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Filename: 20140716_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 16, 2014
2926 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The full report is up on InfoWars.com from last night's nightly news, but I want to kick this transmission off by interrupting my own transmission with this transmission on Obama preparing to take over the telecommunications systems, including the internet and your smartphone.
Here it is.
And finally tonight on Infowars at Nightly News, I want to break down a story that showed up in headlines across the country and even as far away as England tonight.
New alert system gives President special code for emergency messages.
That's out of the hill.
The Daily Mail got it right saying, new emergency alert system will give Obama the power to flip a switch and address the entire nation at once.
The Washington Post described it as something out of George Orwell's 1984.
I'm one of the first people in the United States to start warning of this as far back as 1996 because broadcast engineers in radio stations that I was working in had been part of a Texas Association of Broadcast Meetings where the feds, under Clinton's orders, were preparing to have it ready by 1999 so Bill Clinton could start overriding radio and TV broadcasts, VHF, UHF, AM, FM,
And be able to force his messages onto the air like something out of the old Soviet Union.
A literal broadcast kill switch is what it did.
It didn't allow the stations to tune to an emergency channel to put the president on.
It had it where the systems couldn't work and were overridden by federal pieces of equipment at the tower and at the broadcast site.
And I interviewed, on air, changing their voices, multiple broadcast engineers, one of them very high level up.
And since then, in films like Police Take 2000, I exposed it in 1999.
Now, in previous reports in the last 19 years, we've broken down the evil authoritarian applications of all of these systems.
But I want to recap some of those for you now.
This allows the state to begin the process of openly having state-run media, not just covertly funding the dinosaur media.
And the Pentagon got the law changed last year to be able to engage in domestic deception or PSYOPs here in the United States.
But its real intention is to be able to cut off anything embarrassing
Like Rand Paul and his filibuster being cut off across the world and across the United States in channels carrying US media when he was engaged in his filibuster.
That's what this is all about.
Again, even the Washington Post, that we have linked here in our article from 2011, described it as something out of Orwell's 1984.
This was already in place by then.
It was in place in the late 90s, but expanded to be on smartphones, all computers, you name it.
My phone, my Apple iPhone 5, that's really a portable computer,
Turns on now when the Obama alerts come in.
And it's always about hurricanes or floods, something reasonable.
But that could be done locally.
It's setting the precedent.
So that people get accustomed to it so we can begin to get the political messages.
It was floated by the Association of Broadcasters nationally and right here in Texas back in 1996-97 that again there would be government programming, not just PSAs, routinely overriding hours a day.
That is just part of the report.
It's got a few minutes left.
The full report is up on InfoWars.com on this live Wednesday, the 16th day of July, 2014 transmission.
I'll also, later in the hour, air the entire report because it's so important for our affiliates to know what's going on.
I know most of them are aware of what's happening, but this is a big deal.
And we need to treat it as such and try to make this a controversy.
Because if you don't make tyranny a controversy, it becomes the norm, and you become a slave.
City of Austin tap water versus filtered City of Austin tap water.
I didn't taste dirt in it.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
It is the 16th day of July, 2014, on this Wednesday.
Worldwide transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we are going to be here for the next three hours, Lord willing.
I want to take phone calls in the first hour.
We've got Abby Johnson who was unable to come on the show last week from here in Austin because of all the traffic being shut down with Barack Obama being in town.
She was so stuck in her car she couldn't even get to a landline.
Heading up a group that investigates Planned Parenthood and the fact that they target
So we'll probably be called racist for trying to save Hispanic and black babies, but nevertheless, we will engage in racism here today.
Now, if I was a Nazi collaborator like George Soros, I'd get ADL awards, but side issue.
Or Schwarzenegger, I'd get ADL awards, but side issue.
And 2 plus 2 equals 5, Obama said, and you didn't build your business, and raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit.
I know I just keep going back to that.
I'm just realizing I'm a bad person.
And Steve Watson has an article out today.
Majority reject Obama policies across the board because they're bad, not because of racism.
You know, it's just funny that we have to say that.
I was thinking about the borders collapsing and how horrible that's going to be for all Americans.
It's a no-brainer on every front.
And that I kind of shrink from even bringing it up because of political correctness.
Even I am under mind control.
We should be angry that we've been conditioned that it's racist to say we should not let third world countries collapse into us.
And sure, the feds have got robots online that go around posing as racist, you know, calling Hispanics names in all the forums.
And we've tracked a lot of it back.
Most of it is bots doing it just to make us all in fight.
I mean, we're in a science fiction movie, people.
We are in a science fiction movie.
And the globalists are manipulating the human condition publicly.
I mean, this whole telecommunications takeover that I'm going to cover at the bottom of the hour, where they're saying, oh, you're going to start seeing Obama on TV, hearing him on the radio and on your smartphone.
It's not just going to be text.
He's going to be breaking in with announcements.
I told you years ago they'd put the system in.
I said, when they get ready to start using it, get ready.
At first it'll be hurricanes and earthquakes and things to set the precedent.
It's reasonable.
And then it's going to be political announcements.
Just like they started 20 years ago putting up those highway signs for Amber Alerts and Alzheimer's patients.
And now they have, do not drink and walk or you'll be arrested in Austin.
Or call this number to report illegal guns.
And then people don't know what guns are illegal.
Most TV shows are based in fantasy land where guns are all banned and you go to jail for having a gun.
You know, the cop shows.
And so the cops come.
I mean, it's mind control literally operating off
Of a public that doesn't know where their butt is, with both hands.
I mean, I'm sorry to use terms like that, but that's the only way to describe it.
I mean, they're just such victims.
Such domesticated, pathetic, jellyfish-like, unbelievably mindless, having no idea that they're being circled by wolves and sharks.
That are dragging innocent, mindless, weak people off into the system to be torn to shreds, slowly and liberally and disgustingly.
I don't know how else to describe all of this.
And that's the thing about tyranny is that when you put up with it, it becomes completely over the top every time.
And it is now absolutely over the top.
Over the top.
And it's going to get more over the top.
That's what over the top means.
And I know I'm stating the obvious here, but it's just hitting me all the time.
My gosh, this is really all happening.
And it's going to get crazier.
And it's all going to come true.
Our worst nightmares.
Because you let evil people run things.
Welcome to my nightmare.
I know you're gonna like it.
Quote Alice Cooper.
The globalists like nightmares.
That's their dreams.
I've read a lot of criminology.
And I've interviewed a lot of the top psychiatrists and psychologists.
I forget who she is, her name.
I heard her on Coast to Coast years ago.
I've seen her on Discovery Channel, History Channel.
We need to look it up and remember.
I had her on a few years ago, and I heard her on George Noria for like three hours, and I got her on for two hours one day.
And she's one of the most famous criminologists, psychologists.
I forget her name.
Just look up famous psychologists to serial killers, and her name will come up top.
That's for the guys, so we can get her on, because I keep wanting to get her on.
I keep forgetting to look it up.
I've probably only read 20 books or so.
That's not that many on the criminology of serial killers and people like that.
Sounds like a lot, it's not.
But the overwhelming thing is that a lot of them have nightmares and are like, basically think they're being attacked by demons all the time.
Whether you believe that's real or not, this is the archetype.
That they're going through and the only time they feel good and the only time they feel satisfied is when they've got a five-year-old child tied down, torturing them for six weeks and quote, using them up, sucking their energy out, torturing them to death, slowly.
Until they're not even horrified anymore and can't beg anymore and can't be in total horror anymore.
Then they kill them.
And that's what in authoritarian regimes,
We're good to go.
And they're trying to create a culture shift where all these weak people become like Renfields who aren't really vampires but serve the vampires and think they're getting power off the reflected glow of being right up against it.
And that's what the zombie iconography is about.
All of it is about a satanic wave
That is already breaking through the hedge and the gate and is now going to fully come in to manifest.
Welcome to my nightmare.
I think you're going to like it.
I don't think I'm going to like it.
I don't think you're going to like it.
But the point is, I was interviewing her, and I was just going off the books I'd read and the things I'd seen.
Also, I guess you could call it demonic temptation that I've dealt with, where basically you get assaulted by evil until you give in to it, but then it just basically drives you.
They have a word for it.
And that's what this New World Order is all about, is that force.
Whether you believe it's an archetype manifesting through the human psyche, or whether it's interdimensional beings doing it.
The ancients, you know, all across the board said, no, it's interdimensional beings doing it.
It wants a global technocracy machine that it can drive.
That it can possess.
The ghost in the machine, and it's not the Holy Ghost.
And the world, more and more, is being possessed by it.
The rebellion, the lust, the fire, the power.
But at the bottom of the rat hole, a lot of strong good people are attracted just to the fire because it looks like strength on the surface.
You go through that wall of fire, it's ice cold evil and wants to rip children into pieces and torture small babies.
So that's why you've got to totally reject Satan.
And I'm talking to all the Renfields out there that think you know about evil.
That think you're cool and shocking with your dark sunglasses and your green shirt and your black jacket, you know, and you're imagining you're in all this evil.
You have not seen anything and you have no idea.
You're weak.
And that's why you are attracted to it is because there is power there.
The God of this world.
You like the style of darkness.
Oh, all right.
I mean, there's a bunch of news.
It's all off the chart.
Let me just do this.
Let me control myself.
Go to break and then just try to cover this news.
It's all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll come back from break and we'll go over all of it here today.
It's a rubbing our noses in it.
And the psychopath only feels alive when they're doing those horrible things.
And it's like a white light is how it's described.
But the rest of the time they are absolutely cold and pathetic and unhappy.
You know, the baseline pop psychology says that they just don't have feelings and don't care.
That's not true.
They're gone.
And so they have no personality because they're not home.
They're only animated when the ghost is driving the machine.
And that's why there's a war against consciousness and an attempt to bring in an artificial consciousness.
That's why there's an attempt to target children from birth with the Technotronic weapon systems.
I don't know how any of you can be bored out there, all the yuppies saying they're bored.
You are in the middle of a full-scale galactic war.
We'll be back.
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Every morning.
Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big John.
Nobody seemed to know where John called home He just drifted into town and stayed all alone Didn't say much, kinda quiet and shy But he spoke it all, he just said hi to Big John
Somebody said he came from New Orleans where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen and a crashing blow from a huge right hand sent a Louisiana fella to the promised land.
Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big Bad John.
Alright folks, we are back live.
Then came the day at the bottom of the mine when the timber cracked and men started crying.
Miners were praying and hearts beat fast.
Everybody thought that they'd breathed their last, said John.
Alright folks, let's get into the news here.
I guess we might as well just finish the song.
It's a good story.
With all his strength he gave a mighty shove Then a miner yelled out, there's a light up above And twenty men scrambled for what would be grave Now there's only one left down there to save, Big John With jacks and timbers they started back down Then came that rumble way down in the ground And the smoke and gas fell straight out of that mine Everybody knew it was the end of the line for Big John
I guess you could go to iTunes and hear the whole thing.
That's not an infomercial.
Apple's not a sponsor.
All right, folks.
Now, let me just go ahead and tell you what's coming up here on the show today.
Excuse me.
Bank of America offering $13 billion to resolve probe.
Bank previously offered $12 billion to settle the matter.
Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?
But it's actually trillions, trillions of swindling, money laundering, derivatives, credit default swaps, counterfeiting fraud.
A mountain.
And that's what the big six banks are all involved in, and they run the narcotics, and they run the weapons worldwide, and they run the media, and they run all the moves to overthrow our society.
And why shouldn't they?
I mean, we sit here and let the globalists issue the currency and credit worldwide that they can just buy anything they want with.
Brand new jets, palaces, our daughters, our sons,
Go off and fight and die and do everything else to serve them, and it's all pulled out of a rabbit's hat.
Like a little oak and carved chit.
A tally stick.
That was the money a thousand years ago in England.
Because the king declared it, he just said, sticks we carve are what buys things.
Horses, ships, dry goods, weapons, beer.
With a stick.
And you just can't get the public to even realize that the Federal Reserve is not federal.
You think people get mad about that?
You think people would get concerned that you mean it's not federal and it runs everything and it's really a front group for a bunch of foreign banks?
You know, in Australia and England and the United States, it's all the same.
Same CPS, same forced vaccines, same exact names of the agencies in most cases.
Because big banks come up with it.
They run the whole show.
The whole stinking show from pillar to post.
And in America,
If you walk up to the Federal Reserve, or you're even a quarter mile away videotaping, armed men will show up, who are armed security guards, calling themselves federal officers, and they will threaten you, and they will have the police come, and the police will falsely arrest you, in many cases.
We have it on video.
Because let me tell you something, you're scum to them.
They're going to take your whole world and my whole world down, and there's nothing you're going to do about it in their mind.
And if we sit there and take it, we deserve what comes.
We'll be right back after this break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
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I taste dirt in it.
God knows what's in there.
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I feel like this all the time trying to politically awaken people that they're being lied to, that there's an agenda.
It's not left or right.
It's, hey, there's mind control going on.
The signal's broadcast 24 hours a day through all this media.
Just become aware of it, and they'll say, there's nothing going on.
And I want to say, put on these glasses or start chewing concrete!
They have taken the hearts and minds of our leaders.
They have recruited the rich and the powerful!
And they have blinded us to the truth!
The question is, do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address to our guest tonight.
Our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.
An estimated 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder or sleep deprivation.
Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our owners!
Latest census numbers prove the United States has the biggest gap between rich and poor compared to all westernized countries today.
Our projections show that by the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this power alliance.
The gains have been substantial, both for ourselves and for you, the human power elite.
And for the first time in all of human history,
Mankind is politically awakened.
That's a total new reality.
I've got one that can see.
We can't be the only ones who can see.
Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate sinister entity that's got at the root of all our problems.
It's a new morning in America.
The old cynicism is gone.
We have faith in our leaders.
We're optimistic as to what becomes of it all.
