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Filename: 20140709_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 9, 2014
2576 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This morning, as I was working out, I was flipping through channels and was watching the Brazilians go into conniption fits like North Koreans when Kim Jong-il died, crying and beating their chest and having national mourning and blaming Mick Jagger for being bad luck because he rooted for the Brazilian team when the Germans trounced them, what, 7-1?
In fact, give me the scores.
I think it was 7-1.
The point here is that I didn't watch it and I don't know and I don't care.
I'm not against people that want to watch soccer, football, whatever.
It's the mental illness obsession with people's identity being, yes it was 7-1, being tied up in it.
And when I was looking at the faces of the men, women, and children with the sound off, I watch television with the sound off most of the time,
They literally look like they just got news that their house had burned down or that their grandmother was dead.
And I know we've talked about the fake culture and people being obsessed with television, but I've been watching a little bit more TV lately.
Last night over at some friends' houses, I had my children with me and we watched some of those Naked and Afraid shows that are pretty good shows where the people go out and survive.
We're watching some that have been saved on TiVo from months ago about Brazil, of all places, back to Brazil and the Amazon, and how absolutely hellish it is.
But interspersed, we watched three episodes, it was all about how being a male in charge makes your rating go down, and how being a feminist is how you survive in the jungle.
And I was just thinking about
No matter what show it is, dramas, reality shows, cop shows, movies, there are messages in them.
Anti-gun, anti-liberty, anti-male, just everything is brainwashing basically.
And you've got people that are brought up in this who really believe
That this is how the world works, and that's what creates the slacker society of people that have no ambition, don't care if they're losing their freedom, don't want to work, don't want to have their own business, don't want to work for anybody, don't want to be self-directed, don't want to be directed, because they literally are trendy television heads who believe that's reality.
And what does it do to have the average American watching about six hours of television, the average youth upwards of ten hours of television and video games, that's the current numbers, looking at something that isn't real, or is someone else, and believing that that's the real universe, when it is a bunch of social conditioning?
And that's why
We're in so much trouble and why reality can be turned on its head or inverted.
And that's why the power structure can pass Obamacare designed to bankrupt the country and hurt poor people, on record, with death panels and seven taxes on poor people, 21 taxes total.
And do all the things to shut the economy down, the jobs, up the energy prices, up the food prices, devalue the dollar,
Publicly shipping illegals, dumping them in cities to bankrupt them, and just get away with bloody murder, is because a large portion of the public aren't even people now.
They've been raised as these reactive creatures that think television is the universe.
And who are really extensions of the television.
Zombies, remote control robots, literally, who just wander around lazily, buying whatever they're told.
I mean, we're living in a science fiction disaster film.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
I think?
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It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live Wednesday, the 9th day of July, 2014.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Later in the next hour, we are going to have our reporters
From the ground in Southern California, where the churches are now deploying the illegals to Democratic Party members' homes, who will then get paid by Obama to keep them there, kind of like foster children.
This is a whole new giant racket of undocumented children that can be used as mules, as money laundering cutouts, as welfare pumps.
I mean, this is a giant criminal operation that, again, is modeled after ACORN, but I would say will end up being, let's not exaggerate, 15, 20 times bigger than ACORN and all of their child sex trafficking
I mean, they're just on video.
Remember those famous videos from four years ago saying... He went to acorn after acorn.
The head of Veritas did, and the Veritas Project, James O'Keefe, and said, hi, I want to run Hispanic sex lives through here.
They're like, alright, let's help you get that set up.
He'd go to the next place and they'd say, yeah, you got little kids?
We're ready to run the op.
Here's how you do it.
And America just doesn't know how to deal with a hardcore criminal takeover like this.
That's why they're announcing the Tea Party and gun owners and veterans are terrorists.
Because these people are terrorists that run the government.
They are hell-bent to overthrow the country and wreck everything, and break our backs forever, so they can have their way and get away with anything.
They understand that if they can set the precedent to shut off our power plants and double our power prices, ship our jobs overseas, have the elite not pay taxes but raise taxes on poor people, pass Obamacare to bankrupt the country, open the border up and order the Border Patrol to stand down and ship any illegals en masse and pay to ship them in with vouchers for Greyhound to waiting Democratic Party crime organizations and law firms.
They can do anything, and they will.
They will tell you.
They will tell you to not use the word bossy as Michelle Obama did, and now people are not using the word bossy.
She said that is a covert insult to women, so I'm going to tell you not to use it, which of course is bossy.
That archetype of a Jezebel spirit.
By the way, this is a side issue.
I've always thought Michelle Obama looked like something was wrong with her.
They talk about how beautiful she is.
She looks profanely scary and monstrous to me.
And she always wears these weird fluffy things around her waist, and her shoulders are wide enough to put three men's heads on.
And of course, you know the classic thing of a male.
You could have three heads on a male's shoulders, and only another head on a woman's shoulder, or one half of a head on each side.
That's a well-known thing in anatomy.
And I saw a online video that I may air today, and we may look into this,
Talking about Michelle Obama looking like a man, and how they only released photos of her with her hands up, covering her shoulders, or her turned at an angle.
And I started looking at it with Joan Rivers saying she's a transvestite.
And I'd been hearing this for years, and I thought, come on.
I know Obama was raised by a transvestite and the rest of it, and I'm not getting into bashing people.
That's not my cup of tea.
But I started to really, last night, look at videos of this, and look at photos of her in the official White House photo, and she looks like an NBA center.
I mean, she looks more like Shaquille O'Neal than a black woman.
And knowing all the weirdness, and we don't even know who Obama really is and his Social Security numbers don't e-verify.
And then his dad, clearly, we sell the documentary, Dreams of My Real Father, and I mean, it's him with the famous pornographer who lived in Hawaii, who his grandfather was best buddies with, and who Obama would stay the summers with.
A famous communist pornographer.
And you look at the guy, it's Obama's dad.
So the whole Kenya thing with her saying,
My husband's from Kenya.
We visited his place of birth in multiple videos in 2006 and 2007.
His Harvard review, where he was the head of the Harvard Law Review, and he said, I was born in Kenya in his bio.
And in his bio for shopping book deals when he was a senator, state senator, said, I was born in Kenya.
And we took that bait, hook, line, and sinker, folks.
That, oh my God, they're covering up the records.
Oh, he's from Kenya.
But his dad looks nothing like him.
And then you see Frank Marshall Davis.
I mean, it's his daddy.
And then his grandfather's best buddy's with him in the CIA, and then you go, oh my gosh.
And then imagine the joke.
See, it's all about a joke on us.
That he's got cut out daughters, look nothing like him, and a cut out wife.
And I began to look at his daughters last night, and look at his wife.
She's, either she's
It has that double chromosomal disorder where women are really men and it's turned out a lot of the Olympic runners and a lot of the top tennis players and things really are not even really females.
They're not hermaphrodites.
Some of them are hermaphrodites or both.
A lot of them have this double chromosome.
Men can have it too.
And the Olympics are looking at trying to ban this in men and women, because men are like supermen, they're like cavemen.
And then the women are like men, when they have this chromosomal disorder.
It was the double X, double Y. In fact, print me some literature on that, I'm going from memory.
But I've always looked at her, her jaw, her shoulders, her pelvis, all of it looks male.
And she has that male superman physique.
And it just clicked.
You know what?
I bet she is not who she says she is.
I mean, my gut just really registered with that.
What do you think about that?
There is chromosome abnormality.
Chromosomally abnormality, aberration or mutation is a missing extra or irregular portion of chromosomal DNA.
It can be from an atypical number of chromosomes or a structural abnormality in one of the chromosomes.
Chromosome mutation is formally used in a strict sense to mean a change in a chromosomal segment involving more than one gene.
Yeah, but find the one guy that's hyper-male or hyper-female.
It's super-male, super-female.
I remember seeing documentaries about it and reading books about it and biology reading about it, but it's a big issue in the Olympics.
They talk about it on ESPN.
Where they go and they do blood tests on, you know, female runners and folks that don't look like women and, hey, it turns out they don't have a penis, excuse my French, but that's the word, that's the medical word for it, but they do have male, male genetics.
They're men.
And it turned out, remember the Russians couldn't lose in the 60s and 70s and 80s?
They're men.
And the women, weightlifting didn't really look like women.
And they would test them, and they didn't have steroids in them, but they looked like men.
Well, they were men.
Now, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, let's open the phones up about that.
I mean, they lie about everything else.
They said there were no death panels in Obamacare, and now they admit, yes, there are death panels, and yes, we have them for the veterans, we have them on lists where they don't get treatment and we just let them die, and then we take the workers from there and use them to take care of the illegal aliens.
And Obama's lied about everything else.
I mean, what is true?
The Kleinfelter Syndrome?
How do you pronounce that?
The XXY, the syndrome is a set of symptoms resulting from an additional X genetic material in males, also known as 47XXY or XXY.
The syndrome is a genetic disorder in which there is at least one extra X chromosome to a strand of human male genetics for a total of 47.
Yeah, yeah, that's the one in males.
Control F female.
I want the one on female.
The point is we're going to be investigating this and looking into it because she looks like the women I've seen before on television that have this.
So, it may just be that she has a genetic disorder and that's why her shoulders are wider than mine.
I have extremely wide shoulders.
I have a huge head.
But still, you could put two of my heads on my shoulders.
You could put three heads.
The average male
They're supposed to be able to have three heads across their shoulders.
A female's supposed to have two heads, or one head in the middle, and you can put a half head on each side.
And you look at Michelle Obama in straight-on photos.
They're very rare.
In fact, I've seen her on television, and when the camera turns on, she'll stand turning to the side.
She wears fluffy deals around her waist.
But when she's not wearing that, when you see her in a bathing suit, man, it looks like a man.
And there are the photos of she's either keeping a banana in her pants.
I mean, I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen.
Or she's a man.
And I mean, I'm sorry, we just have to talk about this.
And I heard this eight years ago that he's married to a transvestite.
And now Joan Rivers has said it, and she says, oh, it's a compliment, you know, because, you know, being a male or female who's hetero, that's bad, basically.
You need to be something else.
And look, I'm not attacking anybody.
There's certainly this genus being pushed.
And then Obama admits that he was raised in Indonesia by a transvestite nanny.
So there's, and his dad's this famous pornographer, and just all this, I mean, regardless, he stayed summers with a famous communist
Publisher and pornographer.
I mean, his grandfather hung out with him and played golf and would, quote, leave Obama there for the summer.
I mean, if it isn't his dad, sure looks like him.
There it is.
Joan Rivers storms out of negative CNN interviews, days after calling Michelle Obama a tranny.
So again, all I'm saying is, we need her to publicly give a blood test, and you only need to drop a blood to do a DNA check, and she can send it out to a bunch of private labs and put all this to bed right now.
And if her identity is a woman, I respect that.
Seriously, I respect the Wachowski brother becoming a woman.
We respect Michael.
Because you know Obama has called her Michael, introducing her repeatedly.
So, I mean, if Michael wants to become Michelle, or Bradley Manning wants to become Candy...
Or what is it?
What's the name?
I respect that.
I'm serious.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Oh wait, you are a ghost?
Oh wait, you are a ghost?
Are we seeing the end?
We've got it.
Are we seeing the end now?
Again, folks, I'm joking around a little bit about Michelle Obama, but the more appropriate question, since Joan Rivers and everybody else keeps raising this, about Michael Obama or Michelle Obama or Bradley Manning or Chelsea or whatever their names are, is that does she have the Klinefelter Syndrome?
Because she has the hands and the shoulders of a man.
And now this is a big national news story, and I think the reason it's a big national news story is people don't believe a word the government and the system says anymore.
It's a real loss of confidence.
Now there's a loss of confidence in the dollar.
There's a loss of confidence in institutions, and the government's lawless.
So the fact that people don't believe anything about the official story of Obama is for good reasons, because we don't really know who Obama is.
Other than it looks like his dad is a famous communist from Chicago who moved to Hawaii.
Now the Kleinfelter Syndrome, the question should be, does Michelle Obama have Kleinfelter Syndrome?
Where they generally choose the sex, whether it's going to be male or female, when they're a child.
And this is a big problem in sports.
Men playing as women and dominating the sports.
And there's a Hollywood actress that's known for being like this, there's a famous tennis player that keeps winning, who a lot of the mainline pundits say, look at her shoulders, look at everything else, this is really a man.
And so that's where I'm coming from on that issue here today.
Actually, to be more serious, we have discovered the true identity of Michelle Obama, and it's not that she's a transvestite or a transsexual.
It's that she's actually part of the Legion of Doom?
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
If you look up Merman, it is a spitting image.
The wide shoulders, the tiny waist, the same teeth, the same eyes, and then the same, is that dorsal fins?
I'm not sure.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, we have it.
That's Gil's, Alex.
That's Gil's.
Obama is not really from Kenya or Hawaii.
He's from Merland.
And so is Joe Biden while we're at it.
I did not come on air to be involved in comedy today.
I've been so busy getting the new TV system ready and a bunch of other family issues and things that I usually get ready a couple hours before at home and I get here about an hour before, 30 minutes before.
I got here about five minutes before broadcast time today.
