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Filename: 20150112_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 12, 2015
2368 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I told everybody, give me some time for the facts to start coming out, and I'll tell you whether I think this was a false flag, or specifically what type of false flag it was, the Paris situation.
The New York Times had that headline a few years ago, the FBI hatching terror plots, and other agencies of government have been caught doing this, other agencies and other governments have been caught doing it.
And we now know that the three shooters were being handled by the known double-triple agent of Al-Qaeda working for some of the crooks at the Pentagon, Anwar al-Awlaki.
And that is now in mainstream news, and that one of the shooters from the Paris attacks
Lived with Muttalib, the biggest patsy in the known universe.
Drugged, put on the flight with no ID, no visa, passport.
Came out in congressional testimony that an unnamed U.S.
agency pressured the Dutch to get him on the plane in Amsterdam in its flight bound into Detroit, Michigan.
We, of course, broke that first with the lawyers that were witnesses to it, the husband and wife lawyers.
We had Kurt Haskell on the broadcast.
And then months later on C-SPAN, we have that clip coming up.
It was confirmed.
Well, he saw the sharp-breast man arguing when Muttalib didn't have IDs and get him on the plane.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Clearly drugged out of his gourd, probably on an amnesiac like Halcyon.
Feds could grab me.
Give me three or four Halcyon, put a firecracker bomb in my pants, put me on a plane, and they'd say Alex Jones is a underwear bomber.
They could do it to you!
Halcyon's the drug they give you when they pull your wisdom teeth out, just one of the many amnesiacs where you'll be enjoying it while they do it.
And if you tell somebody on a good dose of Halcyon to cut their fingers off with a hatchet, they'll do it.
The toddler was probably drugged on Halcyon or something like it.
And it's real simple how this works.
And so, is it a pure false flag where you totally stage it and blame it on somebody?
It is a synthetic false flag.
They even put out that computer-generated deal where Muttalib looked like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
He had the hood over his head and then he turns and the face has clearly been edited in.
It's not even good CG.
It's not even good computer animation.
It's like they get lazy.
Like, the first Lord of the Rings was so good.
It was epic, had good acting, good battles, wasn't a bunch of CG.
Now I saw the third Hobbit, and I've seen World of Warcraft played online, I've seen the clips of it on YouTube and other games.
I guarantee you they use that program.
When they show the battles, it's just simulated computer, and like a video game, like Donkey Kong or something, you've got the dwarves killing goblins, killing orcs, and it's just incredible.
It's the same thing here.
It's like when the Pentagon got caught, the Office of Special Plans, about eight years ago, putting out a fake Adam Gadon, son of the ADL founder, or grandson, video about attacks, and it was put out, the Pentagon group put its seal on it, in the same layer as the Al Qaeda graphic.
And Wired Magazine talked about one of the tech experts, one of the top ones in the world, saw that, did an analysis.
Folks, we can do that here.
We'd already pointed that out before.
We can go into the layers of a video and tell you when things were substituted, what program they used, what resolution.
Do you understand that?
Anybody can do that.
These are fake videos.
We're going to break it all down.
It's incredible.
Oh, and the police chief in the area where they finally took out the so-called terrorist, the patsy morons that thought they were fighting for jihad.
What idiots.
He shot himself twice in the head, of course, while he was about to file a report about what really happened.
So the plot is thickening.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The reforms I'm proposing today should give the American people greater confidence.
That their rights are being protected, even as our intelligence and law enforcement agencies maintain the tools they need to keep us safe.
The bottom line is that people around the world, regardless of their nationality, should know that the United States is not spying on ordinary people who don't threaten our national security.
President Obama came out today and said, relax.
Paul Revere would love the NSA.
The NSA spying on you and your family are like your neighbors in your local community.
They want to help you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we knew 15 years ago exactly what the National Security Agency and 14 other illegal agencies were doing.
Grabbing all the digital data and putting it through major hubs to sift through the information, not to look for terrorists.
They keep saying, oh, if we had the NSA in place, 9-11 wouldn't have happened.
Sybil Edmonds has gone public and other whistleblowers who were there on the days before 9-11 tracking the CIA and others, protecting Al Qaeda, protecting the hijackers.
The FBI lived with some of them.
They were just patsy cutouts like Lee Harvey Oswald and Tim McVeigh.
But shifting out of that, Obama's saying, we don't spy on citizens and we don't spy on foreign leaders.
It's on record they spy on Merkel, the head of Germany and others.
It's on record that Congress is being spied on.
It's on record that hundreds of major corporations that are part of this are feeding their data from Microsoft to Google to Apple.
Into the NSA grids.
Under Obamacare, your healthcare is filed through PRISM into the NSA.
So this is all in the fine print.
This is not a mystery.
But the general public who was told for decades the government's not watching you because it's illegal, that's a conspiracy theory.
Even as whistleblowers like Wayne Madsen from the NSA went public in the mid-90s, they would deny that it was happening.
So the big revelation is that they lied to us
They are surveilling us.
They're using it to target the press, from AP to Fox News.
They're using it to spy on the troops.
Members of the NSA are using it on record to spy on their wives and girlfriends and husbands.
This is insane.
Of course this unconstitutional power is being abused.
That's why it's always been illegal in any free society.
And so why did Obama get up there and give this hour-long speech today?
Because he's desperate.
He doesn't want to go to jail.
He's been part of expanding illegal NSA wiretapping and mass searches of internet data.
They've been part of the Homeland Security rollout putting up these police poles that have wireless hubs that grab all of your cell phone info illegally.
Private data.
They have been part of this takeover along with the Republican leadership and the Democratic leadership in the Congress.
The courts have been complicit to a great extent.
And so now they need to mainline it and say, okay, we're spying on you, but I'm going to clean it up.
I'm going to fix it.
I'm going to make sure that it's done properly.
This is the guy that betrayed us on Obamacare.
This is the guy caught lying more than any other president before.
You like your doctor, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.
You like your current insurance, you keep that insurance.
They're just...
Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?
No, sir.
The NSA specifically targets the communications of everyone.
It ingests them by default.
They are liars.
They are lying to you like you're a foreign military enemy.
Because America has been hijacked by a corporate offshore takeover that is putting spy hubs into everything from your refrigerator to your computer to your so-called smartphone.
This is the nature of the new web that's being built.
It's based on you being surveilled.
It's based on you having no privacy.
And they think you're stupid, and they're there telling you, we don't spy on you without warrants.
Oh, we got caught.
Well, we don't dragnet all the info.
Oh, we got caught.
We don't use it politically.
Oh, we got caught.
We don't use it to persecute people.
Oops, we do.
And now Obama's trying to reset
Coming back going, listen, Paul Revere would love this.
The NSA is like your good neighbor.
This is to keep you safe.
We want to stop a new 9-11.
So they can stage another terror attack or allow terrorists to attack us, the same ones they're funding in Syria, and say, see, we told you so.
You reigned in the NSA and this happened.
When they'll never even reign it in to begin with.
It's main mission is getting key data to be able to leverage out their competition in the marketplace.
It's so insiders can game our entire world system like a corrupt casino.
Or like a lottery.
That's what's happening.
So that's the secret of this.
Obama and his other cohorts lied about this existing, now because of Snowden and others it's come out, and they're engaged in damage control.
This is a two-edged sword.
If they don't get brought to justice now, if they don't start getting in trouble now, and Congress just says we're going to give Obama dictatorial power on Obamacare and borders and NSA to do whatever he wants, they've actually then used this crisis of their corruption as a way to get even more power.
It's like Bush screwed up Katrina on purpose, so FEMA got double the funding.
It's the same thing every time.
They screw it up, and then get more power out of it.
They're not screwing it up.
This is all a plan.
All a program.
They call it a technocracy.
So that's why Obama came out.
To just mainline all of it, out in the open, and then to make himself the savior.
Because the truth is, Obama was part of the group that really did build the greatest illegal spy grid the world has ever seen.
And they're trying to now tell you that he didn't build it.
And the government didn't build it.
And Congress didn't build it.
They're all pointing fingers at each other.
Saying they did it, they did it.
The corporations, Google and Microsoft are saying the government did it.
And cyber security is saying the corporations did it.
The truth is they all did it together in a giant power grab.
Designing the global architecture of the internet to be a predatory surveillance system.
Where the insiders can game the rest of the world system and consolidate power in a monopolistic program.
This is criminal authoritarianism.
The sleeping giant that is for humanity is awakening.
And Obama and his minions and his supporters need to understand that when the history books are finally written
They will be known as the tyrants they indeed are.
Because we, the people, are awakening.
And remember, if you're watching this transmission, you are the resistance.
Remember that one of the top national security advisors came out in the Atlantic Council and called for a giant crisis so that the public would submit to their takeover and admitted that they are falling apart, that they are imploding right now, and that the free individual and highly motivated, empowered individuals
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live on this Monday, the 12th day of January 2015.
That was a 8-minute report
Obama fears arrest and is running scare from NSA scandal from January 17, 2014, just shy of a year ago.
Or 360 days ago, to be precise.
And I put that video out to show how it's illegal, to show how bipartisanly they've engaged in crimes and should be indicted, like Richard Nixon was in the House, and should be fully impeached.
But now they use the very fact that they have a surveillance grid in place and have allowed terrorists to attack in Paris, France as a pretext to give them even more surveillance power that's unconstitutional worldwide.
Violates the French Constitution, the EU Constitution, our US Constitution, state constitutions.
Even though they have this giant surveillance grid in place, and these brothers and their accomplice had Facebook pages, and they were both on no-fly list, their bimbo girlfriend was on a no-fly list, and they were allowed to fly all over the world, and she has now slipped, the sole survivor of this group, has now slipped into Syria, back to the home base of Al-Qaeda and ISIS,
Via Turkey, the ally of Al-Qaeda.
And that's where the Western fighters that fly in from the United States, from Canada, from the UK, from the continent of Europe, from France, from Germany, from Belgium, from the Caucasus, out of places like Chechnya, they fly into Turkey, they fly into Istanbul, formerly Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Western Empire.
They fly into conquered
Constantinople, now Istanbul, and they are allowed to openly declare themselves jihadis.
And then they are allowed to then infiltrate right through the border crossing, controlled by Turkey.
Turkey seized up to eight miles of the border, depending on what area, into Syria to allow the infiltration of their forces.
And it is in the news today
Turkey confirms wanted woman over Paris attacks crossed into Syria.
Brothers behind Paris attack had weapons training in Yemen.
We told you that last week.
Isn't that just precious?
Suspected parachuter lived with underwear bomber in Yemen.
The underwear bombing was completely staged.
We'll prove it when we come back.
Now we know what happened.
They were definitely protected by the West and they were allowed to train in an area given to them by NATO and by Turkey.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live.
I get really upset
When I'm angry here on air, you need to know that's not an act.
This is really how I am.
And I wish I wasn't.
But reading the news every day, studying this, having a thousand ideas over the weekend that I wanted to cover, all these different angles, and you get in here, how do you describe something so naked, so obvious, so over the top?
It's almost harder to describe an elephant in the living room
Than it is to say, you know, there's something hidden in the room, and everybody thinks it's like a whodunit, Attica, Christie's Clue game, and they all run around tearing the room apart to find it.
People love a mystery.
No one ever cares about public documents about the huge geoengineering program to change the Earth's atmosphere by the UN and the Department of Energy under UNESCO.
The patents to add to the jet fuel, the radioactive isotopes being sprayed on us.
I've made documentaries, hundreds of video reports.
No one cares!
But if I show a video of a chemtrail cloud and say, is this a chemtrail?
It gets 5 million views.
But the specs on the sprayers and the aircraft and how it all works, no one cares.
They do investigations and say, oh, there are no FEMA camps, because they're not called FEMA camps.
They're called Emergency Centers Establishment Act.
They're called Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program.
They're called RECS 84, Continuity of Government Under National Police Stabilization Force, RAND Corporation.
I'm just giving you, bam, bam, bam, bam, the plan.
That's what makes me sick, is this is all public.
The degenerate criminals running our government and other western governments have been caught in almost every case finding mentally ill patsies and then drugging them and having them carry out attacks like the underwear bombing or we've got Haskell who caught him on that flight or
They fund them and train real terrorists, but publicly, the West gives them the training area, the weapons, and lets them fly, even when they're on no-fly list.
And it comes out in the BBC, and the Telegraph, and the Wall Street Journal.
Oh, yeah, the West let the terrorists fly back and forth!
Just like on 9-11.
Just like in 1993.
It's in the New York Times twice.
In the tapes.
Ahmaud Salem, the FBI informant, retired army colonel out of Egypt, American citizen, wanted to fight the blind sheik who'd killed Anwar Sadat.
He was there when it happened.
Found out the sheik was living in New York, went to the FBI, infiltrated him, cooked a real bomb under FBI orders, and then was ordered to stand down.
