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Filename: 20140723_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 23, 2014
2301 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A new poll out up on InfoWars.com.
One in ten Americans wants war with Russia over downed airliner.
They must think it'll be like Iraq or some other country that doesn't have any high-tech weapons.
Islamic State, ISIS, now calls itself IS the last few weeks, now got a hold of a large-scale cache of US
Heavy arms, like large artillery, so they can shell and bomb and destroy major cities.
But don't worry, your baby's diaper will be checked when you're flying.
But ISIS will be armed by the globalists.
Also, the MH17 cover-up.
Paul Watson did an in-depth interview with Michael Savage yesterday.
That interview is up on InfoWars.com.
Very informative.
Guilt by insinuation.
How America propaganda works.
I want to get into that.
I wouldn't call it American propaganda, though.
I'd call it globalist propaganda.
The same propaganda the globalists used to capture this country.
And some good news.
You know, I was harping on this a few weeks ago when Obama was in Austin, Texas.
City refuses to pay for Obama visit.
It would cost the town
In Washington State, $35,000.
And they said, listen, let him do it.
We're going bankrupt.
He's opened the borders.
The cities are collapsing.
Hey, why didn't he go to Detroit and have them pay?
Hundreds of thousands a day like it was in Austin.
Millions of dollars total with all his visits combined.
But that's not even the true cost.
The true cost is shutting down large parts of cities for hours.
Instead of flying around in a helicopter.
It's just disgusting.
And it's not like he's meeting with the Russian President or the British Prime Minister or something.
It's some state dinner.
So it's for pomp and circumstance or it's a national convention.
No, it's just grand entry everywhere he goes.
They're saying 100,000 per day in Austin was way more than that.
So that's some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Continuing, we're going to get into the situation.
Day 16 of the bombardment of Gaza.
It's upwards of 600 Palestinians dead, more than 40 Israelis dead.
And it goes on to report that Lufthansa, Delta, U.S.
Airways extend flight bans to Israel.
Jihadi cleric calls for Muslim fighters to join fight in Gaza.
No, don't expect that.
They're being funded by the globalists to attack other areas like Iraq, not Israel.
IDF troops told to prepare for next stage of op.
So, that's some of the news that's coming up on that front.
Up on DrudgeReport.com, there's the headline magazine.
Putin is Russia's bare-chested Reagan.
Meanwhile, Michael Moore says on CNN, you're racist if you own a gun.
You're a racist white person who doesn't like black people.
That's his talking point.
He owns nine homes.
One of them worth more than $15 million, has six bodyguards full-time, I've seen them armed, they've been arrested armed in illegal areas, and he himself owns arsenals of weapons and owns defense contractor stocks.
And again, nothing wrong with owning nine homes, except you say it's wrong for anybody else to.
The truth is, again, there are more billionaire liberals than there are billionaire conservatives.
But most of them got their money off government contracts and insider deals.
They want to pull the ladder up, like they've got in the hot air balloon.
They've got the wealth, they want to pull the ladder up so nobody else can scurry up it.
That's why they work overtime to destroy the middle class, because any economist will tell you, you get rid of the middle class, you have a permanent giant underclass, a tiny elite, and then the people never recover.
Never recover.
I'll say that again.
Never recover, except at the end of the Dark Ages, the plague knocked out about 40% of the population, including the elite, so we did see a renaissance out of that.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security, alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Analysis, InfoWars, building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive, discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually it's begun and you can feel it.
This is Alex Jones for InfoWarsLife.com.
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I think so.
We're good
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That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hey, you White House!
It is the 23rd day of July.
Already seven plus months into 2014.
Hard to believe.
And we're live on this Wednesday edition.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
We're going to have open phones throughout the broadcast.
We have the head of global research joining us for 30 minutes, Professor Michael Chossudovsky, to break down the geopolitical ramifications of what's happening in Ukraine, but also Gaza.
We're going to be again taking calls in the first hour, in the first part of the second hour and the third hour today on the entire waterfront.
Gun buyers scooping up AK-47 rifles after new sanctions ban their importation.
ISIS tells shopkeepers mannequins must wear veils.
Chinese city sealed off after bubonic plague death.
We've got a whole bunch of bubonic plague cases in the United States and it barely even makes the news.
Because that's politically incorrect to talk about what's coming over the border.
Gotta love how the White House has a big giant fence up around it.
Gotta love how, uh...
Gotta show your ID to buy a six-pack of beer, but not to vote in this country.
Gotta love how the TSA wants to grope your wife's breasts and genitals and grab your rear end and inspect your baby's diaper.
But the border is wide open.
Big scandal up on the Washington-Canada border yesterday.
When a border agent of some type, the news reported, put a gun to some Boy Scouts heads for taking photos.
But the Border Patrol runs under orders when they're shot at by Mexican military and others.
So we have a government that goes around picking on the little guys and people that they know aren't criminals because it's not scary to pull over a housewife and write her a half a dozen tickets.
Or an asset forfeiture seizure, some insurance agent's car, because they had $3,000 in their purse, and while you took the money and had it tested and found drugs on one of the bills, knowing full well that out of 10 or 15 bills, most of them will have drugs on them.
This is the supposed land of the free, home of the brave.
Meanwhile, we do have the former head of the Border Patrol Union, the deputy current head of the Border Patrol Union, the former deputy head of the Border Patrol itself, and countless other senior agents who follow a constitutional duty.
In the last six, seven years, they've been directed to run checkpoints deep inside the United States that are unconstitutional.
I've gotten a lot of heat for it, including from this talk show host.
But they are under attack being ordered to stand down the last four months on record to permanently break the border and the national sovereignty of this country.
And over 100 million green cards are in the new Senate bill that their bipartisan system is trying to pass that would bring in the populations of three major Latin American countries.
Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
This is an epic level globalist plan to crush the United States.
How could the United States fall?
Bring in a hundred million, not thirty million, but a hundred million in the next four or five years.
Thirty million a year, ladies and gentlemen.
Or more.
Twenty-five to forty million, depending on how you look at the numbers.
Pouring in, fully collapsing everything, and the controlled media will say, no one knew how it happened.
Even if Obama gets in trouble.
He'll just give himself a pardon in two years.
And the Republican leadership is still playing dumb, other than Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Ron Paul, Louie Gohmert, Walter Jones, there's a few others.
Sarah Palander, a credit, says this is deliberate.
And none of these people are perfect, I'm not perfect, but this is make it,
Or break it time.
Gaza, Israel goes in there every two years.
It's a tragedy.
It's tribal warfare.
Take a side at your peril.
The Russia situation is a super aggressive Western move to destabilize the entire region.
And I would be for it if it was the Soviet Union we were fighting, bringing freedom to Ukraine and other areas.
Liberating Eastern Germany, liberating Poland, that is not what's happening.
George Soros admits he's behind it with the State Department.
Just type in George Soros says he's behind Ukraine.
He told the New York Times that.
He bragged last month.
And they're trying to bring Heather has two mommies, Daddy's boyfriend, turn in your guns, men are bad, socialism is good, forced inoculation is good,
Be looted by the IMF and World Bank and be debt slaves.
It's the globalists that are the big infection.
They are what is racing through the body politic.
And Ukraine is the big enchilada.
But the next shoe to drop is the Pacific pivot, the Asian pivot, with China saying they may invade and take islands not just of Japan that are disputed off the coast of Hong Kong and Taiwan, there's a whole bunch of them that they're disputing, but major islands that the Japanese took from them during World War II or in the lead up to World War II that are now part of the Philippines.
They've said a few months ago they will nuke anyone that gets in the way of when they decide to take those islands.
And folks, China has already been taking land from Vietnam and has already had military skirmishes with them.
So you need to understand, this is serious.
And our politicians are busy trying to militarize every law enforcement agency out there.
We're good to go.
And then they have a token go after the left, traditional leftist system is to go after GMO and things, which I actually agree with.
I don't agree with burning down their facilities, I agree with burning down their lives in the infowar and exposing that I'd be all for GMO if they knew what they were doing or if they weren't engaged in piggybacking or Trojan horsing traits into the food that reduce fertility and increase cancer on record.
By the way,
They still have mainstream news articles the last few weeks saying Alex Jones is nuts, tinfoil hat, he believes the NSA is spying on everything.
It's on record that everything is scooped up illegally and dumped into giant vats.
Major corporations get it and share it, the governments get it and share it, and it makes our country unsafe, not safe, and gives strategic elites access
To the data that everyone else doesn't get.
So it allows them to corner markets, consolidate markets, knock out their competition, destroying diversity of the marketplace.
Stagnating society.
Do I need to go on here?
About what we're dealing with?
Do I?
So we'll open the phones up for this question.
What do you think the most important issue is?
The monetary crisis that has been designed to implode world currencies and bring in world government?
Is the collapse itself the big story or how they engineered it?
Or do those just go together?
Is it the build-up by western governments for nuclear war and preparations for it and news articles saying nuclear war is survivable and selling it like it might be the new fun adventure park to visit?
Is it nuclear war?
Is it the Crimea?
Is it Israel?
Is it ISIS being turned loose, and IS as they call themselves, from Africa to Central Asia to destabilize the world?
Is it the wide open border and the collapse of the United States?
Currently, in our face, the shoe that's dropped, the balloon that's gone up, the train that left the station,
I would say is the open border, because this has now been triggered.
It's not hundreds of thousands a month, folks.
It's 300-400,000 a month is my estimates and my Border Patrol estimates and my ICE estimates.
It's around 100,000 kids a month.
We're talking another 100-200,000 adults.
At one Border Patrol station, four months ago before they were ordered to stand down in Texas, they were grabbing upwards of 50,000 a month.
That was in the news.
300-something thousand in the year before.
You understand that?
You understand that?
And there's at least 100,000 illegal immigrant gang members now in the state of Texas alone, according to the DPS intelligence.
Which I concur with those numbers.
So, listen, all I know is, some cop pulls me over, runs my license and wants to search my vehicle.
I'm going to get him a dressing down.
I'm going to say, listen, I know you've been told to do this, but you need to be out there worried about our collapsing border.
You know I don't have any record, and do I look like I'm on drugs?
Leave me alone and stop trying to violate my Fourth Amendment.
What's your problem, buddy?
My problem is our country's burning down and the TSA is checking people's diapers!
I don't care if it's an 80-year-old man with a colostomy bag who's having colon surgery.
I don't care if it's a one-year-old baby.
I'm fed up and I'm done.
This is the end of the country.
That brought it into perspective.
I was thinking, what is the big crisis?
It's the border.
It's the front and center border.
It's the front and center issue.
We're gonna open the phones up to see what you think coming up.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
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Oh, the humiliation!
Secretary of State, John Kerry, had to go through a metal detector screening before meeting with Egyptian President.
They didn't trust him.
Well, I know why the Egyptian President didn't trust him, who's backed by the military junta.
It's because Kerry double-crossed them four years ago and basically had the 31-year U.S.
ally and stabilizer in the region, Hosni Mubarak, overthrown.
They put the Muslim Brotherhood in, who then brought al-Qaeda in, and they began blowing up military bases and shooting down helicopters and crucifying Christians at the presidential mansion.
This was on the foreign news.
