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Filename: 20151029_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 29, 2015
3093 lines.
Do you want to kill Nazis?
I don't want to kill anyone.
I don't like bullies.
I don't care where they're from.
I believe Captain America was a composite character that really kind of captured the essence of that generation.
There's another analogy to be taken from Captain America and that is that that generation and America in general has essentially fallen asleep by Captain America dead as you see him wake up in the second Captain America movie to find that he's living in an authoritarian police state.
For a second day in a row, a group of World War II vets literally took down a barrier blocking off the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.
Harry needs his barricades back!
Wow, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing.
I go protect Iraqis in Iraq, and I come back and I find that my fellow Americans are being attacked by police.
For once, we're way ahead of the curve.
By holding a gun to everyone on earth and calling it protection.
The police and National Guard going street by street.
House to house.
And instructions to disarm anyone inside.
We're going to neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen.
But the punishment usually came after the crime.
And when they say, I want my lawyer, you tell them, shut up!
Your time to pick up your lawyer.
You're an enemy combatant.
You guys did some nasty stuff.
We compromised.
Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well.
When I was in Afghanistan, they usually kept us outside these buildings and the other government agency guys, probably like DEA, CIA and all that, they would go into these kind of rooms like that, exactly, and they would be torturing people from in there.
Horrible scream to hear a grown person like that being tortured.
And you're watching as this opium is being grown.
We provide them security, we're providing them resources, and we're providing them alternatives.
Captain America,
Is a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D.
With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D.
is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why.
You have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
This is only going to get worse once it starts.
And again, there's no veterans doing anything right now.
No IEDs.
They are literally getting the police to pick a fight with veterans.
You are standing in my brain.
How did you get here?
Operation Paperclip, after World War II, shelled recruited German scientists with strategic value.
Operation Paperclip explores the secret military program that hired scientists who used slave labor to build the B-2 rocket, and others who used concentration camp victims for human experiments.
The responsibility for the staggering loss of life and property is uniformly placed on Hitler and the Nazis, but excluded from the official history.
Is the fact that Hitler and the National Socialists would not have risen to power without the help of international bankers and American and German corporations.
She's disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the internet.
Including Hydra's.
And S.H.I.E.L.D.'s.
What about Bradley Manning?
What about Bradley Manning?
Look at all those people he betrayed.
Look at all those people he betrayed.
I think the revelations are terrible because they were revealed.
What's his name?
Yeah, Snowden.
I think he's a traitor.
What about the others?
Are you planning a rescue mission?
You think about what is going on with the Veterans Administration Hospital and the fact that we have veterans that are dying because they're on a wait list.
You talk about Sgt.
Tamarisi and his situation.
We just want you to know, Ken.
Something that I've been upset about and raised a cane about, so I'm going to ask you about it.
And that's this right-wing extremism report that was mailed out to all law enforcement officials in the United States.
I've apologized for that report.
It was not authorized to be distributed.
This isn't freedom.
This is fear.
takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.
It's getting damn near past time that you were getting with that program, Cap.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
And of course, that film came out a year and a half ago, and was absolutely pro-liberty, pro-freedom, pro-America, pro-human.
Now, Sony bought it, and then it got passed on over to Disney, and they are putting out 110% propaganda, demonizing gun owners, veterans, you name it, and Captain America now works for Hydra.
Who do you prefer?
Barack Obama or George W. Bush?
Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, these guys are corporate spokesmen.
They're not leaders.
I mean, they both started illegal wars.
Hell, they both tortured people.
They bailed out criminal corporations and they spied on you.
They both violated the Constitution and they even committed war crimes.
So what's it gonna take?
I mean, what will it take to finally wake you up?
Think about it.
If Joseph Stalin ran for president as a Democrat and Adolf Hitler ran as a Republican, one of them would end up leading our country.
It's politics incorporated.
And your choice between the two parties is a myth.
Because in reality, it is a two-party tyranny with one ideology.
Divide and conquer.
So join the revolution and break the false left versus right paradigm.
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I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There are moments in television.
Moments in media.
Where the full import of how big something is, isn't understood for weeks, months, even years.
But what we witnessed last night with the CNBC Republican debate, moderated by CNBC, is evident pretty much instantly.
This is a Polaroid moment.
Where you don't have to wait more than just a few seconds after the debate.
I was sitting there watching it with family and children and even let my children stay up late to finish it and see the aftermath.
And I asked my children, my 13-year-old son, my 11-year-old daughter, my 7-year-old daughter,
While we were watching the coverage that InfoWars was engaged in with David Knight, Jakari Jackson, and of course Joe Biggs and others, and my children said the reporters, that's what they called them, were reporters, they're really just pundits, were trying to bully and trying to attack and trying to make
The Republican candidates look stupid, but they looked stupid.
That's what Rex Jones, my 13-year-old, had to say about it.
And that's exactly what the nation had to say about it.
That's exactly what even mainstream media had to say about it.
You see, what mainstream media doesn't get is that even more hated than establishment Democrat and Republican candidates
Dinosaur Media is even more disdained, more reviled, more hated.
I'll never forget.
I've told the story many times when Rand Paul got elected four and a half years ago to the Senate.
Politico called me and they made a big deal about Rand Paul coming on the show and Rand Paul being a listener and Rand Paul, you know, coming on 20 years ago and being a friend of the show.
And I said, don't you get it?
The only way you could have hurt Rand Paul was for you to endorse him.
You're out of bullets.
The mainstream media is running on empty.
And of course, they quoted me a bunch of the article, but they didn't quote that part.
And you notice Rand Paul isn't as successful in poll numbers as he was just four months ago as the frontrunner.
Now he's in the middle of the pack because he's been more accepted by the establishment, because he's moderated his stance, and he's destroying himself thinking that
People like Donald Trump are going to recede in this campaign.
That is nothing but media spin.
And I tell Senator Paul this in a friendly way, but I don't want to digress at this point.
Getting back to the big issue at hand.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, I want to cover world news, economic news first, police state news.
Attacks on the First Amendment.
Huge developments obviously with Paul Ryan being elected speaker.
That's all coming up.
But if you look at DrudgeReport.com, all out war against CNBC.
Bush campaign manager confronts producer.
Lame streamers total debate fail.
Forum was a
Example of bias.
An encyclopedic example of bias.
Hannity will go down in history as really bad night for the media.
I agree with that statement.
Moderators booed again and again.
Trump boasts about limiting debate time so we can get the hell out of here.
Meanwhile, we learn RNC chairman threw candidates to the wolves.
There's a revolt.
En masse.
That's right, you have the rhino neocon Republicans always trying to hamstring a libertarian constitutional takeover of the Republican Party.
The landslide already happening at the state level, across the nation.
And Paul Ryan being elected is part of that.
The CISA bill, the surveillance bill, has been passed masquerading as a cyber security bill.
They are ramming a lot through while we're busy eating popcorn and watching the debate.
But the good news is you've got the Republican leadership working against the candidates that they don't control and that are popular.
You've got the mainstream media trying to sabotage them.
You've got all these dirty tricks being run against Carson and others.
And all it does is empower them.
When they attack Trump, he goes up in the numbers.
When they attack Carson, he goes up in the numbers.
When they attack Huckabee, he starts getting traction.
You do not get traction out of eating out of the hand of these people.
These people obviously do not have good intentions for us.
And I know our audience knows this, but when Hannity says, this will go down in history as a really bad night for the media, it's beyond that.
This will go down in history as another major signpost that the dinosaur media is dying big time.
And the more anger, the more disdain, the more vitriol, the more bravado, the more sickening chutzpah and hubris that we saw spewed by the three nasty, nasty, nasty moderators.
Only illustrated their disconnect and their arrogance.
They wanted to demonize the Republican Party.
They wanted to demonize the candidates that weren't establishment.
They would give softball questions to the Republicans that they know are part of the team, while viciously attacking people they don't control.
It was crystal clear.
That this was a rigged attempt to derail Patriot candidates and instead it was a fiasco, it was a disaster, it was a train wreck, it was an implosion for the sycophantic media whores.
This weekend I was hiking in the mountains of Southwest Texas and it really hit me that we've had so many debates, so many calls, so many guests talk about
What should we call the Decepticon mainstream, sewage stream, collaborator, prostitute, corporate media?
And it hit me.
Straight talk is the answer.
Straight labels that actually fit what something is, is what we should go with.
You don't call butter concentrated milk fat.
You call it butter.
You don't call chocolate recondensed sugared cocoa powder.
You call it chocolate.
You don't call a pile of horse manure on the side of the road some scientific name for the leavings of the equine species.
You call it what it is.
They are the enemy.
Mainstream media is the enemy.
They are the deceivers.
They are the enemy propaganda arms of the major corporations that brag they've conquered this country.
They are collaborators.
They are here to deny there's a TPP, deny there's a CFR, deny there's a New World Order, until it's too late.
Deny there's agenda 21, deny there's a move to get our guns, deny Obamacare doubles, triples prices, has death panels, restricts care, deny that there's penalties, but all of it's now happening.
You see, they're just the front minions that are disposable.
That's why they'll get up there and tell lies that will destroy their careers very soon, and have already destroyed them in many cases.
Because they're paid as mercenaries not to be popular, but to deceive the public.
And then they put in new deceivers.
Notice how they go through reporters faster and faster?
Used to be every decade they'd go through anchors, then it was every couple years, now it's every couple months there's new people.
Because they're trying to confuse folks with new faces.
Oh, your brain associates the last crop from six months ago with lying to you.
Here's a new crop.
Here's more shark teeth rolling forward.
And boy, they're really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
So, just like I pointed out five years ago that the
Climategate emails would devastate the global carbon tax movement and devastate the center of the world government program.
I use the Star Wars analogy of it was a Death Star destruction event, Episode 4 level event.
Didn't mean the Empire was defeated, but man, it was a crushing defeat.
Obama not getting his gun control through.
Devastating defeat.
Our military said they wouldn't fight on the side of Al-Qaeda three years ago in Syria.
Devastating, devastating, devastating defeat.
And we're having more and more of those victories every month now.
It's not a huge victory every year.
It's now every month, every week.
We are savaging them in this knife fight.
Now, early on in the fight, they stabbed us, they cut us up really bad.
I'm not saying we're even winning, but in the last few rounds of this ninth fight, we are plunging double-edged daggers into their organs.
They are bleeding out in front of us, but now they're really dangerous.
The blood's running out of them, they're turning death white.
They're gonna fall over really quick, or start a giant war to overturn the tables.
But either way, we've got them, so just focus,
Pray to God, attack in the info war and just keep stabbing and slashing and cutting.
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Every move you make, every breath you take, it'll be given to select, loveless corporations illegally.
Private companies and government will put up fake cell towers everywhere and steal your data, live time.
Committing felonies every time they do it.
Thousands of times a minute.
Per machine.
And no one will get in trouble.
Then the government will lecture us all day about law and order.
And how they need to take our teenagers to jail if they catch them at a beer party.
Or how the IRS outside of judges or juries should be able to take our bank accounts because they said so.
Even though they have a long history of criminal activity.
This government at the top is illegitimate.
It's seeking to now federalize all local governments.
I think?
Well, Ryan will be more short-lived as Speaker if he doesn't try to actually repair the country.
It doesn't matter he's pushed for open borders.
It doesn't matter that he's been an anti-gunner.
It doesn't matter if he gets an F when it comes to conservatism.
People are now aware of him.
The climate has changed.
Folks know the Democratic and Republican leadership are working together to suppress the Liberty Movement.
And so the demonization of Hollywood and CNBC moderators and all the rest of it only causes the public to support Patriot candidates that much more.
So don't run from their demonization.
Embrace it!
And as the hoax that they're the moral authority and that they're truthful dissipates, it's the beginning of the end for these people.
Continuing, after the break we're going to get into some of the clips from the debate and the highlights, but now I wanted to break down some of the other news.
Look at this news in political correctness areas.
University tells students making kissing sounds is sexual harassment.
The police will be called.
That's at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
We have the official student handouts where they break it all down.
Sleeping comfortably while white, now racist, scientists claim.
Remember Melissa Harris Perry, and if you're a new listener, I'm not kidding, just search engine this term, you can pull it up, says working hard, that term, is meant to demean black slaves.
All language is hateful, unless it's approved by the cult leaders.
California considers adding meat to cancer alert list.
The state is setting the stage for potential battle with meat industry.
Remember they said all fats were bad too.
Now they admit that's not the case.
This is just a way to tax meat.
There's a report out today where the EPA is smashing pumpkins in a new video advertisement saying plants are bad because they increase the carbon footprint.
That's right, plants don't just release oxygen, they release carbon dioxide as part of the carbon cycle.
That's why we have life on the planet, is the animal-plant symbiotic cycle with water and the sun combined.
Now they're smashing pumpkins.
We're not talking about Billy Corgan, this is not a pun.
They are now smashing pumpkins.
And they're coming out and saying that sunlight is bad for the earth.
I'm not joking.
If you're a new listener, this is not satire.
This is not Saturday Night Live.
Kissing sounds illegal.
Having a Halloween party, racist.
Sleeping comfortably, racist.
Now, setting up Planned Parenthoods in every black neighborhood and the Charter saying it's to kill black people because they're subhuman, that's okay.
But, they're gonna have to divert us off into everything that doesn't matter to create total infighting and just total mental illness and total... Oh my gosh!
A Japanese woman that doesn't speak... English!
Black people walk over to her and say, do you think we're N-words?
Knowing full well a Japanese woman that doesn't speak English only knows about hip-hop and goes, yes!
Yes, yes!
Me want to party!
What are you doing, racist?
Get out of here before we beat you up!
I mean, this is the craziness that we've reached.
Where the great priest, the high priest of political control, they get to label whatever they want as evil, they get to label it as bad, they get to demonize it, but then all the real threats, they get ignored.
Then coming up, mentally unstable Barack Obama wants to start war with China.
Runaway blimp that the government isn't telling you about.
I got a call from the Daily Beast last night.
What do I think about the blimp?
And I didn't know about the blimp, so I went to Infowars, and sure enough, there was a report up there by Joe Biggs that one of these giant surveillance blimps that we talked about 15 years ago crashed.
And so now the media wants to know what I have to say about that.
Because another thing we told you about comes true, because it was already there.
It didn't come true, it was already there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
FBI Director James Comey believes citizens recording police with cell phones and viral videos of police misconduct posted to the web are to blame for an increase in violent crime.
Police believe citizens are taunting them with cell phones, and because of this, they're not addressing crime, Comey says.
They told me, we feel like we're under siege and we don't much feel like getting out of our cars, he said.
Police have responded to widespread video recording of their activity by arresting people for obstruction, resisting arrest, and other charges.
Several high-profile cases of police brutality have been exposed by cell phones.
Civil liberty experts argue citizens have the right to record police in public under the First Amendment.
Some states are even using wiretapping laws implemented before the advent of cell phone technology to prosecute citizens who record police and post videos on the Internet.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover us.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Time, I host the original Alex Jones Show, or InfoWars Live, as I call it.
I'm an egomaniac to say it's the Alex Jones Show, but there's a reason for that.
And then the fourth hour is still the Alex Jones Show.
We've added a fourth hour, and that's hosted by Anthony Gucciardi today.
We have so many great minds working here at InfoWars.
Paul Watson, Anthony Gucciardi, Jakari Jackson, Rob Dube.
Leanne McAdoo, Kit Daniels, so many others.
I want to get all our great reporters, all our great people in here as hosts, but also giving commentary and analysis.
So many great people we haven't mentioned that work here in the InfoWars operation.
Steve Watson, Paul's brother.
He's been involved in international affairs, has a degree in international affairs, involved in a lot of really interesting stuff.
He's been writing for Infowars for 12 years.
Paul has for 14.
And I need to get him on air more.
He is just as interesting and smart as his brother in different ways, but they certainly complement each other.
In fact, I think I'm going to crack the whip.
I made Paul get on air over the years.
And now he's on Coast to Coast AM, CBS National Television, BBC National Television.
