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Filename: 20140711_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 11, 2014
2598 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I can tell you right now, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be a Friday transmission you don't want to miss.
The news, the good, the bad, and the ugly is off the charts important.
And quite frankly, riveting and sensational.
I'm in a good focus mood.
And we've got three or four amazing guests.
Max Keiser in the third hour to break down the accelerating global financial meltdown that he's accurately predicted.
Dr. Ron Paul, the former congressman.
A lot of key intel will be joining us as well.
Mark Harrington, who shot the video of the troll
Real-life troll that actually showed up in Cincinnati, Ohio running around attacking pro-lifers.
He's going to be joining us to talk about the harrowing tale coming face-to-face with Grendel's mother.
And then we've got Joe Briggs who's got some amazing video with our own
Joe Jennings out in Southern California, actually 100 miles from the border.
They've been down to the border as well.
They're in Marietta with La Raza vowing to help get the illegals in.
I don't know why they need to vow to help get the illegals in.
I mean, Rick Perry says put drones on the border.
He's asking Obama to what?
Help pick up more people better and then put them on buses to ship them into welfare centers to be signed up as Democratic voters?
I mean, that's the issue we're missing here.
The Border Patrol picks them up and then ships them out everywhere and releases them.
Four weeks ago, we had an ICE agent, senior, with his voice disguised.
There's a gag order.
In the truck with us, we went and met him in the field, recorded it, changed his voice, selling us what the head of the Border Patrol Union already said and the deputy head, the vice president, months ago.
There's an ordered stand-down.
And they let them out at night.
Just let them out in cities.
They take them to churches and schools and then use that to infiltrate the people.
They just dump them out and say, go to this welfare place.
The trolley's right over there.
The bus station's right over there.
Here's your voucher.
After bussing them deeper in, that's the big kahuna.
That's the big issue hiding in plain view.
The Border Patrol's told you.
ISIS told you.
We've told you it's confirmed, but the media, even Republican-dominated media, like Fox News, still acts like they don't know what's going on.
But Sean Hannity last night had a guest on, Border Patrol agent Hector Garza, and he said, listen, the Border Patrol completes the smuggling process.
And that's what I've been saying.
That's what I was saying to the Border Patrol yesterday, you know, shouting over Biggs, who was then repeating the questions.
And again, I don't even blame the Border Patrol, but they're the people doing it.
I get they don't want to do it.
I get they know it's illegal.
I know they're blowing the whistle.
It doesn't matter.
They're still following orders.
It'd be like if I loved a firearm, but somebody used it to kill me.
I mean, I don't like the firearm at the point somebody's using it to kill me.
I'm not against the Border Patrol.
I like the Border Patrol.
It's one of the only constitutional federal agencies.
They're certainly not perfect.
Now there's a share of problems.
They're committing the crime, and I'm going to say this again, even if you want totally open borders to collapsing Latin America, do you want a government that can put laws on us but doesn't follow them?
That is the definition, the creme de la creme, the cream of the cream, when you talk about tyranny.
It's so dangerous, I don't even know what to say at this point.
If people don't understand this means we're collapsing, we're going into lawlessness, and the public will stop following the law.
The governments can quit, there's no legitimacy, it means civil war.
And libertarians, which I am one, can argue all day, well let's get rid of the borders, let's just have war on the streets.
You don't want that with 101 million people that don't know how to tie their shoelaces and are on welfare.
I mean, LaRon Paul's right.
We need to get out of this incrementally, seriously, like you get somebody off heroin.
I mean, this is a serious crisis we're in.
I don't have words to describe it.
That's all coming up.
It's just wall-to-wall insanity.
Judges are ruling pedophilia is okay.
We told you that was coming next.
Now you're gonna be a pedophobe.
Well, I am a pedophobe.
I am a pedophobe.
I am a pedophobe, and I'm proud of it.
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It's Alex Jones!
We are living the passion play, my friends!
We are living incredible history unfolding right now on this Friday, 7-11, the 11th day of July, 2014.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Former Congressman Ron Paul is coming on to break down a host of key issues.
In the middle of the next hour, we have Joe Biggs and Joe Jennings, reporters on the ground still in Southern California.
They've been down to the border and up 100 plus miles away in Marietta, where the Border Patrol is busing the illegals in and then policing citizens, telling them they can't be on right-of-ways off major roads, trying to order the police to throw them off.
And the Border Patrol does not look happy
When they walk up and say, I'm just following orders, get off this sidewalk.
And then our guys say no, and the Border Patrol backs off, because we've confirmed, not just through our reporters, but through other Border Patrol in Texas and in California, that they are refusing to arrest the demonstrators.
And so are the police.
And the word is, the county sheriff has ordered arrest.
That was in the news a few days ago, but it didn't happen.
So they're just holding the buses or diverting them to San Diego.
That's what's happening.
Because the police are not following the orders.
So I'm criticizing them, but at least they're not doing that.
And they'll probably get in trouble.
To arrest people on a sidewalk legally and lawfully.
And to arrest people that are ready to be arrested when they come block the buses that are illegal.
And then bust them into the middle of the town to turn the people loose.
I mean, this is crazy!
Until you realize that it is meant to elicit and trigger even more people on these dozens of trains that arrive a day from Guatemala that go all the way through Mexico, disgorging tens of thousands a day.
Each train carries between 1,000 and 5,000 souls.
So you're hearing numbers about tens of thousands a week.
It's tens of thousands a day.
And again, it's bigger than just these poor immigrants who are pawns in the game.
It's much bigger than them.
It's about a government so illegitimate, so lawless, that it could do this.
I'm going to be breaking that down.
Max Keiser comes on about the global accelerated divergence away from the dollar that's now happening.
It's now officially happening.
I don't know if it can be reversed, we'll talk to him, but this is pretty much most economists now agree that it's the end of the dollar age coming.
May take a year, may take three years, but maybe next week.
Kind of like when you had six or seven heart attacks and you're 85 years old and, you know, you could die any day, you might live two years.
All I know is we're sitting on top of a mountain of political, socioeconomic TNT.
And the Federal Reserve and the globalists are dancing around with flaming flamethrowers, shooting them in the air around the TNT.
We got Max Keiser coming up, Ron Paul, Mark Carrington, who actually had the encounter with the goblin creature in Cincinnati, Ohio, that was running around attacking pro-lifers.
He actually saw one of the creatures.
He will be joining us to report on this.
The video is on InfoWars.com.
And then we've got, again, Joe Biggs joining us, coming up here in about 20 minutes.
Before I go any further, this is one of the days where I look at the news and I say to myself, you've got to hit this, Jones.
You've never succeeded in just reading the headlines.
Can you once just do your job?
We're going to try again right now.
When you first don't succeed, try to try again.
And again, it's like the owl in the old ad that says, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
A one, a two, a three, crunch, a three.
The world will never know.
What is in these stacks of news?
Because I never get to more than... Some shows I get to like a hundred pieces of news.
That's a blue moon.
Let's just get into it here ladies and gentlemen.
First stack.
Federal judge orders IRS to explain lost emails.
National Review.
To impeach Holder.
House Republicans are getting more traction with the idea that impeaching
The President himself.
I agree, it's a nice hors d'oeuvre to start with.
That'll crack open the whole nest, because you bring him down, that's what's blocking the whole criminal operation from coming out.
GOP Congressman, we must file a resolution directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt.
Now you're talking!
Resolution submitted to hold Lois Lerner in contempt.
Congress takes first step towards arrest, jailing a former IRS division chief who's been caught red-handed.
You bring her down, the whole house of stinking filth goes down.
And it'll be a devastating victory, and we'll scare the hell out of the corrupt Republican leadership as well, and we'll start impeaching them next.
We could rout the entire enemy, and save the Republic if we just believed it, and stop believing the government-run 501c3 churches that are telling you it's the end of the world in 1989, in 1992, in 1997, in 2007.
Listen, justice be done, may the heavens fall!
I'm going to go out and face corruption and not cop out and say it's the end of the world and the Antichrist.
Praise the Lord they're putting chips in the troops brains now to make them behave.
That means the Antichrist will be here soon and I'll get my free ride to heaven.
You think you're going to get a free ride sitting there on your butt saying praise the Lord that world government is being formed and pedophilia is being legalized in Australia?
And you're doing nothing to stop it?
Praise the Lord!
There's all these abortions!
I'm not going to go out and protest them!
I'm just going to wait for my golden rope to come down and I'm going to get teleported up there to the deck of the Enterprise.
Because, you know, you've got St.
Michael and all of them up there and they energize you and you bzzzzz up to heaven.
You get raptured out of it.
Of course, it isn't in the Bible until the end of the Antichrist and the rest of it, and the dead in Christ are raised.
A five-year-old could understand it.
You can go read it.
And no doctrine was taught until 200 years ago that that was going on.
But even if you don't believe in God, the point is evil is taking over.
And you better oppose it.
See, I said I would get to some articles.
I didn't, did I?
I just covered one stack.
Let me just get into this next stack.
San Francisco Giants may ban culturally insensitive attire at AT&T Park.
If you wear any type of baseball, football, you name it, type of attire that shows any Native American tomahawks, headdresses, you wear a headdress, you're going to be thrown out.
Because the quote, Native Americans, people that claim they are, are going to come over and henpeck you as social enforcers that you're not allowed to be wearing that.
So this is the new social engineering on a mass scale, all by design.
Just like I told you, not once, not twice, not 500 times, thousands of times, that after they pushed homosexuality on the public, regardless of what you think of that, regardless of what you think, here's the agenda.
To sexualize children, remember Jocelyn Elders?
It's in all the textbooks.
And to legalize pedophilia.
The UN has legalized it, NAMBLA is part of the UN as an NGO, look it up.
And now, London Telegraph RT, no U.S.
News will criticize this, Australian judge says incest may no longer be taboo, and that child molestation is okay, basically.
You can go read the ruling.
Well, see, that's when lawlessness comes in.
Because anybody touches my children, anybody touches them, anybody tries to have sex with them or abuses them, you know what's going to happen.
And this isn't premeditated, what I'm saying.
I'm saying it's a default position.
That if you don't get justice, you're going to get justice.
And they'll call that terrorism, probably have me arrested someday.
Because this is where all these socialist and communist regimes end, is with your kids being run by the state for one reason and one reason alone.
They want to have their way with them.
What did I say yesterday?
And the day before?
In detail.
At the bottom of the rat hole of the New World Order.
Not a rabbit hole, but a rat hole.
At the bottom of the maggot hole.
The judge went on to say that incest is only criminalized because of the high chance that any resulting offspring will be born with serious birth defects, but added that even the risk falls away to an extent because there is the ease of contraception and readily access to abortion.
Yeah, kill the baby after you do that.
I mean, anyone, imagine being attracted to your children.
That is so sick, ladies and gentlemen.
That is so disgusting.
Instead, in culture, it's bad to be happy your daughter gets married at 20 and goes off and has kids.
That's a terrible thing.
No, that's a wonderful thing.
You should be excited about your sons and daughters getting married and having kids.
But people are like, ugh, don't have kids.
The only thing that's taboo is having kids and completing the life cycle and being fulfilled.
Because they want you at an arrested development level.
Because not everyone, but some people, do not trigger and activate, and it's been proven genetically with epigenetics, until you have children.
And I'm not saying people that have children are more advanced or better or anything on average.
I'm just saying it triggers key life cycle events where you start thinking about the group, not just yourself.
All right.
I've covered pretty good.
I haven't gotten into the huge border stack that's off the chart.
Megyn Kelly calls Nancy Pelosi guilty of sexism.
See, and the conservatives weigh in on this and start using political correctness, going, get him for a hate crime.
A black guy killed a white guy.
Just put the black guy in jail for murder.
He can get the death penalty.
A white guy kills a black guy.
You know, put him in jail.
Give him the death penalty.
They said, we need hate laws passed.
These Klansmen drug an old black man to death in Vyder, Texas or wherever it was.
They all got the death penalty.
I mean, you just can't get any more than that.
But the media would never say they had the death penalty.
They'd be like, nothing was done!
Couldn't even get a hate crime law passed in racist Texas.
I would see that on CNN for years and MSNBC.
They would never say, by the way, these guys are waiting to be executed.
I mean, you can't do any more than that.
But they wanted to pass a law where they can arrest you for your speech.
And they plan to do it.
They've done it in England.
They've done it in Europe.
And Megyn Kelly's playing along with all of it.
I'm not attacking Megyn Kelly, it's just ridiculous.
Okay, uh, when we come back... Typhoon Noguru.
Did I pronounce it?
Heads for Fukushima nuclear plant.
China's yawn growing force in global finance.
AFP as the dollar declines.
The globalists are running America on the rocks and signaling with open borders to the world they're purposefully collapsing us.
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The brown shirt wearing Hispanic Ku Klux Klan type individuals, in my view, that's what they are, the Brown Berets of Mechka and La Raza, will not do media interviews.
I mean, nobody's got interviews with him.
