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Filename: 20141120_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 20, 2014
2311 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Thursday, November 20th, 2014, it's Revolution Day in Mexico, and it looks like it's going to be Revolution Day in America.
Now, before I get any letters or calls, I know that they celebrated on, I think it's the third Monday in November, but it was the 1910 Mexican Revolution that they have celebrated until 2006 on November 20th.
Is it a coincidence that this is the day
That Obama is going to announce blanket amnesty.
We're going to be talking to Paul Joseph Watson.
He's got an article up right now on Infowars.com.
He's going to be co-hosting today.
Is Obama trying to cause civil unrest in America?
Of course, we see what's happening in Ferguson.
Everybody is on pins and needles awaiting a verdict there.
We see record gun sales there.
Most of the gun sales we've now heard from a lot of the shops are first-time gun owners.
People are very concerned about what's going on there.
We've seen and we've covered this earlier in the week that a police officer posted, get a gun to protect yourself.
We can't do it.
And of course we've seen that time and time again.
We're also going to be talking to
Our Ferguson reporter is going to be joining us later in the show, as well as Anthony Gucciardi, talking about health concerns, people that he's talked to, concerned that maybe we're not seeing everything that's going on with Ebola.
We're also going to be talking to Arnold Abbott.
Now he is the 90-year-old man in Florida.
You may remember a couple of weeks ago it began.
He had been feeding homeless people in Fort Lauderdale for 23 years.
They passed a new ordinance saying that he believed that was targeted directly at him.
Essentially saying that you can't feed people on the street where they live.
You've got to go into a church building.
You've got to have a sink.
You've got to have all these different regulations.
He believes
That it was something that was done by the people, the rich people, the people in control of the government, who didn't want to see homeless people on the street.
He refused on principle to back down, to change this.
I think it's a great example of someone standing up to government when it exceeds its moral authority.
And I am very anxious to talk to him.
Of course, he's a World War II veteran.
He's going to be joining us later in the show as well.
Now, there's a lot of people, and we're going to be talking to Paul about this when we come back from break, a lot of people have a lot of concerns about what Obama is doing.
And of course, it's typically portrayed as the Republicans are very concerned about this, but the Democrats are solidly behind it.
No, there are a lot of Democrats who understand that this is costing them the blue-collar vote amongst whites and blacks.
The number of people
That he is looking at in terms of giving amnesty 5 million people plus he's saying he's going to give work permits to about another million or so.
That's all the jobs that have been added since 2009.
Remember when we had the massive recession, depression in 2008?
Every single job that's been added since then, in terms of numbers, that would be the number of people that he'd be giving work permits to.
Do we have the kind of economy that can absorb that?
And of course, Obama himself, back in 2006, in his own autobiography, or perhaps it was ghostwritten, but we have him reading this probably ghostwritten autobiography, bringing up these exact same points of how it's going to hurt people who have traditionally been the Democrat base.
Many Democrat politicians understand how it's hurt them as they're now out of office.
So it's not exactly that the Democrats are necessarily 100% behind him.
Certainly the leadership is.
And the leadership of the Republican Party is solidly behind this regardless of what they tell you.
Because they're doing this for big business.
They're doing it for the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, who wants this to happen.
They want to deliver for their corporate masters.
If they didn't, if they didn't, they could do something to stop it.
What did they do when they came back from their massive victory in the Republican House after the elections?
First thing they did was pass the Keystone Pipeline Bill.
For the ninth time.
Nine times.
They know it's not going to go anywhere, but they'll do it for their corporate masters.
They won't make a point about Obama breaking the law and acting like an emperor, but they'll do it for the Keystone Pipeline because that's what their corporate masters want.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Thursday, November 20th.
I'm David Knight and going to be your host today.
I'm being joined with Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Paul, how you doing?
Good to be here, David.
Now, we have this article that you put up today.
Is Obama trying to cause civil unrest in America?
I mean, there's a lot of stuff going on right now with the
Amnesty plans that are going to be announced tonight as part of the Univision coverage, I guess, of the Latin Grammys.
They've got it perfectly situated so that the English news channels are not going to be covering it, but of course the Latin channels are going to be covering it.
I'm wondering if, have you heard, is it going to be in English?
Will it even have English subtitles maybe?
I don't know.
Well, I mean, that's the point, David.
There's a new headline out, actually, just in the last hour.
Obama doesn't bother to solicit English-speaking networks for coverage.
So this is basically, apart from the, you know, the broadcast channels that have chosen to pick this up, it's going to be on Univision, it's going to be at the Latin Grammys, and basically all these immigrant groups are planning parties around it.
So this is specifically directed at the immigrants, it's not directed to the American people, which this will affect.
And as he said, I put the article out this morning, the sentiments of which were echoed by Phyllis Schlafly, who's been a guest on this program before.
She said Obama could launch another civil war by announcing this amnesty.
My headline was, is Obama trying to cause civil unrest in America?
And basically, I question the timing.
You know, we've got National Guard, police, FBI across the country warning that this Officer Darren Wilson verdict, which is set to come down probably tomorrow, could cause rioting, looting and unrest.
They're buying riot gear to prepare for it.
And this could come down tomorrow.
Obama has chosen to announce this amnesty plan, which Senator Tom Coburn says could cause the country to quote, go nuts, could cause anarchy and violence.
He's chosen to announce it at the exact same time
When the FBI, when police departments across the country are also warning and preparing for violence in relation to the outcome of the Michael Brown shooting.
So, the timing is absolutely senseless, David.
I mean, couldn't they have waited at least a few days to announce this?
Well, yeah, but you gotta understand, you gotta understand, Paul.
Trying to polarize the country with coinciding this announcement with the Wilson verdict.
You gotta understand though, Paul, this is perfect timing for them because today is Revolution Day in Mexico.
November 10th, 1910 was when the Mexican Revolution started and they've celebrated on November the 20th up until 2006 and they moved it to the third Monday.
But this is Revolution Day.
This is when he's appealing to his audience.
I would imagine that's probably why they have the Latin Grammys on this particular day.
Nevertheless, this is his audience that he is pandering to.
This is the group that he believes he's going to establish a permanent Democrat majority with, that he's going to use to fundamentally transform the country.
But you know, Paul, we talk about these executive orders on immigration, but there's other executive orders as well coming down the road.
The Obama administration openly talked about how they were going to move ahead with quote-unquote climate change regulation and there wasn't anything that the Republicans could do about it.
They said that right after the election.
So we don't care if you got majorities.
We're going to move ahead with our own agenda and of course that agenda
Is shutting down all of our energy resources just as they've shipped our jobs abroad.
They want to shut down the energy resources as well.
And the excuse that they're using, of course, is global warming.
Before we get back to immigration, I want people to look at this video that's coming out of Buffalo.
They're bracing for snow there.
And even for Buffalo, this is an amazing amount of snow.
Let's go to that video.
Buffalo's deadly monster storm isn't done yet.
The lake effect storm hammered southern parts of the city Tuesday, dumping nearly six feet.
The region now bracing for round two, expected to bring another two to three feet of snow by Friday.
An entire year's worth of snow in just days.
This snowfall may break all sorts of records.
The city in a state of emergency and residents struggling to dig out from under walls of snow.
It's too much.
It's just really a lot of snow here and it's hard to... We're closed in here.
It's not an open area where we can just fling the snow anywhere.
Trapped inside his West Seneca home, James Grimaldi used an aerial drone to escape his snow-covered garage, capturing this video of the avalanche of snow left behind.
You have to see this video.
This is amazing.
Officials say it could be days before the highways are cleared and are warning residents to be careful.
Stay home.
If you do have to go out, please exercise caution.
In the hardest-hit areas where snow is too deep for plows, crews have had to bring in front-end loaders and dump trucks.
To haul the snow out.
The National Guard out in full force to help clear the streets.
While EMS and firefighters are depending on volunteers with snowmobiles or venturing out on foot to rescue those stranded and in need.
The storm now claiming seven lives.
Some from cardiac arrest, shoveling.
Others simply trapped in the cold.
That's an amazing story, and they're expecting another 20 to 30 more inches of snow, they said, today during a 10-hour window.
But it's not just Buffalo.
Buffalo has this kind of weather, I mean, but still, 20 to 30 inches, that's an amazing amount of snow anywhere.
But Buffalo does get a lot of snow, but it's not just Buffalo.
They say that 50% of the U.S.
has snow on the ground as of Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service.
All 50 states have registered temperatures below freezing Tuesday morning,
Even traditionally warm ones.
It's been very cold here in Austin, Texas as well, Paul.
I know you were just here not too long ago.
But they had the Meteorological Society, the American Meteorological Society meet here in Austin.
I think it was in 2013.
Or maybe it was earlier this year.
Anyway, it was in the spring.
And the guys who are the weathermen have pretty accurate models.
And that's really what they were doing.
It was kind of a trade and science meeting where they were exchanging information back and forth about their models.
They could immediately see whether or not they were true.
They could test that.
But the people who are predicting long-term climate change have been predicting it based on a rise in CO2.
And even though we've seen the rise in CO2,
We've seen global temperatures dropping.
Their models don't work.
Even in the short term, they don't work.
But it makes it very difficult, Paul, to look at these models when they're predicting things that are decades out because it's difficult for you to... you basically can't disprove their models.
And they say, we don't have to prove it because we are arguing from a position of authority.
We're a professor.
We're a climate scientist.
So you just should listen to us and do what we say.
Yeah, and then the models that they did predict back in the 70s, a lot of these people who were linked to advisors in the White House like John P. Holdren and Paul Ehrlich who co-authored Ecoscience, you know, they were saying a new ice age back in the 70s.
They were proven spectacularly wrong time and time again.
What we do know, as you mentioned, is that
Since the past about around 18 and a half years ago there's been no measurable global warming whatsoever.
Now you will get a story like it's the hottest October ever in the world which some scientific bodies are claiming.
They cite that as evidence of global warming when it's no more than evidence of weather but then when you forward something like
Look at this record snow.
November looks like being one of the coldest months ever, certainly in the United States.
And they say, well, that's just the weather.
That's not indicative of long term climate models.
So either way, you can't win with those people.
But when you do go back two decades, there's no noticeable change in global warming.
So they cherry pick the evidence they want to believe is confirmation bias that backs up
They're fear-mongering, they're hysteria about climate change.
While Al Gore buys, you know, oceanside mansions and uses God knows how many multiples the amount of electricity as the average American.
So they're complete hypocrites and they've been proven spectacularly wrong time and time again.
Yeah, when we were there, even though the long-term climate data over about a 17-year period was showing a global decline in temperatures, they were trumpeting the fact that in the United States it had been an increase in the last year.
So you can pick where you measure the temperature, you can pick the time frame that you measure the temperature to try to cherry-pick those data, but I think
Don't believe in global warming.
But I also want to talk about this agreement that they made, and this is what it's going to look like with Obama's mandates and dictates in this area, shutting down the coal industry, shutting down energy.
Now, when he made this agreement with China, here's what the agreement looks like.
We have to reduce, the United States has to reduce our energy usage by 25% over the next 11 years.
But China is free to grow their energy usage for the next 16 years before they cap it.
You understand?
We have to decline where we are in 11 years.
They will be able to grow, and wherever they are in 16 years, they'll be able to cap it.
Now, if it's global warming, shouldn't we be concerned about new, possibly very dirty, Chinese power plants that are being opened in that interim?
See, they're not concerned about the global warming aspect of it.
They just want to shut down our energy.
And Paul, that gets us back to this immigration thing.
This is really a Cloward and Piven strategy.
This is not only bringing in a different demographic group and giving them the jobs, but it's also something that is going to swell the welfare rolls, it's going to swell the medical expenses here.
It is a Cloward and Piven strategy.
This is something that social scientists talked about
Centuries ago, de Tocqueville talked about it.
It's sometimes attributed to another fellow.
But basically, you know, we've all heard it, that democracy will only exist until people realize that they can vote themselves money out of the Treasury, at which point it will collapse.
Cloward and Piven kind of formalized that and said, let's help that collapse along.
Let's build an unsupportable welfare state very quickly so that we can then collapse it.
