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Filename: 20150114_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 14, 2015
2267 lines.
I appeared before the Congressional Committee, the highest representation of the American people under subpoena, to tell what I knew of activities which I believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship.
Does America owe its edge in military technology to Nazi war criminals brought here after World War II?
The truth is that thousands of former Nazis, some of whom committed atrocities, went to work for the United States government.
Do you have any people
Yes, sir.
We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact, by the time I became the head of the whole news and public affairs operation in 1954.
Ships had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them.
We're really talking about intelligence at the highest levels of the U.S.
government, setting the broad direction for the nation.
Have you brought with you some of those devices which would have enabled the CIA to use this poison for
We have indeed for killing people.
But also the toxin itself would not appear in the autopsy?
But when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.
If you've been anywhere near a television set or a radio these past few hours, you already know that John Lennon of the Beatles is dead.
He was shot late this evening in front of his apartment building in New York City.
Despite evidence that Noriega was involved in drug trafficking, Bush kept Noriega on the payroll.
We interrupt your regular programming to tell you of a plane crash in northeastern Minnesota, where we have just had confirmed a short while ago, eight people were killed on a small beach aircraft that was on its way to Evelyn, Minnesota, including Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, and according to the senior staff in the Senator's office, not only the Senator, but his wife Sheila, his daughter,
Three members of his staff and the two pilots.
The CIA has been and is now completely out of control.
The accusation is that drugs are being sold by the Contras and that the CIA knew about it and didn't do anything.
William Colby has been missing since April 27th.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River April 28th.
When George Bush became director of the CIA in 1976, he inherited Noriega as a contact.
When you read these outrageous charges by a drug-related, indicted dictator, discount them.
They are total lies.
In 1976, Flight 455, which took off from Venezuela bound for Cuba, suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard have died after the plane crashed near Barbados.
We've had an explosion and we are defending the real thing.
More of the terrorists were found to be Latin Americans contracted by the U.S.
One of the attack's masterminds, Posada Capriles, currently lives freely in Miami.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
That is just part of a powerful new video montage put together by Darren McBrain that we're going to air in its entirety later in the transmission.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, on this Wednesday edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Successful financial analyst, best-selling author, formerly with Bain Capital, Mr. Dent.
Harry Dent will be joining us to look at the world economy with more and more top experts saying we're sliding into a global depression, not a recession.
Also, the former head of policy and the former editor, chief editor of the Wall Street Journal, the father of ergonomics, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, will be joining us for 30 minutes at the start of the first hour of the second hour.
There is so much to get to today here.
I don't even know where to start.
There is just so much on so many different fronts.
There's a new national poll out.
Troops turn on Commander-in-Chief.
Deeply unpopular.
In fact, he's the most unpopular president with the military ever.
The Military Times is reporting.
We're going to be going over some of that news today.
So he's incredibly unpopular across the board.
He's incredibly unpopular with Democrats as well.
Obamacare in national polls is over 80% unpopular when you poll both conservatives, independents, and liberals.
If you just poll liberals, the last numbers I saw was over 65% don't like it.
And it hasn't even been fully implemented yet.
The massive premium increases.
The massive deductible increases.
The cutting of care.
The rationing of care.
The death panels.
Turning our healthcare system into a cross between the British National Healthcare System and the VA.
Military Times has a special report.
America's military, a conservative institution, is an easy cultural evolution.
Oh, it's an evolution!
And then there's Obama's mark on the military.
Less than 20% of the military polled likes Obama.
The President has never been popular with the military, but this approval among active duty troops has created and has cratered in the last year.
It's gone from 37% at its high to now down to, what, 12%?
That approve?
And in military culture, you're not even supposed to, as active duty, disapprove publicly of the President, but still when polled, 60% disapprove.
But, it's almost 10%, it's hovering right above 10% that approve of the President now.
The latest numbers, there's different polls out there, but this particular one says 15%, if you put your cursor over it, approve, and 55% disapprove.
I was eyeballing the graph with my eyeballs.
In his first term, President Obama oversaw repeal of the controversial don't ask, don't tell policy.
Then he broke one of the military's most deeply rooted traditions and vowed to lift the ban on women serving in combat.
And the Commander-in-Chief has aggressively sought to change military culture by cracking down on sexual assault and sexual harassment, problems that for years were underreported or overlooked.
Well, the military always said, don't stick a bunch of women in with a bunch of 20-year-old high-testosterone males in the same barracks.
You're going to have people having sex.
And what's happening is they're getting pregnant.
Most of it's consensual.
But yeah, you stick a woman
Naked, in with a bunch of 20-year-old men.
You bet they're gonna get their butt grabbed.
You bet they're gonna get ashed out every 30 seconds.
You bet.
That there's going to be serious problems, and this is all part of the social engineering to destabilize the military ahead of going to autonomous drones, autonomous ground combat robots, which is all being announced.
Oh, the drone pilots are depressed?
We're replacing them next year with robots!
And guess what?
For 10 years, it's declassified.
This year, they just declassified it in late 2014, so now 2015.
I have to say last year that they're going to all autonomous with the robots making their own decisions.
So this is just part of getting humans to fight with each other and to destabilize society, destabilize the family, break up the family, break up the culture at every level ahead of the next phase of social engineering.
That's all that's going on here.
And the real reason the military is upset with Obama is not over don't ask, don't tell.
Even though that's meant to cause destabilization.
Or putting women in frontline combat.
Like I just saw yesterday where in the Navy and other branches, they're not going to make women cut their hair.
See, men have to cut their hair, but women don't.
Oh, and women don't have to be able to carry a 75-pound pack on a 40-mile hike.
They now only have to carry a 30-pound pack.
So the women get to carry a 30-pound pack and have their hair long, and we're going to cut how long you hike, and then I guess in combat, have you got to put somebody on your shoulders?
That takes a strong man every ounce of will they've got to gut up in the testosterone and adrenaline and pick somebody up and carry him a mile?
The average woman can't do that.
The average man can't do that.
That's why they have standards.
But don't worry!
Women are going to get leave now from frontline combat when they're having their menstrual period.
And they're going to be given medications to help them ease it.
Can you imagine being in combat with a bunch of women?
I mean, can you imagine that?
I mean, do you know how much women fight with each other?
I mean, let's just get real.
Feminism wants you to deny reality.
Men don't have uteruses and can't have babies.
And women in no culture ever
Have been conscripted into frontline combat.
Yes, when societies get overrun, and when your country is falling, you will then start arming women and putting them into the fight.
Hitler did that.
Conscripted hundreds of thousands of women in the defense of German cities with phosphorus-tipped RPGs.
And I talked to old World War II vets that I deer hunt with, or friends of my grandfather, who would tell the stories of having to cut down women that, quote, looked like Marilyn Monroe, and how much it upset them to cut women in half with their machine guns on top of their tanks.
One told a story of this woman coming out in a black mink coat, looked like Marilyn Monroe, and they said, looks like she's got a weapon, got a weapon, and she opens it up,
And starts to raise a rifle, and at 20 feet away, with that machine gun on top of that tank, cut her in half.
That's another thing.
How barbarous is it to put women in combat?
It's barbarous to put men into it, but if you've got to do it, you do it.
Men are designed to kill.
Men are designed to hunt.
Men are designed to see other men getting killed around them, and keep it together.
Women are not designed for that.
Women have three times the connections on average,
Between left and right hemisphere of the brain.
That makes them intuitive.
It makes them be able to keep track of a lot of things in a family.
But it does not, on average, give women a predisposition to be able to focus on one task at hand and carry it out like a man can.
That's the difference.
And they're now saying that's sexist to talk about brain scans they've had for 30 years and they've known this for even longer.
In fact, there have been surgeries that have been done where they sever the connections between the left and right hemisphere in the cerebral cortex, and it will turn a man or a woman into a total and complete sociopath.
There is a reason that men are several hundred times more predisposed to commit rape, to commit murder, to commit armed robbery.
Most serial killers are men.
So I'm not here saying men are better than women.
We're just different.
We have less connections between left and right hemisphere.
That's why it's easier for us to become
Genetically, if we're born predisposed, psychopaths, sociopaths.
But conversely, women are more easily manipulated in every major psychological study.
Why do you think 81% of Western advertising targets women?
Because you get more bang for your buck targeting women.
I'm just giving you the secrets here of how women operate, because I'm going off on a jag here.
Just looking at this article.
But the real reason the military is upset, let me give you the newsflash.
The military for six years is being publicly trained for national gun confiscation and to be deployed domestically to take on gun owners, the Tea Party, returning veterans, Christians, Libertarians, Conservatives.
It's been all over the news.
We broke it six, seven years ago, but it's all over the news.
Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Forbes.
The war against the Tea Party.
Pentagon prepares to fight its main enemy, the Tea Party.
Its main enemy, the veterans.
The military is being called in
And being trained to take on the American people.
They call the officers in and even non-commissioned and have meetings, bad-mouthing the founders, bad-mouthing George Washington.
And the troops are sitting back going, I got a purple heart back at barracks for when I got hit with shrapnel a few years ago in Afghanistan.
And I was given a commendation and my daddy's got one.
George Washington's on it!
He's on it because he founded the U.S.
They're freaking out because they know our government's funding al Qaeda and ISIS.
That's why Obama has a 10 to 15 percent approval rating in the U.S.
military, not because they're trying to, you know,
Turn it into a gay orgy or put women in frontline combat.
It's all just to screw the military up.
And the military knows that.
It's not that they're obsessed with gays.
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Here's what I want to do.
We've got the latest on the rollout of tyranny in response to the 20 dead in France.
We've got the latest on Russia and the economy.
We've got Harry Dent joining us.
To break that down in the third hour, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, and of course, father of Reaganomics is popping in for 20 minutes at the start of the next hour.
But I do want to open the phones up in this hour for first-time callers who are specifically veterans or who are currently actively serving to correct me if I'm wrong.
But I've talked to thousands of vets over the last six, seven years of Obama.
I have a lot of family that's currently in the military.
I'll just leave it at that, in very secretive operations.
And they've relayed to me what's happening.
I've talked to Joe Biggs, who's got a lot of active duty sources.
We might as well just get Joe to come in here.
Am I wrong in saying Obama has the lowest approval rating of any U.S.
president since polling began 100 years ago, as reported by the Military Times, because he's training the military to go after guns and engage in tyranny?
And because he's opened up our borders, and because he is putting our military under NATO command and telling Congress they have no authority, and because he has engaged in treason, and they know he is a socialist globalist selling this country out.
I mean, look, you can say what you want about Petraeus, but Petraeus has been completely set up with this girlfriend.
He was being watched.
That's what the NSA is being used to do, is to target people.
And Eric Holder has no business with his huge history of corruption, he's supposed to already be gone as AG, to now be going after and looking at indicting General Petraeus.
In fact, I need to cover that some today.
That's why he's so incredibly unpopular, is that Obama really is at war with this country.
And the coup de grace, the final stroke, the creme de la creme of the reason the military is so unhappy, the scum of the scum, what makes them so upset is that they know ISIS is Al-Qaeda and our government has been giving them aid and turning them loose to overthrow our allies, you name it, and kill Christians and non-radical Muslims en masse.
Now, the way the Military Times spins this is, you're not supposed to ask active duty if they disagree with the President or not, because you can get court-martialed for that.
So, 55% said they disapprove, but when they asked you to approve, only 15%.
