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Filename: 20151207_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 7, 2015
2999 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as Attorney General Loretta Lynch's statements about aggressive action against anti-Muslim rhetoric, President Obama's statements on gun control, and the potential infringement on individual rights by the Justice Department. He also talks about global events, promotional messages for different products and services, and encourages preparedness and non-violent responses. The speaker highlights double standards in commentary on gun control and terrorism by criticizing Melissa Harris-Perry, an MSNBC host and professor at Wake Forest University. Additionally, he discusses the growth of his audience and the importance of free- market capitalism in funding their fight against tyranny. He also promotes various products such as Big Berkey Water Filters, IDStronghold.com's RFID blocking wallets, One World Way supplements, and Infowars Premium Power Pack. The show announces a contest called "Make Fun of Hillary Defend the First Amendment" with a cash prize of $5,000 for the funniest and most outrageous satire or comedy videos making fun of Hillary Clinton. InfowarsLife.com sells Colloidal Silver, Deep Cleanze, and other products. The Alex Jones Show discusses heat storage solutions, jury nullification, and promotes My Patriot Supply's high-quality, storable foods that are private-labeled from InfowarsSelect.com at affordable prices. They also challenge viewers to refute their argument about Islam being a religion of peace without using typical defensive tactics and irrelevant examples."

Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've seen NBC, MSNBC, CNN, all imply that Christians kind of deserve what they got.
Maybe the terrorists saw a Christmas tree.
Well, now,
We've got reporters openly coming out in major newspapers implying that Christians were terrorists and basically deserved it.
That's coming up.
But first, the Attorney General says her number one fear is that she might have to arrest you if you don't fall out and worship the Islamic invasion.
Here's the special report.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Thursday, at the Muslim Advocates 10th Anniversary Dinner, she will take aggressive action against the incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Actions predicated on violent talk are not American.
They are not who we are, they're not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.
Lynch did not clarify what actions predicated on violent talk means and did not draw a line between constitutionally protected free speech and violence.
She also did not pinpoint individuals or groups she believes participate in violent talk.
Judge Andrew P. Napolitano notes, the willingness alone to use violence is not criminal.
It is only the actual use
I'm good.
The First Amendment absolutely bars the government from interference from a person's thoughts or associations prior to any violent activity.
Lynch's recent grandstanding before a Muslim group reveals the Justice Department
We're good to go.
At the expense of the rights of the individual.
Meanwhile, the female shooter in San Bernardino posted her allegiance to ISIS on Facebook, while Obama constantly inappropriately takes jabs at the Christian faiths.
Remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.
Less than loving expressions by Christians?
I get concerned.
That's right, let's criticize Christianity on Easter, you piece of crap.
That's a topic for another day.
Why are we supposed to be politically correct while our traditions, rights, country, and very lives are increasingly threatened on a daily basis?
What's your name?
I am Loretta Elizabeth Lynch.
Do solemnly swear.
Do solemnly swear.
That I will support and defend.
That I will support and defend.
The Constitution of the United States.
The Constitution of the United States.
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, you do remember swearing in on Frederick Douglass' Christian Bible at your request.
You do know it was Frederick Douglass who famously said, I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.
The protection of religious freedom is the cornerstone of American society.
And of course,
Not all Muslims are hell-bent on jihad, but it turns out a percentage of them are.
And those psychopaths are in the United States and mixed in with the refugees streaming in as I speak.
And they have no clue what American civil rights are, nor do they care.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
No, President Obama, this is our house.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
On the other side, it's a big Monday transmission.
Hillary Clinton wants to censor people who make fun of her.
She was recently trying to censor comedy skits that poked fun at her, which were produced by the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California.
The owner of the Laugh Factory, Jamie Masada, told Judicial Watch that her campaign threatened to put him out of business if he didn't pull the videos.
So in response to this attack on free speech, InfoWars.com has launched the Make Fun of Hillary Defend the First Amendment contest with a first place cash prize of $5,000.
We want the funniest, most outrageous satire and comedy videos guaranteed to make Hillary's blood boil.
To enter, read the contest rules at InfoWars.com forward slash contest and then shoot a comedy or satire video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
All entries must be uploaded to YouTube in a link emailed to HillaryContest at InfoWars.com.
Enter your video before the contest deadline at 1159 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
Once again, the contest rules and information can be found at InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
We look forward to your video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
Alex Jones here.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Strange days have found us.
Strange days have dragged us down.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to December 7th, 2015.
A date that will live in infamy.
When the President and his Attorney General and foreign controllers openly declared war on the Second Amendment and promised to use executive orders to strip the United States of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
And Magna Carta itself, which of course is due process.
We're going to be playing the clip coming up when Obama says, who can you argue, who could say it's not reasonable to not let somebody own a gun or buy a gun if they're on a no-fly list?
Well, who could have a no-fly list in a country where there's no judge, no jury, no indictment, don't know how you got on the list, over 2 million people on the list, 70 plus members of Homeland Security on the list, a whole bunch of members of Congress on the list?
You can't find out how you got on it, can't find out how you get off of it.
No one says who runs it.
Just some shadowy black hole beyond the ministry of truth in 1984.
Obama says it's insane.
And this is how they turn reality upside down and say 2 plus 2 equals a billion.
Or you didn't build your business, or Obamacare's gonna be free, and then it's gonna cut your prices, and then it's gonna keep your doctor.
Lies, lies, lies, lies.
It is so incredibly flagrant to abuse the Constitution like this, and they do it so calm.
Like, who could disagree?
With the government showing up at your front door and grabbing your five-year-old and leading him outside to a wood chipper and throwing him in it.
I mean, who could disagree with that?
Who could disagree with pouring gasoline all over yourself and letting yourself on fire?
I mean, this is basically akin to what they're saying.
I mean, who could disagree with taking, you know, terrorists who are on watch lists and not letting them have guns?
But that's not what's happening.
It's not terrorists who are convicted or even suspected.
It's not foreigners either.
This Malik woman, with her fake name and the rest of it, from Saudi Arabia, this Jihad Jain, the leader of the attack that killed 14 people, not counting these two, 16 total,
This leader of the operation joined ISIS, pledged allegiance to ISIS, and got into the U.S.
with a fake passport, fake name, fake address.
It turns out it's all fake.
And the State Department says they're very sure that they did the right thing and that the vetting process was followed.
Here, let me give you the exact quote.
We also have the clip.
State Department satisfied with visa process that allowed terrorists in the US.
Oh, the IRS is back in Congress again.
They tried this last year.
They're trying to pass a bill right now, and they say it may pass, where if they say
You're under investigation.
No judge, no jury, no indictment.
Just somebody in the shadowy IRS that's on record persecuting Americans for political activities since 1913.
Under Richard Nixon, under Barack Obama, you name it.
Just absolute evil.
They don't want you to be able to fly out of the United States
And we'll basically block your passport at the border.
And now they're talking about doing it to go from state to state even.
And the headline basically says, will the IRS even kick you out of your car?
The IRS will be the enforcer of Obamacare.
It'll be the enforcer of coming after our guns.
It's the real shadow criminal organization that works for the private Federal Reserve.
There's the headline today.
Ron Paul's written the article.
Will the IRS take your passport?
It's up on Infowars.com.
Congress is giving the IRS the new power because a decline in gas tax receipts has bankrupted the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
That's their bizarre spin.
And you think asset forfeiture seizure is bad?
Now this is just seize your right to travel because some shadowy group said so.
See, this is what they call Grade A, 200 proof, complete, absolute, bonafide, certified, hybrid, blue ribbon champion tyranny.
Everything they're doing from A to Z.
In a 360 is 100% classical 800-pound gorilla oppression.
Taking away your travel, taking away due process, surveilling everything you do, federalizing, centralizing police, saying we'll just put you on list, no judge, no jury, no nothing, no charges, no claims, nobody knows, boom, you can't have your guns.
This president, four years ago, signed on New Year's Eve, yeah it was four years ago, 2011, the NDAA.
The National Defense Authorization Act that says citizens can be disappeared.
Oh, but they're not going to disappear people from Saudi Arabia who pledge allegiance to ISIS or Al-Qaeda.
That'd be bad enough because it could end up being used against us one day.
No, no, you give them a trial and then you fry their ass.
And a lot comes out in a trial.
Corrupt governments don't want those trials because it'll come out who they're really protected by, who they're really working for, their higher-ups in Saudi Arabia and others like Turkey.
But now they say, oh no, it's for the Tea Party and the veterans and the gun owners.
Every SWAT team commander they talk to on the news, they go, why do you have giant armored vehicles?
And they go, oh, it's for returning veterans and gun owners and conservatives and the Tea Party.
Uh-oh, a war's coming with them.
And I guess when you try to take the guns and round people up, yeah, I mean, folks have tried to be restrained.
I mean, I guess you will get resistance.
You'll get to go out and play army with all the vets in your neighborhood.
That'll go real well, cops!
That's meant to wipe your ass out in a civil war, idiots!
How do you think the globalists plan to launch this operation and take down the country?
By getting us to kill each other!
Don't be a moron!
This is so crystal clear, it's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous.
You ever been up on a mountaintop with blue skies?
I was down in Big Bend a few months ago and it was clear skies after a front came through, big storm came through, hurricane came through the first two days.
It was crystal clear.
You could see from top of those mountains over a hundred miles away.
I was looking at towns 70 miles away and then past them and other mountains.
It's the song I can see for miles and miles and miles.
And you think we can't?
We see the whole stinking enemy design.
And I'm going to tell you this, if we have the globalist design to take down this country, and we can't get the word out to the police, the military, and the Congress, and the general public...
Then we deserve to be slaves, because we have their entire program, we have them caught red-handed, shipping guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment, and getting caught with the memos that it was a plan.
Because lower-level ATF are like, this is criminal!
We're getting people killed, what are you doing shipping thousands of guns in?
Don't worry, it's to blame the Second Amendment!
And they're like, well I was hired because I'm a liberal anti-gunner, but really?
That's a felony, I'm not going to be involved in this!
One thing to be a cockamamie socialist at the ATF.
It's another thing, isn't it, to be part of a false flag.
Really want to be part of that?
Really want to put your name on that?
Because let me tell you, you're going to put your name on a lot more.
Stuff's going to get real bad, real quick.
And it's going to be decision time for people all over this country and all over this world.
You know what else happened this weekend before I get into the incredible news?
I have seen CNN, NBC, MSNBC all go, well there was a Christmas tree, well one of them was a talkative Christian, may have triggered, huh?
Implying it was the victim's fault.
They've actually had a major columnist, Linda Stasi, no pun intended, sensationally blamed the victims for being killed.
And basically calls them radical racist terrorists.
Actually calls them racist.
And doesn't count the Christian and others as a Messianic Jew.
See, that's a double no-no.
A Christian Jew had to be executed immediately.
And he told them, I'm coming to kill you.
And no one would do anything because the guy was an Arab.
And it's so politically correct.
There's no group more off-limits than radical Jihad Arabs.
And so?
Came to work with a list of who they wanted to kill, and they did!
And they showed everybody who the boss was.
There it is, Stasi.
And I read that headline this morning and I thought, Stasi?
The East German secret police that Facebook's hired?
See, I just said that and that's actually true.
And I can't even believe I just said it.
See, that's how upside down these freaks are.
Look at this, Stasi.
That's the columnist.
Let's put it back on screen.
San Bernardino killers were radical, ISIS-loving monsters, but one of their victims was just as bigoted.
Bigoted because he was a Messianic Jew and was worried about ISIS and was reportedly ministering and trying to get this guy to become a Christian, you know, at the lunchroom.
And that's bigoted, you see.
When Donald Trump went before a bunch of Jewish business people and said, I'm a great negotiator like you.
I'm really good at getting stuff done and working together.
They said anti-Semitic.
No, that's not anti-Semitic.
If I was in northern Italy at some city that is famous for making incredible pottery, and I was a person that made pottery as well, and I was speaking to their group of artisans, I would say, you are incredible artisans, and so am I!
It's solidarity!
No, if you point out Kenyans, statistically, genetically, are the best long-distance runners in the world.
It's just a fact that they dominate almost every global long-distance sport.
That's not racist to point out Kenyans have superior genetics when it comes to that.
It's not racist, it's a fact!
But see, they sit there and they take these basic known
And then they turn it into evil if you point something out like that.
Like saying to Germans, gee, you sure brewed some good beer.
Oh my gosh, that's racist.
No it's not.
It's like saying you go eat Mexican food.
Man, you made some really good enchiladas.
Those Mexicans over there know how to really make good Mexican food.
This is the mental illness, folks.
It's not racist.
And these people are sick, sick, sick freaks.
And that's how much they hate Christians and Jews.
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All right, this is just a six-minute segment.
The next long-minute segment's coming up, 18 minutes.
I'm going to really go over the huge news, how big a deal the president's speech is, what it signifies, what it means judicially in this country.
It means the rollout of extrajudicial
Disappearance of people, disappearance of your money, not letting you travel, confiscating your guns because some magical group said so.
The FBI came out six months ago, because the FBI doesn't want to be part of this.
And I'm not lionizing the FBI, it's just, compared to the White House, they're actually good guys, the more I look at it.
The FBI came out and said, we just want everybody to know in Congress, we've been told to prepare the same algorithm used on veterans by the VA, where even electronic transfer of funds basically declares you extrajudicially that you are basically unable to take care of yourself.
That you're declared incompetent.
And they use the term, this was in mainstream news, extrajudicially.
And we're being told at the NICS system to not apply if you're a felon or have a restraining order.
We are being told that that's one of the criteria and that it's a VA algorithm, which just means whatever they want it to be when they take the veterans guns outside of law.
Do you understand that's the next shoe to drop?
They've been beta testing in upstate New York, areas of California, this for about four years.
They're doing it outside of law.
And I'm getting chills right now, folks.
This is pure Soviet or Nazi-level crap.
I mean, this is what went on in those countries.
So, you need to understand, folks, that they are coming, they are not playing games.
And gun sales, of course, are spiking and exploding right now, as they should.
But we start the next segment, I gotta hit military news first.
Turkey invaded Iraq yesterday and NATO began bombing Syrian military bases.
Joe Biggs first reported that out of Syrian news.
It's confirmed today.
Our media plays that same game going, well, it was an accident.
They're also threatening to blow up Russian ships.
The president came out and gave an address yesterday in Turkey.
And the Russians are responding by loading their missile launchers and artillery when they go through the straits now.
And Airgun says they're not supposed to do that, and they say we're going to do it.
So it is on, folks.
It is on.
It is on!
The globalists aren't moving on all fronts against everybody right now, and we're going to break that down.
But this is escalating super quick.
Super fast.
And people go, they're going to try to confiscate veterans' guns, that'll cause a revolt.
Oh, that's the point of rubbing our noses in all this and saying they'll arrest people if they think the speech is extreme towards Muslims.
They are pushing us.
And I want to say something.
Do not hurt any Muslims.
Most Muslims are not violent or bad people.
A. Be there's due process.
Do not hurt anybody.
Don't play into this.
Do not be part of it.
They're probably going to false flag or something, but I'm telling you, this is the season of radical change, as they promised.
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We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Kit Annuals with InfoWars.com.
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down.
I'm good.
We're good to go.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I know you can see me now, here's a surprise.
I know that you have, cause there's magic in my eyes.
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles
I see what the New World Order's up to, and boy, it's some bad, bad things.
You've been operating in the dark for a long time, Globulous.
You've got the night vision.
You wicked devils.
But now, more and more people are aware of your tricks, your playbooks.
We're following the program now as we sit here watching the play.
And people are realizing that we've been put on the dinner menu as the feast.
Folks aren't going to put up with it anymore.
Well, the Attorney General has, quote, recalibrated, that means walked back the message on, quote, hateful speech.
She's now saying, no, no, you have speech that's hateful, even though she said if it's hateful, we're going to arrest you.
But you better watch it.
Remember when Obama was running for president in Missouri and Texas and other states?
They had announcements in Texas of all places, but also Vermont.
A whole bunch of states saying, if you say Obama is a Muslim, if you say Obama is not going to cut taxes, he will be arrested.
By the way, if you think I'm joking, go to YouTube and type in Obama Truth Squats, and you will see newscasts from Missouri, Texas, Vermont, Illinois, and other states, all the same script, district attorneys with police on TV saying, we're gonna arrest you if you talk bad about Barack Obama.
Now that's who these people are.
Flaming totalitarians.
Now obviously, most police, most district attorneys are not complete out-of-control thugs.
But let me tell you, they're trying to mainline it.
There it is, Obama Truth Squad responds to outraged citizens.
You can actually go watch the youth brigades prepare to spy on you.
Well, they had big plans for Obama, and most of it's failed.
But still, what he's gotten through has been nightmarish.
So you can go back to 2012, 2009, 2008, you can see the truth squads on the news.