That's what I believe is really behind this.
Yeah, and it's like Bill Clinton said, how do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time, when he was referring to gun control.
Initially, these immigrants aren't going to get some of the benefits, they're not going to be covered by Obamacare, but once they get that work permit or that resident status, then that's the next stage.
It's a stepping stone process.
And it's not just Republicans that are saying that this is unconstitutional, that it's... Hang on, Paul, we've got to come up to a break.
We're going to be right back.
Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
We're also going to be talking to the 90-year-old man who went to jail for feeding the homeless in Florida.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Live in the studio I have Paul Joseph Watson joining us from London.
It is Thursday, November 20th, Revolution Day for Mexico.
The day their revolution began and presumably the day that Obama wants to begin the revolution in America.
He promised to fundamentally transform this country.
Looks like he's going to do it.
We were talking, Paul and I were just talking about
His announced intention to do whatever he wishes on climate change, saying that even Republican majorities in Congress aren't going to stop him.
And of course, today is the day that he's going to announce what he's going to do with five million illegal immigrants, at least.
Perhaps many more will be joining those ranks.
And I was just talking to Paul.
We just began talking about executive orders on immigration.
We had to go to a commercial break.
Go ahead, Paul.
Yeah, I was just making the point that a lot of this opposition, you know, for example, Ted Cruz calling Obama a monarch for utilising these executive orders unconstitutionally, a lot of it's come from Republicans.
But if you actually look at what Obama said himself last year, I mean, listen to this.
Obama noted that granting unilateral amnesty for adults residing in our country illegally was, quote, not an option because it would amount to, quote, ignoring the law.
And on the flip side, in 2011, Obama said there are laws on the books that Congress has passed, and therefore it would not be permissible for the President to quote, suspend deportations through executive order.
So on two separate occasions, Obama admitted
That enacting immigration policy through executive order was, quote, ignoring the law, was unconstitutional, and was illegal.
So by his own admission, with this executive order set to come down tomorrow, Obama is completely violating the law.
So it's not just Republicans that are accusing him of this.
In his own words, he said that that would be the case as recently as last year, and now that's exactly what he's doing.
He's very well aware of that.
He knows that he's betraying his base.
And this is something, I think this is really Paul crossing the Rubicon.
It's not just a political aspect, it's also a legal constitutional aspect.
It has economic aspects, it has social aspects.
He wants to fundamentally transform this country.
And one of those ways is to say that, hey,
I waited six months, I waited a year, I didn't get what I wanted out of the democratic process, out of the constitutional process, so I'm just going to put out an edict.
I'm going to do whatever I wish, because I'm tired of waiting, I'm frustrated because I'm not getting the results I want.
Essentially he is acting as a dictator over and over again, and we're going to see this followed up
With a shutdown of our energy resources as well when he starts on these climate change mandates.
It isn't going to stop here.
He's establishing a precedent.
And the GOP is not doing anything to stop him.
All they're doing, up to this point, is they're just saying that they're going to sue him in court.
That's not the rightful remedy.
The rightful remedy is for them to pass laws or to impeach this guy.
Well, that would be the rightful cause because we've got to remember that Obama's rap sheet for impeachment is as long as my arm.
I mean, you know, Benghazi, you know, aiding terrorists in Syria fast and furious, undermining the authority of Congress with regards to the attack on Libya.
He's already up for all these different charges under impeachment.
Now this, but the Republicans, the establishment Republicans aren't going to impeach Obama because they know that that would
And they keep telling us...
We're good to go.
Oh, absolutely.
It's not just that you're losing your job if you are a white and black blue-collar worker, or even professionals.
They are going to put people on the welfare roll as well as putting people on the job rolls.
That's a huge part of this.
But, you know, Paul, when I look at the excuses that we hear from the GOP, of course, they're saying, we can't pass this because it won't get any farther than the House.
And yet they have passed the Keystone Pipeline nine times they've passed it, knowing that it isn't going to get through the Senate, knowing that it would get a veto on Obama's desk.
And yet they find a way to do that.
They need to stand up and do the right thing and take the consequences, take it to the metal.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own.
I've also directed Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Holder to identify additional actions my administration can take on our own, within my existing legal authorities, to do what Congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, live in Austin, joined with Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
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Paul, we were talking just before the break about Obama acting like a dictator, acting like an emperor, and of course he's doing it on Revolution Day in Mexico.
That was a day they actually overthrew their emperor, I guess he's...
He's kind of taking it in the opposite way.
He's trying to overthrow our social, economic, legal system so that he can essentially become an emperor.
But it's not something that they run from.
I want to play this clip from CNN and get your comments on it.
This is Obama saying that being called, actually his spokesperson saying that being called an emperor is a criticism that the president wears with a badge of honor.
Here's that clip.
Speaker Boehner has just put out a statement saying that if he does go ahead with executive action, he will have cemented his governing with lawlessness.
However, others have said that it isn't necessary for the President to take this action, maybe to push Congress to go ahead and approve some type of immigration reform.
Is that the purpose of him, part of it, of taking this step?
Well, I'll say a couple things about the quote.
I happen to see that, too.
I mean, there are a couple things that stuck out to me.
The first is, again, we'll have ample opportunity to discuss the legal basis for the President's executive actions once he's announced them.
You know, we've heard this kind of rhetoric about lawlessness from House Republicans for some time.
I know that their most recent statement referred to Emperor Obama.
You know, the fact of the matter is, you know, the President is somebody who's willing to examine the law, review the law, and use every element of that law to make progress for the American people.
And that is, and if that is something that Republicans are critical of, that's, you know, maybe a criticism that the President wears with a badge of honor, I think.
So what do you say to that, Paul?
Well I mean, Obama himself said, again about a year ago, I'm not a king, I'm the head of the executive branch of government, I'm required to follow the law.
Now, the tact has changed somewhat.
And again, the press secretary there says, you know, fix it for the benefit of the American people.
A clear majority of Americans oppose this amnesty plan.
Even almost half of Latinos oppose it.
In fact, there was an NBC poll which came out just yesterday, and they had to try and discredit their own poll by saying it wasn't a large enough sample size, because almost half of Latinos they asked actually opposed Obama's executive agenda on amnesty.
So he's not acting in the best interest of the American people by any stretch of the imagination.
He was fundamentally rejected by them.
In the recent midterm election.
And then, as you mentioned before, there's the social aspect.
You know, all these sheriffs have come out over the past 24 hours and said that this is going to be a green light, a welcoming beacon for criminals to flood into the United States, because obviously a lot of the illegal immigrants have a large criminal element among them.
And this is going to start to gradually tear apart the fabric of American society as it has in Europe.
And I can speak
On the subject from that perspective living here and even David Cameron and Angela Merkel the German Chancellor have acknowledged that state imposed multiculturalism through mass uncontrolled immigration, which is what many European countries have overseen.
Doesn't work.
It's a complete failure because a lot of these immigrants don't wish to assimilate.
They have their own culture which they want to reinforce and it's often hostile to the native culture.
So that's not right-wing political groups that have said that multiculturalism doesn't work.
In Europe, heads of state have acknowledged that it hasn't worked.
Well it's led to social disparity, it's led to riots in places like Sweden, in Stockholm, France, in Paris, and the UK of course back in 2011.
I mean if you look at Sweden, which has completely thrown its doors wide open to illegal immigration,
Now they have a situation where Swedish paramedics need body armor to enter Muslim areas of Sweden.
Because these gangs, these Muslim gangs have taken over 55 areas in Sweden, these major metropolitan areas, which are now being designated as no-go zones.
The government is now even debating whether to cut off services to these zones because whenever the police go in there, for any reason whatsoever, they're attacked with machetes and other weapons.
And it's a massive, massive problem.
Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe.
It has the second highest in the world.
Double the number of rapes compared to America.
And a lot of them are being carried out by these Muslim rape gangs, which people are scared to talk about in Sweden, because it's such a, you know, liberal utopia, that in the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by these Muslim gangs in the city of Stockholm alone.
Also, 300 of those cases were girls under the age of 15.
Well, we've seen a huge increase in crime here.
John Bowne did a report on it in North Carolina.
They had somebody who was tracking it, and of course, they don't like to report that the crime was committed by somebody who is an illegal alien, but they went back and they were able to look closely at the records.
They found hundreds of cases, as you point out, of sexual assault, many of them on underage girls at the time.
This is something that they're working very hard to cover up.
And Paul, this is something very different in the American experience.
I mean, many of us have friends and relatives who came over in the Ellis Island experiment.
We always talk about the American melting pot.
Those people who came over in those waves of immigration were coming to America because they believed in what America stood for.
It wasn't merely an escape valve.
It wasn't merely for economic purposes, but they really bought into the vision, the culture, the legal situation here in the U.S.
They wanted to be a part of it.
That's why we called it a melting pot.
Today, as somebody has pointed out, it's really more of a tossed salad.
The groups come in in very large numbers.
They remain distinct.
They remain separate.
They wish to keep their culture separate.
But it's even more than that.
There's kind of a cultural imperialism, a resentment of America, as we see from these groups like La Raza.
They seek to establish their own independent state, their own independent culture, legal system.
We've seen that with the Muslims as well in Europe.
Obama himself understood this.
Listen to this quote.
We reported on this earlier this week.
The flashback with the quotes out of Obama's...
Book in 2006 that he had somebody ghostwrite for him, and he was reading it in the audio tape.
He said, Native-born Americans suspect that it is they, and not the immigrant, who are being forced to adapt to social changes caused by migration.
That's Obama saying that.
And then he goes on to say, if I'm honest with myself, I must admit that I'm not entirely immune to such nativist sentiments.
When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.
When I'm forced to use a translator to communicate with a guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration.
He's speaking to what people understand, and that is there is no desire to assimilate, to be a part of this legal system.
They want to come here and change it, and that's why Obama is bringing them here.
Even though he said this, he wants to use them as a tool of social change, as a tool of disruption.
What do you think about that, Paul?
Are you there?
Did we lose you?
No, I mean, yeah.
I mean, that point is exemplified perfectly if you read Dinesh D'Souza's America, Imagine a World Without Her.
As he said, the original wave of immigrants, they wanted to come over.
They were escaping despotic regimes in many cases.
They wanted to work hard.
They wanted to build businesses.
Now it's a completely different equation.
These people, just as happened in Europe over the past several decades, they're coming across to get welfare, they're coming across to be exploited, to be used as a voting block for the Democratic Party.
There are a ton of hard-working Mexicans now living in America that have built businesses, that have invested themselves
In the American dream that have achieved the American dream to a great extent which is why as I said earlier nearly half of Latinos oppose Obama's executive amnesty because they can differentiate between genuine skilled hard-working immigrants that want to contribute to the society they want to assimilate
Not ones that are an invasive force, the reconquista, the Aztlan types, that want to come in and reinforce their own culture and then be hostile to the native culture that's already there, whether that be white Americans, black Americans, Mexican Americans, whoever.
People who are already invested in the system, who have built businesses.
So it's not an issue of race.
It never has been.
It's an issue of economics, the social fabric of the country, and Obama knows that, even though he admitted in his book, like, he said, you know, even I'm uncomfortable with the guy fixing my car can't speak English.
So even he acknowledged it.
Now he appears to have completely thrown any of those concerns out the window and is acting, as Ted Cruz said, like a monarch.
Yeah, let's play a quote from that book.
Let's play that first quote, guys, here about the effect on blue-collar workers.
Because I think this speaks to exactly the sort of thing that you were just talking about, Paul.
It's whites, it's blacks, it's Mexicans who have come here legally and immigrated who are now
There's no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our southern border.
There you go, yeah.
He says the sense that what's happening is fundamentally different than what's gone on before.
But again, it's not just whites and blacks, as you pointed out, Paul.
This is something that affects everybody who is here legally.
There's an article that's up on Infowars.com today.
Obama's amnesty will add as many foreign workers as new jobs since 2009.
Obama's unilateral amnesty will quickly add as many foreign workers to the nation's legal labor force as a total number created since 2009.
It will also create a new inflow of foreign college graduates for prestigious salaries and jobs according to press reports.
