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Filename: 20150422_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 22, 2015
2419 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015.
We have Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us in the second hour, and we're going to be talking about the war on cash.
As we mentioned yesterday, we have the Chief Economist for Citibank talking about how he wants to abolish cash.
Well, the government has an agenda in this as well.
And we see repeatedly that both the government and the big corporations, the big banks, the ones who are working on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the ones who are trying to ban cash, to confiscate cash, to abolish the use of cash, they're working hand-in-glove with each other on a single agenda.
We talk about this every day, but every day we see new aspects coming out about this.
And of course today we're going to talk in a little bit more detail about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, about essentially banning ownership.
That's what's really behind this.
It was when the IMF started helping European countries after World War II.
They were giving them loans to rebuild their infrastructure after the war.
When Robert McNamara went to the IMF, they started making loans to these countries, giving them money for welfare programs, for an entitlement state.
And people accused them of being rent seekers, seeking to turn these people into essentially serfs or sharecroppers who are going to be permanently indebted
That is what the bankers and the multinational corporations have been seeking to do to all of us.
And it has never been more clear than when you look at what the car manufacturers are doing, what the tractor companies are doing.
We're going to talk about that today.
What are they doing to the farmer?
You know, we see that the labor unions seem to be the only ones who are pushing back against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
They're coming out.
They've got Obama's Labor Secretary is coming out and Thomas Perez saying, don't worry about it.
It's going to be a good deal for you, unlike all the other trade deals that we put in.
This is going to be a real good deal for workers.
But there's a lot of people who just see this as, they buy this argument that it's free trade.
They just see this as opposition from the unions.
We need to understand this is far broader than this.
Farmers need to understand that this is going to be an extension of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
They are going to turn everything into something that you just lease.
Something that you don't own anything.
And we're going to go into detail about how that works.
We've got information from John Deere.
Of course, there's a couple of articles.
One about a month and a half ago on Wired Magazine, a guy who has a site helping people to do it yourself, helping a farmer try to fix his expensive tractor.
It costs $100,000 for this particular tractor, and it's only a midline John Deere tractor, and it's loaded with software.
This thing had a sensor that kept going off on it all the time.
It would make his tractor and his business go down for two days at a time.
So he's trying to help him learn how to disable that sensor so he could run the tractor.
And then he ran into the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
You can't even fix your tractor yourself.
And now they have challenged it, and it's amazing the statements that John Deere and General Motors are making about not only tractors, but about cars.
They want to own everything.
That's a huge part of this thrust with these transatlantic and transpacific partnership agreements, just like the IMF.
They want to turn all of us into tenant farmers.
They want us all to be sharecroppers.
They want us to all be slaves.
You're not going to own anything.
You may make the payments to them for this car, but you will never own it.
Just like you never own your home, as long as you have to pay property taxes.
But we're going to talk about that in detail.
We're also going to talk about
The Koch Brothers are now auditioning Jeb Bush, looks like.
Of course, I guess, is that a conspiracy theory?
That a politician would go to meet some very rich millionaires?
You know, like at Bilderberg?
They were making fun of Infowars yesterday with a very sarcastic article, and yet, today, that's what's going on.
The only difference is, the Koch Brothers, at least, are openly admitting what they're doing.
At Bilderberg, those people are hiding what they're trying to do.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
Have you had a chance to read the article?
US Army forces cadets to wear high heels to promote feminist campaign.
ROTC cadets at Temple University were threatened that their careers would be finished if they refused to participate in a feminist campaign
Supposedly to bring attention to sexual abuse by making men stumble around in shiny red shoes.
It would be one thing if this was voluntary, but that does not appear to be the case.
Info Wars was contacted by a former U.S.
Army service member who told us that his unit was also forced to participate in the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event back in 2011.
And while I may question certain actions our military takes, in no way do I want them to be demoralized into cross-dressing.
I'm sure any foreign aggressors are truly intimidated by seeing our brave fighting men stomp around in pumps.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
We're going to be joined in the second hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to talk about a couple of stories that he's had up in the last today as well as yesterday.
Today, of course, we have the breaking story.
JPMorgan Chase banning storage of cash in its safety deposit boxes.
They don't want you to have cash.
Why is it?
Well, it's because they're going to have negative interest rates.
They've had 0% interest rates, even though they charge you on your credit card 15, 25%, sometimes 50% if you've got a low credit score.
I remember the days when it was illegal to charge more than 10%.
And it should be.
Especially in those days, the banks were paying more than that to get their money printed by the Fed.
They were paying a few percent.
They weren't getting it for zero percent interest rate.
But now they want to quote-unquote stimulate the economy.
This is Keynesian lies being fed to you yet again.
Always used as an excuse, an economic excuse to
Grow government, make government larger, to devalue the value of your cash, the purchasing power of your cash.
Just look at what's happened to our money in the last 100 years.
It's gone down like 99%, so you can buy a penny today.
Penny, I guess, about a hundred years ago, by what a dollar buys today.
So, that's not enough for them.
They have to ban the cash.
And, of course, they're being helped with this by the government, who wants to be able to track everything you do, of course.
That's the fundamental motivation of government anymore.
They want to be able to track what you spend.
They want to be able to track where you go.
That's what the autonomous driving cars are all about.
They want to listen to everything that you do.
They want to completely control you, because if they know everything about you, they can easily control you.
It's a way that they can close a loop.
They can understand if there are lies that they're feeding you through the mainstream media, through the movie companies like Sony.
They can understand if those things are working.
It's a completed feedback loop.
They're not just broadcasting the propaganda anymore.
They can now measure how effective their propaganda is and they can fine-tune that propaganda.
But of course, they want to control the cash, because the cash allows you to get out of the system to be anonymous.
So they're going to find different ways to either abolish it or to tax it.
Because of course, if they start to tax your deposits, then you are going to pull it out and put it in cash.
They understand that.
So they're looking at ways to abolish it.
We're going to talk to Paul about that.
Also, the Patriot Act section
215 is coming up again for reauthorization.
Of course, that was the section that purported to give them the power to do dragnet spying on everybody.
Isn't it ironic that when you look at this bill that's coming up now to extend the authority, this is Senate Bill 1035, a bill to extend authority relating to roving surveillance, access to business records, and individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and they reference the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
Isn't it ironic that the FISA Act of 1978 was created after the exposure of intelligence abuses by the Church Committee?
They were showing how the CIA, under the cloak of national security, had become a lawless criminal organization.
And so, as a reform, they came up with FISA.
Now FISA becomes the justification for them to do dragnet surveillance.
And of course, this is being pushed by Mitch McConnell.
Republicans cannot get enough of the police state, the prison state, the war state.
They're pushing this very hard.
Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr is also a co-sponsor of this.
He is the new Senate Intelligence Chairman.
He thought getting rid of Dianne Feinstein, that position, was good.
Well, you know, you're just jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire because he says he doesn't ever say.
Richard Burr never can envision circumstances under which there would ever be any Senate Intelligence Committee oversight or exposure, I should say, public exposure of what
Our intelligence community is doing.
Whatever they do, he's not going to tell you about it.
Because you don't need to know.
You're just a slave.
You're not a stakeholder.
You're not part of this government.
We're going to track you like cattle.
Just shut up.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has introduced a bill yesterday that would reauthorize the Controversial Surveillance Authority of the Patriot Act until 2020.
And of course, it will pass through there.
Now they point out that
There were movements to try to shut this down and Mitch McConnell led the movement to block any kind of reform of the NSA last year even when he wasn't the majority leader.
They say that, and this is a statement from Patrick Leahy, a Democrat who is opposing this, he said, they're trying to quietly pass straight reauthorization of the bulk collection program that's been proven ineffective and unnecessary.
It is ineffective.
That's what William Binney was saying.
That's why William Binney resigned.
After September 11th, they began this dragnet surveillance.
They started recording everything without any regard to getting search warrants or having justification.
They started doing it domestically.
He and Drake and many others resigned and one of the things that he said was that you're creating a giant haystack that makes it impossible to find a needle.
That's the very point of it.
It is ineffective.
It makes them far more ineffective to find a real threat, but perhaps that's what they want anyway.
If they have another terrorist event, or I should say, when they have another terrorist event, they will use it to grow the security state even further.
He says, and more so, this is Leahy talking about it, they're attempting to do so without the committee process that the majority leader has promised for important legislation.
Yeah, it's being fast-tracked.
They're fast-tracking reauthorization of the surveillance state.
Now, on one level, it really doesn't matter.
It really doesn't matter if they reauthorize Section 215.
Do you think that they really need legal authorization to do anything that they're doing?
Let's listen to Michael Hayden, who went to Washington and Lee University and was speaking to the law students there.
And he was bragging about how he did whatever he wanted.
He didn't need any stinking legislation.
Let's play that clip.
All your talk today about 215.
215 is such a safe haven.
He's just waving his arms like an ass.
I was doing metadata collection under the President's raw Article 2 authorities from October 7th, 2001 forward.
The 215 program doesn't begin with the Patriot Act.
It begins with the private order I got from President Bush.
And we decided it was lawful and consistent with the President's authorities as Commander-in-Chief.
Yeah, there you go.
We don't need any stinking laws.
He said, he's just waving, you know, waving his hands.
I don't need that.
Shaking his head.
Pointing his head.
I had an order from the President.
Do you understand where we are?
We are no longer a nation of law, of rules.
We have a rule by a dictator.
And we have people like Michael Hayden say, hey, I've got an authorization from the President.
This doesn't start with Obama.
Don't give me your partisan nonsense.
This started with George Bush.
It started before him.
It is bipartisan.
All of these guys do this.
It doesn't matter.
It didn't even start with George W. Bush.
It goes way back beyond that.
But they openly admit it.
He gets up before a bunch of law students, law students, and basically brags about how he doesn't need a law from Congress.
That would be unconstitutional if anybody were to challenge it.
Of course, they're not challenging it.
That's a violation of the Constitution.
And he says, I don't even need that law, that violation of the Constitution.
I had an order from the President.
I can do anything I want if the President orders me.
That submission, that we are living under a police state, military dictatorship, and they're just fine with it.
Well, you know what?
I'm not fine with it.
And I hope you aren't either.
We need to understand what's going on.
And let me tell you where the next bunch of this stuff is coming from, of course.
It is coming from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
That's where they're headed.
An article today from the New American says that the Obama GOP, because it's the Obama administration working with the GOP leadership and with a lot of people in the Democratic Party.
This is a bipartisan thing.
Let's be clear.
It wouldn't have mattered with NAFTA whether Clinton was elected or whether George H.W.
Bush was elected.
They would have, either one of them, would have pushed this thing through.
But of course, it's easier for them to get it through when they've got a Democrat in as president, because he provides a beard for them.
But the Obama and GOP trade, quote-unquote trade, they put it in quotes, this trade scheme includes unrestricted immigration.
Alex Newman points out that the establishment GOP-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership is being touted by the White House as the most progressive trade agreement in history.
It's really a Trojan horse to advance Obama's unrestricted immigration agenda.
See, it's not just going after the Internet.
It's not just establishing CISPA through a backdoor.
It's not about just forcing people to buy your products, holding a gun to their head, saying, you're going to buy my GMO food, whether you like it or not, Australia, New Zealand.
Other countries that may have banned this internally.
No, we're just, we've got this trade agreement, so you're going to buy this stuff.
That's the way crony capitalism is now operating in the 21st century.
They hold a gun to your head and tell you, you've got to buy this insurance that Obama has mandated.
And we're going to tell you what level of insurance that you need.
We're going to sell you insurance that you don't need at a highly inflated price and you don't have any say so about it.
That's the way all of this stuff is going to be rolling out.
We're going to talk about how they're taking away ownership, even with the farmers, even with their tractors.
This is not something about the trade unions trying to fight free trade.
This is not unions versus free trade.
This is globalist
Multinational control by the corporations working with the government to spy on you.
They go on to point out in this New American article, despite harsh rhetoric, Republican leaders in the Congress have promptly, promptly caved right after the election to the White House demands on amnesty.
Now they fail to even mention the TPP immigration schemes, even though we now see that it's an entire chapter on it.
