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Filename: 20150105_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 5, 2015
2082 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, January the 5th, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today for the first two hours.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us, actually hosting the show in the third hour, not just joining us.
We also have in the second hour Christopher Busby, a physicist.
He has exposed the dangers of low-level radiations.
We're going to talk to him about that because not only is Fukushima coming up in just a few months to its
Four year anniversary, still dumping radioactive waste into the air, into the Pacific, that is now, we were told, going to peak in 2015 on the West Coast.
Hopefully it'll peak, hopefully there won't be another incident, hopefully it won't continue unabated.
But this has been going on for years now, and of course Ukraine,
The site of the Chernobyl accident, the largest disaster prior to Fukushima.
I don't know.
We can talk to Mr. Busby when he gets on.
I don't know which one has released the most amount of radiation.
Chernobyl was a very short event.
Fukushima just keeps going on cumulatively.
But there's now another nuclear reactor in Ukraine, which we heard a little bit about at the beginning of December.
We were told that it was just a minor incident, that it was just an electrical issue.
Now, of course, these nuclear power plants that are in the Ukraine are, like ours, getting very old.
Most of the power plants get a license in the United States for 25 to 30 years.
These nuclear power plants that we're talking about in the Ukraine are 30 years old.
They're Russian designs, although they've already been caught trying to put
Square pegs and round holes getting control rods from the U.S.
when they couldn't get them from Russia after the Ukraine incident.
Except the problem is, is that we make round rods and the Russians had designed it for square rods or vice versa.
I don't know.
But the bottom line is that created a bit of an issue.
Nevertheless, this incident that happened at the beginning of the month, we were told was just an electrical short.
That the reactor was not involved.
There was no radiation issues involved with that.
Then, on December 28th, through the holidays, there was another incident at that same power plant.
And this is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
It's the fifth largest in the world.
And, of course, it's just a few hundred miles from Chernobyl.
We were told there was a second incident.
There are reports
Multiple reports that there has been a radiation leak that is 16 times what is normal there.
So we're going to be following up with that, talking to Christopher Busby in the second hour.
And again, as I said, Alex Jones will be here hosting in the third hour.
Today is a very important day if you want to do something to roll back this criminal government that is unaccountable to us.
And of course, this is the day that you can contact your GOP representative if you have a congressman in your area that's a GOP representative.
You need to talk to them and tell them that they need to oppose Boehner's reappointment as Speaker of the House.
That's going to happen tomorrow.
So today is the day, if you want to get involved, if you are someone who votes for Republicans and Democrats, I personally don't.
I support third parties.
I think we need to have a broader choice.
That's my most important message to the people who count the votes each time, is I want them to know that I want an unrigged choice.
Nevertheless, I think it's important, even if you're a Democrat, to oppose Boehner's continued presence there.
We need to hold people accountable.
And of course, everyone knows by now what these guys did immediately after the election.
They thumbed their nose at the people who got them elected, who wanted them to roll back Obamacare, who wanted them to do something about the border, who wanted them to exercise some control.
And instead of just passing a continuing resolution until they had a large majority, until they had a Republican Senate,
Boehner deceived the congressional representatives there, telling them that it was going to be one thing when it turned out to be another.
So several of them are angry.
We've got Louie Gohmert from Texas says he's going to run against Boehner for Speaker of the House.
We've got a couple of representatives, Thomas Massey as well as Steve King, saying they will not vote for him.
And we'll be talking about the reasons that they give, and we'll be talking about what you can do to send this message.
We have to hold them accountable.
Of course, they're going to have somebody else to take Boehner's place.
The guys who control both parties will have somebody just like him in the wings.
They need to know they're accountable.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, January the 5th, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host for the first two hours.
Alex Jones will be the host for the third hour.
In the second hour, we're going to be joined by a physicist, Christopher Busby.
He's been outspoken about the dangers of low-level radiation.
We're going to talk to him not only about
Fukushima, which is coming up to its four-year anniversary, but also about what's going on in the Ukraine.
There have been two incidents at Ukraine, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, just a few hundred miles from Chernobyl.
This particular power plant has had two incidents, one at the beginning of December, December 3rd, actually it was November 28th, it was announced
On December the 3rd by the newly minted head of the Energy Ministry.
This guy is not a physicist, not an engineer.
This guy was a banker, a politician.
And what he said was that at the time it was not an accident because technically an accident is a release of radiation.
He said it was merely an incident.
But the timeline is kind of interesting because it happened on the 28th.
Then on the 3rd they have a new, actually the day before the announcement, they get a new energy ministry person involved.
And his name is Demcha, Demcha-shun, I think is the way it's pronounced.
Nevertheless, he says that it's merely an accident, not an accident.
And then, at the end of this last month, at December 28th, they had another issue at another nuclear reactor, and now we're told that that does involve release of radiation.
We're not being told that by the Ukrainian government.
There's been some documents that have been released that point to that.
We've also had some reports from RT, as well as three independent sources that have found that documentation.
So, it appears that there's radiation being leaked at this, after this second incident.
This is a large facility.
As I said, it's the largest in Europe, the fifth largest in the world.
This is something that, essentially, when it first came out on December the 3rd, when Demcheson came out, he said,
There's no threat.
There's no problems with the reactors.
He said they would have it done within two days.
It was down for a bit of a week.
This is something that is really affecting Ukraine, because 50% of their power generation comes from nuclear reactors.
And these are old nuclear reactors.
They've been around for about 30 years, just like ours.
They're starting to get to the end of their useful life.
But, like us, they just keep them going.
They also had an incident, according to some people, where they used the wrong kinds of control rods.
Had a little bit of a problem, but I'm sure that didn't last too long, because they're having a problem getting spare parts from Russia.
And of course, as the...
Former head of our Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Yatso, said after Fukushima, he called for all of our nuclear power to be phased out.
He said we should be shutting down our nuclear reactors because the designs have the same flaws we've seen in Fukushima.
He said that we have to look at this as a society when he addressed Japan and he says you have to think about whether or not you're willing to accept another accident of this scale, of this magnitude.
If you aren't, you need to shut this down.
At least redesign these power plants if you're going to continue with it.
Now while we're talking about the Ukraine, one more article that came out this last weekend.
The President of the Czech Republic says that only poorly informed people
Don't know about what's going on in the Ukraine coup He was talking to the people in his country and of course they had a velvet revolution.
That was a democratic revolution an authentic democratic revolution But he says those who are seeing it that way seeing the maiden revolution the same as the velvet revolution are seeing it in a profoundly false light he said this is the reason why
That's not a democratic revolution.
He said this is the reason why Ukraine is now in a condition of civil war in which the residents of the Donbass region and Ukraine's southeast have broken away from the Ukrainian government.
He had strong criticism of the Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk.
He said that I think he is rather a prime minister of war because he does not want a peaceful solution as recommended by the European Union but instead he prefers to use force and he points out that
Actually, this analysis in the Washington blog points out that Obama is pressing his
Advantage to try to force European unions to take sides.
It's essentially George W. Bush all over again.
Or George W. Bush said, you're either with us or you're against us.
That's essentially the message that we're getting from the Obama administration as they work to start another Cold War.
To build this up.
Now we have another article that's up on Infowars.com.
Kent Daniels' article here.
Lawsuit shows that cops have confiscated guns from a veteran
Who is diagnosed with insomnia.
He's not only a military veteran, but he's a police veteran.
He's filed a lawsuit.
He's a Navy veteran.
He was also a law enforcement officer with a distinguished career.
More than 30 years, he retired to the rank of detective sergeant.
He had a spotless record.
He'd been awarded medals, bravery medals.
He was a commanding officer for 15 years.
He retired.
He moved across the state to be closer to his grandchildren, and as part of that move,
He was having difficulty sleeping, so he went to the hospital.
He got some Trazodone, 50 milligrams of that.
They examined him.
They wrote on his comments.
They said he's well-developed, well-kept male, dressed casually, no acute distress, calm, pleasant, cooperative.
He's not a threat to himself or any others, and yet, for some reason,
They labeled him as an involuntary admission.
Not true, not consistent with their notes.
Nevertheless, the local sheriff starts getting repeated calls from the New York State Police saying they have to go pick up his gun.
So they called him, they apologized and said, we've had repeated pressure, we have to come pick up your guns.
They picked up all of his weapons and the State Police canceled his pistol permit without a hearing.
And of course the hospital is refusing to correct the mistake in its records.
This is something we should think about in light of the fact that we just got a Surgeon General appointed by Obama.
His name is Vivek Murthy.
He has talked about gun violence being a public health epidemic.
He says that he is tired of politicians who are afraid of the NRA.
And he thinks that guns are a major health issue.
He is going to be a propagandist for this kind of medical snitching going on, turning people in to the police, not having a trial, not having a hearing.
I don't have a problem with somebody who is psychologically disturbed having their guns taken away from him, but it needs to be with due process.
I remember with some of these shootings, we had a lot of people on the right, even some of the NRA, were saying, we need to get rid of the guns from crazy people.
That's the problem.
So if anybody goes to a psychiatrist, we need to take their guns away.
That is not the solution.
You need to have due process before anything is taken away from you.
Any property and especially your rights.
That is the real issue here and this is something that we're going to see increasingly happen with this kind of Attorney General that we just had appointed by the Obama administration.
Another article up on Infowars.com.
What prices will look like before and after
A mandatory minimum wage increase.
They point out that a study from the Heritage Foundation says that customers can expect to see about a 38% increase in the cost of their supersized mega meals.
And so in this article, it's up on Infowars.com, if you want to really kind of get a feel for how that's going to affect things, you can look at the various fast food entries that you're going to be paying for.
Prices before and after a $15 per hour wage hike.
Well, if you want a Big Mac, you're going to be going from $5.69 to $7.83.
If you want a steak burrito bowl, you're going to go from $6.65 to $9.14.
You want a son of baconator combo?
$6.49 to $8.92.
Hey, maybe you might get the idea that you don't want to eat that stuff.
There's another article up on Infowars.com from Anthony Gucciardi talking about how the newly renamed high fructose corn syrup contains toxic mercury.
Not only have they renamed it because it's gotten a bad rap, and justifiably so, they call it high fructose corn syrup, now they're just going to call it fructose.
They're not going to talk about it being corn because now people are starting to get the idea, the understanding, that almost all corn is genetically modified.
And they don't want to talk about it being really high in concentration.
See, high fructose corn syrup is much cheaper than sugar.
It's much more intense and it's much more addictive.
And now,
It's got mercury in it.
New and improved.
And while we're talking about food, there's another article up on InfoWars.com.
A new Monsanto law in Africa would force GMOs on farmers.
This is something we have seen in the United States.
We've seen this in India.
They say that this is something that is coming through in Ghana, Africa.
The proposed legislation will have rules that restrict farmers from ancient practices, things that people have done in every country.
Freely saving, swapping and breeding seeds under the new laws that are there to, listen to this, protect the intellectual property rights of biotech farmers.
These practices of saving, sharing and breeding seeds would be subject to heavy fines.
for growing anything that might be quote-unquote patented even if their crops were cross-pollinated.
That's exactly, if you remember, that's exactly what happened in India.
A huge number of small farmers there committing suicide because
Monsanto would come into an area, they would offer these GMO crops to some of the farmers.
As they were growing that GMO crop, it would cross-pollinate into the heritage crops that were being grown by the neighboring farms.
Monsanto would come in, do an analysis of the seeds, say, you are infringing on our patent.
See, it's not infringement when they cross-pollinate your product with something that you didn't want.
They're saying, you're stealing this from us.
When they are shoving it on you, it's actually a trespass.
But they put it out there as if it was some kind of a theft of their patented property.
And so farmers in India then were fined.
They were sued by Monsanto.
They didn't have the money to fight a giant like that.
So they were going out of business left and right.
And many of them took their lives because that's the way they responded to that kind of pressure and that culture.
