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Filename: 20150309_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 9, 2015
2137 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
We have a busy show.
We've got Joe Biggs joining us to talk about Barrett Brown, and then we're going to talk to Barrett Brown from inside prison.
That's going to happen in the second hour.
We're also going to talk to Paul Joseph Watson about feminism, political correctness, the video that he did last week.
Also, Anthony Gucciardi will be in studio talking to us about the FTC trying to assert its authority now over the Internet.
It's not just enough that we have one little empire-building bureaucracy that wants to basically assert control over the Internet.
It doesn't matter about net neutrality, basically.
They just want to get their authority established over the Internet.
That's why this is all happening.
There's pushback against that in the Congress.
There's also pushback against the ATF, who are trying to ban ammunition as being cop killers.
Any ammunition can be a cop killer.
And there's nothing unique about this particular ammunition and soft body armor that the police wear.
There's a lot of ammunition that can be banned under that pretense.
What they have done is essentially set up a regime where everything is prohibited unless it's expressly permitted.
And of course, it is unelected perpetual bureaucracies that get to decide what is permitted and what isn't.
They write the rules, the laws.
It's been abdicated by the Congress to them.
It's time for the Congress to take it back.
And there are some signs, at least some talk, that Congress wants to do that.
We have Rand Paul urging supporters to write to the ATF and say, stop this Obama ammo ban, because of course they are coming after ammunition.
They've been doing that since Obama went in.
That's one of the big changes under Obama.
The gun controllers have realized that if you don't have a gun,
With ammunition, you've got just a club.
And that's what they've been going after.
We'll talk about that.
But we're also going to talk about now doing something besides begging these out-of-control, empire-building bureaucracies to respect our rights that are guaranteed under the Constitution they supposedly
Are there to uphold.
Of course, they're not elected by us.
They're not accountable to us.
We have to rely on the Congress to do something about it.
We now have some congressmen saying, you know what?
We've had so many criminal actions, so many scandals from the ATF.
It's time we just shut that agency down.
I couldn't agree more.
So we're going to talk about that.
That's a big story.
Another empire-building bureaucracy, the EPA, they're out there trying to shut down wood stoves.
And of course, Rob Dew did a report on that a few weeks ago, maybe about a month ago.
Them trying to step up the regulations.
But the interesting thing to me is we now have states coming in and saying, you've gone too far.
We're not going to allow you to take down wood stoves.
And of course, we've been reporting on this for a long time.
One of the first stories that I covered here when I came to InfoWars was a story that I was already working on, and that was in North Carolina, we had the EPA directly hooking people up to diesel tailpipes.
Literally hooking them up to diesel tailpipes, looking for people, screening for people who had respiratory issues, who had heart issues,
Lisa Jackson, who was then the head of the EPA, later taken out by an email scandal.
Interestingly enough, we'll talk about Hillary Clinton's email problems.
But Lisa Jackson went before Congress and said...
We're not talking about making people sick, we're talking about deaths.
And she made the amazing statement that more people were dying from fine particulate matter than were from cancer.
Nevertheless, they went in and they did human experimentation at 70 times the level the EPA said was a problem, had banned.
What was the purpose?
We said, well, of course, we don't believe that the fine particulate matter is that dangerous.
It was obviously a lie.
But what they did was, they used that to, they were trying to get people to get sick so they could extend their regulations.
Now, of course, if it really was that dangerous, they should have been tried under the War Crimes Act for human experimentation.
We're going to talk about that as well, because we've got a bioweapon, Burkholderia pseudomollii, that got out of the lab in Tulane.
And we're going to talk about why they're doing these kind of experiments.
Gain of function for deadly bacteria.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, and it's Monday, March 9th, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
We have a busy show.
We've got Joe Biggs going to be joining us in studio in the next hour, and we're going to talk to Barrett Brown.
Who is Barrett Brown?
Well, many of you know him very well.
He's actually, I think, become the poster child for how the government wants to shut down free speech to shut down journalists.
Of course, this administration has gone after more journalists than all the other previous administrations combined since 1917 with the National Espionage Act that was passed then.
They have also stepped up the penalties under the Computer Fraud Abuse Act.
That is the act that they go after hackers with.
Now, of course, Barrett Brown is not a hacker.
Nobody ever accused him of being a hacker.
He's a journalist who linked to some WikiLeaks documents.
He was a journalist who was a pain in the side of the federal government talking about their
Uh, cyber exploits, they're hacks.
They're the ones who do the hacks, as Aaron Schwartz pointed out.
They're the ones who create them, they're the ones who fund them, they're the ones who usually carry them out.
And of course, they don't like that being pointed out.
He had an interesting article.
Basically, when he was going through his trial, where they accused him falsely of threatening an FBI agent, when he was retweeting what a Fox News commentator had said, calling for the assassination of Julian Assange, he retweeted that verbatim.
And they took that and said, he's threatening an FBI agent.
So they prosecuted him for that.
They prosecuted him for the link.
They prosecuted him for a lot of other nonsense.
And they gagged this proceedings during the trial.
So after he was sentenced, he put out a post on the Daily Beast that said, my post cyberpunk indentured servitude.
And of course what he means by that is they gave him an $800,000, nearly a million dollar fine that he has to pay back to Stratfor.
And we'll talk about who Stratfor is if you don't know who Stratfor is.
He's going to have to pay that back to Stratfor.
He has to do another five years.
I believe they're extending it by another 63 months.
I don't think that includes time served.
Joe can correct me on that when he gets in here.
And, of course, we can talk to Barrett.
He is now currently in prison.
I thought he had a great quote.
The way he was getting railroaded, the way we're all being railroaded on so many different issues, he said, we no longer have the rule of law.
We have the rule of law enforcement.
We have law enforcement that rules.
They do whatever they wish.
Or the president.
Or the bureaucracy.
And we have a lot of news about the bureaucracy that's out of line.
We've got Anthony Gucciardi who's going to be joining us in the third hour, talking about how the FCC is now trying to build their empire on the back of our freedoms on the internet.
We have the FCC that's been coming in and saying, we're going to control it.
Now the FTC is coming in and saying, we want to get in on the ads.
And so we're going to exert control over ads that people run.
So there is no limit to what these bureaucracies are going to do if we don't shut them down.
But quickly, before we move on to some of the other news, and I really haven't been following this Hillary Clinton story that carefully because, you know, there's been so many criminal actions, so many scandals, and the Republicans never seem to follow through on any of these things.
Of course, she should go to jail.
She should be prosecuted.
Lisa Jackson didn't go to jail for what she did, the former director of the EPA, but she did get thrown out of the EPA.
Will this disqualify Hillary Clinton?
Of course not.
Not in the eyes of most people and not in the eyes of the people who have given her so much money.
There's an interesting story up on Infowars.com today.
A representative, Trey Gowdy from South Carolina says, remember that iconic picture of Hillary on her Blackberry?
We don't have any emails from that day.
That was the picture that they put up for her book tour.
Hard choices.
I guess the hard choices were, which email account should I use for this particular discussion?
Do I want to do this in secret?
Should I use my private server?
Or should I use the legitimate one that I'm supposed to use in the State Department?
We have Obama in an interesting interview on NBC News.
Let's play that clip.
He kind of implies that he never got any email from Hillary Clinton.
Here we go, let's play that clip.
Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the US government for official business while she was Secretary of State?
At the same time.
Everybody else learned it through news reports.
Were you disappointed?
Let me just say that Hillary Clinton is and has been an outstanding public servant.
She was a great Secretary of State for me.
The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency.
And that's why my emails, the Blackberry that I carry around, all those letters are
Available and archived.
And I'm glad that Hillary has instructed that those emails that had to do with official business need to be disclosed.
Well, you say that you have the most transparent administration ever.
You said it again just a couple of weeks ago.
How does this square with that?
It's true.
Well, I think that the fact that she's going to be putting them forward will allow us to make sure that people have the information they need.
He doesn't have a transparent administration.
The only thing transparent about this administration is its criminality and the fact that he is a transparent liar.
Now, Rand Paul is urging supporters to stop Obama's latest ammunition ban.
And of course, if you've got a gun without ammunition, you've got a club.
And that's what they've been trying to do ever since Obama came into office.
If you remember, right away when he came into office, he stopped the recycling of brass from the military into the commercial market.
Now, of course, the military makes its own ammunition.
It has its own factories.
It doesn't buy it on the retail market.
So they stopped this, and that in and of itself would have created a massive disruption in ammunition prices and supplies.
We had some senators who said, you've got to turn this policy back.
What they were going to do was take the brass and instead of sending it to private manufacturers to make into ammunition to sell in the retail market,
They were going to spend extra money to crush it into scrap metal and sell it to China.
Hey, that sounds like a great idea.
Let's spend more money so we can sell it for less, but of course that'll keep ammunition out of the hands of Americans.
So there was a pushback.
Senators said, stop this.
They said, all right, we're going to reverse that policy.
We found out two years later
Actually, it was three years later, we found out that Fort Drum in New York was still doing that.
They listed on their recycling program how they were crushing brass and selling it as scrap.
So even though they do this and say they're going to comply, the bureaucracy doesn't comply with that.
So I think, you know, it's a good thing for us to register the fact that we don't like what the ATF is doing, send them a letter, as Rand Paul said, I think we should all speak up all the time, but you know what?
The ATF doesn't really care what you think.
None of these bureaucracies care what you think.
They create their own laws, they put them up and say we want a public commenting period.
They don't care what you say.
Just as the FCC didn't even show the regulation.
That's the next level.
Making it clear that they are so arrogant about what we want to see.
They don't even care what our response is.
They've passed it now for over a week.
We still haven't seen the legislation that they've created.
And I say legislation, it's regulation.
It's the same effect.
Our Congress has abdicated its lawful authority to pass the laws to these bureaucracies that they've created that perpetuate forever.
And are totally unaccountable to us.
When we send a letter to the ATF and they look at it and they say, well gee, David doesn't like what I'm going to do in terms of banning ammunition.
I guess I should listen to him.
Because he might not vote me in next time.
They don't have to stay in the election.
They get appointed.
They're there forever.
Here's the way you do it.
WorldNetDaily has a story from Cheryl Chumley.
GOP to shutter scandal-ridden ATF.
Shut them down!
Cut off their funding!
Shut them down!
This is Representative Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, has introduced legislation to abolish the ATF and transfer its duties in part to the FBI.
The ATF, he says, is scandal-ridden, largely duplicative agency that lacks a clear vision.
It's quote-unquote framework is an affront to the Second Amendment.
Yet another reason why Congress should pass the ATF Elimination Act.
Now that's what you should be writing on.
Don't waste... I mean, you can send a letter to the ATF, but if you want to really get behind something, send letters to the Republican congressmen, tell them to pass the ATF Elimination Act.
Shut them down.
They should have been shut down decades ago.
Decades ago.
They were a vestige of alcohol prohibition.
They need to be shut down.
Now, we've also got 200 lawmakers who wrote to the ATF saying, you know, don't do this, but that's not the way to go.
Don't send them a letter, don't beg with them, just shut them down.
It's been long enough.
Now, if that doesn't fly, she points out that Representative Tom Rooney of Florida has introduced the Protecting Second Amendment Rights in direct response to the ATF's crackdown on AR-15 type ammo, stripping the agency of its ability to regulate ammunition.
I think that's a great idea.
The problem is, is that, you know, the Second Amendment is about keeping and bearing arms.
That includes guns, that includes ammunition, that includes knives, that includes swords, nunchucks, whatever.
Those are arms.
Those are personal arms.
There should be no infringement of that.
It's always going to be a gradual process.
We all know that if they are successful in banning one particular bullet, they're going to come back and ban other bullets.
It's just a long process.
