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Filename: 20150923_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 23, 2015
3399 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
They say a picture can tell a thousand words.
Well, I watched a video report that David and I filed this morning.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Of the Pope being guarded by federal, state, local police, the military, but also the Border Patrol.
Border, of course, existing is evil according to the Pope and his United Nations One World Government doctrine.
So we'll be playing that video report coming up.
It's on Infowars.com.
Very, very telling.
So I guess they can be the new Swiss guard for his papal excellency.
I was at the gym this morning for about an hour and a half.
I walked in.
I got an elliptical to warm up.
And they had all the TVs on with the pub about to speak with Obama speaking.
And so instead of listening to music, I sat there and watched it.
And it was obscene.
The stunts.
Oh, he didn't ride in a limo.
He rode in a Fiat.
That's product placement for Italy.
And oh, he's a man of the people.
He doesn't want you to have air conditioning or running water and that's moving forward and it's not good to be prosperous.
It's bad.
He gave that speech in Cuba.
How good it is to be poor.
How it makes you a greater person.
Well, statistically, that's not really true.
Yes, if you're ultra-rich, you tend to be more corrupt, on average.
Christ was absolutely right when he said it's easier for a rich man, or it's easier for a camel to go to the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven.
Of course, he was pointing directly at the gate, one of the smallest gates in Jerusalem, that a camel would have to get on its knees to go through, because
It's only about five feet tall.
So see, all of this is in context.
But just selling the idea that prosperity and wealth itself is evil.
It is cultural warfare.
It is class envy.
It is classical cultural Marxism 101.
And it's always from Warren Buffet or the Pope or David Rockefeller or the Queen of England.
It's always some organization and some organizational leader controlling trillions and trillions and trillions of untold dollars and euros.
And land and banks and private jets and helicopters and palaces lecturing people that they can't have prosperity as if prosperity itself is inherently bad.
The new prosperity is hating yourself, austerity and not having anything while the elite are tax exempt and live in the equivalent of modern Elysium fields.
You don't hear the Pope criticizing Saudi Arabia for its incredible separation of haves and have-nots in a command-and-control economy, where fraudulently the Royal House has 95% of the wealth.
You don't hear from the Pope that, since we went into a collectivist world system, that the West has gone from having, depending on which sector or which area,
Roughly 5% of the population with maybe 30, 40, 50% of the wealth, depending on what error.
Now it's 1% with more than half.
So the more collectivist it gets, the more ultra-rich you get, and the more giant masses of poor you have, which is why you've always got monopoly men like Pope Francis
Engaging in class warfare saying let's redistribute wealth because they want to control all the wealth because it's a weapon against their monopoly.
I mean, look at these sickening headlines.
White House compares President to the Pope.
They say in the Washington Post and other publications that Obama is basking in his aura.
The aura of Soran.
Faithful facing waiver religious freedom challenges.
And more.
Stay with us.
Hey Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called liberation theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
Zoghami wrote, Barack Obama and Raul Castro's mandalist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
Keep checking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
It's now more clear than ever.
The globalists have launched a planetary destabilization plan.
Here at the InfoWars operation, we hope and pray that this is not the case.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm gonna do something today that I haven't done successfully in more than 15 years.
I've been on air almost 21 years.
And early on in talk radio,
Before I went to this television setup, I would have a big bank of calls directly in front of me with flashing lights and a screen right in front of my face where I would see the callers and then I would just go to one after the other.
Sometimes I'd rant for an hour or two hours.
Sometimes I'd have a guest on for an hour or two hours.
But most days, most nights back then, I was a talk show host at night, I would take sometimes a hundred phone calls.
And when I've attempted this the last few years, I've gotten a little bit better.
I'll take 30, 40 calls if I really try during the whole show.
But I think today, we've got Peter Schiff coming on about his accurate prediction that they would not up interest rates.
We'll have open phones on economics with him.
But I think it's important in the first hour and the third hour today to take a lot of phone calls on the Pope.
What do you think of his visit?
But so we can get to callers, just don't thank me.
And just please get specifically to what you think of this Pope, what you think of this visit, make your point, I'm going to go to the next person, that way we can get to all of you.
It's not a slight on anyone, it's an act of respect that I would try to control the show more and actually go to your calls.
Here's the toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Oh, and one last proviso.
First-time callers in the first few rounds, then we'll have a free-for-all coming up in the second and third hour.
We have a clip we're going to be playing.
Pope Francis says climate change cannot be ignored, and he calls it air pollution.
Water vapor and carbon dioxide.
Two elements of the carbon cycle.
Without those two elements, we would have no life on terra firma, this planet.
The third rock out from the sun in the solar system.
We need water, we need sunlight, we need carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide, water, sunshine.
Ladies and gentlemen,
And of course, oxygen.
And they are attacking two of the four legs of the stool.
And only abject, total, mindless ignorance could bring us to this point.
I was in the gym this morning, and I was watching a whole bunch of people, because they had all the TVs for whatever reason, focused on the Jesuit Socialist slash Marxist Pope.
Clearly acting like he's this big, deep, smart person.
And sitting there in his white robes for his great purity.
Selling dehumanization, deindustrialization, and genocide.
Those aren't words, that's what he's doing.
To usher in the one world government and its capstone, a global carbon tax.
To track and trace every movement we make, to tax every movement we make, and to totally control society and to selectively enforce the takedown of all human activity.
Because if you tax what humans exhale, as the New York Times said a decade ago, a tax on breathing.
And if you then tax water vapor, saying it's evil, and tell folks it's pollution, why, you can get away with anything you want.
It really is unprecedented.
In fact, let's just go to this clip of the Pope praising President Obama for the bill they introduced yesterday to further accelerate the shutdown of what industry we have left.
Let's understand something.
Spain, Germany, the UK, Australia and the United States, as well as Canada,
Are the world leaders in turning off carbon dioxide and water vapor.
And we're also the world leaders in losing our industrial base.
It's crippling.
China, India, Mexico and 160 plus other third world countries make zero cuts and don't even put scrubbers on their power plants or factories and are spilling pure death particula into the air.
And they'll do particular tests sometimes on the news and go, yeah, there's a lot of lead, mercury, arsenic in the air, must be our power plants, must be our... They know full well the jet stream that comes in, goes right over China, picks all that up and dumps from the middle of New Mexico to the middle of Louisiana, and Central Texas is the prime center of the toilet bowl.
In fact, I really ought to move my family out of here.
Talk about killing myself to live.
And I love Texas.
Everybody's like, oh, the allergies are horrible.
I was born here, but now I'm sick all the time.
I can't breathe.
Because China literally uses us as a port-a-potty.
I mean, the studies are there.
Look up.
Jet stream from China dumps over Texas.
The prime quadrant.
The center of the bullseye.
is Austin, Texas.
I mean, the Pope said, let's restrict dirty power plants and list of the toxins and let's, you know, real, real, I mean, yeah, yeah, that's a good Pope right there.
Instead, he's like, the West must do more to cut the carbon emissions and the air pollution.
And they use the public's ignorance.
Texas always gets hazed.
And when it rains in the late spring, my dad's a pilot.
He's been a pilot since he was 13.
He grew up witnessing it in East Texas.
And every time you get up in the morning and it rained during the night and by noon, there's a haze.
They get on the news and they say, smog alert!
That's why we need all these emissions controls!
And the news will say, look at the smog!
Yeah, it's smog.
When you're in L.A.
and there's mountains blocking that bowl.
When the settlers showed up from Spain, they wrote about L.A.
and talked about the Indians, the natives' fires creating a haze in the sky.
But I don't want to digress off into all of this.
It's just amazing to know that what the Pope's pushing is a death sentence.
And everything he says is a lie, basically.
He comes out and says, I'm not a leftist.
But he's going to meet with America's prisoners in prisons and basically say, free them.
But he wouldn't criticize Castro and all of his political dissidents, upwards of a half million that are in prison.
And they shut down a bunch of subways and things.
You know, he would have flown by helicopter and said, I don't want to create a traffic jam, I'm going to fly by helicopter.
But instead he did the whole big motorcade and shut everything down.
But don't worry, he did the stunt of riding in a Fiat.
Look, he's a little guy.
He's normal.
And he was protected by the Border Patrol.
They've got them off the northern border now to protect him, which is funny because he doesn't want us to have a border, but he lives behind 35 and 40 foot and 50 foot walls around the Vatican City.
He's got a giant fortress full of Swiss paramilitary guards, hired mercenaries.
The Vatican is rumored to have hundreds of trillions of dollars of assets.
They admittedly own more property than anybody in the world.
Are you seeing the Vatican selling any of that property?
Quote, give it to the poor?
It's all meant to sell austerity to us, to train us to be abject slaves.
Yeah, and I apologize, you know, I say 35, 50 foot walls.
At some point, the Vatican walls are over 100 feet tall, as TV viewers can see right there.
At that point, it's well over 100 feet tall.
Tax exempt.
And I got to sit here and hear this slime bag.
That's what he is.
of a captured Catholic Church, taken over by the pedophiles, blackmailed by the left, and now that they've taken it over worldwide, you're hearing total and complete worship by the media.
A basking in his glow!
An angel!
Oh, he's so wonderful!
He's calling for one world religion.
Oh my gosh!
Let's go to the sickening clip.
Here it is.
As the son of an immigrant family, I'm happy to be a guest in this country, which was largely built by such families.
During my visit, I will have the honor of addressing Congress, where I hope
As a brother of this country, to offer words of encouragement to those called to guide the nation's political future in fidelity to its founding principles.
I find it encouraging that you are proposing an initiative for reducing air pollution.
It's not air pollution, it's carbon dioxide and water.
I said in the urgency, it seems clear to me also that climate change is a problem we can no longer be left to a future generation.
And, uh, bro, is the Earth still the center of the universe?
Just asking, because you're the big scientist here, and you tell us what reality is.
If he gets his way, a million people will starve to death in the next ten years.
I mean, it's just a death sentence to the third world.
But everyone says we must bask in his glow.
I'm gonna vomit.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The globalists are making their move right now, their concerted effort to establish a planetary government that taxes all human activity under carbon taxes.
The UN admits that over 100 billion dollars has been spent in the last 30 years promoting the idea of global warming.
Now, that's been proven to be a fraud.
They just say climate change, period.
They're the saviors.
You live like they say you live, or you are a enviro-terrorist.
While they genetically engineer, while they toxic waste dump, while they create chimera species, while they try to play God and literally destroy the planet, we hear nothing from the Pope about baby organ harvesting in America.
We hear nothing from him about the big mega central banks looting everyone and being tax exempt.
It's all how the public shouldn't have air conditioning and shouldn't have cars.
This is to make us poor and totally control us.
It is a vicious criminal attack.
And that's why the Pope gave his speech in Cuba, you can pull up the transcript, in Spanish, where he says, the beauty of the poor, the grace of the poor, how any type of wealth is bad, how the poorer the better.
Well, that's how the communists want you.
The ultra-rich above the law with the Pope, with a completely captured Catholic Church.
And folks, people say that John Paul II and stuff wasn't good.
Whatever, he criticized communism, he promoted free market, because he promoted family, he promoted not having abortion.
People claimed he had been a New World Order takeover, and I didn't go along with that.
But let me tell you, this guy is bad news!
I mean, he's really bad!
He will hurt poor people!
And that's the worst part, that I'm going to your phone calls.
I was there in the gym this morning, and I watched an immigrant, because I talk to the guys, the nice guys here legally, a West African janitor, cleaning up some trash cans, wiping some stuff off, and he had such pride
Looking at Obama and looking at the Pope and just had love in his eyes when those two would slit his throat in a minute if they thought it would give him more power.
I mean, there's no debating.
This isn't my opinion.
These are evil, evil men.
And they've just got these hard-working poor people with all this austerity talk and how beautiful it is to be poor and we're going to get the rich people and we're going to redistribute the wealth when it's designed to destroy any avenue they've got to become self-sufficient.
It's total plantation behavior.
You know who invented the plantations?
The Romans.
And you know who picked them back up with some of their operations in Latin America, in Mesoamerica, in the Americas?
The Jesuits.
Most of the other Catholic orders did not keep people as slaves.
And it actually built people up.
I've studied the history in depth.
There was abuses here, abuses there, but in many areas it was a force to build up civilization and actually empower people.
There were a lot of abuses.
I'm not defending it.
But comparing it to the Jesuits, the Jesuits created communism.
Martin Engels just picked it back up.
And I always knew this.
I read it in the history books.
I understood it, but I didn't think the public could understand that it was between Jesuits and Catholics.
There's a lot of different Jesuits out there who aren't in the inner circles that aren't aware of this, who mean well.
I know that for a fact.
And now, though, you cannot deny that the Jesuits are making a planetary pull for a world government with communist philosophy, with the world elite exempt from it all, the new royalty.
I mean, this is an abomination desolation.
This is just unspeakably cold-blooded and evil.
To watch him sit up there with his hand out to all these poor people, promising them a future, knowing full well under Agenda 21, which he's endorsing fully, it's designed to impoverish.
I mean, I'm not getting tears in my eyes right now.
It was melodrama.
My physical body, my cells, and my spirit literally
It chills up my back, a headache, and I start crying.
I started crying on the elliptical.
I started getting tears in my eyes, and I asked them to turn some of it off.
And folks were kind of sick of it, so they started turning it off.
It was on eight different televisions.
Because they're going to kill a billion people with this alone.
I mean, a billion people!
Stalin said one person is a... one man dies, it's a tragedy.
Ten thousand dies, it's a statistic.
And it's just like, you're not going to hear a word out of them about the millions of kids being harvested.
I can't believe what I'm saying.
Millions of kids being harvested.
A whole bunch of Democratic Party groups came out yesterday and endorsed pedophilia.
I mean, they're just moving on every front.
God help us.
God help us.
I mean, they are just taking over.
And everything else, forced inoculations.
They're announcing our kids belong to them.
They're opening the borders.
They're just engaged in every evil you can imagine.
I mean, these people are satans.
I will say it, Pope Francis is a devil worshipper.
I can tell you right now.
He wants to kill people.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A new global news fact-checking project was announced yesterday, and it will be funded by two organizations with close ties to the Obama White House.
The project, which says it will be focused on holding public officials accountable, is funded by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.
The Omidyar Network is headed up by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Visitor logs reveal that Omidyar has visited the White House a half a dozen times since 2009.
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Will undoubtedly be yet another exercise in spin and manipulation.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I can't help it.
I had a headache, I was upset until I called the Pope a devil worshipper and now I feel better.
Because if he won't talk about the mass harvesting of dead babies, if he won't talk about GMOs destroying God's creation, on record causing incredible mutations in animals that eat it, if he won't talk about how the world government has a plan to carry out eugenics, how the EU is meant to enslave Europe, no, instead he promotes
He promotes carbon taxes.
The EU.
He promotes things that we know are a massive death sentence.
You understand, folks, that in the third world, if 50% of your income starts going to food above that line, massive starvation kicks in.
40 plus million people starve to death every year.
It was 30 million just a decade ago.
And if they cut off the carbon to the third world, you will see massive die-offs.
So he wants to flood the West with third world populations to politically control them and make them socialist, but then not help those countries.
They destroy Libya, they destroy South Africa, they destabilize countries.
Not a word about the economic hitmen in Latin America.
Not a word about all this.
When he first got in three years ago, two and a half years ago,
He did say there's too much debt, debt needs to be forgiven by the central banks.
But it was, and I was like, that's pretty good.
I don't usually like leftists, but that's a, and then it was all just right in front, a little bit of good stuff.
And I was like, I don't know about Pope Francis, he might be good.
And then now he's just letting us know who he is.
It is a
Death sentence.
Yes, I'm for free market.
It's not free market if Nigeria in 1949, you can look this up, borrows a billion dollars, they've paid over a hundred billion in interest on it, and they still owe over a hundred billion on it.
Is it fair to pay two hundred billion on a billion?
That's loan sharking!
All over the country they're changing laws where you couldn't have payday loans with 20% interest a week.
They're getting rid of the laws.
The Republicans are going along with it with the Democrats in places like Arkansas to screw people over.
Interest is fine, but there should be laws on abusing poor people.
And that's what I don't like.
Yes, there are some poor people that choose to be poor who are very austere, very Christ-like.
My dad had an older cousin who invented a very famous piece of computer equipment and made fabulous amounts of money.
I'm going to leave it at that.
He gave it all to the Salvation Army and drove around in an almost broke-down car ministering to people.
He's not alive anymore.
Now, that is Christ-like.
When the Pope talks about being poor and the spirit of the poor, that's when you choose to be like that.
Christ could have been the king of the planet, but he chose to be poor, as an example, to not distract people from the message.
But the Pope twists that with austerity, that it's so cool to be poor.
That's what Obama went to Africa and said, you can't have air conditioning, you can't have cars.
Not, we gotta make them cleaner, we gotta make them better.
Just look, you're not getting them.
And if you give the Africans cars, and if you give them air conditioning, and if you give them industry, I mean, wouldn't you love it if Africa was big, beautiful hotels, and those wonderful lakes and resorts, and you could just jump on an airplane and go there and hang out?
But the globalists don't want that.
They want, on record, to the Royal Commission on Population, 1949, to keep them in squalor, to control them, so they can get their resources for nothing.
Africa has been held down.
And it's the same message.
That's what the modern Catholic Church wants.
That's what Obama wants.
It's what the socialists want.
It's a bunch of dumbed-down idiots that they control.
Anthony, you're here to cover health news.
We're here to take calls with me and ride shotgun until Peter Schiff joins us.
We're going to cover that health news coming up here in about 10 minutes.
I want to go to some calls first.
We've got incredible news.
We told you it was coming.
Reuters, intelligent car seat detects driver stress level.
I told you 15 years ago that was coming.
It calls the police on you when you're tired or stressed.
