike TV, in Viacom, at the Sci-Fi Channel, at most major networks.
I even had a meeting with, and I've never talked about this, with CNN.
Now, I met with them to just to talk, and I know that they would never go there.
Well, they're all such zombies, they have no ideas.
So they have these meetings constantly to actually steal ideas, and they want you to sell out.
That's why I've been out, and let's not exaggerate, 50 meetings.
Discovery, HBO, all the ones you listed.
I'm not one-upping you.
I've just been there with you as well.
You know we've been at some of the same places.
They say, oh, Mark Dyson was in there last week.
And it's just, no, I'm not going to do that.
We'll pay all this money, just make conspiracy people look dumb.
You'll be a big star.
Didn't take the deal.
I know folks that did.
And I'm not saying Ventura.
Ventura didn't, so he lost his show.
But other people did shows about conspiracies where they then debunked them.
Yeah, so I went to a whole series of meetings in all of these boardrooms with most of the major networks, just as part of my own research.
I don't know, Spike, A&E, you name it.
And I have photos to prove all of this as well.
They, I've been, you know, I went to the mountain with like devil, the devil took Jesus to the mountain, offered him all the kingdoms of the world, Jesus said no, so I have stared the devil in the face.
Did they even give you the speech about how you can't beat the new world order and it really wants to help people?
You know, I had one Hollywood producer, I'm not going to mention any names, a very, you would know his shows.
Well, I mean, it must be a speech because I've been given it five times, and I mean by heads of radio networks, heads of studios.
He literally started praising Satan in the meeting.
Okay, I'm not joking.
Let's stop right there.
Let's tell the story right now.
Well, we were talking about some particular philosophies and some shows that were out there about conspiracies and secret societies and things like that.
And he was very sympathetic towards Satan.
And I was stunned.
And literally, the Hollywood sign is out in the background.
I could literally turn and see it.
And so I have went to these meetings as a research project, not willing to sign with these people, just knowing that I could get inside and learn how this system works.
And throughout the course of these meetings, I've had the production company that I was working with, they would call to say,
Hey, can you remove this video from YouTube?
I don't think that the executives would really like that.
And I said, well, then you obviously don't know anything about me.
And the company that approached me, they were well-meaning, but it was a very interesting process.
No, no, but you finally get in a Bentley and go to a party, and there's major movie stars there, and they go, Alex, what's wrong with Lucifer?
Just join us.
And you're like, whoa, this stuff's real.
And I'm like, I'm out of here.
At the Oscars, which was last week, it's very symptomatic of how worldly these people are.
They're decked out in their 20, $30,000 gowns, with their diamonds, which I wonder how many children, slaves, and Africans died.
It's like Jacob and Harley's chains.
In the Christmas Carol, I mean, who wants that crap?
And it was at somebody's expense.
Once you don't buy into it, you like shift.
You go up a level once you've refused it.
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One of our intrepid listeners dug up a Associated Press photo.
I've seen that photo before.
I forgot about that from campaign 2012 with Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and someone else on the campaign plane having a great time.
We're going to put that up on screen.
We're going to put it up on Infowars.com, on PrisonPlanet.com, and we're going to have memes.
We want to see what memes you make with this.
We're going to tweet it out clean right now.
And then whoever does the best meme, it'll be a flash 24-hour, I will choose the winner.
$1,000 tomorrow at the end of the fourth hour.
I'll come in and we will then announce who the winner is for $1,000 on that meme.
By the way, the globalists, the Clintons, if you go back to their
Presidential Library and the lawsuit that was executed by the Western Journalism Center, Joseph Farah and others.
They got 30 plus thousand pages.
Some of it's blacked out, but most of it is about stopping freedom, stopping a new press, not just right-wing but left-wing, discrediting anybody, stopping money ever going to new media.
Because if people ever start buying new media, they'll buy diversity and choice and actual real reporting, and then it's over for them, and instructing the media how to call Joseph Farah a conspiracy theorist.
This is before Drudge even showed up.
And then later, how to stop Drudge.
And we've covered it.
They've written articles about it.
That's why you've got to get the book, The Illuminati.
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You know, when it comes down to it, Mark, if it holds you five minutes to the next hour, I want to invite you up more often.
Bug us when you're not on at least every month with your great videos and your work and the things you're doing.
You know, you say it's a persona when you go out and are a social justice warrior, and people kind of think, who's this jerk that, you know, wants to put gun owners in FEMA camps?
Because I forget.
I know who you are.
Other folks don't know.
I do joke videos and people think it's serious, like, you really fell down?
It's like, no.
But you got to go out and go, hey, I'm for Hillary.
Let's kill all the conservatives and 9 out of 10 say let's murder them.
I mean, these are really sick, evil people, but they're also soft and weak.
It's weird how such evil people are so unlearned, so ignorant,
People perish for lack of knowledge.
I mean, you can just see the judgment coming down, and L.A.
It's not like that right outside L.A.
is the model.
And so you look at that, I believe, I believe the spiritual entity, Satan, is residing in Los Angeles.