It really boils down to our ability to accept.
We don't need pessimism.
I have two words for you.
Predator drums.
And who are you little fella?
You will never see it coming!
I'm predicting the first guy who uses a second amendment weapon to bring a drone down that's been hovering over his house is gonna be a folk hero in a second.
There is a single broadcast every second of every day through our television sets.
I'm just trying to warn you folks that television is a giant LED weapon system.
It's so advanced.
They got a monkey farm in Bastrop, folks.
They do all sorts of testing on great apes, rhesus monkeys, the whole nine yards.
And they go, oh, you didn't see this, and punch a button and there'd be hundreds of monkeys with wires in their brains with television sets brainwashing them.
All I ever have to do is be famous.
People watch me, and they love me.
You can have a little taste of that good life, too.
I know you want it.
Hell, everybody does.
Do it to your own kind.
What's the threat?
We all sell out every day.
Might as well be on the winning team.
The real men of the world have to stand up and say, I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
Man, I'm all out of bubble gum.
Time to take a stand, boys.
You know what?
You got a little courage.
Stand up for yourself.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Info War.
The Oscar winners give a press conference and how to buy a sailboat.
Long live the Republic!
Again, ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday edition.
I'd like to hear from you on any subject you'd like to discuss, from the collapsing borders to the decline of the dollar to banks in the U.S.
and Europe now saying, yeah, we may start charging you to have deposits and changing regulations with governments to bail in or actually take your money out of the bank to protect it.
I said that.
Take your money.
Take your Social Security, take your pension, take your 401k, take your stocks, and take part of it to protect it.
You know 2 plus 2 equals 5.
You know Heather has two mommies.
You know open borders are good.
You know George Washington is bad.
You know, we need to be like Chicago, highest crime rate in the world by taking guns from citizens.
You know, gun control works.
You know, you didn't build that business.
You know, raising the debt doesn't raise the debt.
You know, you know, you know, the government runs ISIS, but that's no big deal.
But ISIS is a threat, so we gotta take all your rights.
See, it's the inversion of reality by design, flaunting it in our faces.
I told for a number to join us, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Here's some of the headlines.
I'll just start now.
Cry havoc and loose the dogs of war.
Feds to open $50 million resort for illegals and their children, complete with tennis courts, saunas, and pools.
That is not a joke.
That is up on DrudgeReport.com with the photos and the official announcement that the Feds are basically going to be, through faith-based initiatives, that's what Bush started and the Democrats love, total violation of the First Amendment, the churches, and this is a Baptist group doing this, the Catholics, Baptists, they're all in on it, at the top.
And then this country is just an absolute shambles.
This is why Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs cannot... It's been a year and he goes to the VA constantly since he's been here three or four months.
He goes down every week.
He was down there again today to have a meeting, about a meeting, about a meeting.
And then he had another meeting today, about a meeting, to then get health care.
And he has to have black sheets for the blood he coughs up all night long.
And he goes in the bathroom here and coughs up blood.
And that's what happens when you get blown up in an armored vehicle that's on fire.
And he doesn't get health care.
But the illegals are now going to get a resort with saunas, pools, and hot tubs.
And they're going to get more than that.
Because you've got to incentivize getting the people across Mexico from Central and South America.
It's dangerous.
Sure, they pay to get on trains.
Others are allowed to load on in a deliberate agreement with the Guatemalan president.
That wasn't public until WorldNetDaily dug it out.
But it's confirmed.
They made the deal last year.
Obama went down there.
But it was obvious it was a deal.
I mean, Mexico used to have a very controlled border.
They still do.
But the illegals have to pay the government in cash at the Guatemalan border.
And then they're allowed to get on the trains and conduit up.
And then they're harshly dealt with if they get off the trains anywhere in Mexico.
And they go, no, no, no, no.
We want to go to El Norte.
Because that's where you get three hots and a bed.
And all the health care you need.
And now tennis courts, saunas, and pools.
This is from the Gateway Pundit.
We've mirrored it up on Infowars.com.
The Obama administration has awarded a $50 million contract to a charitable group to buy a Texas resort hotel and transform it into a 6600, excuse me, 600 bed facility for juvenile illegal aliens.
The beautiful Palm Air Resort and Hotel has an indoor Olympic-sized pool.
Wow, that's nice.
And an outdoor pool.
I get to go pay $3 and swim in Martin Springs.
I don't get that.
Free Wi-Fi.
I don't get that.
And cable TV.
I don't get that.
I have to pay for that.
And included is a decorated guest rooms.
The Palm Air Hotel suites.
Is set to be sold to Baptist Child and Family Services.
Operating under the federal contract, pending local government approval, according to reports from West Laco, Texas, where the hotel is located.
I want to send reporters down there right now.
I just want somebody to go down there.
Right now today.
West Laco is a few miles from the Rio Grande in Hidalgo County.
I mean, get on an airplane.
Let's do it right now.
Just boom.
Fly there.
The Resort Hotel for Illegal Alien Children is reportedly the first in the nation.
And, uh, looks like a nice South Texas resort.
I take my family sometimes, you know, down to the funky Texas beach.
We stay in places like this.
They're nice.
The plan is to have the hotel ready for illegal alien children by October 1st of the year.
A mere two and a half months from now, it is expected, the average stay will be about 15 days.
And I want people to go on the property.
They'll have some security guards say, you know, go away or whatever.
Because they don't like seeing this.
I want somebody to go in undercover.
I want to see the rooms.
I want everything.
So just do decide who
We're going to send right now on this.
I think Jakari's doing the news tonight.
I mean, I guess we could send Kit and Adon Salazar or we could... This is a big story, but I want to go down and show HD video of this to everybody and go file a report on this.
And it's in the Valley Morning Stars where this originally broke.
So there you go.
I want to go shooting with Joe Biggs tomorrow, but I think this is more important because he can't get health care.
I think we probably need to send Joe.
We can go shoot with suppressed guns another time.
We're going to do a, you know, we do occasional Second Amendment shows.
And I was planning to do another one because one of my buddies is into silencers and he's got a bunch.
He's got one for a .50 cal.
Pretty awesome.
And went through all the federal stamp stuff and everything, obviously.
So we're going to go do an episode just for fun and also for the viewers like it.
People have been asking for Other Brothers in Arms.
So Shane and Sid and I are going to go out shooting tomorrow.
Tomorrow evening.
Got to keep the Second Amendment culture going.
It's one of the few things we've got.
That's why they want to kill it.
Because the right of people to be armed to defend themselves is a culture.
And the globalists have to overwrite all cultures.
A big story!
FBI says three cartel members are accused of kidnapping South Carolina man, Mexican drug cartels.
I mean, they have thousands of kidnappings a year now.
I think the last number I saw was 4,000 plus in Phoenix that only had a few hundred a year just a few years ago.
And it's like Mexico now.
And when Joe Arpaio does something about it,
And he does have some police state excesses, but that's part of why the globalists are collapsing things, because then you've got to have a police state to deal with it.
But then he actually uses the police state to try to protect the public.
I'm not endorsing it, that's what's happening by necessity.
And then the feds try to block him.
See, that's the thing about this tyranny.
But AP's making a big deal about it because they still think it's a big deal in South Carolina, you know, to have Mexican drug cartels kidnapping people.
And then now the Mexican drug cartels are having heydays in Chicago kidnapping, and it's just kept quiet.
And the word is they pay the Chicago police a slice, of course, and so they're allowed to do it.
Boy, watching this country roll over dead and rot in the sun is not a fun thing, is it?
And the bad part is it's going to get a lot worse, ladies and gentlemen.
Down the road, I mean, I guess I've said I'll never leave the country, but I mean, what's the point if the country leaves me?
I don't know.
I mean, it's like saying I'll never abandon my dog, but if my dog died, I'm going to bury it.
But I don't want to talk like that because I don't want to give up.
That's what they want to do is demoralize us and break our backs.
So let's just keep going as hard as we can and keep our commitments to try to be good people.
It's just so obvious that we shouldn't be going down this road and the political class just is a bunch of deviants.
They want to wreck everything.
Because they like to wreck things.
People say, why?
The average person goes, why would they stage a false flag to grab power?
Again, why does this rapist rape women?
Why does a psychopathic killer grab kids and torture them?
I mean, it's what they like to do.
It's like, why do people mutilate themselves?
It's what they like to do.
You or I don't get it.
We're like, why does that person chop their fingers off?
Well, they think it's cool.
Why does that person mutilate themselves?
Well, they think it's cool.
Why don't you be tolerant and accept it, is the view they give us.
But that's not about being tolerant, it's about us adopting.
See, first it's be tolerant, then it's endorse, then it's adopt.
And I'm sorry, I'm not going to adopt.
Abortion for birth control.
I'm not going to adopt GMO, just go with it, when it kills the rats they feed it to on record, just across the board.
I'm not going to adopt glyphosate.
I'm not going to just adopt dying and rolling over in the ditch because society at the top is run by psychopaths and at the bottom a bunch of decadent, disconnected people living on borrowed time with wolves circling you.
We're going to go to break and come back and talk to Raider, Jack, Brian, Phillip, Carl, and others.
Until the second segment of the next hour, then Abby Johnson's going to pop in for about 20-30 minutes.
We'll go back to your calls.
And then she had to reschedule because her plane was late or something.
She didn't get to the phone in time.
It's understandable the way the airports are now.
Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, who's got a great new book that I was just sort of reading last weekend.
It's at my house right now.
I read about half of it.
It's on my kitchen table.
I was reading it this morning.
King Rules.
Ten truths for you and your family and our nation to prosper.
Really good book.
Medicine for a sick society and a sick culture.
So that's all coming up.
Briefly, I always forget to do this and then end up having to scramble here on air.
I have my glass of filtered
Cold water.
I have my Survival Shield Super Nascent Iodine X2, proprietary from Deep Earth Pure Iodine Crystals.
And I put the Elixir in Organic Palm Oil Base.
Then I take the Super Mel Vitality.
I was out a little late last night, so I'm going to take an extra dose here.
Forgot to take it this morning.
Be sure and consult your physician before you take this stuff.
This is not a game.
I don't put out crap, and everybody knows that.
If you've tried this stuff, well, everybody's pretty much a repeat customer, because we're not selling crud.
This stuff's all very simple, what it is, but I found out in the supplement industry, people just will not put out the quality.
I mean, it cost us upwards of $20 a bottle.
For some of these supplements and then we sell them for, you know, 40 bucks, 30 bucks, 50 bucks, depending on the supplement.
That's how much these concentrated organic oils, essential oils and concentrates and herbs are in the super male vitality, the super female vitality.
And then of course the X2 just acts, in my view, from what I've researched from the doctors and others, it's like an adjuvant accelerating the other herbs and things.
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I'm Alex Jones.
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Alright, let's go right to your phone calls here.
And again, if I sound really negative and dark, it's because the world is getting very dark, is getting very evil.
We have to recognize it to avoid it.
Just like I told the story a few days ago of what happened this weekend where a car came out of its lane.
Looked instinctively, didn't see anything on the curb.
Drove up, just on my wheels, up on the curb.
But looked about 30 feet down, there was a couple walking with their back to me.
And so I made a split-second decision.
Okay, I'm going back over into that lane.
I'm just gonna run into this car if I have to.
I'm not gonna run these people over.
At least that person's in a car.
It was just, oh god, there's people.
It wasn't even a thought.
I gotta go back over.
Luckily, that car had gone back into its lane.
And so it's not negative to say, oh my gosh, there are people right there.
I don't want to run them over.
It's positive to be honest about what was happening.
To stop living in denial.
And I know I'm stating incredibly obvious things, folks, but we're in trouble, okay?
This is beyond anything we've ever seen, and it's going to get a lot worse very fast.
The elite think we're so stupid, they're publicly funding Al-Qaeda worldwide.
It's in the news now.
And the media reports it in the back of the paper like it's no big deal, like they're reporting on the weather or something.
The price of tea in China.
I know I said I'd go to your calls.
I'm just really freaked out.
Because if they get away with all this, I mean, man, it's moving quicker than I thought.
Let's go to Jack in FEMA Region 2.
I guess that's formally up there in the northeast somewhere.
What former state are you in?
New York.
Oh, so you're a former New York.
All right.
What's on your mind today, Jack?
Well, I've been listening to you with horror.
I'm a little nervous, so bear with me.
It's okay, brother.
I'm not used to talking on the telephone or on the radio.
Got it.
But I've noticed a few things.
I've been listening to you for
Over 10 years, probably more like 15, 16 years, and I can no longer afford, unfortunately,
I totally understand sir.
I mean, everything that's on PrisonPlanet.tv, you get it first there being a member, and it's $5.95 a month, but everything ends up being free on YouTube, InfoWars, and Prison Planet within a day or so.
So please, anyone, don't feel obligated to be a PrisonPlanet.tv member.
In fact, I'm going to give you our customer service number.
In fact, I'm going to say this right now.
I want to create an email and a customer service number code that if people call, we will give you a code and I'm just going to give you a membership, sir.
And anyone else that wants a membership, you can just call here and we will give you one.
So I want to make sure that gets set up, make sure they know, and then we can have original codes we create that we give people.
So go ahead and get your point, sir.
Okay, a couple things.
One thing is in watching you, I've noticed that you've never commented.
I'm sure you know about this, but I've never heard you comment on it.
That doesn't mean you haven't, but the IMF and the World Bank and their shenanigans.
When I was in college working on my master's degree, which I subsequently gave up when Bush got elected.
Because I could see the handwriting on the wall.
But anyway, there are what's called structural adjustment programs.
Yeah, that's where they tell a country what to do to get the money, and it's dictatorship.
Stay there.
Tell folks about it.
We're back in one minute, and we're going to get to everybody.
We're going to get to Philip and Michael and Carl and Truthreader.
I'm coming back to you.
