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Filename: 20150305_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 5, 2015
2386 lines.
Broadcasting worldwide, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Thursday, the fifth day of March 2015 edition.
Rob Dew, reporting on the steps of the Texas State Capitol, where today, the National Vaccine Information Center is on site, actually doing some lobbying for specific bills that are being introduced in Texas.
Right now, across the nation, there are 74 bills dealing with vaccines.
Only about eight are pro-freedom.
Most of them are lacking in privacy and conscientious beliefs.
These are trying to be eviscerated across the country.
Here in Texas, there's about 10 bills so far this year and only one of them is pro-freedom.
I'm just going to go over the list of bills here.
HB 1674 requires physician counseling for conscientious and religious belief exemption.
That means they're going to bring a physician in to kind of brainwash you if you decide you don't want to get vaccines for you or your children.
SB 547 requires posting of exemption numbers on the internet by schools and the Department of Health.
HB 1593 requires all public schools to provide parents the number of students enrolled not fully vaccinated.
And then we have SB 29 and HB 465, essentially the same thing, makes inclusion into the vaccine tracking system automatic and removes the current opt-in consent requirements.
When I had my third child, I actually signed a form that said I did not want to be included in this system.
They're not even going to let you do that anymore.
They're going to automatically opt you in.
HB 212 allows minors 14 years of older in the Texas juvenile justice system to consent to be vaccinated.
This is so they could implant young women and young men with the Gardasil vaccine.
That's right, they've now created a Gardasil vaccine for men.
HB 1185 adds advanced practice nurses to those that can sign a medical exemption form in Texas.
HB 2006, this is introduced by Jason Villaba up in Dallas, it eliminates conscientious exemptions to vaccinations.
They're going to take that
The Texas State Capitol was enveloped in a cloud of mist, just as the safety and effectiveness of vaccines truly is.
In addition to the draconian HB2006, which will eliminate conscientious exemptions to vaccinations, four other bills, SB547, HB1593, SB29, and HB465, are all about eliminating privacy and broadcasting to the public who has been vaccinated and who hasn't.
This will create an anti-vaxxer blacklist.
That's why I came down here, just to remind these people, give them a little civics lesson that they seem to have forgotten.
They're talking database, computer list, tracking.
You know, that's not the American way.
What they're talking about is the Communist Manifesto here.
And I'm not going to put up with it.
And this granny is going to speak her mind as much as she can.
And then there's HB 1674 which will require physicians to actually scare you into taking your vaccines even though you've already said you don't want them.
These are all examples of the tyranny coming down if you don't get active.
We did go to the office of Representative Jason Villoba out of Dallas.
He's a Republican and he wrote House Bill 2006 which removes the conscientious exemption from the vaccination schedule.
So that would not allow you, unless you had a reason, a medical reason or religious exemption, to opt out of vaccinations, the mandatory vaccination schedule, which is pretty horrendous in the state of Texas.
So this would knock that out.
He listed in his press release that since 2003
The number of un-immunized students attending Texas public schools has grown from 2,000 to nearly 40,000.
To me that means a lot more parents are waking up to the dangers of forced vaccination and they either want to delay the scheduling or opt out of some of the shots altogether.
Some of which aren't even life-threatening like the rotovirus or the chickenpox virus.
He also lists that he consulted physicians, parents, PTAs, immunologists, experts, and his own wife, and that he believes he must act to prevent the kind of outbreaks that we're seeing in California and Illinois.
Incidentally enough, the measles outbreak in Disney was traced back to a vaccinated individual.
So there we have vaccinated individuals getting the disease and then shedding it out through their own natural processes.
Getting other people sick.
We've seen this happen in other areas.
China has a 99% vaccination rate yet they can't get rid of the measles and whooping cough.
Maybe that's because they are spreading the measles and whooping cough with these vaccinations.
Nobody knows for sure because the proper tests have not been done on this because you can't get the vaccination companies, Big Pharma, to do any kind of testing in this regard other than saying the vaccines are safe and effective.
So reporting from the Texas State Capitol, this is Rob Due for InfoWars Nightly News.
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Another world.
Another time in the Age of Wonder.
In the Age of Wonder.
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Everything is intensifying.
It seems like every time I start the broadcast, that's what I open it with, because it's true.
We're going into a time of amazing, unprecedented change on a planetary scale.
And the social engineers, who are extremely anti-human, and who have decided to try to keep humanity in the dark so they can seize total hegemonic power over the future direction of the species,
Those enemies are in overdrive attempting to suppress humanity and they are failing on many fronts.
That, my friends, is the good news that I can unequivocally bring you here today.
Where to start?
Because there is a lot to cover, obviously.
There's very good news.
We need to up the rhetoric in the face of the totalitarians if we have any hope of stopping them, because when you're overwhelmed with giant, tyrannical power grabs, like we're seeing happen through the IMF, the World Bank, the EU, and the so-called US government itself, completely occupied by the globalists, when you see things of this magnitude, you tend to
Respond to them, I tend to respond to them, and the mainstream media has trained us to do this from birth, with just kind of whitewashed headlines that make it seem like it's no big deal.
When Obama is saying our military is under NATO-UN control and his authority is the UN, that is total impeachment, arrestable offense, high treason, off the charts, clear cut.
When he selectively shuts down hundreds of U.S.
power plants while engaging in federal incentives to move factories overseas, it's economic espionage and it's high treason.
When he says he's going to ban bullets outside of law, extra-judicially, extra-legislatively, when he has no power to do so, it is dictatorship.
When he selectively hands out waivers to his friends on the power plants, or on Obamacare, or on wetlands, and a hundred plus other issues, it is the essence of oppression and a class system that is directed by crony capitalists and anti-free market and total discrimination against the general public, regardless of race, color, and creed.
That's why they want us fighting over race, color, and creed all day.
Because that's a distractionary issue to the main discrimination of the private central banks globally, owned by a handful of families that issue currency and credit on a planetary scale, and just so happen to be transhumanist exterminists.
People running the planet, or dominating the planet, they almost run it.
And if they really get full control, which they're getting close to,
Katie, bar the door.
And I say this all the time because it's true.
It pretty much only happens when I'm on air and I think about something.
I come in here and I focus on all this and I get a chill up my spine and get goosebumps.
I have goosebumps right now.
I just got goosebumps.
Because when I, when my central nervous system comes face to face with the fact that this is real,
It just happened again.
And how epic it is that murdering control freaks, sworn to end humanity as we know it, to annihilate the family, their whole vicious, wicked worldview is one of dehumanization and pain and suffering and humiliation and starvation and failure.
They are literally out of the night circle of Dante's Inferno.
You have to address pure evil as pure evil.
You have to address an enemy as an enemy.
You have to address usurpers as usurpers.
These globalists are not conquerors that come to conquer and give us aqueducts and written language.
I mean, you could argue that the Romans, though they oppressed and enslaved many areas, ended up helping those areas in the long run.
With civilization, with longer life, with science.
And the Romans were brutal oppressors in the general sense.
The Romans were angels compared to the elite we have.
The Romans wanted power and prosperity for their families and their family lines and they wanted wealth for even their general conscripts and for even their slaves.
They were fans of humanity and fans of strength and fans of honor.
Before they declined.
But even in their decline, that most evil of empires, we're told by many historians, was angelic in comparison to what we see at the helm of the planet's directorate.
Now that six, seven minute build up there brings us to this good news.
In our head, we have the clip, we're going to play it, Obama hates the Second Amendment, acting like a dictator.
He's quote, grasping at straws.
This is all I ever asked out of the NRA and why we quite frankly didn't bully them but assailed them with Gun Owners of America and other groups.
And Ted Nugent's been on the show and said himself we need to, you know, get the NRA in line because they're the only mega-large lobby that isn't controlled by the globalists completely that could really represent the people.
And if you turn back the tide on the attack on self-defense, you turn back the tide on the attack on sovereignty, the family, the right of free speech, property, everything else.
Slaves are disarmed.
It's that simple.
The NRA was founded to train Northerners how to shoot better because they were so freaked out that, you know, two or three Southerners could kill 20 Northerners because they were just such good shots growing up with firearms.
And, secondarily, to arm blacks in the South with abolitionist funding.
That's why the Democrats say it is a Ku Klux Klan organization on MSNBC, Fox, Sports, everywhere else, because they know the public's dumbed down and mindless and now believe that the NRA is the Klan.
But by the NRA coming out and actually saying it like it is, they'll get more support, it'll raise the rhetoric to the level of reality.
In fact, this isn't enough, but it's a step in the right direction.
You got a whole bunch of different congressmen saying that Obama's acting like a dictator.
Look, he isn't acting like a dictator.
He is elected.
But a lot of people get elected and then stay in.
One of them's real famous, his name's Adolf Hitler.
He was elected, 1933.
Blew up their own capital to basically declare martial law.
The Reichstag.
Now we're looking at this.
This is a big deal.
I want to play this clip.
The head of the National Rifle Association blasted President Obama last night in an appearance on Lou Dobbs Tonight, calling him a dictator and declaring that the president hates the American people and hates the fact that they have a right to bear arms.
Wayne LaPierre was responding to Obama's executive actions to ban ammo for the AR-15 rifle, a move many have
Declared to be a gun control via the back door.
Many have declared.
I mean, that's what it is.
It's what Obama promised to do.
Now remember Lou Dobbs.
Lou Dobbs had four to five million viewers a night on CNN at his peak.
And then they moved his time slot to hurting him and he still had two and a half million viewers.
They wanted to quietly get him out the door.
CNN's biggest shows now have a half million viewers.
They're collapsing.
But see, they don't care.
They got rid of who gave them ratings and who promoted Liberty, Lou Dobbs.
Another illustration of how it isn't just about getting ratings and being popular.
The system does everything it can to shut down true independent voices.
So now he's over on Fox
Business with about a half million, million viewers, still bigger than CNN, preaching to elderly conservatives, God bless them, who actually think the Republican Party is going to save them.
So Lou Dobbs is now a voice in the wilderness.
We are not.
We are reaching the mainstream.
And that's what this is all about.
Let's go to this clip of Wayne LaPierre telling it like it is.
This is really good news.
Thanks, Lou.
This in prospect, the ATF ban on AR-15 ammunition.
Why are we not hearing more of an outcry about this?
Well, probably because the media doesn't want the American public to know what this president is trying to oppose on.
This is a president that he's grasping for straws.
He hates the Second Amendment.
He hates the fact Americans have a constitutional right to own firearms.
He can't win at the ballot box.
He can't win in the Congress.
And now he's trying to act like a dictator and planning on forcing this ban, ammo ban, on the American public by executive regulation.
Explain something to me.
Why the sudden interest in the 5.56 so-called green tip ammunition that would effectively then... Because if they can ban the most popular ammo in the country, Lou, they can ban everything.
And I know Lou knows that.
He's begging the question.
Well, I have a guest on if you're going to answer all the questions.
But that's what LaPierre basically goes on to talk about.
But then they defend the fact that, oh, well, law enforcement groups have said don't ban it, it doesn't kill a lot of cops.
Look out with this argument that if bullets can kill cops, we're going to ban them.
A car, a baseball bat, anything can kill a human.
A cop, whatever.
And whereas I don't want a civil war with the police, the Second Amendment is there to fight off a powerful central government that's been taken over, i.e.
I mean, it's there not for duck hunting.
But they've tried to set up any future violent revolution with the idea, I've seen this being programmed to the media program of the Democrats, that you go out and just find a random cop and shoot him.
That's why I've been saying forever, if they start trying to round folks up, take people's guns, start assassinating folks like myself, we have to go to a defensive offensive operation.
They're going to try to brand it in the media as kill cops.
That's not the answer.
We need to have smart discussions about what legitimate targets are in the perspective of a violent revolution.
And I think everybody understands it's not the local government.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Everybody knows that I'm not a fan of Rudolph Giuliani, the neocon, rhino, anti-gun, open border promoting so-called Republican.
But he's come out and said Obama hates America and wants to destroy the country and is a tyrant.
So I started, you know, liking him a little bit.
From absolutely disdaining him to him moving up a point or two in my personal wane of Rudolph Giuliani.
But when you get a Wayne LaPierre coming out and saying Obama's acting like a dictator, you're starting to hear that out of Congress and that Obama's a liar and Obama doesn't want to have the Second Amendment, that he hates it.
What you're hearing is truth.
And so, if someone is running around burning down houses in the neighborhood, they're not providing the neighborhood with central heating, they're trying to burn down houses and kill people, and if you catch them trying to burn down a house, you need to shoot them.
Or hold them until the police get there.
Whatever choice you make.
And that's what this comes down to, is that the globalists want to force a confrontation with Russia, they want to force one in the Middle East, they want to force one with the American people, they want to start a civil war, and we've done everything we can to stop that, and to make it an info war, and to vote with our dollars, and to vote with our decisions, and we're winning the info war.
