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Filename: 20140307_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 7, 2014
2498 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex on this Friday, March 7th, 2014.
We've got an important, interesting show today.
You're not going to want to miss this.
We have an extended documentary-style interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
First time ever aired anywhere.
I haven't even seen it.
But I'm anxious to see, because they're talking about things like the attack on the Second Amendment.
Where's this going to lead?
The rise of the Libertarian movement.
And Alex shows Tucker Carlson something that he said he hadn't seen before.
Building 7 falling down on its own, free fall.
So there'll be interesting comments about that.
We've also got a story here that was about, if you remember, Alex, when he was talking to Tucker Carlson in studio,
In the context, they were talking about how the Democrat Party is using race-baiting, trying to divide one group against another, and how they've done this for a very long time, and to their advantage.
And Alex pointed out that this is a strategy that the Democrats have used for quite some time.
When it was to their advantage, they allied themselves with the Ku Klux Klan.
Then, when it looked like things were going the other way, they abruptly did a 180.
And he was scoffed at and ridiculed by MSNBC and the Young Turks.
Well, we've got a special report that's coming up in the bottom of the hour, and we're going to break that down for you.
We don't make those kinds of statements.
We don't talk about things that we can't prove, that we don't have documentation for.
That's not what InfoWars does.
And information is going to back that up and that's going to be reported at the bottom of the news hour.
But we've got a lot of breaking news that's coming out.
We've got a couple of articles here that are on the Drudge Report today.
One of them, a surcharge is now appearing on restaurant bills across the country.
That's an InfoWars store from Adon Salazar.
You know, people who have small businesses are already in a very dire strait.
They can't just absorb these costs endlessly without going out of business.
And so we see that they're already incurring costs associated with this.
Of course, if you're a large corporate donor,
Or a special interest group that's allied with Obama, he's going to give you a pass.
And now we see that even individual mandates are being talked about giving a pass on this.
Let's extend this past the deadline of the election.
In other words, he knows how harmful this is.
He knows how it's destroying businesses, large and small, but especially the small businesses.
So for his friends and allies, or for voters, let's just kick this can down the road.
Let's not let people see the pain of this until after the next election.
Because if they really understand what's going on, you're going to see a major sea change.
And I think you're already seeing that.
A poll this week showed that only 14% of the people supported Obamacare, thought that it was a good thing.
And what's up with those 14%?
I mean, don't they understand how this is impacting their wages?
Don't they understand how it's making it difficult for them to get jobs?
People are cutting back the number of employees they have.
They're cutting them down to very low hours, less than full time, so they don't have to buy these Cadillac insurance plans.
And of course, there's just a news article today that said that only 10% of the uninsured have picked up on Obamacare.
Why is that?
Well, it's because they can't afford it.
The Affordable Care Act is not affordable.
Just like the Patriot Act from George Bush was not patriotic.
They always give it a title of exactly the opposite of what it is.
You can't afford to buy a health insurance plan that, if you're a single man, requires you to have, gives you maternity coverage, gives you coverage for children that you don't have.
You don't need that kind of coverage.
That kind of stuff is mandated all over the place for Obamacare.
That's why people are saying their rates go up by a factor of two, by a factor of three, by a factor of five.
Because they've got things in there that people don't want.
They're mandates.
They're not just mandating that you have insurance, but they're mandating that you buy Cadillac policies that you can't afford.
That's why it's unaffordable.
That's why only 10% of the uninsured have even bothered to
Get new insurance under this.
And it's why he's giving exemptions to different people.
But we see that restaurants are pulling that in.
We've also got an article up on the Drudge Report.
Missouri teachers object to being shot during drills.
We're going to be right back with that breaking news.
We talked about that yesterday.
And we're going to have this new, set-down style documentary interview between Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.
You won't want to miss that.
Stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
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Listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Friday, March 7, 2014.
We have a great show, even though Alex is not here.
In the second hour, we're going to have an interview that's never been aired before between Alex and the founder of the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson.
Now, I'm sure that you've seen him often on a lot of major network shows.
It's an explosive interview.
I haven't even seen it.
So let me read you this description here that Josh Owens, who cut this up, gave me.
He says, this explosive interview covers a multitude of topics.
Things like the importance of the Second Amendment, the dictatorial moves of Obama, the rise of the Tea Party, the rise of Libertarians, and then the interview jumps headfirst into a hard-hitting crash course in the lies surrounding the September 11th attacks, covering everything from eyewitness accounts to the stand-down of NORAD and a bevy of alarming evidence surrounding the collapse of Building 7.
So you'll want to see this back-and-forth exchange.
It's pretty interesting.
And we're going to have that in the second hour.
And when Tucker Carlson was in studio, he and Alex were talking about how the Democrats have been essentially, you know, everything that works in the political environment works by breaking people down into two parties, right?
You have to be either Democrat or Republican.
You have to be either white or black.
They love to divide and conquer the populace.
And they were talking about it in that context.
They were talking about how the Democrats
I don't know.
Well, you know what?
We've got a documentary report about that coming at the bottom of this hour from John Bowne, and we're going to talk about that, break down the evidence, so we don't just make wild, crazy claims.
There's a reason for what we said.
I grew up in the Deep South.
I grew up in Florida.
There was only one political party there, the Democrats.
The Ku Klux Klan was pretty strong in the Democrats.
Look at Robert Byrd out of West Virginia.
We've got Supreme Court Justices like Hugo Black who was associated with him.
There's even associations with Harry Truman.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
You've got Democrat congressmen saying, you know, once you're a Klan, once you're a Ku Klux, you're always a Ku Klux.
I mean, there's a lot of evidence there.
It's not being made up.
It's actually a fact.
We've got that broken down in a report by John Bowne at the bottom of the hour, so you're going to want to catch that.
Now, there's a lot of breaking news.
We had a story yesterday that was picked up on Drudge Report about the Obamacare.
Surcharges being put on by a lot of restaurants across the country.
You know, only 14% of the people think that Obamacare is a good thing.
Now obviously those 14% of the people don't understand how it's affecting employment.
They don't understand how people are getting part-time jobs because the employers can't afford to put them on these Cadillac insurance policies.
And they're not even part-time in the sense that we thought of part-time.
Obama redefined a full-time job as being 30 hours, not 40 hours.
So they're having to cut people's hours down to, say, maybe 20 hours a week.
So if you're a working poor person, you've got to get multiple jobs just to get enough money to survive.
That makes it very difficult.
You've got to juggle schedules between different employers.
Maybe you can do that, maybe you can't.
But evidently, these 14% of the people don't understand or don't care about that.
Maybe they don't understand that employers can't afford to just swallow those costs.
Now what you're seeing is, and maybe they'll understand this, when they see a surcharge on their pizza bill, and they see that that's from the Affordable Care Act, is making their pizza less affordable.
Maybe that will get their attention.
In this story from Don Salazar that was up yesterday, he points out that a pizza shop in Denver is adding a 5% charge to customers' bills in order to pay for half
Half of the healthcare costs of their employees, both full and part-time.
5% surcharge to just pay for half of the Affordable Care Act.
There's another restaurant chain in Florida adding a 1% surcharge right now to customers' bills.
Now this is even before it's gone into effect, but they're pointing out that they still have costs of compliance and they're trying to get this, they're breaking this out separately.
People are complaining about that, but you know, we see that happen all the time with public utility companies.
They're constantly breaking out.
When you look at your bill, there's a lot of breakouts for additional surcharges that get mandated by the government.
And of course, the Supreme Court said that Obamacare was a tax.
It's a valid thing to break that out, just like it's a valid thing to break out a sales tax.
Now, there's been a lot of news about Bitcoin.
We've had a Bitcoin conference here in Austin.
And we've had Stefan Molyneux as well as Ben Swan who were at the conference.
They were in studio the last couple of days.
We've had very interesting interviews with them.
Alex talked to them here on the radio show.
We had interviews with them on the Nightly News and we aired the one from Stefan Molyneux last night on the Nightly News.
We will be airing the one with Ben Swan later.
But now there's some interesting news.
Bitcoin has been in the news a lot, of course.
With Mt.
Gox, the largest exchange, declaring bankruptcy, a lot of people are questioning it.
And then this week, it kind of doubled down.
We had a couple more exchanges go out of business.
We had Flexcoin that lost $620,000 and they shut their doors.
We had Poloniex that lost another 12% of their users' coins.
And now we've got some news about the creator of Bitcoin.
But before I go to that, let me backtrack here just a little bit and talk about Flexcoin and Poloniex, because this is one of the comments that both Stefan Molyneux and Ben Swan had.
They were saying that it's a good thing when bad actors like Mt.
Gox or people who don't handle the money well go out of business.
We don't see that.
In the fiat banking system, the Federal Reserve, we have banks that are too large to fail.
They're not allowed to fail.
Instead, they just keep going and going and going, these zombie banks, and they're bailed out by the public.
That's not a good thing.
In a free market, you're going to have failures.
In a free market, people are going to lose money.
It's a caveat emptor type of thing.
And I agree with that.
I think that is a good thing to a degree.
But I think for Bitcoin to move forward,
They've got a lot of trust to build.
See, there's FDIC insurance that makes people feel good about putting their money in the bank, and of course we've already seen that banks are starting to arbitrarily say, I'm sorry you can't withdraw that amount of money.
We're going to put a limit on you.
You can't take out all of your money at once.
Now these are demand deposits.
That's why we call them demand deposits.
You should be able to get your money out right away, but we've seen some of the bigger banks start to enact
What we believe is the beginning of currency control.
So there's a lot of risk with that.
But in general, people have felt safe because they've had FDIC insurance.
There is no insurance in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin has a lot of the benefits as well as the risks of cash.
You've got the anonymity, and we all like that.
You've got the transportability.
You can hold it yourself, essentially, if you don't put it in these exchanges that seem to be a bit dodgy.
But then you don't have any insurance.
So what they've got before them, if they want to keep this cryptocurrency going, and I hope they do, because one of the reasons that we like Stefan Milano and Ben Swan like this, I like it because the idea of it, because we want to see an alternative currency that can be
Independent and apart from the manipulations of the central banks.
And we want to see something that's going to protect people's privacy.
So if we want to see this succeed, what these different Bitcoin people are going to have to do is they're going to have to educate the public.
And even though they can't insure these Bitcoins, they're going to have to usher us that they're safe.
That there's some way that they have of tracking this.
What happened with both Flexcoin and Polonex is
Not a failure of Bitcoin per se, just like Mt.
Gox was not necessarily a failure of Bitcoin.
A lot of people are pointing, I don't know the details of that, but in this article what they pointed out with Flexcoin, for example, was that someone successfully exploited a flaw in the code that would allow transfers between Flexcoin users.
See, that's a very different thing than a fundamental flaw in Bitcoin architecture.
So, what they did was they looked at what was happening within FlexCoin, where people were transferring money back and forth to themselves, and they started moving coins back and forth, exploiting this flaw.
Similar thing happened with Polonex.
The hacker discovered that if they placed several withdrawals, all in practically the same instant, that they would get processed more or less at the same time, even though they would get a negative balance, the Polonex
Withdrawal Demon was not looking at that negative balance and so they were able to pull out a lot of coins using that exploit.
So that's something you always have to worry about.
You always have to worry about as well the fact that it's got a small market cap.
When we look at what the government and the central banks have done to manipulate the price of gold, for example, we know that they're manipulating the price of gold.
We know that the Hunt brothers manipulated the price of silver, tried to corner that market.
We know that George Soros essentially broke the Bank of England.
So, it's such a small market cap that you could have one rogue billionaire, like a George Soros, that could play games with the value of Bitcoin.
We also know
That we've got an agency like the NSA that loves to break codes.
They live for that.
They're very, very good at it.
And as William Binney said when I was talking to him about secure email, about Bitcoin, he said, there's no code that we can't break.
It's just a matter of time.
And of course, people will respond to their code breaking with other codes.
So as he pointed out, it's a back and forth game, but it's constantly evolving.
There isn't any code that they can't break.
And so now with the story that we have today,
We see that the alleged Bitcoin founder, his name is Satoshi Nakamoto...
Did classified work for the US military?
So this raises some interesting questions.
He said when he was caught by Newsweek, he said, I'm no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it.
It's been turned over to other people.
They're now in charge of it and I no longer have any connection.
But then later, he said, told the Associated Press, it sounded like I was involved before Bitcoin and looks like I'm not involved now.
That's not what I meant.
I want to clarify that.
Well, he didn't really clarify it, but his brother,
Said that, said of him, my brother is an a-hole.
What you don't know about him is that he's working on classified stuff.
