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Filename: 20150330_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 30, 2015
2361 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to have an amazing show today because we're going to look at the fight at the state level for nullification.
Nullification of laws that are attacking our fundamental rights at the federal level.
I think that's really where the fight is.
And we're going to look at this in multiple areas where this is developing.
The militarization of the police.
There's a law in New Jersey that's just been put in, passed in committee unanimously.
Looks like it actually passed in the House and the Senate, not just in committee.
It's going to go before the governor.
Looks like it may pass.
So that's a pushback at the state level against this militarization of the police.
We're going to tell you how that would break down.
Also, the filming of the police.
We pointed out yesterday that in Montana they have a law that would essentially make you get a license to film the police and then give them editorial control over everything that you capture.
We keep editorial control of it.
We also have a law introduced in Texas about that.
But then there's other laws that are pushing back in other states.
In Colorado, they want to uphold the right of citizens to film the police because they understand that that is going to constrain criminal behavior on the part of the police.
Drug prohibition.
All over the place we see this happening.
There was just a
Recent introduction of a bill in North Carolina that we're going to talk about and I was very saddened to see the reaction of Christians in that area.
As Christians and Republicans, why can't they get it?
I would think the Republicans would be concerned about the cost of prisons.
I would think that they'd be concerned about the loss of property rights.
Not just the loss of property, but the loss of your right to having property.
The idea that the government can call it civil asset forfeiture, that they can charge your property with a crime, never charging you with a crime, never getting a conviction.
If they can do that, you don't have any property rights.
And I always thought that Republicans understood property rights.
And I thought they understood that that was a fundamental freedom.
Money is one of the things that Republicans seem to be able to understand, but not in the area of drug prohibition.
And what about the Christians?
Where is their compassion?
We're going to talk about that, and we're going to talk about the editorial from
A Christian organization that opposed medical marijuana in North Carolina and how he was just wringing his hands about what a tough day he had at the legislature, pushing back against all the people who were coming forward with their testimony about how medical marijuana was essential to their health.
How they had tried everything else and nothing had worked.
He just discounts their testimony.
Maybe they're going to discount his Christian testimony when he talks to them because they don't see the actions of Christ in his life.
We won't talk about that in detail, but of course there's also the push at the state level to mandate vaccines and the pushes against that.
There's bills on both sides of that.
There's also the mandate of mental health exams.
Interestingly enough, the same guy in Texas that wants to mandate mental health exams for your children also wants to prohibit you from filming the police.
A Republican out of Dallas.
We're going to talk about that in detail.
Ebola is back in the news.
Actually, we just haven't heard much about it in America, but it has been very much a part of the news in Africa.
Although the number of new cases in Liberia and Guinea had dropped, they're now going back up in Guinea, and Sierra Leone never got it under control.
Sierra Leone is now in the middle of another quarantine.
If you remember back in the fall, I think it was in September, they had a quarantine of a million people.
Now they're trying to do it for two and a half million.
So it is far from over.
But I'll tell you what concerns me far more than just Ebola.
And that is the Ebola vaccines that are being worked on by GlaxoSmithKline and by Merck.
And those are about ready to deploy.
And we're going to be talking to Gerald Cilente in the second hour.
We're going to talk about Saudi Arabia's moves in Yemen.
That's a big story.
Gerald Cilente will break that down for us in the second hour.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I don't know.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, March 30th, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined in the second hour with Gerald Cilenti.
He's going to be talking about Saudi Arabia's move into Yemen.
That's a very important move with a lot of implications in it.
We're going to be talking to him about that.
Of course, there are some interesting articles that broke on Drudge over the weekend.
One of them talking about Hillary Clinton's emails on the server.
This is really amazing.
This is from the New York Times.
And they say that her lawyer told a congressional committee on Friday that after turning over some of the emails to the congressional committee, they put up a setting on the account that changed it to retain only emails sent in the previous 60 days.
That was her lawyer.
So he said,
The setting was altered after she gave the records to the government.
Of course, nobody can verify that she separated out the private from any incriminating emails.
We just have to take her word for it and the lawyers' word for it because now they don't exist.
She scrubbed the computer.
That's pretty amazing, isn't it?
You know, that in and of itself should be a crime.
It certainly is evidence of trying to, I would say, even an admission of guilt.
And of course, the Republican Party wasted no time in pointing out that even Nixon didn't destroy the tapes.
I mean, he had that 18 minutes of silence that Rosemary Woods managed to put in there for him, but he didn't destroy all the tapes.
Maybe he just didn't have the technical capability or
Maybe Hillary Clinton.
I actually saw the meme on Twitter.
They showed Hillary Clinton, you know, because she was involved in the Watergate trial, and said maybe she just learned her lesson.
Oh, I know what to do.
Next time I'll get rid of all the evidence.
So I guess that was a lesson that she learned from that.
Also on Drudge, of course, was the article that we have on Infowars.com about this military training in Fort Lauderdale.
Video shows troops training to intern citizens in Fort Lauderdale.
Caught on camera.
We talked about this a great deal yesterday.
A very, very troubling video and as I pointed out, this is really the NDAA's indefinite detention being put into practice.
We were all very concerned when that passed in 2011.
Uh, the indefinite detention of citizens by the military and you can see them training for that now and that's precisely what they're going to be doing with the Jade Helm exercise as well.
As we played yesterday and as we played on Friday when they presented this to the Brazos County Commissioners here in Texas, what they were telling them
That, at least in their area, they were going to have a plane that was going to fly in from Louisiana.
It was going to extract people.
It would be a very quick operation, 15 minutes in, and then they're out.
And that's what we saw happening in Fort Lauderdale.
We saw the Black Hawk helicopters coming in, extracting people.
We saw people being taken down on the streets, role players.
How are you going to tell in the future whether it's role players or if it's just people who criticize the government?
See, that's what's really dangerous about this.
It's dangerous on many, many levels.
But of course, they're training us to get accustomed to seeing them march people through the streets in single file.
They're getting accustomed to seeing them put people, as we're watching on the screen right now, if you're looking at this, taking people and putting them in white vans and driving them out to the internment camp, where who knows what they'll do.
I think I've got an idea.
Anybody who knows about the history of Gitmo, anybody who knows about the history of the CIA has a pretty good idea of what they're doing.
These are the boots on the ground for the secret black op state that we have created here.
The CIA, the NSA, and of course the special forces who are their boots on the ground doing this kind of work.
Now Rand Paul,
spoke to some students in Maryland at the Bowie State University of Maryland on March 13th and this is what he had to say about indefinite detention to the students there.
He said we have something now in America called indefinite detention.
He said this means that an American citizen could be indefinitely placed in prison and sent to Gitmo forever without trial.
Now they point out that this is a mostly minority audience so he talks to them he goes
Anybody ever think there was any animus towards African Americans in our country?
Anybody think there's ever been animus towards any kind of minority in our country?
You ought to be concerned about incarceration without trial.
Everybody should be concerned about this because primarily it's going to be focused on people that are political enemies of the government.
Points out in this article from New American they say one of the most noxious elements of the NDAA is that it places the US military at the disposal of the president for the apprehension, arrest, and detention of those who are suspected of posing a danger to the homeland.
The endowment of such power to the President by the Congress is nothing less than a de facto legislative repeal of Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which forbids the use of the military in domestic law enforcement.
Yeah, it was going all the way back to James Madison who said, if we have a standing army combined with an over-acting, unrestrained executive, that's going to destroy freedom in our country.
He also pointed out that a standing army has always been used to create tyranny.
A standing army that is supposedly for fighting tyrants abroad is always used to establish tyranny at home.
That's the way it's been throughout history.
We understand that.
They understood that we didn't want a standing army either of the military or, as I pointed out yesterday, even of the police.
We've got the police at a state and city police level.
We've got the sheriff.
We've got the highway patrol.
We have multiple levels of men with guns and badges as it is here now.
Posse Comitatus was about having the power in the community so that you would have a law enforcement officer or you would have army officers.
But in order for them to actually
Help with a felony or with a bank robber to catch him, they would call out the posse because the power resided in the community.
That's what posse comitatus means.
It means power of the community.
The power needs to be in the community.
If we turn this over, we become slaves.
Because we will be effectively disarming ourselves because this will be so asymmetric.
And that's what they plan on.
That's what they're working on.
That's where they drill inside the military bases.
It's on the asymmetric warfare military bases inside AP Hill that Joe Biggs and I walk through, as well as other asymmetric warfare training facilities.
And this drill...
This Jade Helm is unconventional warfare.
It is a PSYOP first and foremost, but it is also about asymmetric warfare.
We need to understand the danger of this and as Rand Paul points out, he says, any American could one day find him or herself branded as a belligerent and subject to the complete confiscation of their constitutional civil liberties and nearly never-ending incarceration in a military prison.
And this final quote,
Rand Paul said, I'm not questioning whether the president is a good man.
I'm questioning whether you want a law on the books that requires our leaders to be good people.
Do you understand that?
That's why we have checks and balances.
We cannot imagine that these people are going to be angels, because men are not good.
We have to have these kinds of checks and balances.
We create government to come after the bad guys, but we have to have some way to watch the watchers, to control the people.
We need to talk about what we're going to do with the military, what we're going to do about the militarization of the police.
And quite frankly, I don't think we're going to be able to stop it.
At the federal level.
I think it's gone too far.
I think we let it go for too long.
The only chance we have now, I believe, is at the state level with state nullification.
And there is a fight going on at the state level in multiple areas.
One of these is, of course, a resistance to the militarization of the police.
And it's coming from, of all places, New Jersey.
The last place I would expect it to happen, well actually Maryland would probably be the last place I would expect it to happen, but it's actually coming out of New Jersey.
This is an article on WorldNetDaily.
New Jersey bans acquisition of tools of war without the okay of the local community.
The sponsor of the bill said that it's an important first step towards blocking federal programs that militarize the police.
This is a state bill, S-2364.
A Democrat put it up, but guess what?
It was approved 36 to nothing and 70 to nothing in the House and Senate of New Jersey.
Unanimously approved this.
What did they approve?
They said the law interposes the local government in the process, giving the people of New Jersey the power to end it.
And at least forcing the process into the open.
It wouldn't put an end to the militarization of New Jersey law enforcement, but it does create a mechanism for local communities to stop the free-flowing tide of equipment.
Citizens now have the power and the forum to pressure their elected officials at a city and county level to vote against acquisitions or to face the consequences come the next election.
The new law also creates an environment of transparency.
I think?
When they stood back and said, we're not going to harass people, we're not going to arrest people, fine people for your petty laws like they did Eric Garner when they actually killed him for not paying the tobacco tax.
They said, we're not going to do that if you don't have our back.
They were criticized by City Hall, by the mayor, de Blasio.
So they said, all right, fine.
We're not going to arrest or fine people unless it's absolutely necessary.
And guess what?
It dropped, the arrests dropped by 95%.
Because more than 95% of what they're doing is not necessary.
It is not keeping the peace.
It is generating the revenue.
That's what the police have been used for.
So they're being used against the people.
They're not there to help guide and organize the people when there really is a challenge to the community.
That's what we need to move back against.
We need to go back to not having standing armies of uniformed people watching over us and we certainly don't need to go the next step.
And abrogate posse comitatus for the military and allow the president to use the military as a law enforcement vehicle.
That's what's being done with these MRAP programs.
They actually even stopped it last summer for a while for the fire department.
Even though that was a 60-year-old program, they stopped giving equipment to the fire departments.
But they're saying this is for emergency.
You know, a fire is an emergency.
They got that reinstated, but it shows where the roots are coming from.
Saywellis will be right back talking about these state-level pushes.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and as I point out in the last segment, we're going to have Gerald Salenti joining us at the top of the next hour.