And that that's why Hollywood and the projection of this evil across the world is coming from there.
The devil lives on the west coast of the United States.
I really think the spirit, the entity, the creature from another dimension the Bible talks about, whatever this entity is that every culture warns of resides there and can project his power worldwide.
And you're right in the middle of it fighting and that's why I can't be there.
Because these people are such slaves.
Go ahead.
We've got one minute.
I'm going to come back to you.
I live in San Diego because it's nice and warm, and I hate going to Los Angeles.
I'll go there a few times a year for meetings so I can research and give interviews and get interviews, but in the book, The Illuminati in Hollywood, I hope everybody checks it out because, as you can see, I'm very serious.
For those who don't know and see the man on the street stuff, I might have come across like just a, you know, a comedian or a clown.
Stay there 70 seconds.
I'm coming back to you.
I was ranting about this, but it's so important.
When you get into your experiences, all of it, this is what it's about.
You don't know until you're in a meeting with a high-powered production head of a company that's worth $100 million, and they say, look, Lucifer loves you, Alex.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yes, sir!
All right, I'm going to give you the floor here for the last five minutes, Mark.
Great new book.
Thank you for coming on.
Can't wait to finish reading.
I've only read about a chapter so far.
Just got it a few days ago.
For those who want to learn about the CIA in Hollywood, how the Illuminati went from what originally is a secret society, a political and media mafia, to this celebrity supposed secret society, it's all in the book.
And, you know, there's a lot of material in there that has been... I've never seen anybody cover in a supposed, quote, conspiracy community.
And so I'd encourage people to check out the Sun Valley Conference.
This is sort of like the building
We're good.
And the plan is to destroy our families.
Yes, and this is where they implement the social media Orwellian terms of service.
We're seeing a lot of censorship on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube regarding censoring conservatives and criticism of Hillary.
There's a whole chapter in here about the Sun Valley Conference, and that's where the CIA and all the major media companies and all the major social media companies meet every year.
This should be required reading for people taking RTF.
Instead, they literally teach you nothing, and these college degrees are worthless.
What about the current climate?
What about Donald Trump?
What about all the things that are happening?
What is your real view of Trump?
I think that he's the real deal.
There's a lot that I don't support him on.
He's made some horrific statements.
He appears to support the NDAA.
He's made some terrible statements.
But, you know, in any relationship, and there's a relationship between the public and their candidates, there's a compromise.
And so, Trump, I think, sees the country going off a financial cliff.
He's angry.
That's, I think, part of his main appeal to people.
He's a nationalistic pro-America, and that's why they hate him.
They want a businessman in there who knows how to make money and follow rules and regulations.
They're tired of your typical politicians.
And Marco Rubio, obviously the snake to replace Jeb, who just didn't have it in him.
And they're doing everything they can to get him to go up there so that he'll... his attempts to legalize and give citizenship to all the illegal aliens.
That's Marco Rubio's key point.
And his slogan is the New American Century Project for the New American Century slogan.
This is the neocons tied in with the September 11th, you know, quotes conspiracy or cover up as well.
So he is obviously the establishment's mind.
And that's why everyone is going crazy about Trump and the establishment because they don't want an outsider to come up there.
And really do an audit in a sense of what's happening in DC.
I totally agree and there's no doubt they're scared to death of him.
There's no doubt that just the idea of actually having our country have a president that isn't bought and paid for.
What do you think they might do to try to stop him?
You know, I really fear, and I don't say this lightly, I mean, I fear that there's assassination attempt in the works if they can't get him to stop.
But I think that Hillary, through the voter manipulation, through all the different ways to manipulate the votes, I think that Hillary... Yeah, they'll steal it.
That's easier to deny than blow his head off.
To assassinate him would cause perhaps a civil war in this country.
I think that they're going to do everything that they can to manipulate through electronic voting systems and other means to get Hillary in there.
She's the ultimate Illuminati servant.
She will put the final nail in this coffin.
It was in the news back when she was co-president with Bill that she went every month to LA to do weird rituals with witches.
That was in the news.
She is a servant of Satan and that's not an allegory.
That is not hyperbolic speech.
She is the Illuminati's number one choice.
Obviously she'll do anything.
That's right!
Hey, good job, Mark.
We're going to talk to you again.
The fight is on.
Gucciardi's coming up.
$1,000 prize.
We're going to talk about it when we come back with Gucciardi.
We're now down to four as Ben Carson has abandoned his campaign.
Dr. Ben Carson accusing the Cruz campaign of playing dirty tricks to win the Iowa caucus.
As Christians, of course, we accept people's apologies.
But we also have to ask ourselves, is this acceptable?
Or should there be some accountability?
Tonight, the establishment unleashes its attack chihuahua, Marco Rubio, at the next GOP debate.
It'll still be quite a circus, as Rubio and Cruz will be joined by Megyn Kelly and the train seals from Fox News as they try to take down Donald Trump.
