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Filename: 20151202_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 2, 2015
3462 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics in his radio show including an upcoming interview with Matt Grudge, Turkey's secret deals with the European Union, Muslims celebrating 9/11 rooftop parties, Iraqis thinking that the US is in cahoots with ISIS, and Jeb Bush hinting his VP pick could be a woman. He promotes ChildEase, a nutraceutical formula designed to help children focus and calm down, available on InfoWarsLife.com. The New York Daily News reported that President Obama's flight to Paris emitted around 189 tons of carbon dioxide, burning approximately 19,275 gallons of jet fuel. Donald Trump and Alex Jones discuss the current political climate including lack of proper surveillance in the US, the refugee crisis in Europe, oil reserves in Iraq, Iran and the Middle East, and China's smart moves in the global market. The speaker discusses their current lead in national and state polls, criticizing Hillary Clinton's character and her handling as Secretary of State. Donald Trump talks about his book Crippled America and his presidential campaign in an interview discussing fixing the country's mental health system and gun control laws after a tragedy, while promoting various products related to brain health, detoxification, and cleansing by Infowars. Ted Nugent discusses how America still has good aspects despite the negativity in the government, emphasizing the importance of participation in politics. Lord Monckton discusses climate change debate and argues that those who support it use scare tactics to push global carbon taxes, world government, and strict rules. Alex Jones discusses life extension, climate change conference in Paris, Republican and Democrat reactions to the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, and various products available on his online store. The French government is considering approving a candle lighting ceremony at the foot of the Eiffel Tower as an admission that they have lost control in Paris. The Department of Energy loan guarantee program's poor investments and green renewable mandates bringing energy poverty to Spain are also discussed along with Donald Trump discussing his predictions about Osama bin Laden, Iraq war, potential relationship with foreign leaders like Vladimir Putin, need for change in American trade policies, accusations against Hillary Clinton, impeachment proceedings against Obama, and the importance of being a presidential candidate.

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I don't usually get butterflies about a guest on the show.
I did get almost heart attack level butterflies when Matt Grudge surprised me.
Let some of the crew knew he was coming a few days before and then just during a one-minute break came into the studio and it's Matt Grudge standing there I don't know four or five weeks ago and really around that time I was also starting to work on another big guest and I
Because my show is controversial, it's not just one of the biggest interviews you can get in the world right now.
You add it together with my broadcast, it will be extremely explosive, politically.
It's surreal, quite frankly.
This will be bigger than the Piers Morgan story that was the biggest political blow-up in 2013, according to the LA Times, CNN, and others.
They did big polls.
I never get butterflies.
We're talking maybe every 10 years.
I got them real bad right now.
To the point of I almost don't even want to be on the air right now until it happens.
Because it's like getting the 5,000 pound marlin right up to your boat, but I don't want to say I've got the fish on the line until it's in the boat.
But about 25 minutes or less, I'll be announcing who is on the show, so I really look forward to it.
And I don't normally spend three hours writing questions like I did last night.
I knew last week this interview was supposedly happening today, but as it neared and as we talked to his people and as all of it got set up, I got pretty excited.
I'm going to let the Drudge Report tell folks in about 15 minutes who's coming on the show.
Another thing is Skype testing on the road is always a hassle, so that's going on right now as we speak with them.
So I'd rather be in there monkeying around with that to make sure it all happens, because the bigger the interview, the more gremlin snafus tend to get in the way, but that's not something I'm particularly worried about here today.
This will be an important interview, not just for this broadcast, the Liberty Movement, but the questions that will be asked are going to be very, very important and will definitely have an effect on a lot of things happening on the planet.
Let's look at some of these headlines.
EU has been caught in secret deals with Turkey to bring in the illegals.
But you don't just think Turkey opened its border up and told folks they could only traverse Turkey but couldn't stay there.
Kind of like Mexico did with Central and South America.
That was a public deal that was secret at first.
Well, now it's come out in mainstream news, we'll be covering that, Globe and Mail and others, that they have a secret deal with Turkey that's now gone public.
And now they're going to bring in hundreds of thousands, if not millions more.
On top of the four million that have already been brought in.
That's coming up.
Trump was right.
Video describes how Jersey City Muslims held pre-planned 9-11 rooftop celebrations.
I remember this at the time.
So I actually had the crew go dig around.
We found a Washington Post about it first.
Trump tweeted it last weekend.
And now they found New York Post.
And now we have Dan Rather coming out and saying it on
National television.
Years ago.
So I guess he's evil too and making stuff up now that he's against the Democrats when he is a Democrat.
So that's coming up.
He's been 100% vindicated.
Iraqis think the U.S.
is in cahoots with the Islamic State and is hurting the war.
Well, they don't think that.
They've documented it.
They know that.
But there it is in the Washington Post.
Donald Trump dares to say that Turkey looks like they're on the side of ISIS.
Well, it's been proven, and now Russian President has released proof of Turkey's role in ISIS oil trade with satellite photos and video surveillance of the border, of the big terminals where the oil is brought in.
It's like a McDonald's truck pulling up and offloading frozen beef patties at a McDonald's.
It's like, is this truck in cahoots with McDonald's?
It's got McDonald's on the side, it's pulling up, delivering.
It's backing up, going beep, beep, beep, beep.
I mean, it's not rocket science.
And Ergun said he'd resign if this could be proven.
Well, that's NBC News reporting on all that.
So that's some of what's coming up today.
Jeb Bush hints his VP pick could be a woman.
I'll give you a hint.
It's not Jeb Bush that's coming on in about 25 minutes.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
The Nightly News is InfoWarsNews.com.
Stay with us.
Obama's trip to the UN Global Warming Summit emits more CO2 than driving 72 cars for a year, reports the Daily Caller.
The trip will send more CO2 into the atmosphere than 31 American homes' energy usage for an entire year.
That's equivalent to burning 368,331 pounds of coal
Or 797 barrels of oil, according to the EPA.
Just one leg of the President's Sunday trip to Paris emitted 189 tons of CO2 after traveling 3,855 miles and burning 19,275 gallons of jet fuel, according to Daily Caller calculations.
The President has been criticized for leaving a massive carbon footprint in the name of fighting climate change.
Plane rides, hotel stays, and armored convoys.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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That's ChildEase exclusively at InfoWarsLife.com.
We have been fighting this war tirelessly with you at our side, day in and day out, exposing the ludicrous lies and criminal operations of the globalists.
And we're starting to see big effects.
And the word is getting out.
The globalists want to make us dependent.
And as Napoleon famously said, an army marches on its stomach.
Ammunition, food, and supplies form the backbone of any offensive, including the Info War.
And our enemies admit they're losing the Info War.
We're good to go.
In this battle for humanity.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
This is how a new dark age, ruled by a totalitarian new world order, is ushered in.
345 global sycophants burned 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide to meet in Paris to impose a legally binding carbon taxation plan that will be proactively enforcing climate justice.
The first legally binding carbon reduction plan the people of the world have faced.
This afternoon, French police fired tear gas at a group of demonstrators close to the Place de la République.
There was a planned demonstration, a climate change protest demonstration, that was supposed to happen today.
Hundreds of thousands, indeed, were expected, but it was cancelled because, as you know, there's a state of emergency in the country at the moment after the terror attacks in Paris.
And we salute the people of Paris for insisting this crucial conference go on.
An act of defiance that proves nothing will deter us.
From building the future we want for our children.
Obama has already spent $784,825 on his motorcade alone.
The New York Daily News reports, President Obama's flight to the City of Lights emitted roughly 189 tons of carbon alone, burning 19,275 gallons of jet fuel, reports the Daily Caller.
His entire trip will send more carbon dioxide into the air
Then the combined emissions from 31 U.S.
homes over the span of a year.
When you don't have to worry about a positive return on investment, you can waste a lot of taxpayer money.
It's hard-working Americans whose money's been invested.
I keep hearing this, that there's an element of risk.
And I understand there's an element of risk, but when you take hard-earned American tax dollars and you throw it
Add an agenda, rather than add a strategy.
And you see the waste.
Only in this town can you squander money and not worry about it because there's an endless supply of it.
Man, if you don't have enough money for that project, don't worry.
We'll get more money.
We'll just raise taxes and we'll throw some more money at that and we'll reallot money to you.
I think that's really where we're at today.
The State Department spent $407,868 on limos.
The contracted propaganda press spent $376,957 when it was all tallied up.
The American taxpayers have already spent $1,805,282 to send a group of elitist New World Order stooges to another country to legally scale back their taxpayers' living standards through incorporated Agenda 21 initiatives.
Once again, the liberal sociopaths are ignoring the scientific facts and statistics.
Instead, pulling at our heartstrings and ramming lies and guilt down our throats in order to achieve their New World Order agenda.
They lie to people and say that penguins cannot swim in the Antarctic and that in the Arctic polar bears are dying even though National Geographic has to admit polar bear numbers are up.
I fold since the 1950s and are now invading areas not previously known to be in their range.
Most sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome will tell you that Obama and company need that money because they are important people making important decisions.
However, the importance of any of these New World Order lackeys will likely be as a stain in the footnote of history.
Where stupidity, hubris, and greed raised its grisly, self-important criminal head to once again challenge humanity's intelligence and resolve.
After 1989, President Bush said, and it's a phrase that I often use myself, that we needed a new world order.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, another powerful report for InfoWars.com investigative journalist, John Bowne.
And we have a bunch of very informative guests today.
Let me tell you some of the guests that are going to be coming up here in the next three and a half, four hours, because we've now added, of course, the fourth hour of worldwide broadcast.
So the next three hours and 38 minutes to be technical.
We have Ted Nugent joining us, long time friend of the show and listener, to talk about the situation with the election, the Second Amendment, the radical Islamic invasion and more.
Lord Monckton will join us from Science and Public Policy, 4infowars.com, reporting from Paris, France, inside the Global Government Conference, the most attended conference in history by world leaders.
The biggest conflagration of world leaders ever, not just for a UN conference.
This is a big one.
And David Knight will be hosting in the fourth hour today, and I will assure you
He will be talking about the guests we have joining us in about 17 minutes from now.
That will be the fourth hour.
We'll be re-airing parts of the interview and obviously covering news coverage of the interview that is coming up.
And at the start of the next segment, I will tell you, well, I will direct you to DrudgeReport.com.
Here in the next six, seven minutes with a link that will take you to the audio and video feed where you can obviously see and hear the interview and share that link with friends and family so they can tune in and hear what's talked about because it's not just going to be a big interview because this person's basically the biggest interview you can get in the world right now.
It's because this individual will be on this show.
And so it's like a chemistry set.
You add those two ingredients together.
It's called explosive.
And the individual coming on knows full well that's why this is being done.
So look for that in about 16, 17 minutes from now.
Ted Nugent, Lord Monckton and others here on the broadcast today.
And the reason I get so excited about this is learning some things behind the scenes.
It's very exciting to see how awake people are.
People that I wasn't sure about.
A year ago, six months ago, even three or four months ago.
And then to find out that, sure enough, people know a lot more they're even letting on to.
There is a battle, folks.
In fact, that's one of the questions I didn't write down that I want to get to.
The internal battle in the government right now.
The secret war for the heart of America.
What's going on?
There are a lot of good people in the government and in the media who do not want to destroy the country and be slaves.
And there is, what I've already told about from generals and congressmen and women and senators on and off record, that this fight's been intensifying the last few years and now has reached fever pitch, basically almost at the level it was in 1944 in Germany when they ran Operation Valkyrie to try to take Hitler out.
But this war is not being run with plastic explosives.
With members of the General Staff trying to blow Hitler up.
It's being done in an information war, because in the modern world, as the Pentagon has said, 90% of war is informational.
And old Hillary told Congress a few years ago they're losing the info war.
And as a 21-year talk show host, I don't want to say I'm an expert on the info war, even though 18 years ago I dubbed the show Info Wars.
But we focus on the Infowar quite a bit, and that's why Infowars is such a big focal point in the Infowar.
There are stranger things in heaven and earth than in all those books, isn't there?
There's such a thing as providence and fate in this world.
I don't think the globalists really estimated properly the type of fight they'd get when they got down to the wire butchering this country and destroying it forever.
Let's get into some of the top stories.
I remember when Donald Trump came out two weeks ago and said that Muslims were celebrating by the thousands, radical Muslims, the downing of the World Trade Centers.
And I remembered like it was in the New York Post, I mentioned this a few weeks ago, and it was in the BBC, and they were doing it in Palestine, they were doing it in Saudi Arabia, in Mexico, folks in Mexico City were booing the U.S.
team and chanting Osama Bin Laden.
I remember hearing about it in New Jersey and New York, people being kicked out of school because they were celebrating groups.
And saying, you know, God is great, the towers have been brought down.
I remember seeing it.
So I had our crew go dig through it.
Watson found a couple articles, Washington Post, a few others, New York Post.
And that kind of checkmated him for a while.
But now we found Dan Rather saying it and everybody else.
And so the mainstream media is going, oh, Trump exaggerated now.
No, he didn't.
There were thousands of radical Muslims that celebrated, just like at two different sporting events last week.
During the minute of silence for the dead people in France, there was Allah Akbar chants.
I mean, did that not happen too?
That was tens of thousands chanting, if not hundreds of thousands.
Let's go ahead and go to this compilation, breaking it down.
Do you guys know that they were dancing in the streets of Patterson?
They were all dancing in the streets.
My brother worked there.
He was driving home.
He saw people dancing in the streets.
There's another apartment building.
This is Tim TV.
One that investigators told me, quote, is swarming with suspects.
Suspects who I'm told were cheering on the roof when they saw the plane slam into the Trade Center.
Now, police were called to the building by other neighbors and found eight men celebrating.
Six of them... This is bad audio from 14 years ago.
I look up here and I see...
A lot of people.
And they were just chanting and raving and... We're gonna go to break.
Hit pause.
When we come back, we're gonna come back with Dan Rather.
Dan Rather, talking back.
Because I want to play the whole clip uninterrupted.
Oh, I guess we've got time until break.
Let's keep rolling it now.
Here it is.
And they were saying burn America and, you know, all these things about America.
There's several witnesses who say this happened.
They got on the roof of the building to look across.
They knew what was going to happen.
They were waiting for it to happen.
And when it happened, they celebrated.
They jumped for joy.
Everyone that was out there, there were only 13, maybe 14 at most.
They were kids.
They didn't know what they were doing.
But they had so much hate, and they were doing that.
It was just so sad.
It was so sad.
But the larger issue, so that's Dan Rather, CBS News, that's...
MTV, but let's just get past that, okay?
The point is, radical Muslims all over the world, from Indonesia, to Saudi Arabia, to Palestine, to the Gaza Strip, celebrated it, and anybody who has a memory remembers that, and the mainstream corporate whore media wanted to lie to everybody.
And just say it didn't happen.
And then demonize Donald Trump because he said it was happening.
It's like Donald Trump says the sky is blue and they spend two weeks saying he's a liar.
No, it is blue.
And the bottom line is there was celebration all over the world.
And they've been proven wrong again.
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Well there's the headline at DrudgeReport.com.
If you're a TV viewer, radio listener, go to DrudgeReport.com.
60 days to Iowa, Trump dominates in every major poll.
Despite the fact that we're seeing push polls and headlines saying Trump's lead drops.
We just keep hearing that for the last few months.
This is a clear attempt to drive down
His poll numbers.
And that's why he keeps surging in the polls.
Another drudge, Link, is that a black activist, the police are reporting, is the main one issuing the latest threats to kill people.
Kill minorities.
This is another form of false flag that we see more and more by the left to basically stir up cultural and racial division.
This is part of the left's plan.
To destabilize the country with civil unrest ahead of the 2016 election.
Are there some problems with corrupt police?
I literally wrote the book on it, as everybody knows, on the police state.
Trying to stop our police being turned into globalized, federalized, robo-cops.
That, too, ladies and gentlemen, is part of the larger plan to then have the people see the police as the enemy and not the policy makers that created and set up this political climate.
So we're going to be discussing all of that and more.
Now, if you go to DrudgeReport.com, right up in the left-hand side, right there, corner, Trump set for Alex Jones Radio, developing.
And Donald Trump is scheduled to be on with us.
We're connecting here in about five minutes.
at Trump Tower in New York City to be joining us live on air and DrudgeReport.com in the upper left-hand corner has that link.
Now the reason I'm so excited about this interview is that basically one of his top-level advisors, political advisors, reached out to us and said, would you like to interview Donald Trump?
I said, yeah, we even tried.
I mean, and they said, sure.
And basically, I was filled in on the fact that Donald Trump is really aware of what's going on in the world.
He's shown that, exposing ISIS, being Western-backed, and Turkey selling the oil, and we should bomb their oil fields in Syria.
He's really been proven right over and over again, and it's because he's got some really good advisors.
And the last month and a half or so, I was kind of let in to just some of the facts of how much research they're really doing.
And the fact that they're aware that there is basically a clouded, pivot plan to take down this country, as we all know as well.
But the fact is that Donald Trump understands that and really does want to try to come in and save the country is very, very exciting.
Because if you don't recognize that there's a plan to bring down this country and that Hillary Clinton is a criminal,
And that Barack Obama is a globalist hellbent on world government.
There's no way to beat him because you're not raising your response to the level of the attack you're under.
The threat continuum.
It's not like cops out there pulling somebody over for a broken taillight.
It's like cops showing up in a hostage situation with a thousand hostages and a hundred terrorists.
I mean, what's the threat continuum there?
You don't respond with one beat cop who doesn't even have a gun.
You've got to respond with heavy political firepower.
To something that's serious and this country is being dismantled right now.
So Donald Trump is coming up and we're very excited about that because I've got a lot of really important questions, some of which have been asked, some of which haven't been asked, that I want to go over with him.
At the start of the next segment.
And there's so much other news now to go over.
But this is the day now that the Dan Rather video is out.
All these newspaper articles are out saying that radical Muslims celebrated not just in New Jersey but New York and in the West Bank by Israel and so many other places.
We know radical Islamists celebrated a few weeks ago at two different soccer teams during the minute of silence booing the dead.
The dead saying Allah Akbar in a minute of silence.
And so the mainstream apologist media wants to cover this up and act like it didn't happen.
I mean, what are they going to say?
If Trump comes out and says it's wrong to say Allah Akbar during a minute of silence for people that are killed at the Paris attacks, 130 something, are they going to say that didn't happen?
Because this is what they do, even when he links to a New York Post article.
From a few days after 9-11, they say, oh, that doesn't matter, you're still wrong.
Well, you know what?
That's why mainstream media is so dead.
That's why they're falling apart, they're collapsing, they're pathetic.
They really are a joke.
And that's not rhetoric.
These people are sickening, lying, discredited jokes.
Nine times out of ten now.
There are still some people in mainstream media that do a pretty good job.
But it's like that lady at CBS who exposed Fast and Furious.
The White House shipping all those guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
They ran her out of CBS News when she broke that.
She had to fight to get it out there.
So real journalists get targeted in this country.
It's like the top French meteorologist came out and said global warming being man-made is a fraud.
They fired him!
These people are totalitarians, folks, and they want to shut up our free speech.
They want to shut this country down.
And Donald Trump is standing up against it.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Three years ago, half of the $16 billion doled out to the Department of Energy loan guarantee program was invested in companies that had gone bankrupt, were laying off workers, or were headed for bankruptcy.
But the Department of Energy didn't learn from its mal-investments.
