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Filename: 20150526_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 26, 2015
2444 lines.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, the 26th day of May 2015 worldwide transmission.
Well, top government insider in the U.S.
says we'll be lucky if we don't have World War III by this summer, and prays that it won't be nuclear.
Here's a report on Monsanto, and we'll be back.
Hey, it's Anthony Gucciardi.
This is an impromptu little session.
We're going to go ahead and ask people.
I'm at March Against Monsanto 2015, who aren't part of the event, what they know about GMOs and what they think about it.
Let's do it.
Hey guys.
How's it going?
Are you guys here with the March Against Monsanto event?
No, we just kind of appeared here.
Do you know what it is?
No, we don't.
Do you know what Monsanto is?
Nope, not at all.
Have you heard about Monsanto?
Do you have any interest in it?
And it's crazy that, you know, all these people are over there protesting it and the average American doesn't really know what Monsanto is.
Worth March Against Monsanto?
Do you know what it is?
That's March Against Monsanto right there.
That's what I thought when someone asked.
It had something to do with glyphosate and GMOs and Monsanto.
We're just going around seeing if people who aren't a part of the march actually know what it is.
Do you know what Monsanto is?
Nope, no.
No idea?
Do you know what GMOs are?
I've heard this phrase.
You do though.
Well, I mean, okay, no.
We found one out of like 10, 15 people that know what Monsanto is.
It's a good number.
We're going to keep doing this.
Do you know what Monsanto is?
Do you know what GMOs are?
Had you heard of it, Monsanto, before I told everyone what it was?
I didn't hear you tell them, but yeah, I've heard of it.
Do you know what it is?
I believe it's a company?
I think they make carpet.
Monsanto's Carpet Company.
Is that what... Monsanto makes carpet?
Genetically altered food.
Correct, sir.
They make GMOs.
They've been doing it for a long time.
They were doing it with cattle in Wisconsin for, I don't know, 10, 15, 20 years ago.
Oh, well, I'm from Russia.
Where are you guys from?
In Russia?
Do you know what GMOs are?
Yes, of course.
I'm against it.
I'm so against it.
Do you think most people in Russia are against GMOs?
Yes, actually.
We're trying to fight it.
Yeah, you know, whenever I go on Russian television, RT, they always say, like, this is a non... RT, you know this?
Yeah, I know RT.
Oh, that's cool.
They always say this is not a real issue here, because we unanimously are totally against GMOs.
We are.
Is that pretty much the case?
Yep, absolutely.
Is it weird to you that Americans have to go and do this to try and get GMOs out of the food supply?
A little bit, yes.
A little bit.
Because if it's supposed to be, like, the first country and, like, you know, you guys have to be for the healthy, but it seems like not.
A lot of GMO here.
Well, if I were to go in Russia and say, like, hey, you know, we want to get GMOs out of the food supply, what do you think about that?
Would they be all for that?
Say it one more time, sorry.
Most people in Russia would just think it's a non-issue, right?
Like, they would already know the GMOs are back.
Yes, it is, absolutely.
Wow, well we're going to talk to some Americans to get their take on it.
Okay, so you actually know what Monsanto is?
Yeah, I know a little bit about it.
Where are you from?
I'm from Houston.
Okay, so, and you actually know, like, do you know what GMOs are?
No, not really, but I know about the whole cow thing, and like, with the milk.
RBGH, yeah.
Yeah, and then from my English class.
Okay, cool.
So, I've just spoke to someone with Russia, and they basically said, everyone knows GMOs are bad, you know, it's a totally accepted fact over there.
Isn't it weird that most people don't even know what this is, and here there are hundreds of people protesting it, and millions around the world right now?
Yeah, I think it's pretty interesting, because it affects us very much.
Who's your friend?
Do you know about Monsanto?
I don't know about Monsanto.
Do you know what GMOs are?
Yes, I do.
Oh, so you do.
Some people seem to have heard of GMOs, but they don't know about Monsanto.
Are these your family?
Yeah, it's my family.
Do they know what Monsanto is?
They don't speak English?
They don't speak English.
Where are they from?
But, I mean, what language do they speak?
Can you ask them if in Vietnam people know what GMOs are?
Of course they do, because of Agent Orange, right?
Let's actually talk about that.
So, you know what Agent Orange is, right?
Agent Orange.
How do I explain this?
During the Vietnam War, the United States used Agent Orange.
They claimed it was a herbicide, but it was a chemical that killed millions of people and led to millions of birth defects in Vietnam.
Are you familiar?
Oh, like the pesticide?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She says in the North, not the South.
And it was very devastating.
It was, yeah.
You know who made that?
I see.
Tell them that's who they're protesting right there.
They're protesting the company that was responsible for Agent Orange, which led to millions of birth defects in the country that she's from.
Tell her about that.
Alright folks, the full report is on InfoWars.com.
Excellent job, Gucci Arty and Josh Owens.
We'll be back.
President Obama has said in the past that we must find the proper balance between security of our nation and the privacy of our citizens.
But with numerous whistleblowers coming out, including but not limited to Edward Snowden, Wayne Madsen, and of course William Binney, who tell us that the NSA is doing more than checking Al Qaeda's Gmail accounts, it's about time that somebody held the President's feet to the fire.
Appearing on CBS, Rand Paul noted, here's the thing about the President.
He's disingenuous about this.
The president started this program through executive order.
He could end it anytime.
The senator also noted that the NSA bulk collection was recently ruled illegal by a federal appellate panel.
Why doesn't he stop it?
What's he waiting for, Mr. Paul said.
He says, oh, Congress can stop it.
He started it on his own.
He should stop it.
And I've asked the president repeatedly, stop the program.
But as we all know, that hasn't happened.
You can find more reports on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assassins.
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
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Now to a Texas-sized conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theories are running wild tonight about the Army's plan for a multi-state training exercise this summer called Jade Helm 15.
There are all kinds of conspiracy theories floating around about an upcoming Pentagon training exercise called Operation Jade Helm 15.
The U.S.
military is secretly plotting an invasion of the Lone Star State.
Talk show host Alex Jones, among the many, stirring up concerns on conservative websites and social media, the Jade Helm is a Trojan horse for a federal invasion.
A dress rehearsal for martial law.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones, who, as David said, has been one of the leading proponents of this theory, had agreed to join us this morning, but he did not show up at our studio.
Is this a dirty trick they're going to pull?
None of my listeners buy it, okay?
I'm ready.
I'm ready to come on right now!
The Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theorists are inspired by Alex Jones, the nut job radio guy.
The site Infowars has led the internet buzz, insisting it's all a plan for the army to wage war on Americans.
Publishing a military PowerPoint slide showing Texas as Red Enemy Territory.
Texas, the prospect of armed federal troops has sparked an avalanche of speculation, including fears of a government conspiracy to launch a hostile takeover of the state.
You know who's calling it a Texas takeover?
Lone Star Lunatics.
They're there for corporate executives to load their teleprompter, like a PEZ dispenser,
And they just sit there and spout BS at people.
From Willie Nelson on down, it's practically the slogan of the state.
And that may explain the reaction to Jade Helm 15.
Some folks in that state have seemingly been shaking in their rawhide boots ever since word got out about an upcoming military training exercise in Texas called Jade Helm 15.
Come on, crazy people attend local town hall meeting.
Isn't a Texas specific story?
I think the Constitution says you can't hold a town hall meeting without crazy people.
I think it's in there.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
There's even a Texas Ranger on the case.
Walker, Texas Ranger, that is.
Also known as Chuck Norris.
In a new column for the conservative website WorldNetDaily, Norris writes, quote, if you haven't heard about Operation Jade Helm 15, you need to.
A foreign invasion, martial law.
Mayor of Big Spring Larry McClellan has heard it all.
He's gotten thousands of emails about Jade Helm conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories have now been floating around for weeks about a military operation in West Texas.
I'm a solid citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
I refuse to recognize you.
Training with the police, training with locals, in plain clothes, quote, doing suspicious activities, is to train the police to work with the military in covert operations, and to condition the military to accept it, and to condition the public to accept it, and then when we cover it and talk about it, they practice the PSYOP in real time, putting out disinformation.
Conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory.
Texas-sized conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory.
Government conspiracy.
Jade Helm conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory?
Yes, conspiracy theory.
The thing that kills me about conspiracy theorists is they believe that they reflect, like, at a higher intelligence or a higher skepticism or a sense of awareness, when in fact every conspiracy theorist you know is gullible.
Keep shoving lies at your audience, jackasses.
Please, folks, call Fox News.
Tweet them.
Tell them I'm ready.
Right now.
And I think that's a healthy thing to question your government.
I don't think it's particularly healthy to question the military.
Alex Jones, a man who trades in such sinister conspiracy theories, you have to wonder if he really believes half of what he says.
And they're always talking about false flag operations, and they're so insulting and cruel, like Alex Jones.
Free speech is a great thing, but then there's this shouting fire in a crowded theater idea, which you're not allowed to do.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Waging war on corruption.
Changing the destiny of this planet.
The human course of our species.
That's what we're all about here at the InfoWar.
And history has shown us many things.
But chief amongst it is that individuals have an incredible power to change the destiny of our humankind.
For good and for bad.
And that for too long, the corrupt have been in control, openly maneuvering us towards what can only be called high-tech slavery.
Our story is linked on DrugsReport.com!
Congress and the federal government are openly beginning to sniff around with a new Supreme Court ruling and are talking about taking over the public and private pension funds to quote protect them and then of course tax them and loot them because our country is managed by the very same globalists that have done this in countless other countries over and over again.
So we know the MO of the globalists
Because we've seen them carry it out.
In fact, Sunday, I read this again on air, but will you guys print me, Barry Goldwater, from No Apologies, Warning of the Trilateral Commission, Global Government Plan, and then also print me Cicero on the Traitor, thank you.
Because those quotes from the 60s and those quotes from 2000, 60-something years ago, together, really illustrates everything.
I have been saying that there is a clear move, you'd have to be blind to miss it, to start conflict with China and Russia.
That does not mean that China and Russia are good.
It's part of a larger planetary destabilization program by the globalists who sit outside of the three power blocks.
The Anglo-American West, the Russian system, and then of course the Asian system dominated by the Chinese.
And out of the planetary destabilization, they believe, in Henry Kissinger's own words, out of these global crises and new crises, it will emerge the planetary government.
And I can play the clips if you'd like.
And I've read the books he wrote.
I've read the books Brzezinski wrote.
I mean, it's from their fat mouths.
That's why Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater sounded like Alex Jones in the 60s.
When Ronald Reagan ran for governor in California, he sounded like Alex Jones.
When Barry Goldwater ran for president, he sounded like Alex Jones.
Well, actually, Alex Jones sounds like them because they were simply there facing the facts.
But under political pressure and being shot, people like Ronald Reagan quit trying to abolish the Federal Reserve or the IRS, didn't they?
So we're dealing with the very same globalist group that has occupied our country, and now they know there's an awakening happening, so they want to take the glove, the velvet glove,
Off of the iron fist, and they want to bring the hammer down, domestically, to set the precedent they can arrest and incarcerate and disappear anybody they want.
And we're here, forcing a discussion, forcing it out in the sunlight, to have a debate about it, to kick the tires, to look at the speedometer, to look at the paint coat, to look at the paint, to look at the brakes, to look at the upholstery, and to say, you know what?
We don't want to buy this car.
We don't want to go down this road.
And they're saying, no, no, no, no.
On amnesty, you can't see the legislation.
Just trust us.
We're going to pass it.
Or you can't see the power grab by the FCC of the Internet and of non-broadcast media.
Just trust us.
And you can't see the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
It's secret.
But just trust us and don't be an extremist.
And you can't see details of $5 billion a year spent by the Energy Department in weather modification in the United States alone.
We're like, we'd like to know exactly what you're doing.
Shut up, crazy man, it doesn't exist.
Here's the documents.
Well, never mind that.
Hey, we don't want you arming Al Qaeda to take over the Middle East.
Okay, we'll just change the name.
You lift the curtain up on these guys and let me tell you, they're doing some bad stuff.
