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Filename: 20140630_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 30, 2014
2197 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today.
And we have quite a show.
A lot of news.
A big Supreme Court decision that people have been waiting for quite some time.
The Hobby Lobby decision.
And of course, this is a test of boundaries.
Where does Obama's imperial dictates, where do they begin?
Where do the Congress's dictates begin?
And where do religious freedoms end?
Well, in this particular case, we had a narrow Supreme Court decision.
Five to four.
That ruled in favor of closely held corporations being able to have religious freedom.
Not to have those mandates mandated on them.
Well, what about the rest of us?
What about the rest of us who are being forced to buy policies that in many cases are far more than we need?
For example, young men being forced to get maternity policies when they're single.
Of course, this is a bill that was written by the insurance companies for the insurance companies' profits.
That type of thing.
It's been changed at will by Obama.
And they tried to destroy this company, levying $1.3 million a day fines on them.
I mean, that's even more than Hillary Clinton makes in a speech.
You know, that's about five times what she makes in a speech.
So that's a lot of money, because she makes a lot of money with her speeches.
But don't think that religious freedom is breaking out all over the place, because we've got the military banning Bibles while they're forcing soldiers in Bahrain to adhere to Ramadan rules.
Also on the news, we've got calls in Congress for refugee status for Central American kids.
And this is not just Obama and Democrats calling for this.
This is people like John McCain.
Because this is an opportunity for them to exercise control.
Understand that they're using children to take down the border, just like they use children to take down your individual rights to keep and bear arms, just like they use children for everything that they want to do.
And of course they create a crisis.
But they say it's not a crisis, it's an opportunity.
Pelosi was at the border this last Saturday in Texas.
She was giving a speech.
She said that the border breach is an opportunity to serve God's children.
Well then why all the animosity if they're God's children?
And of course they are.
Why is there all this animosity towards people who don't want to kill them through abortion?
Do you see the inherent conflicts there?
And of course we've got a story up on Infowars right now
A few left-wingers want to burn down Hobby Lobby after a SCOTUS win.
Certainly they don't see children as a gift from God, created in His image, deserving of respect and dignity.
Well, where is Nancy Pelosi when children are being fondled by the TSA in airports?
What about their respect and dignity?
Well, that's a different case, isn't it?
Because that's against American citizens.
That's not against illegal aliens.
And then we have not only Pelosi seeing this as an opportunity, we also have a new House Majority Leader, the guy who replaced Eric Cantor.
He's talking about the border security.
He says, let's get the border secure.
Then we can legalize everybody.
That's an opportunity to him.
He calls it an opportunity.
He says, we have an opportunity to negotiate for the legalization of illegal immigrants.
See, the problem with all this is, of course, they are deserving of respect, just as Americans should be deserving of respect.
But Pelosi made an interesting comment when she said, I would just love to bring all of them home with me.
Well, why doesn't she?
Well, because there's practical limitations of how many she can care for.
There are practical limitations as to how many children I can take care of, how many children I can adopt, how many children you can adopt.
And, of course, the government enforces those regulations if we start to go through adoption.
We're not allowed to bring in 100 kids into our homes.
We don't have homes large enough.
We don't have incomes large enough for that.
And we can't, as a society, bring in all of the children from Central and South America.
Now, we've got special reports coming up.
We've got a report coming up at the bottom of the hour with Alex Jones.
And he's going to break down where all of this started.
You know, it's Homeland Security that is cracking down on Americans inside the border and opening up the borders.
Where did Homeland Security start?
Ah, 9-11.
And he's got Charlie Sheen's 20 Minutes with the President.
Special report at the bottom of the hour.
Don't miss that.
And we have Dr. Stan Monteith is going to join us.
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Welcome to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight on this Monday, June 30th, 2014 edition of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
Alex will be joining us at the bottom of the hour.
He has a special report on Charlie Sheen engaging Obama about 9-11.
And of course, that is the key to what's going on right now in this country.
The institution that was created in the aftermath of 9-11, Homeland Security, is what is pushing the police state, the security state, the surveillance state within our borders.
The harassment, the violation of our freedom and dignity while they stand down at the border.
Same, same group at both the border and internally.
This is all Homeland Security.
Homeland Security is in charge of the borders as well as these agents that are harassing us.
Very important
Report to see, and of course there's a report up on Infowars.com.
This should end the TSA.
The hypocrisy of what's happening at the borders versus what they're doing at airports, bus stations, train stations, and on roadblocks.
Now we had a major Supreme Court decision come out today that people have been waiting for for quite some time and that is whether or not a couple of closely held businesses who have religious objections to the Obamacare mandates, whether or not they should be allowed to exercise those exemptions on religious conscience.
And they tried to fine them $1.3 million per day.
That was the Obama administration's response to that.
While Obama carves out exceptions at will to his friends, delays things, cancels things, rewrites Obamacare at will, they were going to try to shut down Hobby Lobby with $1.3 million per day fines.
Now, of course, it's Hobby Lobby and another small business, well,
Hobby Lobby is not a small business, but it's closely held.
It's a family business.
It's not a publicly held corporation.
It's a corporation just in the sense of its tax effects, essentially a small, closely held corporation.
And a small Mennonite owned cabinet maker called Conestoga Wood Specialties took this to the Supreme Court.
You know, if we would all fight for our rights like these people did,
We could stand these people down.
I mean, they were either going to... They put everything on the line, just like the Founding Fathers.
They said they'd pledge their lives or honor their fortunes.
on establishing their rights, and I really admire them for taking this fight all the way to the Supreme Court, not caving in.
If they'd lost, they would have lost their businesses, of course.
Now, it's interesting, I think, to look at the response, the reaction to the Supreme Court decision from people like Justice Ginsburg, and also to look at what people are saying on Twitter, the hate, the profanity that's going on with Twitter.
People calling for Hobby Lobby to be burned down.
We have that article up at Infowars.com.
But let's look at what the Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Ginsburg have said.
Now, Kagan says, Congress has made a judgment and Congress is given a statutory entitlement.
Okay, so just obey it.
And then Ginsburg says, this is a decision of startling breadth.
Corporations could opt out of any law.
That it's incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs.
What is it about the Constitution that they don't get when the Constitution says that when it comes to free speech and the free exercise of religion, it's not just about privately holding your beliefs in the closet.
It's about exercising and acting on those beliefs freely.
And what is it about the fact that the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law?
If Congress makes a law abridging free speech, abridging your religious convictions, your exercise of your religious convictions, that law should be ignored by juries, by Supreme Courts, by everyone.
It should be challenged.
She goes on to say, Congress enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to serve a far less radical purpose
And mindful of the havoc the court's judgment can introduce, I dissent.
Yeah, you see, you don't come up with a Freedom of Restoration Act which guts the First Amendment.
See, it's not restoring anything.
It's infringing on our rights when they do something like that.
The First Amendment is supposed to be radical.
The Second Amendment is supposed to be radical.
The Fourth, the Fifth, the Sixth, they're all supposed to be radical.
It's a radical idea that we have rights that we possess as human beings that the government can't take away.
And those were put there specifically to protect individual rights.
That's a radical idea.
And we're not going to see it chipped away, infringed little by little.
Now what's it really going to mean?
Well, Independent Women's Forum had some interesting observations about this.
They pointed out that roughly 85% of group plans right now include contraceptive coverage.
And that was the case before the mandate.
So they're not going to go away for most people.
They also said 99% of sexually active women in the US have used contraception.
So it's not going to go away either.
You've got 85% of the plans that had it before the mandate.
And if somebody thinks that that's an important benefit that they want, they can choose to work for those 85% of the companies.
And then they also point out that there's a fallacy to the argument that if something is not mandatory, it will cease to exist.
I remember when I grew up.
We had these sayings, right?
You don't hear them too much anymore.
You're going to make a federal case out of that?
There ought to be a law?
We also had another saying that was, it's a free country, isn't it?
Well, you know, we've been saying that there ought to be a law for everything, and we've been making a federal case out of everything for so long that I don't hear anybody saying it's a free country anymore.
We inherently know that it's not a free country, and that's the reason why.
Because we've let them gut our individual rights, and we need to stop that.
Now, just in case you think that religious freedom is breaking out all over, there's an article here from the Gateway Pundit, military bans Bibles but forces soldiers to adhere to Ramadan rules, and that's in Bahrain.
And this is a
Memo that was put out by Stars and Stripes, I said, U.S.
personnel accustomed to drinking their coffee on the drive to work will have to put that habit on hold for about a month.
It's one of the few lifestyle changes that Americans will have to make during the holy month of Ramadan.
Meanwhile, the U.S.
Air Force kicked Christian Gideon volunteers off of the base in March who were handing out free Bibles.
We've got news on the immigration front.
We see that there are calls now in Congress to give refugee status for Central American kids.
Two problems with this.
Number one, they define children as anyone up to 31 years of age.
That's what Obama did when he announced his amnesty.
That's what's driving this.
We had a caller yesterday say, why aren't the Republicans stopping this?
The Republicans want this.
The Republicans, Boehner and others, are pushing for immigration.
They're looking for any reason that they can get illegal immigrants legalized.
And we see that in the news today as well.
But before we leave this story, this is Senator John McCain telling Reuters that establishing refugee application programs in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala
Where domestic abuse, gang violence, and poverty are rampant, is the key to defusing the growing U.S.
border crisis.
Why don't we address the root cause of all those things, which is the American War on Drugs.
Or I should say, the American War of Drugs.
Because that's what we have inflicted them with.
That is driving the violence.
That's driving the gangs, just like it drives it here in America.
When you prohibit anything, just like we prohibited alcohol, it didn't stop alcohol abuse.
All it did was concentrate the alcohol, and it created a massive black market monopoly for organized crime.
And this has gotten far beyond that, because this has gone on now for decades.
They shut that experiment with alcohol prohibition down after a few years.
Now we have gone on for several decades, and it has metastasized into a real war throughout Central and South America.
And it's the American government
That is pushing this, just as we did in Afghanistan, where the production of heroin went from 10% under Taliban to 90% under US occupation.
Look at what we did with Iran-Contra, with cocaine, bringing that in.
We've had Tosh Plumley talk about all the cocaine that they were bringing in and telling people that they were destroying it.
They found out they weren't destroying it.
Actually, what they were doing was they were using it to create the crack cocaine epidemic in LA, and that was part of Iran-Contra.
But Pelosi was at the border this weekend and she said that this border breach, the collapse of the border I would say, is a quote opportunity to serve God's children.
Listen to what she had to say.
The crisis that some call a crisis, we have to view as an opportunity.
If you believe, as we do, that every child, every person, has a spark of divinity in them, and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those holding rooms was a dazzling, sparkling array of God's children who are worthy of respect.
She repeats that phrase, they're worthy of respect, they have a spark of divinity.
If she really believes that children are created in the image of God, then why does she push these abortion mandates?
Why does she push abortion funding?
Why does she allow children to be killed?
Why is she so selective as to which children she gives respect and dignity to?
Certainly none is shown to any of the children who are flying in at airports or who are stopped on the streets or other transportation hubs by the TSA.
Now she's not the only one who's talking about how this is not a crisis but an opportunity.
