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Filename: 20151125_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 25, 2015
3638 lines.

Alex Jones interviews Matt Drudge about news stories like Obama arming ISIS militants while advocating gun control in America. They express skepticism towards government policies and discuss how mainstream media tries to manipulate public opinion through consolidation of information sources. They encourage people to create their own platforms for news and discussion instead of relying on corporate-controlled sources. The segment also covers stories such as Benghazi hearing, Hillary Clinton's health, Planned Parenthood videos leak, IRS scandal, Washington D.C. Police Chief Kathy Lanier suggesting citizens fight back against Paris-style attackers, excessive FDA regulation eliminating competition among pharmaceutical companies, and promotes InfoWarStore.com deals on products like DNA Force, non-GMO organic coffee, nascent iodine, Deep Cleanse, and Oxy Powder.

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have never had a deer-in-the-headlights experience this crazy, because I'm not really a fan of like rock stars, movie stars, people like that.
I like politics, and I'm sitting there during that 70-second break, and Matt Drudge rounds the corner over here, and it was just like total and complete deer-in-the-headlights, and I'm still double-taking here, and then he's hiding over there in the shadows right now.
I'm not kidding.
They're gonna say there's another conspiracy theory, and we got Anthony Guicciardi.
Is Matt Drudge over there?
He is over there.
Come on, just for a second to give the national media a heart attack.
Can you just walk over here behind the stage?
They're not going to believe it.
No, see, it's right around this way.
I haven't had one photo in eight years.
I know you haven't had one photo in eight years.
All right, I'm going to turn the mic your way.
They can do voice print.
Is this Matt Grudge?
Okay, it's made up.
It's a stunt.
April Fools came early.
How many months early?
Five months early?
April Fools, folks.
I fooled ya.
Well, am I supposed to go to rebroadcast now that you're here?
Because I'm in a... You get to hang out with my crew and I'm on the air?
This is, like, diabolical.
Oh my gosh.
Anyways, no, seriously.
Do you think folks are going to believe Matt Drudge was here?
I don't even believe he's here.
I didn't believe it only because it's like it was like such short notice it was like boom I remember years ago well anyways I'm not gonna get into it this is this is crazy all right well I'm not gonna be aggressive and turn the lights on over there and aim the document cam over there but Matt Drudge came in said hi to me thought it was a three-minute break and then went over there I'm definitely going to have to play a clip or something we have one of those special reports coming back from the next break
Alright, this has now entered complete twilight zone.
Hey, but we got a new article up on Infowars.
Obama arms ISIS militants, pushes gun control on very same day.
Obama authorizes resupplying Syrian opposition on same day he demands gun control against American citizens.
And of course, I was covering this Breitbart article a lot that I missed.
I miss stuff all the time.
I mean, I knew they were doing this, but I didn't know they were actually openly doing it.
Obama administration and UN announced global police force to fight extremism in US.
And then we've got all these callers that want to talk to me.
You know, Matt has hosted the Drudge Report show for so long, but also Rush Limbaugh.
So I would imagine he could come over here and actually host the show for us, except he's not really here.
What if we put a microphone into the darkness coming out of the break and folks can do a voice print analysis to see if it's Matt Drudge?
He's not going to do it?
I'm telling you, this is so classically reclusive.
I wish I could do that.
He is back there right now.
It's taken a lot of work to get to this point.
I know it's taken a lot of work to get to this point.
I admire you.
Maybe I should become reclusive.
He's a big guy.
I was like, man, who is that big guy?
In good shape, too.
Who is that?
I recognize that guy.
Who's that with him?
I was like, oh my God.
What did I look like, Buckley, when he walked in?
I mean, I literally was like, who is that?
You are something else, man!
God, I tell you.
He's got a lot of class the way he pulls stuff off.
I'm kind of the opposite, like a bull in a china shop.
A loose cannon.
Anyways, I was already super wound up today.
I've already had too many DNA forces today.
And this is now just pushing me over the edge.
I need some Jack Daniels Buckley immediately.
I've not been drinking.
Since last Thursday, I've been a good boy, and I've been being nice, but I tell you, I don't have any, what do you call them, tranquilizers.
But I think I need a tranquilizer dart or something.
All right, folks, we'll be right back.
No, seriously, because I'm starstruck right now.
This is crazy.
And the way he did it is even worse.
And then it's going to be even worse when they have, like,
Some major establishment White House driven publication saying I made it all up.
So we at least, well, we can't get a photo for Twitter.
What are we gonna do?
The suspense is deafening.
Drugsreport.com, you can read up there where this guy put stuff on his Facebook, the supposed shooter, about how he just had so many pills he was on, psychotropics, lithium, and other things, that he ended up just taking five at a time.
So the question is, was he on meds?
And the answer is, does a bear, you know, do different things like jump rope in the woods?
We'll be right back.
All you pro-vaccine people should rejoice at this news!
Anti-vaccine parents to stop receiving child care benefits under Australian no-jab-no-pay law.
The new changes that will take effect on January 1st, 2016 are projected to save the Australian government over $500 million over four years.
And how many children are not receiving their vaccines?
According to the Australian Childhood Immunization Register, it's 1.77%.
I thought all you needed was 90% to have herd immunity.
The government believes that by removing the non-medical exemption, it will reinforce the importance of immunization and protecting public health.
But what this is really about is the government wants to put anything in your body that they want.
And they want to make sure you bend over and take it.
A footnote in the article is that by 2020, childless couples will overtake those with children.
Now I know where the next Muslim migrant invasion is going to take place.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars Nightly News and InfoWars.com.
Be sure you check out some of our great specials this week running all week in the InfoWarsStore.com.
Thanks for watching.
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I want my candy!
I want my baby again!
I think so.
I'm so sure it was real.
What if you were unable to wake from that dream?
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
The answer is out there, Neo.
It's the question that drives us.
What is the Matrix?
The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
The Matrix is a system, Neil.
That system is our enemy.
When you're inside, you look around, what do you see?
Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters.
The very minds of the people we are trying to save.
But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You shouldn't trust me.
I will taint the news.
Our propaganda was beginning to pay off.
And our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!
Genetically modified sounds Frankenstein-ish.
Drought resistance sounds really something you'd want.
I am not a dictator, I'm the president.
This is a full, dishonorable, scientific mafia warfare takedown.
Public policy could itself
Become the captain of a scientific technological elite.
These people are coming for everybody!
I'm not gonna wait around to be soft killed.
I'm not gonna wait around and watch my family die around me.
I'm gonna die fighting!
You take the blue pill, the story ends.
You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland.
And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
Stop being a moron.
Stop being dishonorable.
Within 15 years they say, CNN, that everyone will be merged with machines, or will be obsolete.
I'm not gonna
Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live well into the third hour.
I did not do this as a stunt, neither did Matt Drudge.
He is here.
We got a hot mic over there.
He wants to stay literally in the shadows behind a curtain.
But this is the king of being able to push a story out and make it the number one story in the world.
They even admit that in the New York Times, that he has more readers on politics and news than Facebook, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, LA Times put together.
He's got some of our stories where the shooter himself said he was on a bunch of drugs.
I think so.
And really just focus on what Matt Drudge thinks is interesting, and the public tends to agree with him that what he focuses in on is really catching the zeitgeist or the pulse of the people.
So he might have 50 links every day, where Facebook has 500 million, but he has more traffic.
That is the true David versus Goliath story, and this is not scripted.
I have no idea where I should go.
Matt Drudge, I guess you're here for ACL, or why are you in Austin, Texas?
Well, you were just talking about Facebook, and thanks again for having me here.
I'm not on Facebook.
I don't do the socials.
I've got that little Twitter thing.
Even that's kind of disgusting.
You know, I've been doing the Internet as long as you've been doing this radio show, Alex.
Literally every day, as you have literally every day, practically.
I think you've taken a little more time off than I have, actually.
Yes, I've kind of gone... And I can't say that about many people, because you are a peer without peer.
And I'll tell you, I was there before Facebook, I was there before CNN.com, I was there before mostly all of them.
I have a very clear perception what the Internet is.
In my mind.
I'm free.
I'm not defined by what they say the Internet is.
Meaning Goldman Sachs, meaning who they invest in for the latest startup, meaning the latest BuzzFeed or Salon or Gawker.
Well, Gawker's more independent.
But there's a lot of corporate makeover of the Internet that I have not adapted to.
Simply put.
I'm friends with some of them.
When I go to New York, I make the 6th Avenue rounds, but I am not a part of that system.
I'm a free thinker.
I'm an American.
I'm very concerned with what's happening.
So, I just give it my all.
I've learned how to take care of myself and detach from outcomes because otherwise
You can't survive.
And I don't know where you are on that topic.
I just follow my instinct because they always tell us how to adapt to be successful, but really we're just adapting to their mindset to be their slaves.
No you don't.
I don't.
I have remained completely independent.
From all of them.
All of them!
I am not influenced by any of them.
I need no traffic from Google.
I don't care if I get one traffic referral from Google, or Bing, or Yahoo, or any of these others.
It's always been that way.
Now if you think of that setup, how rare that is, because everybody's so hungry for referrals, for likes, I don't need to be liked.
I don't need to be liked at all.
I don't care if there's a button right there at the top of Drudge saying like or dislike.
Thumbs up, thumbs down, doesn't mean anything.
Now, I hope that you come, doesn't mean you necessarily have to like what I have up there.
Now, where I've had a lot of success is I'm getting people from both sides of the aisle.
They've always said, oh, he's a right-wing gossip monger, mainly because of Lewinsky in those years, which, by the way, are back.
Why aren't we seeing Hillary's lovers?
Excuse me.
Why aren't we seeing Hillary's lovers?
That's a good question.
Where's the cover-up on this?
So many issues that are suppressed on a daily basis.
So that's what I try to do every morning.
Well, it's amazing to have you here in Austin, Texas, and I tell you, you certainly know how to make an entrance.
I'm in a 70-second break, and I turn around, and there's Matt Drudge, just boom!
I tell you, I almost had a heart attack, a good one.
My cousin said he's never seen me look like that.
What was the word, Buckley, you used?
And I was flabbergasted.
I was flabbergasted.
You used the word flabbergasted.
Well, I tell you, this is like the biggest Christmas present early ever, because I just admire true independence.
I gotta tell you, Matt, and you know this with your crew, and Congress knows this, we wouldn't have won some of these gun battles, some of these border battles, some of these
Energy battles, and we've lost some too, but we would have lost so many of them if it wasn't for the focal point.
And even the White House and the Democrats admit, because I know you're saying you're nonpartisan, I mean, I would guess you're more of a libertarian.
Correct me if I'm wrong, you're just a freedom guy.
I can't be controlled.
I cannot be controlled.
There are no interests here but what I see as the world events.
That is the truth of the situation.
Well, they hate the fact
That they can't control the agenda.
The Pentagon has briefings with the head of PSYOPS, as you know, saying, we've got to stop drudge, changing the subject and showing when we're lying.
I mean, that's when you know, that's that's crazy town when you get.
What is it like?
Is it surreal to think back to something you started back in the early 90s has now grown into this?
Well, no, because it's been every day.
So it's just like.
It's happened so organically.
It started with one reader.
I don't know who that one reader was, but it started with one reader.
I've never placed an ad anywhere.
This has all been a true organic reader to reader to reader to reader.
Yes, I dabbled in the corporate with the Fox News Show and the Clear Channel Radio Show for nine years.
But even that, the website was on its own terms, and remains so to this very minute.
Well, you've only gotten bigger since you stopped... Well, I don't know, because this is another thing.
The measurements that we have, this is another bogus thing.
Yesterday they released on the APA Wire, Twitter followers.
Hillary is the queen of the Twitters, with 4.9 million.
They don't say how many are fake.
They don't say how many are deloids.
They admit the First Ladies is like 80% fake.
Well, the AP did not do that, Alex.
So this whole thing, this whole socials, these socials... You know, Beats 1 Music, which I'm obsessed with, which has been launched on Apple, which is probably one of the best things they've done since Steve Jobs died.
One radio station.
They don't know how many listeners they have.
I heard some streams they were down to 5,000 an hour.
This whole social media stuff is bogus.
Facebook, we have 2 billion users.
This is garbage.
This is designed to demoralize the individual.
I'll never have 2 billion followers.
The Internet is what you make of it.
It's the same battle as it was in the beginning.
I remember having this argument with Brit Hume once, live on C-SPAN.
He goes, oh, the Internet's all UFOs and all this crap.
And I said, no, the Internet is what you make of it.
In the beginning, they were dismissing the Internet.
They were poo-pooing it.
And isn't that good for us that for so long they were in arrogant denial?
And they seem like they still kind of are in arrogant denial.
Now they make it over in their image.
Now it's these endless, monotonous tweets.
To me, it's just a lot of gnats.
A lot of confusion.
When the reality of the situation is, life on earth has not changed.
We need facts.
We need events.
We need specifics on things.
Not all this confusion.
It's almost they've made the internet over in their image.
These corporations.
And I think they're failing.
Skip the break.
Skip the break.
Go ahead.
Oh, sorry, Matt.
I had to interrupt.
You say you think they're failing?
I think they're failing.
To the point, this is a whole nother discussion on how sick are the American people right now.
I've been saying they could put Hillary Clinton's brain in a jar in the Oval Office and she'd be elected.
People are really sick.
I think you know this deep in your soul and this is why you get demoralized here on this very set.
Yeah, I shouldn't.
People are sick.
How they've got here, you've been on a wonderful arc over almost decades now, explaining why people are and have become so sick.
That being said, people are willing to be made over in the image of these corporations.
The reason there's so much anger online also is a newspaper like the Washington Post will leave a comment section.
They don't care what you're saying.
They don't care what you're thinking.
That's why you get this anger that, oh, I have to be, you know, I'm out here as a citizen and I'm operating in their playground.
Make your own playground.
The reason I'm here, Alex, is you've made your own.
This is a figment of your imagination.
And the Drudge Report is mine.
It is a very simple thesis.
You are what you dream you are and become.
And I wish Americans would get out of the sickness and just become greater.
Well, that's profound.
I mean, because if we start creating our own maps, our own world, our own vision, then there's no way for these cultural tyrants to program us.
And that's why they're pushing so hard to get more outrageous.
I mean, is this the beginning of the end?
And to operate in their playgrounds.
So, you become famous on YouTube.
That's ridiculous.
I'm not saying you.
I'm saying the 13-year-old that just died that they're saying is the first YouTube star that died.
You're playing in Google's hell pit.
No, I agree, but I'm invaded almost.
Make your own place.
Make your own.
The internet allows you to make your own dynamic, your own universe.
Why are you gravitating towards somebody else's universe?
And this is kind of, again, where dredge to me when I look at it right now is a correction
I totally agree with what you're saying.
And this is a travesty.
It's almost like a weird conglomerate of groupthink that has developed in a dynamic era that should be vibrating.
It should be vibrating, it should be controversial, but I guess it's fear.
Not everybody is cut from the same genetic background as you or I, Alex, of being brave and being able to stand up.
You're on the camera, I'm not.
You're more brave than I am.
So, this is the dynamic that I'm in.
I would just like to wake people up.
Stop operating in their playground.
Stop it.
Well, let me say this.
I totally agree with you.
I've tried.
I couldn't pay for the bandwidth to put all of our videos out on our own platforms.
Now we're doing that.
At PrisonPlanet.tv and the Nightly News and putting ourselves up on television to reach people because it's kind of like jacking into the Matrix going into their playground.
I try to then claw them over here to see what we're trying to do, what you're trying to do, but I totally agree with you.
The answer is for all of us to create our own systems, our own ideas, because vibrant, independent ideas will trump this corporate plastic borg
This, this, this brainwashing they're trying to push.
I mean, banning father and mother, banning the word husband and wife.
I mean, that's so cultic that if I'd have been told ten years ago they were going to ban words like that, I wouldn't have believed it.
They do it with straight faces.
I mean, has the left, and of course the controlled right as well, but have they gone collectively insane on a control freak basis?
I would also advise people to not waste their time on this.
I had a Supreme Court Justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
They're going to make it so headlines you can't even use headlines.
To have a Supreme Court justice say that to my face, that it's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited.
Time is not forever.
How many more moons and sunrises will you see in your life?
Uh, rise and fall.
There's not that many.
It's a small amount.
So for people to be saying with this attitude, oh, I'll get on with my life and my greatness sometime.
We're being enslaved now, and that's it.
No, you can't.
Under the TPP, they admit you can't put a headline to the New York Times.
You're sending massive traffic to them.
They're claiming you're taking their words.
This is insane.
And you had the Justice Stephen Breyer said we need to look at a global law.
Now, remember just recently he hit a volcano.
So they're getting ready for these decisions to come.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board.
Then that will end for me.
I've had a hell of a run.
It's 20 years next year or 20 years about now.
I couldn't have gone any further.
Hell of a run.
I feel completely I have gone as far out of the galaxy as I can on this.
I still want to stay out here.
But I've gone pretty damn far for what one individual can do in this culture.
But I'm talking about the future.
So I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos of these Facebooks and these tweets and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto.
This is ghetto.
This is corporate.
They're taking your energy.
They're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return.
They're dumbing the language down.
Twitter's designed to reduce the language directly out of 1984.
It's Ingsoc.
Right, ultimately it's boring and the kids are always off to something new, except for the something new is owned by the same freaking company or financed by the same banking system.
So I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American.
In a big way.
If your calling is media, fine.
If your calling is sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be.
Before this country is so completely fractured.
And we're left with Hillary's brain in the Oval Office in a jar.
Because that's what we're getting.
She's old and she's sick.
She's not a contender.
They're making her a contender with these propped up Saturday Night Live things.
It's like a head on a stick.
And then on the Today Show with the Gun 3, a head on a stick.
She is not a viable, vibrant leader for this country of 300, including the illegals, 380 million Americans.
So the media is trying to put us to sleep.
You're not letting them, Alex.
Let me ask you this question, Matt.
Is the establishment, which we know is diverse, but there's different conglomerates, is it panicking?
Is it trying to push everything through right now because it knows people are waking up?
Or is it just completely...
Arrogant and thinks it's invincible.
It's trying to consolidate control, yes, and there is a sense of panic about it.
You look at a Telemundo or a Univision, they're kind of panicked.
You look at some of these interviews that are happening this election cycle where Trump comes along, says a few things, just a few things, and soars to the top of the list.
That's profound.
Imagine if we actually had a good selection of candidates who were saying a lot.
And I know Cruz and Rand and all the rest.
However, you've got to be dynamic in this atmosphere and it's a media country.
You've got to be dynamic in media.
That's the only thing that's going to work.
So I am left with thinking there's not a lot of time.
To be your greatest self, especially online, because I don't, if it continues to get consolidated to this degree, and then we're moving into the robots, which you're so profound on, and it's going to get really ugly, really fast.
There's already automated news sites, Google News, hello anybody.
They actually, the idiots reading that crap, think there is actually a human there.
There is no human there.
You are being programmed to being automated, even up to your news.
And Apple News?
I don't know what that's about.
That was also creepy.
A same corporate glaze over everything.
I don't see the world that way.
I live in a world that's free, colorful, vibrant, takes chances, bold, stands up to power.
And that's where I've made my success.
Well, very eloquently said, I mean really, if we don't affect the battle space, if we don't get involved in free speech now, that's all you the listeners, all the Drudge fans, fans of freedom, no matter what color you are, no matter what political bent, we're going to lose everything.
We know what totalitarian looks like, we know what oppression looks like, we know what the dumb culture of totalitarianism smells like.
This is it.
It's happening now, and the future of the world is being decided.
So get out there, make your own sites, take action.
Because Matt, you say you'll just go away if they do this.
We all know we're going to fight it.
We know they can't enforce it.
Because if they can say that you can't even put a link up to a news site...
Then that ends free speech and basic communication.
I mean, I know they got the Democrats out openly saying, we need to bring in the Fairness Doctrine to the Internet because of Matt Drudge, because you quote, affect elections.