Oh, I forgot one, too.
Boston, Massachusetts, going.
If you claim the President wants to raise taxes or that Obamacare isn't free, you are a liar, and that's fraud, and I will arrest you!
Because, as the local
District Attorney, I investigate fraudulent claims.
What does that mean?
You mean in advertising?
And so now my speech is advertising?
This is the garbage they engage in.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday, sounds like a country music singer, appeared to recalibrate remarks she made last week that suggests the Justice Department can investigate speech deemed hostile towards Muslims.
Of course we prosecute deeds and not words.
She said at a press conference Monday to announce an unrelated civil rights investigation of the Chicago Police Department.
Then they go on to expand on that.
No, they are telling people we will arrest you for your speech.
That's what this is all about.
And they think of Christian speech as the worst thing in the universe.
And we have a new clip from Alyssa Harris Perry, the one that gets up there and says your kids belong to the state.
Where she holds up Malik, who was trained at a Pakistani Islamo-fascist school, we now know, of course, funded by the Saudi Arabians.
They're building 200 of these here in the U.S.
Even the FBI and even British intelligence has come out, and even the Germans came out who've been putting up with all this last week and told Saudi Arabia, stop it!
But see, they never do that on record because Americans are getting informed now about who's behind this, why this is happening.
But leftist journalist, this is an Infowars.com headline.
You can go to the New York Daily News and read it though.
I mean, she really did it.
Victim of San Bernardino shooting, deserved it because he was conservative.
How do you pronounce that fellow's name?
Thalassinos was also a hate-filled bigot, close quote.
I didn't say that.
So, Christians, a messianic Jew, they were, multiple Christians were hunted down and killed because they were Christians.
They were two hate-filled, bigoted municipal employees interacting in one department, she wrote.
Now 13 innocent people are dead.
The unspeakable carnage.
Stasi, that's her name, phrasing is revealing she refuses to include the Christian among the innocent and instead places him among the guilty alongside Farouk and Malik, indicating Wednesday's shooting was his fault.
And we have links to the news saying Christmas tree might have triggered it.
Don't you just love it?
How sick these people are.
Here's Melissa Paris Harry.
Remember they talked about Paul Ryan being a hard worker to basically open the borders up and set up a North American Union and let anybody in.
He basically might as well be the leader of a La Raza or a Macho or something.
Which it's all room of big corporations to begin with.
She stopped.
The pundit said, the only hard workers are black people from slavery.
See, with that Trump card, all time, all dimensions, all history, doesn't matter if you're a white Polish person or Japanese or a black from South Africa, you can be looked at and told, your work never matters, black slaves.
We're going to play that clip in a moment.
In case you think I'm making it up, because I know it sounds crazy.
This is where all information comes from that perspective.
To just checkmate everybody else.
You don't know reading, writing, or arithmetic.
You don't know social skills.
You don't know how to get a job.
You just learn how to ninny and obsess over brown paper bags you see, or a car drove by with a rebel flag so you urinate all over yourself in fear, or there's going to be a Halloween party at the college and so you scream to your professor, NO!
And then the Dean of Yale says, absolutely, we may fire these people.
We've never heard of such evil.
The young woman's like, please, please, ban it!
I'm scared!
This is the culture, and here is one of the new rulers of the mentally ill, one of the rulers of the disabled psychologically, one of the new semantical princesses over the throngs, a university professor, a former top, what, university official!
She's running on the whole MSNBC crowd of mental midgets.
The same program they run on these desperate, scared, in-debt kids that show up and want to be cool.
They go, we got graduate students over with free dinner and beer tonight.
Come join the meeting.
Hey, you like Mao Zedong?
We're going to fight the whites.
Well, you're white.
Doesn't matter.
Nothing worse than a white.
You're not white.
Join in with us.
I mean, this is literally how they operate.
You're like, all right, I just want to go to school and be friends with everybody.
Well, you're going to learn about how the racists want to rape you, too.
Because all sex is rape.
And you can't be a geisha girl or a cowboy or a Native American because it hurts people's feelings.
Now let's go outside and scream in fear.
All right?
Somebody wrote a poop swastika on the wall.
Okay, I will.
I'm paying $40,000 a year for worthless education.
I will.
They want you so scramblebrained you don't get upset over the big debt bubble and the college scam.
So here's Melissa Harris Perry pimping everybody.
Then I've got to get into the latest news.
But here she is going, look at this!
They're showing the face of jihad as a woman!
It's so horrible!
Well, that is the face of it, lady!
They have a report coming up, Rob Dews putting together, where we show Obama over and over again, to me in the next hour, saying, now you're, you know, Republicans are scared of women and children and widows, and then, yeah, they're blowing everybody up, shooting everybody, and running around murdering people.
And the point is, in the aggregate, it's still a small
And I don't think it is even a large minority of Muslims.
The issue is you're going to take our rights and our guns, leave the border open, and surveil what citizens do.
It's all a fraud!
That's what we're saying.
That's what's going on.
And you bring in millions of people from jihad zones.
Who invaded Syria to take over a wealthy, prosperous nation.
I mean, these Sunnis came in, folks, and took people's houses, their swimming pools, their businesses, their thousand-year-old farms, Christians and non-radical Muslims, and blew their heads off.
They even came to other Sunnis that had money and robbed them.
And now the Russians have kicked them out of most areas, so they're going to Libya, and they're going to other areas and getting out into Europe, they're going through Turkey.
And they're coming here,
And then the guy's complaining about Christians and Jews at work.
He's from America.
She goes, listen, we're going to lead an attack and kill all of them.
And Melissa Harris Perry can't allow that because the only villain is white people in her Ford Foundation program.
And by the way, she doesn't hate white people.
She's rich and lives with a bunch of white people.
She's half white.
She's just there to game everybody and keep them on the plantation.
She is a slave master, a modern psychological colonist of people's brains to screw them up.
Let's go to this operative, literally a schooled in psych warfare, 100%.
I'm not just saying that for rhetoric, folks.
She's trained, okay, how to jack people's brains.
Here she is.
And then all of a sudden we find out they're Muslim.
Gun violence is out of the question.
We start talking about terrorism.
And I'm extremely disturbed.
I mean, I looked up the New York Times cover today.
Here you have a whole op-ed on gun control.
Right next to it is from the apartment of things that I have in my house.
Like these are things that all Muslims have in their house.
There's nothing about that that tells you a story about what terrorism looks like.
So you're telling me that when my friends who are not Muslim come to my home and see a Quran or see frames on the wall with a scripture from my religion, is that supposed to tell you something?
I mean, it's absolutely outrageous.
We would never do that to anyone and we didn't do that to deer, we didn't do that to roof.
I'm tired of the double standards of how we treat Muslims when they are the perpetrators.
I mean, that image and then also right next to it, an image of the shooting suspect there in hijab and that idea that like, okay, this is what terrorism looks like.
For me, that is a difference.
And it is a material and meaningful difference.
Why doesn't Melissa Harris Perry wear a headdress?
If you went to one of those countries, you'd have to.
And our government's backing the groups that go to these countries and make people wear these headdresses.
So I got a woman with a headdress on lobbying that no one blamed white people for Ruth.
They blamed everybody.
They took down the Confederate battle flag in three state houses.
Everyone apologized for basically being white.
Did the black people apologize when a crazy black guy went and shot people, you know, a few weeks later?
Because they were white?
No, and black people shouldn't apologize.
You didn't do that.
That individual did that.
Oh no, no one showed his home.
No one showed where Ruth lived.
No one, of course they did.
So this is how these people operate.
Meanwhile, we've got Obama in his presidential address last night saying they're going to end judicial due process 1215 Magna Carta, Battle of Runnymede.
Forget Constitutional Bill of Rights, it's all based on that.
Who could disagree if somebody is on a terrorist no-fly list that you could buy a gun?
No one could disagree with extrajudicial, no-fly list that millions of innocent Americans are on, no judge, no jury, no background, can't get off it, don't know how you got on it.
This is the NDAA.
This is all of it just disappearing who they want.
The IRS not letting you fly, or travel, or drive a car, or get a driver's license they're talking about.
Under federalization of the National ID Card, the REAL ID Act, now the Feds used to say no highway funds if your speed limit is over 55.
Now it's, oh, we're going to selectively say who can have a driver's license now if the IRS doesn't like you.
Ron Paul's written an article about that today.
You like extrajudicial?
The IRS that persecutes anybody right of mouth to tongue?
You want to live in a tyranny?
Folks, it doesn't get more brazen, more arrogant, more naked, more complete, more in-your-face, giant red flags, explosions and balloons going up.
They're not going to let you fly, they're not going to let you drive.
And by the way, you know how I know all this?
I don't just need to read Ron Paul's op-ed about it that just gives you pieces of it.
I'm not blaming him, he just gives you pieces of it.
I watched a two-hour C-SPAN deal in 2002 when they were giving cabinet-level authority to the Department of Homeland Security that Bill Clinton had proposed six years earlier.
And I watched them lay out the whole plan.
You won't fly, you won't drive, you won't have a job unless the TSA authorizes it.
And I told you the TSA would be on the streets, they'd be at train stations, they'd be at checkpoints, and now they're rolling out everywhere.
I'm talking to folks in the middle of nowhere in small towns in Texas that drive up to an armored vehicle with TSA guys.
And by the way, this isn't the folks at the airport to get you used to it.
That was just clown training.
These are guys with M4s with the Transportation Department.
And let me tell you, they're trained to go after patriots and veterans.
Do you understand?
This isn't a game, people!
99% of what I tell you is already on record.
I didn't have to dream up they'd do this and then it started happening.
They told us!
Do you understand?
They're coming for Christians and conservatives and veterans and they go on the news and say that Jews and Christians deserve to have their heads blown off in California in major newspapers and the editors let them print that!
I'm not saying censor them.
I'm saying, does that show the mindset behind the scenes, folks?
I'm telling you, the average liberal is a fascist death cult operator who wants to kill libertarians, Christians, and conservatives.
And quite frankly, I used to be kind of in between on Israel because Israel does some bad stuff.
And I don't like pure Israel worshipers, but let me tell you something.
The Jew hating, the Israel hating, all of it is just over the top as well.
I mean, it is just crazy.
And I'm just listing who is slated for destruction.
And they just put the police in there as well because they want to wreck the local governments and have the feds come in.
Let's go to Obama with extrajudicially taking your guns.
Here it is.
There are several steps that Congress should take right away.
To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun.
What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?
Back that up.
Back that up.
What could be the constitutional argument against it from a constitutional lawyer from Harvard who was the head of the Harvard Law Review?
What a sick joke he sits there and preys on his idiot followers.
Think about it.
And then they put radical Muslims up on TV to lecture hardcore super feminists that basically say all men are rapists and evil.
And then she sits there with a woman who's wearing a hood on her head.
But she's going to lecture us about how our kids don't belong to us.
Do you realize what degenerate
Cultural oxymorons these people are.
These are power grabbers.
These are people who just want to lecture us all day and tell us how to live and guilt us.
Well, I'm not guilty, you fascist, evil, slug Obama.
Your family out of Kenya, funding and literally running jihad operations all over the Middle East and Africa?
I'll give Obama this, he's bold.
I could never have imagined an Islamic radical sleeper cell becoming president.
I mean, I can't believe the CIA did this.
I can't believe our governments did this.
But after all, that's how much they hate America and Christians and guns and George Washington, baby!
Well, you know what?
I'm betting on George Washington and John Wayne all the way, and all you scum can go to hell!
I'm never backing down!
We're gonna beat your ass!
You just get that through your stinkin' traitorous heads!
Excuse me, I apologize.
We have a lot of Christian affiliates.
I am a Christian, but I'm not a fake either, and I'm... I'm angry.
I've had enough of these people!
They're a bunch of Christian murdering scum that run giant death factories, keeping babies alive and selling their body parts.
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl out from under rocks.
They have green looking skin, or they're black or white, doesn't matter, and they run around screaming, we love Satan, we want to eat babies.
I have them on video at the Texas Statehouse, just women randomly going, hail Satan, and just praising Satan.
When a Democrat group went up there, I mean, folks, this is literally like a demonic invasion.
I'm telling you, that's what it is.
And these demons will definitely side with any other radical group they can to bring this country down.
I'm sorry, just go back to the President with a straight face going, who could be against a terrorist suspect?
If someone's a terrorist suspect, you need to arrest them.
Oh, but you don't ever actually do that.
The TSA hasn't stopped one terrorist.
They're not meant to.
They're there to train you for domestic checkpoints.
And domestic travel restrictions, like you have in science fiction movies, like The Running Man, or 1984, or what really happened in Communist China, Russia, Nazi Germany, and every other hell pit.
They are bringing us into bondage with huge chains, forged for us and our children, smiling at us.
This is the takedown of America you're beginning to see the beginning of.
With every police department trained and ready for war with the veterans and the patriots.
But here's the good news.
You think it woke the police departments up much?
When we warned them beforehand, they laughed at us.
Then they actually got the training, where the founding fathers are bad-mouthed, where guns are bad-mouthed, where families are bad-mouthed, and now the final straw.
George Soros' people come into every major city, with the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL, and are running the police training, and are openly saying, you're gonna have community organizers in here running things, and here's your new captain, and they bring in known Maoists and others, right out of the universities, with their new law enforcement degrees.
I mean, you talk about dangerous and sick, and they're putting the military full of all these people.
And again, it's not a communist conspiracy at the top, but they use university communists as their operatives.
Then once they've got the police department, they can start harassing the city council and others in the town, and intimidate everyone into politically doing what they want.
And now you're under a literal Stasi control grid that they've almost got in place.
Now you understand why the peril is so great, why I'm so freaked out, because everything, the worst analysis we had, it's worse than that.
They are going for broke.
This is it.
God help us.
You know they're going to blow stuff up and blame it on us.
That's their next big card to play.
There's going to be more jihad attacks.
They'll probably run a false flag on some jihad center and blame patriots.
This is a time bomb.
Go back to Obama, please.
Excuse me.
This is Obama coming after the guns extrajudicially.
Here it is.
There are several steps that Congress should take right away.
To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun.
What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?
This is a matter of national security.
We also need to make it harder for people to buy powerful assault weapons, like the ones that were used in San Bernardino.
They bought them legally.
I know there are some who reject any gun safety measures.
But the fact is that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies, no matter how effective they are, cannot identify every would-be mass shooter, whether that individual is motivated by ISIL or some other hateful ideology.
Some other hateful ideology.
Oh, just like you just bombed the Syrian troops fighting them yesterday, and Turkey just invaded Iraq to slaughter a bunch of people fighting ISIS to protect ISIS, and the Russians have presented all the evidence that not just Turkey, but Western firms are buying the oil from ISIS.
Oh, but there's sanctions on Russian oil, I'm going to get to next hour.
That's okay, but not on the ISIS oil.
And look, I'm risking my life exposing these people.
I'll just be point-blank with you.
There's a reason, though, this show is exploding.
We do YouTube and Facebook mentions now that used to get a couple hundred thousand views, which is still incredible.
They get, like, 900,000, 1.1 million, 1.2 million.
I had, like, a million and a half Facebook views yesterday on two videos I shot.
So, the President does these things now.
His average YouTube video gets, like, 5,000 views.
So, just know this.
Almost no one buys what these criminals are saying.
But we have Rahm Emanuel, from way back at the beginning, running around, openly saying, we will get their guns one way or another.
We will put them on a no-fly list and then take their guns that way.
This is how they operate.
This is how they get their job done.
And so, you need to understand, it's not just Alex Jones out here fighting these people, there are a lot of other folks fighting them as well.
The fact that our audience, let's not exaggerate, has doubled the last 3-4 months, and now it's starting to exponentially increase.
If they're ever going to come after me, it's probably right now.
Because we're just turbo exploding.
Hey, but blow me up, baby!
You'll just light fires even bigger.
I know what waters these trees.
And if I can be smart enough like Obi-Wan Kenobi not to strike any of you down and let you just cut me down right in front of everybody, you know what'll come out of that.
Because all I want is to beat you.
I'm not afraid one bit of dying or being thrown in your dungeons because I'm not a coward like you.
I don't come from bottom feeding trash like you.
I'm not afraid.
All I'm afraid of is failing.
All I'm afraid of is bowing down to you murdering trash.
All I gotta think about is those hundreds of thousands of Christians that you raped and murdered with the Jihad armies they put into Syria to slaughter that peaceful country and overturn it where people lived in peace.
All I think about is what type of government do we have that engages in these forms of incredible evil?
You baby-harvesting demon maggots!
I'll never back down.
I'll never bow to you.
I'll be free until the day I stop sucking air into my lungs.
And all the ideas I put out and all the freedom and all the Americana I've spewed out against you will never die.
It'll never stop and you know it.
I told the globalists a long time ago, and I meant it.
You want to fight?
You better believe you've got one.
