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Filename: 20150327_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 27, 2015
2735 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got SSR drugs, that's the first thing I thought, linked to German Wing's kamikaze crash.
Lufthansa knew about the depression and the killer in the cockpit.
Co-pilot tore up door.
Co-pilot tore up doctor's note, excusing him from work.
Captain took axe to cockpit door as passenger screamed.
And as I said yesterday, that now the press is figuring it out, knee-jerk reaction 9-11 enabled mass murder.
Because when you put a
We're good to go.
But the Independent gets it right.
The knee-jerk reaction of 9-11 enabled mass murder.
If you even believe the official story.
I'm not saying I don't.
I just can't believe government's known for constantly lying, getting caught lying.
Who knows if it's true?
More will come out.
I've talked about hundreds of news articles.
There's got to be hundreds in the Texas news alone.
I mean, it's in every major paper in Texas that I've looked at.
Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express News.
And they all go with the same story.
Alex Jones said he had a secret document, but it's not secret.
The police knew all about it.
Changing the subject, or Alex said the feds would seize Texas this year and that it was an actual invasion.
No, I said it was training for that.
So see, they built straw men to try to discredit us.
And it is the
Same attack piece over and over again.
Jade Helm, the pretend invasion of Texas that's driving the web crazy.
Now we all know what they first did last week.
They first said we didn't have a document and it wasn't real.
Then they said they couldn't confirm the document.
Then they said okay we've got the document but it's for overseas training even though it says it's for domestic as well as overseas.
So they changed the subject over and over again and then Fox News following the same talking point
The same talking point says, well, there's this talk show host who said it was a secret document, but it wasn't.
They don't say who I am or show what I said, because you actually don't hear what I said.
They just misrepresent.
And they go on another site, picked it up.
They're talking about drudge.
And then that's when everybody went crazy.
Here's the clip with Megyn Kelly on Fox News yesterday.
Jade Helm 15.
While the military says it's just training soldiers for the realities of war, critics say the Army is preparing for modern-day martial law.
Trace Gallagher live in our West Coast Newsroom with the story.
Megan, some are calling it a Texas takeover.
What's happening is between July and September, a bunch of Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and Special Ops from the Air Force and Marines are conducting some realistic training exercises across the Southwest, including 17 different Texas cities.
The goal is to see if groups of these special forces can move around the civilian population without being noticed.
You know, blend in so they can place themselves in strategic positions to handle different threat scenarios.
The military says these are vital skills when it comes to an ever-changing threat.
But in the slideshow of the training exercise, it says Texas will be simulated hostile territory.
Well, that hostile characterization didn't sit well with a far-right radio host in Austin, who told his listeners that he had access to the secret document that details a federal takeover in Texas.
A libertarian website also picked up on the plan, and before you know it, rallies were being held against the event, but apparently the so-called secret document was published weeks ago in several local newspapers, letting the public play very well in Texas.
Trace, thank you.
We'll be right back.
Alright, that clip's a little choppy.
We're trying to re-download that, but there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the anatomy of the deception.
And notice, it's not Fox getting it wrong.
That's the same disinfo in the hundreds of newspapers.
What you heard is directly from the Pentagon deceiving the American people.
We did not say it was secret.
We said it was public.
That's what we said.
See, they won't name the websites, they won't name the host, because they don't want people actually coming to hear what we really said or wrote.
They want to misrepresent, strawman, it's deception.
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At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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Security alert.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
You're listening to InfoWars Live.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I was not going to be here today because I'm flying out to California in a few hours to speak at the CalJam conference as a keynote speaker tomorrow.
I'm also going to do some other reports while I'm out there that will be breaking.
I'll be calling into the Sunday show and the Monday broadcast.
Then I'll be back next week if I don't decide to have hernia surgery.
Had a hernia for 14 years.
I've lost so much weight.
It's time to get rid of it.
I want to thank you all for your prayers.
I'm 98% sure I'm going to go ahead and have that surgery next week.
I may be back that Thursday afterwards if I'm able to, but we'll see.
All of that separately, I'm here because all you know what is breaking loose over Jade Helm.
That's now a 10-state, it was first 7, then 8, now 10-state operation, unprecedented, between South Com, North Com, Homeland Security, local police departments around the nation, with, quote, the military infiltrating towns and doing suspicious things and seeing if the public basically calls the police.
This is 100% for the homeland.
They are going to be doing other drills as well that do interchange training overseas.
I shot a special report last night for the Nightly News that we are going to repost to the front page of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It went up last night, but already scrolled off, that deals with all of this.
And if you go to one of our main YouTube pages, you can find it.
Entire Marshall Law Plan Exposed.
And we need to tweet this out at Real Alex Jones and beg people to retweet it.
We need to put it at the top of Facebook.
We need to have a maximum push on this 19-minute video that we're going to play at the bottom of the hour, then David Knight's coming in.
Because we show the total proof from the Pentagon's own documents sourced, the names of the public documents, so that folks can go look it up for themselves.
Now, how do you counter something like that when we have hundreds of mainstream articles, Washington Post, New York Times, Army.mil, Army manuals, that are public?
See, that's when they're selling it as good.
Isn't it great Homeland Security is trying to take on veterans and gun owners who they believe are the next terror group?
Washington Post.
Isn't it great the number one enemy is the Tea Party?
Southern Poverty Law Center agrees with the Pentagon's plan to take on American conservatives.
We've got them all on MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN,
And even Fox News saying the Army's training to take on dangerous militias.
I've got O'Reilly saying that.
We should put together a video of all of those clips.
Saying, we need the Army to take on Ron Paul supporters.
They're planning terrorism.
That's Glenn Beck.
That's CNN.
I mean, I just live this every day, watching them prepare for war with the American people, watching them try to train the military to accept this role, and it's the military for 20 years
That has been giving me the information, really 18, the first two I wasn't big enough to be on the radar.
But within two years of being on air, everything I know came from people inside the government, basically.
FBI, federal marshals, US military.
So we're not attacking the military, it's the military at the mid-level and low-level
And in many cases, the high level.
You've seen General Boykin, the former head of special forces, come out and say there's a purge of the military and Obama might be planning a takeover.
That's the former head of special forces.
One of the most decorated living people.
Saying what I'm saying.
I mean, there's a major fight right now for this country.
You notice the power grabbing on the borders and the FCC and freedom of speech and the global treaties being signed that Congress can't even see.
The FCC chairman came out and said, I won't testify and I won't release documents to the Congress.
And one congressman said, you're not God two days ago.
When agencies start acting like God, that's called totalitarianism.
It's called despotism.
It's called tyranny.
It's here.
And people are finally really listening.
And so now they'll undoubtedly scale back these exercises and go, gee, nothing happened.
Or they'll go show parts of the drills that are legitimate.
I've been covering this for 18 years.
So the way they deceive, and you notice I covered this yesterday in the Houston Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News, everywhere is the same article.
Same, different writers, but written the same.
Jones claimed there was a plan to take over Texas this summer that would bring in martial law this summer, and that he had a secret document.
But it wasn't secret.
Here's all these mayors and police chiefs saying for two weeks they've been meeting with the military about the plan.
I never said it was secret.
I said it was about conditioning local police to work with the military, and that it was a conditioning operation.
Which is what it is.
I know, the RAND Corporation called for it.
The CFR called for it.
In the special report coming up in 15 minutes, we will go through all of it.
So, this isn't just about Infowars being attacked, it's about the anatomy of a deception.
How many times have you heard me, the last five years, tell you that Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons, and that they're going to announce they have nuclear weapons?
How many times?
Probably 500.
Any regular listeners heard that neurotically.
I said it on Monday and Tuesday.
Top story, Drugs Report, right now.
Saudi Arabia says it won't rule out building nuclear weapons.
Israel declassified yesterday that they have nuclear weapons.
They've had nuclear weapons since the late 1960s.
Why did Israel just announce they have nuclear weapons?
Why did the U.S.
just declassify it yesterday as well?
Because they're saber-rattling.
And they're also letting Iran know.
Well, let me give you the newsflash.
I've been told by very trusted sources that have turned out to be on target every time that Iran has nukes and so does Saudi Arabia for 10 stinking years.
It was a conspiracy theory until yesterday that Israel had nuclear weapons.
Now it's admitted.
Everybody knew they had weapons back in the 60s.
Though they arrest Israeli Jews that talk about it.
It's like talking about the sun coming up in the morning.
If the government says the sun didn't come up, I'm still going to say it came up.
I mean, it's out there.
So that's the reality here.
South Africa's got a bunch of nuclear weapons.
South Africa's got race-specific weapons.
That's come out, but the average person doesn't know that.
And what I'm getting at here is
We're watching a giant movement to militarize police, to get rid of freedoms, to spy on the people without warrants.
It's all been done.
We've been taken over.
Now, as they tighten down the vice scripts, we're in the cage, but the cage is getting smaller.
People are starting to squirm.
And the Pentagon and the willing accomplice media is going, come on, there's no plan to take over.
But notice they say a Texas talk show host on Fox News.
They don't want people to actually come here.
And then a Libertarian site picked it up.
They're talking about drudge.
But guess what?
It wasn't secret.
No, we never said it was secret.
So the first lie, a week and a half ago, was Stars and Stripes and the Pentagon saying, we don't think that's really the document that says hostile.
We think they may have faked those slides.
We didn't fake Jack's squat.
It was on the website.
Of course, they then firewalled it so people couldn't go find out if it was real.
We tracked all that.
We know all the tricks.
Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!
Straight up's the way to win freedom.
Straight up's got the power.
Straight shootin's got the power in this universe, not a bunch of creepin' around.
Creepin' around only works for a while.
You can work in the dark against your fellow man, but sooner or later, God's gonna cut you down.
In fact, we come in with Johnny Cash.
Next segment, please.
So I want to play this Fox News clip because it's the anatomy of the BS machine.
And CNN, MSNBC, they're all attacking us right now, but they won't actually play me saying it.
They just lie.
Let's go to the Megyn Kelly clip.
Here it is.
Jade Helm 15.
Well, the military says it's just training soldiers for the realities of war.
Critics say the Army is preparing for modern-day martial law.
Trace Gallagher live in our West Coast newsroom with the story.
He's laughing.
The goal is to see if groups of these special forces can move around the civilian population without being noticed.
You know, blend in so they can place themselves in strategic positions to handle different threat scenarios.
The military says these are vital skills when it comes to an ever-changing threat.
But in the slideshow of the training exercise, it says Texas will be simulated hostile territory.
I will show off the Washington Post own graphic in the segment coming up where Oklahoma and Texas have gotten right at double the quote free military hardware California has because it's for the American people.
And then they show troops training in the desert to imply that's what's going to be happening here in Texas when it's going to be in urban surroundings.
So everything is flawlessly deceptive to manipulate the catatonic viewers.
Let's go back to the clip.
That liar!
And then they laugh.
It's just so funny.
What a confidence game you got going here.
We talk about a public plan, and you first deny it exists, and then you say that we said it was secret.
That's sick.
You know, the documents that were secret, Fox, all the MYAC and Homeland Security reports, we broke six, seven years ago, detailing that the number one enemy is veterans and gun owners of Homeland Security.
You didn't like the fact that, in fact, at first they said that wasn't real either.
You know what?
It was real.
And it was secret.
And we broke it because we're real journalism and real Americans.
So put that in your teleprompter and smoke it.
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You can run on for a long time.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, I talked about an article and a video that we were gonna produce yesterday.
I shot the analysis video last night.
For the nightly news, the article that Paul Watson put together, that I also contributed to, just went live on Infowars.com.
This is a maximum push to counter this propaganda.
If you want to fight the militarization of police, the globalization of Washington, occupying us and preparing for total takeover of every city and county with U.S.
military garrisoned in threat fusion centers.
They're now moving the threat fusion centers into old military bases.
It's part of the civilian inmate labor camp program.
The Continental Government National Stability Force Plan.
I mean, I'm giving you the names of the public documents.
Not secret, Fox!
They always play these little semantical games to discredit and laugh at people.
You're the ones that are going to be crying.
The article is on Infowars.com.
It's got a giant compendium of links, documents, police chiefs saying Delta Force came to bribe them, emergency managers saying the same thing, major police chiefs.
The people I've interviewed.
It's all there.
You want to know about it?
You want to see the video of NBC News admitting the Pentagon's preparing for martial law and gun confiscation, but selling it like it's good?
See, when they put it in a good light, they just admit it.
But then when we point out it's not good, they attack us.
We have congressional hearings admitting it.
We have Ron Paul talking about it.
Police now armed for war against returning veterans.
CBS News.
We've got Marine Corps highly decorated combat colonels.
In fact, we should add the interview we did with the colonel.
We just got his city council.
We've got the Army admitting it in St.
We have, I don't know, it's got to be 30 videos there.
It's all there.
Get it out on Twitter, Facebook.
I need your help, everybody.
Send it to every military base you know.
Air Force, Army, Marines, Coast Guard.
Send it to every camp, every fort, every base.
Get every public email.
Beyond denial, preparations for martial law in America.
The federal government and the U.S.
Army have been readying for domestic unrest for decades.
But then we add the caveat, I'm adding this to the headline, and preparations are accelerating exponentially.
And preparations are accelerating exponentially.
The growth curve is parabolic straight up.
