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Filename: 20141203_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 3, 2014
2531 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum, has been on the cutting edge of warning of the globalist plan to implode our borders and open up our sovereignty to the rest of the world, particularly Latin America.
We'll be joining us again in the second hour.
Today, I say again because she was on a month ago or so, we said that we would have her back on the eve of Obama's promised executive action that the Republicans are already caving on.
That's what Senator Sessions is saying, and that is what Boehner is announcing.
Oh, we don't want a government shutdown.
We promised that.
Remember when they had their, quote, landslide a few weeks ago?
The biggest political realignment in over 100 years in this country.
They said two things.
Boehner and McConnell sent the signal that night and then that morning.
That Tuesday night and that Wednesday morning.
They both said that we're not going to repeal Obamacare, and that we can't repeal Obamacare to take wind out of the sails.
And they went on to say, and we're not going to shut the government down over immigration reform, which is really just the end of the country, merging us into the North American Union.
Constitutional crisis should be the headline across the country.
The end of the United States, the birth of the North American Third World Union.
Those aren't talking points, that's reality.
Only in the mainline libertarian conservative movement, Krauthammer, Paul, a handful of others are saying this is treasonous, this is illegal, impeach, cut off funding.
Senator Sessions is saying the same thing.
Walter Jones is saying it.
But I mean, that is a handful.
This is outrageous!
And it's being done.
And Mexico and Guatemala are thanking Obama, who arrogantly last week said, hey, don't heckle me.
Protesters, you know, from Mexico that want... I mean, there's never going to be enough.
I already changed the law.
See, before he even did an executive order, Obama said, I changed the law.
Back in January, the Border Patrol told us, and it even took InfoWars five months to get up off our big fat butts.
I'm talking about me.
We have our ICE and Border Patrol contacts, and they go, listen, come down to this area.
We're ordered to just let them in.
That's all we can tell you.
Just come down to McAllen, come down to Brownsville, come down to these points, and you're going to see something.
Because they can't even tell you, or they're going to violate their, you know, quote, orders.
They can just say, you might want to come look here.
Well, we finally went down there and there were the buses coming across every hour being loaded onto US buses with the Border Patrol fencing the money through the local emergency managers who we interviewed to give them the federal vouchers to go anywhere they wanted.
Men, women, children, you name it.
And to take them to Baptist, Catholic, you name it, churches as staging grounds for three hots and a cut.
I mean, this is a planned program.
As one senior Border Patrol agent said, we can't tell you what the orders are because we've been ordered not to, but the Border Patrol now completes the smuggling process.
Do you understand?
This is the full-on, conquering takedown of the Republic.
And Obama wouldn't be pulling something this ultra-bold.
If he didn't have backing by the big banks and by the Chamber of Commerce and by the Republican Blue Blood leadership.
And now you're seeing it right in your face.
And by the way, when they're done opening the border up and they think they've got a veto vote on the American people, they're going to start the bail-ins and start taking money out of your bank accounts.
They're going to federalize your pension funds and take part of it, one piece at a time.
Death panels, whole nine yards.
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I'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own.
I've also directed Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Holder to identify additional actions my administration can take on our own, within my existing legal authorities,
To do what Congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
That's right, you're globalist.
You like to conquer countries through financial fraud.
But you can't get the House and Senate and the states to do exactly what you want.
Well, just change the law by executive fiat.
And claim that it's within your authority.
But then when legal scholars across the board point out it's illegal, say, well, I didn't really mean I changed the law when I said that.
Just like he didn't mean it when he said, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
First he said, I never said that.
And then they found over a hundred instances of him saying it in speeches.
So he meant, well, I didn't mean you could keep your doctor.
But first he said, I never said that.
Then he said, oh, uh, well, I didn't mean that.
By the way, Hillary Clinton went to give a speech and the hall was half empty, and she's still the frontrunner for the Democrats and is set to announce very soon.
There's reports out on that today, and people say, well, there's no way she'll get elected.
She's incredibly unpopular.
Well, they run the Democratic Party Mafia, and they're tied into the blue-blood Republican neocon Bush Mafia.
And so, expect her to be in the running, and even though the public is leaning towards electing a Republican, it won't matter if it's a Chris Christie, open borders, anti-gun type person.
In fact, Hillary might even be better, because at least she's universally reviled in libertarian and conservative circles, so it wouldn't take long to organize a defense against her.
That's why I don't think they're going to put Hillary in in 2016.
They're going to put forward a neocon rhino piece of garbage.
And we're seeing those traitors in action right now.
The magnitude of what's happening should not be lost on anyone.
Obama threw executive secret actions in January.
Ordered the Border Patrol to basically let anybody and everybody in and to give them vouchers to bus illegals into Democratic Party held areas to be kept at government buildings, public school facilities, and churches, and then to be distributed upwards of $2,000 plus a month per illegal.
That Democratic Party operatives house in their homes in groups of three between six and eight thousand dollars cash.
Billions being spent a month.
What's your job if you're a Democrat?
You house three illegals.
You help them get a house, the banks help them, they become an anchor point, then they bring in the next wave.
And they're cult-like followers of the Democratic Party.
Pretty close to game over.
And game over means the big mega banks, Google and others that lobby to take your guns, that lobby to raise your taxes, and that lobby to pay zero tax, they're going to break us and break us hard.
And that's what Homeland Security's for.
Make no mistake.
So you want to get broken?
Get ready.
This is the conquering of what's left of the American Republic.
And I'm getting chills this whole morning.
As it really comes home that it's really happening.
And I had some pathetic inkling, some pathetic wisp of a hope, of a dream, that the Tea Party revolution would have scared the Blue Bloods, Boehner and others, into doing the right thing and at least putting a tourniquet on the country's leg that's chopped off and mangled.
Instead they're going over with a hacksaw to cut the other one off and untie the tourniquet to put us into a giant third world North American Union where we have absolutely no rights.
In the North American Union documents that we've read on air, that I cover in my film Endgame, they state that they will use open borders to bring in the North American Union and to defeat any political opposition to the one world government global governance agenda.
And a lot of yuppies and hippies and people that just comply with everything don't understand that the season of fattening us up is about to be over.
The season of all the fiat money and the rest of it is about to be over.
That was anesthesia while they basically chopped us up.
But now our arms and legs are gone.
They're about to take the anesthesia off and finish us.
You understand that, folks?
This is so real.
This is so planned.
This is so totalitarian.
It's wicked.
And they spin it by calling it immigration reform.
And as I've said, you can throw your dog, if you want, into a wood chipper and call it reform, but it's really chopping it up in little pieces.
You could go jump in a big wood chipper and tell everybody, hey, I'm about to reform myself, as if that's a good word.
This is the mind games they play.
The discrimination of giving illegals in-state tuition, giving them free babies to be born, anchor babies, giving them free basically everything.
When citizens don't get that, on average, and when people that try to come here legally and lawfully have to jump through a bunch of hoops, it's despicable.
And then to make it a racial issue if you don't accept whatever the system says, but the public rebels against that.
Even a majority of Hispanics in major polls that are US citizens don't want open borders.
They're not stupid.
Folks that came here from the third world don't want us to be third world.
That's why they left it.
But now they are hand-picking out of Central America.
Because Mexico tends to be more libertarian and more conservative.
In the voting patterns, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador?
Baby, they wear red caps and they give the communist salute.
Che Guevara.
Does it matter if Che Guevara called natives every racist name in the book?
Do you know how racist Latin America is with the white-skinned ruling class that looks like Vicente Fox?
Looks like Che Guevara.
You know what happens in Mexico if you look like Che Guevara?
The women just run at you.
Just, boom.
That's who they want to breed with.
It's total racism, ladies and gentlemen.
Che Guevara wrote books calling Mexicans, and everybody else, cockroaches and things.
But they love him!
See how that works, ladies and gentlemen?
See, I happen to be informed.
I happen to know how all this works.
I happen to know the real dynamics of the anthropology, the sociology, the economics of these areas.
I've been there.
I've studied it.
I know.
And then they sit here using the Christian abolitionist idea, mutating it into a Democratic Party white guilt.
To make that the only issue to tie their gun control to, to tie their open borders to, to tie their executive action to.
To create division in the nation so that the general public, guilty whites and minorities,
Bleeding heart, self-hating whites will do whatever they're told so that the magic wand of political correctness can be waved above their head and be told, you are correct.
You are part of the good group.
You are absolved of your sin, my son.
That's what all this diversity training and the rest of it is, is go and confess your classism, confess your racism, confess your bad.
It's a giant re-education camp.
Everyday articles come across my desk in elementary schools where they're teaching them that white people are inherently bad and evil and, you know, poor Trayvon and the rest of it.
And the point is, is this is all done so that you're not educated on reading, writing, and arithmetic, or how to do business, or how to grow a garden, or how to be polite, or how to have good hygiene, how to be successful, how to get an apprenticeship, how to learn to be successful and self-sufficient.
It's to give the children total mental illness complexes about what color they are.
When the truth is, it doesn't matter what color you are, if you've got good values and work hard and have ideas, you will be successful.
Because companies and businesses and institutions and societies want to be around trustworthy people.
It's hard to find them.
All these idiots, it's not just minorities, it's white people, it's everybody.
The dishonorableness out there, people thinking being liars is good, thinking cheating is good, thinking manipulating is winning.
Well, in a society of scum, there is no honor.
But in the real society that's still left in this country, and it's in middle class neighborhoods and working class neighborhoods and black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods and in churches, it's everywhere out there.
And there's that society of honor versus the society of scams and fraud.
And we are seeing the literal gutting of this republic into the North American Union right now.
If you think NAFTA and GATT were great, you're gonna love it.
If you thought QE3 was great to devalue your earning power, get ready, it's going to get a lot worse.
This is the globalist management tool, so they can sit back in their gated communities and their armored fortresses and fly back and forth from their high-rises on helicopters, jet copters, with armed guards like Bloomberg, who flies his own jet copter that costs like 80 million dollars or something, while you
Live down here on the ground fighting with each other, black, white, Hispanic, like a bunch of morons.
While the social engineers sit there laughing all the way to the bank.
This is not my opinion, it's a fact.
Senator Sessions, House GOP is on the verge of breaking 2014 campaign promises.
We're going to read that article when we come back.
Conservative scoff at Boehner deal.
It's not a deal.
The Republicans... Bush had the same amnesty plan where they legalized felons.
Senator Sessions exposed that seven years ago.
House Republicans ready plan to avoid government shutdown.
New York Times.
Meanwhile, Obama is now backtracking off saying he changed the law.
Gutierrez presses millions to get documents ready for legal status.
This... See?
The Democratic Party is making this racial, and a racially conquista.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
And they're panicking to keep their world government expanding or the bubble will implode by simply trying to end national sovereignty by creating a Tower of Babel, or Babel, hence the word babbling, where you don't understand someone from the story of the Tower of Babel.
Where a whole bunch of cultures got together and couldn't communicate and everything broke down and infighting?
That's the globalist plan, so there's no nation, or no group, or no ideology that stands against them.
It's just a creeping global corporate structure to conquer the planet.
Just like the speech and network, where it explains there are no countries, there are no peoples, there's only stock.
Well, the problem is,
We are a commodity in this, and a commodity of very low value, in fact, negative value in many of the globalist actuaries, and they want to bring in a planetary government to dominate and control us.
Many opportunists say, well, I'll just work with the system.
I know it's corrupt, but what are you going to do?