Every metric shows it.
Libertarian, paleoconservatism is beginning to take over.
They're not going to be able to use fake Republican leadership to shut it down.
The John Boehners and others of this world are on their way out.
Might not be this year, but it'll be next year.
No amount of false flags are going to put this back together again.
But still, they might try it.
And we're coming to that point that when they stage terror attacks and blame it on us, if everybody cowers in fear and goes along with the official narrative and apologizes for the new Tim McVeigh type being a Republican and buys into the official narrative that we're guilty, like Sandy Hook, we're sorry as gun owners that we caused the children to die.
That was the narrative.
How dare you gun owners cause more kids to die?
Not one more child.
How many more kids have to die?
I don't know, it's like 66 kids a year get killed in mass shootings.
And a tiny fraction, I think it was like 11 of them, end up getting killed by semi-autos.
And thousands die in car wrecks, and thousands drown, and thousands get electrocuted, and thousands get beat to death by neighbors or their dad or their mom.
Thousands get tasered and killed by cops for whatever reason.
Are we going to blame all the cops and ban cops?
Are we going to ban, ban all, you know, swimming holes?
Some camps in the U.S.
I saw last year are ending swimming in the lakes.
Summer camps, you go swimming in the lake.
Oh, kids sometimes drown.
Where's this, this camp's no longer going to have swimming.
Next, no more rock climbing because somebody got hurt in another state.
Or kids got their feelings hurt, you know, because they were playing dodgeball and they got hit with a dodgeball and the other kid laughed.
Get used to it.
It's part of life.
You create basket case mental patients who are traumatized by everything, not learning how to deal with a problem.
But I digress further afield into psychology.
What I'm getting at here
Is that we have to raise the rhetoric to the point of what we're actually facing.
If you're facing an arsonist, call it an arsonist.
If you're facing a rapist, call it a racist.
Or a rapist.
If you're facing a tyrannical scientific psych warfare takeover, address it as such.
Washington has been compromised and taken over by foreign special interests.
It wishes to secure its criminal takeover by having a destabilization program, a civil war with terror attacks to be blamed on domestic enemies that are actually patriots that want to save the country.
We have to recognize that paradigm.
When the enemy makes the next move.
It's like chess.
You're a good chess player.
You're in a particular area.
The pieces are in a particular setting.
You know, as a good chess player, the one or two moves they'll probably make.
And you're anticipating those.
Well, there are a couple moves we expect the enemy to make.
Start wars, trigger economic crises to take over, and stage domestic terror attacks to be blamed on domestic enemy groups.
And we told you this before, you could see all the public scripting.
Now it's reached a crescendo, a cacophony of chirping and bleeding and squawking by the enemy press, who knows they're losing legitimacy, who knows that their time has come, who know that they've been discredited, whose ratings are collapsing, who are going under, and as the mainstream media begins its death rattle.
You notice they're coming out with internet censorship and FCC power grabs and all the rest of it because the system knows they've got to move or we're going in to check.
Our next move will have them in check.
We're moving in to check right now.
If they don't do something quick, we're going to have them in checkmate.
We've basically got our gun pod heads up displayed directly on the enemy.
We're ready to pull the trigger in the info war.
So fire at will.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
We have a guest joining us.
I've been on his syndicated radio and slash TV program many times.
Richie Allen will be joining us to talk geopolitical developments worldwide and what's happening inside the New World Order.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I've been spending much of the last 30 minutes on the NRA head, Obama hates the Second Amendment, acting like a dictator.
They need to put out alerts to their 4 or 5 million members.
They need to do fundraisers on this issue and they need to call for repeal of all the major gun laws that have only increased crime since their institution.
And we've got all the statistics to show that.
It's been concealed carry, it's driven down crime the last 25 years all over the United States.
What you see in the 60s with the Gun Control Act and other legislation brought in that it's only used and selectively enforced on law-abiding citizens.
I want to finish up with this clip, then I'm going to get into China has announced plans for a world currency.
While Obama guts the U.S.
military, Russia prepares for war.
Boots on the ground, U.S.
military instructors arrive in Ukraine.
Obama, we now have video of it, calls illegals Americans in waiting while threatening ICE agents.
McCain troubled by Iranian help.
Battling ISIS?
And that ties into this very important article that's up on Infowars.com.
You guys print me a copy of it.
I had it, but I just can't find it.
Thank you.
Iraqis have evidence U.S.
arms Islamic State terrorist.
Now, the Iraqi Prime Minister came out a month ago and said this.
Well, now his top generals have come out.
They're going to release the proof next week that they're doing airdrops of artillery, M-16s, weapons, you name it, using third-party groups directly to ISIS.
Yeah, just like our government funded the Iran-Iraq war between the two different sides from 1981 to 1987 and over a million people died on the Iranian side, 300,000 on the Iraqi side.
It was meant to debilitate both sides of the conflict.
Even though Saddam was our big ally, he was being set up and maneuvered for destruction because he was a secular leader and let women go to college and had rock and roll music on the radio and Playboy was sold in stores.
And I'm not saying that that's the mark of a great free country.
I'm just saying he was the opposite of ISIS.
The opposite of Al-Qaeda.
And that's why there were all the made-for-TV movies and shows demonizing the poor CIA officer who was trained at age 20 in 1949 through 1952 as a top assassin commando in Egypt.
And also he traveled to the United States.
You can look all this up.
It's mainstream historical news, back-of-the-paper stuff.
Sent to the United States and trained.
Trained at Laney.
Was sent in to try to kick the communists out.
After that, they're in Iraq for about a decade as a covert operative.
He shot up the president's vehicle himself, got wounded, got taken back out of the country.
They then told the Ba'athists, let him be the head of your security force, make a deal with the CIA.
This was in the early 60s.
late sixties by then and we won't we won't kill you or destabilize you so the Ba'athists then stopped getting their support from Russia flip sides to the United States and then in 1979 the CIA with Saddam Hussein staged a coup to put him into power he then followed orders and launched a war against Iran two years later and you see what it got Saddam Hussein blamed for 9-11 which he had nothing to do with and I'm not lionizing him
The point is, he was an absolute made-in-USA creation, who followed orders, and who quite frankly under an Eisenhower-type system, even though Eisenhower was out of power by the time Saddam got into power, Saddam Hussein was an older program of stabilization.
By the 70s, they wanted destabilization, and so people like Saddam Hussein were put in to start wars with Iran.
And I'm digressing into a basic gestalt history lesson.
You can go look it up for yourself.
It's just very frustrating that Donald Rumsfeld, when he was Secretary of Defense the first time, went and met with Saddam many times.
There's video of it.
Gave him the weapons.
The CIA directed with satellites.
And with dirigible, tethered balloons, with the radar-guided cameras, how to direct his artillery, how to direct his helicopters, the wind patterns of wind to spray, nerve gas on the Kurds so it wouldn't blow back on his troops, i.e.
World War I mistakes.
And then they have the nerve to then say he gassed his own people.
I mean, it's all these sick games that they play with us.
Let me finish up with this NRA clip, where they get into the bullets themselves, and then I'll get into... Iraqis have evidence, U.S.
arms, Islamic State, we have video of that as well.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
There's a sudden interest in the 5.56 so-called green tip ammunition that would effectively then, you know, wouldn't be available to gun owners, rendering the gun not much use.
Well, he tried to ban ARs and he couldn't ban ARs from the American public, a popular sporting rifle, so now he's trying to ban AR ammunition.
I mean, I actually brought a graphic that kind of explains this.
The one he's trying to ban is the 556.
It's a small rifle cartridge.
The thing is, if he can ban that because it pierces soft body armor,
He can also ban the .30-06, which is next to it, a really popular hunting cartridge.
He can ban the other two hunting cartridges, the .300 Win Mag, the .375.
He can ban every cartridge in between that.
In fact, under this standard, he can ban all rifle cartridges because all of them pierce soft body armor.
That's right, I mean I earlier said that LaPierre basically agreed with my statement so why not just actually play him saying it instead of just saying he said it.
There you go.
And you just see the NRA actually talking the talk and walking the walk and actually
Admitting reality?
Just reality.
If we state the reality of what's going on, if we state the reality of how serious this is, the globalists will not be able to get away with it.
But if the reality of the dictatorial takeover is something that we're not willing to talk about because it sounds scary or sounds kooky, we'll lose everything.
The truth is most countries in the world are run by kleptocrats, plutocrats, corrupt groups that never leave power.
The few countries that have some private property rights, some due process, like the US, Switzerland, countries like that historically, the Dutch, and the Netherlands, are swimming in money, swimming in prowess, swimming in prosperity, swimming in security, swimming in power, swimming in innovation, swimming in freedom.
It goes full circle.
You got freedom, you got everything else, including freedom.
Because prosperity breeds freedom.
For a while.
If you're an upright culture.
If you're not, and if you don't value freedom, and if you're not territorial, and if you don't stand up for freedom, you will lose it.
And into that vacuum will come the nastiest crooks, scumbags, and criminal control freak kleptocrats that you could ever imagine.
And that's now what is being visited upon us.
Hordes of locust-like criminals.
Using legislative government to create law to create monopoly and shut down their competition and imprison and bankrupt the general public.
So there you are.
You look all over the Middle East, all over Latin America, all over Asia, all over Eastern Europe, all over the world, nine times out of ten or more, a country is a tyranny.
And with it is stagnation and
You go to a third world creepy country, most of them are like that.
Even if it's beautiful, even if they have resources, there's a creepiness to it.
And there's poverty.
And there's sewage running down the middle of the road.
And people have evil looks in their eyes.
And all the statistics show that.
And that's where we're going.
And I don't like it.
The control freaks want full power, and if that means they've got to take control, shut off the engines of prosperity to make you more manageable, they'll do it.
Now, let's get into this report.
Iraqis have evidence U.S.
arms Islamic State terrorists.
Do we have that clip ready?
Iraqi Prime Minister says he will release documents soon.
The head of the Baatar organization in Iraq told parliament on Thursday he has evidence the U.S.
is arming the Islamic army, according to a report carried by the Arabic language newspaper.
And it goes on from there.
The organization was previously known as the Batter Brigades, the military wing of the Iran-based Shia Islamic Party Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.
And those are the folks in there now with their artillery defeating ISIS.
Iranian media and other sources have claimed on at least two occasions U.S.
military aircraft dropped weapons in areas held by Islamic State.
The Iraqi intelligence sources reiterated the U.S.
military planes have airdropped several aid cargos for ISIL terrorists to help them resist the siege laid by the Iraqi army, security, and popular forces Iraqi intelligence claimed in December.
And then it goes into now the London-based organization Conflict Arrangement Research previously reported that ISIS fighters are using significant quantities of arms, including M16 rifles, marked property of U.S.
In June, Aaron Klein, writing for WorldNetDaily, reported that members of ISIS were trained in 2012 by U.S.
instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to information from Jordanian officials.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said last year ISIS was able to capture large areas of Iraq due to arms transfers from moderate, so-called, in Syria fighting a proxy war against the government of Bashar al-Assad.
Now, let's just remember here
And again, we have the clip on Infowars.com with the president of Iraq, but it's in Arabic, so you can go watch it if you want to see that Iraqi news report.
The point here is we know this is what's going on.
And the question is, is the West creating a proxy war so Shiites and Sunnis kill each other and they're going to break Iraq up in pieces?
Well, we know that's part of the plan.
Is it a real war where they might push one group or the other out?
Is Saudi Arabia at war with Iran right now?
We know they said they want to join Israel in a joint strike on Iran.
Is there really a split between Obama and Netanyahu over all this?
Because we know Obama and Netanyahu and other Western leaders are all in there aiding the Al-Qaeda and Wahhabi forces, the ISIS forces, in the last four years to go into Syria.
Now have they really stopped working with them now?
And are they doubling back to try to defeat them because they're not following orders?
Or is Israel now backing ISIS and its Islamic State?
Is Israel now not backing either side?
This is the reality of what's going on.
Is this a real power split?
All I know is this.
I don't like working with, quote, the Iranians in a proxy war inside
I don't know.
Even though it's over-the-top wild-sounding that our government and other governments are funding both the Iranians and Al-Qaeda, under the name ISIS and ISIL, but people accept that now and know it's true.
It sounds wild to say the Federal Reserve is really privately owned and has hijacked the country since 1913.
Now most Americans in polls want it audited, abolished, and know that it is a predatory group.
Most gun owners now say Obama is becoming a dictator and a criminal and is illegitimate and they won't turn in their guns if he tries outright gun bans.
This latest ammo ban is a test.
That's good that people see it for what it is.
So the good news is people are waking up.
The bad news is people are waking up and addressing the problem.
The bad news is the globalists are just going forward because they don't have another choice.
