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Filename: 20160201_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 1, 2016
3197 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, he discusses Donald Trump's potential to win the Republican nomination, Microsoft's role in the Iowa caucus, and concerns among Sanders supporters. He promotes a survivalist camps event at the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania from February 6th to 14th, and talks about various news articles including ISIS fighters exploiting the refugee crisis, economic instability caused by JP Morgan Chase slashing its outlook for stocks, Puerto Rico proposing a debt cut for creditors, and how the government trains people to intimidate and dress like criminals.

Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we have entered February in the year 2016.
On this Monday edition, thank you so much for joining us on the 1st of February 2016.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours and we have our own Mikkel Thelen in studio, investigative journalist, who's big on the hacker beat, breaking that NASA was indeed hacked, drone hijacked by the White Hat hackers and steered out to sea to illustrate the giant gaping holes in government security.
And it's now been confirmed that NASA indeed was hacked.
Our story is still on DrudgeReport.com, an enduring link up there since yesterday.
Hackers allegedly, now it's confirmed, hijacked drone after massive data breach at NASA.
Hackers released 631 aircraft and radar videos, 2,143 flight logs and data on 2,414 employees, as well as hijacking or remote controlling a drone.
Which they can do with all your big new aircraft also have the hijacking capabilities in them as well.
That's what the remote control systems are based on is autopilot.
That's coming up for like 30 minutes in the third hour.
We're going to have Richard Reeves at a Trump rally that kicks off at about 1.30 Central.
He'll be there talking to folks and also will be carrying some of Trump's speech.
Richard Reeves will pop in before that.
He's also again in Iowa there for the caucuses that are starting as we speak.
So there is so much to go over on that front.
And then Paul Joseph Watson from London.
We'll be hosting the fourth hour today.
And undoubtedly, there are at least ten new articles, usually five, of mass rapings, stabbings, killings, lootings, poopings.
That's another fun thing the radical jihadis do because they come from the worst third world areas, the Middle East.
And so they jump in the public pools in the winter and begin fondling and defecating and urinating.
There's more of that going on.
I mean, I don't want to get off on the gross stuff.
It's like all these foreigners coming in from all over the third world that have never had toilets.
And so just everywhere there's human feces now and urine.
And well, it's a cultural exchange program, I guess.
So don't dare teach them about our culture.
Just accept theirs, because that's what you do in political correctness, is you basically kill any type of advanced culture and go to the lowest common denominator, because that's what the social engineers want to have to begin with, is total control.
Now, when we come back from break, I don't know how to go over all this news.
I'm going to try my best.
And there's a phenomenon.
I read news at night.
I read news in the morning.
I scan television.
I scan the different videos coming in, the different emails.
I look at hundreds of pieces of data, and then I come in here an hour before, sometimes 20 minutes before, and just thumb through hundreds of articles, most of which I've already seen, and then a lot of which I haven't, and then my head just starts spinning before I get on air.
And whatever focus I had, kind of blast out into the ether by the time I get on air, and I guess that's kind of a good thing.
The show's a success, and it wakes a lot of people up, so I guess you can't argue with that, but I wanted to get into the secret of the Hall of the Mountain King here today.
And I more and more just thematically want to, as an allegory, as an archetype, bring people into the hall of the Mountain King and all of the secrets within.
Because that is the main allegory of the enemy.
It's one of their favorite secret symbols is the man in the mountain with the knowledge of the ages.
It's another metaphor for Elysium or Mount Olympus or breaking away.
And it's not gold and silver or diamonds or rubies or fast cars or fine horses or women that are wealth in this world.
True wealth comes from ideas and understanding how systems work.
And the public is akin to Helen Keller in their ignorance.
Microsoft's Bing technology has already called Iowa a victory for Hillary Clinton.
A result that has not gone unnoticed among Bernie Sanders supporters, given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus.
Using data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search engine queries to predict its results.
Microsoft believes Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada, while Sanders takes New Hampshire.
And as noted by Paul Joseph Watson, Microsoft also correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the no vote for Scottish Independence, and the outcome for over 95% of the 2014 U.S.
midterm elections.
And that track record is raising concerns among Bernie Sanders supporters, who have pointed out a potential conflict of interest given that precinct officials are using the app created by Microsoft to count votes and report caucus results.
Last week, Sanders' Iowa campaign manager questioned the impartiality of the app.
Others have also pointed out that hackers could penetrate the cloud network on which the Microsoft app runs in order to skew the vote.
Visit InfoWars.com for more election news.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this first day of February 2016.
When we hit April, that'll be 21 years on air.
And in about 10 days, I'll be 42.
Hard to believe I started out on air when I was 21.
Thank you so much for joining us, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
Anthony Gucciari hosts the fourth hour.
I think he's popping in with Paul Joseph Watson from the United Kingdom, so a lot of key information coming up today.
I don't know where to start, but there are stories like this one on InfoWars.com.
Hillary claims she is not in the pocket of anyone after receiving six million from George Soros alone last month.
And we have a CBS News clip where she says she's not beholden to anyone.
No, she's just gotten more money from Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and all these big globalist operations than all other candidates combined.
So she's an outsider.
And she's going to stand up for women because she really cares about you, just like Obama stood up for black people and doubled their unemployment basically.
Absolutely turned us back on those communities that are some of the most government dependent out there for government jobs programs.
Just basically ended those because that makes you all the more on your knees, doesn't it?
So we'll be getting to that clip.
Hillary claims she is not in the pocket of anyone after receiving six million from Soros just last month.
Yeah, they have quote investigative journalist at Media Matters that's openly funded by Soros and run by the White House.
They brag that they get talking points every week from the White House and meet with the White House.
The head of it was the former transition head of the White House for Obama.
Two years ago, they said, we want to have investigative journalists talk to Alex Jones.
We want to be fair and balanced.
I knew it was a big joke, but I wanted to be able just to hear what the Media Matters folks would say.
So I get on the phone with them, and it's the editor of Media Matters, and I go, hey, listen, you got three million this year from George Soros alone, and he's your number one funder, and he's a Nazi war criminal.
Oh, no, he's not, and we don't get any money from him.
So I pulled up federal
Donation information online.
Just searched it in the federal database, which anybody can do online, for George Soros funding media matters.
And then it took me to Wikipedia that had links to the actual federal register where it said it.
And I said, well, here's four or five million just last year, and here's six million before that, and ten million to help set it up.
He goes, you're funny.
You got another conspiracy theory for me.
And I went, so I'm on the federal government's own website, and you're saying George Soros doesn't fund you.
He said, that's right, started giggling, and I said, this interview is over.
That's how dumb they think you are!
But it's like the gaslighting techniques the CIA talks about, where you slap somebody across the face,
And you have somebody else with you, generally, and the person says, how dare you slap me?
And the other person laughs.
And they go, we didn't slap you.
And some people are so suggestible with mass Stockholm Syndrome that they will actually then believe they're mentally ill and insane.
And they'll just sit there and go, there's no world government.
Pope didn't call for world government.
Davos didn't call for world government.
There is no plan to get your guns.
Obamacare is free.
There are no death panels.
And then one week after Obamacare passes, cover of Newsweek, The Case for Killin' Granny, and you bet they're death panels and they're good.
And we're gonna kill you deader than a hammer.
And Bill Gates gets up in front of, you know, these teacher conventions and goes, um, if we don't give someone end of life care, um, that's 10 teachers we can hire.
As if you're going to get the bounty of killing this person.
It shows the teachers kind of rocking back and forth in their seats getting, getting, getting real excited!
Because, oh money!
And they're so decadent, they're so slothful, they're so weak, they're so evil, they're so parasitic, they're so predatory.
At a base level, they just fantasize about not treating people and people dying and them getting some of the loot.
As if you, you spineless, ugly, stupid people would get anything from your devilish master that can't wait to tear you into little pieces.
You fools!
You dishonorable, weak scum!
As if you can do something to the least of us and it won't be done to you, better for you to tie a millstone around your neck and cast it into the deepest ocean.
Let me translate that.
Better for you to tie a giant boulder around your chicken neck with a rope around your neck and throw it into a 5,000 foot deep ocean in the Marianas Trench.
Because it's 14,000 feet or whatever it is.
All right, before I go off and do a rant, excuse me, let me just do this.
We've never gotten through more than 20 stories, but I've got a couple hundreds here.
Let's just try to read headlines.
These are not even the most important in order.
BBC, scientists get gene editing, go ahead.
Will be illegal for scientists to implant modified embryos into women.
But they've already been growing in other animals for at least 30 years.
But now they're getting around to telling the slaves.
There's a big rollout right now about how much fun it is.
Of course, I began about three months ago a secret plan to actually legally and lawfully get inside these and actually show you.
I wonder why they're suddenly admitting it to everyone.
Psychological inoculation for when it comes out, people will just say, wasn't that the last episode of X-Files?
But they always with the X-Men and the X-Files, the mutation has magical powers.
No, it's grown up like a ham inside a cow and then it gets dissected.
It doesn't, you know, shoot fireballs across the room.
See, just like the biometrics in cars and the tracker boxes and everything is meant to be fun and cool and it's suddenly there and, oh, we're going to start taxing you with it, but only the nicest Mercedes had it ten years ago.
And then, oh, the lowest level Mercedes and the lowest level Toyota and you pay for it and it's so cool and so convenient.
So the subconscious message is, let them genetically engineer you.
You're going to shoot fireballs.
You're going to fly.
You're going to be like Spider-Man.
You're going to be infertile.
And your children are going to have low IQs.
And they're not going to have children.
And the globalists are going to declare victory against you and your seed, if you let them.
So that's one article.
Excuse me, I guess I didn't do what I said I'd do.
I just went to one article out of more than 200 today.
And they're all just as important.
People are like, why do you keep obsessing over embryos and animals?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't know the hundreds of horrible reasons it's so deadly.
The dehumanization.
What's coming next?
What are they doing we don't know?
The zoological crossover viruses and bacterial mutagens that are already causing mass plagues across the earth that they're quietly trying to downplay?
Oh, here's another little juicy for you.
I've had scientists on 20 years ago breaking this down.
Alzheimer's can be transmitted from one person to another.
New evidence suggests Alzheimer's is a cloud name.
A catch-all for exploding neurological disorders.
But yes, mutated mold and mutated different fungis and mutated bacteria and mutated nanotech
Crystalline structures are spreading in mammal brains everywhere.
And now there's neurological disorders up over tens of thousands of percentage.
And then they just sit there and tell you everything's okay.
Bye-bye, bluebird.
You gotta laugh at all this.
Oh, I thought it was aluminum in the pots.
I thought it was... Oh, no, they're finding that there's crystal structures
Not just like the mad cow, but it's in the same class that stay on the scalpels.
Of course, this has been known for decades.
The elite, when they have brain surgery, they go to elite, high-level hospitals the public doesn't even have access to in most cases, or a wing the public doesn't have access to.
And brand new surgical steel and titanium systems are used, and when they're done, they're sold into an aftermarket
Back out.
But they don't have scalpels or other devices with metal in their bodies that have ever cut on anybody else.
And it's because of these natural nanotech type formations in the world, in the galaxy, in the universe, that they're trying to mimic with nanotech, but are simply different forms of crystals.
Oh, that's two articles.
Let me continue here.
Oh, look at this!
Why is nobody nailing Obama for this huge, bold-faced lie that he was just caught in?
I don't know!
Because they've conditioned us to accept it?
We'll get into that.
Oh, EU leaders claim no link between Cologne sex attacks and migrants.
Even though the police admit it was all Muslim migrant men, it doesn't matter because the government said it didn't exist.
I'll walk right up and punch you in the nose.
Your nose is bleeding.
I go, nobody punched you in the nose.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
Imagine, if you want to know the secrets of the universe, they just tell you they don't exist, there is nothing but TV, and if you say, I question known liars, you're a conspiracy theorist.
What an ultimate brainwashing technique.
Okay, we're going to get into Iowa, and we come back, and a lot of people say, man, why don't you be more positive?
You know, I am positive about humanity.
If we admit how much trouble we're in, and activate our survival instinct, and stop being nihilistic, and stop giving up, as the spirit of the world is projecting and broadcasting, believe me, I see it, I feel it, I hear it.
Then we have a chance at infinity.
If we don't, we will fall.
You see, God is a free will entity.
We're being given free will to destroy ourselves.
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We're here live.
We've got some really interesting and informative guests going to be joining us throughout the week via Skype, via phone, in person, in studio.
We've got Richard Reeves obviously in Iowa until tomorrow.
He's going to be popping in also during some of our live coverage tonight after the news of what's unfolding on that front as well at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I shot a little tongue-in-cheek piece last night right before I went live on the radio for the Sunday show at 4 o'clock.
Called Trump wins Iowa in landslide.
And that little video has got 141,000 views just on Facebook since last night.
But the reason I point that out is Trump in almost every poll has gone from neck and neck or behind Cruz to three to five points ahead of him.
And Trump has 10, 15, 20 point leads, 30 point leads in places like New Hampshire, in places like Michigan, in places like New York.
He is the absolute total frontrunner.
And when I watch Fox and CNN and all of it monitoring them, because I've been watching more because of the election obviously, I've been watching hours of it a day probably with it on the background.
I turn it up when they come back from break.
And that's not what's true.
So they're really, really trying to put the kibosh on Trump.
And that tells you everything you need to know.
The establishment is deathly afraid of Trump.
He is an unknown country, an unknown quantity.
I'm not saying he's perfect.
I'm not saying I completely trust him, because he is a loose cannon.
But we know what we've got, as I've said a hundred times with Hillary and Jeb Bush and Bernie Sanders.
I mean, imagine in America, a guy goes out and has crowds of up to 50,000 people in every state.
For, quote, socialism, when we know socialism floats like a lead balloon.
I mean, it is a disaster.
Everywhere it's tried, but Libya.
And that's because there was, and I've always said historically, only a strong man, philosopher dictator, can take something like a national resource like oil,
Sell it and then put it into actual education, actual public works, actual libraries, aquifers, and national industries.
And he really did that.
And I'm not lionizing Muammar Gaddafi.
It's just a fact that that is the case.
It works nowhere because special interests come in, they take control of the socialism, they take control of the distribution, and they begin shutting down all their competition, giving government contracts to their friends.
That then kills competition.
Scarcity starts up.
Look at Venezuela, look at Russia, look at everywhere.
China, you could say, has worked, but it's been communism on the top, really fascism, with a tiny group of generals and party members becoming billionaires, with a huge mass of hard-working, entrepreneurial people, culturally, free marketers, culturally, very materialistic, very scientific.
That's still the stereotypes for reasons.
Hard-working, smart, entrepreneurial, Chinese.
Can grow plants in a desert.
You know, really smart, hard-working people, but they're held as slaves for thousands of years by imperial elites.
And just like Russia went from imperial elites to communism, China went from imperial elites to communism.
America went from imperial elites to 1776 and free market, and ended up having more than half the wealth in the world, almost all the patents, the trailblazers, the toughest people in a fight, the most inventions,
I mean, the whole world, from Japan, to France, to Russia, to Chile, go back 200 years ago, 100 years ago, America was the best, America was the best, America was the best, America was the best.
Our sports, our culture, everything dominated because it just gave humans a little bit of freedom, a little bit, compared to other societies.
And there were articles in England and other places saying,
Two hundred years ago, if the American system doesn't get taken over, and if it keeps operating, empires will fall to its mercantile, modern free market system.
That's how they kind of saw it was mercantile, even though it wasn't.
But you can read those articles.
And so, British intelligence and others came over, you can look this up, by 1900, made it fashionable in the newspapers to speak with a British accent, had the
The East Coast robber barons begin to speak with English accents.
They call it an Atlantic accent.
Plus from Howell III and got everyone into it.
Sent in British intelligence into New York, into D.C.
Set up Pratt House in 1922 in New York and took over.
We were taken over by the British Empire at that point.
But be clear, that doesn't mean the British people, but the British Empire system of the Rothschilds that they hijacked in 1815 is in current control.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Islamic State is threatening to launch an attack on London so terrible that it will turn children's hair white.
The extremist group published an article in its Arabic-language newspaper stating a doomsday attack would take place on British soil.
ISIS claimed the UK would receive the lion's share of its European terrorist attacks.
Threat is apparently in response to the UK's decision to extend its aerial bombing campaign against the Islamic State.
It also promises to carry out follow-up attacks to the Paris Massacre in November, which left 130 dead and more than 300 injured.
The Islamic State finally referenced a verse of the Quran which discusses Judgment Day, stating the attack on Britain will be so horrific it will turn children's hair to white.