Of course, General Petraeus has said that he believes that this is now, we're after America, we now have North America.
That's what logically follows America, he said.
This is NAFTA being brought into effect.
As Petraeus said, they passed the laws 20 years ago, and now they're making it a fact.
This is their opportunity.
And this kind of global consolidation is not something that just the Democrats are pushing, of course.
We have the GOP leadership pushing it just as hard.
Look at this new House Majority Leader saying that first we have to secure the borders, then we're going to legalize the illegal immigrants.
This is Kevin McCarthy, the guy that just replaced Eric Cantor.
He said, this is an opportunity.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
An opportunity to negotiate for the legalization of illegal immigrants, but only after the border is secure.
That's right.
And of course, in Fairfax County, 40% of the kindergartners don't speak English.
The class of 2026.
We'll be right back.
We've got Alex Jones joining us at the bottom of the hour.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, your host today.
We were talking just before the break about how Nancy Pelosi came to the border of Texas and was talking about the dignity of the children, the respect that they're due, how they had the light of God in them, and of course we recognize that everyone has basic...
Human rights that need to be defended.
But we also recognize, just as she said she'd like to take all them home with her and wasn't able to, it's just like when you're in an airplane and they tell you that if there's an emergency the oxygen mask is going to descend.
You need to put that oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on a child that is traveling with you.
If we allow them to collapse the American economy by collapsing the border and bringing in children from all over the world, or immigrants from all over the world,
We cannot provide for them any more than she could provide for all these children in her home.
She says she wishes she could take all of them home with her.
Obviously there are practical limits as to what we can do.
One of the things that we need to do is remove the conditions that are driving people into this country.
And that is the war on drugs.
That has ravished Central and South America.
It's going to get worse here in America.
It's the basis of the police state that's been going on for a long time.
Now they're pushing that up into a war of terror.
And both of these are being fed by open borders.
That's an excuse for them to come after us.
Now, of course, they don't give us freedom and dignity within this country.
They don't give it to children and they don't give it to adults.
Look at this article here.
Professor body slammed by cop for refusing to show her ID in Arizona.
One of the points of entry.
Let's take a look at this video.
The ASU officer says Orr repeatedly refused orders, and as he attempts to handcuff her, the struggle intensifies.
Stop fighting me and put your hands on me!
Slams her to the ground right there.
Slams her right in the concrete.
She's in a skirt.
Jumps on her.
Her dress was up and the officer was reaching toward her anatomy and
After what had already happened, she felt uncomfortable with his hands going there.
Orr's attorney says she's claiming self-defense.
The professor, now fighting a felony charge of aggravated assault.
So now they're going to charge her with a felony.
Now, a lot of people say, well, she was jaywalking, so now she has to show her ID.
Well, guess what?
There are people coming across the Arizona border in droves
They're committing a crime.
They're coming across illegally.
Why aren't they being requested to say their ID?
Do you understand the double standard that exists?
Do you understand that this is over-the-top behavior?
Slamming women into the ground after they're already handcuffed.
We're going to get two different levels of treatment from the government.
A lot of people say, well, I think we're going into 1984.
Others say, no, it's more like Brave New World.
Well, actually, they're doing both.
If you want to stand up, if you're aware, if you're cognizant of what's going on, if you want to talk about your freedom and your dignity, you're going to get the 1984 treatment, just like that Arizona professor did.
You're going to get the 1984 boot in your face.
But, you know, if you'll take the Brave New World treatment, they'll just keep you pacified with hedonism and distractions.
So they're perfectly willing for you to do that, but they're going to come down on you with an iron fist with a jack boot if you insist on your personal freedoms.
Now, one of the ways to do this, I think, as we look at this, they're going to do that to people who challenge their authority.
I think the way that you need to challenge their authority is the way this Professor Julian Haiklin that I did a report on, the FIJA activist, a professor at Penn State University, he protested
Jury nullification.
Actually, he tried to inform... He wasn't protesting jury nullification.
He was protesting the fact that judges were lying to people about jury nullification.
He was trying to educate people about that.
And he was constantly getting arrested, harassed by the police.
And what he would do is, when they would approach him, he would say, am I under arrest?
He would try to determine where they were, if it looked like it was going to get rough.
He immediately got on the ground, face down, and put his hands behind his back.
Just so that they wouldn't have the opportunity to throw him to the ground.
So a word to the wise.
Now we've got a report coming up in the next break that we're going to go to.
It's Alex Jones talking about Charlie Sheen's confrontation with President Obama.
But before we do, I want to talk about another Arizona cop.
And of course, this is a headline that's up on InfoWars.
Sheriff Joe to Obama, deploy the U.S.
military to Mexico.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Frankly, I'm not a big Sheriff Joe fan.
I don't think he's any friend to civil liberties.
He is one of the biggest cheerleaders for the war on drugs, which is destroying our economy, destroying our freedoms, creating this police state.
And if we send people to the border
If we send the military to the border, that's what they called for in Rex 84, an Operation Garden Plot.
That brings us one step closer to martial law.
You know, men in power will always make two mistakes rather than admit to one.
And it's a mistake to have a war on drugs, and it's a mistake to offer amnesty, which is what Obama did.
We had border patrol agents saying, nothing has changed in Central and South America.
What's changed is our policy.
We're on the march.
We'll be right back.
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Again, thank you for joining us on this live worldwide radio slash TV transmission.
I'm Alex Jones here in the TV studios.
David Knight is hosting live in the radio studio.
We're going to go back to him after the break, but something I want to start doing every week here on the show
is take a look back at the almost 20 years of archives that InfoWars has at some of the biggest and most important stories that we've broken and to see in hindsight how accurate they are today
And I want to look at one of the most viral videos we've ever put out.
Four million views on YouTube, millions of views on other channels, aired on TV networks all over the world to tens of millions, and that is Charlie Sheen's 20 Minutes with the President.
You can say what you want about Charlie Sheen.
I've known him since about 2005, as well as his family, Martin Sheen and others.
They are really real people, truthful good people, who care about justice and freedom.
We're good to go.
That was designed, in Charlie's mind, to try to get President Obama to look at the 20 questions that are asked over the 20 minutes that Charlie was asking for with the White House.
And the White House did call him, he did get contacted by one of their head PR people, and they said President Obama obviously wouldn't do it.
But at the core of that was Charlie's attempt to try to get a media debate going about the 20 questions.
And the 20 questions, like 6 of the 10 commissioners saying it was a cover-up and a lie, Sy Hersh saying pretty much it was an inside job, hijackers' phones working at impossible altitudes, that was all condensed down into the 20 minutes, the 20 questions for the president that really is, to this day, the best roadmap
To do your own research and discover how much ridiculous evidence there is of 9-11 being an inside job.
By criminal elements operating in our government, the Saudi government and others, to be able to bring in a total police state and launch all these wars.
And then after we air, re-air, 20 Minutes with the President with Charlie Sheen, the video I shot at his house,
Then we are going to come back, and I'm going to look in hindsight at some of the new news where our government and NATO, as well as Saudi Arabia and even Israel, are openly endorsing ISIS, which is publicly Al-Qaeda, to take over the whole Middle East and engage in just incredible crimes against Christians and others.
I mean, this really proves everything that Charlie was talking about.
So I admire Charlie.
For all his problems.
For the fact that he's got so much courage.
What he did, in time, will live on forever.
His courage, knowing he'd be attacked.
They keep people in Hollywood on a very short leash.
You've heard about the thousands of conservatives and libertarians that have to meet in secret?
Because they'll be blackballed if they talk about the Second Amendment being good?
Charlie is one of the vanguard of getting out of the liberal conservative paradigm and just talking about truth and freedom.
And so, from the archives, Charlie Sheen and his message to President Obama that dovetails with the 20 questions for the President.
No warning signs that I'm aware of.
It was a revelation that the White House had no intention of making public.
President Bush was told in August that Osama Bin Laden might be planning an attack involving the hijackers.
Nobody in our government at least.
I believe the title was Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.
70% of family members' questions were never answered during the 9-11 Commission Report.
Lee Hamilton and Thomas Kean said they were set up to fail.
I mean, I'm a member of the Commission.
It's a scam.
It's absolutely disgusting.
The questions, Mr. President.
The questions.
Building 7 ablaze at the moment and apparently getting ready to collapse.
Building 7?
Well, no, there's number seven coming down.
The excitement and the fun that people get watching an old building being demolished, and they wired very carefully for days, and it's a very careful operation.
For the third time today, in reminiscence of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
That's one of the things they do, is pull it.
They made that decision to pull, that we watch the building.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
Well, only really what you already know.
Details are very, very sketchy.
You're getting information now that one of the other buildings, Building 7 in the World Trade Center complex is on fire and has either collapsed or is collapsing.
The Pentagon.
Vanishing Airplane.
My close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.
The only sight is the actual side of the building that's crashed in, and as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you could pick up in your hand.
There are no large tail sections, wing sections, a fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around, which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon.
Firefighters and police.
I'm describing explosions.
A lot of them.
This is a secondary explosion.
We've got numerous people covered with dust from the secondary explosion.
Floor by floor, it's sort of popping out.
It was like, it was if, if, if they had detonated.
Yeah, detonated.
As if they were planning to take down a building.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Looks sort of like the building just demolished.
Even if there was no secondary explosives in the building.
It sounded like gunfire.
You know, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
And then, and then all of a sudden, three big explosions.
Do you know if it was an explosion or if it was a building collapse?
To me it sounded like an explosion.
Chief Albert Turry told me that he tried to get his men out as quickly as he could, but he said that there was another explosion which took place, and then an hour after there was another explosion in one of the towers here.
Sabelle Edmonds, FBI translator, breaking her gag order.
All our intimate relationship with Bin Laden and Taliban.
We did carry very intimate relationship with these people all the way up to September 11th.
Bin Laden was spirited into this military hospital in Rawalpindi for kidney dialysis treatment.
The military had him surrounded.
They were saying that Osama Bin Laden had to be watched carefully and looked after.
NORAD standing down.
Where were the planes?
On now to one of the eeriest moments amid the carnage of 9-11.
A mysterious plane was seen flying right over the president's residence.
The E-4B's over New York and Washington.
Otherwise known as the doomsday planes.
It has never been officially explained.
Cell phones working at impossible altitudes.
Solicitor General Ted Olson receiving phone calls that the FBI says were never made.
What happened during that call?
This is the only information we have on these terrorists.
She was able to call him twice.
How she could pull that off, we don't know, but she did.
These are the questions, Mr. President.
These are the questions.
They go on and on.
Good afternoon, Mr. President.
I come to you today representing the families of the victims of September 11th, as well as millions of my fellow Americans.
Hopefully by now you've had a chance to read my letter
We have questions, Mr. President.
Lots of questions.
A lot of them are detailed in my letter.
But trust me, there are hundreds more questions.
As my letter chronicles, sir, the 9-11 Commission itself says they relied too deceived and
Essentially prevent it from carrying out a real investigation.
People of the United States and the world demand the truth, sir.
We have to continuously ask questions.
That's what a true American does.
That's what a patriot does.
We ask questions.