And I have all this incredibly important, serious news here in front of me.
And at this point, I believe so little
Out of what I see in mainstream media that I don't know what to believe anymore.
And I think the New York Times should quote me that I'm dead serious.
That Michelle Obama may actually be a space alien from a water world planet.
Okay, I'm being sarcastic.
But again, one time John Ronson wrote in his book Them that I believe real werewolves were running around in the forest of Northern California because I joked around and said, man, this is scary.
There's three foot of solid fog on the ground with pine trees and I can hear coyotes howling.
It's like one of those 1950s werewolf movies.
And so that was translated in his book into the fact that I was running around in the dark, scared of werewolves.
So, I would actually love to have the New York Times come out and say that I believe she is merman.
Because that would just show how ridiculous they are.
Okay, I'm not going to digress anymore.
And I apologize.
And I'm going to be serious.
When we come back and get into Russia, it says it will have radar-evading nukes by 2021.
And also, is there life on Mars?
Water can and does exist on the planet, says new research.
I love how they always have new research stating the obvious.
Mars has a southern and northern ice cap, and they've had probes land on it.
Back in the, what was the third?
Viking was the first, had a couple others.
They had a whole bunch of them.
I mean, they've confirmed waters all over the planet.
New research out!
They've discovered the Marianas Trench!
9,000 feet deep in the Marianas!
A few weeks ago, I saw that headline.
I mean, they're always rediscovering everything.
I've told my reporters, I said, what's really old is new.
But what's a week old is ancient.
So, you know, we can report on the newest development of the supervolcano like it's new and it's a big viral story.
We don't just do that just to be viral at Infowars.com.
We want to be breaking real news and getting people on talking points that reflect reality.
Like a coordinated open end of our border flooding us with the illegals to bankrupt the country.
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They'll call it civil emergency.
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Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
In the month of July, we have got giant specials on everything at Madein1776.com.
The already discounted Made in 1776 t-shirts are only $17.76.
I think?
Five months free right now when you get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv for a limited time, only $39.95 a year.
That's more than five months free off the regular price.
Not just this July 4th weekend, but the entire month of July at MadeIn1776.com.
Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's hard to turn this music off right now, isn't it?
Let's go ahead and crank it up.
Listen to Randy Rhoads on the guitar right now.
Gas grinder, pile driver
Monday through Friday, my friends.
We're here, live, 11am to 2pm.
Then we return.
We are back.
7 o'clock central on InfoWars Nightly News.
Find all the details at InfoWarsNews.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
Alright, I want to open the phones up and be serious now.
Because I usually go off the rails at the end of the third hour and get into comedy because this stuff is too heavy for me sometimes.
I mean, it gets to me.
I know reality gets to you.
But I am, you know, sick and tired of the so-called left who are really a bunch of authoritarians trying to set the agenda and boss everyone around.
And once they've gotten you to be dominated by them through political correctness, peer pressure, mind control, cult tactics, then they can get you to comply with whatever social norm they want.
And that is basically slitting your wrist and giving everything you've got to the kleptocratic corrupt system.
I mean, an example of this is I was working out with a buddy this morning.
We were not being loud.
And another fellow that has a French Bulldog came in that I know.
And his French Bulldog had been chasing balls and jumping off stuff and hurt its neck.
Because if you get an athletic French Bulldog, most of them aren't athletic, but his dog's athletic and my dog's athletic.
They'll jump off fences.
They'll jump over things.
They'll run into walls.
They have huge heads.
And he was about 10 feet away.
Going, hey, my dog's better.
How's your dog?
And I was saying, yeah, he's doing a lot better.
He's pretty much 100% back from blowing one of his discounts.
And I was talking about this lounge.
Oh, hey, yeah, Tom.
Oh, good.
Your dog's doing better.
Ziggy's doing better.
Yeah, Captain's doing better.
He's pretty much 100%.
Oh, yeah, I've got to stay with my parents sometimes when I go out of town.
But, yeah, he's, oh, really?
Your parents are keeping your dog for a couple weeks if you go out of town, too?
And this woman walks right over and goes, be quiet.
And I said, this is a gym, not a library.
But I said, I'm not even yelling.
I'm talking 10 feet away to that guy in this voice right now.
Well, at first I said, OK.
And she was bugging her eyes out at me.
And I said, are you serious?
She said, yeah, I'm serious.
Be quiet.
And I was sitting there.
And I said, well, I'm not being that loud.
This isn't a library.
And I said, what's your name?
And she wouldn't give me her name.
And I smiled at her.
And then she said her name.
And I said, mine.
And I smiled at her again, and then she just gave me dirty looks for the next hour.
And would like walk in my space, and one of my buddies was like, man, I think she's trying to pick you up or something.
And I was like, no, she's not.
I talked to somebody else at the gym that says she does that to other men.
And she wants you to shut up.
She wants to dominate you, and it's this basic assertiveness training that they're giving women now.
And of course, if they asserted themselves in business being charming and going and playing golf with men and, you know, not making up sexual harassment on everybody and not, you know, playing games, they would be successful.
And that's the real reason women on average are not paid as much as men.
They've got insurance actuaries out on it now.
That they tend to leave for maternity leave.
They tend to want to take off when they have family problems.
And that's fine.
I totally get it and understand on average.
And there are a lot of great women better than men in business.
I'm just saying as a stereotype, as an average, this is something you're seeing more and more and more.
And I pick up women's magazines and it's like, divorce your husband.
It's so much fun.
Your life will be great.
And I was reading a statistic where the vast majority of divorces are now women.
And their girlfriends tell them, go get a divorce.
It's like getting a new winter coat or something.
It's like getting a new car.
It's so great.
Get rid of him.
You don't need him.
And then women aren't fulfilled under this system.
Men aren't either.
And they're so incredibly angry, on average.
And then Michelle Obama's on TV saying, don't use the word bossy.
It refers to women.
It's like saying brown bags put down brown people.
It's like if I drove a brown car, nothing to do with it.
You see, everybody's so hypersensitive and literally mentally ill.
To the point of where we just say, look, we'll do whatever you say, just don't call us racist, homophobic, or sexist.
And I'll be honest, I wasn't brought up to be racist.
I wasn't brought up to be against gay people.
I wasn't brought up to be against anybody.
But when the BBC has the headline, Bossy, Should We Ban It?
And Michelle Obama chimes in and says, yes.
I mean, this is pure authoritarianism.
Authoritarianism can come in the form of a white male, it can come in the form of a black female, it can come in the form of a Hispanic female or male, but it just so happens in the socialist paradigm model, and you can look at this in the Soviet Union, you can look at this in current systems, they choose women
To be the mate of the state.
And that's why they say, look, if you're a woman with kids, anywhere in the world, you want to come here, you can get here, unless it's from a Western nation.
If you're from Australia, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, it's on record.
It's in the news that they will not let you move here, because they don't want high-skilled people.
It's hard to move here if you're from Japan.
They don't want high-skilled people who have a history of thinking they have some rights.
They want women who will immediately plug into the state, immediately trust the state.
And I want to tell Hispanics something.
And this is really almost an oxymoron.
Because Hispanics are, on average, a mix between Spaniards, Portuguese, and Native Americans of Central South America and North America.
You know, just like, I mean, you could claim I was Hispanic by that yardstick because I have so many Native American bloodlines from having ancestors from, you know, the early days of this country.
Almost everybody ended up intermarrying with Native Americans at one point.
And it's just basically everybody in my family, especially my dad's side, has Cherokee, Comanche, you name it, Seminole, Red Stick,
I mean, I guess I'm really Hispanic.
I mean, if you wanted to, because if that's what Hispanic is, is a European with a native, and that's what Spaniards are.
I mean, Spaniards a thousand years ago in the paintings and the drawings were blonde-haired blue eyes.
They were basically Germans.
And then the North African Arabs invaded.
So in southern Spain, you get some of that pretty black hair and, you know, that exotic look and all the rest of it.
But, I mean, so I guess you can claim those people are Hispanic if you want to say any European mixed with anybody who's Asian.
That's what an Arab is, is a European mixed with an Asian, mixed with some African.
I mean, this is just a fact.
The Arabs, on average, are about half Asian.
They're basically Chinese.
And the genetics of a Mesoamerican, a pure Mayan, is a Chinese person.
I mean, you can look this up in genetics.
It's even in, you know, mainline publications.
So, that's why they even get the Mongolian spots.
A Hispanic baby, if they're more native, will have big purple spots down their back.
And they get their kids taken by CPS all the time.
You know, my sister's adopted Korean.
And, you know, until she was about two, she had big purple spots down her back.
And that's an Asian trait.
She's South Korean.
And, you know, my parents routinely had to get called in to swim team.
She shows up to about four, actually.
Or was it two?
The point was, I remember some of the daycare, when they'd put her in there part-time or whatever, I remember they had issues with it, explaining, no, these are Mongolian spots.
I forget.
And then that was racist, because we'd adopted an Asian, but to then say there's something called a spot.
Information is racist, you have to understand.
You have to understand that.
In fact, ignorance is what political correctness is, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know how I went off on that long jag, but I wanted to explain something to you.
Hispanics, if you like what's been done to the black community, going from lower illegitimacy than the white community in the 40s to the highest ever known, over 90%, if you like the highest prison population for a group ever known, if you like the lowest test scores ever known in this country, if you like the most poverty
The highest murder rate and basically total societal collapse like we've seen in the black community.
That the globalists literally on record, the Democratic Party engineered in by getting the women and saying kick the men out of the house.
And then you're going to get a full welfare ride.
That's what's being offered out of the hand of Obama and Robert Rodriguez here in Austin, Texas tonight.
And then Robert Rodriguez and Barack Obama will sit and perch
Well, the Democratic Party, the Republicans just want to bankrupt everything and have cheap labor and bring down the country as well.
I mean, they're all the same elite, but the Democrats run the local law firms that legalize all the illegals and run all the scams and suck the money out of them publicly.
They run all this, okay?
And so, if you want to look like what's been done to the inner-city black communities,
Believe me, you're gonna really like what Big Brother does to you.
So the hand you're being offered lovingly, just, and it's the same thing of all poor people.
You take some poor East Texas person on welfare, and you take some poor East Texas Hispanic on welfare, and some poor black from East Texas on welfare, and actually, I got family in East Texas.
I go to, I mean, actually, they're all together now.
When we talk about equality, they're all together now.
It'll be a bunch of 300-pound blacks, whites, and Hispanics, or maybe 400-pound, sitting around with their kids that all have disorders and take all the shots, sitting around a table, getting ready to have their legs chopped off from diabetes, or they already have.
I mean, you go in these cafes and places, and they're all sitting around talking about what they saw on television, and how they're waiting on insurance money, and they're wrecked.
And they're all basically been destroyed by the system.
And that's gonna go system-wide, by design, that's what this is.
The full bankrupting of this country, up one side and down the other, and that's where this whole civilization is going.
Because we have to be dehumanized and destroyed
Before we can be brought into the eugenics model for full social engineering and finally the organized population reduction down to they tell top professors in publications 100 million will be kept alive so that they think they'll be part of it with their families but higher level like Dr. Bianca UT admits no they're going to go ahead and go down to 1 million.
And then those are going to merge with machines.
Now, I'm not saying all that's going to happen.
That's what Ray Kurzweil, Dr. Pianka, Bill Joy, and the entire ruling technocracy, in their own words, say they're doing.
And I'm here debating.
I'm not racist because I don't want totally open borders with mothers with three or four kids directly being put on welfare as our cities, counties, and states go bankrupt.
I have to sit here on the defense
Because the moral authority is the Democrats saying, don't say bossy, don't say you built your business, don't say immigrant.
See, first it's don't say illegal immigrant, now it's don't say immigrant, that's racist.
Now you need to say migrant?
Migrants go back.
These people don't go back.
Migrants go back.
These aren't migrants.
And then now that's not enough, it's unaccompanied children.
And then we've learned, okay, whatever you say the new reality is,
You tell us the new reality every day, the new words we're supposed to use, and we'll be correct.
And then I look at all these cowardly, weak people.
You know, I talk to liberals all the time.
They'll come up and insult me or say something on the street, and I'll say, hey, come here.
Have dinner.
Sit down.
Let me buy you dinner.
I've done this as a sociological test.
I've done it in front of people that work in this office.
I ought to do it with hidden cameras sometime.
Doesn't happen very often, though, but when it does, I'll say, come here.
You just came over, bumped into me, and said you want to kick my ass.
You obviously know who I am and everything, and you're showing off.
You're over there at the bar with those people.
I'm here eating sushi.
I'm going to buy you a drink.
And they're like, no, no, I'm going to buy you one.
And I'm, no, no, I don't want a drink.
Just come on over here.
And I go, listen, you do all this political correctness and all this to feel good and to feel like you're being successful, right?
I mean, you really know it's a bunch of bull to say that
If you don't like Obama, okay, you're a racist.
And by a 10-minute talk, they go, look, I know it's all total bull.
You're right, I just play along with it and go along with it.
And I don't know why I said that to you.
And I don't know why I try to start a fight with you.
And the good thing is, more and more, I've learned, because this doesn't happen very often, but it's happened a lot over the years, to not blow up at people, and then I have them literally awake, eating out of my hand.
