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Filename: 20140805_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 5, 2014
3023 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This Tuesday, the fifth day already of August 2014, is going to be yet another jam-packed worldwide transmission.
There has been a two-star Brigadier General killed in Afghanistan by one of the U.S.-NATO
trained soldiers.
And I want to get Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, who's been in Afghanistan a long time, he's now retired, to pop in.
We don't even know the name yet of the general, and of course we're learning about it from German news, Der Spiegel.
Because our media is so controlled.
A high-ranking German general was reportedly also shot and is in critical condition.
William Gein will be joining us to discuss the Democratic Party's attempted anti-white racist agenda.
Which a congressman has now gone public with.
Republican blast Democrats, war on whites.
And that really is what it is.
But again, it's a psyop politically to brand all white people as racist.
And then if you don't go along with the agenda of the Democrats turning your guns in, open borders, taxes, world government, socialism, you are a racist.
So we're going to be going over that coming up.
He made the statements on the Laura Ingraham Show.
Gerald Salente will be joining us to talk about world trends.
He said over a year ago the big trend would be war, war, and more war, and dollar devaluation.
Boy, he's been proven accurate.
So the top trends forecaster, Gerald Salente, will be joining us coming up today.
Jesse Ventura is on the show tomorrow.
I'd rather get him on for a full hour than just ten minutes like we could have earlier last week.
He's putting his official statement out today at two o'clock about that trial, which affects the First Amendment across the board.
And they're gonna give us that video first, exclusively at Infowars.com.
At two o'clock, they're gonna send us the link.
So we'll have that at Infowars.com.
But Jesse will be joining us tomorrow to talk about the different angles and facets of it.
Regardless of what you think of Jesse Ventura, the story was a lie.
And so they can run similar psyops on myself, Rand Paul, Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh for that matter, anybody who's pro-gun, anybody that's pro-sovereignty.
Not that any of us are perfect, but any of us that still care about this country and aren't criminals, they're going to make stuff up about.
And so if you go along with them trying to bring down Ventura, which they've done to a great extent, well, you're, you will all be picked off individually.
So as of live broadcast at 11 o'clock central and four minutes right now, a general killed in Afghanistan.
Some reports say brigadier, some say major.
American general killed.
American general was killed today and 15 other soldiers wounded in an attack at a military academy in Afghanistan.
The incident happened at Camp Kwarha where Afghan military officers were being trained when a gunman wearing an Afghan army uniform turned his weapon against American and other Afghans, ABC has learned.
The camp was recently renamed
After a National Defense University for the country's deceased Vice President.
And it goes on to break it down.
That's ABC News.
We've got the Daily Mail up on screen for folks.
So we'll try to figure out exactly what's going on there.
We're going to get Joe Biggs in here at the bottom of the hour to give us his breakdown on it.
And he'll know more.
He has a lot of military contacts.
Stay with us.
The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on a cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and you'd be used for the excuse to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
So we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Earlier today, a two-star major general was killed at a joint military training base, a green-blue base, where the Afghan army is trained by the U.S.
military and other members of NATO, who are squatting on top of the opium production operations in the number one opium-producing nation in the world, Afghanistan.
Major General killed an insider attack at Afghan base.
And of course, our own military is being forced to train, not just the Afghan government and military, but IS, ISIS, whatever you want to call it, and giving them weapons in the last three and a half years to carry out the murder of over 300,000 men, women, and children, mainly Christians, in Syria.
And our media and Barack Obama and John Kerry and all of them get up there indignantly and say we need to launch bigger attacks.
And to our military's credit, they've come out and spoken out against it and said no, we're not Al-Qaeda's air force.
But IS is running all over Africa, all over the Middle East, all over the place killing people.
IS is just the new name of Al-Qaeda.
And no one wants to talk about it.
Not the big churches, not conservative media, not mainline media.
All anyone will talk about is 60-something dead Israelis and 1,000 dead Palestinians.
I'm sad for both sides.
Tribal warfare, intractable.
It's going to happen every few years, basically forever.
I just asked the question, why am I always directed and why are you directed to only focus on that and to have lots of indignation like the Nicaraguan president has come out and said Netanyahu is possessed by the devil.
It's this big, giant, international cause celeb to always side with the Muslims
In any way, if it's against the West or against Israel, in Asia, in Latin America, the Muslims are seen as the underdog.
And the public sees things as Germany versus Brazil, or Coke versus Pepsi, or Chevy versus Ford.
It's so mindless.
The globalists are manipulating all the sides, not just two sides, on record.
I mean, here's the headline out today on Infowars.com from the Washington Times.
We have it linked.
Bill Clinton's Kosovo Freedom Fighters Trafficked in Body Parts When the Spoils of War Are Human Organs.
We knew this back at the time.
Radical Al-Qaeda Connected Groups Running Opium Attacked Serbia for Three Years.
When the Serbs Fought Back, the Democrats Bombed the Country Up One Side and Down the Other.
Republicans Went Along With It.
And they turned over a third of the country to be ethnic cleansed by Muslims against Christians.
There were no parades in New York City or Austin, Texas against it.
The Nicaraguan president had nothing to say when that happened.
And I'll tell you why.
It's because the Albanians were a shade darker than most of the Serbs.
Because hundreds of years ago, Muslims had repeatedly invaded and successfully taken Albania and not Serbia.
And they'd had famous battles in Serbia, in Pristina, in Kosovo, a third of Serbia, holding back the Muslims when they were invading Europe.
And so NATO, I guess, gave as a gift to Saudi Arabia control of not just Albania, but also
Of Kosovo, and they said, listen, the organs are yours.
And that's in the news today.
We knew it back then, but it's been declassified that they would just go door to door slaughtering everyone with zero coverage.
So here's the headline.
Republicans blast Dems' war on whites.
We're going to play that clip coming up later in the hour.
Can we have that clip now?
We'll air it as soon as we get it lined up.
Just let me know.
But that is the issue here that we're talking about is it is a war on Western civilization directed by globalists that run the West because they want to bring everyone down, not just the third world.
Whether you're an Eastern European white person or a poor black person or a Latin American, they want poverty and control.
They want to dominate society.
That's how you control billions of people.
Short of killing them, you dumb them down, you make them poor.
You give them false ideologies.
But Israel blowing up schools, blowing up UN facilities, blowing up power plants and water treatment in Gaza is a war crime by standard yardsticks.
And is something that you don't do in a civilian area.
Now Rush Limbaugh famously said the last time they attacked Gaza, and I disagreed with him, they played the clip here, that, well of course we carpet bomb cities.
That's what we did in World War II.
That's how you bring terror.
That's how you break an enemy.
But Iraq didn't even attack us on 9-11, any way you look at it.
Iraq have been an ally with the U.S.
and that we lose the moral high ground.
By that argument, you'd have to agree with people like Ward Churchill, who I disagree with, who said that the people that flew planes into the World Trade Centers were army soldiers taking out, you know, people that supported the Nazis, basically.
His attitude was Wall Street's evil, and so every secretary in there deserved what they got.
Really, if you're going to criticize Ward Churchill for that, that's the same thing Rush Limbaugh's saying.
And you lose your humanity when you end up doing that.
But I don't take a side here because a lot of the Palestinians are connected into groups.
In fact, I'd say around half of them.
You can look at the poll numbers.
Who say that they would exterminate every Christian in the Middle East.
And I don't even take sides because I'm a Christian.
It's that, wow, that's incredibly barbarous.
And most Palestinians say in polls they would destroy Israel and basically kill everybody that lives there.
So both sides hate each other.
Both sides are in a death battle.
Both sides are committing atrocities against each other.
Let's be honest, like we were space aliens
Looking down from space and just analyzing what was going on instead of being emotionally sucked into one side or the other.
Our government has funded Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Qatar and others, to take over areas of Serbia, to take over areas of Egypt.
And then fail.
To take over areas of Syria, and take over areas of Iraq, and blow up mosques, and blow up churches, and crucify people, and sexually mutilate hundreds of thousands of women, and kill 300 plus thousand, and just eat hearts on television, and murder whole families, and kill non-radical Muslims.
I mean, it is extreme!
Almost zero media coverage.
And if you say, wow, Benjamin Netanyahu is supporting NATO and Saudi Arabia doing this, aren't Israelis upset about that?
Israelis call in and say, yeah, we're upset about that.
We don't like that.
But the average...
Trendy, that just says they hate Israel, sends me a threatening email saying, I hope you die, you work for Israel.
No, I don't.
If I worked for who ran Israel, I would be supporting the takeover of Iraq by IS, Islamic State.
I'd be supporting the takeover of Syria by IS.
I'd be supporting what's happening in Gaza, instead of sitting back and trying to get people out of tribal mindlessness to see how Israel, the Palestinians, Saudi Arabia,
America, Germany, China, Russia were all being played off against each other.
People say take a side, take NATO's side or take Russia's side in Ukraine.
The globalists started the Ukraine war, overthrew the government, started attacking Russian held areas where they had bases for hundreds of years.
Russia responded.
I'm not endorsing everything Russia does, but I don't support starting wars and putting Nazis in control of countries like Ukraine.
And I've had Ukrainians walking down the street saying, I'm a listener of yours, but I can't believe you're supporting Putin.
And I'm like, no I'm not.
One guy in a restaurant said, I used to like you, but I don't like you supporting Putin.
I don't support Putin.
But I don't support overthrowing the Ukrainian government and then starting a war with Russia.
Just like I don't support IS, folks.
I don't support chaos.
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Alex Jones here back live.
We still haven't found out who the major general is that was killed by Afghan soldiers being trained at a NATO military base.
Retired Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, Infowars.com reporter, will be joining us at the start of the next segment to break that down and to give us some of his views on his multiple visits to the Arizona border, the Texas border, you name it.
The California border, just in the last month,
Also coming up, huge news on the Ebola front.
health authorities concealing number of suspected Ebola victims from the public.
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, at least six tested for Ebola in New York City.
And our report is up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's also obviously on InfoWars.com.
Meanwhile, there's a new poll out.
Israelis want to give Obama Ebola for his birthday.
I'm sure Dr. Eric Bianca probably wants to give 90% of us Ebola.
That's ridiculous.
Last thing I want is something bad to happen to Obama because that would turn him into a martyr and is one of the few things the globalists could do to get their agenda restarted.
By the way, it hit me right before air time.
We're really in the beginning of what you call World War 4.
The Pentagon, if you look it up, considers the last 20-30 years World War 3, economic war, military deployment.
World War 4, though, is a mix of proxy wars and economics and hacking and espionage.
And the globalists have launched World War 4.
They're using the United States to destabilize the planet.
And again, it's not that China or Russia are good.
Their kleptocratic elites just aren't as sophisticated as the globalists, and aren't completely eugenics-based.
China is, but Russia isn't, and that's their great crime.
They're just old-fashioned strongmen kleptocrats, nationalists, who do enjoy national pride.
The globalists absolutely hate this country and want to bring it down.
So I have to say, Putin is a lesser of two evils, but nevertheless, doesn't matter, because he doesn't run our policy.
It's the globalists that are sitting on top of us.
Another question.
What will you do if they make it mandatory for all Americans to take an Ebola vaccine?
That is the question.
Growing outcry for the scientific community to do something about the deadly virus.
Over a thousand deaths now.
I've got reports saying it's probably much higher.
Ebola outbreak could lead to gun confiscations.
Martial law.
The Obama administration is preparing the conditions required for a government declared crisis under those executive orders listed.
By Infowars.com.
Under Northcom, you can be put in forced work brigades, gun confiscation, seizure of any private property or hoarded food, you name it.
The article's up on Infowars.com.
What I was talking about, which we have really some very favorable results on, is a vaccine to prevent infection.
And this would be very relevant to healthcare providers who put themselves at high risk in taking care of individuals.
We tested it in monkeys.
It looks really good.
It protects monkeys completely from... There's an NIH investigator on CBS Propaganda News pushing the vaccine.
Vaccine science does work.
It does have some side effects when done properly still, but this is a government combine caught adding stuff to vaccines thousands of times, hurting people and killing people.
So the headline is the U.S.
is sitting on promising vaccines.
Oh, really?
Is that why a lot of the doctors themselves refuse to take it?
And they spin it like they're heroes for not wanting it?
It's because they know how dangerous a vaccine is, ladies and gentlemen.
But the media says safe and effective, there are no side effects.
Read the insert, folks.
They're lying to you.
Not just of Ebola vaccine, any vaccine.
health authorities again concealing number of suspected Ebola victims from the public.
We're going to be playing some of that report coming up.
Doctors says Ebola outbreak is spinning out of control.
That's CBS News Atlanta.
Ebola outbreak could be much worse than thought.
Again, CBS News.
Also with that headline, I tend to agree with that statement.
If it's over a thousand deaths now, that's what we know of.
It could be much worse.
Mount Sinai patient tested for Ebola virus in the United States.
That's being reported by ABC News.
Saudi Arabia tests suspected citizens of having Ebola.
Saudi Arabia tests man suspected of having Ebola.
Many U.S.
hospitals not prepared for Ebola.
Fox News, Atlanta Hospital receives hate mail.
We talked about that yesterday because they took the Ebola patient, or patients.
The issue is, is that they should be in level four bioweapon containment facilities that are a lot safer, not in mainline university hospitals that have patients down the hall.
That is
Reckless abandonment of the public health and a crime.
The question is, why is the establishment doing it?
Plausible deniability comes up first.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, retired InfoWars.com reporter, has been all over the Texas, California, and Arizona border the last month.
He'll be joining us after we talk about this dead General.
Two-star, they haven't released the name yet, killed in Afghanistan in the last 24 hours.
After that, we'll talk about the reporters we've been talking to in the convoy.
from California right through to Texas on the 2,100 plus mile border got run off the road by Mexican mafia last night with the police basically there and with the national Spanish media they're all part of a setup and of course the media did nothing the government did nothing because even the border patrol is taught now how to stick their tail between their legs and run
from the collapsed failed state of Mexico.
Because the name of the game, whether it's the TSA groping your wife, or highway checkpoints, or the IRS taking your house without judge or jury to give it to the private Federal Reserve, crush the American people, break our backs, break our will, teach us we're scum, and it's going quite well.
Arrest kids that have Nerf guns at school, suspend them if they have Nerf guns at home, forcible inoculations, drive us into submission, land of the cowards, home of the slaves, hail the new world order.
And speaking of that, again, the Democratic Party on record
Was and is the party of the Ku Klux Klan.
The NRA was founded to fight the Ku Klux Klan and armed blacks.
So the NAACP, CNN, Fox, television, Fox Sports, ESPN, we played the clips, all say the last two years the NRA is the Klan.
The NRA is the Klan.
Because it's the opposite.
It's like saying Martin Luther King is the Klan.
Or Denzel Washington is the Klan.
Or Magic Johnson is the Klan.
Or George Washington Carver is the Klan.
It's pure, absolute, 180 degree from reality.
Doesn't matter.
Works very well.
The public's so stupid.
Black, white, doesn't matter.
People don't know their head from the hole in the ground.
And so now the Democrats, in the 50s and 60s, the demographics switched.
The Republicans were passing the Civil Rights Act.
Eisenhower had troops marching into schools to segregate them.
The Republicans are the ones that ended slavery.
Everybody knew it.
They looked at demographics, with Hispanics and blacks voting Republican.
My grandfather got elected to office in Texas, part of the Republican wave in the late 50s.
And they said, all right, we're going to go give free stuff to the minorities.
We'll use our race politics on them, not poor whites.
They'd used poor whites before to control things, because there are more poor whites in the country than there are rich whites.
And so you can't say the Republicans work for the upper middle class and rich people.
But they still didn't like slavery.
And so the issue was they converted to pure race politics.
And now they've opened the borders.
They're going to bring another 100 million illegals in.
Above the 30 million, that's the public plan.
Enough visas to empty three Latin American countries into the U.S.
Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
Entire populations under Obama would move here.
They will get their free welfare and they will vote to enslave everybody.