And of course the only way that we know anything about any of this is when it is leaked by WikiLeaks.
Why is it that we have to have...
espionage to find out what is going on.
If that's what they want to call it, that's what the NSA calls it.
I don't call it espionage.
Why do we have to sneak around and hack into places to even find out what our elected leaders are up to?
What kind of a government are we living under?
Oh, that's right.
We're living under a government where the president can order and do anything, where there is no transparency, where they operate as a full-on dictatorship.
And that's what this Trans-Pacific Partnership is about.
Now, today is Earth Day, and we have an article
Up on InfoWars about the record number of drivers who are trading in electric cars for SUVs.
Obama, they say, promised to put in a million more hybrid electric cars on the road during his tenure, and he's doing that by giving people big subsidies.
$7,500 subsidy to trade in your, to buy an electric car.
But when people are trading in their electric cars, guess what?
More than half of them are not buying electric cars, and 22% of them
are getting SUVs.
They didn't even want $7,500 as a tax credit.
They'd rather have an SUV.
And we're going to talk about ownership of cars and ownership of everything.
When we come back, stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
As I pointed out last segment, we're going to be joined in the next hour by Paul Joseph Watson talking about the war on cash.
JPMorgan Chase is now banning storage of cash in safety deposit boxes.
Yesterday we talked about the article that Kit Daniels put out over the weekend.
Automakers want to outlaw gearheads from working on their own cars.
We talked about how the Association of Global Auto Manufacturers, a lobbying firm for 12 manufacturers, was basically going to outlaw people working on their car at home.
This is something we've never seen before, as the EFF pointed out.
What is novel is prohibiting people from actually working on their cars.
But I'm going to point out a couple of differences.
I want to show you what this is going to look like, because in the article,
What this Association of Car Manufacturers is asking the government to do is to take out an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that allows people who own their cars to work on their cars because now they're so heavily controlled by computers.
They want to take out that exemption.
So, I'll tell you how this is going to play out because we can see what's being done now by John Deere on tractors.
And also we've had a statement from General Motors weighing in on that.
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Now, you want to know what this is going to look like when they ban you from working on your car?
We can already see how it looks at farms.
And this is part of what the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Partnership, is going to do.
They're radically expanding all the definitions of copyright.
This all began in 1998 with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Now, one of the things that's in Kit Daniel's article, it's on Infowars.com, says, allowing vehicle owners, this is what the Auto Alliance says, if you allow vehicle owners to add and remove electronic control programs at whim, it's highly likely to take vehicles out of compliance with federal requirements.
You understand how this is all working.
They're putting these black boxes in.
All the black boxes are now required.
Any new car that you buy, as of, I think it was last fall, doesn't matter what manufacturer, they're required to have a black box.
It's going to record everything you do.
How quickly you accelerate.
How, how, what the g-forces are when you turn.
So they can evaluate how you're driving.
It's going to record top speeds.
It's going to record a lot of things, not just before the accident.
They're going to be able to mine that data and adjust your insurance rates.
And of course, the goal is for them to be able to charge you by mile.
So, both the insurance companies, as well as the automobile companies, as well as the government, all have a vested interest in robbing you, their slave.
Because you don't own anything, you're just there to pay them royalty, to pay them fees, to pay them licenses.
And if you want to know how this works, it's already being done in farms.
There was an article that came out on February the 5th.
That was on Wired Magazine, and it was a guy who's got a site.
His name is, let's see, where's his name?
I don't see his name here.
Just Kyle Weems, okay?
He's a founder and CEO of iFixit.
It's an online site he's had for about 10 years.
The article back in the beginning of February said, new high-tech farm equipment is a nightmare for farmers.
And so he recounts the story, says he's got this site where he fixes stuff.
It's a do-it-yourself community, and he helps people.
He's got a neighbor.
This neighbor's got a $100,000 John Deere tractor, which they say is about mid-line in terms of the tractors.
But he's got a sensor that keeps going out on him.
Every time this sensor blows, the engine will not operate.
The tractor is dead in the water.
So he had him come over and say, you know, can you help me to fix this minor hydraulic sensor?
Because every time this happens, he's got to wait for the part to be ordered, the technician's got to come out, so it's dead for two days.
So he fights with this thing, he tries to get into the Tractor Engine Control Unit, the TECU, he can't get in.
He's locked out.
Actually, it's even got a password to it.
So you can't get into your own tractor to look at it.
He says the guy's got a legitimate reason to do this.
He would like to be able to fix this, to just get it to work when this hydraulic sensor that operates sometimes doesn't have anything to do with the engine, when that breaks, he'd like to not be out of business.
And he'd also like to be able to modify the engine timing.
He'd like to get some of the information about how his crops grow that the tractor collects.
Presumably just belongs to John Deere, not to this farmer.
Okay, but he can't do any of that.
And then he points out, you understand that farmers have been doing it themselves for generations.
I mean, they basically live by tinkering with their own equipment, by fixing things with bailey wire and duct tape.
We're going to tell you what happens in 21st century America when we come back.
And we're going to tell you what General Motors says.
They're pushing back very hard against the idea that you own anything.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Facebook announced its plans to alter users' news feeds yet again on Tuesday in a move that will allegedly provide the right mix of updates from friends and news pages.
In a post entitled, News Feed FYI Balancing Content from Friends and Pages, the Facebook product manager and user experience researcher
Lay out how media content will be altered under the site's newest algorithm.
Media content is a key part of the experience for people on Facebook, and we're committed to helping publishers find the right audience for their content, the article states.
A mere footnote at the end of the article also admits that the new change could negatively affect a page's reach.
Earlier this month in an article from the Columbia Journalism Review,
Freedom of the Press Foundation Executive Director Trevor Tim criticized Facebook's growing power over online news.
Go to InfoWars.com and read Facebook Changes News Feed Algorithm to Affect Media Content.
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, your host.
I want to get back to this article and show you how things have changed since this article exposing the problem in Wired Magazine back at the beginning of February and then one that came out yesterday showing the response of John Deere and GM, exactly what they're telling the government, the copyright office.
Now as I was pointing out in the last segment,
He was talking about how he was trying to help his neighbor fix his tractor that kept breaking.
He has a site called iFixit that helps people to do it yourself.
And of course, that is the tradition of people who live on farms.
They don't have the money to go out and hire people to fix each and everything, so they just fix it themselves.
That's been the tradition.
As he pointed out, they use bailey wire and duct tape.
But he goes, now regulations are stricter, he said.
Agribusiness is much more consolidated.
The equipment is proprietary.
Well, you know, I think there are some uses still in this kind of environment for duct tape.
Maybe we can use it as handcuffs on the regulators, but seriously, we need to look at what they're really doing.
They're actually outlawing ownership.
This is a war on private property, just as much as civil asset forfeiture is a war on personal property, on property rights.
That was something, we talked about that at great length yesterday, where the government in 1986, Ronald Reagan, with the excuse of fighting the war on drugs, said,
We're going to confiscate property.
We're going to charge it civilly.
We're not going to do a criminal process.
Therefore, you don't get any legal representation.
Nothing in the Constitution applies because, of course, we're charging the property itself with a crime.
So they've been confiscating property.
And if the government can do that, if the government can come in and just say, well,
I think that your cash may have been used in some kind of a drug business because all the cash essentially can find traces of drugs on all the cash.
They can use that to confiscate anybody's cash.
They can use it to confiscate any of your property.
But of course the other thing they can do is they can come in with lawyers and not the police on the road.
They can come in with lawyers and they can write out our rights using these copyright acts.
And that's really where we're going to see the big effect, a big effect, of the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic partnerships.
And I just want you to see what the mindset of the government and the corporation is right now.
So in this particular instance, he's talking about how they cannot even get in to work on this without a password.
They have to come up with a hack to get into their own tractor, into their own property, even though this guy has paid $100,000 for it or is paying $100,000 for this tractor.
So of course there's been a hacking community that started up.
He says there's a thriving gray market for diagnostic equipment and proprietary connectors.
He said of course a lot of people go out and they purchase a laptop from some nameless friend of a friend with a software that's already loaded on it, okay?
Because under modern copyright laws, that kind of quote-unquote repairing
...is illegal, or at least legally questionable.
And it goes back to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in 1998, which classifies breaking a technological protection measure over a device's programming as a breach of copyright.
So, if they put a password on this John Deere tractor, you are in violation of their new copyright laws.
So, of course, a lot of them are going open source.
A lot of them are creating their own equipment.
But this is what he had yesterday.
He says, we cannot let John Deere destroy the very idea of ownership.
And, of course, John Deere is just one of many corporations.
It's also General Motors weighing in on this.
And you will see what happens with these quote-unquote free trade agreements.
That's exactly where they're going.
Now, this is what John Deere said.
They said, farmers receive an implied license for the life of the vehicle to operate the vehicle.
How about that?
And this guy points out, he says, over the last two decades, manufacturers have used the DMCA to argue that consumers do not own the software that's underpinning the products that they buy.
Things like smartphones, computers, coffee makers, cars, yes, even tractors.
Look, if you're going to have the smart home, quote unquote smart home, if you're dumb enough to buy into that,
Where everything can be monitored.
Every one of those devices is a spying device for you.
Of course, it was Petraeus who bragged about the fact that your toaster was going to be spying on you.
When we reported it, everybody said, you're a bunch of tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists.
Well, he said it.
You can see that it's now true.
But here's the other aspect of it.
Not only will they spy on you, slave,
They also maintain that you don't ever own your smartphone, your computer, your coffee maker, your refrigerator, okay?
Somebody may break into it and hack it and start sending spam out of your refrigerator, the electronic kind, but you will never own that stuff.
Now, this is what John Deere is arguing.
They say that allowing people to alter the software, even for the purpose of repair, would, quote, make it possible for pirates, third-party developers, and less innovative competitors to free-ride off of their creativity, unique expression, and ingenuity.
They are trying to shut down all ingenuity.
You can see this in the music industry, where they go back and patent Happy Birthday and shut down people's YouTube videos because you've got Happy Birthday on it.
They don't want anybody to own anything.
They assert that they own everything.
And then they make this incredibly ridiculous argument.
They say, permitting owners to root around an attractor's programming might lead to pirating music.
Through the vehicle's entertainment system.
They actually said that.
They said that you might pirate music using your tractor, if they allowed you to actually work on your tractor.
And understand, this is the cutting edge.
This is where it really is starting, and that's what the companies like Sony, who is music as well as movies, they have been the leading edge on all of this insane copyright extension.
And they are very much involved in the TPP, as we can see from some of the leaked Sony emails, we'll talk about later.
But this is now what GM said.
And remember, there was an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for vehicles, personal vehicles, like cars, and they want to get that removed.
But GM said this, told the Copyright Office, that proponents of copyright reform mistakenly, quote, conflate ownership of a vehicle with ownership of the underlying computer software in a vehicle.
Now, if you went to the Chevy dealer, and you said, I want to buy this vehicle, and they say, fine, but we're going to retain ownership of the steering wheel, we're going to retain ownership of the brakes, as well as the engine, we're just going to control that for you.
That's essentially what they're doing with the autonomous cars.
But that's how useless your car is, if they take out the computer now, because it's so
Interwoven throughout the operation of the car that is the same as saying you don't own the steering wheel you don't own the brakes and we still do have those things in our cars.
So basically what they're doing is they're making these activities illegal and if you want to do something about it the people that are fighting this now that are trying to stop this
Increasing copyright infringement are the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Intellectual Property and Technology Law Clinic, and the Digital Right to Repair Coalition.
You've actually got to come up with a coalition that says, hey, I can repair the stuff that I thought I owned.
But, if these trade agreements go through, that's going to be all out the door.
All out the door.
One example of this, of course, they say it's going to be a boon for agriculture,
It's gonna be a boon for Big Agra.
It's gonna be a boon for GMO.
And right now we can see what's happening in Hawaii.
There's been efforts, of course, to try to get labeling for genetically modified organisms and plants labeled in the food that you buy.
They've fought that, of course, with the lobbyists.
Where they have had success is going into farming communities where they understand how the growing of the GM crops is destroying their crops.
A lot of farmers have heirloom crops.
