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Filename: 20141224_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 24, 2014
2506 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The really important news today from the Associated Press, man hospitalized after winning eggnog chugging contest.
Just a couple cups of eggnog makes me want to throw up.
It's so thick, it tastes great.
Can you imagine, though, if our broadcast was just fluff news like that?
It'd probably be pretty entertaining, but nevertheless, we won't be discussing any eggnog chugging contest here today.
We will be discussing the serious sociological and economic developments taking place across the world.
ABC News reports after
NYC deaths of police officers, a surge of support for police rocker John Bon Jovi donned a New York Police Department t-shirt on stage.
Well-wishers delivered home-baked cookies by the hundreds to police in Cincinnati.
In Mooresville, North Carolina, police and sheriff's officers were treated by residents to a chili dinner.
At a time when many in the nation's police community feel embattled, Americans in cities and towns across the country are making an effort to express support and gratitude.
And that sounds good on the surface, and overall I think it's good for the public to reach out to police, police reach out to the public.
The social engineers want to set each other's throats in a divide and conquer.
But by Democratic Party, Socialist-financed, basically mind-controlled idiots going out and shooting innocent police in cold blood, it will then cause an us-against-them mentality of just totally joining one side or the other.
And there are massive abuses going on inside governmental systems across the board, not just police.
So it short-circuits the debate
Into just debating police versus citizens instead of everything else going on above that.
And the divide and conquer is playing off quite nicely right now.
They're trying to divide the lines by police and whites on one side and everybody else on the other when this country is already basically majority minority in most areas of the nation.
It needs to be about a culture based on Bill of Rights, Constitution, not what color you are or what all your other beliefs are in my view.
It needs to be first, we agree on free market, we agree on private property, we agree on due process, we agree on not having barbarism.
Like you have in Chicago and New York and D.C.
with the gunman's.
We want to give the individual the best shot at being empowered, and that means letting the individual struggle as well.
Because history has shown, diversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters, to quote Victor Hugo.
One of my favorite people to quote.
And I'm here to tell you, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
We've got so much news today.
I saw this report
On Infowars.com yesterday, and I thought, man, this is one of Paul Watson's best reports.
And then sure enough, it was on DrugsReport.com this morning.
Middle column.
Was FBI wrong on North Korea?
Sony was not just hacked.
This is a company that was essentially nuked from the inside.
CBS News has now been forced to report.
Was the FBI wrong on North Korea?
Of course they were, ladies and gentlemen, on purpose.
It was the FBI originally that came out and said it was an inside job two weeks ago.
Two weeks ago, and Paul Watson has the article in his video report that Drudge is linked to, marketing scam, Sony to show the interview on Christmas Day in theaters.
And I intuitively guessed it'd be Alamo Draft House Nationwide, and boom, I was correct.
Because I know the Alamo is bucking, I know the owner, to try to air it even, and try to demand Sony give it to them.
So they were the first to reach out, but... This is a total example of a stage-managed event.
And remember, we told you weeks ago that we believed it was an inside job, somebody leaking, and that it couldn't be North Korea.
And we were right again!
Ha ha!
Right again!
Ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas!
Not being arrogant.
Another side issue, Paul's been working for me for 13 years.
He said, I'm not a public personality, I'm not gonna go on your show, I'm not gonna do reports.
He does reports now and does as good a job as I do.
So see, I was right again!
I made him do it!
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
I'll be looking for aid when they pull that gate.
And I hope that judge ain't blind.
Well this whole Sony hacking story broke about two weeks ago and day one I came on air and I said it was probably coordinated between the Obama administration, Homeland Security, the NSA to try to reintroduce CISPA and SOPA and expand the Cyber Command's funding
From around 50 billion a year to even more.
It's about 50 billion out of the 200 billion or so, so-called intelligence budget that rolls into the 500 plus billion dollar defense budget.
And when I bring these points up, I'm going to show you an article where we put this out last Friday by Kit Daniels, just one of many articles.
I want to explain something.
It's not arrogance.
It is confidence.
I'm here to try to instill confidence in the audience and in new leaders out there to realize you are the resistance.
You have power.
Not just Alex Jones.
Not just a WorldNetDaily or a Matt Drudge at DrudgeReport.com.
Not just a Michael Savage.
You have power in your area.
Before I get into all this news, I said earlier, I said we were right about this again.
It's now basically admitted it was an inside leak, not a hack of Sony.
I saw Obama in a press conference this morning say, we can't let dictators dictate to us what we put out.
Good job, Sony, saying you're now gonna release the movie on Christmas Day.
Total hype!
We're going to play that clip in a moment.
But instead of just looking at what the enemy does, we have to realize how often we're right.
Not because we're even that smart, but we're actually looking for the truth.
We see the patterns.
We see the motives.
We see the means.
It's a basic investigation.
And so, I remember Paul's been working with me since 2001.
13 years.
And Paul would basically write articles about my radio show on his own website, PropagandaMatrix.com.
And he's a microcosm of myself and you and everybody else.
And going back about six, seven years ago, I tried to make him come on the radio as a guest.
He said, I'm just a writer.
I don't want to do it.
Then I told him, I said, listen, I've given you pay raises and stuff, you're going to start doing weekly videos for PrisonPlanet.tv, and you're going to start coming on my radio show, and you're going to develop yourself, or I'm going to find somebody else.
As much as I care about you, I'm not going to just sit there and let you stagnate as a writer.
Paul Watson has now been on national CBS, ABC, Coast to Coast AM repeatedly.
His articles get picked up and quoted in the BBC, Der Spiegel, Russian News, U.S.
News every week.
And he was 20 years old when I hired him.
He's now what, 33?
Thirty-something years old.
That is a microcosm.
His brother's got a political science international relations degree.
He does work as well.
I'm trying to spur Steve Watson to step up and become a media personality because people just don't want the info.
They want it delivered by an individual who over the years they learn to trust and who they develop a relationship with.
So I'm talking about media theory here from my own grassroots, organic perspective before I even get into all this news.
Paul Watson's article is on DrudgeReport.com today.
And this morning, I saw it at the top of Yahoo News.
There it is.
LinkedIn Red.
Marketing Scam.
Shoney to show the interview on Christmas Day in theaters.
And I saw this report last night when he put it out, and I thought, man, that's a really good report.
I'm going to play that when I go on air tomorrow.
And I had an extreme feeling
Of satisfaction, like when you see your son or daughter graduate college, or when you, I guess they, in Full Metal Jacket, which is based on a lot of historical things that happened, even though it's fiction in the research, with the pleasure the drill sergeants have when they see the recruits at graduation in their youth meaner and tougher than even they are.
That's the spirit of victory.
That's what we should be looking for.
To build up alternative media, to build up personalities, to build up leaders of every race, color, creed, male, female, you name it.
To where we may not agree on everything, gay, straight, whatever the issue is, black, white, old, young, male, female, but we all should agree that we want freedom for the average person to live their life as they see fit as long as they don't hurt somebody else.
That's the libertarian Thomas Jefferson maxim, a true liberal maxim.
But, you see, the fake liberals say, we've got to agree with what they say, or we're not liberals.
That's not liberal.
That's totalitarian.
That's oppressive.
That's despotic.
By every yardstick.
So, I just want to celebrate on Christmas Eve here, with all of you, 20 years of the Infowar, and the fact that
I have been able, with the grace of God and your support out there, to go find grassroots reporters with no... Some of them have professional backgrounds, like Darren McBreen and others.
Some of them have degrees, like Leanne McAdoo in journalism from UT, but she'd been successful already just doing entertainment television, because there isn't a lot of places for journalism these days in the establishment system.
But a lot of my reporters just entered contests, did a great job.
And I hired them and they've developed and are getting better and better.
It is a... I'm going to skip this network break coming up.
It is a testament to humanity that all of us over time can develop.
I was listening to that song, Exercising This Morning, by Aerosmith, Dream On, I think is the title.
Everybody knows the song.
But you've got to
Lose to learn how to win.
And that's why the nanny state doesn't want you playing dodgeball, doesn't want you ever getting in a fistfight, don't want you ever falling off the roof, doesn't want you ever doing anything because they know the adversity will develop you and battle test you and make you stronger.
Like, I knew Joe Biggs would be a great reporter because of the tenacity he had to expose the murder of his friend, Mr. Hastings.
And now he just gets better and better, and he's only been here six, eight months.
That's what I'm talking about.
So today, before I get into all this news, I wanted to just talk about the fact that all of us can be journalists, all of us can post YouTube videos, all of us can write blogs about what we see and what we think, and it all has value in the end, because it's just more people giving what they really believe, perspective, and that ambient background of truth will topple
Two plus two equals five.
You didn't build your business.
Raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt ceiling.
Your children aren't your children.
We're not coming after your guns.
Just turn them in.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
We will overthrow the fraudulent paradigm the minute we start saying no, the minute we start disagreeing and saying you don't speak for me, the minute we start voting with our dollars to promote high quality products made in America.
The minute we start supporting true independent media that stands up for freedom.
And that doesn't mean you've even got to agree with everything a media outlet puts out.
But if they consistently will break real news, tell the truth, stick their neck out, and tell it like it is, they deserve support.
McClatchy puts out kind of a socialist drivel, icing on a lot of what they do, but I respect them as a nuge agency out of Florida, because they'll expose banks dealing drugs, and banks running the aircraft, and the CIA dealing drugs, and torture squads, and Obamacare really being a banker bailout.
They'll expose Obama being behind much of the banker bailout and getting it passed in the Senate.
So as bad as McClatchy is in their overall worldview, they have enough integrity to not be like CNN or MSNBC that just vomit twisted disinformation 24-7.
And occasionally CNN will tell the truth about police departments around the country running, you know, illegal checkpoints and asset formature seizure, but they only did that to change state laws where you can't have asset formature seizure so the feds could pass a law where the police could become federalized and still get their money.
So see, you've also got to realize when the mainstream media does tell the truth, there's usually an ulterior motive to it.
Like, yeah, there's a lot of police brutality and out-of-control bullies in the uniform in some areas.
A lot of departments are trying to weed them out.
Some departments want to become pure bully.
It kind of goes one way or the other.
There isn't a middle ground, as the Bible says.
Lukewarm, that don't exist.
It's either bad or it's good, generally.
In that spectrum.
But they're only telling you about that so the feds can come in that have been globalized and occupy this country.
That's the only reason they're stirring all this up.
And the American people instinctively get that.
That's why they have an ABC News article.
After NYC deaths, a surge of support for police.
How about a surge of support for good police?
See, it becomes an us against them.
Either you totally back the cops or you don't back them.
The thin blue line.
That's mindless and that creates corruption and I don't support mindless support.
Now that said, I want to get to Paul Watson's report here in a moment.
We're skipping this network break so stations shouldn't be going over it.
Our wonderful affiliates you support as well during Christmas and the holiday season by spreading the word and supporting their local sponsors.
That is so integral and so important.
But before we go any further, let me tell you what else is coming up.
Millions of Christians are in mourning this Christmas.
War on Christians intensifies, Ron Paul Institute.
ISIS is turning Christian churches into torture chambers, where it forces believers to convert to Islam, and funding its terror mission by selling stripped artifacts to Western collectors, as well as selling women into sex slavery, Daily Mail.
What a great group of people the Saudi Arabian Wahhabis are.
We've also got another shooting, this time of an armed black team in the St.
Louis area, so riots kick off again in Ferguson.
Video of that's up on Infowars.com.
Cyber Command Investment ensures hackers targeting U.S.
face retribution.
See, oh, they're launching attacks and shutting down North Korea now because they did the hack attack.
The FBI said so.
Actually, the FBI didn't say so.
They had one release from the Justice Department saying the FBI thought some of it could have led back to North Korea.
But now, Sony and the FBI admit it was an inside job that's now breaking.
And let's go over that right now.
Remember our article last Friday?
NSA capable of false Sony hack blamed on North Korea.
NSA hackers can easily frame another country.
And that's the data that was given to the FBI.
You can go into somebody's computer remotely and then run basically a zombie attack through their computer.
We've been attacked many times.
And then we track back to computers and it's thousands of private computers from Japan to Australia to Europe to the United States that are attacking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com
But you heard Paul Watson on the show and myself say over and over again, most of the smart money is pointed to inside job at Sony, probably by executives on purpose, but you gotta put some meat in there, a few, you know, dirt dishings on some of the Hollywood stars to make folks bite.
The hook's gotta have a little bit of worm on it.
Well, here is
CBS News.
Was FBI wrong on North Korea?