And it will be racially based under Raza, under race.
And the Democratic Party will rule again.
Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy.
And this is so racially based that the Nicaraguan President says Netanyahu is possessed by the devil.
And I'm not saying Netanyahu doesn't do bad stuff.
I'm not in that fight.
The issue is, it's purely racially based.
All over Latin America, support the Palestinians.
I saw a demonstration this weekend, folks with Mexican flags and Palestinian flags downtown.
It was on the news.
There's that, you know, you got a mustache, you've got brown skin like me, you know, I have solidarity with you.
And of course it worked with poor whites in the Klan.
The Democrats know what they're doing.
Poor people, folks coming from poverty, they get race.
They get, you look like me.
They get Raza.
I want to have a Raza of liberty, freedom, justice, family, right to self-defense, men are men, women are women, freedom.
That's the only thing that will save us is a culture of liberty, a culture of quality, a culture of entrepreneurship, which is very strong in Latin America.
That's why the globalists don't want it to go that way.
They want the bad side of it to go that way.
The race-based, you know, people will kill each other in football games in Brazil against the neighboring country.
They'll throw hand grenades on the field.
They'll kill each other over that.
Humans are the same everywhere.
But they've hyped all this Raza stuff up.
They've made it kosher.
They've had the Spanish media sell InfoSora, La Reconquista, as the major radio stations and TV stations.
And it's now happening.
And the Democratic Party is planning race war and the eventual breakup of the country under the NAU.
And the Republican leadership is working with them.
So I wanted to play Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama, a Republican,
On Monday, accused Democrats of engaging in a war on whites in the current immigration debate.
I'm going to play the clip where he went over this.
But first off, this is the only way to stop the Democrats is calling them out for what they're doing.
Yeah, it sounds radical to say there's a war on whites.
There is.
But it's not even against whites so much as it's politically getting people hyped up to say, you don't make a lot of money because of white people.
Or you fell on that banana peel because of white people.
When the obesity and the diabetes and the cancer and the autism is hitting all of us.
When most people are intermarrying.
My God, half the kids I see in Austin are a white guy with a Hispanic wife or a Hispanic...
You know, man with a white... Give me a break, folks.
People are getting along.
The system is trying to invoke division.
So we're all fighting with each other while the globalists rule over us.
That's divide and conquer.
But it's true that there is a war on whites.
You know, white men can't jump.
You know, blah, blah, blah.
It's in all the culture.
Just a constant assault on that.
And it's being done for a reason, because then, well, Obama, supposedly is part African.
I don't really see it.
Looks more like he's from the Caribbean, maybe 10% African.
Lots of black folks I've talked to when I was in the Caribbean, they're like, Obama?
He isn't black!
But, I mean, the whole issue here is that it's about, see, you can't criticize that.
It must be good.
It's a change.
He's black.
Well, see, next he'll be a woman.
Oh, we've got Hillary.
Don't criticize her, you hate women.
No, I hate tyrants.
I hate gun grabbers.
But see, it'll now be, why don't you like women?
And I'll have to sit here and explain to women who are like, no, we're winning.
We're coming up in the world a woman's president.
Give me a break.
I'd vote for a woman in half a second if it was a female Ron Paul.
A black female Ron Paul.
And she could have three arms.
I'm serious, I mean, a wheelchair.
It's about what's in the brain, but they don't want that.
They want it to be about racially based stuff.
So, let's go ahead and go to this clip from the Congressman.
Who's been on the show many times.
From the National Journal, it was on Fox News Sunday, Congressman Brooks saying this.
The fastest growing voting bloc in this country thinks the Republican Party hates them.
This party, your party, cannot be the party of the future beyond November if you're seen as a party of white people.
Your reaction?
Well, this is a part of the war on whites that's being launched by the Democratic Party, and the way in which they're launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else.
It's a part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things.
Well, that's not true, okay?
And if you look at the polling data, every demographic
group in America agrees with the rule of law enforcing and securing our borders and every one of them understands that illegal immigration hurts every single demographic group.
It doesn't make a difference if you're white American, a black American, a Hispanic American, an Asian American, or if you're a woman or a man.
Every single demographic group is hurt by falling wages and lost jobs.
That's enough.
Full clip.
I want to try to get him on if we can, guys.
Full clips up on InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com.
Let's retweak that.
I know the article we have doesn't even have the full audio.
Maybe get that added because you guys found it to an InfoWars story.
We'll tweet it out at RealAlexJones.
Ross Perot, in 1994, in those debates that I've re-aired here from CNN, clips of.
We've got to re-air that again.
I aired it a few years ago.
Ross Perot in his debate with Al Gore was not talking about Hispanics.
But they kept bringing up, why don't you like Mexico?
Why don't you like the Mexicans?
Why don't you want them to have NAFTA and GATT?
And he explained, he said NAFTA and GATT will lower their wages in the end.
He said, let me explain this to you, Larry.
Of course, he was proven right.
But Al Gore was playing race card again.
NAFTA and GATT has undercut everything to China.
For a few years it was better for Mexico.
That's how it works.
Canada opening up their border to the U.S.
was good for the U.S.
for a few years, then hurt us.
It's a giant sucking sound.
It's a mathematical equation that drives down the wages and wrecks the quality of society.
You build up Mexico and then jobs will want to go there because it's been built up.
You don't lower its standards and then that's going to raise ours.
It lowers everybody.
Just like they were going to pass five years ago the global tax on carbon, but then the true text of the Copenhagen Treaty got leaked, and it said double the taxes, or right at double, on the third world under carbon.
The globalists have been screwing the third world over and over again.
They're the ones that want our guns, they're the ones that want open borders, they're the ones that say daddy's bad, they're the ones that say private property's bad, they're the ones that say raise taxes because they're exempt.
Look at this, CNBC, all Tennessee employment growth since 2000 has gone to immigrants, yet natives accounted for 60% of population growth.
Native Americans, Hispanic, black, white, if you're born here, you're getting hammered by this.
Because the illegals operate in self-exclusionary guilds.
They only operate with themselves in most cases.
And they're not stupid, they shop with each other.
They operate tribally.
Nobody else does.
I say operate tribally.
I'll pull over and buy roadside food from obvious illegals selling watermelons or whatever.
I did it this weekend.
Or two weekends ago.
And I'll pull over to old white people and buy it, or old black people and buy it.
You know why I do?
It's cheaper, it's usually better produce, and I'm supporting mom and pops.
Just like I buy my coffee from Mexican farmers in Chiapas that have successfully defeated the Mexican government for 30 years trying to take their property.
Only ones that have done it.
And who produce great coffee, I buy it from them to try to build a community.
It's beyond fair trade.
And they're building schools and community down there.
And they used to be leftists.
They're becoming more free market as they understand true revolution is about commerce.
I put my money where my mouth is, folks.
You buy Wake Up America coffee, you're doing that.
We buy Bullet Breacher bottle openers from a company owned by a Navy SEAL who's got a bunch of Navy guys and Army guys working for him.
We sell that, made in 1776.com.
We've got a veteran-owned group in Oregon that produces the bronze and nickel belt buckles, the Molon Law Bands, George Washington.
Listen, I try to put them... I got a veteran right here we hired.
He's a great reporter.
He's a combat vet.
Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs retired.
I want to get into the general in this segment with you, but then I want to get into the intel you got from what happened last night in El Paso.
Uh, with the Spanish-run, globalist-run media trying to cause a big scene with the police standing down.
But before we get to that, Joe, uh, your breakdown on what happened with this major general, two-star general.
Am I right in saying, is it accurate this is the highest ranking general killed, uh, since the Revolutionary War?
Because I know some died in a helicopter crash in Vietnam, but that wasn't... Okay, so, so, this is a big deal.
Yeah, this is huge because this is an actual undercover, you know, combatant who worked his way through the ranks.
That's one of the things that you lived in fear of when you were over there.
A sleeper!
Yeah, you didn't know who they were.
I mean, you didn't know if your interpreter was on your side or not, because you didn't even speak their language.
You needed them there to interpret for you what was going on.
So you couldn't even tell if they were giving you misinformation half the time.
That's something that you have to live with every day, is looking over your back with the people that we're put to work with every day.
I mean, it's something that happened.
It's dropped.
But this is huge.
I mean, this is a big blow.
A two-star general, and then the German military lost a one-star general as well.
Or I don't think he's dead yet, but he's been seriously injured.
Yeah, he's in critical.
Yes, so I mean that... And this was at one of these, uh, controlled camps, they call it Green Force, Blue Force?
Yeah, that's where you work side by side, left, right, right, or left seat, right seat, where you work hand in hand with the other group, and you train them and get them up to speed on your tactics.
And then they exfiltrate back and train the economy network how to counter you.
Yeah, pretty much.
I mean, we're training these guys and they go out and they go back to the Taliban or whoever and then they use those tactics and then they use that against us.
You know under full spectrum dominance for you as a soldier this looks like it's idiocy.
For the globalists who want to keep the war going, who want to just have an excuse to put no-bid contracts in and control the opium, this is all planned.
I mean, I used to... I'm not saying they killed the general on purpose.
I'm saying this is part of the chaos theory.
Go ahead.
I mean, when people come up to me now and they say, you know, Joe, should I join the military?
I tell them, quite frankly, I don't think you should anymore.
I've lost so much faith in it.
It's such a corrupt place.
The people who are running everything, and like you said earlier, the wars have got in.
We're killing too much people.
This stuff has got in.
Remember when the Secretary of Defense Panetta wouldn't ever get around troops, even officers who had sidearms?
Oh yeah.
So they didn't trust our own troops, but I guess they trust the Afghans.
Oh, there's been numerous times high-ranking officials would come to, it was Balata Air Base in Iraq, and one of their first requests would be, I think it was Donald Rumsfeld, he came out and spoke at Balata Air Base, Camp Anaconda, and said, we want a gathering of soldiers to come over so I can talk, but they can't bring their M4s or anything like that or their sidearms, and we're like,
I'm not going to go to that.
Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein would stand around with 10,000 people firing AK-47s in the air.
How could he do that but then our leaders are so scared?
I've never heard of leaders in the West since Hitler that wouldn't get around the soldiers armed.
Because they know that the soldiers are the ones who are most informed.
They see what's going on behind the curtain.
You know, they see that we're out there having to guard opium fields.
It's ridiculous.
People are fed up with it.
And the ones who get out are the ones who are starting the militias and things like that.
They're tired of all this crap going on.
The government's not doing their job, so people are starting to stand up.
So you think Rumsfeld and Panetta were smart not to be around the troops?
Well, the thing is, though, is they've pushed the people to such a point
That, you know, when I was asked to attend it, I said I had nothing to do with it.
I did not want to be there.
I said I'd rather go back out on the road and do a convoy.
I do not want to be around them.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
You're going to have me out here in combat and then tell me I can't even have my own weapon in case one of these local nationals, you know, points a gun and starts firing into us?
It's not going to happen.
Well, now the most high-ranking general, some are saying ever, but there were some high-level generals killed in Revolutionary War.
Highest level ever killed because a war has never been so confused where you've got generals literally right next to the enemy.
Yeah, that right there, that's crazy because it was at the Marshall Fahim National Defense University in Kabul City.
So there's probably a good bit of high commanding people there in that area that work closely with the Afghan army as well and the local national police and things like that.
So I mean that's just an accident waiting to happen and it sucks that it did.
It's just one of those things that you can't trust him whatsoever.
You've got to sleep with one eye open.
Well, that sounds kind of racist.
I mean, I think we should bring as many Al-Qaeda people as we can into the country to keep us safe.
I think we're doing that now at the borders, aren't we?
Yeah, we're going to come back and talk about that.
And I'm being sarcastic, New York Times.
We all know who Al-Qaeda works for.
That's the globalists.
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Joe's about to run down to San Antonio to meet up with the convoy that started out in California.
And this ended up being national news on Univision and the rest of it.
When he told me this story, and he's got a press release from him, he's going to do a bigger story tonight for the Nightly News or for tomorrow's show, we're not sure yet.
This is a false flag, clearly, where in El Paso, a truck then ran the front truck of the convoy off a ramp with Univision waiting and the police coming in saying a gun threat had been called in on the convoy.
So all of it coordinated as they came in, I guess trying
To get something on video or to get the convoy to react, this is pretty amazing stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
This is stuff that's going on that's only on the Spanish media because American citizens dared.
Try to drive in their cars across the Southwest to point this out.
You don't do that, just like Mexican citizens don't do that or they get killed.
We're being taught, just like Texas newspapers have closed on the border because they've been rocket attacked in the last five years.
Americans need to learn to sit down and shut up and lay down to third world countries that have failed because that's what America's all about.
Joe Biggs, tell us about what's been unfolding.
So the convoy was heading east on I-10, and they said they noticed spotters up on the mountains in the overpasses.
Shortly thereafter, a vehicle, a Swerve, I think they said it was like a Tahoe, Swerved at their lead vehicle, taking them off of the ramp and down the side road, where there was protesters waiting.
See, I'd have just taken it.
Of course, I guess that's... I'm sorry, I'm not kidding.
Anyways, so they get down there and Univision's reporting and then within seconds they said police started coming in.
What happened was the protesters called in but prior to the convoy even being there that someone in the convoy had pulled out a gun and pointed at someone.
So the police is reacting to what they think is, you know, some kind of... That's all a shut up.
Yeah, so they get there and they're like, all right, what's going on?
What's going on?
And they're like, well, what do you mean?
You know, we were driving down the road, a vehicle swerved at us and made us go off the road.
It backed up I-10 for up to an hour.
Do anything!
We're evil, we're bad, and it's in the news that the pro-immigrant groups were pointing guns at people.
I mean, this is going to explode, which is what Obama wants.
On their website, borderconvoy.com, they actually have hate mail coming in from people and the locals there, and when they got on the website, they found one of the people who wrote something, and they were taking pictures
You know, live from the overpass in the mountains as the convoy approached saying it's go time.
So to warn everybody to get ready for this.
So they lured them into this.
It was a huge setup.
You know, long story short, police escort them out of there.
They're like, all right, you guys got to get out of here.
So they end up going to some hotel, I think in Van Horn.
Stayed over.
4.30 in the morning, they get woken up, not knowing what's going on.
Armed militia are banging on the doors, you know, M16s, M4s, ski masks on, saying, hey, the cartels are on their way.
You need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible.
But see, here's my issue.
Take the Alamo or something.
I mean, I'm not just saying this, because I've been in a bunch of stuff with standoffs with the Feds and guns and all that stuff many times before on record.
I'm sorry, I'm just not leaving.
I mean, if people want to say you can't be in a hotel, I'm not saying those militias are PSYOP, but obviously there's going to be infiltration in the convoy, PSYOP manipulation.
I'm not saying they're even bad.
They can be fed false information.
Why panic everyone and get up and run from the cartels?
I mean, they threatened me.
I'm sitting right here.
I just don't get it and understand it, Joe.
I don't know, but, you know, you gotta think, one of these younger ladies, I think some of them are 28, something like that, 26.
No, no, no, I know, I know.
You see armed men come up to the hotel, you're like... No, no, what I'm saying is, who gave the militia that info?
I don't know.
And who are those militia in those masks?
I think it's PSYOP management of people's, what's going on here.
I mean, clearly, the Mexican media, the Spanish-speaking media, it's all drug cartel-owned, it's all running a giant PSYOP, and I'm saying it's linked up with the CIA, Joe.
That's what I'm telling you.
I want to talk about this more.
Stay there.
You're about to go down there and get more of this flushed out and fleshed out.
Stay with us.
Second Hour coming up.
Your phone calls.
We've got a bunch of guests.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I haven't even told you yet, folks, we're going to air the interview I taped a few Sundays ago because you wanted to launch it with an article with retired Marine Corps Colonel Pete Martino in full in the fourth hour today, but I'm going to air an excerpt coming up in the next segment.
This is breaking news.
Marine Corps Colonel warns of government plan to wage war on the American people.
The video is up on
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and the article is titled, I See Something, Marine Colonel Warns of Takeover.