When I'm smooth, when I give it to them easy,
And so maybe there is something towards, you know, being more calm with these people.
Because really, they're just really scared.
They have no intellectual backbone.
They have no rudder.
And, you know, Daddy left when they were five.
And all they know is posing.
They just want to show off to their friends.
Because they're just threatened by celebrity.
There's a real phenomenon now of when Nicolas Cage was in town, people coming up being mean to him or making fun of him or saying nothing to him.
When he was here promoting his movie Joe, that's excellent by the way.
Absolute East Texas.
They shot it with real East Texas people.
East Texas trash.
Most of the people were not actors in the movie.
That's the whole new thing in movies is to not use actors.
The movie Under the Skin was real men being abducted by Scarlett Johansson and really walking into black water to have sex with her.
I mean, wow, that's cinema right there, let me tell you.
But, I mean, I talked to a lot of celebrities and other people all over the place.
People will throw drinks on them, they'll attack them, they'll do whatever, because now it's not even about worshipping the celebrity.
It's about, you're so angry they're a celebrity and you feel so inadequate because television is the only real world to you, and it hasn't delivered for you, the fantasy world you live in watching TV all day, that you then attack anyone from the system.
And I think that's actually healthy as a beginning, because you're at least now rejecting it, realizing it won't fulfill you.
If that's all you care about.
If you like art, if you like films, that's fine.
But it's not, it's not the whole world.
Why are you crying and acting like, you know, I heard there were some suicides in Brazil whenever Brazil lost to Germany 7 to 1.
And I just find it fascinating how if these people cared about their freedom as much as they cared about a sports team, they would be free.
But they don't, so they're slaves.
And that's why they've used sports for thousands of years as social control.
When they founded the Olympics in France.
The latest Olympics, not the one in Greece, at the turn of the last century, with French royalty setting it up with the Germans, they said we'll use it as social control.
Look it up.
I mean, what I'm telling you is not my opinion.
I mean, that's what you have to understand.
I'm going to come back with ISIS, you know, NATO's secret al-Qaeda army, blowing up ancient Babylonian and Christian shrines.
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By the way, the Republican leadership wants open borders and they want to be able to balkanize the country.
And again, that's why I'm so against these open borders.
It's just being done and managed by globalists to break up the country.
And to create, divide, and conquer.
Glenn Beck, obviously wanting attention, has said he's to bring soccer balls, hot meals to illegals.
We must open our hearts, believes America must open our hearts, to the illegal immigrant children.
Glenn Beck, again, is basically, will travel to McAllen for a big stunt.
Because he believes Americans must open our hearts.
So, there's not going to be any discussion of how the government is bringing them in on purpose, or how it's totally illegal, or how this will only encourage massive waves.
So, Glenn, you can give the 10 million that are going to come soccer balls, too.
A perfect gimmick, though.
See, this is the difference between having an advertisement show that's just about illusion versus reality.
Because the truth is we could take unlimited people from the third world.
We could take a hundred million.
It's not going to help the third world.
We need to get freedom in those countries and get them out from under despotic regimes.
But instead we're going under despotism.
And so prosperity is going out the window and John Boehner says there will be no impeaching Obama as if he controls the House of Representatives.
Now, my issue is, I get letting Obama continue to destroy the authoritarian liberals in the eyes of the people.
I get that.
But there may not be a country left in two years, ladies and gentlemen.
And I don't trust the Republicans even if they get a bunch of Tea Party people elected to reverse this, because the same special interests that won open borders for cheap labor and to balkanize the country are the ones running John Boehner.
Who's always hanging out with Obama.
So, my gut tells me justice be done, may the heavens fall.
I don't mean to plagiarize that, I forget who said it.
I believe it was the founding father.
But, that means you do the right thing no matter what.
Because soon enough, playing games, compromising, you get in the position we're in now.
I believe you bring out an impeachment, you bring out all the real crimes, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Benghazi, all of it.
We could really have him step down.
And that would discredit their party even more.
And scare the Republicans not to violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Scare this corrupt political class to back off.
Because let me tell you, this country has cancer.
I mean, it's out of control.
Both parties are a plague.
The Democrats, though, are going for total takeover broke, trying to extinct the Republican Party.
And this current crop of Republicans to get paid off and to get corporate board chairmanships are going along with it.
The fix is in.
And so I'm going to put out an article or a video.
I'm going to write a bunch of points and do it again like I did a few years ago with my Declaration of Independence that Drudge and others picked up, that a lot of lawyers looked at and said was excellent.
I'm not bragging, I just go off common sense.
I'm going to come up with a Declaration of Survival.
An Emergency Declaration of Independence.
A Declaration for Survival.
And just point out what's happened again.
And I'm going to put in some extra hours getting this written and done.
And I don't know, I'll put it out sometime next week.
But we're in deep trouble.
And gimmicks aren't going to save us.
And you know, I agree, as a PR win, you should see congressmen
Down there giving teddy bears to the kids, and talking about how terrible it is, and saying, why did you come here?
Oh, well, Obama, you know, gives awards to the Dream Kids, and we've been told we'll be legalized, which 99%, according to the new memo that came out from ICE, are being legalized.
They're all being legalized, folks.
They do a few token deportations for the television cameras.
And, again,
The Democratic Party is going for broke.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Breaking news up on InfoWars.com.
Marietta, California.
We have video of it, documenting it.
Patriots outnumber amnesty supporters 20 to 1.
Americans in the Southwest are not supportive of illegal immigration.
And folks, I see these desperate people from Central and South America that Mexico won't allow.
They have a fence between the fence.
And so when people get deported out of the U.S.
from Central America, the Mexicans just leave them in a literal no-man's land.
There's a great Vice video from a few years ago documenting that.
And I feel sorry for him, but I didn't do to them what's happening in Latin America.
And having them come here to be zombie voters for the Democrats, who are hell-bent on destroying male role models, because when you attack a civilization, you take down the male first.
And that's what the commenter says here in this article that just went up.
It's got like 200 comments in 10 minutes.
It's all about capturing the female breeder for the globalists and ditching the welfare system for human capital, energy-based economy.
The globalists want women submissive and brainwashed to work to pay the bills.
The left is betraying women of all races.
The next commenter says the left-right paradigm is a false flag, a red herring, a distraction, a puppet show.
Try to keep it up.
Try to keep up.
You know, I use the term left-right to communicate with new listeners.
It is a false paradigm, but you have to communicate with people.
It's like whenever we talk about micro-FMs, you know, private unlicensed stations that run this show around the country, I always say, there are pirate radio stations out there that carry the show.
Their real name is micro-FM, and as long as they're not interfering with commercial stations, they're a key, you know, public service, and I salute them.
And I'll get emails saying, it's called micro.
Or People's Radio, not Pirate.
I know that.
I'm the guy that coined the term Left Right Paradigm 18 years ago on record.
I'm not bragging.
It's just fact.
It's kind of cool to come full circle.
Because I'm not into power trips or ego.
I come off as egotistical because I'm just a rampaging maniac at times.
I've done this so long, I'm so burnt out, I'm beyond even caring about what happens to me.
I'm just being honest with you in the final equation.
It comes off as arrogant, but what I do enjoy is the weirdness of being criticized for not covering 9-11 Truth enough when I started the 9-11 Truth Movement.
And I really like people when they criticize me for being part of the left-right paradigm
Because it shows that I have succeeded wildly.
When people don't even know, all over the place, left-right paradigm is used all over the news, everywhere.
Product placement, which I then coined propaganda placement, is now used everywhere, and behavior placement.
And again, it's a testament to the power of the people.
Democrats are saying that Obama's acting bizarre, aloof, strange, but he still enjoys hanging out with Boehner, his good buddy.
We're going to cover all the DrugsReport.com headlines and Infowars.com headlines when we come back.
And I'm going to open the phones up when we come back.
First, we're going to talk to our reporters on the ground, Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson, and then we're going to just take your phone calls right into the third hour today.
So I will give you those numbers when we come back on the other side of this break.
And I will get into the immigration wave news and the really serious news that you should all be getting chills up and down your back over and grinding your teeth over like I do.
Autonomous Mercedes Benz semi debuts on the Autobahn.
You know, I have this image like the start of a science fiction movie about, you know, first was the computer, then the autonomous car, then the autonomous robot, then judgment day.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, the globalists have already decided we're all dead, and we're arguing about black versus white.
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But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to have a jam-packed second and third hour, ladies and gentlemen.
Obama is traveling all over the United States, collecting campaign money for the Democrats, instead of going down the border that he has ordered opened, or he has ordered to stand down, according to the Border Patrol President and Vice President, and then four weeks ago almost, we shot video
Of eyewitnesses, ice whistle blowers, the head of emergency management in McAllen, Texas, saying they're ordered to load them on Greyhound buses, give them vouchers to go anywhere they want, and to release them.
And that's been confirmed, as of last week, by the New York Times.
The White House admitted it.
And the Republican leadership is still going, gee, we don't know why this is happening!
Obama ought to fix it!
Fix it!
If you walk up to somebody and hit them in the head with a hatchet and kill them, and the cops come up and say, you need to fix that.
No, you go to jail for capital murder.
You premeditatedly hacked somebody in the head and killed them.
They opened the borders and we can't even get this bankrupt, evil political class to admit that they're doing this on purpose.
And again, I'm going to explain something.
They've already got wages driven down.
They've already got 30 million illegals in this country.
Most big U.S.
cities already look like war zones.
I mean, Southern California looks like hell.
Dallas looks like hell now.
I grew up there.
This country's in a depression.
They don't need more to bankrupt us.
It hit me, and I've been saying this for a while, but it really hit me how right I was, that this is the Detroitification of the nation, by design, cloward and pivot on steroids, and that
We knew in the last six months, waves of illegals have been hitting hard.
And the crime has been exploding in the Southwest, all the numbers are there.
And now this big advertisement all over the world, that you get here, this is going to cause a mega-wave.
And I know I'm stating the obvious, but no one else is pointing it out.
We need to have articles about what the mega-wave will look like.
And I know I say this on air, and then Breitbart and others do it, and World End Daily, I'm glad.
Please, go do the article.
Last week I said the article about Robert Rodriguez and Obama set to meet tonight and Breitbart did yesterday finally.
But again, my folks were overwhelmed so, and they're doing a great job, it's just that these are the big issues and it's very lonely to continue to hit right on what's happening and to state the obvious.
It's like getting up
Walking on your back porch at 6 a.m., watching the sun coming up, and saying, hey, honey, come on here and see the sunrise.
And your wife runs out and goes, I've never seen that before.
You must be racist.
That's the analogy.
Hey, look, they're overflowing us with all these people who are totally illegal.
They're legalizing them.
That'll fully collapse the border, because they put them on welfare.
That'll bring tens of millions more.
Quickly, it'll collapse everything.
Why are you a racist?
I mean, I'm simply pointing out what's happening.
And like the Democratic Party followers, they write articles every day attacking us, making jokes about us, like they're on some winning team and it's funny what's happening.
It's not funny they're getting the Pentagon ready to take your pension funds and martial law standing by.
It's not funny that these third worlds have been collapsed and now we're collapsing.
This is real sociology, real anthropology.
I mean, this is a fact, folks.
This country is being shut down.
It's being ended.
They don't want a prosperous middle class and an upwardly mobile working class.
They want poor, dumbed-down people.
And when they're done bankrupting the country, none of you people are getting welfare anymore.
So get rid of that.
Get ready for that.
They're going to bring in fascism on the back of this.
And that's what clicked.
The only way I'll survive and not be taken out down the road is to become a fascist and to become an ultra right-wing operative and to let the Democrats do all this on purpose and wreck everything and then be part of a pro-government fascist movement in the future.
And I'm not going to do it.
I'm going to take the right course of liberty, truth, and justice for humanity, and I'm going to be hated by the black racist, the white racist, the Hispanic racist, everybody in their own little gang group.
All ignorant, all being losers, all being chumps, being played like fools by this system.
Because I'll tell you, I'm not worried about he that can kill my body.
I'm worried about losing my soul, and I'm worried about losing my family name, and I'm worried about bringing bad mojo on my family.
You can use whatever term you want.
Reap what you sow, karma.
Everybody in their gut knows when you do bad stuff, it's not just that you have a conscience and feel bad about what you did.
You know it's coming back on you, and it ain't coming back on you when you die.
Oh, it comes back then, too.
It comes back in this life.
And I'm a very moral, upright person, looking back in retrospective, in my life.
Straight shooter all the way.
Have anger issues, but that's about it.
And I can tell you, I shake deep down with concern for the things I've done, and knowing it'll be brought back on me, and guess who else?
And I knock on wood here, please God, pass over my kids.
I spiritually put the blood right on the doorpost, every day.
But man, this stuff comes back on your kids.
I'll tell you right now, all you people that are serving the system, you wonder why you're losers, you wonder why you're unfulfilled, you wonder why you're failures.
It's because you've served a lie and a fraud.
And America has bought into so many lies.
I was talking to a friend last night whose grandfather was a super trailblazer, made hundreds of millions of dollars in 1940s, 50s, 60s money.
His great-grandfather, actually.