And I'll guarantee you it's more like 5% approve, and more like 90% disapprove, or more.
Because you're asking a group that doesn't like to not follow orders.
And generally you don't want the military criticizing the president because they're active duty and that's their job.
But when you have a traitor president who's disregarding the entire Bill of Rights and Constitution, waging war against the sovereignty of the country, doubling the debt of the nation that took 240 years to develop, doubling it in seven years,
Bankrupting the country with Obamacare, doubling the number of people on food stamps, ordering the Border Patrol to legalize illegals by fiat and give them money to be put on Greyhound buses and brought into the country, then it is your duty to say no.
Let me tell you something, Obama orders you to do national gun confiscation or something, it's a no-brainer you don't follow that order.
That is treason.
If the president orders you to, say, arrest 10,000 American citizens, and they've done this before with Japanese, who've been here three, four generations, it was a tragedy.
But let's say they just randomly say, arrest this list of libertarians, they were behind a terror attack.
You can bet we're not behind the terror attack.
But you can also understand the military's not supposed to come grab us and disappear us.
We're supposed to be indicted by a grand jury.
Federal or state, and then brought before the judge and we get a defense.
You do not arrest people politically.
Do you understand that?
The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, jurisprudence, our way of life, Americana is an order.
Directly from 1776, you are ORDERED to follow the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights.
You are ORDERED by President George Washington.
You are ORDERED by right through to Ronald Reagan.
Your orders still stand.
Do not violate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Follow that oath, and I know you want to follow it, and you see that president crapping all over it from one end to the other, and you're upset, and that's why you don't like Obama.
Not about the red herring of you just don't like gay people.
No, it's because you don't like a tyrant.
We should start a new meme.
Officers and enlisted should cover your faces, hold up the meme, like you did a few years ago, you won't fight for Al-Qaeda in Syria, saying, we dislike Obama because he's a tyrant.
That needs to be a new meme, so they're not speaking for you, we're gonna give the number out and take your calls when we come back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I want freedom, and I want more of it.
And I want all the tyrants and insider groups that think my life belongs to them, who want to tell me how to think and tell me how to talk, and tell me what gods to worship, to go jump in the lake.
And I mean a lake of fire.
Here's the type of news I have in front of me.
I want to open the phones up for veterans or also active duty especially.
We'll go to the head of the line.
Why are you upset with Obama?
Or maybe you love him.
Maybe you're the 10-15% that think everything's really great.
But the big issue I'm going with here, my angle is...
The military is not upset overall with the red herring of gays in the military or women in frontline combat.
That's just meant to demoralize and cause infighting.
That is an issue, but smaller compared to funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS, opening the borders, training the military for domestic operations against the American people.
Which the ISIS attacks will be used to roll out, then it will be flipped onto the Patriots.
You've already seen that happen.
I predicted that 15 years ago.
You've now seen that happen to a certain extent.
You will see the full rollout.
The full rollout.
In fact, it could be before Obama leaves office.
This republic has never been in more peril.
Speaking of Al Qaeda,
ISIS releases, we're going to show some of this footage so viewer discretion is advised if you're watching us on the video feeds at Infowars.com forward slash show.
ISIS releases new footage claiming to show a child executing two Russian spies.
Yeah, there's no greater enemy of ISIS than Russia who's been battling them in Syria.
Not lionizing Russia, just they're battling Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We're giving them weapons and support so their people can then come attack us as well.
Lack of evidence of injuries shown in the video suggests the execution may be staged.
And, I mean, we see this over and over again.
People just don't think this stuff's real.
And it's certainly true that Al-Qaeda and... Notice that symbol looks like the Al-Qaeda symbol?
That's because it is the Al-Qaeda symbol.
And the footage does kind of look fake to me.
Footage is up on Infowars.com.
The footage shows a boy, looks like he's about 11, and an ISIS soldier standing behind two kneeling spies, who do look Russian.
After which the boy allegedly shoots the gray clad men in the back of their heads.
However, lack of visible injuries on the men and evidence of blood after the killing suggests the executions may be staged for the cameras.
Let's get Joe Beggs to do a special report on this for the Nightly News.
Get his expert take on that.
So they've released the footage claiming to show this.
What do you think?
You can call us about that as well.
Speaking of Russia, it's now admitted in the mainstream news, even in Bloomberg today, that dropping oil prices by the OPEC cartel is meant to bankrupt Russia and bankrupt U.S.
small-time oil producers.
So there you go.
The globalists are attacking anybody who wants to independently deploy oil and gas.
Not lionizing small oil companies.
A lot of them do bad fracking and things.
Still, it doesn't matter.
Saudi Arabia, running OPEC, is calling the shots.
Obama's doing what they say.
And they are cutting oil prices to bankrupt exploration by Syria, by Israel, by Central and South American countries, by Caribbean countries.
By California, by Oklahoma, by Arkansas, by Texas, by South and North Dakota, by Illinois, Canada, Russia, Poland, Ukraine.
This is going to kill oil and gas production all over the world.
Because they're lowering it so artificially low.
It was doubly high, should have been cut, now they're just going to the other extreme.
And when they're done in a few years, oh!
Ten dollars a gallon if they have their way.
So just get ready.
So enjoy bankrupting Russia now.
There's this primitive idea out there that bankrupting some country helps us.
No it doesn't.
We need partners to trade with and to be in business with and things like
Other forms of entertainment commerce and travel, people that are engaged in tourism, and all of that is drying up under globalism, which promised this cornucopia of commerce.
But globalism is designed to end commerce in the general public's hands or in free states' hands and to consolidate it.
Russia to boost military capabilities in Crimea,
And in the Arctic, we're in a new Cold War, says RT.
So, especially the mouth of Soron, the mouth of Russia, saying that we are now in a new Cold War.
Now the U.S.
vows to cut off North Korea from the international financial system.
That's one criminal group vowing to cut off another criminal group.
That's just some of the news we've got on that front.
But I want to talk to active duty military or vets who have friends and family that are active duty.
Am I wrong in saying that it's a red herring?
They don't want it to be in the news that the military knows Obama's a traitor who's training for gun confiscation and treason and who's turned our military over to UN-NATO control and who has become a dictator for all intents and purposes.
That's why the military is upset.
In the new polls out with Military Times showing only 15% approve of El Jefe.
Let's go to Steve who is former Army and retired Border Patrol Customs agent to give us his take.
I have a lot of people that are vets.
Brian's a vet, Howard's a vet, Matt's a vet.
Sometimes I'll get 10-15 calls in a row that are active duty.
Without asking for it.
And then when I ask for active duty, I can't get it.
So it's fine.
You don't have to be active duty to call in, but that's who got pulled here.
Vets are good because they're still in that community.
I just want to get your take on this, but I'd really like to hear from active duty if you can get in on the line 800-259-9231.
Let's go ahead and go to Steve in Georgia.
What's your take on this?
Am I wrong?
Hey Alex, first time caller here from North Georgia.
Retired U.S.
Customs agent and former Army.
I love the show.
Obama, I saw your program with the Egyptian
Former military, former intelligence person, 1993 bombing.
And toward the end of that interview was something that he touched on that was very crucial in my opinion.
I think that the U.S.
intelligence people and people in Congress should go ahead and investigate Obama.
Uh, for his connection with Muslim Brotherhood.
I mean, it's all over in black and white what he's done to support that organization.
Oh yeah, they even had CNN and MSNBC three years ago when they turned that country over to him, cheering
I agree, I agree, and it's my opinion that some way
Obama is part of the Muslim.
There's got to be a reason that he supports that group.
I wish he'd dig into it a little bit more.
I hear you.
World Net Daily's been on the cutting edge of that.
It's documented.
It's come out in Egyptian court that Obama, through his cousins and half-brother, through Kenya, has been financing
A pan-African Muslim takeover, radical Muslim takeover, and is directly fencing money in by the millions, tens of millions a month, into Egypt, because Kenya is right below Egypt, to try to destabilize the entire region.
It's so bold, it's beyond a Tom Clancy novel.
Think about it.
On the side, is trying to put an extremist caliphate in to areas of Africa and the Middle East.
I mean, that is bold.
He literally destabilized and ordered the army of Egypt to arrest Hazi Mubarak and then to let the Muslim Brotherhood take over.
Google helped organize the overthrow of the government with Facebook.
I mean, they brag about all this.
To then engage in a reign of terror against Christians
I mean, these people are radical, radical, dangerous revolutionaries.
God bless you.
I can't believe I'm even saying all this on air.
I'm supposedly the conspiracy theorist, and I cannot believe this is in mainstream Egyptian newspapers, this has come out in court, and it's been confirmed that Obama is directly connected to the people that attacked the shopping mall in Kenya.
I mean, I remember when Odinga didn't win, and on Obama's letterhead, we've got to get Dr. Corsi on as soon as possible, do a whole special on this, because he has copies of the letters.
He went to Kenya, but he got copies of the senator's letters, when Obama was senator, advising Odinga on how to stir up riots when he didn't get elected president of Kenya, to then make him a new position.
They created a prime ministership just for the Muslims.
They're trying to repeat what's happened in Sudan, breaking the country in two.
I mean, Obama is not a liberal.
He's a hardcore conqueror.
He's a hardcore mafia gang boss who's taken over.
And now they're ready to prosecute Petraeus for having a girlfriend while they ship guns into Mexico to destabilize the whole Southwest.
I mean, do you understand how bold these people are?
It is not fun to go up against them.
I mean, look, I don't want to get killed or put in a federal prison for no reason, but somebody's got to stand up against these people.
I mean, they really are so criminal that I can't even believe it.
I mean, the elite are in control of America.
The elite are in control of the nuclear weapons.
The elite are in control of the Federal Reserve.
They're in control.
Why do they want to overthrow everything?
Why do they want to screw everything up?
They're deviants, ladies and gentlemen.
They're in control.
They live in the $50 million penthouses.
They fly in the $75 million private jets.
They have all the mistresses they could ever want.
They run the show.
And the globalists would put Obama in to stir up a radical Muslim revolution, to kill every Muslim that isn't going along with it, and kill every Christian, every Jew, every agnostic, destroy free speech, and I watch Fox and CNN, and they've got Alan Combs and others on there saying there's no such thing as radical Islam, and you shouldn't be able to criticize it, and now people are following the orders and not saying radical Islam.
It's like you couldn't say illegal immigrant, then you couldn't say immigrant, now you've got to call them migrants.
We just sit here and are told how to talk and told how to live.
It's a sick joke.
I'm going to shut up and go to your calls.
Brian in Florida, you're a vet.
What is your take on why people are so upset with Obama and the military?
Well, hey Alex.
Yeah, I retired from the Army a year and a half ago.
My wife's still in.
So, I mean, I have to kind of parse my comments here.
But when all this don't ask, don't tell is getting... No one really cared, honestly.
And when they said, okay, you can be gay in the military, everyone's like shrugged their shoulders and said, hey, whatever, that's just the way it is.
That's not really it.
The big thing is, as Obama's constant, he says he's going to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Okay, we kind of are, but we really aren't now.
And so the problem is that a lot of my friends who went to Afghanistan or Iraq, they're kind of irritated that the fact that we just left
We pretty much, we started a house fire and left and then, you know, then we get, then we're a little surprised that the house fire is still going on.