We got an interview.
Joe Biggs got one yesterday.
Video and audio is up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to talk to Joe Biggs.
He's at the Civic Center, site of where the socialists were two days ago, openly saying it's cloward and piven.
I mean, that's the headline.
Socialists admit
Plan to collapse U.S.
Bring in Cloward and Piven.
And they're there.
Come in, immigrants, because they know that demographically Latin American immigrants, not even so much Mexican immigrants, will vote for pure socialism.
And, of course, the globalists are offshore and administer the socialism, so they don't care.
So let's go ahead and go over here, the collapsing border news of the day.
Then we're going to go to break and come back to Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
Border Patrol Agent.
Government completing the smuggling cycle.
We're going to play that clip in the next segment.
Very important.
In fact, I may play it now.
Governor Perry, we need to secure border with a show of force.
The show of force is there.
The illegals show up and then are bused by the Border Patrol, Perry, and you know that.
So any more Border Patrol down there will just be to give tickets to people drinking beer on the Rio Grande.
I've witnessed it.
Where the illegals walk right by them, come into the U.S., and they're writing high school students or college students tickets for beer.
That's what they do is write tickets for beer.
I have it on video.
On video.
News report on it last year.
So, Perry knows what's going on.
The Republican leadership keeps playing dumb.
The Border Patrol, for almost four months, has said, stand down was ordered.
I'll say it again.
Stand down was ordered.
And we have witnessed it, shown the buses, and proven it for almost four weeks.
No action.
The Border Patrol looks completely demoralized, completely freaked out.
I mean, there are unlimited radical Muslims coming across, criminals, you name it.
It's a joke, okay?
But they got federally funded checkpoints all over the country to randomly search you and your family.
What a joke!
What a joke!
It'd be like leaving your front door open in a bad neighborhood but tying your wife up to make sure robbers don't rape her.
I mean, it's that stupid.
Unless you want to control things.
Unless you want to enslave people.
First Lady of Guatemala says illegal immigrants, not refugees, escaping violence.
She says they're entering the U.S.
to be united with families, not escaping conflict.
Yes, the DREAM Act and all these other pieces of amnesty legislation on record.
The ones Bush brought forward do the same thing.
It's the same bill.
Allow people here that are legal to bring anyone they want in their family.
You understand that's why?
Because they know they're going to be legalized.
That's why they're here.
And yes, their countries are hell.
I mean hell.
Especially where they're from.
These are not the rich people of Latin America.
Welcome middle class scientists, writers, artists, whatever.
You got a job, you got a skill, come up here.
Single moms with five kids?
I mean, my God, we can't help you.
We're going to become that.
Which is the plan, again.
It's so simple.
Obama creates another humanitarian catastrophe, this time in the USA.
For this act, Obama may face impeachment.
That's the Russian news.
Studies suggest more concealed carry permits, less crime.
I want to get into that separately.
It got in the immigration stack.
Feds investigate racist depiction of Obama
As a zombie.
This is on KMTV.
The folks there have a sign with Obama as a zombie on an outhouse saying Presidential Library.
And so the Secret Service has arrived in Norfolk, Nebraska.
And it was also in a parade float on 4th of July.
And they're saying
We're the Secret Service and the DOJ.
We're here to see if you're racist.
Not if you're threatening the President, which has been an intimidation factor they've been using.
People don't actually threaten the President.
Now it's we're here to see what you have to say.
Again, anti-free speech garbage.
Absolute anti-free speech garbage.
That's why you use it or lose it.
You don't back off from this intimidation.
You triple down.
You don't double down.
You quadruple down.
You quadruple down again.
All over the country they try to arrest you for lemonade stands.
Double, triple down.
Support lemonade stands, watermelon stands, you name it.
They try to arrest people for all sorts of garbage.
You have to then stand up against it.
All over the country.
They're trying to shut down farmers markets.
You shop with them.
There's a reason they want all of this stuff banned.
They want chalking the sidewalk banned, when it's clearly free speech and protected.
Because they want you to stay in your house and shut up.
They got judges in Dallas going door to door saying, don't protest, we're bringing illegals in, or we might arrest you.
It's pure thug mafia tactics of total evil.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
And we are on the march.
That's why they're trying to shut us down.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
Death waits for no man.
Live now.
Stand for something and be a conscious entity.
Or become a corporate borg of the globalists and download their latest synthetic artificial consciousness.
As for me, I choose reality and the great expanse of infinity that is the universe.
But a thought in the mind of God
That's some real vintage right there.
That's Hatfield gold.
Some of those licks Dave Mustaine taught them.
God save from the pain that they surely know!
For whom the bell tolls!
That's a library edition, isn't it?
Time marches on!
Those of us who stand up for liberty are going to live forever!
Like that Highlanders song.
I'm going to live forever.
I'm going to cross that river.
I'm going to see tomorrow come.
Yeah, you're going to miss me.
You'll want to hold me.
Alright, sorry folks.
It's the last time you will.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you for joining us on this Friday, worldwide transmission, 7-11, the 11th day already of February 2014.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
He keeps saying Staff Sergeant because he first did military reporting for us part-time.
So when you do military reporting, you say that their former Staff Sergeant retired.
That's the standard way to do it.
Now that he reports on everything for us and works here full-time and does a great job for the rest of the crew, I just keep calling him Staff Sergeant.
And I tell the crew, stop calling him Staff Sergeant because you're not supposed to do that in standard journalism, but I keep doing it.
But talk radio is a little different.
There's a lot of former cops and military that have radio shows, and they'll call them by their name, like Sergeant Sam Cox, locally on the radio.
So it's kind of a choice thing, but I tell the crew stop using it because it's not the standard journalism thing to do, and then I keep doing it.
We're going to go to Joe Biggs here in just a minute.
I want him to do a war stories deal like Oliver North does, because of all his interesting photos and videos he's shown me.
and uh... his letters and all the rest of it some stuff esquire wrote about he saw some very interesting combat not a lot of people do you know that they don't like knife fights with al-qaeda and stuff and and and he never told the stories of the public and i've seen his commendations and stuff and that you know that's why i wrote about some of it we need him to tell those stories and then to talk to other vets and get their stories because the average person has no idea uh... the type of stuff that went on in afghanistan iraq and more we're gonna go to him in marietta california in a moment
Let's go through these articles right here.
Pleading the smuggle cycle.
I want to go to that, but first I want to go to Sheila Jackson Lee.
Her comment is almost as dumb as the congressman that thinks that islands float, that Guam floats, but it's not that dumb.
That's in its own universe.
But this is just pure old-fashioned Bravo Sierra, saying that our border is under control, but the way it is, like Obama said, when he said, I have intimate knowledge, everything is going as I have seen it.
Quoting Emperor Palpatine, because they've ended the border!
Unless you're a citizen trying to come back, or somebody with skills trying to come in.
But if you're ready to sign up for welfare and get a voter ID card and pull the lever to take my guns, baby, you have got a gravy train, at least for a while.
Until everything collapses.
But what do you know?
You're already leaving a place that collapsed, so I don't even blame those people.
It'd be like, you know, having somebody jump off of Empire State Building and land on you.
You may not dislike the person, it's gonna kill ya!
Their weight's gonna smash ya!
Use the analogy of water, they use in those high-powered water hoses to strip mine.
Up close, it'll cut a person in half.
I'm not against water.
I'm not aquaphobic, like I'm pedophobic.
That's the new thing.
If you're against raping children, you're a pedophobe.
That's serious mainstream news now.
It's like, come on!
Hand your kids over, racist!
I mean, you think I'm joking?
You're a racist!
The group that runs things is going to have killing old people and killing babies up to age three.
It's already being legalized in Europe.
This is a plan they're following.
No matter how radical and crazy I sound, even when I try to engage in satire, it's actually going on, okay?
It's so over the top that, there's the London Telegraph headline, Australian judge says incest may longer be taboo, and in the ruling he went on to say pedophilia is no big deal.
That's international news right now.
What do you think is going on with all these kids being exploited, being wards of the state?
No one even knows their names.
It's just guaranteed they're having their organs harvested, some of them.
Guaranteed they're going into the sex trade.
In fact, that's already coming out.
Guaranteed, we said months ago, they're mules.
It's been confirmed now by even the DEA, they're mules.
I mean, this is a total takeover.
So let's go to Sheila Jackson Lee and then to Joe Biggs.
Here it is.
I disagree that our border is in a devastating condition.
Our border patrol agents are doing their job.
You think the border is secure?
Craig, here's what I think.
I think that you have not looked to this issue except for this rising migration.
Congresswoman, this is a very simple question.
Yes or no, are our borders secure?
I think our border with now 21,000 Border Patrol agents is under control.
We need to give them more resources, more equipment, and they can stand to have more support as it relates to the increasing of those numbers that may come through the supplemental.
There's a large amount of money for increasing... Alright, let's stop right there.
Yeah, now they want, well it's $2 billion, $3.5 billion, more Border Patrol, which is a red carpet, assembly line, conveyor belt for the illegal aliens.
You understand?
They are the delivery conduit.
They load them on the buses, under any name they want, and bus them all over, including 36,000 aggravated felons in one month this year.
Now they want 3.7 billion AP reports.
Let's go to Border Patrol agent talking about this on Fox News.
This is Hector Garza with Sean Hannity
Last night, okay?
This is a fact.
Here it is.
When you say that the federal government's aiding and abetting, sounds like they're supposed to be protecting this border.
You mean aiding and abetting.
What do you mean specifically?
Actually, what's happening is that the federal government is actually completing the smuggling cycle.
By having a parent sending their child to the U.S.
border, having them smuggled, that is only part of the smuggling cycle.
Then the federal government steps in, we apprehend them, we process these illegal aliens, and then we release them to their family members in the U.S.
We just completed that smuggling cycle.
Now, why would anybody want to hire a smuggler when the U.S.
government is actually doing it for free?
So in other words, when your agents put their lives on the line, and there are sometimes violent incidents, and they do their job,
Those people that broke the law, they still end up staying.
Yeah, that's what I've been trying to explain the whole time, okay?
This is so simple, it's hard to understand.
Even for me, it's so over the top.
And they've got a psychological name for that, I forget, where you're just overwhelmed, they're in the headlights, it's so ridiculous.
2 plus 2 equals 5, you didn't build your business, you can keep your doctor when you can't, we're not coming for your guns, we just want to ban them.
I mean, it's this overthrow of reality that we see going on right now.
Where you've got Latin America, 700 million people in collapse.
And they're advertising 99% are being released.
If you can get here, the Border Patrol is going to give you a voucher to deliver you to a church group, Catholic Church, you name it, who are going to put you in with the Democrats to turn all the states blue.
And then we had earlier this year, the Veritas Project with O'Keefe, got the video at like five different meetings in Texas.
In Austin, where Sheila Jackson was speaking from in that video clip, and the articles, they go, we're opening the borders, we're going to take over within five years.
I mean, it's game over, folks!
They're going to ban our guns, you understand?
I mean, they're not playing games with Battleground Texas.
People better get that through their head.
And Rick Perry's going, I think Obama cares.
I've got a clip coming up if we talk to Biggs.
He wants to control the border.
We need to get people down on the border.
And meanwhile, they're 100 miles back on purpose to open the border up.
There it is, blue state blues.
Fleeing Democrats will turn Texas blue.
That's the plan.
Like Locust.
They destroy California, they destroy Michigan, they destroy New York, they destroy all the... And then they come here, where we had lower taxes, and I mean, let me tell you, they'll walk up and you got three kids in a grocery store, and say, you shouldn't have three kids.
That's happened to my wife probably five times at Whole Foods.
And you're like, you're joking, right?
These Californians will walk up in the gym and tell you not to talk too loud.
If you're talking about the Second Amendment, or how you don't like Obama, they'll walk up and go, please be quiet!
So I was talking about the traffic being real bad in the gym the other day and the lady walks over and goes, stop talking loud or I'll complain.
I was like, are you kidding me?
I mean, they're coming!
They rule!
They rule everything!
Their weakness, their evil, their scumminess is unstoppable!
You can go into Akron on video and say, I want to run child sex slaves from Mexico, and they'll say, we're ready to run the op right now!
They're savage!
They're in control!
They launder the money!
They dominate!
It's organized crime.
They're gonna bring the whole country down.
Alright, let's go to Joe Biggs and Joe Jennings, running camera, doing a great job in front of the Civic Center where the Communists and Socialists showed up two days ago.
We have video, admitting it's Cloward and Bevin.
We've got an incredible report coming up in the next segment, Joe, filed.
A never-before-seen interview, nobody's gotten this, with the Brown Berets of Mecha and of La Raza.
That interview is up on Infowars.com.
But Joe Biggs, thank you for being out there.
You're flying back tonight.
You've done a yeoman's job.
Tell us what you've seen.
Joe Biggs here in Temecula, Southern California.
It's a neighboring city right beside Murrieta, where yesterday they had a very large victory over the Obama administration, where they stood up and they said, no, you're not going to bring those people in here.