The bombing went forward.
Could have busted him right there and stopped it.
Let it happen.
That model is what's going on.
There it is.
The New York Times.
Terrorist plots hatched by the FBI.
Go read it.
That's just one article.
See, that's what I'm saying.
Just like Rex 84 and Cable Splicer and Garden Plot and Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program is declassified, and ongoing, FEMA camps for you and your family.
No one will go to the actual documents that are at the Department of Defense website, army.mil.
It's all public.
No one will go to the New York Times or care that it's even admitted that the government's hatching most of the terror plots.
Or people will say, what are you doing?
Endorsing radicalism, saying it doesn't exist?
I didn't say that!
I said our criminal government is arming them, aiding and abetting them, protecting them to attack and kill us so they can take our freedoms!
That's what I said!
CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Glenn Beck, and everybody else that runs around claiming that I'm saying there aren't any real Muslim terrorists.
That's a load of crud and you know it.
Stop misrepresenting what I say!
Stop lying about me!
We're gonna lose the whole country!
This is all about signing us onto the derivatives and taking everybody's pension funds in stocks.
It's all being announced they're going to federalize everything and start taking it.
So, you get ready.
When the total police state's in place, if they're able to get it in place, which they're trying, everybody's going to get screwed but one-tenth of one percent that lives offshore.
So, all of us are under the gun, under the hammer.
Whether you know it or not, people better listen to me because I've proven I know what I'm talking about because it ain't hard.
It's hiding in plain view.
Look at this.
Suspected parachuter lived with underwear bomber in Yemen.
Charlie Hebdo attackers now linked to multiple U.S.-run terrorists.
When we come back, I'm going to let you hear the former Special Operations Colonel, Tony Schaefer, on this broadcast a few years ago.
The guy that led Special Ops for the Army against Al-Qaeda and could have killed bin Laden twice was ordered to stand down.
The guy that blew the whistle, then they tried to indict him, he beat that.
Admitting that Al-Awlaki works for the U.S.
government and the FBI.
And then now we learn he was handling these guys.
Just like he handled Hassan.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones.
Well, it's sensational news, and I withheld judgment on it until a clear picture developed.
And it follows the classic profile.
The West turned Afghanistan over to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, starting in the 1980s, and gave them tens of billions of dollars of funding, training, and weapons.
Then they were allowed to operate in and out of Saudi Arabia on terror arrest lists, and were still allowed to fly to the U.S.
And when the head of the U.S.
Embassy Visa Department, Springman, who I've had on the show many times, we should get him back on the show,
Refused to give him the visa when ordered to by the head of the embassy, the CIA came and said, don't worry, national security, these men work for us.
One of those five men was Muhammad Ada.
You may have heard the name.
This was even in the Washington Post and Toronto Star.
That's how I called up and got Springman on the show.
Because he started blowing the whistle.
Now fast forward to Anwar al-Awlaki one week before 9-11, and then again two years later caught meeting at the Pentagon and other events, including luncheons with the Carlisle Group and the Bin Laden family that Bush Sr.
was attending.
This guy's a high roller.
His name's Anwar al-Awlaki.
You may have heard that name.
He's the head of Al-Qaeda after they supposedly killed Bin Laden.
He was in contact for not one but two years with Major Hassan at Fort Hood, the psychiatrist, who then went and killed 14 people and injured 20 plus more.
I think it was 25 more?
And they declared national security when Congress wanted those emails.
So I'm gonna say this again.
Major Hassan, handled by a lockie.
The two brothers in the terrorist attacks, handled by a lockie.
The underwear bomber, handled by a lockie.
And now we know the brothers, the girl, all of them on no-fly list, not just terror watch list, no-fly list, allowed to fly all over the world!
And the bimbo girlfriend,
Because that's the hot thing to do.
They just arrested women in Australia trying to join the Jihad.
The hot thing to do is to go join these guys, put a burqa on, get sexually mutilated, and roll with the Mac G homies.
Because you mix all the hip-hop gangster rap in, it's the total cool thing to do.
Haven't you heard?
Why we get threatened constantly on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube by the gaggles of snot-nosed teenagers that think this is really, you know, something that'll upset mom and dad to talk about jihad.
What it'll do is get your butt locked up in a federal prison for the rest of your stupid lives.
And if you were ever dumb enough to try something with us, it'll get your butt shot off if you come around here.
But I'm here to tell you, this is a real thing getting promoted and the social networks are allowing it.
That's even been in mainstream news.
Why on earth do they let them call for violence and recruit?
And despite all the spy grids, France is even worse than the U.S.
on record with its spying.
The NSA stuff doubled.
Are surveilling everything and meanwhile the terrorists have Facebooks bragging that they're in Yemen training for a jihad and they're not picked up off the street.
Well of course they weren't.
The underwear bomber, Muttalib, one week before they announced naked body scanners going in all the major airports, that they put an order in for 14 months before.
A year before.
The government ordered thousands of machines a year before.
The first delivery was set to roll out in January, and then there's a underwear bombing.
And the former head of Homeland Security is getting tens of millions of dollars himself, the company, billions for the machines.
Gee, that's not a conflict of interest.
And then we, there's this lawyer.
He contacts us.
Look at me, I'm on the plane, I'm a listener.
Me and my wife are lawyers.
A smart-dressed man got him on.
Sharp-dressed man, we should come back next segment with sharp-dressed man, ZZ Top, got him on, argued with the head people, didn't have any ID, got him on the plane.
Then, the underwear bomber, as they're getting ready to land, coming in and starting to descend, a guy gets up four rows behind us and gets on a knee and starts filming, professionally, where Muttalib is.
Muttalib then gets up,
He stands in the aisle and a firecracker goes off in his pants.
Then, months later, after we break it, at InfoWars.com, just pointing out, we don't play games here.
We tell you we got a source, we tell you we got intel, we tell you there's missing nukes from Dyess.
You can guarantee that was reported to us from high level on the base.
We don't make stuff up.
You understand that?
Every once in a while we make a mistake, we tell you about it.
We wish this wasn't true.
I wish there was no terrorism, but let me tell you, I wish it was real.
That's a lot less scary.
To have some stupid 20-year-old punk with a little firecracker in his pants being an idiot, I'd laugh at that.
Let me tell you, it's darn scary.
Our government drugged him up and brought him on there.
Turned out the unnamed agency was the Central Intelligence Agency.
We're going to play those clips from Congress in a moment.
So, Anwar al-Awlaki is behind Fort Hood, the underwear bombing, attacks on US military bases all over the place, what just happened in Paris, and a bunch of other events
And he's the secret dinner guest at the Pentagon.
And high rolling around with the Bin Ladens at Bush events for Carlisle shareholders.
Lennon Garden reported that the Bin Ladens were quote, at Bush's table.
And let me tell you, it's a great plan.
The US is allied with Saudi Arabia.
That is the criminals that run our country are.
Saudi Arabia is to take over the whole Middle East using their jihadis.
A few of their low levels that don't know what they're doing are allowed and directed in to attack the West in controlled operations.
The local cops don't know.
The local cops find out and write a report about it.
You just shoot them twice in the head at their desk.
Another little key sign.
That just happened.
We're going to be getting into that report.
The three cops are real that died.
The other 16, 17 people that were killed, that was real.
The two brothers and their accomplice, those are real jihadis.
Too stupid, just like the general public, to understand the compartmentalization and how they were controlled through criminal networks up to the private banks that issue the currency that have hijacked all our countries and are running us into the ground and who are building a police state that is for in the fetters, returning veterans, gun owners, libertarians, pro-lifers, you name it.
If you got your head screwed on straight, don't have a criminal record, work hard, know how to use a gun,
are civically involved.
The ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Democratic Party, the federal government, spends its nights up late scared because you still have access to juries and grand juries.
You can still vote.
You got power.
You're good guys.
And who are the scumbags scared of?
They're scared of the good guys.
And you look at all the real training.
It's for the good guys, ladies and gentlemen.
You can see how this works.
And I couldn't believe it when WorldNetDaily six, seven years ago was connecting stuff of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda to Obama.
I thought, no, he's not independently running Al-Qaeda.
And now it turns out Obama and his family in Kenya, at least the family he's connected to, his half-brothers and cousins, run the radical Muslims publicly and run the Muslim Brotherhood.
I mean, I remember seeing Anderson Cooper, who's CIA on CNN,
few years ago they were overthrowing Egypt and put a Muslim Brotherhood in and Al-Qaeda was attacking the military and trying to blow up dams on the Suez Canal and Cooper was saying they're freedom fighters.
I mean, I can't even believe this at this point.
I mean, CNN is saying Al-Qaeda are freedom fighters just like they said to Syria and Libya they're freedom fighters and this is where these guys came from and this is where the woman
This French bimbo that was into these guys, because some women think that aggressive terrorists and scum, Stockholm Syndrome, that's real manly.
Hayat, Boumediene, how do you say this idiot's name?
Boumediene, the partner of the Islamist gunman?
AFP reporting that.
She's now running to Syria through Turkey.
Gee, who do you think let her on an airplane?
Who do you think let her... She gets into Turkey, she's all over the news, and now she's gotten away.
Of course!
She's probably the controller of them!
In fact, I predict that's gonna come out!
It's like I said, 7-7 was being handled by a SWAT.
Because he's the known controller in MI6.
It even came out, the FBI even admitted that on Fox News.
That yes, there was a double agent.
He betrayed us and ran the bombing.
No, he didn't.
No, he didn't.
He was allowed to get away.
Then allowed to return to England.
Staged, staged, staged.
And the argument is, well, we infiltrate these groups to stop them.
No, you don't.
You infiltrate them to lead them against us.
And I'll say this.
You know the drill.
Anybody can look it up in the World Almanac.
200-something people killed a year in the U.S.
by honeybees.
300-something by yellow jackets.
300-something by red wasps.
40-something by pit bulls.
Another 100 or so by other dog attacks.
This stuff's still real rare, but a couple dozen a year get killed by terrorism.
So even if this was real, and they were really killing everybody,
Do you give up your liberties and your freedoms because 20 people get killed in France and there's worldwide marches and, oh, we need a police state now.
Extremist threat pits law enforcement against civil rights as if giving up liberty equals security.
Well, Benjamin Franklin told us those that give up liberty for so-called security deserve and will get neither.
That's the road to serfdom, the road to bondage, the road to shackles, the road to slavery.
I mean, come on!
Eisenhower, in a famous speech, paraphrased, said the only way to keep you totally safe is to lock you up in a prison!
That was at Columbia University.
Pull up, Eisenhower.
Speech on, I can make you completely safe by putting you in a jail cell.
I think that'll pull up the actual speech.
That's how this works.
Well, you know what?
No thank you.
My communications are mine.
And again, 7-7, 9-11, this.
Their communications are everywhere.
They're allowed to operate, do whatever they want.
They attack and then nobody gets in trouble.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, if you want total security, go to prison.
They're your fed clothes, given medical care, and so on.
The only thing lacking is freedom.
And if you elaborate on that quote, prison's one of the most dangerous places to be, so then it's not safe either.
The only way to be safe is independent, free and strong, armed, and self-sufficient, and not putting up with gangs organizing against you.
So, suspected parachuter lived with underwear bomber in Yemen.
That's now being reported by AP, Reuters, you name it.
Stories up on InfoWars.com.
Police chief investigating Charlie Hebdo attack reportedly committed suicide.
Said to have killed himself while preparing a report on the terror attack.
Boy, does anybody believe that?
Helric Ferdou, 45, was found dead in his office after allegedly killing himself with his service weapon while writing a report on a terror attack and his death was largely ignored by the mainstream media.
He handled all the local stuff and what really happened.
Well, dead men tell no tales.
Because the word is they're holding a bunch of the hostages still trying to get them debriefed because they heard some stuff they weren't supposed to hear.
From the little wannabe jihadis that started to figure something out.
Both brothers, behind Paris attack, had weapons training in Yemen.
Remember that?
Now, before I go any further, let's just go to the clips here.
This is Colonel Schaefer, the expert on Al-Qaeda, who was constantly stopped from taking him out in Afghanistan over a five-year operation.
Amir al-Awlaki was an FBI asset, triple agent before 9-11.
Here's Colonel Schaefer.
Before 9-11.
Alex, frankly, you know, that's one of the things that no one wanted to come out, that this guy had been a double, triple agent, and they were actually working with him, with the FBI.
Oh, Ilanki was actually an asset of the FBI before 9-11.
So, frankly, Alex, one of the things this administration was doing on behalf of all administrations was covering their tracks.
Anwar al-Awlaki had a documented relationship with the U.S.
government and the Federal Bureau of Investigation preceding.
This is before 9-11.
So what they were doing, Alex, was going back covering their tracks.
