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Filename: 20150901_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 1, 2015
3230 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
There is a ton of vital news today, obviously.
Special reports are going to be premiering and more.
Larry Nichols, top Clinton insider.
Dirty tricks operator.
The man behind the Clinton Chronicles is going to be joining us yet again.
He is battling cancer.
He doesn't want to talk about that.
Some people got mad at me.
He talked about the cancer in the show before, didn't tell me it was a secret, and then when I started talking about it, he changed his mind and didn't want to discuss, but I did get what I said correct.
And we sent a camera crew up there a week and a half ago, two weeks ago, to Cary Jackson and Josh Owens, to the little town he's living in, in Arkansas, and did a documentary piece that looks like something that it would air on HBO.
It's that good.
I don't know what we're going to call it.
Clinton Hitman Speaks Out?
Clinton Insider Discusses the Fall of the Clintons?
I mean, I don't know what name you put on it.
Dixie Mafia Insider Exposes the Clintons?
And I see these emails I get and comments, and it's a minority of people, but I'll address your point about Larry Nichols.
I'm going to address it today with him.
He's the prodigal son.
He was high-level in his gubernatorial operation, doing very well, but he had a come-to-Jesus moment like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, and couldn't be involved in killing kids that knew about the drug dealing, which had been killed, and couldn't be involved in shipping narcotics yet.
And that happened while his daddy was dying of lung cancer, and he thought about, oh my God, what happens to my dad when he basically gets to heaven?
Can look down and see the type of man I've become, running all sorts of black ops in Central and South America.
I mean, Larry Nichols worked with the CIA, you name it, it's on record.
And he had a big house, was making tons of money, driving fancy cars, do whatever he wanted to do.
As a big Clinton insider, and he went against it all and lost everything he had.
And a bunch of people around him got killed, over 150 people.
Arms, legs cut off, you name it.
It's like this MI6 agent that hacked the Clintons.
I'm going to cover that with him.
A few years ago, he was found dead, tied up in a bag, zipped inside a bag in his own bathtub.
And MI6 came in and said, oh, he committed suicide.
But the police did an investigation and said, no, he was murdered.
Have you guys print me some news on that?
It was back in the news last Friday and Saturday.
I didn't cover it.
I was waiting for Nichols.
Waiting for Nichols to be on.
That's who I really respect is people that have been dark, have been evil, have been involved in bad, who then have the strength to get out of it.
It's easy to be milquetoast and never do anything in your life and sit there and be a Pharisee and shake your finger at people all day.
But what's harder to do is to come back from hell.
Because it's a long way back from hell.
Do you want to take a life?
Do you want to cross that line?
Because it's a long way back from hell.
You don't want to go that way.
Most people can't come back from hell.
On the cross, there's a murderer and a thief right there.
Two men, he says, repent, join me, and today you can be in paradise, to make the point that it's never too late if your heart's right.
And one of them scoffs, the other says, yes, I want it.
Christ says, well, we'll be together today.
And there's the example right there.
So, it shows the twisted mind of people out there that they don't get why we welcome somebody like Larry Nichols back into the light, because he's the prodigal son!
Think how much God loves those of us that have never been truly, openly wicked.
All our hearts are wicked, but desperately wicked.
How much God loves those of us that are more virtuous from the beginning.
If God loves the prodigal son so much, the lost sheep,
The vast majority of criminals don't buy guns from gun shows, according to a survey by the University of Chicago Crime Lab.
In the survey of nearly 100 detainees at the Cook County Jail, about 70% said they bought guns from social connections or corrupt cops, and only a handful of them purchased guns from licensed dealers at shops or shows.
Some of the pathways people are concerned about don't seem so dominant, said Harold Pollack, co-director of the Crime Lab.
The survey also revealed that AR-15s and AK-47s, often demonized as, quote, assault rifles by the media, are unpopular among thugs.
And despite Chicago's strict gun control laws, inmates were able to get a gun within six months of release.
Police take the guns and put them back on the street, one inmate said.
In other words, gun control works at keeping criminals armed and their law-abiding victims disarmed.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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We're good to go.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's me.
A juncture of radio and television, coming together, meeting Americana, hardcore, naked promotion of libertarian, free market ideas.
It's the Alex Jones Show, live, Monday through Friday from 11am to 2pm Central Time.
That's 12 noon to 3pm Eastern.
That's 9am to noon Pacific, 10am to 1pm Mountain, or Tony Montana time.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Larry Nichols, the big Clinton insider, will be joining us to talk.
MI6 spy found dead in bag in bath that hacked Clinton data and the government ruled it was suicide.
He killed himself and then zipped himself up inside a duffel bag in what looks like a torture chamber.
And they admit he'd been being tortured by NI6, but it was only part of the training.
Is this part of the cure?
And of course, then the local police did an investigation.
They said, no, he was murdered.
And that's classic Arkansas, where your arms and legs are cut off and then you're found in a plastic bag in a trash dump.
And they say you committed suicide.
Your arms, your legs, oh, and your head, too.
Let me give everybody a newsflash.
You can't chop your head off when you don't have arms and legs.
And then you can't put yourself in a bag once that's happened.
Now, his arms and legs weren't cut off, but it's still ridiculous.
Zipping himself up inside a bag, something Houdini couldn't even do.
And they called people conspiracy theorists back when they criticized Clinton for all those weird murders and they said that about this.
Of course, the magic term conspiracy theorist didn't convince the local police to come out and say that it wasn't foul play.
Just like the local police in LA said that Sirhan Sirhan didn't shoot Robert F. Kennedy and was drugged.
Oh, but the FBI said he did.
Just a classic example.
Speaking of that, this is in the news today, up on InfoWars.com, and it breaks down the fact that there are now muggings happening in the western world, Paris and other places, with an amnesic drug being given to men
By basically women that come up and hit on him and then blow it in their face.
And then you can tell the man to go into his apartment, into his condo, into his hotel and give you everything he's got.
Go to the bank and go in and check out every amount of money he's got.
Same stuff you've heard about in Colombia with this plant extract.
There's also puffer fish extract can do it.
It's called devil's breath.
And that ties into
The drugs that different governments and agencies and corporations have, where you can put somebody on amnesiacs or similar drugs, and then you can tell them, go into that movie theater and shoot everybody.
And the person will say, okay, go into the movie theater and shoot everybody.
And then they'll do it.
And in so many cases, these people are on these type of drugs.
And they classify the toxicology reports, because the local police grab them.
They go, this guy's whacked out, take blood.
They take blood.
The feds swoop in and go, we're gonna restrict that.
Well, who made you God?
We've got different jurisdictions to keep you in check.
Just like the feds are supposed to keep the locals in check.
And the locals keep the feds in check.
That's why we have jurisdictions.
There's the headline, mystery zombie drug used in Paris muggings.
Devil's breath zombie drug.
Because when I get up here and I talk about mind control drugs, people say, oh, there's no such thing.
My dad's a retired dentist and oral surgeon.
Yes, there are.
And I've talked to many other dentists as well.
You can give somebody halcyon that's not one-tenth as strong as some of these drugs.
That's the standard drug they give you to pull your wisdom teeth.
You're not out, you're not under, you're there, you can talk, but you don't know what planet you're on.
And most people, you can tell them to do anything you want when they're on it.
Go jump off that cliff.
Stick your hand in this garbage disposal.
And so, when you've got 20% of the public on a similar class of psychotropics that put you in a trance, dream-like state, people are highly suggestible, and then television itself becomes a mass mind control machine.
We've all heard of suspended disbelief.
You walk in, you see your kids watching television, their eyes are wide open, their mouths are wide open, drool is dripping, we've all seen that.
You walk into a movie theater a little bit late, people are already in suspended disbelief, or you get up and go to the bathroom, you come back in and everybody is just staring like zombies.
When I was a youth, television was like that for me.
It's never like that anymore.
It's always cerebral.
It's always analysis.
It can be fun, it can be interesting to see the propaganda, the messages, but I never suspend disbelief.
And quite frankly, it's torturous.
I look at people that get to live in La La Land, The Matrix, and I actually envy you at some levels.
Because my brain's always on, unless I'm at the beach with the rhythmic waves, the natural systems that God gave us to become entranced by nature, a babbling brook just right, the ocean with the seagulls, two or three beers,
I can sit back and just watch the people and the folks surfing and just trance out and two hours goes by.
And I feel like a giant weight is off my shoulders if I can just trance out a few times a year.
It's why I need to go to the beach more.
It's the only place I can go into a trance.
And it's why people go and they meditate at the beach, or they meditate by a babbling brook, because that's a natural thing we're supposed to do sometimes, is go to the quiet place the most high that King David wrote about.
The problem is the globalists put us into an artificial quiet place of the most high, and then hit us with zombies tearing people apart,
All the social messages, all the demonization of the family, all the murder, all the death.
Every major movie I see about cops now is about the cops with total surveillance grids to track everything you're doing in a lifetime, which is true.
It's illegal.
The average cop doesn't have access to it yet, but it's being phased in and handed out, and we're all being acclimated.
And when you go see something like Fast and Furious, the latest one, or any of this, it's just pure propaganda.
Never seen A Fast and Furious, but I like Kurt Russell.
So I went to see it and it was just terrible.
Total false reality.
Cars driving down five miles of cliffs and not blowing their tires.
Just the most ridiculous, mindless garbage.
A giant recruiting movie for the FBI, Homeland Security, and the CIA.
With this Eye of God software where they can track everything in real time with this system.
Just, just, just, just utter comic book garbage.
Gave me such a headache that I had to get out of it towards the end.
I just could not watch the full-on assault on reality.
So it's natural and it's normal to want to get into a relaxed place.
But that's not what's happening when you go into a trance, when you go into dream state, when you go into the edge of not being conscious, watching television or TV.
You are now defenseless, having your subconscious savaged viciously.
Well, everybody gives their kids smartphones.
Well, everybody lets their kids watch two, three hours of TV.
And look, I get wanting to turn the TV on and, you know, go in the bedroom and watch television with your wife or your girlfriend or your husband and wanting to, you know, do something else, wanting to have dinner in bed.
But your children are being murdered!
Psychologically, while they're... I mean, if they're watching some old movie, that's fine.
If they're, you know, seeing some... That's different.
But when they're in there watching the modern culture that's designed to destroy attention spans, when they're in there engrossed in that, they are losing their consciousness.
And that's a fact.
You can look up screen time brain damaging children.
Every major scientist looks at it.
It's conclusive.
You can look at video games destroying gray matter in the brain.
And people say, don't talk about my video games.
You say what you want, you leave them alone.
Hey, I'm not attacking your video games.
You go ahead and do it if you want.
I'm telling you, it's designed with the flicker rate and the software and all of it to suck you in.
It is a weapon system, as Edward Bernays said.
It's a fact.
And it's destroying your potential.
Now, I didn't mean to get up on this whole talk about mind control.
We have huge news across the board.
I want to open the phones up.
It's just to understand why we're in so much trouble.
You need to understand the average adult watches four hours of TV and about two hours to three hours of screen time.
That's four, five, six, seven hours.
Youth now are getting an average of six hours of TV or more, the numbers vary, and about three, four hours of screen time.
We're talking about over eight, nine hours.
This is devastating!
And the real world, reading, people watching, listening to music, hiking, driving your car, all of that will build your brain up
Joining a MMA class.
Joining a boxing class.
Joining a bicycle club.
That's what humans do.
Barbecuing with your neighbors.
Remember what Steve Jobs said a couple years before he died?
They said, so, your iPad's come out.
What do your young kids, you know, like to play on?
He said, I don't even let them ever have it.
They can't touch one.
They're not allowed to watch television.
It's in very controlled situations.
It will destroy you!
Don't you understand they have to metaphysically tell you and warn you before they do it to you.
Now coming up, stock market plunge today as we predicted.
Not hard to point out that they can't prop it up forever.
The Chinese have said they're not going to prop theirs up anymore.
And that's why we could be getting ready to go on the way down.
We've got huge ISIS news.
We've got huge Ebola news.
Huge election news.
Gun news.
That's disgusting.
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I hear the train a-comin' It's rollin' around the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps a-rollin' On down to San Antonio
Ladies and gentlemen, I was going to get into the Czech president calls for army to defend border against mass migrant waves.
I was going to get into the month of September 2015, the month we officially enter the danger zone and the plunging stock market today.
I was going to cover that first
And then I was going to break down the latest on the Black Lives Matter groups calling for the killing of police with the new Black Panther Party yesterday in Texas just north of where the police officer was shot at a courthouse saying we're going to creep up on you in the dark.
Well now
Report, Fox Lake cop shot and killed police manhunt for two armed suspects.
And it appears to be another random shooting.
Holding our breath, will this end up being racially motivated?
Illinois police officer shot, prompting manhunt.
Lake County police officials say a Fox Lake police officer has been shot and a manhunt is underway in the village for two armed male suspects.
Though the officer's condition hasn't been officially released, NBC5 Chicago is reporting the law enforcement official has confirmed the officer's death.
Let's hope that's not true.
There is a yellow crime scene tape around dipstick oil change on Route 12.
That's the new way to execute cops.
You just wait until they gas their vehicles.
About 30 police vehicles, including some of military grade, are on the scene at Frontage and Sighton Roads.
Other police vehicles are traveling rapidly around Fox Lake with officers stationed on most street corners.
And again, when you have MTV, MSNBC, CNN, saying cops are racist and want to kill black people, and showing some of these sad cases, some of which are questionable, some of which aren't,
And making it the number one issue in America for over a year, and the Justice Department stirring up the Trayvon Martin situation, and just in there to divert attention from black unemployment doubling under Obama.
It is meant, cold-bloodedly, to get black people and white people at each other's throats, and it's not been working with the general public, with just Americans of all colors, but it is working with mentally ill people.
And they're now saying two years ago, three years ago, the shooter in Houston of Darren Goforth, the dead officer he shot 15 times in the back, five of them in the head, basically dead instantly, he'd been declared mentally ill and had been in a mental institution.
So, there you go.
I mean, I can take one look at him and tell you he's completely out of his mind.
And so is the shooter up there in Charleston.
These are mentally ill people.
And when the media hypes up that cops are the ultimate bad, and cops are the reason for all the problems in the world, you're not going to have suicide by a cop anymore.
You're not going to have folks copycatting, jumping off bridges like they used to in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s.
The new thing is going to be
Go out and shoot a cop, gassing up their car, getting oil changed.
Highly suggestible.
And I guarantee you, if this guy was in a mental institution, and they released him, I guarantee you, and they'll hide this forever, but it'll come out.
Maybe in six months, a year, maybe this week, I don't know.
I'll guarantee you the shooter,
In Harris County, in South Texas, was on psychotropic drugs or had just gone off of them.
Because going off of them will whack you out too if you go off of them quickly.
And notice, we're not hearing about what his psychiatric medications were, but he was in a mental institution in Texas for violent people for one year.
ABC News, AP, latest on Texas Deputy, lawyer says man had mental illness.
Had been in a mental institution.
They don't let you out of those things unless you agree to be drugged.
And then you gotta go in.
He was under psychiatric evaluation.
He had to go in once a month to get checked.
I bet all the tea in China that he was on drugs.
Which on the insert say they make you do it.
And then you get highly suggestible people
Seeing footage of bad cops doing bad things, they then project that onto the group and the shootings start.
You want to place your bets on whether this is another Black Lives Matter, New Black Panther Party promoted slime fest in Illinois?
Well, the media will do its best to cover it up.
We'll only learn if the police come out and tell us.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
ISIS has flattened yet another document of human history.
In war, there are essentially three ways that historic monuments are destroyed.
Either in a hail of gunfire as it's exchanged by warring soldiers, or demolished by bombs dropped from the air.
Or more recently, by a Frankenstein monster of religious zealots arrogantly expressing their domination of a captured area and destruction of idols.
Hundreds of casualties in air raids on Syrian market.
And the media is demonizing the Syrian government, saying, how dare they?
It looks like a bunch of civilians got killed because Al-Qaeda, ISIS, as they always do, base their head base in the city they've taken over, this is admitted, in the middle of the market.
Meanwhile, the United Nations stands by and wrings its hands, deeming the destruction a war crime, refusing to own up to any of the blame while supporting the New World Order in its bid for global dominance.
John Bowne for Infowars.com
Another major health threat.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Sandra Bland, remember about a month and a half ago?
She's in Southeast Texas.
Gets pulled over by a super nice state police deputy.
I mean, I've run into some real jerks from the DPS.
Some of them are real nice, but I've run into some real jerks before.
And this guy was super nice.
She starts flipping out, throwing fits.
He goes to hand covers.
She freaks out.
And then it turns out she'd been putting out videos, making statements that she was going to commit suicide.
She looked completely depressed, looked, in my opinion, mentally ill.
She looked whacked out of her mind.
It's like you look at Charlie Manson and you look crazy.