Well, you're an American citizen that pays taxes and you're allowed to be pro-gun.
Well, but if they get enough sick people to elect it, the demographics will take care of themselves.
We had a story this morning that they're finally releasing an artist in Cuba who painted Raul and Fidel as a pig, jailed without trial.
For 18 months.
Look at Germany, where they're arresting people that criticize open borders.
Look, you've been- So it's already happening.
I'm just warning this country that, yes, don't get into this false sense that you are an individual when you're on Facebook.
No, you're not.
You're a pawn in their scheme.
Stay there, we gotta come right- We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Global warming advocates are now blaming luxury condominiums for man-made climate change, despite the record-breaking snowfall which recently pounded the northern U.S.
The Climate Words for All coalition released a report claiming that luxury apartment buildings are the largest climate change offenders in New York City.
These are New York City's largest buildings.
Over 50,000 square feet in size, which primarily consists of a mixture of luxury apartments, commercial buildings, and multi-family housing developments, the report stated.
The report was released just as New York was being pounded by heavy snowstorms.
Global warming advocates, however, will attempt to blame this record snowfall on man-made climate change, even though a few years ago, they were predicting that the Earth's ice caps would have dramatically melted by now.
But they really want you to live in a tiny apartment so they can cram more people into your neighborhood and tax the area.
Keep up with our latest news and information on InfoWars.com, PrismPlanet.tv and the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I tell you, a lot of energy entered the building.
There's already a lot of energy in this building.
A lot of smiles with Matt Drudge here.
A don, I guess, went to the door.
And we said don't let strangers in, but it was no stranger.
Matt Drudge here in studio with us.
And characteristically, a very...
Kind of like Peter Pan, hard to catch, hard to find, moves quick.
He is right over there in the dark with a handheld microphone.
Of course, the conspiracy theories will begin that this isn't really Matt Drudge, but people can tell it is Matt Drudge.
I've seen a lot of his speeches, heard him pop in on shows here and there.
And it's always eloquent, always thought-provoking.
This is particularly thought-provoking and will be a big newsmaker.
They will attempt to control reality and say, how dare Matt Drudge hang out with that heretic Alex Jones.
And we're always hearing over the last six, seven years that Matt Drudge is over, Matt Drudge doesn't exist.
But then they have to admit Matt Drudge is bigger than ever.
So this attempt to control reality or control who talks to who by these totalitarians that masquerade as liberals
I don't think it's working.
And now with Boehner being forced out, I think it shows the rumblings of the Tea Party beneath the surface.
So, Matt, before you leave us, and I really appreciate your time... Oh, and by the way, the presidential candidates, that's exactly what you're saying, the rumblings.
Look at anybody who has any form of success in the polls is because they rumble.
Where it's going to end up, I don't know.
I'm very pessimistic.
I'm very pessimistic on this race because I'm just not so sure it's not going to end up with the dreaded brain in the jar in the Oval Office, once known as Hillary Clinton, who is hypothyroid.
Anybody who is 70 years old who's hypothyroid, you do not elect president, ladies and gentlemen.
You don't do it.
Now, they'll say, well, it has to be who her VP is, whether it's the Castro from San Antonio or the other Castro from San Antonio or the other Castro from San Antonio, whoever it's going to be.
I just shaking now after seeing NBC giving her endless hours of airtime.
Over the past 72 hours that Hillary's back, and she's back for real.
Now what that means to you or me, what it means to me, I've got a long history with these people.
They're ugly, they play dirty, they sued me for $30 million last time around, with the approval of the President, announced by the Press Secretary of the White House, a civil action.
These people, and they didn't have the NSA then, they had Echelon, they had all these other things you were talking about even then.
Hillary Clinton with the NSA?
Good luck if you dissent.
Good luck if you dissent.
Snowden, I'll switch places with you.
You can come over here and rot in hell, because that's what it's going to be.
So I'm very concerned with the lay of the land, but the rumblings you're talking about
That we've seen a Trump.
That we've seen a Carly.
Do we see a Sanders?
Yeah, maybe.
Also old.
Can the Democrats find anybody under the age of 70?
What is this oldness in a vibrant country that needs to go forward to a new century?
So, I don't know.
I'm hoping for surprises.
I'm hoping for some jolts.
We'll have to see.
On a few other subjects, and I appreciate your time, I'll quit bugging you.
There's so much going on in the world.
Obama now is talking about, well, Australia had a good plan, we may have to do that.
That's clearly talking about gun confiscation.
Now Hillary's doing it, CNN has pundits saying, let's just take them.
Do these people realize that this is the line in the sand at the Alamo?
If they really come out in a frontal assault on guns, it means I think they're trying to start a civil war.
It just seems like insanity.
I mean, they may think that they're Stalin or something.
Well, because they're all armed themselves, or they all have that security around them themselves.
They don't have to worry about it.
I challenge Hillary, take away your Secret Service.
Take it away now!
Take away your Secret Service!
Dismiss them!
Have no security around you!
Have no guns around you, Hillary!
I dare you!
I dare you!
Obama, same thing!
Drop your guns, Obama!
Take your Secret Service away, Obama!
Take it all away.
Leave the White House unguarded, Obama.
Let everybody know there's no guns on the White House grounds, Obama.
You know what would happen in 30 seconds?
Both of those people would no longer be on planet Earth.
So they're asking us!
To drop our guns and to drop our security measures, or what?
So this thing is very real, and I don't see how it's being taken seriously, except for the sick voter.
You can't underestimate the sickness of the American people right now.
They're really sick.
And that's to me, I'm more angry at the sick Americans than I am at Obama.
Or Hillary.
I'm really angry at the sick Americans.
Matt Drudge, I used to listen to your radio show almost every Sunday, but I gotta tell you, you are even more on fire than you were then.
And I know you're smart, you know not to be, you know, you know, too available because distance makes the heart grow fond.
And I tell you, but it would be great if even once a week you did like an hour podcast or something, or maybe once a month with these thoughts, because let me tell you, this is some really good radio, and I'm enjoying it, and I know the audience is.
I mean, Matt Drudge is kind of co-hosting the Alex Jones Show right now.
This is crazy!
Well, maybe I'll join Facebook.
Oh yeah, don't do that.
No, I can't.
I realize that just my personality is I've got to stay focused.
I can't be too distracted.
No, your advice to me was right, you know, like a year ago, that don't try to do too much.
I mean, you're right.
Paul Joseph Watson, I told him, watch out for this.
You know, it's a larger topic, but at my height of media availability, I was doing the website
The TV show and the radio show at the same time, as you are doing now.
As you are doing now.
Mine was with the corporations, Clear Channel, News Corp, and then the Drudge Report.
But still, I felt just myself, I felt it was just more powerful to go to the web, plus not to necessarily be playing in their playground.
Because the power of the individual, as you represent sitting there right now, is powerful.
To the heart.
I said to Paul Joseph Watson when I saw him in London, which you just referred to a year ago, you're a romantic figure, Alex, in Americana.
It's romantic what you do here every day.
It just is.
This is romance.
Because you're an American standing up, tough, facing these headwinds.
Wow, are they blowing.
But you're there.
And you're not alone.
Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, Levin.
There's a lot of people on the airwaves who are as brave.
They are brave.
And they are living it.
I've met them all.
I'm friends with them all.
They are...
Also, operating against the grain in an America that needs to go back to that.
Well, the system's tried to put some of them in jail.
I mean, I know a lot of those folks don't talk about the stuff that goes on behind the scenes.
I don't either, but, you know, these people play hardball, and some folks can say they're libertarians.
Well, those folks don't sound libertarian enough to me.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists, the Democrats, the collectivists hate anybody who's conservative, anybody who believes in the individual.
And the fact is, those people promote individualism, nationalism, and that's why they've got to be eradicated.
What a horrible world if the system is successful.
Matt Drudge, in your gut, in your heart, do you think...
That humanity's gonna be successful and make it the next hundred years.
Oh, the hundred years?
Well, of course, unless Mother Nature decides.
You know, I'm a big fan of letting Mother Nature decide some of this, too.
You know, we can't control a lot of this.
There is a law to the universe.
There just is.
There's just a law to the universe.
We could have the San Andreas ripped tonight.
You had nothing to do with that.
We could have had that super hurricane that, look what they did to South Carolina, two or three hundred miles offshore.
Imagine if a Category 5 eyewall went right up the Chesapeake Bay.
They could say, well, mankind did that.
No, Mother Nature decides.
So will we survive?
What will we be?
I'm sure we will.
Not allowed to speak as we are today?
Well, we'll have it documented that we were allowed to speak that way once.
So, I... I don't know.
Am I optimistic for myself?
Personally, yes.
I'm strong.
There's not much they can do.
They could laser beam me.
They could drone me.
They can plutonium me.
They could do whatever they wanted, but spiritually, I'm set.
I've already got it.
So they can't do much.
I just wish there was more media that was trailblazing and independent.
And this to me is a big danger right now in this setup, is you've got these corporations like the New York Times and the Amazon now with the Washington Post and Time Warner and all of them seem to be the same.
This is what's frightening.
And there's so much news in the course of the day.
And the reason I think the Drudge Report is interesting every morning is it's not exactly the same as you would see.
Elsewhere and that's because I'm not involved with other people.
I'm looking at the world through my eyes and that's what you're seeing with bravery and with the ability to do it because the ability to do it what you've created here with one listener one day that went to 10 listeners that went to 50 to now your millions.
Was organically grown, and that's kind of how Earth proceeds.
And it usually takes time, you're absolutely right.
Looking at the open announcements by the Pope for world government, carbon taxes, looking for Obama announcing similar things, they've gone from denying this planetary system is being set up to now admitting it.
We've got all these key meetings, TPP being agreed on just a few days ago.
How is that affecting the people that were brainwashed and told none of this was happening?
How are they going to respond now when all of this starts coming to fruition?
I've been traveling a lot and I'm seeing a lot of desperation everywhere.
A lot of sad desperation.
I was just in an airport and even down to this, a woman selling Southwest Airlines credit cards, standing like a robot.
Have you signed up yet?
Are you a member of the club?
This is a mature woman with a beautiful face and life, and I'm like, how did she get there?
It was tragic.
What has happened to this culture that she's now standing as a robot like this?
They are sucking our ability to make an income that is compatible with what you need to.
So I'm getting a little frightened as I travel.
On the other side of it, when I go to New York and I see some of the billionaires, it's the other side!
You know, they're fighting over pieces of artwork.
It's gotten to the point where the have and the have-nots here is breaking.
And it's the billionaires that are mainly funding the whole leftist redistribution movement because they end up getting the money in corporate welfare and insider deals.
It's so sick.
I watched a great film.
I don't know if you've seen it yet, but it's The Best of Enemies about Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley.
Have you seen that yet?
You've got to see it.
It shows Gore Vidal arguing, saying the answer is... Oh, and by the way, why are we not allowed to have a Gore Vidal-William Buckley anymore in the media scene?
Do you see who they hire?
Do you see who's hired for the shows?
How dull they are?
Dull as dishwater.
They want you to tune out of politics.
Yes, they make it.
Where are the flamboyant characters?
This is what America desperately needs right now.
Flamboyant intellectual characters who can cut different ways.
And that's just what I'm missing.
I've been fortunate enough to meet some of the greats of this generation and I've got to tell you, they are there.
It's just they are suppressed and hidden and they're not hired the way Gore Vidal and Buckley were back a previous generation.
They were not afraid of ideas.
This generation is frightened of ideas or at least it's being suppressed.
Let's throw in the few minutes we have left.
We're about to go to break and I know you've given us more time than you even said you would.
Matt Drudge is our guest, DrudgeReport.com, obviously in studio here in Austin, Texas, visiting a surprise visit, one of the best ever.
That's better than the surprise birthday parties I've had.
Shifting gears, I don't think that Putin's this great angel or this wonderful, perfect person, but our foreign policy is so corrupt, so deceptive, it makes him look good, and nobody's going to back Al-Qaeda.
I talked about this last Thursday and Friday.
And I'll find the article and we'll put it in this video later and put it out as a report.
But it was, it was Reuters reporting that the White House is angry that these airstrikes by the Russians have hit the moderates, al-Nusra, which is al-Qaeda in Syria.
And then it just went on, and they're telling him to stop doing it, and he didn't hit ISIS.
But then Putin pointed out, no, that's the bosses of ISIS, that's just their fighters.
It's the same group, which is true.
But it's Twilight Zone.
I can't even believe I'm reading Reuters, who has writers with a straight face,
That we'll just sit there and write articles about how Al-Qaeda is moderate and not bad, and then we criticize Russia for bombing them when they're attacking Russian interests.
It's just so bizarre.
It seems like that Karl Rove quote where he said, we control reality.
I don't think Obama and these guys really control reality.
And now we've got John McCain saying, let's go ahead and end Zbigniew Brzezinski and have war with Russia.
Let's go ahead and attack the Russian aircraft.
I mean, it's crazy town!
What do you say to that?
Well, I'll say this.
We never even heard of ISIS until recently, and I remember when that name first started coming up.
Do you know it was designed to be confused with Daryl Issa?
No, I didn't know that.
Do you know that's what it was?
Because Daryl Issa was the enemy at the time of this administration.
You know, there would have been a time Obama could have been impeached.
And I'm thinking of the IRS scandal, most likely.
That would have been the one.
You get the depositions going, you get the president under oath, you follow the chain, Obama most likely would have been impeached.
Boehner decided, we're not going there, we're not going to have those cities burn.
We're not going to do it.
We're not going to impeach Obama.
So, I felt Daryl Issa, that's his name right?
Issa, Daryl Issa.
I think they came up with the name ISIS to be confused with Daryl Issa.
I'm really being honest with you.
I remember when the first time Christiane Amanpour sputtered out this word ISIS.
I'm thinking, where did she get that one?
You know, these words are creative.
These events are creative.
Now we act like, oh, ISIS has been around for 20, 30 years.
Says who?
It's been around a year and a half.
Designed to confuse.
And then the president going, it's not even ISIS, it's ISIL.
Or ice.
Or isl.
Or is.
This is Dr. Seuss!
This is madness!
I bet you're able to follow any of it, because when I sit down and look at the news, I'm not able to follow the bouncing ball.
Is Putin here?
Is Obama here?
Where does this one go?
I can't follow.
Can you put the pieces together?
I'm glad you can, because I can't.
Well, we're going to break here in about a minute and a half, and then I'm going to come back and play a special report.
They're going to go into the fourth hour, being hosted by one of our co-hosts today.
But, Matt, in the two minutes we've got left, it's amazing to have you here.
What else do you think is front and center in the universe?
In the last two minutes here, what do you want to say to the audience and to the dinosaur media that is going to gleefully try to edit this and chop this up and, I guess, use it for their funeral pyre?
Well, they're welcome to again.
They've got no control over the situation.
No control.
No control over me.
I wanted to congratulate you.
You're one of the... and people don't really talk about this.
You are one of the first to stream 24 hours a day.
And I think the reason I was drawn into InfoWars was because of this streaming.
This is a profound break that you did to allow the audience to hear you at any time, to make it available at any time, from anywhere, looping, looping, looping, until the next broadcast.
This is a profound thing you did.
I don't think that's recognized enough in the industry.
I'm just talking shop talk here for a second.
That was big.
Because what you're seeing with the AM dial now, and I'm not besmirching any stations that are carrying this right now, but some of these ratings are frightening.
Some of these ratings in these major cities are frightening.
I'm talking about half the listeners, generally overall, for every talk host.
Some of them are down a half, a half in one year.
Something is going on, but you broke through with this 24-hour looping, always available.
On my happiest nights, I'm sitting here and I'm listening to you from wherever I am in the world.
Getting it, getting it, getting it.
And the guests.
This is a profound shift.
Available anytime, from anywhere.
That was you, Alex.
That was a big one.
That was like 12 years ago.
I said, why don't we just send the stream out once, and then wait for a podcast to come up before they even called it podcast, which is an MP3.
So organically again.
Yet again, another organically grown decision that changed the media landscape.
Well sure, and I said, why not just have, I don't want to just have, because I was one of the first, people were doing this 20 years ago, Limbaugh was probably the first, with a little, you know, pod cam, took a photo every minute or something.
I said, why don't we just put cameras in here so I can show people articles, show them photos, show them books, and even show them video clips, and then we'll start streaming it.
And by the way, Limbaugh was genius for doing that because he bypassed
He didn't have to hook up with a Fox or CNN to show him in real time.
He was able to bypass that.
And I think there was some cams for radio shows before that.
But he did it on the larger scale.
But what you did by breaking the mold, by breaking the mold, whatever you said that day, like, why don't we loop it?
I can't tell you how that's changed.
I would say the majority of your listeners are, have, and will discover you through the looping and the broadcast, because now we can drive around and listen to you without the streaming, even though it seems like the streaming is where things are going.
I gotta say, when you broke the egg there,
When you cracked the egg, that was a big one.
That was a Stanley Kubrick moment of the bone going up.
What you did with that one.
So that was a big one.
Well, I don't think it's as big as the bones you've been throwing up that turned into the spaceships, but I tell you, it's amazing to just have the diverse audience that tunes in to hear me babble, speak of the devil, like people like Stanley Kubrick's daughter and folks that have popped up too, and you're like, you check it out, this is really Stanley Kubrick's daughter that helped make some of his films.
It just blows your mind.
Oh, and by the way, if Stanley Kubrick was alive, can you imagine?
Can you imagine where he would have gone?
He would have done some great work.
We're missing the Hollywood push, too.
Where's the greatness coming out of Hollywood?
They want it dumbed down.
I've talked to top Hollywood... Enough of the Martian crap.
Tell us something.
Tell us something big and real and profound, as Kubrick would have.
On a human level.
On a human level.
Well, I'm not allowed to say what I was told about Kubrick, but let me say, it was obvious from his films, he would be on board with us.
You know, Spielberg keeps going back to World War II.
I mean, enough already.
Let's get focused.
I look at a P.T.
Anderson, and I don't know, it's kind of gone into a marijuana cloud for me.
Where are the artists who are challenging this generation like Kubrick did?
So, that's another topic separately.
Well, we're going to break in one minute.
We're going to air John Bowne's report, come back, and who's hosting the fourth hour today?
Thunderstruck that David Knight's got a bunch coming up and obviously we need to get clips of this epic interview, play those and put those out on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Matt, how fast do you think, here's what's crazy, five years ago I cared if mainstream media wrote stories against us or I cared if I was on Nightline or something, you've been in more big stuff than I have.
Now it doesn't even do anything when I'm on those shows.
That's why I know that they don't mean anything and so we should end with this, you were the guy
Who tweeted, at least from what I saw, at Piers Morgan three years ago, or two and a half years ago, to say, have Alex Jones on, debate him.
Yeah, behind the scenes, people don't know this about me, I'm a matchmaker behind the scenes.
That I've had the ability to make some deals happen and do some things behind the scenes.
Now, I've never met Piers Morgan, but I do believe that tweet that day did lead to that.
You're right.
Well, no, they told me in his office, they said, what do you think of Matt Drudge's idea?
Because they got my cell phone number and called me, and CNN had it, and I said... Which ended up being the most dramatic moment on CNN in a generation.
They admit that.
They have votes and say that.
That's why they need to hire people away from 6th Avenue just to look at the scene.
I remember once saying to Charlie Rose, why don't you have more conservatives on?
And he says, who?
And, you know, there's a whole list of them.
Why are they limiting themselves?
Because you would say it's a, you know, it's a contrived plan to limit.
But I still think to make provocative programming, you've got to have different points of view, a la the Buckley and Vidal, Gore Vidal.
Where is that in this culture?
It's missing.
I get it from InfoWars.
I get it from other places too, mainly talk radio.
Talk radio seems to be the driving force of this culture, at least in spoken word.
I'm not getting it from television that much.
I'm just not.
Where are the intriguing television shows?
I mean, you could say Homeland, you can say some of these others.
Okay, yes.