They have organic crops.
And these GMO crops are essentially a trespass on their farms.
They're very angry about that.
Something that they work very hard to produce that's a premium product.
And so they have had success in going into several farming communities where the people already understand the problem and they can't be blindsided by a lot of advertising propaganda from the big corporations.
They understand the product.
They understand the problem.
And this happened in Hawaii in the last election.
It was a very small amount of money that was spent there and basically what they were doing was shutting down a Monsanto operation in Maui.
Now that's being challenged in the courts to overturn what the voters did.
They have had the county as well as the state of Hawaii now abdicate their authority in this, turning it over to a federal court to nullify what the Maui voters said.
That they did not want GMO crops destroying the neighboring crops.
See, it doesn't really matter in the long run.
If you have labels on there, because if you don't stop the growing of the GMO crops, it's going to cross-contaminate everything anyway.
So that's really, I think, where the fight is.
And that's where they've had the most results.
But now they're going to use a court to shut that down.
Now, that's dictatorship, as John Rappaport points out in his blog.
He's got an article, Federal Judge Drops Bomb in the Monsanto Maui Case.
This is from the beginning of the week.
And he's right to point out that this is a dictatorship.
But it's going to get much harder to control that once we go to the Trans-Pacific Partnership because then they're going to have investor state settlement tribunals.
They're going to have an arbitration process.
And it's going to be far worse than it is with us.
It's going to be much easier for them to do what they want.
The corporations, of course, that are creating this with their lobbyists will be elevated to the status of the state, and it will be an arbitration process.
And so they're going to shut it down that way as well.
That's how it's going to work.
Now one more thing, and I want to go to
There was a good report that Rob Dew had about the recent resignation of the head of the DEA, and of course, that is really the story, is how prohibition has corrupted, corrupted our legal system, corrupted law enforcement, and of course it hasn't done anything that's been sold to people that it's going to do.
But before I go to that, you know, it really has taken us away.
This corruption of law enforcement, there was a story that Kurt Nemo had yesterday.
We're not in Mayberry anymore.
We really aren't.
I mean, what we have now is a situation where, you know, instead of a nervous Barney Fife who always wants to overreact to everything and starts nervously loading his single bullet into his gun, now we don't have Sheriff Andy around anymore.
We now have a very, very lethal Sheriff Andy who's getting his orders from the federal government.
Let's go to that report.
DEA head resigns.
What are they not telling you?
Rob Dew here with some breaking news from InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
It has just come out that DEA Administrative Head Michelle Lionheart is going to resign amid the sex party scandal that just came out and they had congressional hearings about it.
And I am no fan of the DEA head.
I'm no fan of the DEA.
In fact, the DEA head has said some moronic things like this in the past.
Is crack worse for a person than marijuana?
I believe all illegal drugs are bad.
Is methamphetamine worse for somebody's health than marijuana?
I don't think any illegal drug is good for heroin.
Is heroin worse for someone's health than marijuana?
Again... I mean, yes, no, or I don't know.
I mean, if you don't know, you can look this up.
You should know.
This is the Chief Administrator for the Drug Enforcement Agency.
I'm asking you a very straightforward question.
Is heroin worse for someone's health than marijuana?
All illegal drugs are bad.
Does this mean you don't know?
That's right.
She can't tell you what's more addictive.
Meth or pot.
Crack or pot.
She doesn't know.
Because she has to follow a script, and the script is, all drugs that can be grown naturally, we have to stamp out and control.
That's the script.
Okay, but let's get beyond that.
This is what really gets me.
She's stepping down because of the sex party scandal.
She should have been stepping down a long time before that because it came out a long time ago that the DEA is working with these drug cartels.
And I'll get to that in one second.
But that's not the questions that they ask in this congressional hearing.
They're more worried about the sex parties and who paid who and who threw a glass at who and prostitutes were involved and all this other nonsense, which is wrong in itself, yes.
But, they're not looking at the big issue.
And the big issue is that the DEA helps run drugs into this country.
And they stay clear away from that.
Because they know there's payoffs coming from all corners with this drug money.
And the drugs that flow into this country.
And I'm going to get to that in a little bit, but that's what I don't understand.
Why is that question not being asked?
Why don't we have all these Republican representatives and these Democratic representatives who really care about this country so they say, why aren't they asking, why is the DEA working with drug cartels?
Okay, they're only worried about these sex parties and the gifts they got.
Okay, but here it is, back in Time Magazine, 2014, January, U.S.
government helped rise of Mexican drug cartel.
That's a report.
government allowed the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel to carry out its business unimpeded between 2000 and 2012 in exchange for information on rival cartels and investigation by El Universal claims.
The U.S.
So we've had this information since at least January 2014, even though we know it goes back further.
We've had Rick Ross on the show.
Alex interviewed Gary Webb a long time ago.
We've had other people on.
We've seen the Mike Rupert clip where he's talking about the CIA bringing drugs into Compton.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
We worked with the Sinaloa cartel from 2000 to 2012.
In fact, Business Insider came out with this.
Sinaloa, led by Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a presence in cities across the U.S.
There's long been allegations that Guzman, considered to be the world's most powerful drug trafficker, coordinates with American authorities.
The most powerful drug trafficker works with the DEA to bring drugs into this country.
And we're concerned about a few sex parties.
I firmly believe Michelle Lionheart should resign.
She's a complete imbecile.
And a fool.
And we're paying her $250,000 to walk around and not know anything, not know what her agents are doing, and say that meth and pot are the same.
That's the lunacy we're paying at least $200,000 a year for, plus her benefits package, and I'm sure she's going to get a great severance package because she's resigning.
Oh yeah.
The government always takes care of their own.
And I wonder who Obama's going to appoint as the next drug czar, or the next head of the DEA.
What other nincompoops going to get up there and tell you that all drugs are bad and we have to get them, except when we work with the drug cartels.
That's the only difference.
If we work with them, it's okay because we're getting information from them.
And it's okay when we do it.
But it's not okay if you do it.
It's not okay if you do it.
We're going to take your property.
And we're going to take your money.
And we're going to put you in jail for a long time for working with a plant.
That's essentially what we're doing here in this country.
We tell you it's for the children, of course.
That's right, everything's for the children.
So, that's what we need to wake up on.
Those are the questions we need to be asking.
Why are we working with the drug cartels?
Okay, the sex parties and stuff, that's all garnish.
It's been Rob Dufresne for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Who cares about that?
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Stay with us, right back.
When we come back, we're going to talk about Mayberry again.
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Paul, guess what?
We bugged Mr. Blake's cell and we heard him talking to his lawyer.
You see, we took the mic and we hid it up in the cell window.
Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?
We bugged Mr. Blake's cell.
You what?
We bugged the cell with Arnold's tape recorder.
Just listen to this, Paul.
I can't listen to that.
But Paul... Opie, I can't listen to that.
I'm not permitted.
But Paul, you don't understand.
Opie, I can't listen to this.
Now, I told you about eavesdropping.
But Paul, this is different.
Yes, it's worse.
You overheard a conversation that was supposed to be private.
Now, I can't be a party to that.
But, Pa, if you just listen to this... Opie, I can't listen.
Pa, you're erasing the tape!
That's what I mean to do.
You bugged a conversation between a lawyer and his client.
Now, that's violating one of the most sacred rights of privacy.
But, Pa... No buts.
But if it helps the law... Opie...
The law can't use this kind of help.
But it's for national security.
That's what Michael Hayden would say.
Yeah, we're not in Mayberry anymore, are we?
There was an article that was up, I think it was yesterday, yeah, yesterday.
Kurt Nemo, NFOWars.com.
We're not in Mayberry anymore.
A priest urges parishioners to arm themselves against criminals in self-reliance.
He makes this argument.
I'm going to tell you what he said in this letter, but you know, we need to take care of ourselves.
As he pointed out, he said, pretending we're in Mayberry, while we're clearly not, can have very negative consequences for ourselves and those that we love, especially those that we have a responsibility to protect.
I'm going to talk about that.
If we're not in Mayberry, is there a real threat?
He said Mayberry was popular because it showed a life where everybody wished was true, where there was no threats, where everything was fine, where everybody was perfectly safe.
But we're not living in that world.
Think about that, and I'm going to tell you what his solution to that was, of course.
Very surprising solution for a Catholic priest, and of course the hierarchy doesn't like his solution.
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Because ultimately, ultimately, you are responsible for protecting yourself, for protecting the innocent.
against criminals or whatever kind of threats are.
Even if it's a natural disaster, you need to be able to protect yourself.
Now, in this specific case, this is a priest at the Christ the King Catholic Church in Michigan.
And he sends out this letter to his flock.
He says, it's very common for Christians to simply assume that they live in Mayberry, trusting that because they know the Lord Jesus, everything will always be fine.
Nothing bad can happen to them and their families.
Those who have followed the Lord Jesus for more than 20 minutes often have experienced firsthand that the reality of living in a fallen universe can be very different.
So what he suggests to them
Also referring to the chief of police in Detroit who suggested to people, hey look, we're going to catch the criminals, do the best we can to catch the criminals, but we can't be there when things happen.
So you need to arm yourself and train yourself how to safely use those firearms to protect yourself until we can get there, until we can catch the criminals.
So he cites that.
And then he advises his flock to do the same thing.
He says, get a concealed pistol license.
We'll give you classes, show you how to use it safely.
But then the Catholic bishop pushes back.
He takes issue with the classes.
Bishop Boyea further states that the concealed pistol license classes are inappropriate activities to be held on church property.
He says, we are followers of Jesus Christ who raised, not a hand, against those who mocked, who tortured, and who finally murdered him.
Was that the way that Jesus wanted us to live?
He went before his accusers as a lamb dumb before the slaughter.
Does that mean that we should shut up?
That we should not talk to anybody?
He told his supporters first before he, when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane, he said, put away that sword when they cut off the ear of one of the guys.
But then he told them, he said, sell your cloak.
And get a sword.
If you don't have a sword, sell whatever you need to get one to protect yourself, to protect the innocent, to have self-reliance.
That's what we are called to do.
That's the moral case.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us in the next segment.
We're going to talk about the war on cash.
One more domino falls in that war.
We had some interesting revelations about that yesterday, another one today.
And I thought it was, I hope you caught that intro by Darren McBreen going back to Mayberry, the episode where Opie records something that was illegal and gives it to his father, the sheriff.
And the sheriff says, I can't hear that.
And then erases it.
I can't use that.
Yet today, what do we have?
Today, we see the Republican Party.
Going out of their way to try to reauthorize Section 215, which the NSA says gives them, under the Patriot Act, the authority to bug all of us.
All of us!
This is not somebody that has already been arrested for a crime or whatever, but obtaining evidence illegally.
Of course, we also have the Stingray Program that we're now learning more about every day, where governments have a non-disclosure agreement, local governments have a non-disclosure agreement, the police department with Harris Corporation, to not talk about how they are collecting
Information from everybody's cell phone.
Tracking people.
Searching us without a warrant.
That's essentially what it is.
Everything the government is doing now is illegally obtained.
But of course we don't have any Sheriff Andes.
They have all been replaced with guys who are telling Barney to go out and get an MRAP.
They're hyping him up if he wasn't hyped up enough already and tell him, hey, don't worry Barney.
If you're afraid for your life, just shoot to kill.
What do you think Barney would do?
Well we know what Barney is doing because we see it happening every day all across the country.
Just with that little excuse I was I was afraid for my safety.
They can do whatever they want to people and they do it on a regular basis.
Now it's not just the
Spying, of course, that the government does, and we need to understand that the government and the corporations are working together on this.
We need to understand that this article that came out of Fox Business saying why Google is the new evil empire, we need to understand that, of course, the government helped to fund Google in the beginning.
They had government backing.
Now we see that DARPA is coming out with its own dark net search engine.
Where's that going to lead?
We'll have to take a look and see, but it's not going to be a good thing.
We can bet on that.
But just listen to some of the quotes out of this article from Google's Chairman Eric Schmidt.
You've probably heard most of these before, but just...
Keep this in mind that their corporate motto is, don't be evil.
And of course, Steve Jobs laughed and ridiculed about that motto while he was still alive.