They tried this under Clinton, and then it just exploded under Obama.
Bush was more worried about global domination and taking over, and they did a lot of police state stuff that grew as well, hugely.
The Bipartisan Patriot Act, the rest of it.
The NSA spying, but now it's in hyperdrive, and they don't want to have a debate like, oh, there's no death panels, oh, it doesn't increase your prices, oh, the insurance companies didn't write it to screw you over.
Don't listen to those racists.
We were reading the stinking bill.
They just hoped you wouldn't go look at it.
It's the same garbage that get on the news and go, there are no death panels.
One week after it passed, Newsweek had the headline, The Case for Killing Granny, and said, you know what, there are death panels.
And so did Bill Gates a month after, laughing at everybody.
Member Obama, I don't want your guns.
I'm not going to get rid of the borders.
Look at how they're doing everything by the executive now.
Even Congress people are calling it the beginnings of a dictatorship.
It's not the beginnings.
We're here.
So the detailed report from Infowars Nightly News is coming up.
And then David Knight will start quarterbacking and takeover at that point as I'm flying out to California to kill many birds with one stone and give a big speech and a lot of other stuff.
We'll have reports.
I'll follow part of the show Sunday, part of the show Monday.
I'll be here.
Beyond Denial, Preparations for Martial Law in America, and then they just have the cute little cheerleader, cuts to the authoritarian, you know, autocrat, broadcaster, the authority figure, and he just laughs and says they're just trained for foreign operations, and this host in Texas said it was secret.
It wasn't.
The local police know, Megan.
Of course they know.
They're being usurped.
That's the whole point.
So that's how they lie to their audience.
CNN, MSNBC, Fox News.
We've got all the clips.
They are attacking us.
Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle.
The only publication that did a fair job and showed both sides was the Daily Mail.
And that's why they're one of the biggest papers in England.
Those people know they can go there and get both sides.
I mean, I just continue to see the Daily Mail really do a great job.
You can also find out about the latest plastic surgery of Hollywood stars, but special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise.
And then it just goes through the whole thing.
And they're going to be simulating doing illegal things.
What they're doing is practicing taking over cities and towns, and right now they're getting relationships with the cities and towns, so they won't have to when the Marshall Law Directive comes down.
It'll be called civil emergency.
So, that's what's going on.
We're trying to stop the globalist takeover of America, the completion of that takeover.
We're already well into it.
Special report, three minutes away in fullworks.com.
Get the article out to everybody, folks.
Get it out.
Repost it.
Get it out.
Hammer the globalists!
Let's get a backfire on them.
Let's get a backfire.
They've miscalculated.
I smell blood, I'm telling you!
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be hosting the rest of the show.
Paul Joseph Watson will be joining us in the next hour.
What Alex is pointing out here is something that I've seen going on for a long time.
And of course, we all know that clip from about, I think it was last summer.
When the Pentagon was having a meeting talking about how they were not effective in terms of getting people to understand and to agree with him.
And one girl got up and said, nobody believes us.
They look at this as just mindless propaganda.
Remember that clip?
That's exactly what's been going on with this.
First coming out with the ridiculous claims that, well, we can't really respond to this because
We can't look at that site.
Come on, they could look at the drudge site.
They could look at scribed.
They just didn't want to acknowledge that that existed.
And as Alex pointed out, they gradually start to roll this thing out.
That's why they have no credibility.
We're going to talk about what unconventional warfare is.
This isn't simply another training exercise.
We need to understand how profoundly disturbing this is.
Even some people on the left understand that now.
Gawker understands that.
They said, you know, you don't have to be a right-wing conspiracy site like Infowars, because they can't really say that they agree with us.
They have to use those kind of labels.
Listen, the way Megyn Kelly is rolling this stuff out, remember it was just a couple of weeks ago that she was the cheerleader for the big brother Orwellian State when it came to mandatory vaccines, when it came to taking away your right to informed consent, when it came to forcing medication on you, remember?
Megyn Kelly just came out and said, well, you know, it's kind of like Big Brother, but sometimes you need Big Brother.
You know when you need Big Brother?
That's when your boss, who's in bed with Big Pharma, tells you you need Big Brother.
When Big Brother Pharma pays for most of your network, that's when you need Big Brother.
And when it comes to the military-industrial complex, you're not going to get any objective analysis from Fox News.
They're pushing every war they can, because that's where the profit is.
And we're going to break down exactly the way they were spinning this.
Of course, there's a lot of different ways it spins fun.
The Right Wing Heritage Foundation put out an article, not directly addressing us, but talking about Jade Helm, and said, training exercises are not a violation of posse comitatus.
We never said they were.
But what they're training for is a violation of all the principles this government was set up with.
We're going to talk about the dangers of standing armies that are meant to protect us from foreign enemies abroad, but always wind up being used for tyranny at home.
That's something that has long been established.
That's a pattern of behavior that our founders had recognized in previous empires.
In the Roman Empire, they set up a system of checks and balances.
They set up a prohibition against perpetual standing armies, against perpetual state of war abroad because they knew exactly where this was going to eventually end up.
We had Eisenhower very nervously talking about the military-industrial complex and what this could become.
We know where this is headed, but I want to play this report that Alex put together because it's very important for you to understand this is something that's been developing a long time.
We've been pointing out that this is going on for a long time.
We haven't been saying that Marshall Lawhammer was going to drop.
It is a gradual, progressive rollout.
This is the next step.
Of course, you always have to be concerned every time they do a major drill, because major drills have accompanied things like 9-11 and 7-7 bombings in the UK.
So many times these false flags have also been, that's one of the ways they cover up, that's one of the ways they compartmentalize people.
They say, we're running a drill that's exactly like such and such, and then they run this drill.
But this is, I think, really going to be a training exercise, but we have to question why they're training like this.
Let's go to that clip right now.
This is an emergency broadcast.
This is a direct message to the Department of Defense, all four branches of the military, active duty, service members, veterans, their families, state governments, local governments, and the media.
We are going to display 100% irrevocable proof that there is a global move, not just here but all over the world, to militarize police and to put standing armies on the streets to suppress the population and to carry out political operations.
They have recruited in the last decade clergy response teams, preachers to spy on their flocks and to order their flocks to turn in their guns and go to FEMA camps during chival emergencies.
The primary thing that we say to anybody is let's cooperate and get this thing over with and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such clergy response teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to diffuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
We have seen gun confiscation during emergencies in Canada and the United States.
During flooding, going into high and dry areas and taking guns.
Beta testing if troops would follow the orders.
This is part of a long-term societal slide.
We're not becoming a police state.
We're not in danger of being under globalist rule.
We're already here.
The President opens the borders.
Without any law.
Shuts down power plants without any law.
The FCC refuses to testify and seizes the internet.
Obamacare has death panels.
Veterans are put on no-treat death lists.
By every historical measurement, we're already in a tyranny.
And then, Operation Jade Helm gets announced.
It was put on the Army website last week.
We reported on it first.
It became a big, huge national news story.
They've had Army Times, Stars and Scribes, hundreds of newspapers come out and say, Jones said that the military would take over and have martial law for Obama this summer.
No, we said, we said Jade Helm infiltrating police departments, practicing taking over America, interfacing to condition the public, was part of a long-term strategic plan to sell the military on this new unconstitutional mission.
If we're against transvestites in special forces, dressed like women, it isn't because we're against the military, it's because it will wreck the military.
But they pose it like, you're against the troops because you don't want trannies in commando gear.
Or, you're against the troops because you don't want them training in your city.
Yes, because military and police exposed this to me back in the 90s.
I interviewed the San Antonio police chief and others, how Delta Force came to them.
It made the Associated Press my interview.
And said, we want to pay you $200,000 to work in covert operations to compromise him.
That's what this 10-state operation, it was eight states, is all about.
It's finding out who will work with them during a martial law takeover.
Most of the military is not involved in this.
Notice that special operations, Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Delta Force and others that are running this because they're the ones, historically, that I've run up against doing this.
They act like it's a detriment that I've been warning of this for 20 years in the Houston Chronicle.
They say decades.
It all came true.
We're already in the police state.
We're already going under a form of martial law.
So let me show you some of the news we already went to in our earlier report, then I'll go to a smattering of the other evidence right here.
Much of it from the Department of Defense's own website.
You have massive military gear being cached, armored vehicles, machine guns, helicopters, night vision, Humvees, with the police departments around the country.
California has gotten the majority of it, along with Oklahoma and other areas to population.
Texas has gotten double what California's gotten.
We have 10 million less than them.
Oklahoma got basically double.
What California got, even though the crime rates are very low, because it's about suppressing the patriot population just like they have on the map in Jade Helm showing Texas, Utah, and other areas as hostile.
This is pre-caching to fight real Americans that won't go along with gun confiscation, you name it.
Now, when you see InfoWars.com articles I'm going to show you, you can go directly to the site, click on it, and go to the Department of Defense's site.
DOD Training Manual.
Extremist Founding Fathers would not be welcome in today's military.
Close quote.
Army-sponsored report suggests new police force.
That's World Net Daily.
What's that out of?
A stability police force for the United States.
RAND Corporation.
This is the martial law plan that I've been covering for 18 years.
War gear flows to police departments.
New York Times.
Feds preparing to invade Texas.
This state is hostile.
They are preparing.
Not saying they're going to invade or take over.
They are preparing for the takeover.
And that's in the John Warren Defense Authorization Act of 96-97.
They admit for insurrection by legislatures and governors.
They just hope, just like Obamacare, you don't actually go read this stuff.
Now here it is out of the Army Times.
Conspiracy groups question South Com's mission in Texas.
They've been trying to deny it's even going on.
Defense Department guide calls founding fathers extremists.
Fusion centers expand criteria to identify militia members.
Tracking the American people.
military to assist in Vancouver.
Again, this is years ago.
Our military being used in Canada because under these deals, and Paul Watson's doing an article on this, the generals admit they're training to bring in foreign troops to suppress insurrection.
I'm going to go to that in a moment.
Look at this in the New York Times.
Scouts trained to fight terrorists and more.
Disgruntled veterans.
Read it for yourself.
Gun owners.
That's who they train nationwide to fight.
Wellness checks as code for gun confiscation.
Now a National Guard going door-to-door asking to, quote, see your guns.
Just like the police knock and talk where they come and ask to come see your guns when they're legal.
Troops in door-to-door wellness checks in Virginia, Ohio.
And remember what we saw happen in Katrina.
So that's just some of what we've covered to recap that it's a compendium.
It's the body of what's going on.
It's the frog in the pot where it's done incrementally so that people become accustomed.
And they admit in the Jade Helm report that it's about interfacing with the public and local police.
It's a PSYOP.
Now, let's go directly to the massive documentation.
I'm just going to show you all these exhibits.
And again, the Pentagon counters saying, oh look, it's InfoWars.
These articles all link directly to the article below, which is army.mil.
Yes, the re-education camp manual does apply domestically to U.S.
Three years ago, in 2012, they started massive advertising for career specialists in the U.S.
to run, quote, re-education camps.
They even used the communist Soviet term.
You cannot make this up.
It's like the Nazis didn't call their death camps death camps.
This would be like them actually calling them death camps, to call them re-education camps.
Because that's a Soviet term for a torture, basically, death camp.
So, in the Soviet re-education term, re-education is death camp.
You cannot make this up.
They actually use that term.
It has the social security numbers, how to process everybody, how to break up the families.
We've even filmed the drills, not just the manuals.
And they counter and go, oh, it's for overseas.
No, it talks about working with local law enforcement, social security numbers, and how the Constitution is suspended.
Read it.
Now, this is two articles out of about 150.
Let's keep moving here.
This is directly from the Department of Defense, okay?
Let's continue here.
National Guard looking for interment resettlement specialist.
Mainstream news.
Here is the actual document.
Interment resettlement operations.
And it all has dual use overseas, but it says specifically for the U.S.
CFR proposes using Army to enforce domestic law.
Go read their full report calling for the RAND Corporation plan to be implemented.
That's from 2012.
And you've got military drills in every city, every state, where they actually start arresting people like up in St.
Louis two years ago.
East St.
Army in a time of transition.
Foreign Affairs moving to control the U.S.
and then NATO has contingence of our Army and military inside of it.
So the U.S.
only gets to police itself under the U.N.
State Department memorandum 7277.
So it's a 1963 plan.
It's finally being implemented.
This is the global government plan.
That's why they're power-grabbing everything outside of law now, and outside of Congress, because they're claiming they can do it through treaty, and that's how the President's doing it.
We're going into global government right now.
Let's continue here.
KBR awarded Homeland Security contract, Wall Street Journal, $385 million to build FEMA camps.
Wall Street Journal.
Let's continue.
Full-spectrum operations in the homeland, a vision of the future.
You get into these Army War College reports and others, it talks about engaging the Tea Party.
And of course we can show you on screen, Forbes and others saying how the Army would crush a Tea Party rebellion.
Let's put that on screen.
Ohio National Guard portrayed gun rights supporters as domestic terrorists during drill.
Riot Control, DHS spends $500,000 on fully automatic pepper spray launchers.
That's nothing.
Homeland Security, International Business Times, refutes conspiracies about 1.6 billion ammo.
And then they go on to say, oh, we're not buying it for you and it's not unusual.
It's now up to 3 billion rounds.
And paper targets of children and women is what Homeland Security requested.