You, sir, have the power, as well as the responsibility, to initiate a truly independent congressional investigation into the events of 9-11, as well as its aftermath.
We want our country back, Mr. President.
Therefore, I'm not just calling on you and your team, I'm calling on each and every American citizen to wake up, stand up, and demand the truth.
We're counting on you, Mr. President.
Be on the right side of history.
Are you now saying that they weren't asking you to block an investigation?
An investigation must not interfere with the ongoing efforts... That's Charlie Sheen's message to the president that will live on forever as an example of courage in the incredible cowardice culture of Hollywood.
I want to shift gears
Just to the fact that Al-Qaeda, out of Saudi Arabia, run by British intelligence, NATO and others, has been wreaking havoc all over the Middle East the last four years, taking over Libya and North Africa, trying to take over Syria, taking over areas of Iraq, engaging in mass murder.
And Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, came out last week and said, we should support ISIS in an attack on Iran.
I mean, this is incredible, and I'm not even anti-Israel.
Folks know that.
But I am anti-funding Al-Qaeda under a new name, ISIS.
Give me a break.
And that's why our own government isn't even backing the elected leader of Iraq.
This is the most scandalous garbage I've ever seen.
Look at how they stage Fast and Furious, shipping guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
That's a false flag stage terror.
Self-inflicted wound.
Look at how they're opening the borders up to flood us with millions of illegals pouring in to bankrupt the country and then hold a gun to our head saying grant amnesty and we'll stop.
Look at how they've staged all these other events.
This is what criminal elements in government do.
I'm not saying Al-Qaeda isn't real.
I'm not saying there aren't real Muslim extremists.
I'm saying they work for the New World Order, and their threat is being used to take our freedoms.
The border's wide open, but they got highway checkpoints in the middle of the country, and TSA checkpoints taking babies' diapers off, looking for Al-Qaeda, our own government runs.
Here's McClatchy newspaper.
Al Qaeda-linked group, Syria Rebels, once denied, now key to anti-Assad worries.
A clashing news service.
One of the most respected out there.
You got Rand Paul bringing it out.
The whole Syria war stopped with Western backing because we exposed this.
And it's such a huge deal.
Here's another article by Kurt Nemo.
More evidence U.S.
funds al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.
Excellent video.
They staged a false flag launching chemical attacks against Assad and then blamed him.
And even Cy Hirsch came out and said it was staged by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others.
And even the BBC admitted that Russia intercepted phone calls with top generals and the foreign ministers of Turkey.
Literally talking about staging false flags.
So, we've gone from 12, 13 years ago with 9-11, with no one knowing about false flags, staged events, to it now being a household word.
And that's a big deal, because that means if they stage stuff in the future, we know what to look for.
The week before they roll out the naked body scanners, there's the underwear bomber.
Flying in from Amsterdam to Michigan.
We had witnesses on the plane who said it was staged.
He was drugged.
Turned out that was true.
CIA got him on the plane.
That's why being aware of false flag is so important.
Because what does G.I.
Knowing's half the battle.
Joe say?
Now, here's another article from last week.
Cheney, another 9-11 coming, but far deadlier, and he went on to say, if you continue to distract them by questioning what they did in Iraq, or if you even question what Obama is doing, that you're causing a problem.
Just do what they say, or Al-Qaeda will kill you.
When our own government in Benghazi gave them Stinger missiles, MPADs, anti-aircraft missiles.
We've got Dianne Feinstein saying, give up all your rights, or the terrorists are going to kill you.
We've got police all over the U.S.
saying you can't film anything or film them because you might be a terrorist in the post 9-11 world.
This is a blank check for power grabbing.
This is why they staged it.
And now they say Homeland Security's for the Tea Party and gun owners and veterans, not for their darling sweetie pie, Al Qaeda, who's been rebranded with I.S.I.S.
And they're so arrogant, the flags say they're Wahhabist, they say they're with bin Laden.
But our media won't even tell you that.
I even saw Candy Crowley actually try to say that if we had taken down Assad, this wouldn't be happening, in an interview with Rand Paul.
This is the group the Globalists funded to bring down Assad.
If they would have taken down Assad, they would have had all his high-tech weapons.
But she sits up there and says, take out Assad, knowing people don't know that Assad is fighting these people.
I saw CNN say that Al-Qaeda is with ISIS last week.
That's the opposite group.
They're killing each other.
That's how dumb they think you are, ladies and gentlemen.
So you can make fun of Charlie Sheen all day with all the women and partying.
What are you doing for freedom?
It's like the prodigal son.
Yeah, he's got problems, but at least he's got guts.
And to quote the sergeant...
From Full Metal Jacket, yeah, Private Joker's silly and he's ignorant, he's got guts and guts is enough.
So you're fired, Private Snowball, and you're hired, Private Joker.
That's what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen.
Mainstream journalist exposed 9-11 as a hoax.
Excellent article by Dr. Kevin Barrett.
Nearly 90% of Germans, people are waking up.
Do not believe official 9-11 fairytale.
Well, that's because Andres von Bulow, amongst other people, went public on my show and wrote the best-selling book in Germany, CIA Stage 9-11.
And he was the former head of their CIA and worked heavily with our entire intelligence operation.
He looked at it within months and said, inside job.
There's, of course, this clip, man takes over Super Bowl with 9-11 was an inside job last year.
Great example
Of how people are culture jamming and getting the truth out.
We'll play that clip right now.
I always imagined myself making great plays, but you never think about being a VP.
Investigate 9-11.
9-11 was perpetrated by people within our own government.
Is everybody alright?
Check his press pass.
9-11 families are continuing to question the official narrative.
Just like we were lied to about the dust not being deadly.
And it turned out that was a premeditated lie.
9-11 families are angry that they have to pay $24 to even enter the $700 million museum
Again, this just shows how cold-blooded they are.
They called the cops and firefighters that were dying from the deadly dust, ambulance chasers in the New York Post.
They just want to use that memorial as a propaganda piece for the police state, implying it keeps us safe.
No, controlling our borders that are wide open keeps us safe.
No, not funding Saudi Arabian terror groups to take over the world keeps us safe.
Not creating Al Qaeda, like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter did, and Reagan continued funding, his people did, keeps us safe.
The globalists need Al Qaeda to take over the world, to be their secret army, and to menace us into giving up our basic liberties.
And activists are fighting back everywhere, not just taking over the Super Bowl.
Activists spoof 9-11 memorial brochures with ones containing actual facts and handing those out at ground zero.
The system cannot stand against you if you take action, if you begin to speak out, if you demand the truth, and if you don't buy into their lies and fraud.
Alright, that's it for this archive.
Retransmission of 20 Minutes with the President and Charlie Sheen.
We only scratched the surface.
She'll continue to investigate and educate the public about false flags herself because you are the answers.
You are the solution.
And if you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the resistance.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and as you heard in that last segment, that special report that just aired for the first time from Alex Jones, you heard Charlie Sheen saying, we want our country back.
What's happened to our country?
Well, in the wake of the phony 9-11 false flag attack, we got Homeland Security.
We got the Patriot Act.
We got the rules of the game of the NSA fundamentally changed and in response to that we had several NSA whistleblowers.
Many of them had worked for decades for the NSA.
We had William Binney, one of the first whistleblowers, had worked for them for over 30 years.
He was technical head with global responsibility.
We're good to go.
The security state, the police state, the militarized industrial complex turned itself inward on America.
Remember the founders said, Madison said, if tyranny ever comes to this country, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
And that's true.
And it has come to this country.
And I want my country back.
There's a ballot measure that they're trying to get on the ballot in New York City.
They have 53,000 signatures reported on that last week.
It's the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now.
Wouldn't you want to know if a building with a minor fire, a skyscraper that was more than 20 stories tall, if there was a minor fire on a building and it just happened to fall down?
That's never happened anywhere else in the world in history.
And it didn't happen there.
We heard the owner of that building say, pull it down.
We know something was happening with that and we know that they'd prepared it well in advance to have that happen.
Now, we have some NSA officials say that the U.S.
has turned into a Stasi Germany or a Soviet Union.
This is an article up on Infowars.com.
We have a senior NSA executive, Thomas Drake, saying this.
He told Washington's blog that the U.S.
has adopted the East German Stasi model.
He says, collect it all, know it all.
That's the NSA's model.
And it's actually the Stasi's model.
It's not just know everything.
We have to be able to keep everything that we want to know, even if we don't know it yet, or even if we don't know that we want to know it, right?
He says, I keep shuddering because I'm intimately familiar with the East German surveillance state mentality.
And of course, they point out in the article here that a lieutenant colonel that worked for the Stasi in East Germany said, based on his experience, he agrees.
And of course, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who grew up
In East German, under the Stasi in East Germany, says that the NSA is exactly the same.
See, that's the problem.
And we have the NAFTA model right now.
Charlie Sheen was trying to get Obama to take an honest look at it.
Maybe he didn't know what this guy was about.
We want to give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps.
Instead of taking an honest look at that, what Obama has done is the same thing that they did with NAFTA.
Enact it.
Let it sit there inert for a very long time.
Then act on it.
That's what we see with the NDAA, with the indefinite detention.
First make the law, but don't act on it right away, because that'll get people upset.
It's outrageous enough that you have destroyed the borders and unified Mexico and America and Canada.
Don't really act on that right away.
Let that simmer in people's minds.
Now the idea that the entire world is at war, that is something that they want us to simmer with and get used to it.
That's why they're not doing anything.
That's why they're letting that simmer.
But now we know what their model is.
We now know that they're going to do this exactly like they did with NAFTA.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back with more news about the security state.
We have people who were protesting the NSA data collection.
We got some great footage of that.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, June 30th, 2014.
I'm David Knight, your host for today, and we're going to be joined at the bottom of the hour with Alex Jones.
He has another new special report that's not previously been aired.
We also are going to be joined in the third hour by Dr. Stan Monteith, and that's going to be a very interesting discussion.
We're going to talk about things like medical access to
Good, clean food and drugs, what the basis of that is, as well as ethical issues.
So we're going to talk about that.
We might even get his take on what's going on at the border.
But right now I want to go back to what happened this last week.
We had an interesting
protest at the NSA data center in Utah.
And of course, this is a data center that uses enough water and electricity to power a reasonably sized city.
So there's environmentalists who are pushing against that.
We also have people from the Electronic Foundation, Freedom Future, let's see, what is that?
The EFF, that is the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
And of course they advocate freedom in the internet and other places.
We shouldn't lose our basic rights.
And there you can see that blimp if you're watching this.
That was a Greenpeace blimp.
They did this in conjunction with the EFF and also in conjunction with the 10th Amendment Center, which is a libertarian think tank.
This is what I think is very encouraging when we see groups from very different perspectives and who would probably disagree with each other on a lot of different issues coming together on this fundamental issue.
As we just heard in that special report that Alex put together with Charlie Sheen talking to President Obama at the beginning of the Obama administration saying, we want our country back.
We have to come together on these fundamental issues, things that fundamentally affect our freedom.
If we lose everything into an East Germany type of police state, as NSA whistleblowers have warned, we're going to lose it for everyone.
We're not going to have any discussion about some of these other policies.