Don't hang up, Jack.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone app at Infowars.com.
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Destroy Little Planet TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Jack Scullin from FEMA Region 2, formerly New York, now one of the main globalist command bases where gun confiscation has begun.
Jack, you were bringing up structural adjustments.
Tell folks about the IMF and World Bank.
Okay, well, the IMF and the World Bank, they loan money to third world nations, but debtor nations, debt nations whose currency is devalued.
Has reached the point where the United States has reached now, where we have to borrow money just to pay down the interest on... And the countries are deliberately maneuvered into that.
That's come out in mainstream news for decades.
And so one of the things as a result of this is that our representatives have been taken captive by this, by treaty, and therefore
If we want to pay down our debt, or at least even the interest on it, our representatives are forced to include these structural adjustment programs.
Which if you read down them, you can go to the World Bank site or the IMF site, and they are listed there.
It's shock therapy.
All of it.
It's the whole New World Order agenda.
The countries are under a banking dictatorship.
Yes, we should do more stories on that.
I've actually made films on it.
We have covered it.
And no, it's all public.
That's what I'm saying.
I mean, they tell the countries, take the guns, break up the families, devalue your currency, take on more debt, give us your infrastructure for nothing, and they're loaning them fiat SDRs.
That's why they signed us on to the trillions in derivatives that aren't even our debt.
It's so they can tell us that we're in debt to these people.
Absolutely, it's amazing.
Very interesting.
Listen, call the number.
Here's the problem.
We have a 1-800 line that we don't answer during the day for the orders.
But when it rolls over, you get our people here.
So I haven't had time yet to tell the operators that are here in Austin as well, hey, give people a free PrisonPlanet.tv membership if they can't afford it.
I mean, I don't want people that can't afford a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
As long as I'm able to pay for the bandwidth, which we are right now, my goal is just to get people to see the nightly news and the films and show it to friends and family.
So if you
Call by this afternoon or by tomorrow because I've got to develop a system and then I've got to make sure it's announced right or it'll cause a problem.
And then we can get it where if you can't afford a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, you can call here and we will give you one.
The people that are members know they're doing it to support the overall operation that 90 plus percent of it's free.
And so we just have to make money to fund ourselves.
The money is not the goal.
The money is the fuel, is the sails on the ship that get us to destination liberty, freedom harbor, independence, freedom, consciousness, free will, not synthetic consciousness.
That's the great jewel.
That's the great object.
The money is wind in the sails, and I do not want
Poor people ever basically donating to this broadcast.
We used to have money bombs and things.
We developed other ways to raise the capital here.
It's about people that have given.
But we set it up in a free market system where you get one of the best water filters out there at the lowest price, like ProPure with the G2 filters, and help the broadcast and help yourself.
See, I believe in win-wins.
In fact, that's what I live by.
I mean, call it superstition, whatever you want.
I will not screw anybody.
Just, I will not do it.
Unless you've got me cornered, and then I don't even do it out of spite, I will crush you as fast as I can to continue my mission.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
Oh, Ralph, that's just awful.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, folks, we're continuing with your phone calls right now.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Throughout this hour, both guests are actually in the next hour.
I looked at the sheet wrong.
Let me just do this.
Let me just read headlines now that I haven't gotten to, and then I'll go right to your calls.
Let me read a few here, because some stations just joined us that are too insane to believe, but are true.
And I'm sending reporters there today.
I'm going to send Joe Biggs and Adon Salazar today, down there.
Feds to open $50 million dollar resort, free legal children, complete with tennis courts, saunas, and pools.
That's three hours away from Austin, and this is nicer than most of the places I've lived in my life.
So, pretty incredible kidnappings are exploding all over the U.S.
by the Mexican drug cartels.
I mean, it's just the destabilization of America.
You don't think the globalists just want to destabilize other countries, do you?
They want to destabilize this nation.
And then George Soros brags that he started with 5 billion State Department dollars the Ukrainian overthrow of an elected government.
And you're supposedly a pro-Russia trader in the media if you don't support the start of World War 3.
If you don't support basically suicide.
And the world is faced by the madness of the elite.
636,000 vets wait a month or more for
Doctors appointments 8,000 have been waiting for months to see a doctor including people with things like brain tumors that will kill them That's in USA Today, and that's a whitewash number, and I was watching so-called whistleblowers a few days ago on Monday in the VA scandal It's like we really screwed up and shouldn't have covered it up.
We messed up.
We just couldn't give the care No, it's designed to give runaround
They can privatize it out anytime.
It's designed, on record, to euthanize these people.
They're called death panels.
It's a death list.
And everybody from Rahm Emanuel's brother, Ezekiel, to Bill Gates, is on record saying they want to kill people that are no longer a use to society.
That's the mindset of a, quote, liberal.
Oh, an old lady's not useful.
Let's just euthanize her.
Isn't that liberal?
Because young, dumb yuppies are told you're gonna get a pay raise if we can kill people!
Because they don't know you just grow the pie.
They don't know you make an economy out of taking care of old people.
They don't know that if they let them kill old people and kill vets, they're gonna get their asses killed!
Excuse me.
See, I've been trying to not get mad all day and I apologize and I'm not trying to talk like that and I'm gonna stop it, okay?
I am just sick of it and I wanna punch those people in the nose!
I'm sick of them!
I can't even be around them anymore!
They wear their arrogance like an armor!
They wear their stupidity like a shield!
I want to stomp their heads in!
Excuse me.
Immoral, self-centered, weak crap!
People say, man, this guy's weird.
Or they say, oh, Alex Jones is fake that he gets angry.
No, man, I am worried everything is falling apart.
We're killing old people all over the country.
I would interview Wesley Smith, a Wall Street Journal writer and best-selling author.
I probably interviewed him 20 times over the years.
I want to get him back on.
It's been years.
I think the word is Rupert Murdoch told him not to come on the show.
Anybody affiliated with news corps is told not to come on.
I've been told that by a bunch of people on record.
Napolitano, Lou Dobbs is a listener, regular listener, he's been told not to come on.
I'll just say all the names, it's not a secret, I don't know why I don't ever talk about it.
Who's the other ones?
Who's the one that needs to be on Hannity and Combs?
Combs, same deal.
Whatever, the point is, is Fox can do whatever they want, it's their company.
I don't know how I just digressed off into all that.
Oh yeah, Wesley Smith.
I think that's why he won't come on.
I forgot about that.
Anyways, he tells the stories where he's there.
And these old people and folks that are paralyzed neck down are begging, let me have water, please.
And the state takes the water away for 14 days on average and they die with blood coming out of their mouth because everything dries and blood starts pouring out your nose, out your ears, out your eyes.
And they're just like begging, please help me.
It's just savage murder operations everywhere.
They're just, I mean, it's so over the top, people.
I mean, it's just savage evil everywhere and no one even knows, no one even cares.
He tells the story of one guy who was even able to bowl in the rec area of the little, you know,
I've heard they call that parlor bowling where it's only like 20 feet.
The point is he could he could he was he was only partially paralyzed up to the you know from the chest down and one of his arms halfway worked and and and to prove because he was new then a ward of the state that he didn't need to be killed he would go down and bowl and and and the nurses said yeah we're sorry but the orders are they had replaced a few and they went ahead and took his water away and ran a black op on him.
I mean, this is our loving scum government and the bioethicists.
It's all collapsing right now.
And people that have money or middle class are sequestered in their little islands as the water is rising, and they're just happy that they're not on lower ground that got flooded, not understanding the water will rise to the level.
The water will rise to the last New World Order globalist alive if they bring in this technocracy and carry out their plan of exterminism.
And the last one will be betrayed and killed by the system.
That's the system that's being built.
So the consciousness of the evil can continue operating after humans have been killed.
Destroy the old creation, bring in the new.
A counterfeit Hellraiser, Clive Barker overwrite of everything to institutionalize destruction.
To institutionalize tearing apart, trampling and being trampled.
To institutionalize ugliness.
To institutionalize
Reality inverted.
I said I'd go to your phone calls.
I just can't get to these news articles.
I mean, I read this.
It's like the illegals.
I'm not even against the illegals, but it's an incentive.
It's flypaper has sugar on it or has a enticement on it, just like a mousetrap or rat trap has cheese on it or a little piece of tuna.
Or a little bit of peanut butter.
And so I don't dislike the poor humans coming in here who are desperate, fleeing a deeper level of globalist collapse and control.
They're coming in wanting the cheese.
And the trap won't slap down on them for a long time, because the trap's going to slap on all of us.
It's the old analogy of deer hunting.
When that spike comes out, and you're eight years old, and he's following some doe, and you raise your rifle up, shoot it, and dad says, no, no, no.
There's a big buck, I guarantee you, out there waiting.
You want a trophy.
And again, it's not even about killing the animal or getting the meat or whatever.
It's the ritual of being a human out hunting.
It activates your instincts.
That's why it feels good.
That's why you want to do it.
The collective memories, the epigenetics,
And then you wait, and then sure enough, here comes out that big buck, and you get him.
You know, that big 12-pointer or whatever, with that big rack.
And that's what they want.
They want to get us all.
That's why they kill us slow with the ambient soft kill.
I'm ranting.
I'm not going to get to the news then.
I mean, look at this.
UK police arrest 660 suspected pedophiles.
National Crime Agency detains suspected child abusers, including doctors, teachers, and takes more than 400 children into care.
They're only doing this now.
Overall, even the police don't probably know this, they're compartmentalized, and I predicted this would come, to force England into the EU because UKIP's about to pull them out.
And so this is all being allowed to be brought out selectively now.
In an inner fight between different power structures.
Because this has been going on forever.
And by the way, they're just going to burn some low-level people that are having sex with little kids.
And they should.
They should be executed.
In my view.
But the point is, you can't trust the overall top of the pyramid to carry it out.
Because it's only burning small people.
They don't just rape children over there.
They kill them.
They kill them everywhere.
Hell, they kill 53 million of them here.
Let's go to your calls here.
I mean, that's just the stacks of this news.
I mean, I've got hundreds of articles like this.
Of just the manifest evil.
And they've got Prime Ministers over there just slitting throats of little kids.
I mean, it is unbelievable.
Let's go ahead and talk to Philip in California.
You're on the air.
How are you doing?
Go ahead.
I'm not doing too good envisioning... Go ahead.
I would want to say welcome to Orwell's best novel that he never wrote.
And I would also want to say is the current war happening with Russia and Ukraine, you think that's the final chess piece in their board game?
Which is what the deviants want.
People don't understand, they might do it.
They're that evil.
If we're not able to restrain them, I mean, it's... People ask, what is the limit evil goes to?
Absolute sub-zero.
Absolute, absolute maximum.
Whatever it can do.
Then we have Jen Paki saying Russia's bombing its own town.
Yeah, I'm going to get to that in the stack.
The State Department says that Russia launched a false flag on itself.
I think that's very healthy.
And they might have.
Governments do that.
Probably not.
But may have.
It's just that Russia wants the moral high ground, not because Russia is even good at the top.
They understand that's where the real power is at.
It's a more sophisticated system.
But I mean, NATO launched fake chemical attacks and got caught.
So, they're the prime suspect to be doing stuff like this.
It could be a double false flag.
They could launch one and make it look like the Russians did it as well.
Great points, caller.
Carl, Michael, Dave, Truth Raider, your calls are all coming up on the other side of this break.
Stay with us.
But we just have to admit how much trouble we're in, folks.
That's what it all comes down to.
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By the way, we've got some amazing breaking news after... I go to phone calls.
I've got to go to phone calls first, but it's up on InfoWars.com.
Controlling the narrative
Woman calls Cheney a war criminal, C-SPAN cuts feed, and they're doing this more and more.
When Pelosi had it brought up to her about the NSA a month or so ago, we had the young man on, teenager, he just asked her polite questions about it and pointed out that she'd been lying.
They weren't going to release that to him, even though they were making a documentary with him.
And they said in the memo, well, we don't want to upset Pelosi.
These are public events.
This is what C-SPAN covers.
This is what happens.
This is a big deal.
Because we know the corporate media does this stuff, but this is C-SPAN.
While they hold out that they're not like that, and Brian Lamb, to his credit, is very upset about it.
He talked about it in the news.
But he doesn't control C-SPAN anymore.
And this ties into the EAS and Obama's kill switch that we're going to talk about after we take calls.
But they're doing it.
And then, next, it's cutting me off.
And believe me, we deal with government-sponsored hacks, denial of services, harassment you wouldn't believe to bring you this broadcast.
People say, oh, I better not fight the system.
Folks, we're a major, major capital ship in this fight against the tyrants.
We're a big target up front, okay?
They got their guns on us.
There are so many people fighting tyranny now that most people encounter no opposition at this point.
That's why the battle is so hot right now, is the globalists know they've got us burning, they're burning worse right now.
They just hope they can wreck the whole system, pose as saviors, and grab victory from the jaws of defeat.
It's just such an epic time to be alive.
I just keep pausing.
In my mind, it's just pounding.
Epic, epic, epic, epic, epic.
And it's such an age of new media and a return of journalism.
We've got a special report coming up tomorrow about Matt Drudge.
It's going to be very powerful.
We're going to air.
What's the schedule tomorrow?
Who we got on tomorrow?
Because I want to find a space to air it.
It's about 12 minutes long so far.
It's a condensed report from his speech in 98.
Everything he said came true.
Just exactly as he said it would.
True folk hero.
True trailblazer.
It's just exciting.
I mean, I'm excited about reality.
Let's go to Carl in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex, keep up the good work.
The globalist New World Agenda is advancing and they have to get rid of people like you and me, the people that are true patriots, the people that
Are freedom-loving individuals... People that aren't suicidal?
People that like healthy, happy families and who like nice, you know, farms and who never get tired of a cheeseburger and never get tired of being nice to people and never get tired of playing poker with their buddies?