It's a system meant to dumb us down, shackle us, control us, and then forcibly inoculate us, soft kill us.
Do you understand?
That's a fact!
And I will not just sit here and play along with the system, and join it, and hope that I'm in the 10% they allow to live, or my children are, whenever they decide to drop the hammer and release the bioweapons.
The hard kill weapons, not the creeping death soft kill.
And by the way, ladies and gentlemen, fighting these people 20 years, I had been on air
A year and a half when the Democratic Party contacted me, high-level people in Texas, and said, you better get on board with us or we're going to come after you.
That's why they're successful.
They're watching talent.
They're watching up-and-comers.
Because they know, just like scouts go and watch people play baseball so they can recruit them out of college, or football, it's the same deal.
And they got very threatening when I wouldn't play ball with them.
And then I got offers for syndication.
All sorts of offers.
All sorts of deals.
But it was always the same speech.
Join with it.
Globalism is good.
Yeah, it's a world government, but it wants to help people and redistribute.
This was from conservatives, supposedly.
Do you want to be on this crusade that's going nowhere?
Or do you want to be a star?
I was told that by at least six different people.
The same line.
I'm not signing on to a plan where they put cancer viruses in basically everybody's vaccines, except the elite that know about it.
I'm here warning everybody.
And you ignore my warnings at your peril, folks, because I'm telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
So help me God.
Now, does that mean I get things wrong?
Does it mean I make mistakes?
But in general focus and terms, I'm dead on.
And I know what I'm saying is scary, but it'd be a lot scarier not knowing it.
Aren't you glad you know it?
I mean, listen to Obama saying, hey, I changed the law, leave me alone to the hecklers.
But they're there to make it look like Obama hadn't really done anything to give him left cover.
But he's sick of the hecklers, so he tells them, shut up, I gave you what you want.
I don't even know if Obama is sophisticated enough to know these Soros groups that are doing this are giving him cover.
Let's go to the clip.
What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.
So, that's point number one.
And listen, he admits what he's just done.
Now he has his new press secretary, who looks like he's 14 years old,
But he's trendy and catty and, you know, just like all the other sellouts.
He acts the whole mannerism of elitism.
They're sophists.
They're not real people.
They're not real men.
They're frauds.
This little sophist gets up and says he didn't really mean it.
It was colloquial.
At one point he said, I just took action to change the law.
Did the President misspeak in a moment of passion to try to calm the crowd?
Or do you fundamentally believe that he has taken action to change?
I think he was speaking colloquially.
That what he has put in place
Uh, meaning that, obviously, well, no, meaning that the, uh, that it's the responsibility of the United States Congress to pass laws.
And it's the responsibility of the executive branch to implement and enforce them.
This is him trying to rewrite history.
That's enough.
I'm gonna throw up.
Get him off.
Look at that guy.
Talk about a traitor.
Talk about somebody that needs to be brought to justice.
Every stinkin' one of those cowards.
...is anathema to everything that's decent.
And they're just so smug about it, shoveling their bull.
You're real lucky you brain-damaged people with the fluoride.
You didn't get all of us, you little turd.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Others don't.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is all about North American Union.
Everything we're seeing is the political takeover of the United States.
And for all its problems, the U.S.
has been an example of economic and cultural freedom and has been a light to the world.
But by the 1960s, really corrupt interest
began to fully dominate the D.C.
machine and the U.S.
And now the U.S.
empire is being folded into the European Union empire, the Asia-Pacific empire that is controlled by a handful, well, five large banks.
It was six.
Goldman Sachs, J.P.
Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo.
A consortium of EU British banks that form into one combine the City of London, Frankfurt, Geneva, Tel Aviv, New York.
And these combines run the drugs, launder the money, run almost all organized crime.
Use the police to enforce on the ground the low-level crime?
So Zbigniew Brzezinski's written five books that I've read where he openly admits all this.
That's why when I was a kid, my dad would explain, I just read this book by Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Technotronic Age.
In this book, son, and he works for the president, Jimmy Carter, this is when I'm like five years old, and admits that the government controls organized crime.
And that the government's controlled by a combine of large banks.
I was like four years old, five years old being told this, and then a decade later I read the book!
That's what's so frustrating is they all write books saying what they're doing!
You read books Brzezinski wrote in the 70s and 80s and it all came true.
They're running it.
They plan to bring in a world government, and to make almost everybody incredibly poor, and then social engineer us through Agenda 21 to tell us how to wipe our butts.
For real.
How to raise our children, how to do everything.
There's never been slavery like this even thought up.
Now it's manifesting, and that's okay because blacks and whites need to kill each other with hammers.
That's okay.
The NFL's on tonight.
That's okay.
Family Guy's coming up.
And listen, nothing against the NFL or Family Guy.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a reality check.
The president gets up there and says, I changed the law to legalize you.
Then his press secretary comes out and says, he didn't really mean that.
Well, it doesn't matter.
That's what they're doing.
And here's the big news.
The Republican leadership
Mitch McConnell, the Senate, John Boehner-Boehner are raping the Constitution, Bill of Rights, common sense, due process, and discriminating against American taxpayers who are going to fit the bill now for tens upon tens of millions more people.
And now we're not just getting some of the hard-working people out of Mexico.
I mean, there are people wearing 6X underwear.
They had about 40-something thousand pairs of them.
People are showing up in buses and planes, ready for dialysis, ready for their hearts.
It's all meant to bankrupt the system.
As Ezekiel Emanuel said on Fox News, we're going to bankrupt it, you bet.
After the law passed, you bet the plan was to bankrupt it, and you bet there's death panels, and you're not going to get medical treatment after 75, period.
And Bill Gates came out and said, yeah, it's a death panel.
We got that law passed and the Republicans aren't going to repeal a dime of it.
And the Republicans are going to stand by and let the president become a dictator because it's the office they want to be dictatorial so they can pass the buck into the future and have an imperial presidency, which all declining countries end up going from representative government to
A mob rule that then demands a Caesar, a King, a Führer, a leader.
Ein Volk!
Ein Reich!
Ein Führer!
One collectivist, welfare, dumbed-down, fluoride-head, flu-shot public.
Ein Volk!
One North American Union merged lawlessly under banker control.
Ein Reich!
And then one leader, finally, over the whole world.
Ein Führer.
And this Führer is a eugenics king.
With all the genetic engineering and all the plagues of the earth, poured out like revelation, a poisoned cup is now falling.
Slow motion.
Will it hit the table in a year?
Ten years?
Twenty years?
The truth is, the cup already hit the table, and now the bile, the stinking, festering evil, is just now beginning to fly out of the cup, and the first drop is hitting.
And the wars are starting all over the planet, and disease is spreading all over the planet, and families are breaking down everywhere, and mental illness is just rampantly exploding.
And the public is in a trance in the West, disassociating themselves with reality, playing on their iPads and staring into diversions and distractions.
As the system sells the idea of believe whatever you want.
Believe whatever reality you want.
You are whoever you want to be.
Become a mentally ill, narcissistic person.
Join with the system.
Just decide you're a winner by choosing to go along.
Manifest whatever you want by just believing it.
That isn't how things work.
You have to manifest in your mind something good you want to build, and then it has to be attainable and you have to go for it.
And then you have a shot at it.
Be it good or evil, I think of trying to do something good.
I'm an example of the American dream, this whole media operation.
But it didn't come out of some magic cookbook.
It didn't come out of the secret.
It came out of study and facing reality and facing the nightmares so that I could save what was good for myself and my family and hopefully save it for you and you can save it for me because we're all in this together.
Instead, we have these larcenous, wicked, evil globalists who would pass Obamacare that raises taxes on the poorest people.
That cuts their hours.
And that destroys the future of their healthcare and gets rid of real charity care.
And gets rid of the Hippocratic Oath of Hippocrates.
And creates death panels that they're now using in the VA.
You think, oh but it's the minorities against the whites and the police.
Oh yeah, and then people actually start forming up into those ranks.
But that is only one level of the manifestation.
Above it.
Outside the box, the globalists are manipulating the whole show.
And the minute you pull out of that box, you won't have my view, you'll have a different perspective, different life experiences, different view.
But it'll be a very similar thing, you see, to what I'm seeing.
It's like viewing the Grand Canyon from one side or the other.
Or one end to the other.
It's still the Grand Canyon.
I'm not in a cave down on the bottom of the Grand Canyon, looking at cave bugs, thinking that's the whole universe.
I'm outside, up on the rim, looking down, and by the way, there's not just a canyon.
There's a plane all around me, and there's stars at night, and a big raven sitting in the tree.
See, I want you to come out of the cave.
Come out of the cave.
There's a whole other universe out here.
And then you'll notice that's just another box.
And then above that, another box.
And I want my progeny, whether it be the next generation or 20 down the road, to be a hundred boxes past me.
I love them.
I love you.
I love your children.
Your children, if we can stop the globalists, are going to merge with my children.
Look at the blessings of God, how heavy that is.
And they're going to travel space and the dimensions together.
They're going to become something we can't even imagine if we can stop evil, wicked, anti-human globalists from vandalizing this treasure that we live on.
And notice everything they do.
They're going to save the environment by taking our rights away.
They're the ones destroying it.
They're going to fight racism.
They're the ones pushing it constantly.
You want to end racism?
Just have everybody go to a barbecue together.
But see, you can't do that because they've put out gangster thuggism into the cultures so that everybody's scared.
It's so easy to do evil, folks.
It's hard to do good.
But when you do good, it's a million times better.
And then it grows on its own.
The truth doesn't have to yell and scream.
It's just there.
And the people want it.
And it's strong.
And it's deep.
And it's pure.
My job is to get people out of their coma, so they can see the prima facie on its face, out in the open, hidden in plain view, hiding in plain sight, Veritas.
The Latin word for truth.
Seek the truth.
Live the truth.
Love the truth.
And it is everything.
It's the knowledge of good.
The knowledge of scams, and of fraud, and of mental illness, and delusion, and of imagining you're something you're not, and being a fraud, is the knowledge of evil.
Humans are fallen.
We know the knowledge of evil.
But evil seeks to make us not even remember that we have the knowledge of good.
We must rediscover the knowledge of good.
We must reach out to that knowledge.
And there is a place in us ready to be filled by it.
Ready to animate you.
Ready to turn you loose.
Ready to make you the woman or the man you were forged in your mother's womb to be.
And in a world full of those people,
There's not much room for evil.
Evil wants to rule and control and dominate and pull down the things that are beautiful because it's ugly inside.
And it uses our compassion and our love and manipulates good men and women into accepting turning our guns in so criminals won't kill people.
How ridiculous is that?
That good people should lay down their guns so the robbers won't get us or the tyrants won't get us.
Lay down your arms and I'll come in and be nice.
Just give us the gas.
We spare your lives.
To quote the Road Warrior.
Sounds like a good deal!
He wants to bargain with us!
He wants to be reasonable!
Humongous is a psychopathic killer!
He's going to rape and kill you!
Why have we given him the gas?
Well, why?
Why have we... I'm going out there!
Humongous is bad!
To use that allegory.
That's why!
Don't you get it?
So, we're now here.
At the crossroads.
Of total North American Union.
You notice the globalists are starting wars with Russia.
They're starting stuff with China.
Not that Russia or China are good.
It's just the globalists are the ones moving this ball.
Google AI is obviously online and they're putting in their physical takeover grids all over the country and the world.
We're here.
Everybody's got front row seats to the most amazing time in human history.
