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Filename: 20141020_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2014
2449 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Engaging in common sense nowadays is what you call a conspiracy theory.
Questioning known certified liars is an act of heresy.
Every day there are hit pieces.
This one's out of the International Business Times.
Ebola hysteria, two old conspiracies get new life as deadly virus dominates news cycle.
And the report goes after Infowars.com for absurdly
We're saying that Big Pharma stands to profit hugely from the Ebola response.
They've got a whole bunch of vaccines coming out, you name it.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are heavily involved.
We have governments caught over and over again.
Doing secret tests on the population.
But the media, the dinosaur media, plays on the ignorance and preys on the ignorance of the general public.
But even the general public knows about the secret history of testing.
I was listening to Beyond the Beltway that comes on after my Sunday show here locally out of Chicago.
I was listening to it on 590 driving home.
And I heard Bruce Dumont, who I've met, pretty nice guy, but he had medical doctors on.
And they were all bemoaning that most their patients, was the quote, won't take the flu shot because it's, quote, from the government.
That's because people keep getting sick from it and dying from it.
And then when you bring it up, they go, oh, shut up, conspiracy theorist.
People know cause and effect.
Rattlesnake bites you, you get sick.
You get hit by a truck, you break bones.
You fall out of a tree, you break your ankle.
You drink a bottle of whiskey, you get drunk.
You smoke two packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years, you get lung cancer.
You cut yourself shaving, you bleed.
And they just stand there and ridicule.
That's the only intellectual argument they've got, is a non-intellectual argument of, ah, that's the conspiracy theorist, that's the discredited guy.
I remember like six months ago they were going in the news.
Yeah, Ted Cruz is really in trouble.
He's discredited.
He criticized Obamacare and it's a huge success.
As his poll numbers shoot up.
As everything he warned about Obamacare was true.
As he becomes, you know, almost the frontrunner, neck and neck with Rand Paul.
But I saw all these articles for like a week straight.
Washington Post, New York Times.
Yeah, Ted Cruz is really in trouble.
People are so jealous of Mark Twain and other writers, they were always saying he was dead, or he was bankrupt, or he was this or that.
It's something losers do.
They just announce that you've failed when you haven't.
Yeah, too bad Muhammad Ali never won a heavyweight title.
It's not true, but we could just sit here and say it.
Ha ha ha, look at him, he couldn't fight a two-year-old.
They just play this game, and the reason I harp on this is
It is such incredible mind control that it doesn't work on people that are thinking and involved and try to understand how the world works.
Doesn't mean we know everything.
Versus people... I mean, I get emails every day and get calls all the time saying, Alex, you say there's no law to take vaccines, but the school says it's a law.
And I'll tell them, are you by a computer?
Well, yes, I am.
We'll type in West Virginia vaccine exemption form.
Or type in Texas, or type in California.
They're all the same, and it's an exemption from something that isn't even the law.
It's from a health department policy.
And they go, my gosh, it really is true.
Well, they lied to me.
The principal and the nurse said it was the law.
Yes, you're involved in facing a criminal conspiracy.
And it doesn't even mean the principal or the teacher are innately evil.
They just were told by the health department, lie to people is for the greater good, so they're part of the conspiracy.
They've been brought into it.
I mean, how do you think they had tens of thousands of people involved injecting blacks over 40-something years with syphilis and keeping it secret as they spread it all over the country?
Because once you're into the cover-up, you then start covering it up more because you're part of the corruption.
We're going to come back in on all the news.
Take your phone calls and more.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
He popped in with us for about 20 minutes last week.
He'll be on this for about 40 minutes today.
Max Keiser is coming up to talk about Ebola, the economy, the bond market, the gold market, and what he sees coming up in the future.
We'll open the phones up as well.
I want to open the phones up early in this hour, something I really have a lot of trouble doing, because I like to start perseverating and basically ranting before we ever even go to your phone calls, but I do want to open the phones up specifically...
On what you think the next big shoe to drop is in this season of crisis.
Starting wars with Russia, openly funding Al-Qaeda, changing the name to confuse the public, political persecution in America, open NSA spying against Congress and the American people.
What do you think the next big shoe to drop is?
And what is the Ebola story distracting from?
Popping in at the bottom of the hour will be InfoWars nightly news host and also InfoWars radio host, David Knight.
He's a pretty smart guy, an engineer in his own right.
Headline from a story he wrote last week, is a possible Ebola cure being hidden from the public?
DARPA and pharmaceutical companies spent years and millions of dollars to create a GMO imitation of a treatment they say is unproven.
Less like big companies are going out and changing the molecules on fish oil, and then patenting it, and then charging $200, $300 for a bottle that should be $30, and then having the FDA try to shut down people making claims about over-the-counter fish oil.
And they've spent, last time I checked, it was like $100 million, one big company alone, a few years ago, to actually get approved modified fish oil so that they could then make claims and put it on your insurance.
And it's not even as good as the natural fish oil.
Then they have all these propaganda pieces, fish oil's got mercury in it!
They have systems that remove it 100%.
And it simply says on the bottle, it has been treated and has been put through the systems to have zero mercury.
All the high quality brands have been mercury free for decades.
But that's not even what I'm getting into here.
It's that when you study the news constantly, it is so frustrating to see the propaganda that's put out,
Because they had the International Business Times, that actually does some good reporting from time to time, come out and demonize David Knight and his article for the very reason because it is so credible.
David really comes out with thoughtful investigative video reports and articles.
Just like when Curt Nemo dared say last week that Big Pharma is set to roll out at least three vaccines in the next six months, one of them by December, and then he linked in his article to mainstream news admitting they're coming out with the vaccine and other treatments that are set to make billions and billions and billions a week if they're adopted.
And they just said, he's insane and says that they're set to make money when there's no proof.
Ha ha ha!
He says two plus two equals four.
It's this childlike mind game that they play where they go, man, Alex Jones is really discredited.
I used the example earlier of, remember six months ago, it was for a couple of weeks, it was headlines every hour in every publication you could imagine.
Ted Cruz is discredited.
Yeah, he did a filibuster a few months ago and Obamacare is such a big success that Ted Cruz is in trouble.
Then you'd read the article and Ted Cruz's approval rating was skyrocketing.
So it's perception management.
It's like saying that hamburger place has cockroaches in its patties, but really your patties have got the cockroaches.
And here's a little news flash to all the neocons and all the fake liberals and all the establishment types.
There's a reason Congress has a 7% approval rating in Gallup.
There's a reason the CDC, here's an article out of CBS News, has the lowest approval rating ever.
Public confidence in CDC nosedives, poll finds.
It's because we don't have confidence in you.
And you can try to kill the messenger all day.
You can try to change the subject onto Alex Jones.
You can even put a bullet in my head or set me up or do whatever you want.
Do you understand you can destroy my name and then destroy me physically or lock me up?
I know that's how this works.
But I win because I did the right thing for my family and your family who will live together in the future.
And I didn't compromise, and I didn't back off, because the signal has already been sent.
And you cannot stop the signal.
Do you understand that?
The transmission has already been sent.
What does it matter, militarily, if there's been a transmitter sending the truth out for years, and the entire population of the area is awake and basically knows what's going on, and then you blow up the transmitter?
All you do is validate it and vindicate it.
And sure, you've got maybe half the public that only watches sports center or sitcoms or medical drama shows and literally takes the flu shots and buys into anything and everything they're told.
Those people don't count and were never going to count.
They were set in front of televisions in their dirty diapers from birth and aren't even real people.
They're wrecked robots.
Then you've got a small minority of sociopaths, mercenaries, psychopaths, borderline personality disorder type people that work for the system and work for the government who want to go out and persecute innocent people and who hate those of us that expose the fraud of the system.
But they've got a problem because there's a giant swath of people in government and corporations that are very moral but we're just asleep and now see how corrupt things openly are so they're waking up.
Remember George W. Bush saying eight years ago when
NSA whistleblowers from AT&T and other places went public and said, listen, whole floors of our telecoms are hooked into the NSA.
The NSA runs whole floors, and everything going through them is being listened to with data mining, and they are looking at the American people, and the DEA is tracking everything you do in real time, and they're creating fake court cases to set you up.
Bush came out and said, it's ridiculous.
You know, I can't do a very good Bush, like I can do a Clinton.
You know what I'm saying?
Well, come on, it's ridiculous.
We don't listen to anybody's calls in America without a warrant.
That's overseas calls.
That's al Qaeda.
You can pull those clips up.
We've played them many times.
And it wasn't true.
It was a lie, and now it comes out.
The British Parliament's being spied on by their NSA.
Congress is being spied on.
The House and the Senate.
The governors.
The Secret Service.
The FBI.
The ATF.
And do you know what they're being spied on?
I want to get Wayne Madsen back on.
He's now back in the country.
I know he's on a few weeks ago when night was filling in, but I want to get him on air as soon as possible.
Because, I mean, I remember having him on like 16 years ago.
I've been interviewing him since about 1998.
And he was a tree that fell in the forest that nobody heard it.
So did it really make a sound?
Well, yes, he did.
He's 10 times
More intel on the NSA and how it worked and what they did and has testified to Congress and the EU Parliament and the British Parliament, you name it.
But because the media ignored him, it never got any attention.
We knew this from James Bamford, the former head producer of Nightline for 20 years.
He quit Nightline.
He was so freaked out by what he knew.
And went and wrote two best-selling books about the NSA spying on everyone.
And Madsen, they've all been on the show countless times.
And I've had Benny on, the director of operations, and just countless other whistleblowers, and they've told you it's targeting political speech, it's being used for blackmail, it's being used to set people up, it's being used to stop members of the ATF blowing the whistle on Fast and Furious.
It's being used to stop members of the FBI stopping other government agencies involved in money laundering.
It's being used so that the big banks have intel on what the whole government's doing.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America.
Under different systems, they have more access to the NSA than any government agency does.
This is a corporate coup over America.
Who do you think funds the gun control?
The victim disarmament?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is number one in this country.
Look it up!
It's all federal filings.
Number two is Goldman Sachs.
Number three is JP Morgan, last time I checked.
And it goes down the list.
Berkshire Hathaway.
And a lot of times it's the same group giving over and over again.
Who do you think is Berkshire Hathaway and Wells Fargo and Bill and Melinda Gates?
That's Warren Buffett.
About a third of the money in that.
And you understand, these are the people that literally want us to live in 1984, that literally want to take our freedoms, that want to cut the IRS fraud investigator for billionaires, and increase the investigators for blue-collar people, that's on record, to literally break the back of everyone in this country.
To shut down our power plants, to shut down our factories, to break up our families, to do everything they can to totally bring this country down.
And so America is having the come to Jesus moment where people throughout the system, the military, you name it, are saying, you know, it's really true that criminal elements of our government are funding Al Qaeda.
We're not going to be part of it.
You know what?
Alex Jones told the truth.
Ron Paul came on this show three weeks ago and said, yes, we need to release the 28 pages and looks like there was a cover up of 9-11.
And you've got members of Congress coming out and bills introduced.
See, we were right about that again.
It doesn't mean there aren't radical Islamists and that doesn't mean they weren't involved.
When the media spins it and says that I said George Bush had a plunger like Wiley Coyote detonating it, I never said that.
I said they allowed us to be attacked bare minimum and had a stand down so they could radically take our liberties and freedoms.
That's come out.
Harvard admits fluoride is brain damaging our children and giving them cancer.
Our government's laundering most of the major drug money and funding the big drug cartels.
That's even in the Chicago Tribune.
It comes out in court.
Vindicating Gary Webb, who they killed.
So the good news is we're being vindicated.
But when they sit back there and point their finger at us and laugh at us for saying 2 plus 2 equals 4, remember, that's all they've got is a desperate mind game of a magician.
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David Knight's going to be popping in, coming up in the next segment, to talk about his article from last week that's being demonized by establishment media.
Is a possible Ebola cure being hidden from the public?
We're going to talk about it, coming up in the next segment, demonized by the International Business Times.
And this is just such a reasonable article that he wrote, bibliographed, linking to all the proof.
Just so well researched.
And so they attack it.
So I think David should do another video report on this as well, and we should feature it, since it upsets the establishment so much.
Boy, every time we talk about Big Pharma obviously trying to profit from this with dangerous experimental vaccines, they just say, there's no such thing!
Well, I want to tell the listeners something that Google and Microsoft and the NSA and DARPA
And IBM and all these public-private partnerships already know.