He's going to be talking about Saudi Arabia's move into Yemen.
A lot of implications to that.
One of those was that it caused spikes in the price of oil, but it's got some real huge geopolitical consequences involved in that.
So we're going to talk to Gerald Salenti about that.
And in the last segment, I was talking about how
There's a pushback at the state level on many different areas.
It's not just on vaccines, mandatory vaccines.
You see that's a huge fight going on at the state level, but also now we see that in New Jersey they are pushing back on the militarization of the police with this Pentagon program that puts heavy-duty military vehicles
We're good to go.
We need to be concerned about the military being used as police.
And both of those come back to posse comitatus.
The whole idea of the militia, the whole idea of the posse, was that the power would reside in the community, not with a government that could use it for oppression.
That's why they did not want a standing army.
To continue after war.
It would shut down and you would have a corps of officers.
You would continue to have the Navy.
The Navy couldn't be used for oppression.
It would not be boots on the ground that are going to eventually wind up as boots on your neck.
Because that's the way it always happens with a standing army.
They eventually wind up standing on you.
That's the way it's always been throughout history, and now we see this playing out in our country because we don't understand human nature, because we don't remember history.
We're going to repeat this again.
This is what they said in New Jersey.
This is the law again.
It passed 36 to nothing and 70 to nothing in the legislative chambers.
It's going to go before Chris Christie.
They expect that he's not going to stand against a unanimous majority.
But we'll see what happens with that.
They point out the Tenth Amendment Center spokesman said the New Jersey law is significant because it represents the first salvo by states against an unfettered flow of military equipment from Washington to state and local law enforcement.
He said good policing is about acting like police officers, not a command and control military force.
I want to talk about some of these
Other areas where we see a fight going on at the state level for our very rights.
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Now, getting back to the state fights that we have in terms of our rights, we see these bills coming up on both sides of our rights.
For instance, Colorado has a right to record bill.
It upholds the citizens' fundamental right to record law enforcement.
I just reported yesterday that in Montana, they had an amazing bill that would say you have to get a privilege license from the police in order to film them, and they retain final editorial control of any content that you might
Uh, publish, or put up on the web.
That's for every kind of filmmaker, and for citizen journalists.
That is a very dangerous law in Montana, but there's a good one in Colorado.
And of course, it was born out of the idea that, uh, we need to have the citizens, uh, watching the watchers.
The question is, who watches the watchers?
We can all watch The Watchers when we have our own recording devices that we can freely record the police as they're going about their official business.
And that was the point of Montana.
It would prohibit people from recording them when they're on official business.
We have no interest in recording the police when they're in private.
I mean, they're the ones who want to record us in private.
We don't want to do that when they're operating as a private citizen.
But that Montana bill would prohibit you from doing it when they're on duty in a public capacity.
That, of all things, should be available for transparent observation.
And of course, in Texas, we've got a representative, Jason Villalba, I guess is how you pronounce his name.
He's a Republican out of Dallas.
He wants to put in a penalty for filming the police here in Texas.
Interesting that the same guy, Jason
Bill Alba in Dallas also wants to mandate mental health screening for children in Texas.
This guy just can't get enough of big government.
That is an incredibly dangerous idea, especially when you look at the effects of SSRIs.
That, of course, is what they're going to give your children if they screen them for psychological evaluation.
They pin that stuff out like candy.
We're gonna be right back and we'll talk more about that and other pushes at the state level.
Join us.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and in the last segment we were talking about the fight at the local level for our rights.
Our rights to film the police.
Our right to have a say-so as whether or not our police are going to be militarized with this federal program putting MRAPs and other heavy-duty equipment
And of course, in New Jersey, they now have a bill that was passed in both houses unanimously, going before Chris Christie, that would essentially open up the process, make it more transparent, give the citizens more of a say-so before this comes in, instead of the citizens trying to get it out.
Because, you know, there's been communities in California where they said, we don't want this.
They got the local government to stand with them and say, all right, we're going to return this.
And the Pentagon said, no, you can't return it.
You're not allowed to.
This is a white elephant program, if there ever was one, giving you this sacred elephant that you now have to feed.
Because one of the reasons that they're giving these things out is because they rushed them to market to try to protect the troops in Iraq.
Uh, they're not very well designed.
They have horrendous maintenance issues, horrendous maintenance costs.
The Army doesn't want that on their books, so they're pushing it out to the local communities to keep them, uh, maintaining this.
They offered it for free to any of the, uh, allies that wanted to come and pick them up.
And nobody took him up on the offer.
That should tell you something.
So yeah, they're basically a white elephant, but it is also setting up a very dangerous precedent of militarizing the police, of pre-positioning equipment in these communities, maintained at the expense of the communities, while the Pentagon retains ownership.
See, that's why they said you can't send it back.
We'll have to give you permission to send it back.
They don't own this.
They're not given this property.
It is loaned to them.
That's why they have to maintain it to a certain level.
And it's why it's there is so that it's going to continue to remain in the
The possession of the military, essentially.
So they will decide how they're going to use it.
Now, we were talking about this pushback.
We have bills in various states where they want to prohibit filming the police.
We have other bills where they are standing behind the right of citizens to film the police.
And of course we've got someone here in Texas, Jason Villalba, in Dallas, a Republican, who basically wants to penalize you for filming the police.
This is a story we had last Friday.
Texas lawmaker pushes mandatory mental health screening for children.
What an insane idea!
This guy needs to go for mental screening.
A Texas lawmaker has introduced draconian legislation that would force parents to have their children undergo mental health screening at the behest of teachers.
They say parents would have 30 days to comply with the ruling or the child will be sent to, quote, an alternative school.
Oh, an alternative school.
I sent my children to an alternative school.
We homeschooled them.
Because I'm not going to have that kind of control exercised over my children.
I understand it's a psyop from the get-go.
My wife was a teacher.
Has a master's degree in education, actually.
And we understood exactly what they were doing with the B.F.
Skinner techniques.
The Beyond Freedom and Dignity.
They don't think you should have freedom or dignity.
And if you don't believe me, take a look at what they've turned the schools into.
I would not even recognize it from when I was in school, and it didn't pass the sniff test for either one of us.
We absolutely would not put any of our children in school.
I understand people have issues.
Many single parents, it's very difficult for you to homeschool.
Get creative.
Work with other people.
Think outside the box.
Don't put your kids in the box, if all you can, because it will pay dividends in the long run with the relationships that you have with your children.
Believe me, it really will.
Another article about how the schools are coming after parents.
Here's one out of the UK.
Several schools in England are threatening to call Child Protective Services and have parents arrested.
If they find out that your kids are playing video games at home like Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty.
So, you know, if your kids play outside, call CPS because you're not watching out for them.
There you go.
If they go to a playground, call CPS.
If they walk home from the playground, call CPS.
If they're playing the wrong video games in their homes, call CPS.
You kind of get the idea that
They want to control our kids?
Kind of get the idea they want to take our kids away from the families if they can't control them in the families?
It couldn't be more obvious.
Just connect the dots.
Meanwhile, look at this other article.
They came out, let's see, this is 28th, I think this is on Saturday, is that right?
Police watchdog to probe claims that a pedophile sergeant ordered junior officer to keep quiet after catching an MP with two boys at a sex party.
This is also out of the UK.
So here you go.
They're going to protect your children by sending in CPS and taking them away from you, presumably if you let them play the wrong video games.
Meanwhile, meanwhile, the police shut down investigation because this is an MP that's caught with a sex party with little boys.
And we've seen this happen in the UK as well with the Jimmy Seville situation.
After his history was made public, we realized that it had been shut down many times, several times, by Scotland Yard.
The higher-ups shut down the investigations of those who are lower down, who saw something, started to come after it as they should, and then it was shut down by those who are high up, just as we saw the BBC do that.
They had some people that had created a documentary exposing his pedophile crimes, and that was spiked by the BBC.
And then Danny Cohen, the guy who just shut down their most popular show, Top Gear, he wound up running a retrospect that was celebrating the life of Jimmy Savile as if none of this stuff had ever happened.
But boy, if you offend their political correctness, if you offend their religion of climate change, you're gone.
It doesn't matter if you've got an audience of 350 million people, because they could care less about that.
I mean, they're going to get their money one way or the other.
But in this case, we've got a police watchdog who's going to examine claims that a pedophile sergeant ordered a junior officer not to tell anyone after catching Cyril Smith
at a sex party with two boys because Cyril Smith was an MP, a Member of Parliament.
He was threatened, get this, with the Official Secrets Act.
So I guess if you're a politician...
Your pedophile parties are official secrets.
They're not just secret, they're official secrets.
And, you know, everything is national security to a corrupt government.
We see this everywhere.
Everyone that we talk to now in government, it doesn't matter if it's some local airport authority, they want to invoke secrecy and national security as if they're the CIA.
Actually, I don't think the CIA ought to have that kind of secrecy.
I disagree with Richard Burr, the new Republican chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
He says we're not ever going to have any oversight of the NSA or the CIA or any of these secret organizations.
We should never even talk about any of this.
No, you need to.
You cannot have a secretive black government doing black operations and not talk about it.
And you know, it's not just England where they have these problems, where they want to ban video games or send CPSN after you.
It's also here in the US.
We've got the guy who's going to be replacing Harry Reid.
Chuck Schumer.
And there was a funny article that was up on Reason with a list of all the things that Chuck Schumer wants to ban.
Because this guy is one of the most authoritarian nanny state people you can ever imagine.
So you thought we were getting an improvement by getting rid of Harry Reid?
Here's Chuck Schumer.
Some of the things that he's done.
He wanted to ban high-powered green laser pointers.
He wants to ban powdered alcohol.
He wants to ban powdered caffeine.
He wants to ban alcoholic energy drinks.
Hey, you get the idea this guy is like stuck in alcohol prohibition?
Yeah, we're going to talk about that next.
He says Bitcoin is money laundering.
Ban it.
Okay, fast food bread?
Ban it.
25 to life, a video game?
Ban that too.
I don't even know what it is.
But this guy is always trying to tell us how to live our lives.
You know, when you've got the government constantly telling you how to live your life, you're not free, are you?
When you have a militarized police force driving around MRAPs, SWAT teaming people, you're not free either.
And I think one of the things that really puzzles me about the war on drugs, about drug prohibition, is just the absurdity
of civil asset forfeiture.
We had an article earlier this, last week, we talked to Paul Joseph Watson on Friday about it, about the government criminalizing people that had $5,000 worth of cash that they would take out of the bank.
They wanted the bank to report this as suspicious activity.
And of course they're pushing these suspicious activity reports and getting over a million of them a year from the banks.
It used to be that they would look at the money that you were depositing in the bank because I said, you know, we got to be on the guard for money laundering.
So if somebody is putting more than $10,000 in the bank and cash, that's suspicious.
If they have deposits that would total more than $10,000 over a certain period of time, that's suspicious too.
So, you need to file a Suspicious Activity Report, and they have actually used that to go in and confiscate people's money, saying that they were structuring their deposits.
The whole point of that would be that you would look to see if it really is suspicious, if they are involved in criminal activity.
But if they're not involved in criminal activity, they ought to be left alone.
But they're using it to steal the business, steal the money of a lot of businesses, small businesses that are in the restaurant business that's predominantly cash, putting these people out of business, putting people in jail with these structuring charges.
This is the way it was put in one of the articles that we had at Infowars last week.
A man, Charles Hugh Smith, wrote this.
His publication is of two minds.
Listen to the way he put this.
He said, Did you know that if you deposit too much money in modest sums, the government of Iran steals all your deposits?
He then said, Did you know that if you're caught with any drug paraphernalia in your vehicle, the government of Iran steals your vehicle?
Pity the poor Iranian people.