You know, he's having dinner with Matt Drudge in London.
And Paul is glad now I made him get on air.
And I'm going to make some other people get on air.
Because, you know, they're not just going to be writers up here.
I want people to see average folks that love liberty.
Because I don't have to sit here and tell my reporters what to report, what to write, what to say.
Because I just hire people that are already informed and love freedom.
And they're just going to go out and report on what's happening.
And that's what's so exciting about not having talking points.
I mean, I do stuff like, hey, they're coming after the guns, let's really stay focused on that this week.
Or, hey, TPP, they're ramming it through, let's try to make that a big focus.
It's not in the news right now that they're continuing to put veterans on don't treat death list.
Let's go undercover and expose it.
So a lot of times we cover what's not in the news, but sometimes we cover what is in the news, but we try to unspin the spin.
When O'Reilly says it's a spin-free zone, I mean, give me a break.
I'm not enemies with Fox News.
But Bill O'Reilly repeatedly has lied about me.
And done things that are just as bad as what Rachel Maddow has done.
He's like, tonight, sexual predators online, going after women, and using the internet to hurt them, stalk them, and do terrible things to them.
Coming up, we look at these extremists, and they cut to me, going, I'm sick of it!
And then they artificially turn my face red with a big image of my face.
And that rant had nothing to do with women.
They don't show the whole rant.
They just act like I'm a sex predator when he's the guy that's got to settle sex cases out of court.
I mean, that's what makes it that much more uncool.
It's so uncool to A, think your audience is so dumb that you just pull some parlor trick like that.
It's like going, you're going to die someday and then cutting to an image of somebody as if they're responsible.
Alex Jones is deeply racist and he also is very pleased with the Boston bombing and influenced the bombers.
And then they show no proof on MSNBC.
And you know, I've got stacks of news.
The reason I just went back into that whole rant is coming up later.
I didn't cover this today.
I've got to cover this today, I guess probably in the next hour or so.
It is a 60-page report.
That's probably part of why I didn't get into it much yesterday.
I mean, it took me an hour the night before just to read parts of it, to scan over it.
Conspiracy theorists originating on the extreme right have invaded American political life, and that's not good for democracy.
And guess who's front and center in the report?
Who needs to be shut down?
Who's a demon?
Who's a horrible person?
Alex Jones.
And when you've got Mark Potok that basically commands the propaganda of the FBI, the ATF, the federal marshals, and every big police department,
It's creepy to know that every police officer who's basically a sergeant and above is being brainwashed by these people.
That I want to kill them, and that I'm behind the Boston bombing, and that I'm a racist, and with no proof.
But you know what?
I love it.
Because most police themselves have been demonized and have had what other people do projected on them.
And so they understand exactly what Mark Potok and MSNBC and Bill O'Reilly are doing.
And Bill O'Reilly comes out like, oh, we need to boycott Quentin Tarantino because he's anti-police.
But then that doesn't make up for all the other things that Bill O'Reilly has done.
He's kind of this guy that acts like he's a conservative, but he only does that on the surface.
When it comes to things that really are conservative, like not having a police state, not having globalism, not having CISPA, not having TPP,
He's silent.
And I'm going to get more into that later because it's a complex issue.
There are new videos pretty much every day of police officers involved in what appears to be excessive force.
People that are on power trips, engaging in bizarre activity, cops are constantly getting busted, because there's 3 million of them, committing weird crimes.
That's what's going on as well in the general public.
So that's a sampling that reflects criminal activity, mental illness, power trips, that is in this sick society.
And you can go look up these numbers for yourself.
Gun crime is down 51% conservatively.
Some numbers are 60 plus percent.
We've had Professor Lott on.
And overall police killings of the public are down from the 70s and 80s.
They're down!
The police kill less people today when the country has a good 40 million people more in it.
Then it did 25, 30 years ago.
Now, does that mean there aren't out-of-control crazy police out there?
They're out there.
No, there aren't.
I ran into a couple of them this weekend.
They knew who I was.
I was sitting there on the side of the river.
They said, come here.
Get out of those hot springs.
Come here.
Smiling and laughing like they had just found Santa Claus or something.
And I said, you know who I am, don't you?
Yeah, we know who you are, Alex.
Now get over here.
Because they were clearly leftist that wanted to henpeck me and thought they were going to have me basically urinate all over myself when they bossed me around.
No, they moved on to easier targets and took some other people to jail, not me.
Because I let them know.
I said, listen, just get ready to get sued because I'm not going to sit here and have you engage in this discriminatory activity against me because you don't like me.
They've got it all in their little, their little
Video recorders that they had on hanging around their necks like good little slaves.
And so now the FBI boss has come out and said citizens videos of police are to blame for spike in violent crime.
Well, no, it is the fact that criminal and bizarre activity is being caught on film and then the police departments unilaterally for the last five, six years were defending it or were not disciplining the police officers.
They've probably gone too far the other direction and are firing police in cases that I don't think they should be fired.
Now they're indicting police in some cases when they shouldn't be indicted.
They are indicting a lot of police that need to be indicted.
So, the truth is, I've actually seen a lot of reform taking place, but that's not the reason I'm, quote, defending the police.
Justice gun crime is down, but the perception is it's way up.
Police brutality is not up.
Police shooting people is not up.
It's actually up the last few years from a decade ago, but not from if you look back 25 years.
It's been steadily going down.
There's been some bumps up on the way down, just like any graph.
But it's just not true.
It's just not reality.
There is less crime, there is less police brutality, there is less police killings.
Does that mean there aren't horrible cases where eight police officers beat a mentally ill man to death, sitting on him saying, don't resist, and obviously getting off on it, and then the two cops that did it didn't even get in trouble?
Truly sickening.
But you cannot judge
A group of people or organizations by what individuals do.
That's what collectivism is.
Where somebody commits a crime with a gun, so now all gun owners are to blame.
This is what totalitarians do.
If you fought back against the Russians in occupied Poland in 1942, when they divided Poland with the Nazis.
Let's not forget, you know, that Russia was working with the Nazis.
Just as bad.
Probably worse in some cases at that point.
And if you were in the Polish resistance and you shot an NKVD or type political officer, they would kill hundreds of people.
In and around where the killing happened.
The Nazis did the same thing.
You shot a German soldier, they'd kill ten townspeople.
You killed an SS officer, they'd kill a thousand in some cases.
This is how totalitarians operate.
It's how they act.
They say 2% of Americans owned slaves 170 years ago, 150 years ago.
And so all white people are to blame for it and have a communal guilt that they're supposed to obsess over.
Well, that's like saying all black people have guilt because Africans had slavery going on as well and helped save and help sell their brethren into slavery.
I mean, that's ridiculous to say black people in Africa are to blame for slavery today because their ancestors did it.
But this is the mental illness of collectivism.
And I've said it over and over again, and I'm going to the debate information.
The reason at this point, I'm fighting the NSA spying, I'm fighting the armored vehicles for the Patriots, that they admit is for war.
I'm exposing sheriffs that are under the control of the SPLC.
We even got the FBI to stop using their information a few years ago, that is the Patriot movement did, because it's such fraud, and they've been sued so many times.
It is made up garbage.
So we're having victories.
There is an attempt to start a civil war of destabilization in this country and not have the focus of public's anger go after the mainstream media, globalist corporations with our dollars by not supporting them.
They don't want us to peacefully fix things.
They don't want us to do it with our dollars and with our mouths and with our feet.
Walking away from the system, not supporting it, withdrawing our consent.
A peaceful, non-violent,
Cognitive resistance, speaking out.
Civil disobedience.
No, they want to brand demonstrating, they want to brand protest as burning buildings and killing random innocent people, white people and police.
And it's directly out of the White House, and I know I've put this message out a thousand times.
It's just that this is being pushed now, and the FBI boss is acting like cameras filming police caused this.
Well, this is part of the technology, and in a way that's true.
Yes, if this stuff wasn't being caught on tape, the police wouldn't feel like they were under siege, and they would still be defending people that misbehaved, and they'd still be lying about what bad cops do.
Instead of protecting their fraternal order and protecting their peace officer role, they were selling it out with a bunch of propaganda and PR.
And it doesn't fly when Big Brother can go both ways.
But it's not the fault of the cameras.
And police, especially in the North,
And in areas also in the northern Midwest, like Illinois, do get laws passed to call it wiretapping to videotape in public, and do persecute the press, and it's despicable, and it's wrong.
Whether Barack Obama does it to whistleblowers, or the press, or whether a Chicago police officer does it, it is shameful, it is un-American, it is despicable, but most importantly,
It's not going to work.
You're not going to stop the signal.
You're not going to stop the reality from coming out.
There's a lot of verses in the Bible about no lie, no crime, no evil deed will stay covered up forever.
It will wash up on the shore.
Whatever is hidden, the deepest in your heart, will end up coming out someday.
And that goes for the police, it goes for the general public.
The answer is reforming the police, locally, not globally.
The answer is police realizing what's happening, and that's my final point on this subject.
The most awake group against the New World Order in this country, from my personal experience, and it's what every prominent guest concurs with, is the military.
Because they've been given the training and the brainwashing to demonize gun owners, veterans, and patriots, and to demonize the founding documents of this country.
It backfired.
It totally woke up the military.
I mean, just huge backfire.
This wasn't a bunch of brainwashed 18-year-olds in college being told George Washington is bad, white people are bad, guns are bad, the police are all racist and want to kill you.
This is military
Veterans, people that have served 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 tours, being called in by SPLC-trained people to be told George Washington's bad, and the free speech is bad, and your enemy is the Constitutionalist, and then they go out and have drills where they practice mowing down old black, white, Hispanic people.
I've been there.
I've had Marines tell me about it.
I've shown up and videotaped it.
I made films, the police state films, where they practice mowing down rural people wearing John Deere caps.
Now, do you think that woke the troops up?
You bet it did.
They ran their re-education camp garbage that they do at these schools on the military.
It didn't work.
Next is the police.
The police made jokes about the New World Order for decades.
They believed the SPLC garbage to a great extent.
Then it all came true.
The last six, seven years, the police woke up.
They're now one of the most awake groups after military.
This is in the entire country!
Military and police.
Why do you think they want to start a civil war with them?
To get us all killing each other?
Because the patriots, the police, and the military are the natural enemies of the globalist, totalitarian takeover.
And it's the only main resistance there is, is the Liberty, Patriot, Tea Party movement.
And in government, it's Patriot legislators of every race, color, and creed.
It's Patriot police chiefs, and sheriffs, and county commissioners, and then it's military officers.
Most of the current brass is completely freaked out that hasn't been called and hasn't been purged.
I got a message just the other day from a group of high-level generals that are all recently called or retired saying keep it up you're a hundred percent dead on and adding we can't believe you've got this much information or that you're still alive.
You've got to understand folks what you're hearing is the truth.
An enemy foreign group has come in and is trying to get a civil war going to make us kill each other.
There are certainly problems in governments.
We've all got beefs with each other.
But the point is, it all needs to stop now.
We need to focus on TPP.
We need to focus on the open borders.
We need to focus on the dollar being devalued.
We need to focus on the move to take our guns.
We need to focus on our power plants being turned off.
We need to focus on our jobs being shipped overseas.
We need to focus on buying American.
We need to focus on repenting and finding a real church in your area.
We need to focus on getting healthy and reaching out to others in the info war, in the true resistance.
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Well the energy department came out a few months ago and said sunlight's bad for the earth.
And now the energy department says
They're going to smash pumpkins for causing climate change.
That's right, they want to cut down forests as well because they create carbon dioxide and now they say they want to smash 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins produced because they're bad.
There you go folks, everything is evil.
University tells students making kissing sounds sexual harassment.
This is just today.
Sleeping comfortably while white, now racist, scientists claim.
Beef and all other forms of meat, evil carcinogens.
Oh, they're going to keep us all safe, don't you worry.
I'm going to start the whole debate coverage next hour and take your calls.
Do you agree with me or do you disagree?
This was a major sea change moment where the horror media, the enemy media,
The collaborator, occupation system, propaganda arm.
I mean, that's what it is.
Sat there just nastily attacking the candidates.
And as bad as some of the candidates are, it made them look like angels.
Don't you get it, media whores?
You're jokes!
You're frauds!
Again, here's the headline.
I'm going to play this next hour as well.
Runaway Blimp!
What the government isn't telling you, a Joe Biggs report.
I remember before 9-11, there were DARPA announcements, but they weren't in the news.
They were going to launch all these blimps at 100,000 feet to surveil everything, basically a stingray on steroids spying on you with cameras, ground penetrating radar, you name it.
They've got them all over the country now.
They're crashing all the time.
And when they crash, they tell the public flying saucers.
Remember the ABC News one where they've got a huge one with propellers on it?
And they go, it's not a surveillance blimp, as conspiracy theorists think.
No, it's just obviously a blimp.
A five-year-old could tell that.
It must be aliens!
See how they work?
It's aliens, it's not a blimp.
And I go, no, it's a blimp.
And they go, thank you, crazy man.
I've had nightline here.
And they looked at it and they said, so you think there's big blimps up high in the atmosphere?
I mean this is, and I bet you think 2 plus 2 equals 4!
I mean that's all they've got is hoping you don't call them on their BS.
I'm gonna stop right now.
I've only covered a fraction of the news, but it's all coming up.
There's so much military news as well.
The good news is people are waking up, so let's just try to stop a civil war.
Let's try to stop a war with the Russians.
Let's just try to
Not let them turn our power plants off and repeal Obamacare and we won't have a total depression.
They're engineering the Selective Depression.
You understand that?
Wayne Madsen's coming up too.
We sent him out to the big secret airbase and people have been killed over this and there's no way to hype it like I should.
It's just crazy information.
The article's up on InfoWars.com linking the big CIA
Jet Graveyard out in Arizona.
He's been out there for four days with our crew, and we didn't announce it till after, tying it to 9-11.
So, pretty big investigation.
There's been murders involved with folks investigating this, so it's pretty dangerous.
That's coming up in the third hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, here's what's going to happen in this second hour.
I'm going to open the phones up for your take on the debate last night.
Hannity, who I disagree with sometimes, I agree with, says this debate will go down in history as a really bad night for the media.
Because now the candidates are following Trump's lead and not groveling and soiling themselves when some arrogant nobody teleprompter reader goes, let me ask you, this question did.
I mean, I couldn't believe
These moderators.
I mean, they came off like arrogant Muppets in a caricature from a Muppet movie.
So, what you got to do about this, huh?
What do you got to say about this person?
And they're targeting their audience, who they think are a bunch of, like, junior high-level people where... Remember the Jeb Bush plant?
The so-called pro-lifer that gets up and goes, how dare you want to tell women what to do with their uterus?
How dare you?
You claim it for women?
You make me sick with a Wonder Woman handled imps?
I've got a problem.
And Trump didn't grovel to her, so it blew up in their face, and of course it was staged.
Well, it's all just the same grandstanding.
Total grandstanding.
And that's what the police need to know when you SWAT team Amish because they're selling milk to their neighbors in a year-long sting setup and you put your arms on your hips figuratively and have a SWAT team in a helicopter and go, go, go, go, go and slam them down on the ground so you can show the jury, who by the way found against you, that see how scary they are?
People go, they're not scary, you SWAT teamed them to make it look like they were bad.
Once confidence is lost in the establishment, it's over.
It's over.
Then coming up, the article is on Infowars.com.
It's part of a three-year investigation of Wayne Madsen.
I asked him, I said, where do you want to go first?
I want you to cover election 2016.
He said, fine, but what I want to do first is, formally with the NSA, I want to go cover the military
Aircraft Graveyard.
There's also private aircraft out there as well.
Out in Arizona that's so secretive, it has a bunch of weird airlines, covert airlines connected to the CIA coming out of it.
We know a former CIA pilot, commercial pilot and author lived out there and was investigating and had a new book coming out and then of course killed himself and his family if you believe that.
Well, Madsen's talked to neighbors and others, and he's been back out there.
This is his second time.