His life was a complete blank for a while.
You're not going to be able to get to him.
He'll deny everything.
He'll never admit to starting Bitcoin.
And he did classified work for major corporations and the U.S.
military, according to this report from Newsweek.
And so the question that some people are asking is, is he working for the government?
Did they create Bitcoin as some kind of a backdoor way to grab people, to try to push people to a digital currency?
I don't know.
What I do know is that DARPA started the Internet.
And even though DARPA started the Internet, we can take it in our own direction.
And it's a constant fight.
Just like William Binney said, you're never there.
You constantly have to fight for your freedom.
You constantly have to fight the information war.
We'll be right back with more breaking news.
Stay tuned.
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That's right, stand up for your rights.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex Jones at the Alex Jones Show.
And we're going to have Alex in the second hour with a set down interview with Tucker Carlson that we filmed earlier.
This is a first time, never before seen, I haven't even seen it.
And it's going to be between Alex Jones and the founder of the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson.
And they're going to cover a wide variety of political and liberty issues, so don't miss that.
Coming up in the next segment, we're going to have John Bowne's special report about Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan.
As part of Alex and Tucker Carlson's initial interview here in the studio,
The subject of how the Democrats race bait and subdivide the population into competing groups came up.
And so Alex pointed out that the Democrats have had a very, very long association with the Ku Klux Klan.
And of course, mainstream media could not believe that.
Came up and ridiculed that.
Oh, really?
Well, you know what?
John just came in and told me, he said, there are so many connections.
He didn't have time for all of them in the 10-minute report.
But it's a great report.
So you're going to want to see that.
That's going to be in the next hour.
Listen to that if you're listening on the radio.
It's a good radio report.
We're going to have that in the next segment, but let's take a look at some of the news today.
We've got Russia reportedly halting all exports to the U.S.
of Russian-made ammunition.
Now, this is a big deal because, remember, as we had the ammunition shortages because the massive purchases of Homeland Security and other government agencies, we had massive shortages.
That was alleviated somewhat.
By the importation of Russian arms and now because of the new buildup in the Cold War, this tension as Obama's threatening to put embargoes against Russia.
Russia says, I see your bluff and I'm going to raise the ante in the poker game and so it just keeps getting worse and worse.
Now we see that this is another aspect.
As they're pointing out, this one person reported and said, the largest wholesale gun and ammo distributors in the U.S.
have informed us in a private conversation today that a massive scramble is on for all 7.62 as Russia has reportedly halted all exports to the U.S.
of Russian-made ammunition.
And they say that just in the last 10 hours, they sold out of every last round they had.
Now, that report is up on Infowars.com from Max Slavo.
And we also have Obama, if you remember yesterday, he put an embargo on critics.
So he's going to not only stop the flow of goods to Russia, he thinks, but he's also going to stop any criticisms from flowing into the United States, or at least the critics from coming into the United States.
Isn't that amazing?
Isn't that amazing that he's got his pen and he's just going to, by edict, say that if you disagree with his characterization of a foreign conflict, you're not going to be allowed in the United States?
Why is Obama taking it so personally?
This is something that's happening in a foreign country.
Can't people have an opinion about that?
I mean, we're supposed to have free speech, free thought here in the United States, but the fact that he cracks down on this so heavily tells you, doesn't it, that he is involved with the architects of this crisis that is being perpetrated right on the steps of Russia.
And if that weren't enough, we have news from CPAC.
We see speeches coming out.
Of course, Ted Cruz has spoken there.
Marco Rubio has spoken there.
John Bolton has spoken there.
Bolton is just decrying the isolationism of America.
Can you believe that?
The isolationism?
We're trying to start wars everywhere.
Obama goes from one attempted war in Syria to trying to start a war now with Russia.
At least to restart the Cold War between Russia and the West.
Trying to start an economic trade war.
You got John Boehner saying it's okay if...
If Gazprom shuts off natural gas to Europe, we'll supply them with some natural gas.
Yeah, exactly.
Maybe that's exactly what they would like to do.
Maybe Department of Homeland Security loves the idea that Russia is not going to be selling ammunition to the United States.
Maybe Boehner and his allies would love to sell gas and oil to Europe instead of having them buy it from the Russians.
Maybe the
I think there's a profit motive going on here, just as there is in every war.
In every war, they want to make money for the military-industrial complex, the people that make the weapons.
Of course, it's been a long time since the Cold War segment of the military-industrial complex has been able to do that.
I'm sure they would love to have that profit center restarted.
They've, of course, got the new profit center of militarizing the police in America and creating a police state, and they can provide all the over-the-top, expensive, Pentagon-style overkill, like these armored
Tanks that they're giving to police departments and the police come out and say, yeah, we love having this because nobody's going to ever consider challenging us with these.
This is all about intimidation and it's all about profiteering.
And they've got that profit center, but they want to restart the Cold War because that'll give them a whole new excuse for a lot of new types of weapons.
And I guess if they cut off the gas to Europe, you could say that's a real Cold War, isn't it?
We're going to be right back.
We're going to have some more news, and we're going to have John Bowne's report on the Democrats and the KKK.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
Now we've got a report coming up from John Bowne on the Democrat connection to the KKK.
You remember when Tucker Carlson of the Daily Caller was in here live in studio with Alex Jones?
They were talking about how the Democrats divide and conquer the public, breaking us into always two competing groups.
And Alex pointed out that, of course, this has been something, there's a Democrat connection to the KKK that goes back a long way.
And so we have a document about that from John Bowne, a kind of investigative report where he goes back and shows you the history, the real history of this.
Because Alex took a lot of hits from MSNBC and the Young Turks laughing about this.
And it's like, really?
You're not aware of the history?
It's out there.
All you have to do is look at it.
So John Bowne's got a great report on that.
We're going to be coming up with that.
But I want to take your calls about CPAC.
Because, you know, no matter what these guys are doing, we've got two different groups, really, that they're offering us, and we would like to have some other choices, but they've got pretty good control over the electoral process.
They pretty much shut any independents and third parties out of the debates, even out of the ballots.
You've seen how they rig the electoral process and the primaries.
And when I talked to Ben Swan about that, we've got an interview that's going to be airing on the Nightly News the next couple of nights.
We talked a great deal about that because he covered that really well during the 2012 election series, but...
We need to get involved now to make sure that we've got reasonable choices.
And that's both in the Democrats as well as Republicans.
Right now the Republicans are all presenting themselves, possible presidential candidates, as well as people who just want to weigh in on policy at CPAC 2014.
That's happening right now.
It began yesterday.
And we've had people like Marco Rubio speaking there.
Rand Paul is going to be talking today.
We've had John Bolton weighing in on how he thinks that America has become isolationist.
We've got Phyllis Schlafly talking about immigration.
Of course, Marco Rubio did not say anything about immigration.
We also have Ted Cruz talked about, guess what?
Getting rid of the IRS.
Let's get a round of applause for that.
The IRS has been a criminal organization
Used as a tool against political enemies for generations.
But now they're doing it in the open even after they get caught.
They take the Fifth Amendment even though you're not allowed to take the Fifth Amendment on your tax return.
The arrogance and the criminality of this institution and the fact that they're now tied into Obamacare and the fact that we've got senators like Ted Cruz talking about getting rid of the IRS because of this obvious corruption now.
I find that as a very positive thing.
I remember 20 years ago we talked about this in the Libertarian Party and people say, they're not going to take you seriously until you stop talking about getting rid of the IRS and the income tax.
Well, you know what?
It's an idea whose time has come.
We need to look at the corruption.
We need to think about other ways that we need to fund the government.
Actually, the IRS doesn't even come, the income tax doesn't even come close.
It doesn't even come close to funding this government.
Because most of the funding of the government is a burden that we're placing on future generations.
Most of the programs of this government are funded by debt, not by taxes.
And those debts will be paid by taxes by future generations to come.
But let's talk, I want to take some phone calls right after this special report.
I'm going to go to John Bowne's report.
But I want to get your take on what we've seen here at CPAC.
I hope you're paying attention because you should pay attention right now as to what these people are saying.
That 800 number is 800-259-9231.
I want to take calls about CPAC.
We're going to talk a little bit more about what some of these people have said in the last couple of days and of course Rand Paul will be talking this afternoon and you've got a lot of buzz on NPR and other news outlets saying that Marco Rubio is going to be the
Opposition to Rand Paul, the anti-Rand Paul.
So we're gonna, let's talk about that.
So give us a call at 800-259-9231 if you want to weigh in on what some of the people have been saying at CPAC.
But right now, let's go to this special report from John Bowne.
Again, MSNBC and the Young Turks are laughing at the idea that there was ever any connection between the Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan.
Well, here's the report.
I mean, Alex Jones may sound crazy, but still has 300 million in YouTube.
Well, he has 300 million people that have watched him on YouTube, and that sort of fringe, arch-conservative, deeply, I think, racist strain is being tapped into at crazy profit by people in the media.
Well, it is.
The Democrats have been on the offensive for far too long, deeming any who oppose their views as racist.
But many people don't realize that it was the Republican Party that spearheaded the abolition movement, beginning with Democratic Republican Party member Thomas Jefferson.
Yes, Jefferson was a slaveholder, but he included bold anti-slavery language in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence that was removed.
As president on March 2nd, 1807, Jefferson signed the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves,
This act took effect in 1808 and was the earliest allowed under the Constitution.
In 1863, Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves held in the Confederate States.
The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution took effect in December 1865,
And finally ended slavery throughout the United States.
That year, the Ku Klux Klan was founded.
Historian Eric Foner observed that basically, the Klan was the military muscle behind the agenda of the Democratic Party.
The plantation owner class.
And all those truly afflicted with a mental disorder that is racism.
The Klan's purposes were to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction.
To destroy the Republican Party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state,
Re-establish control of the black labor force and restore racial subordination in every aspect of southern life.
By any means necessary, the Klan sought this agenda by threats and violence, including the murder against black and white Republicans.
The federal government passed the Force Acts to combat the Klan, but they rose up again.
More than 2,000 people were killed, wounded and otherwise in Louisiana within a few weeks prior to the presidential election of November 1868.
Although the parish had registered a Republican majority of 1,071, after the murders no Republicans voted in the fall elections.
White Democrats cast the full vote of that parish for Republican Ulysses S. Grant's opponent.
The KKK killed and wounded more than 200 black Republicans.
13 captives were taken from jail and shot.
A pile of 25 bodies was found in the woods.
The Klan made people vote Democratic and gave them certificates of that fact.
Furnifold Simmons, a Democratic chairman, ranted about the pervasiveness of black power in an editorial for the Raleigh News and Observer.
The Republican Party has the Negro on its hands, and it has to pay some respect to his wishes, the Democrat explained.
Furthermore, to hold the Negro solid, the party must give him local offices in the counties and towns where he is numerous.
If the party gives him these local offices, then bad government must follow.
The Democrat reasoned with obvious stupidity.
In 1939, Planned Parenthood pioneer and leftist Margaret Sanger began the Negro Project.
To bring people along willingly, she enlisted black preachers to support sterilization.
She outlined the deceitful plan in a letter to Clarence Gamble of the Procter and Gamble empire.
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds and with engaging personalities.
The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.
We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.
During the 1950s and 1960s, the Klan forged alliances with Southern Police Department.
Several members of the KKK groups were convicted of murders and the deaths of civil rights workers and children in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham.
Meanwhile, a group of African-American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957.
Their enrollment was followed by the Little Rock Crisis, in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by the governor of Arkansas.
It took the intervention of a Republican president, Eisenhower, to allow the Little Rock Nine to make American civil rights history.
As the horrors of the national civil rights battle dragged on,
Democratic President LBJ was pressured to sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964, outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and the Voting Act of 1965, designed to enforce the voting rights guaranteed by the 14th and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution.
But behind closed doors, LBJ said this.
These Negroes are getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before.
The political pull to back up their uppity-ness.
Now we've got to do something about this.
We've got to give them a little something that's just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.
I'll have them N-word voting Democratic for the next 200 years.
And it's so frustrating to see all of this unfolding and the fact that they're using race-based politics to say, turn your guns in or you're racist, support Obamacare or you're racist.
And whites have been so conditioned to be politically correct that they could say, go jump off a cliff.
White person, or you're racist, the average white person would probably jump off a cliff, even with their newborn baby, if ordered to do so by Rachel Maddow or Ed Schultz.
They're trying to act like they have no connection in the past
And in the present, to what I'm talking about, literally preying on your ignorance.
Welfare that had supported the poor white man now went to the 70% of the minority population that gleefully shifted over to the Democratic Party, not even realizing that they had been led into a life of welfare and a system designed to destroy the family.