And they point out that he has already provided or promised almost a million extra work permits to foreigners while this economy has added only six million jobs since 2009.
So there you go.
That wipes out all the gains whether you're
White, Black, or Hispanic, that wipes out all the gains.
But he is also, and we see this in Ferguson, this is a big part of what's going on in Ferguson.
Ferguson has, in many cases, a police problem, just as we have seen across this country.
In many cases, that police problem is stemming from rules of engagement that are coming out of Washington.
And in response to that, however, instead of addressing those, what they do is they pit one ethnic group against another, and that's what we're seeing happening in Ferguson as well.
They use this to pit one ethnic group against the other so they can divide and conquer the population.
Yeah, I mean, with the jobs issue, it goes back even further.
It goes back to the year 2000.
Now there are less Native Americans with jobs now in 2014 than there were in 2000, yet there are 5.7 million immigrants with jobs.
All the employment growth, not since 2009, but way back 2000, 14 years ago, have gone to immigrants.
Despite the fact that population growth in the United States, two-thirds of that is native-born Americans.
So it's not the fact that they've just overwhelmed the numbers.
It's the fact that most of those jobs have gone to immigrants, because of course they're more inclined to accept a lower wage.
That benefits big business, which the Republicans as well as the Democrats are in league with.
So that goes back even further than is being reported today.
I think that big business aspect is a huge part of why nothing is really being done by the GOP.
Because the US Chamber of Commerce, the Walmarts, the big corporations, they very badly want the cheapest labor they can find.
They want to flood the market.
We're good.
He says that the Democrat Party, that working class white voters have abandoned Democrats in large numbers.
He said the party has not made it clear that they're prepared to stand with the working class people of this country and take on the big money interests.
And that's precisely the point.
That's what the GOP leadership like Boehner are doing.
They're sucking up to the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce just as they did with the Keystone Pipeline.
Whether or not you agree with the Keystone Pipeline, I think it's probably on balance I would support it.
Nevertheless, they have gone to bat for that nine times having a vote that they know that isn't going to go anywhere.
They do that to show their loyalty to their corporate masters.
That is the only thing the Republicans have done since they've come back.
It's the first thing they've done since they've come back is pass that.
And of course, it was pronounced dead on arrival in the still democratically controlled Senate.
Nevertheless, they will do that.
But they won't pass any legislation to stop Obama's amnesty.
They won't pass any regulation to really do something about immigration at the borders.
And they're not going to do anything to try to impeach Obama.
Well, I mean, there's a definite split, isn't there?
I mean, the likes of Michelle Bachman, she's on her way out.
It's only really the likes of Ted Cruz that are even mentioning impeachment.
The rest of the establishment Republicans distanced themselves from that almost immediately after the midterm.
So, we know that when push comes to shove, they will side with the Democrats arm in arm.
Yeah, let's play a little bit of what Ted Cruz said on Fox News.
You're talking about how he's pushing back against it.
We are unfortunately witnessing a constitutional crisis.
Let's play that, guys.
What President Obama is doing is he is defying the law, he's defying the Constitution.
You know, the President quite rightly said just a few weeks ago, his policies were on the ballot all over the country.
This last election was a referendum on amnesty.
And the American people overwhelmingly rose up and said, no, we don't want lawless amnesty.
And I'm sorry to say President Obama's reaction is defiant and it is angry with the American people.
And if the President goes forward with this, if he goes forward unilaterally defying the Congress elected by the people, defying the American voters, then it's incumbent on Republicans in Congress to use every single constitutional tool we have to defend the rule of law, to reign in a President so that the President does not become an unaccountable monarch, imposing his own policies in defiance of the American people.
This is a moment of testing.
We're going to be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
That's right.
Stay with us.
That was Ted Cruz.
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All the leaves are brown.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin, and we're joined with Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Now, just as we were going out, we were talking about, we played a clip of Ted Cruz essentially saying that what Obama is doing with this unilateral amnesty is essentially in defiance of the American people and what they just said at the polls.
But earlier we played a clip from Press Secretary Josh Earnest and he said, you know, a lot of people have called Obama an emperor, but he's just trying to do progress for the American people.
No, when you're giving blanket amnesty and opening the borders to everyone to come into this country, to foreigners to come into this country, to swamp this country with a massive amount of people, that is not for the American people.
He's ignoring what the American people said.
He's doing it for people who are not citizens of this country.
Trying to change the demographics of this country into something that will favor him.
But that hasn't worked so far, and there are politicians like Bernie Sanders, even, the socialist, who looks to be running for Democrat in the next election.
It looks like he's going to announce for that.
And he was saying that the working class people, blue-collar people, realize that the Democrats have betrayed them on this issue, and they're the ones who are going to suffer the most, Paul.
Well exactly, as we were saying before the break, this is going to harm legal immigrants that have already got into the country off their own back, off their own hard work.
They've gone through the administrative procedure.
And now those who are trying to immigrate legally are going to be pushed right to the back of the line because of this new move by Obama to legalise these four to five million
Illegal immigrants.
So the people who have gone through that sweat and toil to legally immigrate to the country, they're going to be punished just as much as the ones legally waiting to immigrate are going to be punished, as are the American people, the native population.
So this is going to harm everybody.
Yeah, I think it really does underscore the fact that this is something that is not being done for the American people.
And of course, if he really cared what the American people wanted, he would listen to their elected representatives or look at the recent election.
But of course,
Obama is now a lame duck president.
He's not going to be running for anything anymore.
So this is where the teeth are really going to come out.
This is where we're first going to see this executive order.
Then we're going to see executive orders that are going to have tremendous impact on our lifestyle, on our standard of living, when he shuts down our energy in the name of climate change.
But I think it underscores to me the fact that this is something that is being done against the American people and in favor of people who are foreigners.
The fact that he's putting this on this announcement that's going to be made tonight, where he's going to lay out his plans, of course, it's going to only be carried by the Latin-speaking channels, the English-speaking channels, the major networks.
None of them are going to cover it tonight, Paul.
Well exactly.
Longer term what this is going to do is the Democrats are basically going to whip up this further, this fight between themselves and the Republicans.
They're going to shut down the government again in all likelihood.
That will then be blamed on the intransigent Republicans.
Hillary Clinton will then blame all these problems on the Republicans because of course they've got control of the House and Senate now.
That will give her at least some credence, some platform to build on.
Going into 2016, because at the moment she's got absolutely nothing.
There are articles just recently about how she's backed by big business and Wall Street.
You know, if you think Obama was bad, wait until you see Hillary Clinton.
But she's going to use this as a platform to spring her 2016 campaign into action by blaming the government shutdown, which is likely to emerge out of this fight, on the Republicans on this immigration issue.
Stay right there, Paul.
Paul is going to be with us for the entire show.
We're going to be joined in the next segment with Anthony Gucciardi.
Our reporters, Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs, are going to be joining us to report on what's going on in Ferguson.
And we have later in the program, the 90-year-old man who went to jail because he was feeding the homeless in Florida.
That should be an excellent interview.
Paul's going to be with us the entire show.
We'll be right back with Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm joined with Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
He's our co-host today.
We've been talking about Emperor Obama.
Of course, Alex Jones has been calling him Emperor Obama for a long time.
It's not a joke anymore, as Alex would say.
It is now literally Emperor Obama because, you know, we use these things metaphorically, but unfortunately these things are truly coming true.
We have someone who doesn't care about the election that was just a couple of weeks ago.
He doesn't care that his own party took a massive beating at the polls because he's betraying the blue-collar working class that is his base.
He's betraying them by bringing in a massive amount of people with jobs equivalent to the number of jobs that have been created since 2009.
Essentially, a massive amount of competition for those who are at the lower end of the income scale.
So they've abandoned the party en masse.
He can't get his legislative agenda through with elected representatives of the people.
He doesn't care that the people have spoken.
He's just tired of waiting.
So he's going to run through his own agenda by executive order.
And it's not just immigration.
Next up, of course, is going to be quote-unquote climate change, where he's going to shut down our energy as well.
See, China gets our jobs, and they get our energy, but we have to shut it down in the United States.
That's essentially the agreement that Obama made with China.
Now, Paul, I want to talk a little bit about essentially the way that they're rolling this out, the way that they're kind of managing this.
It's interesting, I think, that ABC, NBC and CBS are not going to cover this.
There is going to be a lot of coverage on the Latin channels, Univision and Telemundo.
As a matter of fact, they're going to do it leading right up to the Latin Grammys, assuring them that they're going to have a huge audience for the people that he's pandering to.
Yeah, and also reports coming out now that all these pro-illegal immigrant groups are going to be literally having street parties while this announcement is made.
I think he's going to speak at 8pm.
It's going to be a 10 minute announcement.
Then he's going to roll out the details.
He's going to announce the exact details of the executive amnesty program tomorrow.
So, again, this could cause problems.
Senator Tom Coburn has said that it could cause Americans to go nuts, in his own words, violence and anarchy.
I wrote an article pointing out the timing of this with the Ferguson verdict.
This weekend we could see violence looting as a result of the expected acquittal of Officer Darren Wilson.
So the timing of it, the fact that it's being geared towards these pro-illegal immigrant groups, which could then be out on the streets, that could cause a confrontation with people who are angry at this, as Coburn and others have warned.
Yeah, let's play that Coburn clip.
We've got that right here.
Let's play that clip of Senator Coburn warning of violence after the Obama immigration order.
President Obama on Friday is expected to announce the executive order on immigration.
What will the Republican reaction be here?
Oh, I don't think it's so much the Republican reaction here.
The country's going to go nuts.
Because they're going to see it as a move outside of the authority of the president.
And it's going to be a very dangerous situation.
You're going to see, hopefully not, but you could see instances of anarchy.
What do you mean?
Well, you could see violence.
You know, this is a big step.
To not work with Congress, now that he's got a new Congress, to go completely around it, and to do things that... A lot of legal debate on both sides of whether or not he has the power to do that.
But what our country needs now is to be pulled together, not divided further.
What do you think about that, Paul?
Do you think we're going to see anarchy on the part of American citizens who are angry about this?
I don't really see that happening.
I think we're going to see anarchy on the part of Obama.
I mean, we've seen confrontations when amnesty proponents have these rallies.
Sometimes they intersect with Tea Party rallies or anti-amnesty activists.
So you could see some confrontation.
So it's definitely a possibility in the long term.
All right, we're going to go to a break and we're going to be right back with Anthony Gucciardi in the studio.
Stay with us.
Paul and I will be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in Austin.
Anthony Gucciardi is joining me in the studio.
Of course, we have Paul Joseph Watson on the phone in UK.
Now, Anthony, we just had this report came out yesterday about India isolating a man with Ebola-infected semen.
Now this is something we've talked about in the past that just because someone has recovered from Ebola, it still persists in their bodily fluids for many weeks after that.
And they actually took action in India.
They had a 26-year-old man who
He was a native of India, but he had gone from India to Liberia November 10th, and he, two months after he was hospitalized in West Africa, he showed symptoms of the illness, they say.
Now he's recovered from this, but they, as a precautionary method, they tested his bodily fluids and confirmed traces of the virus in his semen.
So he's now being quarantined because of that.
That is something that essentially kind of brings up the whole idea of
Kind of a typhoid Mary, in a sense.
You know, we've always talked about people who are asymptomatic with Ebola, but they could still be carriers.
But then there are also people who have recovered from the disease who still have traces of the disease in them.
And of course, we hear from the CDC that, of course, just because somebody has Ebola in their bodily fluids doesn't mean that they can transmit it.
No need to be concerned, right?
Just move along, there's nothing to see here.
Well, you know, hats off to India, because they actually did something about it.
What we've always been saying, what the mainstream media is missing every single time, and the medical doctors I've spoken to keep saying over and over, is, like you said, just because someone quote-unquote recovered from Ebola, they can still transmit the disease for 60-90 days, and then you also have people
We're good to go.
We're trusting people to go out and not have intercourse with their wife after not seeing them for months and being treated, and saying, you know, we'll just trust them, it'll be perfectly safe.
India is at least saying, hey, we need to do something about this, because worst case scenario, it does happen, and then an actual outbreak happens.