He was out there with our crew.
He's going to be joining us.
He now works with InfoWars, for InfoWars, as a roving correspondent.
9-11, CIA likely built remote-controlled commercial jets in aircraft boneyard.
This will explain how 9-11 hijackers were able to fly commercial jets with little experience.
This is just the first of a bunch of reports he's putting out.
He'll be with us live today, and we're going to put out a special report next Wednesday that will air here on the radio slash TV show.
So we're going to air that next Wednesday.
The guys are already ready to have it out by tomorrow, but I don't want to just start having big bombshell reports like this and then just kind of throwing them out there.
I want to build this up a bit because it is important.
So that's coming up next week.
By the way, Darren McBrain's been working on a really powerful V for Vendetta montage that dovetails with real stuff happening in the real world.
These are very effective viral videos.
This is one of his best, and believe me, he's put out some good ones.
But I gotta say, he is so talented, I don't know if Jakari is more talented.
Uh, Jakari's put some out that are so good, it looks like something HBO would put out.
I mean, these are really talented people.
So is Josh.
So has Rob Dude.
So is Rob Jacobson.
I mean, I just cannot say who does the best job around here, and that's a good feeling.
When you really don't know who your best people are, because many days they're better than I am.
They have days they shine, they have days they don't.
It's like I have days where I do shine, and I have days where I don't.
And come off like a cross between the Cookie Monster and Attila the Hun.
So, your phone calls, 800-259-9231.
On the debate are coming up.
Stay with us.
Police departments across the country are now using an invasive surveillance tool called stingrays, which use cell phone towers to intercept phone calls and text messages without warrants.
The technology comes courtesy of the FBI, who have forced our nation's police departments into signing non-disclosure agreements, forbidding them from publicly talking about the technology.
Needless to say, this is a direct violation of our Fourth Amendment, and they have no legal authority for warrantless stingray spying, where we now know that police are collecting information on thousands of innocent people who are not even suspected of any crimes.
Once again, more evidence that the police state isn't coming, it's already here.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up after we break down last night's incredible Republican debate hosted by CNBC, after we cover that and take your calls, Iran to send fleet of warships into the Atlantic Ocean, NOAA issues solar storm warning, a Senate passes CISA, the so-called
Cybersecurity bill that is really a surveillance bill.
Paul Ryan elected House Speaker.
California considers adding meat to cancer alert list after the UN added it.
Runaway blimp, surveillance blimp crashes.
One of those imaginary blimps.
World Health Organization says tuberculosis now rivals AIDS as leading cause of death, and drug-resistant is pouring into Western Europe and the United States.
But that's okay if your kid gets TB because, well, they're white or black or Hispanic or Asian.
It doesn't matter.
They're Western.
They deserve to die.
Women and children are turning themselves in at record levels to the Border Patrol.
That's a report from the Border Patrol via Breitbart.
And a Brandon Darby report.
So we're going to be getting over that.
We're also going to be going over 18 reasons why I don't celebrate Halloween.
A story by Michael Snyder that I think is pretty powerful.
And I'm not judging you if you celebrate it.
I'm not saying you're a devil worshipper.
People should know the history of it, because I talk about how it has an occultic history of druidic child sacrifice, and people think I'm crazy.
So tomorrow, I've dug up some of the history books, some of the information on it.
We're going to be covering that for 10-15 minutes tomorrow, obviously the day before October 31st, and then I should be back Sunday, Lord willing, 4 to 6 p.m.
for the Sunday transmission.
But that said, I want to get into the debate now.
Recapping, if you just joined us, CNBC had a debate last night that went on for two plus hours with the Republican candidates.
Carson, Trump, Paul, Rubio, they were all up there.
Jeb Bush was sounding like the
Patriot, his brother sounded like when he was running for office as well, but we know the truth about that.
Mike Huckabee was saying a lot of great things.
Overall, this is the major takeaway, and I want to get your view and your phone calls on this subject.
The biggest issue was the mainstream media attacked viciously.
It blew up in their face.
The candidates fought back.
The audience fought back.
It was a sea change, bellwether
Mark it down in your diary moment.
Stick a knife in it.
The mainstream media is dead on arrival.
That's what it was.
It was historic.
And then what was also historic was the radicalization of the candidates that the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, Media Matters, MSNBC, CNN, the White House all bemoaned.
In that the candidates sounded like Ron Paul.
They sounded like Barry Goldwater.
They sounded like Alex Jones.
They sounded like Matt Drudge.
They sounded like Joseph Farah.
They sounded like libertarian Americana patriots.
Whether they're good or not, obviously a bunch of them we can't trust like Open Border, Gun Grabber, Chris Christie.
But Chris Christie sounded like a conservative libertarian talk show host.
I've never seen Republican debates where they go this far.
So, they're sounding more and more like Trump.
That's forcing Trump to sound more and more libertarian, more and more constitutionalist.
This just shows where the heart and soul of the country is.
People are turning against abortion.
People are turning against open borders, including almost 70% of Hispanics, 69% in Gallup.
The propaganda is failing.
People are more pro-gun now than ever.
New poll's out today.
And pro-gunners are more politically active.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Now, that doesn't mean we're winning the war.
I don't want to be over-positive here and be deceptive, but we're gaining ground, we're getting in the fight.
We lost the first five, six rounds.
We're now in the seventh round, to use an allegory.
And we have got them up against the ropes, hammering them in the ribs, hammering them in the jaw.
Popping them in the nose, and we just gotta lay into them as hard as we can right now, and they could go down any minute.
Now that doesn't mean the whole New World Order fails, but it means people start going to jail, a bunch of their programs get backed up a decade, like happened in the 70s with the church committees.
I mean, we are about to cause a sea change.
The tide's been coming in for tyranny, it's starting to go out.
It's that magic moment, if you've ever been at the ocean, in a dock or in a bay, for that 10 minutes, when the tide starts to go out, where it kind of gets still, it's crystal clear.
We've now reached that magic moment.
The next few years is that magic moment.
And let me tell you what they'll do during magic moments to reverse the tide back on us.
They'll blow up federal buildings and blame it on us.
They'll start wars.
They'll implode economies and impose us favors.
It doesn't mean we're winning.
It means we're in the fight.
We are in the fight.
We are in the fight.
And if we're aware of how evil the enemy is, when I say enemy, I mean enemy.
And my dad reminded me this last week.
He just said,
We've got three different outside accounting firms and outside lawyer groups checking everything, and we've had all these audits to make sure, and they say we're one of the cleanest operations they've ever seen.
So if the enemy wants to come in, let them come.
We know they're coming to set us up.
They'll be the ones that have to deal with their fraud.
I looked at them, I said, you're right, they are the enemy.
I got my dad to retire because of Obamacare, and now he works here.
It was just good.
We sit around the boardroom talking about the enemy.
And they are the enemy.
We don't use that as semantical, like it's fun, like we're in the fort fighting pirates when we're seven years old.
We're here in the real fort, fighting the globalists from deep in the heart of Texas, and we know who they are.
The enemy.
We're men, we're women, we know what we're up against.
And that's what it's all about.
Getting your head around the fact that the mainstream media is the enemy.
So we should refer to them.
We've had this debate for years.
It's now crystal clear.
You can add other verbal names to it and other descriptions.
Enemy collaborator media.
Arrogant scum.
Predatory media.
A lot of these are my terms.
Propaganda placement.
But really, it's just when you refer to the enemy CNN, the enemy of the American people, the enemy of humanity CNN, the enemy of humanity MSNBC, the enemy of humanity the Justice Department, the
The enemy of humanity, the IRS.
The enemy of humanity, ISIS.
The enemy of humanity.
The enemy.
The enemy.
The enemy.
The enemy.
The enemy.
The enemy.
The enemy.
The enemy.
My dad just said it very calmly.
We're ready if the enemy comes in.
And he's a smart, professional guy that's run major corporations and he's just sitting there.
We're ready for the enemy.
And then it clicked when I was hiking this weekend.
They are the enemy.
They know they're the enemy.
They see us as the enemy.
They've got police departments all over the country saying they're preparing for war with the veterans and gun owners.
Now that's the political officers they put in front of the camera.
The guys behind them know that's a fraud.
The women behind them know it's for fraud.
I've talked to them.
But that's how crazy this is, is they've really got police departments lined up and ready to have a war with gun owners.
I mean, the police are upset and worried about gangbangers shooting cops?
I mean, that is statistically a problem.
We're against it.
Don't you want to start a fight?
With 15 million veterans that are still able to fight?
There's even more than that, but it's about 15 million under the age of about 50.
And I'm not saying folks above 50 can't fight.
They're some of the most dangerous because they're not afraid to die.
I mean, police.
You know that's them trying to have you stick your arm down a badger hole or jump in a pit of hungry lions.
I mean, are we really that dumb to let Melissa Harris Perry and the Southern Poverty Law Center march us all off to kill each other like a bunch of idiots?
I'm gonna go to your calls, but let's start playing some of these clips.
This is Ted Cruz, blast corrupt mainstream media.
He kind of set the tone, and he pointed out he is a leader.
I have to admit, he's done some stuff I don't like, but going after the abortions, going after the open borders, going after the gun grabbers, going after Obamacare, going after not supporting ISIS, that he still supports, going after Assad, that's the problem.
I gotta say, Ted Cruz... I know Rand Paul, so I'll say he's better, but Ted Cruz, despite problems, really has delivered.
Let's go ahead and go to this Ted Cruz clip.
Here it is.
Senator Cruz, Congressional Republicans, Democrats, and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown, and calm financial markets.
The fear of another Washington-created crisis is on the way.
Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem solver American voters want?
You know, let me say something at the outset.
The questions that have been asked so far in this debate
Illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.
That's right, get him back!
This is not a cage match.
And you look at the questions.
Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?
Ben Carson, can you do math?
John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?
Marco Rubio, why don't you resign?
Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?
How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?
Cruz is the best on his feet I've ever seen of any statesman.
He is the best, hands down.
He is the best.
Carl, I'm not finished yet.
The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was, which of you is more handsome and wise?
So, this is the question about the debt limit, which you have 30 seconds left to answer, should you choose to do so.
Look at that arrogant little... Let me be clear.
The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate.
That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.
And nobody watching at home believes that any of the moderators has any intention of voting in a Republican primary.
The questions that are being asked shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other.
It should be, what are your substantive solutions?
I just want the record to reflect.
I asked you about the debt limit and I got no answer.
You didn't ask a real question, punk!
I'm happy to answer your questions, but let me tell you how the question is.
Senator Paul, I've got a question for you on the same subject.
So you don't actually want to hear the answer, John?
You don't want to hear the answer, you just want to listen.
You used your time on something else.
Senator Paul?
You're not interested in an answer, John.
I'm interested in answering you, Senator Paul.
Senator Paul, the budget deal crafted by Speaker- Ah, that's enough of that.
Skip the break, this is so important.
This is how they try to control the narrative.
This is the moment where the wolves of the mainstream media chasing the tiger, chasing the bear, whatever big animal you want to use in the analogy.
The moment it turned and started attacking them and started killing a few of them politically and the others run screaming and yelping in fear.
That's all I've ever told anybody.
Stop bowing to them.
One week after I was on Piers Morgan, he had a million and a half viewers on average when he took over for Larry King, who had ten million a decade before that, but was in decline.
He had two and a half million that night, three million the next night, then it began to decline.
He had a dead cat bounce.
Within a year, he had half a million viewers.
Another six months later, he had 300,000 viewers.
Folks, local radio stations in big markets have that many listeners in the five o'clock hour.
Do you understand what a paper tiger CNN is?
They're only big when they have big debates, big events, when other people tune in.
But on average, no one's watching them.
But they sit there all puffed up on CNBC, MSNBC, CNN.
They're a joke.
Fox News has more viewers than all of them combined.
And they're not that big.
We have like 3, 4, 5 million YouTube views a day.
Top Fox shows have 3 million viewers, but they're all arrogant.
I'm just sick of the arrogance of Megyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly and all these people.
You're such jokes.
There are video gaming platforms on YouTube where they get 15 million views a day, and it's kids sitting there picking their nose.
I mean, stop being so arrogant.
You make me sick.
But I digress.
This is the moment where Cruz just sits up there and lines up all the different fraudulent questions they just asked.
All the different questions that were attacks, that were frauds, that you would be disqualified in debate school for using.
Judges would give you an F minus for that activity.
No substance, no facts.
What type of evil villain would you be?
What do you think about fantasy football?
This is the attempt to dumb it down and to make a joke out of it, but it doesn't work anymore because horror stream media, enemy media, collaborator media, wolf media, preying on us.
You are the joke.
You are hated.
You don't have an audience.
And I, more than anybody else, but also Ted Nugent and all the other people that went on his show, destroyed Piers Morgan.
He thought he could sit there in his... I'm not against foreigners, but I mean, I wouldn't go to England and have a show on BBC telling them to get rid of their staple culture.
A foreigner lecturing through his squeaky nose how we should live in our country.
It's a joke!
And so, everyone, for all intents and purposes, tuned out of him.
And, oh, they all announced how I was defeated for a week, and, you know, how it was this big, oh my gosh, Jones is such a cook.
No, I was real.
I said, you're a foreigner, you're to take our guns, it's part of a takeover of this country, and if you really want a revolution, that's what you're gonna get, you're on record.
We will kick your butt again like 1776, or like Santa Anna in 1836.
Do you understand?
You're not getting our guns.
You got it, punk, and I mean it!
I don't care about your limbing viewers out there.
I want you to know I have a right to be armed, just like you have a right to protection as well.
Now you get out of my way!
And it showed the man behind the curtain.
I wasn't anything special.
I was just Toto.
And I said, you watch, this is the end of Piers Morgan.
Oh, yeah, you got destroyed.
No, I didn't.
And it shows how weak-minded some conservatives were that they thought, oh, this is terrible.
Drudge knew it was a devastating victory.
He said it was.
Others came out and said it was a devastating victory, because that's because they're smart.
They don't follow what the mainstream media says they're intelligible to do.
And why am I talking about myself here?
Because if they get angrier, and if they get in the scum's face, and if you get in the scum's face, and stop letting them dictate to you, like Melissa Harris Perry does, that if you say somebody's a hard worker, you're disparaging black slaves, you need to say, listen, witch!
Quit trying to stir up racism!
How dare you connect words to racism, like you control the language!
What type of cult leader do you want to be, you freak?!
You gonna tell me I gotta drink barbiturates and vodka, and...
Go lay in bunk beds to go join the Hale-Bopp cult?
You little bug-eyed nobody!
We're sick of being dominated by trash like you, you piece of garbage!
Break their control over you!
Break their spell over you!
Break their conditioning.
Pray to God Almighty that the heavens are the seal of God's creation.
The sun, the moon, the stars all bear God's seal.
And realize these people aren't God.
God is God!
These people aren't our gods!
Melissa Harris Perry isn't some God who tells me what to do.
You have no audience, witch!
All you've got is your cult programmers and educators and the colleges and public schools that will vomit back whatever you say because they are already dead, mentally.
You totalitarian!
I am the liberal!
I am the pro-human!
I am the pro-freedom!
Not you!
My audience carries the light of the republic!
Not you!
You carry nightmare Soviet-style brainwashing!
You are a clear and present danger to this country with the rest of your company of enemies!
You are the filth of the planet!
And I'm not stupid.
I know full well you're capable of self-inflicted political wounds, and then roll back clips of what I have to say here.
The difference is, when you people pull off your garbage, everybody knows who the prime suspects are.
It certainly isn't us.
I will annihilate you with information.
I will destroy you with your own words.
I don't need violence.
I don't want any harm upon you.
I want you to live a long, failed life.
Watching humanity succeed and our children become strong.
And living together in true human advancement.
That's what I want to see.
And that's what you don't want to see as a social engineer, eugenicist, garbage pusher.
Let's go to debate, audience, booze, CNBC moderators, question to Ben Carson.
Let's play this little luscious giblet.
There's a company called Manatech, a maker of nutritional supplements, with which you had a 10-year relationship.