But where are the real dynamic things that are pushing?
Well, let's expand on that.
Piers Morgan had a ratings boost for about 30-40% for two weeks after that.
Then it went down, steadily declined, and they got rid of him.
CNN knows that if they
Well, it all depends if the sick Americans get un-sick.
That's all.
That's all you just have to do because if you get well, if you get well,
You're not that interested in what Anderson Cooper is saying about things.
You're just not, I'm sorry.
I don't mean to be insulting.
If you're sick, you find comfort in that.
What are your final words?
What do you mean final words?
These are the last words ever spoken on earth?
These are the final words?
Yes, George Washington says tis well.
Well, again, I just wanted to come to congratulate you from building organically from the ground up.
Thank you.
A media that is not only American, it's just Western.
It's not even Western, it's just freedom.
I can imagine somebody right now listening to us who's sitting in a prison cell somewhere, somewhere awful, thinking about freedom.
So, congratulations to you.
I have more power to you.
Take care of yourself.
Because, you know, you're the vehicle, too.
Well, I'm speechless, Matt Drudge.
I can't go on.
Sorry to the callers.
David Knight's coming up.
I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
A fourth hour coming up as we move into the Overdrive Show and Nightly News tonight at 7.
But we're going to go ahead and go to this John Bowne report and then come back with the fourth hour.
Infowars.com forward slash show to find all that.
Matt Drudge is here in studio.
I'm going to give him the tour now.
Thank you, Matt.
That was an amazing 45 minutes.
Here's the report.
There's been another mass shooting in America.
This time in a community college in Oregon.
That means there are more American families, moms, dads, children, whose lives have been changed forever.
That means there's another community stunned with grief.
And communities across the country forced to relieve their own anguish and parents across the country who are scared because they know it might have been their families or their children.
We talked about this after Columbine and Blacksburg, after Tucson, after Newtown, after Aurora, after Charleston.
It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict
Harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun.
More families victimized.
More average citizens President Obama may or may not personally offer his condolences to because he is too busy pleading his case to eliminate our constitutional Second Amendment right to protect ourselves and our communities.
Pew Research's July 2014 poll, The Demographics and Politics of Gun-Owning Households, found that about 6 in 10 gun household members, 64%, say they often feel proud to be an American.
In contrast, about half, 51%, of other adults say this.
There exists a constitutional mindset and reason for owning a weapon in the United States.
The United States ranks numero uno in gun ownership, dominating at 88.8% per 100 residents, according to 2014 numbers from the Small Arms Survey based in Geneva, Switzerland, a group staffed by experts in security studies, political science, law, international public policy, developmental studies, economics, conflict resolution, and sociology.
These are the people pushing the international policies to agendize constitutional freedoms
We as a nation require an order for our republic to operate.
And the media spin on the coverage is always the same.
Who cares who the shooter was in Oregon?
Why should we?
Our immediate and only reality-based concerns should be for the families and communities that need to be... Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's out on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Just had a nice talk with Michael Savage during the break.
And he said, uh, Alex, you're the only host that gets me to blow my voice out.
You bring out my, my, my anger.
I'm gonna have to air this interview on my show today.
And I said, he asked permission.
I said, of course, feel free to do it.
He's still gonna be live later this afternoon, but part of the show will be this last hour, uh, because he did, did just blow his voice out.
He was coughing during the break, uh, because it is, we're being assaulted.
And even if you don't agree with me a hundred percent or Michael Savage, a hundred percent, we are being conquered.
And we're not being conquered like, you know, the Romans show up and they give you aqueducts, and you're still kind of a slave, but, you know, it's better than the slavery you had a year before.
Because you could argue some of those regimes, you know, about 2,000 years ago, 3,000 years ago, well, 2,200 years ago is when the real Roman Empire started up, were worse than the Romans.
It's not like loving space aliens have showed up that want to give us free energy.
It's like aliens have showed up that want to
Harvest our organs or something.
And I'm not saying the globalists are aliens.
It's an analogy.
They don't have our best interest at heart.
They have disdain for the public.
They live on these giant, beautiful resort community areas on thousands of acres apiece.
People like Pelosi and others.
And then they're at war with free market rich people, because I know, I've been in these communities, I know a lot of rich people, I've been invited to some very interesting places, and they'll be like helicopter pads across the way, and they'll say, yeah, that guy's the CEO of this, you know, he hates my guts, and this guy over here is okay, but he's leaving the country.
And that lady over there, I'm kind of working on her, but you know, she's just ignorant.
She got ignorant people that are ultra-rich.
You got really hard-working folks that made their money themselves, or took some family money and made it even bigger.
They're almost always free market.
They believe in people.
They believe in humanity.
They like getting down in the trenches.
They're not disgusted by the masses of people.
But you get around a globalist gangster.
They are the most neurotic weirdos.
Their staff won't look them in the eyes.
They're totally hateful.
They're super cold.
They're always into beating people sexually.
That's what the elites are into is hurting people.
That's their sexual fetish.
I don't mean like some light spanking or something.
I mean really brutal stuff.
And they're into being brutalized.
They like hurting good things.
Pedophilia is rampant in the elites.
Just, just, just rampant.
And you see that in sociology, it comes out, but it's much worse than the statistics show.
It is... I know so many people that also know really rich people, some of the biggest names in America, and I'll say at dinner, I'll say, tell me, what are they into sexually?
And I'll say, what are they into religiously?
And always out of the person's mouth is,
The occult?
I mean, these are really unhappy people.
And that's all they've got is the darkness.
And I don't mean some guy that goes to a rock and roll show and wears a pentagram t-shirt because he thinks the devil's cool.
I mean people with helicopters and 15 jets and 20 mansions and, you know, had mistresses when they were 15 years old and now have, you know, just sex operatives all over the place.
I mean, these folks are completely jacked.
And they know talent when they see it, too.
They know resistance when they see it.
And I told people this 18 years ago, and I've told people this over time, and now folks can see that it was true, because a lot of it's come out in the news, but I personally was offered, you know, to join the New World Order repeatedly.
Off record, and people say, well just tell us who.
Well then if I do that, I've lost the confidence.
I don't, even if it's a bad person, if they're not telling me something illegal, and it's in confidence, I don't ever tell them.
I don't tell my wife about it.
I don't ever tell.
Plus it's dangerous, dangerous type stuff, but...
This morning I was on the elliptical and I really had a big epiphany.
I was watching some show called Bling on VH1.
I wasn't watching it.
They had it on.
And it was just flashing this purse, this car, this thing for the masses to watch.
It was just the most soul-sucking garbage.
And it's like, who would sell out for that?
To hang around with a bunch of those mummies.
Police Chief urges citizens to fight back against Paris-style attackers.
The D.C.
Speaking with 60 Minutes on Sunday, Washington, D.C.
Police Chief Kathy Lanier urged residents to do what's necessary to save lives in the event of a terror attack or mass shooting, whether it means run, hide, or fight.
If you're in a position to try to take the gunman out, it's the best option for saving lives before police can get there, Lanier said.
While acknowledging her latest suggestion was counterintuitive to previous tactics the police have advised, Lanier claimed that taking action may be essential to prevent another massacre like the attack in Paris, which left over 120 people dead.
We've never told people take action, but it's a different scenario.
Keep up with our latest news and information on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv and the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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Well, I could not think of a better guest to have on to give us more information about the Benghazi hearings and about the current situation that he predicted, back when Benghazi happened, now unfolding in Syria.
And that's because he ran Operation Stratus, Ivy, Able Danger and other secret operations against Al Qaeda and the Wahhabis in Afghanistan and other countries.
And he was ordered not once but twice to not pull the trigger to kill bin Laden when they knew exactly where he was in 2001 before 9-11.
We just, of course, had Michael Savage on in the last hour.
Dr. Jerome Corsi's coming up in the next hour.
Colonel Schaefer joins us for the next 20 minutes.
LondonCenter.org is one of the consultancies he is engaged in.
He of course blew the whistle about some of the stand-downs going after Bin Laden.
They tried to persecute him as a whistleblower, but he survived that thanks to support.
He's also a best-selling author and has a new book out we'll tell you about as well.
But before we do that, I've just got to say, well, Colonel Schaefer, it's got to be good for you being one of the first people to expose what was happening in Benghazi.
I know it's taken a lot of heat, but now I see more and more of it come out.
Has that taken some of the heat off you?
Well, yes and no, Alex.
I mean, I think you and others have supported me on this from day one.
Thank you.
With that said, it's been a very unpopular position even now because, you know, at the heart of this is really Hillary Clinton, who is the chosen one for the Democrat candidacy for president.
So as much as I think rational people
Uh, and by the way, I've been getting questions from the left, from my friends on the left, saying, hey, do you really think this is all true?
It's like, yeah, it's all true.
And, uh, I think the hearings should have, if it was a Democrat, uh, Congress questioning a Republican candidate, it would have been all over for that candidate.
But instead, the very email, Alex, which they have completely chosen, showed that she, she, Ms.
Clinton was lying.
And even in the end, when they ask her about the arms deal, which by the way, has been highly documented,
By the investigation, by whistleblowers.
Everybody knows there was an arms deal at the heart of Benghazi.
She got away with lying about that.
Which, frankly, at this point, my understanding is that Congress is now looking at perjury charges because they have evidence that she did know about the arms deal, of trying to get these arms moved around Libya.
Moving him into Turkey, which then in turn there will be moved into Syria.
And by the way, another guy who I respect immensely was involved in that.
Lieutenant General Mike Flynn, the director of BIA, has admitted on the record that yes, he was part of the arms deal.
He was directed to do this sort of thing.
So Alex, there's just no doubt about what was at the center of Benghazi, and yet the mainstream media
Well, you were one of the first, within a week of it happening, to come on this show and to go on Fox and other channels and talk about an arms deal, talk about the Turkish ambassador, to break down what happened, to warn about missiles getting into the hands of Al-Qaeda.
The fact that ISIS, once it came up a few years ago, you said no, that is a Wahhabist group as well, al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, that's all been proven to be accurate now and we see this whole thing metastasizing.
You said last year that there should be criminal charges in a Newsmax article for Hillary and the clear cover-up, so I would imagine that in a way you might be under more heat now because it is an election year.
This is interesting because
Yes and no.
Because clearly, Alex, part of the issue now becomes talking the other side.
The Republicans use this to their advantage.
So, I think if Hillary does survive the primaries, the Republicans are going to go into this with a great deal of ammunition to use against her.
Because this is all, again, on the record.
So, yeah, I think my Democrat friends are pretty upset with me about the fact that, you know, there are Democrats who actually recognize what's going on, but because they're so loyal to their party, they choose to look the other way.
And those are the guys I think I'm in most with odds with.
But then again, you know, we've talked to, part of what I do, my job is to talk to presidential candidates.
I can't say by name who they are, but we've talked to them all as best we can.
And the idea is we're going to give them factual information that is based on what is known and can be proven via hard copy documents.
So this now, at this point, like you point out, Alex, this is all hard copy, well-researched, fully recognized as fact, that there was an arms deal, that Hillary Clinton was involved, that the deal went bad, and she knew the night of the attack, or the day after, the 12th of September,
That you had Al-Qaeda terrorists involved.
And frankly, I still stand by my belief that they were fully willing to allow Chris Stevens to go to his death knowing something was going to happen.
Sure, well I've interviewed other whistleblowers after you've been on, Tosh Plumley, others, CIA pilots, and others, and I've talked to other military people, I'm just going to leave it at that.
It's known that there were drones overhead, you said that years ago, it's come out.
You've come out and said you've gotten intel that Obama was watching a part of the seven hours as it unfolded.
I speak by that comment, yes.
Well, this is just outrageous then.
I mean, is it an arms deal and they didn't know what to do?
Or does it go further?
Did somebody in a government outside of Al-Qaeda want to get rid of the ambassador so there wouldn't be any fingerprints on this arms transfer?
Well, it's very clear at this point that Stevens was the key.
He was the pivot man.
He knew everything.
He was involved.
You know, it was his interest to do this.
They really thought, Alex, at the time, and this is one of the big misconceptions I think we're going to continue to face for this, for this mistake for years, that the Muslim Brotherhood could be a trusted ally.
That they would be a good ally, a good proxy to work with us in place of our other Arab allies.
And that was what their assumption was.
So I think when they started seeing that the Brotherhood was not going to be a good partner, they were too far in to say, we can't, we can't stop it.
I think they got themselves in over their head.
I think Chris Stevens was part of that, that completely ill-thought, badly managed effort to bring the Brotherhood into essentially our sphere of influence.
And I think because of that, because they all saw it going bad.
And look, Hillary Clinton's not a stupid woman at all.
I think they recognized that as much as they needed to get rid of information, to get rid of people, this was a good way to let things fly.
And that's why you didn't see... I mean, Alex, think about this.
This was about a little more than two months out before a major presidential election.
How is it you don't do maximum effort to go recover an ambassador who goes missing?
Think about that.
If it was under any other president that I know of, that would have been the primary thing.
Everybody would have been scrambling to figure out where he was at.
Well, we know they were countermanning the orders of the military to save these people.
And so when they get caught, I mean, we know they did it, it's going to bring them all down.
And so, as you stipulate, there is documentary evidence, again, that someone ordered every command.
Keep in mind, Alex, there's an automatic process.
Once a terror attack is undergoing,
Let me ask you this big question.
Now that we see the aftermath years later, ISIS, which is just Al Qaeda, as you do in your organization, you go around and educate Congress, you educate the candidates.
You're in an info war with the truth, when the White House three years ago was saying, oh, these are all good rebels, they're wonderful, you went and exposed them.
With other military people that it was almost all radical Saudi Arabian Wahhabis.
So they clearly know that.
Then what are they thinking?
What's the endgame?
Where is this going?
What are they going to do?
Like I asked you years ago when this first happened.
What are they going to do when radicals use those Stinger missiles and other service air missiles to shoot down airliners?
They can't cover it all up.
What's going to unfold?
What were they thinking?
I mean, you know, in the old days, just 15 years ago, you used to run missions.
Some of it's come out in the news.
Trying to find old stingers.
You guys would go through all sorts of hell just to get a few old stingers.
Now you've got hundreds of modern ones being given to these crazies.
What is the establishment thinking?
Well, at this point in time, I think that's part of the issue.
They got completely out of control.
They know, for example, Alex, that these things are kind of scattered all over.
And I think this is where the real firm remains, because the last time a credible terrorist organization tried this was Al-Qaeda in 2002 in Kenya, where they attempted to take down two Israeli charter aircraft.
It didn't work for any number of reasons, thank goodness.
Imagine now we have that situation where Al Qaeda does have, and ISIS does have, literally crates of these things.
And I think this is where we don't know what's going on, and I think we're blind.
What's the endgame?
Well, I don't know exactly what the leadership was thinking, other than they thought they could cut deals with some of these really worst of the worst terrorists.
I don't think so.
Well, you had Jeffrey Skilling right down there in Texas, and Enron, thinking that they were the smartest guys in the room, and they could do things that no one else has ever done.
I think that thought has been one of the problems with the left, where they will think, you know, despite the fact they have all these people available to them to help educate them, they think they're smarter than everybody else, and they go off on these really idiotic, ill-conceived concepts of operations, which result in tragedy, and I think that's what's going on here.
Well, I want to recap one of the best moments I've seen in the U.S.
Army and just the Pentagon in general, really showing some moral leadership.
I mean, I wouldn't say mutiny against the President, but just not following illegal orders, as you know.
And if you can talk about some of the inside baseball that's not classified, I'd like to hear some more, but even came out in the news.
Well, two years ago, when Rand Paul and Senator Cruz and others were saying, we're not going to be Al-Qaeda's air force, the military, even before that, was holding up the signs on the internet saying, we're not going to be in a Syrian civil war, we're not going to back Al-Qaeda, we're not going to be part of it.
And then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs at the time, General Dempsey, on that Saturday night, went to Obama.
And it even came out later.
I was told this, but it came out months later.
It said, do not do this.
You cannot do it.
It is insane.
The military is going to go along with it.
That is such a historic moment.
And that's got to really concern the criminals that are running this government.
I'm just going to say it.
That's like a moment where it's not Operation Valkyrie with the military trying to take out Hitler in Germany.
It's just the military saying, we're not going to follow that order.
Well, everybody recognized, Alex, that the people we were trying to support were indeed completely affiliated, if not wholly owned, by Al Qaeda.
So why would you do that?
And this is where, you know, the solution would be worse than the problem.
Look, no doubt here, President Assad is a bad guy.
He has killed his own people.
He is truly a despot.
But, frankly, we recognize what happened in Libya when we allowed for those elements to include Al Qaeda.
And by the way, do you remember, Alex,
Al-Qaddafi was warning us, saying, hey, these people who are opposing me are not the simple, you know, revolutionary thinkers who want democracy.
These folks are Al-Qaeda.
And sure enough, we have a combination of Al-Qaeda and ISIS now running Libya.
So, this is clearly assembling the military and the people I deal with understood from day one.
I'm good.
As part of the Pakistani intelligence service back in the 80s to go against the Russians.
Well, once the Russians left, the Kani Network supported coming after us.
They've been one of the main killers of US and Afghan forces since we've been there.
So we cannot believe for a minute that Al-Qaeda or its affiliates or anyone who believes like Al-Qaeda can be dealt with in a friendly way to achieve a short-term objective
They're not going to come back after us to attack us after that fact.
I think Dempsey recognized that.
A number of us recognize that.
Again, we have these political leaders who, Alex, think they're smarter than everybody else, and they continue to try to do these truly insane, dangerous things.
Colonel Schaffer is our guest, LondonCenter.org.
Just segwaying briefly, one of your latest books predicts the breakdown of the border, basically a soft civil war.
This was two years ago.
You said, watch, it's coming.
This is a lot of stuff I couldn't put in a non-fiction book, so I put it in a fiction book.
I want to talk about that book some.
I want to talk about what's happening in Europe.
But the controlled left, they're not just this stupid.
They really hate the West.
They've said that.
The head of the UN migrant agency
Peter Sutherland has said we want to get rid of Western culture.
They're bringing in, they admit, 80% military-age men.
They're mainly the folks that invaded Syria.
They're not really Syrian rebels.
I mean, I know you know all this.
They're not really Syrian refugees.
What is the plan?
Open borders here, open borders there.
What is the left trying to do?
Why are they so affiliated with radical Islamists that would put a hood over their wife's head and literally not let women drive cars?
Why is the left supporting these people?
Well, I think the left is essentially the vanguard of the third world.
I mean, I had a friend of mine basically posit that this morning.
Basically, they are the third world, and they're trying to make cuts to the third world.
So that's why you see this sort of thing.
They want to import people who will radicalize, who will de-establish the basic Western principles which have made us very strong.
The conditions that we've created in the West, Alex, for better or for worse, are the best mankind has ever seen.
We have the most people ever who have clean water, clean homes,
It used to be a good healthcare system, which is now being diminished by Obamacare.
Again, this third world idea that we have to essentially treat everybody the same.
That's what they want.
This idea, they use fairness as a value to say, you know, Alex, you live too high.
You shouldn't be living as well as you do.
You shouldn't have a nice car.
You should be living at a level like someone who lives in, say, rural Kenya.
And their idea of fairness is we're all the same.
And then you've got these ultra-rich that make their money off of government contracts
Waging war against new rich who actually create jobs and wealth, teaming up with the third world.
It is just sickening to watch.
Well, here's the key.
You predicted, it's just crazy how accurate you've been, Colonel Schaefer.
I'm not kissing your butt, it's just no brag, just fact.
You predicted, right when Benghazi happened, that next is Syria, then you said next is Europe.
What are they going to do?
I think it's not a question of if, but when.
They try, or they succeed, to shoot down one or more major passenger liners on the outskirts, maybe Eastern Europe, Russia, wherever they can get these missiles.
Can they get the missiles into Western Europe?
Can they get them into the U.S.?
How long until that happens, or am I wrong?
And then, what do you see happening in Syria?