And as the NRA has pointed out, very popular rounds of ammunition are larger and more powerful than the one that they're talking about banning right now.
Shut the ATF down.
We don't need them.
They're corrupt.
They ran fast and furious.
It's time that we shut the entire thing down.
Another agency that has gone off the rails, the EPA, is now talking about making more rules about burning wood and wood stoves.
As I pointed out in the last segment, Rob Dew did a report on this.
I've done reports on the basis of what the EPA is trying to do, and that is saying that they have to stop fine particulate matter.
Lisa Jackson lied and said more people are dying from fine particulate matter than are from cancer.
Not true.
Yet, meanwhile, the EPA hooks people up to diesel tailpipes so they can shut down your wood stove.
And people in Missouri and Michigan, the legislators there have said they're not going to enforce these EPA bans.
Precisely the point.
Shut them down at the state level with state nullification.
Shut down these agencies in Washington.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Monday, March 9, 2015.
We're going to be joined in the next hour, as I said before, with Barrett Brown.
He's going to be coming on the show, talking to us from prison.
We're going to have Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, retired, who got to know Barrett Brown indirectly through Michael Hastings and others before Michael Hastings died.
And he's set up this interview.
It's going to be a very interesting interview, because now the gag is off of Barrett Brown.
He can talk about how, as a journalist, he was railroaded.
And we need to understand, as I mentioned last time, we don't longer have a rule of law.
And we're going to see that in some of the things that happened in his trial.
And the charges that were brought against him.
We no longer have the rule of law, as he said.
We have the rule of law enforcement.
We have a government that has broken the chains that bound them down.
The Constitution.
And I think we need to understand the dire situation, the dire threat that we all are facing in terms of freedom of speech.
They're coming at it from every angle.
Trying to treat journalists as criminals, simultaneously shutting down the Internet, simultaneously exerting control over the Internet with both the FCC and now the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, is now trying to get in on the regulation of the Internet because that's going to be a major growth industry for government, bureaucrats.
They can really grow their little empires by somehow finding something on the internet to regulate.
But of course they're going to do it at the expense of our freedoms, our liberties.
And so we're going to talk to Anthony Gucciardi in the third hour about that.
Paul Joseph Watson is also going to be joining us in the third hour to talk about his recent reports on feminism and racism.
Before we go to that, I wanted to continue with this report about the EPA coming after Woodstove Rules, because that's not new.
As I pointed out, Rob Dew did a report about that.
I've reported on their efforts to try to build their empire by regulating what they call fine particulate matter, how they've lied to people about it, how they've done
Human experimentation that either they're lying about the dangerous levels of fine particulate matter or they are guilty of experimenting on humans in a way that violates the Nuremberg Code and they should go to jail.
If what they're telling us about fine particulate matter is true, if it is as harmful as they have said it is, then they've exposed people to 70 times the level that they said would kill someone.
They should go to jail.
You cannot even get people's informed consent for that kind of experimentation, and they did not give them a full explanation, completely informed them of what was going on, or the risks, according to the EPA.
But I think it's very important because this is part of a broader movement that we see people waking up to the abuses of these federal bureaucracies.
People who are waking up to the idea that they've banned pot, that we can't smoke pot, that we can't have pot for medicine, now they're going after our pot belly stoves, saying you can't even light up a piece of wood.
This is the type of total control that we're going into, and of course the way they're trying to exercise this control, unconstitutionally, is by an expansive reading of the Commerce Clause.
Saying that they get to regulate these types of things.
That's usually the basis for it.
And I just had a, there's a, today we have a meeting that's going on, a United Nations meeting about drug prohibition.
I interviewed a former Cook County prosecutor, that's in Chicago.
Jim Girok with Law Enforcement Against Prohibition a week ago.
He was going to be going to this and trying to change the direction that the UN is going, change it from a law enforcement approach to treating it as a medical issue, as a spiritual issue, if you will.
It should be treated as a dependency issue, not as law enforcement.
That hasn't worked for 40 years.
It didn't work with alcohol prohibition.
But more importantly,
I had an epiphany when I interviewed Jim Garrick as I was preparing for this.
I realized for the first time the real chronology of the war on drugs and how it began with the United Nations.
How they came up with an agenda ten years before we had the declaration of a war on drugs by Richard Nixon.
Nine years after they had created the agenda, complete with Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule 4 drugs.
They worked it out to that detail, just like they do with UN Agenda 21.
The UN works out these agendas, they create the legislation, they model it, and then they leave it to the sovereign states to enforce, because the UN doesn't currently have any way that they can enforce their laws.
So they set out an agenda.
And they make everybody think, oh, this is something that people figured out in America, or they figured out the sustainability approach here in my local community.
It's so scripted.
Agenda that's been fed to them and so that's what they did to us with the war on drugs with drug Prohibition that came out from the UN and of course we started to get ideas about this as they were pushing back against the legalization of recreational use in Colorado and Washington now in Alaska the UN is furious about that because it's a UN agenda that's being pushed on us yet another reason why we should push that back and
We need to understand that it took a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol because they don't have the authority to prohibit it.
Even under the Commerce Clause, that would only be interstate commerce, not within the states.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
In the next hour, we're going to be talking with Barrett Brown from prison.
We have Joe Biggs, who's going to be in here with me, and we're going to take a call from Barrett Brown.
He is now free after being gagged about talking about the charges against him, about the conduct of the court.
He's now going to be free to talk about that.
I'm anxious to hear what he has to say.
Of course, we've seen one article, at least, from him talking about it, and as he pointed out, and I've mentioned already a couple of times on the show, we no longer, this is what he said to the judge, he said, we no longer have the rule of law, we have the rule of law enforcement.
We should understand what happened in his trial because they are changing the rules.
They're changing it to do whatever they want to.
They're taking away all of our legal rights.
They're not just spying on us, but they take away our rights in court.
And so we're going to talk to him about that, about the, uh, especially the kangaroo trial that they had for him.
We were just talking in the last segment about new rules from the EPA that would shut down wood stoves.
This is the way one person in Missouri put this.
He said, people have been burning wood since the beginning of recorded time.
They're trying to regulate it now out of existence, I believe, and they really have no concern about the economic consequences or the hardship that it's going to cause.
They really have no concern.
They just want to extend their empire.
The way they're getting these regulations for fine particulate matter is that they are lying to people.
about the effects of these experiments that they're doing when they hook them up to diesel tailpipes.
They're telling them that you might be sick for a little while, not telling them what the head of the EPA told Congress, that you're not talking about getting sick, we're talking about people dying.
So they're not telling them that.
They're exposing them to high levels of it.
We're not able to stop that from happening in North Carolina.
They then went out and did it in California.
Now they're back in North Carolina.
You know who they're looking for?
They're looking for black teenagers with asthma.
So they're hooking up black teenagers with asthma to diesel tailpipes, trying to make them sick, so they can justify taking away your wood-burning stove.
That's how out of control our feral government is.
It is now a feral government.
It's not even federal.
It's feral.
It's gone wild.
It is no longer... It's a pack of dogs who are out to hunt you down, to take your property, to take your freedom, to take your rights, to put you in jail like they did Barrett Brown.
So we're going to talk to him in the second hour.
We're going to talk to Anthony Gucciardi in the third hour about how yet another government agency,
TC, the Federal Trade Commission, is now trying to hop on the internet bandwagon to regulate that.
One of the ways that we push this back, there was an interesting story last week, about midweek, about a sled-in that was held on Capitol Hill.
What is a sled-in?
Well, they point out in the article, they say, those who don't live in Washington, D.C.
may not know it, but America's most famous hill, Capitol Hill, is also fantastic for sledding.
It's been prohibited by a rule occasionally enforced by the U.S.
Capitol Police.
So some people were getting hassled by the police for doing it.
So what did they do?
They organized a massive sled-in in defiance of these ridiculous rules.
That's the way we do this.
I've seen this before in my own personal life.
Back in the late 80s, close to one of the stores that we owned, there was just the next street over.
It was a very steep hill.
We had a snowstorm.
It's a rare occasion when that happens in the middle of North Carolina.
And so everything was shut down.
The families were out.
It was a small cul-de-sac with a sharp hill on it.
And the families were there with their kids.
They were going down the hill, enjoying it, having a good time.
The local police showed up.
The Cary police.
And they told everybody they'd have to stop or they were going to arrest them.
And you know what the people did?
They picked up snowballs and started throwing them at the cops, and the cops had to leave.
It was in the paper the next day on The Kerry News.
It was a great example of people saying, just get out of here.
You don't have any authority here.
You're overstepping this.
You're out of line.
And that's what people did.
Just go away.
I'm glad to see 20 years later, 30 years later, this is now.
Happening in Washington DC, and you know it's not just about snow sledding that they're said we've had enough of your laws We've had enough of your control.
They're doing it in Washington DC over pot.
It's one of the areas where they passed a decriminalization of recreational pot is in Washington DC and of course the Republicans especially because they're the ones who are pushing this the worst and
The Republicans came back and said, no, we're going to cut the funding if you stop arresting people for pot.
This is absolute nonsense.
And as Rand Paul pointed out, the fact that Republicans, like Jeb Bush,
Would still want to put people in jail who are using pot, not even for recreational purposes.
That wasn't even the issue in Florida.
And even though that constitutional amendment didn't pass in Florida because it didn't get 60%, it got 58% of the vote.
The vast majority of people do not want to lock people up for doing something non-violent.
That is really substantially no different from drinking.
A lot less dangerous, quite frankly, than drinking.
But there's also, in Florida, the element was people need this for medical purposes.
We've got a representative, David Simpson, a great guy here in Texas.
Twice he's introduced an amendment to stop the TSA from sexually molesting children especially, but all of us, none of us should be allowed, we shouldn't allow the TSA to sexually molest us.
David Simpson put it in to stop them a few years ago.
You may remember it passed unanimously in the House as it was getting ready to go to the Senate.
The TSA threatened to turn Texas into a no-fly zone.
They then got in touch with the Lieutenant Governor, David Dewhurst, who went straight from a career with the CIA, became Lieutenant Governor with spending more money than anybody has ever seen for that race before.
Well, they got the CIA agent in, along with their threatening to turn Texas into a no-fly zone, and they stopped it.
He reintroduced it in the next legislative session two years later.
Now he's back with a law that says we're not going to lock people up who are using marijuana for medical purposes.
It can be used for a lot of different things.
It's one of the most effective medications for people suffering from MS or from glaucoma.
It helps people who are suffering from nausea because they're going through uncontrollable nausea because they're going through chemotherapy for cancer, for AIDS.
Why are we locking people up like this?
Rand Paul said the same thing.
Why would Jeb Bush lobby so hard to try to lock people up in Florida who use marijuana for medical purposes when he admits that he did it for recreational purposes as a young brat?
In a prep school.
Of course, he gets away with it because the rich and the powerful are never subject to these laws.
One of the things that really concerned me this last week when I saw this, and I saw this, it was about a week ago, that this story was updated on USA Today.
This is a story that's been going on since last November.
And that is about this bioweapon that escaped in Tulane, got out of the level 3 safety lab.
The biosafety lab level 3.
There's only 4 levels, so it's the next to the highest level.
Very tightly controlled.
In Tulane, they're doing experiments on a rare bacteria, Burkholderia.
Pseudomallei, and it is something that is not endemic to the United States, but it is part of the experiments that are going on throughout our country with the assistance of the CDC that are called Gain of Function.
Gain of Function.
What do they mean by that?
Well, by that they mean that they're going to modify the bacteria so that it is resistant to antibiotics, so that it is more transmissible,
So that it is more dangerous, more deadly.
That's the gain of function.
Making it more deadly.
Weaponizing it, if you will.
You understand?
That's what's happening with this.