Military says no presidential authorization needed to quell civil disturbances.
Go read that report.
And then they try to deny that's what this is all about.
SEAL veteran.
Military leaders being asked if they will disarm veterans.
Benjamin Smith, highly decorated Navy SEAL.
Talking to top generals.
Let's continue.
Gonna listen to believe him?
Or you gonna believe the globalist?
You're going to believe the four films I've made with the footage of it?
Or are you going to believe these fairy tales?
Homeland Security report lists liberty lovers as terrorists.
This got picked up by Fox News.
And it lists Tea Party as terrorists and tells the military you can't be part of it or you'll be given a court-martial.
That's like saying you can't be part of the Baptist Church.
Oh, and they did that too.
They said if you're part of any evangelical church, we'll court-martial you.
Let's continue.
Army strategic shock report says troops may be needed to quell civil unrest.
Known unknowns.
Unconventional strategic shock in defense strategy development.
Go read it for yourself.
I mean, they think you're stupid and won't go look all this up.
Police now armed for war against returning veterans.
We have three different videos in these articles of police chiefs and SWAT team commanders saying, we have MRAPs to fight the Tea Party and gun owners.
We have it from Illinois to Washington State, from Texas to New York.
These people saying, we got this to fight the Patriots.
And Homeland Security has defended the Washington Post, saying their main threat is domestic Patriot groups.
And Napolitano, before she left, came out and said, I defend that we say that's the number one enemy.
But then they say, oh, we're not building all this up for you.
It's not for you.
It's not for you.
I was told all this by the police chief of San Antonio in the late 90s and interviewed him for an hour.
The interview's online.
And emergency managers, they came in and said, if you'll go along with gun confiscation, we'll give you $200,000.
Delta Force.
Clinton tried this before, and we blew his operation to hell with the info.
And I didn't do it.
The military did it.
So this is not anti-military.
This is rallying the patriots to understand what's happening.
So you go ahead and demonize me, and government, you want to kill me?
I will die a patriot that didn't sell my country out, you pieces of trash!
Go ahead!
And I don't want to hear the people leaking this info are traitors.
You're the traitors that are part of this.
Armed for war, Pentagon surplus gives local police an edge.
DHS wants equipment for riot situations.
Pentagon, to detail troops to bolster domestic security.
Washington Post.
It's for America, and it's not, the border's wide open, it's not for security.
They'll have a few missions on the news that look reasonable, giving kids food, putting out fires, but the real mission, in their own documents, is to take us on.
And man, they're gearing up, folks.
It's like Manhattan Project squared how big it is.
And it's happening right in plain view.
And they think you're too stupid to figure it out.
Marine Corps Colonel, Homeland Security Building, Domestic Army.
We've had that colonel on the show, highly decorated.
New Hampshire City wants a tank to use against occupiers and libertarians.
Mainstream news.
Homeland Security enlists clergy to quell public unrest if martial law ever declared.
They tried to recruit my dad, and every dentist he basically knows, to be tattletales.
He said against two, and they said, just against, you know, the libertarians, the right wingers, just one of them.
They just want to, you know, keep, watch your patience for us.
And a lot of the dentists were like, what is this, the Soviet Union?
Secret FEMA plan to use pastors as pacifiers in preparation for martial law.
We broke this.
We broke this in 2006.
A year later, it came out on mainstream news.
You see that?
You see that?
2007, 2006.
We broke it.
We broke it.
I'm not bragging.
I'm just telling you, man.
People say, well, I don't see newsmen get excited.
I'm not a newsman.
I am a defender of this republic, a modern Paul Revere, just like you should be.
This is teleprompter free.
This is research.
This is my heart.
This is real.
I've had them try to set me up and set fires in Florida when I was covering this.
Try to put me in prison.
Made a film about it.
Police stayed through the takeover.
I've had them put guns, point guns at me.
I've dealt with this.
I've lived them trying to set me up.
I've had MSNBC come out and say I was involved in the Boston bombing with no proof.
I know, ladies and gentlemen, at many levels, I'm as good as dead.
I've lived it.
I know it's real.
I don't even need to have their own documents.
I've seen it.
So, here.
We'll see if the truth can trump the Pentagon PSYOP.
Because this is the truth right here.
Because you want to have your cake and eat it too.
You want to roll all this out like it's no big deal on the news.
So the troops think it's normal.
Then we pop up and say, no, it's part of a larger plan.
You go, oh, none of this is happening.
Sorry, we've got all of it right here.
From your mouth most of the time.
Black Ops helicopters buzz Kentucky residents.
Part of the conditioning program.
Yes, those were black helicopters.
Black Ops helicopters.
I thought they didn't exist.
Remember that?
15 years ago they didn't exist.
Now it does.
Black helicopters descend on Dallas.
Army training in St.
City streets.
Don't be alarmed.
Army trains MPs to drive tanks on U.S.
Fully armed U.S.
troops patrol Minnesota neighborhood.
Local guard personnel to conduct exercises this week.
Troops participate Storming University.
Florida residents report mysterious black military aircraft.
Military training exercises keep some U.S.
Floridians awake.
Blah blah blah.
I remember under Clinton, because this has been going on a long time, Hobbs Middle School, Pensacola.
They had the Marines come in, aim guns at them, and say, this is martial law.
They did it all over the country.
So, in closing, ladies and gentlemen, I need everybody, every info warrior out there watching to get this video from the Radio Slash TV Show that we're going to post on YouTube and other globalist platforms.
And I need you to send it out on every platform you've got and to hammer, not just the Pentagon, not just the Army, the Marines, the Air Force, the Delta Force, Special Operations, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, but Camp Mabry, Camp Swift, every camp around you, every military base around you, hammer their email, hammer them, hammer them with this, because the average person is being compartmentalized, and this is about brainwashing the military and the public to accept this.
We're giving you the Death Star plans.
We're giving you every bit of it!
All the facts!
Their own documents!
All of it!
All of it right here in this damn report!
The New World Order didn't come and it's here.
The redcoats ain't coming, they're here!
They're here!
They know a big frontal assault, you stand up to it like Paul Revere.
So they do it incrementally.
I'm coming over to that camera to talk to people right now.
Folks, you're told you're supposed to get excited about a bunch of garbage.
You're told you're supposed to get excited about a bunch of mindless crap.
About football games.
You're supposed to get excited about freedom and tyranny and stopping it.
That's what these genes are about.
That's what resistance is about.
And it's happening right now.
I don't even know what to say at this point anymore.
It just makes me sick to see the fall of this country.
And to see the tyranny and the illegal NSA spying and all the rest of it.
And I just think about all the veterans that have fought and died for our supposed freedoms and how we're pissing on their graves right now.
And I'm tired of it.
I'm signing off, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm done breaking it down.
I've done the best job I can.
And it's up to you if you want to be slaves or not.
They're going to take all of our freedoms for a reason.
They're gutting us to make us poor to politically control us.
It's called Cloward Piven.
And it's real.
And going along with this is the surest way to be slaves.
So get this report out to everybody where the facts are there.
And Paul Watson's report, as well, that details all of this.
The anatomy of the American coup.
How this country got taken over.
And the facts.
And hopefully the American spirit, the sleeping giant, can be awakened to outrage, to break the trance, and say no to the slow-motion Red Dawn takeover.
Alright, that's it for this special transmission.
I'm going to throw this back to David Knight and the InfoWars.com studios after this short break.
And the rest is up to you, my friends.
All right, we're now taking a short break.
We skipped the commercial break.
You need to go to Infowars.com, look at this article, share this article.
Beyond denial preparations for martial law in America, we need to understand that this is a progression that has been going on for a long time, just as Alex Jones just broke that down for you.
Let me point this out.
When Megyn Kelly is saying they have to prepare for the realities of war, what they're saying is they're preparing for unconventional warfare.
Now, if they'd gone to these different localities, and instead of telling them, we're going to be doing some military training exercises here, if instead of doing that, if they had defined what unconventional warfare is, if they'd come in and said, you know, we're going to have forces with objectives that are covert.
We're going to have tactics and weapons that intensify environments of subversion or intimidation in your area.
And our general goal, our long-term goal, is a coercive or subversive
of the political body.
That's the definition out of Wikipedia of unconventional warfare.
Look it up.
They're talking about how they want to achieve military victory through acquiescence, capitulation, clandestine support.
That's what this is about.
When they say they're going to go in and set up cells of people, they're going to test how well they're able to move about without getting too noticed in the community.
That's what the Victoria County Sheriff's Office said after they were briefed by the people conducting unconventional warfare.
How does that help them?
When they conduct operations OCONUS outside the continental United States.
If they're able to hone their skills and practice moving about in American cities and looking covertly American, how does that help them abroad?
To that extent, it seems to me like that would harm them when they go into an alien culture.
No, you practice for where you're going to deploy.
If you're going to try to blend in here civilly, then that's what you practice for.
If you wanted to blend in in Saudi Arabia, you wouldn't be practicing to blend in in Bastrop, Texas.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
And listen, we didn't do any plugs, but we got 30% off of DNA Force.
Very important to support this operation.
Take a look at that.
It's only through the end of February.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this Friday, March 27, 2015.
And as I said as I was going out, we have a special on DNA Force through the end of the month.
But I said February, of course it's through the end of March.
30% off.
I want to make that correction.
But we're going to have Paul Joseph Watson with us in the next segment, talking about this article that he put together with Alex Jones.
We just played Alex Jones' special report that he did last night.
And this article is very key.
You need to get this out to as many people as you can, especially to people that are in the military.
Have them take a look at this.
This breaks down this long progression, this gradual movement that is now accelerating, as Alex Jones pointed out.
It also has a lot of video clips, but it has documents, links to previous articles.
This has been going on for quite a long time.
Alex Jones has been making documentaries about this for quite a long time.
We are not saying that this particular incident is going to be martial law.
We're not saying that this particular incident is a violation of posse comitatus.
That's the way they're spinning it, to try to make it look like we're alarmists.
No, we're talking about what has been going on.
It's been getting progressively worse.
Let me tell you, even Gawker is having a problem with this.
A lot of people are starting to realize that there's something going on with the militarization of the police.
Do you think?
We've been talking about that for a long time.
Look at all the police documentaries that Alex Jones has done over the years.
People are now gradually starting to catch on about this.
They're starting to be concerned about why we have this massive pre-deployment of military equipment in small towns.
Where they don't have a crime problem.
In small towns, where they're going to have to maintain the support and the maintenance of these white elephants that are being put into their towns, given to them for free.
You know, that's what the proverbial white elephant was about.
In India, the white elephant was sacred and so the leader would give that to somebody because they would have to feed that thing forever.
They couldn't kill it, they couldn't let it go.
So, that's essentially what they're doing now with these MRAPs that they're pre-positioning and a lot of other equipment like that.
But even left-wing gawker,
We're good to go.
He goes on to say, you don't need to believe in FEMA death domes or an Islamo-fascist White House to find Jade Helm a little bit unsettling, even if it's just a routine exercise meant to simulate a future Middle Eastern war zone inside of America.
A Middle Eastern war zone inside of America?
Let's go to this other article that Paul Joseph Watson put up, and we're going to talk to him about all of these, as well as the master article I mentioned, Beyond Denial, Preparations for Martial Law in America, and the next segment he's going to be on talking to us.
I just mentioned this in the last segment.
This is a quote from a chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff's Office here in Texas, talking about what he had been briefed with the military about what Jade Hillman is going to be.
He said, they're going to set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting too noticed in the community.
He said, they're testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.
So how does that apply to a foreign occupation zone?
How does that apply even to a future Middle Eastern war zone inside of America?
That's not what they're training for.
Look at the documents!
We have the documents in this article, Beyond Denial.
They're not planning for an Islamic zone inside of America.
They've said that their enemy is not
They said that their enemy is, are the Patriots, the Christians, Tea Party, Ron Paul supporters.
They've made that very clear.
And let me read this to you again.
This is from Wikipedia.
This is what unconventional warfare is.
It's an attempt to achieve military victory through acquiescence, capitulation, or clandestine support for one side of an existing conflict.
It's very interesting, isn't it?
That these maps, they show Texas as being hostile, but then they come in and say, well, you know, we'd like to have your support because, and we're going to play some audio clips from when they came in and talked to the Brazos County Commissioners.
We're going to play some of what they're telling these commissioners.
We need to have your permission.
We need a letter of invitation.
Why should they need a letter of invitation if there's no problem with this?
But they've already got the agenda worked out, just like Agenda 21.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to talk to Paul Joseph Watts.
We're going to break this down further for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, March 27, 2015.
For the rest of the show now, Alex is in in the last hour.
We played a special report that Alex put on last night, put up on YouTube last night.
There's also an article that we have up that Paul put together with Alex, Beyond Denial, Preparation for Martial Law in America.
That's something that has everything broken down, multiple video clips in it.
It's also got a lot of references in it.
We document what we're saying.
They will allude to some obscure right-wing conspiracy site, as Fox News characterized us last night, and not tell you where you can go to get the information, because they don't want you to look at the information.
They don't want you to do a side-by-side comparison and make up your mind, just as Megyn Kelly doesn't want you to have informed consent about vaccines.
Just shut up and take your shot.
Just shut up and let the military do whatever they want.
Never question their mission.
