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Filename: 20151223_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 23, 2015
3394 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers current events, politics, and censorship in America while promoting resistance to tyranny. They sell health products like Oil of Oregano Formulation and BioPQQ on their website that claim to improve brain health and cellular energy.

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015.
Christmas is getting close, and we have a literal war on Christmas.
We've got Brunei, which has just come under Sharia law, according to the Sultan of Brunei.
He is having a war on Christmas.
We're going to talk about that, of course.
The War on Drugs is still with us and we've got a War on Drugs, War on Christmas case where a family's home is literally torn apart as the police first created a siege looking for a non-existent person that was not at the house and then proceeded in their frustration and anger to completely demolish that house.
The TSA, if you're traveling, the TSA has now quietly announced that they are going to do away with your opt-out capabilities.
Of course, since they put in the naked body scanners as a way to mollify the public's concerns, they said, well, we'll let you opt out.
You know, if you want to, you can either let us take naked pictures of you, or we can pat you down and touch you, okay?
So you had your choice as to what you wanted to do.
Now they're going to say, well, we're not going to give you that choice anymore.
See, that's the way this always rolls.
It's a gradual, incremental movement against your liberty.
And so now that's going away.
We see that in Virginia, the Attorney General there has announced that he is going to stop recognizing concealed carry gun permits from 25 states.
We're going to talk about what's going on with that, as well as the pushback on it.
And we have a story that we're going to focus on first today.
That is a story that Alex talked about a bit yesterday.
We have a lot more information about it today.
We're going to play you a couple of videos about what's going on in China.
Of course, China has, incrementally, isn't it interesting how the tyranny always works incrementally?
They have incrementally been exercising control over the internet.
They see that.
As one of their greatest problems, and they're right about that.
They've identified something that is really a threat to their lives.
And of course, this goes back, their real concerns go back to 2011.
There was a train wreck in China, the government was telling everybody one story, and then eyewitnesses started telling a very different story.
An embarrassing story to the Chinese government.
At that point, they got very serious about cracking down on social media.
They created the Great Firewall of China, as many experts in the rest of the world call it, the Great Firewall.
Essentially, shutting down communication from certain sites, shutting down communication from certain areas, that's not good enough for them, though.
They're going to take the next step.
And what they're doing is they're introducing a kind of gaming approach.
They're making a game out of it.
This is all very fun, isn't it?
You're going to go to Alibaba.
You're going to get your Sesame credit score.
I guess it's kind of like, you know, Open Sesame.
No, it's really like the Sesame Seed.
It's Sesame credit, and what they will do is give you some credit scores based on, first, what kind of merchandise you buy.
Very different from what they're doing here in the United States.
In the United States, you get credit
Yes, it is, based on your credit scores, based on how you use that credit, how you pay it back, in other words.
But there they're going to be looking at what you buy, but more importantly, they're going to be looking at what you say and what your friends say.
Now, in the United States, they're a little bit behind that, aren't we?
We're just at the point of outlawing privacy and encryption.
There was a lot of pushback against Apple's CEO, Tim Cook.
He's talked about this back in June, saying that they were going to put encryption on everything.
Apple has a lot to prove to the American public, especially after some of the Snowden leaks.
Especially after the NSA bragged that the iPhone was Big Brother.
And that, who would have thought, in 1984, when Steve Jobs was running that famous Mac commercial, the very first commercial where they used 1984, they said, who would have thought in 1984 that this, the iPhone, would be Big Brother and that the zombies would line up to pay for it?
So they have a real stake to try to prove to the public whether it's true or not.
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Here's a clue, boys and girls.
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The government educational establishment is destroying any connection to existing culture so that they can create a new political culture, one of censorship and intolerance done in the name of tolerance.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015.
We're here live.
I'm David Knight.
And joining us in the second hour will be Alex Jones.
He'll be coming in to talk especially about this story about what's happening in China.
There's a great deal of things to look at this incremental tyranny that is rolling out in China.
And that's the first article we're going to talk about.
We've got a article up on the Drudge Report by Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to unpack that for you.
But we have a lot of different articles.
We're going to talk
About a related issue which came to the forefront again this last Sunday on 60 Minutes.
Apple's CEO Tim Cook was on 60 Minutes and he was talking about encryption and privacy and immediately he got a lot of pushback from a senator, he got a pushback from a state attorney general.
Very angry that anybody in this day and age in America should think that they would have privacy or encryption.
Only criminals have that, we're told.
Only criminals, only, and they literally said, only drug dealers, child pornographers, and terrorists would have privacy.
Maybe that explains why the federal government wants it so badly.
Because they fit all three of those categories.
And we'll talk about that as well.
Now, Evangelist Franklin Graham says he's going to quit the Republican Party.
He's angry that they have funded Planned Parenthood.
And of course that's part of the Omnibust Bill.
The bill that funds everything and makes the country go bust.
The bill that betrayed Republican principles.
Not Republican principles, okay?
I don't know the Republicans have any principles, okay?
It betrayed the wishes of the Republican voters.
And so he's fed up with that.
He's spoke well of Donald Trump.
He wants to see outsiders come in.
And you know, I think that's a very important part of the Trump campaign.
If the GOP establishment wants to try to go to a brokered, rigged convention,
Then, he could very well run third party.
He could do very well if he got a position on the Libertarian Party ballot.
I know they're going to have their convention before that, but they could very easily change that after the fact, I believe.
Nevertheless, whether or not he would run third party, that is really, really going to be the final straw for the American public to realize the total fraud of the system.
So, if the GOP wants to rig that convention, I'd say, yeah, you feel lucky, punk?
Go ahead, make my day.
I'd like to see the fireworks when that happens.
We're also going to be talking about the TSA.
They're now saying that they can force you through a body scanner.
They're going to irradiate you, they're going to take naked pictures of you.
You know, in the past, they were very accommodating.
They said, well, we'll either take naked pictures of you or we'll feel you up.
Now they're not going to give you the feel you up option.
They're just going to force you to be irradiated.
That's how this all works.
It's a gradual process.
They gradually get you acclimated to it.
And that brings us back to the gradual acclimation of the control of the Internet.
As I was pointing out to people who heard the last segment, China's move to try to censor the Internet began in small steps, but it initially took its first step in earnest, I think most people would say, after this massive issue in 2011.
They had a train wreck.
There was one story from the government, their official story.
There was a different story that surfaced on social media.
Very embarrassing to the Chinese government to be caught lying to the people.
Who would think that a government would lie to its people?
That was shocking.
But it was shocking for the Chinese.
And I can tell you, I mentioned it yesterday in the fourth hour when we adopted my daughter from China.
She was given a letter by the foster home that she had been in for about six months before we adopted her.
She had been in an orphanage for several years prior to that.
And, you know, we got it translated and it said, you know, obey your government, be a good servant to your government.
That's the attitude of the Chinese people.
You know, that's an attitude a lot of people in America have.
I keep hearing people repeat that thing that JFK said, you know, ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country.
Well, you know, that's fine at one level, but you have to understand that the purpose of government
It's to serve the people.
It's not the people's purpose to be servants of the government.
You understand?
That's a Chinese Communist attitude.
That's a slave's attitude, that I am here to serve the government.
No, I am not here to serve the government.
The government is here to serve me.
That is what the Declaration of Independence was about.
Governments are instituted amongst men to protect our God-given natural rights.
That's why we have governments.
When governments become destructive of those rights, it is our duty to change that government.
Not only our right, but our duty to alter or abolish that government.
That's what this country was founded upon.
That's the opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, in case they haven't taught that to you in school because they're too busy telling you about white privilege and microaggressions.
They don't talk about the Declaration of Independence.
And when I was in school, they had us memorize the first half of the paragraph about how we have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but they didn't want us to memorize that second half.
That when the government destroys those rights, it's our duty and our right to alter or abolish that government.
So, instead of asking what you can do for your country, ask why your country's doing what it's doing.
Ask why they're hiding what they're doing.
And ask what you can do to alter or abolish that criminal government.
That's what you should be doing as a citizen.
Now let's go back to the situation in China.
Because they're a long way from where we need to be in America.
But we're heading on the China direction.
We're not heading in the 1776 direction.
We need to change that mindset.
We are not servants of the government.
The government should be our servants.
Paul Joseph Watson points out in this article, it's on the Drudge Report, China's largest social networks have partnered with the country's communist government to create a credit score system that will measure how obedient its citizens are.
He says it's a chilling prospect that could one day arrive in America.
If social justice warriors get their way.
Because what we're seeing with the social justice warriors is intolerance being enacted, censorship being enacted, and of course they're doing this censorship and intolerance in the name of tolerance.
But it is far from tolerant.
It is far from the free speech principles that we had established America to protect.
Continuing on with a quote from Zero Hedge, says, this aims to create a docile, compliant citizenry who are fiscally and morally responsible by employing a game-like format to create self-imposed group social control.
In other words, China gamified peer pressure to control its citizenry and through the scheme, though the scheme hasn't been fully implemented yet, it is already working.
We're going to talk about how that works, but first I want to play a video for you that's embedded in this article at Infowars.com that kind of breaks this down.
So it's something you can listen to on the radio, it's something you can watch if you're watching the video broadcast.
Let's go to that video.
Going under the innocuous name of Sesame Credit, China has created a score for how good a citizen you are.
And that's one of the scariest things I've heard in quite a while.
It's jointly run by Tencent.
Yes, that Tencent.
The one that owns Riot Games and has a significant share in Epic and Activision Blizzard.
And also the ascendant Chinese competitor to Amazon, Alibaba, hence the name Sesame.
So the owners of China's largest social networks have partnered with the government to create something akin to the U.S.
credit score.
But instead of measuring how regularly you pay your bills, it measures how obediently you follow the party line.
They dredge data from your social network, so if you post pictures of Tiananmen Square or share a link about the recent stock market collapse,
Your Sesame Credit score goes down.
Share a link from the state-sponsored news agency about how good the economy's doing, and your score goes up.
But Alibaba and Tencent are also the largest online retailers in China, so Sesame Credit is also able to pull data from your purchases.
If you're making purchases the state deems valuable, like work shoes or local agricultural products, your score goes up.
If you import anime from Japan, though, down the score goes.
And this score has real-world consequences.
Like many games, Sesame Credit has tiers and levels, and having a high score gives you special benefits, like making it easier to get the paperwork you need to travel, or making it easier to get a loan.
Now currently, there are no consequences for having a low score, but there's been talk about implementing penalties once the system becomes mandatory in 2020.
Penalties like slower internet speeds for low-scoring citizens,
Or even restricting the jobs that a low-scoring person's allowed to hold.
But there's one more layer to Sesame Credit.
And here's where this goes from being repulsive to downright insidious.
Because this is all part of a social network, it also scans your friends.
So you will lose points for having friends with low obedience scores.
And it tells you this.
At any point, anybody can check anyone else's score.
And when you check your own score, Sesame Credit provides a handy map of your friends to show you who's dragging your score down.
Have you ever had that thing where you play a game with somebody who wasn't doing very well, and you've tried to change their behavior to make them do better?
Or maybe after a while, you just sort of stopped playing with the people who were holding you back?
That's at the heart of how this system works.
And it's also what makes this one of the most terrifying tools of authoritarian oppression I've ever read about.
Because, like, mass censorship, jail time, assassinations...
Those are all big, messy implements for keeping a population in line.
That messiness and severity foster resentment, eventually rebellion.
They're expensive, they're unwieldy.
In the end, those tools are impossible to maintain.
But social pressure?
Those things are free.
They happen on their own.
And as a government tool, they don't have nearly the same potential for going embarrassingly, disastrously wrong.
With a system like this in place, a government doesn't even have to tell neighbor to spy on neighbor to rat each other out.
Because that's all built into a seemingly innocuous game system.
The government need not step in.
Re-education will be handled for them by friends, classmates, and relatives who want to maintain a high score.
And if that doesn't work, then potentially dangerous ideas still end up quarantined by the social isolation this game system causes.
Express or help to spread too many radical ideas, and people will stop associating with you.
And not because some jackbooted thug showed up at the door with threats, but simply because associating with somebody with those ideas will lose them all the privileges they've worked so hard to obtain.
Alright, we're going to come back.
You can see the rest of that video at Infowars.com and the article that Paul Joseph Watson has.
He's exactly right to tie this into the social warrior scheme, into political correctness.
We cannot overestimate how dangerous political correctness is.
So when we come back, we're going to break down what's going on with that.
We're going to break down where this is all headed.
And again, Alex Jones is going to be joining us in the second hour.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, and of course that's Charlie Brown Christmas.
It was an article that I saw recently about...
A school where they banned their play of Charlie Brown Christmas because, you know, as part of that, one of the characters, what's his name, reads the gospel from Luke.
Linus reads that gospel from Luke.
So he can't have that.
He can't have that as part of a school.
But, of course, they can have the children learn to write and say in Arabic the confession of faith that there is no God but Allah.
That's what's going on in our schools, and that happened in multiple states at the same time.
Understand that's something that is coming from Washington.
That's an agenda that's being pushed by Washington.
Now we've been talking about what's going on in China, about this move to actually coming across as a game, you know, because everybody likes to look at their scores.
They like to give people a score, you know, you've got your permanent record when you're in school, but you also always like to have some kind of a measure of how you're doing.
And of course, it's something that we have in America, something for you to think about this Christmas, your credit score.
How is that credit score going?
Here, you're only going to be scored on how much money you take out and the manner in which you pay it back.
But of course, in China, they want to look at what you're buying with that.
You buy a video game or something that they don't approve of, they will knock your score down.
They want to have you buy certain things.
They're going to put that message out there for you.
But they'll also knock your score down, as we saw in that video in the last section.
They'll also knock your score down if you say things about the government that they don't like, or you talk about the government in ways that are not approved.
That's what is so insidious about it.
You think that's not going to come here to America?
Of course, there's another article that came out today in Daily Mail talking about how, and this is on Drudge as well, could we soon implant memories into other people?
Electrodes in the brain may make Star Trek-style mind melds a reality.
And where's this coming from?
It's coming from your friends at DARPA, the dark research agency that gets involved in this over-the-top creepy stuff that they're creating all the time.
There's another picture on Drudge Report of the robotic reindeer from Boston Dynamics pulling a sleigh.
With their legs bending the wrong way, with no heads, just antlers coming out of them.
We need to be very concerned about the direction that the military research is going.
I think it is totally out of control.
We have to understand, if you don't think this kind of stuff like they're doing in China is coming to America, understand that what China is doing is just
Kind of old-style tyranny, shutting down free speech.
Yes, it's insidious in how it is incremental.
Yes, there is a connection.
As Paul Joseph Watson points out in the article on Infowars.com, there is a connection with political correctness, with the social justice warriors, with that kind of intimidation that they're putting on people.
That's what is so valuable about the Donald Trump candidacy.
He's just laughing at their political correctness.
He will not be intimidated.
It is a template for how we all need to respond to this.
We need to shut this down in ridicule.
This is an insidious form of censorship, and they're going to extend it into a more formal system.
But in terms of what our government will do, just understand that the Internet was originally created by DARPA.
Not only was it created by DARPA, it was created by a behavioral scientist at DARPA.
Now, he became a computer scientist, but that was his original field.
His name was Lichtleiter.
And he called it the Intergalactic Computer Network.
The Intergalactic Computer Network.
They shortened it to Internet.
For a while it was available.
In the early days we used it.
It was called DARPAnet.
But then it eventually became just the Internet in general.
But he designed it.
And he designed it as a tool of control.
Understand that.
Now we have used it as a tool of free speech.
Because whenever they create a weapon
It can be used for good, or it can be used for evil.
Just like a gun.
Guns are not totally bad.
Yes, guns are designed to kill.
However, they can be used to defend people without ever even firing them.
My, uh, my grandfather...
Uh, used a gun in that way.
He had, uh, his brother-in-law had been killed, uh, as part of a robbery.
They had a route where they would collect money.
He'd been killed in a robbery, uh, with a hatchet, stuffed in the back of the trunk.
The police had been looking for him as a missing person.
They didn't find him.
My grandfather found him.
And shortly after that, because they were both working the same job, shortly after that,
He walked up to his car.
He was more careful.
There was a guy in the back of his car with a hatchet waiting for him to get in.
He did the same thing to him.
He pulled out his gun because he carried a gun in those days.
He didn't need a permit.
He didn't use a permit.
He didn't ask for a permit.
He didn't live his life by permission.
He pointed the gun at the guy and he says, if I ever
See you again.
I won't give you a warning.
And he wasn't bothered anymore with that.
People got the word that he was carrying.
And of course, the Virginia Attorney General has just shut down concealed carry recognition for 25 states.
That's another article we're going to talk about when we come back.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The website, The Daily Beast, has accused InfoWars of putting on a mock mass shooting that we had nothing to do with.
Their article is titled, Conspiracy Theorists Terrorized Our Town, in which they write, InfoWars' worst humans invaded Texas to stage a mass shooting.
We counter-protested, being the author and his friends, outnumbering them 20 to 1.
They still don't believe that Sandy Hook ever happened.
As far as the Sandy Hook accusation, we discussed that in great detail on the December 21st, 2015 edition of the Alex Jones Show, so I'll focus on the rest of the article.
The author, who took great pride in making fart noises like a 7-year-old child, went on to accuse us of stringing the media along
And then hosting the event in an area with no cameras.