Pizza Hut, now when you go in with a face scanning iPad, I remember about 12 years ago going down to the UT psychology department, I was let into the, let's just say restricted DARPA areas, not anything too restricted, but it did say restricted.
And it was all about how they were going to track your eyes and then pre-order what you were going to get.
People thought I was crazy.
It was to predict the future.
That's now in place nationwide.
Walmart Target has already got it.
They just haven't announced it to you yet.
Pizza Hut is the first.
And it will, of course, it's really a lie because it'll get so lazy.
You just, I don't have to look anymore.
It knows what I want.
Just like Google gives you the searches you want, putting you in your own compartment.
Just like Amazon announced a year ago, when I first announced this, people didn't believe me, even though it was in the New York Times, that they, with a 99.9% accuracy, know what you're going to order on Amazon, if you're a frequent shopper there, before you do it.
Off of how your mouse moves over things and what you do.
See, that's beyond just surveilling you and two eyeballs looking at you.
But you're not designed in your biology to worry about a computer screen or a camera.
If you saw a guy's eyes looking through your window, you'd probably get a gun and run out and go after him, because how dare that person come in your backyard and look through your window at night while you're sitting around with your family around that turkey?
But when it's all just fiber optic, run by DARPA,
But so it doesn't threaten everybody, we'll call it Google.
And we'll have movies about the Google interns, and how fun everything is, and how it's all cute and cuddly, kind of like the press secretaries or the little cheeky, trendy, non-threatening guys that make the reporters who are egomaniacs feel powerful, so they won't challenge him too much because he's weak.
Psych warfare.
All of it.
Top people with 200 IQs came up with every bit of it.
And idiots like the new press secretary don't even know.
Obama doesn't even know.
He wants to watch SportsCenter, use drugs, have sex, and play golf.
He's a front.
But I've got to destroy him politically because he is on the front of the ship.
He's the goddess they've got out there on the Capitol.
He's the front.
He's the figurehead.
He's the signet!
He's the logo!
I'm going to go on a break, come back and get into the other news.
Before I go any further, there's so much I'm also going to get into.
Phyllis Schlafly is joining us.
We got Ukrainian reports of accident at a nuclear power plant.
NATO and Russia move closer to war.
CDC, more than 1,400 people in the U.S.
being actually monitored for Ebola.
We're just covering it up.
It ain't over, folks.
Top citizen confrontations with power elite.
Powerful video up on Infowars.com.
More on Hillary Clinton.
Off-duty cop arrested for shooting woman during road rage.
And that ties into this Eric Garner chokehold death.
Father of six, hard-working, great guy.
Had his hands up when the cops murdered him.
And they should be, not just the one cop, but the others for aiding and abetting manslaughter.
It's manslaughter, plain and simple.
He indicted them.
But notice they got that all scheduled to be announced there tomorrow to start more riots.
And I'm sorry.
Cops murdering somebody doesn't mean you get to go attack people with Papa Johns or kill white people with hammers.
And so instead of defending criminals that use that as a cover, everybody should decry both the police and other crazy thugs.
I'm not saying all police are crazy thugs.
The point is, those cops
No, no ifs, ands, or buts.
You watch it.
They murdered him as he begged for his life.
It makes you want to throw up.
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InfoWars.com, Obama official meets with Chinese internet censorship czar and says they need to work together in quote, cooperation.
I mean, it's coming.
Just like Google and Microsoft and all of them work with the shy comms on censoring their people, they'll do it here.
Top video confrontations between citizens and politicians.
NATO and Russia move closer to war.
Kurt Nemo, Rand Paul, John McCain wants 15 more wars.
Ferguson business owners ask Oath Keepers to protect them from violent Michael Brown supporters, but the police continue to say no.
There is no law, but you will not protect your property.
And you can't blame the average cop.
This is what the politicians, the Justice Department, is running things.
You need to kick them out.
Teacher teaches Michael Brown test brainwashing process.
Owner of Delwood Market in Ferguson says, I won't rebuild.
I'm too old.
I'm planning to get out.
Rand Paul goes on in video to say Obama can't defend the indefensible.
We're going to play that.
Before I go any further, ladies and gentlemen,
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And again, I cannot stress enough, we are funded by you.
That's how I'm able to hire reporters, make films, have nightly news, reach 18 million people a week, right now on average.
About 8-9 million of those are our regular listeners, but we reach another
Eight, nine million or so just to come through.
And we can't gauge how often they come back.
But that's why I go down the street now.
Everybody knows who I am wherever I go.
I mean, literally, people stop at red lights everywhere.
I just can't.
And I'm not bragging.
It's an indicator of how many people are awake and upset.
And let me tell you, they're every color, they're every race, they're every age, they're every creed.
That makes me so happy.
That upsets the globalists.
So keep supporting us, keep spreading the word, that's most important, and support our local affiliates.
I'm going to go out to break with a couple minute clip as Howard Beale is being explained to by the top of the global corporation that owns the network he's on, why they're going to shut down American jobs.
Here it is.
You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it!
Is that clear?
You think you merely stopped a business deal?
That is not the case!
The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back!
It is ebb and flow!
Tidal gravity!
It is ecological balance!
You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples.
There are no nations.
There are no peoples.
I've been giving this speech.
There are no Russians.
There are no Arabs.
There are no third worlds.
There is no West.
There is only one holistic system of systems.
One vast and inane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars.
Petrodollars, electrodollars, multidollars, reichmarks, rims, rubles, pounds and seconds.
And here's the problem.
It is the international system.
They're not giving a stock in it.
Which determines the totality of life.
It's being built to end us.
We're going to break.
That is second hour, 70 seconds away.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And it's now up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The headline is, The Race War is a Trap.
And I'm going to have this tweeted out right now at RealAlexJones on Twitter.
I'm going to play about five minutes of it.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with Phyllis Schlafly.
But this is a very important video.
Stay with us.
We're going to break down the high treason of open borders and what Obama's doing.
Non-violent resistance is the most powerful weapon that oppressed people can use in breaking loose from the bondage of oppression.
Now, the other method that one might use is that of resignation or acquiescence.
But I think that is just as bad as violence, because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.
When I hear the young people around this table talk about their experiences, it violates my belief in what America can be.
To hear young people feeling marginalized and distrustful, even after they've done everything right.
A lot of heat from the quote black community last week for criticizing shooting at police and firefighters and shooting up their vehicles and shooting two cops and FBI agents got shot and all sorts of stuff happened.
That makes protesting look bad.
And Time magazine came out and said.
Violent riots necessary, close quote.
What, burning down your own neighborhood?
So here's the big question.
When is it right to have a violent revolution, and then who do you target?
Now, everybody knows that the civil rights movement in the South professed nonviolence, that people were taught to cover their heads when the white mobs came to beat them up, and to just endure the spitting, the beating, and so forth.
But violence, the violence of the white mob was being used strategically in those demonstrations.
So, look, it's partly a problem on the strategy and propaganda.
It's a violent country.
It's a violent government.
It's killing people.
And they're going to call us violent if we break a window.
But they will do that.
So probably, unless you have good reason for breaking the window, probably you shouldn't do that.
Unless it's, you know, a big part of your strategy.
Hello, I'm Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations.
We must disarm to save lives.
We must disarm so that we can redirect precious resources to health, education, and development.
And what we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people.
One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well is that we just have to be repetitive about this.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Nothing will move until everybody knows or has a family member who has been gunned down by a gun accident in this country.
Is that when the attitude will change?
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
I would have done it.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
At the same time, they're restricting civilians' rights to own and purchase firearms.
Can you put two and two together?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.
Now... So...
That's point number one.
Point number two, the way the change in the law works is that we're reprioritizing how we enforce our immigration laws generally.
Yeah, you're just not enforcing it.
So not everybody qualifies for being able to sign up and register.
But the change in priorities applies to everybody.
There you go.
The point is... The point is, is the Border Patrol's on record.
We went down to McAllen and showed video of the buses five months ago coming across and being loaded onto Greyhound buses paid for by the federal government and shipped into Democratic Party strongholds to be taken care of by churches and Democratic Party operatives who were then paid six to eight thousand dollars for groups of three youth
Then their families are allowed to come in.
Only 17% of those let in were below the age of 18.
But even if you're for amnesty, can you have it totally lawless?
See, this executive order business is a red herring.
Because he's already just ordered ICE not to enforce.
And ICE blew the whistle to us and others.
That's the only reason we know about it.
DrudgeReport.com carried our stories five months ago.
A month later, the New York Times admitted it, buried in a story, that indeed they're bringing him in.
So if Republicans wanted to go after him, it wouldn't be, oh hey, you can't do executive orders, that's unconstitutional.
You know, we have the power of the laws and the purse, which they do.
It'd be, you already did this.
They'd have a congressional investigation, they'd have him red-handed, and it'd be over.
And Senator Sessions has pointed out that Boehner and Mitch McConnell are going ahead and letting it go through in this quote deal.
Here's the headline.
Senator Sessions, House GOP, is on the verge of breaking 2014 campaign promises.
She joined us for an hour about a month ago.
She's only got to the bottom of the hour today.
Phyllis Schlafly, constitutional lawyer, best-selling author, founder of the EagleForum.org.
She's got her original book out as a new book, A Choice and Not an Echo, and she is the proto-Tea Party founder, is what I would call her.
I would call somebody like Ron Paul the supercharger of the Libertarian-Republican crossover.
But she's definitely the great lady of the true conservative movement.
And if it wasn't for people like her, we'd be in even worse trouble with these rhinos and neocons today.
Phyllis, obviously I want to get into your book and some of the inside baseball that breaks down.
How big a deal is this?
I mean, this really is the end of the Republic, the end of Congress.
There's been a lot of signposts on this road to perdition, but I don't think I have strong enough words for the constitutional crisis we're in, where on guns, UN treaties, our military, our power plants, our borders.
Why even have a Congress if the President is able to do this?
This is unprecedented.
Phyllis Schlafly, as a constitutional lawyer, where are we right now?
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right in what you said, and there are several items that you pointed out that I haven't seen in any other news media.
It's just an outrage, and it does spell death of the country.
Obama's attempt to fundamentally transform us, as he promised when he went into office,
And I think it's outrageous and I am absolutely disappointed with the members of Congress who are not taking the advice of Senator Sessions that you said and standing up and fighting and saying how really bad this is.
Because he's doing it for Democratic votes and he's doing it to really break down the American system the way it is and make us a different kind of country.
And it's not like we're getting immigrants from high-skilled areas.
We're getting people that almost vote to a man for the most radical socialist communist agendas.
That's all I know.
They come from a country where big government was everything.
They don't know anything about our constitutional principles of limited government and balance of budget.
I don't know.
Many historians have pointed out that other great republics, empires, nations go the way of Rome.
It follows the same pattern.
We are going the way of Rome, bringing in the giant third world populations, and it seems to be an accelerated collapse of Rome timetable now.
Yes, you're absolutely right.
And I think that's what Obama wants.
He does not want America to be exceptional.
He doesn't want us to be religious or Christian.
He wants to absolutely change us so that we're no better than any other country.
And I think we are better.
That's why everybody in the whole world wants to come here.
Well, we certainly were exceptional by every metric.
Inventions, trailblazing, profits, growth, human rights.
I mean, we were exceptional.
Now I think we're kind of a paradox of some exceptionalism, but also a lot of exceptional corruption, exceptional bizarro behavior.
The Democrats especially get away with exceptional lying.