They live in a Kafkaesque nightmare, where suspicion alone justifies the government stealing from its citizens.
He says, oh, sorry reader, I was just kind of teasing you.
That's not in Iran.
That's not the Iranian government, the source of all evil that we're supposed to go to war with.
No, that's your government in America.
These are tricks that are set up to steal from the American people.
And you know when reported about that incident of...
Saying that they wanted the people taking $5,000 out of their account.
And think about the fact that this money was already vetted when you put it into your account, right?
They already looked at it and said, okay, this looks suspicious.
He's putting cash into the bank.
Let's notify the Homeland Security and the FBI and everybody and have them do an audit on this guy because he put cash in the bank.
Now you're taking the cash out in a smaller amount and that's suspicious too.
Using any excuse they can to take your money.
Now, this announcement was made at a meeting.
It was a conference by an organization called the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists.
And, uh, ACAMS.
And this is where an assistant attorney general went to make this announcement about the $5,000.
And one of the things he was also talking about there, and I thought it was kind of interesting that there's an entire industry that has come up to watch people putting money into the bank and taking money out of the bank.
Are we like East German Stasi society here?
I mean, that's what this has turned into.
We have an entire industry, people making a living being snitches, looking at anti-money laundering.
And of course, they're not doing a very good job of it for the big banks.
They have taken cash away from a lot of innocent people who are not involved in any criminal activity.
They've put people in jail.
But you know, when HSBC does it,
And launders money for drug organizations, drug cartels, or for terrorist groups, they get a slap on the hand.
It was just a few weeks profits that they were fined.
Nobody went to jail.
And they even set up an organization.
We had Everett Stern, who was one of the people that worked for them, after they were put on probation.
They created a new anti-money laundering department.
They added a lot more warm bodies.
But he testified and alleged that they were not training anybody.
He even went further.
He said that they were taking their keyword search that would identify certain suspicious organizations, certain drug cartels, certain terrorist organizations, and they were putting spaces and periods in there so that they wouldn't get a match.
That's what Everett Stern alleged when he blew the whistle on HSBC.
But you know, it is something that we're seeing a pushback again, at the state level.
Nobody has a problem with it, it seems like, at the federal level, except for Rand Paul and a few who have come up with a piece of legislation called
Actually, the careers is actually for marijuana, but they've actually come up with something, I forget the name of the legislation.
They would stop this kind of confiscation of equipment, of personal inanimate objects, charging them with a crime.
That is the heart of civil asset forfeiture.
We also see a pushback at the state level and we had the Wyoming legislature come in and just like we saw With this bill to push back the militarization of the police in New Jersey It was also passed in Wyoming and yet the governor there vetoed
I don't know.
So we see that this is also coming up in New Mexico.
In New Mexico, it was unanimously passed by both the House and the Senate, but the governor there is strangely quiet, as people have reported, not saying whether or not she is going to sign this legislation that would stop civil asset forfeiture.
It's a novel idea that we should be found guilty of a crime before they confiscate our property.
It's an idea that goes all the way back to the beginning of the kinds of rule of law and respect for individual freedom.
It goes back several hundred years.
It goes back to Runnymede, to those kinds of rights to establish trial by jury.
To establish the presumption of innocence.
To make sure that people are not given excessive fines.
To make sure that they don't have their property taken, that they're not put in jail for things that are not crimes.
And that's what we see happening with civil asset forfeiture.
But I think one of the things that
Really concerns me and of course we're seeing this happen at multiple, in multiple states.
We see some good moves towards shutting down prohibition.
Understand that prohibition now as it exists is 80% targeted towards marijuana.
But a large part of this is targeted towards people who are not violent.
But they're put in jail for a mandatory minimum period of time thanks to the Ronald Reagan administration.
Something we didn't even do with alcohol prohibition.
And as I pointed out earlier, it seems to me like Republicans could understand that property rights are fundamental to you being a free person.
Republicans are all about property rights.
And yet, they have enabled this civil asset forfeiture to go on and destroy property rights in the name of the failed war on drugs.
Do you understand this has been going on for over 40 years?
Do you understand this had its roots in the UN?
Ten years before Nixon declared the war on drugs, ten years before we had our four different schedules, we had the UN come in with exactly that same legislation.
Just like they do with Agenda 21, with many other issues like gun control.
They create an agenda and then they wait for the individual states to enact it into law.
And that's what we did here in this country.
We even took the same drugs and put them on the same schedules.
And of course we have the idea
That marijuana has no medical uses, so therefore it is a Schedule 1 drug.
That is the legislation that Rand Paul is talking about in terms of taking it off of a Schedule 1 drug.
He has two Democrat co-sponsors with that.
That would have huge implications.
That would even make it available for you to get some help financially when you take that drug.
It would recognize an obvious fact that it has real medical uses.
We're going to talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be talking to Gerald Cilenti in the next hour, especially about the move by Saudi Arabia into Yemen.
The consequences of that are very broad.
We're going to talk to Gerald Cilenti about that.
Before I get back to what's happened in North Carolina with medical marijuana, I just want to let you know that we have a new product.
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It was brought to my attention.
I have a friend in North Carolina that has a news aggregation site, kind of like the Drudge Report, but just focusing on state issues.
And it was brought to my attention that medical marijuana was just recently shot down.
It was a very rough fight, actually.
People got very angry about it.
And I think they should.
I think you should get angry about it, because you need to understand.
That as we get angry about the government taking away our informed consent and saying, no, we're going to shoot you up with a vaccine, whether you agree with that or not, whether we have your consent or not, whether we give you any information about it or not, whether we give the vaccine pharmaceutical companies legal immunity in a vaccine court or not.
If they have legal immunity, if they need legal immunity, doesn't that tell you something about the danger of the vaccines?
That they had to create the vaccine court in order to protect the pharmaceutical companies?
Anyway, if they can mandate vaccines, they can also prohibit you from taking medicine that you want to take.
See, that's the flip side of both of these things.
And that's really what's going on with medical marijuana.
Now I talked on the Infowars, actually it was on the radio, we talked to David Strickland here in Texas, a very compassionate Christian who made a Christian argument for legalizing marijuana.
He talked about people in his district.
We're suffering horribly.
One of them was a child who'd been damaged by vaccines.
The other people who got the batch of vaccines died.
This child has suffered with seizures all their life.
The only way they could get any relief, the only thing that ever gave them any relief, was medical marijuana.
That name was actually David Simpson.
Sorry, David Simpson, not David Strickland.
Yes, David Simpson is the representative out of Longview, Texas.
Anyway, he made a point of making a Christian argument because he understood, as we all need to understand, that many of the people who oppose this most adamantly are Christians.
And at this hearing that they had in North Carolina, this is something that was put up predominantly along party lines.
There's Democrats who put it up and Republicans who shot it down.
They say spouses of injured military veterans testified.
Several people said they used marijuana to treat chronic pain or symptoms from diseases.
They had an 84-year-old woman who said she had always had an active life, but she now had worn out discs in her spine, suffering from a lot of pain.
Couldn't find anything that helped it about two years ago, she said she rubbed cannabis-infused ointment on her back, knees, and ankles.
She says, now I can walk around, I can sleep better.
I don't have to use a cart to get around.
So, that kind of testimony was given at the legislature.
And a guy who's with an organization called the Christian Action League, his name is Reverend Mark Creech, wrote an op-ed about what a rough day he had had.
Listening to these people,
And basically blowing them off as he pushed for drug prohibition.
And I'm going to read you his letter when we come back.
We're out of time in this segment.
But I'm going to read you what he wrote about what a rough day he had.
Stay with us and we'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be joined in the next segment with Gerald Salenti of Trends Research.
I just wanted to finish up in this segment with what I began talking about the hearings about medical marijuana that were shut down in North Carolina last week in an editorial that I saw.
By a Reverend Mark Creech, who is with the Christian Action League, talking about what a rough day he had at the legislature.
Now, of course, the Christian Action League, they self-described themselves as growing out of the days of prohibition.
They grew out of the anti-saloon movement.
But in 1958, they say, the charter of the organization was amended to expand the scope of its ministry.
Yeah, by the time, by 1958, everybody had realized that alcohol prohibition was a really bad idea.
It hadn't helped anybody.
And so they branched out into other things, like prohibiting marijuana.
Because they didn't learn the lesson from that.
So let's talk about what he had to say.
It's amazing to me that he puts himself in here as the victim.
He's perfectly healthy.
He's not the victim.
The victims are the people who need the medicine that he's denying them.
And I have to say that just as a matter of principle, as I said in the last segment, any government that can deny medication to you by the same principle can force you to take medication.
That's how we get to informed consent being removed from vaccines.
This is what he said.
He said Wednesday was a rough day for me at the North Carolina Legislature.
The pro-cannabis forces filled nearly every seat in the room.
There was heart-wrenching testimony from 18 of the bill's proponents.
They testified of debilitating diseases from which they or family members suffered.
Each of them said marijuana had helped them with their symptoms, and they implored representatives to legalize the drug in North Carolina for medicinal use.
Didn't have any effect on Reverend Creech, though.
You know, it was a heart-wrenching testimony, but it didn't wrench his heart.
Let me say to him, and he says a lot of people say that we are, we're not compassionate.
They were very hostile towards us.
I don't use marijuana recreationally.
I don't have anybody in my family that needs it for medicine, but if they did, and that was the only thing that helped them, I would be hostile to somebody who presumed to tell me that I couldn't take it.
And I don't care who this guy is.
I don't care if he's representing some church or if he's representing the government.
Nobody has that right to make that decision but me.
Medicine is something that I should be allowed to take.
This is what he says, I wish I could say that such hostility never bothers me when standing for the truth.
What truth is he standing for?
What he is doing is denying the testimony of these people.
These people come in and say, nothing helped me except this, and tearful testimony, talking about the pain and the suffering that they or family members have gone through, and he just blows that off.
Let me tell you something.
Do you think that your Christian testimony, Reverend Creech, is really going to reach anybody when you blow their testimony off?
You're going to tell them about the love of Christ and the compassion of Christ, and you're going to come across like this where you could care less about what they're saying?
Don't give any credibility to what they're saying?
You're going to ram the government down their throat?
You say you want to be salt and light?
You're nothing but a badge and a gun to these people.
That's what you are.
You think that Christ can't transform lives.
This is essentially a spiritual problem, a psychological problem.
It is not a law enforcement problem.
You have made it a law enforcement problem because your God is too small.
Your God is the government, your Godverment that you serve.
This is what he says, I and my fellow Christian colleagues know, don't include me in that,
Who oppose medical marijuana for North Carolina, genuinely care about the affliction of others.
But medicine is not something to be decided at the ballot box or a judiciary committee at the state legislature.
Now that I agree on.
He thinks though that it needs to be established by some guys in white coats.
This is something that the AMA, according to him, the AMA...
And the pharmaceutical companies are going to go out and they're going to test this drug that they can't sell because they don't own it.
And that's why we've never had these tests.
They're going to go out and test that drug.
And then they're going to tell the FDA that they own to go ahead and put that drug out there.
That's the way we need to get our drugs.
It's got to go through that process.
And if it doesn't, it's illegitimate.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Simlin.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be talking to Gerald Salenti.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
He's on the line with us right now.
Gerald Salenti, of course, is the author of Trends Journal.
You can find that at TrendsResearch.com.
He's a forecaster, publisher of Trends Journal, business consultant, author who makes predictions about the global financial markets.
And, of course, he had a very interesting prediction.
That's why we wanted to have him on several years ago.
About what's going on right now with Saudi Arabia and Yemeni.
He predicted that, quote, cross-border fighting between Saudi Arabia and Yemeni rebels is precisely the type of conflict that could destabilize the world's oil markets.