They believe they need to fail forward and just try to take everything over, and then in the end, they'll be able to reign supreme.
I don't know if that's actually the case.
Separately, it's going to be up to what we do, you the listeners do.
Getting the talking point out that we are in deep trouble.
We have criminals in charge that are trying to cement a dictatorial takeover by the executive branch and special interest.
The dictators will come and go but the office of the presidency is becoming dictatorial and we have to let that really sink in how epic it is in a bad way.
That we are now at this crossroads.
We're at the crossroads.
Folks are waking up.
The sleeping giant is rubbing sleep from its eyes.
We've got a chance to try to turn this around, but we're realizing that we are in deep, deep trouble.
It's kind of like if you were sleeping in an old Spanish galleon, and you ran into an iceberg or into a reef, and the boat in just a matter of seconds smashed, and you were thrown out into the cold water, hit your head, sunk down for a minute, but you woke up, you started coughing some of the salt water out of your lungs, and started swimming towards the surface, you could see a light up there, moonlight, but you get to the surface, you're bleeding, some of your fingers are cut off,
Your head's bleeding, you got a big cut down your back, and there's reef, and you gotta climb up on the reef, and the reef's cutting you, and you see a barrel, you see some wood, you see some other sailors, you're trying to get to it.
At least we're not in a coma.
At least we're not going to the bottom of Davy Jones' locker.
We got a chance to get to a life raft, we got a chance to turn this around, but folks, we already hit the reef.
And so, we're coming up to the surface now,
And a lot of people don't want to come up to the surface.
They want to just stay down there in David Jones' locker.
Knock yourselves out.
But don't grab my feet.
Don't tell me this isn't happening.
Don't sit there all satisfied and go, oh, whatever, conspiracy theorist, nothing's happening.
Because here's the news.
This world government is coming into fruition.
Total tyranny is expanding worldwide.
Destabilization programs to bring in a planetary regime
of fabled corruption is now here.
And so, living in denial doesn't control reality.
You're not Karl Rove, you're not in charge of things, so you don't control the narrative.
And by the way, he didn't really control the narrative either.
When he said that we control reality, we're history's actors now.
We're an empire.
So, the fight between delusion and reality is now on.
The future of the world is being decided.
And it's time people to decide which side they're going to be on.
Because it is epic, epic, epic, epic, epic, epic.
When we come back, Hillary is in deep trouble.
What she's done is criminal.
And Petraeus is getting a conviction for it.
She should too.
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60 plus million people died in World War II.
That was something that Benjamin Netanyahu said that was absolutely true.
About 61 million.
If there is another world war, not even using nuclear weapons, a lot of estimates are over 100 million people would die.
We've had it so good here, so long, so insulated, that we have no idea when we're facing the barrel of despotism.
We really are.
It really happened.
It's kind of like when you're at a funeral and your grandma, your grandpa's dead, or your uncle's dead, or your, God forbid, your kids are dead in a car wreck, and you're actually watching that coffin go on the ground.
Then you figure out how real life is.
Well, that can come, that can happen to countries.
That can happen to planets.
And the type of behavior, for anybody that studied history,
That we see going on right now by our governments is bone chilling.
And I just got chills again.
I'm so freaked out at this point I can barely do this radio show because just getting up here and having ads and talking and having guests on.
At a certain point, it's almost like we're in the Matrix just going along with it too.
My response isn't hardcore enough to this.
We've just been eased into this, incrementally, but now it's gotten so bad, something's got to give.
I mean, what is wrong with the people running things?
Why would you fund Al Qaeda to go kill every Christian you find?
Why would our government do that?
Why would our government try to overthrow Egypt?
And try to overthrow Syria?
And overthrow Libya?
Why is our government giving billions of dollars to Hamas?
That's on record.
Billions to Hamas that shoots rockets and suicide bombs Israel.
You're like, oh, whatever, Israel.
I hate Israel.
There you are, loving Israel, Jones.
Hey, listen to the question.
Our government funds both sides to kill each other.
I mean, do you feel safe having people run our government that do stuff like that?
I feel guilty if I'm rude to a waiter.
These people love destabilization and evil.
We'll start the next hour and go to all these White House press briefing clips from yesterday, where it is really... Folks, this Hillary thing, it violates the Open Records Act.
It's a felony.
They have the National Security Act of 47, and they passed a law saying if the CIA is going to be secret, or other agencies are, they've got to say why they are.
It's got to be approved by Congress.
Everything else has to have record caps, including the CIA, and it can be held back for 20 years.
But any other records have to be in official government records, and it's a felony to have a separate set of books.
It's just like having fake books for the IRS, or for your boss.
It's like running the clock if you work for somebody.
It's like putting in fake, you know, time stamps or having your buddy punch you out when you left at noon and punch you out at 5 p.m.
It's illegal.
Petraeus might even go to jail for it.
He's facing, you know, a plea bargain.
And what he did was have stuff in a desk drawer, which for a general, quite frankly, I don't think it was illegal.
I'm not even defending Petraeus.
I've studied the law.
Hillary was doing all this secret State Department stuff.
She headed up the most important cabinet position and there's 50 plus thousand emails with aliases to other secret people.
I mean, it's clear espionage with corporate and globalist interest.
You can bet money David Rockefeller is in there.
You can bet money the head of the Bilderberg Group.
is in there, Etienne Davignon, the duke, or the, he's not a duke, he's a count, excuse
Etinyan Davinyan.
I mean, you can guarantee Queen Beatrix is in there.
You can guarantee the Rothschilds are in there.
Oh, by the way, Lord Rothschild has come out.
Lord Rothschild.
Lord Rothschild warns investors of most dangerous geopolitical situation since World War II.
That came out last night at Infowars.com.
I want to put it back on the front page.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Syndicated radio host also hosted big broadcast TV shows, cable shows in the UK.
Richie Allen is a really informative fella from good old Ireland.
I guess he's in the UK now.
He's going to be joining us for the balance of the hour and opening the phones up to cover the entire waterfront with us from a Bilderberg group meeting coming up in a few months to the Ukraine situation to Obama.
It's all coming up.
We're also going to be discussing with him this article that's on InfoWars.com by Paul Joseph Watson.
Lord Rothschild warns investors of most dangerous geopolitical situations since World War II.
Head of the 2.3 billion trust,
Folks, that's one tiny part of the Rothschild wealth.
In fact, the Rothschilds admit their main mission is to hide their wealth.
They had a lawsuit a few years ago.
In fact, I was printing the article about Rothschilds lose suit on being puppet masters.
They sued newspapers in the UK for saying they were secret puppet masters with all these billionaires as their front people.
And then the judge said, basically, you sued them for libel, which is pretty easy to prove in the UK, and this case proves that it's true, and you've been incredibly deceptive.
So we'll talk Rothschild's coming up, we'll talk the pedophile scandal in the UK and more, but you want to talk about super extra creepy.
Lord Rothschild's probably one of the most powerful men in the world.
He's certainly in the top five.
Lord Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, her son the King, she's now abdicated, the Queen of England.
Just incredibly powerful.
Their wealth are state secrets.
The Dutch wealth and the British wealth are state secrets.
They wrote the book on the British-Dutch-East India Company that finally merged.
They wrote the book on mercenaries.
They wrote the book on shadow, round-table government, like the Council on Foreign Relations, which they pioneered in India.
They wrote the book on governing councils of corporate leaders, and they are eugenicists.
Jacob Rothschild may have helped found Israel and may have names in major streets, his father named after him, but they are transhumanist eugenicist Luciferians.
They're not British, they're not Jewish, they're not Transylvanian, though their bloodlines are.
They are evil.
Their actions are evil.
I mean, you get into the Rothschilds.
They're the ones funding break up the family movements.
They're the ones funding get your guns movements.
They're the ones funding little snickety demons like their front man George Soros, the Nazi collaborator.
They're as nasty as the day is long.
They're evil.
They're willing to do evil things.
That's why they're the gods of this world.
Gods of this world, and on wings of hatred for humanity, they fly.
Emissaries, ringwraiths, generals, field marshals of Satan, manifesting their planetary wickedness on a giant scale, opening the hell gates, preparing to be given their one hour upon the earth,
To make war against God's creations.
Chief among God's creations, us.
Made in the image.
And the devil hates God.
Every time the devil looks at the shape of a human, sees God staring back at them.
And wishes to pull us down, and destroy our genetics, mutate us, vandalize God's creation, as a hateful sickle, a hateful sign, a hateful standard, to raise up
What they've done to humanity is a victory over God, when God, in truth, is sending us in the fire of Satan to separate the wheat from the chaff, the metal from the garbage, the sheep from the goats.
What an epic time to be alive.
What an incredible time to be on this planet, orbiting this sun, on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, staring in to infinity.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Richie Allen, syndicated radio host, TV host, their own cable channel in the UK, is going to be our guest for the balance of the hour, RichieAllenshow.com.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Some of the news that we've mentioned but haven't gone into in any detail will be broken down in this hour and the next.
I also intend to have open phones at the bottom of the hour so you can bring up your issues or questions for Mr. Allen and myself.
Before I go any further, let me go over some of the news here.
Remember, this story from the London Telegraph a few years ago was also in the Daily Mail and Bloomberg Business.
Nathaniel Rothschild loses high court libel battle.
Rothschild loses Daily Mail libel suit appeal in London.
Before I go to this headline, Lord Rothschild warns investors of most dangerous geopolitical situation since World War II and says basically the world is at the greatest level of crisis since then.
He's actually telling the truth right there.
And it's not just because of war or economic problems, but tyranny.
With headlines like this coming out every hour.
Quebec resident charged at border for not giving up phone password.
So no right to not incriminate yourself or to give up your codes to the government.
Simply amazing.
And that's going on more and more here in the United States.
The good news I mentioned and covered for most of the first hour, the NRA head has come out on Fox News and said Obama hates the Second Amendment and is acting like a dictator.
You're like, yeah, tell us something we don't know.
If we can get the Milk Toast NRA and the Republicans talking reality, we can then have people wake up to the real problems we face.
But if the evil takeover is so brazen and so bad, people go, well, it's a little extreme to say that's a dictatorship forming.
Well, if it is that, it is that.
A duck is a duck.
A rose is a rose.
A rose is a rose by any other name.
A child molester scumbag like Jeffrey Dahmer is a child molester scumbag by any other name.
A dictatorship, a power grab that we see go on historically for thousands of years and in every other country is happening here.
It's like you go to the doctor and they go, you got lung cancer.
And you go, that just can't be possible.
Most people are in denial for a couple of days.
The doctor goes, okay, well we can remove that lung or you get a second opinion or you got about three months to live.
And most of the time they're right.
But then it settles in and you get your life in order and get ready to, you know, go get put in a box.
But see, people can die.
We regenerate ourselves.
We're a renewable resource from a globalist perspective, but we are self-renewing.
You kill a country, you kill a society, you kill ideas, you kill freedoms, you kill more than people.
And that's what they're doing, is killing any form of independence, any form of pro-human prowess, power, strength, macho, machismo, whatever word you want to use for it.
A zest for being manly, a zest for being womanly, a zest for being successful, a zest for having fun, a zest for being honorable, a zest for being aggressive.
There is a systematic war against being real.
Because they want a world of little cowards to be assimilated and taken over.
Well, I'm not going along with it.
Also, dovetail with what Lord Rothschild is saying, we're going to cover this with our guest, China has announced plans for a new world currency.
We'll give you the details.
And the latest on Russia, it's huge.
As U.S.
forces build up in the region to fight toe-to-toe against the Russians.
And that ties in to our own government funding Al-Qaeda.
McCain is upset that Iran is now working to try to defeat ISIS in Iraq.
And it is a dangerous situation.
Because they won't want to leave now.
They've always wanted to take control of Iraq.
But if you expand on that, it's ISIS that started the whole thing with our government's funding and John McCain in photos with basically Jihad John and all the rest of them.
And now Noam Chomsky has come out and said that these were oppressed people, echoing one of the White House officials, that just couldn't get jobs.
That's why they go and rape and kill women and cut Catholic priest heads off.
That's right.
Because when you lose your job, that's what you're supposed to do, right?
No, that's not what you're supposed to do.
So that's just some of the news that we're going to be covering up on InfoWars.com.
We've moved to the top of the page.
Lord Rothschild warns investors the most dangerous geopolitical situation since World War II.
NBA launches feminist campaign to lecture men not doing enough housework.
Get better women fighting with each other.
The NFL is doing the same thing with most of its ads and promos.
I mean, this is just getting us all fighting with each other.
Women need to be taught that the way they dominate the world is not being a good mother, or a good business person, or a poet, or a nurse, or whatever, or a doctor, but impacting your man.
Being upset with them.
I mean, the globalists are stirring up fights at every turn while they screw the country over.
Cops bust into house, shoot unarmed man in the face.