This report is not an endorsement of either party.
It is simply the history that we must relearn or be doomed to repeat.
See, the globalists are playing everybody off against everybody.
That's why we have to unify around ideas and liberty, not around skin color.
Exactly right.
Great special report there from John Bound.
We have to wake up to the games that they've played.
We have to not.
Get total amnesia about history.
If we allow them to flush this down the memory hole, we will never really understand how this is, how we got to where we are, and how they're playing people.
I love the quote that John Bowne had in there about LBJ, where LBJ said, we have to give them just enough to quiet them down.
You know, they do that not just to black people, they do that to everybody.
And they try to make us think that they're on our side.
You know, the other part of this, the Planned Parenthood part of this, this is something that is still a non-negotiable plank of the Democrats.
That is at the core of the party.
And to understand where this is coming from, the fact that they have not distanced themselves from this,
Look at all the statistics that have come out lately about how the vast majority of abortions are black.
The vast majority of black pregnancies end in abortion.
This is still a policy of racial extermination, just as it was designed to be at the very beginning.
Important not to forget that.
Important not to allow them to bring up the charge of racism every time we have a disagreement with Barack Obama.
He was elected by a majority of everyone.
And now he says people hate him because he's black?
It's like we've just discovered that he's black?
Come on, that's baloney.
But let's take a look at CPAC.
I wanted people to call in and give us their opinion if they've been watching the speeches that are going on at CPAC because
We have to try to fight this with something.
I think the major fight is really not going to be over who the president is.
I don't really think the major fight is with anything in Washington.
I think Washington has become so corrupt, as we can see in the Republican leadership, I personally have doubts as to whether or not we're going to see any change come from that quarter.
It doesn't mean that we shouldn't be engaged.
It doesn't mean that we give up on that.
But I think that really where we're going to see change come is from the states.
And let me just kind of back off before I get into this CPAC stuff.
There was an article that was in New American today about the Oklahoma House votes to protect property rights from the feds and from the UN.
This is where I think our bigger hope is going to come, is at the state level and at the individual level, where we take responsibility for things, where we understand our role as jurors, our role as citizens, where we stand up for those rights.
But that's an educational issue.
That's an information war issue.
But let's take a look at what the Oklahoma House of Representatives just did.
66 in favor, 26 against.
They passed the Oklahoma Community Protection Act that would nullify Agenda 21 and other outside assaults on individual rights in the state, specifically property rights.
And this is what one of the key sponsors, Oklahoma Representative Mike Ritz, said.
He said it's very important for states to reassert their sovereignty and to protect the rights of citizens from intrusive
I'm good to go.
It would put stiff penalties for violations of citizens' property rights by officials would nullify any anti-constitutional federal or international infringements on private property.
It would protect property from being acquired by eminent domain because that's really where UN Agenda 21 is being enacted.
It was an agenda that was created by the UN.
It was a pattern, a template.
But the way that it's being implemented is locally.
And so they're going to protect people from arbitrary imminent domain.
It points out in the article, and this is interesting, of course, the bill was less than three pages long.
If you get a thousand page bill, somebody is trying to hoodwink you.
The Bill of Rights can be printed on a single page.
So this is three pages long.
Makes it clear what's going to happen.
And listen, it's got some teeth in it.
Damages shall be awarded in favor of the property owner at an amount not less than 10 times the property value as assessed in the previous year by the county assessor.
So if they come in and take your property, you're going to get 10 times what it was last assessed at.
We need to see things like that happening at the state level.
We need to see people getting involved.
But it's also important to pay attention at the national level.
Because we need to go on the offensive and try to take back Washington, which has been totally co-opted by corrupt international globalists.
So it's interesting to watch what these people are saying.
Now, Marco Rubio spoke at CPAC and he said, essentially, that we need to be the world's policemen.
He's taking up the neocon banner.
And also, this is a guy who has taken up the banner for open immigration and amnesty.
Why is it that Rubio is taking such unpopular opinions?
Listen to what he says.
He says, no, we need to have America get involved, be active and engaged, but that doesn't mean that we're going to be involved in 15 wars.
Oh, maybe like only four or five?
Come on.
The fact that he and John Bolton would say that we are becoming isolationist and disengaged.
You see Marco Rubio siding with McCain, siding with Lindsey Graham on these issues, on the issues of immigration.
You see him siding with them on the issues of perpetual war, of the neocons.
People need to wake up and understand what's going on.
Of course, Marco Rubio didn't say anything about immigration at CPAC, but Phyllis Schlafly talked about it.
And she had a lot to say about how foolish it was to back amnesty, when most of the people coming in under amnesty are antithetical, opposed to individual liberty, they're opposed to
They're opposed to all the things that people who are looking for limited government, they're voting in overwhelming numbers for the people who are giving them an ever-increasing, ever-metastasizing state.
So we need to make sure that we have some kind of control over immigration just to let this country survive.
And of course John Bolton comes in and talks about a rise of isolationism.
As we're on the doorstep of Russia, trying to restart the Cold War, what is John Bolton thinking he's going to do?
I mean, this is absolute insanity.
We're going to take a quick break.
We're going to be right back and take some of your phone calls, see what you think about CPAC.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex, and we're going to have a special report, a special documentary-style report interview between Alex Jones and the founder of the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson.
It's a very explosive interview.
You're not going to want to miss this.
I've seen the description, they talk about the rise of freedom and libertarian movement, the Tea Party, as well as the attacks on the Second Amendment, what that means, and Alex has a very interesting discussion with Tucker Carlson about the origins of the police state that was enacted after 9-11.
I'm anxious
A lot of facts about 9-11, so you're going to want to see that back and forth between the two of them.
I know I want to see it, and that's coming up in the next hour.
But I want to take your calls right now on CPAC and as we were going to break I was talking about John Bolton and how he was pushing for, he thinks that we've got an isolationist foreign policy.
Does it seem like that to you?
As we see the Cold War being restarted?
As we see America interjecting itself into war after war after war?
He thinks that that's isolationism.
Can you imagine what he would like to do?
This is what he said.
He said, Adam Smith wrote that the first duty of the sovereign is to protect society from the violence of other nations.
How do we do that?
Do we make ourselves safer by interjecting ourselves into each and every war?
You know, let's go back to what John Quincy Adams said.
He understood the nature of power.
He had watched, as well as the other founders of this country, had watched Europe in a state of perpetual war and intrigue.
And he said, the famous quote,
We don't go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
We wish well to the freedom and independence of all.
But he also said this.
You don't hear this as often.
And think about the Ukrainian situation.
Think about Syria.
Think about Egypt, Libya.
Think about Afghanistan, Iraq.
All these different places.
This is what he said.
He said, America well knows that once we enlist under other banners than our own, even if it's the banners of foreign independence, that we would involve ourselves beyond the power of extrication and all of the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.
Sounds like he's talking about the color revolutions, doesn't it?
Sounds like he's talking about our foreign policy.
The fundamental maxim, he goes on to say, the fundamental maxim of American policy should insensibly change from liberty to force if we were to do that.
We would become the dictator of the world.
Is that how people see us?
Are we the shining city on the hill showing people the way to liberty?
Or are we the poster children for a complete surveillance state?
For a complete police state?
For an interventionist empire that wants to get involved in every aspect, every corner of the globe?
What do you think?
That's the way I see the foreign policy.
I'm interested to see this back and forth that is going on at CPAC.
I want to see this discussion that's going on between the people who want us to be even more interventionist than Bush and Obama, who say that we are isolationist.
The people like Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Bolton.
And on the other side, we've got Rand Paul, who will be talking today.
So let's take some of your calls.
Mike in Florida, what do you think about what you've seen at CPAC?
Are you there?
Mike in Florida.
How are you doing, sir?
Doing good.
Tell us what you think about CPAC.
Well, I just wanted to tell you that basically I live in Miami, Florida.
They've already implanted me with a chip, and I just think that your show should rock.
I'm going to take calls on CPAC.
Julio in Illinois.
You want to talk about CPAC?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I was just chuckling with that phone call.
I covered CPAC in 2012 and I had a media credential to cover it this year.
I just didn't have the funds to go out there.
I know there's liberty-minded independent journalists that are there covering it and CPAC
At least from my perspective, it's nothing more than a click.
It's the results of the straw poll the last couple of years.
We're going to be right back.
Stay tuned.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
We're going to have an interview between Alex Jones and the founder of the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson.
This is a never-before-seen interview.
It's going to be coming up in the very next segment.
Don't miss this.
This is a great interview on a wide variety of topics.
But just before the break, we were talking about what's going on at CPAC and people's reactions to the different speeches that have been made there.
Of course, we have Marco Rubio.
John McCain, John Bolton, Lindsey Graham making the case for even more intervention than we see going on from Barack Obama.
They think he's weak and isolationist.
And we want to see how that's going to be pushed back from Rand Paul.
Hopefully he'll have a different opinion about that today.
But we wanted to get to the opinion of people who have been watching these speeches.
Hugo, you were saying that you had been to CPAC in the past.
What do you think about this year, though?
Have you watched any of the speeches?
It's Julio, David.
Watching some of the speeches, for the most part, it seems like they are towing the neocon party line with some of their speeches.
There are very few, I mean very few, any liberty-minded speeches given at CPAC.
I mean, even Mike Lee's speech, and I saw a bit of it today, seemed more
More towards a party line than a real liberty-minded speech.
You know, Donald Trump, you hear him speak, and this man, if you follow his money, he's donated to the Democratic Party in the past, including money to Rahm Emanuel here in Chicago.
So I really hope that Rand Paul really shines.
If you look at the straw poll results from years past with Rand Paul winning the last few years, when I covered it in 2012, literally CPAC did their best to try to squash
That's right.
That's right.
What the real impact for a libertarian-minded person going there is to talk with the people.
For the most part, the people at CPAC, these conservatives that watch Fox News daily, they're good people.
They're decent people, but they're being strayed in the wrong direction, being strayed towards that neocon line.
But the libertarian-minded people, from what I saw, have done a great job in talking with the people, having civil debates.
I don't know.
Well, if they're going to take the traditional party line of
I don't
That's why the Republican Party is shrinking.
If they're going to grow this party, they're going to have to take the moral high road.
They're going to have to transcend these positions.
But so far, unfortunately, I've seen even a lot of newcomers.
I can point out Marco Rubio is now aligning himself with the old John McCain faction.
And, you know, who was always... This is the guy.
John McCain is the guy that goes to every conflict as it's beginning around the world.
So you see him meeting with Al-Qaeda in Syria.
Then you see him meeting with neo-Nazis in the Ukraine.
Does that tell us that he's a made man of the New World Order, or what?
I mean, this is a guy they picked someone, obviously they wanted Obama in, because they take a young, attractive black man and put him up against the oldest, crustiest white man they can find, who's really an angry person, but clearly he was their candidate.
We're going to be right back with a groundbreaking interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller.
Stay tuned, you're not going to want to miss this.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
More extensive interview between the two of them.
That is, we're going to air now for the very first time and this is going to touch on things like the dictatorial moves of Obama, the attack on the Second Amendment, and it's going to talk about September 11th.
You're going to want to see this.
Here's that report.
Being a rugged All-American like Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson, host of Fox News and the owner of DailyCaller.com, is down here in Texas to go wild boar hunting.
And while he was in town, he graciously agreed to come in to the InfoWars studios to talk to us today.
And so here he is in the flesh.
But first, I want to play a clip of the great things he has to say about me.
It's Jones, f**k's sake.
Man, he seems more popular than you are.
He certainly is!
I set my alarm to wake up to this.
I'll tell you what, I don't want any Alex Jones people in my house.
Now, Tucker, that was four years ago, and I've always admired a lot of the work you've done, but I really appreciate you coming down to visit.
Hey, oh, are you kidding?
I was having breakfast with a friend of mine in the media business about three months ago who mentioned your name.
He said, yeah, he's a good guy.
I said, Alex Jones?
And I thought, I'd love to.
You should go meet him.
So I was going to be in Austin, and I'm glad to be here.
Well, what did you expect when you came in here?
I expected an armed compound, and that's exactly what I found.
We're deep.
For those who don't know where we are, we're about 150 feet below the surface of the Texas prairie here in a steel-reinforced silo.
This was an ICBM missile silo at one point, wasn't it?
It was, but you noticed though that you had to hit Coke or Pepsi, and then that's when the door opened, and then you came down.
We're only about six floors under the ground.
Do you like .50 caliber rifles?
I love them.
I don't have one, but I would love a Barrett.
I've always wanted one.
Well, next time you're in town, we'll go out and go shooting them.