We need to question what our government is doing including the missions of our military.
To not question that is to not support the military.
It is not anti-military to question
Whether or not they're doing that.
We're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson in just a moment.
We're going to start out with this plane crash and his article about the possible SSRI drugs.
I believe that was the case as well.
And then we're going to continue on breaking down in more detail this Jade Helm operation.
Also Alex is going to have, we got another special report from Alex that's going to be at the bottom of the hour.
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Let's go to Paul Joseph Watson right now in the UK.
Paul, thanks for joining us.
Good to be back, David.
You know, I saw your article this morning about the possibility of SSRI drugs in this horrific crash of the German airliner.
And that's exactly what I was telling my family last night.
I said, as we're listening to these reports that they got back from the black box, they hear at first a light knocking on the door from the other pilot.
Then it gets very loud.
He's screaming, let me in, let me in.
And at the very last minute, you hear people screaming.
But throughout all of that, Paul,
They said that the biometric sensors that they had showed that the guy who was flying the plane, they said he didn't pass out of the controls.
They saw though that his biometrics were calm.
He didn't change his breathing.
He didn't change his heartbeat.
When I said that, I said, how could you, under those circumstances, where the guy's banging on the door, you hear people screaming in the background, and you're flying this into a mountain, how could that be unless the guy was on SSRI drugs?
And we know that he was under psychological evaluation.
We know that is the favorite treatment of the psychiatrist, is SSRI drugs.
Well, yeah.
For those who don't know the story, of course, it came out yesterday that this plane crash was deliberate.
The co-pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit when he went to the bathroom and then calmly engaged in this eight-minute descent into the mountain while, as you said, the microphones that the air traffic control picked up and that were on the cockpit voice recordings
Proved that he was breathing calmly throughout that whole procedure.
So he was obviously aware of what he was doing.
He was calmly crashing the plane into the side of a mountain.
They've since searched his apartment.
They've found no political or religious motivation for him to commit not only suicide, but of course, mass homicide.
So now questions are being asked about, you know, should we readdress the situation with the cockpit doors?
Because of course, before 9-11,
The cockpit doors in most airlines remained open and accessible to the pilots.
After 9-11 they introduced this rule whereby the door is automatically locked and you can only get in if somebody within the cockpit lets you in or if you enter a code.
So that's being discussed.
Also being discussed is whether we need to, you know,
Have psychiatric evaluations for all pilots before they fly.
What's not being discussed, as is the case after every incident of mass homicide, particularly with mass shootings, is whether or not this German wings pilot, Andreas Lubitz, was on psychiatric drugs.
And I sent out a tweet five hours ago saying, you know, tongue-in-cheek saying, surely after the German wings kamikaze crash we need a total ban on all assault style airplanes.
Because it's a reference to how the media frames the conversation after every mass shooting event to blame
The gun, the weapon, and not to analyze what the motivation, what the biochemical condition of the person committing the atrocity actually is.
We should just ban planes.
That's the solution.
Because, just all together, not even assault planes, because they're all dangerous.
They can all be crashed, and we just need to ban them.
As you point out, this kind of detachment from reality, this kind of detachment from what they're doing,
That is the hallmark of these drugs.
We've seen this over and over again.
We've seen this with people who have done similar things with automobiles.
So it's not just guns.
It's not just planes.
It's automobiles.
It's everything.
The problem is the drug.
That's the elephant in the room that they won't talk about.
But of course, they'll talk about how they're going to manipulate the door.
They'll talk about so many different other things, but they won't talk about that, Paul.
Yeah, which is interesting because it's already been confirmed basically by Bild, which is a big respected German newspaper, that this co-pilot that crashed the plane, Andreas Lubitz, had spent 18 months under psychiatric treatment.
He had recently split up with his girlfriend, he was suffering from, quote, depression, and actually today they found documents within his apartment that suggested he was being treated for a mental illness which he had hidden from his employers.
So of course the relevant question to ask, given that he'd been under psychiatric treatment for 18 months, and in fact that he was under treatment during his six month break in his flight training when his friends said he was depressed, is whether or not he was on SSRI drugs and what specifically those drugs were.
Now CNN is walking back and reporting that he was never under any psychiatric evaluation whatsoever contradicting all these other reports, which as you alluded to is interesting because they never talk about this link to SSRI drugs in the aftermath of these mass homicide events.
And I ask the question again and again, do you think it has anything to do with the fact that pharmaceutical giants who produce these psychotropic drugs like Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil spend $2.4 billion a year on direct TV advertising
With big mainstream networks and with news networks like CNN.
And this never is a part of the national conversation after these mass homicide incidents.
So we can go back...
And look at the history of this.
You know, James Holmes, the Aurora Theatre Batman shooter, it took nine months for us to find out that he was on Zoloft, which of course is directly linked through numerous studies with incidents of mania, violence, aggression, homicide and suicide, but they kept that under wraps for nine months until it was finally revealed, and there are numerous other cases like that.
Oh, absolutely.
You know, I stopped, we stopped watching, and my family stopped watching television in terms of just sitting there and having the entire feed go through with all the commercials and everything.
Of course, I keep abreast of what's going on.
I typically do that by watching news clips on YouTube, but I don't just sit there and leave Fox News on a television channel.
We couldn't get television where we were in 1993, so since that point, I haven't
Basically, listen to it.
So when we travel and we go into a hotel room, I'm absolutely amazed, Paul, at how one commercial after the other is about drugs.
And that was not even, that was not done at all when I used to watch television, when I would just sit there and watch, sit through the commercials.
That's something that's happened, I guess it's about 10 years or so ago, but as you point out, that's their major sponsor, so they're going to try to walk this back.
We know that SSRI drugs
These are the favorite candy that's handed out by the psychiatrist, and we know the side effects of this are to exacerbate the very conditions that people go to the psychiatrist for.
If they've got depression or suicidal thoughts, they hand them an SSRI, and if you look at the insert, it says that it increases the likelihood, that's one of the side effects, that it might increase that, especially if they go off of this after they become dependent on it.
There are 22 international drug regulatory warnings on these psychiatric drugs, citing effects of mania, hostility, violence, homicidal ideation.
And that's why in dozens of examples over the past two, three decades, they've been linked with these mass shooter incidents.
I mean, look at Adam Lanza, look at Sandy Hook.
They kept his medical records under wrap, despite the fact we know he had Asperger's Syndrome, we know he was being treated, but they covered up his medical records, even after a Freedom of Information Act request, which we reported on in 2013.
Because according to Assistant Attorney General Patrick B. Quaneschi,
If we found out what pharmaceutical, psychotropic drugs Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook shooter was on, it would quote, cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.
Yeah, you think?
I think we have to really question what's going on when we've got a, uh...
A drug that's being so widely used, as you pointed out, 22 different places, talks about how violent it can make people, how suicidal it can make them, how homicidal it can make them, and we see this linked in one shooting after the other, yet we want to shut down medical marijuana.
We want to use violence to shut that down, but send out the drug that makes people violent.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in Austin, and joining us from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
Of course, Paul and Alex Jones have put together a
Very detailed report with both text and links and videos breaking down how this has been developing for several years.
Now I want to talk to Paul in this segment about how our reporting is being spun by the mainstream media.
And then we're going to talk in the next segment, we're going to play some clips in the next segment from the way this is being sold at the county commissioner level by the military.
So we're going to play a few clips and comment on how they're conducting this psychological operation.
And that's what it is.
That's what unconventional warfare is.
It is a psychological operation.
It is an info war.
They know they've been losing the info war.
We can see how they've been mismanaging this, for example, by first claiming that it doesn't exist, that it's just a figment of our imagination.
Oh, they can't see the documents.
They can't follow the links to Scribd, let alone come to our site.
And then we see that same approach being done by the mainstream media, most of them refusing to even mention info wars or tell people where they can see our presentation of what's going on here.
Of course, even when they do, they usually spin it about the only one that I've seen that was fair and balanced was Daily Mail, certainly not Fox News.
Paul, what about the way they're spinning this?
They're really creating a straw man saying that, you know, we're claiming that the government is going to launch martial law this summer.
That was never the claim.
They're saying that once everybody sees that martial law doesn't happen this summer, then everything that we've been telling people, all the documents that we've been showing people, that'll all be discredited.
Well, yeah, as you mentioned, Fox News last night came out and named a Libertarian talk show host in Austin, Texas.
They dare not name Alex Jones or InfoWars.
They're perfectly happy to do so if they're demonizing us.
Of course, then they'll throw Alex's name all around.
But if we've actually got some content and some information that's serious and important... I wouldn't have minded it, Paul, if they had said Libertarian, but actually they said he was right wing.
I would say that Fox News is right-wing, R-E-I-C-H, but yeah, they say we were right-wing and then got picked up by a libertarian source, meaning Drudge, is what they were saying on that.
So they didn't even mention Drudge now, it's amazing.
Yeah, they didn't mention Drudge.
You know, you were talking about it earlier in the show, even Gawker came out last night and said that it was, quote, unsettling.
And Gawker is a left-wing Washington, D.C., I think it's based in D.C.
Gossip rag that routinely sides with the Democratic Party and normally repeats all this, you know, right-wing conspiracy rhetoric about us being extremists and, you know, fringe believers.
So the fact that even they called it unsettling and they drew attention to the logo for this exercise, which is, I think it's a knife surrounded by arrows, which is pretty creepy.
They called it creeping fascism.
I think that's a perfect description of this.
I think that's a perfect description.
This article that you put together with Alex Jones really does lay out the creeping fascism that we see developing here.
I think that's very important.
I think that was a wonderful way to characterize that.
If you want to put it and boil it down to two words, it is creeping fascism.
We're not saying that it's going to be martial law.
We're not saying that training
You cannot deny, David, that this training is at least dual purpose.
Obviously, yes, it's designed for foreign occupations, which have been pretty disastrous over the past ten years, I think you will agree.
So even that in and of itself is a concern.
But it's also domestic.
To claim that this is not also for domestic preparation is completely deluded.
If you actually read the Army's documents, which have leaked over the past several years, specifically the 2012 U.S.
Army Military Police Training Manual, Civil Disturbance Operations, the clue is in the name, civil.
And throughout that document, they make clear that this is for, yes, overseas operations, but it's also for CONUS within the continental United States.
And when that came out, I was neurotic about documenting with screenshots, which you can see in the linked original article, where they repeatedly mention that this is for within the United States or U.S.
territories during civil support operations.
That's a direct quote.
And of course it lays out plans to kill rioters, to re-educate people who resist, to support, quote, US policies.
So this is domestic, and that's what this whole article is about.
It's about pinpointing the fact that this whole preparation over the past 10-20 years has been for domestic purposes.
But according to the mainstream media, that's a fringe conspiracy theory.
We got to go to break.
We're going to come back and we're going to listen to what they're telling people at the county commissioner's offices.
And of course, as you point out in your other article, Paul, that in Jade Helms, in Jade Helm, the troops are going to be operating undetected amongst the civilian population.
How does it help them to practice their ability to blend in in the local environment when they do that in a small Texas town?
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're joined this hour with Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
We're gonna go back to talk more about Operation Jade Helm and what's behind that, how that's being spun.
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Let's go back to Paul.
Paul, I've got some audio clips here.
From the presentation that was made to Brazos County, these are some audio clips as they made their case.
I wanted to play a little bit of these things and get your response to this.
Let's go to the first audio clip here.
This is where they introduced themselves to the county commissioners.
I just want to bring greetings from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and Lieutenant General Charles Cleveland, Commander of the United States Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg.
My name's Tom Meade.
I'm a retired 20-year veteran of United States Army Special Forces.
We're here to discuss an exercise and the purpose for us being here today is we're seeking written invitation and approval from local officials to be able to conduct a realistic military training exercise within Brasses County.
Within the process, one of the biggest things is obviously the letter of invitation from local officials, from the county commissioners.
Also, we coordinate very closely with all of our law enforcement folks.
We've already met with the state DPS.
Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting with the sheriff and the chief deputy and explaining the exercise in thorough depth with them.
Okay, so he's already met with the state officials, he's met with law enforcement, he needs a letter of invitation.
Don't you think that's kind of unusual?
I mean, if I was a county commissioner, I would kind of ask them, you know, why is it that he's going to tell them in the next segment, he's going to tell them, oh yeah, we do this kind of stuff all the time, but they don't do this kind of stuff all the time.
The fact that they need a letter of invitation to do this, I think is kind of amazing.
But Paul, they also have their agenda completely planned out.
They know exactly where they're going to go, what they're going to do.
The rest of that meeting is basically telling them what they're going to do.
But just like Agenda 21, they need to ask your permission for it.
Make it seem like it's coming from you.
Yeah, that's the classic method they use.
It's called the Delphi Technique.
If you involve people with that decision, make them feel part of it, make them feel, you know, joined together with you, then, you know, they're invested in it.
So that gives them more reason to not only go along with it, but promote it and, you know, be a part of it themselves.
But the important point here, and you touched upon it before the break, is
Okay, there's firstly a contradiction in the Army says this won't affect Americans day to day.
They will barely even notice that these training exercises are going on.
Yet we're going to infiltrate troops amongst the local population to try and trigger them to report suspicious activity if these infiltration techniques fail, which they're trying to perfect.
So that's a contradiction.
But then the biggest contradiction is that they claim this is for overseas operations.