Looking for marijuana.
Again, decriminalize now, disband all these anti-narcotics teams.
They need to be out there going after real criminals, not after non-violent offenders.
Okay, for the balance of the hour, into the next, if he'll stay with us, because I want to get him for a full hour, RichieAllenShow.com, Richie Allen.
I was on his show, I guess Monday, so I invited him on the broadcast, and here he is joining us today.
You heard a lot of what I just threw out there.
I don't want to get into the pedophile scandal now confirmed.
Your Prime Minister came out, of course, yesterday and said it's a national security issue.
National security issue.
The pedophile scandal because it could bring down the government.
So that's why they're covering it up.
So joining us is Richie Allen.
What would you like to get into first, Richie?
Well, Alex, first of all, thanks very much for having me on the program.
You're an absolute inspiration, my friend, and to hear you talking about some of the issues there and putting facts on those stories and meat on the bones of those stories,
You are an absolute humiliation to the mainstream media.
I mean, you really are.
You're talking about stuff.
I mean, you are, and you don't need to be.
I know you're a modest guy, but I've been watching and listening to your broadcast for many, many years.
I go back to watching you when you, I suppose, the famous time when you showed us what was going on at Bohemia Grove in California.
And you're to be absolutely congratulated for that.
And I think I said to you... Well, brother, you're to be...
You're to be congratulated launching your own cable station reaching millions on mainline cable and syndicated radio and, you know, succeeding, failing, succeeding.
I mean, it's amazing.
So you're my hero.
That's why I don't want you saying I'm a hero, because all of us who are fighting against tyranny are just trying to survive and build a better world.
So collectively, those of us that love life and humanity and fair play and have goodwill
We are basically God's sunshine in the world, so I'm just one more little ray of light with you, my brother.
Well, thanks very much, Alex.
I mean, we can start anywhere.
I loved listening to your monologue there.
Let's talk for a minute, I suppose, about the paedophile, the historic paedophile sex abuse scandal, historic sex abuse allegations.
That you and David Icke and others exposed a long time ago and is now, by the numbers, what David said, the exact people he claimed are being caught with the torture dungeons, the dead little kids, the royal family.
I mean, this is over the top.
Let's, and while he's talking, let's show some of those headlines.
Go ahead.
It's terrible, Alex.
You're absolutely right.
David wrote a book in 1998 called The Biggest Secret.
Again, you are to be commended because, you know, back in the early days you had him on so many times talking about this.
David Cameron, of course, is not talking about VIP paedophiles and Members of Parliament paedophiles and Elm Guesthouse and Dolphin Square.
He's not talking about that.
He's talking about Rochdale and Muslim paedophile rings and saying it's a national scandal.
And for those who don't know, we're putting articles on screen
Everything you're saying has come out in major papers.
That's right.
They're saying upwards of a third of Parliament, it looks like, is involved.
I mean, this is a cult.
It's suspected, Alex.
It's incredible.
And one of the most staggering revelations that's come out, of course, in the last few months is that about the young boy, Vishal Mehrotra.
I'm just looking to the left of my notes.
I've not got anything written down, just a couple of bullet points there, because I don't want to get this wrong.
But Vishal's father was a magistrate, so he was a judge.
And he alleged that his son, by the way Alex, he was 8 years old and he disappeared on the day that Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer.
That's when the boy disappeared, he was 8 years old.
The father had a long and successful career as a magistrate.
Now you know all this, but maybe some of your listeners don't, some of your viewers don't.
His father basically contends
That his son was murdered, quite possibly at Elm Guesthouse, which is a guesthouse in London, which is frequented by VIPs, Members of Parliament, again Ministers.
We're talking about the upper echelons of society for years and years and years.
That's a staggering thing and in the Telegraph newspaper in the last couple of days, you mentioned the Telegraph earlier on, they published another interview.
With the Vishambra.
Yes, Vishambra is the boy's father, the eight-year-old boy.
And it's absolutely staggering, Alex.
As you've reported on to your credit, the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, is absolutely complicit in the cover-up of all of this because she's put two chairs of this inquiry in
What were their names again?
The two chairs, Dame Butler Sloss, of course, the first one put in there, with ties to these people, you know, with ties to the people who might very well be investigated, might very well be named in these documents.
And of course, recently they've announced a woman from New Zealand.
A judge called Lowell Goddard, all sorts of things coming out about her and her, I suppose, lack of credibility in taking on this inquiry.
She's gone on the record to say it might take five years, Alex.
How convenient that is, that it might take five years before we get to the bottom of all of this.
Well, that's right.
And then we also see, speaking of Australia, but also in the UK and the US and Canada, we've seen now liberal judges, close quote, saying, hey,
Pedophilia is just a choice and children can love too.
Classic NAMBLA statements now trying to legitimize sex with children.
I mean, they're actually starting to come out of their pedophile closet.
It's unbelievable, Alex, when you hear stuff like that.
I mean, you know from talking to me over the years, there's no hiding it.
I'm an Irishman.
I grew up with this in Waterford City in the Republic of Ireland.
I grew up with it.
And a great friend of mine who won't mind being named Derek Power, Derek was destroyed as a young boy by a bishop.
No, no, get into the Vatican, get into all of it.
I mean this is sick.
So it's sick stuff.
We know that Ratzinger was phoning bishops in Dublin, in Cork, in Limerick, in Kerry, all over Ireland to tell those bishops, look, we know in the Vatican, we know that there's crazy stuff going on in Ireland, that priests
And Christian brothers are buggering and raping and destroying children.
But don't ever cooperate with the police.
We have this on the record.
That lousy, I'm not going to swear and use bad language on your program, but before he became Pope, he was complicit Alex.
He was an accessory after the fact because he was telling bishops, move those priests to other parishes.
And that's why they reportedly helicoptered him off to that Italian castle because these documents were starting to come out.
Absolutely right.
There's a man, Alex, who's going to be in hiding for the rest of his life, will never leave the Vatican City because there's that much anger and outrage in Catholic communities around the world.
And we see it playing out here.
One of the things I loved you talking about over the years on your shows was the Franklin Credit Union scandal and Laurence E. King.
Alex is playing out here now in England, in London, in Manchester, in Birmingham.
You know, we know that, I mean, Scotland Yard have admitted
In fact, I've interviewed Michael Shrimpton, who's been a guest on your programme before, a barrister and a guy who's been connected up to the gills with the security services in Britain.
I mean, he's gone on the record to say that, you know, Edward Heath, former Prime Minister of this country,
Molested children.
People will say it's a cheap thing for me to say now because Heath is dead and it's easy to say something about the dead.
But former MI5 officers, Scotland Yard detectives have been talking amongst themselves and have been letting little bits of information
Slip out to journalists like you, journalists like me, to say that children were murdered.
Not necessarily on the orders of people like Ted Heath, but they were murdered by the security services in case they ever dared to tell a policeman or woman about what these people did.
Because again, once the pedophiles do a big enough crime and they're a government official, the rest of the government who isn't involved has to cover it up because the view is it would bring down the whole government.
But seeing long term it just lets this stuff breed and then it will end up bringing down everything ten times worse because they protected it.
That's absolutely right, Alex.
It's absolutely right.
I've said before, I loved hearing you at the beginning of the programme saying it's a great time to be alive because I think you're absolutely right to say that.
I have this thing, I'm an eternal optimist like you, I have this thing in my gut where I believe that this is going to be one of the great catalysts in bringing down this evil, horrible, sickening cabal that you so eloquently described at the beginning of the broadcast.
Because Alex, when ordinary, and I'm an ordinary man, you're an ordinary man, but so many of the people that we share our lives with, so many of our neighbours, and you know you've got children in school, some of the parents of the children that your kids go to school with, they don't want to hear this Alex, they don't want to hear you talk about it, they don't want to hear me talk about it.
Out of sight, out of mind, but children are being disappeared by the tens of thousands per country into sex slavery, into snuff films.
It's being covered up.
We need to tell people that don't want to hear about it that they are now becoming complicit and aiding and abetting these shadowy rings.
From your deep research, we've gone over some of the evidence, some of the big stories with this happening.
From your research,
I mean, Jimmy Savelle, the top BBC host, who had the highest level security clearance with the royal family, can gum and go at night, best friends with Prince Charles, found with tortured dungeons, dead little kids, necrophilia, everything the kids have said now coming out, a bunch of his friends end up dying, drivers end up dying, butlers end up dying, you know, anybody blowing the whistle ends up dying.
You see this guy in his weird jumpsuits, the archetype of a pervert weirdo,
In my gut.
I've never said this Alex.
Well I have, I've said it on my own programme.
In my gut, I believe, not because he's a friend of mine, but because I believe my credibility, your integrity and my integrity is too important.
Not because he's a mate of mine, but I'll tell you, I think David Icke is absolutely spot on.
It goes to the heart of royalty in this country.
It's Prime Ministers, like we said earlier on, Justice Ministers.
It's satanic, Alex.
I absolutely believe that much of this is satanic.
And when I think about that, I think back to that exposure that you brought out all those years ago of what was going on at Bohemia Grove.
It just all adds up, you know.
David talks about dot connecting.
You connected dots on your program.
I'll tell you what sickens me, Alex.
You know what they're doing here in England now?
Your viewers, I know you're producers and you will be aware of a woman called Melanie Shaw.
Melanie is from Nottingham.
You know what they're doing to Melanie all the time, Alex?
They're locking her up on stupid charges because Melanie was abused at a children's home in Nottingham many, many, many years ago.
And in the last few years, she gave evidence to the police in Nottingham and the police in Britain, in wider Britain.
And nothing was done about the evidence that Melanie gave.
So what did she start doing then?
She's a very feisty woman.
She started screaming from the rooftops and shouting about the fact that, you know, my evidence isn't being taken seriously.
Why have people not been at least interviewed under caution, even if not arrested?
Well, they've just banged her up for the second time recently, Alex, on a load of trumped up charges with no evidence.
They've accused her of threatening her neighbours, of harassing her neighbours, of attempting to burn her garden, her neighbours' garden shed.
Alex, they're locking them up!
We live in this disgraceful world that you've been doing your utmost for years to shine a light on, where the lousy bastards, and I'm sorry for saying that word on your programme, who did this, are walking around, they're driving Bentleys, they're writing laws and legislations, they're eating caviar tonight, and the people that were abused by them, Alex, they're getting locked up!
They're locking them up on trumped up charges.
For telling the truth.
And your producers will know, they can just, you know, they can Google Melanie Shaw and find out what's been happening to her.
It's so terrible, Alex.
You know, it's never happened to me, thank God.
I don't know anybody, apart from my great friend Derek Perrin Waterford, but I don't know anybody in England whom it's happened to.
But to have that absolute reality that we have, where the victims are being locked up and the people who did it are walking around.
And I'll just go back to say one final thing on it.
I believe, and the reason why I mentioned, you know, the ordinary men and women who think this is beyond the pale.
When this all comes out, Alex, those people are going to finally have to face up to what their leaders are doing and what's behind their leaders, the hidden hand.
They're going to have to face up to it, Alex.
And then many of the other issues that you've been revealing on your program for years, whether it's about 9-11, whether it's about central banks and what they're doing and trade agreements and all of that,
People will start to realize that.
So I think this might be a watershed moment in Britain where people are finally going to see who these people are.
Oh, I agree.
And we're going to see more and more of these watershed moments across the board.
Richie Allen's our guest.
Alex Jones Show, if you just tuned in, we're going to give the number out in a moment and take your calls coming up as we cover some geopolitical issues.
But Richie, that was my next question and you started covering it without me asking it.
Um, just like the Vatican for 30 years denied that they had pedophile rings throughout the organization from the bottom of the top, it turned out it was worse than what the victims were even saying in almost every case.
Then, expanding on that, they were not able, despite all the king's horses and all the king's men to cover it up, the UK's not able, the Germany's not able, the Netherlands aren't able, Brazil's not able.
But a bigger question is, what happens as all these groups end up getting brought down, A, and then B, why is it pedophile rings running things?
I mean, I just have no perception, no kinship with these people of how they would be attracted to children.
Going beyond having sex with children, which I have zero attraction to and have a repulsion to, I really have a repulsion to hurting them.
I mean, when I think about somebody hurting a child, I'll be honest, I want to kill people.
And I'm not saying I'm a tough guy, but I'm like an average man.
I mean, I can get superhuman strength with somebody's messing with my kids.
And I mean, if I caught somebody hurting my kids, the cops aren't coming.
I'm going to come after you.
And I just, no wonder they want our guns, Richie.
No wonder they want a police state total grid in place.
That they control to protect them from us because they're scared all this is going to come out because they know everything hidden ends up coming out.
So when we come back, I want to ask you those questions.
A. Why is it pedophile rings?
I mean, what are these psychic vampires?
I mean, what's going on?