We fundamentally have to have a country that is based on the rule of law, on a respect for individual liberties, and if we don't have that common foundation,
We have lost everything.
And that's what we were talking about just before the break.
A story that's up on Infowars.com, where NSA officials, whistleblowers, say that the U.S.
has turned into Stasi Germany or the Soviet Union.
That's what William Binney, who spent decades watching these countries for the United States government,
That's what he said when he saw everything turn internally.
The security state, the police state, turning internally.
The surveillance turning internally after 9-11.
He said, I've watched for decades the Soviet Union.
I've watched East Germany.
I know how they operate.
We are doing the same things.
And now Thomas Drake, one of the other whistleblowers at the NSA, has said the same thing.
Now, even some of the corporations who have been cooperating with the government are now taking note of this.
First, we see that Germany is giving Verizon the boot over the NSA spying scandal.
They're kicking out Verizon because of the NSA wiretapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
And of course, she grew up in East Germany.
She knows where this
I think so.
And of course, Microsoft also came out last week and said, the future is bleak if the government continues its unlawful data collection.
Well, it's not just Microsoft's future that's going to be bleak, because they're going to lose business and are losing business, just like Verizon.
Microsoft was one of the very first companies that participated in the PRISM program, as we learned from the leaked documents that Ed Snowden put out.
They were in there in 2007.
They were a founding member of this kind of crony espionage that's going on.
And they're going to lose their business as well.
People are turning elsewhere to get their computers.
But it's a bleak future for us if we don't pull this down.
That's what we're concerned about.
We'll be right back with some whistleblowers from the VA and what happened to them.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be joined at the bottom of the hour with Alex Jones.
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We're also going to be joined in the third hour by Dr. Stanley Monteith, and he's going to be talking to us about medical issues, about ethics, about a variety of topics.
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Now just before the break we were talking about an article up on Infowars.
Top NSA officials say the U.S.
has turned into Stasi Germany or the Soviet Union.
We need to understand that it's not always hyperbole when you say somebody is becoming a Nazi.
It was not hyperbole for William Binney who spent decades watching East Germany, watching the Soviet Union, seeing how those police states, those surveillance states treated their own citizens.
And when he saw the NSA turning inward in the wake of 9-11, when Thomas Drake saw them turning inward, they spoke out about it.
They became whistleblowers.
Very important what they have to say to us.
They're telling us that we now have a police state.
That we are doing the same things that Stasi East Germany did.
That the Soviet Union did.
This is something we need to pay attention to.
Other people are paying attention to it.
In Germany, where they know what that looks like very well, they are pushing back.
They're eliminating American corporations who are in bed with the American surveillance state.
They don't want to be spied on, but Americans don't think it can happen to us.
So we reported that Germany is giving Verizon the boot because of the NSA spying scandal.
Microsoft is worried about this affecting their future because they've been seen as someone who has been cooperating with the government for a very long time.
We see that there was a pushback, a very
A very interesting coalition of Greenpeace, of the EFF, a privacy organization, as well as Libertarian Think Tank, the Tenth Amendment Center.
They all flew a blimp over the NSA Data Collection Center, which is there to collect and store everybody's conversations worldwide.
Uses a tremendous amount of energy, but it also is burning our rights right in front of our face.
So, that was a protest that happened last week.
And of course, last week it also came out.
That Keith Alexander, who's the former head of the NSA, and he was the guy that was there while Snowden got the documents and released that.
Now he's taking that resume, and I don't know how that really enhances his resume.
He's putting himself out there as a consultant, offering to consult to the banking industry and others for a million dollars a month.
Well, he didn't have any takers, so he dropped it to $600,000, which I think is still pretty high.
But this is the interesting thing.
A congressman, Representative Alan Grayson from Florida, was suspicious that Alexander has anything useful to offer at that price.
And so he said that is unless he's peddling national security secrets.
This is a guy, Keith Alexander, who went to Bilderberg while he was still head of the NSA.
Meeting with them in secret.
Was he peddling secrets there?
Now of course he was also there this last year in Copenhagen.
Uh, this is something we see frequently, a revolving door.
The way to push back, we need to listen to these people who are warning us as to where we're going, these whistleblowers from the NSA.
And now we have whistleblowers coming out as well.
about the VA scandal.
In an article on InfoWars.com, 50 VA hospital workers claim retaliation because they blew the whistle on horrors that they saw.
Now this is an article that's essentially from Washington Times.
It says, when Valerie Riviello, a nurse at the VA in New York, saw the clinic restrain a sexual assault survivor to a bed for seven consecutive hours,
She went over and released the woman.
The next day, she was removed from her post as a senior nurse manager and given a full-time desk job that kept her from having any contact with patients.
She was eventually reprimanded as facing a 30-day unpaid suspension for releasing the woman.
Now, she is one of more than 50 whistleblowers who say that the VA retaliated against them for trying to do their jobs.
She said, the nurses are afraid to complain or report anything.
They have a hundred things that they've noticed, but they've seen what is happening to me, so they're afraid to report anything.
See, that's the concern.
Always, when people report wrongdoing, the whistleblowers themselves are attacked.
That's why we have whistleblower laws.
And yet, we have Obama, who has essentially come against people who are blowing the whistle, who are exposing criminal actions.
Look at the reaction, for example, to the Edward Snowden leaks.
Look at the calls for his imprisonment, for his execution.
What did he do?
He exposed that our government is violating the law.
The FISA Act was created in the wake of the House Church Committee hearings.
Those were brought by Frank Church.
He was concerned that at that time, in the 70s, that the intelligence community was getting out of control.
That it was turning internally, as we've now seen it do in spades.
And so as a result, they had these Church Committee hearings.
They created the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
And one of those things was to make sure that if somebody really was in America, really was participating in a terrorist event or an espionage event, that they had some channels where they could go through and have a court procedure where they could get a search warrant but still kind of keep it secret.
Well the problem is secrets and spying always turn inward on their own people.
And so now we see that the FISA court has become this secretive rubber stamp
For the administrations that have followed it.
All they have to do is go to this court, and it's not a court at all.
It's a single judge.
There's no adversarial hearing.
There's no jury.
There's no lawyer arguing the other side.
One lawyer from the administration goes to this FISA judge, which they call a court.
He issues rulings.
And it's not bad enough that they're doing that.
What they're doing is they're keeping these rulings secret.
While pretending that it's modifying the rule of law, that it's modifying our constitutional protections that are recognized, our rights are recognized under the Constitution.
Now, Obama, far from defending rights, of course, has used the National Espionage Act of 1917 more than any other president combined.
I think it's been used something like, and I'm losing track of it because he's using it so frequently, I think he's done something like nine out of the nine times it's been used since 1917, he's done six of them, I think.
Maybe it's now ten and he's done seven.
One of the people that has drawn the ire of the administration
is James Risen of the New York Times.
And he has an article that just came out.
Before the shooting in Iraq, we had a warning about Blackwater.
Of course, we have that article up as well as a link to it on Infowars.com.
Blackwater threatened to kill State Department officials in Iraq.
This guy says, I took Mr. Carroll's threat seriously.
We were in a combat zone where things can happen quite unexpectedly.
Well, what was that threat?
Well, it turns out that
This is before.
This is weeks before.
They shot 17 civilians in Baghdad's square in 2007.
That was Blackwater guards that shot 17 civilians in Iraq.
Weeks before that happened, they sent investigators to the area to see what was going on.
And Blackwater's top manager there
Issued a threat to these State Department investigators.
He said that he could kill the government's chief investigator and quote no one Could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq?
Now the American Embassy officials sided with Blackwater.
So when this investigator from the State Department goes there, is threatened by Blackwater that he will kill him, and they go to the American Embassy officials in Baghdad, they side with Blackwater.
And this is a group that has gotten a contract at that time worth more than a billion dollars.
And these guys do whatever they wish.
And it was just a few weeks after that that they shot and killed 17 civilians in the square.
You talk about blowback, you talk about unintended consequences, and yet this is really what they want.
They want continual war.
They want to foment
Disruption and unrest everywhere.
That's why we had what happened in Benghazi, giving weapons to these factions.
Now, of course, you've got, just as we see here in this example, you do have people who are compartmentalized.
They think they're doing the right thing.
They want to do the right thing.
And yet we see that when you've got an investigator who is trying to do the right thing, he's shut down by the American Embassy.
And he came back and said, you know, it looks like these Blackwater contractors think that they're above the law.
They see themselves as above the law.
That clearly is true.
It says they created an environment of liability and negligence.
And as we saw just weeks after that, we had a massive massacre there in Iraq, which is still having repercussions.
You think they're going to be able to keep Iraq under control?
You think that they're going to be able to turn it into a democracy?
Is that really our job to do that anyway?
I don't think it is.
Many people don't think it is.
Even here at home, we should look at how this is going to come down.
The same things that happened abroad are now coming home.
We see the militarization of the police, we see them being given the same types of training and tools, and the same attitudes that we saw with these Blackwater guards.
And it's getting to the point now where we had, here's a blog, torianbrown.com, his title is, the militarization of the police has gotten so out of control that it's captured the attention of the mainstream media.
As my son Lance said, it's gotten to the point where the mainstream media can't ignore it anymore.
That's why they're talking about it.
And we should be very concerned about what happens with the military-industrial complex and the way they are militarizing the police.
This is something, the same thing that happened in Baghdad is going to be happening in America.
And one of the ways they're going to use it as an excuse is they're going to take these drug cartels that are now encroaching into the United States as part of the war on drugs, and as it gets more violent, you're going to see ever-escalating amounts of violence in America.
We need to roll this back.
Not by sending the military to the border, but by changing the fundamental ideas.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is going to be joining us in the next segment with a report about food, the ultimate secret.
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It was just yesterday that the New York Times said that central bankers are worried about bubbles and they rebuked the markets.
Are they worried about bubbles or are they floating trial balloons?
Here we have, out of Frankfurt, we've got an organization, they say, that represents the world's main central banks, warned on Sunday that dangerous new asset bubbles were forming even before the global economy had finished recovering from the last round of financial excess.
And they say that during the boom, resources were misallocated on a huge scale.
I wonder who misallocated those resources.
It didn't have anything to do with the bankers, did it?
It didn't have anything to do with them pumping and dumping the economy, did it?
I mean, that's the model that they've always used.
That's the model that they used to establish the central bank in America in the first place.
It was bank panics.
Going in, snapping up assets at fire sale prices.
That's what they always do.
So when they warn about bubbles, take them very seriously.
What they're really doing is floating a trial balloon.
Now, before we go to the break and this special report from Alex, I want to cover some breaking gun news.
In Colorado, if you remember, there were some very restrictive gun control laws that were pushed last year.
Some Colorado Democrats that ran those things through were recalled.
People pushed back against that.
And you had the County Sheriffs of Colorado responded by vowing not to enforce the laws.
This is an article from CapitalismInstitute.org and they point out now that they've gone to a trial and the judge, a U.S.
District Judge Marsha Krieger, said that
These, that prior to 2008, the Second Amendment wasn't recognized as an individual right.
What do you think the right of the people means?