In a killer way.
She didn't look like a killer.
She just looked completely depressed, completely freaked out.
And that's what she said.
So she had a new life.
She thought, leaving Illinois, coming back to Texas.
Cop pulls her over.
He's gonna give her a warning.
And when he says, okay, I'm gonna let you go with a warning, she blows up at him.
And he's like, excuse me, I mean, the 14 minute tapes on Infowars.com, he's like, look, you got your warning, I'm out of here.
And she just bows up, gets all upset, because she wanted to be a martyr, wanted to be a victim.
Now, are there cases where crazy cops shoot innocent people in the back?
And the cops that you've seen doing that are getting indicted.
And out of
All of this attention to the police, they're going to use this to fully come in and take over the departments and turn them into politically correct globalists.
That's what all this pressure on the police is about.
And now they've named a parkway, a major road.
Texas City names road after Sandra Bland.
It's like they want to have a statue downtown to Leslie, the transvestite.
And I'm not against quote,
Transvestites and people, I really, it's not on my radar screen, but if you knew Leslie, he was one of the most disgusting, horrible creatures.
He made Gollum look like an angel.
And if anybody from the Leslie camp ever attacks me, I'll unload.
Because my office, for five years, was next door to his house.
He was not homeless.
And we moved, in part, to get away from it.
And if we have new listeners, or people not from Austin, they're like, who is Leslie Cochran?
Well, just be glad you didn't know.
Because he was... I don't want to even get into it.
I don't even want to get into it.
I don't even know why I'm digressing off into this, but they want to make a big statue downtown to him.
And it's the same thing with Sandra Bland.
I don't think she was a disgusting person like him.
People want me to tell you what was going on?
No, I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to speak ill of the dead.
He was a very sad person.
We pray for his soul.
In fact, I do apologize.
I do.
He was actually a very sad person.
But you don't celebrate it as if it's God and say it's the most beautiful thing on Earth when it was one of the most saddening creatures I've ever seen.
I bet it's safe to say few people know Leslie Cochran as good as I did and my staff did that were there for five years.
Rob Jacobson had to deal with him every day.
I ought to call him in here, he could tell you some stories, but I digress.
The celebration of this lady when the M.O.
fits that she went in there and hung herself in the jail cell.
Now she may not have, I'd give it a 10% chance.
But now you've got the new Black Panther Party.
A few weeks ago, chanting, off the pigs, off the pigs, pigs in a blanket, fry the pigs, give the pigs wings.
We're going to play some of that.
There's the new video out at Breitbart today.
Armed Black Panthers to Texas cops yesterday.
We will start creeping up on you in the darkness.
You think we're not pissed about Sandra Bland?
That's a quote.
And I'm all for people to have the right to arm march.
That's great.
The difference is from the new Black Panther Party marches, they have their M-16s in their hands, basically pointing them around at people.
And that is a dangerous display of a firearm.
That is a rude display.
That is brandishing a firearm with an intent to menace.
And believe me, if a Tea Party group acted like this, we'd be attacked.
We'd be arrested.
We'd be shot.
If a motorcycle gang acted halfway like this, it'd be attacked.
Why is the new Black Panther Party allowed to go around as an organized armed group promoting the killing of peace officers?
Because they're White House and foundation controlled.
That's come out and they got a larger mission.
I'm going to break down in a moment.
But here is the clip in Texas.
There's so many of these clips.
This is a short one because of the profanities.
Saying, basically, off the cops, which means kill the cops.
Here it is.
The revolution has come!
Time to pick up the gun!
No more pigs in my community!
No more pigs in my community!
The revolution has come!
Time to pick up the gun!
No more pigs in my community!
No more pigs in my community!
No more brothers in jail!
No more sisters in jail!
Now let me explain what's happening.
I know everybody basically gets what's happening.
Some of you probably know more than I do, but this is socio-manipulation.
This is social engineering by the biggest, richest people in the world to destroy this country.
Can you imagine the average poor, hard-working, good Christian black person that's the salt of the earth, that's had drugs shipped into their communities,
That's had their children prepared and prepped for prison.
That's had Sumner Redstone and MTV put out and promote gangster rap from nowhere to poison black and then the rest of the culture of the world.
Can you imagine after everything now?
Having a White House-run Black Lives Matter organizations and the new Black Panther Party running around saying, pigs in a blanket, kill the pigs, fry the pigs, on and on and on from Houston, Texas to Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Minnesota to New York City.
I mean, I'll be honest, I couldn't have gone with Jacari and Joe Biggs up to Ferguson when most of the people were demonstrating against legitimate problems with the police.
There were some issues.
They even shot our people with rubber bullets for no reason or anything else.
But then groups of thugs would just show up and start fights with Jacari mainly and Biggs getting in their face.
And of course, Jacari and Biggs didn't back down.
And Jakari's a pretty big guy, and Biggs isn't a wimp.
And they were just basically ready to throw down.
And then the thugs back down.
But... You've got a bunch of criminals, basically, that are using this as a political smokescreen to do whatever they want.
And when it all ends, it's going to discredit any legitimate urban movement for renewal, urban movement for unity, urban movement, whether it's black or whatever it is,
To fix police departments.
It's going to legitimize bad cops getting away with doing really bad things.
And I mean, I told you this eight, nine months ago, and I got calls from a couple different affiliates.
I'm not going to name them.
Saying, listen, you can say whatever you want.
You can attack Obama.
You can attack Boehner.
You can talk about the CIA drug dealing.
You can say whatever you want.
Basically, the phone calls are the same, but we have the Chamber of Commerce and stuff breathing down our neck.
The fact that you're mentioning this town and that town has criminals coming up to people, getting in their face.
We don't want that news out.
That's part of the political correctness of not wanting to admit people are getting mugged and thugged and that it's racially based.
That's the new excuse.
In the old days, a group of guys, black or white,
We're good to go.
And then not once, not twice, but three times the last year, I was on East 7th, East, you know, places, great restaurants, best restaurants in Austin.
It's gentrified over there.
A lot of money's come in.
As good a restaurant as you'll find in New York City.
And I'm not a pushover guy.
And, but I mean, not once, not twice, but three times, I'm talking black guys that probably weighed 275 pounds each time, arms that big around.
You're getting in your car and somebody's like, I REALLY NEED SOME MONEY!
And I'd get in a fighting stance and I'd go, listen, I don't want any trouble.
You better find somebody easier.
I'm talking roided up, crazy looking people.
And in one of the cases, because I don't always carry one because my kids are in the car sometimes, I jumped out of the seat and by then the guy ran off.
He figured out what was about to happen.
But I mean, I didn't even call the cops because they won't do anything, folks.
It's a shakedown.
Just like on the New York subway.
That's a really nice watch.
And you're like, yeah, thank you.
My grandfather gave it to me.
Yeah, well, I'd really like it.
People sit on both sides of you.
This is the same thing that goes on, and then no one's supposed to talk about it, no one's supposed to deal with it, and then the Chamber of Commerce puts pressure on radio stations that carry this show in cities because they don't want that news out.
Folks, that's what's going on.
That's what's happening.
That's what's unfolding and that's what the media has pushed as normal and okay and acceptable and it's not.
And so I've never gone and got my concealed carry.
I've been too busy.
But you know what?
I'm gonna have to take some days off or something and I'm gonna have to go over to Cargill's and take it because it is expanding, it is getting bad and it is sad and
I can officially tell you, basically a race war has already been started by the White House in this country, and it's despicable, and it's wrong, and I literally prayed last night that the crazy white supremacists, some of them are veterans and people, because I'm going to tell you folks, I've studied history, and when white people go crazy, I mean one buck-toothed kid killed nine people, it's going to be bad.
And the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center and MSNBC and all these groups, they know what they're doing.
They're winding up black people to go out and attack white people, knowing unstable white supremacists are gonna just go in a church or an urban black mall or something, and my God, it's gonna be bad.
I mean...
Yes, we've got to pray this stops right now because then they're going to come after everybody's guns.
I can just see the plan.
They're going to have reconciliation, national committees, and we've all got to be politically correct now.
We've all got to submit to whatever the government says and use the language the government says.
We've got to have reparations or whatever, but it won't be reparations.
It'll be more tiny handouts just to federalize the black and other poor communities to further screw everybody over and break up their families.
It is such a diabolical plan.
But I had a responsibility to go on Austin Radio.
And I was taken off Austin Radio.
And I wasn't told exactly why, but I was told at the Grapevine that it was because I was... It didn't matter how high my ratings were, it didn't matter.
And this has happened before.
I'm not going to shut up because of that.
And other stations, but we gain more stations for stations we lose, and we have an Austin affiliate.
The point is, is that
This is going on, and sweeping it under the rug isn't gonna hide it.
You know, the fact that cops are getting shot, and the fact that a guy went in and shot a reporter and a cameraman because they were white and the media wouldn't even say it was racially motivated, yes it is!
And it's wrong!
And it's gotta be stopped!
And we need communities to come together the same way.
We saw in Charleston, when we sent Jakari Jackson up there, coming together and saying, as a community, black, white doesn't matter.
We're decrying this and we're against this and we're sorry for what happened.
So we need to see black people come out.
And I know they are saying it, but in any forum you can, and say, this is wrong, we don't appreciate this, we don't support this.
And when you hear racist people buying into Rachel Maddow and MSNBC and MTV, listen, Sumner Redstone and Rachel Maddow want to abort your babies.
They want you drugged out in the CIA-run inner cities.
They want you on the Democratic Party plantation.
They are your enemy.
The Liberty Movement is your friend and wants to empower you and wants to see you be a leader.
And we want to elect Tea Party black leaders, because they're some of the most articulate, best people out there, like that Sheriff Jacarian Biggs had on yesterday.
That former deputy police officer, Marine, running for sheriff down in Harris County.
That's the kind of sheriff you need.
A constitutionalist.
Carl Pittman.
I want to get him back on the show next week, on this show.
That's the kind of people we need that are patriots.
Endorsed by Arpaio.
Endorsed by Richard Mack.
And not because they're black, but because they're patriots.
But also, these are cities that are half black.
We do need to have patriot black leaders.
Not leaders like Al Sharpton pushing division and evil, but promoting freedom and prosperity.
That's what we need.
That's what needs to happen.
That's what needs to be promoted.
And we need to recognize what Sheriff Clark is saying of Milwaukee and others.
This is the White House trying to start a race war, starting a war on police.
To intimidate the police into bending over to the Globalist, because it's not the Feds.
Keep saying the Feds are taking over.
The Feds have been captured.
And now they're going to come in and say, we'll take the heat off, we'll have Black Lives Matter back off, but you first have to do whatever we say.
You do that, this purge is never going to end.
Don't be stupid, and I know some of you are not stupid.
And I don't mean that condescendingly, the general public's pretty dumb.
And they draw cops from that same pool of people.
And I see plenty of arrogant, power-tripping cops.
They can be black, they can be white, they can be Hispanic.
You can tell a thug cop looking at them versus a peace officer.
And they're a big problem.
But the system wants to recruit people like that to ruin your ancient and honorable order.
Your fraternal system.
You're being crapped all over by the New World Order so you can be scapegoated.
But I'm not going to blame you for having the crap all over you.
I'm going to look at the New World Order that's the one doing it.
The one putting it all over you.
But you've got to learn not to defend the garbage.
You've got to get it out of your midst.
And you've got to realize you are under scientific attack.
Because once you fall, and law and order falls during the destabilization, they're going to bring martial law in, and they're going to take the guns, and they're going to start arresting the patriots.
And then they're going to have you come after the Patriots, and the Patriots are going to have to fight back, and that's what's really going to wipe the police out!
You think some mentally ill people shooting a few cops is anything compared to when they start a civil war and people have to defend themselves?
Make the decision now, police and military, which I know you're doing, not to serve the globalists, but to defend the Republic.
Choose wisely.
So I say to Mark at lunch, look, you know, I keep hearing from the government that, you know, they're worried someday ISIS may get here.
And I go, duh, Garland, Texas, Mohammed cartoon shooting, ISIS is already here.
I'm not waiting for these people to defend me.
They don't know ISIS is here already.
They got no clue.
I'm taking care of myself.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
So Cyrus Jones... Ma Jones, my dad's grandmother, lived to be 103.
That is forever when you're just a little kid.
So Ma Jones lived forever.
Outlived four of her five sons.
I know my Uncle Leonard, my dad's uncle, was really glad that he outlived her.
He's dead now too.
God, those were great guys.
Those were real men.
I don't see a lot of men out there anymore like my grandfather's brothers.
They were just good, hardworking, smart, funny, charming, honorable people.
There still are people out there like that.
A lot of them are in our military, a lot of them are in the police departments, and that's why there's a move to infect and corrupt and take over the police departments, because once they fall, we're done.
The globalists hate this country because of what it stood for, and they want to destroy it.
They don't want to just conquer it.
Now I'm going to open the phones up in the next hour.
Here's the toll-free number.
They got a manhunt going on in this town of Illinois, shutting everybody's houses down.
Basically bringing martial law in.
See how this senselessness brings in the climate the globalists want?
What do you expect the police to do when they start getting hunted?
They're going to go crazy.
And that's going to make it worse.
We're going to be breaking it all down in the next hour.
The huge immigrant invasion collapsing Europe.
That's mainstream media words, not mine.
The huge stock market correction ongoing.
The election news, all of it.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Open phones in the second hour.
800-259-9231 on this Tuesday, already, hard to believe, the first day of September 2015.
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Alright, we'll be back with the second hour and your phone calls and a ton of news.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
We've confirmed through our major suppliers attempting to resupply Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystals that elite corporations are buying up the supplies all over the world.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, undoubtedly, somebody flipped a light switch the last few years.
It's called the White House, the Ford Foundation, MSNBC, Media Matters, all the usual camp following of rats.
To make every problem in the world white people.
And then as unemployment doubles in the black community, worse than every other group under Obama, as the drugs get shipped into their communities, as things unravel, as the family collapses, as we go into serious recession slash depression, folks are now taking out their rage on white people and the police.
And there are serious problems with the police, obviously.
But racial attacks on whites, beatings, shootings, killings.
The media has tried its best to cover this up.
Just can't do it anymore.
Not when it's basically a daily basis now, or every two days a reporter, a cameraman, a sheriff's deputy, a police officer in Illinois.
We don't know what this is yet, but it looks like an execution again at getting his oil changed at the gas pump, at a gas station.
And the police are finally getting it right, going, this is a war on police, this is racially motivated as well.
But why would MSNBC and CNN and the White House and the Ford Foundation do this?
Because it's a plan to destabilize the country.
The rest of the story is the problem.
Yeah, it's bad to have cops getting killed.
And it's starting to become a real epidemic.
But still, more cops get killed in car accidents.
I'm not saying any of it's good, it's terrible.
But it shows the mind control taking place through the controlled media and it shows if you don't respond through your unions and through the media and really get aggressive like Sheriff Clark has done and call it what it is, a premeditated program, we can't stop it.
You've got to address the diabolical plan if you're going to beat it.
And I know you think the public isn't ready to hear this stuff.
It doesn't matter.
Facts are facts.
The only way to counter a criminal conspiracy of this magnitude is to go up against it.
And you've got to decide, are you going to serve the New World Order?
Are you going to be corrupt?
Are you going to have a leg in both worlds?
You can't do that.
You want to be with the dishonorable, narcotics trafficking, child trafficking,
Snuff filmmaking, New World Order megabanks that are running ISIS and destabilizing the world, overthrowing Ukraine and George Soros, the same people!
Or are you going to stand up and fight for this country?
Because they're getting ready for this to destroy the economy.
Here's the thing, you get prosperity and security by doing the right thing.
But you gotta have the courage to do it up front!
So I got loaded phone lines, but after I take this bank of callers, every other caller that calls in after this, John, I want to see if it's an active duty police officer, or a retired police officer, or a wife or husband of a police officer, to hear what the climate's like, what you're thinking, what's going on.
But I've talked to Austin police, they're fully aware of the muggings, the racially based attacks, and it's just wrong that the media covers this up
Kevin in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to get your thoughts on how many more of these ridiculous government staged shootings, whether it be white on black or black on white, is it going to take?
For the sheep that are living in this country to just roll over and give up their guns, I have a sad feeling that that's really the endgame.
Because I feel like the people who are totally ignorant and believe anything and everything that MTV and CBS and all those other mainstream propaganda stations tell them true, far outweigh the people who are informed.
And I'm just trying to figure out what you feel about that.
Alright, it's a great question.
I'm going to come back from the break and try to answer that.
But it's a paradox.
The globalists are not targeting people they know are awake.
They're counting on dumbing down the new generations and knowing they'll buy anything they tell them, including 2 plus 2 equals 5.
You know, when the White House came out and said 2 plus 2 equals 5, folks said that's ridiculous.
To the young people that buy the Kool-Aid, they believe that.