Cybersecurity experts are questioning the FBI's claim that North Korea is responsible for the hack and the crippled Sony pitchers.
A senior vice president with cybersecurity firm Norse told CBS News his company has data that doubts the FBI findings.
Sony was not just hacked.
This is a company that was essentially nuked from the inside.
And then here's another headline breaking.
We can conclusively confirm North Korea was not behind hashtag Sony hack.
That's out of God News.
So this is all coming out.
Well, folks, Paul Watson has an article from days ago where the original FBI agents said it appeared to be an inside job.
So that's what I mean.
There's like two FBIs.
You got the FBI that did its job, looked at it, said, looks like it happened from the inside.
That gets shut down.
The politicos over at Obamaland
They get a hold of it.
Let's play this clip first of Obama today in a press conference, saying, we can't have a dictator telling us what to do.
Buddy, you have become a dictator on guns, on borders, on energy issues, on the military, with executive orders, like no other president in history.
Jonathan Turley, big liberal, professor, constitutional law scholar, says you're three times worse than Bush.
I don't agree with that.
You're five times worse.
And Bush was outrageously unconstitutional.
Worst ever!
When it came to just all-out executive power, unitary executive, Cheney claiming that the Vice President was above the law and could do whatever he wanted, and bigger than the President, just crazy talk!
They could secretly arrest citizens if they wanted to.
Obama then codified it into law under the NDAA, 2011!
So here is Obama in his press conference saying, Sony did the right thing.
Talk about hype.
He doesn't even matter.
No one's even listening to him now.
So he's a champion of free speech.
We can't let a dictator tell us what to do.
When North Korea came out six days ago and said they didn't do it.
But that they would blow us up any minute.
I mean, again, I'm not saying North Korea is good.
They're horrible.
The point is, this is all a way to bring in the expansion of cybersecurity.
Here's Obama.
We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States.
Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they don't like.
Or news reports that they don't like.
Alright, let's stop right there.
And again, I saw it this morning.
It was a press conference at 2 o'clock Eastern yesterday.
And the day before, he said Sony did the wrong thing.
This is all scripted.
Wag the dog, just like the fake Bin Laden raid.
I'm going to play Watson's report in the next segment.
This is all totally scripted.
And again, it's not arrogance when I say, we told you first it was probably an inside job, but not even by a disgruntled employee.
There's always stuff getting leaked at Sony or any other big outfit from insiders that get disgruntled.
They'll probably dig up some low-level person that leaked something, frame them for everything else.
You can believe it.
This whole thing was scripted.
Sony goes along, this is basically the Japanese government owns Sony, through one of its major mafias, and that's come out on record.
It's like five families run Japan.
One of the biggest owns Sony, on record.
So Japan does whatever it's told by the globalists.
Remember, it got occupied.
All their elites got let off for war crimes in 1945.
The Emperor
North Korea.
North Korea hates them.
North Korea's been firing nuke missiles without the nukes on top, you know, at Japan over their coast in all sorts of menacing.
Japan's in deep economic trouble, is militarizing right now, secretly has developed nuclear weapons.
That's come out.
You heard it here first.
But the point is, that's all happening.
And so they're gearing up for war with China and war with North Korea.
They want to put the movie out, but bigger than a $200 million movie, they want the propaganda to demonize North Korea, and to stir North Korea up as a psy-op.
That's what they get out of it.
Then, domestically, they get to try to pass more cyber security, they get to legitimize the war-making capability of cyber security, get to Hollywoodize it.
Sony and others are pushing to get more pirating laws passed, SOPA and CISPA, to restrict everybody, worldwide, not just in the U.S., because one of them is an international treaty, to restrict our free speech.
You've got the Asian Pacific Partnership that WikiLeaks released one of the sections of that basically ends internet freedom and brings us into Chinese style net censorship.
We've got Zuckerberg, who says his users are dumb effers, at Facebook, meeting with the head of Chinese censorship two weeks ago and saying he now supports socialism.
Notice communism is now socialism.
We don't have communism, we have socialism.
It's always billionaires supporting it because they're tax-exempt offshore.
This is all happening and now they're coming out and going, you know what?
Originally, we're going to show you this article coming up, the FBI said this was an inside job two weeks ago.
They came in, they looked at it.
It was so widespread.
It was across the board.
It was on secure networks, blocked with internal firewalls.
And they said, this looks like an inside job.
But that was only in a couple articles.
CBS and ABC and Paul Watson and his piece shows those.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
We'll repost this article from yesterday back to InfoWars.com.
And there it is, ladies and gentlemen, in everybody's face.
The marketing scam, and it gets Obama back in the headlines, suddenly supporting free speech.
We're going to have a heyday with that because it was the Obama administration that arrested the maker of the anti-Muhammad film.
And blame that on Benghazi when it had nothing to do with it.
This is the group trying to censor the web, the internet, and talk radio.
This is the group sicking the IRS on alternative media, conservative media, libertarian think tanks, conservative think tanks, veterans groups, pro-life groups, Christian groups, evangelical groups.
They've got the Pentagon telling, you know, in manuals at Fort Hood.
Indicted Dinesh D'Souza, indicted all these other filmmakers.
But we can't have dictators telling us what to do when there's an... It was confirmed in congressional documents yesterday that indeed the IRS had memos saying, we're going to go after icky conservatives.
I love how that... So they don't feel bad about ruining lives, arresting people, taking their bank accounts outside of law.
They call it icky.
This person I'm going to abuse and assault is icky.
They even use non-threatening words when they crush people.
Maybe if Nazis wore pink outfits and shot Jews in the head and called it icky, it'd be okay.
If they had, like, you know, lisp in their voice with an NPR voice.
Hi, this is all Nazis considered.
I'm gonna talk in a real soft voice and wear a pink uniform when I beat your baby's brains out.
See how they do it?
They're a bunch of sick, tyrannical, filthy, fatalitarian scum suckers.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Stay with us.
Merry Christmas.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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As the year is coming to a close, we all pause to reflect on what's happened in the past year.
We take a step back and thank God for what we have.
I'm David Hall, founder of Diamond Gusset Jeans.
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We live in a country.
Where a political party tries to tell us not to say Merry Christmas.
Think about it.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Out of my way!
That's right, get out of my mind!
Get out of my way!
Stop trying to tell me what to think or what to do or what to like!
You people aren't liberals!
You're a bunch of mind-controlled, wannabe, North Korean bootleggers!
Goodbye, control freaks!
We're awake!
The sleeping giant, it is free!
Humanity is rising!
I'm not your slave!
I'm not your slave!
Merry Christmas, ladies and gentlemen!
Is this Christmas music okay to all the Soviets?
You like this Christmas music?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide on this Christmas Eve!
I'm your host, Alex Jones!
And I am fired up today!
Dr. Jerome Corsi was going to be on the show today, but he's under the weather.
So you know what that means?
It means wide open phones.
But let me just reset here and calmly, yet again, point out that we said it was probably Sony working with the Democratic Party as a huge stunt so Obama could look like an anti-totalitarian and bash North Korea, which is a good target to bash.
It's so horrible it makes him look good, I'll just say it.
North Korea is his wish list, is his dream.
Kim Jong-un has red carpets, has large jumbo jets.
Everyone else doesn't have air conditioning or food.
Obama goes to Africa, and he says, you can't have air conditioning or a car.
I just landed in a jumbo jet, with red carpets, and 500 security people, costing hundreds of millions each visit.
That's okay.
I'm gonna charge you for carbon taxes, make myself exempt, and then live in palaces.
That's okay.
So see, he'd love, when Obama grows up, he wants to be like Kim Jong-un.
A nobody who didn't do anything for his power, who's soft, ugly, pathetic, scum-ridden, anti-human, maggot of hell!
The opposite of what I want to be!
The opposite of George Washington!
The opposite of Lewis and Clark!
The opposite of all the great minds.
A joke!
An abomination!
The opposite of being strong and free!
Groveling to Dennis Rodman.
That's just perfect.
That's absolutely picture perfect.
A picture tells a thousand words, doesn't it?
Do I need to describe that?
So addled in tyranny, unable, so narcissistic, so worshipful at the tree of celebrity, that through the distorted lens that that little maggot looks through, when he was living in an armored palace at private school in Switzerland, on the blood of his people, never even living in North Korea after the age of 10.
That he would think Dennis Rodman, a washed up joke for more than a decade, was a god.
It's incredible.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
And now breaking, we can conclusively confirm North Korea was not behind Sony Attack.
And they go over what the top security firms have looked at.
CBS News is also reporting it.
200 gigabytes of data on November 21st was transferred out.
And they go over all of the breakdown.
And it's not what they thought.
We'll break that down after Paul Watson's report.
Because look, it's bigger than this movie or Obama saying he's not a dictator to make himself look good, comparing himself to Kim Jong-un and standing up for free speech when he's really waging a war against it.
It's taking this story and just seeing how they run these hoaxes.
Because the only power mainstream dinosaur media has on its last leg is total concerted hype with a major corporation and the White House all doing everything they can to hype something and still in a week and a half it unravels and is falling on its face as a giant stinking fraud to pass unlimited power in the new Congress.
They've reintroduced CISPA.
They've introduced the treaties for CISPA and SOPA at the UN level as well, to end internet freedom, using this hack as the excuse, thinking you're so stupid.
Cyber Command investment ensures hackers targeting US face retribution.
Pentagon budget documents to tell growing military commitment to cyber warfare, and you notice they shut down North Korea's internet for now three days running off and on.
Well that's not hard, they barely got electricity but in two cities.
They're still on dial-up.
It's like saying the Pentagon put its boot on a dead squirrel's neck in the park.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul Watson's report.
It's on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, MiddleColumnOfDrugsReport.com.
Has this been one huge cynical marketing campaign from the very beginning?
With news that Sony may now be planning to show the interview on Christmas Day after all.
Sources familiar with the situation tell the Dallas Morning News that Sony executives are discussing the likelihood of a Thursday release during a conference call that was scheduled to begin at 10 this morning Dallas time.
The Alamo Drafthouse has also announced that it will screen the film if it becomes available.
And Atlanta's Plaza Theatre has also announced that it plans to show the controversial movie on Christmas Day.
So, is the marketing campaign now complete?
Because remember, the Guardians of Peace, the hacking group behind the breach of Sony, in their original message did not mention North Korea or the movie The Interview in their initial threat.
This whole hacking scandal only became about The Interview
And North Korea as a result of the media narrative that was massaged by Sony in the weeks that followed the initial hack.
The initial investigation of the hack strongly suggested to the FBI that it was an inside job carried out by a Sony employee who had to have had intricate knowledge of Sony's security and email system.
There was no hard evidence to suggest that North Korea was behind the attack, yet this narrative was created
That the North Koreans had been behind the breach as a result of them being offended at the fact that Kim Jong-un was assassinated in the movie The Interview.
And to bolster the narrative that North Korea was behind the hack and that the United States was responding, North Korea's internet went down yesterday and it's just gone down again today.
So the question is, was this planned all along?
Is this the ultimate cynical marketing campaign, with Sony reversing its decision to show the interview?
Of course, they've built up all this anticipation amongst the general public to see this film, initially denying them the chance to see it.
Now it appears as though it could be rolled out on Christmas Day.
So if that happens, this movie is obviously going to gross far more than it would have done so otherwise.
So even if you believe that the initial Sony hack was carried out by an outside party and was not an inside job, which is what a lot of evidence suggests, could they have attempted to recoup some of the cost of that hack
By strong-arming this movie into the narrative by making it all about North Korea and the interview, so as to provide this build-up of anticipation to see this movie, which is now released, which will now gross many millions more than it would have done so otherwise.
And of course, Sony could not have carried off this North Korean narrative without the White House's help.
You know, labelling this the most unprecedented cyber attack in history, with Obama in his speech on Friday vowing to respond.
Now we've got North Korean internet going down twice.
And of course, this has reinvigorated support for CISPA and SOPA.
Two bills that were completely dead.
It was zombie legislation going nowhere.
Now those privacy-busting bills are going to be reintroduced and voted on as soon as next month.
The resurrected version of CISPA is going to grease the skids for more internet regulation.
And the resurrected version of SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act,
If passed, it's going to make life a hell of a lot easier for Sony and those other movie studios to crack down on copyright infringement.
So we see both a financial motive in building up the anticipation behind the interview.
We also see a political motive in greasing the skids for SOPA, which was completely dead.
Now he's going to be reintroduced, it looks like, as soon as next month.