And the name of the video, if you click on the article,
deals with the fact that he's warning that the government is preparing for war against the American people.
It's titled, Retired Marine Colonel, DHS Preparing for War with Americans.
That needs to go viral right now.
We're going to air excerpts of a never before heard interview here on the radio that just went live up on Infowars.com coming up.
And we're going to retweet it out on Real Alex Jones.
Listen, it's easy to sit up here and play Monday morning quarterback.
I appreciate the folks convoying across the country.
Most of the militia are great people.
It's a constitutional movement.
I saw the militia out at the Bundy Ranch.
Those were legitimate people, the ones I saw on television.
But notice there was a crazy in there, the clown guy, who everybody kicked out.
All I'm saying is Biggs likes the militia he's been talking to and thinks they're legit.
I just know from doing this show long that I could say six months before, Atari militia's been infiltrated and taken over by watching their videos.
And then it turned out, out of thousands of militia groups, they were infiltrated.
And I tried to get Atari charges dropped.
They were.
The Fed-run militias, not all of them, but the Fed-run ones, said, Alex, you're a traitor.
You scum saying they're Feds.
They were good, Atari, wanting to wage war.
Well, those were Feds, too, saying that.
And I mean, of course they've got infiltrators.
You know how many times I've been at a restaurant, or been on vacation, or been at a hotel, or been anywhere, or been in a book signing or video signing, and people come up and say, hey, I got a car full of weapons, let's kill feds.
And I'll say, you're a fed, and I'll start videotaping them and they'll run out.
I mean, no exaggeration, 30, 40 times.
I've had Marine Corps colonels, speak of the devil, in plain clothes come and get on elevators with me in front of my crew and go, Jones, you want to attack the State Department with me?
And I'm like, you're a Fed, and then later they walk up to me when I'm walking down the street and go, I'm just waiting for you to make one wrong move, Jones.
So that's what I'm saying, as I've dealt with this so long, is that they'll try to psyop these situations.
I had a Fed once jump out.
I was covering a military operation, Joe.
We'll come back from bringing your take on this, and Mike Hanson was a witness to it, and start setting fires.
Going, Alex, I'm glad you want to set fires in the woods by this military base.
And I'm stomping on it, and the guy keeps setting them, and I literally had to push him down on the ground.
I said, you may think you're tough, dude, I'm about to kick your ass really bad if you try to set me up.
And then they had dune buggies show up with military laughing at me.
So I'm telling you, Joe, this is a whole new war you're in.
You see what I'm saying?
Yeah, I understand.
I mean, you guys dealt with guys you were training that wanted to blow you up in Afghanistan.
I'm just saying, this is totally, this is even more sickening.
Not as dangerous, but just as sickening.
Oh yeah, I mean, I see it all the time being here.
I mean, it's crazy to see how people try to weasel their way in and then just use everything they can against you to, you know, just take your name and just smash it.
They'll just want to meet with you to claim you told them something horrible or to edit what you said to make you sound bad.
And then we track these people back, they're feds.
They're federal informants or they're feds.
We deal with CIA, FBI, ATF, just the whole nine yards, man.
Whole nine yards.
And, uh, it's just, I just, you know, you start getting, I guess you call it paranoid.
It's just, you also learn the signs.
Like, Hal Turner used to say, I needed to be killed and kill this judge, do this and that.
He never got in trouble.
I said, that guy's an FBI operative.
Came out in federal court, he was FBI national security asset under the White House.
And what they do to him when he got busted?
They, they sent him to prison.
They burned him.
Stay there, I want to get your take on this.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, when I was about eight, nine years old, and Mexico wasn't one-tenth as violent as it is now, I remember my dad rented a Volkswagen with my mom and I. We flew into Cancun, snorkeled in a few days, they went diving, and then we would drive down into the countryside, into the Yucatan Peninsula deeper, and go visit things on the inland, but also on the coast.
I'll never forget how angry I was by a textbook corrupt cop
Potbelly, gold teeth, whole nine yards.
Just like you can have the textbook hillbilly cop in East Texas robbing people, you know, that drive through the town.
Potbelly, gold teeth, same deal.
Potbelly, gold teeth, demanding money off my dad or threatening to take us to jail for no reason.
And then the last time I was in Mexico four years ago, the bus driver, they knew to ask for tips after they'd also given us tours of some pyramids.
And then the bus driver had gotten part of those tips, maybe $100 off the big, huge bus full of, you know, however many people.
And the Mexican military pulled up with machine guns, stopped him, took him off, took his money.
And he'd been doing tours all day.
This was at like five o'clock.
The tours were like three hours long.
We were probably his third tour.
And they took his money and the guy was crying driving back.
So see, it's not a hatred of Mexicans themselves, it's a hatred of third world countries and the corrupt governments.
I hate the Chinese Communists!
I hate the North Korean criminals.
I hate Hitler.
I hate Stalin.
I hate Mao.
I hate oppressors that do this type of thing, and I don't want to be like that.
And I get so angry to hear about Mexican cartels shooting at the Border Patrol, and they're told to run now.
They can't have bullets.
That's in the news.
They won't give them bullets.
The government's trying to take on the American people, and to hear about cartels
Fifty miles from the border, stalking the hotel of the convoy, bringing attention to the border, and then everyone basically fleeing from it.
It makes me want to throw up.
And I was talking to Joe Biggs here, a retired staff sergeant.
He's not bragging, but his exploits have been written about in Esquire and other publications.
You've taken on a lot of people, including in Hand to Hand, and successfully.
That's why I can't go to these type of things, because I'm not a tough guy, but I am primitive, and I would just flip out.
If people are coming at me with guns, I mean, it's not a good deal.
Well, I mean, what would you have done if you were in that hotel and there was Mexican cartel across the street pointing guns at you?
And the cops aren't going to help you because American police are trained to do one thing, give old ladies tickets and take kids for CPS so CPS can gang rape them.
I mean, basically, that's about what our police do these days.
A lot of them, not all of them, but a lot of them in big cities.
I mean, what would you have done if you were there last night because you were almost part of that convoy?
Uh, get the women out of there as soon as possible and then go out and set up a recon and check out what's going on to see if someone's out there.
But that's just me, you know, from the training I've had.
And what would you have done if there were, uh, foreign drug cartel people with guns?
Well, I mean, obviously I don't have guns, but I would start trying to, you know, get ahold of police or something like that, send out some reports and give them some kind of intel, as amount of people we could see, what they're carrying, so they have an updated intel report on that situation.
I mean, that's the only way that you could actually get anything done.
I mean, if I don't have a gun, there's nothing I can do with 10, 15 armed men.
Well, if this country keeps groveling to these cartels, we're done.
We already bend over to the TSA and every other thug.
I'm just sick of all of them.
I'm sick of it!
Yeah, they try to bull everybody around.
I mean, anybody who's bringing anything to the
Anti-amnesty side of it, the people, they don't want the illegals coming in illegally, you know, that stops their human smuggling operation.
They don't like that.
And it's crazy that they're coming into our country and they're pushing people around to do that.
And, you know, the Border Patrol's backing down, the police are just kind of like, I don't want anything to do with it.
Oh man, it's like the police won't mess with real motorcycle gangs on record in Texas.
And it's the exact same thing.
I mean, I don't care if it's a motorcycle gang that struts around in front of your family saying, get out of their way.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm a tough guy, but I'm like, listen, you ready to go right now?
I'm done.
I'm not giving money to Mexican police.
I'm not bending over to cartels.
I'm not bending over to motorcycle gangs.
I'm not bending over to thug cops.
I'm not bending over to the TSA.
None of them.
I'm done with all of them.
I mean, can't we find our American spirit again?
A nation of people that bend over, folks, get gang raped.
Stop acting like cowards!
So I salute the folks in the convoy and the good militia that's involved with them.
I'm sure they're good.
I'm just saying, from what I've been with, you know, what I've seen, what I've witnessed, and the groups I've been around and been with, I have just seen so much stuff that it's just... Look at how Homeland Security said again this week, number one threat's gun owners, veterans, Tea Party.
They don't use HUMET and intelligence officers against the drug cartels in the real stuff.
They're messing with us, brother, because they know we want freedom.
They know we've had enough of it.
We have the training.
We're tired of being pushed around.
You have the training, brother.
And I want you to, it's your idea, you want to go to the convoy?
Vaya con Dios, be safe.
Joe Biggs, get down there and get us a report by the night or tomorrow.
Thank you.
Anything else?
Thanks a lot.
Alright, great job.
And again, folks, I'm not up here trying to be macho and stuff.
Everybody knows what I do to the TSA, police, the standoffs I was in years ago, all of it.
It's just that I can't be pushed anymore.
I know you can't be pushed anymore and I personally have had enough.
I'll tell you who else can't be pushed anymore.
Award-winning as well, I guess, Bronze Star or whatever it is, Patriot, Colonel Pete Martino, U.S.
Marine Corps Colonel, retired, who last year spoke out about the whole New World Order system and the pre-positioning of weapons.
We're going to air the entire 45-minute interview in overdrive today in the fourth hour.
The full video interview is now up on InfoWars.com.
We just sent the video out on Twitter at RealAlexJones again.
It's called, I See Something, Marine Colonel Warns of Takeover.
The video is titled, Retired Marine Colonel, DHS is Preparing for War with America.
And they're bringing in the foreign groups to destabilize as part of asymmetrical warfare, and you have that from the head of the Border Patrol Union!
This is a military attack, pointed at anybody that isn't a criminal, and if you don't pay attention to this, you're nuts.
Here's part of the report that's coming up.
The reason so many people in the world want to kill us...
Is because we need to pay attention to what's going on in our own house.
And when it comes to these bearcats and this issue, to be honest with you, I really don't have a problem with the police having bearcats if it's to keep me safe and to keep police officers safe.
In fact, I know about a dozen police officers personally in New Hampshire who, if they were the ones holding the key, they could park it in my driveway and I'd sleep better at night.
But the reality is, I don't know all the people who have the keys to those bearcats.
And the thing that concerned me
In Concord last year was that the chief of police justified on his grant application for that bearcat as one of the reasons was to deal with the daily challenges of the Free State Project.
Now the Free State Project is just a group of liberty minded individuals, activists who are trying to get 20,000 people, activists to move to New Hampshire because it's a small state and try to restore liberty there and return to constitutional government.
We're building a domestic military because it's unlawful or unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil.
So what we're doing is we're building a military.
My best friend, who's a SWAT officer in Nashua, who came to Iraq with me to train the Iraqi police, sent me an email with a picture of him in the media on the streets of Watertown, Mass wearing the exact same combat gear that we had in Iraq, only it was a different color.
I'm shocked that nobody at the IRS has come forward.
Somebody sat next to Lois Lerner.
Somebody in some of these agencies was in the next cubicle and knew what was going on and still knows what's going on.
And yet you don't see people coming forward and talking about it.
So when you work for a government agency and people start broad brushing that agency and talking about it, they're talking about you.
Same thing with our country.
When people say negative things about the United States or they want to kill us or whatever, they're talking about you and me.
The United States isn't some piece of dirt.
It's not some monument, some building.
It's you and me.
It's us.
It's we the people.
And that's why I do what I do.
I don't want it in my name.
Exactly, and so where are the people in these agencies?
Where's the embarrassment?
Where's the shame?
Where's the sense of conscience to go out there and speak up and say something?
And a lot of people are afraid of retaliation or losing their job.
Well, go get another job.
Here we are being told that the NSA needs to turn the whole planet into the Truman Show, and we're all Truman.
And yet at the same time, we've got people walking across the border.
Without any ID just being shipped all over the country.
Borders wide open, but Homeland Security is for veterans, Tea Party, gun owners, Libertarians.
Taking the first letter of each word, Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect and Excellence, creates a powerful acronym, I CARE.
Come on.
Why aren't people in prison right now?
If anybody gave a damn that we've got over a thousand veterans died because of being ignored.
Secret death list.
And so meanwhile, though, the president seems to know more about the health care of a prisoner of war on the other side of the country or on the other side of the world who's been accused of being a deserter.
And he couldn't notify Congress and give him the 30 day notice that by law, the law that he signed, he was obligated to do.
We need to take a closer look at who's representing you.
These are the people who represent us around the world.
We had an ambassador to Belgium who was an accused pedophile.
And there was an internal memo that was found or became public a while back that said that Howard Guttman would frequently try to ditch his security detail and solicit sex from prostitutes and minor children.
And yet the investigation into that was quashed by high-level members of the State Department.
Secretary of State Clinton at the time said that the first she heard about it was in the media.
Now, my question is, okay, well, once you did finally hear about it, what did you do about it?
What's happening is Homeland Security is pre-staging gear, equipment, consistent.
And so what we're doing here, and let's not kid about it, we're building a domestic army and we're shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
We're building an army over here and I can't believe that people aren't seeing it.
Is everybody blind?
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, the full interview coming up.
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Again, ladies and gentlemen, Latin America is being used as a pawn in all this.
It's like...
So many other regions are played off against each other.
But you gotta ask yourself, why would the political elite destabilize all of North America, militarize the police, pre-deploy weapons, and say that gun-owning veterans and patriots and folks that support the Bill of Rights and Constitution are the terrorists?
That's when you've got a really evil government.
And it transcends Obama.
A lot of this got set up by Clinton and then under Bush.
The bureaucracy just continued to grow this.
But under Obama, it's gone into hyperdrive.
And it's all coming to a head right now.
By the way, we have gotten in the new edition of Infowars Magazine.
We have the latest edition here, ladies and gentlemen.
And in this month's new issue, this would be the August issue, that just came in on the truck today.
The headline is, Mainstream Conspiracy Theories.
And it deals with not just the airplane, but government putting out its propaganda.
It's an excellent issue of the magazine, and really what it is, is a 68-page color, glossy book that you can give friends and family to wake them up to what's happening in the world.
We sell the magazine, as we do bumper stickers and a lot of other items, at cost, as an outreach
Directly to the American people, directly to the people of the world.
So you have a hard copy detailing the attack on the Second Amendment, the attack on the family, with globalist quotes, incredible graphics that are inside the publication.
In the current issue, we expose Monsanto having almost complete control of other companies over the food supply, moving to block people that want to have access to non-GMOs.
We have the latest poll numbers on Obama and showing how people are actually against him, but he still tries to create racial division and make that his only issue.
We have parents being jailed for letting their children play in parks.
We just have condensed the most important news the last few weeks and breaking information.
About how they're engaging in propaganda and our graphics team has done an amazing job.
Rob and Buckley and others putting this together and of course our writers.
Here's another one.
How the NSA Stasi surveillance state conducts war against alternative media.
Major leaked WikiLeaks info on how they run disinformation in the media.
You can read this and then see it happening in live time in the real world.
We have flashbacks in the month, like crazed abortion advocate attacks peaceful pro-lifers.
Or the headline that I had, goblin discovered in Ohio.
Real goblin.
I guess they went with the zombie alert angle.
Homeland security feds swarm small town in bizarre unannounced show of force.
We have the rest of the story and what was really behind that.
We're able to take reports we've done and then augment them and find out more about what's happened.
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Veterans arrested for legal open carry.
Gun confiscation accelerating in New York.
Huge maps breaking down U.S.
military and CIA interventions since World War II.
Of course, the map should have the U.S.
being read.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Really, there's two different types of government.
And if you looked on a scale, they're either closer to the end on one side or closer to the other end.
It's really that simple.
And you've got systems based on production, on ideas, on being honorable, on wealth creation.
Or you have systems based on fraud, based on coercion, based on bullying, based on conquest.
And the United States has been part conquest, but part innovation and part freedom.
Other countries have been almost completely conquest.
The British Empire became successful because it was part conquest, but also large part innovation and free market.
And the United States was an extension of that, of people demanding an even bigger percentage of what they produced.
Well, we're going back to the Third World Model, basically, or the Old World Model.
And it's that simple.