What do you make, though, just a month after that historic election,
Almost to the day, it'll be to the day tomorrow, a month after that landslide, that serious message, where even people like Bob Barr couldn't get elected because he was seen as establishment in Georgia, that should be a message to Boehner.
And a message to McConnell, and we should see a revolt, and they should be removed from their positions of leadership.
I mean, we need to see that happen, don't we, fellas?
Well, we certainly do.
Unfortunately, I don't see it happening, because of certain collegiality that goes on in the House of Representatives.
But Tea Parties, and of course the media smears the Tea Parties, who are the big opposition to Boehner in the House.
But it's so important that they rise up, and that the American people, the grassroots, realize that the fight today is within the Republican Party.
And that's why I wrote my book, A Choice, Not an Echo.
It's a fight between the so-called establishment, the people we used to call the Rockefeller Republicans, and now we call them the RINOs, or establishment, Republican in name only.
But in any event, it's the money people who want to bring in the cheap labor, who want to make us play on the global stage, and Obama wants to be a globalist instead of an American.
And we American people have just simply got to rise up, and the only one who's speaking real good sense on it is Senator Sessions.
That's right, Rand Paul has said that it's clearly unconstitutional, but it's so clearly, separately from the immigration and North American Union aspects of this,
We've never seen a president act this unilaterally.
When Reagan and Bush Sr.
did limited legalizations or amnesties, which I don't think we're good to begin with, it was in line with Congress and laws they just passed, not when they were at loggerheads and against the will of the American people and common sense.
I just don't see how he gets away with this without an accelerated slide into dictatorship.
And another thing that gives me a pain is when they cite Reagan as giving amnesty.
Yes, Reagan, it wasn't perfect.
He did make a mistake.
He did give amnesty to a bunch of them.
But he admitted it was a mistake.
And we learned from it.
Because they promised that that would end the illegals coming across the border.
And of course it didn't.
More and more came because they got a free pass into the U.S.
And so we ought to learn from our mistakes.
That's right, but even though Reagan said it was a mistake, he was working with Congress, is my point.
Yes, that's correct.
And of course Obama said he has a pen and a phone, and if Congress doesn't do what he wants, he's going to do it anyway.
And then Congress doesn't respond to that, except for a lame lawsuit, and then Obama brags and says he changed the law.
I guess he's really trying to break us.
Well, I think he's trying to break our country, I really do.
And in fact, he's almost said as much.
He really meant it when he said he wanted to fundamentally transform us.
And we like to think we're the rule of law, that we're a constitutional government, that we stand by the Constitution, and somehow most of the congressmen are not.
Now there's a group of the conservatives in the House.
A meeting this morning.
Is this Wednesday?
Yeah, they meet on Wednesday.
And I hope they're going to come out with at least some talk about how unconstitutional what Obama's doing.
It's a conservative group that's led by Steve King, who's one of the few good guys in the House.
And I hope we'll hear something, and I hope it'll be reported by the media.
I want to skip this network break as we have limited time with Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum.
You can go to eagleforum.org and valuable information and also find her column there and more on her new book, which again is under the same name, but a new book under the original classic name, A Choice Not an Echo.
When you talk about the people trying to be gentlemanly in the House and wait their turn to move up the ranks of power, are we going to see our country completely broken and brought into global governance, to the North American Union and a new voting bloc brought in to be servile lapdogs to the worst elements of the power structure?
The altar of being friendly in Congress and not being persecuted or not being kept off committees.
I mean, don't these congressmen and women know if they would do the right thing, people would come to their aid and they would be rock stars in this country instead of creeping along like a bunch of lawyers and compromising.
But even a compromise means the other side gives something up.
No, no.
Compromising under this system means we just do whatever we're told.
And I wonder, if we go along with this, what more can they do?
Well, they're going to come with executive orders on guns.
And fellas, I'm afraid that's going to start a civil war.
Well, I think he will come with executive orders on all sorts of things, and guns may be on their list.
Of course, I hate the Second Amendment.
You know, the former man who was on the U.S.
Supreme Court has written a new book, and he wants five new amendments to the Constitution, and one of them really is getting rid of the gun amendment.
The people who hate the Constitution are out there, and the American people are just going to have to stand up and stand up for what we believe in.
Look it into your crystal ball.
You've seen a lot.
I want to shift gears into your book, what we can learn from it about what's happening now.
Where do you really see America going?
Because globalists are really a cult.
And they get such money and power out of the fact that the UN and these multinationals can manage things.
And they can make money off crises, they can make money off booms.
They really aren't based in the free market or reality.
But the crony capitalists that fund them want full control, so they're persecuting any type of real free market system, just seeing it as competition, when really they're just exterminating the environment of economics that's allowed our civilization to even function.
It just seems suicidal by the elites what I see them doing.
Well, Alex, you said it very well.
I can't say it better.
But I will point out that when George Bush became president, his big thing was to put us into a North American Union with open borders with Canada and Mexico.
And Eagle Farm fought that very hard and we beamed on that.
Nobody's really talking about the North American Union anymore.
Exactly, so now it's backed by stealth as they said they would do in the Banff Canada meeting from the secret documents Judicial Watch got.
So how do we beat a stealth integration that we're witnessing right now?
Well, with talk show hosts like you who bring the truth out.
The talk show is a great advantage to our cause because it brings the information to the public they can't get in any other way.
And so I thank you for that.
Please don't.
We're in this together.
Well, we've got to alert the American people to what's going on.
And Uniformed has been a leader.
We oppose all of this bipartisanship.
I tell in my book how Sandy Berger was assigned to go give a speech to the Bilderbergers at the Library of Congress and say that bipartisan center is what we really want to work toward.
But it's beyond that.
It's beyond that.
It's not like we're being conquered by something better.
We're being conquered by a shyster scam, fractional reserve banking, fraudulent system that makes us bail out their global derivatives.
And plans to make us even worse debt slaves.
I mean, this is just over-the-top bad.
And so what do we do then about this treason?
And back to the question that I interrupted, what does your gut tell you is going to happen to this country?
Because I understand we've beaten this stuff before, but how do you stop
We're going to beat it again because you and I are going to rise up the grassroots and get them to care.
And I'm telling you that if you want to have an impact,
You've got to do it within the Republican Party because your hope of doing it through the Democratic Party or through some third party is going nowhere.
You've got to do it with the Republican Party, get the right people nominated and elected to the Republican Convention coming up in 2016 so that we get a good pro-American president.
And read my book, A Choice, Not an Echo, which tells all the shenanigans the Republicans have been engaging in since 1964.
It's right up to date.
And it's kind of your handbook for action as we approach the next presidential election.
You know, I've always been for third parties at the state level.
A third party, somebody like Ross Perot could have won.
But clearly the entire power structure is lined up to defeat a takeover of the Republican Party by the constitutional movement.
And that tells you that's one of our only shots.
That's why they're spending all their time and energy, bipartisanly, to try to shut that down.
That's right, and bipartisan is no good.
We don't want to go halfway with the people who want globalist answers.
We want the American way and show that it's better and unique.
And that's what we have to rile up the people to do.
And get yourself close enough to the party that you get elected to be a delegate to the next Republican convention.
This is the way we did it in 1964 when we nominated Barry Goldwater.
And it can be done again.
We did it in 1980 when we nominated Ronald Reagan.
But you've got to give up this idea of going down the third path which leads to nowhere.
Well said, and there's also some hope here.
There is imperial hubris by the Rhino Republicans and by the Democrats.
This latest thing where the White House is nominating a soap opera producer, Colleen Bell, with no governing experience, doesn't speak Hungarian, doesn't know anything about them, but all these Hollywood folks want
Sure, they're buying their way in with donations.
That we've got such a corrupt group means that if we just fight back against them, they're not even really serious people at this point.
When you look at the Democrats, I've got to say, I think they're really soft, they're screwed up, and I just think that they're ready to fall if we simply stand up to them.
Yeah, I think you're right.
I'm very optimistic, and I think that the election the other day, which the American people overwhelmingly said, no thanks, when Obama said his agenda was on the ballot, well, then okay, we take that, and we rejected it.
And I think we can do likewise in the next presidential election, and make it a great year to save our country.
Fellas, what do you think is going to happen to the Republican leaders that... What can we, the people, as a grassroots expert who's gone from the grassroots right into the White House with Reagan as one of his top advisors... Where are we... Where are the best places for the grassroots to lobby and target to get some good behavior out of people like John Boehner?
Well, you've got to go after your local Republicans and make friends with the people who are party officials, county chairmen, precinct committeemen, and so that they will help you get to be elected a delegate to the next convention.
And you need to be a player in the Republican Party.
It's just not good enough to expound on your independent views somewhere else.
You're not in the fight where it is.
And the fight is in the Republican Party, and that's where we need to play it, and we need to win, and we have proved that we can win, and so join me in doing it.
It's going to be one hell of a fight.
That's certainly clear.
Well, the founder and head of the Eagle Forum, eagleforum.org, Phyllis Schlafly, her new book is out, A Choice, Not an Echo.
You can find it there on her site.
Amazing reading.
Thank you so much.
Have a good day.
You too.
Folks, I cannot stress enough how dire the straits are.
If they can end the borders and bring in unlimited numbers of people,
They can politically push any agenda, and they will.
Battleground Texas, the Democrats have said, they will take over, they will get our guns.
Because they will bring in the illegals and get the law changed so they can vote.
The system is not even hiding this.
They're very arrogant about this.
But beyond that,
What will the government do next, the so-called government, which is the special interests that control the president?
As bad as Congress is, it's a check and a balance, and Congress won't do this amnesty, but they don't want the political blame for it, because the people aren't for it, so they're going to let Obama do it and take the blame.
So, I've got to say, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are worse than Barack Obama.
That just hit me.
They are worse than Barack Obama, because at least, he still lies about it and stuff, but at least he takes some credit.
At least he's more truthful
Wow, that just hit me.
John Boehner is a bigger liar than Barack Obama.
John Boehner is worse than Barack Obama.
He really is.
He really is.
A total traitor piece of garbage.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
We're on the march.
Stay with us.
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All right, I said yesterday I wasn't taking a lot of phone calls, at least in the second half of the broadcast.
There's also a giant smattering of key news that I will get to, because I know I've not been covering as much news as I do sometimes.
I want to cover all these subjects and science and health and economy and world news and NATO and Russia moving closer to war and new Ebola news and power finally restored to some areas of Detroit.
And just so much more.
Hillary Clinton, I want to really break down what's going on out there.
I appreciate you all tuning in today.
It's going to be a free-for-all.
First-time callers, long-time callers, people that agree, disagree, on whatever the subject is, just be ready to go on air and to make your point.
I love everybody to death, but you don't need to tell me how great I am.
We don't screen calls, that's why I'm doing this to everybody right now.
Please don't tell me how great I am.
You're great, you're awesome.
Most of these talk show hosts are sycophants, narcissists.
They want to be told how great they are.
I don't.
I want to hear what you have to say.
I want to meet.
And don't say, I want to talk about this and that.
I'm not call screening you.
You're going to be on air.
And I also just want to say, have a good telephone.
That's all I'm asking, so just get ready.
Now, I may be rude, because back ten years ago when I used to take a lot of phone calls, because I used to be good at it for some reason, I think because I used to have the phone board in front of me.
Then I started doing the show out of my house for a while, and I would just let the network go to them, and I'd say, let's go to this caller, let's go to that caller.
That's, I think if I had the red lights in front of me, I would just take a lot of calls.
And I got in the habit of not doing it.