You're not going to bring those illegal alien kids into our town and make us go bankrupt.
And then, we got assaulted, like always, by a Fed.
The Feds came after the Border Patrol, the local police, and then we decided to go up against La Raza and talk to them.
I haven't heard what happened.
You got assaulted?
I mean, exactly what happened?
Well, no, I didn't mean to say assaulted.
They came up to us and confronted us.
I used the wrong word.
My bad.
Well, we know what happened to folks that did the wrong thing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But anyways, let's continue on now.
What else has happened?
Well, yesterday, towards the end of the protest, we were hanging out out there.
We saw a couple of Mexican flags waving off in the distance, and I noticed that no one was down there with them.
And when we got a closer look, you could see the brown shirts, the dark pants, and the berets.
And I said, hey, that's La Raza.
We need to go walk down there and see, you know, let's go talk to him.
Everybody was standing off from a distance and taking pictures.
No one else was doing it.
So we hopped in our vehicle and drove down there and I simply got out and I said, hey, can I conduct an interview with you?
And he said no.
So I put the microphone down and I walked over and just started having a conversation with the guy.
And after a minute he started to ease up and got a little bit more comfortable and Joe Jennings came around and started filming.
You know, no one else has ever had an on-camera interview with LaRosa before.
This is an exclusive interview with them.
And the funny thing, if you notice... You're talking about with this particular group of Brown Beret, admittedly communist group, racist group, doesn't like anybody that isn't Hispanic, and you were able to talk to him.
That interview is on Infowars.com.
Tell us about some of the things they said.
Well, some of the things they were saying is that they said there should be no borders, just like the Socialists said at the rally the other day.
They don't think there should be any borders whatsoever.
At all.
And one of the things was, too, is when I walked up to him, he looked at me and goes, oh, you're with Infowars, aren't you?
He's like, yeah, I've seen you guys before.
And I said, yeah.
He's like, he's like, yeah, I'm not really a fan of your views.
And behind him, one of the ladies that was a member of La Raza, or a supporter, I would say, was sitting there filming me and calling me the evil media.
Pretty, pretty ridiculous.
You know, the globalists want open borders, where none of us have any rights and we're all slaves under global corporate domination.
They're the ones through the Ford Foundation openly funding La Raza and Mecha.
But I bet those idiots that follow it, like the mindless Klan that doesn't know they're federally handled, I bet they have no idea even about that.
Well, the funny thing was, though, is when he talked to me, he seemed very calm, and all he did was talk about the kids.
He just wanted to talk about how the only reason they're there is for the kids.
And I asked him, why are you out here today, sir?
And he said, I want to make sure that none of my people who are out here get harmed, and we just want to make sure everything is fair.
But there was no one else at the protest supporting LaRosa at all.
There was no pro-amnesty people out there.
It was just them on both sides of the road with flags waving in the air, standing out there with their arms behind their back at parade rests.
There was five of them on one side.
But, uh, as soon as this, uh, Hispanic journalist walked up after I got done with mine, and he called him the Mexican KKK, that's when he flipped and started calling him a traitor, and they started flipping off, like, flipping him off, giving him the bird, and just going crazy on him.
And you got all that on tape?
Yes, in front of me, they're very cool and calm.
Have you put the flipping out yet on online?
It's at the very end.
Okay, because I was busy this morning and watched about 80% of it, so I can't watch all these videos.
I just saw most of it, knew I wanted to play it, so it's at the end.
Because I haven't even seen all this yet, folks, so we're going to be playing that soon.
We should put that out on its own with Derren McBrain's video he's putting out today, showing they're flipping out at the first, and then all the past examples of them flipping out.
I'm going to skip this network break because this is so important.
What else are you going to do today before you guys come back to Austin?
Well we're thinking about going up to L.A.
where they have been dropping off a lot of these kids.
When they bypassed Marietta, I guess they decided to take the illegal immigrant children to one of the facilities in L.A.
where all the pro-amnesty supporters come out of.
So now I guess it's their problem to deal with.
So we're going to go out there and see if we can find some of these spots.
Go to some of the diocese and see if we can figure out where these kids are getting dropped off in L.A.
All right, well, Joe Biggs and Joe Jennings, great job guys.
Hustle up to LA, get on your plane, get back to Austin, and hopefully we can debrief you guys over some cold ones this weekend.
That sounds like a good idea, Alex.
All right, gentlemen, thank you so much.
Good job.
All right, there goes Joe Biggs and Joe Jennings on the board.
We've got a bunch of our team out there.
Jakari Jackson, Kit Daniels, Josh Owens, and others.
Right now, I want to get to this report, but first, this is the CEO of the race.
The Klan ought to change their name to that.
Stormfront could just call it The Race.
But that would be racist.
This is not racist when these guys do it.
And we have a bunch of clips we haven't aired yet going back over years of La Raza and Mecha saying, you know, go back to Europe, we're going to kill you, all the rest of it.
But first, here's the CEO just yesterday, I guess on MSNBC.
She's also been on CNN saying that it's racist.
Should protest the end of the border completely and third world hell pits that we don't want to live in collapsing into us.
Here it is.
Seeking a new day.
Is that these people apparently are able to dictate deportation policy insofar as 150 anti-immigrant protesters turn these buses around.
What was your reaction to it?
Well, I agree with you, Alex, that it is appalling and outrageous to see that this group of extremists and really landing themselves as vigilantes were able to control...
Alright guys, I mean, the issue is, the extremists are the ones getting rid of the border, but you can't go to Mexico or Guatemala, I mean, you're illegal or they throw you in prison, on record, for years in some cases, usually six months of hard labor.
Look up Mexico as the most draconian immigration laws in this hemisphere.
And then she says it with a straight face.
I'm so ashamed to be American.
It's all about lecturing us.
Again, 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Don't say bossy.
It's like, shut up!
Quit telling me what to do, you cult member!
You freak!
I don't live in North Korea, witch!
Your spell is broken on me.
I'm not under your political correctness.
And by the way, almost every Hispanic American I talk to doesn't want open borders.
They're not suicidal.
There's a reason everybody's fleeing up here.
America ain't that good now.
I mean, let me tell you something.
I'm a grown man.
Guatemala's scary.
El Salvador, Venezuela, it's scary.
Seeking a new day, a new day to come ban my guns.
Now let's go to Joe Biggs' interview.
With the brown berets of Mecha and La Raza, they're the paramilitary force, and they fittingly, they've been doing this for 30 years, they wear brown uniforms and brown berets.
Let's go ahead and go, they actually wear Ernst Röhm SA outfits, for those that don't, and they're not Nazis, they're more communists, but I wonder why they chose fascist uniforms.
Here they are.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com in Murrieta, California.
Now right behind me, on both sides of the road, we have La Raza soldiers standing their little guard, waving Mexican flags back and forth.
I want to go down there and talk to them and see what they have to say, hear what their views are on this matter.
Let's go down there and take a look.
What is your stand, then, on how to deal with it?
Well, you know, I don't know the answers.
I mean, just your personal opinion.
I do know that, you know, everyone has the right to protest.
That's fine.
Even if they have whatever, it's not like they've made the choice to, you know?
No, but think about it.
But I'm saying they already got cut.
What's your stance on the border then?
Do you think we should have borders or no?
That's not the issue.
It could be unconnected, but our issue is one issue.
So it's just the kids?
There's nothing to do.
Okay, well here's my next question then.
So are you guys going to take in these kids as well?
How can we do that?
But they're going to be releasing them.
If they release them, I'll tell you right in the center of town, they can come to my house.
But I went to the Pro Amnesty meeting yesterday at Town Hall, and the Diocese said that they will be releasing them into the city, so would you take them into the home?
Yes, I would take them into my home.
I would take him into my office.
There's a lot of people who say they want to take these kids in, but they don't want to do it.
You've got people like Nancy Pelosi and all these people who say they're going to bring kids in, but no one's doing it.
Those people are doing it and making big statements, you know, so everybody can hear and this and that, and they're not doing it.
Well, tell us, you know, right now where they're being released at.
And I'll tell you right now, they keep releasing them.
Well, from what I heard last night, like I said, from the diocese when he spoke at the rally up there, he said they should be releasing them.
Well, see, I don't know about him.
Well, I don't know when I heard they had a big rally.
We don't know about oral cases.
You're saying what you've heard.
Alright guys, we're going to pause that and then come back to more of it where the confrontation begins.
And again, it was like 40 mile an hour winds out there.
So that's why it sounds like that.
But the full interview is up on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to put a shorter version out with the meat of it.
But that's going to come up in a moment.
But again, yeah, they can come to his house, then be put on Democratic Party welfare, taxpayer welfare, and then become wards of the state.
And then the illegals get a job, but they also get the welfare.
Just like Walmart now tells their employees, go get welfare as well, they changed the law where you can work at Walmart, and you make so little, Walmart's public about this two years ago, that you then go get welfare on top of it.
So see, that's what they really want in the new model is, you've got to work and be on welfare to live.
The jobs won't pay enough to live with the regulations of the bureaucracy.
The cost of living.
But then, so you gotta work and be a slave to them as well on government payroll.
Pure exploitation.
We're gonna play that clip where they blow up here at the end when somebody else comes over and starts talking to them.
But before we go any further, I want to just remind listeners, we are listener-supported, and this hour is brought to you by mypatriotsupply.com forward slash Alex, where you can find the highest quality non-GMO storable food, great customer service, and other preparedness items.
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We're also running five months free right now at prisonplanet.tv to see the nightly news.
Let's go out to break with the La Raza people, going from acting real friendly with their talking points to blowing up.
And then later, I'm going to show you the true face of La Raza and Metcha with a video we've put together from over the years.
But here it is.
And that's it.
The conversation is over.
What I'm saying is this.
Whatever happened here was not the way to change anything.
Because it didn't do nothing.
And it didn't change anything.
It diverted some things, but it's still going to happen somewhere else.
Thank you for your opinion.
I got you.
That's not the way to do it.
I'll tell you that.
I don't know the answer to how to do it, but I'll tell you that one.
That wasn't the way to do it, because it didn't do nothing but make it happen somewhere else.
Hey, what's Azatlan, you know?
Hey, Javi!
What is Azatlan?
Yeah, that's Azatlan.
Hey, Javi!
You don't want to explain?
What is it?
What race are you from?
That's Azatlan.
That's something you've got to learn on your own, just like we did.
What race are you from?
Do I have to learn?
Do you think I don't know?
I don't know.
Why are we doing this, man?
We're going to go to Brighton and come back with the rest.
This guy in Spanish is telling them, you know, basically, you're out of your mind, and they start calling him a traitor and stuff.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
The guy's like, why do you want to collapse both countries into each other?
They're like, how dare you, traitor?
That's coming up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
It's a lot clearer when you see the video on InfoWars.com.
Super windy out there.
Stay with us.
Second hour coming up.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That is not what a penis looks like, okay?
It's a clump of cells at 12 weeks.
It does not look like that!
It's a clump of mother****** cells!
No hands are shown for that time!
It's a white, f******, racist, f****** male that doesn't stand for women's rights!
Is that a demonic Easter Bunny, that lady?
It's a camera in my face, Peter!
F*** it!
I'm gonna call the police.
F*** you!
Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley!
Hold on a second.
We are calling the police, ma'am.
You are a white male privileged asshole.
I'm calling the police right now.
What you are is a racist motherfucker as well.
How dare you fucking do this kind of shit, asshole?
Brought to you by Burger King.
Go ahead.
Go right the fuck on ahead, you fucking sexist, misogynistic motherfuckers.
That is all you are!
You don't give a s*** about women!
You don't give a s*** about life!
We're going to come back from break and talk to the head of the group whose group recorded this actual goblin troll attacking pro-lifers and their signs.
But before we go to break, I want to air Leanne McAdoo's report from yesterday where Obama was at the tiny theater compared to his normal venues.
People there worshipping Obama.
We decided to go out and find out exactly what they thought.
Here is her report.
I'm standing in front of the Paramount Theater here in Austin, Texas, where His Highness President Barack Obama is headlining.
Now, in response to his critics who wondered why he wasn't at the border while he's in Texas, he said, a visit to the border would be nothing more than theater.
And, of course, the irony is not lost on the fact that his name is on the marquee at the Paramount Theater as he's here to address his adoring fans.
Well, we're gonna go check with some of these people, some of whom have waited since midnight
Trying to get tickets to see the big show.
Are you super pumped to be in the presence of the Lord and Savior Obama?
Yeah, yeah.
You know, it's not every day you see the President.
Yes, I am, but I'm hoping to get them in too.
I really want her to go.
I think she'll appreciate it.
No, I think it's more about just seeing the President.
I've never seen a President before.
How do you feel knowing that you might still not make it past the rope?
Well, if that happens, we would not be very happy.
It would be a waste of time, but at least it's worth watching.
We heard people actually stayed overnight.