Should the fighting intensify, the Saudis risk an attack on their oil facilities, which could curtail supplies, drive prices higher, and seriously damage the already imperiled world economy.
So joining us now is Gerald Salenti.
Welcome, Gerald.
Thank you for having me.
Yes, that quote that you read was from our Trends Journal back in 2009.
And the Houthi insurgency in Yemen, this has been going on for decades.
And what people don't understand is that, you know, this all began with the carve-up of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, and there's destabilization in that area ever since.
So this isn't a new occurrence, but David, what's going on is being sold to the public as Houthis with the Iranians and the Sunnis, or, you know, they're the Saudis and they're the good folks that the United States is helping on this deal.
Here is the outrage and the overt imperialism that's happening in this country and colonization that you have no part of.
The clown that plays ambassador to the United States in Saudi Arabia made the announcement last week.
You know where from?
No, not the capital of Saudi Arabia, from the capital of the United States, Washington.
This guy gets on the news out of Washington DC.
I mean, we're talking about
Okay, boys and girls, if you believe that the prince has kissed the frog and the frog was really the king, then you'll like the name the King of Saudi Arabia.
But how about let's call him a dictator?
This country, this family has been ruling this joint.
They make the announcement that the king and the royal family is going to restore the
The guy, Hadi, who the United States and Saudi Arabia propped up there in Yemen as the new dictator following the old dictator.
They call it, quote, the legitimate government.
Now let's get this straight.
Saudi Arabia is one country.
Yemen's another country.
Who is Saudi Arabia to say what should be going on in Yemen?
So you can see what's going on here.
And again, this was done from the United States.
It's a disgrace that they let this clown address out from Washington D.C.
that Saudi Arabia is going to restore the legitimate government of
What, are they going to do it in between beheading people?
What, did they behead about 34 already this year?
The dictatorship of Saudi Arabia is saying, what should be going on in Yemen?
And the United States is providing intelligence and reconnaissance information to help Da King.
Oh yeah, they're absolutely joined at the hip, the U.S.
intelligence agencies in Saudi Arabia.
I thought it was interesting, Glenn Greenwald, I'll paraphrase him here, but in terms of this announcement, you know, as you pointed out, the amazing announcement that they don't, they announced that they're invading into Yemen, not from the capital Saudi Arabia, but from Washington, and Glenn Greenwald said, you know, you're pretty far into
An empire, when they start a new war, and it isn't even newsworthy.
They don't even pick this information up throughout most of the news cycle press.
No, and then look what else is going on.
You have ten other countries, the so-called Arab League, that overthrew Gaddafi, destabilizing Syria.
You know, this thing's been going on for how long?
And now they're invading another country.
And people don't have any idea of the history of this.
I want to read to you two quotes to put this into context, because the prostitute media, or as Alex Jones called them, the media whores, and I'm 100% behind them, they're media whores.
They're no more than lowlifes that suck up, bow down, to pass out the information that's given to them so they could serve their corporate whores, their corporate whoremasters.
And the Washington Johns.
This is from, this is from the former American ambassador to Yemen.
Alright, so now here's a guy that you would expect to toe the line.
His name is Stephen Cechi, S-E-C-H-E.
And he said that the Houthis had rarely
The Saudis and the Sunnis have made this a sectarian issue, he said.
This military campaign is the Sunni world saying to Iran, get out of our backyard.
As he's saying here, there is no connection.
To further make the non-connection between Iran and the Houthis, this is from Philip Hammond, the British Foreign Secretary.
He said last Friday, the Houthis are not Iranian proxies.
So, you're hearing it right from the top, but they're selling it as that so we could easily hate him because Iranians bad, them Saudis are good.
I mean, after all, you saw our president bow down and kiss the Saudis ring.
You saw all of these past Secretary of States go over and salute the new king.
You think that everybody would be going there to kiss the ring of the beheader-in-chief if their major export was broccoli?
The immorality of this is disgusting!
Yeah, it's amazing that we've seen these beheading videos from ISIS.
Many of them look very staged.
But there are real beheadings going on in Saudi Arabia constantly.
They've beheaded far more people than ISIS or ISIL ever have.
And yet there are hard and fast allies.
I think it's also interesting, Gerald, that nobody in America, in the general public, they look at this as some monolithic Muslim state.
And they have no idea of the differences and the infighting that's going on with these different factions within Islam, between the Sunnis, the Shias, the Wahhabis.
They have no idea what's behind that.
They have no idea about the geopolitical alliances that are being made with the US, with Saudi Arabia.
They're just going with whatever they're told on Fox News.
And Fox News and all the rest.
I mean, you read every one of these articles, and it's Iranian-backed Houthis.
And it's the furthest thing from the truth.
This thing has been going on now for decades.
The revolution really began to break out in the 1960s.
And you've had this guy who left Salah.
He was dictator-in-chief from 1990 to 2011.
You know, so this thing's been going on for a long time.
And by the way, back in the 60s, Egypt tried to invade Yemen.
Now remember, this is the poorest country in the area.
You know, these Saudis are bombing the place.
They're bombing mud huts.
They've killed over, I think it's about 120 people already.
And it's civilians.
So when the Saudis tried to do it, they call it... I mean, the Egyptians, when they tried to invade back in the 60s, they called it the Egyptian Vietnam.
Egypt lost about 26,000 men.
And back when I wrote that piece in the Trends Journal that you quoted from...
You already saw the Saudis try to invade that area of northern Yemen where it borders the Saudi border, and they lost about 140 men.
The Saudis did.
Now here's the blowback, David, that no one's talking about.
You know, as they used to say in the Bronx, payback's a bitch.
You're blowing up this joint.
You have several million Yemenis living in Saudi Arabia.
All of a sudden you're going to start seeing what they're going to call terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia.
So all of a sudden they start blowing up oil fields, or blowing up Da King's people, and you're going to see this thing really start to expand.
Yeah, we've already seen a lot of the American drone strikes done by Obama into Yemen haven't we?
Yes, and again, that's the reason why, another reason why they hate us.
But, hey, Obama, I mean, you know, this is, it's all against international law.
There is no international law.
Hey, where's the United Nations on this deal?
What if all of a sudden the Secretary General has lockjaw?
You got ten countries invading a sovereign nation who's done nothing to those other countries, and there's no outrage?
All they can keep talking about is this, you know, this German airliner that went down.
But all these other people being slaughtered in an attack by foreign nations into another nation, that's not making the news in an area that has become totally destabilized with the war in Iraq, the war in Libya, the war in Syria, now in Yemen.
Oh, and Egypt, by the way, they're getting re-involved in this as well.
You know, the dictator, oh, excuse me, the new president, I forgot.
It was a military coup, but we're not allowed to say that, because so we could keep giving them our money, although that's against the law in the United States.
They're involved in this now as well.
So this thing is going to destabilize the entire region, and you're going to start seeing
Blow back big time.
Yeah, I want to continue this as we come back from the break.
As you pointed out, this was Egypt's Vietnam.
The question is, will it be another Vietnam for America?
Will America get pulled into this conflict, along with Saudi Arabia, our close ally?
Stay with us.
We'll be talking to Gerald Cilenti of Trends Research.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Gerald Salenti, publisher of Trends Journal, TrendsResearch.com.
We've been talking about the situation in Yemen and of course the United States government has been there for quite some time with an assassination campaign.
And as part of that, we've had a massive number of civilian casualties, innocent people dying.
Of course, in Pentagon speak, we have a disposition matrix that caused collateral damage.
I guess that's just the way we would dismiss all this pain and suffering that we're causing.
All of the pushback, the blowback, that is going to be coming our way from people that we have oppressed and attacked.
And now we're doing this.
As part of Saudi Arabia's being sold as being against the Iranians, but Gerald predicted this six years ago in Trends Research, and we're going to get back to that in just a moment.
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Gerald, you were pointing out just before in the last segment that Egypt has already gone into Yemen once, decided that they would be able to put that down.
It was Egypt's Vietnam.
I think it's very interesting, especially as we see this training that's going on with Jade Helm and others.
Over and over again, we see that the big militaries, as part of this asymmetric warfare, they're losing these wars again and again and again.
Even though they have the massive military equipment, the massive armies, people who are being oppressed will fight to the last, not to say that there won't be a massive casualty, it won't be very unbalanced.
But they will continue to fight because they're the ones who are being oppressed.
They're the ones who are being invaded.
They're the ones who are being called insurgents in their own country.
I don't think this is going to go well, but Gerald, do you think we're going to get drawn into this conflict?
Is it going to be another Vietnam for us?
I don't think with so-called boots on the ground, they like bombing, you know, droning and bomb strikes.
And it also should be, you made a good point, David, in that you said despite all this money being spent, and correct me if I'm wrong in paraphrasing what you said, there is no victories to show for it.
Yeah, exactly right.
All right, now, let's get this straight, okay?
Everybody that's listening, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, all losing deadly ventures.
I believe I read it on Prison Planet that you had a post up there that what, according to these physicians, the social responsibility, some two million people have been killed
In the last ten years, because the United States and its coalition of the willing, willingly slaughtering innocent people under the guise of bringing freedom and democracy to these countries?
Is that correct?
That's right.
You know, we inflict mega-death on people and what we wind up getting is mega-debt to the military-industrial complex and the bankers that push us into this war, isn't it, Gerald?
Well, you nailed it again.
Mega debt.
The United States cannot find $500 million worth of armaments and equipment
That they left in Yemen.
I'm not making this up.
They just reported this about a month ago.
Five hundred million dollars.
Hey, those roads got a lot of potholes on it.
Your trains can't run on time.
We have money to send over to foreign nations and lose it.
And one losing event after another, again, $500 million.
Oh, and by the way, Saudi Arabia and Da King, they were the biggest importer last year of defensive military equipment, some $6.5 billion worth.
Yeah, that's what it's about.
It's about feeding the military-industrial complex, isn't it, Gerald?
You know, there was a report that came out.
It was, uh, CNS News pointed out that $1.2 trillion in taxes, a record number of taxes just through February, and yet that still didn't cover the bill.
We still had a $386 billion deficit.
So we're not making the world freer.
We're making ourselves into debt slaves to the military-industrial complex and the bankers.
You know what's going on now with, just today, or last night it was announced that Australia signed on to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank that's being headed by China.
They're going to have a hundred billion dollars into it.
That's bigger than the World Bank.
And of course they weren't going to do it.
So the business of China
Hang on, Gerald, we've got to take a break.
We're going to be right back.
Gerald Cilenti, TrendsResearch.com, Trends Journal.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're talking to Gerald Salenti, publisher of Trends Journal, TrendsResearch.com, and of course we're talking about, as I mentioned earlier, Glenn Greenwald sent out a tweet saying, you know that you're pretty deep into empire when they can start a new war and nobody even thinks it's news anymore.
Well, Gerald Salenti thinks that it's news.
I think it's news.
Actually, Gerald Salenti has been talking about this specific incident
Six years ago in Trends Journal, he was talking about how this was going to happen, that Saudi Arabia was going to escalate things by going into Yemen, and now it has happened.
And we're talking about the implications of that, but Gerald, you sent us a video about Obama talking about the success they've had in Yemen.
Set that up for us and we'll play that video.
Oh, we've lost Gerald.
Gerald, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you.
I was just going to say, you sent us a video about Obama talking about what they've been able to do in Yemen as an accomplishment.
Okay, good.
Set that up for us and we'll play that video.
Yes, this is from September 10th, as Obama's announcing that we're not going back into Iraq.
No, no, no.
We're only going to save them Yezidis on the mountain, folks.
No, we're not going to go back there and run airstrikes all the time and bomb Syria.
We're just going to save them Yezidis on the mountain.
And it's an anti-terrorist move.
And by the way,
He talks about his other great successes.
So let's listen to that.