The right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Every one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights, except for part of the Tenth Amendment, is about individual rights being recognized against the state.
They're all about individual rights.
We're not talking about the free speech of NPR or the free speech of the State Department.
We're talking about the free speech of individuals.
We're talking about the religious
Freedom to exercise your religion of individuals.
We're not talking about some kind of a collective right.
It was always an individual right.
But she maintains that until the Supreme Court said so, just recently in 2008, that it wasn't an individual right.
And then listen to what else she had to say.
She said, since there's no evidence that law enforcement officials are enforcing the law as written, there therefore is no threat to the Second Amendment.
Do you see that screwed up logic?
She's saying that the sheriffs come out and say, these laws are unenforceable and they're unconstitutional and we're not going to do anything with these laws.
So she says, well, then you don't have to worry because since they're not enforcing it, they're not a threat to your rights.
Do you understand the parallel to what Obama is telling us about the NDAA and indefinite detention?
He says, it's not a threat to your life, to your rights, if I say that the military can come in and arrest you, hold you indefinitely, without any due process.
That's not a threat to your rights, because I'm not doing it right now.
It is a threat to our rights when they establish this as a legal precedent.
And again, going back to what's happening with the collapsing borders, they use the same techniques all the time.
They always use children as a beard to take your rights.
They always pass the law and the legal structure, and don't do anything right away, and then enforce it later on.
That's what's happening at the border with NAFTA.
That's what they want to do with our gun rights, with our due process rights.
We're going to be right back with a report from Alex Jones.
Food, the ultimate secret.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Back in July of 2010, nearly four years ago, we released a video and text special report titled, Food The Ultimate Secret.
Today I wanted to look at that original report, which is still extremely important and groundbreaking, and expand on it with some of the new news that dovetails with that special report.
But before we re-air that from the archive, let's go ahead and get into some of those articles right now that are breaking as we speak.
National Geographic is reporting that infertility in Spanish pigs has been traced to plastics.
A warning for humans.
Gee, what have I been telling you with medical doctors for at least 15 years about bisphenol A and other plastics that they put in the paper money, the printer ink, you name it.
They've got hundreds of other plastics they could be using, but they don't.
This is social engineering 101, and everyone that adopts
Western systems, American systems, is basically becoming infertile and running chances of getting higher rates of cancer.
So again, the rest of the story is this is being done by design more and more.
Here's another headline in the medical tyranny section of InfoWars.com.
Farmers are seeing better animal health with non-GMO feeds.
So many farmers that we talk to have gotten to the fact that their animals get sick or die when they're on these feeds.
Here's another one from CBS News.
Scientists, soda may lower semen quality because of the type of things that are put in soda that is so incredibly toxic.
Here's another one.
Study further confirms link between autism and pesticide exposure.
The toxic pesticides.
And what is one of the toxic pesticides that is being used on the crops?
Well, that's hydrofluorosilic acid and other fluoride variants that the Wall Street Journal even reported on a few years ago.
The Food and Drug Administration has ordered
To stop being used, but they still haven't phased it out yet, and it bioaccumulates inside of the major crops, you name it, it's not just added to the water.
And even organic foods.
But is to point out the bad things that are happening and not just stick our head in the sand so we can reverse these trends.
Now I wanted to look at some of the areas where the establishment is striking back right now.
They spent tens of millions of dollars in California last year to kill the initiative to label GMO on the label.
I mean big deal.
Obviously we should know
What is in our food?
We should know what's being added to our water.
But there's intimidation going on now in Vermont's labeling of GMO law is now being targeted by a lawsuit by the trade groups that don't want you to know so that you can't make those choices.
But it doesn't matter.
We're turning the tide.
People are simply going out and finding things that are labeled organic and checking with consumer associations to ensure that that company really has been tested.
And so voting with our dollars, we're changing the world.
And I'm going to get to more of that here in a moment with solutions.
Again, Europe is banning American apples that are GMO and that also have different chemicals sprayed on them.
They're voting with their Euros.
Just this month, Kyrgyzstan was the latest nation of 5.5 million people to completely ban GMOs, and this is starting to happen all over the world.
Communist Nightmare China, complete with
Mobile execution vans, suicide nets and forced abortions is the global leader in GMO, genetic engineering, cross-species pollution.
But the United States, don't worry, is a close second.
And the world is simply banning the toxic medications and toxic foods produced.
In the United States and China.
That's a good thing because that's the only leverage the world has and that we have is simply not eating this stuff.
And that's why they are fighting right now to make sure no one knows what's in their food and has no choice.
And that's why the Food Babe launched a few weeks ago on our show and was successful within 24 hours to get major beer producers to admit they're not really producing beer and that it's just flavored alcoholic
And she had another big victory thanks to our listeners.
She continues to launch it on our show.
We're very honored that our listeners are so active to get Chick-fil-A to agree to serve antibiotic-free chicken.
Which again, there's so many reasons you don't want to eat chicken full of antibiotics.
It's just incredibly toxic long-term and creates superbugs and lowers your own immune system.
And there's other solutions out there like honey, the solution for antibiotic resistant superbugs, and new studies that are breaking that down as well.
It's not just good for suppressing allergies, but also for boosting your immune system.
So that's just some of the positive things that are happening out there.
Now I want to go back to the report from the archive four years ago, Food The Ultimate Secret.
If you're a radio listener, we will post this entire video and expand a special report to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com at the end of the radio show today so you can view, not just listen, to these reports and see all the news articles, video clips, and news documentation for yourself.
My friends, the information that you are about to witness from all of my years of research is the most important.
It's been hidden in plain view the entire time.
This is the ultimate secret and it's about to be exposed.
I have hundreds of government documents, textbooks, white papers, where for over 80 years, the elite of the Western world have talked about adulterating food and water.
to sicken and sterilize the population for the purpose of eugenics.
It's all covered in the book, Ecoscience, written by the White House science czar, John P. Holdren, where they talk about a planetary police state to carry out the forced sterilization.
They also talk about covert systems in the water and food to sterilize the population.
Now, this was written decades ago, before he was White House science czar.
Now, suddenly, the stuff in this book is all over the news.
They're selling it to the public
As if it's a good thing.
You see here before you what an average person would buy when they went shopping at the store.
Not everything here is bad for you.
But much of it has compounds and artificial chemicals that have been added that are extremely toxic and bad for your health and they have known this the entire time and they have approved them for use.
Let's start with aspartame.
You cannot go to the grocery store now and buy any type of even regular sugar gum that hasn't had aspartame added to it.
In the 1970s, Searle tried to get it approved and they couldn't.
It took them three separate times.
Because in their own studies with monkeys, large portions of them that were fed it died
and contracted cancer.
Now we have mainstream news articles and the EU has done a major study finding lower birth weights, early birth, and yes, miscarriages from women that drink aspartame laden soft drinks like Coke Zero.
What is aspartame?
It is the fecal matter of the E. coli bacteria.
They took it and genetically engineered it.
They can feed it toxic waste and then it defecates
And it has so many bad health effects, it's just unspeakable.
This is being done by design.
It's also very, very addictive.
But let's just go ahead and move away from aspartame and talk about McDonald's.
and chicken McNuggets.
Now, I remember a decade ago or so reading health advisories claiming that a form of plastic that's used in silly putty, basically a type of silicone, was in the chicken McNuggets, but also in many other TV dinners and other foods.
It is illegal in every other nation in the world to add these chemicals in the food, but it's not in the United States.
The big secret is all of this was done by design by the FDA.
Look at all the drugs they've approved and then it comes out later that they knowingly approved them when these drugs are causing heart attacks and cancer.
In the Nuremberg trials, it came out that the Nazis were adding sodium fluoride to the water supply in the labor camps and death camps to make the population more docile and controllable.
There had been hundreds of university studies before Hitler even came to power.
This is a form of forced medication.
They admit that one part per million of sodium fluoride more than doubles the chance of bone cancer in boys and men.
As the public became educated in the last few decades, the government industry's response was to not just put it in water, but to start adding it to thousands of products like children's water that's mixed with their formula or with their cereal.
They started adding as much as 900 parts per million in things like powdered eggs.
It causes reductions in IQ.
It increases sterility or lack of fertility.
And it's being added to so many of the daily staples that we consume.
We'll get back to food additives in a moment.
But first I wanted to look at genetically modified organisms.
Did you know for many years the American people have been eating cloned beef and pork, and now they're expanding out into other forms of meat?
Let's look at salmon first.
Major university studies conclusively have proven that the type of genetically modified salmon that is actually a cross species, they've mixed other animal genes in with it, that when this fish is introduced with wild, natural salmon, within 40 generations all the natural salmon are extinct.
And the FDA approved this.
And they're going to allow it to be released into the wild that isn't even a salmon.
It is a cross-species chimera.
It is a mixture, like something out of the island of Dr. Maru.
Something out of a nightmare.
More than 85% of the corn now consumed in the United States, and it's also starting to trend that way in Europe and Canada, is genetically engineered.
It grows its own pesticide within the corn kernels so that insects won't eat it.
If the insects can't eat this and live, what do you think is going to happen when lab rats or humans eat it?
We have literally hundreds of studies showing that not just Monsanto's, but other major GMO companies corn.
That's the majority of corn we're now eating today in the United States has been linked to organ failure in lab animals.
The studies also show massive increases in sterility in rats and guinea pigs that are fed not just GMO corn, but GMO cottonseeds.
Studies in India, Germany, and the United States have conclusively shown that when they feed the cotton seeds left over from the cotton crop from these genetically modified varieties, that the cows are having miscarriages, they are having low birth weights, or in many cases, they're simply dying.
And what is in most processed foods?
Genetically modified cotton seed oil.
Major studies are also showing that genetically engineered crops are killing honeybees and monarch butterflies.
But they don't stop there.
Now they claim they're coming out with a genetically engineered mosquito that's malaria-proof that they're going to release into the open biosphere.
The very genetic code of the planet is being butchered in a hostile corporate takeover.
Many years ago, an executive from Monsanto was quoted in National Geographic as saying that that is their program.
That they want to basically have their crops and their organisms take over the entire biosphere of this planet.
And the major genetic engineer companies have focused mainly on eight major food crops.
Now they're expanding out into hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other plants.
Literally changing the genetic code of the planet.
This is a genetic dictatorship.
This is genetic vandalism.
And that's why the Rockefellers, the United Nations and others have built these giant armored seed vaults all over the world, not just at the Arctic Circle.
And they admit they're doing it in case all of this gets out of hand, that they'll have a type of Noah's Ark.
So all these fake environmental groups, they never complain about this.
They never talk about true environmental degradation.
They want to put a tax on carbon dioxide that humans exhale, that plants respirate from, and carry out photosynthesis with, as a way to shut down industrial society and control every facet of our lives.
That's the big secret.
This is a population reduction program.
It is an epidemic.
The sperm count has dropped in the Western world exponentially.
Even the government has been predicting within another generation almost everyone is going to be sterile.
This is the globalist religion.
This is their philosophy.
They want the planet for themselves.
The UN has said that their stated plan is an 80% population reduction.
You've heard Ted Turner call us useless eaters and feeders and say that 80% of us need to be killed.