Once again, we did report on the event, like dozens of other news agencies, but we had nothing to do with it.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We've been talking about our story that's up on the Dredge Report from Paul Joseph Watson.
Coming to America, Chinese introduced a credit score for obedient citizens.
Yes, that's something that they're very big into.
Of course, they have over 100,000 people have posted their status.
And of course, they do it as a video game.
They do it as a status symbol.
It's that kind of social pressure.
They've posted their score online on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
They're very proud of it.
So they're bragging about it.
They turn it into a game.
But understand this.
Come 2020, it's going to become mandatory.
And this is not like we talk about in the United States.
Not just how you borrow money and pay it back.
This is scoring you based on what you're buying.
Making sure that you're not buying things the government doesn't want you to buy.
Uh, buying things that they want you to buy.
You get, uh, it's a carrot and it's a stick.
It's both of those things.
And understand that, uh, once this thing goes out, they're then going to be looking at political opinions.
So if you post on your social media political opinions without prior permission, if you talk about describing a, or you describe a different history than the official one,
They don't just ridicule you as a conspiracy theorist.
That's the FBI's technique, going back to the JFK assassination.
They don't just ridicule you as a conspiracy theorist.
What they do is they change your score.
Now, that's not just going to hurt your feelings with your friends.
That's going to have some real penalties attached to it.
And not only that,
But whether your friends are doing unapproved government things.
So your friends scores will pull you down.
So what they're trying to do is ostracize and ghettoize anybody that doesn't tow the official line.
Anybody that doesn't do what the government wants to do.
But Paul Joseph Watson is very
Spot on, in terms of making this an extension of political correctness, because that's where we are right now.
That kind of soft tyranny.
And if we don't push back against that, if we don't ridicule that, if we don't laugh in their face about that, as Donald Trump is doing, and good for him for doing that, if we don't shut it down that way, then this is where we are headed, folks.
The internet, as I mentioned before, was originally designed by DARPA.
It was designed by a behavioral psychologist to control and monitor us.
And of course, they do that a great deal with it.
We have other uses for it, and they're trying to shut those other uses down.
Now I want to play for you a little bit.
of the second video that is embedded in Paul Watson's article here, and this is something from The Prisoner.
This is a series that was back in the 1960s.
I've seen it multiple times.
I loved this series.
I thought it was very creepy.
I was amazed when I went back and looked at it again.
After seeing it in the 1960s, 70s, I saw the replay of it.
It was
It was very creepy, very Orwellian.
There were cameras everywhere.
This guy, basically, it was Patrick McGowan, who you remember in America from the Secret Agent Man series.
They extended it.
And in a sense, it was his idea to do this.
And he, at the very beginning of it, he resigns from being a spy for the British government.
And what happens is they gas him, kidnap him, and take him to an island.
Uh, trying to interrogate him.
And of course, part of that interrogation is, they can walk around freely, but they can't escape this island.
And everything that they do is monitored.
There are cameras everywhere.
And it's like, wow, that is, that's really creepy, watching people being monitored all the time.
It is so tame when you look at it today, after knowing what our government is doing.
We were so over the top with what we do.
Out in the open, the cameras are not covert, like many of them were in the village where he was.
We have clusters of cameras everywhere, on the corners of the buildings now.
And they don't just watch us there, they monitor everything we're doing, just like these credit scores.
Let's play a little bit of this clip from The Prisoner, where they are
Coming after him for being unmutual because he's not part of the group, that kind of peer pressure, that kind of group pressure.
Let's play that clip.
We are bound to classify you as unmutual.
We must warn you that if any further complaint is lodged against you, it will be necessary to propose you for the treatment known as instant social conversion.
And of course this is, uh... They are sheep.
Yeah, I always loved this series, The Prisoner.
I tell you, his attitude between Patrick McGuinn's prisoner character and Thomas Jefferson, those were my inspirations.
An excellent series.
You'll have to see this.
This is really more of a video clip for you to watch, and you can see that in the article at Infowars.com.
It's linked on the Drudge Report, breaking this down.
And we need to understand that this is coming at us
We see transportation controls coming on us gradually.
This is a great headline from the New American talking about how the IRS is going to be exerting control on our movement, how they can take our passports.
Their headline was, a new law threatens to revoke Al Sharpton's passport for unpaid taxes.
So they talk about it in terms of Al Sharpton because he's got evidently a large tax bill.
But understand that that's just the beginning.
You know, they'll come out and say, well, this is for the people who have really large tax bills.
But when they get self-driving cars, and I don't like to use that, let's talk about autonomous-driven cars.
Not even that.
That's not even a good word.
Because you know what?
Which is what we've called them for over a hundred years.
That was about you driving yourself.
When I get in my car and I drive the car, it is self-driving.
I'm driving it.
The difference is, these are going to be robot cars that are controlled by the government.
It's going to be the government driving you.
The government monitoring you.
The government will turn off your car.
Just like they will shut down your passport if you owe them too much taxes.
This is what's happening.
It's a gradual incrementalism.
That's where this is headed.
It's about controlling your movements.
And that's what we need to be concerned about.
The incrementalism of it.
You know, first they do these types of things for the internet, but they're going to constrict your physical movement as well once they outlaw you being able to drive.
And it'll be a gradual process.
First, they will offer incentives, just like we see with the Chinese Internet.
You know, it's like, oh, this is great, you can show your friends that you've got a really high score and we'll make a game out of it and that sort of thing.
They'll do that with the robotic cars that the government controls and monitors.
First, they'll say, you know, that's great, you don't have to...
You don't have to drive that mind-numbing commute that you have every day.
You can sit there and you can play with Twitter all day while you're driving instead of having to pay attention to what's going on.
I understand that.
That'd be fine.
If they would leave it, voluntary.
But they're not going to stop there.
Instead, what they will do is they will gradually use the carrot and stick of the insurance companies to make it impossible for you to afford to drive yourself.
They'll constantly monitor your car.
We're going to have talking cars mandated by the Federal Department of Transportation.
They're going to start mandating this expensive equipment be added to all new cars, and of course those cars are going to be talking about you.
They're going to be talking about how you are driving.
Are you driving mutually?
Are you driving unmutually?
Are you driving too fast?
Are you changing lanes too much?
All this type of stuff.
They're going to feed that back to the government so they can ticket you.
They'll feed it to the insurance companies so that they can raise your rates.
And before you know it, you won't be able to afford to drive yourself.
That's where this is all headed.
It's going to be a gradual shutdown, and it'll come at you just the same way as the Chinese are coming after their own people there.
They're going to tell people, you know, only pigs drive gas-guzzling self-driving cars.
Everybody else is in these little electric robotic cars, and that's mutual.
That's politically correct to drive a car like that.
But if you want to drive yourself, that's very politically incorrect.
I want to get to what's going on in Virginia with the Attorney General there revoking concealed carry gun permits from 25 states.
In other words, they're not going to recognize them for 25 states.
It's a reciprocity that states have had.
We're going to talk about the issues behind that and what he is saying.
That's his Christmas present.
To 6.3 million people who have gone through the lengthy process to get certified for concealed carry, who have submitted themselves to background checks, who have submitted their fundamental right as a privilege to the government, trying to get along with the government.
I understand that.
I understand that.
I bought my first gun at retail this last weekend.
I typically don't like to go to government for permission for anything, but you try to get along as much as you can, but now they're going to try to slap that down.
There's going to be a fight about that.
We're going to talk about that in just a moment.
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Let's talk about concealed carry right now.
Washington Post reports, Virginia to stop recognizing concealed carry gun permits from 25 states.
This is Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring.
And when I looked at this I thought, R. Herring.
Does that stand for red?
Is that Attorney General Red Herring?
I think that's what we need to call him because that is essentially what this gun law is.
It is a red herring.
Now, in a rare moment of candor, the Washington Post says that this is part of a national push to circumvent legislatures who are opposed to gun control, who are opposed to tightening gun laws.
And this is a red herring, folks.
This is not a problem that needs to be solved.
How many people do you think have committed crimes that are on the concealed carry gun permit?
He doesn't even talk about that.
Because it is probably virtually non-existent.
These are the most thoroughly vetted, most investigated, most law-abiding citizens you can find.
People who subject themselves to this kind of background check.
And it is absolutely insane.
For Attorney General Red Herring to say that this is a problem.
And to say that he's not going to recognize these permits from 25 states.
Essentially saying, you know, nobody else in the country really does a job of vetting these people except for Virginia.
I think he's got like five states that he's okay with vetting this.
And here's the point.
New American points out that he wants to take this position and one of the states that he has said he's not going to recognize because he doesn't think that they vet their concealed carry people sufficiently, one of those states is Kentucky.
Let me tell you what Kentucky does.
This is pointed out by the New American.
They said, this is a strange claim considering one of the states, Kentucky, performs monthly, monthly background checks on permit holders to ensure that they are still qualified to hold the permit.
Monthly checks on these permit holders.
If they fail, their permit is revoked.
What do they check them for?
Felony conviction or imprisonment.
Indictment on any charge that carries with an imprisonment for up to a year's time.
So they don't have to be convicted, just indicted.
Subject to a restraining order.
Did they renounce their U.S.
Did they get a dishonorable discharge from the armed forces?
Do they have documented mental illness?
Do they have drug abuse or treatment for drug abuse?
Do they have a misdemeanor or felony charge of domestic assault?
Any of those things they check every month in Kentucky.
The people that have a concealed carry permit, if they have any of those things, they revoke them.
But that's not good enough for the Virginia Attorney General, Red Herring.
And I say, Red Herring, understand, you know where that expression comes from, right?
It was people in Britain who were opposed to fox hunting.
Isn't it appropriate?
Isn't it appropriate?
They were opposed to fox hunting.
And so, to stop the fox hunt, as the fox would run by, these guys would run out of the bushes with a stinky fish, a red herring, and they would, you know, run it all over the trail of the fox to throw the hounds off the scent.
That's exactly what Virginia Attorney General Red Herring is doing.
That's his name, Mark R. Herring, and I don't know what the R stands for.
They point out in the Washington Post, this will affect 6.3 million people.
Who could legally carry concealed handguns in Virginia today will lose that privilege once the change takes effect next year.
You know what?
You don't need to change the gun laws.
You need to change Attorney General Red Herring.
You need to get a movement up to recall this guy to get him out.
And understand here,
That they want to say, and this is what the Washington Post says.
They said, well, you know, this is all a reaction to these high-profile mass shootings.
They've sent policy makers searching for ways to strengthen the gun laws.
And of course, they want to talk about San Bernardino.
Let's take the government's official story about San Bernardino on face value.
Let's say that it's these two people who did the shooting.
Were they concealed carry holders?
Were they vetted when they came into the country as migrant jihadis?
No, she wasn't.
Did they look at this guy?
Yeah, they did have some investigations.
They shut that down.
They said, you know what?
That would be politically incorrect to take a look at that.
So, they purposely look the other way.
They don't vet people who are coming into this country from an area that is at war with the United States.
Let's just understand that.
They're at war with the United States.
They're at war with our way of life.
They hate our culture.
They hate our religion.
And with good reason, they hate the United States.
We've started wars in their countries.
And we've killed innocent people in those countries.
But nevertheless,
We are allowing people to come in, even if it's only a tiny minority of the number of people that we're letting in.
We have had hundreds of thousands of people already come in.
There have been over a million people admitted into the EU just this last year, four times the number they had in 2014.
Nobody is vetting them.
And that's what Donald Trump was saying.
They want to say that he wants to ban all Muslims?
What he said was we want to have a temporary ban until we can figure out what's going on.
They don't report it that way.
But they want to ban law-abiding gun owners from exercising their natural, God-given, constitutionally protected rights.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this December 23rd, 2015.
Christmas is just around the corner, coming quickly as you can hear from the music.
I want to go back to this story briefly because we got a video from a transhumanist site in Brazil talking about their capabilities of brain repair and management.
And of course we've been hearing this for a while from DARPA, talking about the fact that they could
Help soldiers who are suffering from PTSD.
Well, if you want to help soldiers on PTSD, first you could start by stopping the unnecessary, unconstitutional wars that you've been sending them to, okay?
Let's start there first.
DARPA, but we also need to understand that they always couch these things in very benign terms.
Yeah, we can use this to help epilepsy patients or people who are suffering from Alzheimer's or whatever.
They're saying now, US military wants to treat shell-shocked soldiers and other people with memory loss, so they're going to, they're working on a way that they can
Read your memory, that they can transfer your memory, that they can do a direct implant into your mind, okay?
Understand that DARPA is about creating military weapons.
It's not about helping people medically.
Anything that comes out of that is simply a side issue.
But they sell it that way.
They sell it that way.
You need to go back and look and Alex interviewed the lady that wrote The Pentagon's Brain.
Very good book.
It'll give you a long history of DARPA.
You'll put this in perspective and it will forever destroy the presumption that DARPA is there doing things to help you.
No, they are creating military weapons to make life on Earth hell on Earth.
Swarms of autonomous killing robots.
A complete monitoring and manipulation of everything that's going on all the way into your brain.
Let's play this clip from Brazil.
I think it's quite reasonable to think about several parts of the brain being understood well enough that we can
Development not just mathematical models, but silicon models microchip models of How those parts of the brain work we've?
Learned enough about how of what long-term memories are when they're in code that we can identify long-term memory codes in the behaving rat brain and so we can say oh they're right there that is the code for a
The bar that the animals going to press to get water we can say that's the code and so we can recognize these things we can see what they are we can manipulate them in some ways and so within a couple of years we will have the ability to form new long-term memories the same way they're formed in the brain, but there are several parts of the brain like this that are ready for a
Well, we need to sit down and commit ourselves.
Yeah, they do have some goals.
They have a lot of funding, too.
We got the BRAIN Initiative from Obama.
I think it's a hundred million dollars or more.
Of course, there's European equivalents to that.
This is about mind control.
This has been a goal of
DARPA, the CIA, the government, for a very long time.
They've worked on drugs, now they're working on the electronics of the brain.
Of course, if you talk about it, we were always ridiculed as tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists.
You know what?
They're bragging about it constantly.
We need to be very concerned about our government's desire to control our minds, to control and monitor our behavior.
That is what's fundamentally behind this.
Now when we come back, we're going to have a special report from John Bowne on Cy Hirsch's expose and we're going to break that down more completely when we return.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us in this hour.
I want to play a special report because it's very important that you understand what Cy Hirsch, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author, his expose about what is truly going on in Syria, what's truly going on with ISIS.
We have the candidates who are running for office pretending that ISIS is something that is external.
No, there's a lot of involvement from the American government.
We helped to create this and he breaks this down and he breaks down how good people in the military responded to what was going on in the Obama administration.
But here's that special report from John Bowne.
I think?
Once again, divulging a quiet alliance between Germany, Israel, and Russia of shared tactical intelligence in order to freeze the advance of al-Nusra and ISIS in the fall of 2013.
Do I think that our actions in any way violate the War Powers Resolution?
The answer is no.
President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's failed foreign policy aimed at toppling Qaddafi's Libya and Morsi's Egypt resulted in a power vacuum immediately filled with Islamic fundamental extremism.
Obama's constant demand that Assad must go chaotically echoed the previous coups and if accomplished could give the Islamic State the upper hand in the region.
Do you know any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL?
I know major Arab allies who fund them.
General Dempsey and the Joint Chiefs of Staff decided that Obama's meddling in the Middle East had to be countered.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff quietly shared intelligence with key allies in order to give Syria the tactical advantage.
However, Syria had to agree to these four terms.
Cy Hirsch writes,
First, Assad must keep Hezbollah from attacking Israel.
Second, he must renew negotiations with Israel on the Golan Heights.
Third, he must accept Russian and other outside military advisors.
And fourth, he must commit to holding open elections after the war with a wide range of factions.
Assad essentially agreed to these conditions over time, and that led to major shifts in the war that are generally now known to the public.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration was touting the narrative that an anti-Islamic state coalition with Russia would prove to be impossible and non-beneficial.
However, by allying with Russian military, General Dempsey and the Joint Chiefs of Staff proved that not only was a coalition possible,
The shared knowledge of the Islamic State between Russia and the United States would serve to weaken their advance into Syria.
Russia had been fighting Islamic State leaders in the two Chechen Wars that began in 1994, and they were very familiar with the ISIS leadership, while the U.S.
had been training foreign fighters for years.
This experience, and a long-standing tradition of applying target information with massive sums of money, would prove to be devastating to ISIS's leadership.
And as the coalition quietly made progress, it became abundantly clear that the so-called Syrian moderate rebels Obama kept referring to were more of a fantasy than a reality.
To this day, retired General Dempsey is perplexed by Obama's bold-faced lie that Turkey's Erdogan is a staunch ally with the United States in the fight against the Islamic State.
Cy Hirsch writes, Dempsey and his associates
remained mystified by Obama's continued public defense of Erdogan, given the American intelligence community's strong case against him and the evidence that Obama in private accepts that case.
Hirsch wrote last spring, Obama said to Turkey's intelligence chief, we know what you're doing with the radicals in Syria.
After Dempsey retired in September, General Dunford and an entirely new and obedient staff was installed to back up all of Obama's lies.
As is evident by their communal hatred of Donald Trump.
Cy Hearst has presented nothing less than another testament to Obama's pitiful leadership of the U.S.
military, built upon a pile of half-baked falsehoods, now proven, without a shadow of a doubt, to be treasonous support for the Islamic State.