And the curtain is being lifted.
And so, they're basically engaged in a rear guard action right now.
Trying to do several things.
Shut down our economy.
Get us on welfare.
Get us on food assistance.
Get us on corporate welfare.
Get us on the system.
Corporate jobs that are government funded.
Government jobs that are government funded.
Food stamps.
Criminal justice system.
Psychological system.
Get you in the system.
Get you in the artificial economy that they control.
That's feudalism.
That's human management 101, carried out in every culture since agrarian societies formed 7,000 years ago.
But in the process of trying to bring in this planetary government, based on destabilization, the elite endanger themselves.
And you see elites, whether it was Julius Caesar going a bridge too far, Adolf Hitler going too far, the Communists going too far, every other group gets... take the example of
What was it?
Chile attacking the British and the Falklands going too far, thinking they could win.
So it goes both ways.
In this destabilization, the elites end up destroying themselves.
Coming up, economists, government preparing to seize 401k pensions, Supreme Court ruling sets the stage for economic totalitarianism.
We'll cover that first when we come back.
Then, senior NATO official will probably be at war this summer.
If we're lucky, it won't be nuclear.
Infowars.com, another headline, 2015 predictions, World War III could be inevitable as Russia leads world into new kind of conflict.
Another headline, Russian air defense units redeployed amidst snap combat readiness drills.
Another report, terrorist nuke attack may be carried out inside the United States in the next 12 months.
That's just some of what's coming up today.
Rand Paul says Obama's disingenuous, says he can stop NSA spying anytime he wants.
And the floods in Texas, mass shootings in Baltimore as the police stand down.
Stay with us.
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The entire world is descending into economic, social, military conflict.
And you notice, ahead of all this happening, central governments, especially here in the West, began to prepare for this the last 15 years very intensely.
The Army reports, the British Ministry of Defense reports talked about a road warrior scenario in most areas of the world out of which a global centralized government will rise as the answer to the chaos which they themselves have instituted by creating artificial scarcity.
And then mainstream media sits there and tells the public there's no such thing as corruption, there's no such thing as centralized power being a danger.
There's never been a slouch in history, a gravitational pull towards tyranny.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Don't get prepared.
Don't get prepared.
With countless TV shows,
Stereotyping preppers so that they could grab the audience while demonizing it.
While the establishment itself digs in.
And here are the headlines.
Economists, government preparing to seize 401k pensions, Supreme Court ruling set stage for economic totalitarianism, close quote.
Economist Martin Armstrong, very respected, warns that the Supreme Court ruling last week that set the stage for the federal government to begin seizing private pension funds.
According to Armstrong, the outcome of Tibble vs. Edison, which found that employees have a duty to protect their 401k plans from mutual funds that perform poorly, will grease the skids for the feds to seize private funds and prosecute companies who manage mutual funds, quote, badly.
Just like Obama's federalizing police in the name of fixing them, which only makes it worse.
That's right.
And then Al Sharpton admits that's the plan.
Between the court ruling and the Obama administration's push for stronger fiduciary rules, the developments send a strong message to governments, can much easier seize the pension fund management industry, of course, to protect the consumer, close quote, writes Armstrong.
Well, they've been making those changes for years.
And again, this is what the very same globalists that run our country have done everywhere else.
It'd be like if you were cows going down a processing line at a slaughterhouse, and if you were smart, and you weren't a cow, you would see the cow ahead of you with a big gas bolt coming down, air-powered bolt, slamming down on the head and knocking your brains out, and then big old chains dragging up around your legs and hauling you up to get your guts cut out.
So we watch him do this in Brazil and Nigeria and Greece and everywhere else and we're kind of coming up to the line here watching the country be butchered.
And I'm saying we don't want to keep going down that line.
Four or five more cows go through, we're up next.
And cows do get upset.
I mean, they bray and they move and they kick and they hurt each other.
One of them breaks their legs, they'll just got chains that lower down and wrap around them and grab them and drag it on up.
That's the humane way with a big gas-powered hammer.
A lot of times they just put them in a big neck squeeze and a giant guillotine comes from the bottom and just goes up to the throat.
Thor's hammer.
And I've just watched the New World Order do this all over the world, feeding and preying on populations and shutting off their food and then sending in the U.N.
with some grain for photo ops when it's the U.N.
itself that cuts off the food and then takes the property.
And then all the young girls, all the young wannabe supermodels, they go out to the mall and raise money for UNICEF.
The children.
The children that survive are taken to slave brothels.
But again, those girls don't want to know how to really help children.
It's just better to feel good and wear a World Wildlife Fund shirt.
Who actually run the controlled hunts and have been caught doing it.
It's all about just feeling like you did good.
Here's another report where they're already doing it.
AP reports, Greece mulls levy on undeclared deposits to raise cash.
Greece is considering a clawback, or a bail-in, a 15% levy on undeclared foreign deposits and double the rate of undeclared deposits in domestic banks as the epicenter for tax dodgers to legal assets.
Of course, and then first they announced that in some of the other countries they've done it in, like Cyprus, and then soon it's just the whole country you get to have 40% taken out.
Oh, and then another 20, and then oh... This is the global standard and it's coming here.
We'll be back, stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Wherever children can be found having good, clean fun, you can rest assured there's a control freak not far behind trying to ruin their childhood.
As was the case in Pennsylvania, where a teen was ordered to tear down a treehouse because their neighbor complained.
At first, I thought it was a joke.
But then, I found out it wasn't, the teen said, according to local reports.
So then, I got really sad.
And it is sad.
People complain that teens spend too much time in front of their cell phones and video games.
But when they go out and actually have physical activity, some people find that to be unacceptable.
This was echoed earlier this year, when a family was forced to remove a cardboard fort from their own front yard.
I had warm, positive memories from my childhood about forts, and thought it was a great way to spark imaginations away from the TV, the father said.
But no, that also was unacceptable.
You can find more reports on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We've got Joe Biggs back in Cleveland with the verdict on the police officer, and there have been demonstrations, there have been hundreds of arrests, a 71 night, something like a hundred and something another night, and more numbers are beginning to come out on that front.
What I really want to talk to Joe Biggs about, he's in the middle of a demonstration right now here in just a moment.
is where he was just a few weeks ago.
Baltimore's bloodshed continues.
29 shot, 9 dead over holiday weekend and not by the police.
Most of it black on black violence.
Same thing in south side of Chicago.
12 dead, 43 wounded in shootings across Chicago over holiday weekend.
And it just goes on from there.
Meanwhile, not only do we see the very same globalist banksters running around, preparing to claw back and quote, loot and have bail-ins and basically rob private after-tax bank accounts, you name it, in places like Greece and moving towards our pension funds,
And Obama wanting to tax in his State of the Union education funds.
And talking about tax increases via executive action outside of law.
We have this headline out of the London Telegraph.
Now it's alarmist when we say this a year ago or six months ago, but it's not when mainstream media does.
U.S.-China war inevitable unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea.
Warning from state-run China newspaper as Beijing reveals plans for the development of disputed South China Sea islands.
Which is right out in the middle of the ocean, folks, and is a huge power grab as they prepare to take over all that trade coming through from Japan and South Korea.
It is very provocative.
And our government has helped build him up, and helped give him everything.
And George Soros says it's going to cause World War III if we don't let them have what they want, because he's so heavily sold out to the Communist Chinese.
Senior NATO official will probably be at war this summer.
If we're lucky, it won't be nuclear.
Is that the bad feeling I have?
Russia's air defense units deployed amidst snap combat readiness drills.
Terrorist nuke attack may be carried out inside the United States in the next 12 months.
Another report.
We're going to break that down.
And there are real preparations on a planetary scale.
Global currencies are on the verge of imploding.
Unrest is increasing all over the world as inflation begins to hit on top of depressionary activities in the real economy.
But still there's such exponential increase in the volume of money that you have this perfect storm of artificiality that isn't supposed to be able to exist under really any economic model.
Not Keynesian, not Austrian school, none of the quote free market so-called systems where you can have stag inflation, which they said was impossible until the 70s.
Now we're moving towards hyper stag inflation, a word I invented a decade ago, to describe you have stagnation in the economy with inflation on top of it.
And that's exactly what we're starting to see raise its head.
So you have wars erupting when governments are too greedy, consolidating power, the special interests are detached from reality, filthy rich, and you've got an elite in Russia that won't back down, an elite in China won't back down, an elite over here won't back down, all moving quickly towards conflict.
So we're going to be breaking that down as well.
Now Joe Biggs joins us from Cleveland, Ohio.
Where we have a whole bunch of churches together, I believe the number is 40, you'll correct me if I'm wrong, marching, saying they don't like living in a police state.
Undoubtedly, they do live in a police state to a certain extent, but it's also part of the breakdown of society, again, which is the plan.
But we have the police standing down in Chicago, which is Democratic-run, and in Baltimore, Maryland, which is Democratic-run.
I mean, you're in the black-run Democrat cities, especially in Baltimore.
And still, the white person is blamed as the total red herring.
But there are legitimate issues, obviously, to demonstrate against.
So we're going to get Joe Biggs' take on this.
He's been there for two days during the demonstrations and the arrest.
Joe Biggs, joining us.
Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com.
I'm marching down Lakeside Avenue.
In downtown Cleveland, and as you can see, there's 40 different church congregations behind me right now.
A lot of people saying that they're here walking hand in hand.
They went to the Justice Center first, asking for justice.
And now they've gone to Town Hall, and we're just going to continue going through all of Cleveland.
People are coming out from all the businesses, looking, trying to see what's going on.
You know, yesterday, nothing really went on on Memorial Day.
A lot of people were kind of scared to come out.
They didn't know what was going to happen.
There's a large rib cook-off event that happens in Cleveland every year.
And it's sold out every year.
This is the first year it has not been and no one really came because of the fears of riots possibly happening.
So now people out here are trying to calm down the crowds and the citizens of Cleveland.
Let them know that Cleveland's bigger than Baltimore and bigger than Ferguson.
Continue, Joe.
Well, I was hearing you talk about the killings in Baltimore.
I mean, that's something that you kind of expect happening after all these riots.
It's sad that that's happening there, and then where else?
It was Baltimore and... Chicago, everywhere.
Chicago, yeah, Chicago.
I mean, killings everywhere, the floods in Texas.
I mean, this has been a horrible weekend.
Sorry, I'm trying not to hit some people that were walking behind me.
Describe for radio listeners what TV viewers are saying, Joe.
Right now, there's probably, I'd say, 2,000 people from different church congregations, different religions, Christian, Jewish, everyone out here in the front.
All the church leaders are in the front right now, holding hands and leading everyone in song.
And as you can see, there's just people coming out from all the different businesses, taking pictures, trying to see what's going on.
I think it'll be good for Cleveland to see this right here, because you can't walk down the road and not hear someone talk about the Brillo verdict, or what's going to happen.
Is this going to be the next Ferguson?
Will this be the next Baltimore?
What do you think of that verdict, with the cop jumping on the hood of the car and unloading into the two guys, killing them?
I almost like choked on my food when I heard them read the verdict.
The judge can justify a police officer jumping on the hood of his car and then shooting, then jumping from his car onto the hood of the suspects and then firing 15 rounds in.
I mean, that is-
That's out of this world to know that a judge found that justified.
And the story that they're using is the fact that Officer Brillo was scared that if he was out of his car, that the two suspects would have driven their car into him and pinned him against the vehicle.
So that's why he jumped on the hood of his car and then over onto the suspect's car.
And even in the middle of shooting into the windshield, he had to reload.
So I mean, that's a sadistic thing to do.
Well, Anthony Gucciardi was out covering the Monsanto rally.
And he talked to the state police there, and then he also talked to an Austin police officer when he was covering the march down the road.
And the police officer said, I like Alex's show, but I get asked by the people in the department, is the Alex Jones Radio Show, is Infowars pro-cop or anti-cop?
And so I'm going to break that down here briefly, Joe, for the listeners and the viewers out there.
We're pro-justice.
We take things case-by-case example.
We don't just mindlessly hate the police and want a civil war and always just blame the police.