I mean, yeah, we shouldn't have been over there, granted, but the problem is that we should have, we should have, uh...
I don't know.
Unscrewed, I guess, our problem, but we didn't do that.
Well, that's it.
The frustration is you were sent in to destabilize the area, not bring peace, and the military now knows that, and you're being put into more and more deployments, less and less pay.
I mean, is that not another big part of the morale problem?
Uh, yeah.
Honestly, it's the, I guess, the paperwork, if you will, the red tape.
If you want anything done, it's just, it's a disaster.
Like, for instance, if you've got a pay problem, you know, it takes pretty much half the day to take care of it.
Let's say there's a, let's say the Army does a poll and the suicide rate goes up, you know, I don't know, 10%.
Then there's classes all week about how not to kill yourself.
I mean, it's just, if you do more paperwork and more stuff to, I guess, if you will, to satisfy the TPS reports,
Sure, and that's all designed to sabotage the military ahead of the conversion to pure autonomous robots.
And by the way, that's official.
So I just hope the military knows this is all sabotage on purpose.
God bless you.
Because again, just as they use our military to enforce the empire, they hate you.
The globalists hate you because you have courage.
They hate humanity being strong.
And they hate the male.
They hate the role model.
They hate the warrior.
Because the globalists are the rat, scum, slimebag spiders of the universe.
And so they fear you.
They want armies of robots and drones that will carry out their bidding to basically enforce a global government, enforce forced inoculation and population reduction.
That's the endgame.
Let's go ahead and go to Howard in Pennsylvania.
You're an Air Force vet.
The military I talk to are upset with Obama over his domestic secret operations, preparations for martial law, putting our military under U.N.
NATO command, opening the borders, things like that.
Why do you think the military is so upset with Obama?
Well, I think they're, mostly they're intelligent enough to realize that they're, he's, it's obvious he's leaving a fifth column into this country.
And we're all going to be in big trouble, because who do you shoot at?
Well that's right, he's infiltrating the government with just all sorts of communists, socialists, radical islamicists, who are then going to stage attacks and blame it on us.
I mean, you just know it.
They've been caught doing that before.
Oh yeah, well, the thing with me is, you know, I'm a Vietnam veteran, and I was
I'm privy to some things that most people aren't aware of, and one of the things that made me quit was when I found out that the French and Canadians were in Haiphong Harbor, and that's why I never got mined.
I mean, the way you fight a war is you cut off the enemy's supply line.
We never did that.
It's just big business.
That's right.
The war was a big, bottomless, no-bed contract, meat grinder, to feed you into it, never meaning to defeat the North.
No, there was no intention of ever doing it.
That's exactly what's still going on today.
And the thing is, the soldier is in a position where it takes a supreme act of bravery in order to say, no, I quit.
You're crazy.
And that's what comes down to the war on drugs, the war on terror, the war in Vietnam, this Al-Qaeda thing.
Well, that's right.
Al-Qaeda was beaten, so they give them a new base, and now they're worse than ever and call them ISIS.
I mean, it's so clear what they've done.
Oh yeah, that's obvious.
But the American people, unfortunately, are not gonna... As long as there's bread and circuses, they're not gonna wake up to what's going on until somebody's knocking on their door.
And that's why they hate the military, because they know the military knows the names and the groups, when the general public doesn't know.
The system fears informed men and women.
The military is informed.
That's why they're the enemy of the globalists.
We'll be back.
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I'm gonna go to your calls Matt and Rambo, Francis, Toby, Steve, everybody.
We've got an active-duty Marine.
Orders not to talk about Obama.
I'm gonna get his take first here in just a moment.
We're gonna go to Stephen, Texas, active-duty Marine.
There's a Military Times report out that did a poll showing that only 15% approve of the president.
Well, look, when the president is engaged in tyranny, it's okay to speak out against him.
I mean, when he told Fort Hood soldiers through a memo two years ago, you will not be an evangelical and you will not join the Tea Party or we'll court-martial you, Fox News asked, is that okay?
Is that okay?
I mean, that is a crazy, crazy, crazy statement.
No, it's not okay to tell troops what religion they can be or that they could be court-martialed.
I mean, that actually happened.
That's like the Soviet Union on steroids.
So at a certain point, you've got to say no.
And the military is awake because they're getting all this training.
In fact, let's just go to Steve right now, active duty Marine.
Why do you think the military is so upset with Obama?
Over the past two, two and a half years in Afghanistan, the CIA's been directing a lot of special operators, and in my case, the recon battalions, to clean up loose ends in Afghanistan, those people that had knowledge of the drug trade, of what the CIA was doing.
And there were several, and when I say high-ranking, I mean, you know, the Marine Corps high-ranking officers are usually colonels, because we're not as large as the Army.
Uh, there were three general court-martials in the last year of, um, a lieutenant colonel, battalion commander, and a couple of different company commanders, captains, majors, etc., um, for, uh, failing to, uh, follow the orders to go into the villages and, uh, schwock these guys that were working with the CIA.
Um, the charges on the colonel were reduced to, uh, uh, conduct on becoming an officer and fair to obey a direct order, but he was charged with mutiny.
Uh, and it's been quiet because the people I know in the States, when I've called, I've asked them, hey, have you guys heard anything about the General Corps Marshalls going on at Hanson?
Camp Hanson in Okinawa is the headquarters of 3rd Marine Division.
So, you've got a lot of that, and so, 3rd Division, I rotated back, uh, about, uh, six weeks ago, and, uh, there was a division order in 3rd Division not to, uh, have any political conversation
Uh, in work areas having anything to do with the, uh, Commander-in-Chief.
So just don't have talk, period.
Just do what the Fuhrer says.
Do not speak the President's name.
And he's not referred to as Barack Obama or President Obama.
Uh, in all the memos coming down from 3rd Mar Div, uh, there, uh, no conversation, no political conversation involving the Commander-in-Chief.
So that is beyond Orwellian.
You are not even to say his name, he's so godlike.
Well, the reason that in the memos that they use Commander-in-Chief is to emphasize that he's in our chain of command.
No, I understand.
And so, therefore, yeah, if you violate that memo coming down from a division, then the United States can bring you up on charges because it's the doublespeak referring to him as the Commander-in-Chief instead of the
Sure, I understand.
So this is some heavy info.
We've got to go to break, but hold over if you can.
I want to finish up with you ahead of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joining us.
You're saying, and this is the intel I've got, it's the same thing, that the drug dealing, the DEA, all the stuff going on, the military speaking out, they're not following orders to work with terrorist groups, because Obama's in a major alliance with them now, and so they're court-martialing and firing officers at a record rate, and you're saying that's why morale's so low?
There's more.
I want to hear the more.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Folks, the military knows we have an imposter in the White House.
We're in so much trouble, folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The reason I tend to get a bit hysterical on air is that I live this stuff.
I eat, drink and sleep it.
And the criminal organizations running our government and others are so mischievous, so evil, so bad.
I mean, everything they do is to destabilize and bring down society.
It's not like I'm some perfect goody-two-shoes that, you know, just hates everybody in government or corporations.
It's that as a society, we become so corrupt, and more and more of our economy is based on corruption, and now it sees anything that's not corrupt as a threat
And is seeking to fully convert the military, the FBI, the Justice Department, and these corporate boards to members of the conspiracy.
And when you learn they're a bunch of anti-human, really nasty people, because who else would do stuff like this but really nasty people?
And now it's been running things so long that really bad people have gotten in.
There's been competition amongst evil.
And so the most evil, the most evil are now getting in.
And until you flip your mind around from their perspective and look through their eyes, you won't be able to grasp it.
But once you sit in their seat and actually read what they write and what they stand for, God help us!
God help us!
They want to break this country.
They want to re-educate us.
They want to hurt us.
We are in grave danger.
Grave danger.
Steve, you've got the floor and then we're going to get to Matt and everybody else that's holding.
Colonel Roberts is coming up.
I used to get Colonel Roberts on, Craig Roberts, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is coming up.
But I was thinking the other day, I want to get Paul Craig Roberts on, but I also want to get Colonel Roberts on, because he'd have a lot to say about this, a great patriot who exposed Oklahoma City as an inside job.
But let's go back to Steve, the active duty Marine that just rotated back.
You got about three minutes.
Finish up why you think Obama has a 15% approval rating with the U.S.
Alex, with regard to SEAL and Recon Marines coming back out of Afghanistan through Okinawa, you have a lot of the enlisted operators being charged with mutiny and other crimes that carry the death sentence.
Now, what I'd like for you to do, if possible, is get in touch with your contacts in Navy Special Operations, if you've got any in the Marine Corps.
Uh, Camp Hanson Brig is full of SEALs, recon marines, that have these charges of mutiny on them, that they've been sitting in there 6, 7, 8 months now, and what that does, when you're sitting in the brig that long, they're hoping that these operators are going to kill themselves.
That way they can wash their hands, there's no loose ends, and they don't have to do what they did to Chris Kyle.
I would really like you to look into this because before I came back there were 15 recon marines and 7 SEALs that I personally knew that were good men that because they either did not fully cooperate or zealously cooperate in cleaning up the loose ends with the drug connections for the CIA in Afghanistan are sitting in the Camp Hanson brig right now waiting to go on trial for their lives.
That's right.
And sir, I am aware of this.
I've interviewed Navy SEALs families on air.
I have first broke the fact that the families believed and the SEALs believed that helicopter was blown up to get rid of the evidence.
We know Chris Kyle was executed and they had a Patsy in that, a drugged up Patsy, because he wasn't going to go along with what he'd been ordered to do in the book.
I don't know.
They're kicking you out or dishonorably discharging you to discredit you.
And it shows the total dishonor of this system.
There is a purge, a soft purge, a night of the long knives going on in special operations right now.
There's a war on the military right now.
I mean, that's what Obama's purging, folks!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're getting Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on the Skype line right now.
Alex Jones here back live in the second hour.
We just had a very powerful call from a
Marine force recon operator who's rotated back about all the Navy SEALs and Marines and you name it in the brigs.
They're even targeting the Army more in a purge of top officers.
We've confirmed from high-level sources, I'm talking retired three-star generals who've been recently retired, that there is a purge.
We've been telling you that for three years.
It's now been in mainstream news.
An unprecedented number of generals and other officers, right down to non-commissioned, are being kicked out, persecuted.
Obama and the neocons working together are consolidating power in government.
That's why the Republicans dare not challenge Boehner.
He's come out now and attacked Obama today as political cover for not repealing Obamacare.
We're going to be playing that video after Paul Craig Roberts leaves us.
I wanted to get him on about the economy.
He's got a new article out right now about the Charlie Hebdo situation.
We'll get his take on that as well.
But Francis is active duty State Guard Lieutenant.
And I wanted to get his take on this Military Times poll with Obama with a 15% approval rating.
The callers, the active duty and veterans have agreed, nobody's talking about gays in the military.
That's a red herring.
They don't like Obama because he is engaging in treason, open borders, continuing the wars, persecuting the military, and backing ISIS in Syria.
That's why they're upset.
Now, that's what the callers have said.
I'm going to go to other callers after we talk to Roberts, but I want to get to Francis because he's active duty while Dr. Roberts waits, and I want to get his take on it.
Francis, what is your take on what's happening, and do you have any intel on persecution inside the military by the Justice Department that's now going after Petraeus?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
My name's Francis Marion.