John Vaughn for Infowars.com.
We're going to be right back live at the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
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We are on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us this hour.
But before he comes in, I want to follow up on that report that we just heard from John Bowne.
Excellent report.
You can see that on our Alex Jones YouTube channel.
Breaking down this, summarizing this very lengthy article from Cy Hirsch, the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author.
Breaking down the, what he calls, military to military.
Now, what does he mean by that?
And it goes back to the summer of 2013.
Of course, that was a time, if you remember, there was that sarin gas attack.
It was a horrific attack.
We were told that there was only one possibility.
That had to have come from the Syrian government.
A sarin gas attack on civilians.
And we pointed out at the time, we pushed very hard against this.
And we said,
That's not the only possibility.
There had been previous sarin gas attacks that had been proven to not be the Syrian government.
And so we talked about the different sources of this.
As a matter of fact, there were leaks from, well, we went back to reports from the United Nations looking at these earlier sarin gas attacks.
There were also reports from Russia.
And then, as this continued to move on, we got reports from the U.S.
Talking about the same thing saying we cannot be sure that this is just because it's sarin gas It doesn't mean that it came from the Syrian government as a matter of fact This doesn't look like it came from the Syrian government We had people holding up signs that were in the military saying we will not be al-qaeda's Air Force remember that that was the summer of 2013 the Obama administration was pushing very hard to escalate the war to get us involved in that and of course
We pointed out at the time this was something going back to Wesley Clark, saying that he had seen a list of countries that we were going to destabilize, to destroy, and of course Syria was one on that list.
So he said, let's not go down this path.
Let's pay attention to this.
Well, now we learn from Seymour Hersh and sources that he has inside the Pentagon, that the same, that there was a pushback inside the Pentagon.
He says in the summer of 2013,
There was an all-source appraisal, and by that he means all different types of military intelligence.
Signals intelligence, satellite intelligence, human intelligence.
All sources were telling them.
That this was not the case.
They were saying the Obama administration's insistence on continuing to finance and arm so-called moderate rebel groups was a very bad idea.
They were told this by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the DIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey.
They were all telling this to the Obama administration.
But guess what?
The Obama administration didn't want to hear this.
They kept telling him that the new intelligence estimate singled out Turkey as a major impediment to Obama's Syrian policy.
The document showed, the advisor said, that talked to Cy Hirsch, that what was started as a covert U.S.
program to arm and support the moderate rebels fighting Assad had been co-opted by Turkey, had morphed into an across-the-board technical arms and logistical program for all of the opposition, including ISIS.
And Al-Nusra, okay?
The so-called moderates had evaporated the Free Syrian Army that we hear all about.
Those are the guys that supposedly John McCain is meeting with, these moderate Muslims, his friends, his buddies, okay?
He says that was nothing but a rump group stationed at an airbase in Turkey.
The assessment was bleak.
They told the President.
There was no viable, moderate opposition to Assad.
And the U.S.
was arming extremists, we said it at the time.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, now we learn, were telling that to Obama as if he didn't know.
Now, what did they do?
They said, you know, the idea that anybody else is better than Assad is Obama's policy, but it's not a good policy.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to Cy Hearst, said that a direct challenge to Obama's policy would have had, quote, a zero chance of success, according to his sources.
Understand that?
Obama doesn't want to hear it.
Obama knows what's going on.
We know what's going on.
You can look at this and tell what's going on.
We know that this is a deliberate policy.
We know that they started these revolutions with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Of course, Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's very special friend,
Her mother, her family are in the Muslim Brotherhood.
They're connected into that.
So we understand what's going on with these revolutions that they've been setting up.
And we know that these so-called moderate groups are entirely a fiction.
That was something that was very clear.
And the Joint Chiefs of Staff explained this with all of their different signals intelligence, satellite, human intelligence.
The Obama administration is turning a deaf ear to it.
So you've got some good people in the military and they do not want to arm ISIS.
And we made this very clear.
You can continue to see this.
I mean, there was a situation in Houston for... I mean, they're sending everything to these people, especially channeling it through Turkey, and that's what he points out in his research.
The stuff was going... a lot of it was being channeled through Saudi Arabia into Turkey, from Turkey to ISIS, and that sort of thing.
We even had a guy here in Houston who had a plumbing business, and that came up again.
It was reported about a year ago.
He traded in his car in Houston, in his truck,
And he said that he started taking off the sign that was on, that had the name of his business and his phone, and the dealer says, no, no, no, don't take that off, you might damage the paint, we'll remove that.
He goes, alright.
Not too long after that, he sees pictures on the internet that ISIS is putting up, where they've mounted weapons to his truck, and they're doing videos, ISIS videos, and it still has the name of his business and the phone number on the side, and he's getting death threats from people, thinking that he is part of ISIS.
Because they left that on.
The truck was sold to Syria, to Turkey rather, and Turkey finds its way into ISIS.
And of course you can see that on the map.
If you look at the map of ISIS-controlled areas, it looks like blood dripping down from Turkey.
We know what's going on, we know that Turkey is buying the oil from ISIS and financing them through that.
It's a very well-known thing, and Cy Hirsch breaks this down, but here's the interesting thing.
He points out that the way the military approached this was they didn't want to see this happen.
They know that Obama is turning a deaf ear.
He's going to follow his policy of arming and equipping ISIS even though they tell him what's going on.
So they came up with an idea that they would work with Germany, Israel, and Russia.
We're good to go.
It's long-standing with Syria.
They're worried about the threat not only to their Syrian ally, but also to their only naval base on the Mediterranean at Tartus.
So, they give this information to Germany, Israel, and Russia.
They say, well, here's what we've got.
If you guys want to do something with it, that's up to you.
And it's very interesting, as he breaks down this article,
And talks about how Saudi Arabia continues to fund these people with $700 million.
You know that wonderful ally of ours that is going to chop off a record number of heads this year?
They've executed with just beheadings more people than ISIS has, as a matter of fact.
But they're our allies.
They've been our allies ever since Richard Nixon created the petrodollar with them.
Kind of concerning as to who's running this.
I mean, is this an equal partnership or are they telling us what to do?
There's an article, and we'll talk about that later, about people being concerned about that in the UK.
There's been a secret memorandum of understanding between the Cameron government and Saudi Arabia.
People are very concerned about that, especially because of what Saudi Arabia is known to be doing.
So this is an interesting article, and we could go into a lot more details.
A very long article.
I'd recommend you reading it if you want to know what's going on.
But there was an article that came out on Monday by Wayne Madsen here at InfoWars.
Did you know that the CIA planned a Muslim invasion of Russia?
This is something that's been going on for a very long time.
The same tactic.
And guess what?
This is a top secret CIA bulletin, declassified now.
Going back to 1952.
So for 63 years, they've been using this tactic of surrogate jihadis.
Understand that?
It doesn't even go back to just the Afghanistan War, where they created the forces to fight against Russia and Afghanistan.
No, it doesn't start with that.
It goes back to 1952.
And he points out in the article the CIA had embarked on a program to foment nationalism amongst the Uzbek tribes of Afghanistan in order that it might spill across the border into Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.
He says it means that the current attempt by such anti-Russian U.S.
official and quasi-official intelligence policy makers including
Former President Jimmy Carter, National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, hedge fund tycoon George Soros, CIA Director John Brennan.
To bring about a radical Muslim destabilization of the Russian Federation is nothing new.
And of course we've seen articles from some of the people who are now leaders of al-Nusra, leaders of ISIS, one of them in particular saying, yeah we were working in Chechnya as terrorists against Russia, the CIA brought us over here because there just wasn't enough happening there right now, they wanted to get this done, so they imported us from Chechnya to Syria.
They have been using these surrogates, you know, back in 1952, 63 years ago.
Used them against the Soviet Union.
They've been using them ever since.
And here's the issue, folks.
They're using them against, they're going to use them against us in the same way.
That's why Obama, against what the American people want, against all common sense, is not only opening up the borders, but paying to fly people in from areas that are at war with us.
That is precisely what they're doing to us.
What they have been doing to Russia for 63 years.
What they have been doing in Syria for years.
They are now trying to do in America.
That is why they want to ignore all common sense.
You know, there was an article that came out at the end of the week last week.
Majority of Americans, 55%, support Trump's Muslim ban.
And again, it's not a ban, it's saying we want a temporary ban until we can figure out what's going on.
72% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats.
Why is it that most of the Republicans want to side with the 30% instead of with the 70%?
Why is it that most of the Democrat politicians want to side with the 45%, the majority who don't want this?
Understand that this is a bipartisan effort to remake the demographics of our country, to set up an internal fifth column.
To create conflict.
To alter our society.
And it's not just a demographic push to get their Democrat voters in.
This is something that they've been doing to Russia for a very long time.
We need to call it what it is.
We need to understand what this is about.
This is why they look the other way with all these dangers.
In the same way that Obama looked the other way when the Defense Department came to him and said, we know that we're arming the wrong people.
He doesn't care.
He wasn't arming the wrong people.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
It's not incompetence.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and we were just talking in the last segment.
About not the incompetence of Obama in terms of arming ISIS, in terms of letting, mistakenly letting arms fall into their hands.
No, the deliberate rejection of all source intelligence.
Every source, every organization within the military was telling him, you're arming ISIS, and they continue to do it.
So the military then gave their intelligence to the Germans, to Israel, to Russia, and said, do something about ISIS.
That's how bad things are.
And as I point out, it is not a mistake.
It is not incompetence.
It is deliberate.
And of course, Hillary Clinton is involved in that as well.
We had an article that was put up right after the debate by Kurt Nimmo this last weekend.
He says, during the Democrat debate on Saturday, Hillary Clinton blamed Bashar al-Assad for the situation in Syria.
She says, Assad is killed, by last count, a quarter of a million Syrians.
The reason the mess we're in is that ISIS has, and that ISIS has the territory it has, is because of Assad.
No, as we just pointed out to you, as multiple sources have pointed out to you, it's the revolutions that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama created everywhere.
This is something that ought to be rejected out of hand by Democrat voters.
I can't understand why she is as popular as she is, and of course I was just handed an article by Kit Daniels talking about how her popularity is falling, and of course there's good reasons for that amongst the Democrats.
Democrats are typically saying they don't want war, they reject the military-industrial complex, but they give it a pass when somebody wearing their team uniform does that.
We're going to play a clip later in the show.
From a new Republican Senator, Ben Sasse.
And he laid this out very well for Democrats and for Republicans.
Talking about how you need to not give people a pass out of blind partisan loyalty.
But of course, as Kurt Nemo pointed out, this civil war was orchestrated by us and they're just trying to create this paranoia to get people to overreact.
At the same time, we got an article from the Daily Caller News Foundation says that a whistleblower
I think we've covered this before as well.
This is something that happened about a week or so ago.
Someone who was under pressure from the Department of State working for Homeland Security.
He was tracking these people who came in.
San Bernardino, the official story.
And he said he was told to shut this down.
The administration, he said, was more concerned about civil rights and liberties of foreign Islamic groups with terrorist ties than they were the safety and the security of Americans.
I don't think so.
I mean, you could read it that way, but I think that they really do want to do the same thing to America that they've been doing to Russia for 63 years.
Essentially, using Islamic jihadis as a way to take down this country.
Now, we're going to come back after the break and we're going to talk about
We're also going to talk about an amazing admission by the drug czar.
Some politics.
But before we do, I just want to let you know, because time is getting close for your Christmas presents, you can still get a six-month free, if you get a one-year subscription to Prison Planet TV, you can still give that as a gift.
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So when we come back, we're going to talk about this amazing admission by the drug czar.
You know, that was something that always bothered me.
Why do we have somebody in America that has the title czar?
That's about as authoritarian as you can get.
We have a drug czar now.
Amazingly, this is maybe the only thing that I've ever seen Obama do.
The best thing he's ever do is have a drug czar who says that he doesn't like the term.
He says the war on drugs is a failure.
But guess what?
He's not gonna stop it.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining us now is Alex Jones with an analysis on the Great Awakening.
David, first off, it's really informative listening to you here at the office while I have a working vacation.
You're filling in while I have to take care of a lot of the new operations we're going to be launching in the new year, including getting this
Radio slash TV show and more UHF VHF and cable systems already got quite a few but we're into the big push coming up in the start of the new year.
So again, it's just great to have you and the entire team working so hard all of our reporters.
And I just want to commend the work of the entire InfoWars crew and staff as we accelerate towards the end of 2015, and also all of our friends out there who love freedom across the world, not just the listeners, the sponsors, but all the folks that pray for us, and also all the prominent people, from top generals to people like Kurt Russell coming out and saying, hey, I'm against, you know, the tyranny that we face, and we need to all speak out and get involved.
So we talk about the Great Awakening.
I want to speak some about the Great Awakening.
I also want to discuss how the Empire is going to be striking back against that Great Awakening.
For this segment and this segment only, I'm going to hand the baton back to you.
And I know also you did It's a Wonderful Life a few years ago, that really is something we should show every year because it's a wonderful life tied into the private Federal Reserve and the activities that they are involved in and how they've enslaved us.
In fact, you had another name for it.
Yeah, it's a wonderful lie, is what I said.
It's kind of a globalist Christmas present to us, because everybody needs to remember that was done in the dead of night, and you know what?
It may happen again this year, Alex, with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
They could run that thing through very, very quickly.
They always like to do these things while people are distracted, while they're not looking, and so that's the thing we need to be aware of.
But so we're going to go back and revisit, again, this reported it a couple years ago.
It was on the 100th anniversary of that great deception.
That's right, 2013, two years ago, and it's part of the Great Awakening.
Because we put that video out on the MainInfoWars channel that has, you know, 600 million views on it, and it got about 500,000 views in just a couple days.
And they came and they put a strike on us and basically removed it.
And then the next time it went to another channel, I challenged it, literally had to sign affidavits in court that it was fair use, because it is fair use, total commentary on a major social issue through a piece of media that it turns out the copyright is basically open on.
So on so many fronts they were wrong.
Now it only has 20,000 views on your sub-channel.
This is how they try to censor this info.
So we're asking everybody to go get It's a Wonderful Lie report that's been censored multiple times and to go where it's still available and get it out to everybody you know.
And you know, at the same time they were doing that, Alex, there was the entire movie available to watch on Google.
As a matter of fact, that's where I got my clips from that I used.
And they had it up for multiple, they had it up for, I think, three years.
They had over 800,000 views over those three years of It's a Wonderful Life, the entire movie.
And yet we put it up with fair use.
Just a few little clips from the movie.
A review.
A commentary.
A review and a parallel.
Something that would only cause people that claim they own derivatives of it, you know, remastered copies, they don't own the originals, remastered copies, it's out of copyright, would only promote what they're doing.
I mean, the lawyers said, hands down, it's fair use.
They did it because they don't want it to be seen, and that's going to tie in to the Great Awakening here in just a moment, censorship here in America.
Google, I'm not attacking Google, it's just true, when Obama Deception came out seven years ago,
We had a Google shopping cart for just about a year, it had products on it, and they said, oh, this is racist, in an official email, and terminated our account.
So see, we can't engage in commerce because the Obama deception criticizes a president that is supposedly half African-American.
Nothing about him being black, nothing about black people being bad, but even if we were being racist, we should have a right to sell our paraphernalia and our info in a free country.
But no, no, no.
They judged as racist, and Apple, iTunes won't accept any of our info, Google more and more won't accept our info.
It's very, very serious.
Now YouTube's left us alone, which is a subsidiary of Google the last few years.
I've actually talked to some of their executives who are pretty good folks, and they're actually protecting us to a certain extent to allow us to operate and continue because they believe in what we're doing.
So there's even good people in Google.
Let's be clear, of all the evil companies,
Uh, you know, probably Microsoft, uh, Facebook.
I mean, that's when you really, really, really... I mean, we've been given this Facebook mentions thing that only a few hundred people have.
And now they're expanding it.
And some of the videos we do get two, three million views.
I mean, it's definitely high power.
But we've kind of gotten the message, hey, you might want to be a little nicer if you want to keep this.
Well, you know what?
We're going to talk about it because of those little messages.
Because I'm not going to sit here and play games with this.
So, I'm going to get into my report.
The Great Awakening, ladies and gentlemen.
The Great Awakening is absolutely undoubted.
Here's a story that is going up on Infowars.com in the next five minutes.
They're in there proofreading it right now, but I said this is so important.
The Daily Beast reported on, of course, Kurt Russell going on TV shows, and they keep asking him, what's this about guns?
And he keeps defending it.
Now he goes, look, I'm a hardcore libertarian.
Watch out.
I don't want to go all the way here.
Hollywood's full of fake conservatives and liberals who aren't patriots.
I believe in the founding fathers.
I believe in 1776.
I mean, I've been told he's a listener.
He doesn't like to get political, but we are reaching out to him.
And again, I was told by a director here in town years ago that, well, I mean, it's Rick Linklater.
I don't know.
The big film here in town with Robert Rodriguez that had him in it.
What's the one where they're in New York City and it's like Gotham?
Sin City, Sin City.
And then he was also doing some work with Linkletter and literally heard my radio show, tuned in, got the films and woke up just being here in town a month.
So that shows, he went from being a Republican, he said this at Vanity Fair, I used to be a Republican, now I see they're all controlled by the same people, the people that killed Kennedy run America today, there's been a coup since then.