And I don't say this to brag about it.
I say it because I can feel the palpable electrical crack of attention and fortune and danger.
And the fortune we seek is liberty.
And the survival and expansion and development of the species.
Strength and honor.
All the things that are under attack.
It doesn't mean we're perfect, but we know what we love.
We know what we worship.
We know what we support.
He's the good God.
Not the bad God.
You can say you don't believe in God.
Okay, whatever.
I don't want to dumb people down.
I don't want to enslave people.
I want to try to tell the truth and be honorable.
And I don't choose my reality.
I really try to discover what real reality is, the mysteries of the universe.
Life is so fantastical, so amazing, I hate having to spend my time focused on the globalist, which are only one small part of the universe, but they're right here sitting on top of us on this planet.
I just cry sometimes, I get tears in my eyes, when I see just all the wonders of the world and all the experiences and just the feel of nature.
Especially in the fall and spring, it's just so wonderful.
And then you juxtapose that, the innocence of children, the beauty of the clouds in the sky, the stars, all of it, to the evil of the system and the fraud that it is.
Just reject it!
But before I get into the news and take your calls, I wanted just to make this little announcement to everybody.
And I do this occasionally.
Exponentially, whether I am in the South, the East, the West, or in England, or in Central America, or I talk to people that have gone all over the world, and I get the feedback from all over the planet, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones, yours truly, and my entire team are beyond rock star level popular in huge pockets all over the world.
Not with the crowds that follow
The Kardashians or the crowds that religiously only follow ESPN.
I'm not saying you're bad if you like ESPN or the Kardashians.
You know what I mean.
It's that people only care about stuff like that.
The Liberty Movement is exploding worldwide and the feedback I get... I mean, I went to a main event with my children and some friends and their children a few weekends ago to bowl.
It's a big bowling video game place.
Almost everyone I walked by shook my hand and was a listener.
Almost everyone.
And guys in football jerseys who were there bowling.
So I shouldn't criticize football fans, but obviously that person's a listener.
Football isn't the only thing they're into.
They're more balanced, is my point.
Literally, almost everyone.
To the point of I couldn't bowl, I couldn't play air hockey with the kids, I couldn't rock climb, indoor rock climbing.
I was just shaking hands the whole time.
And they weren't just people that kind of knew who I was and had seen a video here or there.
They were hardcore listeners.
Same thing with military, police, you name it.
The system knows we are gigantic.
Our footprint of Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com is only like the little rock in the pond, as I've said many times.
We're only the rock as it hits the water, but the ripples are gigantic.
And the ripples of what you do with a YouTube channel or a local radio show are giant as well.
And when you do the right thing, those ripples go on forever.
And that's why the system is coming out against us.
It's why they're demonizing us.
It's why they're trying to assassinate my character.
And I feel that they'll be coming after me very, very soon.
And that's okay.
That's the whole point of this.
Is to go up, head up against the New World Order.
And be an example against them.
Doesn't matter if we don't make every step right or...
We're not Pharisees here, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not talking about the, you know, the speck in other people's eyes.
We're in the arena, going as hard as we can, and asking God for providence.
And I think we'll go through the storm.
But we're still in the storm, and I can see the blue sky through the lightning on the other side.
And all of us can make it out of this together.
But liberty is popular.
You are not alone, my friends.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, with David Knight, Jakari Jackson, Leanne McAdoo, and the rest of the great crew.
There's so many reporters and crew hosting the news.
Why Darren McBreen hosts the news, and we've got John Bound doing reports, and we've got Rob Dew, the news director, hosting the news, and my shelf hosting it quite a bit, are doing special reports.
Folks can find out more at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I don't believe there's any true silver bullet or magic cure to Ebola.
I've looked into it.
There are treatments, a whole bunch of them, that are medical treatments.
That clearly, you know, go from 90% dying to 10% dying.
That's the numbers we've got here.
David Knight has written about it.
And so these aren't treatments we're selling.
These aren't things we even have.
This would be the medical system.
It's just they're not centralized by Monsanto or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to be one new vaccine or one new drug they roll out that makes a hundred billion dollars literally worldwide.
More virologists have come out over the weekend and said clearly it's mutated.
Now they're saying it doesn't just last 70 days in the testicles of men and sperm.
Now they're saying they're finding people that it's lasting 41 days in.
In fact, guys, I forgot to IM you that or email that this morning in the news list.
I think it was Reuters or something, but the headline was
Ebola can live 41 days in some people, I think was the headline.
They're now finding it's not 21, now it's 41.
Folks, the flu, you're contagious for a week.
Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.
The colds, a few days.
This is horrible!
This is where people just walk around with Ebola for 70 days or 41 days.
That's why it's so bad.
It kills 70% of people.
That's when you get medical care.
If you don't, it's like 90.
So it is a crisis because they're not even doing things to stop it.
Now that separately, people in the office said, man, you got a tan.
Yeah, I've been going out and getting as much fall sun as I can, taking my kids out to the local community pool, Barton Springs, you know, it's still warm down here in Texas, because just when that vitamin D and stuff runs out in the deep of winter, three months after no sun, that everybody gets deathly ill.
So, Sunlight, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 is what I'm doing.
Survival Shield, Nacin Iodine X2.
It's not a total silver bullet, though it's called silver bullet.
That's the name before all this, of our colloidal silver.
I'm taking that.
And I'm just doing that to bolster my body's natural defenses.
That's the number one thing.
You never hear anything in mainstream media about how to prevent Ebola or how to boost your immune system so you don't catch it to begin with.
Just like it's always, we're gonna beat breast cancer.
We're gonna find a way to cure it.
Well, they know the giant rise in it, it's admitted.
is from the estrogen-based tumors.
That's over 80% of the breast cancer.
Almost all the 3,000% increase in the United States, England, and other places we've seen since the 40s.
Breast cancer was rare in the 40s and 50s and 60s.
Glyphosate in the water grows breast cancer and other cancers in male and female sexual tissues, like the prostate.
Prostate cancer, off the chart.
And boy, if you're black and you drink glyphosate, kiss your butt goodbye.
Because it kills white people, Asians, and Hispanics bad.
You might as well just stick a fork in yourself if you're black and you're drinking glyphosate.
Now, you can look up that number.
Look up blacks in glyphosate, or blacks in estrogen mimickers, or black males have double, double the prostate cancer.
There's an example right there.
They're not telling anyone any of this information.
So, purified water.
That's what I'm personally doing.
Consult your own physician.
But they don't even teach physicians about nutrition.
They don't teach them about sunlight.
Cass Sunstein, six years ago, when he first got into power, as the regulations are, wrote public manuals on how to infiltrate alternative media, how to cause infighting, and he also said, we need to start with trying to ban people saying sunlight's good for you.
Folks, you will die without sunlight.
Too much of it will also kill you.
But it's kind of like rockin' a hard place.
You need it, but it also does end up killing you.
But it'll kill you faster if you don't have it.
That's why white people are white, because they came from north of the equator, where there was a little bit of sun, and if you didn't get it, you'd die.
Black people come from the equator.
They don't need too much sun, so their skin blocks it.
But if you're black and you don't get sunlight, it's even worse than if you're white and don't get it.
Look it up.
This is what it's all based on.
And more and more medical doctors know all this.
I don't mean to go off on a jag here about Ebola and the fact that they don't want people to know some of the basic stuff that bolsters your own immune system.
Common sense things.
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And your purchase makes the transmission possible as well.
Now, here's an article on the reason David Knight's in studio with us.
Ebola hysteria.
Two old conspiracies get new life as deadly virus dominates news cycle.
And in this International Business Times article, they criticize major papers in Africa, because you know, they're not allowed to have their own papers over there.
You know, they're just Africans.
What do they know?
You know, it's kind of that soft racism from the controlled media and left.
Oh, they've got top virologists and people, by the way, in those news articles they link to, saying they believe it's a bio weapon.
And we have an article on that in a video we're going to play in a few minutes.
And so they demonize the idea that it's a plan to give us vaccines to reduce population.
And then they move along.
After demonizing that HIV and Ebola were created by the U.S.
as a biological weapon, to say that it's an attack on Obama.
And it says, Infowars.com, a popular website for these types of stories, is also perpetuating the theory the government and pharmacological companies are conspiring to find a way to maximize probability.
Oh no, they would never do that.
Namely, by suppressing a less costly cure
To promote their more profitable genetically modified cure.
Well, David Knight, in his article last week that they linked to and demonized, says, is a possible Ebola cure being hidden from the public.
And then he points out that they took a well-known treatment that isn't really a cure, but has a huge success rate.
Because a cure has to do it all the time.
Not a treatment, okay?
Like, they got treatments for heart attacks.
Doesn't mean it's a cure for heart disease.
It's a treatment.
And it can sometimes help you.
And I wanted David not to talk about this, so if this promising treatment isn't good, why are they trying to create one they can make money off of by making it synthetic, making it artificial?
See, by changing it, like fish oil, changing the molecule, they can then charge you $300 to make you get a prescription, and then under the UN agenda 21 UNESCO treaty,
And Codex Alimentarius, run by the big corporations, they can literally ban vitamin C and fish oil, as they're doing in Europe, are lowering the allowance where you pay a hundred euros for a little bottle of vitamin C and the caplets are so weak they do nothing for you.
See, they just lower the allowance more and more at Codex Alimentarius until it just does nothing.
That's the real thing that's happening.
They've already lowered vitamin C something like ten times what it was back in the fifties.
Linus Pauling won a Nobel Prize for it.
So David, I wanted you to be able to respond to this.
They demonize CURT saying they want to profit from it and saying vaccines are coming out.
They do have vaccines coming out.
But your story, separate from just the vaccines,
We're talking about things that are very promising as treatments that they're trying to synthetically create while blocking the one that's available right now.
Big Pharma's famous for this, but they point their finger at you as if they're Moses on the mountain and say, David Knight, he's not allowed to write an article.
Only International Business Times has credibility because they said so.
David Knight.
Yeah, Alex, there's a fundamental contradiction at the bottom of this, as to why I wrote the article in the first place.
They're telling people, and we saw these stories, we covered it on the nightly news back in the middle of September, the fact that there's this large black market in blood of Ebola survivors, because that's what people were putting a lot of confidence in.
And we've seen Dr. Kent Brantley, who was the very first doctor to be brought back to Emory University outside of the CDC.
The people surviving got it.
Duncan up in Dallas didn't get it.
That's right.
And his relatives complained about that.
They said, uh, you didn't give him any convalescent serum.
You didn't give him a blood transfusion.
Actually, you know, as you said, it's not necessarily a cure.
They've had very good results with this, and they've had some tests with it.
There's a cure that's 100%, but it's a powerful treatment.
That's right.
But it does cure some people, I guess you could say.
Well, they did a study back in the 1995 outbreak with just eight patients.
And that's a very, very small population to try to prove that something is effective.
But they've given these dosages of ZMapp to only seven patients, and you see the mainstream media touting it as a miracle cure.
And then you see the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust pouring millions, tens of
We're good to go.
All they would have to do, if they wanted to pursue this treatment, would be to cheaply set up a donor registry of blood types, so people get the right blood type, and then screen it for disease.
But they won't... Well, we know Africa's already having massive success with it in the Ebola camps.
So they already know.
That's why, as you said, in the last decade, they produced the synthetic one.
And here's, and that's the key, look at how ZMapp works.
ZMapp works exactly like convalescent serum has worked for the last 125 years.
They had a German scientist win a Nobel Prize for this back in 1901.
The idea is similar to a vaccine, except that a vaccine is supposed to give you preventive immunity.
This gives you a passive immunity.
In other words, when you're already sick with something, they take
Antibodies, not the disease, but antibodies from somebody who's recovered, and they inject that into the patient.
It's really a true vaccine, because you're getting real, living vaccine, a body created, live, and putting it in.
I mean, that's amazing for the T-lymphocyte white blood cells to pick it up and get marching orders.
Real human antibodies from somebody who survived to give your immune system a boost.
Because it's not going to cure you, but it would give your immune system a boost, give it a little bit of a head start on this.
So that's the idea behind it.
They've used it to treat diphtheria.
They've used it to treat measles.
They've used it to treat tetanus.
A whole wide range of things.
Even in the SARS outbreak, you had a Hong Kong scientist.
But this is something they can't centralize like vitamins and minerals, so they're not going to let it be developed.