Christians upside-down burning.
100 plus churches blown up in one day until 20 million Christians and Muslims hit the streets, many times bigger than the Muslim Brotherhood had done a year before, and they overthrew the Islamic State government and put the military in.
And so now, they won't be in a room with Kerry, and I understand why.
Just like they overthrew Libya and put Al-Qaeda in.
Just like they're trying to overthrow Syria to put Al-Qaeda in.
Just like they tried to overthrow Iraq to put Al-Qaeda in.
And they've now basically done it within the new Islamic State area that we predicted would be part of Syria, part of Iraq.
That was always the plan to break the country up.
And again, I bring that up because
Our government won't bomb ISIS when they're on big convoys that can be taken out.
Of course they would never bomb them.
And said, well, it's Maliki's fault as Prime Minister.
He hasn't been nice enough to the jihadis.
And then some of the neocons go, well, we're just having all the Arabs kill each other.
Like that's some type of moral policy.
Yeah, even if you wanted the Arabs to all kill themselves,
Neocons and Neolibs, we know what it's really about.
It's about creating a new super-Islamic threat that can menace the West to keep the defense contractors in high cotton while we go bankrupt, but more importantly, menace the United States.
So that we can have our liberties taken in the name of being safe.
We're being held hostage.
The globalists are holding the gun, and the gun is ISIS, IS, Al-Qaeda, Wahhabi, and Saudi Arabian scum.
I'm not saying Saudi Arabians are scum.
I'm saying ISIS, Al-Qaeda are scum.
And you've seen their activities, you've seen their behavior.
If that's not scum, I don't know what is.
Remember how Secretary of Defense Panetta and others, even in briefings with officers, make them remove their sidearms and have security thrown out of the room?
And won't give speeches to even uncommissioned officers in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Because they're scared of them, because they know that the military by and large knows who the enemy is.
And I think it's actually legitimate
That the political elite will not get around our soldier's arm now.
You know, Saddam Hussein would walk around with 10,000 troops around him and the general public with AK-47s in the air.
Not saying he's a good guy, just pointing out that Iraqis had more of a Second Amendment than we do under Saddam Hussein.
An older CIA asset, who was then flushed down the toilet after being set up.
Just so everybody knows.
We then...
See the new system coming into view where the only people that are allowed to be armed is Al-Qaeda with heat-seeking missiles and artillery which they now got from US military bases and weapons caches that were just left there and that they were allowed to capture.
ISIS was allowed to overrun Iraqi military bases built and maintained by the US and contractors.
They were ordered to stand down and give them the weapons and the story is up on Infowars.com.
I want to go to break and come back in the next segment and get your take on all this.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
And you hear how good the callers are when I say first-time caller.
We're doing first-time callers in this hour, free-for-all in the next hour.
To quote Ted Nugent, it's a free-for-all!
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Thumbing our nose, right there.
Letting them know we're aware of their scam, calling the fraud, blowing the whole fake paradigm to hell.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And when you hear somebody hang up, that's your chance to call in.
Turkish Prime Minister says he and Obama no longer talk.
Prices of beef and bacon reach all-time high.
Former deputy head of the Border Patrol goes public.
It's on Infowars.com, DrudgeReport.com linked to it.
It's in the immigration section on his site.
It scrolled off last night.
I want it reposted to the front page.
He says government using immigrant children for asymmetrical warfare.
The truth.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, with Depeche Mode bringing us in.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to your phone calls here in just a few minutes after I play some of these clips, where Nancy Pelosi, if you know what you're listening to, promotes Ford Foundation liberation theology, calling the illegals pouring across little baby Jesus.
I thought she was Ricky Bobby for a minute from Talladega Nights.
And then continuing from a Don Salazar's article, former border agent government using immigrant children
First off, you've heard the rave reviews from listeners.
About the different products.
We've only got five of them out in the last year plus because we take our time rolling these out.
Two new products come out next week and the week after.
But Survival Shield X2 is a quantum leap from the quantum leap in iodine supplements that the first Survival Shield that's weaker and is seaweed based.
It's a quantum leap from that.
It's still excellent.
It's great for kids because it's not as strong, very palatable, in an organic palm oil base.
All the others.
And I mean, we've had major companies try to call up household names and try to buy us out of this.
Because the contracts we have.
It's happened three times now.
Because they've tested it, they've gotten it, they've seen it.
And we've got contracts, it's patented.
With the company we use, it's ours.
Look, I just dripped some on this video list page I've got here.
And it just turned electric purple.
We can document cam that for the TV viewers.
I was about to put some in water and drink it.
Electric purple.
All other iodine turns red or black.
And this is red color.
But look up pure iodine.
It's purple, folks.
This is the purest iodine there is.
99.999, ladies and gentlemen.
Survival Shield X2.
And again, I took the original nascent iodine.
It had a detoxing effect in a month.
So consult with your physician before you take any of this.
And I would start with the original survival shield that's been out about a year.
I would start with that first.
Seven to 12,000 feet, tens of millions of years old, totally pure.
I would personally start, check with your physician, with the regular survival shield first.
And every person's different, and then move on to the Survival Shield X2.
I already took some this morning.
I'm taking my second dose now.
See, it's red, turns yellow in the water, turns purple on paper.
Electric purple.
Take my Supermail Vitality, and then put in the secret sauce that isn't out yet.
Everybody's wondering about what it is.
It may be months until this is out.
Look at that right there.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see this.
Ah, no food coloring in that, ladies and gentlemen.
That is natural.
We'll tell you what that is coming up.
What the secret sauce is.
Can I have a napkin?
I'm spilling this all over me.
I can just put it in my hair.
Oh, that matters.
It's a new also hair care product.
The point is, is this is also funding our operation.
And you've heard the rave reviews out there from all of the listeners about what the super male, the super female vitality has been doing, what the lung cleanse has been doing, what the fluoride shield has been doing.
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So again, Infowarslife.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Now, in closing, we're going to end the special in about 6-7 days.
The July special where you get a month for $5.95.
And 11 people can use the same username and passcode?
Everyone will be able to continue to use the same username and passcode.
It's just that we're not going to offer the 5.3 months free when you sign up for a year.
You can sign up for a year and get over 5 months free off the regular price and see the nightly news, my films, and so much more.
I don't
And so much more.
And also in the month of July, all of the Made in America, Made in 1776, golf shirts that I'm wearing right now, and Molon Labe belt buckles, and all the rest of the great Made in America products, they are massively off.
As much as 40% off on some of the items.
The lowest discount is 25% off.
Right now, at MadeIn1776.com, where you can find it all.
The 1776 ball caps, the Come and Take It shirts, the Molon Labe, the Join or Die shirts.
I think that's the best looking shirt there, for t-shirts, is the Join or Die.
The most popular is what I designed, the Molon Labe.
It's all available right now at InfoWarsStore.com or MadeIn1776.com.
And again, it is your purchases that make this entire independent operation promoting the survival of this country possible.
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That is so incredibly essential to step up now.
In fact, people have been doing it.
That's why we're going from being weekend show to nighttime show to almost every station that carries us at all ends up carrying us primetime live.
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So I want to salute all of you out there.
Keep it up.
And tell people every day how they can tune in.
That is the most important thing you can do.
Word of mouth.
And word of mouth is not just spreading about this broadcast, but about the Border Patrol that's telling the truth.
And about all the good people inside the government that are blowing the whistle.
You know, when the former head of the Border Patrol blew the whistle and said they've ordered the borders totally open four months ago, no one covered it but DrudgeReport.com, Infowars.com, Breitbart.com, and WorldNetDaily.com.
And Drudge links to us and carries our stories.
Those other sites really don't.
But I don't care, because it isn't about InfoWars.com.
It's about surviving and hanging together, or hanging separately, as Benjamin Franklin said.
This is for real.
They are going to vote to take the guns.
They're training the paramilitary police for it.
They are changing the culture into tyranny.
The globalists are moving on every front.
So, we admit how much trouble we're in,
Or we lose everything.
I'm going to say that again.
We admit how much trouble we're in and forget our little differences and come together under basic sovereignty, basic private property, basic right to self-defense, basic state sovereignty, basic family sovereignty, basic church sovereignty.
It's illegal to have the feds paying money to clergy response teams and turning them into federal mouthpieces.
It's going on everywhere.
It's illegal to have the NSA spying on everybody without warrants.
But they're doing it.
This is the collapse of checks and balances.
So I want to play a couple clips here.
First is this amazing interview up on InfoWars.com.
Former border agent, government using immigrant children for asymmetrical warfare.
In other words, the government is assisting in the downfall of America.
Close quote.
By leaving strategic areas along the southwest U.S.
border unprotected, and by using children as a face of the illegal immigrant surge, so it's not just kids, to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as asymmetrical warfare against the American people.
Border Patrol agent is warning.
A former U.S.
Yeah, he's the former deputy head.
That's right, he's the current head of the former Border Patrol agent's union.
Zach Taylor.
And I want to get him on the show, by the way.
I want to get all those guys on.
So let's go ahead and go to this clip.
And folks, this isn't rhetoric, okay?
This is what's going on.
I've studied asymmetrical warfare.
I've studied propaganda.
Do you understand that?
And I use the truth because it's the ultimate weapon against it.
But the only thing I disagree with what Zach Taylor said is he's 95% there.
It isn't a federal government.
There have been cases, you can look them up.
Saw a documentary about it years ago, I think it was History Channel.
Everybody's heard about this, where in the old days, in the 70s, with all the hijackings that were real, the hijackers would get into the captain's uniform.
Because it was psychological, it projected authority.
And the Commander-in-Chief has the helicopters and the White House and all of it.
It's not the President, folks.
And the people in government doing this are usurpers.
Just like collaborating French that work with the Nazis.
It was French that ran the government, folks.
For the Nazis.
They weren't French anymore.
They were collaborators.
Those aren't words.
That's what it is.
That's not rhetoric.
So when he says the federal government's engaged in asymmetrical warfare, no, the criminal bureaucracy, the Ford Foundation, that openly promotes open borders globalism, all these generals promoting open borders, North American Union, they are the ones killing the country.
They are not congressmen and senators and the president.
If the president ordered
Us to stand down if the Russians launch nuclear weapons.
Would he be the president?
No, he'd be an enemy officer.
This isn't rhetoric, folks.
This is what we have.
And that's the last domino to fall with the military and the police who get it because they're inside and see it happening, is that it's not the federal government.
That's why last year I called for it, Drudge linked to it, a bunch of top law professors read it and agreed with me.
My new Declaration of Independence, which I'm going to rewrite soon and call the Declaration of Emergency Survival.
The Declaration of S.O.S.
I said we don't?
The Declaration of Independence says that it's our right and our duty to reform or abolish a government that's destructive of our basic liberty and freedom.
Go read the Declaration of Independence.
I'm paraphrasing it.
So I said, listen, let's admit it's an occupied government, have the states pull out of it declaring it illegitimate, those that sign basically loyalty oaths, follow the Bill of Rights Constitution, and make immediate changes to secure the borders, to secure the debt, to secure the sovereignty, to stabilize the nation instead of cruising it towards destruction, Cloward and Piven, have emergency elections,
Have the legislatures again reappoint, vote themselves for U.S.