Can we stop it?
Well, this is kind of a twofer.
What you see right now, as you point out aptly, is that these bales
They're finding AK-47s full-auto from the Middle East now in France.
So that was it.
That was the first test.
Okay, it works.
So now then, if you see it works, then you expand it.
So now you see the expansion of phase one, of getting all these people into Europe and setting up trusted and client-vested networks.
After the network's in place, Alex, they can move the vessels around with security.
There's no way law enforcement or intelligence can stop and search every single vehicle moving around, or every single boat coming in and out.
So again, once you flood the market, so to speak, it makes it infinitely easier to move weapons such as stingers around.
You can deal with an AK-47 on a low scale, basically increase by an order of magnitude, and then you can do it with impunity.
That's where they're going with all this.
The Russians, where do you see the situation in Syria going?
How big of a defeat to Obama was it that Putin came in?
Do you think the Russians are being suckered into a new Afghanistan?
What about the plane being shot down?
Well, I think the Russians are seeing, I think it was an attack, I think it was done by a Lockerbie type attack, where you had a bomb on the aircraft, or a suicide bomber.
All the pictures I've seen, Alex, indicate to me that it was an explosion from the inside, not an explosion from the outside.
A bomb inside.
And so I think the Russians have got their first real casualties in the war.
And God bless them, I'm glad they're gone.
They need to stabilize Syria.
This is our one joint objective, should be, is stabilizing Syria.
Even if you don't like Assad, stabilize Syria, because otherwise you're going to continue to see al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Kind of using that region as a base of operations.
And of course, Al Qaeda hits Russia even more than they hit us on average.
What do you expect the Russians to do if some of the voices calling for some type of military containment or a no-fly zone?
I mean, we've all heard the talk from former generals, let's start killing Russians.
That's some really dangerous talk.
It is.
No, the Russians are doing what I think we should have been doing.
I think it's why it's such a big blow to President Obama, frankly, Alex.
And with that said, you know, our military, I've talked to the folks in the Senate, our military will continue to conduct itself professionally with the Russians.
We're not going to do anything to antagonize them as much as I think that can't be said of the other side.
With that said, we've got to come to an agreement of what we're focused on regarding joint objectives.
Unfortunately, long term, we have to accept, Alex, that they're trying to put together what I would call the Damascus Pact, essentially a form of the Warsaw Pact in the Middle East where they're joining the Iranians
Sure, let's not romanticize Russia.
Their elites are just as corrupt as some of ours, but we can't lose the moral high ground and back a jihad al Qaeda army to run around murdering hundreds of thousands of Christians.
You hit the nail on the head.
And I think that's what we need to understand.
The Russians and us, if we share that one focus area, we should focus on that for now and then worry about what to do after that, after we defeat ISIS in Al Qaeda.
I really appreciate you giving us time.
Spend a minute on your books you've written and the one predicting the border situation.
Well, the last line, Alex, you've done a great job of allowing me to talk about it.
Look, we recognize that you live there more than I do.
In fact, the border is breaking down, and people want it to break down.
So the last line, essentially, is kind of looking at all the different people who could be involved, and essentially, like you point out, a soft coup d'etat, looking at people who have interests that are really meant to undermine and soften our ability to defend the nation.
That's ongoing, and it's something we have to all be concerned about.
My first book, Operation Dark Heart, is about the war in Afghanistan and how we need to go about trying to, we can still pull a victory out there, and I'm hopeful that we can do a lot more to stabilize that area as well.
But it takes parts, but it does not take political types who wish basically to reinforce their own political power and not protect the American people, and that's what we should be focused on.
It's scary to have political leadership that's never been in the military telling the military what to do and seeing these disasters.
Colonel Schaefer, thank you so much and thank God for being there.
You're a real hero, not just what you did in the military, but what you've done now to get the information to Congress and the people.
It's been so accurate.
Thank you so much, Colonel.
Sure, thanks for having me.
That's an amazing person right there.
He has risked his life so much domestically for what he's done on Benghazi.
That's one of the main sources that's getting close to bringing Hillary down.
Stay with us, we'll be back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All you pro-vaccine people should rejoice at this news!
Anti-vaccine parents to stop receiving child care benefits under Australian no-jab-no-pay law.
The new changes that will take effect on January 1st, 2016 are projected to save the Australian government over $500 million over four years.
And how many children are not receiving their vaccines?
According to the Australian Childhood Immunization Register, it's 1.77%.
I thought all you needed was 90% to have herd immunity.
The government believes that by removing the non-medical exemption, it will reinforce the importance of immunization and protecting public health.
But what this is really about is the government wants to put anything in your body that they want.
And they want to make sure you bend over and take it.
A footnote in the article is that by 2020, childless couples will overtake those with children.
Now I know where the next Muslim migrant invasion is going to take place.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars Nightly News and InfoWars.com.
Be sure you check out some of our great specials this week running all week in the InfoWarsStore.com.
Thanks for watching.
Alex Jones here.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right.
You know, I respect Michael Savage, and when I would listen to him 10, 12 years ago, I agree with about 95%.
But when he would say there's a socialist plan to flood the West with radical Islamics, and to create caliphates and take over, he was the first person I ever heard say that, I thought...
Well, I believe him.
He sounds sincere, and I can tell he's a man who believes in what he's doing.
He's a smart guy with all these letters to his name.
But, man, that's really crazy.
Would the elite really do that?
And now, here's the headline, Migrant Crisis Pushing Germany Towards Anarchy and Civil War.
In one town alone, the Daily Mail reports 750 military-age men, basically.
In a town of 102, they're demanding the Germans pay for it all.
Same thing's happening here with the open borders.
Who talked about language, borders, culture?
Michael Savage.
So call him a prophet, a historian, a man before his time.
He is a renaissance man, of course, best-selling author, launched much of the modern herbal supplement movement we know of in the 60s and 70s.
If there's one guy, you could say Michael Savage under another known diplom.
And now he's with us for just 30 minutes, so I'm going to shut up and go to him.
But I got to tell you, he's banned from entering England.
I've been threatened that I'll be banned from entering Europe or England now if I criticize radical Islam.
They're arresting Germans en masse and taking their kids from them if they criticize radical Islam.
The women are being told don't wear short skirts.
They're canceling Christian holidays in public squares because the radical Islamics are offended.
This is the suicide of the West.
You talk about total mental illness.
Because, I mean, these radical Islamists are going to go after the liberals first thing when they get control.
It is suicidal.
It's a form of cuckolding, in my view.
He's got his new book out.
The last one was censored on China, getting ready to make big moves.
You notice that all happened.
China's now involved with the clandestine radio they secretly own in the U.S., trying to censor media.
They block Hollywood movies being released.
I don't know.
And you need to support people that are telling the truth.
Now, I'm done ranting.
I want him to come back in the next month for a full hour.
He's doing a book tour right now, so he's just got 25 minutes with us.
But to say it's dire when the Daily Beast says we need to confiscate guns, that's a quote, but the black helicopter people may fight back.
So we're still crazy, even though we were right there coming for the guns, and we were right there going to get rid of the borders, and we were right there coming with forced inoculation, and we were right about world government with the Pope calling for it.
Michael Savage, I'm going to try to shut up, but I tell you, this is an epic moment.
You've laid so much knowledge on us.
Where are we now?
Where are we going?
Word is you're being censored as well.
They're trying to block your new book.
I mean, it is on.
They're saying they want to persecute the press.
Supreme Court Justice told Matt Drudge that they're coming next year to shut down basically talk radio and free speech on the Internet.
I mean, it's here.
What do we do, Michael Savage?
Okay, without hammering the book, I want to start with the title because it says it all.
Government Zero.
If we don't see President Zero invoking Government Zero, I'd like to know what it's going to take for the average moron out there, idiot moron fools, who have sold the country away, running around in shorts with Halloween costumes, with their children on drugs and sugar, and they wonder why these SOBs with that monster tyrant leftist bastard in the White House.
This guy is the smartest leftist in the history of the world.
This slick BS artist, Barry from Honolulu, has done more harm to the world than Marx and Lenin put together.
And he gets away with it for one reason, Alex.
He doesn't shout like me.
Have you ever heard Barry from Honolulu scream?
He is the smoothest con man in the history of the world.
He makes Soros look like a chump.
Soros, by the way, is behind breaking all the borders of Europe.
You know that.
With his open society.
You know, Soros is who flooded America with marijuana.
You know that.
Now, many people like marijuana.
I think it's one of the most toxic substances in the world.
It is the road to addiction.
It is a gateway drug.
Who has made it suddenly so friendly?
Ten years ago, I fought with one of Soros' minions on my radio show.
Soros was the first to fund medical marijuana initiatives in Arizona and California.
And I was arguing, are you people crazy?
It's a gateway drug.
You're going to hook a generation on drugs.
We had this argument.
It's history now.
Marijuana is as friendly as candy corn.
Everyone thinks it's a benign herb.
It is not.
So, what does it have to do with Soros' master plan?
The man is possibly the most evil genius on the planet in my estimation.
Why does he want to break the borders of every nation on Earth?
What is it that they're after?
What do you mean no borders?
Well, listen.
No borders, no language, no culture.
A mass of stupid drugged humanity.
Easily manipulated, turned into slaves, serfs in their own country.
What more do you need to know?
Children on drugs, parents on alcohol, marijuana, and drugs.
And then you have the puppet masters, as in the Godfather, the Peasant Avantes, pulling the strings.
Sucking the money out of the people's pockets as they go to work like slaves, in their little slave factories, thinking they're free.
Remember Orwell's book?
Remember that great phrase, those who rattle their chains most loudly scream, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free?
That's what Orwell wrote.
As he saw what communism had wrought in Europe, socialism.
He was originally a socialist.
And then he saw who they really were.
He saw they were monsters and dictators.
He got into their upper sanctum.
He was led into the Fabian Socialist.
All socialists.
Everyone forgets that.
Very convenient to forget Hitler was a socialist.
Stalin, Hitler.
Different sides of the coin.
Now we have socialism is suddenly popular in America.
How's that possible?
Because the drugged morons don't even know what it is.
They don't know what it has wrought.
They don't know where it leads.
They have no idea what it'll do to them.
Now, couple that with bringing in as many Islamic fascists as you possibly can as quickly as you can.
Why are they bringing in so many young men of military age into Europe?
into America.
What's their game plan here?
And now throw in what you're talking about, confiscation of guns.
It ain't happening, Alex.
We're not Australia.
Australia had no Second Amendment, that's number one.
And I will remind you and your audience, and this is the most important thing, Alex, I'm sorry for the day.
I have a tape that I keep playing on my radio show from Elena Kagan.
When she was appointed to the Supreme Court, when she went through the fake hearing, the kangaroo fake hearing of whether she should be appointed or not, she was asked about the Second Amendment.
Remember her?
She's this kind of pickle saleswoman from the Lower East Side of New York.
Looks like the penguin.
Yeah, pickle saleswoman.
In my day, the most she would have done is sold bloomers at Macy's.
Now she's on the Supreme Court.
This is right out of the Communist China playbook.
Take people from the bottom and put them on the top.
Take people on the top and throw them to the bottom.
So, Elena Kagan, when she was grilled, fake grilled, she says, where do you stand on guns?
And she says, the Second Amendment is established law.
The Second Amendment is established law.
Well, if it's established law, how could Barry from Honolulu take your guns?
How could the witch from Arkansas or Chapel Hill?
I agree with you, but they're openly licking their chops, is what I'm saying.
I agree it'll start a civil war, I agree they're not going to get away with it, but they're openly now, Hillary, Obama, others, saying we do need to look at confiscation.
That's a bold move.
Why are they shooting their mouths off?
There was a time not too long ago when the Democrats would never even touch God.
Guns and gays.
Remember that time not so long ago?
But Barry from Honolulu is such a slick con artist that he's so hoodwinked, the American drug addict, that they actually think it's time for socialism, gun seizure, no borders, and flood America with your Muslim brethren.
The people are stupid and they're drugged, Alex!
And they sensed they could get away with it.
They're reading their tea leaves wrong.
But you know what?
There'll be a revolution and they're gonna lose, Alex.
There are too many guns and too many people ready to fight them.
I'm not calling for revolution.
They are.
Let's be very clear.
I am a man of peace.
I am a man of peace, but we have gangsters running this country.
Criminals, gangsters!
What the hell is this highway bill all about?
The first day, I'm sorry for yelling.
No, no, we're normal.
We see total criminal takeover, the death of freedom, the death of the West, and these crazy socialists that so hate freedom that they want to bring in the most radical Sunni Wahhabist to run around and rape people, and the Swiss and Dutch and all the rest of these police just let them go under orders.
I mean, it's just crazy that we've gotten to this point and it's normal to get angry.
We need to get people out of their coma.
How do we do that?
I gotta go back to Paul Ryan.
He gives a speech today that I hear on ABC News about the highway bill.
Listen to this.
The first day he gives a speech, what's it about?
Who was it that was pushing the highway bill for years now?
The highway bill.
Nancy Pelosi!
Put two and two together.
Why is it a highway bill that's on the top of their list?
Because Pelosi supported him.
Why does Pelosi push it?
It's an old adage, all roads lead to Rome.
You ever hear that one going back to ancient times?
All roads lead to Rome.
That's as far as I can go without winding up with lead shoes in the bottom of San Francisco Bay.
And I'll let it hang in the air.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history, and I'm not saying this for effect, nor to sell a book.
I'm trying to awaken people.
Unfortunately, Alec, your audience is already awakened.
They're agitated.
They're ready to strike.
They don't know what to do.
But look at the morons around you.
Go walk in the streets.
You know, I walked in San Francisco yesterday, the most beautiful city.
They're zombies.
I love it to death.
I'm walking through a park near the Embarcadero, and without being graphic,
I'm an old boy scout, so I read footprints in the woods and I can read droppings in the woods.
I was taught how to follow droppings of what kind of animal it is.
Well, there was a dropping on the ground on the sidewalk that I said there were no bears in the city.
How could the... This can't be a bear.
Well, it's an admitted record problem in San Francisco, public defecation, and now in government buildings, even when they have bathrooms, they're so mentally ill that they just enjoy crapping in public.
What does that say about a civilization, Alex?
That people are allowed to crap without having their heads broken open by a cop.
In my day, if a guy did that, a big Irish cop would smash him on the head with a nightstick, and drag him into the prison, and hose him down and throw him into a jail, and leave him there.
Well, what kind of country is this that permits this to go on?
Now, you ask yourself, if society is breaking down, and at the same time they're trying to break us down,
What is it all about?
So the public defecation could be stopped in one second, right?
So what is this about?
It's to constantly lower the standards of the middle class.
Constantly dehumanize the middle class.
That's it.
Dehumanize, desensitize, weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken, until eventually they have no resistance to whatever the evil criminal gangsters in the regime might do next.
It's as simple as that, Alex.
And at the want and at the wish to not offend people who think I'm peddling a book, I have to mention my great new book.
Look, first of all the good news is despite the censoring, despite no appearance on Fox News ever, ever!
Fox News, conservative outlet, are you kidding me?
Michael Savage officially banned.
ABC, CBS, NBC, banned.
CNBC, banned.
So I go on your show.
Laura Ingraham has a small show.
I love her to death.
She's brilliant.
Who else has me on?
Despite the media blackout, the audience is so loyal.
The book is number two this week on the Barnes & Noble bestseller.
Excuse me.
We just got the news this morning.
It's number two on the
Yeah, Barnes & Noble bestseller list.
We don't know what it'll be on the New York Times list.
God knows they manipulate that one.
Oh, it's admittedly manipulated.
People are reporting that they're going in stores and they're finding stacks of the books with the covers bent.
So you got sabotage.
Then they're finding the book in the back.
Not on the front table, which the publisher paid for, but in the back under feminine hygiene.
That's a joke, but that's where they're putting it.
Anywhere but where you can find it.
Now, which books are selling well?
Why, O'Reilly's books, The Killing Series.
What are people buying that garbage for?
What's the revelation about killing Patton or killing Reagan?
Can you tell me why anybody would read a book like that?
What are they finding in the book that they don't already know?
It's mindless, it's non-threatening.
They want to think they're pseudo-intellectuals.
They want to sit back and read something that's utterly mindless.
Well, I said this facetiously, and I certainly don't mean it, but I said I'm waiting for the next book in the series by him called Killing O'Reilly.
Maybe he'd do us all a favor and end it already.
He's got some franchise going there, doesn't he?
But nevertheless, let's get back to serious stuff.
No borders, no language, no culture.
What does that matter?
Leftists says, hey, savage, what the heck are you so excited about?
What do you need a border for?
And what are you holding on to English for?
Your parents were immigrants, weren't they, Michael?
And so what's your point, Larry?
I was on Larry King last week.
He has a little show on Russian television.
How is that for a funny come about of events?
But I actually like Larry King, but you know why, Alex?
He's a liberal, old school, nice liberal, smart, but not vicious.
Totally different than the new generation of progressive psychos, right?
He says to me, your parents were immigrants, so what are you afraid of someone not speaking English?
I said, I don't care what language they speak at home.
My grandmother never spoke a word of English.
But my father drilled into me, you're in America.
Learn English.
Learn it the best way you can.
Become an American.
You're not living anywhere else.
Be an American.
That's not the ethos of this generation, is it?
Do you hear them teaching their children to learn English?
They're teaching them to learn anything but English.
Stamp on the country that's so good to you.
Don't learn their language.
There is no culture there.
How long has the left taught us that America has no culture?
It's an acculturated nation.
We're a nation with no culture.
They want to get rid of our culture so they can then download into us their sick, mentally ill culture.
And you were one of the first to say this, but more and more it's clear.
The top liberals are vicious mafia social engineers, as you've documented, but their minions really are mentally ill basket cases.
I'm sure you saw the Atlantic Monthly article a few weeks ago about the caudal generation admitting, and these are leftists saying, that their college students have now become like these weird Maoist youth brigades that shout them down for just any language.
They are complete
But they're fascist basket cases that just flip out and now want to ban the word mother and father.
You're a father, Alec.
You know that children need discipline.
You know what happens when you raise them without discipline.
They become animals.
I was in a Chinese restaurant last night.
In San Francisco.
I love a dumpy restaurant that I go to.
There was a kid, two of them, running around screaming at the top of the lungs, I mean screeching, with the food you couldn't even digest it.
I wasn't going to say anything because, you know, what are you going to do?
I looked at the father.
He was a nice looking guy, not a weakling, but indulgent.
Afraid to say no to Johnny.
The type that when Johnny defecates in his hand and wipes it on the wall, he will say, Johnny is an artist.
That's a Shigali just painted.
Don't wipe it off the wall.
These people are crazy.
They are.
They have no discipline themselves.
Remember, if the father's 30, 32, 33, right?
He may look good.
What's amazing to me is that these guys are well built.
They all go to the gym, right Alex?
They all got abs, but they have no cerebrum.
They don't have the minds of men.
Well, they have abs, they have good abs, but no cerebrum folds, no folds in the brain.
They have folds in the stomach.
It's like zomboids walking around, wild, crazy children.
This child's made to be only one thing, which is a tort lawyer.
That's all he grew up to be.
And if he fails at that, he can become a government worker.
But aside from the facetiousness, okay, discipline gone, society going, breaking down at the top gangster regime, sucking us dry.
Paul Ryan, first speech, first speech, first speech.
Highway bill, highway bill, highway bill.
Who's in the highway building business?
Who makes the trillions off the highway bill?
Are you in the highway business?
No, but Nancy Pelosi went into Congress worth about a half a million now.
She's worth hundreds of millions.
And her husband suddenly became worth billions.
She's a nice lady.
Of course, I'm sure she's friends with Don Corleone.
Very nice.
She's a sweet grandmother.
And you know, what's also nice about Pelosi is the fact that her brother-in-law got about a $1.2 billion loan from the government for a solar plant in the Nevada desert.
And he did so well in producing about a megawatt of energy for it that they gave him another $800 million, according to what I've recently read.