So, I never reached out to Willis, we are reaching out to him now, I don't expect him to come on because these people get threatened and intimidated.
Then I was told that, oh Kurt Russell's in town too, and you know, he likes your show,
And again, he was already a libertarian, I was even told then, it's just that this show accelerated his awakening.
And so I'm not bragging when Jeff Bridges calls me, you know, says he's a huge fan of the show and listens all the time.
I'm not on a power trip about Alex Jones.
You need to know this signifies, just because I'm a public figure, so they're able to reach out to me or I get these pings, you know, this info, like Viggo Mortensen.
I was at a media event, saw an InfoWars flag on a mic, said, hey, I like Alex Jones, I'll come on.
You know, here's my number.
Came on, listens every week.
I met Viggo Mortensen, super ultra-liberal, but a real liberal.
Somebody that's actually educated and informed.
And you can disagree with us on some issues.
But people like John Cusack, I mean, he is a hardcore Democrat, but he came out against Obama because of what Obama did with the NSA and with wars and other things.
All he asks is you have integrity as a liberal or a conservative.
When Republicans do bad stuff, we go after them.
I'm not a Republican, I'm a libertarian.
But that's historically more allied with Republicans because of guns and things like that and lower taxes.
But there is a takeover of the Republican Party happening by the Realty Party movement, not the one that tried to co-opt, fragments of it, and they admit that's the main threat.
So again, going over all this, I may have to go to the next segment because I'm, you know, ranting off into other subjects, this huge awakening is happening and now Kurt Russell's not backing down, he's doubling down, saying, I'm a hardcore libertarian,
I'm sick of the left-right system.
You know, we need to get back to our original roots.
1776, the article is going live as we speak at InfoWars.com.
You need to hit refresh on that.
We have links to the video and audio of where he says it.
That's great because, you know, when you listen to that whole interview, he's trying to plug the film, Hateful Eight, that's coming out, and he's got an interview with a guy, and the guy keeps coming after him about guns and gun culture and gun control, and he keeps saying,
I'm here to talk about a movie.
This is about art.
I don't want to talk about politics.
But the guy keeps on, and after a while, when you hear that interview, he just loses it.
So now what's happened, instead of him not wanting to be public, being prodded, he's now gone on The View, and now other shows, and is getting more hardcore.
That's the new video and audio at InfoWars.com.
Now continuing here.
They're going to counter-strike against us because this big awakening is happening.
Congress has a 9% approval rating, three years running.
People know college is a fraud now because there are no jobs or infrastructure for it.
It's more of an indoctrination center.
The system is tripling and quadrupling down on oppression.
And the harder they squeeze, like a beach ball into the water, the more it's coming up.
These are historical paradigms that we are extremely well aware of.
Now continuing,
What is their counter-strike going to be?
It's going to be social shunning, like they did in Nazi Germany from 1933 until about 1939.
Hitler didn't start rounding up his political opposition, whether they were conservative, liberal, it didn't matter whether they were Jewish, communist, German, high command, until 39.
At first it was demonization.
At first, don't give you licenses.
At first, it's not let you do business.
At first, it's telling people don't do business with them or you'll be shunned.
Then, by 37, 38, they start knocking the windows out.
Then they start burning people's businesses down.
Then they say, you go to this ghetto,
And you live there, to all these different political groups, and then they start arresting you and selectively going after folks.
Breaking down the communities, getting people to tattletale on each other, setting up controllers like George Soros and others who would manage ghettos, and then make the Jews and others think they were on their side, then feed on them.
That's what the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, all these groups are literally the children of the people that were the master Judas Codes to feed on those groups.
That's a microcosm.
The Soviets do the same thing.
They invented the term back in the 30s, a political correct, or correct political speech is what it translates out of.
They had commissars, political officers, thought police, who would go around pushing this stuff with the NKVD and other groups.
But they didn't have to enforce it themselves because there were throngs of people that would fawn to the black uniforms, the black boots, to all of it, and want to prove
They're worthiness.
So domestically they're coming in with a strong cities UN initiative that actually in DC and LA and Chicago are building UN substations, UN embassies that will nexus with police and others to make sure the police and local governments are behaving correctly.
Now, why do they want local police?
Schwarzenegger heads up the munialization program of the UN.
They can't get the states to go along with carbon taxes or the feds to pass it, so Obama does it by executive at the top illegally.
They come into the cities, fly these mayors and people around, literally to the finest $5,000 a night hotels, jet copters, hookers.
They don't call them that, it's just, here's your, I mean, folks, I've talked to them, it's come out in the news.
They go, your city can get diplomatic immunity.
You can get a UN card and go to these UN junkets around the world and have immunity.
So this is new forms of royalty.
So they're setting up the new forms of royalty.
They're going to then come in with these commissions, these truth and reconciliation commissions.
That's what all the demonization of police is about.
A lot of it legitimate, but the end is evil.
To then globalize them and if they get certified by the UN, if they follow and become political police and go after people's speech and guns and the rest of it, the UN will give them political cover and sucker.
Aiding and abetting, a sucker.
So, this is the system.
You already see the UN at the border saying, you know, we're going to sue Arizona, we're going to sue Arpaio, and they are now, because you're arresting people, you're following the law, if somebody doesn't have ID and is drunk driving.
I mean, in Travis County and other cities, they are above the law, illegals.
And we're not against the illegals, it just shows how they're a protected group because it's part of a program.
Now continuing, there's hundreds of ways they're going to counter-strike us, but make no mistake, they legalized the CIA operating domestically, it was already happening, with quote, deception last year.
That was in the Washington Post, that was in Foreign Affairs, we played the Pentagon press releases.
Literally saying, don't run, we're your friends, quote, the Army Undersecretary of Defense.
You can watch the hour video saying, we're sorry we've lied to you.
Now we're going to be involved in every town and city interfacing with you with the truth.
And so they've embedded all these psyops people that overthrow other countries and controlled Iraq and overthrew Ukraine.
They are now embedded.
And people are getting off on it.
People are walking up to Hollywood stars saying, watch it, I'm CIA, flashing badges.
And they're literally just been in it six months, they're not even CIA, they're just adjunct commissars.
Literal... Let me just give you more data.
Let me give you more data.
Just remember three months ago, it was mainstream billed newspaper.
People didn't believe it when Infowars reported on it.
They're actually hiring at Facebook in Germany.
Former high-level Stasi, the worst police state ever.
To work at Facebook and censor people and then report to police and people are fined or arrested for just saying, I don't think we should have open borders.
I mean, Germany is under martial law.
So is France.
Demonstrations are banned, but the left is allowed to and attack police because they're getting ready to overthrow even the local governments, folks.
This is the central empires have taken over the countries.
They're now going in, taking over the local jurisdictions.
So the Great Awakening has happened.
And people like Kurt Russell, people like Matt Drudge, people who everybody knew was a patriot.
I mean, I knew that six, seven, eight years ago.
But now they're coming out saying it's here, they're coming, it's tyranny, it's real.
They're ringing the alarm, which is a normal man would do.
Okay, and in a world of cowards, it is heroic to do what Matt Drudge has done.
I mean, the guy is an absolute hero.
And not because he links to us and gives us traffic.
It's about a war, folks.
He's putting it all on the line.
He's chosen not to crap his pants, and he's chosen to take security measures, watch what he's doing, but at the same time, double down.
Because he's been harassed, he's been threatened, he's been messed with.
So have we.
Instead of being a coward, he's going all the way.
Russell, I guarantee you, behind the scenes has been threatened.
I met with special forces people last week.
I have talked to generals on and off air.
Obviously had the former head of the NSA on yesterday, technical group.
Now they actually ran the physical NSA.
You heard all of what he had to say.
Um, I have talked to major Hollywood stars, major media people the last week who volunteered to me, listen, I don't want to talk to you anymore.
I used to think you were a cook, but we were friends 15 years ago.
I thought someone was true.
It's all true.
I've been threatened.
You know, my dad, before he retired three years ago, he thought it was a setup.
Homeland Security came in, long-time patient.
This guy, my dad always thought was kind of a loser, but weird.
He treated his mom, and it was the perfect type they want.
We're going to skip this network break.
This is so important.
He gives him his card.
He says, we want you to come to this, you know, hotel ballroom, much other folks want to put you basically in an internal security force.
You know, my dad says, what do you want me to do?
He goes, well, we want you to watch your patients and tell us what they're talking about.
He goes, what, like terrorism?
He goes, no, like political, what their ideas are.
And we want you to influence people.
My dad came to come to me and he goes, here's the guy's card on my security.
He goes, I've been treating this guy for a decade.
He goes, um,
He says, you think it's a setup?
And I said, go ask other dentists in your thing later.
He's the one that wanted to get the head dentist.
He was the head guy.
But then talk to other dentists.
He goes, I will.
My dad called like 15 dentists, uh, and at different firms and places, people he knew that had worked for him.
Most of them had gotten visits in the last year or others hadn't, but they call a month later and say, yeah, they were here.
Different groups.
I mean, folks, this is a full Soviet slash Nazi rollout.
And let me tell you, they're, they're identifying people.
The idiots they send don't know.
They're all compartmentalized.
Who they know could be leaders, but then a lot of those people won't resist the system if they've already been approached and said, oh, we think you're a good guy, join with us.
So 15 years ago, they were getting the CEOs of major companies.
10 years ago, they were getting the mid-level people and the heads of power plants and chemical plants and folks that really might need an emergency license to kill.
Here's your card.
You got a concealed carry.
You went through our secret course.
If you see somebody planting a bomb, you know, or something at the power plant, take them out.
Well, that's what all citizens in civil defense should do.
So they take something that sounds reasonable, and they go into farmer groups, this has come out in the news, under the Rural Affairs Commission run by the Pentagon under Obama.
Look this up.
They go, we need you to look for Al-Qaeda in your area, in cornfields in Missouri or wherever.
They go to the hotel meeting, it's a two-day thing, they show them a five-minute deal of ISIS, and within five to ten minutes, they're already into patriots, they're already into gun owners, they're already into veterans, they mix it in to look for drugs, you know, because hopefully they can find some of that.
And you're like, oh, drugs aren't good.
They're shipping them in, folks.
So I'm saying there's a huge awakening happening.
There's a giant explosive time here, but at the same time, they're also now going to pure lies, pure demonization, saying we run demonstrations we have nothing to do with, saying we terrorized Austin, had, you know, gun scares going, zero involvement, saying I hate black people, saying I'm a drug dealer, saying I'm a, just you name it, in mainstream news, in concerted efforts, hundreds of articles per day.
Per day.
Matt, I was in over 300 on Monday.
Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Austin American States when I got calls about it.
People going, you think we had a moon landing?
You're not involved in the Boston bombing.
Folks, you're talking hardcore.
In the past, they would just kill me.
But because of the info war, that would make me a martyr.
Plus, like shark teeth, I've got rows of people ready to replace me, okay?
And so, instead they are murdering who I am right now.
They are killing who Alex Jones is.
And look, Jesse Ventura has his problems politically.
I don't agree with him on quite a bit of things, but he did get politically assassinated.
You know, with the whole Chris Kyle thing.
They could pull similar things on me.
Look, this is all a sign we're having a huge effect.
They wouldn't be doing all of this if we weren't hitting the Zeitgeist.
And InfoWars is growing exponentially right now.
So I want to give you kind of the state of the InfoWars union here.
on the show.
They're going to strike back a bunch of ways.
I'm going to be doing some special reports that go through how they're doing this, but the model, because of total totalitarianism in China, they admit this in Australia, the U.S., you name it, the model for internet censorship is going to be phased in, Chinese-style net censorship.
Net IDs, net taxes, three strikes and you're out, net rules.
But before they get to that, they're going to phase in, it started, starts this, next year, just, you know, ten days or so, or less, I guess, nine days.
In China, and they're already lining up with Facebook, Google, all of them agreeing with China, Microsoft, to implement these systems where China already does it, and then they beta test there, and then bring it here.
And our story's on DrugsReport.com, we do a document cam over here.
And of course, Drudge gets how incredibly important this is.
We've been mentioning this for the last few months, but now it's hit critical mass because the Chinese have released the full details.
Everything you do, everything you do in China, from your credit score to what you buy, to discount cards, to your internet records, to what you say on social networks, is integrated into an algorithm.
And if you criticize the government basically once,
You can't even buy or sell.
You can't get a hotel.
You can't travel.
I notice all this is being phased in here with the IRS saying, if we start auditing you or don't even start an investigation, you can't fly.
Internal checkpoints.
I mean, it's on, folks.
So, Europe's doing the same thing.
This is all being brought in.
It's being implemented.
I mean, this is classical tyranny.
It's here.
And again, the Supreme Court Justice told Drudge, next year, they're coming for you.
And then they have the heads of the FCC, and yeah, we're coming for your free speech, talk radio, internet, you name it.
I mean, because they can't beat us, folks.
They're flaming tyrants.
They're flaming
Crooks annihilating our country, spying on us illegally, opening our borders, having the Border Patrol complete the smuggling process.
I mean, this is the globalist offensive.
This is the war against America.
And globally there's a world awakening.
So they know in algorithms, and they admit this, that revolutions are coming.
Just because food prices in the third world have gone up past 50%.
They know at that point riots start.
They already have their operators ready to steer the revolutions into radical al-Qaeda, radical ISIS, radical al-Nusra, Saudi Arabian driven.
They're going to have a big communist kill the cops, shoot the cops, burn the cities.
Same thing here.
They're going to let them do it, order the cops to stand down, and then say, cops, it's your fault, capitulate, go under U.N.
I mean, it's on, folks.
You are witnessing a real coup.
100% what I'm telling you is happening.
Now, I knew this was coming, but to see it actually happen is so bold, is so over the top, that I get why people just can't believe it.
That's why they came out and said Alex Jones believes martial law this summer.
When we never said that, we said Jade Helm was a beta test, and I'm sorry, I talked to folks involved in it, they said, you're absolutely right, and shook my hand.
And they said, and we're not stupid, when they're in there telling us that this is for America, we're absolutely waking up.
So, the good ace in the hole, one of the big ones, we got quite a few aces in the hole, we got the ace of spades, baby, we got all four of the aces, is that the military, we preemptively warned them, they're not stupid either, the police and others, and we got the jump on the globalist if we use the fact that we have this info.
The Great Awakening is here.
It's on.
But everyone should go to DrugsReport.com.
Everyone should use this Christmas holiday season.
They want to focus you talking about terrorism and fear so that you give your rights up.
Now, this Christmas, talk about how the globalists run the terror, how the FBI was ordered not to stop the two shooters in San Bernardino, how they actually did have all their NSA data and used that to block the FBI.
They used the NSA.
It's on record, the Justice Department did, to send a
Justice Department Civil Rights Crimes Task Force to investigate the FBI in San Bernardino two years ago to shut down the investigation in the mosque and of the two shooters.
Whatever you think happened with the case, it was ordered to stand down.
Inside job.
The globalists did that.
Then when we got attacked, the answer is give us more power.
A hundred billion a year in intelligence domestically isn't enough.
See, this is the coup.
This is the takeover of infrastructure, of information, of spying on the public, of the smart grids, of the taxes, of the control, of taxing you by the mile, of driverless cars, of the smart meters, of the stingrays.
And yes, it sounds overwhelming.
And the globalists, one reason they leave me alone, they're demonizing me, assassinating my character, straw man.
But another reason, it's an argument they have.
And I've been told this.
And this argument's now failing.
But they believed a long time ago that I was so real, that we were so hardcore.
I don't care if most people are cowards.
I'm looking for real men and women that aren't realized the real fear is letting this takeover happen.
I'm looking for realists.
Not, you know, all the chumps and all the followers and all the cowards can suck your thumbs and delusionally feel like winners all day but not be real winners.
I'm going all the way.
And that resonates with a few good men out there and it's expanding.
Like Matt Drudge, like Kurt Russell, like David Knight, like Jakari Jackson, like Darren McBreen, like Rob Dewey, like the people in our, you know, like Nico in there, and Mikhail, and all the great riders.
We're committed.
We know we're in a real action-adventure movie.
We understand how epic this is.
We're what the Pentagon at the higher-ups warns of, empowered individuals.
Where the propaganda doesn't work, the brainwashing doesn't work.
I'm going to come back with five minutes and finish this and hand the baton to you, but everybody's got to get this article out.
Coming to America, China introduces credit score for obedient citizens.
It is coming to America.
We're going to ignite a national debate about this with Drudge's help right now.
It's part of the Great Awakening.
We're on the offense.
We're not going to lay down and die.
Resistance is victory!
1776 Worldwide!
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We're good to go!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Nye and with me now is Alex Jones and he's been doing a dynamite job breaking down the awakening of people.
Of course, as he was talking about Kurt Russell, one of the things Kurt Russell said was, hey dude, we need to have guns because if you're going to try to pull something, you need to be worried about what I'm going to do.
And that's exactly what Alex was talking about.
And he went on to say this is for a corrupt government.
Yeah, yeah.
And he's come out with more stuff as they attack him, doubling down.
And that's the spirit.
And so they're really trying to intimidate prominent people.
Because if Hollywood starts going public and saying, we're not liberal, we're not conservative, we're patriots, that unifies America, 1776, we want freedom, we want lower taxes, we don't want global banks exempt, we don't want bailouts, we don't want all these foreign wars, we don't want to fund Al Qaeda, that unifies America.