And of course, we've had a lot of reports that, you know, there's good documentation that Lyme disease came out of the Plum Island facility.
There's a lot of people who have asked questions as to why Tulane was experimenting in Sierra Leone with Ebola just prior to the massive outbreak that is still not under control in that country.
It's the one country they haven't got it under control with.
And of course it was John Rappaport who reported that in August of last year saying that they were essentially thrown out.
By the Sierra Leone people, and it was Tulane University, the same people that have now had this leak.
I want to put a little bit of perspective into this, a timeline.
It was back in October, if you remember, that there was a lot of concern in Congress.
They were having hearings.
They said there's been a lot of mishandling of very dangerous organisms that have been brought in for this gain of function, to be weaponized, if you will.
These are things that the CDC calls select agents.
Select agents have the potential to be weaponized, and so they bring them in to make weapons out of them.
That's what the CDC is involved in.
They're not there to make you safe, okay?
Let's understand that right away.
Congress held hearings, the Obama administration put a moratorium on it, so here you got Congress and Obama saying, let's put a moratorium on this.
That's the way it was reported in much of the press.
Actually, that's not what really happened.
They said, we want to put a moratorium on any new funding, but we would like to have voluntary cessation, a voluntary halt for the people who are already involved in these, I think, mad science experiments.
That didn't happen in Tulane.
They continued to experiment, and then in November, they had two monkeys that were infected with this bacteria that has a 50% mortality rate in Thailand, where it's endemic.
They found two monkeys that were outside of the biosafety lab.
How did that happen?
That should never have happened.
They were outdoors in cages.
One of those monkeys got, both of them, pretty sick.
One of them got better.
The other one they put down.
A few months later, the second monkey died.
In the meantime, they had found two other monkeys that had been infected also outside.
At that point, in January, they bring in some inspectors from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
One of those inspectors comes down with the same bacteria the next day.
Now they come back and they say, well, it took them a very long time to say this, but now the CDC is saying, at first they said, well, you know, she's been a lot of places where she studies this bacteria, so she probably had this before, because it can take anywhere from one day to several years before you exhibit symptoms, which makes it very, very dangerous.
It's like typhoid Mary.
She was able to spread typhoid because she was not symptomatic.
And so when you have something like this bacteria and it transmits by getting into the soil and into the water, when it is not generating symptoms for a very long time, it can continue to spread.
That's what makes it very difficult to control.
Nevertheless, what they said was, we don't think that she got sick here.
She probably had picked this up previously.
Now, when they looked at the monkeys, they were able to look at the particular strain and say, yes, this is the particular strain of this bacteria.
It came from a Thai rice farmer.
But they didn't do that with her.
To me, that's the dog that doesn't bark.
They didn't come in and say, well, we've run this test and it is definitely not the same strain.
Nevertheless, even after this happened, even after it was such an incredible breach that they, to have these monkeys outside of the BioLab come down with us, they still put another 170 monkeys outside.
This is something that's also been reported from USDA.
Then they started to look to see if it had spread.
Looking in the soil, because that's where the bacteria likes to hang out in the soil.
In one of the cages, half the size of a football field, they did four samples.
They should have done, according to research that the USA Today reporter Allison Young pointed out, she pulled up a study which none of the science magazines pointed out.
No one else pointed this out, but the one researcher who has been following these kinds of
Mishandling of deadly organisms by the CDC, by these laboratories.
She's really been on this from day one.
She did the research.
She found a study in India that says there's no way that you're going to be able to find it from four samples in an area half the size of a football field.
You're going to need to have at least a hundred samples.
But that's it.
That's what they did.
Just a few of those.
And now we find, this last week, there's been a fifth monkey that's come down.
And as soon as that story came out, on Friday, we learned that there were another two monkeys.
So we've gone from five monkeys now to seven monkeys in a very short period of time.
It looks like we're getting pretty close to the 12 monkey scenario.
But the real question is, why are we allowing them to do this kind of experimentation?
It is absolutely, absolutely insane to allow the government to do this kind of experimentation to create weaponized forms of bacteria that if they accidentally get out of the lab or if they're deliberately taken out of the lab.
What was the name of that guy here at the University of Texas that Alex has talked about so many times working in the biology department saying, if only we could reduce the human population by 99.9%?
What's his name?
Professor Eric Bianco.
Eric Pianca.
Eric Pianca.
It was reported by some doctors who were absolutely horrified at that meeting.
They reported that.
Unfortunately, nobody had a recording of it.
But they also reported that most of the people there applauded the fact that what we really needed was a weaponized Ebola.
Maybe that's what these people have given us.
Maybe that's really what they're working on.
Very, very disturbing research.
And of course,
Having a moratorium on new research like this, and just saying that we're going to voluntarily take it down, absolutely does nothing to stop this.
And it's not just Tulane.
When I started researching this, of course, the University of Texas at Galveston, as well as Austin, is also involved in creating... Oh, this is the important part.
It's all about creating a vaccine.
They want to create a vaccine, so then I guess that once this gets outside the lab, then they can force us to take that vaccine.
See, it's not the people who don't want to get their kids vaccinated, or who want to follow a different vaccination schedule, who want to spread it out instead of giving all the vaccines at once.
See, they're not the problem.
We don't need to lose our informed consent.
We don't need to go into some kind of a medical tyranny.
The problem is, the people who are going in and genetically modifying, and that's what they're doing with this, Burkholderia Pseudomallei, they're immunizing people with recombinant forms of that.
They're genetically modifying this.
They don't know what they're doing.
These are people who, as Allison Young pointed out, as they were in September when they were talking about all the security breaches there, she said, you've got people in spacesuits and they're running around the lab.
What are they looking for?
They're looking for a little mouse that's on the loose that's been exposed to, I think it was Ebola or anthrax.
This would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
And yet these people, who are deliberately weaponizing stuff, who can't keep track of the little mouse who gets in, or you've got another deadly weaponized bacteria that jumps between one ferret to the other by going through the air.
That's one of the things that got people very concerned about this, wanting to regulate this.
They don't know how Ebola is transmitted exactly, because
They can't control it.
If they knew exactly how it was transmitted, I don't think it would still be on the loose in Sierra Leone.
This is an interesting article, and I just, when I looked at this headline, where's the pathogen?
This was from Microbe, it's a microbiology publication, and it's basically like, where's Waldo?
It's like, can you find, within 500 acres and 50 samples, can you find the bacteria?
And they said, we think that maybe this hasn't gotten out yet, but the callousness with which they're doing it, the cavalier attitude that they're showing to this is really concerning.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Monday, March 9, 2015.
The next hour we're going to be talking to Barrett Brown from prison.
Joe Biggs is going to be in here with me.
We're going to give him a call, and he's going to tell you about the trial that he went through.
But it's very important that we all understand how the government is coming after journalists, coming after our free speech, the freedom of the press, the First Amendment, just like they're coming after the Second Amendment.
Like they're coming after the Fourth Amendment.
Pretty much destroyed all of these.
We have to push back against this, but we have to understand what's going on before we can.
So, be sure to tune in next hour.
That's going to be... Barrett Brown is going to be joining us.
Also, Anthony Gucciardi will be joining us in the third hour, talking about how the FTC is trying to join the FCC.
And trying to get control of the Internet.
Gotta shut that thing down.
As well as the journalists.
Now before we go back to news, I've got some tech news I want to cover here besides the gain-of-function biology news that we just had in the last segment.
This is some electronic tech news.
Before I go back to that, though, I just want to let you know that we've got Super Female Vitality right now.
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Thank you.
Now there was some amazing news on the Drudge Report.
I saw a story linked to the Daily Mail about how the British government wants to get everybody to put a CCTV camera in every home.
A closed-circuit television camera in every home.
What's the justification for that?
Well, Scotland Yard says that will help them to track burglars.
How do we arrest the burglars from the government who are breaking into our homes and stealing our privacy and our rights?
How do we stop those burglars?
Those are the ones that are far more dangerous than the ones that take your television set.
Your television cassette can easily be replaced.
Your rights and your freedoms cannot.
How do we stop the government burglars who are coming into our homes?
They say, no, Britain needs more cameras in order to help fight crime.
And he called on, this is the head of Scotland Yard, Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, said that families and businesses need to install cameras at eye level, so they can exploit advances in facial recognition technology.
There you go.
And a guy from an organization called Big Brother Watch said private closed-circuit television is completely unregulated.
Recommending greater use of CCTV to gather more images of people's faces, often innocent people's faces, undermines the security of each and every one of us.
And of course the way they do this in America.
To get around search warrants is they go to the web company that you deal with, or your ISP provider, or your cell phone provider, and they say, well, you know, these people are giving you their data voluntarily, so that's your data.
It doesn't, you know, all this information about this person's private emails, and who they called when, and what they talked about, that's not their data.
That's now your data, so you can turn that over to us.
That's what they're doing by putting it in people's homes.
And when they talk about Big Brother Watch, that's the name of the organization.
But guess what?
Apple is unveiling today a Big Brother Watch.
That's what the watch is going to do.
It's going to watch you and report to the government if it does what Apple's products in the past have done.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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We're good.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm going to be joined in the next segment with Joe Biggs.
And Joe and I are going to talk about Barrett Brown's case, give you a little bit of a background to it if you are not familiar with it.
Because when we get Barrett Brown to join us at the bottom of the hour from prison, we want to give him the opportunity to talk as much as he wants about what has happened to him, about the implications of that for everybody.
Not just for journalists, but for everyone.
We all have a right to speak freely.
I noticed in looking at the court transcripts that they denigrated Glenn Greenwald as saying he was a blogger for The Guardian.
I don't know.
A situation where we should have to get permission from the government to open up our own printing press.
And that's essentially what being a blogger is.
That's opening up your own printing press.
Speaking your mind.
Speaking freely.
Using your freedom of speech.
Everyone has a right to do that.
Not just journalists.
But they played that game in court.
Saying that Barrett Brown was not a journalist.
That Glenn Greenwald was not a journalist.
We're going to give you some background on that as far as we know.
Then we're going to be joined by Barrett Brown at the bottom of the hour.
Going back to technology news, of course, today is they, and it's going to be coming out right about now, if they haven't already done it.
Apple is unveiling its new Apple Watch.
And of course, one of the things that they're going to do with that
It's going to allow you to pay for everything.
You can just walk around with this watch and all these ads.
It'll be like Minority Report where you walk past ads and it'll know who you are and it'll know your preferences because they know everything about you.
Or they can pay for your transaction without having to take out your wallet.
Just, you know, run this thing, buy it.
I will not be participating in that.
As I pointed out last time in the last segment,
Britain is now calling on everyone to add closed circuit televisions to their homes at eye level and then feed that back to Scotland Yard so they can build their facial recognition database.
Would people seriously volunteer for that?
I guess they believe you would, because one of the documents that came out of the Snowden leak, we've talked about this before, it wasn't covered that widely in America, it was covered, it was broken by Der Spiegel in Germany, it was a press conference in Germany where this was shown, but they had several slides from Apple computer, and these were slides from the NSA.
And they showed the iconic 1984 commercial for the Mac.
And they said, who would have thought in 1984?
And they show a picture of that.
And then the next slide shows Steve Jobs holding an iPhone.
And then the caption says that this would become Big Brother.
And then the third slide shows a lot of people standing in line to get their iPhones.
And the caption says, and that people would line up to buy it.
So the question is, are people going to line up to buy the next bit of Big Brother PIP surveillance software, pay for their own surveillance?
Are they going to put closed-circuit television cameras in their homes?
Are they going to buy the watches that are going to be at eye level so they can feed facial recognition into the government?
Are we going to do that?
Or are we going to say we've had enough?
It's looking worse all the time, of course, and if you look at what's happening in Venezuela, they're going to install finger scanners in supermarkets.