How come it's not in any of the newspapers?
Have you ever seen corruption like this couldn't even go on today in New York?
Yeah, what's wrong with Harry Reid giving billions in contracts to his sons?
He's got like four or five of them.
That's nothing!
That shouldn't even be in the news!
I mean, how dare you do your research?
It's totally normal.
We're a Republican party.
There is none.
It's a one-party system.
All the conservatives that were put in last year.
Were put at the back of the bus.
Remember how much hope we had in November when I wrote Stop the Coming Civil War?
I said, hold your nose, go vote for Republicans and we'll put their feet to the fire after they win.
Guess what?
Boehner has no feet.
McConnell has no feet.
There's no feet to put on the fire.
They're empty shells.
They were never men.
They were never there.
They were factotums of Barry from Honolulu.
One party.
It is a fascist dictatorship.
He wants to crush us under his fist.
He is the worst monster in the history of America.
And if he uses an executive order to go around Congress on immigration, we need 10 million people demanding, immediately demanding, that an impeachment hearing be started whether or not those cowardly, useless, gangster Republicans do it or not.
We need a People's Tribunal.
Let's be positive for a moment.
I agree.
We need a People's Tribunal and find these people guilty of war crimes.
I agree, but your audience, my audience, Drudge and WorldNetDaily and a lot of other great people did get organized.
We did get 40 or so libertarian constitutionalists.
They did get rid of Boner.
Then, of course, they brought in Ryan.
The point
I think so.
You know, my book is not just a screed of complaints and screaming.
It's a well-organized, because I'm a scholar by training, book.
At the end of the book, I have 40 action points, direct actions that have to be taken immediately to save the nation.
The number one thing is create a nationalist party.
Now you may say, that's crazy.
That has no chance of winning.
Not now, Alex.
Alex, we have to start laying the groundwork to save the country by creating a new party, the Nationalist Party.
You know there's a word going around, liberal parents beware.
The millennials are very conservative.
Do you know that?
You know that it's a conservative generation that's rebelling against the insane drug addicted liberal parents?
If we had a charismatic young leader, if I were 40 right now and knew what I know now and had the reach I have now, I wouldn't run for office.
Excuse me, it's corrupt.
I'd create the Nationalist Party knowing that in 10 years we'd win in this country.
So I'm not going to do it.
I'm not young enough to create a party, nationalist party, to close the borders for seven years.
I didn't say anything but close the borders for seven years.
Absorb all those who are here.
Number three, deport all illegal aliens dot dot dot in prison.
See, people misquote me.
I said, first start by deporting the criminal illegal aliens in prison.
Alex, one third of all our prisoners, as I point out, as you well know, one third of our prisoners are illegal aliens.
What are we paying them for?
Get him out of the country.
Empty the prisons of one-third of the prisoners.
People say, well, I'll only come right back.
Concurrently do what Trump said.
Build the wall.
Israel built the wall.
It works real good.
Walls work.
China built one to keep the Mongols out.
Israel built one to keep the Palestinians out.
Now, of course, they're being stabbed to death by those that they let in.
They'll have to do something next.
Number three, build a wall.
So, one, Nationalist Party.
Two, deport illegal aliens in prisons.
Not such a bold idea.
Who's in favor of keeping them in our prisons at $60,000 a year, other than the prison guard unions?
Build a wall.
And listen to this.
Make English the official language of America.
That doesn't mean it's illegal to speak another language in your home country.
Plus, English is the global language.
Everyone should want to learn English.
It's the language.
San Francisco, eight languages on the ballot.
Now what was the reason for that?
So Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, and the corrupt government in San Francisco can get all the illegal aliens to put these corrupt, illegal, left-wing phenomenal bastards in power over and over again.
Over and over and over again!
We have people crapping in the street, you got dogs running wild in the street, you got girls being shot in the street, and these corrupt bastards!
They are just pieces of trash.
In the three minutes we've got left, you've got to come back for an hour soon.
MichaelSavage.com, Michael Savage is our guest.
How do you expect Obama to leave office?
How do you expect him to try to take over and put his people in so they can't be removed even though he leaves office?
There's a permanent bureaucracy.
How do you expect them to leave?
What are their dirty tricks?
What are you watching out for?
Well, number one, he's already done it with the Justice Department, the illegal, corrupt, anti-American Justice Department.
He's put people in positions that are lifetime positions.
What this Barry from Honolulu doesn't know is that if we had a strong leader take over, and I pray to God, Trump wins.
I don't know what you think of him.
He's our only hope right now.
I think he's a lot better than Hillary, and I agree with what he has to say, and I hope he's for real.
I'm supporting him.
He uses executive orders and he gets rid of all of his appointees.
Throws them out!
And says, go sue me.
I'm the government.
Go to hell.
Get out.
He throws out Perez, for example.
I have all the names in Government Zero.
They're in here.
All of these corrupt leftists that he planted are in there.
Get rid of them.
Executive order.
There are things that can be done.
It's not hopeless.
We just need a strong leader who loves America.
We'll restore our borders, language, and culture.
And by the way, that's not enough.
I want to see these people tried for the crimes they have committed.
The corruption, the corruption, the corruption, the money, the contracts, the grants, the stolen money.
We have to.
Uruguay couldn't get away with this today.
We're lower than a banana republic under this gangster regime.
It is.
I mean, it's just pure insider trading.
Congress gets caught five years ago, so they go pass a law legalizing it.
Well, you can't legalize child molestation just so they pass a law.
I think we're getting ready to hit bottom.
Is that what you mean by government zero?
That zero hour is here?
No, but it's a very good analysis.
I didn't think of it.
Thank you for your insight.
I meant government zero means not a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of itself, by itself, and for itself.
We have zero government.
We have a lawless criminal group.
Zero representation.
A government is supposed to be representative, not a group.
A cadre of a zero, zero, zero, one percent of trillionaires who put the stooges in and robbers drive.
Mark Zuckerberg.
I'm gonna read the book.
Michael Savage.
My producer ran home with it, but it's amazing.
Powerful book.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to Eddie in New York first.
Sorry to have you hold.
I ran out of time before we had the guests on.
How about PC Culture?
Say your mom's a kindergarten teacher.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
What's up, Alex?
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Yeah, so I'm from New York City, which is pretty much, you know, the capital of political correctness.
And when you talked about political correctness, it hit pretty much so close to home because my mom's a kindergarten teacher and the things they try to make her try to indoctrinate these kids is just absolutely disgusting.
I mean,
Especially now that the holidays are coming up, they pretty much have these seminars telling my mother that she's not allowed to say Merry Christmas to the kids because it could offend people.
And, you know, my mother's deep in her Christian roots and her faith, but the things they try to make her push are just disgusting.
Like, they try to make her read books to the kids about, you know, having two dads or having two moms.
And some of the kids, you know, are taking in these books and it's not doing well for them, you know?
Well, it's all designed to screw them up.
It's all designed to confuse them.
The system admits that.
And there is a war on Christians.
And, I mean, people don't know who's being persecuted.
The UN admits double the Christians are being killed a year than were killed ten years ago.
We are being targeted.
I don't care what color you are.
If somebody wants to get upset and run around and scream and demand, stop the persecution, leave Christians alone.
You're absolutely right.
You know, tell your mom.
Leak us info.
We've protected all our whistleblowers.
Leak us info or get us stuff from the other classes so it's not known it's her.
We need people to mail us packages by snail mail, attention Alex Jones, and we will put it out.
We need your help.
We're all in this together.
God bless you, Eddie.
And again, it's not so kids aren't hateful of, quote, gay people.
It's totally meant to confuse their gender.
It's totally meant to sexualize them.
It's meant to set the precedent.
It's very evil.
Let's talk to AJ in Florida.
AJ, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up Alex?
How are you doing, man?
I've been watching your show for about a month and a half and it's amazing, dude.
I have nothing but great things to say about you, bro.
Like, I love how you talk.
When you talk, I just feel like you're talking to me.
It's like, I'm excited to watch the news nowadays.
Every time I want to watch the news, I just go to Infowars.
Well, brother, I am talking to you because I'm nothing special.
I just have read the enemy's plans.
They're out to get us and I'm angry about it and I'm just trying to warn people.
It's just, I'm straight up just trying to communicate.
Dude it's just it's so scary what's happening right now.
I mean everything from the entertainment that we watch from the movie Prometheus and the book Brave New World and it's just it's like oh you know oh my forward.
Well you're right they are they are hitting us hard.
I mean they're definitely coming out in the open and imagine how much crazier it's going to get after this.
Dude, it's just, it's horrible, Alex.
Like, I mean, it's, it's... I know this might sound a little crazy, but recently, I just went to, uh, do you know Red Robin's restaurant?
The burger restaurant?
Yeah, I've been to one before.
They're pretty good hamburgers.
Yeah, I went to one right by my house.
I went and sat down.
There was a security camera right at the top, at the entrance, where you come in and out.
That makes perfect sense, you know?
But then when I went to sit down, there's this little, like, automated new TV screen to just press, and the waiter comes to you, and there's a little camera inside of there also.
Wow, you know what?
I saw that in a Chili's ad, and I meant to send the crew to a Chili's, because exactly, they just automate it, where you buy a new car, even if not a fancy one, and there's cameras inside watching you now, for your safety, hooked into the police department, and then exactly, you go to Chili's, and it's getting ready to get rid of the waiter, basically, and then now it's a machine watching you, and listening to what you say, and Samsung admits they're watching and listening, exactly.
And then I'm even conditioned now where I learned about that a month ago and don't even care.
See how they're getting us all?
It's horrible, Alex.
They want to destroy humanity and then they get you to stand up against it.
You're racist.
I mean, I've complained about TSA and they ask, you know, why I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Oh, exactly.
I want to hear the rest of your story, and I can go to you while this guest is coming up because you speak to political correctness.
Don't hang up if you can, AJ.
I'm going to try to work you in.
I'll get to Zach, Ben, Ronnie, Jim.
I'm going to get to everybody, but we do have a guest coming in studio about the real Hillary Clinton, the real Bill Clinton.
Most folks know that they're into abusing women and they both like women.
They really have it out for women.
They need to understand that they abuse who they think they can get away with it.
Global warming advocates are now blaming luxury condominiums for man-made climate change, despite the record-breaking snowfall which recently pounded the northern U.S.
The Climate Words for All coalition released a report claiming that luxury apartment buildings are the largest climate change offenders in New York City.
These are New York City's largest buildings.
Over 50,000 square feet in size, which primarily consists of a mixture of luxury apartments, commercial buildings, and multi-family housing developments, the report stated.
The report was released just as New York was being pounded by heavy snowstorms.
Global warming advocates, however, will attempt to blame this record snowfall on man-made climate change, even though a few years ago, they were predicting that the Earth's ice caps would have dramatically melted by now.
But they really want you to live in a tiny apartment so they can cram more people into your neighborhood and tax the area.
Keep up with our latest news and information on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv and the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is in studio with us for the rest of the hour.
We'll also go to some of these callers holding at the bottom of the hour on their political correct stories.
That ties into what he's been exposing.
He's written the New York Times bestselling book, The Men Who Killed Kennedy.
You've probably heard of that.
He's an alternative historian who was
Exposing just so many different events that have unfolded.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio.
He's also credited with the hardball tactics which resulted in closing down the Miami-Dade presidential recount.
Stone is credited in an HBO recent movie, Recount 2000, with fomenting the so-called Brooks Brothers riot, in which Republican mobs swarmed the recount, demanding shutdown, while thousands of Cuban-Americans marched outside the courthouse.
He also has worked around the world with pro-democracy, pro-American governments during elections.
Rogerstone.com, and I've met him and folks up in Dallas at some of the big JFK Memorial events, like the 40th anniversary a few years ago.
Yes, but the reason we got him in studio is I learned he was going to be down in Austin this week, and we already had an article back on November 3rd titled, Political Strategist, Hillary Clinton is an abuser of women and girls.
Now, I personally have interviewed women that Bill Clinton raped, and I mean women that Bill Clinton brutally, brutally raped and then settled out of court with.
But the word is Hillary also has some of her own activities.
It's kind of like black unemployment doubling under Obama.
They then put out all this pro-black rhetoric, but it's really the opposite.
So we're going to be speaking to some of that today and really going over who is Hillary Clinton.
Because even if you're a Democrat that identifies with her and thinks she's some wonderful, great saint, with the amount of dirt
I don't know.
And so again, we also have the video of him with Larry King Live breaking that down on RT of all places.
So thank you so much for coming in to join us today to break all this down.
Roger Stone's our guest.
Good to see you again, buddy.
Alex, great to see you.
Thanks for having me.
You know I'm known for talking a lot, and I know a lot about Hillary and Bill, but you've written a book about it, and I read some stuff in your book that I didn't even know, but then I went and looked up, and it turned out it was true.
I mean, there's a lot of folks that have it out for women and like to target them.
Most predators do, for some reason.
Whereas most of us that aren't predators want to defend women and children.
What's the Clinton's relationship with women?
Yeah, the point here, of course, is that the whole central narrative of her campaign is bogus.
She is not an advocate for women and girls.
She's an abuser of women and girls.
Bill is not your roguish old uncle who just has an eye for the ladies.
As you know, he's a serial sexual predator.
Very much like Bill Cosby, and the number of women that he has raped, bitten, sexually assaulted, abused, you know, I identified in this book 27 individual women.
Now some of these women's names you know, Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathy Willey, but so many of the names you don't know, Christy Zurcher, Becky Brown, Carolyn Moffitt, Helen Dowdy, Eileen Wellstone,
Liz Ward-Grayson.
The list goes on and on and on.
Now, some liberals try to say to me, well, what does that have to do with Hillary?
Well, Hillary's the one who runs the cover-up.
Hillary is the point person to silence these women, lest they get in the way of the Clintons' lust for power and wealth.
Hillary's the one who hires the heavy-handed private detectives, Jack Palladino, Anthony Pelicano, Ivan Duda, who go out and run a veritable terror campaign to silence these women.
So the notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women, no, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
She's kind of a beard for his raping.
She plays the part of, I'll never leave my man.
I stand by my man.
He's a good guy.
She testifies for him.
She defends him.
She's an enabler.
Yeah, but it's worse than that because it's not just that he can get away with it.
It's that she ensures that there's no public exposure.
This is why the famous feminist Camille Paglia says Hillary's a fraud.
Her husband has degraded and exploited women.
Or Joanne Vannocchi, the feminist writer for the Boston Globe, the liberal newspaper, says that Bill Clinton should be held to the same standard as Bill Cosby.
From your research, deep research, and I've been on this for years, who's more of an abuser of women, Cosby or Clinton?
I think Clinton.
Because Cosby, you see, drugs them.
Whereas Clinton just uses brute force.
Alex, I interviewed three women that he bit.
He bites through the upper lip.
It's kind of his signature.
First of all, it's a disabling move, because of course a woman then stops trying to cover her... That's what a pet bull does.
Right, he tries to cover her mouth and then secondarily it's a not-so-subtle message to keep your mouth shut.
So this guy is a criminal, he's a sex addict, he's a pedophile.
The book goes way beyond this.
We tie his epic drug use, the fact that he himself
Was a habitual user of cocaine, that he was in and out of drug rehab when he was governor, that he was involved, as you know, in the whole question of drug trafficking in and out of Arkansas, in connection with the Bushes, in connection with the Central Intelligence Agency.
And when Dan Lassiter, the biggest drug dealer in Arkansas, when he was ultimately convicted of drug trafficking, he went out and got himself this really smart woman lawyer.
Her name was Hillary Clinton.
And she and her law partner, Vince Foster, why they arranged for Lasseter to get a full pardon from Governor Bill Clinton.
And then now, today, at a bigger scale, she heads up the State Department and gets billions of dollars, you know, brought into their foundation.
Hundreds of millions from dictators and people on lists that you can't sell weapons to.
And then she waives that and lets the State Department give a green light to shipping weapons to countries in exchange for money.
I mean, these people really are
The criminal's criminal.
Yeah, look, the Clinton Foundation is not a foundation, and it's not a charity.
It's two things.
It's a slush fund for grifters.
And secondarily, it's just a vehicle for the facilitation of massive bribes.
So, for example, the country of Qatar wants to overthrow Qaddafi, who, although he's not a great guy, is an ally of the United States, is feeding us intelligence on al-Qaeda.
They put $1.5 million in Bill's pocket for a 20-minute speech, bribe.
They put $1 million in Hillary's pocket for a 20-minute speech, bribe.
They put $2.5 million into the Clinton Foundation.
At the same time, they're paying off Tony Blair in the UK and Sarkozy in France.
And lo and behold, we topple Qaddafi, and women in Libya
Who under Qaddafi were allowed to vote, be educated, go outside without a veil, drive a car, choose their own husband.
Women have been set back 200 years in Libya.
They go from having the best quality of life in the continent of Africa to the worst.
That's Hillary Clinton, the advocate for women.
It is like she's a wicked witch.
I mean, it's not normally fair to just use analogies like that.
I'll get you and your little dog, too.
But everything she touches just gets destroyed.
Everything she does is evil.
And then her lies about being in combat, you know, being shot at when they landed in Serbia, none of it's true.
Brian Williams loses his job over it, not her.
How can she get away with so much?
It's amazing.
So last week she comes out, two weeks ago, with a gun control proposal.
And she says in it that if you have been accused of domestic abuse, you should not be allowed to own a gun.
Well, under that circumstance, she wouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
Because as we prove in the book, she has kicked
Bitten, scratched, slapped, and thrown hard objects at her husband.
This is a woman with a volcanic temper, a foul mouth, very short-tempered, very, very greedy.
This is someone who doesn't have the temperament to be President of the United States.
Well, as you know, it's been reported, I mean, from FBI agents and others that work in the White House, that she rolls on the floor and chews carpet.
Only the person I know that does that was Hitler.
That's pretty amazing.
Look, we do know this, that when she was in Arkansas attending to her sick father, and she learned that Bill Clinton was entertaining Barbara Streisand overnight at the White House, she flew back to Washington.
The next day he appeared with an enormous scratch across his face.
Dede Meyers, the press secretary of the president, tried to say initially that he had cut himself shaving.
She was forced to admit, no, Hillary had scratched him.
Was that because she wanted a piece of the action?
No, I think it was because he was humiliating her.
You see, I think they had this weird dysfunctional sham relationship where Chelsea Clinton is not Bill's biological daughter.
That's her hubble, right?
Webster Hubble.
I document this in the book.
Bill has a mixed-race African-American son in Arkansas, Danny Williams.
Without any question, the son of Bill Clinton and Bobby N. Williams.
Now the Star Magazine, the Star tabloid,
wrote in 99 when Hillary was warming up for the Senate race that a DNA test had disproved that.
I tracked this down.
The star was owned at that time by a man named Robert Altman.
Altman headed the SEC under Bill Clinton, was forced to resign, major donor to the Clinton campaigns, Clinton Foundation, Clinton roommate at Georgetown.
The new owners of the star, American Media, they opened their files for me.
Guess what?
There is no DNA test.
There never was.
But they tell us black lives matter, Alex.
Black lives matter, unless you're Danny Williams.
In which case, they can just sweep you out onto the carpet.
So the Clintons, they lecture us about it takes a village to raise a kid.
Why don't they step up and love, support, acknowledge, nurture their son, Danny Williams?
Well, because it doesn't fit into the larger narrative of where the Clintons even came from.
I mean, we know Clinton's story, but what about Hillary?
Digging into her, what are other little juicy tidbits in the book?
Well, we talked extensively.
We examined the relationship between she and Huma Abedin.
I mean, Huma Abedin is, her parents and her brothers, of course, are active in the Muslim Brotherhood.
She has a full security clearance and a full-time job at the State Department.
She's the only woman in the history of the U.S.
government to have a waiver that allows her to not only work full-time for the State Department, but also work for Teneo, which is a Clinton-connected lobbying firm that represents a number of Middle Eastern governments
In front of the State Department, while she's triple dipping and get a check out of the Clinton Foundation.