We've targeted Al Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen and recently eliminated the top commander of its affiliate in Somalia.
This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partners forces on the ground.
This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.
And it is consistent with the approach I outlined earlier this year.
To use force against anyone who threatens America's core interests, but to mobilize partners wherever possible to address broader challenges to international order.
So yeah, we're Al-Qaeda's partners in Syria.
Oh, there we go.
Many people said we were operating as Al-Qaeda's air force in Syria, but of course we're now against Al-Qaeda in Yemen is what he's telling us, right?
Well, what he's talking about are the victories that he's had in Yemen.
Yeah, great victory.
Great victory.
They pulled out all the troops, they closed down the embassy, and lost $500 million worth of arms there.
And here he is with all that arrogance, bragging about the success we've had with our partners in Yemen.
Our partner, another General Hadi, another dictator, another military madman.
Our partners.
And by the way, they keep getting away with it.
And they keep doing it.
Yeah, I guess they're going to find now that when their partners go into Yemen, their Saudi partners, they're going to be finding that they're going to be fighting people with the weapons that we left behind when we bugged out.
And again, when we were taking a break before, I was mentioning what's going on with China and the AAIB, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
And you look at America's policy in Asia, what is it?
Pivot to Asia.
More military.
And what's China's and the Asians' policy?
More business.
When are we going to get out of this military mentality of more war?
And that's all we keep selling as our economy keeps going.
Yeah, you saw the numbers last week that came out on durable goods.
You saw the GDP numbers for 2014.
Oh, whoopie-doo, it came in at, what, 2.2 percent.
After trillions of dollars pumped into the market through quantitative easing and record low interest rates.
And what are we doing?
Getting involved in more wars?
And who can get away with this?
If the president is there September 10th bragging, bragging about our success in Yemen with our partner and poof, the place is up in smoke.
Yeah, yeah, no sooner than he finished the speech, essentially.
I guess it's kind of like his transparency that he was going to have, Gerald.
You know, we're going to know everything that his administration was doing, and they're the ones coming after the freedom of the press more than all the other administrations combined.
Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how this breaks down.
And one of the things that you said when you were talking about this six years ago, the very
Very likely that there's going to be terrorism in Saudi Arabia.
You point out there's a large Yemeni population already in place in Saudi Arabia.
This could blow back in terms of the Yemenis going on the offensive and that could have massive repercussions for oil and for the economy worldwide because the economy is essentially based on oil.
As the price of oil goes up, economic activity plummets, doesn't it?
Yes, and that's what you're going to start to see.
They're not going to sit back and take this.
Who would?
And if somebody else is attacking us, we go back and attack them.
I mean, can't people get this in their head?
And all this Arab Little League has done is cause destabilization throughout the area.
I'll never forget, David.
I was on China Today.
And along with the Washington Bureau Chief of Al Jazeera.
Now Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatar government.
And they're the Sunnis, right?
So this guy is making the case for why the United States has to overthrow Qaddafi.
And this is going on for an hour.
And finally I said to him, listen, I said, I'm tired of hearing this.
I said, here you are, someone from Qatar, saying that the Americans have to get involved in this Libyan war.
I said, why don't you pack up your gear and take your wife and your kids and yourself and go lead the charge?
Well, there's this guy talking with this perfect English accent.
I guess the bureau chief was trained in the UK.
And then this cat lost it at the end.
He starts yelling and screaming, look what our Nobel Peace Prize winner, piece of garbage, has done with Libya, along with Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton, in overthrowing the Qaddafi government.
And look what happened last week at what happened in Tunisia with these
Islamic fundamentalists, who the United States and the Arab Little League supported in overthrowing Gaddafi, as they blew up this museum, or not blew up the museum, they blew up people in this museum in Tunisia.
Where did they come from?
They came from Libya.
Where are they going into Syria?
Into Iraq?
It's all from the destabilization being caused by the Arab League and the United States support of these mass murderers going into foreign countries and trying to overthrow the governments.
Yeah, of course the net result of our policies in Libya is basically to turn it into an arms market for terrorism, a way that we can supply covertly our terrorist allies in Syria and other places.
Maybe that was the design from the beginning.
What do you think, Gerald?
But I want to talk about the budget.
You know, we have this massive defense budget.
We just had Rand Paul make a very controversial proposal.
He proposed adding $190 billion to the defense budget.
And here's one of the perhaps only voices that could stand up to say enough is enough on the defense bill, but he doesn't do it.
And he actually is even more responsible, though, than the rest of the guys who are going to be throwing their hat in the ring for president.
You got Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz signing on to that, but not offsetting it with any cost.
At least you could say Rand Paul is trying to offset the $190 billion increase, trying to offset it with $106 billion cuts in foreign aid and other things like that.
But I guess the question is,
Will it never end?
Do we have anybody that is going to push back and say, how big is enough?
And once we get to the size that the defense budget is, as we were just talking about earlier in the show, I think it's a real threat to the safety of Americans, and of course it's a threat to our prosperity.
We cannot afford to have this kind of defense spending.
Of course we can't.
It's destroying the country.
Again, you know, Eisenhower warned us about it.
And I'm sick of these guys throwing out, well, I'm going to protect the homeland.
Pack up your stuff and go lead the charge.
Send your kids.
Hey, is Obama's girls, when they get out of college or before they get into college, are they going to join the service?
How many of these senators' sons and daughters are fighting?
Everybody that wants war, go to the foreign country where you're bringing war to and lead the charge.
I've had it with these little boy chicken hawks with big mouths and cojones the size of mothballs telling us where we have to go fight.
I'm sick of it.
And they are all traitors to the founding fathers of this nation, from Washington to Jefferson, to Madison to Franklin, to Adams.
No foreign entanglements.
And what do they have to show for it?
Nothing but loss.
If anybody could add up some successes, I'd be happy to look at them.
In the meantime, our nation's going down the crapper.
Look at the numbers.
What do you see?
It's pretty amazing when you look at this increase, Gerald.
This is more than most nations of the world have in a total defense budget.
Way more than most of them have.
It's way more than probably about 40% of the countries have in terms of gross domestic product, this $190 billion increase.
It's absolutely insane.
As you pointed out, the founders knew this was going to destroy the country.
James Madison said, he said, if tyranny and oppression ever comes to this land, it'll be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
That's the way it's coming.
It is bankrupting this country.
It's in front of us.
I'm disgusted with all these guys.
How could it change?
Look, David, if you had a new member, a new guy that was running the Bloods or the Crips, is it going to change how the Bloods and the Crips operate?
And I don't say that sarcastically.
The Republicans and the Democrats are murderers and thieves.
How many more people do they have to murder around the world in the name of freedom and democracy?
And how much more of our money do they have to steal in the name of bailouts, too-big-to-fails, loan guarantees, and special tax breaks to our buddies?
We're not going to get it from the Bloods and the Crips, or as people like to be more proper, calling them the Republicans and the Democrats.
A disgusting group of losers and thieves.
Or as you point out, Gerald, with the Asian Bank, you said China is getting involved in business and all we're doing is you're shipping arms around.
Our business now as a country is arms shipment.
We are the arms merchant of the world and we're fleecing the American public.
We're destroying our wealth as well as we're going to be destroying our own individual freedom, just as we see with this Operation Jade Helm.
They are
Training, I believe, not just with this drill, but of course I think these wars that we're seeing in the Middle East, I think those are training for what they're going to do here at home eventually.
I agree.
You see, this is going to collapse.
Everybody knows it's being held up by record low interest rates.
They haven't raised interest rates since 2006.
We've had zero percent interest rates for six years.
Now they're doing it over in Europe as well.
You know why the markets are up today?
China's announcing maybe they're going to start pushing more dough into the system because their real estate bubbles collapsed.
At some point this Ponzi scheme is going to fall apart.
And as I always say, when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And people have lost most everything.
They've lost their opportunity in this country.
And it's going to get a lot worse.
So what are they going to do?
They're going to clamp down on us.
Look, it's fascism.
It's the merger of state and corporate powers.
And I'm not making that up.
When you see what happens with Too Big to Fail, it's the merger of state and corporate powers.
When you see bailouts and bailing out their friends in the business, it's the merger of state and corporate powers.
It's in front of our eyes.
And what we see going on in Europe, we see just about a month and a half ago, we had Greenspan come out and said, yeah, Greece is going to leave the EU.
The only way we can keep the EU from coming apart...
Is if we make it not just a trade agreement, but if we make it a sovereign United States of Europe, and that's what we had the largest bond seller, Pemko, said that just at the end of last week, saying that we need a United States of Europe as the only way that the EU is going to survive.
So these trade agreements, these austerity programs they're putting on people, this is all targeted towards pushing them to a political union, not just an economic trade zone.
Oh, you got it.
And you know, I mean, nobody in this country, barely, other than your show, mine, you know, the people that are concerned about this, talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Agreement as well.
This has nothing to do, very little to do with trade.
All it has to do with multinationals having the rights over sovereign nations.
I mean, those are facts.
And we, the people, in this land of freedom and democracy, are not allowed to read it.
No, no, we can't see it because the multinationals are putting the deal together, so we can't read it.
How's that for transparency, huh?
Yeah, exactly.
And of course, now they're taking the mask off.
They're showing us and talking about it.
We've had Petraeus say, you know, what comes after America?
North America.
And he talks about the North American Union.
He says we're 20 years into it.
They're taking the mask off.
They're showing people that the North American Union was all about a political consolidation all along.
And now they're taking the mask off and they're showing people that the European Union was all about a political consolidation all along as well.
And the way that they are going to push these political consolidations in is with economic hardship, as we see starting to develop throughout the European Union.
And Bud Petraeus, what a disgusting human being he is.
And look what happened with him.
He gets caught, what, giving classified information to his girlfriend, and he gets a slap on the wrist.
Yeah, exactly.
And this is a guy who's the head of the CIA.
Anybody else does it, like Bradley Manning or anybody else, you know, they're in jail and doing hard time.
But hey, when you're at the top, again, going back to fascism, that's what happens in a fascist nation.
And I think, Gerald, it's important to point out that he wasn't, you know, Bradley Manning and these other people, they were
Exposing information that was showing criminal wrongdoing.
Edward Snowden was showing criminal wrongdoing of our government, and yet they come after the whistleblower.
They don't do anything about the people who were exposed committing criminal acts, and yet Petraeus' was not a whistleblowing action when he released that information, so he gets a pass.
It's only the people who are exposing criminal actions in this corrupt government that they come after.
And again, when you're talking about the North American alliance and NAFTA, of course, begun under Bill Clinton, it's a multinational takeover.
And it's just going to keep going more and more in that direction.
You know, when you think about the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, infrastructure investment is an anathema to America.
We, China, China,
Invests about 6.5 percent, 8.5 percent of their GDP each year to infrastructure.
The United States invests a grand total of 0.065 percent.
Yeah, exactly.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
Gerald Salenti, Trends Journal and TrendsResearch.com.
We'll be right back with Gerald Salenti.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we've been talking to Gerald Salenti, publisher of Trends Journal.
We've been talking about the problems inherent in our involvement in Yemen and of course are tied to the HIPP involvement with the Saudis who have now invaded Yemen.
We're going to talk to Gerald in this last segment about solutions.
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Gerald, tell us about solutions.
What can we do about this?
I mean, you talk about how bad the military-industrial complex is, the government that just continues to grow unchecked, even the people who are portraying themselves as fiscally conservative, they want to grow up by $190 billion.
What is the solution to all of this?
Well, I think it's honoring thy founding fathers and going back to what this country was based upon.
And I know that people say, oh, there were a lot of terrible things.
I know.
None of us are perfect.
This was the land of opportunity.
And it was the envy of the world for a lot of the great things that happened here.
So, in the basis of that, no foreign entanglements.