Being federally mandated.
Told you that yesterday, it's in the news today.
I'm just telling you, total battle plan, total admission, they're putting cancer viruses in your vaccines.
You hear the Pope talking about that?
You hear the Pope saying don't take the Gardasil shot in Latin America?
That's gonna sterilize most of those girls?
People say, Alex, you say there's too many Latin Americans, let's sterilize them, wink wink.
You don't kill and maim people.
You protect them, you build them up, you just don't let the globalists in, while they're killing one group of them, use them as a weapon against us.
It's called three-level and four-level dimensional thinking, not one-dimensional or smart people thinking two-dimensional.
It's like dealing with a bunch of mental midgets.
Wake up!
I'm not talking to our audience.
I'm talking to new listeners.
How did I tell you last week, I said, now you're going to see a push for pedophilia?
Suddenly Democrat publications everywhere say it's the best thing since pumpkin pie.
Because it's an agenda!
I know who these people are!
They won't stop till they've got their hands on your kids.
If they can't have the baby fight in the scalpel when it's eight months old, you know, because it wants to live, they're gonna get your kid in a dungeon when they're done, okay?
It's what they do.
Migrant crisis, Euro tensions threaten to trigger catastrophic conflict, experts claim and warn.
We're getting to that.
Fighting for pedophilia, it's now official.
government admits it is a policy to cover up and aid allies in the rape of little boys.
Because it's their culture.
You see, it's a pedophile's culture that they want to grab your five-year-old out of the backyard.
Instead, if your five-year-old chooses, under U.N.
agreements, under what NABLA wants,
There's a 50-year-old pot-bellied pedophile with a weird crusty goatee and a simpering voice at your door here to date your 5-year-old.
And the school's going to teach your kid that that's their right.
And they're going to go, Mommy, I want to go with Bob.
And you think I'm joking.
I'm not joking!
And if you don't give your 5-year-old to Bob, you're going to get SWAT teamed!
They're not playing games!
What's the latest thing with Jenner?
Will you guys bring me an article on that?
Caitlyn running somebody over and all that stuff.
But it's okay, because it's a God that did it.
Like in Ghostbusters, are you a God?
Jenner says, yes.
Well, good.
Giant ass.
So, when somebody asks you if you're a God, you say yes.
So, we've got all this going on, and it's just going to get... DA will not prosecute in fatal car crash, because it's a God.
Alright, tell me your take.
I mean, listening to the Pope, it sounded like...
I would use that voice for like an evil spider that crawls in people's ears and takes control of them in a movie, that once the alien spiders are in your brain, that's what you sound like as the Pope.
I mean, you know, I don't want to say he's the PBP, but I'm telling you.
It's a great tonality, isn't it?
You know, the Pope had a great PR marketing strategy.
Whoever was on his advisory team was amazing, because in the very beginning he came out and said a lot of really good things that everyone liked.
It was universal.
It was beyond party lines.
You know, we should help people.
Oh my God, this Pope is amazing, how could he say those things?
And then he comes here and he's like, we need to come together, it's your fault, all these things are happening.
And it's interesting too, because you notice no one actually talks about the solutions, they always blame other people, right?
So the Pope and Obama are up there saying, it's people that have money in the United States, that you're the reason Africa is destabilized.
No, I'm pretty sure it's actually people like you that just destabilized Africa.
It was Obama, they blew up Libya!
And they go in and they do bombing runs and they say, people in America that make over $50,000 per year are evil.
It's like, it's total mental illness.
They don't realize... Well, they realize they're the ultra-rich, class-warfaring.
Of course, of course.
But they don't talk about real injustices.
Like you're talking about these insane pedophile articles.
I mean, it's demented.
It's absolutely insane.
But they're up there talking about things that are global issues, sure, but they're blaming the wrong parties and they're contriving it and making it all weird and stuff and Obama's sitting up there just listening and nodding.
Did you see Obama basking in the glow, the media said?
Of course.
Well, he bows to the Pope, too.
We've all seen that, you know.
Time and time again, it reminds us that these people come in and blame us for things that they're doing.
And I'm tired of it.
I mean, it's just like the banking cartel blaming us for the economy.
You ruined the 2008 economy because you bought houses.
Is that what happened?
They blame us for everything that they do.
No, you gave loans!
Yep, and it's all fake money.
But notice they gut the poor, the actual poor that we care about and actually want to talk about every day, they gut the poor and then they blame the middle class Americans.
Yeah, where would the poor be if the middle class wasn't getting their hair cut, wasn't getting their car washed, wasn't getting their yard cut?
I mean, it's just insane.
And it's also, people don't seem to understand they're being blamed.
We all are part of this class that they're blaming.
They're not blaming the .001%.
They're saying anyone that has anything.
Pope Francis is blaming poverty on the middle class Americans.
When every actuary shows wealth, true independent wealth creates more wealth and makes people around it rich.
Well they know that too, but not to mention they're the ones gutting the poor and then blaming us.
It's total insanity.
They are doing the exact same things they're claiming we're doing.
It's making a construct of fear and self-blame.
Exactly, it's class warfare, but they're getting away with it and footing us with the bill.
Class warfare!
It's a total scam system.
Oh yeah, it's just insane.
Well, I want to see, I want to do a White House petition to have the White House ask the Pope to give up, first to disclose the secret bank accounts and property of the Vatican, rumored to be the greatest in the world, and that they give half of it to the poor.
You know how much secret stuff they have in the Vatican, all this insanity going on over there?
They don't even disclose what they even have.
Relics and everything like that.
They admittedly own the most private land in the world.
But that's fine.
He's not... The Vatican is great, don't you understand?
Well, the Queen of England shoots her mouth off about raising taxes for the poor, and she's the second biggest landowner in the world.
I mean, shut up, you witch!
They don't understand that money... Well, they understand.
They're blaming us, but with wealth comes great responsibility to actually help people, and you can choose to morally do that.
You can be like Henry Ford and build factories and pay folks enough to buy your car.
I'm not saying Henry Ford was perfect, he had a lot of problems, but he understood an economy that makes everybody wealthy is what would be good for manufacturing and build a civilization.
The globalists want to go the opposite against that.
They want to shut down civilization and have it be unevenly distributed.
Let's go to phone calls.
I want to get into your health news here in a moment.
Thanks for holding.
First up, Mark in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Talk about his lordship, his excellency.
They had horns going,
I mean, it's like the royalty had arrived, but I guess he is the oldest, longest-serving, continual, total monarch.
By the way, why is a religious figure on all of our television screens, but at the same time they're trashing saying that any form of belief is evil, and that nothing is real, but, oh, let's worship the... Oh, it's like they say, heterosexual stuff is now bad and evil, and families are bad, but pedophilia's good.
So, basic Christian values are bad, we're being persecuted, but, oh, this guy, he's fine.
He's great, though, because he says what they believe in.
Well, the reason he's great is, they have stuff bigger than the Swiss bank accounts, and the elite put their money in there.
Right, so all Christian values are bad, except when the Pope comes, then he is a worshipful king of all of ours, and we should listen to every word he says.
Makes sense.
Yep, Mark, from Tennessee, thanks for calling, go ahead.
Uh, yeah, this New World Order porn,
That I saw on CBS this morning, they interrupted, but Price is right, you know, oh my God.
Did you see and hear the horns?
Yeah, yeah, the person here, oh wait, wait, he's gotta stop and kiss a baby, kiss a baby, oh my God, a photo op.
We have to kiss it and see if, oh, this is one they didn't chop up at Planned Parenthood, huh?
The kiss of death.
But yeah, I just want to say, yeah, that this is ridiculous.
It's like, like you said, it's New World Order porn.
Here you go, here's this guy.
He's going to save the planet!
He is!
With Obama!
With Obama!
I'm going to jump to the next person, Mark.
We're going quick to calls here.
Let's talk to Nate in Louisiana.
Nate, you're on the air.
Thank you.
Yes sir, Alex, good to be on the show, man.
There's a new agenda, a new spin-off, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, that I missed.
I don't see how I missed it, because I've been pretty entrenched in this topic.
Yeah, that's the next phase, Agenda 2030 and beyond, from the UN and Club of Rome.
Tell folks about it.
Yeah, right, and there's 17 sustainable development points in that agenda, and it's being signed
This week and the same week, weekend that the Pope's going to be here from the 25th to the 27th.
That's right, this is their big push and then they're going to ratify it in December and Obama swears that he will implement it even if Congress doesn't pass it.
There's been a total media blackout of this.
Open world government.
I know.
We've got to get Lord Monckton on.
He's going to be in Paris covering it.
I'm tempted to send a reporter there.
I just don't know if we have the funds to do it.
I'm trying to be a little bit more miserly.
Speaking of reporters, we're going to have Jakari Jackson and David Knight reporting in the third hour today on what they've been witnessing.
But great point, Nate.
I'm glad you raised New Agenda 2030, which is the next phase of Agenda 21.
And that Global Treaty 1992.
Let's talk to Andy in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Hi Alex, thank you very much.
I just have two little points I'd like to bring up.
Thank you.
One was random DNA swabs by RCMP due to burglary in Stratford, PEI.
Yep, more and more they're teaching people you have no due process across the world.
Well, it's random DNA swabs for a small-time burglary where the guy was cutting open screens in the basement.
Well, you know, the FBI, it's on DrudgeReport.com today, has our story up there.
They're merging civilian, you know, when you're a realtor or whatever, and you thumbprint to be a realtor, you're a schoolteacher, you thumbprint, they're merging non-criminal databases, and the ones from Disney World and everywhere, as I warned everybody, this has already been done, with their database.
How do you think their face-scanning cameras work?
They get your digital photo from the driver's license DMV.
This is what the National ID Card's about, is unifying all this.
FBI merges criminal and civil fingerprint database.
But meanwhile, Andraj, is another article about millions of digital fingerprints stolen.
And people go, oh, we found your fingerprints.
Folks, it's so easy to frame somebody with fingerprints now.
Go ahead, caller, sorry.
Can I bring up the Pope now?
Yes, talk about his worship.
His holiness.
Well, I was wondering if anybody else noticed the CNN glitch at 1231 when he was in his parade route, but he was supposed to be in the Oval Office.
Yes, go ahead.
Do you know what I mean?
I didn't catch that, but I guess they're heavily scripting it.
What did you witness?
Well, it skipped the whole section of the parade when he was supposed to be in the Oval Office.
Other than that, I'd just like to send a shout-out to 1984.
Can you do that for me, Alex?
Yeah, I took my children... I will.
Sure, brother.
I took my children out bowling last night with my cousin and his wife, and the manager came over and was a listener.
In fact, I have the photos on my phone.
I want Buckley to tweet them.
I forgot last night.
And he had on his left hand, so you put that out first,
The answer to 1984 on his fist is 1776.
So it's pretty awesome.
He's a big, big bear of a man.
And so we're going to tweet that out at Real Alex Jones coming up.
Again, sorry to cut you off, Andy.
I'm just moving quick to these calls.
Let's talk to Steve in Maryland.
Steve, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are ya?
I just got a couple little points here.
With the Jesuit Pope, you're exactly right on the money.
This guy is about as bad as they get.
If you research Jesuits, I encourage everyone to do so.
But this stuff's been on my mind since last night.
Had a dream and in my dream,
Uh, you've seen the signs, no justice, no peace.
And in the dream, the signs changed and they said, which get, you know, my hair stood up, but it said no character, no rights.
And then I'm like, holy cow, how everything's such an abomination and the worst parts of humanity are being accepted and pushed.
Like you said, demoralized us.
And the fact is, no character, no rights.
And that's exactly how they'll bring us down through this.
But on the Jesuits, they would come into, they would start a conflict.
Keep them apart and if it looked like they would get back together, then the Jesuits, they would send in a Jesuit to get them to shake hands and then the credit goes to the Jesuits and then also there's about a hundred different world leaders throughout history.
I gotta jump, I gotta jump, but more calls are coming up.
We're moving quick.
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And so, to the shores of America, for the first time in history, the Pope is set to address the Congress.
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Obama, bashed in the angelic glow.
The rusted chains of prison moons are shattered by the sun.
I walk a road, horizons change, the tournament's begun.
The purple piper plays his tune, the choir softly sing.
Three lullabies in an ancient tongue for the court of the
You want world government?
You want medical tyranny?
You want forced euthanasia?
Forced inoculation?
You want state-run media teaching your children that they should want to date when they're six years old?
Sixty-year-old, seventy-year-old men?
You want the Democratic Party to come out openly and say you're a pedophile phobe?
You don't accept it?
You're gonna get it.
And all the other curses that come with tyranny.
We'll continue with your calls right into the next hour.
Dizzy and Dave and many others.
Nick and others that are holding.
Gucci Artie's going to be with us into the next segment.
He's got some health news coming up.
Mention what's coming up in that next little segment, Anthony.
We're going to talk about the new superbugs coming out that we've been telling you about that are antibiotic resistant and basically what you can do about them and really what's going to happen ultimately when it starts getting more of a big deal.
We're going to talk about the peanut executive that's getting 28 years for apparently knowingly releasing salmonella in his peanut butter and what that means for the future of the food supply.
And they're saying he'd make it a life in prison.
Well, why doesn't Bayer for knowingly shipping out HIV?
Well, yeah, there's some serious implications too in the supplement world what that means for the rest of us.
Also, talk about what may be the key to keeping unwanted weight off, according to this new study, and how kids are getting juice, one-third of their fruit intake, from fruit juices every year.
All right, that's coming up.
Briefly, we've got some really exciting news.
We did a limited run of this at first.
It sold out in a week.
Childy's is back in.
This is a big four-ounce bottle.
Basically, herbs and essential oils.
This is the number one national bestseller private label to us, and we sell it at a little bit lower price.
But I'm not even going to say the company, it's just this is... Anthony, tell folks, ChildEase is now back in.
You give your kids a couple of tablespoons of this, one in the morning, one at night.
It just absolutely changes, in my experience, their entire mood and outlook.
It works like a charm.
Tell folks about ChildEase.
So the original formula has been sold for 20 years.
That's right.
We tweaked it, added some stuff, made it, in my opinion, a little bit better.
It has been one of the best sellers for 20 years, though.
I think this formula is even more powerful, though.
And it has been sold out for months.
I mean, you launched it, I think it sold out in two weeks and we haven't had it for months because it's really hard to make this new specific formula that we have.
And it has things like chamomile.
Sorry, I forgot that point.
It's a tweak on the nationwide bestseller.
So it has things like lemon balm extract and chamomile.
Yeah, yeah.
And what's cool is, also I think in that folder over there, we have some reviews from people that talked about using it for their kids, but they're also using it for themselves.
So it's not just for kids.
It's made for children.
It's made to naturally soothe their brains and kind of relax them a little bit.
Because if you think about it, with the television and the insanity and the food additives, kids are more stressed out now than ever before, I think.
Yeah, I had a folder that had the reviews on it.
They can read the reviews on Infowarslife.com.
I'll try to find it during the break.
The other good news is we've got enough Brain Force in, the ultimate brain pill.
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I mean, it's just totally ridiculous.
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We'll hit the health news.
And Peter Schiff, on your call.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, Dizzy and others, your calls are coming up.
In fact, we're going to move Schiff here at about 15 after so I can come back and get their calls before Schiff's on with us.
Schiff will be with us for the balance of the hour.
He predicted accurately what happened with interest rates.
We have Anthony Guicciardi here with us with some breaking news, but you were able to actually find the folder.
It was stuck in between another one.
On Child Ease supports calm, focused attention.
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These minerals, these compounds are known to just make kids healthier, happier, smooth out their whole metabolic system.
That's what it does.
A true game changer.
Four ounces of this.
I give my kids, when I remember, a teaspoon in the morning, a teaspoon at night, and
My daughter, you know, is starting to get ready to go through puberty.
She hasn't yet, but she's really growth-spurting.
She'd wake up some at night, do stuff.
If I religiously give this to her, she sleeps through the night, doesn't wake up wandering around, you know, getting stuff to drink out of the refrigerator at 3 a.m., waking me up, knocking stuff over.
I mean, it really works.
Tell folks about the reviews there.
And it actually tastes good.
There's no alcohol in it.
Most of these children's products don't taste good, so that's a different thing, too.
But, so we talked about earlier, some people are just taking it to themselves, not just giving it to their kids.
This is from Button in Canada.
He says, helps me focus in a calm, natural way.
I take it with Supermail Vitality and other InfoWars combinations.
Then we have someone, Carl from the UK says, it does what it says, exactly what it says.
Regular customer, never been let down.
So people are taking it themselves too, not just giving it to their kids.
And I've done that as well, obviously testing it out, and it really does just kind of calm you out.
I think it's a great product overall, not just for children, but it is specifically made for kids.
And I don't have side effects from brain force, but sometimes I take it a little too late, and then I can't go to sleep, and I drink about a double dose of this.
Consult your physician first, but I take a goodly dose of it.
If you take it with knockout, though, whoa, I wouldn't do that, because the two combined, I've done that.
But I tell you, a knockout works like a charm.
It's back in.
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DNA Force, 20% off, Infowarslife.com.
Okay, in the few minutes we've got left, Anthony, I know you're going to be hosting the show tomorrow in the fourth hour, but let's get into this other news.
So, 28 years for Salmonella.
The peanut executive has been sentenced to 28 years, which is pretty much a life sentence for him.
Did he really know they were shipping it out?
That's crazy.
But it's really just to make a statement to everyone else, right?
This is really just to scare food producers.
The federal judge handed Parnell a 28-year prison sentence, the toughest penalty ever for a corporate executive in a food poisoning outbreak.
He's 61, and unless he wins an appeal, he will serve out most of his term.
His brother and food broker also received a 20-year sentence, and the plant's quality assurance manager was given five years.
So that's a big deal.
And then here's one.
Here's a quote.