And there are people all over this country engaging in the information war, and we're going to smash your system.
We're going to return the republic.
We'll never be perfect, but my God, we're not going to keep babies alive and harvest their organs.
We're not going to sell their parts for women's cosmetics.
We're not going to have Pepsi with baby flavoring in it.
I mean, what the hell have we become?
Excuse me, but I'm tired of it.
I haven't gotten to any of the world news yet or any of the other craziness.
I can't believe there are newspapers all over saying the Christians and the Jews deserve to die.
I mean, these aren't liberals, folks.
These are freakazoid scum.
I'm telling you.
They are scum.
They are dangerous.
They are devils!
Stay with us!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The Attorney General, Lynch, has come out and, you know, said if you speak bad about radical Islam or whatever, or something you say is insinuary and might lead to violence, we're going to arrest you.
You said to back off that because that violates the First Amendment.
You can say things that people could interpret as hateful or mean and that might cause somebody to be violent.
You just can't have a call to action and say, you know, we should go out and do ABC.
I'm not even going to say it because it will take it out of context and claim I said it.
The last thing I want is people to go out and randomly attack Muslims or anybody else.
Usually the idiots that do that go into a liquor store or a gas station and shoot a Sikh, which actually have huge wars with the Islamists for hundreds of years in India and are a big part of the British military because of that.
But people see a guy wearing a big purple or pink turban and they think, hey, newsflash,
Newsflash, it's like the idiot that went and shot up the Sikh temple and killed a bunch of people.
Remember that a few years ago?
Because he thought it was Muslims.
Only an idiot.
I mean, what type of idiot goes to kill people and doesn't even get the right group?
Well, the type of folks, in fact, I've actually known people who get so upset by 9-11 and things.
I know one guy who got upset emotionally.
He wasn't even a stupid guy.
He went and beat up one of these people at a gas station and got arrested for it.
So, absolutely, people should not attack anybody for what color they are or what religion.
Most Muslims just want to live their life and be left alone.
And it is true.
Most Muslim women don't want to wear hoods over their heads.
Their husbands don't either.
They want to come here to get away from that.
But our government's been backing radical Islam all over the world that's going around taking Islam over and radicalizing it.
And Lord Monckton is an expert on Islam.
And I've done a lot of research, too, and he's right.
There was about a 400-year period where the West was in the Dark Age, and they were not doing all this persecution, and it actually helped contribute to the Renaissance.
So, it really is true that Islam has not been as radical as it is now before.
It's had expansionist periods, it's had very radical periods, it's had periods that weren't.
Right now, because the population's exploding, because of the Saudis being the main force behind Islam now, it's bad news, folks.
In the mainstay.
And by the way, that's not anti-Islamic or anti-Arab, because that's where that centers.
Islam's all over the world, one of the biggest religions there is, probably the biggest.
The bad news is for other Muslims and other Arabs, and
Other people in those areas, because that's who they kill.
9 out of 10 people or more killed by radical Islamists are Muslims.
Look it up.
98 plus percent, it varies depending on what attacks there have been, but 98 percent of terrorism worldwide is Islamic.
And Melissa Harris Perry gets up there on television and says, don't show her in her hood, don't show her in her hajib, hajib or whatever it's called, the burka, because this is stereotypical.
No lady, that's what they wear!
I mean, you got Orthodox, some of the Orthodox Jews cover up their faces.
And I get also that even in the times of, you know, Maid Marian in the, um, you know, a thousand years ago in Robin Hood,
That women wore that, and you know why they wore it?
Because the upper classes had whiter skin.
What does Schwarzenegger mean?
It just means black plowman, because if you came from the lower classes, you had tan skin because you worked in the fields.
And it was an elitism to wear, all over the world, Japan, to the Middle East, to wherever, the same cultures, same ideas.
Women wore gloves and high-heeled shoes, meaning they didn't have to work.
Sometimes they grew their fingernails a foot long.
It's ridiculous.
And we see expressions of that today.
And women war.
Even their faces covered up when they went out to ride in a carriage or whatever because there was so much manure and stench and people dumping their bathroom products out their windows.
And so, yes, women wore cloaks and covered themselves up the richer you were because you didn't want to be around the profane.
So, yeah, if some Muslim princess went out 500 years ago, you bet she covered up.
She didn't want to be out there eating all the flies.
Then it became stylish.
Then everyone made their women do it.
And it's a style oppression.
Hillary Clinton wants to censor people who make fun of her.
She was recently trying to censor comedy skits that poked fun at her, which were produced by the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California.
The owner of the Laugh Factory, Jamie Masada, told Judicial Watch that her campaign threatened to put him out of business if he didn't pull the videos.
So in response to this attack on free speech, InfoWars.com has launched the Make Fun of Hillary Defend the First Amendment contest with a first place cash prize of $5,000.
We want the funniest, most outrageous satire and comedy videos guaranteed to make Hillary's blood boil.
To enter, read the contest rules at InfoWars.com forward slash contest and then shoot a comedy or satire video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
All entries must be uploaded to YouTube in a link emailed to HillaryContest at InfoWars.com.
Enter your video before the contest deadline at 1159 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
Once again, the contest rules and information can be found at InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
We look forward to your video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
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May God bless you and your family and keep us strong as we forge ahead in this battle for humanity.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Take the children and yourself and hide out in the cellar.
Right now the fighting will
Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, this is the takeover of the West.
This is the end of human liberty as we know it and the birth of planetary world government being ratified and openly announced and declared as we speak in Paris, France.
Lord Monckton will join us from Paris, France coming up on Wednesday.
We have other reporters there as well from the New American Magazine and others that will also be joining us.
Let me do this now.
Let me try to cover as much of the news.
I've mentioned a lot of it, but I want to really drill into the news.
Big news is up on DrugsReport.com.
Hillary demands tech stop ISIS.
She also says she wants to stop banker bailouts that she helped orchestrate.
And of course, you need to understand, even the New York Times admits that it lets Facebook, Twitter and others restrict speech that could be deemed as, quote, hurtful or that disagrees.
And Paul wrote about this a month ago.
We got the notice that if any of our speech disagrees with anyone, it actually says disagrees, that you may be suspended or kicked off Facebook.
And it's really kind of oxymoronic because here we are on Facebook that we never really used until recently.
And I did two videos yesterday that have almost 2 million views combined.
At my house and at work.
Just flip on a camera, talk for 10 minutes, a million people watch it.
Think about that.
One video had 251,000 on it.
Another had 877,000.
That was last week.
If you go back, there was another one I shot yesterday.
You add them all together.
Look at that one from Friday.
Do you think Hillary Clinton likes that when she gets up before Congress and says, we're losing the info war?
Wonder who they're talking about.
And I only bring this up because as the enemy rolls out its plan, the credibility of a Matt Drudge and Alex Jones and Joseph Farah
He's only going to intensify.
Take somebody like Tucker Carlson, a libertarian.
He's on Wednesday with us for an hour.
Started a lot of big media operations.
His dad was with Voice of America.
And I've hung out with him privately and stuff.
Obviously, he now knows the season is here where he can get away with being more libertarian, more anti-New World Order, because more of it's out in the open.
And the fact that he can go further now shows how much of the Infowar we're winning.
The fact that Donald Trump can come on this show and sound like yours truly, or vice versa.
The fact that he would come on this show knowing he'll be demonized for it.
I mean, I'm not going to toot my horn here, but Donald Trump's plugged Infowars five or six times the last year, and I've talked to his people and him and others, and, you know, obviously to anybody watching, they're listeners.
I'll just leave it at that.
So many times we call up to get a congressman or woman on, and they go, oh yeah, I was listening to your show yesterday, or I was listening today, I'd love to come on, or listen, I'm a big listener, but my constituency isn't ready for this, so I can't come on.
But by the way, here's some really good intel on a bill that's going to be introduced next week.
We have congressmen and women's offices sending us tips, sending us intel, but they won't come on.
Committee chairman, you name it.
But see,
Dr. Steve Pchenik called up this weekend.
He wants to come on.
I'm glad to have him on.
Founder, one of the founders of Delta Force.
One of the heads of the, founder of the hostage rescue teams.
Ran some of the biggest hostage rescue operations.
Also ran psychological warfare for the State Department and directed the CIA with some of their policies.
Ran the Camp David Accords, you name it.
I mean, he is a big fish in all of that.
But this is a world now where folks don't know who Chuck Yeager is.
And he said, no, this is a major breaking point.
Just like the Bin Laden raid being fake and the SEALs going public, them having to kill a bunch of them, just like the other Bellwether events, the Piers Morgan event, he said Trump coming on signifies the death of the mainstream media.
And that you are now the new media.
And we're not bragging about Infowars.
What we're saying is the enemy is in trouble.
The usurpers, the occupiers, the interlopers.
Those that have come in.
So Hillary's in the New York Times.
Hillary demands tech stop ISIS.
They let ISIS recruit.
They let them fly in and out of the US.
It was a project of Saudi Arabia, NATO, the United States, Turkey, France, the UK, Israel, Pakistan.
She says you're going to hear all the familiar complaints, that's a quote, of freedom of speech, Ms.
Clinton said in an hour-long speech in a questions and answers session at the Sabian Forum, an annual gathering of Brookings institutions that focuses mostly on Israel's security issues.
She's there at a powerful
Israeli forum basically trying to get the Israel lobby to jump on board to restrict free speech on the internet.
And we've got Zuckerberg running around meeting with the communist Chinese leaders four or five months ago in the US on how to censor the internet and admitting it.
People go, well that's an oxymoron.
Why would you be on Facebook with three million likes between all our channels?
One of them has about a million.
And how would you be reaching a million people or more a day just with videos?
Well, the point is they've got to get all this lined up and legally put in place first before they do it, because it's a big deal.
But little sites are getting knocked off all the time because they don't have the power to expose it or have a lawsuit over it.
Because, see, you can argue all day long.
That, oh, Facebook belongs to Facebook.
Well, that'd be like if you advertised certain prices at a grocery store, but when somebody else showed up, you said, oh, well, that label doesn't mean for you, that milk's not $3 a gallon, it's $15 a gallon for you.
You see, you can't advertise it as a free open forum and then have InfoWars bring you millions and millions of people and vice versa in this public commons
And then turn around and censor what we're doing.
So that's the battle that's taking place right now on Facebook.
People ask, well, why are you on Facebook?
I'm on Facebook because we're using that platform to reach new audiences and then bring them to InfoWars, bring them to the Nightly News, bring them to our own servers, bring them to our own platforms that are our main base, our main fortress.
But then without that,
We have another ring and then another ring and another ring and all sorts of different media operations because from day one I've dealt with censorship and hack attacks and moves to shut us down and shut us up.
And it's not that I was ever some super genius when it came to all this.
I experienced it, like, why do I have my own comment system so that when people make death threats, the police show up here, I'll just use a third party and then it's their problem.
You know, it's been trial and error.
But now, in the info war, we have some of the best ideas, some of the most accurate information, and some of the best delivery systems outside of the enemy operation there are.
But we still engage the enemy via their platforms.
And when I use words like enemy, folks, let me tell you, they're the enemy.
Of your due process, of your wealth, of your private property, of your children, of your health, of your sanity, of your future.
You want to be usurped, 21st century style?
You want to be overwritten in an info war?
You're experiencing it.
So, they're declaring absolute war on the internet and claiming it's to fight ISIS, which they incubated, they created.
And now they want to take your liberties, they want to take your free speech, they want to take your guns, they want to take your right to travel in the name of countering people who they let fly in with fake names and fake passport.
Speaking of a double standard, let's look at this little stack of news right here.
Falling oil prices.
Who are the winners and losers?
We told you this three years ago.
BBC now breaks it down.
Saudi Arabia admits that they are bankrupting everyone else by having oil so low.
And as soon as the U.S.
is bankrupt and Russia is bankrupt, they actually say it at OPEC.
This is public.
That after U.S.
producers are bankrupt and after Russia's bankrupt, losing literally hundreds of billions of dollars a week, the Saudis are selling oil at lower than it costs to produce it.
And once they're done, then they'll jack up prices five, ten times what they used to be.
That's what Walmart does.
They come in and have five or six producers.
They pay them a year contract to produce eggs at a glut to drive down prices.
Then they know the people can't produce anymore.
When they lower what they'll pay them, most of them go bankrupt and they have one company to deal with.
These are just tactics that aren't free market, folks, that are monopolistic.
Clear Channel will come into a town for five years and sell advertising at one-tenth what it should be until everybody else went bankrupt, then they jack up the prices to the rooftops.
That's just a tactic, folks.
And you need to be aware of these tactics.
I'm not demonizing Clear Channel.
That's what media companies do.
But the public is so childlike.
We talked three years ago about them lowering oil prices to bankrupt.
oil production, Canadian oil production, and others.
Shut up conspiracy theorists!
There's nothing in Saudi Arabia.
No one has any power but Jews.
Hey, Saudi Arabia is bankrupting the oil industry.
Shut up!
Stop making apologies for the Jews!
All these mentally ill Jew obsessed people.
It's comical and it wasn't so serious.
And they give up their own free will.
People that think it's the Catholics or the Jews or any one group.
They don't have any power.
The reason you're not successful is because of the Jews.
And the reason I'm successful is not because I'm hardworking and intelligent and a good orator and a good manager and all the rest of it.
It's because of the Jews!
Always the same moronic idiocy.
It's like saying the Muslims when there's like ten different groups.
I know who the bad group is.
It's the Wahhabist.
It's the Saudi Arabian scum government.
That's who it is.
And then there's other criminal groups, and I go after all of them.
But falling oil prices, who are the winners and losers, goes over it.
Meanwhile, they're continuing massive, massive, massive sanctions against Russia to bankrupt them and admitting it, but not ISIS.
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Every move you make, every breath you take, the globalists will be watching you, but not the terrorists who they let into the country.
Now they need to censor the internet and free speech to keep you safe, and the Attorney General comes out and says, watch what you say, we might arrest you.
But notice there was a big backlash, and now she's had to back off, at least for now.
But how dare them blame our Second Amendment and our free speech for what radical, incompatible people coming to this country are doing?
They won't let Wahhabis into Iran, because they know they start killing people.
They wouldn't let them into Syria, because they start killing people.
But they let them in here, folks, from Jihad training camps.
By the way, Nico was just in here during the break, he goes, Alex, when you plug, and it's about to sell out, by the way, in the next couple days, the InfoWars Premium Power Pack, I keep saying it's a third the size of a small briefcase.
He goes, yeah, that's true, Alex, but the actual battery itself with the jumper cables and all the different plugs and power outlets and every other converter you can imagine, I mean, this is just such an amazing unit, is smaller than an average hard drive.
What, it's about five and a half inches long, about three inches wide?
It's just crazy!
It's got a 15 volt, 1A input, output, 5.07, 2.1A, and a whole bunch of others, a USB, you name it.
It's got an engine start connection.
It's got the powerful torch flashlight.
The same units, $150 or more.
We private-labeled it so we're able to get around the contractual rules to not be able to sell it for less than $140 something. $119.95.
And quite frankly, we sell more of these as we have the lowest price.
I don't get why people just don't lower prices.
It's kind of a moronic greediness out there, as we still, you know, make like 30, 40 bucks on these.
That helps fund the info war, but that will sell out.
We will be ordering more of these.
It's a big hit.
Every house, every car really should have one.
I know my truck and my car certainly do.
I don't think so.
So instead of $29.95, it's $24.95.
It's got five-star reviews.
It's got Shilajit in it.
It's got a whole bunch of other key things like zeolites.
It's organic Shilajit and a bunch of other compounds.
Amazing detoxer.
Works for me and my family like a charm.
And the nutraceutical heads out there that are really the experts go to the third-party sites, read the reviews.
They just drool over the products.
Well, of course they do.
We go out and get the Game Changers.
Because we want to have the best.
Because we want it to really work.
Because we want to fund the info war and smash the globalists.
Or die trying.
I just don't get the world's view of, like, not giving people the best deal.
Not finding the best products.
Not wanting to treat people like you want to be treated.
People keep asking why we're so successful.
Because we're crazed.
That's why.
We're not slaves.
We're conscious.
We're awake.
We treat people like we want to be treated.
And that's how you're treating us, and God bless you.
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We may be able to hire some more reporters soon, put more folks in the field, all because of your support buying the products at InfowarsStore.com or InfowarsLife.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
Now, coming up, we've got Trump accuses the media of glamorizing terrorists.
That's what they're doing.
See, I saw them glamorizing ISIS and al-Qaeda and al-Nusra the last five years, and I was the first to say it.
I'm not bragging, I just know what I said.
This is real.
We're going to be attacked.
We're going to have asymmetrical attacks on government buildings, shopping malls, military bases, community centers, theaters.
You're seeing it all.
And I believe, here's the most important thing I'm going to cover when we come back.