When she travels with Hillary, they stay in the same room.
We know this because I FOIA'd their travel schedules.
And when we asked the State Department... It really is amazing how much you ferreted out.
And when you ask the State Department why is that, they say, well, Hillary has an acute health problem, and therefore she might need to be attended to in the night.
Well, if she's got a health problem, we need to know that.
Look, I spent 40 years in the corroded rectum of the two-party system.
I worked for three Republican presidents.
I was on nine presidential campaigns, worked in the Senate, worked in the House.
You know, the Bushes and the Clintons are in this together.
That's the other thing in the book.
Stay there.
I want to break that down, because you spill all the beans in this.
That's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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By the way, folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
Roger Stone's going to be on the Nightly News tonight, getting into even more.
7 o'clock Central.
He was the chairman of Donald Trump's exploratory campaign.
Previously, when he thought about running for president, he was on the campaign until his book came out, and he resigned himself.
He talked to Trump this morning.
So maybe we can pick your brain about Trump, but you were telling me off-air, Trump's for real.
Oh, there's no question.
Look, I don't agree with Trump on everything.
We've been friends 37 years.
I very strongly support him for president for one simple reason.
You can't buy Trump.
You can't bully Trump.
He doesn't answer to Wall Street.
He doesn't answer to lobbyists.
He doesn't answer to special interests, not the Koch brothers, no one.
Donald Trump is his own man.
He'd be the first president we've had who really worked solely for the American people.
Uh, and it's that incorruptibility.
Plus, he's not afraid to take on, you know, unpopular, politically incorrect stances.
He knows there's something hinky about 9-11.
He knows the immigration... Well, I know he's suddenly been saying stuff about it, freaking the bushes out, and you were telling me that you're educating him.
Well, he's a reader.
The nice thing about Trump is that he's open-minded and he was astounded by what he learned.
That, as you know Alex, that we had numerous warnings that this was going to happen that went completely unheeded.
And it's just like the birther question.
Trump fearlessly brought that into the mainstream.
You and I know it, but you couldn't get it on CBS or NBC or CNN or MSNBC.
Trump is the guy who brought the whole question of Obama's birth and where he was really born into the political mainstream where people could consider it.
And it's why he zoomed to the head of the polls three years ago.
He should have challenged Mitt Romney then.
I was in favor of going then.
So I remain his strongest supporter and a close friend.
What do you expect the Clintons to do to try to come after him?
Well, they're already trying to spread this rumor that, you know, Donald was always in bed with organized crime.
You cannot get a New Jersey casino control license and hold one for 13 years if you're in bed with the mob.
Let me tell you something.
It's just not possible.
They have the most stringent laws.
They put a proctoscope right up your derriere and they look at every financial transaction in your entire life.
Donald Trump is clean and they got nothing on him.
I mean... Well, why would you want to be in bed with the mob?
They take money from you anyways.
Well, I think the supposition is he's in the construction industry, he has to buy cement, he's in the Northeast, he knows guys who are Italian, therefore he must be mobbed up.
It's a MacGuffin.
It's a bull.
But they're going to try to smear him with that.
That's coming.
Wait and see.
You're going to see it out of Politico.
You're going to see it out of CNN.
It's going to go nowhere.
They don't have anything on him.
Because what you see is what you get.
That's the great thing about Trump.
He is unscripted.
He is uncoached.
He is uncontrolled.
He might say anything.
I love the idea of a Hillary Trump debate because he'll get right in her face on the drugs, on the misogyny, on the corruption, on the Clinton Foundation, on her covering up rape and the serial rape of her husband.
So he's going to really go after her?
I have no doubt about it.
The guy's fearless.
I mean, you've seen him.
He's totally, completely fearless.
And nobody can get to him.
I mean, having worked in the Senate, having worked in the House, having been a heavy-duty lobbyist, I can tell you, for example, that every dollar of waste in the federal budget was put there by someone who wants it there.
And that's the reason no one ever really cuts it.
Sure, it's their piece of the pie.
They all talk about it.
Trump would be immune to that.
He would take an axe to the federal budget.
So when the commentators say, oh, your tax cut plan on working people would cause a $1.5 trillion hole, why do you assume that Trump is going to cut the daylights out of federal spending?
He would.
And then when the lobbyists call and say, oh, you can't cut that, he would be immune to that.
You can't get to Trump.
Well, here's the issue.
As you know, if they keep ballooning things, it's all going to go bankrupt.
We have to save the ship.
Well, look, unless somebody gets serious about cutting federal spending, bringing back all those, the $2 trillion that's offshore in inversion,
And actually negotiating a trade deal with the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Japanese, which is in our interest, instead of giving away the store.
You know, this country's headed to the toilet, you know that.
Only Trump can save America, in my opinion, because he's independent of the Washington power structure.
This is a short segment, long segment's coming up, but getting back into Hillary.
And things they might pull.
I mean, it's bold for George Soros and the White House and Fast and Furious and the Kill the Cops movement and all that.
I mean, they really are trying to destabilize this country.
You've been an insider.
You've seen it from all different perspectives.
What do you think they're really trying and are they being successful?
Well, I think we're in very perilous times.
On the other hand, the Liberty Movement has never been stronger than it is today.
There was a time we had one congressman, now we have about 30.
And thank God for the Internet.
Of course, the real reason they want to regulate the Internet is to shut our communications down.
If it weren't for people like you,
And for that extent, me, who are out there working to get out an alternative narrative, not only about our history, about what is happening today, we'd have no prospect at all.
This is why I think Trump is striking the chord that he is, because he's not politically correct, he's willing to say things that need to be said in order to save the country.
And I can just tell you, the power structure is going out of their mind.
He vanquished Jeb.
Now they're elevating Marco as the next puppet of the establishment, and Trump's prepared to devastate him too.
Wow, and I'll tell you one thing for sure, it's going to be very exciting times.
We are not living in boring times, it is just explosive what's happening.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Rallying patriots worldwide.
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It's Alex Jones.
By the way, they made the Missouri president step down for zero reason.
They say he didn't follow the Black Lives Matter thing and turn the whole campus into a mental illness fest.
And so now, I said earlier this morning when he resigned, right when the show started, I said this will only encourage the mobs of politically correct mental patients.
And now, this is up on InfoWars.com, University of Missouri protesters clash with reporters, declare no media safe place.
Because again, there's no right to free speech of anybody else.
Just like the Yale footage of them screaming and then saying shut up to the professor because he doesn't want to ban Halloween.
This is about shutting down free speech and the climate of that.
That's why at the new UN Summit, this is mainstream news in Germany, we have it up on Infowars.com, they're openly talking about not letting you link to a website under copyright law, and that's what's in the TPP, and that's what Drudge was told by a Supreme Court Justice earlier this year.
He came here to warn us just a month ago that they're coming next year for the free speech.
So listen, it's all or nothing now.
Because we're winning in the info war.
We have the truth.
We're telling the truth.
We're promoting stuff that's popular.
It's like oxygen in space.
You gotta have it.
And the system doesn't like it.
We're the real classical liberals that want lower taxes, private property, live your own life, live and let live.
What they call extreme right-wing behavior today.
No, it's not right-wing, it's not left-wing.
It's what made this country great.
People wanted to come here because of that.
Speak of the devil.
Hillary Clinton for President shirts.
We're only selling it, limited edition, through Christmas.
And if you haven't gotten this for your friends and family, it just looks like a campaign shirt.
Hillary for President 2016.
And on the back, it says Legalize Freedom and FullWars.com.
So you get the laugh, you educate somebody.
Shouldn't have many supporters we've found.
In fact, everybody around here just gets beer bought for them at restaurants and dinner literally bought for them when you wear it.
Joe Biggs and others have had that happen to them.
But it's a great conversation starter.
And then on the back say, InfoWars.com, legalize freedom.
I want to give our guest Roger Stone a T-shirt because he gave me, you can go to RogerStone.com and get this bad baby and support what he's doing.
The Clintons War on Women, New York Times best-selling author, and then it's the cover of the book to get the word out and wear to her campaign events, because this woman has got to be stopped.
I'm going to wear this tomorrow night in Dallas with my books on it.
That is awesome, my friend.
And then the Clintons War on Women, the new book, in bookstores everywhere, rogerstone.com.
You need to get it.
You need to send it to talk show hosts.
You need to get it covered.
We may know that these are serial women abusers, but the general public still isn't really aware of it, because Gloria Steinem and others have been covering it up.
Yeah, the Clintons are moving heaven and earth to try to bury this book.
Within hours of it being released, two Tuesdays ago, I tracked an inordinate number of one-star reviews on Amazon, one sentence, this book is crap, this book has all been discredited, this is the same old thing, Roger Stone's a right-wing hitman.
I have my own IT people.
It didn't take them long to track every one of those reviews to the exact same IP address where?
The Clinton headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.
And to their credit, when my lawyers contacted Amazon, they took those down.
So folks, if you read the book, if you like the book, do two things.
Pass it on to another woman, because if every woman reads this book,
Hillary Clinton will get no votes for women.
And secondarily, if you like the book, go on Amazon, leave a favorable review.
The book is this close to the New York Times bestseller list, and if it makes it, it's so much harder for the mainstream media to ignore what is the truth.
Well, you've got an average of 78% reviews, so their attacks aren't working too well.
Well, because we had a number of them removed, and our number therefore went up.
I've never paid a person to go online.
I don't organize people to go on other than when I'm on radio, when I'm on TV, on liberty-oriented outlets.
I ask people, if you like the book, if you think we're striking a chord here, go on Amazon and let people know.
Well, we're in an info war, and it's not that the Republican Party's perfect either.
You're about to expose the Bushes here.
It's just that the system's scared of a patriot takeover of the Republican Party.
That's our best avenue.
There's a war going on right now.
No question.
And it's time to defeat all these rhinos.
And I don't know if Trump's perfect.
You know, and a lot of folks I know that know him behind the scenes say, no, he's the real deal.
All I know is he hidden Hillary Clinton.
And I'm not into lesser of two evils.
She says she's coming for my gun.
She says she's getting rid of the borders.
She says families are basically bad.
And I know what the Clintons have done to me personally with dirty tricks.
When he was president, I don't want to live under that again.
So for me, this is personal as well.
Get into Jeb Bush, because do you think he was ever really running against her?
I mean, they're too tenacious and too arrogant to be a ringer for Hillary, right?
But wouldn't he kind of de facto turn into a ringer for her?
Well, they're in business together.
Look, the Clintons and the Bushes are constantly rehabilitating each other, complimenting each other, elevating each other.
Several months ago, think about it, Alex, she was attacking Jeb.
She wanted to elevate him within the Republican contest.
He was listing and she needed to prop him up.
I'll tell you what his job is.
Designated loser.
That's his position.
So he knows that?
Look, together they form a non-profit.
They raise $138 million for Haitian earthquake relief.
They spend $10 million in Haiti.
They pocket the other $128 million.
They close the non-profit and they answer no questions.
This is the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate.
In January I have a book coming out called Jeb.
And the Bush crime family.
You can go on Amazon and pre-order it right now.
The entire arc of crime by the Bush family.
Jeb, who was a drug dealer in his college and boarding room days, in his early business days in Houston and Miami.
Prescott Bush, who made his money arming the Nazis, who made his money off slave labor.
He was actually their main lawyer in the U.S.
Yeah, and his bank was confiscated by the Truman administration.
Don't lie to me.
I'm not giving Ronald Reagan the pass.
I've talked to the folks in the White House.
They literally kept him compartmentalized.
We sort of tried to dig into it.
That's when they shot him.
There's no question about it.
First of all, Hinckley did not shoot the bullet that hit Reagan.
As I will show in my upcoming book, there's a second shooter.
There's so much we have not been told about it yet.
Well, they had dinner with Hinckley a few days before.
The Bushes did.
There's so many more connections.
That was in the Denver Post.
There's so many more connections between Hinckley and the Bushes.
There's an immediate struggle by the Bush people for control of the football immediately while Reagan is incapacitated.
Here's what people do.
And then Alexander Haig runs out and says, I've got it, I'm in control.
Well, here's what's interesting.
Bush pressured Reagan to sign a secret transfer of power agreement.
Haig was opposed.
Ed Meese, the Attorney General, was opposed.
Weinberg, the Secretary of Defense.
Every single member of the Reagan cabinet was opposed.
Sure, that's what I heard.
People made fun of the Bush system, of Haig, but Haig was actually saying, no, I've got it, you don't have it.
Because they were trying to get it, right?
So what happens here is, Reagan signs this secret transfer of power agreement that says that in the event of the president being incapacitated, here's what will happen.
And as soon as he signs, six days later, there's an attempt on his life by a man associated with the Bush family.
Now, all five of Hinkley's shots are accounted for.
None of them hit Reagan.
There's a second gunman.
You can clearly see him in the pictures in my next book.
I lay out the entire Bush connection to the Reagan assassination.
Well, I want to sell your books on our store, too.
I want to carry them all.
I knew who you were.
I've met you before.
I don't know why I wasn't thinking get you on, because I mean, I know a lot of your amazing work.
And then Richard Reeves, thank God, one of my friends and does some work with us, called up and said, don't you want to get this guy on?
You're writing articles about him.
So I really want to thank you for coming in.
I appreciate being here.
What's crazy is I've done all the research myself, but you forget so much of it.
You're here spewing it out.
You've got it documented in your book.
You start thinking of all the stuff the Bushes and the Clintons have done.
They're like James Bond villains.
Oh, they're worse.
They're worse because they're, look, this is what we call elite deviance.
The Bushes and the Clintons, they can lie, they can steal, they can do drugs, they can traffic drugs, they can have their own email server, they can misuse classified documents, they can have people murdered.
They can be involved in epic financial fraud, and they pay no price.
The laws don't apply to the Bushes or the Clintons.
That's why I'm for Trump.
We have to change this.
It's time for these criminals to be brought to justice.
The question is, if Trump's for real, which I believe you that he thinks he's for real, certainly he's better than Hillary.
They're going to come after him and you said they're going to claim mafia ties.
I mean, that's talking about the pot calling the kettle black.
Plus, he has just tripled up his personal security.
As you may know, he's been afforded secret service protection.
That kind of bothers me.
You don't want that.
I don't think you do.
I think A, they're spying for the government, and B, you don't know that you're safe in their hands.
But, and they asked me... I'm not saying the average guy's bad, but that's usually how they get you.
They've got their shadow specter operatives, to use a popular term.
Hydro, whatever you want to call it.
They've got their operatives in every major agency.
There's no question about that.
So, look, I do think, wait until Trump starts talking about monetary reform.
Because I know his views on monetary reform and the printing press money that we keep churning out.
Can you give us any little secrets?
Yeah, he's a hard money man.
He thinks it's time to look at gold.
I can tell you that right now.
Trump understands that the bankers have gone crazy and that the Federal Reserve is, you know, is not provided for in our government.
Well, it seems like he is getting more informed all the time.
When he went after Jeb on 9-11, then I was told by another
Well, and we're going to get him in here to do your show, because I think you guys will hit it off.
He's a truth teller.
Now look, his political interests are not that long, meaning when the country was stronger, he was just focused on building his business and his brand.
The man is, above all, a patriot.
He's giving up the greatest life in the world.
I mean, he's got a beautiful family.
He's got a luxury existence.
He can play golf every afternoon on the greatest golf course in the world, which he built.
He's climbed every business mountain you can climb in terms of great development, great hotels, great businesses.
He's got an international billion-dollar company.
He's met more world leaders face-to-face, one-on-one, than anybody else running for president.
People find that interesting.
He doesn't want a new Cold War with Putin.
No, he understands that there's a whole culture, as you know, Alex, of endless war.
They're always trying to sell you on war.
He thinks, for example, Lindsey Graham, he thinks this guy's a jerk.
And he called him out as a jerk.
Lindsey was all over him for campaign contributions.
Oh, Donald, here's my personal cell phone number.
Anytime you need anything, just call me.
As you may remember, Trump called it out on national television.
So, uh, no, look, I think he's the real deal.
I can tell you he is unscripted and uncontrolled, which means that the political establishment cannot control him.
Boy, they're going to come after him, I think, probably with the same thing they came after Reagan with.
Well, they've already tried.
I mean, they've tried first to discredit him.
Remember, they said, oh, after his immigration comments, he's going to crash and burn.
Then after he took on John McCain, he's going to crash and burn.
Then they said that he's not going to show up for the debates.
There's no way he'll show up for the debates.
After every debate, he went up.
So I think the guy is fearless.
I think he's having the time of his life.
And then Carson's blowing himself up in front of everybody.
I can't figure the Carson thing out.
I just don't see him having the strength.
Look, the job is chief executive.
Trump is a guy who's run a multi-billion dollar international company with hundreds of thousands of employees.
He's a manager, and he could better manage the country.
I don't think you need to know the name of every obscure
A rebel, Islamic, fanatic leader?
All you need to know is who the good guys and the bad guys are.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a President of the United States who put the United States government on a treat of it?
Oh no, Trump has said, don't back ISIS, which our government's been doing, and then he supports taking them out, and he supports the Russians.
He says, great, let the Russians pay for it.
That's a perfect plan.
If you get somebody else to take him out, that's even better.
Let's look at it historically.
There's only one man running for president in this election who was opposed to the Iraq War, who said it was an enormous mistake.
And that's Donald Trump.
Both parties were for it.
That is true.
Even Bernie Sanders.
You know, who says he's a democratic socialist, which is like being a meat-eating vegetarian.
I mean, you're either socialist or you believe in democracy.
You can't believe in both.
They're not consistent.
You think Bernie Sanders is just really stupid?
Or is he evil?
Actually, I think he's worse.
He's a true believer.
He's a true believing socialist.
He believes in the state and state control of our lives.
Even though it never works anywhere?
Right, because his solution is simple.
The government is going to do everything for you.
He just doesn't mention the 85% tax rate that he has in mind.
And that always select insider groups are basically exempt and consolidate power.
And that's what socialists don't get.
The same people that have gamed our system now are going to game a socialist system even worse.
Don't they understand that?
No, and what's interesting, of course, is I did a book signing here in Austin last night, the night before last, and we had a really great turnout at Brave New Books, which is a great little freedom-oriented bookshop.
I think you've been there.
Half the people there were Bernie Sanders people.
Because they know that Hillary is not a liberal or a progressive.
She's a whore for Wall Street.
She'll be wherever, for whatever the money is.
They're the ones that set up all the derivatives under Clinton.
So the left will buy her.
It's not that she's a true believer.
She's just buyable.
The Soroses of this world can buy her.
She believes in nothing.
So just as
The Bushes are not conservatives, they're crony capitalists.
The Clintons are really crony capitalists, but they'll be bought by the big government, the big business interests of the left.
So even those people know that she's inherently evil and she must be stopped.
We're going to go to break and come back with a few politically correct phone calls for this segment and the next, until about five after.
And then you're going to be on the Nightly News tonight.
Really want to get you on the show more often, because everything you're saying from my own research is dead on, but you say it so eloquently.
What are other big tidbits that you, I don't want to say talking points, but points you had in your mind you wanted to make when you got here that you'd like to make in the next three minutes?
Well, I guess the largest single one is that, you know, look, I was a Republican my entire life and I had great sentimental attachment to the Republican Party of Barry Goldwater.
That was the small government, personal freedom, keep the government out of your business, out of your bedroom.
That's a Ron Paul Republican.
They barely exist anymore.
Unfortunately, both parties have morphed into one party.
It's the party of endless war.
It's the party of erosion of our civil liberties.
It's the party of massive debt and more borrowing.
It's the party of high taxes on working people, but the hedge fund managers on Wall Street, they pay virtually nothing.
So, it's very hard for me.
I'm a registered Libertarian at this point, although there's a lot of folks there that I think are nuts, too.
The problem here is that the old Republican Party will only be worth fighting for if we have a leader within it.