They offered claims that they could cure autism, cancer.
They paid $7 million to settle a deceptive marketing lawsuit in Texas, and yet your involvement continued.
Well, that's easy to answer.
I didn't have an involvement with them.
That is total propaganda.
And this is what happens in our society.
Total propaganda.
I did a couple of speeches for them.
I did speeches for other people.
They were paid speeches.
It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of a relationship with them.
Do I take the product?
I think it's a good product.
To be fair, you were on the homepage of their website with the logo over your shoulder.
If somebody put me on their homepage, they did it without my permission.
I dare him to be involved with supplements.
Does that not speak to your vetting process or judgment in any way?
No, it speaks to the fact that I don't know those.
Yeah, people are sick of it.
See, they know.
People ought to go buy a product when the FTC goes after it, or the FDA.
I've seen the news reports.
I've talked to the company owners.
When they come after you, sales explode.
People know, trash!
They know who you are.
They know you hate them.
They know you got bad will.
We hate you.
We see you, Phil.
We know you're killing babies.
We know you're aborting them.
We know you're selling their body parts.
We know, we know, we know you don't like us.
Well, we don't like you either!
Got that?
You wanna fight, you little bastards?
You're gonna get one!
The Sleeping Giant is rising!
Break the chain!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
FBI Director James Comey believes citizens recording police with cell phones and viral videos of police misconduct posted to the web are to blame for an increase in violent crime.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, over your mind.
Paul Watson was on about a month ago.
I'm going to finish up with some of these clips and go to your calls.
And I said, why do you think they're trying to bring in radical Islamics, trying to make school kids go clean their houses, giving old people government housing to them, letting women get raped, not responding when they get raped, and that's all confirmed now.
And he said, I think left, the whole leftist thing is about cuckolding.
And as a guy that's 41 years old, I haven't done a lot of research into weird sexual stuff, but I've run across that in literature.
And I don't, if you have a family audience here, this is scientific, but if you have children, you might want to tell them not to listen right now.
It's not too racy compared to most shows, but I just, you know, want to protect children's innocence because that's what they're doing is going after it in this next report.
And cuckolding is basically where you have somebody else have sex with your wife in front of you.
And then they basically, you know, the wife pushes you away, and then you're humiliated.
And some men, I guess, like this.
This is not a threesome, this is not a foursome type deal.
This is about domination and sex.
And of course, Gore Vidal famously said, all sex is about domination and power.
That shows where he had a mental problem.
I mean, zero sex with me is about power.
It's about procreation.
It's about love.
And yeah, it's God's gift.
It's about pleasure.
And it's about fantasy.
It's about, I mean, just to hear how alien that is, that it's about power and domination.
100% of sex.
And I saw him in a film from the 70s saying it's about domination.
And then he made some film where a tranny, the equivalent of the modern Caitlyn Jenner, is raping men.
And Nickelodeon, I remember a decade ago, came out and announced in a board meeting, because it became a stockholder issue, that's Viacom, Sumner Redstone, and said, we are going to sexualize the preteens now.
And man, I don't let my kids watch mainstream television, but when I go on vacation is when I don't know what's on TV, room service is coming, I'm in the shower, they're in a little room, you gotta let them watch TV.
And man, I will walk in there and it is just the wildest stuff.
And again, I'm not quote against gay people, but you don't push any sex stuff on TV that's supposedly for like eight, nine year olds.
Look at Paul Watson's latest article on Infowars.com.
Nickelodeon pushing interracial cuckold fetish onto children.
Kid's show created by writer of porn film, The Cuckold, features disturbing themes.
And this is interracial where the black guys have sex with the white guy's wife.
Okay, whatever.
The point is, this is the show with, and this is who's involved with these subtle messages to kids now.
And I mean, it's just incredible.
But see, that's the ultimate perversion is to mess with kids.
And that's what's going on.
That story and all the details that I can't get into on air.
Bestiality, I mean, it's just a bunch of weird stuff in there.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is the type of stuff that goes on.
I want to finish up with a few of these clips and then go to Ben, David, Paul, Steven, Ben and others.
I don't usually have two Bens at one time.
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Now getting back to the historic debate with the Republicans.
I'm not lionizing, sanctifying, I'm not romanticizing the Republicans.
I'm not saying they're angel cakes.
I'm not saying I'm on their team.
I don't trust them as far as I could throw.
Or Chris Christie.
I like Huckabee better than Chris Christie, obviously.
I'm just saying they're both more portly.
That's why I use those two.
They didn't back down.
They got aggressive.
They were real.
It was sensational.
And they got on the offense with the Decepticon media and it blew up in their face.
We've been playing clubs with the one moderator that I think was the worst.
The woman and the other older guy, though.
And I do carry, on occasion, sometimes a lot, but I like to be unpredictable so that people don't know exactly what's going on.
By the way, unlike our country where we're totally predictable and the enemy, whether it's ISIS or anybody else, they know exactly what we're doing because we have the wrong leadership.
But I feel that the gun-free zones and, you know, when you say that, that's target practice for the sickos and for the mentally ill.
That's target.
They look around for gun-free zones.
We could give you another example.
The Marines, the Army, these wonderful six soldiers that were killed, two of them were among the most highly decorated.
They weren't allowed on a military base to have guns.
And somebody walked in and shot them, killed them.
If they had guns, he wouldn't be around very long, I can tell you.
There wouldn't have been much damage.
So, I think gun-free zones are a catastrophe.
They're a feeding frenzy for sick people.
And people say, well, for decades they haven't allowed people to have guns on military bases, so it's okay.
That's like saying we've had slavery for 200 years, so it's okay.
Or we've had checkpoints without warrants for 20 years, so it's okay.
Just because you say you've been doing it a while.
No, it's not.
There shouldn't be guns openly at boot camp because people don't know how to use them yet.
It should be in restricted areas, on the range, or with proper trainers.
I've studied it.
I haven't been in the military, but I've studied it.
I've talked to a lot of military people.
I get not having a bunch of recruits who might flip out.
They're being tested.
There's going to be some mentally ill people.
That's why you're putting them under pressure to find out what they'll do under pressure.
That's why they do that at boot camp.
Quite frankly, boot camp isn't probably strong enough now like it used to be because of political correctness.
The Russians kill people in boot camp.
That's what used to happen in our boot camps, and that's because you're there to learn what war is going to be like.
And if you volunteer for it, certainly you should know what you're getting into.
But this is the political correctness where secretaries of defense will have the military disarmed when they come to a base.
Not just on the tarmac, they will have the guns taken and put away at a base that's under attack.
Except for the sentries, because they're afraid of being killed.
That shows who runs our government.
Saddam Hussein could walk around in crowds of 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 people with loaded AK-47s, shooting them in the air, and he wasn't afraid.
Because those were people loyal to him.
Our own military can't have guns.
Our pilots, they've tried to stop from having guns.
You trust them with a giant aircraft, of course at recruiting centers they should have guns.
They're sitting ducks.
People say, well, thought you didn't want military on the streets.
I don't want military policing me with guns.
That's not their jurisdiction.
But yes, military personnel in uniform at bases or at their facilities should be armed.
Bare minimum, designated security officers should be armed.
It's ridiculous!
And it makes me want to throw up!
And it's the same thing that I shouldn't be able to be armed.
That self-propelled Jabba the Hutt, Michael Moore can have six bodyguards, all armed.
On record, he wants my guns taken, and he says it's racist that I own guns.
He says I own guns because I'm a racist white person who lives in the countryside.
That's a quote.
When he lives in the country in Michigan and has bodyguards.
And now they have a bill, Democrats introduced a bill, Forbes, in Congress to tax gun sales requires stolen guns be reported.
That way your gun gets lost in a fire, you forget to report it, they got a felony on you, that's what that really does.
New bill would force Americans to pay $100 tax on every gun.
The Democrats always claim too that only rich people can have guns, they invert reality.
You can buy a great revolver for $200 to protect yourself.
You can buy a great-use shotgun for $100, a 12-gauge or whatever, to protect yourself.
That's pure bull.
It's poor people to protect themselves.
But isn't this like the county clerks of old in the South with Jim Crow laws, saying blacks had to go pay a poll tax that they couldn't afford of $2?
Let me tell you, back in the, you know, 1930s, $2 is like $100.
$2 to vote, $4 to vote.
Later, by the 40s and 50s, they were talking $50 to vote.
That's crazy.
It also hurt poor whites, sharecroppers.
And that's what this is, is a tax to stop poor people from being able to arm themselves.
Truly evil.
Truly sickening as they come for our guns.
Okay, you know what?
I'm not going to play any more clips right now.
I've got a lot of other important clips I want to get to.
Audit the Fed, Rubio, on Super PACs and more.
But before we do that, let's go to your calls you've been holding.
I appreciate Ben in Florida calling in.
What did you think of last night's debate?
I mean, did it not blow up in the bully media's face?
Alex, it was an absolute embarrassment.
I couldn't believe
The arrogance, the smug, condescending look on the faces of those moderators, those flamingly liberal moderators.
Alex, it was an absolute disgrace, not only for just CNBC, I thought for all of mainstream media.
Let me ask you this question, Alex.
Why is it
I'm a 21-year-old college student, by the way, completely awake.
Thank you so much for helping me get to that point.
Alex, why is it that we can turn on the CNN fascist debate and it's a giant lovefest, but last night you watched the CNBC garbage, the CNBC trash, and it's a bunch of liberals sitting there trying to attack the candidate saying Ben Carson doesn't know math, calling Donald Trump a comic book candidate.
This was obviously Democratic Party propaganda.
What do you think about that?
That's it, and it shows how arrogant they are that they wouldn't hide it, and they would sit there with such disdain and such fake confidence, and it blew up in their face.
But listen, the reason they know they're winning is they're losing the general public, but they've got our kids.
They've got them in there, force-inoculating them, bullying them, screwing them up, dumbing them down, telling them the word T-O-O is sexist.
I mean, they are frying their brains right now and teaching them how to be mentally ill basket cases, who have panic attacks.
I mean, even Atlantic Monthly admits that.
I've been pointing it out forever, but I said panic attacks, mental illness.
They are imposing mental illness on our children.
So remember, while we think they're jokes, they've got our kids, and they are licking their lips with enjoyment.
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
It's a war on language.
It's a war on culture.
I can't walk around my college campus saying that I support the Second Amendment, saying that I support the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Alex, we have open voices.
Oh, yeah.
Colleges all over have banned handing out the Constitution or even talking about it.
It's very evil, yes.
This is a literal attack on liberty, and they're asking Jeb Bush about
Fantasy football?
Are you kidding?
Those are all Pavlovianly psychologically written.
Knowing the general moron public would then like him if he talked about fantasy football.
They gave him the softball because he's meant to run against Hillary for whoever they've decided.
Absolutely great points, Ben.
I mean, Jeb Bush looked like a plastic mannequin.
I mean, you talk about fake.
Steven, in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, uh, no.
I mean, again, I'm actually pissed off.
If you're a listener and you didn't watch it, just watch the first 10 minutes.
Because, I mean, you want to talk about softballs being thrown at the gym.
Look at the first question.
Look who they're attacking.
First person they attack, it's who?
And a wise man once said, you're over the target when you start getting all the flack.
And who's getting the most flack?
I mean, look, I'm not going to go off on a... What is this?
Listen to the, because I'm sure you're going to start playing clips, and when you do play them, play the part where the freaking moderators laugh, those hyenas start laughing after the crowd boos them, because the crowd boos some of the questions, because people know, like, you know, this is a stupid question.
Sure, when they got booed, then the moderators would laugh at them,
Exactly, exactly.
It's so plain and simple.
I mean, like, when I hear that laugh, I think of
I don't
They know I'm asking a stupid question.
Like, oh, I'm just kidding.
Almost kind of laugh.
I mean, look, look, look, when you look at these people, they should just know mainstream media should know politicians are hated and reviled and not trusted universally.
You are even lower, many levels lower down the cesspit sewage line system.
You are the slimy little little
I don't know.
Night before Christmas allegory of the chains of the sins that the two old dead bankers carry, and then they're warning Ebeneezer Scrooge, your chains now are double the size of ours.
I mean, and again, I seem aggressive and hateful because these are bullies, and we've got to get in a stance of war with these people.
We've got to stop playing games.
You wouldn't go swimming with sharks without a cage, would you?
Has anyone seen Larry?
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Let me follow up on this for just a moment.
You had talked a little bit about Marco Rubio.
I think you called him Mark Zuckerberg's personal senator because he was in favor of the H1N1.
I never said that.
I never said that.
So this was an erroneous article?
He's got another gentleman in Florida who happens to be a very nice guy.
My apologies, I'm sorry.
I bet he's really doing some bad facts.
As I've been mentioned, can I respond?
Yes, yes you may.
You know, the Democrats have the ultimate super PAC.
It's called the Mainstream Media.
Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee.
She admitted she had sent emails to her family saying, hey, this attack in Benghazi was caused by Al-Qaeda-like elements.
She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video.
And yet the mainstream media is going around saying it was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton's campaign.
It was the week she got exposed as a liar.
It was the week that she got exposed as a liar.
But she has her super PAC helping her out, the American mainstream.
That's right.
And again, Rubio is great on his rhetoric, but he's bad on his votes.
I mean, he's like Paul Ryan, who's now the new speaker.
And again, we fought to get rid of Boehner.
People were like, oh no, somebody just as bad got in.
But the fact is, we're removing people and the fight's on, and he'll get removed now a lot quicker if he doesn't try to restore this republic.
I want to go back to your phone calls now.
Paul, in New Mexico, you're on the air.
This really blew up the mainstream media's face, in my view.
What do you say?
Oh, definitely, yeah.
I just want to say, like, it's amazing, Alex.
I mean, the candidates are, like, smarter than the moderators, script readers, you know?
I mean, like the Carson clip you played and the Trump clip you played.
I mean, it's like, the candidates... Well, also, the female, I forget her name, reporter, she acts like a hateful
Cross between, I don't know, a witch and a praying mantis or something.
Yeah, Becky Quick.
Becky Quick, yeah.
Carl Quintanilla, if I pronounce it right, and John Harwood.
How do you pronounce it?
I can't pronounce anything.
Anyways, it's just completely out of control.
What else did you take away from the debate?
Well, just basically that they want to pick fights.
They want to set up questions, pick fights.
What I really noticed, one thing they had one question with, I don't remember if it was Kasich or another one of the insiders,
They tried to frame up and make the insider go after Trump, or the outsider.
I think they were trying to pick a fight between the insider candidates and the outsider candidates on the stage.
There was one question there towards the end.
Sure, absolutely.
I also noticed they gave Carson, and maybe we can Google the numbers, news reporters always break it down, but didn't it seem like Carson got almost no time?
Oh, yeah, definitely.
Yeah, they want to push the establishment candidates, you know, insiders.
Good to hear from you, brother.
God bless.
In fact, guys, just search, debate, talk time, Republican talk time numbers, CNBC, and it should come up.
Because they always break down.
I forgot to find one of the stories this morning of how long each person got, because it'd be interesting to see who got the most time.
Probably Donald Trump because they know he's the biggest draw, but after that, Jeb Bush.
But I'm just going off watching and I wasn't keeping score.
So there it is.
Rubio was second.
Florina was number one.
Kasich was nine minutes.
Trump was nine minutes.
Christie was eight minutes.
I could be seven minutes.
I'm rounding here.
Cruz was seven minutes.
And then it just goes down from there.
Actually, Bush was 6.
Paul was 6.
Bobby Jindal, 10.
Yeah, but is that this debate?
It doesn't matter.
We're live without teleprompters, so that is this debate.
There's just so many Republican candidates, too.
We'll be back, third hour, straight ahead.
More of your calls when we come back in 70 seconds.
David, Cherry, Scott, and others.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got Restore in Colorado listening on 1360 AM.
We're going to be going to him in the next segment.
And a bunch of other folks like Phil, Scott, and everybody else.
Eric, let's go to David right now.