Eric Schmidt, Google, we don't need you to type at all because we know where you are.
We know where you've been.
We can more or less guess what you're thinking about.
He asked, is that over the line?
Well, they keep moving that line, don't they?
And this article points out that, of course, we've had corporations that everybody disliked.
Everybody realized that they were doing evil things.
Of course, it was AT&T that had their phone company monopoly back in the 1970s.
IBM that monopolized the computer industry and did some pretty wicked things in terms of working against its competitors in the 1980s.
Then, of course, in the 90s, that mantle was taken over by Microsoft, which directly copied work that was done by others and put their name on it.
That's how Bill Gates got rich.
But now, we've got Google, and he says it's probably the most sinister threat and the most wicked incarnation of them all.
And just listen to what Eric Schmidt says.
He says, Google policy is to get right up to the creepy line.
Of course, you've heard this quote, and not cross over it.
He would say, I would argue that implanting things in your brain is beyond the creepy line, at least for the moment, until the technology gets better.
Yeah, that's where they're headed.
And of course, as we pointed out just yesterday, PayPal is already saying, you know, we're going to put password protection.
So we're going to give you a pill that you can swallow so we can make sure that you are going to maybe implant something in your brain.
Because, you know, passwords, they're not that secure.
So we need to mark you our slave.
So we know that you really are the slave that's coming in there.
They not only think they own your car, they think they own you.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
We're going to talk about the war on cash.
Are vitamins actually killing you?
Giving you heart attacks?
If you follow some of the highly deceiving studies on the matter of vitamin usage that fail to actually tell you when they're using petrochemically derived junk vitamins in all of their testing groups, then the answer may be a very loud yes.
Now how could these studies be worthless when they are performed with perfect testing methodologies and oftentimes involved in interesting results in how the body processes different nutrients?
The blame lies on the producers of synthetic junk vitamins that reside in pharmacies and grocery stores all around the world.
Because that's what many of these scientists are studying.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
Joining me now from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to talk about a new article up today, JPMorgan Chase bans storage of cash in its safety deposit boxes.
They now have an updated safe deposit box lease agreement.
That, I guess, is going to keep people from having cash.
And, of course, it was just yesterday we were talking about how Citibank's chief economist was saying we need to abolish cash.
And he talks about the possible repercussions of that.
He says, well, none of that should really bother us.
Yeah, it might freak out the public.
It might cause a panic.
There might be massive disruptions.
That shouldn't stop us from doing it.
And, of course, Bloomberg kind of laughs that off and says, well, that's not likely to happen.
Don't worry.
Of course, one of the other things that he was talking about was we could tax cash.
Why would they do this?
Well, of course, he prefaced all those remarks by the fact that they've had 0% interest rates for a long time.
The economy is not recovering, in spite of what Obama is telling you.
They wouldn't be talking about how they need to go to negative interest rates to get people to spend their money.
If it was doing as well as the Obama administration is saying it's doing, but they understand where it is.
They want to try to stimulate the economy under the Keynesian model.
They want to give you every incentive to spend and borrow, so they can't go any lower than zero unless they go to negative interest rates, charge you money to keep your cash in the bank.
And of course, when that happens, people are just going to pull the cash out.
They're going to hold cash.
And so he says, so, we can't let that happen.
We have to abolish cash, or we have to tax it away.
So joining us now is Paul Joseph Watson.
Welcome, Paul.
Hi, David.
Good to be back.
Tell us about this story from JPMorgan Chase.
Well, this basically emerged yesterday.
JPMorgan Chase customers received a letter at the beginning of the month which stated, quote, contents of the box, referring of course to the safety deposit box, you agree not to store any cash or coins other than those found to have a collectible value.
And then in addition to this, basically banning the storage of cash in safety boxes, they also announced that they would make it more difficult for people to get access to their own safety deposit box, their own cash, their own valuables.
They would have to bring in two forms of ID and then be issued with a four-digit PIN number that will be used to access the box in future.
On top of that,
They also instituted a new policy which, quote, restricts borrowers from using cash to make payments on credit cards, mortgages, equity lines and auto loans, which is basically illegal.
You know, it says on the front of every dollar bill, as far as I know, this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and that actually violates
Uniform Commercial Code 3603 to refuse legal tender for repayment of a debt or a loan.
So they're engaging in outright financial criminality with these new policy changes and on top of that saying that they will no longer allow people to store cash in safety deposit boxes.
Well, just another example of how they do whatever they want regardless of what the law is.
They could care less about what the law is.
As you point out, it says right on the bill, it's legal tender for any kind of debt that you pay out, but they say, we're not going to take that anymore.
We're going to basically outlaw that.
They do whatever they wish, don't they, Paul?
Exactly, and it's always to the detriment of the customer, it seems, despite the fact that, you know, they're the people investing in the bank.
And it's this weird thing, how you mentioned at the start, they seem to have declared war on savers.
And it comes back to the point that, you know, cash, free-flowing anonymous instruments of trade, are a hindrance to control freaks who need to control that flow of capital and to confiscate wealth.
Which is eventually what it's all about.
That's why they don't like cash, because, you know, it's harder to physically confiscate something if it's stored in a safety deposit box, compared to erasing numbers on the screen.
And we know that they've been preparing for bank runs in the aftermath of the next economic collapse.
Because in 2013, the FT reported that two major US banks, they were unnamed, had boosted their coffers, their ATM coffers, by 20 to 30 percent.
So we know that they're expecting some form of bank run, as we've seen in numerous European countries over the past five years.
And that's part of this whole war on cash.
Yeah, there's a lot of different aspects to it.
I mean, of course, just one of them is this manic control freak mentality to try to know everything about everybody, to build a full profile on people.
I know we just, recently this week, we tried to send some money to a relative.
We had a neighbor who was going to deposit it into their bank account.
We couldn't deposit a check.
It wasn't even a cash.
It wasn't a cash situation.
We just wanted to have a check deposited into a relative's account, and they wouldn't let her do it.
Because they have to track all the movement of money everywhere.
And as you point out, cash is just one aspect of that.
But it's this maniacal obsession with watching everything we do.
And that's pervasive now in the government.
And it's interesting, I think, Paul, that the more they want to know about us, and the more they track us, the more jealously they guard everything that they're doing, especially the government, all of its government operations.
Everything becomes a top-secret operation now.
Yeah, and it's interesting you mention your difficulty in transferring that money.
In 2013 we reported on how, again, Chase, they imposed these new restrictions which made it harder for people to make cash deposits into another person's account while also operating an account with cash for an amount over $50,000 per cycle.
So that would completely crush small businesses, restaurants, places like that that take a lot of cash.
And again, you know, I took out a lot of cash several years ago at Barclays, my bank, and you literally, you have to arrange a meeting with them over the phone in advance just to allocate this specific time where you can actually meet with someone and explain why you need to withdraw your own money.
In fact, it came out last year that HSBC, which of course has been caught laundering billions of dollars for all these drug kingpins, they can get away with that, but you need to be interrogated on what you do with your money.
It was revealed that
They were not only performing risk assessments if they didn't like your account activity, if they found it suspicious, but they were actually demanding documentation for what the money was to be spent on when you tried to go to the bank and withdraw anything over £3,000, which is about $5,000.
And they actually, you know, people went to the bank and they were shocked to be bombarded with all these questions about what they were going to do with their own money.
After the uproar, they backed down on it, said it wouldn't be mandatory, but they would still ask customers questions about what they would do with their own cash.
And several other banks that were contacted by the BBC said exactly the same thing.
They said, we reserve the right to ask questions about what you're going to do with your own money.
When it's none of their business what you're going to do with your own money, it was never their money to begin with, it's your cash.
So it's about this intensification of invasiveness and this war on anonymity.
They're starting to show their true flags.
They've hidden this behind the war on drugs, behind the war on organized crime for a very long time.
All this really began back with the RICO statutes, where they said that they could confiscate people's property before they actually found them guilty of a crime.
They said, organized crime has the best lawyers money can buy.
We can't get a conviction.
We need to confiscate their money before the trial, so they can't hire these good lawyers, so we can convict them.
Everybody said, yeah, fine.
Well, it didn't take very long before they started using that against abortion protesters, the RICO statues and that sort of thing, and then extended it with civil asset forfeiture, where they could just basically say, your cash is, I think, involved in a crime, or this dog smells some cocaine on your cash, so we're just going to go ahead and take it.
They also put in structuring issues in terms of saying that they're fighting money laundering.
And of course, it was just recently that a Deputy Attorney General for the Justice Department was talking to this association.
There's now an entire trade association around anti-money laundering activities.
And he was telling them, we want you to report to law enforcement anybody that takes out
$5,000 or more.
So they vet your cash going in, and if they think that you are structuring your deposits to avoid a lot of onerous reports, they will confiscate your cash on that basis.
And then after they've vetted it going in, they don't want you to take it out.
If you take it out in a large amount, now you are a criminal suspect.
That's the amazing thing.
All these restaurant businesses that have legitimate uses of cash,
They're getting their cash confiscated in several cases of that.
There's a lady who had a restaurant business.
She had $30,000 of cash that was confiscated.
That sounds like a lot of money to a lot of people, but understand that's not all her money.
She's just taking that in in cash.
She has a lot of expenses.
She has to pay rent, payroll, supplies, so she's not keeping all that money.
Nevertheless, they just take that money because they say, you've got this much cash, you must be involved in a criminal action.
Rand Paul and others who are now trying to put through the FAIR Act to stop civil asset forfeiture.
One of the aspects of that is structuring to say you're not going to take people's cash just because they've got a lot of it.
You have to show that it wasn't derived from a legitimate source and people have a presumption of innocence.
That's where we need to return to.
Yeah, and they're imposing those same measures in Europe to an even greater degree.
The French Finance Minister, Michel Sapien, I think this was last month, the new regulations are going to come into force in September, but he hailed their introduction.
This is a ban which will restrict French citizens from making cash payments over €1,000.
1,000 euros.
So, you know, if you're buying a vehicle on eBay or whatever, you're going to be banned from doing it.
It's going to have to be tracked through the whole financial system.
Again, in the name of anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism and anti, you know, suspicious activity.
So it seems that the amounts are also coming down in terms of how much you can get out of your bank, how much you can pay in cash before it becomes a suspicious activity.
And then the flip side of this, perhaps we can get into this after the break, is the fact that they're now openly saying they will confiscate people's savings to bail out banks in the future, which has now become basically a law in the European Union.
Yeah, actually, when Paul Vescai, who was with the Justice Department, was talking to this Association of Money Launders, he was actually talking about an initiative that they put together, a kleptocrat initiative, and they actually had an acronym for it, it was KARI, K-A-R-I, I think it's Kleptocrat Assets Recovery Initiative or something like that.
We have a kleptocracy!
I'll tell you about that when we come back.
We'll be talking to Paul Joseph Watson about the war on cash and about our kleptocratic government that wants to know everything about you and take everything you have.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Man thinks, cause he rules the earth.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and joining us from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We've been talking about the war on cash, and I want to talk about this kleptocrat initiative that's come out with Paul as well.
We're also going to talk about his article about the U.S.
Army forcing cadets to wear high heels to promote a feminist campaign.
Absolutely unbelievable if you see these pictures.
Just the absurdity.
Uh, that we're stooping to in this country.
The ridiculous agenda is that the government is foisting upon people.
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Paul, as we were talking in the last segment about the various things that have come to light, in just the last couple of weeks, there was the Assistant Attorney General who went to the Anti-Money Laundering Trade Association.
Encouraging them to become snitches on people.
Report them for taking money out of the bank.
They already thoroughly vet the cash going in.
They're already using that as an excuse to confiscate cash that people have legitimately under the structuring laws.
But he wants people to report if they see more than $5,000 of cash being withdrawn.
But he also, Paul, talked about the Kleptocrat Asset Recovery Initiative, something that is called CARI.
In that, Paul, he's bragging about the fact that they find these evil dictators, in other words, people that are not puppets of the American government, and wherever they see their assets, they confiscate them.
They call these people kleptocrats, and they say, well, because we've labeled you a kleptocrat, I guess it's kind of like Manuel Noriega was labeled a strongman by George H.W.