Why torture them?
Why was it Satanism?
I mean, it turns out in all these cases that are confirmed by a huge nest of pedophiles at the BBC that it's Satanism.
So we're going to talk about this when we come back.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
A lot of children worldwide that are having their darkest hour right now.
Big, fat, disgusting looking demon pedophiles raping and torturing them.
Like Jimmy Chavel, who's gone on to hell.
You gotta Google that guy's name and read all the news articles about the tortured Dunyans, the dead bodies, the Satanism.
And of course, it was all done through Child Protective Services.
They would get the at-risk children, just like Penn State, where Jerry Sandusky would rape young children in the locker room showers on Saturday at high noon.
A major football field house is like a anthill on a Saturday or a Sunday, ladies and gentlemen.
Just wanna give you a newsflash.
You know, that's my problem is I've got too much evidence and too much proof of this.
It just makes my head swim.
And I know why people deny it and don't want to look at it because it's so alien to a normal person.
I mean, I see Marilyn Monroe and I get excited.
But not even so much sexually.
It's just she's so beautiful.
She's got so much life.
I just love women.
That's God made me that way.
That's normal.
It's not bad that I'm attracted to women.
We have children, that's how we procreate.
Men and women go together like a horse and carriage.
But I just cannot... And I see women of every race, color and creed and see so much beauty in them.
But I see children and all I want to do is protect them.
And they're so sweet and so innocent, I want to teach them.
Well, that's what God wants.
God gives us blessings and freedom and delivers us from our enemies.
But God needs us to stand up and be his messengers, to be his emissaries, to be his foot soldiers, and to challenge these dragons, and to deal with them, and to take them down, and just to say, you know what?
I don't care if you demonize me.
I don't care if you attack me.
You know what?
I don't care if you kill me.
Because somebody's got to stand up for these children.
And that's why I don't want people calling in saying, I'm a hero, or Richie Allen's a hero, or anybody else is.
Listen, it's a normal behavior when you know systematic evil's going on, to stand up against it and say it's wrong.
Like, I think the Palestinians are treated wrong.
I think that they're abused.
I think that they are living in hell.
And a lot of innocent children get killed.
But, I pull back and I go, why does the left only focus on a few hundred Palestinian kids killed a year, which is terrible?
And not hundreds of thousands of Christians, many of them children killed by Al-Qaeda forces that our government funded.
Oh, because they don't count.
See, I look at when I'm told to get upset.
When a bus gets blown up and Jewish kids get killed, I'm told not to care.
Or, when Israel, in the 50s and 60s, irradiated 110,000 children, in a secretly classified program, the ring-worn children, turned out that they killed about 10,000 of them.
You don't hear anybody that speaks up against the Holocaust, saying that's wrong, because, oh, it was a racist, eugenicist, Jewish Holocaust against Jews.
Because within that ringworm child story that's aired on PBS public stations in Israel, I mean, it's declassified as of 1987.
You get a microcosm of, oh, this leadership aren't Jews.
This leadership are eugenicists.
At least some of them are.
Just like England, just like Germany, just like Russia.
It's the same group, the same people.
I don't care if you're a Chinese eugenicist, or a Jewish eugenicist, or a German eugenicist, or a Mexican eugenicist.
Did you know eugenics was more popular in Mexico than even in Germany in 1938?
Look it up.
I just know too much is the problem.
I just know the enemy.
I know their game plan.
I know how bad they are.
Even though my flesh repels from them and I can't believe they're that bad, I do know they're that bad.
I've read a lot of crime reports and a lot of criminology books back when I had time to do so in high school and college, and the descriptions of the police psychologists when they go down in these basements with the police and they dig up 10, 15, 20, 30 bodies, and usually it's little kids or women, skeletons or rotting bodies, and they look at the photos and the videos that never get released to the public of these psychos torturing these kids and stuff, and I mean, people get PTSD, they vomit, they have mental breakdowns, the detectives have to watch this stuff.
Because by law, they've got to watch it all for the court, and they just can't even look at it.
And I'm not saying I'm a victim, but if anything, if I do deserve your prayers and support for anything, it's that I have to constantly think about these people, and I have to constantly be aware of what they're doing, and I have to constantly be aware of the enemy is on the march right now, like battle the bulls to counter everybody that hates them.
And that if people would just grow up and admit how bad the globalists are, we could roll back this tide of evil.
The only reason there's an awakening happening right now is because evil is swinging from the lampshades.
It's swinging from the chandeliers.
I mean, it is growing so fast.
In my spirit, I feel the evil growing.
In my gut, I feel it.
But intellectually, I see it, and it makes me want to throw up.
Richie Allen's our guest.
He'll be with us 20 minutes to the next hour to take your calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
On any of the subjects we've raised, I want to get into Lord Rothschild Warren's investors of most dangerous geopolitical situations since World War II and tie that into just how wealthy and powerful the Rothschilds are.
I want to get into how that ties into China has announced plans for a world currency.
Those stories are all up at InfoWars.com right now.
Obama moves without Republicans blocking him with a blank check to set up Homeland Security as a public illegal alien importation agency.
That's all here in front of me right now, and next hour I'll play some clips of the White House Press Secretary, the spokesman, getting grilled about Hillary and her secret email accounts that violate the Open Records Act.
She was asked if she had other accounts and lied.
She's perjured herself.
We'll see if she gets in trouble for that.
We'll discuss it 800-259-9231.
RichieAllenshow.com is his website.
Twitter, follow him at RichieAllenshow.
Follow me, Alex Jones, at RealAlexJones on Twitter.
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And, Richie, I should ask you during the break, are you game to stay with us a half hour or 20 minutes in the next hour?
Yeah, we can do that, Alex.
Yeah, I go live in about an hour and 15 minutes.
But, yeah, of course, I'd be delighted to stay a bit longer, yeah.
Well, that's fantastic.
We'll just get you warmed up because I can segue with news and calls and then make sure we cover the entire waterfront with Richie Allen, who joins us.
We can go to calls from Stefan, Matt, Mama, Michael, Cranky Canadian first, or do you want to hit some more news before we go to calls?
You're the boss, Alex.
I'm delighted to be here.
Well, let's do this.
Let's put bookends on the whole pedophile cult, because I asked that question earlier.
A. Why is this, it seems historically, the dominant, vampiric, social, Darwinist, what's the word?
Psychic vampire group all over the world, and why can't we ever unseat them?
And how do we awaken humanity?
But as it seems humanity is starting to awaken, how do you expect them to strike back?
So three questions there.
I'll tell you what Alex, one of the things, you'll be aware of this because you've interviewed and chatted with David Icke probably more than anybody.
David has always said that he believes that what might be involved here is energies that are known as Archons or are known as the Djinn, all these ancient... Demons!
Now I used to laugh at this one time.
I used to think, well, this is kind of extraordinary.
It's a little bit beyond the pale for me.
I'm not going to buy into it.
And that was without disrespecting David.
I just found it was a little bit difficult to take.
But not anymore, Alex.
You know, the more I think about it, the more satanic in nature we find these things to be.
I did mention that Harvey Proctor is a former Conservative MP.
He's been arrested.
in relation to alleged paedophile activities at Dolphin Square in London.
And for your viewers who don't know, Dolphin Square was like a big, not a frat house, but a big apartment block where a lot of politicians would have stayed and lived in while they were working in London.
So they've arrested a former Conservative MP.
Because we're learning about the satanic nature of this stuff, David has got to have a point and it's well worth exploring that what they're after is the prepubescent energy
of young children.
And you know what, Alex?
I'm going to say this.
I'm going to say that that's as logical a conclusion as anybody has drawn on that for me because... Well sure, every ancient culture, just to back you up, sacrificed children for their energy and believed they were doing it for entities.
Yes, and you mentioned earlier on that this is thousands.
We're not talking about a few hundred children over a 30 or 40 or 50 year period.
We're talking about maybe tens of thousands.
So we're talking about satanic forces on the earth harvesting the life force and the terror energy of children.
Now, do you know what, Alex?
When I say that and when you say that, some of our viewers will be very disturbed and they will say that we're trying to give the pedophiles a pass.
Because what we're trying to say is, God love those pedophiles, it's not their fault, really, it's the demons.
We're not saying that at all.
You know, we're not saying that at all.
I mean, you can invite these things... But why do so many of the pedophiles believe they're doing it for demons?
That just keeps happening and happening and happening.
So, regardless, it's an archetype of a demon that's manifesting if you go with a Carl Jung psychology.
Yeah, and there's probably so many different levels to it, Alex.
You know, there are people who are induced into it, maybe, and are compromised.
I mean, there's so many different levels.
I mean, there's having sex.
I hate to even say this.
I mean, you're a dad.
It must be terrible for you to talk about this sort of stuff.
I'm not a dad yet.
But having sex with a 7 or 8 year old boy or girl, but then there's having sex with a 13 or 14 year old girl, which is no less wrong, it's completely and utterly wrong.
But quite often, you know, famous people, politicians were induced into doing that so that they could be later compromised, you know, when they were needed to do something.
Exactly, you don't get in the club, even if you're not dating.
We're good to go.
You know, different racial gangs do.
With this gang, it's rape children.
But then when you get deeper into it, you're literally cutting the hearts out of babies.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, we mentioned briefly earlier on Lawrence E. King, you know, Republican power broker, big friend of, you know, famous Republicans back in the 80s and what he was getting up to.
And of course, one of the things he was doing was deliberately compromising people who might become enemies, you know, people who might block certain things or might make things difficult.
And they were at that, taking the kids out of, I think it was, was it Boys Town Orphanage, Alex?
Was that the orphanage?
And I remember having Senator DeCampon, who was a
I mean, he knew what he was saying.
I mean, that is verified right there.
Just like David Icke said, this Prime Minister raped kids and now that's coming out, or Jimmy Savelle, the BBC, and these people, you know, had secret rooms and satanic rituals, and then everything Icke said came out.
And so, you know, when Icke learns all this in a vision without drugs in Peru, I mean, it just gets weirder and weirder.
You know, there's a video we haven't mentioned, and it's still in the realms of the internet.
I've interviewed somebody connected with it, but I made sure they didn't mention any names.
And it's a video that everybody's seeing of two young children in Hampstead in London, appearing to describe ritualistic child abuse and murder.
And as of yet, Alex, I don't know whether the video is a hoax,
Whether it's real.
I've spoken with a woman called Sabina McNeill who believes that it's absolutely real.
The children are in care now.
They've been taken from their mother by the authorities in this country.
And I just don't know, Alex.
But what I do know is that that's gone on.
You know, ritualistic child murder has gone on here on a huge scale.
Absolutely, and they use things like the Salem Witch Trials to discredit it and claim that it's always made up hysteria.
It's being proven, and it's going on at the highest levels.
No, it's not.
We'll be back with your phone calls and Richie Allen.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us at fullwars.com.
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Alright, you wanna go?
It's hard to talk about these subjects, but if we're going to protect the little guys, the children, as Christ commanded us to do, stuff for the little ones to come unto you, be better to tie a millstone around your neck and throw it into the deepest ocean than to hurt one of these?
Well, if we don't stand up for them, we are aiding and abetting the sickos.
Our guest is Richie Allen.
We're going to your phone calls right now.
Let's go ahead and go to Stefan in New York.
Thanks for holding your On The Air Worldwide.
Hey, how you doing?
And how are you doing, Richie?
I'm very well, Stefan.
Thank you.
Good, good, good.
The whole thing with these pedophiles, I mean, I don't want to get onto this too much, because, I mean, these are just a bunch of sickos, I believe.
Once you get to a certain point with your money, you really feel that you can do anything, and you can get into whatever temptation, you know, you want to get into, especially if... You're saying they're so rich and so powerful, they get into what's forbidden regardless.
Yeah, they get into what's forbidden regardless.
And then when you see these people with their arms around them, taking pictures with them,
They're just playing the game.
They understand, listen, these are what these sickos are into, but this guy's got X amount of money and he's going to help me with, you know, corrupting Iran to, you know, do whatever.
The point is, is I believe that these are just sick people that have been in power for too long.
It's usually always the, like the, uh, the, the, the traditional money families, like for instance, like the Rothschilds, they're very into all these, uh, these demonic things.
And I believe these people, they might've got scriptures that are, you know,
I think so.
Like, as extreme as this, as saying, you know what, let's try this whole, you know, blood-sacrificing thing with children, and, you know, as soon as we can absorb energy from it, so then they just go along with it.
Sure, sure, but you wanted to get into Rothschilds and Hillary Clinton, because you volunteered that.
I see it on screen.
I want to get into the Rothschilds, too.
I'll get into it more in the next hour, but what was your point about Lord Rothschild, the head guy, saying the most dangerous time, geopolitical situation since World War II?
He's giving us a heads up, but even the people that are in his closest circle, they already know what's going on.