It then invested $3 billion in a Spanish company, Abengoa.
Now, three years later, one day before the Paris Climate Summit, Abengoa declared bankruptcy.
The $3 billion of taxpayer money that will likely be lost in whole or in part is six times bigger than Solyndra.
Green renewable mandates have brought energy poverty to the people of Spain, where electricity is tripled what it costs in the U.S.
And electricity will become a luxury in the U.S.
as well if Obama is allowed to continue his crony climatism.
The Paris Summit seeks to accelerate the economic decline of the West, transferring wealth to developing nations in the form of green infrastructure.
But it's just greenwashing for crony climatism and global governance.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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InfoWars is the operation that you built.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, we had Matt Drudge about a month ago in studio, only does an interview every three or four years, and I thought that got me excited.
But I'm telling you, Donald Trump is our guest, ladies and gentlemen, for the next 30 minutes or so.
And obviously, he is a maverick.
He's an original.
He tells it like it is.
Doesn't read off a teleprompter.
Neither do I. He's self-made.
This whole media operation that reaches 20 million people a week worldwide, conservatively, self-made.
That's why I'm so excited.
And he joins us from Trump Tower in New York City.
He is the leading 2016 Republican presidential contender.
Donald Trump, again, joins us.
And I've got so many questions.
But first off, Donald, thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Great to be with you.
I've got so many questions, but you are vindicated, this has got to be the 50th time in the last six months, on the radical Muslims celebrating, not just in New Jersey, but New York, Palestine, all over.
What do you have to say?
They're still attacking you, though we've got Dan Rather on video, we've got New York Post, we've got Washington Post, we've got... I mean, what's going on here?
Well, I took a lot of heat, and I was very strong on it, and I held my line, and then all of a sudden, you know, hundreds of people were calling up my office.
I was the other day in Sarasota, Florida, and people are in line, and we had 12,000 people, which is fantastic.
And the people were saying, many of the people from New Jersey, four or five people said,
Mr. Trump, I saw it myself.
They talked about Patterson, but they said, I saw it myself, Mr. Trump.
I was there.
I was there.
So many people have called in and on Twitter, at real Donald Trump, they're all tweeting.
So I knew it happened and I held my line and people wanted me to apologize and we can't do that.
People like you and I can't do that so easily.
Now, we can do it if we're wrong, Alex.
I'd apologize if I was wrong, but they were celebrating and they were celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center.
You apologize.
I think that's disgraceful.
It is.
And that same week you were reporting on that fact, we had two different international football games, soccer games, with the Turkish fans and others during the moment of silence for the dead people in Paris chanting Allah Akbar and booing.
So did that not happen too?
Well, that happened and everybody saw it.
That was a week ago and the players were out on the field and they couldn't believe it.
They were embarrassed.
They didn't know what to do.
The coach and the managers, they all apologized, but it happened.
Look, we have to deal with reality.
And you know, it all started because they said, we need surveillance.
We need proper surveillance.
We have people that truly are evil.
And they're coming from someplace and you know sort of where they're coming from, at least the vicinity.
And I said, we need proper surveillance, whether it's a mosque or any place else.
We have to be surveilled and we have to see what's coming at us because we're not going to have a country anymore between the weak borders that we have, the pathetic and weak borders where
Politicians are afraid to do anything about it.
Between all of what's happening with radical, you know, you look at what's going on.
You have a president that doesn't even want to talk about, you know, the radical Muslim stuff.
He doesn't want to mention the word.
He doesn't want to say it.
But you look at what's happening where we have a president that's over there celebrating global warming and trying to get everybody excited about global warming, like that's our number one problem.
He considers that to be our number one problem.
And our number one problem is what's going on where they want to blow up our cities and they want to blow up our country.
That's our number one problem.
And then our number two problem is Crippled America, your number one New York Times bestseller.
We're going to talk about that in a few minutes, but let's continue with the number one problem, and I agree with you.
It's now in mainstream news, Associated Press and others are reporting that it's a secret deal with Turkey, with the Germans, with Merkel, the admitted socialist, to bring in millions
of radical Islamists, they admit almost all of them are Sunni, that basically invaded Syria.
They're getting their butt kicked by the Russians, so now they want to flee up to the north into Turkey.
You said months ago, bomb the oil of ISIS, and the mainstream media laughed because you said the sky was blue again.
Now the Pentagon says that's the right thing to do.
And now you've come out saying, quote, it looks like
That Turkey's on the side of ISIS, close quote.
Well, the next day the Russians released satellite photos documenting that there are literally thousands of trucks coming up to the border at these huge terminals connected to Irgun, the president's son, making billions of dollars total off of this.
Again, you're in trouble for saying the sky is blue.
Well, I was right about that.
I was right in saying in a book that I wrote, you covered it really nicely, I appreciate it, but I wrote a very political book years ago in the year 2000, The America We Deserve, and I said in that book that we better be careful with this guy named Osama Bin Laden.
I mean, I really study this stuff, I really find it very interesting, and even though I'm a businessman, I find it, I've always found, I've always been involved in politics.
I said, we better be careful with Osama Bin Laden.
There's a guy named Osama Bin Laden, nobody really knew who he was, but
He was nasty.
He was saying really nasty things about our country and what he wants to do to it.
And I wrote in a book, 2000, two years before the World Trade Center came down, I talked about Osama bin Laden.
You better take him out.
I said, he's going to crawl under a rock.
You better take him out.
And now people are seeing that.
They're saying, you know, Trump predicted Osama bin Laden, which actually is true.
And then two years later, a year and a half later, he knocked down the World Trade Center.
And I talked about terrorism and that was before terrorism as we know it today.
I said, we better be careful.
That's going to happen.
It's going to be a big thing.
And it certainly is a big thing.
So with the oil, and I'm glad you brought it up, but as you know, for three years, I've been saying you better take out the oil because if you don't take the oil, it's going to be a problem.
So we shouldn't have been in Iraq.
But once we got there, the way Osama, the way we came out was, was horrible.
And I said, take the oil.
Then we didn't take the oil, so ISIS got the oil, and as you know, Iran is getting the oil, because Iran is going to take over all of Iraq.
You know, we made one of the worst deals in the history of our world when we gave them $150 billion, and virtually we gave them keys to nuclear weapons.
Mr. Trump, I hate to interrupt you.
You are the leading presidential frontrunner with the Republicans gaining a huge lead as you don't back down, but I've got to just back you up again, because the more I research what you've actually said and done, it's amazing.
You were the only
Leading American figure who openly said do not go to war in Iraq.
They had almost what 90% votes in Congress for it bipartisan.
You said don't do it.
Iran will take over.
I mean, look, you can say that today and everybody can say that.
But you said that in 2001, 2002, 2003, when it was very unpopular because you've done your research and had good advisors.
How did you know that when almost no one else did?
Well, first of all, I'm the most militaristic person there is.
I'm going to build the military.
If I win, I'm going to make our military so strong, so powerful that nobody's going to mess with us.
We're going to take care of our vets and all of that.
But I have to tell you, you have to know if you're going to go to war, you have to do it properly and you have to know what to do.
I viewed it as this.
Iran and Iraq were the same in terms of strength, and they'd have been constantly fighting.
That's all they do is they fight.
They go to war all the time, and they'd move 10 feet left, 10 feet right, 10 feet left, then they'd rest, and then they'd start it again four years later.
This has been going on for... Thousands of years.
And this is the way it is.
I said, if you take out Iran, or if you take out Iraq, either one, you're going to destabilize the Middle East.
Well, we took out Iraq.
And, by the way, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world.
People don't even know that.
So we gave, like, incredible.
We took out Iraq.
I said, you're going to destabilize.
And I said, and you'll know this, and you know this, and I appreciate what you just said, then Iran is going to come in and Iran is going to take over Iraq.
And they're just taking it over right now.
As we speak, they're taking it over.
Iran is running Iraq and very soon will be virtually going to be totally running Iraq, especially after all of, you know, the deal we just made, which is the worst.
So I said, keep the oil.
And I said, if you're going to leave, you shouldn't have gone in.
But they shouldn't have.
They should have left soldiers behind, like 20,000 or a certain number of soldiers.
But if you're going to leave, take the oil.
And I've said it.
Then they left.
They didn't take the oil.
So ISIS got the oil.
Iran is getting the oil.
Everybody's getting everything but us.
So we lost thousands of soldiers.
We spent $2 trillion in Iraq.
We have wounded warriors who I love all over the place, and what do we get out of it Alex?
We get nothing!
We have nothing.
No, the French and the Germans are getting the oil, and the Iranians are getting the oil.
And you know who the number one customer for the oil is?
Guess what?
That's right.
How smart is China?
They outsmart us on every level, militarily, they outsmart us on trade, like, we're losing, we have a 450 billion dollar trade deficit with China.
Let me ask you this, you're a top business guy, you know,
On your own, from nothing?
How did China get 97% of rare earth minerals in the world?
How is the United States or nobody else even trying to get rare earth minerals when it's what goes in the smartphones, the computers, trillions is made a year?
How did we just give them the global market in that?
That's crazy!
Well, what a lot of people don't know, Afghanistan.
Now, Afghanistan's a place we can go in, because, you know, you have Pakistan, and you have nuclear weapons, and a lot of things going on there.
But, we go into Afghanistan, we're fighting, you know, tremendous mountains and ridges.
We're fighting on one side, and you know who's got their excavators on the other side?
China's taking out all the minerals.
You know, Afghanistan, nobody knew this, Afghanistan is rich with minerals.
Not oil, but minerals.
Lithium, everything.
And China's taken out all the minerals.
And here we are fighting.
We have trillions, we have like a trillion dollars in Afghanistan, and we get nothing out of it.
And we're going to end up leaving and keeping a couple of thousand soldiers there and this and that.
We get nothing.
China has taken out the minerals.
They're the buyers, the big buyers at very, very low prices of, as you know, of the oil in Iraq and probably in Syria.
But China is a big buyer of the oil.
But one thing with the oil, because you've covered it,
For three years I've been saying, hit the oil, because ISIS is getting stronger.
They're no JV, as the President said, and they're certainly not contained.
But I said, hit the oil, and hit them hard.
And they laughed at me.
And they would put generals on television saying, no, that strategy wouldn't work.
Well, after Paris, they started hitting the oil.
And it does work.
The problem is, we've given them a two-year edge.
They have billions of dollars.
The Russians started hitting the oil for one month, and ISIS is already rolling over.
So Putin is following your strategy.
You know Vladimir Putin well.
We should have done it two years ago, Alex.
That's the only problem.
Donald Trump joins us live.
Can you speak to, as president, what your relationship would be with foreign leaders and what you know about Vladimir Putin?
Because all I know is, why are we starting a fight with Russia when they're not doing anything to us?
Well, number one, and just to finish on the oil, by the way, I say hit the oil, but we should keep the oil.
In other words, we should keep.
We'll get Exxon Mobil.
They'll go in.
We'll get other of our oil companies.
We'll get some of the great oil companies.
We bid it out.
We should keep the oil.
You know, in the old days, to the victor belong the spoils, right?
We don't have that.
We go in, we fight a war and we leave.
We get nothing.
Except we get death and we get deficit.
That's all we get.
I think I get along great with people.
I mean, I will probably get along well with him.
And if I don't, somebody else will.
And who knows?
You know, he's a difficult cookie.
He's tough and he's smart.
I was on the show 60 Minutes with him recently.
I mean, they did him and they profiled me at the same show, which was there.
Not together.
We were stablemates, right?
But I think I'd get along very well with him.
I think it's too fine.
Look, here's the thing.
We lose with every country, and yet we don't get along with any countries.
China is killing us.
Everybody's killing us.
China's just beating us to a pulp and trade.
Japan, Mexico is killing us.
And yet we don't get along with anybody.
With me, they're not going to get so rich.
Believe me, they're not going to get so rich at all.
We're going to take back our jobs, we're going to take back our manufacture, we're going to take back our base, but they'll like us more than they do now.
Sort of amazing.
Well, Donald Trump, let me say this.
My audience, I'd say 90% supports you.
And you definitely have shown your knowledge of geopolitical systems.
Hillary and others have been demonizing you for saying radical Muslims celebrated on 9-11, but she got caught a few years ago claiming that she got shot at in Bosnia in the air, on the ground.
They have video of it all.
None of it happened.
She admits she lied.
If you did that, you'd be done.
But you wouldn't do something like that.
You don't steal glory from our veterans.
But they demonize you for made-up scandals every day, trying to see what'll stick.
And then you got Hillary involved in Benghazi.
You've got them involved in everything.
And people love you for tough talk.
Is it not time for impeachment hearings against Obama?
I mean, what do we do politically to really try to prosecute Hillary Clinton?
Well, you remember this, the best thing that we have going with Obama is he's got a year left, okay?
Because, you know, by the time you do the hearings and everything, I don't... So don't make him a martyr.
In a way, you'll make him a martyr, but I don't even say that.
You know, one of the things I'm the most disappointed in Republicans, because they go to Washington, they're going to do all this stuff, they're going to impeach Obama, they're going to end Obamacare, which has to be ended.
I don't know if you've seen the premiums they're going up.
It's killing everything!
It's going to implode anyway.
In 2017, Obamacare blows up.
It's over.
I mean, it's over.
And everybody knows it.
And they're doing big stories.
Even the ones that were for it are saying, oh, this isn't working.
Well, the premiums are a disaster.
And if you look at anything having to do with Obamacare right now, it's over.
But the problem with the Republicans is they'll try and fix it.
They'll try.
Get rid of it and we can come up with a phenomenal plan that's much better for the people.
The people are getting killed with that.
So, there's so many things to do, Alex.
We will do such a good job.
There's so many fronts.
A number will win on trade.
We're going to strengthen our military.
We're going to take care of our vets.
We're going to get rid of Obamacare.
We're going to do so many things.
There's so many things that can be done.
But we have to use our good people.
You know, everybody running against me, in terms of even the Republican side, and Hillary certainly, they're all controlled by their donors and their special interests and the lobbyists.
I'm putting up my own money.
I'm funding my own campaign.
Nobody's going to control me.
I'm going to do what's right for you and for the American people.
Listen, I get it.
I mean, you are a true maverick.
You know, you've made tens of millions of dollars.
I understand.
You've hired tens of thousands of people.
I mean, I would imagine that as you've gotten older, correct me if I'm wrong, because I know you talked about wanting to serve America decades ago.
Really, all it comes down to is wanting to have a free country for your children and grandchildren.
And that's where I want to come to this point next.
Because I know you're smart, sir, and I know that you also, though, you don't dumb your message down, but you keep it at a mid-level so the general public and the establishment as well can get it.
But let's get down to brass tacks.
I routinely talk to the
Top generals.
We're done.
A system run by select crony capitalists using socialism at the grassroots to make people dependent.
And I've talked to not just high-level folks that have been in government that are on your team, but separately high-level people in government currently that say there's an internal war going on and that you're a manifestation of that.
I don't want to get anything inside baseball with you, but I already know the inside baseball.
I know now from top people that you actually are for real and you understand you're in danger and you understand what you're doing is epic.
It's George Washington level and you understand that office.
So I want to tell you right now, can you speak about the war for the soul of this country that's happening right now and really tell people what's happening and commit to people that you won't Ross Perot under death threats and step down when you're in the lead two months from the election?
OK, so let me just tell you, Alex, as you know, I'm leading in every poll nationally in every poll state.
I'm leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, the SEC, Texas.
I'm leading in Texas, which I love.
I love Texas.
You know, we were there.
Mark Cuban called up.
He said, do you want to use the arena?
I used it.
We filled it up in three or four days.
20,000 people in Mobile, Alabama.
We had 35,000 people.
We had 20,000 in Oklahoma.
I'm so into this, and I'm not into, you know, I could do other things that I would enjoy doing, to be honest with you.
No, you're doing a dangerous mission.
We understand that.
It's not an easy thing.
But the key is make America great again.
We can make America great again, but if you have to suffer through four more or eight more years of what's gone on in the past and, you know, what's going, just, we're being eaten away.
It's just, it's eating away at our country, and we can make
In my opinion, we can make America greater than ever before.
But we have to get going.
It has to happen.
We have to get going.
And you know, when you look at the vision, I said, Iraq, you agreed with me on Iraq.
I said, hit the oil.
I said a lot of things that turned out to be
A hundred percent true.
And I'm giving credit, I'm giving credit by some people.
Some people refuse to acknowledge it.
You know, they refuse to say it.
No, you've been, you've been, you've been absolutely on target.
So what I'm asking is though, can you speak to the crossroads we're at right now though?
Because you've talked about it.
Are we at a crossroads to decide whether this country's done or whether we go to the next level?
Well, I think this, I think that, sadly, I think that if we don't get it right this time, I think this is going to be the most important election our country's ever had.
I mean, you'd have to say George Washington was right there.
You know, the couple of pretty important elections, right?
But this is certainly in the last, in the modern era, this is the most important election our country's ever had.
If we don't get it right, if we put another one of these people in, like Hillary, I mean, she's so corrupt.
She is so corrupt and she shouldn't even be allowed to run.
And frankly, her greatest legacy, she was a horrible Secretary of State.
If she runs, I think her greatest legacy will be that she got out of the email scandal.
That's what I think.
It'll be one of the greatest jobs I've ever seen of getting out of a scandal.
Because General Petraeus and many others, I mean, their lives have been destroyed for doing 5% of what she did.
She shouldn't be allowed to run.
That's right.
But, you know, the recent Fox poll that just came down two days ago has me beating her head to head, which is very interesting and very good, and beating her soundly head to head.
We have to get it right.
Our country can be absolutely, we can turn it around, but I would agree with you, if we don't get it right this time, I'm not sure if you go another four or eight years with the insanity and the stupidity of these leaders, I'm not sure you're going to be able to turn it around anymore.
I think it could be further.
Donald Trump, the man in the arena, his new book, we're going to talk about in a moment, is exposing the fact that this country is being sabotaged by design.
Specifically, I don't want to bring up detractors.
And it's a question I had early on, but then I did more research, and I understand that you really do want to save this country where your children and grandchildren live, but let's expand on this.
There are certain pundits out there saying you played golf with Bill Clinton,
And so, you know, you've had to do business in New York, so you said nice things about Hillary.
I get keeping your enemies closer when you're not, you know, in politics.
I get it.
I understand.
I think that's what you did.
But tell us specifically, and I don't think this now.
I've seen it.
You wouldn't be saying the things you're doing.
I know you're for real.
They're scared of you.
The whole system's coming out against you.
But promise us that you're not going to...
Drop out at the key moment, keeping all the other Republicans out of view, and then Hillary races to the head, or Jeb Bush does, because as you know, folks are claiming you're a Clinton operative.
You know, I've never heard that.
I heard it actually a few months ago, but I've hit her harder than anybody times ten, if you look at the... You have, you have.
I was a businessman, yet I've only been a politician for five months.
I hate to use the term because, you know... You're a statesman.
I've just been doing this for a very short period of time.
I was establishment.
You know, I was like a guy like you would say Trump is total establishment.
And I was a big donor to a lot of different Republicans.
But over the years, I've given to Democrats.
I've given to Republicans.
I've given everybody because I had an obligation.
I was a businessman.
One of the magazines recently called me a world-class businessman.
The truth is, I did.
I built an unbelievable company.
Tremendous assets.
Tremendous, not only that, iconic assets.
Very little debt.
Tremendous cash flow.
It's a great company.