But of course, we also had an article on Infowars just last week, December 29th, talking about how seed libraries are being shut down in the United States.
Exactly the same thing.
Shutting down seed libraries, saying you cannot save, grow and transfer these seeds.
Add to that, we saw back in August, Paul Joseph Watson talked about the same thing elsewhere in the United States.
Maybe we should just say nobody can grow any food except Monsanto.
I'm sure they got the votes in Congress to pull that one off.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be your host these first two hours.
I'm David Knight.
Alex will be the host on the third hour.
In the second hour, we're going to have Christopher Busby joining us, talking about the dangers of low-level radiation.
Now, in the last segment, we were talking about what's going on with Monsanto.
Pulling the same tricks in Africa that they've done in India, the same tricks that they're doing in, of course, the United States.
And it remains to be seen if they're going to get away with it in Africa.
Probably will.
They seem to be able to get away with it pretty much anywhere except in a few places like Europe, where the people haven't been bought out yet.
The lawmakers haven't been bought out by Monsanto.
They appear to
Basically own our government.
They can do pretty much anything they want.
As evidence of that, this December 29th story from the AP that we had on InfoWars, seed libraries are struggling with state laws that limit exchanges.
They say gardeners at hundreds of spots around the country, of course, are being
...are sharing seeds as part of an increasing interest in locally grown food.
But some agricultural officials say the well-meaning effort violates state laws.
And so this one happened in Duluth, Minnesota.
But back in August, we reported about this happening in Pennsylvania.
Paul Joseph Watson's article back then pointed out that it was the USDA, the Department of Agriculture, shut down a seed library in Pennsylvania for the same reasons.
Claiming that a system where residents could borrow heirloom seeds from each other and then replace them at harvest time was a violation of the 2004 Seed Act.
And they even used the term agri-terrorism.
It's terrorism to grow your own food without paying Monsanto a commission.
This is the kind of greedy corporations that are running our government, that are trying to push these large trade partnership agreements between the U.S.
and Europe, between the U.S.
and Asia, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Trans-Atlantic Partnerships.
This also is part of those partnerships, as well as Internet Control Regulation.
They pointed out at the time, in this story that Paul Joseph Watson had back in August,
That they were amazed that you had agricultural department officials from the federal government coming into this small town and pushing them around about this little seed library.
And one of the people there said, gee, it makes me wonder when they're going to crack down on all those GMO fields with their grave concerns about cross-pollinization.
Look out, Monsanto!
Oh, wait, I forgot!
This only applies to regular people who are growing vegetables.
GMOs aren't considered to be an invasive species.
See, when we were talking last week to John Rappaport about what the real fight ought to be with GMO, they've got us distracted, I think.
It was his article that pointed this out, and we had him on and talked about it for a while.
I think he's right.
I think they've got everybody totally distracted with this head fake about labeling.
Yeah, it's important to know what's in your food.
But we've also got the same people on both sides of the issue, just like we got the same people running the Democrat and the Republican Party.
You don't believe me?
Take a look at John Boehner.
And tomorrow there's an important meeting, an important vote for Speaker of the House.
Today is the day to call your Republican representative and tell them you don't want to see Boehner coming back.
But it's the same guys running both sides of the operation, whether it's regulation of GMOs or whether it's the Republicans and the Democrats.
It's the same thing each time.
And we've seen this happening over and over again.
We keep losing the labeling fights, and yet we have won at the local level because the farmers understand that this is a trespass, just like that lady said.
Oh, according to the federal government, GMOs are not considered to be an invasive species.
They are an invasive species.
They are a trespass.
And it's a very dangerous thing to have these untried seeds completely replace heirloom seeds.
It could create a worldwide famine if we give Monsanto and a handful of these companies one seed that they put out there.
It's not even effective in terms of killing the... and it's stated purpose is not even effective.
But it is killing local agriculture.
Now as we were talking about this last segment, Richard came in and handed me an article from three years ago where a farmer fought Monsanto in Saskatchewan, Canada and actually won.
He'd been developing his own seeds for 50 years and they point out that he went after Monsanto because they accused him of patent infringement when they crossed
Pollinated and contaminated his field of heirloom seeds.
So he came after them for libel.
He said they publicly accused him of committing illegal acts.
He came after them for trespassing because they cross-pollinated onto his property.
He came after them for improperly obtaining samples of his seeds from a local seed plant.
And then he also came after them for disregard of the environment by introducing GMO crops without proper controls and without containment.
And he won.
Just like the people in Hawaii won when they prohibited GMOs from being grown, and that was John Rappaport's point.
We have to make sure that we stop GMO, that we don't let it continue to spread because we're distracted about whether the labels are going to be voluntary or mandatory.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Monday, January 5th, 2015.
First Monday of the new year.
Now, Alex is going to be the host in the third hour.
In the second hour, we're going to be joined by a scientist from the UK, Christopher Busby, who's going to talk to us about the dangers of low-level radiation.
As I mentioned earlier in the show, there's even renewed concern.
Not only is Fukushima going on, approaching its four-year anniversary of spewing radiation into the environment, but now we have new concerns
About an aging nuclear reactor in the Ukraine that's had two incidents or accidents, depending on who you believe.
The difference being whether or not there was radiation released, has had two of these incidents in the last month.
And this is the largest power plant in Europe.
It is the fifth largest in the world.
It's just a couple of hundred miles from another famous power plant, Chernobyl.
Same basic design.
And as we mentioned earlier in the show as well, our own head, former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Yatso, has said that we have the same kinds of fundamental flaws that happened at Fukushima, and that we ought to consider shutting down and redesigning all of the nuclear power plants that we have in America, if we're going to continue down the road of nuclear power.
And of course, that's the former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission speaking.
Now, I want to talk about what's going on with Boehner as Speaker of the House.
I think it's very important whether or not you have this guy replaced with another shill for the New World Order or for big government, wherever you want to look at this, whether or not they replace him with somebody else just like him.
It's important for us to stand up and throw out the people who betray us, just as it's important for us to impeach the President when he violates the law.
I think so.
The MSNBC's Morning Joe, I guess that's where the statists are always welcome to go there and make their case for war, as well as for continued big government.
This is Tom Cole, a friend of Boehner, Republican from Oklahoma.
He said these GOP challenges to his friend, Speaker Boehner, are, quote, pretty unprofessional and very disappointing.
Oh my.
Strong language there.
I guess it's bad sportsmanship, isn't it?
He said, they're pretty disappointing in the sense that anyone who wanted to run could have run in the conference elections and none of them did.
Well, let's listen to what one of the guys, Tom Massey, who says he will not be voting to re-elect Speaker Boehner.
Let's listen to his grievances about Boehner.
He said during his first two years as a congressman, he discovered why people are so upset with Congress.
Why it's so dysfunctional.
Here's the list that he gave out.
He said he's watched the House leadership, in other words Boehner, schedule a fiscal crisis in a lame duck session on the last legislative day before Christmas to get maximum leverage over the rank-and-file members.
Remember that?
Remember that?
They said he misled members into thinking that a vote on an unpopular bill was postponed only to then conduct a rushed voice vote on the $10 billion unfunded spending measure with fewer than a dozen members present.
That was the one that we talked about.
I think that you had, I think it was fewer than, way fewer than ten, I think it was fewer than five, who basically came after Russia with sanctions.
They spent, well that was a different bill, because that was half a billion dollars.
This is a ten billion dollar unfunded bill.
And of course he did this thing of introducing it at the very last minute, not just with the continuing resolution omnibus bill, the cromnibus,
He also did it with the NDAA.
He would basically spring bills on the people that were over 1,000 pages, 1,500, 1,600 pages long, give them less than 24 hours to look through it and demand that they vote or the government was going to shut down.
And that's the next item he's got on here.
Giving members less than 72 hours to read bills that are over 1,000 pages long.
And this is the other thing that got everybody upset with him.
Removing members from committees simply because they voted for the principles on which they
If you are going to do what you told the people when you asked them to vote for you, then Boehner is going to punish you, because Boehner doesn't play by those rules.
See, I think we should call it BoehnerCare.
We had RomneyCare.
It was exactly like Obamacare.
Mandatory insurance.
It was even sold with fake econometric models by John Gruber.
The same guy that did it for Obama.
It was absolutely the same thing as Obamacare.
And now Boehner has taken this on because he's the one who's funding it.
He's the one who's giving the money to the IRS to punish us for not buying products from his crony capitalist friends.
See, with crony capitalism, you've got to have two friends.
You've got to have a corporation on the outside, and you've got to have a Boehner on the inside, so they can do favors for each other.
You've got to have people like Jeb Bush, who's comfortable moving back and forth between high levels of office and sitting on the board of directors of these same corporations that are writing the laws that were never meant
to make insurance affordable.
They were meant to make insurance unaffordable.
They were there to make sure that you bought more insurance than you needed, more than you could afford, and having a gun held to your head by the IRS.
And now that Jeb Bush has made millions, probably hundreds of millions off of this, he can now move on in his career and become president for a while until he rotates back out into the corporate crony world.
That's what's happening with Republicans.
So if you want to try to break that cycle, at least on the Republican side, here's your chance.
Call your Republican representative and tell them you don't want them to vote for Boehner tomorrow when they have the vote.
Now, we've had a lot of talk about police brutality.
I think, in my opinion, that was the biggest story of the last year.
Not only people understanding about the MRAP program, the militarization of the police in terms of training, the overuse of SWAT teams, but also the unnecessary, brutalizing force that we see over and over again by the police and them escaping punishment.
I think there's a legitimate gripe about that.
We've said that over and over again here at InfoWars.
But there are right ways to do it, and there's wrong ways to do it.
Here's the wrong way to do it.
This is a funeral of a 100-year-old veteran.
Well, those protesters busting through a town hall meeting just as 100-year-old World War II veteran Dario Rocio was about to be honored and they did not stop until Rocio made them do it.
Well, he ended up receiving his award and he did make his speech.
But the protesters in Portland were back at it just as soon as he finished.
The vet wound up leaving that meeting early.
There you go.
That's the way to not win friends and influence people.
That was an award ceremony for a 100-year-old veteran that they broke up saying that they can't breathe.
Now, the black sheriff of Milwaukee County, Dave Clark, he withstood a challenge from gun control lobbyist Michael Bloomberg, who spent half a million dollars trying to get him out of being the sheriff because Dave Clark supported the Second Amendment.
He had a very interesting thing to say about people who are protesting along racial lines, this police brutality, saying that black lives matter.
Here's what he had to say about that.
Protesters were asked by media about all the black on black killing or black babies aborted in the US every year.
A, is his reporting correct?
Did you send him that message?
And B, if so, what did you mean by it?
Yes, I did.
And that's, you know, when I hear these things that black lives matter, the only people that really believe that statement are American police officers who go into American ghettos every day to keep people from killing each other.
Alright, so, yes, I did send that, and I meant it.
The abortion, black lives, if they really mattered, that's where the outrage would be.
That's what we see protests about.
But when we see the black-on-black homicide that happens on a very frequent basis, we don't see protests, we don't see marches, we don't see demands for change.
So this has been a one-way conversation that I'm just trying to present a counter-narrative to balance this thing and so that we can have that discussion.
But what I'm sensing from the media, I mean, when you started out this thing, you talk about a mentally disturbed man in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Yes, he's mentally disturbed, but the fact is he was attacking a police officer with a nightstick made out of hickory that's designed, the police officer's nightstick, that's designed to break bones and if used in the wrong area, like a head,
And what I said.
It's important to understand that police definitely have a right to protect themselves.
We have a right to protect ourselves as well.
But we're also judged when there's no longer a threat to us, we have to stop the attack.
Somebody breaks into your home and they're coming at you, you certainly have a right to stand your ground, defend yourself, defend your family, shoot that person if necessary.