You can check out my
My veracity off air, if you like, but I am in FEMA Region 4's Activity State Guard.
I don't know if anyone is for Obama in the military or in state guards.
I don't know of any persecution either, per se, but I'm sure there is plenty.
But my point is, the core of our problem is, I was also on Ron Paul's campaign staff in 2008 and in 2012, and I just want to say bottom line, as I witnessed this personally, I think a lot of people did too, that
Dr. Ron Paul is politically pure and everything is as good as he is, and Rand, they do not have the stones to resist this, to effectively resist.
Ron and Rand Paul do not have the stones that his followers have.
And I'm just telling you, I witnessed that.
I'm sorry to say that.
Ron Paul stood down.
Tom Petty and Heartbreakers went back down.
It was our theme song in our office.
And Ron Paul backed down, notwithstanding his lousy
Well, I don't want to get into all that.
I'm aware of some of it.
Ron Paul was on yesterday.
He does his best job he can.
Specifically, why is the military upset with Obama?
Well, Obama is an absolute tyrant and he's out to destroy America.
He is America's number one enemy, although a puppet, he's the number one visible enemy.
He's got guys behind him that are bigger enemies, but he needs to be resisted, and we need to have the stones go balls to the wall to resist him in the info war, and hopefully not the active war.
No, I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Again, the military, 15% approval rating for Obama, lowest ever.
That's a good sign.
The military two years ago, this is the key to success, said no to attacking Syria, and thousands of officers held up signs saying, I will not fight Syria for Al Qaeda.
So they changed the name to ISIS.
Now ISIS-connected groups have attacked Europe, if you believe the official story, and that's being used to try to pass CISPA again, has been reintroduced bipartisanly, Infowars.com.
Joining us is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former main editor,
Glad to be with you, Alex.
Well, it's up to you.
We can talk about the retail sales report that came out today.
You know, after being told that we had 5% real GDP growth in the third quarter, we, what was it, the fourth quarter, we learned that retail, Christmas, retail sales actually declined.
And it's not just a decline in the expected amount of sales, but an absolute decline.
So clearly there's no economy.
It's been obvious to any real economist for years that there's no economy because there's no growth in consumer incomes.
Not in real consumer incomes.
There's no growth.
And there's no growth in consumer credit except for student loans.
So there's no
Um, money to fuel an increase in demand.
And since the economy is largely based on consumer demand, there's been no way to have a recovery or any kind of the growth claims that the government periodically issues.
So clearly, the economy is in bad shape, and they're having more and more trouble hiding that fact.
So, we are also watching a continuing drop in the oil price.
Now, just try to imagine all of the trillions of dollars of oil-based derivatives.
When these prices come down so much, there has to be a lot of debt.
How long can the QE go?
I mean, how long can they keep just printing dollars by the trillions or issuing the digital money?
As long as the Japanese and the Europeans are printing yen and euros, those currencies grow along with the dollar, and so there's no relative change in the exchange values.
So the manipulation that Washington is able to achieve is international, and they can support the dollar through their vassal states in Japan and Europe.
So how long does that continue?
I think it can continue
Until a large part of the world simply moves away from the dollar payment system and stops using dollars the way the Russians and the Chinese are beginning to do.
So that would mean a very large drop in the demand for dollars as its role in financing the international payment system diminishes and that's when I think they would lose control.
What do you make of China and Russia announcing they're going to launch a new credit rating agency in 2015?
Because obviously the other ratings agencies are being used politically to undermine China and Russia.
Yes, I think that's just a response.
What China and Russia need more than a new credit rating agency is simply to withdraw from the Western payment system.
The two countries have economies that are very complementary, and therefore they can self-finance.
And so, why they need a rating system?
In my opinion, it's reckless for the Russians to rely on Western capital or Western financial markets, because they are a mechanism of Washington's imperialism.
And so when Russia relies on Western payment systems, it in effect is putting itself under Washington's thumb.
And if the Russians did not participate in this system, they would not be facing sanctions because they would be independent of the system.
But that's why the West doesn't respect Russia is because it's so infiltrated by the same
Yes, I think the grand manipulations could be coming to an end this year.
We have not only the manipulation
Of the economy and people's perception of the economy, but also we have the manipulation of foreign policy in people's perceptions of the outside world.
And I think that the government's manipulations have reached the point that they're just now too extreme.
And so they may lose their control over people's minds.
This grand manipulation will be tested in 2015.
I want to shift gears now.
You have a new article out today just titled Charlie Hebdo.
The hypocrisy of the EU that censors so much speech.
Now acting like there's so free speech standing up for this magazine, which I stand up for their free speech.
But at the same time...
Hundreds of thousands have been killed in Syria after Western-backed rebels did it.
They're connected to this group.
What about mourning for all the Syrians or Libyans the West has killed with their Al-Qaeda proxy armies?
Well, we don't ever get around to that because that doesn't serve our foreign policy goals.
Or Washington's hedge enemy over the rest of the world.
The Charlie Hebdo does.
See, whether or not this was a false flag attack, or whether it was a real legitimate terrorist attack, the outcome is the same.
Three goals were achieved.
One is, France has been pulled back under Washington's thumb.
They're back under Washington's foreign policy orbit.
You have to remember, just very recently,
The prince voted with the Palestinians.
They took a position different from the American-Israeli position.
The British themselves, if memory serves right, abstained.
So that this showed two of the most influential European countries moving away from the American position.
Also very recently, the President of France announced that the economic sanctions against Russia must end.
So this is another break in the cooperation with Washington's foreign policy.
So when you have something like this terrorist shooting in Paris, you cow the French and you bring them back under your thumb.
Also, we see the effect of the shooting is to undermine what was a growing European sympathy for the Palestinians.
This is not because the Palestinians were involved in shootings, but Muslims were generally Muslims.
And so they're tainted by it.
And also there was growing European
Opposition to the new war that Washington is ginning up in the Middle East against the Islamic State.
The Europeans have had enough of this.
They know it doesn't serve their purpose.
Many of them have large Muslim populations and they understand that these populations
We're good.
If it just goes and acts on its own, it faces charges that it's committing war crimes.
But if it has accomplices, they can all say, oh, this is necessary to do.
See, we all agree.
We all agree that this is necessary to do.
It's a NATO operation, blah, blah.
And so the terrorists, if that's what it was,
The Charlie Hebdo affair brings a halt to all of this independent thinking and reorganization behind Washington.
Here's a larger question.
How can we as a culture be held hostage by 20 dead people when automobiles kill that many people a day in France, and it's way more than that a day here in the U.S.
It's in the hundreds.
Since when can the media just take something and make it such a spectacle?
And then we're all shaking in fear.
Clearly, whether it's staged or real, it's being used to pass draconian censorship in France and the U.S.
with a cover of March's For Free Speech.
It is so Kafkaesque.
It's so Orwellian.
It makes my head spin.
And it really makes me fear for the future of our civilization.
Yes, and legitimately so.
But keep in mind, the main effect of this is to put Europe back under Washington's control.
They're no longer
Opposing the war in the Middle East, they're no longer flocking to the Palestinians' cause, and they're no longer speaking about independent foreign policies.
So, it has served a purpose, whether it was a real attack or a false flag attack.
And that is the main effect of this.
It basically means that the independence of a European foreign policy that the Russian government has been hoping would evolve in order to cool down the conflict and the growing NATO bases on their border and the trouble in the Ukraine, this has now been stopped dead in its tracks.
Because Europe is now back on board with Washington.
So this is a very big and serious consequence of the Charlie Hebdo event.
What do you think it signified that Obama's people didn't basically show up at the PR march?
A. B. What do you make of the coming prosecution of Petraeus?
Well, I don't know about the prosecution, but it seems clear to me that the reason Obama would not show up at the march in Paris is that if the American president is there, it takes on the look of an American operation.
And it makes it too obvious that France is now back in America's pockets.
But if he doesn't go, and the lower order person goes, or merely the ambassador goes, then it de-emphasizes in people's minds the association of what happened.
With American purposes, and therefore it doesn't make the false flag aspect stand out.
It just sort of says, well, you know, why didn't Obama come?
Well, you know, who knows?
But it leaves it without the mark of American operation.
If the president is there, he is the most important person there.
And then everybody gets to thinking about America.
Well, I mean, as you point out in your article that's up on Infowars.com and also on your website that we're linked to there, paulcraigroberts.org, you point out total precision up front.
Then there are a bunch of bumbling Benny Hills running around in circles, falling over their shoelaces.
After that, it doesn't jive.
It doesn't jive.
We'll never know whether it was a false flag attack.
It has clearly many characteristics of one.
There are many very puzzling aspects to it.
But I think the most outstanding, suspicious aspect is that these highly professional killers
Yeah, the passports that didn't get burned and then magically got found that day in the rubble?
And so here we see that card again used.
The system really thinks we're stupid.
I think, as I said in one of my columns, they make it more and more hard to believe.
And when everybody believes it, they sit back and laugh at us.
Well, you are in the highest levels of government.
You're in some big think tanks.
I know we've had corruption in the power structure forever, but it's never seemed to be this mentally ill.
And this, I mean, it's like Gibbs a few years ago saying, I was to lie and say the drone program didn't exist, even though it was public.
There's a psychological tactic here, I think.
To create learned helplessness, or kind of a mass Stockholm Syndrome of normalcy bias to where it's just so over the top, we just give in.
It may be, but keep in mind now, Alex, I was in the government prior to the fall of the Soviet Union, and therefore American power was constrained and did not have the same ambitions
But when the Soviet Union collapsed, it let the neoconservatives loose.
They said, well, look, there's no longer any constraint on American power.
We can do what we want.
They wrote articles in Peanuts saying we can take over the world.
All we need is false flags.
And they publish it.
That's right.
So what I'm saying is that my experience in government was a different kind of government.
It was a government that was constrained, a government that basically did not want any risk of nuclear war because it understood there's no winner, and therefore it didn't do the kinds of things that began with the Soviet collapse.
So that is a fundamental difference.
There's no comparability between Reagan and the later regimes.
Well sure, and most of our government for all its problems were combat vets.
And a lot of them were lawyers, but now it's almost all lawyers, PR hacks, almost none of them have been in combat, and I really think they themselves don't realize how much danger they're putting the world in.
I think they're a bunch of
You know, smart, focused, corrupt people, but I just don't think they have the instinctive fear they should of the power they're misusing.
Well, the neoconservatives are in charge.
And they want power.
They're after it.
They want America to hit its enemy all over the world.
That includes Russia and China.
And therefore, when they are greedy for power, they're not greedy.
I don't.
Well I think with Charlie Hebdo they've had a huge success.
Whether they are responsible for it or not, it has produced, for the Neoconservatives, a huge success.
And this means we're going to see more pressure on Russia, and thereby on China, because the two countries have formed a strategic alliance.
And we're going to see a war on the Islamic State.
And we're also... Hold on, finish up on the other side.
I want you to finish that thought, and we'll let you go.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I wanted Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, again, the former editor of the Wall Street Journal, father of Reaganomics, the head of Policy Department of the Treasury under Reagan, to finish up his prospectus for 2015.
Ron Paul, Dr. Paul, was on yesterday and said he thinks 2015's basically the big one.
He got Donald Trump saying that.
Most economists
Are saying this year, they just don't see how the charade can go on.
But I've seen it get pushed back.
I mean, I remember Roberts, when folks thought three years ago it was going to implode, he said, no, I give it three, four years.