So you go across the board and you see that the only people to benefit from this hack in the long run is not North Korea, is not Kim Jong-un, is not any nebulous hacker group.
It's the US government and Sony!
So then you ask the question, who's likely to have been behind the attack?
I wonder.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
This is Paul Joseph Watson reporting for InfoWars.com.
Fox News.
Fox Suspicion Mounting.
Sony hack was inside job.
Boy, I got criticized for using that term.
Now it's a modern colloquialism that everybody's using.
It's in the nomenclature.
retaliation for Sony hack should not leave fingerprints.
But it did.
It's a frame-up.
The FBI originally told the truth and said they thought it was an inside job.
Obama took it over, made it political, and had a higher-up FBI group put out a report saying that it was linked to North Korea.
It's actually linked to Japan.
And a lot of the hacks that are done, even when they come out of the U.S., bounces off Japan or Australia.
I'm not a hacker, but this is what I've been told by top people.
That's how they hide it.
But the top groups that have been analyzing this, that are quoted in CBS News, top security firms say it leads to Japan.
Variety says how Obama took Sony's crisis from bad to worse.
Yeah, he jumped into the middle of it saying, hey, don't let people violate our First Amendment, some dictator.
And then when Sony came back and said, okay, well, Eric, part of the marketing scam, that's pretty evident now, I'd say 95%, he jumps in and says, good job.
And no one's buying it because everyone knows about false flags and inside jobs.
Does that mean everything's a false flag or inside job?
But when you see this type of coordination and the FBI's original report being ignored, just like 9-11, the FBI tried to stop the hijackers,
In Minnesota, Illinois, Arizona, and Dallas.
The FBI in everywhere there were hijackers training tried to stop them and was told stand down.
I'll never forget the headline, it was New York Daily News, but FBI agents were sure Al Qaeda had moles in FBI above them.
But how about the globalists have moles who then run Al Qaeda?
Just like our government runs ISIS.
Criminal elements of it right now.
See, the media would always try to be one-dimensional and go, Alex Jones says the New York police blew up the World Trade Centers.
No, I didn't say that.
Or Alex Jones says Bush had a plunger and planted bombs.
I didn't say that.
Criminal groups, internationally, with enough operatives inside, had a stand-down we know happened.
Stand-down happened.
FBI never revealed it had Al-Qaeda mole who met Bin Laden.
You guys found an NBC report, but that's not it.
It was something like... It's in my first film, Road to Tyranny.
The headline is... It's also on The Guardian, similar headline.
FBI agents thought Al-Qaeda had a mole in the FBI.
And that was because Al-Qaeda was always one step ahead of them and knew everything they were doing.
Because there were people above them protecting them.
That's what's going on here.
But see, people say, you either just support the FBI or you hate them.
You either just support the police or you hate them.
That's how we get into this divide and conquer and lose the country, folks.
There are criminal groups, globalist operations that have infiltrated and have got their people.
It's so accurate in a cartoon fashion.
A stylized fashion, Captain America Winter Soldier.
Where Hydra is the thousands of Nazis brought into the U.S.
after World War II.
That really happened.
Over 30,000 of them.
In charge of basically everything.
And then they run their own global takeover operation through the U.S.
But it's not just Nazis.
It's worse than that.
Hydra came out of British intelligence, founded the Nazis as a husk.
to carry out corporate operations, then to steal the money, transfer it back to Hydra operations.
It was even described by Ian Fleming of MI6 and OSS, and described by Dr. Kaufman, who was in MI6, and described by Colonel Craig Roberts, who had high-level connections in the CIA, a frequent guest here.
He's basically written things off.
He just says he's done.
He wrote the book Hydra.
It's called Hydra, folks.
It's called Hydra!
So it's not that that's in Captain America, so I'm now saying it's called Hydra.
That's why they have the Hydra character, not just a Spectre, in the James Bond movies.
Because it was originally Hydra.
And why?
Because there's a head with a bunch of tentacles.
You never see the head.
Tentacles come out, you chop one off, it just grows another one.
It's just a criminal enterprise working, and the divide-and-conquer system that British intelligence used in the Great Game to take over much of the world has now been used to take over corporations, countries, families, until the science of dividing everybody has been brought to such a level that
They're now destroying the minds of the individual itself, so nothing can stand against Hydra.
It's a disease.
And the people involved in it are the most mentally ill of them all.
It's just total evil.
And so it's true, 30, it's like 34,000 Nazis were put in charge of the major universities, the rocketry, the Air Force, the Army, everything.
Intelligence operations, publishing, banking, everything.
They would be the directors of operations, and then you'd have another director above them who is a U.S.
But the people actually running things have been wearing black uniforms in Germany.
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We're good to go.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Christmas Eve edition.
George Washington was a winter soldier.
He fought when all the odds were against him because he knew what he was doing was right.
And Jacari Jackson, since I mentioned Captain America Winter Soldier, put together this piece paralleling reality with the film that is imitating life.
So here's that piece.
Do you want to kill Nazis?
I don't want to kill anyone.
I don't like bullies.
I don't care where they're from.
I believe Captain America was a composite character that really kind of captured the essence of that generation.
There's another analogy to be taken from Captain America and that is that that generation and America in general has essentially fallen asleep like Captain America did as you see him wake up in the second Captain America movie to find that he's living in an authoritarian police state.
For a second day in a row, a group of World War II vets literally took down a barrier blocking off the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.
Harry needs his barricades back!
Wow, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing.
I go protect Iraqis in Iraq, and I come back and I find that my fellow Americans are being attacked by police.
For once, we're way ahead of the curve.
By holding a gun to everyone on earth and calling it protection.
The police and National Guard going street by street.
House to house.
Instructions to disarm anyone inside.
We're gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen.
That's punishment usually came after the crime.
And when they say, I want my lawyer, you tell them, shut up!
Your time has expired.
You're an enemy combatant.
You guys did some nasty stuff.
We compromised, sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well.
When I was in Afghanistan, they usually kept us outside these buildings and the other government agency guys, probably like DEA, CIA and all that, they would go into these kind of rooms like that, exactly, and they would be torturing people from in there.
Horrible scream to hear a grown person like that being tortured.
You're watching as this opium is being grown.
We provide them security, we're providing them resources, and we're providing them alternatives.
Captain America is a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D.
With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D.
is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why.
You have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
This is only going to get worse once it starts.
And again, there's no veterans doing anything right now.
No IEDs.
They are literally getting the police to pick a fight with veterans.
You are standing in my brain.
How did you get here?
Operation Paperclip, after World War II, shelled recruited German scientists with strategic value.
Operation Paperclip explores the secret military program that hired scientists who used slave labor to build the V-2 rocket and others who used concentration camp victims for human experiments.
The responsibility for the staggering loss of life and property is uniformly placed on Hitler and the Nazis, but excluded from the official history is the fact that Hitler and the National Socialists would not have risen to power without the help of international bankers and American and German corporations.
She's disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the internet.
Including hydras.
And shields.
What about Bradley Manning?
What about Bradley Manning?
Look at all those people he betrayed.
Look at all those people he betrayed.
I think the revelations are terrible because they were revealed.
What's his name?
Yes, Snowden.
I think he's a traitor.
What about the others?
Are you planning a rescue mission?
You think about what is going on with the Veterans Administration Hospital and the fact that we have veterans that are dying because they're on a wait list.
You talk about Sergeant Tamarisi and his situation.
You thought you didn't know, Ken.
Something that I've been upset about and raised a cane about, so I'm going to ask you about it.
And that's this right-wing extremism report that was mailed out to all law enforcement.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Second hour coming up.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Sony has a 79% chance of going bankrupt.
It's being reported.
But magically, they've got this new film out they think can pull their bacon.
And even the Hollywood Reporter and others are coming out saying it looks like an inside job using that word.
And the reason I'm making such a big deal out of this today is it is a big deal.
Not the story of the hack itself, but what they want to get out of the hack.
SOPA, CISPA, a restriction of rights, and so much more.
AMC theater chain owner Wang Jianglin is China's richest man.
And that's part of the pressure they used to have the film Red Dawn a few years ago re-edited and not released for a year so that Chinese Communist forces were removed from it.
Now, I gave you my definition of a winter soldier.
I guess we've got one here from the Urban Dictionary.
A person, especially a member of a military
A person, especially a member of a political party or military organization, who is hardcore, who endures during hard times, the opposite of a summer soldier or sunshine soldier.
A phrase used by Thomas Paine to denote and mock men who signed up for the Revolutionary War and then quit when the going got tough.
Most of that outfit quit, but the winter soldiers are still hanging on.
Well, that's because in the winter, especially back then in the north, it was really cold.
In the sun cycle at that time, 20-30 below, like it is in Minnesota now.
And a lot of people froze to death.
In fact, most of the casualties on the way to Trenton, and that famous victory for George Washington, were people freezing to death on the way, on their horses.
And you'd get there, and there'd be somebody frozen to death, dead.
Those were winter soldiers.
And now we look at what men have been turned to and turned into in this country on average.
On average, there's a lot of great men in this country.
But I just can't imagine what's going to happen when the economic collapse takes place.
You gotta have an exit plan, ladies and gentlemen.
We're fighting to restore the republic.
We're fighting to try to fix things.
We're fighting to do the right thing.
We're fighting to try to stop the Civil War while we're demonized 24-7 by the enemy.
But you've got to also know that we're going to fight to win, but you've also got to be ready just to try to survive.
Because surviving in the final equation is winning.
And I don't mean surviving by going along either.
That's gotten us where we are.
The moral rot of this society, and I'm not on some high horse.
When I mean moral rot, the media says that's drinking beer or, you know, loving life.
The lover of life's not the sinner.
It's people that swindle the innocent, it's people that dumb kids down, it's people that take advantage of folks.
That's true evil, but you never hear that defined as evil.
Or very rarely, it's always
Having fun is evil, or fighting back is evil, or not groveling to the government is evil.
Meanwhile, that then gives the devil, or that archetype, all the fun!
The sexy cheerleader, that's a devil!
And I'm not saying that running wild is a good thing either.
My point is, is that all the lesser stuff is put out there as the ultimate sin.
Like the Pharisees wouldn't associate with
Even though they got tax money, they wouldn't associate with a tax collector.
They sure wouldn't associate with a prostitute.
They wouldn't associate with somebody that butchered animals because they were too high and mighty and clean.
And Christ would have nothing to do with those people!
He said, you're the wicked ones!
You're the people that pray out in the public!
You're the people that say how good you are all day, but I see your heart and you're a devil!
When they criticized him for hanging out with the unwashed.
Those unwashed had hearts a hundred times better than the establishment corporate types.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, coming to you from occupied North America.
I'm in FEMA Region 6 under Homeland Security, NORTHCOM, under UN Treaty UNESCO, State Department Memorandum Treaty 7277.
I am under UN occupied zone, under UNESCO, UN agenda 21, fiat law.
That's not tongue-in-cheek when we come in and say, transmitting from deep behind enemy lines.
Only admitting how hardcore this is can we truly come to realization of the real problem to fix it.
Merry Christmas!
I want you all to have a great holiday coming up.
It is Christmas Eve.
We're live on this December 24, 2014 Wednesday edition.
We have a powerful retransmission for you tomorrow.
And then, Lord willing, I'll be back live Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, as well as Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m.
I want to open the phones up this hour to cover a host of issues with the listeners.
But first off,
If you just joined us, it's now been basically admitted by the FBI and the government that North Korea did not hack Sony.
It was an inside job.
Probably a stunt.
They're now releasing the movie.
We said that a week and a half ago.
DrudgeReport.com is linked to Paul Watson's special report on the subject we aired last hour.
You're welcome to call in about that and the motive to pass CISPA and SOPA that are free speech killing systems and to make Obama look like a savior claiming we don't need dictators censoring the media.
Like you did indicting Dinesh D'Souza of America 2016?
Like you did with thousands of IRS cases and criminal cases?
Admittedly motivated against Christians, conservatives, gun groups, veterans groups?
There's been a reign of terror against free speech!
Not issuing the tax exemptions to over 10,000 groups!
Oh, but you're gonna speak out against North Korea now to make yourself look good?
What a sick joke!
And who can deny the White House-run Justice Department, even the former Deputy Director of the FBI, has come out two days ago and said the Justice Department's helping stir up race war and a war on police, that even if you hate some of the brazen activity of some police, as I do, I mean, I'm a guy harping on it, you cannot say go out and randomly shoot police.
I mean, I know a lot of cops that are great people.
And follow the Constitution.
