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Filename: 20140121_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 21, 2014
2557 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's FEMA's job, since they were set up in 1979 by the outgoing Jimmy Carter, to deal with continuity of government, nuclear war, emergencies, earthquakes, man-made natural disasters.
So they're always preparing for biological pandemics, mass graves, you name it.
In fact, Aaron Dykes wrote an article like three years ago that made national news.
With the headline that states prepare mass graves.
And then we show the state documents with the phone numbers.
In fact, will you guys print me that?
Just states prepare for mass graves, pandemic.
Aaron Dykes, Infowars.com.
That should pull it up if you put the Infowars.com in.
Because before I get to Paul Watson's article, and Paul's a great guy, my best writer, my most prolific.
But so many times we will take something and then dial it back.
Because we don't want to sound sensational.
If it is sensational, it is sensational.
And then you should report it.
So many times in history, incredibly bad things happen.
People can't believe something amazing is happening, either amazingly good or amazingly bad.
So many people have something wonderful drop in their laps, and they will self-destructively destroy themselves to sabotage it, not believing that they could be successful.
But they did find the actual article.
Let's throw it back up there.
There's the Aaron Dykes article from jonesreport.com, a site we don't really update anymore, but we intend to down the road.
Plans for mass graves confirmed.
Surveying cemetery readiness for flu outbreak.
Print me that again.
Thank you.
And then I'm going to have Watson add that to his article because I ended up editing here on air.
And I have the guys correct me on air as well.
We're all helping each other.
We're all correcting each other.
We're trying to get it right.
And you know, his article isn't scary enough.
His article isn't bad enough.
His article needs to get people concerned so that we can have a debate about this and hopefully stop whatever's coming.
Or at least be individually prepared for it.
Because it's not my job to scare you, but when something is scary, it's not my job to say, is FEMA preparing for a pandemic?
Question mark.
Federal agency seeks 40-yard dumpsters for biomedical waste disposal during emergency.
Well, I mean, they're preparing mass graves, they're preparing forced inoculations, they're preparing under InfraGard, lockdowns under clergy response teams, the church is saying, take your inoculations, go to the campus of the Lord.
That's on the news!
I could play TV clips with them reporting it like it's a good thing.
Here's the article.
I'm going to have this added to Paul Watson's report.
The headline is, FEMA accelerates or expands preparation for biological pandemic.
Or medical waste could be for a civil war.
You know, what they need for a bunch of dead military and police.
The point is they're expanding across the board and their main mission is letting the foreign globalist offshore crime syndicate take over this country.
But here it is.
Plans for mass graves confirmed.
Government surveying.
Cemetery readiness for flu outbreak.
And how to bury millions in Illinois, Indiana, New York.
That's just three states we got documents from.
We had one emergency manager on from Indiana near Chicago, you know, close to the border with Illinois, where they wanted to be ready to bury three million people on county property.
In the Indiana area, county, unnamed county.
People didn't believe it so then I got a bunch of documents sent to me by state insiders and funeral homes and folks that own the cemeteries who got the letters saying prepare and we've got copies of those with phone numbers if you'd like to.
So, is FEMA preparing for pandemic?
Do great white sharks eat seals?
Do elephants have long curly trunks and little tails?
Does the Easter Bunny leave eggs outside for the children?
I don't know.
The point is, is that we're going to get into that and a lot more.
Big show lined up for you today.
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Life Fluoride Shield formulation.
Fusing six of the best documented ingredients from around the world to help the body remove not just toxic fluoride residues from the body, but a whole host of toxic substances.
Let's take a stand against the globalists.
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I use Fluoride Shield everyday.
Secure your Fluoride Shield and other pioneering formulations at InfoWarsLife.com today.
Let's start cleansing our bodies now and support the Info War at the same time.
That's InfoWarsLife.com
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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Move south of the equator or properly protect your thyroid with nascent iodine.
Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
Nascent iodine is the purest, cleanest, absolute best form of iodine to protect yourself and your family.
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Nascent Iodine is on record as one of the only safe ways to detox from fluoride poisoning.
Survival Shield Nascent Iodine.
Secure your super high quality Nascent Iodine today at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.
The globalist model is to shut down societies and starve patriots out until they acquiesce to the global takeover.
That's why we've assembled the most vital and important preparedness items at InfoWarsShop.com.
These are items that I did research on, that I personally use.
You've got the LifeStraw, so you can turn fetid water into safe water anywhere you go.
The KTOR Hand Crank Generator, to charge up key equipment during power outages or out in the field.
Strategic Relocation 3rd Edition by Joel Skousen.
When Disaster Strikes by Matthew Stein.
Therosafe used by Homeland Security to protect yourself during any radiological event.
Hand cranked shortwave AM FM radios.
Everything that we've researched and found to be the best is available at Infowarshop.com and your purchase makes our Infowar possible.
We're getting prepared.
Are you?
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, today is the day.
It is the 40th anniversary
of Roe v. Wade and we have 55 million
Million, with an M, dead children in this country since then.
And you notice basically every other freedom and liberty is also dying or dead right now at the very, very same time.
So, coming up in the next hour, I'm going to open the phones up specifically for a discussion of abortion, whether you're for it, against it, whether you agree with me, disagree, whether you have your own stories to tell.
But I look at my three children,
And I think about the fact that they could have been aborted.
I could have legally gone and killed them.
Or my wife could have legally gone and killed them.
And I imagine the world without them and all the joy they've brought me and how I have a love for them that transcends that for my father, my mother, my wife.
It is the strongest love out there.
And just even imagining them in distress, or imagining them being slaves, or imagining them living under this tyranny, breaks my heart.
And people that don't love, they don't know what it means to have your heart broken.
It's when you feel broken inside.
It is a constant pain when people that you love die, and then every time you remember them, the heartbrokenness comes back.
But there is an emptiness in love that's also fulfilling.
It's better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all.
And love is the secret in the world.
It's what ties us all together.
It's what binds us, those of us that love goodness.
And that doesn't mean that those of us that love goodness are wimps or that we have a narrow vision.
I have a wide vision into evil and into corruption.
I understand it as well.
And I understand worldliness and I understand hatred.
I understand avarice.
I understand will to power.
I understand the ideas of dominance.
And certainly when you're young and immature, those things are more attractive.
But they become less and less attractive.
So that when I have to defeat somebody or dominate somebody in righteousness,
I don't take a pleasure in it.
It is more a mechanical function, and I'm more effective at it not being as emotional.
But I do fall back into emotionalism on a routine basis, and we have emotions for a reason.
We're meant to get angry.
We're meant to hate evil.
But my love of the innocent is so much stronger that it is just a whole universe of my being compared to the reservoir
All right.