Senators so there's balance between the states and the feds, and reconstitute the republic.
And libertarians and people and anarchic capitalists go, let's just get rid of it all.
I guarantee you they're set up for that.
The globals plan to collapse the country later and bring in a North American Union and do what I just said but with their people.
And totally take over.
We need to bring the Republic back, because I'm telling you, the collapse is going to be used to bring in the New World Order.
I've studied what they do in other countries.
So I'm trying to restore the Republic, save America.
I'm a restorationist, folks, not a revolutionary.
I'm a revolutionary in media, a revolutionary in fighting tyrants that seize the government, but if you technically get down to it,
And what did the Weathermen call conservatives and libertarians?
It's come out in federal court.
They call us counter-revolutionaries.
It's come out that the Justice Department, in their little commie meetings where they endorse Mao and stuff, call us the counter-revolution.
You know why?
Because we are, folks.
We're the Americans in a desperate bid to save the country.
That's why we're listed as public enemy number one by these criminals.
And the public is so dumbed down, if they buy it, we lose everything.
You're living in the beginning of a Red Dawn scenario.
What happens in Red Dawn?
They collapse Latin America into the United States.
They get blamed on Reagan.
What's in Rex 84?
That was just brought up by the Pentagon when Reagan was in there.
This isn't a game, people.
This is it.
This is the beginning of it.
Let's go to the clip with the head of the Border Patrol Retirees Union, the former deputy head of the Border Patrol itself.
Here it is.
The whole idea of asymmetrical warfare is to defeat your enemy from within.
It is not to attack him from without.
Of course, the threat comes from without, but they have to be inside of the United States to affect a successful warfare strategy.
If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America's defenses against invasion.
Because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure.
Our hospitals, our schools, our electric grid, our power supplies, our water supply.
Basically what we call infrastructure.
All of those things create our infrastructure.
But they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.
The markers that we're seeing that indicate this is asymmetrical warfare is because the reaction that the United States is taking
Is there taking the opportunity of inviting these illegal aliens to come here, they're concentrating them in one place in the United States, the Rio Grande Valley, and they're drawing the resources that are protecting the rest of the United States border
To care for the illegal alien children, to help with the overflow of the minors, to transport, to take care of the needs of these people while they're in Homeland Security custody.
All this takes the resources that are protecting America at the border off the border.
So now the borders are wide open.
This gives the people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States,
Without being noticed.
Because this part of the border is open.
It is not being patrolled.
It is a perfect military strategy.
It doesn't raise any eyebrows because we're focused on the children.
But we need to focus on our children.
Because this is asymmetrical warfare.
Everything says it is.
And the way the United States government is responding to it
Is concealing that fact from the American people.
That's right.
In other words, they're assisting in the downfall of America.
And you need to understand that.
I think I'm going to play that each hour today.
I think everybody should call their friends and family and tune in to hear this.
And I want him on.
You understand?
I've studied warfare, folks.
This is asymmetrical warfare directed by the District of Columbia.
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Congressman Gutierrez told La Raza to get amnesty to push Americans against illegal immigration and punish those.
I'm going to play that clip coming up that don't vote for it by voting them out.
Get the illegals to vote.
Again, that's asymmetrical political warfare by Washington, seized by globalists, who has outside groups to come in and use the political free society to overthrow it.
It's a very simple, asymmetrical warfare equation.
Turn the guns in for the children.
Have war with Russia for the children.
Put Al-Qaeda in charge for the children.
Doesn't matter how crazy it is, it's for the children.
We're going to go to your phone calls now, right through into the next hour.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Fred, David, Tom, David, Michael, and others, we're going right to you.
But first I wanted to play this clip.
Nancy Pelosi yesterday said border children should be treated like refugee baby Jesus.
Here's the difference.
Herod was ordering all the firstborn to be killed.
A repeat of what had been done.
I guess nowadays they just tell the mothers it's cool they go out and kill their kids.
Their firstborn with abortion.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
And so Christ had run back to their homeland.
And then run, I guess, out of there.
I mean, constantly people were running.
You can go back to the time of Moses.
He was first born, was ordered killed.
But see, this is liberation theology taught by the Ford Foundation, where they teach that white people are the devil, and that everyone else is Christ-like, and that Jesus was a communist, and that that's why we should have open borders, and all be homeless, because Christ was homeless.
And stuff like that.
It's socialist communist religion.
Let's go to that clip.
I always reference the National Catholic Conference of Bishops statement in which they said maybe Jesus was a refugee from violence.
Let us not turn away from these children and send them back into a burning building.
That's the bishops.
So we have to do this in a way that honors our values but also protects our border and does so in a way that the American people
I understand more clearly.
So I guess that's the story.
I'm going from memory.
The point is, is that this is liberation theology to say that these little children are little baby Jesus, 15-year-old gangbangers, and the rest of it.
Can I send refugees to Guatemala?
No, they'd throw them in the street.
The point is, they use our openness as a joke.
Let's get to one call this hour and then everybody else in the next.
Fred in Nevada, what do you think the most important big story is right now?
I think the entire story is important in that the narrative to explain why they want to destabilize and collapse our country, the globalists, in the way that you've explained it.
But if there was a way to make it understandable to everyone in a short narrative, because when I try to explain it,
The logical, you know, most people they can't understand.
Well, why would they do this?
What would be their reason behind it?
They don't understand it.
Even the gun argument.
Well, the simplest argument is the strictest gun laws are in Mexico.
But in Mexico, God forbid you have a spent bullet shell, you're never seen again.
You go to jail forever.
So obviously the gun laws don't seem to work too well in Mexico.
But people need to understand
What their intent is and what they're trying to do.
Because it's so compartmentalized it sounds crazy when you say, when you bring up one little area and another, they can't comprehend it anymore.
But again, the globalists are in central control, so they're able to destabilize things and get more power out of the collapse.
It's actually simple, though, but I understand what you're saying.
We'll be right back with more calls.
Stay with us.
Michael, David, Tom, David, and others.
Your calls coming up back in 70 seconds.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're taking your phone calls, toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
What do you think the biggest crisis is right now?
Every major crisis out there, the Russian situation, the ISIS situation, the border situation, is being orchestrated by the globalists that control every western government.
David in Indiana, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, I think that the greatest problem we're facing right now, and I'm sure others would have varying opinions on this, but it's obviously the complete implosion of our border.
It has to be.
This is the most dangerous event in my lifetime, and I'm sure possibly in yours, because of the 30 million or so that are already here, that were here before this crisis ever got started.
And now, with the influx that's at the border currently, and I actually called my senator the other day, and whatever good that would do, to tell him about this and to discuss this with him.
Obviously, I got a computer-generated letter about it, but I really don't think that even the leaders that think they're doing good in some cases,
With the exception of Rand Paul and others.
I really don't think they understand the gravity of what we're dealing with here.
This is a complete invasion of our society.
And we love everybody.
We're open to people.
But the problem is, they don't want to come to our nation through the legal processes.
And unfortunately, the Democratic Party
And I understand there's demons on both sides of this issue, but they are protecting these new voters.
They are in support of killing our children in abortion in their death cult.
I was about to say, they want to kill all the babies in abortion, and they want to dumb them down once they get them in school, but oh my goodness, they use our Christian values, oh, let unlimited groups in, and say it's about a political takeover, and admit they're coming for our guns.
Well, I kind of see everything as
The crisis itself, like, uh, it's like all the little foxes, they've sent out all the little foxes to destroy the whole vine instead of like, uh, waiting for the one big event.
Aesop's fables and little foxes spoil the grapes.
That's right.
So, um, but you know, I was going to add an interesting take.
I'm a mailman and, uh, I got nine kids.
Um, I don't have car payments, but you know, when I look at people, their main concern is,
Food prices, energy prices, and they don't have a job.
My son, fully capable of working.
A good kid.
Everybody loves him.
He's an older person.
He does yard work.
He cannot find a fast food job.
It's weird.
And he's been putting in applications all the time.
This is like, I mean, you gotta have like a two-year college degree from last chance college over here, where we live, in order to even get into the door thing.
Well, the answer for your son is just to go the entrepreneurial route, knock on doors, mow yards until he gets money to get a truck and a trailer, and then hire people under him.
It's the only entrepreneurial system.
The big corporations and the service market is meant to shut down.
It's designed to make sure you don't get a job.
That's the way it seems.
And lastly, I did have some hope.
Not everybody can do what I've tried to train myself to do for the last five years.
Everybody has to do what they can do to stop, whether it's not shop at the big box stores.
Stay there, I'm going to come back, David, to your solutions.
Then Tom, then Alan, Chase, Chris.
Your calls are all coming up.
I'm Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Waging war on corruption.
I am your host Alex Jones.
I believe in the American dream.
I believe in freedom.
I believe in the free market, but not if it's a game free market run by globalists that use socialism to buy us off and make us kept slaves.
I do not like the current system and I've studied it.
I know that it's a fraud.
We heard excerpts of an interview that we've had posted at the top of Infowars.com with a story that's particularly powerful and needs to go viral.
And that's with the former deputy head of the Border Patrol.
He's now the head of the Retired Border Patrol Association and Union.
Former border agent.
Government using immigrant children for asymmetrical warfare.
In other words, the government is assisting in the downfall of America.
Close quote.
That's the top story on InfoWars.com.
I want it red-linked.
It went out last night.
Drudge linked to it.
That's great, but it needs to get more attention.
I'm going to have it retweeted.
Feds move to collapse America.
Feds behind attack on America.
I want to tweet it out with that message right now.
I want to warn the people.
Because that's what this is.
When Rick Perry says Obama's screwing up on the border, or doesn't know what he's doing, that's bull!
The current head of the Border Patrol, the deputy head, the former head, the former deputy head, the head of the current union, the deputy head of the current union, the retiring union head,
All of them are telling you there's been a four month ordered stand down and they've been in Guatemala telling people to come across.
Now I opened the phones up earlier and I asked the question.
What is the big story?
What is the big issue?
Is it the West trying to overthrow Russia?
Is it the West putting Al Qaeda all over the Middle East and Africa?
And murdering Christians everywhere?
Blowing up more churches a day?
raping, murdering, just unbelievable.
Is it the border collapse?
Is it the dollar starting to go under?
Is it the food prices exploding?
Folks, the big story is it's all being orchestrated.
In every case George Soros brags his open border society is behind this with Obama.
In every case he bags he's behind the Ukraine situation.
He's behind the move to use executive orders to ban the guns.
He's involved in Obamacare.
And I'm not just demonizing
Soros is saying he runs it all, he's willing to brag, and he's one of the head honchos.
He's one of the grand poobahs or quarterbacks that is in there and admitting as a mafiadon of this globalist New World Order, that's what they are, it's organized crime, that they're doing it.
One of their senior captains
in naval parlance, top generals or field marshals in ground war nomenclature, is openly bragging and they're snickering and he says it in Spanish.
The clip's up on Infowars.com.
Congressman Gutierrez to La Raza, get amnesty to punish Americans against illegal immigration.
This is dictatorship, because if you can use democracy to bring in unlimited groups that are clients, that will vote however you want, and you can ignore laws so they can do that, that is asymmetrical warfare.