This is kind of like a message to people that he can't really reach.
Sure, and we're getting more and more of those heads up.
It's like the head of the Federal Reserve 10 years ago, Greenspan, saying, irrational exuberance will bring us down when they set up the whole system to collapse down the road.
I think that's a really great point.
What's your point on Hillary Clinton?
And my point on Hillary Clinton is obviously she's in, you know, collaboration with all these feds, as obvious.
Look, I mean, she has a secret email address.
I mean, come on, that's a dead giveaway that she's obviously doing some sort of, you know, discreet... Sure, it violates federal law, too, and this woman's a monster.
She's re-indicted.
We're going to break.
We're going to come back with more calls.
Richie Allen, your comment on what he just brought up with the Rothschilds.
Oh, well, look, I mean, this guy stands to, I mean, fund both sides of every war in recent history.
He knows the score, of course.
Much of what happens and what will happen in the coming months, he'll have his grubby paw prints and his fingerprints all over it, Alex.
There's very little I can add to anything that's been said about Rothschild and the Rothschild dynasty and their central banks, other than it's pure evil in its purest form, I think.
You know, you're Irish, and it's happened to everybody, but boy, I tell you, the takeover of Ireland has been really sad, but I see a lot of people getting upset about the globalists looting your country.
Let's briefly talk about Greece, and how that ties into Ukraine, Ireland, Spain, and more.
What it's like to be conquered by bankers.
You finally kick the British out, and now you've got the bankers in.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
So does he.
He's Richie Alex.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Richie's with us till 20 after.
Then I'll continue with your calls.
I'm going to get into
The preparations for economic collapse that are tied in to this article with Lord Rothschild.
I want to, in the next segment briefly, have him talk about Greece, Ireland, other countries being conquered by the bankers, his take on that, where Ukraine's going.
Right now with Rich Yellen, let's go back to the calls.
Matt in Washington, D.C.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, uh, first point I just wanted to say was, um, I called into NPR and it was really easy to get on there and make some good, you know, libertarian perspective points.
And they actually commented on it for a little while.
Did you get into national NPR or local?
Yeah, it was Diane Rehm's show.
It was nationally syndicated.
Well, all of them have huge audiences because it's the only liberal media that actually has audiences.
And so that's one of the best things you can do.
And the key is just going, oh, when you call them with your voice, that means you're part of the cult.
What were you able to say?
I just made the point that
Nobody knows what the net neutrality bill was, and they were saying that the companies were against it, and I was just challenging that perspective, but we've never seen it, and it sounded like every other case where more bureaucrats get involved and then go and work for the companies they were supposed to oversee.
Well, it must be really bad that they wouldn't testify to Congress and they won't release it.
I mean, how obvious is that?
What's your take on the pedo rings?
Well, I just think that it goes along with a lot of the human rights issues that is going on, where it's a culture of turning away from domination of a minority or the people who don't have a voice, you know?
And I just think that
It comes from the fact that people, when they start turning away from the animal domination, the fact that people eat and consume animals, it makes it a lot easier to turn away from human domination.
And I just wanted to get your take on whether or not you think that it gets harder to, or it's easier to turn away from things like that.
No, I hear you.
I mean, if we're like eating animals and doing all this, then why is it okay to do that when we claim we care about life?
I mean, I get your perspective.
Let me talk to Richie Allen and get his take.
I love the way you dumped that one on me, Alex.
I'm a red-blooded meat-eater.
Yeah, but you're co-hosting with us.
That's how these long-form interviews go.
Absolutely right.
Look, it's a really interesting point.
I'm not going to try and dodge the question.
I am a meat-eater.
I do my absolute best to make sure that the meat I eat is ethically farmed, that animals are properly taken care of.
Well, let me break that down for people.
I'm addicted to it, but I don't eat any processed garbage.
I eat the highest quality when I can.
I eat open range eggs.
And by when I can, I don't eat crap chicken full of antibiotics.
I get the open range stuff.
It's like three times more.
Tastes better.
But as we buy more and more of it, it's creating a market.
I'm seeing prices actually go down as we displace the antibiotic filled torture cages that these chickens are in.
McDonald's has announced.
They're going to be trying to get healthier chicken with no antibiotics.
We see the pressure working.
But I don't look down on those that have decided to be vegan.
In fact, I respect them.
I understand their perspective.
Here's the issue.
A bunny rabbit or a deer or a cow is a prey animal and it has been eaten forever.
I don't want to eat elephants or seals or lions or tigers or cats or dogs.
They're not prey animals.
I don't want to eat people.
You don't see cows building starships.
You don't see cows creating Beethoven.
Now that said, I have trouble, I've seen it ordered before, suckling pig.
I don't like seeing a piglet come out to be eaten.
But as long as they're killed humanely and taken care of, that is part of their existence.
It's what's done in the natural order.
Humans are omnivores.
Our guts are built to be omnivores.
We're meant to have maybe 10% meat.
We do eat too much meat.
It's full of crap.
It's got a lot of problems.
I'd be healthier if I cut way back.
I've tried to, but I'm addicted.
But here's another issue.
They have major studies.
Meat is associated with larger brain cc size, higher IQ and brain development.
Omnivores that have gone meat-heavy and it's increased our aggression.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we're talking about corruption in high places and the mindset, the MO of the globalist controllers.
We know we're super anti-human, anti-freedom.
Richie Allen, syndicated radio host out of the UK.
RichieAllenshow.com is our guest until the end of this segment.
I'll continue with calls and get into the Rothschild news and other areas I haven't hit yet.
And a bunch of breaking news.
NBA launches feminist campaign to lecture men not doing enough housework.
As if men somehow are lazy and bad.
Again, the war on men accelerates.
It's really a war on humanity to divide and conquer.
A war on women is a war on men.
A war on men is a war on women.
And ultimately children.
Richie Allen's our guest.
Geopolitically, you wanted to briefly, before we go to calls, get into
What's happening in Ukraine, what's the financial conquering of Mario Draghi, where they install the leaders in places like Italy now.
Just unprecedented where the banks install a Goldman Sachs Europe head as the president.
No election needed.
I mean it's unbelievable.
So you're in Europe, you're dealing with this, you've seen Ireland fight for independence, only to now go under EU domination and be signed on to all this debt that's not yours.
What's your take on that?
Well, it's horrendous, Alex.
I've said time and time again over the years that every Prime Minister or every Finance Minister of a European country who back in the 1990s signed on to the single currency, the Euro, every one of them should be in jail for treason for the rest of their lives.
Because what they effectively did was sold the sovereignty of all of those countries down the river.
And those countries were no longer responsible for their own money supply and were basically being supplied money by central banks, which didn't have any money.
I won't waste your time.
You've spent so many episodes, so many shows over the years explaining this to people, what it actually means.
Those countries were then given money which didn't exist, the principle created, the interest never created, to get those countries up to their absolute necks in debt that could never be paid, and then they've come for the natural resources of our countries.
It's unbelievable, Alex.
And a recent guest on one of my programmes,
An Irish guy called Ben Gilroy, terrific activist in Ireland, Ben.
He said, Richie, when they talk about the Troika, and for your viewers who don't know what the Troika is, it's the European institutions, it's the European Union, the European Central Bank, and effectively the International Monetary Fund.
When they come to your country to demand assets in return for debts that you can't pay,
The Troika isn't the European Central Bank, the IMF and the European Union.
It's actually Bechtel and Pepsi and McDonald's and all those corporations that we decry and we complain about on our programs.
And Alex, you are 100% right.
The ousting of Yanukovych was basically a grab by these same people for Ukraine.
That's all it was, plain and simple.
Anybody arguing with that needs only know that Ukraine currently has a finance minister.
You know who she is, Alex.
She's a Chicago woman.
She's a woman from Chicago being sent in there like Varoufakis has been in Greece.
They think this guy in Greece is the messiah.
No, he ain't.
He went to college in Texas.
He's got links to the very banks that we just mentioned.
Notice immediately they sold out and went along with the EU debt deal.
That's right, and we'll agree to take billions in aid from the European Union.
Again, the same old story played out time and time again.
Alex, you've had John Perkins on your shows over the years.
I mean, come on, he spelled it out, John Perkins, in his book Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
This has been their modus operandi for years.
Plus, they create the money out of nothing, then there's hundreds of conditions.
You've got to give the globalists all the money back to their companies.
You're not allowed to spend it like you want.
Worse again.
It doesn't get any more corrupt.
You mentioned Ireland, Alex.
We've given up in recent years to these companies masquerading as the Troika.
We've given up our forestry, Alex.
We've given up the little bit of natural fuel reserve we have.
We've given up our water.
It's unbelievable.
These are things that can never be taken back.
And it's just a grab.
And you mentioned, again, I often take my lead from you and what you do.
You're talking about the TTIP free trade agreement and all these agreements are supposed to bring everything up, you know, a rising tide lifts all ships.
It's going to be great for all the poorer countries in the world.
It isn't Alex.
It's just going to get those countries deeper and deeper into the pockets of the cabal and of those corporations.
It's theft in broad daylight is what it is.
How many times have you said it this week on InfoWars, last week?
You know, 500 people or 150 people in the world owning more than half of the world's assets.
Alex, come on, you know.
How much longer are people going to take this?
Exactly, they're always saying it's the 1%.
It's actually a couple hundred people who have half the world's wealth.
And it's those very ultra-rich that want to get rid of the middle class.
I mean, even
Two years ago, Rolling Stone had the headline, Matt Taibbi, everything is rigged, the biggest price-fixing scandal ever.
We now know the interest rates are rigged.
We now know the stock market's rigged.
This is all admitted.
That's what's so crazy.
Since I first got on air 20 years ago and others did, back then they wouldn't admit all this.
Now it's just all admitted.
Is that a victory?
Or are they just trying to normalize it all and say, OK, you're going to expose us?
How about we just put all the dirty laundry out?
Good luck digging through the mountain that we just dumped on your head.
Alex, you know, it must be very frustrating for guys like you and David Icke and Jim Mowers.
And you've always been the three that I've gone to over the years.
You've now, I think, succeeded in educating massive amounts of people about what's going on.
Of course, the next step is to get them to do something about it.
I think you're winning the information war.
You're winning the info war.
But what are they going to do?
It's what people are going to do with that information.
That's the next big challenge.
Are they going to sit on their bums and do nothing about it?
Or are they going to do something about it?
Which is get up, which is march, which is campaign.
That's what they've got to do now.
You've won that war my friend.
We've won that war together.
We are starting to win that war and I agree.
It's about going and talking to your Parliament, going and talking to your Congress, going and talking to your local legislature, letting them know, hey, I know the score, other people do, and that gives them the moral courage to then step up.
And then when somebody steps up, and doesn't even go all the way, but does the right thing, you've got to then back them.
Because so many times we get politicians to do the right thing and when they get trouble, we turn on them.
No, we've got to then back people once we've made them our champions.
Let's go to some more calls.
Mama, in Oregon, thanks for holding your on the air.
Yes, thank God for Richie Allen and Alex Jones.
Oh, you're a sweetheart.
What's your point, ma'am?
All the reports now that are coming out about the pedophilia, we also have to think about the unreported.
Just like you said, you had trouble believing all of this in the beginning, but there's so much that's going unreported, and then if it is, it's destroyed.
You know, they're destroying the family and our future.
Pedophilia is ancient evil on Earth, and it's attacking our spirits.
It's destroying our future by destroying our children.
And we've got to start informing the children who the enemy is, what the evil is.
And we've got to warn them, arm them, and support them.
Well, that's a good point.
That's a good point.
Is that they tell parents, don't tell your children about evil, don't tell them about corruption, tell them the government's good.
Kids, when they're little, are ready to learn the basic archetypes of good and evil.
We need to be warning our children, even though it's scary, and teaching them about the New World Order, teaching them about oppressors, teaching them about abusers.
In fact, top psychologists have come out and said,
The TSA groping of children is pedophile training.
God bless you caller from Oregon, Mama.
Comments on that, Richie Allen?
I'm guessing that Mama, like you Alex, is a parent.
I'm not a parent yet.
I hope Caroline, that's my fiancee, and I hope we have children sometime.
It's especially
Horrible and hurtful thing for parents.
I can only imagine it.
I've worked with children over the years as a soccer coach.
I've got young child relatives and children are beautiful, you know, and she's right to get upset there.
It's very difficult for me not to become upset when you think about it.
Well, once you become a parent, you have violent thoughts when you even think about it.
And I'm not a violent person, but I think about people hurting kids and just my instinct is to bash their brains out.
Yeah, I can only imagine, Alex.
All I can say to Mama is, look, things are coming out now, you know, because of programs like this, because of programs like mine, because of David.
God love David Icke, writing that book in 1998, you know, and taking all the abuse he did for doing that.
It's in people's faces now, Mama.