And I meant to say this at the very start of the show, but I didn't.
If you analyze Obama's speech, it tells you a lot.
Not just they're going after people's freedoms to travel, to own guns, extra-judicially, just, again, incredible announcements, every law.
Journals should be just freaking out right now.
This was a declaration of war against the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, respectively, in order of their production.
The gun grab, all of that is a side issue compared to the fact, though, that in the main, he had to admit Major Hassan was a terrorist six years later at Fort Hood.
He had to admit a bunch of other stuff was terrorism because they know it's hurting them too bad saying it isn't terror, and that blew up in their face, showing they have no credibility.
But what's even bigger than that?
He's getting everybody ready for terror attacks.
They have created such a giant, multi-hundred-thousand-person system, and ISIS caught on a little too good for them.
It was meant to sweep the Middle East and Africa for Saudi Arabia.
Now it's spilling over here.
They may not be able to stop the attacks, folks.
And they're getting ready for this, or they may be behind them.
We're going to talk to a spy spy.
On the other side, Dr. Steve Pucinich, straight ahead to get his take on all this and more.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Then, of course, we have the nightly news, 7 o'clock Central Standard Time.
Find more information at Infowarsnews.com.
And I am Alex Jones, your host.
If you're just tuning in for the first time, as a libertarian broadcast, it is naked that we have a corrupt, out-of-control elite that is waging war against the very free market system that made this country so great.
And we've got Melissa Harris Perry on TV saying, don't show this Malik lady in her hajib or hajib or hood on her head because, you know, it stereotypes Muslims.
Well, I mean, 99%, 98% depending on the year of terrorism is Islamic.
And the biggest victim of radical Islamic garbage are Muslims in the Middle East.
And so now we see Turkey running into Iraq and attacking Iraqi forces that were about to take out an ISIS stronghold.
You've got NATO bombing a military base, a Syrian military base, that's in the Associated Press.
You've got Turkey yesterday threatening to blow up Russian ships in the Mediterranean.
And Irgun saying if we see any of your weapons pointed at us, we're going to attack.
Shooting down the Russian plane, blowing up the rescue helicopter.
They're really mad that the Russians have exposed, it's not hundreds of millions, it's now billions in oil being trucked in.
They're now destroying that.
Our own military, we've had Colonel Schaefer and countless others on, told us two or three years ago that our military was bucking overthrowing Assad and putting Saudi Arabia and Al Qaeda forces in.
And so now you've kind of got the State Department and the CIA and the Turks and others and the Saudis trying to still win this battle of five armies.
That's what it is.
I'm not using a Tolkien term for no reason.
There's like five factions at least running around in just an insane asylum quagmire.
And our government initiating this, five years ago, in this whole leftist organized Arab Spring, where they then put radical Wahhabists in charge.
And then we have liberal feminists, you know, saying how wonderful the headdresses are, and how maybe we should adopt it, a sickening liberal fetish with fascist radical Islam.
So you've got all that happening.
And everybody knows I expose the Gulf Wars and all of it as frauds and synthetic made-up terror.
I started seeing in the last few years, though, this whole Islamic State thing and more really being allowed to recruit, being allowed to build up, being funded by Saudi Arabia.
We and others exposed it.
Now it's blown up, and I have trouble even knowing where it's all going.
I don't think the establishment knows.
I think it's out of control.
That's why the former head of Defense Intelligence has come out three times now on television in the last two months and said, we were ordered to fund ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Consciously, it's a horrible idea.
I don't know what the president's thinking.
To have former generals, two, three, and four-star generals on TV,
Saying this is horrible shows you the military is just beside themselves with all of this.
And I'm not just saying that to make the military feel good and make them the heroes.
It really is true.
Into the next hour, I don't want to just spend all day on what he wanted to come on about, about the info war and the success of this show, though it's important to admit that and show the weakness of the establishment media.
It's not really our strength, it's their weakness.
I want to pick his brain as a real expert on Islamic terror.
He was involved in Camp David early on, the founding of Delta Force right through that, then a bunch of big famous hostage situations that he helped resolve when they had hundreds of hostages.
He was also involved according to London Telegraph and other major papers in the Italian government with a whole bunch of other stuff, dealing with the Communists and others, but he'll never speak to that really on air.
His website is stevepachinick.com, but so much is happening right now, and this is a time in history clearly where the stars are aligning for the good, the bad, and the ugly.
And so that's why I want to get his take on the general world, but
Doctor, I'd like to just throw a question out, have you talk a couple minutes, move to the next question.
There's so much to talk about.
What would you like to start out with?
I want to start with the fact that today is December 7th, when we in the United States government performed the first stand down in 1941 on December 7th, and that was FDR and the attack on Pearl Harbor.
From that day on, 60 years later,
Our government continued to do stand-downs, false flags under Bush, Cheney.
And we had 9-11, we had the attack on Iraq.
That was a disaster.
We went to three wars.
Yeah, that was a disaster.
We went into Yemen, Sudan, Somalia.
Nowhere along the line did our generals or admirals stop.
Any civilian president from saying this is a disaster.
It's great that all the DIA operatives came out afterwards and said that this was a problem.
But I have asked repeatedly our intelligence community to stand up and stop the President of the United States, be it Bush, Cheney, Clinton, or Obama.
Obama has been a disaster from day one.
His history has been nothing but a contrived absurdity about a CIA operative born of a CIA grandmother and mother and grandfather who had no background, no experience whatsoever, and was voted in without any vetting by the Secret Service, the National Security, or any organization in the United States.
You and I could not have become President of the United States the way Obama did.
And what did he do?
He created a false flag and a stand-down issue with the killing of Osama Bin Laden, which never occurred, since you correctly defined 14 years ago that Osama Bin Laden was dead.
So we had an Admiral McRaven, the SEAL team, which was just a shame.
It's a disgrace to the United States that they stood up and said they killed Obama, Osama Bin Laden.
When in fact they had even been dead for 14 years.
So we have a collusion among the President of the United States who has created false issues.
And not only in Benghazi, not only in Osama Bin Laden, but in Sandy Hook.
Sandy Hook was par excellence.
The description of a non-existent
We're good to go.
Stand down and false flags all over the United States.
Jihad attacks happening all over Europe, now happening in the U.S.
The media attempting to say it wasn't a jihad attack, that blew up in their face.
I mean, they are really making some idiot moves right now.
What do you think is the larger situation behind this?
The larger situation is that we are creating, we, the United States, along with NATO forces, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, we're creating strategic tension points all over the Middle East in order to create conflict.
So that we can control the situation.
First, we create this organization of chaos, and then we come in to, presumably, control the situation in the Middle East.
This is completely created by our capability and our incapacity to control
We've created the chaos through the CIA, we created the chaos through SOCOM, and the military forces.
We then went into ISIS, we created ISIS with the help of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Dubai, and then we wanted to use that as a counter force to the Iranian recognition, to the Shiites, and use it as a counter force to Bashar Assad.
Bashar Assad would not
Neither did Russia.
So what's happening is we're getting into a confrontation created by Obama and his neocon advisors who again will not stand down and are supporting Israel to create a position in the Middle East where Israel and the United States can still demand that they're a Muslim terrorist over the world.
For the most part, I've got to be very frank,
The Muslims are basically fighting the Muslims.
It's not an issue that really concerns me.
Sunni civil war.
Why are they allowing it to blow back?
Well, the blowback is simply because the San Bernardino issue, I'm still not sure where it stands in terms of a false flag.
Number one, it's very rare to have a standing shooting operation in an office where you have basically disabled individuals.
And by the way, it is incredible.
They were having a live shooting drill.
This is ABC News.
They were having a shooting drill now when this reportedly happened.
Not only that, they've been having a shooting drill in the center of where disabled veterans and others were living, and having it on a monthly basis.
So that really was number one, an S1 flag.
Number two, you had a woman who supposedly was in Pakistan, went to Saudi Arabia, was less than 100 pounds, being able to wear
A vest, at the same time carry guns, and at the same time shoot and Twitter?
Absolutely impossible.
And at the same time, we had a... So why would they allow a Jihad false flag?
And to be clear... Because there's one issue that you have brought out repeatedly and correctly, and that was the Sandy Hook issue transposes everything we have here, and that is gun control for Obama.
His last wish, and dying wish, may well be dying wish, is that we have a gun control in the United States.
That is not going to happen.
And at the same time he has really committed criminal acts against the United States with the help, once again, of our CIA, our intelligence community, and other elements of our government.
I've sent Joe Biggs to a bunch of these.
He never thinks they're a false flag.
He's a combat vet, smart guy.
He says because of the drill at the same time.
He says because of the tweeting while the killing's going on.
He says because of the drill at the exact same time and other things.
He bare minimum thinks that they had warned people locally, they were ready.
Not that they were involved, but that higher-ups opened the door to make sure it went ahead and happened.
They gave them the passport, they gave them
Let me explain something to you.
We usually have a very effective FBI.
Trust me.
When they're able to hand me subpoenas because I go on your show,
Or I've committed acts for our country 35 years ago, and then they apologize saying that we're spending hundreds of thousands to give you a subpoena, even though it's not appropriate.
They're very capable of monitoring what's going on and stopping anyone from coming in.
Now, it's important- Well, let's stop right there.
I didn't know you got subpoenaed.
Hold on, Steve.
Hold on, Steve.
Steve Puccini's our guest.
You got subpoenaed by the FBI about coming on my show?
Well yeah, basically because I had talked about, and I brought up in the books, the issue of the Red Brigade and what happened in Italy, although I never went into detail.
So I got subpoenaed by the Miami-Dade prosecutor.
Well, that was a good piece of work you did with the Red Brigade.
You gotta be really proud of that one.
Well, I'm not proud of anything right now.
I'm more proud of you and what's happening to the United States because gloating about the past is not really the issue at hand.
What's the issue at hand is you brought on Trump, you're speaking the truth, and now through your vehicle we can say this president is committing crimes against the United States.
Let's go back and then I'll give you the floor.
I want to go back to the FBI because that's interesting.
So specifically, do they apologize to you for investigating you, for doing stuff for the CIA and the State Department?
No, what they basically do is say, we're following orders.
It's like the German Nazi era.
I mean, what you have now is really everybody doing their duty without really thinking twice about what they had to do.
I had to spend $20,000 in cash to a crooked lawyer who never even showed up at times to my hearing.
And basically, uh,
My wife, who was born in an American family and came in 1628, was so furious, she started to yell at the prosecutor and say, how dare you bring in an American military officer who was a deputy assistant secretary to answer questions to this incompetent Italian fool?
But that's not the issue.
The issue at hand is we have the continuation of corruption and crime.
And this is where America has to say it's enough.
We don't have a year left for Obama to finish out.
Obama will create more false flags.
He's not in charge.
The CIA, probably with Brennan, and with the DNI, and with a whole bunch of others who are involved that you've never heard of, SOCOM,
Or the fact that we've used mercenary soldiers and we've used special forces and we've taken off the epaulets to go in there as non-combatants basically and fighting in the rules of engagement that we're not used to.
What's happening is we're creating a fear dynamic which is blown up by the Republicans and at the same time Hillary
He's totally not qualified to answer it.
The only thing that can happen is we need an immediate change of government with somebody like Trump who can begin to assess what's going on and perhaps... Well, let's go back then, Dr. Pucinich.
Let's go back because you were excited about the Trump thing and saw it as a key sea change point.
So let's break down why you think that interview was so important.
Well, the reason that interview is important is
For 14 years you have been carrying the water in an amazing way to disseminate the truth as we truthers and others who understood what was happening in the government were trying to get out in terms of an outlet.
You were the only one on the radio and TV quite frankly.
Who said, you know what, Dr. Pchenik, I don't know you, but I suspect that you're correct when I said 14 years ago that whoever is going to be President of the United States, and I didn't know who would be President, nor did anybody, would have basically declared that he was going to be victorious by having killed Osama bin Laden.
And of course, the idiot Obama and McRaven and the rest of the Steel Team and the rest of the intelligence community fell for that psyops trick.
And let's go further.
A year after you were on and then three years after you were on, 14 years ago, the Secretary of State, Marilyn Albright, came out and said exactly what you said.
He's dead.
They're going to roll him out.
And then even Walter Cronkite said he talked to high-level folks that said that was true.
So we know this is going on, but for me it signifies... Now, why are you important?
Let me get to the point to the American public.
You are important because basically you have been the game changer in the entire business of the media.
Now, I've known the media very well from the New York Times.
The Wall Street Journal, all of them, Roger Ailes.
Basically, their job is to get ratings and to get money for whatever content they produce.
Your job, which I really didn't know from the beginning, was to assess the facts that were out there.
And thanks to your own intuitive knowledge and sense of righteousness, you went on to say, okay, let me hear what the alternatives are.
And you've continued with it, and in that sense, to me, you represented the American public.
The public I knew.
The people who worked hard, the people who had to earn a living, the people who went to jobs on a daily basis.
Not the politicians like Hillary, or Obama, or Bush, who were entitled little brats, who never spent a day in work, who never went and served the military, who never had to pay a mortgage,
Who never had to pay anything else other than the money that they accrued from book sales and self-aggrandizement.
Those days are over.
And what happened is, you allowed a Trump to come in, thanks to Mr. Roger Stone, whom I've known about since the Reagan administration.
And he was brilliant enough to say, you know what?
We're going to legitimize the people who've been out there called the truthers and the wackos, the 20 million of us, who basically are saying,
Bush, Cheney, Obama, you're wrong.
Not only are you wrong, you're criminal.
Well, to show you're inside baseball, I didn't know you knew Stone.
I knew of Stone.
I didn't know how much high-level stuff he was involved in.
I mean, elections and the third world folks put 2 plus 2 together.
But he's really a really great guy.
I'm trying to get him back into town next week.
And the behind-the-scenes stuff I learned, Trump knows a lot more, obviously, than the public knows.
And Stone was basically talking about how many really good people in the government are basically saying what you're saying, that none of them were ever perfect.
But they now realize this country is going to be brought down if we don't turn things around and stop this hijacking of the government by select groups at the top.
I agree with you.
Now, well, I know Roger Stone.
I don't know him personally, but I've had a lot of respect for him.
But I've had an immense amount of respect for Trump.
And I'll give you an example.
When he went on your radio, he went into detail about Afghanistan, that we sent our boys to die there for no reason, while the Chinese are picking up rare earths.
We're good to go.
To live out this administration.
Stop right there.
Steve, I want you to, because I skipped this break, it's so important.
I want you to flesh out, because a lot of people say, and Trump said, well, you know, it'll make him a martyr politically if we go after him.
He's in so much trouble.
You know, I don't know if we have time in the next year, but my concern is, the way Obama's acting, the way his people are acting, the way they're getting really nasty and really making more and more stuff up, they're acting like they're getting ready to move against the American people.
And so, if you agree with that, I'd like to know what you think we should be watching out for, what they might pull.
Well, what I agree with is that he is out of control and he's never, he's not, he's fronting for an organization that's consisting of the Pritzkers, the Chicago Rami Emanuel, who, by the way, was being prosecuted for incompetency, lying and distortion, even by the New York Times.
And what we added was a distraction in San Bernardino from his good friend and buddy from childhood, Rami Emanuel and the Chicago mob.
And that's part of what San Bernardino was about, was to take away the attention when the New York Times asked for the resignation of Rami Emanuel and the entire government of Chicago.
So what we expect to have is more denial, more crime, and more distortions of the truth.
What we need to do is to initiate a referendum where we will ask the President to step down.
I do not want an assassination.
What I want is a referendum where the people say we can no longer wait for a year.
We do not want anyone else and we will want to nominate by choice.
And either we have the elections now or we don't have the elections.
We do not have one more year.
And all this nonsense that's going on where ISIS is supposedly creating terrorist attacks all over the world, which they're not, quite frankly.
You've got to remember the two leaders of ISIS
The SOL and the military arm were both in our prisons in Baghdad for over eight months.
And if anybody in your audience believes that we in the military and the intelligence community didn't double up these guys, and ISIS should know this, and every Sunni... They would have never been released!
They would have been given acid baths if they weren't double agents.
They are double agents for us.
So anybody who follows these fools knows that they're following CIA and military intelligence operatives who've been doubled by us easily and then we create the false flags, the false enemies, which basically we claim are Muslims.
The Muslims are not our enemies.
They are the enemies, perhaps, of Israel, who has a problem with their survival, but we are not.
Well, I'll say this.
Obviously, Wahhabis being brought in is meant for there to be attacks, so the government's bringing them in.
They are, at the top of the food chain, guilty.
Let me be very frank.
In my business, and they know this from my past experiences, it's easy for me to take out the Wahhabis and the Salafis in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
That's the easiest work I can do.
But fortunately, they're not letting me or others do that kind of work, because they're easy to neutralize, the way they were neutralized in other countries and other worlds, which I was involved with.