Bush, we'll label you as a kleptocrat, we'll just confiscate that person's assets wherever we find them.
And I have to ask, who is the bigger kleptocrat?
The biggest kleptocracy on the planet is the American government, isn't it, Paul?
Well yeah, you know the IMF recently announced a similar program targeting savers, but again it's about labels.
They could label anybody a kleptocrat, they could label anybody a money launderer.
In fact, in Europe they label anyone with over 100,000 euro savings as wealthy.
That's what they did in Cyprus, where they forced people to take a quote haircut, you know, euphemism for wealth confiscation.
I don't know.
That's not a wealthy person.
That's ridiculous to even use that term.
But now the EU has passed this law where they say the next bank bailout will be paid for by bondholders and savers.
So again, anything over €100,000 will be swiped, will be confiscated.
They already passed this law.
They're pushing the similar laws in New Zealand, Canada and other countries.
So why in the hell would anybody want to have any significant amount of money in a bank when they've already promised past laws and already done it in some countries to swipe that money completely to anything over 100,000 euros?
You know, you're not making any interest on it to begin with, so why bother?
That's right.
He said, why would anybody want to have their money in the bank?
And that's precisely why Citibank, JP Morgan, and the government are conspiring together to find ways to outlaw cash, to abolish it, to get rid of it.
You know, one of the things, Paul, you said they can label anybody as a kleptocrat.
They can find something on anybody, and that's really what's at the heart of them monitoring everything that we do.
I mean, when we talked to Barrett Brown, remember, they labeled him as threatening an FBI agent when he quoted a death threat made by a Fox News commentator against Julian Assange.
When he quoted that on Twitter, they said, you're threatening an FBI agent.
So they are constantly watching everything that you do.
They can, and they do, misconstrue what you say or do as a false charge to confiscate your cash, to do anything that they want to to you.
That's really what's behind the constant police state.
It's kind of like what Stalin, I think, said.
Bring me the man, I'll find the crime.
If they want to get you because you're a political enemy, or if they think that you've got cash that they can steal, they will find a reason to do it.
That's what's behind this constant surveillance about everything that we do.
Yeah, and they put people on terror watch lists for the most innocuous, you know, reasons.
What is it, over a million Americans?
The point is, you know, the FDIC says it can insure up to $250,000, but studies have proven that if there are 500 or more bank closures, which could happen in the aftermath of an economic collapse, they don't have the funds to cover that insurance.
So those guarantees are virtually useless in a climate of financial panic.
Why anyone would have any significant amount of money in a bank is beyond me.
It makes no sense given what they've done and what they promised to do.
We'll be right back.
Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We have Paul Joseph Watson joining us from the UK.
We've been talking about his article on Infowars.com.
JPMorgan Chase bans storage of cash in its safety deposit boxes.
We're going to move on to another story that he's got now.
Army forces cadets to wear high heels to promote a feminist campaign.
And if you want to talk to Paul, ask him a question, comment on these stories.
We're going to take some of your calls.
That's 800-259-9231.
I want to play this clip that's embedded into the story right now.
This is the ROTC.
They're telling them that they have to wear high heels, I guess, so that they would identify with feminists.
Paul, break that down for us, but here's the clip.
This is completely unbelievable.
The U.S.
Army forced cadets at Temple University to participate in a feminist campaign based around the completely debunked and fraudulent college rape culture myth.
By wearing spray-painted red high heels.
And they were basically told that if they didn't participate, their careers would be over.
This has emerged out of a Reddit post from a cadet who participated in the event.
Here's his text message, which went viral on Reddit yesterday.
So he basically says that he was forced to go out and buy a pair of
Female shoes, high heels, spray paint them red.
He ends the text by stating, this is hands down the stupidest f***ing thing I've done.
And basically this was then confirmed by other cadets who were forced to participate.
Quote, they were threatened with negative counselling statements and OERs if they didn't participate.
It was pretty much, do this or we'll kill your career before it even starts.
I mean seriously, who in the hell is running the US Army?
Imagine what ISIS is thinking when they see this.
Imagine what the Russian military is thinking when they see this.
They must be rolling around on the floor laughing their frigging heads off.
I mean it would still be absolutely ridiculous if this was voluntary.
But it was mandatory!
Again, another example of how third-wave feminism and this fraudulent debunked rape culture myth has poisoned absolutely everything.
So while the US Army is pushing this ridiculous promotion of this fringe third-wave feminist ideology,
...and mandating that cadets take part in it, or basically have their careers finished on the spot.
They're simultaneously telling members of the Army...
Not to donate to Tea Party or Christian groups.
While Christians are being systematically purged from the US military.
And again, why is this whole college rape culture myth still being peddled by third-wave feminists when the Justice Department's own figures released last year said that the 1 in 5 female victims of rape on campus figure, which has been peddled by feminists for five years,
was complete baloney.
The actual number is 0.03 in five, which is actually less than women in the general population.
This is a complete hoax.
Yet the myth continues to be circulated by feminists, despite the complete collapse of the UVA rape story.
I don't even know what to say about this anymore.
I'm literally just shaking my head.
The US Army forcing cadets to wear red spray-painted high heels to support some dumb feminist campaign which is based around complete hoax and fraudulent statistics about a rape culture on campus that doesn't exist.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
This is Paul Joseph Watson for InfoWars.com
Amazing report, Paul.
Yeah, that is absolutely one of the most asinine things I've ever seen in my life.
Especially if you look at that picture there, that close-up of the feet.
I looked at that and it's like, that looks like the Grinch who stole Christmas or some kind of weird thing like that.
Or Leanne said it looks like a house is about ready to fall.
Like the Wicked Witch of the West.
But I have a question, Paul.
I mean, could it be that maybe this isn't a feminist thing with the high heels?
I mean, you know, a lot of feminists will push back against that high heel thing.
To me, this looks like yet
Another instance of them pushing a transsexual cross-dressing agenda that seems to me like they're really pushing that agenda very, very hard in the media right now.
I mean, that's what that looked like to me.
That looked like a Bruce Jenner exercise.
Well, it's an event called Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.
And it's basically run by this organizer who claims that one in four American women are victims of rape.
Completely baloney statistic.
And of course, this is what feminists have seized upon, even in the aftermath of the Rolling Stone collapse of the UVA rape scandal fraud.
Again, as I mentioned in that video, the actual figure is 0.03 women
I don't
Not only are they doing this at universities for cadets, his unit which served in Afghanistan were forced, again forced, this was mandatory, to parade around in red spray-painted high heels at an event promoting and supporting the same campaign in 2011 and he provided a link to that.
He was an army medic, he said that basically the only way to get out of it was to fake an injury
Or to pull some form of guard duty.
So again, they forced them to do it.
It would be one thing if it was voluntary, but they're making them do it under threat of ending their careers, parading around US Army soldiers in red high heels while ISIS is beheading people in the Middle East.
I mean, what do they think when they look at this?
What does Vladimir Putin think when he looks at this?
He's thinking, I'm much safer than I thought.
He's looking at that.
Because the military has got an agenda that absolutely has nothing to do with its stated purpose.
Just as the schools have an agenda that has absolutely nothing to do with their stated purpose.
You know, when I look at this, Paul, like I said, you know, I understand that there's this phony rape agenda statistics, you know, based on phony statistics about rape on college campus and that sort of thing that's also being used as the excuse for this.
But I honestly, when I look at this, I think this is part of a massive, massive push to put transsexualism out there.
At the very least, this is not a pro-feminist message.
I don't know, maybe feminists have changed, but I never saw feminists as being the kind of people who would embrace red high heels.
I mean, they were the kind who pretty much rebelled against that.
To me, if anything else, it looks like an anti-masculine agenda.
It's not a pro-feminist agenda.
It's basically anti-man when they're doing this.
Well yeah, not a lot of third wave feminism makes sense, so you're right.
But yeah, a lot of the comments in response to this was that this was about emasculating men, which again ties into a related article I did yesterday, which is about this for-profit company called We End Violence.
And they're involved in the colleges, in the universities.
Students across America now, as a result of this, you know, Anti-Sexual Assault Act passed by Obama a couple of years ago, they're being forced to take these courses where they have to choose politically correct answers before they're allowed to proceed in this online course.
If they don't complete the course, they don't enroll for their classes in the next semester.
So this is mandatory for everybody.
They're already pushing to make, you know, gender study classes mandatory.
Now they're literally putting in these re-education programs.
And as you mentioned before, this is all about emasculating men.
In fact, the company says that its goal is to, quote, challenge men and masculinity.
Like, there's something inherently wrong with that.
And again, it's all about framing men as likely rapists, potential rapists.
It's about policing language.
It's about cultural Marxism.
If you go through these examples in the article, it's about how you should think, how you should act, what you should say around women.
It's about controlling people's behavior.
And it's mandatory for many university students across the country.
Again, completely ridiculous.
It was just yesterday we had a couple of articles about how kindergarten and primary people... Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, this is Joe Biggs.
Guess what?
So my buddy is at a sexual harassment training course right now with the U.S.
Army, and he took a picture of the slideshow, so we're going to put it up real quick.
It says, tip number three, if you pull over to help someone whose car has broken down, remember not to rape them.
You can't make this up.
This is real.
This is the actual slide at the sexual harassment training the U.S.
So not only do we have to walk around like a bunch of pansies in red high heels, but just in case we forgot that if we pull over to help someone, make sure don't rape them.
Army is doing.
I've got that on my list.
Got that on my tip list.
Essentially portraying everybody as a rapist is what they're implying there.
Talking down to them.
But you know, it was just yesterday that we had a couple of articles about how kindergarten teachers
We're sexualizing their kids, teaching them about homosexuality, teaching them about transsexuality, cross-dressing, all sorts of things.
This is a brave new world agenda.
It's not just 1984.
We've got both of these things going on at the same time.
And I don't think it's appropriate to talk, to have a stranger talking to my kids about any kind of sex in kindergarten.
That's absolutely ridiculous.
So it's not just the colleges, it's not just the military.
That's where they have control over people, is within the schools, within the colleges, within the military.
They can say, you're out of here if you don't do what we say because we're going to end your career.
We're not going to pass you in this test.
That's the kind of leverage that they have over people.
And of course, now that we have a volunteer professional army,
That's a lot
No, we're good.
This is a big part of the agenda.
I think this goes even way beyond feminism.
I think it goes into this transsexual agenda that they're selling everywhere.
I mean, we've got TV series on Amazon, Transparent, stuff like that.
I mean, they're pushing it everywhere I turn.
I've never seen this before, but now everywhere I turn, I'm seeing this cross-dressing, and that's what I'm seeing in this high heel thing.
Yeah, I mean, in the UK they're having counselling sessions with NHS doctors and children, as young as three, on transgenderism.
Like, coaching them how they might want to become a woman, how they might want to change gender.
And again, it's like Alex talks about them, if you put in drug education or sex education into schools,
Earlier and earlier ages, which is what's happening, it just makes kids more wanton to have sex and to do drugs.
I mean, there are studies that prove that.
So, as you mentioned, you know, we're being saturated with this now.
It's no longer about tolerance.
It's about this imposition of political correctness.
And the characterization of anyone who raises a whimper of dissent as a hate criminal, and now it's even expanded into, you know, ludicrous context like the Fat Pride movement, which I've talked about before, where if you criticize someone for being obese, that could now be considered a hate crime and you could be reported to the police.
So again, in the name of tolerance, they're enforcing this authoritarian political correctness, and if you disagree with it, then, you know, you might be a hate criminal.
We've got some callers who called in online.
I think this red heel thing is really a red herring.
It's a technique, just like they used in Brave New World, to control the population, to misdirect you into other areas, whether it's hedonism or whether it's competing and dividing one group against another.
That's the way they control people.
That's the way they control countries.
That's the way they operate.
Let's go to David in Missouri.
David, you wanted to talk about the high heel issue.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, David.
Are you there?
David is not there.
Let's go to... Let's go to Matthew in Texas.
Matthew, go ahead.
Hi, David.
I just want to let you guys know that y'all are doing a fabulous job.
Huge fan.