And that's the start of that, you know.
And I like to think that because even the mainstream have no choice now but to report on it, that might make children who might have been in danger next week and next month, maybe they won't be.
I think we're going to get somewhere with this, you know, I really do.
All right, Richie Allen, we're out of time.
I know you've got to go.
We've got Cranky Canadian and others coming up after this break, but we'll have you back again soon.
We really appreciate you and knowing there's other great people out there like you.
Thank you very much for having me on.
It was an honour, Alex.
And like I said, mate, you have inspired thousands of people to do what I've done, which is to get away from the mainstream media, where I started, into making the programmes.
You were one of the first to do it, my friend, and I'm absolutely in debt to you.
Thank you.
Well, Richie, we appreciate you.
There goes Richie Allen.
Yeah, he used to host
Five, six years ago I'd go on a show routinely, a big mainline broadcast radio, and then he started a cable channel and does a bunch of other stuff.
Very exciting to see that going on.
Because that's my main goal, is to inspire other men and women who are just as smart, just as strong, and in some cases more so than I am, to fight.
I'm just here to defeat the globalists.
That's all I want.
I mean, they can put a gun to my head right now and say,
You know, let us pull the trigger.
The New World Order falls.
I'd say pull that trigger.
I mean, don't even wait.
Just pull it.
And I'm not looking to die.
I don't want to die.
I'd never commit suicide.
The point is, the allegory is, I'd lay my life down right now.
No thought.
Throw me in a meat grinder right now that defeats them.
But we don't have to kill ourselves to defeat the New World Order.
We just got to stand up and say, you know, I'm done.
Get past the fear.
Stand up for basic liberty, basic freedom.
And admit how evil the globalists are.
And these phantoms will incinerate like vampires at high noon.
Call us straight ahead.
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And though the news was rather sad Well, I just had to laugh I saw the photograph I saw the photograph He blew his mind out in a car
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to go to Cranky Canadian, Steven, Zack, AD, and Shauna.
I'll go to that group of callers, and then I need to get into the news I haven't covered yet.
I've mentioned some of it.
I need to detail it.
There's so much more breaking.
This NBA thing is just... It's just another salvo, but it just signifies how naked this is.
This should be waking everybody up, not getting them in line to be henpecked.
This is ridiculous.
Cranky Canadian, you're on the air.
How's it going there, Alex?
Talking to you.
I'm good, brother.
How may I serve you?
I'm calling in.
I have a couple of points I want to make.
So you've covered... Alan was saying something about Greece there and how that's pretty much been predicted.
Yeah, I mean, you don't elect leftist governments that then actually default on IMF World Bank stuff.
So, that was their big mistake.
They're really scared of Le Pen, who's actually nationalist, and then she knows what she's doing in France.
Le Pen is for real.
That's why they're trying to basically ban it.
Okay, yeah, I have a comment about these pedophiles that are going crazy and... Yeah, go ahead, brother.
Okay, well, I have a bit of an experience with that.
You know, I was unfortunate to get one that was
Abused as a child.
I had 10 girlfriends previous to that.
I think before I actually was going to be engaged to her.
And so I saw all the symptoms of what that... So if you can't figure out what's going on in their head, you can at least discover what the symptoms, the effect of all that is.
Let me understand what you're saying.
You were abused, so that when you had a girlfriend who had been abused, you knew how to recognize it?
The girlfriend was abused.
I had to deal with it when I was engaged to Marya.
I'll tell you, I can tell you it wasn't pleasant.
Yeah, it causes a lot of scars and a lot of mental problems, yeah.
You get abused as a child.
I got no trust from her whatsoever.
Right before she was born, she didn't want me in the hospital.
You mean before you had a child with her?
The bonding is absolutely not there.
Like, it doesn't happen.
Yeah, it destroys love and trust, people that have been abused, and that's the globalist plan, is to create people that don't have any bonds.
That's why they want to destroy the family, that's why they want to get men and women fighting with each other.
It is so wicked.
Thanks for the call, Cranky Canadian.
Stephen, in Florida, still on the subject of the pedophiles being exposed worldwide.
Go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex.
This is one of my hot-button issues.
I'm glad you're talking about this again.
Alex, I mentioned this to David Knight before when I called in, when he was posting in your place.
There's a guy that single-handedly undermined the moral fabric of this country and, of course, was funded by the Rockefellers back through the 30s through the 50s.
Edward Bernays?
No, Alfred Kinsey.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Yeah, there's a woman named Dr. Judith Reisman.
If you go to Dr. Judith Reisman, it's R-E-I-S-M-A-N dot com.
And there's another website, Kinsey Syndrome dot com.
That three-hour documentary really blows wide open.
This guy, Kennedy, was involved with the Nazis.
He was funded by the Rockefellers.
He had a soundproof lab at Indiana University.
This guy got the laws on the books.
The whole penal system of the United States against sex crimes changed through Harvard Law School.
And this is tied in with the porn industry.
And I'm telling you, if you could get Dr. Jude... No, no, they've made movies about him celebrating him on the left, and they have no idea that they realize that once they create this fake sexual liberation, they can get anything done.
And if you expand on that into some of the other top psychologists and psychiatrists and the things that they've pushed, it's all towards basically legalizing pedophilia down the road.
I'm glad you called in about this.
Do you want to elaborate on it?
Do you want to hold over, Stephen?
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, guys, let's pull that up, because he made a movie about him, how great he was, and then he made, oh, it's about fun and women being liberated.
No, it's not.
We're going to expose the truth when we come back.
I'm going to tell you about Dr. Ewing Cameron and the Torture Command Base.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You ought to hear the discussion about the war they're trying to stir up between men and women going on in the control room during the break.
Very informative radio.
We really should just put a microphone in there and that'll be a more popular channel than this.
Go ahead and punch up the screenshots, CJ, of you guys, and they're smiling and laughing.
That's right.
More and more we're moving into the main studio out of the old studio.
So now we're in here three days a week and by next month five days a week.
The Sunday show 4 to 6 p.m.
will still be produced out of the smaller studio.
We have the other studio next door.
I'm gonna launch some more shows, not just my show but a couple other daily programs, news programs as well, not just the nightly news.
We've got a lot of plans here at InfoWars.
And it's all thanks to you, your prayers, your support.
What's that, CJ?
I have a quick comment about us being here in the control room.
We've gotten some comments that your staff is a bunch of hippies and outdoorsy people.
I'm just too busy to shave.
It's a hard life.
Well, hey, it's okay if you want to have a beard.
That's normal.
Plus you could join ISIS.
I call them on the phone that's right next to me.
Hey, CJ, you should be on screen, though, whenever you're talking.
I am.
Too far away from the control panel for myself.
Now you're on air.
There you go.
Don't you have a mic over at your control area?
Uh, it's just to talk to you.
This one's to talk to the rest of the world.
Ah, well let's get you a mic.
Let's just have microphones everywhere.
Yeah, then we'll have a feedback loop and a show crater.
Well, that might be a good thing.
It's my job to make this show sound good.
Maybe Hillary Clinton is God and we should just let her run everything else.
She will be the next president.
I want to go to phone calls, but I've got to hit news first or I'll never get to it all, at least part of the news.
Let's go ahead and go into these clips that we have here of Hillary.
This is White House press briefing.
Ed Henry questions, why can't you just once say Secretary Clinton didn't follow those guidelines?
Well, look, they're not guidelines.
There's federal law that's the Open Records Act.
It's very old that major cabinet positions especially have to do everything on record.
It gets into the whole situation with Bilderberg and different laws that are violated when policies being discussed and decided in secret.
But we now live in a country where global treaties are secret and FCC power grabs of telecommunications are secret.
We're now a weekend of the telecommunications takeover.
It was a week ago.
And they won't release it still.
It's just epic what they're getting away with.
But it's par for the course.
So let's go ahead and go to some of these clips.
Here's the first one.
So, Josh, if they were held to the same standard, after dozens of questions over two days, why can't you just once say, Secretary Clinton did not follow that guidance?
Because the guidance that has been given to these individual agencies is to ensure that they are in compliance with the Federal Records Act, which actually indicates
And it was!
Six years later!
They're at her home.
Not preserved by the State Department.
Let's stop right there.
She had emails using fake names communicating with people through their fake emails in an organized criminal operation.
It's called racketeering.
And this is a known criminal.
This is Hillary Clinton we're talking about.
A known Brian Williams level liar as well.
Let's continue and finish the clip.
...reside at the Department of State, so that they can be properly preserved and maintained, so that they can be used in response to legitimate inquiries from the public and from Congress.
But after you asked for it, years later... Well, to be clear, it's the Department of State that asked for it, and they asked it not just for Secretary Clinton... But why shouldn't it just be seen as politics, and you protecting... I mean, why can't you have all these rules and laws?
Why can't you just say she exercised poor judgment?
Even if you don't know if she broke the law.
This is your guidance.
It was not followed.
Well, Ed, the question... This guy's like, I'm trying to whitewash here.
Please tell me.
Whether or not she was in compliance with the Federal Records Act.
And again, it requires... That's enough.
That little snot-nose.
He is the ultimate snot-nose.
I have a quote here by Karl Rove, where he told the New York Times, I don't care what you do, I control reality, ha ha ha.
Quote, we're an empire now.
It's the front page of Infowars.com.
We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you're studying that reality, judiciously, as you will,
We'll act again, creating other new realities, and you, all of you, will be left to just study that.
What we do.
Karl Rove.
The arrogance of, we exist, we live, you sleep, you follow us, we control reality, because you go along with us.
You, when we say 2 plus 2 equals 5, you believe it.
When we say Obamacare cuts prices when it doesn't, you believe it.
When we tell you we're not coming after your guns, you believe it.
When we tell you open borders is a great thing, you go along with it.
And it's all because we comply with these people.
Here's another clip.
White House Press Briefing.
Ed Henry questions specifically, did the White House know that Secretary Clinton had her own server?
Now remember this, notice the press briefing room used to have like five times as many people.
They've moved it to a smaller room.
You've got to be specifically vetted by the White House now to be in there and you have to pre-provide your questions.
So this is probably staged.
You've got to ask, why are they staging it?
But here's the clip.
Okay, and specifically, did the White House know that Secretary Clinton had her own server?
I don't know the answer to that.
As I mentioned earlier, I think the extent of knowledge about Secretary Clinton's... Did the White House know that you're Eddie Haskell wannabe?
And she used that email address that, as we all now know, was not at state.gov.
But that she was emailing White House officials.
That's something that I acknowledged from the beginning.
Yeah, they're all involved in it now.
It shouldn't be a particular surprise that the Secretary of State is emailing senior White House officials.
Oh, what a big surprise!
The secret email!
The expectation at the White House, as was the case for every other cabinet agency, is that she and her team are in compliance with the Federal Records Act.
So you're acknowledging for four years she did not use the State Department account.
To hide it.
Every senior official here at the White House just deferred and said, that's okay.
Every senior official... Yeah, well let's stop right there.
Because you find in the emails that have been released, she's communicating with other hidden accounts.
That's the big issue, is they had a network headline.
White House ran network of fake accounts to hide data from public and press.
That's your real scandal.
Let's go to the next clip here.
Here's another one.
It's been known and confirmed on Capitol Hill that former EPA chief Lisa Jackson, notice we pointed this out days ago, now it's being pointed out, had a whole other account that she was using, using the name Richard Windsor.
Was Lisa Jackson ever held accountable?
Well, yeah, she had to step down.
Let's go to the clip.
Not just Secretary Clinton, it's throughout the government.
It's been known and confirmed on Capitol Hill that former EPA Chief Lisa Jackson had a whole other account that she was using.
Used the name Richard Windsor to talk to officials and talk to outside groups.
Did anyone here at the White House ever challenge that?
Was Lisa Jackson ever held accountable, admonished in any way?
But that has nothing to do with the Federal Records Act.
It has to do with maintaining a different email account, a different name for official business.
But the official business is properly maintained with the EPA at that agency as it's supposed to be.
Under Richard Windsor, it was properly maintained.
Ed, it was preserved at the Department of... Under another name.
Of the EPA.
Under another name.
So that individuals, like individuals in Congress, could have access to that information based on legitimate inquiries.
That is entirely consistent with the Federal Records Act.
Last on this, in cooperating with Congress, the Benghazi terror attacks were in 2012.
And shortly thereafter, as we all know, Republicans started asking for documents.
Now we learn.
That's seven different committees.
Seven different, in fact, yes.
All of which found not a single instance of wrongdoing.
Let's stop right there.
That lawyer tactic of seven committees.
It's like, you hacked your wife open with an axe in front of your neighbors.
It was videotaped.
By the way, that axe was purchased at Sears and Roebuck.
Yes, these committees asked for these documents, he's about to say, and you didn't bring them out, you kept them secret, absconding, but the stage just goes, seven committees to look smart.