And by the way, people now see how good, when I did the filing, everyone said, oh, he'll never file, he'll never file.
It's almost 100 pages long.
And it's an unbelievable company.
So I built, which by the way, the reason I say that, that's the kind of thinking our country needs.
I got along great with Clinton.
I got along great with Harry Reid.
I got along great with everybody.
Because when I needed them, I didn't want to have an argument.
I didn't want to have somebody say, well, Clinton doesn't want it to happen.
Sure, you're not a loser.
You don't get in mindless fights.
You move forward with your agenda.
But now you see America in trouble, and you're, hey, that's all sidelined now.
Donald Trump's not working for Donald Trump.
He wants to work for America.
Yeah, as a businessman, you couldn't have even functioned if you don't get along.
For example, in New York City, it's 95% Democrat.
No, I know, yeah.
I mean, if I didn't get along with the Democrats, I wouldn't have won.
Well, I'll tell you, I mean, you did want the vice president, you know, a position that's come out decades ago behind the scenes.
I mean, I know you're a Republican.
What about libertarianism?
What's your view of libertarianism?
And then I want to ask you, who's your favorite president and who do you think your running mate might be?
Folks, I think it's Ted Cruz.
Well, I think that libertarianism is sort of interesting.
There are certain things that I really like about it.
But, you know, keeping government out as much as possible.
We need government for protection.
We have to protect.
When you look at these maniacs in the Middle East that want to destroy us.
And, you know, the problem we have today, Alex, is the weaponry.
If this were a hundred years ago, I'd say forget about them.
Let them keep fighting.
They've been fighting all their lives.
Let them keep fighting each other.
Who cares?
But the weaponry is so powerful and they hate us so much that we have to now protect.
So that's a big part of government.
So there's a certain common sense to certain elements.
And I do very well with the libertarians, frankly, you know, because they sort of get it and they they get me.
But we need.
Bigger strength that I think the Libertarians really want.
And we need it.
And we have to have it.
If we don't have it, we're not going to have a country.
We have to have it.
If we don't have borders, we're not going to have a country.
As far as running mates, it's too soon to say.
I actually respect a couple of people that are on the stage.
Some of them I have absolutely no respect for.
I mean, I think they're not very good at all at what they do.
You look at what's going on.
But I have respect for a number of people that are on the stage with me.
I have respect for a lot of people that are throughout this country, you know, political people.
I'll pick somebody I think that can really be a great vice president, who ultimately has to be a great president, because that's, you know, 90% of that function is, you know, if something bad happens, they got to be a good president.
You have to view it from that standpoint.
And my favorite president in the more or less modern era would be Ronald Reagan.
I've always
Liked him, I helped him.
And by the way, he was a Democrat.
A lot of people don't know.
He was.
A liberal Democrat, Alex, as you know.
And he became a somewhat conservative, I wouldn't say the most conservative, but a somewhat conservative Republican.
But he wanted to make America great.
And he really did.
He wanted to make, he had actually, let's make America great.
That was his, and mine is, make America great again.
So there's a little bit of a difference.
My son, my son, you know, finally sold me on being a bigger supporter of yours.
I mean, I liked you, love Americana, you're pure Americana, but I'm still, you know, it was research, but my 13-year-old son's really smart, does a lot of research, he watches all the debates, he just really loves you.
He is on cloud nine that you're here, Rex Jones, and it was his question, you know, which president was your favorite.
But all time, all time, who's your favorite?
Well, all time.
I'd say Ronald Reagan, shorter term, I would say... Well, you know, you look at Lincoln and you look at Washington, you have to go with... They're the classics, right, Alex?
You know, you think in terms of the great classics, you have to go with the Lincolns and the Washingtons.
I agree.
As a man's man, George Washington was badass.
Yeah, that's what they say.
I mean, that's what they say.
They say he never told a lie.
Let's hope that's true, okay?
But George Washington was pretty good.
But look, we had some great presidents.
And we had some good presidents on the other side, too, in all fairness.
But we will hopefully be right at the top of that list.
We're going to make the country so strong
And we're going to make it financially secure.
We can't owe 21 trillion dollars because it's going to be that number.
That's my final question.
What type of an elite wants to cloward and pivot and bankrupt the country so socialists can run it and we all get handouts?
What type of an elite is that?
I mean, you've been around these people.
Are they mentally ill, Donald Trump?
Well, we have to make our country rich again.
You know, the other day I said to a woman, she came up to Mr. Trump at a big rally where we had 14,000 people.
And at the end, she just sees me and I'm, you know, signing autographs and stuff.
And she said, Mr. Trump, I'm voting for you 100%.
But are you, this whole concept of making it rich, it sounds so crass.
I said, you know what, it might sound crass, but if we don't make our nation rich again, if we don't take back our jobs from all these other countries that are ripping us,
And if we don't take back our money, and if we don't, you know, balance up our budget, at least get it damn close and soon, we're not going to have a nation anymore.
We're a third world country.
Donald Trump.
You know, I know you've got to go.
60 second break.
I want to come back for just three minutes.
Talk about your book and your big rally in Virginia tonight.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Donald Trump.
Powerful interview.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's a long way to the top if you want to establish a constitutional republic.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You gotta want to be on the top.
You gotta want to be free.
Or you're gonna be slaves.
Donald Trump's agreed to stay a few more minutes with us.
And he brought up, you know, somebody that he wanted to thank on air that I want to thank on air.
He came in here a month ago.
He's been on all these big shows.
Just an incredible guy.
I was aware of who he was.
A patriot fighting communism all over the world.
Tell us, Mr. Trump, about Mr. Stone, who helped get this interview set up.
Well, Roger's a good guy and he is a patriot and believes strongly in a strong nation, a lot of the things that I believe in.
And I see him all over television.
People like Roger.
He's a tough cookie, I will tell you that, but people like him.
But he's been so loyal and so wonderful.
And he is the one, he really wanted me to do this interview and I'm doing it.
And so we appreciate it, Roger.
Well, I knew who he was, but then I did more research on him.
This guy literally fought communists all over the world, ran big elections against the Soviet Union in Latin America, in Africa, in Asia.
I mean, and I know he's been friends with you for a long time and advising you, so again, my respect level went up even more knowing that you're talking to real political operatives, not fake pundits that are on TV.
And that brings me to mainstream media.
I love the fact, when I first saw it a few days ago,
They misrepresented it.
They said Trump wants $5 million.
Then I read deeper.
You said give $5 million to Wounded Warriors before I go make CNN $50 million.
That's what you make these shows.
You know, they took that statement.
I said give $5 million.
I'm going to want $5 million that we're going to give to the Wounded Warriors or the Vets, right?
Which is the same thing as far as I'm concerned.
We split it up.
Because they're making a fortune on these debates, which never had anybody.
You know, Fox had 24 million people.
They used to get like a million.
And CNN had the biggest ratings in the history of CNN.
And I won't take full credit, but I'll take 99.9% credit.
So I said, give me $5 million.
I want to give it to the Wounded Warriors.
I want to give it to the Vets.
And, but a lot of people said Trump wants $5 million.
And I said it right in the same sentence, Alex.
I didn't say it like- That's really deceiving.
I said, I want $5 million that will go to the Wounded Warriors.
And they would play it.
They even took the tape.
You know, the tape is worse than the pen.
They can cut it.
So they say, give me $5 million.
And then they cut it.
Nobody knows, what am I doing?
I'm asking for money to be on a debate.
It's ridiculous.
No, I wanted $5 million to go to the Wounded Warriors in particular.
Uh, let's see what happens.
I don't know.
You know, the one problem, Alex, if I didn't go to the debate, then you know what would happen.
They'd say he's chicken.
I mean, I think I won every debate.
But it's true.
I mean, I saw one channel made like $40 million off you being on there.
They should give all of it to the vets.
Well, they should give a lot more than five, I'll tell you right now.
But, you know, the problem is if I say I won't do it, then the people that I'm debating, who, frankly, it's been very easy, if you want to know the truth.
You can just correct them once you're on stage.
Well, the people I'm debating, they'll say, oh, he's chicken, he's chicken, he's chicken.
You know, that's the problem with that.
It's hard when you're leading all the polls, and then you don't show up to a debate, and then they'll be doing numbers on you.
But I would love to see money go to the Wounded Warriors.
I think it would be so great.
I agree.
What about Crippled America?
You got a big rally tonight.
It's a number one.
Everywhere you go, your crowds just get bigger.
I mean, obviously, you're probably going to get the Republican nomination now.
Wow, and you're ready for the dirty tricks.
One minute left, Donald Trump.
What do you have to say about your book and what's coming up?
Well, first of all, before the book, you mentioned one thing.
I had never heard that, but I am in this to win it.
I am not in this to say, oh, gee, I've done a really good job.
A reporter called up, a very powerful reporter, said, how does it feel?
How does it feel?
I said, it only feels, because they said what we've done has never been done before politically.
You know, I've been in the poll for five months.
Since it came out, I'm number one.
I said, it's only good if we win.
If I don't win, I've wasted a lot of time.
He said, no, no, you haven't.
That's the way I view it.
I said, believe me, if I don't win.
You haven't.
Because we can't do anything to make our country great if I don't win.
I'll be watching television someplace.
It'll be... forget it.
So, I wrote a book called Crippled America.
It's doing fantastic business.
I don't know if you can see that thing right up there.
We can.
But it's doing great business.
I hope your audience goes out and buys it as Christmas gifts and everything else.
And I just want to finish by saying your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot, but you'll be...
You'll be looking at me in a year and a year or two years.
Let's give me a little bit of a time to run things.
But a year into office, you'll be saying, wow, I remember that interview.
He said he was going to do it and he did a great job.
You'll be very proud of our country.
Well, I'm impressed.
I mean, you're saying you're fully committed.
You know, there's no future if we don't take this country back.
Donald Trump, I hope you can help uncripple America.
Thank you so much, sir, that you will be attacked for coming on.
And we know you know that.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Republicans like Democrats are quick to jump in with supposed solutions after a tragedy.
In the wake of the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, GOP leadership is pushing legislation by Congressman Tim Murphy.
If passed, they should call it Murphy's Law because, you know, what could possibly go wrong if you decide to, quote, fix the nation's mental health system?
Well, here's what would go wrong with Murphy's Law.
It would lower privacy protection and give states financial incentives to allow judges to mandate psychiatric treatment.
The Democrats, meanwhile, are trying to push a law that would ban gun purchases for those who have been put on the government's watch list, secretly, without knowing they're on, without opportunity to confront the charges and the witnesses publicly in court, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
So because of one man's act, Republicans offer us political abuse of psychiatry, and Democrats offer us punishments from secret star chambers.
For more information, go to Infowars.com.
I'm David Knight.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of them.
Several party members have been murdered.
We're interrupting your regularly scheduled program to bring you this terrifying report.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
New York, very much a city still in chaos.
The phones are not working properly, the subway lines are not working properly.
The sky now black with smoke in front of us, just across the Tigris River here.
This is shock and awe, Tom, to the population of Baghdad.
Shock and awe, indeed.
The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Come on!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
I love my dad.
I'd kill for him.
I'd go to prison for him because I love him so much.
I love Bill Clinton.
What does that make Hillary Clinton to the Bush family?
My sister-in-law.
When you are subverting the power of government, that's a fundamentally dangerous thing to democracy.
What do you think of Edward Snowden?
I think he's a traitor.
Obama is the one that kills the U.S.
troops if the Russians bomb any of them.
Obama is the one that put them in harm's way.
Obama is the one using them as human shields.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
Get out!
This isn't a game!
Get out!
Get out!
Welcome to America, ISIS!
This is what we do!
We got people that have taken your asses out in this building right now.
We're armed to the teeth, and we're not scared.
You got that, you sons of bitches?
In 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgents in Syria.
In 2012, the U.S.
was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups.
Why did you not stop that?
Why didn't you come forward before?
What were you waiting for?
Well, for you, Inspector, I needed you.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You know, my dad 110% believed in this country, growing up.
And my dad was involved in all sorts of different volunteer things in high school and college and even some clandestine things.
And then even after he'd done all that for this country, for no money, the IRS came when he had a dental office and claimed all these back taxes that he didn't know.
And the IRS sat there in the mid-1980s, its own agency,
Even Reagan couldn't stop what they were doing and said, we're criminals, Mr. Jones.
And so we had to sell everything we basically had to pay the IRS what they claimed he owed.
And this woman sat, he brought in all his receipts, all his documents, his lawyer, and she said, we're organized criminals.
We don't care.
We're going to set you up in court.
We're going to put you in prison.
And he said, this isn't America.
And they said, no, it's not.
Well, you know what?
I am America.
And I watched all that happen.
I'm just one more person you've abused.
You're the criminals that infested our government and these corporations and we're coming for you.
We're one more person that has a vendetta.
A vendetta that will be paid over and over again against you.
And it's only the beginning.
Now, we've got other huge news.
Not just Ted Nugent joining us.
Not just Donald Trump on earlier.
Joe Biggs, as you know, I've wanted to go around to these reported jihad radicalization camps, a lot of them in front of the State Department and other agencies.
And we have Infowars, Investigates, American Caliphate.
They're going to be gone for the next week plus in Texas, in New York, in Michigan, and in North Carolina, and many other states.
This is only round one of this.
The training centers, the military training areas, the fenced off areas where this is going on, what the locals think.
Joe Biggs is going to be on the first 30 minutes with David Knight of the fourth hour.
Then we will re-air in the fourth hour, the last 25 minutes or so, the Donald Trump interview.
David Knight will be ponchoing and quarterbacking and traffic copping that hour.
But I will also have Joe Biggs on with us tomorrow, on Thursday and Friday and Sunday, with Josh Owens and Mr. Zimmerman, who are there on the road with him right now.
But I want to say something to the viewers, the listeners.
This isn't hype.
It isn't a pep rally that, hey, we can go beat that team!
And we've, you know, lost eight of our ten games, and the other team's undefeated.
And I'm telling you, we can do it!
Come on!
We can win!
I don't do that.
When we're in desperate straits, I'll tell you and I have told you, but unequivocally, undeniably, in every fiber of my intellectual, spiritual, political, but also warrior body, in every facet of my manhood, all the gifts and weapon systems God gave me,
I know we're winning and the initiative is turned towards humanity.
It doesn't mean we'll win the final war against the devil for his one hour of power on this planet, which is biblically translated to about a year.
But we win in waking people up when the great evil comes upon the earth, and that's what really matters, is the souls.
We're winning, folks.
The hearts and minds are beginning to turn.
Some people are falling to complete ignorance, complete corruption, but others are really waking up to the larger universe.
And it's beautiful.
The fact that it's on the news... I don't want to quote him.
He's been on the show before, but a famous rock star.
Sent me a bunch of texts last night.
I was already in bed at 10 o'clock, so I missed him.
Went to bed at like 9.45.
I don't usually do that.
He's gone to bed about 1 or 2, but I went to bed early last night because I was really exhausted.
Hey, I had some chicken risotto with the kids, no one's bad, but he sent me a text and he said, man, this whole narrative, without showing the text, let me just read it on air.
Guys, don't show this.
Let me just go to the, he said, the truth, I mean, is finally poking through at least some version of it.
All I have to say, a general comment, that the doubling and tripling down on the ISIS narratives and global warming is starting to unspool fast.
The headlines today are incredible and would have been unthinkable a year ago in mainstream media.
There's more said, but the point is
They're being challenged.
Hey, you run ISIS, NATO.
Hey, you're buying the oil.
Hey, global warming's a tax to run a world government.
Here's your admission.
People are just taking what they say.
Used to, Nightland would go, there's no world government, only insane racists say it.
We're like, but you're thousands of your own documents admit it.
I mean, literally thousands.
Shut up, racists.
Public, please read it.
Shut up, racists.
Obamacare triples prices.
Shut up, racists.
Hey, you admit you want the guns.
Shut up, racists.
That's all they got.
You know, Hillary Clinton's really corrupt.
Shut up, sexist, you don't like women, huh?
How do you respond?
That's like saying, do you rape your wife?
Love my daughters, love my mother, love women.
I'm in private company, that's what I pretty much hang out with.
And then you tell me I hate women because I don't like this criminal, Hillary Clinton?
That's outrageous!
You're not going to slap me around with those labels?
Say I hate women!
Say I'm a racist!
I don't care!
You're the political operatives trying to screw everybody over.
All I want is freedom, prosperity, transparency, private property, family, right to defense.
Let men be men, women be women.
I love this species.
I'm a fan of humanity.
Man, I know about our accomplishments.
And I'm sick of all these piles of crap getting in our way.
And I want you out of our way.
I don't like you.
I never liked bullies when I was a little kid.
I don't like them now.
And I lost.
No exaggeration.
I was thinking about it the other day.
It was probably over 100 fights.
When I was 10, 11, 12 years old, I lost.
With guys that were 3, 4 years older.
But let me tell you, at a certain point of the time, I was about 12 or 13.
It didn't matter if they were 3 years older.
I kept pounding their faces in and jumping on them and ramming their head in the ground until they realized.
The cops would show up and somebody would have blood coming out their ears and they'd say, my God, how did you just beat up this 16, 17 year old who weighs 230 pounds and you weigh 160 pounds?
What's going on with you, kid?
And I said, listen, they attacked me and I stood up for myself.
Sometimes those bullies, when I had their head knocking it in the pavement, would ask the question.
And by the way, these aren't Ben Carson stories.
They're a lot worse than I tell you.
Everybody knows it.
Everybody's got a sixth sense.
I'd tell those bullies, I said, you wanted to hurt me.
I don't want to hurt you.
Don't you get it?
I want you to get off me.
And I want you next time to leave me alone and to leave other people alone.
It's like, I don't want to plagiarize it, but I actually said that to people.
It's like an Enders game when he kills the kid or beats the kid up.
And they said, why'd you keep attacking him?
Because I didn't want him to come back again.
I want him to get off my back.
I want him to leave me alone.
And the minute that good people out there decide to stand up against tyrants and stop being cowards is the minute this world starts being free again.
And the minute we don't back down is the minute we start becoming free again.
Stop backing down.
Stop bowing down.
To these petty thugs that get in our face and use our conscience and use our goodwill to bully us into submitting to them in the name of political correctness.
These people are a pack of mind control criminals and their era is coming to an end.
And it's going to get nasty in the fight.
But we're going to beat them with God's help.
Stay with us.
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You can run on for a long time.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Go tell that long-tongued liar Go and tell that midnight rider Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter Tell him that God's gonna cut him down Tell him that God's gonna cut him down Thank you, Johnny Cash.
Well, my goodness gracious, let me tell you the news My head's been wet with the midnight dew I've been down on bended knee Talking to the man from Galilee He spoke to me in a voice so sweet I thought I heard the shuffle of angels sweep He called my name and my heart stood still When he said, John, go do my will Go tell that long-tongued liar
Go and tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter, sooner or later God's gonna cut you down.
Tell them that God's gonna cut them down.
That's right, they know it too.
You can run on for a long time, run on.
It's hard to turn that off, as I said.
That's right.
It's not the cash.
I've got an hour and twenty-six minutes and I haven't done mid-air refueling.
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When you buy these high-quality, game-changing products from us, you're not just getting a great product, you're also funding, well, crazy people.
I mean, we're committed to fight these psychos to the end.
We're rabbit dogs.
We're on the march.