You know, we're the type of people that don't want to kidnap kids and torture them to death?
We're the type of folks that don't like abortion?
We're the type of folks that like being able to defend ourselves?
You mean those type of folks?
Yeah, also terrorists.
Terrorists, yeah.
People who don't commit crimes, people you can trust, people that are honorable, people that are good.
Yeah, you mean us.
Yeah, the bad guys.
Yeah, go ahead.
You know, the other day you were reporting on the train that derailed in Mexico and there was a thousand individuals or more that happened to be all over the train.
The death train.
1,300, yeah.
Take that train, multiply it by three or four per day, and that's what's coming in the United States.
Actually, I looked it up.
It's more than a dozen major cargo trains with people on them a day.
There you go.
I just wanted to kind of give you an advance of really what's happening.
We're talking multi-millions of individuals coming into this country with open borders.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, every town.
And the country's being told, prepare to house them.
And then there's going to be a political football that gets kicked back and forth.
I mean, look, our fate is these people's fate, okay?
In fact, I get sick when I look at these people and how desperate they are and that we have to try to shut the border down on them.
But everything's going to go down.
In the end, when this thing falls, man, it's going to be blood in the streets.
And people are going to line up and they're going to accept sterilization, you name it, for food.
It is just going to be hellish.
Absolutely hellish.
I agree with you, Alex.
I have nothing against the people that are in war-torn areas that are actual refugees that need a place to come to.
We should be compassionate.
But they're being organized by the globalists and so they're a weapon.
And the lifeboat can't take them under the welfare system.
It's designed to sink us.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
More calls coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Every time that I look in the mirror, all these lines in my face get clearer.
The past is gone.
The past is gone.
That's what aging is.
It's like becoming fine wine.
If you are a fine person.
Or you're a rotten hearted person.
You get more rotten.
You've got to lose to learn how to win.
That's why the nanny state doesn't want any of you to ever go through a process of maturing and to go through those rites of passage.
To be children your entire lives.
It's said that you're once the man, twice the child.
And I've certainly seen that borne out in my life and those I've loved.
But, under the New World Order, you are never a man.
You are never a woman.
You never mature.
You never have the rites of passage.
You're robbed of everything.
I gotta get to the news, so let's hurry through your calls, which is kind of an oxymoron for my show sometimes.
Truth Raider in Oregon, you're on the air, thanks for calling.
Alex Jones, a disc jockey that plays classic American patriotic hits.
I don't know.
Go ahead.
Like that.
Anyway, I have an idea for you.
Why don't you open the phones for Native Americans only and get their take on the North American Union and the merger with Mexico?
I agree with you.
We should do more where we say, we're taking calls from Obama supporters, or we're taking calls from Native Americans, or we're taking calls from active Tea Party participants, or we're taking calls from doctors and nurses on Obamacare.
What's it like?
Or we're taking calls from Border Patrol.
What's the strain?
I know they're listening.
Or, you know, things like that.
And that's when we have our best callers, is when we do that.
And so I need to tell the crew to start pressuring me and reminding me, because I really produce the show overall, decide what's going to happen and go on, but they feed me a lot of info, so they're big participants, like we're making dinner together or something here.
It's kind of the analogy.
So it's a team effort, but I need them to nudge me
They are the true traditional voice of America.
Well, they're the original Homeland Security.
And again, people romanticize Native Americans.
Very diverse groups, obviously, from the Lords of the Plains to the Indians up in Canada and the Natives.
But undoubtedly, they have been through the system.
As the late Russell Means said, welcome to the reservation, you're all on it.
And then he discovered, which I knew, that a large part of the Constitution and the setup did come from the Iroquois Confederation.
That is true.
And some of it, the Cherokee had it as well, similar system.
So, I mean, we adopted a lot of it.
That is what's made America so great.
There is a richness of diversity.
Great point.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, Western culture is Spanish mixed with frontier and mixed with black and Creole and Native American.
It's a very rich culture.
I like it.
The globalists don't want Hispanics to adopt their culture.
of family values and private property and self-defense and manly men, womanly women.
No, they want them to adopt communism, the new world order.
It's totally the opposite of what you would expect to be in the Southwest or in Mexico.
This is what they're saying, your culture is this.
Just like everybody else is told, this is your culture.
And if you look at the rest of the country, the reason the U.S.
is so interesting is it does have all of those different things mixed into it.
It's one reason Australia is interesting, is it was a prison colony.
And used to, you got sent to prison for no reason, basically, in England most of the time, or because you couldn't pay your debts.
And they took people there by the hundreds of thousands as slave labor.
And did anybody know that they wore cowboy hats in the whole nine yards and had cattle drives?
Open free range until the 60s when it was banned.
Like I saw online an old beer commercial from Australia about the last cattle drive.
I need to find that again and play that.
But the whole point is that that's a rich culture.
Because it was from slaves.
I mean, Australia had work camps in it, folks, where you got killed if you talked back.
And it doesn't lessen blacks' plights, it's just it makes it a fraternity, a camaraderie, not a shameful thing that you were slaves.
Hell, all our ancestors were slaves.
They just didn't call it that.
I mean, Germany didn't outlaw indentured servitude, permanent slavery, neo-feudalism is what they're bringing back, it was feudalism.
Germany until 1888, the last
Austrian-Hungarian county or kingdom.
They had little dukes and duchesses and counts over dozens of little confederations.
You've seen the neat little German shields.
One's a bear for Berlin, bear rampant, I think, and then another one's an elk or another's a boar.
I mean, that was it.
And they bred Germans to sell them for war.
And they weren't slaves with a chain around their neck.
They were so mind-controlled in their uniforms and their Hessian boots, they were happy to go die.
Until they got over here, and a lot of them defected.
And they said, you mean I can have a farm?
There's Germans living here?
I can marry an English woman if I want?
I can marry a Dutch woman?
I can marry an Indian woman?
I can just do whatever I want?
Yeah, come on, come on over here with us, let's go.
That's what that's all about.
They'll never make a movie about that because then black people won't feel like that they're crap when they learn that the Germans from Prussia were slaves.
It's just all fraud.
It's all lies.
It's all fake cosmologies they download into us that we then just spend our whole lives believing.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael in FEMA Region 9.
I guess that's out there on the former Pacific Northwest.
Where are you?
In a former Oregon?
Washington State?
Where are you?
Hello Alex.
Nice talking to you again.
Actually, Arizona.
Up in the mountains.
After my statement and your response, I've got a real quick question for you.
My statement is, I remember when I was a little kid seeing Nixon on the TV in black and white talking about Cambodia and his impeachment and Watergate and all that.
I was starting to become awake when I was 6 or 8 years old and through the 70s, 80s, 90s it kept building and building.
I did my time in the military and whatnot during the cold when the wall came down in Berlin.
And what I want to say is, my point is, is that I believe with the buildup of the people that are becoming awake because of people like you, who I met through Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theories.
I saw you on his show and I said, who's this Alex Jones guy?
So I looked you up and I've been following you ever since then.
And I believe with the acceleration
The exponential acceleration of people becoming awake that the government or the New World Order has ramped things up as well.
I believe that because they're listening to us and they're saying, oh wow, we've got more on our hands than we thought.
Listen, listen, I'm not even allowed to say what happened with the show.
And people say, well, why don't you tell us?
Because then no one would tell me anything.
But I'm not even allowed to say it wasn't just FEMA, it wasn't just Congress, it wasn't just Homeland Security, it wasn't just... I'm not allowed to talk about it.
It's just that this country's in deep trouble, folks.
And there's a reason Jesse doesn't do that show anymore.
And he's in this trial right now to try to get his name back for that Psy-Op they ran.
And then they weren't able to shut the Psy-Op down when Ventura exposed it.
So they, uh, greased Kyle.
Kyle was a good guy, I think overall, but he did lie about Ventura.
That's all totally made up.
So they had to get rid of him up there in Dallas.
And I mean, I don't, you don't believe that story that a guy with PTSD went out there and just shot him in a shooting range, do you?
You, I mean, you mean anybody really believe that?
And I'm real sad for Chris Collin, real sad for his family.
It was like opening Anthony.
A couple days after that statement was made and that came out on Fox News, I was on the show and I said, listen, Ventura's gonna sue everybody.
This, I'm not, this is not a joke.
I mean, I'm the one that called Ventura in Mexico.
He had to go into town so I could talk to him.
I mean, he's a real guy.
Totally real.
From Minnesota down to Earth, just wants to smoke cigars and fish all day.
And surf and stuff.
I mean, he got very upset.
Not that somebody said they beat him up, but that he said he was glad Navy SEALs died.
I mean, I've seen Jesse Ventura get tears in his eyes when he sees vets at the airport with their arms and legs blown off.
He goes over to him and says, that's why I'm against these wars.
Look what happened to you.
I mean, these people want to take your honor away.
And all Ventura can do is sue, by the way, and they've got an insurance policy.
He's going to go after News Corp after that because he can't let them go around saying he wants Navy SEALs dead.
They tried to throw him out of the Navy SEALs Society, folks.
Because of that.
And if they can get him, they can get anybody.
I didn't mean to digress.
What was your point?
You had another question?
Well, my point was, you know, I love your guests as much as I love you and all your staff.
And they're saying this is going to happen in 5, 10, 15, 20 years.
But I think it's going to be 2, 3, 4 years because the New World Order is watching how
We're progressing.
Be awake.
You put the dots on the I's and the crosses on the T's for me.
I've been awake since I was six years old.
Didn't realize what that was.
That's my point.
And I still have a question.
No, I hear you.
I think they've accelerated their timetable.
Like, I don't think.
I know.
Look at it.
I mean, it's there.
It's like how you know when the salmon are running because they're going up the river.
I mean, it's how do you know when the cold front's blowing in because it's blowing in.
I mean, it's there, it's prima facie, which I guess in Latin means on its face.
On its face.
Open and shut.
What's the question, brother?
Okay, quick question.
I'm sure the millions of listeners out there, and I love all of you brothers and sisters.
I love your new studio.
When are you going to go full-time there?
You know, I've had a bunch of deaths in the family and a bunch of other hell-breaking lives that I'm not going to get into.
Later I'll talk about it.
Uh, and I just have not had the energy and the time, but we're moving into there and I just need to just start making decisions about where to put it on television, what to do.
It's mainly me.
Uh, I've been holding things up because, um, I mean, I won't even spend time to cut new ads and try to make money.
You know, it's just cause I'm so not even during the headlights now.
It's just, I have a bigger understanding of things now.
And things are so complex but also so simple that it's like I almost can't even talk sometimes now because it's just like, again, I liken it to you're doing work at your neighbor's house and a panel comes back and there's dead kids and, you know, barrels.
I mean, those are true stories that have happened to people.
And you just fall down.
I mean, you're just like... And then the crime is committed and no one gets in trouble.
I mean, it's that next level
Of opening Jeffrey Dahmer's refrigerator and there's dead people in it and he didn't get in trouble.
Well, he did get in trouble.
And then he got beat to death in prison.
Justice came to him.
But the globalists don't get in trouble.
They just sit there.
I mean, hundreds of people by name have been written about in the Wall Street Journal who were begging not to be killed in hospitals.
I mean, they had death panels 20 years ago.
And I've got to sit here and debate whether there were death panels in the legislation.
I mean, at a certain point, do we just sit here and talk about this?
And they're like, no, start a civil war.
Well, no, we don't want to do that.
That's what they want.
And it's just like a joke.
It's like a joke when I pull up to some checkpoint downtown and they want to search me.
I'm just like, it's ridiculous.
The border's wide open.
What you're doing is illegal.
Don't shoot your kids up with the vaccines, cops.
I'll be on the elevator in a hotel somewhere and I'll just start telling people that have kids or I'll see a pregnant woman, I'll go, listen, I'm tired, don't want to get in your business, but I got to tell you, you better look into vaccines.
You better look into iodine deficiency and deformities.
A lot of people say, no, thank you.
Thank you for, you know, caring.
I just, man, I'm sorry.
I'm ranting here.
I'm not even really ranting.
I'm mainly poleaxed is the word.
I'm stunned.
They say John on the island of Patmos marveled at the beast system.
And that's really it.
I mean, it's like, what?
It's really that bad?
And it is.
And it's so much more evil than I can even grasp.
And I've got one of probably the biggest grasp on this of anybody.
And let me tell you, it ain't fun, folks, seeing all the propaganda, understanding it to a deep level, where just everything is like hammering me with data.
Hammering me with 10, 20 levels into something.
And then no way with verbal
Repertoire with with with a lexicon to be able to describe it one cannot Be told about the matrix You got to see it.
You got to take the red pill.
You got to decide you want to know reality.
I Think that's what it comes down to folks.
It's stuff so obvious now and so evil now and so metastasizing now galloping raging evil a spirit
That is very hard to resist.
I think that's it, is that this spirit, even if you don't believe in spirits, you know, like at a pep rally, you feel the spirit, feel the energy.
This energy is so strong, ladies and gentlemen, that it's hard for me to resist it.
You understand?
It's that strong, and it's getting stronger.
These are the times that try men's souls.
These are they.
The ultimate weapon with the decadence and the entertainment.
All is a shield.
All is a cloak.
For the real operation going on so you don't get scared.
You don't think anything's going on.
People need to be upset.
People need to be freaking out.
People need to be hitting their knees and asking God for guidance and repenting.
But you can't go to these churches.
They're government-run FBI, CIA agents.
Almost every church.
It's on record.
Largely response teams bringing in the illegals, telling wives to divorce their husbands, saying Jesus isn't the Messiah, and people say, how dare you talk bad about Hagee.
That's how controlled people are.
I mean, it is just like hard core.
It's a great delusion.
All right, I'm going to wipe out this segment and come back with Dave and others.
Stay with us.
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Because John Bowne and Adon Salazar and I were literally running around yelling in the halls.