On average, the police I know are more pro-Second Amendment and know what's going on than the general public.
That's just a fact.
The globalists don't like that.
They want to play their enemy, the American people, off against their other enemy, local government.
And where's the rubber?
Meet the road in local government, but the police.
You want to destabilize a country?
Destabilize the police.
This is so obvious, it's so disgusting, it's so transparent.
And all these police departments getting their federal funds, sucking the boots of the federal government that's occupied by the globalists?
You'll turn your back on the New York mayor who is a globalist piece of garbage?
Why don't you turn your back on Obama and the UN and the New World Order?
Because that's what's really destroying this country.
It's a standard communist or socialist tactic to stir up minority groups with real or perceived problems to start destabilization campaigns.
And it's happening here.
George Soros did this in Ukraine just this year.
Police shoot and kill armed black teen in St.
Louis area.
Police confirm the incident was followed by protests clashing with police at the scene accompanied by the sound of loud bangs.
That's RT.
Paul Joseph Watson has a report.
Riots near Ferguson after cops shoot black team who pointed handgun.
Chaos outside gas station as protesters throw fireworks at police.
Now let's stop right there.
Because we have the local video.
And see, this time the police, within a few hours, released the video.
Why didn't they do that in the Ferguson case?
You know there were video cameras around there.
And it turned out that the cop was telling the truth.
Pretty much.
So why then did they not just go ahead and release it or go ahead and just indict him and let it come out in court?
I tell you, the demonstrators are getting smart.
The closest thing to explosives out there are those mortar cannons that you put in the big mortars and shoot.
People blown their arms off of those and then they're now throwing those at the police.
That's like throwing
Essentially a hand grenade at somebody.
I mean, it's three or four times, in my experience, more powerful than a flashbang.
And I'm against police throwing flashbangs at nonviolent people.
It's a serious assault.
Throwing flashbangs...
is is is is way overused and then throwing throwing uh... mortar shells at the police is just serious i mean it's attempted murder is what it is uh... this is all just the globalist plan is all against each other and people are sharing this on youtube you know attack the police yay get em get em look at that those are mortar shells okay let's let's go to the next video surveillance footage of incident has been released
And it appears to show Antonio Martin, the new guy shot and killed, pointing a gun at the officer before he was shot.
And the word is, go shoot police!
That's how you get justice.
So we're showing what happened right before this unfolds.
And on the video, he appears to pull a gun out.
I mean, is it suicide by cop?
We'll see they're segwaying from that now to suicide after killing cops.
And I tell you, I would not want to be citizens in these areas, and I wouldn't want to be the police in these areas.
And this is only the beginning.
Wait until the real Civil War kicks off.
As I've said for years, you do not want to be a police officer then.
This is so obvious, and I'm getting attacked for not supporting attacking police, and I'm getting attacked for criticizing the police.
This is all part of mindless tribalism.
Well, you're supposed to join one group or the other.
I'm going to join common sense and judgment.
I'm going to join looking at each case as it comes and getting the best info I can before I quote support one side or the other.
I know this.
The globalists are trying to start a civil war.
I predicted it.
It's happening.
We should be listened to because we know what we're talking about.
And we should get the word out to stop this.
And the way you stop it is by realizing that Al Sharpton, MSNBC, and the Justice Department, just like they staged Fast and Furious to destabilize the Southwest of Mexico to blame the Second Amendment, are now running a false flag to start a war with local government, with the police on the receiving end.
And you know, I love all these violence talkers who say, go kill police, who they themselves won't do it.
They want to find some mentally ill person who will do it for them, who kills his girlfriend in cold blood up in New York, throws a fit, and then decides to go out as a hero because the media and the Justice Department put out the narrative, close quote.
So he goes out and shoots two people in cold blood, who it turns out had good records.
This is disgusting.
I mean, if a cop got caught killing some five-year-old kid on video and was no-billed, and their daddy went after him later, I'd say, well, that's justice.
This is not justice!
There is a time to kill.
Ripping off the term from the famous novel that was turned into a movie.
But I'll tell you right now, I will not be played into these mindless type of operations.
Now the mayor of Berkeley, not Berkeley, California, but Berkeley, Missouri, this is right outside Ferguson, it's two miles away, has come out with a statement.
I know we were downloading it, do we have it?
Good, we'll get it and play it.
But I want to get your take as listeners on this.
How much more obvious does it have to get where we're told that this is the number one story of 2014.
It is not the number one story.
It's the number one story the media has hyped.
We've been forced to cover it almost every day in the last six months.
Because it was so obvious.
Even before Brown got killed.
Even before Wilson shot him.
Even before any of this unfolded, we were saying this is the next step.
This is what Obama will do.
Because any fool could see what was being put out by the talking heads
To prime the pump and get all this ready.
Here is the mayor of a small town near Ferguson where it's now exploding again.
I had the opportunity last evening to review the video of the incident.
And what I saw in this incident is not what people portray.
This is not a policeman in the city of Berkeley, half cocked, going out.
And as we say, Black Lives Matter.
This was not the case.
You couldn't even compare this with Ferguson or the Gardner case in New York.
The Gardner case in New York, they had the video.
Ferguson, they did not.
We have the video.
And I can assure you that what's on the video is what we're going to use.
The City of Berkeley will be doing the investigation, along with the St.
Louis, in parallel with the St.
Louis County.
And our overall goal is to project the truth to the residents.
We reviewed the video and it appears that
There was a gun pointed at the officer before the officer fired.
But we got to complete our investigation.
Alright, now they've released a video.
I like that, Mayor.
By the way, what's different here?
There's a video, but also, he's black.
And that town's over 75% black.
You look at the demographics, and you got black leadership.
Right next door you got Ferguson that's got some black folks on the government, but
I think out of 50-something cops, three of them are black?
There's your problem right there.
Is that communities really should be representative of who is in them, in my humble opinion.
That's why I don't like the UN trying to make our laws and running us.
The globalists don't have to live under what they put on us here.
So you've got somebody hyped up, angry it appears, pulling a gun on a cop because that's what you're supposed to do now.
According to the media.
Yeah, there it is.
Ferguson has 50 white officers, three black officers.
You know, it's not fair if a black person does something to you to go shoot a random black person.
Or it's not fair if a white person does something wrong to you to go shoot a random white person.
And believe me, folks, the average white person is not scared.
I mean, there's guns everywhere.
I'm scared of destabilization and the globalists winning.
I'm gonna give the number out and take your calls.
Stay with us.
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It's Christmas Eve.
Thanks for riding shotgun with us, listeners.
I want to open the phones up now to the balance of the hour.
Then Lionel, popular analyst, constitutional lawyer, New York TV host, is going to join us to give us his take on the destabilization campaign going on.
Uh, trying to stir the people up against the police and the police vice versa.
We'll also cover a host of other issues with him as well and take your phone calls.
But right now, first time callers yet again.
Your chance to get involved.
Took a lot of calls yesterday.
It's now coming out that it was all a big hoax by Sony Inside Job to sell their movie.
That was pretty easy to predict.
What's your take on that?
What's your take on new riots outside Ferguson over a guy reportedly pulling a gun on the cops and they shooting?
And the mayor comes out and seen the video and says that's what it looks like and I've seen the video.
We've played the video here.
TV viewers watching at Infowars.com forward slash show can see the visual element of the transmission.
It's all right there.
I want to get your take on that.
Meanwhile, there's real hacks going on.
South Korean nuclear operator hacked personal data and blueprints leaked.
That's the type of stuff that's really going on.
Also later, I want to go through an interesting article up at Infowars.com.
50 numbers from 2014 that sound fake, but that are actually real.
2014 was quite a bizarre year.
I agree with the article's author.
I'm going to go through some of those points.
We're also going to
Leaked internal CIA document admits drone program counterproductive, but Obama did it anyways?
We'll also look at millions of Christians who are in mourning this Christmas and look at the persecution of Christians all over the world.
That is just some of what we're going to be breaking down today on this live broadcast.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
And we will get you up and on the air.
Again, 800-259-9231.
We've reposted Paul Watson's article that's on drudge, marketing scam, Sony to show the interview on Christmas Day in theaters.
See that video, InfoWars.com.
A story out of the Von Mies Institute, the case for Ebenezer.
Berkeley shooting, again highlights buried issue of violence within black community.
Paul Watson has a report on that, that half of homicides in the US are committed by blacks.
Why is that?
Just numbers, folks.
Google works with FBI to bust man who made threat against cops.
Nemo wrote a story.
I don't know what they're supposed to do.
He was on the site saying he was going to hunt and kill cops.
Looked pretty serious.
I mean, I would report it.
Riots near Ferguson after cops shoot black teen who pointed handgun.
We just mentioned that video of that.
ISIS shoots down U.S.-led coalition warplane capture pilot in Raga.
Am I pronouncing that right?
Was FBI wrong on North Korea?
CBS, the answer is yes.
Now they admit it, basically.
The Christmas Truce of 1914, pinhole of light among the Nightmare of Madness, interesting article by Tony Cartolucci.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
And DrugsReport.com has a ton of important articles as well.
George Bush Senior's been rushed to the hospital.
Jeb's email's been picked.
A hands-on governor.
Wealthy donors sided with Dems in midterms.
See that?
The elite, the rich people, that aren't free market but are insiders, sided with the Dems.
In fact, print me that article.
I had it but can't find it.
I want to cover that.
ISIS turning Christian churches into torture chambers.
Satanic display at Florida.
Capitol damaged.
Boy mutilated.
Sacrifice in witchcraft ceremony.
Seasons beatings.
Man burns down woman's home after Facebook rejection.
Talk about mental illness.
McDonald's drive-thru patron pulled gun over missing cheeseburger.
Couple attacks pizza delivery driver with broom.
Fires rifle.
Crazed woman in truck posing as a cop chases woman on highway.
Man hospitalized after chugging eggnog.
Office holiday party.
Bin Laden shooter under investigation for leaking secrets.
That's just to make him look like he's real.
Obama admin rushes 1,200 new regs just before New Year's, just like he signed NDAA.
Paper administration.
Green policies hurt blacks the most.
Yeah, they shut down industrial areas.
Use charging our brains.
I've already seen this in studies, but print it for me again.
This is now back out in a new study that cell phones actually up brain activity, but actually kill brain cells.
I know that's probably in the stag, but I can't find it.
Venezuela on the brink of financial collapse as prices plummet.
North Dakota population hits record on oil boom.
Homeowner told to take down zombie nativity scene.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season.
This is just breaking on InfoWars.com.
You can also go to NewsWars.com, it'll take you to InfoWars.
Google's YouTube set to offer the interview on Christmas.
Also run a limited number of theaters in the United States.
So see, they're now just testing a direct-to-internet film release to see how much casholo they can make.
Totally and completely a PSYOP test from my perspective.
Alright, we're taking your phone calls now ahead of Lionel joining us.
Here's the article I mentioned earlier.
I'm going to talk some about this with Lionel coming up.
Wealthy donors sided with Democrats in midterms.
And I've had Greg Pallast on before, who's a big investigative journalist and more of a Democrat, and he will tell you that the Koch brothers actually helped finance Clinton into office.
They just
Played both sides of the spectrum.
Democrats act like they are the ultimate secret thing behind anybody that doesn't want to turn their guns in.
And that I secretly get money from them.
I wish I did.
I would announce it.
I'd use the money to finance my operation.
It wouldn't change one thing I said.
If the head of Walmart gave me a billion dollars and said, do whatever you want, I'd take it and announce it.
I've never been given any outside money and I wish I was.
Sure know I'm sick of like every little nobody
You know, just claims that as a throwaway line to say, oh, Alex isn't good.
He's financed by the Koch brothers.
Meanwhile, because I was accused of that so much, I went and researched them and found out over the last 30 years, they've given more money to the Democrats than Republicans.
Look it up.
I mention that because it comes up in this.
For as often as Democrats attack the conservative billionaires, Charles and David Koch, for their heavy spending on politics, it's actually the liberal-minded who shelled out the most cash in the just-completed midterm elections.
They're not liberals.
They want big government to pick winners and losers and give them the government contracts.
At least that is among those groups that must disclose what they raise and spend.
Among the top 100 individual donors, the political groups, more than half primarily to Democrats or their allies.
Among groups that funnel more than 100,000 each to allies, the top of the list titled overwhelmingly towards Democrats, a group favoring the GOP doesn't appear until the list number 14.
The two biggest super PACs of 2014, Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC.
Both backing Democrats.
And it just goes on, yeah.
And all, almost all the big Republican donors.