Unifies black, white, police, citizen, everybody, teacher, you know, doctor, lawyer, it doesn't matter.
Come together, folks, but to see all the sniveling enemies they've got in the controlled media that have been given the green light, I mean, stuff they'd never do, just stuff we could win lawsuits all day.
It shows they're going for broke.
I mean, they are going for broke.
They have been authorized because this is government directed.
Just like vaccine makers put out stuff, they're directed to, you know, put all sorts of horrible stuff in because they've been given immunity.
Well, these people haven't been given immunity from God.
They haven't been given immunity from justice and the law of nature.
We are the response to that.
You are the response to that.
So, we have new listeners, though, that are like, yeah, right, a credit score for your political views and criticizing the government.
And if your friends aren't the proper people, your score gets lowered.
Oh, yeah, that's not happening.
I know we have new listeners that are still in denial.
Here's BBC.
October 2015, this is months ago, China's social credit, Beijing, sets up a huge system.
And it goes through and admits it all and acts like it's good.
See, because England is bringing in this stuff, where you go out to a Raw Prophet Muhammad event at a church and everybody gets arrested.
And then you're not allowed to.
That disturbs the peace.
That's going to upset somebody.
Your free speech.
Free speech came out of Magna Carta in 1215.
Tony Blair, before he left office, said, I'm proud of the fact that I killed Magna Carta.
That was a headline.
My goal is to kill Magna Carta.
In 1996, we got elected.
Years later, he said, I killed Magna Carta.
I mean, these are declarations of naked tyranny.
And so you can go read the story at DrugsReport.com where it actually admits all this, and this is the ultimate form of wearing a yellow armband on your arm.
I mean, I'm telling you, we need to go down to UT and actually say, we're going to have conservatives and gun owners wear armbands, or we're going to show people that have said racist things have to wear armbands so we know who they are.
And you say, Obama wants it.
Or it's for Hillary.
In Austin, it's 8 out of 10 will sign it.
In LA, 9 out of 10.
These are real interviews we do.
I mean, we show you people going, yeah, we should abort kids up to age 3.
For Obama, we want to abort children up to age 3.
Because, again, they're under my control.
They feel like winners because they're part of the winning team.
Even though it's screwing them over, taking their future, bankrupting them.
They don't have any solidarity because they were never taught kinship, honor.
They were never taught how business is really done on handshakes, on people knowing you're for real.
They've killed real culture.
And I just see these floundering men everywhere and floundering women that don't understand how the world really works, folks.
Even if you were a sociopath, because a lot of sociopaths think they get ahead in this system not caring about anybody.
You actually really get ahead long-term caring about folks, building real communities.
And the fake left gets a lot of the good, well-meaning people under their control with that message.
If you want to be a real classical liberal, folks, join the InfoWar.
That doesn't mean join my view or my InfoWar.
Get into this and understand they're coming for the freedom.
They already set up Obamacare written by foreign insurance companies.
That's a giant screw job.
Written by the Republicans.
The Democrats love it because their guy says he put his name on it.
Just admit you're chumps.
I admit I've been chumped before.
I admit I've been conned before.
I mean, you've got to come to grips with that.
David Knight, Merry Christmas.
God bless you and your family.
Give my best to your wife and all her great work for the InfoWars.
You're going to come back and cover a lot coming up.
And I'll see everybody with special reports at InfoWars.com, Facebook Mentions while we still have it, and more throughout the next few days.
But spread the word now, folks.
Don't take this info for granted.
They're coming for our rights.
They're coming.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this December 23rd, 2015.
As you just heard from Alex Jones, we are in a war.
It's time for you to stand up.
It's time for you to pass information around.
It's time for you to educate people.
One of the best ways you can do that is with a subscription to Prison Planet TV.
And of course, it's something that'll make your Christmas shopping very easy if you give it as a gift.
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What do you get for that?
Well, you get access to all of Alex Jones's documentaries.
That's where you really get the background information to wake people up.
We can cover the news here, but we can't always go back all the way back into the background of everything.
That's what's so wonderful about documentaries, and of course we have all of Alex's e-books there, as well as special reports that we all do there.
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If you get an annual subscription right now, Prison Planet TV, great way to finish up your Christmas shopping.
A great gift to give people to wake them up.
Because Alex was just talking about Kurt Russell.
Talking about how he just gave another interview.
Speaking with the journalist Marlo Stern, he says, I'm a hardcore libertarian.
Great to hear that.
Because, you know, it was really good to hear him, as I pointed out when Alex and I were talking about this, when he did that interview with Jeffrey Wells, and Jeffrey Wells kept pushing him on the gun issue.
Pushing, pushing, pushing.
Kurt wanted to talk about the movie that he's doing, Hateful Eight.
And finally, he just lost it.
He goes, look, I understand where you're coming from.
He kept saying, you know, it's a movie.
It's set in the Civil War.
It's a piece of art.
It's like a painting or it's like a piece of music or something.
You're trying to make this political.
I'm trying to talk about the movie.
But that's all the guy wanted to talk about was the movie.
He wanted to put it in the perspective, saying we need to take people's guns because we've had this terrorist shooting in San Bernardino.
And he says, look, you're going to have, people have guns for a reason.
He goes, you need to understand that if somebody's there, they need to know, just like in a hockey game, if I'm coming at the goalie, he's wondering what I'm going to do.
So these people need to wonder what we're going to do.
Then he broke it down further.
He started talking about the founding fathers in a subsequent interview.
But this is what he had to say with Marlo Stern.
He said, I'm not a Bill Maher libertarian.
That's faux libertarianism.
The other thing I found is a lot of liberals in Hollywood are faux liberals.
Yeah, like people who will just follow the crowd.
They want the guy with that uniform.
A lot of Republicans in Hollywood are faux conservatives.
He says, when I was a young guy, I was finding myself not quite being able to see the things that were going on and buying into a political culture.
I didn't know what to do, so I finally said, hey, why don't I go back and see what the founding fathers were all about?
See how that stacked up.
Because then I found libertarianism.
They were pretty radical guys.
They were damn smart.
I just believe in that old time stuff.
I think they had great ideas.
Me too.
You know, when I looked at this, it was amazing to me to go back and to read some of the things that Thomas Jefferson wrote.
I mean, one of the things that really just made me set up and pay attention, I remember my wife got a book for me that had all the inaugural addresses of the presidents.
And I was sick at the time, so I had nothing better to do.
I mean, it's kind of a dry read, you would think, wouldn't you?
But when I got to Thomas Jefferson,
And he said, I'm proud to announce, and this is the beginning of his second term, I'm proud to announce that by eliminating useless offices and other things, we have been able to eliminate all internal taxation in the United States.
So we can say, what laborer, what farmer, what mechanic knows a taxman?
Wow, that's powerful.
That's powerful stuff.
That was his goal.
We could do that again, you know.
We could eliminate the income tax.
You know, to talk about libertarians, let's talk about Harry Brown.
Ran a couple of times on the Libertarian Party.
And he had a very good insight.
At the time, he said, you know, he went back, he did the numbers, and he said, what would it take to eliminate the income tax completely?
How far would we have to roll government back, government spending?
It's just a couple of years.
And today, if you look at the amount of money that comes in from the personal income tax, the percentage of what they spend, and you take that back, and you take the budget back a proportionate amount, you'd have to go back to 2004.
Could we live with a government
That was
Well, anybody that makes this much or more, we're going to go to this percentage or that percentage.
They get down all that detail and they all argue about that on the GOP debate.
I've got a better tax plan than this guy.
Hey, how about a tax plan that gets rid of the personal income tax completely and backs it up with only enough cuts to go back to the size that it was in 2004?
Now, see, that's what libertarianism is about.
Libertarianism is about making sure that you're not a slave of the government, that the government serves you, that the government is there to protect your individual liberties.
That's how we started out with this.
Now, I want to talk about something that, uh, oh, before I go to the drug war, yeah, to back up what Kurt Russell was saying, you know, he said, you know, there's a lot of faux-conservatives out there, there's a lot of faux-Republicans in Hollywood, yeah, there's a lot of faux-conservatives and liberals everywhere.
It's not just Hollywood, it's everywhere.
There are people out there who say, oh well, you know, I'm voting Democrat because I like this policy, or I'm voting Republican because I like this policy, but when their guy gets in and violates their principles...
They'll give him a pass because they're a Republican or a Democrat.
We do have some real liberals out there who will stand up and fight it, like I mentioned to Alex in the last segment when he was there.
John Cusack opposed very vehemently Obama's moves against civil liberties.
He's not going to play the party line.
I want to play for you a new
Republican Senator that got elected.
He recently just gave some of his first speeches.
I think his first one was back in mid-November.
I'm not sure if it was this speech or not.
It was a 15-minute speech.
I just want to play you the first one minute of it.
This is Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska.
And he talks about the danger of signing on to government by executive order from the President.
How dangerous is that?
That, folks, is dictatorship.
Dictators are essentially people who speak the law.
The law is in their mouth.
Whatever they say goes.
They don't have a legislative procedure.
They don't have a Congress that's going to enact this or a legislature.
They just say it, and it's law.
That is fundamentally what executive orders are about.
It's a violation of the Constitution.
It's a violation of everything we've come to understand what democracy and good government and a republic is all about.
And that is that we have a rule of law, we protect individual liberty, and we have principles in this country.
Let's listen to what this Republican Senator says to both Republicans and to Democrats.
Imagine President Trump has been propelled into the White House with 300 electoral votes, having won mainly by the force of his personality, by calling BS on this town, and by his promise to get things done by acting unilaterally.
The first hundred days are huge.
He signs an order that turns the Peace Corps into stonemasons to build the Southern Wall.
He shutters the Department of Education.
And by executive order, he turns the Department of Interior into the classiest oil company the world has ever known.
What happens next?
Would those who've stayed silent about executive overreach over the last seven years suddenly find religion?
After years of legislative atrophy, would Congress spring into action and remember its supposed power of the purse?
And what about Republicans?
After having raged against a supposedly lawless president, would many suddenly find that they're actually okay with a strongman president, so long as he's wearing the same colored jersey they are?
Great speech!
And he goes on unpacking that for the Senators who really, most of them, don't care.
It's really for the American people.
A great new Senator, Ben Sasse, and what he's pointing out to them is, you want to stand by and let this guy get away with being a dictator because he wears your team uniform?
Guess what?
You're going to get a dictator who stands against everything that you believe
And the other side is going to support him as well.
That's one of the reasons why the Republicans don't impeach Obama when he exceeds his constitutional authority.
Because they're waiting in line.
Because they want that same kind of power.
That's what we've seen in the Speaker of the House situation.
We saw them complain about Nancy Pelosi dumping massive multi-thousand page bills on them at the very last minute saying, you've got to pass this, we've only got 24 hours, you've got to pass this or we're going to shut the government down.
Then what did they do with Boehner?
He did exactly the same thing.
And here we are, now we got Paul Ryanneau.
The very first thing that he does is a massive, massive spending bill.
And we're going to talk about that when we come back, but I want to talk first about
What's going on with our new drugs are.
And as a way of introducing this, I'm going to come back, well, I've still got a couple of minutes in this segment.
Here's an article from the Washington Post.
The pot business may be legal, but newspapers cannot run ads for it, says the U.S.
Postal Service.
They say newspapers in half the states are breaking the law.
If they mail publications containing ads for marijuana products, even though the states have legalized pot, says the U.S.
Post Office.
Now, they make an interesting admission in this.
They say it's still illegal under federal law.
Understand that.
The Feds are not going in and arresting people in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon for violating this law.
Why are they not arresting them if it's still illegal under federal law?
Why do we have a drug czar who goes on 60 Minutes this last weekend and says, don't call me drug czar.
I don't like to be associated with the kind of failed policies that we've had.
And the guy says, really?
Failed policies?
He goes, yes, it's a total failure.
But he's not going to stop it.
He's not going to stop it.
He's going to continue doing it, because you know, Hart, he is required in that position, we'll talk about that when we come back, he's required in that position to never do anything to support drugs that are illegal.
He can't even fund studies to see if any of the drugs that are on Schedule 1 have any uses.
Understand where these things came from.
Just like we're talking about with the climate changes as Alex was talking about.
With the movement of our police under a U.N.
With the movement of climate as a U.N.
The drug war was a U.N.
Conservatives need to understand those four schedules, those magic schedules, Schedule 1 through 4, where they categorize all these drugs, that was laid out verbatim by the United Nations ten years before it was repeated verbatim by Richard Nixon as he began and declared the war on drugs.
Understand that.
When we come back, we're going to break that down for you.
We'll be right back.
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I'm good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to go back to what I was just talking about in the last segment.
The Washington Post article saying that the pot business may be legal in many states, but now the U.S.
Postal Service is sending out notifications to newspapers that they cannot run ads for what has been declared in their state as a legal business.
And this brings up a core issue on how we get our freedom back.
Many people on the right get motivated by guns, many people on the left get motivated by this insane war on drugs.
We've got a drug czar who went on CBS 60 Minutes this last Sunday and said, don't call me a drug czar.
He says, reminds me of an authoritarian approach he doesn't like.
I'm putting words in his mouth.
What he says is, go quote, it's failed policies and failed practices for the last 44 years that this has been involved with us.
And I have to say to the conservatives who support this insane, failed policy, that this is a UN agenda.
You need to understand where this is coming from.
You need to understand why they did this.
And of course, he talks about it in terms of it being failed.
He says it's given us a costly, bloated prison system.
It has failed to curtail Americans' drug habits.
That's the obvious outcome about it.
But also understand that this has given us a militarized police force to fight this war that they have declared on American users.
This is far worse than alcohol prohibition.
They never went after the users with that.
They never militarized the police with that.
It didn't last that long.
Interestingly though, it was done constitutionally, unlike this.
Now when we go back to the story, this is what brings up the interesting legal issues.
They point out that in November, in Portland, the postal district there issued a memo to newspaper publishers telling them they're breaking the law by running ads for pot and then using the U.S.
mail to deliver their papers.
Well, what about that?
Democrats in the state were upset about that.
They said the agency should respect the voters' decisions to legalize pot.
Well, why would they respect that?
They don't respect the Constitution they swore to.
They said, in this article from the Washington Post, there's a twist.
The Postal Service apparently has no authority to stop the mailers if their publications contain pot ads.
The new policy directs postmasters to send a report to the local Postal Inspection Service, the law enforcement arm of the Post Office.
Well, guess what?
Not only do they not have any authority to do anything about this, they don't have any authority for their entire Prohibition War!
Just as I said, how did we get two of the twenty-some-odd amendments that are in the Constitution?
One of them gave specific authority to outlaw alcohol.
Why did they need that?
Why did they go to all the trouble to create a constitutional amendment?
It's because there is no authority for the federal government to prohibit anything.
Understand that.
And that includes your prescription drugs with the FDA, because the FDA has got their own prohibition program going as well.
So they have this illegal war on drugs.
We've got two constitutional amendments.
One of them to prohibit, give them the power and the authority to prohibit alcohol.
Another one to revoke that.
Those are two of the twenty-some-odd amendments, but we don't have any amendment for pot.
We don't have one for heroin or cocaine or any of these things.
Now, the interesting thing that this guy had to say, as I pointed out, was, OK, we've got a giant prison system.
Yeah, talk about it being bloated.
We've got more people per capita than any country in the history of the world.
Many times more than you see in authoritarian regimes like China.
And it hasn't done anything to get people off drugs, but it's given us a militarized police force, it's given us corrupted law enforcement and court systems, where they act as thieves on the road with the fiction of civil asset forfeiture, where they do not give you due process, they say, no, this is a civil action, I'm coming after your property.
You see them saying, the U.S.
versus a stack of cash and certain denominations, the U.S.
versus a car, the U.S.
versus a plane, they just steal your property under the legal fiction
And it is total fiction that somehow it was involved in this crime.
That is a lie.
That is an Alice in Wonderland lie.
It has absolutely corrupted our legal system.
It has turned our police who use this, who often fund their police departments off of this, it has turned them into highway robbers.
It's also given a lucrative monopoly to organized crime.
And it has had, not only has it not stopped drug use, but understand that just like alcohol, it has increased the intensity of what they're trying to prohibit.
It always does that.
And it increases the diversity and the availability of it when you create a black market out of something.
And so this guy comes back and he comes at it from a perspective.
This is Michael Botticelli.
He's now the current drug czar.
And he says that he takes this position because he was once an alcoholic.
Now, how did he get off of that?
Would he have been saved by an amendment to prohibit alcohol?
No, of course he wouldn't.
But he went through it with, he had to confront this.
He says he was arrested, he lost his apartment, he lost all of his money, the judge said to him,
Well, you can continue to lose everything and go to jail, or you can get some help.
And at that point, he went to AA.
And he talks about how we need to treat this as a medical issue.
Exactly right.
But he will not stop treating it like it's a law enforcement issue.
That's the problem.
That's the lie.
They're trying to save face by talking about this because they don't want you to realize they have no legal authority.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The website, The Daily Beast, has accused InfoWars of putting on a mock mass shooting that we had nothing to do with.
Their article is titled, Conspiracy Theorists Terrorized Our Town, in which they write, InfoWars' worst humans invaded Texas to stage a mass shooting.
We counter-protested, being the author and his friends, outnumbering them 20 to 1.
They still don't believe that Sandy Hook ever happened.