I am just absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of news we've got here.
I just mentioned this in the last segment.
FEMA is preparing for a mass pandemic, buying giant dumpsters to put, quote, medical waste.
You know, we know they've bought coffins and prepared mass graves.
And if you want to see the proof of that, we have an article from 2009, Infowars.com, that I've had added to Paul Watson's new article that's out today.
Plans for mass graves confirmed, government serving, cemetery readiness for flu outbreak, and tens of millions dead.
And that's ongoing, but you know, we don't just have one article about FEMA gearing up today and then move on to another.
We then also connect it back to some of the back knowledge.
In fact, let's put that article back up with the headline there for folks.
And then let's click on some of those documents actually, so folks can see that that are watching us on television at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWarsNews.com.
And there you can see the Bureau of Cemeteries out of New York and the director of it saying prepare for millions of dead and mass graves.
And of course we got these documents from Indiana, Illinois, New York, Arizona and others when people were in denial about our FEMA preparing mass graves report.
We're good to go.
Or Libya or anywhere else.
But they're also training domestically on record to confiscate our guns if ordered to do so under Presidential Decision Directive 51 and others.
And it's declassified and leaked 50 plus different ways or more.
Army Times, Associated Press, Infowars.com.
In the last six years, that preparation's being accelerated.
So I'm sick of the denial and, oh, it's that crazy guy Alex Jones.
You know, he thinks the government's gearing up for martial law.
We're already in a form of martial law in this country.
So, up on Infowars.com right now.
Let me just mention some of these headlines and then I will get into all the other news.
FEMA accelerates preparations for pandemic.
Report TSA threatens to put man on list over parody video.
I'm gonna be getting to that.
There's actual audio of this up on the site.
Cynical new PR stunt greases skids for humanitarian invasion of Syria.
Very important new hoax.
Just like the chemical weapons attack hoax has now been
Not double, triple, quadruple, but the UN, all the inspectors.
Even this week, new documents came out yesterday that it was totally launched by the Syrian rebels funded by Bandar Bush, Prince Bandar out of Saudi Arabia.
Same one launching terror attacks all over Russia right now.
Here's another one.
How dare they invite Iran to the Syrian peace conference?
Yes, there's a big freakout about that.
Also, again, we're going to get into the $23 trillion credit bubble in China starting to collapse and may signal the next major global financial crisis.
And there's another story that says U.S.
Army elite special forces train with local cops in secretive joint exercise.
That's outside Fort Bragg and normally when there's an urban warfare training drill,
We've gone out to many of these and documented that it's to acclimate the public, to prepare the general population for martial law, that it is a militarization of police program to condition everyone to accept it, and that's now on record.
In this particular case, I think it's important to report on it, but it's part of a program they've had since the 40s for special forces
Qualification graduations.
And they've got different ones.
The SAGE program and others.
But that's what this is.
And they've had cases where police have actually killed Special Forces trainees because the Special Forces trainees think that they're supposed to subdue a cop in a drill, but the cop isn't part of the drill and kills him.
There was a case like five years ago where the cop shot and killed two of them.
I don't
Uh, there in the Carolinas, uh, is part of a normal drill.
But the problem is, is that in other areas, this has been used to blur the lines and they have expanded it.
So, uh, there's that report.
Let me get into all the serious news here.
If you're watching me on TV, document cam, you can see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 stacks.
Some of these stacks are 20 articles thick.
We're going to skip this network break because I'm going to do it this time.
I'm going to finally succeed.
I've never succeeded in 18, almost 19 years on air.
I guess it's 19 years now starting this year.
I'm going to read just the top headlines and move on.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it right now.
Organic food shortages hit U.S.
Party sees on abortion issue in midterm race.
I am overwhelmed by 55 million babies killed since Roe v. Wade.
Life news.
Top story on drogereport.com.
Continuing, Thai government declares state of emergency as protests drag on.
Russian police kill terror suspect in winter Olympic security crackdown.
After collapse, six likely events that will follow, an economic crash.
I definitely need to pull that and cover that.
NSA sets gold tread for surveillance human rights watch.
Hostile in the high seas, Iran sends warships to Atlantic Ocean in historic first.
I mean, I've just read a few articles out of hundreds, folks.
I mean, this is insane.
Geithner warned S&P chairman U.S.
would retaliate for downgrade.
London barman attempts citizen's arrest on ex-UKPM Blair over Iraq war crimes.
There's video.
68 expect NSA phone spying to stay the same or increase.
Yeah, I think they know what's going on.
Privacy tools used by 28% of the online world.
Research finds.
Sorry liberals, Martin Luther King Jr.
believed in Second Amendment rights.
Ooh, I got to cover that one.
See, I already saw these headlines, but I've just got to get to all this.
There's so much.
I don't even have time to cover this whole stack.
Here, let me just go to another one here.
This is really important on the economic front right here.
debt up $1,608,304 for each baby born the year Obama took office.
So children born that year all individually owe over $1,600,000.
According to the Globalist who signed us on to all their own debt.
Oh, see, I'm now breaking my rule.
Who are the new middle class around the world?
You'd be surprised how poor they are.
Yes, under new middle class standards under Agenda 21, you will make $4 to $13 a day and will be considered elite.
So get ready, but you will have a smartphone that tracks everything you do.
That'll be subsidized.
Your own little microwaving spy droid.
Spain's worst year for work leaves Rajoy counting costs as they go under the New World Order.
The $23 trillion credit bubble in China is starting to collapse.
Financial crisis next.
If he was around today, Thomas Jefferson would be considered a Tea Party extremist.
We'll see if we can get to that today.
That is just some of the news on that front.
And I'm not even covering the top stuff yet.
I'm just going over the stacks here to show you what I'm dealing with here.
Oh my goodness, this is unbelievable.
This is absolutely unbelievable.
Let me just continue here with some of the other news.
Optimism and positive outlook seems to help people stay healthier as they age.
Washington Post, Financial Times, Red Wine and Chocolate could fight type 2 diabetes research warrants.
That's why Bloomberg wants to restrict them.
See all their quote health food moves are meant to restrict healthy food that you're allowed to get or to just tax food in general.
Like they don't say what fats are bad like trans fats.
They just say all fats are bad even though your brain needs them.
Sitting at work for hours can be as unhealthy as smoking.
CBS News.
No kidding.
That's just some of the news on that front I'll get more into.
Let's move on to this stack.
Bill Gates sees almost no poor countries left by 2035.
Yeah, because they're going to be reducing population worldwide and claiming that you're not poor if you make $4 a day.
See, they just changed definitions.
Fugitive U.S.
leaguer Snowden fears for his life after open U.S.
senators and intelligence officials call for his murder and his death.