If, on the other hand, they're running away from you and they're no longer a threat to your life and you shoot them in the back,
That's not self-defense.
And we need to be able to make that distinction.
And when people come in and do these kind of protests like they did at this ceremony honoring this 100-year-old World War II vet, that is really counterproductive to the whole narrative, just as this false narrative about it being simply nothing but race is also false.
Look at this report that surfaced in just the last week.
We had a New York Police Department cop identified as a man who attacked and choked a woman in a subway.
Now the way this went down is that on New Year's Eve, they put out a video of an attack that happened a week earlier, December 23rd.
Witnesses say that this man, who was later identified as a police officer, grabbed one of the conductors on the subway and a bear hug from behind, threw her to the ground and started choking her.
Until a second conductor came running to her aid.
So what they did was they took this video, they put it out for the public to take a look at it on New Year's Eve, and this was a police officer.
He was off duty, he turned himself in within a couple of hours, but guess what?
There were no charges filed against the officer.
Maybe they will?
I don't know.
So far as I understand, there aren't any charges filed.
And when we look at situations, we have situations like the Michael Brown situation.
I think what really made people angry about that
Was how he was left in the street for four hours I think that really graded against the people there and whether or not this was a case of self-defense We don't have the video for that.
So I have it made up my mind.
I can see arguments from both sides We have conflicting testimony, but clearly we saw the case of Eric Garner
In New York, that was on video.
That was a situation where he was no longer a threat to them and they choked him to death.
It was homicide, according to the coroner, due to what they did to multiple hemorrhages within his neck and his eyes.
They choked the guy literally to death over a minor infraction.
And then just a few days after that, or I should say a few days before the verdict was released from the grand jury in the Eric Garner case,
There was a man who was not doing anything.
He wasn't violating any laws.
He was walking up the stairway of the apartment complex that he was in.
It was a project, a housing project, and they had police who were patrolling it up and down the stairway.
The man's name was Gurley.
He was shot by an officer who had his gun out, shot in the chest, and as he was, again, laying there, bleeding out, this cop calls the police union.
Now, there are right ways and there's wrong ways to do this.
And I think one of the stories that we had the last few days here on InfoWars, it was a story from the Daily Caller.
And there was a lot of pushback I saw on the Daily Caller.
I think pretty much the commenters on our site understood what was going on.
But on the Daily Caller, they were really upset about this flyer that was put out on New Year's Eve.
Basically, it had 13 different points, and I don't have time to read all these different points, but it all kind of boiled down to the fact that they wanted independent, elective, civilian oversight.
Not civilian, we shouldn't call it even civilian, we talk about it that way, because it's an understanding that we have a militarized police force.
We've got the California Highway Patrol, who are calling themselves paramilitary group, over and over again.
Anybody who wants to apply for a job with the California Highway Patrol,
They talk about themselves over and over again on that website.
As Paul Joseph Watson pointed out in the story a couple of weeks ago, they refer to themselves repeatedly as a paramilitary group.
In other words, they see themselves assisting the military, just as a paralegal, just as a paramedic would assist a lawyer or a doctor.
The California Highway Patrol sees itself assisting the military.
They see themselves as a military organization.
So that's where this civilian stuff comes out, because we all subconsciously understand that we're now under a kind of standing army military occupation, according to the rules that we are seeing them engage us with.
And of course we need to have a Civilian Oversight Board.
We need to have independent investigative bodies as Matt Shea and Spokane pointed out.
We need to make sure that we also have oversight from the citizens and the community.
Oversight of the training that the police are being given.
Oversight of the equipment that they're being given because that's where this militarization begins.
It begins with the training from the Justice Department and from Homeland Security.
It begins with the
I don't know.
Essentially, there was transparency, there was independence, and there was justice done.
That, I think, is the right way to do it.
Now, of course, they did have on there a hashtag, Black Lives Matter, Can't Breathe, but they had about 15 or 20 different hashtags there.
And they didn't really, other than those hashtags down at the bottom, which have come to be associated with this issue, they didn't make it about race.
They made it about oversight.
They talked about making sure that all officers had cameras, and if they had the cameras turned off,
Maybe that's an admission that they were doing something they didn't want recorded.
I think it's very important for us to have this discussion and I think it's important for us to look at what's happened in New York with the police department when they came back against the police department.
They're against the City Hall.
They're very angry.
With the mayor there, with de Blasio, they turned their backs on him now with two different funerals.
We had a caller yesterday saying, I think it's a great idea.
I think the Republicans ought to stand up and turn their back on Boehner.
I think that's a really appropriate way to go after Boehner.
But as part of this anger, this friction between the New York Police Department and the mayor's office, especially the police union in New York,
They have essentially done a work stoppage.
They are not going to make any arrests unless it is absolutely necessary.
Think about that.
Why would they make any arrests that aren't absolutely necessary?
And of course, they've taken traffic violations down by 94%.
In one week, they typically write 10,000 traffic tickets.
They're down to under 600.
Low-level offenses like public drinking, they've taken that down from 4,800 to just 300.
Parking violations, they've taken it down 92% from almost 15,000 to 1,200.
They have to start
Looking at themselves differently.
We have to make sure externally that we make the police into a different organization than they are.
They shouldn't be meter maids with a license to kill.
And that's what they have been in too many areas.
That's what the federal government wants to turn our police into.
Strong-arm tactics to collect money, and that's how Eric Garner died.
It was a trivial little tax.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
The next hour, we're going to be joined by a physicist talking about low-level radiation.
Christopher Busby.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to go back to what we were just talking about in the last segment about the Black Lives Matter protests.
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Now there's a story that just went up on Infowars.com again about that same thing we were just talking about.
Black Lives Matter.
I thought that was a great comment by the sheriff there from Milwaukee, David Clark, saying, well you think black lives matter?
Why don't you take that protest to an abortion clinic?
Because that's where most of the black lives are ending, even before they get a chance.
Now, in this particular story, this is yet another case of people blindly striking out, attacking innocent people, pushing people in the wrong direction, trying to create a race war, rather than trying to get control of law enforcement, under civilian control, under community control.
In this particular instance, you've got Black Lives Matter protesters
When you go out and you attack innocent people, when you shoot innocent cops that weren't involved in any of these incidents that you're looking at, when you are destroying black businesses, when you're attacking people on the basis of race,
Are you really doing anything worthwhile?
Are you really kind of pushing this whole agenda that the federal government is trying to create in the first place?
And that is one of race war.
Now I think what happened in New York on New Year's Eve...
With this list of 13 demands, I think that's very important that you write down what you want in a rational manner.
And what I see them doing in these 13 demands is essentially saying the same kinds of things that Frank Serpico said.
Same types of things that he called for.
Same types of reforms.
As he pointed out, you've got bad people that are going to get in any group.
Now, certainly we would hope that law enforcement would be a little bit more astute at determining if somebody has criminal behavior tendencies and not let them in, but certainly something like that, once it happens, they should be able to purge the bad guys out of their group.
We saw that happen at the Bundy Ranch.
We had the guy that later on went down and shot two cops a couple months later in Vegas.
He was thrown out of the Bundy Ranch.
It was pretty clear this guy was a provocateur.
It was pretty clear that he was an idiot.
And so the people there...
Expelled him you can't stop people from coming to a Public protest, but you can get them out of the area if there's a problem with them.
They policed themselves That's what we're asking the police to do and that's what we're demanding that we have the right to do because we we understand that
That with the unions, that with the pressures that are there, it isn't going to happen unless we've got external civilian oversight.
Not only of these incidents, but also of their training, of the equipment that they receive, that sort of thing.
Listing out the demands that we want, that's the way to go.
Not attacking innocent people.
Stay with us, we're gonna be right back.
Christopher Busby, and in the third hour, Alex Jones will be your host.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, David Knight.
In the next hour, we're going to be talking to Christopher Busby, a physicist who has warned many times about the dangers of low-level radiation.
So we're going to talk to him about that because, again, Fukushima keeps going.
We're coming up to the four-year anniversary.
And this month, we've had two incidents at a Ukraine nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
The fifth largest in the world, and of course, it's getting pretty old, that nuclear power plant.
This is something that should concern all of us, so we're going to talk to him about the dangers of low-level radiation.
Alex Jones is going to be your host in the third hour.
Now, in the last segment, I was talking about the police brutality issues and mentioned the Bundy Ranch.
I think it's also important
When we talk about purging bad people out of a public protest, or certainly purging them out of your organization, as we should see the police doing.
That's what the police should be more intense, I think, in terms of taking the bad actors out of their organization.
They should be more scrupulous about that than anybody.
But it was also a situation at the Bundy Ranch where the people there were begging for the local law enforcement to do something.
They weren't coming out against local law enforcement.
They were coming out against an intrusive, overreaching, overbearing federal bureaucracy, the Bureau of Land Management, that was there to take control of even more federal land, even though most of the land out west is owned by the federal government, or they claim control of it.
Never turning it over to those states as they became states, as they should have done.
It's interesting because we just had a deadline pass for control of public lands in Utah to be turned over from the federal government to the state government.
A deadline in Utah was set for the federal government to hand over 31 million acres of public land on December 31st, this last New Year's Eve.
That didn't happen.
So, the question is, what is going to happen now?
And of course, this is the issue that began at the Bundy Ranch.
We got involved with InfoWars because of the brutality issues, because of the BLM coming in and out in the middle of nowhere in the wilderness putting up a little squared off area and saying this is your First Amendment area.
And then people putting up a handwritten sign saying the First Amendment is not an area.
I mean, that's the attitude of the federal government.
That's what they're pushing on people.
That kind of high-handed and also brutal interaction that they had with local people.
But it began, of course, with the fight over who controls the land.
Who is the legitimate authority in that area?
And, of course, the Bundy family kept asking for the local law enforcement, the sheriff there, to do his job.
The BLM does not have any law enforcement authority in the states.
They should be going to the sheriff if there's something that needs to be done in a law enforcement capacity.
So it's going to be interesting to see what happens in Utah.
This is a bill that was passed two years ago, back in 2012.
It was passed by the entire state legislature in Utah.
They say that most of this land that they're currently, that's controlled by the BLM and the U.S.
Forestry Service and the national parks of course, monuments and military bases are totally exempt from this demand.
So this is 31 million acres, 50% of the state that is beside the parks and other areas that are open to the public.
And, of course, the Utah State Attorney General's Office is involved, and the state's congressional delegation is involved, trying to get them to give up control of the land.
But, of course, they're not going to give up control of anything.
The federal government wants control of everything, as well as the corporations that they represent.
One of the fights that is going to come up, that I think the Republicans are on the right side of, is fighting the FCC's authority.
It's not just the net neutrality rules.
We're going to see the same kind of bureaucratic regulation, the same kind of bypassing of Congress as we've seen with the EPA.
And of course, that's the means by which Obama says he's going to get around the Congress on climate changes with the EPA.
We don't want to see that kind of control of the Internet with the FCC.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Christopher Busby.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host this hour.
In the next hour, Alex Jones will be your host.
Joining us now is Dr. Christopher Busby from the UK.
He's a chemical physicist, a British scientist known for his controversial theories about the negative health effects of very low-dose ionizing radiation.
So we want to talk to him about that.
We also want to talk to him about Fukushima and about these new incidents in the Ukraine.
Of course, we have a power plant there, the Zaporizhzhya, if I'm pronouncing it correctly, nuclear power plant.
It is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
It is the fifth largest in the world.
It is about 50% larger, if my figures are correct here.
50% larger than Chernobyl.
So it has the potential to be a really big disaster.
It's an old nuclear power plant.
It was built 30 years ago with Soviet technology that they may be having difficulty getting the spare parts for.
And it is something that we should all be concerned about as we are seeing this Fukushima disaster go on and on and on now for nearly four years.
We're coming up to the four-year anniversary.
Welcome, Dr. Busby.
What is your take on the situation in the Ukraine?