At the same time, we have a centralization of power.
We have the police more and more.
Being above the law, especially in some of these corrupt jurisdictions, that's creating anger, that's creating a sense of injustice.
And then you've got George Soros and the Justice Department trying to make that the scapegoat for the overall corruption to create destabilization to bring in basically a permanent civil emergency in this country, a form of martial law.
So that's where we stand on the police, but we just don't inherently hate the police.
We want to reform the police and the entire government and reform our own communities and our own selves.
We are a fallen, corrupt, decadent, slob-like nation compared to what we were.
We need to admit that, like an alcoholic, before we can turn this around.
What's your take, Joe Biggs?
Exactly, and I get asked that same question almost every time I go on one of these trips.
You know, a lot of people were like, why do you guys hate police officers or things like that?
I was like, I don't hate them at all.
What I do is I back up whoever's in the right.
If the protesters are in the right, I'll point that out.
If the police are in the wrong, I'll point that out.
If the police are in the right, I will point that out.
When we were in Ferguson in August, we had, the police were completely out of control.
Shooting at reporters, shooting at people for no reason, putting lasers like the sniper rifles on people's heads.
Yeah, on me, on Jakari, on protesters, on old people, children.
On you?
It was out of control.
And I was completely against the actions by the police officers.
But then, we went back in November.
And the protesters were out of control.
But the police officers kept their cool.
It seemed like they learned a little bit more from that.
And these people were out there shooting at the fire departments, shooting at the firefighters, who were simply trying to, you know, put out these fires to save the businesses for the people.
So like you said, we're on the side of whoever's doing the right thing.
And that's what we're trying to support.
That's what we're trying to show the world.
And as society degenerates, Joe, as society degenerates, it's going to be Coke versus Pepsi, Ford versus Chevy, Cowboys versus the Steelers.
Just mindless boil it down to which side you're on.
That's what the globalists want.
We need to be together for sovereignty against the globalist takeover.
Did you hear all this news that they're moving around the world to just take part of people's bank accounts, to give to private banks, and that they're preparing to move towards going after pension funds, while openly admitting nuclear war could break out, and that we're accelerated towards armed conflict with China and Russia?
And then George Soros, who's behind a lot of it, has the nerve to get up on TV and say we're all in danger of World War III?
Yeah, and he's the one that's funding it.
It's his money, it's his dollars that are starting all these uprisings.
I mean, that bad feeling you've been saying that you've had, you know, that you've had for the past week or so, you know, I hope to God that that's not what it is because that's one thing we do not need right now is an all-out nuclear war.
Well, everybody I've been talking to basically has the same feeling of real concern.
I think it's just everything we're seeing happening.
We know things are getting worse.
We know things are degenerating.
We know there are people that are going to try to capitalize on making things even worse than posing as saviors.
And it's just that sixth sense saying, gear up, get ready, watch your six.
Joe, it looks like you've now arrived at the final destination.
Looks like a pretty big crowd there.
Pan the camera around there, please, and then tell us for radio listeners what you're seeing.
All right, so you've got a few thousand, about 1,500 people or so.
We're right outside of the Cleveland City Hall, and it's on Lakeside Drive.
So everyone out here is basically voicing their opinions about how Cleveland needs to be calm.
They need to let the system work.
But then you have a lot of people in the crowd saying, hey, the system isn't working.
There's no justice in America.
So a lot of people are voicing their opinions on what's going on.
Meanwhile, being peaceful, the police have a much, they don't have a defensive posture today.
They're further back, they're spaced out, they're giving people
The right to protest peacefully.
So I mean, that's good.
That's a step up.
Unlike what we saw in Baltimore, where they're driving around in Humvees and helicopters, four or five helicopters in the sky.
You know, Cleveland's definitely being a good representation of how you should deal with something like this.
Well, if you have police that become above the law when they do bad things, it will end up bringing down the entire legitimate state system, and then we'll give rise to the federalization of the system.
It's self-controlled by globalists, and that's exactly what Soros and Holder and Al Sharpton are pushing, and they've told us that's what they're doing.
Here's Al Sharpton two weeks ago.
Okay, so because there's some bad people,
Then everyone has to lose their rights.
Why do we even have states, Al Sharpton?
I mean, if it's a black-run city like Baltimore, Chicago partially black-run, areas like Cleveland, a major African-American representation, how on earth do you then, in Democrat black cities, blame whitey?
I mean, it's a problem system-wide.
Out-of-control militarized cops shoot white people, Hispanics, all the time.
The numbers show that.
Sheriff Clark's broken those numbers down.
And again, the whole world does not orbit around a few hundred maximum black men being questionably killed every year, and I'm sad it happens.
But when evil, vicious villains like Al Sharpton and George Soros are obsessing on it, you know it's bad.
They use grievances in Ukraine.
A year and a half ago to bring that government down and lead us to the edge of World War III.
They used grievances to put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of areas like Libya and Egypt to commit giant mass murder.
They're taking us somewhere worse.
What is it people don't understand?
If a Nazi collaborator that wants our guns and hates liberty is funding and busting hoodlums in to attack the police, it's being done to destroy the First Amendment and create a diversion for Obama, Joe Biggs.
I mean, Al Sharpton is planning on being here Friday, I believe, Alex.
And a lot of people are already kind of upset over that.
A lot of the people that I've talked to are
You mind if I talk to you?
Why are you out here today, sir?
I'm not.
I mean, I unite with what's going on.
You unite with what's going on, but what are you uniting with?
You can't wait.
You know, basically, long before the fall of the justice system.
So, uh, hold on.
So what do we do?
I'm not really, I don't want to represent the march.
Tell him as an individual what he stands for.
As an individual, what are you with?
I'm with InfoWars.
We're a website, and we do a radio show, a nightly news.
We're out of Austin, Texas.
Ask him what should be done.
So what should be done, do you think, to stop a lot of this stuff from happening?
Well, actually, dramatic mass action is what has to be done to say, we will stop police murder of black and brown people.
And we're not for walking through the courts and all that.
We'll, you know, we got people arrested and we're gonna fight that.
We want those car charges dropped from Saturday, 71 to 77, we're arrested.
Has everybody been released yet?
Yeah, they've been released, but they got charges and we're saying no charges, drop those charges.
This is legitimate to say no to police murder.
This case of Timothy and Melissa, the guy, he doesn't even get manslaughter.
So they want to get mass movement to the street.
Ask about his organization.
We will kill with impunity and continue to.
So, what organization are you with, sir?
I'm with the Stop Mass Incarceration Network.
What is the revolution?
What is this?
That's the revolutionary RevCom.
What's RevCom?
RevCom is a website of the revolution.
Ask him what communism stands for.
What's communism stand for?
Ask him if he thinks a liberation is about to happen.
Do you think a liberation is going to happen?
I think at some point it will, but it's not inevitable.
Can't say it's going to just happen.
So you want people to get out in mass numbers and move through the streets and... Does he think this summer could be the beginning of it?
Do you think this summer could be the beginning of a mass movement?
It already is.
It already is?
Yeah, that's it.
It already is.
Ferguson started it.
Ferguson started it?
Yeah, Baltimore.
Yeah, George Soros.
You know, when I was in Ferguson, I saw you guys out there.
Oh, yeah.
And, uh, you were the ones... I saw a lot of you guys with Molotov cocktails.
I thought that was pretty interesting.
Yeah, you're full of shit.
No, you didn't.
Delete that.
I saw you guys.
You were getting kids riled up.
Delete that.
Joe, Joe, you know, again, again, here's what's happening.
You've got the mega elite that are tax exempt, like George Soros, funding this because they believe this summer is their time to have mass revolution and that Obama will use that to come in and take over.
This is Cloward and Piven.
This is their plan.
So separating the problems with police, good Lord, we wrote the book on trying to stop this from happening.
This is a classic communist takeover plan, except they won't put the communists in in the end.
They'll just bring in, basically, a multinational U.N.
stabilization force and just bring us under corporate fascism, Joe.
It's the same thing with ISIS and Taliban.
They go out, they look for these young, impressionable minds, they get them amped up, they spew the rhetoric towards them, they, you know, they give them a microphone, they give them a position to where they feel like they have power, they have a position to make a difference and have some kind of change.
And then they put him in the line of fire and let him die.
That's what happened overseas with these guys.
You got these Rev Com guys who go up to these young, impressionable minds, these young black men.
They get them amped up.
They start spewing forth their rhetoric.
Then they go, hey man, you're angry, you're angry.
Why don't you take this bullhorn?
Why don't you tell the police to go F off?
Why don't you go do this and that?
You know, and then they hand over that mall talk.
Hey man, come on.
This will make a difference.
Don't you want the revolution?
And you were out there in the pitch black when this was happening, but you said you saw yourself, people with Revco buttons, Communist Revolution, that they were the ones handing out the mall ops.
Yeah, I mean, I even went to the police officers and I said, hey, look, these are right here on the ground.
We spotted them.
Is there anything you guys want to do about it?
They didn't do anything.
They ignored my, you know, my warning.
I showed them where it was and they just went off about their business.
And then what happened?
Those exact same Molotovs got used.
Yeah, to burn down black churches and stuff.
We're not saying that individual you just showed on camera was part of that, but people with the communist group were involved.
That even came out in the news later.
Joe, somebody was just talking to you.
What was happening with that?
Oh, the guy's a fan of the show.
He just wanted to come up and say hello.
Oh, cool.
Well, if anybody's a listener and wants to talk, or anybody else has a view, that's great.
Are the commies still around?
They're on the other side of the street.
They're staying over there by themselves.
You got anything you'd like to say about what's going on out here today, sir?
Not too much, but I just don't really like what's going on in the country right now.
I kind of got a good idea of what's going on and I'm not really too happy about it.
I see they're trying to stir up a lot of racial division and police versus citizen.
Well, it's interesting, right?
You know, we've got two workers that are like best friends, Jakari Jackson and Kit Daniels.
And they went out and they did a, you know, a video going out and showing people because that Starbucks is doing that racial divide thing where they're saying that, you know, we have to race together.
So, Kit Daniels is going out saying, hey, thanks Starbucks for letting me know that me and my black friend here had racial tension.
We didn't know that was there.
So, I mean, yeah, I mean, they're creating this narrative where they want everyone that turns on the TV to think that they're- It's a full push!
Whites and blacks hate each other, but they don't.
It's a full push!
I mean, I got a lot of black friends, so, you know, I went to high school with, and I mean, it's complete bull.
They don't.
Alright, Joe, we're gonna go to break.
I'm going to go back to Joe because some of your audio is dropping.
Joe, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you.
You don't have to go be around the commies if you don't want to, but we're going to go to break in a few minutes.
I'd like to come back in that little five-minute segment, and I'd like to have you go over and talk to the commies.
I know you're by yourself, and I know you're not afraid of that, but I think it's important to go talk to them.
Are they still nesting?
No, they've moved on.
I've got to follow everybody.
When I talk to him, they start to move them past me, so I'll find them.
Find them.
Okay, okay.
We'll be back in five minutes, and once we go live again, right at noon, we'll talk to the commies if we can find them, okay?
Yeah, they're not young vampires like the ones in Austin.
These are old, frail, and agile.
Those are the handler types.
Oh, well, no.
We're investigating the Austin group.
We already know who their handlers are, and we're going to be engaged in legal journalism, researching them, because, well, I've dealt with these groups before that are tied into the city and city organizations and city-funded groups.
And then we investigate how the money's being spent.
Oh, there he is.
He's telling me to go F myself.
He's mad because I'm saying that communism is stupid.
Tell him if he likes the red terror.
Ask him.
You like the red terror?
I mean, communism killed like 200 million people, folks.
I mean, they talk about getting rid of the state.
It's the ultimate state and it never withers away.
Joe, you don't have to mess with him too much.
I'm gonna come back to you in a few minutes, okay?
Alright, yeah, there's a bunch more that walked up this way.
I'll find them.
Alright, we'll talk to you in a few minutes.
We have another special guest coming on to just get into the whole cornucopia.
of what's happening in the airline industry in this country and also worldwide.