Let's just admit it.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Three years ago, half of the $16 billion doled out to the Department of Energy loan guarantee program was invested in companies that had gone bankrupt, were laying off workers, or were headed for bankruptcy.
But the Department of Energy didn't learn from its malinvestments.
It then invested $3 billion in a Spanish company, Abengoa.
Now, three years later, one day before the Paris Climate Summit, Abengoa declared bankruptcy.
The $3 billion of taxpayer money that will likely be lost in whole or in part is six times bigger than Solyndra.
Green renewable mandates have brought energy poverty to the people of Spain, where electricity is triple what it costs in the U.S.
And electricity will become a luxury in the U.S.
as well if Obama is allowed to continue his crony climatism.
The Paris Summit seeks to accelerate the economic decline of the West, transferring wealth to developing nations in the form of green infrastructure.
But it's just greenwashing for crony climatism and global governance.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
Alex Jones here.
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For every question they don't want you to ask, he has the answer they don't want you to hear.
He is Alex Jones.
Under my thumb, the girl who once had me down.
Under my thumb, the girl who once pushed me down.
By the way, in the third hour today, we're joined by Lord Monckton from Paris, France, at the Public World Government Summit, where they're going to arrest us for our speech.
It's all being announced as flaming tyranny.
Their answer to us exposing them is to not deny world government now, but to go, oh yeah, it's world government, and we're going to arrest you if you don't like it.
So, they are un-cloaking.
That's what Klingons do before they fire.
They un-cloak.
It's a cheesy Star Trek allegory.
And we're getting Ted Duzin on the line right now.
While we do that, I want to go to this report filed yesterday.
He's got more in a whole other city today with his findings.
But here's the pre-report filed last night at Infowars.com by Joe Biggs on investigating the American Caliphate.
Here it is.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Now, we are on our first leg of a North American tour exposing the caliphate that has happened here in America.
Now, we have a number of locations throughout the country that breeds radical Islam, that encourages it, that will even pay for people to go overseas to train, to become radicalized
And then fight troops overseas to come back to America and carry out attacks.
Now, one of the largest stories in the country right now is whether or not we, as a country, as America, should allow Syrian refugees in mass numbers to be brought over in hopes that they'll assimilate, that they'll become American through and through.
Now, our government has openly come out and said that they have supported Al-Qaeda, that they have given them arms, that they have trained them.
And now we have a president who is openly supporting ISIS.
He won't even call them what they are, which is radical Islam.
Now, there are tons, tons of peaceful Muslims in this country and throughout the entire world at that.
Infowars does not
Push Islamophobia.
But what we do not like is the radicalization of Islam.
People who have taken the word of the Koran, people who have taken that religion and completely blown it out of proportion to a radicalization to a point where they throw homosexuals off bridges, where they stone people to death for being raped, where they make women cover themselves and don't allow them to work or don't treat people equally.
We don't want that to happen here in America.
Now, I was just in Molenbeek, Belgium the other day, and that is an area that has been completely taken over by radical Islam.
It's considered the jihadi capital of Europe.
Now, on this trip, we're going to go to a few places that are like Molenbeek in Belgium, that have large populations of Muslims from different parts of the country, from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, all over the world.
We don't have a problem with the ones who want to come over here, start families, get a job, and be peaceful.
But what we want to expose is that double standard that's going on as well.
We have companies, we have different businesses throughout America that have come out and said that they will not open their doors to Muslims.
But then you have these places like in Molenbeek, where we went to in Belgium, where they don't allow myself to even walk around.
I can't even go into a restaurant because of who I am, because I'm an American, because I'm white.
That is what we have a problem with, is that right there.
You can't defeat racism by having more racism.
You can't ask for equality and ask for rights when you're denying other people those exact same things.
It just doesn't work that way.
So that's what we're here to do, is expose that double standard.
We're here to investigate
The caliphate that is starting to unfold here in America because we have open borders, because we have a White House, a president who allows this to happen, even though there's insiders in Washington who say that the attacks that happened in Paris were because of open borders.
So it's not racist to go, hey, we should shut these borders down.
We need to shut them down.
And then figure out a better way to vet the people.
Because the FBI says they don't have the ability to vet all of these refugees.
Like I said before, many that are coming through will be peaceful people.
They will become Americans.
They will get jobs.
They will raise families.
And you'll never hear from them again.
But then you're gonna have a few bad apples that'll slip through.
So that's what this whole trip's about is exposing that right here.
So stay tuned for the next few days.
We'll give you reports from different locations across the Northeast and our way back down towards Texas.
So stay tuned for more reports.
Go to InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
That was Joe Biggs from an undisclosed location.
He's going to be live in the fourth hour today.
They're going to six different jihadi training camps.
In fact, if you see that fence right there, he was at one last night.
That's where that was shot.
This is obviously not very safe to do, so we're not announcing where he's at until he's left, or where he's going next.
We obviously had Donald Trump on, dropping bombshells in the last hour, and now, saving the best until last, we have
The Motor City Madman.
The Stranglehold King himself.
Ted Nugent joining us for the next 20 plus minutes to talk about the state of this country, the state of this world.
Ted Nugent, I've got to say that I'd love to see you as a vice presidential running mate with Donald Trump.
There's a lot of bad stuff happening, but I can feel the energy, the reawakening of America, liberty rising.
I've been very negative in the past, and correct me if I'm wrong, but are you not feeling the tectonic, explosive, volcanic energy, the rebirth of America beginning to happen?
Or am I wrong, Ted Nugent?
Well, Alex Jones, number one, the truth is so glaring right now, the self-evident truth, the common sense, the logic that you share with everybody on your programs, and with your voice, I salute you for that.
But, you know, here it is, December 2015, and the whole world sucks.
America sucks less, but we've got a government and a media and academia that are trying to catch up with Indonesia.
But let me tell you, Alex, just to make sure we stay on a positive note here, though we will delve into the horror stories that run amok, America sucks less.
But during the hunting season in Texas, Alex, it don't suck at all.
I mean, I'm bringing you effervescent glowage of spirit wild backstrap jihadi celebration, but as I celebrate the good, I celebrate the good because America still has unlimited good.
But it is our job, it is our sworn duty, if you have a brain, if you have a soul, you will be more like Alex Jones and Ted Nugent and the Hellraisers, because our number one responsibility, as we the people, in this unique and unprecedented experiment in self-government, our job as Americans, job one, raise hell and demand accountability.
Remember the Alamo.
Remember Concord Bridge.
We didn't meet the British at Concord Bridge to serve tea, be tolerant, and see how many guns or what kind of guns they came to take.
We met them at Concord Bridge, and we blew their punk-ass brains out.
And I smell the beast.
Approaching the door more and more every day.
So thank you for spreading the truth.
Thank you for spreading the logic and common sense.
But let me tell you, I'm not just going to give you a Ted Nugent, you know, ultra shine on what Alex Jones represents because I travel this country.
I've already shared 20 some hunting camps with working hard, playing hard Americans.
People that still set their alarm clock and still dedicate themselves to be productive assets.
For a strong America.
And what you represent, Alex, what I talk about, is not an Alex Jones, Ted Nugent hunch.
We presume nothing.
What the families I share campfires with, remember Alex, it's intimate, these people don't hold back.
If Ted Nugent represents anything, it's that nothing is sacred and you can unleash the beast.
And when they express their beliefs about this criminal empire in the government of the United States of America, this freedom-hating, America-hating punk president,
The globalists should surrender right now.
They have no idea that the sleeping giant is rising.
Oh, it's rising.
That's my point.
These people still work really, really hard.
But as we've talked about in the past, the enemy isn't necessarily the ultimate enemy.
The real enemy of America
is lazy, apathetic, uninvolved, non-participating Americans who don't know their mayor, they don't know their governor, they don't know their senator, they don't know nothing.
Those people claim they believe in the Second Amendment and they're not even members of the NRA, Alex.
These people are rock-solid in the liability column of America, but again, as I shine the light on the bad and the ugly, there's still increasing good out there, because more and more families, more and more hard-working moms and dads and just people that are in the asset column of America, they now recognize the curse, the self-inflicted curse
That is Barack Obama and the Liberal Democrats who hate freedom, who hate the Constitution, who hate the Bill of Rights.
They don't believe in self-defense.
They don't believe in independence.
They don't believe in being the best that you can be.
Potentially on a runaway freight train to weaken America and to reward the bloodsuckers while they punish the producers.
So I know I'm preaching to the choir out there.
No, no, but I want you to elaborate.
How could Europe, how could Obama openly open us up to radical Islam, let them kill us, and then Obama goes to France and Hollande goes there and says, we saved you, passed global government carbon taxes to show the jihadis, and Putin is exposing that
Turkey's buying the ISIS oil.
I mean, this is crazy!
I mean, my brain is tested by the hour.
Not just occasionally, not just daily.
By the hour.
What this president does, what this government does, what the academia is... What do they think they're doing?
You're a smart guy.
I mean, you really are.
I respect you.
What do you think they're thinking up there?
Don't they know that they're just wrecking the country and pissing everybody off?
You know, Alex, I'm going to answer your question, but allow me to elaborate and get there.
I believe that the reason America is stupid, apathetic,
Uncaring, slovenly, and allowed Barack Obama to become president, allowed Lois Lerner not to be shackled and imprisoned, allowed Nancy Pelosi to tell the people she works for that we don't need to read the document, we need to sign it to find out what's in it, and I could go on and on with a thousand examples, it would make you throw up.
But ultimately, it's because we didn't play Old Yeller
In our school system, back when it was produced, from kindergarten to twelfth grade, there should have been an Old Yellow Day, then there should have been a Patriot Movie Day, then there should have been a Braveheart Movie Day, then of course there should have been a Dirty Harry Day.
But because we haven't taught self-sufficiency, the instinct
To self-preservation and self-defense with the utility of the Second Amendment.
That is why we are in the... I wish I could use the word cluster.
It's a military term, but I'll give you the first two syllables.
There is a cluster whack in existence today.
And here's the bottom line if we would have been taught Old Yeller.
I don't care why he's foaming at the mouth.
I don't care how he got rabies.
He's rabid!
Get rid of the damn dog.
When Old Yellow brings the slippers, give him a biscuit.
When he foams at the mouth, you shoot him between the eyes.
Any questions?
You're sad about it, but you've got to put him on the ground.
You've got to do it!
America, you've got to cleanse this country.
No, I'm not talking about shooting anybody.
I'm talking about dealing with an outrageous condition that is painful and traumatic and frustrating, but if you don't face the beast... You're dead.
You're dead!
And that's what's going on.
But again, I've got to tell you.
You know, I'm rather buoyant and effervescent as I speak with you today because I just got out of my treatment.
I just hung up a beautiful buck with a beautiful arrow and my dog's got fresh liver.
I'm so happy I can stand myself.
But I'm writing my articles for WND.com.
Wait till you read tonight's WND.com piece.
Wait till you read my DeerAndDeerHunting.com.
I write these articles, and I weave in an absolute declaration of independence.
An absolute declaration.
Yes, we must declare it!
We aren't going along with this.
Well, too many sheep exist, but I think more and more Americans are waking up to their sheepdog duties.
And I don't really care why Barack Obama is the enemy of America.
I don't really care why Nancy Pelosi is a brain-dead, vicious freak.
I don't care how Sheila Jackson Lee is allowed to stay in power.
Or why Harry Reid's a piece of crap.
I don't understand why Mumbles McReid is allowed to grow a beard.
Can I entertain your listeners for just a moment?
Can I do my best Harry Reid impersonation?
Yes, sir.
All right, my name is Ted Nugent and this is just an impersonation on the Alex Jones Radio Show, but we actually have an elected official that sounds like this.
These liberal Democrats
Are some strange sub-human freak.
The human caught.
Obviously sub-human freaks vote for.
You just hit on my problem.
You just hit on my problem, Ted Nugent.
Ted, interrupt.
You just hit it.
How could we be ruled by such gibbering weirdos?
That's what gets to me.
These people are pathetic, known criminals.
You know, if I didn't laugh, I'd probably throw up blood.
It's so insane.
But the bottom line is, again, I don't care how... Well, I know how it happened, but I don't care why America got apathetic.
I just need to sound the alarm like Alex Jones does every damn day and wake people up that if you don't participate by raising hell and demanding accountability from your elected officials on a daily basis,
You are a green door welcome mat for Barack Hussein Obama and the Valerie Jarrett communist maniac!
You're bending over!
If you're not standing up fighting the beast, you're bending over and taking it in the ass, and that's what Liberal Democrats want everybody to do.
But I gotta tell you, I keep saying I gotta tell you, because I do get input.
Right now I have 20-some million Facebookers.
You should read.
I was up to 33.6 million Facebookers off and on the last few months because I reek of self-evident truth and logic and common sense and the evidence to support it.
We are alive and well out there, Alex, but we haven't raised adequate hell yet, and I think with Trump and Ted Cruz and what I'm hearing, some awakening by some of these GOP guys, I'm not excited yet, but I'm truly re-enthusiastic.
I'm getting to the point of being... We're at least in the game.
I agree.
People are waking up.
Stuff's worse than ever.
I'm not even saying we're winning, but at least we're not in a total coma.
I'm just wondering why the socialist liberal establishment is so arrogant and so crazy and shooting down Russian airplanes that are bombing ISIS and getting caught buying their oil.
I mean, Obama has been caught trying to set up a caliphate.
It's true.
He does want to overthrow this country, and I just wonder
What is our establishment thinking?
I mean, I know they're not perfect, but they really want to put bags on our women's heads?
Well, you know, I hear hope coming from Ted Cruz and hope coming from Donald Trump, and I occasionally hear hope from Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina.
I think they're some great people.
I don't think they're the Michael the Archangel quite yet.
I think Ted Cruz would make the best president we may have ever had.
I'm not endorsing anyone, but I'm... He's frighteningly intelligent.
Yes, and he's constitutional.
He's not a Ted Cruz guy.
He's a U.S.
constitutional servant, which is what elected employees are supposed to be.
In fact, they've taken an oath, a vow, to the U.S.
Constitution, and they wipe their ass with it every three minutes, except some of my Republican friends.
You know, I can't even think of any Democrats that really look like Americans nowadays.
I'm absolutely appalled that anybody would put a D after their name.
Well, that's it.
That's it.
I mean, the Democrat leadership and their constituents now, more and more, literally hate America and have a death score to settle and want to mount our head on the wall like a trophy when this country and our forebears gave these spoiled-ass bitches everything they've got.
You know, I'm going to put it in the most heartbreaking words
That are available to us, Alex.
And I want everybody to listen closely.
I know I'm just a guitar player, but I'm a father and a husband.
I'm an asset to my neighborhood, to my fellow Americans, to my fellow human beings.
I'm an asset to the environment.
And we could get in detail that in another show.
But for some reason, I am contacted every day of my life by heroes of the U.S.
When they're about to retire, or when a flag-draped coffin comes home.
And the family contacts me.
So that's where my energy and that's where my perseverance and that's where my indefatigable patriotism comes from.
And you know what these U.S.
Marines and these Army heroes and these Navy and these Air Force, you know what they're telling me, Alex?
That they're retiring.
Because they're not allowed to be Marines anymore.
They gotta wear red shoes.
They're retiring because they're not allowed to be soldiers anymore.
And they are absolutely heartbroken and shattered that their commander-in-chief is the enemy.
That's not my story, Alex!
It's crazy!
Those are the words of heroes that have trained to defend and fight for the U.S.
Constitution and freedom.
They tell me with tears in their eyes.
I can't believe it either!
Why would the elite that already runs the country want to put it down the toilet?
But you're right, we really are held by an enemy.
Who is that enemy?
What do they want to do?
How do we stop them, Ted Nugent?
Well, we stop them by galvanizing everybody in our family and our co-workers and our friends at church and school and deer camp.
We, the people who know self-evident truth and know that the Constitution is the outline for common sense, for freedom and individuality, and for God-given individual rights that were written down so a king or a desperate emperor or some punk could try to take them away from us again.
If we know that to be true, if we actually believe that America is the best place and it's on a downward spiral because of the Commander-in-Chief, then you absolutely must be registered to vote.
You have to communicate with your elected officials.
And in 2016,
Don't wait for Michael the Archangel, the perfect Republican candidate.
If we don't vote Republican in 2016, we will become Barack Obama's dream, and that is a suburb of Indonesia where individuality, independence, and freedom is gone like a dodo bird.
Well, I'll expand on that.
You write for WorldNetDaily.com and Farrah said on the show that he was so sick of Republicans selling out that he thought he'd teach them a lesson in 2008.
He wasn't for McCain.
I wasn't either.
And then Obama came in and you just, we can't relate with somebody that actually wants to bankrupt and destroy the country and hates freedom and hates Christians.
And then you come to grips with the fact that's really happening.
And then you realize, I mean, they're demonizing Donald Trump because, okay, only hundreds of Muslims celebrated 9-11.
So what?
Hillary said she was in combat in Serbia, and it's all made up, Brian Williams style.
The point is, is that it doesn't matter what they say about Trump or Cruz, or any of these people.
We certainly can't support Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
I mean, good God!
Talk about nails in this country's coffin!
I've changed some of my hardcore conservative friends from abandoning ship by giving them this analogy.
Your daughter is dying.
She's on the island.
You have to get the medicine to her across the water or she will die.
Your best boat is gone.
You have the enemy with the only boat.
Do you or do you not get on that less than desirable boat to get your daughter's life-saving medicine to her?
America is dying.
And whether the GOP candidate is perfect or not, it's the only boat going
To the island that will get medicine to a dying country.
And we gotta quit with this demand for perfection.
Now let me tell you, if it was John McCain, which was a complete joke, he was a complete idiot.
And as much as I respect Mitt Romney, he acted like a complete idiot.
He came to a gunfight with a gun.
He came to a gunfight with a crayon.
It was embarrassing.
He deserved to lose, except
So many Republicans, so many Independents said they wouldn't vote because he wasn't perfect, and look what you got!
You got the devil in your living room because Barack Obama slid in while you were waiting for Michael the Archangel!
Thanks for nothing!
You said it, and Ted Nugent, you actually brought tears to my eyes, and that rarely happens to me when you talk about America's dying.
America is dying.
Those aren't words.
This country is dying.
It's dying!
And then you look at other countries, there's not many to go to.
It's so sad.
And it's being replaced by...
I mean, it's crazy!
We're good to go.
They know that there's a warrior somewhere, but they're not allowed to be warriors.
So they love my music, and you know what they expressed to me thousands of times every day on Facebook?
I get comments from Belgium and all across the European landscape.
Ted, we look to America as the last place for individuality, for being the best that you can be, for freedom, for the American dream that only existed with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights.
And Ted, you're throwing it away.
They know I fight.
But overall, we are throwing it away in the name of more sick days and more welfare.
Switzerland and America are the last countries to fall, and Switzerland's falling to tyranny as well.
We are falling.
And what comes if we fully fall?
What will they do to us, Ted Nugent?
Well, they're going to have to trample the weak and hurdle to get the dead to get to me.
I just got a new 300 blackout.
You know, we could talk about firepower.
Ted, I know you've got to go, but we've got a real break for 60 seconds.
Do five more minutes with us.
Talk about the latest you're up to.
Final comments with Ted Nugent back in 70 seconds after this break.
I'm Alex Jones from InfoWars.com.
We had Donald Trump on unleashed.
Donald Trump is a listener, folks.
That's the inside baseball.
And that interview is coming back up as well.
Ward Monkton coming up from Paris after Ted Nugent finishes up for five minutes.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
I want more candy!