And I'm not going to break this now.
I'm going to have Watson or one of them do a story, but they're about to leave and go down there.
What we just discovered is so sensational.
I mean, it just gets crazier by the minute.
If I say it now, it won't be big.
So I want an article about this.
Obviously the guys are going down there.
But we've got to have an article separately about this.
This is incredible.
See, I'm torn.
I want to be in there planning this.
Instead, I'm in here on the air and I want to tell everybody.
I mean, this country is so screwed up, man.
I mean, it makes you laugh.
It's so ridiculous.
It's so over the top.
Let's go to Dave in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I have a suggestion.
I was wondering if it would be at all possible if you could please bring back the Obama phone lady to hear her comments about this latest strategy.
I said it months ago.
Guys, call the Obama phone lady.
I don't have the crew to get all this done.
We need to get her flown back up here right now.
Pay her to come up here.
Lovely lady.
And bring her up here next week, because I never got the Obama deception out.
There's this incredible interview with her.
I should probably just release that by itself, the new Obama deception.
I should just release what I have.
It's better than nothing.
And it's incredible.
She was already turning against Obama six months ago, a year ago.
So imagine now how awake she'll be.
Genius idea, sir.
Yeah, because I remember last year even that you were planning on releasing that documentary at the end of last year.
Yeah, and so now I can't basically release the film because I've got to make a whole new one, which is probably what needs to be done.
I need to get into brainstorm mode, lock myself here for two weeks.
I made Obama deception that's been seen 50, 60, 70 million, I mean no exaggeration, probably 70 million times.
And produced loose change that got seen over 100 million, but the point is, is that
Not bragging, just shows the power of the people.
Absolutely, I need to just lock myself in with all the stuff we've got, reshoot my part, and just put the stinking film out.
I mean, I've never started stuff and not finished it.
It's just I've bitten off so much more than I can chew and things have been going on that I just haven't gotten a lot of projects done.
They kind of piled up.
Really hit upon a good point about people waking up out here because back on Memorial Day, I was at my sister's house for Memorial Day party and her daughter, my niece, has a boyfriend.
He's like in his early 20s and asked me the question, how much longer do you think they can continue the illusion?
What else is on your mind, sir?
I mean, that to myself was incredible to hear that come out of the mouth of a young person like that, you know?
Do you think the Awakening's explosive or just systematic?
I think it's explosive across the board.
Because people out here are not as dumb or as stupid as the New World Order would expect us to be.
Well, people are either awake or they're getting dumber.
I mean, you see a separation from the wheat from the chaff.
Interesting points, thank you so much.
I'm even having trouble continuing the broadcast right now, after what I just learned.
It's just, there's no end to it.
We'll be back with a third hour.
We'll go to Tony and Carlos and Patrick.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The story up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com is down on the left-hand side of DrugsReport.com.
We're going to cover that for more calls.
Armed Homeland Security agents and community outreach, that's a close quote, to quote, let people know they're in the area.
It's a rollout of martial law, they just won't tell you that's what it is.
Feds out in force to remind residents about snitch program.
Hi, we're paramilitary federal police and we'd like you to tell us if anything suspicious is going on.
Yeah, we have a criminal government that's opened the borders up.
Light open.
In fact, I want to shoot a special report for the Nightly News tonight on this, and I'm going to do a tongue-in-cheek piece on, well, I'm going to call Homeland Security up and, for real, and report them.
So when I say it's a spoof or a stunt, it's not really.
I mean, I'm going to say, yeah, I'm here to report that the feds are aiding and abetting completing the smuggling process.
Oh, man, I tell you, what a joke.
Cop pulls me over, mind if I search your car?
Do you have anything to hide?
I'll go, yeah, I live in an authoritarian country where they arrest women whose nine-year-old daughters play across the street at the park and then take the girl away from them.
Yeah, I'm really worried about you.
Not that you're probably a bad person, but man, you work for some really dangerous people.
I'm scared of you.
And maybe you like that, but you think that's a safe country?
Tony in Ohio, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This is Tony.
I'm in Idaho.
I know, I'm sorry.
Yeah, I wanted to talk about the way these government preachers and these government churches are getting the very people to stand down who have the power to stop this.
It's by the false teaching that Jesus didn't come when he prophesied that he would come in the first century.
He said to those people, he says, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.
And then people say it was Titus sacking Rome in 70 A.D.
You know, I don't know if I agree with that interpretation.
You know, there have been many Antichrists.
There are smaller versions of the bigger version.
Things repeat themselves in cycles.
So I think it's more sophisticated than that.
But I don't want to get into an argument with you about that.
I know this.
You go to megachurches.
And those people are eyeing you as operatives.
And this is on record.
It's not my opinion.
And they're there to suppress and control.
They're social engineers.
And that's now mainstream news.
But the flocks don't know it.
I've got a buddy out by the lake that has a preacher I've had dinner with who's a listener who totally gets it and is on fire and knows what he's talking about.
And I ought to go to that church.
It's just like
45 minutes from where I live, or an hour if there's traffic, but I'm going to start taking my children there because that guy's on fire.
But it's just, and that's a great blessing because I haven't found really many good preachers around here.
I mean, I'll go to funerals for people that die, and the preacher will come over and like try to mess with me, you know, telling me I'm full of baloney and everything.
I'm just like, come on, man, come on.
Anyway, sorry, go ahead.
I understand what you're saying, Alex.
Let me just make two quick points, please.
Christ said to the people that were standing around listening... By the way, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Titus sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD.
Rome was sacked in 410 by Alaric.
I'm tired.
I get it.
I scramble things.
Go ahead, sir.
Anyway, he said to the people that were standing around listening to him teach, he said, Verily I say unto you, there be some of them that stand here that shall not taste of death till they see the Son of Man come in his kingdom with power.
Those people are dead!
They're not standing around waiting for him to come.
He said to Caiaphas, now this is Caiaphas, the high priest of that
Listen, I don't debate that rapture theology is used to make everybody celebrate the takeover of evil.
As Christians sit on their giant butts doing nothing, serving Satan at the right hand.
I mean, the churches are the army of Satan, okay?
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
We're good to go.
Five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime Directive.
Take credit, Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
Man, when I get home from work, all Betty does is watch her reality TV and then she goes to sleep.
I can take her on romantic dates, I get her flowers, you name it.
She's just not the woman I married.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going right to our guest, then your phone calls, then the niece of Martin Luther King has a new book out.
We're dealing with what Martin Luther King really stood for.
It's called King Rules.
But this story is very important up on Infowars.com.
Controlling the narrative.
Woman calls Cheney war criminal.
C-SPAN cuts the feed.
And I mentioned this earlier, but I want to play a clip of this.
People ask, well then if they cut the feed, how did that happen?
People shot it then on a phone.
But the feed got cut.
They admit they cut the feed.
And under that we have a video report.
Obama has been given kill switch to the entire media system.
That is not just a kill switch for the internet.
It's a kill switch for your phones, you name it.
But the headline is Obama has been given the kill switch to the entire communication system.
And that is absolutely on target and absolutely right.
And it's very, very important.
But here's a short clip.
I mean, this is the beginning of the end of the new media, if they're able to do this.
Chinese-style net censorship, you name it.
And it's incredible that C-SPAN did this.
Here's the woman calling Dick Cheney a war criminal that C-SPAN doesn't want you to see.
I was chatting with the Vice President backstage, and I was saying, I bet that never gets old.
And he said, keeps me right at home.
And they cut the feed.
How do you like that?
And they cut to the outside of the Capitol.
Why don't they want that?
It's a bigger deal than people know.
The globalists, I guarantee you, don't like it.
Brian Lamb, I'm not saying he's a bad guy, years ago talked about in an interview how horrible it was that my listeners were dominating C-SPAN, calling in constantly.
And he also talked about in another interview about
My radio show and how scary it is.
I can tell Brian Lamb has, you know, nice compassionate eyes, seems very intelligent.
I've watched Washington Journal back when he used to host it.
I like his work.
You can tell Brian Lamb was freaked out ten years ago when he was talking about me.
He doesn't talk about me now.
Because, you know, you hear this stuff, it should freak you out.
Because if I'm right, well that means we're in a lot of trouble, doesn't it?
Well, of course I'm right.
I mean, they're teaching 2 plus 2 equals 5 in the schools, folks.
You don't have to believe me.
I'm not the one that's right.
It's prima facie.
It's on the face.
It's like saying red wine's red, folks.
It's just, it is.
It's like saying Mike Tyson's a boxer.
It is.
George Washington's a general.
It is.
Ducks are birds.
It is.
It is a tyranny.
It is oppressive.
It is totalitarian.
That's William Binney.
Number four at the National Security Agency.
There is an authoritarian population control system going on.
And if people
Dominate live events.
I mean, if you go in with Hillary Clinton's at a book signing and confront her, even nicely, it'll freak her out.
It happens everywhere.
She'll break down.
These narcissist control freak demons are scared of us.
We need to put pressure on them so they know that we're not scared of their intimidation and it's making us come out of the woodwork peacefully against them.
You need to do everything.
I mean, you know, go bullhorn outside their houses.
I mean, they're funding Al Qaeda to kill Christians all over the world.
Go get in the State Department people's faces.
Get in their faces!
You're a citizen.
They're raping our name.
They're funding evil.
Breitbart breaking top of drudge.
Alien from border crisis arrested for alleged murder, kidnapping in Texas.
There's AP.
More kidnappings in South Carolina by illegals.
Welcome to my nightmare!
I think you're gonna like it!
Okay, let's go ahead and get our guest, Abby Johnson.
Couldn't get on the show last week because traffic was shut down so bad.
She's on the phone with us today.
She has ATTWN.org.
And she left the abortion industry in 2009.
She's known that her calling was to work with current and former abortion clinic workers.
She knows the deception of the abortion industry too well.
Working with Planned Parenthood since 2001.
I want to get her on for a full hour sometime in studio.
I'm begging her to do that.
To the position of healthcare director.
In the last year for employment, many things began to disturb her.
And why not just actually hear from her?
Everybody needs to go to her website.
I want to tweet it out right now.
You know, hear from an abortion insider the truth.
Tweet that.
A-T-W-N dot O-R-G on live with us.
And look, to admit what's going on is to begin the healing.
I don't judge anybody that's been involved in this.
Quite frankly, I've been involved in it.
You know, girlfriends would go get abortions even when I try to stop them.
But still, I was involved.
I shouldn't have been doing what I was doing for it to go to that point.
And even though it makes me look bad, I need to publicly say, you know, that.
Because I want people to know that I'm not judging you.
Again, I'm ranting on the subject.
I'm going to skip this network break so she has more time.
We'll put a link in the guest section of the news today as well on Infowars.com.
Thank you for coming on with us.
You know, in the 15 minutes we've got together or so, tell people what's really going on, what's really happening as you sit on the stand in front of the jury that is America, North America, and the rest of the globe, people tuning in from all over the world.
What's really going on with abortion?
What's it really all about?
And what makes Planned Parenthood tick?
I'd love to come in studio.
I'm in Austin.
But I think what people need to know is that, and I think people do know this primarily, but a lot of people still deny it, is that the abortion industry is a profit-driven industry.
It's a money-driven industry.
It's an industry that sells abortion.
People don't like to hear that, but they are, you know, these Planned Parenthood clinics and abortion clinics are giving out quotas for the amount of abortions that have to be sold to women coming in to those clinics.
So, you know, you become a salesperson for the product that they're selling, and that's abortion.
And, you know, for me, kind of seeing that corruption, seeing the malpractice,
And then ultimately seeing a 13-week-old baby on an ultrasound screen fighting for its life during an abortion, that's what caused me to wake up and say, you know, I've got to get out of here.
I've been part of the problem and now I want to be part of the solution.
What do you make of the abortion seller, the abortion used car salesman, lady that came out in New Jersey and taped her abortion and said, ooh, it's sweet, I'm keeping a picture, it's so loving, I love my baby.
It's the most sick, demonic poetry I've ever heard out of the mouth of, in my opinion, an actual demon.
Have you seen that video?
Yeah, I've seen it.
I sent Emily Letts a personal letter, actually.
I sent it certified, so I know she got it.
But, you know, I think we're living in a time where, I mean, you know, just as Scripture says, I mean, good will be called evil and evil will be called good.
And, you know, we've got a wave of women out there who call themselves liberated.
They call themselves feminist.
What they don't understand is that they're actually being used and objectified by the abortion industry for profit.
And that's exactly what happened to that young woman, Emily Letts, is that she doesn't realize how she's being manipulated, but she's also part of their sales technique.
And so, you know, those are the people really that we're trying to reach to help them understand,
You are making this problem even bigger by saying, I'm a woman and I'm for women's rights and that's why I support abortion.
Any woman who's worth her salt or really thinks about this critical thinking about the abortion issue would know that women are just being used.
We're being used in this game that the abortion industry is playing.
We've got Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood telling us that this is a woman's rights issue.
It's a big political ploy and unfortunately women don't seem, a lot of women don't seem to be smart enough to see that for what it is and to get out of it.
Well, I totally agree with you looking in from the outside, but brief folks on what's really going on out there, and of course the tapes have come out all over the country where people say, I want to give money to kill blacks.
They're like, absolutely.
Where Planned Parenthood came from.
I mean, until the Democratic Party was founded, the Klan, now they say the NRA is the Klan.
When it was founded to fight the Klan, they invert
And it just goes on and on and on.
And they have these fundraisers in Austin, and I see them around the country, for, you know, come give money to Planned Parenthood at these big galas.
When Planned Parenthood has just got billions of dollars, Warren Buffett funding it, Bill and Melinda Gates funding it, the Queen of England meeting about, you know, how do we kill these poor people, Prince Charles, Prince Philip.
And then you can look at the public and say, well, there are too many poor people, let's kill them.