Talking about the debates.
Just another sign that mainstream media bullying, deception, twisted questions, really WWE level annex, implodes in the face of the candidates pointing it out instead of groveling to it.
And the media, the public, everybody's turned against these moderators in the sickening display they were engaged in.
But bigger than that is the fact that the candidates were competing with each other for who could sound the most constitutional, the most libertarian, really.
Which shows we're winning the hearts and minds and the polls and numbers also show that.
David in California, do you concur with that view or do you disagree?
And what'd you take away from the Republican debates last night?
Well, howdy, Alex.
It's been a long time, no talk.
And did I hear you got your dad sitting in there with you?
He's not sitting in there today, but I was talking about a few weeks ago, you know, just working on compliance and making sure we're totally squeaky clean around here.
My dad pointed out that the mainstream media is, and the system is basically the enemy media, that that's a proper term to use for them.
Well, you know, I was going to give a tip of the hat to him, but when I was going to discuss both the debate and the media at the same time, you're probably aware that since 9-11, the budget in America has become more and more top secret.
And then under the Patriot Act, it's now against the law for both the President and Congress and judges and everybody else to let us know how our money is being spent.
Even, you know, whistleblowers are being put in prison trying to tell, you know... Sure, and that's how we got the Joint Strike Fighter and all the rest of these scams, is they're making it national security to cover up their criminal activity.
So when you get into the media, who can't even tell us,
Uh, you know, that's why we have to sometimes grasp at straws to try to get the point across.
You know, the slaves had to write some kind of a song, maybe a gospel song, you know, to talk about the evil kings that were making it illegal to live.
And so I was actually going to recommend, I've called you before, and I think I may have recommended this book.
Back in the 1950s, there was a book put out by a guy named Daniel Mannix, Mannix just like the old TV show, and it was called For Those About to Die.
It was about the lives of the gladiators back in ancient Rome.
Sure, For Those About to Die, we salute you.
Exactly, yeah.
And so with this book, it mentions that there were periods of time when the corruption got so heavy that the politicians couldn't dare run themselves, so they would run a gladiator for political office.
And that guy had no training, and he might have lasted about six weeks, and then he'd be so humiliated that the people would beg to have the old corrupt leaders come back.
So, I'm kind of looking at the situation today.
Personally, I like Ralph Nader.
You know, he's a guy that has been looking for honest people for 50 years.
And can't you imagine the appointments that a guy like that could make?
We could get our country back very quickly if we had some honest people in the right positions of power.
And, you know, I'm looking for slow and steady.
And when I see a debate like that last night, it was a whole bunch of people who were very divisive.
They would probably pit Alabama against Wyoming and get them both to lose just so they could suck all the money back to D.C.
So, you know, I'm looking for slow and steady.
Who's going to be the property manager for America?
And I'm not looking for the guy that's trying to be the central dictator or the... No, I hear you.
We don't want a guy on a white horse, but we do want somebody who'll fight the globalists to restore that republic.
So I think it's a balance of the two, but you make some really great points.
God bless you, David.
We're going to come back, jam in some more calls.
Good to hear from you.
Then, we're going to go to Wayne Madsen.
Who do you prefer?
Barack Obama or George W. Bush?
Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, these guys are corporate spokesmen.
They're not leaders.
I mean, they both started illegal wars.
Hell, they both tortured people.
They bailed out criminal corporations and they spied on you.
They both violated the Constitution and they even committed war crimes.
So what's it gonna take?
I mean, what will it take to finally wake you up?
Think about it.
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You could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
What do you mean, biblical?
What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor.
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Mass hysteria!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We have $19 trillion in debt, we have people out of work, we have ISIS and Al-Qaeda attacking us, and we're talking about fantasy football?
Can we stop?
Can we stop?
No, how about this?
How about we get the government to do what they're supposed to be doing?
Secure our borders, protect our people, and support American values and American families.
You know, I don't like Chris Christie because he's open border, anti-gun, but his rhetoric's really good, and the fact that they threw Jeb Bush the softball questions they did, about fantasy football and things, and then savaged the other members of the debate, shows you that he's the establishment candidate.
And then they have these love-fests for the Democrats.
With other debates.
It's truly sickening.
Wayne Madsen joins us here in about five minutes.
Investigative journalist with huge news.
He traveled with some of our crew to Arizona.
To investigate the aircraft graveyard that is so secretive out there.
And the new article is on Infowars.com, 9-11 CIA likely built remote-controlled commercial jets in aircraft boneyard.
I want to talk about 9-11 with him, why it's so important.
And as best he can tell, as one of the top 9-11 researchers out there, along with myself and others,
What exactly happened on 9-11 and also some of the deaths, some of the murders associated in and around investigating this particular facility.
Not to mention Barry Jennings, the Deputy Head of Emergency Management in New York and more.
I'll recap all of that and then part of this interview you're about to hear live is going to be interspersed
into the investigative report on the ground they shot in the last week.
So, Wayne Madsen coming up, an investigative journalist with Infowars.com.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's go ahead and go to, who is up?
Who is up first here?
Let's talk to Scott in Idaho.
You're on the air, welcome.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, welcome.
I'm formally Scott from Illinois.
I've called you a lot.
I've called you when I was going to court eight times for driving without a license and put them in their place and didn't have any problem.
But I'd like to let these commentators and stuff.
All these are is legal commentators and
You're right, they put a lot of prosecutors in because they know they can twist info and sit there and persecute whoever they're interviewing to make them look guilty.
Well, that's what I was going to say.
What you're seeing here is the prosecution of constitutionalists and Christians publicly in the media.
And the Bible says in the end times, your men will be like women.
And I'm here to say, American men, Christian men, now is your time to stand up and protect your families.
And to stand up and be counted.
Why are you sitting there with your hands on your butt, under your butt, and doing nothing?
I mean, we're being lied to here on a huge scale, and all these so-called Christian men are sitting here waiting for a cloud to rapture them away instead of standing up and being men.
Well said, my friend.
I really appreciate you calling into the broadcast.
I'm going to go to Eric, Damien, John.
Phil and others later in the hour.
Now, if you'd like to hold, if you don't want to hold, you're welcome to hang up and call back later.
But we're going to have Wayne Madsen with us for the balance of the hour.
We're going to be discussing with Wayne Madsen his background, not just with the NSA, but his expertise in naval warfare.
Particularly in tracking Russian and Chinese subs.
That was his job as a naval officer before he worked in high-level security inside the National Security Agency.
So he was actually one of the head directors of groups that did internal
I don't know.
As we've been telling you, you see his articles almost daily, five, six days a week at Infowars.com, and he's going to be on little secret missions.
A lot of times you'll hear about where he's gone after he's been there.
Outside the U.S., inside the U.S.
He's going to be covering the RNC, the DNC, so we're getting that lined up to get him his credentials.
This year, I will also, of course, be traveling to those and covering them as well, as well as some of our other reporters.
So, Wayne Mattson now here, part of the Infowars operation.
The first story he wanted to go on the ground with was one he's already gone out a few years ago and investigated.
The very mysterious death of a CIA contractor pilot, who has admittedly worked with the CIA, who was writing a book about 9-11 being an inside job, and then he supposedly killed himself after he killed his family.
He went and talked to neighbors and more, and they said it was very suspicious.
He's going to recap all that, but his investigation of the person that was executed tied to the famous aircraft, both public and private, governmental and private aviation base that also runs some strange
clandestine connected airlines out of it today.
So Wayne went back out there with one of our camera people and investigated I guess for four days.
So now they've returned.
Next week we'll have the full report from on the ground but obviously this stuff's so dangerous we want to go ahead and get the intel out now for that report next week.
Wayne Madsen joining us via Skype.
I think it's important you recap
From your research, what you believe happened on 9-11, we know obviously the official story isn't true.
We're not saying the whole government was involved.
It was multinationals and operatives, obviously, inside.
The stewardesses reported on air phones and real calls.
Gas, smoke, they couldn't breathe.
Clearly, these planes were fitted with remote control systems.
We know that.
So there's a lot of pieces here, and then I want to get into the background on this and your findings.
These are pretty bombshell.
This is part one of several articles you're going to be writing up on InfoWars.com.
9-11 CIA likely built remote-controlled commercial jets in aircraft boneyard.
This would explain how 9-11 hijackers were able to fly commercial jets with little experience.
That report is up on InfoWars.com.
Wayne Madsen.
Yes, Alex.
Well, first of all, I want to thank you for providing the logistics support to kind of track down what Phil Marshall was after.
In 2012, Phil Marshall, the late Eastern and United pilot who had 15,000 hours in the cockpits flying for United, specifically the Boeing 757 and 767, the two aircraft allegedly, we're told, were involved in the 9-11 attack.
Phil Marshall had been to
The Pinal Airpark, which is right between Phoenix and Tucson, but closer actually to Tucson, is the old Boneyard.
It's been around for decades, probably I would say six decades or so.
It was an Army Airfield training base in World War II, and then it was leased back by the
I think?
It used to fly, for one, Barry Seal, the BEA informant that was assassinated gangland execution style in Baton Rouge in 1986.
These old colleagues kept them up and said, Phil, you know, we know you're writing yet a third book on 9-11.
You know, your answers are down here at the Pinal Air Park.
So he went down there.
The situation at the time was that airfield was still controlled by Evergreen.
There was still guards at the main gate, armed guards at the main gate.
But earlier this year, the final sale of the airfield was made from Evergreen to a company called Marana Aerospace Solutions.
And Marana Aerospace Solutions is actually owned by another company called Relativity LLC on North Fort Myer Drive in Roslyn in Arlington, Virginia.
Now, we have one individual who is a principal of Relativity, which is really the owner of Marana Aerospace Solutions, one Leslie Armitage, who also happens to be a co-founder of the Carlyle Group Europe.
Okay, so we have the Bush family involved with the Carlyle Group.
The Bin Laden family were investors in the Carlyle Group.
Frank Carlucci, the former CIA guy, is the Chairman Emeritus of the Carlyle Group.
And so it was really incumbent to get down to this facility
Since for about, I'd say nine months, the security has been dropped at the main gate, which allowed us, myself and the InfoWars cameraman, to proceed onto the base.
And we were actually also able to get a tour in the restricted area by one of the county officials responsible for this facility, which was kind of, we really lucked out on that one because
This is unprecedented.
For those that don't know, this has been very restricted for a long time.
So he used this open window to get in.
And of course, the investigative journalist that died had been connected into the government as well.
We'll talk about some of his past and why they were so scared of him.
Folks, this is very dangerous, and of course Wayne won't say that himself, but I'm going to get him to talk about it.
This is not a safe report for us to be engaged in, and I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that this is not a game.
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Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist with Infowars.com, joins us.
He has just returned from spending four days out in Arizona at the famous, highly secretive
Boneyard, that is admittedly run by the CIA, now it's been handed over to the Carlisle Group, who is at the very top of the pyramid when it comes to the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us of.
And the connections of the Carlisle Group to 9-11 are staggering.
They were even in the London Guardian and Associated Press, that the Bushes were at the main table, former President Bush, with the head of the Bin Laden family, when 9-11 happened.
In Lanley, Virginia.
Now, Carlisle Group subcompany runs the boneyard that the investigative journalist was investigating when he was killed.
So, Wayne, this is a six-minute segment, long segment coming up.
Then we'll shift gears with your naval background into the Russian sub supposedly on the East Coast cable.
Underwater cable, the situation with the Spratly Islands, the Chinese.
I mean, with your NSA and naval background in naval warfare and anti-submarine warfare activity, you're perfect to be able to speak to this.
But let's continue now getting back into why this is such a big deal, what your findings are, the report coming up next week.
But to have the Carlisle Group in the middle of this and using a front company, this just sends up more alarm bells.
Well, right.
And Phil Marshall, the late Phil Marshall, who, according to the Calaveras County, California Sheriff, is said to have on sometime around the evening of January 31st, 2013, he said to have taken his Glock, killed his teenage son, his teenage daughter, the family dog, and then turned the weapon on himself.
He was writing a third book about 9-11, and he apparently was tipped off about something having to do with Pinal Airpark.
Now this came to me by a relative of his at his funeral, which I attended in Mandeville, Louisiana, and also from an FBI agent.
You know, you can't go wrong with those kinds of tips.
The issue was that up until early this year, as I said, you couldn't even get anywhere near this facility.
You could see it from the fence line, but that's as far as you would be able to go.
You couldn't get through the gate, so we were able to do that.
Now, Phil Marshall, the hard disk that
I don't
In Pinal this past week, because it's very, very clear that Pinal not only takes planes in for storage, it takes planes in for quick maintenance, it takes planes in to have their parts cannibalized, and then they're sent to scrap.
They take planes and put them in storage, then they're put back in maintenance and returned to full service yet.
Another feature of this particular facility is that they can fabricate parts for airplanes there.
Brand new parts.
And I ask the question, as everybody may be aware of what a drop gun is, you take different parts from a gun, you put a new gun together and it's untraceable.
Well, no pun intended, but the same thing can be done with aircraft at Pinal Airpark.
So we could maybe call them drop planes.
Operation Northwoods, Kennedy said no to the plan, Eisenhower said no to the plan right before he left office as well.
That's why he gave the famous speech, warning of a military takeover with corporate interest.
That they would create fake aircraft built basically out of parts, put a tail number on it, launch CIA people under fake names to have that plane land safely, or blow that plane up and then have the other plane go to another location to make it look like the Soviets had actually blown up a plane on behalf of the Cubans.
They were also going to bomb sports stadiums, malls,
shoot up military bases to blame the Soviets and basically start World War III.
That's even ABC News.
So we're going to break.
But when you talk about a dropped plane, we know that they had aircrafts, another Flight 93 that landed at an airbase, at a NASA base.
We know a whole bunch of weirdness went on.
And the official story of 9-11 is fake.
And we know there was all sorts of weird stuff on the bottoms of two of the planes.
They didn't fit as passenger liners.
So we're trying to cobble together exactly what happened and it ties back to the CIA run base.
We just sent reporters there.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Wayne Madsen is our guest and we're just doing a data dump here live on air before the special report comes out last week because it's dangerous to sit on information like we're sitting on.
I have interviewed two guests that Wayne Madsen helped me get on that ended up dying.
One of them, of course, the D.C.
And I mean months after she was on.
I have interviewed people involved in 9-11 like Barry Jennings, and he's dead two weeks after he's on, Deputy Head of Emergency Management, detailing bombs in Building 7.
I'm not trying to get killed.
I've got a duty to fight these people.
Our country's been hijacked by criminals.
Our government, as you know, on the one-year anniversary of Obama saying there's a red line in Syria if Assad uses chemical weapons, we will invade you.
On the one-year anniversary of that, when they had the U.S.
forces ready to invade and the air bombardment, Al-Qaeda launched two different chemical attacks.
It later even came out at the U.N.
And mainstream news that indeed Al-Qaeda launched the attacks.
Because Al-Qaeda isn't completely controlled by the West.
It's a wind-up toy.
And they shot videos to be rock stars.
That's what they do.
College, you know, people want to get touchdowns to get girls.
Al-Qaeda chops Christians' heads off, rapes women and blows up churches and launches chemical attacks.
And of course it came out it was Saudi Arabian nerve gas.
It was identified.
Now they flooded Europe with all these jihadis.
We don't know exactly what happened on 9-11, but we know...
That it's not the official story we've been told and we've seen.
So, Wayne, I want you to get into what you, from your research, really believe happened on 9-11, but also, as you said, the data dump on this, but I interrupted you with the break coming up when you were making the point that this is a drop plane.
Well, we know in Operation Northwoods, they talk about having two aircraft, one that they fly up, they blow up, the other that they actually take off with CIA personnel on board with
John Doe, Jane Doe names to have those people's names in the news.
The FBI, to its credit, as you know, came out two years from 9-11 and said, we went and looked at these so-called calls.
None of them were real.
The Solicitor General's wife did not call him, as he said on CNN.
The only two calls were air phone calls.