As far as the Sandy Hook accusation, we discussed that in great detail on the December 21st, 2015 edition of the Alex Jones Show, so I'll focus on the rest of the article.
The author, who took great pride in making fart noises like a 7-year-old child, went on to accuse us of stringing the media along and then hosting the event in an area with no cameras.
Once again, we did report on the event, like dozens of other news agencies, but we had nothing to do with it.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we were just talking about this new drug czar.
The fact that he says we're in a failed policy, a failed war on drugs going on for 44 years.
And of course, this is something the office that he is in right now was created in 1988.
It was a bipartisan effort.
The first time the term drug czar, which this current drug czar, Michael Botticelli, doesn't like.
First time that was used in the media publicly was by Joe Biden.
See, that's the guys on the inside, the guys who push these head fakes, these illegal, unauthorized, unconstitutional, massive movements from the United Nations.
These guys get rewarded with vice presidencies and that sort of thing, okay?
It was also enacted first by George H.W.
Let me tell you something.
This ought to be anathema to liberals, just in terms of the legal situations, the mandatory minimums, the number of people that they lock up who are innocent people.
It ought to be anathema to conservatives, the fact that the government would come in and confiscate your property
We're good to go.
$26 billion budget, 15 government agencies to wage this idiotic war on drugs that was created by the United Nations.
That's another reason for conservatives to oppose this.
Understand that by law, the drug czar must oppose any attempt to legalize the use in any form of illicit drugs.
They cannot even appropriate any funds to study any of these drugs, to see if they have reasonable uses.
And of course they do.
And of course, we know that marijuana, even though it's a Schedule 1 drug, which says there is no medical use for this drug, we know that's a lie.
Everything about this is based on a lie, and conservatives and liberals need to call this for what it is.
They need to say the drug czar has no clothes.
Now I want to go to a quick video report here.
This is an article about cops demolishing a single mom's home by mistake, destroying the children's Christmas presents, and offering no help.
What is this based on?
Where did we get this kind of action?
This is a product of the war on drugs.
These SWAT teams that smash into people's homes.
Let's play that report.
It's not pretty.
Vonda Macklin picks up the pieces.
It's like a destroying of your dream, you know?
After authorities tore up her neighbor's home, poking holes in the walls with an armored military vehicle to coax out the suspect, Joplin Honky member Doug Alexis.
Cherokee County Sheriff David Grove says when authorities first entered the home, they used an infrared camera and discovered heat coming from the attic.
It appeared, using that tool, that there was somebody in the attic.
As it turns out, now we know that that was incorrect.
But nonetheless, that was the information we were operating under at the time.
The standoff lasted more than 20 hours.
Although it was long, Sheriff Grove says waiting it out was the safest strategy for law enforcement and residents.
Some may suggest you just rush in and we could have cleared that house in a matter of minutes, and that's true.
But if there was a suspect in there and he was shot one of our officers or something else happened and he was able to breach the perimeter and jeopardize the safety of the residents nearby.
That's not a risk I'm willing to take.
Vonda says the homeowner repeatedly told authorities Alexis was not inside.
You know, obviously they didn't know, you know, just going by somebody's tip that obviously wasn't a good tip.
Friends and neighbors like Vonda collect the family's belongings and board up the windows to deter looters.
She says the single mother of six is devastated after this ordeal.
Probably the most hardest part of seeing them there was rip her Christmas tree up and
You know, and out the window it goes.
Angelina Dying-Gersenbaum, Fox 14 News.
That is a perfect metaphor for what the war on drugs is doing to our country as a whole.
Here these guys show up, there's some boogeyman they think in the attic.
He's not even there.
They pull back out, surround the house, do a siege for 20 hours, and then come back in and proceed to destroy everything in the house.
They said it's like destroying your dream, you know, she said.
Probably the hardest thing is seeing that they ripped the Christmas tree apart
And out the window it goes.
They say instead of apologizing or offering to help clean up the mess, this guy referred them to some vague FBI program, they say, that allegedly cleans up after cops wrongfully destroy a person's home.
What about when they wrongfully kill somebody?
So these no-knock, militarized raids are a product of this insane, ineffective war on drugs.
It's not helping anybody.
It is destroying our country.
And now they're taking it to the next level with this quote-unquote war on terrorism.
Now, just so that you know, there is a Free Thought Project that has started a GoFundMe campaign to help Ms.
Lane and her children.
So you might want to take a look at that, see if you can help these people.
But let's do something to help our country.
Let's do something to keep this from continually victimizing people.
This war on drugs is insane, and of course it also involves the FDA.
The FDA wants to come in and say, well, you know, even though you're a cancer patient and you're on a, you know, you've got a life-threatening disease, we're not going to give you access to this until we allow it, until we test it.
See, everything is prohibited unless expressly permitted.
That is exactly upside down from the way our country was set up.
I want to go to this report without taking any more time because I want to be able to play the full thing.
As Alex was talking about, I did a report a couple of years ago called It's a Wonderful Lie, based on It's a Wonderful Life, because the Federal Reserve is based on a fundamental lie.
It was the 100th anniversary of the time we did it.
And of course, this was something that was ushered in in the wee hours of the morning on Christmas Eve, just as we saw Obama push through the NDAA on a New Year's Eve.
We see this kind of stuff happening.
I think, personally, that they're going to do that with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
I think there's a very good chance they'll do that this year.
Who knows?
They're always pushing this kind of stuff through.
But this breaks us down.
It was very interesting because it continually got taken down.
You can now see it on, because they've given us so much trouble on the main channel, we don't put it on that anymore.
We put it on our side channel.
It's InfoWarsNewsHD.
That's my YouTube channel there.
So you can see it there.
We're going to play it for you right now.
It's a wonderful lie.
Over the last 100 years, the Federal Reserve has created bubbles and burst them, enslaved us with debt, and destroyed our purchasing power through inflation.
Yes, it's been a wonderful lie for the bankers.
There are striking parallels in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life to the lies and tricks that real bankers used to create the Federal Reserve.
Human nature doesn't change, and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013 look and act a lot like Potter, the banker in the movie.
And many Americans are left like George Bailey, staring into the abyss as their dreams collapse and they face financial ruin.
Do we live in a country that looks a lot more like Pottersville than Bedford Falls?
What does Frank Capra's film show us about how we got here and how we can get out?
When the Federal Reserve was created two days before Christmas a hundred years ago, it was a culmination of six years of fraud, fear, and manipulation.
I've never really seen one, but that's got all the earmarks of being a run.
The panic of 1907 was used to shape public support for the Fed.
The panic was triggered by rumors that two major banks were about to become insolvent, just as we see in the movie.
George, there is a rumor around town that you've closed your doors.
Is that true?
I am going all out to help in this crisis.
I have just guaranteed the bank sufficient funds to meet their needs.
They'll close up for a week and then reopen.
Just took over the bank.
I may lose a fortune, but I am willing to guarantee your people, too.
Just tell them to bring their shares over here, and I will pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Boy, you never miss a trick, do you, Potter?
Unfortunately, J.P.
Morgan got away with the deception, and was able to shut down competitors and snapped up assets at fire sale prices.
Now, take during the Depression, for instance.
You and I were the only ones that kept our heads.
You saved a billion long,
I saved all the rest.
Yes, well, most people say you stole all the rest.
The envious ones say that, George.
The suckers!
Charles Lindbergh Sr.
warned people at the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve that it would not stop boom and bust cycles, but would actually create them in order to benefit its private owners.
Here's what he said.
To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the re-discount rate, producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market.
Then, when businessmen are adjusted to these conditions, it can check prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest.
It can cause a pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth, or cause violent fluctuations by greater rate variation.
And in either case, it will possess inside information as to the financial conditions and advanced knowledge of the coming change, either up or down.
This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privileged class by any government that ever existed.
The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money.
They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage, and they know when to stop panic.
Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control the finance.
As we see in the movie, not all lending institutions have the same motivation.
Now, you take this loan here to Ernie Bishop.
You know, that fella that sits around all day on his brains in his taxi, you know.
I happen to know the bank turned down this loan.
But he comes here, and we're building him a house worth $5,000!
Well, I handled that, Mr. Potter.
You have all the papers there, his salary, insurance.
I can personally vouch for his character.
Friend of yours?
Yes, sir.
You see, if you shoot pool with some employee here, you can come and borrow money.
What does that get us?
A discontented lady?
As a former FDIC chair said, all too often the large banks use their models and their algorithms and if you don't fit in their boxes, you don't get the loan.
And Dodd-Frank legislation is tying the hands of small lenders, shutting out buyers and shutting down lenders.
Today there are fewer lenders than at any time the government has kept records.
10,000 banks disappeared between 1984 and 2011.
This town needs this measly one-horse institution if only to have some place where people can come without crawling the potter.
In the movie, George gets to see what happens to the small town if Potter didn't have competition from credit unions and smaller lenders.
If it hadn't been for you... Yeah, if it hadn't been for me, everybody would be a lot better off.
My wife and my kids and my friends and my... Look, little fella, why don't you go off and haunt somebody else?
Yeah, so you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?
Well, I don't know.
I guess you're right.
It would have been better if I'd never been born at all.
Pottersville, the only businesses thriving are vice.
People are angry.
The town is filled with signs like, keep moving, keep off the grass.
Bert the cop actually shoots at George when he's running away and is no threat to anyone.
Stand back!
Everyone is a renter, no one has a stake.
Now, you're Arnie Bishop and you live in Bailey Park with your wife and kid.
Look, bud, what's the idea?
I live in a shack in Pottersville.
My wife ran away three years ago and took the kid and I ain't never seen you before in my life, see?
Private property and everyone having a stake is the antidote to Pottersville.
Here, you're all businessmen here.
Doesn't make them better citizens?
Doesn't make them better customers?
But whether it's the Trans-Pacific Partnership or a global carbon tax,
The global elite don't see you as a stakeholder.
They want to turn us all into serfs and treat us like cattle.
Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community.
Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?
Anyway, my father didn't think so.
People were human beings to him, but to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.
Well, in my book, he died a much richer man than you'll ever be.
I'm not interested in your book.
I'm talking about the building and loans.
I know very well what you're talking about.
You're talking about something you can't get your fingers on.
Speaking of riches, do you find the salary amounts amusing when Potter tries to buy George off?
Let's look at your side.
Young man, 27, 28, married.
Make me say 40 a week.
George, I'll start you out at $20,000 a year.
$20,000 a year?
You wouldn't mind living in the nicest house in town?
Buying your wife a lot of fine clothes?
A couple of business trips to New York a year?
Maybe once in a while Europe?
You wouldn't mind that, would you, Jones?
Would I?
Even if George had saved a lot of his $20,000 salary, would it have bought much a couple of decades later?
By even the government's very conservative estimate of inflation, the dollar has lost 90% of its value since 1947, when the movie was made.
The Fed's deliberate inflation is devastating to anyone trying to accumulate wealth through hard work and saving.
So what is the answer to all the George Baileys out there a hundred years after the government gave control of our money supply to private bankers like Potter?
Well, Potter had more money than he could spend, but would any of you want to be Potter?
You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money.
Well, it doesn't, Mr. Potter.
In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider.
George Bailey finally sees how rich his own life is, as he sees the fruits of relationship, honesty, and compassion.
Happy New Year to you!
In jail!
Go on home, they're waiting for you!
And if the public can awaken to the lies of the Federal Reserve, if it could even be audited... Well, hello, Mr. Bank Examiner!
It would be a huge step to breaking the chains that enslave all of us.
But ultimately, it is God that changes minds and changes hearts.
God hates oppression, and we can and should confidently pray that he will stop it.
I owe everything to George Bailey.
Help him, dear father.
Joseph, Jesus, and Mary.
Help my friend, Mr. Bailey.
Help my son, George, tonight.
He never thinks about himself, God.
That's why he's in trouble.
George is a good guy.
Give him a break, God.
I love him, dear Lord.
Watch over him tonight.
Please, God, something's the matter with Daddy.
Please bring Daddy back.
Dear Father in Heaven, I'm not a praying man, but if you're up there and you can hear me, show me the way.
For the M4 Wars Nightly News, I'm David Knight.
Of course, that was a report that they took down multiple times, as I pointed out with Alex Jones.
I took those clips on YouTube that we used under Fair Use with commentary, I took those clips from the entire movie that at the time had been up for, I think it was three years, had over 800,000 views, and it was up on YouTube, yet they continually would take that down.
We'd ask other people to repost it because it became an issue.
We wrote articles about it at the time.
Other people would repost it, they would take it down.
You can see it now after, and they continued to do that for about seven months, until we got into the summer.
And then they took the restriction off of my channel, so I posted it again.
And you can see that on Infowars News HD.
That's where it's living right now because we don't want to get another hit on that.
But what it does that is so dangerous to them.
Why do they want to suppress that information?
Why would they take down a small fair use commentary?
Because it exposes the poverty of those who are so greedy like Mr. Potter.
Those who control the Federal Reserve.
Those who have written this secret trade agreement that we still don't know exactly what's in it.
Those who seek to turn all of us into slaves, where only they are stakeholders.
Those who create the booms and the busts, just as we saw with Mr. Potter.
That's what it exposes.
That's what you need to understand.
That's what we need to fight against.
Stay with us.
When we come back, we've got a couple of Christmas stories that involve Muslims on two different sides of the issue.
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All the leaves are brown.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and in this last segment I want to let you know, well, Rob Dew is going to be here in the fourth hour.
He's going to be joined by Joe Biggs.
They're going to talk about the latest TSA news and a gun surge in Germany.
They're also going to have a guest, a student who wore one of our Hillary for Prison t-shirts to a Trump rally.
She was interviewed by the media.
We'll tell you what else happened with that.
Of course, that's going to be in the fourth hour with Rob Dew.
Also, before we go to a couple of stories that I've got about Christmas and Islam, two different sides of this issue I think is very important to understand.
You're getting close to Christmas, there's not much time.
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Now this time of year, just as we're talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, just as we played that report about how the globalist elite want to turn us all into slaves to control us, I think it's interesting to look at this story.
It was up on Drudge.
Merry Christmas Brunei.
It was from the Washington Times, talking about one of our Muslim allies.
This is the Sultan of Brunei.
Of course, we seem to have an administration, and it's not just the Obama administration.
They've been
Really bad about this, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
But of course it went back to George W. Bush as well.
They love to support these dictators.
And they love to create wars in areas where Christians and Muslims have coexisted for centuries to the extent that now in these areas that we have invaded, that we've had these failed interventions, now you basically don't have any Christians there anymore.
But let's take a look at what's going on in Brunei.
Of course, the Sultan of Brunei is a dictator.
He has now threatened Muslims with five years in prison if they celebrate Christmas.
How's that for a war on Christmas?
Christians are told that their celebrations must remain secret or they will be jailed as well because last year Brunei implemented Sharia law.
Offenses such as conversion to another religion from Islam are now punishable by religious courts next year.
Brunei will introduce Islamic punishments of whipping and amputation for some offenses.
Finally, Brunei will join Afghanistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, all our allies, okay, as nations that stone people to death for adultery or for insulting Mohammed or the Koran.
And they point out that if you want to insult Brunei, well, good luck, because
First of all, you're not going to know what products are coming from Brunei if we buy anything from them because of the requirements of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, if it gets pushed through.
The Obama administration has included this brutal dictatorship under Sharia law, under this Sultan.
They've included them in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
And as they point out in the Washington Times, under the TPP, it's even arguable that citizen boycotts of the products of a certain nation could open the individuals up to litigation, okay?
And they point out Donald Trump just said that this is the Obama regime has negotiated a lousy deal.
Look, it's not a deal, okay?
It's not about free trade.
This is a betrayal of sovereign nation, of our sovereignty.
It's a betrayal of individual liberty on a number of different issues, on the freedom of the internet.
It is not fundamentally even a bad trade deal because it's not fundamentally about trade.
On the other hand,
On the other hand, we have some Muslims just two days ago who shielded Christians on a Kenyan bus as they were being attacked by Al-Shabaab terrorists.
This was on Monday.
The Muslim passengers refused to identify the Christians, even gave them covering and other Islamic things to protect them, said, if you want to kill us, then kill us.
There's no Christians here.
That's what we can do if we get rid of these dictators, and that's coming from the globalists and from our administration.
Stay with us.
Rob Doolby will be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight.
I'm going to do one more segment here because I didn't quite get finished with what I wanted to say.
I wanted to finish what I was talking about with this particular terrorist attack.
Just as we point out, there are horrible regimes like Saudi Arabia, like Brunei, that we are
So closely tied to, that we support, we have overthrown other countries where there wasn't war.
Places like Libya, as Hillary Clinton was involved in Benghazi.
Turning it into a radical jihadist wonderland.
Creating total chaos.
That's the legacy of our American foreign policy.
A legacy where we have destroyed
Christians and Muslims getting together, being able to live together at some level of tolerance.
Yes, I know it's not the same kind of tolerance that we see here in America, but there were Christian churches in these countries before our foreign policy.
Now there are none.
It is a deliberate foreign policy by our government to create this kind of persecution, to put people like the Sultan of Brunei, back them up so that they can enact their Islamic dictatorships.
But at the lower level, just as we were talking about with the, it's a wonderful lie, at the lower level, person to person,
Many people will do the right thing if we can get rid of this overarching control by the people at the top.