Rodney Stitch is an American author and former Federal Aviation Authority investigator.
His work led him to believe there's a major corruption at the heart of aviation business.
Does he think so?
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We're going to cover world news and take calls in the second hour.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joe Biggs reporting from Cleveland, Ohio, and found a nest of Communist Brigade.
They engage in their normal rat-like behavior.
Gosh, you think about how all these billionaires and all these people promote communism and it's supposedly sexy and cool and then you get around them or you actually read the writings of Che Guevara who was a basically like a white supremacist.
He hated
The Indians, the natives, call them retarded, dumb, they need to all be killed.
And then you see people that are obviously Mesoamerican, Native American, from south of the border, wearing Che Guevara shirts, and you just can't help them!
They might as well be wearing an Adolf Hitler shirt!
Of course, the Nazis really didn't have a big beef with people in Latin America.
That's actually where they all ran to.
I'm just, there's nothing nastier and more elitist than a communist.
I've been around, I've seen it all, folks, and they are the scum of the earth.
Just the most miscreant.
Underhanded, sneaky, deceptive, dishonorable, lying, cheating, venomous, ugly, rat-like, stinking, parasitic maggots the world has ever produced.
And they're just growing with unlimited billions funding them.
Like weevils getting into the flour or something in your pantry.
They are just infesting everything and creating class warfare.
While megabanks fund them.
Because the megabanks all want us fighting with each other.
Because there's unlimited wealth under free market.
If you're willing to just do basic jobs and work.
Free market just builds total wealth.
The problem is it creates decadence and then the commies move in.
The problem is, capitalism works too good, it produces too much, and people get lazy, and then they basically wake up mindless thugs on the continent that their forebearers built, and then their children just turn into total, spoiled, rotten scum, and then we fall.
While they complain about the fact that they can get a hundred flavors of ice cream, while they complain that they can have all this shelter for such low prices, while they complain because somebody else has got a nicer car than them or somebody else has a big house.
Don't you understand?
Wealth produces wealth when it's spent and used in the economy.
The globalists create trillions and trillions and then hoard it all and hold it as an economic weight, a ball and chain to enslave us.
And to siphon off our wealth.
Oh my gosh, I am just so sick of these bags of pus.
Let's go back to Joe Biggs.
Joe Biggs joining us, his feed cut out there in Cleveland.
Were you able to find the commies?
No, I think they kind of dispersed.
I think that guy told them who I was and decided to leave.
He said he would have never spoken with me if he knew I was going to spew forth such anti-communism rhetoric.
Why don't you love communism, Joe?
Because it's stupid.
Especially these guys, man.
All they care about is destruction.
They don't care about anything whatsoever.
I've been around commies.
When you have a drink with them, they go, look, we're going to kill everybody.
We really just want to kill people.
And I go, so what do you stand for?
I stand for murder.
And you're like, but what commies?
He goes, killing.
So it's really a devil cult, Joe.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, that's why their followers look like vampires.
Alright, we're going to check in with you again.
You're filing a lot of great reports to Infowars.com.
We're putting them on Facebook and Twitter.
Anything else, Joe?
No, I'm going to be out here all day following this stuff tonight.
The Cleveland Cavaliers will be playing in the final game, more than likely, of the playoffs.
And if they win, I'm pretty sure things will get crazy.
Especially if there's protesters out.
A lot of the
Protestors have been being booed by all these sports fans.
Telling them, hey, get a life.
Stop ruining our sports game.
We don't want to hear your damn protest.
You'll break it down live tonight.
Great job.
Who do you prefer?
Barack Obama or George W. Bush?
Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, these guys are corporate spokesmen.
They're not leaders.
I mean, they both started illegal wars.
Hell, they both tortured people.
They bailed out criminal corporations and they spied on you.
They both violated the Constitution and they even committed war crimes.
So what's it gonna take?
I mean, what will it take to finally wake you up?
Think about it.
If Joseph Stalin ran for president as a Democrat, and Adolf Hitler ran as a Republican, one of them would end up leading our country.
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I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I just walked into the studio a few seconds late because I was busy going over news articles as they develop and break.
I'm going to be honest with everybody.
I could spend the entire broadcast just on one article here in my stack, but we don't have time to do that, so I'm just going to go over all of it.
I've already mentioned some of this, but it is so important.
To go into more detail.
US-China war inevitable unless Washington drops demands for South China Sea.
That's the London Telegraph.
We're going to be getting into that.
Senior NATO General will probably be at war.
Senior NATO official will probably be at war this summer.
If we're lucky, it won't be nuclear.
Russia's air defense units deployed amidst snap combat readiness drills.
Report terrorist attack may be carried out inside the United States in next 12 months.
And then a story that ties into this out of the Wall Street Journal that I want to read over.
How Islamic State's win in Ramadi reveals new weapons and tactical sophistication and prowess.
Our government wanted a weak Iraq government, put in a weak government, armed and created this group with Saudi Arabia and others' help, and then turns around, as the Secretary of Defense did last week, and criticizes the Iraqi government.
That's like chopping your arms and legs off and saying, hey, get up off the floor, weakling.
And when I talk about this the day after Memorial Day,
I'm not running down our troops that took part in this.
I had a lot of family that spent multiple tours in Iraq and these are some of the best people you can imagine.
And they really wanted to build up Iraq and make it a free state.
And they now basically realize that it was always from the beginning about making a failed state and breaking the country in three parts.
And they understand that what's happening in Syria is premeditated as well.
So the general military, down to the non-commissioned officers, they know what's going on.
And it's the very same globalists that destabilized Iraq, that are destabilizing America and the rest of the world, that are the same people putting our troops on these do-not-treat lists that are a death warrant, that are a death sentence.
And notice how that came out a year ago, that they were putting him on the list to not be treated, and, oh, it was a mistake, we're going to fix it, and a year later they say, oh, it's still happening, oh, he still didn't fix it.
It'd be like if you got caught robbing Fort Knox and you're loading gold into trucks and the military shows up and you go, I made a mistake and made a wrong left turn in here and
Gee, I'm still screwing up loading gold bars.
Can you give me directions, Sonny, how to get out of here?
Can you help me with this gold?
Here, thank you.
Pick up some of this gold for me.
It's a confidence game.
And the very same globalist financial institutions that control the private central banks of the world created the derivatives, created the fractional reserve banking, created all this Ponzi scheme,
This counterfeiting pyramid.
And then they're the ones going, the West is going bankrupt.
We better raise taxes and take over pension funds.
Bank heads call for ending cash and taking part of your deposit.
Banks want to charge you to have a deposit.
All these announcements are being made.
Right now.
The Supreme Court's ruling that the government could take over pension funds.
Every few days I see major cities signing deals with the Feds.
You know, when one of their cops does something wrong.
To be federalized so they won't get in trouble anymore.
We're being taken over.
There's an excellent article breaking that down at Infowars.com.
Obama usurps local police with fake ban on militarization.
And the day he gave a press conference a few weeks ago, I said, watch, when details are released, they're going to give them MRAPs, body armor, machine guns, everything.
It'll just be under federal programs to get it now.
You'll have to go to the sensitivity training and you'll have to basically be federalized.
And sure enough, that was announced.
It's not hard to know what they're going to do.
Leopards don't change their spots ever.
And we told you it's about federalizing, and Al Sharpton's come out and said that.
And a lot of folks understand what I'm doing, but a minority does not.
And by minority, if you're public school educated like I was, and a little bit ignorant, I'm not talking about skin color, I mean a minority of the mass of people of every race, color, and creed
Are saying, Alex, you went from exposing the police and making films about it and writing a book and harping on it to now zigging when we're zagging and are supporting the police.
And that's not what I'm doing.
I'm supporting local government and state government.
Not that it's perfect, but the feds have been totally taken over.
It'd be like if D.C.
surrendered to aliens.
And announced, you know, show up at the local sports stadium to be giving your brain chip the quack quackoo or whatever the aliens are called, hypothetically, you know, come in peace.
I would then say we've got to get control of our local governments to say no.
It's the same thing.
And what are the globalists doing?
They're trying to get us to fight with the locals.
So it's a vice grip effect with pressure from below, pressure from above, that's a communist tactic.
They're using communist tactics because it was Wall Street and London that openly funded the Bolsheviks in 1917.
That's declassified, that's public, that's a fact, it was over 100,000 Americans
Who spoke Russian, Russian immigrants, a lot of them Jewish, out of Brooklyn and other areas, that were sent in to bring down the Tsar.
For three years they only had Moscow folks, but they got all the counties and cities and states, all the different provinces there, is what they were called, to surrender.
A minority called White Russians, that just meant the color of the flag,
White for Imperial, refused and fought on for another decade.
And there's famous posters in Russia showing the police and military handing their guns into the Bolsheviks.
They then, over the next 30 years, basically killed every one of them.
Most of them right away, but over the years they just exterminated everybody.
This has been done before.
I am a lay historian.
I can have top historians on.
They completely agree with my analysis.
This is what's happening.
And we are in grave, grave, grave peril.
What I said in my four police state films, what I said in my book on the police state dissent into tyranny,
Is everything that's now happened.
And I said, we've got to keep the police local.
We can't let them be federalized, these threat fusion centers.
Then when they're given the paramilitary training, the public will turn against them.
Then the feds will come into the public and say, we're going to federalize them.
Don't worry, we'll fix it.
Classic problem, reaction, solution.
And all the films, Police State 1 through 4, are online with millions of views.
Police State 2000, Police State 2, The Takeover, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
And man, we ought to do a boil down from two and a half hours to ten minutes of Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, because it's all the clips of the military trying to take on veterans, gun owners, you name it.
That's the film I put out four years ago.
I mean, it's got it all.
And then you watch that, and then you see the news going, there's no plan to go after Patriots, it's preposterous!
But just like they're turning Islamic State loose, later they will mop them up and only give them a small region.
And I've been saying that now for a couple of years, under the name Al-Qaeda, and now you see it unfolding.
We're going to go to break, I'm going to come back and get into the military news.
U.S.-China war inevitable unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea.
Japan is militarizing very quickly.
You've got the Asian pivot.
I'd like to hear from military people.
I'd like to hear from veterans.
I'd like to hear from others about your take on this.
What's being planned with operations to destabilize the U.S.
this summer while we potentially go into war against China and Russia?
Real preparations being made.
What's the master plan here?
It's very sophisticated.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
First-time callers, when I hear first-time callers, 800-259-9231.
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We've also got 16% off at InfoWarsLife.com on some of the nutraceutical products, so take advantage of that.
So Mark and I are out at the range shooting our AR-15 rifles built from AR-15 kits from Guns80.com when Dave walks up and he says, Hey, did you guys hear about Jade Helm?
You know, the government doesn't care about the Fosse Comitatus Act and Jade Helm, the troops are going to come and they may come after us and blah, blah, blah.
And I'm thinking, Oh my God, dude, look, I take a 30 shot magazine.
I put it in my AR-15 built from a kit from Guns80.com.
I unload it on the target.
Jade Helm?
I mean, really?
Go now.
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I hurt myself today.
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.
I focused on the pain.
I focused on the pain.
The only thing that's real.
The needle tears the hole.
But I remember everything.
Johnny Cash bringing us in.
U.S.-China war inevitable.
That's a close quote.
war with China inevitable.
I will make you hurt.
U.S.-China War Inevitable.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
U.S.-China War Inevitable reads the headline.
That headline's all over the world news unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea.
Warning from state-run China newspaper as Beijing reveals plans for development of disputed South China Sea islands.
And we can pull up online those disputed, what the Pentagon calls sandcastles, where they're just going out into some of the areas that aren't that deep, 5-10 feet deep, and they're dredging up, creating islands
And militarizing them, putting landing strips on them, in one of the most busy, if not the most busy, areas of the ocean in the world, claiming that it's now China, and so for 12 miles around those, it's Chinese land.
So if U.S.
aircraft or anybody else flies over them now, they're sending fighter planes up to say, this is our area.
Very provocative by the CHICOMS.
And we're stuck between a rock and a hard place.