Because they don't have enough food to feed people.
So people are hoarding.
They're cleaning off the shelves whenever they get any food.
Over a year ago, Bloomberg was talking about how the people of Venezuela were suffering severe shortages of food and water, having to go across the border
To get those basic commodities that they needed.
Yet they said, don't worry.
Venezuela, under the Marxists, has been a great profit center for us.
We've gotten 700% return on our investment, 700% return on our investment, and we know that the current leadership of Venezuela knows that their first priority is to their bondholders, not to the people who are starving there.
But they will use these kinds of controls, like Apple Watch, to shut you down, to keep you from buying and selling.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me in the studio now is Joe Biggs.
Joe is in here so that we can kind of give you an introduction to what's been going on in the Barrett Brown case, in case you don't know.
He was just recently sentenced and fined an exorbitant amount.
He is now in prison.
We're going to have him join us at the bottom of the hour, calling in from prison.
We don't want to waste any of the small amount of time that he gets on the prison phone, so we wanted to kind of
Do our introduction and our background here before we got to Barrett Brown, and then we'll talk about what he has to say after he has to leave us.
But joining us now is Joe Biggs.
Thank you, Joe.
Thank you for having me here, David.
Yeah, Barrett was someone that I first heard about when I was speaking with Michael Hastings, you know, some years back.
And after Michael passed, I started looking into
You know what was going on and things that he'd been looking into as well and then kind of saw the connection between Bear Brown and Michael Hasings.
They were working a lot of things together.
I spoke with Barrett not too long ago on the phone while he was in prison and he was telling me that he believes 99.9% that the FBI was for sure investigating Michael Hasings because
The fact that he was helping with Barrett Brown when he had that Project PM going.
Yeah, kind of a crowdsourcing investigation of the criminal activities of the corporations that were involved with the government.
The kind of corporate government alliance to do criminal surveillance on everybody and the dirty tricks that they had come up with against targeting individuals that had been speaking out about this before the Snowden leaks.
The big threats that they saw were from people like Barrett Brown.
Glenn Greenwald, and they specifically targeted them, and we later saw the released slides of Palantir and HB Gary and others that were coming out saying, let's identify who the key players are and let's essentially go after them, assassinate their character, put them in jail, or assassinate them, as the Fox News commentator called for Julian Assange to be assassinated.
Yeah, then they go and use that against Bear Brown when he quotes that exact same thing.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that was amazing.
When Julian Assange pointed that out, he said everybody needs to understand that social media has all of your friends wearing a wire.
The government is going to use that information that they pick up.
They're going to twist it, take it out of context, and make all kinds of claims.
And of course, one of the things that I was surprised was when Barrett Brown was upset after they came in and were looking for a laptop.
Uh, and he hid it at his mom's house and his mom, as she pointed out, was kind of torn between maternal instinct and, uh, you know, uh, doing what they wanted her to do.
And so they said, Oh, you tried to assist him in hiding these laptops from us.
He was very angry because they were going to eat.
Add a charge against his mother to try to get leverage against him, because they always add these extraneous charges, a lot of them total BS, to go after his mom.
And so he was in a state of withdrawal.
He had had some issues with drugs, and he puts up this video and said, basically, you've exposed my information to the Zeta cartel, trying to get them to come after me, because he had investigated the Zeta cartel along with Anonymous.
And you've put this information out there for them.
You've come after my mom.
I'm going to put information out there about you.
And because of that, they took that as a threat.
That was a crime.
There are so many felonies, serious felonies out there on the books that the normal person would not even think of as being a crime.
And that's what we really have to be concerned about, is the proliferation of all of these different felonies.
A guy releasing balloons on a beach, okay?
That's a felony now.
I mean, we cannot live our lives without being in constant jeopardy of being set up and sent to jail by this overreaching government.
And I think that's precisely what's happening.
But it was even worse as it went through the trial.
Things got even worse for him.
You know, I've been trying to get a hold of him for
About a year now.
He's going through all kinds of different loops trying to contact his people and get it set up and I'm glad we're finally able to get this opportunity to speak to him because like I said I got to talk to him the other day.
He's got a wealth of information, all around smart guy, great guy and it just sucks that you know the implications that it has on journalism that sharing a link and quoting somebody can get you thrown in prison.
And one of the reasons that we, of course, we could not get in touch with him was because the court had essentially put a gag order on him and on his lawyers, very much afraid of what he would say.
And so they put a complete gag order on it.
And one of the things that he said in the editorial that he wrote after his sentencing was, the good thing about it is at least now he's free to talk.
And so that's why we tried to establish contact with him again.
And of course, at the time that Michael Hastings died, he was not only working with the crowdsourcing Project PM to investigate this stuff, but he was also talking to Barrett Brown about his prosecution.
And investigating that as well.
One of the interesting things that when I look at the statement that Barrett Brown made to the judge, and of course the quote that I've repeated several times already in the program, I think we really need to hammer this home because
Barrett Brown is a very good writer.
He's a very eloquent writer.
And he really distills this down when he said, we no longer have the rule of law.
We have the rule of law enforcement.
I think that really distills what this comes down to.
And as he pointed out to the judge, he says, this case does not just affect me.
It affects all of us.
It doesn't.
This is what he said to the judge because he wanted to.
This is before the judge sentenced him.
And so, you know, he wanted to
We're good to go.
I run the risk of sounding combative, but I think your honor can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.
I think your honor understands that one can regret the unjust things that one has done, while also being concerned about the unjust things that have been done to him.
I think, I'm really anxious to talk to him.
One of the things, and of course you remember Joe, we've talked to Amber Lyon, because the research that she did in Bahrain, she was investigating the brutal crackdown in that US government ally against the pro-democracy movement there.
She was working for CNN at the time, put together a documentary and CNN basically spiked the story.
And she eventually wound up leaving CNN.
One of the things that Barrett Brown points out is that they were coming after those laptops because they said, well, there's information there about how you're trying to overthrow the government of Bahrain with Amber Lyon.
One of the most preposterous things I've ever seen.
Yeah, they're trying to get his contacts.
They're trying to find out who he's in contact with and then go after those people.
I mean, that's just completely bogus that as a journalist you should be able to have your contacts and keep them private.
And he really understood where this was headed.
He goes, and let me again read from his statement to the judge.
He's going to be joining us at the bottom of the hour, so we want to go through this and just let him talk because he's got a lot to say.
He said, the government claims those laptops contained evidence of a plot that I orchestrated to attack the kingdom of Bahrain on orders of Amber Lyon.
Your Honor, Amber Lyon is a journalist, a former CNN reporter, who I know and respect, but I can assure Your Honor, I'm not in the habit of attacking Gulf State monarchies on her behalf.
But then he goes on to point out, what you're really doing here is giving the Kingdom of Bahrain an excuse to keep her from ever getting back into the country, to ever do any more reports, because now they can come back and say, the Justice Department has said that she's trying to overthrow the government.
They can refer to this charge that was put on there by the FBI and use that as a way to keep her out of the country.
So there's always an alternative motive, isn't there?
Yeah, always.
And one of the interesting things, too, that we were talking about, he had a copy of the Declaration of Independence at his home, and he came in and filed that.
Yeah, we're going to put that up.
Actually, the Twitter of that, he tweeted out what they actually said, and they go back and forth and say, well, I think we can give him his copy of the Constitution back.
He said he, when he wrote this,
This op-ed piece for the Daily Beast, after he was sentenced, he said, the title of it was, My Post-Cyberpunk Indentured Servitude, one of the things that he said was, I can now talk about some of the things that people would not even believe had happened before.
He said, for them to seize my copy of the Declaration of Independence as evidence of his criminal activity, he says, I blushed to even put that in print, because I don't think people would believe me.
So that's a problem we get all the time.
We get these documents, we put them out there, we even link to the documents like he put the, like he tweeted out the image of the court order saying, I think you can give him his Declaration of Independence back.
Joe, that was actually part of the plea bargain.
That he would give up his Declaration of Independence.
How appropriate that is.
That's out of this world.
You know, we've been saying for the longest time that, you know, patriots, people who love the Constitution, they are now the government's number one threat.
And I mean, this right here is just another proof of that entire thing.
I mean, it's crazy that they're going to go and file that as some kind of criminal.
Well, you know, it's crazy this world we live in right now.
We look at the MIAC report from 2009.
Before that, Alex's documentary is actually showing training sessions from the federal government, training local law enforcement, putting up pictures of the founders of this country, saying these guys are terrorists.
Anybody who quotes them are terrorists.
You know, he looks at this.
Now, you know, I don't know, but Barrett Brown has been writing for the Daily Beast and for Huffington Post and the Guardian, kind of left-wing publications that tend to discount the idea that the government is coming out there to shut down any dissent.
They've been kind of pooh-poohing that idea, pooh-poohing the idea that patriots are the focus and not foreign terrorists, not Islamic terrorists.
They've kind of pushed back against that and said that's not true at all.
That's why they wouldn't believe that the FBI would take his declaration of independence.
That they would say we're going to keep that as part of your plea bargain agreement.
But we've been saying, Alex Jones and Infowars have been saying that for years.
I mean those are the people that we have those little pocket constitution books you know.
I've spoken to people said they've been pulled over and the police call that contraband.
Yeah, yeah.
That shows that you're a radical, if you understand your rights.
And you do sound very dangerous, if you quote the founder.
Stay with us, we're going to be back talking about Barrett Brown, and he's going to be joining us at the bottom of the hour.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me in the studio is Joe Biggs.
We're going to be talking to Barrett Brown from prison in the next segment.
Trying to give you a little bit of a background in case you're not familiar with the case or what has recently happened.
And of course, when he wrote his op-ed piece for the Daily Beast after he was sentenced, entitled, at my post, Cyberpunk Indentured Servitude,
He says that when he was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison, Reporters Without Borders cited his case as a key factor in reducing America's press freedom rankings from 33 to 46.
Very concerned about this, because this directly impacts upon our freedom of the press.
But talk about his indentured servitude, Joe.
Alright, I'm going to read a paragraph from the My Post Cyberpunk and Digital Servitude article.
It says, I also had to plead to an accessory after the fact charge for having contracted the corporate espionage outfit Stratfor after some anonymous affiliated hackers stole several million of the firm's emails and vowed to publish them online.
I offered to arrange with the hackers to redact any of those communications that could potentially have endangered any foreign contacts if made public.
For this, I will not only serve additional prison time, but have also been ordered to pay the company over $800,000.
Absolutely outrageous.
And of course, one of the reasons that they came up with such a large figure, I'm sure, is because they figured, well, he could write a book.
He's someone who's written books, successful books.
He's written for dozens of magazines and newspapers, as he points out.
Yet, they wanted to continually assert that he wasn't a journalist in order to denigrate what he was doing, to say that this wasn't a First Amendment issue.
They said, oh, he's not a journalist.
Anybody that gathers any information has First Amendment protection.
And as a journalist.
Even if Glenn Greenwald were merely a blogger, that's not a merely anymore.
That's very important.
Some of the best stories have been turned up by bloggers.
So you don't have to be an official journalist that gets a paycheck each time it works for a big name mainstream media newspaper.
They're not the ones who are breaking the news in most cases anyway.
They're not the ones who want to follow the story wherever it leads.
Or in the case of Amber Lyon, as we saw, whenever she works for CNN as a journalist, they spike the story and she goes independent.
But I guess now she's not officially a journalist.
But that's the very dangerous thing is that, as he points out, he said it would be one thing if the government was putting forth some sort of standard by which journalists could be defined.
Well, yeah, that would be bad enough because we don't want them to put a box around free speech.
Uh, but they're not even doing that.
They're just saying, well, uh, you know, I don't think the first amendment applies here, it doesn't apply there.