I think it underscores the whole idea of risk that people don't really want to understand.
They look at things and they say, well,
If the FDA approved this drug, it's got to be perfectly safe, and yet there's this long list of possible side effects that you hear them announce on the commercials, or if you bother to read the enclosed statement on the drug that you're buying.
You know, you're talking about the quarantine methods, you know, when they say if they isolate somebody for 21 days according to their data, there's a 95% certainty that they won't pass it along.
But they're still 5%, so they're willing to accept that 5% risk.
If they double it to 42 days, they say, then it goes up to 98% certainty.
But they're still willing to accept that 2%.
And that's the thing that concerns us with as many people now as have come down with this Ebola outbreak, because this is fundamentally different.
This is far more than all the previous 30-some-odd outbreaks of Ebola combined.
This is more than four times as many if you combine all of those, it's about 2,500 people.
And they had 10,000 people about a month ago that had already been affected with it.
And it's still growing in Sierra Leone.
And they say that in Liberia it's leveled out.
But earlier we'd heard from the World Health Organization not to believe the numbers that were coming out of Liberia because the government was cooking it there.
But now we're told to believe those numbers.
And this is bigger than Ebola, and I'm going to break that down in one minute.
But I also want to talk about what I'm going to be talking about here in this segment and the next, which is a report that's just up, breaking now, exclusive on InfoWars.com.
Potential Ebola cases still covered up by CDC.
And we're talking about not just Dr. Lorenzi, who came on air, a medical doctor, proven, works at one of the top hospitals in Kansas City area.
Who's saying that they're disappearing Ebola patients and saying it's malaria.
But we're talking about my main contact and his medical professional friends.
I went to Dallas, spoke with them again.
They are concerned about something very, very serious.
They're concerned about the cover-up of these cases, but they're concerned about something even more concerning.
It's up on InfoWars, but we're going to talk about it in a minute.
But I want to talk about right now...
How this whole Ebola nightmare scenario focuses not just on the disease, which is a small part of it, but overall a big concern, but on the delusion of government assistance.
So what this means is like you're talking about, sure there's a 5% chance that there's an outbreak and we could all potentially be exposed to serious Ebola pandemic.
We're willing to take that chance.
Not because we're smart and informed and statistically sitting down and Americans on their home couch are doing the numbers and crunching everything and saying well it's a risk I'm willing to take versus this and this and this.
It's just because the government's coming out and telling the media not to report on potential Ebola cases.
The government's coming out telling the media everything's fine.
Telling the public everything's fine.
Fox News says case closed, Ebola's over.
In what world?
Sierra Leone is still being ravaged by Ebola.
It's going up and up and up.
And even the most conservative estimates say still, throughout this year, multiple cases in every major city of Ebola in the Ebola Toilet of America that were shipping in Ebola patients from Africa.
So even the most conservative estimates.
So no, it's not over.
And you know what's a real challenge to me?
He's still talking about this when the mainstream media is like, case closed, everything's fine.
Because the people that buy into that still think that everything is fine and there's no actual infectious disease to be worried about.
And then on another level, we're just now sitting there saying, well, the government controlled Ebola, so everything's fine.
We shouldn't boost our immune systems for the next thing, for the bird flu or whatever's going to come next.
And they're ordering hazmat suits in the hundreds of thousands for reasons that are quite obvious to me.
Well Anthony, it was just this last couple of days that Obama signed another executive order.
We're talking about his executive orders on amnesty and climate change.
He signed an executive order
Granting amnesty to government contractors, private businesses, corporations who bring back Ebola to the United States.
So if they go over there and do whatever they're doing for the American government and they have employees who get sick and they bring the Ebola virus back...
Telling everybody there wasn't any chance that it was going to come to America, and that was the middle of September.
We released, I think it was Paul that released the story about 160,000 hazmat suits.
250, yeah, there's multiple numbers.
Yeah, at that time it was only 160, now it's a tremendous number.
We're talking about liability.
You're talking about liability.
Who's to blame for the Ebola outbreak, right?
This is one of the key big pieces in this story, again, on InfoWars, called Doctors.
Potential Ebola cases still covered up by CDC.
CDC reportedly, quote-unquote, disappearing patients.
And this is from doctors speaking to me, some public, some private.
The biggest one privately told me, and this is the biggest piece right now,
That the whole issue is, when Ebola happens again and starts breaking out in cities, in major cities, as the most conservative scientists say it will, they're not going to blame the government themselves.
They're not going to blame Africa.
They're going to blame the independent hospitals and doctors responsible for it.
They're going to blame the hospitals for them disappearing these quote-unquote malaria patients, which actually may be potential Ebola patients.
The doctors that I spoke to, and again, it was me and you on air last month when I said at the beginning of this, I only released some of it in an attempt to have people call in and see if they can confirm the story.
I talked about doctors
Revealing to me, in Dallas, that there were cases that were being disappeared from the hospital records by the CDC.
Dr. James Lorenzi, who is proud enough and brave enough and amazing enough to come and be public about it, revealed to us the same thing was happening up in Kansas City.
Potential Ebola patients being quote-unquote disappeared and their records being destroyed as John Doe.
Now, beyond that, I'm releasing some further information.
I'd like to hear some callers on it, see if they can confirm this.
The doctors are freaking out.
That's a quote.
They're freaking out.
Because they think that when further Ebola cases happen, and when the families realize that these Ebola patients, or potential Ebola patients, we should say that, they kept asking me to say potential for liability reasons, that these potential Ebola patients being disappeared, the families, the citizens, the investigative journalists, the elements of the government that are good, are going to want answers.
And they're deathly afraid that they're going to come after them for it.
They're going to come after these hospitals.
And these are people that own hospitals and emergency care centers.
These aren't just small-time people.
They're afraid of what's going to happen in the aftermath.
They're going to be blamed for the CDC coming in and disappearing the patients.
Well, you know, the doctor who called us and went on record, one of the things he was saying was that they didn't have adequate protective clothing to start with.
But what they did have was being confiscated.
And over this weekend, the Washington Post ran this article about this doctor who was brought back.
I think he came back on Saturday.
He was gravely ill.
They tried to treat him with convalescent serum as well as with Z-Map, the genetically modified drug that they've created.
None of that worked and he died like the next day.
And as I'm reading this story, there's an ad that pops up in the middle of it from a nursing association.
And it's like two pictures that are alternating with each other.
One of them says, this is what they give us.
To protect us from Ebola, and it's like a mask and a glove, okay?
And it says, this is what we need.
It shows a full personal protective suit, right?
And they're asking people to help them to get this information out.
But of course, the Washington Post is completely ignoring it.
The only way they're going to get that information out in the mainstream press is to place an ad in an article about Ebola.
Because the Washington Post isn't going to talk about how they don't have adequate protection for the medical personnel, how they're being left out
I think so.
Thomas Eric Duncan, I believe his name, he sat in the waiting room for, like, two hours, spreading Ebola everywhere, and we didn't have the necessary equipment to even take him in, so we just took him in like normal, and he told us he was from Africa, you know, he had come from Africa, and we didn't know what to do.
And then they're gonna come back, and they're gonna say, well, hospital, you handled it incorrectly, you caused the spread, not us.
Exactly, that's where the liability comes in.
We're talking to Anthony Gucciardi here in the studio.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson who's going to be joining us from the UK.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're talking about Ebola cover-ups.
I don't think so.
Is it over?
I wish it was, but it doesn't look like it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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There's a man going around taking names.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in Austin with Anthony Gucciardi.
We were just talking about his story that's just been picked up on the Drudge Report.
Potential Ebola cases are still being covered up by the CDC, according to doctors that Anthony has talked to.
We also have Paul Joseph Watson on the line in the UK.
And Paul, of course, you covered this story about the lady who just died in New York a couple of days ago.
They were watching her about Ebola.
We had witnesses saying that she was
Bleeding profusely as she fell over dead, but then they came back later and said, no, there's no blood.
And she didn't die of Ebola, she died of a heart attack or a stroke or something like that.
Is that correct?
Yeah, that was a bizarre case.
The eyewitnesses, this was a lady in a hair salon that just collapsed and died a couple of days ago.
The eyewitnesses who spoke to the media said she was bleeding out of her nose and mouth.
She had returned from Guinea around 18 days earlier.
The Hazmat crew turns up, says that it's a fever stroke travel illness that they were dealing with, and then within about an hour they said, oh no, it's just a heart attack.
No problem.
And then it completely disappeared.
We know that the 9-11 dispatchers have been told not to even use the word Ebola in New York City.
The media's agreed not to report on potential Ebola cases.
So it was a very bizarre incident.
But this new story...
Which is out of Reuters.
Sounds like it's out of The Onion, but it's not.
It's out of Reuters.
Headline is US to allow people from nations hit by Ebola to stay temporarily.
Department of Homeland Security will grant temporary protected status to people from the three West African countries most affected by Ebola who are currently residing in the United States.
They're going to give them amnesty for 18 months if they've just come from Ebola stricken countries.
They can stay in the country for 18 months and then that period will then potentially be extended after the 18 months.
So we're not just talking about...
Amnesty for illegal aliens.
Now they're going to give potential Ebola victims amnesty in the United States.
The DHS has just announced that today.
Absolutely ludicrous.
It sounds like it's out the onion, but it's Reuters that's reporting on that today.
They call us conspiracy theorists for saying that these top doctors that run hospitals, some have gone public, are saying that there are cases covered up by the CDC and they're disappearing them.
Meanwhile, our government is willing to ship in Ebola patients and basically give them temporary citizenship to come over here for 18 months and potentially cause another outbreak.
But then we're called conspiracy theorists for saying, hey, there are cases of Ebola.
And also, it's important to note, by the way,
On that Forbes article, where there was a professor, I think it was from Duke, he said in the article that, we're so thankful to the Associated Press for not reporting on potential and suspected cases of Ebola unless they've been confirmed by the authorities.
And the backlash was so much that he had to go and issue, it's actually just happened, he had to go in and say, that actually never happened, I was totally confused, that never happened, the EAP never actually agreed to that.
If you go to that article, he goes on and just says that actually never happened.
The conversation I said happened specifically down to the detail in the quote.
That never happened.
On issue after issue after issue, whether it's the border, whether it's the climate change mandates that are coming along, whether it's this latest amazing order saying that they're going to allow people to have amnesty to come in for 18 months if they're in an Ebola area.
On every one of these issues and many more, you look at it and you say,
What is Obama trying to do?
Is he trying to deliberately destroy this country?
And I think you have to say yes!
He deliberately is trying to destroy this country in every way he can.
Constitutionally, legally, economically, with health pandemics.
When you look at the guys that are being sent to Ebola, the soldiers that are being sent over there, as we've talked to the fellow who wrote the treaties, I can't remember his name right now, I'm drawing a blank, but
Francis Boyle, thank you.
Francis Boyle.
And he said, these are elite troops that are being sent over there.
They're not being sent over as engineers or relief workers.
Fighting troops.
And as they had the congressional hearings, they were saying, we're going to send them back after 10 days.
And the congressmen were like, wait a minute, wait a minute.
We've heard that 21 days is the magic day.
And finally he admitted, well, for all practical purposes, the entire country is an infectious zone.
When they had said they weren't even going to give them protective equipment when they sent them over there.
They're trying to bring it back.
They're doing everything they can.
Sending soldiers there to bring them back, as well as bringing in, just opening the doors to anybody to immigrate from there.
You know, David and Paul, we're talking about a government that has injected, since 1945, people that were perfectly healthy with radioactive isotopes, plutonium and uranium,
This is admitted.
Just Google it.
Plutonium-uranium injections in 1945.
We're talking about a government that forcibly sterilized people in the 20s.
70,000 plus people.
Hundreds of thousands of people overall.
We're talking about a government that has done these things.
Tested babies with radioactive wastes.
We're talking about that kind of government.
If we were talking about a good government, there'd be room for debate.
But this government does not care about you getting Ebola.
In fact, if it improves their agenda, they'll do it.
This is not something that's in the past.
This is going on now.
They continue these kind of experiments.
First story I covered here was the same type of thing.