Gerald Solente, who's coming up in the next hour, has his new Trends Journal out, and it shows a six-armed fat man sitting in a Buddhist-type pose with iPhones, iPads, video game controllers, Coca-Colas, hamburgers, and malts.
It's not just that the elite are out of control, it's that they don't even know what they're doing.
More and more.
It's kind of like we live in the civilization built by our ancestors.
And we even live in the elite system, the elite set up under eugenics.
And they kind of projected the future a hundred years ago, 80 years ago, 60 years ago, 20 years ago.
But now more and more, it's just delusion.
It's crazy town.
I mean, our government wouldn't let the TRIPS use DU until 1990 because it's a death sentence.
They used to care if nuclear reactors were leaking until now.
They used to care if drug-resistant TV was coming across the border.
They wouldn't fly Ebola patients into the U.S.
in the past.
That's why it's the first time.
Because it's a recklessness.
A crazy recklessness.
And then we were playing part of the interview with the Marine Corps colonel that we're going to exclusively premiere in the fourth hour today.
And he was pointing out all these people that get caught being pedophiles in government and the government covers it up.
Meanwhile, Google reads all of your email to quote, find pedophiles.
No, they mine all the data and sell it on record.
And now because they've been caught doing it, they just gave the police some info on pedophiles.
We read, we read everyone's mail because you're all guilty until proven innocent.
That's in the news today.
Google scans Gmail accounts for child abuse.
Now it's not just child porn or something.
Oh, if you talk about spanking your kid, they're gonna take them.
But see how they roll that out?
Oh yeah, we are reading everything you do.
To stop pedophilia.
With the UN and DynCorp up to their eyeballs in it.
This is what we're really dealing with, and we're dealing with a government
That lives in Switzerland, lives in Luxembourg, lives in Monte Carlo.
They've stolen hundreds of millions mid-level, billions high-level.
And their rearguard action is just flood the country, break it down, implode it.
And turn us into one giant Latin American slum, and never let those people have any freedom, and have everything be racially based now.
We'll have a party of the white people, and a party of the Hispanics, and a party of the black people, and the police as referee over all of us, and America is one giant prison.
Oh yeah, they've been segregating people for decades into their racial groups and prisons, and that's the management model for America.
But if you won't play along and segregate yourself into a racial group controlled by your gang boss who goes and, you know, plays cards with the warden, and your gang boss that
sells you drugs that the money goes back to the warden.
If you don't play ball, well, they've got to infuse racial garbage in the name of fighting racial division through multiculturalism in all the schools and in the media.
I mean, if you had white media saying we are for white people and we will conquer the blacks and Hispanics, we are the supreme race, they'd be all over the news.
But when
The Spanish media does that and say, okay, but it's owned by the big drug cartels on record.
It's owned by the big banks.
It's a PSYOP, folks, and we're here telling you what's happening.
For the Balance of the Hour, William Gein, who joined us last week of alipac.com, A-L-I-P-A-C dot com, will be joining us.
They're kind of the gun owners of America for borders.
They got protests nationwide yesterday, and they're trying to draw attention to what's happening.
The polls show this is backfiring, even with Hispanics, against Obama, because they're not stupid.
They go, we're going to have unlimited Guatemalans and Brazilians and everybody else here?
Because there's so much nationalism between those countries that finally folks are waking up on the Hispanic end.
But the Democrats are just, hey, if you're brown, you're good.
If you're white, you're El Diablo.
If you're Blackbird, they use a racial term for it, means Mayatta, sorry for using it, but it's for documentary terms, you're not in the club.
And so it's, again, a giant supermax prison management model, and I don't want to live in that.
I want to live in a country where we're unified around freedom and prosperity and hard work.
Not around the Democratic Party, aka founders of the Ku Klux Klan.
William Gein, thank you for joining us.
I want to just quickly mention your oracle about the two illegal aliens that killed
Glad to be here, Alex.
Javier Vega, Jr., our border patrol agent.
You know, I just wanted to mention him because he was murdered by two illegal aliens in front of his mother and his father.
And in a way, he's sort of symbolic of all of us that are standing up fighting against illegal immigration, trying to defend our families from the hardship and damages caused by illegal immigrants and illegal immigration.
Of course, not all illegal immigrants are murderers, and I have to say that because of our enemies that patrol for anything they can grab out of context.
But I think that, uh, Patrolman Vega, you know, being killed in front of his family like that shows exactly, you know, what the real dangers involved in illegal immigration are.
And even after appearing on your show last time to talk about the protest against illegal immigration and the effort to take Lamar Alexander out of office in Tennessee, I received a lot of death threats online through the George Soros hate group, Right Wing Watch.
Which apparently is developing a reputation for generating threats of violence and death against people that do not agree with their communist agenda.
Oh, they've had a big rash of problems documented in the news the last few months, where professors get up at the start of school and college and say, if you're in the Tea Party, get out of my class, I'm going to give you a failing grade, I want to kill you, I want to put you in a body bag.
I mean, these are not liberals like so many people in the 60s or something.
This is a deranged gang who just wants total power, and I guess have some fantasy that they're going to be like Stalinist enforcers.
Well, on Facebook, Facebook seems to allow them free reign to do so.
And Facebook and Google are both practically extensions of the U.S.
government at this point due to the massive amount of tax breaks they get and the fact that the CEOs of both are on board with Barack Obama with his immigration reform amnesty plans, amongst other agendas, as well as being a part of the surveillance society that they're now wrapping around every person in this hemisphere.
So we've got a situation where the death threats are increasing.
Right Wing Watch had their YouTube account suspended because of death threats against one of their targets.
Yesterday, just this morning, we got a report that a convoy of Americans that are forming a convoy along the southwest border right now to bring attention to the border crisis have had to cancel events because of online death threats.
So, basically, hate groups like Right Wing Watch and others are stirring up death threats against peaceful, political, and racially inclusive
By the way, if folks start canceling convoys, I'm going to have to do one.
Because, I mean, so what if people death threat?
We get death threats all the time.
I had an event with Jesse Ventura and Willie Nelson.
It was Willie's idea.
It wasn't even my plan.
Because I could care less about speaking to a venue of 10,000 people.
I've done it so many times.
But he wanted to do it, so we were going to come speak at the last place at the backyard before they closed it and moved it.
And they got death threats, and the head of it said, no, you can't speak now because of this.
And we said, fine.
But then he still got even more upset.
I mean, it's just like, this is literally a nation of cowards.
I mean, I get death threats all the time.
I'm not bashing the convoy, but why cancel events because the Hispanic Ku Klux Klan threatens it?
Well, you know, I thought the same thing, but the truth of the matter is that's Eric Odom's caravan, and I'm not going to tell him how to run his show because, hey, we need everybody out there doing what they can, how they can do it, and just because it's not the way I would have handled it.
But I understand your concern.
We can't start letting people use the heckler's veto and the death threats and the menacing to get their way.
So I agree you have a very strong point there, but at the same time, the call's got to be made by someone on the ground.
And by the way, folks, I'm on record going to public deals on the street with no bodyguards.
So anybody saying, oh, yeah, right, Alex, I'm on record.
The videos, there's hundreds of them out there.
I don't care.
I'm not a coward.
Alex, these communists and cartel and these backers, including many people in suits and ties, these backers of the costly and deadly illegal alien invasion of our American homeland that's killing thousands of our citizens each year, just like our Border Patrol agent
Vega just got killed.
Need to understand, many of us either are veterans or are descendants of the veterans that fought the wars and paid the taxes and spilled the blood, their own blood, to defend our Constitution and way of life.
And we do not back down to threats.
In fact, we point them out with the ability to tell our fellow countrymen that we're being targeted because what we have to say is a threat to their socialist and communistic plans for this country's destruction.
Well, it's just unbelievable, because I'm somebody that's protested the Klan because of their bullying and their sickening activities and their threats against people.
And the black folks, you know, still come out and protest against them, back when they were blowing up their churches.
I was in Waco once and the Klan leader said, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to blow your head off.
The police wouldn't do anything.
You know, I mean, that's my issue.
But now the Klan's like a few hundred, you know, guys missing their teeth.
And you know, and the Democrats like Senator Byrd, Grand Dragons.
This is the media, the culture, the Pentagon, everything behind the takedown like Red Dawn of this country.
And I know most Hispanics and Hispanic Americans are against this.
I know you're talking to them.
I don't see how the establishment can get away with this.
Yes, I am a Christian and yes, I am a bit of a nationalist, but I'm a racially inclusive person that's always made these efforts.
And they're not going to give the enemy, it's not going to give you or I any credit whatsoever for anything, let alone the truth of our abilities to work with other Americans, because they're looking at this like a war and they don't mind lying for the goals of their war.
But in that war out there today, we're 48 hours away from a very important election in Tennessee.
Where incumbent U.S.
Senator Lamar Alexander, who has voted with Obama 62% of the time, is also one of the Gang of Eight immigration reform amnesty voters, is in a narrow race with Joe Carr, who's closed the race on him.
And we're talking to voters in Tennessee, Alex, after I was on the show last week,
A lot of Alex Jones Show supporters came forward at our website, alleypack.us.
Your viewers are helping with phone calls right now in Tennessee.
They're helping with donations to fund our auto call, which was part of the way that we defeated Eric Cantor.
And they showed up at several of the protests at Tennessee and Michigan last week.
So Alex, you have a very large audience that is primed on this issue and ready to take the appropriate action.
And I want all my supporters to know,
That while I don't agree with everything you say, Alex, and you certainly don't agree with everything that I say, you get more information about what's really happening in this country, especially on the issue of illegal immigration, on InfoWars and Alex Jones Show, in an hour than you get in a month on the mainstream media.
Well, I appreciate that statement.
But look, it's so bold.
Let me ask you this.
I know you said it was on a knife's edge, basically, a few weeks ago when you were on, which way this would go.
I mean, what does the elite plan to do collapsing the collapsed third world into us?
I mean, why does the elite want to wreck the country so bad?
I know they want cheap labor and to vote for gun control, but this doesn't help Latin America.
It doesn't help anybody.
It destroys the industrial base even further.
I see polls turning against Obama on this front.
What's the score right now in this game?
Well, we can always speculate about the motivations of the constellation of different enemies against the United States that are at work here, both from abroad and within.
The main thing is, though, whether we have different opinions on that, let's unify around the existing Constitution and the existing border and immigration laws.
If you support the current Constitution of the United States and the existing border and immigration laws designed to protect American workers and taxpayers and Americans' lives from illegal immigrants or anybody from outside the country,
that would come here and cause us harm in any way, then you're with us.
White, Black, Hispanic, Christian, Jewish, agnostic.
We're together.
We are together on those principles.
And one of the things I'll mention that I think that elites hate is people that operate on a basis of principles, on a basis of fairness.
On some type of consideration, other than what you mentioned in the lead-in of this segment, Alex, they want to return to the blue-blooded, aristocracy, kings and queens rule of the people.
And that's why you find so many billionaires like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch all singing the same immigration reform amnesty, let's flood the United States with perpetual waves of tens of millions of illegal immigrants.
Until the people that had built this and sustained this country for 200 years can't even look out their window without bumping heads with somebody fresh to the country there illegally.
They're doing this.
They're all on the same page.
And we, the people, the vast majority of the United States, despite what you heard in some of the designer polls by these billionaires,
The vast majority of Americans want our existing laws in force and they want the illegals to go home.
And that's what we want.
On the national battle, a lot of it's going to depend on what happens in 48 hours.
In 48 hours, if Senator Lamar Alexander loses his seat, if Alipac is able to afford to be able to complete this very expensive auto call that we're running out of funds on right now, if we can get more people, free volunteers, on the phone with us over the next 48 hours, if we can take down Lamar Alexander despite some dirty tricks,
Uh, that your audience might find interesting, that he's trying to deploy to hold on to power corruptly.
If we can take him down, it will send a complete ripple through the ranks of the elites.
We've already destroyed their impression of invulnerability in the House by defeating Eric Cantor.
If we destroy that impression of invulnerability of the elites, despite Lamar's, Alexander's $5 or $6 million advantage over us,
So tell folks who they vote for in Tennessee.
Vote Carr, not Lamar.
Joe Carr needs all the volunteers and all the donations he can get in the next 48 hours.
Joe Carr is within a few percent points of Lamar Alexander.
Over at Alipac.us, we need volunteers and donors for our auto calls and our volunteer calls in this very, very close race.
Lamar Alexander was involved in the North American Union.
He's involved in every horrible thing.
I mean, he's literally like Harry Reid.
He's got a face up his sleeve.
He's got a vote spoiler, a vote splitter named Dr. George Flynn out of Pempo on the ballot simply for the purpose of splitting off enough votes.
Yeah, that's right.
People gotta vote for Carr.
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I mean, ladies and gentlemen, think about how open America has been.
No other country has more welfare for illegals or legals.
No country has borders this open.
And then I can't go anywhere in Asia or Latin America and get one-tenth the benefits.
I can't.
I mean, it's a joke.
And then we do all this and the Democratic Party goes, white people are bad.
And Michael Moore says anybody that owns guns is a racist white person hiding in the woods afraid of black people.
When blacks are the biggest victims of gun control.
If you look it up.
I mean, it just makes me so angry how nasty
The Democratic Party is and how nasty the RINOs are.
Lamar Alexander, Boehner, Boehner, all of them.
John McCain, there's got to be election fraud to keep him in.
But bottom line, we need to get rid of Alexander tomorrow.
You need to vote for Carr, not for the other vote splitter.
I've been following that race.
There is election fraud, but a grassroots movement can overpower those machines.
They can only steal it with small percentages, according to all the voting experts, PhDs, Bev Harris, you name it, who've been on here.
William Gein of AlleyPac.com,
Other key points you'd like to make before this segment ends?
Last week you and your viewers had a big interest in our national protest against illegal immigration that's occurring on overpasses, intersections, outside Mexican consulates and state houses across the country.
Our next Synchronized National Wave is going to be on October 24th and 25th.
But long before we get there, there are going to be protests occurring all across the country, and we're keeping the master list of those at alipac.us.
That's A-L-I-P-A-C.us.
And the people that get on our email alerts,
We'll receive a direct copy of that.
Now we do have Facebook events and pages that we're using, but everyone realize that it's a one-way mirror on Facebook and on the other side of that, our enemies and the enemies of America are watching every keystroke and everything about us, and we can't rely on them for the communication.
So email alerts are the main ways that we're
We're coordinating those and we'd like to have... That's right, we always use enemy platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google to reach people, to drive and build our own separate platforms because they've openly been censoring us and openly using the systems to combat liberty.
But the good news is there's so many of us on Facebook and Twitter that we're beginning to overpower them.
That's true, and also the power of talk radio shows combined with the internet has entered a new phase after we saw 5,000 to 10,000 Americans like us brought out against illegal immigration in Boston two weeks ago.
You were talking about maybe doing one near the border or something like that, and if you did that Alex, or if you did one on October 24th, 25th, or before then, we'd be glad to support it.
I'd be glad to fly in to be a part of it, especially if you can get, I'm a big fan of Gerald Cilente, I'm not sure if you can get him on any event for you, but
Big fan of Gerald's.
Anything like that you want to do right now, Alex?
The indications we've got out of Boston is that people are ready to take action and make a stand.
Well, I think definitely we need to have some demonstrations and stuff, and people are being threatened not to have them.
Because, you know, if the Klan starts threatening to blow up black churches if they march, I'm going to go march with the black folks like I've done before.
And if the Hispanic Klan is threatening to kill people, it looks like I was threatened one time, death-threatened, if I went to the Mexican Independence Day Parade where they were going to promote Raza, and I went and
Got in everybody's face and bullhorned them.
Like, we got those clips somewhere.
It's pretty epic.
Uh, so it looks like I may have to do that again.
Uh, because, I mean, this is getting to be too serious of a situation.
William Gein, thank you so much for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
Hope to be back soon.
Um, and it's just absolutely disgusting what happened to this guy.
And it just shows how vicious, uh, vicious the situation is in Mexico pouring over into our border.