But beyond that now,
Okay, the full hour interview is at Infowars.com.
By the way, he got in trouble for that interview and threatened as well, but he keeps coming back on even though he gets threatened.
And he still works for the CIA and the Pentagon, I'll just leave it at that, in a more classified area.
Now, and again, he was the one that told us in congressional hearings, well actually he didn't tell us, other people told us, but he was on the show, and he said that it's much more than 65%, as they're saying, of the Syrian Free Arming
Free Syrian Army being Al-Qaeda, it's a lot higher.
I talked to one of my other sources and they said it's 95%.
is Al Qaeda.
They just changed the name, again to confuse the public, to IS.
Let's go to flashback.
This is Patrick F. Kennedy testimony from the Department of Transportation.
Admits being forced to allow underwear bomber on flight by an unnamed U.S.
agency, now named as the Central Intelligence Agency, confirming what our source, Kurt Haskell, said he saw one and a half to two months before this was in Congress.
Why didn't the consular officer not check the visa status of the Nigerian national at the time the second notice was sent?
He did not do that, Mr. Chairman.
I know he didn't do it, but why not?
Because the second message was launched from another source.
Seven days later on January 23rd.
As I mentioned in my statement, Mr. Chairman, if we unilaterally revoke the visa, and there was a case recently up, we have a request from a law enforcement agency to not revoke the visa.
We came across information, we said, this is a dangerous person.
We were ready to revoke the visa.
We then went to the community and said, should we revoke this visa?
And one of the members, and we'd be glad to give you that out in private, said, please do not revoke this visa.
We have eyes on this person.
We are following this person who has the visa for the purpose of trying to roll up the entire network, not just stop one person.
So, we will revoke the visa of any individual who is a threat to the United States, but we do take one preliminary step.
We ask our law enforcement and intelligence community partners, do you have eyes on this person?
And do you want us to let this person proceed under your surveillance so that you may potentially break a larger plot?
And again, CJ was reading during a slate for radio listeners that says seven days later when he was back to testify.
The network is Amor Al-Awlaki that gets his marching orders from inside the federal government and NATO.
And they always let the attacks take place and then cover them up.
They give them weapons and arms and turn them loose against Syria and Libya and Egypt.
That's what's happening.
So they can then justify the police state takeover.
And that's the big news here, ladies and gentlemen.
And I know most of you as an audience have researched this yourself.
You know it's true.
Now we need to warn others and get this information out because...
Again, the target of all this, they're not going to close the borders, they're not going to stop all the radicals coming in.
They're going to accelerate that.
They're expanding all this to target us.
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By the way, we played that testimony in Congress about why they let the underwear bomber being handled by Ammar al-Awlaki on the plane.
He's now handling the latest group of terrorists and Major Hassan from the Fort Hood shooting and basically every other attack.
Notice they're saying that they let him keep his visa.
No, what was in the Dutch papers and the Detroit Free Press once we broke this,
Was that he didn't have a visa.
And didn't have the proper other identification and they got him on the plane with a high-level security official.
So see, that's disinformation within disinformation.
There's Kurt Nemo's story, dead French terrorist linked to Pentagon dinner guest Amaral Awlaki.
Kurt wrote about that days ago, it's now in mainstream news today.
But mainstream news is like, oh my gosh, Shamar Al-Awlaki!
He's so incredibly frightening!
Oh, the terrorists are connected to Al-Qaeda!
But not ISIS!
ISIS is the new name of the army that the West has been funding.
That is creating its own Islamic State with Al-Qaeda doctrine.
And I know I've hammered this.
It's admitted that that's the case.
It's just so frustrating.
Lord Monckton is joining us to discuss the record cold temperatures all over the place.
You've seen the news, snowing in Hawaii, snowing in Florida, so-called penguins are hiding in Antarctica, ice sheets getting record size, but Al Gore says pay him carbon taxes and California has started it, whether the public likes it or not.
That's all coming up, about 20 minutes with him, then I'm going to shift gears into the terror attacks and the attacks by the EU on free speech.
The EU and others have called for his arrest for denying global warming as if it's Holocaust denial.
See, first they try to pass laws saying you can't deny the Holocaust, and then next you can't deny global warming, next you can't say you don't want your six-year-old taught about how to have a sex change in public school.
See how that works?
You take away somebody's free speech to deny the Holocaust, whether you agree with that or not,
You then take away everybody else's free speech.
That's kind of how it works.
So to have France making a big deal about free speech and having all these rallies and mainstream media behind it...
Well, now they're coming out, and DrudgeReport.com linked to this yesterday, government prepares internet speech crackdown following Paris attacks, another report by Kurt Nemo, with the announcements.
So, they're now getting ready to surveil more, take more internet freedom away, when these guys were flying around the world at terror training bases, and the government was watching them, and let them do it!
We'll also get into this police chief was doing a report on it.
He was the police chief in charge where they were finally taken out and well, he got found dead while he was writing the report.
Yeah, this is definitely a false flag where they protected the radicals.
I can't believe it.
It's just again, I mean, how they get rocket launchers into the country, how they do all this.
And now Paul Watson, who is not the conspiracy theorist.
Has a report, InfoWars.com, weird footage prompts claims of Charlie Hebdo conspiracy, InfoWars.com.
And we've got the video.
And Paul, the first few days, was criticizing people, saying it doesn't look like the cop shot in the head.
And now Paul is getting into it.
So I just can't believe it.
Even when we don't think it's staged, it's staged.
Complete with dead police chiefs that they're not reporting on very much.
I mean, this whole thing stinks.
And the media is collectively not pointing out that, hey, we put him in charge and now the terrorist, the one that lived, has run to Syria through Turkey.
Same deal.
Now ISIS claims a CENTCOM hack.
There's a lot of news.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
That's from GrudgeReport.com.
It's all coming up.
Also, video on InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Paul Watson has filed a report.
I'm going to play about four minutes of it here.
It's an 11-minute report.
If you're already a listener, you need to go to InfoWars.com forward slash show to see the video feed.
If you want to be able to see this, or go watch the full report at PrisonPlanet.com, where Watson has it posted.
Weird footage prompts claim of Charlie Hebdo conspiracy.
Video contradicts reports of a police officer being shot in the head.
Here is part of Paul Watson's report.
Then Lord Monkton's coming up.
Some more thoughts on the attacks in France.
And first of all, this video contains no graphic footage whatsoever, no violence, no blood.
I say that because my first video on this subject was removed from YouTube and then only reinstated with an age restriction, despite the fact that it had no footage whatsoever of any violent action.
But to start off with,
Obviously, this is a video that a lot of people have been talking about, and StormcloudsGathering has done a good analysis.
It shows the two terrorists involved in the Charlie Hebdo siege executing a police officer, the first on the scene, of course, was a Muslim himself, Ahmed Mehrabet.
And as you can see from the footage, which I will not play, but you can see linked down in the bar below, they apparently
Wound him first, then walk up to him and shoot him in the head.
The problem with this explanation, as a lot of people have pointed out, is that shooting somebody at point-blank range with an AK-47 in the head would produce at least some blood splatter, if not complete obliteration of the head.
What we appear to see from this video is a gunshot that hits the pavement, bounces away, and doesn't actually go
Into the police officer's head.
So people are legitimately asking questions as to why the mainstream media has widely reported the fact that this Muslim police officer was executed in this moment, having been shot in the head.
When you watch the video, it appears as if the shot is fired a foot away from the officer into the pavement.
Here you see the residue from the shot as it apparently hits the pavement.
The officer shows no reaction to being shot in the head.
There's no violent movement of the head backwards.
So people are asking why the media is reporting that this officer was shot in the head when this video appears to suggest otherwise.
Does this mean that the entire attack on Charlie Hebdo as well as the attack on a Jewish grocery store was staged, was a hoax, that nobody ever died in these attacks?
Alright, let's stop right there.
You can see the full report.
Watson goes into discrediting that.
We had callers day one saying they believed it looked like a fake gunshot.
And I kind of disagreed with him saying it could be fake, could be part of a PR stunt, but there's a big problem with that.
I personally have shot deer and wild hogs and other large mammals in the head, and with high-powered, I mean 7 mil mags, sometimes the more powerful the rifle, the less blood.
It'll go in an eye, go all the way through the top of the skull,
Skimming through the top and then shoot out an ear.
And there'll just be a tiny bit of blood.
Or you'll shoot a hog in the head.
There's like 5 million of them in Texas alone.
Feral hogs.
They eat people's dogs, cats, you name it.
People that know pigs do that.
They do that.
And you'll shoot a hog in the head and blood splatters everywhere.
Or you shoot a deer.
I mean, I've shot a deer through its shoulder.
With a .308.
At like 30 yards away.
And there was less blood than if I shot it at 200 yards away, because the bullet's going so fast it just goes right through, even though it was a soft point.
So you never know what bullets are gonna do.
Troops have been shot with a .223 and it goes in a shoulder and comes out their foot.
Bullet ballistics can do anything.
So the fact that his head doesn't blow up, that shows a lot of people don't know how bullets act.
It could be fake.
I'm not saying that.
BBC's even out saying, you know, it doesn't make sense.
I was just told today that they've come out with a video, we'll play later, and post on Infowars.com under Watson.
But I mean, how many BBC producers know how bullets act?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've seen record cold temperatures across the world.
And temperatures are also dropping on Mars and other planets, according to space probes.
But according to Al Gore, it's because you haven't paid him enough carbon taxes.
Well, last week, California began slapping a heavy tax on every gallon of gasoline, calling it a carbon tax.
Australia's been struggling to repeal theirs that has devastated their farming and ranching.
The number one opponent of this worldwide is Lord Christopher Monckton.
He's going to be joining us in a moment.
He's also the founder of UKIP with Nigel Farage 30 years ago that's taking over Europe and the UK, the fastest growing party.
And he'll give us his take on EU censorship.
I know he's been a big critic of EU censorship.
So we're going to get to that in a moment, because here they are having marches for free speech, which I'm all for, but...
I mean, there's calls in the EU and in major newspapers to arrest Lord Monckton for putting out scientific policy reports.
He used to advise Margaret Thatcher on science.
He's also a journalist and an inventor.
And I mean, I've seen him on websites call for my arrest.
So to have the EU grandstanding about free speech is rich.
We're going to talk to him about that and more coming up here in just a few minutes as he joins us from the UK.
But Joe Biggs, former staff sergeant, a lot of combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.
As reported by Michael Hastings, of course, when he was in bed with him off and on for years, saw a lot of combat.
And I've shot wild hogs, I've shot deer before with high-powered rifles, and there's almost no blood.
Sometimes there's a ton of blood.
Sometimes their whole head blows off.
I don't mean to be macabre here, that's just part of hunting.
And you better hunt wild hogs.
There's five million in Texas alone.
They'll eat your dog, your cats in your backyard.
They're vicious wild boars.
Now, Joe, I said, Joe, have you ever shot anybody in the head or seen it where there's not a bunch of blood?
Because it's a big conspiracy now.
It's in the media saying it looks like there's no blood when the cop gets shot in the head outside Charlie Hebdo.
I think these are real terrorists that attacked, and I've said that.
Clearly the West let them on no-fly list, didn't stop them, helped give them a base in Syria.
I think that's terrible.
So the West at the end of the day has helped sponsor this, and will now take our freedoms as a response to it, while letting record numbers of radicals move in.
But just as a side tidbit, Joe, I've shot wild hogs, a lot of them, and seen where a lot of blood, I mean,
Doesn't show up.
I mean, I don't mean to get graphic, but I shot a walled hog with a 7mm mag in the side of the head.
The whole side of the head opened up.
That didn't happen with the cop.
The brain basically blew out, but almost no blood.
I've also shot a hog through the eye.
Came out the back.
Almost no blood.
Now, you said that with humans, that's not the case.
That blood just fountains everywhere.
You've seen the video.
You think it's pure bull.
What do you say as an expert on this?
Yeah, with a high-powered AK-47 at that kind of a close range, number one, is going to do some damage on a target.
I mean, we could take an AK-47 out right now, put a watermelon down on the sidewalk, shoot at it from arm's length away, you're going to see some damage to that.
So, that's not consistent at all either.
Something that close, with a 7.62, his head would just...
Just be completely annihilated.
And then you see there's no recoil in the weapon.
Now that's consistent with shooting a blank.
You know, I've shot blanks in different training exercises.
The M4 will not react the same way.
It doesn't have the same kind of recoil to it when you have an actual round in there where it'll actually kick back.
So you don't see any kind of kickback in AK-47.
These are not really big guys.
I don't see them being so strong they can overpower that AK-47's recoil.
And then, like I said, the consistency, you don't see the blood.
You also see the pavement on the sidewalk.
Up from the head, you see a ricochet of some sort away from where the head is.