Related to President Johnson, you name it.
And I was talking to my buddy last night, and we said, yeah, professional wrestling, how do people go and watch it and go along with it like it's real?
And somebody's grandpa knew all this stuff, knew everything, but would sit there and watch professional wrestling and would say, I don't get why that boy didn't beat that boy.
I thought that big one would win.
And the realization hit that, no, no, he was just lying to himself to enjoy it, suspend a disbelief as a joke.
But what about the people at a wrestling event?
All they're playing along together like it's real, and it hit me.
That's what the Democratic Party is, and the Republicans to another lesser extent.
And that's what all this is, is you just buy into a fantasy while you're being fed into a meat grinder,
And I've been to the other side.
I know what's on the other end.
I'm like, don't go in there, that's a slaughterhouse.
And they look at me and go, Obama, shut up, and feel good, and go running into it.
And so the word's going out in hellish, hellish Latin America.
In the most hellish areas, some areas are wonderful, but in the most hellish areas, people that are successful don't want to come here.
In Chile, one of the few good places left.
I've looked into it, believe me.
And... The people that have skills and stuff aren't gonna come here.
We are literally getting the dregs.
And it will hurt everyone, but it doesn't matter, because it's like, the Democrats are winning!
The Hispanics are winning!
The whites are failing!
Now don't shut up now, don't be racially based!
I mean, and it's all an illusion.
All a fraud, cheating us all, destroying all of our futures.
I have a big stack of breaking news on what's happening, but up on Infowars.com, and we're going to Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs in this segment and the next, then Jakari Jackson reporting.
Reporting from Marietta, California.
Patriots outnumber amnesty supporters 20 to 1.
ISIS destroys antiquities en masse.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
The scum of the earth that Al-Qaeda is.
Mutilating women, destroying beautiful works of art, just absolute demons, and then run by a criminal government.
See how it's all just over the top?
See how it's just all over the top as they butcher Syria and Iraq, as they butcher Christians, as they blow up churches?
And it's just so over the top!
It's so over the top, they're shipping in unlimited illegals and saying, you're racist if you don't accept it.
And the political correctness is so strong, the average conservative falls down on their knees and says, okay, I accept it.
And then meanwhile our government's funding Al-Qaeda, and I've actually heard news, you know, is part of the Islamic backlash anti-Islamic or Arab?
You know, if you don't want Christians having their churches blown up, you're against Muslims, or you're against Arabs.
When it's Arab Christians being killed, it's just mindlessness.
It's cult programming.
The good news is people are starting to listen.
Congress has a 7% approval rating.
The worm is turning.
Obama's desperate.
Democratic reps say he's acting bizarre, aloof, detached.
Confidence is collapsing.
But he's too dangerous to leave in office.
Too dangerous to leave an office.
I agree with Pat Buchanan.
You'd get big libertarian conservative wins if he stays in, but that's if he doesn't set a nuke off in Manhattan and declare martial law.
That's, I mean, that's if in a year it may be a million a month showing up, not a hundred thousand.
I mean, we're in a stinking collapse here, folks.
We can't wait two years.
We need to punish him.
We need to punish the Republicans so they're scared.
We don't need to stop with Obama.
We need to impeach Boehner.
And when it all comes out that he knew about Fast and Furious, we need to arrest Boehner.
And I don't say that where I get a thrill out of arresting people.
I mean, they need to be arrested!
Have you read what they were going to arrest Nixon over if he didn't step down when he was impeached in the House, being tried in the Senate?
It's nothing compared to what Obama's done.
Have you read the Declaration of Independence?
I'm going to read it later in conjunction with impeachment.
Because the Declaration of Independence was a impeachment of the King of England.
In fact, I may even cancel some guests or something today, so I have time to cover this.
I mean, this is important big stuff.
Do you understand?
I can feel it in my gut.
I can see it intellectually.
I can see it on every front.
You can see it.
But in my gut, in my spirit, intellectually, politically, on every front, they're gonna go for broke.
Man, these people could do anything.
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Well, the Iraqi government's been racist.
They're not welcoming the new migrants, the 100,000 or so ISIS Al-Qaeda people from Saudi Arabia and other places who are taking over and murdering all the Christians and any Muslim Shiites they find while blowing up mosques, churches, you name it.
Infowars.com has the report.
It's also in the BBC.
Masked demolishers destroy the tomb of Jonah in Mosul with sledgehammers.
And we have the video of that up on Infowars.com.
I thought that I would add that Jonah is one of the main prophets, peace be upon him, of the Muslim faith.
So that shows you, in the Quran, so that shows you how out of control Al-Qaeda, ISIS is.
I mean, these people are like devil worshippers, ladies and gentlemen.
Eating hearts, running around murdering people, raping whoever they want.
They are a bunch of scum.
Jonas, peace be upon him, this is from Islam 101, is also addressed by the two other surnames.
Dunn Nunn, Lord of the Fish.
And then it goes on, the Holy Quran says, and they're destroying that.
That's the religion of peace now, by the globalists.
That's what they're doing with Al-Qaeda, radicalizing Islam.
You can debate, was Islam radical?
Wasn't it radical?
There's different sects and groups.
If you're not a radical, you're dead.
And these groups kill other Sunnis.
And I wanted to get Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs' take on this, because he's fought against these same groups in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he's also out in California with huge breaking news on a whole bunch of fronts that are up on Infowars.com.
Some of it hasn't broke yet.
He's going to break it at the start of the next segment.
Then we're going to Jakari Jackson.
But I have a piece here of the actual
Place where Jonah did a lot of his preaching, in Nineveh, where they got their hundred year reprieve, a piece of pottery, pre-Christ, in my hand, if you're watching us on TV, at InfoWarsNews.com.
Or on the free feed at InfoWars.com forward slash show, you can see that.
Or by tomorrow I'll have a video of this part of the show posted for everybody, for radio listeners.
But it just shows the out-of-control nature, and our government won't even decry these people, won't even send predators to take them out.
Well of course, because they put them there!
So, Joe Biggs, I want to throw a curveball at you and get your take on that, and then we'll talk about this other invasion, just as dangerous, this welfare invasion.
I guess you're there in Marietta, California, right now.
Yes, Joe Biggs here, Infowars.com in Marietta, California.
Last night, the sheriff, actually, of Marietta, announced that
He is going to arrest anybody who tries to stop these buses now.
Before they were allowing them, the people came together and said, you know what?
The police department was like, we're for this.
We understand.
But a lot of the pro-amnesty people have called and complained now.
And now they're saying that anybody who tries to come in here tomorrow and stop any of these buses from coming in will be arrested.
Well, that's bombshell.
I have not seen that in the news yet.
If Kit Daniels gets a blurb report out on that, Watson can expand on it.
So please, give us the full details.
This is very, very newsworthy that they're not going to have the feds do it now, I guess.
They have riot police.
They're going to have the sheriff's department as part of treason do this to try to stop citizens blocking federal crime committing.
I mean, it's funny because this is such a small town.
I mean, you know, everybody here is going to know each other.
So when it comes down to the police showing up, it's going to be like, you know, Bob, you know, stop.
You know, that's how small the town is.
Why are you doing this?
Well, we're going to get more details of that right now, after we got a break with you.
The county, the name of the sheriff, all the details.
It's Riverside County, Marietta County.
We'll get all the info on the sheriff in a report.
Where did you get this information?
I saw it on an article last night, Alex.
Okay, so this is broken locally, but not nationally.
Can you tell us what he said?
Yeah, he said that, you know, due to the pro-amnesty people calling in and complaining, they said that what the protesters were doing, the anti-illegal immigration protesters were doing, were interfering with law enforcement, and that was breaking the law.
So now they feel like they need to step in and, you know, save face.
Okay, well I want to be specific here.
It's the feds breaking the law, busting any legals, and then give them bus tickets wherever they want to go.
Each time that's human trafficking and a felony.
And you've got video and a report with Jakari up on Infowars.com.
20 to 1.
20... I wouldn't call them anti-immigration.
They're pro-follow-the-law, pro-survival, pro-sovereignty.
Go ahead.
Well, right here, right now, there's not one pro-amnesty person.
Their side of the area, if you want to pan over real quick, look, is completely empty.
There's no one here.
In support of amnesty, and yet we have people over here that are lining up on this side to support the anti-illegal immigration.
You know, people in this town have come together and they've said enough is enough.
Stay there, stay there Joe Biggs.
I want to come back to you.
This is big.
A showdown.
They're saying more buses are coming tonight.
That's the breaking news.
The local group is going to stop them.
The sheriff says he's going to arrest them.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The Marine Corps veteran Tomoracy, over 101 days in a Mexican jail, chained down to a bed, seeing no lawyer, because of international outcry, finally gets a day in court.
But Mexico complains if illegals aren't given hot meals immediately and legalized.
I mean, what a joke.
Mexico will punch you in the nose, shake you down,
This is a guy going down to the border area, took a wrong road on the highway, drove up to the Mexican border, had guns in his car, and they were like, yippee-ki-yay, we gotcha!
After 101 days in Mexican prison, Marine Sergeant arrives for day in court.
And I was seeing video of him in the Mexican jail, chained down to the bed.
We basically are a giant toilet for Mexico.
All their criminals, all their dregs, all their drugs, everything just dumping on us.
And I see stories all the time.
I know people who will get talked into going hunting in Mexico, where you can go down there and go to a special game event.
And then they have locally run things with shotguns where you can hunt pheasant or whatever or quail.
And they'll have police when you drive in and they'll tear your whole car, your entire car apart.
If they find an empty shotgun casing in the back of your truck, you're talking years in jail.
And then they run your credit, shake down your family, and suck everything out of your family, or they basically kill you in a lot of cases in jail.
So again, he accidentally crossed into Mexico, finally to get his day in court after 100 days behind bars.
This Marine Sergeant.
He got confused and drove the wrong way, which I've almost done before.
And again, my whole point is, Mexico is extremely oppressive.
But then we get lectured all day because we are such bleeding hearts in America.
We are so politically correct, it's pathetic.
Now, if you go to Marietta, California, where Joe Biggs is right now with Jakari Jackson, who we're going to go to next, you've got a bunch of breaking news, but you heard it.
We're going to get an article out on this.
The local sheriff is saying he's going to arrest people tonight if
They try to stop the bus, which they continue to do.
And what an image that's going to be to allow the criminal buses to come across the DHS involved in sedition against this country and against law to set the precedent to do anything.
And this is coming tonight.
So Joe, give us details, Joe Biggs, and tell us what time those buses are coming across.
Obviously, you're going to be staked out there.
I know you've got some other breaking news as well.
All right, Joe Biggs here once again in Marietta, California, right in front of the Border Patrol station.
Uh, a lot of the people that are coming here in support of this are all local, all people from Marietta.
And the ones that I've talked to, they say I came here to get arrested.
I mean, they're not afraid to stand up for what they believe in whatsoever.
I've talked to people from anywhere from ages from 20 up to 75 that are, you know, you can arrest me all you want.
I'm going to stand my ground here and they're not going to get by me.
Keep breaking down what you've observed down there.
Well, today we're having more and more people show up, Alex.
We've got mainstream media up and down the street all around me, parked here.
Everybody's expecting this bus to be coming in sometime either tonight or early in the morning.
People are just piling in because they want to be here in support of what's going on.
Another city down the road, Escondido, had a town hall meeting yesterday that 500 people showed up to, and they wanted to open up 96 homes for these illegal alien children to stay in.
And the town came together, once again, another town came together and said, no, you're not going to do that.
And the council voted against it and they stopped that from happening now.
This is just crazy town.
In fact, I meant to have the reporters do this, but never got around to it.
I think I'm going to do this as a stunt.
I think I'm going to go knock on Robert Rodriguez's door.
Not tonight, while Obama is there at his house, but in the future.
I'm going to go knock and I'm going to say, I'm going to go pick up some of these day laborers.
And I'm going to bring them to his door and say, take them in, like Nancy Pelosi says.
Of course, Robert Rodriguez is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and lives in the richy-rich part of town.
It's just such a fraud.
No one does this.
We have the most open country, the most welfare of anywhere, and all it does is gets us called racist because we won't take more.
I mean, this is crazy.
Yeah, all the people that are for bringing these kids in are the ones who are the last ones that are going to even take them in.
Like you said, Nancy Pelosi's talking about doing it, but you're not going to see Nancy Pelosi with a van full of little kids going home to her place.
Here's the challenge.
Here's the challenge.
We should bus, we should have a law that if they're going to violate law and do this, they have to bus them to D.C.
and top them off in Hyde Park at Wolf Blitzer's house or at
Chris Matthews' house or at the White House.
How about the White House take in a thousand families?
How about that?
Alex, I started a White House petition the other day that says that we should send all of the illegal alien children to the White House to stay with the Obama family.
Okay, well that should have been a major news article on Infowars.com.
That's total genius, Joe.
I want to get a blurb out on that right now by Paul Watson or Steve Watson or somebody.
What's the name of the petition?
Uh, that, uh, to send all illegal alien children to the Obama, uh, to the White House.
And then we should point out because they want us all to pay for it.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'll email it to someone back there.
I have a link.