Although his sentence is less than maximum, it is the longest sentence ever in a food poisoning case.
But did he admit, because I followed it some but couldn't find out, did he admit that he knowingly did it?
It's really, really complex.
Here's an example, though.
Hospitals cover up deadly fungus, kills a bunch of people.
That's in the news.
They don't get in trouble.
Well, meanwhile, I was going to say, also, big drug manufacturers, like it just came out that the Paxil metadata showed that it caused suicide in teens.
But they just pay fines, and no one cares.
Or Pfizer pays fines.
So the point is, they selectively burn people when they want, because that guy was a smaller manufacturer.
They're setting the precedent to go after little guys.
That's how Tyson shut down all the other chicken producers.
There's a bigger piece too.
There's an article in Forbes that says FDA needs more funding.
And it came out because of this.
So they're going to say, hey, there was salmonella in this peanut butter.
We need to get more money for the FDA and bureaucratic systems to look at everybody harder.
We need to have more billions of dollars for this or else people are going to die.
Meanwhile, Big Pharma does whatever they want and kills everybody.
But it's like, oh, there was salmonella in peanut butter.
We need to get more funding for the FDA immediately.
More bureaucracy.
But if you're Tyson, you can have thousands of violations.
You don't get in trouble.
But a small mom and pop, you're shut down for one.
It's setting a precedent.
Big corporations do what they want.
The chickens sit in generations of their own feces.
That's fine.
Monsanto does whatever they want.
Simply insane.
Thank you, Anthony Gucciardi.
Great job.
More on that tomorrow when he hosts the fourth hour of Overdrive.
Peter Schiff coming up.
But first, some of your calls.
Kay Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called liberation theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
Zoghami wrote, Barack Obama and Raul Castro's mandalist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
Keep checking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
We've confirmed through our major suppliers attempting to resupply Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystals that elite corporations are buying up the supplies all over the world.
So prices are going up and it's very hard to secure it.
We have been able to secure
A limited supply of the pure deep earth crystals and have now been able to produce more survival shield nascent iodine x2.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We have loaded phone lines.
Folks want to talk about the Pope's visit.
At the bottom of the hour, I'll go to you, and you can each have about 30 seconds, a minute, to give your comment on it and how it affects the economy.
We'll get Peter Schiff's take on it at that point.
But he's with us for the hour.
The head of Euro-Pacific Capital.com, by the way.
Billions under management to break down the fact that he accurately predicted six months ago, three months ago, a month ago, that the Federal Reserve would not raise interest rates.
Now they're saying it might come in a few months.
And I was talking when I was in Omaha over the weekend where there is a Federal Reserve based bank system.
I was talking to someone who works for the Federal Reserve, I'm just going to leave it at that, and they said, at least from their Fed head, that they didn't think it was a good idea that rates hadn't gone up, and that they were pressuring out of that particular base bank
It was tied into Kansas City, but the Omaha branch was pressuring them to raise interest rates.
And I told this Federal Reserve official that I thought that Peter Schiff and others were right, that they couldn't raise them, because that would really make the economy implode.
Obviously, Peter Schiff said they should raise them, but they're not going to raise them, and he's been proven right yet again.
So, Peter Schiff joins us, EuroPAC.com.
Now, we're going to then also get into
Some of the other reports that tie into this whole cashless society control grid.
Intelligent car seat detects driver stress level.
That's Reuters and of course reports it to the police.
Migrant crisis in Euro tension threatens to trigger catastrophic conflict, claims experts.
Also trade-off.
Greeks turn to barter as country runs out of cash.
Another report, fighting for pedophilia.
It's official US government policy to allow Afghan allies to rape little boys.
You cannot make this up.
And now Democratic Party connected publications like Salon are coming out saying don't be mean to pedophiles.
It's only their sexual attraction.
It's their persuasion.
Don't be hateful.
So what if your persuasion was torturing women to death?
Would that be okay?
I mean, I was watching this video from a university with feminists saying basically all sex is rape and university reports 23% of women have been patted or kissed at parties and that that's rape now.
So men patting a woman on the rear end at a drunken party is rape, but
Body parts of babies being sold, that's no big deal.
And pedophilia being promoted, that's okay.
And putting transgender bathrooms in to confuse kids is okay.
I mean, this is a takeover that is taking place.
And I'm all over the map here.
I've never really asked Peter Schiff his take on the moral decline of this country.
I know he's kind of a paleo-conservative slash libertarian, was Ron Paul's chief advisor in his first campaign.
But, you know, us libertarians are live and let live, but we're being conquered by the cultural Marxists who really are driven by
There need to overthrow everything good and decent.
And so I want to get into your prediction becoming, you know, accurate and true yet again, where you see the economy going so much more, the pubs visit, phone calls, whole nine yards, whole shooting match.
But first off, culturally, Peter Schiff, you know, as a father, as a husband, as a patriot, I mean, do you ever scratch your head and think how much worse can it get?
I mean, are liberals really this sick and freakish?
In their behavior.
I don't know if you've seen the article suddenly now the new movement is pedophilia What is your view on just all the craziness?
Well, look, I don't know how much worse it's going to get, but you know, I wanted to go over with you how much worse it's gotten for my father.
And this probably shows you where we are at a nation when this is how we treat our prisoners.
And of course, remember my dad being a political prisoner, but he's nonviolent.
And I want to just... For a book he wrote, the judge said 10 years ago, you won't go to prison if you stop printing the book and stop speaking.
Your father said no.
A true political prisoner like North Korea, please continue.
Erwin Schiff.
So let me tell you what happened.
So I went and visited him.
I hadn't seen him in a while because, you know, they isolated him out in Fort Worth, Texas, supposedly because he could get better medical care there.
This is the irony of it.
He used to be at a place called Otisville, which was in New York, close to my house, easy to visit.
I don't think so.
They said, well, you're too old to be at Otisville.
You need to be in this special camp.
And they sent them first to Tallahoe, Indiana, and then to Fort Worth, Texas.
But of course, he rarely gets visitors because he doesn't know anybody.
You know, I had to take a plane, rent a car.
It's a big deal.
And by the way, to interrupt you, Terre Haute is the maximum security execution center.
So they sent him to the most...
They have a lower security facility.
He wasn't there.
But it's not the camp that he was at in Otisville.
But in any event, so, I went to visit him.
And the way it works in this prison is, depending on what your prison number is, if it ends in an odd number or an even number, you can either visit on a Saturday or a Sunday.
You can't visit on both days, because a lot of people want to visit their loved ones on the weekends, and so they split it up.
So my dad happened to be on a Saturday.
Now also they have visiting Friday night.
So I booked my plane reservation about a week ago.
I flew in Friday to visit him Friday night.
I was going to see him Saturday day.
You get about six or seven hours on Saturday.
Friday night is going to be a two-day visit.
So I got there on Friday evening for the scheduled visiting hours.
And when I get there, there's nobody there.
And there's a couple of guards there.
And they said, well, why are you here?
And I said, well, I'm here to visit my father.
And they said, oh, you know, we don't do evening visits anymore.
He's an inmate.
We changed that last week.
And I said, well, gee, why didn't you say something about it?
I mean, I looked at the website.
I called up.
No one said anything.
And they said, well, you know, we put a sign out front.
And I said, well, a sign out front, what good does that do me?
I can't see from Connecticut your sign here in Fort Worth.
I mean, these guys couldn't care less that people are making arrangements based on the visiting hours, and then they just change them abruptly without any advance notice.
Total arrogance!
In fact, when I went back to my hotel room that night, I checked the website, and it still had the visiting hours being Friday night.
They still haven't even put on the website that they changed it.
So anyway, I came back the following morning, and I got there when it started.
And of course, it's not even that long a line, maybe 40 people.
Took me two hours to get in the front door.
You know, I mean, two hours on a line that wasn't that long.
That's how slow they process.
Meanwhile, in the parking lot is now filled, you know, because of some Obama mandate, all federal buildings have to have covered parking with solar panels.
And they're spending a fortune covering the parking lots with solar panels.
Meanwhile, you know, there's no benches to even sit down when you're standing, you know, waiting for two hours.
But when I finally got in there,
They pulled me aside and they said, oh, we got some news for you, so you can't just go right in and visit.
Now, I have no idea what it is.
As far as I know, maybe my father died.
So I'm waiting another 20 minutes or so in this little room for some woman to come out to tell me why I can't visit my father.
And it turns out that he had been admitted into the hospital the day before.
And of course, they'll never tell you when they bring your loved one to the hospital.
Because theoretically, that's when we can plan the escape.
See, if they told us that they were taking my father to the hospital, we could, you know, try to ambush the ambulance and break him out of jail.
So to make sure that we don't do that, they don't say anything.
So they tell me my father is in jail.
And by the way, your dad has cancer.
We need to add that.
Yes, he has cancer.
So, I go to the hospital, and first of all, in order to get into his room, there's two armed guards, right, by his door.
Armed guards guarding my dad.
He's 87, and he's almost blind.
In fact, he couldn't even see my face.
He could just see a blurry outline of my face.
Of course, if they had taken care of his eyes, he probably has really bad cataracts, but maybe he could see.
But in any event, they have two armed guards.
We're paying taxpayers to guard my 87-year-old father.
And I get in there, he's shackled to the bed.
He's got a handcuff around his ankle, and he's shackled to the bed.
And he's in really bad shape.
And this is the worst part about it.
So I got to talk to a doctor who had been examining him.
And probably I never would have been able to speak to this doctor had I not been in the hospital at the time.
And the doctor first tells me that my father, when he was originally diagnosed with cancer, according to the prison records, he refused treatment.
Now, my father screamed, like, no I didn't, why would I ever refuse treatment?
Somehow, because my father told me, I said, well what's the treatment that they're recommending?
And they told him, there's nothing we can do, there's no treatment.
But now, according to the records, my father refused treatment.
So they dummied the records up.
It's just a total collapse.
Yeah, but here's the worst part.
So, the doctor tells me now that the cancer has spread, and she shows me his CAT scans, and that the cancer has spread to all these other organs in his body, not just his lungs.
But, she also says, you know, look at his head, she sees these marks, and she thinks he has melanoma, and she thinks...
In her opinion, and we don't have all the tests yet, but what she thinks is that he doesn't really have a lung cancer.
He has melanoma that went undetected and untreated and spread to the rest of his body.
So in other words, they brought my father to this facility because of how great the medical attention is.
He basically got no medical attention whatsoever.
He had melanoma, which could have been cured probably a few years ago, but they did nothing about it.
And they wait until it's basically infected his entire body, and now I have no idea how much more time he has left to live.
I mean, I don't know that he's even going to live to get out.
I know this is hard for you, but I probably had your dad on, let's not exaggerate, 30 times.
I got him, helped get him on the GCN Radio Network, helped get him syndicated, probably one of the reasons he got in so much trouble.
His show got very popular, got picked up by a bunch of radio stations.
And I tell you, usually I don't like to go out to eat and talk about politics with folks because I get enough of it already.
Your dad was so fun to eat dinner with.
I probably had dinner with your dad ten times.
And it personally gets to me to think about him being tortured like this.
And then I think about you, his son, what you must be going through.
I mean, he should be out of prison right now.
He's a political dissident.
Just to see him there, you know, all by himself, withering away, maybe 140 pounds, he's skin and bones, he's not eating, he's all by himself, you know, he's starting to lose his mental capacity, probably dementia.
Meanwhile, you know, everybody I talk to says, yes, the people at the prison want him out.
But he's still not out.
The bureaucracy, the wheels turn so slowly, we can't even get a dying man out of prison.
We have to sit him in a hospital with armed guards shackled to a bed.
He's got no visitors.
There's no family members around.
And basically the prison system killed him.
He's been in jail for 10 years already.
It was a 13-year sentence, which really was a death sentence for a non-violent so-called crime, basically standing up for his constitutional rights.
Standing up for the American people, trying to get the government to abide by the Constitution, and this is what they do to them.
And they could do it to any of us.
If people don't have empathy, they're insane.
But I think people, maybe your audience, maybe we can do something to demand that they let them out.
I think we need a congressional investigation of the prison, both in Texas, in Fort Worth, and in Terre Haute.
What kind of medical attention did my father receive?
You've got an elderly patient in your care or prisoner.
What medical attention did he get?
Because, you know, we're all talking about turning over health care to the government, Obamacare.
Well, the government is in charge of health care in a prison.
And this is what happens when the government is in charge of anything.
And it gets worse and worse, and everybody passes the buck at every level.
There's a breakdown.
In fact, I was thinking Obamacare earlier.
I'm glad you brought that up.
I mean, we know it's hell in England.
We know it's bad in Canada.
We know government-run healthcare is a disaster, and now we're going under it.
And then now the left is so empowered, they're now coming out for pedophilia.
I mean, these people are insane.
And think about how government works.
I ask the people, why does he have to be chained to the bed?
Well, because it's not comfortable to be lying in a bed when you're handcuffed to it.
And I said, well, can you at least take the cuffs off?
Those are regulations.
Because you might escape.
How is my father, 87, can barely walk and is almost completely blind, how is he going to overpower the two armed guards standing at the door?
That's the centralization where I had grape jelly I wasn't thinking about at a farmer's market in Omaha.
I was bringing it back to my mom.
They find it.
They interrogate me for 30 minutes.
Why do I have this?
How dare me?
You know, I'm lucky that I'm allowed to leave.
And with a straight face, I said, with a straight face, my grape jelly's bad?
You know, this is a joke.
And they said, well, sir, it's our regulation.
See, they don't give these people any leeway for common sense.
They're like robots.
Now, no, they can't think for themselves.
They're like, well, if we take the handcuffs off your dad, well, we have to do it for everybody.
No, you don't!
You got an 87-year-old guy that can barely walk and is legally blind.
Take the cuffs off him.
He's not going anywhere.
Yeah, if it's a 30-year-old convicted pedophile, child rapist, chain him up to the wall and punch him in the stomach.
I mean, I'm being sarcastic, but obviously a blind guy with cancer, you don't need to chain him down.
No, and especially when you have two armed guards.
Where is he going to go?
There's no... I mean, it is insane, but this is government.
This is how government operates.
This is how government functions.
That's why you want to absolutely limit government to its smallest possible capacity.
That's what the founding fathers tried to do with the Constitution.
My father tried to stand up for that document and force the government to abide by it because the courts have let the government get away with murder.
And in this case, they are getting away with murder because they're murdering my dad.
Well, I know it must be hard for you.
Did you tell him folks on the outside are rooting for him and that people are reading his book more than ever?
I did.
I did tell him.
I told him I was going to go on your show and I was going to talk about it.
You know, he wants to get the word out there.
He wants people to understand what's going on in this country.
And I tell you, I've never seen him or listened to him more negative about what he thinks is going to happen economically.
I mean, he is really, really worried.
Tell us what your dad has to say.
He's a smart guy.
Well, you know, he couldn't say much because he's losing his short-term memory.
So a lot of the things he just kept saying to me over and over again without any recollection that he had already told me.
But he is very concerned about the financial position of the U.S.
economy and what's going to happen when the dollar collapses or the Fed has to, or the Congress has to admit that they can't make Social Security payments, they can't make any of these payments, and there's, you know, riots and food shortages.
I don't
Let's get into the meat and potatoes.
Skip the break.
I'm not going to even play the clips.
You're on record at EuroPAC.com.
You were on record being criticized by the national media for saying they will not raise interest rates.
And now they haven't raised interest rates.
Break that down.
And the latest since you were on a month ago.
Well, first of all, the important thing is the excuse, right?
Because everybody is still buying the lie.
This is part of the show.
So Janet Yellen came out and said, okay, like we were gonna raise interest rates, but now we're not because of China.
Like we're worried about these problems overseas, and so we're not gonna raise rates.
And the media buys it.
But that's not the truth.
Janet Yellen is lying.
I said this in the beginning, that they are going to come up with one excuse after another.
And it doesn't even matter what the excuse is.
It's whatever makes the most sense at the time.
Whatever is the most convenient, that's what they're going to blame it on.
Because look what Janet Yellen said.
The same playbook.
She said, we're not raising rates now, but we may raise them in October.
Well, that's in six weeks.
Well, if the Fed is so worried about the problems in China,
I don't know.
And to show how disconnected they are, even the Fed head up in Omaha thinks they're really going to raise it in the next few months.
To show how the New York Fed is keeping the other Fed groups out of the loop, break down how that whole group works.
Because people think it's just one unified Federal Reserve.
They don't understand how the real board works.
Well, you have various member banks, you have different people that are part of the Federal Open Market Committee, so they all have a voice.
But I think it's easy to dissent if you know that the majority is going to make sure that your dissenting opinion doesn't actually happen, right?
So it's easy to say, hey, I think we should raise rates when you know everybody else is going to make sure that rates don't go up.
Right, so then you can look like you're the responsible one, but everybody else is preventing the rate hike.
But I'm sure even the guys that say they want to raise rates, if it came right down to it, and their voice was, their vote was a deciding vote, they don't want to raise rates.
Because that will expose the myth.
The Fed wants to pretend they can raise rates because theoretically raising rates is a sign that everything is better.
But they want to pretend everything is better without proving it is not.
The nail on the head, and you told CNBC, and we put the article up, there's video, you said, just last week, you said, I predicted what the Fed would do correctly, now I'm going to predict what the stocks are going to do.
Let's get into that.
Well, I actually never said anything about what the stock market was going to do on that interview, but I do believe that the stock market... Sure, well, that's their headline.
Let me give you the headline then so you know.
We'll put it back on screen.
It's, uh, Schiff, I'm right about the Fed, I'll be right about stocks.
So, what's that about?
Yeah, I don't know where they got the headline on stocks, but the only thing I did say is that I thought that the stock market needed QE4 in order to not fall, which is what I believe.
I think that just keeping interest rates at zero is not enough to support the market.