So, what they're doing with ZMapp is they're essentially mimicking that, but using a patented, artificial, genetically modified, and a transgenic genetically modified process to do this.
In other words, instead of injecting human antibodies, they give Ebola to a mouse, and when the mouse produces antibodies, they genetically modify those antibodies, and then they grow those antibodies in genetically modified tobacco plants.
Or they're now talking about growing it in animals, so they can mass-produce it using the
Here's the problem, though, and even Forbes gets into it.
The problem is, is that this thing's mutated 300 plus times in the last six months.
With human blood, you can always get the latest and synthesize something out of that that is catching the latest bad mutation.
This won't work with Big Pharma.
The turnaround with the mice and the tobacco is months.
Sorry, go ahead.
Mm-hmm, right.
But it's also, it underscores the fact that this truly is about making profits for them, because it wasn't about just making profits for them.
They could take human antibodies and they could try to reproduce those human antibodies in a plant, but instead they start with a genetically modified mouse antibody.
Because they can patent that.
They can patent something that they took from somebody else.
The Supreme Court's been striking down, which they already tried, saying they can own human DNA, so now they're doing the mouse.
So they're going to take this very long approach.
And here's the other thing that worries me about this, Alex.
That's because the mice are patented, too.
They have their special... Right.
They want to mass produce this, make sure they've got all the licensing agreements set up for this.
Oh, of course not.
They're not worried about profits, right?
This is just their tax write-off for the...
Clearly a talking point went out, David Knight, because I've seen, let me not exaggerate, I hardly even follow it, but I get Google alerts when the news, probably five articles a day saying we're horrible for saying they want profits, and then maybe six or seven other articles a day saying we're insane.
I mean, people can say I'm bombast.
I'm bombasket, I'm sometimes a rabble rouser or whatever, and that's entertaining and folks like it, but I'm a real person.
But I have all these other serious reporters here as well, as we try to get more serious and more focused, and they attack you guys even more, because it is the credibility they don't like.
If it wasn't about the money, why are they waiting for months to get this ramped up into production before they start introducing it to people when they could cheaply do it right now with a donor registry?
They want to sell this and I believe they want it to get larger.
I believe that they want it to get beyond Africa.
Oh, clearly.
Africa doesn't have the money to pay for expensive treatments or for vaccines or whatever.
They want it to get into the West.
They can get the resources of Africa if this thing gets out of hand, but they want to get the West forced to take some kind of a vaccine that's going to make them a lot of money.
But the bottom line is, why would they imitate something that they say is unproven, and we know that it's proven because they've used it for 125 years successfully, and it's just a treatment.
It's like when they're vomiting and have
Massive loss of bodily fluids with diarrhea.
They need to be rehydrated.
They need to keep their electrolytes in balance.
If you don't give that to somebody, they're going to die.
And so they say, well, we don't really know if that's effective by itself because of course it was a combined with this.
They're withholding treatment from people in Africa claiming they're looking for a miracle drug.
David, they don't like this.
I want you to really do a big report on this video and text for Wednesday, and I want you to come in and co-host on Wednesday and really spend an hour on this.
Maybe get some medical doctors on as well, because they're scared of us covering this, so we better stay on it.
If they're trying to shut us up, we're not going to be intimidated by them.
We're going to continue to focus in on things that are curing some people, like blood transfusions, that they don't want the public to know about.
Thank you so much, David Knight.
Thank you.
One other point, we're going to come back and play this clip, David.
They also, in this article out of International Business Times, demonize one of the biggest papers in Africa for having an epidemiologist and virologist, two different ones being interviewed, saying they believe it's been souped up in a bioweapon lab.
And then that article, that they even link to, links back to the huge trials
That they had in Europe, at the EU, and in South Africa, where they admitted a secret bioweapon program between Israel, the US, and South Africa, where they used South Africa to produce basically a vaccine that sterilizes African women by having them create an autoimmune response to sperm.
Now this all came out and was admitted.
This is why you have African Nobel Prize winners and African presidents and African virologists coming out and saying, this looks like it's been souped up, the West has labs here, we think something's going on.
Well, they have to be crazy not to think that, because of the history of it, David.
Oh yeah, you had situations, of course everybody knows the Tuskegee Institute where they experimented back in the 1930s on black people.
Right through to the 70s.
Right, right.
And what happened to that scientist who was head of that study?
Well, they had a medical historian realize that after that Tuskegee study,
They had a doctor who went down to Guatemala, and with the approval of the American government, and with the Guatemalan government, they did experiments on people down there, without their full consent.
The first story that I did, actually started even before I got here, was about the EPA doing medical experiments on people in North Carolina.
With lethal gases.
Exactly, what they had said were lethal levels.
All right, we're going to come back.
Thank you, David Knight.
Great job.
Wednesday, I want to hit them hard.
So you got two days to work on this.
Great job.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, we're drawing flack.
We're over the target.
When we come back, secret project created weaponized Ebola in South Africa.
It's all confirmed.
That's conspiracy theory!
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Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Coming up, I'll give out the toll-free number and give you the latest on our push to get people to go on strike.
The mainstream media won't report on it, but we're getting a lot of emails and intel.
Folks are staying home to lobby Congress and the media to stop West African flights.
To point out that borders do matter and do do something.
The White House deleted our petition to stop Ebola.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Claimed it violated terms of service, though it didn't.
I mean, we know they don't follow the petitions, but they're bully pulpits, so that's why we use them.
Kit Daniels wrote about that last night.
I had him repost it to the top of InfoWars.com.
But the article in question
Is by Dan Taylor on Infowars.com.
Excellent article.
Secret project created weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s.
And this clip is from BBC News.
Just like we have PBS with the weaponized Ebola here going airborne from 1990.
And of course all the top virologists are saying it appears that this strain is beginning to go airborne.
And there is a top scientist, very famous, operating out of South Africa during the Apartheid era, Dr. Wouter Basson, launched a secret bioweapons project called Project Coast.
It's very famous for The Informed.
Totally unknown to the unwashed sports fans out there.
And the US, Israel, a bunch of others, Germany, they couldn't produce race-specific weapons in their countries.
So they had South Africa do it.
And because most Arabs do have African blood in them, they modified the one he was developing as a vaccine that would basically make the body attack sperm, a woman's body.
This is
So let's go ahead and go to this clip.
Here it is.
Larry was a wonderful fellow.
Mad as a hatter.
He used to rock up in South Africa having flown intercontinental flights with a trousers pocket full of goodies in sealed vials that he claimed were new and wonderful organisms and could do the most wonderful things on earth.
Larry Ford had mutated cholera, typhoid, anthrax, botulism, bubonic plague, and had also come up with germs that he called kaffir-killing germs.
Kaffir, as you may know, in Afrikaans, is the equivalent of the n-word.
So these were germs that were specifically engineered to kill only black people.
In other words, an ethnic biological weapon.
Had Project Coast really gone this far?
From the beginning, this idea of can we find a way to control the size of the black population was considered one of the most important areas of research.
It got even more important over time as the size of the black population and the seriousness of the uprisings increased.
So that's one reason why they got into genetic modification.
research into is there a way to have contraceptives that could somehow basically sterilize blacks without them knowing it.
The whole clip is eight minutes long.
It's up on Infowars.com right now.
Oh, but the International Business Times made fun of me.
Don't do that!
I'm gonna fall down and cry.
Oh, I'm so scared!
I got in this to fight, bastards.
You understand that?
I got in this to stand up for innocence.
Okay, and I don't want to hear there are too many black people.
You act like you're a bunch of liberals, but you wink-wink, hey, let's kill the blacks.
You people are a bunch of idiots!
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Others don't.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Max Keiser had technical difficulties.
He'll be honest later in the week.
We're going to have Wayne Madsen on.
To talk about race-specific bio-weapons, the NSA, the state of Obama's whole movement.
Democrats are not even filling up halls he comes to speak at and then leaving early.
Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance, people leave early.
Oh, they didn't get Valhalla delivered to them on a silver platter?
See, I'm against sterilizing the third world populations, because that's evil.
But it doesn't mean then that I want to see what's left of the third world population turned against the West, brought in to be turned into socialists to suckle from the same government mammary gland that gives them poison vaccines to be political fodder to take my guns and my family.
I'm against giving all Mexican school-age girls the Gardasil shot that sterilizes them
In many cases on record, it's a soft kill.
You can't fully kill all their ovaries or it'll be too obvious.
It just reduces fertility.
Kill some people.
We knew nine years ago it was a bioweapon connected to Bill and Melinda Gates.
But it's come out.
And you know, it's come out now.
A bunch of countries have banned it.
So I get up here, and I don't get praised down at the Mexican-American Center that's here in Austin.
It's basically a giant Hispanic Klan base bashing white people all day.
And of course, if you go to that place, you're not going to hear anything about, don't take the Gardasil shot.
It's all, government loves us, take the shot.
I mean, this is just, it's so frustrating to have the new Black Panther Party saying they hate the crackerhead Alex Jones because I don't want to kill all the black people.
But I don't embrace all their baloney.
And then I get to have a subsection of Hispanic folks funded by big corporations and their own race-based group with the big Ford Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding them.
And see, the Mexicans, they can't sterilize or kill and give them vaccines to cause pancreatitis so they become diabetic and their legs get sawed off.
See, I have empathy and don't want all the Mexicans to have their legs sawed off.
Because I'm a racist.
See, if I was just that trendy and liberal and go, oh, I love everything, oh, open borders are good, oh, then I could like secretly go to cocktail parties and talk about how much I hate minorities.
But because I don't hate minorities, which are the majority worldwide, I'm evil.
See, I get attacked by the ADL because I fight Nazism and show that our government helped fund it and brought a bunch of them over here.
Just like everybody else that fights Nazis gets attacked by the ADL.
Now, if you're actually a Nazi collaborator that helped round up thousands of people and is proud of it and does 60 Minutes interviews about it, George Soros, you get awards.
If you are known to wear Nazi uniforms and howl Hitler and hand out Hitler speeches on records and tell Rolling Stone you want to be like Hitler, then you get awards from the ADL.
You're Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I just want to point that out, that I just admit it.
I'm a horrible person, because I want to live and let live, and work for everybody to have a better future, and I don't want to kill all the black people, and I don't want to sterilize them, and I don't want to give them AIDS, and I don't want to give them Ebola, and I don't want to kill the Hispanics, and I don't want to kill the Asians, and I don't want to kill the white people, and I don't want to hear I'm inherently bad because I'm European.
And I'm sick of hearing anything with white culture being demonized and attacked.
The globalists are scientific.
They're playing us all off against each other, and it's a giant joke.
That's why I want to throw up when I see Al Sharpton, FBI informant.
It's always the same, these people.
It's like Hal Turner, the FBI informant.
He spent over 10 years attacking me every day, almost, and saying I should be taken out, and threatening judges, and all this stuff, and I knew he was a Fed.
And when hackers got into his email and proved he was a Fed, the Feds set him up and put him in prison, even though it came out in the trial in Illinois that he was an FBI national security asset.
So that's what you guys get to work for the system.
Gotta be proud of yourselves.
And of course, that's what I'm saying.
Most white supremacist leaders are government.
And then the black racist leaders are government as well.
And I'm just sick of all of you.
I don't want my conscience on any abortions or any dead black babies or anything else dead.
No other dead humans.
I'm not part of this.
I'm not gonna be part of it.
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We're live, folks!
Excuse me?
Almost Monday.
Listen to that conspiracy theorist.
Shut your mouth, Eisenhower!
Only let the illegals protest.
...in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town and don't be alarmed if you see... There's no police van coming, Alex.
...rolling through your neighborhood... Oh, we were right about that again.
...helicopters flying low over Minneapolis... You were right, right, right, right, right, right.
No one will be able to be on.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vast... Nobody wants your guns, though.
Just turn them in.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
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It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
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The problem is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business,
Everything's fine.
You didn't build that?
Yeah, there's nothing creepy here.
Somebody else made that happen?
America's not in trouble, I'm sorry.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in New Jersey.
Yeah, that's right, everything's fine.
Government's good.
Choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
And they're trying to take on the tea party.
Officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
You're in your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
You're back inside right now?
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator gloves.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they don't let them in the perimeter.
They're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down.
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I love how the power structure is always threatening me and stuff, saying, you know we can come after you, you know we can set you up.