The threat will no doubt fuel concerns that jihadists are exploiting the refugee crisis to slip into the EU undetected by using fake passports so they can launch terrorist attacks on British soil.
If there is a terrorist attack, it's likely the UK government will exploit it to enact a police state just like France.
Especially considering that NATO has been arming and funding ISIS as a proxy army against Syria for quite some time.
You can read more international news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So I might as well put some action in my life.
Breaking the law.
Well, the tyranny is the law.
It is our duty before God to break it.
The elite's controlling our country.
They write the laws that are unconstitutional, many of them, and then flagrantly break them all they want.
I've got a clip here with a New York attorney when they're asking him about money laundering and corruption from 60 Minutes.
The lawyer says, the top lawyer says, we run the country.
We can do whatever we want.
It's like Jim Cramer admitted, I guess, a decade or so ago in a big interview.
He said, yeah, I used to break the law all the time.
We used to fix and rig everything.
That was after the statute of limitations was up, and he hadn't traded stocks or securities for a decade.
So, that's what's happening here, ladies and gentlemen.
The elites and their companies are exempt from Obamacare.
The elites are exempt from the major taxes.
In fact, I have a clip I want to play here in a moment first, where Hillary talks about the Warren Buffett rule that the quote, wealth should come from those that have it.
So let me see, if there is a goose that symbolizes free market capitalism and innovation and competitiveness and ideas, and it produces two golden eggs every morning, saying that the wealth should come from who produces it is like saying take a hatchet and cut it open.
And then you get the one or two eggs that are in there that it hadn't laid yet, and then you got a dead goose.
So instead of getting a thousand golden eggs or more, you get a couple of golden eggs.
It's called a conquest looting economy versus a free market economy.
And there's always a mix of the two historically.
This is Alex Jones economics, but this is what you study history is really going on.
Cronies, insider elite groups controlling things, ruling by force, always consolidating, never having enough power, their own strata of elites under them, setting up their own little petty empires, destroying productivity, destroying confidence.
Why should you build a business if somebody is just going to take it?
You go to third world countries that never got a shot at freedom, whether it be in Eastern Europe or Latin America, you talk to people, they're just as smart as we are.
Smarter, great artists, intelligent, but they don't want to produce anything because somebody's just going to take it from them.
Or if they try to, other people with a socialist mindset get mad at them and try to take what they've got.
So the response is, don't produce.
And I guess in a way the Bible's right, the meek will then inherit the earth.
The earth that the free marketers build.
But first, the free marketers build the earth, build the civilization, and then the gang of parasites come, and they loot it, and they pull it down, and they burn it to the ground.
Then they point at the ruins, their grandchildren do, and say, our ancestors built that, when you didn't build it.
Obama inverts reality and tells business owners, whether they be a poet or an author or a haircutting facility or a gas station, you didn't build that.
As if humanity collectively didn't build it.
As if innovation didn't build it.
As if competition didn't build it.
He said the state built it.
And yes, the state can sit there and steal massive amounts of our capital, our labor, our work, as if it's a palette of paints and put the different colors out of our energy, our creations, our inventions, and then paint on a palette and claim the painting is theirs.
But it's done in our blood and our guts and our tears and our sweat, not the state.
And when you start hearing the state saying it is the fount of wisdom and the fount of civilization,
You know you're entering a communist hell pit.
And let me tell you something, I see a lot of Bernie Sanders stickers around Austin, Texas.
And I see these people and many of them have bumper stickers that say, I like to pay taxes because I like civilization.
I forget who said the quote.
Yes, groups of people can get together.
And decide to vote to take a portion of their money collectively to build something for the public good.
A canal, a river, a lake, an electrical system, a museum, a road, but not... Oh, notice the more socialist it gets, we build the roads, give them the special interest, call that privatization.
We build racetracks and then give it to the private interest.
They build museums and then charge you to go into them.
They build libraries and then charge you to go into them.
But that's the old vestigial end.
Of trying to build a civilization.
The point is a rich free market with low taxes and low regulation on individuals produces a giant cream top off which you can take some money and build infrastructure.
But you don't jack up taxes to 80% and then have an infrastructure, it collapses.
French infrastructure is collapsing.
The immigrant-migrant darlings are running around engaged in thousands of robberies and carjackings and lootings on the highways a day.
That was in French news agency last week.
The country is in collapse.
It has the highest suicide rate in the world now, above Japan.
The French government two years ago imposed a 101% tax on millionaires.
You say, how is that possible?
It's meant to destroy wealth.
And how could you do something like that?
What elite would do that to themselves?
Because they exempt themselves.
It came out four years ago that the French socialists selectively do not pay federal taxes.
And all of them, to a person, have basically been caught with giant Swiss bank accounts of stolen money on top of it.
And they know they're hardcore criminals.
It's not like they're corrupt and getting away with it.
They have taken over.
They rule.
You try to unseat them like Marie Le Pen, they arrest you.
They are the oligarchs, and they are loved by the fawning socialist masses.
Hey, you want three months of vacation?
Hey, you want a 35-hour work week?
You got it.
You got it.
Nobody's going to fix your leaking ceiling.
Guess what?
Guess what?
There's no job for you now.
Oh, guess what?
The highway's falling apart.
101% tax.
And they don't care that almost every movie star from France has left.
They don't care that almost
Every soccer star has left.
They don't care if their main media people have left.
They don't care because they want to depress it.
They want to run it in the ground like the French Revolution till everything collapses.
And they're the only ones with money.
They're the only ones left standing and buy it all up.
And then they're going to make it imperial again and militaristic and right-wing and they'll put a Napoleon in.
Mark my words.
It's a cycle.
It's what Dark Side Illuminati are into, and you can sit there and watch them doing it.
You go, they're idiots!
They're imploding their own country!
No, they're not!
You engage in siege and cut everyone else off, the masses beg you more to take more of their rights because they think you're actually giving them something.
They join you even more in the lottery ticket culture.
That if we just get the right socialist in, you know, where's all the free health care?
Oh, Obama didn't deliver it, but Bernie Sanders and Hillary, they will.
Oh, Sarkozy didn't deliver, so Hollande's gonna deliver.
And when he doesn't deliver, oh, somebody else will deliver.
When if you could just keep 60-70% of your own money, that would deliver you into running your own life, your own house, your own car, your own vacation.
Your own decisions, but see, oh no no, you've got to be on the government control, even if you have a job, you've got to be dictated to, because that private job is a government contract, so you need to watch your behavior, or you're going to lose that job, lose that pension.
Well guess what, because you all got quiet, and you all went along, the military, the police, the bureaucrats all over the world, got in line to the globalists?
Now you're going to lose everything because a world of sheep will be ruled by good old Lobo, the wolf.
You want to be sheep?
You want to be dishonorable slaves?
You want to be fools?
Enjoy yourselves.
Believe that arch-communist with his sickening rhetoric, knowing he's preying on people, Bernie Sanders.
Knowing full well the ultra-elite that he badmouths all day are financing the socialist revolution.
Are running the whole takeover.
And why is that again?
Because they are exempt from their own system.
They are exempt.
They are above the law.
They have diplomatic and political immunity.
They are the new royalty.
They have the letter of mark, not you.
And if people won't figure that out and see it, with computers and robots and upscaling technology, we should all be working 10, 20 hours a week on really fun, interesting projects and going to the stars and just having incredible medical developments that are guided by moral compass and even preparing ourselves to go to the next level of human development, which is just unbelievably amazing.
Not gonna happen.
The elite have stated in thousands of white papers that we've covered hundreds of them here, that they decided that you're unwashed, you're gonna be drugged, chemicalized, entertained into a stupor, and you're going to be given cancer, and you're gonna be phased out.
Pretty soon though, it'll be neurological disorder will be the main cause of death, that infectious disease.
And they tell you they're killing you.
And see, they tell me they're killing me in all these books, and I see them actually setting it up and putting the tracker boxes in the cars, and just as like a normal mammal, I go, oh, get ready, folks!
Raleigh, do something!
Look at them!
And people are like, shut up, man!
Cowboys are coming off, baby!
And then I'm the weirdo, because as a normal man,
I'm just trying to survive and have a future for humanity.
People look at me and they go, you care about other people?
You actually care?
My problem is, you try to help a lot of people and they don't want your help.
You try to show people the secrets of how things operate that are hiding in plain view, they don't want it.
They like the way they see the world, and they don't care what's really there.
You know, this isn't my opinion.
The stuff we cover here is a fact.
And the difference is now people know that's true.
They know that really it's worse than I'm saying, that I don't have the words.
I don't have the verbal, semantical, thesaurus to paint you a picture.
of the abject horror that we're going into.
And right behind a paper-thin wall are the nastiest, most despicable, most dehumanizing, most horrifying things you could ever imagine.
I was told by a genetic engineer
About a project they were on in England once, and I never told the story on air because it's so fantastical.
Oh, God.
They had, in tanks, people with gills.
They were little babies, and they were in there just gulping, clawing at the sides.
You see a turtle at the zoo, and it wants out, and you feel for it.
They got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff.
I mean, we are screwed, people.
I mean, do you understand that?
And I know I keep obsessing because it's in the news what they're doing now.
They don't show it to you, they just go, yeah, gestating on farms are embryos of humans growing in animals.
They take them out, they keep them alive.
No, it's beyond that.
And notice they go, the only law is you don't put it in a real human woman.
And don't worry, these creatures don't have any rights because they're not human and they're not animal.
They're in that phantom zone.
They're in that
Fifth dimension of the Twilight Zone.
And they're just opening the gates of hell!
And I just can't sit here and go along with all the pumps and the stupid Hollywood people and everyone preening and driving their $200,000 cars and getting off on being on TV.
I don't even hardly watch when I'm on television.
I hate it.
I hate this whole culture.
I hate the whole thing.
It means nothing to me!
It's all fake!
It's all a facade!
And behind it are mad scientists, in the Hall of the Mountain King, just doing God knows what, super weapons, antimatter bombs, black holes, huge cyclotrons, splicing every plant and animal on the known face of the earth, it's the most satanic rituals you can imagine.
Those are satanic rituals.
Detonating hundreds of high-powered hydrogen bombs in the 1960s in the upper atmosphere to see if they could detonate the Earth's atmosphere and blow holes in the Van Allen radiation belt is so satanic!
Splicing little babies with fish is satanic!
Putting prions and all this garbage in our food is satanic!
You think real satanists go and just sit there and have sex with some hot chick on a black altar?
That's how they get the low-level people in!
Real satanism is about murdering this planet!
And all you stinking satanists are nothing but cowards that have tried to join this system!
You have no idea what Lucifer's got in store with you!
You scum!
You're gonna be torn limb from limb slowly.
You're gonna beg!
Your deaths are gonna be slow!
Know that, scum!
The gulping humanoids in their tanks, scrabbling at the side with human horror in their eyes.
But don't worry, Time Magazine will write some jokes, Media Matters will have little trendies with different colored socks and little beards that talk in metrosexual voices going, look at Alex Jones laughing about humanoids, you know, they've all had stories.
It's so funny, isn't it?
It's gonna be funny when you're dying at 40-something of a neurological disorder.
It's gonna be real funny when your friends and family are all dying around you, but you'll be so in entertainment and, oh, I brought flowers by.
Yeah, she's dying at 30 of lung cancer.
Oh, I'm doing a jog to find a cure.
Yeah, you don't even care about people dying.
The truth is you like it!
You don't have any empathy.
You don't care.
You just want to go buy shampoo that has a little bunny symbol on it that says it wasn't tested on animals.
Thank God the shampoo wasn't tested on animals.
Again, what does Colonel Kurtz say?
We train our men to drop fire on children.
We deliberately target children with hellfire, but then we court-martial our pilots if they write cuss words on their airplanes.
We'll be back.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
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I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing till they got a hold of me.
I help the blind to see.
I got no friends.
There can't be a scene with me.
I love it.
And I'm feelin' me.
No more Mr. Nice Guy!
Oh, I'm gonna be clean.
I'm gonna come clean with everything.
There's not a better show than Alex Kipper's show.
That's evil.
Oh, I know.
Cross-species humanoids.
That's not to be discussed.
Since I mentioned it, here's the Hillary piece where she says that she can't be bought.
Well, I guess because you're already paid for, I guess that is true.
Of course, whores aren't bought.
Aren't they rented, actually?
And I don't say you're a whore because you're a woman.
I call the political class whores.
Because every criticism of her turns into an attack on women.
I once had a newspaper ask me, why do you call Hillary Clinton a whore?
Well, if she isn't a political whore, I don't know what is.
And so is John Boehner and Obama and all the rest of it.
She's worse than that.
I mean, in fact, I don't want to put down prostitutes.
I don't mean sexual whore, I mean a whore to the establishment.
Meanwhile, $6 million in the last month, InfoWars.com, Steve Watson article, Hillary claims she is not in the pocket of anyone after receiving $6 million from Soros last month.
Let's go to that clip.
Well, look, anybody who knows me knows I'm not in the pocket of anyone who thinks they can influence me.
Certainly doesn't know me.
But what I do think is interesting is I've laid out the most comprehensive, toughest, effective plan to make sure Wall Street never wrecks Main Street again.
That's what Paul Krugman and Barney Frank and others have said.
But the really interesting part of this is how the Republicans have now been running about six million dollars of ads against me.
Billionaire hedge fund guys, Karl Rove and others who are desperate to try to confuse Democrats about who has the best plan and best understanding of how this is done.
What Karl Rove does is sit on top of all the Republican grassroots money and funnel it off.
Oh, Karl Rove doesn't like you.
Oh boy, you know, the operatives of the Bushes that you call your family.
I mean, just give me a break.
You cannot get more establishment than Hillary Clinton.
And that's why people are running to Sanders.
That's actually a good sign, even though he's socialist.
And I get it.
But they'd run to a socialist over him.
Over her.
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Infowars4.com and we need the funding to put our reporters out there in the field as you see in the last week in three different states.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I got so upset talking about humanoid chimeras again.
That are just emblematic of how far this insanity's gone.
That it just hides in plain view, but nobody cares.
You know, if you have brown paper bags, it's horrible and you're racist, but if you're splicing humans with animals and keeping them in slave pit laboratories, it's wonderful and liberal and... It's just incredible.
We're going to get into Iowa.
We've got Richard Reeves coming up.
I'm going to take a break here for a moment because I get upset and once that happens, it's not good.
I want to reset, come back and really hit the news hard on the economy, science, technology, you name it.
A big three hours left of transmission.
But first, here is a new Mark Dice video that's up on Infowars.com.
Hillary supporters endorse Karl Marx for Vice President.
Of course, Karl Marx helped create a system that killed 200 million people.
Here it is.
Hillary Clinton has announced her vice presidential pick, Karl Marx, her economic advisor, but we still need a few more signatures to support her and her decision.
Hillary has been being advised by Karl Marx for many years now, and choosing him as her vice presidential pick will help boost her candidacy credentials amongst a lot of people, so I appreciate you supporting that.
Hillary Clinton has announced her choice for Vice President under her campaign.
Economic Advisor Karl Marx, but we still need a few more signatures.
Who is it going to be?
Signatures for what?
Just to ensure that he gets on the ballot with her.
Karl Marx has been an Obama advisor for many years now as his economic advisor, so Hillary chose Karl Marx to be the vice presidential candidate.
I appreciate you supporting that.
Let's see if we can get the utopia we've all been hoping for, finally.
No problem.
She gotta step up.
I don't like to see what Trump doing.
She gotta step up.
Thank you.
Vice presidential pick, communist Karl Marx, but we still, the economic advisor, but we still need a few more signatures to help make sure that... I live in Arizona.
...that this is a nationwide support.
Print birthday signature to help Hillary's campaign.
Karl Marx, your new vice presidential pick.
Karl Marx, the economist.
I did it backwards, is that okay?
Oh, that's fine, yeah, just print there.
Thank you for supporting her vice-presidential pick of Karl.
Thank you so much.
Hillary has announced her vice-presidential pick, Communist Karl Marx, to be the VP for the 2016 election, but we still need a few more signatures just to help Hillary out and to fight sexism.
I don't see what's the problem.
I don't know enough about it.
All right.
We're just getting some signatures from the citizens to show that they support Hillary's choice.
I think she made the right decision with Karl Marx.
Thank you for supporting that.
Thank you for supporting that.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate that.
Hillary Clinton has chosen Communist Karl Marx, her economic advisor, to be her vice president for the 2016 election.
But we still need a few more signatures to help make sure that he gets on the ballot with her to help Hillary.
I need a signature down here, please.
Just real quick.
Prince, birthdate, signature.