What a sadness.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
General, what do you think about the FBI saying that there's a terror alert on Monday about a potential forfeiture situation?
The police are shoving people, shoving Alex, shoving the crowd.
Here we go, folks, I'm being a sergeant!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Just want to say we couldn't do any of this without our amazing InfoWars crew.
I need to just get a whole list of the crew in here so I can properly read their names off on air and not forget anybody.
You don't forget anybody, but it's hard when you're on air to remember everybody in order.
Coming up in the fourth hour, we'll be live in overdrive.
Some stations carry it, some don't.
And we're going to have David Knight riding shotgun to traffic cop it.
We're going to air about a 40-minute interview with Marine Corps Colonel, retired just recently, Pete Martino about the buildup for war against the American people.
We've tweeted that video out.
It's pretty powerful.
There was only one other interview he'd done.
That was to a city council.
He was warning of this last year.
He got a lot of repercussions, good and bad, over that.
Well, he came to Austin.
We met with him and we interviewed him a few weeks ago.
He wrote an article to go along with the article, to go along with the video.
So that's up on InfoWars.com.
It's titled, I See Something.
I'm going to make it the featured video as well.
on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
Sometimes we have stuff that doesn't even go on the nightly news or the radio.
It just goes right to the website first because it's so important.
My only issue is I don't build something up and talk about how important it is.
People don't seem to think it's important.
But it is a very, very important interview, so please get that out to people, especially military folks, where they break down what is currently happening.
Always informative, my good friend Gerald Salente is going to be joining us.
He accurately predicted last year
That they would try to start wars, wars with Russia, and a lot of other issues.
And he's going to talk about the new trends coming up and more.
Gerald Salente will be joining us coming up for the Balance of the Hour.
And I won't be a hog.
I intend to also open the phones up in the last 20-30 minutes with Gerald Salente so you can ask questions of Gerald with a number.
We're not giving the number out yet.
Again, looking at some of the other news we haven't really detailed yet.
Have they announced who the two-star general was yet?
Who got killed in Afghanistan?
Not yet.
By one of the soldiers?
Not yet.
Yeah, it's not been announced yet.
Major general, two-star general, killed in a Blue Force, Green Force training base where they're training the Afghan military to grow opium and
Loaded on C-130s, delivered it to the big banks, who then deploy it to drug dealers, and then the fourth or fifth level down dealer doesn't even know that.
That's called a snack.
That's not just in the movie Scarface, written by...
Mr. Stone, Oliver Stone, that's actually the term used in New York and Miami and other places for police forces that are basically totally corrupt, the narcotics division, when they've still got to have some busts, they call it schnacks.
Not snacks, snacks, or snacks.
And expanding on snacks, they'll also go in your restaurant or business and sell each other drugs and then take your business.
So, gotta love the old drug war.
It's really worked out wonderfully, hasn't it?
Imploded Mexico, imploding the United States, then the globalists used the crises they've helped create.
And then import that here for the next level.
Kind of like they made alcohol illegal for 10 years in the prohibition in the 20s, got goody two-shoes to go along with it, tripled the size of the mafia, corrupted the police, massive tens of billions in 1920s money, made off of that the corruption of society, and then when they couldn't have that illegal, they made narcotics illegal.
So they could start a new business.
You could walk into any apothecary, any drugstore, anywhere you wanted.
And you could just come right in.
And you could say, hey!
You guys are laughing, I don't know, my head's scratched, I combed my hair.
You walk in, I've been on air too long, too much, I don't even care when I'm on air now.
That looks better.
He was walking about whatever he wanted.
And of course he had less people using it.
Didn't give criminals something to sell.
But hey, what do I know?
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We now take you live
To the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart of the resistance, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central we're here live back weeknight 7 o'clock Central InfoWars Nightly News.
Then of course I return live Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time of the Sunday edition.
I am your host Alex Jones and follow us on Twitter at RealAlexJones.
We're also on Facebook and all the other globalist platforms but our main sites
that have survived a lot of establishment attacks are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Thank you so much for joining us in this third hour.
We're going to have a special fourth hour of Overdrive today that some stations carry, some don't.
Everybody can tune in.
The Infowars.com forward slash show to see the free video and audio feeds when we're going to air an interview that I did two weeks ago that we added documentation to with retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino headlined DHS is preparing and prepping for war with the American people.
Remember last year he gave a speech at a city council warning people and it became a big news story?
Because he was just in combat a few years ago and got a bronze star in Iraq.
And he has trained major coalition forces all over the world.
He's a respected guy.
And he's saying this.
That's what's going on.
It's a very powerful interview.
It's coming up in the fourth hour today.
David Knight is going to ride shotgun in Traffic Cop.
Those segments are going to be airing.
For the rest of the hour, we are joined by the man that runs TrendsResearch.com.
And of course, their logo or their catchphrase is very accurate.
History before it happens.
Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
It's been said many times.
I know Gerald will have it all at his fingertips.
Not to toot his horn, but just to show he knows what he's talking about.
That they would try to start war with Russia.
He said that about four years ago.
He said it again last year in one of his major trends.
He said, look for the police state to expand.
Look for them to try to destabilize the country.
Because they never get held accountable for creating crises.
And he talked about further dollar devaluation and more.
And we're nearing the next big flashpoint.
This is the age of exacerbated and contrived crises.
So I want to get his take on the waterfront, what the new trends are, the trends he predicted accurately, and a bunch of other issues.
But first, Gerald, entertain me here for a moment in my question.
Regardless of what you think about the borders being open or shut,
Libertarians, pure libertarians, and I consider myself to be a libertarian but not a purist because there's no such thing.
It's a fantasy land in this current situation.
You can't have countries that are third world collapse where people get 50 cents an hour where they don't give us free health care or free welfare or can't go there and have our babies and then say but all of you from Brazil to Mexico, from Guatemala to China, from India to
The Congo.
You can come here and get everything free.
And anyone that doesn't like that is a racist.
And by the way, we're the Democrats.
Go with us.
We're going to take the guns.
And then give them driver's license in seven states.
I mean, that is an open political takeover plan.
And the Blue State Project, we have video via Veritas Project.
They admit on video, we're bringing in folks, we're giving them IDs, we're taking over.
And so I've always been against the Republicans and Democrats.
And the Republican bluebloods are horrible.
They're working with them on this.
But for me, this border situation is so transparent.
And then, even if you are for open borders and believe that everyone deserves everything free, 7 billion people outside the U.S., everything should be free.
Yes, white people are fundamentally bad and evil.
They all need to be gotten rid of, you know, aka Al Sharpton.
Even if you believe that, which, of course, is ridiculous,
Obama is now acting completely outside of Congress, unlike any president in our lifetimes.
And on every issue, on guns, on borders, saying, I'll do whatever I want.
I called for Bush's impeachment.
I called for Clinton's impeachment.
Because they were bad.
So did Ron Paul.
But Ron Paul said two weeks ago on the show, he said, Alex, you're right.
Obama is more brazen.
He's gotten away with it.
And he is arrogant about it.
And we're in deep trouble.
We may be approaching the big event, the big collapse point you've been warning about, where we incrementally go into the collapse.
They deny it.
They deny the Titanic's listing and that silverware is falling off the side.
And then finally, the ship's breaking and going under.
We're in the lifeboats, and people are still denying it.
Gerald, I want to hear from you, because you worked as a top consultant to government corporations, you're a best-selling author.
For folks that don't know who you are, most people do, but we have a lot of affiliates.
You've been inside the system.
What is the master plan here, and how dangerous is this, or do you disagree with me?
Well, going back, let's start with the open borders.
This is old news.
I wrote about this in Trends 2000 in 1996, about one of the greatest threats to America was going to be the immigration problem.
It was building then.
Without getting into any emotions, you know me, I'm a political atheist.
I just stated the facts and how wages kept declining.
Studies from all across the spectrum showing the proof how American wages were declining as more and more people were flowing over the borders.
And I wrote about the H-1B visas before anybody even knew what they were.
And that was being pushed by the so-called Silicon Valley people because it brought in a lot of cheap labor for them.
What we have, Alex, is a country of 316 million people.
We have a quarter, 25%, of the young people
We have levels of people on food stamps.
We still have massive unemployment.
And again, anybody that wants to see the real unemployment numbers, rather than
The baloney that they're shoving down our throats, thanks to the rejiggering of them by slick Willie Clinton, you go to John Williams' shadow stats.
We're up to around 22%.
Now, when you go back to the Great Depression, what did they do?
They closed the borders.
Gerald, your Skype's breaking up too much.
Gerald, I want to reconnect with you and have you start back over because this is so important.
And I did read your book, Trends 2000, back at the time.
I was in a Barnes and Noble or something and picked it up and I remember that was in there.
And again, Ross Perot warned everybody.
And that wasn't even about open borders.
That was about lowering the trade deals.
He said it would wreck both Mexico and the U.S.
and Canada.
It's done that.
It transfers wealth to the top one-tenth of one percent.
It wrecks the middle class.
It doesn't create a ladder up for the poor people.
And Gerald is breaking it down.
So I want to get his trend on where all of this is headed.
Skype is an amazing technology, obviously, right out of Star Trek.
The only problem is
I don't think so.
With what he had to say there, because that was so critically important.
This is mathematical economic fact.
Okay, we got him back.
Gerald, please start over from the beginning.
Your take on what's happening with the borders.
Yes, as I mentioned, we wrote about this in Trends 2000.
Here, here's a quote.
Migration is a greater threat to global stability than has been recognized.
The sheer press of numbers of very poor made aware by radio and television of living conditions, a boat ride away, is likely to become a steadily more destructive political force.
Check foreign relations, 1994.
And here's what I wrote.
Immigration with a self-sustaining heating system and an endless supply was a hot issue.
In recessionary times, even menial jobs are prized and immigration labor
A university of California study showed that roughly one-fifth of the growth in the wage gap between the skilled and the unskilled since the mid-19s was linked to the growing supply of unskilled immigration labor
Illegal immigrants was costing the chiefly affected states, New York, Florida, Texas, Illinois, and California an estimated $8 billion a year in services.
I go on to write, money spent on illegal immigrants was money in italics, not spent on needy citizens.
I wrote this in 1996.
And now the numbers are just astronomical and the immigrants have been taught they're God's gift to the earth.
No one can criticize them.
And they've got full government backing who wants an endless flood of people that want services as the country goes bankrupt.
What is the political class really thinking, Gerald?
Well, first of all, putting political and class together don't go.
I mean, what are the political psychopaths and sociopaths?
And let's go back to before when it was breaking up the audio.
You go back to the Great Depression.
They put severe limits on immigration so the people in the country could get jobs.
And we don't have jobs now.
As I mentioned, when you go to John Williams' shadow stats, you see that the number of
This is not a humanitarian issue.
Well, stay there.
This is key.
This is key.
Gerald Cilente.
We gotta go to break.
He's having Skype issues.
Powerful info, though.
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Alright, I'm giving Gerald Cilente the floor in this segment, part of the next, then we're going to take a few of your phone calls, wildcard questions.
I want to get into future trends, get him to go back and show you how he predicted what's happening with Russia right now, the dollar and more.
We're not tooting horns here, we're just showing that when you understand history and what's happening, you can predict what's coming.
The establishment knows a lot of this, they just don't want you to know about it.
But getting back to the border, it's known in the financial actuaries
That when a country's super booming, you want skilled and some unskilled laborers.
But when it's in trouble, you want to shut things down.
Well, they have just been opening everything up, pushing for the most poor, most destitute, to be pure clients of the government welfare state, Cloward and Bevin.
So, Gerald, we've got you on phone and Skype now.
Clearly go over the key point.
They shut our borders down during the Great Depression.
We have the numbers.
We know what's happening.
It's all about votes.
It's all about political power.
Go ahead.
Yes, and what's really important, as you pointed out, the numbers are there that show how wages decline as immigration increases.
And our numbers are terrible.
We're looking at median household income now being below $19.99 levels.
And they're even talking about a decline on the median household of losing 36%
Of income since 2003.
So the more cheap labor keeps driving down prices, this is a political issue.
As I mentioned, if it was a moral issue, and they were going to pound their chests on this, hey, how about them drone strikes to blow out people?
Just got a couple yesterday, didn't they?
Yeah, it was only in Afghanistan.
Hey, how about that moral issue of killing over a million people in Iraq on a war that was started on lies?
This has nothing to do with morality, this border issue.
It has to do with political expedience.
So, when we look at it, and as I mentioned, they closed the borders during the Great Depression.
They didn't reopen them until well into the 50s, and even then, immigration was very moderated.
And I know firsthand because I had cousins from Italy that couldn't come here.
So, this is all for politics.
It has nothing to do with morality as I see it.
And then going back to the economics as we're looking at it, as we're talking, the markets are continuing to go down.
One more point on this immigration issue, Alex.
It's worldwide.
You're looking at people flooding out of Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, all of Northern Africa, Yemen, Bahrain, the whole area of what's going on now with Israel and Gaza.
So what I'm saying is they're flooding over to Europe as well.
Immigration, as I wrote in Trends 2000, was going to become a global issue.
It is.
There's no stopping it.
Unless I have a solution, by the way.
We're starting an Occupy Peace movement.
And it's built on Rebuild America.
No foreign entanglements.
Bring home all the troops and seal the borders.
As you well know, I'm a close combat practitioner.
I believe in self-defense.
I want to defend America.
I want to defend America by closing the borders and not become involved in foreign entanglements.
There's no reason why these borders are so porous and the hypocrisy of it all
We have a Homeland Security, we have NSA, they're spying on us, they're watching us in the toilet, they're following us everywhere, all are sealing us up at the airport, all under the big lie that they're gonna stop Al Qaeda and Al Nusra while we got, what, 60,000 little kids flooding over the border on their own.
Who are they kidding with this BS?
Isn't the political class in danger in their hubris and their arrogance of really waking the public up?
I'm starting to see that happen.
I mean, to have the TSA still searching babies' diapers, I've seen it.
Last time I flew last month, and in trying to grab my crotch, all the borders wide open, and while our government funds Al-Qaeda and IS, I mean, it just doesn't hold water anymore.
Exactly, but they're not bringing that up.
In this whole discussion of immigration, flooding over the border, illegal immigrants by the millions, they're not bringing up what a scam the whole NSA, the whole militarized police state, homeland security is.
It's just robbing our money and giving it to the cyber-industrial complex and a bunch of crazy SOBs.
Because if it was work, they can't stop kids from coming over the border.
Yeah, they're gonna stop Al Qaeda or Al Nusra.
Maybe if these kids dress up with a burqa on, maybe they'll stop them then.
It's hypocrisy.
It's a lie.
And all they're doing is putting in these things to stop our freedom.
Gerald Cilente, TrendsResearch.com.
And again, he's a great guy.
The magazine is one of the best out there.
I can't put it down.
I learned so much from Gerald.
So you can go subscribe at TrendsResearch.com with a hard copy, sign up for the Trends Alerts, and help support true independent real media, and hand it off to friends and family.
We'll be back to get into the latest trends and more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The technocrats want to control the future.
They want us dumbed down, watching football, playing Xbox.
If we have any political awareness, it's only racial to fight with each other.
And they do it all in the name of political correctness.
And when you finally realize MSNBC and CNN are consciously doing this, it makes you want to throw up.
And then Fox News will play the other angle, the old white person angle, and then just play us all off against each other.
Instead of transcending the fraud and really understanding how it works.
Gerald Salente, TrendsResearch.com is our guest.
I want to take five or six calls for Gerald on any subject you want to raise, but I just want a specific quick question for Gerald so we can get to you.
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That is critical.
Alright, I'm picking up what you said, Alex, about how they're dumbing us down with sports and with video games and on and on, celebrity culture.
The cover of this current trends journal.
Don't blame Obamacare.
Blame I don't care.
The people are responsible for what's going on.
Look what this society has become.
Look how low the bar has been set.
So that's a major part of it.