Back in the day when you had the paid air phones and the stewardesses did make calls saying we can't breathe, there's gas, there's smoke.
Two different planes, we have the audio of that, we have NORAD with the drills, we have a stand down.
I mean the problem with 9-11 is when I start talking about it, I can talk for 10 hours.
There's so much evidence that the official story's not true.
As best you can tell,
As a deep researcher guy that's written books on this, what happened on 9-11?
The 28 pages have come out now.
If our government would launch chemical attacks with Al Qaeda to frame somebody that killed thousands, they would do this.
What happened on 9-11 and then how does it tie to this airfield?
And you did a whole investigation on, clearly this guy was executed, who was about to expose what went on there.
What do you think he discovered?
Because I want to get it all out there so they don't come, obviously, kill you.
Well, I believe that Phil Marshall discovered that he just couldn't, with all his experience flying 757s and 767s, he could not believe that some trainees with rudimentary training in simulators and whatnot could have pulled this off.
Even he said,
Actual pilot, experienced pilots would not have been able to fly those planes like that.
Which I think what that leaves us with and his interest in the Pinal Airpark was that these planes that were sent into the buildings on 9-11 may and must have had remote control.
Uh, technology introduced, possibly at Penal, although we don't know that.
But what we do know is that Evergreen, the CIA contractor that had that facility at the time of 9-11, specialized, specializes in remote control.
They're involved in a lot of things from selling Christmas trees and running vineyards to performing weather modification with a fleet of aircraft.
So they're a diversified country.
But back on 9-11, one of the things I got from the people there at Pinal, they've got about 100 planes there now in various states of repair.
Some are going to go back to service.
Some will go to scrap.
Others will be stored there.
But in the months before and right after 9-11, Panel never had as many planes on that airfield as they did then.
They had in the neighborhood of over 200 aircraft as exposed, as compared to about 100 today.
So we do know that not only could they fabricate parts, they could repaint aircraft out there.
You might get a Turkmenistan Airlines in there one day.
It gets maintained, gets brought up, and then it goes back out as Suriname Airways.
That's one of the functions of this space.
It's been around for decades.
As I said, it used to be the home port of Air America, Southern Air Transport, Air Asia, Civil Air Transport.
You name the CIA proprietary Intermountain Aviation.
Intermountain is
Who Phil Marshall flew for back in the 80s when he flew Barry Seal in and out of MENA down to Central America.
So he was familiar with the companies that have been down there.
But I think we have to look at remote control airplanes as now a distinct possibility to explain why they killed Marshall.
He was sitting on this information, but as I say, it disappeared with his hard drive after he was killed along with his family.
For you, what are the biggest smoking guns of 9-11?
I mean, there are so many, Wayne.
Well, I believe it was our version of the Reichstag fire in Germany.
Of course, Hitler used that as an excuse to tear up the German Constitution, the Weimar Republic Constitution, with his Enabling Act.
9-11 facilitated the Patriot Act and all of its various offspring.
And I remember that the neocon phrase back then, the new normal.
I thought that was a terrible phrase.
I called it the imposition of fascism in the United States.
And I think that's what 9-11 was intended to do.
Change this country for all intents and purposes from a constitutional republic into a corporate oligarchical dictatorship.
And again, every time I start talking about 9-11, I made four films on the subject, wrote a book on the subject, have interviewed probably more people than anybody else on the subject.
I'm not bragging, but I am the first guy to officially say it was coming two months before it happened.
I said they're going to blow up the World Trade Centers, blame it on their asset, bin Laden, it's all on record.
I've interviewed the firefighters that were told there were bombs in the buildings, the police officers.
It's just sickening how much evidence there is.
But six of the ten commissioners have said there was a cover-up that was used to take our freedoms and should be investigated as a conspiracy, including the chairman of the committee, Senator Bob Graham, as you know.
And then, Wayne, if you expand on that, the biggest thing is the
Document from April of the year before, Rebuilding America's Defenses, PNAC, Project for the American Century, with the main author Dick Cheney and Jeb Bush, along with Wolfowitz and two others, writing this 40-page document, 41-page document, where it says we need a catalyzing new Pearl Harbor event
To create this global government run by America and to get rid of the liberties.
And then they have the Hart-Rudman Commission at the CFR three days after say we need to use this disaster to bring in a new world order.
So, they think we're so stupid they admitted so much of it.
And then you want to think, well, they just let the people attack them.
But then you find out 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia is in the 28 pages, quarterbacking.
Then they order a stand down.
And it's clear they were just patsies and drills, as the head of the Defense Language School, Stephen Butler, Colonel Butler said.
And they put them on board the planes.
I think the evidence is pretty conclusive.
Gassed everyone.
We don't know if it was nerve gas or just sleeping gas.
Probably nerve gas.
And then flew these planes into the buildings.
Uh, with remote control.
I mean, it's really pretty simple.
And then you had all the convenient passports, two of them being found that day, out of the rubble, impossible.
Uh, the bag of atta gets caught in the machine with all the admissions.
The car gets found with all of it.
I mean, this is so phony.
John O'Neill, the deputy head of the FBI, gives a speech a month before, says the government's gonna let bin Laden attack to take our liberties in England.
He comes back, he quits.
Then they hire him as the head of security at the World Trade Center.
His first day at work is 9-11 and he dies in the attack.
And it goes on for hours, Wayne.
For hours.
And then Building 7.
They blow it up, they say it's fallen, it hasn't fallen, then it falls in its own footprint, then BBC says they didn't say that, then they say, okay, we did say that, Reuters told us, then we find CNN says the same thing.
I mean, they jump the gun.
Like saying Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy an hour before his name was released, it was already in the foreign newspapers because they got the time zones wrong.
I mean, it's just ridiculous, Wayne, how over the top it is.
And the other thing is, remember, there's been a lot of discrepancies about some people saying there was a Boeing 737 engine found in New York.
Well, if these drop planes were constructed at Pinal and used in 9-11, that would certainly explain the various other parts that obviously were not from a 757 or 767 being found in various crash
And also, if you file off the serial numbers as you do, as is done with drop guns, you really can't trace these airplanes back to any point of origin.
So that is obviously what the Fortis of Pinal is.
The other thing we discovered outside the main gate of Pinal, there's a huge pile of soil there.
It's been there a while.
It will almost look like a natural formation, but it's not.
And the word we got is that's the soil left over from the tunnel excavations done by the CIA at some point in time when they had that base.
So there's obviously, it's an iceberg situation out there.
What you see on the ground is no indication of what lies underneath that facility.
Well, it's sensationally dangerous, and obviously if they're going to retrofit and create drop planes,
Or planes that look like passenger jets that aren't.
Because here I am saying they were real passenger planes and they nerve-gassed the folks.
But there's some evidence that those were diverted and landed.
And some people were again landed and then people were taken off.
That was in the news.
Bottom line, we don't know exactly what happened, but there's a lot of evidence pointing towards this base, and it needs to be investigated.
Is that what you're basically getting at?
One thing that needs to be reinvestigated is the California investigation of Phil Marshall and his family's death.
They ruled that a murder-suicide, at the very least, what they need to do, and it should come from the California Attorney General.
They need to reinvestigate that as a triple homicide.
Now, I'm just going from memory from your investigation two years ago and joining us in the articles you wrote, but wasn't he again connected into some clandestine operations as well?
He had flown for the CIA as a contract pilot back in the early 80s.
He was flying Barry Seal around, you know, the CIA turned DEA informant who was executed right before he was going to testify in federal court.
And when he was arrested, found in his briefcase was the personal phone number of then Vice President
George H.W.
It's in with the 9-11 business.
Wayne Madsen, any other points you want to make on this subject before we shift gears into the submarine cable situation and then the situation with the Chinese openly threatening war with the Spratly Islands?
Is your naval background in submarines, in submarine warfare, in tracking submarines, your background in the Spratly Islands?
I know you're an expert in this area.
I would just say on the Marshall case is I'm starting to get now information from people who are familiar with what was going on there in Pinal with Evergreen.
So yeah, I'm getting more information.
So we'll just see what comes our way now.
Okay, who's in the wrong with the China situation?
You know, I just go where the facts seem to be.
It seems like China is expanding their territorial waters.
They're grabbing things that have been in dispute.
They're building bases.
They're saying, you know, get out of here or we'll come after you to the United States.
I don't want to sit here and say the United States is completely on the right, but it does seem like China is becoming more and more aggressive.
What is your view on that?
Well, the United States has tried to claim some area of influence over these Paracel and Spratly Islands ever since the Vietnam War.
In those days, the government of South Vietnam had military garrisons on some of these same islands, and then the U.S.
would go in and protect the South Vietnamese garrisons against claims from North Vietnam.
Now we're on the side of Vietnam against China.
The area is known as the South China Sea, and China is going to protect that area, just like the United States.
You know, the Gulf of Mexico is international, the Caribbean is international, but try to be another country from out of the area and send your naval fleets in there and see what happens.
We don't like it.
And the U.S.
has disputed claims on islands in the Pacific and in the Caribbean.
I'm sure we wouldn't like it if, say, China were to send some naval ships off of Navassa Island, which we occupy, but which the Republic of Haiti claims in the Caribbean, and says, hey, we're going to steam our
Chinese vessels are very close to the Navasa Island and you know, if you don't like it tough, you know, that's just tough.
And the same thing in the Pacific with some islands that are claiming U.S.
held islands they say are their own.
So, you know, there is an international maritime organization, but the U.S.
wants to settle this not through negotiations or diplomacy, but by sending naval task forces into the area.
I think that just shows that we are trying to intimidate the Chinese, and that's not a good idea in their home waters.
They have a growing Navy, and I think they're not building that Navy just to sit there and have it on show.
I think they'll intend to use it if they feel like they're up against the wall.
Well, they've got top Navy admirals saying this could turn into a war.
I know both sides claim they have interest.
A lot of this, though, isn't about growing tension between Vietnam and China.
We've had Chinese military take over oil rigs.
We've had the border with Vietnam and China have some skirmishes.
Is this really about oil and gas being discovered in that area?
Oh, not only that, sure it is.
There are natural gas and oil in the area.
It's also about the TTP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Vietnam is a member of, but the U.S.
froze China out of that process.
So what we see being built up is sort of like a version of NATO in Southeast and East Asia, where the U.S.
will have its own club.
Uh, and China, uh, will not be a member of it.
Uh, just like we see... Sure.
...Earth in the Middle East with NATO and Russia's on the outside with the... Well, sure, and now they've green-lighted Japan arming at a feverish rate.
We know Japan has a big secret military, now that's going public.
We're gonna come back, take some phone calls, uh, on the election, on the debate last night, and more.
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Welcome back.
I'm going to do this segment one more and then Anthony Gugiardi takes over.
You know, this report is so big on 9-11 and other things that are happening, I'm tempted to fly Wayne Madsen here next week, next Wednesday if he can do it, to be in studio with us and also plan out some of the other investigative reports he wants to go out and engage in.
So we'll see if that can happen.
And again, I've gotten better about not talking over host or guest.
I've gotten a lot better.
Everybody's noticed.
The problem is you talk about 9-11 with me or carbon taxes or Agenda 21 or whatever the stuff I'm really informed on, I get a headache.
I want to just tell everybody thousands of points.
I'm talking thousands of points.
9-11 is such a ridiculous fraud that it's insane.
It's like finding 20 dead bodies in the back of somebody's pickup truck and you don't know exactly where the guy driving it got it.
He won't tell you what he did, but you go to his house and there's all these chainsaws and blood and bodies and then videos of him with the dead bodies and you're like, buddy, we know you're involved.
We don't know exactly how you did it or where you got all these people, but you are the suspect and we can tell you did it.
And then you got the motive to take our freedoms.
It makes me sick.
Now, I want to shift gears, take a few calls for Wayne Madsen, from Eric, Damien, John, Chad, Nick, and others.
I appreciate folks holding.
But Wayne, separately with this heat up of war with Russia.
Obviously, Russia's got its own problems.
We're not saying it's perfect, but the West is starting war with them.
I remember being a kid hearing about Russian subs on U.S.
cables in the Atlantic, you know, when I was watching CBS News with Dan Rather while my mom cooked dinner in the kitchen.
Do you think the Russians really are putting submersible vehicles down on the cables?
They don't say they cut them, or is this just hype?
What do you think's going on?
...submarine that does the same type of thing.
It's the USS Jimmy Carter, specially configured submarine for those same kinds of operations.
So, obviously the Russians are conducting drills, like we conduct drills.
The Israelis have submarines that have done the same thing.
And a few years ago, if you recall, there was there were massive submarine cable cuts in the eastern Mediterranean that were reportedly done by the Israeli submarines because they basically cut off all the communications to Iran, Pakistan, all the way to Southeast Asia.
So these are the types of things that are done.
When I worked in the Navy, we had something called the Sound Surveillance System, SOSUS.
And after a few disclosures, thanks to the spy John Walker and the capture by North Korea, the Pueblo, the Russians would routinely send their submarines around our hydrophone arrays to let us know that they knew what we had there.
And then, you know, they'd rev up their engines and, you know, cause all kinds of acoustic anomalies for the ocean systems technicians that were listening.
So that's the equivalent of a teenager burning out his tires from a hamburger place.
Yeah, pretty much.
The Russians are letting us know that they know... Look, everybody knows where these cables are anyway.
There's maps of them.
And some of the Ed Snowden documents released, obviously the NSA knows exactly where all the submarines are.
And has their own taps on them.
They're tapping them, exactly.
Well, that's what's crazy, is they take normal military drills by other countries and act like it's acts of war, while the West are the ones moving weaponry up against other countries' borders.
Right, right now we're supposedly supporting the Syrian Kurds against their enemies and the Turks are now said to be bombing the same people, Turkey, our NATO ally.
What kind of policy is this?
Either we support the Kurds, the Russians are supporting the Syrian Kurds, but we're going to allow the Turks to bomb them?
It's total schizophrenia.
We're back in a minute and a half.
Stay there.
We're going to take a few calls and let you get out of here.
Briefly, before I end this hour and come back in the fourth hour that a lot of stations are starting to pick up now that we've added it, we've got a lot of specials running now that end on the 31st or on the 1st.
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I think so.
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A globalist surveillance blimp crashed.
Joe Biggs has got a report coming up.
Anthony Gucciardi will have highlights of the debate.
The skewed questions, it was pretty sick.
Wayne, I want to take a few calls on that subject, and anybody else we don't get to will have to hold and they'll get to them throughout the hour.
We appreciate the callers.
But what did you think of the debate?
I don't know if you watched it.
We don't script these interviews.
Last night, I mean, the questions were some of the most attack dog I've ever seen.
And it really blew up in the media's face.
Well, I just wish they would go back to the original debate formats of years past, where you actually had a debate rather than a joint news conference.
League of Women Voters did a good job!
They sure did, going back to the Kennedy-Nixon debate of 1960.
They were only thrown out of the process after the RNC and the DNC got together and created this Presidential Debate Commission, which is a monopoly.
Well, a duopoly of power.
That's why you don't get a Ralph Nader's or Ross Perot had to fight tooth and nail to get into the one in 92.
And that wouldn't have happened unless his poll numbers were so high at the time.
So it would be nice to see the League of Women Voters in it.
See, the league, if they were in charge, they could say, look, if you don't have a certain threshold, you know, you're not going to be Bobby Jindal.
You're not going to have the kiddie table debate or the undercard debate.
You're only going to have debates between those who are coming in and not from these phony polls either.
You see, the media runs their own polls, so they can determine who they're going to put on the, you know.
From the wide spectrum, who do you think is still in the lead, Republican-wise?
You think it's Trump and on the Democrat side, is it Clinton or is it Sanders?
Oh, I think it's clearly Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side, and I think it's still Trump on the Republican side.
I mean, Ben Carson did not really do himself any favors when he, you know,
He's flip-flopping on a lot of issues now, and I think Jeb Bush is the big surprise.
Everybody thought it was going to be Bush v. Clinton again in 2016.