We've got criminals that have basically made all of our investments in China, sold us out, now maneuvering our military that's completely exhausted and basically on the verge of implosion towards war with them.
And of course, when they were first building these a year ago, they'd say, we're not putting military there.
No, we're not putting, no, we're not putting air bases.
No, no, no, no, no.
And then now they admit it.
These are our bases and we control the entire area and we may start taxing ships that drive through.
It's all ours.
This is exactly what all the experts like Admiral Moore, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was a frequent guest until he died, I don't know, a decade ago.
He died about 14 years ago, time flies.
And Admiral Moore said, we gave them the Panama Canal, we've given them islands in the Caribbean, the Chinese government's building there.
Get 96% of world rare earth minerals?
The globalists have double-crossed America.
They've done everything to maneuver us into a position where we can't beat China.
Meanwhile, they don't want Russia to ever get up on their knees.
They've been on their back.
Russia is just trying to sustain itself.
Saying men are strong, families are good, have children, don't take drugs, Jesus loves you.
I'm not trusting Putin, but he is, in rhetoric, about 170 degrees different from Obama.
He's not 180!
I mean, John Boehner's about 20 degrees different from Obama.
He's almost Obama.
Putin's about 180 degrees.
170 degrees.
That's the 180s half.
It's about 170 degrees difference.
And how do you juxtapose this paradox
I'm telling you right now, the main predator group into the future is the Communist Chinese, ladies and gentlemen.
Even though their economies are on the verge of collapse, that's another reason they're even more dangerous.
And our economy's on the verge, and the Russian economy's on the verge.
What happens historically when empires get on the verge of collapse?
They have wars, so they can then have austerity and domestically cement their takeover.
In fact, I think now is the time this week to get World Affairs Brief expert Joel Skousen on
I really agree with his overall analysis, but I think things may be moving quicker than he thinks.
He thinks 2000, 2005's when they've got the big war with China and Russia lined up, but man, folks, they're building bunkers, they're getting ready, the elite is moving out of the United States and Russia.
All of the Jewish billionaires have left Israel.
That's been in the Jewish press.
What's going to happen to Israel?
You can go, good, I hope Israel gets blown up!
Oh really?
You hope Israel gets blown up?
This is mental illness!
Even if you hate Israel, they've got 800 nukes.
They're gonna blow you up, you idiot!
Nobody wins World War III.
The only way to win is not to play.
Your calls are straight ahead.
I'll give you the details of these articles.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Osama Bin Laden was a 9-11 truther?
Cyhurst just released an explosive story debunking the U.S.
government's version of events in the 2011 Bin Laden raid.
Apparently in response, the White House released a trove of documents they supposedly recovered.
So just what was on Bin Laden's bookshelf?
Well, around half of the books recovered were about conspiracies, 9-11, and the Illuminati.
Imagine Bin Laden, curled up on his couch, fascinated with the myriad of 9-11 conspiracy theories, knowing that he himself had masterminded the attack.
The other possibility is that the entire list has been completely fabricated in an effort to smear conspiracy theorists as terrorist sympathizers.
Fun fact, you can actually find some of the books on Bin Laden's bookshelf right here at the InfoWars store.
Find out just what was on Bin Laden's bookshelf by reading the article, Osama Bin Laden was a 9-11 truther, at InfoWars.com
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think?
We're good.
Zack, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War 3.
Target selection complete.
Time on target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War.
Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You betcha!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about...
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeting and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are on a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy will attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have a Soviet submarine launch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
The only way to win is not to play.
And I've got to just tell it like I see it.
You have the globalists that are above the three major power groups, but their main power came from the United States and England.
The vestiges, the remnants of the old British Empire combined with the new burgeoning American Empire.
All under red, white and blue.
And we have the soft power that we were more moral, more free market, more freedom than all the other nations and systems.
So you combine the physical power with the intellectual, cultural superiority, and undoubtedly the West in those respects was very superior.
That's why the whole planet adopted it.
Not even through conquest, but through imitation.
Now we are just basically satanic slobs, totally decadent, sitting on our thumbs, on average, not all of us,
I'm not on some high horse, I'm decadent too, so when I say that I'm speaking for myself.
But compared to some people, it's night and day.
The fact that Americans don't even care or know how out of control stuff is.
Anthony Gucciardi went out to the Monsanto rally, one of hundreds around the country, and was a speaker there.
And he talked to something like 50 people.
And only a couple of Americans of the 50 he talked to knew even what Monsanto was.
Every foreigner he talked to, he told me, and we've seen the report, but every foreigner he talked to from Mexico or from Russia, you name it, knew exactly all about GMO, all about Monsanto, all about everything.
And it's well known in international polls, university exit studies, high school exit polls, that Americans are the most geographically, mathematically, illiterate people there are.
Whether it comes to reading, writing, arithmetic, geopolitical facts, political facts.
The average American does not know which end is up.
And if mainstream media didn't tell them how to find their behinds, they wouldn't be able to do it.
And I don't say that with pleasure.
This has been done by design, and boy have the elite done a great job.
And then you notice who the globalists say their number one enemy is.
Recent veterans, veterans in order, top enemy veterans.
Returning veterans.
Gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, and then evangelical Christians for some reason.
And I say that because most of the evangelicals I know are nice people, but man are they going along with the tyranny.
And you notice there's a group in there I kept saying would soon be added and now finally has been.
Local police and sheriffs are being harassed by the feds, being indicted, being sued like Arpaio.
Not because they're bad, there are certainly some that are, but because that's another independent group that might become a focal point of political resistance, of leadership.
The globalists fear leadership, and they fear legitimate constitutional government standing up with the people's backing.
If you get a governor
And you get much of a legislature with a million people in the streets of Texas saying, we want to secede.
The feds can't invade.
They can't stop that.
The feds would know that was coming and would blow up a federal building to blame it on the governor that tried that.
And to say supporters of the governor blew up the daycare center.
This is military moves we're up against.
You've got to understand the moves they're going to play.
And listen, I don't want Texas to secede.
I'm a Republican in that I'm for a Republic, not a Republican little R. I'm for Republican big R. As in George Washington.
I believe in the Federalist system.
It's beautiful.
We need a check on the states.
There is no check on the feds.
They've been captured.
It's gone.
We're wide open.
The entire Pentagon preparation is to take out the states!
The states wouldn't even resist, politically or physically, currently.
What are they planning?
So horrible.
So draconian.
I've got full body chills right now.
And I know why people get scared and don't look into this.
Because it's scary.
It's real.
When I fully focus on this and look at all the facts, I get body chills.
The kind of chills I got growing up when for no reason, you know, some crazy guy would bust into a party or whatever and start attacking people and I'd get chills.
That was just my body releasing hormones and getting connected to all my cells, getting my nerves firing to fight.
And when I talk about this, I mean, I start getting in a fighting mode, folks, because at a primitive level, my body knows we're being overrun.
My body knows we're being conquered.
My body knows dangerous things are happening.
My brain analyzes it, and even when I'm not consciously thinking about it, I have a feeling of disquiet.
I'm upset.
I want to be involved to fight the tyranny.
And why is that?
Because we're going to lose all of this prosperity, all of this security, all of this freedom right now.
I'm going to go to your phone calls, Joe, John, Tom, Corey, Chris, and others.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
First-time callers in this first round of calls, and we're mainly talking about the preparations for World War III that are in a bunch of newspapers.
China has vowed to step up presence in South China Sea in a provocative new military white paper, and it's aimed at warnings.
And amid warnings that the US-China war is inevitable unless Washington drops its objections to Beijing's activities.
Beijing can now claim any sandcastle they build with a bunch of dredges is their territory and that they will enforce it.
China never had a claim to that area.
China's been talking about invading the Philippines in a white paper two years ago.
I mean, that is very aggressive.
Now they want to replace the Japanese as the aggressors.
Huge article on the Telegraph up on InfoWars.com.
Senior NATO official will probably be at war this summer.
If we're lucky, it won't be nuclear.
InfoWars.com, Paul Joseph Watson.
A senior NATO official told former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler that the world would probably be at war sometime this summer.
And Schindler's a very respected NSA whistleblower.
We'll probably be at war this summer if we're lucky it won't be nuclear, the official told Schindler last week.
And Schindler tweeted, said a senior NATO non-U.S.
go-foe to me today, we'll probably be at war this summer if we're lucky it won't be nuclear.
Let that sink in.
Although the tweet was retweeted over 400 times, the comment garnered no mainstream media attention whatsoever, which is odd given the fact that Schindler is a former U.S.
Navy War College lecturer and is known to have many high-level military contacts.
Although not specified the reference, I want to get him on, guys.
Call and get him on today, please.
Work on it.
The reference was almost certainly in relation to growing tensions between the United States and Russia.
One analyst of the comment suggested it may have been a deliberate leak from NATO sources to emphasize how serious the situation is.
Earlier this month, NATO launched its biggest ever war game exercise.
Looks like they've had the head NATO generals on TV going, we can tag out the Russians and former US generals going, we just want a bunch of them in body bags, that'll scare them little rooskies out of here.
We just kill a bunch, they'll turn tail and run.
I mean, just crazy talk.
Earlier this month, NATO launched its biggest ever war game exercise on Russia's doorstep.
Moscow responded by conducting provocative war games in Mediterranean Sea in coordination with the Chinese PLA, the first ever drill involving both superpowers.
NATO powers are also taking part in one of Europe's largest ever fighter jet drills today, and it just goes on off the coast of Norway.
Another headline, 2015 predictions, World War III could be inevitable as Russia leads war into a new kind of conflict.
This article by the Inquisitor kind of acts like Russia's starting it.
China is being provocative.
Russia is not being provocative.
And I'm not defending Russia.
I'm just telling you how I see this unfolding.
And remember, George Soros is in there driving the whole thing.
Let's go to your phone calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Texas.
John, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
You know, the end runner of all this has always been a world government or communism.
And basically, they got the Soviet system all set up in this country with the NSA spying on everybody's phone calls and license plate readers, and they got everything set up.
And we took free trade, which is part of the communist goals, and used it to build China up from when it was stuck in a bronze age under Mao and made it into a first-rate superpower.
And what I think is going to happen is we're going to go to war, we're going to lose the war, they're going to bring communist occupation forces in here.
And all those idiots you've seen on the street in Austin, you were facing off against, like when we beat the Comicars, headed to burger spots, and every other thing.
And they're just going to subjugate this country completely.
We'll be part of a global, communist, one-world government.
The old-timers used to tell me this 30 years ago, and I didn't believe it, but now everything they talked about has happened so far, and what the weathermen talked about, and they're activating communist cells all over this country to go absolutely haywire this summer and attack everybody.
Well, I know this.
The police, obviously us, anything that was part of the old government, anything that was part of the old system, anybody that defends the republic.
And they're gearing up this summer to go crazy.
And I just say thank God for the Second Amendment.
Because it's not going to go well if they pull this for the first few waves of trash.
But you gotta look at our government, Alex.
Look at Obama, his communist connections.
All the people around him are communists.
I know, I know, and they're always telling us communism doesn't exist.
There's not, I mean, every time communists do some horrible thing, the media will call me and go, Alex, communists, really?
Communists attacked you?
Those don't exist, Alex.
As we go communist, as we go socialist, as we go totalitarian, they keep saying, oh really?
Nothing's happening.
Well, undoubtedly,
They're preparing the communists to go haywire this summer.
They're going to stir stuff up.
There are hundreds of gangland shootings every few days.
The cops are going to get paranoid, scared, outgunned.
They're going to kill innocent people in the crossfire, in the friendly fire.
It's going to happen.
You got a lot of thug cops as well.
They're going to make it worse and it's going to blow up.
You can really... And the communists are wild-eyed now.
They've gotten the word that this is their time.
I've been dealing with these people for 20-something years.
And I'm telling you, the communists have a gleam in their eye.
They're making their move, John.
Communist goals, the communist rules for revolution, the planks of the communist manifesto has all been carried out.
Just go up there and look at them.
You can search them on the web.
Everything in there has been carried out on this country.