I want more video games!
Why, why, why?
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The rock and roll anthem.
Ted Nugent.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
What did Thomas Jefferson famously say?
A true liberal, but a right-wing racist according to the left.
What'd he say?
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
Well, you talk about a big, mean, tough sheepdog with eyes of electricity.
It's Ted Nugent.
We got five minutes left with him.
I wanted him to be able to come back and comment on the state of the world and everything that's happening.
I'll quote a tale of two cities, Ted.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
A lot of good stuff's happening, a lot of bad stuff's happening, but finishing up with your latest tour, what you're up to, what's happening in the world, where everything's going.
I would love to see you run for president, but I think it's a little late this cycle.
Who do you think a Ted Cruz or a Donald Trump should have for vice president?
And if they ask you to run for vice president, or maybe the head of the Interior Department, that'd be perfect for you, would you be part of the government if folks wanted to get you involved?
Because I know a lot of Americans that want to see you involved in the Department of Interior so they're not harassing hunters and homesteaders and others.
Well, thank you for that endorsement.
I appreciate that.
As you probably witnessed on my Facebook with, you know, tens of millions.
We hover between 10 and 34 million Facebookers.
And as we get way up there in the millions, it's in the 90 percentile that are asking me to run for president.
That's an indicator that things are really, really bad.
Because the author of Wango Tango probably shouldn't be considered
Let me stop you.
I was driving back from Dallas two weeks ago.
Big old billboard at somebody's ranch saying Ted Nugent for president.
Saw one in Arkansas six months ago, buddy.
It's everywhere.
And the reason is because they read my books, they read my articles, they read my stories, they go to my Facebook, they see what I stand for, they listen to me on Ted Nugent's Spirit of the Wild television, and they vote us number one show every year on Outdoor Channel.
Not because we kill giant bugs.
It's because I make sense.
I am in the asset column of America.
I would eliminate welfare because all it is, is a carrot to dopes who want free stuff and enjoy life.
The system's scared of American men, they're afraid of John Wayne, you look out there for a modern John Wayne, it's Ted Nugent.
Well, and again, thank you for that, but I'm a simple guy, I live within my means, I save for rent.
But you're not a slave.
And I would kill my slave driver.
I wanted to be a Jew in Nuremberg in 1938 while the brown shirts were herding people onto trains.
I'd have figured out a way to get that brown shirt Nazi punk-ass Luger away from us.
I'd have shoved it up his ass and I'd have touched off a clip and I would have got the magazine and I would have got all the other Jews to raise hell.
Now I'm not knocking people who fell for it, but I'm telling you, don't fall for it!
Learn from history!
I'm in with you, brother.
I'm going all the way.
I'm not backing down.
We're trying to fix stuff peacefully.
If the globalists down the road, they want to fight, they're going to get one.
Yeah, if they want to fight, I welcome it to Texas.
Even my good friend, the Detroit Police Captain, the Chief of Police in Detroit, finally admitted that the reason Detroit is safer right now is because there are more citizens with concealed weapons permits, and people don't like to... Well, that's what's positive.
The head of Interpol, Ted, as you know, two years ago said, I'm everybody like Texas, so there is some good news.
Sure, and you know, I saw Gutfeld one day on Fox on The Five.
He quoted that guy where self-defense is the clear and present answer to danger.
And he actually said, who said that?
The chief terrorist specialist from the UN or Ted Nugent?
Again, common sense.
If you're unarmed and helpless,
You're unarmed and helpless.
What an embarrassing, irresponsible condition and choice that is.
And it's beautiful because we're going to win in the end.
This tyranny will only make us stronger in the end.
I know we're going to win, Ted Nugent.
Everybody takes action.
Everybody shouldn't feel like a responsibility to get involved.
It's an honor to be involved in the fight for liberty.
Thank you for your time.
I know you fight six, seven hours a day for freedom on top of all your other work.
So thank you, Ted Nugent, for your tireless commitment and your energy.
There's only one other guy who has more energy than I do.
It's Ted Nugent.
Ted, thank you so much.
Godspeed, Alex.
Everybody have a great Christmas season, a great hunting season.
Remember, stand up for what you believe in.
Raise hell or move to Cuba.
Ted News, it's got what it takes.
Republicans, like Democrats, are quick to jump in with supposed solutions after a tragedy.
In the wake of the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, GOP leadership is pushing legislation by Congressman Tim Murphy.
If passed, they should call it Murphy's Law, because, you know, what could possibly go wrong if you decide to, quote, fix the nation's mental health system?
Well, here's what would go wrong with Murphy's Law.
It would lower privacy protection and give states financial incentives to allow judges to mandate psychiatric treatment.
The Democrats, meanwhile, are trying to push a law that would ban gun purchases for those who have been put on the government's watch list, secretly, without knowing they're on, without opportunity to confront the charges and the witnesses publicly in court, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
So because of one man's act, Republicans offer us political abuse of psychiatry, and Democrats offer us punishments from secret star chambers.
For more information, go to Infowars.com.
I'm David Knight.
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globulous concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous
We're good to go.
We have been fighting this war tirelessly with you at our side, day in and day out, exposing the ludicrous lies and criminal operations of the globalists.
And we're starting to see big effects.
And the word is getting out.
The globalists want to make us dependent.
And as Napoleon famously said, an army marches on its stomach.
Ammunition, food, and supplies form the backbone of any offensive, including the Info War.
And our enemies admit they're losing the Info War.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
With this in mind, we have held strong to our principles and the decision to refuse any money from globalists or government.
We are funding our crusade against tyranny the old-fashioned way, with pure free-market, free-will capitalism.
Visit InfoWarsTore.com today or call 888-253-3139 and take advantage of free shipping right through December 18th and get your order before Christmas.
May God bless you and your family and keep us strong as we forge ahead in this battle for humanity.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcast to the world live.
We've still got an hour and 51 minutes left of transmission.
We have the fourth hour, hosted by David Knight Today.
With Joe Bix in the field investigating the American caliphate.
Jihadi training centers on record all over the country.
He's been out for two days.
He's already been inside.
He has to move on from each base before he reports.
For security reasons, he'll be on in the fourth hour.
Donald Trump came on the broadcast.
I've been talking to the Trump camp, let's just leave it at that, for the last month.
They are listeners.
They came here and visited us.
We talked to them.
They're on board.
They want to save the country.
They want a free market system.
They don't want to destroy the republic for a socialist, collectivist, crony-capitalist model.
And Donald Trump came on and dropped bombshell, after bombshell, after bombshell.
It is the cover of Politico, up at DrugsReport.com.
Impeaching Obama will only make him a martyr.
It is already in newspapers across the country just an hour or so after the interview ended.
Trump, Hillary's greatest legacy, will be surviving email scandal.
That story is up on Infowars.com.
The full video of Trump on fire will go up in the next 10 minutes or so at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And that 30-minute interview will air in the second half of the fourth hour with David Knight today, if you missed it.
But it's big.
I love this Drudge Report headline because it's accurate.
China challenges USA in space.
And I went and saw the new movie, The Martian, and the reason I vomited repeatedly, psychologically, didn't physically vomit, but I did stumble out of it sick, was Russia has heavy lifters we don't have.
They destroyed the models of the Saturn rockets that are even better than Russian rockets in the 80s.
They just, oh, we destroyed them!
Vernevron bronze rockets, better than the Russian heavy lifters.
We destroyed them, sabotaged against the country.
And so we have to go to the Russians for their heavy lifters.
But at least they invented them!
At least they're smart!
At least they got 190 IQs.
I mean, good for the Russians.
Not against that.
They got... The Chinese have copies of the Russian rockets that blow up half the time.
Half the time, literally, or more.
And I go see the Martian, and it's all about
It's all about how China did our space program, and China will get us to Mars, and the Communist Politburo, and red flags flapping.
And then I learned Chinese communists are influencing so many Hollywood movies and TV shows in America.
This country is wide open.
This country has been lobbied by foreign interests into hell.
So has the UK, conquered by the EU.
And I don't think the UK's perfect, or England's perfect.
I don't think America's perfect.
But you know what?
We built the Renaissance.
We created the technology.
And I'm a fan of Western civilization.
I'm a fan of everybody else, but I'm sick of the politically correct attacking the West.
And let me tell you what's been designed to kill the West.
Let's go to the control room shot with George Washington and Moulin Lambe there with our crew.
Let me tell you who they're coming after.
They're coming after the West and the Magna Carta, 1215, and George Washington, 1776, backed by more than half the British Parliament until the King came and gave a speech.
They're against where the real freedom came from because it threatens them.
And they want to put taxes selectively on UK, and German, and US, and Canadian, and Australian power plants, while China, and India, and Mexico, and 163 other nations are tax-exempt.
That's discriminatory!
That's wrong!
And, at the very tip of the spear, for decades, advisor to Margaret Thatcher, newspaper editor Ed Vinner, top critic of man-made global warming, proven right!
Now they call it climate change.
Proving the sun is the main driver of climate change, like proving the sky is blue, but he proved it with the science, is Lord Christopher Monckton joining us covering the Paris World Government Talks, that in the establishment's own words, is the greatest conflagration of world leaders in history.
Pushing for world government and a new environmental enforcement arm that will arrest chief among them, Lord Christopher Monckton, Mark Moreno, Alex Jones and others.
Imagine reading newspapers openly calling for your arrest.
These are flaming, naked Italians that haven't been seen since Adolf Hitler strode the earth in his booted feet.
We're alive in epic times.
He was blocked from the Durban South Africa meeting a few years ago.
He skydived into the event and now joining us via Skype.
He skydives via the electronic web, invented by the West, into our studio today, joining Donald Trump, Ted Nugent and others.
We salute our knight in shining armor against the tyrants.
Lord Monckton, thank you for joining us.
Well, what a pleasure, and what an introduction.
I'll send you your usual $100 tomorrow.
That was outstanding, Alex.
Many, many thanks.
And I've had to tone down the partying that goes on at these conferences tonight.
I've been invited to a really wonderful party by the Collectif des Climatorialistes.
That's the French climate sceptics.
So that I could be on with you this hour to bring you the update here from Paris.
We've had 147 three-minute speeches by world leaders, so-called, all singing from exactly the same tedious hymn sheet.
There was only one exception, and that was Mr Obama, who overran his time and gave us 14 minutes of the usual lying platitudes about global warming.
But the agenda is ever more naked, exactly as you've just described.
It is crony capitalism to the nth degree.
And crony capitalism, of course, technically speaking, that is fascism.
And it is at the same time a collectivist desire that everybody should be made to toe one scientific and political line.
And as you have rightly said, Alex, there are calls here at this conference from the various fringe lunatic groups
That people like me should be arrested, tried, imprisoned, and even executed for daring to suggest that their climate change scam is the scam that it is.
But we are fighting back.
We have held an alternative conference here for the last couple of days, of which I spoke yesterday, one of the opening speeches.
And I proposed an idea which had been put originally to me by Professor Niklas Moerner, the great world expert on sea level.
He says it's not going to rise very much.
He has established an international committee to bring back ethics to the earth sciences called the International Geoethics Committee.
That has been launched at our conference and I have been asked by that committee to establish a fraud investigation team.
We are going to go after
Just two or three of the biggest fraudsters.
We're going to gather evidence against them.
We're going to submit that evidence to a committee of professors and doctors of science so that they can review it thoroughly and make sure that the job we've done is serious and fair and correct and scientifically true.
When that has been accepted it will go in to the public authorities in various countries and that evidence will be submitted in a dossier which will bear the names of those professors who are going to support us.
And I have already had conversations with Congressman Lamar Smith a few weeks ago in Washington.
He of course is doing a similar exercise, you've just shown that on the screen.
He's subpoenaing the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States for, to find out how it was that they tampered with the temperature data to turn the long pause in global warming, which their data set showed until a couple of years ago, and the satellite data sets still do show it.
Now it's 18 years, 9 months, no warming at all, and here's subpoenaing them to find out why they changed their record just in time for the Paris meeting, so that it would show global warming that has not in fact been happening over the last two decades.
So we are all, in our different ways, moving in on these people and surrounding them, and we are going to take them to the criminal courts.
Because those who have lied and cheated and tampered with the data and said that their results are different from what they really were, these people are fraudsters.
They are doing huge damage to the poor people of the world who need fossil-fueled electricity.
Coal-fired power can give them
Electricity at under $20 per megawatt hour.
It's the cheapest form of electricity available on the planet.
We should be meeting in urgent session all the nations of the earth to work out how to give these nations that don't have electricity... How to deliver clean coal power to Africa and Latin America now.
Straight away.
And this is something which would cost a tiny fraction.
And it would reduce their population growth.
Non-working global warming go away.
But sir, Lord Monckton, wouldn't it also reduce their population growth to give them industrialization?
That is the truth.
I mean, the kindest and the only way
To stabilise the populations of countries where there is overpopulation, by which I mean the population is growing so fast that the nation can't support it.
These are the poor countries.
If you stop them being poor, and they become so that everybody has at least got a square meal and a roof over their head and some decent education and healthcare, then suddenly the population will stabilise all by itself.
You don't need to have...
So let me ask this question.
The only world leader out of over 150 to say it's a fraud other than you, House of Lords, the only person there as a world leader saying it's a fraud is Putin.
Why do you think Russia has finally told the truth and come against it?
I think the development of Putin coming out and beginning to indicate, it's still fairly carefully phrased, you have to watch it.
He's trying to play both sides against the middle a bit, as they often do in Russia.
He's a good chess player.
But I think he's beginning to express scepticism.
Because he can no longer make money out of this scam.
He's suddenly realized that if the West does go for shutting down all fossil fuel use, then that means the pipelines into the West from Siberia, which are his major source of income.
It's made Russia once again a great power after the terrible economic collapse that followed the fall of communism.
That gas, he can't sell it to us if we're going to say we're going to generate all our power from wretched windmills.
So he suddenly realized that in having temporarily backed the global warming scam because it enabled him... He's splitting Russia's throat.
Stay there and finish up when we come back.
You're right.
He said it's a military operation to shut down nation states, which it is.
All selectively enforced.
Lord Monckton straight ahead from France.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up in the next segment, your questions or comments for Lord Monckton, 800-259-9231.
First time callers.
There is no one in the fight against this global government regulation taxation grid like Lord Monk should.
I don't tell the story to brag because when I was a teenager I didn't know that I was one of the most popular people in school because I wasn't into being popular.
I was into playing football and going after girls.
I didn't get into the debates about who was cool, who wasn't.
But I remember being, say, a
Freshman and seeing the girl that was a junior and the most beautiful cheerleader and people talking crap about her because they were jealous of her and kind of joining in.
Now the next year when she was a senior and I was a sophomore and I was dating her I wasn't talking bad about her anymore and the reason I tell that story is what's wrong with this elite because elites aren't perfect and elites come and go but
I don't see a lot of cases in history where you have an elite that are in charge and they want to tear down the success of a country or a culture or a system or an Anglo-American establishment.
It's one thing if you're out of power to talk trash, but if the establishment's in power, why would they want to wreck the society when its wealth and freedom made them even more powerful?
I mean, look at Roman emperors, British emperors.
Other emperors, I mean a lot of them were altruistic because they were running a giant successful empire.
How did we get an elite?
They'll want to make us poor.
How'd we get an elite that wanted to break up the family?
What do you call this group, Lord Monckton, as a historian?
I really respect your views why I'm asking.
I don't see a lot of cases in history where we get sick freaks that want to wreck prosperity, wreck beauty, wreck strength.
Who are these people, Lord Monckton?
I'll tell you who they are.
They are cowards.
They're cowards because the left, which now lies about everything,
is so vicious in its attacks on those of us who stand against it and are effective against it that those who want to succeed and go far in politics have learnt that on any matter where the left has spoken they better keep silent or the left will vilify them as they vilify the likes of you and me.
Such bullying!
These are cowards and I think we have to face down the left
We have to start, as I say, prosecuting the backsides out of them, so that they realise they can't get away with telling lies anymore about this, to the cost of tens of millions of lives every year, of these poor folk in the countries like Africa and Latin America that could have electricity, if we got on with it and made sure they got electricity, instead of which they are being denied it, in the name of saving the planet from a non-problem, because the left want to show who's boss.
And if people are cowards, they won't stand up to them.
So they already run things, but they want to wreck the system just to mount our head, or what is it?
They want to wreck the system because they know the moment they speak out as you and I speak out, they will be the victims of left-wing propaganda just as you and I are, and they don't think that they would survive long in politics if they did that.
They are cowards, and that's why they have drifted along with this climate change nonsense.
Is that why Swiss women, or not Swiss women, Swedish women say they don't want to report rapes?
I mean, it's crazy.
It's beginning to get like that.
Now, if it's anything that the left is running and you dare to speak out against it and you become effective, you become known for speaking out against it, they will attack and attack and attack and attack until they've destroyed your reputation.
And the governing class has learnt this and is frightened of it.
This is a technique invented by Goebbels.
He used to do it to his
Of anyone who opposed the left-wing Communist Party line.
And now the environmental communists are doing exactly the same thing.
Indeed, they are largely the same people.
Some of the older ones were actually recruited by Pacheco.
They're still in place.
They're still pursuing the communist line, even though communism itself has apparently collapsed.
So what has happened is that communism is reinventing itself in the environmental movement which it captured.
We listened today to Patrick Moore, the founder of Greenpeace at our conference.
He made a very powerful speech in saying that he had fought
Genuine environmental battles and won nearly all of them until suddenly the organization was captured by communists and taken over and then they began to get silly and they began going on about climate change.
And isn't that the biggest crime is that all the real environmental problems are ignored?
That is, of course, a very serious crime, because there are many real environmental problems.
You look at the pollution in China, for instance.
You look at the disease throughout Africa.
And all that is largely dirt-driven.
All of these things could be stopped.
These are the things that should be on the agenda in Paris, but they're not.
The sole topic is how can we set up a global government to make the non-problem of global warming go away, because if we don't all agree to that, the left will
That's right, we're racist.
Stay there.
I want to talk about what's happening at the conference that you're covering, how we stop it.
It was five years ago you got the secret Copenhagen plan and blew them wide open.
Lord Monckton straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Three years ago, half of the $16 billion doled out to the Department of Energy loan guarantee program was invested in companies that had gone bankrupt, were laying off workers, or were headed for bankruptcy.
But the Department of Energy didn't learn from its mal-investments.
It then invested $3 billion in a Spanish company, Ebengoa.
Now, three years later, one day before the Paris Climate Summit, Ebengoa declared bankruptcy.
The $3 billion of taxpayer money that will likely be lost in whole or in part is six times bigger than Solyndra.
Green renewable mandates have brought energy poverty to the people of Spain, where electricity is triple what it costs in the U.S.
And electricity will become a luxury in the U.S.
as well if Obama is allowed to continue his crony climatism.
The Paris Summit seeks to accelerate the economic decline of the West, transferring wealth to developing nations in the form of green infrastructure.
But it's just greenwashing for crony climatism and global governance.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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It's Alex Jones.
My ancestors on the Mayflower on both sides of my family just wanted religious freedom.
Then in 1776 they wanted freedom to defend themselves and lower taxes.
Then in the Texas Revolution they didn't want to be ruled by Santa Ana who came to take their guns.
And here I am now following that genetic directive to not be a slave.
And I find it hard to believe
But other people out there don't have that same drive in them to want to be free.