So a lot of it doesn't add up.
Well, maybe he didn't kill the cop with a headshot and killed him with the woundings.
He's on the ground.
I mean, I'm just not gonna go and say the whole thing's fake because of this.
Because the M.O.
doesn't fit with us.
Yeah, I just think it's interesting.
And then, you know, they find in this guy's locker that he's got these ISIS flags and all this stuff in there.
It just seems a little... Well, we know they've staged stuff before, so I'm not... I said this last week, too, though.
I said... I even told Dave and I, I was like, watch, there's gonna be a video that comes out.
From one of these guys.
Something like that's going to happen.
And here we are, they have this video that's being released.
So, the whole thing I think is just, it stinks to high heaven.
And there's a lot... Well we know he was being handled by Ammar al-Awlaki, who handled Hassan at Fort Hood, and who handled the underwear bomber.
And we know, bare minimum, they knew what was going to happen and let it happen.
I mean, that came out in the news.
The CIA was watching it and basically let him manipulate Hassan into doing that.
So I want to know why he gets to die at the Pentagon.
That's in the London Guardian.
Why is a lockie... I could play Colonel Schaeffer saying he is a triple agent.
It's beyond triple agent.
What do you think?
Yeah, I just don't get what we're doing.
We lock up innocent people for, you know, marijuana charges, but when we let these guys go and commit these heinous acts or... Yeah, they've been in prison.
They were on Facebook saying they're going to attack.
Why do we need more NSA surveillance?
To keep us safe when it doesn't keep us safe.
Well, they want people to be so scared they stay at home all the time.
And then they can monitor you at home with all those cameras and their TVs and your microwave and then your coffee machine.
It's just you're building, they're trying to build you a prison system to live in.
Your cage will be your home.
It is.
It's 1984.
Thank you so much, Joe Biggs.
Well, there's the other take on it.
Some of the listeners are criticizing me, you know, saying the whole thing's fake, it's all theater, none of it happened.
No, I mean, the evidence is this really happened.
And now they're going to try to take our liberties and take our free speech.
But separately, the EU that champions restricting free speech on so many fronts, and Lord Montague can speak to that, is now having this big rally.
And Obama's being criticized for not being there.
I don't think that was a bad move.
And Obama is connected heavily to arming the ISIS rebels that we know helped arm and train these people.
The girlfriend has now run through Turkey to Syria.
But Lord Monckton's spoken out a lot about radical Islamification of Europe.
And again, he founded the party that's promoting national sovereignty and basically getting out of the EU that's gaining a lot of seats in the EU Parliament and in the UK, so he can speak to that.
I originally last week asked him to try to get him on this week about the record cold temperatures, but still the carbon tax agenda rolls forward.
But Lord Monckton of scienceandpublicpolicy.org, thank you so much for
Joining us, he's a former businessman, newspaper editor, inventor, classical architect, trained orator, and high priest of climate skepticism.
He was special advisor to Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister from 82 to 86.
On leaving 10 Downing, he established a successful specialist consultancy company, giving technical advice to corporations and governments.
His knowledge of science and politics behind global warming is noted with its breadth and depth.
And he's traveled the world and you can give him credit for waking up Australia to repeal carbon taxes.
He is a big deal.
And of course the media won't make him a big deal because they want to hide what he's done, but he is a big deal.
He's a real celebrity of promoting renaissance and freedom worldwide.
And we can learn from him successful ways to counter this evil.
So he joins us to cover the waterfront.
Lord Monckton, we should obviously start first with the tragic killings of 20 people by these radical jihadis in Paris and then the calls for defending free speech by culprits of attacking free speech.
Well this is the extraordinary thing.
The jihadists did what they did because they didn't like some cartoons about Islam that had appeared in Charlie Hebdo.
And so free speech is all very well if you happen to be pro-Islamic, but if you want to say anything that questions Islam, you have to be very careful indeed, or the terrorists will come after you.
And of course the EU has been trying to shut down free speech for some time.
If you are an EU functionary, even if you're just a cleaner, it says in your contract that you may not say anything that in any way questions the political desirability or efficiency of the EU.
Because if you do, they can sack you and penalise you and cost you your pension.
They buy the silence of those who work for them.
And this includes, of course, the members of the European Parliament itself.
They, too, are beginning to be limited in what they can say about the EU, which makes it rather difficult for my party, UKIP, which now has 24 members of the European Parliament.
We are the largest party from Britain in the European Parliament as of last year's elections.
We, as you can imagine, are doing our best first of all to defend free speech, then to make sure that in Britain we are free not to let so many Muslim immigrants in if we choose not to.
Because at the moment the EU is adopting what is more or less an open borders policy.
People can come in from all over the place.
There are virtually no controls unless you try to get into the UK.
We still maintain some control.
Well that's the socialist game plan with Obama opening the borders to bring in groups that will vote socialist.
Here's the thing, in France, 93% of the 8 or 9 million Muslims who are now in France, how they got there, goodness knows, but there are 8 or 9 million of them, 93% of those voted socialist and of course Monsieur Hollande, who's the president,
of France came out and said, of course, these terrorist acts have got nothing at all to do with Islam.
Well, it's time he came off the Kool-Aid.
Of course, they are to do with Islam.
95% of all terrorist acts around the world over the last 20 years, including specifically the ones in Paris, were committed in the name of Allah by people shrieking Allahu Akbar.
And what is happening?
Are the moderate Muslim clerics speaking out and condemning the extremists?
This is what worries me.
There is a frightening silence from what is supposed to be moderate Islam in the face of these terrorist attacks.
And what do you get from Hollande?
You get a craven statement that this has nothing to do with Islam, when it blindingly obviously has, but of course he doesn't want to offend.
There's 93% of the 8 or 9 million Muslims in France who voted for him last time.
Why does Islam always vote left in those countries where it gets in?
The answer, of course, is that Islam is a totalitarian religion and the left
Because Islam votes left, we'll always open its borders to let more Muslims in.
Tony Blair did it.
Cameron in Britain, who is indistinguishable from a socialist, he's doing it.
They're pouring in on every plane and every boat.
Very little steps are being taken to stop it.
We do still retain
The freedom to stop it, provided they come from anywhere other than Europe.
But our trouble is, that if they come in from the European Union, then our right to stop them and turn them away is very severely restricted.
And then people like Michael Savage... We are no longer masters of our own country.
Exactly, and people like Michael Savage, we're going to skip this network break, who was going to go speak about the threat of radical Islam in England, is banned from entering the UK and they're adding hundreds of people to it.
And I was warned when I came in, they had different groups of police meet me and just show up at the hotel.
That, hey, you better not criticize Islam while you're here.
I'm not somebody that's ever even been attacking, because there are a lot of Muslims that I think are nice people and aren't radical, but you're right.
What dominates it is the totalitarian angle, and they've intimidated the non-radical Muslims, and the West seems to be backing radical Muslims through Saudi Arabia, taking over the Middle East and Africa, and so it looks like they are really a protected group.
Well, even if I agreed with Islam,
I would be mad as a libertarian with the fact that they get special treatment and you're not allowed to criticize them.
That's frightening that they let jihadi preachers get up and preach for terror attacks on UK television, but that Michael Savage can't come into the country.
That's chilling.
Well, this is something which I think is very dangerous indeed.
I'm very sorry that Michael Savage has been banned.
Yes, he speaks strongly, as do you, as sometimes do I. But does this mean we ought to be silenced?
What is happening is that free speech is rapidly vanishing.
In favour of what is politically correct, and of course what is politically correct means what is politically left-wing.
If it's left-wing, it's correct under this new disposition.
And if you're not left-wing, then you are going to be silenced.
And they've tried this on the climate, they've tried this on Islam, they're doing it on various subjects.
And the danger that I see is that the media, most of which are also now left-wing anyway, are willing to go along.
With this gradual circumscription of free speech.
And of course you also see it very dangerously indeed.
In the universities, the places that used to be places of light of liberty and of learning in Disraeli's great phrase.
Now you can scrub liberty.
And light and learning.
Now it's doctrine, doctrine, and doctrine.
Left-wing doctrine, Islamist doctrine, anti-Christian doctrine, anti-Western doctrine throughout the universities.
This is a very extraordinary moment for the West because the West is busy abdicating all the reasons for its greatness.
Our freedom of speech, our liberty of expression, our freedom of movement, our freedom of action, our freedom to form and unmake companies, our freedom to keep most of our own earnings, our freedom to say what we want to say, albeit to be polite and not to be libelous, but at least to speak freely.
All these freedoms are now almost extinct.
That's right, and the West is committing suicide on the altar of socialist, communist, collectivist failure.
This is the tragedy, because socialism has failed.
The welfare state has gone bankrupt everywhere.
In the United States, the national debt has doubled in the lifetime of this president in office.
We'll call him a president, though he isn't really.
Likewise in the United Kingdom, in the lifetime of just one parliament, only five years.
The national debt of Britain, which took 250 years to accumulate, has doubled in just five years.
Because the welfare state is out of control, and part of that, of course, is uncontrolled immigration, and people arriving at the airport going straight to their compatriots who work in the benefit offices, claiming large benefits and free operations on the National Health Service from the British taxpayer, though they have no right to them, and the British taxpayer therefore has to queue and wait until
Isn't Cloward and Piven the endgame?
Bankrupt the West and then bring in total collectivism?
I mean this is a nightmare scenario and as you said we've had a doubling or an exponential growth in just the last five years in the West of debt.
Other European countries are going bankrupt as we speak.
What is the endgame and how long until it all collapses?
Well, this is a very good question.
I have a cousin who is very high up in the financial world and he reckons about six months and it's going to fall apart.
He said the debt has gone way beyond what is sustainable and in Britain it could even happen sooner because if, as I suspect we will, we end up with a socialist government after our general elections in May this year, just a few months away now,
Then the stock market here and then worldwide will collapse more or less immediately.
So I'm busy repositioning myself to get out of the stock market into other things.
Gold, silver look good.
They haven't gone up much in the last five years, but I think they suddenly will when everything begins to collapse.
It's very good news, of course, that the oil price has fallen.
That's actually been a benefit to the Western economies, though paradoxically,
The stock markets have gone down in response to that because they sense, and I think rightly, that there is an instability because the one cartel which is permitted in international law when all others are banned by the World Trade Organization is of course the oil cartel.
And people are beginning to be reminded that Saudi Arabia still controls that cartel, and it is trying at the moment to shut down all the shale gas and shale oil operations in Canada, in the United States, in Britain, in Poland.
Because they don't want to find that we can start
Drilling for our own oil, rather than them selling it to us.
So they're trying to knock us out of the market by using their cartel power.
And I think it's time that the West stood up to Saudi Arabia, not only, of course, on the oil cartel, but also on the matter of its funding of a particularly extreme...
I think?
Simply quote the admittedly very extreme passages in the Quran which abrogate the more gentle passages, the passages that say, you know, you should kill non-Muslims wherever you find them and wherever you can.
These passages are there, they do take precedence over the moderate passages, but most Muslims, and we must give them credit for this, realize that their holy book in that respect is nonsense, and they do not behave in that way, and they do not support those who do.
So I think that like you, I am a friend of moderate Islam, because in many respects it shares our values.
For instance, you and I don't like baby butchering, and nor does official Islam like baby butchering.
So we do have some moral standards in common on which I think we should build.
But simply to give in to Islam in the way that left-wing governments like that of Monsieur Hollande are doing worldwide, that's when you get terrorism.
If you look weak,
And you have a socialist administration, then in come the terrorists because they know that you get exactly the kind of rhetoric that Hollande came out with, trying to say that this was nothing to do with Islam.
This is a real danger.
If we cannot get our politicians to speak the truth, because they themselves have become frightened by the terrorists, then we need more muscular politicians.
Well, it shows the complete surrender of the socialists who have a hundred plus percent tax rate on the middle class in France.
That's Associated Press.
I'm not joking, folks.
A hundred and one percent tax rate to fully bankrupt their enemies.
And the socialists have been found with Swiss bank accounts, so they're exempt from it, as they always operate as EU dictators.
And we use that term.
Lord Monty can back up the statistics.
They are dictatorial.
Benjamin Netanyahu, it's now being reported, regardless of what you think of him, was told by the French president, don't march with us, but Netanyahu still did it.
Regardless, I mean, that shows how much the radical Islamist system has happened, that they're going to tell a foreign president, you can't march with us.
I mean, this is really getting bizarre.
Well, it is, and I think it shows the weakness and intellectual bankruptcy of the left worldwide.
This is an extraordinary feature of what's going on in the world now.
The left are wrong, objectively speaking, about everything.
They're wrong to pander to extremist Islam.
They're wrong about the climate.
They're wrong about the environment.
They're wrong about the economy.
They're wrong about the welfare state.