Prince, birthdate, signature.
I don't like it.
I heard ya.
I heard ya.
This guy will do it.
Print their birthdate, their signature there.
They already signed it.
Karl Marx has been her economic advisor for some time now, so choosing him to be the VP, probably the best thing for her candidacy, wouldn't you agree?
Right on, brother.
Thank you.
Thanks for helping.
Hillary Clinton has announced her choice for VP, Economic Advisor Karl Marx, but we still need to get a few more signatures to get him approved for Hillary.
Alright, let's write it down.
Drugsreport.com is now linked to it, it's in the middle column.
You can go see it there or in fullwars.com and see the rest of it.
And this is really who he talks to.
Almost everyone in California that he talks to wants to also put gun owners in forced labor camps.
Microsoft's Bing technology has already called Iowa a victory for Hillary Clinton.
A result that has not gone unnoticed among Bernie Sanders supporters, given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus.
Using data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search engine queries to predict its results.
Microsoft believes Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada, while Sanders takes New Hampshire.
And as noted by Paul Joseph Watson, Microsoft also correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the no vote for Scottish Independence, and the outcome for over 95% of the 2014 U.S.
midterm elections.
And that track record is raising concerns among Bernie Sanders supporters, who have pointed out potential conflict of interest given that precinct officials are using the app created by Microsoft to count votes and report caucus results.
Last week, Sanders' Iowa campaign manager questioned the impartiality of the app.
Others have also pointed out that hackers could penetrate the cloud network on which the Microsoft app runs in order to skew the vote.
Visit InfoWars.com for more election news.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
His name is Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, the nut job radio guy.
Talk show host Alex Jones.
A man who trades in such sinister conspiracy theories, you have to wonder if he really believes half of what he says.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Can anything be done to stop the hatred?
I think Alex was the one who took the pro-gun position.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
Alex Jones is a 9-11 truther.
That conspiracy theory comes from the mother of all conspiracy theories.
It's an internet talk show called Info Wars.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
They're making some very serious allegations against the U.S.
government, saying that they stage attacks, they allow them to occur in the United States against U.S.
Alex Jones may sound crazy.
Unless he classifies.
I think that Alex Jones is a lunatic.
That man is a threat to this country.
He's the conspiracy theorist.
Deeply, I think, racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
He's considered legitimate among the crazy.
Challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally, and pop him.
I'd love to see that.
In uniform.
Keep shoving lies at your audience, jackasses.
I like that guy.
We have gangsters running this country.
The bigger this war gets, the more freedoms we lose.
We have a fog that has descended upon our entire nation.
The globalists are going to blow stuff up and blame it on you.
But Hillary's the one who runs the cover-up.
Everything you've heard us talk about is now going to unfold in triplicate spades.
It's as real as it gets.
I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
He said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
You want it, baby?
You're about to get it.
We did meet the British at Concord Bridge to serve tea, be tolerant, and see how many guns or what kind of guns they came to take.
We met them at Concord Bridge and we blew their punk-ass brains out.
InfoWars has been able to break every record, infiltrate every operation,
Blow the criminal cover of operatives more than any other institution out there of freedom.
And I'm so proud of that.
The notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women.
No, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
I hope the enemies of this broadcast
When you lie about us, when you censor us, when you attack us, when you delist us, when you do that, you're signing on to the other side.
These people are of the devil.
Let's be very blunt about this.
Raise hell and demand accountability.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
The crowd is now moving forward toward the barrier.
The police have been telling everybody they're going to shoot if we don't move back.
Their defeat will be ultimately a crushing one.
It was last week that we had Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Treaty.
and U.N.
On to break down that his genetic engineer sources were saying that clearly Zika had been souped up, weaponized to be able to suddenly be passed via saliva or other sexual transmissions of bodily fluids.
It's now in the Daily Mail and other newspapers in England.
Outbreak caused by release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil?
We're posting this article right now with our interview with Boyle last Friday that is so important.
That big interview came out on Friday.
That's one of the worst days.
Obviously, it's a Friday afternoon, but that's okay.
We're going to push this out to folks now, because Bill and Melinda Gates are heavily involved in the past with admitting they want to breed mosquitoes, and they are now breeding them and releasing them, that, quote, force genetic information into your body.
They call it vaccines.
No, live viruses and things that change brain chemistry, or viruses that attack fertility.
You know, that's a bio-weapon, not a vaccine.
But the public's like, I like the new vaccines, I want the HPV.
That's genetically engineered, doesn't protect you, the insert says, killed a bunch of people in the trials 10 years ago, is banned all over the world, but not in America, and not in Mexico, and not in Guatemala.
They go and they shoot up all those little girls with a vaccine directly linked to autoimmune disorders, brain disorders, infertility, and of course, death.
See, if it's effective, it's gotta be able to hit somebody and lower fertility and then jack them up later, but they don't know what hit them.
But you see, sometimes folks are more susceptible, so they die that day or they get paralyzed and die in a week.
And they're trying to gauge it where it's not, you know, not too obvious.
But when they do vaccine tests a few years ago, you know, in Poland, and another one in Czechoslovakia, in the Czech Republic, you know, they gave, in one facility, 40 homeless men the flu vaccine, and it killed, what was it, 29 of them?
It was weaponized.
Ferret flu.
I'm just throwing out, I mean, there's hundreds of these.
It comes out in the mainstream news.
There was an article last week, vaccines suspended after, you know, something like 60% of the kids collapsed, had to go to the hospital after they were given the shot.
Oh, I'm sure nothing's going on here.
I'm sorry, I'm digressing.
Do we have Richard now?
I know Richard is going through Secret Service right now to cover big events that are coming up.
He's also going to be covering the Trump event for us.
And he's going to be on with detailed reporting tonight.
We are going to have extended coverage of Iowa and of New Hampshire.
And then we'll only cover some of the other big events and, of course, election night and the conventions before that.
But I will be
Skyping in from the Hacienda, and I do that for a reason.
If I get in this chair, I kind of take over and it's obnoxious.
I personally like the job David Knight, Jakari Jackson, and Leanne McAdoo and others do, and Aaron McBreen.
They're going to be here with caucus results and stuff, but also playing a lot of special reports on other subjects as more data comes in.
They're not just going to talk about Hillary's emails for 14 hours a day like Fox News is doing.
That's all they do.
Then they ask the question, is she lying?
It makes my headache to think about all the lies just on the emails.
First, there was no private server.
Then there were no classified emails.
And then in the email, she tells them how to chop the top off to say they're not classified.
And it just gives me a headache.
See, I'm getting a headache right now.
They caught El Chapo with a .50 caliber rifle that then Attorney General John P. Holdren
I'm sorry, that's the White House Science R. Eric Holder sent down there.
As we prepare to talk to Richard, let me plow back into the news and what's really important in Iowa.
I have looked at the hundreds of scientific polls and the hundreds and hundreds of unscientific, as many as you have the last few weeks, and overwhelmingly Trump came from two points behind on average to about three to five points ahead of Cruz.
And Trump is set to win.
He's already won by breaking away and doing his own event instead of the debate.
A big defeat of the mainstream media.
A populist signal of the uprising that's happening through the political system.
Regardless of who Trump is, he's now that figurehead.
That's why they're attacking him is when they attack him, they're attacking populism.
You and I. Now let's expand on that.
Microsoft is famous.
Oh, we were just talking about them in
Genetically engineered mosquitoes that Bill Gates gives speeches at TED Talk and goes, we've got to save the earth and to do that we've got to bring this number down and it shows humans down to zero and everybody laughs because they're in the little in club about eugenics.
So there's this Dr. Evil guy with super secret government clearances with hundreds of billions tied up in secret programs.
I mean, it's amazing.
And now they've just offered a free gift
That worked out for Troy, didn't it?
When the Trojans and the Trojan War, that really happened.
It was a big, beautiful 50-foot horse.
They tore down a bunch of their ships, built it around the mountainside, brought it around the beach, rolled it up, and they had the troops inside the belly of the horse.
And they rolled the horse in,
And they came out of the belly of the horse, and you know the rest of the story.
They lowered the front gate, and in came the hordes.
But, oh, don't worry.
Microsoft, they're so good.
They have given a free goody.
A special app.
Oh, and guess what?
The app predicted today that Hillary won.
Oh, last Wednesday, Sanders was a kook.
No, he's a cold-blooded Tsukami.
He was a conspiracy theorist for coming out and saying they can just determine whatever they want beforehand.
We've had all this black box voting problem with Diebold and the rest of it's been proven there's been fraud in many elections.
And so, saying there's been proven fraud before and that Microsoft has been connected with the software companies that have backdoors in it, you know, that's a fact.
It's like saying... It's like saying that Jack the Ripper was connected to slicing women up in London.
No, no, they just say that's a conspiracy theory.
And now, even the Hill newspaper and others are saying, ooh, Microsoft is on the hot seat.
Boy, there is something going on here.
Well, Microsoft is all about hiding everything in plain view.
So here's the headline, this is up on Infowars.com, where they have now projected that Hillary is the winner according
To their app that's monitoring everyone and their activities.
Because while it's on your phone, it's monitoring what you click on, what you do.
Oh my gosh, isn't it nice?
Microsoft just gave us this free thing that tracks everything and now it's already saying Hillary won.
So you better just go ahead and give it to Hillary.
Because you want to feel like you're a winner and be on the winning team.
Microsoft calls Iowa for Hillary before it helps count the vote.
Sanders supporters concerned over impartiality.
That's like saying should judges own stock in private prison companies in their jurisdiction and then send people to those very prisons?
And then you catch the judges actually getting money from the prisons to send everybody to jail?
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Alex Jones back live.
We're about to go to Richard Reeves in Des Moines, Iowa ahead of the big caucuses that kick off today.
Sanders in many polls has overtaken Hillary.
He is trouncing her by 15, 16, 17 points in different polls in places in other sectors of the country like New Hampshire.
But don't worry, Microsoft has given the free Trojan horse system that both parties are using, Republicans and Democrats, without asking anybody, to tally who the winner is.
Oh, how convenient!
And there's an InfoWars.com story.
Microsoft calls Iowa for Hillary before it helps count the vote using the app and its other systems of forecasting.
Now, they're using their Bing technology in association with it.
You know how Google admits they can predict the future?
Microsoft can order something before you even order it and already have it packaged and shipping a day before because it has an algorithm that predicts the future?
Oh, we're not in Kansas anymore.
But then also, when they can start predicting the future, they can manipulate the future or falsely call the future, creating the perception that she's already won, so people cast their ballot.
For her, who are on the razor's edge, this is tampering with the election nakedly, in your face.
Just like TPP, global secret treaties, we get it, it's signing over all our rights, after it's already been signed onto globally.
Richard Reeves joins us from Des Moines, Iowa, I believe, because I know you're going to be back with us later in the day, at a Trump event.
You've also been at some other events.
Richard, a lot of new developments.
Tell us what's happening, what's coming up after the break, and then we'll get back into the hacking situation.
Alex Richard Reeves reporting from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
And we are already set up to live stream a Trump event here coming up.
He'll be speaking at 1.30.
That's why we got delayed because of the Secret Service protocol here.
But Alex, you are so right.
Bernie Sanders, his campaign should be filing lawsuits today.
Iowa people
The precinct chairs in Iowa should be filing suit today on the Democratic Party because Microsoft announcing this prediction, so-called, of who's going to win the race on the Democratic side, that totally, they should just disqualify themselves from doing whatever they're going to do.
And some people say, wait, you predict Trump's going to win.
Yeah, I'm not running the software.
InfoWars isn't running the election.
You have the people running the election, both sides, telling us who's going to win.
Yes, they have no business making any kind of prediction like that.
They should be totally neutral.
They should act neutral.
Does Microsoft not have business creating genetically modified mosquitoes and releasing them and saying that he wants to reduce world population to zero?
Or not being involved in all sorts of eugenics programs either, right though Richard?
But he does do it.
He is involved in weather weapons programs too.
Well, that's just like this virus that's going around.
They suspect that that was from a GMO mosquito, right?
So Bill Gates and his eugenics plan and sitting here in the middle of this, you know, inserting himself into this middle of Iowa election is just heinous.
And of course, you know who Bill Gates has been supporting.
He's been supporting Hillary Clinton.
He's one of the most flaming Democrats there is, but no one ever talks about his politics.
He's one of the biggest donors to anti-gun causes, Richard.
What a surprise.
I mean, so yes, Bill Gates and Microsoft may very well, this could be the biggest black guy they ever get because I guarantee you what?
What a surprise.
Look, Bernie Sanders, the enthusiasm gap of his people, if they see this happen, they're getting, you know, when a Democratic caucus happens,
What's going to happen is those people show up, let's say 100 people show up physically at that caucus and let's say 45 are for Hillary and 45 are for Bernie and 10 are for Martin O'Malley.
They each go to different parts of the room and if you don't have a 15% threshold then those 10 for Martin O'Malley have to go somewhere.
They either have to leave the building or they have to go into the Bernie camp or the Hillary camp to be counted.
Now, I figure that anybody that's behind Martin O'Malley, that's a protest vote.
Protesting the establishment, protesting Hillary, that margin of error, that Martin O'Malley faction, whether it's 3%, 7%, whatever it is, that I think is what can put Bernie Sanders over the top, over Hillary.
And we do need that, because he's a very unpopular communist, is what he really is, Donald Trump's right.
Hillary's got a lot of political power still, and so most experts think, and I agree, that Bernie will be easier to beat than Hillary.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, Donald Trump being the nominee is just going to wipe the floor with Bernie Sanders.
And like I told you, a lot of those Bernie Sanders folks, they're actually awake about the big money, the big banking, the financials, so... Yeah, they just still don't get that the elite's not going to give them a free lunch.
Stay there, Richard.
I want to walk through the folks you've talked to, what the sense is on the ground.
Is Trump going to win it big?
Will Microsoft steal it from Trump as well?
You know, it's not just a Democrat situation here.
Stay with us from Iowa.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Islamic State is threatening to launch an attack on London so terrible that it will turn children's hair white.
The extremist group published an article in its Arabic-language newspaper stating a doomsday attack would take place on British soil.
ISIS claimed the UK would receive the lion's share of its European terrorist attacks.
Threat is apparently in response to the UK's decision to extend its aerial bombing campaign against the Islamic State.
It also promises to carry out follow-up attacks to the Paris Massacre in November, which left 130 dead and more than 300 injured.
The Islamic State finally referenced a verse of the Quran which discusses Judgment Day, stating the attack on Britain will be so horrific it will turn children's hair to white.
The threat will no doubt fuel concerns that jihadists are exploiting the refugee crisis to slip into the EU undetected by using fake passports so they can launch terrorist attacks on British soil.
If there is a terrorist attack, it's likely the UK government will exploit it to enact a police state just like France.
Especially considering that NATO has been arming and funding ISIS as a proxy army against Syria for quite some time.
You can read more international news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Richard Reeves is there in Iowa, covering the 2016 caucuses.
Yes, there's only eight delegates up at the national convention for whoever wins Iowa.
And then six for the next person on down, depending on how the votes break.
But it's key to see who's coming out of the gate in front.
And then Trump's lead in Michigan is almost 20 points in most polls.
15 to 18 points in New Hampshire.
And he's widening those leads.
He's getting 50 plus percent in some states in polls I've seen like Michigan.
He's doubling the polling numbers of other Republican candidates with black voters.
That's a key swing group as well.
Veterans are going for Trump.
And so, I'm not sitting here getting fooled again thinking Trump's going to save us.
But I know the establishment doesn't want Trump.
We're going to go back to Richard Reeves here in just one moment.
But before I do that,
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Now, going back to
Richard Reeves, Richard, you've got the floor now.
Go through what you've witnessed, what has unfolded.
We're going to be back later carrying some of the live Trump event in about an hour once it kicks off.
What else do you expect to come out?
What are you hearing on the ground there from Iowa?
Well, Alex, you know, I've been watching all the news programs like a hawk, and we've talked to a ton of men on the street, talked with campaign officials, campaign staff, talked to everybody.
And to finish up talking about this Microsoft issue is the Bernie Sanders camp has super enthusiastic people that they're kind of like the Rand Paul people on the Republican side as far as enthusiasm goes.
Totally different mindset, yes.
But enthusiasm levels kind of on the same par.
So guaranteed that these enthusiastic people for Bernie Sanders, if they see foul by Microsoft, which they will, they'll be able to observe it because they're going to be at the front of their caucus.
They're going to be sitting there.
They're probably half of them are going to be officials of the caucus meeting of the caucus events.
So they're going to know exactly what the numbers are in their particular caucus.