And the fact that Bush, all those neocons that Bush had around him were all considered proxy-a communists.
I mean, they've been controlled.
I mean, they're in control all the way up to the soil.
And that's why they've put in all the Republican leaders like Boehner and others.
That's a minion of Mr. Globalist Newt Gingrich that will go along with everything.
Well, it was like a tip of a festering servile pus.
Well, I mean, these people are sick.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
It is like the tip of a big, rotting corpse.
You can smell the stench of death on those people, too, man.
Just over the top.
I kill my babies.
Oh, I love Satan.
I love being dirty.
I love it.
We're going to Red Terror you, giggling.
Yeah, you're going to find out, Red Terror.
As if those useful idiots will ever be part of any power structure.
And again, it's not going to be a communist takeover.
Let's get that straight.
The communists are going to be the detonators for civil unrest.
That's why communists always want to get rid of the death penalty.
As General Parton taught me, part of the communist takeover program is they want to be able to get their people out once they've taken over.
They want to be able to not have charges on them when they kill cops and stuff.
That's why the police have got to prosecute bad cops.
They've got to not be federalized and realize the attack plan.
And then we have to stand with good departments when they're under federal attack, because it's not federal, it's globalist.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Canada on George Soros.
Tom, you're on the air.
I just want to talk about the Chinese government.
I mean, any government that's just forcing abortions on the woman,
You know, a little messed up.
So, if the U.S.
ends up going to war with China one day, I mean, it's possible, man.
That'd be crazy, but look at your military budget.
$650 billion a year, something like that.
So, I wouldn't be too worried about that.
But also, I want to talk to you about climate change.
I think you're a smart guy, but you got a blind spot with climate change.
Sea levels are probably going to start rising pretty dramatically in about 15-20 years.
And I know you got some good points about climate change and stuff.
You know information about it, but I still just don't really think you know what's totally going on with that.
Sure, well let me say this, let me say this.
When the Earth was warming until about a decade ago, the ice caps of Mars were melting too.
And then now they're growing again.
And Al Gore said the Arctic would be gone by 2013.
It's bigger than ever recorded by the satellites over it.
And that's admitted.
But if the sea levels were going up, the answer isn't paying Al Gore carbon taxes, or Obama, or George Soros, who own the big carbon trading facilities in London and Chicago.
So, that's my issue there.
I mean, they're in the news saying flooding in Texas.
Uh, is because of global warming.
We always go through cycles of flash flooding in Central Texas.
When I was in high school here, it basically rained for a year straight almost.
And then it went into, I mean, it's just a cycle.
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You see, we've had it good so long.
We've been relatively wealthy, prosperous, and at peace so long with a volunteer military that has, by and large, been a corporate globalist tool to secure resources for multinationals.
And then we end up holding the bill.
Sometimes the war's legitimate, sometimes it's not.
But in almost every case, the economic gains we don't even see.
I mean, if you're going to have an empire, at least have some of the spoils come back to the old system.
The homeland.
And I'm not endorsing an imperial system like the British Empire, but at least a lot of its spoils did come back to England.
Back to what became the United Kingdom.
Nowadays, we pay to take over Iraq and break it up, and the Chinese government and the French government and others got the oil.
The French, who weren't even part of it.
And the Chinese.
You see the sick joke?
We can't even have that Canadian oil.
It's being trained by Warren Buffett out to the coast of Canada, the West Coast, to be sent to China.
Everything's being strategically done to shut us down.
And the Pentagon's main enemy
is its own veterans.
That should be a big wake-up call.
And I keep harping on that to point out we've been taken over.
If a foreign power took over your government, who would their number one enemy be?
Let me think.
The veterans.
Oh yes, because
The government that's taken over the globalist system is going to do horrible things, ladies and gentlemen, like taking the pension funds and arresting political prisoners.
And they know it's going to get so bad, veterans are going to get sick of it and will fight.
They'll have local police brainwashed and ready and federalized to then go after the local vets.
That will exhaust and break down local government and then later, just like Iraq was weakened,
And ISIS came in, the UN will come in with a multinational force.
Under global receivership, we'll be blamed for the global derivatives.
We'll be blamed for everything.
We're being set up for that.
And then we will be occupied and broken in a bunch of pieces as economic redevelopment zones under a North American Union.
But it'll all be sold, not as an invasion, but as helpers.
Communist China is going to build the new rail lines and administer them and own them and run them and tax you.
And the California governor is saying, thank you, Chinese leaders.
That's how sick this is.
We're going to go back to your phone calls with Mad Max, Cory, Chris, Richie, and others.
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Stay with us, third hour, straight up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Cory and then Road Warrior and others, or Mad Max as he's known.
Cory in Illinois, go ahead, you're on the air.
What do you think's happening with this massive acceleration towards war with China and Russia?
A lot of this stuff's been saber-rattling in the past for the military industrial complex, but now they're making really provocative moves in Ukraine.
The Chinese are making super provocative moves towards the West.
What do you make of this?
Hey Alex, first of all, I'm a pastor here in Southern Illinois, and I just want to thank you for your spiritual discernment on all of this that's happening.
I think you know more than anybody else that there's a spiritual force behind this more than just what meets the eye.
Yes, it is an evil force that wants us to kill each other.
Right, absolutely.
And I just want to say, too, that I realize that there's a lot of my brothers and sisters that are evangelicals that are becoming decadent, just like everybody else.
There still are some of us that are preaching the truth and see what's going on.
So answer my question, why do you think evangelicals out of all the Christian groups are being lumped in as terrorists?
I think because there are some of us that know.
I mean, you know your history probably better than most people, probably 90% of the people in the United States.
One of the people groups that the British feared the most were the preachers.
In fact, they called them the Black Robe Regiment because they could inspire people and stir the people up to realize that there was
More than just filling your belly and being entertained.
There's more to life than that.
And I think that's why they're lumped in with some of that group.
And that's why they're being co-opted like every other group.
Oh, exactly.
I mean, I like evangelicals.
I was brought up, you know, part of the time going to evangelical churches.
That and Baptist churches and others, but...
It's just at the same time, I see so many evangelicals kind of are mainline now, establishment, name it and claim it.
They've been kind of compromised.
But I think it is the spirit of real evangelicals that threatens the system.
Because the system is so devilish, they hate that Holy Spirit.
You're 100% right there.
And I just want you to know, we're praying for you.
We're putting news articles in front of our congregation.
We're praying about stuff that's going on in the world.
We're trying to wake people up to realize that what the Bible said, a lot of this stuff has fallen right in line with it.
Oh, I mean, if this doesn't get... I mean, look, if this doesn't make people realize it's a spiritual war, look at everything being manifest, just as the Bible said it would.
It is just so crazy.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
Mad Max in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Then Chris.
Yeah, I was hoping maybe you could get Joe Biggs to ask the commie agitators there whether or not they foresee or hope for a Bolshevik-style revolution in America.
And, you know, I remember seeing the movie Red Dawn when I was a teenager.
I think it came out in 84, perhaps 85.
You know, I didn't really, you know, I was very unsophisticated back then in my thinking, but you know, the only way you could really get away with something like that, an invading force, is to actually have traitors.
You know, we would have to have traitors within our own government.
Uh, and throughout our own society in order for them to really be able to get away with it, I think.
And of course, uh, I've learned over the years that we actually do have all those people in place.
Oh, we've got the local communists, uh, you know, trying to say where I live and stuff.
They're so stupid.
They're saying other Alex Joneses and about how, you know, I'm gonna, you know, have the red terror and all this.
And so here's how this works.
All this stuff kicks off.
We all know who the enemy is.
It just comes down to that and we know they're coming for us.
Yeah, and I think they'll use the American forces under the American flag so far as they can get away with that and get the American forces to go along.
They can supplement those with the blue helmets, you know, the United Nations forces under the blue flag.
And then, you know, I don't know, it sounds kind of far-fetched, but I could see them maybe possibly bringing, you know, millions of Chinese, hundreds of millions of Chinese troops in.
Anything flies now, the government gets away with everything.
You'd be racist if you weren't for Chinese communist troops in your house.
I never used to believe that, but so many folks told me that was the plan.
It bent on the inside, I would just roll my eyes, and now you just see it all unfolding.
The communists are lining up, they're getting fired up, they're getting ready.
They believe this summer is their time, and it's all White House-directed.
Thank you, Mad Max.
President Obama has said in the past that we must find the proper balance between security of our nation and the privacy of our citizens.
But with numerous whistleblowers coming out, including but not limited to Edward Snowden, Wayne Madsen, and of course William Binney, who tell us that the NSA is doing more than checking Al Qaeda's Gmail accounts, it's about time that somebody held the president's feet to the fire.
Appearing on CBS, Rand Paul noted, here's the thing about the president.
He's disingenuous about this.
The president started this program through executive order.
He could end it anytime.
The senator also noted that the NSA bulk collection was recently ruled illegal by a federal appellate panel.
Why doesn't he stop it?
What's he waiting for, Mr. Paul said.
He says, oh, Congress can stop it.
He started it on his own.
He should stop it.
And I've asked the president repeatedly, stop the program.
But as we all know, that hasn't happened.
You can find more reports on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Fortune favors the bold.
That's the catchphrase, the slogan of the Special Air Services, the model of special forces worldwide.
And yes, I in my life have been very bold in the fight for freedom.
At least bold compared to others.
I don't think I've been bold enough, quite frankly.
And I've had a lot of success because I was bold.
It separated me from the rest of the herd.
Plus, we're fighting bold activities by the globalists.
Only bold actions are going to really have an effect and break through.
Well, the New World Order knows that fortune favors the bold.
They are just warp speed right now, pulling on all the stops, doing stuff that's over the top, stuff that I just can't believe.
And I really think Joel Skousen's right.
They want to get us into a nuclear war, have that selectively take out the major military centers, roll out the secret weapons, defeat the Russians and the Chinese, maybe keep the Chinese halfway alive militarily, and then create a new bipolar world, not a tripolar world, and then finally create a unipolar world government based on the ashes of that.
But the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
I'm going to get Rodney Stitch on for a full hour special report very soon on the nightly news.
He's with us till about 40 after.
Then I'll go to Chris and Richie and Malik and many others that are patiently holding on the nuclear war news that the Pentagon is talking about, the Chinese government's threatening and just all the craziness that's happening.
But Rodney Stitch is a very interesting person.
I'll tell you about him in just a moment.
But before I go any further, I want to read these quotes again, just because I think they illustrate everything we're facing.
The first quote comes from Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero.
This is before the birth of Christ in the time of Julius Caesar.
I guess about 55, 60 years before the time of Christ.
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleyways, heard in the very halls of government itself.
But the traitor appears not a traitor.
He speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears the face and arguments.
He appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation.
He works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city.
George Soros.
He infects the body politics so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to fear.
And as we convert into a corrupt society, we have economies based on baloney, so productivity falls.
And the answer is more government, more regulation, more taxes.
And so the producers become less and less.
And so the society sinks.
Barry Goldwater, quote, on the Trilateral Commission.
Senator Barry Goldwater, presidential Republican nominee.
In 19 what, 19?
They killed Kennedy in 63 in an election.
After that, when did he run for president?
Was it in 64 or 68?
You have to look it up.
The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interest by seizing control of the political government of the United States.
The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful coordinate effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power, political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.
What the Trilateral Commission intends to create is a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved.
As managers and creditors of the system, they will rule the future.
Barry Goldwater in his 1964 book with no apologies.
And that was a decade exactly.
I guess he ran against LBJ right after Kennedy got killed and LBJ took over.
He wrote that a decade before the Trilateral Commission was founded the year I was born, 1974.
Because he'd been in the Senate meetings when they were pushing all this through the Council on Foreign Relations.
What is trilateral?
The trifecta, unos, dos, tres, tri, three, tricycle, tri, North American Union, Asian Union, European Union, all started by trade deals, all secret.
The EU deals were secret.
Why do we put up with this?
This didn't happen until just a decade ago or so in the US, but in Europe they were able to do it.
England is in the EU and can't get out and never had a vote.