Murder, death, killed.
White House drug czar contradicts Obama on marijuana.
Says that marijuana is much stronger today and basically needs to stay illegal.
Doesn't matter.
You guys just want to keep it illegal so you can get a cut off the money in the black market.
The other government agencies know they'll make more money taxing it and that's why there's a bureaucratic battle.
I say decriminalize it because people are going to smoke their brains anyways.
That's their problem, not my problem.
I don't need to be pulled over and asked if I've got Mary Jane on me.
Some idiot wants to smoke a bunch of it and sit there and live in their mom's basement all day.
I know all pot smokers don't do that, but do not tell me that marijuana isn't a powerful hallucinogen in the psychotropic class and knocks you on your hind end now, most of it.
And then that's why Soros is promoting it.
You can smoke your dope, and I say decriminalize it and legalize it and regulate it, but doesn't mean I gotta endorse it.
Amazon plans to ship customers packages before they even order them, literally predicting the future.
And I've told you, this is the future of everything and it's going to wreck society, folks.
I'm going to be breaking that down coming up.
Report Microsoft planning and paying YouTubers for positive Xbox coverage.
Yeah, of course.
Inside secret Chinese camps, curing internet addiction, and as much as I don't like the Chinese re-education camps, internet addiction is a very serious phenomenon in children especially, and it's reprogramming their brains and screwing them up, but you cannot stop parents, particularly women in the studies, giving their kids smartphones and letting them live on them.
Because they're addicted too.
This is the takedown of society.
Also, the coming GOP amnesty push sellout.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Also, Mark Dice, this is up on Infowars.com, got Californians to take bottled water imported from Fukushima that's radioactive and they took it and thought it was good.
We're going to be playing that video today.
We've got a lot of videos coming up on the transmission.
Again, I'm just giving you what's in some of the top of the stacks, okay?
I'm going to go back into all this in detail.
Blend back to the New York Governor Cuomo.
Are our tax dollars not welcome here as well?
You know, pro-lifers, conservatives, gun owners, you're not welcome?
They don't care if everything collapses, that's what they want!
They want to say we're a cult and you're not welcome.
You know, we're open and liberal.
That's why we don't tolerate anybody having views different than ours.
Because we're authoritarians.
But it's okay because we have the moral high ground because we said we did.
Because, you know, Andrew Cuomo's a known gangster along with his thug dad, Mario Cuomo, who hangs out at Bilderberg meetings.
I mean, these are scum of the earth thugs.
But they're going to tell you what you eat, what you do, how much salt you have, how big your soft drink is.
They're going to tell you parents aren't parents.
The state's God.
They're going to tell you you can't own guns, but they got bodyguards.
I'm talking about Bloomberg and Cuomo.
And then they're going to tell you, get out of the state!
Get out of the state if you don't like killing babies.
Get out of the state if you don't want to pay for it with your tax money.
Get out of the state, Catholic Church, if you don't want to pay for abortions inside the institution.
And just like they've infiltrated the Catholic Church with all the pedophiles, that's what's going on in the public schools.
And they're going, let us teach your five-year-old how to have anal sex or how to do things I can't even mention on air.
Let us teach your six-year-old how to masturbate.
You're like, well, that's pedophilia.
Oh, homophobe, homophobe, arrest them, arrest them.
Putin's absolutely right when he comes out and says, gay people are welcome at the Olympics.
By the way, I don't report on this and say this because I have something against, quote, gay people.
I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of not being able to watch any TV show without being bombarded with sexual propaganda constantly.
I'm tired of the agenda.
And it is really causing a backlash in me.
Somebody who's never, you know, put it on my radar.
And somebody who's not obsessed with it.
Because there are people that are definitely latent homosexuals that are obsessed with it all day.
We all know that's going on.
I don't judge any of these people.
But here's the deal.
You keep your hands off our kids.
And Putin said this.
He said, do not come trying to parade it in front of kids.
Do not try to sell the agenda.
And that's what it is.
It is indoctrination because the militant, homosexual, liberal, commie, eugenics agenda, on record, ladies and gentlemen, cannot reproduce.
And so they get their kids from CPS kids that are taken.
That's on record.
And I'm tired of being hunted.
I'm tired of being food.
Because, I mean, that's all it is.
We have a predatory society and gangs, whether it's bad police groups or bad military groups in history or bad bureaucracies or bad street-level gangs.
When society starts collapsing, people get into gangs.
And I don't like when I'm in a restaurant
That has a bar in it and you're out in the countryside and the local country boy mob shows up who doesn't even own cattle and doesn't, you know, don't even know how to, you know, all hat and no cattle or whatever.
And they show up and are acting tough in the bar trying to start fights.
I'm not against people that have cowboy hats and have a ranch and drive a Ford F-150.
I mean, I'm that guy.
I just don't wear the cowboy hat.
But when I see the townspeople, it's always the town's guys that want to come in and start a fight in the bar, I then don't like fake rednecks.
You understand that?
It's the same thing with gay people.
I mean, I don't like the fact that there's this whole thing, you know, kiss in front of everybody in front of kids, go to neighborhood areas and do this, shove it in your face.
I would like being at a restaurant and a heterosexual couple gets up and starts kissing in front of my kids, all because it's being done on purpose to get attention and to take over my mind and dominate me.
And we all know immature people that do that.
Hey, get a room.
Go crazy.
Just do not sit there and throw it in my face.
I've got stuff going on in my mind.
I'm talking to somebody.
I don't want you to dominate what I'm doing.
You want to tune into my radio show?
Do it.
You want somebody to listen to you?
Go get a radio show.
Go get a TV show.
And we'll see if people want to watch you.
We'll see if they want to listen to you.
What it is, is losers that want to force their agenda, period.
And it could be anything.
It's like the South Park deal on motorcycle gangs.
A lot of motorcycle people are great folks.
Pro-gun, pro-liberty.
I like them.
But we all know the thug, wannabe gangster type.
We all know the thug culture types.
Most of the real criminal motorcycle gangs aren't out stirring up trouble.
They're making money.
But the wannabe criminal outlaw motorcycle gangs, you know, the one-percenters, the three-percenters, whatever you want to call them, they're the type of people that will literally go around into a nice resort area and try to, like, intimidate families sitting around eating lunch with their family.
Because they're mentally ill scum that want to go push people around.
That's who fills the government now.
That's who fills tyranny now.
That's who fills the sails of the ship of tyranny.
And it's a mindset.
And it's a gangster mindset.
And it's a gang mindset.
It's a gang mentality.
Read a law enforcement gang handbook.
Or go research.
Buy a book or go to the library and get a book or an online book on gang psychology.