And also, as we were just talking about, and again, you know, you and I hadn't talked about this before we got on the air, about the borders being open.
Here's a story that we did.
Stop terrorism?
Not a chance.
And we showed how during the Super Bowl, the story that nobody covered, on how that guy got on a bus in New Jersey with credentials he had from an old music concert a few years earlier, got on the bus, got through security, and gets in front of the camera as they're interviewing the player of the game and starts talking about 9-11.
And this is when you'll see that we heard for week after week how the FBI and the CIA, the NSA, and all the police departments around the metropolitan area, and you saw these guys out there armed to the teeth, and this guy gets through.
So they're lying to us about terrorism to steal our money.
And if we do have terrorism, could anybody call it payback?
You can't invade other countries, slaughter millions of people, destroy their families and their lives, and not want to have them, not expect them to get even with you.
So, the whole terrorism thing is both artificial and being created so that if it does happen, we're responsible for making it happen.
It didn't happen in a vacuum.
On to the economy.
Look at the numbers coming out of China today.
Their service sector is down to nine year loads.
Their new indexes are showing eight-month lows in other areas.
And they're dumping money into the system just like America is.
Over there in Europe, they're coming up with a European name for quantitative easing.
They're trying to keep Mr. Ponzi alive.
He's on his deathbed, and they're filling it with as much monetary morphine as they can to keep him
To make it seem as though he's alive.
And then you pick up today's Wall Street Journal and you read how all of the lending institutions are lowering the standards and letting people borrow money that again aren't qualified for it.
And as we had written in a trended journal,
Over a year ago, how they were building a bubble with auto loans.
Hey, you want to buy a new car?
Don't have a job?
Got no credit?
We'll make up some for you.
So now that bubble is ready to burst as well.
Even with all of this cheap money, you're looking at a housing market that's barely pushing forward.
And then you look at some other data coming out.
You look at the data coming out from Target, from Walmart, and you look at data coming out from those places like Outback Steakhouses and others that used to service the so-called middle spectrum of America.
They did not recover from what they call the winter frigid economy.
They expected diners to come back out and eat again as they were before the winter chills set in.
They're not.
Wal-Mart, but even at the high.
17% this quarter.
And here's the language that they use.
They just had a merger with like these dollar stores.
You know, two of them.
I don't know which.
I forget the names.
Family Dollar and Your Sister's Dollar.
I don't know which two.
They just merged.
And the way they announced that the prestitutes on CNN, CNBC.
Oh, the dollar stores.
We're Average American Shop.
And that should have been the end of the cut.
Average American shop at dollar stores.
At a time when we grew up, when there were, in every community, there were department stores of levels of quality and class that are far above now the Macy's and the so-called middle spectrum.
They're gone.
They're washed away.
So when we're looking at the economy, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, and by the way, I want to make this really clear.
There is no one that I respect more for geopolitics and economic insights and analysis than Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
So as he points out, I point out, and others point out, Max Keiser, this is nothing more than an artificially inflated bubble.
Moving on.
We are on the, today, today, Alex Jones on your show, they are commemorating the first shot fired of World War I. The Great War.
They should never use that word, great, with it.
I know why they use it, but they should have used the disastrous war.
The War of Slaughter.
The war that killed 20 million plus civilians.
90% of the wars
90% of the casualties in all of the wars are the civilians.
So, as they're commemorating that war today, we are on the brink of World War III.
How many more numbers do people have to add up?
How many more conflicts are there?
And I take that word away.
That word conflicts is a stupid word to use, and they use it all the time.
Oh, you had a disagreement!
No, slaughters are going on in Ukraine!
Slaughters are going on in the Middle East!
Slaughters are going on around the world!
Slaughters are going on in the Xinjiang province in China!
Hey, hey!
Thailand's out of the news.
Oh yeah, they had a military coup.
Yeah, but let's not talk about that.
Now you're seeing the United States this weekend announced that we are training the Ukrainian National Guard.
It's crazy.
And now this two-star general gets killed by the Al-Qaeda.
Crazy Connie Network people.
I mean, it just shows how the political elite sit back and get more money and power out of wrecking the planet and wrecking our lives.
Why do we let them do it?
I want to go to phone calls, Gerald.
Just one more minute.
And that is what you just mentioned.
And that's what stirred my thought.
You said about a general getting killed.
Alex, this is the New York Times today.
This is where the dead Americans are.
They don't make the headlines.
When a general gets killed, or a quote, ambassador in Benghazi, then it's news!
That's right.
Then we have to look into this.
But when Keith Williams, 19 years old, from Vasilia, California, gets killed, he gets way down the bottom of the page, along with the others that are 23 years old, another 23 year old,
From Kenosha, Wisconsin on and on.
They keep the little people down at the bottom.
That's right.
When the big guys get killed, we gotta put a commission together.
We have to look into it.
I agree.
In fact, I meant to make that point earlier, that notice how they hyped this up, but then when the little people die, when one man dies, you know, it's a tragedy when 10,000 die as a statistic to quote Joseph Stalin, but I noticed in your magazine on page 14 you have a shot of
Kerry Grant dressed super sharp like all the photos I saw my great-grandfathers and grandfathers when they went out because you had respect for yourself you weren't fancy you weren't a glitter bug you just you know people took you serious you took them serious and then it just shows how people dress today with their drawers hanging down around their ankles and again McDonald's I read a study decades ago about this was the first to put
Thank you up, throw your trash away.
It didn't even lower the price of the food, it just lowered the service, lowered the society's expectations.
Nobody pumps the gas for you, gets rid of the entry-level jobs.
Car maintenance goes way down.
You used to just sit in your car.
Now they do it.
Now you have to do it.
And it's the wall martians and the people having no concern or not taking it personal that they're being screwed over.
I think television did this to us.
It turned us into spectator wall martian zombies.
And I think that's why society's gotten so bad, Gerald.
That's part of it.
And, you know, we had a conference here last week.
It just ended on Sunday.
History Before It Happens Conference in Colonial Kingston.
We held the meetings at the 1774 Academy.
Alex, people came from all over the world.
A young man came from Japan.
It was his first time to the States.
From Australia, from Switzerland, from Oklahoma, from Texas, all over the world.
And one of the participants was a priest.
And he started talking and he said that he heard me on Coast to Coast one night and talking about what will change.
And I said, the only thing that will change, and it goes back to what you were saying with the Trends Journal, is when people have courage, dignity, respect, and passion.
And that's what's been lost.
They don't have the dignity and self-respect.
I'm old enough to remember when you got on an airplane, it wasn't a flying circus.
You didn't see a bunch of slobs roll in who could care less about how they looked, how they talked, and how they behaved.
So what it is, it's a lowering of the bar of the culture.
And they say the fish rots from the head down.
I'll tell you when I really saw the change happen.
When Slick Willie, Clinton, ran for president.
Now remember, we were used to Eisenhowers and Kennedys.
We were used to men of dignity and courage.
And all of a sudden, a clown rolls out with a pair of sunglasses on and playing a bad saxophone on Arsenio Hall.
How's that for a presidential presence?
And it just kept getting lower.
Now you have Obama during the last campaign and all the rest of them yucking it up on The View and sitting around with little comics, little boys, the Colberts and the Stewarts, the Lenos and the Lettermans.
Let's get this straight.
When you have to go to a comic to get your news, you can see how stupid the whole society has become.
It's one every night is freak night on TV when the Presidents, the Prime Ministers, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff yuck it up with the clowns.
The whole bar has been lowered.
So the fish rots from the head down.
They serve the face.
Hey, you're welcome.
Thanks a lot for being there.
I love you guys.
I used to listen to Ray Taliaferro.
I'm a veteran.
And my take of the whole thing is, due to you, Alex, thank you and bless your soul, Americans are too smart.
They need a dumbed-down military and a dumbed-down police force in order to do the One World Order.
They couldn't have done that with Republicans in.
They needed to have the borders open with the Democrats in.
That's the only deal.
We got the left hand of the monster and the right hand of the monster.
Now, I'd like to know, what are the consequences of our military is now going to take up a good percentage of these lesser educated immigrants that are coming in?
Well, I'm not even that concerned about people that end up becoming part of the military, because there's something there.
When you've got women with two or three kids, and they're going to be hooked on the Democrats immediately, with an agenda that's racially based, I mean, it's bad.
That's not the melting pot.
That's Thomas's point, listening on KOMY, 1340 AM in Santa Cruz, I should add.
Gerald, your take on that?
I think you covered it.
The issue is the dumbing down throughout.
And they're using this again, the immigration issue, it's very obvious.
Oh yeah, I mean Americans have turned into 500 pound wall martians.
We're talking about these immigrants all day.
We're in bad shape as well.
I mean, it's just a mess.
But I hear what you're saying, Thomas.
It is about bringing in desperate people that think the Democrats are their mommy.
Let's talk to Larry in Wyoming.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, first time caller, I'll try to get to my point quick.
I just retired from a practice of periodontics, and I can assure you in the real world with the people that dress right and look right, they're not right.
I mean in a biblical sense, and I'm not a religious guy, but I'm saying
It's cannibalism.
As a periodontist, I was expected to lie and deceive my patients so that I could get referrals to cover for the inadequate care of the general dentists who were destroying the gum health of the patients waiting to put crowns on all their teeth and then referring.
So there's corruption within every industry, I think.
Oh yeah, well there are lots of people that are dressed nice that are predators and that, there's all sorts of stuff that goes, but of course society's not perfect either.
But I hear what you're saying.
Do you have a question?
Was your all slanted?
Yeah, the question is, when do you think the point of getting real happens with this culture?
Everybody is basically cannibalizing everybody.
Well listen, exactly.
We've gone into a predatory system rather than a production system.
It goes back to morality, as I said, the fish rots from the head down.
So let's suppose I'm still the kid that grew up in the Bronx, and I'm hanging out with the guys and one of my friends has an idea to pull off a, you know, a heist, or anything.
And I say to him, hey, that's not right.
You know what he'd say to me?
What are you, stupid?
Everybody's ripping us off.
The banks are ripping us off.
The government's ripping us off.
Oh, and you want to play it straight?
That's why morality is important.
You have a loss of morality at every level of government.
And what people are doing is they're following the leader.
There is no morality.
Look at the slaughters going around the world, without taking a side on any of the issues.
Where are the religions talking about this?
Wait, I don't hear a people... I'll tell you what's happening.
People watch television seven, eight hours a day, and they just believe the fantasy, all the real world's going on around them.
The public is asleep.
I think that's a big part of it.
Let's talk to Red in Texas.
Red, what's your question or comment?
Alex and Joe, good to talk to you.
I'm going to go over something real quick.
Hey, Jimmy Faber, get off your speakerphone real quick.
I'll just ask you real quick, because it sounds like speakerphone.
I'm on my regular phone.
I was having an action about Bitcoin.
I need to know where to go with the money.
You know, I always say I'm not the right guy for Bitcoin.
But to me, it kind of reminds me of the dot-com boom.
It's hard for me to grasp it.
And it was hard for me to grasp a lot of things that were going on in the dot-com boom.
That when it bust, I saw why it bust, because there was nothing behind it.
I was about to say...
I have a bad feeling at the end of the day, but it's now being expressed as a revolution against the big banks, so I get that part.
I'm just saying watch out, folks.
Sure, if you want to get involved, that's your issue.
I think we're going to start accepting it on the shopping cart because people are demanding it.
Big mainline groups are using it, and so when in Rome, do as the Romans.
But at the end of the day, I'm not recommending people get involved in it.
I'm saying that's a choice by choice for each person.
I would agree exactly what you said, and then I look at the other end of it.
Why would I want a Bitcoin that's up in vapor when I could buy gold or silver?
Exactly, so I'll use it.
If people want to use it in commerce, I'll use it, transfer it into Fed notes, then transfer it into silver or gold.
Yeah, we take subscriptions, by the way, with Bitcoin.
You have no problem doing that.
And then we just convert it.
I mean, it's the original alchemy.
We take fiat bitcoin or fiat Federal Reserve and then transmute it into property or into crew or into building new projects or into gold and silver.
That's right.
It's amazing alchemy.
Let's go ahead and talk to Vince in Montana.
Vince, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you for taking my call, guys.
Hey, Gerald, I've got a question for you.
I've been posting stuff on the internet for 20 years.
And I have never run into a problem being blocked or spammed like I have with disinformation.
The CDC owns the four patents on the Ebola virus.
I didn't think much of it at first.
I thought, well, maybe they patent everything.
But every time I attempt to put that out there, I get blocked, marked as a spammer, deleted.
Why do you think they don't want the public to know that the CDC owns the patents for the Ebola virus?
I think Alex can answer that better than me.
Well, look, it's a complex issue.
We don't know exactly what's happening with the Ebola virus, but I know this.
They've never brought people into the country that have had it before.
It's more recklessness by government.
What do you say to that, caller?
Well, I just know that the fact that they have it patented, and the fact that it looks like a nicotine-based
Stop the cytokine storming of the Ebola virus.
It looks to me like it's a patent issue.
It looks like someone's trying to make money off the cure.
Well, but then how would they be spreading in Africa?
I mean, I hear you.
The H1N1 was a fraud to sell vaccine.
I hear you.
We'll look into it.
We don't know all the answers yet.
Gerald, sorry to the other callers.
Thank you so much for your time.
TrendsResearch.com for folks that want to find out more.
Invaluable website and journal.
And people can see your daily video and audio reports as well.
We got 45 seconds left.
What do you see happening in Ukraine?
And it keeps building up more and more.
The sanctions, if you remember, they started off very lightly and they keep increasing, increasing, increasing.
You have a time now when Europe is still down economically and it's going to become more and more difficult to do business.
And watch for those border incursions into other countries.
That's what's going to be a spark for involvement, I believe.
And they say the Ukraine sanctions is what's plunging our economy and stock market.
Again, hurting everybody, Russians and Americans.
But the EU needs a way to try to keep from collapsing, so war's the way to go.
Gerald Slinti, thank you so much.
Coming up live, we're going to have David Knight and the Marine Corps Colonel.
Coming up, David Knight will introduce it.
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You can feel it.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm going to be hosting actually what was recorded as a interview here with Alex Jones and retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino.
Now if you remember about a year ago they had a situation in Concord, New Hampshire where Homeland Security was giving about a quarter million dollar armored vehicle
to the town.
Residents of the area were very angry about this.
Why are we militarizing the police?
He was very concerned about that.
We have an article up today on Infowars.com.
I see something, and that's the Marine Corps Colonel.
He has a blog.
It's OneManMarch.com.
We're going to be playing the interview that Alex had with him in the studio beginning in the next segment, but I just wanted to point out what happened in the aftermath of this.
Now, they had several angry town council meetings where people were speaking out about the militarization of the police.
They delayed it several times, then eventually what they did was they decided 11 to 4 in the town council to take this bearcat, saying, you know, basically this is free.
Well, so was the Trojan horse.
And just like the Trojan horse brought in danger into the city, I believe that these militarized police vehicles that Department of Homeland Security is handing out like candy to all these different police departments is really kind of a Trojan horse in a psychological war.
Psychological war that is primarily aimed not even so much at the citizens at this point, but at the police.
Training them to think of themselves as being in a war zone.
That the civilians are somebody that they need to control.
Somebody that is a direct threat to them.
We see this happening all the time.
Just yesterday, they were talking about how sovereign citizens are now the number one threat according to the FBI.
Far more than Muslim terrorists.
And we've seen this over and over again.
You know, I saw something along with
Joe Biggs, when we went to the asymmetric warfare facility at AP Hill in Virginia, we saw what they're training for.
This Marine colonel who was in Fallujah saw what they were training for.
When they spoke out about it, they had eight people who were up for re-election last November for that city council.
Now, incumbents usually get elected
Even unopposed.
But when they're opposed, they've had in the 2011 elections, they only had four contested races, and incumbents won every single one of those.
Now, after they gave this bearcat to the police department, and after that became an issue, people stood up, they opposed these councilmen, and in three out of five of the contested races, the people who had voted for this bearcat were thrown out.