Of course we had a incident that we were told back on November 28th.
It was a major incident in terms of the way that it affected their power supply because half of their power generation comes from nuclear power in the Ukraine, yet nothing was said about it for five days.
And then they had a newly minted Minister of Energy who was appointed the day before the public announcement come out and say
It was just a short circuit in the electrical transmission.
It was nothing to do with the reactor itself.
And now we've learned that there was a second incident at the end of the month, December 28th.
Several sources have reported that there is a radiation leak associated with this second incident.
Do you have any information about this?
Well, there is no doubt that these radiation leaks are real because they've been picked up by various detectors in Europe that are part of the EURDEP pane of detector systems that were set up, you know, to make sure that there would be some early warning of problems exactly like this.
So there have been increases in radiation spikes, if you like,
And this does suggest that there's something seriously wrong with this reactor.
And indeed, I mean, I've seen leaked telephone conversations between various people who were in charge of operating the nuclear reactor at Zaporozhye, and they do suggest that there were some very serious problems.
So far they don't seem to have gone to the point where they have created, you know, the kind of Chernobyl situation, but that doesn't mean to say that they won't.
And of course the problem is with all of these nuclear reactors that they are potentially capable of doing just that.
And that's why most of the people that I know, certainly I have argued, you know, that nuclear power is not a good idea.
Generally, because it can result in these Fukushima-type incidents.
And of course, you know, if it happened in this Ukrainian reactor, it could contaminate an enormous population of Europe.
Well, of course, the former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Greg Yatso, agrees with you.
He says in the aftermath of Fukushima that he's concerned about all these reactor designs.
He believes that we ought to shut them all down, and if we restart them, it ought to be a different design.
So it's the former head of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission is just as concerned about nuclear power as you are, and yet it appears to be
It's something that a lot of people who talk about green issues are holding it out there as the greenest power source available.
I just cannot understand that mentality.
It's based on a very narrowly focused metric of looking at something that generates carbon dioxide versus not looking at the radiation and the nuclear waste that we have to be concerned about for millennia in some cases.
Well, the thing is, these people don't know anything.
I mean, I know quite a few of these people, and of course it's quite easy to espouse nuclear power if you believe the nonsense, the kind of fairy stories that are fed out to the media by the nuclear power proponents themselves, by the nuclear industry.
But in fact, none of that stuff is true.
The fact is that these power stations release... I mean, we're talking about releases from Zaporozhye now at the moment, but actually all nuclear power stations in the world release stuff
All the time, as a result of their general operation.
And as a result of that, people are dying close to the nuclear power stations, downwind of them.
Their childhood leukemia clusters near the nuclear power, which is a sort of flag for genetic damage.
So these things are already causing enormous problems, never mind about the fact that they might possibly melt down and create the kind of serious conditions that you've got in northern Japan and that we're developing in Belarus and southern parts of the Russian Federation.
I think that's where it's important to talk about your studies of the effects of low-dose radiation, because when there's a massive accident and people are exposed to large dosages of radiation, we'll see that develop over a
I think so.
That's not true.
The fact is that it is easy to correlate and plenty of studies have now shown that these situations from what you call low-dose radiation are seriously harmful.
But there are two points here.
The first point is that the governments and the people who control the funding for studies of this type don't encourage
These sorts of studies, and so they don't tend to get published, that's the first thing.
I can tell you that there is an enormous amount of work that's been done that shows that these low doses of radiation are harmful.
But the other point that I want to make is that it's actually not a question of low dose.
This is the problem.
The nuclear industry and their supporters have couched this whole argument.
In the context of dose.
But actually it's not low dose that's the problem.
It's internal radiation that's the problem.
And I've been trying for some years now to make people realize that it's not about low dose.
For example, you know, on my Wikipedia entry, which is a sort of battleground,
I'm categorized as somebody who tries to say that low-dose radiation is dangerous, but actually that's quite wrong.
It's internal radiation from certain radionuclides that's dangerous, because the target for radiation effects is the DNA.
And certain chemicals have a very high chemical affinity for the DNA.
For example, strontium-90, for example, uranium, for example, plutonium.
These substances, when they get inside you, they bind to the DNA, which is the target.
For radiation effects.
So, although the doses from these things are low doses, it's not the low dose part of it that's the problem, because dose is categorized as energy per unit mass.
So, like, they take the amount of energy that's produced by these substances, dilute it into the mass of your body, and you find that the doses are banishingly small.
But the dose of the DNA is not banishingly small, because these things are stuck to the DNA like glue, because they have this chemical affinity for them.
This is something that really has to be appreciated and these substances are continually released from nuclear power stations and in fact they can't be contained because the parent isotope of Strontium-90 is a gas.
So it can't be held inside the nuclear power station.
Not all nuclear power stations have high levels of Strontium-90 in milk.
That's taken from cows that graze near the nuclear power stations and of course people drink that milk and so on and then you've got these high levels of childhood leukemia and so forth.
This is the problem and I keep trying to say that the problem is that you cannot contain this stuff even under normal circumstances and of course then you know you have these accidents as well and then it goes all over the place.
Yeah, I don't disagree that there's a correlation there.
What I was saying was that it's difficult for people to see it, because it will happen over a longer period of time.
As you're pointing out, they can have epidemiological studies showing an increase in childhood leukemia around these power plants, and yet it's difficult for people to
We think it probably is, yes.
In fact, the point is that none of these substances which are released from these nuclear power stations, and of course from nuclear weapons too, and I'd like to say a few words about that at some point, but none of these substances existed throughout evolution, you see.
So the evolution of living systems has dealt with
All the elements that existed on Earth during the time that all these different species developed until we get to human beings, I suppose, and all the other animals that are around at the moment.
And they never had to deal with any of these elements which were radioactive.
But now, with the fissioning of uranium in 1945 and then the continuous releases to the
To the biosphere following nuclear weapons testing which was a very serious matter and then of course all these reactor accidents and then you know the normal distribution of it from nuclear power stations.
These substances just didn't exist before and living systems have not been able to develop systems to cope with them and so as a result of that they cause these effects.
And nobody seems to be addressing this problem, which is resulting in a serious, serious detriment to all living systems on Earth over the last 50 years.
It's really quite bad.
Let's talk about the weapons systems, as you mentioned.
We've talked many times here at InfoWars about depleted uranium, for example, and how they were very cautious and actually had stopped using it essentially for a while there, but then they got very cavalier about its use and its exposure to the soldiers, and we've seen some amazingly horrific pictures of children in the areas where they've used depleted uranium weapons extensively.
Do you want to talk about that?
Well, uranium is a particularly good example of one of these elements, because although it's a natural element, it never existed in the concentration that existed in following its use in nuclear weapons testing, and then more recently as depleted uranium, you know, used in Yugoslavia, former Yugoslavia, in Iraq.
Now, I've been called in as an expert witness on a number of cases relating to depleted uranium and soldiers from Iraq who've been exposed.
And I've done quite a lot of work on uranium as a result of being a member of the British Government Depleted Uranium Oversight Board.
Hang on, I want to get this information.
We've got to come up to a break here.
We're going to be right back with Dr. Christopher Busby.
We're talking about low-dose ionizing radiation, the qualitative differences in radiation, and also depleted uranium, the effect on soldiers as well as the young children in the areas where it was used.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We're talking to Dr. Christopher Busby, a British physicist.
Now the last segment we were talking about the effects of low-dose ionizing radiation.
And Dr. Busby distinguished between just being exposed to radiation and being exposed to certain substances that are going to bind themselves to the DNA.
Things like strontium that are going to be released from nuclear power plants.
We don't see it, we don't smell it, we don't taste it or touch it.
But it's there, and we can see the effects in epidemiological studies.
And we were talking about, just before we had to go to the break, we were talking about the effects of depleted uranium in particular, because as Dr. Busby pointed out, the uranium that we see in the form that we see it in, and the concentration that we see it in, is something that we have never seen before the last few decades.
Dr. Busby, go ahead with what you were saying about depleted uranium.
You said you were working with British soldiers who had been exposed to it.
That's right, that's right.
What we discovered as a result of quite a lot of research was that the way in which this material is produced, when it's weaponised, is it causes the production of these very, very small particles, which we call nanoparticles, which are so small they're like a gas.
And in fact they're so small that they go through any respirator and indeed they go through the skin.
Once they're inside you and they get into your cells, then as the uranium dissolves you get a very high level of uranium in the cell which then binds to the DNA very strongly.
And it causes an increase in the radiation dose, if you like to call it the micro dose, to the DNA.
Although the dose to the other part of the body is almost zero.
But of course, what the current risk agencies do in their model is that they dilute the whole lot into the whole body and they would say that that's a very low dose.
Of course, as far as the DNA is concerned, it's actually a very high dose and this is why you get all these genetic effects, these congenital malformations that you mentioned.
In Iraq and also we've seen these now in the test veteran children in the DU veteran children themselves number of studies in the United States that show that the children of the US veterans have a high levels of congenital malformation and certainly a number of the cases that I've been involved in courts in the UK
Usually, pensions appeals tribunals involve increases in cancer and various other signals of genetic damage.
But actually, this wasn't the first time that uranium was used, that uranium exposure occurred.
In fact, uranium exposure occurred, as I later discovered,
Uh, in, in the nuclear test veterans.
These are the people who went out to these, uh, the nuclear test sites, whether it is in Nevada or in the Marlborough Islands or in, uh, in Christmas Island in Australia for the British test veterans.
And I've done some very, very big court cases on, on this and, and recently in the London High Court.
In which there have been some extraordinary developments in which I've been threatened with the official secret act, you know, pursued around the place by my men in black and so forth.
And I'd like to have the opportunity to say a few words about this because this is the first time that I've talked about this since the last court case.
In this was concluded, which was on the 2nd of December, and then we had Christmas.
And at that case, there were some very interesting developments, which I should like to present on your show.
Oh, absolutely.
We've got a long segment coming up, and it's always the case that they want to kill the messenger when you're exposing some bad news.
And I gotta say about these hereditary, these congenital defects, mutations that we've seen as a result of depleted uranium,
If you can take it, go to Google, I'm telling the audience here, look at depleted uranium, look at Fallujah, and you will see pictures of children that are some of the most horrific images I have ever seen.
It's absolutely horrible, and of course there will be images there of American and British soldiers, and what happened to their children, as Dr. Busby just said.
I want to talk about this legal case in the UK, as you're talking about the effects of
Nuclear testing that happened decades ago, and now we're seeing the long-term effects of that.
I also want to talk about your mineral supplement that you're talking about.
What can people do to minimize their exposure to this?
And I also want to cover Ukraine and revival of the Cold War, this whole nuclear escalation that is going on now with the Obama administration, going after Russia, what is happening in the Ukraine.
I want to go into all those.
What is the first one that you would like to cover?
Well, I think that we should just say a brief word about the Russians and the Ukraine, you know, just to sort of set the stage here.
Because it does look to me, and to all the people that I talk to about this, that the pressure that's being brought on Russia by the United States and by the people who are controlled by the United States, and we have to realise that Europe is very largely controlled by the United States.
A lot of the countries of Europe are, certainly the country I live in, Latvia,
Has a lot of pressure put on it from NATO and in fact very recently where I live in near Riga there have been a lot of helicopters clattering across the sky and much more recently the activity there has increased continuously over the last year and pressure has been brought to bear on Russia and I think this
Hang on, hang on Dr. Busby, we've got another commercial break.
We have a long segment coming up so we can get into the Ukraine, as well as this legal case, as well as what people can do.
Stay with us, we're talking to Dr. Christopher Busby from the UK.
We'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex is going to be the host in the next hour.
Right now I have Dr. Christopher Busby, a British chemical physicist.
We're talking about the effects of low-dose ionizing radiation.
We're going to talk to him about a legal case that is coming up in the UK, some intimidation and pushback from the system that he's had with it.