And then look around you.
It's gang psychology everywhere.
Because humans are meant to be in tribes.
We're meant to be in gangs.
But by having the image of a gang being bad thugs that are mean and pushy, they've taken over society.
We're supposed to have gangs that are in the Bill of Rights Constitution, the family, private property, pro-life, being upstanding, having a good name, and that everyone wants to do business with you.
Everyone wants to work with you.
Everyone wants to be around you.
And you create civilizations of honor and dignity and working together.
And then the criminals are displaced and finally destroyed and pushed out to the total edges of society and are jokes.
But Hollywood and the culture, on purpose, has glorified criminals of all types.
And that's the gangster culture that's taking over.
Now listen, I did the best I've ever done in 19 years on air.
I realize it's 19 years next month.
19 years on air, and I just covered a big blitz of news, but that's nothing.
I only covered maybe 10% of it.
Now I'm gonna look at what I already covered, I'm gonna pick four or five things I think are most important, and then I'm gonna come back on the other side and cover that bunch of audio and video clips.
Then we're gonna open the phones up for a discussion of 55 million dead babies.
40 years today, Roe v. Wade.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Life Fluoride Shield Formulation, fusing six of the best documented ingredients from around the world to help the body remove not just toxic fluoride residues from the body, but a whole host of toxic substances.
Let's take a stand against the globalists.
We're good.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You know what I think I'm gonna start with?
I think I'm gonna get to this article that's up on InfoWars.com first with the headline
California Democrat becomes internet joke after anti-gun press conference.
The anti-gun movement has given yet another reason why you should disregard comments from self-described experts on the alleged dangers of firearms ownership.
California Senator Kevin de Leon recently made a fool of himself while attempting to explain the most basic
Attributes of a firearm and and I forget what was that state senator?
She's now been recalled.
We'll look this up something like Colorado anti-gun rep Makes fool of herself.
That was that was last year about six months ago.
She gets up.
She goes listen You say I won't do anything banning these high-capacity magazines You have to throw the gun away once you've used the magazine and you have to throw the magazine away.
Didn't know that the magazines or clips can be used basically forever.
Didn't know you could shoot hundreds of thousands of rounds that came out of a magazine.
Has no idea.
No idea.
And so there's really two different types of anti-gunners.
And I've experienced this in my life, dealing with friends of my family's that are very nice people.
They would give you the shirt off their back.
They would, you know, they give money to charity, they help little old ladies.
Liberals, real liberals, who really care about society, really think abortions are right, really doesn't think it's a baby, really want to empower women, think breaking up the family will do it, really thinks high taxes are to help people, doesn't understand the ultra-rich get high taxes passed, so they can selectively write laws to be exempt, shut down their competition, and then get the tax money as banker bailouts and corporate welfare.
I've run into liberals over the years, and some of them I've known since I was a child.
One of them, who I've told the story, was a national editor of a major newspaper, and then a national editor of a major magazine, and is still an editor of a major magazine.
And in college, I went to my parents' house to get in the gun safe in my dad's closet, because obviously in college I wasn't keeping a bunch of guns at my place, even though I lived off campus.
And I was going to get a bunch of deer rifles and stuff to go, uh, hunting and shooting.
Because, you know, when you end up going deer hunting, you're not really going deer hunting.
You're going to shoot a bunch of your guns out at the ranch.
And I was walking out, and I walked out with some rifles and went out to the car and was coming back to get some more guns.
And my dad said, yes it is, he just keeps his guns here.
He doesn't want them getting stolen.
They're loaded!
He's having a panic attack.
And my dad goes, hold on just a minute.
He goes and he gets me.
He gets one of the guns.
I think it was a revolver.
And he comes in and he goes, look, it's unloaded, there's nothing.
Ah, no, please, get it out of here, David!
I mean... And then we go, okay, we're putting it up.
And let me tell you something.
When we put the gun back up, he was like, listen!
He had sweat coming down his head.
He goes, I do not appreciate that!
I don't know why you tried to terrorize me like that!
That was completely inappropriate!
And in all my years knowing you, Alex, and you, David, I've known you, Alex, since you were a baby!
I cannot believe this!
These are people my parents vacation with, you name it.
And I've since seen him, like five years later, we were at the beach, my parents went, I went with some friends, got another beach house by him.
Some friends of my parents, my best friends, and he was over there, they were having cocktails, and I said, hey, remember that?
He's like, let's not discuss it, I've already forgiven you.
And I was going to say, man, it's not a big deal.
Let me take you out to a shooting range sometime.
So you have to understand, folks, they literally, when you were a child, maybe you were at a babysitter's house and they let you see a horror movie and you got scared of aliens or something.
And I was like six years old and the VHS had just come out and they had alien on that and they put it in when I was like six years old.
I sat there with a babysitter.
And just, you know, totally scared the daylights out of me.
And for years, I'd be walking by in the house and see that my mom had this black and gray vacuum cleaner that kind of would stick out of the closet looking like the alien hiding in the closet.
And I mean, that was something I actually had fears of, of course, got over it very quickly.
My dad said, no, you're not sleeping with us.
You've been sleeping by yourself since you were three.
You're not coming back into bed with us now.
But the point is, that's how the average Democrat thinks of a gun is literally
Like I opened a closet when I was six, and the alien comes out to eat me.
I mean, that's the type of fear that these people have.
I'm talking sweating in 30 seconds, having a total freakout that they saw me walking by with a gun.
So it doesn't matter that gun crimes dropped 51% since 1992, the FBI's own numbers.
It doesn't matter if mass shootings are flat.
None of that matters.
None of that even has an issue.
Because they'll take a tragic shooting.
You know, the whole family will die.
Six people in a minivan.
Their guts, brains are all over the highway.
Dead babies.
They'll never show it on the news.
The cops and EMTs have to deal with that, and it traumatizes them.
Worst part about being a cop, I've been told by family, there are polices, the dead bodies at car wrecks.
Forget all the other stuff.
It's the dead kids at car wrecks.
People's heads chopped off, you name it.
I've seen a few fatal car wrecks growing up in Dallas, believe me.
Like Road Warrior or something.
Because my dad would always pull over to help.
He's one of those old-fashioned bad guys, you know, that actually try to help.
Even if 10 cars stopped ahead of him, he would stop.
You know, a goody two-shoes, a troublemaker.
Like John Bowne telling a lady, don't stand one foot from a burning car.
People are in that saying, you know, you troublemaker, let her stand by the car, it's safe.
So, where am I going with this?
There are the types that are scared to death and actually have a Pavlovian psychological response, like dressing up like a demon and running into your two-year-old's bedroom to scare them.