You know, to women out there that have had abortions, because what I think is, what I know is they double down.
Once you've been involved in abortions, or once you've had girlfriends that have had them, or, you know, whatever, even if you didn't like it or approve of it, you got drugged along, we're gonna skip the break, guys.
You will...
Wanna rationalize and do whatever you can.
You know, it's kind of like you demonize a country you want to invade and attack, or you demonize somebody before you rob them, or you make an excuse for why, you know, what you're doing you're doing.
And for me, that's what has to be a...
We have to strike at the root of this and say, listen, why do so many abortionists call babies ugly black babies?
Why do they say nobody wants these Mexican babies?
Let's kill them.
And then that's on the news.
I mean, I've always heard that mantra from abortion people.
Did you ever hear that?
Yeah, I mean, it's strange.
I mean, and looking back, I mean, looking back, I'm like, God, I was like such an idiot for falling for all this kind of stuff.
But like,
You know, looking back, I mean, you hear, well, we're helping poverty by killing people?
We're helping poverty by killing people who could potentially be in poverty?
That's the solution?
That's the best solution that we have in the United States of America is to kill people?
You know, I don't know.
I just think that so many women have been duped
Into this lie, you know, made to believe that abortion is liberating, that it's empowering.
And, you know, for some women, we do see that they stand by that.
But, I mean, honestly, I'm a woman that's had two abortions, that regrets those two abortions, and speaks out publicly about them.
But there's nothing liberating about taking the life of your own unborn child.
There's nothing human about it.
And they're getting civilized and so, you know, but I just think it's just been a nice tactic that's been used and waved in front of women's faces.
As a way to ultimately control us and enslave us into this culture of death.
And Alveda, I know it's going to be on later, and she can talk more about the roots of Planned Parenthood and how it was founded and everything.
Even now, we look at where Planned Parenthood clinics are located, and 79% of them are located in what is considered super minority areas.
They know their target.
They know that they're going after those who are impoverished, and if you look at the founding of Planned Parenthood through Margaret Sanger, who actively worked with Hitler,
And you see that, you know, her goal was to, and she said it very clearly in her writings, her goal was to eliminate the minority population, calling them human weed that needed to be exterminated from a human garden, saying that, you know, the most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.
And this is their founder!
And it's not just that, you know, okay, like, Hitler had ties to the founding of Volkswagen, right?
If Volkswagen was giving out an award every year in Hitler's name, nobody would buy Volkswagen anymore.
It would be crazy, right?
But Planned Parenthood continues to celebrate their racist roots.
By giving out their top honored awards in the name of Margaret Sanger every year.
People, they just don't understand what they're supporting when they're supporting Planned Parenthood.
They're not supporting women's rights.
They're not supporting women's health care.
They're not supporting health care in general.
They're supporting the killing of our unborn children and they're supporting the enslavement of women across our country.
I've actually had journalists, mainly female journalists, in my office repeatedly say, so you really don't like Margaret Sanger or admire her.
And they actually shake their heads.
She's been Time Magazine Woman of the Year since she died.
And this was a woman who had basically love letters back and forth with Hitler, got awards from Hitler.
She gave awards to Hitler.
And the issue is, it's not like it's some new organization.
And I get called racist by the controlled media because I don't want totally open borders with poor people that are put on welfare to be abortion voters, basically.
I mean, that's what it is.
That's the demographics.
The Democrats admit that.
I'm not even a Republican.
But the Democrats are trying to take over with abortion, guns, all of it.
They want to force their will on us, and they're going to bring in a pliant population to do it.
They absolutely hate those Latin Americans.
They're giving him Gardasil shots down there forced under IMF and World Bank agreements that have been linked to sterilizing him.
And of course it's come out that indeed that's what Gardasil does in many cases.
So it's just so incredibly sick to see all this.
What do you expect him to do now that polls?
have reversed from 1973 with over 65% for abortion in some of their stage polls to over 65 to 70% in a lot of polls I see, especially young people.
As public opinion swings against it, what do you expect?
How will the empire of Hitler and Margaret Sanger and John D. Rockefeller, that's who founded the whole deal, how will they strike back?
Well, I think they are actively in our school system right now.
Parents need to wise up.
My kids aren't in public school because I don't want them there.
I don't trust what they'd be taught.
But, you know, there's a lot of...for a lot of people, public school, they feel like that's the only option for their kids.
Parents need to wake up.
Planned Parenthood's agenda starts in kindergarten.
Their sex education program starts in kindergarten with your five-year-old children, and that five-year-old classroom involves showing them graphic sexual positions with stuffed animals.
I mean, parents need to wake up.
You need to be involved in what's going on with your children's school.
You need to be looking at who's coming in and giving these health presentations.
And if they say, oh, it's just a health group that's coming in to ask questions, who is it?
Because I would bet 99% of the time it's Planned Parenthood.
They're going to start trying to go after a younger and younger demographic.
Sarah Weddington, you know, who was the lawyer in Roe v. Wade,
Um, who, you know, pushed Roe v. Wade through.
She just got up a few days ago and said, look, we don't have any young people in the pro-choice movement anymore.
You know, everybody that's pro-choice now, they're, you know, they're menopausal.
They're not even of fertility age anymore.
And so they're going to start really trying to dig in to our school systems, to our colleges.
We need to make
We're good to go.
Well, you know what B.F.
Skinner and all the rest of them said they had to do with the Rockefeller Foundation?
People can look all this up.
I mean, I've read multiple books on the subject.
It's a public fact.
They went in.
And they said, we've got to promote promiscuity to break up the family so the state is the dad, and then we've got to basically use the poor people we can't exterminate as our new dumbed-down political dependent class, but then keep abortion going as well to control those numbers.
So they went in and caused the epidemic of out-of-wedlock children.
They created the crisis and they offer the solution.
It's so evil.
Look, if your listeners want to see something, really, just...
Just discussing.
They can go to my website, avijohnson.org.
In the search bar, type in Yaffe Memo, J-A-F-F-E.
It came directly from Planned Parenthood's vice president back in the 60s.
It was a plan for how Planned Parenthood could destroy the family and increase the abortion numbers.
This was back in the 60s, and now we see that plan coming to fruition right in front of our face.
It's called the Yaffe Memo.
It's public.
It's on my website, J-A-F-F-E.
All right, and again, abbyjohnson.org.
Briefly tell folks about that memo, and then I want to invite you next week or whenever you like to come in and spend an hour in studio with us.
You can send exhibits before you come, and we can have them up on the screen for the television viewers as well.
Yeah, we had a former worker from Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, which is located at Affiliate Headquarters in Denver.
Um, that worker sent us an award, a picture of an award that was posted in the Aurora Health Center, Planned Parenthood Health Center, stating that, um, they had won this award for increasing their abortion numbers from fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2013.
And, you know, for years, for five years since being out of the industry, I've been talking about these abortion quotas and look, our ministry has a huge new, um,
We're good to go.
This is huge.
I want to get you in here next week looking at this memo.
It's how to reduce the U.S.
population, how to break up families.
It's all right there.
Just incredible blueprints.
And you can see it, folks.
I mean, these people are our savage enemies.
God bless you, ma'am.
We're going to talk to our next guest.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN... Dr. Alveda C. King coming up.
Dr. Alveda C. King coming up.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Desperately trying to shake the human community out of its induced globulous mesmer coma.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We are here, Monday,
Through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, back weeknight, 7 o'clock, InfoWars Nightly News.
You've been noticing that I'm every night either hosting part of or doing special reports on the nightly news.
Soon I intend to host it at least three nights a week, the entire transmission, with our reporters, anchors, analysts, researchers.
And we're running a special in the month of July where you can get 5.3 months free.
That's 5.3 months free.
When you sign up for the yearly membership, so you pay for 6.7 months, you get 5.3 months free.
All my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, special live reports, the nightly news every night, and so much more.
Commercial free audio and video podcast of the daily radio show, all of it.
And again, if you can't afford a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, almost all of it, a lot of it, ends up going on YouTube the next day for the whole world with our big channel with 400 million views.
We have other channels and yet our other auxiliary affiliate channels.
I've been trying to do the math.
Actually, it's bigger than I said.
We're up to about 800 million views on YouTube.
And for political news, that's dominant.
The White House videos get about 5,000 views on average now.
They only do a few a day.
Barack Obama.
Remember he used to get 5 million views, the stupid Obama girl and all that?
Talk about rotting produce that nobody wants to buy.
I mean, Obama is...
Really losing his own base because he has just betrayed everyone.
But that's part of the larger plan.
People need to know, obviously, it's not just Obama doing bad things.
Obama is the front man of this larger agenda.
But like a knight that has a shield that's dented and bruised,
They throw that down after four to eight years and pick up a new one.
We need to stop letting presidents just be globalists, bully pulpit drivers of agendas, and get somebody good in there, obviously.
That's obvious.
But when we attack Obama, it's because he is the sales vehicle for all these programs, and now that he's unpopular, we can then shoot down, dismantle, or shut down
Or derail all the unconstitutional garbage that he's ran through.
Because the Supreme Court can rule his tyrannies constitutional all day because of NSA blackmail and things that have come out.
It doesn't matter.
We can have Congress move as a larger group.
It's harder for them to blackmail that whole group and repeal a bunch of this.
It's not even so much blackmail that they're using now as just the money of the special interest who now have a bunch of buck-passing crooks
They're in D.C.
who all just deny.
Oh, we don't know why the TSA's on street corners now sticking their hands down your pants.
Oh, we don't know why Homeland Security and Federal Police are now walking around major cities saying, spying on your neighbors.
That's in the news today.
We don't know.
They did it.
Gee, he did it.
It's all a bunch of people of plausible deniability.
And this is the criminal system that the globalists operate.
I don't know the proper term for it, but it's an oligarchy of totalitarianism, but it's a large combine of individuals where they all work in different sectors so that no one can be blamed for running it all.
And, well, we got laws passed that we were allowed to create derivatives.
Well, we passed a law to reform that that gave us more power to do it.
And we legalized insider trading.
Well, I don't care if you say it's legal that you're allowed to insider trade in Congress, but no one else is.
That is discriminatory.
It's a fraud.
It proves you're a bankrupt criminal group, on average.
And so we need to support the individuals that criticize that and expose it.
I mean it really is over the top.
I started reading her book last weekend.
I've gotten about halfway through it.
It's been very busy.
It's excellent.
And it's something I think that really everybody should read.
Especially so-called liberals that think they know Dr. Martin Luther King.
I could actually hear his quotes, his letters, what he really stood for, and then contemporary example of what's going on today.
So, who was Dr. Martin Luther King?
Was he who the FBI basically lied and said he was?
Or was in their COINTELPRO?
Or is he who the Democrats say he is?
Or is he even who the Republicans say he is?
And the answer is no.
And the lady that has done a great job, Dr. Elvita King,
Guardian of the King Family Legacy is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a grateful mother and grandmother.
She's a former college professor, author, mentor, stage and screen actress.
I've seen her in quite a few movies.
Georgia state legislator and presidential appointing.
And she joins us now.
Great book by Nelson Books that I intend to finish by Friday.
I'm going to read it some more tonight if I have time.
But she joins us now to discuss
The book, King Rules, the truth for you, your family, and our nation to prosper.
Live the dream of A.D.
King, Daddy King, and MLK.
So tell us about this family and where Martin Luther King came from.
I think that's important to understand where we are because his journey is a classic American journey of being a true folk hero and trailblazer.
You know, thank you, honestly, for the opportunity to even join you today and your listening audience.
It's so amazing as you asked that question because I was listening to all your comments as you were bringing me in with the intro and everything that's happening at the news.
I'll be honest with you, I don't look at the news all the time.
I do sometimes just to get a barometer, but some things are so fantastic or fantastical, which isn't a word,
Um, now the, we've got the, uh, current, uh, House getting ready to sue the President and et cetera.
And the one point that you made about him being like a, pretty much a mousetrap.
President Obama is not the one that's totally doing all this.
There's a machine that drives this and he's just right at the front of that machine.
And so, as I begin to look at everything and continue to see all of the breakdown in our society today in America, across the country, I'm very disturbed about the children who are being brought over and just kind of left on the borders.
And I'm astounded by
Uh, the things that I'm hearing in the media now.
Let's send them back.
They don't belong here.
Let's keep them without any real plan or knowledge how to help the children.
Uh, the sanity of people saying we have a moral obligation to help children everywhere whenever they need.
But then there has to be some logic to it.
And then everybody, the children are suffering with the blame game going.
Now I'm saying all of this to say that
During the time that Martin Luther King, Jr.
was alive and here on earth in the 20th century, during the time my father, his brother, Reverend A.D.
King, was here, my grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., we had order.
We had rules.
There were things that we were able to pattern our lives by.
Were we perfect?
Am I perfect today?
But we have always been imperfect humans in the King Family legacy who serve a perfect God, with love and compassion being the order of the day, the rule of the day, which is why you'll find a chapter in that book, The Beloved Community.
So I actually wrote that book
For my children and grandchildren, I know you've got some questions.
I'm gonna go wrap this one up.
But my son said to me the other day, my youngest son is 24.
He said, I'm sad.
Your book is making me sad.
I said, why?
He said, all the things that you talk about in that book, I didn't have.
I said, what do you mean?
I've been here.
He said, but the patriarch.
I didn't have a real patriarch.
My grandfather, I didn't know him.
My great-grandfather, I did not know.
My uncle, I did not know him.
And you know, his daddy and I are divorced.
He said, so all the things you say in the book, mom, are right.
You're trying to give us those things today.
But I didn't always have them.
So, America, we have lost standards.
And we want to kind of throw rocks at one individual, President Obama.
And you know I do not agree with the policies of President Barack Hussein Obama.
I do not.
I've been to the White House twice, told him I love him, I'm praying for him, but I don't agree with his policies.