Well, we're three, four years later.
And I just don't know how they square putting ISIS in charge, giving them $10 billion, letting them launch attacks on Assad.
And now we've got to go fight ISIS.
But then they're caught giving them airdrops of weapons.
I think fighting ISIS is the cover for bombing Assad's forces.
In fact, Obama has said, we need to take Assad out, that's why ISIS got a foothold.
No, ISIS got a foothold because our government put them in there.
And this has really woken the military up.
What I'm getting at here is I don't see how this agenda can continue on, but as you said three years ago, it always continues on historically longer than we think, but then overnight sometimes these empires, based on lies, fall, or it could die slowly, or it could, I guess, take the planet over if everyone submits to it.
So Dr. Roberts, for about five minutes you've got the floor and I'll let you go.
Finish up with your global prospectus and where you see this going.
Well, I think that what's working against the neoconservatives is their neglect of the economy.
And so they're so focused on world power and on the financial hegemony of the United States that they're not paying attention to the fact that the economy itself is expiring.
And there's no growth consumer incomes.
There's no good jobs for people, not even for university graduates.
The workforce is shrinking in size because of the lack of jobs.
The debt continues to build.
At some point, debt has to be serviced.
It can't be.
So I think they're overlooking the economic landmines while they are greedily chasing after power.
And so this is the hope that the economy blows up and they have no way to deal with it.
You have to keep in mind that leadership passes into empire.
An empire begets insolence, and insolence brings ruin.
And when you see the United States, which has now a very weak economy, challenging both Russia and China in some sort of world supremacy contest that neither Russia nor China had any interest in being part of,
But this combination of Russia and China is simply too much for the neoconservatives, given the weakened state of the United States economy.
So I think it is true that this could be the year that all of this blows up in their faces, despite the success that they have just had with the Paris shootings.
What else, I'm just there deep in thought, what else can we do as individuals, Dr. Roberts, from your historical experience and governmental experience, journalistic experience, what can we do to ensure that we don't have a global collapse, that we don't, in their death throes or reaching for ultimate power, all basically get destroyed in a thermonuclear war?
I mean, isn't it just that journalists and people in government and media and
Every other profession out there need to realize how dire our straits are and not just be so comfortable that we just abdicate our responsibility and let a bunch of madmen run the world.
I mean, what else can we do to try to ensure this doesn't happen?
Well, probably nothing.
You know, there are no more independent institutions.
Journalism is no longer an independent institution.
It's owned by five or six major companies.
They're dependent on the government for the broadcasting licenses.
And indeed, this is an old hat type thing.
Ever since the Cold War, journalists have said that they have to be on the side of the government, or otherwise they're not patriotic.
And that they are patriotic, and so they take the government's side.
You know, just the other day, the
New York Times editor or former editor gave a speech publicly and said that, well, New York Times has to support the government.
That's what we do because we're patriotic.
And so if we have to mislead the people in order to support the government, we're going to do that.
You know, where is journalism?
They're not part of the country.
It's a ministry of propaganda.
All people can do is simply not fall for the government's schemes.
They've got to be aware of it.
Now, I don't know what any sort of resistance can come out of that.
But as long as people don't believe what they're told, there's more hope than if they do believe what they're told.
And I think that's what motivates me.
Well, paulcraigroberts.org is the website.
It's excellent.
We see attempts to censor new independent media.
We see attempts to bring in free speech controls because the establishment understands.
That it is information in the final equation and truth and people just removing their consent and their financial support from the system that will force it to change.
But you're right, the hubris, the insolence is the stuff historically that causes rack and ruin and I hope we can turn it around.
Thank you so much Dr. Roberts for joining us.
Pleased to be with you, Alex.
Always great to have you on.
PaulCraigRoberts.org, again, is his site.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our major sites.
Jared is Active Duty Army and has been holding
Uh, and wants to give his take on the new poll out showing Obama has only a 15% approval rating in active duty.
We'll go to Joe, who's also ex-Army, uh, in Rambo in Oregon, uh, who has family members, uh, that are in and wants to give us his take on that.
But we've heard unanimously it's not about gays in the military.
And I'm not saying that's good for morale or whatever.
I'm not endorsing or not endorsing.
The point is, it's a football issue.
The real issue is the corruption, the government drug dealing, the working with radical Islamists, the training the military for domestic operations, gun confiscation, the open training of ISIS and others.
This has got the military really awake.
Darren McBrain put together a five minute report, it's extremely powerful, that we only aired part of at the start of the broadcast today.
I want to air the whole thing now, here for radio and TV viewers.
If you're a radio listener, you want to go to InfoWars.com forward slash show, where you can see the free video feed, because it's very powerful to see these congressional testimony pieces, news clips.
Now I want to warn folks, some of the footage is graphic and is violent, but it's documentary in nature.
And then we'll go to Jared, Rambo, Joe and others.
Then we've got Harry Dent joining us.
Who is, again, an excellent financial analyst.
He predicted a couple years ago on the show that it would be deflation that got us, not inflation.
And he predicted the oil going down, the demographic cliff, all of it.
It's now happening.
So he's going to be joining us and we'll take your phone calls in the second half of the interview.
But here's one of the most powerful pieces that Darren McBrain has put out so far of many powerful pieces.
We're blessed to have such a great crew of people like Jakari Jackson and Darren McBrain.
Rob Dew and John Bowne and so many others.
Rob Jacobson.
The list goes on and on that put out these video montage reports.
So here is one right now.
The bloody laundry of the CIA.
I appeared before the Congressional Committee, the highest representation of the American people under subpoena, to tell what I knew of activities which I believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship.
Does America owe its edge in military technology to Nazi war criminals brought here after World War II?
The truth is that thousands of former Nazis, some of whom committed atrocities, went to work for the United States government.
Do you have any people
This I think gets into the kind of getting into the details Mr. Chairman that I'd like to get into an executive session.
We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact, by the time I became the head of the whole news and public affairs operation in 1954.
Ships had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them.
We're really talking about intelligence at the highest levels of the U.S.
government, setting the broad direction for the nation.
Have you brought with you some of those devices which would have enabled the CIA to use this poison for
We have indeed for killing people.
But also the toxin itself would not appear in the autopsy?
But when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.
If you've been anywhere near a television set or a radio these past few hours, you already know that John Lennon of the Beatles is dead.
He was shot late this evening in front of his apartment building in New York City.
Despite evidence that Noriega was involved in drug trafficking,
Bush kept Noriega on the payroll.
We interrupt your regular programming to tell you of a plane crash in northeastern Minnesota, where we have just had confirmed a short while ago, eight people were killed on a small beach aircraft that was on its way to Evelett, Minnesota, including Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, and according to the senior staff in the Senator's office, not only the Senator, but his wife, Sheila, his daughter, three members of his staff.
The C.I.A.
has been and is now completely out of control.
The accusation is that drugs are being sold by the Contras and that the C.I.A.
knew about it and didn't do anything.
William Colby has been missing since April 27th.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River April 28th.
When George Bush became director of the CIA in 1976, he inherited Noriega as a contact.
When you read these outrageous charges by a drug-related, indicted dictator, discount them.
They are total lies.
In 1976, Flight 455, which took off from Venezuela bound for Cuba, suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard died after the plane crashed near Barbados.
We have had an explosion and we are detecting a re-event.
More of the terrorists were found to be Latin Americans contracted by the U.S.
One of the attacks masterminds, Posada Capriles, currently lives freely in Miami.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th.
The numbers about potential civilian casualties, I take with a somewhat big grain of salt.
Let us bomb these places.
What does that make Hillary Clinton to the Bush family?
My sister-in-law.
I love Bill Clinton.
Jake and Morgan.
Watching that is frightening.
And of course the CIA is just one of the big agencies involved in all this.
And it's been former CIA people that have been the most outspoken about it.
And the road to perdition has been paved by the statement that, well, the end justifies the means.
That they started doing all this evil stuff to fight the Nazis under OSS and then the Russians under CIA.
But at the same time, the very robber barons running this country that founded the CIA in 1947 were the ones putting the communists in power, and that's declassified!
Just like they helped create the radical Islamists and gave them bases and weapons.
And when they've been defeated after a 14-year war, they gave them new bases.
And now they're worse than ever and have, quote, metastasized.
And we're gonna get attacked, and we gotta give our rights up when it happens.
I appreciate Jared, who we're going to next after we got a break, and then Rambo and Joe Holden.
We'll get to all of you.
And then our guest is joining us to get into what we're expecting in 2015.
I don't like the fiat bubble system, but I tell you, I hope it doesn't implode in 2015.
People say, oh yeah, that'll bring them down.
Oh no.
They're going to get more power out of the implosion when they're ready.
I don't want the bubble to implode.
I want it to be exposed, discussed, and then create alternate systems.
Of course, I'd like to not die either, I guess.
I mean, we're in this mess.
It's going to happen.
We're going to crash.
The question is, how bad will it be?
We're going to go to break and come back.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
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By the way, I'm not going to air it on radio and TV.
We're probably well on the nightly news tonight.
The headline is Alex Jones to retire.
It is satire.
And it's designed to basically make fun of the real conspiracy theorists that are out there.
It's pretty funny.
If you want to go see it, it's on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and we just tweeted it out at RealAlexJones and it's on our Facebook.
And so it's a good way to basically upset all the schizophrenics out there that claim that I'm Bill Hicks and stuff.
It's pretty hilarious.
I was here being interviewed for a documentary last week about Russia and about oligarchs.
And then I just said, Kevin was making a documentary about it, and I said, hey, let's do a joke while you're here.
And so we did it, and it's pretty funny.
And it's up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Jared, thank you for holding your active duty army.
You wanted to give us your take on this national poll of active duty.
Only 15% approve of Obama.
And they're claiming it's because of gays in the military.
They didn't even ask that question.
That's what they say in the article.
The military I've talked to, it's because they know Obama is selling the country out.
What do you have to say about this?
Hello Alex.
It has nothing to do with the gays in the military issue.
It's being lied to continually.
And watching the Constitution that we've sworn to support and defend with our lives being trampled upon continuously.
Talk about your view, or the other servicemen you've talked to and women, what their average view is of the so-called Commander-in-Chief.
It's not good.
And a lot of us don't talk out about it because of repercussions.
Well, obviously, I don't think they know who you are right now.
They try to check your phone records or violate the Constitution with the NSA.
But do you agree with my statement that it's over the training for domestic operations against patriots, that it's over the open borders, that it's over being connected to ISIS?
I mean, can you tell us what some of the concerns are?
It's all that and more.
And it's nickel and diamond away the Constitution.
There's no business for us to be training in a United States urban environment unless that's where they plan to operate at.
And then you get the manuals and find out it's for veterans.
They openly teach, this is national news, that the main enemy of the Pentagon will be veterans.
Now what type of America is this where the veterans are the enemy?
I mean, what are they going to do that's going to make the veterans so mad that the Army's going to have to fight them?
It's not the America I grew up in.
Well, it may fly, you know, funding Al-Qaeda and all this, but it's not going to fly starting a civil war.
The police know what's going on now on average.
I'm thinking that's an excessively high number.
That would sound more along the lines of being right.
Do you think it'll fly if, say, a bomb goes off in a federal building, and then they say, oh, we've got to arrest the patriots, do you think that'll fly with the military?
Oh, no.