Were they?
Yeah, they did.
What about you guys?
We did that, actually.
You were there?
What time did you get there?
Yeah, around there.
Look how helpless they are!
They start doling out tickets at 8.30.
So, you guys are visiting from Europe?
Exactly, from Switzerland.
So this is super exciting for you to go see the President of the United States of America?
Indeed, yes.
I gotta warn you, I work at Fox around the corner.
Well, so if you had one shot to ask the President anything, let's just say he goes all maverick-y and rogue and lets people ask him a question, what would be your one question?
Uh, I'd like to do something about student loan debt.
I would probably just go mute and not be able to talk.
Oh my gosh.
Is he going for a third term?
I know he can't, but... Would you like him to?
Would you vote for him?
Yes, I would.
Yes, I would.
I would vote for him.
It'd be a toss between Clinton and Obama.
Oh yeah.
I think I would be asking him about what he plans to do
For the next two years of his presidency, how is he going to handle the issues that we're seeing with the gridlock?
He's doing the best he can, obviously, but there has to be a breaking point.
Uh, why are you continuing the drone rally?
Wow, good question.
He's trying to slit America's throat, we need to help him.
Do you want to hang out with the president later?
How long have you been staying in Hawaii, probably?
How long?
Are you into Hawaii?
Do you think it's weird that people like hail the president as sort of a kingly figure?
It is something you have to get used to.
I mean, I can understand it if he's such an important person for the state.
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I didn't.
I taste dirt in it.
God knows what's in this.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a threat.
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the question's being asked, is a nation without borders a nation?
No, it's a conquered sector of the globalist.
And Perry's saying we need to secure the border with a show of force.
The Border Patrol and ISIS under Obama globalist control, they're a red carpet to bust the people in and give them free money.
I mean, that's on record.
The Border Patrol's been saying that for almost four months.
We documented it almost four weeks ago with Drudge.
It's incontrovertible now.
That the government is completing the smuggling process, as a Border Patrol agent said last night, Hector Garza on national television.
That video is on Infowars.com.
Multi-billionaires Buffett, Gates, Andelson unite for amnesty to break the country, to drive down the wages, to bring in the voting bloc.
They all give money to anti-gun groups.
They all give money to globalist groups.
They're the globalists.
Understand that?
Illegals to get lawyers, schools, and health care.
This is the government doing what the vets don't get with outside groups.
Again, they're just being used and exploited.
But it doesn't matter.
They're still incredibly dangerous.
Fed spending $1,000 per bed.
Populist immigration backlash.
Armed militia sets up Texas Command Center.
Fight for national sovereignty.
$90,000 to cross by end of summer.
Folks, it's $90,000 a week.
Trump, this influx is killing the country.
It is.
Because they go right on welfare, folks.
Obama meets with immigration hecklers.
I'm on your side, man.
Michelle O, we have to keep fighting as hard as we can.
Perry, President didn't know Border Patrol was stationed 40 miles from the border.
That's right.
It's stationed at 100 miles.
Deportation agency will be broke in months.
White House stands by claim that border security is stronger than ever.
Adult illegals posing as children to enroll in high school.
Yeah, I mean, because they can have any ID they want.
They can have any ID they want.
Any ID they want.
And they just get in.
Meanwhile, if you have a float with Obama, Presidential Library is an outhouse, and as Obama is a zombie, the feds come investigating your racism.
They're not even claiming it's a threat to the criminal president, who I want nothing bad to happen to.
No, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, this is the insanity of the country that we have now reached here.
Documents show NSA knew London Guardian was pressured to destroy Snowden documents.
That's breaking on InfoWars.com right now.
And in other news on InfoWars.com... Let me just pull it up on the computer.
My other one's not working.
Documents show NSA knew London Guardian, again as I just mentioned, was pressured to destroy Snowden files, and of course the Parliament was in a secret deal without law to allow all the illegal spying.
See, it's all just a gang of crooks, just like our government.
First Lady of Guatemala, illegal immigrants, not refugees, escaping violence.
Feds investigate racist depiction of Obama as a zombie, just mentioned that.
La Raza members vow to aid illegal immigrants in Marietta.
Man arrested for asking cops a question.
Sheila, dumb as a bag of hammers, Jackson Lee declared border under control.
Well, it is actually under control.
NSA collects it all, knows it all, and is actually the Stasi model, says more major whistleblowers, yeah.
And it's all to secure the criminal takeover.
If Obama actually cared about homeland security or Islamic terror, he would seal the border now.
There's another article, well of course, they run the radical Islamic terror.
And Obama is incredibly popular in Saudi Arabia with Wahhabist groups.
That's in a poll out today.
Not just with Muslims, his approval rating is high with Muslims, but with the most extremist of groups.
There's 7 billion people outside the country.
The globalists, our government will team up with them to come in here.
I don't care who they are.
They'll hire the former Stasi to set up stuff and come take over and set up Homeland Security.
Marcus Wolff.
They'll bring in radical Muslims to destabilize things and blow stuff up and then take our rights.
They'll bring in unlimited illegals from Latin America to collapse things.
This is a takeover.
Now joining us is someone taking action against the evil, and that's Mark Harrington, the Executive Director of CreatedEqual.net, a pro-life group, and the article is up on InfoWars.com.
Crazed abortion advocate attacks peaceful pro-lifers.
We put this story out yesterday.
And we put out a beeped version of it, but there's so much cussing you can hardly understand it when you beep it.
And his team out on the ground that puts up signs all over the region showing the aborted babies was attacked physically by her.
We never found out in the video was she arrested at the end of it.
And she seems very unstable wearing her Burger King uniform as she calls them racist and anti-women.
And of course, that abortuary, we looked it up, mainly kills Hispanics and black babies.
So if you're against killing blacks and Hispanics, you are an anti-woman racist.
And when she says that, she then attacks after invoking the battle creed that, you know, makes her somebody and you nobody, which is really a form of racism itself or tribalism to dehumanize you as a racist before then attacking you.
She is the model of Gloria Steinem's destruction of women to marry the state.
So joining us is Mark Harrington.
Mark, thank you for all you're doing.
I want you to tell us about Created Equal and the organization, but before you do that, break down what you're doing on the ground there.
This video has now been aired on national television all over the place, where this obviously disturbed woman attacks your people.
Yeah, well, on Wednesday, Alex, we commonly go out to our statehouse here on the public sidewalk, and we set up these abortion victim photos and engage in dialogue with people.
And as you can imagine, you know, some people come along and can't contain themselves.
They get argumentative.
And the thing is, we're trained, though, to kind of diffuse that.
But in this case, as you can tell by the video, this woman wasn't just argumentative.
She was verbally abusive.
Then she destroyed our signs.
Then she proceeded to assault one of our staff members.
We contacted the police.
They came.
They cited her for criminal damaging and assault and she's going to be arraigned next Wednesday.
Again, her attempt to shut down your free speech of real authoritarianism.
This is what we saw in Germany in the build-up to the 40s.
And I'm not just making that parallel lightly.
Intimidating people's speech is the final domino to fall when a society collapses into tyranny.
And more and more the left
Are, are, are, are avowed authoritarians.
We see the quotes of, if you're in the Tea Party, we want you in body bags.
And Lois Lerner going after pro-life groups for the IRS.
I mean, do you agree that this is real authoritarianism?
No question about it.
If you watch the interview with this young lady, she tries to say that the First Amendment protected her right to damage our equipment and assault us.
I mean, that's her understanding.
Now, she's getting that from somewhere, as you can imagine.
It's either the public schools she attended, from her parents, you know, who knows?
But it's coming from a culture that accepts violence as a way of dealing with problems like abortion.
You know, this is the problem.
We're seeing this more and more often as we go out in the streets.
I tell our people that we understand the risks are involved and it's probably going to increase.
We wear cameras that are running continuously and we're going to be certain if it does happen we're going to capture it on film because we have to be our own police department, our own media people.
We got to, you know, because the media generally is going to cover us.
I was actually surprised
That they did in this case.
So, we've got to do the work for the media, we've got to do the work for the law enforcement who generally want to ignore this kind of thing.
Well, I tell ya, we saw the latest video with the lady having the abortion saying she loves the baby, it's loving what she's doing.
That sickened everyone.
The polls are really swinging against these people.
Is that why you think they're freaking out and getting so violent?
Yeah, I think so.
I think it has something to do with public opinion shifting towards our position.
But I also think we're just living in a lawless age.
Look at who's in the White House.
I mean, from the top down, it's okay, it's permissible to do whatever it takes.
The end justifies the means, and that includes violence, to get what you want.
And I think these young people are just being taught that.
I said, it's acceptable.
And she didn't think twice about it.
In fact, when she was arrested, she said, come and get me.
And she put her hands out ready to be arrested.
I mean, it was like a badge of honor for her.
So I just think we're seeing that more and more.
And I think it has something to do generally with just the culture of the Obama administration and others.
People are victims.
Everybody's a victim.
Nobody's a victimizer.
In fact, I've had people trying to defend this woman.
As the victim, and I'm saying, well, wait a minute.
Who are the people that got victimized here?
It was us.
You know, we were out there exercising our First Amendment rights.
She comes, destroys our stuff, assaults us, and then tries to say that she had the right to do it.
Well, she seemed to almost be in a panicked, manic frenzy.
And most people I run into now in Austin, Texas, where I live,
Are formerly Democrats and Liberals and are now what I'd call Libertarians and are waking up that there's problems with Republicans, but that the Democrats are really becoming tyrannical.
But when I do run into a Democrat now that doesn't like me, they'll walk over maybe once a month now in a restaurant or on the street and slap me on the back of the head, knock my glass over, start booing me in front of my family in like a public
Where they really seem to be desperate right now that they've betted everything on this weird culture of statism.
It's not delivering for them and they seem desperate.
I think you're right.
I mean, we're seeing that on college campuses across the country.
I was just in California.
We did the same very type of outreach on Venice Beach, of all places, if you could imagine.
And it's just amazing the acceptability of people
Who come up to you and curse you out.
And you've got to understand, Alex, I lead a group of young people.
These are students.
Some of them are 15, 16.
We had a couple that are 13 and 14.
You've got adults, supposedly, coming up, you know, giving the middle digit right in their face, screaming at the top of their lungs, you know, at these young people.
And it's just, it's amazing that anybody would do that.
Well, you're standing up for people that are under violent attack, so, uh, it just really illustrates how violent these people are.
Chopping babies up is violent.
One more segment with Mark Harrington coming up.
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Former congressman Ron Paul to get into the economy, the state of the world, the borders, all of it, is coming up.
Max Keiser on the economy and the acceleration away from the dollar.
Mark Harrington, who heads up the organization CreditEqual.net.
That puts up signs around the region.
I know it works for other groups that do it around the country.
Showing what a baby looks like, even in the first trimester.
And look folks, the issue here is, this is being used as birth control.
53 million Americans have been killed.
And now they're trying to kill babies up to age 3.
Now judges are saying, you know, have sex with your kids.
That's in the news today.
Australian judge says incest may no longer be taboo.
That pedophilia is okay.
This is part of a deranged takeover.
I've studied these people.
And it's very, very dangerous.
And it's part of an overall just anti-human system.
Look at MSNBC saying recently in promos, your children belong to the state.
And you didn't build your business.
And it seems so alien to those of us that are somewhat normal
They mean it to be alien.
They are nudging us.
They are preparing us.
Do you agree with that statement or would you like to augment that, Mark Harrington?
No, I agree pretty much.
You know, if you watch this video of this woman...
She talks about us being misogynistic and all of this, you know, patriarchy and all of it.
She wants to stop patriarchy and all that.
The foundation of a lot of this is they just hate men.
Bottom line, they hate men.
In fact, Alex, you're in Texas there.
There's going to be a group of radical pro-abortion activists coming through the state there on what they're calling the Stop Patriarchy Tour.
And they're going to come to Austin, in fact.
Oh yeah, this is the same place where they chanted Hail Satan last year when pro-lifers were praying.
And it was literally hundreds of women spontaneously sticking their tongues out going, I love you Satan, Hail Satan, I love abortion.
And really, it gets down to the fact that they're getting off on the human sacrifice.
They are, and they're coming to Texas.
There's going to be a five-city tour.
And we're actually going to come down there and oppose them.
So this is going to be sometime in August.
They don't have the dates yet, but these are the radical pro-abortion groups.
I mean, they're running this, you know, their advocacy, this movement on the other side, and really the foundation of it.
By the way, that sounds crazy.
In fact, I want to invite you to Austin, to the studio, sir, when you come down here.
I'm sure you're coming to the Capitol, but we're almost out of time.
At the bottom of the rat hole, what is running all of this?
Obviously, you're a Christian, you believe in Satan, but for the lay person out there who isn't into religion or whatever, I mean, looking at this, when I say they're saying, hell, Satan, there's really video of that.
I didn't know this until I got involved in media 20 years ago.
When you really run into these really pro-abortion people that run this, it's a religion to them.