But unfortunately, our government is involved in creating these episodes, like Bush Sr.
was involved in allowing Noriega to start agitation propaganda.
Because he wanted an excuse to send in the 86-year-old.
Well, absolutely, but here's my question.
I think they've misjudged the calculus to be able to bring in radical jihadis, have them attack us, and then take our guns and restrict internet-free speech, as Hillary's trying to do.
I see how they brought them in to let them do it.
I get it's a false flag, ultimately, because they brought them in.
I just don't see how they think they'll get away with that.
Well, let me put this one.
I really have to look back at San Bernardino and you look at Como, the interviewer in the newspaper on CBS or ABC, where he asked the lawyer, you know, there are many holes in this story.
Number one, both the husband and wife were handcuffed.
Number two, they were able to Twitter while they were shooting.
Number three, you know, you have a high military operation where even if you were a black widow, you couldn't be trained in this, particularly if you're 90 pounds.
And the other gentleman, the other man had no idea of how to deal with military capacity.
But there was a third man who nobody talked about.
My point to you is, this is consistent with Sandy Hook.
Once you have lied, once you have contrived false scenarios, you will continuously be a liar.
And you will continuously be the man that I am.
Well, there is some evidence that the husband and wife were decoys and they were other shooters, and that's usually how you do it.
That's exactly how it must be.
But the issue isn't this.
The issue is much greater.
Do we, can we continue if the criminal
Like Obama, who is protected by incompetent secret service that has been rife with prostitution, alcoholism... Dr. Wojcicki, stay there.
We've got to go to break in 60 seconds.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and we're going to get into some of his anti-terrorism operations he was in, because there's some interesting what he can talk about.
A lot of it still partially classified, but really interesting fellow.
And yeah, when he comes on the show, then
I guess they try to indict him and stuff for the things he talks about.
So I don't know, the audience realizes the stuff you're hearing here, I mean, this guy really is very interesting, to say the least.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, five-minute segment here, twelve-minute segment coming up with Dr. Steve Pchenik.
We've got our reporters from San Bernardino, California joining us with video and audio feeds at the bottom of the hour, Joe Biggs and others.
Don Salazar just ran in here and he said, what Dr. Pchenik just talked about, there being other reported shooters, is true, and I remember seeing that in the news, but we have a CBS News clip we're going to put in the computer we're going to play later next segment.
Where one witness said, no, there were three tall white males with guns that were shooting people.
There was an active shooter drill there.
I mean, the mathematics of that happening and this happening, I get it.
I really haven't gone there.
My reporters have.
I've been attacked in the Washington Post over it.
Because I don't care.
They opened the door and brought these people in to begin with.
So it's a false flag any way you slice it, but I tell you, I'm so sick of everything being a false flag, but just the evidence just mounts and mounts and mounts.
And then the fact they think we're so dumb that they would let people attack us or bring them in or do it, and then blame our guns and blame the internet for it, really shows how stupid they think we are.
Dr. Pachinick, we've only got three or four minutes left in this segment, a long one coming up, but specifically, what do you make of that?
And then let's start talking about
Real terrorism that you've actually dealt with?
Real terrorism doesn't occur on a false flag.
When I had to deal with a Hanafi Muslim in 1978, Carter had created the situation accidentally and I had a hundred, I had 500 hostages in three buildings.
The FBI correctly called me in under the auspices of a U.S.
And what I did was to take the Quran and basically use the talents of three
Muslim ambassadors, Yacoub Khan, Ghorbal and Zahidi, one Egyptian and one Iranian.
And we were very effective in disarming a man who had killed about four or five people.
That was real terrorism.
And that was the first time the issue of stopping a Mohammed film and the fact that we had to release
Hostages was an issue, and I didn't release any hostages, and I didn't allow him to continue.
He was declared mentally ill, but I knew his background.
And basically, we disarmed him, even though Jamie Carter was not very helpful.
And I was disobedient.
The point here that I'm trying to say to your public, and you have said repeatedly, is you must be disobedient.
I'm asking our military and our intelligence officers
To be disobedient.
Because if you're not, you're going to destroy this country.
And the only reason why I survived was I was a Navy Captain, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and I said to the President, you're wrong, and either you stand down or you fire me.
And I continued.
I did the same thing again when it was in Panama, where Bush tried that, and I explained it to the CIA operatives, that if you continue this, I will get you into trouble.
I did the same thing in Cambodia.
Where the CIA got involved again, created distortion, denial, and we disarmed them using other techniques that I cannot go into.
So the primary problems we have in the United States is not Muslim or Christian or any religion or ideology.
It is the dysfunctional aspects of a CIA and intelligence community that has grown out of proportion
We now have 16 different intelligence units that do absolutely nothing, are paid trillions of dollars, is run now by a Navy Admiral who really never had any experience in intelligence, was a submarine commander, was run before by a General who was in G2 and had many degrees, but this cannot continue.
We do not have a Congress, a President,
Or a military and intelligence that is viable and concerned about our national security.
And that's where America has to have the American Revolution in a way that's productive and constructive.
Why you are important, and why Trump was important, is you are the game changer.
You are the expression of that American Revolution in the 21st century.
To allow the truth to come out, St.
Augustine said, don't worry about the truth, let it do what it does best, to destroy those who distort the truth.
So I quote St.
Augustine, and I say to the American people, please don't give up, and don't give up hope.
Stand by what you believe, and demand a referendum to get this president out, and demand accountability from Bush, Clinton, and others, for criminal acts.
We'll be back!
We will win!
We'll be back!
Stay with us on The Apprentice Podcast.
Hillary Clinton wants to censor people who make fun of her.
She was recently trying to censor comedy skits that poked fun at her, which were produced by the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California.
The owner of the Laugh Factory, Jamie Masada, told Judicial Watch that her campaign threatened to put him out of business if he didn't pull the videos.
So in response to this attack on free speech, InfoWars.com has launched the Make Fun of Hillary Defend the First Amendment contest with a first place cash prize of $5,000.
We want the funniest, most outrageous satire and comedy videos guaranteed to make Hillary's blood boil.
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All entries must be uploaded to YouTube in a link emailed to HillaryContest at InfoWars.com.
Enter your video before the contest deadline at 1159 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
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Fear is the passion of slaves and this man knows no fear.
He is Alex Jones.
While we see radical jihadists brought into the country, whether it's false flag or not, we see the President saying it's the fault of the Second Amendment that would cause a revolution in this country, if they come for the guns.
We have Obama saying, I'm going to put you on a no-fly list and you can't own guns, extra-judicially.
Where are the constitutional lawyers pointing out this is a
Constitution killing initiative.
Meanwhile, new Star Wars plot is cloaked in unprecedented secrecy.
And theaters plan contest fans to watch for days until they drop.
I mean, the movie looks unwatchable.
They get the worst actors.
I thought the guy that played Darth Vader last time, you know, looked like a kid from a school play.
Now they've got some other new lead actor who is just as bad an actor.
And this is our big cultural experience.
World governments being established.
Huge military escalations between Turkey and Russia.
Turkey's now moved in troops into Iraq.
All hell's breaking loose.
The Turkish president's threatening to blow up Russian ships.
If that happens, you know it's going to happen.
The Russians are going to respond.
It's going to escalate very, very quickly.
And the average American, the average young person especially, I'm talking about 25, 30 year olds, is drooling over Star Wars.
And they're so bad.
It's like one big giant Jar Jar Binks nightmare.
So, revolutionary in 1977, not revolutionary today.
James Earl Jones and Alec Guinness, these people are not.
To quote Yoda.
Penis transplants being planned to help wounded troops.
Yeah, they weren't paying for so many sex changes for everybody else, they might have the money.
Scientists turned to religion for climate action.
Yeah, they're now trying to fund groups to just stop the satanic denial of that.
We've got Venezuelan opposition is basically taking over the legislature.
Socialists are on the run.
Oil's the lowest it's been in seven years.
That's some of the news up on DrugsReport.com.
Up on Infowars.com.
Obama, six years later, calls Fort Hood a terrorist attack.
Morgan and Citigroup agree that the U.S.
economy is steamrolling towards recession.
Oh, they've finally come out and said it.
Former Congressman Joe Walsh goes on anti-Islam rant, dares Loretta Lynch to prosecute him.
Regardless what you think of Islam or radical Islam, don't you have the free speech?
Now, we've got a Don Salazar in the control room.
I wanted to introduce this clip, and we'll get Dr. Pachinick's take on it.
Saying that, how is there a drill at the exact same time of this happening with armed military police there?
I mean, that is super rare.
And it just keeps happening at false flags.
And then you've got witnesses saying they saw white guys running around.
Well, see, the globalist up above it may have had the police there for a drill to confuse everything even more in case something went wrong.
See, a lot of times the drill isn't people that are part of it.
That's why they had folks in the 7-7 bombing admit, we were running a drill, the exact same trains, the exact same bus, being bombed at the exact same time.
Scotland Yard was part of it.
Well, they weren't part of it to go on the news and say, it's crazy, we were running a drill.
They were hired for smog, for confusion, for fog of war, in case any of the false flaggers got caught, then they'd just say, oh, it's part of a drill.
Or maybe Dr. Pachinic can correct me and explain how that works.
But they also bootlegged the funding for attacks.
But listen, there were real bombers as best we can tell.
They were being handled by a MI6 operative, who again was a Wahhabist.
So it's this sickening Saudi Arabian deal with Western intelligence to wind up these loons, let them hit us, and then they take our freedoms away.
But let's go ahead and go to this clip.
Adan Salazar brought it to my attention.
You're backing up what Dr. Pachetnik was just saying earlier.
Tell us about these two clips, Adan.
Well, we were really careful not to jump on the whole false flag narrative first off, because everybody expects InfoWars to, you know, claim every mass shooting is a false flag, which, you know, obviously they aren't all false flags.
But this one, we were careful not to call it a false flag from the beginning.
And then this week, last night, I saw an Intel Hub piece where one of the writers was analyzing a CBS News piece.
Have we posted their whole article yet?
The lady they're interviewing, she claims she saw, oh she says she was inside the Inland Regional Center when the shooting happened, and she describes three shooters, white, male, tall, wearing military gear, which doesn't fit the description that, you know,
You know, why would we hear shots?
As we look out the window, a second set of shots goes off and it's just pop pop pop pop pop pop.
And we saw a man fall to the floor.
Then we just looked and we saw three men dressed in all black military military attire with vests on.
They're holding assault rifles and they they open up the door to building three and one of them opens up the door to building three.
He starts to
He's afraid to shoot.
He just, you know, shoots all over into the room.
That's the room that we typically have conferences in.
I just, we just heard more gunshots go off.
That's Sally Abdel-Mageed, I think is how you pronounce it.
There's other witnesses saying the same thing.
There's the Intel Hub, run by Sheppard Ambulance, a pretty good website.
He's a really great guy.
I love the look of their site.
I haven't looked at it lately.
Eyewitness to terror attack.
Three tall, white men did it.
Boy, MSNBC will have a heart attack of joy if they get to do that and make it racial.
But this doesn't fit what the other witnesses said about how they made the Christians and others beg for their lives.
So do they piggyback something?
That woman sounded pretty credible.
I know we have another clip.
Let's get Dr. Steve Pachinick's take on what he just heard.
I don't think that, I think that's very credible, because since 9-11 we've had the same type of dynamics.
We have the white guys creating the problem, then blaming it on the Muslims.
In effect, the Muslims have not been a major part of this problem.
The major part of this problem has been us, you know.
The enemy is really us, and this is the problem.
And unless we start to indict past presidents, the present president, and get rid of all of this nonsense in our intelligence and our military community, we're not going to succeed, and we're headed for self-destruction.
Obama's part of this.
Uh, Cheney was part of it.
It doesn't matter whether you're Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, the Republic is deteriorating and it's self-destructive.
This is the modus operandi of what happens when you have an intelligence community.
That is totally out of control, has no oversight, and we have no ability to control what's going on.
Okay, I see the evidence of false flag.
If they open the doors, at least let them in.
I mean, that's open and shut.
This makes it even more suspicious.
I just can't believe they would be that reckless.
But, I mean, look what they've already done, as you said.
Well, then the narrative, the calculus, it blows up in their face if they bring in radical jihadis and let them attack us.
Why would they do that?
Well, we see it.
Come after our guns, come after our speech, and say we must comply to radical Islam so they don't kill us.
Is that the calculation?
No, the problem is they're not smart enough to figure out what you did.
And I'm not trying to laud you, I'm just simply saying they didn't put in their calculation in 9-11 that there would be an Alex Jones and a Dr. Pchenik who would, a year later, predict that 13 years later the President of the United States would claim he would kill a man who was already dead.
That's the problem with all of the strategic false flags.
They're not smart.
And they think the American public is dumb.
The American public is not dumb.
Plus the fact you have Alex Jones and 20 million listeners.
Plus the fact that we have the internet and it works both ways.
The internet may expand and create fear, but at the same time in the hands of an Alex Jones, or Dr. Pchenik, or Trump, it reverts.
We can use it as the weapon.
They did not expect that to happen.
They were not prepared for that.
And that's why they kept monitoring me, in particular, as you said to me, thousands of operatives monitor me.
Of course they monitor me.
They know my history.
Well, I mean, I've been off record visited by
The US agencies and foreign ones.
And I've gone ahead and met with the people and they just point blank say, we're deciding what to do with you.
And I just go, do whatever you gotta do.
I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing.
I know you've got those visits as well.
I just don't think the average person out there understands how serious this is.
But here's the good news, Dr. Pchenik.
I've had former heads of special forces, current generals, people in Congress contact me and say, we're rooting for you, we appreciate what you're doing.
And so there are a lot of good people in the system as well.
They are, but they have to act.
There has to be a core of defiance by the special forces, by our intelligence community.
And for that, trust me, I will pay a price later on.
Because I normally get emails from the intelligence community saying I've gone too far, or I will get another subpoena.
But I'm willing to do this, to say to the American public, enough is enough.
Our country is out of control.
The Salafists and the Wahhabis, they're a problem.
But if you want to have the problem neutralized, we could have neutralized that decades ago.
Well, I agree.
Well, I have the Saudis messing with me, too.
They know that I don't... I mean, they know that we don't like their organization.
No, we don't.
But remember, it's the Bush family.
You're talking about Marvin and Neal indicted for SNL scandals.
You're talking about Bush Sr.
indicted for 9-11 and 2008 Bush Jr., I mean 2008 financial crash.
Now we have Jeb Bush, who was involved in the transition from one illegal government to another, whose whole history is based on illegal activities in Florida.
I know.
All I'm saying is, Doc, we've got to go to break.
We're gonna come back.
We gotta go to break.
Adon has another clip, and we'll get some final comments from you.
I'll just be honest.
I don't want the credit because it's so dangerous.
This is a scary job.
I never intended to be this successful, but what you're saying is actually true and accurate, and I was actually told this basically by some of the Trump people.
They're aware of what's going on, and it's just beyond a science fiction movie.
I just can't believe that
That other people didn't stand up and fight the globalists.
But the good news is, it shows the power of the people.
My listeners, my audience, is the real power.
And that's what the globalists are afraid of.
And the good news is, I've already gone to seed.
They can take me out, but people already get the paradigm.
The transmission's already sent.
So I hope I'm a little bit safer, because I don't want to mess with these people.
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Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We put together a compilation of Obama saying there's no such thing as basically radical Islamic terrorists and that we're just scared of women and orphans.
That's all coming up then.
Joe Biggs from the ground in San Bernardino.
And I think what Dr. Pucinich is saying is, yes, there are radical Islamists, yes, there's Wahhabis out of Saudi Arabia, but the core problem is our Western governments are working with them.
And I agree with them.
They're funding them to go into these countries
To destabilize the area.
And we've had so many top generals come out and say we've been ordered consciously to do it, it's wrong, it's evil.
And then the media spins it.
Former head of defense intelligence says we screwed up.
But then you actually watch the clip, that's not what they're saying.
So that is disobeying orders, saying that on national television.
That is bold.
And so I think what Dr. Pucinich is calling for is starting to happen.
One of the most dangerous things you can do, though, is to call for people to do what they're doing in government.
But it's even more dangerous to let a criminal outside group take over like this.
Let's remember, these are illegitimate groups that are doing this.
It's criminal.
Just because a guy hijacks a plane and is wearing the pilot's uniform, doesn't mean he's the pilot.
I think that's what McChannick's getting at, but Adon Salazar, the reporter pointing this out to us, we're posting the entire Intellihub article at Infowars.com right now with the video, but good job for the journalist groups out there ferreting this out and pointing this out.
What's this other clip?
This is of Sally Abdel-Mageed, the employee of the Inland Regional Center, and it's the other half of the interview where Scott Pele, I think, is the CBS anchor that's interviewing her.
He asks her if she's certain that she saw three men, and she confirms, and then at the end of the clip he says, well, now we know that it was a male and a female.