That's why he said, we no longer have the rule of law, we have the rule of law enforcement, because they interpret it to mean whatever they want at any given time.
Yeah, U.S.
District Judge Sam Lindsay says they didn't express any visible interest in the fact that the FBI itself has acknowledged having actually overseen the Hakim Straffer.
He is confidential informant, or rat, Hector Sabu.
That's right.
The FBI actually took a guy they turned from Anonymous, Sabu,
And they used him to do the hack.
You know, he linked to emails, and we recorded his conversations, because they record all the conversations, of course, while he's in custody.
And the judge says, well, he didn't know there was any, he thought there was nothing in there but emails.
They knew that that was the case.
And he says here, two days before his sentencing, the Department of Justice withheld from his defense team sealed chat transcripts from Jeremy Hammond's hacking case, which contradicted its claim that he was a co-conspirator in the Stratford case.
So they withheld that evidence.
So that's some of what we want to talk to Barrett Brown about.
But again, this is a case that affects everybody.
Whether or not you're a journalist, you want journalists to be free.
You want people on the internet to have freedom of speech.
They're coming at us from every possible angle.
They're coming at us from a regulatory agency, with the FCC, with the FTC.
They're coming after the journalists, putting them in jail.
They have just under what Obama proposed with the State of the Union was to step up the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the CFAA, which is what they came after Aaron Schwartz with.
They want to step that up from misdemeanor crimes to felony crimes.
And they want to extend it to RICO statutes.
And quite frankly, they already did it in his case, even though they didn't have the authority to do it in his case.
Yeah, ever since the Obama administration has been in power, I mean, there's definitely been a huge war on journalists in this country.
I mean, it's out of control.
Yeah, oh yeah.
There's been more people...
Prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act.
I think it was like three times the number of people prosecuted under the 1917 Act in the Obama administration than all of the previous administrations since 1917 combined.
So he's done more than everybody else for virtually a hundred years.
Stay with us right after the break.
Barrett Brown from prison.
We'll be right back.
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Resistance to tyrants.
His obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me in studio is Joe Biggs.
We're expecting a call from Barrett Brown any minute now from Prison Course.
The call has to be initiated from inside prison.
You just can't call into prison.
Now, if you want to get in touch with Barrett Brown, let me give you his contact information before he comes online, because we want to let him talk as much as he would like to.
So let me give you this information while we're waiting for him.
If you want to get to him on Twitter, it's FreeBarrett underscore.
That's F-R-E-E-B-A-R-R-E-T-T underscore.
His Facebook page is
Free Barrett Brown, and you can also look at his website, echelon2.org.
Joe, one of the things that got my attention, of course, you just got back from Chicago where there were allegations that people were being held there.
The Guardian reported this, being held for periods of time without being arraigned, people being tortured in this one particular site, Holman Square.
He was held for two weeks without charge back in October 2012 and finally they indicted him and of course what he was indicted for was conspiring to release personal information about a government employee.
That seems to be the big crime that they came after him for.
As I said before, there are so many felonies out there that the general public
Can't even keep up with all the laws that the government and the bureaucracies are enacting all the time.
Very serious laws.
Serious felonies.
And that's what they got him on.
Who would have thought that that would be a federal offense that he could be sent to jail for five, over five years.
He's done three years in jail.
And is the 63 months, is that in addition to what he's already done?
I think he's got the time served.
So when I talked to him on the phone the other day, he was saying if he was willing to play ball with him, that he could get out in about a year.
But he said, I'm not going to do that.
He's like, I'll sit here.
I'm going to make them suffer and they're going to have to watch me.
And you know, if I'm going to have to suffer, they're going to have to suffer as well.
So I kind of like that attitude.
That's the kind of attitude that he has.
Again, as I pointed out in the previous segment, his conviction was cited by an organization, Reporters Without Borders, cited as a key factor in reducing America's press freedom ranking from 33 to 46.
Ladder Levinson, who is the guy that ran the email service that was used by Ed Snowden, if you remember, the NSA came to Ladder Levinson and said, give us all of his emails.
And he said, I'm not going to do that.
And he shut his email service down, his business down, rather than turn that stuff over to the NSA.
So, Ladder Levinson is somebody who sincerely cares about...
Respecting our individual rights that have been respected under the Constitution, but ignored by our government.
He went to the trial and he told the Guardian, he said, this is the type of verdict that leads honorable men to take up the quill and pin strong statements.
But I fear that for some people, words will not be sufficient.
So, some people are not just going to be upset and write about this.
He's concerned some people are going to take action about that.
So, he has kind of an interesting attitude.
Barrick said that after exposing the cyber security military industrial complex, he's now going to be investigating the prison industrial complex for the next 35 months or so.
And getting free food and clothing as he's going to be exposing their wrongdoing.
I like the attitude that he has.
He's very combative.
And we need to be combative.
We cannot just cower down in front of a government that is taking our freedoms.
He tried in his statement to the judge to be respectful, but he says,
You know, you gotta understand that I can be respectful and be regretful about how I have taken some other people's rights and still be angry about how mine were seized.
And that was essentially what was going on with the, you know, making the threat on YouTube against the FBI agent who had charged his mother, who had essentially released his own personal information to try to get him attacked by the Zeta
I just don't even know how to put it in words sometimes.
As a journalist, you've got to watch your back every step of the way now, because these guys are trying to come after you.
Yeah, yeah.
They want to threaten you, but you go and you quote someone, they want to use that against you and then threaten your mom, and that's... We just had, at the beginning of the program, we had Obama talking about the emails from Hillary Clinton, and he said several times, he talked about how transparent they were.
I mean, this is the least, you know, he ran on transparency.
The least transparent ever.
The biggest lie, I mean, you know, if people want to, and they should get angry about the Democrats and everybody, Republicans as well, should get angry about the lies of George Bush that got us into Iraq, about weapons of mass destruction.
How about getting angry about the big lie of the Obama administration?
At least one of them.
I mean, you could come up with a lot of them.
But the one that they were going to base their administration on transparency, and yet, he has charged journalist after journalist.
Every time something happens, they go after the whistleblower.
and try to put the whistleblower in jail and they never correct the criminal actions that were done by the government officials or by the big banks.
We see the big banks constantly being given a pass.
We've got HSBC laundering money, being caught laundering money for drug dealers, for drug cartels, for terrorist organizations and rather than put any of them in jail we had the Justice Department say
That wouldn't serve the public interest to put any bank officials in jail.
That gave them a small fine compared to the amount of money that they had, profit that they had made, and let these people walk.
I mean, we see them coming with draconian prosecutions against small people, independent people, but the biggest criminals go free.
Well, in terms of when you talked to him about Michael Hastings, again, what did he, you know, did he have any insight as to what did he know about the circumstances of Michael Hastings' death?
He hasn't been given all the full details about what's been going on, but like I said, the fact that the FBI came out and said, no, we're not investigating him, and then they come out and say, well, we're looking into him for what they called controversial journalism.
Yeah, that's right.
When this first happened, and we started following this, we knew from looking at the way the accident happened that that didn't happen from him.
The car did not explode and he checked the engine at a right angle, way down the road, when it hit into a tree.
That never happens.
It catches and holds it.
There's no way that a vehicle is going to hit a tree and then the engine is just going to miraculously ricochet off and bounce down the road.
The engine was in the path of travel.
Yes, yes.
The way he was driving.
So that was consistent with the car being blown up and then going into a tree, which was also consistent with the fact that the gas tank was not compromised in any way, shape or form.
The way he was driving.
Why would it catch fire if the gas and burn that thoroughly if the gas tank had not been compromised?
So we were concerned about that from the very beginning.
We said it looks like there was foul play here from the very beginning.
Then it starts coming out that he is tweeting people and emailing people saying, I have to go undercover.
I'm on something very hot.
Uh, as we followed the investigation, he was looking under his car, looking into his car, worried that somebody had put something on it, a bomb.
They even told the person that he was living with about that.
But it was tweeted out that he was being investigated by the FBI, and the FBI denied that.
But then when you talked to Barrett Brown in prison, he said, well, of course they were investigating him, because they investigated everybody that was involved with Project PM.
Well, he said one of the things is, you know, anybody that knows about Barrett Brown, he went on a kind of a...
I don't know.
He was being deranged and thought that the FBI was coming after him because of the drugs that he was on.
Yeah, he's just being paranoid.
Yeah, he's just like us.
He's a tinfoil hat journalist, right?
He's like, you don't just dream that stuff up.
He's like, you start thinking that because you start seeing it happening.
You're not paranoid if they're actually watching it.
And that's the thing is that, you know, for the longest time,
Alex Jones has been talking about how they're monitoring our phone conversations, they're monitoring our computer monitors, they're looking through the cameras that are on your monitor.
We knew that this was happening because we had people telling us.
We could even link to their articles.
Even when we would link to the articles that other people had reported about David Petraeus bragging that your refrigerator is going to be spying on you, he's going to be collecting information, everything in your household, the internet of things.
All of the things put together into a linked internet.
They're going to be sending that information back to the government.
Everybody laughed at us until the Snowden leaks.
That was the one thing that changed things around, but we still haven't seen anything.
We've seen a public perception change of it, and we've seen an acceptance of it almost by the public, but not any change.
That's what's really dangerous.
Yeah, no one believes anything until you get your Snopes article about it, or Fox News.
It's not legit until one of these people say something, and then all of a sudden,
Well, I guess those guys aren't crazy.
I guess they were right.
I mean, I had to... Well, see, that's the really dangerous thing, because they just said, I think it was last week, that Google was going to go through a different ranking schedule.
Rather than looking at the popularity links coming into a website, people visiting a website, rather than using that to rank sites on the searches, they were going to evaluate the truthfulness.
It's like...
Who are they to evaluate the truthfulness?
And they even mentioned Snopes as somebody that was going to be used to evaluate the truthfulness of something.
So, if they say it doesn't happen, then those articles are basically going to be delisted from the search engine, and you're not going to be able to find a dissenting point of view.
No matter how popular that point of view is, you're not going to find it with Google.
It's going to have to be done... Propaganda.
Yeah, it's going to have to be done by, we're essentially going to have to set up committees of correspondence and it's going to have to be done outside of the kind of social media platforms that you see with Facebook and Twitter because they're going to start shutting that down as well.
So you're going to have to come up with some other way to share the information.
Yeah, they said they're going to use some kind of algorithm that will go through and it will decide whether or not it's true.
And just like Facebook coming out saying they're going to have a new button that you can report a story for fake news.
So, you know, you get all these trolls on there and it doesn't take multiple people clicking on fake news on that button.
It only takes one person and it's labeled as fake news and removed.
And we know that the government pays trolls.
We know that they have robotic programs that become trolls.
They've worked very much on that.
I mean, I don't even know that they're still paying people at the Department of Justice and the FBI to troll our website, or if they've just got automated robots that do that with using AI.
Or Brian Snopes, the guy, the lady, and their cat.
Well, the very dangerous thing about it is that, you know, of course, that whole system in terms of truthiness, it is just, it's another way that they're going to come after content.
They're looking at regulating content.
The FCC first started making moves again to regulate content, and they've done that in the past.
They had the Fairness Doctrine for broadcast media, and that was fortunately overturned in the Reagan administration by Bruce Fine, who went on to work for Ron Paul.
But, and that really opened things up in talk radio, and then of course the internet opened up, and so they've got to get those things shut down, because that's the real threat to their base.
The real threat to their base is changing people's hearts and minds, because if you don't change people's hearts and minds, if somebody goes in and tries to re-establish the Constitution by force at this point, they're going to be, if the people aren't with them in sufficient
They're going to just be looked at as the violent aggressors.
It's going to be very easy to shut down anybody who tries to use violence at this point.