I'm a gun guy.
I would love, honestly, I would love that.
I've taken Dave Mustaine out, I've taken Mike Judge out.
Well, for those who aren't here, you just showed me an I-beam, a steel I-beam, a construction beam with holes that big from the .50 cal.
A lot of folks shooting .50s.
It's so impressive.
We do have .50 cals.
We're not actually underground, though.
We're on ground level.
Yeah, you are, sadly.
Actually, we have paintings of Mao and Lenin hanging on the walls.
He loved them.
I did!
They were done up with the glitter and stuff.
No, I'm really glad to be here!
And as to that tape, um, that was four years ago during the Iowa caucuses, and I was in two and a half years or something like that, and this guy comes up to me with a microphone and starts asking me, was 9-11 an inside job?
And I said to him, I'm as skeptical about the U.S.
government as anybody, and I'm also very open-minded, willing to believe anything, but I don't think there's any evidence of that.
And he just got in my face and wouldn't back off.
I know he followed you for seven minutes, so finally you said that, but I mean, I thought it was entertaining, so.
It was pretty funny.
Adam Kokesh, who I think is in jail now.
But anyway, I enjoyed the exchange.
Well, he finally got out, and he does have a lot of courage for the Second Amendment.
But I do have a few 9-11 questions, but that's at the end.
Let's come back to those if we can.
You are a pioneer in mainstream media that went into alternative media and has been very, very successful in covering a lot of libertarian, freedom-based news.
I wouldn't call it left or right.
Where do you think the media landscape is right now, and are we seeing the death of the state-run dinosaur media?
There's no question about it.
I mean, and I should say I'm hardly a visionary.
I only got into it because I got fired from Dinosaur Media.
I was at MSNBC.
The station turned pretty dramatically left, as you know.
I didn't fit in.
They canned me.
I was unemployed with four kids, and I was at dinner with a college roommate of mine, and we were talking about what do we do next with our lives, and let's start something.
So we did, and it seemed obvious.
Digital is clearly the future.
How soon the future will get here is an open question.
A lot of people still get their news from broadcast television, from newspapers, but clearly that's changing.
I would think ten years from now some of the thought leaders that, I mean, I don't think there will be an NBC Nightly News ten years from now.
I don't think there will be a Washington Post.
That's all pretty obvious.
I think five years from now they'll be.
I think you're totally right.
I think you're right.
Who is the original alternative media?
Somebody like Matt Drudge?
Drudge certainly was.
I was there.
I knew Drudge right at the beginning in 97, 98 when he first started.
And everyone mocked him.
And I'll admit, because I'm not a visionary, I kind of mocked him too, though I thought he was ballsy, which I always have admired in anybody.
Anyone who's brave, even if I disagree, I admire.
And he was willing to give the finger to everybody who had power at the time.
I remember going to a speech he gave at the National Press Club in 98.
All I knew was the radio talk show host back in 1996.
When I was first on local radio is I went to Drudge and that's where I could see all the interesting stories every day for my radio show.
And I could visit 15 other websites and not get half as much interesting stuff.
I think he just has a pulse for not what he thinks is interesting, but what the public is going to think is interesting.
Totally right.
At the core, look, the people who succeed are talented, by and large.
It's one thing, you know, it's pretty easy to make a splash.
You can get famous.
It doesn't take that much.
But to endure, to keep a successful career going, you've got to be talented.
And I think Drudge is really talented.
He listens to his own internal soundtrack.
And he's also ideologically really is a patriot liberty guy.
Oh, totally.
So that's the driving force.
And by the way, he was on this whole surveillance question really early.
And people dismissed him as paranoid.
You know, they're watching you, there are cameras everywhere.
They're going to have clones.
And of course it turns out a lot of it's true.
You know, like all the people in the 23 years I've been in the media, every week I get a letter, usually written in crayon, on the outside of the envelope saying, they're watching me!
And I'm always like, ah, this guy's mentally ill.
Then it turns out...
Well, that was my next point, is that as radical as a lot of the things I cover are, unfortunately so much of it's now turning out to be true.
I think despite all my political warts or whatever, that's why my show gets bigger and bigger exponentially, is because people are really losing confidence in the system.
And I think the fall of Piers Morgan, because he never really
I had ratings to begin with, but he began to just fall from the beginning.
Shows a rejection of globalism, a rejection of elitism, and really some of that East Coast snobby anti-liberty garbage.
What is your take on Piers Morgan?
Because he is truly loathed by left, right, and center.
Well, I agree with that completely.
I mean, I always feel sorry.
I don't care if Satan got fired.
I would feel bad for him having been a married man and got fired.
So I never take pleasure in the firing of other people.
However, he was almost uniquely annoying in that he's a foreigner, for one thing.
For another, he had this kind of super-silliest tone, like, you're just not as smart as I am, that did make you kind of want to
You know, you really don't have.
The revolution started when they came to take the guns.
So if you don't understand the Second Amendment, maybe you're uncomfortable with it, maybe you don't like guns personally.
I happen to like guns personally and I like to hunt.
But even if you don't, you recognize, if you were born in this country, that it's like not this random thing the founders kind of threw in there.
It's the Second Amendment.
Number two, right after freedom of speech, there's a reason.
Well, speaking of that,
We see talk of ending net neutrality, talk of internet IDs, taxation.
We see big dinosaur media promoting it, openly wanting to shut down their competition.
DrugsReport.com, DailyCaller.com, WorldNetDaily.com, InfoWars.com.
I don't think they can put the genie back in the bottle, but what do you think overall will be the establishment's response to Congress having lower than a 10% approval rating and all of their credibility draining away?
The New York Times saying, as you know, a few months ago,
We don't have any credibility.
We can't set the agenda.
Nobody listens to us anymore.
That's right.
Well, I mean, we're... There's a free-for-all, basically, right now.
The people the public look to for guidance and to make sense of the news are discredited.
Basically, every institution is discredited.
I'm not sure that's a good thing.
I don't, I'm not really sure I want to live in a country where no one has credibility, but that's kind of where we are right now, and that's why you're seeing this kind of chaotic political environment.
I would say one thing about the Congress and the President.
The Congress has a terrible, you know, 10%.
The President is literally less popular than the crackhead mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford.
But they still control the levers of power.
So the president still runs the executive branch, Congress still gets to make the laws, raise the revenue.
They can still absolutely wreck your life if they want to.
So they have no popularity, they have no moral authority, but they retain massive amounts of power.
It's a weird, weird situation.
And it's happened a lot throughout history.
Seeing Obama, undoubtedly, constitutional scholars left, right, agree, if you disagree, tell me why, power grab on the power plants, on the military, saying NATO's over our military, on Obamacare, on borders, on immigration.
Truly, I'm not saying he is a dictator, I'm saying he's turning the office of the presidency into a unitary executive dictator 2.0.
Well, that's always the hope of every president.
I mean, people, look, executives want more power.
You know, the guy in charge doesn't want to have to deal with, like, inconvenient things like other people's opinions.
And that's why we have a three-part system where you have the judiciary, you know, the courts, you have the legislative branch, the Congress, and then the president has to deal with those two branches.
What I'm amazed by is how unwilling Congress has been to rein in the president.
He's basically said to them, I don't care about you.
I'm going to write my own laws.
You'd think they would stand up as one and say, whoa,
We reserve the right to write the laws like that's what the Constitution says.
There's a reason for that.
And instead they're so very passive.
The Democrats are passive because it's their party and they will do whatever the president asks.
But Republicans have been weirdly passive on that and I'm not really sure why.
Well, I think it's because you've got a lot of offshore interests that basically have diplomatic immunity and they don't need a free market.
They can just control government and get the corporate welfare and the insider deals and create a monopoly system.
I think that's really what the left and right haven't woken up to is that more and more it's a rigged game.
Well, to some extent, it is.
I mean, look, people don't want competition if they can get away with it.
If I could pass a law requiring everyone to read the Daily Caller every day, I'd like to think I wouldn't pass the law, but I'd be sorely tempted.
That's why the insurance companies got into Obamacare at the very beginning.
In exchange for losing their freedom, they gained a captive market.
The requirements to buy health insurance insured them.
Lots of new customers.
So it is, to that extent, it is a rigged game.
All right, stay tuned.
We're going to be right back with more of that interview between Tucker Carlson of the Daily Caller and Alex Jones.
An explosive interview.
I love what he said about the passivity of Congress.
Why are they allowing Obama to be a dictator?
What's up with that?
He's asking the right kinds of questions.
We'll be right back with more of that interview.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here live in studio.
Now we have a taped interview that we've been playing between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, commentator and founder of the Daily Caller.
We're going to go right back to that, but I just want to point out that Paul Joseph Watson has a story up on Drudge linked.
An amazing interview.
Homeland Security is using intercepted emails to question a woman about her sex life.
Absolutely amazing.
But let's go back to that interview.
We'll be right back with more news, but this is an interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
Let me ask you this question looking out into the future.
What do you see happening as the huge awakening takes place and even the Financial Times of London says the whole world is going libertarian?
Getting past the political labels just saying we want freedom, we want more individual liberty across the board.
Versus the authoritarian consolidation, where it doesn't matter that we're awake to them, they're still in power.
How do those two forces collide?
Well, I wish that were true.
I mean, I've always been on the libertarian side.
I have libertarian instincts.
I think libertarians overstate the degree to which people yearn for liberty.
Most people yearn instead for security, and they're willing to trade liberty for it.
And I wish that weren't true.
But it seems like human nature for most people moves in that direction.
I think I'm an anomaly.
I would rather
Take care of myself.
I would rather have freedom than security.
I'm willing to take risks in exchange for the ability to make my own decisions.
But most people, it seems like, aren't.
I feel like we're moving away from that.
So you don't think there's an awakening happening?
I think there's a great dissatisfaction.
I think people are disgusted with their leaders.
But I don't see people jumping up and saying, I want to take responsibility for my own life.
I don't want your Medicare, actually.
You know what?
I'm happy to buy my own health insurance.
I'm happy... No, I see the point you're making is that
People can claim that there's a rise in libertarianism in polls.
People will say that they identify like that, but that's not actually what they're doing.
Well, listen, libertarianism has two parts.
The first part is I get to do whatever I want, and the second part is you get to do whatever you want, as long as we don't hurt each other.
People buy into the first one completely.
I want to smoke my weed!
I want to marry whoever I want!
That's fine.
They're all about that.
They're very libertarian when it comes to them and their choices.
They're not libertarian when it comes to other people's choices.
So, in order to be libertarian, you embrace your freedom, but you also embrace restraint.
I could control what you do, but I'm not going to.
I choose not to control you.
And most people are unwilling to resist the temptation to control other people.
And that's just human nature, but it's very distressing, and libertarians have to be honest about that.
So where do you see it going, then?
The future of the media, government?
I don't know.
You know, emerging kind of free market world.
Now we're back to Chavez, and he's gone, but Chavezism.
Look at Nicaragua.
It was communist.
They had a brief experiment with liberal democracy under Villa de Chamorro.
Daniel Ortega, the head of the San Luis de París, is president again.
You're seeing this same pattern replayed.
Let me ask you one quick question.
Fifteen years ago, twelve years ago, when Bush said, we're going to bring democracy to the world, the world needs democracy.
How many people believe that still?
How many people would like to see democracy in Saudi Arabia or Jordan?
Nobody would.
We're actually happy that they have authoritarian governments.
We don't want their people to vote and be free, because it would be against our interests.
I guess you do have a point, is that a lot of people say, I'm libertarian, and there's an awakening and a dissatisfaction with the government, but it's almost like a double-minded paradox, because then people are more accepting of Big Brother, of police state, of authoritarianism, than ever.
It's boiling the frog.
You know, you throw the frog in the boiling water, he jumps out, if you turn it up slowly, he doesn't notice until it's too late.
I'm not an apocalyptic guy at all, but I am really bothered by the willingness of most people to accept these restrictions on their freedom in the name of security.
I mean, I wish I could... I think I'm just speaking for myself when I say, I'm happy to take the risk, you know, in exchange for, like, keeping my shoes on at the airport.
I'm really bothered by that.
Well, history's shown when you give up liberty, you don't get security, you get oppression and tyranny.
You become a slave.
You don't get it back.
Yeah, and I try not to.
I don't want to be like one of these guys or, you know, overstating things, but I am really bothered by it.
Well, we are definitely going into a police state, and like you said, it's a movement worldwide.
Speaking of attempts to censor the press, the Pentagon announced three months ago, I don't know if you saw this report, Drudge carried our report on, but it was just their hour-long press conference, where the Undersecretary of Defense
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All right, stay tuned.