We're going to be right back with Anthony Gucciardi and Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin, your host today along with Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
And we were just talking to Anthony Gucciardi in the studio.
His story, doctors say potential Ebola cases are still being covered up by the CDC and it's some new information.
He talked to some doctor sources in Dallas and elsewhere who are very concerned that they're going to be the ones who are the fall guys.
They're going to be the ones who are going to be blamed as
Obama is bringing in Ebola, essentially a story that Paul Joseph Watson just read to us from, I think it was, was it Reuters, Paul, that you had there?
Like you said, it sounded like something out of The Onion, but it's just another onion layer of tyranny in the sense that Obama is now going to open the border specifically to people coming in from Ebola-affected countries.
It's just absolutely amazing, isn't it, Paul?
Well, David, I actually underplayed it.
They're not going to just give people residency for 18 months and then a potential further period of time.
They're going to give them work permits.
So these people could be working in transportation, they could be working in hospitals, they could be giving you your flu shot.
These are people who are returning from the West African countries hit by Ebola, who were already in the United States, granting them amnesty for at least a year and a half and potentially more.
Giving them work permits, so it's even worse than I originally said.
Well, we've got a guest I want to get on who is another story that you covered back at the beginning of this month.
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Now, Paul, you had this story back as on November the 3rd.
In Florida, we had a 90-year-old man
My pleasure.
I wanted to talk to you directly because I wanted people to hear your story.
I think it's always important for us to understand when we engage in civil disobedience, to understand that there are moral issues that transcend arbitrary regulations with local governments or even national governments.
I wanted you to kind of give us a background.
Tell us a little bit about your operation, what you do there.
For the last 23 years, we've been feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
We feed on the beach every Wednesday evening, which was last night.
And we feed every Sunday at a different location, inland from the ocean.
And we've been doing that without pause for the first eight years.
And then the city decided that they want us to stop feeding on the beach.
Because they objected to the homeless being where the tourists might come in and might spoil the looks of their beautiful beach.
So we took them to court 15 years ago, and we had three trials in the circuit court, which we beat the city three times.
They then took us to the Court of Appeals in Palm Beach.
We beat them twice there.
And the matter was over for some years, and then October 22nd of this year, they scrapped all of their old laws and came out with brand new ones, which were impossible for most of the people feeding the homeless to, in any way, comply with because it required every feeding group to bring a porta-potty with them, if you can imagine that being a possibility, wherever they said they had to have portable toilets with them.
And of course, at the beach, we happen to be adjacent to the only restrooms in the whole city, so that's not a portion of it.
That's the part we cover, actually, of the new law.
And all of the other fundamental items that have to do with sanitation we comply with because we teach culinary arts, which sanitation is a very big part of.
Now you've had regulations in the past, you said you took them to court, but this time it was a little bit different, wasn't it?
Yes it was, because it referred to all the sanitation laws that most people, mostly feeders, could absolutely not comply with.
We could, because we teach sanitation in one of our courses to the homeless students we have.
So we had no problem, but then they decided that after we won the case for the beach, to feed on the beach, that they'd make that a no feeding zone for social services, and we're social services.
So again, we took them to court and we beat them.
And now they've revised everything.
They've again revised the part that said no social services on the beach and you can't speak without a permit.
And they will not issue a permit.
So that's where we stand right now.
We are suing the city of Fort Lauderdale again.
This time we have a contempt charge because they're actually in contempt of a court order that was issued 15 years ago.
So that's where we stand.
And last evening was the first time we had not had the police presence at our meeting.
Usually there are 10 to 20 police officers.
And this morning I had a telephone debate with the mayor at 8 o'clock this morning, in which I inquired why there were no police officers there last night.
And he very happily replied that yes, they were.
They were in plain clothes and we followed every move you made.
And you can expect your fourth citation in the mail.
Let me ask you, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Abbott, you've been a World War II veteran.
You're 90 years old.
You've lived in this country for a very long time.
Did you ever think that you would see the day where this kind of thing would happen in the United States, where they would be so callous to people who are at the bottom of society that they would threaten to arrest you and kind of get kind of in your face about it?
It was originally reported that they grabbed you by the hand and said, drop that plate right now.
Did you ever think that you would see that kind of day in America?
Well, unfortunately, I've had to fight civil rights for the last 50 years of my life.
So I've encountered the KKK and all other organizations who fight giving equal rights to anybody.
So I'm used to it.
But I know you're right.
I never expected to see it in South Florida.
And I'll tell you one thing that really
Uh, embarrasses me for my country.
I have received two requests from the communist country, two from China and one from Moscow.
Can you believe?
Questioning Hawaii and the United States of America, where democracy is supposed to be the type of government they're doing this?
And that's pretty embarrassing for any American, I have to answer.
Well, I guess my concern about it is, too, you know, we look at homeless people and we see the shooting not too long ago in New Mexico that was captured on the police video cam where they had a homeless man.
They talked to him for quite some time, but he was absolutely no threat to him.
They shot and killed him from a distance, and then just at the end of October we had
A homeless man shot 49 times by, I believe, eight different officers and he was standing maybe about 30 feet away from him.
Absolutely no danger to them whatsoever.
I see this happening and the escalation of the violence that's happening.
I guess that's the thing that really concerns me.
We've seen homeless people rounded up and shipped out as they have their political conventions and certain
Towns because they don't want them to be seen, or they have a big G20 meeting or something like that, so they ship all the homeless people out to another area because they don't want to be embarrassed by that.
But they're getting really brutal and heartless towards not only the homeless people, but of course to all citizens.
We see this happening now.
That's essentially what I think people need to be focusing on in Ferguson, but that's turned into a black-white thing rather than, why are we allowing the authorities to do this to the people of America?
Well, I think it's more than black-white.
I think it's poor against the rich.
That's the way it is in Fort Lauderdale.
I have called the city commission, the mayor and the four other commissioners, puppets of the mega-rich and the powerful people who live here.
Their orders are to get rid of the homeless.
Get rid of them.
And they've done such heartless things that you couldn't believe.
They have no sleeping zone, so a homeless person can't even lay down on the ground to sleep in Fort Lauderdale.
They'll be arrested.
They have vigilante groups, very much like the Ku Klux Klan.
People go around masked at night, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the morning, take pictures of where the homeless are sleeping, and turn it over to the police so they can be arrested.
That's what's going on down here.
It's horrible.
It really is.
I intend to fight this as long as there's breath in my body.
Well, I thank you for doing that.
I guess, you know, it's not just the brutal incidents that we see of the man in New Mexico, the one in Michigan, then of course Kelly Thomas, who was brutally beaten for an extended period of time, a homeless man who was just beaten to death.
I mean, we see that.
And that's so egregious, and I guess people say, well, you know, it's the homeless and they're crazy, so, you know, the police need to do whatever the police need to do to that.
But if we allow them to do that to the homeless people, we should understand that that creates a callousness towards all humanity that is going to eventually find its way back to us.
And even before they get to the point of shooting them or beating them to death,
There's the issue of just not having enough compassion to even allow somebody to give them some food.
That's the amazing thing to me.
It is amazing.
I was a police commissioner back in the 50s in suburban Philadelphia, so I'm well aware of what police departments are all about.
There are good cops and there's always some bad apples.
And don't ever forget, we had George Zimmerman up here.
And a lot has been made of the fact that he was able to stand his ground and kill an unarmed kid.
That's really what's going on.
People are gun-crazy, to be honest with you.
It's terrible.
I don't know if anybody saw the Colbert Show, but they did a wonderful takeoff on this situation we have.
But the problem is really, it's more than just economic, it's more than black against white, the poor against the rich.
It's just becoming a fad.
The self-defense nonsense that they talk about.
People kill each other all the time.
There's nothing uncommon about it.
The homeless are the victims.
The homeless are more of the victims.
Everything they own is on their back.
And they're accused of everything that goes wrong, and they are the innocents who are the ones that are picked on.
I understand people's right of self-defense, but you know as a police officer, former police officer, that you have to establish the fact that somebody was a genuine threat to you.
And that's one of the things that Frank Serpico has talked about.
He's talked about Ferguson and other issues.
He said, we've gotten to the culture now where police, all they have to say is, I felt that I was threatened in some way.
And then lethal force is justified.
He said when he was in the force, when Frank Serpico was in the force, he would
Fire a couple of shots and then reassess the situation instead of emptying his gun into people.
That's what we saw happen in Michigan with these eight officers.
They all just emptied their guns into this one homeless man who wasn't a threat whatsoever to them.
I don't want to totally monopolize this.
I know that Paul had originally picked up this article and I imagine we've got Paul Joseph Watson, one of our writers in the UK.
He's on the line and I imagine he's got a question that he would like to ask you, Mr. Abbott.
Paul, do you want to ask him something?
Yeah, I was just wondering with the case going forward, we saw a very visible presence from the police on the beach when you were feeding the homeless previously.
Last night, as you said, they weren't at least out in force visibly.
Do you think that's a sign that the city is beginning to back down or is it just being done for public relations purposes?
No, I think that the police are embarrassed by what they're forced to do by the city fathers.
They've acted very much like they didn't want to do what they did.
They didn't want to lead me to a police car and write me up with a citation.
They actually, I think, are sympathetic to our cause, but they have to do what they're ordered to do.
They're employees.
And as far as what was just said about the Serpico, I call it fake provocation.
Because as a police commissioner, I saw many times cases where evidence was planted on the victims.
And of course, so the police can claim that they were threatened.
And that happens all the time too.
It's human nature.
You're going to have good costs and bad costs no matter what you do.
And what you have to do is to improve the courts.
So they recognize that these people have very little or no representation whatsoever.
And I once tried to write a book called The American Injustice System, and strangely enough, it had mostly to do with Houston, Texas.
And the fact that capital cases out in Houston
If you're poor and black, stay away from Houston because that county had no time and place for people who were poor.
And so many people were indicted and tried for murder cases and actually they were exonerated some years later.
But the unfortunate thing is they'd already been executed.
So it's just a horrible thing that happens in our court system.
I think that's where you have to start things being turned around.
If the courts acted more humanely, and with some merciful considerations, and also helping to have good people, the proper representation when they go to court, people to do some investigation, then I think that that fellow should be eliminated 100%, because where you don't have equal justice, and you have no provocation, either moral, ethical, or religious,
I agree with that.
I take Ron Paul's position on that.
In principle, opposed to the death penalty for certain things, but I don't believe that people are going to get a fair trial or that they're going to get equal protection under the law in our court system.
And so because of that, I don't support it.
When I was reading this article where Frank Serpico was talking about it, I thought it was an interesting observation that he made, that he said back in the day that he was involved, I believe it was in the 70s, he said the real issue was corruption, about police lining their pockets with money, but he says now it seems like the epidemic is the use of force, the unrestrained use of force.
And as you mentioned, Mr. Abbott, there are good cops and there are bad cops.
What needs to be done, in your opinion, as a former police officer?
I wasn't aware that you were a former police officer, but as a former police officer, what is, in your opinion, should we do when we have a bad cop who uses unnecessary force and injures someone?
What should happen with that?
Well, we should have a more proper investigation than currently is done.
Usually they just take them, put them on desk duty for a couple of weeks, and then they're back on the street or wherever.
They investigate themselves, don't they?
Yeah, absolutely.
It's a bad system.
They don't teach Humanity 101.
That's what the police should learn.
They should learn how to behave with people, how to treat people.
They forget they're there to protect persons and property.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're out of time, Mr. Abbott.
Thank you so much for what you're doing and keep it up.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Neidern-Austin.
Paul Joseph Watson is with us.
In the UK, we were just talking to Arnold Abbott.
Of course, he's the 90-year-old volunteer in Florida who's been threatened with arrest multiple times.
The police kind of got in his face a bit in the early days.
Threatened him because he was feeding the homeless.
Now, he was also a former police commissioner, so we talked to him about
The different ways that the government has been brutalizing homeless people as well, but when we look at this, Paul, I'm reminded, of course it was in Florida as well, that we saw the Terry Shavo incident, you know, where people were arrested at that time for trying to give Terry Shavo a drink of water.
And of course, some of the people who are working with Arnold Abbott there are some Christian ministers in that area.