This market is really propped up.
It's a huge bubble.
It needs air.
It needs QE4 to stop from deflating.
And it needs the Fed to keep buying the bonds, right?
That is QE4.
Well, absolutely.
The Fed has to expand its balance sheet if it wants to stop a bear market.
And I believe it does want to stop a bear market.
It's not going to admit that.
It's not going to say that's the reason.
But it also wants to prop up the banks.
It wants to prop up the real estate market.
This reminds me a lot what's going on now you go back to 2006 I'm gonna put together another video of some of these clips again of me talking about the housing bubble which was so incredibly obvious to me and should have been obvious to everybody but it wasn't
What was going on and what was going to happen when that bubble burst?
And it's the same thing all over again.
This is so incredibly obvious, yet everybody is oblivious to the problem and how it's going to be resolved.
And maybe, I don't know, is the Fed this dumb?
Or do they know it now and are they just lying and covered up?
Sure, let me ask this question.
It's the classic, damn if you do, damn if you don't.
We're on a break in one minute, but try to answer it now or after.
Explain to people how it's bad if we do keep doing the QE, but how it's bad if we don't, but then it's probably better to go ahead and raise interest rates.
Explain that when we come back.
Peter Schiff is our guest.
I know we got phone calls about the Pope.
I'm going to work you in.
We can get his take on that as well.
His answer is wealth redistribution.
His answer is class warfare when he's exempt from taxes and above the law.
They've got headlines about Obama basking in the aura.
I mean, I'm gonna throw up here in a minute.
I mean, this is truly sickening to have a Marxist Pope.
I mean, we're in deep trouble.
And that's all I can say, is we are in deep trouble.
I mean, if you think the economy's bad now, wait till they bring in more government control, more taxes.
This is really bad news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A new global news fact-checking project was announced yesterday and it will be funded by two organizations with close ties to the Obama White House.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
I'm your host.
It's Alex Jones.
We're going into a total crony capitalist society where they use socialism, communism, social engineering to control and dumb down the public.
I mean communism, socialism doesn't work.
It always ends in disaster.
You've got the ultra-rich, a lot of them that are robber barons that got their money through government contracts, who are waging war against the nouveau riche, the middle class and the working poor.
It's been that way for really thousands of years.
It's feudalism.
Peter Schiff's our guest.
I know we got loaded phones to talk about the Pope, Desi, and folks like Dave, Matt, and others.
We'll get to those in a little segment where we talk about the Pope and get Peter Schiff's take on that.
I know he's an economics guy, but he joins us for a full hour, so it's important to get his take on other things, like we did about his father in prison, because we're more than just a financial show or a news show.
We get into the humanity of what's happening.
We're going to go back to our guest from Euro-Pacific Capital.
The website, of course, is on screen, europac.com.
Briefly, I have storable food because I know society can completely unravel and collapse.
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I'll ask Schiff his take on that in a moment.
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Going back to Peter Schiff of EuroPAC.net, EuroPAC.com, again, billions under management, predicted many of the bubbles, implosions, predicted, if you don't know who he is, most of you do, the situation with the housing bubble before it happened in 2008, has predicted that we would see a worldwide economic
Recession and depression in the last few years.
We're now entering into that.
Most areas of the world are in a depression or in conflict.
We're not seeing that yet here because we're like, islands are just mountains in the ocean.
And as water rises, it covers other islands that aren't as high, but the water's rising.
The question is, how high will it rise?
So Peter, that was my question before the break.
For the folks that just joined us, I'll recap it.
You say we're in trouble if we continue QE, we're in trouble if we get rid of it, but we should get rid of it.
What do you see coming down the road as they don't get rid of it, and why is it better to get rid of it and raise interest rates?
Well, you know, it's just like a drug addict.
I may use this analogy a lot, but, you know, if you're addicted to drugs and you make a decision that you're going to kick that habit and you check yourself into a rehabilitation center, right, your life is going to change in the short run and it's going to get a whole lot worse, right?
Apparently, or I guess if you're doing drugs, you're having a good time.
That's maybe why you're taking drugs.
You feel great.
You're high.
But if you make a decision that you want to kick that habit and you go to rehab, now you're going through withdrawal, right?
You're not going to Club Med.
You're not going to have a good time.
You're going to have to adjust to a normal life.
And so that means a big change in the way you live your life.
But it's better than continuing to do drugs and then maybe being dead in a hospital bed of an overdose.
And that's where we are.
We've got this phony economy that's propped up on this monetary heroin and we need to stop.
We need to go into economic rehab.
That's what would happen if the Fed raised rates.
It wouldn't be fun, but it would be a positive step.
It would be a healing experience as we restructure the economy.
What would that look like?
It would mean that we had to stop spending money, tear up our credit cards, live within our means, asset prices would come down like stocks and real estate.
That's the good part is that what we need would get cheaper.
Well, yeah, well the cost of living would go down.
Home ownership is at the lowest it's been since 1967.
It's like a 48-year low.
But if you take out the older people, for young people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, it's never been this low.
Because real estate prices are too high.
Well, if the government lets the bubble pop, real estate prices will plunge and a lot of people who are renting might be able to afford to buy a house.
You know, a lot of things will become more affordable.
That's right.
This economy is only good for the engineers at the top who know where the market's going to go, who get the money first.
They're the ones riding the bubbles.
All the rest of us get screwed by it.
But, you know, a lot of things are going to change.
Right now, Americans, we buy a lot of stuff on credit.
We have a lot of cheap stuff coming in from China.
We take it for granted.
But it's going to change.
I mean, Americans are going to have to stop throwing things out and buying new stuff.
We're going to have to repair the stuff that we have because we don't have the factories anymore.
And we can't keep borrowing money to import the things that other people produce with their factories.
So this is going to be a painful adjustment process.
Back to a viable economy that grows based on under-consumption saving and investment, where the consuming is the reward for the economic growth, the production and the savings.
We've got it backwards.
We claim that we're a consumer-based economy.
You can't have an economy based on consumption.
It's a disaster.
It's a bubble, which is what we have.
But the Fed wants to perpetuate this.
The Fed doesn't want anybody going to rehab.
The Fed doesn't want people realizing that that's where we need to be.
They want to keep the party going.
They want to keep the high going.
So they are going to come back with more QE.
They are going to keep rates at zero.
But they don't want to admit that that's what they're doing.
So they have to come up with excuses and reasons.
Hey, you didn't just predict, and I'm not kissing your butt here, it's true, you didn't just predict that they wouldn't raise it, you explained years ago what the rope-a-dub was, the philosophy, and now that I look at it, you can really see them teasing people and creating this illusion, but then always pushing it out.
How long do you think until they do finally raise it, or if they decided to just never do it, I mean, how far will they inflate this currency?
Well, I think their plan, if they can pull it off, is not to raise rates, and then to have some bad stuff happen, and they can say, you know, we were ready to do it, everything was working, everything was going great, but something happened that nobody could have possibly anticipated, and because of this crazy event that happened somewhere in the world, we're going to have to, well, we're going to have to postpone what we were going to do, we're going to have to do QE4, because we know it works, because it had worked,
You know, and the whole idea of talking about raising rates allows the Fed to claim victory, right?
They get to eat, have their cake and eat it too, because they can claim, like, everything is great, we're going to raise rates, but they don't actually raise rates, because the easy part is bringing rates to zero.
Any central bank could do that.
The impossible part is lifting them back up again once you've got everybody addicted to zero.
What does it signify that China is moving out of U.S.
I mean, what does that signify?
Well, I think the Chinese are smart.
I think they can read the writing that Americans can't.
I think they have a lot of treasuries, and they want to get rid of them.
And I think it's not just China.
You have countries all around the world that have loaded up on treasuries.
They're going to sell.
Is that the beginning of moving towards the exits?
Because you've been saying the last few years that when we see them starting to dump U.S.
bonds, that's the big sign.
I think it is a big sign.
And, you know, right now there's still speculators buying the dollar on the idea that the U.S.
economy is sound and that the Fed's going to raise rates, but it's all because the Fed says it is.
I mean, if you actually look at all the economic data that comes out every day, it's weak.
The data hasn't been this weak since the Great Recession.
Yet nobody pays attention to the actual data.
They just look at Janet Yellen.
And as long as Janet Yellen says everything is great, nobody cares what the data is.
They're all waiting for the Pied Piper, Janet Yellen.
It's like, you know, the emperor has no clothes.
No one wants to admit the emperor is naked until Janet Yellen says it.
Let me ask you this, and I'm going to go to some phone calls.
You put your crystal ball cap on, and I know you're not making a prediction here, but in your gut, what you tell your wife, what you tell your family, what you're telling our audience now, how do you see this going down the next six months?
What do you see happening this fall?
A lot of folks like Denton and others that have been pretty accurate like you, they think it's imminent, that it's going to get a lot worse a lot quicker, but we know they've got a lot of weird tricks up their sleeves.
The market's so rigged now, interest rates, the stock market, that they can
You know, suspend reality for a while longer, kind of like Wile E. Coyote runs out over the cliff, and for a minute he doesn't fall, because he's not really in the real world, he's on, he's, you know, he's being drawn by Mel Blanc.
Yeah, well it's not until he looks down that he realizes he's no longer on the ground.
That Wile E. Coyote phenomenon is going to happen because a lot of Americans don't realize there's nothing beneath their feet but air.
And what's keeping it going is just defense credibility.
But how much longer can it maintain credibility by
By bluffing, it's going to raise rates, but never delivering.
And if it actually does deliver on a rate hike, it's just going to accelerate the collapse that much further, because if the Fed does raise rates by a quarter point, the markets are going to start anticipating the next quarter, and the next quarter, and it's going to unravel even faster.
So they're damned if they do, and they're damned if they don't, which is why I think they're going to take the path of least resistance, which is leave rates at zero and keep pretending they're going to raise them, until there's something that happens where they have to do QE4.
And maybe it's going to be the jobs numbers.
I mean, at some point, these job numbers are going to turn south with everything else.
I mean, all the other data has already turned to recession.
The only thing left is the employment data, and that's coming.
But don't they admit most of the employment numbers are cooked anyways?
They don't admit that, although Janet Yellen, even in her last statement, when they didn't raise rates, she said, we're still waiting to see improvement in the labor market.
What improvement is she waiting for?
If the unemployment rate is as low as it is, and the employment market is as great as she says it is, why does she need to improve more?
That just proves she's lying.
She knows that the labor market is lousy, and if it's lousy now, in September,
It ain't gonna be any better in October or December.
In fact, it's probably going to be worse.
Well, look, I don't think the Federal Reserve is going to allow a huge stock market plunge.
I think at some point, if it looks like the market is in danger of that big a decline, QE4 is going to be announced.
They're not going to allow their own bubble to deflate.
They spent years blowing air into it.
They're not going to let it implode.
So she's going to stop the stock market from collapsing.
If I thought that the Fed was actually going to raise rates the way everybody believes they're going to do, then the stock market would crash.
And maybe that would be right.
But if the Fed does what I believe they're going to do and comes with more QE, then it's the dollar that's going to crash.
Not the stock market.
In fact, what's putting pressure on all the emerging markets, commodities, gold, is the belief that the Fed is going to tighten monetary policy.
That's what's crushing the entire world.
And until Janet Yellen admits she's not going to do that, then it's not going to change.
And the irony of it is, Janet Yellen is saying, I don't want to raise rates because of the problems overseas.
The problems overseas are because she's going to raise rates, or everybody thinks she's going to raise rates.
Well, it's like CNBC.
We think she can't.
It's like CNBC famously a few years ago said, aren't we all just slaves of central banks?
And then they cut the five guests all agreeing.
I mean, this is really, I guess, the great question.
Now, can central banks and bureaucrats suspend economic reality?
And can they pump a bubble up to Zimbabwe proportions and not have any blowback from that?
And I just think common sense says it can't.
No, look, all bubbles pop.
And the problem is, the bigger they get before they pop, the more damage when they pop.
And this is the biggest one yet.
And remember, you know, people, I was on CNBC, and the guy Scott Nationals was saying, Peter, how could, how is it possible that you're right and everybody else is wrong?
Well, you know what?
That's what happened.
That's what happened with the housing bubble.
And again, I'm not the only one, but there are not that many of us.
But yes, I was right and almost everybody was wrong.
All the big banks, including the Federal Reserve, including Janet Yellen, were completely oblivious to the housing bubble and any of the consequences that were going to hit the economy when that bubble burst.
I laid it out exactly the way it happened.
And here we are again, fast forward 2015.
It's the same... Could it be Chicago?
Could it be LA?
Could it be Puerto Rico going bankrupt?
I mean, we don't know what the trigger.
War with Russia?
I mean, who knows what could trigger this thing going crazy?
Well, look, just the threat of higher interest rates is what's doing it after seven years of zero percent.
But my point is, we are around the corner from a much worse economic crisis than 2008.
But 2008 was still big.
It was the worst downturn since the Great Depression, and nobody in the halls of power saw it.
Nobody wanted to see it.
Nobody in Wall Street.
Nobody at the Fed.
Just a handful of people that they thought were crackpots.
Some of those crackpots got very rich.
But, you know, very few people saw it.
And now it's the same situation all over again.
I want to go to some calls here on The Pontiff and get your take after we take one or two because it ties in economically.
I agree.
His answer is more government.
In Louisiana, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding your take on His Excellency visiting Obama and this huge socialist love fest.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Well, what an honor, Alex, to be on your show.
I just want to thank my friend Nub, who turned me on to your show about two years ago.
First time caller.
You nailed this Pope, Alex.
He's totally evil.
Him and King Jihad, Barack Obama.
Two peas in a pod.
Things that you talked about two years ago when I first listened, they're coming to pass.
The Catholic Church and the Vatican City over there.
Totally evil.
I just wanted to thank you for being on your show, Alex.
Go to another caller.
We're going to go to break here in a moment and come back with more on this.
Thank you.
Well, God bless you.
But I never get into religion.
I don't bash Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Hindus.
There's good people all over.
But this Pope is so political and he's here to lecture America how we couldn't have air conditioning.
I mean, this is austerity.
And it seems like him and Obama are joining forces.
The U.N.'
's coming out of the closet for world government.
This Pope's announced world government.
What's going on, Peter Schiff?
We're going to skip this network break.
Yeah, you know, if the Pope really cared about the people, I mean, again, maybe he does, but if he really understood and wants to help, he should be embracing capitalism, freedom.
That's what lifts people out of poverty.
I mean, it's not government programs.
Government programs create and perpetuate poverty.
And we know that!
It's a historical fact!
Yes, instead of just reading the Bible, he should read history.
He should understand what made America so wealthy in the first place, and it was the absence of government.
Everybody wanted to come here!
Yes, he's here.
You know, we did more, certainly, to lift people out of poverty than any other country.
Now, unfortunately, ever since the government declared war on poverty, poverty's been on the rise.
But before the government decided to battle poverty, capitalism was destroying it.
They started battling it in the 40s, and now we've got the biggest wealth redistribution, the biggest divide, the smallest middle class ever.
Yeah, I mean, we need less government, right?
Redistributing a shrinking pie is not the solution.
Yet, you know, it sounds good, you know, but even, you know, in the Bible that, you know, they talk about, oh, you tied 10%.
I mean, they don't even, they don't really, you know, endorse or recommend socialism there.
So I don't know, you know, why the church has officially embraced the doctrine that has so failed miserably throughout time.
I mean, look at these countries that have been communist, you know, look at
Look at the rampant poverty.
I mean, look at all the poverty in Africa.
I mean, it's not because of freedom and capitalism that there's so many poor people in sub-Saharan Africa.
I mean, look at what the governments are doing to their own people in these countries.
Go there and lecture those governments.
Now, the fact of the matter is, there are problems in America, but it's because the government is doing too much, not because they're not doing enough.
Well, that's absolutely a fact, and he didn't criticize Fidel Castro and his half a million political dissidents in jail.
He's going to come here and criticize our prisons, which would be fine if he criticized the communist prisons.
I'm all for criticizing prisons.
We just did it earlier in the hour.
It's just, it's just, what, why, why is the whole power structure, whether it's Warren Buffett or bad-mouthing capitalism, when they've gotten so rich from it?
Yeah, well again, it's a lot of people like to be liked.
You know, that's part of the problem because so many other people embrace socialism and it makes you look good if you, you know, you pretend or you show your compassion by how much you're in favor of these government programs.
But of course, you know, being compassionate and generous with somebody else's money is very easy and there are a lot of liberals that want to do that.
But again, that's just theft.
Bingo, absolutely on target.
Shifting gears, I'm letting the callers bring up other topics that I'd like to ask you about.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and eight other countries won't take one single person.
Saudi Arabia, quarterback destabilizing Syria, running those jihad forces.
That's all admitted.
It's been declassified.
Our government's working with the radicals.
Then they lecture us.
Bill in Minnesota wants to comment on the quote refugees or migrants.
I'm gonna go to my neighbor's house and
Hey, I'm moving into your bedroom.
I want food.
I want my medical bills paid.
I'm a migrant.
I mean, it's stealing.
But why is the West the only group told, we've got to pay for everything?
Again, it's because of our Judeo-Christian ethic.
They know we're the nicest people in the world.
I'm not saying other countries are bad, but let's face it, we are literally a bunch of bleeding heart chumps.
And it's killing us, folks.
It's killing us.
Bill in Minnesota, you're on the air with Peter Schiff.
Hey, honored to be on with both of you guys.
I gotta say, a couple weeks ago when you had an article up about these migrants, and I just call them invaders.
I mean, that's all they are.
They're just invading countries that were sovereign and thinking that they can get a free ride.
But here's the deal.
You had an article up about how German officials
We're telling German women not to dress provocatively around these Muslims because they don't get it.
They might rape you.
Yeah, yeah, well that's happening.
This is political correctness.