I've never broken myself entirely.
So we've had this discussion 150 times on air probably in the last 10 years.
But sometimes I do, and I've gotten a little bit better.
So here's the toll-free number.
And we're going to go to your phone calls.
In fact, nothing but calls this hour, this next 30 minutes or so, so that I can then get into more news at the start of the next hour and then back into the calls.
But obviously, are you upset about the President saying, I just changed the law?
I'm just going to let all the illegals be legal?
And the Republicans that just had a big sweep?
The leadership squats up there?
They're the same leadership that was in under Bush that tried this same stuff.
The Bushes and the Clintons vacation together, for heaven's sakes.
They're all CIA.
The bad CIA, on record.
Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton.
I mean, two different porta-potties side-by-side.
Or a porta-potty with two entrances.
One's called the Jeb entrance, the other's the Hillary entrance.
I mean, I am just sick of it!
And the people are too!
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That's a great way to promote this stuff is the truth.
I've got my blood tests and stuff.
I need to publish those.
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Who would guess that?
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Let's see if it's still sold out.
I never asked.
Go ahead and scroll down, guys.
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And I don't say I came up with the brag, I'm just letting you know it's an Alex Jones designed shirt, you might want to know.
And to see if they've got any sizes left.
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Okay, they're back in.
They're back in.
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This is the shirt, back in for Christmas, InfoWarsStore.com or MadeIn1776.com.
Okay, I'm going to shut up now, I'm going to settle down, and I'm going to go to your phone calls.
We're going to get into district order to pay transgender students $75,000 for not letting the person use the girl's bathroom.
That's what's really important, folks.
Meanwhile, NATO and Russia move closer to war.
We're gonna get into Eric Garner, I believe manslaughtered by the police and by that I don't believe they meant to kill him but they still should have known.
It's like you punch somebody and they hit their head on the cement and you didn't have a reason to punch him, you get a manslaughter charge.
But they could actually
Do a pure murder charge, because I don't know, you could argue they knew what they were doing when he was begging for his life.
And let me tell you, the reason I blew up yesterday, and then I had a headache all day, and I didn't sleep well last night, and I was very upset this morning, I have a lot of empathy for people.
And the Thomas Kelly video, and this Garner video, I psychoanalyzed today, it hit me when I was working on the elliptical, why I'm so angry.
When you hear somebody begging for their life who hadn't done anything, it makes me angry.
And I know why people get angry.
But thug criminals that are just pure racists who want to piggyback on people that are angry are the scum of the earth and are actually aiding and abetting bad cops being able to murder people.
But man, I tell you, listen to these guys beg for their lives while these cops get off on killing them.
It's just...
It really makes me angry.
And the answer is getting control of our police departments and getting these people trained.
And if somebody wants to be a killer, like this guy that says, I'm going to go up here and kill this homeless guy, and he goes up and kills him, and then the cops give him an award for it, those are some sick freaks in Albuquerque.
We've interviewed, it's gotta be like seven or eight, so many whistleblowers.
I said, we're not the Albuquerque channel.
I had to tell the reporters.
I rarely get involved, because they're all real smart and have good instincts.
But I said, listen, too much Albuquerque, two or three times a week isn't, you know, it's too much.
We're not an Albuquerque news station.
We're a world station.
I said, do once a month condensed reports with whistleblowers on the latest police murders and out-of-control psycho behavior.
That's more effective anyways at telling the truth.
Show the pattern.
Don't just every day have the Albuquerque police doing new horrible things.
Because the public doesn't even perceive it as Albuquerque.
They see it as cops.
And cops' biggest problem is cops.
Because they've been federalized, they've been given hardcore killer training.
Yeah, great, killer training is wonderful if you're in the military and you're about to go into a foxhole and turn on the killer.
I get it, folks.
Believe me, I get it.
But you don't turn on killer with some guy with his hands up.
Just because he's big, you're intimidated to see him murder him and show everybody how tough you are.
If you want to do that, go join martial arts, ultimate fighting stuff.
Go get involved in the Golden Gloves.
Go fight other tough guys, okay?
Don't sit there and murder innocent people because you're so tough.
You've got something to prove.
Let's go to John in Texas and Jay, Dave, Eddie and Peter.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You know, back in 1964, my dad gave me a copy of a book called None Dare Caught Treason by John Stormer.
And anyway, in that book, they had a position paper that one of the Dulles brothers, who was a member of the Roosevelt administration back in 1942,
Yeah, that's actually the Carnegie Endowment and was declassified in hearings by Anthony Sutton, the congressional expert, in the 70s.
So what you're saying is public.
And also that I always thought that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a fraud because it was always part of the plan that they would come on board the global government, you know?
They just had to wait for the right moment and then they launched it, you know?
That's right, brother.
There's a new article out by the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR.org, that Kit Daryles is going to do a story on today or tomorrow, where it openly says
Use a dizzying array of dangers from the resource competition and overfishing to climate change to bring in a justification for global takeover, a la, quote, the report from Iron Mountain.
Unbelievable admission by these people.
It is just so creepy how out in the open they are.
One of the things they've been using is gradualism.
That's the tough thing about this, is they've been using gradualism a little bit at a time, where it's hard to wake up people, you know, that they figure over the long term that they're going to win, but we'll go, if we have to do five steps backward or go ten steps forward, they'll do it, you know.
I agree with you, and now though, see we've gotten to the emerging point, the flashpoint where all the gradualism finally gets so intense that, oh by the way, I don't need Congress anymore.
By the way, I've just taken your guns.
By the way, the NSA is just spying on you illegally.
By the way, there were cancer viruses in those shots.
By the way, the flu shot did kill a bunch of people.
That's the point they're getting to with everybody right now.
It's just flaunting it in our face.
Great to hear from you, John.
Dave in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
A couple of weeks ago, Jesse Ventura was on Coast to Coast AM, and a caller called in and mentioned it to him about the guillotines that are at these Army bases, and Jesse had no idea about it, and I was wondering if you could please pass that information on to Jesse.
Well, I would love to.
In fact, I was supposed to call him last week and never did it.
I'm calling him today about some other stuff we're working on.
But it's a perennial thing because they introduced a bill decades ago
And the Noahide laws to start using guillotines for execution and then Christians saw that as revelation coming true.
So it's kind of one of those urban legends you can't get rid of.
The military bases are openly training to mow down crowds of peaceful people in what they call zombie training, zombie wave attack training.
And they are having rendition and secret grabbing of citizens and the NDAA.
So that's all real.
And that stuff does go on at black sites or ghost sites, as they call it.
But they generally don't... They generally, when they decide to kill you, they like beating people to death.
Or they waterboard you until you die with your head in a bucket.
They really don't use guillotines, but I appreciate your call.
But I could talk to them about that.
If you've got info on guillotines, please send it to me.
Eddie in New York, you're on the air.
Yes, hi, sir.
I wanted to talk about the supposed shootings in Ferguson with the police officers.
And I haven't heard anything on mainstream media about it.
I only hear you talking about it.
And I remember Carly Jackson was saying that there was gunshots all night long.
So was Joe Biggs.
But there was two cop cars on fire and they had cases of ammo inside of them exploding.
Could those be the gunshots that they heard?
And I know they were only a few blocks away.
Well, it was reported by the Associated Press and others.
They were wearing body armor, but bullets hit and then deflect up and you get shrapnel.
Two FBI got shot in crime related to it, but they said it wasn't critical.
And they said two officers were shot.
They could be lying.
Government lies so much.
But I've seen footage and heard people say, let's burn stuff down.
Let me tell you what I think might have been, there might have been business owners that are sick of it, that piggybacked on the riots to burn down their own businesses.
Or, there were people, some of it looks like inside job, there's video that looks like cops throwing a flashbang in a car, then burns up.
That's what a flashbang usually does a lot of times.
So, yes sir, anything's possible.
I just don't speculate.
And Sandy Hook, they had noses disappearing, and clearly had green screens, and it was fake.
And then I've had top experts on that go, yeah, it's fake.
I mean, if I see something that I can say is fake, I'll say it.
I said the underwear bombing was fake.
Congress had to admit that the CIA got Muttalib on the plane, drugged up, and he had a firecracker in his pants one week before the naked body scanners rolled out.
And it turned out it was.
So, I mean, you know when stuff's staged.
Oklahoma City.
We know who planted the bombs.
We know their names.
The hotel receipts.
Anything else you want to add, Eddie?
Uh, well, just the fact that Batson was recording and he had his camera... Well, stay there.
I'm gonna come back to you and let you finish up.
I appreciate you calling.
Peter, stay there.
Everybody else...
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I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
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I'll be gone, like I said.
That's right.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been sayin' all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar cryin', cussin' bones.
Understand your man.
Tired of your bad-mouthin'.
Understand your man.
I love my Johnny Cash.
Alex Jones here, back live, taking a ton of your phone calls.
So, the Republican leadership, who's in deep on this whole North American Union thing, are now betraying everyone yet again, saying we won't shut the government down, which means... See, Congress exercising its right of the purse is now shutting the government down.
See how they've changed everything?
Overthrowing the whole Bill of Rights is called the Patriot Act.
Everything is inverted.
So are you upset about this?
That's one of the questions I'm throwing out to listeners.
Let's go to Eddie in New York to finish up his point.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to mention the fact, like I said, I was watching a live stream feed from Bossom.
Yes, sir.
I believe Joe Biggs was the one that reported that he had his camera stolen while he was recording.
And he was the one that I seen on his feed of the two cop cars that was on fire.
And you can hear the gunshots flying out of the cars.
And people were like, man, how many bullets were in there?
And that's why I said I heard Jakari Jackson say, oh, there was gunshots all night.
Now, your reporters were a few blocks away from I seen their feet, too, and they showed the cop car, but they were standing pretty far away.
But they never mentioned anything about the gunshots coming out of those cars.
And then you hear about the FBI agents cops being shot, but you only hear it in one report.
I mean,
You would think that would be nationwide mainstream media news.
Well, we'll look into that.
But Joe Biggs has been around a lot of shots and he said they were going over his head.
And I believe you're mixing that with another reporter.
I believe Joe didn't have his camera stolen, did he?
That was another reporter that happened live with the live streaming.
Yeah, no, no, no.
So, sir, you're confusing some things, but we'll look into that.
I appreciate your call.
Look, there are gangs of people beating people's heads in with hammers.
There are gangs of people racially targeting white folks.
It's wrong.
There are people shooting.
Now, do I put it past the feds to say something?
Absolutely, I think they would do it.
I don't have any evidence.
But I don't know.
Peter in Washington, you're on the air.
Uh, yes.
I think you're probably right on Boehner, but you're wrong on Zimmerman.
I believe.
I mean, I think Zimmerman was stupid to follow him.
And now Zimmerman's been in a bunch of trouble afterwards.
And he seems to have that syndrome of guys that aren't really bad, but they just get into trouble and think they're Superman.
But I was saying the Justice Department tried to stir up the Zimmerman thing.
I think Trayvon was wrong to be on top of him attacking him.
And that's why I think why the jury said not guilty.
But I'm just because I'm not, I don't think Zimmerman's an angel is my point.
Alright, now here's the thing about Zimmerman.
He was an anchor baby.
I think he was trying to be a good citizen.
And you said the other day, well, he was looking for trouble.
Sure, he was looking to, trying to remove trouble from the neighborhood.
I think he was just unlucky.
You know?
How would he know that they would make a federal case of it?
Okay, this is a difference of opinion between you and me.