Close all the bases overseas.
Seal the borders.
We got enough.
316 million people, high unemployment rates, low income because of all the cheap labor coming in.
I've been writing about this since 1985.
You know, the numbers are all there.
The more cheap labor that comes in, the lower the standard of living.
End these trade agreements that are not trade agreements at all.
They're available so that the multinationals could exploit slave labor overseas and bring the product over here and sell it to us.
So number one, bring the troops home.
No foreign entanglements.
Use these troops to seal the border.
Take that money that's being wasted and blowing up the world and rebuild America.
Look at our infrastructure.
It's a joke.
You go to Asia, you go to Europe, and you come back when I fly back into JFK.
Oh my God, I can't believe it!
What a disgrace!
You know, they're going down the parkway, litter everywhere, a beat-up terminal.
So let's rebuild America.
Number two, put the laws back in place.
That leveled the playing field.
It was what happened during the 19th and the 20th century.
People like Teddy Roosevelt knew that the robber barons, if they had their hands on all the dough, would rob it from everybody else.
So they put in place the Robertson-Patman Act, Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act, that leveled the playing field.
Young people have no idea what it used to be like.
They think it was always a Walmart or a Target.
They think that there was always a CVS and a Rite Aid, or a Staples and a Home Depot, or a Lowe's and somebody else that does all the business and put out all the mom and pops.
We're out of time, Gerald Salenti.
It's unfortunate we no longer have mom and pops.
Thank you for joining us.
Gerald Salenti, TrendsResearch.com.
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Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, and we've been talking to Gerald Salenti, and we got to the top of the hour and had to take a break, but Gerald has graciously consented to continue because we wanted to hear what his solutions were.
He was on a roll talking about the way we roll this back.
We spent most of the hour talking about the problems.
We need to hear about the solutions.
Go ahead, Gerald.
I wanted you to pick up from where you left off.
Yes, and putting these laws back in place so that we all have a shot at it and the multinationals don't own everything.
You look at the stock market today, the rise, you know why it's going up?
Because of all the merger and acquisition activity going on.
That's right.
That's all this has become.
50% of all the stock rise since they started quantitative easing back in 2009 has come from companies buying back their stock and M&A activity that is now beyond 2007 levels.
So the third part of it is
A self-sustaining economy.
We are one of the richest nations in the world with our mind and our natural resources.
You think we could make our own shoes, our own shirts, our own slacks?
What we have to do is we have to offshore it so the multinationals could export
The labor to enslave labor markets and bring it back.
We need to be a self-sustaining economy.
Everything is in place except one thing.
And that is, we're being run and ruled by a bunch of low-life politicians.
How can any self-respecting person look up to a little Lindsey Graham?
A John and Saint McCain?
Or out-of-a-mind Pelosi?
Glad you're going, Reid, and a slimy Chuck Schumer?
Name him, line him up, little Marky O. Rubio, Teddy Cruz, and now we just saw Rand Paul, as you pointed out, all of a sudden he was against increasing the defense budget and now he's increasing it.
He was against foreign aid and now he just
Oh, we'll change it.
Oh, we'll give it to Israel.
I don't want my money going anywhere other than the United States.
The solutions are there, David, but they don't want to do it because all the, you know, what they used to call bribes and payoffs, they put a white shoe boy name on it.
They call it campaign contributions.
Look at the dough that Hillary Clinton's gotten from foreign countries around the world.
Look where the money's coming in from Jebby Bush.
It's a sellout!
Absolutely, yeah.
And it's not going to change because they've got so much power and so much money because they can just print the money.
That has become a massive black hole for corruption.
I mean, this thing just keeps accelerating.
It's like we've passed the event horizon and we're going in.
I don't see how we stop this kind of corruption, this kind of power.
I think that's the problem.
There's just too much power in Washington.
I think we've got to cut it off at the state level.
What do you think, Gerald?
And that's why, again, you know, we need a new third party.
It's not even a two-party system anymore.
It's a two-family system.
That's true, that's true.
I gotta see another Bush and Clinton?
Oh my God, how could this happen?
And where's the outrage?
Where is the outrage?
Where's the courage of the people?
Where's the fighting back?
And I don't mean physical.
I mean intellectual.
How could we let this happen?
So, having said all that, I think 2016 is the perfect year for really something positive to happen.
And I really believe this is the time for a third party more than any time I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, absolutely.
As you point out, we've got one party and we've got two families.
That's really the political system we have at the top.
But I think that there's some action.
There's real fights going on over our rights in the state legislatures.
Fights to push back civil asset forfeiture.
Fights to keep us with informed consent.
I think really that's where the fight's going to be.
Thank you so much, Gerald Salenti, TrendsResearch.com and the publisher of Trends Journal.
Thank you so much for your insights, Gerald.
Thank you, David.
Thank you.
We'll be right back and we're going to be taking your calls in the next hour.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, your host, and we're going to be taking your phone calls at 800-259-9231.
I want to go back and talk before we go to the calls about this situation in North Carolina where they were debating medical marijuana because it concerns me so much to see Christians shut off their compassion for people talking about how this has helped them or their loved ones.
I talked about that in the last hour.
What I did not read to you from is his justification for what he's doing.
And he appeals to William Bennett, of all people, the man who first used the term czar.
To describe his office.
That was given to him, I think, by others, but he proudly wore that title.
And as I talk about marijuana, medical marijuana being a gateway to harder drugs, I've got to say that the war on drugs, if you haven't figured it out by now, over the last 40 years, has been a gateway to corruption.
It's been a gateway to a police state.
It's been a gateway to the loss of private property rights.
It's been a gateway to having the largest percentage of people in prison of any country in history in America.
That's the kind of country that we're creating because we don't have compassion or because we think that the government can get our children off of drugs.
That we can't as a family.
That we can't as a church.
That Christ has no power to change lives.
Only the iron fist of government.
That's not being salt and light.
That is just being a gun in somebody's face.
You know, I'm reminded of a story
There's been several of these stories, actually, I'm afraid.
One in particular, a Maryland mother, she could not stop her son from using drugs.
She was very concerned about it, so she turned her son in, had him put in prison.
While he was in prison, he died from an overdose of drugs.
And there are federal prisoners who are dying of overdoses of drugs in prison all the time.
And let me ask you this.
If you can get enough drugs to overdose on them in prison, then how are you ever going to stop it on the outside?
Are we going to live in a panoptagon prison?
Well, that appears to be what they're happy to have us live in.
And look at this story about corruption.
Just the latest example.
A drug cartel funded DEA agent sex parties.
This is on USA Today.
It was linked.
Drudge had it up last week.
And of course, this is yet another example of a bunch of DEA agents who are having sex parties that the drug guys that they're supposed to be shutting down are providing for them.
That's where we're headed with this.
That's where this goes.
But this is what William Bennett said in his book and this is what Reverend Creech with the Christian Action League of North Carolina quoted.
He said, medicine, like disease, is serious business.
It's recognition, it's use, it's deployment, it's method of delivery should not be determined by popular demand.
No, we should not have that freedom to do that.
We should have the men, or I should say the corporations and white lab coats telling us about that.
We do that with no other medical treatment, not even over-the-counter non-prescription drugs.
You see, they just go through, it's the pharmaceutical companies, they tell us what is safe and what isn't through the AMA and through the FDA that they control.
When you say that we do not have a right to take medicine, you also are saying that we do not have a right to refuse medicine.
That's part of the debate that we're having right now, in terms of vaccines.
It's interesting, I think, that this is the 10-year anniversary of Terry Chavez's death.
It happened just within the last couple of days.
There's an article up on WorldNetDaily.
And I gotta say that one of the things about Terry Chavez's death that really bothered me at the time was the death of compassion.
The idea that a probate court judge could withhold food and water from somebody who's dying against the wishes of some in her family.
It was a fight within the family, but I cannot understand any situation where you would withhold food and water from a suffering person.
And of course, the Bush brothers had their fingers all over this situation.
Either one of them could have shut it down.
Jeb was governor of Florida.
He could have shut down the order of this probate judge.
Instead, they were arresting some Christians who actually were acting like Christians.
They actually tried to give her a cup of cold water, and they were arrested for that.
You know, Jesus said many people I'll talk to in the last day and say, I was hungry and you gave me no food.
I was thirsty, you gave me no water.
You didn't visit me in prison.
No, instead, we empowered the government to withhold food and water.
We empowered the government to throw you in prison.
Because what we do to the least of them, we do to Christ.
That's the problem.
The problem is a death of compassion.
And I think something that really illustrates that is this story that came out in the last few days.
It's a book that is talking about abortion to children.
Uh, it's called Sister Apple, Sister Pig.
The story follows Lee, and they say, we're not going to say whether that's a boy or a girl, Lee, searching for his or her sister, who might be an apple, who might be a pig, or who might be somewhere in the tree.
Because, see, Lee is Papa and Mama's only child for now.
Although there was once a sister.
Where does sister live?
Well, she used to live in Mama.
She doesn't live there anymore.
She used to live before me, he says, but Mama couldn't keep her.
Mama says she's now a ghost.
Lee's Papa says, Does that make you sad or scared?
Well, I'm sad that my sister's a ghost.
If you had kept my sister, though, you would be tired.
You would be sad.
You might be mad.
Because we would be wild and loud, and sometimes we would fight, and Mama might be scared that she could not buy enough food for us.
Mama might not have enough time to read to me, to paint with me, to play with me, to talk with me.
And I guess, presumably, he sits there and he thinks, well, you know, actually I'd have more time with Mama if Papa wasn't around.
Cue the psycho music.
This is where it's going to wind up, though.
It's not just, uh, it's abortion, it's euthanasia, it's killing people because we think it serves our better good.
It's because it's an economic advantage to it or because, um, it's in society's best interests.
The way you stop that is by saying we're not going to dictate
Whether you can take medicine or not.
We're not going to force vaccines on you.
We're going to respect life.
They fully well know that this baby was alive.
This isn't being put out now by the abortion people and saying that, well, we have a difference of opinion now as to when life begins.
It's like, no, I know the child's alive and it's for the best.
It's for my best.
It's for the family's best.
I'm just going to kill this child.
You don't have that authority.
You should never have that kind of authority.
The God that gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.
You're not going to have life or liberty if you destroy one or the other.
They're inextricably tied together.
That's why I am so adamant that we need to stop the war on drugs.
It is destroying everything in the fabric of our society about the rule of law.
It's destroying all of our rights!
But it's also going, we had this article that was March 27th on Infowars.com, Matthew Iglesias saying, watching my wife give birth made me more pro-abortion.
Apparently, the Vox executive editor, Matthew Iglesias, is unaware that his newborn son will one day read.
And so he's talking about, yeah, I can, it makes me support abortion to watch my wife give birth.
Isn't that sad?
But see, that's where we are.
And I think we really, the reason I came down on this Christian Action League that began, they proudly point out, that they began by being the anti-saloon league, by starting alcohol prohibition.
And we look at the death and the suffering and the misery that came from alcohol prohibition and that is nothing compared to what they've inflicted on us with the much broader prohibition that we have now.
People who say that they are well-meaning need to understand
What George Washington said when he said that government is not compassion, it's not eloquence, it's not reason.
It is force.
It is force.
You are forcing people because you don't think, Christian, that Jesus has the power to change lives.
And at the same time, on the same page, the other article from the Christian Action League
Pointed out that they were having their church buildings taxed by some aggressive localities who said, well, while this church building is under construction, it's not being used for religious purposes, therefore we can tax it as property.
Now that's abusive, but I think what it does is it sends a message to them
That those who live by the government will die by the government, whether it's just taxing your building.
I think they need to be more compassionate and more concerned about the sick people than they are about getting tax exemptions for their church buildings.
That's fundamentally the problem with Christianity right now in America.