And then they go, come on, don't be racist, be for the children.
And the children are just pawns in the game.
And I feel for them.
But it's a plan.
I want to go to your calls.
Tom, Alan, Chase, David, Chris, we're going to go to all of you right now.
Let's go back to David.
David called him and got caught off by the break.
He said he's found a solution and he wants to comment on the overall system.
Go ahead.
Yeah, my solution just deals with my skill level and everybody needs to deal with the solution, have a solution with their own skill set.
I deal in litigating, and I learned, I'm not a lawyer, but I did train legally on my own, my own homeschooling as a man, and you know, I'm not selling anything, but I learned a lot from Richard Kornforth and several others, Jurisdictionary, some people might be familiar with that.
Oh yeah, Jurisdictionary, I want to get the guy that heads Jurisdictionary on.
I've asked him over the years, he's fallen through the cracks, he's on a great radio show he does once a week.
Yeah, well I, just briefly,
Since I deliver out of a truck and I don't have to do a lot of mental work for my job.
I just downloaded on my iPod shows like yours, webinars from Frederick Graves, Cornforth, other people.
I download 8-10 hours a day for several years and then I did hands-on work and I've litigated against many a debt collector and I got my bank over a barrel.
They can't move, they're stuck.
And I'm calling on all people who are real pro se litigants, not those that think they can go in there and they just get their stuff dismissed and they're a joke, but people that really know how to work the system.
And they need to take what they've learned and their skill set and, you know, still go after your debt collectors because they're scumbags, but we need to go after government workers who go outside the jurisdiction of their government duty.
Because I've found that you might have local police forces getting out of control, but you need to go after the Keyless Heal, and that is their god, which is their wallet.
So I don't care what the police chief says, you go after that police agent who knocked your wife down and slapped her around?
Well, you just need to learn how to connect the dots.
Because they don't have immunity when they're outside of their office.
And when they're violating the code of their office and violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And it needs to be done not just on the police, they're usually the main target because they're the face of all this, good and bad.
The bureaucrats, the code enforcers, the city council people.
I mean, the mayor of Austin needs to be hit with 50 lawsuits and a class action suit over the fluoride in the water because it's not just fluoride that they've got a mandate for.
Where they buy it from has hundreds of chemicals and other things in it.
You demand a test, you get that test, now you have them with all the other toxic wastes that they make us pay to put in our water that would have to be paid to be stored
And we have them.
I mean, there's so many fronts.
People say, well, Alex, you need to sue them.
Or people say, why are you being so mean?
I'm not being mean.
That guy flips off medical doctors that come in there to speak about Harvard studies on brain damage.
And Laughing Well starts laughing and literally flips people off on the news.
Because they know if their fluoride falls, it all falls.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Minnesota.
Tom, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I think the biggest problem is that the NSA holds blackmail power over the Supreme Court.
They've been spying on the Supreme Court, and Bill Binney said it.
Ed Snowden said it as well.
No, that's right.
We have William Binney, number four at the NSA, who quit ten years ago over it all, saying, look, when he was there, there was blackmail going on, and it's about total control and totalitarianism.
Those are quotes.
And that the spying is total.
Total, total, total.
Correct, and you mentioned parallel construction in your interview yesterday.
If you don't know, if some of our listeners don't know what that is, look up Bill Still Interviews Bill Binney on YouTube.
And he'll explain what parallel construction is and how NSA has been using parallel construction for the past 15 years.
Go ahead, caller.
If you look up, if you don't know what parallel construction is, if you heard that term yesterday and you're not familiar, look it up on YouTube and Bill Binney will explain it.
Uh, he'll explain.
Look up Bill Still Interviews Bill Binney.
Well, what they started doing when I first talked to whistleblowers back in 96 is, the NSA builds a whole separate internet and hubs hooked into everything so that they are the internet.
And that's basically what they're doing.
And that's the type of unconstitutional NSA searches that deny due process.
It's a technique used by law enforcement to hide the fact that evidence in a criminal case originated with the NSA.
That's what came out in Reuters last year, that we've been telling people about for years, is where it's all being listened to, they just lie about it because it's illegal.
Again, it's a giant criminal, racketeering, organized crime, kingpin operation of government in a concerted effort to engage in a mass fraud, violating our rights with illegal spying, but then also using the data
To then put innocent people in prison, frame people, set people up, corner the market, and then they lie in a mass conspiracy in court to abscond the truth and conceal that in a mass act of organized crime perjury.
In fact, let's put it back up on screen again.
I'm going to read the definition from the federal court of this parallel construction.
It's a technique used by law enforcement, you mean organized crime, to hide the fact that evidence in a criminal case originated with the NSA.
In its simplest form, the NSA collects information showing Mr. Anderson committed a crime.
This happens most commonly in drug cases.
The conclusive information is passed to the Drug Enforcement Agency, who then walks, works backwards with the conclusion to create an independent legal body of evidence to use against Mr. Anderson.
And that's a whitewash, folks.
They use confidential informants to lie and say it.
They frame people with it.
They only go after drug cases that aren't part of the inside organization.
And the average cop out there isn't involved in this.
This is done centralized by the Feds.
But now, through the Threat Fusion Centers, this parallel construction is now creeping into every form of life, you know, every form of daily life, and it's very dangerous.
Anything else?
God bless.
Thanks for taking the call, Alex.
Yeah, God bless you.
Absolutely, folks.
This is what they do.
And then they'll hear you, you know, talking about all the guns you've got, even if they're legal.
They don't want you to have those guns.
They will do a fake 911 call to your house that doesn't even ring, but that creates a record, and then they will SWAT team your house.
And again, it has nothing to do with security.
We're seeing that with the border right now.
It's a criminal takeover.
We'll be right back.
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If I sound hysterical sometimes, it's because I've been naive.
Things were worse than I thought.
Fundamentally, I thought that the Globalists were using sophisticated cultural manipulation on the Democrats predominantly, and that they weren't criminal in their middle and lower ranks.
But learning about Akron over the last six years and myself going out and dealing with grassroots Democrats, a lot of them actually know what's happening and get off on the power trip of being associated with a criminal takeover.
And they really want to lock up libertarians and conservatives.
They really want to make us their slaves.
And they know they're not liberals.
They know they're authoritarians.
Like a moth to flame, they're attracted to the altar of evil.
And they worship that twisted power.
And I think it's just basic nihilistic corruption.
Because other cultures have done this as well, but people think cheating and stealing and lying is cool.
And they're converting the government agencies to people like this, where, you know, it's come out in the news that the IRS has parties and celebrates up in Dallas at their IRS center in the news, that they're persecuting libertarians and conservatives and Christians, and have said they're going to intensify it.
And MSNBC goes, of course we're shutting down the Tea Party and arresting people with tax exemption.
We need to harass them more!
These people are dangerous.
I just believe in America more than this.
Because I know Republicans are bad in many respects, and blue bloods are, and there's some racists in the Republican Party.
But when you look at the Democrats, just the way they operate top down, they really are a criminal operation now.
Through and through.
Through and through.
Democrats that aren't are clearly criticizing Obama, saying they're not part of it, and have good voting records on guns, sovereignty, the family.
They're more like old-fashioned Democrats.
By old-fashioned, I mean like the 80s.
But the Democratic Party today is so radical that they'll do anything.
They might blow up New York City, like Obama says he's worried about, and make Obama a dictator.
They could do anything at this point.
I mean, they'd publicly arm Al Qaeda, publicly.
I mean, it's just, it's over the top.
Chris in Nevada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex, from FEMA Zone 9 in the Empire of Lies.
You bet, brother.
You're speaking about asymmetrical this morning, and I thought it's important to define the word.
The word means without symmetry, form, or order.
Ab-order chaos.
In fact, chaos is the assembly of worshippers of Osiris.
And when we hear crisis, it's the cry of ISIS.
In the global war.
This is the silent weapons, quiet wars form of war.
Which is a constant, full spectrum, global battlefield.
It's the soft type of war, or bully-frogs type, where everything is war in one form or another, so that the masses don't notice that war is being perpetrated against them.
The Grand Drago, George Soros, a.k.a.
Georgie Schwartz, is one of the key operators of the Council of Twelve of the Global Elite, who are behind this insidious global annihilation project.
But thanks to you, Alex, and the rest of the hosts of the GCN Network, we got the new world order on the way around.
Death to the new world order.
Wow, you really have got your act together, and I had seen what you just pointed out yourself.
People ask in James Bond movies, based on a lot of real things that happened, or similar things, at least the earlier Ian Fleming ones with Sean Connery, you know, why does Spectre
openly wear the Specter or Hydra ring on their finger because it's important to throw it in your face.
And how do they operate?
Creating chaos, order out of chaos.
What do they call the Al Qaeda forces?
And asymmetrical warfare.
We are seeing them hit us with asymmetrical warfare.
What's your background?
You sound like you know what you're talking about.
Well, I also am a meted, learned man of the law like your first caller that responded about Dr. Frederick Graves of the jurisdiction area.
He's one of the people I study with also.
So, are you a Mason?
No, never been affiliated with Masons.
My grandfather was 32nd degree, but that's the closest I ever got.
No, I know.
There's some good groups of Masons that are aware of all this, that are fighting it behind the scenes, and they use terms like what you just said, learned, you know, student of the law and things.
Very interesting.
Call back again.
We've got a special guest coming up, but what you just heard from that caller was pure Veritas.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, we're here, live.
11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're back weeknights, 7 o'clock Central, with Infowars Nightly News.
And we now conservatively reach 20 million people a week.
One way or another through our broadcast radio, TV, print media, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're only one independent group promoting true, libertarian, pro-Western ideas worldwide.
Unfortunately, the ideas of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment are not being promoted by the West, but a neo-colonialism
With an attempt to establish neo-feudalism, and that's in the Club of Rome's own words, is being established to bring in neo-feudalistic fascism in their own words.
And daily, I read globalresearch.org, they also carry some of our work from Paul Joseph Watson and others.
And the head of it is Michael Chossudovsky.
He's an award-winning author, professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, founder and director of the Center for Research on Globalization, Montreal, and editor of the Global Research CA website.
He's the author of Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, 2003, and America's War on Terrorism, 2005.
His most recent book is entitled Towards World War III Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War.
I want to talk about that with him.
That was from 2011, Predicting What We're Now Seeing.
He is the contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica.
His writings have been published in more than 20 languages, globalresearch.org.
So, Professor Chossudovsky, good to have you back on.
It's been a few years.
A lot is happening and I want to cover the waterfront and look at this MH17 as the Rosetta Stone to understand the policy of false flag or created crises.
That it's being used as war rhetoric to expand these proxy wars and to get your breakdown on where you believe it's going next.
Because reading your writings, out of everybody out there, you have predicted with a lot of precision what's been unfolding with the proxy armies of ISIS and Al Qaeda, what's been unfolding in the proxy wars headed up by Soros and others.
So, thank you for joining us.
Well, I'm delighted to be on the program, Alex, and thank you for the opportunity to discuss and debate these important issues.