We need to look at what is happening in our country.
That's the point of his article.
Now, when you look at this article we have up on Infowars.com, I see something.
There's actually an article there where he's talking about his perspective, saying, we need to look at the corruption.
We need to open our eyes, and then we need to do something about it.
It's got to come from us at the grassroots level.
Now, he talks about a lot of different things in this interview.
We're going to run it for the entire hour when it comes up, so you don't want to miss that.
But it's something that we see over and over again.
And I tell you, when Joe Biggs and I were walking through that asymmetric warfare center, seeing how our army is training for it, it was very eerie.
Walking through that empty town.
An exact replica of an American small town, even with the working traffic lights.
And that was what was kind of eerie.
It was like you expect to see somebody and you're looking and you don't see anyone.
It's a ghost town.
It was like a town after a pandemic.
Like something out of a movie, like Omega Man, where you're the last man on Earth.
That was strange enough.
That was unsettling enough.
But to know what this facility has been constructed for, because we've covered this in so many different ways.
It's not just the militarized vehicles that they're giving to the police departments.
It's not just the billions of rounds of ammunition.
It is so many things, as well as their wargaming scenarios.
They're up front about it, and they're training for it in facilities like that, and the Marines train for it at Camp Lejeune.
They have a more rural setting.
So stay with us.
Right after the break, we're going to have a Marine Corps colonel who points out that this is training for warfare against Americans.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
Now it was about a year ago, August 15th, 2013, that a former Marine Corps colonel in New Hampshire, retired, spoke out about the militarization of the police in a small New Hampshire town, saying we don't need these massive vehicles.
He said, we are building an army, a domestic army over here, and I can't believe that people aren't seeing it.
Is everybody blind?
We wanted to have him in here to explain further, and so Alex had him in for an interview.
We've got that up on Infowars.com in an article, I See Something, Marine Colonel Warnes of Takeover.
We have this video interview up there in case you want to pass this around to others.
We wanted to play it for you on the radio.
Here's that interview with Alex Jones.
It was back in 2013, in August, or a little less than a year ago, that there was a video posted of a Marine Corps colonel, who's also an advisor to the Army, a veteran of the Iraq War, you name it, speaking out at a city council.
Warning them that military equipment and training was being pre-positioned around the country by Homeland Security, and it was pointed at the American people.
Well, in the last year since he talked about that, we have seen thousands of headlines, literally dozens a week, like this one from the London Guardian, Pentagon preparing for mass civil unrest, social breakdown.
Here's another one, the cost of the American police state.
Battlefield USA trillions in the last 20 years spent building up this giant domestic apparatus.
Hundreds of billions just the last five years.
It is simply incredible.
That's from the ACLU study.
So we're really honored today to have Pete Martino in studio with us.
For this special report we appreciate his courage because obviously the establishment has criticized him for talking about the 10 trillion pound elephant in the living room or the fact that the emperor is not wearing any clothes.
He is a retired colonel in the U.S.
Marine Corps Reserves now.
He's commanded an infantry platoon company and battalion and has been the senior U.S.
advisor to an Iraqi army brigade and he got a bronze star for some of the operations he was involved in in Noumenia, Iraq.
So after more than 10 months of trying to get him in studio, we've got Colonel Martino right here with us.
Colonel, great to have you here with us.
Just call me Pete.
Thanks, Alex.
I'm a civilian now.
Well, one of the things I'd like to say first off is I had a very highly educated Iraqi tell me one time that the way to solve the IED problem over there was first time you have an attack, take a look around, find the closest house, go knock on the door, tell those folks you got one hour to pack and get out and then blow up their house.
And the logic there is, next time, pay attention to what goes on in front of your house.
And I think that's the mindset in a lot of the world.
And one of the messages I think that should come out of that to the American people is, the reason so many people in the world want to kill us...
Is because we need to pay attention to what's going on in our own house.
And when it comes to these Bearcats and this issue, to be honest with you, I really don't have a problem with the police having Bearcats if it's to keep me safe and to keep police officers safe.
In fact, I know about a dozen police officers personally in New Hampshire who, if they were the ones holding the key, they could park it in my driveway and I'd sleep better at night.
But the reality is, I don't know all the people who have the keys to those Bearcats.
And the thing that concerned me
In Concord last year was that the chief of police justified on his grant application for that bearcat as one of the reasons was to deal with the daily challenges of the Free State Project.
Now the Free State Project is just a group of liberty minded individuals, activists who are trying to get 20,000 people, activists to move to New Hampshire because it's a small state and try to restore liberty there and return to constitutional government.
About a dozen of them are already state representatives there.
And they're saying we need armored vehicles that have been used in Iraq because the Free State Project peacefully and politically resembles the porcupine.
Doesn't attack anybody, but it'll defend itself.
They want to try to vote for more freedom, so we need armored vehicles.
Exactly, and I think some of them are a little bit out there as far as some of their tactics.
I know some of them are out there maybe ticking off a lot of the police, and I think they should knock it off, because it's not the police that are really the problem, it's some of the leadership, and it's the laws themselves.
One of the Free State Project members actually reminded everybody that New Hampshire has an open carry law.
And he reminded everybody by walking down the street in Manchester, New Hampshire, downtown, and was stopped by the police and detained for a while until finally people realized that it's not an illegal act to walk down the street open carrying.
And since then, now you can see people open carrying.
So if we don't remind people of our freedoms, people forget we have them.
That's the cutting edge.
I agree.
What's happening here is we're building a domestic military because it's unlawful or unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil.
So what we're doing is we're building a military.
My best friend, who's a SWAT officer in Nashua, who came to Iraq with me to train the Iraqi police, sent me an email with a picture of him in the media on the streets of Watertown, Mass., wearing the exact same combat gear that we had in Iraq, only it was a different color.
And the way we do things in the military is called task organization.
You take a command, and then you attach units to it in order to accomplish the mission.
What's happening is Homeland Security
Is pre-staging gear, equipment consistent?
It's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army and we're shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
We're building an army over here and I can't believe that people aren't seeing it.
Is everybody blind?
I understand, though, your point about not blaming the police individually or the military individually.
I found police and military are some of the most awake, pro-liberty people out there, because they know what's going on on the inside.
But undoubtedly now, they say that homeland security's not for Al-Qaeda that you fought in Iraq.
It's for the Tea Party, for veterans, for gun owners.
That's in the news, and that it's for domestic groups and civil unrest.
That's unconstitutional under posse comitatus.
Well, I think one of the reasons that I have concerns about Homeland Security, as I said, it comes down to trust.
And one of the things that doesn't instill trust in me is that the chief of staff of Homeland Security was actually turned state witness and testified against his father-in-law, who was a state senator in Pennsylvania.
And he was charged and went to prison for 137 counts of corruption.
I think, what's his name?
Christian Marone, who's now the Chief of Staff of Homeland Security, worked for the Senator.
Spent 80% of his time doing personal work for the Senator, particularly overseeing construction projects on the Senator's house.
And a Philadelphia City Councilman said that he basically turned over on his father-in-law to keep himself from going to jail.
So these are imperfect people that are in the system, that's why you've got to put restraints on it, checks and balances.
And we're all imperfect, and that's the scary part.
How much power do we want to give people who are imperfect?
Especially someone like this, who used as justification, well, it was, you know, the culture of Philadelphia politics.
So, exactly.
I mean, we didn't have military on the streets before in America because we understood that always turned bad.
Why is it happening now?
We're not talking about during riots.
Just roll them out, have them out there.
Talk about why you originally went to the City Council and warned people.
And then I want to get your take on the NSA, on the IRS, because you've got an incredible list of things to talk about, Colonel.
Well, thanks.
The thing that actually brought me to that city council meeting was one of my sons, one of his friends was a victim of police abuse.
And in some of these police departments all over the country, but even in New Hampshire, in some of these small towns, you get some bad apples.
And the problem is that those bad apples, like in any industry, any organization, any bureaucracy, whether it's the IRS, the NSA, and so on,
You've got these people who abuse their power.
And so when people are victimized by people in power, it's a lot different than somebody robbing you to take your wallet.
These people have power and the authority of government behind them.
And so I think institutions need to take a little bit of pride and step up themselves.
Police their own.
And I'm shocked that nobody at the IRS has come forward.
Somebody sat next to Lois Lerner.
Somebody in some of these agencies was in the next cubicle and knew what was going on and still knows what's going on.
And yet you don't see people coming forward and talking about it.
So when you work for a government agency and people start broad brushing that agency and talking about it, they're talking about you.
Same thing with our country.
When people say negative things about the United States or they want to kill us or whatever, they're talking about you and me.
The United States isn't some piece of dirt.
It's not some monument, some building.
It's you and me.
It's us.
It's we the people.
That's why I do what I do.
I don't want it in my name.
And so where are the people in these agencies?
You know, where's the embarrassment?
Where's the shame?
Where's the sense of conscience to go out there and speak up and say something?
And a lot of people are afraid of retaliation or losing their job.
Well, go get another job.
Look for one beforehand.
Look for other... Well, I found historically, but also personally, we're going to lose everything if we don't start standing up for what's right.
This attitude of just go along, don't make waves is going to cause a literal tsunami of tyranny to bring it all down.
It all boils down to integrity, and that's one of the things that scares me too, is the Director of Homeland Security said that he was impressed with his new Chief of Staff's integrity.
And so when we talk about integrity, I don't know what their definition is, but I thought it was interesting.
We talk about the integrity of the Department of Homeland Security.
Here we are being told that the NSA needs to turn the whole planet into the Truman Show, and we're all Truman.
And yet at the same time, we've got people walking across the border.
Without any ID, just being shipped all over the country.
Borders wide open, but Homeland Security is for veterans, Tea Party, gun owners, libertarians.
Just like you said a year ago, why are the armored vehicles for the Peaceful Free State Project?
It's a fraud!
It's domestically being pointed at us, so we need to have a national debate about it, and explain, hey, you better point that somewhere else.
And what it comes down to is the integrity of an organization by looking at its mission statement.
And this is the part that I think is wrong with this country, is we've got all these lofty mission statements in all of our institutions, and yet if you look at the mission statement and try to follow that mission statement,
You end up in trouble with your supervisors.
Right from the Department of Homeland Security's website, there are five core missions.
Prevent terrorism and enhancing security.
Secure and manage our borders.
Enforce and administer our immigration laws.
Safeguard and secure cyberspace.
Ensure resilience to disasters.
Now they're acting contrary to at least three of those core mission statements.
And so I'd like to challenge all those
You know, border folks down there, I know there's some good people down there who are trying to speak up, but people need to band together and stand up and start doing what's right.
Point to your mission statement.
If you're being told to do something that's contrary to that, you need to go up the chain of command until you find somebody who's willing to do something about it.
I saw an article just a few days ago in Reuters about them giving an award nationally to all the people in Operation Valkyrie that tried to kill Hitler.
And they teach in the German military now, if somebody tells you to do something illegal or to violate people's rights, it's not a right, it's a duty to resist it.
Well, that was taught in the past in our military manuals.
I've seen the ones up until the 70s.
I don't see that being taught now.
I was in Budapest airport one time and I saw a display for cigarettes for sale and they had multiple warning signs, you know, labels in multiple languages.
And one of them, the one in English said, this product will kill you.
I love that.
Straight to the point, honest.
Wouldn't it be nice if our politicians and our government agencies came with those same warning labels instead of the lofty ones that we'd come up with that are hypocritical?
Well, you get called an extremist for saying out-of-control government will kill you.
George Washington basically said that.
And they call that terrorism now.
They're the terrorists, but the bottom line is to them, they are not.
Now why is that important to understand?
Because they are as committed to their cause and to their way of life as you are yours.
And they see you as being wrong.
Who was the first terrorist organization in the United States?
You mean Thomas Jefferson?
You mean George Washington?
Paul Revere?
These guys right here... Let me ask you something.
Did they try to scare people?
I mean, that is scary when the government is saying criticizing us and promoting what the country's founded on is extremist in connection to terrorism.
Well, here's another great mission statement, and this is right out of the VA's
's five core values underscore the obligations inherent in V.A.'
's mission.
Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence.
The core values define who we are, our culture, and how we care for veterans.
Taking the first letter of each word, Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence, creates a powerful acronym, I CARE.
Come on, why aren't people in prison right now?
If anybody gave a damn that we've got over a thousand veterans died because of being ignored.
Secret death list.
And so meanwhile, though, the president seems to know more about the health care of a prisoner of war on the other side of the country or on the other side of the world who's been accused of being a deserter.
And he couldn't notify Congress and give him the 30 day notice that by law, the law that he signed, he was obligated to do.
released five known terrorists from Guantanamo Bay which arguably could be treason because it's aiding and abetting the enemy to get this one soldier back and he couldn't tell anybody about it in Congress because his health was in such dire need.
Now he's back on regular duty.
He would probably have better health care while he was a prisoner of war.
He's still alive five years later.
We've got veterans who can't say the same thing.
Well Joe Biggs right here in this office coughs up blood every night.
He was blown up multiple times in armored vehicles.
Well, I think that it comes down to, we've got corruption at the highest levels of all of our institutions.
And that's, I think, the main point to get across.
If you look at
Most of our institutions in this country, you've got people at the front lines who are honest, have integrity, they're doing their job, they're trying to live the mission statement.
The VA has some of the most salt-of-the-earth people working there, the ones who are actually providing that.
I don't
Or some of these folks, these bureaucrats and these other agencies that we know are corrupt, it would send a message to the rest of them.
But that's the problem.
And I think that until people in these organizations either band together or stand up and do like the Department of Homeland Security tells us all to do, you see something, say something.
Of course, they don't want you to say something about the corruption you're finding in government.
And they're more concerned about investigating those people who do speak out than what they're speaking out against.
Well, I tell you, Colonel, I agree, and the answer is all of us start speaking out.
That's why you were saying before you went on air, look, I'm not a hero, don't talk about my bronze star, blah, blah, blah.
But the point is, in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell, you are a hero, and everybody inside the system that speaks out, and I know you've had some repercussions for speaking out, you are a hero.
Because studies show that
Political valor going up against peer pressure in the establishment is more rare than physical valor.
Well, thanks.
I appreciate it.
In fact, you know, one of the things I hear a lot, people when they see a veteran, they'll say, oh, thank you for your service.
I think you're a hero.
I want to thank you for your service.
Oh, well, thank you.
I'm just trying to have a free country for my kids.
And that's what I want to do is try and turn over something to my kids that was turned over to me from my father and mother's generation.
It's an imperative that instinctively we stand against this.
I mean, is that how you feel?
It's just like a burning desire?
Yeah, I feel like
The thing that scares me about this country is the same thing that scares Mike Mullen, Admiral Mullen, who is a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
This was the most senior man in uniform in our country who said the most significant threat to this country isn't terrorism, it's our debt.
Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt.
It does not
Somehow promote profligacy.
All it does is it says, you gotta pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress.
When our country collapses, what do people think is going to happen economically?
I thought it was interesting that during the last government shutdown that they had a quote-unquote glitch in the EBT card system, where in about a dozen states, and I'm sure you remember it, it caused havoc.
It caused havoc because people's EBT cards didn't work.
And a lot of Walmarts across the country, you know, had some serious problems.
And I think that was to send a message to the people
Who did not want to sign that law to raise the debt ceiling.
It was, do you really want this to happen on your watch?
Because this is what happens when people's EBT cards don't work for a few hours.
What do you think is going to happen when social security recipients, people on disability, veterans, people, everybody who works for a government agency suddenly doesn't get their check?
We're going to need those Bearcats!
And that's really, I don't have a problem with having Bearcats, because if they're going to collapse the government, and you're going to see riots in the streets if our economy collapses, then sure, people are going to be wishing they had more Bearcats.
Well, that's where I was going, and I want to hear who's controlling those Bearcats.
Who are the people at the top that are going to be giving those orders?
And we know it's going to be at the Tea Party, who knew about the problems and tried to stop it.