We're good to go.
So of course they're not going to successfully infiltrate themselves amongst local populations in Middle Eastern countries.
So how on earth can they claim that this is directed towards overseas operations when such training would be, it just wouldn't apply because of course they'd be ratted out and known for infiltrating foreign populations when they're white, black or Hispanic.
It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever unless it's geared towards
Domestic infiltration and civil operations.
If they're going to dress up in a manner that they would blend in in a Middle Eastern country, they would stick out like major sore thumbs and vice versa.
If they're going to practice blending in here with Americans and then go abroad, that isn't going to help them at all.
But Paul, we know as they were running these drills in the last couple of years in major urban cities in cooperation with the police,
They said, if you're going to attack the mountains, you train in the mountains.
If you're going to attack in the desert, you train in the desert.
We train for where we're going to fight.
That's why we're here in the cities working with the police.
And we said at the time, you're not going to be working in cooperation with the police when you invade Iran or whatever.
This even goes beyond that.
When you look at this Gawker article, one of the things he said here was, even if it's just a routine exercise meant to simulate a future Middle Eastern war zone inside of America, I've never seen any scenario come out that they have a future Middle Eastern war zone inside of America.
That's nonsense.
They've never planned for that.
They've always planned for domestic operations, and that's what they're doing at these forts like A.P.
Hill, Camp Lejeune, when we went to the Asymmetric Warfare Center.
That's the thing.
If he thinks that this is kind of a creepy, unsettling fascism, he needs to go to that asymmetric warfare center that Biggs and I walked through and look at how they've got a detailed model of an American city.
If you wanted to do practice urban warfare, you could do that like they've done in the past.
Yeah, set up a bombed out city in the desert that's just walls and with no windows or doors and they can practice going house to house.
They have a very detailed, very detailed model of an American city with everything intact.
They go there, they train with the military, they train with police forces in these asymmetric warfare centers.
They're trying to move out, take it to the next step, move out of those local training facilities because even though they've got bases everywhere, now they're working on a warfare scenario that's going to last a couple of months.
Yeah, and in the past they have had those, you know, remote locations where they just set up temporary building structures to approximate Middle Eastern towns and cities.
Now, as you saw with the fake city in Virginia, you know, the subway signs were in English.
There was a, if I remember correctly, a Christian chapel there.
The media report said it was a mosque.
Maybe there was both.
You could clear that up in a second.
They had both of them there, yes.
Yeah, but again on that point, they're talking about we need to practice infiltrating local populations overseas.
How could you possibly practice that if you're infiltrating local populations in America?
The race of people is completely different, the customs, the culture are completely different.
It's as ridiculous, if you remember the movie Team America,
Where the special forces agent goes and tries to infiltrate the terrorists, he goes to like a bar or a cafe, and he's just repeating over and over again, Al Arakpour, Al Arakpour.
It's as ridiculous as that.
How can they be training to infiltrate, you know, foreign populations by infiltrating Americans who are completely different in race, culture, and customs?
It makes no sense.
They train how they're going to fight.
We all know that.
That's common sense.
But they're trying to obfuscate that.
And let's go to this clip on unconventional warfare.
This is when he defines for them what they're really going to be doing because that's essentially, it's not realistic military training, Megyn Kelly.
It is unconventional warfare.
Look it up.
Here's what he says about it.
To put unconventional warfare into a perspective, you see it a couple different places up there, unconventional warfare, and I'll explain that from a historical perspective.
So, conventional warfare is troops on troops, tanks on tanks, uniform enemy against uniform enemy, is the way conventional warfare is generally defined.
Unconventional warfare, from a historical perspective, if you think of World War II,
Germany came in and they took over France.
The French did not want them there.
They formed the French Underground.
The French Underground conducted activities such as subversion and sabotage.
They would hit logistics lines to demoralize the Germans.
What a lot of folks don't know is there were American advisors with the French underground throughout World War II, assisting them in planning and conducting those types of activities.
Since 1952, the United States Army Special Forces has had the charter to conduct unconventional warfare throughout the globe.
The last 15 years we have been in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We've been doing more of a counterinsurgency role rather than being able to enable an insurgency across the globe.
So there you go.
He talks about the French underground.
He talks about an insurgency.
He said, yeah, we were with the good guys.
We were with the French trying to kick out the people who had invaded their country.
But of course, now lately we have been on the other side.
We've been on the counterinsurgency.
And when you look at asymmetric warfare, that's what they are totally obsessed with is counterinsurgency.
But Paul, I want to read again.
This excerpt from the Wikipedia article about unconventional warfare, basically drawing on Pentagon documents.
Unconventional warfare is an attempt to achieve military victory through acquiescence, capitulation, or clandestine support for one side of an existing conflict.
So if these guys had gone in to the county commissioners and shown them this map,
That has Texas listed as hostile and said, you know, we're practicing a covert tactics and weapons to create an environment of subversion or intimidation.
We've got the general long-term goals of coercive or subversive that are to a political party.
And here's the map where you're considered to be the hostiles.
Do you think that they would approve that?
I mean, maybe they would, but I mean, that would be pretty unsettling.
And if people understood
What unconventional warfare is, it would be unsettling.
But people don't bother to even look at what the military is talking about when they talk about unconventional warfare.
No, it's a surface level understanding.
They don't even scratch below the surface and it's just, you know, rah, rah, rah, we must support the U.S.
And then even in that clip you played, you know, he's obviously trying to associate the U.S.
Army with the venerable historical example of the French Resistance.
But as he said, that's not how it works anymore.
We advised, or the US government advised and funded the Ukrainian opposition, which was staffed by neo-Nazi paramilitaries, which overthrew a democratically elected government.
So to compare what the US Army and the US government does now, and compare it to, you know, the French Resistance who fought the Nazis, is completely hypocritical.
You know, the US government supported the radical jihadists in Libya to overthrow that government, which led to complete disaster throughout the region and the rise of ISIS.
So really to make that connection between, you know, supporting the French resistance to what we do now is completely asinine.
Yeah, it's totally a PSYOP.
And you remember that when we started reporting on this, that Joe Biggs got an email from a friend of his, now works for SOCOM, he says, shut up, you're going to ruin the PSYOP.
Well, of course, that's what unconventional warfare largely is.
Going on with this Wikipedia article, for example, which again is drawn from Pentagon documents, they say, unconventional warfare targets civilian population psychologically.
To win the hearts and minds.
Only targets military and political bodies directly.
Seeking to render the military proficiency of the enemy irrelevant.
Limited conventional warfare can be used unconventionally or to demonstrate might and power.
So, how are they going to demonstrate their might and power?
How are they going to use this PSYOP on the people here in Texas?
Let's play that clip where they were talking about who to hit.
And he kind of describes what they're going to be doing.
To put unconventional warfare into a perspective, you see it a couple different places up there, unconventional warfare, and I'll explain that from a historical perspective.
That's the unconventional warfare.
Let's go to the one who the hit.
Coming in, doing the hit, and extracting.
Time on ground would be maybe 15 to 20 minutes of exposure, then that's it.
Then they're gone.
Can we recommend some places to you to hit?
You know, every county that we have briefed has done that for us also.
Or maybe places our people.
Yeah, there you go.
So he says they're going to be popping in and popping out.
Just going to be a few minutes there.
You know, let's pick up the Texans that are on the red list or the blue list.
And then you got a politician there saying, can we suggest some people or places to hit?
And he says, yeah, everybody says that when we give this presentation.
There you go, Paul, your comment.
It's amazing and, you know, again it has to be backed up by this history which we've documented over the past, you know, Alex has done it for 20 years.
In this article on Infowars, I go back probably 10, 11 years to things such as the 2006 pastor training program which FEMA ran, which acclimatized people to follow the herd, to obey the religious representatives in the community when the government declares martial law.
For over a year afterwards,
We were called conspiracy theorists, paranoid right-wing lunatics, just as we are being called now, for even talking about that, because I think it was Alex's family members and people that called into the show that blew the whistle on that.
Over a year later...
The mainstream news station reported on it, and Alex has played that clip numerous times, confirming that this indeed was a program to hire, recruit religious representatives in communities across America to force people to obey martial law dictates during civil emergency conditions in the United States.
So again, we were proven right.
And of course to identify- You were paranoid lunatics at the time.
A year later, it's confirmed by the mainstream media.
That's right, Paul.
And of course, as Alex has pointed out, to identify the people who are going to be willing participants to work with them.
Just roll it out as some kind of an emergency operation as opposed to a martial law.
And of course, that's one of the objectives of unconventional warfare, to train, equip, and advise locals who seek regime change.
Seek regime change.
That's it.
So, yeah, can we suggest for you some people and places to hit?
That's the way they joke about it.
Walking right along the same page with these people.
It is very disturbing to see this happen.
It is very disturbing to see them increasing the militarization of the police, increasingly using the military and training the military here in CONUS and continental United States.
This is what we're concerned about.
And many people are starting to see this.
It isn't just people on the left or on the right or libertarians.
Everybody is starting to see this militarization that we've been talking about for a very long time, that Alex Jones has done documentaries about police state America for a very long time.
This is how it breaks down.
It is a creeping fascism.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
We're going to continue to break down Operation Jade Helm.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson and of course
There's the article on Infowars.com that's put together by Paul and Alex Jones breaking down what the writer from Gawker very accurately termed a creeping fascism.
Beyond denial, preparations for martial law in America.
The federal government and the U.S.
Army have been readying for domestic unrest for decades and preparations are accelerating exponentially.
That's the point.
That's what we're saying.
And of course, they're creating a straw man and saying, well, Infowars are saying that there's going to be a martial law breaking out in this summer.
We never said that.
We never said that.
That's a straw man that they created so they could then pull that apart very easily.
No, this is something that has been developing for quite some time.
It was disturbing enough.
Last year to walk through the streets of a replica American city where they were training to take it over with military as well as law enforcement.
That's where they trained for that.
They don't need to do that if they're training for a foreign war.
When you look at these burned out shells of buildings, that's the kind of warfare they could easily train for in a desert environment for where they would be fighting in the Middle East.
But of course, they tell us that the enemy, and this is why the people on the right who love to back this up, all think it's for the Muslims abroad.
So they're all for it.
No, this is for you.
You just don't realize it.
It's just a beard.
And so this is an article that Paul Joseph Watson has put together with Alex Jones.
Take a look at this.
Pass this around, especially if you know somebody that is in the military, in law enforcement.
Show them this article.
That's what they need to understand is the background behind this.
How this has been building for a very long time.
And it becomes more and more obvious with every exercise that they do.
Paul, you talked about one of the articles that you've got in here is the Pentagon.
This is back in 2008, for example.
There's so many of these things that we could pick up here.
Here's just one.
Pentagon to detail troops to bolster domestic
Now back in 2008 they were saying that by 2011 they would have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the U.S.
trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophes.
So we see this convergence of the military and of law enforcement very troubling to anybody who understands history.
Exactly, and actually a couple of years after that, in February 2013, the Department of Defense, and this was also in the article, issued a quote, instruction which altered the US code applying to the military's involvement in domestic law enforcement, which basically, they gave themselves permission to quote, quell civil disturbances domestically without presidential authorization.
So again, completely overriding posse comitatus.
And then you have things stretching back to the 60s, Operation Garden Plot.
This was a Department of Defense civil disturbance plan to deal with expected racial unrest.
In America in the 1960s, of course, since Ferguson last year, we've seen that build up primarily as a result of the Holder Justice Department and the Obama administration fueling it.
They had that plan in place to deal with civil disturbance, domestic unrest.
They also had Rex 84, which was based around an influx of illegal aliens, but eventually geared towards locking up dissidents within the United States.
So all of these programs have domestic
And then of course they spin it and they say, well, your training is not a violation of posse comitatus.
And it's like, no, but you were training to violate posse comitatus.
You're training for martial law.
That's the problem.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back talking to Paul Joseph Watson about Operation Jade Helm.
This is very important.
Get this information out.
You'll see it on InfoWars.com.
Beyond Denial.
Preparations for martial law in America.
Send that to everyone you know.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, March 27, 2015.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be with us.
We're going to take some of your calls on Operation Jade Helm, or the Jade Helm Exercise.
I guess that's the way the military would put it.
That's 800-259-9231.
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I want to go back, Paul, to talk about how this has been rolling out.
I think a lot of people woke up when we saw indefinite detention without, by the military, without a trial.
The fact that they could render people out.
That appeared in the NDAA just a couple of years ago.
And of course, Obama first said he wasn't going to sign it.
And then he signed it on New Year's Eve, and then he said, don't worry, I'm not going to use it.
No, it'll be for somebody else coming in.
But you know, Paul, there was something else that happened that wasn't widely reported last summer.
There was also a prepositioning, as they're positioning these MRAPs to these police stations everywhere, and everyone's getting concerned about that.
There had been a program for decades, going back to the 1950s, where they were supplying firemen, fire stations, small fire stations with surplus military equipment because they really need the help.
You've got these small rural fire departments that are
We're good to go.
But to me, that showed that they were really focused on equipping the local police departments for martial law.
Exactly, and that's proven by what the New Hampshire Police Chief said in 2013, and this was the subject of former Marine Corps Colonel Peter Martino's testimony at that Council meeting.