Staying with the script.
Let's go to it.
I couldn't see his face.
He had a black hat on and from my view, all I could see was just a black hat and black long-sleeved shirt, possibly gloves on.
He had black cargo pants on, the kind with the zippers on the sides and the big puffy pockets.
He had a huge assault rifle and he had extra ammo.
He's coming ready for
He's probably ready for something to reload.
I don't know.
He had magazines.
I couldn't see what else I saw.
I just saw three dressed exactly the same.
You're certain that you saw three men?
It looked like their skin color was white.
They looked like they were athletic built and they appeared to be tall.
And then he goes on and he plays the full clip and repeats it's a man and a woman.
This could be though because there was a drill going on and then she's not into guns and people are shooting and she's confused.
But still, the fact that there'd be a drill at the same time, Dr. Pachinic, closing comments on this.
What you're seeing is the collusion between the media and the government.
Let me make it very clear.
For example, when Osama Bin Laden was not killed, the CIA immediately opened an office and literally dictated the script for Zero Dark Thirty.
I reprimanded that.
I was thrown out of the Producers Guild and then eventually brought back in on the Academy Awards.
What you have is repeatedly somebody like Anderson Cooper bringing in Bob Baer.
Anderson Cooper worked for the CIA as an intern, still works for them.
You have Bob Baer who was a CIA operative who was really out of control in the Middle East and literally gave you the storyline for Syriana which glorified his position.
So what you're having throughout the media are people who are in the intelligence business and then twisting those stories around for their own gain.
Most of them are not heroes.
Most of them are not great Americans.
What they are is very greedy individuals who want to make money, who make money on this kind of business where they offer protection, where they offer some kind of position.
But for the most part, these are frightened individuals.
When 9-11 occurred and two CIA operatives had to admit to me what had happened, as well as military intelligence, you have to realize that almost everyone who works in our government
And either intelligence or military is beholden to a paycheck.
Well, do you remember the Rumsfeld clip that came out where he's with six generals?
And they say, sir, we may need another 9-11.
Can we please have one?
And it's being recorded.
And that's the thing that's so crazy is that you've said you'll testify to Congress that you were, you know, counsel on foreign relations meetings.
And there's just open discussion of this.
I mean, when I've had these foreign governments come visit me,
They're just very honest about this, and they go, okay, well you know it's a false flag, but you don't hate our country.
And I'm like, no, I don't hate your country.
And you know a bunch of governments are involved.
Yes, I know a bunch of governments are involved.
And I just can't believe that even these groups, I don't say this to make me sound big, because I don't like this, they're actually scared of me.
And I just don't want them to stop saying my kids belong to the state, and they want my guns, Doc.
Well, they won't, because you are protected by the truth and the fact that there are many people who care about you and the fact that Trump came on was a major, major game changer, the likes of which people still don't really understand.
Stay there, I want you to finish.
Two minutes, Dr. Pachenik.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Kit Daniels with Infowars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I know one thing for sure.
When the New York Daily News comes out and has one of their journalists say that the conservatives that were basically killed there deserved it because they were conservative, we're dealing with some sick freaks.
And the whole leftist ideology in this country has just mutated into bizarro land.
Again, I've said this a thousand times, I'll say it again.
Thomas Jefferson was what I'd call a liberal.
George Washington is the country's first conservative.
I admire both men.
I would be a liberal in 1776.
These liberals today are freaks.
And I know conservatives can get real weird in wartime and stuff too, but man...
You know, I mean, I tune into MSNBC and it's like some type of Soviet brainwashing channel.
I mean, they're so weird.
They're so manipulative.
They're so cult-like.
We're going to be talking more about that.
We have a compilation of a video that Dew put together titled, Obama Caught Running ISIS.
It's very powerful.
Then Joe Biggs will be joining us from San Bernardino.
And then right into the fourth hour, Paul Joseph Watson from London.
We haven't even gotten into the economics, the Trump news.
There's so much more.
But I think the good news here is,
This radio show, other radio shows, folks like the Intel Hub, Intellihub that was breaking that other news, everybody.
The alternative media is becoming the dominant media.
In numbers, not just in having more credibility.
And it doesn't mean we have all the answers either.
But the establishment is out of gas.
They have no credibility.
And you've got these different criminal camps that are trying the same old thing.
And I just wanted to send it out to Pchenik briefly and get his brief response.
He's got to go and we've got to go.
He was on a few months ago, and he said, you know, at the CFR and all the rest of it, I fed the line that Jeb Bush had run, knowing that once he got back in, we'd use 9-11 on him.
And then I see Trump start using 9-11 on him, and then I have some discussions, I'll just leave it at that, and that's indeed what they're doing, is basically baiting the media in to attack him as a 9-11 truther.
I think
This particular cast of the fishing rod lure was somewhat successful, but not fully successful.
Plus, it's good to let them know that they're not the only ones that play games.
Okay, so I'll just leave it at that.
And again, I'm not here with some agency.
I'm not being advised by people.
I'm just here common sense.
And then I talked to Pachinik, and then I talked to some other people, and they're on the same page, and I wonder if they know each other.
Pachinik says they don't.
But it's just people that get what's going on and know how to respond to it.
But that is pretty exciting, Pachinik.
Well, not only are you correct, but let me give you an example.
Cornell University, which is considered a liberal school, produced three of the most fascist neocons.
Sandy Berger, who died fortunately recently, Paul Wolfowitz, and Steve Hadley, all involved in 9-11.
Sandy on behalf of Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz,
And the other person on behalf of Bush.
And they were all in Quiller and Dagger, Secret Society of Cornell, which I knew nothing about.
Harvard University, Mass Mental Health, involved in the storyline of the false flag in Sandy Hook, as well as Yale's psychiatry department.
I indicted all of them, and they couldn't respond.
And I indicted them of corruption, of moral corruption, and financial corruption, and they couldn't say a word.
Those are three major universities, and believe me, once you have those universities in a state of fear, now you have a real problem, because it's gone to the educational level, the media level, the government level.
And I'm not being paranoid, this is very...
What they can't deal with is that now the military, the police, the local governments know the narrative.
I mean, the governor of Texas pretty much listens every day.
I'm not going to brag about it.
I don't want to get into inside baseball.
They're in trouble.
And more and more, we're willing to be attacked.
We're willing to be killed, I guess, if we have to be.
And I don't think they know how to deal with people that aren't cowards like them.
Well, the point is, your influence, and I know, for example, at Rutgers University in New Jersey, is immense.
It is absolutely immense.
And that feedback doesn't come back to you, but it comes back to me through the professors.
Your influence on the students in Cornell, at Harvard, and Yale is far greater than they realize.
And the people who've been brought in as the dupes of those universities, believe me, they've been bought out by Sandy Wallace Citibank.
For example, Cornell University Medical College, which was an elite medical school 180 years in existence, changed its name from Weill Medical College.
It was bought
And totally bought out and grafted by Sandy Weill, a total crook from Citibank, and now it's called Weill Medical College.
The same thing with Eichen Medical College and Geffen Medical College.
So what you see is happening is the money of the private sector is co-opting any of the institutions we have, at the same time co-opting the political and military-industrial complex.
That's why our generals, they are so bloated, and there's so many of them, more than it ever been in World War II, I don't have a George Marshall.
So we, you and I, are in effect acting as the George Marshall to say, get rid of these four-star generals, get rid of these three-star admirals, get rid of these bloated political generals who really are not of great service.
What I need are the captains, the majors, and lieutenants who will not make it up the system.
And I ask them again,
To seriously understand what you are following through.
Those who have committed false flags, or have gone into killing Americans or anyone else, will pay the price.
Believe me.
I have always been successful in retribution.
And that, the CIA knows that, the intelligence community knows that, and the military knows that.
That's why they always hand me a subpoena, and they monitor me repeatedly, because I don't make false promises.
And they will pay, whether it's Trump who comes in and makes them pay or others who are in the institution that will make them pay.
But they will not continue to do this, and Obama's on notice.
And you have a Secret Service who knows more about any of our presidents, has never been able to come forth as an American institution.
I've been told by the Secret Service, I'm just going to leave it at this, not specifics,
They didn't break any laws, they just said, it's worse than you know, it's worse than you say.
I mean, I've had Bongino on, who was the head of their foreign detail, he said, it's worse than you say, Alex.
They say it's so insane, I wouldn't believe it.
Dr. Pachinik, StevePachinik.com, we appreciate you coming on.
Powerful interview.
We'll talk to you again soon, sir.
And God bless you and your audience.
Thank you very much for having done everything you did.
No, no, thank you, sir.
I don't like to get on the show here and talk about how big we are and how effective we are but at this point we have to because the enemy already knows that and I like to kind of be under the radar over the years and just being effective but now believe me imagine there's not many shows like this and what do you think government's tuning into and I'm just a guy from Texas that analyzes it and has experts on and I just want my country back I don't have any personal beef with these people
I was screaming at Obama last night during the piece I did because I'm just sick of it, man.
Blaming the Second Amendment for the jihadis he brought in?
I don't know what really happened.
All I know is you're not taking my freedoms, buddy.
And then they got freaks at MSNBC and the New York Daily News saying the conservatives deserve to have their heads blown off?
It doesn't compute that you're such freaks!
You run everything, too!
That's dangerous!
You people are scum!
You have no good taste!
I mean, I'm calling you names because that's what you are!
People are dead and you're saying that they're bigoted scum that deserve to die because they said they were a Christian?
I mean, what's your problem?
Seriously, we're going to go to break and come back with Biggs for two segments.
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But right now, let's go to this powerful piece that Rob Dew and I put together.
This piece, headline, Obama Caught Red-Handed Running ISIS.
Here is the report.
Last night on my orders, America's armed forces began strikes against ISIL targets in Syria.
counterterrorism officials asking why are ISIS fighters driving so many similar trucks and where are they getting them from?
How do we know that the arms that are going to the Syrian rebels are not going to get into the hands of ISIS?
Because if we had people who were there to funnel it to the right people, and I know these people, and I know who they are, and I know how to do it, and so do other people.
You are basically saying that even in government at the time, you knew those groups were around, you saw this analysis, and you were arguing against it, but who wasn't listening?
I think the administration.
In an interview with the New Yorker magazine, he compares groups linked to Al Qaeda to an amateur basketball team.
Intelligence officials in Pakistan say a local commander from the terrorist network Islamic State has admitted receiving funds transferred via the U.S.
He made the confession while being interrogated.
Today we learned that the same group may now be in possession of a deadly cache of American-made firepower, Stinger missiles.
I don't think it was a willful decision.
A willful decision to go support an insurgency that had Salafists, Al-Qaeda, and Muslim Brotherhood.
Well, it's a willful decision to do what they're doing, which you have to really ask the President, what is it that he actually is doing?
As I said before, this aspect of our strategy was moving too slowly, but the fall of Ramadi has galvanized the Iraqi government.
So with the additional steps I ordered last month, we're speeding up training of ISIL forces, including volunteers from Sunni tribes in Anbar province.
Now U.S.
military aircraft have dropped ammunition in areas held by ISIL terror group in Iraq.
According to volunteer forces who are fighting the terrorists, American helicopters dropped boxes of weapons in Yathrib and Balad districts in the Salahuddin province.
We now hear that President Obama will ask Congress for 5.3 billion dollars to equip and train Iraqi soldiers and quote-unquote moderate Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State militants.
Reports say the US military has airdropped weapons for ISIL on several occasions.
Last month, I ordered our military to take targeted action against ISIL to stop its advances.
Do you know that he made the Air Force drop leaflets?
Telling the ISIS truck drivers to get out that bombs were going to fall.
Did you know that?
Does anyone know that he did that?
This is going to make people think twice about this guy.
This is not as clear as it may be.
He's just a pacifist or a liberal.
There's something more here, Donald.
And it's been more than a year now.
ISIS's capabilities seem to be expanding.
Were you aware that they had the capability of pulling off the kind of attack that they did in Paris?
Are you concerned and do you think they have that same capability to strike in the United States?
The unclassified reports have estimated that in just the first 12 months of renewed ISIS operations in Syria and Iraq, they've recruited more than 22,000 foreign fighters.
At least 4,000 are Westerners.
So those are Americans, Brits,
It was very disturbing to pull this from the U.N.
website in September that says of the 381,412 arrivals that came across the Mediterranean Sea just this year, up to September, that 15% were children, 13% were women, and 72% were men.
Such a backlash against Syrian refugees coming to the United States after the word that some of these attackers may have passed through Syria.
31 governors now say they don't want them living in their states.
Many presidential candidates calling for a ban or religious test.
Congress moving for a moratorium on new refugees.
They point out there's an extensive vetting process that includes the intelligence community, the Departments of State and Homeland Security.
In fact, George... The concerns in Syria is that we don't have the systems in place on the ground to collect the information to vet.
That would be the concern.
Yes, I think that's the challenge we're all talking about, is that we can only query against that which we have collected.
You can't account for what you don't know, and that goes to the intelligence deficit that I think is embedded in your question.
But apparently they're scared of widows and orphans.
Coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion.
It's a terror threat unlike any Europe or the U.S.
has seen before.
It's the ultimate stealth weapon for ISIS.
A female suicide bomber is like a stealth precision weapon.
A stealth precision weapon, Brian, and this is a major change in strategy.
Thanks to our military and counterterrorism professionals, America is safer.
We may have somebody who comes to us and is simply not on our radar for any discernible reason.
And there may also be the possibility that somebody decides to do something bad after they've been admitted through the process.
We do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence.
And somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism.
Caused it.
They're reaching out to various countries that have been fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq, urging followers to attack in their home country.
The FBI is still gathering the facts about what happened in San Bernardino, but here's what we know.
The victims were brutally murdered and injured by one of their co-workers and his wife.
So far we have no evidence that the killers were directed by a terrorist organization overseas or that they were part of a broader conspiracy here at home.
Because we have the clearest indication yet that that shooting rampage two days ago in San Bernardino, California was an act of terror inspired by ISIS.
New details about the couple involved in that deadly San Bernardino mass shooting, including a statement of support for ISIS by the female shooter Tashfeen Malik.
But apparently they're scared of widows and orphans.
ISIS has been a main concern of the U.S.
through just this sort of radicalization.
Not directed plots, but people who follow ISIS propaganda through their relentless outpouring of propaganda around the world every day.
In June 2015, Iraqi officials reported that as many as 500 children were kidnapped by ISIS to serve as suicide bombers and child soldiers.
Anybody who had a chance to see those kids?
Hopefully you understood the degree to which they're just like our kids.
New Islamic State video shows boy soldier execute two alleged Russian spies.
Long way from when you described them as a JV team.
Was that bad intelligence or your misjudgment?
Keep in mind I wasn't specifically referring
To ISIL as I've said before this aspect of our strategy was moving too slowly But the fall of Ramadi has galvanized the Iraqi government.
So with the additional steps I ordered last month We're speeding up training of ISIL forces including volunteers from Sunni tribes in Anbar province
That's a powerful piece that we're going to be posting a full video of in the next 20-30 minutes to InfoWars.com.
And there is a lot of breaking news, obviously, at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
The U.S.
continues to target Syrian military, blowing up their bases to help ISIS.
And the Turks have gone into Iraq, where the Iraqis were defeating an ISIS enclave and have blown them to bits.
And Turkey says they're preparing to attack Russian ships.
So, there you go.
That's who runs our government.
Complete psychopaths and demons.
Who, again, run baby harvesting facilities.
I mean, just what do you expect?
Mainstream media admits gun control doesn't work.
There's another report out with George Stephanopoulos, an important article that Kid Daniels wrote up on InfoWars.com.
So, this is just some of the news that is up on that site.
We're going to go to break, come back with two segments with Joe Biggs, and then we're going to hand the baton to Paul Joseph Watson.
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What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of yours?
You're the pretender!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're about to go into the fourth hour.
I'll do five more minutes and then put Joe Biggs in this segment and then the next for about 12 minutes total.
Then we'll hand the baton to Paul Joseph Watson.
Watson may want to keep Biggs over some, I'm not sure.
But Biggs is going to be coming back to Austin soon and after the holidays they're going to go back out around the country to more jihad and radicalization centers around the country.
They were out covering that on the East Coast when this happened, obviously predicting that attacks would be taking place.
It is a false flag.
They opened the door and let him in.
But now there's mounting evidence of the drill and more.
This is really looking suspicious.
What we do know is Obama's blaming our Second Amendment.
And we have this article, leftist journalist, victim of San Bernardino shooting, deserved it because he was conservative.
I can't believe a woman named Lydia or Linda Stasi, she really has the name of the German secret police,
would actually make statements like this, but we saw similar statements from other news channels.
Joe Biggs, that's got to really freak you out, being there on the ground, right there at the memorial where 14 people were killed.
I mean, this is sickeningly evil.