People go, well don't worry, the U.S.
created the U.N.
and runs all this.
Not the U.S., the robber barons!
It officially was founded in July 73, but didn't really get funded and didn't have a building until 74, so technically the year before I was born.
A pointless factoid, but just correcting myself.
Now joining us until about 40 after, just to look into one area of this,
Notice it was aviation that rolled over to the TSA taking over and now it's the model to take over every other sector of transportation and the economy in general under InfraGard, under infrastructure protection of the TSA.
With the DEA there stealing money out of your wallet.
As after set forfeiture seizure.
Rodney Stich could do 10 hours with us.
I want him to just give us the basic overview today and then come back on in a few weeks for a full hour.
Unfriendly Skies is a history of aviation disasters, 1959-11.
The following could be subjects to break down.
The series of world record aviation disasters in the United States after the end of World War II.
The crash in New York City on December 16, 1960, the world's worst.
Salt Lake City crash and his heavy involvement.
The reason why the FAA was called the Tombstone Agency
The practice of cover-ups by the political NTSB.
And see, once they're corrupt, you can pull a 9-11.
The life-and-death assessment given to him to halt the serious problems.
An airline having the most crashes.
The web of intrigue that followed.
Scandal behind the next world record airline disaster.
The PSA airline plunging into San Diego.
And his role in that, the abandonment of the Federal Aviation Agency, where he worked, scandal behind the bombing and prosecution of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, scandal behind the downing of TWA Flight 800, the scandal behind the hijackings of 9-11, lawsuit against the FAA, lawsuit against the NTSB, and why he wrote books on aviation disasters, 20 of them!
Again, we can't do justice today with him.
He'll be back on the nightly news.
Rodney Stich is an American author and former Federal Aviation Authority investigators.
His work led him to understand there was major corruption at the heart of aviation business.
He was in Iran when the CIA brought down the destabilization of Mohammad Mosaddegh to start that whole thing.
He joins us now.
Rodney, thank you so much for coming on, sir.
You know, in fact, I've got callers on hold.
We'll just do the rest of the hour.
And then I'll just have to go to calls tomorrow, or I'll go to overdrive.
We'll see what happens, but we at least need 45 minutes.
Sir, thank you so much for joining us.
Hi, Alex.
That was quite an area you covered there.
Well, you're an amazing individual.
Spend a few minutes telling us about yourself, your awakening, and we'll come back and dive into wherever you want to go first.
Well, let me just give you a quick rundown on my background here.
I hate to show my age, but I was a naval aviator, a patrol plane commander in World War II.
Thereafter, I was an international airline captain, pretty much in all types of operations.
And for the purpose of this show,
What would be especially interesting is my time flying Muslim pilgrims from throughout the Middle East to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
And this is where I found myself into a CIA revolution where I needed a machine gun escort to take me and my co-pilot from the hotel out to our plane.
After that period of time, I went with the FAA, and this is at a time when airline disasters were a common event, sometimes every few months.
And one of the major air disasters that was occurring was a DC-8 that crashed into the Brooklyn area of New York City.
There was a big scandal behind that.
The FAA small, the safety segment, and we have the political segment too, you know, the safety segment sent me up to a politically powerful airline that was having a lot of crashes, including the one in New York City.
And it was more or less a life and death assignment.
And it didn't take me long to discover the problems.
And then I came under attack as I tried to correct them.
And the attacks were from the political end of the FAA.
And during these attacks, three more crashes occurred.
And crashes are kind of horrific at times.
So other inspectors said, look, Rod, you can't fight the system.
But if I didn't do something, this would go on.
So I did some very unusual things.
First, I used the law in such a way that I acted as an independent prosecutor.
And there were several weeks of court-like proceedings that followed.
The Administrative Law Judge was simply an aviation ignorant attorney on the staff of the FAA Administrator.
So he covered up, and then the head of the FAA Sky Marshal program was so outraged by it, he urged me to send a report to the FAA Administrator and he would sign it, which was done.
Um, of course, at this time now, this is a major scandal, because we had a number of people, uh, die, and here I'm getting, uh, here is all the evidence.
Aviation expert, aviation historian, Rodney Stitch, stay there.
We're starting at the beginning to understand how aviation has become so incredibly corrupt.
Uh, for those that don't know, he's an icon in aviation research.
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See, a lot of folks think that, oh, so what if this agency's corrupt and that agency's corrupt?
Well, then corruption doesn't tend, it always, historically, rots and grows and gets more out of control and more wild and more insane until your whole government collapses.
And now look at the FAA today.
I mean, famously corrupt.
And I want to get into 9-11 with our guest.
I want to get into, I mean, he's a famous guy.
If you go research aviation disasters, one of the first investigators, World War II vet, pilot, you name it.
So he's hired to go in there.
Good people in the agency supported him.
He'd gotten up to that point.
Why were all these
Well, the Japanese flag is one that I recovered
Toward the end of the war, I was flying a four-engine privateer out of Tinian to a little island called Marcus Island.
And I happened to find a flag there, so I brought it back.
Incidentally, after the end of the war, I flew for a while for Japan Airlines.
And many of my co-pilots were former Japanese wartime Navy pilots.
So here we have a cockpit, and this is even before the Peace Treaty took effect in I think it was 52.
Here you have
Japanese and American wartime pilots in the same cockpit.
So it's kind of interesting, I thought.
But the Japanese were pretty honorable.
I mean, once the war was over, they didn't generally double-cross, did they?
In some ways, I thought they were more honorable than some of the people I ran into in the U.S.
And I think I even have mentioned that in some of my writing.
Incidentally, the 20 books are on all areas of government corruption, based upon what I, and I have over a period of years,
By writing books and being on hundreds of radio and television programs, starting back in 1978.
Oh, I know.
I mean, I've read books from back in the 80s and stuff, where it'll quote, you know, Rodney Stitch.
I mean, you've been involved.
I should have introduced you as an icon of the Liberty Movement, but a lot of young folks may not know who you are.
I mean, you, what is your view about the planetary situation right now?
Let's get a big wide view, then we'll zoom into aviation.
Who's taking over?
What's happening?
What's your view?
Well, that's an area you're far more qualified than I am, Alex.
I've been sticking pretty much to the hardcore corruption that I and others have developed or discovered.
And I leave it up to people like you to come up with an analysis of what is behind all this.
It's amazing.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up, but let's get back to the point before the break.
You're in there.
You're the top federal investigator on some of these crashes.
You write your reports.
You're told basically shut up, but some other folks in the FAA, they support you.
They sign the document.
It gets sent to the full, you know, head of the FAA.
Please continue.
Well, what happened then?
I sent a letter to the FDA saying I refused to work under these deadly conditions and I'm resigning.
So I then returned to California and
I started writing books to inform the public of these things because everywhere I went, well I know, during all these accidents when I was fighting the system, I notified a number of members of Congress.
This was in about 65.
I did get one thing accomplished.
They abandoned the Federal Aviation Agency.
But, and then renamed it the Federal Aviation Administration, but it's the same personnel and the same culture.
So the crash has continued for a number of years, and it eventually greatly reduced in frequency due to other conditions, improved engines and things like that.
However, occasionally, like on 9-11,
People don't realize the FAA did have a role in that.
But anyhow, what started happening is that I started receiving information from
Former CIA people, CIA people that were involved in like... Hold on, we're gonna come right back on that point.
Rodney Stich, WikiLeaksUSA.org.
I talk about a hardcore investigator.
He's hit.
World War II vet, stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Wherever children can be found having good, clean fun, you can rest assured there's a control freak not far behind trying to ruin their childhood.
As was the case in Pennsylvania, where a teen was ordered to tear down a treehouse because their neighbor complained.
At first, I thought it was a joke.
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So then, I got really sad.
And it is sad.
People complain that teens spend too much time in front of their cell phones and video games.
But when they go out and actually have physical activity, some people find that to be unacceptable.
This was echoed earlier this year, when a family was forced to remove a cardboard fort from their own front yard.
I had warm, positive memories from my childhood about sports and thought it was a great way to spark imaginations away from the TV, the father said.
But no, that also was unacceptable.
You can find more reports on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I will do some overdrive today to go to folks that have been holding the longest like Chris.
...and Malik, and Richie, and Dave, and Frank.
I'll do as much as it takes to get to everybody.
Rodney Stitch is our guest, WikiLeaksUSA.org.
He's the type of guy that we ought to just fly out to Austin sometime to be in studio.
I mean, a World War II vet, combat vet, flying around during the Pacific during all that craziness, and then just a consummate whistleblower from the beginning.
And then his book that I have read is simply amazing.
Unfriendly Skies, his work on 9-11, Scandal Behind the Hijackings of 9-11, TWA Flight 800, he was early on, said that was bull, of course it's come out, that's bull.
The FBI put journalists in prison that exposed it was a continuous rod warhead and the rest of it.
I had General Parton on who developed the continuous rod warhead, the head of Air Force Weapons Development.
Before he then headed the entire Air Force.
We've had multiple former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
We've had top admirals, top generals, General Partin.
I think about the amazing guests we've had on the show.
It's just mind-blowing.
We had the former technical head of the NSA, William Binion, probably 10 times or more.
Including in studio.
I'm not bragging!
People keep saying, though, if this was going on in government, we'd hear about it.
We do!
It does come out.
The reason I'm saying the government's not our enemy is as bad as the government is and overrun with corrupt interest, on average, people in government are more awake than the general public.
Does that mean there aren't giant swaths of bad people in government?
Absolutely, it's there.
But again, why is Homeland Security saying they're worried about veterans?
Because nine times out of ten, when somebody's really fighting tyranny effectively, it's gotta be nine times out of ten, it's a veteran.
Because they at least have some sense of duty, some sense of, even if the war they were in was wrong, or partially wrong, depending on which war, it doesn't matter.
They're people that are willing to go fight.
They're people that aren't cowards.
They're people that believe in something.
And believing in something is better than nothing in this world.
I'm ranting.
We're going to go to Rodney Stitch in just a moment.
Found all his books at WikiLeaksUSA.org.
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Okay, Rodney Stitch, you've got the floor as best I can.
World War II vet, former FAA criminal investigator,
You know, in there trying to find out what's happening.
You expose it.
They refuse to change it, but change the name of the agency.
Of all these scandals you witnessed, the stuff you saw with the CIA, you said the CIA started to bring you information.
You got cut off by the break.
Continue there and then let's segue into 9-11.
As I started to say, the publicity from appearing on shows and the books
I started 20 or 30 years of people coming to me.
FBI agents who were in key operations, especially in the Middle East, who would report to me, and we were talking back and forth for years about the CIA drug smuggling, October Surprise, Iran-Contra, how we were subverting different governments.
Um, even a couple of mafia people, and eventually, um...
We'll probably get into one mafia person who had more to do with being able to prevent 9-11, but that's for a little bit later.
But at any rate, with all of this information and seeing the consequences, I felt I had to do something.
I think I should have my head examined for feeling that.
But nevertheless, what I did, since I was experiencing cover-up
Everywhere, I figured, well, there's a federal crime reporting statute that says if you know of a federal crime, you've got to report it to a federal judge or any other federal official.
So I said, well, OK, I'll file a federal action, which I did, a number of them.
And that turned out kind of interesting, especially the one I
Uh, filed just before 9-11 and even more interesting, the two that I filed after 9-11.
But anyhow, there's a tremendous amount of information and, uh, I can't understand, uh, the, so much corruption that exists and the total cover-up by the media and the people are suffering just like
I go into details on how we generated the hatred in the Middle East, and then I go into the corruption that enabled a series of terrorist attacks to occur.
And this is factual.
I try to avoid any conspiracy theories.
Let's go with what's admitted, which is an incredible amount.
Well, let's talk about the particular books and articles where you break down what happened with 9-11 from your perspective and research, your angle, and then leading that into the larger issue of the Middle East and where it's all going.
Okay, can I give you an introduction on how it could have been prevented?
Well, first of all, the CIA had a role in that, but a more criminal role, complicity was involved in that, and that is with the Department of Justice.
I happen to have about a 10-year continual communication with a mole in the Al-Qaeda cell.