Wrong on any rational measure.
And yet they prevail in all the bureaucratic institutions.
Most bureaucracies in government, most bureaucracies like the UN, the supranational bureaucracies, these left-wing bureaucracies are under the thumb of the extreme left.
And they're wrong about everything.
Relentlessly, determinately wrong.
And the wronger they are, the shriller they get in trying to insist that they're right.
And I think it's only a matter of time before the world begins to wake up and come off the Kool-Aid and realize that we can't any longer indulge the fantasies of the left.
They are bidding fair, and some of them deliberately bidding fair, to destroy the West
They can't compete with free market prosperity.
Lord Monckton, Lord Christopher Monckton is our guest.
His website is amazing as well.
We're gonna come back and ask him if the collapse is coming the next six months, the next year.
We can see a lot of signs of that.
Uh, then what comes out of it?
How do we defeat the culture battle that they're planning to use the crisis to sell more socialism as the answer?
How do we defeat that?
Then we'll shift gears into what's happening with the climate, carbon taxes, record cold weather, and more.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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His website, scienceandpublicpolicy.org, that climate depot here in the U.S., are daily visits.
The scientific reports, the analysis, the predictions, they all came true with stunning accuracy.
Lord Monckton never over-announced his case.
He really just laid it all out and he's been proven right.
The UN responded five years ago when he helped get the secret documents of their real treaty to basically double third world taxes.
They claimed it was a wealth transfer to the third world, the carbon tax, and Lord Monckton was able to get the secret treaty, and of course didn't get any credit for that.
He was locked out of the one in Durban, South Africa two years ago, so he parachuted into that.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
And they have to keep these treaties secret, just like the Trans-Pacific Partnerships and the other ones.
Because when we get them, it is pure global government totalitarian garbage that is being forced down our throats.
We're going to be talking to him in a moment about what's coming next.
We've seen record cold temperatures.
Snow in Hawaii.
Snow in Florida.
And their answer is, oh see, that's the climate change.
No longer global warming.
Well of course the climate's always changing.
And they had a vote five years ago at the Copenhagen event, or six years ago now.
They had a vote.
And they voted.
And said the sun does not affect climate.
Because they knew all these scientists were coming out saying it's the sun, it's the sun, not carbon dioxide that plants live off of.
Before we go any further, it is almost sold out.
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So it's a coupon book.
And it's got Lee Ann McAdoo holding two .50 caliber rifles, okay, while sports cars and American Eagles fly around in the background.
Yes, it's supposed to be obnoxiously America.
Great way to wake up friends and family, give them a calendar, they hang it up, they'll look at twelve great images on there, patriotic and exciting images, Moulin la Baye,
We've got Dianne Feinstein's head on Betty Page's body.
I mean, we've got everything in here.
It is family, though.
I mean, a bathing suit's not a big deal.
There's one pent-up girl in here putting down the outgoing senator.
So, it's got me giving the first speech since the Alamo was destroyed, at the Alamo since the state opened it up to speeches when the Ag Commissioner had me down there to speak.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139 and they will sell out in the next day or two.
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48% off, we've got some other specials as well on the Nacin Iodine X2 and more.
All right, going, and again, it is your purchases that make the broadcast possible, so I want to thank you all for your ongoing support.
We're not like NPR that gets $400 million of taxpayer money a year, MSNBC that gets billions in tax write-offs that they're specially given or stimulus money.
We're funded by you spreading the word, supporting the sponsors, and buying the products at InfoWarsLife.com, and a lot of times when guests like Lord Monckton
Or others aren't getting mainstream media coverage.
I know this show has been critical in getting it out there, forcing it out there, thanks to you, our activist audience.
So I salute all of you out there worldwide, not just here in the United States.
Now, Lord Moxon, I'm going to try to give you the floor now to go over this.
We'll be showing some of the headlines while you speak, but
Penguins for the first time taking cover in Antarctica.
Ice sheets growing at record levels.
Sea levels in many areas dropping.
Some areas rising slightly.
We know they go up and down.
Just absolute evidence that the earth has been slowing its heating and now is cooling due to the sun as you and other scientists together laid it out.
Multiple states are implementing carbon taxes by fiat.
Doesn't matter.
Obama's going forward with executive action to shut down more power plants.
I mean, this is a plan to bankrupt us.
England is a test example.
What is happening in the fight right now on that front that you've been leading?
The first thing is that I've now had a paper published today in the Chinese Science Bulletin.
Now, this is a big deal.
It's one of the top six science journals in the world.
It is the bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the largest academy of sciences in the world.
And this paper explains what went wrong in the climate models to make everybody think that there might be a lot rather than virtually no global warming as a result of our adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
You see, here's a fact which bears repetition.
And you did this with a bunch of top scientists.
Also add who you co-authored it with.
That's right, yes, it's with Dr. Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a solar physicist, with Professor David Leagate, he's a professor of geography at the University of Delaware, and also with Matt Briggs, who's known as the statistician to the stars in New York.
So, three very distinguished co-authors, I was the lead author, and what we did was to present a new irreducibly simple climate model
Which any student of physics can work on his pocket calculator if he wants.
And it allows you to get more accurate forecasts of what's going to happen to global temperature as a result of our adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere than the big climate models that have got it wrong time and time and time again.
We've been able to go into the big models.
We've found the mistakes they've made.
We've exposed in this leading paper in the first issue of this newly relaunched journal.
It's now being launched onto the world stage.
It's no longer just a Chinese journal.
And this paper explains where they got it wrong, how they got it wrong, why they got it wrong, and what it means that they got it wrong.
What it means is we're going to see not more than one Celsius degree of global warming this century, and it might be a lot less than that.
And even if we were to burn off all the affordably recoverable fossil fuels in the world, global temperatures compared with now would rise by about 2.2 Celsius degrees, and that's about it.
So there is no climate problem.
There never was, and we have now proved it.
And this paper is already spreading like wildfire among the institutions.
We're now making arrangements, thanks to the Heartland Institute, for it to go open access, which is quite an expensive option.
But that means that within the week, everyone, even if they don't subscribe to the Chinese Science Bulletin, will be able...
Get a copy of this paper from Springer.com, the publishers, and this paper is going to turn climate science on its head, because it shows that they've made some really elementary, really stupid errors, which led to the mistaken belief that adding a little CO2 to the atmosphere would make a huge difference.
The fact is that to the nearest tenth of one percent,
There isn't any CO2 in the atmosphere.
That's how little of it there is.
And yes, even that small amount can make some difference.
But is it going to make enough of a difference to melt the ice sheets?
As you've just mentioned, the ice sheets have in fact grown to record extents.
Just three months ago, the ice sheets of the North and South Poles added together were a greater extent
...than ever measured before in the satellite era.
The only place you'll hear that information is on Infowars.com.
You won't hear that in any mainstream news medium.
They will not tell you this fact.
They will not tell you that sea level basically isn't rising at all.
It might rise, according to the world's greatest expert on the subject, by a matter of perhaps inches.
Maybe two, maybe four, maybe six inches over the whole of the 21st century.
Is this a problem?
Not even to cover the spats on my highly polished shoes.
No, it's not.
The whole thing is nonsense.
The deserts are shrinking as rainfall is bringing, is greening areas that...
The nomads haven't been able to live in since living memory, now they're moving back.
30,000 square kilometers of the Sahara has disappeared under vegetation.
It's good news right across the globe.
Hurricanes are down.
Floods, virtually no change.
The area of the world under drought has declined over the last 30 years.
None of these things is being mentioned in any mainstream news media.
What we've done...
Is to go right into the models, expose where they got it wrong, and now it's going to be very much harder for them from now on to pretend that they have to do anything at all about introducing world government in Paris in December this year, which is what they are still, unfortunately, planning to do.
And that was my next question.
You read my mind.
I wanted to get into what the Pope said and the rest of it, but just going back, you're being very gentlemanly and very kind.
We have the emails, we have Climategate that you helped expose.
We know that it's premeditated fraud to pass carbon taxes because if you can tax carbon dioxide that humans exhale, as the New York Times said, a tax on breathing, you can micromanage and surveil every level of the economy, selectively shutting off whoever you want.
Shut off UK, shut off US, shut off EU production.
The bureaucrats then, their wives and husbands, literally own the factories and coal plants in China and India, and then they move there.
I mean, this is paying to dismantle Europe, paying to dismantle the US, a premeditated, wicked plan.
I mean, is there any doubt?
Now, you certainly have those because of political pressure.
I go to the movies now, and I went to two different theaters last month, different chains,
They had documentaries about islands in the Pacific that are going to be underwater now, which we all know is a fraud.
And please, you know, don't kill us with these natives begging.
The propaganda push has been quadrupled from what I've seen.
And then the Pope, and I'm not a Catholic basher.
I believe you're a Catholic.
Let me talk about the Pope, because this is very interesting.
He has begun to come out with some rather silly noises about climate change.
He is, of course, on the far left himself, and he has an even more radical prefect of the
Pontifical Academy of Sciences at Monsignor Sanchez Sorondo.
Now, I had lunch at the Pontifical Academy with Sanchez Sorondo under the beautiful painted ceiling.
They live very well at the Vatican.
And this was about three years ago.
And he had on one side of him, me, and on the other side of him, Italy's most distinguished scientist, Professor Antonino Zichichi, who's the founder and still head at the age of 86 of the World Federation of Scientists.
And both of us told Sanchez Sarando that there is no basis for concern about our effect on the climate.
It's minimal.
And in those countries of the West where we have got the environment, we've cleaned up the act, we've cleaned up pollution, there's really no threat to wildlife, or to us, or to plants, or to anything from the activities of man.
In the poorer countries, there still is, in China, real pollution.
They don't burn coal very cleanly, for instance.
They could do, but they don't yet.
And there you do get genuine pollution.
But CO2 is not a pollutant.
But the Pope is planning to issue in March of this year, just a couple of months away, an encyclical letter.
This is a letter to all 400,000 clergy and all the 1.2 billion Catholic faithful.
Saying to them that they must now put the climate before their religion and they must start saying that unless the West is shut down, the world is doomed.
Now that's the line we are hearing from the Vatican at the moment.
I am hoping that the more old-fashioned members of the Curia advising the Pope will say to him, look mate,
We've got this wrong before with Galileo, trying to get him to pretend that the Earth doesn't go around the Sun.
We were wrong on that.
We are not infallible on matters of science, only on matters of faith or doctrine.
Be very careful.
And so if Pope Francis watches and listens to your program regularly, as I'm sure he does, then here's a warning to him.
Proper restraint.
It's not the business of the Church to speak out on scientific questions.
Nor is it the business of the Church to take sides in what is, frankly, a highly partisan political dispute between the left and the rest of the world.
The left are promoting the climate agenda.
The harder the left, the harder they push it.
And they're anti-religion and anti-Catholic.
Let me expand on this point, because this is the key.
You've done equations, and I've seen similar ones, and of course this came up when we got the UN Treaty planned five years ago at Copenhagen, that it would almost double, right at double, the taxes on the third world.
So it's not a big wealth transfer, like it's been billed by the socialists.
It's a giant swindle, and allows them to control all energy.
If the Catholic Church or Christians, period, are pro-life, this is a death sentence when Obama says you can't have industrialization in Africa, you can't have a car or an air conditioner.
That is a very, very fair point.
And it's a point that I hope a mature encyclical will look at.
I think that I would like to see the Holy See being a bit brave here, as the previous Pope was.
And what he said about all this,
Is that, yes, the scientists are expressing concern.
However, there are also scientists expressing concern that the scientists expressing concern have over-egged the pudding.
And therefore, there are two sides to this.
And the previous Pope said, and quite rightly said, that it is not for those who are backed by governments who want this nonsense to try to silence those of us who are doing perfectly good science questioning this.
We must be allowed access to the journals and to be fair to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which reviewed this, I may say, at a very high level before letting it be published.
They, in the end, accepted that we had made a sound scientific argument.
There isn't a problem with the climate, and therefore they were willing to print it.
Now virtually no Western journal of the same standing would have even sent our paper out for review.
That's how far Western science has come.
That's out of control, but shifting gear back to the Catholic issue.
You said it, what, in the first ten years of the carbon taxes, as it was in the treaty, a billion dead, correct?
So isn't this a pro-life issue that morally... I mean, I don't, I can't put
That kind of figure on it.
What I can say is that the number of people killed will be very large, even if you take a prosperous country like Britain.
Three years ago we had an unusually cold winter in which 20,000 people died.
And that's something like 12,000 more than would normally die in a cold winter above the kind of average death rate.
So these were about 12,000 excess, excess deaths, just in one cold winter.
Sure, I'm going from memory.
I believe you said, though, a billion.
Because not because the winter was cold, but because their homes were cold, because people can no longer afford to heat them.