It would not fly at all.
Let me ask you this question.
Is the military aware of the false flag paradigm and things that the globalists might pull?
A lot more than the military is waking up to it, and they're seeing through the false flags.
Very exciting news.
And that's the good news, is that's what I'm getting from all my sources.
High up, low level, you name it.
Alright, Jared, anything else you want to add?
Uh, no.
Thanks for your time, Alex.
Yeah, God bless you.
Thank you for trying to serve the Republic even though it's been seized.
You know, we'll need a military once we've taken the Republic back, so... People do not need to blame our military.
They need to blame the globalists.
Thank you for listening to GCS.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's finish up with these calls that have been holding ahead of our next guest joining us, Rambo in Oregon.
You're on the air.
What's your view from your military perspectives and family, you say, is in the military on why Obama is so unpopular?
Well, he's really unpopular just due to the fact that, you know, years ago he's down there bowing to Saudi princes and all just outrageous stuff that an American president doesn't do that really upsets the military.
And it just shows that he just does not have Wabos, or Huevos, or whatever you want to call them.
He just doesn't have them.
And it's really upsetting the military.
But my cousin, who's a former Air Force pilot and top gun, he, for years and years, he would tell me about how I'm crazy about false flags and all this.
So one year, I went over there and brought him some movies, Terrorist Storm and Road to Tyranny.
And, well, he watched them.
About a week later, he said, hey, we got to have lunch.
We're good to go.
Barry Seal, CIA drug smuggler piece, that would be just key on that as well.
What do you think?
Well, that's part of the problem.
There's so many CIA crimes, I should say, criminal gangs operating inside the CIA crimes, using it as an organization to carry out their operations, that it'd be a hundred hours long.
But absolutely, I'm sure Darren will do a part two.
He really likes working on stuff exposing the CIA.
So, great points.
God bless you.
Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Thank you.
Former Army.
Good to be here, Alex.
I was a former Army infantryman.
I was in during Obama's first term, and I'd called into the show before regarding a similar issue.
But basically, the last caller was talking about the stigma that's attached to you if you speak out or the retaliation is true.
There's an unofficial way to deal with people who are outspoken, but
I myself was outspoken about how I felt about the Commander-in-Chief and, you know, there's three types of people that you'll run into when you do that.
The number one is people who don't like what's going on, but they're not very informed.
And then you have the informed people who are scared to say anything, but then you run into the third, which is the people who are literally sitting down talking to the gentleman with a friend of mine.
I know, they're the worst.
People that know there's a criminal takeover, and then they think because they joined it in their mind that they're part of it.
They're the biggest chumps, the biggest cowards.
They believe that they're going to join evil and win when they're the first type of people the establishment is going to destroy.
They are so stupid.
I mean, not even one-tenth of one percent stands to gain from this world government.
This world government is anti-human.
Look at Liam Neeson.
I think he's a great actor.
And now I can hardly watch anything he's ever in.
Liam Neeson makes money with these shoot-'em-up TV shows, movies.
And then he comes out and says America has too many effing guns.
Says star Liam Neeson launches expo of latent tirade on gun control, blames the Ebdo attack on guns in America.
What a dumbass!
I mean, I'm sorry to use a word like that, but he's got bodyguards, he's rich, he's worth over a hundred million dollars, and then he wants our guns.
Well, you know, he knows if he talks like that, they'll give him more roles.
Just a world of sellout scum.
There's an example right there.
And then he makes his money with shoot-em-up movies.
Probably doesn't even know how to use a gun.
What a piece of crap.
I mean, what a piece of garbage.
Obama can have all the bodyguards he wants, but I can't have a gun.
You know what?
You can go right to you-know-where.
I'm sick of you people.
You're morally bankrupt, and you want my guns to make me a slave, and you know it.
It's not that you're wrong.
You're scum criminals.
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And a backbeat, narrow and hard to master.
Some call it heavenly brilliance.
Others feed and root for the western dream.
If you are receiving this transmission live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
One last breath before wind blows.
Better raise your ears.
The sound of hooves knock at your door.
Let's keep that rolling for a moment.
Are the four horsemen coming for the stock market?
Are the four horsemen coming for dollar hegemony?
Are the four horsemen coming for the private federal reserve?
Are the four horsemen of different types of deflation coming?
Well, on to the dead of night.
We see the four horsemen ride.
And we are now trying to look at the different fates out there and decide which one is coming down the road because you don't have to be an economist to look at the world economy and tell it's untenable, it's unstable, it's based on bubbles, it's based on fraud.
You've got giant welfare states that even dwarf us per capita in Europe.
You've got democratic cliffs as we go into the second quadrant or begin to approach the middle of the wave of the retirement of baby boomers all over the Western world.
Harry Dent's been coming on the show about three, four years, and he's the best-selling author of The Demographic Cliff and the editor of the free newsletter Economy and Markets.
And of course, he founded Dent Research, an economic forecasting firm specializing in demographic trends.
His mission is helping people understand change using exciting new research developed from years of hands-on business experience.
He also headed up a division for Bain Capital.
I think?
Yes, sir.
I've got to tell you, I mean, you've got all these different economists, all these different investors, you see them all over the news.
Last year, about six months ago, we saw Donald Trump come out and say the big crash is coming.
He's kind of the canary in the coal mine when he finally starts saying it.
But most real economists say something big's coming.
Well, a lot of them say it's going to be inflation, maybe even hyperinflation because of all the QE Unlimited and the race to the bottom with all the money printing worldwide, not just by the dollar.
The problem is then you've got other demographics showing that there's going to be less demand
More oil and gas discovered, and so prices are going to plunge.
And I wish we had the staff to do it, but I mean, you can go back to the ten interviews or so the last three years.
Three years ago, he was predicting by 2015, 2016, and he has the graphs he sent us again today.
We'll pull some of those up and show you the graphs he made.
He's been using them for four or five years.
It's in his last best-selling book, New York Times bestseller, that right around this time it would start.
Demographic cliff.
People retiring.
More old people than young people.
We aborted all our kids.
We didn't have kids.
Okay, fine.
We will be inherited by the third world.
That is our trendy wish.
That is the way it works.
There's his oil graphic that he's been putting out for at least... I first read his book four years ago, then got him on about three and a half years ago, so I guess I've been seeing him use this for four years.
Three or four years.
He has his oil graph, WTI crude, 98-2016.
But there it is.
He has it going down.
Uh, going back a few months ago.
And that's what happened.
And he's got it going down even more into 2020.
Uh, we've got Bloomberg out saying it'll take five years to rebound.
He says it won't rebound.
Well, don't let me put words in his mouth.
He's just made a lot of predictions that have come true so far.
That's why he's a best-selling author.
People want to read what he has to say.
I'm just glad he's here with us today to go through all this.
So, Harry Dent.
I gotta tell you, three years ago I agreed with a lot of what you're saying, but I just could not have imagined $40 a barrel oil, but it's headed that way and lower.
Thank you for coming on with us.
Yeah, you're right, Alex.
We've said for years that oil would end up at $10 to $20 a barrel.
Right now we have broken recently out of a long trading range sideways between $80 and $115.
And the next support is at $32.
I think we're going to see that this year, maybe within months, maybe within weeks.
And the thing about this is that falling oil prices, most economists say, oh, it's good for the consumer.
Well, of course it is.
We save maybe $2 a day at lower oil prices, but it's going to burst one of the biggest bubbles we've had recently, the fracking bubble.
We were told we're going to be energy independent.
We got this great fracking revolution.
It's just a bubble industry.
We're good to go.
We're ignoring this tracking bubble burst just like they ignored the housing bubble and the subprime crisis in 2008.
I mean, that's another chart I have here where if you look at the subprime
I know that you know I've been telling Alex for years now.
We've got a bubble going to burst.
We've got demographics only going the wrong direction in more and more countries around the world.
Debt levels even higher than they were in 2007 and 2008 when the last bubble burst.
Everything is set.
We just need a trigger.
I think this is the trigger and the markets are ignoring it.
You predicted the 2008 crash, you predicted this with oil, and I'm just going from remembering I first interviewed you a few times over the phone like four or five years ago, then you hadn't been on for a few years, started getting you on, I think 2013, 2014 again, but you did make those predictions accurately.
People did roll their eyes.
I mean, I respected your view because you've been right so much, but it was hard to believe now it's starting to happen.
When did you first start predicting oil would go down in 2015?
Oh, we said that back in the Great Depression ahead in 2008.
You know, one of the things, Alex, you know, we look at demographic cycles, which we can project accurately.
I mean, we know when the average person spends the most money on toilet paper or camping equipment,
And they spend the most money overall at age 46, and the most affluent people spend the most money at age 53, which is this year.
So the average household peak in 2007.
We predicted that 20 years ago.
The most affluent households that are still spending peak this year, so does spending on automobiles.
Everybody's saying automobiles are doing better than ever.
You watch the next couple years, they're going to go off a cliff.
Germany has the steepest decline of any major country in the world, much like Japan in the 90s.
We were the only one to see that coming in the late 80s because we look at demographics.
But we also look at any travel cycles and commodity prices are one of the most predictable cycles over time.
They peak every 29 to 30 years like a clock.
That's what we've been saying since 2008.
Commodity prices are peaking.
They're going to decline, not for a few years, but well into the early 2020s.
And that's when we said oil in particular was going to go back to the lows in late 90s, early 2000, between $10 and $20 a barrel.
So, yeah, it is crashing, as we said.
It will go lower.
I think you won't see that $10 to $20 maybe for a few years, but I think you are going to see $32 to $40 this year and again, maybe within months.
And again, it's not a good thing.
When oil crashed from 147 to 32 in 2008, a recession followed for the whole next year.
So that's what we see.
Yes, it's good long-term for consumers, but in the short term, it is going to kill a lot of jobs.
It's going to trigger debt defaults.
High-yield bond rates are going to start to spike up.
They already have.
They've gone from 5% to 7%.
Well, I mean, Zimbabwe successfully cured debt with debt, and so did Weimar Germany.
Yeah, exactly.
In history, when you try to cure debt with debt, you end up either in an inflationary blowout and or a deflationary crash.
And we see, and we've been saying consistently, a lot of very smart people who understand the debt crisis is unsustainable.
We've been saying, no, this ends in deflation.
And all we've seen, Europe's worried about deflation.
is worried about deflation.
Commodity prices are collapsing.
Older people are deflationary.
Young people cost everything to raise.
Old people downsize everything.
We're deflationary.
And debt, deleveraging.
And it will end up deleveraging.
We're going to have to write off a lot of debt, a lot of student loans, subprime auto loans, subprime... Because it's impossible to prop up the debt.
It has to be written off.
Has to be written off ultimately, either through a crash or if the government were smart, they would orchestrate a Chapter 11 reorganization, especially of our private debt.
That's what they could do.
They don't want to just let a depression happen.
But no one wants to preside over that and they want to keep gambling till the casino burns down.
Now there's smoke in the casino.
They can see flames.
The smoke detectors are going off, but they just tell us everything's fine.
Yeah, everybody wants it to happen later.
Nobody, no central banker, no president, no prime minister, anywhere in the world wants to have the next Great Depression.
And that's what debt deleveraging is.
Every depression in history has followed a major debt bubble.
And that depression and that deflation in prices is because we have debt deleveraging.
We're destroying money.
Financial assets are deleveraging, destroying money.