He was a mole in the cell headed by Ramfi Youssef.
Being a former New York City Mafia member, Youssef thought he also wanted to undermine the United States.
So Youssef started giving him quite a bit of information on al-Qaeda activities, including information on several planned al-Qaeda attacks that did occur.
Are you talking about Ahmad Salam?
I'm talking about Gregory Scarborough Jr., whose father was Mafia capo, and his father and FBI agents in the New York City offices were involved in murders, just as was occurring in Boston.
And Boston had a little more publicity.
The murders in the New York City offices
We're pretty well kept quiet by the media.
But anyhow, the mole and his New York City attorney was advising FBI agents of the planned attack as he was receiving the information.
Well, Washington deep-sixed the information, and the reason they did that, they were planning to discredit
This young mafia individual who is about to testify in several murder trials about the murders that his father committed with the help of specific people in the FBI office.
So he was going to expose something like the Whitey Bulger situation but going on in New York?
That is correct.
So since the Department of Justice was planning to discredit the sworn testimony he was given, now they're confronted with the same fellow providing insider information.
So apparently they decided to cover up.
So the advance information they were having, that they were receiving, was one, the plan
Bombing or the plan taking down of a airline and departing New York City.
The basis for that, they thought, and this is what Ramsey used to thought, was it would bring about a mistrial.
He was undergoing trial for the World Trade Center bombing and the plan
I think?
I have, I go into great detail about the 9-11 and I go into how easy it would have been to prevent it.
The primary reason for preventing it, for the terrorists being able to get on the aircraft
Or the flight attendants had keys.
Well, it was obvious to any street thug that all they had to do was get the key from a mostly female flight attendant.
They can go in the cockpit and confront the crew.
But then the Department of Justice, now that was criminal.
So what I did, after that happened, I filed a federal lawsuit.
First I filed it in a federal court in Washington D.C.
And this is on the basis of the Federal Crime Reporting Statute.
And they refused to file it, when they had a mandatory duty to do so.
So then I submitted it for filing in New York City, and Judge Michael McCasey, he refused to file it.
It wasn't until about a year later, when I notified every member
of the Supreme Court justices of the latest obstruction of justice by federal judges that then my action was filed and then within a few minutes they dismissed it.
So they didn't want this information to get out.
Now, if you want to go into more detail than anywhere, but that's my, uh, the information I have as to that portion of it.
In my books, of course, I go into it.
Bottom line, what do you think really happened on 9-11?
I mean, we know there was a stand-down.
We know Saudi Arabia was bare minimum involved.
Obviously, I've shown evidence that goes further, but we just go with what we can prove.
Now the cover-up has been admitted.
They admit the 28 pages.
This whole thing should be reopened now, when you've got the former head of the commission saying there was a cover-up.
Oh, well now, infinitely...
The 9-11 Commission was pretty well controlled by the same Department of Justice people who were involved in the deep-sixing.
And I go into quite a bit of details on that, both on the internet site and in books.
Now, the areas you talk about, I have no information on that, so I avoid that.
Sure, sure, I understand.
Let me raise this.
What about the airline that went down right after 9-11?
We'll put it on screen for TV viewers.
American Airlines Flight 587 that so many witnesses said looked like it had its engine blown off as it took off there from JFK.
Do you have any intel on that Airbus 300 situation?
Yes, both on the internet site and in my books I go into that quite a bit.
That was the usual cover-up whereby the NTSB said there was light turbulence when the plane took off, so the tail ripped off.
Tails don't rip off that easily.
But what I have, I have the statements made by numerous people on the ground.
These are professionals, firemen or policemen, who report seeing an explosion and
Uh, in the area of the rear baggage compartment.
So, what happened on that plane, of course, it took off from JFK, and shortly thereafter, it goes down, the explosion occurs, one or two engines rip off, and the tail rips off.
That's what I was about to say.
I remember at the time, it was even in local papers with cops and firemen and citizens saying the planes blew up, pieces going everywhere, in the sky,
Thousands of feet in the air after takeoff, and then they spin it and go, that's a conspiracy theory, the back tail just fell off.
Clearly this was a secondary terrorist attack, in my view.
Oh yes, and I agree with that, and I would presume the system did not want to be reflected as having another terrorist attack occur.
It would, of course, reflect badly on the system.
And the same thing if the information that I and all of my sources, and we're all professionals, if this was known
The scandal would go far beyond 9-11.
As a matter of fact, I'll briefly make reference to the fact
I sued a number of the federal judges because of their cover-up.
Years of cover-up.
Well, listen, this is what it comes down to, my friend.
Let me give out your website for folks, because I'm going to come back and hit a few final calls.
Wikileaks, USA.org, Bodney Stitch.
I want to prepare a bunch of specific questions for you, send them to you ahead of time, because you're an amazing brain, and have you on for the full hour of the nightly news as part of a special report in the next few weeks.
Your books and more can be found at WikiLeaksUSA.org, but just like they claim the tail fell off, never happened before, or the buildings fell from fire, physics were suspended in and around 9-11.
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Thank you for tuning in today.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We've got this last segment in the main broadcast.
Only five minutes more to finish up with calls for Chris and Richie and Malik and Frank and others.
One thing is for certain.
We do not live in boring times.
We live in interesting times, to re-quote the Chinese proverb.
China is such a bubble, they are creating a new billionaire every week.
But a billionaire in this inflationary currency situation is not a billionaire.
Just like somebody worth a million dollars in the 30s will be a billion dollars today in the aggregate.
It is a very strange system that we live in.
I mean, soon a five-bedroom house pretty much anywhere in the country will be, you know, millions of dollars.
But what if you got five, six kids?
I mean, it's just... But the wages aren't going up, but the cost is going up.
So California, L.A.
passes a $15 an hour minimum wage.
That'll just cause more inflation.
But I'm digressing, let's go to your calls.
Chris in South Carolina, thanks for holding.
You want to talk about H.R.
112, Bill.
Tell us about that.
Well, it's something I discovered just doing a little bit of research, and Alabama's the one that's pushing it.
But it's supposed to allow them to put limits on the fiscal spending of federal government, allow them to put
What is it saying?
Well that's great, what's your point on the bill specifically?
I believe they were saying it needed 13 other states and I noticed that they weren't getting that much view on it and I was just wondering do you think it's something that people should support or not?
Are you talking about a constitutional convention?
They were trying to go that direction and then decided against it or something more or less to
Basically try to limit the federal government within their state from, you know, from like how long they could actually serve a term.
Sure, sure.
I'm familiar with that.
I've seen that before.
Look, these con cons are very, very dangerous because anytime you get one, then it opens it up for anything to be done.
At the same time, my view on those has softened a little bit because the feds are so gone that almost anything would be better because they're just doing it all by fiat.
But we do need to hold Congress accountable, hold the executive accountable, hold the judiciary as well.
And the question is, how do you do that when they're acting in unison with a rogue plan to bring us into a planetary government?
I appreciate your call, Chris.
Richie in New York.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Okay, Alex, maybe that goes on to what I want to ask you.
How about, they sue for everything.
Why can't we do the same thing?
You know what I'm saying?
You have, here, UBC, dealing with the Business with the Enemy Act in 1944.
You know what I'm saying?
That's a great point.
A lot of these multinational corporations that are based here trade with all of our enemies.
And if they catch a U.S.
citizen giving to a charity that gives money to some terror group, you go to jail, why don't these big corporations get in trouble?
Again, the cops are trained, the bureaucracies are trained to only go after little guys.
We're good to go.
I'm saying we the people, we are the people, we are the government.
Where can we draw the line and say alright?
Well listen, I think lawsuits properly prepared at the state and federal level are the way to go.
The globalists are scared of them, that's why they call it paper terrorism, but it's not.
I mean, if it's frivolous and not directed correctly, it's frivolous.
But I think it's a great thing to do.
I mean, look at how a bunch of ambulance-chasing lawyers have screwed stuff up.
Well, what about patriots filing lawsuits?
That certainly draws attention to what's happening and does have an effect, so I think it's a great idea.
But more importantly, voting with our dollars.
Boycotting establishment companies, supporting companies and individuals and groups that are promoting freedom.
That's one of our biggest powers we've got left.
Alex, also, like you said, I've heard you say before, Third Continental Congress or whatever it was you had said before.
How about a realignment?
How about a realignment that excludes the pulling the rug out?
No, I hear you.
The feds are illegitimate.
We have to educate folks about that first.
Stay with us.
Overdraft coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
New headline up at Infowars.com.
Wealthy installing safe rooms to prepare for civil unrest.
Demand for expensive bulletproof home shelters more than doubles.
That's what we've told you about a lot until it hit mainstream news like the New York Times and the London Guardian.
They're also relocating to areas of the Pacific Ocean.
Why did the globalists do this?
Because they just can't control themselves.
They all want to steal and do things that help them individually, but in the end bring down the whole society.
They just don't have a sense of you reap what you sow.
Don't do bad things, they come back on you.
Malik in California, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Okay, he's not there.
I will go ahead now and go to Frank in Ohio, you're on the air, go ahead Frank.
Alex, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
Alright brother, tell me what you're thinking.
I'm thinking that, you know, they want to talk about the Constitution.
The judge up on a stand the other day here in Cleveland wants to talk about the Constitution for the cop and this and that.
What about them being out of their jurisdiction when they went chasing after those two travelers in that car?
Well, what happens is a lot of cops who aren't even bad people just shouldn't be cops and get too adrenaline rushing once they chase somebody.
And then he just jumped out of the car like he was Superman and jumped on their hood and killed them in cold blood when they were unarmed.
And it's scary.
I mean, people say, well, do what the cop says and you won't die.
And see, as society unravels, there'll be more and more of an instinct to either hate the cops or back them no matter what they do.
We need to understand that we're being played off against each other.
But what's your take on the cop not getting in trouble?
The cop not getting in trouble, it's more corporate overreach where they have more rights than the people do anymore.
Well, I mean, all the time cops kill white people in the wrong, and there's cover-ups or whatever, and it's terrible, or Hispanics.
The difference is, Al Sharpton and the media tell blacks it's because they're black, and I'm sure sometimes it is, but most of the time it's the paramilitary training.
Most of the time, it is just the whole shoot first, ask questions later mentality, and then that's being exacerbated.
But at the same time, when government more and more becomes above the law, you're going to see people taking the law into their own hands.
But what's crazy is folks that want to go after the police, they'll just randomly go shoot some cop in the head.
I mean, that's what's so stupid about this.
I mean, if you think somebody killed your brother wrongfully, I'm not saying do this, but you would end up trying to find who actually did it.
Not randomly, but it's like some of these racist black folks that go out and find a white person.
Well, I'm mad a cop killed a black guy, so I'm going to go kill an old white lady.
Well, I mean, that'd be like if a black guy, you know, killed a white woman.
Let's just go randomly find a black guy and kill him.
It's just mindless, tribal, gang-type thinking, but that's what the media instills and programs into people.
The cops haven't been taught the laws.
They know the legal, but they don't know the lawful.
Well, I'll tell you, the biggest thing is that every cop show I watch is just cops torturing and killing and beating people up for no reason.
And situationally, with a situational ethic, it's almost always right that they did it.
Well, cops are watching this, believing then, if they feel like it, they can do it.
It's mind control is what it is.
Plus, there's more cameras, so it's creating a perception that there's a massive increase in this.
Uh, and really there's not, because violent crime has dropped so much because of gun ownership.
There's less bad situations.
There probably is an increase in cops overreaching, but if you add that in to the fact that there's less violence total, uh, it appears to be flat or actually lowering overall police misconduct.
And I made a real study of it.
Doesn't mean that it shouldn't be dealt with.
It isn't a problem.
But it's not as big as the dollar in trouble, World War III looming, cancer viruses in the vaccines, 17 million black babies aborted.
I mean, we've got a lot of big issues here.
George Soros isn't setting my agenda to hate the cops.
That's all I'm saying.
There's a reason that's being done.
But I hear you, Frank.
That judge is out of control.
That cop should have got in trouble for what he did.