I mean, they believe political correctness.
They believe I just said White House Kool-Aid because I'm racist.
That's some code word for black people liking Kool-Aid.
No, it's Jim Jones and the Kool-Aid.
Put cyanide in it.
That's what Kool-Aid means.
So see, the young people can't even communicate because they're all programmed for political correctness going after phantoms.
The vast majority of criminals don't buy guns from gun shows, according to a survey by the University of Chicago Crime Lab.
In the survey of nearly 100 detainees at the Cook County Jail, about 70% said they bought guns from social connections or corrupt cops, and only a handful of them purchased guns from licensed dealers at shops or shows.
Some of the pathways people are concerned about don't seem so dominant, said Harold Pollack, co-director of the Crime Lab.
The survey also revealed that AR-15s and AK-47s, often demonized as, quote, assault rifles by the media, are unpopular among thugs.
And despite Chicago's strict gun control laws, inmates were able to get a gun within six months of release.
Police take the guns and put them back on the street, one inmate said.
In other words, gun control works at keeping criminals armed and their law-abiding victims disarmed.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Here's the headline boiling down the latest that we know.
Another cop executed in Illinois.
Will it be linked to Black Lives Matter and other White House-run racist groups?
This is in Fox Lake.
And I was just looking at Fox News.
They've got the helicopters launching with the paramilitary police hanging out the windows with their .308 Reaper-style assault rifles.
And it looks like the same MO as Harris County, Houston with the execution Friday.
And if this continues to be given top coverage, it's going to cause a domino effect.
And that's one thing that police were saying last week when the black racist Obama supporter shot the white reporter and the white cameraman.
The police started to get it and said, we need to stop reporting on this.
It's going to cause a domino effect.
And again, I've talked about this a lot, the copycat effect.
Where, for 60, 70 years, when somebody would go jump off the Empire States Building every few months, they would station police there for two or three days because suddenly five or six people a day would show up trying to jump off.
They finally just basically put fences up where you can't jump.
When somebody jumps off the Golden Gate, suddenly a bunch of people show up.
And the truth is, you can't stop people from killing themselves.
Well, now the media has promoted, don't just kill yourself, go kill someone of another race.
If you're white, go kill black people.
If you're black, go kill white people.
It is just the most idiotic mindlessness, as if you're going to get ahead if you're white, if you go shoot nine black people.
Or as if you're gonna get a head if you're black if you go shoot some cop in the back of the head.
What you're gonna get is 20 years on death row before you get executed.
But it turns out the shooter was in a mental institution for a year and was under psychiatric care for the last three years since he got out.
Guaranteed he's on drugs but they're one of the biggest sponsors in media so you'll never hear it until later.
You will never hear.
I mean we know the shooter up in
Virginia had been seeing psychologists, but we don't know if they were on drugs.
Well, now we know this guy was in a mental institution and lived with mommy.
And he sat there and guaranteed watched MSNBC, guaranteed got fed all this and just got mad, got a gun and went out, saw a cop and killed him!
And all that's gonna do is push the police state culture.
That's then going to be flipped on the Tea Party and the Liberty Movement.
In fact, he was declared mentally incompetent in 2012.
It's always a mentally ill person or it's gangbanger people on drugs out of their mind.
Remember the crackhead guy that tortured the two white 15-16 year olds to death last year in Detroit?
Took their money and then tortured him to death.
Wasn't enough to just kill him.
Tortured him to death in a vacant house.
And then when he got sentenced, he said, Black Lives Matter!
Would you like to apologize for what you've done before sentencing?
Yeah, I'd like to apologize for all the black people getting killed by white people.
As if killing two snot-nosed, crackhead white people that I guarantee you worship N.W.A.
and you
That watch MTV and see you as their daddy?
Why would their daddy kill them?
As they squealed and begged.
To them, that's a male father figure.
That was forged by the CIA and the weaponized media, the gangster rap, to be the father figure in the ghetto.
So the young kids would get into drugs, so they could be put in prison.
Now, is the average cop involved in this?
Absolutely not.
Are they compartmentalized?
Do we need to reach out to them and try to wake them up?
But yes, there is a conspiracy against everybody in this country.
And because black people were oppressed and downtrodden, undoubtedly, they were always the beta test group.
But believe this, and know it,
In the final equation, it's targeting upper middle class white people.
And if the upper middle class on average was black, they'd be targeting you too.
The elite doesn't want any independent wealth, period.
What did the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty say?
He said competition is a sin.
He said it in the New York Times.
I'm a monopoly man.
And the Rockefellers almost single-handedly funded Hitler with IBM, and then they set Hitler up in his peace treaty with England, and they locked up the vice-fuehrer, Rudolf Hess, and they controlled our media, and you never knew Hitler was promised all of Europe, and the King of England was promised to be the King of Europe with a European Union and three superblocks financed by the Rockefellers.
They were going to put in fascist rule here in the United States.
They were going to ship blacks back to Africa and everything else.
And Prescott Bush was going to head up the banking operation.
And then they betrayed all the Nazis and hung them out to dry.
Just remember how hardcore the Globalist are next time.
Remember how diabolical and serious they are.
Oh, they got their EU.
It just didn't belong to Germany or Hitler.
And it's all in the Congressional Hearings of the McCormick-Dixton Committee.
It's all on the record is what's incredible.
I read this stuff in mainline history books, pieces of it, in Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Shire, Cheer, and Heinz Hobel, Order of the Deathshead, and The Mind of Adolf Hitler, The Secret Wartime Report, declassified in 1974, the year I was born.
I read that and I was like 13 years old.
And I guess the reason I know how stuff works is, I read books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
I read books by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller.
I read books by Adolf Hitler.
He wrote two.
I read books by the good guys and the bad guys.
And the average pseudo-intellectual politico just knows how to bamboozle people and run scams, and hobnob into groups to be part of the gravy train.
They don't even know how the whole show works.
But up at the very, very top, up at the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sachs, Kober, Goethe, Transylvanian, Royal Bloodline level, they know exactly what they're doing, and it's why their family's been in control of Europe for a thousand years.
Because they got the right stuff.
They got the dragon blood.
They are the Grand Dragons.
They are the Grand Wizards.
What do you think Albert Pike was telling you when he named the Ku Klux Klan under those designations?
You know those are occult Illuminati designations that predated the Ku Klux Klan?
And just like Hitler was a spinoff of the Illuminati?
The Ku Klux Klan was a spinoff of the Illuminati, and the New Black Panthers, and the Ford Foundation, and all these groups work to create the dialectic, and to create the war, and to lead us into war and collapse against each other.
It is despicable!
After I take a round of calls, if police officers can get in, I didn't think of this at first, or active duty military wants to comment, there's a brigade homeland, or
The wives or husbands of police officers, what do you think about this climate?
As soon as you hear one of these callers hang up, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
I'm going to try to move through your calls quickly, so just make your point.
Then I'm going to get into the stock market implosion today, the Europe collapsing with the immigrant waves, the military being called out, major trains and terminals being shut down all over Europe.
With the left calling for total open collapse, I mean, this is it.
This is, this is, the New World Order is launching on all fronts right now.
I'm going to skip this network break to give us more time.
The only break today, though.
I promise.
Let's go ahead and go to Don in Canada.
You're on the air, Don.
Hey, thank you, Alex.
Longtime listener and supporter.
Thank you, brother.
Um, just wanted to, uh, off-topic here what you're going through, but, uh, I know everybody and yourself are on the fence about this Donald Trump guy running for president here.
I'd like to maybe see if you would approach this fella and see if he might want to support you in your money bond that's coming up here next month.
Well, I mean, I'm so hardcore that any mainline politician kind of treats us with kid gloves, which is great.
If the establishment liked us, that would kill the broadcast.
I mean, they always think shunning us hurts us.
No, that's what we expect, because we are the real deal.
Trump's actually plugged in for wars, and Joe Biggs' report that showed narcotics being shipped in the day he was there in South Texas last month, or I guess, it was early August, or was it late July?
And so, I'm not on the fence about Trump.
I don't trust him at a gut level, but I like what he's saying, and I see the fact that he may actually want to win, and he makes money off a buoyed economy and off services, and off real estate, so he doesn't want the bubble to burst, or he wants to create a new economy.
So, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, while warning with provisos.
But yeah, sure, I'll reach out to him.
I mean, listen, the money bomb.
To raise a million dollars on the 16th?
That sounds like a lot to somebody that's, you know, making $50,000 a year, $100,000 a year.
For a TV network, TV station, that's not even a tenth of the money it takes to run something like that.
And we run it very inexpensively.
I mean, Fox News costs hundreds of millions a year to run.
Hundreds of millions.
CNN, hundreds of millions.
We run this operation for
It's well over $10 million a year.
So that's why I spend so much time selling product, promoting things, you know, trying to do that because we have to fund ourselves so we can be independent.
But absolutely.
You know, the problem is if I got money from Trump, then people will claim that
I was beholden to him, and then I've been bought by Trump.
You know, they already say the Koch brothers have bought me when they own the Democrats and Republicans, and I attacked both parties and never gotten a single dime from the Koch brothers.
So, you know, it's really good that we just support ourselves with the products we sell and the services we have.
Um, but if there was no strings attached, um, you know, I'd take $10 million from Trump and put it in this operation, have a big effect.
But I mean, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I appreciate your call, Don.
And no, I knew you were off topic.
We're not screening your calls on air.
It's one of my pet peeves.
Everybody tells you what they want to talk about and then ask if it's okay.
Because I know when you call regular radio, you get interrogated for five minutes.
We just want to know where you're calling from, what your name is, how you're listening, if you want to tell us.
And if you want to volunteer something so we have it on the board, you know what you're calling about, that's fine.
But just, God bless you, sir.
It's an interesting idea, but you don't need to ask permission to cover what you want.
And I've said that probably 5,000 times and it just doesn't seem to work, but that's okay.
Let's talk to Charles in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Mr. Alex Jones?
We appreciate you.
Thank you, sir.
Want to let you know that I saw your report online that you made for us, and I was just at awe.
I called Keith, and Keith told me about it.
I was like, wow, I can't believe that we're actually on the news and stuff.
Well, for folks that don't know, you called Sunday, because we tend to have a private conversation, listeners and callers, you'll do it with me on air.
Why don't you fill folks in?
You made a documentary.
I thought it was interesting, so I told the crew about it, and then they ended up doing a piece of the nightly news.
Because our number one imperative here is to promote other liberty activists that are fighting the New World Order to rise up and build up and
Yes sir, I'm going to need to address after this as well so I can send you the uncut version of the video that we have.
What they did was, I just got an email from Keith, my film editor, and he told me that what they did was they
Reinstated the ban on one of the scenes that we got in our documentary film, banning our video in 232 countries worldwide.
Yeah, let's be specific.
You made a documentary.
Say the name of it.
Say your YouTube channel.
And then it got censored.
And now because of our coverage and other folks, they're starting to take the ban away, but not fully.
So tell folks about the film.
Okay, the film is revealing the mind of a tyrant.
And we get into how Obama is connected to Adolf Hitler, and we talk about how Obama's policies are the exact same blueprint to Hitler's Mein Kampf book.
And we point out the fact that Barack Obama has done everything against God, just like Hitler called for all of the Bibles to be burned.
Barack Obama openly is passing policies against God with homosexual marriage.
And abortion, promoting Planned Parenthood, who kill babies, who kills babies and harvests their organs and everything.
We point out that Margaret Sr., the white supremacist, is supported by Hillary Clinton.
We actually showed a clip.
If you can show the clip later on your show again to let people know that Margaret Sr.
was indeed a white supremacist and Hillary Clinton said that she was an inspiration to all people and everything.
A known white supremacist that said the only thing that a black Negro can do
To keep from, uh, to benefit is to keep from being born in this society.
That's the best way to deal with a black Negro.
Margaret Singer said that.
The white supremacist.
And then she spoke at five different Klan rallies she did as well.
And we point that out in our film, uh, revealing the mind of a tyrant.
I urge everybody to please support that film.
Uh, we, we were able to repeal YouTube again.
Sure, but expanding on this, there's no profanity, you're clearly fair use showing clips of public figures, you do a good job, it's amateur but the information's powerful, it's coming across to people, so they've restricted it, they've banned it, you've had to put it back up, and this just shows how controlled this country's getting.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
And it just illustrates
Where all this is going.
But if you look at the mind of a tyrant, it looks like something I made 18, 19 years ago.
Now look at what we've done.
And that's why I support independent activists and try to promote their material here.
It's because that's the answer to stop the globalists, is to get everybody to be a mouthpiece for truth, a watchman on the wall, a Paul Revere, to expose what's happening.
And that's what we're doing.
And the globalists want to destroy all of our communities.
That's why they're pushing the most vile, nasty, arrogant, racist groups like Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panther Party, who are just useful idiots, is because they want to set each other's throats.
And we all know that.
So let's expose it.
And let's speak out against it.
And it's just going to continue to happen.
Just like Planned Parenthood's being exposed and Hillary's in deep trouble.
We're on the march, the empire is on the run.
We have the power.
Evil people are only in control because we've laid down so long.
That needs to change.
And yes, what YouTube does is when the White House or the Democratic Party or other groups who are in power
Don't like a website.
Remember John McCain said he should be able to just go on YouTube and take down whatever he wants.
Lieberman, when he was a senator, said that, too, about five years ago.
So it's Republicans, too.
But whoever's in power, they want to just be able to go in there and take down whatever they want, whenever they want.
And when you got a small channel, but they see some video going viral, they'll censor you.
Big channels, they don't do so much because they know that there's a lot of people watching and they don't want to have that reputation.
See, if you have your own media to speak out, they don't want to censor you.
If you're big.
But if you're small, but up and coming, they want to chop you off before you get big, and then once they've chopped you off, you don't have a venue.
So let me give you some advice.
Doppelganger your videos.
Put them on Facebook.
Put them on YouTube.
I don't mean just spread them on Facebook or Twitter.
Put them on Facebook and Twitter video.
Put them on other platforms.
If you're gonna put a video up, put it up in five places.
Every time they censor you, double down, triple down, quadruple down.
I mean, I've been walking out the door before at six at night and I get a death threat on my cell phone.
I go, that's it.
Not coming home.
I'm gonna work an extra five hours.
Somebody threatens my family?
With a hardcore real threat?
That just lights a fire under my butt.
Let's go to John in New York.
What do you make of the epidemic of police and others being shot, the media trying to cover up?
Go ahead.
It's racially motivated.
What do you think the White House endgame is?
I think it's ultimately to have everybody, it's ultimately divide and conquer.
I'm calling out of FEMA Region 2.
I just wonder if any of the new Black Panther Party has actually read any of the writings from the old Black Panther Party like Bobby Seals sees the time when they flat out say, you know, all power to all people.
They basically say all lives matter and it's just messed up.
Um, and as I was sitting here listening, I was, um, you made a lot of points about how the hip hop culture was taken over and I'm actually a political
Rapper, um, I rap with a group called Boondocks.
We're out of Philadelphia and out of Western New York.
And our websites, I'm trying to tell you, Cuz Entertainment.
Um, we've got a lot of good stuff on there, but really, people need to wake up.
I mean, and Paul Joseph Watson did an interview over the weekend about some lady on MTV saying that black people can't be racist.
I experience racism from other black people, and I'm black just for the way that I, for the way that I speak.
So, you know, people just need to wake up and come together.
Great job.
Oh, yeah.
Let's be clear.
If you're a black person, I've read about this.
I've seen it.
I've experienced it.
I remember growing up in Dallas.
There were black kids who were real good in school, dressed in like sports jackets because their parents were real Christian, kept them away from all the thug culture.
And I remember the black kids, the bad black kids would mess with them, beat them up, you know.
Right, right.
And a lot of people, it's ridiculous, a lot of people run around.
You showed clips of some of these protesters saying that they believe in what Malcolm X taught, but clearly they didn't read the end of his autobiography when he went on his pilgrimage
I came back with the name El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz and you know said flat out that he was wrong.
Well, listen, what the White House is pushing through these dumb kids, who are just useful idiots, I mean, you know, all of them out there, black, white, it doesn't matter, that are pushing this, is they're ignoring what Martin Luther King said, they're saying the opposite.
They're ignoring what Malcolm X said in the last third of his life, they're saying the opposite.
They're ignoring, for the third of his career, they're ignoring just common sense, and they're arrogant, hateful little thugs, and they have the same look in their eyes I've seen in the Klan.
It is a gangster, thug mentality, and that's what they're doing.
God bless you, John.
I appreciate your calls.
Steven, Frank, Dion, Robert, your calls are coming up.
We're going to talk about the shooting in Illinois.
We've got Dion calling in, who's right by the shooting.
We've got a bunch of other news.
So stay with us.
And we'll follow the latest cop shooting in Illinois.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
ISIS has flattened yet another document of human history.