Join the InfoWars Nightly News staff for live commentary and analysis of the debate.
We'll give you the back story, the full story.
And we'll open our phone lines so you can call in and tell us how you see it.
The damage was done to me.
It wasn't done to them.
You can live stream on YouTube at the Alex Jones Channel or on Prison Planet TV.
Coverage begins at 7 Central, 8 PM Eastern.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm hosting this segment with Anthony Gucciardi.
We're gonna punch back up on this TV screen in here.
The feed so folks can see Anthony.
Buckley's on Facebook Mentions just went live.
We're going into the fourth hour.
Host of Anthony Gucciardi.
I'm in here co-hosting.
And so you can see these clips.
We're going to be playing them in there with the audio on in the control room.
So let's just turn the speakers up in there.
Let folks see some behind the scenes for this one segment on Facebook Mentions as we host the fourth hour of the radio slash TV transmission.
So that's going on right now.
Huge videos.
I'm proud of us.
Ours went out first.
We put out the video.
This video destroys Mitt Romney's claims against Trump.
The Trump campaign, then just a little while ago, put out another video that basically is posted the same article as ours, saying this video completely debunks Romney's claims.
And it's him flip-flopping back and forth over and over again.
So first, here in a moment, for TV viewers, radio listeners, and Facebook folks in the control room, I want to play
The 72nd clip we played earlier today of Mitt Romney there praising Donald Trump, basically endorsing him when Trump endorsed him four years ago.
And then I'm going to show TV viewers, radio listeners, go to my Twitter, RealAlexJones, this photo that we are saying a thousand dollar prize taken four years ago on the Mitt Romney campaign when he took a dive for Obama, wouldn't attack Obama, with one-tenth he's attacking Trump with, calling him a con artist, a phony, a fraud.
We're going to have a meme, and this won't save the world, but it'll go viral and have some fun.
It's going to have Infowars.com on it somewhere, but then a meme of them going, hey, we're destroying America under Hillary's orders.
First Trump, then the Republican Party, then America.
Or, man, it feels good to be worse than Judas and Benedict Arnold and, you know, help destroy this country.
Boy, we're, you know, a bunch of crap.
I mean, whatever you're going to say, it's your words, First Amendment, with a sickening photo.
So for TV viewers, can we put that photo back up on screen?
And it's listeners that send us these type of photos that are out there, and we are just breaking it down for folks.
So that's four years ago, you got Dumbo there, the elephant that could fly with his little ears.
Then you got Mitt Romney looking like the next lead role of American Psycho.
You got Jeb Bush looking like a fat teddy bear pedophile.
I'm not saying he's a pedophile, he just looks like if I was casting for a pedophile in a movie, that'd be it.
And then you've got some other
Twit, next to him, you can't see.
I mean, I'm sorry.
People are destroying the country.
There's cancer viruses in the vaccines.
They're selling us out to China.
They're shutting off our power plants.
They're lying about Donald Trump.
Gloves are off!
And we know yours are off.
So whatever.
Feel your hand, to quote John Wayne and Drew Gritt.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
And the horse falls on it, doesn't matter, because there's always the deuce-ex.
Isn't there always the deuce-ex?
The angels!
There's always providence, isn't there?
So, into the fray, into the battle, across the snow, through the woods, to the Hessians we come.
And just Trump doing this as his focal point is so explosive.
You can feel the energy levels rising.
Let's go to this clip of Romney flip-flopping like nothing I've ever seen.
A total 180.
The true definition of a backstabbing, lying piece of filth.
Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.
What little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.
He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad.
He's one of the few people who stood up and said, you know what, China has been cheating.
They've taken jobs from Americans.
They haven't played fair.
We have to have a president who will stand up to cheaters.
His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war.
And that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America.
I spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless.
Sufficiently successful to understand what it takes to get America to be the most attractive place in the world for innovators, entrepreneurs, and business and job creators.
He inherited his business, he didn't create it.
A business genius he is not.
Wow, and there's so much more of that coming up at the bottom of the hour.
We have the Trump video.
It's a little bit longer than Anthony Gucciardi.
It's going to be playing.
I want to get to a few of these clips, though.
These provincial speeches, people love it because it's different.
Let's face it.
It's working.
I'm told it's what Trump does in person.
He just loves talking about business and pretty roads and houses and architecture.
I mean, he's a pretty down-to-earth guy.
Trump is not a huge business success.
We're going to get to that and Trump's response.
Trump playing America's for suckers.
And then we have Trump responding.
Mitt Romney failed candidacy.
Romney failed candidate election.
Can we find in there too where he talks about Hillary and how he brought up Bill raping women?
That's a gold piece.
If we didn't grab it, it'll be on YouTube now.
So let's play the Trump clips first.
Here, this is really important.
We'll play the first one in a moment.
Mitt Romney, failed candidate.
But let's go to Anthony Gutiarta, who's hosting this hour.
Anthony, I cannot put words on how exciting and how dangerous the climate is right now.