Even I, sitting in my palace in Edinburgh, have had to turn the heating more or less off.
Stay there.
Stay there, Lord Monckton.
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Central Command has tweeted, according to CBS News, says, American soldiers, we are coming.
Well, U.S.
Watch your back, ISIS.
That's from CENTCOM.
And I gotta say, CENTCOM and others came out and said they didn't want to openly arm al-Qaeda in Syria two years ago and helped back that off.
So, it's just sick, though, that rebels our government backed
Our troops are now going to have to fight.
This is truly sick.
I'm going to shift gears into that in the third hour, open the phones up, take your calls.
We have a police officer who helped an old lady popping on.
I like to sometimes promote good things that the police are doing, not just show the bad ones.
Finishing up with Lord Monckton in this segment and the next.
Christopher Monckton joins us.
We were talking during the break.
Can you repeat what you were saying?
Because I was trying to go back in memory to your billion term.
You were saying, oh no, the agenda to reduce the population.
Get into the UN and the Globalist and Ted Turner's own master plan.
What's behind wanting to shut off the energy supply of the world?
What they want to do is reduce the population not by 1 billion but to 1 billion.
It's now 7.2 billion.
They want to cut the population by 6.2 billion.
They don't care how many people die of starvation or cold or disease as long as the population is reduced so that they will be even richer because the poor people won't be consuming all those resources worldwide.
That's what this is about.
It's a conspiracy.
It's what the French would call a trahison de claire, but this time on a global scale, a betrayal by the bureaucratic class of the rest of us.
On a global scale, they're ganging up together, the totalitarians.
Islam and socialism and environmentalism worldwide getting into bed together.
To destroy as many of the world's population as they can.
Now, in fact, they needn't try too hard, because as countries become more prosperous, if they're allowed to by the environmental freaks trying to interfere with prosperity, then population stabilizes all by itself.
At the moment, we are already at what is called peak children.
There will be no more children alive on Earth ever, probably, than there are today.
And the only reason why the world's population will continue to increase over the next 35 years to about 2050 is that people are going to be living longer.
Because whatever, despite what the left is trying to do, to do down the third world by not letting them have economic development and in particular coal-fired power stations,
They're going to get them, they're going to get electricity, and with it all the benefits of medical care and decent heating and air conditioning.
And once that comes in, then the populations in Africa and South America will stop rising, and the world population will stabilise.
And then, even after 2050 or 2060, we could see it beginning to plummet, without any interference from the left.
And you're quite right, Alex.
I mean, people like Holdren
Who was one of the advisors to Paul Ehrlich, who wrote that remarkably stupid book, The Population Bomb, and has recently written an even more remarkably stupid book, Holdren, who of course is now advising Obama.
He has been wrong, as I've just been saying, the left is wrong on everything.
He's been wrong on every alarmist, stupid... He's not wrong, he's a liar!
Well, I think, whichever, whether he's a liar or not, he's certainly wrong.
He's incorrect.
He made forecasts that have not come to pass.
He's full of prunes.
That much, I think that much, we can certainly say.
But yet, people on the left still listen to him.
Because it provides a fig leaf.
It provides a pretext.
It provides an excuse.
It provides a pretense, which enables them to get at the West.
Sure, it lets them run the show.
With justifying the totalitarian agenda of suppressing the West.
And advancing worldwide, and let's use the word communism, because that's really what it is.
I annoy all the people who comment when I put my monthly temperature records up.
There's now been no global warming for 18 years, 3 months.
And I put it up on the, um, climatedeaper.com, and also at whatsupwiththat.com.
And the leftist commenters come piling in, and so I now call them climate communists, because that's what they are.
They're a bunch of totalitarians.
Stay there, back in 70 seconds.
Final comments from Lord Monckton.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Lord Christopher Monckton, the tip of the spear exposing the climate takeover.
It's a perfect plan.
If you can tax and track carbon, you can dominate and run every form of life.
And you drill into Bill Gates' statements and the rest of it.
It's all about controlling people.
They know it's a scam.
They chose it.
First it was global cooling in the 70s, and then it was global warming in the 90s, and now it's just change, period.
Is it supposed to be happening?
Well, a lot of real environmental issues of overfishing and other things are ignored.
We should be trying to industrialize with clean systems the third world.
Then they'll have negative population growth like the West that has about 1.5 children on average.
That's actually a collapse rate.
From Japan to the United States, wealthy countries are committing suicide.
From Italy to Canada, we're having on average 1.5 children.
It's even lower in Japan.
And as Lord Monckton said, the numbers are there.
Mathematics does not lie.
Lord Monckton, we've got four minutes left.
You've got the floor to hit any other important tidbits and what you've set your sights on next.
There's a success story of Australia you just got back from there.
I'm very pleased about that.
I was able to show the graph showing there'd been no global warming for 18 years and then two months, now 18 years, three months, according to the RSS satellite record.
And all the other temperature records are within the same kind of statistical territory as that one.
So we can't really be sure that we've seen any warming at all, really, over the last 20 years or so.
It simply isn't happening.
And that is now gradually becoming better known.
It's becoming very, very difficult for the left that control the world's media to keep that secret for very much longer.
They're trying to, but they're not getting away with it.
It's spreading in Samizdat.
People are making postcards of my monthly graphs.
They're sending them to each other.
The message is getting out there that this isn't happening.
The sea ice extent has been at its greatest recently.
Sea level isn't really rising.
Hurricanes are down.
Flooding is not really changing its pattern much.
Droughts are down over the last 30 years.
All the disasters they said would happen are showing absolutely no sign of happening at all.
Yes, you get occasional extreme weather.
You always have, you always will.
Get used to it and prepare for it.
But don't, for heaven's sake, think that it's going to get systematically worse, because on the evidence so far, it simply isn't.
And we now have just a few months to make the world aware that there is no need for any binding climate treaty in Paris in December of this year.
They're going to try to do again what they failed to do in Copenhagen.
They've squared the Chinese by effectively exempting them from the process.
But other nations at the moment are all going to go along with it, except Canada and New Zealand.
Canada might be having a change of government in a few months' time.
Sorry, leaving only Australia standing out against the climate nonsense.
And this means a lot rests on Tony Abbott's shoulders.
I'm glad to say that at the moment he's still standing as firm as he can on this.
He is dismantling the carbon tax.
Briefly, we should add Australia is the only one standing against it because they implemented it first and found out how hellish it was.
That's right.
It did nothing, of course, for their emissions of CO2.
It did nothing to change the climate either way.
Indeed, nothing that mankind does about CO2 will measurably alter the climate at all, according to our research.
It's not going to make that much difference.
This whole exercise, every red cent spent on making global warming go away, on having these fancy conferences in places where they have grass skirts, every penny of this has been wasted and will continue to be wasted until the world comes to its senses.
Alex, we have less than one year.
I'm trying to raise $1.3 million to make a film, a full-length feature film, to go into the cinemas, to take Al Gore's movie on head-on, to take on the documentaries that you saw being shown in the cinemas about the islands disappearing beneath the waves.
It's largely nonsense.
We want $1.3 million.
We're just now beginning the fundraising for that.
And if we get it in the next month or two, then we're going to go ahead over the next few months
Make the film and get it into the cinemas in September so that people worldwide will get the facts.
How do folks get involved?
That's right.
Get in touch with us there.
Get in touch through Alex Jones if you want to help.
Because we just need that relatively small amount of money.
If we get that, we can make the film.
Lord Monckton, you're fighting back.
Thank you so much.
We're fighting back.
We certainly are.
God bless America.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I want to take calls for the next 25 minutes or so until we're joined by our next guest and then totally less about 10-15 minutes then we're going to go back to your phone calls.
He's Trooper Jeff Jones who made national attention whenever an old lady actually ran into him and he pulled her over and he found out that she was racing to see her sixth sign and then so they basically drove her
And the police cars through the different jurisdictions to get her there quicker.
Which is a good kind of thing to do.
Not freak out and arrest the lady.
We're even seeing cops now arresting a guy that's driving his wife to the hospital because she's pregnant.
Or cops that pull over an EMT that they say speeding.
Well, that's what ambulances do.
You know, we just don't need hothead thugs to battle the thugs.
We need peace officers that are honorable and are helping people, but also are tough and can deal with criminals.
That's what real men are like anyway.
It's not just a bunch of fake tough.
We don't need the fake tough folks.
We need the crazy brave, to quote, full metal jacket.
Now there's a lot of crazy stuff going on this morning.
First we heard that ISIS was going to hack Pentagon websites.
This whole thing reeks of false flag.
And now it's happened.
This week they're going to reintroduce the cyber security bills that basically expand a whole new branch of government that's already in place but they want it official and expand NSA spying and try to get SOPA and CISPA back in.
It's all happening and right on time.
Central Command social media accounts apparently hacked by Islamic State.
I'm going to say this again.
Islamic State is Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq.
That's what it means.
The area they're carving out of the two countries that border each other.
In Eastern Syria, Western Iraq.
The West armed them!
The West let the terrorists that were in Paris fly everywhere even though they were on a no-fly list.
I'm sick of it!
How crazy.
And in their tweet they said, ISIS is here inside your PC's, Pentagon.
This is the perfect way.
They probably got an outside corporate group doing this, and they probably got some idiot patsy who's taking part in it and got recruited, who they'll bust and give credit to.
I mean, it's just so obvious.
military social media accounts apparently hacked by Islamic State sympathizers.
And we'll go back and show you one of those accounts.
I want to read what the ISIS people said.
Let me ask you a little question.
Why do the ISIS jackasses have Twitter accounts?
Oh, because the Pentagon wants to be able to track what they're doing.
Yeah, right.
ISIS is already here.
Win your PCs in each military base.
And they tweeted a photo of troops in their base.
Cyber caliphate.
How much you want to bet that didn't actually run by jihadis?
And it's a PSYOP to the military to believe something's really going on.
So they'll get all upset and go over there and be ready to fight him.
The problem is the military, remember two years ago, knows that this is Al Qaeda, knows it was armed and protected.
I want to take your calls.
It's 800-259-9231 on any issue we've raised today.
Connecticut's been rattled by five earthquakes in the last five hours.
3.3 mag shakes border with Rhode Island.
Texas just had like 20 earthquakes last week that we covered.
That's another breaking news issue.
You go up to Infowars.com.
Weird footage prompts claims of Charlie Hebdo conspiracy.
Folks are saying it doesn't show the heads being shot.
Now it's been enhanced.
American political police connected to NSA surveillance grid.
NFL facing accusations of fixing cowboys.
Packers game.
Police chief investigating Charlie Hebdo attacks reportedly commits suicide.
He was the head cop of the jurisdiction where they were finally taken down.
He got shot in the head a couple times.
We'll fill him out the final report.
Guess there was something in there folks weren't supposed to see.
Suspected parachuter lived with underwear bomber in Yemen.
That's the same underwear bomber run and controlled by Amaral Alaki, who's a known Pentagon frontman.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Let's, before I get back into other news we haven't hit yet,
Let me hit one more news story, then I'll go to John and others that are currently holding.
Bloomberg reporting what, again, we told you was happening when this started six months ago.
OPEC is a cartel, but they put out a press release saying they're not a cartel and that they're not fixing prices.
That's like saying that Jabba the Hutt isn't fat.
Well, now Bloomberg is reporting, just to show you again that this is what's going on, they now admitted, how OPEC weaponized the price of oil against U.S.
That's always been the plan.
But working with the West...
It was meant to take down Russia and also U.S.
companies that are smaller that got in debt to expand a drilling boom.
Obama, two months ago, stopped issuing their permits.
So notice you have Obama coordinating with OPEC to not give permits.
That alone began a slide in investment and got investors out of it.
And now people are in debt.
So the investment money is running out of it because it was small independent operations.
And now Market Watch reports the Saudis have come out and said, above 100 never again, says Saudi Prince Alaweed.
So that's the game plan, ladies and gentlemen.
And they're bringing down oil prices also to hide inflation in QE Unlimited.
So this is a very sophisticated operation being carried out and the Saudis are only part of it.
Local drillers in Texas and other areas and in Canada are upset.
So they realize the Saudis are funding anti-fracking movies, you name it.
And I'm not saying fracking's done well in a lot of areas and it's perfect.
The point is they're just going to frack somewhere else, and this is meant to get rid of U.S.
producers, and most fracking is done... I mean, that just means they're rehabilitating wells in most cases.
But how OPEC weaponized the price of oil against U.S.
drillers and against Russia, and that's why this was done, and it's concerning, so we're giving you the rest of the story.
But months later, now Bloomberg says it, see, because it can't be hidden anymore.
John, in Texas, you're on the air, welcome.
Howdy, thank you for having me on.
You bet.
I wanted to make a comment on two comments.