Or, we can come up with another one too and add even more, that they be bused equally to Michael Moore's house, Nancy Pelosi's, Chris Matthews' house, the White House, and that Congress host maybe a couple thousand families.
They're in the corridors.
How about each Democratic congressman or woman, how about they take ten families inside each office?
I think we can get that done.
Well, Joe, you know if they don't, they're racist.
Of course!
I mean, everybody's racist in America.
We're all evil, terrorist, racist people who put up fences and then we're racist for that.
They secure our borders.
When we border collapsing Latin America.
Joe, how big do you think it's going to get?
When we already have an unsustainable flood, 30 million illegals here, country going bankrupt, California totally bankrupt, all the other states going bankrupt, and they're busting illegals all over the country, and then the police chief and the judge in Grand Prairie, Texas, a huge city, by Dallas.
Says, I'm going to your door to tell you not to protest or you might get arrested.
I mean, if somebody came to my door and said, you better not come out and protest or we might arrest you, I would definitely go protest.
How has our country become so pathetic that our police and our, the people that run our military and our judges are, in Dallas, are literal scum of the earth.
Threatening people, you better let us take all these illegals in Dallas, or we'll arrest you.
You better not get uppity.
I mean, my God, that is like North Korea!
I mean, there's so many people who aren't awake, that are lazy, that don't even know their rights.
It is indeed.
There's so many people that get illegally searched all the time because they don't know their rights.
So many people in America are just sleeping on what's going on, and that's how it's getting to this point.
They just don't care.
They want to live their boring
Well, I saw the mayor on television last night.
He was saying $60 million has been sent in the last three years just on the illegals.
Property taxes are exploding.
People are moving out of the middle class area.
And the government's not even reimbursing the city.
And then you've got the county saying, if citizens try to stop this, we're going to arrest you.
It's mind-blowing that he even gets this.
I mean, it's 1984, completely, right now.
Well, the local Chronicle told the sheriff not to even deport 11 aggravated, or 13 aggravated felons.
The average is 11, but it said last week he deported 13.
And they were like, hyperventilating.
Out of thousands arrested, they deported 13.
And then the sheriff goes, they're felons.
They've committed crimes before.
They have rap sheets.
And with a straight face, they go, how racist.
I mean, that shows how crazy town this has gotten.
Where, where, I don't even know what to say about the Democrats at this point.
I mean, I think they've gone completely insane.
I mean, everything's racist with them.
It's just race baiting.
You know, one thing after another, after another.
They create tension between people to divide everybody.
That's all they want to do is divide everybody and bust them down and make them, you know, with this white guilt and all this other junk.
It's ridiculous.
It's a mind game.
It's just a scythe.
I mean, it's really starting to get to me because, I mean, these people are insane.
And there's an article out today that Democrats are ripping Obama saying he's aloof, detached, acting bizarre.
That's in the Weekly Standard.
But now Boehner's saying that he doesn't even want to impeach Obama.
It's like Hulk Hogan and the Iron Sheik on stage are enemies, but back in the, you know, behind the scenes, they're buddy-buddy hanging out.
That's all that's going on.
Man, it's making me sick.
And I gotta tell you, we could take 100 million third world people.
There's over 6 billion poor people worldwide.
I mean, I was watching some liberal lady last night.
On an episode of Naked and Afraid, and it was all about how the man needs to do what she says, or his rating isn't high, and I watched three episodes.
Each episode is about a man submitting is what makes him a great man, and how men are bad, and men from the South are bad.
You can see how they script it.
It's all staged.
And only men that do what they're told are good.
And so it's all about how men are bad for survival.
And then she goes, I visited Tanzania with my boyfriend and he got robbed and killed but I hid.
And there it was right there.
She went to Tanzania to be a liberal trendy.
Her boyfriend got murdered when she was there trying to help the Tanzanians.
And then she's still there henpecking the male guy.
And it's like every show I watch is just propaganda.
And of course, why wasn't he armed in Tanzania?
Why was the crime so high in Tanzania?
Well, one of the things that my mom taught me when I was young was to never run from your problems because they're going to follow you.
I mean, these people are running from their problems in Central America.
But guess what?
Those problems are still going to follow.
They're still going to have issues they're going to have to deal with.
There's no sense in running from your problems.
That's weak.
You stay there, you fix your country where you're at, and you get the liberty in place, you get the freedom, and you enjoy your life from there on.
Running from it doesn't do anything.
All that does is make it worse for everyone who's still there.
It's a weak-minded thinking.
I agree.
Well, please get on the phone with Adon Salazar.
We need to get an article out about the sheriff saying he's going to arrest people.
High noon.
Sheriff says he will arrest anti-open border demonstrators.
Tomorrow's going to get very heated, or tonight, whenever it happens, but people here are ready for that.
Yeah, because I heard the buses are coming tonight.
Or will it be tomorrow?
I heard they're rolling them in real late at night.
They might try to trick people because what they've been doing is coming in around 10, 11 a.m.
But since they know that people are here ready on both sides, there's only one way in.
It's from this side or right here.
It's just one street to get into this place.
So they're going to have people, protesters, blocked on one side and on the other side as well.
So either way, this community is going to be ready to stop.
Well, I want you to go live on the Ustream and things as soon as this happens and shoot HD.
You guys are doing just a fabulous job.
Just stake that place out.
Stay there as much as you can with the team because this is happening in hundreds of places around the country.
McAllen, you name it.
It's just in Marietta, it's right on the edge of an affluent area.
The people are sick of it, sick of paying for it.
They stood up.
That's the only reason this area is identified.
Other people need to give us the human intelligence, the HUMET, to Infowars.com about where this is happening in other areas.
Our problem is we don't have enough reporters to have it all covered.
That's why we need to be able to get the funds in to get even more great reporters like Jakari Jackson and Adon Salazar and Joe Biggs and Kit Daniels and those that are with you.
But just have Kit file more reports.
Uh, from his car or from the hotel, but a lot happening.
We're going to go to break and come back with Jakari Jackson's report.
Joe Biggs, anything else from Marietta, California?
I just want to say the true Americans stand up in the face of tyranny and we're seeing it happen everywhere.
And there are hundreds of folks from Marietta and I guess the most was like five or six guys in brown beret, Hispanic Ku Klux Klan outfits.
Yeah, I'm sure they'll try to come back tomorrow or tonight, whenever it gets started getting heated up.
A lot of people start showing up around 3, 4 o'clock when they get off work.
Today, I think people are ignoring that and coming a little bit early because they're excited for this.
They're ready to take it on.
So more people are showing up because the sheriff says he'll arrest people?
All right.
We'll come back from break there on the border in Marietta, California with Jakari Jackson to get his news on this.
Thank you so much.
He's got some other angles he's going to cover as well.
By the way, if you're a new listener, I'm not joking.
Where I'm from in the DFW area, Granbury, Texas.
Big city.
They have a judge going door to door.
You better not come out and protest or I'm gonna have you arrested.
Just reminding you you're not in America.
Just reminding you I want to work for Kim Jong Un.
Just reminding you I'm a sack of garbage.
This is just like with Obama in Missouri with the True Squads saying, we will arrest you if you say he's not a Christian and that he doesn't want to cut taxes for those making under a quarter million a year.
I played that clip probably 20 times or more.
Just type in Obama True Squads.
It's in the Obama deception.
And this is nationwide now.
They go, listen!
You sit in your house and you shut up.
You understand that?
We're importing the people that are going to vote to make you our slaves.
Because in a democracy, we can vote to make you a slave.
Do you understand that?
And they put it on TV with a straight face.
I mean, my God.
Channel 11 in Dallas should be so embarrassed of themselves for reporting on this with a straight face.
Here's the report.
As long as they make their statement in keeping with the law, this is America.
Everybody's entitled to an opinion.
But if they break the law or impede the care of these children, then we'll enforce the law.
These children?
And then it goes on to say he's going door-to-door.
But again, in that area they have ordinances where you can't sit on the side of the street with a sign anywhere.
But they let the Tax Day guy do it, Liberty Tax and all that.
Remember I protested that in Dallas?
And they backed off, but then they had the Sheriff's Department attack us?
Who's run by an Obama goon?
And all these watchmen, this judge, all of them, they're gonna sit there
As the watchman saying, this is America, you have a right to follow law.
The law says in Granbury, Texas.
Granbury, Texas.
I can't even say the name right.
I'm so angry, folks.
I can't even hardly talk at this point.
Jakari Jackson's coming up.
Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, that it is essential that you spread the word about this broadcast because we're the very tip of the spear.
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Tony Cartolucci does a lot of investigative reporting and he's got a story on Infowars.com.
Organ harvesting in Ukraine goes unreported.
Children abducted and flown to America to have their organs removed.
I used to look into this about 15 years ago and didn't even believe it, but it turns out in any war zone this goes on.
Iraq, Israel,
Look at what ended up happening in Egypt, China.
It's pretty sick.
Remember a few years ago, Israel got real mad when a doctor said that was going on.
It was in Europe.
And then it turned out it was true.
I mean, it's just incredibly evil that this stuff goes on.
That's a story on InfoWars.com.
Vials of smallpox virus found in unapproved
Maryland Lab, Autonomous Mercedes Benz, Semi debuts on Autobahn.
I'm going to get to all that and a bunch of other important news in a Zero Hedge article that's up on Infowars.com.
Is the Fed going to attempt a control collapse?
The Fed could be preparing to do exactly what it said it wouldn't.
That's what this is, is a control collapse.
A slow motion one.
That's what I've been saying since 2008.
And most of our other analysts concur with that analysis, so that's all coming up.
But I do want to spend at least 10 minutes later in the next hour, we're going to talk to Jakari Jackson, this segment and the next, from Marietta, California, reporting live on TV and radio right now.
I want to spend about 10 minutes looking at what Obama's done and comparing it to Nixon.
So that's coming up.
Ja'Kari Jackson reporting from Marietta, California.
I know you've got a lot of breaking news.
Give us your take on what you've been witnessing down there.
Yeah, this is Ja'Kari Jackson, Infowars.com, Marietta, California.
And we are once again outside the Border Patrol Station.
And I want to point out to you, Alex, that the Border Patrol Station fence has a better fence than the fence down on the actual border.
You can see it's a nice, complete fence.
It goes all the way around the structure.
But it's not anything like this if you actually go down to the border, whether it's in California or anyplace else.
So we've been out here for the past couple days documenting, talking to various residents.
We've been talking to people who say that, you know, this is not a racial issue at all, even though they try to spin it that way in the media.
We've talked to people of Mexican, Native American descent.
We also talked to people who came here legally through the naturalization process.
A young lady we had a chance to talk to yesterday, and she said it took her 15 years and several thousand dollars, but she did it the legal, lawful way.
And these are the stories that they don't want you to hear because when you see somebody like that, they say, well, wow, you can go through the naturalization process.
It may not be, you know, the greatest thing in the world, but you know, you do it the legal way, you can get here.
But they don't want to show stories like that.
They just want to show you the pictures of the kids coming in on the buses.
And of course, everybody's heart bleeds for these kids.
But you know, people have their own kids they have to take care of.
They can't pay through tax dollars to raise somebody else's kid, you know?
And we think about all the children being sent here.
If you did something like this, Alex, if you sent your kids to El Salvador on a Greyhound bus, you'd probably have the CPS come knocking at your door.
Oh, there's no probably!
I would be arrested for child endangerment and should!
I mean this is crazy town level and again it sets the precedent that there is no law the executive branch can decide where to even send the kids and they're deciding to dump them on Texas.
Oh yeah, Texas, California, wherever else.
I think Biggs had a very good idea.
All these politicians who are out here saying that we need to have these kids come in, why don't we send them to their house?
Send them to the White House.
Send them to Pelosi's house.
Send them to whoever's house.
They're saying, you know, we want to take care of the kids.
You take care of the kids.
You go out there, you feed them, you clothe them, you make sure, you know, they go to school, they brush their teeth.
You do all that stuff and let these people here take care of their own families.
Jokari, I want you to ask the locals and the police and others, what do they think is going to happen if all these people get legalized as 99% are according to the ICE memo?
It's going to mean a much bigger wave.
How big do they think that wave is going to be?
Because undoubtedly, Jokari, this is the next big wave from the last wave.
I believe they're going to get exponentially bigger.
How big do you think it's going to get?
It's just going to keep getting bigger and bigger because as you understand, Alex, you know, when more people hear about these situations, like, oh, I can just go to America.
It's not just going to be your Central America.
It's going to be people from any country.
That's right.
Stay there.
I'm coming right back to Jakari Jackson.
Third hour coming up.
Back in 60 seconds.
And then we've got another special guest coming on.
I'm going to hit this Obama situation.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is Jakari Jackson reporting for InfoWars.com.
We're in Marietta, California.
Myself and the rest of the InfoWars crew.
And the interesting thing is, this is about, I guess, 80 to 100 miles above the border.
So you have this facility here.
But they're not even so much checking for illegal immigration, they're bringing the illegal immigrants here to be processed.
And we've been out here all day.
And the whole time we've been out here, we've encountered one person, one person,
Georgia Johnson.
We have, what's your name?
Alright, and tell me why it is you're out here.
What are you out here in support of?