I'll probably switch back to the Republican Party to vote for Donald Trump in next year's primaries, because he's the first candidate I've seen who I'm actually enthusiastic about.
I've been trying to get him to run for president since 1988, when I took him to New Hampshire to speak to the Portsmouth New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce.
Vice President Bush had been there the week before, had 500 people.
Donald Trump went, we had 2,800 people.
This is 1988.
I don't want to get any infighting going on, but I know you know Glenn Beck.
He does a lot of good things.
We support most of his work.
He doesn't like Donald Trump.
And I understand some of the reasons, because of his past political activities, just being a businessman in New York when Hillary was a senator.
But, I mean, so far, he is saying the right things, and he's better than the other candidates.
Yeah, look, I like Glenn and I look forward to asking him what his beef is with Donald Trump.
People do evolve politically.
I don't think Trump was all that politically aware or interested when the country was stronger and he was building his business.
He is right.
He's played the game.
If you're a businessman, if you don't put
You know, campaign contributions into the pockets of the politicians, they don't even listen to you.
It's not that you're buying favors, you can't even buy an audience, and you have an obligation when you have thousands of people working for you to get your point of view in front of government.
So, sure, he has a relationship, and frankly, his attitude was, we have a federal limit on donations, so the first ten politicians who walk in, give them the maximum, turn them on their way, they're all worthless anyway, and now when they show up asking for money, say, oh, I'd love to help you, but I've already hit my legal
Well, I know this.
If we did have a president that wasn't actively trying to put us into world government and the TPP, it'd be like untying a boat from the dock when the engine's on.
We are tied up.
I mean, they're fighting to keep us politically and financially suppress and control us.
All you gotta do is cut that out and we'll explode.
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So listen up here, guys.
My buddy Mark, he overhears the management team at Guns80.com.
And what they're saying is that between now and Black Friday, they're going to put a special on the website at Guns80.com every day.
What that means is that you have to go to Guns80.com every day to check out the specials between now and Black Friday.
Go to Guns80.com, but don't tell them you heard it from me.
I think.
Well, Roger Stone, rogerstone.com is our guest.
Really interesting fellow.
And back when Trump was considering running on his exploratory committee, he was the head of his campaign.
And so, I'll hold you to it.
I don't think we really even tried to get Trump on.
We should really push to do that.
We shouldn't think they're guests too big to get on the show.
We've had a lot of big guests, obviously, on over the years.
That's a no-brainer.
I don't think we actually have tried, but it's hard when you have such a small campaign staff to get through to them.
Next I will try to set that up.
I think he'd have a good time and I think you'd enjoy talking to him.
You guys have hit it off because he is very upset about the direction of the country.
He's given up a lot to make this race but he wants to make America great again and trust me,
He's the real deal.
Well, I hope you're right.
We'll certainly find out if he gets elected and then gets in there.
I know this.
People are really counting on him, so if he gets in there, he better deliver.
Of course, they could just let everything fall apart once he gets in, which is kind of the timeline, and then blame him for what happens.
I think they're going to have their hands full.
This guy is a take charge guy.
He's an optimist.
There's nothing he can't do.
Look, he's a Wharton graduate.
He's very smart.
He knows exactly what's going on here.
He's sick of the whole political correct agenda.
He understands that freedom is on the ropes.
And he's saying that gun-free zones are places for crazy people to go kill.
The guy, he's carrying.
Anytime you see him, trust me brother, he's carrying.
He's had a concealed carry permit in New York, which they don't give out.
They're very hard to get.
Oh, and the media acted like it's weird that he'd want to have a gun when he's a target.
How many death threats do you think he gets a week?
I mean, it's extraordinary.
And they ask us not to talk about it.
Well, that shows how warped it is.
Yeah, exactly.
But he gets a lot of death threats?
Oh, well, sure, because he's speaking out on a lot of controversial subjects, so... But you do say he's tripled his security?
He's tripled his security.
He himself carries.
Both his sons are gun enthusiasts.
Very active hunters and gun enthusiasts.
They both carry.
I love it.
You know, they're strong believers in the Second Amendment.
Oh, if he was president, he'd carry.
Well, you know Obama's not carrying anything, but maybe a...
Reagan carried.
Reagan had a holster, you know, on his calf.
He was carrying about 80% of the time.
When he was running for president and when he was president.
Well, you're crazy if you don't.
Everybody's like, hey, let the cops have guns.
Well, what about us?
Yeah, I'm sure he wishes he was carried when Hinckley tried to take him out.
Or Hinckley and others tried to take him out.
Just like the Sirhan Sirhan crap.
AJ called in earlier, I had to put him on hold, and he mentioned going to this Red Robin hamburger place, I'm at the police state, and they've got where you order your food from a computer that's got a camera watching you.
I saw a Chili's ad where it's got a camera, so he was going to finish his story.
So what happened when you discovered this?
Um, well, basically, uh, I asked the waitress, um, you know, what's the deal with the camera inside there?
And she's like, what camera?
Looked at the television screen, and then she said, whoa, there's a camera in there?
I had no idea.
Uh, you could just turn it away if you want.
So, Alex, from what she told me, I basically garnered two ideas in my head of what she knew.
She either lied to me,
Or is just completely stupid and unawake.
I think it's not even stupid.
They just don't care.
They're in a trance.
I appreciate your call.
I'm glad you finished the story.
But we're going to go out to Chili's.
That's the place I know is doing it.
I mean, talk about 1984.
Yeah, it's interesting.
What it means is you got to have a piece of masking tape when you go get a burger.
That's the thing.
What does Trump think about the whole NSA thing?
I think he's opposed to government spying.
I mean, we have been very concerned when I was there about whether his own phone calls, his own email were being looked at.
He's obviously got an enormous number of advisors in business and around the globe who are giving him uncensored information that you'd never get from the government or the New York Times, shall we say.
Talk about a really unfettered intelligence stream.
Yeah, he would be a giant champion of the First Amendment.
And I think he is very wary of the Fair Treat Act.
Well, compare him to political correctness.
Hillary agreeing we should ban words.
Trump says you're all a bunch of crazy people.
I mean, it's definitely good.
We're going to come back, take a few more calls from Ronnie and others.
Zach in Montana on the other side with our guest.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and this is our fourth hour of the news wrap-up.
We're also going to have at the bottom of the hour Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood whistleblower.
She used to be a manager here in Texas of a Planned Parenthood facility.
She knows them from the inside out.
And as we pointed out earlier in the show,
The Planned Parenthood crowd is very upset that some raw videos have leaked out of a House Investigation Committee.
This is the committee chaired by Jason Chaffetz, who was also one of those in the running for the House Speakership to replace John Boehner.
They were looking at these Planned Parenthood videos that were done by the Center for Medical Progress.
And of course, Planned Parenthood said, well, these things have been dishonestly and deceptively edited.
So the committee said give us the raw footage.
We'll take a look at that.
So the abortionists replied, and of course this is the National Abortion Federation, they got a temporary restraining order, said, no, no, no, you better not let that stuff get out.
Nevertheless, it did leak.
Somebody, a House staffer, apparently leaked this to a conservative website, Got News.
The editor ignored the injunction and said, I will contest any unconstitutional prior restraint of speech.
So they have, he has now put out the unedited raw footage and so
The question is why would they object to that if there's not anything that is incriminating?
I want to take a look in this hour before we get to Abby Johnson's interview at the bottom of the hour.
I want to take a look also at this issue of the $750 pill.
Is it corporate greed?
Is it excessive regulation?
Or is it both?
This is an article by Mary Ruart, someone that I knew from the Libertarian Party.
She ran for office multiple times in the Libertarian Party.
She's somebody who worked in the pharmaceutical industry.
I think she has an interesting take on that.
And there's been an update on this story as well.
So we're going to talk about what has come up with that in the next segment.
But first I want to go back to this story that just broke on CNN about a former IRS official, Lois Lerner.
They say she will not be charged.
This is what CNN is reporting.
There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, said the Justice Department in a letter.
Yeah, Obama's Justice Department.
The same people that would not take any action against banks that were laundering money for drug dealers and terrorists.
Multiple times caught doing that.
They would not take any action against the banks who are rigging the LIBOR rate.
Okay, that's the London Interbank Exchange Rate that is used to set up
All as an index to set up interest rates and to adjust your variable rate interest.
I mean, if you've got something like a credit card, if you've got a home loan that is set up as a variable rate loan, it's based on the LIBOR rates.
And they're not, they were manipulating that to make money in London, criminally manipulating that, but of course nobody's going to go to jail for that.
Nobody's going to go to jail for targeting people at the IRS either.
They say they found substantial evidence of mismanagement, of poor judgment, of institutional inertia, leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints.
But poor management is not a crime, says the Justice Department.
Well, evidently, if you know the right people, nothing is a crime in America anymore.
That's really what we're seeing here.
This is nothing but criminals getting away with it.
We just heard Hillary Clinton laughing about the FBI investigating her.
And understand that the government, as I mentioned before, they prosecuted an NSA whistleblower, Thomas Drake.
And they said that he had classified documents on his private server.
They said he had unclassified documents on his private server.
They came after him.
It was a baloney prosecution.
But nevertheless, that would have been a crime if he had really done that.
And people have been prosecuted for that.
But it depends on what level you are in the government.
Because that's the kind of corrupt government we have.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back to talk about this $750 pill.
The D.C.
Police Chief urges citizens to fight back against Paris-style attackers.
Speaking with 60 Minutes on Sunday, Washington, D.C.
Police Chief Kathy Lanier urged residents to do what's necessary to save lives in the event of a terror attack or mass shooting, whether it means run, hide, or fight.
If you're in a position to try to take the gunman out, it's the best option for saving lives before police can get there, Lanier said.
While acknowledging her latest suggestion was counterintuitive to previous tactics the police have advised, Lanier claimed that taking action may be essential to prevent another massacre like the attack in Paris, which left over 120 people dead.
We always tell people, don't take action.
Call 911.
Don't intervene in the robbery, Lanier said.
We've never told people, take action.
But, it's a different scenario.
Keep up with our latest news and information on InfoWars.com, PrismPlanet.tv, and the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is our fourth hour of the news wrap-up.
I'm David Knight.
At the bottom of the hour, we're going to be talking to Planned Parenthood whistleblower Abby Johnson.
She was a former manager at a Planned Parenthood facility.
We're going to talk to her about the latest revelations and, of course, the fact that Planned Parenthood is very upset now that the raw videos have been leaked from a House committee investigating the
The videos that were put out by the Center for Medical Progress.
I had to look it up.
It's such a generic name, and it was brilliant for them to use that name because it makes them look like a medical organization.
But always such a generic name.
I always have to look it up whenever I mention it.
But the Center for Medical Progress did the undercover videos.
They said, oh, they're heavily edited.
And then the raw videos they were concerned would get out.
So they got a court injunction, but they have leaked out nevertheless.
Going back to the Clinton
Benghazi Committee hearing, of course.
Many people, this has unfolded over such a long period of time, that just like the IRS investigations of Lois Lerner, what the IRS is doing targeting political groups, that's now been thrown out by the Justice Department.
They say she's not going to be charged and nobody else at the IRS is going to be charged either.
They let these investigations drag out for a very, very long time and people start to forget the startling elements of these things when they first broke.
Just like we forget the timeline of Benghazi.
We forget that Hillary Clinton
And the State Department came up with multiple explanations for what had happened there.
We got a different explanation every day for several days.
They charged a filmmaker and put him in jail saying that he had incited the riot.
Absolute nonsense, but that's the level they will go to.
She will lie to the face of the people whose family died there in order to cover up what really happened there.
She will throw the former ambassador who died and was drugged through the streets, she will throw him under the bus now saying, well we were relying on him to help us with information, to help us with information about security.
No, they knew what was going on there and
It was also part of an arms trade that was going on there, but of course now there's no question that Libya has become a terrorist arms bazaar, thanks to our failed foreign policy of Obama and the Secretary of State.
But she just laughs this off.
One of the things that came out of the hearing yesterday, I thought it was interesting what Drudge noticed, and he had this up at the top of the Drudge report,
One of the things that he thought was most significant about it was Hillary Clinton's coughing fit.
Let's listen to what happened as they were asking her questions.
He said, maybe this brings up some serious questions about her health.
Maybe that's the most interesting thing to come out of these hearings.
...versus in Europe, commanded a missile cruiser, a missile destroyer, a tanker.
He served in Vietnam and the Persian Gulf.
Excuse me.
Do you need some water, madam?
If anybody in the audience knows Heimlich Maneuver, please remain seated.
This goes on for quite some time.
We won't play the rest of it here because people turning on the radio will kind of wonder what's going on with somebody just coughing and silence there.
But of course, the questioner, a Democrat, was covering for her on that as well.
He just started monologuing about whatever to fill time so people wouldn't notice that she couldn't talk at all.
So I think that was a pretty interesting development.
Drudge thought it was interesting, said maybe that's the most
Interesting thing to come out of the Benghazi hearings because they are essentially stonewalling there as they have everywhere else with the IRS frauds, with the prosecutions, the non-prosecutions of banks everywhere.
Vladimir Putin is saying, says that the US is using terrorists as a battering ram to overthrow disliked regimes.
Of course they are.
We've been saying that for a long time and it's good that he is saying this.
It's good that we have people on the world stage pointing out that we are using terrorists as surrogates.
He certainly knows that.
He saw us using Al-Qaeda against Russia in Afghanistan.
They were called the Mujahideen.
Remember back in Reagan's time?
They created them, they equipped them against the Russians, they then eventually became Al-Qaeda.
Osama Bin Laden was one of their guys.
They've also used Islamic terrorists to attack Russia via the Chechnya Islamicists.
And they moved those same Chechens, the same Chechen Islamic Jihadis, they moved to Syria.
We had an interview with one of the leaders go public just about three weeks ago, I think it was, where he was talking about how they had
Relocated them.
The CIA and others had relocated them from using them against Russia into Syria.
So that's precisely what they're doing.
And Putin has another article from Putin.
That one was on Infowars.com.
That's Mikhail Thelin.
You can check out the details on that.
Putin also says there's no need to distinguish between moderate and other terrorists.
Are they really moderate terrorists?
I don't think so.
I think that they're all terrorists, except we have to understand, and this is finally starting to come out, that the United States is using all of these people as surrogates, and has for a very long time.
Let's go to health news at this moment.
We've had a lot of back and forth saying that it was a market failure.
Remember when we had that guy who was a young hedge fund manager, made a lot of money, decided he'd buy a pharmaceutical company, Turing Pharmaceuticals.
The CEO was Martin Shkreli, I think is the way you pronounce his last name.
Nevertheless, he bought this pharmaceutical company that had a very old
I think so.
For people who are struggling with AIDS.
And so, that 5,000% increase in the price of that drug, many people said, how, you know, look at this.
This is what happens when you have unbridled capitalism.
This kind of greed.
Well, Mary Ruart writes a column and she says, a $750 pill, is it corporate greed or is it excessive regulation or is it both?
Now, she is someone who is a, she's a libertarian writer and activist.
She's also been a pharmaceutical researcher, so she knows what happens inside the FDA.
And she points out that Turing Pharmaceuticals has had a de facto monopoly, courtesy of the ever-increasing costs of gaining FDA approval, both for new drugs, over a billion dollars in 11 years, and for generics.
Any generic company could make this drug, Daraprim.
This patent expired decades ago.
However, the FDA would require that the company demonstrate that its pill released the drug into the bloodstream at the same rate as the original Daraprim.
So coupled with the cost of setting up FDA-approved manufacturing facilities for the drug, a turnaround time of a couple of years or so due to regulatory red tape, and the expensive clinical trials, a generic company would need to commit to spending many millions, perhaps tens of millions of dollars, even with the special exemption that the FDA gives drugs that have a small or an orphan patient population.
She says, FDA-mandated drug development, both new and generic, virtually eliminates competition.
And see, that's the question.
When you look at this and you say, this guy was able to raise the price from $1,350 to $750 a pill, a 5,000% increase.
Why was he able to do that?
Where are the other companies that are coming out with drugs?
And she points out, well, you don't have a free market when you have excessive regulation by the FDA.
See, the FDA has enacted a certain kind of drug prohibition, haven't they?
We have the DEA, which says you can't take recreational drugs, hallucinogenics or whatever, they just have prohibited it, like they did alcohol prohibition, except without the constitutional amendment, of course, because we don't really need the constitution anymore.
We just say it's, uh, make it so.
But the FDA has gone the other direction.
The FDA says everything is prohibited for medical use unless expressly permitted.
So, you have to get even special permission if you have a fatal disease in order to use it.
You can't experiment, be part of an experimental program even if you're going to die.
The FDA does not allow that.
Except under some circumstances.
You can beg them for permission and perhaps they'll let you be part of a program, but you can't make that determination on your own.
See, that's the other side of drug prohibition.
The idea, and this is pervasive throughout the government, the idea that everything is prohibited unless expressly permitted, that we have no rights, we only have government-granted privileges.
Well, now there's a new twist on this.
This is reported by Occupy Democrats, and they're looking at this and they say, well, the price-gouging pharmaceutical CEO, who has tried to raise this by 5,000%, it looks like now he's going to be undercut
By another company, a San Diego-based company, announced that it will sell this drug, Daraprim, as low as $99 for a 100-pill supply.
They say, yeah, that's right, it's just over a dollar per pill.
So not only are they going to cut down this pill that he wanted to sell for $750, but he was selling it for decades at $13.50, and nobody went into competition with him.
Now these people are saying they're going to do it at $1 a pill.
And I find that very interesting because it just shows that unless you get this kind of attention, and I still have questions based on what Mary Ruart wrote.
She's very knowledgeable about the pharmaceutical industry.
Based on what she wrote, is this going to be something like the McDonald's announcement that they're going to go to natural whole foods, to no antibiotics in their meat, to grain-fed beef and that sort of thing?
But, oh yeah, if you read the fine print, that's going to be
Years, maybe decades down the road.
That's not something that's going to happen right away.
This might be a PR campaign by this particular company.
I don't know how long it's going to take them to get approval for this.
They may be able to expedite that.
But that's precisely the issue.
If you have a true free market, somebody can come in and create the pill and sell it for whatever they can manufacture it for.
At $13.50 they were making a huge profit if these people can do it for a dollar.
But you have to have a free market.
When the socialists like Bernie Sanders say that capitalism has failed, I would say we haven't tried it.
We don't have a free market.
We have crony capitalism and we have a highly regulated market and most of those regulations are put on by the pharmaceutical companies.
They want the FDA to have those kind of restrictions on there because they want to keep competition out of their market.
Stay with us, we'll be right back and we'll have an update on how CNN is spinning the Ebola news about the British nurses.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host this hour.
Coming up in the next segment, we'll be talking to a Planned Parenthood whistleblower, Abby Johnson.
And of course, if you haven't heard the news, CNN is announcing that Lois Lerner and nobody at the IRS will be charged for targeting political groups.
That's because we've got a government by criminals and for criminals.
Hillary Clinton, one of the things that came out in the Benghazi trial yesterday was the fact that she says, I didn't even have a computer in my State Department office.
She says, most of my work was done, most of the work was not done on emails with my closest aides, with officials in the State Department, officials in the rest of the world, as well as the White House and people around the world.
In other words, world, world, world.
Ignore the email issues here.
Look, of course they don't use emails.
Remember when we were in
at Bilderberg and Copenhagen and we saw Ed Balls who was the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer that would be essentially, we don't have shadow people put in particular offices here in the United States, but if the Republicans who were out of office if they wanted to put up an opposition or shadow Secretary of the Treasury that would be the equivalent position.
Well, Ed Balls chose up to Bilderberg
And he's got a carry-on luggage bag that he's wheeling through there that is full of papers.
Now, you look at this and you say, well, you know, why doesn't Ed Ball just put all that on a little tiny laptop, you know, or an iPad or something?
You know, he could have his notes there, he could show people.
He might even impress his fellow Bilderberg attendees with some kind of really cool PowerPoint display or something, right?