One was on the thing you were talking with Lord Mothman earlier.
I think that is one of the most intelligent men alive.
And it's excellent that you have him on there, and I really try to get as many people as I can to listen, especially when he's on, because it's really very eye-opening for a lot of people.
Well, the U.N.
and all these big banks, Goldman Sachs is the main funder of carbon taxes, they have the consortiums that get the money.
That pig, Al Gore, gets money.
Judge, he went from being worth $200 million just five years ago, as carbon taxes kicked in in limited areas around the world, to over a billion.
He's going to be worth hundreds of billions.
I mean, if you go to California now and gas your car, you are paying a tax to Pig Monster.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Oh, that's okay.
The other thing I wanted to comment on is that a couple of days ago you had put on InfoWars a piece about Albert Pike.
And I wanted to comment on that because I'm a Blue Lodge Freemason myself, personally, here in Texas.
And I absolutely refuse to become a Scottish Rite member because that piece was fairly accurate.
And I'm not going to lie about that at all.
I mean, you guys hit a lot of really good accurate points.
There's a lot more there, but...
And a lot of the Masonic halls, his picture hangs in there.
And again, the Masons are diverse.
People that say they're behind all of that are just ignorant.
George Washington was a Mason.
He warned about the Illuminati trying to take it over.
It's a very diverse group, but as a Mason, what's your issue with Albert Pike, and what do you want to elaborate on?
Because he did talk about three world wars, how the real god of Masonry was Lucifer, when clearly it's not.
The god that King David and Solomon were worshiping is the opposite of Lucifer.
So it's an attempted satanic takeover of masonry from my, you know, outside research.
Give us your take.
Personal research.
I researched masonry for about four years before I ever decided to become one.
The only reason I researched it is because it kept coming up when it came to the Founding Fathers of Texas.
And most of the founding fathers of Texas were Masons, and they were Blue Lodge Masons.
They were very specifically, you know, we worship the God of Israel.
God is the God of Israel.
That's it.
And like you said, the God of King Solomon.
And I personally, I'm a Christian.
I worship Jesus Christ.
But all the research I kept finding kept leading to the point, the conclusion was that
The Albert Pike version of Scottish Rite Freemasonry came from the Illuminists in France, and that's what he carried on.
Yeah, Albert Pike became the head of the Illuminati.
Yeah, basically.
Basically, the modern version of that.
And so, you'll notice, I mean, if you do some more research, you'll notice that the Scottish Rite in the northern part of the United States really doesn't promote him at all.
They just don't.
They really, really don't.
Well, he's really, I mean, he's promoted big in the South.
The South got manipulated.
It's so sad.
The North engaged in great tyranny as well, but British intelligence, on record,
Manipulated the South, and the North was doing bad stuff to the South with taxes and things.
Nothing to do with slavery.
Manipulated them into that war.
It was only meant to break up the U.S.
And Pike was a British agent.
And I'm not even bashing the British when I say, you know, that branch and then out of France.
And that's just in the history.
And it's pretty shocking to know that
Uh, especially in the South, he's the head honcho.
He is the founder of the Ku Klux Klan.
We should also add that as well, and super evil.
Just look at his photograph.
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When we can get them on the show, we try to get police officers that promote the Constitution and public service on, and who have been caught doing good deeds.
And we've got Trooper Jeff Jones.
Join us for like 10 minutes, start of the next segment.
We'll tell you a story and then go back to your calls.
Right now, let's go to Tim in Maine.
You're on the air.
Thank you for calling.
Hey Alex, in 2010 it was discovered at Ball Aerospace that the country of Iran had stolen all data, information, contracting information they had been working on for the existence of their, I guess, corporation that they'd been involved.
So the reason I'm disclosing this to you is it frustrates me that the United States of America is now considering working with Iran in the Middle East.
I want to be clear, you sound like a credible guy, but I don't know what Ball Aerospace is.
This is the kind of thing you should send us an email or some proof on, and then you might be a guest on the show, because I don't... I mean, if you say you're disclosing this on air, we don't really screen phone calls.
Specifically, I know there's all sorts of espionage going on all over the place, but... I mean, the U.S.
is so infiltrated seven ways to Sunday from every group you can imagine.
I mean, what are you getting at?
He just dropped off.
Look into Ball Aerospace and the Iranians.
See if there's anything to that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in New York.
I'm not chastising you, caller.
I just, you know... Chris in New York, go ahead.
Hi, thank you Alex.
The reason why I'm calling is because I was listening to your show yesterday and somebody mentioned that somebody that had to do with the TWA 800 flight on that case was appointed
To the MTA in New York.
And I want to stress that since the open border policy and the fact that Al-Qaeda was created by the CIA and Brzezinski, that they could have some sleeper cells do something with the subway system, blame it then on Al-Qaeda cells in Syria to create the excuse to go into Syria and at the same time they might cash in the
That's right, and I wish I was succinct as you.
Criminal elements of the West give Al-Qaeda tens of billions of dollars, let them take over areas of Iraq and Syria, then let them start attacking us.
And then they have an excuse to go in and take over Syria.
Actually, Obama has said we need to take out Assad because it's given ISIS a base.
That'd be like if I went and burned your house down and then told the cops you should be arrested for arson because I burned your house down.
I mean, they prey on our political ignorance to get away with this.
And that's why I'm so frustrated when they call me a conspiracy theorist.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
This is a conspiracy fact.
This is going on.
Go ahead.
Yeah, now that you mention ISIS, I saw a video a long time ago.
Well, not a long time ago.
The video was old.
It was about this guy talking about the Mossad with some agent.
I don't remember the name.
And he asked if there's another name that they use for the Mossad.
And that person said to him, it's Israeli intelligence service.
If you put the acronym of that, it's actually ISIS.
Well, Israel, and everybody knows that I'm not somebody that hates Israel.
It's just a fact.
Israel, along with Turkey, the United States, France, Germany, England, you name it, they're all involved.
They're in the Golan Heights across from Syria, has been giving medevac aid to the quote Syrian Free Army.
And the photos have been in the Israeli news.
The guys with the big beards and the jihadi flags of Al Qaeda.
And Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies.
Saudi Arabia is quarterback in this whole deal.
They're the biggest culprit.
And it's going on.
And then Netanyahu marches against this when he's helped turn loose these people and kill over 300,000 Syrians.
A Syrian is worth just as much as a Frenchman, just as much as a Jew, just as much as a Chinese person, a Mexican, anybody.
And I've seen the photos and video of them killing little kids and women and blowing up churches.
God, it's so evil what our governments have done to Syria, folks.
They weren't doing anything.
They've had four plus years of al-Qaeda running up.
I mean, you think 20 dead's a big deal?
How about 300 plus thousand?
How about al-Qaeda shows up and makes your dad suicide bomb an army checkpoint, or he'll kill your family?
There'll be no marches for the Syrians.
Only our military has protested online, saying they won't be part of this.
Only our military.
That's it.
And they got no media attention except InfoWars.com.
It's why many other signs said InfoWars.com.
So, it's a bold move by the establishment, Chris, to try to get away with this.
What do you think?
Well, I think there's definitely a bold move, but knowing their M.O.,
It really fits the profile.
What I'm concerned is that once they do this, there's going to be a police state on steroids.
There's going to be North Korean steroids.
That's it.
9-11 helped set up the police state.
Now the asymmetrical attacks all over the West, shopping malls, you name it, public schools, colleges, will be used to roll it out.
This is it.
And we better accept Cyber Command, and Internet censorship, and free speech censorship, and SOPA and CISPA, all because Al-Qaeda attacked us out of Syria.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
And who gave them an u-bass?
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones.
You know, a few years ago, we had a New York trooper on Stan Lennon who defended people's rights outside of the checkpoint to warn people about the dangers of the naked body scanners.
And the airport ended up, the state police ended up backing him.
And that video got a couple million views, made national news.
And I've told my crew, because I see out there in the public, police officers being professional, being helpful, really doing a tough job.
Nine times out of ten in most departments.
Sure, there's a lot of thugs that end up getting hired.
There's some departments that become bad.
Some of the unions defend bad officers.
But more and more, that's getting cleaned up and reversed as the American people and these police departments wake up to what's happening.
In the age of YouTube, it can create the perception that the police are just a bunch of out-of-control demons running around attacking everybody's freedoms.
And if we just get into an us-against-them mentality and turn the police into the enemy, that will play into social engineers' hands in different areas of federal government to then create an us-against-them mentality.
The way to reform America, the way to promote a Bill of Rights culture of mutual respect
Is to reach out to the police and the police to reach out to the people and to back cops that are good cops and then to stand up when police are clearly out of control.
And usually it's one or two guys out of a bunch of people and they'll have a bunch of stuff in their record and you know who the bad apples are.
Now that's separate from the police state itself.
That is globally being set up by corporations being pushed with grants to turn the police into unaccountable robots that are surveilled by GPS themselves, that aren't allowed to make their own decisions, that basically become robots.
So the police are the group being scapegoated so often as we've seen by the Justice Department and others lately as what's wrong with government.
When what's wrong with government is a lot of foreign special interests have seized control of things, and we have a crony capitalist system that picks winners and losers, not a true capitalist system.
We need to worry about Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and out-of-control federal agencies and the UN, not with police.
We need to try to save the country from strife and civil war, not expand it.
We're gonna go to our guest here for just a few minutes.
I appreciate his time.
The story's up on Infowars.com.
Adon Salazar wrote a story about it.
It was picked up by KUTV News.
We've got a short clip of that.
Cops escort 84-year-old woman to see sick son after crash with patrol car.
She was speeding.
He pulled her over, wrote her a warning.
She backed into him, 84, clearly freaked out.
He gave her a ride, got her car towed, the police department paid for it, and then they relayed her through the different jurisdictions of the state police to see her son.
And it's a human act, like I see cops changing tires or helping people.
That is what is fulfilling in life.
That's the type of police officer we need.
But as a culture, people think service is bad.
You open a door for women, they think it's weird.
You say thank you to somebody, they think it's weird.
It's not the police that are degenerating so much as it's the public that's degenerating.
And then you're going to have the police reflect that.
We need to really address the root problem, not scapegoat the police.
So that's why I wanted to more and more give you good examples of good things the police are doing to hold that up so that other police will then emulate that instead of emulating the bullies.
Let's go to this clip from WKUTV.
I was headed to Salt Lake because I had a son that wasn't going to make it.
87-year-old Helen Skeeter-Smith lives in Southern Nevada.
They called me about Randy.
Helen, here with a friend, learned her son Randy, in Utah, was in the hospital critically ill.
She got in the car, hit I-15, and started driving north, making it as far as central Utah, where she was pulled over by Trooper Jeff Jones.
But he was all nice.
Oh yeah, he was doing his job.
Helen was given a warning for a traffic violation.
So I buzzed past him.
But then, instead of pulling forward to leave, she put her car in reverse and struck the trooper's patrol car.
And I put a little dent in his car.
And he realized it was not safe for her to drive.
So Trooper Jones had Helen's car towed and he gave her a ride from Fillmore to Juab County, where he handed her off to Trooper Jared Jensen, who drove her to Utah County, who handed Helen off to Trooper Chris Bishop, who drove her to Salt Lake County, and to Trooper Andrew Pollard.
Was very excited to tell me about her dogs, her cats, her hometown.
And he took her all the way to Ogden Regional Medical Center.
I ended up taking four patrol cars.
Four good-looking patrol boys brought me.
When this happened, Helen likely never realized her crash would touch off a chain reaction of kindness.
To have them there waiting, to hold her hand as we walked into the hospital, it was very, very rewarding.
It may have been one of the best accidents.
I'm grateful.
Now, it was Trooper Jones that did the old-fashioned peace officer thing.
We saw the footage of, you know, in Texas, the guy talks back to the old man, so the cop tasers him and starts beating him up.
But, again, the media doesn't tend to focus in on the positive stories that are going on.
And, of course, he joins us.
He has a BA in International Politics and a minor in Eastern Studies and Military Science.
He's been with the
Thank you for having me.
Well, I actually didn't expect the attention.
Like you said, this is something that a lot of police officers do.
We do a lot of things, buy lunches, shuttle people if they need to.
This case in particular, I have a grandmother who's similar in age and they really touched the cord that she needed to get somewhere and I didn't feel like she was going to make it if she was by herself.
So, contacted her family, got a hold of her family and they stated they were already in the hospital.
She kept telling me she needed to go to Ogden, which was actually north of where her son was and
I kept asking her, well why do we need to go to Ogden if you need to go to Salt Lake?
She kept saying that it was in Ogden Regional, but it was actually in Salt Lake.
So I contacted her family again and found out where we could meet up and contact the dispatch.
They made contact with other troopers and with their supervisors and we got the chain going.
Well, it's good to see cases like this, you know, get attention where police officers help homeless people and things like that.