I'm in support of treating the people that are coming across the border from the horrible situations that they're coming from.
I think we should treat them humanely, treat them like the human beings that they are, and show them that our country has compassion.
Alright, sir, are you a resident of this county?
I am, City of Murrieta, County of Riverside, yes.
No, I'm actually from Oceanside.
Okay, and how far is that?
Probably about an hour and a half away.
Hour and a half away.
What's the biggest crowd you've seen out here so far?
Probably 200 to 250, anti.
Obama, illegal immigration, and then maybe 45 or 50 pro.
But we still have people in America who aren't getting taken care of.
Vets are homeless.
They don't get a place to stay.
You know, we're turning these military bases into holding facilities for these children.
And I understand, you know, you want to help the kids.
That's fine.
But at the same time, we have people here in America that need help.
You know, imagine getting on a boat that says you can only hold 10 people and then you put 20 on there.
What's going to happen?
It's going to sink.
This country is the wealthiest country in the world.
There's no reason for us to let anybody sink.
So what do you think about the Secretary of Homeland Security, Jay Johnson, saying that the people like you who have your viewpoint are pretty much a minority in this community?
I believe he's completely wrong.
I mean, Jay Johnson can't even answer questions.
I think he should be more focused on being able to answer reporters' questions than what other Americans' viewpoints are.
He's completely out of touch.
He's in Washington, D.C., probably on a real high fence with security guards and doesn't associate with a common man like me or the residents here in the city of Murrieta.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
I mean, it's evident.
What he says doesn't match what's going on.
But there's a right way and there's a wrong way to go about the immigration process.
You don't think this is wrong in any way?
You know, there's a lot of people who spend money, who take the tests to go through that process.
And, you know, you've got to understand that side of you as well, though.
It's kind of a spit in the face of them for going through the process the right way.
Meanwhile, these kids get shipped over and they're just given everything right off the bat.
Like I said, there's veterans who don't get health care at all whatsoever, but these kids are being given everything.
What are they being given?
What are the kids being given?
Shelter, food, amnesty.
They're being dropped off in different places.
I mean, they're as far as New York now.
Um, amnesty?
They have to report to a court?
They have to?
90% of them don't even show up, and this is recorded by the courts.
I have not heard that.
My wife actually just came across from Singapore.
She's a quadriplegic.
She has a broken neck.
She just became a legal migrant, actually, a week ago.
And she's completely outraged.
She can't believe this is happening.
All right, miss, can you tell me what your name is and what brought you out here today?
My name is Reena Raman, and what brought me out here was actually the whole thing with
Amnesty for illegal immigrants.
I'm an immigrant.
I just became a US citizen about a week and a half ago.
And I don't have any problems with immigration except that if it's illegal, I don't think that we should be supporting it.
So that's my main beef.
I mean, it took me about 15 years to become a citizen, but I did it the legal way and a lot of money too.
So why are we doing this for people who are already breaking the law?
And why is the administration actually encouraging this?
It just seems like it's undermining... Alright, you can see that full report at InfoWars.com with Jakari Jackson.
We'll come right back with him.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're now well into the third hour.
Jakari Jackson's reporting from Marietta, California.
And there's gonna probably be some fireworks tonight or tomorrow because the sheriff has said that not just Homeland Security, the Department of Insecurity, the Department of Illegal Immigrant Importation has said anybody tries to block these buses busing these illegals in,
Where they're then released and dumped off, will be arrested.
And the folks are looking forward to that.
This is just pure madness.
Then we've got a guest coming up, dealing with the fact that in Canada, and in Ireland, and all over the place, they're finding giant caches of dead Native American babies.
Dead Irish babies.
And this is in AFP, it's in RT, it's in some of the Canadian papers, but not getting a lot of attention.
I interviewed the guest that's coming up, probably six, seven years ago, before this even broke in the news, and they were exposing it.
Now, they just like dug into a tunnel, literally and figuratively, and just found catacombs, basically.
And the kids are being deliberately killed.
And you notice it's white kids, it's native kids, it's children.
You're seven to eight times more likely to be abused in the foster care system worldwide.
It's the same number in Russia as the U.S.
You can look up the Justice Department's own numbers.
They've had the Time Magazine did a report that told the truth, I couldn't believe it, called the shame of foster care.
But their solution was giving more money to it.
Which then, I mean, that's putting fire on a fire.
It's putting logs on a fire.
Gasoline on a fire.
Fuel on a fire.
The system is fundamentally infested with mercenaries, people that don't care, and perverts.
It's the only place you can go to really abuse children and get away with it long-term.
Every major child system, from the state of Texas and its commission they've founded to try to cover it up, the Texas Youth Commission and all of its corruption, to just anywhere you look, it's hell level.
And nobody's going to cry for those kids when they're having radiation tested on them, or pesticides, or just being strangled, or being snuffed in a snuff film, or being gutted for their organs when they're taken into the facility and put under and then have all their organs taken.
And that's in the news today as well.
We'll be talking about that at the bottom of the hour.
Because Americans and others only get upset when the media says, get upset for these poor Latin American babies.
Who happen to be 14 or almost voting age.
It's for the children.
Let them all in.
But if it's a Ukrainian child being taken to have their organs harvested by NATO, who runs most of the narcotics and white slavery out of Europe, with the UN they've been caught literally hundreds of times, nobody's going to care.
And nobody's going to care when they grab your kid out of the backyard and take him for harvesting either.
Because Homeland Security runs the whole show.
They're going to make sure that good people who are compartmentalized can never help your daughter or son.
Because the whole system is built so the evil ones have omnipresent surveillance to carry out total crime.
Because they like to do it.
And they're going to do it.
And you're going to thank them.
Because you want to end up like those 53 million babies that were aborted.
Because subconsciously, you know you committed a crime.
All of us committed a crime against humanity.
And so you want to be hurt.
And you're going to be hurt.
You're going to be torn limb from limb like those children.
You're going to be chopped up and thrown in a dumpster.
Very slowly, though.
Much more painfully.
And no one's going to come to your aid.
And no one's going to say you're human.
Let's go back to Jakari Jackson.
Jakari Jackson, you're there on the border in Marietta.
Give us on the waterfront what you witnessed in the two days you've been there.
Yes, we've been here for a few days.
We've talked about the people who report you just played, but we have some potentially breaking news, Alex.
We were just told by some of the people out here, the protesters, that the police are now asking the property owners of this facility over here to move the people off of the property line.
So you can see the people packing up a little bit over here to the far side.
And so I guess they just don't want the people here.
And that's one of the gentlemen just came over to us and said, one of the protesters, he said, we're not exactly sure where the property line is.
So we'll work to try to figure that out as it goes on.
Yeah, it's total bull.
Obviously, there's right away, always under state and federal law.
I would imagine it's probably 10 feet.
And you can probably see where that where that company's fence is.
Who is it again?
I can't see the name of the company from where we are at the moment, but the whole time we've been here, we've seen police driving in and out.
I seriously doubt we can hit on the iPhone, but I can see a patrol unit down there, probably some type of SUV, and some officers chatting down there, and maybe those are the guys who... Well, let's walk over there.
Let's walk over there.
I mean, is that a warehouse, or what is that?
I think that is some type of warehouse or processing facility.
They have a lot of those material trailers out here.
Well, what they've done is they've put orange cones up around the right-of-way and around the area you could use.
So it's all just more playing games.
Next, tell everybody to move off the other side if people put up with that.
We had the police in Virginia tell us we couldn't be on the sidewalk in front of Bilderberg or they'd arrest us.
And I just said, go ahead and arrest me.
Yeah, well we got some cars coming but I want to show, we'll try to get down here in one second once these cars pass, but there's some yellow barricades down this way and those weren't there yesterday.
So we'll try to show all that here in just one second.
Well, yeah, I mean, they want to commit their crimes chipping in all these illegals to be put directly on the Democratic Party's giant floppy trough.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
I think Hillary Clinton ought to go down there herself and literally suckle all the children.
So, Alex, the first day we came down here, there was a news van and some other people down here, but I want to show, as we approach up here, the yellow barricades down here.
These weren't here yesterday.
Hey Jakari, let me ask you a question on the side issue before we get down there.
We're doing a great job, by the way.
That report we just heard was very powerful.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
We're 20 to 1 demonstrators against the open borders versus one pro-illegal person.
Just amazing.
If you'd watch the media, you would think it was the opposite.
But does Michelle Obama look normal to you?
I haven't seen her lately.
Was there some new photos?
Well, did you hear about Joan Rivers saying that she thinks she's a transvestite?
Oh, I've heard that.
I'm not really one.
I don't want to find out either.
Don't send me to the White House on that one, Alex.
You don't want to investigate Michael Obama?
I'll pass on that.
What about Bradley Manning?
What's Bradley Manning's new name?
And that was quite a shock to me, but yeah, I don't want to... I think Chelsea's actually pretty good looking.
Can we put Chelsea up on screen?
No, no, no.
I'm going to stop joking right there.
Hey, seriously, Jakari.
We figured out who Michelle really is.
It's Merman from the Legion of Doom.
You do that... What's that guy's name?
The intro guy?
The narrator for Super Friends?
You know, no one's heard me do my Ted Knight voice.
Come on, give us one, give us one.
Aquaman summoned three giant whales.
Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, his super friends were meeting with Spider-Man, Batman, and Aquaman.
Alright, and that's why I am an authority.
It's her!
There it is, Michelle Obama.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, it's from He-Man.
Merman is from He-Man.
I'm totally wrong.
Yeah, and Spider-Man's not in the DC Universe.
Well, I'll let that one slide, Alex.
But is that the interview where Joan Rivers walked out of CNN?
I saw that headline somewhere.
Well, no, no, now they interviewed about that she walked out.
Of course, I think Joan Rivers may be a robot.
Well, does it look like she had a few augmentations over the years?
You know the reason I say Merman from the He-Man, Castle of Greyskull, I Have the Power universe looks like Michelle and I conflated it with there's a bad guy at the Legion of Doom as well.
You talking about Black Manta?
Yeah, Black Manta.
But I gotta say Merman looks just like her.
Well maybe.
Well Black Manta wears the helmet so you can't really see what he looks like but maybe Merman.
It's been a while since I've seen He-Man.
I'll have to check that out when we get back to the hotel.
Can you say, by the power of Greyskull?
By the power of Greyskull, Jon Greyskull walks out of the CNN interview.
Man, Jakar, your voice sounds good.
Oh, thank you.
Can you say, this is CNN?
This is CNN.
Well, you do, James, better than I do.
This is CNN.
My voice is so shot now, I can't even, I used to do it perfectly.
Hell yeah!
Hell yeah!
Oh dear!
Anyways, Jakari.
No, no, it's true.
I smoke 20 packs a day.
I don't smoke cigarettes.
I'm joking.
You blew out your voice yelling.
That's how Alex lost his voice.
Because we were watching that while you were on vacation.
We were running all those retrospectives.
And we were like, man, Alex sounds like a completely different person.
But that was before years of, which one of you is the federal informant?
Which one of you is the federal informant?
And all that great stuff.
Hey, I think a cop's coming up behind you.
Oh, okay.
Well, I don't want to step in the street, but maybe I can grab some attention.
Skip the network break.
Hold on.
Skip the network break.
I apologize, folks, for being too loud.
I'm a citizen in distress here.
Let me see if I can get this guy's attention.
Yeah, ask him if he's going to investigate.
Hello, sir.
I'm sorry, miss.
I didn't mean to be rude.
We've heard reports that you're asking the people to step off the property.
Is that true?
Uh, I can't give any information right now.
I gotta go, uh, work on some other stuff, but... Okay, well, if I can ask you an unrelated question to this.
Uh, what kind of firearms do you have in there?
Those are some pretty sweet... I have a rifle and a shotgun.
Rifle, yeah.
Those are pretty sweet, pretty tactical.
Okay, so... Alright, sir, I'll be back in a little bit.
Okay, now let me ask, do you have any concerns about the people out here?
Are you gonna bring, uh, any riot police or any people to try to control the crowds if there's another crowd blocking the streets?
I can't answer that question, but you can contact our Lieutenant John Flavin.
He's our PIO, and you can ask him that question.
Thank you, ma'am.
You're welcome.
The police here are so nice.
You know, it's not like some places I've been, and you gotta fight with everybody.
Well, Jakar, you also come off as the All-American.
That's why everybody's nice to you.
Oh, yeah.
Well, they're probably not nice to you because you yell at them now.
You're going to be the new star of Leave It To Beaver.
Well, this is pretty much the thing.
Like, we asked her, you know, if it was true that they're asking the people to step off the property.
Like, we haven't had a chance to, you know, get over to where the main people are and talk to them personally.
But we do see in the distance people kind of packing up and moving off, I guess, the property line.
We haven't had a chance to really look into that because we've been live on air.
Meanwhile, Aquaman battles the serpent.
I like, you know, Aquaman's kind of coming up in the years, you know, but, uh, he's still one of the weirdest superheroes out there, I guess.
I can't do it as good as Ted Knight, though.
That's the guy from Caddyshack.
He also does the voice on there.
Is that, uh, Spalding?
Is that the same guy or is that a different guy?
A little bit of comment relief.