Uh, and, uh... Peter, stay there.
I want you to be able to finish up.
We're going to go to break for 70 seconds.
Come right back to Peter.
Then we're going to talk to Jay Patton and, uh, Rannell and others.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And other callers, Jim wants to talk about Oath Keepers.
The phones are loaded, but you can call in when somebody hangs up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Others don't.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ted Cruz has come out to House leaders and said, quote, do what you said you would do.
Defund what Obama's doing to legalize all these illegals.
Left mocks war on Obama's immigration order.
Lasted about five minutes.
Senator Sessions says the Republicans are on the verge of breaking their campaign promise.
Well, yeah, folks, the Republicans basically wrote this plan.
The Republican bluebloods tried to pass this four times under Bush.
Peter, in Washington, you want to talk about George Zimmerman, I guess, tying it into the whole situation in Ferguson.
The issue here is exactly what Charles Barkley talked about.
When you've got blacks 10 to 12 to 15 times, depending on where you're at more often, killing black people, where is the outrage about that?
Where is that in the news?
Well, it doesn't help the media
I don't know.
I'm going to play the video again.
If you're a radio listener, you'll just hear it.
I mean, he's begging for his life.
And I noticed this morning I was monitoring Fox, CNN, and CBS while I was on the Olympical for like 45 minutes, and they were not playing the Help Me, Help Me.
It just goes on and on.
Help me, I can't breathe.
I mean, he didn't do anything.
This is murdering.
And all I see is men killing an innocent person.
I don't see a black man, I don't see cops, I see people killing someone.
And then there's this attitude that citizens' lives don't matter, so it's just like, oh, whatever, it's like dog crap on my feet, you know?
Whatever, you know?
He kind of, I mean, he has his hands up, and he kind of goes, hey, hey, hey, I didn't do anything, and they're like, get out of there, you know, and they just want to show him his boss.
And they kill him.
Guys, don't play the audio right now, because I want to go to calls.
We're gonna play it.
I just really, I figured out it upset me after I watched it again.
I watched it a few days ago.
I watched it months ago when it happened back in July.
And I watched it again this morning and it makes me very angry.
And I understand why folks get angry seeing this and then the police get away with it.
They need to indict those police.
Not just the one that choked him to death.
Peter, I mean, what do you think about that?
What do you think about the cops killing his father at six?
On that, and, uh, but that, um, you know, that, those two circumstances, uh, are entirely different.
I don't disagree with you a bit.
And I hope that you're able to, uh, uh, people like you complaining, uh, uh, loudly are able to get, uh, uh, those people indicted, those policemen indicted.
There's a disagreement.
Because here's the deal.
He's not resisting them and he's not endangering them so they can't say that he starts flopping when they're choking him to death.
And they're like, put your arm behind your back while they sit on it.
Well, of course.
They did that to Thomas Kelly.
It's like an excuse to kill somebody.
It's like when they're shooting the homeless guy in the back.
He's already dead.
They're like, don't go for a weapon.
Don't move.
He's clearly having a death rattle, and then he dies, and they're like shooting him still and letting the dog bite him, and they're all excited like they just brought down a deer or something.
And this isn't even about being black folks, I'm telling you, they've hired cops that like to kill people.
And those are not the type of people you want on a police force or in the military.
Everybody, God bless you, I appreciate your call, good to hear from you, Peter.
I'm gonna say this, and they know this.
Throughout history,
About 80% of people get in the military for money or because of family history or they want to serve.
A good 20% though want to legally, lawfully kill people.
And the same thing in police forces.
You do not want these people... Look, I've got a bad temper.
I shouldn't be a cop.
I'm not a psychopath, but I've got a really bad temper.
So I shouldn't be a cop either.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Alright, I don't want to continue with your calls, but I promise to start getting in the news, so let's do that right now.
I was just discussing this.
I want to get into it in detail.
You had better believe that the Justice Department, wanting to distract the public from all of its crimes, and from Obama's power grabs, is in there stirring it up.
And they are involved in the case of Eric Garner.
Because by pointing out what bad local cops have done, or badly trained ones, bare minimum, they can make themselves look good when they're involved in just every form of corruption you can imagine.
Eric Garner, chokehold death, grand jury decision, may be imminent, CBS News New York reports.
It could come today, tomorrow.
A grand jury decision is expected to come soon in the case of apparent police chokehold that killed Eric Garner.
Well, what about whenever tasers kill people?
By the thousands.
They've upped the power of the tasers now.
The grand jury began hearing evidence in the case, September 29th.
This guy was a good guy, a good guy in the community, not a criminal, six kids,
Uh, trying to stop two thugs that were fighting.
So often, it's just like I said, when I saved that lady with the Heimlich that time, I got out of there because I don't want him to sue me or something if she had a hurt rib.
I mean, I don't know if she had a hurt rib, but I mean, she was big.
I had to pick her up.
That was like 12 years ago.
I don't know if I could pick her up today.
I guess I'm as strong as I was.
She probably weighed like 250 pounds.
Uh, but, uh,
All the witnesses have told the grand jury that that's been coming out.
He broke up the fight.
We know the same witnesses that are in the grand jury have told the media that.
So I would suppose they've told the grand jury that.
That's all sealed.
And then the cops pull up and there's a big guy.
I was talking to this really big guy I know who's in some Mike Judge movies, an actor, and he was talking about how he's like six foot six, like probably 300 pounds.
He's like as big as Hulk Hogan, but not all of his muscle.
And he was talking about, yeah, guys all the time in bars or anywhere will just start a fight with him because he's big.
And so you got four cops that engage him, a couple more that are there, this whole task force of plainclothes cops with uniformed cops, and they just kill him.
And he's not resisting till they start hurting him.
And then it's a natural instinct, hey,
Hey, you're hurting me.
Hey, I can't breathe.
And then they sit on his arm and then say, you know, put your arm behind your back.
That stupid little game.
Don't resist.
Don't resist as they beat you.
And the system likes having murderers on the payroll.
They like having scary thugs in a lot of major cities and areas.
Some departments don't want it and they're good departments.
You have to have zero tolerance for that.
I mean, you need people that are tough, in my historical research, if they're going to be police, but you don't need people that want to show off and kill somebody because it makes them feel good.
And they just walk right up to him, tell him to put his hands behind his back, and he doesn't get three words out to try to talk to him before they grab him and kill him.
And then there's the other issue, if people riot over this, and criminals use social networks as an excuse to loot, and I say the looters are bad, it isn't endorsing the cops killing him.
But then it comes down to the point that if the grand jury doesn't indict at least the guy that choked him to death, then the media will focus on people threatening the police families, which isn't right.
But I'll tell you this,
Let me tell you how justice works.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
You know what'll happen?
You know the Kelly Thomas case, very similar with it, but they take like 16 minutes to beat his brains out and choke him.
And they're sitting on every limb and just keep saying, don't resist, don't resist, getting off on it.
And you can see the excitement on the video.
Then they tried to cover up the video, but it got released.
And the cops got indicted, but then the jury basically let him off.
And the two cops that killed him were just total little demons.
They didn't charge the other five or six that were sitting on him, but the ones that beat his head in with the flashlight and broke his neck and the rest of it.
They had all these problems in their history and their past.
It's these thug types.
They look like people you'd see in, like, maximum security prison.
The two cops that killed Kelly.
And you know Kelly's dad was a cop, and basically the whole family are cops.
And I know so many police that have had their kids killed or falsely charged or put in prison by the system, and that's the message.
I'll guarantee you that if they don't indict that officer, it's just the way the universe works, his kid's gonna die in a car wreck next year.
Or he'll get a brain tumor.
It's the way the universe works.
I'd bet you money Kelly's dad, Kelly Thomas' dad, wasn't perfect.
And see, that's what God-fearing is.
I know in my spirit, but also I've experienced it, everything I ever did wrong came back on me a whole bunch.
And that's why, if I was a cop, I wouldn't start choking somebody unless they were really coming at me.
Unless I thought I really needed to fight for my life.
Because I don't want to kill somebody.
Let me tell you something, I was in a lot of fights growing up in Dallas, and a few times I hurt people really bad.
I mean, in the comas and stuff.
And that's when I learned, whoa, I can't get in fights, because somebody starts hurting me, I hurt them bad.
I mean, I just black out, and next there's an ambulance, people got blood coming out their nose and ears.
I feel guilty, 25 years later, for people that are mentally retarded because they got in a fight with me, basically.
And so I know what I'm talking about.
I've been in fights where people started it and I was fighting and they were hurting me.
And so I hurt them bad.
And let me tell you, I still feel bad for it.
So I know what I'm talking about.
And those cops murdered that man.
And you know what?
They know what they're doing.
They've been trained.
They killed him dead in a hammer.
And you know what?
You weren't fighting for your life, police.
I don't care if you claim he starts flailing when you're choking him.
Any mammal will do that when it's being killed.
It's like telling a gazelle not to flop around when it's in the teeth of a lion.
In fact, lions ought to, if they could talk, say, don't resist when a gazelle's kicking and it's got its throat in its neck.
In its mouth.
Let's go to the footage.
Again, for radio listeners, I'll describe it, but here it is.
Of them killing Eric Garner.
So he's saying don't, don't touch me.
He's trying to stand up for himself and talk to him.
He's got his hands up though.
And I guess just talking back to God gets you killed.
And now the guy wearing the 99, we've got his name here, just barrels in full and then they sit on his head and say put your arm behind your back as they sit on it.
I can't breathe.
They love that baggage.
Once again, police beating up on people.
Look right here.
Back up and get on that step.
Back up.
All he did was break up a fight.
And this is what happens for breaking up a fight.
This sh** is crazy.
Everybody back up!
Back up!
They always wait till they're dead.
He's having seizures but they still sit on his head.
That's right.
When you're chugging somebody and they're having a seizure, that's their brains dying.
They gave this man a seizure.
Look, you know what I mean?
Yo, move out the way!
It's my brother, we live here.
Back up this way.
Everybody now back up.
It's now going to become a crime scene.
Back it up!
Back it up.
I'm going to my house.
This way.
Let's go.
You're going to your house or that way?
I call it that way.
Pick a choice.
I'm getting my bike.
You had your chance to get your bike, sir.
Staying over there, right there, we have a scene.
There he is, mission complete.
You killed him, boys.
It's all going to come back on you and your family.
And that doesn't mean people coming to your house and burning it down.
We're all going to pay in this country.
You think we're going to get away with killing 54 million people now since Roe v. Wade in this country?
Now folks are going to get to see their grandkids die of cancer when they're 10.
See, the cancer rates are all up.
Cancer rate in women's cervixes, you know, all of it.
Everything comes back on us.
And it comes back on those we love.
Let's go to a phone call.
Jay in Texas, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Good, buddy.
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Thank you, sir.
I just wish we could keep it in stock and people say, well, just produce more.
It's weird.
We have so many expenses that it's then hard to then get the money to make more of the products.
Maybe we should have a higher markup, but thank you so much for your support.
My comment was about the economy and you know I read Zero Edge as I know you do every day and I saw something this morning on Zero Edge about that 20% I might get these statistics exactly not exactly correct that 20% of the S&P 500
is supported by the shale industry, whether it's, you know, through parts or drilling or labor or whatever.
And that for November, permits for drilling have gone down 40% since last month in October with the oil price war.
And I think
Gosh, with all the debt and the derivatives and now you've got 20% of the S&P supported by the shale industry and now that's 40% of those permits are going down.