And you don't just see it mirrored in politics for the economy and militarily and crazy governments bringing in jihadis as fast as they can, thinking that when they attack us, they'll take our rights, that we're that dumb.
This political elite
I don't think
Well, they've got the touch of death.
They've got the touch of failure.
They're a pack of swarmy crooks, Anthony Gucciardi.
Just imagine the millions of people that have realized for so long they're not going with the establishment.
They don't like what's going on.
The polls with 7% approval rating for Congress.
Horrible approval rating for all the establishment.
All these millions of people
Thinking they're the minority for years.
Thinking over and over again they can't actually show their true beliefs to the world.
Buying the con that they were alone.
Yeah, buying the media narrative that they're insane and no one believes them, that they're the minority.
And now, watch as they can get behind something that's strong, right?
Watch as their ideology that's spreading like wildfire, they can say, oh my god, wait, people think like this too?
And they can tune into programs like this, instead of the news, which has, mainstream news, which has no grasp now, on the real scenario of the world, and they can say, wait a minute, there's millions of people just like me that think like this?
And once that happens, it's pretty much unstoppable.
It is like a new wave.
A new wave of people realizing their power, and realizing everyone else thinks like that.
And the problem with the establishment now is that they are so ridiculous and so silly, they think what, Mitt Romney is going to save them?
I was about to say, this ferret...
This Ted Bundy, you know, John Wayne Gacy wannabe, he's got his head popping up with his facelift, the Barbie doll look, and he's seeing if everybody is going to give him the go.
He's kind of walking back in front, shaking his butt like a prostitute at a brothel, you know, in front of the Johns, the Koch brothers, and the Clintons, and the New World Order, going, hey baby, I'm sexy, I'm sexy, to see what response there is.
That's why it's important to whack this little mole right back down into his filth nest.
Look, I think Mitt Romney is well-spoken.
I think he's well-groomed by the establishment.
I think, you know, he's obviously made tons of money, probably is a billionaire, but according to a lot of the research I've read, is hiding a lot of his assets because he wants to be more relatable.
The big joke to me is they've got Trump, right, which regardless what you think about him, again, regardless what you think about him, is a likable, relatable guy in the sense that he's sitting there talking about the problems that the American public, pretty much all of them, experience.
And then they're going to put Romney in there?
Who is the most unrelatable person in the world who is a complete bought and paid for it.
Maybe he can run forever every four years till he's 90 and then always take a fall.
You know, like some of these fighters that Don King would get.
I mean, the Republican Party isn't just killing itself and openly saying they're willing to kill themselves and get Hillary in.
They're willing to kill the whole political process like heavyweight boxing if they keep pushing and just rigging these elections.
I mean, don't they get it?
We've seen Don King rig 10 or 15 boxing matches.
That killed heavyweight boxing.
We've seen you guys rig a bunch of contests.
Don't you get it?
You slack-jawed crooks.
But the best part is their narrative the whole time is, though, that Trump can't win.
They say, well, Trump can't win.
You see?
We need someone strong like Romney who's gonna win.
Be a strong loser.
Well, Marco, he could really beat Hillary.
You know, he can fly, though.
Yeah, it's absurd.
Everybody makes fun of him, but, you know, at the end of the movie, Dumbo can fly.
Dumbo can fly.
But Dumbo can also see how big people's hands are.
Because Dumbo is obsessed with men's protuberances.
Yeah, when it gets down to that, I think it's a pretty poor situation, right?
And it also shows, though, that they have no one.
The establishment, if the best they can do is meet Romney, he's lost.
But you know the pigs in Europe that actually find the truffles?
Did you know they actually blindfold Rubio around the bathhouses and bathrooms at night?
He gets on all fours and runs around like a pig, and he can smell out what he's looking for.
That's a little inside joke around here.
Isn't it weird, though, that what we're talking about isn't even that weird compared to the news right now?
Like Marco Rubio insulting Donald Trump's member size.
Well, I never talk about stuff like that till they're done.
And then Scalia dies in a secret society event with a pillow over his head, surrounded by devil mask.
Hey, I'm going to hand the baton to you, brother.
Great job today.
We're in there doing our Facebook mentions.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
To all those viewers out there that want to tune in and catch the rest of Anthony Ucciardi in the next 40 minutes.
They're going to get to the clips, too.
At least part of them.
Mitt Romney being a failed candidate.
Romney, failed candidate.
Trump talks about his own business record versus Romney's in this other video.
What about the Trump campaign showing the flip-flops, as well of the new star of American Psycho 2, Mitt Romney.
I mean, Christian Bale with gray hair.
But he looks like that Hammer guy, too.
I don't know.
These guys should be on American Psycho.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi and I'll be with you for the rest of the hour.
And like we were talking about a bit earlier, if you're just joining us as well, we've got a bunch of clips to play for you.
A bunch of insane drama going on between Trump and Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney saying he's an amazing businessman and now he's saying he's terrible, saying he's going to be a great president, now he's the worst thing in the world.
So we've got a lot on that.
We've got, including Trump, is he not a business success from Romney?