It is.
You know, there's a scripture that says, those who hate God love death.
It's a culture of death.
Death is what drives this.
Satan's the author of death.
He came to rob, kill, and destroy.
This is a religion to them.
And, you know, this is nothing other than child sacrifice.
I hope people understand that you could draw the parallels back to the Old Testament.
Yes, with Mollick.
I mean, this is what's happening in America.
We're not sacrificing our children to some pagan idol god, you know, some figure.
But we're sacrificing our children to choice.
To, I want a career.
I don't want a baby right now.
I don't want to be married.
I don't want my boyfriend.
Whatever it is, it's still child sacrifice.
That's what's driving this.
Well, a lot of ancient cultures would order the firstborn killed.
And they knew firstborn were the ones that got uppity and were leaders.
It was a way of getting rid of the next group of rebels.
And that's really what the Ritalin to the Boys is all about, and all of it, is it's about killing the next generation.
No, I agree.
That's why we're trying to raise up...
A pro-life generation, our whole commitment at our organization, Created Equal, is to raise up the next generation of leaders to take on this culture death.
We will take it on, you know, face-to-face in the public square.
We're not going to shrink back.
We understand there's risk, but we've got to go forth.
It's going to get worse before it gets better, and I expect much worse than what happened the other day, and I'm girding our loins for what's coming.
Well, Mark Harrington, I hope I get to meet you when you're here in town.
Keep up the important work that you're doing for those innocent people out there.
But, you know, when you talk about turning the tables, the state's power-grabbing right now because it realizes the end has come.
Look at the polls from 1974 with Roe v. Wade.
They flipped now.
America's turning against abortion, especially in the youth.
That's right, and it's primarily because of the technology.
You don't even have to have a regenerative heart to understand if you look at an ultrasound or an image of a pre-born baby to understand it's human.
So that's what's turned the tide right now.
There are still many people out there in denial that they'll kill their baby no matter what.
You can give them all the evidence, the world won't matter.
But there's still enough people in the country that can reason with the conclusion that that's a human being and abortion shouldn't be permissible.
Well, look at the decline of our country since we brought it in.
And I'm not even judging everybody out there.
None of us are perfect.
We need to recognize it's bad.
That's the beginning of turning the tide.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I tell you, Christmas comes, I don't know, six, seven, eight times a year for me when former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul joins us.
I think it's interesting that Larry McDonald was a proto-Ron Paul and was a medical doctor himself, and that's the type of folks we need to elect to Congress, not more lawyers.
It's so great to see his son, an M.D.
Up there in the U.S.
Senate, Rand Paul, the leader of the Republican PAC for president.
Everybody I talk to says, oh, I want Rand Paul.
We'll ask him about that coming up.
We've got him for just one segment, just about 15 minutes here.
But, sir, there's so much to talk about.
Today, I'd like to just cover the waterfront with you.
We've interviewed Border Patrol head of their union.
We've shot the video ourselves.
And broke it four weeks ago that the Border Patrol loads the illegals on the buses, including adults, and buses them to be dropped off to Democratic Party facilities to then be given voter IDs and welfare.
This is the end of the country.
I know as Libertarians we are for, you know, more open borders, but not if we're bordering kleptocratic failed states.
What is your take on this crisis that Obama's clearly orchestrating and where it's going
Well, obviously it's a huge problem.
I don't think there's one person with the wisdom that can wave a wand and deal with this because of all the intrigue going on, the mistakes made in the past, and the mess we have now, and kids coming in here.
I thought of one thing, and this is obviously tongue-in-cheek, but maybe these buses ought to be taken to Hollywood.
Let the Hollywood-type people, who have promoted Obama for so long, let them see what's going on.
But no, you're right.
The libertarians have different opinions.
Some are, you know, real diehard, total open borders, and others aren't quite so.
But, you know, I've written that up in Liberty Defined pretty well the best I could on what it should be, because, you know, if we live in a true free market, prosperous society, there's usually a need for labor, and you want to be very generous about allowing people to come and go.
But this whole idea of coming in illegally, and then it's politicized because, oh, one party wants them to be voters.
And also, we're bankrupt.
We have a welfare state.
You know, I've said that we shouldn't give them any freebies, you know, free education and medical care.
Then they paint you as being totally heartless.
But, you know, it's so complicated because the countries they're coming from, they're worse than ours.
I mean, it involves the drug war, it involves dictatorships, it involves bad economic policy, and we have this now.
I think it's a sign of how bad our economy is and how bad our structure here in this country because there's so much resentment.
But the problems are not going to go away.
But a better answer on the libertarian issue is my position there is
With the libertarians who say, well, you're not pure enough because you don't want totally open borders.
I said, are you sure that in a total libertarian society, which of course we're not going to see, but we can talk about total libertarian society, government doesn't own the property.
The people own the property.
So the ranchers all in Texas would be the ownership and they would have somebody, they would have something to say about intrusion on their property.
And therefore anybody who came in from an outside,
You know, would be meant by property owners and they wouldn't be protected by the state.
So I'm not so sure that if you and I and a few others had an island and we owned the island, that it would be open borders.
I would think that anybody who owns land on that island would have to be responsible and allow people to come in, but there wouldn't be a government.
So this is a consequence of runaway government, the mess we're in, the economy that we have, the welfare state.
And of course a lot of resentment has built up and then you get it all politicized with a guy like Obama.
Shifting gears, you have predicted in your books, you have predicted for decades that the private Federal Reserve would ruin the currency and debase it even faster.
Obviously it had lost 99 cents by now and a lot of that value since 1913, since we got the private Federal Reserve.
A lot of that loss has happened just the last few years.
We're seeing an acceleration.
Now even mainline economists and analysts are mirroring your breakdown, dealing with the end of the dollar.
Now we see China's yawn exploding.
We now see countries from South Korea to Russia moving away from the dollar.
Saudi Arabia is starting to move away.
It looks like that big event you've been warning about is getting closer and closer.
Can you speak to collapse and what's going to happen if the dollar does devalue, sir?
Well, you're certainly right.
It's getting much, much closer.
And it's not just a few third world countries.
Or, you know, in the past, you've reported on it before.
You know, when Iran and Iraq would do it, then they'd get punished.
Oh, you know, you can't give up on the dollar, don't take on the dollar.
But now it's people like, you know, the Germans aren't all that happy with us.
I saw today that the French are pretty annoyed with us too, you know, about, you know, how we handle our monetary policy and how we treat the people, you know, with spying on them and all the rest.
This whole episode with Russia right now over Ukraine, it's probably the stupidest policy conceivable that we want to provoke a war with Russia, put on sanctions, and then they're not going to take that.
And then all of a sudden, oh, you mean they can make an alliance with China and India?
And they are.
It probably takes a little while to do that, but that's what the plan is, and I think the numbers are coming together.
I think Brazil wants to be involved with that, and it's a growing effort.
But I think there's a built-up hostility with America, because we've been bullying the world.
But nobody's been strong enough to take us on, especially since the breakdown of the Soviet system, that we've been the kingpin.
So economically and militarily, nobody can say, boo.
But once they see that our economy is in trouble and they have a chance to do something and they get sick and tired of these sanctions that are put on countries, because we tell them, nope, you can't talk, you can't trade with Russia, you can't do this.
Well, I think when we start to slip as we are, I think there's going to be piling on.
I think the piling on has already occurred, which means that we're closer to that point where there may be a precipitate fall.
You make the right points.
The Fed has orchestrated about a 98-99% devaluation already.
But it's still a dollar is a dollar today.
What if you lose the rest of it and 100% or a large portion of what we have left?
That's a big deal.
And if you look at all the currency destructions around the world, the end stages go very rapidly.
Most people remember now about Zimbabwe dollar, but they only remember the two or three months that it was in the news.
But they had been doing that for a lot of years and then confidence is lost.
There's still enough confidence in the dollar that tomorrow you're not going to read where everybody dumped the dollar.
But I think there's central banks now buying up gold.
You know, Russia mines it and they keep it.
China buys the gold.
India's always bought gold.
And a lot of other people do.
But our banks, the Western banks, the European banks, and of course the United States claim that there's no need for that.
We're not going to buy it.
But who knows what they're doing beyond the scenes.
I suspect that they're doing the same thing.
That's right.
Zimbabwe went, in just the space of a year, about five years ago, and it's still bad, from inflation, where it took a million of their currencies to buy a loaf of bread, to a trillion.
We just showed some of those trillion dollar notes on screen, and their answer was total totalitarianism.
And as a historian, as a medical doctor, as a Von Mise Institute fellow, I know that you've studied history, but undoubtedly,
The establishment's rabbit out of a hat is the armored vehicles, the checkpoints, the NSA surveillance.
They think authoritarianism is going to hold this together and their nukes are going to menace the rest of the world.
But then our own elite hate America, the old America, the ideas of liberty.
They share that with the rest of the world that dislikes our imperiousness.
So it's a very bizarre mix of factors where the establishment is trying to shut off our power plants, cloward and piven our governmental systems, bankrupting them in a power grab.
But I sit back looking at the wide spectrum and I see the elite undermining their own empire that gave them their power.
So it really seems like a
Evil system that doesn't even know what it's doing, or does it?
Can they pull a rabbit out of the hat, Dr. Ron Paul?
Temporarily, they will.
But they think they are omnipotent because they get away with it for so long.
But eventually, you know, the markets and the people catch up with them.
You know, just yesterday, I don't know if you noticed, there was a hearing in the Financial Services Committee about auditing the Fed.
Of course, they wouldn't use my bill to audit.
They bring up with this crazy scheme
That they can do it by a formula, and as long as the Fed follows this formula, which is just another form of economic planning, and they did this because the Fed's 100 years old, and they said, now it's time for reform, but they were pretending this was audit.
It had nothing to do with audit, although they used that language.
I said in my, you know, my dissenting views, and they did take them, and they put them in the record, but they really didn't give it serious discussion.
The big thing is,
A lot of economists say that it isn't that the Fed doesn't have a policy, they just lie to Congress and the public about what their policy is, and that they're already involved in a controlled collapse right now.
And most economists I interview, a lot of them prestigious, say we've really been in a depression since 2008 in most sectors.
Dr. Paul, you've given us a pretty accurate prognosis going back decades ago.
What do you think our current real economic state is?
Well, I think it's in total shambles.
And, of course, they sort of downplayed that when I said in the O.A.
during the O.A.
campaign that we were already starting in a recession.
Of course, the Republicans were in charge, so that was a really bad thing to say.
No, I think certainly for the lower half of our economy, of our people, you know, the middle class and down, they're in a depression.
You know, their standard of living isn't going up.
And real income hasn't gone up since the Bretton Woods broke down, since we went totally off the gold standard.
Real wages have not gone up.
Nominal wages do, but real wealth accumulation, you know, goes to the wealthy class deal in Wall Street, and even the Fed.
They haven't been shy about saying, well, we are going to interfere.
We have a plunge protection team.
We have to go in there and protect the market.
Well, all this monetary inflation has gone to the market.
But I think ultimately, and I think that's what you're suggesting, will they be able to protect themselves?
A few maybe, but there's going to be a lot who have benefited by this.
They want no one to get out either, and it looks very, very shaky right now.
I do not believe.
You know, now they're saying, well, no more quantitative easing.
And then that is...
Exactly, and that inflates the stock market.
That's where the inflation is going, and people think it's really super-valued, but it's not.
It's actually just bought and devalued dollars.
A very dangerous game indeed.
You know, talking to you, who's obviously a very wise man, who's been an Air Force, you know, a medical air corpsman, medical doctor, congress, author, the whole nine yards.
You're a smart guy.
If I was sitting there with you on the fishing dock, just between me, you, and the fence post, and I said, Dr. Paul,
Where do you really think America and the world's going in your gut in 120 seconds?
You know, let's say if you're talking to your grandson and you were giving them advice, really giving them the skinning, what does your gut tell you is going to happen long term to civilization?
Well, long-term I'm not as pessimistic as I am short-term.
There's no way that the Congress, a president, or a few more members of Congress or in the Senate, will all of a sudden be able to reverse this because the momentum is so strong, the debt is so big, excuse me, the debt has to be liquidated.
The only question on how you liquidate debt is you don't pay it, which isn't the case for a country like ours.
They always pay it, but they pay it with paper money and devalue the currency.
So, we're locked in.
It's not going to change.
We're not going to, all of a sudden, oh, that's not going to quite so many wars.
Let's wean ourselves off of the welfare state and the warfare state, and let's gradually go back to the gold tent.
It's not going to happen.
Where I believe is we're quite capable in 5, 10, 20 years from now of having a group of people who have been influenced by everything from radio shows to the internet and all the things going on, Austrian economics, because there's been a tremendous amount of excitement and understanding of the Federal Reserve in the last five years.
So, these ideas do have consequences.
It's worked in the past, so I'm holding out with a tinge of hope and conviction.