And the Chamber of Commerce nationally gave money to Democrats over Republicans or Republicans over Tea Partiers.
Because, in fact, John Bowne has a report on it.
Let me just air this and I'll go to your calls.
Dealing with JPMorgan and others, if you look at the derivatives graphs, we show them, derivatives are bigger than they were six years ago in the last big crash.
And they just passed in the House and the Senate, in the spending bill, a new banker bailout called the Derivatives Protection Area that allows all the derivatives to be signed on to Alex Jones and you.
Oh, but I'm just supposed to hate cops and go out and shoot some.
That'll really fix things.
That's what the Democratic Party and the White House wants is a race war that'll be used to bring in tyranny instead of looking at who's screwing everyone over seven ways a Sunday.
So let's go to John Bowne's report on the Federal Reserve head and what their policies are and then right to your phone calls.
This first premiered last night on the 19 News, 7 o'clock central.
The top 1% own about 38% of the financial wealth of America.
Hit pause.
The bottom 60%.
That's Bernie Sanders, the socialist.
Back it up.
And what he says is true, except then he says socialism's the answer.
That top one-tenth of one percent, almost to a man, gives money to take my guns, raise my taxes, and get bank or bail out, you little... Sanders is so stupid.
The ultra-rich don't like middle class and new wealth.
They're the ones trying to extinct the competition.
Low taxes makes the poorest people rich, compared to other countries.
But again, Sanders... Go back to the beginning, I'm sorry.
Let's see if I can play it.
Here it is.
The top 1% own about 38% of the financial wealth of America.
The bottom 60% own 2.3%.
One family, the Walton family, is worth over $140 billion.
That's more wealth than the bottom 40% of the American people.
In recent years, we have seen a huge increase
In the number of millionaires and billionaires, while we continue to have the highest rate of childhood poverty in the industrialized world.
Now, a study which I've just introduced into the record by two professors from Princeton University, Professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Professor Benjamin Page, basically suggest
That while historically we have considered our society to be a capitalist democracy, we may now have entered into a phase where we are an oligarchic form of society.
Hit pause.
Back it up ten seconds.
And the oligarchs, through the big think tanks and through the big tax-free foundations, are financing socialism for the general public that they're exempt from, that is making us poorer, Sanders.
Do you understand that the ultra-rich are the ones financing this takeover?
No, no, his answer is more of what's gotten us into this.
He points at the people that have done this to us, and then says, let's do more of what they're actually pushing for.
He doesn't tell you that.
It's like Warren Buffett financing and underwriting ABC this week.
It says at the end of the show, when he underwrites it, underwritten by him, and he's on it saying, my secretary pays more than I. We need to pass these new laws so I pay more tax.
Meanwhile, he already wrote the loopholes where he doesn't pay any tax.
See the bait and switch they play?
Let's go back, because we are in an oligarchy now.
But it's an offshore oligarchy!
We have considered our society to be a capitalist democracy.
We may now have entered into a phase where we are an oligarchic form of society.
In your judgment, given the enormous power held by the billionaire class and their political representatives,
Are we still a capitalist democracy or have we gone over into an oligarchic form of society in which incredible economic and political power now rests with the billionaire class?
I don't know what to call our system or how to... I prefer not to give labels but there's no question that we've had a trend toward growing inequality.
I think the point that the professors are making...
And others have made is that there comes a point
Where the billionaire class has so much political power, at what point is that reversible?
It's an underground hideaway straight out of a Bond film.
200 feet deep, with walls of reinforced concrete 9 feet thick.
The survival complex has 12 stories of underground apartments and luxury facilities.
Each floor costing 3 million dollars.
A bad bet to think that the government's gonna be there to save you.
If oil prices were artificially inflated by the Fed, well, so were stock prices and real estate prices.
So all these bubbles are going to burst because of the same thing, which is the Fed withdrawing the stimulus.
Let's consider what happened during the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008.
That's the one that sparked the financial crisis, nearly melted down the economy, and triggered the bailout by the taxpayers.
The court proceedings took three years.
Clearly, not rapid or orderly.
But Lehman was tiny compared to today's biggest banks.
When it failed, Lehman had $639 billion in assets.
Today, JP Morgan has nearly $2.5 trillion in assets.
That's four times as big as Lehman was when it failed.
Lehman had 209 registered subsidiaries when it failed.
Morgan... I really almost couldn't believe this when I read it.
Morgan today has 3,391 subsidiaries.
That's more than 15 times the number of subsidiaries.
Let's hit pause.
And they gave, if memory serves, look it up, 43% more to Barack Obama than they did to Mitt Romney.
You can look that up.
You can look up.
Banks gave basically 2 to 1 to the Democrats in that election.
And in most others.
So, here is the creature.
Oh, I love the point!
Conning everyone.
Let's go back to it and your phone calls.
Given our recent experience with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, can you honestly say that JP Morgan could be resolved in a rapid and orderly fashion, as described in its plans, with no threats to the economy and no need for a taxpayer bailout?
In fact, the firms have now submitted a third round of plans.
I'm sorry, Chairman.
I'm just a little bit confused.
Morgan submitted a round of plans in 2012, and my understanding is that neither the Fed nor the FDIC said that those plans were not credible.
It then submitted plans in 2013, and neither the Fed nor the FDIC said they were not credible, and it has submitted plans in 2014.
The plans are designed not just to be reviewed by the Fed and the FDIC, but also to bring some kind of confidence to the marketplace and to the American taxpayer that in fact there really is a plan for doing something if one of these banks starts to implode.
You said that these plans run to the tens of thousands of pages.
All I can say is that what's been released to the public is
35 pages long.
That's about one page for every hundred subsidiaries that have to be dealt with.
I think that the plans that have been released by these companies have not been something that the public can look at and say, yeah, I see that they've got a plan to get through this.
People are talking about how falling oil prices are going to help the consumer.
Oil prices fell from $150 a barrel down to $32 a barrel in 2008.
That helped the consumer too.
But it didn't stop the financial crisis.
It didn't stop the Great Recession.
Do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address to our guests tonight.
To answer your question, we are absolutely slaves to central banks.
We'd love to be slaves to the economy, but the economic numbers continue to do nothing but trend lower.
Well, there you go.
That's a report by John Bowne, who's in there running the board right now.
Well, the reason I wanted him to do this report, and I'm glad he did, is they've passed another banker bailout for derivatives.
So that's their plan, is to rape you for their scams internationally, and to send trillions of dollars offshore.
So, there you go.
And you can bet your bottom dollar the Democrats, with the Republican leadership, are going to vote for it.
They know Tea Party Republicans don't vote for it, so they've all circled the wagons to kill the Tea Party.
And so all of you out there, when you end up having your pension fund taken, just remember you asked for it because you hated freedom.
You hated the Tea Party.
You hated low taxes.
You hated transparency.
You hated Ron Paul.
This is what you asked for.
This is what you get.
Steve, Tim, Nelson, Lee, Victor, we're going to all of you.
You're on the air from New York.
Steve, go ahead.
Greetings, Alex.
Greetings, brother.
What's on your mind?
Uh, calling from Albany Airport, and you must think I'm the only passenger in there.
I'm actually a pilot, and I'm waiting for a flight.
Anyway, I put on the Drudge website, and I'm seeing the first thing in big characters is, not again.
And I'm saying, OMG, I hope Drudge is not part of the mainstream media.
But there was a link, and I was not surprised to see that was a Wall Street Journal headline.
And this is the way the media is perpetrating all this.
And I need to go no further.
Perpetrating hostilities and dividing.
Not again with a exclamation mark.
Well, I mean, to be fair, the Drudge Report, InfoWars, whatever, is a mix of government documents, video clips, mainstream news, alternative news.
I mean, everybody's saying, not again, that we don't want a new Ferguson.
I mean, I think, I don't even know if the Wall Street Journal's hyping it.
It's been the Justice Department and others that have been hyping.
That it's an epidemic and that it's the cops' fault.
Certainly, there's some bad police out there.
I mean, I think that's who's really hyping it.
Are you saying that just linking to the new event is bad?
No, all I'm saying, I wish Drudge put that in quotes.
Because, you know, not again.
But I did go to the link and realize it wasn't Drudge.
I'm just saying, when the facts are in there, or...
Partial facts, anyway.
Why, why have a headline like that?
Not again.
Why not put suspect, uh, had, had gun?
And why have a headline like that?
No, I hear you.
Not again.
What else is on your mind?
Uh, concerning Sony, that was a no-brainer to me.
You and Dr. Michael Savage, I think, pinned it well before, uh, pretty much when it came out.
And I've been following Sony's, uh,
Uh, in the market, and they've been losing a lot of money.
A lot.
And that was no surprise to me.
That's right, they're tanking, and I guess this was some desperate stunt, but I think it's blown up in their face because nobody buys into it.
Yes, and I didn't buy into it when I first heard it because I've been keeping track of it with Sony for about four or five years.
And they're really eight feet under.
And it's a desperate move.
And this is what greed is.
Greed has no thin line.
Well, have a great Christmas, and I guess you're flying folks around for Christmas?
Uh, no.
Unfortunately, in the industry, cargo is more precious than passengers.
I'll give you the company acronym of the call letters, UPS.
So, I'll be working... Alright, well be safe and have a great Christmas.
God bless.
Let's talk to Tim in New Hampshire.
Go ahead, Tim.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
First time caller, long time listener, forever awake.
God bless you and your crew.
Merry Christmas.
It's my birthday.
This is a birthday present to me.
I got a call, I'm in with LaRouche PAC, and I got a call last night confirming that ex-President Bush, Dick Cheney, and President Obama were indicted on this torture deal.
Have you heard anything about it?
The word is over in Europe.
There may be some EU indictments, UN investigations.
I mean Cheney...
He thinks he's above the law, but Obama's been involved in it as well.
And then Henry Kissinger's afraid to fly around different parts of the world because there's indictments out for him.
And there should be, because it's like, hey, they're Al Qaeda.
No, they're not.
They torture people to get fake confessions.
Good guys don't torture.
We've already had big discussions about this.
And there is no rule of law.
If they break the law and don't get in trouble, then there is no law.
Just like Obama has opened the border outside of law.
Well, I also, unconfirmed, they told me that Egypt is seeking crimes...
Seeking criminal actions on Obama and his administration.
I mean, that came out in World Net Daily six, eight months ago.
Yeah, that's true.
They caught him shipping money out of Kenya with Obama's cousin, by the tens of millions, into radical jihads to launch the war.
You saw our media, Anderson Cooper, cheering on the Muslim Brotherhood, burning up churches and crucifying people, literally.
And then the military was able to stop it, and then arrested them, and now they're executing them.
Lionizing the Egyptian military, but Hazem Mubarak and that whole crew before were angels compared to the group.
And so it really shows how out of control and what revolutionaries the people running our country are.
I mean, Obama has been caught.
It's come out in their courts, the documents, financing the attempted overthrow of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.
But think about how wild that is.
Very interesting.
I think Sony is a false flag.
I don't think North Korea did it.
And I think the people need to stop allowing us to be divided with these assassinations of the police and everything.
By the way, we now have it, the interview now available on Google Play and YouTube, but they're charging, right?
Let's click on it and see if, yeah, it's customers.
Click on it, guys, on TV right now and we'll see, or on the internet right now, and let's see how much it costs.
Let's go to Google Play.
Yeah, let's put that out, because they announced just an hour ago that they were going to make it available.
The headline is, it's now available.
Let's get a screenshot of that and get it in Kurt Nemo's article.
God bless you.
All right, sir.
Appreciate your call.
Sorry if I sounded distracted.
They just put that on screen.
It's a very interactive radio show.
Lee in Georgia.
We skipped this network break.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, brother.
How are you?
Hope you're having a Merry Christmas here.
Ready to ring a new year here.
I have a couple of good, just quick questions for you.
What should one do in this next year to prepare ourselves for the new year?
What do you think should be prescribed for people like us to be safe in your world?
In the world we live in, it's so weird.
Man, all I know is we're safer by getting our heart right with God.
By not living outside our means and by reaching out to other people and trying to educate them because the ignorance of the mass of people is what allows the tyrants to operate and take control of society.
So every person that's aware of the magician's scams, that's aware of the hat tricks, that's aware that there's not really a rabbit in that hat, there's a trap door on the table,
That is what, as Thomas Jefferson said, a highly informed and armed and free citizenry is all that is needed to cure tyranny.
To paraphrase him, he said, if you have an educated, informed, motivated population that loves liberty, tyranny will vanish like phantoms at dawn.