What we have attempted to do is to address the facts of Malaysian Airlines' crash, and I think
In that regard, we share, in a sense, a counter consensus that the facts have been manipulated, that the mainstream media is giving us a version which just doesn't stand up, that the Obama administration is accusing Moscow without a shred of evidence, and now we have a lot more information
We have declarations from the Russian military.
We have also, we have talking points in the US intelligence.
We have satellite images and so on.
And I think we have to establish what the facts are.
And I'm going to go
To, in fact, declarations which were made by Malaysian Airlines.
I've been going back and forth to Malaysia for the last seven or eight years.
I know people, I know the Prime Minister and the former Prime Minister of the country, including the head of Malaysian Airlines.
But this is a statement that they made right at the outset
Uh, and they, uh, they did, first of all, they did, uh, confirm that MH17, when they entered, uh, Ukraine airspace, they were immediately instructed to fly at a lower altitude.
The normal cruising speed is 35,000 feet.
As we know, uh, the legal, let's say the legal, uh, the legal limit is 32.
They were pushed down to 33.
But then we also had information that this was provided by Russian sources, but there were also eyewitness reports to the fact that there were two, there was one Ukraine fighter plane which was spotted very close to the aircraft
In fact, within a five kilometer distance, and one would suspect that this aircraft was in a sense escorting MH17 in a commercial aircraft corridor.
I should mention, that's very important, is that the Ukraine fighter jet, Su-25 fighter,
Equipped with the R-60 missiles was detected within 5 to 10 kilometers of the Malaysian aircraft, according to Russian sources, in a corridor which is reserved for commercial aircraft.
So that, in effect, we've got a lot of information to the effect that the flight was actually
MH17, which normally cruises over the Sea of Azov, like many other flights, in a southerly direction, and all previous days, and that was revealed by other sources, in all previous days the flight path was over the Sea of Azov, very much removed from the war zone, and on that particular day, July 17th,
The flight path went directly over the war zone.
That is something which is fairly well established.
But we have other information regarding the deployment of anti-aircraft missiles, ground-air missiles, in Ukraine by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The other side of the story is that Russia is not behind it.
We cannot make any clear assessments without an investigation.
This was a criminal act.
So there has to be a criminal investigation.
Sure, sure.
And if folks just joined us, Professor Michelle Chossudovsky joins us, a geopolitical expert, especially on things happening in Europe and with Russia in the whole Caucasus Crimea area.
But expanding on this with you, I want to get your larger view.
on the geopolitical ramifications.
Clearly we saw Kerry last year say we have to strike Syria right now or they could nuke us in an hour just like Tony Blair saying 40 minutes we can be nuked by Saddam.
It's total proof they launched the chemical attack and then it came out even with the UN and MIT that it was the rebels and the Saudi Arabians and it was Infowars.com and GlobalResearch.ca that was leading the research on that.
So when you have parties
That have been caught doing this over and over again.
You have Russia not standing to gain by shooting down a country that they're on good relations with and do heavy trade.
And when you have the plane being diverted for whatever reason through an area that no other aircraft were in, where the Ukrainians have been bombing people, then you have them saying only the Russian rebels had these anti-aircraft missiles.
And there's AP photos and videos.
I don't know.
And now the Russians releasing the radar tracking of these other aircraft and NATO and the US won't release theirs and won't release the satellites and Ukraine's blocked the air traffic control tapes.
I mean, I mean, we've got to think they might have blown it up themselves on purpose.
I mean, they're that bad.
I was thinking maybe they diverted it into there, hoping it would get shot down.
And then it's a tragedy, but you gotta ask who sent it, Professor.
And again, I'm not trying to be a cheerleader for Russia, but I'm sorry.
The truth and the evidence points towards the State Department lying about this.
Well, I think your comments are right head on, because the comparison with Syria and the chemical weapons hoax is now proven to be correct.
Namely, it was the rebels that had the chemical weapons, and Bashar al-Assad was blamed for having the chemical weapons.
And that even led to a UN intervention, which then subsequently led to the dismantling of those chemical weapons.
Incidentally, the chemical weapons have been shipped to southern Italy, and they're in the hands of the Calabresa Mafia.
That's something people don't know, and they're going to be sold on the secondary market.
But to get back to the issue of blaming Russia,
It's not like simply blaming Mongolia or blaming Burkina Faso.
What they're doing is they're blaming a country which has vast military capabilities, nuclear weapons, a very sophisticated intelligence apparatus which sometimes people forget.
I don't, we're certainly not building an apology for the Russian Federation.
What we are, what our concern is to reveal the truth.
But I should mention that yesterday President Vladimir Putin
Made a statement.
It's a very balanced statement.
We're not building an apology for the Russian president, but what he said, he said, the West is building scenarios
Which could potentially, quote, destabilise the existing world order.
And he's concerned because those scenarios threatens Russia's sovereignty.
And he's also referring to NATO build-up on the border, the so-called missile defence shield, which he says correctly isn't a defensive deployment.
He's talking about the ABM system.
We are at an extremely dangerous crossroads in world history.
And we have to rein in the insanity, the sheer insanity of our politicians.
And not only United States, our Canadian Prime Minister is the same.
And that also applies, let's say, it also applies to what's going on in Israel, where people are being killed.
And it's not a question of saying who we are in favor or against.
It's acknowledging the truth.
600 people are killed in Gaza.
And now the Wall Street Journal says, well, it's all right to kill them because they slap humans and they control, you know, they control the
That's the Port Hamas, which is a terrorist organization.
But the problem is that the mainstream media at this stage has gone into overdrive.
It is no longer involved in so-called classical media lies.
It is involved in odious statements which justify the killing of civilians.
And that is true in Palestine, it's true in Syria, it's true in Ukraine.
I have been analyzing the nature of the conflict in the Donbass region, which hasn't been reported.
The Ukraine Ministry of Internal Affairs, Homeland Security so to speak, revealed data.
It was leaked.
That was about a week ago.
And they have acknowledged that there have been 1,600 soldiers, National Guard and armed forces, which have been killed in action.
I use their words, killed in action in the Donbass region.
Oh yeah, they bragged last week that they had killed in two days.
They claimed a thousand rebels with their fighter bombers in eastern Ukraine.
Then we saw the footage, it was just smoking neighborhoods.
So there just looks like they're just bombing neighborhoods.
Well, I think there are different sources of data coming from different entities of the Ukrainian state apparatus.
But what I was referring to... Was their soldiers.
And that's a lie.
It's their soldiers which have been decimated.
They've killed... They acknowledge the civilian deaths.
They've killed a lot of people.
More than five or six hundred according to their figures.
Yeah, they say six hundred.
The problem is that there we have a major war theater.
When 1,600 soldiers are killed, we're not talking about, you know, a small crisis.
We're talking about a big theater war.
And that's my next question to you.
That's my next question to you.
There's a delusional disconnect.
Even soldiers like Hitler and Napoleon made miscalculations and attacked Russia.
But I look at Obama.
I look at the guys even at the Rand Corporation.
I look at the West.
And they literally put out white papers how we can survive a nuclear war.
Brzezinski talks about how they're going to encircle and bring down Russia.
They've got color revolutions inside Russia trying to overthrow it.
I mean, let's just say Putin's a bad guy, which I'm not even saying.
But just for the argument, still, we're starting it, our leaders are starting it, and poking a bear with nuclear weapons.
And then Russia's not backing down, and I'm afraid our elites are so delusional with their red carpets and having sex with Hollywood stars that they're so decadent, Professor, that this is the kind of leadership you get that ends up causing a huge disaster.
Well, I think, Alex, that the issue is that these people ultimately believe their own propaganda.
And I've been analyzing the nuclear weapons doctrine for over 10 years, since they reclassified nuclear weapons as conventional, as, let's say, they said tactical nuclear weapons can be used in the conventional warfare theater because, quote, according to scientific opinion,
They are harmless to the surrounding civilian population.
And so that a three-star general in the U.S.
Central Command can place the order, let's use them, they're part of the military toolbox, and they're harmless to civilians, they constitute a humanitarian bomb.
Now, I can say,
Without any doubt, if there's nuclear confrontation, whether it is with Russia or with Iran, because Iran has been threatened off and on in the course of the last
Twelve years.
If there is the use of preemptive, of a preemptive Douglas strike, we are in a World War Three scenario.
And we have to, I think, the main culprit of this
Of course we can blame the Pentagon, we can blame the White House, but without the propaganda machine, without the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, and CNN, and the Council on Foreign Relations, they don't have a leg to stand on.
Well, I think they have no conscience.
Like Karl Rove said, we control reality.
We're history's actors now.
And I see statements like that out of the White House today.
I agree with you.
I think they're disconnected and have megalomania.
Well, a nuclear war is the last war that we'll have in our history.
It is a war which will destroy humanity.
I think that's fairly well understood.
It was predicted by Einstein many years back.
I want to talk about that with Professor Michelle Chossudovsky, an expert on nuclear proliferation and nuclear war.
We're going to talk about his book that predicted a lot of this.
And I'm telling you folks, I'm telling you, it's in the cards that if NATO starts hitting Russian forces, and then tacticals start getting used, it'll go worldwide instantly.
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Professor Michelle Chossudovsky is our guest, globalresearch.ca.
In closing, in the six minutes we've got here, sir.
Long term is where I'm really worried about this turning into a nuclear war, but we almost saw it back on 888 with the whole staged event in Georgia, which turned out to be a hoax.
Then I got up to CNN and said that Russia had invaded Georgia, but then they later admitted days later, well, actually, when the Georgian troops attacked the Russian-held Ossetia and other areas, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
And even I, that first day, was saying, how dare Russia attack because I couldn't believe CNN would just totally lie, the clown news network.
They have a poll out on CNN where 10% of Americans, it's actually 11%, want to have war with Russia.
Well, that means nuclear war.
And I just don't understand the total disconnect.
What are your biggest concerns concerning nuclear war?
And then in closing, what are ideas for detente and to try to reverse this?
Well, Alex, I think, first of all, this whole notion that we're in a new Cold War is a fallacy.
The Cold War had certain mechanisms of consultation and dialogue.
There was diplomacy.
There were safeguards.
Nuclear weapons was considered the weapon of last resort under the doctrine of mutually assured destruction.
But following the 2002 Senate decision, these nuclear weapons can be used in the conventional war theatre and they do not require the consent of the Commander-in-Chief, namely the President of the United States.
Now, we are in an extremely dangerous situation because the decision makers
Are not, as I said, decision-makers are also the victims of propaganda.
It's not by accident that in the United States there were these top-off terrorist warnings and exercises.
There's a procedure for top officials
But the top officials are being fed from within a whole series of lies and fabrications, not the ones that we read in the media.
And they are being nurtured into believing their own lies.
They're believing their own lies.
They call it echo chamber.
Well, for me, it's what I call the American Inquisition, okay?
It's a bit like the Spanish or French Inquisition with nuclear weapons.
But, I mean, everybody agrees with the Spanish Inquisition, even if the lies are there.
You say, okay, the lies, too bad for the lies in the New York Times and the State Department.
We still support the Spanish Inquisition.
In this case, it's the American Inquisition.
It's an inquisitorial doctrine
Whereby you don't necessarily need to hide your lies anymore, you just say, well, you better accept the lies because that's the truth.