His temper tantrums, like the little spoiled Bush he is, are not doing him any favors.
So his decrease in popularity has caused Marco Rubio to basically pick up some of his strength.
Of course, that's why Bush launched into the attack on his old mentor, I should say his apprentice, Rubio, for high absenteeism in the Senate.
Let's jam in some calls here, and we'll get to everybody, but I'm leaving because Gucciardi's taking over.
Got a nice, fresh horse ready to lead the charge here coming up.
Let's go ahead and go to John in FEMA Region 5, then Eric.
Go ahead, sir.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, Alex, how you been?
Good, brother.
Hey, I hope you enjoyed your time off before I use some more.
I loved it, yeah.
My cable system here, where I lived in, does not even have CNBC on it, so I had to go to the source and watch it on InfoWars last night, and some of the questions were just, I mean, it was just totally ridiculous.
I did notice they were trying to give more time to folks that weren't frontrunners this time, and in the past it was supposedly whoever was a frontrunner got more time.
I would just rather have equal time, but it's kind of hard to control.
We do live coverage of these debates with our reporters there in live time analyzing the propaganda via fair use.
What's your take on that, Wayne Madsen, on why they were giving some people more time?
Well, because I think the media clearly shows favorites in all these debates.
That's why there should be a neutral group that handles the debate, the questions.
In other words, you could have a member of the media asking the questions, but then the questions should be developed by some neutral, like the League of Women Voters.
I mean, the League of Women Voters came up with the questions in 1960 and Howard K. Smith
Pose the questions to Kennedy and Nixon.
So, that's what we need to go back to, but you got them to like... Look, this is a... The reason why Trump is doing as well as he is, the media has turned this entire process into a reality TV show, and he's the king of reality.
That's right.
Great job, Lane.
We'll talk to you soon.
Anthony Guacciardi coming up.
While many restaurants are cracking down on patrons who pack heat, one restaurant is giving discounts to concealed carriers following a robbery.
Paparoo owner Art Bouvier announced on Facebook Saturday night that an armed robber had walked in, threatened his employees and stolen money.
I have a gun and I'm going to need all the money out of your registers, the robber said.
After the thief had made off with the money, the owner took to social media to announce that until further notice, your concealed carry license earns you 25% off your meal when you dine in.
He went on to say, these folks are our extended family and I do not take kindly to them being harassed in this manner.
Hoping to thwart future robberies, Bouvier stated that he would use every trick he knows to protect his extended family.
And reiterated the decision is his to make.
He was quoted stating, my restaurant, my wall, my business.
I can give discounts to whomever I please.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, your host for the rest of the hour.
We have got a stack of news as well as some key election coverage from last night from InfoWars Nightly News and a special report by Joe Biggs on a runaway blimp and what the government isn't telling you about it.
But first and foremost, 14 million people last night witnessed the trend of the establishment media failing once again.
And you notice that there's one central theme we keep seeing over and over again.
Whether it's the Gallup polls, or it's the Consumer Reports, or it's actually now the presidential candidates, the theme is that we are tired of the mainstream media.
And you could argue, sure, it's some establishment groups arguing with other establishment groups, CNBC versus Fox versus CNN, so on and so forth.
But there's one key notion that we cannot seem to escape, and that is an utter truth, that we're sick of the mainstream media.
It's time for the rise of independent media, and it's time for the rise of the internet age in which we're all our own media.
So this report on CNBC's Republican debate notches 14 million viewers, to me turns into 14 million people reaffirming the reality that the mainstream media is pretty much completely dead.
And the fact that we keep seeing news like this, police use terror powers to seize BBC journalist's laptop, shows this is a worldwide phenomenon.
People are tired of this establishment system sucking us dry.
And basically what happened is this BBC reporter was interviewing some quote-unquote ISIS sympathizers, right?
And what that really means is he was putting together a piece, a report for BBC.
The government comes in and says, well, that laptop's ours now.
You don't have any rights as a journalist.
We're going to steal everything you have.
And all of your research is ours.
And it gets more and more ridiculous.
90-year-old woman told to remove blouse and bra during TSA search.
Portland, Oregon, the TSA says it's investigating an incident where a 90-year-old woman was forced to strip after setting off body scanners.
Alan Sharnie told ABC Affiliate that his mother, Harriet, went through the full body scanner at Portland International Airport when the alarm went off.
TSA agents quickly pulled her aside, stripped her naked.
90-year-old woman.
And why do I reference these two articles together?
Because it coincides with the collapse of both the establishment media and the idea that the establishment and the loving government are just our friends trying to help us.
And this debate for me signifies a big change.
Because if you look at the central theme as Alex played in the videos earlier, and I'm sure you've already heard,
Ted Cruz, Trump, Marco Rubio, even Jeb Bush, trashing CNBC's BS media style.
And that's really what it is.
It's a BS media style.
The media used to be around to inform us.
It used to be around to tell us about events that actually mattered, instead of ad hominem attacks, fantasy football.
And making it all about these personalities.
We aren't even talking about policy, the future of this country.
I like to talk about things like the future of humanity, the evolution of thinking, the evolution of humanity, the evolution of society.
Where are we going to be in 20, 30 years?
Where's the technology progressing?
How are these things working?
What are we doing to actually fix the systems that are broken inside the United States?
Well, who cares?
Who cares?
Who cares?
It's all about fantasy football, and if Trump is an evil comic book character, it's a complete and utter joke, and it's laughable.
Now, I do want to go to this report by Joe Biggs on this runaway blimp, because it just also coincides with the craziness going on with the establishment.
It's runaway blimp what the government isn't telling you.
Let's go ahead and check out this report.
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com with some breaking news.
A blimp that NORAD has has become untethered.
Now it says a blimp associated with NORAD surveillance of the East Coast has become untethered from its area in Maryland is now flying over Pennsylvania.
Now it's also dragging the cables that it came untethered from the ground from.
They're around 1,600 feet long and they are now dragging across Pennsylvania.
Now it says that there are approximately about 18,000 people without power in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
And NORAD has tweeted out that they want anybody to take footage and kind of give whereabouts of where they see that so they can help contain this blimp.
Now the military has already scrambled two F-16 fighter jets
To kind of keep an eye on the situation as it unfolds.
Now what we're going to do though is we're actually going to cut to some footage where Alex Jones actually predicted that this kind of equipment would be used.
Now why do we need equipment like this?
Well, ever since 9-11 our government has continued its profiling, its spying on American citizens.
American citizens who have committed zero crimes.
All in the name of looking for terrorism and trying to stop these terrorist threats.
And time and time again we've seen reports where none of the interrogations that have been used at Guantanamo have ever led to one tangible piece of hardcore intelligence that have actually led to anything being stopped.
And instead, we're torturing people.
We're spying on American citizens via Facebook, through our cell phones, through our TVs, through microwaves.
And they're using this to profile you.
They're taking pictures of your face.
They're finding out your patterns of what you look at.
And they put this in a large database to see whether or not you're going to commit a crime.
It's almost like watching the movie Minority Report.
It's actually happening right now.
And over ten years ago, Alex Jones himself, here, the leader of Infowars.com,
Predicted that this kind of technology would be implemented.
And now this blimp has been set up over the East Coast to keep an eye on certain things that could possibly happen.
Now let's go to the footage from the Martial Law 9-11 Rise of the Police State footage of Alex Jones, where he actually breaks down these blimps, what they can do, and really what it all means.
And then after that we'll go to some CNN footage where there's a high-ranking military official talking about this exact same thing.
Straight out of the Running Man, right here in New York, we have police state surveillance blimps that are sponsored by Fujifilm.
This is only the beginning.
In the future, every major city will have a high-altitude blimp tethered to a cable with ground-penetrating radar that looks right through your walls and gives the government a black-and-white image of the inside of your home.
This entire war on terror is truly
A pretext to launch a military industrial complex takeover of the entire society.
Everything is now going to shift into prisons and surveillance and security.
We're going out of the free market economy into the fascist economy.
The elite has used socialism to consolidate the people's wealth.
Now that it's under their control, they're going to phase out all of the programs for the population and it's all going to corporate welfare.
This is the new America.
Sound weapons.
Police in black ski masks with automatic machine guns.
And yes, helicopters swarming around surveillance blimps right here in New York City.
And only in the new corporate fascist America would we have a blimp for police state purposes that is sponsored by a major company.
And we found out that Fuji gave free bikes to all the police.
And guess why?
government, a bunch of different city governments, or trying to sell other city governments, these high-tech imaging systems, these face-scanning systems to recognize who we are.
They sold the U.S.
So our face becomes a national ID card, and Fuji is on the cutting edge of that.
In the past, football teams had sponsors, or baseball teams.
Then it was named stadiums after phone companies.
Southwestern Bell, Nextel.
Now, we have the Fuji-sponsored NYPD blimp.
As we've been talking to people who've spotted this blimp, as you can see, this is the first bit of video.
It is losing altitude, so they're hoping perhaps it can land somewhere rural and the local authorities can get whatever intelligence
Insensitive material that lies within this blimp.
That said, General Mark Hertling, who is joining me now, who can talk a little bit more about what this blimp is, its uses.
Generally, this is an aerostat blimp, and you're familiar with these because of, what, using them overseas?
Yeah, we've used these in Iraq and Afghanistan, Brooke, over the last couple of years.
They are a great piece of kit.
It's called an Aerostat.
JLENS, which you heard the individual from NORAD say before, stands for Joint Land Elevated Network Sensor.
Well, as you can see, Alex Jones pretty much nailed it.
He called this over 10 years ago in the video, Martial Law 9-11, Rise of the Police State.
Now, this leads to, you know, the question, what's going to happen next?
What kind of technologies are going to pop up that are going to be used to spy on us, citizens who are just doing the right thing?
You know,
It's sickening to know that we're always being watched.
Our government is more scared of its citizens, law-abiding citizens mostly, than they are actual terrorist threats that are out there.
Unlike the ISIS threats that we've made up, the ones that we're helping along to arm, giving them the money, the power to do what it is they need to help overthrow governments that our government, quite frankly, couldn't get the clearance to go do.
You know, ISIS is bred from
The Obama administration trying to go in and take out the Assad regime.
And now we have ISIS out there doing that work for them.
What else is going to happen?
Well, if you want to find out what's going to happen in the future, continue to watch InfoWars.com because every day we're breaking new stories and letting you, the people, the American people, the people around the world,
No, what's going to happen what's coming up and what to look forward because there's a lot of people out there They're gonna see this and go.
Oh my god that blimp sounds so neat We'll be able to spot tears things like that not even thinking about the fact that they themselves are being spied on So stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs
Yeah, of course, a blimp used in Iraq and Afghanistan now flying around your house.
And, of course, people called it crazy ten years ago when Alex said they had x-ray machines that could look inside of your house, they had blimps, they were developing all these technologies to be deployed, and now they're here.
Now it's time to get upset.
Now it's time to freak out.
It's not crazy.
It's here.
It's happening.
Deploying the same systems from Iraq and Afghanistan here.
We'll be back with election coverage.
Joe Biggs will be joining us later.
We're going to talk about automatic porn filters, the made law of the land, and many other censorship articles.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the InfoWars Overdrive.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
I've got some interesting news we're going to cover.
We're also going to talk to Joe Biggs in the next segment and play some key election coverage video highlights.
But, you know, we're going to get to some of these stories.
Florida man who shot theater-goer for texting to invoke Stand Your Ground law.
Automatic porn filters to be made law of the land.
If you wear an American flag t-shirt in school, you might be gang-related.
And rigging of foreign exchange markets makes felons of top bankers.
They finally admitted that some of these top bankers are in fact felons.
But first and foremost, I want to tell you about the Advanced Liver Cleanze Pack at Infowarslife.com.
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It's still going to be a great idea.
Anyway, let's get into some of this news.
Florida man who shot theatergoer for texting and to invoke stand your ground.
So we've talked about thubbing before.
Where you're in a relationship with someone and you're busy on your phone so they get upset?
I guess this guy took it to the next level.
The lawyer for Curtis Reeves, a retired police captain who fatally shot a fellow moviegoer in 2014, is planning to use Florida's Stand Your Ground law to defend his client.
This is actually not funny, it's oddly messed up, but it's a little bit so insane I have to laugh.
Mr. Reeves was arrested for the fatal shooting of Chad Olson in January 2014.
Police say Mr. Olson threw his bag of popcorn in Reeves' face after the former captain criticized him for texting.
Reefs responded by pulling out his gun and shooting Olsen in the chest, according to law enforcement.
A bullet also grazed his wife.
And here's the guy's lawyer that shot him.
He says, I think we have a pretty solid stand your ground case, Richard Escobar, Reeves' attorney told Tampa Bay Times.
Escobar plans to utilize a video taken at the scene to prove Reeves acted lawfully under Florida's self-defense law and ultimately have the criminal charges dismissed.
Look, I haven't seen the video.
But I don't know if I'd be fearful for my life if someone threw a bag of popcorn at me.
I don't know.
I'm not a lawyer.
But I'm not sure that that is within the Stand Your Ground law, which is being fearful for your life in a matter of self-defense.
So this is just some of the weird news.
Here's a little bit lighter news.
A little bit more fun news.
Chewbacca arrested.
Emperor Palpatine wins in bizarre Ukrainian elections.
This is real news.
This is not a joke.
Toad to basically break it down for you since it's kind of weird and confusing.
There's a so-called internet party in Ukraine, which is basically a bunch of trolls.
It's quite funny though given all the turmoil over there.
And they have garnered so much support, about 11 million, that they've started putting in like Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine as their candidates and they're winning.
So, Emperor Palpatine is now an official
Ukrainian official of some kind.
And hey, we have video playing right now.
Chewbacca was also arrested on the scene.
Obviously, someone dressed up like Chewbacca.
I mean, come on.
Sometimes you have to cover this news, though.
It is a truly insane world.
Fact is stranger than fiction.
So, 39% of LA millennials are chronically stressed about money.
Survey finds.
Well, they should be.
Because there's this myth told to them that it's these 1%ers that make money are bad and you need to steal the money from them.
And they're told chronically over and over and over again that it's other people's fault and that they can't do anything about it.
So they should be stressed.
They've been told their whole entire lives they're worthless and they can't do anything and that it's all these other people's fault.
So they are in a state of arrested development in terms of their financial success.
We'll get into that later.
Joe Biggs is going to join us, and we've got key election coverage.
Stay tuned.
The fourth hour of the InfoWars Overdrive.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
I'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
FBI Director James Comey believes citizens recording police with cell phones and viral videos of police misconduct posted to the web are to blame for an increase in violent crime.
Police believe citizens are taunting them with cell phones, and because of this, they're not addressing crime, Comey says.
They told me, we feel like we're under siege and we don't much feel like getting out of our cars, he said.
Police have responded to widespread video recording of their activity by arresting people for obstruction, resisting arrest, and other charges.
Several high-profile cases of police brutality have been exposed by cell phones.
Civil liberty experts argue citizens have the right to record police in public under the First Amendment.
Some states are even using wiretapping laws.
Implemented before the advent of cell phone technology to prosecute citizens who record police and post videos on the internet.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi here with Joe Biggs.
And last night, 14 million people were witnesses to the demise of the mainstream media.
The demise of the galactic empire that is the establishment media system.
And I want to play for you a highlight reel from the debates that essentially show where all of this is headed in the new independent media age with the decline of the mainstream media.
Let's go ahead and play this key video.
And today, what they did was they passed an extension of the debt ceiling.
Remember when they did that before?
Barack Obama said, well, we haven't spent any money, you know, just passing the debt ceiling.
That doesn't mean anything.
No, raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt.
That's right.
It allows them to raise the debt.
It doesn't technically... See, that's how they parse their words, you know, when they do that.
Now remember that it was in 2011 that the debt was at $14 trillion.
Today, they have pushed it up to $20 trillion.
That's a 43% increase in just four years.
And that's what we've got to look at.
That's the GOP elephant in the room that they don't want to talk about.
The fact that they are on the same page with Obama, that they're both moving us further and further into debt.