We're also going to talk about what you can do
As we left, we were talking about the escalating tensions in the Ukraine, what that's going to mean for the world in terms of a revival of the Cold War, nuclear escalation.
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Now Dr. Busby, as we had to go to break, you were talking about
The situation in Ukraine, you're concerned about that.
I want to get back to the legal case as well that is going on in the UK and the pushback that you've had about that representing veterans who've been exposed to above ground nuclear tests decades ago.
But finish up with what you wanted to say about the Ukraine first before we move on to that legal case.
I think what I want to say about the Ukraine is this.
It seems to me that the American government is not dealing with the Russians in a way that is going to result in a good outcome for the human race.
I mean, my daughter is doing Russian studies at university college and she spent some time in Russia recently.
And later on in this year she will too.
And she told me that, and I know this too, because there are an awful lot of Russians in Latvia, where I live, because it's an ex-Soviet nation, Latvia.
And there are lots of good things about that, you know, because the Soviets did have this idea about the brotherhood of man.
And although I know that the whole experiment went a bit wonky, in fact the people who were involved in all this, they don't think in the same way as the Americans think.
And the other thing about the Russians is that they're not like the Americans.
So you might imagine that everybody's like a human being and they all think the same way.
But the fact is that the Russians are not people that you can threaten.
We see a tremendous escalation after this.
And we see that.
But, Dr. Busby, from watching the politics here in the United States, I honestly believe that's what Obama and the people who are running him really want to see happen.
I think we've got some major problems coming up in this country.
They know these problems are coming up down the pike, just as they came back from the elections.
One of the first things they did was to sign up the American taxpayer to cover all the derivatives of the bankers yet again.
After removing that away only six years ago.
So I think they see some real potential financial problems.
And as governments have always done throughout history, if that happens and when it happens, they want to be able to deflect the American people's anger from being directed at the government, at the banks.
They want to deflect it abroad to an enemy that's outside the outlander.
We've always seen that happen.
The point is that the Russians are completely aware of this.
They're clever people, they know exactly what's going on.
But the point is they're not people who are going to take this lightly, and so what they will do, if pressure is brought to bear on them and some critical moment occurs, they will pop off a few nuclear missiles.
But don't worry about that, it will happen.
And then if that escalates, then my message is this, because this is what I know about and this is what I've studied for 25 years.
I can tell you that a nuclear war cannot be won.
A nuclear war will result in the destruction of the human race, indeed of all life on Earth as we know it.
This is because these
The idea that the doses can be considered to be the key issue in terms of the consequence to human health is nonsense.
It's not a question of the doses, it's a question of the contamination of the planet with all these substances I've been talking about.
And as a result of that, it will really have
I think it will have an effect which will be incomprehensible and appalling.
It will be the end of life as we know it.
Because I can tell you that as a result of these court cases that I've done and the studies that I've done relating to the nuclear test veterans, we can see that the genetic damage as a result of even just testing these things above ground
It's sufficient to show that if they're actually used in anger, above ground, in areas of high population density, you can forget the future because it will create genomic instability and these things that you've seen in Prolugia as a result of...
The very slight amounts of uranium that have been used there will be actually a pandemic.
Absolutely, that's not, they didn't explode a nuclear weapon in Fallujah.
They sent depleted uranium shells there and just from that we've seen horrific widespread genetic mutation in the children there as well as the children of soldiers who were exposed to it.
Now, getting back to the soldiers, and you wanted to break the information about this legal case, you said that you were getting a lot of pushback as you testified in this legal case in the UK, referring to the exposure of soldiers to above-ground nuclear testing decades ago?
Well, that's right.
What happened was that over the last year or so, there have been, well, I mean for the last three or four years I've been involved in court cases, in a composite court case relating to a number of pensions appeals in the courts in Britain.
And then what happened was that my evidence was obviously going to win these cases.
And the evidence had to do with the exposure of the servicemen at Christmas Island and Maralinga to uranium, to the similar sort of uranium, the same sort of particles.
We're good to go.
The solicitors who were supposedly on the side of the veterans kicked me out and said that they weren't going to consider my evidence at all.
So we appealed against that decision.
I know, unbelievable stuff it was.
These are the guys representing the people who are trying to get damaged.
I know, but the point is they came in at the last minute and the previous guys representing the veterans pulled out.
So it was all a kind of orchestrated chess game, you know, to keep old Busby out of court.
Anyway, what happened is we appealed this decision and we went to the Court of Appeal, to the upper tier, and there was this judge called Sir William Charles.
And so this went on for the whole of the last year.
And then as a result of all of this, the Ministry of Defence lawyers, the QCs, came in and they said, well, this chap Busby's not really an expert, you know.
And even if he is an expert, he's the sort of guy who goes on Alex Jones Show and therefore he shouldn't be allowed to come into court, you see.
Not just Alex Jones, but, you know, various other things I do, writing in The Ecologist and writing in Counterpunch and all that.
And that's not the sort of thing an expert should be allowed to do, you see.
So the old judge, he said, well, yes, OK, well, I agree.
So Busby can't be an expert.
So at that point, the two appellants that I was associated with as an expert at that time in the appeal, they said, well okay, he can't be an expert, but he can be our representative, he can be our lawyer, because you can do this in the High Court, you see.
So at this point they totally freaked out, you see.
So then we went into the final hearing about this issue.
And at that hearing, by that time, I had been... I had been... Well, the whole of my evidence is focused on uranium.
I'm saying that these bombs are made of uranium, so it's impossible that the exposure of the test veterans on the test sites wasn't to a uranium.
And since we know that uranium has all these effects in Iraq, it's certainly going to have the same effects in the test veterans.
And in fact, we found all the same effects, and I published a paper on those effects, you know, congenital malformations and so forth.
So that's been in the peer review.
Yeah, I wanted you to summarize, since you are on the Alex Jones Show and you have a chance to address a very large audience, summarize that evidence for us just like you would present it to the court.
The point about the evidence is that it came out, first of all, as a sort of theoretical calculation, and you'll find the argument is laid out in Counterpunch.
So if you put in Busby Uranium Counterpunch, you'll find the argument there, and also in The Ecologist, which is also on the internet.
So briefly, that's where the argument is.
It turns out that these nuclear bombs contain enormous amounts of an isotope called U-234, which people don't normally know about.
But anyway, theoretically, you can show that this is the case.
Anyway, the point, my story is this, that what happened is that shortly after that came out, I got a paper that was sent to me, a report sent to me by a veteran in Australia, which had been put in the Australian Commission involved in looking at the test veterans, the Australian Royal Commission.
And then we brought that into court on December 2nd and immediately what happened was that the MOD, the QCs from the Ministry of Defence said this is top secret and you have to drop it, you see.
So the judge dropped the piece of paper, nobody was allowed to look at it and so forth.
And then they said you have to put this piece of paper in a bag and you have to lock it in a cabinet and then we will send people from MI5 around to pick it up and so forth.
Meanwhile I've gone to France, you see, so they were chasing me to try and get this piece of paper back and they were saying they would send me to jail and they would prosecute me under the Official Secrets Act and so on if I had anything, if I put this on the internet or if I didn't take it off the internet, if I didn't take the article.
This article in The Ecologist, they told me I had to take it off the internet, they had to take the Counterpunch article off the internet or they'd send me to jail.
I said I can't do anything about the Americans, you know, they've been a law unto themselves after the Boston Tea Party, I can't take it off the internet.
I was told they were going to send the French police around and arrest me on my boat.
But anyway, they didn't.
Well, that's something for WikiLeaks to pick up and put on their side, I guess.
I didn't want to be in jail over Christmas, I have to say.
I came back through the ferry port, you know, wearing a funny hat and dark glasses and on my Latvian passport, so I hoped they wouldn't catch me.
But anyway, they didn't catch me, you know, and maybe they weren't going to.
Those are the sort of links they're going to try and cover up this exposure to uranium.
Yes, yes.
It seems to be a common malady with your government and our government that anything that embarrasses them, anything that exposes illegal activity, anything that harms other people when they want to continue harming other people, they declare that to be a state secret and they come after you as if you're some kind of a traitor.
But very quickly, there's one other little aspect to this, and that is that this paper that I received that was supposedly top secret, and probably I'll go to jail for saying what I'm about to say, the isotopic signature of the uranium used by, and this is important, okay, so this is what I want to get at, this is why I'll go to jail if they do go to jail, the isotopic signature of the uranium that was used by the British in their nuclear testing showed that it came from America.
So, in other words, in May 2014, the United States government declassified a document which listed the concentration of the isotopes in the enriched uranium, which they called OR-ally, because that's O-R is Oak Ridge, the Oak Ridge alloy, the stuff produced by Oak Ridge in America, in Tennessee.
And that stuff, we had the formula in May 2014 because it was declassified.
And when you look at this other document that they wanted to send me to jail over, it shows exactly the same formula.
So what it means is that the British nuclear test used American
American rich, Indian rich uranium.
So right from the beginning, the Americans were actually controlling the British nuclear testing.
And you can see why, because the Americans at that time were the only people who had the, you know, in the West, if you like, who had this ability to produce these nuclear, these hydrogen bombs.
And the British didn't know how to do it.
The British couldn't make a hydrogen bomb.
So my feeling is that the Americans told them how to make a hydrogen bomb just to get them on their side, in the same way as they got them on their side with Tony Blair over all this Iraq business, you see?
Right back from the beginning, the whole of these antics had been controlled by the Pentagon.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
It's absolutely amazing.
Let's talk about what people can do to protect themselves.
You've got some ideas about what the average person can do to protect ourselves against the exposure that we see in the environment.
Well, briefly before I go there, what you should do to protect yourself is to put pressure on your government to stop all this stuff.
And in Latvia we're doing exactly that, so I just want to say that there is an outline of what we're doing in Latvia in a website called labie.lv and also bsrw.org, okay?
So there's an outline of how individuals in their own countries can say, look, we've had enough of this, because as a result of all of these antics and all these power politics to do with the petrodollar and the US dollar, you know, and the destruction
I don't
We're published in the 60s when there was a lot of strontium-90 from the fallout that showed that strontium-90 can be kept away from the DNA by having a high level of calcium in the body and it's not harmful calcium just ordinary calcium tablets and this also keeps uranium away chemically it would keep uranium away also from the DNA so that's what you can do and in terms of your immune system you can't
You can take selenium, because selenium tricks the cell into increasing its antioxidant status, and that works, I can tell you.
Well, that's very important information to have.
And it seems like it's always just simple things like supplementation, like blocking it the same way that iodine will block the uptake from the thyroid, you know, taking up radioactive material.
So it seems like there's a lot of simple, inexpensive things that we can do.
But of course, you're right.
We need to expose and educate each other about what's really going on about the long-term trend, about what our government is trying to do in terms of restart the Cold War.
And of course, you and I both know that that's a major profit center for the military-industrial complex, even if they aren't doing this to try to have a way to deflect
An angry population away from them internally to an external enemy.
They can certainly revive that profit center that went away at the end of the Cold War.
They turned a lot of that stuff inward towards a police state industrial complex here in the United States and of course that's being exported around the world to other countries.
But I think it's very important for the people to be educated not only about the health effects but about the political effects about what's going on now.
Well, Professor Alexei Yablokov said to me in the 90s that if you imagine all of the money in the world as a chessboard, and you look at all the squares on the chessboard, all of the things that we do that are not military consist of one square in the corner of the chessboard.
And everything, all of the other stuff that goes towards the research and the development of the production of these weapons and so on, is all of the other squares on the chessboard.
So we could actually all live quite happily.
If we actually took control of the situation, like we're hoping to try and do in Latvia,
Which is a small country in a way, so it's kind of possible to do that because it's self-sufficient.