And realities are turned upside down.
We could call it Orwellian, but it goes even beyond that.
And the problem is that any kind of scientific analysis will tell you that the use of nuclear weapons
On a so-called pre-emptive basis will lead to World War Three.
Yet our decision-makers don't seem to understand that.
But at the same time, the defense contractors are complicit.
Because I recall, and it's in my book, that it was on the 7th or 8th of, or the 6th of
of August 2003, the Pentagon together with the big defense contractors Lockheed Martin, et al, they met at strategic command headquarters in Nebraska and on the
The purpose of this meeting was the development of the nuclear weapons industry and essentially it was the... We're going to break for 60 seconds.
Do 5 more minutes with us and finish that.
5 more minutes, then your phone calls folks for the whole next hour.
3rd hour coming up.
Chase and Alan and Terry and Bill.
Michigan Patriot.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
We've got five more minutes with Professor Michelle Chossodosky, levelresearch.org.
And he was getting into meetings.
I remember when these meetings happened, they started coming out in the newspapers.
But you know, using nukes, tactical ones, on a routine basis.
Use them against Iran, use them in Iraq, use them in Afghanistan, it's no big deal.
Kind of like leaking reactors are now no big deal.
And it shows a real nihilistic disconnect, in my view.
So I was asking him about this real danger, and he said, yes, if you just joined us, this is worse than the Cold War, because the red telephones aren't being used, and now the West is promoting a survivable war with Russia.
And it's not good, because it's driving Russia and China together.
I really see the soft power of America being lost.
And I'm very sad for my country, because this is all being done in our name.
But as you said, NATO and Europe's going along with it.
Is this just a real sign of serious decadence?
Well, it's... I think it's the sign... Well, let me put it in broader terms.
Lying is a money-making proposition.
People who lie make money.
People who produce nuclear weapons make money.
It is a profit-driven military agenda which could lead to the destruction of humanity.
Without the incentive to make money out of this, the world would be much more sane because the scientists
We're hired by the Pentagon to say that nuclear weapons are harmless to the surrounding civilian population.
I have the documents on file.
The big defense contractors meet behind closed doors with the Pentagon at Strategic Command Headquarters in Nebraska in August 2010.
And three, to commemorate the Hiroshima bombing on the same day.
To commemorate, not to say we're sorry we did it, but to say we're going to commemorate that with a view to developing more nuclear weapons so that nuclear weapons are good for business.
You can look at the multi-billion contracts to build these nuclear weapons, not to mention the
The fighter jets that go with it, etc., etc., and which literally involve a very heavy cost to U.S.
taxpayers, because virtually everything else is wiped out.
I want to spend a minute and a half, sir, on solutions.
I mean, how are things going for the globalists, and what are some solutions?
Well, I mean, to discuss solutions at this stage is complex, but I think we have to target the mainstream media.
We have to dismantle the media propaganda which sustains this agenda.
Because that is their legitimacy.
If they don't have it, they can't lie on their own.
They need the New York Times.
They need the Wall Street Journal.
And that is why I think independent alternative media is so important.
It's the media battle which is ultimately crucial.
And I think that anti-war activists have to broaden their thrust.
They have to network across the land.
Throughout the United States, irrespective of political cleavages, join hands, examine the truth, examine the facts, and make up your own mind.
But essentially, we have to dismantle the mainstream media and its fabrications, as well as its
Oldest discourse, which we've heard in recent days, which says that in fact it doesn't really matter if we torture people or whether we kill them, those people are subhuman and they are terrorists.
And in fact, incidentally, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States
I saw that.
Professor, thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm gonna make it clear one more time and then go to your phone calls.
I love America.
I love our Republic.
I believe we're a special nation, sea to shining sea.
And the numbers are there to prove it, that this country has revolutionized the world and been a trailblazer.
But what happens when you're a great place?
The criminals, the control freaks come in and they take it over.
Here's a great analogy that I'm going to your phone calls.
When my mother grew up in Austin, Texas, back in the 50s and 60s, early 60s and went to college, there was about 40,000 people here.
And she lived down by UT in what you would call basically downtown.
The Capitol was the technical downtown.
When I moved here, when I was a junior in high school, there was about 350,000 people here.
And now, 20-something years later, I'm 40 years old, it's about 25 years later, 23 years later, there is a million three metro.
And it's estimated by 2025, Austin will have three million people here.
Maybe more.
And I've nothing against these people, but they're not what I'd call Texans.
The Californians, and I'm broad-brushing here, some of the folks from other socialist utopias, that they're fleeing the high taxes, the regulations, the bureaucracy.
They're fleeing here with lower taxes, less regulation, and turning it into a hell.
Where down the road I might have to leave.
A lot of Austinites I've known have left.
A lot of famous people have left.
A lot of cool people have left.
Because all the vampires of the nation, all the empty people that didn't think they would be somebody, they couldn't be a Hollywood star or a hip-hop star, have moved to LA, failed,
Because it's all a big fraud.
Hollywood's collapsing.
That's in the news today.
Worst summer on record.
Because we're in a depression.
That's the main reason.
And they're moving here like refugees.
In fact, they are refugees from trendiness.
And they're not changing the culture that destroyed them, they're doubling down.
That's the thing about a loser that's never won the lottery but keeps thinking they're going to get their bills paid off by winning a lottery that's one chance out of ten million or whatever it is.
And if you buy a lottery ticket to have fun, sometimes that's fine.
I'm not judging you.
But we know about degenerate gamblers and the people on welfare and the kids are starving at home and mama's there spending half her paycheck.
Do what you want.
On lottery tickets and when she doesn't get her money back, she goes back in and does it again.
We all know and it's that mentality that I see with people that I know that have actually gone crazy.
I want to make a whole film about this if I had the time and energy.
Where they believe they're going to be rock stars and when they're not, they go crazy and start announcing they are a rock star and walking around talking to themselves.
Or who get a Nigerian email.
And give $5,000 to it, and then go crazy believing that there really is a Prince Aboope that's going to give them a million dollars and their ship has come in.
Your ship has come in when you work hard, take action, have good ideas, and work with others to build a system.
Ships don't just come in magically overnight.
There's not enough slots to be a professional baseball player, basketball player, football player.
There's not enough slots
You don't have to be a dictator like Obama wants to be.
There's only slots in having a free, open, trailblazing society and being an honorable person and a good father, a good mother.
And building a better world.
And that's an inside job.
That takes being a moral person on your own.
You're not going to get it by going to a name-it-and-claim-it church that sits there and tells you, just believe in what we tell you and do whatever we say.
And don't get politically involved and the whole world's gonna fix itself.
That's like Oprah Winfrey's The Secret.
That she promotes.
You don't just imagine that a well's gonna appear in your backyard.
You have to imagine that there's water down there, know you're over an aquifer, and then hand-dig it down 200 feet, and then you got a well that'll serve 20 generations.
You don't just imagine a hole gets dug in the ground.
Trust in God, but tie up your camel.
I'm going to Chase, Allen, Terry, Bill, Michigan Patriot, and others in a moment when you hear somebody hang up, that's your chance to get involved on air.
But I love this country, but I'm criticizing the globalist, scallywag, carpet-bagging, and I don't mean that in a northerner sense,
There are smart people in California, smart people in New York, smart people in Michigan, smart people in Indiana, smart people in Florida.
I'm not saying Texans are the best of the best or anything.
I'm just saying, oh, I thought growing up everybody was like the old-fashioned Texans I knew.
Some of them were corrupt and would cheat you, but nobody hung out with them, and everybody wanted to be upright because you were upright, and then society opened up to you because society needs good people.
And that's what everybody's looking for, is honorable men to work with and honorable women.
But all these trendies think backstabbing, cheating, lying, betraying, making stuff up, being drama queens.
It's how you get ahead.
And that's not how you get ahead.
It's how you blackball yourself.
And America's being blackballed worldwide now for being known as people you could work with and people that would get the job done and people that were tough and smart and had the patents and had the trailblazing and had the bravado and the guts that it took.
As to now being known as, you don't want to work with Americans.
They won't get the job done.
They'll stab you in the back.
They want a free ride.
That's the stuff that third world countries are made of.
Class envy, socialism, class warfare, and everything else we see.
So when I hear these criticisms all over national news that, you know, Alex Jones loves pooty-poot and all the rest of it, and Alex Jones doesn't like America because he doesn't want to, you know, fund ISIS or whatever, I mean, give me a break.
It's not good for our country to be the bad guy bullying other nations, starting wars, overthrowing Ukraine.
That's what happened.
Does that mean the Russians are perfect or even good?
But they didn't start it.
And it's in their backyard, not ours.
And the same globalist trying to bring down Russia, trying to put a new government in to tell Russians not to have kids.
The Russians are down to 1.3 children per parent, per family.
There'll be no Russians soon if that continues.
I mean, it's simple things like that, ladies and gentlemen.
Our government wants us to abort all our children here, but can bring in totally unskilled bots that can be programmed by the state, their new family.
This is a sick takeover by un-American outsiders who are totally against our former system of government.
That isn't perfect, but let me tell you, is heaven and is utopia compared to what they're creating.
Everybody knows that if you feed and domesticate animals, they turn into lazy slobs.
Look at the fat monkeys of Japan.
Just type that in.
Obese monkeys, Japan.
And you'll see where the public feeds these monkeys at these watering holes that can hardly walk.
They look like the average American.
That's what we've become, and I'm going the other direction away from it.
Now there are the photos.
That top right-hand corner one is the poster child for our country.
That's us!
And you know what?
Let's admit what we've become.
I'm gonna go to break, come right back with Chase and everybody else that's been holding.
What do you think the biggest issue is right now?
Well, you can talk about the border collapsing and the Russia situation, the Al-Qaeda situation, the dollar being devalued, but who's behind it in every case?
Who sets the policy to do it and brags?
The Federal Reserve.
Who's that?
The big mega banks, most of them foreign.
Who funds the anti-gun control groups?
Who funds Mecha and La Raza?
Who funds the abortion?
Who funds Heather Has Two Mommies?
99% of the time, it's Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo.
It goes right down the line, folks.
George Soros.
These people are bad news.
Bad news.
And they have hatred for you and your family.
And it's time that we shop together, it's time that we promote each other, it's time that we promote our culture of liberty, it's time we tell people about others that are telling the truth, and it's time we shun and don't support the establishment.
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Your call's coming up.
Stay with us.
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Alright, let's go to your phone calls.
Chase, thanks for holding.
What do you think the number one crisis of this whole bucket of crises is right now?
Well, I just, I don't know, sir.
I mean, they're throwing it all at us, but I think just, you know, starting in our own backyard first, allowing the influx of the children, and as Christians, they use our kindness for weakness, and give them the germs and everything.
I personally think, you know, using the
The recipe of problem, reaction, solution, say maybe around October or so, or whenever, they can say, oh, well, they've gone through the proper steps, and now they've taken the computer chip.
I think that's how they're going to justify chipping the people and getting these phony baloney Christians, you know, the ones that step in like a bunch of grinning possums on TV, who, I guess, I can't remember what the
The scripture is, but it's like whitewashed sepulchers with dead men's bones inside.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not judging.
I'm just, I'm dirty rags, too.