So I wrote the book to hopefully re-raise a standard that works.
Well, the globalists, starting with the Native American and then black communities on record, brought in the social engineering, I know you're an expert on that, and Margaret Sanger and Hitler and all the rest of it, and the Rockefellers, it's just too wild, you know, to even try to
Encapsulated on the radio.
But I'd like you to speak some to that and the targeting of the human family and the human system perfected on black people now being deployed against everyone to devastating effect.
But before we go there, again we just joined us folks, Alveda King, Dr. Alveda King is on with us.
She has the new book already becoming a bestseller, King Rules just came out.
Ten truths for you, your family, and our nation to prosper.
I mean, I agree with so much of what's in there.
It's very touching.
Talk about, though, the other man.
Because we always hear about Martin Luther King, but we don't hear about his dad or his brother.
And break down the book for people and some of the standards that were there for people to, from the numbers I've seen, lower illegitimacy in the black community in the 40s and 50s and things, in most areas of the country, than what you had in the white community.
And just the complete
Destruction in my view of culture that we see by design, and why do you think that's happening?
Well you know, and part of all of that that we were saying about the socialist agenda, for those who wanted to label my Uncle Martin Luther King Jr., my Uncle Impel,
As a socialist communist.
My uncle was never a communist.
Now, the Gospel of Jesus Christ where in Jesus taught that everybody should have a place to sleep, something to eat, to be treated compassionately.
The Sermon of the Good Samaritan is the one that my uncle preached along those lines.
But my uncle never embraced a communist agenda.
That's just not true.
And the socialist idea of the government
Uh, providing everything.
You need a big brother.
You need a new plantation.
Uh, like in the days of, uh, slavery, where the slaves were, you know, given all this free labor and everything, and they were getting, um, a somewhat handout from the master.
And so the government, my uncle, of course, said that the law cannot make someone love me, but the law can keep someone from lynching me.
So people have to really understand that.
My uncle,
Being a very intelligent man, but definitely a godly man, understood that there's a place for government, human government, but that the rule of God, which is the God they love, superseded that.
So that's exactly what he taught, and I challenge anybody, especially after my uncle Martin Luther King Jr.
Uncle Emile took the call to preach the gospel.
In his earlier days as a college student, as a high school student, he looked at all the philosophies of the world.
He studied many philosophers.
Gandhi was one.
Plus, it's like saying Thomas Jefferson was racist when he was actually a trailblazer trying to end a lot of things.
It was the time that someone was alive when the socialists were trying to embrace Martin Luther King from my research, correct me if I'm wrong, that he would go and speak to any group or whatever and obviously the left
At that time, wanted to co-opt him, but no one could imagine that there was an even more insidious plan to use government empowerment to actually enslave people.
I mean, he would have had to have a time machine in the 1950s, you know, to know things like this.
Let me speak to that one.
Oh, I'm so glad you brought that one up.
I have a chapter in the book that says, get a good education, but education cannot be God.
So, I guess I had written about the consequences
We're good to go.
The founding fathers knew slavery was wrong.
Many of them, Alex, absolutely said it was wrong.
But some of them still own slaves.
And so I said that I wish they had had the courage to stand up even a little more firmly and a little against it.
I think Ben Franklin did have one slave and he freed that slave.
You know, I'm studying all of them now.
I'm really looking before I talk about it solidly.
But that's back to the point of
When I do wrong, and I want God's Word to change, and I try to change it because I want to do what I want to do, God's Word is not going to change.
God's Word is going to change me.
And from what I found out from the Founding Fathers, what I knew about my Uncle Martin Luther King Jr., Uncle M.L., my Daddy A.D.
definitely not perfect.
Daddy King, not perfect.
I'm not perfect.
I've had abortions.
I've been divorced three times.
I've just done things, but I have repented.
I've asked God to center me and help me.
So when we as human beings make these terrible human errors, then that doesn't change the standard.
Those 10 rules that I've written about in that book.
Make your home a priority.
Serve your family.
Get a good education.
Guard your heart and your body.
And your human sexuality.
That's what that chapter is about.
Defend life.
It goes on into peace and justice.
I was very honest in the book about things that I've done.
It wasn't an expose on other people, so I could have talked about others and shown how imperfect every human being is, but what I really was trying to show was the perfection of those standards and the perfection of God.
Well, I found it's important to publicly admit things you've done and to not be arrogant.
I mean, I think that's the beginning of always getting our heart right.
But I mean, look at King David, all the things he did, but he really repented and he had in his heart...
In the New Testament, his name was Saul became Paul, but he killed Christians.
It was so bad that when God told him to go and stop the disease, he said, they're going to kill me.
I used to kill them.
No, I can't go.
And God, of course, defended and protected him and let him do it.
So, and that's even, as I say, with President Obama, 100% his policy.
And I could go beyond the HHS mandate, which is terrible.
Do you know what women are buying?
Just real quick, Dr. King, your phone audio just got weak.
Can you talk right into it or go back to what you were doing?
Yes, because I really want to make this point.
I was listening to Hillary Clinton on the news today.
And Nancy Pelosi, she said something about the Democrats are about action and the Republicans are about studying things.
You know, I'm paraphrasing.
And then Hillary was on.
Pelosi, Hillary, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, I call them the terrible trios of free ladies, and they are selling women, especially single women, in this country.
They are selling an agenda, and I hope ladies are really listening to this.
No, in the 866 mandate.
I'll tell you, stay there.
We're going to come back to that agenda, Doc.
We've got to go on a break.
One more segment.
We'll have six minutes on the other side with Dr. Alveda C. King, priestforlife.org, her new book, King Rules.
And you can find it in a lot of bookstores, or on Amazon.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Final segment.
I'll do some overdrive to take your calls.
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Cliven Bundy is a fossil hillbilly living out in the desert.
When he made those statements about weren't black folks better when they lived out in the woods and had their own tomatoes and pigs and goats.
And the media said that was racist.
No, that was a caveman.
Saying, I'd want to live out in the woods and have tomatoes and chickens.
I don't want to live in them scary cities.
Why, there's slaves in those cities.
And they went, oh, you're being racist.
The point is, is that they've traded one slavery for another slavery and we're all doing that.
And that's what Cloward and Pivot and all of this is about, and that's why they want the borders open with all these people, is so they can get groups that are dependent.
And I understand they use our compassion, but where do you think all this is going?
Do you agree, or do you want to amend that statement I just made, Dr. King?
And then I want to spend a few minutes on current politics and Planned Parenthood.
Alex, with the statement that you just made, there are different forms of slavery, and it's lack of understanding, lack of
Insight, lack of truth and reality that puts us into bondage, whether it be physical or emotional or mental.
And, you know, it could be sickness, it could be restraint, it could be oppression from humans.
There's so many things, but one of the most nefarious things that's going on right now, Pelosi and the gang are heading this up, Clinton, Cecile Richards, all of them.
They are, and they're really preying on single women, young ladies.
Uh, from teenage up to about 33.
And they're saying that the evil republicans want to keep you in priesthood life with the HHS mandate, lawsuit, and Hobby Lobby.
They don't want you to have free birth control.
They want to put you back in private slavery and keep you, uh, from expressing your sexuality.
Well, the program, the HHS mandate, the free birth control is going to be $9 a month.
Listen, you can check that out for yourself.
How much would be allowed for a lady?
$9 a month.
Most of us ladies, I don't care what our situation happens to be, we can probably find $9 a month.
And so, I told, I actually said, I have daughters and granddaughters.
They don't need free birth control.
They need good education.
They need good food that will not make them sick.
They need safety and security so they won't end up in sex trafficking.
Those are the kinds of things that my daughters and granddaughters need.
And that's what women need.
And the easiest way to liberate a woman about her sexuality is to let her determine when she will have sex and when she will not.
Get her a $1 ovulation kit from the dollar store that lets her know when she's ovulating.
A $1 kit she can buy herself.
And a woman cannot get pregnant when she's not ovulating.
So that empowers her.
I control my sexuality.
I say when I'm going to have sex.
So don't rape me.
Don't force me.
Don't tie me down.
Don't give me artificial chemicals and shots and pills and abortions that are going to give me strokes and heart attacks and breast cancer.
Just let me say when I will have sex.
And if I want a baby, I'll have it when I ovulate.
If I don't, I won't.
That's too simple.
And Hillary, they know this.
That's right, they won't teach women.
All the ancient women knew how to control when they got pregnant.
I mean, they all knew, but they will not teach women how to take control.
They have the state doing it and calling that freedom.
And we need to control our own sexuality.
I'm a feminist, but I'm a liberated feminist.
Susan B. Anthony kind of a feminist, you know what I'm saying?
So I think that those ladies are being notorious and they need to stop lying to women.
Well, they don't want men in other bodies, women in other bodies.
They just want us totally ignorant.
Well, if you're ever coming through Texas, we'd love to have you in studio.
And, Dr. King, thank you so much for the time.
I look forward to speaking to you again in the future.
God bless you.
And I think when we put this interview out on PrisonPlanet.tv later, I think I'm going to flip the interview with the first part at the beginning and the rest after, because her phone got better.
I'm going to do some overdrive and go to Carlos and others I've been holding.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Carlos, thanks for holding for those two guests.
In Texas, you're on the air.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm here in Houston, Texas, Alex, and I'd like to talk about Rex 84 and the open border.
And it's all coming back together, looking high.
Downloaded the internment and resettlement operation.
Sorry, I'm just, my adrenaline's so pumping on everything's going on.
No, no, exactly.
We get close to things, and then don't act like they're sensational because we're used to it, even though it's sensational.
It's good you're freaked out that you've got the resettlement people they're hiring.
It all just clicked.
They've been hiring all those resettlement people for the U.S., they've been gearing up with all this stuff, and then now they're imploding the borders.
It is REC-84.
Go ahead.
It really is.
I mean, uh, Rx84, for people that don't know, I know you and I do, is to round up these people, detain them, and to be controlled by FEMA.
Now, if you look back at our, at the internment and resettlement operation manual from February 2010 for the U.S.
Army, it talks about this.
It talks about Dave Pondes and their employees.
So, and I'm glad you got chills.
I'm glad you're stammering.
I'm glad you're freaked out.
That's a normal response when you discover an evil premeditated plan that the Border Patrol, ICE, and Homeland Security won't even understand mid-level and low-level.
We're here decompartmentalizing.
But that's why they go, oh, there's no internment resettlement camp program.
There's no Rex 84.
There's no FEMA camp.
That's why that congressman told Jesse Ventura that.
And Ventura goes, here's the bill.
And he goes, oh, that bill.
Go read it, folks.
For the American people.
How to process our social security numbers.
All of it.
I'm going to do a special report on this tonight on the news.
Can you guys print me that again?
Anything else, Carlos?
Well, people need to wake up because they're planning to crash the U.S.
In the Determined Resettlement Manual, at the back, Appendix J, they talk about paying these detainees, civilian internment personnel, in Swiss francs.
Uh, it's in the manual.
If you go to section J20, appendix J, it's in there.
It's all coming together there.
They plan when they implode the economy, absolutely.
And it's social security numbers, how to process citizens, our social security cards.
When we got this document, we broke this a few years ago, it took weeks for people to admit it was real.
People were like, oh it's not real.
They finally had to admit it was real.
We're good to go.
Thank you.
I just love callers like that.
And hearing his voice, his concern, his passion.
He's trying to warn people.
And the Houston cops are good guys on average.
They're gonna go, okay, yeah, but it'll never happen.
Now they know it's nefarious.
Now it won't just be the cover story when the nuke goes off or the dollar dies.
And then, oh, we already have this set up for the illegals.
You know, we'll just use it on you now.
And they've got all the churches working for them?
Makes me sick.
We're going to come back with Ted, Sarah, Steve, and Ronell.
That'll be it for calls.
And then I want to get to this clip.
Armed Homeland Security agents and community outreach to let people know they're in the area.
Feds out and forced to remind residents about the snitching program.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you were in uptown Greenville today, you may have noticed the heavy police presence outside the bankruptcy court.
We got several calls, so of course we checked it out.
Several Homeland Security cars were stationed outside of the bankruptcy court and courthouse in Greenville, but not because there was a danger.
Homeland Security officers still not on your side.
They were there as part of their community outreach.
Yes, people know that they are in the area.
They also were there to remind people that if they see something, say something.
Especially when they see anything suspicious happening outside of a federal building.
Well, yes, I do see something.
I see helicopter raids, armored vehicles, checkpoints, kids being trained to spy on their parents, parents being arrested because their nine-year-old daughter plays in the park across the street.
Totally legal.
Still they're in jail.
I see total tyranny.
I see the country collapsing.
I see the borders wide open.
I see the drug cartels kidnapping people all over the US now.
I see you purposely wrecking the country so you can be the heroes that race in with martial law and permanent state of civil emergency to keep us all safe.
I see
You guys carrying out just continual, soft, false flags.
Because you know we'll catch you if you blow up another federal building.
The names, everything.
We know who did it.
We have the eyewitnesses.
You didn't kill enough of the cops that saw you.
It got out.
Don Browning and others, the head of the K-9 unit.
We know who you are.
We got your hotel receipts.
All of it is public.
What are you going to do?
It's been in the Salt Lake City Tribune.
It's been in WorldNetDaily.
It's been on Infoworks.com.
Going to kill us all?
We know who did it, where you planted it, everything!
And you may not be convicted in court, you're convicted in front of everybody out there.
And we know about the underwear bombing.
You puttin' that drugged up Mutalib on there by the CIA.
We broke that.
Came out in Congress a month and a half later to roll out your naked body scanners.
We know all about you running Al-Qaeda, running the narcotics, and running everything else.
And you're not going to shut Jack's squad out.
You understand?
We have released the information and now people know what to look for.
So instead you're just, gee, we don't know why all these people are coming.
Turns out you had a secret deal last year with Guatemala.