We're going to be right back with more thought-provoking, insightful discussion between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
Don't miss it.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm here live in the studio.
I'm David Knight and we've been playing parts of the amazing interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
They were just talking about the trade-off between liberty and security.
How about the biggest trade-off between liberty and security?
Here it comes.
Well, that sounds really creepy.
You're not supposed to have domestic propaganda.
But that same year, they removed the blocks on that.
I know Daily Caller covered that.
And then now, on top of all that, we have these moves in your big investigation at DailyCaller.com on media matters and these memos.
Sure, nobody reads them except for the talking points for MSNBC, but still they meet weekly with the White House and they have things like infiltrate and bring down media.
It sounds like Cass Sunstein on steroids.
Talk about that investigation and talk about that whole constellation of
Government's answer to the alternative media is to try to infiltrate it like it's some foreign government.
And to try to control it.
I mean, I think it's scary because in the end what separates you from the federal government is they have a monopoly on the use of force.
They can force you to do things.
You can't force the federal government to do anything.
You're a citizen.
They can force you to do anything they want.
And so, it's an asymmetrical contest here.
They have all the power, which is why you don't want them interfering in the media.
When I was a kid, my dad ran something called the Voice of America in Washington, which was our big radio station to the rest of the world, mostly to the Soviet Union.
And in their charter, like, the first sentence was, you cannot broadcast this to the United States, because it's a government news organization, and there's something immoral about imposing it on our own people, because that would be propaganda.
And whatever you think of Voice of America, they kept to that.
Like, they broadcast outward.
This was for everyone else, but not for us.
It's the same with NSA.
Remember when I was a kid in Washington, people always said the NSA is, you know, watching everything, but they're not watching us because they can't.
It's against their charter.
The second that changed...
You know, there were major consequences.
And I've talked to people like Wayne Madsen and others who were mid-level there.
He said, no, we, until even the mid-90s, did not watch people domestically.
Because the Congress wouldn't let them do that because they knew they'd end up being watched.
Then they could be blackmailed.
You know, I remember when the Patriot Act passed, people saying, this is really scary.
And I have to say, I'm always happy to admit my many shortcomings.
Yeah, it seems a little hysterical.
Like, really, is there anything super scary in there?
You know, a lot of it was probably necessary, but allowing the NSA and CIA and intelligence agencies that have been traditionally focused, by law, outward, to focus inward?
You know, I think that was a very unwise decision.
No, it's going to be used politically, just like the IRS being used on the Tea Party and pro-life groups.
And then they don't even get in trouble because it's the Fox watching the head house with Eric Holder.
If Obama doesn't get in some type of censure or trouble, it sets the precedent.
I just can't imagine what it's going to be like ten years from now.
Well, what was so striking was when that came out, I think of myself as a completely mainstream person, when that came out my instinct was outrage.
I can't believe that the NSA has the ability to read all of my emails, capture all of my Google searches, listen to my phone calls if it chooses, get my texts.
The first thing, I'll never forget this, was the Republican leadership, not all the Republicans in Congress, but the leadership, you know, Boehner, Cantor, Mike Rogers, head of the Intel Committee, they instantly went to the President's aide and I remember thinking, well, who represents me?
You know?
So it's a big club, as George Carlin would say, and we ain't in it.
And they're destroying the rest of the economy and our future at the
I'm agreeing with everything you say.
It's kind of freaking me out.
I don't know...
We're going to get to some things you don't agree with in a minute, but let me ask you this.
Wall off and demonize the Tea Party when the Tea Party really is the Americana Revolution in my view that could save this country.
Well, there are a couple things going on.
One, I think Republican leadership fears, and they may be right, that the average person, even the average Republican voter, likes parts of Obamacare, likes the, you know, no pre-existing conditions rule, which I think is insane, personally.
But I'm in a small minority of them.
Most people do like it.
So they're afraid that if they repeal it, they'll take the blame.
Two, I think
The Tea Party, they understand the Tea Party put them there.
There would be no Republican leadership if it weren't for the Tea Party in 2010.
But the problem with the Tea Party is there's no leadership of the Tea Party.
So it's a bunch of different groups, some of which are legitimate, others are just fundraising operations to enrich the people running them.
It's the same old story.
And without that cohesion, without that leadership, without a clear template for what they believe, a statement of belief, they're not as effective.
I think it's the fact that it's not controlled, but it's basic ideas are Bill of Rights Constitution.
That's what scares the establishment, because it's like the establishment is a bacterial infection, and the Tea Party is the antibiotic.
It's not perfect, and it's got side effects, but it's going to have an effect.
Well, it's had a huge effect.
I mean, the one thing the Tea Party's been really good, effective at politically, is
But the problem is, anybody can jump up and say, I'm part of the Tea Party, and it's hard to know exactly... Sure, but I mean, look at Ted Cruz, look at Rand Paul, I mean, they would have passed their gun control probably without them fighting for us.
A hundred percent.
Oh, they were?
So the Tea Party saved us?
Oh, I could not agree more on that.
The gun control thing, by the way, people, all of whom have armored bodyguards,
So, again, I'm not romanticizing the Tea Party, and I know it's a diverse group, but the establishment's attacking it.
Every time they leak some Joe Biden speech, he's worried about it.
The Republicans are worried about it.
They tell the Tea Party, play nice, don't run against us while they're raising money with the Trade Federation.
I agree.
And so the Tea Party needs to attack, and needs to take over the Republican Party, and then people will see it as a real Americana, populist-type movement, and MSNBC's failed trying to say they're all racist.
I mean, I just don't see it working anymore.
I never understood that part.
I mean, you maybe don't agree with the Tea Party, but racist?
Where did that even come from?
It was like a non-sequitur.
You're listening to Tucker Carlson talking to Alex Jones.
This is a taped interview.
Let's get into some stuff we may disagree about here at the end.
Look, the mainstream media distorted what I had to say about 9-11.
All I said was, the hijackers were trained at bases in Saudi Arabia.
They were allowed in, even though they were on the terrorist list.
There was a clear, from my research, NORAD stand down.
There was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, the plane is 50 miles out.
The plane is 30 miles out.
And when it got down to, the plane is 10 miles out,
The young man also said to the Vice President, do the orders still stand?
And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, of course the orders still stand.
Have you heard anything to the contrary?
Building 7, which I'm going to show you a video of here in a moment, fell in its own footprint.
They said they're bringing down Building 7.
I have cops saying it, so it doesn't hurt other buildings.
Why not just be honest about it?
I'm not saying George Bush and Cheney had plungers, you know, in there.
I'm saying elements in different groups clearly, just like they're using Al Qaeda against Syria right now, just like it came out about the Olympics.
I'm sure you've seen that Oscar-winning documentary
Narrated by Michael Douglas, where they later admit at the end of the movie that, oh, but basically the Germans were working with the terrorists and basically let them attack as a pretext to get more funding at the Olympics back in the 70s.
All I'm saying is, if Gulf of Tonkin was staged, if Sy Hirst says that the Bin Laden raid is 100% fake and there's huge evidence, and I've talked to Navy SEALs' families who said that their sons said it was not real, they were going to kill some body double of Bin Laden.
I mean, when a government's been caught lying this much, I'm not saying I know all the answers.
And I know it's abhorrent and sounds horrible.
I don't want to believe it either.
But all I'm saying is we need to investigate all of these events and not just buy what government says at face value.
Well, I guess the last clause, don't buy what government says at face value, of course.
I mean, absolutely.
And I think we have a right to know much more than we do know about everything that government does.
By the way, I'd also say I'm deeply skeptical of what large organizations do, not just government.
Bureaucracy creates corruption and deception by its nature, and I'm very skeptical of the claims made by any big organization, any big organization.
I just don't think that A, you're taking into account the profound incompetence of bureaucracies, like a lot of things we think are part of a conspiracy are just like dumb moves that are made accidentally, and
B, I think that if there was a mass conspiracy to kill Americans on the part of the U.S.
government, that would require so many people's involvement that at least one of them would have come forward and nobody has.
So I just don't see, I see a lot of questions, I don't see any evidence of a U.S.
Siebel Edmonds was an FBI translator and she was working up until 9-11.
She said she heard elements of the CIA communicating with Al-Qaeda.
Up until 9-11.
I'm not the only one who knows about this.
Too many people know about this.
The fraudulent 9-11 commissioners, every single one of them knows about my case and the details and the names and all the specifics.
Several people within the United States Congress do know.
Everybody in the FBI involved, they know.
Everyone in Department of Justice, they know.
Colonel Schaefer, who I know you know, he contributes on Fox some, he said they could have killed bin Laden twice in the month before, or ordered not to.
So I'm saying bare minimum, they want Al-Qaeda running around out there because it's a way to take our liberties here at home.
Who can deny that they've used 9-11 to take a lot of liberties and now say, oh our main mission isn't Al-Qaeda, it's the Tea Party, it's gun owners, it's returning veterans.
I don't think there's any question that crises are used by those in power, always and everywhere, from the beginning of time till present, to increase their power, for sure.
Either intentionally or unwittingly.
I think a lot of these people have, you know, clean intentions, but that's just the nature of power.
It concentrates more power to itself, of course.
I just don't believe that anybody at high levels of the U.S.
government in 2001 allowed 9-11 on purpose.
I don't think there's any evidence for that, and I think it scares the shit out of people when you say that, and I think they have a lot of things to be scared about already, and I think that's a waste of time to go down that path.
If you're looking for conspiracies, look at immigration, where the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are conspiring to bring in low-wage workers to depress American wages.
That's on record.
That's a conspiracy.
It's a real one and it's out in the open.
All I know is that the Dean of the Defense Language School, Colonel Butler, went public to AP and said, three of these guys were in my classes.
The guys that are on the news were in my classes.
Something's going on.
James Wood's on the plane two weeks before.
They're acting like they're hijacking and he tells the FBI nothing's done.
I was on a flight.
Without going into the details of what made me suspicious of these four men, although it would have been blatantly obvious to the most casual observer, I took it upon myself to go to the flight attendant and ask to speak to the pilot of the plane.
Since then, I have identified, for sure, two of them as two of the terrorists, who actually were not.
On Flight 11, but one was on Flight 175 and one was on Flight 77.
And I've been told unofficially, not by the FBI, but by someone else in a, actually a higher level of government, believe it or not, just through a coincidence, through a mutual friend, that all four of them were terrorists involved.
Something was going on.
And I know they had Israeli and Saudi intelligence and British intelligence following them.
German intelligence.
And that all came out.
The point is this was clearly some giant multi-nation spy war game.
Who knows exactly what it was.
I'm just saying the stonewalling of there's nothing going on here.
Don't look at it.
Take six of the ten 9-11 commissioners.
Say that we were lied to and didn't get the official story, but then it's national security.
All I'm saying is, it should be looked at a lot deeper, because it was the Hart-Rubin Commission, Gary Hart, that said, we're going to use this disaster for a new world order.
There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father, a phrase his father used I think only once, and hasn't been used since, and that is a New World Order.
Well, I mean, there's, again, there's no doubt that anytime you have a crisis like that, people use it to their own ends, but I also think that, you know, a lot of this is just inevitable.
I know a lot of people who work in national security, and while I disagree with them profoundly on a lot of things,
Most of them are, like, decent Americans.
No, no, I agree, but they're compartmentalized.
Let me just show you... They are compartmentalized.
Let me just show you, finally... Have you seen Building 7 collapse, the Solomon Brothers building?
I want to show you that right now.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
Moments ago, I was talking about the Salomon Brothers building collapsing, and indeed it has.
We'll probably find out more now about that from our correspondent, Jane Stanley.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
Well, only really what you already know.
Was this after the collapse of the other two?
Yes, as she's saying, it's fallen.
Building 7.
The mayor, Rudy Giuliani, much earlier today because of, of course, the dreadful collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
But New York very much a city still in chaos.
The phones are not working properly.
They announced Building 7 fell 25 minutes before it did, and then lied and said this wasn't real, and then later admitted it.
Now we have the up-close footage of CNN police saying, get back, they're going to bring it down.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Pancaking almost like a precision implosion.
Everybody move away from the tower!
Everybody get away from the tower!
It's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by world-class dynamite to knock it down.
We started walking down the stairs, we made it to the 8th floor.
Blew us back into the eighth floor.
Big explosion.
I'm just confused about one thing, and one thing only.
Why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place.
I'm very confused about that.
I know what I heard.
I heard explosions.
The explanation I got was, it was the fuel oil tank.
I'm an old boiler guy.