One of them said, we're simply trying to feed people who are hungry.
To criminalize that is contrary to everything I stand for as a priest and as a person of faith.
I think it really underscores when we need to stand up in civil disobedience against immoral laws.
I think it's a real important
We're good to go.
Now we're seeing it with these people as well.
With Terri Schiavo.
I think the Terri Schiavo case was far worse because that was one individual, this was one judge who had a court order that nobody could feed her or give her water and yet we saw the Bush brothers stand by and not countermand that.
We had Jeb Bush as governor, we had George W. as president at the time.
I was absolutely appalled when that happened, Paul.
Do you remember that?
I remember it well, even though it was, what, about nine, ten years ago now.
I mean, she died one of the most excruciating deaths that anyone could possibly experience.
Yeah, it was horrific.
With the Abbott case, I think there's also another aspect to it, which is they don't care about sanitation issues.
They want to send this message that anybody who defies these ordinances, no matter how unfair they may be, will be punished.
They don't want that message of defiance to reverberate and spread to include and influence any other aspect of government.
Also, the Mayor came out with some interesting comments about two weeks ago.
He said basically that people should be, the homeless in Fort Lauderdale, should be forced to quote have interaction with government.
So they need these homeless people to be dependent on the government.
They don't want the fellow citizens helping them out because again that would spread a message of community and getting the homeless, getting people on low income below the poverty line.
Away from being dependent on government and going towards charity and help from their fellow citizens.
So the government, the city, does not want that message or that precedent to be established in Fort Lauderdale.
It cuts to the very heart of the welfare state.
The welfare state is not there about compassion.
And we can clearly see that the government doesn't care about compassion, the way they treat homeless people, beating them to death, shooting them to death, denying people the ability to give them food without coming after those people.
And we also see, and I think it's very important for people to understand, to step back and take a look at this and understand that there are higher moral laws that just because the government passes some kind of a regulation, sometimes it's not only your right but your duty
To oppose that regulation.
I saw that the report that I did as part of the Reporters' Contest was with an older gentleman as well.
He was in his 80s.
And he was fighting for fully informed juries.
That was Julian Heiklin.
You know these guys who are older, they don't have a lot of... You can't really intimidate them.
As they say, you know, when you've got nothing left to lose, that's another name for freedom.
So we're gonna be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to be talking about the immigration, executive orders, and really, that's the key.
It's Obama as Emperor.
We'll be right back.
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Others don't.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here live in Austin.
Paul Joseph Watson is joining me in the UK.
We're going to take your calls and see what you think about the executive actions that Obama has taken.
Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't just declare a new law.
We saw earlier this week that he gave immunity to corporations that would be working with him in Liberia.
Of course, he's going to give immunity and amnesty to illegal aliens tonight.
And he's also signaled that he's going to act on his own with climate change.
And there's nothing that the Republicans can do to stop him.
He's got a long agenda that he's going to enact because he doesn't have to stand for election.
And he could care less about how badly he damages the Democrat Party, just as he could care less how badly he damages America.
So if you want to call in and give us your opinion, that number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson with us at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to be talking to our reporters in Ferguson, because that's another hot spot that is ready to erupt.
At any moment.
Another part of the class war that's being established by the government.
But, you know, Paul, we were just talking to Arnold Abbott, the 90-year-old man who has been threatened with arrest multiple times for feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale.
We got on to Terry Shavo.
This just surfaced today.
I saw this for the first time.
This is Jonathan Gruber.
Back in the news back in May 1997 the same guy that lied to us about health care in Massachusetts with Romney care and of course Mitt Romney thanked him so much for his economic models that helped to get that passed and then of course he is now bragging about how he lied and deceived the American
public about Obamacare in general, but even before that, he was working on, of all things, Paul, he was working on abortion.
Back in May 1997, he's the top author on a paper called, Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances, who is the quote, marginal child, and in this, he makes the argument that children who were born after Roe v. Wade
...have such better standards of living because of abortion.
Actually, he argues that it's a great thing, Paul.
Same guy who told us that Obamacare was going to be good, who lied to us about the economics.
He wouldn't lie to us about the effects of abortion, would he?
Well again, it's this whole thing about, you know, you're supposed to not brag about it when you get caught doing these programs through trickery, which is what they did with Gruber and Obamacare.
But the New York Times actually ran defense for Obama and said that he had a limited role in crafting Obamacare, even though he went to the White House on a dozen occasions, he met with Obama, he was giving these speeches months before it passed.
We're good to go.
He was an important figure in getting Obamacare passed.
So they got caught lying.
NBC, ABC, CNN have completely buried the story.
If you actually look at the graphs of how many times Gruber has been mentioned over the past couple of weeks, it's basically non-existent on the pro-Obama network.
So they've managed to some extent to cover it up.
What was heartening was the fact that on Twitter, for around a week,
Gruber was one of the top trending hashtag terms, even amidst all the mindless rubbish about Kim Kardashian's behind and whatever, Gruber maintained its position in those top Twitter trends, which shows that the American people were talking about it, are still talking about it, breaking through that black wall of censorship that was erected by the likes of NBC, ABC and CNN.
He's one of these masters of propaganda and twisting.
He talked about how they had to torture the numbers to make them look the way they wanted to.
One of the things that he's torturing in this is the terminology about children.
He talks about cohorts as being the children who are actually born.
You know, you go from a fetus to a cohort.
The only time he talks about children
So he talks about the marginal child, in other words, those who were not born because abortion was legal.
We're going to talk a little bit more about that and take your calls right after the break.
Stay with us.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us, as well as your calls, and we're going to have reporters from Ferguson at the bottom of the hour.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
We have Paul Joseph Watson with us in the UK, and we're going to be taking your calls this next segment.
We're going to be joined at the bottom of the hour by our reporters, Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs, who are in Ferguson awaiting the grand jury indictment, or lack thereof, and the subsequent riots that people fear are going to happen there.
But in the last segment, we were talking about this new revelation.
Actually, it's an old paper from Jonathan Gruber, the guy who has come out as kind of the poster child for the way the government, and particularly the bureaucracy and these experts that they pull up, the way they lie and manipulate the public.
Of course, he was instrumental in passing Romneycare.
Mitt Romney thanked him profusely for his economic models, which have now proven to be a total lie.
Just as they were for Obamacare.
And he has surfaced in many, many different venues bragging about how he deceived the American public.
But let's look at this one paper.
This goes back to 1997.
I thought it was kind of interesting.
In the way that it gives a glimpse to their techniques, to their character.
In this particular paper, he's talking about the legalization of abortion and how that was a good thing.
Because he said, what is the effect on the marginal child?
Now here's how he defines the marginal child.
The marginal child is the one who's born when abortion access, who is not born, when abortion access increases.
So in other words, the child who is aborted
...is simply a marginal child.
Is that marginal child, he says, more or less disadvantaged than the average child?
In other words, if a child is killed before it's born, is it more or less advantaged than the average child?
So we're killing these children for their own good.
It's not for our own good.
It's not because we don't want to be bothered with it, because it's an economic hardship, or other issues, or because we just don't understand what's going on.
No, they're actually, the marginal child is better.
And he talks about the children who are actually born, he calls them cohorts.
He says, we find that cohorts, I think that's an interesting term,
Cohorts born after abortion was legalized experienced a significant reduction in the number of adverse incomes.
Our estimates imply that the marginal child who is not born due to legalization would have been 70% more likely to live in a single parent family, 40% more likely to live in poverty, 50% more likely to receive welfare, 35% more likely to die as an infant.
So, let's just kill them.
And they're better off.
So that's what he's saying.
The marginal child is better off.
That's the kind of lies that the master technician behind Romneycare, which is the same thing as Obamacare, that's what Peter Gruber has been cutting his teeth on for a long time.
Jonathan Gruber.
So I keep calling him Peter Gruber because this is a Peter Gruber in the movie industry and I keep referring back.
But Jonathan Gruber.
You want to comment on that, Paul, before we take a call?
Yeah, well, it's the kind of rhetoric that just dehumanises life.
That's what it sounds like to me.
The major concern now, obviously, as we've illustrated with all these campus videos where we send out Joe Biggs, for example, other people have done it too, where college students will sign petitions
Advocating post-birth abortion.
And this is also something that the establishment media has jumped on board with to some extent.
MSNBC's Melissa Harris Perry, who of course said the children belong to the state, she said newborn infants don't count as being considered, quote, alive.
So this is an entree to legitimizing infanticide.
We had the academic paper a couple of years ago, I think, out of the University of Melbourne, which argued that afterbirth abortion should be permissible, this is a quote, including in cases where the newborn is not disabled.
So they're talking about afterbirth abortion, infanticide, like you have in China, where women are grabbed off the street, drugged,
Given forced abortions, the baby's dumped in a bucket, and now the academia in the West and the media in the United States is, in a creeping fashion, beginning to advocate infanticide, post-birth abortion.
So that's how deep down the rabbit hole this has gone now.
And they portray this as, oh, they're doing it for the sake of the child.
The child would have been perhaps at a 35%
I don't
was three to five abortions per student.
This was in Round Rock, Texas, right here around Austin.
Abortion clinics are businesses, they point out, just like muffler shops or fast food restaurants.
And that's the kind of justification, the kind of tortured logic that we see happening.
And I think it's really kind of a slippery slope, like we were just talking to Arnold Abbott, the 90-year-old who's trying to feed the homeless.
When you're willing to take food out of the mouths of homeless people, or out of somebody who is sick and helpless, like Terry Shavo, arresting people who are trying to feed that person, give that person water, when you're willing to do that, when people will stand by and watch homeless people be shot and brutalized on the streets, that is the slippery slope for an entire country, because now we're entering into an area where they're going to eventually do that to everybody, because it's just training for them, isn't it?
Well, I mean, on the point you just mentioned, Planned Parenthood got its start by putting the abortion clinics in poor black areas.
And they bragged about it at the time.
And then their supporters, the feminist icons like Marie Stokes, you know, the woman who wrote love letters to Hitler, she bragged about it too.
So that's how they make their money, is by aborting predominantly black babies in poor areas and then they brag about it.
So it gives you an insight into their motivations.
We don't have too much more time left in this segment, but we got a couple of segments here, and I said we'd take some calls.
We got some people on the line.
Let's go to Larry in Michigan.
Larry, you want to talk about immigration?
David, how are you doing today?
Doing good.
What do you want to say?
Okay, two things.
I want to talk about immigration, and then I got a question I'd like for you to ask Ron Paul next time he's on.
On immigration, we've been hearing this 11,000 number for, what, 10 years?
So that says the government, according to the government, there is no illegals come here in the last 10 years.
I'm not sure what you're talking about with the 11,000 number.
Uh, 11 million.
I'm sorry.
There's 11 million.
34 million, yeah.
Yeah, 34 million.
Yeah, so we know this is a huge, this is, the numbers that they're giving us of 5 million or whatever, that's huge.
And when he goes in and does this, he's really kind of setting up an entitlement program.
Anybody that matches the conditions that he sets out are going to be entitled to the benefits that he's going to lay out tonight by executive order as well.
So they don't really know what this is going to be.
And of course, there's nothing
Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
You know, we've got 17 trillion dollars in debt.
We bailed out all these people that are too big to jail.
When they pay this money back, how come the national debt
17 trillion isn't going down.
Where does that money go?
Does it go back into the general fund and they spend it again?
Why, you know, General Motors is supposed to pay this all back.
Why is this 17 trillion number not going down?
Well, that's money that we're spending on everything.
That's not just the bailout.
Of course, they said they paid us back, but they paid us back with essentially 0% interest loans that the Fed was extending to the large central bankers that we had bailed out.
So, we said, here's a 0% loan.
They said, thank you, and they just passed the fiat currency back over the other table.
The whole thing is such a fraud.
It's just amazing.
Let's go to Richard in Arizona.
Thank you, Larry.
Let's go to Richard in Arizona.
Richard, you had a comment about the Constitution?
Yeah, thanks David.
Hi David and Paul.