We have to give up our culture of freedom under their political... That's a great question.
I'm going to go back to you, Bill, but I want to ask Peter Schiff this question.
What do you make of the migrant crisis?
What do you make...
of the politically correct, the radical liberals, will never criticize radical Islam.
I mean, I don't get it.
Why won't the feminists, we've sent reporters and gone to feminist events, they will not say one word about radical Islam, and then they're telling German women, basically start conforming to Sharia law.
What is the love affair with the left and radical Islam?
Well, you know, I think they find it hard to criticize because they don't want that criticism to blow back on themselves because people may be able to connect the dots and see what the similarities are.
And, you know, they want to focus on, oh, the countries, you know, where the migrants are going, you know, what's wrong there?
Why aren't they, you know, wealthy in the way they should?
What about where these people are fleeing and what ideology and what type of governments they're fleeing from?
I mean, that is the problem.
It's the welfare that's drawing it.
It's the welfare.
Way more immigrants were coming to New York, my grandparents among them, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910.
They were flooding in, and there was no problem.
They were all absorbed into the culture, into the economy, they were productive, there was no welfare, there was no food stamps, there wasn't a single government program to help the immigrants that were coming to this country by the boatload, far more than the refugees do we have today.
But there was no welfare?
There was no problem.
There was no welfare in migrants, whether they were from Russia, or whether they were from Ireland, or from England, or whether they were from wherever, they wanted to be Americans.
Yeah, and they wanted to be Americans not because there was a government to take care of them, because there was no government to bother them.
They wanted freedom.
That's what they came here for, and that's what they got, and we all benefited from it.
Yeah, I mean...
It put a pit in my stomach after looking at the picture that you had on your story on InfoWars about how German officials are telling German born and raised women how to dress around these new invaders.
And you showed a girl in a miniskirt and how miniskirts are supposed to be banned now.
Just don't do it because you might get raped.
I mean, what kind of world do we live in?
And I asked a question about a senator here in Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken.
They are both begging to bring in more of these Arabs, these Muslims.
And here's the deal.
Why do Democrat women, feminists, want more Muslims here?
Because Muslims do not treat women well!
Well, listen, here's the deal.
I don't want to say a lot of Muslims are good, hard-working people.
There are a lot of radicals.
Islam's becoming radicalized.
The West is helping this.
And that's a good way, in the interview, to ask.
The Democrats, on average, and I'm not a Republican, but I mean, Democrats hate America.
They hate freedom.
They want to mount America's head on the wall.
We're like a trophy.
And so they're like spoiled kids, throwing a fit, wrecking the house.
What do you think, in closing, Peter Schiff?
Well, you know, I think that this is near the end.
I mean, all of this, all the stuff that's going on, these are all, you asked earlier on the show about signs.
This is it.
This is not normal, right?
I think the beginning of the end was the 2008 financial crisis.
I know you gotta go.
60 second break, 70 second.
Come back and finish up your point of, this is not healthy, this is the sign of the end.
And then we'll let you get out of here.
We'll also talk about how folks put some nice pressure on the president to let your dying dad out.
Back in 70 seconds with Peter Schiff.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Peter Schiff of Europack.com is our guest.
Final segment with him.
Then we're going to go back to your phone calls for a segment.
Then I've got our reporters in D.C.
covering the papal visitation, the socialist nightmare, trying to get a billion Catholic followers to go against what all the other popes and Catholics were who were anti-communist.
I mean, what a nightmare.
Peter Schiff's our guest.
We were talking about the West
Wanting to import unskilled people, 90% males, coming in screaming, give me everything free, throwing rocks at everybody.
I mean, it really is nightmare images.
The media's trying to cover it up, and the caller said, what does this signify?
And you said, it signifies that we've entered insane asylum land, basically, the end.
Put a bookend on that, and also how you think we could put more pressure in a nice way on that prison and the Bureau of Prisons to release the political prisoner.
Erwin Schiff, your father, because do they really want a martyr on their hands or do they want him to die in prison?
Well, you know, I think they are going to potentially martyr him.
Even if he doesn't die in prison, you know, he may be dying as a result of his having been in prison because of the incompetent way he was cared for in supposedly a medical facility.
You know, he could have stayed in Otisville where he was enjoying himself and had regular visits.
But no, they had to move him across the country so he can get medical attention and then he got none.
And maybe a routine melanoma that could have been cured ended up as a life-threatening or death sentence, a cancer as it spread throughout all the organs of his body.
So what can people do?
I don't know.
You know, I mean, you can call a congressman, put some pressure, let him out, get an investigation.
I think?
That was the beginning of the end.
This is the period, the unwinding of this massive bubble that began in 1971 when we went off the gold standard.
It's been a long time in coming.
Guys like my dad were criticizing it back in the 70s.
He saw it coming from a mile away.
And, you know, he may not live long enough to ultimately see the consequences.
In fact, if you go and you read my dad's book, The Biggest Con, which came out in 1973, 1974, I still have some copies.
You can order them.
It's a fantastic book, but it's amazing how far into the future my father saw and how much of what he wrote in that book has happened since he wrote it.
Well, he's one of the original patriot leaders, and we stand on his shoulders.
And I just hope he knows how much people appreciate the work he's done, because, I mean, he exposed the IRS for political persecution.
That's all come out.
He exposed the private Federal Reserve.
You know, I don't have many of those books left, and I've been autographing the ones that I sell with my signature.
I can't get my dad's signature on, but it's on the bookstore at shiftradio.com, The Biggest Con.
I also have some copies of his book, The Kingdom of Malts, another one of my favorites, which, you know, that's also up there too.
I've got more of those, but I am running very low on The Biggest Cons.
But, you know, what
People can do about this.
Look, you know, people make fun of me.
Oh, Peter, you know, look, you've been saying the dollar is going to go down.
The dollar has gone up.
You know, it's gone up, but it's not going to stay up.
It's only because people don't understand what the Fed is going to do.
They don't understand the bubble in the U.S.
They're fooled.
They're just as blind as they were.
The same guys that are buying the dollar were buying the subprime mortgages.
They were completely convinced they were doing the right thing and they lost everything.
The people who are buying the dollar is going to lose everything.
People who bet against subprime made a lot of money.
You've got to bet against the dollar, and the way you do that is you invest outside the U.S., you buy stocks in the few countries that are real safe havens, like Switzerland or Singapore or New Zealand, and we're helping our clients do that at Europe Pacific Capital.
Very exciting.
Peter, we're out of time.
Thank you so much.
We'll pray for your dad.
Thank you so much.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
A new global news fact-checking project was announced yesterday, and it will be funded by two organizations with close ties to the Obama White House.
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The Omidyar Network is headed up by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're living on the edge because the globalists are manipulating and orchestrating and greasing the skids of crises that poses the saviors and bring in their world government.
Some threats are real, they talk about.
Others, like climate change, are made up.
Climate's always changing.
It's all a giant power grab.
We're gonna go to your phone calls here in just a moment.
I was just listening to one of those news pieces during the break that Darren McBreen produced.
And I'm glad he did that because it was in the stack and I hadn't covered it yet.
I need to do a detailed report on this because two years ago we had a article
Headline, Pentagon promises to stop lying because of Drudge Report.
And I gave it that headline because they talked about the Drudge Report and said we can't lie because the Drudge Report and sites like it can expose us in real time.
But I also gave it the headline because the media was in a big demonization campaign against the Drudge Report at that time and I knew they'd probably pick it up.
And they did.
And it would then backfire against them.
And I point out in that article that a month before they'd quote legalized in Congress, removed a law, repealed a law that banned the CIA domestically planning false news and information and other federal agencies.
The Governmental Accountability Office a few years before had said it was illegal, it was already going on, but that it should be stopped.
So Congress's answer, it's kind of like when Congress got caught eight years ago insider trading.
They passed a law the next year legalizing insider trading for Congress.
That's like a pedophile being caught and Congress passes a law saying it's okay.
Hey, I don't care if Congress passes a law saying pedophiles can rape kids.
I catch you going after my kids, I'm going to beat your brains out.
It's not a threat.
I'm going to kill you.
So, just default.
You try to torture my kids, try to rape them, try to kill them, I'm coming after you.
There isn't any mammal out there worth its salt that won't fight for its young.
And that's the ultimate final domination.
Your kids belong to us.
We're going to give them inoculations.
Parents, you know, aren't the parents.
I mean, this is a rubbing-your-nose-in-it activity by a cult of scum.
Good people don't desire the power.
The scum does.
Good people, the smarter someone is, the better they are, the nicer they are, the cooler they are.
In my experience, the more reclusive they are.
The more they don't want to tell people what to do, the more they don't want employees, the more they just got a few friends, people they like, hobbies they like, they want to be left alone.
I mean, the older I get, people think I'm an extrovert overall, and I can be when I need to be, but the truth is I like to be alone or with just a few people.
I'm very introverted.
And I'm not saying I'm the greatest guy since sliced bread, but you know, I don't want to screw folks over.
I really care about people getting a fair shake.
I don't dislike people that are smarter than I am or better looking or more successful.
I admire them.
And I thought growing up everybody was like me.
Well, everybody isn't like us, folks.
The listeners of this show are good people.
I've met you.
I know you.
And so we don't want to be in control.
We don't.
But if we don't take the country and the world back, the scum's going to be in control.
So we got a job to do, and we can beat these people.
But another whistleblower, there's over 500 of them now that have gone public.
It was 50, then 200, then 300 more.
Former head of defense intelligence, the general, deputy head of the CIA saying, yes, we've been told a lie about al-Qaeda and ISIS.
They're taking over everywhere.
We're helping them.
It's horrible.
And really, that's a cover-their-butt exercise, because it's so bold to fund people murdering every Christian they get their hands on.
And Obama, through his family in Kenya, they're in Northern Eastern Africa, shipping money into the Muslim Brotherhood.
I mean, this is really dastardly.
I mean, this is... There's a new James Bond movie coming out with Spectre.
I mean, Spectre are cupcakes compared to this, okay?
I mean, these are really bad people.
And folks say, well, why are you still on the air?
Well, I've been threatened, they've tried to buy me off, I've been attacked over the years, but it's been silent.
You know, I get demonized and I get assassinated in the media.
Now, I mean, just yesterday, without really looking, I saw in my inbox, Houston Chronicle, was it New York Daily News, other newspapers, just with flat-out lies about what I say and what I stand for.
So, I mean, I guess I should be glad they're just trying to assassinate my name.
But it doesn't really matter because the message already got out, so you can destroy me all day long.
If you're too obvious about it, it makes me a martyr, which is answering the question of why I'm still alive.
But they're moving into a very reckless phase.
I don't know.
There may become a time where they come lock me up and make something up.
I mean, who knows what it'll be?
I just hope you realize whatever it is, and I hope it doesn't happen, because I need to take care of my children.
But if it does, it does.
It's just part of the deal.
I mean, I think I'll be fulfilled if they set me up or put me in prison or kill me.
I don't want to be fulfilled.
My flesh doesn't want to be fulfilled.
But that really is probably my destiny.
And I hate to speak such things aloud, but I just want to say, I'm a winner.
I didn't screw anybody over.
I'm not a parasite.
I love everybody who stands for justice.
And I hate those that want to dumb people down and control folks.
And people just have to make the decision what side you're on.
Because, as you can see, it's rapidly approaching the time where you're not going to be able to sit in the middle anymore.
Do you support harvesting babies' organs?
Do you support pedophilia?
People are like, man, I'm getting all these emails.
You said they'd announce pedophilia next, in the next few months, and it's happening.
How did you know?
Man, it's not hard to know.
These people are evil.
I mean, I know them.
I've studied them.
I've gotten inside their minds.
And if people could get inside the elite's minds, when I go to your calls, you would realize there's no, no question they got to be fought.
I mean, even if you're a lazy person, you realize how horrible it's going to get under this?
They want tyranny in place because they know you're going to stand up and fight back.
They want tyranny in place because they know it's going to get so bad, you're not going to have a choice but to fight back.
You need to fight back now while we've still got a chance.
And I'm not looking for trouble.
The globalists are looking for us.
We didn't start this.
Rick Santorum says he's vindicated.
Media White House.
Salon goes soft on pedophilia.
Yeah, the media, the White House is doing it.
Federal judges are saying, hey, you know, some 30-year-old guy wants to date your 12-year-old daughter.
It's okay.
As if your 12-year-old daughter can make that decision.
And now we're the squares, because we don't want to grab 5-year-olds out of backyards.
Now, I don't want to grab pedophiles and beat their brains out.
I mean, I'll just be honest with you.
My instinct is, if I ever catch somebody abusing a child, raping a child, I'm going to kill them.
I don't like talking about killing people, folks, but, I mean, that's my instinct.
I'm just being honest with you.
And the people in this government, if this stuff continues to expand, you're going to be held accountable.
I'm telling you right now.
You've been pushing and pushing and pushing so long, it's time for you to back off.
You understand?
But I know you won't.
Alright, anyways, getting back to White House propaganda.
Intelligence on ISIS being grossly thrown to the side.
CENTCOM analysts giving implied orders.
Not report facts on the ground in Iraq regarding terrorist activity.
A retired army sergeant has further revealed the U.S.
military intelligence reports regarding terrorist activity in Iraq are being fundamentally manipulated and changed in order to fit with the positive public statements made by the Obama administration.
That's just a sergeant.
We've had the general over the whole thing go public.
And the reporter goes, so the White House was just dumb and didn't know it was funding Al Qaeda.
And he goes, no, we were ordered to.
It was an order.
And that dovetails with this.
White House-linked group Soros bankrolled new fact-checking network.
So you think Snopes is bad with some lady with a cat?
She tells you what reality is.
Project funded by organizations that funded Kiev coup.
And this is just private groups doing what's over the top with CIA backing domestically.
Operation Mockingbird with the Endowment for Democracy.
That's George Soros.
They're going to study how to quote fact check everything and tell us what reality is.
And of course also they're going to quote decide how to package information to manipulate us.
That's what the CIA announced last week.
I mean, this is so hardcore.
David, New York, thanks for holding your on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Doing all right, man.
When you mentioned
Children, you know, being able to choose whatever at age 12.
I guess now at alleged 11, they're trying to push it where they can accept one of the new 146 vaccines that are coming down the line.
Yeah, they're saying parents don't matter.
We the state are going to come in like pedophiles and get involved with your kids.
One of the first things, and probably one of the only things I heard the Pope say shortly after he got off the plane, was that some dear lady had mentioned that he wasn't wearing the ruby slippers, the scarlet slippers, and he was wearing white ones, that he must be the anti-Pope.
And I'm thinking, why in the world would he say something like that?
People are talking about him being the black pope and how bad he's supposed to be.
He's flaunting it, he's throwing it in our face.
You can say what you want about past popes.
I reserve judgment because they were anti-communist pro-family.
This guy is just... How can you have a pope saying these things?
The talking heads were making fun of, I guess, Stanley Southpark's coming out now with an episode
We're, uh, one of the people in the town is talking about, not the wall, but we need to keep the people coming across the border from entering our schools.
Well, you know, Philadelphia just, within the last few weeks, mentioned that, uh, with all the immigrants they have coming, they have 60 different countries and 40 different languages.
So I guess you have to have an interpreter for each of the 40 different languages.
They're creating a tower of Babel.
And then the Democrat managers make sure no one assimilates.
Well, the Pope wants us to practice being poor.
Well, I think they're going to do it just through school taxes.
You know, it's not too hard to see.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, you know, we know what the Trojan horse is, and obviously we've all said, you know, that's what's come across the border.
But actually, it's a different horse, and it's a stalking horse.
A pretext concealing one's real intentions.
Tell you what, stay there.
I got my reporters popping in, but if you hold somewhere I'll come back to you, Dave.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here back live.
Jakari Jackson is in D.C.
They're going to be following the Pope's three-state trip.
They got there yesterday before he arrived.
They followed a bunch of powerful reports at Infowars.com and for the Infowars Nightly News.
Jakari Jackson with David Knight joins us from the ground.
Chikari Jackson in Washington, D.C.
That's right, Alex.
We're here right outside the White House, as you can see behind me, and if you look at it right now, a couple hours after the Pope gave his speech, you really wouldn't know anything happened here besides the barricades that are left behind.
This was the area where I was at last night when they had the signs posted saying that you need a government-issued ID to enter the premises, but now they've opened it back up.
As is the case for most of the area surrounding the White House.
They had it blocked off in several blocks, every direction around the thing.
You couldn't get anywhere close to it except to go through one of the checkpoints.
And we showed you guys those videos of the TSA actually doing checkpoints.
And I know you were happy to see that, Alex.
Not that you're happy that it happened.
But to show people that the TSA is out in the streets doing these type of procedures, they're looking through people's bags, we got that on camera, digging through people's bags, picking out the contents, you know, putting it through people's pocketbooks, and doing all that kind of show.
It shows how the TSA is meant to be the new national police force.
Yes, and they said it was a conspiracy theory, they said it would never happen, but we got documented proof right outside the White House that was going on.
Now, as far as the speech itself, you know, we had all of our gear, all our big backpacks and stuff, so we couldn't get into the actual grounds where the Pope was speaking, but we could hear him over the loudspeakers, we could hear the people cheering.
The estimates I saw, CNN said something like 11,000 people were expected out here, so I guess that's a fair assessment.
Now, as far as getting
Footage of the Pope.
We didn't get too close to him, I think.
I told you guys, we don't care.
Who cares about... I mean, we can see what he says and does.
It's about reporting on the security theater that's taking place and what people are saying.
Yes, and when we were out there speaking to the people, you know, I asked people, was it worth your time to come out here and see the Pope?
They said, absolutely.
You know, people in the area where I was in, I saw him for maybe 30 seconds through a very high-powered zoomed lens, and I saw him about 30 seconds.