Because all he's up there to do is to look pinheaded for a bunch of trendies who think some guy like this is really cool because he looks like an actor from horrible bosses or something.
I mean, it's all about how they look.
It's all about snow-jobbing the public.
And I know people know this, but the issue here is this is the Secretary of State with fake email accounts, and he's up here acting like nothing's happened.
It is disgusting.
I want to go back to your calls, but I said I'd get into this, so I'm going to get into it right now.
I already pretty much covered this, but it's on InfoWars.com, a Paul Watson article.
NBA, that's the National Basketball Dum-Dum Association, launches a feminist campaign to lecture men on not doing enough housework.
Close quote.
Men not doing their fair share of daily chores.
There's no metric.
There's no study.
Actually there are studies showing that men work more hours and actually are bigger breadwinners and it actually shows, I just remembered these guys Google it, there's so many studies showing that men actually do a disproportionate amount of repair work, auto work, carrying the trash out, cooking dinner.
I mean, my dad and mom weren't pinheads.
They knew family stuck together.
They knew that siblings stuck together.
They knew that that was what it was all about.
But my mom would do the laundry and clean up and stuff and maybe have a maid come once a week or something to help with deep cleaning.
But my dad was the one that fixed the roof and fixed the faucets.
It wasn't like, oh, who's going to cook dinner tonight?
My dad would excitedly run in at six at night, come home early from work, that was early for him, and go, I went and bought baked potatoes and steaks and, and, and, and, you know, salad and Brussels sprouts.
I'm going to make dinner tonight.
Do you think
Taking her on vacations, making her money, taking care of her family when she needed help.
She was in that family.
She took the name of Jones.
She was in the club, in the gang.
She got it.
She was his.
He was hers.
And anyone that tried to get her in between her man was an idiot.
Now, that's a woman that knows what she's doing and successful today and happy and doing well.
The world's full of women that mess with their men and screw with them all day, and you get to sit around with a bunch of unhappy, divorced women talking crap about men all day.
And that's just where the globalists want you.
Absolutely alone, so nobody's there to stop them from euthanizing you the first time you fall down and hit your head when you're 69 years old.
And I mean, the Super Bowl had not one, not two, not three, but four ads and then Super Bowl announcements about men, be nice to your daughters, be nice to your women, to create some guilt.
As if men, collectively being men, because we got huevos,
Have done something to women.
This is the biggest load of fake guilt malarkey.
It's like, I've got white privilege.
I'm white.
I owe somebody something.
I don't owe anybody anything but the truth.
I want to see everybody, no matter what color they are, doing well, happy, successful.
But I reject the idea that I'm going to follow a lecturing agenda.
Because I'm being lectured.
But this is all about, you sit down to watch television, in between the anti-gun announcements, ad after ad after ad, that dads don't love their daughters, that dads aren't working hard enough.
Let me give you a little newsflash.
It's men that go and die in wars.
It's men that die on average six years younger than women.
I saw some statistics were like 75% of the wealth in Texas is in women's hands.
Women are 62% of college graduates in the US.
Women are taking over the dominant executive jobs.
And the decline of men, men are declining, is a signpost on the end of humanity.
Because if the warrior section of this species is under attack, what does that tell you?
The CIA and top globalists, and I'm going back to your calls, Stephen.
They openly, Edward Bernays, wrote not one, not two, but three books bragging how they created modern feminism to enslave women to the state, to break up families into tax women, and to wreck them so they could be used up like men.
So, women, wedge yourself to the state.
Tune in to all these feminist shows about how the problem in the world is men.
The problem is globalist controllers.
The problem is the New World Order.
The problem is super-preventative men manipulating you with a script.
But now when you tune into the NBA, they're backing a huge feminist public relations campaign.
Who says it's feminist?
It's the anti-woman feminist campaign headed up by Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg to lecture men about how they are not doing enough housework or childcare.
As if that's our problem in the world, as if that's even true from this witch trying to break up our families and insinuate in the middle of things of the dumb effers that use Facebook and her boss's own words.
Haha, these dumb effers don't know we're breaking up their families.
I'm gonna get their children.
The women won't know we're dividing and conquering and recognize the real enemy.
They'll be too busy thinking every problem, including bad weather, was their overworked, brainwashed husband.
They'll never come together and raise strong children, and then our program will be complete.
Thank you, Satan.
NBA players like LeBron James, ugh, and Stephen Curry will deliver the message.
Oh yeah, a big bloated, narcissistic, arrogant guy that says he's King James.
He, as if, oh, he treats the women so well.
He will, oh, LeBron will tell the men to do more.
We'll deliver the message in public service announcements aired during NBA games on the major TV networks over the next few months.
Reports the Associated Press adding Google will be promoting the cause Thursday on the main page of its heavily trafficked search engine.
Let's go to Google right now.
Let's see how they're promoting it.
I don't even know to tell you guys to do this.
Hey, when you ended one evil of segregation with a new evil of paying women out to have men in the house, and the illegitimacy went up from like 11% to 90% or so, and totally enslaved women and broke them down and destroyed men, is that the same feminism you're talking about?
As you now lecture gangbanger inner-city men, I don't care if they're white, Hispanic, or black,
With their pants hanging down, tattoos all over them.
I'm not criticizing tattoos.
I've seen these people all have tattoos.
And just going, give me some, give me a little down to store, give me some McDonald's.
And slapping women around.
And the women, the women all on MTV are talking grovel.
Oh, it's all the fake peacocking.
Cause you know, women that never had anything and had like some sweet little dad that did everything for them.
They now think it's really cool to have some guy going around slapping them around.
Talking to them like that.
But they don't tell you about the real evils of what they've done to inner-city communities and turning people basically into automatons.
Now they roll with the next phase, so everybody's sitting around watching NBA basketball.
No, no, no.
Well, LeBron says men are bad!
I bet LeBron's doing a lot of chores at his $80 million house or whatever it is.
I bet when he flies to work in a helicopter, I bet LeBron James really cares about women.
No, he's told by his PR people, you get out there and you do this.
NFL, NBA, everything, men are bad, men are bad, men are bad, men are bad, men are bad, men are bad.
So women sitting there with society collapsing around them, start fighting with her husband, then the cops come, and now the state gets your kids.
And now they can give him all those drugs and shoot him up with vaccines until your kid has a convulsion and dies of cardiac arrest.
And then Cheryl wins over there at Facebook.
She wins because she knows how to pull a eugenics op.
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The Babylon system is the vampire.
You tell them.
Sucking the children's blood day by day.
Yeah, they gave this man that quick act in cancer.
They could recognize the spirit, they couldn't stop.
So they freed his spirit from his body.
We know where Bob Marley is.
You know, this whole NBA thing is a microcosm, a Rosetta Stone, a prism through which we can see every angle of this.
You're there, you've worked all day, you're watching an NBA game, you're being brainwashed, you're making their advertisers money, and they're going to have the NBA in association with Google, and in association with Facebook, telling men they're lazy and didn't do enough chores for women.
To create infighting and break up the family.
I mean, these people are such sick, meddling haters.
Stop watching it!
Boycott it!
Turn off the game and with your wife, go read a book or go to a movie or go to church or go to the library or go help homeless people or something.
Just boycott that.
To help your women stop sitting on your butt all day watching sports.
How about that?
Because these are the very people stealing our manhood, making it this extension, this prosthesis of sports, watching other men, so you're not in the real field of life.
And then now they want to take your manhood fully and turn your wife against you.
My God!
What are we going to put up with?
It's unbelievable how outrageous they are, but Zuckerberg said, spending money around these ads, you're dumb effers.
Well, I'm not.
Zuckerberg, I see a pile of traitorous anti-human garbage when I see it, you little snot-nosed rat.
The ability to prey on people, the ability to know how to manipulate people does not make you better, you little piece of garbage.
The ability to turn people loose and empower humanity
And to have scientific development.
And to build those space colonies, you little rat!
And to keep and maintain the integrity of our species as we develop these technologies to decide judiciously what we want to become.
That is strength, you little maggot!
Not crapping all over everything!
I'm gonna tell you, and I'm gonna say this now, and you know it's real.
You will never achieve enlightenment, Zuckerberg.
You will never achieve immortality.
You will never achieve Elysium.
You will not achieve anything, because your spirit is pointed straight at hell, not straight at God!
You are pointed right to the gates of hell where you are going!
Not because God is even going to send you there, but because you've got a rocket tied to your butt like Wile E. Code, and you can't wait till you're in that pit!
You can't wait till you're with all the other garbage that's fed on humanity!
Your spirit will never transcend!
You are damned to hell forever and cursed!
I'm sorry to speak like that, but in my heart I know I'm right.
I don't judge you.
In my gut, I know who you are and I know where you stand.
And I'm only stating that the sun rises and sets.
So you keep laughing all day believing you're winning forever.
You're scared to death and want to hurt as many people as you can before you get taken down.
But you already failed.
And all you people are is a test for humanity to make us stronger on this space base before we go to the next level.
That's all this planet is.
I say space bases, that we already are on a space base.
Think about how incredible that is.
We're on a space base in the middle of wonder with eternity all around us, 360.
Just getting ready to go to the next level and the devil and all of his fallen servants that want to desiccate that
We'll fail, and have failed.
We're going into overdrive on your calls.
Since the foundations of Earth, your destruction was ensured.
Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Another major health threat.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'll tell you what's over the top.
All these anti-male, anti-family things where a man sitting on the couch watching a ball game is bad, when it's the very parasites he's watching that are lecturing him that they live off of.
It's like a leech complaining at you.
What about a PSA showing fathers are strong and lead healthy families.
That's why they work hard and help their wives, and wives help them, and together they build a better team and better children, which builds a better country and a better world.
Here's to fatherhood.
A salute from Facebook.
No, instead it's like Facebook, Google, all of them.
Oh, dads are lazy!
They're not doing any work!
Oh my God!
Women, go after them!
We're Facebook!
We love you!
Come at us!
I mean, it's just never-ending.
It's just so obvious.
Why would anyone listen to scum?
I'm sick of these.
Can't we just animate ourselves and defeat the enemy?
Just call on God to empower us to crush the enemy.
God's turned a little disgusting vessel like me into a dangerous weapon.
You know what God will do for you if you take action?
Steven in Florida, I wanted to hold you over.
I appreciate you holding while I was babbling in my incoherent babblings.
But in amongst the inane babble, there was some key words that could be heard in there.
But go ahead to quote Lord of the Rings.
What was your other point about the pedophile scandal?
Yeah, I just wanted to come back to, Alex, you know, when people have studied American history, this guy Alfred Kinsey, they've termed it in terms of pre-Kinseyan and post-Kinseyan history.
They say sexual revolution.
Sexual revolution, having more sexual partners was what they meant to look popular.
At the end of the day, it was all about pedophilia.
Go ahead.
Well, see, the thing is that Kinsey, he got his philosophy from, and this is not coincidence, Edward Rene's uncle,
I don't know.
No, I know, they rape children officially, and this is the ultimate sacrament of the liberal.
And, I mean, that's it.
The most evil man in the 20th century.
You're right.
We need to have that headline with his name.
We should do reports on that.
And we should do a report, too, and show a good PSA about family and how great it is versus these PSAs being put out by Google.
These are sickos who hate us.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Shawna in Kentucky.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to let you know I really missed your babblings when you were out.
But some really quick points.
We're at a 200-year mark since we signed the Peace Treaty of Ghent, and that was on February 18, 1815.
So we're in a dangerous year this year.
So I want everybody to
Just be on guard.
And then just a reminder that on 9-11, 18-14, the Battle of Plattsburgh was, of course, they got us on 9-11.
And then of course, 12-14, 18-14 battle.
Sorry, that was the Battle of Lake, uh, Burgoyne.
It's funny you mention that.
The globalists are obsessed with ancient battles and ancient treaties.
They always see it as they're repeating an ancient battle one of their ancestors was involved in because they understand ancestral memories.
I didn't know that.
All I did was look at the dates.
The 12-14 was the date they came and killed our kids at Sandy Hook.
And then just a last comment.
These are demons.
These demons go after our kids.
They hate us.
They hate Americans.
And I would just suggest, and I have a background in psychology, I also was a pastor for many years, that our women, our men, need to go get some olive oil.
And just put it over your doors.
Put it over your windows.
And pray.
You don't need to go to a priest or, you know, a pastor.
Pray over it.
And don't let those things come in your home.
Well, you're being a little racist towards demons right now.
In fact, the extremists have called in today.
We may be shut down by the FCC for criticizing pedophilia, but I'm being sarcastic, but not really.
They're trying to legalize it in Australian places.
It's amazing.
I'm sorry to the other callers, AD, Jack, Mainline.
If you want to call me back tomorrow, we'll take your calls.
God bless you all.