Don't they get it?
I know that!
I'm here to fight!
I'm here to take the Republic back!
Yeah, let Eisenhower finish up.
I am your host Alex Jones.
I want to take your phone calls ahead of Wayne Madsen joining us for two segments.
Then when he leaves, it'll be open phones the third hour as well.
Wanted Ebola screeners at JFK for $19 an hour.
How would you like that job with all those West African flights coming in?
You know, people dying of vomiting fits, but everything's okay, they say.
Meanwhile, the White House has deleted our petition to stop Ebola.
That's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to hear from you on the Ebola front, but what else are they distracting us from right now with the Ebola news?
First-time callers, 800, there'll be a free-for-all in the third hour, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air on this Live Monday edition.
Speaking of the White House, then I'll get back into this article.
Secret project created weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s.
The South African government declassified.
Oh, but the International Business Times says we're conspiracy theorists for saying it.
We're not allowed to link to BBC TV specials.
We're not allowed to link to NOVA specials about airborne Ebola in the U.S.
We're not allowed to be informed.
We're not allowed to be smart.
We're not allowed to be aggressive.
We're not allowed to be unapologetic.
We're supposed to just cower and go, you're mainstream media even though you have a smaller audience than us?
Yes, sir!
You're mainstream.
You're the boss.
I'll do what you say.
Please don't have the White House run Media Matters with almost no traffic with admitted White House talking points come out and call me deranged.
Yeah, I'm deranged waking people up and ringing the alarm bell and warning people like Paul Revere and trying to spur other Paul Reveres to take action.
And you're upset about that.
There it is, deranged right-wing conspiracy theory.
Obama intentionally wants to infect the nation with Ebola.
Well, that's what they're doing.
And now they've got polls out saying most Americans are saying the same thing.
That was from a few weeks ago.
White House deletes petition to stop Ebola.
I've called for a strike to start this week for people to build it up right through the week until they shut down those West African flights that Colombia and England and Central, South America, Europe, Asian countries have done months ago.
Colombia last week and others.
But we won't do it.
We'll have a $19 an hour person sit there with a thermometer.
White House deletes petition to stop Ebola.
The White House over the weekend deleted a petition demanding President Obama do more to stop the spread of Ebola in the U.S.
The Obama administration said the petition, which urged the White House to take proper action to fight Ebola, was removed from WhiteHouse.gov because it violated the terms of participation.
Used to, you only had to have 10,000, then it was 25,000, then 100,000 for them to officially respond.
We got like a million or something on the Piers Morgan one, so they responded and said that it wasn't serious.
Because they define reality.
Remember what Karl Rove said?
The petition you are trying to access has been removed from the site under our moderation policy because it is in violation of our terms of participation.
The White House stated, while you can't sign the petition, there may be other petitions on We The People on a similar issue that we'd like to add your name to.
See, they want to act like they got the idea from petitions when they felt like it to do something.
Like, oh, there's a petition to ban guns.
Yes, we'll follow that.
We'll try to implement that.
Or there's a petition to shut down power plants.
Or there's a petition to
You know, teach every religion but Christianity in school.
There's a petition to support Michelle telling your kids what to eat.
We'll be sure and do that.
But, oh, there's a petition to deport Piers Morgan because he's involved as a foreign power trying to destroy our Bill of Rights.
We're going to ignore that or we're going to say it's not serious.
Well, now they'll just remove it because we use it as a bully pulpit to show how they're not doing their job.
Of course, nowhere in the First Amendment does it state citizens can only petition the government for a redress of grievance if they accept terms and conditions written by the White House.
Good job, Kit Daniels, making that point.
So by removing the petition, it appears the Obama administration is more interested in controlling the narrative surrounding the Ebola pandemic than actually stopping the disease.
For one thing, Obama refuses to ban travel from Ebola-struck African countries, despite Marine General John Kelly warning
The outbreak in Africa could lead to mass migration into the U.S.
of those infected with Ebola seeking treatment.
Well, they didn't like the fact that was on our petition.
It was that our petition was so hard-hitting, so common-sense, so bibliographed, so... it just had all the proof in the pudding.
That's why they call us conspiracy theorists, because they can't argue with us.
Oh, here's a BBC news clip, and here's the links to South African news, and the biggest African newspaper, with virologists saying they believe this is man-made.
A white virologist, by the way.
They're always like, oh, that's just a black scientist.
We don't need to listen to them.
We're liberals, but I mean...
African scientists saying our government would do something?
I mean, they've just been caught hundreds of times in major projects, in tetanus shots and other things, sterilizing African women, or the UN caught giving them HIV and vaccines.
That even came out in the BBC years ago.
They said it was an accident, though.
I mean, imagine the Africans not trusting the West and Bill and Melinda Gates that openly talk about how they want to reduce population.
I mean, what's wrong with them?
They should be more trusting, shouldn't they?
Well, our leaders over here control.
I don't care what color they are.
But in Africa, they're not.
They'll go out and tell the truth in many cases.
And it just goes on to show how they've banned that.
And of course, what did CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters?
We were literally rated thousands of percentage points above Media Matters.
Thousands and thousands.
Thousands as well above MSNBC.com.
And the rest are just rising.
You know, bigger than Breitbart, WorldNetDaily, all of it.
But Breitbart, Walnut Daily, Drudge Report, Drudge of course many, many times, probably 50 times bigger than us on total visits, but the point is, is they banned him as well.
They just basically showed Alexa last week, nose-diving.
Every socialist or communist or globalist site skyrocketing.
Every site that isn't completely, you know, socialist, I mean there's even mild sites like Breitbart, that they just basically said don't exist anymore.
Well, here's the deal.
Our advertisers know they get big responses, and Alexa's internal algorithm that you can subscribe to shows we're exploding.
But for the public, they put out that we have basically no visitors now.
Of course, internally, Media Matters and MSNBC are imploding right now.
So you can go subscribe for pennies, you know, and basically look at Alexa and see their internal numbers.
It doesn't matter, though.
For everybody else, it's just we don't exist.
They announced we don't exist.
They announced that we have no viewers or listeners.
And so they are God, according to Karl Rove and Brenner Bush.
He told the New York Times they control reality.
They are history's actors.
And when government makes an announcement, they could claim that England doesn't exist next week.
And they would say that was the truth.
Or that two plus two equals five.
They may suspend the laws of gravity.
Gravity will still be there but their acolytes will follow it.
So this is a cult.
These people are a cult of weirdos who basically get their free paychecks and their free government and corporate jobs and just sit around all day as they defraud everyone and as the economy collapses and as they parasitically shut down the economy they don't control greedily and kill the golden goose and we sit here and say our kids belong to us and we have a right to defend ourselves and we have a right to petition and we have a... No you don't!
You don't exist.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
That's our label.
Everything you say doesn't matter.
Well, the badge of deranged, or right-wing, or extreme, or conspiracy theorist, or dangerous, is a badge of honor.
And so being demonized by you ne'er-do-wells, and by you camp followers, and by you establishment lacs, lackey sycophant, phony intellectual,
Grand fallooning, butt-headed morons is the great certification of victory.
So continue to heap the medals upon my chest as we begin to wake up more people.
See how delusional you are?
You certify us!
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Alex Jones here, back live.
Pentagon says Ebola strike team does not violate Posse Comitatus.
Military argues Posse Comitatus is irrelevant and dangerous.
Well, I'm not against the military responding to Ebola, but saying it's irrelevant and dangerous is outrageous and it's basically been overturned.
And that is a big issue and the military is concerned.
With it themselves.
That's coming up.
We're gonna continue with your calls here.
Start going to those in a minute.
Also, we have a report by John Bowne about the World Health Organization admitting that 12% of people incubated for 42 days, not 21.
So that's double.
And they can live 70 days in sperm.
This is a big deal.
So that's coming up right before we talk to Wayne Madsen.
Then after Madsen's gone, next hour, I'll get to everybody.
Red Diamond.
You're on the air from Texas.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
You know, I'm such a racist.
I have a flag on my porch.
You know, the flag has 13 stripes, 7 red and 6 white.
And there's 50 stars on the flag.
I look at it every day and I think about the states.
And as far as I'm concerned, I think the states need to, you know, kind of step in and make sure this government of ours that's out of hand doesn't get out of hand.
What can we do to
Pressure our representatives to kind of, you know, make sure that stuff doesn't get out of hand.
Rick Perry could send the state police in to look at manifestos of major airports that have West Africans coming in off connections and do the screening right there, just as a stunt to basically point out the feds aren't doing their job.
There's stuff you can do like that.
Or the governors could call Obama out, which Rick Perry's finally done, but he should do it at a press conference.
And say, look, it's your job, the Fed's job, to keep contagions, enemies foreign and domestic, from getting into the country.
This is a federal job to keep contagions out.
With the Coast Guard.
And with the Navy.
And at the ports of entry, which means airports as well, under common law of the Constitution.
So, that's what they need to do.
But, again, it's sending Ebola patients
Hello Alex.
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We basically sell whatever I use and like, whenever I think's good.
It doesn't mean I always have all the answers, but that's the kind of products we sell.
Go ahead, sorry.
I've got another order coming up through your store shortly, but I want to discuss freedom of speech.
I posted your petition
To the White House by way of a comment to another website on Facebook?
Yes, sir.
And I challenged all the other contributors to the commentary columns to participate.
And I even included a letter to a specific individual whom you know.
I won't name him unless you ask me to.
And when I woke up earlier this morning,
It was all gone and I'm barred from that Facebook page and I think that's very hypocritical.
Did Facebook bar you or did the person's page bar you?
I can't say for sure, but I have contacted the administrators of the page and I'm not getting any reply.
Well, I'll tell you what happens.
Every time something starts going viral, they block it.
The White House took our petition down.
They put it up Friday.
I looked at it Friday night and it had like 10,000 signatures.
I don't know what it had by yesterday afternoon when we got emails it was down.
And they said, we took it down because we don't agree with it, basically.
It violates our terms of service.
They don't say specifically what it was.
That we dare lobby to keep something out of the country that kills 70% of people.
AP reports other African countries banned flights and blocked their borders two months ago.
But we can't do it.
Africans can do the common sense thing, but we can't.
And it just shows how they flaunt this in our face.
Thank you for the information, John.
And thank you for the support.
Let's talk to Eddie in New York.
You're on the air, Eddie.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
I wanted to speak about the Ebola situation.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was just saying that, especially with the tyranny and stuff that's going on, they're attacking us on all fronts right now.
This is a full-frontal assault.
They can attack us through the Cibola with the medical tyranny.
They're attacking us through our borders.
They're attacking us with ISIS on the other side of the world.
They have us surrounded.
That's right, the globalists are pulling out all the stops, and I think this is only the beginning.
What do you think the next shoot of drops is going to be?
I really don't know.
You know, you don't really get all the pieces of the puzzle.
We kind of have to sit there and watch what they do.
I agree with you.
Don't hang up.
I'm gonna go to you with Wayne Madsen and you can...
I'll make this point, expand on it, and get his take.
Coming up, I'll go to you.
Coming up, Eddie, don't hang up.
And then Lona, Daniel, Charlie, and many others, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body.
I think?
We're good.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Bottom line, I want to live free.
I want you to live free.
When I even imagine in my mind joining the globalists and preying on other people and being part of the secret sterilization programs going on, my soul shudders as I think about being damned to hell if I was ever part of something like that or abortion or any of it.
And I'm not judging people that were part of bad things on accident who were deceived, but to have the knowledge of good and evil
To know what's bad, to know what's corrupt, to know what's anti-human, and then to decide to join with it, like the UN and others have done.
If you just joined us, I'm going to bring this up with one of the biggest NSA whistleblowers ever, one of the first, Wayne Madsen.
We've got William Binney, former head of their internal operations, a director of the NSA going public, saying it's a total tyranny takeover, pointed at the general public.
We have AT&T execs going public saying the NSA hubs are inside.
We have, of course, folks that have run off to other countries and run off to Russia like Snowden.
But Madsen is really the original guy that testified to the EU Parliament, the British Parliament, to Congress and others, who really knows how deep the rabbit hole goes.
From day one, he's kind of a clearinghouse.
He even had to leave the U.S.
last year for a while because they're, no kidding, he was told by high-level sources, had a hit team out to kill him.
But then that contract expired.
I want to talk to him briefly today, if he can go a little bit to the next hour, also about has he seen Kill the Messenger with Gary Webb?