It's going to be the Free Staters, who knew about the problems and tried to stop it.
And that's the issue.
Is that I've said, as things collapse, and if Austin's burning, where we're talking today, I would want the police to put down riots and protect my house.
The issue is though,
The globalists lit the fuse of this.
The Federal Reserve devalued the dollar.
They moved the world away from the dollar.
They did this, and they think they're going to bring in the crisis and get total social control out of it.
They engineered it.
So when it all collapses, which probably is inevitable now, probably too late to reverse it.
Ron Paul said that on my show, and I agree with him.
We tried years ago.
So what you're listening to right now is Alex Jones's live interview here in the studio.
Of course, it went live today.
I see something.
Marine Colonel Warren's of a takeover.
We have that article and the full interview went up today on InfoWarren.com.
We're going to be right back with more of this interview.
You don't want to miss it.
This is a man of integrity talking about the corruption, talking about how you need to look at the corruption.
You need to do something about it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and this hour we're playing for you the report that premiered today on Infowars.com.
I see something.
This is a Marine Colonel that we heard about first about a year ago when he spoke out
About the Department of Homeland Security building a domestic army.
But it's about much more than that.
And he talks about the corruption that we see and the corruption that he wants people to do something about.
Let's go back to that interview with Alex Jones and retired Colonel Pete Martino.
Is that I've said, as things collapse, and if Austin's burning, where we're talking today, I would want the police to put down riots and protect my house.
The issue is, though,
The globalists lit the fuse of this.
The Federal Reserve devalued the dollar.
They moved the world away from the dollar.
They did this and they think they're going to bring in the crisis and get total social control out of it.
They engineered it.
So when it all collapses, which probably is inevitable now, probably too late to reverse it.
Ron Paul said that on my show and I agree with him.
We tried years ago.
The people that engineered this need to get the blame and go to prison so it doesn't happen again.
Instead, we're going to end up with the engineers of this, who certainly exacerbated it, getting more power out of the crisis they created.
You know, in the old days, if you screwed up, you got fired or in trouble.
Now they insulate themselves.
So what I want to do, sir, because you're respectful and a nice guy, you keep throwing it back to me, I want to give you the floor now here for about 15-20 minutes to get into all these incredible points
That you bring up about the average Marine Corporal, how much power do you want the President to have in the centralization of control, government as a racket, Smedley Butler, Noam Chomsky.
I want to give you the floor here to address the viewers out there, Colonel, and really talk to folks, because I think in the final equation what you're getting at here is
This is all a discussion we've got to have with ourselves, our families, everybody else.
This is a societal evolution.
We're going into the bottom of a decadence cycle.
And if good men and women don't get on deck to try to really have a soft landing, who knows where the world is going.
So I want to give you the floor here to basically do 10, 15 minute, 20 minute speech, whatever you want to the viewers out there and the listeners out there.
Going back to the integrity issue, here's another mission statement from our IRS.
Provide America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and force the law with integrity and fairness to all.
So when it comes to what does integrity look like, if you look at our leadership, it's really shameful.
Our people deserve better than that.
Our veterans deserve better than that.
Our citizens deserve better than that.
We've had wars on poverty, drugs, the war on terrorism, and we're losing all of them.
But we never see a war on corruption, a war on abuse of power, and a war on ignorance.
Not illiteracy, but ignorance about what really goes on in this country.
And I think, Alex, you do a great job of really, you've hit it right on the head in four wars.
It's all about controlling information.
You know, people just don't get the facts, they don't get the information, they don't really know what's going on out there.
And so I think that a war on ignorance is about teaching people, you know, how vulnerable they really are toward mind control, manipulation, and so on.
I read years ago that there was actually a psychology professor, of all people, whose class decided to do an experiment on him.
And when he moved to the left side of the classroom, they all perked up and looked interested.
When he moved to the right side of the classroom, they all looked bored and falling, nodding off.
And by the end of a few classes, he was teaching the entire class leaning against the left side of the wall on the left side of the classroom.
And when the students, this is the interesting part though, when the students told him that they had manipulated him and that they put him there, he outright refused to believe it.
He said that, no, I just like it over here better.
And I think that's what's going on in this country.
The cure for, or the way to inoculate people against manipulation, against mind control, against influence, is to simply educate them about the process of how it's done.
And the real key is to get people to be willing to listen.
And just make the one issue corruption.
And regardless of where your politicians stand on your particular issue, if you can't trust them, then why are they your poster child?
Why would you want to send somebody to Washington who
Is lied to your face.
If you were an employer and an employee lied to you, stole from you, how long would they last?
If you had a neighborhood watch, would you give all the weapons to the one person in the neighborhood who lies to everybody who you can't trust, who's actually stolen from people?
And so that's one of the things that concerns me.
And I think it's really that war on ignorance and really reminding people or educating people as to just how much corruption has gone on in this country.
One of the solutions, I think, to fight this war on corruption, and I see all the time out there on the Internet, there's a lot of people out there who talk about taking up arms against the government and, you know, starting a new revolution.
We're good to go.
Journalists, business people, politicians, teachers, and so on.
And I would have them go into all those organizations within that country.
And it really comes down to a battle of ideas over the water cooler, have discussions, let the best ideas rise to the top.
And really, it's about educating people.
It's about doing the right thing.
And I think that if people really want to fight for this country,
If you work for a government agency, you need to step up and you need to look around, read your mission statement.
If you're acting in conflict to that, then do something about it.
If you're told not to, then go to your supervisor, go to your supervisor's supervisor.
Until the time comes when enough people band together to turn some of these agencies around and we start demanding that people be held accountable.
One of the things that bothers me about abuse of power is it causes so much damage.
When you kill or abuse one innocent person, it creates 10 new enemies.
And I think that's what we do with this global war on terrorism.
I think that's what we do with a lot of our police departments out there.
You know, you always have that 10% in any organization that we talk about as, you know, the ones that are the problem children.
But the reality is, a lot of times it's more than 10%.
And in our government agencies, that other 90% needs to clean up their house.
And unfortunately, a lot of times I think that 10% is at the top, so it's going to be hard.
Another thing that I think might be a small first step
You know, lying to us, maybe they'd just shut up, which wouldn't be a bad thing either.
I'd rather have them not say anything than to just lie to us.
But eventually, organizations, whether it's a military organization or unit, a company, a corporation, a bureaucracy, or a country, eventually, organizations take on the qualities and characteristics of their leaders.
There's an old saying that an army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer.
And if you look at the people who are leading us, where are they taking us?
When you look at some of the qualities of our leaders, we need to take a closer look at who's representing you.
These are the people who represent us around the world.
We had an ambassador to Belgium.
Who was an accused pedophile.
And there was an internal memo that was found or became public a while back that said that Howard Gutman would frequently try to ditch his security detail and solicit sex from prostitutes and minor children.
And yet the investigation into that was quashed by high level members of the State Department.
Secretary of State Clinton at the time said that the first she heard about it was in the media.
Now, my question is, okay, well, once you did finally hear about it, what did you do about it?
Doesn't it concern anybody that the one person who's representing the entire United States to the people of Belgium could be molesting their kids?
Mr. President, you're telling me that that's the best person you could find to be an ambassador for us, to represent us?
Jeffrey Toobin said that Guttman was a Washington super lawyer who bought his ambassadorship through massive contributions to the Obama campaign.
And Mr. President, you couldn't find a Secretary of State out of all the qualified people in this country who wouldn't have to read it in the newspaper that one of our ambassadors could be a child molester?
Another thing that I'm curious about is these ambassadors that are political appointees.
It's interesting that they never seem to end up in places like Benghazi.
Or things like that.
And if they did, I wonder if we'd spend more money to protect them.
Or maybe make more of an effort to protect them if they were in danger.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
It continues to come back to trust.
And if you look at our politicians, you can go all the way back or as far back as you want to look at lies that have been told to the American public.
And Herbert Hoover said that the economy was great and everything was wonderful.
And a week later, the stock market crashed and we entered the Great Depression.
President Kennedy said that we weren't conducting any type of
Operations or anything against Cuba.
The next day, an American pilot was shot down over Cuba.
President Johnson lied to us about the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
And that was highly classified.
It was only recently that top secret documents were released that confirmed what a lot of people knew.
And that was that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie and it was just used to justify going to war in Vietnam.
And how many thousands of people died over that war?
If somebody at the time,
Had he informed people about that, that would have been a violation of their top secret clearance and they'd be in a prison cell today or maybe sharing a room in Russia with Edward Snowden.
We've also had Ronald Reagan who said we did not trade arms for hostages.
Bill Clinton, I did not have sex with that woman.
And for those who say that a politician's sex life shouldn't matter.
I agree to a point.
But the problem is, if President Clinton was willing to lie to his own cabinet, to the entire country about his sexual relationships that he did not want made public, what else would he have done if one of our enemies found out about that?
And maybe they did, who knows?
But how much pressure could those people put on him to do things?
If you're trying to hide something like that, look at all of our politicians out there who may have some of these skeletons in their closet.
And so, lies are lies.
When you look at President Bush, I will not- Read my lips, no new taxes.
Read my lips, no new taxes.
We also heard from his son about weapons of mass destruction.
Those weapons of mass destruction gotta be somewhere.
President Obama, you can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor.
Noam Chomsky once said that the reason that a lot of governments classify information isn't necessarily to keep it from their enemies, who in many cases already know, but it's to keep it from their own people.
General Smedley Butler, the only Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor twice, wrote a book, War is a Racket, and I know you're familiar with it, Alex.
But after World War I, Smedley Butler did some research and found that that war created over 21,000 billionaires and millionaires during a time when the frontline troops were being paid $30 a month.
And he said that the key to ending war would be simple, take the profit out of it.
He said if you conscripted labor, capital, anything that's needed for the war effort and paid CEOs, politicians, generals, admirals, everybody on down the same thing that the private fighting the war is being paid.
Announce that 30 days ahead of time and he said there'll be no war.
And I'd be curious to see how long the war on terrorism would last if CEOs of some of these defense contractors, private security companies, were making $1,500 a month instead of eight-figure salaries in some cases.
And that's another concern, is the privatization of the military.
What we're seeing is that in the past, a lot of these government contractors in the military-industrial complex provided materials and equipment to fight our wars.
Huge profiteering was taking place.
But nowadays, we're not only these companies are providing materials to fight the wars, but people themselves.
A lot of our support troops are slowly being replaced by private contractors, people from other countries, even third world countries in some cases.
And so these folks are actually out there.
On the battlefield, if you look at what happened in Fallujah, the whole thing that sparked that, if it wasn't for four Blackwater employees getting killed and dragged through the streets of Fallujah, nobody would have ever even heard of that city.
And some of the questions to ask are, what were they doing there?
Why weren't they adequately prepared?
Even though the CEO of the company may have been making eight figures a year,
What was the amount of that money that was trickling down to be able for these people to actually do their job safely?
And I think the message that was being sent to the Iraqi people is, hey, those people need to get the same respect our military does.
Don't mess with them or we're going to mess back.
How many Marines were killed in that first battle of Fallujah before the president pulled them out and then went back in?
And fought a second battle over the same ground, only to lose the entire country now.
To the very people we said we were going there to fight, who weren't even there when we got there.
I think if General Butler were alive today, he'd conclude that government is a racket.
If you look at what's destroying this country, it's all the corruption.
The reason we've got a $17 trillion debt.
And if there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between, is that we all hated the bank bailout.
I think the question that people need to ask themselves is, how much power and authority do you really want your leaders to have?
And when the President of the United States claims the authority to be able to kill an American citizen anywhere in the world, anytime, just by declaring them a terrorist without any due process, that should concern people.
And I think it concerns a lot of people, but apparently not enough to do anything about it.
When the most powerful person in the Senate calls an American citizen a terrorist, a domestic terrorist, like he did with Clive and Bundy, over a dispute about grazing fees, an issue that's going on in courts, an issue that involves money and so on, and declares him a terrorist, what message is he saying?
He's basically telling the President of the United States, hey, here's one over here.
Does that mean that the President is now going to,
We're good to go.
Think about the crop of politicians here that are running for president.
Alright, we're listening to retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino, and we're gonna be back with the final part of that.
He's a man of integrity, just like a retired Marine Smedley Butler.
And what they can't stand is corruption.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Now, we premiered today an article as well as an interview that Alex Jones had with retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino.
And this is the final segment.
If you want to see this, you can see it on InfoWars.com, both the video and Colonel Martino's article.
Let's go back to that interview.
Think about the crap of politicians here that are running for president.
Think about the politicians in the opposite political party that you might belong to.
Did you want George W. Bush to have the authority to kill you?
Did you want President Bill Clinton to have the power to kill you?
Do you want President Obama to have the power to kill you?
Do you want any of these candidates that are running for president to have the power to kill you?
And that's something that everybody needs to take a real sobering look at.
Do you really want your president to have the authority to kill you?
Because that's what it comes down to when you're saying, well, yeah, he can go kill a terrorist.
Well, I'm not a terrorist, so I don't have anything to worry about.
And it's just like the people say, well, if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't care or have anything to worry about that the NSA is monitoring every aspect of your life.
And it's not that you have anything to hide.
It's not that you that you're doing anything wrong.
But the problem is, you know, people get the wrong message out of 1984.
It's really about finding people's fears, finding people's weaknesses so they can be exploited.
You know, maybe you're very close to a certain person or a certain relative.
Maybe you didn't do anything wrong, but maybe they did, and now they can use that to get to you.
And so we shouldn't be under this level of surveillance.
And it's total hypocrisy to try and tell the American people that we need this level
Of surveillance on our entire population because the threat is so significant.
And yet at the same time, the very agency, the Department of Homeland Security, that's trying to put the fear into everybody, that's trying to terrorize the American people into believing that there's a terrorist around every corner.
And that your local police department needs to have an armored military vehicle in order to deal with it.
When at the same time we've got people walking across our borders unchecked, not only unchecked, but assisted by our own government and being shipped all over the country.
This is a biological attack.
We've got diseases.
We've got people who are literally walking biological weapons being sent all around the country.
And if that's not impeachable offenses, if this isn't even treason, then I'm not sure what is.
The average Marine corporal has more integrity, I think, than all of Washington.
And they swore an oath to defend the Constitution.
Not the country, not the government, not even their families, but the Constitution, the ideas that are in there.
If you're one of those people who always says to a veteran, hey, thank you for your service.
If you want to thank a veteran, get a copy of the Constitution, read it.
Help defend it here at home.
Demand that your politicians read the Constitution and start to live by it and vote by it.
They deserve better.
I think maybe that's why Homeland Security sees veterans as a threat, because they know what's in the Constitution.
When I was a battalion commander, the very first thing I did was issue everybody in my battalion a copy of the Constitution, a pocket version, and told them to carry it with them all the time.
I want to thank Colonel Pete Martino for doing what he's doing, standing up, being a man, fighting here in the Republic, here in the homeland, against the takeover we see unfolding.
And I want to talk to all you out there.
Remember that whether you are a Marine Corps Colonel, the Bronze Star, whether you're a school teacher, whether you're an auto mechanic, black, white, old, young, Hispanic, I don't care.
Muslim, Christian, Jew, agnostic.
Liberty beats in the breast of every man and woman out there who's not evil.
And most of us are not evil inherently.
We just are ignorant.
And we've been afraid to stand up and be leaders.
We're going to lose everything, ladies and gentlemen, if we don't stand up and speak out now and get back to the basic American values that made this country so great and made our nation the model of the world.
So, Colonel, I salute you and your wife for coming to Austin to talk to us.
Thank you so much for your time tonight.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, so you just heard the interview that Alex had here in the studio with Colonel Pete Martino.
Now, he pointed out that Smedley Butler said war is a racket.
Colonel Martino said government has become a racket.
Racketeering, influence, and corruption.
And we have a statute to take care of that.
It's called the Declaration of Independence.
Come back and see us tomorrow at 11 Central.
And we'll be back with Alex Jones tomorrow.