Because the Police Chief, in his application, or his justification for purchasing this Bearcat armoured vehicle was, quote, the threat posed by libertarian sovereign citizens and Occupy activists
In the region.
So this was specifically targeted not at criminals who would, you know, commit mass rampages and gun crime, but at political activists in the region of New Hampshire.
So it was in plain sight that this was what the militarization of the law enforcement in that region was geared towards.
So that's not us saying it, that was the police chief of New Hampshire saying it.
Yes, and it was also someone who was a former Marine who was very, very concerned.
But he came in the studio and talked to us about that.
He said, why do you need to be more heavily equipped than my soldiers were when they were fighting in Iraq?
Let's go to Anthony in Michigan.
Okay, hello, you're on.
Go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing?
I just wanted to say on that Jade Helmet, right in front of Plain Sight there, like you're always saying, the emblem, if you scroll down that page, and it says on the emblem there, at the bottom, it's Control Human Domain.
Hang on, Anthony, we're going to be right back.
Stay with us, we'll take more of your calls.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me is Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
We're going to be taking your calls in this segment.
The number is 800-259-9231.
We're talking about the Jade Helm exercise.
Of course, that's being spun by the mainstream media saying we're predicting a martial law takeover.
No, we're pointing out this is creeping fascism, and we've been pointing that out for a very long time.
We have an article that's up on InfoWars.com by Paul Joseph Watson as well as Alex Jones, Beyond Denial, Preparation for Martial Law in America.
You need to spread the word on that article.
We're going to go back to our phone calls.
We've got Anthony in Michigan we're going to go back to in just a moment.
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Let's go back to our phone call right now.
We had to go to break, Anthony, but you were just talking about Operation Jade Helm.
Go ahead.
Yeah, on your page there, and it says you're the Jade Helm emblem there.
Right at the bottom of the emblem there, it says, Control Human Domain.
I mean, you know, we're $18 trillion in debt.
How can we let the government have our health care and everything else?
I mean, we as American people need to wake up and start taking more control of our lives.
To be anti-military, to say that there has to be some understanding of what the scope and the mission of the military is.
That should be determined by the people.
We should have this discussion.
But if you have that discussion, you're not a real patriot, are you?
Let's play that clip that we have.
We played several clips in the last half hour from the military making the presentation to one of the counties around here.
It was Brazos County.
And I want to play this clip here where he basically appeals to them.
They want to have a permission to come in.
They want a letter of permission.
But they've already worked out what they're going to do.
But he says, why are we coming to Texas?
Here's what he says.
Why did we choose Texas?
Number one, we've done exercises within Texas.
We've been doing them here in Texas for years.
One of the things that we have always found about coming to Texas, and I know JR and I, if you count all the mileage that he and I have done, we've probably traveled back and forth across the state of Texas probably about 10 times already since July of last year.
But we have not ran into anyone who is not willing to help us out because they understand
Texans understand that we're training these guys to go out and be able to prepare our airmen, soldiers, and sailors to be able to go out and do the business of the United States military across the globe.
And we appreciate that, that Texans are very supportive of everything.
Yeah, they're not training people to go out and support America across the globe.
They're practicing for operations here in America.
As we just said in the last segment, they're practicing on how to blend in and operate covertly in America.
That's not going to help them abroad.
But of course, real Texans support the military no matter how vague, no matter how secretive their mission is, no matter how obvious that mission is targeted towards domestic operations.
This is a sigh out, Paul.
Well, exactly, David, and there's more information coming about this.
There's a Mint Press article which, you know, kind of blames us for saying it's the apocalypse and a martial law takeover, which we never said.
But also some interesting commentary on what these exercises might entail.
Quote, America's special forces will most likely have to evade capture by local law enforcement, suspicious citizens, and whatever military unit is turned loose to try to catch them.
One source believes the force from the JOAX will become the, quote, bad guys and try to catch the CRF troops while they attempt to make their way undetected to a safe country, which translates as the blue states on the map, the non-hostile states.
But again,
This is being conducted in America which is completely removed, completely different from the environment, the customs, the culture that they would be expected to encounter overseas in places like the Middle East.
So as he said, it appears to be geared towards infiltrating America more so than overseas countries because the environment would be completely different, the people would be completely different.
It makes little sense.
Absolutely, and of course these labels of hostile and friendly are drawn along political lines for the most part, even using what's now become the traditional colors of blue and red for different political factions.
Any other comments, Anthony, before we move on?
No, I was just wondering, you know, why, you know, as American people, we can see this going on, but our politicians just aren't awake to what's going on and standing up for our rights and privileges.
They're just being bought and controlled by... We need to end lobbying.
We need to stop lobbying, period.
Let's file some petitions and let's stop lobbying altogether, period.
Well, you know, I think that a lot of these, you know, Anthony, I think a lot of these politicians are not really understanding what's going on.
They're being given one line by the military.
They're being manipulated, as we talked about earlier.
There's a very obvious Rand Corporation technique, the Delphi technique.
They use it for Agenda 21.
They know that they can get these people to buy into this agenda, thinking that they're
This part of their agenda.
We need to come to them.
You need to come to the people in your area, if you're in one of these areas, and try to educate these county commissioners.
Tell them what this is really about.
Have them look at what unconventional warfare is.
They're not even questioning what that is.
And of course, they're giving a different version of this as we played for you when they present this to the county commissioners.
They're not breaking down for them really what unconventional warfare is.
They're not really showing them what that is.
Let's go to Michael in Wyoming.
Go ahead, Michael, you're on.
Glad to be on the show.
I appreciate your time.
Thank you.
I am a 21-year veteran in the Navy and I retired in 2013 and lately I've just been listening to the show and gathering it all in and trying to figure out what I can do, you know, to kick it into action because I feel like I need to do something.
I heard Sheriff Mack on the radio the other day with the CSPOA, and I realized that it is pretty much my duty, since I'm not on the wrong side of the law, and I live in a rural area and I happen to know that my sheriff is a conservative, that I needed to approach him and make sure that he was aware of what was going on with Jade Helm and all this.
And I felt like I wanted to reach out to other veterans.
And let them know that they're important and they have a duty still, even though they're retired or they've returned and they're inactive, they need to get with their local peace officers, especially in the rural areas where it is more conservative, and make sure that they can give whatever support that they can give their sheriff's department and their peace officers.
I think it's very much an educational issue.
As I was just saying, in many cases, they're being given disinformation.
They need the other side.
They need the facts so that they can make a decision.
They're going to get a very skewed presentation from the military as we were just playing for you.
They're not going to get all the facts.
They certainly aren't going to have the background to see where this has all been coming from.
So many of these guys, they look at the military equipment that's coming to them from the Pentagon that's surplus, and they go, hey, this is great.
They're just going to give this to us for free.
They don't see, many of them, what's going on.
And so if we educate them and they know what's going on and they still agree with it, then that's a different scenario.
But in many cases, they don't even know what's behind this.
Yeah, I think that's the point.
And also, you know, some of the people involved in this drill, in 10-15 years' time, they're going to be the ones who are demonised as disgruntled, violent veterans by the Department of Homeland Security.
You know, this kind of came to fruition in 2009 when
The DHS came out and said that returning veterans were disgruntled about the takeover of the United States.
That was in their own document.
They didn't put the word takeover in quotation.
So it wasn't as if this was a claim that the veterans were making.
It was as if the
Yes, it was the DHS saying this is a takeover, the veterans are concerned about it, this is why we need to combat them.
And repeatedly we've seen demonizations, you know, DHS intelligence assessments, the Boy Scout Explorers being trained to kill, quote, disgruntled Iraq war veterans, according to the New York Times.
So that first kind of emerged back in 2009.
It's intensified since with police being, quote, armed for war to take on returning veterans.
So some of the people involved in this exercise are inevitably going to be demonized later on when they return to the civilian population.
So, you know, we need to reach out to them and take hope in the fact that a lot of these surveys they do about, you know, will you disarm the American people?
The majority of
Yes, it's an information war.
It's an information war for the veterans.
It's an information war for your local politicians who are buying into this and especially
For local law enforcement.
They need to understand how important it is that they maintain local control of law enforcement.
That they don't get everything in a hierarchical structure under Homeland Security.
That they don't militarize local law enforcement.
That's very, very important.
Let's go to Landshark in Nevada.
Hi, how are you?
Hey, go ahead.
My name is, well, Landshark.
I'm a former Navy SEAL of 10 years.
Got out back in 1997.
Back in 1996, myself and a dozen or so guys that I worked with immediately were handed a stack of papers to sign and basically said if you didn't sign them then you would not be doing the job that you were doing anymore.
And it in essence said
That if asked by the President to disarm the American population, you would do so, and you had to sign it, and you had to turn it in.
Well, half the guys threw them away, and the other half... Hang on, hang on, Landshark.
As a former Navy SEAL, I want to get your reaction.
I want to know what's happened in the past.
We're going to take a commercial break, and we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
We have Paul Joseph Watson with us from the UK and just before we went to the break we had someone calling us from Nevada.
Landshark saying that he was a former Navy SEAL.
Landshark, can you go back and break that down from the point you were talking about your experience as a Navy SEAL, especially the documents that you said that they gave you to sign?
We didn't have time to go through that before we had to take a commercial break, and a lot of people are joining us now.
So could you begin that from the beginning?
Yeah, we were handed a stack of papers to sign, and this was about a dozen or so guys that I was working with directly.
We were told we had to sign him.
If we didn't sign him, then we would no longer have the positions that we had, meaning the tactical positions that we had.
So a lot of people signed him.
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and put him back, and everybody went to lunch, came back, and the stack of papers was gone.
I managed to throw mine away, but I became incredibly disillusioned with my job.
A year later, I wound up getting out.
You know, I discovered that I was no longer
Supporting and defending the Constitution, I was suddenly going to be a pawn for the politicians.
And what were these papers that you had to sign?
What were they saying that you would do or would not do?
Stating that if we were asked to, we would go door-to-door and disarm the American population.
Yeah, that's what we've been seeing.
A lot of people have reported that.
How do you feel about this Jade Helm exercise?
Because this is all Special Forces, this is a couple of months, this is in America.
Do you find it credible that they are working to practice covert operations, their ability to basically blend in in the local community, that that's going to be helpful for them abroad?
I think it's a test run.
It's a test run for future events.
We want to see how this goes, just like when they handed us the pieces of paper and asked us to sign that we would disarm the population.
I'm sure they just wanted to see what kind of reaction it would get.
And they got the reaction and realized they couldn't do it back in 1995-96, back when I was in.
That's right.
This is a test for the military as well as for the local areas where they're going to be having these exercises.
It's a PSYOP that has many different objectives, doesn't it?
Yes, they're just, they want to see how this one goes and Texas is probably going to be one of the more difficult states because you have a lot of people that believe in the Constitution there.
Yes, yes.
Paul, did you want to ask Landshark anything?
Yeah, just to touch on that again, this whole idea of military officers being asked if they will fire upon and disarm American citizens has repeatedly cropped up.
Of course, Ben Smith, the former Navy SEAL, came on the Alex Jones Show and
Affirmed that that was indeed the case, that they were being asked that.
We also had Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow, who said that the new litmus test for military leaders would be whether or not they will obey this order to fire on US citizens.
Then the 29 Palms survey in California, May 1994, asked the same question.
Would they fire upon US citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms?
So the fact that that was leaked,
By members of the military who were incensed that they would even be asked that question is a very positive thing because it shows us where their loyalties lie.
Thank you so much, Landshark.
Thank you for your loyalty to the Constitution.
And thank you for adding your voice to yet another saying that this is what they are asking of officers in the military.
Thank you so much.
Let's go to MD in Istanbul.
Yes, hello.
Good morning to you guys.
For me, it's already evening.
What are you doing in Istanbul?
Do you live there?
Are you in the military?
No, I'm not in the military.
I live there.
I work there.
And I'm, as a matter of fact, not an American, nor am I related to America.
But I do know certain stuff, and I would like to share that with you guys.
Sure, go ahead.
All those purges, Operation Gate,
I'm calling you guys because I believe that our state is interconnected.
The people in the United States are the only people who are armed to the teeth.
The government has no control over them.
And you have served your useful time
Hang on, MD.
We've got to go to a commercial break if you want to hold through the commercial if you can.
We'll be right back.
This is MD from Istanbul and he's absolutely right.
We are the resistance.
In America we have the money, we have the power, we have the armed citizenry.
That's why they have to take it down.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We have Paul Joseph Watson with us for just a few more minutes and Paul's going to be leaving.
We've got a special report coming up tied to the article that's on Infowars.com.
Russia has constructed massive underground shelters in anticipation of nuclear war.
It's a special report from Alex Jones.
We're going to play that in just a moment.
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Let's go back real quickly to MD and Istanbul.
I want to get your comments quickly there, MD, and then I want to get Paul Joseph Watson's comments on what you have to say before we go to the report.
Go ahead, MD.
Okay, what I would like to add to what I already said is every president in the world is a Manchurian candidate.
They do not work for the people.
They work for the system.
You, in the United States, because the sheeple has woken up, have become a liability.
And this liability will be dealt with with Operation Jade Ham.
Now, people are waking up all over the world.
So, they are expecting some sort of a resistance all over the world.
This is why we're heading towards a global conflict.
Yes, absolutely.