In war, there are essentially three ways that historic monuments are destroyed.
Either in a hail of gunfire as it's exchanged by warring soldiers, or demolished by bombs dropped from the air.
Or more recently, by a Frankenstein monster of religious zealots arrogantly expressing their domination of a captured area and destruction of idols.
Hundreds of casualties in air raids on Syrian market.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
By the way, I've been telling people the last few weeks we're gonna start bringing back the fourth hour.
We're pretty much doing it now.
We're going to have News Director for the Nightly News, really smart fella, Rob Dew, hosting the fourth hour, taking your phone calls, covering all the latest breaking news, special reports, you name it, with Jakari Jackson, and we're also going to have Joe Biggs back in.
Leon McAdoo's hosting the Nightly News tonight.
So Leon McAdoo will be on tomorrow with Darren McBreen hosting.
No, no, I'm just joking.
Darren's busy doing graphics.
I'm trying to twist his arm into coming in here because he's super smart, super articulate on New World Order issues, but he likes to do tape reports, which he does a great job of, so I'm always trying to make him go live on air.
You know, Paul Watson didn't want to go live.
He's worked with me for 13 years.
14 years.
Since 2002.
Early 2002, so almost 14 years or 13 years, whatever it comes out to.
And he would not come on live with me.
He did not want to do it.
He did not want to have videos and reports.
He just wanted to write articles.
But I made Paul Watson go on air, twisted his arm, and now he's more articulate than I am.
More to the point, more focused.
And so that's why I want to start getting
Michaele Thelen and Kit Daniels and Adon Salazar and Kurt Nemo and the other writers.
They're really smart and informed.
So you'll see them as guests, too, in the future in here.
And the folks in the control room can chime in.
And we're going to bring in special guests.
So the fourth hour is back for any affiliates that want to carry it out of the first three hours.
Then there's the fourth hour.
We'll also have things where we share special reports I've done in the fourth hour.
Sometimes I will host the fourth hour, as I've already been doing.
You notice the last month or so, I've been doing it once or twice a week, half an hour, a full hour of it.
But pretty much starting now, why not?
We're doing the fourth hour every day.
In fact, let's just say this is it.
It's already launched.
Because the crew's like, yeah, when are we going?
I want to get on.
So that's what it's all about.
David Knight is on a well-deserved vacation with his wife and children.
I'll never forget the abortionists when we were out at that demonstration.
They're running around yelling, hell, Satan, I love the devil, I love killing babies, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I have hair under my arms.
These are actual quotes.
You've seen the video and heard it.
I shouldn't laugh.
They just hate life.
They hate decency.
They hate prosperity.
They just hate honorable people.
They're scum.
I mean, I don't want to call them dog crap on my shoes because that's insulting dog droppings.
I mean, I'm serious.
And there's that clip of David Knight's really sweet wife.
And of course, they adopted their daughter from China.
She was basically starving when they got over there to the orphanage.
And she was like two years old.
And she said, I didn't.
She goes, oh yeah, you adopt your white babies, you racist.
She goes, no, I didn't adopt my baby.
Oh, the white savior.
Oh, oh.
She goes, well, do you adopt your kids?
She goes, I kill my kids.
With a show on her teeth, I kill my kids.
These are the type of groups and organizations that make up Black Lives Matter and these horrible communist organizations.
It's all the same people.
I've been around them for 23 years, politically active.
I'd be out of the Second Amendment rally 23 years ago, or a pro-life demonstration, and people in black, white, black, Hispanic, they're always the same.
They always had, like, dead eyes and gray-looking skin.
Even the black people have, like, gray-green skin.
They're like ghouls out of a movie.
It's like Omega Man.
And they come over and they're like, we're going to kill you, son of a bitch, get off when we take over.
And I'd be like, man, don't you care about people's freedom?
What's your problem?
I mean, they're like creatures out of a parable, out of a fable.
And now I realize that's in the fairy tales and in the cultures, because there's always been people like that.
You know, it's like Linda Blair turns green and spits out, you know, green vomit.
And that's an exaggeration of what these people are like.
I mean, you're around them, and they're looking at you with hatred, and then their skin's like see-through.
I mean, they're demons, man.
They're demon-possessed.
They'll even have like weird purple bruises and veins up on their necks.
It's like a zombie in a movie.
If you look at the video carefully, black-white didn't matter.
I mean, these people are evil.
And they'll tell you that we are evil.
And they're just so weak is also what's pathetic.
But we let them rule over us so they get off on their power trips.
In fact, can we play that with the audio?
A little joke promo about the abortion team that Darren McBrain, again the master editor, put together.
And then I'm going to go back to your calls and the news.
I'm ranting here.
Let's go ahead and go to the abortion team.
Here it is.
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
You, you piece of f***ing s***!
Bunch of misogynist motherf***ers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else!
Tyler, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive?
Come on, nuts!
Scuse us!
Watch out!
Watch out!
These, that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And you laugh at those people, but they are, they are the scum of the earth.
And there's good in this world and there's evil.
And there's those of us that lay down to it who I guess are in the middle.
But it's so clear that we just have to say no to these people and let them crawl back in their trash cans.
I mean, that's what this comes down to.
They're laughing in there.
He actually crawled and hid in the dumpster.
And he couldn't even hardly walk.
He was like, like doing a zombie act, but he was serious.
And they were all just so rat-like and so weak.
But of course weakness is drawn towards dead babies.
I mean, what type of entity is into this?
And I don't think it's human in origin.
I think there's some type of interdimensional thing like Hellraiser and that these people are basically entities, little demons hopping around.
Okay, let me just tell you, I've got to hurry through calls because I want to get to some of this news on the economy, on the Czech Republic and what's happening in Europe as well, but Stephen in Texas, thanks for holding, you're on the air worldwide.
How's it going, Alex?
It's my first time calling.
I'm a long-time listener as well.
I'm going to say two things.
Yeah, so the whole Black Lives Matter thing, I was just wondering, like, you know, I work at a shooting range, and actually a pretty popular shooting range in Texas, and, like, I run a lot of Knicks checks and stuff.
And, you know, I'm a big Libertarian.
I don't think there should be background checks and all that stuff.
But, you know, a lot of yuppies all the time, like, always ask, you know, stricter background checks.
No, I was just wondering why is there like no, you know, no part on there that has, you know, SSRI drugs on there?
Because SSRI drugs that admit on the insert can make you run around murdering people with guns or whatever.
They are a multi-billion dollar industry and they don't want to be targeted.
Plus, it's not in law that if you're on those drugs that you can be restricted.
And I don't want to pass new drug laws as well, but I'm
I don't think people that are on SSRIs should have firearms, probably.
The problem is, then they'll just order you on SSRIs.
Courts can do that and then take your guns.
But it's a complex issue.
I know a federal court ruled last week, and I didn't cover this, you guys print that, I forgot to, that illegal aliens have a right to keep and bear arms and defend themselves.
And you know, I actually think, even if you're an illegal alien and are a felon here,
That there is such a basic right to defense that you should have the right to a firearm, but so should I. I believe felons, like the old days until 1968, when they get out of prison, if they were arrested with a gun that they owned legally, give it back to them.
In the old days, they'd keep your gun until you got out of prison.
And you just better not commit a new crime, because the criminal's gonna get a gun anyways.
So I say, no gun laws.
Now, I am a private property guy.
And if somebody wants to say no guns on our private property and wants to do that, then that's their authorization under private property to be idiots and advertise their place as a shoot-em-up zone for crazies.
I don't agree with it.
I think it's stupid.
It ignores logic and common sense, but it's their right.
It is their right to not let you have a gun if a church says no guns in here, if a liquor store says no guns in here, if a bar says no guns in here, if a restaurant says no guns in here, if a mall wants to say that, that's their issue.
That's their issue, their private property.
But outside of private property,
I am for an absolute right to keep and bear arms.
That is what it comes down to.
Now, if an airplane company says, hey, we're American Airlines, we don't want people with guns on board because they might shoot a hole through the window or something, that's fine.
But then you better provide armed guards on that plane so there aren't hijackers.
Oh no, we don't do that.
When the captain comes out to urinate,
On a flight, they have the stewardess put the drink cart in the hall and act like she's gonna fight somebody.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Arm the pilots.
God bless you, Steve.
Good to hear from you.
Great point.
Dion in Illinois on the current shooting that's left one police officer dead in Fox Lake, Illinois, with helicopters, armored vehicles rolling around in another
I mean, like we saw with the situation in Boston.
Go ahead, what's your view on this?
Yeah, and they're now confirming that it is three suspect shooters.
One is black, two are white.
So they shot the police officer at the gasoline station.
So I know the area is predominantly white.
There's a lot of drugs here in the area.
Predominantly Republican voters.
So you live in the town or nearby?
Yeah, I live about five minutes from the shooting.
I did see that.
In fact, that just came out.
Guys, you print me the article about the identity of the shooters.
They believe they have the identities.
And this could be drug related or it could be a lot of the Black Lives Matter type groups are just thugs that use that mantle.
And if you, you know, as Sheriff Clark has pointed out, there's a lot of people that aren't black now that are part of this attack the cop movement.
But I'm quite frankly, I suspected because it's at a gas station.
That it's a cold-blooded murder and not a cop about to bust people so they're shooting.
That it's premeditated capital murder, that it appears to be cold-blooded.
But cops hunt three suspects in shooting of Illinois' police officer.
And if you scroll up, I'll read the breakdown of that.
A community an hour north of Chicago was on lockdown in a massive manhunt for three armed and dangerous suspects underway after a police officer was fatally shot
Tuesday morning, helicopters were circling above Fox Lake, Illinois, and a law enforcement agency from the area along with the regional SWAT team and K-9 units were hunting for as many as three suspects after a police officer was shot around 8 a.m.
And guys, you've read that.
Where's the description of the people?
Can you find that?
Because I know that's on the article I have right here.
What are they saying on your news?
What news is reporting that you're seeing there, Dion?
The local affiliate news, Fox News Chicago, ABC News Chicago, speaking about the helicopters, they have three helicopters, they have SWAT teams, Emirates going around there telling people to stay home, schools are in lockdown, and it's hard for business to operate when these kind of situations occur because it discourages people from spending money in the economy.
And they need that for their small business.
There's a lot of small businesses around here.
Well, I know this.
In the past, when a cop or anybody got shot, they didn't do these full lockdowns unless they knew specifically where they were.
And then that's reasonable for a certain small area.
These general cordons, like they had of half of Boston or more of half, didn't catch the guy.
It was a citizen and he was outside the cordon.
The supposed guy.
That was clearly a made-up operation.
So it really just comes down to that, that this is the big overreaction.
Detective Christopher Covelli with Lake County Sheriff's Office said the suspects were described as two white men and one black man.
So there that is from NBC and from Fox all reporting that.
Dionne, thank you so much.
Yeah, it's... I don't agree with the police tactic of locking down whole towns, whole cities to find someone.
I mean, I understand they think that that stops the movement, and so then they can catch the guys moving and they can't blend in with the crowd, but I think finding the identity and working with the citizens is the way to catch these people.
And it's been proven that that isn't what's catching people.
So, it just seems like, oh, here are our toys, here's our armored vehicles, here's our helicopters.
None of that protected you.
And that's what I've pointed out.
If a civil war breaks out in this country, that's not going to protect the police.
Stopping the civil war is going to protect everybody.
But the Globalists have lined all this up.
You can see them setting it up.
We're going to come back from break and go back to your calls.
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Trying to raise a million dollars, sounds like a lot, it's not, for syndicating TV, the TV studios, the satellite time, the closed captioning.
Just the satellite and closed captioning for a year costs over $400,000.
So, but we will reach so many people, ladies and gentlemen.
And then off the advertising that we're going to have on the show, it's moderate, two or three minutes an hour.
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It'll become self-funding within about six months and then it's going to have a big effect.
Then I'm going to take the profit, get more satellites as a pure service worldwide.
Most people don't put on liberty-based information or even U.S.-based information worldwide because there's not money in it selling advertisement.
Well, we're just going to take the profits made in North America and transmit liberty worldwide.
We are like the real voice of America.
The real voice of Americana.
The real voice of America isn't, you know, let's have training bathrooms at public schools.
I mean, it's just a joke.
A total distraction from reality.
The real voice of America is, America's been captured.
We want to get it back.
The globalists are trying to cause a civil war.
They're overrunning the West with illegals to further break the back of society and create divide and conquer.
We are being conquered by the New World Order.
And coming up, Czech President calls for army to defend border against migrants.
I mean, there's just videos of hundreds of thousands a week, thousands at a time, just rushing across, taking over trains, carjacking, throwing people out of their trucks.
And they're Eastern European, they're North African, they're...
Middle Eastern?
I mean, all hell is breaking loose.
Let's say your town's got a thousand people in it in Germany.
You wake up in one week, there's two thousand immigrants there.
Demanding everything free, with weird socialist Merkel, and the British leaders and others going, it's our job to pay!
Yes, let's open the borders fully!
So the Czech President, uh,
said that the republic should defend its borders.
They're being criticized by the EU and they're ordering the Czech Republic, the EU, is to open their borders.
It's like, we order you to open your submarine docking bay at 1,000 feet, but that will kill everyone.
Open the gate!
Do you have any idea how the Middle East and Africa is collapsing?
I mean, this is a takeover.
This is World War III, but it's economic, financial, and cultural directed by the New World Order.
I mean, it's here.
The Pope calling for world government, total bedlam, carbon taxes, teaching five-year-olds how to be trannies in public schools, the government telling you what your kids are going to eat, forced inoculations from Australia to California, it's on.
Arresting preachers in Canada that criticize homosexuality or Muslims, it's on.
It's on!
Starting a race war!
Groups out, White House-controlled, Soros-funded, saying kill cops!
And then Soros is a weirdo Nazi collaborator!
You can't make it up!
And I'll say this.
Both my grandfathers are dead in their graves.
They were both in World War II.
They were both in the Army Air Corps.
They both almost died in World War II.
I almost don't exist because of having to fight the Nazis.
And they went through a lot, and they're dead.
And George Soros, that sack of crap, is running around trying to shut my show down, and trying to infiltrate my operation, and trying to bring us down.
Where is the justice in this world that my grandfather's fought against the Nazis, and I've got some Jewish Nazi collaborator after me, and I got the ADL coming after me saying I'm connected to Nazis when they know full well they're the ones that are.
You're a sick, filthy, evil joke, ADL.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A little bit late coming into the studio.
I apologize, ladies and gentlemen.
I decided to treat myself to a cup of coffee.
Something I don't really do anymore.
Because I just take super male vitality.
It gives me all the energy I need.
But I just love the taste of a hot, hot cup of Joe.
Just to put a plug in, I didn't mean to, for the great southern Mexico, high mountain, organic volcanic soil that they grow these great Arabica beans in, available in Wake Up America Coffee, and then idiots go, why are you selling coffee not grown in the United States?
Because the good coffee's grown in Guatemala and Mexico, that's why.
And because I support the farmers down there having jobs on their own land, not coming up here and becoming Democratic Party voters.
So I try to put my money where my mouth is, and the Chiapas rebels have actually defeated the Mexican government for 15 years running.
Alex, yes sir.
I own a small bar in Alexandria, Louisiana.
I have a customer that bought a condo that was right around the corner.
So me and another customer jumped in the car to leave.
We were immediately pulled over by seven police officers.
We were pulled out the car, separated.
He was given a DWI test, he passed.
The car was ransacked three or four times.
There was no drugs.
After all this was gone, it's still separated.
Female cop was called to the scene.
Female cop comes, rubber gloves, further violates the female customer.
Still nothing.
I said, this is kind of excessive.
He looks to me and says, I'm six foot two.
I am kind of aggressive sometimes, but he goes, so what are you going to tell us how to do our job?
Or do you pay taxes?
No, you don't pay taxes.
I said, yes, I pay taxes.
He goes, okay, you're just telling us how to do our job.
I said, well, sir, it looks like you're really working hard.
He goes, you're, he just looked at me, he goes, I don't believe a fucking word you're saying.
Search the guy again.
Sir, sir, I want to hear your story, but you can't, you can't cuss on air.
I'm going to let you go.
They've militarized the police.
They've got them out there revenue generating.
Criminal elements of the government and the big banks are on record.
It's not disputable now.
Shipping in the majority of the narcotics.
I'm against the drug war.
I'm against militarizing police.
I'm against all of this.
And we try to reform it.
And I absolutely get that the Constitution is being trampled by many police departments.
Historically, I've noticed we've gotten a lot bigger changes when we take control of our counties, our cities, through elections, when we support good cops, and when we expose bad cops.
I wanted to hear where you were going, but you cussed, we had to let you go.
Because then we delay you out, and then you could cuss again, and then it would go out, and then we get an FCC violation.
So many shows are internet only, they don't understand that we're on a whole bunch of AM and FM stations, we can't have cussing, folks.