But people in their local communities need to be able to see that in fact all of the things that are happening to them as a result of the money that could go on education and on welfare and on helping them and on giving them decent wages and all these things go to producing missiles and to producing nuclear weapons which actually would result in the death of all life on earth.
I think it's very important to get that message out.
And as I said at the beginning of the interview, I think it's amazing and appalling the ignorance of people who are trying to push us away from fossil fuels into nuclear power.
Not even taking into consideration the long-term effect of plutonium.
I mean, we can talk about cleaner forms of energy than either of those things, but clearly I don't want to see us moving into nuclear power.
If you could stay with us one more segment, I'd like to get your update and your thoughts on Fukushima, because we haven't talked about that yet.
Will you be able to stay with us one more segment?
Yes, sure.
Okay, thank you.
We'll be right back with Dr. Christopher Busby from the UK, a chemical physicist, and we're going to talk about Fukushima in the next segment.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We've been talking to Dr. Christopher Busby of the UK this hour.
He's a chemical physicist.
We've been talking about a lot of aspects of nuclear radiation, of nuclear accidents.
If you haven't, if you're just tuning in now to the show, I would suggest that you go back and listen to the entire interview when it's posted on the internet, or if you're a Prison Planet TV subscriber, you can get the entire program there.
We've talked about the difference between just a low dosage of ionizing and the kind of exposure that you get from the waste of a nuclear power plant.
We've also talked about his court case, amazing court case there in the UK, where he was exposing some information about what the UK had done in exposing its soldiers to above-ground nuclear tests decades ago.
We're good to go.
We talked about Ukraine, the rising of nuclear war, and I wanted to get his comments on Fukushima.
Bring us up to date and tell us what he thinks about the health risks and exposures.
We've seen, Dr. Busby, that scientists have said they believe that the exposure, the radiation exposure, is going to peak in 2015 on the west coast of the U.S.
What do you think about that?
What's your take?
I mean I'm sure these studies are reasonably accurate and that the exposures will peak at 2015.
I've heard various predictions about this but I mean I have to say that the concentrations involved are nothing.
Compared to the amounts that are released naturally by nuclear power stations on the West Coast and indeed by runoff from the Sierras as a result of the tests in the Nevada desert.
So we know for example, I mean I was involved in 1998 in looking at the breast cancer cluster
Which was in Marin County and that was almost certainly a result of fallout from the nuclear test in Nevada running off and ending up in San Francisco Bay, that particular part of San Francisco Bay in the mud and we made some measurements there which showed that this was the case.
So people shouldn't discount the possibility that would be some slight effect but it will be nothing like the levels of effect that have resulted.
Following the nuclear tests and following the releases from the nuclear power stations in the United States, including, incidentally, all of which are getting really quite old and dicky now.
So when you're talking about the problem in the Ukraine with regard to that Zaporozhye power station, you've got exactly the same effect all along the United States.
Yeah, all of our power plants pretty much are.
I know I used to live in North Carolina and they built a power plant there in the 1980s and that was one of the last, one of the newest power plants we've got and already it's exceeded its licensed lifetime and so what they do is they just say, oh, 25 years, let's give it another 25 years, let's just keep going on with it.
The point is they don't want to have to deal with what it is when they shut it down, because then they've got to decommission it, find somewhere to put all the spent fuel, you know, and then pull it all apart.
And that's extraordinarily costly.
So basically they've warmed themselves on the power station in terms of finances, and now they want to sort of go bankrupt and tip to away and leave it to the taxpayer to deal with.
And of course that's an extremely difficult thing to do, because basically you can't deal with the spent nuclear fuel.
It's not possible to deal with it, you know.
The costs are absolutely astronomical.
As far as Fukushima is concerned, I don't think that you need to expect, I mean, unless something very catastrophic occurs, which I don't think it will, you need to expect serious problems on the west coast of the United States.
But of course the Japanese are continuing to have, and will increasingly have, very serious problems in northern Japan.
There's no question about that.
And in fact probably they already are having because there's been a more or less a moratorium on the release of any information about health effects in Japan.
Well that's all the time we've got.
I wish we could keep going but thank you so much for joining us Dr. Christopher Busby.
And of course you point out we've got a lot of potential Fukushimas here in the US according to our former Nuclear Regulatory Commission leader.
Thank you so much Dr. Busby.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
You know, we had the NFL playoffs this weekend, and I think there was a very interesting story, not who won, but something about the surveillance state.
And we've got an article from the LA Times, as well as a couple from the New York Times, I think really illustrate this well.
In one particular game, there was a Steelers fan tweeting that since his team was losing, Pittsburgh Steelers, he says, we're losing anyway, 400 retweets and I'll run on to Heinz Field.
Well, the interesting thing is, is that, yeah, he got those 400 retweets.
I think he got about 6,000.
The interesting thing is, is that before he was able to do anything about it, security came and ejected him out of the stadium.
See, there's really a large disconnect in the American public, especially in the younger kids like this guy.
There's a real disconnect in understanding how pervasively they're being surveilled by our government in so many different aspects of their life.
They just don't get it.
They don't understand how it's essentially a continuous monitoring of everything that you do.
Now, there are some people, of course, that do get it.
They did a poll, this is a story from the New York Times, they did a poll of a lot of writers to see whether or not they felt censored by the surveillance state.
In this poll they looked at people who were in democratic and non-democratic countries, in other words free and not free, and their general breakdown of this.
They said 75% of respondents in countries that they classified as free, in other words having freedom of speech,
84% in partly free countries, 80% in countries that were not free said that they were very or somewhat worried about government surveillance in their countries.
So these are not teenagers or not people in their 20s playing with social media.
These are writers and I think they understand what's really going on and that's really the question.
When we finally realize what the surveillance state is about, are we going to bow down and cower to it, or are we going to speak out and oppose it, and change it?
And so they say they certainly are feeling the pressure, and so they said a smaller number said that they had avoided or considered avoiding writing or speaking on certain subjects.
34% in the countries classified as free, 44% in the partly free countries, and 61%
And the countries that did not have free speech reported self-censorship.
So I think that's kind of interesting.
Almost 40% of the people who don't have freedom of speech, who know that they're going to be punished, still had the courage to speak out about it.
These are people who really understood the danger of the surveillance state.
I have a British novelist who said, the feeling that the internet is looking over your shoulder is now universal.
It's the government that has the techniques and the tools to look at it at will.
And of course it's the government that is creating the cyber security hacks.
That was what Aaron Schwartz pointed out before he was either hounded to death or before they faked a suicide depending on how you interpret those events surrounding it.
This is a guy, I don't believe that he was hounded to death.
He was a very tough individual who had defeated CISPA.
Uh, and other acts to try to take control of the internet.
He was a meek guy, but he was not a weak guy.
He was planning on getting married.
He had allegedly refused a plea bargaining deal from the prosecutor in that area.
And that was a tweet from her husband after people were criticizing her for essentially hounding him to death.
He tweeted out, hey, she offered him like a three-month sentence and he said no.
That sounds like the kind of thing that Aaron Schwartz, who had fought the government, who picked up this gauntlet, who knew what the government's capabilities were, that sounds like the kind of Aaron Schwartz that we saw in public, that we saw fighting CISPA, not somebody who took his life because he thought he was going to be facing a three-year sentence.
They said that, and this is the interesting thing, they say, but a survey of American writers provoked some comment that writers' fears were overblown.
That there was little evidence that American government took particular interest in communications of writers.
That was a 2013 survey.
I wonder if that was before or after Snowden.
Were they clueless?
Or was that something before Snowden?
That was when the mask came off.
And of course this last year we had the mask come off in the military state.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and I'm going to take some of your calls here in a few minutes.
The number is 800-259-9231.
We talked about a lot of subjects so far on the show today.
We talked about the fact that there is a bit of a mutiny, a well-deserved mutiny in the GOP.
Against Speaker Boehner.
People are angry about him for Boehner care.
And yes, he is the one that pushed this through, that tricked his fellow GOPers there, who has essentially, in the words of other GOP congressmen, anybody who tried to follow through on their commitments to voters, follow through on the things that they promised in order to get elected, he's removed from committees.
And of course,
He didn't have to do it, but he funded Obamacare.
He funded the open borders for another full year.
Did that before he got more Republicans in, where they could have actually done something.
That was why the public elected more Republicans in the House and Senate, was to work against these policies that Obama had just declared.
As a dictator.
This is something that concerns a lot of people, but it doesn't concern Boehner.
So, if you have a Republican Congressman in your area, give him a call, regardless of what political party you're in.
Tell them to not vote for him for Speaker.
Try to get him out.
That's one way that you can pressure this.
Now, before we go to your calls, I want to point out, of course,
One of the trends that's going to be coming up in 2015 and is really going to be accelerating a lot faster than I think people realize, a lot of people think, oh, that's 10 years, 20, 30 years in the future that we're going to have quote-unquote self-driving cars.
They're not self-driving cars.
What you have now is a self-driving car, a car that you drive yourself.
You go where you want, when you want, how you want.
What you're going to have is a computer-driven car that is controlled by the government and monitors everything that you do.
It's another part of the pervasive control grid that our government is setting up, this complete infrastructure of tyranny.
And of course, an essential element
...of tyranny, is to be able to control people's movements.
That is what this is about.
The government has always wanted to make you dependent on them in every aspect of your life, whether that's for clothing, or for food, or for education, and certainly for transportation.
I can remember 20 years ago, going to a town council meeting, we had, it was right after the Soviet Union had fallen, and we had a local town councillor who had gone to the Soviet Union
And came back just gushing about their public transportation system.
How, for just a few cents, you could travel from one side of Moscow to the other.
And the guy that I was there with, we looked at each other and I said, she has no idea what the true cost of public transportation is.
Especially to the people in the Soviet Union.
It wasn't a couple of cents.
They lost everything.
They lost all of their freedom in order to have a public transportation system and of course that's what they wanted.
She thought that was so exciting because she wanted to be able to control public transportation.
So that's what's behind all these light rail boondoggles that you see popping up and in many cases like it was here in Austin being voted down.
But there's another way that they've got to come after you and that's going to be with self-driving cars.
The CEO of Uber has already said that what makes his service expensive is that other dude in the car with you.
And he says, when that guy goes away, we're going to be very cost-effective.
And at that point, when we have computer-driven cars, he said, that's when you're going to see the end of private ownership of vehicles.
In other words, in his viewpoint, in this kind of fascism, not necessarily socialism, but a kind of fascism that we set up in America, corporate fascism, Uber or whoever occupies that space, if it's not Uber, if it's some company that we haven't seen yet,
They will control and own all the cars.
They will rake in the money and they will pay off the politicians who give them access to that business.
And then, of course, they will work with the government to control your movements, to make sure that you don't go anywhere if you're not one of the people, if you're one of the people that they don't like, and to track your every movement and to keep everybody
Away from certain areas that are going to be off limits except to these high-ranking party officials, just like the Communist Party, just like we're talking about for a long time with Agenda 21.
Now, of course, the Consumer Electronics Show is coming up.
It always comes up at the beginning of the year in January in Vegas.
Drudge Link talks about how this year there's a big emphasis on these computer-driven cars.
They say, confirming the relentless convergence of cars and technology, a record 10 auto manufacturers will be on hand this year at the show that's going to be in Las Vegas next week, the Consumer Electronics Show.
They're going to have Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Hyundai, Mazda, Toyota, Volkswagen are going to ship hundreds of cars to Vegas.
And they ask, why would they do that only one week prior to the Detroit Auto Show, the industry's most important annual trade event?
Well, of course, the answer is they're about ready to roll this out.
The technology has been there for quite some time.
It's really more of a legal issue and that legal issue was removed in the United States and removed in Europe last spring.
There was essentially...
A joint pressure from Europe as well as in America to say, well, if Europe is going to remove the legal restrictions on computer-driven cars, then America's got to do it or we're going to fall behind.