That's what they're doing is terrorizing childlike brains.
People that are smart when it comes to literature and art, and are intellectual, and are probably at 130 IQs, they still have an emotional response to g-g-g-g-g-guns!
And the police can tase you, and the government can beat you, but if they see a parent spank their kid in a JCPenney's because the kid's throwing a fit, they go and call the police.
You see that in the news all the time, where the cops come and don't do anything, but then CPS gets the name and comes later, because the mother's seen saying, stop that, stop that, and the kid stops!
And then somebody tattles, and the police get called, and the police go, well, we don't see any marks, but we got a file report, CPS still comes and tries to take the kid, even though it's not illegal to spank your kids.
But then when your kid's bad, the state's gonna end up spanking him by putting him in prison, putting him on psychotropic drugs to make him behave.
That actually attack the body, but that's okay because the state's doing it.
So you got the types that are irrationally scared.
There are real liberals out there who really think they're good people, who are good people, but that are traumatized somehow and never grew up around guns and believe the propaganda.
Now that's the majority of them, but at the top, the Bloombergs, the Cuomos, the Bill Clintons, they've all got bodyguards, they all own guns, it comes out they're shooting enthusiasts, they're always getting caught.
They'll have giant gun collections.
They don't want you having it.
Just like they're tax exempt.
All the big corporations, Google, Microsoft, all of them.
Michael Moore's got a bunch of guns.
He's got six bodyguards at any one time, all packing heat.
But you're not gonna have a gun.
So that's why I really don't like Michael Moore and really detest him.
Because if you're a well-meaning person that's just wrong, you're a fool, I can't get through to you, you've been brainwashed.
But I don't hate you.
But if you're Michael Moore, or Bloomberg, or Cuomo, or Dianne Feinstein, I mean, these people know what they're doing.
Feinstein reportedly is an incredible shot, goes to Shooting Range weekly, owns firearms, packs a SIG 9mm in her purse.
In fact, she's given testimony admitting it.
This woman has bodyguards.
This woman's husband's a billionaire from government deals she gave him on record.
She's made over $100 million going to Congress with nothing.
She is a disgusting criminal.
With criminal instinct who wants to disarm her quarry, her target, that is the American people.
And what I've told you is total veritas.
I've told you simple, basic, 100% truth and everybody knows it who's not an idiot.
So we have a job.
Just like they're in the schools trying to turn kids into pervs when they're 5 years old.
We need to be in the schools and we need to be in the culture.
That's why I don't want you to be able to say the word gun or draw a picture of your gun or talk about a shooting range.
They used to have a shooting range until 30 years ago in New York City schools in the basements.
They got rid of that.
They're getting rid of archery now.
They want a domesticated population in their soft war ahead of their full disarmament.
And so people like Feinstein and others, they know full well what they're doing.
People like
Representative Diane DeGette, quote, appears to not understand how guns work, that's the Denver Post, said that you have to throw clips away, and in another statement said you have to throw guns away once the clip has been used.
And I guess she watches Hollywood movies where you're emptying clips and you just throw the guns down.
I mean, I guess if you were on some suicide mission or something, you had 15 guns on you, I guess you might do that.
I would just bring three guns and a whole bunch of clips.
I wouldn't bring ten guns or whatever.
But, I mean, this is the mindlessness and the disconnect.
I guarantee you, this woman and this new California Senator David DeLeon, or Kevin DeLeon, I guarantee you,
They go home at night at 7 o'clock and they put on television.
You know, have you ever been in a party in a high-rise condo or apartment downtown?
And you look out, all you see is people in their houses watching television.
They're not playing board games.
They're not painting.
They're not even surfing the internet.
They're not having relations with each other.
They're not doing push-ups.
They're not having friends over.
They're watching television, and there's just a blue glow in all the high-rises.
That's just all you see.
In fact, I'm going to go over to my buddies who live in a high-rise downtown.
I'm going to shoot a video of this with a telephoto lens and just zoom into people's apartments.
They've got their apartment windows open.
You're supposed to close the blinds.
There's no perception.
See, because you've got to have an eight-foot fence around your house, and someone can't look over it, or it's a felony.
But if you don't have a fence, you can look over at somebody's wife all day out at the thing.
It's the same thing.
If you're up in a high rise and you've got your blinds down, you're sitting there with the lights on, there's no perception of privacy.
You know, you can't put that on the internet.
Then there could be a lawsuit or something.
But I can look in and see it.
And so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to show how people are there watching television.
Just to illustrate, they're not having, I mean, all of it.
You can sit there at night, and it's just all the floors are glowing blue.
You can sit there, I do it with my binoculars when I go over to his house, and just sitting there, or his binoculars, sitting there just looking at all the stuff that's going on.
And sitting there, and there's nothing to see, because they're watching television.
You can see, oh, there's an NBA game on, there's an NFL game.
Okay, they're watching sitcoms, they're watching dramas.
Is anybody living?
Is anybody having a life out there?
And why do I bring that up?
These people that don't know how guns work, they believe television.
Every woman I've talked to about shooting goes, Oh, I don't want to shoot a handgun.
That'll blow me across the room.
And then you end up getting them out to shoot.
You end up getting friends and family out to shoot, especially women never shot.
And they can shoot a 44 mag and it just barely goes back.
And that's not a big deal.
Now you start shooting heavy Magnum rifles and things, uh, if they don't pull it into their shoulder.
But I mean, you can get a woman out there once she knows how it works with a Barrett 50 and you could fire 10 rounds out of it.
Easy as pie.
If you can just hold the gun up and the recoil, it's not a big deal.
Now, some people say it is, but I don't think there is.
The point is, is that this is the perception of, oh, I don't want a gun, you fire one of those like Police Academy and the lady flies across the room.
Now again, if you have a rifle and you don't pull it up against your shoulder, like it's part of your body and let your body take the recoil, then there's an issue.
You leave an inch space between a rifle and yourself, you're going to get hurt.
Because it's got space to speed up.
It's all basic energy issues.
And I don't want to digress.
It's just that I marvel at the anti-gun culture, how ignorant they are.
And I know how to shoot.
I'm not even heavy into the gun culture.
I went out to the gun rally and wasn't thinking because I had cops looking at me when I got in my car and put my M4 on with the barrel pointed up.
I know you point it down.
Somebody goes, hey, you got that, you're wearing that wrong, you're wearing that rudely.
I was like, I am, excuse me, you're right.
So we all got to keep each other in check, but I mean, you can't blame me.
I got out and had like eight cops staring right at me and I was wondering what was going to happen when I got out with a rifle.
But we had to do that because they said it was illegal in San Antonio, which it really wasn't.
We had to sit at the front of the bus.