Trump coming back and firing back.
Lots and lots to play in the next segment.
But first and foremost, I wanted to talk about political correctness and word domination.
It's something we've talked a lot about before.
We've talked about political correctness being a form of power and word domination.
Specifically what it comes down to, okay, is this has been used since probably the beginning of time.
I mean, it's been used for thousands of years.
An authority situation where you're not allowed to say certain things, you're not allowed to offend certain people by your words or actions that may actually not even be so offensive.
And one thing that people don't realize, and a lot of people aren't aware of this fact, happened quite some time ago, that
Do you know the mob actually used political correctness to have the Department of Justice stop using, essentially ban, the word mafia?
That's why it's not in the Godfather.
If you watch the Godfather, they don't say the word mafia.
It all comes back to the Italian-American Civil Rights League.
You know, some people say I'm racist when I'm actually not racist.
I love everyone.
But when I talk about political correctness because, you know, I guess I'm white or whatever.
But guess what?
This is the Italian American Civil Rights League.
I am Italian American.
OK, so I guess I have the authority to talk about it when in reality it's just an issue that we should discuss.
So let me bring you back.
In the 70s, the Italian-American Civil Rights League, and I sent this all to you guys as well so we could pull up the pages, was formed as a political group in and around New York City in the early 1970s.
Its stated goal was to combat stereotypes about Italian-Americans.
But what really happened was Joseph Colombo, who was the boss of the Colombo crime family, one of the five families of the Cosa Nostra, okay, so a mob boss,
A mob boss created this, because what really happened was he kept getting arrested.
So the group began as an Italian-American Anti-Defamation League on April 30, 1970, when approximately 30 Italian-Americans, led by mobster Joseph Colombo, picketed the Manhattan headquarters of the FBI.
They were there to protest the recent arrest of Colombo's son, Joseph Colombo, on a charge of conspiracy to melt down old U.S.
silver coins.
Okay, so the senior Colombo had complained of unfair harassment of him and his family by the law enforcement authorities because he's a mob boss!
But, you know, he wasn't saying, well, I'm a mob boss.
He was saying, this is racist.
This is not politically correct.
Ban the word mafia.
And it sounds totally insane now, but guess what happened?
They banned the word mafia.
The Department of Justice stopped using it.
Even the Godfather stopped using the word mafia in the film script.
It goes on.
Within two months, the organization claimed 45,000 dues-paying members and held a large rally in Columbus Circle on June 28, 1970.
The league gained further momentum when Frank Sinatra held a benefit concert in its honor.
So, what's going on here, obviously, is we've got a mob boss family that's saying, we're being treated unfairly as Italian-Americans.
This is racist!
We need to use political correctness and domination to stop people from saying anything that's remotely offensive.
So you know what they did?
They worked with Al Ruddy, the producer of The Godfather, to omit the terms Mafia and Cosa Nostra.
And they got rid of the Godfather board game.
They demanded Macy's stop selling a board game called the Godfather game.
And they had television commercials.
They worked with Alka-Seltzer and Ford Motor Company to withdraw their television commercials because they felt it was offensive.
And they got United States Attorney General John Mitchell to order the United States Justice Department to stop using the word mafia.
I'm gonna let that sit for a second.
The Mafia got the Justice Department to stop using the word Mafia because it offended Italian people.
When they were the mob killing people and selling drugs.
That's the power of political correctness right there.
And sure it's been used for thousands of years in different ways.
We could get into the Soviet era, all that blah blah blah.
But guess what?
Political correctness is a method of word domination over you.
And when I don't like something you're saying, I can invoke political correctness to attack you using the full power of the establishment system on my side to silence your argument.
Just like they did with the Italian American Civil Rights League, which by the way had some basis, right?
Just like all these movements have some basis.
There are really actually racist mean people out there.
But the Italian Defense League run by a mobster banned the word mafia.
And because he was getting arrested for scamming people and making money, that's racist.
Some thought for you there.
We'll be back.
We're going to play a bunch of clips from Donald Trump and Mitt Romney as the feud continues and the insanity continues.
We've also got some news including about how a student hacked into a teacher's phone and opened the teacher's phone, took her nudes, and then she got fired.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're now down to four as Ben Carson has abandoned his campaign.
Dr. Ben Carson accusing the Cruz campaign of playing dirty tricks to win the Iowa caucus.
As Christians, of course, we accept people's apologies.
But we also have to ask ourselves, is this acceptable?
Or should there be some accountability?
Tonight, the establishment unleashes its attack chihuahua, Marco Rubio, at the next GOP debate.
It'll still be quite a circus, as Rubio and Cruz will be joined by Megyn Kelly and the train seals from Fox News as they try to take down Donald Trump.
Join the InfoWars Nightly News staff for live commentary and analysis of the debate.
We'll give you the back story, the full story.
And we'll open our phone lines so you can call in and tell us how you see it.
The damage was done to me.
It wasn't done to them.
You can live stream on YouTube at the Alex Jones Channel or on Prison Planet TV.