That's why it's an information war.
You've got to get people's hearts and minds to understand that.
They said they're losing the information war.
That's why they're trying to shut down the internet.
That's why they're going after journalists like Barrett Brown.
That's why they're trying to buy up all the ammo.
They're trying to make guns illegal.
They're trying to pull away because they know there's going to be a great awakening going to happen.
American looking cities.
You and I have been there.
We've walked the streets and that was one creepy feeling.
Walking through the street with the traffic lights operating and everything, a replica of an American city there and we know that they're training for this type of thing.
But going back to the truthfulness stuff, when you talk about the ammo cells,
When Paul Joseph Watson found that, and we broke that story, he linked directly to the RFPs from the government saying we want these massive amounts of ammunition and they continued, they said it's not real.
Even though he linked to the documents themselves, the mainstream media pushed back on that and continued to push back on it.
Snopes themselves came back and said, well, you know, they took one of the smallest ones from like the Social Security Administration or the Weather Administration and said, look,
That's a very small amount.
They're just buying it for target practice.
It's like, well, why does the Weather Administration, you know, need to have arms?
Well, it's the FDA.
Not asking that question, but they would cherry-pick the different ones, ignoring the billions of... The major ones.
Yeah, the major stuff there, and ignoring the fact that they were not buying target ammunition.
They were buying hollow-point ammunition.
Snopes completely ignored that, as did the mainstream media.
Ignoring the fact that that's extremely expensive.
That's ammunition that is banned by the Geneva Convention for use in war.
It's anti-personnel.
It was developed by the British in India to take out the massive numbers of people, to do the most harm to an individual.
So they banned it in a war scenario, but it's used by governments against their people to keep them under control.
So they completely ignored that.
And that's what we're concerned about.
That they can push those stories down.
Joe, even after this all broke, even after you even had conservative news outlets like Breitbart picking this up and running with it, even after you had congressmen questioning why is Homeland Security buying so much ammunition, even after all that, we had National Review
Come out and attack Alex Jones, saying that he was some kind of a prophet of doom, running some kind of a church thing or whatever, and he was even getting the Republican congressman to join him in this nonsense about the government buying ammunition.
National Review!
And that was a year after the story had broken, well after Breitbart and other Fox had picked it up and said, hey, there's something here.
National Review came out because they wanted to get Alex Jones.
That's the danger, if we have truthfulness as the way that they rank and shut down websites.
This stuff is not going to get any better, and the American people need to wake up a lot quicker, because like I said, these guys are doing everything they can to ramp up their war against us.
Taking our freedoms away, our liberties, our right to say something, our right to link to something, our right to quote someone, is all being used against us.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, we're going to be back in the next segment.
Hopefully, we can still get a call from Barrett Brown.
He was going to try to join us at the bottom of the hour.
Evidently, there's somebody in the federal government that watches InfoWars.
Maybe they didn't want Barrett Brown to talk to us.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me in the studio is Joe Biggs.
We've been waiting for Barrett Brown, who is going to call us at the bottom of the hour.
I don't know, Joe, maybe the FBI in the prison is listening to Alex Jones Show.
Maybe they don't want to have him come on.
Because they control that pretty tightly.
We were not able to call into Barrett Brown.
He has to call us.
So we were hoping that he'd be able to do that.
If he does call in later in the show, in case it was something that was just circumstances and not outright censorship, then we will certainly take his call whenever he calls in.
Yeah, I just shot him a real quick email asking if everything was okay on his end.
If anything comes up just give me a call or shoot me an email so we can know that he's fine and that there's no censorship going on as well.
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That's how we send Joe Biggs to places like Chicago and Ferguson where he gets shot with rubber bullets, tear gassed and frozen to death.
Yeah, I was on tour this weekend with a band, and all those guys take the Super Mel Vitality.
They take it right before they go out on stage, get them amped up, they go out, they perform, and then, you know, go off.
And they said they love it.
They've been taking it for as long as they can.
That's great.
That's great, yeah.
Supplements, and good, natural, healthy supplements as well.
Not something that you would normally expect a band to.
You know, we were talking about Michael Hastings and our concerns about what happened and, you know, we can guess as to how this might have happened.
We certainly know that what it wasn't was the narrative.
It's kind of like the Kennedy assassination.
You know, you see these things happen, you can say, well, it could have been done this way or that way, but the way that they're telling us, that would not work.
That's what we do when we investigate this.
Well, they are, you know, one of the things about his car, of course, and one of the things that was interesting about Michael Hastings was you and other people had said that he was someone who drove extremely slowly.
He was a grandma, okay?
But here's a guy who says, I've got to get out of town.
You're not going to see me for a while.
I'm being investigated.
He's concerned about his car.
And he's driving late at night, punching all the lights, going 100 miles an hour down this road in L.A.
before the crash.
He's driving a Mercedes.
Mercedes has been at the forefront of driver-assisted, computer-controlled components, which they're now merging together into these autonomous, self-driving cars, as I like to point out.
Now, self-driving is what you have now, but that's the headline up there on Wired Magazine.
Listen to what they say, Joe.
They say, the number of car crashes, once we get these self-driving cars, will plummet.
From the need to keep our hands on the wheel and our eyes on the road, drivers will become riders with more time for working, leisure and staying in touch with loved ones.
In other words, like, pull that picture up again, guys, and show this.
The picture that they've got at the top is four people
Setting and facing each other with virtual reality goggles on their head.
That's what we've seen in the Mercedes vehicle.
They've got cameras on the outside of the car and projectors on the inside where you'd normally have windows to spare you from having to actually use your eyes to look outside.
And you think these things are going to be safer?
Nobody who's seen the blue screen of death from IBM is really going to want to get into a car where you don't have a steering wheel and you don't have any brakes because it's people who make mistakes that are going to be programming those things.
This is the next step in the police state right here.
That's the way they control, and that's the thing.
If you can't beat the car, you can control it, you can assimilate it like the board.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today, and with me again in this segment is Joe Bigg.
We've still been waiting for a call from Barrett Brown.
It looked like someone was trying to call in on that line.
We weren't able to get through, so we're going to, if we can get him through, we're going to go to him live, depending on whatever segment we're in, we're going to go to him live.
But in the last segment, Joe, we were talking about these
Autonomous cars and I'm very concerned about it because of the control that it's going to give the government over our movements.
We should all be very concerned about that.
We should understand that this is something that the government has wanted to control movement in this country.
That's what's really behind the move for public transportation.
They don't like us having
Cars that we drive ourselves.
That's why they're offering us the quote-unquote self-driving cars, the autonomous cars, because they will be able to control it.
And they're going to push us out of our regular cars by these boxes that are being mandated, the vehicle-to-vehicle boxes that are going to be constantly talking back and forth to each other with South by Southwest coming up.
They've got U.S.
Department of Transportation officials coming here to Austin talking about V-to-V and the way they put it is, talking cars.
It's just so special, isn't it?
They're going to try to make it sound so cool and trendy.
Most people are just going to go, wow, that's really neat.
I don't have to drive anymore.
I could just take a nap.
What you have to think about are the implications.
What if you're late on child support?
That car shuts down, notifies the police, and that is essentially a cage on wheels.
They lock the doors.
We know vehicles can be hacked.
We know they can be taken over.
This is another step in that, and people are going to try to push it in a neat way.
They'll have Super Bowl ads.
They'll have all these celebrities come out showing you that it's the funnest thing out there to do, that it's cool.
Buy into it.
You should get one.
It's the new thing.
They're gonna control when you can go, they're gonna control where you can go.
It's absolute control.
The government was involved in the creation of the interstate system primarily because the military had a use for it.
It was Eisenhower who wrote a book, a small book, about how he tried to take a division from one area of the United States to another and how difficult
Yeah, I think so.
They don't want us owning our own cars.
The title of this article, Self-Driving Cars Will Make Us Want Fewer Cars, and they said, we can free ourselves from the archaic model of the multi-car household.
Yeah, who would want to have more than one car in a household?
We hate that.
And we won't waste so much parking space on the damn things, is what they said.
They cannot stop their hatred of the car, because it gives us freedom.
Yeah, they want full control of people.
They want to know what you're saying, what you're doing, who you're talking to.
I mean, for crying out loud, the new Corvette has what they call the valet mode.
They constantly listen to your conversation, whether or not the vehicle is on.
And they say it's for your safety as an owner to just be able to relax when you're not around your car.
That if a valet driver goes on this Ferris Bueller day off journey, that you can track all that.
But no, what it really is, is so they can listen to what's going on inside that car.
Yeah, yeah.
And there's a kind of corporate fascism involved here as well, because the CEO of Uber has said, what makes the cars expensive is the dude in the car.
Once that dude goes away, then the whole rationale for owning your car goes away.
But of course, he will own all the cars.
And the government, he'll work with the government to control your transportation.
I wonder how many politicians are going to be willing to drive or get in one of those things.
I doubt it.
Thanks for joining us, Joe Biggs.
Right after the break, we're going to have Paul Joseph Watson joining us from the UK.
Stay with us.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, March 9, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host today, and we're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson.
Before we go to Paul, I just want to repeat yet again that there is a bill up by the GOP to actually shut down the ATF.
It's the ATF Elimination Act that's being offered by Representative Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin.
He's introduced legislation to abolish the agency and transfer its duties to the FBI.
He says their very framework is an affront to the Second Amendment and another reason why Congress should pass the ATF Elimination Act.
Write your congressman, tell them you don't want them banning ammunition.
You can write the ATF if you want to hear them laugh and tell them that you don't like them making up these kinds of rules and just arbitrarily declaring that they're going to take away certain
I think so.
Now, Paul Joseph Watson is joining us now.
I wanted to talk to Paul about this article he had up about Team Hillary conducting secret polls to test fallout of email scandal.
What's up with that, Paul?
Well, yeah, this is an article that I wrote this morning, which emerged out of a blog in Iowa.
Confirmed by strategists.
They're pulling up people in Iowa like the Hillary Clinton voters and asking them a series of questions about their negative views towards Hillary Clinton.
At first the speculation was, you know, is this poll being run by one of her potential Democratic challengers or is it being run by the Republicans?
But it's since emerged that almost certainly it's being conducted by the Hillary Clinton campaign team itself.
So it seems as though in the aftermath of this email scandal they're very concerned about voter perception of Hillary Clinton because
Up until now she's had over 60% favorability ratings over her presumptive Republican challengers, everyone from Jeb Bush to Rand Paul.
That lead was fixed, it was locked in for months and months beforehand.
Now we see that margin of favorability in comparison to the Republican candidates starting to slip
And it started to slip noticeably according to a new Washington Times poll after this email scandal emerged.
So this is being done under the radar, but they're asking potential voters, likely voters in Iowa, a series of questions about
Whether Hillary Clinton can be trusted with national security, whether she's a trustworthy person, whether the Benghazi scandal was a real scandal or whether it was just hyped for political purposes.
So it seems that Team Hillary is very concerned in the aftermath of this email scandal.
Yeah, and of course, when we started talking about this, you said there was speculation as to whether or not it could be one of her Democrat opponents, and there's not really much in terms of Democrat opponents, or the Republicans, because what they'll do, of course, Paul, is negative push polling.
But that typically is done just before an election.
That's when it has the most effect.
Basically, you call up and you ask the people on the telephone,
How would it affect you if you knew something and you tell them something negative about that candidate?
That's a way of basically dishing dirt on somebody without it sounding like you're dishing dirt on them.
It's a very effective method, but I think this is far too early.
As you pointed out, it looks like that's definitely coming from her, so she's concerned that this is going to affect her.
It ought to put her in jail.
It shouldn't just get her out of the running for being a Democrat nominee, but of course we seem to be very tolerant of
Of criminals at the upper level of government nowadays, aren't we?