If it was a fuel oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such a terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
I don't want to put you on the spot here and have the black helicopters come after you, Tucker Carlson, but what do you think of that?
You know, I'm not a structural engineer.
I think it's upsetting to watch it.
I remember when that happened.
I mean, look, I have no idea.
I don't know anything.
I mean, I don't understand how buildings collapse.
I don't understand how Building 7 collapsed.
I find it really hard to believe that the U.S.
government was in league with Al-Qaeda.
I just don't believe... If evidence emerges that they were, I'll be the first one picketing the White House.
What do you think of the open funding of Al-Qaeda to blow up churches and things in Syria?
You're talking about arming the Syrian rebels?
I think it's completely crazy.
Alright, so that's Alex Jones offering the red pill to Tucker Carlson.
Stay tuned, we're going to have the conclusion of that interview.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm filling in for Alex Jones and we're tight with this documentary interview style that we've got going between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
You just heard Alex offer him some evidence about 9-11 and Building 7.
He offered the red pill.
Let's see if he takes it.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned for this.
We're going to have some calls on CPAC in the next hour.
So all those people have been holding, Janet, Massachusetts, Clinton, Ohio, many other people, hang on.
We're going to take your calls right after this last segment of this never-before-interviewed aired interview.
And by the way, I think that it's tied to Benghazi.
Why were there more than a dozen CIA officers and contractors in Benghazi?
I mean, I think there's a lot we don't know about that, and I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, but I think we ought to be really wary of people calling themselves freedom fighters.
We just don't know that much about the rest of the world, is the truth.
We really don't.
We weigh in on these things, and we don't understand the countries whose course we're influencing very well.
Well, I think we agree on one thing, and correct me if I'm wrong,
That they've certainly used this, as Rahm Emanuel said, this crisis.
They've not let it go to waste.
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.
And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.
They've used all these threats.
Of course.
And no one denies that there aren't radical Muslim extremist terrorists out there.
But bottom line, that threat's being used to overthrow our republic and our free system.
Why not just say, hey,
You want to come at us?
Come at us.
We'll strike back at you, not fundamentally overthrow our system.
I totally agree.
I like the Rudy Giuliani September 12th posture, which was, we're Americans.
What happened?
We have huevos.
Like, we're not going to be intimidated or afraid.
That's who we are.
We're not going to cower behind concertina wire.
And I wish I could opt out of the system.
I'm comfortable with risk.
I'd be willing to take more risk in my life if I could have more choices.
I would.
Tucker Carlson, thank you so much for this in-depth interview.
You've got the courage to come over here to the studio.
I think we've had a really good interview and I appreciate you coming in and coming on the radio show.
In closing, what are some of the top stories, stories you think were most important versus the two or three stories that end up being the biggest thing that TheDailyCaller.com has ever broken?
You know, I'm so... I mean, you have the same life where you're just constantly involved.
The news segment was hard even to think about last week or next week.
We broke a story yesterday about the VA destroying claims of returning veterans trying to get their benefits and destroying claims because they couldn't deal with the backlog, so they just flushed them down the toilet.
I think it's a metaphor for the way government, in the end, when it gets too big, treats people, you know, like numbers and mistreats people in the end.
But the NSA story, for me, is the biggest story of the year by far.
It's the biggest story of the decade.
Because they lied about it and said they weren't doing it.
Reading my email is not going to make America safer.
It only curtails my freedom and it's scary.
Now it's come out, as you know, and we knew this years ago, that the government agencies are taking snapshots off the webcam of all sorts of people for blackmail material.
Well, I don't know anything about blackmail, but I do know that my tech guys, when we first started The Daily Caller, all put gaffers tape over their cameras.
And I remember saying, what are you, some kind of nutcase?
Like, you think people are watching you?
They said, actually, people could commandeer your camera.
I don't have, I don't have masking tape on my computer yet.
Come on, you're on the White House enemies list.
I hope so.
I'm trying hard.
What are you talking about?
You've got media matters that's run by them coming after you.
Yeah, let me just say one final thing.
The one piece of good news is, as you pointed out a minute ago, these people may have bad intentions, but they are incompetent.
And their incompetence is the one thing that keeps us safe.
Well, I used to always hear this incompetence theory, and I would just throw it completely out back when I had, like,
Six, seven crew members.
Now that I have like 40.
Yeah, exactly.
Now I know how the world works and all these kids.
It's like, my God, it's hard to organize stuff even when you know what you're doing.
So I hear what you're saying.
Tucker Carlson, DailyCaller.com.
Thanks for coming in.
Thanks Alex, I appreciate that.
That was fun.
Thanks a lot.
Alright folks, that's it for this special edition of InfoWars Nightly News.
A big in-depth talk with the man formerly known as Mr. Bowtie.
Now he wears what, a Patagonia shirt?
Something like that.
Something like that.
Alright, we'll see you back here tomorrow night, 7 o'clock central.
And remember, if you're watching this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, you've been listening to an interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson of the Daily Caller.
First time it's ever aired, but you can now see it.
If you missed any of that important interview, check it out on YouTube, Alex's channel.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex and in the last hour we've been airing for the first time an interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller.
Also you'll see him as a commentator on many, many mainstream media programs.
It was a very good interview.
It's now up on YouTube.
If you missed any of it, check it out there.
Alex offers Tucker Carlson the red pill.
Gave him a lot of evidence about Building 7 and a lot of things, a lot of testimony from various people.
They also talked about the trade-off between liberty and security.
Are people willing to accept that trade-off?
Of course, we've talked about that many times.
If you give up your liberty for the promise of security, not only are you going to not get that security, you never get security when you give up your liberty.
You just become a slave.
Slaves do not have security.
So to whatever degree you're going to take that deal, that's the degree you're going to be a slave.
But we've had a lot of people hanging on.
Just before we started airing that interview, we were talking about CPAC and the various speakers who've been presenting there, the Republican Party.
What does that tell us about the state of the Republican Party?
What does that tell us about possible presidential candidates?
What are people saying there?
Well, I wanted to get your comments.
We've had several people that have been hanging on for quite some time.
We've got Janet in Massachusetts, Clinton, Ohio, many others.
Let's go to Janet in Massachusetts.
You've been hanging for a long time.
Janet, what did you want to say about CPAC?
Hi David, thanks so much.
It's really an honor to talk to you.
I love the nightly news, you and Jakar Jackson and Leigh-Anne McAdoo.
And that was an amazing interview.
I don't know how Tucker Carlson can't take that seriously.
But anyway, the biggest caller that you had about an hour ago, Julio, I agree with him on almost everything.
I was a Ron Paul supporter too.
No, I'm not.
He started something called the Ubuntu Movement and he's running for President of South Africa.
His platform is we should do away with our current economic system.
I mean, it's not about a new world order.
But he says money is what's enslaving us and we need to find common ground and stop alienating each other.
So I'm hopeful.
I think we've got a long way to go to even get there, but at least people are talking about it and at least Ted Cruz is trying to get rid of the IRS.
God bless him.
Yes, yes, that's very true.
It certainly is about the money.
We believe that this is being run by the banks.
The banks and the people who are going to profit from this.
Military industrial complex or the insurance companies that are writing Obamacare.
It's always fundamentally about the money and these people who have absolutely no regard for human life.
You know, it was very interesting in that interview with Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
Tucker Carlson was talking about how his father used to be involved with Voice of America.
And he said he was very disturbed when he learned that Voice of America was now going to be allowed to broadcast in the United States, just like we should all be concerned that the NSA and the CIA have now turned their gaze from foreign enemies abroad to domestic.
But this is nothing new.
We were warned about this by James Madison.
You know, he said, the means of defense against foreign danger have historically, he said this 200 years ago, have historically become the instruments of tyranny at home.
You understand that?
The way that they always turn the means of defense abroad into tyranny at home.
That's why they forbade to have a standing army.
That's why they wanted a militia that would defend their homes like the Swiss people.
That's something we all have to be concerned about, and I agree with you.
I think for Ted Cruz to come out and say that we need to abolish the IRS is stating the obvious.
There's a lot of support for that.
It was a very courageous move for him to make as a politician, however, because that is a very powerful, entrenched lobby.
But we can all see how corrupt that is.
Let's go to Clint in Ohio.
Clint, what do you want to...
Well, let's wait, because we're coming up to a break.
So we're going to go to Clinton, Ohio.
We've got a lot of other callers who have been on the phone.
Josh in Missouri, Hector in New Jersey, who have been waiting for quite some time.
So we're going to get right back to you right after the break.
We're going to talk about CPAC and what the conservatives are saying.
Is there any hope for America there?
Well, stay tuned.
We'll talk to other people and see what they think.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here live in studio and last hour we had an amazing interview between Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson of the Daily Caller.
You can now see that on YouTube if you missed any of it.
If you missed all of it, you can still see that on YouTube.
We've just put that up there out the Alex Jones channel.
And we've also got an article that's just breaking now from Paul Joseph Watson.
It's on the Drudge Report.
Homeland Security used intercepted emails to quiz a woman about her sex life.
Now the ACLU is now filing a lawsuit on her behalf.
She was a senior lecturer at Indiana University confronted by the Department of Homeland Security officials after the federal agency obtained copies of her emails and began quizzing her about the details of her sex life.
And she went to the airport with a friend who's a Greek national
And the Customs and Border Protection officers came after her, questioned her.
She wasn't trying to enter or leave.
It was never a question about her citizenship.
And she wasn't trying to go in or out of the country.
She wasn't accused of any crime.
They're just confronting her with questions about her private sex life.
This is the surveillance state that we all live under.
This is how it can come down on anybody for any reason.
You can have a false positive and they can come down on you even though you're not committing a crime.
They can make you a person of interest.
They can get very interested in you.
We need to be interested in them.
Just as I mentioned before the break in that interview between Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, Tucker mentioned that his father
I'd work for Voice of America and he was very upset to see the Voice of America, the NSA, the CIA, which were organizations that were set up to look at foreign enemies of the United States being turned domestically to surveil American citizens against the prohibitions against that.
There were prohibitions for them to do that.
Now, of course, they've lifted that formally for the Voice of America.
That in and of itself is troubling.
But the fact that the NSA and the CIA don't have a brief to do that is very troubling.
We've had whistleblowers like William Binney and many others who have resigned and blown the whistle about that and talked about how concerned they are.
We had William Binney on this show talking about how he had spent a lifetime as the chief technical officer globally for the NSA and how he had watched
We're good to go.
The defense of foreign enemies has always been turned into domestic tyranny at home.
The same things that we use to fight foreign enemies come back to haunt us, and now we see that in spades.
He saw it going back historically.
He knew that was the nature of power.
He knew that was the nature of governments.
We have now experienced that, because we would not learn from history.
We are now experiencing it ourselves.
But I want to take your calls about CPAC, because one of the things we're concerned about, is there anybody going to pick up the challenge to the police state, to the surveillance state, to the continuous wars?
Is somebody in the Republican Party going to pick up that mantle?
Will anybody in the Democrat Party pick up that mantle?
Good question.
I don't know.
We've got CPAC started yesterday, and we've had people holding on the phone to tell us what they think about the speakers there.
We've got Clinton, Ohio's been hanging on for a long time.
Clint, what do you think about what's going on at CPAC?
Yes, thank you, Mr. Knight.
Well, my point is it seems like the more we get involved in other people's issues and freedom, like what's going on in Russia, you know, that's none of our business right now.
But anyways, my point is the more we get in view and
The less we're involved in theirs, the less we're involved in ours.
Everybody's been brainwashed that this is the greatest country in the world.
Well, they haven't been looking at the current numbers.
Right now, we're 37th in health care.
We're 12th in economic freedom.
And it seems like the more they make us look outward, the more rights they take inward.
And I hope that this new libertarian party spends the first four years repealing
All these laws and executive orders and stuff that has been put in place to oppress us.
And then spends the next four years trying to get the economics up, because after the first part goes down, the second part will rise.
That's like the Free Trade Act.
That's what totally demolished this country.
Well, it remains to be seen.
We hope that there's going to be a rising libertarian faction.
There certainly is a neocon faction that is pushing back against that.
And we've seen a lot of people from John Bolton to Marco Rubio.
Saying that we still need to be the world's policemen, we need to be engaged, and according to them, that means that we need to get involved in every conflict around the world, including getting involved with Russia and the Ukraine, as Obama's doing.
How is that making us safer?
It's not.
And yet they're complaining that Obama's not doing enough.
Obama's doing way too much in that area.
You know, when he put out an executive order in the last couple of days blocking anybody who was critical of what's going on in Ukraine,
...critical of the new government in Ukraine.
He blocked those people from coming into the country.