I knew Gary Webb well, interviewed him many times.
We were going to build a website together when his new book came out.
He said his home was being broken into and then they killed him.
And I was very pleased to see the film, and they implied that they killed him at the end.
They don't go with the baloney line.
You know, the family was threatened to shut up when it all happened.
I don't want to be shot in the head twice.
You know, if they kill me, I'm not looking forward to it, but that's part of standing up against these people.
That's part of being a warrior.
I'm ready for it.
I don't look forward to it, don't like it, but the only way you don't have fear is just to decide you're already dead.
What I do care about, though, is not letting them lie and say that I killed myself.
Torturing me to fill out a thing, or threatening to kill my kids, all that stuff.
I don't know what I'd do if they were threatening to kill my kids if I didn't fill out the suicide note.
That's what they do.
But I've just gotten myself ready for that.
I'm not trying to be theatrical.
They killed over a million Iraqis.
The globalists did.
They have been killing people all over the world.
They have torture camps everywhere.
They just want to sell us on going along with it.
And I'm going to get into this with Wayne Madsen.
Secret project created weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s.
And I'm so glad that Dan Taylor, who's an amazing writer,
And who runs Old Thinker News, be sure and check that out.
We publish his stuff at Infowars.com, republish it.
Went back, because I'd totally forgotten about all these South African scientists on record, where they were working with the US, Israel, and Europe.
To create race-specific bioweapons to target blacks and then Arabs.
He has successfully created one that would kill in black women.
It would trigger in black women.
It was tailored.
It would have some effect on whites, but a more powerful effect on black women to create an autoimmune response to sperm.
And of course, it also causes inflammation and problems in the women every time that would happen.
And it causes enderbeat jingosis, so it's also a soft kill.
Just like the African tetanus shot had the female hormone that's secreted in the second trimester, that's released.
And then, once that's released, it causes an autoimmune response in the ovaries and the uterus as well.
It doesn't just kill the baby.
They have a miscarriage at second trimester, at the fourth month every time.
By the fourth month, it also tends to kill the woman.
All this was declassified.
And I'd totally forgotten.
I'd just say, yeah, you're all the secret testing in Africa.
Well, that's not enough to just say that.
You've got to go back to why they have top newspapers over there saying they believe the Ebola virus was souped up.
Secret Project created weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s.
And this story links to mainstream newscasts about it in the BBC.
And others.
Operating out of South Africa during the Apartheid era in the 1980s, Dr. Wouter Basson launched a secret bioweapons project called Project Coast.
I remember a Project for the New American Century document published in 2000 in the Austin American-Statesman, calling for the legitimate use of race-specific bioweapons.
To just see what the public would do.
Now, the Statesman editorial staff is the only paper I've ever seen do it.
They fired back the next week.
You can pull this up.
You can find it on LexisNexis or Google.
It's like 14 years old.
Just type in... I'm going to go to Wayne.
I'm kind of wound up here.
And the Statesman decried the call for race-specific bioweapons.
That's the same group that called for staging terror attacks to bring in martial law.
That's how dumb they think we are.
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John Bowne has a report that we're going to post on Infowars.com in the next 20 minutes, and next hour I'll premiere it here on the radio, dealing with the fact that the CDC is now saying Ebola is now living 42 days, not 21.
Details of that coming up.
But Wayne Madsen of WayneMadsenReport.com, author, researcher, journalist, he broke the DC Madam story.
Uh, got her on the show, right before they killed her, speaking of that.
Uh, so this is very serious when I talk about death threats, and, and, and, I mean, there's a reason Glenn Beck now has a security team of 50 people.
He's given in to the fear, and I feel so sorry for him.
I won't do that.
It's all in God's hands.
But the system is threatening and doing a lot of dirty tricks right now.
They got people in government, out of government.
It's amazing.
They're making their move.
Don't let that intimidate you.
If you're low-level fighting the tyrants, you're under the radar, in my experience.
It can do devastating damage in the info war.
So don't let their intimidation work on you.
I don't talk a lot about this stuff because I don't want to do their work for them, but I believe you're not cowards and will take action and get prepared to speak out.
But the enemy is moving on all fronts.
Wayne Madsen,
Where would you say we're historically right now?
A. And then B. I want to look at Ebola because we've got an International Business Times article, CBS, you name it, are attacking us that we dare say that it could be made in a bioweapon lab when the West has admittedly been weaponizing Ebola, not just South Africa.
I mean, we'd have to be crazy not to at least look at that.
So what's your take on Ebola?
And then we'll move into a lot of other areas.
Thanks for joining us.
Okay Alex, good to hear you again.
But anyway, I have a story up today on Ebola.
If we remember, the first outbreak of Ebola was in 1976 in then-Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
If you remember back then, the news reports at the time, including CBS, NBC, ABC, all said this is a terrible disease.
It causes the organs in the body to turn into a jellified mass.
It's 88% fatal.
There were outbreaks at first in southern Sudan and then in Zaire.
Then we were told that it was contained in these hot zones.
There was even a movie made about it with Dustin Hoffman called The Hot Zone, about the outbreak of this hemorrhagic fever in Reston, Virginia.
There actually is a Reston form of the Ebola virus, but it's supposedly the least harmful.
But it is airborne, if that's the one that got out in 89.
The original World Health Organization reports out of Zaire in 76 said it could be transmitted by airborne means.
That's not me saying that.
That's the World Health Organization.
But remember, in 1976, the CIA, then headed by George H.W.
Bush, was fighting an illegal war in Angola
I think?
Turned into a major petri dish for Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who was the CIA's Dr. Frankenstein.
More like Dr. Strangelove, who came out with all these diseases that would attack humans, crops, and animals.
And then there was even cross-species jumping from animals to humans.
Imagine how bad it is now with all the DNA and RNA control they have, and that's exactly what the South African press, mainline press, reported that was declassified in these hearings in the 90s, and that's who Wouter Bassen worked for, was just a front for the CIA.
And let's not forget Israel.
Israel has admitted to some of the fact of working with him.
Right, and I'm glad you mentioned Bassan Project Coast.
He was Gottlieb's South African counterpart.
And Bassan, remember Stephen Hatfield was identified as a person of interest in the anthrax?
A postal mailing incident.
And the FBI sent teams to South Africa and Zimbabwe to investigate Hatfield's role in helping the Rhodesian Sela Scouts again in the 1970s.
In the same time frame we had the Ebola outbreak in Zaire and also South Africa's bio-war programs.
And in South Africa it was Project Coast headed up by Basson.
And then the word is by the 80s for nuke technology, we know South Africa got nukes,
Right before they traded race bioweapons to Israel for the Knicks.
So yeah, that was an unholy alliance between Israel and South Africa and also the CIA and Rhodesia to basically foment these and support these civil wars in places like Rhodesia and Angola and Southwest Africa and also they were active in Zaire and Southern Sudan.
You know, so there was a reason we saw the first
Yeah, I think so.
I think that's a pejorative comment by people trying to say, oh, well, it's those Africans eating fruit bats and dead animals they find on the ground.
I think it's racist to suggest that because the first person who contracted Ebola in southern Sudan in 1976 was a cotton factory worker.
He had a middle management job.
He was educated.
And the second person in Zaire was a school headmaster.
So to suggest that these people were somehow living off the land, I think, was ridiculous.
I think the CIA put that information out to basically, you mentioned the Kill the Messenger movie, well they were trying to kill the first victims of Ebola by characters.
Well, Wayne, what's amazing about you, and I'm just pointing this out for listeners, I hope they realize what they're hearing, I've done deep research into this.
And it doesn't matter what subject I bring up, you've done just as deep or more and without notes are just spouting all the data.
I mean, I just don't know how you've done so much research.
It really is amazing and always great to have you on as an analyst.
I think we need to hire you as a routine correspondent, at least part-time.
That's all I've got in the budget.
I know you were here last year.
We were talking about that, but I got caught up in other stuff and had some funding issues.
We're doing better right now.
I mean, just there's so much that you know.
What's your gut on this Ebola and where it's going?
What do you think it's really all about?
I'm suspicious where we have the outbreak this time in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
These three countries are very, very rich in natural resources, especially gold, diamonds and iron ore in Guinea.
The first case in Guinea was very close to this
We're good to go.
For violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act because he was accused of paying bribes to the previous government of Guinea.
The new government, President Conde, basically cancelled all the agreements with Steinmetz.
And I find it very interesting that the first Ebola case in Guinea, which is the Zaire, the very deadly Zaire strain,
Not the other, less harmful strains like the Thai Forest strain from Ivory Coast or the Sudan strain.
It struck very close to this iron mine tract, the Simandou tract in Guinea.
And that was the tri-border area of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.
And it didn't take long for it to cross that
Very porous border and then hit major metropolitan areas, the capitals of Liberia, Monrovia, and also Freetown, the capital Sierra Leone.
The only other time there was an outbreak in a metropolitan area was in Libreville, the capital of Gabon in 2002, but that was quickly isolated.
So this is the first time we've seen Ebola hit major metropolitan areas, Monrovia and Freetown, which allowed it to spread
First to Nigeria, to Lagos, and also then to Europe and the United States.
Premier Research, do you think it is a souped-up strain, or are they just letting it spread?
And then B, why are they letting it spread?
Clearly the default is let it spread, not just in Africa, but here.
What's happening?
Well, I think there may be some truth to the fact that this was yet the use of Africa, not as a petri dish like they use Zaire to just test it out on a human population in 76 and then we had outbreaks periodically in Zaire and the neighboring Republic
I don't know.
Sure, clearly.
They use Al-Qaeda to destabilize the Middle East.
They use Ebola to destabilize countries that aren't giving all the resources up for nothing.
And they have major newspapers with virologists saying it's been cooked up.
And then our media makes fun of it.
When Africa's been hit by secret biological testing, it's been declassified.
It's like your next-door neighbor's robbed you once, you get robbed again.
They're the main suspect.
You'd have to be insane not to think it could be staged.
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Pentagon says Ebola strike team does not violate posse comitatus.
Military argues posse comitatus is irrelevant and dangerous.
For Eddie in New York who's holding, and Lona, and Charlie, and Daniel, and Sean, we're going to get to all of you.
Coming up with Wayne, he'll be with us 20-30 minutes into the next hours.
You can make your point and get Wayne's comment on it.
Riding shotgun here with us.
His website is waynemadsonreport.com.
You can also get his latest book, The Star and the Sword, on the NSA and more.
Just a great journalist, great researcher.
You want the real skinny, waynemadsonreport.com.
Of course, our sites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And the system's doing everything it can to delist us on Alexa, blackball us on Google News, take our White House petition down that was very serious about banning Liberian and West African flights that other countries have done.
They are really trying to censor us.
It's not working.
They see a skyrocketing in our internal numbers.
And so they're trying to really put the brakes on what we're doing.
Because people don't believe in the system anymore and we're talking about real meat and potatoes issues here.
Not dumbed-down, fake, left-right garbage.
To mainstream media people, at International Business Times and others, CBS News, you name it, making jokes about us saying, you know, this could be a bio-weapon, this could be on purpose.
When you do that, when it's even in BBC News, this has gone on, and it appears to be, and you've got government leaders in Africa with real scientists saying this, you sign on to that evil.
This isn't funny.
It isn't funny.
To just sign on and say, oh, there's none of this going on.
Wayne, what do you make of the Pentagon?
Again, the troops themselves I find to be very awake and great people, and the veterans.
But the direction of it, the militarization, the military operating domestically, they had a general come out and say, you know, posse comitatus doesn't exist, basically.
That's a very arrogant statement.
What's your take on that, Wayne Madsen?
Then we'll go to break, come back and take calls.
I'm always suspicious anytime anything involves NORTHCOM, Northern Command, because when NORTHCOM was first formed after 9-11, my take on it was it was directly a violation of posse comitatus.
I don't
Uh, uh, troops and supplements over there.
Uh, and I, I just don't understand how you're going to defeat Ebola, uh, with, uh, military force, especially when you realize that Ebola and these other hemorrhagic viruses have all been, uh, uh, basically tampered with and, and spliced.
By the Army!
Fort Detrick!
By the Army!
The Army, uh, command, uh, biological warfare, uh, activity of Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Yeah, it's the Army that's the master of this and probably there to monitor and probably pull blood and mutations off of, and of course the troops are being given a few hours, it said I think five hours of biological training before they do this.