So the state's going to have it all on the website at some point.
What the numbers were in each caucus, what they broke down, how many Hillary caucus goers, how many... The problem is they say they're using this Microsoft system to run it.
So it's the main feed.
Now, Sanders and Trump and others have set up their own shadow system to try to track this, so that may keep Microsoft honest.
But listen, what is Microsoft doing, unvetted, unapproved,
Out of the blue, and then saying they believe Hillary's gonna win.
Right there, as you said, they have disqualified themselves on so many fronts.
This is a huge power grab by Microsoft.
They are the new Diebold.
They should recuse themselves immediately from what's going on and they should just go back to the, you know, the system that they had probably.
Although, that was problematic last time.
Remember, they didn't declare Santorum the winner until like a week later.
At first, they declared Mitt Romney the winner in 2012 and that cost Santorum valuable momentum.
Of course it did.
So, but that, obviously that was a ploy as well.
So it's just typical New World Order activity.
One ploy after the next.
And Alex, kind of shifting gears for a second, you've got tons of fans and tons of listeners here in Iowa.
And in case you're close to Cedar Rapids and you don't know about the Donald Trump event and you're listening to the live screen, Donald Trump is about to speak here.
In a little less than an hour at 1.30 here at the DoubleTree Hotel downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
So come on down as you can see and Matt if you want to pan there's probably already
Uh, you know, somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 people here, and I'm guessing there's probably three or four hundred people queued up waiting to go through the Secret Service.
That's right.
They always turn back many more that can't get in.
The Secret Service is going through everybody's stuff right now.
Trump's set to talk, what, in about an hour and a half, or how long?
He speaks at 1.30 p.m.
Central Time, so it's less than an hour that he'll be on this stage right here
We'll take part of that feed.
Earlier I was saying, Richard, why aren't you closer to the front?
And then I realize you're in the press area already.
Trump doesn't let the press get up at the front now because they keep saying nobody's there.
He's smart to make the cameras be back from there.
But they probably know that we're not going to be distorting that, so maybe they'll let us up front.
But I don't want to mess with it.
It's fine, Richard.
Just wherever you need to be, you're doing a great job.
Well, I think we're in a good place.
You know, we're talking about the Microsoft.
Let's follow up on that a little bit more because the GOP, Alex, Alex, the GOP still has a delegate strategy.
And the reason I know that is because of Marco Rubio's comments that he's, you know, in all of his talks, he says, I'm confident I'll have the delegates.
I'm confident I'll have the delegates.
You know, it's like one of those Kreskin mind control, hypnotic things.
You know, I'm confident I have the delegates, you know.
You will submit.
You will assimilate.
Resistance is futile.
So if he says it often enough and hard enough and vociferously enough and emotionally enough, then he thinks it's going to come true.
But behind the scenes, I guarantee you, Alex, there is a delegate strategy that the GOP still has.
The problem will be is if Trump starts running the table starting here in Iowa.
They can't fight a landslide.
Notice, they're not going to be able to steal New Hampshire from Sanders because he has a 15 to 18 point lead in every poll.
Notice where it's close, though, is where they come and turn the machines on.
Because then they can confuse everybody and play hanky-panky.
And I've interviewed Bev Harris probably 40 times, all the other top experts.
Uh, who've proven election fraud and caught it over and over again.
We fought it here in Austin.
Had the state board admit we found fraud, Richard, you and I. They still threw it out and said, we don't care, we certify the election.
You know, I mean, we've had county commissioners fall down crying when they lose, and their friend runs in and says, I'll fix it, honey, and suddenly flips the votes.
I mean, that was in the paper.
Uh, so just crazy, uh, how obvious these people get.
But that's true.
You're talking about landslide numbers.
It's like earlier, you were citing poll numbers where Trump, in some cases, you know, 40, 50%.
When he wins Iowa, which I predict he will, I think that'll give him a five or ten point jump in the rest of the state.
And they keep saying that he can't beat, in the general election, Hillary.
He's already, in most polls, got double the poll numbers other Republicans do with black voters, with Hispanic voters, you name it.
But also a lot of blue-collar, working-class Democrats of every race, color, and creed, they get socialism delivers crap overall.
They want the economy back.
They like somebody not running the country down, talking about
Making better deals for our country.
Look, even a moron can fix the country.
The globalists have set it up to derail us.
And that's why Bilderberg is so scared, because Trump is the guy to destroy Hillary Clinton.
He's the strongest candidate across the board, other than a Rand Paul, because a lot of Democrats would go for him because he's anti-war.
The problem is that he's not really in the lead now.
He's not in the pack now.
He shoots around, you know, like Speed Racer and gets the head of the line.
I'll support him.
But right now, the only horse we got in this fight is Donald Trump, and every bit of firepower they've got is directed right at him.
Only a moron would have to not understand the fact that Trump is anti-establishment, whoever he may be.
The establishment is scared of him, for real.
This isn't rhetoric, this isn't some Machiavellian manipulation where they act like they don't like him, but really they do.
Because they'll do that on the surface but still give him money.
They are throwing everything they've got against him, Richard.
You watch television, it's so obvious.
Oh yes, and Alex, you know, you reminded me of a couple of key points that I've yet to relay to the Infowars audience.
Just go over it!
Number one, number one is the reason Bernie Sanders is in this ballgame right now, he can thank Donald Trump.
He can thank Donald Trump because in late December, when Hillary attacked Donald Trump about the sexist and misogynistic issue, and Trump just kind of launched a little shot across her bow about Hillary's war on women, and boom, Hillary shut up like that within one day.
It was like on New Year's and she's saying, well, I'll just let Donald live in his alternate reality.
You know what?
That episode, those two or three days right there at the end of 2015 going into New Year's Day, that's what put Bernie Sanders in this ballgame.
It wasn't Bernie Sanders out there revving everybody up.
It was Donald kicking Hillary a little bit on this real war on women issue that she has.
And so, thank you, Donald Trump, for taking Hillary down to where Bernie can beat her.
And, you know, people don't give him the credit for that, but that's, you know, earlier we put up a video about Trump exhibits power beyond presidential.
That's an example right there.
I mean, the guy, he talks about the Iranian hostages.
He talks about it.
He talks about it.
Guess what?
Yeah, they're going to get released.
I could have called that before it happened.
That's what's driven his numbers down.
We like hearing him about the drug war being a fraud, these wars being a fraud, the backing ISIS being bad.
We love hearing him talk about the NSA being out of control.
But I mean, Rand, I keep getting the message to him.
I've even told him on air a few weeks ago he was on.
I think it's a bad strategy to go after Trump.
I mean, hasn't he noticed that when Cruz started attacking Trump, his numbers started sliding?
I know, it's like Rand Paul had an opportunity to be number two in this race, maybe even challenge Donald Trump with the right approach.
And, you know, it's just a sad deal that Rand Paul has taken this tactic, like you said, of focusing more on Donald Trump.
He's focused more on Donald Trump than he's focused on Obama, more than he's focused on Hillary.
I think?
That's right.
Trump hit the barbed wire on being screwed over with NAFTA and GATT, with open borders, with de-industrialization, with political correctness.
That's what Rand needs to do, is even on those red meat issues, hit the barbed wire.
He listened to the focus groups saying, no, if you don't let every illegal in, you're anti-Hispanic.
Well, now it's more Chinese.
We're not anti-Chinese.
You can't just be open and have everything be free for the first wave that comes in.
We'll go bankrupt.
And so people look at it and go, well, the public wants open borders, 50-50, so I'll be for them, partially.
You have to be a leader and explain why it's wrong to get people to follow you because it's the right thing to do.
Well, no!
That's where Rand Paul started to become a politician.
The people that loved him, like myself, was when he was saying the bold statements of, we're backing ISIS, it's wrong, we're backing Al-Qaeda.
They attacked him, he exploded in the ratings, became the frontrunner.
I mean, this is not rocket science.
Do the right thing.
Be aggressive.
Savage the system.
Hit the barbed wire.
Attack the machine gun nest in the Info War.
Richard, I want to play a clip here and then get your take on it.
Here's Donald Trump saying he'll bring in new states into play.
New York normally goes Democrat.
In the polls, he's the son of New York.
They love him there.
That guy's gonna... It's true!
And he's like, no he won't.
And he'll bring in other swing states.
That's why he can destroy Hillary Clinton.
Let's go to this clip.
I bring states into play that no Republican's gonna think about.
For instance, the concept of winning New York State is impossible for any of the people that I'm dealing with.
It's not even something, they don't even campaign there.
I think we have a chance to win New York.
I mean, they like me in New York.
They like me in New York.
And by the way, if we win New York, you're talking about a lot of delegates.
But, you know, if we win New York, you're talking about a lot.
But we're going to win Pennsylvania.
We're going to win Virginia.
We're going to win Michigan.
I'm always talking about the car business being stripped out of Michigan.
And the poll numbers in Michigan are incredible.
We're going to win Ohio.
They did a poll.
I like John Kasich very much, but the problem is they did a poll in Ohio, and I'm beating him by a lot, and he's the existing, you know, he's the serving governor.
We're going to win Florida.
I'm at 48% against 16 people.
That's why the Billionaire Burger Group is scared.
That's right.
I think a lot of states, a lot of states that aren't even thought of, you know if you listen right now, because structurally the Republicans have a disadvantage, but you look at some of these states, they don't even talk about those states.
That's right, there's been a Republican landslide, that's good, at the state levels, at the local levels, in Congress, I mean this is all prime, they're talking about
80 plus percent of the of the counties in the country going Republican this time.
I mean, it's just it's just incredible stuff is happening right now.
And here's what I love.
I love how Southern states are so pro-Trump when he is an incredible Yankee.
And I mean that in an affectionate way, because people always try to play the North and South off against each other.
Trashy people.
Who are idiots don't like northerners in the South.
I've never found anybody, quite frankly, that hates people from the North.
And it's vice versa.
It's artificially made up by the media and the New York media making fun of the South and all the rest of it very hatefully with a lot of stereotypes.
And then Cruz tried to play that back against New York and it didn't work because the truth is America cares about each other.
No matter where we're from or what color we are, it's time to understand we're being screwed over, Richard.
And I'm telling you, Trump will sweep to the presidency if he wins this nomination.
Oh yes, absolutely, because he is the one GOP guy that can win New York.
And that has come up here in the last three or four weeks that Donald Trump is in play in Pennsylvania and New York.
And I'll tell you what, no Democrat is going to win the Electoral College race in the general election when you've got a candidate that wins those states, when we've got all the red states that go behind them.
Richard, you know we never get behind a candidate here when it's for president because it's such a circus and we don't want to make the president the only focus, but I mean, when did you switch in your gut to support?
Let me make a point about that because I know that, you know, hey, we should all be concerned about the man on the white horse.
You know, there's red flags on Donald Trump, but there's red flags on each candidate.
Here's the thing, Alex.
Our founding fathers were geniuses when they set up our country.
They set up the system of checks and balances, the House, the Senate.
Or Trump won't be able to be a guy on a white horse.
I know where you're going.
Stay there, Richard.
Richard Reeves, stay there.
The latest coverage tonight.
7 o'clock till 10.
We're going to be here covering what's happening in the Congresses and overnight at Infowars.com with the numbers.
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The establishment is really trying to take Donald Trump down.
And it's for real.
Doesn't mean he won't betray us.
Doesn't mean we put all our eggs in one basket.
But it's easy to sit back and be a commentator and never actually put your name on something.
I'm endorsing Donald Trump for President 2016 all the way.
If Rand Paul goes in the lead, I'll support him as well, or Ted Cruz.
I got real questions about Ted Cruz.
At a gut level, better than Hillary.
A lot better.
As for Rand, I know he's a great guy.
He just... He's too nice of a guy.
I mean, believe me, the polls are like, goody-two-shoes to the max.
And it's just... They just won't get aggressive.
And I understand that.
That's fine.
We'll see who's right in the end.
Trump has got him scared to death because he's a personality that wants to go up against him.
Richard Reeves, we're going to...
Go to break and come back with a little joke piece about Donald Trump.
It's really funny in a minute.
And then obviously I've got other guests coming on, on the NASA hack and more.
Then you're coming back with a live Trump feed.
If he's actually giving a speech, I'll go to it.
If he's just bringing his friends on stage, I'm not going to cover that.
But obviously it's all about being a family.
I get it.
But other points you think are important to make here and what you're going to be reporting on?
Well Alex, right before that last break, we started talking about how the Founding Fathers were geniuses, and they set up our system of checks and balances.
Right now, the Democrat establishment in the House and Senate, the Republican establishment in the House and Senate, do not like Trump, so they're not going to cooperate with him right now.
That's right.
You know, he's going to have to work with a lot of people.
Oh, that's right.
Trump has said, I'm not going to let you down, to me personally.
And I mean, he wouldn't invite me up to New York to bring my son and meet him and stuff.
I mean, he doesn't act like a normal politician, and I don't get the creepy feeling.
I mean, because years ago, I had Clinton people call and go, come work with the Democrats.
You can come have dinner when the Clintons come to town and shell out.
This is like in 96, 97.
And then the Bush people were like, hey, the governor.
Actually had Secret Service come by the studio one time.
Hey, the governor last week was just watching tonight.
You guys ought to have dinner sometime.
I mean, that really happened.
And I never reached back when politicians did that because it was just creepy.
That's not the case with Trump.
Right, Alex.
He is kind of like King Midas that everything he touches turns to gold.
Look at Thursday last week, all right?
He lifted Fox's vote, even though he went and did another event that still lifted Fox's vote.
He lifted Megyn Kelly's vote.
Richard, I see reporters.
I see two female reporters setting up behind you.
That's kind of what reporters do.
So make sure they don't hog the trough and steal your shot at Trump.
I mean, it's not that we don't mind looking at the nice young ladies, the reporters.
I mean, maybe that's better to have them on screen.
But the point is, is that they are kind of hogging in there.
We've got it all set up.
Internet will be live streaming.
Well, I can't help but try to micromanage things.
So, great job, my friend.
But you were getting into Midas Touch.
I was interrupting as your Skype broke up.
Finish up your Midas Touch point.
Well, look.
The guy seems to have that Midas Touch.
He seems to be able to turn a perceived defeat into victory.
All right.
His Skype's gone as more people enter the place.
He's got backup feeds.
Well, he lifts other people as well.
Like I said, even Megyn Kelly, alright, you know, he's got to bang her around a little bit verbally, whatever.
But she's got, her stock has gone up, you know, even though they've had this crash.
He seems to help both sides.
No, exactly.
He is a very lucky guy.
Richard, we'll be talking to you right before he goes live in about 35 minutes.
Thank you, Richard.
Very good, Alex.
Thank you.
We'll talk to you in about 24 minutes.
Again, for Radio Lizard, it sounds like I'm interrupting Richard.
His Skype's going out continually.
So I'm going to go ahead and terminate that interview.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And there you have it, grudgereport.com.
World Health Organization declares public health emergency over Zika.
Brazil authorities force entry to private property to fight it.
Outbreak worse than believed.
Caused by release of genetically modified mosquitoes.
Mainstream media is now asking what we first asked last week.
Just pointing out that we're driving the news here.
Hillary supporters endorse Karl Marx for VP.
That's at Infowars.com.
A Mark Dice video.
I want to get Mark Dice on.
And show the latest highlights of his last ten videos.
It's been too long.
What an amazing person.
I mean, because he really goes out and talks to these people with a straight face.
And they do it.
Nine out of ten put gun owners in FEMA camps.
Karl Marx is a great VP.
Communism is wonderful.
And there's another story up on drugs that's so important now, where we have the situation coming out where Microsoft calls Iowa for Hillary before it helps count the vote.
Sanders supporters concerned over impartiality.
Think so?
And remember, they're going to be counting the Republican vote
This should be the headline.
Paul did a great job of this.
We should do another story.
We need to have somebody around here, Don Salazar, Kit, or Mikhail, or all our great reporters.
So many people I'm forgetting.
Do a report on Bill Gates and Microsoft do nothing but support Democrats and Socialism, okay?
And then crony capitalism.
And show headline, Democrat run Microsoft
To control Iowa caucus.
I mean, there you go.
Democrat-leaning Microsoft runs Republican caucus.
I mean, it just... No!
Are we that stupid?
I know we've got two links up on Drudge, and then that third one makes it more effective, but where's the other one?
You told me it was there on the part with Microsoft.
In the middle column, or is it the left column?
Where is that?
Oh, it's the very top.
Okay, so the other link's down there.
Again, it's teleprompter-free news here.
Microsoft calls for Hillary before count votes.