One of the things he said is, we don't want people who are going to undermine democracy in the Ukraine.
Well, how about people like him, who undermine democracy in America?
What do we do about that?
What are the Republicans going to do about that?
Do they even care, or are they just going to play to their same base and the same issues?
Now, yesterday we heard something a little bit different.
Let's play this clip from Ted Cruz.
He said something that you haven't really heard the Republicans say very much.
He had a couple of things to say.
Let's play that short clip.
Now I do have to start with a bit of bad news this morning.
I'm sorry to tell you that by virtue of your being here today, tomorrow morning each and every one of you is going to be audited by the IRS.
How many of y'all have your cell phones?
I'm going to ask you to please leave them on.
I want to make sure President Obama hears everything I have to say this morning.
We need to abolish the IRS.
That's right, when the IRS is openly auditing political enemies, remember that was what Richard Nixon got impeached for and he should have been impeached.
But we see the IRS doubling down on that.
We see the IRS and Obama unashamed about the fact that they've been caught doing this.
That is the corruption that we see coming from this institution.
As well as using the IRS as the enforcement arm for Obamacare.
Hiring, I think it was 17,000 new IRS agents in order to get Obamacare, the burden of that new tax according to the Supreme Court on us.
I hope that things will change.
I hope we get to the point where, you know, he was throwing these things out as kind of a joke.
You know, he says, I want you to leave all your cell phones on because I want Obama to hear every word of what I've got to say.
And they laughed.
And he meant that as kind of a lighthearted joke.
I don't want to take it too seriously.
But you know what?
When people can no longer laugh at that.
When they get angry about the prospect of that, then they will really understand how dangerous this is.
William Binney and other people at the NSA, William Binney had worked for decades for the NSA.
He was a top technical person at the NSA.
He knows exactly where this leads.
He put his life on the line.
He was angry.
He put his career on the line, his pension, all these guys who were whistleblowers for the NSA.
They all did that.
They take it very seriously.
They understand how important this is.
But the American public, even though people are talking about it, they still don't understand exactly how important that is.
Let's go to Josh Missouri.
Josh, what do you think about these CPAC speeches that you've seen?
Hi David, how are you doing today?
Doing good, how are you?
Yes, Marco Rubio was talking about a new American century and it's funny how that's the exact same document where they mention a new Pearl Harbor so we can get into these, you know, wars overseas and all this.
So it just seems like a lot of these, you know, mainline Republicans are serving the same agenda.
About getting us into war and stuff and I think that people really need to get behind Ted Cruz because at least he's trying to stand for liberty, trying to stand for the Constitution, and trying to stand for something that will make a change in this.
No, country.
It's just craziness.
What's going on?
That's right.
He's been unafraid to call it what it is.
He's called these actions evil.
He's talking about actually doing something.
He's really going to make a change.
You know, people don't realize it, but you can actually get rid of the income tax and you don't really have to roll the government back very far in order to get rid of
In order to make up for the loss of revenue, because most of the money that we're funding this government on is borrowed money from future generations.
People don't realize that.
But the IRS has never been fundamentally about revenue.
It's always been about controlling you.
Whether they're using it as a political enemies list, whether they're coming after Tea Party groups, or whether they're just putting out these carrot-and-stick policies to control your individual behavior, to make you buy this, or engage in that activity, and not engage in this other activity.
Whether they're trying to steer you in different ways because there are people, large companies, that have come to Congress and said, we want you to steer people to buy products from our industry.
That's what it's always been used for.
It's always been used as an instrument of control.
It's always also been there as a very dark instrument of control against political enemies.
It's just now the mask has come off.
They're no longer afraid.
They're no longer intimidated by the laws.
We've got a president who does whatever he wishes and even people who would agree with him
I think?
Doing the same thing to the Senate Intelligence Committee staffers that they've historically done to whistleblowers when somebody exposes their criminal actions.
What do they do?
They come after those people personally.
They intimidate them.
That's why you do not want to let the government have access to everybody's information.
Let's go to Hector in New Jersey.
Thank you, Josh.
Are you still there?
Let's go to Raymond in Kentucky.
Oh yes, uh, hello?
Yes, go ahead, what you think about CPAC?
Uh, I'm just now really starting to get into being awake and you know, thanks to Alex Jones and everything.
So, my question is, like when he speak and you speak and when y'all say like globalists, who are like the top globalists, the top, the most dangerous people right now behind the scenes that are calling shots?
Well, you can see what's happening if you look at the people who are fostering and funding this revolution in Ukraine.
Hang on, we'll be right back.
We'll talk about that a little bit more right after the break.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex.
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You know, coming up in the next segment, we're going to have a special report about estrogen mimickers.
Do you even know what they are?
Do you know how to block them?
We're going to talk about how you can, using natural herbs, coming up in the next segment.
But right now, we're taking some calls about CPAC and other things.
We just had a caller.
Are you still there, Raymond, in Kentucky?
Yes, yes, I'm still here.
You just asked me, you know, who are the globalists?
Well, you know,
If you want to know who the globalists are, look at the money.
Follow the money.
Look at the 1% of the 1% that go to Bilderberg, for example, or to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Look at the people who run those organizations.
People like Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
These are the guys who essentially ran the Nixon and Carter administrations.
But you've got people who are profiting from the military-industrial complex, the people who are writing Obamacare, the insurance companies who want to profit from that.
There is this, some people call it a crony capitalism, but it's actually much more than that.
And I would suggest that you take a look at the history of the Bilderberg Group, as well as CFR.
You know, Bilderberg, the very first meeting, they plotted the European Union.
And the Euro.
That was when they began.
And we now have some of the notes of those meetings.
For the longest time, going well into the 1990s, people would say that the Bilderberg Group didn't even exist.
Well, now we know that they exist.
We follow them around.
Other reporters follow them around.
And we do get leaks from time to time as to what they're talking about.
But if you want to take a look at who the globalists are, start with that list as it's leaked.
That's a good place to start.
Let's go to... Thanks for calling, Raymond.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, yes, pretty much.
I just always hear people always complain about Obama this and he's done this and done that, but I know that there's other people probably behind him just calling shots and I feel like they need to be brought out, you know.
You know, I said earlier in the show, if you want to really see what's going on, look at the fact that up against Obama, they put John McCain.
I'm sure John McCain was really excited.
He thought maybe he really had a chance, but they had that thing so skewed.
I mean, they put a young, energetic,
Black guy who could offer hope for real positive change.
They put him up against this old, tired, angry white guy who was a fossil of the establishment for generations.
Everybody knew he was going to keep things exactly the way they were.
It was rigged from the very beginning, but look at what's happened.
After Obama becomes president and John McCain is still there, he's the one that's going around to the places where they're trying to foster unrest and wars.
He's going to meet with Al-Qaeda in Syria.
It's John McCain who goes to meet with the neo-Nazis in the Ukraine.
He's part of that group.
He's doing their bidding.
It's an insider club.
They have the guys who are president.
They're really doing the bidding of these guys who really have the money there.
Thank you, Raymond.
Let's go to another Raymond in Illinois.
Illinois, you there?
Yes, sir, I am.
And this is in regards to what you're talking about.
I don't think we should be the police of the world.
And I have a quote here that I wrote down by Thomas Jefferson.
The people of every country are the only guardians of their own rights and are the only instruments which can be used for their destruction.
It is an axiom in my mind that our liberty can never be saved but in the hands of the people themselves, that too of the people with a certain degree of instruction.
That's right.
That's right.
We see over and over again the U.S.
trying to support the idea that we go abroad seeking monsters to destroy, saying that we're going to give democracy to these people.
They need to get it for themselves.
We need to fix it here at home first.
Why don't we fix what's wrong with America before we start trying to fix everybody else's problem, don't you think?
You're absolutely correct, sir.
Well, thank you, Raymond in Illinois.
Let's go to Frank in Nebraska.
Well, happy Friday.
About that CPAC, well Marco Rubio has been visited quite several times and is very much in cahoots with Mr. Dick Cheney.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
He's also in with McCain and with Lindsey Miss Graham out of South Carolina.
You see him in agreement with them on immigration as well as on the neocon foreign policy.
We'll be right back.
Stay tuned.
We've got a special report coming up about estrogen mimickers.
You need to understand how that affects your health and the health of your family.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex today.
We've been talking to callers about CPAC.
What do they think about the speeches that they've seen there?
Do they see any changes in the Republican Party?
Does it look like the leaders are starting to recognize that the people have basically had it?
That's a losing position to say that you're going to now be the policeman of the 21st century worldwide.
It looks like there's a lot of conservatives like Marco Rubio who don't get that, although we see some positive stuff coming from people like Marco Rubio, and we have a speech coming up this afternoon from Rand Paul.
Hopefully there'll be some hope there that we'll have somebody that
We can support in the upcoming election.
We have to get engaged and involved early.
I still believe that most of the change is going to come at the local level.
We need to stop looking for a savior that's going to make everything right at the national level, but it's still very important.
I think it's interesting at CPAC we see that Mitch McConnell, who really does represent the old school Republican establishment, he brought a gun to CPAC and he walks in, holds a gun over his head, it looks like it's a flintlock rifle, and they said that the moment that he held that up was the only time that the audience cheered loudly during his five minutes on stage.
I think they were cheering the gun and not Mitch McConnell.
And that's the problem with the Republican Party.
If they're going to exclude the Tea Party group, if they're going to exclude libertarians who want limited government, they're going to find themselves as the minority party.
We have to change the complexion of at least one of these parties.
Hopefully we can get people on the Democrat side as well.
So we're going to take some more of your calls.
Hector in New Jersey has been hanging out for quite some time.
We're going to come back to him.
If you want to call in, it's 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
What do you make out of these speeches that we see coming out of CPAC?
What do you see?
Now, right now I want to play for you a very important investigative report.
Do you know what estrogen mimickers are?
Do you know how to block them?
Even more importantly, do you know how to block them using natural herbs?
That's a very important question for your health and for the health of your family.
You know, we support this operation.
With the products that we sell that help you to take control of the self-reliance of your family, it's a win-win situation for both of us.
But whether or not you buy our products, you really need to understand the threat to your health, the threat to your family's health that estrogen mimickers present.
So here's a special report.
Yeah, over the last couple of months, I've been doing a lot of eating over the holidays, and I don't know, for some reason, I've been slightly depressed, and this has actually helped out a lot.
Well, you hadn't told me that!
Well, you already noticed that I wasn't my usual self.
Yeah, actually.
I'm telling you, I'm already starting to feel a whole lot better.
And he did say, you know, I'm trying to go back to the gym and everything.
I said, well, just try this.
And he was like, well, I don't know, you know, is it good?
And I said, yeah, give it a try.
This is completely candid.
You weren't even going to be in this.
No, I wasn't even going to be in this.
OK, well, Shane was just saying, wow, this stuff's really great after like four or five days.
Now you're telling me, mentally, what did it do?
I'm a lot sharper, definitely, and I'm in a whole lot better mood.
I'm actually wanting to go do some before pictures to see what over the next four or five weeks
We'll do.
So you're really going to do this?
I'm really going to do this.
Okay, because I've known you since high school, you're on the gun show with us, and I'm just glad that Gucci already gave you a bottle of that.
No, but I was interrupting you earlier.
What did you immediately feel when you were doing it, and why do you want to do this?
Well, I was actually just trying it out.
I wasn't really expecting anything from it, and after probably three or four days, I was
I was in a better mood and I was, you know, wanting to go to the gym.
Steiner, we're going to see what happens in a month and in two months.
Any final thoughts?
And we're doing this.
I guess I'm going to have to start going to the gym now.
The video you just saw was shot on Anthony Gutiardi's iPhone 5, five weeks ago.
And it was totally impromptu.
We were talking about the rave reviews we were getting from listeners and viewers.
About super male vitality and my friend Shane Steiner who does a gun show with us was here And he's a fitness enthusiast and was getting ready to hit it really hard in the gym again And he said you know what let me try it I mean, I'm sure your products are good, but let's see what it really does and so I said fine Let's shoot a video on the iPhone.
You know you have a big effect You have to promise to come in and endorse it well a couple weeks later says man that stuff really works five weeks later He's like all the trainers the gym wanted what the hell is in it?
Well, we're going to talk about that today, but bottom line, it is concentrated organic herbs and other compounds, cold-pressed and then purified, and that's why I can only personally take half the dose.
Now, I've been doing mainly cardio, and even my high-stress life, everybody can see I've lost some weight and gotten a lot healthier.
It just helps me work out, jog further, everything.
It's done wonders.
But joining us to talk about it is Anthony Gutiarty, who helped develop it with Dr. Grip.