They said, you know, it's worth their time, it's worth their day to come out here and see the Pope, just to see him for that very brief interaction.
Jakari, what do you make of the Pope saying that carbon dioxide and water vapor is air pollution and praising the new UN treaty?
Well, you know, I'm definitely not a fan of this carbon tax credit scheme they have going.
We were watching Fox News last night, and it's probably the first time I've ever agreed with Bill O'Reilly, and I doubt if I ever will again, when he was talking about the carbon situation and the carbon credits and all that.
He says it's more of a pollution problem than it is a climate change problem, and I do agree with that.
Because I often meet people who mix apples and oranges.
They say, what about this type of pollution?
What about that type of pollution?
I say, yes, I do agree with that.
Well, we do have that situation, but to say that we need a carbon credit scheme to make all that stuff go away, it does not make any sense to me at all.
But many people, they were, you know, happy just to see the Pope for a few minutes.
But the theater, I asked people, do you think the Pope has enough security?
Many people said, I hope so.
Even though we have, I don't know, thousands upon thousands of people out here.
To protect the Pope, the Border Patrol is out here to protect the Pope, as David Knight documented.
They're not on the southern border trying to secure that situation, so they're up here guarding the Pope at the White House.
So it's very interesting to me that the Pope, who clamors for open borders, was guarded actually by the Border Patrol.
I thought that was quite ironic.
He wants walls.
Well, it's funny.
He wants security.
But as a nation, we're supposedly not supposed to have any security.
But then internally, we've got the TSA searching us, violating the Fourth Amendment, to get miles away from His Holiness.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, like I said, I walked through this area last night.
You know, I could walk through free and open.
Now, you know, it's pretty much blocked off, barricaded, you know, a little barricaded city within a city.
So, you know, the people pretty much have been receptive to the message so far.
No problems that I've seen, but we'll move on to the next area and try to see what's happening in places like New York and Philadelphia.
That's right.
He's going to New York next to speak at the UN.
You're going to be covering that with David Knight or on David Knight, and then he's going to Philly and
No discussion of the aborted babies, the organ harvesting, no discussion of anything.
Under pressure, he's reversed himself saying stop talking about abortion so much.
He said we should protect all of the weak, including babies, the unborn.
So I'll give him that.
He's also said he's not a leftist.
I don't know how it's not leftist to say prosperity is bad and being poor is good.
That's really the goal of socialism is to make you dependent.
Yeah, well we've seen people like Obama.
He goes over to Africa, I believe it was, and said that if Africans get air-conditioned, the planet would boil over.
And all these people talking about, you know, his carbon footprint and all this.
Even though he may drive in some little Fiat Popemobile, he has, I don't know how many armed guards riding around in their big suburban SUVs.
Yeah, all it is is a publicity stunt.
Same thing with Obama.
He opts on Air Force One.
He has all these people following him around in the motorcades, talking about our carbon footprint.
No, they have the big carbon footprints.
Well, Jakari, great report on the TSA.
David Knight's excellent report on the Border Patrol.
These are reports that nobody else is filing.
Mainstream media just goes with the script that basically the second coming of Christ has happened.
The Pope is here.
He's endorsed Obama.
I mean, it's like he's the false prophet and Obama's the antichrist or something.
I'm not saying that, but it's like a warm-up model of that.
Great job, Jakari.
We're going to come back and get David Knight to take briefly, then more calls and news.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called liberation theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
Zoghami wrote, Barack Obama and Raul Castro's mandalist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
Keep checking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, you're not going to see mainstream media reporting on the TSA as the new National Police Force.
Out now to be in three states, I guess.
We got video in D.C.
searching people miles away from the Pontiff.
You're not going to really hear anything about the Border Patrol being called in to protect him as well.
Just ridiculous.
And believe me, I don't want anything to happen to this Pope that turned him into a martyr.
It just shows the globalists are moving on every front.
They're making announcements, forced inoculations all over the world, pedophilia they say is good, open borders is good, your women belong to us, ha ha ha, we're going to bring radical jihadis in, we're going to bring carbon taxes in, we're going to exempt the UN, we're going to exempt the top corporations,
The story of California, the two rich Arabs, teenagers driving, you know, million-dollar Ferraris and Lamborghinis around through tiny streets at 100 miles an hour, that just illustrates when the cops pull them over and they go, oh, shut up, you stupid Americans.
You can't stop us.
We have diplomatic immunity.
That's what the new world order is, is the globalists, the big banks, the big institutions are tax-exempt, above the law, just like the Vatican.
They can do whatever they want.
And then even their minions, under political correctness, they're above the law.
They're hands off.
Because it's part of the agenda.
Everything is selectively enforced.
It's a very dangerous situation.
We're going to go back to your calls, Dave.
And of course, Matt, and then Margaret, Denise, Jared, and others.
But I wanted to pop in with David Knight to get a live report from there in front of the White House with Jakari Jackson.
David Knight, your observations since you've been on the ground for about 30 hours.
David Knight reporting for InfoWars.com.
Here we are in front of the White House and of course behind me, Alex, is Andrew Jackson.
In front of me is Jakari Jackson.
Remember, Andrew Jackson was the guy that Ted Cruz said he'd like to see taken off the $20 bill so we didn't have to remove Alexander Hamilton.
We need to remember that it was Andrew Jackson who fought to stop the central bank.
It was Alexander Hamilton who fought to have a central bank.
Nevertheless, that's an aside.
Today, we walked, literally walked around the entire security perimeter here, carrying large bags, I will add.
Pretty tired.
But you know, when I was walking, I told Jakari, I said, when George Washington was here, he said, he was asked about the British people.
Are the British people free?
Because Americans only wanted to talk about liberty at the time.
So we talk about liberty all the time.
Aren't the British free?
And he said, they walk about freely, but between high walls.
We literally were walking around Washington between high walls and helicopters overhead.
We had policemen lined up so thick the police line literally was a police line.
It wasn't any kind of markers there.
It's absolutely amazing, Alex, and it's over the top.
And it shows how people, as Jakari pointed out with his reports when he asked people, what do you think about this?
Is it too much?
Are we over the top?
No, no, we need to be safe.
People don't talk about freedom anymore.
They talk about the security state.
It grieves me to see their acceptance of this.
It grieves me to see all this.
And I understand what's behind it.
It's not about our safety.
It's about their safety.
It's about the safety of the elites, the people who go to the Bilderberg Conventions, the Popes and the Presidents who meet with each other.
It's about their safety.
They could care less about your safety or your freedom.
Over here, where we got kicked out of the park, we were set up to call in earlier.
They closed the park, they kept everybody out for about an hour or so.
No reason given, no time that they were going to come back was given.
So, Jakari and I were sitting over there waiting to get on, and right across from us was the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce.
They have big banners hanging out there.
Hashtag jobs.
The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce is the reason, on the Republican side, that we have open borders.
They're working with Obama, the Boehner, McConnell, they're working with Obama to make sure that we have open borders.
We have a Pope who's guarded by the Border Patrol because the Border Patrol isn't on the border.
So that's the situation we've got here.
One other thing I'd like to add to, Alex, and that is this whole issue about the fiat.
Everybody is talking about the humble Pope and his fiat.
Understand that he flew in on a private jet before he got into that Fiat.
And when he's driving around today in the Popemobile, that's provided, that's a Jeep that they've modified.
It's a Chrysler Fiat product.
I'm wondering, as I'm looking at this, I told my wife, I said, this whole thing about humility, it may just be a massive product placement for Chrysler Fiat.
Oh, it definitely is.
This Fiat, big Mildenberg group member, took over Jeep three years ago.
Yes, absolutely, absolutely.
One other thing I want to add, and that is the whole concept of liberation theology.
We talk about the open borders, but of course... This comes from the Jesuits that for a while was banned by the Catholic Church.
Yes, the Brazilian priest who started Liberation Theology, Leonardo Buff.
Let me read you what he said about this particular Pope.
He told this to Der Spiegel in 2013.
So it's almost three years ago that he said this now.
He said, Francis will teach a lesson to the church.
We are coming out of a bitter and gloomy winter.
With Francis comes the spring.
Now this is a guy who founded Liberation Theology, which is nothing but Marxism with a thin veneer of religion on it.
He left the Catholic Church.
He became an environmentalist.
And now we have Francis, who he had the highest hope for, would fundamentally change the church, that there would be a springtime with this pope.
What he is selling is, with these carbon credits, it is an indulgence.
This is an indulgence to use energy.
That's essentially what this is going to be.
They want you to pay
Some globalist banker or Al Gore or somebody to every time you turn on your car, every time you turn on the light switch, you want to pay a tax to these guys.
That's what the carbon tax is about.
It doesn't even have anything to do with the environment.
Many of these things that we're being told don't have anything to do with the environment again.
Many in the environmental movement, people call them watermelons.
They have a thin veneer of green, and they're all red on the inside, and that's really what this agenda is about.
He sold it today.
Well, he didn't have to sell it to Obama, but they worked together on how they're going to do this.
Tomorrow, he's going to talk to Congress.
He's going to try to sell it to them at Congress.
We're going to cover that at the mall.
There's going to be a speech, and you saw that report that we put up.
Where we talked about how they're using the veneer of climate change in front of the Capitol building.
This looks like it's being remade into something completely different.
And then on Friday, he's going to go to the UN.
Just happens to be a General Assembly.
They have plotted all of this for the last six months, at least, since the Pope did the assembly.
No, they just introduced the legislation yesterday.
Right on.
It's all concerted.
I didn't see that, yeah.
So, yeah.
They know this is all very carefully orchestrated and fed to us in steps exactly like the agenda where the Pope is going from this place to that place to this place.
They're leading us by the hand down this climate change agenda.
Oh, it's like watching the Popes of 25-foot boa constrictor wrapping around a baby piglet, squeezing its eyeballs out, telling it it loves it.
I mean, it's truly disgusting.
Yes, it really is selling a globalist government agenda.
That's what all these treaties are about, that's what the Open Border is about, and that's what the climate change agenda is about.
But of course, they're saying, they're trying to make a moral case for it, they're trying to make a case that it involves the family.
I mean, really, it involves the family.
If you want to talk to Obama, talk to him about stopping the foreign wars.
Talk to him about stopping, uh, equipping ISIS, creating ISIS, training ISIS.
Where is the Pope on the baby parts being sold in China and the U.S.?
You won't hear anything about that.
He really is a sickening person, and in the fiat stunt,
All of it is disgusting.
David, what else are you planning to be covering?
What are the different angles you guys are going to be going over the next few days?
Well, we couldn't get access today.
As I said, we walked around a security perimeter that was unbelievable in terms of how deep that perimeter was.
So, it was very difficult.
Jakari got a short telephoto shot of the Pope as he went by the Popemobile, the Jeep Fiat Chrysler product that he was driving.
This afternoon, he's going to hold the Spanish Mass.
He's going to have the first canonization of someone that's held in the United States.
His canonization mass.
They're going to declare a former priest as a saint.
And as I pointed out yesterday, he was someone who was involved with the Catholic colonization of California.
He's sending a message to people.
This is a very controversial priest.
We're good to go.
That's really what's going on.
Well, there'll be Congress tomorrow.
He'll be addressing Congress.
We'll be covering that on the lawn, and then we'll be traveling to New York, and he'll be doing the UN presentation in New York.
Fabulous job.
Please continue.
We'll be following it all as you post your reports to Infowars.com and the Nightly News this evening.
Thank you.
All right.
I want to go to your phone calls, but I need to mention some of the news I haven't gotten to.
I mean, here's just the stacks of stuff I've got.
Caitlyn Jenner won't be prosecuted for manslaughter following fatal car crash in February following ruling over neglect actions, was texting on the phone.
And look, I don't care that the Olympic athlete thinks he's a woman.
I just really don't care.
It's that we're being force-fed this constantly.
And it's meant to just set the precedent that anything goes.
And I guarantee if you were somebody else and not this, this, this, this, this incredible, you know, God,
Then, you would be in deep trouble.
School district implements iris scanners on buses after student's death.
A disabled child was left on the bus and abandoned and died.
19-year-old autistic student.
So now, everyone must be retina scanned when they get on to count them.
You see, in the name of liability, everyone must be counted biometrics.
Well, that ties into this article.
I know this is old news for our audience, but it's now in the news, Reuters.
Intelligent car seat detects driver stress level, anger level, you name it, and reports it back to the police.
It's called your driver partner algorithm.
This is all just being wired into everything, folks, but the point is it's now being rolled out.
They're now going operational with all this.
The total enslavement control grid.
They're saying that there'll be no more police car chases now because all the new cars have a kill switch on them.
So you're like, oh that's great!
No it's not!
Because bad people are in control of the government, and it gives them god-like power over us.
Imagine what Hitler would have done, or Stalin, with technologies like this.
Here's one from a French news agency.
Shout your abortion!
That's part of this t-shirt saying I had an abortion campaign.
Explodes on social media!
A social media campaign launched by three US activists that announced the stigma surrounding abortion has gone viral as women have shared their experiences.
Both pro-life campaigners have hit back.
Look, I don't judge a woman that's had an abortion, you got lied to, whatever, early trimester, whatever.
But then a lot of women, once they realize it's wrong, they then double down and become like cult members that serve it.
It's pushed by eugenicists, pushed by racists, it's evil, it's bad, it's abhorrent.
And it's all part of the dehumanization of life.
Now the old people, now the veterans, it's all happened.
Transgender woman says TSA detains humiliated her over body anomaly.
You claim you're a woman, but you've got something in your pants.
What is it?
This is only news because it's a transgendered person.
No one cares what happens to a man or a woman, a black or white Hispanic person.
See, but oh my gosh, a god was questioned over their proboscis.
And so... That's not a scientific name, I'm sorry.
Muslims are the fastest growing immigrant community.
That's from the U.S.
Community Survey Census latest numbers.
And that dovetails with this video.
I don't have time to play it, but it's up on InfoWars.com.
Angry Muslims taunt New Jersey school officials.
We're going to be the majority soon.
See, you bring in all these foreigners, you fill them full of hate, you make them racially and religiously identify, everyone else is politically correct and just says,
You know, here, here's my checkbook, here's my daughter, I'll do whatever you say.
I mean, it's just, it's the globalists breaking the country up for colonization by the globalists.
Continuing, ladies and gentlemen, they want to move towards global IDs.
Based on face scan, thumb print, or hand print, or index print, saying it's 100%.
The answer to all the leaks, social security numbers and stuff, they say is that.
But actually, that's going to get leaked as well.
Office of Personal Management, 5.6 million estimated to have fingerprints stolen in breach.
Now they can basically be set up, you name it.
Militia organizer threatens to arrest
Steinbenow over Iran deal.
Growing number believe California drought is a government conspiracy.
CBS News Sacramento.
There's a growing underground movement of people who believe California's drought is part of a government conspiracy instead of a naturally occurring event from a lack of rain during the last four years.
The movement's leader, Dane Whittington, I think we've had him on, says he's putting his life on the line to reveal the truth that will shake society to its core.
Let's get them on.
All we know is there's massive geoengineering going on.
That's admitted.
The details, again, are secret, but they admit it's going on.
And then the weather people, the weather men and women, have gotten up on TV in California, Oregon, and Washington and said, yeah, must be the military.
There's all these jets out there.
You can see the chaff they're spraying, and it's blocking that.
It's not chaff.
It's in the jet fuel, but it's microchaff.
And we know from the meteorologists we've had on, from Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons,
That this is old technology to block weather fronts, and they just kill the water before it comes in.
Because then they get everybody to sell out, sell their land, turn the water back on, and come in and take it over.
Bill and Melinda Gates run a huge secretive program for the Department of Defense.
That's admitted.
Look it up.
Bill and Melinda Gates run a multi-billion dollar a year classified program in North America.
In the 60s, Stanford Research and the Naval Weapons Laboratory certified, this was declassified 10 years ago,
Ten years ago, look it up, 2005, that they had weather weapons that could create, stop, make stronger, move, whatever.
And then they have national TV shows just make fun of me and go, oh, he claims, you know, that Obama sent tornadoes to Oklahoma.
No, I didn't.
A caller called in and said, I think this could be a weather weapon.
And I said, the weather weapons exist, but they're not generally localized.
It probably wasn't.
That turns to Rachel Maddow lying to her prey, her audience, her victims, telling them out of context, not showing a clip, that I said that.
And I just say, keep doing it.
Keep lying about me.
That's a big story.
That's just half of 12 stacks, literally, I have here.
We're going to go to break and come back and let Dave finish up and then go to Matt.
And go to Margaret and others.
We'll do five minutes of overdrive to finish everybody.
Then the whole fourth hour of overdrive stations to start picking it up.
A lot of them are hosted by myself and other folks.
Today it's going to be Rob Dude.
Tomorrow, Anthony Gucciardi.
Where we get a lot of special reports aired we didn't air.
A lot of articles we didn't get to get covered.
Phone calls, special guests.
Fourth hour on the satellite and a lot more.
The money bomb's over and we did succeed thanks to you.
I'll be announcing more about affiliates, more about frequencies next week.
We're getting all that lined up for the big push to get us on these TV stations and these cable stations, which is already happening.
It's like trying to eat an elephant or something.
All the calls, all the contracts, all the deals, all the... It's a long way to the top if you want to fight tyranny.
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At the University of Delaware, they had a section that had beautiful Chinese lanterns.
I'm thinking about putting that in my dining room.
And they thought that it was a Klan message that they were nooses.
But it was pointed out that it was actually the Japanese or Chinese style lanterns, you know, just lit up.
We can do a document cam shot for TV viewers right over there.
They refused to admit that that was the case.
So this is the mass mental illness where you're hit with bioweapons and the food chain and the vaccines and chemical weapons and you won't wake up to that but you'll just imagine that brown paper bags are out to get you.
German police cover up rapes, it's now confirmed, so as to not to legitimize, they say, close quote, critics of mass migration.