We had to go down there and exercise that right.
And the police backed off.
You have to force a right or you lose a right.
Now let's go to this latest moron clip.
Then we'll go back to the other clip of the Democrat in Colorado saying that you throw clips away after you use them.
This is a California Senator Kevin DeLeon basically saying stuff just as stupid.
Here it is.
This is a ghost gun.
This right here has ability with a 30 caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second.
30 magazine clip and a half a second.
I mean, just everything.
He's as dumb as that Miss Teen USA going, USA, American, such as is 30 caliber clip, 30, 30 and a second dispense clip, clip, gun clip.
And of course, the other one takes the cake where she's like, well, of course it's going to stop issues with guns.
You have to throw these clips away after you use them once.
Can we get that clip again?
No pun intended.
Of the lead sponsor in-house in Colorado, Representative Diane DeGette, appears to understand how they work.
So again, there's the two camps.
You've got the people who know what they're doing and are trying to disarm their slaves.
I do think... Oh sure, yeah, let's go ahead and play that clip if you got it.
I do think that we can pass those.
And just very briefly, to your last question, what's the efficacy of banning these magazine clips?
I will tell you, these are ammunition.
They're bullets.
So the people who have those now, they're going to shoot them.
And so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available.
But you know, she's letting you into these meetings she's been having with the actual criminals, where they're saying we're going to restrict bullets, we're going to shut down the mine smelting, we're going to shut down importation, we're going to ban lead bullets and say they're environmentally bad.
We're going to ban them by making you have a...
Licensed to own bullets and to own reloading material.
I mean, I've talked to a bunch of people I know.
I've seen it in the news where the realtor comes to look at your house and sees reloading equipment in the garage and calls the police.
Or they see guns.
I've told the story probably 500 times about the carpet cleaner that had the assistant that came to my house and saw a gun case in my studio.
And I didn't even have kids then.
This was like 14 years ago.
The guy said, that's guns, I can't clean this.
I'm like, ran out of my house and about 10 minutes later I called the carpet cleaning place and they're like, we can choose not to clean if he doesn't want to, but we've stopped the call of the police.
And they were still rude to me though.
So they were calling the police on me for a shotgun and a .243 and a Ruger range rifle and a gun case.
I mean, this is how America works.
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I was just mentioning this earlier because Mayor Bloomberg, before he left, was trying to ban and tax fat across the board, not just trans fats.
That's their move.
Notice they target everything, not just the bad stuff, because it's about control.
Michelle Obama doesn't say, don't eat GMO.
She basically says, here's your recommended lunch and it's what the establishment would want you to eat.
And here's an article out of Market Watch, butter is now winning the fat wars.
And it goes in to talk about how it's needed with essential fatty acids for the brain and to not get Alzheimer's.
The big secret is coconut.
Coconut oil, which remember, was it like 20 years ago, Rush Limbaugh made a big deal about this.
Where movie theaters stopped using coconut oil on the, and went to like cheap trans fat fake stuff because coconut oil was so bad for you.
And they just went with a fake study so that they wouldn't have to use expensive coconut oil on things.
I mean, it is just amazing how these people operate.
I mean, coconut oil is incredible.
I can be exhausted and need to do something like Coast to Coast AM, a great radio show, and stay up till four in the morning, and coffee doesn't work for me late at night.
It gives me a headache.
And I will gobble three or four coconut oil pills, liquid pills, and I will take some other essential fatty acids, and it literally is a brain boost.
Stuff that's sold at Infowarshealth.com.
They got a whole bunch of different coconut supplements and pills and it's just amazing.
But I mean, if you just eat raw coconut, just go get coconuts and bust it open, eat it while you're watching TV.
I mean, it's incredible.
They don't let you know, though, you need iodine, you need coconut, you need this kind of stuff.
There are some people that live in the South Pacific, you know, that live over a hundred routinely because they eat a lot of fish and coconut.
No kidding.
Fish and coconut is good for you.
Talk about an amazing diet.
See, I've already digressed, ladies and gentlemen.
Coming up, a smuggled Syrian photo shows systematic killing of thousands.
Another staged event, just like the chemical weapons attack.
Paul Watson exposes that up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to be getting into, is it 40 years or 41 years?
The guys, 41 years.
I was saying 40 from memory.
It's 41 years.
That's right, because I could have been aborted, my mother said.
You know, people discuss that.
Oh, your husband's going through dental school.
You know, you don't have the money.
And of course, I'm their only child.
We adopted my sister.
And then... Well, I'm not going to get into the whole story.
But the point is, is that I'm alive.
Alive, ladies and gentlemen.
Even though all the trendies were like, oh, this is the coolest new thing.
My mother, she works for the Dallas Morning News.
This is the thing to do.
You're going to go up in the world.
You're going to...
You're going to do great, kill Alex Jones before he ever exists outside the womb.
Imagine all the 55 million Americans, all the actors, all the poets, all the sports icons, all the inventors, all the scientists, all the people, all the friends, we'll never know.
I'm going to talk about that coming up in the next hour and open the phones up for a discussion about that.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I want to talk about
The fact that we're now 41 years today on the Roe v. Wade decision.
And I want to discuss that historical decision and break it down.
In fact, guys, I forgot to tell you this.
Will you print me the Roe v. Wade decision?
Just type the Roe v. Wade 1973 decision.
And then give me the Wikipedia on it as well.
I mean, not that that's always accurate, but if you look at the bibliograph, you know, the listing of facts at the bottom, that's where the real intel's at.
But I want to refresh that and actually read over some of that in the next segment, so we know what happened 41 years ago, in the year before I was born.
And it was, man, I tell you, the cause celeb when it happened.
Women were out there wearing shirts saying, I got an abortion.
You got Gloria Steinem talking about how sexy it is to this day.
I mean, this is how you really show your man you're the boss, is you deep sex that baby.
Of course, really all it does is allow promiscuity, fake relationships, and using homicide of children as birth control.
And it is a dehumanization.
And what you do to the least of me, you've done to me, Christ said.
And notice now they're getting rid of old people with the death panels, and it's happening in Europe and now here, and they're now saying kill babies up to age three.
Will you guys give me the Journal of Pediatrics called for killing babies up to age three?
Print that too.
I should have done preparation for this.
I mean, I did do preparation, thinking about it yesterday and today, and then I saw DrudgeReport.com with the headline, 55 million abortions since Roe, and it reminded me, oh, I wanted to do a show on abortion, or at least spend an hour or two on it.
On the anniversary.
And so we're going to discuss that and, you know, bring up these topics and these points.
But you can't deny human life's cheaper than ever.
And statistically, people aren't rendering aid like they used to.