You know, I am, uh, by my nature, impatient, and this is not a, uh... His biggest weakness is his name is Bush.
His brother.
They call me Jeb, and I earned that, I said before.
His daddy financed the Nazis, his brother helped him bring in 9-11, signed the Patriot Act.
His grandfather was the founder of Planned Parenthood, uh, working with, uh, Longstreet.
Senator Paul, I lost my medical practice, I ran for office because I was concerned about an $18 trillion debt.
We borrow a million dollars a minute.
Now on the floor of the Congress, the Washington establishment from both parties puts forward a bill that will explode the deficit.
It allows President Obama to borrow unlimited amounts of money.
I will stand firm.
I will spend every ounce of energy to stop it.
I will begin tomorrow to filibuster it.
And I ask everyone in America to call Congress tomorrow and say, enough's enough.
No more debt.
Gee, after the last debate, I was told that I didn't smile enough.
What are you going to do about it?
Except she worked for Michael Hayden to help spy on the American people.
Bill Packard, biometric data.
We're going to build a wall.
We're going to create a border.
We're going to let people in, but they're going to come in legally.
They're going to come in legally.
And it's something that can be done.
They built the Great Wall of China.
That's 13,000 miles.
Here we actually need 1,000 because we have natural barriers.
So we need 1,000.
We can do a wall.
We're going to have a big... That would be a good time to, since we're talking about economics, talk about the economic incentives that are going to bring people in here whether or not you build a wall.
We just saw this happen in Europe.
Hungary completely closed their border.
What happened?
People went through Slovenia and Croatia because they're going to go to Germany, they're going to go to Sweden, they're going to get there however they can as long as they're going to get a pot of gold from the entitlement state.
So that's the problem and they want to address that.
You know, 19th century, 18th century walls are not going to stop this.
Yeah, I don't think a wall, but not just Trump saying this, I don't think a physical wall is going to do the job.
First of all, John got lucky with a thing called fracking, okay?
He hit oil.
He got lucky with fracking.
Believe me, that's why Ohio is doing well.
Number, and that's important for you to know.
Number two, this is the man that was a managing general partner at Lehman Brothers when it went down the tubes and almost took every one of us with us, including Ben and myself.
Because I was there, and I watched what happened, and Lehman Brothers started it all.
He was on the board, and he was a managing general partner.
And just thirdly... I think Kasich's guts are on the floor right now.
He was such a nice guy.
And he said, oh, I'm never going to attack.
Let me respond.
First of all, I believe that our Constitution protects everybody.
Regardless of their sexual orientation or any other aspect, I also believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.
And there is no reason that you can't be perfectly fair to the gay community.
They shouldn't automatically assume that because you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman,
That you are a homophobe.
And this is one of the myths that the left perpetrates on our society.
And this is how they frighten people and get people to shut up.
You know, that's what the PC culture is all about, and it's destroying this nation.
Alright, I'm sorry, we cut you off.
What other thoughts did you have over there at the Twitter station?
You've been a fierce critic.
Well, like I said earlier, the Republicans are always constantly, you know, they're pushing these so-called issues that they want to push, you know, about Social Security and so-called gutting government spending.
But, like David said before, the real issue is the Federal Reserve.
Because, I mean, they can talk and talk, but it's all meaningless as long as there's a Federal Reserve that's basically kind of like a farmer that's feeding the fat goose of the government.
So as long as there is, you know, this Federal Reserve System in place... Hey, they're talking about that right now, Kit.
Let's pick up with this.
Let's hear what they have to say.
You know, it's interesting, you look at on Wall Street, the Fed is doing great.
But if you look at working men and women, if you look at a single mom buying groceries, she sees hamburger prices have gone up nearly 40%.
She sees her cost of
Electricity going up, she sees her health insurance going up, and loose money is one of the major problems.
We need sound money, and I think the Fed should get out of the business of trying to juice our economy, and simply be focused on sound money and monetary stability, ideally tied to gold.
Well, thank you very much.
I'd like to thank Ted for co-sponsoring my bill, Audit the Fed.
And I think it's precisely because of the arrogance of someone like Ben Bernanke, who now calls us all know-nothings.
That's precisely why we need Audit the Fed.
I think it is really
Really a very much a huge problem that an organization as powerful as the Fed comes and lobbies against them being audited on the Hill.
I would prevent them from lobbying Congress.
I don't think the Fed should be involved with lobbying us.
I think we should examine how the Fed has really been part of the problem.
You want to study income inequality?
Let's bring the Fed forward and talk about Fed policy and how it causes income inequality.
Let's also bring the Fed forward and have them explain how they caused the housing boom and the crisis and what they've done to make us better or worse.
I think the Fed has been a great problem in our society.
What you need to do is free up interest rates.
Interest rates are the price of money.
We shouldn't have price controls on the price of money.
Thank you, Senator.
They've destroyed 99% of our purchasing power in 100 years as well.
Much of the discussion is centered over whether or not the different tax plans help or affect the middle class.
In fact, it's the chief argument by Democrats against many of the different flat tax proposals.
Mine is unique in the sense that my tax plan actually gets rid of the payroll tax as well.
It shifts it to the business and it would allow middle class people to get a tax cut.
That's disappointing because any business taxes are ultimately passed on to the public in either higher product costs or in lower wage increases.
That's very disappointing.
That'd be rampant.
Don't you think?
We have 19 trillion dollars in debt.
We have people out of work.
We have ISIS and Al-Qaeda attacking us.
I can't believe we're talking about fantasy football.
That's the first time you've said something.
You deserve a dollar.
That's why we get the government to do what they're supposed to be doing.
Secure our borders, protect our people, and support American values and American families.
Enough on fantasy football!
Let people play!
Who cares?
A lack of outside of Washington, D.C.
Well, as we often talk about, you know, it's the same template as Fiorina pointed out multiple times.
She was talking about how they just keep saying the same things that they've been saying for the last election cycles.
But at the same time, nobody's offering any real type of policy change.
Or, I would go in here, I'd fix this, I'd do that.
They talk about the problem.
Everybody knows that's a problem.
Yeah, people who don't watch this debate know that there's a problem just because they go through it on their daily lives.
We all agree that there's a problem but very few people had any type of answer and the answers they did have sometimes weren't exactly the best.
Look, I just want to get serious with you guys.
I came into this and I had some real concerns.
An issue, one particular issue I just wanted some answers about and that's the direction our country is going with fantasy football.
We brought that up today in the GOP debate.
I mean, by God.
I mean, I think everybody at the Wingstop in Buffalo Wild Wings are, you know, sighing a great sigh of relief.
That's it for tonight's news.
Thanks for joining us.
This has been our live coverage of the third GOP debate.
I'm David Knight with Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs.
Thanks for joining us.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Well, you know, I share the same concern.
I think that some legitimate issues are brought up, but man, we can all agree, CNBC, what a disaster.
And at the same time, though, I cannot take anything seriously when someone reiterates the same old tired message of
We just need to be strong and worry about the family and secure the borders.
That's good, but we can't repeat the same thing over and over again and then do nothing about it and just pretend we aren't towing the same party line.
And Joe, I want to talk to you about all this.
I mean, shouldn't they be talking about the fact that the New York Times has a story today, rigging a foreign exchange market makes felons of top banks.
And it goes on and basically summarizes that finally it's been found in these courts, these appeals courts, that a lot of these top bankers are literally committing felony crimes.
Just destroying the market.
Or they could have talked about the TSA.
A 90-year-old woman told to remove blouse and bra during TSA search.
And the complete, utter failure of the TSA.
Or that American flag shirt is now gang-related, the school district says.
These are the insane things going on, on a daily basis.
That are never going to get dealt with.
That are leading people to lose all faith in government, rightfully so.
But instead, and I know we've hit this point, yes they talk about fantasy football, definitely, but they also talk about these cushy, fake issues where no one says anything specific, which is fine because it's all a PR stunt at the end of the day.
But it's all cushy fakeness, as you pointed out in that highlight reel, and they don't actually have anything of substance to say, because I guess they can't, because that would actually be doing something, wouldn't it?
Well, it's like in the military, you don't bring a problem to the table without having some kind of solution set aside that you can bring into the discussion.
You know, Trump keeps talking about the border, we need a wall, we need this and that.
That really doesn't fix the problem.
You know, there's other things that we need to do.
And everyone here, all these candidates are really great at bringing problems to the table.
Very few have said anything with a solution or have some kind of solution prepared that they will implement in these scenarios.
And I just, that's one of the things that pisses me off.
And with John Kasich, he was asked, what would you do or how do you feel about the legalization of marijuana?
And then he starts talking about how all these people, you know, they overdose from drugs and we need to change the mindset the way we're telling children about drugs and how they can overdose.
Tell me an instance where one person has ever overdosed from marijuana.
It's a political answer, and unfortunately it works, because if you don't want to answer something, you can, as a politician, completely ignore the question, and use something else entirely in its place, which seems reasonable.
That is ridiculous!
So when they said, what do you think about medical marijuana or whatever, and he was like, you know, there's so many people that overdose on drugs.
I'm sorry, what?
Yeah, the big pharma drugs.
Yeah, that has nothing to do with what you're talking about.
Yes, more people are on painkillers, and they kill more people than cocaine and heroin combined.
Yeah, when I go to the doctor, if I have like a sore tooth or something like that, which very rarely happens, I have great teeth.
But if I do, the first thing they want to give me is liquid codeine.
That's addictive as hell!
Right, right.
You're gonna give me liquid codeine but you're gonna be mad about marijuana or cannabis oil.
You're gonna put parents in jail because they're just trying to have their kids be cancer-free or be free of some kind of illness and it works.
Well, you know, it's interesting that painkillers are so heavily prescribed because this country is kind of on painkillers if you think about it.
This country is walking around with sores all over it.
And serious festering wounds, and instead of actually sealing them up and trying to fix the issues, it's taking proverbial painkillers over and over again.
So it makes sense that this country is so medicated, because as a nation, we're doing the same thing.
And that's an example of these debates.
And some of these are real issues brought up, obviously.
And I personally would love to see a Trump vs. Hillary debate, if it was real.
And not some staged baloney BS.
But would that not be an interesting debate?
Yeah, I think they should have moderators from both sides.
You should have people from the left, people from the right at that same table, and everybody gets a chance to ask their questions based off their views, and see each candidate sit there and answer a question from the left and from the right, and have Hillary do it as well.
I think you're going to get a better debate that way, and you're going to see how people actually act under pressure.
You know, one of the things I really like that Donald Trump talked about last night is that gun-free zones provide target practice for sickos.
And then, which is exactly right, gun-free zones are kill zones.
And if you go and you look at these new polls, ABC News just did a poll, most Americans see mass shootings as a mental health issue.
So there's these polls all over the internet, 47% people believe that the highest priority should be protecting gun rights, and 46% said that they should be enacting new gun laws.
And then you also have 63% are saying that the mass shootings are more of a reflection of challenges with mental health treatment.
What are a lot of these mental health issues spinoffs from?
Prescription drugs, these adverse reactions to things.
But yet we keep wanting to go and we want to blame a tool like this.
Which is nothing but a tool.
It's an object when it's sitting there.
But in the hands of a crazy psycho, it can be a weapon used for mass murder.
In the hands of me, it can be used as a guy to take out that mass shooter and end that so there's no civilian casualties and you don't have these horrible stories all over the internet.
The government wants to keep pushing gun control and we need stricter gun laws.
It's already hard to get guns for most people.
I mean, it's already a difficult situation.
We already have pretty strict gun laws in places like Chicago and stuff like that.
It's not working out.
No, it's not.
And you know, you think about it, mental illness is quite rampant.
Just like this country is ill, a lot of people in this country are ill.
They're all sedated!
In a sociopathic, almost artificial state, definitely, of consciousness, unfortunately, because of the mainstream media they watch.
I mean, if you focus on this stuff all day, you will become crazy.
You will have mental illness develop.
And I was walking down the street the other day, downtown in Austin,
And this is what really reminded me that it's not about gun control.
This big guy comes up to me and a few people I was walking with starts cursing at me and telling me he's going to kill me and murder me.
And he goes and he actually takes a punch.
But he's so amped up on some type of drug or maybe he's just completely mentally ill.
He misses me and then falls over and starts screaming and cursing and like seizureing and running around and jumping up and down.
And people are just staring at him.
This is a guy that's completely unarmed.
I walked away from him.
But these are the kind of people that exist.
That's the kind of person.
Sure, they could get a gun, but they could get a bat.
They could get a knife.
We've seen mass stabbings that kill seven people or stab seven different people.
It doesn't matter what tool you've used.
It's the mental illness that matters.
We'll be right back with the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi with Joe Biggs.
More news coming up.
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We're back on the fourth overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi in here with Joe Biggs.
We've been talking about the election, we're talking about the 14 million viewers that helped watch the demise of mainstream media last night, with the central theme being that the establishment media is dead, independent media is rising.
And I want to talk about this story, Google's Project Loon.
And some other weird news that we found out about too.
But Google's project loon internet balloons to circle Earth and give continuous internet to basically everyone.
Google believes it is on course to have enough internet beaming balloons in this stratosphere to form a ring over part of the world next year.
You told the BBC the move would let it trial a continuous data service to people living below the balloon's path.
The declaration coincides with the announcement that three of Indonesia's mobile networks intend to start testing Project Loon's transmissions next year.
One expert said the plan had benefits over the solutions.
They want to give continuous internet access to basically third world countries and everywhere that can't get continuous internet access.
This is obviously a double-edged sword because, sure, Google wants to expand their network, they want to get everyone on Google, they want to serve ads, they want to get data collection services going, but at the same time, think about the implications, the amazing implications if everyone had access to the internet.
Yes, there's the data mining and all that kind of stuff, but
Imagine if we went as far to say as North Korean dissidents able to upload information, images, videos, whatever it may be, to the internet, to the U.S.
Or other countries that have serious oppression circumventing their attempts to squelch the truth and uploading it to the internet where it cannot be taken by the oppressive regimes.
That's pretty powerful and at the same time though, here in the United States we've had a massive boom of media obviously.
Billions of millions and websites and people that are now reporters because they have a cell phone and they have YouTube.
That could be expanded on a global sense and we could have billions of independent media reporters.
Well, here's my thing.
So, Google's more concerned about helping third world countries by giving them internet
Aren't they third world countries?
Do they have iPhones, iPads, computers?
I'm pretty sure they have really large struggles with water, food, housing, things like that.
So that's when I kind of think it's not really like they're concerned about internet.
It's more of about a spy thing.
You know, how many people in, you know, South Africa that are out there, they don't have that kind of stuff.
Well, are they going to use the internet?
And how is that going to help them anyway?
I know there's going to be some people like... Well, I mean, I get the idea.
I get the idea of, is Google really caring about these people?
I get that.
At the same time, too, though, they have highly affordable computer systems that they're developing.
And what the internet can do is it can... maybe not everyone has a computer system that can access it, but let's say certain leaders in certain areas can communicate with each other,
Let's bring this food supply in at this time or whatever, instead of using crappy radio communications, they can actually have internet service, set up a data log, set up, you know, services that would mainstream everything and hopefully bring them up to speed in a technological way.
So it could actually, it could help people.
It genuinely could really help people.
They just need to get like Obama after he gets out and Bernie Sanders, and they could just go down there and just give out free stuff to everybody, and then they'll be able to see the internet and they can communicate.
Maybe that's what needs to happen.
Maybe we need to send Bernie Sanders to North Korea and he can help them.
He visited Russia a while back.
I still don't think he ever came back from that trip.
All right.
Well, it is time for the conclusion of the fourth hour of the InfoWars Overdrive.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi with Joe Biggs.
Thanks so much for watching.
Alex will be back live 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central tomorrow.
And, as always, there's tons of stacks of news that he didn't get to, I didn't get to, so there's plenty more tomorrow, as well as special reports, and also you can catch the nightly news tonight on InfoWars.com.
Thanks so much for watching the show and being part of the resistance.