I guess I'm one of the cohorts still alive in Arizona, so I just wanted to mention something about all this illegal activity by not only Obama, but most of the presidents of the last hundred years, and not only the presidents, but the departments and the agencies that are used by the federal government to do things that are otherwise illegal for the federal government to do, and I don't believe you can legally even do that.
So, what I want to bring up is that there's something in the Constitution called the Enumerated Powers, very specifically worded so that nothing but things on that list can ever be done by the federal government.
And I believe that hiring an agency or a contractor or somebody else to do your illegal activities doesn't make it legal.
That's right.
So where are all the lawyers and the law students and the common law people
Not attacking that at the root, which would eliminate 98% of all their activities.
Well you know we've taken the position that the Constitution, that everything was prohibited to the central government unless they had explicit permission.
That's essentially the 9th and 10th Amendment.
They've turned that
...on its head now.
They've inverted the Constitution.
And for us, everything is prohibited unless they explicitly permit it, expressly permit it.
We can see that with alcohol prohibition and the war on drugs.
It took a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol at a time a hundred years or so ago when they respected the Constitution.
We had another constitutional amendment that said, okay, you can now have alcohol.
But then they come along a little while after that,
And they just arbitrarily start making drugs illegal, whether it's prescription drugs or whether it was recreational drugs.
They had no authority to do that.
If they did, they wouldn't have needed a prohibition amendment for alcohol, but they quite frankly don't care about the Constitution.
Do you want to comment on that, Paul?
Yeah, I mean, as far as my understanding goes, they just broadly interpret all these limitations and that's how they get through what they want to get through.
So, as long as they can rhetorically argue that they're limiting themselves to it somewhat, then, you know, they can deceive people just as people like Jonathan Gruber do with their rhetoric.
So, it's a con game based on lexicon and rhetoric is normally how they get these things done.
Yeah, they have some things like the Commerce Clause that they try to argue from, but it is the same kind of tortured logic that we see from Jonathan Gruber over and over again, and that really doesn't pass muster.
It doesn't pass the amendments that are there.
They're very clear.
We're going to be right back.
Take your calls in this next segment.
At the bottom of the hour, we're going to be joined by our reporters in Ferguson, Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs.
They'll be checking in with us.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
I have Paul Joseph Watson on the line with us from the UK.
Paul, I just see this article that's just come out.
Rick Perry and Greg Abbott, the outgoing governor of Texas and the incoming governor of Texas, are both saying that Texas might sue Barack Obama
I don't know.
I'm seeing all these articles that say that, you know, what Obama's doing is a slap in the face to the Republicans.
They feel slighted.
They weren't consulted.
It's like, you know, this is not a soap opera about their personal feelings.
And, you know, Paul, when I look at Rick Perry and Abbott saying that they're going to sue Obama because this is going to be expensive in terms of securing the border, in terms of the cost of illegal aliens who come here on welfare, it's not about that either.
I'm kind of tired of seeing these Republican politicians like Boehner say, we're going to sue him.
That's not the rightful remedy.
These people have political power.
They have power in the Congress, and especially governors have power, local politicians have power.
If they have the backbone to use it, that's the rightful remedy.
They need to stand up and take direct action instead of saying, well, we're going to take it to the courts.
Because I think that allows them to essentially kind of wash their hands of the whole issue and say, well,
I did what I could, but the politically appointed judges sided with Obama.
What's your take on it?
I think one of the methods that I read, I think it was Cruz that said it in his editorial, was that they would introduce bills
I don't
Pat-down, grope-down provisions were rolled back for the TSA in Texas.
That really scared them.
So if you actually go after something like the Department of Homeland Security, that could really have an effect.
Talking about suing Obama personally, you know, that could drag on for years.
As you said, it seems really weak.
It seems like it's not going to get the job done.
Interesting story on that subject, though.
Just come out.
On a before job, Border Patrol agent says will not enforce Obama's unlawful amnesty.
And this is a Border Patrol agent in California who says, quote, Unlawful order.
As a Border Patrol agent, I will not enforce, implement, or support in any way an executive order that attempts to give amnesty to illegal aliens.
I would rather have honor than my job.
So the very people on the front lines are now revolting against this.
We also have sheriffs that say they're going to march on Washington, who are saying that the plan of amnesty that Obama is coming up is actually, quote, the destruction of our democracy, that it's a gaping hole for terrorists.
It'll be interesting to see.
I seriously doubt that Ted Cruz is going to be able to get the Republican Party to withhold
Yeah, God bless you both.
Thank you for having me up.
You know, for the life of me, I cannot wrap my head around why Obama and Holder and the Clintons and the Bushes aren't in prison.
They are.
I mean, it's beyond impeachment.
It's beyond lawsuits.
Oh, yes.
I mean, they're responsible for murders, assassinations, and the people, they just get away with it.
I can't get my head around it.
It speaks to the open corruption of our government, doesn't it?
Yes it does, but when are we, as God-fearing men and women, going to stand up against this kind of crap, to put it in a nice way, when we have a man down in Florida who's doing what's commanded by Christ to do, being thrown in jail, and yet these people are left to continue to rape and pillage America, and murder.
And again, I would go back to the, it's a bipartisan thing, and I would go back to the Terry Chavez thing.
I hope that comes up.
Anybody who considers voting for Jeb Bush needs to go back and revisit that episode.
And look at what happened to Terri Schiavo.
Jeb Bush could have overridden the orders of a probate court judge who was basically starving that poor woman to death, and he didn't lift a finger to do anything to help her.
Thank you so much for calling.
Let's go to Bob in Texas.
Bob, you have an Obama solution for us?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
You're online.
How are you all doing today?
Oh, great.
Doing good.
What's your solution?
Uh, well, Obama, you know, the Republicans, you can't even give them a victory.
You can't give them power.
You know, first they complain, well, we can't do nothing, we don't have a majority.
You give them a majority and they're still going to have excuses for why they're not going to do things.
I think that's pointless to go through.
And that fella down in Florida trying to feed those people, that is just ridiculous.
Have you ever heard of the Christmas Truth Statement?
Yes, I have.
I have.
There's a great article about that.
We're on a break.
We've got to come back.
If you want to hang on through the break, I'll take your call right after we come back.
We'll continue with that.
And we've got the reporters from Ferguson joining us right after the break.
We're on the march.
Stay with us.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
Paul Joseph Watson is joining us in the UK.
And we're going to be going in just a moment to our reporters in Ferguson, Missouri.
We have Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson who have been there all week awaiting the grand jury verdict.
And there's been some action there last night.
We're going to talk to them about that and what they see on the ground.
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Now, we're going to go to our reporters in Ferguson, but before we do, I wanted to just finish up.
I cut off Bob in Texas real quick.
He had just brought up something he wanted to talk about.
Go ahead, Bob.
You still on the line?
Yes, go ahead.
I am.
What did you want to say about that?
You've heard about the Christmas Truce.
I don't know if everybody knows about that.
During World War I, when the soldiers decided they were going to put down their arms and not kill each other anymore.
There's been some good movies made about that.
That's right, and you know, when you talk about that, and the reason I wanted to come back to you was because we just had the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and it was soldiers at the border who refused to shoot people who wanted to cross.
And who were the people that were showing up there?
There were people who were coming from prayer meetings in churches where they had been meeting for seven years in some cases, turning out by the tens of thousands, finally having enough.
So yeah, it's going to take a spiritual revival.
It's going to take people who are
the instruments of the oppressors to say I'm not going to be their tool anymore and stand up to them.
Thank you so much for calling Bob in Texas.
We need to move on to our reporters in Ferguson, Missouri.
We've got Joe Biggs there on the ground.
Joe, what have you guys been seeing the last couple of days?
You filed a report last night about some small riots.
Joe Biggs, we are actually on South Florissant Avenue right across from the police station and the fire department in Ferguson, Missouri.
Yes, last night I got a call around 845 saying that there was a standoff between protesters and police officers here right between the police station and the fire department.
There's a little barricade set up over there and the police were standing behind there.
By the time we got here, there were maybe 65 officers in
You know, low, I would say lower grade riot gear with just the shields and some having to face masks with a gas mask on their side.
So 65 police officers to about 100 protesters that were here.
Now, the interesting thing that happened last night, though, everybody was over off of the road on the other side where the grass is and the police officers were behind the barricade.
Well, they came around from the other side of the barricade.
Hey, it sounds like what happened in the JFK 50th commemoration last year when they told everybody that was there in the crowd with InfoWars, gave them access into an area and then sent the goons out to attack them.
Yeah, they pushed us out and Jakari Jackson and I were walking backwards filming and they're like, get out of here, get out of here.
And I'm like, where do you want us to go?
They're like, go to the road.
Then as soon as we went to the road, the police ran out and just started snatching people up and then pushing them behind their line to where they would be arrested or whatever, released, you know, soon.
So it was crazy.
They pushed us into an area that was unlawful so they could just go out and arrest people.
I've never seen that.
That was, that was just crazy.
It's just amazing and you know that's one of the things that really concerns me about this.
We have seen so many cases of police brutality.
We were talking earlier in the program to Arnold Abbott, the 90-year-old veteran who's been feeding the homeless in Florida and Fort Lauderdale.
And we're talking about the many ways that they have come against the homeless, you know, beating Kelly Thomas to death, shooting others in New Mexico and Michigan.
And yet, in Ferguson, what they've done is they've not made it about the rules of engagement when it is allowed for the police to use lethal force or what level of force they should use.
Instead, they have successfully taken over this thing and made it all about race, haven't they?
Yes, indeed.
I mean, you hear a lot of talks, you know, on the social media, a lot of chatter about how blacks are calling to the deaths of whites, how whites are calling, you know, from the KKK for the deaths of blacks and things like that.
They're trying to create this racial diversion to take away from the point that people originally came out here for.
And it's getting so much, you know, global attention that it's causing these uprises, you know,
We're good.
A lot of the bad police around here.
Last night I heard some very awful things from some of the the protesters as well.
One of the guys walked up to a police officer and said hey he's like I said he's like I know that you have a daughter and he said he was gonna sodomize her you know that doesn't help the problem whatsoever you know
When you're out here at 65 to 100, and so far it's pretty calm and quiet, you know, and then you go out and you're doing that, you're provoking.
I mean, what kind of action, what kind of response do you expect to happen from the police officer when you're threatening their daughters?
Yeah, they use agent provocateurs on both sides of the fence, don't they?
And of course, what the police did last night was very provocative.
Tonight on the Nightly News,
Darren McBrain is going to be interviewing Larry Pinckney.
Of course, he was with the former, the original Black Panthers.
And as he's pointed out many times in interviews with us, when they came against them was when they started uniting the entire community, when they were no longer just focused on black people, but they were uniting everybody in the community.
That's when they got really dangerous.
And the interesting thing, and it's going to be on the nightly news tonight, he got his FBI file.
I think?
And say, you're not going to have these kinds of rules of engagement.
We need to have accountability with the police, and this is something that affects everybody, not just one ethnic group.
I understand that black people have seen this far more than anybody else, and I think they understand that more than anybody else.
The problem is, is that because of that, they're easily manipulated by the powers that be into thinking that this is simply a race war, and it is not.
I mean, at the end of the day, it's about
Police officers, you know, going, going out and doing this no knock warrants, going out and killing young Americans of all races, you know, going in and throwing flash bangs and ripping a child's chest open and going to the wrong place.
You know, anytime we have a drawer or a war on drugs or a war on on terrorism, all we do is make it worse.
You know, this is like a war on terror on race and they're making it 10 times worse.
And I understand that in the war on drugs, the brunt of that has been borne by the poor people, by the inner city people, by the black people.
The majority of them go to jail for marijuana when oftentimes you don't see that same kind of incarceration rate with white people.
So I understand they've borne the brunt of that disproportionately, but this is something that is destroying the legal
Uh, framework of the entire country for everyone is putting everyone in danger when we allow the government to assume these kind of authoritarian powers that we have allowed under the war on drugs, that we're allowing under terrorism.
And now we're seeing these rules of engagement that the federal government is training local police departments to engage in.
We see that there's no longer a restraint on the use of force.
I've got Paul Joseph Watson on the line here.
Paul, do you have any questions for Joe that you wanted to ask him about what's going on in Ferguson?