Well, Jan, of course, this was completely expected, but the other article I wrote today on InfoWars is, now Hillary Clinton supporters are responding to the criticism of her because of this email scandal by characterizing it as sexist.
So, you know...
Years before or even after Obama was elected, criticism of Obama amongst his supporters was characterised and sidelined as racism.
So now we're seeing the gender card being played over and over again by Hillary supporters.
And this is going to characterise the next 18 months going forward.
So the article on InfoWars, there's a Daily Kos blog which actually says that concern over Hillary keeping her emails hidden
Is based on, quote, Republican fear of having a vagina in control of the White House.
That's a quote from the Daily Kos article.
They say that Hillary is an intelligent, philanthropic, loud and proud feminist that scares middle-aged white men.
So that's the reason why she's being questioned over these emails according to liberals and Hillary supporters is not because it illustrates the fact that she's completely untrustworthy, can't be trusted with national security.
There's a huge gap as we found out yesterday from Gowdy who's investigating this on CBS Face the Nation.
There's a huge gap in the emails which show that it looks like she's hiding communications during the whole
Libya debacle.
But no, that's not an issue.
That's not an example of untrustworthiness or corruption.
That's nothing to be concerned about.
And the only reason anybody's talking about it is because they're sexist.
Yeah, yeah.
But of course, that's all they see when they look at this, is the fact that she's a woman.
Nevertheless, we have, you know, it's not a case of sexism.
It's a case of felonious conduct.
We've had Lisa Jackson from the EPA also playing games with her email, using a pseudonym to communicate.
She was driven out of the EPA.
She should have been put in prison.
We got Lois Lerner pretending that she's lost all these emails that would
...expose her to having targeted, as political enemies, different Tea Party groups.
She said, oh, I lost all those emails.
Hillary Clinton had her own private server for this.
She didn't have just a different email account.
She had her own private server.
She was deliberately trying to set this apart into a parallel, non-transparent, secretive, illegal activity.
Exactly, and I mean, that's just one aspect of it.
But again, if they can tie it to this gender issue, to this sexism issue, to this feminism issue, they hope to dull the criticism that is inevitably going to be hurled at Hillary Clinton.
And there's another example of that today.
The Clinton Foundation, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation released a video yesterday which just by coincidence got on the front page of YouTube.
Not that they're promoting it at all, it just got on the front page and got 300,000 views overnight.
And it's about, basically it features a bunch of actresses, Cameron Diaz, all these top actresses decrying, quote, the wage gap in the United States.
Now, first of all, the wage gap is a completely contrived myth.
You know, this idea that
Women are being paid 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.
That's the average earnings.
If you take into factor differences in occupations and hours worked per week, when you account for all those factors, the wage gap completely vanishes.
So from the very foundation, this argument is a debunked myth.
If you drill into the actual statistics, and yet it's one being pushed by feminists and by the Hillary Clinton campaign,
Because they've tied their cart horse to third-wave feminism, so they're using the same debunked, fraudulent argument to advance this agenda that Hillary Clinton is going to be fighting for women, for equality in the United States, when actually her own foundation, the Clinton Foundation, who released this video, pays its female staff
Just 63 cents for every dollar that top senior male executives who work for the Clinton Foundation make.
So there is a real wage gap controversy and it's within the Clinton Foundation itself.
Nationwide in the United States it's a complete myth.
But if you look at the Clinton Foundation and their IRS tax filings have come out,
They're paying a 37% salary disparity between what they pay male executives and what they pay female executives.
And that's a key thing.
That's a key thing comparing executives to executives.
They're going to fix the wage gap in the United States.
Again, rampant hypocrisy.
She is advancing that wage gap within her own foundation.
And that's the key.
As you're pointing out, within her own foundation, when they look at female executives versus male executives within that same business, they see that kind of wage disparity.
That would be a genuine disparity.
But when they look at it across the population as a whole, like Cameron Diaz did, then they're not comparing and adjusting for the fact that women are in a different kind of profession than men would be, or that they're not working
Uh, their entire life or that they're working part-time and staying at home with the children part-time.
The different career choices that they make will adjust that.
So it's a very simplistic thing to go back at the data and just kind of cut it and say, women's salaries and men's salaries and not drill down and look at it so that you know you're making valid comparisons with those.
That's how they get there.
But Paul, you're talking about how this is within her foundation.
There's a story on Drudge Report today in the New York Times.
...saying that she faces a test of record as a woman's advocate.
So here they are saying, this is people coming after her just because she's a woman, so we need to defend her because she's a woman.
And yet her foundation is accepting millions of dollars, according to the New York Times, in donations from Middle Eastern countries that are known for violence against women and for denying them their basic freedoms.
Not allowing them to drive cars or whatever.
One of the nations that comes to mind, of course, is Saudi Arabia.
One of the most oppressive regimes anywhere.
And of course, one of our closest allies.
Closest allies to the CIA.
What are your comments, Paul?
Well, it's par for the course because, you know, feminists share the same rampant hypocrisy and ignorance of actual women's rights issues.
You know, Saudi Arabia passed a law whereby female drivers would be characterized and considered under the law.
Hang on Paul, we'll be right back.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson and the subject is, of course, Hillary Clinton's dirty emails.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm talking to Paul Joseph Watson.
We've been talking about Hillary Clinton's missing emails.
And there's a story up on the Drudge Report.
Actually, by National Journal, Ron Fournier, says emails may be a key to addressing the, quote, pay-to-play whispers at the Clinton Foundation.
In other words, follow the money.
Are people giving money to the Clinton Foundation in order to get influence?
Are they buying influence?
That's almost a self-obvious question, but let's go to this exchange on CNN.
I want to get Paul's comments on this.
This is State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki commenting on foreign donations, and there's some commentary from this author of the National Journal, as well as from Julie Pace of the AP.
So here's the State Department spokesperson talking about Hillary Clinton accepting these foreign donations at the Clinton Foundation.
We like to review and we have reviewed every donation that has been submitted.
But in this case, the fact that the process was not followed in this particular incident does not raise concerns with us.
We like to review and we have reviewed every donation.
Turns out, that's not true.
They didn't review any of them.
She either made that up just to try to get past the news cycle or she lied.
Either way, that's inexcusable.
But it again gets back to, you know, what you said.
This idea that even if there is nothing inherently bad about the donations, or nothing inherently bad in the emails, raises the question of why?
Why do you even bother to do something that just gives off the impression that you're hiding something, or that you are doing something fraudulent?
Especially if you have in the back of your mind the idea that you're going to run for President.
And of course, it's the cover-up, isn't it?
It wasn't so much the crimes of Nixon, but it was the cover-up that was really serious.
The cover-up that they internalized by helping to propagate that.
That Nixon made his own by covering up.
Your comments on that, Paul?
Well, the cover-up is in place because this directly threatens Brand Clinton.
Just like, you know, Obama was built on, you know, the first black president representing the entirety of America, if she's taken down by this kind of scandal that she's receiving donations from governments in the Middle East and corporate interests in the Middle East that are fundamentally, diametrically opposed to women's rights, which is where
You know, I get emails from feminists, actual real feminists who care about women's rights issues, who work in the Middle East, and they're appalled by the kind of rhetoric that comes out of third-wave feminists in the United States in the West.
So, you know, if that's exposed that Hillary has been taking donations from these kind of groups, it will completely eviscerate a large
It's part of the foundation of her campaign for 2016 because she's tied her entire campaign to this issue of being a woman's advocate.
That's what it's all going to be based around heading towards 2016 over the next 18 months, which is why she threw her support behind this huge NBA campaign to basically lecture men about how they've got it so easy and how they need to do more housework in the home.
So that's why it's crystallizing into such a big issue.
Right before we learn who's actually going to run for 2016 and that's why they're so defensive because it could derail her entire campaign before it even begins.
That's why you've got the New York Times not typically opposed to Hillary saying she faces the test of her record.
If she's going to claim that she's a woman's advocate.
And of course, Paul, when we look at what's happening in countries like Saudi Arabia and others against women, it's also men's rights that they're attacking there in those countries as well.
I mean, look at the blogger who's getting flogged repeatedly, a life-threatening punishment that they gave against him.
But they do all that to men, which is bad enough, but then they do that as well to women, and then they have some special things that they do for women, don't they?
That's what makes us so egregious.
Exactly, and that kind of genuine, real repression, which actual women's rights advocates write to me about on a regular basis, is what third-wave feminism completely ignores.
It's like the Muslim rape scandal in England.
For about 17 years there were groups of Muslim Pakistani men abducting white British girls off the streets and the local government and the police dismissed the issue, called all the victims liars because they didn't want to be called politically incorrect or racist.
That was a huge controversy over the past few months in the United Kingdom.
Not a word from all the third wave feminists, the most prominent feminists on the internet.
Not a single word.
Complete radio silence.
And it's this hypocrisy which characterizes the entire movement, which Hillary Clinton has now become a part of.
So that's why we need to...
You know, control this narrative going forward because it will eviscerate Hillary's campaign as she goes into 2016.
She'll do anything to pose for that.
We gotta go to a commercial break.
We're gonna be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
We should be concerned about human rights, but especially somebody who takes money from the people who specifically target women for special punishments.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Now last hour we were anxiously awaiting the call of Barrett Brown from prison and of course if you haven't been following Barrett Brown's story you should be.
That's one of the reasons we're having him on here because it affects press freedom throughout the United States and coming back into the studio with me now is Joe Biggs.
We still have I think Paul Joseph Watson on the phone from the UK.
So we've got a lot of people online here but let's go to Barrett Brown.
Barrett I wanted to give you a chance to talk to the public
We talked about your comments to the judge saying that this isn't about the rule of law anymore.
We now have the rule of law enforcement.
Tell us what you want to tell us about your trial now that the gag order has been taken off.
Well, the first thing I should mention is that, aside from what I put forth in the article for the Daily Beast about a month ago, and aside from what I'll tell you about today, the great majority of the things that people didn't know about the trial are still sealed.
And that should continue for about six months.
So in addition to all the very egregious things that have happened, there's a great deal more that's still not public.
Now, regarding the trial, I guess the basic lesson here is that the federal government
We're good to go.
We're getting away from the rule of law.
We're getting to a situation in which we're going through the forms.
We're meeting in a nice, very pretty hardwood room with paintings and a big nice wood podium and very pretty robes and all that.
But you're missing something, which is the rule of law.
And since the rule of law isn't there, you're going to see things like anonymous.
You're going to see things like WikiLeaks.
You're going to keep seeing them.
One of the things, reading the transcript, the judge dressed down the prosecutor for not referring to you as Mr. Brown.
And as you're just talking about, you've got this fancy room with all the trappings and everything, but they're grinding the rule of law into the ground.
And I thought, he's worried about being polite to people while he's railroading this whole process?
That's amazing.
It's very important to the people who have that federal government mentality.
You know, I would have preferred him to object at the last hearing when the prosecutor asked the FBI agent, how long has Barry Brown been an anarchist?
That would have been the time to object, when they started asking about my political ideology.
Incidentally, this thing about me being an anarchist, which is true, that actually comes up in a couple of other documents, including the
The gag order, when they asked for me to be gagged, being an anarchist, was one of the reasons they cited.
In one of the documents that's still sealed regarding my sentencing, they called for me to give additional prison time because I'm an anarchist, and thus more likely, apparently, to commit crimes.
There's a lot of egregious things that, on an individual basis, really should have been a national story, you know, on each given thing.
Obviously, the seizure of the Declaration of Independence, in a more perfect world, would have been a major news story.
Unfortunately, the world we're in, it didn't quite rate national coverage.
Yes, that was amazing.
Tell the audience about that.