That if we keep fighting the battle of ideas, that we will then influence enough people that they will only endorse a government that presents the case of freedom for the individual, get out of these wars, sound money, and maybe paying a lot more attention to the Constitution.
What is it like, and we're not talking about you here, but it's an example of success, and we need to try to model ourselves off of that and augment from it.
What is it like to be a voice in the wilderness 40 years ago, before you were even in Congress, or before you were even writing best-selling novels and stories and books on economics?
What is it like, though, to now see your son as a frontrunner for president, to see your ideas popular all over the world?
You're a central figure, like Alexander Solzhenitsyn was in the 80s against communism.
You're as big or bigger figure worldwide, and I know you're not a narcissistic person, but what does that mean now that you've reached true global icon status?
I mean, that's a testament to the power of taking action, of being a voice in the wilderness, of being Dr. No.
And what's the main thing you want as a message to go out to the young people?
Well, the message is liberty, but I think you sort of stretched it a little bit.
I hope I participated and helped along, but a lot of other people have.
I mean, you've reached a lot of people.
You can't imagine how many people on the campaign trail.
I mean, wouldn't you get interested?
They would mention your show.
And they mentioned Aaron Russo.
I guess you remember Aaron?
Oh yes, good friend.
We saw that document.
Well, people come in different ways.
But, you know, back 30 years ago or 40 years ago, I'd go to college.
I always did the same thing, but, you know, I'd get 20 people out to a little club or something like that.
But I was very stoic about the whole thing.
And right now it's a confirmation, I see it as a confirmation that ideas are very, very powerful.
There's a lot of allies out there.
You know, if you look at the Mises Institute and the different libertarian groups now have participated tremendously.
In the 70s, well earlier than that, say in the 50s and the 60s, I had no place to go.
There was no internet.
The universities were jam-packed.
I think so.
I think so.
And Rothbard and these people who wrote and explain these things.
I think a lot of us have had a gut instinct of what is right because some people say, you know, Ron, I like what you say because it's so much common sense.
I think a lot of people arrive where we are with common sense.
It's always good to get an intellectual like a Mises who can write and explain this, you know, in intellectual terms.
And that's why I think this is real.
I think the revolution is real, but you never know the outcome of the revolution.
But right now, I think it's going quite well, you know, because not only because the internet is available to us, but because this system is going to fail.
It's good that it's going to fail.
The Soviet system failed because it was a flawed system.
So we have a lot of opportunities, and that's why I'm still anxious to talk to as many young people as possible.
Ron Paul Channel dot com.
They get away with persecuting people of the IRS beyond Nixon.
If he gets away with putting our military under NATO command, if he gets away with ordering the Border Patrol to stand down, if he gets away with all this stuff that sets a precedent, shouldn't we impeach, even though politically it might not get the Republican Libertarians as far, because it's the right thing to do?
It should be, but I don't know of any president that I would, in my lifetime, that I would have been a champion of not impeaching them, because so many of them have done the same thing.
But the Congress, it's the ideology that is so bad, it's what we have to impeach, because just think of what Congress has done, you know, to the presidency.
They, we deliver, have, the Congress has delivered all this power.
They allow them to go to war, they allow the monetary system to run roughshod over us, and they turn all this power over to the president, you know, whether it's trade agreements, or whatever, all the regulations should be illegal, that's writing of law.
So, uh, yes, Obama, I think Obama is worse than the rest.
Not so much, he hasn't even written more executive orders, but he's so in your face about it.
You know, it's, I will do it, and I have this National Defense Authorization Act, and if I think I have to assassinate somebody, I have the authority to do this.
And, you know, he goes on and on.
I'm good at killing people.
Yeah, to do this, and most other presidents just did it and sort of did it quietly, but it's bad that he can be so upfront.
It's almost like he's too honest with us and the people are too complacent.
You know, this guy's telling us what he believes in, and he believes in, you know, a dictatorship.
But they've all done it, but it's just a lot worse right now, and as our country gets worse, you're going to see
Well, you can see him almost every day with incredible folks at RonPaulChannel.com.
In the last 60 seconds, Rand Paul for president.
He is the best.
Obviously, he's clearly going to run.
How do we get behind that?
How do we get him in?
Obviously, then he'll get blamed for what the socialists have done.
So it's kind of bittersweet.
But 60 seconds on Rand Paul, the senator, becoming the next president.
Well, it's the same old story.
You go to his website and you volunteer, you send money, and you do all those things conceivable because, you know, it's a rough road to hope because, you know, the establishment is going to come down hard.
And it seems like he may well be the frontrunner right now.
But if they think he's out there, believe me, they're going to come down hard.
But it's just numbers.
It's just numbers.
You've got to have enough people, because the media will not help.
And I think he's getting a better shake from the media right now.
But it's just going to have to be numbers, the numbers of people that volunteer and send
Well, you know why the media already dug through all his closets, couldn't find anything, sent Democrats dressed as racists to his events to try to demonize him?
That failed.
I told Politico a few years ago, when he won the nomination for Senate, I said, look, attack him and then he'll lose.
Only your endorsement
We'll destroy him because people are sick of you and don't believe you.
And so barring other things they could pull, I think he's got a real shot at it.
It's very exciting as an example of how we fight tyranny generationally.
Everything you've taught us.
Dr. Paul, RonPaulChannel.com.
Thank you so much for the time and say hi to the family for us.
Okay, Alex, good to be with you.
Good to be with you, sir.
It's always a great pleasure to talk to Dr. Ron Paul, who I've known since before he ran for Congress again in 1996.
And I believe I'm one of the first people to ever interview Rand Paul, because Rand was living in Texas then, and had just gotten out of college and stuff, and hadn't even moved to Kentucky yet.
This is about 19 years ago, and I remember saying, well, no, Dad was just on yesterday, and we got a lot of support.
The district used to be up to the south of Austin.
We were on a big station in Austin then, the top ratings my show did.
And I'm not bragging, this is an interesting factoid story.
And he was on a few nights ago and was really big.
We'd like to try to get him back on, but he's flying around and stuff.
Can you plug some more?
And I said, well why don't you come on?
Oh no, I can't do interviews.
Somebody ought to dig that up.
I believe I'm the first person to ever interview Rand Paul.
And let me tell you something, I could care less about presidents, red carpets, crap like that.
I'll guarantee you, if Rand Paul becomes president, he's not going to allow huge motorcades and traffic to be shut down.
He'll fly around by helicopter or he'll just, I mean, the Secret Service is out of control.
And I don't know, it's just so exciting to think they can put Rand Paul in there.
And he'll play a little politics, you know.
It's going to take that for him to get in there, but he's a good guy.
I know him.
And that's why they hated him so much and the big banks gave all that money against him and the rest of it.
He just is super.
And I hope he becomes president.
Now obviously they're going to blame him for what happens in the economy and the collapse.
I mean, he might get elected and everything collapses and they blame it on him.
But the mainstream media is not dominant anymore.
They're not going to be able to spin all that when it happens.
And I just see all the planets aligning, not just for Rand Paul, but for the whole Liberty Movement worldwide.
Because that's how God works.
The evil's rising, but good is rising as well.
And if we just take action, do the right thing, try to be good people, and say, God, I'm weak, just hold my hands up, you know, help me go forward.
That goes back to Jericho.
Who wasn't in the Bible?
Couldn't hold their hands up anymore, so the people had to hold their hands up.
It was Moses.
I guess it happened several times in the Bible.
But the whole point is that that's how God works.
And if you don't believe in God, the universe, whatever, those forces are real.
Providence is real.
And it isn't just like the secret that Oprah teaches where you believe something and it happens.
You believe it.
If it's the right thing to do and you have courage, you might not realize it.
It may be your grandkids that do.
But it will have an effect on the universe.
That's why the evil ones
Are always so busy telling you don't have power because they're scared to death of good people.
They're absolutely scared to death of the truth.
They're scared to death of real male power, real feminine power.
Not the state makes women powerful by destroying men, but men empower women.
Women empower men.
I mean, they're scared of families.
They're scared of culture.
They want to destroy us all.
They're pure evil.
In closing this hour, please support us financially.
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You want answers?
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, some days I get off air and I think, man, you sound like a bragging, arrogant, narcissistic,
And I know that's not how I am.
I have to get gutted up to fight these people.
I have to... I sit here and look at all this news all day.
I know what they're up to.
And I just... I'm a very loving, sweet person, but when people mess with me or try to dominate me, I just flip out.
I mean, that's just how I am.
So this is all real, what you hear on air.
I mean, I kind of let myself be bad and blow up and stuff, but it's real.
Just like I let myself, you know, put 6X underwear on my head and make fun of stuff.
Because I'm a funny guy behind the scenes.
I really should have just been in comedy.
That's what I have fun doing.
And people say, man, that's pretty discrediting what you did.
Well, I just, I can't help it.
It's real.
And when I blow up on air, folks, it's real.
I mean, it's real.
And the reason I went off talking about myself right there, I say, I don't like talking about myself without doing it so you can understand where I'm coming from, because I get embarrassed of myself.
I mean, I was there, it sounded like groveling to Ron Paul, telling him how great he is and how wonderful he is, but that's just really what I'm thinking.
So I'm just going to say it.
I can't help it.
But then I realize in my gut later, and intellectually, I go, no, no, it's right you tell people how big this show is, so people understand we're not all alone.
Liberty's popular.
And it's important people know what Ron Paul's done with your help and my help.
And if Ran runs and doesn't win, he'll educate people and become more iconic.
Buddy, I don't think he's the father.
More eloquent, but not the father.
We have to celebrate our leaders and celebrate our voices in the wilderness that have been successful.
This is biblical in proportions.
Just got chills.
And I've got to realize, hey, I've got millions of viewers and listeners.
I better wear a sports jacket.
I better lose some weight.
I better care about myself and the position I'm in to help people.
I better live a long time for not just my children, but for everybody, just like we want you to be a winner.
We shouldn't let the enemy demoralize us or get us down.
You know, I got down some this week, and I made a commitment this morning when I woke up that I was going to be in a good mood today.
Because, you know, we're here fighting.
There's a lot of good forces in the world.
And I think we can turn things around.
But I get really upset.
I almost start crying when I think about how bad it's going to get if we don't stop this.
I mean, that's where the anger comes from.
Because people just knew.
But I guess they do know.
You know, I went in.
to talk to some folks about a school my children might go to and the headlady was a listener and she said her brother was a listener and a bunch of other folks were a listener and people in the parking lot were listeners and one guy came in to fill a propane tank and he was a listener from England who's moved here and then I went and stopped at a gas station to get gas and the people on both sides pumping gas were listeners a black guy and a white lady two different cars beside me and then I went in the store and the clerk was a listener and then
I was walking in the parking lot here and some air conditioning guy was across the street and he was a listener.
I mean, every person I came by today, almost every person, was a listener.
I don't know how they're all listeners.
And I mean, a lot of them listen all the time.
I was talking to them.
We don't have those numbers.
Yeah, 15, 20 million a week, but, you know, 700, 800 million views on YouTube, 400 million on one channel.
But I don't know where it's, and I think, my God, I'm like talking to millions of people.
And it's not a power trip.
It's like, why me, God?
And then I think about how I'm a man, folks.
I'm just like everybody else.
I'm sure not some saint or angel.
I mean, compared to a lot of people, people would say, yeah, you are like a, you know, a champ, you know, being a good guy overall.
I don't screw people.
Quote Tony Montana, I ain't ever broken my word to anybody and never come after anybody who didn't have it coming to them.
And at the time, if I got an enemy trying to stab me in the throat, I'll just step right over them.
I don't even enjoy destroying enemies anymore.
I used to, and it was an evil thing.
I repented of it.
I couldn't get over doing it about 10 years ago, and God healed me.
Now I take disgust in even having to defeat my enemies.
But I have victory seeing the innocent get out of the clutches of the evil.
And so we should all celebrate how successful we've been, and all of you are part of this victory.
Just as much as I am, and this crew out here, and our sponsors, and everybody.
We should celebrate that we're still in the game and having victories.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The corrupt, kleptocratic, eugenicist-based system that we're under...
...has an absolute hatred of humanity in general.
And they use our own empathy, our own caring, for these poor immigrants that are in absolute squalor and tyranny in Guatemala and south of there, being bust in deliberately by the North American Union to bankrupt the country, create the gulag casino model that Max Keiser talks about.
They use our compassion to get us to sign on to political correctness to accept this.
And America's final journey into slavery.
They've done the same thing in Europe.
And you're not going to help Latin America imploding North America.
We'll get Max Keiser's take on that.
He has predicted a major move by the middle of this year, last year.
On record, we don't even have the crew to dig all that up, but you heard him, he wrote articles about it.
He has predicted
The move away from the dollar by the middle of the year.
Now, he predicted the bond market would start imploding by the middle of the year, too.
That hasn't quite happened yet, but it's moving in that direction.
I just had Ron Paul on saying that it's more imminent than ever, saying that it's been building towards this and it finally accelerates at the end.