I don't know why I'm being so catty and goofy today.
I apologize.
Getting serious here.
I'm about to get serious.
Anything else you'd like to add reporting from Southern California?
We're expecting to see the big crowd or at least the crew.
I have to get back tomorrow on the plane because I have some family coming into town.
You have your long scheduled vacation.
Well, that's not my official vacation.
My dad's coming to town for a family reunion, and so he has to get there and meet him.
But my actual vacation will be later on this month, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Well, you didn't tell me you don't know where you're going yet.
Oh, well, I think I'm going to do a staycation.
So, I mean, I'll be in and around the Texas area, maybe go visit my siblings in that D city I'm not exactly fond of.
But I love the people there, just not too fond of the city.
And do some other things as well.
Oh my gosh, you're going to be vacationing in Dallas.
No, no, no.
That is classic.
I didn't say I was vacationing.
I said I would go visit.
Ja'Kari really doesn't like Dallas, folks.
I'm sure many fine people there.
It's just not exactly for me.
I hear you.
You got in fights all the time in Dallas.
You're from Dallas.
You know what's going on down there.
Yes, I was totally going to Austin.
How many fights have you gotten into in Dallas, Alex?
It's all lies, Jakari.
No, Alex.
I had a completely uneventful life.
In fact, this radio show is not happening.
This morning?
What are you talking about uneventful?
Actually, today's been pretty eventful.
But nothing is going on.
There's nothing to see here.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along.
Okay, that's the story.
I'm sure the mainstream will have a different spin on that.
By the way, what do you think is going to happen tonight when Lord Obama visits with the Grand Dragon of La Raza and met Robert Rodriguez?
Yeah, I heard about that.
I don't know if they're going to hang out and watch Machete or what exactly the plans are.
And I also heard he was, either Rick Perry invited him or Obama invited Rick Perry to have some type of meeting to talk about the situation they expect to happen in Dallas.
I've heard reports they want to bring the kids up there to those abandoned schools.
But, you know, Robert Rodriguez, I used to like some of his movies back in the day.
I liked Desperado and some of the earlier works.
But in recent years, he's kind of gotten away from me.
But he does have a very nice studio.
I saw it in a DVD commentary one time.
Yeah, well, I knew him.
I mean, met him a few times and knew his wife.
But when I got the bad word, I was out there at his studios.
He's basically taking them over at the time.
He was just in them out there at the old airport.
And I was hanging out with a crew consulting on a movie.
And Rodriguez's wife was out there before he divorced her.
And she just tells this story.
And yeah, you know, she goes, yeah, I've given him all the films.
But he doesn't like you because you're not down with the Raza.
And that was like in 2004.
And I didn't know all that about him at the time.
And then he just went off the deep end.
And in my opinion, Mecha and La Raza are the Hispanic Ku Klux Klan.
I know you talked to a lot of Hispanic folks out there that said that's how they see it.
Because that's what it is.
It's just it's mainline supported.
And he's like a kingpin of that now.
I mean, he's like an El Jefe.
And that's what he runs here in Texas.
So he's kind of hanging up his director's
I mean, what I've heard from insiders is he's even talking about getting out of that and he's just going to run Democratic Party, White House run, race-based TV shows.
Well, that wouldn't make sense why he's hanging out with Obama, then, if that's what he's planning to do.
Yeah, I was told this by a director about two years ago, and then I was told this by an insider.
I'm not going to say any more.
I mean, somebody that's like right next to him.
And again, this isn't a white versus black versus Hispanic thing.
We were brought by a Hispanic member of the crew who was senior.
The machete first script, and it was the script, turned out it was the script.
Rodriguez went in the paper and said it wasn't the script when Drudge of the National News picked it up.
And they cut out some of the race war stuff in it because of the protest.
But really, us protesting it probably made the movie bigger.
I have nothing against Robert Rodriguez.
It's just that he doesn't like me because I'm white.
And I happen to know the guy is like a crazy racist.
Alex, I know you got bigger fish to fry.
Money destroys a lot of people bro.
What is it, they say like 95% of people that win a lottery are either dead in jail or bankrupt in like two years?
Yeah, that's exactly right.
That's exactly right.
It's a, well, when you get that sudden money or that sudden fame, it really gets to people, whether it's, uh, you know, people, I guess like Rodriguez or anybody else, those lottery winners, cause their whole life changes or how people view them change.
And it just becomes one big downward spiral for a lot of people.
Well, Quentin Tarantino, I mean, I don't like the Nazis, but they put out that race porn, then they put out, yeah, that's the one that's really serious, which is literally just meant to create false histories, exaggerate, open old wounds in my view, and then it's so funny to Quentin Tarantino, who is again just in
into racial stuff I mean I like Pulp Fiction but still it's it's shocking a lot of the stuff in it and they almost feel dirty after you watch it but then after that point it just becomes race porn is my view
What do you think?
I mean, I've seen interviews with Tarantino, and he likes using, I guess, those, uh, likes to hit on those racial themes a lot.
And I'm not exactly sure, you know, what brought him to that point, but it's, uh, race is a very big deal in pretty much all, if not, in most, if not all, of his films.
Maybe not so much in, uh, what was it, Reservoir Dogs?
I don't recall it so much, but... No, race isn't an issue in his good films, is my point.
And then that's all he does, because Hollywood wants that.
It's part of the messages you see everywhere.
Oh yeah.
They always want you to think about race because you think in the class or I'm being oppressed so this person's doing this to me instead of, you know, trying to just grow and achieve in your own right.
It's always this person is doing XYZ to me.
They want you to only think in a group so they can have leaders that control that group.
Because if everybody goes off in their own direction, it will organically be a free market of ideas and then everybody will just come together anyways.
So in the name of political correctness, it actually creates the division.
And they know full well what they're doing.
Oh yeah, you can see this all the time because we see it in the media, you know, whether it's the movies we already mentioned or the TV shows or, you know, video games, whatever it might be.
It's plenty out there.
Well, Jakari, I know you guys are going to be covering that.
Thank you for going out there.
I know Biggs and Kit and Owens are going to be staying out there until Friday.
Oh, well, uh, no, no, no, no.
Josh is already back, and Kit is going to be pulling a little bit of a double duty.
He's going to be doing, I guess, some part-time camera work as well as writing.
So, uh, he needs... Well, it just shows how little I know.
I have no idea what's going on around here.
Well, we try to keep the trains on the track, and that's why I think we've done it so far.
So, I got confidence in the guys, just maybe need a little help on this writing duties, maybe, I don't know.
When are you going to make the jump into hyperspace?
Oh, I'm not a writer, I can't.
When are you coming back to Austin?
When I'm getting back to Austin?
I'll be leaving tonight, and I'll be back sometime late tonight, early tomorrow morning.
Alright, Jakari Jackson, thank you so much for spending time with us out there from Marietta, California, site of just one area where the government has been caught, thanks to Jakari Jackson, Madon Salazar, John Bowne, and the rest of them, in Texas, documenting it, and thanks to DrudgeReport.com.
Because it might have broken nationally if justinfallwars.com and the show covered it.
Drudge gets watched by all the media and is the only talking point outside of Mordor that has any effect.
And so the story has now been forced thanks to all of us taking action.
We'll be back with our guests.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Aborted babies incinerated to eat in UK hospitals.
Silent Grain, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
What is the secret of Silent Grain?
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
Today is Tuesday!
The shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Builder Burger Company, are not allowed to know
Uh, what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So, enjoy the flavor!
We're gonna get the real solution, which is gonna be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We've got to stop them!
Come on!
That is my secret love, Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is people!
Thank you, Chuck Hespin.
That's from Soylent Green, a little piece Jeremy Green put together, and we talk about dehumanization, using babies to eat hospitals around the world, teaching us that humans have no value.
This is the culture of death.
And if you look at the Nazi orphanages, if you look at the
Soviet orphanages, the Chinese orphanages, the South Korean, the North Korean orphanages, the African orphanages, the Latin American orphanages, the U.S.
orphanages, the Mexican orphanages.
It's just literal hell on earth.
Children being abused in the worst conditions you can imagine.
And then if you spank your kid, even though it's not against the law, they take your kid, throw them in one of these things, they're in these foster homes.
And I'm not saying all foster parents are bad.
It on average is better than a big orphanage system, but what you see at places like Penn State is only the tip of the iceberg.
And of course it came out it was university-wide.
He was raping children in broad daylight at noon, in the middle of the week, in the showers.
That's busier than a four-way stop in a major city.
You know, a football field house.
Because for these sickos, they want to do it out in the open.
That's what psychopaths, control freaks, and sadists do.
They get off on it being out in the open.
Flaunting shutting down our power plants.
Flaunting shipping guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
Flaunting the 130,000 dead in Mexico.
Mass graves found everywhere.
99% killed by Mexican on Mexican.
Drug cartels tough.
Men, women, and children dead.
And then, Roderick Rodriguez shows Don Johnson shooting pregnant Mexican women in the stomach with a rifle and everybody then blames that on white people.
So, that's how this works, ladies and gentlemen.
And there's a Tony Cardellucci article about the reports coming out in Ukraine about harvesting of children's organs.
And you know, about five years ago, during the whole Gaza thing, I saw reports in major German newspapers about Israeli doctors shooting Palestinian kids and then keeping them alive to take their organs.
I didn't believe it.
And then it turned out it was true.
And then you learn, basically any war zone this is going on, because it's not the US Army or the Israeli Army or even NATO.
You know, the head of Interpol says arm the general public.
Probably a good guy.
But it's compartments.
So when you have a war, it's trillions of no-bid contracts that have been spent in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And it's the contractors, and I'm not even saying all of them, it's the special contractor groups, the diplomatic community,
teams, and you see this with the U.N.
sex scandals everywhere they go, and little kids being loaded on planes to be flown to Saudi Arabia and Asia.
And you learn every government's involved, every major government, in snuff films and trafficking and... I mean, it is so hellish that no one can stop it because no one wants to admit it.
It's like when former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asked the head of the Pentagon, Rumsfeld, this famous video online about having Rumsfeld grilled by McKinney.
It'll come up.
And she says, what do you want to say about the UN and DynCorp kidnapping little boys and girls and flying them out to secret locations?
And he said, well, we put them in the penalty box and find them.
And then she pulls up the document.
You didn't even find them.
You learned DynCorp runs the private CPS.
In most states.
Now, if you're wealthy or middle class and know what to do, you can get the lawyers, get whatever, and stop this.
There's private groups, divorces, you name it.
The general public doesn't get that.
And so the reason I raise all this as a backdrop is, this is all going on but people don't know it.
Just like
The new numbers are a half a million people, they believe, are dying of flesh-eating bacteria or drug-resistant bugs in the U.S.
It's probably the number one cause of death now.
If you add all the numbers together, it's probably more than a half million.
You hardly hear about it, or if you do, it's not an issue.
It's killing members of my family left and right.
Everybody I know, people are dying.
I mean, it's devastating.
You're not going to hear about it.
But people think they can't swim because they think great white sharks are going to eat them.
I use this analogy a thousand times.
Since Jaws happened, revenue at beach communities in the United States have gone way down.
Since 1972.
And they directly know it's because of a movie.
It's the same deal.
Terrorism isn't real here domestically, it's manufactured.
Racism is super rare compared to what they say.
There's all this imaginary stuff we're worried about, while meanwhile, they're just scooping our kids up everywhere.
And in England, it's epidemic where the kids just disappear.
Americans that visit England now, I know some of them.
They just grab your kids for no reason.
They come to the door,
Someone said they saw you spank your child in the lobby.
We're taking them into custody.
We're deporting you.
Your kid's name has changed.
You never see him.
They get dug up as a skeleton at the Royal Palace.
Latest headline.
Powerful elite of at least 20 establishment figures may have been part of pedophile ring that abused children for decades.
And see, because the elite are into that, they can burn any of themselves anytime they want.
I'm digressing, but I want to explain something.
The elite want global control to abuse children.
Now, you can believe David Icke that they're possessed by blood-drinking aliens.
Doesn't matter.
They might as well be blood-drinking aliens.
You can believe the Bible they're possessed by demons.
If that's not true, doesn't matter.
Archetypally, they are demons.
It's real no matter what angle you see it.
We're faced with an army of pure evil.
And I get psyched up and get wild here on air because I realize it.
I'm a very sensitive person, folks.
And I've intellectually studied them, but I can spiritually feel them.
And I don't like having to focus on them.
But you know what?
We've gotten to this point because we've ignored it.
Now, here's some headlines from just this week.
An Irish Catholic orphanage hid the bodies of 800 children found buried in a mass grave in a septic tank.
And that was really just a state-run institution.
And they just call it a Catholic orphanage.
I'm not Catholic, I'm not even defending it, but these are like political cutouts.
Organ harvesting in Ukraine goes unreported.
That's out of Salon, the article on the dead kids.
Here's RT.
Mass baby grave scandal pushes Irish government, Catholic Church towards inquiry.
And again, folks, they were killing the little children in secret biotest is what's come out.
And then putting them into a giant vat of human crap.
How satanic is that?
Murdering little children with bioweapons, testing them like Dr. Mingala, and then inserting them into a huge septic tank.