You know, it was said
That when Christianity went to the Roman Empire, it became a government.
When it went to Europe, it became a culture.
When it came to America, it became a business.
There are a lot of different ways that you can make money out of Christianity.
One of them is setting up a Christian Action League.
Using it to create political situations, to get people scared about marijuana.
To withhold marijuana from people who are suffering.
Even to withhold it from, let's say, making products that would compete with big industry.
Even withholding hemp from people.
Of course, they're opposed to that as well.
There is a measure that is going out, and I had that on my desk here.
I can't find it, but it's in one of the states.
It's a legislative alert from the Tenth Amendment Center that there's another bill before state legislature to make hemp legal.
And of course, hemp cannot get anyone high.
It is not a gateway to anything.
It was used to make rope during World War II.
You have the hemp for victory videos that were created by the Navy.
But that's the reefer madness that we see being pushed by the people who have absolutely no compassion for those who are suffering, and they are going to reap the whirlwind.
But unfortunately, we are too, as we usher in a police state to try to protect people from themselves by force.
That's the failure of this.
We'll take your calls right after the break.
The number is 800-259-9231.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go to your phone calls in just a moment.
We've got Brandon and Georgia we're going to go to first.
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Let's go to Brandon in Georgia.
Hey David, I wanted to ask you about the 2016 election and if you think that the left would try to stage any type of false flags to sway, I guess, the outcome of the election.
Well, there's always a possibility that the people will, the government, left and right.
I think we really need to focus more at the state level, because as I pointed out at the beginning of this program, I think that's really where we're seeing the fight being taken to this.
We don't see any presidential candidates, with the exception of Rand Paul, even talking about civil asset forfeiture.
For the most part, it's not even a topic in Washington.
But we've seen now two state legislatures, and we're waiting to see one Republican governor vetoed that, but we've got another state legislature in New Mexico.
It was the Wyoming legislature that
Rolled back civil asset forfeiture.
In other words, taking people's property without ever charging them with a crime, let alone convicting them of a crime.
They said, you're not going to do that.
We're going to go back to the rule of law, not have our police operate as a bunch of highway robbers.
Quite literally, highway robbers.
Just confiscating your property for any kind of excuse and with no proportion whatsoever to the crime.
So that's another part of it.
Not just innocent until proven guilty.
You can't penalize somebody until you convict them.
But also the penalty is just so far out of any proportionality to the crime.
So we've seen that in Wyoming.
We've seen it now in New Mexico.
State legislatures repudiating that.
Now the Wyoming governor has vetoed that.
There's still a possibility they may override that veto.
But I think that's really where we need to focus.
We need to see what's going to happen in New Mexico.
And there's many other areas.
The fight is on with informed consent.
They're doing that at the state level.
That's not something that's happening at the federal level.
I think that the federal level has become so corrupt, so much power, so much money in Washington, that you can't really influence it anymore.
And I don't think sending a Mr. Smith to Washington is really going to do it for us anymore.
I think we've got to start cutting off
I think I wouldn't really put it past
The left in particular, because they so desperately need to win.
I mean, in the case of Hillary Clinton, if you look at what happened under her husband's presidency, you had Waco, you had Ruby Ridge, you had the Oklahoma City bombing, and you also had him training troops domestically to take people's guns and kick their doors in, to sort of condition people to get used to the idea of seeing armed marines on the street that
Like, much like you would see a patrol officer on the street.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
But it's very well loved on the right as well.
And as Gerald Salenti is pointing out, you know, we've really got one party and two families.
And I think it's going to be Bush or Clinton that's going to be running this time because that's where the money is flowing in both of those cases.
I think it would be great if we had somebody who would put forward a lot of libertarian ideas, as Rand Paul does.
I'm not happy with some of the things that I've seen from him, but I'm very happy with a lot of the things that I've seen from him.
And he's the only person who is basically trying to roll back the state infringement on our rights, as far as I can see.
I think that our energy is best spent at trying to solve things at a closer level.
That's where we're going to have more leverage, I think, as opposed to getting so hung up on the presidential election.
I think, for the most part, that's going to be a head fake.
Thank you, Brandon.
Let's go to, well, when we come back, we're going to go to Rob in Arizona.
We've got Verteris in New York and several others.
We'll take your calls at 800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be going back to your calls in just a moment.
We're going to be going to Rob in Arizona first.
Before we do, I just wanted to point out that Ebola is back in the news.
You may not have noticed it too much, but it is there.
There is a massive quarantine in Sierra Leone where they have never gotten it under control.
Remember back in September there was a one million person quarantine.
They say that this one is going to be similar except that it is two and a half million people they are quarantining in Sierra Leone.
Now the other two countries that it was heavy in, Ghana and Liberia, they appear to have gotten it under control.
Nevertheless you've got in Sierra Leone
Police firing tear gas on the crowds.
They point out, this is a Reuters report, that this is now 12,000 cases of Ebola and 3,000 deaths, they say.
I think it's a higher casualty rate than that.
That's their figures.
Nevertheless, the 10,000 total cases is up from the 12,000, is up from the 10,000 that we saw recently.
And think about this.
Of all the previous outbreaks of Ebola, the very worst one prior to this had 400 cases.
So now we see 12,000 cases and it is still not under control.
They're firing tear gas on crowds to try to keep them locked down in Sierra Leone and of course Guinea is concerned.
They're deploying their police as they see the people from Sierra Leone
Trying to flee the lockdown in their country coming across the border So they're calling out the police and it turns out that actually it is now on the uptick in Guinea as well I said that they had it was under control in Liberia in Guinea nevertheless They do have a health emergency now.
They're saying in five regions of Guinea.
This is reported by the BBC News They're even quarantining hospitals
I guess that gives all new meaning to the word Krankenhaus, you know, that's a German word for hospital.
They say it's a reinforced health emergency for a period of 45 days in five regions of Guinea.
And of course we have an American patient that is undergoing
Treatment for Ebola.
He was brought back, one of actually 25 people that were evacuated out of Africa that had been exposed.
This one person came down with it was sick and they felt that there were 17 other staffers that came back to America.
They distributed them amongst the three centers that we have that can work with Ebola patients in the United States.
They sent another
Seven, I think it was, back to the UK to be observed.
Nobody has shown any symptoms except for this one patient.
He went from serious to critical condition and that was reported about a week and a half ago.
Now they're saying that he is back up to serious condition.
Very sick.
Far sicker than the nurses that came down with it in the case in Dallas.
And one last article here about Ebola.
They're saying that Liberia
is urging Ebola survivors to stop having sex because it is sexually transmitted for quite some time after the person is healed.
So that is perhaps one of the reasons why this is so hard to keep under control.
But I tell you the thing that concerns me the most about this is not Ebola, but it's the fact that they are doing vaccine trials.
I am very concerned with all the talk that's going on about mandating vaccines.
I'm very concerned about a mandated Ebola vaccine or something similar that could be brought to the United States.
And of course, we have two companies, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.
They have tested in a Liberian trial.
They've tested to see if these drugs are safe.
And, you know, they did it for almost two months.
They looked to see and they said, well, we didn't see any signs after two months, so it must be fine.
Kind of like, you know, when they tested the effect of GMOs on rats, you know, after the French scientist did it for an extended period of time.
You saw the picture of the rats that have massive tumors all over their body.
And then Monsanto and other companies went in and said, well, we did a test.
We didn't see that happen because they cut their tests off.
After just a couple of weeks.
Well, that's what they've done with these Ebola vaccines.
They say, well, you know, we began these trials in early February and so now we're ready.
We know that they're safe and so we're going to move on to the next trial to see if it can actually protect people from getting Ebola.
See, they don't really have to worry about the safety of these vaccines because they've got the vaccine court.
That was created by Ronald Reagan in 1986 because so many people were getting so seriously damaged by vaccines that people were stopping taking their vaccines.
So I said, oh, we'll solve this.
We will give the vaccine companies legal immunity.
You may not get immunity for what they're vaccinating you for, but they will give them legal immunity so that you cannot sue them for damages.
That's why they have the vaccine court.
So when they start talking about mandatory vaccine, you ask them, why won't you accept responsibility for your product if it's safe and effective?
Why do you have to have something that no other product or medicine anywhere in this country has?
And that is its own special court to shut down the people who are damaged by this.
Now they say that they're going to begin testing them for efficacy against Ebola, so they're going to move these trials perhaps to Sierra Leone.
That's really sad, but I do not want to see this coming to America.
And of course, they're talking about active immunity with a vaccine.
They're not talking about passive immunity, which you had when they transferred blood plasma, transferred antibodies for people who had survived the disease.
They had antibodies in their blood plasma.
They could extract that and give it to the people who are already symptomatic, who are already sick.
You know, once you're already sick, it's not really going to be possible for a vaccine to do anything to help you.
Because your body is going to have its hands full trying to fight the real thing instead of this weakened or dead version of the virus that you're going to be injected with.
So it isn't going to help you, a vaccine, once you get it.
No, they're going to give this to everybody beforehand as a prophylactic, saying that that's going to keep us from getting this condition.
A very frightening prospect when you combine that with the big push for mandatory vaccines.
Let's go to Rob in Arizona.
Yeah, good morning, David.
Thank you for your excellent reporting, especially when Alex is away.
Oh, thank you.
Are you familiar with the Naval Weapons Station down in Seal Beach, California?
No, I'm not.
Okay, it's a huge, huge real estate area, open field area right by the ocean, Seal Beach, and it has these bunkers where the Navy used to store, you know,
Missile ordnance and so on.
And these bunkers were above ground bunkers and they used to be covered with grass so that if you were flying overhead and you looked down you couldn't see that they were bunkers because it would look like just all grass.
Well for the past year they've been totally gutting the place.
They've removed the camouflage from the bunkers.
They have a massive agricultural project going on with migrant workers.
Working in the field around these bunkers.
They've electrified the fence that goes along Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and the 405 Freeway.
And they have armed guards that aren't Navy, that don't appear to be Navy personnel.
My wife works for an aerospace company down there, and I go down there frequently to visit her.
And one of the local residents in Seal Beach, he thinks that they're getting ready to build another FEMA-like internment camp.
And I'm wondering if this is possibly related to the Jade Helm project that's
In the works right now, and I'm wondering if it might be something of interest for Alex and his reporters, including you.
Yeah, certainly we'll take a look into it.
I know that Tully Blackwood has reported to us, I think it's McClellan Air Force Base, it's up around where he lives, and they repurposed that base.
They closed down parts of it and they had a lot of radium waste because they were using that for
Aircraft instrumentation a lot of very toxic chemicals in that area.
They repurposed that military base Not as an internment camp, but they were selling it for Businesses to use as office space and other things like that in the radium that was being stored above ground They just put tarps over it the people there were very concerned about that because they said they were not going to fly it to another place and dispose of it And canisters anything they were just gonna bury it on site
And so people were rightfully concerned that that radium was going to leak into the water supply.
So it could be something like that.
Have they closed that base?
Do you think they're repurposing that base?
Or is it still operational?
Well, they still have the main naval weapons entrance, and they've got
Thank you, Rob.
Let's go to Vergaris in New York.
Hello David, calling from FEMA Region No.
I'd like to report a prime example of a police state.
It was covered by the local news radio WNBF 1290.
An elderly couple with a quilting business was no knock rated by local authorities who possess an MRAP vehicle.
The actual judge orders say, without giving notice or authority of your purpose,
I don't know if you've heard of this one, but I think it would be an excellent one to look into.
Now, what did they do?
They said, tell me again what they did.
They raided a home for what?
For what purpose?
The purpose says the search warden signed by Broome in Tioga County and judges less than 24 hours before the raid indicated investigators were looking for methamphetamine, crack cocaine, firearms, and other things.