You've heard Prince Philip say he wants to come back as a virus to kill the majority of the world population.
Dr. Eric Pianka, Peter Singer, it's all over the news where they tell us that we should only have one child because more than one is bad for the environment and that the recession is good for lowering our carbon footprint.
This is the big secret.
We live in a scientific dictatorship.
And the United States and England are the epicenter of this.
And it's expanding worldwide.
Remember all the secret testing.
All the secret sterilization that went on in the United States and Europe.
Remember what Hitler did.
He learned all of that from the eugenicists and the Rockefeller family in the United States.
This is a culture of death being pushed on you and your family.
And even if you think the world is overpopulated, you need to understand that you're being targeted by this as well.
Targeted by design.
Recombinant bovine growth hormone in your milk, making eight-year-old girls go into puberty.
And they should be going into puberty at 12 or 13.
Silicone in chicken McNuggets and hundreds and hundreds of other processed foods.
Aspartame, that is the feces of genetically engineered bacteria that has incredible health problems that have been proven.
It goes on and on.
Think for yourself.
ABC News.
This goes back four years ago.
Viral meat spray.
Advancing food safety.
They spray a live virus on the meat to supposedly kill the bacteria.
This is a live vaccine they spray on most of the meat you're consuming that you're buying from the store.
It gets even worse.
The petroleum distillates are toxic waste that's left over from petroleum refineries that refine oil into gasoline.
They take these tens of millions of pounds of toxic waste that's left over, the fluoride, the mercury, the lead, and they dump it on crops as supposed fertilizer.
And what do crops like tomatoes and corn and potatoes do?
They pull in all of those toxins out of the ground.
In fact, scientists for many years have used plants to actually detoxify areas that have been contaminated.
And those plants are pulling all of this up, and then you are eating it.
That's why the Washington Post reported in January of 2008 that a major study found that nearly a third of the 55 popular brand name foods and beverage products were filled with mercury.
Despite the fact that the people of Europe for over 20 years have fought off all the genetically modified wheat and corn and other crops being planted in their nation, now the EU is buckled and is accepting it.
The United States is literally a testing ground for all of this.
It's just automatically approved.
And the people that work for these corporations, they're compartmentalized.
They don't know what's going on.
The people that work at these stores, they have no idea what's happening.
This is affecting all of us.
This is hurting everyone.
Many different forms of cancer are growing by thousands of percentage points.
Diabetes, all these different diseases.
And in major studies, it's all been linked to the toxic additives that are in our food, our water.
And I haven't even had time to get into MSG.
I mean, I've interviewed brain surgeons, neurologists, scientists.
I mean, it just devastates the brain.
It's an excitotoxin.
It destroys the liver.
And it is in tens of thousands of products.
We can say no.
We can stand up.
But if you've got a neighbor giving fluoride water to their baby, please go over and warn them.
If you've got a neighbor that's sitting there eating MSG-filled chips, one after the other,
Warn them.
You've got a responsibility.
If you know people that are feeding processed foods filled with GMO, warn them.
And for God's sakes, don't give it to your own children.
If you want to kill yourself, that's your own business.
But don't hurt your children.
Don't do this, ladies and gentlemen.
In closing, I want to talk about some positive things.
Just 15 years ago or so, you couldn't find organic food anywhere on store shelves.
And now, about half of what you see is organic.
Just a few years ago, all the milk had the growth hormone in it.
Now, it's hard to find milk that has the growth hormone in it because the consumers have spoken and said no.
A few years ago, you couldn't find toothpaste that didn't have sodium fluoride in it.
Now, Toms of Maine is starting to take over the aisle space and displace the other mainline toothpaste makers where it says on the back, if you swallow this, call poison control immediately.
Even Colgate is now putting out fluoride-free toothpaste.
People are demanding that they not be poisoned and they're finding out about what's going on.
And so industry is starting to respond and at least give people who want a choice an option to not be forcibly medicated through the food and the water.
You know cigarettes are bad for you.
But just 20 years ago the cigarette makers were getting up before Congress and saying it was a conspiracy theory that it was killing people.
And then later it came out in their internal documents they knew it was deadly.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've seen the studies.
Much of what they're putting in our food and water is far worse than even cigarettes.
As bad as they are.
One of the biggest killers in this country.
This is a covert, soft kill operation.
We'll put a lot of links beneath this video so you can check out the facts for yourself.
And I'm just begging you to do your own research and find out that one of the most dangerous places in the world is your grocery store and the tap water in your house.
Alright, that's the special report from Alex Jones.
Look for that on Infowars.com as well as the Alex Jones channel on YouTube.
As well as the report that he had in the last hour about Charlie Sheen's 20 minutes with the President.
You need to see that report to understand what's going on with Homeland Security when you look at them collapsing the border and yet escalating the police state internally in the United States.
It's not mistakes being made.
It's not incompetence.
It's a deliberate plan.
And of course, as Alex Jones was talking there about GMO and food being your medicine, we're reminded that we have the government pushing back, defending the interests of these corporations that are
I think so.
A Supreme Court case not too long ago, we had a nine to nothing Supreme Court decision that essentially, I believe, went very much the wrong way.
Today we had another landmark Supreme Court decision about Hobby Lobby and whether or not they can force people to do things that are against their religion.
Of course, Hobby Lobby and this other company, this Conestoga Woodworks, a Mennonite company,
are very closely held companies are essentially individual businesses are not publicly traded corporations uh... but there's trying to tell people that they could not exercise their freedom of religion and what i find most interesting about the supreme court decision is the minority opinion that we see written by justice ginsburg she says that this decision is a startling breath that would allow corporations to opt out of any law they judge incompatible
with their sincerely held religious beliefs.
Well, why shouldn't we be the judges of what our sincerely held religious beliefs are?
Who's supposed to be the judge of that?
The Supreme Court?
We have the right to make our own decisions about what our religious beliefs are, and how we're going to exercise that.
Fortunately, in this case, they tried to shut down these two businesses, destroy them.
In the case of Hobby Lobby, because it was a large
Corporation, a large company that was closely held by a family, they put 1.3 million dollar a day fines against them.
They would have shut down that business.
These people stood up for their rights, fought all the way to the Supreme Court, won
Today, and that's a lesson for all of us.
We all need to stand up for our rights.
I'm just amazed at what the dissenting opinion said.
She went on to say that Congress enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to serve a far less radical purpose.
In other words, the First Amendment is too radical.
When the First Amendment says, Congress shall make no law, Justice Ginsburg and others believe, hey, we're going to make the laws and we're going to tell you what your religious beliefs are.
We're going to be right back after the break.
We have some interesting news out of Hong Kong and how that parallels American elections.
Right after the break, and we're going to have Dr. Stanley Monteith joining us to talk about health issues and what's happening at the border.
What that tells us about the New World Order's global plan.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for this hour.
We're going to be joined in the next segment with Dr. Stanley Monteith.
We're going to talk about a lot of issues, primarily about what's going on with the border, how that's part of a much larger plan for global domination.
We're also going to talk about some health issues, but before we get to that,
I wanted to cover what's going on in Hong Kong right now.
You know, just at the end of the last week, they had an election.
They had a referendum on democracy and mainland China was not very happy with that.
Now, to understand what's going on here, remember that Hong Kong was under British rule for a very long time.
It was a former colony of the British and when they turned them back to the Chinese, they did this.
With the understanding that it was going to be set up as what they call a SARS area, a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
They were going to have their own executive, legislative, and judiciary branches, and they were also going to have their elections.
That's what they were voting on.
Are they going to have free and open elections?
And I think it has an interesting parallel to what happens in America right now.
Now, the AP reported Beijing has pledged to allow Hong Kongers to elect their next leader, but, but they balked at letting them nominate their own candidates, saying that they need to be vetted by a Beijing-friendly committee.
Does that sound familiar?
That sounds familiar to me as somebody who's been watching the political landscape for a long time.
That's exactly the system we have here in America.
We have this
Overreaching governance here that is two parties that really are phony opposition.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
They really stand on the same side of most issues, including the collapse of the border, including the war on drugs, including the militarized industrial complex, the destruction of our civil liberties.
On issue after issue after issue, there's no difference between them.
Can we get a different candidate?
No, they've got to be vetted by the Republican Party and the Democrat Party, just like Beijing has to vet the candidates for people in Hong Kong.
They said that they're not going to let them nominate their own candidates, and they spoke back against it in a state-run paper in mainland China.
The Global Times newspaper said the idea that these people would be able to choose their own candidates was, quote,
Mincing ludicrous.
Mincing ludicrous.
I have a way of turning a phrase, I guess.
They also called it other things, like an illegal farce and they accused activists of sowing hatred.
Yeah, where have we heard that before?
They've done everything except call it...
Of course, those are always the way that they attack everything.
Beijing is only going to allow candidates who love China.
Look, if you can't choose who the candidates are, if they rig the system, and our system is every bit as rigged as the system that mainland China wants to put over on the Hong Kong people,
If you have to go through and do special ballot access as an independent candidate or as a third party that the main parties never have to do, that's a tremendous burden.
Then even if you clear that hurdle, you can't participate in the debates.
They even exclude people like Ron Paul and a two-term governor from the debates and the GOP.
Then you have the corruption that's associated with the election itself.
It's an incredibly corrupt system that we have in America.
A lot of people got a glimpse of the dark underbelly of our electoral system in the last cycle, when they saw how the Republican Party was rigging and controlling the elections, especially for those that were not outright primaries, but where they had caucuses, because it was much more difficult for them to pretend that the voters weren't voting a particular way.
That's the kind of corruption that we have in America.
Far more subtle, far more dangerous than just saying you're not going to do that in the public.
The Chinese are pretty upfront about it, but we have a much more dangerous group of people running this country.
We're going to talk to Dr. Stanley Monteith about them right after the break.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and I'm going to be joined in just a moment by Dr. Stanley Monteith.
Now, of course, he has a program, Radio Liberty.
You can find that at RadioLiberty.com.
He's written many books, one of them, Brotherhood of Darkness.
Dr. Monteith has been a practicing orthopedic surgeon in Santa Cruz for 35 years.
He led the fight against organized medicine in California to address the AIDS epidemic as a medical issue rather than a civil rights issue.
I think there's some parallels to what's going on at the border with that as well.
And he actually won.
His public health approach to the HIV epidemic was eventually accepted by the California Medical Association.
Dr. Monteith, thank you for joining us.
I wanted to talk to you about the big picture, because there's something happening here with the collapse of the border, with the consolidation with NAFTA essentially becoming a fact after it's been on the books for 20 years.
We heard General Petraeus last week say that, hey, you know, NAFTA has been on the books for 20 years, and what comes after America?
Well, that's simple.
North America.
Well, I think people have to be able to see things clearly.
And everything is done to keep us confused.
As you look and see what's going on in the world, there's confusion.
I mean, what's going on in the Middle East?
Why are all these conflicts over there?
And why are we financing this ISIS, I-S-I-S, you know, group, the Shia group on one side, maybe the Sunni group on one side, and we're funding the Shia group on the other.
In other words, we're funding both the Shia and the Sunni.
It doesn't make any sense.
And the same thing is, of course, we're funding the terrorists.