So if you want to be hung up on, go ahead and cuss, I'll let you go.
But the police are going to get more aggressive with everybody because so many cops are getting shot.
And long before there was this epidemic of cops getting shot, I told you I got pulled over when I was a senior in high school.
Five o'clock in the afternoon, my mom said, go get me some frozen yogurt.
I drove like two miles down the road, driving home.
Probably going five miles over the speed limit.
He pulls, I turn on my street, my parent's street.
He pulls in behind me.
I had a weight belt sitting in the front of the seat.
I've been lifting weights.
He's like, all right, license and registration, run!
Starts cussing, puts the gun to my head.
Talk about quick draw.
I mean,
But then he apologized, said it looked like a big knife or gun scabbard, and let me off the ticket.
But the point is, he could have blown my head off.
And it was because he was so jumpy.
And I was white, he was white.
The vast majority of criminals don't buy guns from gun shows, according to a survey by the University of Chicago Crime Lab.
In the survey of nearly 100 detainees at the Cook County Jail, about 70% said they bought guns from social connections or corrupt cops.
And only a handful of them purchase guns from licensed dealers at shops or shows.
The survey also revealed that AR-15s and AK-47s, often demonized as quote assault rifles by the media,
are unpopular among thugs, and despite Chicago's strict gun control laws, inmates were able to get a gun within six months of release.
Police take the guns and put them back on the street, one inmate said.
In other words, gun control works at keeping criminals armed and their law-abiding victims disarmed.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Super Mel Vitality from InfoWarsLife.com has sold out multiple times in the last three months.
We're good to go.
Larry Nichols joins us
He's just recently had surgery.
He's battling cancer.
We should all pray for him.
I've received some criticism for having Larry Nichols on even though I've been interviewing him for 20 years.
I've been battling the Clintons and their corruption and putting up with their attacks and censorship ever since.
I was physically attacked one time in a parking lot by organized hired thugs and told to back off the Clintons, back off Waco, back off the judge, because I was holding demonstrations and covering the fact that they'd been found not guilty of the general crimes of murder, but then found guilty of using guns in the commission of murder.
How is it they were still being held in prison?
And so for that, the media claimed I was a Davidian, even though I was just trying to get justice.
And then they sent people to beat me up.
So that's how authoritative the Clintons are.
And that's how serious their intimidation is.
But Larry Nichols was a fixer for him.
He was a politico that worked for him, high level.
Along with other top names early in the Clinton operation.
If you don't know the story, his dad was dying of cancer.
He just had a Saul of Tarsus moment on the road to Damascus when he just said, I can't end up being involved in Clinton murders and basically stuff he knew that was probably going on and drug dealing, cocaine drug dealing.
And it's all come out from Mina, not just from him, but from Terry Reid and countless others.
The narcotics being flown in there by the ton every few days.
And so he lost basically everything he had when he was Clinton's big buddy because he said he wouldn't go along with it.
He spearheaded the Clinton Chronicles Part 1 and 2.
But a lot of people around those films ended up dying.
So I see him as the prodigal son.
He went out, he did bad things.
And then he didn't turn around once he got in trouble and said, I want to be good.
He turned around while he was rich and powerful and about to be inside the White House, riding that gravy train that so many other Clintonistas have ridden.
I mean, the Clintons have ridden their fame to 500 plus million dollars between the two of them conservatively and billions in their foundation.
And we may be seeing the fall of Hillary Clinton right now because the heat is coming out so serious.
It was Nichols months ago that said he believes it's Obama trying to shut her down so he can set up the new dynasty and be in control.
And line up his people.
Because people are sick of the Clintons, even bad people are sick of them, because they have been running the show for a very, very long time.
But I don't know what's worse, the Clintons or Obama.
And it just shows, or Jeb Bush, it just shows how much trouble we're in.
I know the Bushes are bad news, but I just can't imagine... I know this, the Bushes aren't as aggressive on the ground with activists and media.
I mean, you've seen Obama arrest more reporters than anybody in the history.
I mean, he's worse than Lincoln.
And you've seen all the persecution of whistleblowers.
That's the Clintons' hand with Obama.
The Bushes don't do that.
As bad.
I mean, I've lived under both regimes.
And I'm not saying I want the Bushes in there.
I want Rand Paul, or I'd take a Donald Trump.
I mean, anything but these dynasties.
But Larry Nichols, you know, some people criticized me and they said, what are you doing having a guy that some people say was, you know, he's a medley Dixie Mafia, high level,
He worked in weird special ops in Latin America, probably a hitman, on and on and on.
What are you doing having Larry Nichols on your show?
Well, he's a consummate Clinton insider, and he lost everything to tell the truth, and I've known him for 20 years.
And everything he's talked about has basically come true.
So there's credibility there.
But even if I thought he was a bad guy, which I don't think he is, I think he's really reprieved himself, and reproved himself to a great extent.
He has courage.
And, you know, there's a quote from Full Metal Jacket, written by Stanley Kubrick, where he says, where the Marine Corps Sergeant, the Drill Sergeant says, Private Joker's silly and he's ignorant, but he's got guts and guts is enough.
Well, you know what?
Larry Nichols isn't silly and ignorant, and he's got guts on top of it.
And he knows how dangerous what he's, he's been shot at, he's been attacked.
I mean, they sent his thugs, Clinton's thugs, to break people's kneecaps.
They even talked to Jennifer Flowers.
I've interviewed the women Clinton would rape.
All the people they've killed.
And so that's why we sent the crew up to interview Larry Nichols, and it came out like something that looks better than Vice Television on HBO.
I mean, Josh Owens and Jakari Jackson really did a great job interviewing him.
Mr. Nichols did a great job, even though I know he's not in good health, giving us the time over a couple days to do the interview.
And we're going to be premiering that somewhere here on the radio slash TV show in the next few weeks.
But I just think it's important that you hear from somebody who was right there in the middle of it.
Now, before I go any further, I said, what do you want to cover first?
He goes, I want to cover the MI6 spy found dead in a bag in a bathtub who had hacked the Clinton data.
And that's the Daily Mail, one in Telegraph's also reporting it.
It's not in U.S.
Breitbart and a few others have carried it.
What was it, two and a half years ago, David Knight did a report on this when it first happened.
And it's going to be in the fourth hour today.
We're bringing the fourth hour back.
That's going to be a roundup with our reporters and anchors and special guests.
We're going to have Rob Due hosting and being the main anchor.
And then we're going to have a commentary analysis and news on this subject and others, Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs.
Tomorrow it's going to be Leanne McAdoo and it's going to be Rob Due again.
And I think myself, I'll probably ride shotgun along with that as well.
And when David Knight comes back, he'll be hosting that fourth hour, probably two or three days a week with the guest anchors as well.
But we're going to play that special report that Knight did a few years ago in context to this.
But when you read the article, the local police get there and say he's clearly been murdered.
You can read the articles.
When MI6 gets there, who he worked for,
They say, no, it's normal to zip yourself up in a duffel bag from the inside out.
Well, the only time I've seen something stupider, now an inquest has found there was foul play, was when people would get their arms, legs, and head cut off and be in a plastic bag at a trash dump.
You don't cut your arms and legs and head off and then
It's like saying you can cut yourself up and put yourself in a bottle, like a ship in a bottle.
It's just upside down, 2 plus 2 equals 100, total malarkey bull.
But this is an illustration of him hacking in.
We have a Clinton chef now, dad.
Nobody likes to kill people like the Clintons.
Or, as Larry Nichols says, they don't do it.
People around them get the job done.
That's how LaCosa Notre would do it.
I think it's time for our friends over there.
I think it's time for him to go on a vacation.
And then you know what happens.
But the Clintons really enjoy killing.
Clinton enjoys getting a woman in a cloakroom with people right outside and biting them like a pit bull.
Biting her lip till blood drips and then raping them.
I mean, these are a savage, demonic group of people.
And I don't personally even hate them.
It's just I know they hate us.
They hate freedom.
And this dovetails with this.
I want to go over other news with Larry Nichols and continue with phone calls with Mike in Oregon, another Mike in Oregon, Peter in Washington, Josh in Tennessee, Doug in Minnesota.
They're on subjects all over the map.
The White House trying to get this cop killing spree going.
What's behind that?
Larry Nichols, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Hey, thank you, Alex.
I didn't know you could do my voice.
I didn't know I had a distinctive voice.
Well, I got a raspy voice, too, but nothing like yours.
I'm sure I'll get like yours, though.
Well, let me say, Alex, I know you take heat for having me on.
I know that.
But you know, heck, I don't know what else to do.
You take pound for pound the things that I have said for the years you and I have known each other.
And then tell me any other, you know, it's amazing.
Things I tell you, they come true.
It happens.
Well, the Clintons come out with their side of it.
The media jumps on their side of it, attacks me and you for being around me.
And then theirs ends up being a lie.
But after all these years, here's Hillary running for president again.
And, uh,
I'm still in that corner of people getting on to you for having me on.
Well, the thing that everybody had better watch
Obama knows what I know.
There's only two people in this world that can stop him from his agenda, which is to dedicate and make himself king, using the FEMA provisional government.
And Alex, you've covered FEMA for years, so don't let anybody fool you.
It's out there.
They're waiting to do it.
But Obama wants to be that person.
And there's only two people that can stop him.
Bill and Hillary Clinton.
They have the power to match him.
The key to this is watch Joe Biden.
If Joe Biden gets in the race, then you can count on it with everything you got.
Obama's planning to stay.
And he's gonna do what he's gotta do to be able to stay there.
Now the question is, do you want Obama to be...comes?
You've got Hillary, she's waiting for her day.
And if she can just get in this election, then she will make it collapse.
Now, Alex, it's a question of whether we the people want to be an Islamic caliphate under Obama and lead him to global power as the leader of Islam worldwide, or do we want to become a communist country under Hillary, with Hillary appointing Bill Clinton, which I know she's going to do without... I might choose the Muslim thing other than being a commie!
I might choose the Muslim deal over being a communist.
Well, I'm telling you, Muslims cut your head off.
Communists just put you in prison.
You know, it's a six one or another.
But I will say this, within six months, Hillary will appoint Bill ambassador to the UN.
And then because of what they've been doing in the UN with the Clinton Foundation, within six months of that, they plan on him being the Secretary General of the United Nations, or other words, the leader of the UN.
Can you imagine they will have achieved what they told me about in 1986?
They want to be the most powerful couple ever in the history of the world.
I skipped the network break.
This is so cliffhanger and so key.
Go back to those talks because Clinton has now said, it was like a decade after you said it on my show, that he wants to be the leader of the UN with Hillary down the road being co-president and then they bring in the world government.
And then Obama, I didn't used to buy into this, but really he is trying to set up a caliphate.
He is fighting a radical islamicist.
There is a takeover.
He is doing it through Kenya.
I mean it's such double dealing.
I guess they really are like on their own teams trying to get global domination.
Talk about that more.
The way that works, so people will know, whoever's president takes total power.
There is no vice president.
Number two is the commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
All Congress and Senators go back to their home states and they become the government there.
Now, what that does
is the president when that happens becomes king and the only person that can call the crisis over is the president and as you know nobody's going to do that in 1986 the Clintons found out about this and Bill and Hillary both came to me and said we want to be there that day get us there well we joked
Alex, can you imagine, back in 1986, Bill Clinton and us, all of the guys that were on the kitchen cabinet, and him saying he wanted to be president, and we're going, oh yeah, sure, of course.
Well, we devised a plan to make him president, but we figured the womanizing and all that stuff would get him, so it was a joke.
But we started looking at reality, if we ever got him there.
If he couldn't cash in FEMA when he was president, then you had four out years, which were the years when his term ended and then Hillary would run.
Well, you know what happened?
She got beat by Obama because she didn't follow our playbook.
She's following it now.
That's why I can tell you every second what Hillary's doing.
I can tell you, don't worry about all of this email stuff, except all of this sudden,
In comes Alex, the FBI.
Now remember, Obama just appoints a new head of the Justice Department, a new director, you know, the Attorney General.
And all of the sudden, this Attorney General sicks the FBI on these FBI files.
Now Alex, let's tell the truth about that, buddy.
Number one, if they prosecute Hillary over the FBI or over the emails, it'll never happen.
Because you see,
If they prosecute her over that, Alex, then she's going to say, well, then I've got to use these classified emails as my defense.
Well, when she says that, then the federal judge is going to say, well, you can't use that stuff as your defense.
And then, therefore, he's going to throw the case out.
He has to throw the case out.
The Clintons know this.
But there's one thing laying right there.
Obama's got Biden getting in that race.
They're gonna kick Hillary down, and kick her down, and if they can get Biden in, Alex, it's over.
It's over.
It'll never happen.
There won't be an election.
Obama's gonna have a riot.
I think you see the intensity now over this Black Lives Matter.
That's what I wanted to raise.
Working at the highest levels of this, even as the New York Times admitted, you're one of Clinton's top people in there in the original planning.
Obviously, I can see the angles of it, destabilization, all the problems, but the boldness of having Democratic Party operatives running, admittedly, all these kill-the-cop groups, they think they can get away with that.
I guess they will.
They will get away with it.
So what's the point of it?
Well, the point is, this is between the Clintons and the Obama.
I don't say Obama's, I mean Obama.
Where do we sit?
Where do we, the people, sit in the middle of this?
Well, we have got to stand up, Alex, and your program is part of it.
We've got to stand up and declare we're not going to take it.
And we can, through states' rights, but we've got to get to moving on it, or it's over.
But just sit back, folks, and know.
Hey, I'm not here telling you about Obama.
Look for yourself.
Do you really believe that all of these Black Lives Matter things are really occurring just out of the blue?
Do you not think it odd that Obama has not sent his Justice Department to shut this stuff down?
Hey, Alex, you get out there and tell your audience, hey, let's go kill a cop.
See how long you can move around.
I'm going to be arrested in about two hours.
So you know that's out there.
Well, then you gotta ask why.
Folks, I'm not trying to get you to buy into a pig and a poke.
I'm asking you, ask yourself why.
Why is it when Obama was elected, we were told, oh, thank God, race is finally over.
And he's done everything in his power, and then some, to make race a hotter issue now than the day the man came in.
And if you don't believe, he is working hard to get these riots activated.
And when the riots get activated, Alex, here's the part people don't understand.
When these black mobs start running wild and shooting wildly into the neighborhood, you know what people are doing in this country?
They'll call up and say, please send the government and stop it, protect us.
We will call for the federal government to come in and protect us.
We will call for the civil emergency.
We will.
We'll be the ones asking for it because, you know what, we'll be scared.
We'll be scared.
Now, to tell you something else, you might as well know, and y'all don't think I'm crazy, but get ready to grease the banana truck, because I'm fixing to tell you.
There's a reason Cuba, we normalize relations with Cuba.
Alex, you know, you've talked to enough military people yourself, and you know Obama has gone through and selectively purged the military for anybody that would dare to not take his orders under a crisis condition in this country.
They're gearing up.
They're getting everything lined up.
Well, watch this, folks.
You see, Obama and his people, and I'm sure the generals have told them, when it comes to telling American soldiers to crack down on the people of America, they're not going to do it.
They're not going to do it.
It'll end pretty quick.
So what has Obama done?
He's gone to the one military force that I personally ran into in Nicaragua.
He's got the Cuban military that will be brought in here.
Under the auspices of augmenting our military to help keep us in line.
You know I'd laugh at that except I remember it was in the Washington Post after I saw it in restricted documents that were leaked about 14 years ago right after 9-11 where they were saying in the Washington Post we'll have Canadian and Mexican and other Latin American troops in America during a civil emergency it predates Obama and the Clintons
And then it expanded to where they're now openly pushing this idea again.
And so we know they have a plan for a multinational force once there's a civil war.
But that does make a lot of sense.
And the Pope's coming here to call for socialism and world government.
I mean, everything's really moving fast now.
Everything is moving according to the area of time.
And as you get closer to an event, time compresses.
But now remember, why Cuba?
And that's where we're at.
Why do we have to normalize relations with Cuba?
Because that's the only place that has a standing army within two hours can put 200,000 troops on our ground.
Europe can't do it.
Russia can't do it.
And by the way, you ain't doing real good getting along with Russia.
Well, that's what they do in Red Dawn, is they dress Cubans up like Mexicans, fly them in on jumbo jets with the noses popping off.
And you're sure I'd say this is crazy, even though I know the Soviets had a plan to do this?
But the thing is, they're so crazy, Obama's now renaming mountains like a dictator.
I mean, they're just getting us ready.
That was one of the things that we did under Clinton.
Clinton would say, well, how am I going to hide this?
I'll say, put it right under their nose.
That's where nobody will find it.
Put it right there.
Nobody will believe it.
When we say things, Alex, think about the things you have said.
Think about the things I've said with you.
Over the years.