Anthony heads up one of the largest health sites in the World Natural Society, also the news site StoryLake.com.
And of course, Shane Stiner is a good friend of mine since high school.
And it's just exciting to see the dramatic results that he's gone through in just five weeks.
He's going to be back in here with us again in another five weeks to see what the Super Metal Vitality has done.
Shane, thanks for being the guinea pig, buddy.
Hey, you know what?
I was telling Gucciari that had we not been friends, I probably wouldn't have tried it.
I mean, because I've tried every supplement that there is on the market, but as soon as I started taking the Super Mario Vitality, I was in the gym, you know, I would work out twice as long and twice as hard, and so I sort of handed it out to trainers and stuff at the gym, and they are, like, calling me, asking me, like, hey, can you give me some more?
So it's really helping out.
I take this first thing in the morning, and it gives me a pick-me-up.
And it doesn't get me wired like coffee does, but it gives me a mental boost.
We only brought out three products in eight months.
That's because I went to all the experts.
We're still trying to find more products.
We just can't find something good enough.
I mean, most people cut corners.
We can put a dollar worth of stuff in a bottle and sell it like the big brands do.
This stuff's costing us like $10, $15, $20 a bottle just to get the raw herbs and then concentrate them.
We've gone the extra miles to bring people the best, but again, it's not just
For weightlifting, it's not just for overall health we found.
It really is vitality.
What's happening here?
Well, you know, we could talk about the research for 5 hours, 10 hours, 20 hours.
There's voluminous amounts of research as to what's going on here.
The natural production of testosterone, all of it.
But I actually wanted to segue into something Shane told me yesterday.
He called me up.
Because again, he was just supposed to come in today to take some photos.
This all is spur-of-the-moment stuff because we were amazed by his testimonial.
But I was particularly moved by his friend's testimonial.
Because it reimburses this reality that we are helping people with this product.
And it is about the high-quality ingredients.
Wait a minute, are you allowed to tell the story?
Well, are you okay with it?
Your friend who took it with... Yeah, of course.
Well, I hope it's okay to talk about it, but Shane told me yesterday, he called me up and he said, hey man, you know, I've been taking this, going to the gym and taking it in the gym for, you know, physical reasons and everything, but my friend, who's really into powerlifting and all of that, he said, hey, I want some of that because I can see the gains, the muscle gains you're having.
But ultimately, he went home and he was texting him, he forwarded me some of the texts about how his fiancé is really actually the one who's mostly impressed with superman vitality.
The sex life, he said, was just like,
Well that's what's exciting is, and again folks,
I just challenge viewers out there, get a bottle, you're supporting the Infowar, libertarian, constitutional, free speech, second amendment, property rights, family, you're supporting this media organization that sells funds.
We're not like MSNBC that gets stimulus money or NPR that gets tax money.
We're funded by viewers like you buying the high quality products.
I know if you'll just try it, we've not had any bad reviews of this product.
People are going, whoa, I've tried other supplements, they didn't do this, what is this?
Well, what it is, is Supramel Vitality.
And look, again... Let's just say it, it's barbarian juice.
And again, you know, because we're friends, you know, I tried it and I can't tell you how happy I am that I can honestly say, like, you know, I'll stand behind this 100%.
People should check it out for themselves, because it's not a joke.
I mean, it's not, it's real.
You would think that something that allows you to go out and work out really intense would make you on edge all day.
It actually makes me feel really mellow.
When I take it, I can think clearly and I can go in and work out, but I just overall just feel better.
And it helps me sleep better as well.
Guys, I want to get back to the aphrodisiac effect of this, because let's not lie to people.
There's a lot of chemical stuff out there that does the same thing, but has a lot of side effects.
This, quite frankly, has a bigger effect on women.
And before we started shooting this today, you were saying your buddy's issue was, though, is he's all crazed and fired up now.
And she was asking, is there something for me?
The truth is, this is even better for women when it comes to
Libido is what we found.
You have to try it for yourselves out there, folks.
Basically, the environment is polluted with estrogen and estrogen mimickers.
We're hit on a daily basis, including women.
The maintaining of hormone balance is key.
If you have proper hormone balance, you're going to have a high libido.
Yeah, that's what group says.
It just makes you go back into what you're supposed to be like.
If this was a thousand years ago, we'd all be like that.
And nothing increases libido like testosterone.
I mean, that's what makes
Men, men.
When I really knew that it was making a difference is when I would go into the gym and would forget to take it.
And I would just be kind of out of it and thinking, what is my deal today?
And then I would remember.
That's why I keep in the truck because I always forget it sometimes and I'd rent the truck.
Take a couple drop of fools and then it's on.
And as folks can see on screen, there he is five weeks ago, Shane Steiner, and there he is five weeks later, photos taken today.
We've got about half the office has been on it for about eight weeks or so and I've gotten nothing but positive reviews from everyone and the callers of the show.
I've just been honest with me, with my physiology and whatever,
That I'm sure it's because I'm hormonally unbalanced or something.
It's doing something with it.
I'm just telling folks that they need to, you know, obviously go slow with it.
Because it's, I mean, we're not selling placebo Kool-Aid here.
This is hardcore herbs.
This is not a game.
You may need to only take one drop or full.
I've taken root extract before.
They've been horrible tasting.
You know why?
This is glycerin organic based.
Usually they'll say mix with juice or some other drink so that you can fire it down.
This you can just take it right in your mouth.
Straight in the dropper.
And so yeah that's that's another great point about it.
The thing about this
It is a clear liquid, but it does have some grit from the real root.
And when you taste it, you can taste, if you read the ingredients and you actually research it, you can individually select every single one of the ingredients and taste them.
You know, most supplements, in fact, will have, there's a real number and a number they put it in.
So, for example, they can say that it's two milligrams of vitamin C.
Now, to get that 2mg of vitamin C, you might have to put 10mg of vitamin C to actually yield 2mg of vitamin C. This is the real deal.
This is a real, balanced formula with all the right amounts inside.
And it's no joke, it's not a placebo, it's not a game.
This is the real formula that took 5 years to develop, 6 years to launch.
Our pledge at InfoWarsLife.com is to only bring you the very best research products.
That's why we've only put out three in the last eight months.
We could have a hundred out right now.
We've got several others in the pipeline, but it's very hard to get the raw ingredients.
In fact, we've sold out of Supramel Vitality already once and had to wait a month until we got more of the raw, wet herbs.
That's its secret.
That's why it's so powerful.
Now, I'll be honest with you.
I just know it works.
I don't understand how it all works.
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And we've been taking calls on CPAC and what people see the politicians there saying.
And we've had Hector in New Jersey waiting for quite some time.
Hector, would you like to weigh in on what you think about what you've seen at CPAC?
Yes, how are you doing?
Can you hear me now?
Yes, I can hear you.
Thank you for waiting.
Okay, thanks a lot.
Well, first of all, I think we need to stop worrying about the rest of the world.
We need to get together here, rally around every government office there is, around every femme camp there is, and demand that these people be impeached and arrested.
We need to shut this country down and go to them before they come to us, because we might be too late already.
Yes, I agree with you.
And that was one of the things, as I mentioned before, you know, when Ted Cruz came out and he said, I want you all to turn on your phones because I want Obama to hear every word of that.
And everybody laughed.
And it's like, you know, I know that you don't want to be super serious all the time, but if you're in the situation where you can still laugh about that, you don't understand the importance and the seriousness of that.
People need to get angry.
I can hear the anger in your voice.
I know you waited a long time to say that people need to understand where we are and how much worse this is going to get if we don't roll this back.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
And I think we just need to set a deadline right now.
We ain't got much time.
Let's say April 1st.
Everybody go to the nearest family camp, to the nearest government agency.
Let's close this country down and let's demand their impeachment and their arrest.
That's the only way to start.
That's the only way we're going to defend ourselves is by attacking them first before they attack us.
It's amazing when you see the inaction in Congress and that was one of the things in the long interview that we aired last hour with Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
That was one of the things he commented on.
It's like he was absolutely amazed at how passive the Republicans have been.
Now, of course, the Democrats, you can kind of excuse that in some way by saying, well, it's their own party or whatever, this is because of partisanness.
There have been, to be fair, there have been some Democrats who have pushed back against the surveillance state, and good for them.
They've got integrity, just like there have been Republicans who have opposed the Patriot Act when George Bush was in charge.
We need to notice those people who will stand against party loyalty, who value the rule of law, who value the Constitution over their partisan party politics.
And we need to note those people in both parties and support them, whoever they are.
You know, Hector, I'm looking at this article today that is on InfoWars from Mikhail Thelin, talking about a Massachusetts man charged with wiretapping for filming the police in public.
This is the same state that just earlier this week the court said it's okay to shoot upskirts in Massachusetts.
That's not a problem.
But if you shoot a cop when he's cursing and he knows that you're shooting him, they charge you with wiretapping as if you're doing something secretive.
You know, wiretapping is what Piers Morgan did.
That's not what this guy was doing.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back for this last segment of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we've been talking about CPAC and what the Republican politicians have been saying.
Where is the soul of the Republican Party going to be this next election?
Are they even going to have a soul?
We'll see.
Stay tuned.
But you know, here's a hopeful piece of news.
This comes from the Weekly Standard.
And they reported yesterday that there's a bill to make the fine for violating the individual mandate of Obamacare $0.
That's right.
Make that fine $0.
And it passed by 90 votes.
Now it was all the Republicans.
And 27 Democrats.
It's starting to catch on.
You know, there were no Republicans who voted for Obamacare, so that's 27 votes more to make the fine $0 from the Democrats.
There was only one Republican who was against it.
That's Paul Brown of Georgia.
Hey, people in Georgia, get that guy out of there.
If he wants to fine people, if he thinks that he's got a right to fine people to dictate what kind of health insurance you're going to have,
And to fine you if you don't do it?
And to use the IRS against you if you don't have it?
Get Paul Brown out of Georgia.
We don't need people like him pretending to be in a party that is for individual choice or limited government.
Certainly doesn't belong there.
But the good news is that 27 Democrats are voting to take this out and of course Obama just willy-nilly amends the Obamacare Act as he wishes with one executive order after the other because of course he's the dictator and he has a pen and he has a phone.
I want to go now to another caller, Luke in Vietnam.
You're on hold.
Want to talk about CPAC?
Things that you see there?
I'm not about CPAC, about something you mentioned on last Friday's show about a man, I think it was from Maryland, who had done an FOI after receiving a letter about a gun grab and was threatened with prosecution.
I want to tell your listeners that there is actually a legal framework for prosecuting people who do FOIs in Australia.
Oh, really?
Oh yeah, I'm sure there is.
He's a poster child for why, you know, that was the thing.
You know, you look at this case in Massachusetts where this guy, this 51-year-old guy, here's a cop across the street, I think, I didn't look at the video but reading the description of the article, he sees this cop, or here's this cop swearing, and he yells out to the cop, you know, to stop the language, and he holds up the phone and starts videotaping him.
They arrested this guy.
He comes over to him, starts cursing on the phone, arrests him.
Charges him with wiretapping because he filmed the police in public, and of course they erased the video so that you don't see it.
But that's not wiretapping.
The government is telling everybody that there's no anticipation of any privacy for anything that you do in public.
But of course, don't try to film any government actor doing something in public.
Wiretapping is what Piers Morgan did in the UK with his newspaper, where you actually eavesdrop on people.
You actually go in and tap into their phone and listen to them.
That's what our government does to people with the NSA all the time, but you're saying that they've tied in a request, if you get a FOIA request in Australia, that you can be up for criminal charges?
Five years jail under Australia's rarest crime according to the New South Wales Bureau of Statistics.
I did a custom query.
Two convictions before me.
100% conviction rate.
No case law.
We don't even know the welfare of the people accused of this law.
And the tie-in to Piers Morgan is that he actually wrote an article about the officer that I'm accused of obtaining the personal information on.
It's in the UK Mirror.
Well, he didn't write it.
He was the editor of the UK Mirror at the time.
And it's called, um, Boosted by a Lesbian Tiff.
You can actually get five years jail for knowing you're a victim of reverse discrimination.
Crime of knowing the sexual preference of a law enforcement officer.
Wow, that's pretty outrageous.
But that's exactly what we see all the time.
We see the government coming after whistleblowers when somebody points out something that they've done wrong, instead of a mea culpa, instead of adjusting their behavior.
They just double down and persecute the individual.
Well, that's it for today's show.
We're going to be back on Sunday.
Don't forget to change your clocks.
We go into daylight savings time here in the States, and for those of you who are listening abroad, keep that in mind.