Can you imagine how much that upsets the globalists that we're actually discussing this and actually looking at this and actually going over this?
This must absolutely nauseate them.
Okay, I mentioned a comedy piece.
We're not making fun of Trump, but he makes fun of himself, you know, that he's orange.
And I make fun of myself and call myself Pumpkinhead.
We both have big heads.
So when I make fun of people in a friendly way, it's just that it's friendly.
But I saw this piece on one of the Democrat Party websites.
Watch this British actor hilariously turn Donald Trump into a cockney tough guy.
And it's because his cadence is almost like a Cotney cadence, but a different inflection.
So from a linguist perspective, it's very, very interesting.
Let's go ahead and go to this piece.
I think I'll win the Hispanics.
I play thousands of Hispanics.
I love them.
They love me.
And I think I'm going to do great with women.
One of the reasons I'm going to do great with women is... No, that's not it.
I'm not like Hillary Clinton.
She's got no strength.
Go ahead and kill it.
Yeah, that's not it.
I sent it over Sunday.
And that's not a cocky accent.
There are two videos in the article.
This is the second video.
Let's go ahead and play it.
Oh, here it is.
It's sort of interesting.
She said, I watched her last night, Donald Trump!
Looks like she practices in front of a mirror for two hours.
Donald Trump said, I think he's dangerous.
I'm dangerous.
She's the one that caused all this problem.
With her stupid policies.
You look at what she did with Libya.
What she did with Syria.
Well, that's an elitist, pompous British accent.
That's not a Cockney.
Hey, but it did matter.
That's fun too.
What I promise is, I'm gonna find it, and gonna play it out.
Cause I just said, get me the Donald Trump Cockney accent, and they got, I guess there's another one.
I'm gonna get it for ya, and we're gonna play it.
Coming up, because it's fine.
Hearing an elitist, fop, dandy accent is not fun.
Of course, I can speak as the British family actually does from Pennsylvania.
The royalty!
These people have too much energy, their carbon footprint!
Now summon the royal train, and the royal jumbo jet!
Microsoft's Bing technology has already called Iowa a victory for Hillary Clinton.
A result that has not gone unnoticed among Bernie Sanders supporters, given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus.
Using data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search engine queries to predict its results.
Microsoft believes Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada, while Sanders takes New Hampshire.
And as noted by Paul Joseph Watson, Microsoft also correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the no vote for Scottish Independence, and the outcome for over 95% of the 2014 U.S.
midterm elections.
And that track record is raising concerns among Bernie Sanders supporters, who have pointed out a potential conflict of interest given that precinct officials are using the app created by Microsoft to count votes and report caucus results.
Last week, Sanders' Iowa campaign manager questioned the impartiality of the app.
Others have also pointed out that hackers could penetrate the cloud network on which the Microsoft app runs in order to skew the vote.
Visit InfoWars.com for more election news.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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It's Alex Jones.
I forgot about this intro.
It's great.
I forget who made it.
Such a wonderful crew.
They're all so creative, not just intelligent and informed.
I mean, I can't decide who's better at graphics, uh, whether it would be like Darren McBreen or Jakari Jackson or Rob Jacobson or... because they're all good at different things.
And just... really just do a wonderful job.
And a bunch of other folks do that around here as well.
Buckley does it, everybody.
I mean, there's just such an amazing crew here at InfoWars.
I wasn't planning to come in and say how great they are.
It's just that... the laziness of other radio shows, the laziness of other TV shows...
I tune into Fox or CNN and all they do is talk about the emails all day, never pointing out all our other crimes.
But I guess at least they're talking about the fact that the email scandal's going on.
I'll be working out for like an hour in the morning with Fox News on in the background.
It's like, ugh!
They just talk to you like you're five years old.
And Donald Trump's not viable only getting 45% of the vote against other Republicans in states.
Whenever there's been 5, 6, 7 candidates, nobody's got that.
Normally, they'd say, ooh, that shows he's the leader.
If it was a Bush or somebody, but because it's not, they go, oh, that shows that's what he'll get of the conservatives, period.
They're going to vote for Democrats instead of Donald Trump.
Lying to their viewers.
And I'm telling you, Fox News is out to get Donald Trump.
And that's all I needed to know, because Fox News at the top, run by Rupert Murdoch, is a Democratic Party filth nest, basically.
And that's how they control everybody.
Oh, I know Roger Ailes is probably conservative and, you know, helped set up Limbaugh and all that, but if you look at all the rest of Fox's programming, I mean, it is just a basket of anti-family, anti-gun, anti-liberty garbage.
And I'm not singling out Fox.
There's even worse stuff on Viacom.
You know, at least Fox isn't promoting pedophilia and, you know, sexualization of children, like Viacom is, in my opinion.
But it is crazy.
Okay, Richard Reeves will be popping back in with a live feed as Trump takes the stage.
If Trump starts, you know, just bringing people up on stage, I have nothing to say.
We're going to tune out of it, obviously.
And that's a tactic to include the people.
I get it.
The general public sees him bringing people up on stage and doing it.
That's one of Trump's gimmicks I don't like.
Because if I bring somebody up on stage, they got something to say.
It's not like just like the State of the Union where Obama points at this guy and points at that guy to associate with each group.
Like, you got your attention, now you got your attention, now this group gets their attention.
How about just get out of my life, government?
That's the kind of attention I want.
I want to be left alone.
I mean, I'd rather live out on a farm or a ranch far, far away from a city.
And just only have to be around people I want to associate with.
But unfortunately, there's something called globalist-run government that is not getting out of my life and is not leaving me alone.
So, we did find the particular Cockney accent video that I was wanting to play of Donald Trump, which is really hilarious, where he talks about, it is Donald Trump's words, it's just they put a voiceover over it.
So this is what Trump did say about Sanders and Hillary, and it is true, so here it is.
Look, I was the best thing that ever happened to Bernie Saunders.
Because my attack on Hillary, all of a sudden she went out and Saunders got all the credit for it!
He had the credit for it!
This guy, I mean, you know this guy, Bernie Saunders, give me a break.
How does he figure it all out?
Give me a break.
But he got all the credit!
I love copyrights.
It's unbelievable!
I have to say that once or I assume the press is listening to that.
But I haven't even focused, you know, on a fox poll and another poll that just came out that I'm beating Hillary.
But I'm beating Hillary, I'm beating Hillary.
But I haven't even focused.
I'm beating Hillary, I'm beating Hillary.
We haven't even focused on Hillary.
We haven't even focused.
He's a guy, he's a... well, they say socialist, but some people would say he's a communist, okay?
A communist, okay.
I shouldn't hit him too hard though, because if I hit him hard, he'll go down and then it'll be more of a... Man, I love this.
Maybe we want him to fight for a while.
So I'll say, isn't he a wonderful guy?
I want to find out who did that voiceover.
It's interesting, I was thinking, I never thought when I hit Hillary last week, and Bill, but I did the right thing.
All of a sudden they did this and then they started saying... Bernie Saunders is surging!
An amazing thing happened!
I did it!
I'm saying I did that!
I did it!
See I like Trump.
Let's just say I love Trump.
And then I really love his accent.
I'm fascinated.
I watch this with my kids like three times this week and they love it too.
They all love Trump.
My kids loved Trump before I liked Trump.
Like they're the ones that made me six, seven months ago start paying attention to him.
Cause you know, I have so many other serious issues to deal with.
The election hadn't heated up yet.
I'm like the guy on Celebrity Apprentice, the guy that owns the hotels and stuff.
Uh, the, the Democrat.
And then I began to research him and, uh, I'm going to say this and I mean it, if Donald Trump gets elected president,
And he starts screwing over the Liberty Movement, we are going to get him impeached.
And it'll be easier than you think.
People are going to hate him so much if he betrays us.
And that doesn't mean... He doesn't have to be perfect.
He can play politics, whatever, to get some deals done.
But he better move us back in the direction of free market, back in the direction of freedom.
You know, if he gives us five freedoms back, or helps us get those freedoms back, or fights for those, and then, you know, does one bad thing, I'm not going to go after him.
But if he doesn't move that needle far back towards liberty, or die trying politically, I am going to go completely ape.
And I know a lot of other people are as well.
In fact, that's a big question we ought to open the phones up.
What are you going to do, A, if Hillary gets in and she is going to move against the people?
How are you going to feel if you didn't back Trump and that happened?
And Ted Cruz is really slick, he's really smart, he's got some problems though, and the system would rather have him in there than Trump, what does that tell you?
And I'm not against Ted Cruz.
But I'm not taking phones right now.
Paul Watson's actually hosting.
I don't know why I said Anthea.
I guess I was talking to Anthea about coming on and covering some health news or something.
But Paul Watson's coming up in about 45 minutes from now.
He'll obviously be covering all this.
You know, Steve Watson, his brother, who's real smart and who's worked with us for 13 years, Paul for almost 15.
He's got a political science degree, you know, been involved in a lot of stuff over in England.
He's a smart cookie and he likes Rand Paul.
And then Paul more and more likes Trumpists, as you can see, because again, this is how the world works from my perspective.
Trump has become the office or the figurehead
For populism, not just conservatism or libertarianism, and is a symbol of the revolt now.
And so it doesn't matter what that horse does down the road, really, if he screws us over or goes sideways or, you know, something.
The work's already done destroying mainstream media, supercharging grassroots, taking debates away from the government-run media, teaching folks we can do our own events, our own spectacles, showing people that we're not
Dead in the game.
The globalists have always just acted like, I am the powerful, mighty Oz, and I am unstoppable.
You are mere rat droppings.
I've been politically involved for 25, 24 years.
On air for 21 next month.
A month and a half.
And all I know is 90% of the time you take the field, you will win against corrupt people and bad people because folks are just looking for something else.
And when you get attacked, you think you're getting hurt, and then you're only becoming more powerful.
And people get attacked a couple times, like, oh my gosh, the newspaper attacked me!
People come up to me and go, man, I saw you were in the local paper.
It's the local host for attacking you.
How are you handling it, bud?
Friends and family over the years.
And I go, I didn't read the local paper.
I didn't listen to local radio.
I was in a thousand other papers attacking me this week.
You think I care?
You know, where they have talk show hosts.
It's all because they're jealous and pathetic and scared of the system and want to grovel to it.
So all these local hosts just make stuff up about me and lie about me.
One time I was in a restaurant and some of these hosts walked over.
I'd just swum like two miles.
I'd taken the day off and I was in a steakhouse at the bar drinking a glass of red wine and eating a T-bone.
We're good.
Going, oh man, it must be horrible to be so unliked, to be so... And he was mind-controlling, like I would grovel like I was in third grade, because the cool kid would come over and pee-pee on myself, and like, go cry and slit my wrist at night.
And I just sat there and just smiled at the guy.
It was hilarious.
I mean, but I understand, like, on the general public, I guess that stuff works?
You could have five billion people and I could be my clothes ripped off naked in the middle of a sports stadium with them throwing tomatoes at me and telling me I was the trash of the earth and if I hadn't done anything wrong I'd stand there naked proud of who I am.
But I realize that's leadership and the average person has had it bred out of them or something.
They're so scared.
They're so scared of everything.
And I'm here to tell you, folks, sheep will be ruled.
Sheep will be torn apart by wolves.
Stop acting like sheep.
Stop acting like sheep.
It's the old sheep-dog analogy, and every time I do it, now people think I'm talking about American Sniper.
No, that's an old military saying, and I guess it's from all over the South and all over everywhere, because I grew up hearing that my whole life from both grandfathers, you name it.
We're not wolves.
We don't go out and abuse or hurt people.
We're not sheep.
And when wolves mess with us, we go for their neck, and we're more powerful.
And quite frankly, we're more evil than they are.
But we have our hearts pointed at God, so our souls are good.
But when it comes to evil?
Ha ha!
You servants of evil have no idea!
You don't even get the full picture!
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We are waiting for the Trump event to kick off and we'll carry parts of it or all of it.
He's actually giving a speech because he does give good speeches and make good points when he's doing it.
And we're covering other events as well.
We're going to have Richard Reeves out there for New Hampshire, other key battleground states, New York, Florida.
He's doing a great job with our camera crew.
We're also going to be covering the RNC and DNC.
I think I need to go ahead and get credentialed for the RNC.
I can't stand being with the DNC.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm biased towards the Republicans, but I am.
I mean, I can't be around a bunch of communists and socialists and scum.
I mean, I've gone, I've covered it, they attack me, they call in police reports on me, they harass me.
That's a new thing I haven't talked about yet on air is, even in Austin,
Where I've been since high school, where my mother's from.
Democrats now see me and they call fake police reports in.
The police department's aware of it.
They were the ones that told me about it.
And if they're doing these dirty tricks here to me, believe me, they're doing it everywhere.
This scum is taking the gloves off.
That's all I'm saying.
And they, it's a snitch society like the Soviet Union.
I'll say it again, thank God the police are aware of it.
It's just, these people really are trash.
I just cannot impart to you, and when I said a sheepdog is more evil than a wolf, he has a wolf's nature, but a heart to protect the sheep.
He loves the sheep.
He licks them, he beds down with them, he'll die.
A sheepdog will take on three or four wolves, and one sheepdog normally, the proper breed, can take out a wolf.
I mean, they beat a wolf in a fight, but sometimes there'll be a couple of wolves and only one sheepdog, and it'll get killed, you know, fighting while it protects the sheep.
So it knows the tricks of the wolf.
It knows the wolf better than the wolf.
That's why I just look at these wolves, and I see them and all the things they do, and I know them, but I'm not a wolf.
I'm a sheepdog.
And I see the public.
They don't have to be sheep either.
But the biggest problem we face is domestication.
We have been brought out of the environment, brought out of the hardship.
Adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters.
Victor Hugo, probably my favorite quote.
It's true.
And it's not that adversity is good, but that old, is it Army or Marine Corps shirt, pain is weakness leaving the body.
I mean, that's really true.
We spoil our kids, we don't want to make them do chores, we don't want to make them work hard on homework, we don't want to let them screw around and watch TV and then we end up getting spoiled brats.
That's the same thing culturally.
We've had it so good that we now have gotten conned to the point that somebody like Bernie Sanders can shit up there with classic class warfare.
And point out Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and Walmart that have all worked closely with the Democrat and Republican parties to have select crony operations with the Federal Reserve and with Trade with China to set up artificial systems
And then they point at free market and blame that when Bernie Sanders and all them know how the cow ate the cabbage and they know that's the globalist corporate robber baron takeover system of our golden goose.
And that weasel, these weasels have the nerve to sit there with blood matted on them from all the chickens they've been killing in the hen house.
Pointing at us, the guard dog, saying we are who ate the chickens.
No, the patriots didn't eat the chickens.
The free market didn't eat the chickens.
The free market built the chicken coop.
The free market built the farm.
The free market made it prosperous.
And the weasels and the wolves and all the rest of them came in here.
I mean, if you can't look at Hillary and know she's a wolf, a stinking, degenerate piece of trash, an arch criminal on so many fronts, then this country deserves to fall.
But here's the problem.
I have a sick thought.
Where I go, you know what, forget folks.
They want to be slaves, they want to be dumb.
Half the public are a bunch of idiots, like Mitt Romney basically said properly.
Just let them go.
Let the country fall, that'll teach them.
But there's so many good people in the country, of every race, color, and creed, who don't deserve it.
And that's why God said, with Sodom and Gomorrah, if you can find ten good families, I'll spare the city.
Couldn't do that.
You can find five good families, you know, two good families, one good family.
Couldn't do it.
There are a lot of good families in this country.
We're going to go to break, come back with a Trump event, a bunch of other science, technology, economic news, news blitz coming up.
I haven't gotten to.
Stay with us.
Take a lot of calls tomorrow, by the way.
Also, a lot of big guests coming up this week.
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We also have the sheepdog cups that are in, with a sheepdog chasing a wolf.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Islamic State is threatening to launch an attack on London so terrible that it will turn children's hair white.
The extremist group published an article in its Arabic-language newspaper stating a doomsday attack would take place on British soil.
ISIS claimed the UK would receive the lion's share of its European terrorist attacks.
Threat is apparently in response to the UK's decision to extend its aerial bombing campaign against the Islamic State.
It also promises to carry out follow-up attacks to the Paris massacre in November, which left 130 dead and more than 300 injured.
The Islamic State finally referenced a verse of the Quran which discusses Judgment Day, stating the attack on Britain will be so horrific it will turn children's hair to white.
The threat will no doubt fuel concerns that jihadists are exploiting the refugee crisis to slip into the EU undetected by using fake passports so they can launch terrorist attacks on British soil.
If there is a terrorist attack, it's likely the UK government will exploit it to enact a police state just like France.