Coverage begins at 7 Central, 8pm Eastern.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, welcome back.
It's the fourth hour.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Always happy to be invited to host the fourth hour overdrive.
And we've got so many video clips here, I don't think we're going to have time to get to calls.
You can, if you look right there, my Twitter address, at ASGucciardi.
You can send in your questions and I'll try to get to them and your thoughts on this.
So, a little background.
Romney comes out
I don't know, quite some time ago and talks about how great Trump is.
He's in Las Vegas with him and says he's a great business success.
Speaks very, very highly of him.
Now, Romney is coming out saying the exact opposite and there's a lot of craziness going on.
Let's go ahead and jump into these video clips starting with Romney saying that Trump is now not a huge business success.
If we make improvident choices, the bright horizon I've described will not materialize.
And let me put it very plainly.
If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished.
If Donald Trump's plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into prolonged recession.
A few examples.
His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war.
And that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America.
His tax plan, in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and to honestly address spending, would balloon the deficit and the national debt.
So even though Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.
But you say, wait, wait, wait.
Isn't he a huge business success?
Doesn't he know what he's talking about?
No, he isn't.
And no, he doesn't.
Look, his bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who work for them.
He inherited his business, he didn't create it.
And whatever happened to Trump Airlines?
How about Trump University?
And then there's Trump Magazine, and Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage.
A business genius he is not.
Well, there you go.
That's Mitt Romney.
He is quite well spoken.
Interesting on his delivery.
He obviously has quite an agenda there.
Romney, let's play this one next.
Trump is playing Americans for suckers.
Mr. Trump is directing our anger for less than noble purposes.
He creates scapegoats of Muslims and Mexican immigrants.
He calls for the use of torture.
He calls for killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists.
He cheers assaults on protesters.
He applauds the prospect of twisting the Constitution to limit First Amendment freedom of the press.
This is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss.
Here's what I know.
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud.
His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.
He's playing the members of the American public for suckers.
He gets a free ride to the White House, and all we get is a lousy hat.
His domestic policies would lead to recession.
His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe.
He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president.
And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill.
I'm convinced America has greatness ahead.
And this is a time for choosing.
God bless us to choose a nominee who will make that vision a reality.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy, he is very, very not smart.
Now I'm far from the first to conclude that Donald Trump lacks the temperament to be president.
After all, this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter, who attributed a reporter's questions to her menstrual cycle.
Who mocked a brilliant rival who happened to be a woman due to her appearance.
Who bragged about his marital affairs.
And who laces his public speeches with vulgarity.
Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin.
At the same time he's called George W. Bush a liar.
That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.
There's a dark irony in his boasts of his sexual exploits during the Vietnam War.
While at the same time, John McCain, whom he has mocked, was imprisoned and tortured.
Dishonesty is Donald Trump's hallmark.
He claimed that he had spoken clearly and boldly against going into Iraq.
He spoke in favor of invading Iraq.
He said he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9-11.
He saw no such thing.
He imagined it.
He's not of the temperament of the kind of stable, thoughtful person we need as leader.
His imagination must not be married to real power.
George W. Bush lying?
Oh my gosh, could you imagine?
Look, we're about to play a video titled, Trump Destroys Romney.
We've got three other ones that are really, really important to show.
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Now, I want to play for you this video entitled, Trump Destroys Romney.
Because you've heard a lot from Romney about how terrible Trump is.
Let's see what Trump has to say.
An amnesty program is when all the illegal immigrants who are here are now citizens and walk up and get your citizenship.
Registering to become a citizen or applying to become a citizen and paying a fee and those are things that are being considered and I think that those are reasonable proposals.
I want universal coverage.
I want everyone in Massachusetts and this country to have insurance.
Well, that's what we did in Massachusetts, and that is we put together an exchange, and the president's copying that idea.
I'm glad to hear that.
I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose.
Mitt on bailouts.
I'm just reading the text for you here.
I have never supported the President's Recovery Act.
I'll write the stimulus.
No time, nowhere, no how.
I think there is need for economic stimulus.
TARP got paid back and it kept the financial system from collapsing.
So you feel it was well worth it?
Well, it was the right thing to do.
Mitt on global warming.
But I believe the world is getting warmer.
Humans contribute to that.
So that's Donald Trump's response to that.
We've also got some Trump clips where he actually speaks in response to these things.
So let's go to Trump on stating Mitt Romney is a failed candidate.
Cue that up for a second here.
And as we talked about, this is Trump's actual response.
And that was a video he had made called Trump Destroys Romney.
This is his actual response to Romney saying he is a failed candidate.
Mitt Romney made a fairly long speech.
And I mean, honestly, I thought I'll just address it quickly because it's irrelevant.
Look, Mitt is a failed candidate.
He failed.
He failed horribly.
The third...
He failed badly.
That was a race, I have to say, folks, that should have been won.
That was a race that absolutely should have been won, and I don't know what happened to him.
He disappeared.
He disappeared.