I want to play for you a one-minute report here from CNN talking about this particular terrorist attack, how the Muslims shielded Christians there in Kenya.
So I immediately see people running to the road to stop us and they told us to get those who are Muslims to come out and go back to class, go back to bus.
A man on the bus told CNN there were 12 Christians on board.
The gunman wanted to identify them and execute them.
He says Muslim passengers helped hide some of them on the bus, and they gave the Christian woman headscarves before the gunman made them line up on the road.
They stood strong, said the witness, telling the gunman, quote, if you want to kill us, then kill us.
There are no Christians here.
Al-Shabaab then fled.
We are all Kenyans.
We are not separated by religion.
Everybody can profess his own religion, but we still, we are one country, we are one people as a nation.
That was a very good message.
See, at the lower level, not the people at the top, not the people like Obama or Hillary Clinton or George H.W.
Bush, but at the lower level,
We can stand up against this insane violence.
So what they said, as you heard in the report, they gave them some clothing to help them hide from these terrorists.
They said, if you want to kill us, then kill us.
There are no Christians here.
And actually, they did kill two people.
Three others were injured.
But they could have killed more than a dozen Christians.
That's how we can transcend this.
We need to transcend this.
We need to stand together against this kind of political oppression.
And just real briefly,
We see as people are pushing back against the idea that we need to vet people coming to this country from areas that are at war with the United States.
Areas where we are running these Islamic Jihadists and will probably bring them in.
That's what really scares me about this.
We're good to go.
They're going to bring them here, folks.
And that's what Donald Trump was talking about when he said we need a temporary ban on this.
Rand Paul had done the same thing.
He had introduced a bill.
There was no support for that bill in the Senate.
What does that tell you?
It's a bipartisan move.
It's not just Obama that's trying to do this.
And so we've got a polling organization coming out of Raleigh, North Carolina.
I would call them really more of a trolling organization.
They do all these different polls that are pushing people towards a democratic position.
They had a poll earlier this week.
They asked Republican and Democrat voters if they would agree to bomb Agrabah.
Now, of course, that is a fictional city from Aladdin.
And then they talk about, oh yeah, well this many Republicans would do it, this many Democrats would do it.
They're simply trying to do a push-pull to tell people that we should not be concerned about what our government is doing to undermine not only Syria, but America.
Stay with us when we come back.
Rob Dew, Joe Biggs, and guests will be talking about what's going on there and what's going on with the TSA.
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They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in the Santa Fe.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dewd.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive and sitting next to me over here is Joe Biggs, former Staff Sergeant in the Army and he's got some interesting
War memorabilia, he's going to show you guys that someone sent to him.
And also, we're going to talk about some Trump news.
Last night we did a video, actually I shot it, and Biggs was the reporter on that video talking about how a co-chair from Illinois of the Republican, one of Kasich's minions, went out and said that, you know, the only way to take out Trump is with a headshot, which sounds like an assassination attempt to me.
I don't care how you spin it.
When I think of headshot and talking about a president,
I think about JFK.
Minutes, you're gonna have stormtroopers coming in, Secret Service, cops, FBI, everyone coming in, doing background checks.
They're gonna go, oh, this guy had PTSD.
Oh, he has guns.
Let's take it all away.
Just throw them away and lock the key.
You know, that's what happens.
But this guy's gonna go out there, and you haven't heard anything about it today.
That's ridiculous.
I haven't seen John Kasich issue an apology.
I haven't seen anything about that.
Because Trump's campaign said, hey, we want an apology from Kasich.
That is ridiculous that your guy's gonna go out there.
Kasich is literally the barbed wire man.
That's a good one.
You know, the only way to take him out is with a headshot.
But if someone said that about Hillary Clinton, that would be all over the place.
It would be all over.
Oh, poor Hillary.
She would love news like that.
And the reason also I brought you in here, there's an article from the American Mirror.
It came out yesterday.
Video, Women Defy Media Narrative Love Trump at PACT Michigan Rally.
I guess the thumbnail of the video is a young lady wearing one of our own Hillary for Prison t-shirts.
There it is right there, and her name is Linda LeChage.
LeChage, is that how you say it?
I believe so.
I'm calling her Trump Girl now.
Trump girl, yeah.
So we're going to have her on in a little bit to talk about why she did this.
But just, you know, and she did it because her uncle, I guess, is a fan of Infowars and, you know, bought her a shirt.
And so she decided to get active, get off the couch and go do something.
And then she's interviewed by the media.
She gets to put out the idea about the left right paradigm.
I mean, all kind of stuff just happens just by wearing a shirt to an event.
It's an amazing shirt.
I mean, that's why I always encourage people to go and pick one up, because, you know, when I wore it on the shirt, there it is right there.
You know, I wore it back to the Trump rally, had a stand ovation of about like 10,000 people.
Everyone wanted to take pictures, you know, get in a conversation, debate over it, whether they liked it or not.
Everybody there obviously liked it.
Outdoors, not so much.
Then we went to the Hillary Clinton rally and then I wore it there amongst the wolves.
Totally, totally agree.
We're going to get into some TSA news as well coming up.
And also, I want to take your phone calls.
We're going to take in the second half of the hour.
Maybe Joe will stay and join me on that.
800-259-9231 is the number to call in.
And we're also going to play, I think we'll play your video from yesterday that you guys went out and shot, asking people if they want to bring it in.
Yeah, they want to bring in unvetted Syrians and they all said, yeah, yeah, let's do it.
They signed the petition.
Some of them even said, in fact, during the break, I want you to go grab that petition so we can show it to people.
And some of them even checked that they wanted to house them.
A lot of people were like, I can't do it.
I don't have any.
I don't have any room.
I'm too poor.
But bring them in.
Bring them in.
The best one was from San Francisco.
Like, she's like, no, we live in San Francisco.
San Francisco is too full.
We don't have any more room for them.
You've got room to bring in people and make them homeless, but there's no way.
Let's bring in homeless people and not give them any shelter then.
Well, speaking of bringing people in, let's bring our guest on.
She's joining us via video Skype.
She's a junior studying engineering at Michigan State University.
She's a first-time voter.
She's 20 years old, so this will be her first election.
So she's getting in, you know, I guess the first chance she could get in.
I remember, I think I was 18 when I was able to vote the first time, and that was a Clinton election.
That's how old I am.
But anyway, let's bring her on.
Her name is Linda LaChage.
Linda, how are you doing?
I'm good, it's LeShy.
LeShy, alright, there you go.
Oh, so it's a silent I at the end of the J. LeShy.
So, Linda, tell us why you decided to wear the Hillary for Prison shirt to that Trump rally and talk about, you know, I know you got interviewed by the media, but what were other people coming up and saying to you?
Well, I decided to get the shirt when I was buying deep cleanse as a conversation starter.
And I've worn it a lot of places.
I've worn it around campus and I decided to wear it to the Trump rally because I know people there are awake and I wanted it as a conversation starter.
You know, when I wore it around campus, a lot of people just laughed it off.
And until I started talking to them about it and about why Hillary should be in prison, about the Benghazi scandal, and about her emails in the video, and it really amazes me how not awake the general public is.
I think it's the political correctness wave that's going on.
That people are scared to take a stance.
So they'd rather be sheep and not say anything and not be involved.
And people look both ways before they talk because they're scared of offending someone.
What do students say to you around college campus?
Because my experience at college campuses here in Texas, like at UT, they're super liberal.
They love Hillary Clinton.
They're ready for her like I'm ready for a brand new gun for Christmas.
So what kind of responses do you get there on campus?
I get a lot of laughs.
I get a lot of told that I'm racist and that I have it all wrong.
I try to enlighten them and tell them, are you involved?
Are you really educated?
Do you watch the committees that are taking place trying to investigate in the Hillary Clinton Benghazi scandal?
And most of the time people say that they don't believe it and they think that it's a Republican scam to try to bring her down.
Yeah, that's the way they always frame it.
Anytime somebody is caught doing wrong, Republican or Democrat, they say, oh, it's just politics.
It's really not anything.
Lying, killing people, it's all politics.
It has nothing to do with real life.
And if we were to do the things that Hillary Clinton has done, we would all be in prison.
And that's just it.
You know, I guess you're going through this political correctness stuff being on campus.
When I was in college in the 90s, it was there, but not nearly as bad as it is now.
I mean, it's off the hook now.
And now we had this story come out from Paul Joseph Watson.
Coming to America, trying to introduce his credit score for obedient citizens.
And what's happening now at your colleges is what's going to come to the rest of us.
It's going to be a bunch of ninnying, whining people, trendies, running around telling you what you can say and what you can't say.
Report card.
It's no longer a report card for your education, but it's your permanent record report card about how you act.
Linda, what kind of stuff are they doing just in general, not necessarily to you, but like at your school?
Have they banned the word Christmas?
Have they banned Christmas decorations?
Have they banned certain sayings?
What are they doing at your school?
Not necessarily.
I don't really see much of that.
I just see the students more so being quiet.
The students not wanting to engage in talking about the news.
More people like to talk about the latest trends.
Or what's going to happen on E!
A lot of people aren't involved in knowing what is happening in the government, nor do they want to be.
That's why, but I was actually very surprised because when I went to the Trump rally, we drove about three hours to go there.
There was a lot of young people there.
So I was very pleased about that.
Yeah, you know, I've found, especially with the internet, people who really want to get informed and who aren't just interested in the basic American culture, you know, that pop culture out there, are able to get the information, get informed, and get active.
Because, I tell you, the tools that are out there with the internet now, you can really reach a lot more people than you could with just, you know, standing at a street corner.
What I don't get is how people are so, you know, into the pop culture stuff, though, because of the drama.
Guess what?
Get into politics.
There's a lot of stuff going on.
There's a lot of drama.
There's a lot of backstabbing.
It is better than reality TV.
It is reality.
It is happening.
And it affects your future and everyone else's.
So I just don't understand why more people aren't really into the politics, why they aren't, you know, just diving in and trying to find out about what's going on.
Because it's better at the end of the day.
I mean, who cares what Kanye West or Kim Kardashian do?
That's ridiculous.
I really think that people take for granted what America is right now having their free speech.
They don't really realize that it could all be changed in a matter of
Exactly what you said, what Kanye West is wearing and Kim Kardashian is wearing.
That's why the youth needs to wake up and everyone, the general public needs to wake up and really get informed and vote because this election is one that's really going to determine the fate of America.
Do you share the show often?
Are you able to get the show out to other people and help them wake up at all?
Oh yeah, I watched the show when I was studying for finals.
People are asking me, what are you watching?
And I'm like, InfoWars.
Plus, I always show the back of my shirt.
And you were introduced to InfoWars from your uncle.
How did he find out about it and what, I guess, attracted him to InfoWars?
Well, my uncle has been a big listener, and you know, at big holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, he always tells us about InfoWars and inlines us and tells us about the products.
He loves Supermail Vitality and always tells us that we should get on it.
So when I just started getting involved... Hey, stay right there.
We're going to break.
That's how it's done, people.
It's through word of mouth is the way you could help spread the message of freedom and liberty.
So stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
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Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
All right, welcome back to the fourth hour of the Overdrive Show.
I'm your host Rob Doo.
Joining me is Joe Biggs, and we were just talking to Linda Lachey.
She's a 20-year-old engineering student at Michigan State University.
I want to say Michigan, because that's the big rivalry.
The only thing I like about Michigan, though, Tom Brady came from there, so that's awesome.
Just leave it at that.
More football propaganda.
You know, the debates actually did better than the NFL.
This last debate drew more people than the NFL.
So that's a good sign.
That's good.
People are at least getting into this.
And just like our guest, you know, 20 years old, got some deep cleanse, bought a Hillary for prison shirt, started wearing it around, wore it to a Trump rally, ends up, you know, on video talking about the left-right paradigm.
Starts with a cleanse and then all of a sudden she's breaking out and all this.
It's awesome.
So Linda, are you doing anything else on campus to get people active?
Are you going to start a group or what's your future plans?
I would love to do that.
I'm really trying to start word of mouth with my friends, my close friends, to get them involved.
But I would love to start something to make it broader, to engage a lot of people on campus.
Alright, well do you want to give out a Twitter handle or anything like that to bring people to you and wherever you're doing your activism, getting people active?
My Twitter name is Lynn and then two underscores L. Alright.
Guys, see if y'all can pull that up.
Lynn, two underscores L. Do you have anything else you want to add?
Young people out there who might be thinking about just sitting on the couch for the rest of their college career and phoning it in, as I should say?
I just want to say that the reason I like Trump is because I think that he's saying a lot of what the people that are actually involved in knowing what their government is doing and are informed about the corruptness.
I feel like he's actually saying it out loud and telling us like no other politician has told us.
He exposed the Clintons.
He exposed the Bushes.
I think that young people and older people alike that aren't involved need to think about what they want for their children and what they want to do in life.
If you want to pay high taxes your whole life, if you want to not own your own business, if you want to not be your own boss one day or even make a great living, you need to really educate yourself and think about who you want to vote for.
Do you want to be a slave or do you want to have freedom?
Because right now we're going towards tyranny.
We're going towards a Chinese-style sesame credit system where you're going to have neighbors and peers spying on you, telling you how to behave.
And you're going to have higher taxes.
You're going to have more regulations where you can't do as much without filling out some government form or getting a stamp for government approval.
That's the road we're going down.
And if we don't stop it, you know, five years from now, we're going to be just like China.
Ten years from now, we're going to be worse than China.
You know, it's just it's just a matter of time.
So, uh, well, thanks for joining us, Linda.
Hillary for prison.
Hillary for prison.
Thanks for wearing the shirt.
Wear it proud and send us more pictures wherever you go.
And, uh, you know, let's, let's, you know, keep it up over in Michigan.
Thank you very much.
Merry Christmas to you too.
There you go.
Thought criminal saying Merry Christmas.
That was Linda Lachey and a 20 year old engineering student just decided to get active.
Hey bitch, pull out your, uh, your army memorabilia that you had.
You know, that's the way it goes.
You were showing me earlier and, uh, Roger that.
Biggs got a letter from, you guys are gonna have to shoot this on dot-cam, and I guess, tell us the story.
Alright, so my buddy James Sneddy, a good friend of mine back in Charlotte, he knew that I was in the 1st Armored Division and knew that this was something that I would really appreciate.
Now this is memorabilia, this is stuff from his great-granduncle who fought in World War II.
Do I know?
Okay, so this is from, this is his actual patch.
He was a commander in Patton's 7th Cavalry.
This is from when he was in Sicily and this is when he moved over into Patton's unit.
Now while over there in combat, he was able to, you know, take out some of these Nazi soldiers.
So this is from the uniform.
This is like a breast plate part right here on the front of the uniform, the insignia.
And then, you know, I showed this to Alex earlier and he just flipped out over it.
I don't know too much German, but I know mit means with.
God with us.
Gott mit uns.
Is that what that means?
Look at that.
So the Nazis thought they had God on their side back in the day.
Trying to purify the world and take it over with the help of the British government, by the way.
So, when we come back, we're going to take your phone calls, we're going to get into some TSA news, and now they're going to ban opt-outs, so I think it might be time to look at starting a new opt-out protest, because it's time, once again, to tell the TSA that you're not going to look at our bodies and share images and do all this other nonsense that you want to do in the name of fake security.
We'll be right back.
It's the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host, Rob Dew.
Thanks for watching and listening to InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
GOP presidential hopeful Rand Paul has introduced legislation intended to block any effort by the incumbent president to enforce gun control by executive action.
Paul's legislation, named the Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act,
would render any action on gun legislation by the President which circumvents Congress as advisory only in nature.
Paul's bill would apply to any executive action on gun control that either infringes upon congressional authority or potentially violates the Second Amendment.
The bill then mandates that once an executive action has been classified as advisory only, it would require Congress to pass it in order for it to take effect.
The bill also outlines that it is within their power for a state official
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We can really hear the kick drum.
I think this is a theme song for Buckaroo Bonsai.
A film from my youth.
I'm your host Rob Dew, this is the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
Thanks for watching, thanks for listening.
You can watch this if you are listening to this on radio and you want to see what's going on.
What does that Nazi memorabilia look like that you were showing in those patches from Patton's... what is the correct term?
Patton's... Patton's Sherman 7th Calvary.
7th Calvary, is that a battalion?
What is that?
So, Joe was just showing those last segment.
You can go to infowars.com forward slash show
And you can see all the video.
We're going to be showing a video a little bit later.
I think I'm going to play part of Watson's piece talking about the new book that... Who's that guy that wrote it?
His name just blanked on me.
Seymour Hersh.
Seymour Hersh has a new book.
It's been reviewed.
It's all about how
Obama basically has been funding ISIS from the beginning.
All these guys knew this.
I mean, Bush knew that there was going to be turmoil if they went in and broke up Iraq.
That's why they did it, so they could create a breeding ground.
But then Obama took it a step further, went in, destroyed Libya, destroyed Egypt.
I don't
That you guys did yesterday.
Liberal trundies.
I want to bring in unvetted migrants.
Let's bring them all in.
And we're going to go to your calls.
I got Chris in New York, Luke in Washington, Mad Witt in Michigan.
Let's talk about the Second Amendment and Jerry in Florida.
But first...
Now is the time.
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And you can do something fun with it too, though.
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I tell you what, it is really amazing.
In the Prison Planet TV family, people always send me emails saying, I'm a Prison Planet TV member, I saw this, I saw this on here.