But, um... No, but you can see the premeditated evil.
You know, they're telling us that they want to chip the troops.
They want to give them brain chips to make them behave.
And, you know, don't give them ideas.
I think if they said, we're putting chips in the kids for the children, the churches would probably hail Satan and do it, if they were told to by Obama.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic.
I was in a CVS store yesterday and saw all these anti-Obama cards in there.
So that shows how popular disliking Obama is.
And I know he's a puppet, but if people can say no to the puppet that was supposed to be our Lord and Savior, according to Time Magazine and Jamie Foxx, we can wake up to anything then.
Great points, Chase.
Let's go ahead and talk to Allen in Florida.
Oh, by the way, before we go to Allen, Pew Research report nearly 90% of illegal immigrant children are teenagers.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Go ahead, Alan.
I think the number one crisis we're facing right now is an implosion of the Federal Reserve and the central banking system in the nuclear age.
About a week ago, I was driving down I-95.
I saw signs for Jekyll Island.
I ended up spending the entire next day exploring the island.
And to walk around this very beautiful but very creepy place where literally AT&T wireless phones display the wrong time zone, and to know all this is going on in Ukraine and Russia, to know that we've got our bombers loaded, the Russian subs, the American subs are loaded, and to walk into the Jekyll Island Hunting Club Hotel and walk in the room where JPMorgan and the
Representative the Rothschild family and a U.S.
Senator and the U.S.
Treasurer met secretly in a meeting that began on 10-10-10.
It just makes it all so real, Alex.
You need to go there.
If you haven't, it's just overwhelming.
Well, you can rent rooms there where they have the secret meeting back in 1913 to set up the private Federal Reserve, the income tax, and to get U.S.
Senators to not be elected by the Legislature, but to be sent to be Federal Kings, Federal Legates.
I've been invited to speak there when Liberty Groups have met there repeatedly.
I'm just always tied down running operations here, but that is somewhere I would like to visit someday and broadcast from.
Hi Alex, I have
Two things that are really heavy on my heart right now.
One, of course, the border issue and this formation of the North American Union.
Another is, I have really had on my heart to issue a challenge to my fellow Liberty University graduates.
I am so frustrated with sitting in church, and I love my pastor and I love listening to the Word,
But all this stuff is going on in the world and it's totally being ignored, you know, within the church.
My pastor will mention things every now and then, which I give him some credit, because I think on the side he really is, you know, into some of this, but he's afraid to speak it out in the church because he might, you know, ruffle some feathers or whatever.
Oh, I know.
People think it's a smart move not to speak out.
That's why we're going to lose everything.
People have to speak out about it all and speak out together.
It's like I told my friend at Lotus Down in Portsmouth, she's, you know, we've been friends for 30 years, and I said, you know, I believe in the rapture and I believe all the scriptures are being fulfilled.
I said, but that doesn't mean that we won't be sitting in a FEMA camp when the Lord comes back.
So, we better speak up and stand up for what we think is right and stand up for our country.
Well, yeah, what about all the unborn kids?
I mean, let's say you're going to get teleported out of here next week.
What about all the kids getting butchered?
What about all the tyranny?
Look, it's state-run religion, is what it is.
I'm not saying you're preachers, state-run, but he regurgitates kind of what the popular thing is.
We'll be back with more calls.
Thank you so much, Kerry.
John, you're all up next.
Stay with us.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Shudder Jennings bringing us in.
He's got a new album coming out soon.
I want to get him on.
The Death Machine.
It's growing.
Let's turn up a minute or so of this and go back to your phone calls.
Gas mask!
A gas mask is the couture of the summer of rage.
They're building mass graves within the states.
You and I didn't vaccinate.
They're preparing us for an all-out police state.
We came out with this three years ago with Stephen King, of all people.
I've searched left and right, but I can't tell you where this goes.
Trust nothing but the love in your mama's eyes!
That whole album's good.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
This is Summer of Rage, Shooter Jennings.
Hank Williams Jr.
is a listener too.
And Hank Williams III.
I'm just proud of the fact how many great listeners we've got out there.
Hank Williams III is pretty wild though.
I think Hank Williams is pretty wild too and then Hank Williams Jr.
So is Hank Williams Jr.
was pretty wild.
III or whatever he is.
Alright folks, it is of course Wednesday the 23rd day of July 2014.
We're broadcasting worldwide.
Kit Daniels has been working on a story.
I have a source inside Homeland Security that told me this months ago.
And then it was in the news a few weeks ago that the United Nations is saying, call them refugees, and the United Nations is advising Homeland Security as if that's where Obama gets his authority to put our military under NATO.
It's from the UN.
Congress complains.
Obama says, fly a kite, jump in the lake, and something else, three times.
Congress says you're not supposed to violate Article 1 section out of the Constitution and become the head of the UN Security Council.
Nobody ever done that before, and Obama tells them jump in a lake.
Well, we have a Border Patrol source, and also another talk show host has another source with the UNHRC.
That the U.N.
is down there.
And I know they sent advisors down there, but the U.N.
is running the show.
And because politicians always, when they're doing some type of crime, want to have some other group certify that it's okay what they're doing.
And so you go to the U.N.
for that.
And so Kit's about to break an article in the next five minutes on InfoWars.com.
I just read over it, and I don't usually approve stuff, but he wanted me to go over it with him.
And so that's going up in a matter of minutes at InfoWars.com.
In fact, Kit, bring Kit back in here.
I wanna look at that headline before we go live with it.
Again, I'm having to multitask here, and then we're going to your phone calls.
Briefly, again, I didn't plug anything in the middle hour, so I'm plugging twice this hour.
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Huge discounts on all the Made in America apparel, the belt buckles, the Molon Labe shirts and belt buckles, all of it, at Madein1776.com or just go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Yeah, this is an excellent headline.
Border Patrol whistleblower, or Border Patrol agents, U.N.
taking control of America's southern border.
Now we've got reporters on the way down there right now.
We need to, we've got our source that I need to get you back in touch with just to get more.
We need to do blacked out interviews with these people because that has more credibility, it's more theatrical.
We've got to somehow let people, kind of like Border Patrol told us Kit, Kit's in here four months ago, that in order to stand down, we're busing them in.
But no one picked it up.
It didn't get the attention until we got the video.
So, I said a $5,000 bounty, I need to put this down on paper, for whoever gets the National Guard, grabbing the illegals and then delivering them to ICE, and then showing the chain as then the buses roll out a day later.
We need to show as people get, see, Rick Perry's putting Border Patrol down there to be red carpet butlers for the illegals.
So, you know, that came out back in October.
So it's more than four months.
Four months since they said it again.
So I guess, how long was October?
Nine months ago?
Ten months ago?
So, we know this to be true, but the $5,000 bounty goes, not just for whoever gets that footage, another $5,000 bounty.
We need an article about this maybe tomorrow.
Codifying it, and I'll, by sole discretion, I paid $100,000 prices, folks.
I pay every one of them.
It's real.
But the legalese, I'm the sole person.
I will choose if it's real, if it's legitimate, if it's certified footage showing the chain of custody.
$5,000, whoever shows that, $5,000, whoever gets video of the UN people and gets them to admit they're UN.
And that means after you're videotaping them, follow them into a bar at night with a recorder.
It means doing whatever you gotta do to save this country from the globalists, okay?
I mean, this is war, people.
This is a war.
Do everything that's legal and lawful.
But you're going to have to be the HUMET.
They have these images of James Bond that beats up 300 guys in a movie and is invincible.
That's not how it works, folks.
It's regular people getting the job done.
You're not going to get some little decoder ring from the CIA.
You're not going to meet with the FBI.
They don't want you to save the country.
Some of their own people might want you to.
You're going to have to go out and be a journalist.
You can do just as good as we're doing.
Who's the guys that got this interview with the Border Patrol head talking about how this is asymmetrical warfare?
What, Bonanza Media?
Little Bonanza did a first-rate job.
You're all media.
You're all journalists.
But operate one-half journalist, one-half counter-revolutionary spy.
And let me tell you, just know you're in the right, be in a good mood, get the job done.
I've snuck into you name it, folks.
Secret military operations.
Bohemian Grove.
Nobody ever got in and out.
They arrested scores of people.
I'm nothing special, but I knew the mission was important, so I had a lot of confidence to talk to the Secret Service and the rest of them.
And I got the job done.
And my reporters do that.
We're on a mission.
Like the Blues Brothers say, we're on a mission from God.
And I'm telling you, that's what you gotta do.
I want the UN on video.
And I want the whistleblowers.
I want it all.
$10,000 in prizes.
And I know you don't need the incentive.
But it just shows the value of celebrating independent media and the competitiveness of it.
I should have the InfoWars or Alex Jones Prize every year if we can raise the money, depending on the year, at least $25,000.
And have it be a year-long prize like the Pulitzer Prize.
Pulitzer was involved in yellow journalism with Hearst.
That's what's so funny.
It's like the Nobel is a joke.
Give it to Al Gore and every other criminal.
Yeah, these are the notes from what I said yesterday about it.
Anyways, Kit, great headline.
Is it going live yet?
Not yet.
Launch the story right now.
Great job.
And when you buy the books, the videos, the t-shirts, when you buy the Nation Iodine, when you buy the Super Mel Vitality, let me tell you something.
The Super Female Vitality with women?
Made Leigh-Anne sleepy at first for about a week.
And then, you know, she said it had a different effect.
She had to stop taking it.
The point is, I don't know one woman that has taken this who hadn't gotten more energy, more stamina.
And other things.
So I'm telling you, support the show and get a bottle of Super Female Vitality for your wife or girlfriend, and it will blow you away.
And I didn't get into this to sell aphrodisiacs.
It was advertised with the male vitality as stamina, lose weight, workout, feel great.
It isn't mimic testosterone, it gets your body to release it.
The female vitality, because it's cold-pressed organic, only has two other ingredients to the male.
And quite frankly, it works on men too.
In fact, the men are now disordering the female vitality.
Just whatever your flavor is, just try them both out.
I know you're supporting the Info War.
So I can have prizes, have reporters.
I just want to dominate the enemy.
I want to kick their butt.
And so tell five people a day about the show.
Email your friends and family.
Post our stories to Facebook, to Pinterest, to...
I always have that moment where I can't remember the name of it that everybody uses.
That's Instagram, YouTube, keep doing it!
And we'll destroy their false bots with HUMAT, human intelligence.
We will defeat the machines.
The war against the machines, by the way, is going on now with these computers and these systems.
And these megaphone systems and these fake bots in the Pentagon.
Now, the Pentagon humans are mad and don't like what's happening.
Almost all of them.
Over 85% on the streets and all the military I talk to, they're good people.
That's why they're so freaked out because they're seeing the human end where there's checks and balances and they're bringing in the total digital warmock computers that poses humans online.
That's in the news, declassified, leaked, you name it.
You, we, billions of humans can overwhelm and smash their system if you believe we can beat them, if you believe we have the power.
Congress, 7% approval rating.
Media, 9% approval rating.
Darth Vader is now polling higher than all potential 2016 presidential candidates.
That's why folks like Putin.