In Syria, the terrorists in Syria who are killing Christians.
Why would we be funding the terrorists who are killing Christians, raping the Christian women?
They've killed over 160, 170,000 civilians there in Syria and we're funding it.
How do you make any sense out of what's going on?
How do you make any sense out of what's going on as far as the border is concerned?
All these little children from all over South America and Central America
Suddenly deciding that on their own, a two-year-old, deciding on their own that they want to come to America so they can get an education.
Well, basically, there is a plan.
There is a master plan.
It's been around for thousands of years.
The plan is to bring about a one world government, a one world financial system, and a new one world religion.
That's the plan.
You can trace it all the way back to Nimrod.
If we had time, we'd go down to Prometheus, and Plato, and Socrates, and Aristotle, and certainly Alexander the Great, who died trying to bring about this one world government.
But right now, Chris, what we're doing is we're seeing this thing manifested, and people don't understand we talk about what our government is doing, and it is not our government.
Basically, we have two governments.
We have the government that we elect, you know, congressmen, senators,
We have our courts, we have our president, but we have the real government, and the real government controls both sides.
They control the Republicans, they control the Democrats, they rig elections.
You cannot get an honest election in America with an electronic voting machine, because any one of them can be rigged.
And you never know, the only way you can get an honest election is with paper ballots, because you never know whether these elections are rigged or not.
When we go to the polls every four years, we vote for the candidate of their choice, and we're in the best we are today.
But what people must understand is that this is a very, very small group.
There's not very many of them.
But they have their people placed in the military, and you will never find, for instance, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is either not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, or is supposed to be affiliated with them and talking to them.
And you can go up on your Google account and Google in, you know, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Council on Foreign Relations.
You'll find the relationship.
They control the six major banks.
The six major banks control 67% of all the finances in the United States.
That's JPMorgan Chase.
Morgan Family, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, they control 67% of all the financial assets and they all tie into the Council on Formulation, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and of course, because they control the wealth, they control the major corporations, and most of the major, 100 major corporations.
They buy and sell our judges, and if you don't take the one minute,
Dr. Monteith, just before you came on, we were talking about the trial balloon that the central banks have floated, and this is an organization that represents the central banks.
They were talking about how we're getting into a dangerous bubble.
I think what they're doing is they're floating out there a trial balloon that we're going to have some kind of an implosion which very easily they could be the pin that bursts the balloon that they're complaining about and we've seen that as a technique many times haven't we?
Yes and I think you know of course I'm not an economist but I do know some very very smart people and the people that I really put my confidence in and these smart people are saying that
Probably something serious is going to happen either later this year or early in 2015.
Now, I'm not making things that are going to happen, but these people are a lot smarter than I am and they really are saying, get out of the market, get to things in this serious financial situation because this whole financial house of cards is going to come down.
I think the most important thing for people to understand
is that these people who control our government are using the financial and military power of the United States to bring about a world government.
And that is why we have 800 to 1,000 military bases throughout the world.
Does anybody in their right mind honestly believe that we need 800 to 1,000 foreign military bases to protect the United States?
This is why we have our troops stationed in 130 nations.
Does anybody in their right mind believe we should need troops in 130 nations to protect the United States?
Or an embassy in Baghdad with over 10,000 people in it to protect the United States?
That's right.
We have our troops permanently stationed in Germany, 45,000 troops.
35,000 troops permanently stationed in Japan.
25,000 troops permanently stationed in South Korea, about 10,000 or 11,000 permanently stationed in England, Germany, Finland, and Italy.
Basically, we occupy the world, and until people understand this, we're not defending America.
We are pushing this globalist dream.
But behind this are powerful spiritual forces, and that's what most people
I don't want to talk about these things unless they do not understand that this is an age-old program.
It's been around for several thousand years.
It's coming to a climax right now.
We look and see things unfolding before our eyes, and we think this is what's happening.
This is simply a manifestation of this age-old plan, and we're moving rapidly towards what I think is going to be the destruction of America.
The destruction of civilization, you know.
The First World War, they killed 22 million.
Second World War, they killed 60 to 70 million.
And they're planning on a Third World War.
We know what they're planning.
And I believe hundreds of millions, if not more, are going to die.
Yes, absolutely.
You know what you're talking about in terms of arming both sides, feeding all this revolution.
We just found out last week, at the end of the week, that Obama said he was going to send half a billion dollars to ISIS.
Today we see ISIS is crucifying eight anti-Assad fighters in Syria.
So here they are
They're supposedly opposed to Assad and yet they're crucifying anti-Assad fighters and then this is the same group who's crucifying these other rebels that Obama is going to send half a billion dollars that he announced.
Who knows how much money they've given these people covertly.
But that just goes to show that the real goal is continued warfare, continued chaos, continually taking everything down so they can destroy everything, so they can rebuild it as a one world government, doesn't it?
You're absolutely right, and they know that the only way that they're going to get the people of the world to go along with this is to have some terrible, horrible disaster.
And I really believe it's coming, whether it's coming this year, or next year, or the year after that.
I'm not going to give you a date, but I'm... I think there's going to be a major economic collapse here very soon.
And when World War III comes, I do not know, but I know they're planning on it.
And with it, we're talking about not, you know, 50 or 100 million, but hundreds of millions of people are going to die.
People say, we can't expect it, but I really believe everything points to we're going to have a major nuclear war.
And if you just simply look at what's going on over there,
In the Middle East.
I mean, you've got China.
It certainly has nuclear weapons.
And Russia has nuclear weapons.
Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
I believe Iran has nuclear weapons.
I believe that Saudi Arabia has access to nuclear weapons.
They don't already have them.
Israel has nuclear weapons.
And the average individual really doesn't.
Well, Dr. Monteith, I think it's very clear that the Obama administration and the people of the Pentagon are really trying to bring back the Cold War when we look at what's going on in Ukraine.
We're going to be right back with Dr. Stanley Monteith.
We're taking a look at what's happening not only at the border but worldwide from a 50,000 foot view.
What's really behind all of this?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and I have with me on the phone Dr. Stanley Monteith of RadioLiberty.com.
Dr. Monteith is a physician and someone who deeply cares about liberty, who also understands what the big picture is, as we see the massive contradictions and hypocrisy at what is being done at the border versus what's being done to Americans within the country.
As we talked about yesterday on the show, as you see Texas towns losing, going bankrupt essentially, and losing their security, we see that the federal government is doing nothing about that.
They're not sending any aid to those towns.
Instead, what they're doing is they're sending half a billion dollars to ISIS.
And to Syrian rebels.
We see that Obama is sending the CIA to the UK to probe the terrorist breeding grounds there, and yet the borders are completely open.
At the same time, they talk about the dignity of children and people who are crossing the border.
They offer us in the United States, within our borders, at our airports, at our bus stations, train stations, on our highways, they offer us no dignity.
Instead, we get the TSA pat down.
This is all being done by the same organization, Homeland Security, has control of internal security, is federalizing the police at the same time that they stand down at the border.
Dr. Monteith, do you think this kind of contradiction, this kind of hypocrisy has a chance of waking people up?
Well, I think people have to be able to see things clearly.
I mean, so much that goes on doesn't make any sense.
Why would we be allowing all these children coming across the border, and then once they cross the border, instead of sending them back again, we're looking for places to send them where they can be looked after until they can be put into homes.
Why would we be doing that?
Because the major agenda of the subversive group that controls our government.
And basically nobody wants to say this.
There's a subversive group that controls our government with an intent that America
We're good to go.
It is part of this subversive plan to bring about a world government, a United States of Europe, a United States of North America, a United States of Central America, a United States of South America.
But the average American, the average American just wants to live and be allowed to live.
He doesn't understand this subversive move.
They kill people, they have their assassins, and I know anybody who has any questions,
I have a 4 CD set just for my ministry.
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Frankly, interviewers can actually hear my interviews with government assassins.
Well, you're talking about government assassins.
We just had an article that came out yesterday in the New York Times where they're talking about these Blackwater mercenaries in Iraq threatening State Department investigators and saying, this is Iraq.
I can kill you if I want to.
And nobody can or will do anything about it.
And when the investigator went to the embassy staff there, they said they backed up Blackwater.
These are mercenaries who are being paid billions of dollars and told that they can kill anybody that they wish, including State Department investigators.
And shortly after that, they killed 17 Iraq civilians in a city square.
Yeah, but people ignore the fact that they killed people.
Here, this is a 4-CD set.
You can actually hear my interview with two government assassins.
One of them had to actually track down the assassin.
We're talking about people being killed in America.
This is not imaginary.
And anybody who'd like to get that 4CD set, they put a plug in.
The 4CD set does the assassin.
This is what's really going on today.
And the fact that most people don't want to think about this,
We just want to be left alone.
Let us live our lives.
I mean, we have the most wonderful society in the world.
I mean, where else in the world would 148 million people be getting some sort of a government check from one store to another, when there's only a little over 300 million people?
People don't understand.
This is all coming to a very, very rapid end.
It's all part of a plan laid out by
Hang on right there, Dr. Monteith.
We've got to come up to a break.
We're going to talk about Cloward and Piven and we're going to talk about Obama's FEMA Corps.
What's happening?
Why are they bringing so many children in?
There's a reason for that as well, I believe.
We'll be right back with Dr. Stanley Monteith.
Stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I have Dr. Stanley Monteith on the line.
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We know that this is part of the larger plan.
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Moulin Labe.
Dr. Monteith, we were just talking before the break.
You had just brought up Cloward and Pivot.
Of course, the 1960s
Social scientists who essentially came up with a plan to accelerate the economic collapse of the country through a rapidly expanding welfare system.
Doing it through the Democrat Party, they suggested, and as always, and this is always a plan, that we saw this in the movie The Last Captain America, where you've got the villain coming out and saying we have to destroy the society before we can rebuild it the way we want it to be, and that is the design of all of these
That's exactly what is intended.
And of course the logical thing is,
If you're going to have this welfare state, why do you want to raise taxes?
Well, they're not raising the taxes.
In fact, half the people in America don't pay any taxes, and the other half say they pay taxes.
But basically, we're going behind at least a trillion dollars a year.
Basically, over the last ten years, when George W. Bush became president, and that was in 2000,
Let's see, we actually, it was 5.7 trillion, today it's 17 trillion.
Basically, this thing is just completely out of control.
We're going behind a trillion dollars a year, and that's what they'll admit to.
And one of these days, this whole thing is going to collapse because other countries are going to back away from the American dollar.
And I really do believe that this is exactly
What is planned?
When it's going to happen, I can't tell you.
I'm amazed that they've been able to keep it going as long as they can.
But increasingly, other countries do not want to actually utilize the American dollar in trade.
And they're turning to other possible currencies, the Chinese currency, a combination of Russian and Chinese currency.
What it's going to be, I don't know.
But with it, it's going to be the destruction of the value.
Probably a 30 to 50 percent of the value of our currency and the impoverishment of our people.
And I think we're going to see suddenly much lower living standards.
I really don't think we're going to see increasing state of violence and unrest in this country.
And in one manner or another, I do really believe they're going to create social unrest and violence.
And I really fear this.