Especially considering that NATO has been arming and funding ISIS as a proxy army against Syria for quite some time.
You can read more international news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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It's Alex Jones!
Donald Trump's getting ready to speak.
I guess he's in Grand Rapids, outside Des Moines, Iowa.
And our own Richard Reeves is there covering it, and we're connecting via Skype with him right now, coming up here in a few minutes.
Here's some of the financial news that we are looking at.
JP Morgan slashes Outlook for stocks, citing Feds diverging pressures.
But then you look at the other news, the government says the economy is getting better, it's wonderful, but then the IMF, the World Bank, the XM Bank, the International Bank of Settlements, the Davos Group, the Royal Bank of Scotland, George Soros, they all say run for the hills.
I don't know when this is going to implode mega big, but it's already imploding in a serious way.
And let's get one thing straight, even though this is all artificial, I'm not here cheerleading for some collapse, so I can sit here and say, I told you so.
I'm sitting here just wondering what's going to happen when this stuff goes belly up and the yuppies are out in the streets and don't know how to grow tomatoes.
And I've studied the Great Depression in depth.
Seven million people, major university studies say, died of malnutrition or associations of starvation over that decade.
And people, most people knew how to
Skin a buck and run a trot line back then.
I don't care where.
I mean, now?
I am a blithering idiot compared to the average person in 1929 when it comes to roofing my house, unclogging a drain.
I mean, I could skin a buck, but I don't do the best job and chop it up absolutely perfectly in 30 minutes like my dad can do.
Or his brother.
I mean, it's like watching a machine.
I've skinned a 400-pound wild hog, and it's disgusting.
The ticks are all over it, and it stinks.
The meat's pretty good.
But, you know, I just haven't done it a hundred times like my dad.
You smoke it.
He's like a machine, doesn't mind it, just does it, you know.
Me, it's like, ugh, I gotta do it.
But I'm like a caveman compared to the average person.
So I'm a caveman, and I'm a complete wimp compared to the outdoorsmen that my ancestors were.
And then I just can't imagine what's going to happen.
I mean, it is going to be spectacular.
You look at Greece, you look at other areas where things have been collapsing.
I mean, it's hellish.
And the media just kind of keeps it compartmentalized.
So I don't know.
I'm not trying to fearmonger here.
I'm saying globalism is building something financial that will come down, and it will come down in a big way.
Morgan slashes outlook for stocks, citing Fed's diverging pressures.
Is growth for U.S.
equities in serious jeopardy thanks to the Federal Reserve's interest rates?
Morgan Chase says yes.
Among Wall Street's largest banks, the firm now has the most bearish position for the S&P 500 index, having previously ended 2015 with an S&P price target of $2,200.
Morgan recently cut the number to $2,000, citing poor earnings, and it goes on from there.
There's layoffs just everywhere in Austin.
This is the boomtown USA.
The biggest boomtown in America.
Other than Atlanta, it's right here.
Atlanta, Georgia.
And guys, don't have a heart attack if a Skype doesn't work and we can't carry the Trump.
Just tell him shoot HD of it and put it out after.
Because I know you get thousands of people in there and all the bandwidth gets sucked up.
No, not a bit.
Because as more people came in, his quality got worse and worse.
I predicted it.
It was like crystal clear in over 30 minutes.
It faded down to like, you know, just tell them shoot HD and relax.
My crew's so good, they have like heart attacks if something doesn't work.
It's not in their hands.
And the Trump people let us jack into their audio feed and everything.
They're very nice, but it's fine.
Just shoot HD and then put the whole thing out, Richard.
Just tell Richard that.
Just abort that.
It's not a big deal.
It's not a baby.
Okay, the Fed is freaking out about financial markets.
And then it goes to the Federal Reserve saying they're really worried about stuff collapsing.
Why 2016 keeps getting uglier for the U.S.
Another article.
Puerto Rico proposes debt cut for creditors.
Slammed by insurer.
So now they want to pay their creditors less money.
Which, if you look at all the interest they're paying, it is unreasonable.
They should, you know, get that cut.
But a deal's a deal!
And you signed up to screw the people of Puerto Rico.
People say, oh, that's Puerto Rico.
51st Banana Republic.
It's easy to shake your finger at areas that have been more impoverished than us, that never got out of colonialism, basically.
When we go belly up, or you know what up,
Mammary gland up is going to be worse than that because at least in Puerto Rico they've been poor for a long time and they do have gardens outside their houses and chickens and know how to go catch fish even if the game warden tells them they can't.
That's another thing.
In the Great Depression, even though my family was upper middle class, almost all the deer and everything were killed.
Even the possums, the armadillos, because everybody was eating them or they'd starve to death in East Texas.
What's going to happen to the game wardens when everything collapses now and they're running around trying to keep folks from hunting to live?
Well, you know what's going to happen to him, and I don't want game wardens to get hurt, but once people start starving and the feds want to run around all wild-eyed, it's easy to intimidate some, you know, 200-pound, 250-pound guy in his truck, point a gun at him.
You point guns at people that hadn't had a meal in two or three days?
They want to kill you, and they're not going to wait for you to shoot first once stuff unravels.
I mean, I look at the feds and some of the local departments that think they're GI Joe and that are actually getting off on the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL propaganda who say they want to have a shooting war with the patriots.
That's like saying you want to jump into a pit of rattlesnakes.
Yeah, you got a machete, you may kill 100 of them before they bite you 14 times and you die.
There's no point!
It's dumb!
But they train people.
You know, it's like the popular culture under Sumner Redstone and Viacom and MTV for 25 years.
They said, we're going to pick the punk culture with the jeans hanging down.
In prison, that means that you're a punk and a nobody and that, you know, you're used as a sex toy.
But so all the young people still, that fad never goes out.
Black, white, Hispanic, you know, they have their pants hanging down.
And that, when the cops see that, that means you're a drug dealer and an ex-con.
So you're wearing a uniform that says, slam me up against a wall, get in my face, shake me down because of reasonable suspicion.
You see how that works?
And I'm not saying you can't have your pants hanging down around your legs.
Okay, you can have whatever style you want.
I don't care.
I wear a sports jacket and wear a stainless steel watch and have short hair because it's easy to comb short hair and this is how you dress to get left alone, Dumbo.
You know, drive a Ford Expedition, wear a sports jacket with a white shirt with silver cufflinks and get ready to get out of your way.
But people don't listen.
I mean, these guys that drive a Ferrari want to be messed with, or robbed, or pulled over.
You know, you want to be messed with?
Go ahead and get messed with all day.
Everything in nature is about colorations.
Like, this butterfly looks this way, this snakehead looks this way.
Warning you, letting you know, telling you.
They train you to dress up in criminal outfits.
Might as well wear a little mask on your head, or maybe stockings over your face, and then wonder why you get messed with in the system.
Conversely, they're training the police that this is the world and you're going to have a coming battle with the gun owners and veterans.
That's like the ADL or Seventh Poverty Law Center coming down to your police department with a wood chipper.
I might do this as a stunt, actually.
And go down to the police department and like feed dummies in police uniforms into a wood chipper saying, please don't let them start a civil war with the patriots because
I'm going to throw a patriot in with a Gadsden hat into the woodchipper and I'm going to throw a cop in.
And I'm going to sit there and I'm going to say, see we start a civil war, who wins?
The globalists, because we get in the woodchipper.
We're dumb enough to climb into a woodchipper.
Do not wear gang outfits.
Okay, to the young people.
Don't use the stupid illegal drugs.
Where an informant's probably telling you the drugs, who's got a quota how many young people to put in jail.
That part of the system's evil, it's corrupt, we should change it.
But it isn't about the cops themselves.
Because most of them aren't in the immoral job of actually being part of that.
They want to have a civil war in the country, I don't want to.
But it just shows how the militias, again, 20-something years ago, it's all been declassified, it's come out in federal court.
They would send in federal FBI leaders, former special forces people, and others that were experts at going into indigenous groups and leading them.
And the government would set up militias and lead them.
And then have them have racist ideas, have them have anti-police ideas, have them hide out, be all paranoid.
Not all the militias.
See, the militias are so programmed, they hear this, they think I'm bashing them.
No, no, that was because Feds were leading you and they told you.
When someone comes and says Feds will try to infiltrate, that's the Fed.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
When someone comes and explains to you that you're being set up and what to look for, that's the good guy.
A real militia
Is a gun club and an American history club where you wear sports jackets and you go and you promote shooting clubs at the YMCA and the Rotary Club and the VFW and you go and speak at city council about liberty and freedom and lower taxes and lower property taxes and keeping school districts locally controlled and then oh by the way we've got a citizen shooting group!
Yeah, we go out once a month out here to this big landowner's place and we, you know, encourage young people to lay on blankets and, you know, we got barbecue and all those other great sponsors and local radio stations and we have a political speaker and everybody gets out and shoots.
And you meet like-minded people.
It's a culture.
It's a movement.
That would have defeated the New World Order.
They were worried about the militia movement resurging, so they went and they created their own, and they led it spectacularly into a rat hole.
Into a hell hole!
So, I don't sit up here on a high horse and say, oh my gosh,
I've got all the answers, but if you look at the way things really work, you know, I've been watching a show from Netflix called Narcos, and it's very historically accurate because I followed what happened with Escobar and the rest of it.
It's accurate in the history, not accurate in the DEA or these good guys that raise orphaned babies, and they, oh, they're so nice, and the CIA is there, and the Pentagon, and
When I say accurate, I mean the basic stuff of what went on, but not on the ground.
If the presidents of Colombia would have come out and said, I'm not for the narco-terrorists, but by the West making drugs illegal in the 1930s, they drove up the price of products that were bought here in Colombia by the Coca-Cola Company and Dr. Pepper of Waco, Texas since the 1870s, 1880s.
And we are going to package the drugs as a state-run project with private contractors, and then we're going to publicly sell it to the next country, and then if the U.S.
buys it, that's their issue.
We've always sold this.
This is what we do.
And we're going to make it not illegal, because that cuts out all the drug gangs and Pepe Escobar.
And by the way, they knew back then.
It had come out in the 60s, the CIA with opium.
It had come out, the cocaine in the 70s.
They knew.
But they have it like the good politicians, you know, are against the drug lords, so they work with America to try to stop it.
Give me a break.
It makes me sick to see El Chapo about to be extradited to the United States.
When El Chapo, from his earliest days, was one of the only smart cartel leaders out there who long-term worked with the CIA to take out the other cartels and consolidate it down to only a few cartels that Western banks could work with, because once they only had a few cartels, they could control them and not have any of the money actually go to Mexico or the people.
So it's the worst of things.
They're going to keep them illegal, and they're going to make sure almost none of the money goes into Mexico or anywhere else, and they're going to make sure it doesn't go to the American people.
Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have unlimited derivatives, unlimited money.
They just want everything.
They don't want any resource to be there.
They've got the nerve, like total devils, to make it illegal, keep it illegal since the 30s when alcohol prohibition ended, they needed a new racket.
And then to make sure none of the money goes to anybody, and then the drug money they get goes directly into a black hole to derivatives and is destroyed.
You understand the 2.2 quadrillion plus derivatives is to destroy all wealth and have it all fed at a debt that doesn't exist.
To kill American ingenuity that would already have space elevators and huge bases on Mars by now.
But no!
No, we're not going to have that.
We're going to have thousands of laboratories with human-animal chimeras everywhere.
With these people sitting there holding us back, and then they sit there and they point their fingers, just like in Scarface when he's in the restaurant, which he lived for like five years, Oliver Stone.
I'm on a Sun Show Friday with Oliver Stone.
But anyways, the point is,
Where Tony Montana, the fictional character based on a composite of real people, he actually lived in Columbia and Miami for five years writing that script.
He didn't direct it, he wrote it.
He also wrote Conan the Barbarian, but that's a separate issue.
And he points and he goes, those are the banks.
They run all the drugs.
They control the whole thing.
We're just their front men.
They've been doing it for thousands of years.
And that's the truth, see?
And then he sits there and he's in this big fancy restaurant.
And he goes, is this it?
You got a bag for a belly.
The money?
You look like a mummy.
Your womb's so polluted you can't even give me a baby.
See, he'd be happier in a shack in Cuba.
Not because a shack in Cuba's good, but because this rich artificial garbage based on fraud is so evil.
So he starts cussing and they're all looking, sir, sir, sir, he has a bunch of money, that's all they wanted.
And then he goes, oh, you, you people that run it all, you want to point your finger and say, look at the bad man.
Well, say goodnight to the bad man.
You know how sick I get when I turn on CNN or Fox and they're dripping over, oh, we got the biggest criminal in the world.
Oh, he's so rich.
El Chapo.
Oh, he's so horrible.
Oh, he did all these things.
Our government's so good at getting him.
Sean Penn's so bad.
Sean Penn literally can hardly tie his shoelaces.
Sitting there, pointing their finger at their own asset, who they're dishonorably burning in front of everyone.
And the public's so stupid, they stand for it.
It'd be like watching John Gotti as the judge and the jury and the executioner over a New York mob case of a street-level thug beating somebody up to collect a bookie's debt.
And John Gotti all proud, I am gonna punish this horrible maximum criminal!
I am such an angel!
While he's known to be a criminal.
So, that's how it works.
What those countries should have done...
Well said.
The United States is run by banks that launder the drug money and run the whole thing.
They made it illegal to create the market and to cut us out of our legitimate market, selling opium and cocaine to pharmacies in the United States where citizens could buy it legally.
And by the way, abuse was much lower.
And so we're going to sell it to the next country, and that's your problem.
You're the ones using it.
You handle it in your country.
But instead, they let the propaganda all over Latin America, watching U.S.
TV and movies.
That's what did it.
Not the power, not the military, not the troops.
They always invite the vampire in.
No, just wanting to be part of America and fly to New York and then be in the glitz and be in the glamour and be part of it.
Oh yes, we can fight the drug war and you wrecked your countries and 30 years later they're wrecked forever because you made a deal with the State Department and ran them 200.
Which states it wants to wreck your countries and states it wants to destabilize them.
And now the globalists have done this to everybody else.
And now they've got us, their little piggy, the United States of America, and the little piggy Canada, and the little piggy Germany, and the little piggy France, and the little piggy UK, and the little piggy Greece, and the little piggy Spain.
And they got us with a big old knife they're sharpening, and they're putting ropes around our feet with a chain about to haul us up.
We can see all the other butchered pigs behind us.
Are we going to get our little trotters, little feet out of there?
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I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.
The only thing that's real.
I focus on the pain.
You know, I never liked pain before in my life, but I can tolerate it.
And it's weird now that I've gotten older.
Pain doesn't hurt as bad, and sometimes it's kind of interesting.
Let's go ahead and turn this up.
The only thing that's real.
Here's an example.
The body gets desensitized as you get older, preparing you slowly for death.
Like when you were a kid and you'd get in the ocean all day and it would burn under your arms and in between your legs.
You know, now I can go swimming for like two hours in the ocean when I get a chance to.
Scuba diving, whatever the case is, and now it's like the burning of the salt feels good.
I'm not a masochist, but I...
I just see my taste change as I get older.
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
You can have it all, the empire of the dirt.
I will let you in.
You know, Donald Trump is quite a paradox because he comes off as the perfect narcissist egomaniac to challenge a system run by a bunch of psychos.
But is he a big enough egomaniac to want to build something great and just get out of humanity's way?
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
We'll see what happens.
Look at this scientific news, and we've known this forever, and I'm not bashing some people that are on antidepressants.
I get that they actually help some people, just like a bottle of Jack Daniels every week, you know, helps some folks.
But there are negatives to it, and they don't really tell you that, and they don't tell you that every mass shooter we can think of
was on serotonin reuptake inhibitors or anti-psychotics, because then they can chemically unbalance the brain.
So it is the suicide mass murder pills, as I dub them, on Piers Morgan famously, that are really causing the problem, not the guns.
It's the crazy people.
So I'm not even blaming the suicide mass murder pills, but if, you know, the shoe fits, wear it.
I mean, that's a lot more culpable than inanimate guns.
It ain't lead poisoning causing the violence.
Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide.
Biggest ever review finds.
That's a London Telegraph article and it goes through a huge scientific group of studies.
That's something we should do a full report on very, very soon.
This is very scary.
42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism and identify themselves, according to Market Watch, as socialists.
I'm sorry.
See, people look at the current paradigm, how it's set out, and just think that's the way it works.
They don't think, hey, what's outside of that?
Okay, socialism, we all share everything.
Who decides how that's redistributed?
Why do so many rich people support communism and socialism?