Remember when they said that was crazy?
It was even crazy that was so far fetched.
Well, I know they're thinking about martial law.
That's admitted.
And I know the White House is trying to start a race war.
I mean, who knows what's going to happen next?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're being told that Snowden's window for a plea bargain deal is closing.
Bloomberg reports a national security specialist saying, Many people in government believe that journalists who receive Snowden's material are not capable of protecting it from a competent and committed state-level adversary.
Even if Snowden did not give the material to others, they argue it would have been ripe for the picking.
Well, isn't that true of Hillary's handling of emails?
Didn't her violation of protocol expose above-top-secret data to state-level adversaries?
Snowden exposed criminal actions of our government done in the name of national security.
Hillary compromised national security for her own convenience or to cover up her misdeeds.
If national security is more important than the Constitution, if national security is more important than our rights, why isn't Hillary being prosecuted?
Why is Snowden called a traitor and Hillary Clinton is called presidential material?
For InfoWars, I'm David Knight.
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America, the United States has had it good so long.
We've had our share of problems that we think we're immune and say it can't happen here.
It is happening here.
Europe has hundreds of thousands of people a month pouring into it.
They're declaring civil emergencies in the Czech Republic, stopping all westbound trains.
They're being called racist by Germany and England, saying, let everyone in.
France's foreign minister says, just take unlimited, pay for it, put people in your house.
This is their political takeover.
I'm not against the immigrants, they're just being used as the weapon.
So the globalists are turning ISIS and Al-Qaeda loose to run around and murder everybody.
And then they're on the news this weekend, the White House and others, like, yeah, we've got to start doing something about ISIS.
They're with Iran.
We're going to bomb Assad.
Knowing the public doesn't understand that Iran and Obama are fighting ISIS.
And I'm not saying Iran's good, but they're lying to you.
I have the articles right here.
In just four years, half of the Syrian population of 22 million has been killed, displaced or fled the country.
Four million refugees.
Then it ties into this article.
Russia to begin airstrikes against ISIS in Syria.
Russian presence is there.
They've sent hundreds of Russian pilots and aircraft to a forward operating base outside Damascus and are going to start now attacking ISIS.
So we heard Russia was fleeing and leaving, that was all disinformation.
And we're in the position of Russia fighting the most vicious Islamic extremists ever that our government's allied with, and they go on the news and act like Obama's fighting it.
What I'm saying is, I studied Iran-Contra, I studied other corrupt events, nothing was ever one-tenth of this.
This is so gopher broke, so
It's just huge.
It's so flagrant.
It's so reckless.
It's so naked.
It's so wild.
Just like all these, it's admittedly George Soros White House run with people chanting, approve stuff to kill cops.
I mean, the White House knows it's going to cause innocent cops to be shot.
I mean, I know they're villainous, but who wants to just randomly kill cops or anybody for that matter?
Because they want to bring this country down, folks.
They call us bitter clingers.
It's on.
And they want to get the police maneuvered into a position to try to come after our guns, which they're now calling for on MSNBC.
You know it is time to confiscate them.
They say we don't want their guns.
We played the clip yesterday.
We do want them.
Time to take them.
I want all those reporters and all the social engineers to know something, all the bankers.
You think you're going to be immune from all this and the citizens and the cops, we're all just going to kill each other because we're a bunch of idiots?
You are the ones that are going to be held accountable.
I'm going to talk to Larry Nichols about that and talk to Peter.
And then talk to Doug, and then Joshua, and then Mike, and then Michael.
And I'm going to go to all of you, so stay there.
Larry Nichols is here with us.
We went up and interviewed him for a couple days up there in Arkansas.
It's very powerful, in-depth.
That's going to be airing in the next two weeks.
I don't know if I'll air it during a 27-hour broadcast, because that is a big audience, but almost not as big as if I just showcase it before then and put it on the nightly news or something.
But it's going to be airing the next week or two.
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Larry Nichols, we're going to keep getting you up every few weeks.
We've got a special report coming up.
I want to go to some calls.
They'll be all over the map, but you can speak to it as a form of politico and a smart cookie.
We're talking about the clarity stabilization, the clear insanity, the clear fact you're trying to get a race war going in this country.
Do you think they're being successful?
What do you think the next shoe to drop is?
What else is on Larry Nichols' radar?
Oh, wow.
Well, first off, yes, they're going to be successful.
They're being very successful at it.
And it's easy to do when you are in America today, like we were in Arkansas during my time with Bill Clinton.
We control the press, so if you control the press, guess what Alex?
You control what people hear, how many times they hear it, and if you keep telling them a lie long enough, it becomes true.
So you can tell them that the North Pole is warm and sunny?
Guarantee it.
Guarantee it, I've done it.
Now, I would say to everybody about this program,
Folks, you better hear Alex when he's telling you, because I hope you understand.
There's nothing to me with Alex.
I'm not a part of his network or anything, but I'm going to tell you, we're on a short fuse.
This thing is coming down right before our eyes.
Now, I'll give you another little tip.
You know, Alex, this whole thing with Iran.
And I hear about all that's going on and what's actually in the agreement.
Number one, folks, Congress at any time it wants can hold a session and they can vote and say, guess what?
This isn't an agreement.
This is a treaty.
And therefore, the president has zero ability to affect a treaty without getting congressional approval.
Number one.
Number two, if you don't think we're being betrayed, and if you don't think it's out in the open, every member of Congress knows that when they did the Corker treasonous bill, that what that did, it didn't stop Obama from his Iran agreement.
Now folks, hear me well on this.
It didn't stop it.
It shut off the only way there was to stop this agreement.
If you come out and find out that Iran has been giving the keys to Washington, D.C., there's nothing anybody can do, thanks to the Corker Bill, which is going to allow every member of commerce to vote, quote-unquote, against the agreement, right?
So they're going to get their little snippet that they can use in their commercials and their little ads, saying, well, I was against it.
But they actually voted for the one thing that could have stopped it.
You see, with the Corker bill, they fixed it to where our government can't stop Obama because they're going to vote.
Everybody's going to get a chance to say, see, we were against it.
I was against it.
Don't be mad at me.
But then Obama vetoed it.
Had the Corker bill not been done, when the agreement finally came out, and if it does ever come out,
It'll be over.
He can't do anything about it.
They could stop it.
But now, they can't stop it.
They don't have enough votes to override his veto.
And what is the point of letting Iran get nuclear weapons?
Because I'm not just here bashing Iran.
I'm not an Islamophobe.
But we know Pakistan's handed out nukes in the Middle East already.
We know Saudi Arabia's got them.
From my intel, Iran's had nukes for a while.
It's not a delivery system.
They have.
What is all this really about?
It's about destabilizing the Middle East.
And allowing Obama, I know y'all gonna think I'm crazy again, but look at his actions, not at his words, please.
This is allowing Obama to introduce himself to the world of Islam as being the absolute leader.
You see, for the first time, you're gonna be able, people, Islamic people in the Middle East are gonna be able to say, hey, Obama, he's our guy.
He has done what no other person of Islam has ever been able to do, and that is to conquer the Great Eagle from the West.
Now Alex, that's a big thing, buddy.
That's a big thing.
And then when people say to me, well all this stuff you're talking about with
Cuba, that can't be real.
You're just making it up.
And just like you said, Alex, this stuff that we're going through now is so much bigger than Contras and Iran.
Hey, I was in.
I was in Nicaragua.
You're talking to a guy that was actually there.
This is so big.
This is taking America down a road that we, the bad guys, could have only dreamed of back then.
Back then, if you'll remember, Alex, I was in the middle of trying to stop something called the Domino Theory, where communists would move up through Nicaragua, then it would take Honduras, then Mexico, and then here.
They're already here.
And we have no
Idea, Alex.
How many of them are here?
Well, I'll tell you when I knew something was going on.
They always say communism doesn't exist as we adopt it.
And then suddenly the last two years, the last year, I'll be at a restaurant or I'll be just anywhere and communists show up in red flags and are running around calling for killing cops right in front of me.
I've caught it on video and it's like suddenly they're coming out of their holes.
They're suddenly activating.
The other day, I hear from you and a few other media that Farrakhan came out calling for 10,000 brave souls to go out and kill 100,000.
Now, was he talking about 100,000 whites or was he talking about 100,000 cops?
I don't know.
But once again, guys, all I can ask is think about if Alex or I, either one, were to make loose comments like that, what would happen to us?
Plus, we don't want to make that comment.
I would never make it and I know you would.
But if we did, we'd be arrested because it's a call to action.
I'm sorry?
Because it's a call to action.
It was.
You know, I'm introducing a plan.
I'm trying to get a plan, trying to get one state to pick it up.
Alex, you and I will talk about it off air, but basically it's a call for states' rights.
If we don't have states' rights now, if some state, one state, does not stand up and declare, you know, the rights of a state to make its own laws, we're lost.
Washington's gone.
It's all about branding states' rights as racist and getting us all fighting with each other so nobody can come together and fight to restore the republic from the globalist takeover.
And then Louis Farrakhan one time plugged me like I was great when I told Piers Morgan, 1776, what happened if they wanted the guns.
It's almost like he's not controlled, but he wants a revolution or something.
Because we have the clip, we just put it on screen, where he did say we need to rise up and start killing people.
I mean, what is Farrakhan looking to do?
I mean, this is crazy!
Does he know what's going to happen in a race war?
I mean, it's not going to be pretty.
Alex, that's the whole point to all of this.
Obama, Farrakhan, Sharpton, all these people are talking.
They know what they're doing, Alex.
This whole thing evolves.
Everybody getting together and causing the race war.
Because why?
Because that creates the national crisis that allows them to cash in FEMA.
And when FEMA's done, they're all being told they'll have high positions of power, I'm sure.
But they all better look at Obama's history.
When that man has gotten where he's wanted to go, everybody that helped him get there, he threw under the bus.
If you don't believe me, ask what's-her-name, the black lady with the TV show, whatever.
I mean, he's thrown everybody, everybody under the bus that helped him get where he's going, and he will do the same.
And for those people that say, well, Obama's not a Muslim, he says he's a Christian, well, he also said, uh, Obamacare, you can keep your own doctor.
List the things that Obama has said.
Remember when he spoke in Cairo, and I'm not bashing Muslims themselves, but radical ones, the Muslims were in rapture when he first got there.
They said, he speaks better than an imam, the Arabic.
I mean, look.
I have nothing to be afraid of.
I'm telling you, just look at Obama's actions, and then when he says something, you better do like we used to do with Clinton.
Remember that, Alex?
We used to say, whatever Clinton said, figure out what the exact opposite is, and you'll know what he's talking about.
Well, now with Obama, know this.
When he says whatever he says, it's not true.
So he can tell me all day long that he's just a great Christian.
But in fact, and indeed,
His actions show me that we have a Muslim, fundamentalist Muslim in charge of our country right now and he's leading from within our country for these riots which literally take us to the ebb where we collapse.
Well let me tell you, the globalists may have been biting on more than they can chew because the military knows that they're being targeted, the police now know they're being targeted and I told them this would come.
I guess the elite just can't help it though.
They're going for broke.
They can't.
Alex, they know what they're doing.
And I tell you, it was November 2008 when this all ended for us.
You see, when they did the big thing with the bailout,
And millions of Americans called their congressmen and senators, I mean millions, shut down the phones, I mean shut down the phones.
It was like 90% unpopular in polls.
And then six weeks later, after all of those congressmen and senators voted for it,
We elected them all right back in.
That was the day it ended.
That was the day when they knew in Washington they didn't have to worry about us anymore.
And so they did Obamacare and all the other screw jobs.
And folks, if you think the screw job we've been given is bad, they are really getting out the big jackhammers now.
Oh, you bet.
I mean, they're coming after us now, and they believe, Alex, there's nothing we can do.
But that's where you are in trouble.
That's where you're in trouble.
That's where I'm in trouble.
There are a handful of people, Alex, that are not afraid, or at least don't have enough sense to be afraid.
We're trying to tell the truth.
And I know, guys, y'all don't have any idea out there listening to me.
You have no idea what it feels like to tell the truth about something and then have every person in the government, every single person in the government say you're crazy.
And then your friends, your family, everybody hears that you're some nutbag out here.
Well, let me tell you, that's a hot seat to sit in.
Not to mention,
Going to bed at night and wondering, if I hear a noise outside, will I hear it in time to stop somebody coming in to pop me?
And see, with all the racial problems, with all the people being killed now, right, Alex?
With all this quote-unquote violence and this stuff going on.
That gives it cover.
It gives it cover.
Anything happens to me or you, they say, hey.
They got, you know, they got caught up in all this racial trouble.
We're going to come back and take calls.
Stay there.
Larry Nichols, fourth hour, two.
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I was just about to go to Peter in Washington.
He'd been holding for an hour.
I apologize.
He just hung up.
So we're going to go to Joshua and Doug and Mike and Michael and a few others in this little segment and the next.
But I'd forgotten that back on what?
June 23rd, I think was the date.
We'll put it on screen.
It was reported on in August that Louis Farrakhan came out and talked about going out and stalking and killing people.
Stalk them and kill them, Farrakhan says, calling 10,000 volunteers to kill whites.
And then you notice the new Black Panther Party said yesterday, we're going to stalk you in the dark and kill you.
And I don't get how cops can follow orders to fire tear gas at peaceful reporters and act like they hate us.
And then people walk around saying, I'm going to kill you.
I mean, if somebody was walking around in front of me saying, I'm going to kill you, I'd go, I mean, it's just crazy.
And it's exactly what Larry Nichols was just saying.
This is authorized.
So, I don't know what's going on with Louis Farrakhan.
I mean, some of what he says I like, some of it I don't.
But I mean, this is reckless and dangerous.
I mean, this is Charlie Manson stuff.
Telling his group, go out and kill people.
Plus, black people are 12% of the population, 13.
Most of them aren't horrible murdering killers.
Let's say 2% of black males
2% of the black population, half of which is male, let's say a third of the black males, about 2-3%, go out and start a shooting war, they're going to be destroyed!
But I guess that's what the globalists want.
They already aborted half the blacks.
Man, this is mind control, folks.
This is evil.
And either Farrakhan's gone crazy, or he's working for the New World Order.
Because, you know, this is just crazy.
Let's go to this clip.
So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us.
Stop them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.
I'm not going to even play it again.
I've got to go to phone calls.
But I've not forgotten about that.
It's just... These people are going out and killing cops and other people and beating up white people in neighborhoods for no reason because Louis Farrakhan said this.
And Louis Farrakhan is putting the same stuff out as the White House and George Soros.
And Farrakhan looks completely crazy there.
Farrakhan, when I talked about 1776, they take the guns?
He loved it!
So I think Faircon actually wants to have a big war.
And when I said 1776, I meant if you come for the guns, like Lexington and Concord are going to start, not go out and stalk people and kill them.
What do you make of this, Larry Nichols?
And then we're going to these callers.
Well, number one, they are.
I mean, this is not accidental, Alex.
If it were accidental, if they didn't want it, don't you know they can make one phone call, have the federal government go arrest him, shut him down, and nobody would make these kind of comments ever again?
Well, folks would say that his followers, the millions, would riot, but that's not true.
The globalists know how to kill him with a microwave gun across the street.
They'll cook him in his bedroom if they want.
If they wanted him shut up, I assure you, not much on this earth I know, but he would be shut up.
So if somebody is not being shut up, then you and I can only, only realize that they want it out.
And look, I know it doesn't sound right, and I know there are millions and millions of black people who have this kind of attitude, nor would they endorse or even want this kind of attitude, but you better wake up.
Now guys, I'm telling you, this thing's coming.
Now hold on, your mic's breaking up.
Your Skype's breaking up.
I gotta get to these calls.
Larry Nichols.
I tell you, I started looking at this, and man, I told you I had a bad feeling six months ago, and now it's getting worse.
I mean, now we know what it is.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm gonna have Rob doing the next segment of I Haven't Gotten All These Calls, continue with the calls throughout the entire hour.
The fourth hour's back, and now it's a aftermath breaking news analysis, starting five days a week now.
So that's five hours more of transmission per week in the globalist's face.
Joshua in Tennessee, thanks for holding your trooper.
You're on the air with Larry Nichols, go ahead.
Uh, yes sir, I'm here in Knoxville, Tennessee, and I was just reading the Mercury, which is our local independent newspaper, uh, last week.
And there was the first Black Lives Matter meeting a couple of weeks ago at a Performance Arts little studio.
There was about 100 people there, and in the paper it stated that they asked that even though over 50% of the people there—sorry, I'm a little out of breath, I was riding my bike—were white, or not black anyway, they asked them not to sign up for the mailing list, that they only want
Black individuals and the Black Lives Matter.
Yeah, it's extremely racist.
I mean, that's the fact.
What was the name of the headline of that article?
I want to pull that up.
That's interesting.
Black Lives Matter meeting in Knoxville.