I mean, goodness gracious, the only way you're ever going to be able to get a job in this country is if you're working at Burger King.
Remember what Lindsey Williams said two years ago.
He said that they're going to have an oil war with Russia and oil will get really cheap.
I'm going to break it down when we come back.
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By the way, what I'm about to say is not a conspiracy theory.
It's admitted.
We did have guests on who broke down the Cumming Energy War a few years ago.
Not just Pastor Lindsey Williams, but others.
You probably have him back on because I remember him distinctly talking about how they were going to drive down the oil prices and have a huge oil boom here in the US.
But that was also known at the time as well.
But here's what's happening.
You see all this demonization of shale.
All this demonization of what they call fracking to get the natural gas and to get the oil.
And there are a lot of bad examples of fracking and there are companies that don't do it well.
That's true.
But almost all the funding against it is by the major oil companies and the Saudis, who have their own oil operations all over the world.
And they don't want wildcat American-based competition, just like they don't want a pipeline out of Canadian shale coming down to the refinery in Corpus Christi.
I don't care who's doing what.
I want more oil.
I want free market.
The only reason you've got oil prices going down right now is that's Russia's main economy.
They're a one-crop economy.
It's basically all they've got is oil and gas to supply Europe, and they continue to keep oil prices somewhat down when the West wanted to jack it up and really rip everybody off to $10, $15, $20 a gallon.
Sky's the limit.
So they're going, oh really, Russia, you're going to do that?
How about we lower it down to below $40 a barrel?
And we'll still screw our people over.
It won't go down that much because we control the refineries and the bottleneck.
And we'll still, you know, lower gas prices some, but not that much.
And then that'll also shut down the Wildcats, the smaller companies, starting all these different facilities and building some of these boutique refineries.
But a lot of interesting things happening out there.
They only allowed ethanol, which is very destructive in my view, to the environment and to crops and you name it, to also try to shut down wildcatting operations or small outfits exploring minerals, mainly oil.
Our last lead smelting plant, I mean lead is used in basically everything, was shut down by the feds this year.
It closed this year.
No bullets are now made in the US.
Cartridges are loaded.
There's a lot of cartridging going on, but the lead comes from other countries and is prepared in other countries.
They don't even let you form the lead here in the U.S.
The biggest economy in the world, that's how controlled we are.
China has over 10,000 lead smelting facilities.
China opens three coal power plants a week.
We shut, it was three a week a year ago, now it's about 10 a week.
10 a week.
They're just flipping the lights off, turning our power on.
I mean forget shipping your jobs overseas, they're shutting down the power plants.
They're shutting down gold mines all over the U.S.
Do you understand that?
Silver mines.
The bureaucrats come down on you like you know what.
Like flies on you know what.
So the caller brings up the fact that there's a massive plunge in filings to drill
That's what's been making the Texas economy boom.
It's gonna hurt the Texas economy big time.
East Texas, South Texas, West Texas, only thing running it's oil.
Why do you think Texas is a boom state?
Everybody's moving here.
You turn the exploration of natural gas and oil off, it's like flipping a switch.
Who was I talking to who brought that up?
I'm gonna go back to him.
Oh, they dropped off.
I was going to hold him over so he could finish his point.
Yeah, that's in zero heads.
You're absolutely right.
And that's what this is all about.
The West with Saudi Arabia against the American people and against the Russians.
They're against anybody having anything.
Houston, we have a problem.
With a third of the S&P capital expenditure due from the
Imploding energy sector and over 20% of the high yield market dominated by these names.
Paying attention to an infection point in the U.S.
well producers is critical as they have been gung-ho unequivocally good expanders even as oil prices have begun to fall.
So when Reuters reports a drop almost 40% in new well permits issued, that's right,
They're not issuing them, I should add.
It's not just that they're not getting them.
Across the United States in November, even the Fed's Stan Fischer might start questioning the lower oil prices are a phenomenon that's making everybody better off.
No, it's not.
Data provided exclusively to Reuters.
On Tuesday, by industry data from Drilling Info, Inc., showed 4,520 new well permits were approved last month, down from 7,727 in October.
I mean, you're seeing a major pullback response.
And I know folks are like, I don't own an oil well, why do I care?
We all live off of it.
It's the oxygen of the modern industrial civilization.
We're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
I don't want debt.
It's bad for the earth.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Daniel Pantaleo, NYPD officer at Eric Garner, chokehold death, not indicted by Staten Island Grand Jury.
This is what's causing the problem.
He clearly is not resisting him, and even if he did, is that a death penalty?
There had been warnings earlier that a decision not to charge the officer who is white with a crime for killing a black man would fan tensions.
Well, I've seen two cases this week.
A grand jury's not billing black cops who kill white people.
It's just, it's not about race so much as it's about sycophantically defending what the police do, period.
Staten Island was bracing for Ferguson-like trouble Wednesday after a grand jury chose not to indict NYPD officer for killing Eric Garner with a chokehold, sources said.
There had been warnings earlier of the decision not to charge the officer, who was white with a crime for killing a black man, with fanned tensions.
And as word of the panel's decision seeped into Staten Island neighborhoods, where anti-police sentiment is strongest, cops were on high alert and prepared for the worst.
Yeah, and innocent cops will end up getting killed over the anti-police sentiment.
That's why you see Oakland, a bunch of cops getting killed.
It's not going to go well.
The more you get militarized, the more you attack, the more people are going to come after you.
Garner, a 43-year-old father of six, was killed July 17th when the officers subdued him, subdued him, the guy didn't do anything, on a street with a banned chokehold.
Oh, but it doesn't matter that you used what's known as the killer chokehold.
He knew exactly what he was doing, in my opinion.
Police said they approached Garner because he was selling unlicensed cigarettes, better known as Lucy's, and that he resisted arrest.
They noted that Garner's rap sheet listed 31 arrests, beginning when he was 16.
It's all like petty stuff.
People said he was a good guy in the community.
How are you supposed to make money?
Oh, it's like having a lemonade stand or selling stuff on the street.
Oh my gosh.
I remember when we used to go into the black part of town because the liquor stores there would sell us beer when I was a teenager.
There was always guys out front selling cigarettes.
Hey, you want one cigarette?
But Garner's death sparked national outrage after the Daily News obtained a sickening cell phone video of his deadly encounter with police.
Yeah, that didn't match what the cops had said, I should add.
I mean, the point is they're saying, give me your arm as they're on top of him choking him.
He can't get turned over because they've got him pinned the other way.
I mean, it's just, it's such a joke, like, the police just decide, alright, sit on him, don't let him, and then say stop resisting, just like the Thomas Kelly case.
I mean, this isn't even as bad as that, because at least they kill him quickly.
It doesn't go on for 16 minutes of him begging for daddy.
And they're like,
Put your arm behind your back.
And he can't do it.
Because they're all sitting on him.
I mean, it's just a joke.
Well, you know when you're in trouble and a cop starts saying, don't resist.
So obviously, the country's under great tyranny.
It's very, very sad.
But when you think the police in some areas are out of control,
If you think that's bad, what about foreign banks running the country and putting cancer viruses in the vaccines?
Oh, but when your kid goes in and gets a shot, and has a convulsion, and is autistic, that's okay, because they deny it, and we don't know who's behind it, and blah, blah, blah.
Let's go ahead and go back to your phone calls.
We're going to go to Donna, Jim, Randall, Bob, Patton, and others.
Who's been holding the longest?
Ronell and then Patton.
Ronell in New York, thanks for calling.
Hi Alex.
Hey, thank you for calling.
Okay, first I want to talk about Ferguson.
Okay, go ahead.
But I think burning things down and shooting up police cars and rioting is really not the right thing to do.
No, I hear you, but I mean, what if it just becomes customary, if you ask a cop a question, they shoot you, because that's starting to happen.
What do you think?
That's wrong.
It means we're under great tyranny.
Yes, it does.
What else do you want to talk about, brother?
And Obama really is
A liar, because he said he wasn't going to try to take our guns.
Now, this ties into guns, which is one of the things I wanted to talk about.
I'm not screening your call.
Go ahead.
People always call in and say what they want.
Go ahead, you're on air.
He said he wouldn't come after our guns when every one of the bills is a gun confiscation.
Yes, total liar.
And I want to refer to a previous show I saw of you when you talked about the gun laws in Switzerland.
It's like you gotta have rifles in your house by law, and if the police come and find your guns, you get fined.
Yes, that's for people that are a militia age, but that goes up into your 50s, and then basically everybody else has guns, and so the crime rate is incredibly low.
The lowest in the world because of that.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Patton in FEMA Region 4.
What former state are you in?
Listing on 94.3 FM WNFZ.
That's right.
You're listening on KCXL.
Go ahead.
I'm a roofer in the Knoxville area here, and I was raised to believe that if you work hard and stay on track, it'll pay off at some point.
I know for a fact that for a political game, it feels like he just signed away my hope for a future, financially at least.
So, how do we get somebody like Venturi in there if they won't let him in the debates?
Well, I like Jesse because I know him well and I know he's for real and he really believes what he's saying and doing.
It doesn't even mean I agree with a lot of the policies and things that he promotes.
I think we always end up focusing on a president to save us or to fix things.
I think it's going to have to be us taking back the counties and cities and just blocking at every level what the feds try to do because the feds have essentially been captured by foreign interest.
Obama operating as a dictator, which he's doing, and the Republican leadership not bucking it, and bowing within a few hours of Obama's executive order, is illustrative of just how much trouble we're in, Patton.
I also wanted to quote George Washington, if we don't stand together, we will hang separate.
That's right, brother.
Good to hear from you.
Alright, let's go to another caller.
Jim in Illinois, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm an over-the-road trucker, also from Knoxville, Tennessee, and I was on Lawn Pole's campaign staff in 08 and 2012.
And as an Oath Keeper, I wanted to encourage all fellow Info Warriors, if I may, to go to OathKeepers.com or .org and learn about the Community Preservation Team.
Basically, what the Oath Keepers were doing and are doing, according to Stuart Still,
According to Stuart Rhodes, is that they're activating community preservation teams there by protecting those four businesses that remain on the farm.
Yes, and the businesses have asked for them to be there.
We have articles on Infowars.com detailing that.
And the police have come outside of law, saying you need a license to be here.
If you are a security firm, you do.
But my license is the Second Amendment and free association.
If a private business owner wants to have me in his business, helping him secure his home, that is my right to do it.
And the police are engaged in basically martial law.
But notice, the ultimate crime is citizens protecting themselves.
It's all a big power grab.
And the government wants the police to have the right to kill citizens with impunity.
But then it makes the police state look good to set them against a bunch of hood rats beating people's brains out with hammers.
So we've got a problem on both fronts, but just attacking the police will be a self-fulfilling prophecy to then ensure the Civil War.
Just by the way, I was with you in Chantilly as an Oath Keeper supporting you and your leadership.
And I just do want to encourage people to learn about the community CPTs, Community Preservation Teams, at OathKeepers.org.
And I've got two quick questions about, let's see, how do you balance being a terrible First Amendment guy, which you're helping us all to be, with
Security of your family when they both kind of work against each other.
And two, what do you think is going to happen with the other Jesse?
Jesse Benton of the Compromiser who has Kentucky connections with Rand Paul and McConnell.
What's he going to do in this coming election?
Yeah, I don't really like Jesse Benton.
I'll just leave it at that.
But I mean, compared to like Hillary Clinton or something, I think it's kind of inside baseball to get into people like Jesse Benton, who's worked for Ron Paul and then for Rand Paul.