And even... But what I want to really emphasize on
Is that I believe a lot of this feminism or wearing a high heels, it has a lot to do with a way of just controlling people's mindset and where it should be instead of letting it naturally be there.
And but what I also wanted to say, man, is that I'm I live in South Texas.
I live very, very close to the border.
And, um, you know, I don't know if you're familiar with the Valley, but, um, but, uh, I'm, I'm a resident of Harlingen, Texas, and I'm trying to set up this civilian border protection agency because I feel like the federal agents are not doing.
Absolutely not.
They don't see us as having a border anymore, and as they've explained to us multiple times, you know, we don't have America anymore.
We have North America.
We're 20 years in the North American Union, as they point out.
And it's going to get another major part of the next trade agreements, and that is open borders.
That's what they're working for.
Let's go to Justin in Kansas.
Justin, you said you're a Marine vet.
You want to comment on this?
Yeah, my name is Justin.
Obviously you know my name.
I'm a Marine veteran.
I did eight years in the Marine Corps.
I literally watched the Marine Corps go from the men that were in my unit being, you know, men to being the limp-wristed... I'm not sure what word I should use, but you should probably get the gist of what I'm saying.
Metrosexuals, how about that?
Yeah, yeah.
You know, and I actually, I have met women in my life, I'm 31 years old, I've met women in my life that I would take combat over some of the guys I served with.
You know, and it's just one of them.
And I watched a lot of good Marines, great Marines, that went down, you know, went to a party or whatever, and the week after that, they're getting charged with sexual assault or
Because the girl just decided to call rape because she made a mistake because she was drunk.
You know?
And honestly, I think that part of what plays into the statistic, if you really want to call it that, I did some college courses and one of the courses was statistics.
And all statistics is, my professor even told me, you know, statistics are going to tell you whatever you want them to tell you.
Sure, yeah.
It's like these studies that they do.
Depends on who finances them as well.
And I even almost went down because of it.
I went to a party and we were drinking and having a good old time.
And I mean, it was a, hey, we made it home kind of deal.
And this girl cried rape on me.
I never even seen her.
I don't remember, I don't, you know, and I at the time I had a pretty, I've got a pretty good recollection.
Yeah, we're coming up to a break.
Thanks, Justin.
Yeah, of course, we live in a country where the government can accuse you pretty much of anything and you're not innocent until proven guilty.
That applies to that as well.
We need to get back to a country.
Maybe we could start with civil asset forfeiture reform and then get back to these types of cases as well.
We gotta start somewhere.
We gotta have that presumption of innocence.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, and we have some callers who are calling in with reactions to the article he has US Army Forces cadets to wear high heels to promote feminist campaign.
Before we get back to that, we just had this article go up on Infowars.com.
Bill Nye brags about boarding gas guzzling Air Force One to combat climate change on Earth Day.
And as Kit Daniels points out, Air Force One's fuel efficiency is .2 miles per gallon.
In other words, it uses 5 gallons per mile.
They're going to use 35,000 gallons of fuel on Earth Day to lecture people about climate change.
Isn't it great to be part of the privileged kleptocrat class that we've got here?
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Paul, I want to take another call and get your comment on it.
Let's go to Mark in Texas.
You want to talk about the troops and the high heels and feminism?
Go ahead, Mark.
Yeah, okay.
Before I start on that, I just want to let people know, I don't know if they know, that Wolfgang Halbig is going to have a hearing on Thursday, I mean on the 24th of this month of April.
We're in Hartford, Connecticut, and I think this time he's going to get some answers to what really happened at Danny Hook.
But anyway... Okay, good.
Yeah, we need to talk to him.
Go ahead.
Okay, as far as... He said he's been trying to call you, but he can't get through.
Also, as far as the military goes, I don't know what these neocons are even thinking when they say, well, we need to go over here, and we need to go over there, and we got...
Do you honestly, do they honestly think that this military of today could defeat Russia in a conventional, in a non-nuclear war?
Do they really think, you know how disciplined and good the Russian Army is today, and how tough those people are?
Look at World War II, when they underwent that war with Germany, and with today's purged military.
I don't even know if we could defeat Iran in a war either.
I don't think we could actually conquer it and invade it the way we could Iraq.
Well that's true.
Joel Skousen has pointed out he doesn't even think it's their intention to try to win a war.
What do you think, Paul?
Well, I think the US economy still dwarfs that of Russia.
But if they spend all the time walking around in high heels, then it makes it less likely that they'd win a war.
And again, I wanted to talk about what the previous caller said.
When does it become a national security issue if you're emasculating people in the military?
And then you can add in the whole debate about, you know, women on the front line, which also ties into this feminist hysteria about not recognizing the fact that men and women have biological differences which make them more adept at different tasks.
Doesn't mean one's better than the other, doesn't mean that one thing is inferior to another, but, you know, this ties into everything.
So, with regard to Russia, yes, if they're prancing around in red high heels instead of actually training, then that's going to be a disadvantage, isn't it?
Yeah, I'd like to see, actually, I'd like to see one of the neokinds, Lindsey Graham, walking around in red high heels.
Maybe somebody's got the footage.
Let's go to Alex in Wisconsin.
I have two snivelets here.
What's up, Knight?
First, do you agree that
A main focal target of mass mind control remains the control and manipulation of collective archetype sexuality.
Yeah, I would agree with that.
We're about to run out of time.
Quickly, make your point.
The second point is, I was thinking to beat the Piers Morgan interview, Alex Jones should go to California with Joe Rogan, that guy from Ministry, and David Icke, and take a bunch of magic mushrooms.
Okay, well, I'll pass that on.
Thanks for joining us, Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
We'll take more of your calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and we've been taking callers, commenting on the articles and what we've been talking to Paul Joseph Watson about.
Let's go straight back to these callers, because we've got several of them queued up.
I want to get through as many of them as possible.
Let's go to Cheryl in North Carolina.
Cheryl, go ahead.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
How are you today?
What are you calling about?
Well, I just want to let you know, this all was processed with a big article in our local newspaper, the State News Server.
And I'll read you the article.
It says, more cases reported.
The subtitle on it says, military officials say the rush, rise in reports isn't necessarily because the assaults are happening.
Hang on, I'm having trouble hearing you.
What is the title of the article?
More cases reported.
More cases of what?
Military officials say the rise in reports isn't necessarily because the assaults are happening with more frequency, but rather that more victims are coming forward.
Oh, you're talking about sexual assault in the military.
This was prefacing everything about the high heels and everything.
This came out April 19th.
Sunday's paper, which is the one that everybody gets, that prefaces everything that you see going on now at Fort Bragg.
Okay, alright.
Yeah, absolutely.
If you try to make people report it more often, it doesn't necessarily, as you pointed out, doesn't necessarily mean there's something there.
We seem to have lost the idea of presumption of innocence with anything, so it's just the mere reporting of something makes it true, depending on who reports it.
Of course, if you get accused of something by somebody in the government or by somebody who's rich and powerful, that has the effect of having a conviction anymore in the society that we live in.
So, yeah, that's a part of this.
Go ahead.
But what's happening, though, is if you read the article, it says it's only gone up 4% from 2012 to 2015.
So that is not a very big percentage.
And they do not say that it's soldiers
Doing the assaulting.
Sure, yeah.
You can use statistics and you can use studies to prove anything that you want, really.
We all understand that there's an agenda here.
And I think that's part of the process is to just talk about this and talk about what this agenda is.
It really is, I think, part of a brave new world agenda, just as we see a 1984 agenda being played out on people.
You know, there's different approaches at different sectors of society, at different levels of society.
Some people get one approach, some people get the other one.
Thank you, Cheryl.
I want to get as many callers as we can.
Let's go to Frank in North Carolina.
Frank, you want to talk about a cashless society.
That's what we talked about with Paul at the beginning of the last hour.
Yeah, I tell you, it's days like this I begin to realize just how long I've been out of the military.
But, you know, we know that the powers that be are a bunch of control freaks.
And they want to be able to track and trace all the financial transactions and all of our activities from the time we're born.
I mean, that's their ultimate dream, like Aaron Russo talked about and whatnot.
You know, how are these politicians and these judges and these officials and authorities, how are they going to get their kickbacks and their bribes and pay for their mistresses and their prostitutes and all of that without cash?
And of course the banks, the banks make most of their money off of laundering drug money.
Mitt Romney, where do you think his billions came from?
Laundering drug money.
Oh sure, yeah.
They'll still have a way to do it.
I remember Spiro Agnew getting caught with suitcases full of cash in the White House.
But yeah, they'll still find a way to do it.
And of course, they have... there's always Bitcoin, you know.
And that's an outlet for us as well.
A way that we can get out of that with cryptocurrencies.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back with more of your calls and with more news.
We've got the Koch brothers who are now going to be auditioning Jeb Bush.
Imagine that.
Maybe that's a conspiracy theory.
I don't know.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We just talked in the last hour to Paul Joseph Watson about new regulations in banks that would outlaw you keeping cash in your safety deposit box.
And of course, just yesterday we had a Chief Economist, comments from Chief Economist at Citibank, saying they were looking at ways to abolish cash, to tax it, because they needed to get to negative interest rates.
And of course the big problem with that is your cash.
The fact that you would take the cash out of the bank to avoid these negative interest rates that they want to impose on people.
We have a kleptocracy.
And they talk about how they are
They actually have a kleptocratic, a kleptocracy asset recovery initiative.
That's part of the Justice Department's presentation to this Association of Anti-Money Laundering Professionals, talking about how they were going to steal money from any leader that they called a kleptocrat.
And of course a kleptocracy is rule by thieves.
I think
Abuse that information, misconstrue that to charge you to confiscate your cash, anything they can do as part of this kleptocracy.
Let's go to Marcy in Washington.
You wanted to comment on the cash articles.
Go ahead.
Yes, a few years ago... Hi, David.
Nice talking to you.
No, go ahead.
A few years ago, I took out because I felt I had the right to be able to.
I think so.
And the IRS sent me a note that I owe them, it was a little more than what I took out of Wells Fargo.
And they are now confiscating 25% of my disability check.
Now, what is the connection with you taking out of the bank?
Are they saying that you owe additional taxes because you took that money out?
Is that what they're saying?
What's the connection?
Well, the connection is it's Wells Fargo that I owe the money to.
I never invested in Wells Fargo other than putting my money into that bank.
Yeah, that's the whole thing.
When you take your money out, there should be no
There should be no issue about that.
They've already vetted that money going in.
They look at all your sources of income.
Taking money out should not be a criminal act, but it is.
We were just talking about the civil asset forfeiture abuses in New Mexico where they've had particularly bad cases, egregious cases of this.
They just passed a bill to stop that unanimously in both houses, bipartisan, unanimous.
The Republican governor finally signed it there.
One of the things that drove people to do that was
A father and son who were pulled over coming back from Las Vegas.
They had cash about just under $17,000.
They were pulled over for going five miles over the speed limit.
They were harassed for hours.
After they found the cash, the state highway patrol said, your ordeal is not over yet, boy.
Talking to the 61-year-old.
When they went into Albuquerque, they were pulled over by the city police, who then called Homeland Security.
So all three of them, the State Highway Patrol, the city police, Homeland Security, they all worked together, they conspired together to steal this money.
They stole their cash, they stole their car, and left them standing on the side of the road.
And that's essentially what we're seeing everywhere.
Labeling everybody that they wish as a kleptocrat, as a thief, as a drug dealer, without any proof, and then stealing what they want.
Well, we know who the real kleptocrats are.
It's the people who are running these scams, and it's part of the corruption that we see from the war on drugs.
That's what this all started with.
And you can see now the fruit of this.
It's another reason why we've got to get rid of prohibition.
It just does nothing but create more organized crime and corrupt our government, as we saw that with alcohol prohibition.
Now this has been going on for, what, 45 years?
A war on drugs?
I mean, it just never stops.
Thank you, Marcy.
Let's go to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
David, nice to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
One of the things that I never hear anybody mention, I mean it's somewhat hinted towards, but once they get everybody off cash and everything is electronic, the fees that they're going to tag on to every single transaction you do are going to squash whatever savings you have.