I mean that sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
Yeah, it just takes one person over in West Africa to forget to wear their suits, their hazmat suits, because they're hot anyway.
Even if you wear them in a temperate climate, you can imagine what they're like over in a place like West Africa.
Or you've got to get out of them and decontaminate.
That's usually when you end up getting it.
And it takes one of them to come back to the United States and serve as yet another vector for a possible future outcome.
And now it's lasting 41 days.
I mean, this is incredible.
It's mutating.
It's mutating.
We're told that by WHO people, but it's mutating.
Wayne Madsen, stay with us.
We'll come back and talk about that.
Take phone calls.
Air John Bowne, special report.
Tell your friends and family, tune in right now, folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
White Mass is our guest, former NSA official.
Great mind on every angle here to give us his commentary and analysis.
We're going to go to Eddie, Lona, Daniel, Sean, Charlie, folks that have been holding patiently.
We're going to start going to you right now.
Then we're going to get into a new report on the fact that now it's incubating up to 41 days in the body, 70 in the testicles.
I mean, this is bad.
Because then they can just spread, spread, spread, and you don't know they got it, folks.
This is a nightmare scenario, how long this stuff lives.
Eddie in New York.
You had a point earlier, but we went to break.
So restate what you were saying and get Wayne Madsen's take on it.
Yes, sir.
No, I was just saying is that they have set up so many nails in place to drop the hammer that they have all these fail states set up, such as Russia, crisis in Ukraine, ISIS, Ebola, and to actually know where they're going to drop the hammer is kind of hard to say.
But they have all these nails set up in place so this way if one fails they can drop it on this one or they can drop it on that one.
And it's a lot harder for them since 9-11.
Excuse me.
No, I agree with you.
I mean, it's a lot harder for them to stage something where they can really get caught, where they run the whole thing themselves.
It's easier to just use a crisis that's either already there, or that's easier for them to hide that they're behind, but then pose as the saviors.
Wayne Madsen, look at who they chose, this Al Gore minion, who always presides over divvying up any crisis, divvying up the billions to insiders.
No medical training, no intelligence training, no military training.
And then Obama golfs all day and doesn't even have Ebola meetings.
What's it look like to you?
Well, Ron Klein is a Washington fix-it man.
He was the guy that led the Gore operation in Florida when we had the contested election in 2002.
I mean, I'm surprised.
Where is the Surgeon General in this?
I know there's not a confirmed Surgeon General.
The Senate has dragged its feet on confirming Obama's pick, but there's got to be an acting Surgeon General.
I mean, where is somebody like C. Everett Koop, who was in the front of another disease that looks like it was traced back to CIA petri dishes of the 80s, and that was HIV-AIDS, also decimated Africa's population, and the first people that actually brought it to the Western Hemisphere
We're Cuban troops fighting against CIA proxies in Angola that were infected when they got back to Cuba and then of course we had the Mariel boat lift and well we know the rest of that story how it's spread over here but uh but anyway um yeah Klein is a is a typical Washington fix-it man and he's a PR flack so you know just a few days ago we heard that a lady on a shuttle bus at the
Pentagon was heading down to the Marine Corps Commandant's Change of Command Ceremony at the Marine Barracks on A Street in downtown D.C.
and she started projectile vomiting and then she said she had just been in West Africa.
Well, we see what happens when you bring a guy like Klein on board.
They said, oh, that lady never even had a passport.
And we've got aircraft coming in out of West Africa, people dying, vomiting.
They land at NYC, JFK, and they say no problem.
They don't have it without a test.
I think it's safe to say, Wayne, that clearly they're covering up how many cases are in Africa and here.
I think so, because this is why they bring a guy like Klein on board, because he's going to put pressure on the corporate media to keep it quiet.
You know, anytime we see something like this happens, it's just like 9-11, by the way.
Remember, they told people, well, you didn't see what you saw.
Sorry, you had your facts wrong.
And, you know, I was just, as a matter of fact, last
Last month I was in New York speaking at a 9-11 commemorative function and there's some new photographs that were released of that and they were telling even reporters on the scene, oh you must have been mistaken.
It's the same thing.
It's how the government deals with catastrophes.
Eddie, thank you so much for the call from New York.
We're going to come back and go to Daniel, listening on WBCR 1470 in Knoxville, Lona, Charlie and Sean and many others.
Wayne Madsen is our guest.
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They call us walking corpses.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I hear a voice, I know.
British Hill.
Wayne Madsen of waymadsenreport.com is our guest.
He's with us to the bottom of the hour.
We'll talk some about his book before he leaves us.
The Star and the Sword.
Well, they want to lock a bunch of people up and put us in their pretty pens once an epidemic turns into a pandemic in this country.
And I always go back to this because for me, it's what really hits home.
That if you watch the news and read the newspaper for 25 years, like I've done 20 years on air, but if you're like 60, 70 years old, you've been doing it for 40, 50 years,
How do you not know that some shadowy, shadow government, COG that Eisenhower warned about isn't in control?
And then the documents all come out in the church hearings in the 70s and confirm it all.
They just know the public is ignorant of all these facts.
They play this game going, oh, he's a conspiracy theory, or he's crazy.
Thousands of different tests, hundreds of them lethal,
In some cases, one of those hundreds of lethal secret programs would kill thousands of people, sterilize hundreds of thousands, kill millions.
HIV clearly cooked up by the Navy and the Army.
Clearly they had declassified programs for autoimmune viruses to reduce population.
You got Bill Gates running around and the Rockefellers talking about it constantly.
These outbreaks keep happening in Africa.
When the average liberal trendy goes, well, there are too many people.
But then they'll tell you you're a racist if you don't support government-run health care.
I mean, it's like crazy that the big secret religion is population reduction.
And then people say, well, Africa's population still went up.
Must not be doing too good killing everybody.
Some African countries, 45% of the people have HIV.
Tens upon tens of millions have died.
And now Ebola's popping up that we know our governments were souping up.
South African, European countries, Israeli, U.S.
I mean, I played a BBC News clip earlier about it.
It's on Infowars.com.
That they weaponized Ebola.
They had Ebola that was airborne in 1989 on the East Coast that got out.
Of course they're making this stuff, and then we go, hey, the groups that make this stuff, maybe they're behind it.
Kind of like, maybe the government's behind the anthrax attack.
Turns out it was U.S.
government anthrax.
Then they had a whole bunch of patsies they tried to blame.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
But Wayne, finishing up on this subject, again, former NSA officer, whistleblower,
Talking to your sources, where do they think, and where do you think this Ebola thing is going?
You pretty much came out and said that you think it's a false flag and where it originated.
What's their bottom line here?
Because politically it's hurting them not to respond, but more and more they know he's a lame duck so they don't care.
They've got pardons, they can resuscitate him in the media later, like they've done the Clintons and the Bushes and others.
What's the grand plan here?
Well, my fear is that, you know, we've had Hollywood doing a lot of predictive programming on this.
The latest one is this latest Planet of the Apes movie, where most of the human population is wiped out by something called simian flu.
We know that Ebola is transmitted also from non-human primates, monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas.
So my fear is what they're doing is they want to set up the first
Uh, regime in the United States where they're going to have mandatory quarantine regions.
They're going to have mandatory checks.
They're going to do highway checks and get people used to what happens to them every day at the airport is going to happen on on interstate highways and other
Uh, major roads and where will they set up the checkpoints wherever they darn well, please.
You can imagine that way stations and toll stops are just made to order for this type of thing.
But I think that's where we're going.
They want to condition the American people to be able to do internal travel prohibitions and try at least and at the very least travel checks.
And Bill Clinton wrote back in 1998, we cover it in my 2000 film, Police State 2000.
And we show the statements the executive order is about in the future, they would have hardened internal checkpoints.
At the state level, searching everyone, in a culture where you've got to give blood to get a driver's license and all this stuff, that's only begun the last two years in places like D.C.
on a trial basis.
Whatever they plan, they end up getting it, even if it's late.
And you can see them, Wayne, as you just said, rolling this out.
It follows where the borders open.
But they have internal checkpoints at the airports, and illegals can fly, but citizens can't, without being searched.
And illegals can have bank accounts with no ID, but citizens have to.
They're setting the precedent under this globalist model, where you have internal checkpoints, but no longer national borders.
It's completely upside down, but that is what they're doing.
And that's my fear, and that's why I think we have Northcom involved with these Ebola SWAT teams.
You know, late Friday, Obama did something very interesting.
I'd say it's late.
I'm glad he did it.
He issued an executive order at like five o'clock on Friday afternoon when most the media is not paying attention, basically saying there will be no more research, government-sponsored research, on these coronaviruses.
It doesn't include Ebola, but it includes things like SARS, MERS, and influenza, avian flu,
A swine flu, the 1918 Spanish flu which government scientists brought back to life after getting DNA from a dead Inuit girl died of it in 1918.
That killed like a hundred million people worldwide and they dug it up.
Obama said all that research is to cease and desist immediately and any future research has to be pre-approved by the government and he put no time limit on
I just wonder what happened when he started looking at things like Ebola, how this thing started.
Did he actually find the government's own fingerprints on this?
And he said, well I can't stop research on Ebola because it's a clear and present danger, but all this other stuff, like what's been going on at the University of Wisconsin in Madison when resurrecting the 1918 flu by recombining DNA from dead viruses to current viruses.
That's insane.
He stopped all that.
He stopped all that.
I hope it stays stopped, but a lot of people in the medical community applauded him for that.
But I just wonder what triggered, because we know he doesn't do this unless, you know, he's pressured.
He doesn't take these initiatives on his own.
I'd be very interested to be a fly on the wall inside one of those Ron Klein meetings to hear what prompted this action.
Well, as I've always pointed out, the 36 Level 4 bioweapons facilities under BioShield are the clear and present danger because they've got some of them in Level 2 facilities with Level 4 pathogens on the coastline in Galveston, a city that gets wiped out every decade.
I mean, it just got wiped out six years ago and it wrecked the facility.
I mean, here's an example.
Lionfish in the 80s when a hurricane hit Miami.
Something like 14 of them that were in a tank got out and now the entire Caribbean and Atlantic are just full of them because they breed so fast killing everything.
It's an invasive species.
And it's all because they had no natural predators in this area.
Well, I mean, that's a fish, folks.
Imagine all these facilities with zoological crossing it.
It is a recipe for disaster.
Let's go to your calls.
Let's talk to Daniel in Tennessee, listening on 1470 WBCR.
Daniel, you're on the air.
Thank you very much.
I'll be watching the clock.
I'll be to the point.
First of all, I call him Alibaba because he's a prince of thieves and liars.
Anyway, you asked at the beginning of the program on your opener there, Alex, that what do you think is the next step?
I really believe
Well, thanks for holding to say that.
We're going to skip this network break because this is so important.
I want to go to everybody.
You know, it wouldn't
Help the establishment to keep him in because politically he is worthless right now.
People are exiting his events en masse.
Reuters reports Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance.
People leave early, but...
They do so many crazy wild cards now.
Obama could be the false flag.
They could assassinate him or try to and blame it on a libertarian or patriot group to create a race war or civil war.
Or they could wound him and then he would declare he was, you know, a dictator during the emergency transition.
Who knows?
Wayne, what's your take on that?
Well, you know, although we are, I think we are suffering in this country from a plutocracy, we don't get a lot of choice for president.
DC also, they want, they don't want to keep the same people around.
They get tired of, you know, his magic has worn off.
Uh, and now we're talking about, you know, in 2016, uh, well, it's Hillary Clinton or maybe Jeb Bush.
Here we go again.
Bush for B Clinton.
Uh, there's some talk of Romney.
I mean, he's not going away, but so that's the choice we have.
It's not much of a choice, but they do get it.
They do get tired of their heroes in Washington and they like to run them out of town and get some air, but somebody else that we all know is part of the system.
It's like shark teeth.
I mean, once they get dull and use another row rolls forward,
So I don't see them keeping Obama in, but what about the false flag of them actually taking Obama out?
No, I think, I mean, I am surprised at all these revelations about the Secret Service.
That was one agency that I found, it was very hard to crack that as far as getting sources.
The only time I actually had any sources was in the 1990s during that whole Monica issue and the fights between Clinton and Hillary.
I found out where the watering hole was for the President's protective detail, and I used to hang out there on Thursdays because I knew that's when they were there, and I got all the stories about her throwing ashtrays and lamps at him.