I mean, I've known him pretty good over the years, but he's just a big compromiser and I don't think he's that smart.
I mean, I'm not against people that have speech impediments.
I don't love people that have speech impediments.
They're smart, but he's just annoying.
But I don't think that really matters.
I shouldn't even make comments about Jesse Benton.
It's just, he is a piece of work.
I mean, that's all I can say.
And if you like Mitch McConnell and you like John Boehner, you'll love Jesse Benton.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, the Oath Keepers is a great organization, great people.
I've been supporting it since it started.
Stuart Rhodes, I've been having Stuart Rhodes on, constitutional lawyer, before he started Oath Keepers.
He formerly worked with Ron Paul, he's a great guy.
And I think what they're doing is wonderful.
And the militia is constitutional, but the system has demonized that.
So really, Oath Keepers are just a modern militia that's made up of better trained police and military, former or current.
And all you're saying is, I'll keep my oath.
Oh my gosh, how dirty, how evil, how scary, how bad.
So Oath Keepers is made up of some of the best people out there.
And the name's great, too.
Stuart's a constitutional lawyer.
We should probably get him back on soon.
Let's go ahead and talk to Donna in Louisiana.
Donna, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, Donna.
Just wanted you to know, my two sons, one is 22 and one is 20, and they have been avid listeners of yours since they were in high school.
Wow, well that's awesome.
I got a couple of things.
Number one, you were talking about the guillotines on the military basis.
I am a Desert Storm veteran.
I was stationed at Belle Chase, Louisiana from 1988 or 87 until 1992 when Daniel was born, my oldest son.
And when I was there, I had found a room and a lot of antique medical equipment in a storage room that we didn't even know was there at the air station.
And I had to send all that equipment to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.
because of historical artifacts.
And so I had to fill out a thing.
Well, just so happened the invoice that I had to add my antiques to was an invoice that included guillotines that were being shipped back from the Middle East that were confiscated from Saddam.
And those were also being sent to D.C.
at that time.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You saw this.
I saw this, yes, personally.
And I'm probably not supposed to talk about it, but at this point, who cares?
Okay, well listen, a lot of times rumors have an original truth.
Like people say there's rumors there's FEMA camps.
Well, they don't call them FEMA camps, they call them Emergency Centers Establishment Act.
That's what it's called.
They're called Emergency Regional Centers.
There's Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program.
There's plans for civil unrest.
There's a bunch of public documents.
They're real.
But they can play games and go, we found no document with FEMA camp on it.
So I'd like to get your name and number off record.
If you want to go public with your name and stuff, that's fine.
But we would love to put you on the nightly news or have you back on when you document
You know, who you are and what you're saying.
It doesn't have to be public.
We just have to document who you are and confirm it and that you were where you said you were.
Just some basic records.
And then we would love to do an interview about confirmed guillotines.
So let me give you the floor for a few minutes though.
This is unconfirmed, folks, but you sound legitimate.
Tell us slowly where you were and what you saw.
I was stationed at the Naval Air Station Belchase in Belchase, Louisiana down at Clackamas Parish.
I was raised here in Northeast Louisiana and, you know, that
You know, I'm from here originally, and of all things, when I get stationed, you know, active duty in the Navy, I end up down in New Orleans, which was fine by me.
My husband and I were, well, I actually married my husband while I was there and everything, and we lived there together for three years, but I was there a total of five.
I'm an armedly discharged veteran of ten years from the U.S.
I was in the Reserves first, and then I went active duty.
I kind of did it backwards.
And, um, but I was actually, uh, in the military for 10 years.
Like I said, honorably discharged, veteran, officially of a foreign war.
I did not go overseas because the ground war did not escalate in desert.
No, no, I understand.
So specifically, tell us about the guillotines.
I, um, received a invoice that, and I was told to add the, um,
We're good to go.
You know, there was a little excerpt from it because it was going to the Smithsonian as well as my information.
Well, that is who hoards all the strange oddities that get hauled back.
So this may be the source, then, of the guillotine rumors that I've been hearing about since I was first on air in 19...
And it's always a truck crash.
They were in a military base and there was a truckload of guillotines.
And I'm in Michigan and my cousin's brother knows somebody that saw the truckload of guillotines and martial law signs.
But you're the first person I've talked to.
I seem to remember 60 minutes or something talking about Saddam and guillotines.
I know that's how they killed people over there.
Like Iraq would do it with a guillotine.
In Saudi Arabia, they use a sword.
Very interesting, ma'am.
I'll get one of our reporters to get in touch with you, and we'd love to interview you.
We could get you on Skype, then bar your face out or something like that, or use your name.
But yeah, it's fine to talk about...
Guillotine's being brought back.
If they were, quote, sent at the Smithsonian and they didn't say it was secret, I mean, do they call you in a room and say these guillotines are secret?
Don't talk about it?
It was confiscated a spoil of war.
It was... Well, that's clearly not secret, so... No, it shouldn't be.
But, I mean, you know, I've never talked about it before, but I happened to see it.
And, you know, they actually... All this stuff was supposed to be sitting in a truckload with what I found in that back room.
I mean, it was gross.
Well, the government's got a lot of junk.
We all do.
I mean, not just private citizens that are pack rats.
The ultimate pack rat is the federal government.
I mean, Area 51, folks, is just a giant toxic waste dump.
And they tell the public it's little green men.
And of course, they've got some space planes out there as well.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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I'm going to Bob and Katrina and David and Katie.
At least those callers before we end the transmission.
The main show ends in about six minutes, but then I always do a little extra five minutes, sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, into the fourth hour, but most stations don't carry it.
But the internet, obviously, does, and you're watching us at Infowars.com forward slash show.
You can find the free feed there, the free podcast, at Infowars.com forward slash show.
There's an article up on Drudge, BBC, Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.
That's what all the top scientists are saying.
And it's being set up to take over and run everything, so we won't be able to fight it.
And the globalists say they're setting it up to make us obsolete.
But then people like Hawking and Joy and all these other big insiders are warning us.
I've had a bunch of top robotics experts on.
MIT people!
That's the thing.
They're not even immoral.
They care, but the elite on top of it are just crazy.
Do the elite really think the computers aren't going to go after them first?
New tech reads your face and your mind.
Look at this.
I used to tell folks when they put brain scanners in the Boston Airport and five others in 2002, I would read it.
And CBS News covered it.
People thought I was lying.
That was back before everybody had handheld phones, computers, and would just check what I said.
Oh yeah, alright.
Five airports got passive brain scanners.
Shut up, Jones!
Everything they're telling you about is 20 to 40 years old.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
We'll have obviously all the news condensed down and all the breaking news as well with our great team of reporters.
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Hey, how's it going?
I train in Krav Maga.
And I was watching that video, that guy in the green shirt, number 99.
When he was choking that guy, that looked like a triangle choke.
And basically he had his arm pinned
You can't breathe and you cannot talk.
And they got one arm behind the guy's back.
So when they're saying, you know, stop resisting, don't, you know, that guy can't even talk.
Well, that's it.
I don't train in MMA.
I don't train in Krav Maga.
But I know wrestling and I've read about it.
And you can see they pin him at a move and kill him.
And that's why it's so evil that they killed him.
I mean, it's it's great.
And they're saying, put your arm behind your back.
That's their excuse to keep choking when they've got an illegal kill choke.
I mean, is that not premeditated?
That choke right there, when you train with that in class, you have to be so careful because if you don't tap out within a couple of seconds, you're going out like a light.
And that's why even in MMA, you've got a referee watching, and they're watching you.
When that choke's applied, it only takes a couple of seconds, and it lights out.
And then they keep doing it, and he's having a convulsion, and they keep giving orders.
I mean, there was no way.
That guy, he was screwed.
There was nothing he could do.
I know, I'm not even, you know, I should get an expert in MMA or that type of stuff on it and simulate it and show it with like, you know, some of the guys.
Just, he's not going to get in trouble.
He's just, I just cannot believe it.
I just cannot.
Ran here, he said, you know, great job.
We'll be right back with some overdrive.
I'm going to go throw up.
This December marks 20 years that I've been on the air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
A government plot against the Second Amendment supporters, Fox News reports.
On the Alan Combs show, former police chief Mark Kessler, who's been on this show before, and I thought something was suspicious about him at the time after I interviewed him,
We're reposting an interview at InfoWars.com.
Made one of the most shocking revelations Allen ever heard.
And Kessler said he was exposing it the first time.
He said he really worked for the Feds to lure in terrorist right-wingers and that they foiled terror attacks.
Yeah, he never heard about it.
That's made up in my view.
And then he, really what he was doing is like a Cass Sunstein type cognitive infiltration to demonize the Second Amendment.
That was his real mission, in my view.
I'm gonna try to get him on.
But pretty ridiculous.
That kind of stuff's going on.
Katie, in FEMA Region 6, what former state are you in?
Hey, no.
Hey, Katie.
Yep, you bet.
What former state are you in?
Uh, FEMA Region 6.
Actually, it's KD.
I don't know why they say KD.
I'm sorry.
No wonder we didn't talk.
Go ahead, uh, KD.
That's okay.
Hey, real quick.
Hey, uh, I listened last week.
I was listening to the Al Sharpton station here in, in, uh, actually Cincinnati.
And, and, uh, they, they had a, uh, clergy response team member on there and they created, they, they had this big protest in Cincinnati over the brown thing.
And, and the guy said,
It was all orchestrated by the Justice Department there in Cincinnati.
And they were blocking the highways and everything.
Wait a minute, you were listening to what radio station and they admitted that the Justice Department was running it?
He admitted it.
He just said it real briefly.
The Justice Department was there and then he got cut off like he was saying too much.
It was the Lincoln Ware Show, it's a black radio station, 1230.
Another thing I wanted to tell you too, Alex, I haven't had time to call in.
Last year, Rikki Lake Show, she had a show on there called People Lived Through Tragedies, and there was two people on there, and they were both in the military, they were in the movie theater, and the girl gave her testimony, which was everything, one shooter, this, that, and the other, but when her husband gave his testimony, he said there was multiple shooters in there, he couldn't tell if they were in the front or the back of him,
And she grabbed his leg like you said too much.
You have to see the video because I showed it to my wife.
I said, look at this lady grabbing her husband's leg and look at him.
You said too much.
What happened?
Alex, I'm an attorney.
I've got a, defending a man against murder.
He was defending himself with a shotgun after really extraordinary efforts to help the cops.
And now with all this fog of refusal to really look at what happened in these shootings, it just makes it harder to do these cases and get them right.
Because now supposedly trying to stop being an enemy, trying to avoid being an enemy of the police,
It makes you an opponent of people who are trying to fight racism.
Well yeah, it's an us against them mentality.
They're trying to make us choose sides instead of just choosing justice.
I mean it's not justice to burn down grocery stores and stuff because you think a racist white cop killed somebody and it's not justice for a grand jury to know Bill, a cop, that clearly
Chokes the guy to death.
I mean it's just amazing and I wonder what's going to happen in New York now and Staten Island with this situation.
I would have to say at least there's some science for that case.
It doesn't seem like the people who are picking these fights ever pick the right ones because then folks like us wouldn't be able to be supporters and I don't think they want supporters.
I hear you.
I just want to have justice in a good country, but I tell you, there's just so much evil out there.
God bless you.
Sorry to the other callers, Katrina and others.
I'll get to you if you call back tomorrow.
Great job of the crew.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.