And you know, it's not just you saying this in Istanbul.
We had James Madison essentially say that if tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will come in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
Paul, your comments before we go to Alex's report.
Well, basically America is the bulwark against tyranny.
There's never going to be a hot tyranny in America so long as you're armed.
You know, there are 70 to 80 million gun owners, 300 million guns in the United States.
That's 300 times the amount possessed by the police.
You can't have a tyranny so long as that's the case.
It would be absolute lunacy for the law enforcement authorities or the military to conduct these disarmament procedures, these door-to-door procedures, which is why, for the moment, it's not going to happen.
And that is your main protection against it.
They're looking for a way to not have to go door-to-door.
They can just take all of our ammunition.
That's why they focus that on gun control.
Let's go to Alex Jones' report.
Thank you so much.
Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
This is Alex Jones on Russia's underground shelters built in anticipation of a nuclear war.
America is a captured nation.
To a great extent, we're dominated by foreign offshore corporations.
That's not even a secret anymore.
CNBC, you name it, comes out and admits we're under global government run by private offshore central banks.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
Of course we are.
We are absolutely slaves to central banks.
And that's how it always works.
When we were trying to expose the globalist takeover 20 years ago, they said it wasn't happening.
We said that it was specifically not just a global corporate conspiracy, but that it was run by private families owning the world's central banks.
And now it's admitted.
We told you there was a plan to militarize the police 20 years ago, and we're attacked all over the national news.
Now, it's admitted.
They don't want to debate something before they've completed its establishment.
They want to debate it after it's in place, and then ridicule those that dare even criticize it.
These are the tactics used.
We knew Obamacare had death panels.
We knew it had all these nightmarish provisions in it to raise taxes on poor people and the middle class alike.
But the system played us like fools, the general population, and kept denying, denying, denying that it was in the bill, even though the bill was public.
But with things like the North American Union Treaty and the Security and Prosperity Partnership and the Asian Union, they're just keeping those completely secret.
Now, I'm going to get into a story, an issue, that if we can understand this,
It's what I call a Rosetta Stone.
It will decode everything else.
And there are a lot of these stories out there, but this one is one of the biggest.
And I've talked about it before, but never shot a special report.
So I want to spend a few minutes tonight talking about an issue
That is one of the most important on our planet.
And if we understand this, it's a doorway to a wider world.
And that's what we're trying to do here at InfoWars.com.
We wear our bias of telling the truth and being pro-human and pro-freedom on our sleeves openly.
We're here to show you the hat trick.
We're here to show you how the scam works.
Because we believe in economies based on quality, and honor, and innovation, and renaissance.
Not economies based on war, and deception, and fraud, and surveillance, and crony capitalism, and gangs.
Now, that said, I want to discuss the issue of Russia's gigantic megabunkers that they've been building.
One of them, the Pentagon reports, and the Russians confirm, is 400 square miles in size.
We're not just going to look at the bunkers.
We're going to give you the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say.
So before we get to the bunkers, let's just review some recent mainstream news reports.
You heard us tell you this five years ago?
Now it's in the Guardian just a few weeks ago.
As inequity soars, the nervous super-rich are already planning their escapes.
Mainly to New Zealand, as I told you years ago.
James Cameron and others are fleeing.
They believe the U.S.
I have that from internal sources.
will collapse.
I've talked to other billionaires.
To New Zealand with armored redoubts, their own airfields.
It's all in this article.
Years after I told you.
And I'm gonna have the crew of these taped shows go back and just show you everything I'm claiming the past is now happening.
Not because I'm saying I'm Mr. Fancy Pants know-it-all.
This stuff's hidden in plain view.
We're telling you the truth about what's going on.
Here's another report.
Swiss Info.
Bunkers for all.
Switzerland is unique in having enough nuclear fallout shelters to accommodate its entire population should they ever be needed.
New York Times.
Swiss ready to face Armageddon in comfort.
Science World goes over this as well, and how the elites are building Rockefeller-funded emergency seed vaults, animal and DNA emergency arcs all over the world.
I mean, this is amazing what they're doing.
They're spending billions and billions on this every year.
Inside the secret luxury survival bunkers for millionaires.
You know, I'm good friends with Joel Skousen, probably the top bunker builder in the country.
And he won't talk about his clients.
But he will talk about the fact that there's a major uptick in billionaires, but also former CIA, FBI, you name it, building smaller ones under their houses.
And they're some of the biggest preppers.
And why is that?
We're going to talk about that in a moment.
But when we have some extra water, or say get guns, or have water filters, we're kooks and crazies and, you know, bad people.
7 million Americans died during the Great Depression from malnutrition in major university studies.
Broke that down.
90% were self-sufficient back then.
5% are self-sufficient today.
Look it up.
Department of Defense.
Russians still building bunkers.
So there it is, directly from the Department of Defense.
Then they have Army PSYOPs come out and say, we made all this up.
Now, let's move to the actual article from Michael Schneider in the American Dream blog.
Republished at Infowars.com.
Excellent, excellent article.
And when I read this this morning, I said, I've got to talk about this in more detail because he absolutely hits the nail on the head.
And the whole article's lengthy, as his articles are, and he documents it and links to the Department of Defense and the Russian government itself.
We just showed you some of those links.
Did you know the Russians have a massive underground complex in the Ural Mountains that has been estimated to be approximately 400 square miles in size?
And then they go through the fact that it's roughly as big as the area inside the DC Beltway.
And that they've got at least five other major systems.
Now, here's the rest of the story.
Switzerland has bunkers for all their people with anti-tank weapons.
With food, with water, with generators, and with sniper rifles, assault rifles, heavy machine guns for every man and woman in the country.
And in their homes, by law, they've got to have hidden weapons in case a tyrannical government took over.
Which has happened in Switzerland in the time of William Tell.
That's where their whole culture came from, that our culture is based in part on.
So, you won't get taught that in school, but look it up.
It's a historical fact.
They had a takeover and William Tell started an uprising against them.
When they made him shoot the apple off his son's head with a crossbrow.
That's all a true story, folks.
But they don't want you to know those archetypes that were taught in schools until the 60s.
They want you to just believe this fake plastic culture just came out of nowhere.
It was scientifically designed.
Why are the Russians spending the equivalent of some estimates over a trillion dollars in the last decade building this giant bunker complex?
And they've got Subways in them, we'll show you some of those in the articles.
They've got, you name it.
Because they know that the globalists are planning a nuclear war with Russia.
Again, I'm not saying Russia's even the good guys.
They're their own predator class.
But not as sophisticated.
Russia's more like a raccoon when it comes to being a predator, and the globalists are like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
I mean, they are the vicious offensive attackers.
But the Russians are a tyrannosaurus rex when it comes to their nuclear forces.
But they're not offensively trying to do anything.
They're under attack, having all their soft underbelly attacked by radical Islamists and others, and they're actually fighting back against it.
In the United States, congressional reports have come out.
We know there's been massive underground bunkers built.
We know there's underground railways from Fort Hood, where I live close to in Austin, Texas, out to the old SAC base at Bergstrom.
I had family that saw it back in the 60s.
I've had family currently in special operations that, you know, yeah, that's there, but I'm not going to talk about it.
You can see the snorkels on 290 out there to get air from the underground railways where they move nukes back and forth 60, 70 miles up to Fort Hood.
So, all of this is happening.
All of this is going on beneath the surface.
And here's the big issue.
Russia's bunkers are for their people.
Switzerland's bunkers are for their people.
Our bunkers are luxury COG for the government and the elite.
But the elite know that living in a bunker isn't very fun, so they're moving to New Zealand.
Good luck moving to New Zealand, or the Cook Islands, or Grand Cayman, or Barts, or wherever, or Luxembourg if there's a nuclear war.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Elites are even moving out of England, and Israel, and Switzerland.
But they're so chutzpah driven, so arrogant, that they've got to control everything.
They've got to take over the world, even if it means they could destroy it.
So this is really a message to the establishment.
Listen, your best plan is restoring freedom and restoring transparency in the West and not starting war with the Russians and not going for global domination like Hitler and so many other thugs of history like Napoleon.
You're not going to be safe in New Zealand.
You're only going to be safe not incinerating the globe.
And that leads me to the tragic jetliner downing where they claim the pilot nosedived it into the ground because he was depressed.
Whether that's true or not, I don't know.
What I do know is that's an example of how one of the most trusted industries out there, professional pilots, some of the best people psychologically out there, can still have bad actors.
And historically, dictators always think that they're invincible.
And they can crash entire civilizations into the ground.
They can bring down whole empires, whole countries, until nuclear weapons came along.
Now they can bring down the whole planet.
Don't think, ladies and gentlemen, that we'll always be here.
I never, in all my years studying history, saw a general or a admiral or a president cavalierly say, we came, we saw, Qaddafi died.
Oh, we ought to just kill a bunch more Russians in body bags and ship them back.
We came, we saw, he died.
The only way the United States can have any effect in this region and turn the tide is to start killing Russians.
Killing Russians by... Killing so many Russians that even Putin's media can't hide the fact that Russians are returning to the motherland in body bags.
People like General Scales are out of their minds.
Just cavalierly talking about attacking Russia and they're sending in armored brigades to fight them right now in Ukraine that is their historical birthplace and doorstep.
This is the type of megalomania that destroys countries and destroys planets.
And we are now at the crossroads, and our elite don't have bunkers for us.
The Russians and the Swiss do.
We don't have bunkers.
You know what the designated fallout shelter is?
Growing up in Dallas, we'd see these.
Now it's not even there.
They've taken the signs down.
Designated nuclear fallout shelter is underground parking garages, where you go to sleep out the nuclear winter and starve to death.
With 90% plus of the public urban and not self-sufficient.
Can you imagine a depression?
All hell would break loose.
We have 50 million people in soup lines.
They're just digital now.
Can you imagine the breakdown?
And then when individuals try to prep and get prepared, we're kooks and we're crazy, while the government is digging in like it's the end of the world and carrying out policies that could trigger that.
So we're living in unprecedentedly dangerous times.
Our borders are wide open, but they've got all these military drills going on to take on the Tea Party and gun owners.
We have an insane ruling class.
They hate the Russians because they're independent.
They hate Texas because they're independent.
They hate anybody that wants to be sovereign.
They hate anybody that doesn't want to be a slave.
They hate anybody that's got a fighting spirit.
They hate anybody who's manly.
Anybody who's strong.
These people are crazy.
They already rule the planet pretty much, but they gotta mop up the few areas they don't dominate.
And when they do get full control, what do they do?
Jack up the taxes.
Break up our families.
We have an evil elite.
A bunch of unaccountable, crazy bankers.
Who, when they make bad bets like John Corzine of Goldman Sachs, steal people's accounts to pay it off and don't even get in trouble.
They're dangerous.
They're running a global Ponzi scheme with nuclear weapons.
That's it for this report.
The Russians have bunkers.
They're building more.
Everybody else has bunkers.
For some of their population at least, we have nothing.
While our elite push World War III and have Pentagon reports going, a nuclear war would be survivable and quite reasonable, we should start using tactical nukes more often.
And generals on TV talking about killing more Russians and starting a war with them.
It is very, very dangerous.
I'm Alex Jones, signing off for this special emergency report.
You are insane as viewers and listeners, and I'm begging you, please get this video, email it, post it to Facebook.
Get it out to everybody you know, send it out on Twitter.
We've got to stop nuclear war.
The preparations have never been more intense, and the public's being taught it's not a danger anymore.
We've got to get a hold of this problem right now.
Alex Jones signing off.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go back to our callers on Jade Helm, the Jade Helm exercise.
I'm David Knight.
But before we do, I want to put this in kind of a perspective.
You know, we need to talk about what the size, the scope and the mission of the military should be.
That's a discussion that if we still have a country that is not a dictatorship, we should be able to have that kind of discussion and not be labeled anti-military, not be labeled as unpatriotic.
We need to ask, is there any limit to the size of the military?
What is that limit, if such a limit does exist?
You know, we just had a new budget come out quarterly through February.
They said $1.2 trillion.
A record amount of federal taxes brought in.
$1.2 trillion, yet that still doesn't cover the tab.
We're still running a $386 billion deficit.
So you've got Rand Paul proposing that we do what?
That we increase military spending.
That's what Rand Paul did.
According to Time Magazine, he said, in an olive branch to defense hawks, hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the Libertarian Senator Rand Paul introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday, calling for nearly $190 billion infusion in the defense budget over the next two years.
Roughly a 16% increase.
Now, in fairness to Rand Paul, he is trying to offset some of that with cuts elsewhere.
There was a battle that kind of came up between Paul and Rubio that Politico reports about.
They say a 2016 brawl breaks out on the Senate floor between potential presidential candidates, Marcos Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul.
Of course, Rand Paul, they all want to increase the defense spending.
But Rubio did not want to have any of the cuts that Rand Paul suggested.
And what Rand Paul wanted to do was to cut some money, $21 billion from foreign aid, $14 billion from the National Science Foundation, climate change operations, $10 billion from the EPA, the Department of Commerce, $20 billion from the Department of Education.
You get the idea.
About $106 billion Rand Paul would cut.
But he would still be increasing the defense budget by $190 billion.
Al, he said we can't keep borrowing more money from China to send to Pakistan, but you know we can't keep borrowing more money, period.