Impeach Obama now.
And a deal with Mexico.
It's obviously industrial level, letting them on the trains that come up there.
You try to hop a train and come up there from Guatemala over a thousand plus miles?
Do you know what they do?
They knock your front teeth out and take you to a forced labor camp.
New York Times reported on that.
The shame of Mexico's immigration.
Why, they're bad too.
They have a border.
And we went down and showed the border was open.
And showed them being loaded on the buses because the ICE agent told us where to go to get it on tape.
And you know the New York Times and CNN already knew all that.
You know they all know it's the end of the border.
Now, again, even the average DHS cop or the average Border Patrol person are good people.
They really believe they're fighting Al Qaeda.
They really went and signed up when they had family and stuff that died on 9-11.
I know a lot of these people.
I run into them and they go, listen, man, we're not bad.
We didn't believe you.
We thought you were nuts.
Now we know it's true.
This is scary.
You hear them call in?
You're right, it is scary.
And guess what?
We're all in this together.
You think all your big shows of force and all this, you know, you're being ordered out there to do this?
It's to acclimate everyone for federal police on the streets and military.
We were sent video today that's going to be on the nightly news tonight.
We don't have time to put it out now.
Inside the military training to put black people in forced labor camps.
Yeah, it's sensational.
I don't know.
I may have to get out of here.
I mean, it's just getting too crazy.
They're going to say we're racist when we put this out because we don't want black people in camps.
I mean, I'm telling you folks, you don't want to chop black babies up.
You're racist.
I'm just so sick of it.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
I'm not complaining.
I'm not whining.
I'm just saying, sometimes I just leave early now because it's just like, it's overwhelming.
I can't sit up here and work until 8 or 9 at night if there's just always more.
I can't even cover it all.
They're destroying the country where we live, where all my family's buried.
They're going to come for our guns.
They already are in California and New York.
They already took them in Chicago, D.C.
The Supreme Court ruled five years ago to let people be armed.
They're not letting people be armed because they don't care.
And I can't break through the language barrier.
I can't reach out to all these Latin Americans that are being used to do this.
Plus, they wouldn't listen.
Even if they know it's true, they'll say, yeah, I know I'm being used, but I need to eat.
See, the globalists know how to just throw crises at you that are real.
They run Al-Qaeda, but Al-Qaeda's real.
They run the collapsing border, but it's real.
It's happening.
The media's always, Alex Jones doesn't think 9-11 even happened.
No, no, no.
It's the White House that teaches 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Oh no, a 9-11 happened.
They're real Muslim terrorists.
I don't know they were involved in this, but they're real ones.
I know the supposed hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, so we attacked Iraq.
I know it's been used to take our freedom, and now we're told the Tea Party and veterans and gun owners are it.
And every professional I tend to run into, lawyers and doctors and preachers, have been approached and been put into intelligence operations.
And people all these movies and TV shows all think it's like a status thing.
That's right, I've been recruited by the CIA here and I'm the principal of the school at the high school and I keep tabs on everyone just for the country's security.
It's the same thing with dentists and everybody, and these preachers.
You go to these mega churches, you go up and talk to the preacher, and you go, so are you part of the clergy response operation?
He's like, uh, hey, how you doing?
Alex Jones, you're that funny guy.
I gotta go.
And then they walk over and talk to one of the cops that's standing at the door looking at you.
I mean, it's literally being put into a re-education camp.
I mean, you realize you're like in a Body Snatcher movie, folks, but it's our own species doing it to us.
You realize you're dealing with actual, accredited officers of a command takeover in an army.
And I'm just some guy in Texas up here going, look at this, look at that.
I mean, it's, we're wide open, people!
Do you understand?
This isn't an intelligence takeover to build something pretty, either.
I'd be against it because it could be turned to evil later, like the Ring of Mordor.
You understand now?
I hope you do.
Because when they bring in this new system, they're not going to let anything of the old system be there.
The old system has plenty of problems, but it's not evil from top to bottom.
Everybody wants to conform and act like they're in the system and repeat, and I say everybody, large portions of people, and think you're comfortable with status quo.
And in most cultures that aren't evil, status quo is good.
No, no, status quo is flesh-eating bacteria killing hundreds of thousands of people a year, and they're covering that up, and other hospital infections.
Status quo
It's total surveillance of everything you do by a criminal group that's doing it illegally and hasn't gotten in trouble for doing it.
We're going to skip this network break.
Ted in Nevada, thanks for holding.
I'm ranting.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Alex, thank you so much for taking the call.
I'm honored to talk to you.
I'm a long-time listener.
Honored to talk to you, brother.
Go ahead.
I wanted to call in about the engineer drought we're having here in the West.
I've been kind of following it for a long time.
I'm here next to the... Yeah, I know.
They send the weather modifiers in every time a big specific storm comes in, and they spray it and knock it down.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation finances it.
They're paid by the government to do it, and it's all public.
There's a lot more I found out.
It's called Pulse Flow.
They've basically been letting water out of the largest water reservoir in North America, which is Lake Mead, for the last decade or so.
And they've got pictures from Tuffington Post and Progress and all these local non-profits basically saying that they've been doing this.
There's an agreement between the U.S.
government and Mexican government.
Where they're basically dumping water out into the ocean, and it's all out there, it's all public.
Oh yeah, and then if they can't dump it in the water like Klamath on the California-Oregon border, they will just put a fish that's invasive in, and then say, you can't have water for a decade because of the fish.
I mean, it's a siege operation.
But sir, they're not just turning the lakes off or diverting them to the ocean.
And you're right, that's on record.
They are chemtrailing and weather modification to knock out those storms before precipitation brings in.
And instead they dump it on the Midwest and cause floods.
It's a geoengineering program.
The fact it's going on is declassified.
Details are classified.
Five billion a year Department of Energy.
We have huge file cabinets.
I was going to make a film about it called Dark Skies, never did it.
There's like hundreds of patents on weather control from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s.
Stanford Research Institute weather control.
They were controlling hurricanes, the Navy was.
And I talked to the whistleblower, Fox News picked it up.
In 1967, certified that they can create them, steer them, destroy them, make them stronger.
But the general public just does not know that they're not in Kansas.
We are in a science fiction movie right now.
That's just pretty incredible seeing it first hand.
I spent a lot of time at the lake and then just watching the water level drop like 40 or 50 feet in the last years.
Well, you're just not going to have that water.
It's going to be down in the ocean.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, look, the border's wide open.
They're shutting down our power plants.
They pay to ship our jobs overseas.
And then just give us fiat money and welfare to get us dependent and get the robot cars and the robot troops and the robot factories ready.
You know, you think it's bad they got child labor in China and forced abortions, and now they're just making the apples with the first of the new plants that don't have humans in them.
Thank you, caller.
Thank you for bringing up that point.
Yeah, the public, though, generally doesn't care about just incredibly far-out, wild, fantastical stuff like admitted geoengineering manipulating the weather to break the West.
To get you off the land, to move into cities.
Then they'll turn the water back on.
Once they get it all.
Oh boy, aren't they nice people?
Sarah in Ohio.
Sarah, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I don't want to take up too much of your time.
I wanted to let you know about a fire that was handed out somewhere down in Cincinnati.
Um, to my boyfriend that talks about One World Government.
Um, front of the flyer has, you know, a picture of a globe on it, and then it says, A World Government.
Why do we need one?
Is it possible?
And who is qualified to rule?
And then it says, here are the answers at a free public event.
This is your invitation.
And it also says, Earth New Ruler.
Who really qualifies?
Yeah, that's a Jehovah's Witness flyer, I believe.
That's right, that's what it's saying about that Jehovah's Witness is the one who sent this out.
This was for a convention, a three-day convention in Indianapolis that is free for people to talk about one world government.
Why do we need one and who it could be to rule?
I don't know the details of that.
I've seen those flyers and CJ says he's seen them, but I would imagine
That it's a way to get people there to talk about it and probably say it's going to be antichrist.
But I don't know.
Because I haven't followed that to its final conclusion.
But world government's already here.
It's a corporate government that's exempt from regulations and taxes and is above the law.
And they have a definition of that.
It's called tyranny.
It's the ultimate form of discrimination that Warren Buffett's the biggest recipient of banker bailout money.
is exempt in many cases and then lobbies for our taxes to be raised.
I mean, that's just outrageous.
Thank you, Sarah.
Steve in FEMA Region 5.
What former state are you in, sir?
It's good to talk to you again, Alex.
Nice to talk to you.
I'm a Christian and a big problem in the church is that fellow believers in Jesus Christ don't know the real meaning of Romans 13.
That describes a legitimate government that punishes the evildoers, and when the government becomes the evildoers, we have grounds to resist.
Well, that's true, and the Declaration of Independence states that as well, it's just common sense, but they've already got it set up with the 320 million people in this country to want a physical war that destroys the old police-military order, which is very corrupt, but nothing compared to what they're bringing in, to bring in the new computerized social worker command-and-control system on the ashes of the old ones.
So, it won't do anything.
Um, to, you know, go out and kill a bunch of police and military.
That would blow up in our face.
I'm not saying you're advocating that.
But, but if they march them out against this stage false flags and go after people, uh, the media and the culture has predicted programming.
It will, it already shows the rebels and all these TV shows killing cops and military.
So people think that's what you go do to go resist.
No, you go after the, and I'm not saying this, I'm saying this is what you would, if you were really wanting to resist them, you go after the bureaucrats, you go after the owners, you go after the people running it, you avoid the police and the military.
That's not the, it's like in the video game where you don't want to shoot the women and children, you want to go around those, okay, as much as you can.
You lose points, you lose points when you go up against them, plus you don't want to engage them anyways, they're trained to fight.
Okay, you want to go after the brain bugs, just like in movies like the standard study since the 50s of the Army and Navy and Marine Corps colleges, Starship Troopers, the actual book is much better than the film, but the point is that they go after the brain bug.
Yeah, I mean, I wasn't calling for violence if that's what you were thinking.
You know resisting in the Infowar and I mean I'm a believer in self-defense as well.
I own firearms and I mean if they do offensively attack us first I'm for resisting but but right now I'm for like a peaceful revolution like you talk about all this time.
Where do you think it's all going?
Um well it's it's not looking good I mean
I mean, they could use the open borders to, you know, stage a false flag and, you know, blame it on whoever to take our liberties away some more.
I mean, it's not looking good.
I mean, I've been agreeing with most of what you're saying.
Well, they're using the wealth and the power of the West to build an empire, while at the same time trying to destroy the West because it has ideals that it realized would overthrow their system and create a literal solar system.
Galaxy-wide renaissance.
What humans could do is just so awesome.
But the churches have told everybody that we're not allowed to have that.
It's the end of the world and all the rest of it.
It's self-fulfilling prophecy.
It's very evil.
Appreciate your call, Steve.
Brent in FEMA Region 6.
I'm in FEMA Region 6, formerly Texas.
Go ahead.
How are you today, Alex?
I'm alright, brother.
Uh, the reason I'm calling, man, is this is really just getting me upset.
It's time for the fellow Info Warriors to put our money where our mouth is.
I make a little over $10 an hour, and I'm a Prison Planet member, and I know there are more people more well-off than I am that don't have children to support
That can afford to buy that Prison Planet membership.
And it's important to fund this, but absolutely, I'm sick of it being people that don't have money supporting us.
I want the yuppies and the rich people I run into, their listeners, they should be buying family water filters from us.
They should be buying our food.
They should be buying all the supplements that are great anyways.
And they should belly up and really, on a weekly basis, buy stuff from InfoWars.com so that we can expand our operation and keep it going.
Because I don't like hearing about people that have got families making $10 an hour, paying $5.95 a month, though 11 people can use it, though it's very affordable.
That's not my goal.
That's why as soon as we got better bandwidth and the cost has gone down across the board, that's why the NSA can spy on everybody so cheaply now as well and save everything.
Well, it's with us bandwidth is cheaper.
The Daily Radio Show video is free at Infowars.com on the listen page.
So we would give everything away from free.
Listen, if some endowment came along,
Where, you know, eight, nine million dollars a year, that's how much it takes to run this, folks, and that's cheap for something this big.
I mean, if a billionaire endowment came by and just said, here's the money, I would stop advertising.
The issue is networks and radio stations have ads that would still be there, but you wouldn't have me plugging stuff.
So, I mean, that's my goal.
I would like to not focus on money.
And so, yes, if we can figure out how to advertise the fact to wealthy people and middle-class people that, hey, you better do what the elite does with money.
They go and spend it to get what they want.
You better support real media.
You better support good candidates.
You better get active or lose everything.
Is that what you're saying, Brent?
Well, yes, sir.
I think also it's time for even the people that aren't as well-off as myself, it's time
No, we have the power.
We have the money as the people.
And you know, I have no problem paying that $5.95 for my membership.
It doesn't put me on the streets or make my kids any more hungry.
In fact, I want to buy another membership just to give to another 11 people.
We're the voice.
We're the lobbyists.
People with money are sitting here taking advantage of all the free things offered.
It's time for y'all to step up to the plate, be men about this issue, face the fact that
No, I hear you, brother.
Brother, you're so angry, I think you're strangling your phone, but God bless you.
Look, I'm out of time with Jeff and Utah, Edward and Jim.
I've got to go do other reports.
We've got a bunch of breaking news.
It gives me a headache, actually, to realize, because it's exciting once it goes on air and we warn people.
That's the fun part.
The going over it, the research.
I've got hours of that ahead of me.
And then personnel meetings, other things.
I've got to go.
Literally deal with light bulbs right now.
But I'll be back, Lord willing, tomorrow, 11 a.m.
And that's all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
I also went out with friends last night, so I'm a little tired, as they say.
Sorry to other callers.
I'll be back, Lord willing, tomorrow.
Nightly News Tonight has big breaking news.
7 o'clock.
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