And of course, as they point out in this article, car buyers, particularly millennials, are no longer susceptible, they say, to the industry's traditional marketing tropes of styling, horsepower, and handling.
Yeah, who needs handling if you don't have a steering wheel or brakes?
We have no control over the car.
Instead, they see the car as an extension of their digital lives.
In other words, I don't need handling, I don't need horsepower, I don't need styling.
All I need is a good Wi-Fi connection so I can just stay in the back and go along as a passenger in my little virtual world that I never want to leave.
My little Facebook and Twitter, I can keep that in front of my face even while I'm traveling back and forth from work to home.
Do us all a favor and just get an Oculus Rift and lock yourself in the closet.
The problem is, I don't mind if people don't want to drive.
I don't mind if they want to just be chauffeured around and they want to live in a digital world.
The problem is, they're not going to let the rest of us have any control over our lives.
That's the real danger that I see coming out of this.
Let's go to some of your calls here.
Let's go to Bev in Indiana.
You're talking about blackmailing Congress?
Go ahead.
My comment is this.
I mean, I've taught employment law, okay?
My question is this.
Service on the committees in Congress and the House impacts the income of that individual, correct?
In other words, you're paid additional money.
Basically, what I'm seeing is Boehner is blackmailing these people to vote his way.
And by removing them, he's reducing their income.
And it would seem to me that there is some legal ramification for that.
Well, you would think there's a legal ramification for a lot of things.
I mean, we have a Constitution that says that the President can't do whatever he wants, and yet he does it, and the Republicans let him get away with it.
And I think that really kind of brings up a lot of points.
You know, we hear a lot of push from both the left and some talk show hosts on the right, like Mark Levin, pushing for a constitutional convention.
Look, a constitutional convention isn't going to work.
We have criminals in Washington, and it doesn't matter what laws or amendments you add to the Constitution.
Why don't you just add one at the very end that says, and we really mean it?
Because they're not following any of the laws that are there.
And of course, the real problem is, is that with the kind of criminals that we have in Washington, there's no telling what they're going to do.
They might tell us that they're going to go pass a one amendment and they do something completely different.
So the question is, how do we get these guys to have a backbone?
And I think, Bev, do you agree that you ought to give a call to your Republican representatives and tell them to not back Boehner?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, you wouldn't believe what I say to the Republican committee when they call anymore.
I think it's real important for people today because that vote's going to be tomorrow.
I think it's real important for people to melt their phone lines down because this is a real important thing here.
You know, you can spend time going to the poll.
You can spend less time sending them an email, preferably to call them if the switchboards are busy.
That's a good thing.
Send them an email then at that point, because that's something that I think everybody can do to try to pull this back.
And I don't know really what we can do other than to try to support people who are trying to get
Essentially a puppet like Boehner out of office, so there are some legitimate congressmen so that they can do their work.
Thank you.
Let's go to Corey in North Carolina.
Corey, you want to talk about fluoride?
Hey David, I have a comment and then a question for you.
The comment is, first of all, a key deception I think that takes place in the public education system and the empirical scientific model, and that is that we only are a physical body.
Fluoride, for instance, what it does is it disconnects us from the software that actually drives our body.
So, you might think of us as like a computer system, you know, our body is the hardware, but our soul is the software.
And so, when things get, impede, you know, the connection to your soul, you lose the ability to make, you know, critical decisions and critically think about the environment around you.
And I think that that in itself is a good explanation for why we have so many, you know, people, politicians, or, you know... Well, certainly, I mean, we can, even when you get, if you don't get into something that is metaphysical, certainly we can see the physical effects of fluoride.
We know that
Harvard studies have shown that in concentrations that are not much different from what we're seeing here in the United States that it causes a loss of like 20 IQ points amongst children and we have to ask if this is something that is safe and effective why would you even bother to put it in the why would you put it in the
Water supply.
You can't control the dosage.
There's not any medicine, even if it is safe and effective, that you would want to dump into the water supply.
So we know why they're doing it.
They're doing it to take the medical, to take the industrial waste away from companies who would otherwise have to spend a lot of money to get rid of that waste.
Instead, they can sell it to us at a very high
See, it's a poison.
We'll be right back with your call.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Taking your calls, let's go to Jeff in Illinois.
Jeff, you want to talk about Jeb Bush?
Go ahead.
Yes, David, thank you for taking my call.
I'd like to comment on Jeb Bush's potential run for president in 2016.
It's pretty obvious that the writing's on the wall, that he's trying to gather the Hispanic voting bloc.
I reach out to a lot of the hard-working Mexican people who've come over to this country trying to make a new life for themselves.
He does not have your best interest at mind.
He has things like the Project for the New American Century at mind, and he has his own self-interest at mind.
Oh yeah, he's a corporatist, he's a globalist, you know, this is a guy who made tons of money after he left being a governor.
He made tons of money profiting off of Obamacare.
Do you think that he's going to pull back that kind of mandatory, unaffordable health care?
Of course he's not.
Uh, it's just, he's got a lot of nerve after his brother and his presidency.
Once again, I'm reaching out to every good, hardworking Hispanic person I know and just warning them.
He does not have your interest at mind.
That's all I'd like to say.
Thank you and have a good day.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I tell you, there's two words that ought to end the Jeb Bush candidacy.
Of course, he's got a sense of entitlement there that he can, you know, he's a Bush, so he should be president.
But there's two words.
Terry Shavo.
He was governor when Terry Shavo was starved to death where they arrested people who were trying to give her water.
That was criminal, and don't tell me that you're a compassionate conservative.
He and his brother let that woman be starved to death by a probate judge in Florida.
That was outrageous.
That, I think, more than anything, exposes the fraud.
I know so many Christians who support George Bush because they think that he's this Christian.
It's like, really?
Do Christians withhold a cup of water from somebody who is dying?
I mean, that is not what... They had the power to stop that, and they let her die.
Both he and his brother.
That ought to end that right there.
But if not, then take a look at Common Core.
Take a look at what he did with Obamacare.
Understand this guy is a corporatist, he's a crony capitalist, he is a globalist.
He's another Bush.
Thank you so much, Jeff in Illinois.
Let's go to William in Virginia.
William, and by the way, if you want to call in, the number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Go ahead, William.
Yes sir, I just wanted to say people need to be on the lookout for the next false flag.
I'm going to tell you the scariest thing to me.
I'm a Defense Department employee.
Where they messed up with the previous false flags is they left witnesses.
In my opinion, the next one will be the big one.
There's not going to be anyone with a video camera to show, oh hey look there's some people jumping on top of rooftops celebrating Twin Towers being destroyed.
This one's going to be it.
All this race war stuff is a ruse.
And the Republicans, listen to me, the Republicans are being set up.
Because when the next false flag happens, the Republicans will be brought in to vote for the next big war.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
They've already, that's where we really have to be concerned about.
Not only about pushing war within the new Republicans, but also the fact that the surveillance state, which unfortunately it was revealed to the mainstream,
In 2013, but we have not done anything to stop it.
And of course, don't expect the Republicans to do anything about that.
Senator Richard Burr, who is the North Carolina Senator, is now going to be head of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Don't expect any oversight.
Don't expect any transparency about the crimes and the overreach of the CIA, the NSA, the intelligence community.
He said that he doesn't think that the public ought to ever
No, anything about what the intelligence community is doing.
So you're not even going to have the little dog and pony show, the criticisms that we got from Dianne Feinstein, which really were there primarily because she just caught them spying on her and her staff and that got her angry.
They were looking at that torture report for years and not doing anything with it.
And when they finally released it, it was heavily redacted.
It was a whitewash.
It was just a slap back at the people who had been spying on her.
That was all that it was about.
But you're not even going to see that from the Republicans.
And the other aspect that is going to be very dangerous is going to be CISPA.
That's going to be coming back very hardcore.
There was an article in Wired Magazine
Sham system that we've got right now to exert control over the internet.
I think we need to attack the foundation of this copyright system and the abuses that are there.
This Wired Magazine article is very interesting.
They point out that the majority of small and mid-sized businesses responsible for the bulk of U.S.
job creation see the patent representation not as a database filled with anything other than infringement risk.
In other words, the legal exposure.
We'll be right back.
We'll talk about that and take your calls right after the break.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
And we were just talking to William from Virginia, a Department of Defense employee just before the break, concerned about the next false flag.
William, do you have any specific concerns about what it might involve or when or where?
Do you have any information like that or just in general your concern about the next false flag?
Okay, I'll say this.
I'll be brief.
People need to pay attention to government officials speaking about a nuclear event.
That's the president, that's spending, that's senators, governors.
They need to pay attention to where the president goes and when.
Also pay attention to other national leadership, globally, talking about the potential for nuclear events.
Pay attention to incidents at nuclear facilities.
I'm not talking about a leaky nuclear facility here in the states.
I'm talking about
Some type of mysterious accident at a nuclear event.
The transfer of nuclear material that makes no sense.
Where the media will touch on it, but then they leave it alone.
People need to keep their eyes open, okay?
And we know, for the people that have been watching this, a lot of times we are told about what's going to happen before it happens.
The media, movies, TV shows, books, news, you name it.
They show it to us, then the next thing we know, it happened.
Oh, absolutely.
A predictive program, yes.
The lone gunman.
Yes, absolutely.
It showed on TV, and then it happened, and everyone was desensitized to it.
You're seeing the drills being ran in New York.
They have nuclear exercises.
Pay attention.
If you do nothing else daily, keep looking through the news.
Google can be your friend if you know how to use it.
That's all I have to say.
People, keep your eyes open.
Well, absolutely.
Yes, thank you so much, William.
Yeah, absolutely.
We had the story that we broke here at InfoWars about the nuclear material, the nuclear bombs are being moved at Dyess Air Force Base where there were not supposed to be any nuclear materials moved.
We had a whistleblower who contacted us about that.
And he told us that the destination that they were going to was somewhere in South Carolina.
Coincidentally, within a day of that, I think it was actually the same day, we realized that a day or two later, same day, Lindsey Graham is warning people in South Carolina, well, you got to watch out because we could have a nuclear bomb here at, you know, right here where I'm talking here in South Carolina.
So we've seen that.
We've also seen Guccifer.
Who has hacked into the emails of people like George W. Bush and Colin Powell and Tony Blair and a lot of people who are on the inside, a lot of people who are in the Illuminati, a lot of people who at Bohemian Grove.
He hacked into their emails.
He said that he had discovered, he told the New York Times that he had discovered a false flag nuclear event scheduled for Chicago in 2015.
I'm sure they'll relocate it now that he said that, but it looks like that is something that is on the horizon for them.
Would give them carte blanche to do the next level of what they want to do to us after everybody pretty much fell for 9-11 when that came out.
Now they can, with a false flag nuclear event, they could pretty much do anything with martial law, set up any wars that they want to do, and crack down on America.
That's where the crackdown is going to come.
Let's go to Phil in Florida.
Phil, you wanted to talk about Jeb Bush.
Go ahead.
Yes, I just wanted to mention some other things that happened during his governorship, like that hose drop of a recount that we had here.
Not that things would have been any better under Gore, but Katherine Harris was in charge of that and he said it was fine.
You know, thousands of ballots going missing from Volusia County right here where I live.
So, I mean, the guys, there's no way.
I'm a registered Republican.
I'm as conservative as anybody out there, but there is...
Except for when it comes to our warmonger.
But other than that, there's no way I'm going to vote for that guy.
And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he doesn't get elected.
That really goes back to the entire process, the entire election process.
There's stuff going on in New Hampshire right now where they're trying to crack down on ballot access even farther for independents and for third parties.
And of course, I'm very familiar with this game.
I was involved in it a long time.
For third parties and for independents, you have to go through a signature-gathering petitioning in order to get on the ballot.
That wastes a tremendous amount of time, wastes a tremendous amount of money, puts a burden on independents and third parties that the Republicans and Democrats never require of themselves.