That's the only time there was a crack in that very secure wall of information about the President from the Secret Service, but all these recent disclosures about the
I heard that in L.A.
later, in about 98, I was there right after the
Well, that was not a double entendre when I said that she's on the carpet.
I mean, literally
Well, it didn't seem to hurt Obama because everybody in Chicago seemed to know about him even before he was president.
So, you know, I guess this is the new paradigm now.
It used to be that you could be blackmailed for stuff like that, but I guess nowadays, even though they're not out, they're not open about it, I guess they don't fear the blackmailing.
Well, I mean, I think it's selective.
You'll see him go after libertarian or conservative people for absolutely nothing, and then the Democrats can swing by chandeliers.
That's my problem with it.
I was recently attacked when I went to a conference in Tehran of authors and journalists and other people, clerics, and Senator Mark Kirk from Illinois decided to attack me by name for going over to what he called an anti-Semitic hate fest.
You know, I just put the word out.
Hey, look, you know, when I was investigating Obama in Chicago, I also found out that Senator Mark Kirk, who was divorced after 18 years of marriage, was also known to be a closet and homosexual.
And then he had a he had a stroke, but he's still in the Senate, ostensibly representing Illinois Republican family values.
So here we go again with more hypocrisy.
No, I'm a libertarian.
You know, my issue is that I'm a Christian and have a lot of those values, but I don't like the Pharisee arm of this, using it to attack people and demonize people.
That's why I don't get into the whole issue.
But then, on the reverse of that, you have the mayor of Houston wanting to arrest and subpoena preachers that are criticizing homosexuality.
Whether you agree with that or disagree with that, I mean, this is getting dangerous when they're going after the First Amendment.
It sounds like Rahm Emanuel may be her other advisor.
The mayor of Houston, based on his time as mayor of Chicago.
I thought it was interesting that the woman who was basically challenging Emanuel recently was diagnosed with a brain tumor and it looks like she won't be the candidate.
She was best placed to beat Emanuel.
So, here we go again.
Well, you know, they declassified.
They've got those fast-acting cancers.
That's right.
That's right.
And I think Hugo Chavez and what happened to him is proof positive that Sidney Gottlieb's work at the CIA has been perfected and is still in use today.
Not only with Ebola, HIV and this other stuff, but also with these targeted... Sure.
Because Gottlieb basically came up with, you know, medical ways to dispatch Patrice Lumumba in Congo.
Here's Congo again.
And also Fidel Castro in Cuba.
Well, I want to keep you a little bit longer if you can, so we can get your take on Kill the Messenger, but I want to take calls.
Have you seen Kill the Messenger?
I did, and I was in email contact with Gary Webb shortly before his death, and he contacted me because I was doing an expose of a company out of Dallas called... Hold that until after calls, because here's the deal.
He was in contact with me.
I was going to put a website out for his new book.
There was going to be another book after Kill the Messenger, he'd written that, proving the whole network, and he was telling people that he was getting threatened, he told me that, he told Free Ricky Ross that, and then they killed him, and then they had this known CIA guy who bragged he was in the CIA, threatening me, and saying I was full of it, and he was going to sue me.
And then it turned out Webb didn't like him and had criticized him.
I don't want to speak ill of the dead.
The other guy's dead now, too.
But it was just amazing that they killed him, Wayne.
We'll talk about it in the next segment.
I've got to go to calls.
It's just amazing how they killed him.
He was awesome.
Lona in Utah, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Wayne.
Thanks for taking my call.
I have two comments for you.
This is Lana in Salt Lake, and first of all, I want to tell you that I buy the bottled drinks at the health food store, and then I recycle those bottles with the Pro-Pure water.
I put them in the six-pack bags that you can get at Whole Foods, so they're ready to go.
We don't have to drink out of the poisonous plastic bottles anymore.
And then the second comment I wanted to make, I was out one Friday with some friends and they were contrailing the skies in Salt Lake like you cannot believe.
The worst I have ever seen, ever.
And they were crisscrossing the skies and I thought, this means victory.
This is a victory for them.
I came home, I listened to your show.
You had announced that they had introduced Ebola into the country and I believe it was their symbol that they made victory.
All right, Lona, thank you so much, and God bless you.
I want to move quick here, but there is geoengineering going on.
It is classified, but the fact that they're spending billions a year is not.
And guess who heads it up?
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, again.
I want to go to Charlie, and I want to go to Sean and Lucas and others here in a moment, but bottom line, where is Bill Gates in the power structure?
It seems like he's involved in everything.
Yeah, and now we know with more revelations about the close connection between private companies and NSA.
You know, these companies said, oh, well, we didn't know that the NSA program was going on.
Well, now we know, in fact, they were involved with it.
I reported many, many years ago that Microsoft actually has an office at NSA in Fort Meade to handle basically surveillance issues of people using Microsoft products.
When NSA had an issue breaking into some
Password or firewall associated with a Microsoft product.
There was a help desk manned by Microsoft people at NSA that they could call and resolve these issues.
But that's what you reported 20 years ago when you first went public, was that every major telecom had whole floors with the NSA hubbed in.
Yeah, and AT&T was part of it as well.
Remember the Clipper chip?
These companies were all trying to make money on that while at the same time they said, well, we're opposed to the government trying to control the private users.
That's the key, is they were paid in aggregate billions a year to quote, service it all.
Right, exactly.
And so now the NSA is rolling out its own wireless network to cut off the middleman.
Yeah, the only guy that fought against that was the CEO of Quest, Mr. Naccio, and they put him in prison because he wouldn't play ball.
They got him on some insider trading trumped-up deal, which, you know, these federal prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich if they want to.
It's amazing, Wayne.
We're going to go to break and come back and take more calls.
We'll just keep you the whole rest of the show if you can do it.
You're always so interesting on air, and I think you're on fire today, but let's start getting into Webb right now, and we'll come back with calls.
I've been physically attacked and told you better shut up.
I've been death-threatened.
I've had them call up and describe what just happened in the front yard or the backyard and say, yeah, we're listening, buddy, and it's a really mean guy's voice.
I've had the women
Call up and run psyops on my family, on my wife.
I've had them infiltrate the operation.
I don't even want to get into it.
It's just unbelievable.
But that's what I expect doing this.
But I just don't know how they find so many evil people to be part of it.
It's so creepy and it's so illegal.
And then Gary Webb, who had another book coming out, a website coming out.
He was talking to all these alternative journalists.
He left the San Jose Mercury News.
He was vindicating himself.
And then he had people breaking in his house over and over again, and then they shot him twice in the head.
I mean, how obvious is that that they killed him?
But then I'm blown away that the movie comes out and pretty much tells the truth.
What does that say about Hollywood?
Well, you know, how many times have we actually seen Hollywood tell, give news that we can't get from the news?
I mean, it's kind of all messed around.
Topsy-turvy now, where we actually, people watch, get their news from Jon Stewart.
A comedian than from, you know, that Brian Williams or these other talking heads on these other networks.
But, but web contacted me because I was looking at this company called Affiliated Computer Systems out of Dallas.
And this was in 04.
And I was concerned based on what I was hearing that there was going to be another attempt.
To manipulate the election as we saw in 2000 with the voting machines and ACS was very tied in with the Republican hierarchy and I was invested...
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We're gonna finish up with Charlie and all the callers that are there, Sean and others.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
I do have John Bowne's report we haven't aired yet as well.
We'll get to that on Ebola.
The CDC now announcing it can last 41 days in a certain percentage of people.
This is getting crazy, clearly mutating.
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I'm not going to risk my life and just, you know, wait by the wayside here.
Wayne, I want to go to calls and then finish up on Gary Webb.
But first off, tell folks about your new book at WayneMadisonReport.com.
Well, it's called the Star and the Sword, and you know, ever since 9-11, I'm actually right now pursuing yet another angle on 9-11, which came to me just recently.
But, you know, people said, well, you know, I was the one who received this DEA report on these mysterious Israeli art students who were penetrating security in various places before 9-11.
And, of course, I got that list, remember, of all the suspects that had Hadda and all the rest of the hijackers and all these other Saudis and other people on it.
And in addition to the guy who was running the urban moving systems, the Israeli-owned moving company in New Jersey, and I said, you know, I got thinking, people said, no, the Israelis were behind it.
No, the Saudis were behind it.
But, you know, what we see with ISIL or ISIS or Islamic State or whatever they're calling themselves this week,
You know, they're being supported by not only the Saudis and their friends, these potentates on the Persian Gulf, but also as we see in the Golan Heights, they're being supported by the Israeli defense.
And that's not anti-Israel when it's in the Jerusalem Post that Israel's government is supporting Al-Qaeda.
It's a fact, and as you said, why did Fox News
When 9-11 happened, they did four reports on the Israelis getting arrested as well.
Was that some inner blackmail fight going on?
I heard it was... Cheney had had a big fight with then-Sharon, Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel, and wanted to send a message to the Israeli government.
Look, we know what's going on.
And he handed part of that DEA report, it was about 64 pages if I recall,
He handed part of it to Brit Hume, who attended the Vice President's Christmas party in early December 2001.
And of course, you know, a week and a half later, Fox ran with that four-part series.
I heard that was what prompted it.
But, you know, remember back in Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein was firing scuds not only at Israel but also at Saudi Arabia.
These two countries
I'm suggesting in the book The Star and the Sword have had a long-term relationship, going back to the 70s and 60s with a group of intelligence agencies called the Safari Club.
But even back to post-World War I, when the first Saudi king, Ibn Saud, sent a letter to Hayim Weissman, a head
Why would Saudi Arabia want to overthrow Libya, overthrow Syria, overthrow Egypt, overthrow Iraq?
I mean, I guess so they can take it over.
Part of Netanyahu's 19, he came out with a plan in 1996 called a clean break or securing the realm.
It talked about overthrowing these Arab governments and replacing them with warring factions.
There was also the Oded plan, formulated by an Israeli in 1982 that called for the same thing.
So when we saw Wesley Clarke come out and say he saw a list of governments that were going to overthrow in the region,
It's the same list.
It's the same plan.
Clark didn't disagree with it.
He just said he saw it after 9-11.
What Clark saw, the Oded plan, the Clean Break plan, and Netanyahu, which was basically written by Richard Perle, it's all the same thing.
And we're seeing it played out now with ISIS.
Realize ISIS represents 12,000 mercenaries from 81 different countries.
A lot of them haven't stepped foot in a mosque in their entire lives.
They have no
Linkage to Islam?
So what do you call that?
It's a mercenary army.
It's a CIA secret army.
And my issue is, if these Arab countries are really attacking us, it'd be one thing.
But over and over again, the West stirs them up, arms the radical group to go into friendly countries like Egypt, try to overthrow them.
But this is the same thing.
Shut our businesses down.
Shut our economy down.
It's not an American government or even Israeli government.
It's just these criminal networks that get power out of crises.
And then they're taking my liberties and your liberties and our children's liberties in the name of Al-Qaeda that they run!
I want the fraud to end!
Just like they're letting Ebola end and then they're gonna let it get out of control.
They're not gonna stop with Iraq or Syria.
When I was in Iran recently, I was on a...
In a car traveling between Shiraz and a town on the way to the Persian Gulf and I noticed Iranian police were stopping cars and I asked what are they doing and my driver said oh well they're stopping people that look like they're Arabs to see if they're members of ISIL.
I said, interesting, you think they're in the country?
And I started asking, and yes, they've crossed over the Iranian border.
They're going after the Iranian government next.
And we also had a situation in Syria where the largely Tunisian commanders of ISIL were actually turned on by
Chechens from Georgia, the Republic of Georgia, and Uyghurs from Western China, they beheaded these guys, these were pretty good commanders, and replaced them because the CIA, the Saudis, and the Israelis eventually want
Isil to go after Russia and China and Chechens and Uighurs are the ones they're going to use to do that.
And look what's happening in Hong Kong right now.
These protests are a carbon copy of what took place in Maidan Square in Kiev.
This is a direct assault on China.
ISIL is not going to stop in Iran.
They're going to go into Western China.
They're going to go into Southern Russia.
We've got to go to calls.
They've been holding.
Charlie in Canada, thanks for holding.
Then we'll go to Sean, Indico Kid and Anthony.
Go ahead.
Alex, I owe you a heartfelt thank you.