Because despite the fact he's obviously a thug and probably a killer and a whole nine yards, he has made Russia better overall and he runs around shooting guns with his shirt off and dating the most beautiful woman in Russia.
I mean, people are sick of Obama who's running around telling us to turn our guns in.
People want women that are women, men that are men.
If you're into something else, that's your issue, I don't hate you.
But we're sick of being domesticated.
We want John Wayne back.
Not that he was perfect.
But we want that.
We don't want this.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michigan Patriot.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, brother.
You had asked what the biggest crisis was and I'm telling you what my firm belief is and I have a comment and I'd like your take on it after I make that comment.
I think the biggest crisis we have right now is mainstream media and how they're suppressing
The truth and how they're manipulating the populace.
And what I mean by that is I was woken up by you, believe it or not, when you let the Kraken loose over at the Boston bombing incident.
And that's when I really started looking at independent media.
And that changed me dramatically because I started looking at different things.
I started realizing that there was more going on that I was being told.
And I guess what I mean by all this is
If Infowars did not exist, if Drudge Report did not exist, if these independent media operations did not exist, where would this world be?
Where would we be if there was Infowars back when the Tonkin Incident happened?
When the Kennedy assassination happened?
Where would we be?
Well, how different would the world have changed?
And I think it's extremely important that people really understand how important your show, Drugs Report, you know, Savage, I really think people really need to understand that, you know, they're getting fed stuff from talking points.
And more so now,
Even, uh, because Hillary said, you know, hey, you know, we're losing the info war.
They know it.
And, um, you know, I, I think that's the biggest crisis is with everything going on right now.
You know, we have so many
Uh, problems around the world with Israel right now, you know, with the border, with the economy, uh... And by the way, there are UN-connected groups that get Hamas to shoot those rockets off so that Israel responds politically.
And people say, well, which side are you on?
The whole thing's contrived by the puppet masters.
We need to start looking at the big picture, not at what we're being told to freak out about.
It's a real tragedy.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Imagine the world without the printing press, we'd still be in the dark ages.
And then imagine where we would be today without Infowars or Prison Planet or Drudge or without Ted Cruz or Rand Paul.
I mean, we barely beat the gun ban in the Senate and wouldn't have done it without alternative libertarian media and without those senators.
And that's what's scary.
We're barely beating them.
Over and over again, barely beating them.
So they just said, hey, we'll just open the borders completely, outside of law.
We'll just start arresting Tea Party people outside of law and admitted we're doing it to persecute them.
I mean, because the authoritarian left can't get what they want right now, they're just cheating openly, which is a big risk to them.
And again, I'm not romanticizing the Republican leadership either.
They're the same group.
But they're not in power right now.
The Democrats have the ball, and they're running it towards the end zone right now.
And we've got to get maximum effort out to keep stopping them.
And we've got to get the debate going about what's really going on at the border, that it's asymmetrical warfare on purpose, by design, to wreck the country.
And not about these poor teenagers coming up here who I don't blame wanting to be here.
It's about a North American Union and a deal with Mexico, the U.S., Canada, and Guatemala to open up the borders and bring in unlimited groups to socially vote to turn the country socialist.
Ford Foundation, on record.
Congressman Gutierrez, on record.
They're coming for us using the cannon fodder.
And it'd be like if I was conscripted in Vietnam.
I wouldn't be against the Viet Cong trying to kill me.
That's the other soldier across the line.
But you know what?
He's coming for me.
And it's militarily done.
Gutierrez and others say, our people must all be legalized, unlimited, or you're racist, and we're gonna get your guns.
It's like, no other country acts like this or behaves like this.
And again, the government's shutting the power plants off.
The government's putting regulations in to make all the factories move.
It's asymmetrical warfare.
Like I kept saying, Godzilla or Pacific Rim is a fantasy movie about Kaijus, you know, big monsters coming out and attacking power plants.
Well, why do they attack the power plants to shut off civilization?
Destroy their enemy.
When they shut your power plants off, folks, it's like being bombed by Godzilla.
I mean, do you understand that?
I mean, it's a military operation.
You can look at it.
We're being shut off.
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In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything
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I've been all over the Caribbean, and as the crime rate has exploded, most places that were nice 10 years ago, 20 years ago, are pretty hellish now.
But one place I've been to that continues to be nice is the beautiful island of Grand Cayman.
I haven't been to the other little islands, but I went there to check it out.
And of course it's a place where the elite park their money and a lot of other things, so they don't allow open borders.
If you don't have a skill, they don't let you in.
They allow some immigration, and they have one of the lowest crime rates in the Caribbean, and the place is clean and nice, and the people are happy, and the people that live there have jobs and are paid well.
And they've decided, like Switzerland, to have things be expensive so there's a high standard of living, and then the economy just adjusts to that.
The globalists are doing the opposite to us, and I should do a whole documentary piece showing the difference between one Caribbean island and another.
I would compare Grand Cayman to Haiti, that's nearby.
And what it's like, or it used to be Hispaniola, Haiti to the west, to the east, Dominican Republic.
Dominican Republic's nice compared to Haiti.
You look at satellite images, Haiti looks like it's been bombed, and the other side is nice.
It's all what form of government's in place.
And the globalists want a Chicago collapsed type.
Not just Chicago in general.
The collapsed, bad areas of Chicago is the dream model for America of the Democratic Party.
Bill in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
We'll go to Overdrive to take more calls.
Bill, go ahead.
Alex, first time caller.
Hey, you had a gentleman on from the American Border Patrol a few days ago and he talked of a system that could detect ultralights coming in over the border and people coming in over the border.
Yes, he's Glenn Spencer.
Our reporters are going there right now.
Yeah, I was wondering if that would detect a drone.
If it was flying low, it would, yes.
So you could have it for like home protection?
Yeah, I mean, I don't think drones have become this icon of surveillance.
They're really the icon of the rise of the machines and automation designing it to displace humans.
I'm all for machines if they empower and augment humans instead of suppressing us.
It's that the globalists are driving the architecture of the robot revolution.
Okay, I've got a couple questions I just want to go through.
The next is I've been sending you some news clips from an Orthodox monk that has been talking about the downing of the plane and he indicated that Putin's plane was in the area.
During that, um... Yeah, that was first on the Russian news, Interfax, and then RT, but then they came out a week later and said that Putin's plane had not flown that route in some time, about a year, but the rebels could have, or the official government could have done that.
But it's starting to become clear that I may have been wrong saying it was probably the Russians and it was by mistake.
It's starting to look like the rebels shot it down from the ground or from the air, so I'm starting to lean that direction.
I got one other question.
I'm really shifting gears here.
What part of the Constitution gives the guys like Harry Reid the ability to change the law in their favor and then accuse others of violating the law, but what part of the Constitution allows them to do that?
No part of it.
It's arbitrary dictatorship, and now a lot of members of Congress are taking my lead, I've said this, and calling him a would-be dictator.
Doesn't mean dictator for life, but he's operating as a dictator.
So it's very, very serious.
I appreciate your call.
I'm going to do overdrive for only five minutes.
Some stations carry it, most don't.
But I will go to John, and I will go to Brent.
And I will go to Bruce.
I don't know about Alex, because I don't know if we can get four calls in, but I'll try.
Each caller will get about a minute or so.
We'll try to get to John, Brent, Bruce, and others.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got five months free right now.
Each membership can be used by 11 people.
I want to thank all the members.
Thank you so much.
I salute you.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
We have the new belt buckles that in only two weeks of sale are very close to selling out.
There's only 500 of each.
We're talking about Made in America belt buckles in nickel brass.
This is more than a summer blowout special.
This is a new declaration
of independence, but to expand the Info Orb, we're offering the equivalent of more than five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Almost out of time, going quick here in overdrive, and the big retransmission's coming up.
John in Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, thank you for taking my call.
My call, Alex Jones, I want to thank you and the crew for letting us be aware of what the possibilities can be.
I got to let you go, John.
I appreciate you thanking me, but I apologize your phone's breaking down.
I apologize you were on hold so long.
Call me back tomorrow on a good phone.
Go to the head of the line.
Brent in FEMA Region 6, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thank you for the overdrive session today.
I really am just calling to ask you a question.
I was discussing basically the immigration situation that we're facing right now with the open borders and how the President of ICE and our Board of Directors member from the Border Patrol came out and said that the borders are wide open and that this is a perfect storm.
Now with our borders being wide open, I'm curious, do we even qualify as the United States of America
No, no, technically the country is collapsing and it's run by traitors.
And so really effectively, that's why I said, this marks the true death point of the country.
But countries can be resurrected, they're not like people.
So it could be reversed, but Rick Perry's the toughest leader we've got, the national news tells us.
And he says Obama's dumb.
Obama doesn't know what's going on.
Obama knows what he's doing.
Thank you so much, Brent.
Who's up next here, Bruce?
Bruce in Michigan, moving quick.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks.
Absolutely, the major crisis is nuclear war.
I take this magazine called Chronicles, the Rockford Institute.
One of their main writers is Sergei Trifkovich.
I've been reading him a long time.
He says Putin better act in eastern Ukraine or he will be replaced.
In either case, we're heading towards a nuclear war.
These stinking neocons, within an hour of that plane going down, we're talking about conspiracy kooks trying to keep Putin from taking the blame.
That's the difference between now and Syria.
I listened to you Sunday.
The people aren't going to call in about this like they called in about Syria, and I'm sad to say that.
Nuclear war is coming.
The neocons have got them hoodwinked.
That's it.
Well, yeah, there is that old hatred of Russia, and some people are like, yeah, blow them Russkies up!
And it's just totally mindless.
We're run by Nazi collaborator people, like George Soros.
I mean, literally.
I mean, why not blame the border on Putin?
Why not blame the dollar devaluation on Putin?
Actually, they're trying to blame that on him.
He's trying to set up bricks to hurt the dollar.
No, the Federal Reserve's doing that.
Thank you, Bruce.
Dan, in FEMA Region 5, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I wanted to talk about disinformation for a minute.
I was on the drive back.
I wasn't able to get your show, but I did hear this guy, Gary C. Johnson on WKYT, and he was throwing out disinformation.
He was pretty much saying about the airplane that started the show out like that, and they said, you know, we can't figure this out.
Just best thing you can do is give up and not think about it, and being informed actually means to be angry.
No, I agree.
No one should be involved.
Leave the border open.
It's all Putin's fault.
Turn your guns in.
They didn't have any call in.
You couldn't call and dispute anything that they had to say or anything.
I just want to throw it out there.
Garrett C. Johnson, WKYT.
Well, I appreciate you for the call.
I'm out of time.
Sorry to Alex and others.
Great job, crew.
I think I've heard of somebody like Tokyo Rose would say similar things.
Lay down.
Don't worry about it.
Everything's going to be okay.
Unless you don't lay down.
The most lazy propaganda is tinfoil hat, flying saucer, or that I'm a fear monger.
Like they say, drudge is tabloid with no proof.
When we lynch to everything, so they're indicting themselves.
That's just to make mindless people feel good.
I'm effective because I'm getting people awake to the crisis, not fear mongering.
The globalists are fear-mongering, saying lay down or we'll call you names.
People aren't scared of the media anymore.
They don't care what these people say.
We're going forward.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock central.
Be there.