And I wasn't happy about it, I'll be honest, because I am not a fan of Barack Obama, and that was a race that I backed Mitt Romney.
I backed him.
You can see how loyal he is.
He was begging for my endorsement.
I could have said, Mitt, drop to your knees.
He would have dropped to his knees.
He was begging.
He was begging me.
And did you see how great he said, oh, I'm not big like him.
He's the great businessman, all that stuff.
Well, since then, I've done much better.
And now he tries to demean, but we'll talk about that in a second.
But Mitt was thinking about running again.
He ran a horrible campaign.
It was a campaign that should have never been lost.
You're running against a failed president.
He came up with the 47%, he demeaned 47% of the people in our country, right?
The famous 47%.
Once that was said, I'll be honest, once that was said, a lot of people thought it was over for him.
Then the last month and a half, he disappeared.
And I called his people, I said, you have to do yourself a favor.
Obama, say what you want, he was on Jay Leno, he was on David Letterman, he was all over the place the last three, four weeks.
Mitt was looking for zoning for a nine-car garage or something in California, right?
I said, what's he doing?
Who cares about a garage?
You're running for president!
And Mitt was a disaster as a candidate.
So what happened, and it was very strong, and I think if the press goes back, they'll see it.
When I heard he was running again, and I wasn't sure I was going to be running.
But I was very, very strong to Mitt, and to everybody, and publicly.
Not to talk to him, because I didn't even want to talk to him.
I was so disappointed in him.
Because he let us down.
He let us down.
You know, it's one thing you lose, and you work, and you work, and you go.
He let us down.
He should have won.
Something happened to him.
He went away.
He was gone.
He was horrible in the third debate.
It was a horrible... Something happened.
I don't know what happened.
Maybe someday they'll write a book.
His campaign guy was terrible, terrible.
He had a terrible campaign manager who's always on television.
Stewart Stevens or something?
He's always on television knocking everybody.
The guy ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of modern politics.
And Mitt ran, probably it was the worst run that most people have seen, because most people thought that the Republican candidate would win.
So when Mitt hit his head, I was very strong.
I said, shh, he's a choke.
Very strongly.
Keep him in.
And shh actually convinced Mitt not to run.
Can you imagine?
Jeb, Jeb sold him.
Jeb, he's a good salesman.
See, now that he's out, I'll say Jeb's a good salesman, right?
He's a high-energy salesman.
But Mitt was afraid of Jeb, because he was afraid that Jeb would get the money, and Jeb would get whatever, and you know, I wasn't afraid.
I wasn't afraid of Jeb, I can tell you that.
So, what happened is Jeb Bush convinced Mitt not to run.
Mitt was going to run, it was going to be a third attempt, the second one being one of the great catastrophes, the first one just didn't happen, so that's okay, but the second was a catastrophe.
And what happened is, he went to see Jeb, and Jeb had him convinced that he's going to run, he's got the money, he's this, and Mitt chickened out.
But I'll tell you the real reason he chickened out.
It wasn't Jim.
It was me.
Because I said, he's a joke.
If you remember, Mitt was all set to run.
I know this from people that are close to him.
And I think he probably still has a desire, maybe at the convention, to try and get some kind of a thing.
Hillary Clinton will destroy him in the election.
Assuming she's allowed to run.
Assuming she's not arrested for the email situation.
Which is so terrible.
Which is so terrible.
I mean, so terrible.
But let's assume that the Democrats are going to protect her.
Let's assume that I will be running against Hillary, and I really want to.
I would love to run against Hillary.
And by the way, we have numerous polls that show me beating her easily, and I haven't even started on her yet, other than four weeks ago I did.
She called me sexist, and I hit her with the husband, and that was the last time I ever heard the word sexist.
Well, there's Donald Trump's response to everything Mitt Romney is saying and some talk on Hillary Clinton.
Look, here's my number one point on this entire election cycle, on the outcome of a lot of this, is that regardless of what you think about everything that Donald Trump believes, you know what the main point here is?
The main point is that the establishment mainstream media that backed Jeb Bush, and again, who cares what you think about these people?
The point is, they backed Jeb Bush, they backed Marco Rubio, they kinda backed Ted Cruz a little bit.
All they did though was attack Donald Trump over and over and over and over and over and now they have Mitt Romney attacking them for him.
But you know what happened?
They didn't succeed.
Donald Trump won.
Donald Trump is continuing to win.
Again, regardless of what you even think.
You know what the main thing is?
The mainstream media narrative is gone.
They no longer have the control.
And it reminds me of this amazing Conan clip, if we still have time to play it, where he highlights just how ridiculous the mainstream media is.
And this is why you hear people repeating the things they hear on the mainstream media like parrots.
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
A lot of people think the big news stories today are the snowstorm that's hitting the Midwest or the looming federal budget cuts.
But judging by local news, there's apparently an even bigger story that's sweeping the nation right now.
Check it out.
Well, if you filled up your gas tank lately, then you don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
This is all different stations saying the same thing.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
You don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise.