I mean, if we have an informed public, none of this is
And that's really it.
Able to happen.
I mean, look, they can't stage false flags like they could because our people are watching everywhere worldwide.
And even when we don't have somebody that catches them, nobody buys it anymore.
I mean, the system has no credibility right now.
But they intended to get to that point that implode the old system to bring in an even greater tyranny.
We don't want to have a violent revolution.
That's their plan.
We want to have it be a peaceful transference of power.
And still, stuff won't be perfect.
But we won't be in this deep cycle of corruption right now.
Is there anything you can do to kind of positive reinforce, um, to do stuff to make people feel better?
Sure, sure.
I personally have noticed it gets people motivated to hear the truth.
Hey, your house is on fire, you better get out of it.
That's not fear mongering if it's happening.
I'll be quite frank, I don't control most of the ads on the network.
When you hear ads, it's something I endorse.
I hear ads that are like, the end of the world will happen at this date.
I mean, that makes me really mad, but...
Come here!
So there is stuff that goes along with this.
There's people that take advantage of our message.
Nothing's perfect.
But what I say, I really believe.
And to come out and say the Sony thing's fake, I don't think of that as fear-mongering.
I mean, it shows people, hey, they're coming to censor the web.
Let's not let them.
It's not fear-mongering if SOPA and CISPA, according to the inventor of the Internet and others, ends freedom of speech.
Just on these things though, would you agree that maybe, I mean it is like someone's uninitiated, they might actually become more fearful by listening to your show and I wouldn't want them to definitely steer in the wrong direction and you know to just be, you don't want people to be scared, right?
You want people to be awake.
Absolutely, but we're talking apples and oranges here.
There are undoubtedly mentally ill people that are already out there that are going to hear about me covering serious issues and get more upset.
That's not my problem.
Okay, I mean if a hurricane blows in and I tell people take shelter, I'm not fear-mongering.
If somebody runs to take shelter, falls down the stairs and breaks their neck, I did something moral and good saying a Category 5 hurricane setting, you might want to get to shelter or drive out of the area.
Somebody might have a car wreck driving down the road to get out of the, you know, Houston.
That's not my problem.
I do what's moral and just, justice be done, may the heavens fall.
They count on people not being scared of the New World Order, not being concerned about real threats, but scared of fake threats.
I say don't be scared of fake threats, be concerned about real threats, and make preparation to meet them.
And so, no, I'm not trying to scare people, but if someone isn't already seriously concerned, maybe call it scared, something's wrong with them.
I mean, one of the best bumper stickers ever said, if you're not upset, you ain't paying attention.
I mean,
What founded this country was not trusting government, keeping government small, trusting local, trying to be honored-based, and not that we were perfect.
Now it's all about flim-flam and glitz and the surface, the packaging, not... It's all about form over reality, packaging over bona fides.
And people get sold on, do what the mainstream media says, you'll have success.
In my experience, do what the mainstream media says, you won't have success.
And so, I'm just here doing what I do.
It's hard enough to cover every angle of this, and so that's what it comes down to.
But people should be scared they're coming after our guns.
They always say, don't be scared, we don't want your guns, as they try to take them.
So see, we're the antidote to that.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
If they want to call it fear porn, good, I'm trying to stop race riots.
I called it before it started!
As the year is coming to a close, we all pause to reflect on what's happened in the past year.
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I'm David Hall, founder of Diamond Gusset Jeans.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling and believes all this and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, great American hero.
Joe, Joe.
You don't work for Joe.
Joe got taken over.
The G.I.
Joe command base is run by Cobra.
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You want to be little boys?
Or do you want to really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bull****.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos!
It's run by Spectre!
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids.
They run the snuff films.
They run the drugs.
They run it all.
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Oh, thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for Chaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
They stage a terror attack using Spectre, using Cobra.
Go f*** yourself.
Who is COBRA?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group, wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
COBRA runs the Muslims.
COBRA runs the CIA.
COBRA runs it all.
COBRA is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America.
And Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
These people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Specter would say.
That's what Goldfinger would say.
Because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra of faith!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Cobra Leader.
You pathetic little worm!
How dare you call me Mr. Cobra!
Waging War on Corruption.
Waging War on Cobra.
When I first did one of those Cobra Commander pieces like five years ago, people were calling in and texting saying, the guy that did the Cobra voice is famous, he's dead, he did the voice of Starscream in all these movies, how'd you get him?
I'm not bragging, I'm just, I can do the dead ringer of it, that's, I'm doing the Cobra piece.
For folks that just joined us.
I can jam in a phone call but I'm not, I'm gonna have the callers, Victor,
And Richard, and Greg, and Nelson, and H.B., and others.
You'll get a chance to talk with constitutional lawyer Lionel, who is coming up and going to be joining us to talk about so much more.
He's up in New York.
His email, I was already wanting to get him on Friday, but he says, New York is insane.
If Alex wants to do an interview on the behind-the-scenes real dirt on New York, I'm available.
And he's with the biggest TV station there in New York.
I mean, every restaurant you're in, hotels, it's all on the channel that Lionel's on.
Talk show host as well.
By the way, Google Play, Google's involved.
The interview, now available on Google Play and YouTube Movies for $14.95.
You too can watch the interview.
Talk about a staged event.
Talk about a joke.
Talk about a scam.
We need to have Paul Watson's article on Drudge updated.
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You are listening to an Infowars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, we first broke here a few days ago that Alamo Draft House, a national chain based in Austin, was going to be airing the interview.
Within hours, it came out that, oh indeed, Sony was going to release it.
And now, this is off Mikhail Phelan's Droid phone that you notice is Sony, to show the integration of these propaganda outfits.
It's a Google Droid.
The interview is the front page when he turns his phone on.
Now for sale for about an hour, for $14.95, you can go watch it.
And you know, this is such exploitation, I don't mind advertising, but it's so staged, they now admit Sony leaked it all, North Korea wasn't involved, and it's all just meant to hype this movie, and they're gonna use it to still blame North Korea and pass a bunch of cyber security, SOPA and CISPA, that's gonna be used to hurt internet freedom, and they're trying to pass anti-piracy laws.
That really restrict free speech and the big chains are involved and Obama's out giving speeches.
We'll cue that up.
So we just bought it.
You can watch it right now.
And then this makes everybody talk about it on Christmas Eve as that final gift so that millions of people buy it and watch it tonight and tomorrow.
This is such a coup.
Biggest theater day is either Thanksgiving
Or Christmas Day.
Those two basically vie.
And this is now what's going on.
This is such exploitation.
I just wanted to show how you don't just get presidential alerts now on your Google phones with Obama propaganda.
Here's his phone back.
You now get Hollywood garbage and propaganda force fed to you in just a synergy of disinformation.
And I love how in the movie, Kim Jong-un is this tough bad guy they're fighting.
Kim Jong-un can hardly walk.
He's the epitome of weakness and tyranny.
And he's got all these sexy women and the rest of it.
I mean, the place doesn't even have automobiles that basically work.
It's a total joke.
And Kim Jong-un's firing nuclear missiles at different countries to sell the idea they're really a threat.
I mean, this is just disgusting brainwashing.
We're going to watch the film and do a quick review today.
One of the writers is on it right now on Christmas Eve.
Now joining us is former prosecutor, constitutional lawyer, Lionel is a legal analyst and commentator on New York's Heritage PIX11, pretty much the biggest station in New York.
He's an author, stand-up comic, former prosecutor and criminal defense lawyer as well as a talk radio host and podcasting pioneer.
Talkers Magazine voted him one of the heaviest hundred most important talk radio hosts.
Of all times, and he joins us, LionelMedia.com.
And I was wanting to get him on Friday, but I thought because of all the stuff happening in New York, he can give us the inside scoop, a full-spectrum analysis.
But before we go there,
What do you make of this multifaceted situation with the interview?
I mean, we've caught him inside job.
Obama gets to stand up and defend the First Amendment while he's attacking it domestically.
I mean, this thing is like a prism, or what I call a Rosetta Stone, to decode how the system works.
A very cynical ploy.
A great distraction.
That's my view.
Lionel, I don't know your view.
First, as a media analyst, give us your take on this.
Alex is brilliant!
Now, you're from Texas.
I'm a professional wrestling fan.
You're probably from the days of the Von Ericks.
Oh, yeah.
In wrestling, we use a term.
It's called a work.
It's an angle.
It's a fix.
This was classic.
Let me tell you what I found out this week.
I got a friend of mine, we all have friends like this, Alex, who say, what are you talking about?
You and your conspiracies and your false flags and you're a truther!
And you're some kind of a nutjob and everything you see.
I said, I'm not a truther!
You're crazy!
You and your inside false flag, you make me sick!
Okay, true story!
Same guy, Alex.
I should go blind if I'm making this up.
Same guy.
He says, you know what this is, don't you?
It's a false flag.
It's an inside job.
I said, what?
I said, are you saying this is a conspiracy theory?
You better believe it.
A false flag?
I said,
Wait a minute, so you recognize false flags?
You understand the calculus behind the conspiracy theory?
The false flag, the diversion, the ruse, the work?
You understand this?
You understood this concept the whole time?
But it doesn't happen to governments?
But Sony?
You think Sony is able to do it?
So Alex, we're on, and you hit on it, we're on the verge of bringing people into the camp, so to speak.
Sony is brilliant!
Number one, remember this.
Look who came out smelling like a rose.
George Clooney.
Limited Hangout.
Let's use all our terms.
Like WikiLeaks, like Assange.
They get to smear all the prima donna actors and directors they can't stand.
The good ones rise to the top.
They get to purge all the deadweight executives.
Promote a movie that nobody would have watched and Kim Jong-un and the country just got what?
12 computers?
He hacked them?
Alex, come on, buddy.
This is beautiful.
Kim Jong-un is saying, what is hack?
Have you ever seen the pictures of Kim sitting in his computer room?
Here's the best one.
They said the Internet is down.
In North Korea!
There's an internet in North Korea!
It's down!
There's 12 people!
But then it gets better because they get to try to pass cyber security laws, free speech laws, Obama gets to come out and defend free speech, but the Hollywood Reporter, Inside Job, they say, Sony, look at these terms, Fox News, Inside Job, and now I'm seeing terms in the news like, Sony pulled a false flag,
That's a great way you put it, though.
The public now gets the calculus of false flag that anybody in law enforcement or a prosecutor knows a lot of times crimes are inside jobs.
Why can't it be an inside job when it's government or a corporation?
And do you know what this does from now on, Alex?
For the first time in your illustrious career, from now on, when you're talking to somebody and they say,
I don't know, Alex, you know, you're asking me to disbelieve my government.
This is from somebody who doesn't know history.
You say, remember that Sony hack?
Well, that's oh, yes.
So what it does is it's like teaching a child.
You know, when you have kids and you teach them things like the wind and a pet dies and Santa and various things.
These are like little introductory legends and
And and allegories that allow you to understand the bigger picture.
Oh, Alex, it's it's beautiful.
But I got to tell you this much.
And also, you should also know something when you've got and for the first time.
Well, not too much.
I feel kind of sorry.
For Obama, who comes out here and he must be backstage saying, look, I played along with you guys for the longest time.
I gave you that hope and change, hopey business.
I don't know what the hell that was about.
And now you want me to go out and blame North Korea?
Come on, I've got some values here.
I played along with you people.
I did everything from bombing Yemen.
I did it.
I'm a good soldier.
Come on.
I'm almost out of school.
He's like, remember, Allison, when you were a senior in high school, the last two weeks when you said, watch him, he's going to teach us once out.
And he's going to come out and he say, well, our response to North Korea will be measured.
Because they didn't do anything!
Because it's a con!
It's a work!
It's a ruse!
It's a conspiracy!
Do you hear me?
It's a false flag!
And I guarantee you, Alex, if you have any despot who has a bad haircut,
Where's a Sergeant Pepper outfit like Qaddafi?
I mean, God forbid you look like Erdogan or somebody with a suit.
Or whose name we can pronounce?
No good.
We want Superman bad guys.
Mini-me bad guys.
We want Marvel comic bad guys.
They jump into this hook, line, and sinker like this impudent, gelding media who
I gotta calm down.
I want to talk about New York, though, before I have a heart attack.
Alex, you do this to me.
I love you, by the way.
Merry Christmas, my friend.
Before we get too crazy.
Keep rolling, man.
You're on fire, Lyle.
Oh, okay.
I'm sorry.
Whenever there's a pause, I'm thinking, did I do that for nothing?