And that is the sort of thing that from the very beginning, even who has access to the ballot, once you go through that process, they won't give you access to the debates.
And of course the mainstream media will completely shut you out.
But it's that kind of corruption from the very inception.
Anybody that was watching in 2008 when Ron Paul ran,
Is not just changing the number of signatures that they've got to get, but they're changing the time frame, compressing the time frame to try to make it absolutely impossible to even get on the ballot.
And then, of course, as the caller just mentioned, we all know that whoever counts the votes, whoever keeps custody of votes, they can do a lot to manipulate that.
I think one of the most important things that you can do is to try to educate your
People that you know and your circle of friends and your family, try to educate them about the fully informed jury movement.
They need to understand what their rights and their duties are as jurors because that's one place, if you're on a jury, that vote counts.
And you can use that to cover your fellow citizen against unjust laws.
That's what the purpose of the juries was originally for.
It wasn't just to look at
Well, I guess I'm just calling.
I was looking into possibly going on the nightly news here at some point.
But anyways, I've been a member of Anonymous.
Well, I used to be a member of Anonymous before.
There was a lot of plants and, I mean, with the Occupy movement, there was a lot of potentially people there that were really just there to incite violence and stuff like that.
And so as far as the group was concerned, the whole thing was just a total failure.
But I guess one thing that's been a big concern of mine, I'm actually looking at the picture right now, I was on a website and the FBI had put up this warning that says, warning, anonymous day of rage.
And so I go, you know, check out the ops that are currently in operation right now.
And there's not a single thing about that.
I mean, there's the million mass march and it's all about civil disobedience, but they would never promote something like Ferguson or something to that extent.
Four times when I posted on this site to try and say something about it, my comment got deleted.
And then actually I did a picture that I tried to put up on Facebook and it says, you know, sorry, fake, it's not real, FBI propaganda, my comments keep getting deleted.
And when I tried to post it, it says we were unable to post your comment because you've been blocked by the gateway.
Kind of an interesting deal, and then I try to post a picture of that on Facebook a couple of times, and not two minutes after I get it up online, whether it has text, whether it has anything, it's been deleted.
Just immediately.
And even when I tried to attach it to an email, the only way that I was able to get it to finally attach was I had to activate PeerBlocker, and so I think somebody was in my computer actually forcing me to not be able to post it.
Well, that's amazing.
And of course, you know the quote from Julian Assange.
I can't remember the entire quote, but he's basically talking about Facebook, Twitter, social media.
He says, understand that you are wearing, it's like having all of your friends wearing a wire for the government when you get involved with social media.
Those sites, just as we pointed out earlier in the show,
That one guy who's sitting there watching the football game saying, hey give me enough retweets and I'll run across the field.
I don't know if he was serious or not, but in just a few minutes he was picked up.
They are watching.
We need to understand that they're watching and we need to understand the fear and the paranoia.
It's a good thing, I think, that the government is afraid of us.
They need to be more afraid of us.
They need to understand that the American people are aware of what they're doing and we're not going to put up with it.
Thomas Jefferson said
When the government fears the people, there's liberty.
When the people fear the government, there's tyranny.
I think that's the bottom line, and we can't pull back from that.
That's very interesting.
When you mention that, and mention Anonymous, there's an article that just went up on Infowars.com.
Of course, Oklahoma lawmakers are proposing a hoodie ban, and of course that would get rid of things like Guy Fawkes masks as well.
Let's play a little bit of that clip there.
Oklahoma lawmakers trying to find a fashion if you have committed a fashion crime.
Here's what he wants to do.
He wants to ban hoodies, saying they make it easy for criminals to hide their identities.
Oklahoma already does have a law in the books.
This one goes back to the 1920s.
Originally drafted to help combat crimes from the Ku Klux Klan.
This ban would be an amendment.
I think that this is a violation of an individual's right to choose what they want to wear as long as it doesn't, you know, violate their... It's not a fashion statement, folks.
They want to be able to follow you everywhere you go.
I mean, look at this article from July 15, 2013.
Chicago police start using facial recognition software to arrest suspects.
Look at the article from this weekend from the New American.
License plate trackers to send passenger photos to police databases.
This is a military industrial complex contractor.
This one is out of Italy, I believe.
It's a foreign country.
Nevertheless, yes, an Italian defense contractor.
They're not just looking at license plates.
They're not just looking at the driver's faces.
They are going to get the faces of everybody in the car.
And it's going to be a guilt by association.
Be very careful about that.
But understand that they're watching you.
Understand that they're looking at everything.
They're looking at your face.
They're looking at your license.
We've got the Stingray program where they're constantly monitoring your cell phones without a search warrant.
We've got judges who are upset about that.
We've got senators who are upset about that.
But guess what?
The Senators can't look at this non-disclosure agreement that law enforcement has signed with Harris Corporation any more than they're allowed to look at the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that's being negotiated in secret away from our elected officials, away from all of the elected officials of all the countries involved.
Same thing with the transatlantic trade treaties.
So the Asian as well as the European trade treaties that are being negotiated in secret by corporate lobbyists, we're not allowed to see.
We're not allowed to see the agreements or the activities of any of our local law enforcement or state law enforcement or federal law enforcement when they look at our cell phones.
Because they also have a non-disclosure agreement with a corporation.
And the FBI thinks that that is more important than the Constitution, than due process.
They think that that trumps the idea that they should have to go get a search warrant.
They think that that trumps the idea of Freedom of Information Act.
We've seen situations in courts where the FBI has sent personnel to confiscate records that were going to be turned over under Freedom of Information Act about the Stingray program and other programs like that from Harris.
They confiscated those records rather than allowing those to come out.
They have told law enforcement agencies, if you get any request from a court, if you get a request from a FOIA request, you notify us by phone and in writing immediately so we can shut that down.
This is the kind of criminal Stasi government that we're facing.
This is a bureaucracy that is unaccountable to the public, unelected by the public, does not take into consideration any of our elected representatives working with and for the corporations.
And that includes the FBI.
Look at the smart meters that they're putting in our homes.
And of course, there's an article that was up on the Drudge Report from Politico.
Smart grid powers up privacy worries.
We've been talking about this for years.
That's just one of the aspects, one of the problems with a smart grid.
Of course, if people, Republicans, don't understand the whole issue of privacy, they can understand the fact that it's going to be used to raise their electricity rates.
There's a privacy aspect to smart meters, there is a financial aspect to these smart meters, and there's also, of course, a health aspect.
There's a documentary that shows the varying fields coming out of the pulsing fields coming out of these smart meters, which are pretty high in power.
You can watch the bugs on a leaf jerking as this thing is pulsing.
Don't tell me there aren't physiological issues with these smart meters.
So that's just the three issues right there with that one thing, but of course they're going to roll that out to 100% of the homes.
Everybody that's on the grid is going to be spied upon.
We're going to be charged more for electricity based on the time of use, and of course they're going to do it in a way that harms our health.
They enacted this in Europe and Italy when they put up their smart grid.
The people there demanded, at least, to shut down the health effects of that.
They still had the other issues remaining, but they said, you've already got an electricity line running into the house, why do you need to wirelessly send this information back?
You can multiplex it over the electrical lines, and they made them do that there, but not in America.
No, in America we do everything so that it causes the most damage to everybody.
But getting back to this Oklahoma law where they're banning hoodies, they mentioned the KKK.
You are aware that there's similar things like this going on all over the world.
In Australia there was a protest there.
People were upset that they were banning face coverings.
So these guys went to a protest wearing Ku Klux Klan hoods.
They said, you gotta take those Ku Klux Klan hoods off.
So they took them off, and guess what they were wearing?
They were wearing burkas underneath.
Because burkas are cool.
Even though it covers just as much or more than a Ku Klux Klan hood would, the burkas are cool.
And of course, in Oklahoma, they're going to make exceptions for burkas as well.
See, they're going to outlaw any kind of covering, any kind of a hoodie, any kind of a mask.
Including things like Guy Fawkes masks that people wear at protests.
They say the exceptions are going to be parties, parades, and those wearing coverings required by their religious beliefs.
Nothing there about people wearing masks at demonstrations.
You know, when we talk about what's going on in the Middle East, and we talk about how the American corporations and the CIA have dominated those countries, most Americans don't really have any recollection of Iran prior to the American embassy being taken over.
They don't understand the rage and the outrage of the Iranian people at America for what the CIA had done in their country.
The CIA had engineered a coup of Mosaddegh, who was elected.
They pushed out the then-Shah of Iran, who was an American puppet.
This was a guy who had somewhat socialist leanings, but nevertheless he was going to pull these resources back under control of the Iranian people rather than the American corporations.
So the CIA got rid of him.
And they put the Shah's son in power.
And he was the guy that was there until the 1970s.
When I was in engineering school, we had a lot of Iranian students in engineering.
And they were very concerned about what was going on in their country.
And so I remember what was going on before they took over the American Embassy.
And it made a lot of sense to me.
I saw a lot of fellow students there, Iranian students, who were protesting what was going on as the secret police, the SAVAK, that had been created and trained by the CIA in a reign of terror in their own country.
And they protested wearing masks because they were afraid
That there were going to be recriminations.
That's what we have coming in America, where you can't even protest wearing a mask because our government has to know who their enemies are so they can take them down.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with your calls.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this final segment.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be taking your calls.
We're going to try to get to Bryce, JT, Richard, another Richard, and Marilyn, Margaret.
Try to get through as many of these as we can.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Let's go to Bryce in Washington.
We're talking about health issues.
You want to talk about medical marijuana.
Go ahead, Bryce.
Hey, how's it going?
Doing good.
I'm a comedian and filmmaker here in the Portland metro area, which spills over into Washington, which is why I'm really interested how medical marijuana is going to go cooperatively between the two states, Washington and Oregon, that now are both legal recreationally.
But I'm interested in the medical aspect.
Because the federal ban just lifted and one thing I find particularly interesting having moved from the East Coast to the Portland area is that I find that medically it's half the price of it at street price level so most honest medical patients
On what's going to happen and what we might see in July when Oregon finally puts that into effect.
I know if you drive through Portland you'll see a marijuana dispensary about every five blocks.
Well I've seen some articles about people that are concerned about people who are not legitimately
Providing medical marijuana, kind of infringing on the recreational use retailers.
But you know, that issue I think is dwarfed by the fact that we just need to understand, and I think there's a growing awareness of the fact that it's the right thing to do to allow people to have access to something that is cheap and effective in many ways.
Why would we not allow cancer patients to have access to something that can help them with excruciating pain, with the inability to eat food?
Why would we shut down the compassion for that?
That's just wrong.
And why would we allow the government to bluff us?
Yet again, as they do with so many different areas, as they do with the IRS, as they do with the Federal Reserve, as they do with the war on drugs, where is the constitutional amendment that prohibited marijuana?
Why do we have two constitutional amendments to prohibit alcohol and we don't have one for any other substance?
Well, it's because when we enacted alcohol prohibition, that horrible failure,
They respected the Constitution enough to do that.
They don't have the enumerated power to prohibit anything.
They need a special constitutional amendment.
They never did one for any of these substances that they prohibit.
They don't have the constitutional legal authority to prohibit this.
We need to shut it down at the state level.
I think it's a very healthy thing to see the states taking the initiative, going up against the federal government.
I think that's something that is a growing revolution.
I don't think they're going to be able to put that back.
I think that's a real important thing.
Quickly, let's go to JT in Colorado.
JT, go ahead.
You want to talk about Jeb Bush?
Oh, we're out of time.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry to the callers.
Check us tonight.
We have the nightly news at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
The host tonight is going to be Leanne McAdoo, and we're going to have possibly an interesting interview about these metastasizing laws about distracted driving.
Don't touch that dial if you're in Austin, because you might get a $500 fine for distracted driving.
Not just talking on the phone or texting.
Check us out tonight, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.