My love is in league with liberty.
And I wonder if people realize how horrible bondage is.
We live off the incredible free market systems created in the Renaissance and that came out of the Magna Carta in Old England.
We weren't at war with England in 1776.
We were at war with tyranny.
And rediscovering the ideas that were actually formed on that island.
That's why 1776 is worldwide.
That's why I can speak at Bilderberg.
Only a few thousand feet from the hotel where the Prime Minister was meeting, and have 4,000 people in front of me from the UK, and have them chant, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
Because it wasn't some anti-British, or anti-Scottish, or anti-Irish idea.
The answer to 1984, that's a Soviet globalist system, is 1776.
All of us want freedom.
And now we face one of the greatest evils in human history.
Openly in our face, Lord Christopher Monckton joins us from Paris, where two weeks ago we had terror attacks, where Obama is now grandstanding saying, pass global carbon taxes, world government, give us a world court, give us strict rules, give us strict treaties, or you're aiding the terrorists, the very terrorists they brought in.
They really are, Lord Monckton, playing on the hope that the public is politically, economically, geopolitically
Is that true, Lord Monckton, or will they succeed?
Where do you see this going?
What are the main topics?
They have complete contempt for ordinary people.
They also, and this is their weakness, they have complete contempt for the very concept of objective truth.
That's the truth which is true whether you or I or they or anyone likes it or not.
And they, in nailing their clothes to the mast of the sinking ship Global Warming, will find that, in the end, the truth will catch them out.
Those who depart from the truth will always end up trying to force their opinions on the world through dictatorial governing systems, because, in the end, the people won't stand for it.
And so they know they can only impose their will by force, but in doing so they make themselves, and the lies they tell, ever more unpopular.
So the more they go down the frankly fascist route which Obama mapped out in his driveling 14-minute speech, which annoyed everybody here,
The more they go down that route, the more certain they make it that their defeat will be ultimately a crushing one.
And I think that the extreme left, the totalitarian, fascist, communist left, call them what you will, the people who think they know best about this and about everything, and that no alternative point of view should be allowed, you should be ostracized as being politically incorrect at very best, and on this climate matter you should be executed for disagreeing with them, these people are of the devil.
Let's be very blunt about this.
Because they have lost all respect for the truth, and they do not care how many tens of millions worldwide their lies continue to kill every year, these people are of the devil.
And what we have to do is very simply, very quietly, go on stating the truth, explaining there's been no global warming... And they are losing!
They are losing!
They're losing big time explaining that there's been only one third of the warming that they predicted in 1990 in their first UN report on the climate.
It's simply not happening as they predicted.
That the sea ice in the Arctic that Al Gore said confidently in 2007 in Bali, I sat next to him while he said it.
He said in 2007, by 2013, there will be no ice in the Arctic.
And he was applauded by all the zombies in the room.
And only I said, oh for heaven's sake, come off it.
That's not going to happen.
And you know it perfectly well.
And I was the lone voice of dissent.
Because the left have decided that they can tell any lie they want, and the robots in the schools who are the teachers there, they just pass this on to the kids.
The kids are no longer taught to think for themselves or check what their teachers tell them.
They end up... This is a new belief system.
I no longer call them alarmists, I just call them believers.
Because this is a new superstition, it's a belief system that they have very foolishly adopted.
But the left has made a huge strategic mistake in making the climate their number one issue.
I agree with you Lord Monckton, and by the way, they've now had someone who I've met and had dinner with, and who's not seen to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I'm bashing him, he just seemed to be...
Quite frankly, 70 IQ or so, and that is Sean Penn.
He, I believe, is a useful idiot they use, who literally lead around by a chain.
I'm not being mean, he just is so childlike, a five-year-old level education and mindset and brain cells.
He has said that those that deny global warming are a cult, Fox News is a cult.
Well, Fox News is more liberal than conservative.
The point is,
is that he's freaking out calling us a cult.
Well, a cult is who says arrest us because we say climate change isn't man-made.
I mean, these people are a freakish group of totalitarians led by pitch men who can hardly tithe their shoelaces.
So they really are an embarrassment.
Yes, they are.
I mean, there's no doubt that the Hollywood lovies have been reliably wrong on every major political question.
And one almost has sympathy with McCarthy when he tried to round up all the communists in Hollywood, because they're all still there, and they all come out and they bleat ineffectually about how, you know, the Fox News invented the skeptics and that kind of thing.
You know, Sean Penn's drivel.
They're the definition of useful idiot.
Here's what Lenin and Stalin would have called a useful idiot.
There's an awful lot of them.
And these are not the fraudsters, these are not the people you can put in jail for making up bogus science.
The ones you can do that with are the people who are scientists who know perfectly well that their own results tell them now that we're not going to get a lot of global warming, we're not going to get any ocean acidification.
They're now, interestingly, beginning to admit that.
Even the communists rag new scientists.
has just come out and said, oh, we got it wrong on ocean acidification.
It's now quite clear that in the area where corals are flourishing, the corals themselves actually make the ocean more acidic, and they thrive and survive in that.
And Patrick Moore gave us a very good lecture on this today.
They are wrong about everything, these Hollywood lovies.
They're wrong about everything.
And we are gradually encircling them with the truth.
And this is what's going to happen to the left.
The left having said, we know best, nobody can take any alternative point of view.
We're the boss, we're in charge, we're your god.
We control free speech.
I mean, how arrogant is that?
They will find they can't, because they're wrong.
And it's becoming almost embarrassing now, the lengths to which they will go to avoid having any direct debate with any of us, because they know we know more about the science and the economics than they do.
And they also, the more honest ones.
There are a few.
They know perfectly well that they got this wrong, and they got this far wronger than they ever thought they would.
Sure, let me say this.
Let me interrupt you.
Let me interrupt you, because you mentioned this.
I've had high-powered people, famous Hollywood folks, billionaires, you name it, go, Alex, you're right.
The Earth climate changes, it's the sun, we're going into a cooling cycle, it doesn't matter.
Isn't it good we're drawing attention to the environment?
Isn't it good we're setting up a global system to counter problems?
Aren't there real problems?
I go, yeah!
Overfishing, some GMO, toxic waste dumping, that's national issues or international agreements.
Not about a carbon tax when China is exempt.
So they now admit, okay, it's a fraud but it's for a greater good.
That's what they quietly say at dinner.
That's right.
They're beginning to realise they've lost the argument, so now they're looking for an out.
Because at the moment, they are cornered rats.
They've dug themselves into this corner, and we have encircled them with the truth, and they can't get out.
And so they're saying to us, please, please, please be nice to us, and tell us that even though we got the science wrong, we're still...
Oh no, it is never useful to propose or take any action based on a lie.
Because when the lie gets found out, and you then say to people that we want to be the champions of the environment, people are going to turn around and say you lied to us about global warming, you might be lying to us about everything else, we're not going to listen to you anymore.
So lying as a basis for action on the environment is not the way forward.
The truth is that in the Western world we have largely put the environment to right.
We've cleaned up the air, we've cleaned up the watercourses, we've cleaned up the fishing grounds, we've cleaned up the seashore.
We are now running a reasonably taut ship, environment-wise.
We don't need to take all that much more action to make sure the environment's looked after.
It is in the third world countries that, as you've just so rightly said, have exempted themselves, or been exempted by Obama in China's case, from playing any part in this.
Now China, within the next ten years, is going to be emitting half of all the CO2 that the world emits.
Now I say good luck to it, we need more CO2 in the air.
I don't think that's a bad thing.
The point is that if you exempt China,
From agreements which are supposed to reduce global CO2.
The one thing those agreements will not do is reduce global CO2.
It also empowers them to take all the jobs.
...lying press releases to the extent of saying that China is cutting its CO2 emissions and is cutting its use of coal.
It's increasing its use of coal with every year that passes.
It isn't.
They have enormous numbers of coal-fired power stations built and not yet even turned on.
It's total fraud.
It's totally discriminatory.
I want to talk about...
I want to talk about the conference itself and take some phone calls.
I was just about to go to a caller, but he hung up from Europe.
He wanted to ask you, we got a caller from Australia too, and Amber from Kentucky, and Phillip from Arizona.
We'll go to them in a few minutes at 800-259-9231.
But what about specifically, to get into their question,
What do we do about these world courts and other organizations when they actually start trying to fine or fee people?
Or is that all just bluff?
What they're trying to do is they're trying to find a way of making Western countries do what the UN tells them, what this new global government tells them.
The court, at least to start with anyway, is not supposed to have any power over individuals.
They wouldn't dare, frankly, they would be very stupid if they tried to come after me, for instance, and say, you are a prominent sceptic, therefore we're going to put you on trial for your life because of your scepticism.
Because they know perfectly well that in a courtroom, where I can cross-examine them when they come out with their drivel, and I can say, where is your evidence for it?
And I can then take their evidence apart, show how it's been tampered with, etc.
They know that any judge worth his salt, looking at the evidence, is going to find in our favour, just as we did when we took Al Gore's wretched movie to court, when the British government tried to ram it down the throats of its school kids.
What about the question from Dane?
What about Prince Charles saying, you shouldn't have cars, you shouldn't have air conditioning, like Obama said to Africans, while he gets so much government funding.
What do you make of Prince Charles saying, save the earth, pay carbon taxes.
What do you say to Prince Charles?
Call or ask that, Dave, ask that.
Very simple, at the moment Prince Charles gets on his bike and sells every Aston Martin and Jensen Interceptor and other fancy car he's got in his garage.
When he sells Highgrove, I'll buy it from him for a pound.
And when he lives in a tent, a yurt, that's the fashionable thing among Greens at the moment, when he lives as he tells us to live, same with Al Gore, then I will at least respect him as a man of conviction.
While he lives like a prince and asks us to live like paupers, I have no time for him and he is not fit to be our king.
I agree.
Sir, don't you get...
I mean, your view on this, but doesn't the public get that you have people on Jared Airplanes, red carpets, eating caviar, thousand dollar a plate dinners, telling people don't consume, don't live.
It's so incredibly
I mean, I just don't get how they would even do something this arrogant.
What's wrong with these people?
It's not just hypocritical.
It's not just arrogant.
It's downright offensive.
It is expressing contempt for the ordinary people on whose backs they are.
This is a new aristocracy with none of the grace, elegance, handsomeness and wit of the old.
This is an aristocracy of blaggards, an aristocracy of bureaucrats, of bloodless little men who, like Prince Charles, wish to have all the comforts of civilization while denying those comforts to the rest of us.
I've just been reading Mark Twain's wonderful account of a Connecticut Yankee at the court of King Arthur.
Where he gives a pretty downbeat description of the way in which the Arthurian court treated the ordinary people with complete contempt.
And that is now coming back.
We're getting the Arthurian court, we're getting these creeps trying to set themselves up as kings over us.
And Prince Charles, of course, at the moment, is in line to be the king.
Well, as you know, any true aristocracy that didn't deliver... ...that we make sacrifices that he is not prepared to make,
I'm demanding that we make their sacrifices when there is no need to make them anyway.
Lord Monckton, as you know, any aristocracy in history that didn't deliver prosperity got overthrown.
Any aristocracy that didn't take the field in battle got overthrown.
We have an aristocracy that's never even been in the military, tells the poor you should be poor.
I mean, this is the most insane aristocracy I've ever seen.
Well, Prince Charles has done himself, and the monarchy, and indeed the aristocracy, untold harm by bleating on ignorantly about this.
He's not a very bright lad.
He's not the brightest shilling in the pile.
And his trouble is that he thinks he's studied this, and of course he simply has no scientific knowledge.
Most of the British governing class don't.
I'm rather rare in that respect, because I've taught myself enough science to find my way around this and find where the lies are.
He is incapable of doing that.
And he's way out of his depth.
He is able to make a very good speech.
I've seen him at St.
James's Palace speaking for an hour without notes on this subject.
He's very passionate about it, but the trouble is the content is totally empty.
He knows absolutely nothing.
He's able to regurgitate horse crap.
John in Australia, you're on the air with Lord Monckton.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex and Christopher.
Go ahead, John.
Yeah, good to hear from you too.
Yeah, I used to believe in this global warming because I got scared into it and I was like panic-stricken and then I started doing my own research and I watched lots and lots of videos of you, Lord Monckton, and I found it all to be the global warming is nothing but a hoax.
It's just a money-making scheme and you've got Al Gore who's saying about all this pollution and he gets in a jet and he flies all over the world.
It's hypocrisy.
They don't even practice what they preach.
They know it's a fraud.
That's a very good word.
Not only is he a hypocrite, he's a liar.
Because when he came to Gibraltar for a debate, which should have been a debate with me, but he cried off at the last moment and just gave a talk in the name of the government there, they paid him $300,000 to do it, and they paid his private jet expenses while announcing that he had flown in on a British Airways flight that didn't even exist.
And we caught him out in that lie and exposed him on national television.
So he is going around flying in private jets, but he knows now that the best thing is to pretend that he's not flying in on a private jet.
And so we had the airport watch to see how he flew out, and sure enough, he flew out on a private jet as well.
And this is what's going on.
They're now living a lie.
They're telling us we've got to cut down.
And I commend you, sir, for having not just stayed frightened, but gone and done your own research, so as to find out whether people were telling the truth.
Because in the end, that is how this scam is going to come to an end, when enough people
...have thought this through for themselves.
They don't believe what they're told by their teachers, they don't believe what they're told by governments, they certainly don't believe what they're told by the likes of Prince Charles and Al Gore, who are both contemptible for living high on the hog and asking us to live like paupers.
And these people are wrong, and you have found out that they're wrong, and you've done so just by going and looking... I agree, I agree.
John in Australia, go ahead and finish your... Any other comments for Lord Monaghan?
Yeah, well, I'd just like to thank you both.
Thank you, Christopher, because without people like you and Alex, we would just be remaining dumbed-down zombies.
Well, brother, thank you.
Don't thank me, though.
We're all in this together.
I mean, we're all into this fraud.
We're all together.
Phillip in Arizona, you're on the air with Christopher Monckton.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon.
I was recently carefully reading the text of an Obama speech from 2012 to the United Nations.
That speech is the source of his quote, the future must not belong to those who slander the name of the Prophet of Allah.
As I was reading the text, it occurred to me, and the question is, do you agree that
One of the things he's really trying to do is unify the Muslim world.
Specifically, heal the rift between Shia and Sunni.
Sure, is that for Moncton or me?
Because I'll just say, I never believed this, but it's true now.
Obama is trying to create some weird Sunni caliphate.
And it's just totally insane.
I can't believe the elite would allow this.
Lord Moncton?
I think that that is a very shrewd remark.
Obama has talked of my Muslim faith and I was very suspicious of the whole Reverend Wright affair.
I thought that the main purpose of that affair was to make it look as though Obama was a Christian worshipper when we all know perfectly well that he's a Muslim.
So I think that what's happened there is that he is indeed using his office, or abusing his office, to advance the Muslims, and he's coming dangerously close to advancing the cause of the terrorists too.
And I think there is, I think he'll be quite lucky not to be impeached.
I agree.
I know that Donald Trump is saying, look, we won't impeach you.
I agree, Lord Monckton, but it's hard for me to even believe, though, it's happening, that he's with Turkey, shipping the oil, protecting ISIS,
I can't believe our elite would allow a president to openly back Al-Qaeda, but he's doing it!
I mean, this, I can't even believe this.
I'm the big conspiracy theorist, and I cannot compute.
Like Robbie the Robot, I have smoke coming out of my gears.
This is insane!
It is insane and the insanity is that the so silent is the establishment in the face of this outrageous attempt by Obama to align himself with the terrorists by refusing point-blank time and time and time and time again ever to use the name of Islam in connection with the name of terrorists when 98% of all terrorist acts over the last 25 years
I agree, I don't hate Muslims, but my God, they...
And they were the leading lights of civilizations.
They preserved the great classical texts that I studied at Cambridge, of Greece and Rome, when we had no interest in them.
They kept all that for us.
These are people to whom we should look up.
So how have they degenerated?
Because you're right, they've been a leading light.
And what we should be doing, as world leaders, is trying to lead Islam back
To the era of scholarship and learning, rather than of the sword.
You need to get away from the sword verses and get back to the learning for which Islam was once renowned worldwide.
And Obama, in that degree, has absolutely nothing to offer us.
He will prove to have been one of the most damaging and otherwise irrelevant presidents the United States... Well, that's my question.
Why would the elite back radical, book-burning, woman-enslaving Islam when there's so many great forms of it, as you historically point out?
Go ahead, Lord Monckton.
Thank you, Philip.
The reason is very, very straightforward, and that is that the Islam in its present manifestation is totalitarian, the left are totalitarian, and the communists, the fascists were totalitarian.
This is the age-old battle that the Chinese philosophers meditated upon.
I've said this before.
Country philosophers always said the division was between the totalitarians on one side and the libertarians on the other.
You and I, Alex, are libertarians.
Islam and the world's left are now united in a totalitarian desire to push the rest of us around.
And that's what this is about.
It's not just that Obama talks of his Muslim faith.
It is that he is ideologically a totalitarian.
He recognizes that Islam in its present form is also ideologically totalitarian.
Only one view, only one view.
So they're allied.
Lord Monckton, we've got to go to break.
Do five more minutes with us, then we'll let you go and get back to that important...
I don't think so.
Jihad centers around the U.S.
Very dangerous mission that's coming up and the Donald Trump interview will be re-aired.
That's now all over U.S.
news exploding giantly and obviously I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing, on the Thursday edition 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
with the weekday program.
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Stay with us back in 70 seconds with more Moncton than David Knight and Donald Trump.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Another world.
Another time.
The Age of Rosots.
Another time.
In the Age of Wonder.
If we had the people like Francis Bacon in charge now, we'd be on Mars.
Life extension would already be in our hands.
Humans would already be at the next level.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
But we'll run this blockade of Dark Agers.
Lord Monckton, I'm going to take a call or two in closing, but other key points you want to add, what's coming up at this conference, you helped get the secret documents five years ago in Copenhagen, blow their plan for massive taxes on the third world, worldwide.
Will this conference be successful?
What do we do as boffins to make sure this Death Star blows up?
This conference will declare success.
Here's the thing.
It will go into an extra day.
This is part of the stage management that every single conference follows.
They'll come out leery-eyed with their ties around their ears and stubble on their chin and announce victory.
But actually, it'll be just like all the others.
They will always want more.
They want to keep this process going because there are actually four conferences every year.
There's only one big one where the heads of state come, but there are actually four conferences every year.
And a lot of in-between meetings, they travel all over the globe at our expense, and there's no way that this is going to stop while we continue to pay them to do this.
So I think what we've got to do is to start prosecuting one or two of the fraudsters, put them away, and lock them away for 10 years for fraud, and the rest will run for cover and the scare will collapse quite quickly, and then these conferences will stop.
The UN, meanwhile, is beginning to use the IPCC structure as a way of setting up other
Global bodies on different areas of the environment to tie in with their Agenda 21, their Agenda 2030 program and that is also being peddled very hard at this conference and is largely being supported by governments who haven't realized that this is going to affect directly not only their sovereignty over their nations, they don't mind that too much because they see themselves as part of the global government rather than part of a national government,
But it's also going to start affecting their individual property rights.
That's where this is headed.
Already in places like Australia, where Agenda 21 has been adopted by several left-wing councils, property rights have been virtually extinguished.
The same in New Zealand.
It's beginning to happen in the UK and in the United States.