Almost 800 babies buried in septic tank.
There you go, headline.
So that's some of it.
Now, shifting gears to our next guest who was almost like seven years ago.
When I saw it, I already heard of him, but then I saw it in the Toronto Star.
Some of it was confirmed.
I had him on.
More has been confirmed since then.
I appreciate him coming on during a heavy news day.
We're going to have him back on again soon.
We pushed him back some.
28 mass graves of Indian children in Canada discovered.
Daily Cost picked us up in 2008, was being reported by the local news channels there.
And again, it ties into the British government yet again.
And joining us on the show is Kevin Annette.
I hope I'm pronouncing that right.
He's been on before.
We appreciate you coming on.
And maybe Nancy Pelosi can come pick some of those kids up and keep them at her house, the little skeletons, because, you know, she says she wants to take the illegals with her, but doesn't really take them.
It's all talk.
And Clinton keeps half the money for the African kids and the Haitian kids for himself to buy jets with, but nobody criticizes him for that.
Well, an inquiry is now starting, as folks have been.
But, sir, thank you so much for your tireless work the last decade to expose this.
Tell us the latest and how this ties into what I see as the
Whatever's running it, governments are obsessed with annihilating small children.
Thanks Alex, thanks for turning me on.
This has to do with the second round of trials happening in Brussels.
The first one is when we convicted Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict, in 2013.
The second round of trials has to do with global child trafficking and the present Pope, Jorge Bergoglio, is named as the primary defendant because he was doing it both in Argentina and today.
Um, what we found in the course of four years coming forward is there's a thing called the Ninth Circle.
It's a sacrificial cult that operates with Catholic Church sanction.
It has for actually over two centuries according to some Vatican documents that have been given to the court.
And this, uh, rituals, they operate all through Europe and North America with a lot of police and army protection.
We have now, um, links as well to Ireland.
The, the, uh, Osnegarda and the Irish police informed us
The 800 babies' bodies that you mentioned were actually signs of decapitation and dismemberment, which are classic satanic, you know, sacrificial symptoms.
And so, you know, it's all beginning to come together into a global network that's involving, once again, these people fairly high up in the Vatican and the Crown of England.
Well, this is just amazing.
And again, today we got short on time.
I don't want to shortchange you.
I want to reschedule a full hour with you and you can send us all the exhibits and I can properly get briefed on all the latest stuff that's happened to do justice to this.
It's just that so many times, I remember what you were saying, you know, eight, nine years ago,
And then a lot of it came out in the newspapers and it just gets worse and worse and you're now saying via your lawsuits and things, you've gotten documents from where?
I've never heard of a secret society called the Ninth Circle.
I know there's Dante's Inferno and the Ninth Circle of Hell, but I mean that is just, I know there's a lot of cults within organizations.
Tell us about the Ninth Circle.
Well, these are referred to not only by witnesses who are participants and people who have been raised in the cult, but also a document released in the last month to the court.
This was from a Vatican insider.
The document was in Latin and it was in the secret archives, the same archives that contained the policy called crimen solicitanus, which requires priests to cover up child rape.
It was in the same archive and it makes reference to this Ninth Circle going as far back as the 1700s and definitely tied in to, you know, various popes at that time.
Now, these have been confirmed by...
Fairly top-level sources within the church who have come forward now because there's a factional struggle breaking out within the Vatican.
You've noticed that the present Pope has cancelled three speaking engagements and has talked about health concerns.
He's probably being forced out as well because Ratzinger is very much still holding the reins of power there, according to these Roman sources.
So, um, it's all connected to that.
And like any secret society, these things are very well hidden.
But the point is, insiders are now beginning to speak.
And just as in the case where we proved genocide in Canada, that's now beginning to happen, you know, on a more global level now.
And again, the reason for my research that Satanism keeps popping up in orphanages of every stripe around the world is, where do you think Satanists, pedophiles, sickos are going to go?
They're going to go where they have institutional protection to engage in these crimes.
They start the crimes slow, get the low-level stabulary to be part of the cover-up.
Once they're compromised, it goes full eyes wide shut.
And I mean, look at what's come out with Savelle in England and the Royals.
I remember when you were on, correct my memory, but 2007, 2008, you were bringing up the fact the British royalty, you believe, was tied into this and did make visits to some of these mass grave areas?
We had an eyewitness who saw Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip take ten children from the Kamloops Indian School in British Columbia in 1964.
And these ten children were never seen again.
William Coombs was his name.
He was to come to London to testify, but then he died very suddenly in a hospital after apparently receiving a lethal injection.
That was in February 2011.
But, um, you know, this is ongoing.
We've had six people within our network killed in this manner, Aboriginal people, because they started naming the names of these, you know, very high up people who come to these places for kids.
Well, I mean, expanding on this, some of this has come out in the Canadian papers, and the mass graves have been dug up at these orphanages, and they just keep finding more.
I mean, that's been in the news, but when you look at all this, what do you think of hundreds of thousands of undocumented kids?
They won't let congressmen into the facilities, and they're being disappeared on buses.
I mean, that's illegal under all the child laws anyways, and a lot of them, they admit, have been mules.
From your deep research into this, what do you think, I mean, does it concern you that hundreds of thousands of kids are disappearing into bizarre secret federal networks?
Well, yeah, I mean, of course, it's the... More and more what we do, now that we have these common law courts established for adjudicating these matters, you can't rely on any aspect of the system, because child trafficking is enormous.
It operates in every institution, especially in the so-called child welfare system, as you were mentioning earlier.
And so, you have to set up a parallel way to investigate and to bring these things to courts that are not controlled by the Cabal, which all of these clearly are.
I mean, it's been my experience over 20 years now that any aspect of the system you try to work through, you compromise your research because it's immediately shut down.
We've had that experience time and again in Canada.
Well, all I know is, I mean, if you look at the British papers, this is all coming out there.
Satanism, killing children, raping them, secret rooms.
And one article said 40 members of parliament last week, I saw, have been implicated, but the police can't get them because it'll bring the whole government down, because they're obviously involved.
You know what I want to do?
I want to apologize that I got you on late and you're Skype's bad.
I want to have Nico shut you up this week or next week for a full hour, but I want you to send us all the exhibits like we did six, seven, eight years ago, and I want to put all those on for people so we can really document this, because this is some pretty sensational stuff, and I want to document it for everybody.
We'll be back.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
Ted Anderson, I'm placing a free silver dollar in a book that explains our monetary system.
Call for your copy 800-686-2237.
It's time to understand the system.
That's 800-686-2237.
Call 800-686-2237.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
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Molon Labe, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Time and time again.
You need to come here and help us.
We need assistance.
Those we should be able to depend on let us down.
Federal and state and local officials saying help is on the way while the folks here in Bell Harbor say show me.
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I've learned one thing.
At the bottom of this global conspiracy is Satan.
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An anti-innocence, anti-child, anti-beauty.
And he is the god of this world.
And is very seductive.
And those that are seduced by the dark side just become more and more twisted.
Until nothing will satiate them but hurting the innocent.
And they are our enemy.
The keeper of the city
This hour is brought to you by MyPatriotSupply.com.
Go to MyPatriotSupply.com forward slash Alex to find their big specials and deals and to support our broadcast.
They have a lot of other great preparedness items, water filtration, high quality seeds, you name it.
That's why you'll notice we sell the same brands as they do at about the same price because they're just so good.
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MyPatriotSupply.com forward slash Alex or we also sell their food for the same price discounted at InfoWarsStore.
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With all the things going on, you're insane in my view if you don't have high-quality, affordable food.
And if you can put in a late summer garden, fall gardens, we have the best non-GMO spectrum of seeds available.
Thank you.
So again, go to Madein1776.com.
That'll take you right to the subsection with the Made in America apparel and belt buckles for men and women and more.
Or just go to InfoWarsTore.com to find the whole shop.
And we fund ourselves the old-fashioned way.
We don't get taxpayer money.
We're just funded by high-quality products that you decide to purchase.
I want to thank you all.
Briefly, here in closing, before I do a bit of overdrive and hit some other news, I want to thank all of our AM and FM affiliates.
Keep spreading the word about those.
Remember, truth is stranger than fiction.
Please pray for this broadcast.
Pray for peace and enlightenment and awakening.
And also tell your friends and family about the transmission and support those local radio sponsors.
And lastly, I forgot to take it this morning,
Take a double dose of the new Super X2 Survival Nascent Iodine.
The only deep earth crystal source out there.
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Just regular iodine did a lot of amazing things, so I started researching it and found the best out there.
We then went to the next level from our regular survival shield, that's still available and great for kids, it's not as strong.
Consult your health care provider before using it.
This stuff...
This is Pure Crystals.
Go check out the science, the videos, all the information.
We have the super male vitality, the super female vitality.
You notice each batch you get tastes a little different.
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We've got a little bit of the Lung Cleanse left and the Silver Bullet left.
That's both about to sell out for a while, maybe months, till we get more.
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You'll be fine in the operation bare minimum.
Try it.
And then I believe you'll be hooked because it's so good.
Survival Shield X2.
InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-139.
Stay with us.
Got some other news coming up in Overdrive.
I'm Alex Jones.
From the water table, to our soils, to the atmosphere itself, our world is becoming more and more toxic each and every day.
But it's not just the air outside that's toxic.
Indoor air has been shown to have two to five times higher concentrations of pollutants than even outdoor air.
And most Americans spend 90% of their time inside using toxic chemicals within their homes.
There are more than 42 million smokers in the United States.
Well over a thousand types of mold and mildew linked to numerous conditions.
And don't forget the fact that six million Americans live with pets they're allergic to as well.
When I began to research these statistics, it was clear to me it was time to start cleansing my lungs in order to combat the toxic environment that we cannot escape, but that we can fight back against.
Made with organic and wild cultivated herbs,
Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I didn't drop the ball today, but I didn't get to a lot of the news like I was supposed to, and I apologize.
I'm going to shoot some special reports for the nightly news.
It was Chris Jordan that pointed out that the articles of impeachment of Nixon are absolutely apropos of what's happening with Obama right now, but he's not getting in trouble, and how that ties into the Declaration of Independence, itself an impeachment of the king.
And so I'm going to do that on the Nightly News tonight.
I apologize I didn't do it today.
I will get fired up and shoot like a five minute breakdown of this tonight for the Nightly News.
Then I will air it tomorrow on the radio.
Or you guys can flog me around the office.
Because it really makes a lot of important points.
And I'm going to shoot some other stuff for the Nightly News as well, because I'm going to do it taped to air and then they'll air it on the live show tonight.
I don't know if they're live tonight or if it's taped to air.
I'm going to do some more live shows as well, some expanded Nightly News transmissions, because some of the news here I didn't get to.
The truth about ISIS with Syrian girl.
Dozens more military programs to control social media revealed as they roll out the U.S.
They've lifted the ban on domestic propaganda, so we're going to be dealing with the military directly now.
Again, a very important article.
Marietta, California Patriots outnumber Amnesty supporters 20 to 1.
ISIS is running around destroying Christian and Muslim holy sites all over Iraq.
Murders pro-TM mayors as feds ignore towns pleased for help.
Yeah, no, they're here to destroy us, ladies and gentlemen.
Also, HHS report, percentage of Americans on welfare hits record high.
Cloward and Piven doing nicely.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com today.
Again, there's a very important story up on Infowars.com, but I first saw it on DrugsReport.com.
I should have played this video, too.
Democrat Reps.
Reps Obama's aloof, bizarre, and detached.
So, their job now is to all act like they hate Obama.
And they don't want him at fundraisers, and they don't want to be around him.
Because he's that unpopular.
And I guess that's why the Republicans are saying they don't want to impeach him.
It doesn't matter.
He's acting as a dictator to wreck the country and burn it down.
This is bigger than politics.
You've got to impeach him.
You've got to impeach him.
You've got to impeach him.
He's that bad.
And all the stuff, if they went after him for real, and not some half-hearted thing like Clinton, you could bring down the whole criminal operation.
It's that dangerous.
They've got to be arrested.
I'm going to talk about that tonight on the news.
I'm angry.
I meant to get to it, but I had the reporters and the guests on and I perseverate.
I'm really mad at myself for not getting to it, but I will.
And that'll be posted up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com tomorrow.
And again, I'm not trying to talk like Glenn Eastwood right now.
This is what's happened to my voice.
I guess there'll come a day where I'll just type into a computer and I'll sound like the physicist Hawking.
The planet Earth orbits a standard stun two-thirds of the way out on the Milky Way Galaxy.
And the globalists wish for the Hadron Collider to create a strontium-12 detonator to destroy the Earth.
We're getting to the point where my regular voice just doesn't work anymore?
I actually don't.
Hey, where's my lung cleanse?
It was in here.
It is a product placement, but not on purpose.
That's usually what helps me.
And someone has removed my lung cleanse.
I think we sold it.
We sold it on eBay, yeah, the one I've been using.
At least it's not like Japanese men running around buying stuff out of vending machines, I don't know.
Alright, folks.
I don't know what's wrong with me today.
I just, uh, I'm just out of control.
Alright, folks, we're gonna be right back in the retransmission.
Notley News tonight at 7.
I love you all.