And if you get a chance to view this couple, they're an elderly couple with a quilting business.
Yeah, we got it pulled up here.
I can see them.
Yeah, yeah.
Yep, and it's an excellent report.
I figured InfoWars would like to get a chance to look at this one as well, because it just shows how far the police state has gone overboard in our area.
So... Yeah, that's very, very disturbing.
And we see that all the time.
We see people getting swatted all the time.
Many times, I guess it's kind of unusual, they had a search warrant.
I mean, in many cases, the police are operating without a search warrant.
I think one of the things we need to understand, we go back and we look at these legal checks and balances that were put in there for the police, many times people just want to get rid of that.
It's kind of a dirty, hairy mentality.
Uh, you know, that was deliberately set up in the Clint Eastwood films.
You know, you see this guy, this, uh, uh, serial killer, uh, murderer, and he continually gets off.
And so, the whole thing is orchestrated so that the public is cheering on this, uh, this cop, Dirty Harry, who's just gonna shoot him on sight.
Because he's fed up with the law letting off a guilty person.
And of course, that is always a possibility and that kind of thing does happen.
That people, when you put in checks and balances, people can get off with technicalities.
But when we let the police go, when we remove all of the blocks that are put in there for very good reasons,
Then we have a much worse situation.
It isn't a matter of whether or not we're going to get all the bad guys and put them away, or we're going to let them loose.
It isn't a binary function.
It isn't a 1 or a 0.
There's never going to be a perfect solution to anything, but we have to understand that the most dangerous situation that we can have
Is a government that is shorn itself from any legal chains.
Anything that's going to stop it, or check it, or balance it.
And that's what we have basically created with this war on drugs.
And the SWAT teams are a perfect example of that.
And that's what they just did to this couple right here that you're talking about.
It's a couple that has absolutely no reason for them to think that it's a meth lab.
And they put that on the search warrant, go in.
Many times people are killed in these raids, because especially the innocent people are not expecting somebody to kick in their door with a no-knock raid.
But this all began as a justification for the war on drugs, just as we see civil asset forfeiture beginning that way.
And even before that,
When Nixon went in with the RICO statutes, again a perfect example of this Dirty Harry mentality saying we cannot get convictions against these organized crime bosses because they've got too much money.
They can hire the best lawyers and they can get out on technicalities.
So what we're going to do to make sure we can put these guys away because we know they're part of the mafia, we're going to seize their assets first.
That way they won't be able to hire good lawyers and we'll get them put away.
Now people looked at that and they had some very high-profile cases where they did put away some organized crime figures and people said yeah that's good it's good we got a RICO statute.
What they did though was they broke fundamentally our system of justice where you have to convict somebody before you can take their property and so now we've seen
For the last 20, 30, 40 years, we've seen that they can go in and accuse you of having cash that smells like it's got cocaine on it, because virtually all the cash does smell like that, has a residual that can trigger a dog.
Or they had a case, for example, one of the cases was a fellow who had a Learjet business that he ran, flying people.
He flew a couple of guys who were just business executives in a suit with briefcases.
He flew them from the U.S.
to Canada.
They had a meeting, then he flew them back.
Nothing unusual about that.
That's what he did with people all the time, except these two individuals.
We're doing a drug deal and they were being watched and wired by the federal government.
And so when he landed back in America, they arrested these two individuals and they impounded his plane.
They knew and they said that he had absolutely nothing to do with this drug deal.
Nevertheless, they charged his plane with being an accessory to the crime.
So his U.S.
government versus Learjet serial number, blah, blah, blah.
It took him over two years to get his property back.
He was one of the few people that was successful in terms of getting it back.
Nevertheless, it did ruin his business.
He had to declare bankruptcy because that was his only asset.
That was the way that he ran his business.
They essentially confiscated all of his business assets, never for once pretending that he was involved in this drug deal or had any knowledge whatsoever of it.
They never indicted him or charged him with anything, but they went after his property.
And that kind of, whether you want to call it Alice in Wonderland or Franz Kafka world that they have created based on the war on drugs, that is what we're seeing now.
And that needs to be shut down.
As I pointed out, I think the only hope that we've got of doing that is at the state level.
That's where we're seeing people push back.
We're legalizing marijuana for medical use.
We're legalizing it for recreational use because you don't have the constitutional authority, I'll say it again, to prohibit marijuana.
They needed a special amendment to the Constitution to give them that power for alcohol.
And then there was another amendment that took it away again.
The 18th and the 21st, I believe.
So, they needed a special amendment to do that.
Well, because in those days, we actually thought the Constitution mattered.
We actually pretended that it did matter.
And they have no legal authority.
Under the 9th and 10th Amendment, unless the government is specifically given the power, they don't have it.
But of course, they operate just the other way.
They say, everything is prohibited unless we expressly permit it.
That's not true.
So, the very fact that they would have anything, like marijuana, any of these drugs, or any non-psychoactive drugs that you just need for medicine, that it would be prohibited unless it's expressly permitted by the FDA,
That is turning the Constitution on its head, and that destroys fundamentally our system of checks and balances, our rule of law.
And the way this works out is seeing an elderly couple like this get SWAT teamed and could have been killed as you report.
Anything else you want to advert to us before I move on?
Yes, I'd just like to point out how disconnected the local authorities have become from the public.
They don't even attempt to go and ask these people or interview them or talk to them or even visit the premises, obviously, because it's so obviously wrong to be so trigger happy and ready to get in their MRAP vehicle and go over there and play soldier when they're not.
They're public servants and they need to know their role.
If they want to be soldiers, they should join the military like so many other good men and women have.
Well, that's the thing that's very troubling about it, is the militarization of it.
And, of course, you're in New York, but take a look at that New Jersey bill.
Let's keep an eye on that and see if Chris Christie signs what was passed unanimously to stop the militarization of the police.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to get to your calls in just a moment.
We've got Rich, Nick, Ned, Chelsea.
We're going to go to you in just one moment.
Before we do, I want to let you know that Winter Sun, our vitamin D3 formulation, is our newest product and it's on track to sell out pretty quickly.
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So you can get that supplement, Winter Sun Vitamin D3, at InfoWarsLife.com.
Now, during the break, Nico came in and he told me about a recent incident in New Jersey.
We were just talking in the last segment, Collar pointed out about an elderly couple that got swatted by the police, thought that they had a meth lab going, they didn't have anything of the sort.
But of course, being swatted is turning into a very dangerous prank that's being played on a lot of people.
In this particular case in New Jersey, this is at a video store.
They called the SWAT team out, said there was some kind of an emergency hostage situation.
The people saw the police showing up in masks.
They kind of moved to the basement.
They were getting concerned because they saw the police massing outside.
Then the person who had done the SWAT prank called the video store and said he was the fire department, that they needed to close the window and step outside and yell, the coast is clear.
At that point, they realized that that was a prank.
Nevertheless, the SWAT team busted in, handcuffed everybody, and it took a while to sort this thing out.
A very, very dangerous situation.
And I have to say that really what is happening with a lot of these people who are pushing for Prohibition, they are SWAT teaming the country.
Because Prohibition is essentially a prank that's being played on all of us by people who want power using a war on drugs.
You understand, of course, that we're intimately involved with the production of these drugs in Afghanistan and Central and South America.
You understand, as Gary Webb pointed out,
That it was the US government and the CIA that created the crack cocaine epidemic in LA.
And we've seen pictures of Geraldo Rivera covering the fact that we've got American troops guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan.
Of course, the supply of opium
And opiate-based drugs has gone from 10% of the Taliban to over 90% of the world's supply coming out of there since we took over.
So that's what this is all about.
We grow the drugs, we create the drugs, we fly the drugs in, we create the prohibition on the other side.
We're playing good cop and bad cop at the same time.
The casualty
It's an honor to talk to you.
David, Alex is always talking about the revolution of ideas.
And, you know, last week this story broke about the FEMA domes that are popping up all over Texas.
And it sort of demonized the concept of domes.
I mean, one of the things that I believe can get us out of this mess is if we look at society and the way we live on the planet and look at ways that we might be able to improve it.
Dome, you know, living in dome homes is a concept that isn't naturally embraced by people because everybody wants to live in their stick-and-nail-based wood boxes.
But there's a company up in Italy, Texas.
Oh, yeah, Monolithic Domes.
Yeah, absolutely, Monolithic.
Hang on.
Hang on, Rich, Nick, Ned, Chelsea, others.
We're going to go into overdrive.
We'll take your calls.
InfoWars Nightly News tonight at 7 Central.
Stay with us.
Right after the break, we're going to go into overdrive and take some more of the calls.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go into overdrive and try to take some of the callers who have been on hold.
And just before the break, we were talking to Rich in New Jersey.
Rich, you were pointing out that as these stories broke about FEMA producing domes that kind of demonized the whole idea of dome homes.
I'm familiar with the company you mentioned.
There's a lot of people that make
Make domes?
I think it's a very good thing.
It's a very energy-efficient way to build a home.
It makes a very strong home.
It makes a home that is safe from tornadoes and that sort of thing.
And that's what FEMA is saying that they're doing this for.
And I guess, really, Rich, the problem that people have is with FEMA and not so much domes.
And I think if people think that there's something sinister about domes, they really don't understand what's going on.
That we should question the actions of FEMA because in most cases they go in and they in actual emergencies.
There's a very good case of it in North Carolina that my son covered.
Where you looked at two different responses, one of them was large enough that it involved FEMA, the other one was taken care of by local resources and it was just a world of difference where churches would bring supplies to a parking lot and the police would guard people from downed power lines, but basically not interfere with people.
The churches, businesses would bring food in, dump it on church parking lots, the churches and other people would come in and distribute it to the people who needed it.
But in other areas where FEMA got involved, they locked everything down.
Wouldn't let people get to their homes.
So, I think the problem people have is with FEMA and not so much with the domes, Rich.
Well, David, I agree with you, but domes are, like, they're a subject matter that people just like to make fun of, and they don't really have an understanding of all the positive points that you mentioned.
They are energy efficient.
They are disaster resistant.
And I just firmly believe that, you know, a program of rebuilding America
With modern structures that are better for us as a people.
I mean, most of America is living in houses that were built in the 40s through the 60s.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, I'm a big fan of thinking outside the box.
And domes are definitely outside the box.
They've got their own unique shape.
And of course, there's a lot of earthworm designs as well that I think are very effective.
Thanks, Rich.
Let's go to Ned in Oregon.
Okay, we missed Ned.
Okay, let's go to Nick in Maryland.
It's a pleasure.
Thanks so much for taking my call.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
Just a quick statement here, then I'll hang up and listen to your response.
Someone I subscribed to on YouTube was breaking down Jade Helm.
I just thought it was interesting at face value where, using the first word, Jade having references back to the Chinese civilization, even all the way back to 6000 BC.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, I have no idea why they picked the terms Jade Helm.
You know, I can only speculate.
Personally, I look at it and I think Jade Helm, kind of along the lines you're talking about, you know, I think about something, somebody being jaded to something, that means that they're kind of accustomed to it.
And I think that it's clearly an operation where they're trying to get us accustomed to it.
That's a big part.
Hello, David.
I just wanted to tell you I'm in the funeral industry.
Um, and in the last couple weeks we've been getting a number of calls from I don't know what kind of agency they are, maybe statistical or preparedness.
I don't know what agency they're from.
We've only got about 20 seconds.
Hurry, hurry.
Yes, what did you get?
Calls for what?
They're asking us how many bodies they can put through our crematories in one day.
And you say this is coming from what agency?
Well, I don't know exactly what agency.
They won't tell us when we ask them what the... if this is for.
They say if there was some type of... Oh, very interesting.
Well, hang on.
We'll talk to you about that.
Thank you for listening.
We'll be back tomorrow.