I've had so many other economists, stockbrokers, top analysts on.
Basically concurring with what Max is saying, Dr. Paul Greg Roberts and others are moving in that direction.
We'll get his take on the economy, on the whole waterfront, coming up today with Max Keiser.
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Then again, they funded the revolution by selling trinkets in this country.
I don't sell trinkets, I sell high-quality stuff.
They made Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin go around at women's parties and sell little American flags.
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We are here, we're going all in, and that's why we're so fired up, because this is what life is all about.
Now, joining us is Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com.
He's got some interesting monetary news as well on Bitcoin and more today.
MaxKeiser.com, and I'll give you his bio, even though you know who Max Keiser and Ron Paul are.
He's a filmmaker, broadcaster, former broker, and options trader.
He's known for his invention of virtual specialist technology used in many stock exchanges today.
And he's labeled JPMorgan the biggest financial terrorist on Wall Street.
And he joins us right now, MaxKaiser.com.
Max, there's so much to cover before we get into the economy and the global meltdown and the rest of it.
What do you make of the North American Union, in Petraeus' words, and Pelosi's, and the Republicans standing by, as the border is basically opened?
I know you're a libertarian like I am.
We could have this if Mexico was open, too, and didn't have all their systems, but we have welfare here.
I mean this is the ultimate cheap labor for the corporations welfare sponsored like Walmart.
What do you think about this and do you think it's going to get a lot worse now that they've legalized all these people that will draw even more?
Max Keiser.
Hey Alex, great to be with you again, and hello to everybody around the world, and especially in Austin, Texas.
Hey, do you remember a couple of years ago, they talked a lot about the AMIRO, and you haven't heard about the AMIRO in a long time, and that was the idea that Canada, America, and Mexico were going to come together as a currency block to kind of counterbalance what was happening in the Eurozone.
And then we didn't hear about it for a while because the Eurozone went into a financial crisis, Greece went into a crisis, Ireland went into a crisis, and we didn't hear much about the Emiro.
I think now, this idea of what we're seeing on the border with Mexico and these comments being made in Congress, they're setting the stage to bring back this idea of the Emiro.
And why now?
At the moment, you've got Russia, China, and Iran are forming a currency block.
So are the BRIC nations as well.
But I think more importantly, China, Russia, and Iran are forming this very strategic currency block under what's called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
It rivals the Eurozone in size.
It's obviously based on, in large part, on natural resources, which going forward is going to be a key factor, much more than the economies that are based on printing money.
The risks that Ron Paul outlined just
Previously on your show, those risks have now hit an endgame, if you will, and we're heading into a period of a much more aggressive inflation.
So economies that are resource-based are going to be much more important.
So I think that's what's going on.
They're setting the stage for a talk is going to start to bring back the Samiro idea that Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.
have to create a common currency because Eurozone has a common currency and now there's
Max, when you said that, it all clicked!
Because the Republican and Democratic leaders are all saying, we've got to be one hemisphere.
Petraeus is saying it, Pelosi is saying it, Petraeus is saying it in Europe.
It's all a new talking point.
But you go back to the North American Union documents from BAMF Canada in 2006 and 2007, they say we'll use a border crisis to bring this in and that's what they're talking about, billions of investment
In Mexico, to quote, stem the tide, they mean investment to their buddies and themselves, not to the people.
So the answer to a failed Latin America will be to merge with it, and it all just clicked when you said that.
You're absolutely on target.
Yeah, well, that's what I hear.
That's what I think is going to happen.
And that's what the language suggests to me, that they're setting the stage for this currency union and organization.
And then you have, of course, these pipelines that extend from Canada through America into Mexico.
So there's an enormous amount of commercial activity with the three countries working in cooperation.
You also have these trade deals like TTIP,
I'm good.
And that's what they always do.
I mean, that's what the Toronto Commission decades ago said.
Create three regions, have them compete for further globalization, then claim they've got to coordinate them all out of a later global meltdown.
That will then form the one world government, like they formed the Federal Reserve, to stop booms and bust.
They will use the cycle they've engineered to hold us hostage.
You concur with that analysis?
Oh, sure.
And you know, you had Jim Rickards on your show recently.
He wrote the book Currency War, and he just wrote the book Death of the Dollar.
And he's done a lot of work on this.
The U.S.
dollar has been the world reserve currency since the end of World War II.
Most spectacularly, you know, gave rise to the American Century, so-called.
And now that's hit the buffers.
dollar is being exited.
The U.S.
As you see, China, Russia, Iran are doing these huge currency swaps amongst themselves.
They're getting out of the dollar.
We just had a $400 billion deal announced between Russia and China for a new gas pipeline.
That's an enormous deal.
Ostensibly, they say it's priced in dollars, but we know that they're not going to use dollars to consummate that deal.
They're going to use everything outside of the dollar.
Everything you said five years ago here and a year ago here is now happening.
I want to get the latest fine-tuned predictions now that we're getting closer to the big event that Ron Paul calls it with Max Keiser straight ahead.
He's got some other announcements coming up.
Very interesting stuff.
More news with Max Keiser straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Max Keiser is our guest.
We're going to look at the economy, but first from Breitbart up on DrugsReport.com.
And I've told my reporters this.
I've seen it.
Anytime you fly out of Austin, if you wait 30 minutes or so, you'll be able to see it yourself.
Illegals without even IDs or stuff written in Spanish, not even consul matricula, are allowed to go through the line without being checked.
They don't even talk to somebody that speaks Spanish.
They just let them through.
TSA allowing illegals to fly without verifiable ID says Border Patrol Union.
Again, boom.
It just shows how it's all a hoax, people.
It's all a hoax.
And then out of this they have the new North American ID they're announcing.
But still, whoever they don't want to have to follow it doesn't have to.
It's like the big banks launder the money.
Trillions of it.
Well, Covia in Wells Fargo, $378 billion came out three years ago.
Over two years.
No one even got in trouble.
Max Keiser is our guest.
This is a short segment.
Long segment coming up.
Max, I want to get into the economy and the dollar.
That's what folks are really concerned about.
Describe for people, as this collapse accelerates, what it will probably look like, this big event, the time frames you're talking about.
Because it's like the creeping to the exits.
Ron Paul talked about this last hour.
That first a few people get up, then more get up, and finally, you know, everybody rushes to the exits.
We've now reached where everybody's standing up, I think.
And then they're starting to move towards the door.
Does that take a month, six months, a year?
And what will it look like, Max Keiser?
And what will the political class do to try to stop that?
Because they're obviously not going to just let all this go by the wayside.
They're going to try to pull something, Max Keiser.
Well, it looks like inflation.
And you already see evidence of it creeping into the day-to-day lives of the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Notice that the price of food and energy is going up.
The portions of the consumer products, the containers, are getting smaller while the prices are staying the same.
Wages are stagnant.
The theory after the 2008 crisis was that if you flood the economy with enough money,
You will achieve what they called escape velocity.
That the economy would be self-perpetuating.
But that never happened.
The government just reported the latest quarterly GDP figures and they were shocked that it was down over 2%.
That's an enormous contraction in the economy.
That means that all the money they printed to bail out all the bankers of the past five to six years has not resulted in any economic growth whatsoever.
Prices continue to go up and wages continue to contract.
So for the average person, they are experiencing, as some have suggested, they are experiencing depression-like conditions.
And for those who are the first in line to get that cash as it rolls off the central bank's printing press,
They are experiencing the greatest asset bubble in the history of the world, where they're buying fine art, they're buying collectibles, they're buying stocks, these inflated prices, and they're seeing their net worths double and triple.
So that's the result.
This is the biggest wealth and income gap we've seen in a very long time, not since the robber barons.
Have you seen such a high concentration of wealth at the tippity top and everyone else really suffering at the bottom end of the spectrum?
And Max, I guess the theory is too, the public's so dumb they're going to believe 2 plus 2 equals 5 and Common Core, that businesses didn't build their business, and that we're so economically dumb we don't know we're in a depression as everybody moves in with their parents, as the restaurants close, as the factories close.
As beef prices double, as meat prices go up 60%, as the inflation hits, they just put out fake numbers saying there isn't inflation, and then let them eat cake?
I mean, is it the Marie Antoinette model?
Well, the numbers are fake, and Peter Schiff has done an excellent job at doing videos pointing out how the GDP, the CPI, these numbers that the government publishes are really quite remarkably fake.
And the casino gulag, which is a concept that I came up with on your show, I guess a couple years ago, I think that explains a lot of the mentality, because in America,
You can get a lot of people to accept a lot of really bad things if you hold out the possibility of winning the lottery.
I think for a lot of people, the idea is they know the situation is bad, but they see some people winning, and they think that they're going to be the next winner.
So they buy into the concept of this casino gulag.
They're willing to live in a gulag if they can hit the jackpot at the casino.
And look at a stock.
I'll give you a point of direction, point your attention to this stock.
The symbol or the name of the company is CYNK.
It's a company that has no employees or one employee.
They're headquartered in Belize.
This has been covered on ZeroHedge.com.
They recently achieved a $5 billion market valuation in the stock market, and yet there's absolutely nothing there.
It's a completely fictitious company.
It's a hoax.
Now they've suspended trading on this company, and it'll just become part of the ether.
That's where we're at the last stages of this hyperventilated speculative bubble, I think.
Alright, stay there.
When we come back, I'm gonna give you the floor to break down what it'll look like.
I mean, your best approximation and the time frame, because clearly... I mean, the wallpaper on the rotten structure is wearing thin.
We can see all the termites boiling under the surface.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we
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Discredit Alex Jones.
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Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All this institutional, computerized, rigged inequity?
Globalization at work.
The millionaires that control trillions, all tax exempt, lobbying for open borders and more prisons?
Globalization at work.
If you like the way things are going, you like the open attack on humanity, well, don't hold your breath, because you're not going to have to wait very long.
The tyranny is here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's only going to get more crazy.
That's the thing I've studied about history, is that tyranny, autocratic totalitarianism, goes from bad to worse to insane to off the chart.
Crazy town.
Every ancient culture would finally just order everyone to start sacrificing their children.
Just to see if you'd do it.
And burning down areas of cities for fun.
I mean, just study history.
Bathing in children's blood.
And I use the example a lot of Caligula marrying his horse.
That's nothing.
And then having it, you know, basically crap in the Senate and then they would read the droppings and decide to make decisions off the horse's droppings.
I'm not kidding!
You know, you can have Democratic Party websites make jokes about that, thinking their audience is dumb and doesn't know that's true.
What I'm saying is, this is getting really bad, okay?
And it's a form of degeneracy to engage in this type of corruption and then to one-up each other.
Max Keiser calls it suicide bankers.
And he has a great story, a sad story, to describe exactly what that means.
But you wanted to get into Rickards, who was on, you wanted to get into what the
implosion is looking like versus the propaganda and where you say we're going.
Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com.
I don't want to get into some other issues with you, but Max, I mean, is this suicide bankers running the world?
And are they evil or are they just completely mentally ill?
Well, let's look at what's the question is.
What's this going to look like?
What can we expect?
And I think something happened last week in Spain that is very important.
They are now charging customers a negative interest rate to have money at the bank.
This is something we've talked about on your show for a few years.
Hundreds of times.
And now they're talking about bailouts.
Go ahead.
So this is now for real.
People in Spain, if you put a thousand dollars in the bank, they're going to charge you to keep the money at
No, I don't think so.
So, this low-rate environment, which is there to allow speculators to borrow money at 0% to give them the opportunity to make wild, outrageous, speculative 60 to 100 to 1 bets at no cost to borrow the money, with the proviso that if the bet goes bad, they get bailed out by the state.
That's why these rates are at 0%.
Unfortunately, it has the negative side effect of causing a tremendous amount of money going into horrible investments.
Like, let's start a war in Afghanistan to get all the heroin production.
Let's start a war in Iraq because we're going to feed our military contractors.
Let's engage in insane domestic policies and give, you know, computer information technology companies billions of dollars to build surveillance states.
Even though this is proven to be a complete waste of time and doesn't make anyone any less in danger from the very people that are putting these systems in place.
So that's the main problem with low interest rates, is that it creates incredibly dangerous investments because there's no risk.
The thing about capitalism is if it's working efficiently,
If you make a bad investment, you suffer the consequences.
There's risks involved.
But when you take the risk away from people who have access to cheap money or 0% interest rate, then you're just creating a class of psychopaths that have access to unlimited funds that are destroying everything in their path.
And you see that happening in the US.
foreign policy.
And you see the U.S.
The rest of the world is getting fed up with it.
And they figured out that if they can get out of the dollar, then they can get out of harm's way.
That's why they're creating these competing blocks of currencies.
That's why the U.S.
dollar is losing its place in the global commerce from used to be 80% of global trade was in the dollar.
Now it's maybe 62%, 63% is rapidly depreciating because the rest of the world wants out.