Where left-wing councils are doing deals privately with the UN round the back of their national governments.
This is another one that's going to have to be watched very carefully over the next few years.
But no, I think from here on, this is the dirty high tide mark in the bath of the dirty water of socialist climate change nonsense.
What is going to happen is, we've now pulled the plug on this, the bath is running out, and the Paris Conference will be recognised as the high tide mark.
This is as far as they've gone.
From here on in, it's all going to collapse around them.
And by the way, Lord Monckton, you've been on my show for 15 years.
You've been here for 15 years.
You have never been this positive, so I know you're not just saying this.
You're the leading mind against these people and their eugenicist program.
You're saying this is the beginning of the end, that we have reached the high mark.
This is amazing.
From here on, we, the lovers of freedom, are going to organise in the same way that they have organised.
We're beginning that at this conference here.
There is going to be a new international party of freedom, which is going to stand up for all the ideals that you and I hold dear.
Free market, libertarian thinking,
The vision of your founding fathers, we want to globalise that vision and take on the totalitarians head on and say to them, enough is enough, freedom is the way forward for the world, without freedom there can be no advance, we merely slip back into the dark ages, we've been there before, we don't want to go there again.
And we are now going to win this because of the strategic mistake they made in tying their totalitarian world government ambitions to the nonsense that was global warming.
And I say was, because there's now going to be virtually none.
Now they say it's change.
Yeah, just any change.
Now, any change is just an excuse for them.
Lord Monckton, Godspeed, silenceinpublicpolicy.org, reporting from France.
We'll be tracking everything you do, theinfowards.com.
We salute you for your stand for human liberty and renaissance.
God bless you, Lord Monckton.
God bless you, God bless America.
Let's speak next week and wrap up for the conference.
Absolutely, sir, you bet.
All right, folks, coming up, Joe Biggs from the Caliphate Training Center.
Stay with us.
Republicans, like Democrats, are quick to jump in with supposed solutions after a tragedy.
In the wake of the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, GOP leadership is pushing legislation by Congressman Tim Murphy.
If passed, they should call it Murphy's Law, because, you know, what could possibly go wrong if you decide to, quote, fix the nation's mental health system?
Well, here's what would go wrong with Murphy's Law.
It would lower privacy protection and give states financial incentives to allow judges to mandate psychiatric treatment.
The Democrats, meanwhile, are trying to push a law that would ban gun purchases for those who have been put on the government's watch list, secretly, without knowing they're on, without opportunity to confront the charges and the witnesses publicly in court, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
So because of one man's act, Republicans offer us political abuse of psychiatry, and Democrats offer us punishments from secret star chambers.
For more information, go to Infowars.com.
I'm David Knight.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this fourth hour.
We're going to be talking to Joe Biggs.
We're still trying to connect with him.
He's on the road right now, filing reports about different areas in the country that have seen massive Islamic immigration.
And as we're looking at this, I just saw this story today out of France, where the police are telling Jewish people not to celebrate Hanukkah in public.
Don't light any candles anywhere because we can't keep you safe.
Now that is nothing but an admission that they have lost control to the Islamic terrorists in their midst.
They can't protect Jews, they can't protect Christians.
Make sure you don't do any overt celebration about your religion, because we have imported an intolerant minority in this country that will kill you out of their intolerance.
So not only intolerant,
They will kill you out of that intolerance.
But before we go to Joe, I want to let you know that today, Sandy Berger, former National Security Advisor to Bill Clinton, died.
Now, does that name sound familiar to you?
My children probably won't remember the name.
They remember him as Sandy Burglar.
That's the way I always referred to him in our household.
He was the National Security Advisor under Bill Clinton.
And in 2004, as they were putting together the 9-11 Commission, he was Clinton's representative.
And at that point, he did something incredibly strange.
What he did was he went to the National Archives.
He started going multiple days to the National Archives.
He would fold documents into his clothes.
He would sneak them out of the archive building.
He would stash them under a construction trailer nearby until he could return, retrieve them, and then later he would cut them up.
He was eventually caught in his theft of secure documents.
This is a guy, remember, he was National Security Advisor.
He knows what the protocols are.
He went to this area very deliberately looking for documents that would be incriminating to the Clintons.
Things showing their connection with Al-Qaeda in America.
Things that would be related to 9-11 and previous attacks by Al-Qaeda in America that he knew that the Clintons knew.
Now, what happened to him?
Well, you know, he was eventually convicted of a misdemeanor charge, and he had unauthorized removal and retention of classified material.
No prison time, no loss of his bar license, and I'm reading this from Real Clear Politics, and as they point out, there was nothing about his actions that was accidental, there was nothing about his actions that was casual, and there was nothing about his actions that was normal.
And so they ask, you know, when you've got somebody who is a big-time lawyer in Washington, very well connected, he's been the National Security Advisor for Bill Clinton, he's Bill Clinton's representative to the 9-11 Commission, he would risk his entire past, present, and future in order to destroy these documents.
So, what could have been important enough for somebody of his stature to risk disgrace, disbarment, and prison?
Ask yourself, what was he trying to cover up that the Clintons knew about 9-11?
And then ask yourself this about Hillary Clinton.
Why would she think that she could set up a private server?
Why would she think she would need to do that?
Why do you think she could get away with this, as she so far has?
Why would you think that Hillary Clinton could lie about this and not face prosecution?
Well, because that's how it's been done.
Through the Bill Clinton administration.
Through people like Sandy Burglar.
Who, as I pointed out today, just died.
That's why we're bringing up his memory again.
But it really does tie into Hillary Clinton.
And understand this, you know, his response to this, well, you know what?
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
Maybe he should just come out like Hillary Clinton and said, what difference does it make?
All the people are already dead in the towers, you know?
We don't really need to know what happened there.
We don't need to have an investigation.
What difference does it make?
It's done.
It's finished.
He could have said that.
Instead he said, mistakes were made.
Mistakes were made.
Not that he did anything wrong.
Mistakes were made.
Okay, that's the issue.
They also said, he only took out copies.
Now why would you do that?
Why would you only go in and take out copies?
They later found out that he had been given access to original documents.
He had been given access to un-inventoried original documents.
You understand that?
He knew that he could get these documents out.
I'm sure he had the assistance of others as well.
He kept claiming that he was going to take bathroom breaks and so forth and so on.
He was stuffing this stuff down his pants.
And to his close.
Destroying the documents, destroying original, un-inventoried national security documents that might have come to light during the 9-11 Commission.
Of course, we have 28 pages, but we're still not allowed to know what's going on with those pages.
Also, today, we had an interview on the Nightly News, when I did it on Monday night, interviewed a documentary filmmaker, J.D.
King, and the next day, YouTube suspended his account.
That's interesting because he's a documentary filmmaker who's already done two full-length documentaries about climate change, about human intervention in the environment.
One of them was Crying Wolf.
It was about the reintroduction of predatory wolves into Yellowstone.
He lives in the Montana area.
And how they were destroying the economy of Montana with Agenda 21, with the Bureau of Land Management, with the Fish and Wildlife people, with their regulations.
Essentially destroying the economy there, making people have to
Leave the area.
And he also had another documentary called Blue.
We were talking to him about a documentary that was about polar bear populations and the fact that this icon, this icon of global warming, is a total lie.
And so if you want to see that interview, if you want to see the trailer for the film that he is trying to get money to raise for for this documentary right now,
If you want to see that, you can still see it on our YouTube channel.
That video is called Destroying the Icon of Global Warming.
Again, Destroying the Icon of Global Warming, or you can watch the nightly news from Monday night and see it in either of those places.
Our interview with J.D.
King, who evidently his content was too hot.
For YouTube.
Actually, it had been on YouTube for quite a while.
It was only after he had the interview with us that they took him down.
So I think they're very afraid of this documentary that he would do, pointing out the polar bears, among other things.
There were 5,000 polar bears when Al Gore was born, he points out in his trailer.
Today, there's 25,000 polar bears.
And as we pointed out, NOAA says that the polar ice cap is growing.
And remember, Al Gore told us that it was going to have disappeared a couple of years ago.
David, I know you're about to go to Joe Biggs here, and I meant to cover it at the end of my show, and I did.
I dropped the ball.
San Bernardino, 20 shot.
It's been going on for about 20 minutes or so.
About five minutes until I ended it came out, so we'll be covering that also with Joe Biggs coming up and you.
But it's some kind of mentally disabled center.
Three different shooters.
That might be jihadis.
They'll blame right-wingers, even if it's a guy in a dress, like Planned Parenthood.
But let's pray for those out there and hope there's a summation of the violence.
I know you're about to go to Joe Biggs.
I want to let you know that's happening.
I'll quit bugging you.
Proper free news.
Great, yes.
I hadn't seen that.
And we do have Joe Biggs on the line right now, so let's go to Joe Biggs, who is on the road.
Roger that.
Yeah, I've been following this story since it broke earlier in San Bernardino.
There are 12 dead at this point in time and 20 plus people injured as well.
So they have the SWAT teams out there.
They are clearing through.
And I thought it was kind of interesting, you know, they said the shooting locations around the corner from a Planned Parenthood, like they're trying to connect the fact that this is the exact same thing.
And there's also reports that one of the guy's names
I don't know.
And I went out there and was able to go up to the compound and speak to some of the guys up there.
They have a gate guard.
And as soon as we approached, the guy jumped out of his vehicle, came up to us, said we had to request permission to go on their compound.
And they passed my name up through one of their media liaisons.
So I'm supposed to be getting a call back tonight or tomorrow as to whether or not I can go in there and film.
But as soon as I pulled up, more vehicles came up, people got out, were kind of curious as to why I was there.
You know, just a few days ago, the guy, his name's John Reitzheimer, he was the guy who orchestrated the Draw the Prophet rally in Phoenix, Arizona that I covered a few months back.
He apparently made a video on YouTube threatening to go to Islamberg in upstate New York and shoot those guys because they called him an American Taliban.
So, the people there on high alert, we actually spoke to the Sheriff of Deposit, which is at the bottom of the valley down there, right where that compound is.
And it's a very eerie area, very mountainous, low fog, cloudy, rainy, cool outside.
That compound's up on a hill.
And it's a really large area.
Looks like some normal houses in that area.
But they're very secretive.
You know, we talked to the sheriff.
He described them as militant.
We actually have footage from inside the sheriff's department.
We're going to put that video out later when we have the opportunity to do so due to the internet not being so good here.
Tell us what Islamberg is.
Now, Islamberg was founded in, let me see, I have the paperwork right here.
In 1982, by a group called Muslims of America.
Now, Muslims of America was founded by Mumbark Ali Jelani.
And he is part of the terrorist organization known as Al-Fuqra.
Now, Al-Fuqra is not considered a terrorist organization by the White House, but the State Department has deemed them a terror group.
So I think that's kind of odd that you've got one saying it is, one saying it isn't.
Now, he is basically
A Pakistani cleric who testifies to the holiness of a shrine where miracles allegedly prove his supernatural powers.
And he also thinks that terrorism is caused by genies.
So this is definitely a mentally ill... Wait, wait.
Terrorism is caused by what?
As in, I dream of... Yes, it's not because of radical Islam or anything like that at all.
It's because of genies and the gypsies.
Don't rub any lamps, folks, because we don't want any more terrorism, okay?
Now, uh, I have some paperwork right here.
It says Al Fuker was behind many assassinations and bombings between 1979 and the early 1990s.
It's biggest plot, aim to kill 4,500 Indians in Toronto during the festival of lights.
So they've been connected to a lot of things and yet this compound is allowed to be running and open and yet nothing is done by it.
You know, you ask, we talked to the people, the locals there.
It's a very mysterious, a lot of people aren't allowed to go in there.
They handle everything internally and they believe in Sharia law and the sheriff even said that that's what they use to govern their compound.
Hang on, Joe.
We're going to come right back to Joe Biggs.
He's at Islamberg.
We'll tell you more about that when we come back.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to a reporter, Joe Biggs, who is on the ground in Islamberg.
We're going to tell you more about that in just a moment.
Before I go back to Joe, I want you to know about these specials that we are continuing and as they are expiring.
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Going back to Joe Biggs.
Joe, there was a report, and I mentioned it earlier in the broadcast, about Paris police telling Jews not to light Hanukkah candles in public spaces.
There was a tweet that was sent out that said, Paris police order us to cancel most of our public Hanukkah candle lighting in the city in light of terror attacks and fear of additional attacks.
Efforts are underway to approve a candle lighting at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
Joe, that's an admission that they've lost control in Paris, isn't it?
I mean, the moment you stop doing the normal things that you would normally do, practicing your religion, day-to-day activities,
That's when the terrorists win.
That's what they want.
They want to disrupt your day-to-day life.
And the fact that the French government is going to come out and do this, the fact that they extended this whole martial law state for three months, not allowing people to congregate, not allowing people to be outside like that in large numbers, you know, giving the police the ability to go door-to-door without a warrant.
You know, today in France, they just closed down three mosques.
You know, so there's a lot of stuff going on and it's
People think it's happening over there, but it's got a very good chance of happening here in the States.
You know, the way that Molenbeek in Belgium has been completely taken over and is essentially the jihad capital of the world.
That kind of stuff can happen here.
And, you know,
And what you see when you went to Malambique, you saw the intolerance of people.
They're telling you, you don't have any place here.
Get out of here.
And that's what we see is bringing in people by the millions into Western civilization in the name of tolerance, and we must not say anything bad about bringing these people in, and yet they're going to establish the most intolerant society.
We have never seen anything like this anywhere in our lifetime or many of our ancestors for multiple generations.
We've never seen this kind of intolerance in the West.
And it's an intolerance that not only extends to penalties and anger and harsh words, they will kill you out of their intolerance as well.
Well exactly, just like reporter Daniel Pearl.
Daniel Pearl was actually investigating the guy who put these numerous compounds up in America.
Hold on a second, I gotta go through this.
And the Islamberg, that is a private compound, it's not an incorporated city or anything like that, right?
Yes, it's a private compound.
Now it says right here, fear Sharia is coming to America?
Too late, it's already here.
Now when I spoke with the Sheriff of Deposit here in New York, the guy said that they govern themselves within this compound.
So he said essentially, if it gets to a point where
They call the police, they will ask the police to come on and help them, but it doesn't happen.
They're very secretive.
And he said whatever happens, whatever kind of violence, killing, murder, whatever it may be that happens there, they deal with it internally.
So my next question to the sheriff was, is that basically Sharia law running their compound?
And he said, yes it is.
And he talked about how they wear military clothing, garbs, and they also are a militant group of people.
So the fact that it is so secretive and that we can't get in there and find out what's going on...
That's the fact of Sharia law as we've seen in the community in Michigan where they say within 500 feet of a mosque you can't have any alcohol and so that's changing everything about that small town.
That is Sharia law de facto.
It's not de jure.
They didn't declare it.
They didn't say we're erecting Sharia law.
No, instead what they do is they implement the different aspects of it whenever they get a majority in any area.
We see the intolerance come out at that point.
Yeah, they were trying to compare it in the article, the Sharia law to our U.S.
I mean, there's definitely some interesting stuff in this paper.
All right, we're going to have more reports from Joe Biggs as they continue to travel.
Thank you, Joe.
In the next segment, we're going to have a replay of the interview that Alex Jones had earlier today with Donald Trump.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, we had Matt Drudge about a month ago in studio.
Only does an interview every three, four years.
And I thought that got me excited.
But I'm telling you, Donald Trump is our guest, ladies and gentlemen, for the next 30 minutes or so.
And obviously, he is a maverick.
He's an original.
He tells it like it is.
Doesn't read off a teleprompter.
Neither do I. He's self-made.
This whole media operation that reaches 20 million people a week worldwide, conservatively, self-made.
That's why I'm so excited.
And he joins us from Trump Tower in New York City.
He is the leading 2016 Republican presidential contender.
Donald Trump, again, joins us.
And I've got so many questions.
But first off, Donald, thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Great to be with you.
I've got so many questions, but you are vindicated, this has got to be the 50th time in the last six months, on the radical Muslims celebrating, not just in New Jersey, but New York, Palestine, all over.
They're still attacking you, though we've got Dan Rather on video, we've got New York Post, we've got Washington Post, we've got... I mean, what's going on here?
What do you have to say?
Well, I took a lot of heat and I was very strong on it and I held my line and then all of a sudden, you know, hundreds of people were calling up my office.
I was the other day in Sarasota, Florida and people are in line and we had 12,000 people which is fantastic and the people were saying, many of the people from New Jersey, four or five people said,
Mr. Trump, I saw it myself.
I was there.
They talked about Patterson, but they said, I saw it myself, Mr. Trump.
I was there.
So many people have called in and on Twitter, at real Donald Trump, they're all tweeting.
So I knew it happened and I held my line and people wanted me to apologize and we can't do that.
People like you and I can't do that so easily.
Now, we can do it if we're wrong, Alex.
You apologize.
I'd apologize if I was wrong, but they were celebrating and they were celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center.
I think that's disgraceful.
It is, and that same week you were reporting on that fact, we had two different international football games, soccer games, with the Turkish fans and others during the moment of silence for the dead people in Paris chanting Allah Akbar and booing.
So did that not happen too?
Well, that happened and everybody saw it.
That was a week ago and the players were out on the field and they couldn't believe it.
They were embarrassed.
They didn't know what to do.
The coach and the managers, they all apologized, but it happened.
Look, we have to deal with reality.
And you know, it all started because they said, we need surveillance.
We need proper surveillance.
We have people that truly are evil and they're coming from someplace and you know sort of where they're coming from, at least the vicinity.
And I said, we need proper surveillance.
Whether it's a mosque or any place else, we have to be surveilled and we have to see what's coming at us because we're not going to have a country anymore.
Between the weak borders that we have, the pathetic and weak borders where politicians are afraid to do anything about it.
Between all of what's happening with radical, you know, you look at what's going on, you have a president that doesn't even want to talk about, you know, the radical Muslim stuff.
He doesn't want to mention the word.
He doesn't want to say it.
But you look at what's happening where we have a president that's over there celebrating global warming and trying to get everybody excited about global warming, like that's our number one problem.
He considers that to be our number one problem.
And our number one problem is what's going on where they want to blow up our cities and they want to blow up our country.
That's our number one problem.
And then our number two problem is Crippled America, your number one New York Times bestseller.
We're going to talk about that in a few minutes, but let's continue with the number one problem, and I agree with you.
It's now in mainstream news, Associated Press and others are reporting that it's a secret deal with Turkey, with the Germans, with Merkel, the admitted socialist, to bring in millions
Of radical Islamists, they admit almost all of them are Sunni, that basically invaded Syria.
They're getting their butt kicked by the Russians, so now they want to flee up to the north into Turkey.
You said months ago, bomb the oil of ISIS and the mainstream media laughed because you said the sky was blue again.
Now the Pentagon says that's the right thing to do.
And now you've come out saying, quote, it looks like
That Turkey's on the side of ISIS, close quote.
Well, the next day the Russians released satellite photos documenting that there are literally thousands of trucks coming up to the border at these huge terminals connected to Irgun, the president's son, making billions of dollars total off of this.
Again, you're in trouble for saying the sky is blue.
Well, I was right about that.
I was right in saying in a book that I wrote, you covered it really nicely, I appreciate it, but I wrote a very political book years ago in the year 2000, The America We Deserve, and I said in that book that we better be careful with this guy named Osama Bin Laden.