Secretary of State warns U.S.
and Russia may clash in Syria.
So a lot of just epic news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And this is getting new, having Anthony Gucciardi, Paul Watson, Rob Dew, Leanne McAdoo and others hosting David Knight, the fourth hour.
So, first it was going to be Gucciardi, but he's tomorrow.
They changed that schedule because Anthony had something else to do, and then it was going to be due, I was told, and then it was LeAnn McAdoo.
It doesn't matter.
I'm going to get everybody broke in on doing live TV and live radio, and they love doing it.
So, it's going to be LeAnn McAdoo next hour.
Due's going to be riding shotgun with her son, and hell, I could just stay in there and do the fourth hour.
Water off my back, I love doing it.
I do have a lot of stuff I gotta get done though launching this network.
Dave in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead and finish up your point.
Actually, I got another point while I was thinking, then I'll make it quick.
While I was thinking it, it's probably something that should be out there, but it was just that I was reading about the Beast before and the woman
Go ahead.
Yeah, and it just came to me that her name is, you know, and this is what came to me, her name is Gaia.
And that makes so much sense.
Currently I'm listening to you talking about the Pope riding in his Fiat, you know, and that just popped into my head.
But, you know, they had the Fiat Pop, and so now that big luxury edition you just saw that he was in, they're going to call that the Fiat Pope.
Wow, it's a serious rollout.
Thank you, Dave.
Let's go ahead and talk to Matt in D.C.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know, I went to the National Animal Rights Conference this year, and about a third or more of the people I talked to are big fans of the show, so I just wanted to let you know that there is overlap in these two movements.
Oh, I'm all for real animals, you know, not having animal cruelty, having them be treated properly, absolutely.
It's the PETA people are the eugenics front group to control the animal rights movement.
Well yeah, and I wanted to have you point out to people that if they're a real environmentalist, and they're trying to cut carbon, if they're not vegan, then you shouldn't even be listening, because the United Nations already said that animal agriculture contributes over 50% to the so-called greenhouse gases.
Well yeah, they say the flatulence of cows is going to kill us.
Right, so if they're not eating, you know, putting the food where their mouth is, in a way of speaking, then you shouldn't even be considering them environmentalists.
So that's the first, that's the big point.
And I really think that it starts with animals.
Consuming animals and like treating animals.
People treat other people like animals.
You say it every day almost.
And if we don't start treating animals better, it's just going to stay as bad for people.
I agree.
And if we don't treat people better, we're going to treat animals worse.
We need to have empathy.
We need to understand everything comes back on us.
Great point.
Did you have any comment about his lordship that arrived?
Oh, yeah.
Actually, you know, I'm in D.C.
I scored a couple tickets to see him tomorrow morning outside the lawn, so I'm excited to see what kind of propaganda he's going to be preaching.
I tell ya, I mean he's a guy elected by a bunch of other cardinals and people act like it's like meeting a god or something, but that's because folks haven't met celebrities.
I've just been desensitized getting to meet a lot of celebrities and stuff.
It's really quite boring.
And my heart rate wouldn't even go up talking to the Pope.
Other than just telling him, man, I tell you, you know, I think you're making this up.
You got to know capitalism ends up helping people the most.
How could you be a communist?
How could you be a socialist?
We're going to do some overdrive here for five minutes, then we're going to continue the fourth hour with Leanne McAdoo and more.
You don't want to miss it because she's got a lot of news coming up.
A lot of key stuff.
FBI, emergents, criminal and civil fingerprints, the Pope, geoengineering.
That's going to be important.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Leanne McAdoo and...
What do you think of the Pope and Obama wonder twins uniting in the form of a giant carbon taxing eugenics monster?
What do you make of this?
I think it's awful.
It's just, we just have to stand against it.
That's what we have to do.
Everybody has to stand against it.
What I wanted to say, I think you were taking my call, the United Overtime.
What I wanted to say was about Francis Schaefer Cox, his first name is Francis, who was thrown into prison, just like Peter Schiff's father, for political reasons.
And this is how our Department of Justice has gone completely criminal, and they can do anything they want and get away with it.
Another thing I wanted to say, this is really fast, I was about...
Mill Gibson's father, you know, he claimed years ago that the Pope was not legitimate.
And this is not Mel Gibson, but his father.
But he shifted to, he still wanted to be a Catholic, but he shifted to a religion that was called Empty Seat Catholic.
The takeover of the Catholic Church.
And regardless of what you think of Mel Gibson and some of the things he's done, they're certainly right about what's happened to the Catholic Church.
I appreciate your call.
Denise in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Yes, go ahead.
I just have two quick comments.
One you need to write down and give to Peter Schiff.
He needs to get a hold of Barry Schenk.
That guy has gotten more people that have been
Wrongfully imprisoned and this is an obvious case of this man should not be still sitting in prison.
The other comment I had was I would not want to be in the Pope's shoes the day he meets the Lord.
Yeah, I don't think this Pope even believes in God.
You can just see he's just a little social engineer, communist, probably an atheist, probably, who knows?
I mean, it's just, I don't want to judge him myself, but the fruits of this guy, and the whole evil media behind him, I mean, what does that tell you when the media is behind him?
They blackmailed the Catholic Church, whether it was good or bad, they blackmailed it, they took it over, and the question is, who controls Pope Francis?
Wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
I wouldn't either.
God bless you, ma'am.
One other point?
Go ahead.
Oh, she's gone.
Jared in Kentucky, you're on the air.
Hello, how you doing?
How neat it is to talk to you, Alex.
I started listening to you with my dad about 20-some years ago when I was in my early and mid-teens, so it's been neat to see you grow.
Am I on?
All right.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I just wanted to say that
You know, you said something that got me thinking.
You talked about, you know, bullies, you know, and how bullies just, you know, with forced inoculations, now the pedophilia, letting migrants come in and walk all over our culture.
You know, it's kind of, they're seeing how far they can push it.
And another thing that bullies do is not only do they keep trying to, you know, see how far they can push things, but they also like to try to provoke, you know, the person they're targeting too.
And I honestly believe that
Until they basically provoke an armed confrontation.
I think that's what they want.
That's it, because they know culturally we're voting with our dollars, culturally the Federal Reserve is being exposed, culturally the corrupt Vatican is falling apart.
They know that, so they want to force a confrontation, a war.
It's kind of like World War I. The British and others couldn't beat German ingenuity and science.
They were taken over the world by economics, so they killed their crown prince.
The Germans got mad and had a war.
Then the British intelligence funded Hitler and put him in.
He didn't work for them, but they wound him up.
It's like ISIS.
And they were able to defeat Germany.
They did a great job.
They got to kill 20 million Germans.
So you're absolutely right.
Great points, Jared.
It is forced culture shock with the pedos, all of it.
This is the takeover.
This is it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the 4th Hour Overdrive.
I'm Leanne McAdoo and joining me is Rob Dew here for the first segment of Overdrive.
We're going to be taking some of your phone calls later on in the show, but first we wanted to get into some of the things that are at the top of drudge.
We are looking at, there's a story now where they're talking about a growing number of
Conspiracy theorists believe that California's drought is actually being caused by the government.
Now, of course, the way that this whole thing is being reported is super condescending.
And, you know, Rob Dew, let's get into it.
I'm tired of this condescending thing of saying, how could that even exist?
Well, let me just say this.
Back in 2009, I made a road trip with Jason Douglas and Jason Burmess.
We went and toured California, drove up to the northern California, met Rosalind Peterson, and met her, the town she lived in, met her mayor, who also thought something was going on.
So they, and Rosalind had worked for the Agricultural Board.
She was, been in farming all her life.
The farmers we went and talked to, there's something going on.
They're spraying something.
The trees are dying.
The livestock is sick.
There's something going on.
We're not getting as much rain as we used to.
There's high levels of heavy metals in the snowpack.
These all aren't crazy people that are coming up with this.
And the guy they focus on there, Dan Wigington, we've had him on the show before.
We're actually trying to get him on for tomorrow.
These people aren't crazy people.
Dane has worked in the solar industry for a while and he's noticing less solar activity hitting the earth.
He's taken a lot of things in to get lab tests done, a lot of samples there.
We've spoken to so many people and we're going to actually be airing some videos coming up in the next segment where we have experts talking about how weather modification is being used, how it's been used as a weapon of warfare.
So we're going to get more into that.
We have an amazing documentary from Ben Livingston, who is the father of weather weapons.
This guy was doing cloud seeding where he said they would take a small cloud, run a jet through it a few times, spraying in their aerosols, and they would turn it into a monsoon to flood areas out that they wanted flooded out.
And they did this with precision back in the 60s.
This was during the Vietnam War.
You think they're not doing it now?
And you think it's not more advanced now?
Come on.
There's a couple articles in the Guardian.
Here's one from 2012.
geoengineers to spray sun-reflecting chemicals from balloon.
Okay, they're not doing it from balloons, I'll tell you that.
But this is just, this is the cover story.
Oh, we're doing it from balloons.
And you go down to the third paragraph.
David Keith, who's a big geoengineering proponent, he's been confronted many times by other geoengineering activists.
One of the investigators has argued that solar geoengineering could be an inexpensive method to slow down global warming.
But other scientists warn that it could have unpredictable disastrous consequences for the Earth's weather system and food supplies.
Environmental groups fear that the push to make geoengineering a plan B for climate change will undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
So they hide it on this carbon climate change BS.
But this right here, Earth's weather systems and food supplies.
We talked to Dr. Tim Ball.
He was in Fall of the Republic.
He was the guy who's been studying the climate his whole life.
And he says, look, the climate changes.
It happens all the time.
You can't stop climate change if you wanted to.
But what we're doing is trying to play God in certain areas, in certain regions, and by spraying stuff in the air, we're basically destroying certain areas.
We're changing their weather systems.
And that's exactly the concern.
We have the United Nations Environment Program where they're actually talking about geoengineering and how important it is to combat global warming and climate change, but of course they talk about the fact that you can't mess with one part of the environment without affecting many other parts of the environment.
It's a weird version of the butterfly effect.
Mess with something here, it's going to change something downstream.
And, you know, here it is right here.
You have the UN Environment Program.
Big conspiracy theory doesn't exist.
The reporter, you know, says to Wigington, you know you sound crazy, right?
Saying that the government can control the weather.
Well, here it is right here from the UN.
Or we have geoengineering symposiums where they're talking about these things going on.
Experiments in aerosol, solar aerosol spraying.
We're good to go.
I've shot plenty of chemtrails.
I know what a chemtrail looks like from a contrail and people say they don't like to use that word but I mean I call it as I see it and I am NOT a big fan of what they're trying to do to us and then how it's being played off as you're crazy if you bring it up.
It's just regular airplane traffic.
There's more airplane traffic.
Well, and they say, well, why would they do that?
Why would they do that to us when they're breathing the same air, the same sky?
I mean, these are people that don't think ahead.
They are spraying particles into the sky, heavy metals, aluminum, things like that, thinking that it's going to be blocking the sun.
That is all kind of raining down on us.
Oh no, it's a conspiracy theory.
Those are patents.
Those are patents.
Just look away.
Nothing to see here.
Now this is from The Guardian, February 2015.
Spy agencies fund climate research and hunt for weather weapon.
And this is of course, you know,
I think this stuff comes out years later.
They've already got this weapon.
It already exists.
I actually have a clip where Michio Kaku was on CBS this morning talking about the alleged use of CIA weather weapons like you were talking about in Vietnam, Operation Popeye.
Watch how the news anchors react to him bringing this up.
I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics, that the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds.
Did those really work then?
We have some of these capabilities now?
Even in the 60s, the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam War to wash out the Viet Cong.
Governments have been playing with this thing.
Alleged to.
We realize that for decades now, these governments have been alleged to have experimented with weather control, but nothing... The government's not going to sue you.
The government's not going to sue him for saying that they did that.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
We have the guy who did it back in the Army and Air Force on the show.
It's called Project Popeye.
We interviewed him.
Good, good, good, good.
You know, and then he goes on to talk about how, but we're doing this in the lab.
We're testing with these, shooting these laser weapons up and they're, you know, manipulating the ionosphere.
That has also been admitted that that's exactly what was going on with the HAARP program.
And those HAARP devices are all over the world.
They're not just up in Alaska.
There's a map of them.
They have some in South America, some in North America, and they heat the ionosphere.
What is that going to do?
Well, they used to launch nuclear.
They were talking about launching nuclear bombs into the atmosphere just to see what it would do.
These people are not above spraying particles into the air just to see what it would do.
Right, I mean this has been going on for decades and they talk about the Chinese doing it and the Russians but they're all doing it and the HAARP system here, this was David Walker, he's the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology and Engineering and he was the one who actually dropped this bombshell.
He was asked by Lisa Murkowski about, they were dismantling the HAARP program there in Alaska and so he was basically admitting
Yeah, we've done everything we need to do with HAARP.
We're still leaving it up for whoever else might want to use it and do their own testing, but we used it for injecting energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it.
But that work's been completed.
They're done with it now.
So, you know, and they kind of put it off like, you know, we messed around with HAARP, but
It wasn't really anything that we were, no.
And then they talk about all these different wave blast simulators and these weapons that they're using underwater that could actually cause tsunamis and things like this.
But it's for global warming.
And instead of looking at things like, you know, real pollution that is going on, you know, like putting fluoride in the water supply.
You're just taking a pollutant and dumping it in the water supply for everybody to ingest.
Those things are looked at also as, you're crazy, you're a conspiracy theorist.
But, you know, we're talking about carbon.
What we exhale and what plants breathe is the big pollutant in this air.
So the Pope's got to ride around in a Fiat, his little clown car.
You know, here's another article from the Guardian, geoengineering projects around the world.
It's a whole map of projects that are currently ongoing.
This is in 2012, but projects that are ongoing to change the environment, to geoengineer the environment.
And so you can't say this stuff doesn't exist.
People are doing it in many different ways.
It's not just spraying stuff in the clouds.
Right and it's funny because Michio Kaku in that interview he talks about how you know in the future if you on your wedding day you want to have a clear day you'll be able to use this technology you know it'll probably cost you a hundred something thousand dollars to ensure no rain.
Can you imagine if there's just a bunch of people running around thinking that they need to have a rain here and then of course if there is an issue with the drought like they're having in California
We have 2,000 clear days.
They've got it under control.
They're going to put black balls on top of their reservoir to absorb heat and make it evaporate faster and grow mold.
And fungus is going to grow under these things.
The Israelis did the same thing, but they did it with white balls.
They said the white balls are the way to go.
It was a pretty interesting article.
The balls had holes in them so water would fill in them so they would kind of sit in the water.
But the water would condensate, evaporate to the top, and then condensate immediately.
So there's no, I mean, less water loss than what you would normally have through evaporation.
Well, and then what about the fact that there's plastic leaching into the water from the hot sun beating down on it?
Yeah, I guess they don't care about the ginger-bending chemicals going into the water at all.
That's probably, they're probably coated with BPA.
These things are probably made out of solid BPA nodules.
I mean, who knows?
Right, they're like, this will just... Ridiculous.
Bypass the middleman, now we won't have to pay our plastic makers to inject these hormones, the BPH.
But yeah, you know, I had one of the writers from BuzzFeed kind of retweeted me when I was talking about how Kylie Jenner, she tweeted out to all of her, you know, millions of Twitter followers this question about geoengineering and look up in the sky and what is this?
And of course, that was the ultimate opportunity for
For the mainstream media or whatever, alternative mainstream, I wouldn't call them BuzzFeed mainstream, but for them to just poke fun at us and say, oh look, look at their spring.
And you know, this is happening.
It's real.
Why is it so hard for them to just do a little research?
Just like this reporter that made fun of Dane Wigington, telling him he sounded crazy, has a job.
Dane's even saying that the stuff they're spraying is helping keep these fires going in the West, too.
And the fires are out of control right now.
Who knows?
We're going to get him on the show pretty soon to talk about this and break it all down.
All right.
Well, we've got a lot more coming up.
We're going to talk about the Pope and the 2030 UN agenda and how he ties into that.
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And welcome back.
You are listening to the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
If you want to watch us, go to InfoWars.com forward slash show where you can see everything that's going on.
You can watch the reports in their full visual effect.
Now we're going to be getting to some of your phone calls here shortly.
Let me interrupt.
You're going to want to get on InfoWars.com for the second half of the Overdrive Hour because we're going to play a couple reports, one of which is Alex Jones where he kind of channeled the madness that is going on with people legitimizing pedophilia.
If you haven't seen it on the Alex Jones channel or on InfoWars, we have it posted today.
We're going to show part of it at least.
And disclaimer, there should be a trigger warning for all of you people out there that are offended by sensitive material.
People who don't like clowns.
It's shocking, but it's reality.
So that's coming up.
That's InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Now we're going to be getting to your phone calls, Trisha in Oregon and Adam, FEMA Region 4.
But first,
Let's talk about some of the amazing specials that we still have going on.
We had some top-notch specials going on all during our money bomb, but now we have some holdover from that.
That's right.
Do you want to talk about some?
Right now we have 20% off Brain Force and DNA Force.
DNA Force just came back in stock, and so to let everybody know it's back in stock, 20% off.
I mean, DNA Force is really like the Cadillac of products for your cells.
Brain Force is going to give you that energy that you're looking for and clarity without, you know, clouding up your mind or making you super hyper.
You know, a lot of people here are taking that in the office and really like it.
And it's not like, you know, an energy drink where you're just going to be like all jittery.
It really gives you focused attention.
And also, you know, for kids,
With that same problem of becoming focused, a lot of parents have been using childies and that was out of stock and now it's back.
I gave a couple bottles to some friends of mine.
Sometimes I give it to my kids.
My kids are on a low sugar diet so they're not too crazy, but every once in a while
Might slip my little childies here.