It was called the Knoxville Mercury.
I know they have... No, I know the paper.
I know the paper.
It says Black Lives Matter.
What's the exact headline?
I don't know.
Black Lives Matter, Knoxville, I believe is the exact headline.
Knoxville, Mercury.
We'll look it up, sir.
Very interesting.
Anything else?
That's about it, really.
Other than that, the vaccine situation.
I have a friend of mine that was just telling me the other day her son just got vaccines and now he can't walk right.
A friend of hers, the baby died the day, the very day that he got the vaccines.
It was a premature baby and they pumped him full of vaccines and he died that night.
So, you know, it's uh, I'll try and get through the line.
And that's a fact.
I mean, this stuff goes on all over the place, and they just sit there going, safe and effective, safe and effective.
God bless you.
Appreciate your call.
Makes me sick, folks.
They're going after the new generation.
They're targeting us all.
But we're in each other's throats.
Larry Nichols is our guest.
Doug in Minnesota.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Go ahead.
Hey, Larry.
How you doing?
Pretty freaked out.
You guys are amazing.
I have 20 grandkids, and right now, you guys are
Saving their lives along with all these other kids these parents aren't smart enough to wake up They're so involved on their cell phones and everything that they don't realize what's going on And they're they're letting their families die basically on this deal in Chicago That Fox Lake is real high-end.
I mean there are some mansions there, and I'm thinking that's why they've got the lockdown is to
I don't get it.
I got black friends that say the same thing.
They said, this is all a setup.
Everybody I know that's black says the same thing.
Everybody I know gets it.
That's what I mean.
I don't get... Thank you for the call.
Great points.
Larry, they just... That's the thing.
It seems like the establishment doesn't even care if we know.
They're just going ahead with it as a cover story.
You know, Alex, it's something that we did back when I was with Clinton.
We cleverly called it, instead of brainwashing, we called it social engineering.
And that's what we're, that's what's happening to us and it's really happening to our youth.
Now folks, I'm going to tell you, look at what they're doing with our words.
They're fixing it to where half the stuff in our language we can't say.
But Alex, if you look at the words they exclude, they all connect to the takeover of our country.
They're words that would, if we still have those words in our vocabulary, then our young
No, from where we came.
And they're erasing where we came from.
That's why, they're getting rid of boy and girl, father and mother.
This is a cult takeover.
It is.
And Alex, you know, I've got to say this about the video that you did.
Sorry about the bulldog chipping in.
Thank you for what you sent to me.
That was huge.
I want people to know that I don't, I don't come on here.
No, no, thank you brother.
We're going to talk to you again very, very soon.
We'll interview you the day we premiere this new documentary.
But Larry Nichols, thank you so much.
God bless you.
Rob Booze coming up.
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We are live here, this is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am hosting now, this is Rob Dew, writing Shotgun, Jakari Jackson, and Joe Biggs is going to be joining us at the bottom of the hour.
He is actually listening to the police scanner audio of what's going on up in Illinois, just north of Chicago.
Right, and so what I'm looking at now, actually, somebody just sent me this.
I get a lot of emails from our tipsters.
This one came from Glenn.
And the article, it's from the San Antonio Express News Video shows San Antonio man shot by sheriff's deputies while his hands are up.
And we're going to go to show you some of this video.
I don't know if this will end up making it on YouTube.
The censors there are going crazy any time you show any type of... Any time we show it.
Yeah, it's bad.
But you can go on actually find the... There's a suicide video of a guy who... He was a congressman named Bud Dwyer from the state of Pennsylvania.
He was caught in this corruption stuff.
Shoots himself in the head on live during a news conference and that video is still on YouTube.
And it's graphic.
More graphic than anything we've ever shown.
But let's go back to this article.
Video shows San Antonio man shot by sheriff's deputies while his hands are up.
Video published in its entirety shows two Bexar County deputies opening fire and killing a man who appears to be standing still with his hands up.
Now I watched some of this video that we're going to roll real quick.
Go ahead and pull that video back up and show that.
That was from KSAT.
And the video there is from Michael Thomas.
You can see this guy kind of walking around before he was over near his house.
Now the deputies are coming out to talk to him.
The guy shooting this in his cell phone moves into a little bit better location.
But you can clearly see, look there, his hands are up.
Actually, Gilbert Flores is his name, 41-year-old suspect, was shot outside his home on the 24,000 block of Walnut Pass.
Yeah, but, you know, talking about this racial issue, which, yeah, racial issues do exist, but I'm reminded of that video from a few months ago.
I can't remember what city it was, but it was two black men in a vehicle.
They're pulled over by a black officer.
One of the guys gets out the vehicle with his hands up and gets shot by the cop.
You know, so they always say it's some racial deal.
No, you can just encounter a police officer of any color.
The deputies, Greg Vasquez and Robert Sanchez.
So it looks like they're all Hispanic.
You know, so there won't be any protests and burnings in San Antonio over this.
But the guy clearly had his hands up.
I mean, that is definitely something that's going to be and it needs to be investigated.
We need to let the rule of law take place.
And if it comes out that these guys are exonerated,
I don't know what's going to happen then.
That's the reason why we have these issues.
Going back to Kelly Thomas out in California, the guy was beaten to death, he's a white guy, beaten to death on camera over the course of 20 minutes.
And then we hear all this jargon, how we need body cameras, like, well you have this on video, why don't you do something about it?
And then I heard something about one of the officers went to CC's Pizza and he got kicked out.
That's probably the worst thing that happened to him.
He didn't serve any time in jail.
Right, and it was a gun thing.
They said they didn't like him open carrying his firearm, which is ridiculous.
You would think you would want a police officer at your establishment in case something were ever to happen.
Now I want to go to a quick report by Joe Biggs.
He's actually monitoring the stuff, as I said, on
Let's roll that report.
Joe Vicks here with InfoWars.com.
Now there's currently a manhunt underway in Fox Lake, Illinois for three suspected cop killers.
Now around 8 a.m.
this morning, a Fox Lake police officer was shot and killed and now there's this huge massive manhunt much like in Watertown.
I think?
Raymond Rose.
Officers responding to the scene to help the officer found him in a marshy area stripped of his gun and other equipment and the officer has died on the scene.
Now the police have established a perimeter in that area trying to look for the one black male and two white males who are the suspects in this shooting.
Police with the help of U.S.
Marshals were searching woods and businesses in the area, authorities said.
Now the police released a statement saying that if residents see anybody in the area that doesn't belong or doesn't look right, they should call 9-1-1 and report them.
The search prompted officials at Grant Community High School to put their building on lockdown.
Grant Community High School is currently in a lockdown at the request of the
We're good to go.
Now, there have been numerous cop killings that have happened in Louisiana, too, over the last few months.
So, what's going on?
What's prompting this?
This is something that we're going to continue to keep an eye on because this is a story that is unfolding.
It's still going on.
I've got my police scanner out.
We're going to be listening for updates and we'll keep you guys informed.
Stay tuned to InfoWars.com.
This is Joe Biggs, and he's going to be here at the bottom of the hour at 2.30 Central, and joining us to talk about any new developments that might have happened.
Yeah, and when we talk about these police shootings, we had a chance to talk about this a little bit more in Overdrive the other day.
When you have these continuous things, we already see the police out there, they have MRAPs and the heavy armor and all these other armaments.
This is just giving them more purpose, or you see this, you see that, we need more of this stuff.
And then it could get to the point where your standard patrol car is an MRAP.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, and this is something that we've been documenting.
Even before I got here, I got here in 2009, one of the first big trips I went on was the G20 going on in Pittsburgh, and there were MRAPs everywhere, they started hitting everybody with the sound cannon, and it was the first time the sound cannon had been used on American citizens.
And now it's no big deal, we got sound cannons, we got... Yeah, used in Ferguson, you know, every place else.
These, it's incidents like these that give them the excuse to want to ramp up their, you know, their arsenal.
And it's really disturbing to see it go in that direction, but also at the same time, you know, the cop killings are going to get hyped up on the news.
Shootings like this other one of this man in San Antonio are going to get hyped up.
I think this just hit the wire about four hours ago.
When they finally released, it looks like they released a video on, updated it on August 31st at 11 o'clock that night.
So you have all these incidents.
It's really setting the stage for an internal civil war here in the United States.
And it's going to be people versus the establishment.
And I think, I don't know, where is the average citizen going to fall in this mess?
And that's what I'm worried about.
I'm ready to defend my family.
And I hope other people out there are ready to defend their families if it comes to that, but obviously we don't want it to come to that.
There's so many other things we could be working towards instead of shooting each other.
That's right, just like we had Mr. Pittman on the show yesterday, who is a candidate for sheriff down in the Houston area, and we were asking him these questions that we're talking about now, and he said, I want to make sure that it doesn't get to that point in Houston.
You know, we want, and that's what we need to have.
We need to have more community togetherness.
I think a great example of that was in Charleston when I was down there.
You know, we've seen all the things in Ferguson and Baltimore and Cleveland and every place else, but I get out to Charleston and it's, you know, police, they're out there, but they're not out there in the MRAPs.
They don't have guns aimed at people.
They're just interacting with the crowd.
And, you know, I think the worst thing that happened while I was out there
Was, you know, just some minor graffiti or something like that.
It was no big deal, really, after it happened.
It was a horrible tragedy, but the way people reacted to it was a very positive way, and hopefully we can see more of that going on around the country.
Well, and these incidents are... having them being brought out like this is making people stand up and talk about it, at least pick a side.
And you find out who's on the side of law and order, and who's on the side of, you know, chaos and murder and degradation, because we do have to get beyond
It seems like we haven't made, I think since 9-11, our country has really not progressed in any direction like it should.
We've stagnated for 10 years after 9-11 under George Bush, or I guess they ate eight and a half, seven and a half years after George Bush.
Now with Obama, race relations have gone down just as the police state is ramping up.
And it started, you know, it started before Bush, but he really ramped it up with the creation of Homeland Security.
Yeah, and we've seen various people come out, Sheriff Clark, many others, coming after the Obama administration, Eric Holder, these people, Al Sharpton, whoever else, for kind of ratcheting up this rhetoric.
And of course, we do want to talk about this stuff.
We don't want to sweep it under the rug and act like it didn't happen.
But when you have people who are so
Have such a concerted effort to hype these racial situations, but then again they ignore things like what happened to Kelly Thomas and many other people that, you know, people don't know the names of.
They're not as famous as Michael Brown or Eric Garner, but they were, they encountered the police in a very violent situation nonetheless.
Yeah, and you know, it's like what Sheriff Clark said the other day, he's like, I don't like people using the qualifier, there's some bad cops, you know.
He wants to take the stance of a vanguard and that cops, it seems like he's saying cops can do no wrong, which I think, you know, if you do bad things, you should be prosecuted.
You know, you shouldn't be able to, because you have a shield, you get a free pass, especially when you do something wrong and it's caught on tape.
Oh, absolutely.
Because a lot of these incidences don't get caught on tape, and now it's finally starting to happen because people have, you know, cell phones are ubiquitous.
Can we go to a couple calls?
There's Mike in Oregon who's been holding on for an hour.
I know we've got like a minute before we go to break here.
Mike, you were talking, you want to go to the bottom of the rabbit hole?
What's your story?
Yeah, hello, hi Rob and hi Chakari, thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, I was kind of preparing to talk with both Alex and Mr. Nichols, but essentially I just wanted to let everybody know who listens to the show.
No, we're good.
You know, I became aware of... Let me stop you, Mike.
We're going to be right back.
I'll let you finish that story.
We're going to be right back after this break.
This is Rob Doo, TheInfoWars.com, Alex Jones Show, Riding Shotgun, Jakari Jackson.
We'll be right back after this short break.
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This is Rob Due and Jakari Jackson doing the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
And we're going to get back to Mike.
He was explaining to people out there, if you're a listener for the first time or just tuning in, how much information he's able to get just by listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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27 hours of broadcast.
I guess it might be 28 now if we're doing the second, the fourth hour of the show.
Oh yeah, that's right.
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So plenty, plenty of original content.
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Hey, Mike, finish up your story, what you were talking about, with why you like tuning into the Alex Jones Show.
There you go.
Yeah, it definitely validates a lot of things that I've already perceived.
You know, as a foster kid, and then later as an advocate for other foster children, I had a front row seat in the 90s of how not only they profiteer off of the foster care system, you know, financially, but how it becomes like a... foster kids become like a pool of people that the government can medically experiment on.
And so, from a young age, I realized
You know, how tyrants behave, and it's given me a lot of insight.
And so, when I talk about the bottom of the rabbit hole, I just, the point I want to make is that the people who populate this thing that we call the New World Order are, whether, you know, whether they're a petty bureaucrat or all the people like the Clintons, you know, what it is is that these people don't have a spiritual or emotional connection with the world around them.
And this is, you know, the source of their strength, but it's also their greatest weakness.
I almost think that we don't need to necessarily fight offensively so much against the new world order, rather than just sort of stand back and let these people destroy themselves while doing our best to, like, provide for common self-defense amongst all of us who love liberty and want to protect that.
So yeah, that was basically my point.
The bottom of the rabbit hole is people who, you know, they have no connection to the world around them, and they come up with all these delusional plans about how they're going to control and manipulate and hurt other people, but in the end, their blind spot is that they don't realize that, you know, their disconnection from the world is their own undoing.
Yeah, they are the source of their own downbringing, essentially.
Now, let me ask you this.
Were you ever prescribed psychotropic drugs while you were in CPS?
My goodness, you know, not only was I prescribed
Several others.
It's just a horrific story.
I've pretty much been on all the different ones that they had out, and, you know, you have psychiatrists who just are constantly changing what they say your diagnosis is and constantly prescribing new medications, and from my perspective, as I grew up and became an adult and looked back into this, from that perspective, I realized what they're really doing
It was doing, you know, test research to see, you know, how these medications really did affect people as far as psychologically and health-wise.
And that, um... Yeah, you were being a gambler, essentially.
A lot of the pills that I was on, actually, later on there was huge lawsuits over, you know, how they should never have been prescribed to adolescents and stuff.
So, there's just this huge dark underbelly in the pharma industry, but it, you know, it's just a little, it's like Alex Jones calls things a Rosetta Stone to understand things with.
You know?
Yeah, I totally agree.
Mike, thank you for sharing that story.
That is truly awful the way CPS treats people, especially young children, as guinea pigs.
Now we're going to be right back with more calls.
Joe Biggs is going to come in and give us some more updates on this police shooting up north of Chicago.
We'll be right back.
It's Rob Dewey with TheInfoWars.com Alex Jones Show.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, strap yourselves in.
We have 30 more minutes of the show today.
This is the live fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew, writing shotguns, Jakari Jackson.
We also have Joe Biggs.
Joe's gonna give us some updates on this shooting in Fox Lake.
Joe, you were listening in on the police scanner.
What is going on there?
So there's a lot of stuff going on.
They have essentially the entire town on lockdown, like martial law.
They've got the whole area, the schools, local schools are shut down.
And from what I've been hearing on the police scanner, the police are going in the neighborhoods, they're scanning and looking at the license plates, and then matching it with the address on the registration to see if that vehicle belongs in that driveway.
And then from there, they're going in and looking at the homes.
There's nothing Orwellian about that.
No, negative.
I mean, that's what's supposed to happen.
So it's much like we like you mentioned earlier what we saw in Watertown Massachusetts with the Boston bombing the door-to-door searching going through and all that so
If you live in Fox Lake and you might have a warrant out there and you have nothing to do with this, it's probably not going to be a safe place for you to be today.
Anybody out there, you've got to think, anyone out there who's been laying low under the radar, it's all going to come to light today.
Yeah, boy, that is definitely a crazy situation.
That's pretty unprecedented that they would scan the license plate.
There's a no-fly zone.
Yeah, if you go and drop your kids off at the babysitter, you just happen to be in the driveway at that time.
Oh yeah, there's a lot of different instances.
They're not playing around.
ATF just tweeted out that they've arrived on scene.
So the ATF there, US Marshals as well, SWAT team, local police department, all the police departments in that area, the different counties have come together and kind of helped in this search.
The helicopters are in the air, the guys are in the full riot gear like we saw in Ferguson, the guys in the green, you know.
So the same thing.
It's a very tense situation.
I'd be surprised if they catch these people tonight, but for sure, probably by tomorrow morning.
You gotta think, after these guys, three people trying to stay together, running from the cops, they're gonna get tired.
We'll see what happens.
They can get sloppy and eventually get caught.
Well, because this isn't something that I don't think was planned out.
Like, Houston was an execution.
This guy was on the hunt for a lone cop.
He found him, shot him, killed him.
This happened to be a situation around 8 a.m.
The cop saw a vehicle, was acting suspicious.
The people inside, he pulled him over, called for backup.
And I just found out too earlier that the cops were so close trying to get to him, they could actually hear the gunfire.