We overproduce in a bubble.
Stay there.
I want to hear about the next huge drop.
That's right.
Is China the time bomb?
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Alex Jones here back live.
I did a satire video and people in the comments don't seem to understand that even though it says satire.
At InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com video Alex Jones retirement announced.
And it's a satire video if you want to see it I think it's pretty funny.
It's causing a whole new conspiracy.
It's ridiculous.
Absolutely free there on the website harrydent.com forward slash Alex Jones.
We appreciate him doing that for our listeners.
There's also harrydentresearch.com.
This is a short segment, Harry.
Long segment coming up.
I'd like to give the number out if it's okay with you.
Let folks ask some questions
How will that affect the economy?
I want to finish up with that and then other big shoes to drop.
Where does all this go?
How do people protect themselves?
And then you talk about China could be the detonator.
Do we see a collapse quickly or is it slowly or we just don't know?
Well, you know, I really do think this oil price fall is the trigger.
All it takes a trigger.
I mean, the markets have been acting like there's no risk in the world.
You got civil wars everywhere, all over the Middle East and Russia and Ukraine and problems in Africa and falling commodity prices.
All this sort of stuff, the markets are ignoring this.
They're just thinking, well, the Fed will just bail us out, or the Fed will just print more money.
And so it takes a trigger, something to get the markets to see, oh my gosh, there is risk in the world.
And then the antennas go up.
So I think China is the last thing to hit and the hardest.
We don't need no bubbles.
We don't need no debt compared to China.
China's debt in the last 14 years has grown
Nine times as fast as U.S.
debt in the 14 years into our bubble peak and debt in 2008.
China has moved 220 million people from rural areas to urban areas with absolutely no skills and they're having them build stuff for nobody.
They got 30% vacant condos, 30 to 40% excess capacity in cement, steel, aluminum,
All the basic industry, they've got bridges to nowhere, empty malls and office buildings.
This is the craziest economy ever.
The greatest debt bubble, the greatest overbuilding bubble, and yet clueless economists, and I understate this, clueless!
Economists say that this is the new state-driven model of capitalism.
There is no way government's crony capitalism from the top down can make better decisions than a bottoms-up free market system with some good rules.
There's no way, and they never have.
Russia proved this, but now everybody thinks China's the new model.
China has created, mark my words, the greatest bubble in modern history, and it will not be a soft landing.
When they finally go down, it's going to be the biggest real estate collapse, the greatest debt bubble,
These 220 million people with no skills in urban areas are going to be trapped with no jobs and they can't even go back to their farms because they paved them over with empty condos.
At least they'll be able to squat in these empty condos.
China is going to be the biggest disaster in history and it's going to prove, finally, to economists who don't know better because they've never run a business, never had sex, don't understand consumers, anything, it's going to prove to them that
Capitalism works better as long as you have some good simple rules.
So I think this is going to be a useful lesson, but it's going to be painful.
So I think we start this crisis because these fracking companies go under and that kills jobs and debt defaults.
And then there's another $6 trillion to emerging country companies from U.S.
debt and bonds.
That's going to default next.
And then it just keeps going until we now we have another housing crisis.
Why Homeland Security's militarizing police, deploying thousands of armored vehicles, and basically telling the military to prepare for martial law, is that they think it's going to get out of hand?
Well, you know, if they're smart, they would.
I mean, I do fear civil unrest in this country, and I can't even imagine the civil unrest when 220 million people are just basically left on the left.
These people are not registered citizens in these cities.
They're only registered in their rural areas, and like I said, most of them can't go back there.
And if China implodes, Japan's already collapsing.
The West is trying to bankrupt Russia.
We can't export the implosion.
Won't other countries imploding only make us implode?
Yes, I mean, that's what happened.
That's what happened in the Great Depression.
When things started to go down, all countries all put up trade tariffs and that just hurt world trade worth.
Well, what countries are doing today, they're printing money to devalue their currency and make their exports more competitive.
Harry Dent, stay there.
I want you to come back and break down how you see this coming together.
I mean, your next production, the next big shoe to drop, and phone calls straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Prime Directive.
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A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
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It's Alex Jones!
We're going to go back to our guest, talk about the next big events that he sees coming.
He's had a really great history of being extremely accurate, so I'm listening carefully.
I know you are.
Harry Dent's our guest.
harrydent.com forward slash alexjones to find discounts on his book and a free chapter and more.
And of course, your phone calls.
We've got L.A., Tony, John, Tim, Paul and others that want to talk to Harry Dent.
You'll get a chance here in about 10 minutes.
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Going back to Mr. Dent, I want to give you the floor for the next 5-10 minutes before we go to calls and those questions.
You've accurately with these charts, with demographics, predicted so much that's happened.
Tell us, past China, what else you're concerned about.
Is it Germany and the EU?
I don't understand these ideas out of the State Department.
And I've had famous spies on, folks that are involved trying to destabilize Russia.
They seem to believe that if we implode Russia, and implode Asia, that somehow that makes our economy better.
Sure, it makes people buy our bonds, but if there's no economy, how is that going to matter?
From all the economics I've studied, when you have global problems, and that then compounds our problems, is it good for select corporations is why they want destabilization?
Or what's happening there?
Yeah, no, obviously it's not good for major countries, whether it be China, Russia, much of Europe, to implode.
I mean, we all trade with each other.
This is a global economy and has been increasingly for the last hundred years, really, for the first time to that extent in history.
So it's not good.
It can be good long-term, you know, I mean, it's just like right now, Saudi Arabia wants oil prices to go down.
They want to knock out the frackers.
They want to knock out marginal oil producers like Venezuela, Iran, and Iraq.
So it makes their market share better long-term.
That's what Rockefeller did in the early 1900s with Standard Oil.
So, yeah, it does benefit
Some of these challenges do benefit certain countries, longer term, or companies, but it does not, it is not good for the economy near term to have any major country go down.
And you're right, I am, we called Japan in 1988-89, we said Japan is going to crash while the rest of the world sees the greatest boom in history in the 90s.
Nobody saw that coming.
I think so.
Of all the countries in the world in the next eight years, from 2014 to 2022 has the steepest slide in demographic spending trends I have ever seen, ever.
Worse than Japan in the 90s.
Now, the world is looking to Germany
To hold up the European Union just as Greece, surprise surprise, is looking at defaulting or renegotiating on their debt.
And replacing the Germans, just to interrupt, replacing the Germans with unskilled third world labor is not going to stop that demographic cliff.
No, no, it's not.
Well, I mean, remember what I said earlier, it's the emerging world, which actually does have good demographic trends for coming decades, except for China.
It's the emerging world that's getting crucified by the fall in commodity prices, because most emerging countries are commodity producers and exporters.
So the emerging markets, countries, are down 30%.
And while we're hitting new highs in our stock market, and Germany's hitting new highs recently, so they're already underperforming.
If the world implodes, they're going to underperform even more because they're dependent on us.
They are not nearly as wealthy as us.
People don't realize China has one-tenth
The dollar level standard of living we do, and one-fifth if you adjust for purchasing power.
Okay, so where do you expect, this is a bold challenge, where do you expect the Dow, the S&P, where do you expect the major stock market indexes to be 12 months from now?
Okay, well, you know, I've got a chart that shows that since the correction in 2011, the only substantial correction in this bubble boom here recently, is that we're going in a channel up.
And we have a key turning point we're looking at in our cycles mid to late March.
The likelihood is stocks will continue to edge up.
It's about 2175 in this chart, or we break above maybe 2300, but that's 19 to 20,000 in the Dow.
Think of that term.
That's as high as we see things going, if it gets there.
And then, when it falls, we have a broader pattern of higher highs and these bubble booms, 2000 peak, 2007 peak, and now 2014 or early 2015.
The next new low,
It's likely to be around 5,500 to 6,000 on the Dow by late 2016 to early 2017.
We're going to have a bigger crash than we saw in 2008 and early 2009.
Every bubble goes higher.
Every crash goes lower because we're not solving the problem.
We have higher debt.
We have worse demographics ahead.
So how could we not have a worse crash?
So most economists think, oh, we'll just have a 20% correction this year and then we'll go on and on.
No, we're not.
We're saying the market's likely to peak by mid to late March.
The other scenario is that oil prices just keep plummeting, although they're bouncing today, but if they just keep plummeting down to $32 in the next so many weeks or a couple months,
Stocks could basically start to fall now.
And in this channel we're talking about, in this chart, if the S&P breaks below about 1870, which is not that far down, just about 10% from the top, this bubbles over and it's going to burst more.
So I'm watching the oil price, that's the key leading indicator.
Preferred scenario, out of all.
And in the short term, I'm always guessing.
In the long term, we have very credible indicators.
But in the short term, you have to guess.
I can't predict when a tsunami is going to hit Japan, or Putin is going to invade Crimea, all that sort of stuff.
But you can look at patterns.
Sure, if you exclude wildcards, the surest thing throughout history is demographics.
Yeah, well that's the surest thing in the last century once we've had middle class economies which were a product of the free market capitalist system of innovation.
We didn't have a middle class, you know, after World War II and stuff.
We just had kings and peasants.
That's all we had for most of history.
So this is a big deal.
And when the average person makes a lot of income and has a lot of spending power, it makes demographics more important than ever.
So yes, you're right.
The economy here and in any country around the world that has any sort of somewhat free market capitalist democracy has followed demographic trends predictably.
It is the best indicator.
But in the short term, I can just look at, okay, here's the patterns.
Here's this channel.
The likelihood is we're going to keep edging up because this market just wants to go up.
It's a market on crack, I call it.
It's being fueled.
All this trillions of dollars of central banks, it's not going into lending.
It's not going back to consumers or householders.
It's just going into speculation.
So the markets want to go up until something goes wrong.
And this oil... Well, that was my next question.
Is the high frequency trading, the flash trading, the manipulations, the plunge protection team,
Can that beat the demographic facts that were there previously?
Can they bring us into a world of true false reality, economic 1984, where the real economy's dead in a deflationary spiral, but there's an inflation spiral in luxury goods in the future, and the elite just get more and more separated from the public?
Yeah, well, that is what has been happening.
They have defeated demographics.
We would have gone into a Great Depression without $10 trillion of money printing from all the major central banks around the world.
They are fighting deflation.
They are fighting Debt 11.
They don't want this to happen.
The problem is the tools they're using to fight it are creating another bubble and bubbles always burst.
We've always
The little guy.
It's not the little.
The everyday person's already been crucified with... Okay, so I'm wrong about that.
Explain that to me, then, because that's interesting.
I would say the nouveau riche, the middle rich, the insider elites, they're going to make money on the rig market, on the ups and downs, like a casino, from my lay view.
Explain to me, though, who that rich group is that gets hurt the worst.
Well, you know, everybody talks about the top 20%.
That's the college-educated, affluent, low-employed.
They're doing better than ever.
But, you know, I just did a report in my newsletter.
It's not really the 20%.
If you look at the top 20%, the top 10% made most of those gains.
If you look at the top 10%, the top 1%, 1 tenth of them made most of those gains.
If you look at the top 1%, the top 0.1%, 1 out of 1,000 households made most of those gains.
So, things are heavily skewed towards the very rich.
The problem with that, Alex, is they're very rich.
Not only own yachts and private jets that are going to be worthless and Ferraris, they own all these companies and all these financial assets that are overinflated.