Why does socialism always end up leading to fascism or communism?
Because wealth redistribution and that paradigm always rots.
It always accelerates.
It always gets more extreme, not less.
And unless a robot was deciding, with the surplus, who to give it to?
Here's the kind of socialism I'm for.
If you're gonna have a state like the 50th state up there, I guess that'd be Hawaii, Alaska, biggest state.
If you're going to have giant state government-owned lands, then yeah, give every part of the citizenship a piece of that money and they're going to buy goods and services and build the community that way.
Okay, I'm for that socialism.
If there are cases where it exists like that, but there are few and far between.
But you notice you don't ever get direct socialism, folks.
And by the way, direct socialism ends up making you domesticated long-term, like feeding squirrels in your backyard.
Or have you ever seen those Japanese monkeys people feed that are so fat they can hardly walk?
You know, I'm saying I'm less against that type of socialism than the others.
I'm going to do five more minutes, and Paul Joseph Watson is coming up.
I want to get into UN sex abuse, sex slavery, that's always coming up.
More on the economy, more on everything.
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And tonight, full coverage of the Iowa caucuses, 7 o'clock Central.
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I want to see how long it takes for the mic to shut off.
I'm not paying much to know that.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'll tell you one thing, every day I marvel at the revolution that is life, the revolution that is consciousness in the universe.
Some say that matter
Is God.
That God is a manifestation.
That creation is a manifestation of God.
And that all life is basically like part of the compound eye of a dragonfly.
That God is experiencing consciousness in his own creation through every facet of life and its experience.
Just like Google wants to mark and control every piece of matter and track it in real time to control it.
God is matter.
God is all life.
God, that's why we're in the image of God, little g.
Able to build and create because we're made in the image of the Creator.
And who can deny that that aspect of God is real and then every other aspect you can imagine because God is everything.
There's no argument against it.
I mean, your very DNA knows it's true.
And, of course, some human limited perception of God up on a fluffy cloud reaching down like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel.
Or is that Leonardo da Vinci?
I think it's Michelangelo.
And I've seen it.
That's all I know.
And, you know, wow, I'll tell you, to be in the Sistine Chapel, it's amazing.
It's so 3D.
I like... It's Michelangelo.
I like Choron there.
Is that so it's a copy of the demons like on the boats with the souls falling off of them, stumbling into the mud, swinging an oar, driving them off into hell?
I tell you, man, it is a wild, wild world.
I drive around in my car, there's all these low clouds, they have the sun behind them, it just looks magic, and the trees, and the birds, and the life, and just all of it is so amazing, every second of it.
And I think about all these people that are so negative and just are so unhappy because all they do is watch television all day, all they do is live inside the system all day, when the system is a limited hallucination of the establishment and what their worldview of things is superimposed over our view of the world, which itself is a distortion.
And so all I'm saying is there's different angles.
It's like you're walking up a mountain path.
You see a gorge this way, you see a waterfall that way.
As you get up higher, you can see other mountains, other hills.
As you get to the top, you think you see it all, but you actually see less in ways.
And all I'm saying is there's different angles, there's different perspectives, there's different things happening.
And so, understand the view you're given by the establishment is meant to limit your overall field of perception.
And the ultimate sin, in my view, is trying to hurt the innocents and dumb people down before they develop, and to try to block the development of the species and all life on this planet itself, and to try to overtake that, and to create something blasphemously ugly.
And creates the wrong word because the system doesn't create anything.
They take the building blocks that were already there and then rearrange them in horrid designs.
And the establishment argues, well that's what a baby does when it's two finger painting.
It's ugly.
But it's learning how to paint and one day it becomes a Rembrandt, the Dutch painter.
Or a Van Gogh, I guess another Dutch painter.
Or a Monet, a French painter.
But no, a baby's painting is beautiful.
And it doesn't hurt anybody.
What you people create... To quote Time Bandits, is 500 feet high, bright red, and stinks horribly.
And has poison fruit dropping off of it that rots on the ground and turns into little pygmy goblins running around chewing on life.
I mean, you know, it's horrible.
It's terrible.
It's cancer.
So the globalists get it right.
They're saying, we're cancer, kill humanity.
No, no, no, no.
You're projecting.
You're cancer.
You're cancer.
Kill yourself.
And I'm not saying kill yourself, but when you want us to kill ourselves and put that message out for us to self-destruct, give up, lay down and die, no, I want to just say, take your message back.
Kill yourself.
Here, take that energy.
You send it out.
No, no.
You kill yourselves.
Microsoft's Bing technology has already called Iowa a victory for Hillary Clinton.
A result that has not gone unnoticed among Bernie Sanders supporters, given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus.
Using data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search engine queries to predict its results.
Microsoft believes Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada, while Sanders takes New Hampshire.
And as noted by Paul Joseph Watson, Microsoft also correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the no vote for Scottish Independence, and the outcome for over 95% of the 2014 U.S.
midterm elections.
And that track record is raising concerns among Bernie Sanders supporters, who have pointed out a potential conflict of interest given that precinct officials are using the app created by Microsoft to count votes and report caucus results.
Last week, Sanders' Iowa campaign manager questioned the impartiality of the app.
Others have also pointed out that hackers could penetrate the cloud network on which the Microsoft app runs in order to skew the vote.
Visit InfoWars.com for more election news.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, my friends.
It's Paul Joseph Watson from London.
I want to be here for the next 58 minutes or so, 52 minutes or so.
Richard Reeves is in Iowa on the caucuses.
Full of Australian in there.
Now, Paul Watson is hosting the fourth hour today from Britannic, Madras, England, London, and we appreciate him joining us.
Obviously, there's a lot of this I didn't get to today because I think they're breaking my will.
More mass rapes, more mass poopings in the pool with the raping, more mass stabbing, killing, just constantly by the precious migrants.
French roads and a standstill because of it.
And now, Kurt Nenow has a story that I should have covered in more detail, where not just in Europe, but in the UK and also the US, they're moving to quote, block hateful speech against the little preciousies.
So Paul, I'm sure you're getting into that, the caucuses and so much more.
But what do you think of Microsoft, with all its history of hanky-panky, running the Republican and Democratic sides of the Iowa kickoff caucus?
And then already announcing Hillary as the winner.
Your story's been on DrudgeReport.com today.
So congratulations on your work on that.
We go from Bernie Sanders talking about it last week to Microsoft calls Iowa for Hillary.
Don't they get that that shows their bias and conflict of interest and impartiality even more?
Well yeah, and the concern obviously is that this Bing technology that Microsoft has been using to predict these results has been deadly accurate in the past.
They can't call it so well when it comes to sporting events, but for things like the Academy Awards, the no vote for Scottish independence,
And, according to the article, the outcome of more than 95% of the U.S.
midterm elections back in 2014, they were almost deadly accurate.
So the fact that Microsoft has created the app that will tally the votes, I mean, the Sanders spokesman rightly was paranoid and complaining about that last week.
It is a concern given how close Iowa is between Hillary and Bernie Sanders.
I'll tell you what I like.
I'll tell you what I like.
Human, animal, splice, chimeras are now BBC top news every few days, MIT.
Stuff that we talk about, Microsoft and election manipulation, this isn't their first go around, they're involved in machine software.
Now that's mainstream news.
Saying that the Zika virus could be from the mosquitoes engineered, that's now mainstream news.
Paul, almost everything we talk about a month or even a week out now becomes mainstream news.
That's very exciting.
And I'm not trying to brag about Infowars, it's happening for other alternative media as well, but at what point do they become the dead dinosaur follower media, and at what point do we become the dominant media, the liberty-based media, the open-source media?
Because we go with everything.
We research everything.
We're not just one little cult with people with teleprompters and, you know, the rest of it.
I mean, what would you call this whole media battle that I'm going to punch out and let you take over?
Well they've still got the control in terms of the narrative is unified, so you have all the different networks pushing the same narrative.
But if you look on an individual level, I mean for example, I put out a video about the migrant crisis during that whole week where the CNN and everyone was freaking out.
Hungarian camera woman trips up a migrant and it was like the shocking top story for a week.
Meanwhile they're
Pelting rocks at Hungarians, robbing people, you know, raping people, hijacking people's cars.
Yeah, so I put out a video just on a backup channel and it got 2.2 million views showing that footage.
You know, I put out a video about three weeks ago, the rape of Europe, about the mass molestation in Cologne.
It got 900,000 views.
Most CNN shows aren't going to touch that.
That's right, and we've got reporters like yourself every day with all the videos we put out.
The average video, say, you know, 50, 60,000 views.
Many of them, a million, two million, three million, four million.
We're all just beavering away, dominating them in the numbers.
We can say InfoWars is as big as CNN globally.
Right now, because their viewership is low, but their internet is still huge.
Drudge is surpassing them, you know, just CNN itself.
He's bigger than the New York Times, Facebook combined.
Drudge is much bigger than that.
We're smaller than Drudge when it comes to internet traffic itself.
I mean, that's got to really freak them out, Paul.
It does, and that's why they're starting to censor comments.
And why is that a big deal?
Well, because studies have shown, scientific studies, that the comments below news articles sway the opinion of the reader.
Now, I called this about two years ago in a video I made about it.
Yeah, you said they're going to start censoring comments.
The truth is, they're more read than the article.
That's what drives people.
So if they do cut out comments, they're just killing themselves.
And that, and sites that do do that do kill their traffic.
Go ahead.
Yeah, they're killing themselves.
So, you know, it's their domain to have on their website what they like.
It's, you know, it's private property.
But once you impose that hypocritical form of censorship, which is what it is, because they're censoring one side of the debate, then it's suicide for these websites.
And admittedly, two years ago, you know, Popular Science was doing it because they said it made it harder for them to indoctrinate their readership to accept dogmas about man-made global warming.
Now The Guardian's doing it.
I'm going to get into this later in their quote, comment is free section.
I mean, for months, it's been a it's been a meme.
Moderator has deleted your comment.
Moderator has deleted your comment.
Down for literally 20 comments in a row.
Now they've announced they're just going to get rid of them altogether basically on news articles about Islam, about immigration and these kind of subjects.
So they've basically admitted defeat.
They're saying we're only going to preach to the choir.
Only people who agree with us are going to read our articles to reinforce their beliefs.
So their audience is going to dwindle and people are going to flock over to us because we're the true commons of free speech and free open debate.
And by the way, that's not us acting.
I agree, Paul.
I'm going to punch out here in a moment, but I wanted to talk to you, son, because this is the only time I get to talk.
We're both so busy.
It's a fact that we reach billions of people every quarter on social media alone.
We have the metrics back there.
It's a fact we reach 28 million people a week with all of our audio, video and news and radio platforms.
And it's growing exponentially.
It was 22 million, you know, just six months ago.
It's a fact.
That we're having this huge effect and have the Pentagon and the White House countering us.
We're beating them, but they're openly saying they're losing the info war and that they want to shut us and others down.
Drudge has been told this as well.
Do you think they'll be successful?
Because I really think they won't be, Paul, if we resist and speak out and if the public realizes the fight is now because the genie's out of the bottle.
People now understand the paradigm to a certain extent, those who are thinking, folks, that I don't see the system being able to reverse this.
Well you can just look at what's happened at Twitter over the past couple of weeks.
A number of top executives of Twitter have stood down.
Their stock is plummeting and it came right on the heels of them banning and unverifying people, for example, who spoke out against Islam, against radical feminism and all these kind of issues.
So people are actually stepping down.
Their stock price is plummeting.
They're losing.
They're losing audience share.
Twitter can't attract new people.
But again, the risk is, as Drudge said, all our content gets segregated into these internet ghettos, like Facebook.
And then they say we're going to censor people who are violent and hateful towards migrants.
So Drudge is absolutely right.
We have to have our own platforms that we promote that has the base info, like InfoWars.com, DrudgeReport.com, PrisonPlanet.com, WorldAndDaily.com, DailyCaller.com, Breitbart.com.
We have to have those.
But then, we have to then infect, in the globalist words, all the other platforms and promote there, but no, they're gonna try to shut us down.
But listeners need to know, when they send a link, or send a video, or retweet a drudge tweet, this is a war, folks.
Toe-to-toe with censors.
Toe-to-toe with people trying to put communists in as President of the U.S.
I mean, this is serious.
And then I saw the German government said, it isn't Muslims raping in Cologne.
That was today.
The level of lying
Is so stratospheric, I don't think governments realize how much they're discrediting themselves.
I mean, on one hand, they have computers that can predict the future now of mass movements, but they don't know that if they brought in 5 million radical Islamics that people get pissed off?
Well, that's why they're predicting mass civil unrest in Germany.
And if they can import these huge crowds of people, of Islamists, who then pressure to pass hate speech laws, then they can use those to change the internet.
We've already had feminists going in front of the UN and saying, people who say we suck or you're a liar.
They should have their internet access cut off.
So it's going to be introduced via those laws which then put pressure on ISPs directly to cut off internet access.
So that's where the free speech war is right now.
And just as Drudge warned last year here, a few months ago in studio, it's 2016, they're coming for the free speech globally.
Zuckerberg's meeting with the Chai Com leader on how to censor the web here.
People go, they go, well don't be on Facebook then!
They're coming for us next!
We're here at InfoWars, but we're invading Facebook with millions of readers a day and millions of videos being watched a day.
So, the idiots out there, the trolls mainly, that want to act like we shouldn't be there, they're the establishment.
They can't stand the fact that we are squatting at Facebook and YouTube.
They can't stand that we're using their platforms while there's still some free speech to get the word out, Paul.
Yeah, and you look, and it always backfires.
When Facebook censors somebody, it's the Streisand effect.
It always makes whatever they said bigger.
You can look at the Bosh Forstin, the guy who drew the Prophet Muhammad cartoon back before the Garland attack.
Facebook suspended his account for posting a cartoon of Muhammad.
It became a big news story.
Now more people than ever have seen that cartoon, so it always backfires on them.
And that's the positive.
And that's the key.
That's the key.
The key.
Listen up, folks.
The key.
Being on the field is victory.
Resistance is victory.
Even when we lose, we win.
Like the Alamo.
It was a huge loss, but a big win.
Fighting is victory.
Standing up to tyranny with the proper message is the way we stop them.
We force them to censor us.
We force them.
We come back.
They censor us over and over again.
We just come back and back and back and back and back.
We never give up, and we're winning against the enemy.
They're scared.
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Now as Alex touched upon in the previous segment we've got more migrant crisis news breaking at Infowars.com
And literally, it's every day.
It's a deluge.
I mean, I'm trying not to appear obsessed with this, but when every day you have major reports out of major European newspapers about this issue, they have to be communicated, they have to be translated into English language, because the content continues to be shocking.
Look at this headline on Infowars.com right now.
German government to spend 600 million euros housing migrants in Berlin hotels.
The German government is set to spend 600 million euros housing migrants in upmarket Berlin hotels at a cost of 18,000 euros per refugee, while the city's 10,000 homeless population will remain on the streets.
That's right, the government in Berlin is actually in secret negotiating a contract with a major hotel chain to put up 10,000 migrants into three and four star hotels while Berlin's 10,000 homeless population remains on the streets, according to a Frankfurt Allemagne report.
The Berlin Senate is negotiating with the hotel chain over the longer term leasing of 10,000 hotel places for refugees.
Grand City Hotel will provide 22 hotels which will include Holiday Inn and Wyndham properties.
The 10,000 figure is noteworthy given that it equates to the homeless population of Berlin.
Now they've literally brought in
80,000 economic migrants, most of whom aren't Syrian refugees, into Berlin alone over the past year.
So they got 10,000 people on the streets homeless.
They bring in 80,000 economic migrants.
And now they're going to pay for 10,000 more to stay in three- and four-star hotels at taxpayer expense.
They could have solved Berlin's homeless problem eight times over.
And this is how they spend the money.
The cost for each migrant will be €50 a night for the hotel.
That's €18,000 for each migrant per year.
Just the hotel costs alone.
And we'll include a quote all-inclusive program of care and integration.
Quote, since the Senate is reportedly interested in a multi-year term of the lease, it would amount to a volume of at least 600 million euros, a source told the newspaper.
And again, this newspaper went to the government to get a quote from somebody, and they responded by saying, you're not supposed to know about that!
That's not public!
Because they were conducting this secret no-bid contract
To strip out any competitive aspect with this hotel chain.
The deal is attracted to the hotel chain because the government would guarantee an occupancy rate of 95% compared to the usual figure of 60 to 65%.
So these hotels, they were going to be 30-35% empty on average throughout the year.
Now, thanks to this government contract, they're basically going to be full of migrants.