Yeah, well basically, obviously we're expecting the Grand Jury to come to a decision tomorrow.
That's not going to be announced until Sunday at the earliest if they do come to that decision.
So I just wanted to ask Joe, you know we've got these reports about militant groups going after Officer Darren Wilson directly.
We've got lists of targets which include power substations, water treatment facilities.
Joe, from being on the ground there back in August compared to now,
Do you expect there to be a similar level of violence in reaction to this expected acquittal, or do you think it's more likely to be more subdued this time?
Well, from the reaction of the police officers that I saw last night, they were, I would say, a little bit more well-trained in how they did act and how they did approach people, instead of just sporadically running out and attacking the crowd like they did back in August.
So I think there's going to be a different way that the police handle.
But, you know, back in Halloween this year, they called him a vandal and the local Fox News actually shut down a power area and it shut down the power to the fire department, the police station here.
So it seems like that was almost like a training exercise for something bigger to come.
You know, I don't think it's too far fetched that a militant group could shut down the Emerson Electric Company, which is just right up the road a couple of miles.
So I expect things
To be bad, but I don't know if they'll be as bad as in August.
And when I say that, I mean that in the amount of people coming out.
Because if you guys remember back in August, at one point there was like 2-3,000 people out in the streets.
I don't think it's going to be like that because it was unorganized.
This time you have more well-organized
I think so.
You know, as we look at this, I want you guys to give me your thoughts on the timing of this, because, of course, this is likely to happen tomorrow.
I know that it's a jury, but it is, in fact, a grand jury.
Grand juries are known for being rubber stamps of the government or the prosecution.
So, the timing of this coming out right after Obama makes his pronouncement, do you think that there's some collusion there to try to wash out the story of Obama's amnesty, to wash that out of the headlines?
Yeah, they're going to use Obama's amnesty plan.
They're going to use Ferguson as a burka to cover up the amnesty plan that's going to go on here.
I think so.
What do you think, Paul?
Do you think this is deliberate timing?
Yeah, I mean, I made that point.
There's actually a headline out of the Washington Times, Will Ferguson Race Riots Help Obama?
So, you know, Rahm Emanuel never let a good crisis go to waste.
If they can use this as a distraction from the fury over executive amnesty, then they will do so.
And, you know, Obama came out quite visibly early on and offered his condolences to Michael Brown's family.
That caused resentment amongst
Well, we've got a list of supporters who said that he should also at least give some words for his plight.
He's obviously now being targeted with death threats.
So from the administration itself, they've come down on one side.
We know that Obama met with some of the Ferguson protesters.
So the administration is using this to cause more division amidst an already divisive environment with this amnesty program.
So that's definitely in the offing to exploit this crisis as a distraction from the amnesty program.
They had Al Sharpton there as well too.
Don't forget the great Ray Spader.
I remember when this story first broke.
Oh yeah.
It was on the weekend.
I think I was doing the radio show.
It looked initially like another one of these cases of unjustified use of force, of over-the-top use of force, and they allowed that narrative to sit there for a long time, a long time before they came out and showed any evidence that would have exonerated the police officer there.
They engaged in character assassination openly talking about that before they showed any evidence that would justify the officer's shooting.
So it seems to me
That if they had that evidence, and they certainly would have had that evidence if it wasn't, in fact, manufactured.
Well, there's something interesting that happened last night, too, that I almost forgot to say.
Last night there were, I think, five live streamers in the area.
Four local that live here in Ferguson in the area and then myself.
As the police advanced on us, there were a lot of people in the Twitterverse, on Facebook, that had all of the live streams up at once.
Now the interesting thing that happened last night, right as the police advanced on the road and started throwing people to the ground and arresting them, all of us
Clearly a case of them using selective shutdown of an area.
And we saw that at the Bundy Ranch as well.
When I was out there with Josh, all through the week we couldn't get any reception whatsoever.
We had to go get Wi-Fi at the Bundy Ranch to upload our reports to do our interviews.
We couldn't get anything at the protest site.
And then magically... I'm glad you brought that up.
What's that?
I'm glad you brought that up.
There was a young lady here last night and she was really mad about the fact that she's like, why aren't Americans standing up for our cause just like they did at the Bundy Ranch?
She said men and women came from all over the U.S.
and went to that ranch armed and stood up against those police officers.
We're good to go.
Well, that's an interesting point.
I was going to say that, you know, on the day that the government had orchestrated saying that they were going to remove the regulations for the Bundy family, on that day, they turned everything on.
We could get cell reception everywhere.
And then they selectively turned it back off.
But it is a good point.
I think that it is something, when we were at the Bundy Ranch, people were saying, oh, you're not going to show up and cover it when something happens in the inner city.
And it's like, well, we've been doing that all along.
We heard the same thing there at the Bundy Ranch, that people wouldn't show up.
I think people are showing up.
I don't know if it's the same people that were there at the Bundy Ranch that are showing up in Ferguson, but there are people who are concerned about it who do see that this is a problem that is not simply a racial divide and conquer problem.
But I think a lot of people have been.
Paul, do you want to say anything about that?
Yeah, well, just on the telecommunications thing, the shutdown, we know, I think it was Apple, had a patent where they could shut down people's cameras on their phones during a concert where they didn't want copyrighted footage to be videotaped.
So we know, at least in an embryonic stage, that technology is circulating out there.
So it's definitely something to watch on that score if they do try and shut down people when any kind of action kicks off.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, I heard the police officers have some kind of box
Hang on, Joe.
We're going to be right back.
We've got to go to a commercial break.
We're going to be right back with our reporters in Ferguson, Missouri.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in Austin.
We have Paul Joseph Watson with us in the UK.
We're going to be joined in just a moment with Jakari Jackson in Ferguson, Missouri.
Now, as we were talking to Joe Biggs, who is also in Ferguson, Missouri, he was talking about how everybody at the small encounter, small riot that they had last night, everybody that was live streaming lost their feeds at exactly the same time.
In other words, they could have easily have shut down a cell phone area there.
But Paul had mentioned that, of course, Apple has been granted a patent to disable everything on your phone, so that you would not even be able to take footage that you could later upload.
And, of course, we don't know if they've implemented that yet or not.
This is a story that was written by his brother, Steve Watson, going back to September 3, 2012.
But, of course, we just learned today from the Washington Post that the next step in cell phone tracking is going to be determining your altitude.
They're not content to just know where you are on an XY grid, to know your coordinates that way.
They want to know what floor you're on.
Yes, this is something new that is a capability, they say, of the iPhone 6 from Apple and some of the new Android devices.
They're going to use the new barometric pressure sensors.
And this is a rule that's being driven by the FCC.
They say,
Well, we need to have it for 911 calls so we'll know what floor the person is on.
Is that what you're going to use it for?
We know what you're going to use it for.
They also go into this and say, well, it's got some legitimate uses.
Malls could use altitude tracking to monitor crowd flows and send coupons to the phones of customers walking past a shoe shop on the top floor.
Or multi-level casinos could monitor gamblers for security purposes.
Or companies could keep better tabs on the movements of their employees.
In other words,
We are their inventory.
We're their cattle.
They want to watch us wherever we go so that they always know that they can push something on us or grab us at a moment's notice.
And just one more thing, and I'll go back to Jakari and Ferguson.
They just had a case in Baltimore where someone
...was arrested because they got his cell phone location.
The judge wanted to know how they got that, and they refused to tell the judge.
They said, no, we have a non-disclosure agreement.
He goes, you don't have a non-disclosure agreement with me.
Give me the information, or I'm going to hold you in contempt of court.
They said, well, forget it then.
And we'll let the guy go free.
See, that's their priority.
Their priority is not to protect you.
Their priority is to protect their surveillance measures and to defend the corporations that essentially run this government with their non-disclosure agreements.
Let's go to Jakari Jackson in Ferguson.
Besides them shoving everybody out into the streets, the officers last night were better behaved than what we saw back in August.
No tear gas, no rubber bullets, nothing like that.
So we've seen, this is the second protest we're at last night since we've been here.
It's getting warmer and warmer temperatures so people are coming out longer.
I think the first one we went to only lasted about 20 or 30 minutes because it was about 17 degrees at the time.
Now it's up to about 50 so the protests are lasting a little bit longer.
The thing that they seem to be doing this time around is blocking off the streets because when we were originally here back in August, the police had a lot of the streets blocked off and then blamed the protesters for it.
But now the protesters are coming out
We're good to go.
I think so.
Thanks, Chikari.
We're going to take a break now.
We're going to come back.
If you're on the phone, wanting to talk to us, hang on.
I'm going to try to take as many calls as I can in overdrive.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Welcome back to the Overdrive with the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here in Austin.
I wanted to get to some of the callers that got on the line a little bit earlier and we ran out of time to talk to them in that segment.
I want to try to get through as many people as I can.
I've got Bill in Texas, Barbara in Illinois, John in California, Bill in Pennsylvania, Steven in Florida, and so on.
We'll try to get through as many of these as we can.
Let's go quickly.
Bill in Texas.
Go ahead, Bill.
Hey, I'm a truck driver.
I used to live in St.
Louis, Missouri.
The problem is, is that, uh, there was a bunch of, uh, uh, M-44, I go make my deliveries, and I got video of it.
I mean, there was a convoy of trucks, and I mean trucks, all over the place, and I turned around and, uh, found
And then I saw troop carriers with reservists in there going up the West Floors.
I just went through St.
So they're loaded for bear.
They're really mobilizing and it looks like this could be a real powder keg.
That's interesting.
Well we're going to have our reporters there.
They're going to be giving us live feed on it.
Thank you Bill in Texas.
Barbara in Illinois.
Go ahead.
All of my life, as long as I've been able to understand, I believe that the president could issue an executive order to restore law and order in our country.
Yeah, he's issued an executive order about just about everything except that, hasn't he?
And I'm 92 years old now.
And I don't like what's happening.
Somebody's got to do something.
Oh, I agree.
I wish they would.
And like I pointed out before, they keep saying, well, our hands are tied.
We can't do anything.
So there's no point in even trying to come up with impeachment or to come after them for criminal operations when they target people using the IRS as a political weapon or because of Benghazi.
They won't do any criminal investigations.
They won't impeach anybody.
They won't do anything.
Except use it for their own political advantage.
We can see that in the fact that they have brought up Keystone Pipeline legislation nine times, knowing they can't get that passed, but they won't do anything to try to reign in Obama.
Thank you so much, Barbara.
Let's move along so we can try to get everybody on here.
John in California.
Go ahead, John.
You hear me?
Yes, I hear you.
Go ahead.
You're on.
Okay, great.
I didn't hear the scratch.
All right.
You're doing a great job, David, by the way.
Thank you.
Maybe you should switch with Alex and you take the daily broadcast and he take the nightly news.
I want to get him to the point.
I want to follow up with what that woman just said.
The political option is off the table.
We tried in 2008.
We tried in 2012.
So now we got to go from the ballot box to the military solution.
All military officers that can hear my voice work in or near the Pentagon must immediately implement the U.S.
version of Operation Valkyrie.
We don't know what the code name of the actual U.S.
operation is, but you must do it.
I understand.
I still think that there's some options if we can get honest people in at the lower levels of government.
We've seen changes made in terms of ballot issues passed.
We have some areas where we've got sheriffs who will stand up.
I don't think we're going to get any political solutions out of Washington.
I agree with that.
I don't think we're going to find anybody running for president.
I don't think we're going to find any congressmen.
We do have some honest congressmen, but they're not the ones who are in charge there.
I think it's going to have to be stopped by our governors at the state area, and it's going to have to be stopped by people who are sheriffs.
And we need to see the people who have legitimate authority, and they do have legitimate authority, using their authority.
One of the ways that we can do it is to use our authority and vote as jurors to stand up against unjustified laws and defend each other in juries.
We're not even doing that, so until we can see somebody stand up and do that, I think it's going to be very difficult to take a bullet box option on that.
Well, we ran out of time.
I've got a couple more callers on here.
Sorry we couldn't get to you, but we'll be back tomorrow, 11 central, noon eastern, on the Alex Jones Show.
Join us then.