No, these people don't like to put stuff on computers because they get hacked.
So they walk around with their little suitcases full of paperwork.
And as he was trying to come in, they were asking him for his credentials.
He couldn't find his credentials.
And he starts going through his bag and my wife was there taking pictures of him and he's fumbling and all this stuff is falling out of his suitcase.
You can see he's got an entire suitcase filled with paper documents for his co-conspirators at Bilderberg.
And that's the way this works.
You know, I mean, why should we be concerned, for example, of the CIA when somebody hacks the director's emails and takes a look at what he's got?
And, of course, he's got a lot of personal emails under there, but listen to something that came out of one of these emails.
One of the things attached to these emails was communication that was
Reflecting government communications, and he says, everyone we spoke with on the ground in Afghanistan, this is a memo from Lewis Tucker, who is a minority staff director for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Vice Chairman Christopher Kitt Bond.
Okay, so these are people who are working on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and he sends an email to CIA Director John Brennan, and this email is hacked by a teenager.
And this is what's attached to the email.
Everyone we spoke with on the ground in Afghanistan and Pakistan confessed that they know of no overall U.S.
government strategy for the region.
Rather, we observed quality individuals serving judiciously in their own lanes, ungoverned by a coordinated, comprehensive strategy.
In other words, nobody knows what's going on here.
We don't have any strategy in Afghanistan or in Pakistan.
Well, they don't need a strategy.
They don't need a goal.
Their only strategy, their only goal is endless war.
Endless war for the military-industrial complex.
It's interesting that we see them confessing this, but of course they only do that privately.
That's one of the reasons why they try to hide everything.
That's one of the reasons why they have their own separate servers.
You can only imagine what was on some of the 30,000 emails that were deleted by Hillary Clinton, and maybe they will find those, maybe they won't.
Certainly looks like the Obama administration doesn't want the FBI to look.
They're sending out all kinds of signals saying that.
And of course they're giving the IRS a pass on something that is orders of magnitude greater than what Richard Nixon was impeached for.
So we now have a criminal kleptocracy that allows anything to go if you are well connected enough.
And one of the ways that they do this, of course, is by spending information in the media.
A good example of this is this story about the UK Ebola nurse, Cafferkey.
This is a British nurse that was given a clean bill of health.
She had contracted Ebola while she was treating people in Africa.
She was given a clean bill of health last January.
Then she had a relapse nine months later.
News organizations all over the world were talking about it.
She nearly died about a week ago.
And then she began to get better.
She's now in a serious condition, but she was in critical condition.
She almost died.
She got meningitis.
And the news about that was, hey, she never really was cleared of Ebola.
And as they started talking to scientists, they said, yeah.
We found that there was a case of sexual transmission of Ebola because it hides out in sexual organs.
It hid out in a man's semen.
He transmitted it to a woman seven months later.
She subsequently died.
They found it in a doctor's eye.
But this is the way CNN spends it.
They say, UK Ebola nurse was suffering from meningitis, not from a relapse.
In other words, they say the meningitis was caused by Ebola, but not by the virus itself.
That's kind of like saying nobody ever died of Ebola.
They died of dehydration, or they died of a heart attack, but they didn't die from Ebola.
That's what they're telling us.
And yet, the reality that they don't want you to see is that the Ebola continues.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All you pro-vaccine people should rejoice at this news.
Anti-vaccine parents to stop receiving child care benefits under Australian no-jab-no-pay law.
The new changes that will take effect on January 1st, 2016 are projected to save the Australian government over $500 million over four years.
And how many children are not receiving their vaccines?
According to the Australian Childhood Immunization Register, it's 1.77%.
I thought all you needed was 90% to have herd immunity.
The government believes that by removing the non-medical exemption, it will reinforce the importance of immunization and protecting public health.
But what this is really about is the government wants to put anything in your body that they want.
And they want to make sure you bend over and take it.
A footnote in the article is that by 2020, childless couples will overtake those with children.
Now I know where the next Muslim migrant invasion is going to take place.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars Nightly News and InfoWars.com.
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Thanks for watching.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and joining us now is Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood whistleblower.
And I appreciate you coming on, right, you just got off of a plane, Abby.
I appreciate you coming here to the studio on such a short
Short notice and fighting traffic getting here just in the nick of time and she just walked into the studio right now and I want to ask her to comment on what's going on here in Texas because in Texas we've had the Attorney General as well as the governor they've
We're good to go.
Caller who called in last week and said, you have to understand Ebola is a virus.
It's not going to ever really truly leave your system.
And we learned because of the relapse of this nurse, nine months after she was given the okay, we learned that
Of course, it can hide out in your eye.
It can hide out in your central nervous system, which is where it hid out in this nurse.
It can hide out in the sexual reproductive organs and has been passed on and fatally passed on to someone else in Africa.
So this is something that people should be concerned about.
They should know how this works.
And yet the government, and especially the mainstream media, does not want you to know that.
So they spin it with this headline and say, well, she was suffering from meningitis.
It wasn't a relapse.
I'm sorry, but, you know, it was from Ebola, and they admitted that it was from Ebola.
And listen to how they report it in the body of the article.
They say the UK nurse is suffering meningitis caused by Ebola, not the virus itself, say doctors.
I mean, talk about doublespeak.
And this is what the UK health official said.
They said it was an unusual late complication.
Yeah, a late complication.
Like nine months after she was given the go-ahead and said she was completely clear and allowed to treat other people.
That's what they don't want you to see.
That's why they've had such a cavalier attitude about spreading this to the population, even to the extent that this nurse, Casey Hickox,
Who went to Africa to treat patients there, came back in New Jersey, she was quarantined by Chris Christie.
Now she is suing Chris Christie for quarantining her.
And I guess my question would be, if you're concerned about people's health, if you don't want people to get Ebola, why wouldn't you quarantine yourself?
As a courtesy to other people, as a concern to other people.
She goes to Africa to help people with Ebola.
Why wouldn't she try to keep that from spreading here?
Why wouldn't she voluntarily quarantine herself?
It's absolutely amazing to me.
It's one of the first times I've ever seen Chris Christie get something right.
And he is sued for doing it.
So here we go.
Let's go to what's happening with Planned Parenthood.
And thank you for joining us, Abby Johnson.
Yeah, of course.
Of course you've been a, you were a manager at Planned Parenthood.
And we've talked before about how you saw things developing at Planned Parenthood.
Just recap that briefly for people.
Sure, yeah.
A couple things.
One, they implemented an abortion quota for us and actually doubled the number of abortions that we were supposed to be selling to women every month.
So that was the first thing.
The second thing, though, what really caused me to leave was seeing a live ultrasound-guided abortion procedure take place where I saw a 13-week-old baby fighting and struggling for his life.
At the hands of the abortionists.
And I left and Planned Parenthood sued me because apparently they think it's legal to become pro-life.
But they lost and now I'm just doing everything I can to expose what's taking place inside of these abortion clinics.
Not just Planned Parenthood, but certainly Planned Parenthood since they are our largest abortion chain.
And so what you saw there was that they were clearly operating for profit.
Sure, sure.
They were pushing you to push procedures on people.
And one of the things that we've seen in these undercover videos is that they are pushing women to sign these releases so that they can acquire parts that they've already talked to Stem Express and other people to know what it is that they want in terms of parts.
We weren't even honest about, you know, what we were really doing.
I mean, I would, you know, I was being paid.
So for every woman that I got to consent to participate in this research,
I got paid 20 bucks.
So that certainly lends itself to manipulative or coercive language.
Oh yeah, you incentivize it.
I mean, yeah, oh you want to do this, this is nothing.
It's going to help save the lives of other people when in actuality we know that fetal tissue hasn't had any major medical breakthroughs since the inception of the research.
And they can do stem cell research on adult stem cells.
They don't need to have the baby stem cells.
That's right.
And there actually have been significant medical breakthroughs because of adult stem cells, which is always harvested in an ethical way.
And of course, there's this article here, I didn't cover it in the news, but a blood test that allows couples to screen out what they call abnormalities.
This is a Spanish firm, iGenomics, has made a compatibility test.
It costs about 1,800 pounds.
It's available in Britain, so I guess you can
If it's abnormalities or if it's maybe hair color.
You want a different baby with a different hair color, different sex or whatever, just have an abortion.
Yeah, feels a little Aryan to me.
A little Hitler-esque.
Designer babies getting what you want.
That's where this is essentially going to lead.
And of course, we have seen that in the history of Planned Parenthood as well.
We've seen that it was targeted to certain groups.
Targeted to the black community, of course.
Margaret Sanger was very clear about that.
I want to get your comment before we talk about what's going on here in the state of Texas about this recent article from Politico talking about how the Raw video has now been leaked out of a House committee
And they were telling everybody, hey, don't pay any attention to these videos from the Center for Medical Progress.
Don't pay any attention to that, because those have been heavily edited, and yet they don't want the raw footage out there either.
Yeah, I mean, that's the thing.
If they've got nothing to hide, then who cares, right?
Why go to these extreme lengths to make sure that the videos don't come out if everything they're doing is to help the general public through the research?
And that's kind of the thing.
I mean, I guess I worked in Planned Parenthood media for a while, but I mean, I've just been thinking the whole time, why don't they just come out and say, yeah, we do this.
Yep, we do it.
Yep, we have cavalier conversations about aborting babies at dinner.
Yep, that is absolutely what we do.
And that's part of our work.
And we're proud of it, because we are proud to perform abortions.
I mean, that's really what they should just come out and say, instead of trying to hide it and suppress it and, you know, make all of these excuses.
Just come on out with it!
I mean, if you're really proud of what you do, if you really believe abortion is this great service, if you really believe that harvesting fetal tissue from these aborted babies is a good thing, then just own it!
And be proud of it!
Yeah, some of them do actually, and that's actually really creepy when you see that happen.
Talk to us about what's going on here in the state of Texas.
Of course, this is something that's going on in multiple states.
We're not seeing any real investigation at the federal level in spite of the fact this committee is looking at these videos.
That's the only thing that we've seen, and of course that's the Republican Committee who's doing that.
The Justice Department is not doing any investigation to see if they violated U.S.
law by negotiating for organ parts, or if they are performing late-term abortions, as we see in these videos, because they want more fully developed body parts.
Those would all be violations of existing law.
They're just, they're starting to look at that in the House Committee, but they're not, the Obama administration and the Department of Justice are not looking at that.
But we do have some states that are looking at that.
Tell us about Texas.
Yeah, it's been really exciting, actually.
You know, we had already defunded, in the state of Texas, we had already defunded Planned Parenthood of $29 million, but there was still like $2.5 million left.
And, you know, we just kept being told we just can't pull it, CMS will come in and, you know, they'll shut down your whole Medicaid program, but certainly
There has to be some allowance for a state to say, you're breaking the law, we don't want you as part of our Medicaid program, right?
But you've got to have pretty solid evidence that they are breaking the law.
So the Office of the Investigator General, which by the way, we have a new IG, Stuart Bowen, amazing man, really on top of this.
And it's not just that he's, you know, I'm pro-life, so I want to shut down Planned Parenthood.
I want to make sure that we are being responsible with taxpayer dollars here in the state of Texas.
The affiliate that I worked with, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, they're going to be fined about $600 million.
This is big money, okay?
And this is our money.
And so, you know, basically the OIG said, look, we're going to look into this.
You know, we have the videos showing this, but we need some hard proof.
And these former clinic workers have that hard proof.
And so they've been looking through, you know, our complaints, our allegations, our cases.
And then they finally, they went in there, they stepped foot in there and said, we're taking the records we need.
And surprise, surprise.
The only affiliate that wasn't cooperative was Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and out of Houston, that happens to be where all three of the former employees came from.
So they don't want to be cooperative.
They don't want us to see what's going on in there.
So you say they weren't cooperative.
What did they do?
Well, they were trying to prevent the OIG from getting the records.
But, I mean, they have the power.
They're part of the Medicaid contract, so they have the power to get whatever they want.
And of course, that's legitimate if it's part of, if somebody accuses them of wrongdoing, it would be negligent on the part of the Attorney General not to investigate it.
And so that's what we see repeatedly.
Yet they talk about this as if they're being targeted unfairly, unjustly.
We heard the same thing about the videos themselves.
Oh, you know, they came in, they lied to people about this.
I think it's like, no, if you have, it's not entrapment.
If somebody has said something is happening here and you do an undercover investigation, the FBI does that kind of stuff all the time and it's not entrapment.
If somebody says, hey, there's a crime being committed here, you need to investigate this, then it's legitimate to go in and do an undercover investigation even if you represent yourself as that's the only way that they do most of these investigations.
And so that kind of investigation, going in and looking at the records of an organization once they've been accused of wrongdoing,
That's a legitimate thing to do, but the left is, and the apologists for Planned Parenthood are going apoplectic about this.
Oh, poor Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, poor billion-dollar non-profit.
Yeah, and I mean, that's just what's so disingenuous about the whole thing is Planned Parenthood, they love to play the victim.
They need to play the victim.
In order to keep their support going.
You know, we're just always trying to shut them down and you know, poor us and we're always a target.
Yeah, you are always a target because you're killing babies.
And you are always a target because you're giving substandard health care to women who come into your facilities.
And you are a target because you continue to promote and participate in the legal activity
Yeah, you better believe you're absolutely a target and you're going to continue to be a target until we can find enough evidence to shut you down permanently.
You're talking about substandard health care.
I mean, one of the things that came to light in these undercover videos is the fact that they would encourage the women to have a breech birth so they could get a better quote-unquote specimen as they termed the baby.
Yeah, I mean, and that's not all.
I mean, look, we've got, we have, I run an organization for abortion clinic workers so that they can leave and find hope and find healing and find a life-affirming job away from the abortion industry.
The things that these workers are coming out and telling us that's going on inside the clinics, there was an inspection that we just got.
Every six months, we'll do a public information request and ask for the inspection reports, because those are public records.
So the inspectors that go into these abortion clinics.
We get inspections back all the time that say they are not properly sterilizing instruments.
These are instruments that are going inside a woman, that are being used woman to woman.
They are not being properly sterilized.
And this may be a problem that continues to happen year after year, yet these abortion clinics are still allowed to stay open.
I mean, they are putting women at very serious risk.
Uh, in very serious danger.
And look at the way the Planned Parenthood apologist reacted to the laws that would try to correct that type of situation.
Oh yeah.
They said, oh you're just doing that because you don't want us to have abortions.
And they're not concerned about women's health.
It came out at the time, it was about that time that Joan Rivers died having plastic surgery.
And they pointed out that if those same standards had been applied where she was having plastic surgery, then that wouldn't have happened to her.
She would have survived.
They would have had the kind of oversight that they needed with that.
But they're not concerned about women's health.
They're just concerned about having more abortions.
And you can see it from their resistance to this legislation.
Oh yeah, I mean, and what's so pathetic is that these clinics, they can't even keep up with the very minimum standards that are in place right now.
But they say that they care about women?
They're not even properly sterilizing their instruments, but they're trying to convince me that they care about women?
I mean, gosh, you've got women coming in there who are HIV positive, who have other sexually transmitted... I mean, serious diseases, and they're not even properly cleaning the instruments that are going inside one woman and the next?
I mean, that is disgusting.
They don't have... We just got one inspection back.
All of their life-saving equipment, their airway equipment, all of that, the defibrillator, all of that, had not been inspected since 2010.
I mean, God forbid a woman actually needed it, they pull it out, it doesn't even work!
I mean, I'm telling you, these clinics, they are so, they are, it is such poor care for women, and they're not even providing the services that they say they're providing.
They're saying that they're providing all this comprehensive care for women, that's ridiculous.
They are not providing half of the care that, probably they're not providing 75% of the care that their apologists are saying that they do.
And if you try to tell them that,
Oh, I mean, they just, they can't take it.
They cannot take you trying to shut down their precious Planned Parenthood, even though there are better providers for them to go and see.
When they're talking about women's health, and that's the line they always come back, if you cut funding for Planned Parenthood, you're going to be cutting funding for women's health.
But again, when we go back to it and we say, alright, we're concerned about women's health, we want to make sure that their equipment is up to date, that they have all these other things that, in case something goes wrong, they say, you just want to stop abortions.
Because they know that's why they're supporting Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, it was interesting.
NARAL or NAF or one of the pro-abortion groups came out
Not too long ago they said it was like this this shocking pro-lifers trying to shut down the abortion industry and I thought is that really shocking?
Because yeah that is exactly what we're trying to do and you know I don't I don't want to cut women's health care I want to make sure women are getting proper health care and and comprehensive health care when they do go to a medical office and they're not going to get that at
I don't know.
There are almost 5,000 providers for the Texas Women's Health Program where women can go to receive health care at no cost.
I mean, we really don't need Planned Parenthood in the state of Texas.
I mean, we have said that over and over again.
Our legislators have proven it.
We do not need these clinics in our state.
Stay with us when we come back.
We're talking about Planned Parenthood and government subsidies.
And of course, it's not just federal subsidies, even state subsidies.
It's also local subsidies, and we'll talk about a good example of that when we come back.
We're talking to Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood whistleblower.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
In our final segment, we have Abby Johnson with us.
She's a Planned Parenthood whistleblower, a former manager at a Planned Parenthood facility in Houston, and I want to talk to her about funding at the local level.
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Now, Abby, as we were talking about efforts to try to limit funding, and of course it's been done at the state level here in Texas,
There's also heavy subsidies at the local level that I think people aren't aware of.
Austin is a very good example.
Tell us what's going on here in Austin with local subsidy of Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, Austin is, you know, they have before.
They've funded Planned Parenthood locally before and then they stopped.
Now they're back to doing it.
Another thing I think people don't realize is there's a building
Downtown in Austin, the rent for a building like this for the square footage would probably go for, you know, I don't know, maybe $4,000 to $5,000 a month.
The city of Austin for years, for at least 20, 30 years, has been renting that building to Planned Parenthood for a dollar a year.
I mean, that's a huge subsidy.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then, you know, part of our local taxes, they want that to go to Planned Parenthood.
And, you know, I mean, I have to say, I remember when we were moving to this area and we were looking at, you know, where we wanted to buy a house, one of the things that we looked at was, you know,
Is the local government there giving subsidies to Planned Parenthood?
At that time when we moved here, Travis County was.
The city of Austin was.
And so we ended up moving intentionally, moved more north into Williamson County because we didn't want any of our money going to Planned Parenthood at the local level.
And I think people need to pay attention to that.
People need to start paying attention to that.
Where is your local money going?
Is it going to fund things like the abortion industry?
And here in Austin it is.
I think most people wouldn't even think to look for that.
You know how the system works because you worked at a Planned Parenthood.
Most people wouldn't even imagine that they're getting a several thousand square foot facility for a dollar a year in Austin.
That is absolutely amazing.
And that shows just how much, how politically connected they are.
That people would give them this kind of subsidy.
And I think a lot of people, even people that might support abortion, many libertarians, would look at this and say, wait a minute.
Why are we giving these people that much of a subsidy for their business?
I mean, the same type of thing we look at with sports stadiums, where you've got these multi-billionaires come in with their sports team and you build a billion-dollar stadium for them.
I mean, we see this kind of crony capitalism at every level.
And certainly, it's there with Planned Parenthood.
I think a lot of people need to look at that at the local level.
So, we're going to be talking tonight on the Nightly News.
Leanne McAdoo is going to be talking about the Texas raids of Planned Parenthood.
There's also going to be an extended version of Alex storming Google.
Don't miss that video because it's absolutely priceless to see the expression on people's faces when you put a camera and a microphone in their face.
Even the guy who has a laptop in front of him
With a camera and a microphone.
He doesn't think about it until Alex does that.
That is essentially what is happening to all of us.
We're all being recorded all the time by Google and that information now with the passage of CISA is going to be turned over to the government as the government wishes.
That's what you need to be afraid of.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood, Whistleblower.
Join us tonight at 7 central, 8 p.m.
Leanne McAdoo will be doing the nightly news.