She'll probably get a Pulitzer Prize for saying that, though.
Yeah, it's pretty interesting.
And like you said, we're standing outside of the Memorial Center at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino.
And, you know, I was listening to your interview with Steve Pachinko earlier.
You know, in a lot of things he says, uh, I have to agree with, and the fact that, uh, you know, earlier today, uh, Don sent me that email with those videos, and you know, when you go back over and you watch it, that first-hand account of how they were describing the people that were coming through shooting, it's really odd when you see this unfold, you know, days later, and what, uh, the narrative has been pushed out.
Continue with what's developed in the last 24 hours.
Well, you know, as we said yesterday, the father of Saeed Farooq came out and said that his son had admitted to him that he did support ISIS.
He had pledged his allegiance to al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.
And then last night you have President Obama coming out saying that the people in America are afraid, we're scared.
Which I don't quite frankly agree with whatsoever.
I don't think we're scared.
I think the person who is scared is President Obama.
He never seems to want to do anything, especially for the American people, or the interest for us whatsoever.
He always seems to be doing everything he can to help and evade the enemy.
Well Joe, obviously when I thought of it, you and Liam were already on it, but you've got to get to this lady.
We need to see her on camera, describe this, be clear, explain that she actually saw the guns recoiling because it could have been part of the drill.
If she sees that, she sounds credible, but if you're able to vet this and get an interview with her, this is going to be bombshell.
And if she is for real, which she probably is, she's probably being threatened right now.
She's probably already being gagged by now at this point in time.
Well, try to get to her and find out.
Go to her house.
I don't care.
Do whatever you obviously have to.
This is a priority.
I witnessed a terror attack.
Three to all white men did it.
This is just over the top to see this and then to have the drill happening at the exact same time.
Now she may have thought that guys in the drill were part of the shooting.
So we need to get you there and really gauge it with her on camera.
But obviously she needs to be talked to.
Well, the thing is, the police officer I spoke to two days ago, I believe it was, he said that he was the third officer on scene.
His partner was the second officer on scene.
These guys are all in police uniform.
There weren't anyone else that came in before that.
So, the first actual police responders, the first people there, from what he said,
We're actual cops and not people that would be dressed up in SWAT uniforms.
So it's definitely an interesting thing for her to see that.
You know, could it be confusion?
Could it be the adrenaline pumping?
Not knowing what's going on?
Just being scared and just seeing people running?
It's hard to really break down... But she sounds pretty clear.
She sounds pretty clear twice about what she saw.
And again, there was a drill though.
Were they part of the drill?
Yep, right down the street to my right, a few miles up the road, that's where it was taking place.
And they have been known to be happening right here at this exact location as well in the past few months.
I don't know, Joe, you've gotten mad at folks that said other stuff was false flags.
You were in Paris, you were at other events, but you said day one, you smell a false flag.
With this one, I do because there's way too many things out there that just stick out.
I mean, there's a lot of things that do not add up.
No, they don't.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll come right back to you in 70 seconds.
Fourth hour.
Pray for this broadcast.
Pray for America.
Pray for peace.
Pray for enlightenment.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Joe Biggs will also be on the Nightly News tonight filing a report and more.
He's coming back to Austin here very soon with our great crew and they've got a lot of HD video they're going to be compiling on their investigations into Islamoburg and other facilities, Detroit, you name it.
This is only leg one of what's going to be a three-part investigation.
Two more parts coming.
Shifting gears out of whether this was a false flag or not, they let him in, they protected him, they attacked us.
I believe more of this is going to continue to happen.
But Joe,
Looking at Obama saying, everybody agrees we should, if you're on a no-fly list, you don't get guns.
Well no, they put innocent people on those.
It's made up.
Those are a fraud.
And complete garbage.
This is an outrageous announcement that he wants laws passed.
I think so.
Or work in Homeland Security that are even on the no-fly list.
So anybody can get put on it.
And then that could stop those people from being able to purchase a weapon to protect themselves.
I just don't understand where his reasoning comes in.
Because he wants to be able to put us on list with no court.
It's called dictatorship, yeah.
But I just don't understand how people in large numbers don't see through that.
No, I get it.
There's no logic.
It's an inversion of reality.
They're waging war on common sense.
I mean, the fact that, like I said right before we went to break, the fact that he's saying that Americans are scared.
I don't believe Americans are scared.
I think they're pissed off, they're fed up, they're angry at the fact that we have the leader of the free world, who is quite frankly what a retired lieutenant colonel said last night live after the interview.
A PU 55 Yankee.
I don't want to say the word out, but I mean if you spell it out, you write it down on a piece of paper, you understand what I get?
This Lieutenant Colonel, live on TV on Fox Business, called the President that last night, and indeed that is what he is.
He is the one that is scared.
He is the one that is helping these guys out.
He is the one that is bringing this in, this terror, and then saying that we're scared.
We're not scared, we're angry.
We want a President who's going to stand up and do the right thing and protect our country, and make sure that they have our best interests in need.
This guy does not.
He is treasonous.
He should be impeached.
But like you said, we're about a year away.
It's not going to happen.
Well, it needs to.
I mean, just they need to back off.
I mean, let me tell you, this is a hardcore group.
When on a bunch of channels, they said, well, there was a Christmas tree.
Well, they were Jews.
They were Christians.
And then now they just come right out and say it.
Hey, in major newspaper.
Hey, it was a guy was a Christian.
That's bigoted.
He was the problem.
I mean, what type of freakazoid thinks that, much less puts it in a newspaper?
Yeah, I mean, this whole story just stinks to high heaven.
You know, we're gonna, in a minute, we just found the location of where the actual shootout was.
We're gonna go out there and investigate that, see if we can see any bullet holes in the fence or anything like that.
Because, I mean, it's really odd to have, you know, your supposed dead suspect on the ground, and they're both handcuffed.
It's a little weird.
Well, what about when they let MSNBC in to contaminate the crime scene two days after, and the bed hadn't even been thrown?
Nothing, the walls hadn't been torn out.
Yeah, I mean, I mean, I would, that place had hardly been rifled through.
Yeah, but they're saying, but yeah, exactly.
The police are saying, oh, we were done with that.
We'd already cleared it.
We'd gone through everything.
That's just super suspicious.
And that even sounds like something that was staged in order to kind of help push the narrative they're trying to get out there.
Yeah, I'll tell you.
Who goes in and shows that stuff?
That goes against Journalism 101.
You don't show people's IDs and things like that, especially when there's an ongoing investigation.
No one knows what's really going on.
It seems like they're like, hey, look at this.
This is how it really is.
See, it's right here.
See, look, this is how it is.
Instead of just letting the evidence come out and point to that.
The standard operating procedure across the board is being turned off.
They're flying in plane loads of people and not even looking at their IDs and telling us in the news.
And they're, they're, they're, I mean normally they'd, for months that have been walled off.
They'd have torn the walls out, torn it all out.
We're told it's a bomb making factory.
Where are the bombs once we get in there?
It's hard, it's hard to believe that that could even be in there.
I walked over it.
That's a very small area.
It's close knit to everything.
These are like little duplexes.
Every garage is beside every garage all through there.
There's no way in this amount of time... Now you guys shot some amazing drone footage.
Your reports are at Infowars.com on the Nightly News tonight.
Great job with the journalism with you and Josh and Mr. Zimmerman and everybody else.
Great job.
And I know you're going to get back in Austin in the next few days.
Get out there, talk to that lady, talk to others and keep it up Joe.
Alright, thank you.
Great job.
Alright folks, pray for those guys.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson from London.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're back, it's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show Overdrive with me, your host Paul Joseph Watson.
I'll go to some of your calls in the second half of the hour, but first this breaking news out of Sputnik.
Suspected pro-ISIS refugee in Germany injures two police officers.
These are the orphans and widows that Barack Obama says we shouldn't be worried about.
A refugee shouted pro-ISIS slogans while attacking two German police officers who were responding late on Sunday to reports of a rail fare dodger in a railway station in the northwestern city of Osnabrück, police said Monday.
So this is just breaking right now.
The man has been identified as a Moroccan asylum seeker by police in the German state of Lower Saxony.
No evidence linking the suspect to ISIS has emerged.
Although he was shouting Allah Akbar and pro-ISIS slogans while biting and attacking police.
Again, a refugee who had just recently come in from Morocco.
Another one of these orphans and widows that we should have no concerns whatsoever about, according to President Barack Obama.
Which leads me to this story out of Breitbart.com.
Migrants on video.
Paris attacks good.
By 2025, all of France will become Muslim.
When asked on camera whether it's good to kill French people for Allah, Muslim migrants seeking asylum in Italy answered affirmatively, remarking that it's good to kill French people and warning of a looming December 8 Islamist attack on Rome.
That's tomorrow.
Of course, we know all the ISIS propaganda is centered around attacking Italy.
They see that as the beginning of the final battle for their caliphate.
But in a disturbing new video produced by the Italian television program L'Aria Cittira, What's Trending, presenters asked some asylum seekers and other migrants what they thought about the November 13th Paris attacks.
The program interviewed migrants at the largest refugee center in Europe, located in the Sicilian province of Catania, asking what they thought about the Paris massacres.
Listen to what they said!
Remember, these are the orphans and widows that Barack Obama says we've got nothing to worry about.
So they asked Christians about it first.
One Christian migrant, of course the vast majority of the refugees pouring into Europe are not Christians, they're Muslims.
Four-fifths of them aren't even Syrian.
So they asked a Christian migrant from Africa what he thought about the Paris Massacre.
He said, I'm sorry.
We are Christians.
Sorry for Paris.
We don't kill.
Presenters then asked a Muslim migrant whether he thought the slaughter of over a hundred people in Paris was a good or bad thing.
Good, good, the man replied.
Pressed further whether he thought it's good to kill French people, the man responded, yes, French, it is good.
To the third question, whether it's good for a Muslim to kill for Allah, the man again replied, yes!
Again, which is in line with all the polls, especially the Pew survey, which I've highlighted, which shows that the majority of Muslims in most Middle East and South Asian countries agree with this.
They think that stoning women is acceptable, beheading gay people, killing people who try to leave the religion of Islam is all perfectly acceptable.
So there's no surprise that when they go and ask these migrants in these camps in Italy, they come back with many of the same responses.
The article continues.
The program interviewed a 23-year-old Muslim migrant named Ahmed, who's been in Italy for five years, who shared his opinion of the Paris attacks, as well as the future of Islam in Europe.
Outside the mosque in Catania, Ahmed told the journalists that, quote, by 2025, all of France will become Muslim.
Look, he said, referring to the Paris massacre.
It wasn't us foreigners who did this.
They were born there, kids like these, who grew up and learned things about ISIS and Islam, and they did it.
What I'm saying, he continued, is that our Quran said these things.
So, even the Muslim migrants there in the camp in Italy admit that this call to violence is in the Quran.
It directly orders Muslims to go and kill the infidels and the passages are right there for everyone to see.
But of course, Barack Obama is still afraid to even say the term Islamic terrorism.
So they interviewed all these
We're good to go.
The hospitals there are completely failing to cope with this migrant invasion and they're actually having to hire security guards to be with the nurses during night time hours in these German hospitals because these migrants are just attacking the nurses.
They're lunging at the nurses who are trying to give them free frigging healthcare, biting them.
This is the culture that we're importing into Europe.
And of course ISIS again is bragging that it's going to infiltrate the West via this refugee program.
This is out of the hill.
ISIS has targeted a refugee program to enter US, Chairman says.
Intelligence officials have determined that Islamic extremists have explored using the refugee program to enter the United States.
The head of the House Homeland Security Committee said on Monday, this just broke an hour ago,
Michael McCaul declined to go into detail about the determination which the Obama administration has not announced publicly.
Again, orphans and widows, that's all that Obama will say about it.
Yet the disclosure could add ammunition to critics of the White House's refugee plans who have warned that the program is vulnerable to infiltration by adherents of the Islamic State.
Do you think?
Maybe you should actually go and read ISIS's own manifesto, their own propaganda, where they brag about how they're going to exploit this refugee program to infiltrate jihadists, just as they did for the Paris massacre that actually went down to the Hungarian border where these refugees were coming in and hired some of those individuals who carried out the attack.
Of course, the mastermind himself behind the Paris attack bragged about how he was able to exploit this migrant red carpet to plan the bloodshed.
In the capital of France.
So we had this article last week which didn't get much attention.
ISIS brags about exploiting refugee program to send sleeper cells to Europe.
A newly uncovered 99 page manifesto produced by the Islamic State brags about how the terror organization has exploited the refugee program to send jihadist sleeper cells to Europe since 2012.
With the goal of creating Muslim no-go zones in Western cities that can be used as a base from which to launch further Paris-style attacks.
So if you actually read this full manifesto, which I did,
It says, basically brazenly, that they're going to exploit the refugee program to create Muslim ghettos like the one in Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium, which was the source of the planning for the Paris Massacre.
It was the ghetto that we walked into and got chased out.
Got told that we couldn't go in a restaurant because we were white, basically.
So that's what ISIS wants to do.
They want to create more of those no-go zones where police are afraid to venture, where they can get weapons, military-grade weapons, on the street within an hour for 500 euros.
And they're going to exploit the refugee program to do that.
And yet still we've got this narrative that it's just about orphans and widows.
And we saw that again.
After the attack in San Bernardino, of course, Loretta Lynch came out and said that...
We need to keep an eye on people who are spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Now she's had to walk that back to some extent.
This is out of politico.com.
Lynch recalibrates message on hateful speech.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday appeared to recalibrate remarks she made last week that suggested the Justice Department could investigate speech deemed hostile towards Muslims.
Of course we prosecute deeds and not words, she said at a press conference.
Some conservatives criticized Lynch for her comments to a Muslim civil rights group where she lamented, quote, the ability of people to issue hateful speech of all types from the anonymity of a screen.
But if Loretta Lynch really wants to crack down on violent and hateful speech, maybe she should start with the Quran, because there's quite a lot of it in that book.
She also said, quote, you know, I think I can't say definitively right now what led either of these two people, in reference to the San Bernardino shooters, to pick up guns and become murderers, said Loretta Lynch.
Well, I'll give you a clue, Loretta.
It begins with is and ends with lam.
I think that was probably one of the key motivations as to why they did this.
Coming up after the break and we've got
A tonne of more news to cover, we're going to go to your calls as well.
They're now saying on MSNBC, and this is Melissa Harris-Perry, we're going to go to this clip after the break, that the New York Times was wrong to publish the photo of Tashfeen Malik, the San Bernardino shooter, the wife of Saeed Farooq.
They were wrong to publish the photo because it might have been offensive to Muslims.
Melissa Harris-Perry actually said that.
This is the same
presenter who says that your children belong to the state, she wears tampon earrings, and now she's saying that it's offensive to Muslims that the New York Times published the photograph of this terrorist.
And she's not the only one.
An Al Jazeera employee, as I tweeted a couple of days ago, said that it was wrong to show the terrorist's face, quote, because it's disrespectful.
It hurts the poor jihadist feelings.
If she was wearing a burka that covers her face, it's disrespectful to show a picture without.
So he was actually concerned about the feelings of the dead terrorist and her family, simply because the mainstream media were now showing her picture, which they didn't.
For at least two days.
In fact, three days they refused to show her face whatsoever.
But now they're complaining about it.
Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC is saying that the jihadists might have had their feelings hurt by the fact that the New York Times published the photo of the woman partly responsible for the massacre in San Bernardino.
Stay tuned, we're going to play the clip after the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live 4th Hour Overdrive.
Stay tuned.
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Now before the break, I mentioned this clip which we're going to go to.
Melissa Harris Perry says that the New York Times was wrong to show the face of the San Bernardino terrorist.
Here's the clip.
And then all of a sudden we find out they're Muslim.
Gun violence is out of the question.
We start talking about terrorism.
And I'm extremely disturbed.
I mean, I looked at the New York Times cover today.
Here you have a whole op-ed on gun control.
Right next to it is pictures from the apartment of things that I have in my house.
Like, these are things that all Muslims have in their house.
There's nothing about that that tells you a story about what terrorism looks like.
So you're telling me that when my friends who are not Muslim come into my home and see a Koran or see frames on the wall with a scripture from my religion, that is that supposed to tell you something?
I mean, it's absolutely outrageous.
We would never do that to anyone and we didn't do that to deer, we didn't do that to roof.
I'm tired of the double standards of how we treat Muslims.
I mean, that image and then also right next to it, an image of the shooting suspect there in hijab and that idea that like, okay, this is what terrorism looks like.
For me, that is a difference.
And it is a material and meaningful difference.
There you have it, Melissa Harris Perry saying that the New York Times publishing the photo of the terrorist, the woman who helped Farouk shoot dead, what was it, 14 people in San Bernardino, that that was wrong, insensitive and offensive to Muslims.