I went back and was able to look up
Old interviews and then put my own video.
Great source.
People use it as a resource, especially filmmakers, who are putting stuff together.
We'll get rough cuts from filmmakers, say, hey, can you send us, you know, these versions we got off YouTube that are old and somebody else's channel or before we were doing HD.
And we still have the old HD versions on PrisonPlanet.tv.
So become a member, PrisonPlanet.tv, six months free.
And also,
I don't know.
It's from the mountains, the Chiapas Mountains of Mexico.
Look, I don't drink coffee.
I've had coffee maybe a handful of times, and the other times I had it, it was just, you know, like, it smells good.
Doesn't really give you much energy.
I tried this stuff once, like, almost two years ago when I first started here.
It's good stuff.
I would run around this place, like, I was like 19 again.
It'll wake you up.
I was like, I can't do this again.
Wake up America coffee.
So you can find all that and more, especially your InfoWars Life Essentials, like the Nacin Iodine, the Survival Shield.
Cleanse pack, we got Winter Sun, Deep Cleanse, all of it's there.
Infowarsstore.com, you can check out all the different specials we have.
You know, this stuff, like our last guest was getting Deep Cleanse, decided to get the Hillary Clinton, or Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
And, you know, just started wearing it around, waking people up.
That's what it's all about, people.
It's not going to happen with one big event.
It's not going to happen with one big election.
It's going to be a slow, protracted war.
It's an information war.
People are proud of the product, though, too.
I tell you, every time I've been to one of these places, like San Bernardino, for instance, last time.
There's like 30 or 40 people that showed up to come out and watch us shoot that Sunday episode with Alex, and everyone came.
Like, you'd see them reach in their pocket and they'd pull out, like, their Super Mel Vitality, or their Survival Shield, or the X2, you know, the Nascent Iodine, whatever.
All the different products.
And they would just be so happy and proud.
And they just wanted us to see that, hey, we're trying to help you guys out.
We love the information you're putting out.
We want to let you know that we're supporting that.
And it's not just supporting us.
It's good stuff.
I use the Nascent Iodine.
Just about every day.
Silver is good too.
The silver is amazing.
And I use it in a variety of different applications.
I'm a big proponent of silver.
I've been using it for over, I don't know, 12 years now.
And, I mean, it's, I think I've been, since I've been using silver, I've probably been to the doctor two or three times.
Everybody I ran into when I was on that surfing trip in Hawaii, everyone had the silver.
It's good stuff.
They were drinking it with tea, they were drinking it with stuff in the morning.
Yeah, I saw that news about China's firewall, great firewall, and the use of some type of
Uh, credit incentive or maybe penalizing you for your defense.
It seems to me like it's the same tax that ISIS is engaging on Christians in the Middle East.
And also, um, pretty much to end any, uh, uh, political dissent and anything that has to do with the libertarian or the national nationality, because any expression of nationality is considered hate speech.
Now you have to identify with religion or with race because Zbigniew Brzezinski says that nationality is no longer a viable option.
And this is the same type of propaganda that is being taken to Europe, United States of course, and the United States with George Soros and the Clinton administration and the Obama administration rather, are taking it to the Dominican Republic with the demographic bomb of undocumented Haitians.
Yeah, and that is the goal of the globalists, is to wipe out nation barriers so they can create a one world government where there are no nation states, there is no sovereignty, there's one body of unelected officials who's making laws and rules for everybody.
And if you don't, well, at first it's going to be a nice little system like the Sesame Credit System where they just keep tabs on you and they let you know that they're watching you and that you said something bad today, you better change your ways.
And, you know, you go to places where ISIS is in control, and they're, you know, cutting your head off.
So, that's where it's going to lead to eventually, you know, regimes like Saudi Arabia.
Chris, you got any final comments?
Go ahead.
Yeah, they're cutting your head off in the commercial way, which is through your credit.
Without credit, you have nothing.
So now they're creating refugees all over the world, where some of these people don't even apply for that refugee state.
Yeah, it's a virtual decapitation, you're exactly right.
But what you're going to see, is you're going to see people in China, who are inventive and resourceful just like they are in the United States, work around this system.
You know, they're going to create, they're going to figure out how to game the system, because that's what humans do.
When they see a system, and how it's being skewed one way, they'll figure out a way to game it.
I don't take any stock in this.
I take stock that they're trying to do this, but that it's going to be successful.
In the end, it's going to fall on itself because only if people willingly get into something will you have something successful.
When you force people to get into something and force them into something, it doesn't work.
It just doesn't work.
Luke in Washington, what's on your mind?
Thank you for having me on the show.
Are you there?
I guess we dropped Luke.
Sorry about that, Luke.
Jerry in Florida.
How are you doing today?
Good afternoon, fellas.
How are you?
How's it going?
I just wanted to basically call and start off by saying that I just wanted to thank Joe Biggs for his military service.
Takes a special kind of guy to suit up and go to that kind of a dance.
For us, so we can all be here safe and at home.
And I just wanted to wish everybody at InfoWars, your organization, a very Merry Christmas.
No thought criminal.
Why, thank you, sir.
I appreciate it.
And, you know, that racist comment about Christmas right there, that's... Yeah.
Are you wishing us a white Christmas by any chance?
I can't believe that they want to ban it.
People are like, yeah, we gotta ban this.
You can't say White Christmas.
It just has to be Christmas.
And then Christmas is offensive, so you can't say Christmas.
It'll just be Moss.
Happy Moss.
And, you know, I'm talking about this pushback.
You know, they're trying to take guns away from people in Germany.
Sales of guns, pepper spray, surge across Germany as migrant crime rape wave explodes.
People are defending themselves because their government is not helping them.
They're a part of the problem.
They're allowing the problem to happen.
They're creating the problem.
You know, when I was in Paris, I was sitting there listening to these guys, these Washington insiders.
They're saying, yeah, the reason this attack happened is simply and purely because of the fact that the borders were wide open.
And then the fact that we're allowing these people to come in unchecked and vetted.
That's what allowed this to happen.
And then you've got these fake passports popping up.
You've got all this stuff going on.
They want it to happen.
And it seems like they're anti-gun, but at the same time, when you look at a lot of these people, these politicians, they've got money in these gun industries.
So by creating this fear, they know they're also going to create another market, which is an explosion of sales in these guns.
You know, gun sales are out of this roof right now.
Commander-in-Chief, gun control, executive orders expected within weeks, and then we have on InfoWars.com, firearms top American Christmas list.
Like you said, the last seven months it's been like the largest spike in sales.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Seventh consecutive month to see record number of checks.
Yeah, Black Friday.
They said the most guns I think sold in a long, long time, I don't know the exact date, were sold on this Black Friday.
That's when I got my Chris Vector.
That's when, you know, when I was in that store, packed.
There were lines.
You had to take a number to wait to be able to come to the counter and approach someone about getting one.
It's because, like you said, they're creating this problem and now people are going, hey,
Why are you talking about gun control in the news?
No, we don't need gun control.
I need the ability to protect myself because you guys aren't doing a damn thing about it.
We need border control.
And I want to go to this video by Paul Joseph Watson.
It's about three minutes long.
Pentagon in secret revolt against Obama.
This is really what it's going to take.
It's going to take the boots on the ground to just say no.
We're not going to do what you say.
We're not going to fund these people.
We're not going to give them weapons.
So let's go to that video.
Remember in the summer of 2013 when the Obama administration was on the verge of attacking Syria and toppling President Bashar al-Assad?
Twitter was flooded with images of US service members expressing their staunch opposition to being forced to act as Al-Qaeda's air force.
Reports at the time also confirmed that US military officials were dead against airstrikes.
Now an explosive investigation by Seymour Hersh has confirmed that the Pentagon was engaged in a secret revolt against the Obama White House.
A highly classified DIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff report predicted that arming the rebels and toppling Assad would lead to the rise of ISIS.
The Pentagon knew that Obama was arming Islamic extremists and that the Free Syrian Army had evaporated.
But the Obama administration didn't want to hear the truth and the report was deliberately buried.
So the Pentagon bypassed the White House entirely and handed intelligence on the same jihadists that Obama was arming to Israel, Germany and Russia.
This intel was then directly passed to Assad, who used it to turn the tide against the jihadists.
Almost certainly saving Syria from being completely taken over by the Islamic State.
The bottom line is that many of the top brass in the Pentagon knew that Obama's policy would lead to an even bigger disaster than what we have now and took decisive action to derail it.
The secret measure was also partly a payback
After Assad had helped fight al-Qaeda after 9-11, and Syrian intelligence had stopped an al-Qaeda attack on the headquarters of the US Navy's 5th Fleet in Bahrain.
The US military also defied Obama by deliberately providing the rebels with outdated weapons, according to Seymour Hersh's Pentagon source.
But this was derailed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, who gave the ISIS jihadists modern weaponry in order to help them topple Assad.
In his report, Hirsch also drops the bombshell that Turkey's support for ISIS is because Erdogan wants to restore the Ottoman Empire.
He shares virtually the same goal as ISIS, who want to establish an Islamic caliphate or empire
Stretching into Europe just as Muslim Crusaders did before the Christian Crusades.
This report is stunning because it confirms why the Obama White House failed to properly target ISIS for at least 15 months.
In his obsession with isolating Assad,
Obama knowingly armed ISIS, and along with Turkey, helped the terror organisation build its caliphate.
Now elements of the Pentagon are in open revolt against this insanity, and will continue to be should Hillary Clinton capture the White House.
In so many ways, 2016 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for the future of the Middle East, the future of radical Islam, and the future of the free world.
Everything is at stake.
And that was Paul Joseph Watson with some incredible analysis.
And I have up here on our little iMac in here, Obama outed his ISIS architect by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist.
And that has links to all three videos that we've produced.
One by Alex Jones, which kind of gives you a big background of this.
One that's a little more in detail with John Bowne, Cy Hirsch exposes Obama's ISIS.
And then what you just saw, Stunner, Pentagon in secret revolt against Obama.
And that article is very important to get out to people right now.
They need to watch these videos, they need to spread them to others.
We need to get lots of views on these videos to make them go viral.
So, other people get like, woken up to this.
Because they think ISIS is this magic creation that happened in the middle of the desert by just sprinkling a little water in it.
And that's not how it happened.
We've been in the works for a long time.
A very long time.
I mean, you can go back to Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 80s, you know, funding Osama Bin Laden.
You know, it didn't really get popular until, you know, like a little over a year ago.
But I mean, the people that we were fighting in Iraq, like al-Zarqawi and stuff like that, he was one of the main founders of ISIS.
You know, and they took him out with two huge bombs.
We were out there around, it was Camp Anaconda.
So, I mean, this stuff's been going on for a while.
It's just now making the news.
But this stuff has been being built up.
They've been getting these people prepped and ready to go after Syria.
That's been one of their big ones they want to take out.
It was listed in the Axis of Evil.
So they've been calling for Syria for a long time.
In fact, my old band I was in, we wrote a song called Shocking On when we invaded Iraq.
And we said in the song, Syria, your butt is next.
We didn't say butt, though.
Let's go to Mad Wit in Michigan.
He wants to talk about the Second Amendment.
How's it going, Mad Wit?
Not bad, Rob.
Thanks for taking my call.
Merry Christmas to you and Joe.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
May all your Christmases be white.
I don't think we're going to get one here in Michigan, though.
Looks like it's going to rain.
Yeah, we're not going to get one in Texas.
No, not in Austin.
The only thing that's white is my hair.
There you go.
Mine, too.
Hey listen, all due respect, you guys do a great job but I got a couple of bones to pick and you guys are wrong about a few things and I want to correct just one of them today if I can.
And it has to do with the Second Amendment.
Now I know you had Ted Nugent on recently from the NRA and I've heard Larry Pratt and I've gone through all those organizations.
I just, I can't get anybody to actually understand this or respond to it but I've tried with you guys and I want to do it one more time.
First of all, you can't defend the Second Amendment.
Okay, you can't defend it.
No matter how many times people say they're going to defend it, there's nothing to defend.
It's like Joe Biggs taking a crew armed and manned to a position to take on the enemy and the enemy's not there.
There's nobody there.
You can't defend the Second Amendment because it's not something you defend.
It's something that you enforce.
Hey, hold that thought.
I'm going to let you finish up and I'll let you re-encapsulate what you just said.
We're going to break.
Stay tuned.
Final segment of the fourth hour.
Can the Second Amendment be defended?
We're going to answer that question next.
My name is Don Whiskin.
In 1994, I lost my 62-year-old father to complications of bypass surgery.
In 1977, my 44-year-old brother was found dead in his apartment.
He suffered a heart attack.
In January of 98, my mother had a stroke and passed away in her bed.
21 days later, my 53-year-old brother passed away on his arrival to the hospital.
He waited too long.
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Final segment of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Overdrive.
I'm your host, Rob Dues.
Sitting next to me, riding shotgun, has been Joe Biggs.
And if you guys want to pull up the computer, this is actually footage of Joe yesterday.
We're not going to have time to play this, but I encourage you to go check it out for yourself.
Liberal trendies want to bring unvetted Syrian refugees to the U.S.
Joe went out and got people to sign a petition to bring in Syrian refugees, and it's amazing.
You also asked them, you know, if they want a sponsor.
If they want to sponsor people when they come in?
Most of them said no.
They wanted to bring them in.
Well, it was interesting.
You've got these liberals out there, they're like, oh, we hate Donald Trump.
Oh, bring Syrian refugees?
Mmm, that sounds delicious.
I was like, well, would you like to house them?
Because you don't want to bring a whole bunch of people over here to make them homeless and then they have to live off of our welfare system and screw that all up.
Oh no, I don't have room for that.
I was like, well,
Well, you want to bring them over here and not give them a place to stay?
I guess you're not too liberal.
You're a liberal enough to destroy us, but not liberal enough to take that, uh... Well, the government's got all the money.
The government can help.
You know, you got people with families.
Like, yeah, we'll sign it.
Bring them on in.
We don't care.
And then you look at places like Germany where the crime is rampant because they're not vetting these people.
There was three people I talked to from Sudan that came up and two of them said, yeah, I'll house them.
And the other girl was like,
I don't know.
She's like, are you crazy?
She's like, do you know what goes on?
She's like, I'm not doing that.
And speaking of Syria, here it is from Sputnik.
Scores enter Germany with fake Syrian passports similar to Paris attackers.
So they're buying these for about $2,000 apiece.
They say they're nearly flawless.
Well, here's the thing, though.
ISIS is the most profitable terrorist organization to date.
They got money.
They got tons of money.
They're seizing oil fields.
They're, you know, holding people hostage.
How much does a passport machine cost?
Probably $10,000.
They've got enough money to do that.
So it's not far and beyond that this is happening.
And they're just going to plant people in with groups, and they're going to be sleeper cells, and they're going to come in and find people and get stuff ready, and they're going to unleash havoc.
But you know they're not just going to sneak in there.
They're going to threaten people.
They're going to be like, alright, I'm coming in with your family, I'm your long lost uncle, and we're going to take care of you.
Or we're going to kill your family back here.
I'll make sure that you guys are protected through this whole process so we can get to the U.S., and then after that, as long as you help me in, you fake that I'm in here,
All right, Mad Wit, finish up.
We've got a couple minutes left.
Finish up how we cannot defend the Second Amendment.
Yeah, my basic premise is you can't defend the Second Amendment.
You have to enforce it.
I just want to quote or paraphrase a guy, Marcus Aurelius.
He was Caesar.
He was general of the armies.
He wrote in his meditations that in order to solve any problem, and I'm paraphrasing, first thing you have to do is know it for what it is in and of itself.
And what I'm going to tell you is this.
The Second Amendment doesn't provide any right.
The Bill of Rights don't provide any rights.
You can't enforce your rights through the Second Amendment.
What you do is you, what you do is that you enforce the Second Amendment on the people that swore the oath to uphold it.
There's only military, political, and judicial and law enforcement that swear that oath.
That oath says that they will never make a law, they will never infringe, they will never abridge, they never allene the rights that are listed under the Bill of Rights.
But they aren't rights for us, they're responsibilities for the government and the people that swear the oath.
Now when people go out there like Ted Nugent or Larry Pratt talk about defending the Second Amendment, they tell you to be in a defensive mode, to dig your feet in, and to get ready to fight to defend something.
But there's nothing there.
In fact, what it is, it's a requirement of the people that swear the oath that they'll never create any laws or bring anything in regards that might in some way interfere with your God-given rights.
What they do is they supplant God and say they're your God.
And that's what we've got a problem with, because when we talk about these rights, we double-think it.
I've heard Alex many times double-think it.
He'll say, you're exactly right, God gives you a right, blah, blah, blah.
Then he'll turn right around and say, we've got to defend our Second Amendment rights.
You don't defend it.
You prosecute people that fail to uphold their oath.
What you've got, since 1968, and additional members since then, is a whole bunch of people that swore the oath that committed treason by failing to uphold their oath.
And it could be said over and over again, but until people get rid of that double thing.
And it's the biggest organizations, the Gun Owners of America, the National Rifle Association, that perpetrate this perspective.
Alright, hey, thanks for that, Mad Whit.
We're out of time.
It's definitely something to think about.
Enforce the Second Amendment!
I'm Rob Dewitt.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive.
Thanks for watching.
Join us again tomorrow at 11 a.m.