Well, the purpose of all of this surveillance ultimately comes to
Confiscating your money for corporations' use.
Forcing you to buy their product, but also taxing you, as you point out, taxing you for everything that you do.
That's the government.
So it's taxing you, it's taking your money, it's forcing you to buy their products or enticing you to buy their products because they know how they can reach you.
They can measure your responses to their advertisements.
But yeah, that's everything.
When they look at the car, when they control the car, they know exactly how many miles you're driving.
They're going to tax you by mile.
They're going to give that information to the insurance companies that will then adjust your insurance rates.
They'll always find some way to raise that insurance rate.
But they're constantly monitoring your behavior.
And even if you're not doing something they can tax, they can always come in if they find that you're a political enemy of theirs.
They'll find some way to bring charges against you to confiscate your wealth.
If they know that you have money, they'll find some way to confiscate that.
That's the whole point of this surveillance state.
It's the corporations, as well as the government, working together, and they don't want you to own anything.
Just as we talked about at the beginning of the show, they don't want you to even be able to fix your car, fix your tractor, because they assert that they have copyright control over the computer that is interwoven into these devices now.
So therefore, that gives them perpetual ownership
Using copyright laws to own everything you have.
You won't own anything.
You will simply be renting everything.
You'll be a wage slave, a tax slave, a serf on the plantation.
That's where they want everybody to be.
Go ahead, Mike.
Should we not be pushing towards, I mean, everybody looks for things that they can do that are, like, minimal effort invested.
Shouldn't we all be, like, moving away from using our debit cards and things like that and start actually pulling cash?
Wouldn't that really start to shake the system a little bit if everybody started to say, you know what?
We're not going down this road.
The weird thing for me is, I'm old enough to remember a time when they talked about doing a lot of the stuff that we see happening today in the 90s because there was a push for it.
I know you remember it.
There was a push for it earlier and everybody rejected it.
And now it's like people have completely lost their minds and they're just going along with everything because technology is great and why question any of it?
People will follow the path of least resistance.
They understand that.
They know that even though they come out and openly admit that they're spying on you with your phone, people will still buy more iPhones, they'll buy an iWatch U to go with it, even though they know the government is watching all this stuff.
Monitoring everything.
It's still something that they will buy because of the convenience.
It's the same reason they don't want to just go strictly to cash.
Because it's very easy to just pull out the plastic and swipe it.
You don't have to worry about the fact that you don't have cash.
Actually, that's one way to get control of your budget is to make yourself pay cash.
Because that'll keep you from spending some money sometime when it's not necessary.
But yeah, it's the path of least resistance.
They understand how people think.
They know just exactly how far they can push it.
But again, I keep coming back to the Trans-Pacific Partnership because that is where, and a lot of this is based on copyright extension, that is where General Motors and John Deere and all these companies want to assert the fact that you will not own anything.
And when they assert that with the cars, they're also going to assert it even about the appliances that you own in your smart home.
Let me take a break from calls here for just a moment and talk about the fact that Politico is running
A article here saying the Koch brothers will offer an audition to Jeb Bush.
Now, you know, it was just yesterday that we had a pushback from Bloomberg, a mocking article laughing about the fact that we would suggest that because Jeb Bush is going to Europe, close to where the Bilderberg conference is going to be, at about the same time, that perhaps he's going there to talk to some rich and powerful people who could help his campaign.
Not that that hasn't happened before.
We've documented how that has happened many, many times with people just before presidential elections.
And of course, the Bilderberg campaign is a meeting where people can go, the most powerful people in industry, in government, in the military can go there and talk quietly without
Any records being made that in and of itself should raise suspicion.
It should raise questions from the press and yet there's only a few people who took a look at that for decades.
It was so.
Uncovered that people like Jim Tucker were laughed at for being conspiracy theorists when he was doing it by himself.
Then Alex Jones joined in.
We had people like Daniel Esslin writing books about it.
But of course they still like to laugh about it and downplay what's going on.
But if these guys go to the Koch brothers, and of course at least the Koch brothers are admitting that they're going to do this, I guess it's not a conspiracy theory when Politico connects the dots.
What they're saying is the top aide from the Koch brothers has revealed to Politico that Jeb Bush will be given a chance to audition for the brothers' support, despite initial skepticism about him.
They say they are going to have Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, and now Jeb Bush are all going to be invited to a summer conference where they can talk to these guys.
They say they might also include Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal,
And of course, this prompted an online frenzy of people, including the Huffington Post banner, Kochs find their man.
Well, I guess that's a conspiracy theory.
See, when we reported that he may be going to the Bilderberg meeting,
We had a writer, I use the term loosely, from Bloomberg put out that tweet and sent it directly to the Bush campaign and they debunked it, he said.
With one word, no.
Say the Lord hath spoken.
When the Bushes say something, you can bank on it.
Maybe they're going to be getting some cash, maybe, I don't know, maybe it'll just be an electronic funds transfer.
We'll have to see what the Koch brothers do.
But of course, they'll probably be able to transfer as much money as they wish to them.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
We're taking calls at 800-259-9231.
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Let's go to Aaron in California.
Aaron, go ahead.
First, thanks to John Harmon for taking all these calls.
He's doing a great job.
Yes, he is.
I just want to point out something on that PJ Watson article about the red shoes and all.
I think he got punked on that one.
If you look at the four photographs that are from Facebook in the original article and what he used for his video posting on YouTube,
All of the pictures marked April 1st.
So, I think it was an April Fool's joke, and you guys kind of bit a little hard on the hook there.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, we've got pictures of people doing it.
Maybe they were doing that as a prank, but he also had somebody from Afghanistan who was a medic who contacted him and said that they made it mandatory there.
So, I don't know.
Maybe it was an April 1st joke, but it looked like he had multiple sources, not just that particular one.
And we didn't... That guy contacted him, I think, after he published that story.
Maybe it was.
We'll investigate that.
Anything else you wanted to mention?
I was wondering, where is Waldo?
I mean, has anybody asked where Alex Jones is for the past three days?
No, they haven't.
Alright, thanks Aaron.
Let's go to Nelson in Florida.
Nelson, you want to talk about waking people up.
Go ahead.
Yeah, David, I had spoke to you a couple months ago about trying to get together a concert tour and a picnic event, sort of like Farm Aid, but, you know, make it a constitutional, the We the People, Freedom and Constitutional Truth Tour, I don't know if you remember.
But, um, you thought it was a great idea, and then I've heard Alex discuss that he was thinking about doing something like that recently, he said something like that, and, uh, I think it's a great way to wake people up in each town, where we go and have, where the sheriff in each town is, you know, advised by the Constitution, and he'll escort our buses through, and we'll make a weekend event about it.
Just discuss the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and America, and all that.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
As a matter of fact, I know the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association had a questionnaire that basically you could take to your sheriff.
You know, I think if a lot of people sent that kind of information to a sheriff, some of them might realize that, yeah, there's a market out there that actually I could get elected if I stand for people's rights.
We've got some good sheriffs.
We've got some good peace officers out there.
I think it'd be one way to kind of get a feel for how these guys are.
I think that's one way that you can get involved.
Certainly you can have events, but I think also directly asking them in a polite way where they stand on this issue.
You need to know before these guys get in office.
Thanks, Nelson.
Let's go to Ollie in California.
Go ahead, Ollie.
David, how you doing?
I'm fine.
Hey, I just want to talk about the vaccine issue.
When my son was four months old, I told my wife not to take him and she took him because she believed it and he got really sick.
He was having hard breathing problems and I took him to the hospital after that and they said it's normal.
Yeah, they see that kind of reaction with a lot of different people.
Thing is, if he had long life, is he okay now or was that something that just passed?
I stopped vaccinating him, no medicine, no medication whatsoever, and he's doing perfectly fine.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And my newborn, I haven't given him anything, just breast milk, that's it, and he's growing like a sprout, I guess, or whatever you guys say.
But I also wanted to talk about the issue in Yemen.
I'm actually from Yemen and I was there 10 years ago.
Everything was like perfectly fine.
Nothing was going on.
And now it's just gone.
Everything's over with.
You still have contact with people in the area?
I actually have family out there and they can't get out right now.
They're stuck.
They had to move out to the small villages on the mountain, because the city was really bad.
Well, of course, and that's our ally.
Whenever we do something like that, our allies do something like that.
That's not called destabilization.
When we come back, I'm going to play you a clip from Noam Chomsky when he talks about that double standard.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're taking callers and just want to give you an update on that last segment.
We had a caller, Aaron, who called in trolling us, telling us that he thought that this story about the high heels was an April Fool's joke.
No, we checked our sources.
We talked to Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul is a very experienced reporter.
He knows to check his sources.
He doesn't get punked by April Fool's jokes.
This was a local newscast.
You guys have that pulled up as well?
You don't have the newscast?
You don't have the newscast?
You don't have a story that happened at an army base in Germany in 2011 where they did the same thing?
Okay, alright, in 2011.
We've had multiple reports of this.
Look, there's an agenda out there.
We all know what that agenda is.
There's an agenda of feminism.
There's an agenda of transsexuals, if you want to put it that way as well.
You see that a lot in the news right now.
There's also an agenda to try to troll and discredit us.
So there you go, Aaron.
If you want to take a look at those newscasts, you can find that right there.
Let's go to Brent in Texas.
Brent, you want to talk about Jade Helm.
Go ahead.
Hey, David.
Thank you for taking my call.
I'm really a fan of your work.
The reason I'm calling is I wanted to draw attention to Jade Helm, if possible.
I've done a little bit of research.
My wife actually had me do a search for FEMA coffins recently, and this is how I stumbled across the information.
But what I've run into is, allegedly, Jade Helm is an acronym for the Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution, and HELM is Homeland Eradication of Local Militias.
Now, if you do a search... Now, where did you find that?
Because we're kind of talking about sources here.
What's your source for that information?
I'm good.
Homeland eradication of local militias.
It will pull up the videos discussing this and I just wanted to bring that to InfoWarrior's attention because I know y'all will do a much better job researching it than I'm able to do.
Alright, we'll look that up.
Yeah, one of the things we have to be careful about with Jade Helm and we're now seeing a pushback in the mainstream media about this in terms of talking about this.
I appreciate it.
I believe that it is an exercise.
We've seen that they've got military bases where they have carved out sub-sectors of that, like the one at AP Hill that Joe Biggs and I walked through about a year ago.
We know what they're preparing for.
We've seen their scenarios.
Whether this is going to be the one that goes live, we don't know.
I think probably at this point, I would be surprised if it did, frankly.
We need to always be alert and aware as to what our government is doing.
But we know the scenarios that they're training for.
That's the key thing.
We know that our government perceives the citizens who have guns, they perceive veterans, they perceive Christians as the biggest threat to them, a far bigger threat than terrorists are to them.
They've made that very clear in their training scenarios and what they're training for and the way that they're training.
So we don't know when something like this is going to happen.
We don't know if this is something they're planning for to crack down, impose martial law, if there's some kind of a natural disaster or an economic disaster, or if this is something that they're going to generate.
We don't know when that's going to happen, so we can't predict it.
We can just see that this is a going trend of the militarization of the police.
We don't need to over push this in the sense saying that we know this is definitely going to happen.
We can never know when it's going to happen.
But we do know that is the trend and we need to make sure that this doesn't get overplayed to the extent that the people who support
A militarized police state in America dismissed this as all paranoia.
It is not paranoia.
This is part of an advancing trend.
It's one more aspect of it and we need to always be alert as to what's going on with it.
Let's go to a Canadian guy in Canada.
Go ahead.
Yes, good morning.
Thanks for taking my call.
Sure, go ahead.
I think you do a great job there, David.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.
In the mainstream news up here,
The Canadian Wheat Board is apparently being sold to Saudi Arabia, which owns a Q3, Global 3 company, I think it's called.
Okay, yeah, they're pretty much calling in all the chips, aren't they?
We're seeing, just as out in Arizona, we got John McCain selling a massive chunk of land out there to a foreign corporation that's going to basically leave a
It's a controlling wheat board.
Well, there's not any decision to be made about that.
I think they pretty much have already decided to use killer robots, and that's one of the things we've talked to people who are trying to stop that.