But like you said, I think this is something that the police have always basically been doing.
It just doesn't get attention.
What is your, I mean, overall view?
Why do you think people responded so positively to this?
I think people are just, they're looking for some good.
They want to see some positive things on the news, not just things that depress you or upset you.
And this was one of those stories where it turned out well.
Well, like you said, this is the type of stuff police do all the time, it just doesn't get attention.
Give me some other examples of what you've done or what other people in your department have done that doesn't get attention.
Well, one example, I worked with a guy, he came across a teenage girl one night who had run out of gas, didn't have any money with her.
He called her mother and paid for the gas so she could get home.
Um, I myself have taken families out to lunch before if I didn't think they'd had any food.
And it was gonna be a while before they got there.
They were gonna have help coming.
Um, this is something that happens all the time, but I don't think any of it's really documented.
We don't go out there to do it just to say, hey, we're here doing this.
We do it because it's the right thing to do.
Well I think that's what separates a first world country from a third world country where I think we can pretty much agree a lot of the police in Mexico or say North Korea are corrupt versus more of a free society and I think what plays into that is if we get just flat-out mistrust of the police that it seems like some of the establishment media want, then society will start to break down and then that won't attract good people to serve as peace officers.
Well, I gotta say, it's different.
It changes all the time.
We have ups and downs, and things happen and things get covered and spun a certain way.
But in this case, I think it got spun true, the way that it really happened, and the reasons we did it were to help her get to see her son, and to help her family not to have the stress of having to worry about how to get her.
Well, watching that squad car video, you can see she can hardly walk on her cane, you're having to help her, and she looked pretty shook up.
I don't think she drives more than to the market maybe once a week, kind of like my grandmother who's 89 who had to quit driving last year now because she can't even do that.
Uh, but, um, you know, I've seen the cases where kind of the, especially in some of the big city departments, where they would probably have just taken her to jail because she backed into the car and said, you're recklessly driving, uh, which wouldn't have helped her, would have made everybody feel bad later and would have been a case in the news, uh, making the police look pretty bad.
And again, it's those rare cases that do that.
It's just that the media focuses in on them and I don't blame the media focusing in.
It's just, I think it's important to also focus in on the positive stories.
I don't want to get you any trouble.
Well, it is scary.
But, uh, you know, in this case, we were able to do the right thing.
We got her where she needed to go.
We were able to include a whole bunch of people in the chain of command, as far as able to contact supervisors, and they thought it was the right thing to do, and they were able to allocate assets to get it done.
We're here to help, we're not here to hurt.
Thank you.
And I've studied sociology now and psychology a lot more than I did 20 years ago when I was first on air.
And I saw the militarization of police and unconstitutional things and I got mad at the police.
And we just yell at them basically.
And then I began to realize over the years that's not effective.
That's what the globalists want.
Especially when I read
Different white papers, psychology papers we've shown on air, where the system admitted that.
We're going to militarize police.
We're going to have zero tolerance.
We're going to make them paramilitary.
The public's not going to like it.
And this is going to divide them from the people.
More divide and conquer.
So, I want to criticize policies that departments have that are bad.
I want to go after cops that are bad.
But I want to go after judges that are bad.
I want to go after politicians that are bad.
Corporate people that are bad.
I want to go after citizens that are bad.
My dad got mugged, well they tried to mug him once and mugged him another time because growing up, if he wasn't super late, it got to the point where we would all groan, my sister and I and my mother, he would pull over and change tires.
He didn't do it because he was Dudley Do-Right.
He wanted to be helped if something was wrong with him.
It was, he just came from the country, that's what she did.
And he would just, I mean, he'd be driving back from a business trip at one in the morning in Dallas, and pull over to help people, and then they'd pull a gun on him and take his wallet.
Stuff like that.
And you've gotta ask yourself, what happened to us as a society that we went from the general, you could pick up a hitchhiker,
And not get killed?
You could pull over and try to help somebody?
People are scared to get help from you now because they're afraid if somebody pulls over.
How did we change as a culture?
And I think the answer is, we lost God.
And the churches don't promote God.
I mean, they promote a plastic God, a synthetic God.
You know, my dad does not really pull over and help people anymore.
I guess getting robbed twice kind of changed him on that.
I think the last time was like 20 years ago.
He was back visiting Dallas doing some consulting and got robbed.
Pulling over helping people day or night.
And the famous thing they do in parking lots where a guy is acting like he's beating up his girlfriend and you come over and say something and they rob you or whatever.
I mean it's just it's sad that all we have is the police in so many areas because we don't trust each other.
And then now the police have gotten so corrupt in some areas, that's information seizure, that we can't trust them.
It's game over folks!
This has been engineered and I don't know all the answers.
I just know I don't want to lose our civilization to corruption.
And I know that if we promote good policing and support good police, then good police will have backing and the bad guys can be forced out.
And the police will listen to patriots if we are supportive on things we can support and then, in a professional way, disagree with what we know is wrong.
But not from a position of hating people.
And believe me, when you're out in a demonstration and the cops are shoving on you and violating your First Amendment, you know, you start hating them.
And that's popular.
You know, I start yelling at cops, start taking my jacket off at Dallas, saying, all right, you just pushed over a guy with his little six-year-old daughter.
Let's get... I mean, I was ready to fight.
At that point, they got radioed and basically left immediately.
Because they could tell the crowd went for me and pushed back to... I mean, it was real.
I mean, it's like they knew the... And so you say, well, they're good cops.
They didn't just want to get in a fight with me.
See, but I obviously won it at the end.
I mean, that was just a year and a half ago, folks, that I became one inch
From getting in a fight with the Dallas, well it wasn't the Dallas Police Department, it was the Obama-run county.
Dallas County.
And when I saw them push that guy over with his six-year-old daughter on her shoulders and her crying, I just said, that's it, we gotta fight him!
And it wasn't like a big thing in high school where you take your jacket off to de-escalate.
I was pulling my stuff off because I was getting ready, man.
I mean, it's just at an instinctive level, you don't attack little girls.
But at the same time,
They realized what they'd done and just said, okay, we better shut this down.
They were following orders.
They didn't like it.
Some of them were thugs.
And some of the listeners loved that, that they could watch live video of me being pushed around by the cops and then saying, all right, let's kick their ass and all this.
People watching it loved it.
But you know what?
That's how we're going to lose this country.
That's how we're going to lose this civilization.
That's how we're going to do it, folks.
And the globalists are going to sit out in Switzerland and Paris and London and Luxembourg and Monte Carlo and Grand Cayman.
I'm not bashing those countries, I'm just saying that's where they're at.
They're going to sit there laughing at us while we do this like it's a football game or something.
Well, my life's not a football game.
And Civil War is not a football game.
I'm done preaching about it, but you can see how they destabilize.
They give Al-Qaeda a new base.
Now they're going to attack us.
The attacks are going to be real.
Anybody tries to stop them before they happen?
You'll get a bullet in your head.
Any cops try to expose it's being promoted by government, they're gonna get shot like this police chief.
We're in a lot of trouble, folks.
Evil's taken over and we need to come together for the Bill of Rights Constitution, family rights, private property, right to self-defense, and promote ideas, not promote fighting black against white, cop against citizen.
That's what you see out of MSNBC.
That's the agenda they're promoting.
That's what they want to do.
They want us all at each other's throats so they won't notice when they swindle us devaluing the dollar.
So we won't
Notice, all the globalists absolutely got this country.
We're gonna come back and go to Corey, and Chad, and Rich, and Jerry, and Jay, and many others.
Stay with me.
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So I'm gonna go take a photo of my shirt off right after the broadcast and see what happens.
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Corey in Vermont, you're on the air, thanks for calling.
Hi Alex, I actually have just like two quick comments slash questions if that's okay.
While I was waiting you bring up Saudi Arabia on a kind of a separate issue and I think back to Saudi Arabia and the Ugandan dictator Amin that what they did the great the last king of Scotland who killed 300,000 people in a matter of five years when he exiled that's where he went and lived on you know the top floor of the hotels giving women and money and
You know, that just shows you how Saudi Arabia is our ally.
But on a separate thing, Fox News, after the Paris, first few hours after the Paris thing, they reported, officials in Paris said that it wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when, and that security had been pulled from Charlie Hebdo the last two weeks.
And I want to get your take on that.
And there's something also about the no-go zone.
Yeah, there was a shadow government in place publicly.
It was denied previously.
That's what I mean.
It's just a coming out of all this.
Yes, look.
The known CIA handler of all the major attacks was behind this again.
So they're real terrorists, but they were given a base, given money, protected, allowed to get RPGs in, allowed to do all this.
The police chief that was in the jurisdiction when they were finally taken out got shot a couple times in the head while writing a report.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
The whole thing is very, very suspicious.
It's meant to then be able to roll out fear, and they're saying it's like the war on drugs.
It'll never end.
The war on... I mean, I thought we defeated Al-Qaeda just three years ago.
Oh, now they're back!
They were the Syrian rebels, our buddies, now they're our enemies.
This is so transparent.
So my answer is, whether they're real or not, don't take my liberties.
The answer is arm the citizens, like the head of Interpol said last year when people connected to Obama attacked that shopping mall.
And the head of Interpol said the answer is arm the citizens.
Right, exactly.
This office
It's full of concealed carry people and M4s and 308s and you name it, I mean, and riot shotguns.
We're not a target because we're not defenseless.
I'm going to go to Overdrive.
Thank you, Corey.
Chad and Rich and others, I'm going right to you.
Stay with us.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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I was just wondering how you can have a discussion about climate without bringing up geoengineering.
If I could get your take on that.
See, that's the plan.
The UN says they need geoengineering to save us from global warming.
It's already going on.
They can then target areas of people they want to starve and stuff.
So, exactly.
Next time Monkin's on, I'll bring up geoengineering.
Because it's the globalists that are in control of it.
And so who knows what they'll do with it to terrorize people into pay global taxes or, you know, you'll get flooded.
It's a great point.
Yes, I agree, because I don't know what's going on with it.
I watch it every day.
I observe a lot.
Good points.
You know, we said it was coming in electronic Pearl Harbor, a cyber attack to push through all the draconian laws they're just now introducing.
And sure enough, ISIS.
ISIS is hacking the Pentagon successfully.
Who buys any of this?
It's like saying North Korea hacked the interview and it turned out they didn't.
Rich in California, thanks for holding.
Earlier you were talking about carbon burning, phosphoryl, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
I'd like to suggest that the real issue is the concentration of oxygen.
For example, when you burn phosphoryl, you're combining an atom of carbon with two atoms of oxygen.
That's right.
Aren't oxygen levels dropping?
They are.
And I'm suggesting that, well, I'm not against fossil fuel, I'm suggesting more efficient machinery.
No, we need to clean up dirty industry.
Oh, I agree.
And that's the reasonable area.
Carbon dioxide, for example, these automobiles could be more efficient.
I understand that when you burn up for a gallon of fuel, gasoline, you put in 20 pounds of carbon dioxide in the air.
Of course, I would like to debate Mr. Monckton about carbon dioxide.
He says, for example, 750 million years ago,
Concentration of carbon dioxide was 15 times higher.
Well, maybe so, but human beings probably weren't around then.
Well, here's the deal.
They've done studies.
Plants grow a lot faster with higher carbon dioxide, more oxygen is put out.
I think the answer to get more oxygen is to get more carbon dioxide.
We are, it is a trace gas, sir, and most scientists I've talked to say it would be better if it was higher.
All I know is this.
The carbon tax is about controlling human activity and micromanaging everything, and it's a scam.
I don't want to pay to Al Gore and Obama and Ward Rothschild every time I gas up or when I do anything.
It's just a total scam.
But good to hear from you, brother.
You made some good points.
Jerry in Georgia, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Albuquerque Journal, USA Today.
The two cops that killed that homeless man have just been charged with murder.
There you go.
The right thing's happening.
The DA just came down two open counts of murder, which I know, I guess that means they could come down with first, second, third, whichever.
Well, one of them's driving up and says on the squad car video, I'm going to shoot this guy in his huevos.
I can't wait to kill this guy.
I mean, and it had been fired off the state police.
So yeah, to me, that's murder.
It is.
I mean, I've watched that video and it just is the worst thing you could ever see.
They just gunned this man down.
This is blatant, but at least... Well, they also go, boo yeah, oh yeah, and then have the dog attack his dead body.
I mean, those guys need to be in a mental institution.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Yeah, I saw the Albuquerque News.
See, there you go, boom.
Bad cops are in trouble.
That's what we need.
We need to reform it that way, not have a war with the police in general.
We need to take the police back from the globalists.
Thank you so much.
Sorry to Jay, Stu, and Andrew.
Lord willing, I'll be back tomorrow live at 11 a.m.
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