Merely showing a picture of the terrorist.
This is the same woman who says that your children belong to the state.
The same woman who wears tampon earrings on her show.
And again, she's come out with absolute lunacy, saying that it, boo hoo, it might offend the feelings of the poor jihadists, because the New York Times dared to publish this photo, when in fact the mainstream media waited days before even showing the face of this woman.
Again, people were speculating that that could be
Because they didn't want to show her without her full face covering because it might upset the feelings of the poor jihadists.
Again, the special snowflakes that we should censor our own media to cater for.
As I mentioned before the break, Melissa Harris-Perry was not the only one who was upset about the media publishing this photograph.
Hashim Saeed of Al Jazeera said in a tweet,
It's disrespectful!
Again, to publish the photo of the terrorist is disrespectful to who?
Other terrorists?
I mean, are white people supposed to be all butthurt and offended if they publish a picture of Dylann Roof, for God's sake?
Is that it's offensive?
If she was wearing a burka that covers her face, it's disrespectful to show a picture without.
So he's claiming that just because normally she wore a full-face burqa, because they had this image which showed the entirety of her face, that was offensive.
It hurt the feelings of the poor jihadists.
So it was wrong to do that.
And then of course we had
Linda Stasi of the New York Daily News, publishing a vitriolic, hate-filled article, blaming the victim of the attack for provoking the shooting.
Blaming this messianic Christian Jew, who had, God forbid, arguments with Farouk, the shooter, about religion, about politics, before the shooting.
She basically implied that he was equally responsible for the massacre as the actual gunman.
Quote, they were two hate-filled, bigoted municipal employees interacting in one department.
Now 13 innocent people are dead in unspeakable carnage.
So she actually piles him in with Farouk, like he's the culprit.
He's responsible for all the innocent people that died, simply because he was against ISIS.
He was a conservative.
He supported the NRA.
He disliked Planned Parenthood.
And because of that, even though he was brutally gunned down dead, according to this sick New York Daily News columnist,
He's equally to blame for the massacre.
This is how the left reacts.
I mean, imagine if somebody on the right, imagine if Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly had come out and blamed the victims, the black churchgoers, the victims of the Dylann Roof massacre.
For the massacre which killed them because they said something political a few days before.
Imagine the outrage on the left if that happened.
Yet, somebody on the left, a regressive leftist who is not a real liberal, says it.
And you know, it's move along nothing to see here, so again...
Absolutely outrageous comments, and again, Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC.
Saying that it was offensive to publish the photo of the terrorist, absolutely astounding.
We'll be back with more news and your calls on the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones here.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back on the Alex Jones Show, live 4th hour overdrive, I'm your host Paul Joseph Watson.
And of course Obama gave his big speech last night in which he said that Farouk, the San Bernardino killer, wasn't following, was following a perverted interpretation of Islam.
That's how Obama framed it, as if the Quran contained no directions to violence whatsoever, which of course
We know that it does.
We've had this whole cloud of political correctness in the aftermath of the San Bernardino shooting.
We've had liberals try to make the justification that maybe Farouk carried out the rampage because he was offended by the Christmas party.
Maybe he was offended because they made fun of his beard.
These are some of the ridiculous
Speculations that have been trotted out in the aftermath of this shooting, when of course we know where he derives his motivation from.
It's not hard to guess when it happens over and over again, when ISIS itself cites passages in the Quran, says that they attacked people in Paris because they brought corruption upon the earth, again following directly the commandments of Muhammad from the Quran,
But Obama says, basically, Islam is a religion of peace, and that it's nothing to do with the Quran.
That Farouk was following a perverted interpretation of Islam.
Well, this video just went up on Infowars.com about an hour ago, and we're going to premiere the clip now on the Alex Jones Show.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
Here's the clip.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
Anyone who still claims this in 2015 is either stupid or they're a liar.
Every time I say that Islam is not a religion of peace, I get death threats from Muslims.
How dare you say that Islam is violent!
We're going to prove you wrong by violently killing you.
At least 10 Muslim countries imposed the death penalty for apostasy.
They execute people for saying they're no longer Muslims.
Polls show that the majority of Muslims support killing people for saying they're no longer Muslim.
Executing people for not believing the same thing as you is violent and wrong.
It's not peaceful.
Because it's the only religion that acts like the mafia that will f**k you.
At least 10 Muslim countries imposed the death penalty for homosexuality.
They execute people for their sexual preference.
Polls show that the majority of Muslims are completely intolerant of homosexuality.
Executing people for being gay is violent and wrong.
It's not peaceful.
At least 11 Muslim countries, or ruling tribes in those countries, stone women to death.
They stone women to death for allegedly committing adultery.
Rape victims are also stoned to death.
Polls show that the majority of Muslims in these countries support stoning women to death for adultery.
Stoning women to death for committing adultery or being raped is violent and wrong.
It's not peaceful.
Whenever Muslims carry out terror attacks, they cite the Quran as justification.
The Quran contains a plethora of passages that directly encourage Muslims to kill non-Muslims.
I'll leave a list in the description.
Note that there isn't a Quran 2, which is only read by radicals or extremists.
There's only one Quran, in which acts of violence are specifically encouraged.
Although a minority, a disturbing number of Muslims support terror attacks.
For example, 39% in Afghanistan and 29% in Egypt.
Killing innocent people in terror attacks is violent and wrong.
It's not peaceful.
But there's over a billion Muslims who would never commit terror, kill gay people, stone women to death, or execute apostates.
But they subscribe to a belief system which advocates all of those things and carries them out.
So they have two choices.
Either continue to advocate all those violent things, or acknowledge that Islam is violent and not a religion of peace, and agree that Islam is in dire need of a reformation.
But most victims of terror attacks are Muslims.
Right, so they have two choices.
Either continue to deny that Islam is violent and keep being killed in terror attacks or acknowledge that Islam is violent and not a religion of peace and agree that Islam is in dire need of a reformation.
Saying most victims of terror are Muslims is not an argument.
But what about the Crusades?
Remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition
People committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.
The fact that Christians fought against Muslims in a military campaign nearly a thousand years ago does not excuse the fact that Muslim countries in 2015 kill gay people, stone women to death, and execute Muslims who give up on the faith of Islam.
Saying, but what about the Crusades, is not an argument.
But what about Western foreign policy?
The fact that Western military forces have launched unprovoked acts of regime change in the Middle East is terrible.
And I've been a vocal critic of those wars for the entirety of my adult life.
History has proven that such wars only empower violent jihadists.
But that doesn't excuse Muslim countries in 2015 killing gay people, stoning women to death, and executing those who give up on the faith of Islam.
Western foreign policy has had no effect on laws derived from the Quran.
In countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, which impose the death penalty for these supposed crimes.
Saying, but what about Western foreign policy, is not an argument.
But what about violent passages in the Old Testament?
Unlike Islamic countries, there are virtually no Christian nations besides Uganda that kill gay people, execute apostates,
And stone women to death.
That's because Christianity had a reformation in the 1500s which purged it of its most intolerant and violent aspects.
Islam hasn't had a reformation.
That's why it's still intolerant and violent.
Pointing to intolerant passages in the Old Testament which no one has acted on for hundreds of years is not an argument.
Saying, but what about violent passages in the Old Testament?
Is not an argument.
How do we move towards reforming Islam?
Well first, we don't shout down the voices of reform by calling them bigots, apostates and Islamophobes.
We don't automatically denounce anyone who criticizes the violent and intolerant parts of the Quran.
As a racist.
Islam is not a race.
And we don't excuse or hide the fact that Islam is violent by redundantly citing an array of supposed justifications which are completely unrelated.
So, I welcome your comments.
But here's a challenge.
Try to rebut my argument without using the words bigot, racist, or Islamophobe.
Try to directly address my argument
Without citing the Crusades, Western foreign policy, or passages in the Old Testament.
None of those things disprove that Islam is a violent and intolerant belief system.
Also, claiming I'm a Zionist shill, a crypto-Jew, or a Christian fundamentalist, with no proof,
Islam is not an argument.
And again, Islam is not a race.
It's an ideology.
It's gross, it's racist.
Saying it's racist to criticise Islam is like saying it's racist to criticise socialism or atheism.
That's not an argument.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
But I challenge you to prove me wrong.
But please, just try and lay off the death threats.
Because that's not an argument.
That Islam is not a religion of peace.
Without calling me a bigot, an Islamophobe or a racist, because Islam is not a race.
Without referring to the Crusades, a military campaign where Christians fought Muslims nearly a thousand years ago.
Without referring to US foreign policy, which has no effect whatsoever on countries like Saudi Arabia, who make laws that lead to women being stoned and gays being beheaded.
Try and rebut my argument without referring to any of those things.
Try and rebut my argument without referring to passages in the Old Testament, which aren't even relevant anymore because nobody's acted on them for 500 years or more.
There was a Christian reformation in the 16th century.
There hasn't been a reformation of Islam to purge it of its intolerant and violent aspects, which is why these terrorists still cite the Quran when they carry out these attacks.
And of course, you can't really call yourself a, quote, moderate Muslim if you still believe in stoning women and executing gay people.
So again, we need Muslims from within the faith to lead this march to reform Islam, which some of them are, to be fair, and people, ex-Muslims who have left.
They're the ones on the front lines, people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Trying to reform Islam and of course being shouted down at every single point by both Islamists and the left who have made this alliance of intolerance and they're perfectly fine with gays being beheaded, women being stoned to death because they never criticize it and they never get to the root of it which is Islam itself and the Quran.
So get that video, share it out, and we can try and reach some people.
Of course, I say try and rebut my argument without calling me a racist, a bigot, or an islamophobe.
All the comments on YouTube, negative ones anyway, are calling me a racist, a bigot and an islamophobe, so they've completely failed or they've not bothered to watch the actual video.
I'm gonna go to some of your calls in a minute, but I wanted to cover this story.
Of course, on Saturday night we had a knife-wielding jihadist in an underground station in London who slashed someone's neck, nearly killed them, while chanting out, this is for Syria.
New York Daily News reports knife-wielding London terrorist had ISIS images, Paris attack photos on his phone.
But again, nothing to do with the religion of peace, obviously.
In fact, we had people on the news saying this might be just mental illness.
He's shouting out, this is for Syria.
In other words, this is for ISIS, who the UK is now bombing in Syria.
He's got photos of ISIS on his phone, he's got photos of the Paris Massacre on his phone.
But again, nothing to do with Islam.
The knife-wielding nut accused of terrorising a London underground station over the weekend kept images of ISIS and its attacks on his phone, prosecutors said Monday.
Suspected terrorist Muhaddin Meier, 29, was hauled to Westminster Magistrates Court in a police van to face an attempted murder charge for his attack.
So, you had this guy slashing people's throats in the underground.
It was all caught on camera.
And how did the cuckolded British left respond within hours?
With a hashtag, you ain't no Muslim, bruv.
Because one of the people filming this jihadist carrying out his attack said the words, you ain't no Muslim, bruv, in an attempt to detach his actions, his violent actions, from the religion of Islam.
And then of course the politically correct, obsessed left jumped on this
It started trending on Twitter and it made everybody feel a little bit better because now we don't have to blame it on Islam because it's the religion of peace, even though it's clearly not.
But you know, so long as everybody was able to virtue signal and earn social brownie points with all their trendy friends, then it was all okay.
Everybody felt a bit better.
But again, someone made the point on Twitter after this hashtag, you ain't no Muslim, bruv, was trending.
The bar has been set so low that a Muslim who's not in favour of random stabbings is hailed as a hero.
And that says it all, because the guy obviously saying this was a Muslim too.
But as Pat Condell points out, Are we sure you ain't no Muslim, bruv?
was directed at the attacker and not at the bearded cop holding him down.
Because of course, one of the police officers who apprehended this terrorist, who was black,
Was Muslim, quite clearly.
So, the guy who said, you ain't no Muslim, bruv, could have been talking about the cop who apprehended the terrorist.
He might not have even been addressing his comment to the terrorist.
So if that turns out to be the case, it's going to be a spectacular defeat for the narrative of the leftists and the regressive left, those obsessed with political correctness, because obviously they tried to claim this to point out that this attacker, this jihadist, they tried to divorce his acts, his violent actions, from the religion of Islam.
And that was the entire narrative in the day after the attack.
It could blow up spectacularly if that proves to be the case.
But now he's in court, so we'll continue to follow that story.
Let's go to one of these callers.
Darryl in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Darryl.
Hey, how are you?
Good, Darryl.
What's on your mind today?
Well, those are good points you're making.
I wanted to also make a comment on the fact that
You know, if someone is getting offended that her face is being shown, why aren't they directing their outrage towards her?
Because if she didn't want her face shown, she shouldn't have done that.
It's like, if we have a KKK member and someone outs them by showing their face in the newspaper, we're not worried that they offended the KKK members.
So everyone should be directing their outrage towards her for
Sort of making a breach of Islam by, you know, forcing the media to show her face.
I mean, the outrage should be directed towards her.
And I also wanted to make a comment about the Christmas lighting ceremony.
From what I understand, the governor of California canceled the Christmas lighting ceremony.
And this is not the way you fight this type of thing.
You do the exact opposite.
What you do is, you say, if the Christmas tree offended the person, then let's put a Christmas tree on every corner.
And then you say something, and I'm going to say three words that I think are going to have to be said sooner or later, because you can tell people no.
You can tell Congress no.
You can tell the law, supposed lawmakers, you can tell them no all you want to.
People that are violating your rights,
I think so.
OK, Daryl, thanks for the call.
I vehemently agree with that.
And of course, the kind of attitude that you're talking about is the same kind of attitude that we saw after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris back in January, which is segments of the left, which again are allied with Islamists, blamed the cartoonists for the massacre.
They said they were provoking the poor jihadists who had their special snowflake sensitive feelings hurt.
And that, in some way, justified the brutal massacre of those cartoonists.
We saw the same rhetoric after the Garland attack, which was thankfully stopped because of armed, responsible men with weapons.
Unfortunately, none of the victims in San Bernardino had that protection.
We'll be back.
We're going to take one more call, I think, after the break and finish up on the news.
This is the Alex Jones Show Fourth Hour Overdrive.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com.
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Well, Barack Obama continues to be the most prolific gun salesman that America has ever seen.
Reuters is reporting American stock up on weapons after California shooting.
Um, Market Watch, this just broke, gun stocks rally after Obama's primetime address on terrorism.
Shares of the two publicly traded gun makers rallied on Monday, a day after President Barack Obama gave a primetime address calling for a modest reduction in the availability of firearms.
Of course he's calling for the TSA no-fly list to be linked to a no-gun-by list, which ironically will create a list of Muslims, just as Donald Trump was criticized for calling for.
It will create a surveillance list mainly comprised of Muslims, because they make up a significant portion of the TSA no-fly list, so Obama can call for it.
It's trendy.
If Trump calls for it in a different context, it's racist.
And Islamophobic.
Let's go to one more call here.
Kevin in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Yeah, thanks, Paul.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, I've been trying to call so many times, I'm glad to finally get through, but I wanted to, you know, bring the drum a little more on this subject with, you know, the Christmas Party Out band.
It's ridiculous, and one, it's completely anti-American.
Um, this country was founded with the cornerstone of the basis of religious freedom and the ability to express it.
Um, you know, with the right and left hand being, you know, the right to defend ourselves equally to whoever might press us, you know, revising it for modern day.
And of course, um, our right, our freedom of speech to defend ourselves basically to defend our religious freedom.
It's really almost like the, the, the keystone.
To our entire declaration, and I think it's time.
This is kind of like one of those last straw issues.
I think everybody should be upset about this.
I think anybody who openly says that we should restrict our religious freedoms needs to be prosecuted.
I think, I don't know.
What do you think?
Well, I fully agree, and it's this idea that we've got to be tolerant of all these foreign cultures that are coming in, which we have been completely tolerant, yet when it comes to Americans, for example, at universities, having Christmas cards, just sending Christmas cards, taking mistletoe to a Christmas party, even the decor being red and green, top universities across America are now sending out advisories saying that that's not politically correct,
That might upset someone of a different faith.
So it all has to be this generic holiday party BS.
So again, we have to accept this invading culture, which in many cases is completely intolerant and anti-American.
Yeah, Americans can't go to Christmas parties, can barely even say the word Merry Christmas, can't exchange Christmas cards, can't have, you know, red and green decor.
It's completely ludicrous.
And again, we have this whole Islamophobia meme which Obama harped on about last night.
If you look at the stats, only 16% of hate crime attacks in the US are against Muslims.
55% are against Jews.
So when they bring in this meme of Islamophobia to try and shut down dissent criticism of the refugee program, for example, it's completely fraudulent.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, go to the InfoWars store to get all the products, support the platform, and get that video out.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
Share that video.
We'll be back tomorrow with a live show.
InfoWars Nightly News tonight.