We had Noel Sharkey on the show.
We interviewed him.
Killer robots are something we should all be concerned about, even if they're not autonomous.
But of course, they're also working on making them autonomous, where they would make their own decisions.
That would be like releasing a plague.
They would just go around indiscriminately killing people and they could always blame it on a software issue.
But when you look at artificial intelligence, when you look at the rise of the robots, as I've said before, the thing that concerns me the most is that this concentrates power.
And that's what we're seeing with everything.
Whether it's the trade agreements, whether it's the war on cash, it's always a concentration of power amongst the very few.
And this kind of militarized robots allows even fewer people to be able to control a vast amount of force.
There's an article that went up on Infowars.com just a few minutes ago.
Saudi Prince promises Bentleys to pilots as the civilian death toll mounts in Yemen.
We just had a caller call us talking about relatives saying just how desperate the situation is in Yemen.
And of course, it's our allies, the Saudis, who have now attacked Yemen.
That is not destabilization, though, because that's our ally.
Let's play a clip from Noam Chomsky, and he responded to the idea that is being floated in America.
He says, the idea of a media which does not repeat U.S.
propaganda, he says, is intolerable to American leaders.
And, of course, this was a conference that was called the Confronting Russia's Weaponization of Information.
Listen to his comments about that conference.
It's also because there are other domains in which Russia and the United States don't see eye to eye.
Just as there's a Russia... Why is there a US-Iranian crisis?
I mean, in the United States, I'm sure you've seen every leading commentator, every presidential candidate, and so on.
Recently, Jeb Bush say Iran is the greatest threat to world peace.
And that's repeated over and over.
There's also another opinion on the matter, namely the world's opinion.
And we know what that is, because there are polls taken by the leading U.S.
polling agencies.
The Gallup organization has international polls.
And they ask the question, which country is the greatest threat to world peace?
The United States is way ahead of anyone else.
No other country is even close.
But Americans are protected from that.
The U.S.
media simply refuse to print it.
So this major poll, I think it was December 2013, was reported by BBC, but not a single word did the major American media.
So if the world thinks that, so much for the world, we say Iran is the greatest threat to world peace, therefore that's true.
We can repeat it over and over.
Yes, absolutely.
It's controlling the media and controlling the information you see.
There's a new story out today.
Of course, we keep seeing information come out of WikiLeaks' exposure of the Sony emails.
Now, this particular one is about a coordinated reaction within Hollywood to leaks about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Of course, the trade agreements that are being worked on, and at the heart of these trade agreements, of course, is the copyright issue.
And it's been the Hollywood studios, the people who are also, like Sony, involved in the music industry.
It is not simply about free trade.
This is trade for the globalist corporations, as I point out, and this is a way of them holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy their products.
It's a way for them to maintain ownership forever of everything.
And that's what this partnership is about.
One of the other things that Noam Chomsky said, he said there's little moral difference between chattel slavery and renting one's self to an owner in wage slavery.
He says workers should own and control their workplace.
Well, how about farmers being able to own and control their tractors?
We talked about that in the first hour.
How about you being able to own, control, and repair your car?
No, see these people who are putting together this trade agreement don't want that.
And of course we've seen now in some of these leaked emails about Sony working with the MPAA.
Guess who's the head of the MPAA?
Chris Dodd, the guy who was protecting the bankers and getting their bailouts for them.
The guy who, with Barney Frank, put together the Dodd-Frank bill that was supposedly going to keep those kind of abuses happening again.
They both took their golden parachute as soon as they
Uh, did that for the bankers.
It's not a reform act.
What it does is it created another agency that is metastasizing with its control over the American people.
But now Christad has gone to the MPAA.
That's the organization that gives us the ratings for the movies but it's also the Motion Picture Association.
It's a trade organization.
And so these emails, now the latest thing that this reveals is that Sony was working together with Disney and with the US Chamber of Commerce to push back against the exposure of part of the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement.
This thing that is being negotiated in secret.
We also see from some other leaks that have come out that Sony was working with the President on SOPA.
Because we know that SOPA, SISPA, ACTA, PIPA, all these things that have been defeated repeatedly at the legislative level are now going to be put into the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement as well as the Transatlantic one.
Here's an email.
At the White House Christmas party, Gene Sperling said the President really likes you.
This is too Sony.
And he was telling me how he dreaded calling you on SOPA.
I guess we have to wonder why he's dreading calling them on SOPA.
But nevertheless, they are conspiring with the White House to sell this agenda.
You know, and they've also come out with Zero Dark Thirty.
They helped to get him elected.
When you look at this picture from Sony, they've got Spider-Man, which of course is a series that is being put out.
They bought that from Marvel, and Sony owns that, as far as the movie rights.
They show Spider-Man lifting his mask up, and you can see a donkey.
A Democrat donkey.
Yes, the mask has come off.
Not as if we didn't know it.
It's pretty obvious from what they say that they're solidly in the Democrat camp.
But of course, remember when Obama was coming up for re-election, they had Zero Dark Thirty.
Very controversial at the time.
People were routinely criticizing them for promoting
Torture, as part of that movie, it opens up with a torture scene.
They were telling people, not so subtly, that torture had worked.
Hey David, we've got a special guest on the line.
Oh, okay, we got somebody calling in.
Who is that?
I think it's Alex Jones.
Let's go to Alex.
Go ahead, Alex.
Maybe we don't have him on the line.
I'm not hearing anything, guys.
Okay, we lost the call.
Alex is going to be joining us though, I think.
He'll probably call right back.
But of course, when Zero Dark Thirty came out, it came out just days before the election.
They're selling the idea that Obama got Osama.
They're also selling people on the idea that torture was justified, that that's how they caught him.
And it's a very, very corrupt process that's going on with Sony.
Of course, we should remember that Sony has had a long history of this type of thing.
They even had a fake movie critic.
His name was David Manning.
And going all the way back to 2004, they were still fighting this in the court.
There was a class action suit for false advertising of their fake movie critic.
They fake everything about this.
They're faking, just as they did with the interview, using that
To justify assassination of regimes that they don't want?
Coordinating with the State Department, coordinating with the Rand Corporation, saying we're going to sell assassination to the public using this comedy.
Well, they have their own fake movie critic they put out there, David Manning.
And the judge, they said, this is free speech.
The judge says, no, this is not protected free speech.
This is commercial free speech.
And he had an interesting quote at the time.
He said, Sony's position would shield all sorts of mischief.
For example, a film could be advertised as having garnered three Golden Globe nominations when it had received none.
In other words, Sony could just lie, which they do.
And they do it as part of an agenda, part of the trade agenda, part of a political agenda.
It was just yesterday that we talked about how the other emails had come out just with this
This picture deal they've got of Ed Snowden.
This is something that Oliver Stone is going to be doing.
Hopefully, he will be independent enough of Sony, but we'll have to wait to see what the results are.
But they were correcting the press release saying instead of talking about the government's illegal spying operations, just talk about intelligence gathering.
Instead of talking about a misuse of power, change that to actions.
That's the way Operation Mockingbird works.
And of course, the press as well as the movie industry has been propagandizing the American people for decades.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's go to David in California while we're waiting for Alex to try to reestablish connection.
Let's go to David in California.
Hi, David.
David here also.
Yes, go ahead.
I just wanted to let you guys know, I don't know if you're aware, but California passed the mandatory vaccinations here.
I don't know if you guys could look into that.
Now what status is that?
I know that it got out of, that it was going through committee, is that it hasn't passed through the legislature.
That's State Bill 277, is that correct?
SB 277?
Yeah, it says, I got a Facebook posting, it says ABC 7 News, mainstream media, ABC 7, it says the Senate passed the mandatory vaccination.
Okay, so it has passed the Senate.
Yeah, that's very concerning.
You know, people need to look at this and they need to question whether or not the government should force you to take any kind of medical treatment.
This transcends whether or not you agree with vaccines or whether or not you don't want to have vaccines.
Think about it like food.
Can the government force you to put food in your body that you don't want to put in your body?
Everybody has a different opinion about what they want to eat.
Some people have, it extends not just to taste, but they do it for health reasons.
They will not eat certain things because of health reasons.
Should we be able to have that kind of informed consent about what's in our food?
Well, of course, they don't want us to know what's in our food.
They fight the GMO labels.
They don't want us to know what's in our vaccines either.
And they don't want us to be able to sue the vaccine companies if we're harmed by it.
What's wrong with this picture, David?
If we can't sue the pharmaceutical companies if they harm us, but they can, on the other hand, force us to inject their product.
What's wrong with that?
It's everything's wrong.
I mean, I myself, my wife wants to have kids and I'm scared to have kids.
It's horrible.
You know, I don't want them, you know, putting the poison in my, you know, my child's body.
So I pulled off holding kids to see what what can we do, you know?
Well, don't hold off having kids.
I mean, you need to have kids and you need to fight this tyranny.
That's one thing you can do to fight back.
Take them out of the system.
Figure out how you're going to fight back against the system.
Yeah, they've just expelled a thousand students in Spokane because they don't like their vaccine records.
And of course, Australia and New Zealand are saying they're going to withhold benefits from people if they don't get their vaccines.
It's full-out tyranny.
Holding a gun to your head.
Forcing you to buy something.
Meanwhile, giving the corporations full liability release.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to go right back to colors in just a moment.
Before we do, I want to let you know that we have Silver Bullet at 50% off right now at Infowarslife.com.
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We have Monsanto telling everybody that it's not cancerous, but
The World Health Organization is telling us that they believe that it is.
Of course, there was that amazing video of the trade, the guy who worked for Monsanto trying to push it, and they had a guy interviewing him saying, well then go ahead and drink some of it.
He got some of it.
Well, he says, I'm not stupid.
He goes, oh, so you admit that it would hurt you.
Oh, no, no, it's perfectly harmless.
He goes, well then drink it.
He goes, I'm not stupid.
It was like a skit right out of,
The old Saturday Night Live with Ed Martin Short sweating as they did a 60 minutes skit on him.
Nevertheless, you can protect yourself from that with a water filter.
You can do what the government will not do and that is remove it from your drinking water.
Also, we have MyPatriotSupply Emergency Food, a great time to prepare for high quality emergency food supply.
You can get that all at InfoWarsStore.com as well as 50% off of Silver Bullet at InfoWarsLife.com.
I want to go back to our phone calls in just one moment.
Again, going back to this article that's up.
Saudi Prince promises Bentleys to pilots for a job well done.
You know, they've killed, what, 3,487 people in Yemen with the bombing campaign?
Great job.
So he's going to give these people, these pilots, 100 of them, who were part of this bombing campaign, he's going to give them Bentleys.
Put this out on Twitter.
You can see the Twitter feed right there.
They've got it in Arabic and they translated that.
Now, it's interesting that he would do this on Twitter.
He's a guy who has a $300 million stake in Twitter.
He's a $40 billion billionaire, nephew of the king of Saudi Arabia.
Our allies.
There we are.
Because, you know, when we go in or our allies go in and bomb an area, that is not destabilizing.
That's, I guess, for freedom.
I don't know.
Let's go back to our callers, Jim in Florida.
Go ahead, Jim.
You want to talk about the trade agreements?
Hello, David.
I'd like to read sentence one, section two, paragraph two, article two of the Constitution.
It says, he shall have power, he being the President, comma, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, comma, to make treaties provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.
Now what they're doing is that they're playing semantics here because a trade agreement, when force is behind it, that's not constitutionally acknowledged in this country, then it's a treaty.
It's not an agreement, it's a treaty.
So what we can infer from that is that if we could get 34 senators
Who aren't on the take and who have some guts to stand up and say, we don't concur and there's no possible way that you can get two-thirds of the Senate to concur because we are over one-third, the 34 of us.
Well I agree and unfortunately we've got a Senate that doesn't really follow the Constitution anymore and they have just fast-tracked the fast-track trade agreement.
They've said they're fine with having this come in where they're not going to be able to make any amendments.
It's going to be straight up and down.
Everyone should be concerned about this being negotiated in secret.
Well that's it for today.
Join us tonight for the Infowars Nightly News at 7 central.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.