The average person has maybe 30, 40 grand in stocks and some bonds in their 401k plans.
They get hurt when the economy goes down, when jobs and wages aren't as good, but the rich get crucified.
So you're saying the luxury economy
Bubbles burst.
It's gonna look like a highway sign that's been shot 20 times by hillbillies with 12 gauges.
Yeah, it is dead just like fracking's dead.
The luxury economy is dead.
If you own a yacht, sell it now.
If you own a private jet, sell it now.
You own a Ferrari, sell it now.
You own a hundred million dollar dumbass condo in New York, sell it now.
These people, these things are going to go down the worst.
In the 1930s,
Real estate was not in a bubble in the Roaring Twenties.
It was stocks and it was farmland and tractors.
It was a tractor bubble, if you want to really get down to it.
When the bubble burst, New York went up five years after the main market in the 1929 and it collapsed twice as much.
Sure, sure.
Let's say, you know, the average retiree out there, you know, has a million dollars in retirement funds.
Let's say, you know, let's say some upper middle class person with some nouveau riche has twenty million dollars in assets.
If you had a hundred thousand dollars, what would you do with it?
If you had ten million dollars, what would you do with it?
If you had a hundred million dollars, what would you do with it?
Just briefly, and then we'll go to calls.
You know, it's basically the same.
In 2008, what never happened before since the 1930s, in a bubble burst, in a deflationary era, everything goes down except for cash.
The highest quality bonds, like a 10-year Treasury bond or a German boon, you know,
Everything goes down.
Commodities went down, gold went down, silver went down, real estate went down, small cap stocks, large cap stocks, German stocks, emerging company stocks, country stocks, everything went down.
The safest thing is to be in cash or very safe bonds and or if you're willing to take a little risk, you go on the short side.
You maybe take 20% of your portfolio and short the S&P 500 or short the small cap index.
Uh, if you want to make some money.
But I think to me, to most people, I say, look, this is a bubble.
It's going to be violent.
Just protect the gains you've made in real estate and stocks.
So it's like a hurricane.
You need to board up your house.
Then you can buy.
So it's like a hurricane.
Board up your house, protect your assets, emerge after.
That's where the sure profits are.
And here's the thing people don't get, Alex.
People say, well, I'm not making any money at zero or one or two percent.
You make money when everything falls and you can buy two, three, four, five, six times as much.
You can buy that million dollar Ferrari for $60,000.
You can buy that million dollar bus for $100,000.
You can buy that five million dollar house for half a million dollars.
That's what happens in a depression.
That's what happens.
You have to have cash because nobody's going to lend you money when you see an opportunity.
If you don't have cash or cash flow, you're not going to be able to take advantage of the greatest sale in our lifetime.
And mark my words on that, the greatest sale in our lifetime on financial assets of every type.
That's right.
Let's go ahead and go in real estate, folks.
It's going to be just plunging, in my view.
from California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, just I just wanted to say I respect both you guys.
But I think Mr. Dent's missing the picture on oil coming down being leading to a worse condition.
That's exactly right.
You must have misunderstood what I said.
I'm saying oil going down, especially this rapidly, is going to lead to worse conditions.
It's a sign that the global economy is slowing.
I want to see what the caller said.
I kind of missed it.
Are you saying you think Dent doesn't think oil going down is bad?
Or are you thinking he thinks it's good?
What are you saying?
Well, I think that's missing the point.
Yeah, oil comes down.
It's going to be good in a lot of ways and bad in a lot of ways.
But let's take all out of the picture for a second.
There's supposed to be other technologies coming online.
I've seen them on news about generators that can use different things in a much better way.
That's got to be a good thing.
I mean, new technologies could be wildcards.
Sure, sure.
The issue is they have to be scaled up.
Even the quickest scaling takes, what, 10 years?
No, no, no.
You're right, Alex.
He is right.
It is a good.
When you see inflation extremes or deflation extremes, it is going to promote radical new innovation, just like we got personal computers and cell phones out of the 70s and we got the jet engine.
And he's right.
Some more radical technologies will emerge that can compete at lower oil prices.
Sure, but that's 10 years down the road of this continuation.
LA, thank you.
A good point.
John, Tim, Paul, Tony, your calls are coming up.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Check out the website harrydent.com forward slash Alex Jones to find the free chapter, his book, the free newsletter and more.
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We'll do a little bit of overdrive to take more of your calls with our guest Harry Dent.
I'm Alex Jones.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
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Going back to our guest, Harry Dent, Research.com.
Harry Dent.
Harry, let's go back to the calls.
That's a whole show we should do, though, about what will innovate the economy, what could be done.
The problem is, so many old power structures in crony capitalism
Use big government regulation that they actually finance to shut down the innovation.
Is there any doubt that we'd already be much more advanced if it wasn't for the crony capitalist operations?
Yeah, no question.
I mean, when I see the poorest countries in the world are the most corrupt, the most crony capitalism, the most government sponsored and run stuff and tribal leaders and stuff like that.
One of the cycles we study, Alex, in addition to demographics and geopolitical and other things, is an innovation cycle that comes about every 45 years.
You know, it's kind of like the steam engine and then steamships and then railroads and then autos and then computers.
Literally every 45 years, these things
...economy and create higher productivity and a better standard of living.
And then there's a break after those until you get the next.
And really, the next big innovation cycle is going to be, by our calculation, 2032 to 2055.
It's a long way out.
We've already seen most of the benefits from the Internet and personal computers and smartphones and cell phones and broadband and all this sort of stuff.
Will the move towards singularity accelerate and compress the cycles?
No, I don't think so.
I think we're not going to see as much progress.
The new technology, the caller earlier talking about innovation and energy, nanotechnology can produce stuff out of nothing, out of thin air, but that is decades away from here.
These new technologies are germinating right now in niche markets, especially robotics.
They're still not mainstream.
Sure, there's also a lot of fraud there.
It's going to take a while to suss out what's real.
John in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Congratulations, Harry.
You're about the only person that calls for dollar power when everybody, including this show, is saying dollar devaluation and dollar collapse.
Going forward, I heard you on another interview a couple years ago talk about what leader needed to be
Well, you know, I'm not a political expert, but these economic cycles obviously do affect politics.
Right now, the common knowledge, just like it was in 2008 before the economy went down, was, oh, Hillary Clinton's the favorite on the Democratic side.
Well, she bombed
And Obama came out of nowhere and beat her.
It was a dark horse.
Same thing, Jeb Bush, the establishment candidate from the Republicans.
I don't think either of those are going to win in 2016.
I think the economy is going to be very difficult, and people are going to go for people who are saying, we've got to change stuff, but more effective than Obama.
Obama talked change, but he couldn't make change.
I think it will favor candidates more like Elizabeth Warren on the Democratic side or Chris Christie on the Republican side.
Chris Christie is the type of guy, I know he's got this kind of Tony Soprano image, but he's the type of guy that will tackle a problem and deal with it.
That's what we're not doing.
We're not tackling this death problem.
Yeah, you like him because he's a little more free market.
I just can't stand his Democratic leanings when it comes to guns, but I hear what you're saying.
Caller, just to be clear, we've had guests on here with a lot of different ideas.
I believe the dollar will implode down the road, but it'll be the last to implode.
It's like Helter Skelter.
I'm coming down fast, but I'm miles above you.
They're all racing to devalue, so that sends people back into the dollar.
But the dollar down the road, I mean, I'm not an expert like Mr. Dent.
I think it's going to collapse or something.
In 20 seconds, long term, is the dollar stable, Mr. Dent?
No, no, I agree with you there, Alex.
I see the dollar going up in this crisis.
It's the best house in a bad neighborhood, and deflation favors us.
Down the road, we will never be the leader we were after World War II or in the 19th century.
Let's come back in one minute and finish that statement.
That's what I think.
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Harry Dent is our guest.
A final quick little segment with him.
Finishing up with some callers.
But I totally agree with what he's saying.
The dollar is the best house in a bad neighborhood.
And yeah, chances are it'll end up being dominant at the end, but then it'll go under.
It's kind of like being on an island as the seawater raises.
You're still the last guy standing, but if you don't have a boat, you're in deep trouble.
Knowing about the crises that are coming and making preparation to then come out better on the other side, that's what protects you, in my view.
Tony in Nevada, quick question or comment for our guest.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
Yeah, I'm of the belief that dropping gas prices is happening to further lower the masses to sleep, you know, by eliminating one of life's daily stresses.
And I also understand the Middle East's desire to stop the fracking industry here in the U.S., as it seems we very well could be or would have been energy independent very soon.
Yeah, we were the number one producer in the world.
Right, but what I don't understand is with the loss of jobs and the industry collapse that will certainly come from devastating the fracking industry, all the investors and all the people it's going to adversely affect, and we're talking multi-millions of people and probably trillions of investment dollars,
Do the globalists believe that the uproar this will create will somehow be balanced by the public sedation that's certainly going to occur as gas prices approach a dollar a gallon again?
And is this another shoot-em-in-the-back-while-you're-smiling-to-their-face situation occurring?
Well, yeah, it's just another thing that says, oh, everything's OK.
It's not.
This is a sign.
The falling oil prices is a sign of slowing global demographics, excessive debt, overproduction of everything.
We overexpanded.
When you have too much debt, when debt grows two to three times the economy, you're going to overexpand, overconsume and have excess capacity.
And that takes deflation.
To to to wash it out.
And you know, Alex earlier, all this corruption and crony capitalism and lobbying, all of this stuff is going to be hit by this collapse.
So this is good thing.
Long term, lower oil prices, lower home prices are good long term.
But when they reset,
And collapse, all the debt behind them goes under, and the industries behind them go under, and it's going to cause chaos.
The saying here is, how do you survive this chaos to get to the other side when all these trends do cause greater... And that's where your book at harrydent.com breaks down.
Folks should get The Demographic Cliff and read it, or they're crazy in my view.
It's just invaluable information, and it's been being proven right again and again.
Thank you, caller.
Last caller we have time for.
I'm sorry, the others.
Tim in Florida, quick question or comment.
Yes, I just want to ask Mr. Dent if you could point out some of the dominoes that will fall.
I see the gas thing the same way that you guys do.
Too good to be true and it's just going to be more problems later down the road.
But can you point out some more of the signs to look for and also how the BRICS nations will fall into all this?
Well, yeah, we've talked about demographics getting worse in the United States in the coming years and in most countries, especially in Germany and Southern Europe, which is already in trouble.
But the bigger picture we've been painting against most even other crisis kind of
People is that this emerging world thing that commodities keep collapsing and that hurts the emerging world.
The emerging world is the only part of the world that has good demographics going forward with younger population.
But if commodity prices go down, that's where they make their money.
That's where their best job and companies and banks that finance them come from.
And when we look at the emerging countries,
They correlate more, their stock markets correlate more with commodity prices than with U.S.
or European stock prices.
So we're saying this fall in commodity prices is part of the crisis.
It's going to get worse.
The Saudis and others saw Russia and U.S.
producers driving it down naturally, so they're just violently trying to ride away if they already know what's going down.
I think to try to knock out competition, to artificially bring it up higher later, but again, exploration, new technologies, I don't think that's going to help them.
It's going to be interesting to see.
Mr. Dent, congratulations on your predictions coming true.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thanks for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
Powerful interview.
Great job with the crew.
See you back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars and Nightly News.