America and Europe were always known for rendering aid, unlike Eastern culture that statistically does not render aid.
That's just a fact.
As much.
And Western virtue is evaporating very, very quickly.
But I still run into doctors and lawyers and accountants and police and military, especially military, and farmers and ranchers and rodeo people and just so many people I know and like who are all about, they're not good because they're hypocrite Pharisees on a high horse telling you how good they are.
They're good because they're good.
And they like being good, and they feel good being good, and they want to do what's honorable.
And it's almost scary how much I like being honorable now, because I'm 40 years old next month.
And I've always been an honorable person, but man, now it is just dominates me.
And even when I know something's good I'm doing, I try to figure out how to do it even better, how to be even more honest.
And even when something's sensational, I'll tend to dial it back like my reporters do because I don't want to go all the way.
And then I realize the enemy does that on purpose.
They're always saying good people of the conscience are bad and lying about us so that we, they know how we work, so that we will look at ourselves and overanalyze.
Look, we're in a war.
We know we're trying to be good.
We know we're trying to do the right thing.
We're not going to ever get all this perfectly right.
We're going to make mistakes.
Attack, folks.
Quit worrying about
You know, we've got our conscience right.
We've got our heads screwed on right.
God's our, you know, pole star.
And you've got to know, is it God touching your heart about something you're doing?
Or is it the world?
Is it the accuser?
Is it the Pharisees?
Is it the fake government-run churches and Christians that are there with the fake tough love, fake moral authority?
That is permeating this country to dominate, and control, and do mean things, and have a hard heart in the name of Christianity.
I see that a lot.
And I see the fake left the same way.
They've got the moral high ground.
They're gonna tell you what to do.
They're gonna tell you how to run your life.
They're gonna tell you that car's bad, pay them taxes.
They're gonna, even if the car is bad in ways, it isn't about the car being bad, or being wasteful, or having bad emissions.
It's about them taxing you and running your life.
So stop letting all this scum tell you you're bad.
You understand that?
You know you got it right in your heart.
You've got a relationship with God.
The state isn't God.
We don't need the priest class.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the media today is saying that this is the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
But technically it was decided January 22nd, 1973.
So that would be tomorrow, because on this Tuesday edition it's the 21st day of January 2014.
But it was argued December 13th, 1971.
It was examined October 11th, 1972.
They made one day
Look at this, and it was decided January 22, 1973, and that's directly from the Supreme Court.
I have the ruling here in front of me.
But regardless, we're talking about them looking at the evidence for one day.
October 11, 1972, they passed judgment.
And they decided January 22, 1973.
And of course, they didn't really decide anything.
They were told by the political class, the Rockefeller Foundation that helped push this since the turn of the century, the last century, the century before the 21st century.
Simply amazing.
And I want to open the phones up for
Your stories of abortion one way or the other.
What is it like for folks that have had abortions and thought it wasn't a human and believed the lies and then later had children?
Those are the people that really get shook up.
That really get upset.
By what they've done and what they've been part of.
And I want to tell you something.
If you've had an abortion because you were told it was a blob and wasn't real and
Maybe he did it in the first trimester, which I do think is obviously a lot less bad overall than when it's second or third.
I mean, holy Toledo.
You see those high-def scans of babies sucking their thumbs, playing, spinning around when they're in the third trimester.
It's having dreams.
It is unbelievable to know what goes on.
And then you find out the type of people that are into it and how they make all this money and the way they kill the babies, putting them in water or throwing them in the toilet.
A lot of times they're unable to kill them before they get them out.
And people say, oh, let's not talk about this.
Well, it's going on.
And they want to ban people having signs up of dead babies on billboards.
And they want to ban high-def ultrasounds and letting people look at their babies.
For non-medical reasons, because they don't want you to know.
And here's the good news, you can pull these polls up.
There's a lot of polls out there, but you can search and just the polls show abortion less popular than before.
And the numbers are, around Roe v. Wade, around 60%, depending on the poll, were pro-abortion, believe the lies.
They made it a big cost celeb, the new civil rights movement.
Women got more freedom, blacks got more freedom.
Now, kill babies, more freedom, and people kind of bought into it.
The last time I saw numbers, there's a bunch of polls out there.
Young people, it's as high as 80 plus percent hate abortion, know it's a fraud.
That's under 30s.
And then even with older folks, it's now 60 to 70 percent or higher are against it.
And Gallup shows similar numbers, not quite as strong.
But the point is, is that the numbers are reversing.
In 2013, clinics are closing all over.
Abortion drops and industry is now retrenching itself.
The press reports, the National Right to Life Institute reports.
So we're gaining ground.
The problem is they're institutionalizing it, making you pay for it with tax money.
Travis County takes
Money out of everyone's paycheck, and has all these new hospital district taxes, you name it, to make you pay for abortions.
They promote it in schools, so their answer to us resisting them is to double down.
But the good news is, we're winning the hearts and minds.
But Roe v. Wade, and you know, even the woman that was part of Roe v. Wade, you never see her on TV anymore, very rarely.
She's been traveling the country for two decades, saying that it's horrible, it's wrong, it's a fraud.
She was wrong.
What I don't like is Gloria Steinem and others wearing shirts saying, I got an abortion.
They're back doing that and saying it's sexy, saying it's the ultimate feminist action.
I've read these quotes.
And it really upsets you.
It's one thing if you say, look, I got raped, or I did it in the first trimester, or I'm poor, or yada, yada, yada.
They don't tell you that there are more people wanting to adopt kids every year in this country than there are abortions.
They always say, well, nobody wants these black babies.
Nobody wants these minority babies.
I mean, I've been told that many times myself, face-to-face, by pro-abortion people on-air and off-air.
You've all heard it.
The truth is, everywhere I go, I mainly see white people taking care of mentally disabled Hispanic and black children.
Because they're racist crackers.
That's why they have those special needs kids that are an absolute nightmare to deal with in many cases.
Because their love is so great, they feel called upon to do it.
Because whites are evil, folks.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic.
House Committee passes bill to completely ban taxpayer-funded abortions.
That's LifeNews.com.
But if you go to InfoWars.com or DrudgeReport.com, we have links to the 55 million abortions since Roe.
And you think about that, you know, I kept saying 51 million the last four or five years because I hadn't checked the latest numbers.
It's 55 million dead babies.
And then, now, what do you expect to come out of this?
Remember this article from a year and a half ago and people didn't believe it, February 28th, 2012?
Bioethicists argue killing newborn babies should be allowed up to age three, and that was in the Journal of Medical Ethics, prestigious journal.
And when this first came out, people couldn't believe it.
This already goes on in Europe.
And then they pulled the journal, and then people said we were lying, but then the journal notes said, no, we admit it was published, but we've withdrawn it.