It's powerful.
No, no.
I'm just sitting back and letting you talk, bro.
Okay, first things first.
I was talking today, by the way, special shout-out to my friend, Alex, before we get, you gotta get Dale Watson in the studio, my buddy, King Country Music, Dale Watson, Austin's Own, because you have more followers than you have, and let me just give you this right now, to, for this to be a, I can't even talk now, I've had a minor stroke, a pain, a panegyric to you.
When it comes to New York, when it comes to talking about police officer shootings, when you talk about Sony, you have to go to media that is, I don't want to be profane, but is gutsy.
There's an expression, something to the wall that is flamethrowing.
You got to go to a medium that isn't afraid.
I'm in New York now.
And we have lost our minds.
I have a new petition I would like to announce on air.
I don't know if you're going to move on or where the hell you go for this, but I want to switch our mayor with the mayor of Berkeley.
We have a mayor who is not ready for primetime.
Alex, we have a mayor who literally
He actually has no idea, Bill de Blasio, of what the hell he's supposed to do as a mayor.
He's almost like Chauncey Gardner.
He's almost like being there.
I don't know what he's about.
Let me tell you the latest.
We had two officers!
Hold on, don't tell me the latest, Lionel.
I don't want to interrupt you with the break.
We're going to go to break in 30 seconds.
We're going to come back, and I want to look as a former prosecutor, former defense attorney, a media analyst, and a New Yorker up there.
What's the inside scoop?
What do you think's behind the whole situation?
Lionel of PIX11 New York, syndicated radio host.
Talker's Top 100 joining us.
He was going to be on Friday, but we got him on today because so much is breaking.
It's all coming up.
LionelMedia.com is his website.
I'm Alex Jones at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Follow me on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
And your calls are coming up.
Victor and others, stay with us.
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I had the opportunity last evening to review the video of the incident.
And what I saw in this incident is not what people portray.
This is not a policeman in the city of Berkeley half-cocked going out
And as we say, Black Lives Matter.
This was not the case.
You couldn't even compare this with Ferguson or the Gardner case in New York.
The Gardner case in New York, they had the video.
Ferguson, they did not.
We have the video.
And I can assure you that what's on the video
Is what we're going to use.
The City of Berkeley will be doing the investigation, along with the St.
Louis, in parallel with the St.
Louis County.
And our overall goal is to project the truth to the residents.
We reviewed the video and it appears that, that, that, that, that.
There was a gun pointed at the officer before the officer fired.
But we got to complete our investigation before we take a position.
Everybody don't die the same.
Some people die because the policeman initiated.
Some other people die... Wait a minute, hold up.
That's the mayor of Berkeley there.
We got cut off by break.
LionelLionelMedia.com is our guest.
And we're looking at this attempt to... Well, Lionel, what do you think's behind all the hype with this?
You're in New York.
Where do you see all this going?
Well, first of all, there are so many issues.
I want to say just one more thing about the Sony hack before we move over.
Alex, the legal implications of this are amazing.
Just very quickly, if you have a private corporation, a company, if you will, that knowingly involved itself, allegedly, with the deliberate hacking of information to give the impression that there was an international incident,
To give the impression that another foreign power that is an enemy of the state with nuclear weapons?
If you know that, if a company knows that, and allow that to happen, not to mention the monetary loss to all the theaters.
In the meantime, Alex, this is a legal significance of monumental proportion that has no precedent.
That being said, what's happening in New York, very quickly, is you have these two officers who were killed.
This is officers Lew and Ramos.
They were sitting by doing nothing.
A lunatic, a lunatic acting on his own, Alex.
A lunatic who had a history of mental illness problems, which is another topic for our concern in the criminal justice system.
But a lunatic, a criminal, a insane person who shot his girlfriend, not because of Bill de Blasio, the mayor, not because of Al Sharpton, not because of the liberal media, not because of anything other than himself.
And what we're doing here and what you're seeing in New York is people trying to apply this casuistic, specious connection as to who was responsible for this.
Alex, we have come to the point in this country where people don't recognize that they are responsible for their own behaviors.
If somebody goes out and does something horrible, and they happen to say in passing, I listen to Alex Jones, I listen to Ozzy Osbourne, I read the Bible, I watch cartoons, that is correlation versus cause.
There is no causative reason for this to occur.
And what's happening, we're also seeing in New York, regarding Eric Garner, the man who was killed, tragically, he was not
Killed by the police!
He wasn't choked, he wasn't killed, he resisted arrest!
And thank God for this Mayra Berkeley because Alex, what's happening is that...
There is no ability in this country anymore to critically think.
There used to be a guy on Ed Sullivan years ago, this guy with a stick who would spin plates, a bunch of plates.
He had six, seven plates going at the same time.
We have multiple issues.
And because of this lack of critical thinking in this country, because of this paucity, this dirt of basic mentation, we can't segregate
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I want to go in a bunch of different directions with Lionel, our guest, Lionel Media.
I've got other articles here.
Smartphone use changing our brains, BBC.
A new article in Infowars.com, Feds preparing for new surge of illegal use.
Preparations coincide with dismissal of Sheriff Arpaio's amnesty lawsuit.
But going back and talking to Lionel, I get, as a former prosecutor or whatever, you go off the law.
And they could argue the law is any... I've seen cops beating people with billy clubs and they raise their arm to block the blow and they call it resisting.
And Ida Shane Garner had been arrested a bunch for, you know, selling cigarettes on the street or whatever.
He was the father of six.
But they do start choking him and then when they say put your arm behind your back, well they've got him in a pin hold and they use an illegal choke hold.
So I think, I don't think they intended to kill him, I don't think it was premeditated, but I know how people watching that get extremely upset by it.
No, Alex, absolutely, because first of all, if I were to represent the Officer Pantaleo in this, I'd put the medical examiner on and say, tell me the cause of death.
Did Officer Pantaleo do it?
Was it a choke hold?
Well, it wasn't a choke hold.
It wasn't a carotid restraint.
It looked like it.
It was a badly applied something or other.
No, no.
That's right.
Let me tell you something.
That video, we're not for that video.
But Alex, that's not the case.
That's not the issue.
We have right now a number of people who are out there
Showing a disdain and an anger and a disgust with police abuses.
And you, I believe, and I are right there with you.
Alex, we have been talking about the hyper militarization of the police for years before it was cool.
We talked about 1033 programs.
We talked about the fact that Sheriff Andy became Robocop.
We talked about and you did it first.
And I heard this to your credit, Alex.
Another example where I'm thinking,
I don't think Alex is on the money with this.
Because one day, I'll never forget, you said, we have a story here of a number of police departments that released or actually deemed people unfit to serve because their IQ scores were too high.
And I said, well, I think Alex finally got a bad source.
Sure enough,
So we live in a country where we are having this systematic, almost systemic militarization of the police.
We're there for that.
We also, Alex, believe in the First Amendment.
And we believe that people have the right to do it.
However, and we also go, I don't want to speak for you, but there is racism.
There has been racism.
But what I've just provided to you, Alex, are three somewhat nuanced arguments that are not necessarily connected.
They're different!
And once the meme starts in this country, once the hashtag is begun, once the I can't breathe, Black Lives Matter, we're off and running!
The hell with the facts!
I don't care what he did!
Eric Garner resisted arrest!
That got the ball rolling!
The proximate cause, the initial impetus, the momentum.
Alex, you know better than anybody.
You have been out there in every conceivable protest and rally.
And when the cops come to you, you know the rules.
And you may say, I'm going to win in court.
I have a First Amendment right.
But you're not an idiot!
There's an old expression, you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.
Eric Garner, and we always have to say this.
It was a tragedy that he died.
He doesn't deserve... I know that!
We all know that!
But here was a guy on Staten Island, Richmond County, where a number of store owners called the cops and said, He's back!
Get him out of here!
We're taxpayers!
He's back!
What are you supposed to do as a police officer?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Well, in the scheme of things, selling loosies is really not a big deal.
Excuse me!
That's the law!
Get him out of here!
Now, I'm not saying that anything other than, would people please, when you have these talks with your sons, whether they're African American or what, say that, yes son, we understand, sometimes it's police, but don't resist arrest!
Don't mouth off!
Let me tell you what happened here in New York.
We had, after Eric Garner, our Mayor de Blasio, who was married to an African American who has mixed racial kids, which is fine, he's, after he gave his speech as the administrator of a multi-billion dollar corporation called the City of New York, after he spoke as mayor, not as a progressive, not as somebody who vacations and honeymoons in Cuba, not as, no, no, no, you're a mayor!
After he did it, he said, and by the way,
And I thought, oh God, here we go.
By the way, he kind of gave the Obama, you know, I see the Eric Garner's.
I see myself.
I see my son.
And I've had conversations with my son and the police went berserk.
What are you doing?
You're, in essence, understanding, you're calling for calm, doing your thing, but you're tacitly, Alex, countenancing, understanding, giving heft and weight and carte blanche to those individuals who might do something stupid.
Now, even though that was excessive,
That did not inspire this lunatic involvement.
The media hyping cops being shot, that will cause mentally ill people.
You can't say it's the media's fault in court.
You couldn't convict them, from my lay understanding, but you can sit back and make the judgment that they're fanning the flames.
Alex, you know what you and I are doing right now?
Fanning the flames.
You know what George Washington did?
He fanned the flame.
Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, fanned the flame.
Because if you don't fan the flame, then we're talking pablum.
And that's the way it goes.
Because there's an old idea between correlation and cause.
You've heard this all the time.
People use this idea that marijuana is a gateway drug.
That marijuana causes heroin addiction.
Let me tell you what you also have here.
I want all of your viewers and listeners to pay attention to this.
We have something that we're going to have the advent of a media superstar.
His name is Pat Lynch.
Pat Lynch is the union head of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association.
By the way, on my website at lionelmedia.com, there is a link of how you can donate, if you want, to the New York City Widows and Children's Fund to help the family members, because if you want to donate at Christmas time, help the family members who are left behind!
That being said,
Pat Lynch, when he heard this, he went berserk, meaning de Blasio's statement about his son.
So what he did was, he instructed all of his officers, if they wanted, they could download a form, this is before this tragedy, that said, I do not want the Speaker of the City Council and I do not want the Mayor at my funeral in the event I'm killed in the line of duty.
How awfully pythonic and vatic that was impression, sadly.
Lo and behold, we have this.
And when the officer, when de Blasio walked in to check on him, the police turned their back.
He also was late in going to try to give his sympathies to the family.
Governor Cuomo came in.
Alex, what I want you to pay attention to
Because we're already talking about this.
They're talking about New York going back to the days of the 70s.
And as you know, there is a feel that people get.
Bad guys on the street, a feeling of kind of who's in charge, what's going on.
Because there is a balance, Alex, a balance between police doing their jobs.
And let me just say something also.
You mentioned the arrest.
You know, Alex, arrest is like childbirth.
Many people have never seen a childbirth, but they know it's done and they think it's beautiful.
And then they see it for the first time up close and personal and they say, this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.
I don't want to have a part of it.
Well, the same thing goes for arrests.
There are 316.1 million Americans in this country.
And none of them killed any cops in response to this, except for this one lone lunatic.
So police officers, there's like 45, 48,000 in New York at the 82nd Airborne.
It's huge!
There is this group of people that have to exert power, but they can't go over the line.
They can't be Mealy Mouth.
They can't sing Kumbaya.
They can't look like Gandhi, but they can't be militarized goons either.
We understand that.
Then you have people
Who Alex, enjoy the spirit of the movement.
They don't care the facts of the case.
They don't care about whether Eric Garner had anything to do to contribute to his own tragic death.
Because the meme is going.
We've got hashtags.
We've got Skittles.
Remember that?
Trayvon Martin?
Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman!
We better!
We've got our meme going.
We've got the meme, we've got the posters, we've got our Instagrams, and by God, you're not going to deprive us of our movement.
Well, that's what I wanted to get to here, Lionel, your take on why the White House, why the media, why MSNBC is fanning racial division.
And I think it's pretty clear it's all they've got.
Black unemployment's doubled under Obama.
Alex, I don't think, I don't disagree with you, but I don't think this is an American racial citizen
We don't have gripes with each other.
It's the police, right or wrong, and factions of the African American community or people of color or poor, whatever that is.
I wish they'd stop saying, we get along fine.
Don't confuse
That, with everyday interplay.
And don't automatically jump with this Pateller-Pavlovian reflex that whenever you see somebody who is black involved, that it's race.
Eric Garner, the man who died on Staten Island, was not killed because he's black!