I don't know.
And she went in by herself looking around and saw drops of blood and then another police officer eventually showed up and I'm sitting here like watching a horror movie like, hey lady, don't go in there by yourself.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
So it's definitely intense.
I advise people, hey, if you got a police scanner, listen in to what's going on.
Yeah, it's still legal to do at this point, but I'm sure they will soon eventually cut that off.
Here's an interesting story out of the New York Times, and this is in Budapest right now in Hungary.
This seems to be like the thoroughfare for all the immigrants who are coming from Africa and the Middle East.
They go through Budapest to get to Western Europe.
And basically the train station has now cut off service to the migrants amid the crisis and the migrants are protesting.
They want their free ride into Western Europe.
A lot of them are going into Germany and then they're going into camps.
They're being set up in these relocation camps where they can do all the paperwork to find out if they're going to get asylum or not.
We're good to go.
Everyone coming from Mexico over in here is a murderer, a killer, a rapist, a criminal of some sort, and that the fact that Donald Trump wants to build this wall is racist.
But if you look at the southern border of Mexico, they have a giant wall that goes across.
They think that a wall is a good idea too.
So I think that's kind of a little bit out there.
Yeah, well I think there's a lot of, I don't know if he said everybody is, but I think there's better ways to patrol that area than using a wall.
I think we have the technology.
The autonomous drone that Glenn Spencer came up with, the seismic technology that could reach out.
Send someone coming through.
Oh, I see someone coming through the studio right now.
I need a fourth microphone in here.
No, no.
I actually came in here to get my cell phone.
I gave it to one of the guys.
Your keys are in Anthony's office.
I got my crap everywhere.
No, no, no.
I just watched the video that I'm going to perch on on Jakari's shoulder right here.
I just came and watched the video and Darren McBreen is in there blowing it up.
Of the shooting in San Antonio.
And I was reading, they never charged those cops.
This went on a while ago.
I'm glad the station released it.
That cop executes that guy that had done nothing with his hands up.
This is why people are angry.
Just like I'm angry if you execute a cop, or if you execute a pot-bellied guy down in San Antonio.
This is crazy!
It works both ways.
But that's what people are so upset about.
But we can't let the globalists channel that into an explosion, but at the same time, man, that is just insane.
Well, they came out earlier, you know, and said the whole hands up, don't shoot thing was a lie with Michael Brown, so now I guess they have something they can actually say and use.
But I wonder if they will get funded.
Well, now it's hands up, we're gonna shoot.
But I mean, the guy's hands, he's standing there still, he makes no movement, his hands are up, and they kill him, and the cops act like it's no big deal.
He's blowing the video up right now.
Yeah, we're gonna have it tonight on The Daily News.
They're trying to get this video taken down.
The police department's put an announcement out of the sheriff's department.
They're trying to get this pulled right now.
They're going to try to report it and flag it on everyone's site that has it up?
It's ridiculous.
That's what they're doing.
They have troll armies now that they're running out there.
And if you put anything up that the establishment doesn't like, they sit there and say this violates community guidelines.
I feel offended by this.
Just because we're not for executing police, we're not for a war with police, we also don't support the police being an armed gang of thugs.
And that's what we talked about, how this is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Anytime a cop gets shot and they start rolling out this martial law scenario, this just says, see, we need this, we need tanks, we have to have this apparatus.
And that's what the criminals don't understand.
The more and more they do this stuff, the more and more these guys are going to beef up their security.
Like you said, there's going to be an MRAP on every corner versus a Ford Taurus, whatever they have.
And it's not going to be about protection.
Exactly, because they have to put gas in these giant MRAPs.
Oh, it's very expensive, too.
And I just read that the city of Chicago is suing their red light camera maker that they bought the cameras from and set up to revenue generate because they don't work and people weren't paying their tickets.
So now they're suing that company for $300 million, which I kind of feel bad for the company because... No, it's all unlawful.
Oh, it is.
You have to operate the summons.
There has to be a witness.
The red lights are illegal.
Yeah, oh totally.
Oh yeah, whenever I get something done, I throw it in the trash can and say, see me in court, I'm not going to do that, I'm not paying that.
Yeah, but what you have though, you have a company who says, we have a need, there's a need for these red light cameras, which there really isn't, but they make it.
The city goes after it because they're so greedy, and they want to have, they're like, we want to have all this revenue, so we're just going to put them up everywhere and just screw people over, and then when people
Revolt and say, you know, hey, we're pushing the cameras, we're putting Easter eggs on top of the cameras, we're not going to pay the tickets.
Well, then they go, wait a minute, we spent a ton of money on this, and now it's not reaping the benefits that we wanted.
Now they have to send guys out to actually monitor the red light cameras.
Yeah, exactly.
And so now they're mad, so they want to go sue the people that they made, they signed the contract with.
It's ridiculous.
Don't put them up in the first place.
It totally pisses me off.
Now here's another story out of the New York Times.
Turkey arrests three Vice News journalists on terrorism charges.
This just came out today.
The three journalists for Vice News have been formally arrested in southeast Turkey and charged with aiding a terrorist organization four days after they were detained while covering the conflict between Kurdish separatists and the Turkish state.
So I guess they're covering both sides of the story, which the Turks don't like.
Let me tell you, the Turks will come down hard on you.
There's some Bilderberg, old Bilderberg footage, I think from 2006 or 2007, of Jim Tucker getting harassed by the Turks.
And I mean, those are people you don't want to mess with.
It reminds me somewhat of Amber Lyon, when she went out to Bahrain and she was documenting what was going on out there, then they essentially detained her and gave her a very
Limited view like we'll drive you around to the place of where we want you to go and see what we want you to see.
There's a mall, everybody's happy.
It's like North Korea when you go in they if they allow you to come in they have like this little area set up that like looks nice but really on the outskirts it's just horrendous poverty, people have no food.
This is just another instance of how they want to control the narrative.
And the Turks are definitely, I think, can be implicated in giving these missiles, in this whole missile deal with Benghazi, giving missiles to ISIS.
How does ISIS come up with missiles on their own?
They're not building.
They don't have weapons.
They get grenades airdropped to them, you know, courtesy of Western governments.
No, it's ridiculous.
Hey, I want to change gears here and get into Clinton.
Larry Nichols was talking about Clinton today, how he thinks that when this stuff goes to trial, she'll want to use the emails.
She'll say, hey, I want to use my emails as evidence.
They'll say, no, it's classified.
Can't do it.
We're going to throw the whole case out.
And which is, I can see the Clintons doing this.
I covered this last night on the Nightly News.
This is from Breitbart.
Exclusive, Hillary shared an email network with the Clinton Foundation.
So her server at her house, she had her personal emails, theclintonmail.com, but they also had presidentclinton.com, which was part of the Clinton Foundation.
So everybody was using that server.
And can you imagine all the people working for the Clinton Foundation, you know, hitting a phishing scam or something, and then that allows access to people to look at State Department emails?
I don't understand how anybody in their right mind in America can still go out and support this woman with everything that comes out on a daily basis.
People show up to her campaigns and they sit out there with these signs.
I hope to God they're getting paid for that stuff, I mean, and that's not real.
I just don't understand how anybody, when all this evidence is out, at the end of the day, like, you can sleep good at night knowing that you're gonna vote for that evil human being.
That's the most evil person in the world.
Well, that's just what they want.
They just want her for whatever reason, because it's a legacy or whatever.
General Petraeus has been demonized for ten times less.
And if you don't get her, you're going to get Barry the Socialist.
So that's what you're looking at.
I want to go to Leanne McAdoo.
Did a report on the Clinton emails.
It's a real short one.
We're going to go to that and we'll be right back after this.
I used a single account for convenience.
Obviously, these years later, it doesn't look so convenient.
And most importantly, I never sent classified material on my email, and I never received any that was marked classified.
7,000 pages are set to be released from Hillary Clinton's private homebrew server this evening.
Now, under intense questioning, the State Department admits that within this latest data dump of emails, about 150 of them will be upgraded to classified status.
Now, the agency spokesperson stressed that the information was not marked as classified at the time, although he concedes that, you know, some changes are going to have to be made within the intelligence community.
Obviously, there is absolutely no excuse for improperly handling sensitive information.
All of these emails resided on a private homebrew mail server that Clinton had set up herself.
She controlled it.
It was away from the prying eyes of government inspectors and Freedom of Information Act officials.
And it includes the 30,000 emails that Hillary Clinton already ordered to be deleted.
Because she said they were personal in nature.
Now obviously the question here is, would those personal emails include pay-to-play donations that were made to the Clinton Foundation?
Now let's not forget that while Clinton was steering American foreign policy as the Secretary of State, donations were pouring in to the Clinton Foundation.
And this includes a deal that gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.
The company, Uranium One, donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Those contributions weren't publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement that was struck between Hillary and the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors.
So, could this be a reason why the establishment is throwing Hillary to the wolves?
Her sloppiness could expose a lot of other shady business deals.
There you go.
That was some interesting information from Leanne McAdoo.
And I found this article this morning.
Exclusive jailed hacker, Guccifer, boasts, I used to read Clinton's memos and then do the gardening.
And this is a really interesting article.
It's very long, talks about his life, where he comes from.
This is a guy in a village who taught himself how to hack.
One guy could break into the system and do what thousands of other hackers in China couldn't do.
One guy can, you know, can shake the system to its foundations.
I don't remember if it's Guccifer or not, but I remember somebody hacked Bush's computer.
Oh, it was him.
And then they got a picture of him, like, painting himself in the bathtub.
And all kinds of weird stuff.
Let me tell you, these guys, they're doing soul-searching because they realize what they've done.
I mean, when you look at those paintings of Bush, it's sad.
That guy is definitely sorry for what he, I hope he's sorry for what he did.
I mean, starting two wars.
Have you seen that show, that show Mr. Robot?
That's where this hacker goes in and he goes to Evil Corp, all these different corporations, and exposes all the evil stuff they do, their past, pedophilia, all this stuff, and just wrecks them.
It's a really neat show.
People have to check it out.
I haven't checked that out.
But going back to Clinton, this is why she's going to win.
She's got one-fifth of the delegates already secured for her nomination.
This is out of Bloomberg.
It came out on the 28th.
As Vice President Joe Biden considers a potential run, Hillary Clinton's campaign is seeking to project dominance of the Democratic National Committee meeting in Minneapolis.
And it goes on that she has one-fifth of the delegates already sewed up in her favor.
So, Bernie Sanders, it really doesn't matter, you know, the populist campaign you're going to run and try to get, you know, college kids out there to turn into little socialists.
You're going to be beat by Clinton, unfortunately.
I mean, I've said it before, it's probably going to be a Clinton-Bush election.
Well, it's still early, though.
It is still early, but you know what?
Biden left those out there, and Obama's already said he's going to give them the tip.
He's already going to back them.
I don't think it matters at this point.
We talked to Larry Nichols, the Clinton insider, and he was telling Josh and myself that this was all pretty much a plan with Clinton.
Yeah, if he was running this campaign, he would want her to be the underdog.
So then when the time came, you know, she's gonna have some massive resurgence for whatever reason, and then she'll get the nomination.
She's going to court.
Oh, she's beat the charges.
She's beat the rap.
They can't do anything.
They can't stop her now.
She's gonna take it all the way.
You see Chris Matthews getting a tingle in his leg as he talks about it.
As I start to vomit all over the floor.
Totally disgusting.
Hey, we're going to go to break here in a second.
I want to go to Michael if I can.
I wish I could go to the other callers, but I want to play David Knight's report that he did two years ago now about the spy in the bag and how he got in there and other interesting killings that have happened.
You know, people who said they weren't going to kill themselves but suddenly died.
Michael, we have about less than a minute.
What's your story of the local sheriff having issues with the DOD?
It was the, uh, actually the Department of Justice is what it was.
Apparently he did something during an arrest, punched another person, and, uh, eight officers were put on, uh, paid leave because they don't, you know, they told on him, I guess is what they're telling us.
They want the sheriff to resign.
He says no, and he wants the names of the officers that are trying to
Pin this on him so they can be disciplinary action.
Ah, so yeah, you turn in one of your own and then they want to find out so they can do the dirty back on you.
Well, you know, all I can say is people who get into that line of work, they either really need to be really great guys.
They seem to be either really great guys or really awful control freak type people.
And I've run into a few of them myself in the past, these control freak type people.
I've also run into some great cops.
You've got to keep your nose clean in that job.
If you don't, as soon as someone has dirt on you, that's going to be held over your head.
And even if you think that guy's your best friend,
They're going to come after you.
And as soon as you start getting burnout, get out.
You know, I support, hey, let's give them a month vacation every two years, I think, to let them clear their jets.
Yeah, that's definitely a job you want a level-headed individual.
You don't want somebody who's really mad about their day.
Now, we're going to come back.
I'm going to introduce David Knight's report, and then that's going to be all for us in the fourth hour.
This is Rob Dood, Jakari Jackson, Joe Biggs, here doing the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned for more.
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Hey, this is Rob Doo.
This is our last segment of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go right to David Knight's report talking about how this man killed himself and put himself in a bag.
Well, three years after an MI6 codebreaker's body was found padlocked in a bag, in an empty bathtub, in an MI6 safe house, the London Metropolitan Police have ruled that it was an accident.
Allow me to congratulate you on a brilliant bit of deduction.
That's right.
There's nothing to see here.
Move along.
But there is plenty to see here about how governments work.
His body was found inside a zipped and padlocked bag in a bathtub.
No palm prints were on the side of the bathtub.
No traces of his DNA on the padlock outside of the bag.
His cell phone was wiped clean that day.
And his employer, MI6, that's British Intelligence, didn't report him missing for eight days, despite the fact that his body was in one of their safe houses just blocks away from their headquarters.
And just last year, the coroner concluded that he probably was killed by another person.
Coroner Fiona Wilcox said that it was, quote, a legitimate line of inquiry that other spies were involved in the death of Gareth Williams, 31, a member of the UK's Secret Intelligence Service, SIS, also known as MI6.
But Metropolitan Police said he probably died accidentally on his own.
Rejecting conspiracy theories.
His family said, if this wasn't the SIS and it was the Kray twins or someone else, you would be investigating.
You would have gone into far more detail.
And there were some more details thrown in.
He had $30,000 worth of unworn women's clothing, a bright red wig, and some suspicious sexual things there.
But the coroner's investigation ruled that he was not gay, not a transvestite.
Those things, I believe, were simply red herrings to distract people from what the real question is.
And that is, how could he have gotten padlocked into the bag?
The Press Association reported that a former parachute regiment reservist, who specializes in rescuing people from confined spaces, was unable to lock himself inside an identical bag.
No palm prints were on the side of the bathtub.
No traces of his DNA on the padlock outside of the bag.
He said, I couldn't say it's impossible, but I think even Houdini would have struggled with this one.
This is something we've seen, not just in the UK, but frequently in the United States, that people who have sensitive information about government secrets, or about the people who run the government, somehow just mysteriously die, or commit suicide, even though they didn't have any history of being suicidal, and even though the explanations for their deaths make absolutely no sense.
Take the case of Gary Webb, investigative reporter who supposedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice.
It was merely coincidental that he had exposed CIA and Reagan administration using the crack cocaine drug trade to finance Nicaraguan Contras.
Or take Debra Jean Palfrey, the DC madam who had... We're actually going to repost that video right now, right when I'm done with this.
You can look at the other instances of people who said they were going to come out and expose government corruption, and then they end up dead.
Now, it's interesting, that spy had obtained Clinton's diary and passed it on to a friend, so obviously that put him on, well, I'm pretty sure that's what put him on the hit list.
Guys, what do you think?
Wrapping it up here today.
Well, just when we talk about all these people who had no desire to commit suicide, whether D.C.
Maddom or Gary Webb, and then all of a sudden, you know, they die under these suspicious circumstances, then it's just, oh, it's a suicide.
And nobody questions it.
No matter how suspicious these circumstances can be, nobody will question it because they heard it on their favorite news channel.
That's when the Clintons get killed.
That's how you end up part of the Clinton body count.
That's it.
Sorry to Taylor, Cash, and Phillip.
We're not going to have time to get to you guys, but you can see more reports are going to be here in the Nightly News tonight, 7 p.m.
Leigh Ann McAdoo will be hosting, and we're going to have a whole host of other things.
We're going to repost this report about the spy in the bag.
We produced that report back in November of 2013.
So, two years ahead, now the mainstream media is talking about it once again, and we'll probably never get to the bottom of that death, or any of the others, as long as we let these control freaks stay in power.
So, have your cell phone camera handy, and anytime you see news, shoot it!
And then send it to us.
Here's my email.
RobD at InfoWars.com.
RobD at InfoWars.com.
I love getting your tips.
Thank you.
We'll see you tomorrow.
11 a.m.
Nightly News Tonight.