Alright, I think we get the point.
But, consider that, right?
They say the same scripted thing over and over again through the different networks owned by different companies.
You know, a small number of companies own them all sure, but owned by different companies, the same thing over and over again.
But that's just a silly gas price thing from a while ago, right?
But what if they're all saying the same narrative on things that matter?
What if they're all telling you how to think in unison throughout the different networks?
On things that matter.
Well, they are.
And they're saying it over and over again.
And that's why I wish we had some more time, actually, to talk about the people that actually believe it.
I talked to one of these people the other day, and it's been in short supply since no one believes the media anymore.
We'll talk about that a little bit more when we come back.
And also, we've got some more clips on Trump's response to Romney and much more.
Stay tuned.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Alright, we're back.
This is the fourth hour.
We gotta act quick because time is running out.
We've got a bit more from Trump in response to Romney on what he calls his failed candidacy.
Let's hear it.
...company, which, by the way, I still have.
I supply all my clubs with the water.
You know, numerous of those things I have.
The magazine, other things.
Get him out of here.
Get him out.
Get him out.
Hey, by the way, speaking of Mexico, I won the Hispanic vote, by far, in Nevada.
We won the Hispanic vote in Nevada in the polls.
We won Nevada, we won South Carolina, we won New Hampshire.
Then we had the big, big Tuesday where we won a tremendous number.
And I have to tell you this.
So, ultimately,
Mid chickened out.
And now he's saying, probably sees that Hillary's very weak, and now he's saying, oh, I wish I went, I wish I tried it.
But ultimately he didn't, because he would have gotten beaten very badly.
But I'll tell you what, a couple of things were mentioned that we have to discuss.
First of all, when he talks about me, I wrote just a couple of them down.
When he talks about me, they don't want to talk about 92-story buildings all over the place.
They don't want to talk about the Bank of America building in San Francisco, 1290 Avenue of the Americas.
They don't want to talk about the Westside Railroad yards where I built the city on the west side of Manhattan, a tremendous city on the west side of Manhattan.
They don't want to talk about 40 Wall Street and all the buildings.
They want to talk about
Which I still have.
I supply all my clubs.
I have a water company.
They want to talk about a magazine.
And I have a magazine.
It goes to all my clubs.
Little, tiny thing, you know, wherever you can find.
By the way, a school, little deal, but very, you know, I loved it when it was there.
They call it Trump University, Trump Initiative.
But I will tell you, just so you understand on the school, the school had 98% approval rating.
But you had an attorney that felt, oh, maybe I can sue Trump and get something.
The school had a 98 percent.
In other words, 98 percent of the people that took the courses, we signed report cards.
That's why you can't settle a case like that.
You put somebody up in the stand.
Did you write this?
The most beautiful thing.
They did a commercial.
They took it down where two people were going and saying negative.
And then we showed them the statement that they wrote.
They had to take the commercial down because 98 percent of the people that took the course that took the courses said
Really wonderful things about the other things got an a an a from the Better Business Bureau So I say how do I settle a case like this?
B-plus would be okay to B-plus would be okay, but we did better than a B-plus so so
And here's one thing I say about business.
I can't.
I watch these bankers, and they get millions of dollars a year.
Forty, fifty million dollars.
Frankly, it's ridiculous.
And then they'll settle with the government, if they're sued by the government, for two billion, three billion, five billion, twelve billion.
And I say to them, why don't you fight it?
They said, well, it's the government, we don't wanna fight.
Well, I said, you gotta fight it, because if you don't fight it, everyone's gonna sue you, and that's what happens.
You ever see it?
They settle for two billion, the next week they get sued again.
You gotta fight these things out.
You have to do things, you have to do what's right.
So with university, I knew I could get some bad publicity, but I have to, I have to do what's right.
Do we agree with that, by the way?
So, it's a very small case.
It's a civil case.
It's not a big deal.
And I'm going to win it in court.
And it'll cost me more money to win it in court than I could settle for, in my opinion.
But I'm going to win it in court.
And I said, oh, this is lousy timing, because it's too bad it wasn't a little bit later, because I happened to be running for president.
But I have other suits too.
Any businessman or businesswoman has lawsuits.
People sue to get their money back, they sue for this, they sue for that, they sue for a million different reasons.
So just so you understand, 98% approval rating, an A from the Better Business Bureau.
We're going to win the case, mark it down, we're going to win the case.
It'll be forever because it takes forever.
But that's the way it is.
I don't like to settle cases.
I don't like to do it.
Because once you settle cases, what happens is everybody says he's a settler.
Let's sue.
That's not me.
A lot of people don't sue me because they say it's too hard.
There it is.
There's Trump's response.
And we got to wrap it up.
There's no time left in the show.
Alex will be back tomorrow from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
slash 3 p.m.
Central with Overdrive.
Check out the rest of the stories.
CPS to prosecute trolls who use fake online profiles in Britain.
A lot more.
A lot of crazy news out there.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Thanks so much for listening.