Hey guys, take some of this.
And it calms them down, gets them focused.
And they're not as interested in watching TV or looking at the phones or whatever.
They get interested in drawing and building Legos and stuff.
So it really does.
It's been helping my kids.
I don't give it to them every day, but on those hard days.
With the kids, you know, it's always good to have childies in the cabinet.
So, I encourage you to check that out.
And also, on October 1st, that's next week, InfoWars Select, we're going to be ending those specials.
So, you definitely want to stock up on your food items if you're lacking in that department.
I am stocked up.
I got so stocked up, I passed them off to some relatives.
I'm like, here, you take some of this.
I don't have room for it.
Yeah, well, they say, what is it, the 23rd, that's today.
Today's the day.
The Pope and Obama are converging.
We had somebody call in and said November 15th is going to be the day that the sun's blacked out for 15 days.
That's not the stuff we're talking about.
We're talking about, hey, what if you have an earthquake in your area?
Or what if a hurricane hits your area and you're blocked off?
It's just a different form of life insurance.
Yeah, I lived through Hurricane Rita that hit the western side of Louisiana.
Not as popular as New Orleans, but still there were homes without power for weeks.
And we had food.
They also had the National Guard giving out food, but you had to go stand in their line and play by their rules.
There were churches that were doing food, but we also had our own food with us.
So you have to take care of yourself because you can't take care of anybody if you can't take care of yourself.
Well let's go ahead and we got about one minute.
Let's take one phone call.
Tricia from Oregon.
Go ahead.
Oh my gosh.
Hi guys.
I must start by saying you guys are amazing.
Thank you for what you do.
But I want to get to the point.
I see chemtrails every day.
I live in Oregon.
I take pictures every day.
There's a gentleman on YouTube.
It's called The Harp Report.
He puts reports out like every month or so.
He has special satellite equipment.
He shows you global infrared every little bit at a time.
And if just a normal average person looks at it for more than five minutes can see blatantly what they're doing to the West Coast.
You're absolutely right, Trisha.
Thank you.
There is so much evidence out there online.
We've interviewed people where they had documented all of these silks falling from the sky, getting video, there's planes flying above, and all of these silk threads are then covering their property.
Oregon is a beautiful state too, but it is being systematically destroyed with what is going on.
And ten years from now, if you take a snapshot now, and then you take the same snapshot ten years from now, you're going to see some major changes, some major deforestation, but not from log cutting.
You're just going to see it from dying trees, which they blame on a beetle.
It's always the beetle.
It's not anything else.
It's just this one beetle that's taking everything down.
And that seems to be their cover story for everything.
It's never the cause of people spraying things in the atmosphere, or geoengineering, which is admitted around the world.
Yeah, please.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist right now.
Oh, my goodness.
All right.
Well, coming up, more on the Pope and the 2030 agenda.
Blueprint for a new world order.
I mean, he's there with the president and they are definitely ramping this up in overdrive.
Over the weekend, Cheryl Atkinson released the following article, What the News Isn't Saying About Vaccine Autism Studies.
She starts off with a New England Journal of Medicine study that says there is no link between vaccines and autism.
She then discloses the consulting firm behind the study, the Lewin Group, lists major vaccine makers among its clients.
In fact, the Lewin Group's parent company, United Health Group, is a key government partner in Obamacare.
And a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, QSSI, was given the contract to build the Obamacare website.
She then looks at the AstroTurf propaganda campaign and some of the buzzwords they use, like weak, too small, haphazard, not replicated, junk science, flawed, unrelated, and how these words are used over and over again to attack anybody who questions the vaccine mafia.
She then covers over 13 different studies that show a correlation between vaccine intake and brain damage.
In fact, permanent brain damage is an acknowledged rare side effect of vaccines, and there's no dispute in that arena.
So the next time your herd mentality friends are pushing vaccine propaganda in your face, shove this back in theirs.
Rob Dew for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
We hope and pray that this is not the case, but the signs of things deteriorating around the world are unmistakable.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the 4th Hour Overdrive and I am Leanne McAdoo.
Now let's talk about some of the stories that are up on the Drudge Report today.
We are once again witnessing the exploitation of a tragedy to advance the surveillance state.
Now we have iris scanners being implemented on school buses after a student's death.
Now there was an autistic boy.
He apparently wasn't able to speak.
So he was left forgotten about.
He was left to die on a school bus.
It was parked in a district parking lot.
So now a nearby school district is going to be using biometric iris scanners on these special needs buses to prevent tragedies like this one from happening in the future.
So every time the students get on or off the bus, they're going to have their iris scanned and then that way it'll send an alert to
Ira Trans System points out how this is a something that's happening in epic proportions nationally that there's kids are falling asleep or they're getting lost and so they're really selling this to parents as you know it's for their safety and of course that's exact same thing they did in the past with these implantable microchips.
So now you'll recall that in 2013 they already tried to roll this out without parents' permission.
They already started scanning children's irises without parental consent.
A lot of people were really mad and they said, oh, we sent you a letter telling you you could opt out, which, you know, that turned out to just enrage a lot of parents.
Think about this, they're getting these kids, I mean even universities and elementary schools now are using biometric information in lieu of IDs.
And so they're getting all of your children's biometric information stored in a database for your safety.
But now let's look at another story.
I mean this is the federal government who can't even keep control over their own highly sensitive information.
So we learned about one of the largest hacks in history here that just happened a few months ago with the government there at the Office of Personnel Management.
More than 20 million people, top secret clearance, had their information stolen from them.
One of the victims wrote that the Office of Personnel Management is the agency that asks your neighbors what they know about you that could be used to blackmail you.
So, this is the type of top-secret sensitive information that was hacked into.
Well, it also turns out that includes fingerprints.
And, you know, I previously reported how easily your fingerprints could be used to frame you.
They can make a mold of your fingerprints.
They could use this in phones or anything where you have to actually scan in with your fingerprints.
You know, perfectly safe for the government to hold on to all of your children's biometric information.
But now check this out.
This is a story at InfoWars.com, also up on the Drudge Report.
FBI is merging criminal and civil fingerprint database.
So now, you know, the FBI, they've always said that they didn't have any interest in, you know, keeping those fingerprints that your employers scan or that, you know, I had to put my fingerprints in order to get an ID here in Texas.
But now all of that has changed.
The FBI is going to be merging fingerprints and biographical information.
They're going to be taking all of that and putting it in their government database.
This is according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
And the EFF believes that this change is part of an ever-growing movement toward cataloging information on everyone in America and it's a movement that won't end with fingerprints.
So is this more about safety for your children or pre-crime or is it about controlling a populace especially when we're seeing more and more civil unrest and people pretty upset about the fact that they are living in a police state and now living in a technocratic police state.
But they're going to sell you this idea that they're not using it for any nefarious means and it's totally okay.
And in fact, just a few months ago, the NSA was told they needed to shut everything down because it was violating our constitutional rights.
And so, you know, they went off with their tail between their legs saying, we're going to shut it all down.
But of course they're going to hold on to all of the information they've already collected.
Now, John Bowne has a really great in-depth report talking about this, how there's some quote, new rules for Big Brother, and just kind of the falseness of them saying that everything's okay, all your data belongs to us, and they'll keep it perfectly safe.
Let's listen to that report.
The privacy you expect in emails, contacts, notes, and even location data has been easily accessible to civil law enforcement agencies like the Federal Trade Commission and the Security and Exchange Commission for decades.
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 was signed into law by President Reagan on October 21st, 1986.
Title 1 of the ECPA or ECPA was intended to protect wire, oral, and electronic communications while in transit.
Title 2, known as the Stored Communications Act, was intended to protect communications held in electronic storage.
And Title 3 prohibits the use of pen, register, and or trap and trace devices to record dialing, routing, addressing, and signaling information used in the process of transmitting wire or electronic communications without a court order.
However, the law is so ancient that government agencies have been mining it for years.
And the provisions in Title II only apply to stored emails up until 180 days.
After that, your emails are fair game.
The cloud has also created a new treasure trove of data related to every detail of your existence.
The NSA's $2 billion Utah data center has been gobbling up every individual's information and storing it for pre-crime, surveillance, and a blatant criminal exercise of violating every American's Fourth Amendment rights to create a culture of submission.
Utah Senator Mike Lee along with Senator Patrick Leahy and Representatives Kevin Yoder and Jared Polis are spearheading the ECPA Amendments Act.
The act would require law enforcement to acquire a warrant to gain access to your private information regardless of how old it is.
And the government bureaucracies would be required to notify unsuspecting Americans that their privacy was breached by Big Brother within 10 days.
Policies that should have been set up 30 years ago.
Of course, Big Brother isn't going to go down that easy.
Five years ago, the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit found the contents of email was fully protected by the Fourth Amendment, regardless of its age.
And that's effectively become the rule nationwide.
Major service providers no longer turn over the contents of emails or texts without a warrant or a legitimate warrant exception.
The Act, uh, Amendments Act simply, as Senator Lee knows, we simply codify current practice.
Some have raised concerns the bill would hamper civil regulatory agencies, such as the SEC.
Well, we want these agencies to be effective, but
There's nothing in our Constitution that says only certain agencies have to follow the Constitution.
Others don't have to.
On behalf of the SEC, considering the Electronic Communications Privacy Amendments Act pending before your committee, I share the bill's goal of updating ECBA's evidence collection procedures and privacy protections to account for the digital age.
But the bill in its current form poses significant risks to the American public
by impeding the ability of the SEC and other civil law enforcement agencies to investigate and uncover financial fraud and other unlawful conduct.
I firmly believe there are ways to update ECBTA that offer stronger privacy protections and observe constitutional boundaries without frustrating the legitimate ends of civil law enforcement.
The SEC's tripartite mission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.
Our Division of Enforcement furthers this mission by investigating potential violations of the federal securities laws, recommending that the Commission bring actions against alleged fraudsters and other wrongdoers, and litigating the SEC's enforcement actions.
A strong enforcement program is critical to the SEC's efforts to protect investors from fraudulent schemes and promotes investor trust and confidence in the integrity of our securities market.
The New World Order detests our God-given liberty.
Consequently, they also have no regard for law and order, and in the face of a nation increasingly craving liberty, Congress's assumed access to our private lives should be revoked, as it is clearly violating our Bill of Rights.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
All right, well there you go.
They're from the government and they are here to help.
And now we've got to worry about our religious sectors as well because this month the UN is going to be launching their blueprint for a new world order with the help of the Pope.
Now as everyone is fawning over his holy arrival, you know, let's point out how one of the number one search terms on Google was, is the Pope the Antichrist?
Which is kind of funny because several years ago that was also one of the main trending Google searches, is Obama the Antichrist?
So kind of funny there.
But let's talk a little bit about this 2030 agenda.
There's pretty much been a total media blackout of this.
Now this is coming off of Zero Hedge submitted by Michael Snyder.
He did this reporting.
But the Sustainable Development Summit is going to be held from September 25th to the 27th.
And some people are calling this Agenda 21 on steroids.
And this Sustainable Development is going to
Transform our world for the better by 2030.
So that's just 15 years.
So you can really see how they're ramping this whole agenda up into overdrive.
But this is not just about the environment.
It also includes plans regarding economics, agriculture, education, and gender equality.
Ah, so that would explain some of those controversial White House guests.
Now, this entire planet is going to be committing to working toward 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 specific Sustainable Development Targets.
That's exactly what this is, a new world order.
And in the past, this always happens.
We have a technocratic elite who promise us a utopia and what happens is that it quickly degenerates into extreme forms of tyranny.
So this is obviously something we're going to be reporting on
A lot more in-depth obviously tonight on the Nightly News as well as in the days rolling out.
But this is pretty big news and obviously that's why there's also a total media blackout in the mainstream media.
Now another thing, let's kind of switch gears here.
Something we've been kind of reporting on all week because it was so shocking.
The fact that they are openly now peddling pedophilia.
And, you know, for myself, it was just so extreme.
Yeah, there should be some other resources for people out there who have mental disorders to go figure out how they can help themselves rather than just these seedy, dark internet forums.
So I get that.
I get where this person might be coming from.
But the way that the piece, the Salon.com article that's gotten everyone in a tizzy, the way it was written was, you know,
Feel sorry for me, I was a victim and you know what, pedophilia isn't that bad and we're people too and you should be understanding and just love us.
So that was incredibly shocking, so shocking in fact, that Alex Jones decided to channel one of these pot belly clowns and explain to you what this is really all about, how this is being unraveled here in our society.
And kind of got to the heart of the matter now.
This is a video that you really have to watch for yourself.
So if you go to InfoWars.com forward slash show, you can watch along with us.
It's there with all of the articles, all the news clippings, everything, all the proof you need to see what is happening with this pushing of pedophilia.
So here's that video.
Welcome, children, welcome to the newest, trendy, liberal program brought to you by the liberal, trendy establishment media.
You know who's coming out of the closet now with federal judges reeling on it and saying it's good all over the world?
Writers for Salon.com telling you it's time to love the pedophile?
It's all about a sexual preference.
I just said it.
When we grab your kid out of the back of the yard.
We teach them how to love.
And it's alright with our preference that you belong to us.
Just like Melissa Harris Perry said.
Your kids don't belong to you.
They belong to the state.
Part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
And the people that make up the state like me.
So now it's time for you to learn it's an act of domination.
An act of control.
We're not just gonna sexually abuse your children.
We're gonna forcibly inoculate them.
With deadly pathogens, known to brain damage them, we're gonna rape their brains, rape their minds, and make you take care of them for decades, when they're autistic, wearing diapers, crying at night!
Because that's what we like to do, and you're so weak and pathetic, you'll do whatever we tell you.
So now I'm coming right out.
I don't have a message to the parents out there, I have a message to the children.
You belong to the state and Big Pharma, and you belong to the cult of the PBP, the Potbelly Pedophile.
We're going to take good care of you.
Let me show you where you're going to be living now, once the state takes you away.
Once the state teaches you how to enjoy yourself.
Come on in.
You think Sandusky, you think the Catholic Church with the pedophiles is isolated?
It's system-wide.
We control this country and the world now.
And your children belong to us.
So mommy and daddy aren't going to be able to protect you.
Just like all the big defense contractors caught shipping kids around.
Who do you think they feed them to?
We're going to ship the narcotics into your country.
We're going to take your kids.
We're going to do whatever we want.
We're going to sit up there on television.
And in print, on the new trendy group, it's going to be people you used to call pedophiles.
Now we're upstanding citizens and your kids belong to us.
You better get used to that and understand it, kids.
Just like California passed a law that kids can decide to be vaccinated even if their parents don't want to.
On the Alex Jones YouTube channel, like I said, some disturbing images in that, that, you know, you need a trigger warning, most of you kids out there in the university right now.
But it's real.
That's actually happening.
And why are they peddling pedophilia now?
Is it because there is some sort of satanic network happening?
Is it because the upper echelons of our government are involved in this?
Or 2% of Catholic priests?
Are pedophiles, according to the Pope himself?
I don't know, I don't really know what it's about, but it is some sort of a sick agenda that is happening, and we're not gonna let this happen.
I've got, like I said, a trigger warning, myself, or anybody out there that wants to touch some kids without... Ugh, I just, we'll be right back.
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All right.
Welcome back.
We're wrapping up the fourth hour overdrive.
I am Leanne McAdoo here.
And now I'm going to go ahead and take one of your phone calls.
Paul in New Mexico, you've been holding for quite some time and you wanted to talk about the Pope.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Leanne.
It was nice talking to you.
The Pope, you know, I just want to make a comment.
My voice is a little cracked.
The Pope is the one who's blowing the real smoke as he pushes a global warming hoax, not the coal plant which is blowing CO2 and water vapor.
We need to stop worshipping and feigning over any man.
No man on a white horse is going to save this country, only the Lord Jesus Christ.
I don't think so.
I would like to have the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal campaign advisor and my life campaign advisor.
Not any other campaign advisor, but the Lord Jesus Christ is who I would want to rely on.
We need to stop selectively shutting down these coal plants to collectively blame all the coal plants.
They keep the 31's open.
To collectively scapegoat and blame the entire coal industry and shut them down.
Well, exactly.
And that's, I mean, it's just this huge argument out there.
And it's really just to put money in the pockets of the globalists and take the power away from the people.
I'm not against recycling.
I'm not against taking care of the planet and all of these things.
I mean, I don't want people to think I'm, you know, anti-environment here, but I'm just anti-BS.
And we, I think we've thoroughly cut through all of that.
Thank you so much, Paul.
And, you know, I agree with you.
I think that's,
Just right there.
We really have nothing to fear.
But it is about sort of shining a light on all of these dark places for other people out there who aren't aware about what's really going on.
Now in the last couple minutes here I just want to get everyone pumped up for the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
That's where you'll normally be able to find me.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be hosting
From the UK, and you can watch that live if you are a PrisonPlanet.TV subscriber.
You can go there, PrisonPlanet.TV, sharing your username and password with up to 20 people at the same time.
There you get instant access to over 18 years worth of content that people are not going to be able to find on YouTube, so that's kind of the benefit there of the Prison Planet
I don't
The mass migration there, there's a huge issue covering up rapes there by the German media.
They have some issues with some men attempting to kidnap kids, covering that up as well, because they don't want to offend anyone, the masses of people who might be there.
Of course, they're going to be talking a little bit more about the Pope.
We've got our reporters on the ground there.
Jakari Jackson and David Knight are going to be updating us on everything.
And then, Watson's favorite, he's going to be talking about feminists blaming the patriarchy for the way they smell.
My goodness, it is never a dull moment there.
So that's coming up tonight, 7 p.m.
Thank you so much for tuning in.
And again, I'm Leanne McAdoo.
You can find me at the Info Wars Nightly News.
Follow me on Twitter at Leanne McAdoo.
We'll see you here again tomorrow!