Michael Brown was not killed because he's black.
Akai Gurley, a young man who was killed in the stairwell of his apartment, who was shot because it was dark, maybe by accident, was not killed because he was black.
Kelly Thomas, horrible homeless schizophrenic man, Fullerton, was not killed because he was white.
Would you stop this thing that people are killing?
By the way, there's a movie out now, Selma, which I commend to you.
Look at what happened.
You want to see racism?
You want to see Bull Connor?
You want to see the Edmund Pettus Bridge?
That's it.
I hear you.
Let's shift gears out of this and talk about some of the inside stuff you said that's happening in New York City.
Because clearly, for whatever reason, the media is hyping this as a political diversion.
It's growing.
Even when cops shoot somebody on video who's aiming a gun at them down in Missouri, it's becoming another big issue and people riot.
What's underlying that I think overall is economic decay, kind of a sense of hopelessness by some, and almost a trial of passage to go out and fight with the police.
The police is becoming a trial of passage to become militarized, and there's a sense with the derivatives and the rest of it that a collapse is coming.
I want to go to Victor and HB and Richard and Greg and Nelson here in a moment, but specifically other stuff that you see going on in New York.
Two things.
Number one, by the way, the 2017 New York Mayor's race is already underway.
I mean, they're doing the B-roll.
I predict that a version of the 3 o'clock call, what happens if you get that 3 a.m.
call, is going to be, what happens if a police officer is killed on your watch?
What will your next mayor say?
The second thing is, when Mayor Bill de Blasio was elected, on the dais, you saw Bill and Hillary Clinton, because Alex, he showed to a lot of people, not just in New York, but the voice of the progressive, of a new faction, a new arm, a new wing of the Democratic-Liberal Party, and all eyes were on him.
They were talking about him in 2016.
I mean, he was the dandy.
That is over.
As he has these moments of silence, I submit, he has moments of silence for the death knell of his political career.
That's number one.
Number two, Al Sharpton.
Alex, in the city of New York, Al Sharpton has provided a meme, a patella reflex.
If you say Al Sharpton, they say Tawana Brawley.
Like, you cannot believe.
People who don't even know who Tawana Brawley is, they just say this.
For years, people have been saying, how does he do it?
I think he's a genius, like the royal family's a genius, for cunning the people of Britain to pay for these inbred, but that's a different story.
So people are wondering, how is it?
What is it?
Al Sharpton meeting with the attorney, with the attorney general of this country, picking, handpicking, will help selecting the new U.S.
attorney here in New York.
Meeting with the mayor.
Imagine this.
There's this picture in New York News of Al Sharpton sitting with Bill de Blasio, the mayor, and Bill Bratton, the commissioner.
And there's Al Sharpton!
National TV show.
Four and a half million dollars in back taxes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
What is it?
Now, I call this the Bill Cosby moment.
Bill Cosby had these allegations for 45 plus years and all of a sudden, it changed.
Something happened.
Hannibal Buress.
Don't know why.
Who cares?
The momentum switched.
You are not going to be seeing Al Sharpton at the White House.
You are not going to be seeing him in the Gracie Mansion or in City Hall.
Different political trajectories in New York have just gone by the boards.
Mayor de Blasio and Al Sharpton.
You are going to see a complete and total re-fabrication of that.
Mayor de Blasio is doomed.
You're not going to be seeing.
This will forever be his centerpiece and Al Sharpton finally because
Even though Alex, he has never said or advocated violence.
And even though other people around him said one dead cop, you can't be responsible for sometimes the momentum.
But it doesn't matter because in the city of New York.
People look at those two as being responsible.
Add to this vector in this, remember this name, Pat Lynch, who was the Patrolman of the Union, who is even more, now more vocal, saying that de Blasio and Al Jarbin have blood on their hands.
That meme, that idea,
Was so powerful.
Right now, people are realigning.
Because up till now, there's a new sheriff in town, so to speak.
A new directory, a new vector, a new trajectory, a new something.
Because everything's changing.
And you're seeing power vacuum.
Let's go to some calls here.
These calls will be all over the map.
Thank you, Victor, for holding.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Lionel and Mr. Jones.
It's really good to talk to both of you guys.
Good morning.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you.
I think it's absolutely insane what's going on with the whole racism thing.
I just can't really comprehend the mindset of the majority of people and how they sort of
Can literally like hop and jump so quickly to something like that.
It just shows you how far people have their heads.
Well, in this culture, the system's tried to dumb things down.
Ford, Chevy, Coke, Pepsi.
And so they want us to either be on one side or the other of whatever paradigm the system puts out, instead of judging each case as it comes.
I mean, it's tribal thinking, or it's groupthink.
It's mob psychology, isn't it, Lionel?
And the media.
Look at the way they portray Cuba.
I'm a native Floridian.
Nobody's talking.
They're making Raul Castro and Fidel Castro to be two romanticized Marxists, these revolutionaries.
And they're talking about old Chevys and cigars.
That's their take on Cuba?
Hold on, I'm going to get your take on Cuba briefly.
We're also going to go to Nelson and then Richard and others.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas.
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I'll be honest, I have mixed feelings about Cuba.
I've studied it quite a bit.
Never really lived in Florida, though, to experience it firsthand.
Been to Florida a lot.
So I'm not even going to really comment too deeply on it because a short comment doesn't really say what I truly think.
It's mixed feelings.
I'd like to be able to go to Cuba and see it.
I know that an embargo just keeps the regime in power and that
Westernization might actually undermine it.
A lot of research shows that.
But to lionize or even to make Che Guevara cute.
I mean, I read one of the books he wrote.
At least I did the cheat sheet, went to the subpage to see it for myself where he called Hispanics subhuman, dumb little cockroaches, things like that.
So many communists are so elitist.
He saw himself as Spanish.
And then you see all these, you know, folks wearing the Che Guevara shirts like it's sexy when he really was a mass murderer.
And Fidel Castro and Raul and the hundreds of thousands they've killed and the millions they've tortured.
And then how they romanticize it.
But at the same time, I know the West has got its own forms of corruption.
And a bunch of mafias are mad that their island was taken from them, so they want to keep that beef going.
What's your brief take, summing up the Cuba situation?
Because, yeah, when they make it about old 57 Chevys because they can't manufacture cars like North Korea, or they make it about cigars or scuba diving, how great it would be, it's really brushing over a lot of important history.
Alex, what you just said right now is so terrific.
You nuanced.
You know what you just did?
You said, this is what I'm saying.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
All I'm saying was that, very simply,
Ask one question.
What about the reparations of all the Cubans who had their property and their businesses and their land seized after the revolution?
Is that coming up?
We talk about reparations for everybody else, which is a good idea, but if the Jones family lives in Havana or San Fuegos or wherever, and all of a sudden that's gone, it's been in your family from day one, is there any talk about that?
Let me just say, Alex, there's not enough time to go through it, but your nuance and the lionization of Che as some kind of semiotic darling, you know, is another story.
Let me throw one more thing at you about New York before I forget.
We've got to be careful also about, we've got to, at one time, understand there are conspiracies.
There are indeed false flags.
There are indeed.
But don't need your, you have another group of people in New York.
Yeah, I don't think the cops getting killed was a false flag.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
But I mean the false flags jump out at you.
I'm not going to get into all the points.
You learn how to recognize them.
And I just don't see any evidence of that.
Let's go to, people get mad at me for saying that.
I just tell people what I think.
Maybe I'm not right.
Nelson in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
I agree.
Yeah, we need an informed public, and Lionel hit the nail on the head on how to do that with his buddy Dale Watson up there.
Every city's got their favorite musicians that have a huge following, and if we do Farm Aid, Y2K, we hit it, and everybody pushes this.
Mike Adams, Oath Keepers, Ben Swan, Max Keiser, Carol Celente, and you, Alex, and Russell Brand host this, and we host this in every town.
And we do this as a parade, not protest.
We need to have parades.
We do it a three-day event.
We get everybody there, everybody takes us, comes to the door.
Like American Rebirth parades.
The problem is, it can be like a movement like the Tea Party.
It's hard to get organizations and people to work together in the schedules.
But that is certainly a good idea, to make freedom a celebration, not a war in the streets, a velvet revolution.
Great point.
Glad you held to say that.
Anything else, Nelson?
Yeah, if we get everybody involved, we got the truckers, we got bikers, Overpass.org, I mean, we got everybody's working together.
We just all need to coordinate.
If we coordinate our efforts, it'll be easy.
We call, we the people, we all be carrying the same sign.
We the people.
I know, but you have to understand, trying to coordinate something also makes it easy to chop the head off, and it gets to, believe me, I've tried it.
We did enough overpass type deals or whatever, then it congeals towards more centralization, not centralization the other way.
But we're going to go to some overdrive here.
If Lionel can do five more minutes to talk to Richard and Greg and a few others.
I'm going to come back and jam in a few more calls.
Seventy seconds.
Merry Christmas.
God bless you all.
Be safe.
Thanks to all our affiliates and sponsors and listeners and for your prayers and the good Lord above.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Again, great job for the crew so far in 2014.
We've got a retransmission tomorrow.
I'm going to tape some stuff, especially for the show.
Hi Lionel and Alex.
I used to be a former leftist and when I woke up I sort of saw that everything was being balkanized on the left with this political correctness instead of actually looking at the minutia of what's going on.
What do you think that this has done to the political atmosphere?
I think it's dumbed it down and supercharged it.
I mean, the so-called left had a lot of good ideas in the 60s and was trying to reform things.
But now, it's just the dominant party, and that's why it's so corrupt.
But they work with the Republican leadership as well.
I mean, what do you say to the political atmosphere, Lionel?
Let me also say something that you brought up before.
Understanding that while you and I, and I can speak for me, but I think you and I, Alex, are very, very careful not to misapply.
We don't want a false positive when it comes to conspiracies and false flags and inside jobs.
That's not part of our Patel or Pavlovian reflex.
Sometimes society shows that there are inadvertent beneficiaries.
And whenever there is a breakdown of order, a destabilization, whether in a country or internally, domestically, the ruling class always benefits.
So even though
Nobody suggests a direct hand, or there's no evidence of it, of these two officers being deliberately killed.
That does not mean that people are the inadvertent beneficiaries.
It means you don't let a good crisis go to waste.
Rahm Emanuel.
That's right.
Richard, great points.
Greg in New Jersey.
Merry Christmas.
Go ahead.
Oh my gosh, you said Merry Christmas?
I know!
I'm gonna be sent to a thought crime facility.
That's right.
Hey, and Lionel, here's a phrase from back in the day.
Lock and load, Lionel.
Yes, sir!
Lock and load to you, my friend.
Well, you know, people say, what can I do?
What can I do?
I'm powerless.
Folks, you got to get involved.
You got to take that extra hour out of your life and go either try and volunteer, get involved with, you know, go downtown to your town council meeting.
Um, I was fortunate enough.
I know I got, let me interrupt you for just a minute.
A photo has now come in of Kim Jong-un hacking the United States.
I'm joking.
I mean, the computer looks like something from the fifties.
Go ahead.
What can I do?
What can I do?
It's like, you just gotta take that one hour.
You can just take one hour of your life.
And get involved and do something.
Go to that town council meeting and get involved and do a little research on a topic that, you know, that means something to you.
You know, I got elected to my borough council several years ago.
Great job!
Yeah, thank you.
And I do it and I enjoy it, but also I try to educate people.
Our town doesn't have fluoride in the water and there never will have fluoride put in the water.
Things like that.
Stuff with the Common Core, the data mining.
I went to different groups and explained to them that your children's data is being accessed and distributed to different government agencies without your consent and knowledge.
Do you know that?
And people didn't understand.
They didn't understand at first.
They said, would you want somebody accessing your credit card?
And then they get it.
When you want to get people involved, you've got to put it in terms that make sense to them.
Greg, I want to get you on as a city council member guest.
Give us your full name and info.
You sound like a really well-spoken guy.
I love the way you do it.
You don't beat them over the head like I do, and a different structure for folks.
You say, did you know, did you know, and did you know?
That's one of the most effective ways.
I want to get you on as a guest.
We'll get your full name and number and info if you want to come on sometime for 30 minutes of the nightly news or something.
Lionel, have a great holiday, a great Christmas.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Sorry to HB, Anthony, and Adam.
If you call back and tell us Friday or Sunday, I'll put you ahead of the line.
I'm going to take tomorrow off and hang out with the family.
God bless you all.
And pretty soon it'll be 2015.
That's incredible.