And we're bringing all these young children in.
Because it appeals to me that who can be against children?
Who can be against helping women with little Dutch two-year-old children who want a better life?
If we don't stop the invasion of our country, this country is going to be destroyed.
And the thing is...
Dr. Monteith, it was just this weekend that Nancy Pelosi said, I just wish I could take all these children home with me.
Well, there's a reason that she can't take them home with her.
She couldn't take care of all those children.
And we can't take care of all the world's poor children.
Collapsing the border is going to collapse our country.
And she knows that.
She knows that she can't take them home and care for them individually.
She doesn't have the financial resources.
And she knows that our country doesn't have the financial resources to care for everybody as well.
There's many things that can be done to help these children.
Many of the problems that they have are problems that we have created with our war on drugs.
But so many people
Especially Christians will look at this and say, well, I think we just ought to help all these children, not looking at what the bigger picture is.
You're talking about not knowing when this is going to happen.
I don't know if you're familiar with the works of Strauss and Howe, the fourth turning.
They had predicted ten years before the
Bankers bubble burst back in 2007-2008.
They had written a book back in 1998.
They said, we don't know exactly what form it's going to take, but there's going to be some kind of a major economic downturn in about 10 years.
And it did, in fact, happen in about 10 years.
They've looked at history going all the way back to the mid-1400s and saying, this is a repeating cycle.
About every year, every 80 years, there's a major
Turning in society that's based on generations coming of age.
And when that happens, we have things like the Great Depression, World War II, 80 years prior to that, the Civil War, 80 years prior to that, the Revolutionary War.
They're looking at something happening about 2020, 2025, and I think it's very telling
That all of these projections that you see coming from the government, they're all about that time.
And when I looked at this article that came up yesterday about Fairfax County kindergarten classes, that 40% of those children couldn't speak English.
And they started talking about it, about the class of 2026.
I think it's very telling that they're bringing in a lot of children that don't have any cultural connection to America, don't have any background, and trying to separate them from their families so they can be raised by the state.
And it's very hard to get to those young children that are being educated by the state
Well, I think it's happening much sooner than that.
I think if you talk to the young people who are graduating from high school today, they have no loyalty to America.
They have no loyalty to God.
They're globalists.
People do not understand the purpose of our education.
It is to destroy the belief in America of our youth.
And they don't understand freedom.
They honestly believe that we need an all-powerful state to provide for the people who want to be wonderful.
So I think that this is going on right now.
I don't think we have to worry about the future.
I think it's going on today.
An increasing number of young people today are now atheists.
Thanks to our schools, and a speech number of people, young people, our globalists, thanks to our schools.
You had mentioned earlier this has been a plan going back to Babylonian times.
We've seen it written in detail, as you mentioned, in Plato's Republic where he said he wanted children to be raised by the state.
Even taking it to the extreme of saying that he didn't want any children in his ideal republic to even know who their parents were.
So they had no loyalty to anything.
Other than the state.
It's always been the dream of dictators to educate children, to keep them under their control.
We've heard so many times from so many different, it's been attributed to so many different dictators, to Hitler, to Stalin, but they all know that if you get a child very early in life and you train them, they're yours for life.
And of course that's what the Hitler Youth were about.
I believe that's what Obama's FEMA Corps is about, his Youth Corps.
They're always looking for ways to get their hooks into children.
And what better way to do this than to bring in a massive amount of children from another country, without connections to the culture that's here, without connections to a family, even speaking another language.
I think that's a key part of what's going on right now with this collapse of the border.
They're doing it also with the English-speaking children.
And basically, the parents don't have any idea because they don't have a chance to talk to their children about how they really feel or how they really believe.
I think it's a vital aspect that we can talk about the historical aspect of this.
In fact, in preparation for the talk today, I've actually gone back and read some of the newsletters I wrote
April, May, and June of 2000.
April, May, and June of 2000.
We're talking about, what, 14 years ago.
But going back into the whole idea of Plato, people must understand that Plato was part and parcel of this, just as his predecessor, Socrates, and his predecessor, the Pythagoras, were all part and parcel of this move to bring about a one world government under a ruling leader.
Plato said it exactly right in his book The Republic.
Democracy doesn't work.
Democracy doesn't work.
And basically that's why he wanted a one ruler.
He wanted an ideal ruler who was going to rule the world.
That has always been the plan.
That was the plan of Socrates.
It was the plan of Plato.
It was the plan of Aristotle.
And that's the course that Alexander the Great was.
Alexander was the
Um, Aristotle, Newton, and Alexander, uh, you know, died trying to rule the world.
And that is exactly what's going on today.
It's exactly the same movement as the push.
They want a small little group of people to rule the entire world, but now we have such a massive population.
They are actively going to have to kill off the vast majority of the people in the world today.
And the average individual says, well, that could never happen.
And I will tell you, it not only could happen, it is happening.
We can get into the background of the electromagnetic field.
We can get into the background of what they're doing as far as our food is concerned.
We can get into the background of what they're doing as far as the use of medication is concerned.
But basically, we are moving towards a major third world war where I honestly believe that hundreds of millions of people are going to die.
The outlook is very, very grim.
And yet the average American just wants to be left alone.
Unfortunately, they're not going to leave the average American alone.
And people are going to have to get involved and start talking and start preparing, at least for themselves and their friends, for the very, very difficult times that are coming.
And they're coming very, very soon.
We're not talking about 20 years from now.
I think we're talking about a matter of months or a few years at least.
Yes, they certainly are accelerating it.
I think that's really what's going on with this collapse at the border.
And people need to understand that if we go back and we look at Rex 84, we look at Operation Garden Plot, the conditions that they had laid down for martial law are exactly the kinds of conditions that they themselves, the government, are creating right now at the border.
I think that's a very frightening prospect, as well as the idea that they could do a false flag pandemic, not even really a false flag, they could essentially bring that in.
We see that diseases are coming across the border.
We see that border patrol agents are testing positive for many of the diseases that the illegal aliens are bringing across.
And as we talked to border patrol agents, they were telling us they had contacted the Center for Disease Control, and the Center for Disease Control
Was not interested at all.
Does that surprise you, Dr. Monteith?
No, no.
Disease control is part and parcel of the problem.
I fought that for almost a decade.
With the AIDS epidemic, they did everything they could to block the use of standard and effective public health measures to stop the epidemic.
So far now, it's killed well over 600,000 people in America.
Infected another million and a half.
It killed millions throughout the world, and it was all unnecessary.
In fact, I wrote a book called AIDS, the Unnecessary Epidemic.
It was an unnecessary epidemic then.
It is an unnecessary epidemic today.
But we can thank the doctors who compromised their principles in the Centers for Disease Control for the loss of over 600,000 lives in America.
And they turn a blind eye to it for political reasons in the same way that they're turning a blind eye to that additional risk when they open up the borders for political reasons.
Well, I think it's so tragic, but the thing is that this is a subversive act.
And nobody wants to say that we have a subversive element that controls our government.
I mean, this is not happening by accident.
These people are not stupid.
They know exactly what they're doing.
But the thing is that nobody will have the courage to stand up and say, this is criminal activity.
It's criminal activity to bring these people into this country.
It's criminal activity to block the border, to control people from doing what's logical.
And basically, so much of it was criminal activity.
Do you realize we have over 11 million people on disability today?
There is no place in our Constitution where the federal government is defined to provide for people who have a disability.
And this is all designed intentionally to bankrupt our nation.
And believe me, we are going to be going bankrupt very, very soon.
And with that, the average person listening to this program, if they have money invested in stocks or in bonds,
Or in annuities, or in pensions, or anything else outside of the dollar, they're going to lose a significant part of everything they've worked their life for.
And the average individual has no idea what's going to happen.
And when it does happen, I really fear there's going to be distress, there's going to be violence, there's going to be a riot in our streets.
Yeah, you know, they talk constantly about how fragile our infrastructure is.
Susceptible to electromagnetic pulses, to terrorist attacks, to any kind of disruption because we have a just-in-time delivery service.
And yet people don't realize, most of them, just how fragile our economic system is.
Because it really kind of hangs on the petrodollar.
That's one of the reasons why we've been able to run up this astronomical deficit of 17 trillion dollars.
No one can even fathom how large that is and one way they've been able to do it is to have this petrodollar and yet look at what the government right now is doing.
They're trying to, they're engaging the Russians, they're
They're engaging the Chinese, they're trying to pick a fight, start another Cold War, and everything that they're doing is causing them to consider backing away from the petrodollar.
And once they do that, you're going to see very rapid economic collapse, just as you will with a massive influx of dependents coming through the border.
We're going to be right back with Dr. Stanley Monteith.
We're going to continue to talk about what's going on from the
50,000 foot level?
What is this all about?
Well of course it's about consolidating the governments into regional areas, destroying local sovereignty so that they can then consolidate that into a global government.
It's about creating economic collapse and continuous war.
We're going to be right back with Dr. Stanley Monti.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and I have Dr. Stanley Monteith of RadioLiberty.com on the phone with us.
Now, we've been informed that Obama has a speech on immigration that's pending very shortly.
I'm sure he's going to solve everything with some new executive orders, so we're just hanging on what our dear leader is going to tell us.
We won't be able to cover that here.
You can get an update on that tonight on the nightly news.
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And, of course, the nightly news will be tonight at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Now, Dr. Monteith, we were talking about a lot of bad news.
You were laying out to everybody what's been going on for a very long time, trying to move towards global government.
Let's talk about something positive.
You know, we're all Christians.
We know that God rules.
We've read the back of the book.
We know who wins in the long term.
What can we do in the short term to protect our families, to protect our country?
I think so.
I think so.
Well, the geopolitical structure would be lining up just as it is today.
Talk of Gog, Macog, I mean, once you begin to understand what these countries are, you begin to see them all fitting into place today.
And we know there's going to be, first of all, a war coming before the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war.
There's going to be a war that will precede that one, and I think that's what we're seeing unfolding today.
And what a pretty gratifying thing it is to know that God's predictions are coming to pass.
Either the Bible is accurate and prophecy is accurate, or it's not.
There's no halfway in between.
And the longer I live, the more I watch what's going on, the more convinced I am that God has ruled in the affairs of men, that we are actually seeing the fulfillment of those age-old prophecies.
Sometimes it's a little hard to actually hit this country and that country.
But as the events unfold, I think you're going to see that God knew exactly what was going to happen 30,000 years ago.
Can we delay this?
Our job is to do our best.
Our job is to reach as many people as we can in this time that's allotted to us.
And I just hope and pray that what I do and what the
What people who listen to this program do will honor God and bring them closer.
The only hope we have for ourselves and our families is the realization that God does rule.
I agree.
And I think that if we look at biblical prophecies and our takeaway is that we want to sit back passively and wait for it to happen or we get excited about the fact that, oh look, things are lining up and I'm going to get raptured out of here.
You know, a lot of people said that
When Hitler came to power and kind of passively sat back, I'm reminded of what Martin Luther said.
He said, if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today.
Thank you very much, Dr. Stanley Monteith.
That's it for the Alex Jones Show today.
Join us for the nightly news tonight at 7 p.m.
Central, 8 p.m.
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