The same kind of migrants who were out on the streets on New Year's Eve, not all of them, but many of them, raping, molesting, stealing from the women of Cologne.
Of course, the feminists in Cologne responded to that by visiting the city's largest migrant center,
Did they protest?
No, they handed out roses and apologized for xenophobia.
So now the German government's paying 600 million euros in taxpayer money to house these refugees.
Again, 80,000 asylum seekers arrived in Berlin alone last year.
Part of the 1.1 million that has flooded into Germany in 2015 alone.
In other words, Berlin could have completely solved its homeless problem eight times over, yet will instead use taxpayer money to fund accommodation for non-Germans flooding in from the Middle East and North Africa, which will no doubt please the German Green Party politician who got up in front of the Parliament a few months ago
And bragged about how wonderful it was that Germans would be a minority in major German cities within 30 years.
She said that was, quote, a good thing.
And that will
This program will accelerate that process.
Critics allege that the deal is wide open to corruption and abuse because it was conducted secretly via no-bid contracts.
Again, we weren't supposed to find out about this, but the German newspaper uncovered a source and the details were revealed.
Authorities in Berlin have already confiscated 50 gymnasiums just in Berlin alone, as well as office and bank buildings to house migrants arriving in the city.
And again, top psychiatrists are saying that Angela Merkel is having a breakdown.
Mass protests in Germany against her.
We got a video of that in this article.
And again, more craziness coming up.
Wait until you see what's coming up in the video after the break.
This is the 4th Hour Live.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Islamic State is threatening to launch an attack on London so terrible that it will turn children's hair white.
The extremist group published an article in its Arabic-language newspaper stating a doomsday attack would take place on British soil.
ISIS claimed the UK would receive the lion's share of its European terrorist attacks.
Threat is apparently in response to the UK's decision to extend its aerial bombing campaign against the Islamic State.
It also promises to carry out follow-up attacks to the Paris massacre in November, which left 130 dead and more than 300 injured.
The Islamic State finally referenced a verse of the Quran which discusses Judgment Day, stating the attack on Britain will be so horrific it will turn children's hair to white.
The threat will no doubt fuel concerns that jihadists are exploiting the refugee crisis to slip into the EU undetected by using fake passports so they can launch terrorist attacks on British soil.
If there is a terrorist attack, it's likely the UK government will exploit it to enact a police state just like France.
Especially considering that NATO has been arming and funding ISIS as a proxy army against Syria for quite some time.
You can read more international news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is Kit Angels reporting.
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Now, before the break, I was talking about this article.
The German government is basically going to spend 600 million euros of taxpayer money to house, quote, refugees, many of whom are just economic migrants trying to get on European benefits, in three- and four-star hotels in Berlin.
They're talking about taking 10,000 migrants and putting them up in these hotels.
Meanwhile, Berlin's 10,000 population of homeless people will remain on the streets.
So again, it goes back to that argument.
You know, even if we had socialism,
We can't even have direct socialism.
They could have solved their own homeless population eight times over, given the amount of refugees they brought in over the last year.
80,000 in Berlin alone.
They're using gymnasiums, they're using disused office space, banks that have shut down, and they simply run out of room.
So now the government of Germany is doing a secret no-bid deal
With this hotel chain, who are completely happy with it because they're going to have 95% occupancy for the foreseeable future, to put up these 10,000 migrants, initially just 10,000, maybe more to follow, while Berlin's homeless population remains on the streets.
Again, they would rather take care of these economic migrants than actual German citizens who are struggling, which we've seen before with government housing in Germany.
People being kicked out of government housing, Germans,
In order to make way for these migrants, 1.1 million of which have arrived in Germany over the past year.
Now, staying on that issue, you will remember back in September we had this story.
German schools order girls not to wear short skirts to avoid offending Muslim migrants.
Schools in Germany are ordering teenage girls not to wear miniskirts or shorts so as to prevent attacks from Muslim migrants who may be offended by such attire.
So this was a pocking Bavaria school.
Again, they had a gymnasium set aside for the migrants.
It was right next to the school.
The headmaster sent out a letter to the parents saying, if you don't want your teenage daughter to be attacked by these migrants and sexually molested, you better tell her to cover up.
Maybe wear a burqa.
Maybe that will do it.
Doesn't help the Muslim women in migrant camps.
They're still being raped and molested.
So we've had schools telling parents that they need their children to cover up for months and months.
And now we have this.
A town hall meeting in the German town of Bad Schlemmer, and we've got the video we're going to play in a second, where they've got a mayor of this town up in front of a packed audience in this town hall.
And a grandfather is basically saying he's concerned about his teenage granddaughters being attacked, being molested by these migrants who are staying in the nearby school or staying in a building nearby the school.
The mayor responds by saying don't walk near the school.
He then says basically cover up, don't let your
Teenage daughters wear skimpy attire.
So imagine the outrage if a prominent official had said, you know, just cover up.
It's not the rapist's fault that this mass molestation is happening.
It's your fault for not wearing the right clothes, for wearing miniskirts.
Blaming the victim.
Of course feminists would be completely outraged.
Not feminists in Cologne who are giving migrants roses.
In the biggest refugee center in Cologne, which almost certainly contains some of the same rapists who sexually molested women in Cologne.
So this video is in German, but I'm going to translate.
I'm going to talk over it.
So let's go to this video now.
So the grandfather says, I have a question regarding the school, about physical education in the school gym.
My granddaughter, she's under 10, and it also happened in a nearby town.
The girls have been harassed by the refugee children, the asylum seekers.
Again, this is a town hall.
They get harassed from the windows of the shelter and things like that.
He's talking to the mayor.
How will this be in the summer, when the schoolgirls wear less clothing?
The mayor says, that's the thing, just don't provoke them.
Don't walk in these areas.
Now the audience starts to go into an uproar.
Oh, in your own country?
You can't even walk in your own city anymore?
So they're in uproar, they're catcalling, they're booing the mayor because he basically said, these girls shouldn't be able to walk in their own city, they shouldn't be able to go near the migrant camp because they might get molested by the migrants.
So he goes on, who the hell elected you?
Basically it turns into a massive shouting fest.
And the mayor, towards the end of the video,
They call for him to step down.
He goes on to basically say, it's technically not necessary for the girls to walk there.
There are alternative routes for going to the school.
So he's saying that these teenage girls should not be able to walk past this area, that the parents should discourage them from doing so, and that that's the only way to prevent these molestations from these migrants.
Not that there's an issue with importing the migrants in the frigging first place.
Not that there's an issue with having to train them not to molest women, like they're doing in Denmark and other countries.
But no, it's the German people's fault.
In fact, in this video...
The mayor goes on to say, oh Germans sexually molest women all the time too, what's the big deal?
So he's actually blaming it, just as feminists did in Cologne, on the German people, saying that they need to have their daughters cover up, maybe wear a burka, that they shouldn't go near the refugee center that's near their school.
Again, we've had top officials in Germany saying that the mass molestation of women in Cologne.
What's equally as bad as that is, quote, right-wing conservatives leaving comments on internet message boards critical of migrants.
This is the reaction from prominent German politicians and mayors to these molestations of women, to this rape epidemic that has swept Germany, that is being covered up by the police, admittedly in their own words, so as not to legitimize critics of mass migration.
So now you've got, people are basically in uproar.
I mean I talked about it earlier, top German security experts have warned Merkel, if this policy is not reversed, it's going to cause mass civil unrest.
But the response of the German government has not been to significantly scale back this program.
It's not been to address the fact that they've now got a rape epidemic sweeping the country.
It's to ban people on Facebook, ban Germans on Facebook from making comments critical of migrants.
And we saw what tone that took in the Netherlands.
This wasn't hate-filled, violent speech being made against the migrants.
It was somebody, for example, in a Dutch town who said that he thought his government's refugee policy of allowing these refugees into the country was a, quote, bad plan.
Those were his words.
A bad plan.
What happened?
He, along with other people in that one town alone, got a home visit from the police who warned him as to his future conduct on social media.
So they're not clamping down on the actual migrants molesting women, molesting young girls.
They're clamping down on people who criticise it and people who criticise that policy in the first place.
Now, if you go watch this video, and it'll be up on m4wars.com later, again, just total uproar in the crowd.
A packed house in this town hall meeting.
The mayor is blaming the German people for this problem, and saying your school, your daughters shouldn't go near the refugee center, and that that is the solution to the problem.
Just find a different route to get to school, because if you go near that place, they might molest you.
Oh, and by the way, it's your fault because you didn't tell them to cover up enough.
Completely outrageous.
We continue to see examples of this day after day after day.
Over in Austria...
RT reports, Austria to deport 50,000 asylum seekers by 2019 will offer €500 to those leaving voluntarily.
So now the taxpayers are having to pay to house them all.
The taxpayers are going to have to pay to make them leave.
€500 apiece for tens of thousands of migrants that they've let in now realise that they're being overwhelmed and now they're trying to convince them to leave.
Austria plans to deport 50,000 failed asylum seekers within the next four years after Vienna MPs last week approved a bill toughening admission policies for migrants.
I think 50,000 is realistic in terms of a number to deport Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz stated.
And you can see his comments in this article.
Last year, Austria had 90,000 asylum applications.
The number is too high for a small country.
Measured in terms of population, it's the second highest in Europe after Sweden.
So now they're finally beginning to realize that this is changing the makeup of the society.
Just like in German villages of a hundred, two hundred people, they get overwhelmed by an influx of a thousand migrants.
Of course it changes the village.
These migrants have nothing to do.
They're hanging around on the streets.
They're intimidating women.
And people are up in arms about this, while the German government desperately tries to find buildings, gymnasiums, disused office warehouses to try and house all these migrants.
It's falling apart very quickly and it's only going to intensify as we move towards the summer because they've already lowered the drawbridge.
And even though critics, including InfoWars.com, have been warning that this would happen for months and months and months, it's only intensifying.
And yet the solution is, oh, let's just blame the German people and say, stop making xenophobic comments, cover up your daughters in burkas, and that's going to solve the problem.
Completely outrageous, but it continues to worsen day by day, which is why we continue to cover it.
Switching gears though, we touched upon it earlier when Alex was on the air.
Websites are now making moves to ban comments entirely.
To censor online comments in response to news articles.
Now this is an issue that I covered a couple of years ago in a video.
And why is it important?
It's because scientific studies have shown that the online comments made in response to news articles sway the opinion of the reader.
That's why the likes of The Guardian now, and in fact Popular Science two years ago took steps to do this, are outright banning comments on certain subjects.
Got this article out of Breitbart.com.
The Guardian shuts down reader comments as the left's war on dissent continues.
The Guardian has announced it will close comments underneath articles on race, immigration and Islam.
The reason, according to the ultra-progressive newspaper, is that such topics attract a quote, unacceptable level of toxic commentary.
The Guardian's new policy stipulates that comments will only be opened under articles covering those topics if moderators have the capacity to support the conversation.
Now as I said before, The Guardian has become notorious for deleting comments which disagree with the progressive, or regressive as it actually is, dogma of the article itself.
It's become a meme.
You know, comment deleted by moderator, comment deleted by moderator, comment deleted by moderator, for 20-30 comments in a row.
That became a meme on Twitter a few weeks ago.
Now they're just saying they're going to go ahead for certain topics like Islam and immigration and not allow any comments whatsoever in the section of their website called Comment Is Free.
That's the hypocrisy of this.
You can make the argument that, you know, it's basically private property.
They can allow what they want on their own website.
Which is true.
But don't then claim comment is free and that it's a fair commons and that it's a balanced debate.
Because it's not.
It's censorship.
And it's done because, as I said, it's proven that comments sway the opinion of the reader.
And if you go to some of these articles, the content of the article is so often trashed and annihilated by people in the reader comments.
They don't like that.
They don't like other people seizing control of the narrative.
Just as the BBC and CNN went nuts for a week over the Hungarian camera woman tripping a migrant, like that was some massive human rights abuse, yet they don't show the migrants attacking people, they don't show the rape epidemic before Cologne, they don't show any of this because they're trying to steer the narrative that this migrant crisis is all about poor Syrian refugee families, which overwhelmingly the facts show it's not.
So it's all about steering the narrative.
And now the Guardian has come out and said they're just going to ban comments on these subjects altogether.
We've got this article from infowars.com by Kurt Nimmo on the same subject.
Corporate media closes down toxic comments on migration, Islam, gender and race.
He points out, in the past, government and corporate control of media effectively stifled mass political movements.
But with the advent of the open internet, this has changed.
The elite have reacted to this newfound freedom by formulating regulations and proposing laws.
In September, the globalist United Nations Broadband Commission for Digital Development released a worldwide wake-up call and proposed social media, quote,
Proactively police every profile and post and that government agencies only license those who agree to do so.
So again, it goes back to what I was talking about.
You have these two feminists, Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, get up in front of the UN and say, we need to stop this hate speech.
What they define as hate speech is people disagreeing with them on Twitter.
That was the example they used.
They said people who say you suck or you're a liar, that's hate speech.
Governments should put pressure on internet service providers to ban those people from using the internet.
So this is way beyond SOPA and PIPA.
This is a massive end run on free speech.
But as we talked about with Alex, it's going to blow up in their face because you have the Streisand effect.
If you try to censor something, it only gets bigger and bigger.
And it's just going to send more traffic to websites that allow open and free debate on the current affairs of our time.
They're going to lose their traffic.
We're going to gain more traffic.
We're going to regain more power to steer the narrative.
So they're in a complete bind.
They don't know what to do.
They're resorting to tyranny and censorship.
It's gonna blow up in their face.
We'll be back.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour.
Stay tuned.
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Before the break I was talking about these new efforts by leftist media websites to censor comments, to remove the ability to comment on their news stories entirely because people are shifting the narrative, they're, God forbid, disagreeing with the author of the article.
And that ties into this article out of the Daily Caller.
91% of Americans aren't worried about global warming.
As Iowans prepare to vote for presidential candidates, a new poll has surfaced showing once again that the vast majority of Americans don't rank global warming as the most serious issue facing the country.
A YouGov poll of 18,000 people in 17 countries found only 9.2% of Americans rank global warming as their biggest concern.
Only Saudi Arabians were less concerned about
Global warming.
So again, we had Popular Science two years ago killing comments on their website because they said it was making it harder for them to indoctrinate people about global warming.
Which means, of course, people were in the comments disagreeing with the crap that was written in the article.
With, you know, Al Gore's predictions of an ice-free Arctic by 2014, for example.
So we can't have people reading that, so they basically just killed their comments.
Now we've got a new poll, 91% of Americans aren't worried about global warming.
So again, they're completely failing to control this narrative.
Got another article here out of Gateway Pundit.
Sonny Cleric tortured and murdered after denouncing ISIS.
The lifeless body of Yemen's top Salafi cleric in the southern port city of Aden was found disfigured Sunday hours after he was abducted following an anti-extremism sermon, security officials said.
So basically this top cleric
was extremely brave.
He came out with a sermon denouncing extremist Islam, denouncing ISIS, denouncing Al-Qaeda.
The very next day, he was kidnapped, tortured, and killed.
Again, this goes back to the point I've made in my videos.
Extremist Islam is upheld by so-called moderate Muslims.
We've shown the footage of people at conferences where prominent Islamic speakers get up and say, why is the media framing the idea that stoning women to death for adultery is bad?
You know, throwing gays off buildings is bad, and that these are extremist
Islamic beliefs when they're not when moderate Muslims have these beliefs and then if you look at the Pew Research polls into Muslim attitudes and into Sharia law you will see that vast numbers the majority in many Middle Eastern North African countries
Support Sharia law, support stoning women to death for allegedly committing adultery, support throwing gays off buildings, support executing people who leave the faith of Islam.
These are what we call moderate Muslims.
So now this brave Yemeni cleric comes out of the speech denouncing ISIS the very next day.
He's killed by moderate Muslims.
Election news out of Breitbart.com.
Pat Cadell, we're in a pre-revolutionary moment.
Citing new data just received today, longtime pollster Pat Cadell called this year's primary a pre-revolutionary moment and I think we've passed into something bigger, he added.
So again, you've got the elite.
Petrified about Donald Trump because he's a loose cannon, whether you agree with his politics or not.
They don't control him, he's funded his own campaign entirely.
The Davos elite are petrified.
Top Bilderbergers are coming out and saying we've got to stop Donald Trump.
And now, pollster Pat Caddell is saying that this is a pre-revolutionary moment.
Even if you disagree with Bernie Sanders, he's on the other side of that.
Again, they don't control him.
They don't control Trump.
The elite is petrified as to what's going to happen in 2016.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Iowa caucus coverage tonight.
Stay tuned for that.