I've had a disease called sarcoidosis for 25 years.
I've been critically ill for 14.
I ordered the oxy powder and it knocked it out of me literally in six days.
Well, we can't make medical claims, but I only sell stuff that's blown my socks off, literally.
Or, I mean, oxy powder, it's time-released oxygen, releases in the small and large intestine, or larger than small intestine, and it just... other herbal flushes and stuff are very painful.
This is just...
I was pushed for a year to carry it, pushed for a year to promote it.
I was like, no, I'm not going to do that because I'm not into that stuff.
And it really has been amazing and made my waist size go down personally.
And it's just done a lot of stuff.
I mean, what happened when you took it?
At first, you know, it wasn't uncomfortable.
I kind of felt my stomach bubble up a little bit, but it wasn't too bad.
And literally the next day, I woke up and something was different.
And within two days, I was out walking around my house together.
There are parts of my house I haven't seen in 10 years, literally.
You were in so much pain in your stomach?
Well, actually, I had joint pain, hives, I had lesions on my head that are healing now.
My system has been so... Well, they say 70% of the immune system is in the gut, and so if that's messed up, then you just literally... I mean, most skin stuff, dermatologists will tell you, is based in the gut.
And look, John Harmon told me today, in fact John, if you've got the mic hooked up up there in Minnesota, we're in Austin, come on and tell folks what you told me today about OxyPowder.
Sure, I just popped in Alex's ear and told them that I do take the phone calls here at the network.
And just the influx of callers calling in about the oxy powder, just saying, hey, I don't need to be on the air necessarily, but just pass on the word that that stuff definitely works.
Yeah, folks, we don't sell stuff unless I've had dramatic effects.
For a year, groups like, you gotta try this, this is my star product, Alex, I'm telling you, I'll private label it for you, this is the best thing I've ever made, Hollywood all uses it, look at this, look at that, and he goes, Alex, you wanna be healthy, you've done this stuff, do this, and I'm just like, you know what, man, I don't wanna go on air and pitch something for my intestines, I mean, talk about what it does, but I go, okay, fine, I'll take it.
She goes, well, you've been working out hard, looking better, but she goes, my God, you look like you're 20 again, your muscles, your stomach, it's all, it's almost gone.
And I go, what do you mean?
What is going on?
I said, iodine and oxy powder.
And I said, I'm scared of this, you know, Ebola.
So I'm taking everything now.
I'm finally just taking the full amount, not forgetting every other day.
And she went, well, I want some of that.
Uh, so, and I still don't look that good compared, because I've gotten in bad shape, but I look a lot better.
I didn't mean to go off on a big jag.
And it's just amazing.
We need to send Wayne some of this and see what happens to him.
But thank you for that plug, sir.
Yes, it's the real deal.
Sean in Ohio.
Sean, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm calling from Akron, Ohio, as you well know.
It's the second destination of Amber Vinson.
She recently was in the Northdale neighborhood here where we live, visiting family and friends.
Yeah, you're talking about the nurse with Ebola.
Yeah, she was taken care of.
I think it was Mr. Duncan down in Texas.
My wife's a nurse, and we've been really closely monitoring the situation, as has everyone else here in Akron.
There's a lot of things that don't seem quite right, and I've got a list of information here for you.
I'll try to run through it as quickly as I can.
Yeah, go ahead, sir.
Basically, you know, there's news that's just come out here locally.
I'm not sure if it's national yet, but before, you know, she had treated Mr. Duncan there at the hospital, and she had had a conversation with Her Reverend Glenn Lorenzo, I do believe, before she even flew up here to Akron, saying that, you know, she was very unhappy with
The gear that she was given to wear while she was treating Mr. Duncan.
Yeah, and then she called the CDC and said, I have a fever.
I worked on a Ebola patient.
Can I fly?
And they said, yeah, go ahead, Cupcake.
I mean, none of this sounds right.
Keep going.
Yeah, they went ahead and just let her fly, even though she was symptomatic.
First, they told us here in Akron that there's nothing to worry about.
She wasn't symptomatic as of the day of her flight.
And then it came out afterwards that she was symptomatic as early as Friday.
So she spent the whole weekend here in our neighborhood.
We're good to go.
And, uh, you know, Mayor Jonathan Squalic here in Akron said, no, we are not ready for that.
You know, we want them to be, if there are anybody that becomes symptomatic, we'd like them to be shipped out to a proper hospital that can deal with it.
Margaret Irma, which is the Selma County Public Health Department spokesperson, said that... Sure, it's a total disarray.
I've got to jump for other callers in to go get others, but I mean, we get the basis of what you're saying.
Could this be... I mean, Ebola's real in Africa, but could this be a simulant with people that think they have Ebola?
As Mr. Steele said from the CIA a few weeks before this broke, that it could be a simulant and something to create panic.
What's your take, Wayne Madsen?
Well, we are getting into flu season after all, so people could get confused.
But, you know, remember Obama hosted this Africa Summit about a month and a half ago or so, two months ago?
And I said then, I said, why in the world would he be having these private executive jets fly these leaders in who won't be going through the normal?
security checks or customs immigration checks at the airport because many of them flew into Andrews Air Force Base and others flew into Dulles and went through the VIP lounge there.
And I, you know, and then we had Frieden, this Tom Frieden, Dr. Frieden, the head of the CDC, said, oh, well, Ebola will never be a problem here in the United States.
We're not worried about it.
And I said,
Then I said, this guy sounds like a quack.
And you know what?
His job before he was the head of CDC was, and he was Mayor Bloomberg's Director of Public Health in New York.
He's the guy who came up with the ban on big sodas.
I mean, can you imagine this guy goes from big sodas to Ebola?
I think he should go back to the big sodas and leave the CDC.
A bunch of control freaks.
All right, thank you.
Indico Kid and Anthony and
January, I think is how you say it.
Your calls are straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Indigo Kid, you're on the air with Wayne Madsen, our guest.
Go ahead Indigo, thanks for holding.
Hey guys, um, well because Ebola has gone airborne in the sense of these flights from West Africa, I wanted to launch something called Operation Airborne Ebola.
Um, and the thinking is people wore the t-shirt I designed, or your shirt Alex, or designed their own, you know, just a permanent marker on a white t-shirt.
If every time they go and take a flight in the U.S., they wear these anti-Ebola, anti-Obama shirts, that could be a big news story.
They will try to ban you wearing them, and then it will become a national news story.
Everyone should design their own if they don't want to buy one from us.
I totally agree with you, and just show how they... And then say, well wait, you're allowed to fly it in, but I can't wear a shirt saying it?
That's a great idea.
Wayne Madsen, your take on that?
Well, I just get back to the whole thing with, I don't think we're being told the truth about this.
I think Ron Klein has been brought in to basically put an information cone over news coming out.
That's no job.
Yeah, basically, you know.
How many cases?
There was a woman who was also projectile vomiting at one of the train stations in Boston.
And, you know, they tried to say, oh no, she... You got Nigerians getting on flights, dying in Houston, dying in New York.
Vomit, vomit everywhere.
New York.
And I just...
I'm not buying it, but you know, we were talking about Gary Weber earlier, and I think Gary set the gold standard for shoe leather investigative journalism.
I was so happy he contacted me by email, and I never believed he killed himself.
I got into a heated argument with somebody who I knew very well, and who worked with, I worked with this guy who insisted it was suicide, and I was just, I just publicly disagreed.
Yeah, that was the guy with the connection to the CIA.
Yeah, I think it's the same.
Yeah, it's the same guy.
But I talked to many other people who said, look, you know, one thing the movie said is he got out of journalism.
But when he called me, he was working for an alternative newspaper in Sacramento, and he was investigating the same company, ACS, for red light camera fraud.
But I think he was looking at it.
He contacted me because he knew I was looking at them with potential election machine fraud, voting machine fraud.
And I think he had other information.
I think he had a great career ahead of him.
Oh, they were scared of his name and the fact that he never backed off, never said he was wrong, was being vindicated.
They couldn't kill his name, so they blew his head off.
And you know, I mean, I think the guys like Gary Webb and other investigative journalists I've known over the years who are no longer with us, many, you know, died.
They just got old, died of cancer and stuff like that.
But I try to emulate these people who were my
Basically my mentors in journalism and that's why I'm getting ready to go pursue yet another angle on 9-11 because that may be 13 years ago but I'm not going to give up on that story.
I'm going to do five more minutes of overdrive and finish then I'll let you get out of here after doing two hours with us but I want to go to Anthony and Gennaro and Bill if we have time but the minute we have left in this hour folks can visit WayneMadsenReport.com if they want to see really hardcore journalism and a guy who isn't
No, great job.
I don't know.
Yeah, you know, the Washington Post, L.A.
Times, and New York Times attacked him.
They're still attacking him based on this movie.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
They are sell-out journalists.
They're nothing more than stenographers.
They're not journalists.
They are absolute, just, cowards.
They have no honor.
Back in 60 seconds.
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Alex Jones here back live.
Yes, one of the greatest things in my life is being able to associate with other informed, honorable people that aren't cowards.
And the older I get, the more I just cannot believe how blessed I am to come from an honorable family of good people overall.
And that I'm not in the company or culture of backstabbing yes-men and cowards.
I'm just going to say that again here.
Anthony in Florida, you're on the air with Wayne Madsen.
Go ahead.
Hello, I've got a question or a comment for Mr. Madden.
A while back, I saw this video and it showed General David Petraeus and he was speaking to a group of people and he made the comment, what comes after America?
North America is in the North American Union.
And I was wondering what the status on that is?
Go ahead, Wayne.
Yeah, well look what's going on with the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, which is going to create basically a union of Pacific Rim nations.
Now there's also a North America-European trade partnership.
That's what's happening.
Yeah, it's already official.
They're already following it.
They're already making our governments illegitimate, and the public just doesn't know.
Absolutely, and it's all going to be governed by corporations, so unless you're a major stockholder, your vote on election day isn't going to really mean a hell of beans.
Yeah, we're training and stuff to fight the World War II enemy.
Meanwhile, it's a corporate enemy in suits.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Listen, we spoke a couple weeks ago about the audacity of the CDC director.
Hi Wayne.
I just wanted to touch on a couple things.
I really believe that
Thomas Duncan and these two nurses do not have Ebola.
And this is why.
I feel that this is a part of their distraction, diversion, and deflection.
It full well could be.
They've been caught doing something like this before.
But I mean, there really is Ebola raging across Africa.
That I know.
The reason I feel that way is because Robert David Steele said they would try to use a biostimulant that acts like Ebola.
Here's my reasoning.
Because everybody in that household for Thomas David Duncan
Do not have Ebola.
Yeah, why did the nurses get it, but not the family?
It is suspicious.
But that's the problem with a totally lying government.
You can't believe anything they say, so we don't even know.
Wayne, your comments.
Well, you know, remember when they sent the woman to Atlanta, I believe it was Amber Vinson.
Yeah, it was.
Everyone was wearing these hazmat suits when they were putting on their medevac plane in Dallas except for the guy in the back who was in charge of the clipboard.
I mean the clipboard man has now become as infamous as the babushka lady and the guy with the umbrella on Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1966.
Well that's right and he gets out of the vehicle with them and then he's touching the gurney and stuff.
Yeah, I mean, I guess he's immune, Wayne.
I guess he's immune.
So they need to find out what his blood is to try to clone it so they can come up with the vaccine because he's an amazing human being if he is immune.
But look, you know, there's so much disinformation on this.
And as we talked about with flu season coming on, look, I got off of a flight from Dubai, flew from Tehran to Dubai.
It was Emirates.
Airways went to Boston Logan, and of course I had a wonderful reception by the ICE people.
Customs, that's another story.
But I was held for about an hour and given, you know, under cross-examination without a lawyer, but... Well, you weren't illegal, that's why.
Yeah, right.
But just a little over a week later, that same flight, they had the hazmat guys come on because five people were on that same plane with signs or symptoms of Ebola.
Maybe they had the flu, but we're going to probably... It's just confusion.
And we got this guy, Frieden, who has lent to this confusion.
Maybe he'll ban big, big soft drinks.
That'll save us.
Thanks for all the time.
Great job.
Let's talk soon about getting you to do some correspondent work for us.
Thank you so much, Wayne.
Sounds good.
All right, great job to the crew.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
I want to thank all our sponsors, and of course you, the listeners, and the big guy above.
Don't ever forget that.