I mean, I really study this stuff, I really find it very interesting, and even though I'm a businessman, I find it, I've always found, I've always been involved in politics.
I said, we better be careful with Osama Bin Laden.
There's a guy named Osama Bin Laden, nobody really knew who he was, but
He was saying really nasty things about our country and what he wants to do to it.
He was nasty.
And I wrote in a book, 2000, two years before the World Trade Center came down, I talked about Osama bin Laden.
You better take him out.
I said, he's going to crawl under a rock.
You better take him out.
And now people are seeing that.
They're saying, you know, Trump predicted Osama bin Laden, which actually is true.
And then two years later, a year and a half later, he knocked down the World Trade Center.
And I talked about terrorism and that that was before terrorism as we know it today.
I said,
We better be careful.
That's going to happen.
It's going to be a big thing.
And it certainly is a big thing.
So with the oil, and I'm glad you brought it up, but as you know, for three years, I've been saying you better take out the oil because if you don't take the oil, it's going to be a problem.
So we shouldn't have been in Iraq.
But once we got there, the way Osama, the way we came out was, was horrible.
And I said, take the oil.
Then we didn't take the oil.
So ISIS got the oil.
And as you know, Iran is getting the oil because Iran is going to take over all of Iraq.
You know, we made one of the worst deals in the history of our world when we gave them $150 billion and virtually we gave them keys to nuclear weapons.
Mr. Trump, I hate to interrupt you.
You are the leading presidential frontrunner with the Republicans gaining a huge lead as you don't back down.
But I've got to just back you up again, because the more I research what you've actually said and done, it's amazing.
You were the only
Leading American figure who openly said do not go to war in Iraq They had almost what 90% votes in Congress for it bipartisan.
You said don't do it.
Iran will take over You said I mean look you can say that today and everybody can say that but you said that in 2001 2002 2003 when it was very unpopular because you've done your research and had good advisors How did you know that when almost no one else did?
Well, first of all, I'm the most militaristic person there is.
I'm going to build the military.
If I win, I'm going to make our military so strong, so powerful that nobody's going to mess with us.
We're going to take care of our vets and all of that.
But I have to tell you, you have to know if you're going to go to war, you have to do it properly and you have to know what to do.
I viewed it as this Iran and Iraq.
We're good to go.
And this is the way it is.
I said, if you take out Iran, or if you take out Iraq, either one, you're going to destabilize the Middle East.
Well, we took out Iraq.
And, by the way, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world.
People don't even know that.
So we gave, like, incredible.
We took out Iraq.
I said, you're going to destabilize.
Well, and I said, and you'll know this, and you know this, and I appreciate what you just said, then Iran is going to come in, and Iran is going to take over Iraq.
And they're just taking it over right now.
As we speak, they're taking it over.
Iran is running a rack and very soon will be virtually, gonna be totally running a rack.
Especially after all of the, you know, the deal we just made, which is the worst.
So, I said keep the oil.
And I said, if you're gonna leave, you shouldn't have gone in, but they should have left soldiers behind, like 20,000 or a certain number of soldiers.
But if you're gonna leave, take the oil.
And I've said it.
Then they left, they didn't take the oil.
So ISIS got the oil, Iran is getting the oil, everybody's getting everything but us.
So we lost thousands of soldiers, we spent $2 trillion in Iraq, we have wounded warriors who I love all over the place, and what do we get out of it?
We have nothing.
We get nothing.
No, the French and the Germans are getting the oil and the Iranians are getting the oil.
And you know who the number one customer for the oil is?
Guess what?
That's right.
How smart is China?
They outsmart us on every level.
Militarily, they outsmart us on trade.
Like, we're losing.
We have a $450 billion trade deficit with China.
You're a top business guy, you know, on your own, from nothing.
Let me ask you this.
How did China get 97% of rare earths?
Uh, minerals in the world.
How is the United States or nobody else even trying to get rare earth minerals when it's what goes in the smartphones, the computers, trillions is made a year?
How did we just give them the global market in that?
That's crazy.
Well, what a lot of people don't know, Afghanistan.
Now, Afghanistan is a place we can go in because you know, you have Pakistan and you have nuclear weapons, a lot of things going on there.
But when we go into Afghanistan, we're fighting, you know, tremendous mountains and ridges
We're fighting on one side, and you know who's got their excavators on the other side?
China's taking out all the minerals.
You know, Afghanistan, nobody knew this, Afghanistan is rich with minerals.
Not oil, but minerals.
Lithium, everything.
And China has taken out all the minerals.
And here we are fighting.
We have trillions.
We have like a trillion dollars in Afghanistan.
And we get nothing out of it.
And we're going to end up leaving and keeping a couple of thousand soldiers there and this and that.
We get nothing.
China has taken out the minerals.
They're the buyers, the big buyers at very, very low prices of, as you know, of the oil in Iraq and probably in Syria.
But China is a big buyer of the oil.
But one thing with the oil, because you've covered it.
For three years I've been saying, hit the oil because ISIS is getting stronger.
They're no JV, as the president said, and they're certainly not contained.
But I said, hit the oil and hit them hard.
And they laughed at me.
And they would put generals on television saying, no, that strategy wouldn't work.
Well, after Paris, they started hitting the oil.
And it does work.
The problem is we've given them a two-year edge.
They have billions of dollars.
The Russians started hitting the oil for one month and ISIS is already rolling over.
So Putin is following your strategy.
You know Vladimir Putin well.
We just met two years ago, Alex.
That's the only problem.
Donald Trump joins us live.
Can you speak to, as president, what your relationship would be with foreign leaders and what you know about Vladimir Putin?
Because all I know is, why are we starting a fight with Russia when they're not doing anything to us?
Well, number one, and just to finish on the oil, by the way, I say hit the oil, but we should keep the oil.
In other words, we should keep, we'll get Exxon Mobil, they'll go in, we'll get other of our oil companies, we'll get some of the great oil companies we bidded at.
We should keep the oil.
You know, in the old days, to the victor belong the spoils, right?
We don't have that.
We go in, we fight a war and we leave.
We get nothing.
Except we get death.
And we get deficit.
That's all we get.
I think I get along great with people.
I mean, I will probably get along well with him.
And if I don't, somebody else will.
And who knows?
You know, he's a difficult cookie.
He's tough and he's smart.
I was on the show 60 Minutes with him recently.
Not together.
I mean, they did him and they profiled me at the same show, which was there.
We were stable mates, right?
But I think I get along very well with him.
I think it's fine.
But here's the thing.
We lose with every country, and yet we don't get along with any countries.
China is killing us.
Everybody's killing us.
China's just beating us to a pulp and trade.
Japan, Mexico is killing us, and yet we don't get along with anybody.
With me, they're not going to get so rich.
Believe me, they're not going to get so rich at all.
We're going to take back our jobs.
We're going to take back our manufacture.
We take back our base, but they'll like us more than they do now.
Sort of amazing.
Claiming that she got shot at in Bosnia, in the air, on the ground.
They have video of it all.
None of it happened.
She admits she lied.
If you did that, you'd be done.
But you wouldn't do something like that.
You don't steal glory from our veterans.
But they demonize you for made-up scandals every day, trying to see what'll stick.
And then you got Hillary involved in Benghazi.
You've got them involved in everything.
And people love you for tough talk.
Is it not time for impeachment hearings against Obama?
I mean, what do we do politically to really try to prosecute Hillary Clinton?
Well, you remember this.
The best thing that we have going with Obama is he's got a year left, okay?
Because, you know, by the time you do the hearings and everything, I don't... So don't make him a martyr.
In a way, you'll make him a martyr, but I don't even say that.
You know, one of the things that I'm the most disappointed in Republicans, because they go to Washington, they're going to do all this stuff, they're going to impeach Obama, they're going to end Obamacare, which has to be ended.
I don't know if you've seen the premiums they're going up.
It's killing everything!
You know, it's going to implode anyway.
In 2017, Obamacare blows up.
It's over.
I mean, it's over, and everybody knows it, and they're doing big stories.
Even the ones that were for it are saying, uh-oh, this isn't working.
Well, the premiums are a disaster, and if you look at anything having to do with Obamacare right now, it's over.
But the problem with the Republicans is they'll try and fix it.
They'll try, instead of, get rid of it and we can come up with a phenomenal plan that's much better for the people.
The people are getting killed with that.
So, there's so many things to do, Alex.
We will do such a good job.
There's so many fronts.
A number.
We'll win on trade.
We're going to strengthen our military.
We're going to take care of our vets.
We're going to get rid of Obamacare.
We're going to do so many things.
There's so many things that can be done.
But we have to use our good people.
You know, everybody running against me, in terms of even the Republican side, and Hillary certainly, they're all controlled by their donors and their special interests and the lobbyists.
I'm putting up my own money.
I'm funding my own campaign.
Nobody's going to control me.
I'm going to do what's right for you and for the American people.
Listen, I get it.
I mean, you are a true maverick.
You know, you've made tens of billions of dollars.
I understand.
You've hired tens of thousands of people.
I mean, I would imagine that as you've gotten older, correct me if I'm wrong, because I know you talked about wanting to serve America decades ago.
Really, all it comes down to is wanting to have a free country for your children and grandchildren.
And that's where I want to come to this point next.
Because I know you're smart, sir, and I know that you also, though, you don't dumb your message down, but you keep it at a mid-level so the general public and the establishment as well can get it.
But let's get down to brass tacks.
I routinely talk to the top generals, special forces, Pentagon currently, out of the Pentagon, CIA, as I know you do.
We'll just leave it at that.
There are a lot of people in this government and also retired who don't want to destroy the country.
They really know that we've reached the crossroads where the country's done as a third world nation within a few more years.
Forget Donald Trump in four years if this happens, we're done.
I mean, we're talking about resurrection of the dead here.
We could turn it around right now, as you've said properly, you're dead on, sir, you're right.
We could turn it around, all the actuaries, all the numbers show it.
But it's got to happen in the next few years or we're done.
And there are globalists that want to have a world government, a system run by select crony capitalists, using socialism at the grassroots to make people dependent.
And I've talked to not just high-level folks that have been in government that are on your team, but separately high-level people in government currently that say there's an internal war going on and that you're a manifestation of that.
I don't want to get anything inside baseball with you, but I already know the inside baseball.
I know now from top people that you actually are for real and you understand you're in danger and you understand what you're doing is epic.
It's George Washington level and you understand that office.
So I want to tell you right now, can you speak about the war for the soul of this country that's happening right now and really tell people what's happening and commit to people that you won't Ross Perot under death threats and step down when you're in the lead two months from the election?
OK, so let me just tell you, Alex, as you know, I'm leading in every poll nationally in every poll state.
I'm leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, the SEC, Texas.
I'm leading in Texas, which I love.
I love Texas.
You know, we were there.
Mark Cuban called up.
He said, do you want to use the arena?
We filled it up in three or four days, 20,000 people.
I used it.
In Mobile, Alabama, we had 35,000 people.
We had 20,000 in Oklahoma.
I'm so into this, and I'm not into, you know, I could do other things that I would enjoy doing, to be honest with you.
No, you're doing a dangerous mission.
We understand that.
It's not an easy thing.
But the key is make America great again.
We can make America great again, but if you have to suffer through four more or eight more years of what's gone on in the past and, you know, what's going, it's just, we're being eaten away.
It's just, it's eating away at our country.
We can make, in my opinion, we can make America greater than ever before.
And we can
But we have to get going.
It has to happen.
We have to get going.
And, you know, when you look at the vision, I said Iraq.
You agreed with me on Iraq.
I said hit the oil.
I said a lot of things that turned out to be true, 100% true.
And I'm giving credit.
I'm giving credit by some people.
Some people refuse to acknowledge it.
You know, they refuse to say.
No, you've been, you've been, you've been absolutely on target.
So what I'm asking is, though.
Can you speak to the crossroads we're at right now, though?
Because you've talked about it.
Are we at a crossroads to decide whether this country's done or whether we go to the next level?
Well, I think this, I think that, sadly, I think that if we don't get it right this time, I think this is going to be the most important election our country's ever had.
You'd have to say George Washington was right there.
I mean...
You know, the couple of pretty important elections, right?
But this is certainly in the last, in the modern era, this is the most important election our country's ever had.
If we don't get it right, if we put another one of these people in, like Hillary, I mean, she's so corrupt.
She is so corrupt.
And she shouldn't even be allowed to run.
And frankly, her greatest legacy, she was a horrible Secretary of State.
If she runs, I think
Her greatest legacy will be that she got out of the email scandal.
That's what I think.
It'll be one of the greatest jobs I've ever seen of getting out of a scandal.
Because General Petraeus and many others, I mean, their lives have been destroyed for doing 5% of what she did.
That's right.
She shouldn't be allowed to run.
But, you know, the recent Fox poll that just came down two days ago has me beating her head to head, which is very interesting and very good, and beating her soundly head to head.
We have to get it right.
Our country can be absolutely, we can turn it around, but I would agree with you, if we don't get it right this time, I'm not sure if you go another four or eight years with the insanity and the stupidity of these leaders, I'm not sure you're going to be able to turn it around anymore.
I think it could be further.
Donald Trump, the man in the arena, his new book, we're going to talk about in a moment, is exposing the fact that this country is being sabotaged by design.
Specifically, I don't want to bring up detractors.
And it's a question I had early on, but then I did more research, and I understand that you really do want to save this country where your children and grandchildren live, but let's expand on this.
There are certain pundits out there saying you played golf with Bill Clinton.
And so, you know, you had to do business in New York, so you said nice things about Hillary.
I get keeping your enemies closer when you're not, you know, in politics.
I understand.
I get it.
I think that's what you did.
But tell us specifically, and I don't think this now.
I've seen it.
I know you're for real.
You wouldn't be saying the things you're doing.
They're scared of you.
The whole system's coming out against you.
But promise us that you're not going to...
Drop out at the key moment, keeping all the other Republicans out of view, and then Hillary races to the head, or Jeb Bush does, because as you know, folks are claiming you're a Clinton operative.
You know, I've never heard that.
I heard it actually a few months ago, but I've hit her harder than anybody times ten, if you look at the- You have, you have.
I was a businessman, yet I've only been a politician for five months.
I hate to use the term because, you know- You're a statesman.
But I've just been doing this for a very short period of time.
I was establishment.
You know, I was like a guy like you would say Trump is total establishment and I was a big donor to a lot of different Republicans.
But over the years I've given to Democrats, I've given to Republicans, I've given to everybody because I had an obligation.
I was a businessman.
One of the magazines recently called me a world-class businessman.
The truth is, I did.
I built an unbelievable company.
Tremendous assets.
Tremendous, not only that, iconic assets.
Very little debt.
Tremendous cash flow.
It's a great company.
And by the way, people now see how good, when I did the filing, everyone said, oh, he'll never file, he'll never file.
It's almost 100 pages long.
And it's an unbelievable company.
So I built, which by the way, the reason I say that, that's the kind of thinking our country needs.
But, I got along great with Clinton.
I got along great with Harry Reid.
I get along great with everybody.
Because when I needed them, I didn't want to have argument.
I didn't want to have somebody say, well, Clinton doesn't want it to happen.
You're not a loser.
You don't get in mindless fights.
You move forward with your agenda.
But now you see America in trouble, and you're, hey, that's all sidelined now.
Donald Trump's not working for Donald Trump.
He wants to work for America.
Yeah, as a businessman, you couldn't have even functioned if you don't get along.
No, I know, yeah.
For example, in New York City, it's 95% Democrat.
I mean, if I didn't get along with the Democrats, I wouldn't have won.
Well, I'll tell you, I mean, you did want the vice president, you know, a position that's come out decades ago behind the scenes.
I mean, I know you're a Republican.
What about libertarianism?
What's your view of libertarianism?
And then I want to ask you, who's your favorite president and who do you think your running mate might be?
Folks, I think it's Ted Cruz.
Well, I think that libertarianism is sort of interesting.
There are certain things that I really like about it.
But, you know, keeping government out as much as possible.
We need government for protection.
We have to protect.
When you look at these maniacs in the Middle East that want to destroy us.
And you know, the problem we have today, Alex, is the weaponry.
If this were a hundred years ago, I'd say forget about them.
Let them keep fighting.
They've been fighting all their lives.
Let them keep fighting each other.
Who cares?
But the weaponry is so powerful and they hate us so much that we have to now protect.
So that's a big part of government.
So there's a certain common sense to certain elements that I do very well with the libertarians, frankly, you know, because they sort of get it and they get me.
But we need
Bigger strength that I think the Libertarians really want.
And we need it.
And we have to have it.
We have to have it.
If we don't have it, we're not going to have a country.
If we don't have borders, we're not going to have a country.
As far as running mates, it's too soon to say.
I actually respect a couple of people that are on the stage.
Some of them I have absolutely no respect for.
I mean, I think they're not very good at all at what they do.
You look at what's going on.
But I have respect for a number of people that are on the stage with me.
I have respect for a lot of people that are throughout this country, you know, political people.
I'll pick somebody I think that can really be a great vice president, who ultimately has to be a great president, because that's, you know, 90% of that function is, you know, if something bad happens, they've got to be a good president.
You have to view it from that standpoint.
And my favorite president in the more or less modern era would be Ronald Reagan.
Liked him, I helped him.
I've always
And by the way, he was a Democrat.
A lot of people don't know.
He was.
A liberal Democrat, Alex, as you know.
And he became a somewhat conservative, I wouldn't say the most conservative, but a somewhat conservative Republican.
But he wanted to make America great.
And he really did.
He wanted to make... He had actually, let's make America great.
That was his... And mine is, make America great again.
So there's a little bit of a difference, but...
My son, my son, you know, finally sold me on being a bigger supporter of yours.
I mean, I liked you.
Love Americana.
You're pure Americana.
But I'm still, you know, it was research.
But my 13-year-old son's really smart.
He does a lot of research.
He just really loves you.
He watches all the debates.
He is on cloud nine that you're here, Rex Jones.
And it was his question, you know, which president was your favorite.
But all time, all time, who's your favorite?
I'd say Ronald Reagan, shorter term, I would say... Well, you know, you look at Lincoln, you look at Washington, you have to go with... They're the classics, right, Alex?
Well, all time.
You know, you think in terms of the great classics, you have to go with the Lincolns and the Washingtons.
I agree.
As a man's man, George Washington was a badass.
Yeah, that's what they say.
I mean, that's what they say.
They say he never told a lie.
Let's hope that's true, okay?
But George Washington was pretty good.
But look, we had some great presidents, and we had some good presidents on the other side, too, in all fairness.
But we will hopefully be right at the top of that list.
We're going to make the country so strong, and we're going to make it financially secure.
We can't owe $21 trillion, because it's going to be that number.
Well we have to make our country rich again.
You know the other day I said to a woman, she came up to Mr. Trump at a big rally where we had 14,000 people and at the end she just sees me and I'm
You're signing autographs and stuff, and she said, Mr. Trump, I'm voting for you 100%.
But are you, this whole concept of making it rich, it sounds so crass.
I said, you know what, it might sound crass, but if we don't make our nation rich again, if we don't take back our jobs from all these other countries that are ripping us, and if we don't take back our money,
And if we don't, you know, balance up our budget, at least get it damn close and soon, we're not going to have a nation anymore.
We're a third world country.
Donald Trump.
You know, I know you've got to go.
60 second break.
I want to come back for just three minutes.
Talk about your book and your big rally in Virginia tonight.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Donald Trump.
Powerful interview.