Of the dollar matrix, and this will have the effect in America, forcing prices up because in America, when when corporations and Americans buy stuff from overseas, they do so using U.S.
dollars, the World Reserve currency.
Yeah, let me stop you for just a minute, because I get emails and I see comments and I even see reporters make fun of me.
And they go, they go, I don't trade in dollars.
I'm not a currency speculator.
Why do we care if the dollar goes down?
Maybe it's good.
And then I hear statements like, yeah, I don't care if the stock market goes down.
I don't own stock.
Can you talk to the average person out there and explain to them what a massively devalued dollar will do?
We're already seeing the prices go up, but explain it to people in layman's terms, because they've convinced so many Americans not to care about anybody, not even themselves.
Can you explain to these idiots, not my main listeners, but the people out there that don't get how serious this is?
Well, you know, Charles de Gaulle called it the extravagant privilege, where America would write checks that they never had to cash, because all they did was print more money.
And as a result, in 1971, Nixon closed the gold window, and we went on a pure fiat currency system, and the U.S.
dollar became world reserve currency.
We're at a situation now, similarly, countries like China, Russia, Iran, and around the world, they have figured out that America never makes good on their obligations.
They never pay the debts that they owe these countries.
You know, America has 17 trillion dollars in domestic debt.
They've got hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of foreign debt.
And they don't plan to pay off those debts.
They just plan to create more bonds and more securities to swap.
At these ultra low interest rates.
So when these countries say, you know what?
We don't think that's really going to work for us anymore.
And they get out of the dollar and therefore America has no one to buy their bonds.
There's no one to buy the instruments that finance the day to day operation of America.
It means that Americans.
Have to finance the day-to-day operation of America, and the only way to do that is going to be through ultra-high inflation and ultra-high taxes.
Property taxes would start to increase, gasoline goes up higher, because the country needs that cash to pay its day-to-day bills that up until now have been paid by foreigners.
But foreigners are going to say, no way.
That's where the dollar kicks in as a factor.
You see it suddenly in the price of things just going up quite dramatically.
And you're asking yourself, well, why is that?
It's because China and the rest of the world decided to stop funding the American economy.
And we're at a place now.
One of the biggest wild cards in all of this has been Germany.
And recently, because of the revelations that America is spying on Germany and hacking into Merkel's telephone, Germany is now openly siding with Russia.
And this is quite interesting because that means that all that gas
But again, there's a globalist program above that to implement all this, which is meant in the final equation to bring the United States out of its superpower status to be mainly under NATO and the banksters.
I mean, this is how we're being brought to our knees and then bring in the... Yeah, but Alex, let me cut in for a second, because the average American, even people that are making not so much money, they still enjoy an extraordinary
And that's all going to go away overnight?
80% of the world lives much worse lives than even... And they don't get that all we really produce now is Hollywood propaganda, military equipment, some tech, and a bunch of dollars that are literally stacking up everywhere.
And for those that don't know why Mexico is so poor, the one big reason, or Argentina or other places that used to be rich, like Argentina, they allow the same type of scams.
And money devaluation.
This is why those countries are like that, because they allow political elites to swindle everything so they could all move to Switzerland and Luxembourg.
I mean, this is on record.
And so now our political elite have decided to literally destroy our whole future just so they could do this swindle.
And I don't know how the elite think they're going to get away with it.
Do you think, Max Keiser, they're going to get away with it?
Well, I know that they think that they will get away with it.
I know that also if you read some of the press, there are stories out in publications that the elite read, like Vanity Fair or the Harvard Business Review, that are talking openly about, should we be afraid of pitchforks?
In other words, the top 1% of the top 1% is now openly fearful of there being some kind of moment of clarity amongst the unwashed that are going to come chasing them down and hanging them up.
And there was an essay last week by somebody out in California who wrote a very lengthy essay about the fact that should we be worried about the pitchforks and are we pushing things too far?
They're openly saying, Alex, in the open press, are we the elite pushing this too far by gobbling up so much of the wealth for really no reason other than that we're greedy?
Are we pushing this too far?
Are we taking a risk too far?
So they're openly discussing it.
And I think the answer is yes, they are, because there's very little recourse for those at the bottom.
You know, last time interest rates were this low, Alex, in France, was the year of the French Revolution.
You know, interest rates, when they get this low, when the economy gets this distorted, when things get this out of whack, people en masse decide to revolt.
I can't see that not being the case again.
I mean, historically, this is what happens.
And this is the inflection point.
I mean, I think there are ways we've talked about ways you can deal with that.
There's gold and silver we've talked about.
And I believe crypto currency is really an unbelievably great way to protect yourself against this.
So that's the only place I see.
I was about to say, I mean, the revolution
is just as dangerous as the implosion and there's so many dumb socialist and collectivist and welfare types that are under the control of the big banks that have gotten them dependent so that they can get their corporate welfare.
It's this sick alliance.
But I don't see
The police going along with this, and the military when they're losing their pensions as well, and more and more we're seeing in Greece and seeing in Spain, the police join the people, and I think that's why you see the elite saying, have we gone too far?
But the worst of the elite, you know, that make 40 to 1 bets like John Corzine with other people's money, are in control, and so they can't even control themselves.
I don't think anything can stop this now, Max.
I really don't.
Another warning sign is that bankers themselves are committing suicide.
Just two days ago, or yesterday, another JP Morgan banker, he shot his wife and then shot himself.
And from the indications are that it was just the stress of being in that industry, they killed themselves.
And this is, we've seen now I think 20 cases in the last six months.
It's more than that.
Yeah, I mean, some are directly related, some are not.
But you're seeing many, many cases where the bankers themselves are at a point where, you know, like the elephants before the tsunami, the Indian Ocean tsunami.
Remember, they ran away from the tsunami because they instinctively knew what was coming.
And the dumb tourists ran out into the ocean and they all died.
I think these bankers, because they know this industry so well, they know what's coming.
And it's so horrific, they're blowing their brains out now to avoid the rush.
And jumping off of their 50-story balconies.
I mean, it's happening right now.
Very creepy.
A lot of people I talk to in the banking industry who have left the banking industry, I ask them, you've had Nomi Prins on your show before.
She was an ex-Goldman Sachs banker.
And I said, you know, so many bankers are killing themselves these days.
You were a managing director of Goldman Sachs.
If you had stayed at Goldman Sachs, would you be in a position of being so stressed out by how badly they're ripping people off?
Would you be one of these people that could have blown their brains out?
Is that one of the reasons you left?
Yeah, that's a great question.
I think that's absolutely true.
If you stay in these companies, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and you're openly committing a financial holocaust, where you're incinerating the net worth of millions, so you can get a bigger job.
Karmically, I mean, it's going to come back on you instantly.
I mean, look at the Google exec shooting up heroin and dying with some hooker that didn't care about him.
I mean, these elites are really not very happy people.
You see story after story now being reported in that industry, and it's coming to a head, all of these different threads.
And I am surprised myself at the number of suicides in the industry.
Because remember, these are people that are
Living quite a privileged life and for them to suddenly have a crisis of conscience, their vision of what's coming must be so horrific.
But they would know because they're on the front line.
I say that the reason I live in London is not because I love living in a rainy London.
It's because we are front line war reporters.
This is really the front line in the global financial war.
And you can really feel it here.
These bankers in the City of London, they're beginning to lose it.
Every day in the paper, you know, they have another pedophile scandal in this country.
The elites are caught now right here in Westminster and in the BBC.
Hundreds and hundreds of cases now of child rape are being exposed almost on a daily basis.
So they can't contain the snakes in the closet anymore.
They're coming out every night on the BBC.
And you just see it in people's faces.
They're starting to collectively lose it.
They know that this what's going on in Palestine with Israel that they support is a black mark on their soul.
And they just, they try to drink away their problems.
People are openly drunk all day long in the street.
It's become like Sodom and Gomorrah over here.
Well, then separately you've got them funding Al-Qaeda to run around and blow everything up.
I mean, the whole world is literally starting to go up in flames.
We're almost out of time, Max Keiser.
When we come back, we'll have about two minutes.
I'm going to play this key La Raza report that Darren McBrain has put together with some of the background history of it.
I'll be on the Nightly News tonight with more to understand how the government's created race-based policies.
But tell me about MaxCoin and MaxKeiser.com.
I know you've got a new invention out.
Oh yeah, MaxCoin Silver Crypto Bullion.
So this is, you know, I started this site, StartJoin, which is crowdfunding, and then one of our members, a guy named Mike Murphy, he put up this idea with a silver one ounce coin.
That has a hologram of some cryptocurrency attached to it, and we sold almost $52,000 worth in 12 days.
So my goal is if we get to $100,000 sold in the next 18 days, I'm going to come down there to Austin personally in August when I'm in New York.
Yeah, that was the plan.
You talked about this before, to then go down to South America to make this film.
Okay, well it's going to hit $100,000, Max, so I expect you to do this.
Yeah, we'll come down there and visit you in Austin.
We're going to get to 100,000 on this.
Hopefully, put the page up on your site there.
It's MaxCoinSilverCryptoBullion.
You get silver plus some crypto, which I think going forward is a great plan.
You have the silver, which we know silver and gold is the, everyone talks about, is the place to be when you have hyper- And the way to boost it is tie it into crypto.
I think it's very exciting and I like it.
I want you to get into crypto.
I mean, finally, Alex, I think, you know, you're one of the last guys to get in on this.
I want you to be in on the crypto revolution.
It's very important.
I know, I know.
It's just if I start getting into it, then I'll be obsessed with it.
So I just don't even think about money is the issue, other than the overall system.
I can only be focused on certain things.
That's prosecuting the info war.
But it's very interesting, Max.
We're going to come back, talk about a little bit more with Max Keiser.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We got that loving La Raza clip.
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This is the end
Remember they used to say the Federal Reserve is federal, there is no new world order, there is no plan for a cashless society, there is no NSA spying, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no.
Well, no more!
It's out in the open, Globalist, and you're going to commit all your crimes and your false flag terror and all of it in front of everybody butt-naked now.
With your big old bo-bo's hanging out in the wind.
Max Keiser finishing up in about the minute and a half we have before I go to this Darren McBream report.
With some low lights from the Hispanic Ku Klux Klan in my view.
Metro La Raza federally funded through Ford Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
That's even in the news today, running around, screaming, you know, down with the U.S., waving Mexican flags.
Before we do that, tell us a little bit more about cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, where you see it all going.
Yeah, well, cryptocurrency is the way to move money around, which you can't do with gold and silver.
In other words, if I have to move my gold and silver, it's very heavy, you can't move it around.
With cryptocurrency, you can put it on your thumb drive, or you can actually put it into your memory and just go anywhere in the world, and now you've taken your money with you, so to speak.
It's becoming a huge business all over the world.
And the MaxCoin Silver Crypto Bullion, I'm doing this crowdfunding campaign on my site, StartJoin.
And everyone who joins StartJoin, we shower them with cryptocurrency.
You get free
Start coin, which is our own cryptocurrency.
We just shower you with free cryptocurrency starting in 10 days or so.
We just shower you with free money.
And the idea is you're going to redeploy that money on these projects.
So if one of your listeners wants to do a project like, oh, I need...
You know, $200 to go get some Alex Jones stickers to put all over the neighborhood.
They can crowdfund it on StartJoin.
We help crowdfund it with our own protocols.
Max, it's very interesting.
Unfortunately, I'm out of time.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you so much for the time.
Here is Darren McBrain's report.
Go back to Boston!
Go back to the Plymouth Rocks, you pilgrims!
Get out!
We are the future!
We need crops and voters!
Who's an eco-alien?
We claim this land is ours, it's always been ours, and we're still here.
And none of this talk about deporting.
If anybody's going to be deported, it's going to be you.
The United States is who is the immigrant here, not us.
Why is it that these people, these frail racist white people, want to keep us out of this country?
It's not because simply the color of our skin.
It's not simply because they just want to exploit us.
Let me tell you why.
Because on this planet right now, of six billion people, at the forefront of the revolutionary movement is the Raza.
When you go to Venezuela,
You can't stop us.
There's too many of us.
We're ready.
We're breeding by the trade.
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates funds this.
This is America!
Look, you color!
You're white!
You don't belong here!
You're white, you don't belong here.
The elite one is fighting with each other, not going after them.
Miller Brewing funds this.
Look at the list that funds La Raza.
We increase our numbers.
That we increase our numbers at every level.
And let me tell you, we can't go back.
You know, we're in a civil war.
This is America, whites!
You too white to be America!
Go back to Europe!
And again, it's racially based.
You know what I mean?
And the people that were here before, they're just not going to get up and leave.
Arriba México!
Arriba México!
You think we have kids?
Folks, I'll see you... Folks, I'll see you on Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
with a live Sunday show.
I'll be live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Nightly News Tonight, I'll be on that as well, 7 o'clock, PrisonPlanet.tv.
You gotta hand it to Bill Gates' dad at Planned Parenthood.
By the way, they're shooting all these people up with the vaccines, killing them right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.