Well, among the items, and you can see this, and this is linked to from my Daily Beast article,
We're good to go.
Well, that's radical.
I think so.
Well of course, yeah, they never want us to read even the first paragraph of that when it says we create governments to establish our rights and when they destroy our rights we have the duty and the obligation to alter or abolish those governments.
One other thing I wanted to get to and then just you can talk, I'll let Joe ask you a question here.
One of the things you mentioned at the end of the article was two days before your sentencing the Department of Justice withheld from the defense team chat transcripts from Jeremy Hammond.
Tell us about that.
Yes, it actually came out two days before in an article by, I think, Dale Cameron, that in fact it is something we had no idea of.
The Department of Justice had documents that show quite demonstrably that I was not a co-conspirator in the Stratfor hack, which was a major point, you know, of the DOJ's
I mean, I don't know.
You know, it actually just goes to show that this particular case, you know, obviously it's incriminating for me to be in prison, but on the other hand, we have a great example here.
This whole case, the investigation, all the way to the sentencing, of how this system works, particularly if the DOJ wants you, you know, very much wants you to do prison time.
It's a great example of how they're able to get away with these things, even in the public eye.
And the other story here, of course, is
We spoke on the phone the other day, Barrett, and you were talking about, I was asking you what you knew about the Michael Hastings case and how the FBI came out and said that they weren't looking into him.
You said that you believe that 99% that the FBI was definitely looking into him.
I mean, even aside from the other reasons they would have to look into them, it's absolutely ludicrous for them to say that, because with regards to my group, Project PM, which runs the Echelon2.org website, which was really what this case was all about, they subpoenaed the IP address information for everyone who's ever contributed to that website of ours.
So these are just sort of small players within Project PM.
Now, Michael Hastings, on the other hand, as I noted in a BetaTube Fair article a number of years ago when he was still alive and when I was writing about him, you know, he was instrumental when I was first creating Project PM and helping me sort of flesh out the philosophy of it.
So the idea that he, who was in contact with me regarding Project PM, was never investigated regarding Project PM is absolutely 100% ludicrous.
And again, that's in addition to the other reasons they and certain other organizations would have to be investigating and harassing him.
He obviously did a great job.
He's best known for sort of forcing McChrystal to resign a number of years ago, but really, his article exposing the PsyOps campaign used by, I believe, a two-star general in Afghanistan against visiting senators, that's something I cite constantly in my articles for The Guardian or wherever as evidence of, here's what these people are willing to do, even to your elected officials.
Yeah, I just wanted to ask Barrett, obviously one of the charges is the fact that he merely provided a link to the Stratford email leaks.
What kind of precedent does that create for web publishers, for activists going forward?
Well, it means that the federal government now has an expanded toolkit, a vastly expanded toolkit, by which to come after anyone that they wanted to come after to begin with, whether or not they've actually committed a crime.
By criminalizing the act of linking, especially in my case where you don't even know what you're linking to,
I think?
I think so.
I don't know.
There was a number of articles in a U.S.
Uh, sentencing.
News & World Report, uh, Columbia Journalism Review, The Intercept, again, expressing concern about this.
So the judge is not a brilliant flower of jurisprudence or anything, really.
He's just sort of a puppet of the DOJ.
He just doesn't know what he's doing.
He's not a bad guy.
Uh, and so, again, alas, that's the situation we're in now.
Now, hopefully something will come of this in the case in general.
Hopefully people will make use of what's happened in my case to
Bring some attention to the mainstream.
Because, again, this affects journalists.
And, you know, when you start coming after journalists, then you start, you have the option, the potential to get journalists attention.
Especially when you're quoting somebody like a Fox News contributor.
Especially when you're quoting someone, a Fox News contributor, and then they use that against you, that quote.
Yeah, and that's really, I think, the most bizarre, the number one most bizarre thing in a comedy of bizarre errors.
The fact that a Fox News commentator went on television and talked about how he wanted, we should murder Julian Assange.
I quoted that on my Twitter account, you know, and of course Julian Assange is someone who I respect and he respects me.
Yeah, I think so.
I think so.
We're good to go.
You know, he's an establishment character on his own.
He dislikes WikiLeaks, he dislikes anti-government, things of that nature, and thus will never get that kind of indictment.
And that goes into another big problem here is the selectivity, the picking and choosing that DOJ can do and has done as we exposed, as we show with the H.P.
Gary and Tim Themis scandal in 2011.
The picking and choosing they can do, who they prosecute under these very broad statutes.
In addition to that, the bizarre sort of underground concierge service that DOJ seems to provide to certain companies that happen to have common enemies with them.
That's something I don't think we have time to get into, but if people want to go to Echelon2.org, they'll see some of the research that really kicked off this trend, that really sort of forced the DOJ to come after me, the research that Anonymous and my
We're good to go.
Unfortunately, we gave up our right to appeal when we pled, and then us having done that, the DOJ knew that they could now start violating the law over and over again.
So, unfortunately, no.
So, we'll see what happens in six months.
What we're playing now is sort of an information game.
They've had their shot at me, now I get my shot at them via the media.
So, that will develop over the next six months.
Well, so sorry that this happened to you, but please keep us informed, especially after they unseal these records that show the different ways that they played with the information in your trial.
Yeah, and people can follow this at our Twitter.
I think they just cut him off.
I'll give that to you.
And his Twitter account is Twitter.com forward slash Free Barrett.
That's F-R-E-E-B-A-R-R-E-T-T underscore.
He also has on Facebook.com Free Barrett Brown.
And of course they disconnected it.
It just automatically disconnects him on a certain amount of time.
Again, if you want to follow this on Twitter, what he was about to give you was Free Barrett underscore and then the Facebook account Free Barrett Brown.
And also Echelon2.org, E-C-H-E-L-O-N, the number two dot O-R-G.
Your comment, Joe?
Like I said, I mean, he's a very informative man.
I mean, he's a go-getter.
He's what a journalist is supposed to be.
And it just shows you
The links that our government's going to go to try and silence people like that who are going to get out there, get in the trenches, dig for that information, expose corruption.
And now he's looking at another five years, I believe, or at least another, if they count time served.
We're not sure about that.
At least another couple of years because he's given up his right to appeal.
Paul, do you have a comment about that?
Yeah, I mean, Barrett Brown is really a study in, you know, the threat of a good example.
He provided a link to a Stratford email leak.
He didn't even leak the documents himself, and yet they came down on him so hard.
And then I saw an interview with Obama yesterday on one of the Sunday shows about the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and one of the hosts who was interviewing him brought up
The claim that the Obama administration was the most transparent in history, and Obama with conviction on his face said, that's true.
And yet the Obama administration has been the most forceful in prosecuting whistleblowers across the board.
The most aggressive.
So the fact that this, you know, Barrett Brown merely provided a link to leaked documents and this is what's happened to him, obviously is based around creating this chilling effect whereby other journalists, other web publishers and activists are afraid to even link to information which is leaked, which exposes corruption within the administration and that's the major issue that surrounds this whole case.
I think Paul, when we're looking at the fact that we've been talking about the Clinton emails and how we're trying to get that information, they were done secretly, they were kept on a private server, they did everything they could to keep that out of the public view.
We should remember that Barrett Brown
And part of this, Project PM, when they got the Stratfor leak, he believed, according, and the judge understood from the court transcripts, Joe, that we saw, the judge understood that Barrett Brown thought that there was nothing but emails and what he was linking to.
So it'd be essentially if somebody were able to go in and find Hillary Clinton's illegal emails that she kept with a separate email address, a separate server, if they were to go in and investigate that, then going after those people, which is what we see isn't it Paul?
We always see the government going after the people committing the crime, I mean people exposing the crimes that are being committed, and never going after the people who commit the crimes.
Project PM was trying to investigate the actions of these private corporations like HBGary and Stratfor in terms of targeting individuals within Anonymous, targeting people who were trying to investigate and help people with the Bhopal Dow Chemical spill.
And so they were doing this as part of a crowdsourcing investigation.
It would be essentially if they were to throw people in jail for trying to find Hillary Clinton's emails.
Yeah, I mean it's like Cameron and Scotland Yard came out and said, anybody who watches ISIS propaganda videos could be charged under terrorism laws.
Completely ridiculous.
Even though this information is already public, merely looking at it, reading it or linking to it is now being classified as a crime.
Or quoting someone.
Or quoting someone, yeah.
Using that, again, we need to keep hammering that down.
The fact that they charged him with a death threat against an FBI agent when he merely quoted a Fox News commentator making a death threat against Julian Assange.
I mean, that's the amazing thing.
As he pointed out, the Fox News commentator doesn't go to jail.
He's just really teleprompter.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we have here in the studio Joe Biggs, and joining us from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson, and we're going to, in this last segment, talk about that call we just got from Barrett Brown in prison in Dallas.
He's going to be serving at least another three years, I guess, perhaps more, depending on how, if they credit it to time served.
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Now, going back to Barrett Brown, Paul, we talked about how they brought up these charges against him for just linking to the information.
Sets a terrible precedent, as he pointed out in his op-ed piece.
Reporters Without Borders cited his conviction as a key factor in reducing America's Freedom of the Press rankings from 33 to 46.
It has a lot of precedents that we saw set in this particular case, doesn't it?
Well, exactly, and I mean he just talked about how the Wired writer stopped covering national security issues because of this case, because of the fear that merely investigating information which is publicly available could lead to criminal charges for journalists.
So again,
You know, it's all about making people afraid to investigate government and corporate corruption.
It's about this desperation to clamp down on the free internet as a viral emerging source of deep research and penetration into these kind of scandals that emerge out of government and corporations.
So that's why they are charging him to make an example out of him and make other people afraid of speaking out and of investigating this kind of information.
So it's a multi-pronged attack against the freedom of the press, against the internet.
We have regulatory attacks on it.
And we have, as you pointed out, you know, trying to intimidate people into a kind of self-censorship.
Well, it's kind of like they're putting out a warning, all right?
This is what we're going to do to Barrett Brown.
If you continue to do stuff like this, we're going to prosecute you.
We're going to put you in prison for exposing this stuff.
Like you said, this Obama administration is about as transparent as a brick wall.
I mean, what they're doing is out of control, attacking journalists, going after them, threatening them, when merely that's our job as journalists to expose the corruption going on.
Transparently criminal.
They always go after the whistleblower, they always go after the journalist, never after the people who actually commit the crimes.
You see this pattern over and over and over again and again.
Three times the number of people prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 as all of the presidents combined over the last 100 years.
I mean, he's after everybody.
Whether it's the New York Times reporters, or whether it's Barrett Brown, they want people to be afraid.
They want you to know that they're watching you, and they want you to know that they can bring in any kind of total nonsense charge and lock you away for decades.
I mean, it's just mind-blowing the fact that Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, these people will not cover the fact, the real issues of what's going on with this case.
They'd much rather talk about the Kanye West and the things.
That's the kind of stuff they shovel into people's faces.
They want to ignore the fact that he was merely quoting someone and that she was against him.
Or the fact that he has a copy of the Declaration of Independence.
That should enrage every American to know that they're looking at you as a criminal, as a terrorist, for having something like that, for being patriotic, for being informed, for knowing your rights.
That is something that they want to go after.
A total blackout from the mainstream media.
What do you make of that, Paul, the fact that they would confiscate his Declaration of Independence?
That would be part of the plea agreement.
And then they would say, well, I think we can give him that plea agreement back.
We're almost out of time.
Real quick comment.
Well, I mean, they did a similar thing to Aaron Schwartz.
I mean, he had similar material, and they used that against him.
So it's no surprise that, you know, they would use that as a reason to go after him.
And that's the only book they take.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, that's it for today.
Thanks for joining us.
Join us tonight at 7 Central, 8 p.m., for the Nightly News.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!