The bankers have us essentially on a reverse mortgage loan.
That's what the Federal Reserve has been doing.
They basically, we haven't been covering our bills for any of the years for a very long time.
That's why we have such a large debt.
You know, the debt is the accumulation of the annual deficits that we run.
And so we're still running through that.
Now, as Politico points out with these three Republicans, you got Marco Rubio, who basically didn't want to have any cut.
You got Rand Paul, who would basically offset half of the increase.
And then where was Ted Cruz?
Well, he kind of vacillated in the middle.
And then essentially wound up siding with Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham.
That's right, the neocons who want to run this through.
In an interview with Politico, Rand Paul lambasted his foes and said that they were engaging in reckless, irresponsible behavior, showing that they lacked the courage and the conviction to rein in the country's mountain of debt.
Well, I agree, but I think we need to step back and we need to say,
How much more are we going to grow the military?
That's a very concerning thing, and that's what Reason points out.
As they talk about, yes, okay, fine, it's fair to say that Rand Paul would offset some of this increase, but they say, more than ever, we need someone who's going to argue that $600 billion is more than enough to secure the safety and the security of U.S.
citizens and interests.
Well, you know, I don't think that it's necessarily securing our safety.
It may actually be working against it to have a standing military.
We need to go back to what James Madison said.
Human nature doesn't change.
It hasn't changed in 200 years.
And he knew from history how this is going to break down.
And he said, a standing military force with an overgrown executive, in other words, the kind of guy we've got right now, the kind of guy we're likely to have, or woman, if we replace him with Jeb Bush or with Hillary Clinton, will destroy liberty.
He says, the means of defense against foreign danger have always been the instruments of tyranny at home.
He points out that happened in the Roman Empire, it was happening in his day in Europe, and it is happening right now in America.
Stay with us right after the break, and callers, I'm going to come back to Doug, Wayne, Will, and Antonio.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for this last hour.
We're going to go back to our callers who've been patiently holding.
We've been talking about the Jade Helm exercise.
And of course, there's a very important article put together by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones.
Pushing back against the strawman arguments that are being made in the mainstream media.
You need to understand what is going on with this.
This is, as the Gawker writer put it, a creeping fascism.
This is something that has been going on for quite a long time.
And this is a very lengthy article.
With links, with videos that shows that this is a long pattern of escalation that is now accelerating exponentially.
So you need to pass this on to people because they're pushing back and creating, saying that we're saying that this is going to be a martial law enacted by the government in a couple of months and soon everybody will see that we're just nonsense, conspiracy theorists here.
That's not what we're saying.
We're saying that this is an increasing training towards martial law, towards using the troops in America.
And of course they're talking about how they're going to practice in civilian clothes within the population here so they're not detected.
This is something we see them training for over and over again.
Their training scenarios, their asymmetric warfare centers that they have in military bases.
Now they're taking it out
To the next level.
They are planning these operations in the continental United States.
This is not something that is going to help them.
It would actually hurt them if they trained this kind of way and then presented themselves as Americans in a foreign country.
You need to understand how this is being, who this is directed for, and how this has been escalated over the years.
That's an excellent article.
Look at that yourself.
Pass that on to other people.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Doug in Minnesota.
Hey, how you doing guys?
Doing good.
Thank you for holding.
Um, a couple things.
Um, as far as, you know, everybody's saying, well, what can I do?
What can I do?
How many people across this entire country have printers in their house?
If they go in and make up little flyers, they put them out for car washes for everything else in this country that doesn't make, you know, make a difference.
If they go out and put it on there and just put Google this across the top and then put key points going down.
Everybody loves to Google.
Generation lives on Google.
And that's who we need to wake up as well.
And this article that we've got up at Infowars right now that Paul put together with Alex Jones is very important because it already does a lot of the work for people.
They don't have to Google or look that hard.
It's all laid out there.
They've got a lot of articles as well as videos that lay this history of what's been happening down for people.
And I think it's an information war.
It's very much an information war.
It's a way you have to get this out to other people because they're not
Referring to Alex, it just referred to some obscure right-wing host in Austin.
They're not directing people to our website.
I think it's important for people to see what we're actually talking about.
Go ahead.
I called the sheriff back this morning, and I asked him, I said, how do you reach people just being a civilian?
I said, and reach the police.
He said, call your sheriff's department.
See if you can go down there and talk to him.
He said, if you can, bring a book with that he wrote.
And he said, talk to him.
And he said, in the first three minutes, you'll know if they're pro or not.
That's true.
Just by their attitudes.
And, you know, we got Homeland Security and, and Barack Obama put in people from the Muslim Brotherhood in key positions in Homeland Security, doesn't that
Tell people anything?
I didn't know about that until this morning.
We're going to be right back.
Stay with us.
We're going to talk about some general news.
There's some other stuff that's happening.
Of course, it's a multi-pronged attack from many different areas.
There's some important breaking health news that we're going to cover as well.
But I still have some more calls I want to take on the Jade Helm exercise.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to go one more segment because we had so many people that have been on hold to talk about the Jade Helm exercise.
I'm going to go right back to the callers.
But before I do, there's a very important article that we just didn't have time to cover earlier.
As we're talking about removing our informed consent, forcing mandatory vaccinations on people, talking about this whole idea of herd immunity.
There is no such thing as herd immunity.
If you don't have individual immunity, if these vaccines don't work, you don't have herd immunity.
Here's a good case in point.
This is an article from Adan Salazar.
Students contract whooping cough at a school with a 99.5% vaccination rate. 99.5%!
Now this is in Salinas, California.
They have a vaccination rate of 99.5%.
Nevertheless, one of the kids who had been vaccinated came down with the whooping cough.
And shortly thereafter, three or more of his or her fifth grade peers also acquired the disease.
See, that's the way it breaks down.
And so we need to have the ability, even if this was 100% effective, and I have to say that if it's safe and effective, we don't need things like the vaccine courts.
And if they're going to stand behind their product and not have legal immunity from the federal government like they do through the vaccine court, then we can start to talk about that.
But until they take that away, until they take away the legal immunity of the vaccine companies, you don't even need to talk to me or my family about mandatory vaccines.
Mandatory any kind of health care treatment should be anathema to us all.
We should understand that that was one of the key things that came out of the Nuremberg trials.
The Nuremberg Code says you never take away people's informed consent.
Under any circumstances, for any reason whatsoever.
And we need to make sure that we don't get talked down about with this nonsense about herd immunity.
We know there's efficacy issues with these vaccines, but we also know there's a lot of safety issues with them.
Well, I am informed and you don't have my consent.
I want to go back to our callers who've been patiently waiting on this last section of Overdrive.
Let's go to Wayne in Texas.
Can you hear me, David?
I got you.
Go ahead.
Hey, look, I was in the military back in, uh, 86 to 91.
I was a tank mechanic at Fort Hood and also drove a, uh, M-88 tow tank, the towed M-1.
We trained for desert training at Fort Erwin in late 89.
We went back in, uh, uh, I'm sorry, early 89, and then late 89, we went back again and trained.
And then, right before we went to Desert Storm, we went a third time.
And on that third trip, I asked myself, what are we going back to Desert Training for a third time?
So they were gearing up for all that, but they didn't let us know what was going on.
Yeah, they knew where they were going to go, and they've actually, they've got a long list of the different countries in the Middle East that they want to take down.
Wesley Clark put that out.
Go ahead, sorry.
Yeah, so I mean, you know, they always gear up and train ahead of time.
But what I saw yesterday, I live out here in Malham County, which is about 70 miles northeast of y'all there in Austin.
On the way into town, I saw six hardened jeeps, Humvees, had the hard armored doors on them, coming up Highway 36.
And when we went into a divided highway with four lanes, they decided to take the fast lane.
And I couldn't see on their vehicles what unit they were with, because the unit number is usually on the driver's side, so I couldn't get my eyeballs on that.
But coming back from town, I saw another, I'm going to say about eight vehicles, and these are like cargo carriers.
Like they could carry a small container, you know, and so they're on a road march up toward probably Fort Hood, I'm guessing, but if you go down 36 to Rockdale and you shoot over to Highway 77, 77 runs right down to Bastrop.
Well, I think that the main thing, Wayne, is that they want us, one of the objectives of unconventional warfare is to make sure that they get acquiescence and capitulation.
If we can get used to massive military exercises targeting domestic cities, they've won.
And most people don't realize that this is training that isn't going to serve them abroad, but I've walked through AP Hill.
I've looked at their asymmetric warfare center where they're training for American cities.
I stood with Joe Biggs on the corner of First and Main.
I mean, they have an American city there that they're practicing on.
It's not a foreign city.
Well, um...
Yeah, you're right about that, and you know, I'm really wondering if this fast-drop fire had something to do with them getting set up down there.
You know, if they were clearing out some areas or something.
Or maybe they wanted to burn that forest down so that nobody could sneak up on them and see what they're doing.
Well, who knows, but people need to keep their eyes open, and once this thing actually starts in a couple of months, we are going to need to have a lot of citizen eyes on the ground reporting what they see.
We need to put some heat and some light on the county commissioners who have okayed this, who sent a letter of invitation.
I think we need to be very involved, but we also need to educate
We need to understand that a lot of them don't really understand how they're being played.
So you need to come in with the approach that they really are trying to act in earnest and they just don't know what's going on and try to show them the information.
One of the best ways you can do that is with this article that Paul and Alex Jones put up, a very detailed article showing how this is a gradual progression.
Thank you so much, Wayne.
I want to get some of the other callers in in this last segment.
Let's go to Antonio in FEMA 9.
Hey David, how's it going?
Doing good, go ahead.
Okay, yeah, I just had a quick question there, or a few questions, actually.
You know, what's your thought on the J-helm with the churches?
You know, David, or not David, Alex really put together a good report, and in the report, how he talked about the church that will go along with Romans 13, and, you know, there's a lot of them that I think will go along with it.
What are your thoughts?
Well, my understanding of Roman 13 is that when the Bible talks about the government being created by God, it's talking about it being his agent for good.
And when you start looking at that passage, if you read that passage and substitute for government or for authority, if you substitute Hitler, for example, okay?
If you put that in there, there's a real cognitive dissonance.
You really ought to understand that.
So what they're talking about is that a legitimate government, I think it's descriptive, saying that a government can be God's agent for good.
But we need to understand that when God sets up an authority, when He sets up a family with parents, with a father, with a mother, if they start abusing that authority,
Then they no longer have legitimate authority.
You understand?
It's just like if a government abuses its authority and becomes a force of evil, as Hitler did in Nazi Germany, then people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or pastors, they need to get involved in taking that person down.
You need to protect the innocent.
That is the overriding principle here.
We're not to be blindly subservient to an immoral government.
So if this government is immoral, you have an imperative duty to take it down.
And as Alex has pointed out, what is the legitimate government here in America?
What is the king?
The king is the law.
The king is the Constitution.
As the founders said at the time of the American Revolution, they had a saying, they said, Lex Rex.
In other words, the law is king.
That was like kind of a Latin version of that.
The Constitution is the king.
Every person that has elected office takes an oath to the Constitution, just as they would take an oath to a king.
And so when they violate the Constitution, when they violate their oath to office, they are an unfaithful steward and they have no legitimate authority.
So think of it that way.
If you can't get past the idea that your moral obligations are stronger than any political body, just understand that even on that political basis, once they violate the Constitution,
And it's pretty clear that they have, in pretty much every way, whether it's at the TSA or in other respects, you have to understand that when the government is doing something that is morally wrong, that violates the Constitution, that they don't have any legitimate authority.
I think that's the most important takeaway we can have from that.
Let's go to Stephen in Florida.
Thank you, Antonio.
Let's go to Stephen in Florida.
I want to try to get everybody in, if we can, this last segment.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey David, good afternoon.
First of all, I wanted to say, I was talking about this preparation for martial law, I just wanted to say, first of all, as a Bible-believing Christian and an American, I'd rather die standing in defiance than kneeling in compliance.
That's my modern version of Patrick Henry, give me liberty or give me death.
Now, what I wanted to mention is that there's a guy, I think Alex has interviewed him before, his name's William Jasper, he's a
journalist and correspondent for the John Brooks Society.
He wrote a really powerful book in the early 90s called Global Tyranny Step-by-Step.
I was trying to find it in all my books to pull from but basically from memory what he chronicles in there one of the sections is way back in 1951 and 52 our government had our army troops
With UN blue helmets and the UN flag invade 12 American cities, six of them I believe were in Texas, one was Watertown, New York, and there was a couple other ones but several were in Texas.
What they did was, and this is in the 50s now, they went in, they took down the American flag at City Hall, put up the UN flag, they took over the City Hall, all the government, the police, the schools, everything, as a mock drill for what they said is coming.
This is back in the 50s now, so don't think this is anything new.
All they're doing now is just ramping it up, which they've been planning for decades.
It becomes more and more obvious, and that's why it is imperative, imperative for you to take a look at and pass this around.
The article, Beyond Denial, Preparations for Martial Law.
People need to see how this is a pattern that has been building, that is escalating.
They're taking the mask off.
That's what we need to understand.
This is a PSYOP operation, and you need to see how this has been put together over a long period of time.
Well, that's it.
Sorry we couldn't get to our other callers.
Join us again on Sunday, 4 p.m.
Central Standard Time.