And then the London Telegraph picked it up, Fox News picked it up.
You know, Drudge Report carried our article.
Drudge went and, you know, I'm just giving praise where it's due, and clicked on the journal and saw it was real and forced the media to cover it.
But for a week they said I was a liar and it wasn't real.
Just like everything else.
They're not buying bullets by the billions.
They're not trading with paper targets of women and children.
There's no plan to confiscate guns.
The Army's not trying to take on the Tea Party, even though now they admit all that's true.
There's no drones in American skies.
They're not using them on farmers.
Alex Jones is a liar.
Now I'll admit it.
When we put that report out, they came out and said, there's no way.
Dr. Peter Singer at Princeton, who is an icon of PETA, they're really a transhumanist eugenicist group,
Has said forever, a baby is no more at value than a mackerel.
A mentally retarded person has no more value, I think he said, than a roach or something.
You have to pull up the exact quote.
Dr. Peter Singer, children are like mackerel.
And then disabled children are like, it's really sick.
Old people are, you know, just get rid of them.
And it's like, oh, you're so liberal.
Oh, so trendy.
Oh, you're such a heart.
Oh, you're so good because you're funded by the Rockefellers and anti-human eugenicists who want to make us totally cold and say we're all animals and have no spirit, no soul, no free will.
And so, you know, divorce is okay even if it makes your kids, tears their guts out and makes them feel like they're dying.
Because, you know, that's just a biological feeling.
So you go with your feeling to leave your wife or leave your husband and do what you want because you want to go out and party and you want to be able to do whatever you want and you want to be able to
Use the wife or the husband as a babysitter when you go out partying.
You know, on and on and on and on.
This worldly sick system and the churches endorse it.
All of it.
Dr. Death and the Religion of Genocide.
Disciple of Pianca goes further.
Warns of 100, wants 100% of humans dead.
Yeah, that's one of our articles on NBC News.
We need to find the Dr. Eric Pianca.
Yeah, those are good quotes, but I want Dr. Peter Singer quotes.
There it is, Peter Singer.
Since neither a newborn infant is nor fish... Yeah, here's the quote.
They just blew it up for me so I could read it.
There's a clear crossover between the madcap words of ecology and bioethicists.
Princeton University's Peter Singer, probably the world's most well-known bioethicist, advocates the right of parents to be able to kill their own newborn babies.
Well, actually up to age three.
This journal just repeated what he says.
Singer compares babies to mackerel, writing, since neither a newborn infant nor a fish is a person, the wrongness of killing such things is not as great as the wrongness of killing a person.
And see, that's the globalist sick lawyer argument.
They dumb you down, they program you with the screen time, the kids, they wire the brains where they're receptive biological androids, in his own words, and then as an adult, you're not a human either.
And that's their weird
Illuminati twisted masonic worldview that if you're not conscious of what's going on and you're not aware of all this and I've been told this by globalists that have tried to co-opt me.
I mean you wouldn't believe the contacts I get.
I mean I haven't said this yet but I've been invited as the keynote winner speaker and I've accepted at Oxford.
I have to pick the date in March now but they recommended it be a Saturday night.
And they're gonna have the faculty and people there.
I mean, it's not just speaking at Oxford.
It's speaking, the keynote, addressing Oxford.
And that's something I can say on record, folks.
I have been lately contacted a bunch by people at the highest levels.
And obviously, if I don't go meet with them, they will take it as a disrespect and something might happen to me.
I mean, that's how bad this stuff is at the level I'm at, ladies and gentlemen.
I decided to meet with you because I know you're a serious man.
And out of respect, I'm here.
But this drug business, I believe it's going to be the end of us.
And we control the church and the courts because, yeah, gambling and women.
It's a vice people want.
To paraphrase Don Corleone, but this drug business... But, I mean, separately, I'm never going to join with the New World Order.
I will certainly meet with them, though.
It's always interesting.
I met with a real member of the Illuminati about three years ago, and it's just unbelievable.
And the only reason I'm giving this information is I won't tell anybody.
That's the only reason.
But that's what they always tell you.
They go, look, these people aren't human.
They don't want to be free.
They're not illuminated.
You're illuminated because you know all this.
Join us.
Join us.
Join us.
Join us.
Join us.
The power, the life extension, the control, everything, it will be yours.
And I know their spirit, I feel it.
I could join with them, but I'm only just telling you now, I'm not joining you.
I understand that.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Hi, folks.
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So now that we've dehumanized for 41 years, 55 million babies and helped fund basically forced abortions worldwide with IMF and World Bank money, well now that we see the economics of one of predatory actions and dumbing people down and reducing society and not creating economies that actually have sustainable real jobs, but destroying sustainable economies by calling it sustainable, our journey towards total implosion is going right along.
And then meanwhile, humans aren't even needed now, unless we decide we're needed, and decide we want to build a world for humans.
Kind of like you build a dog park for dogs, or you build a human park.
You build a habitat for lions, you build a habitat for hippopotamus.
We're having a habitat built for a technocracy that we're not in.
And this is in the globalist's own words, France and China of all places are leading the revolution to robotics to replace 99% of their workers.
They're only a few years away from their prototype factories working without humans.
Almost completely without humans.
Again, by design, not some natural progression.
All the tech with back doors built into it.
So they can dehumanize, track, control, and war game their incremental takeover to predict the future and predict everything we're going to do and to gauge how we're going to respond and have super quantum computers going after us.
We have to make the decision.
We don't want to go down that route.
We want quantum computers to build truly sustainable space-based ring cities in space.
And then blast off 300-year missions with three, four generations that are going to live in a high science-based system, mining the asteroid belt and then blasting off to the nearest star systems.
Man, boom!
I would raise my kids for that mission, have them ready if they wanted to do it, to be part of that.
We should have ring cities built right now, should have already launched 50 of them.
I mean, I could go on and on, the potential of what they've suppressed, the adventure of colonization of space, of colonization of the undersea.
We've got the resources, we've got it all.
Instead, we put the resources into controlling and dumbing people down.
So when you say, it's my right, it's my abortion, I've had a bunch of abortions, and you wear a shirt and don't, you know, you dumb man, don't tell me.
I'm talking about
Humans going to the next level.
I'm talking about valuing humans.
I'm talking about if you don't decide to bet on humanity and be a fan of humanity.
Again, The Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino.
Great movie.
Keanu Reeves tells me it's one of his favorite movies.
By the way, Keanu Reeves doesn't do interviews.
I've known him well over the years, talked to him a lot.
I haven't talked to him in a few years.
I need to contact him again.
He's a big fan of the show, the films.
In private, he's totally smart, knows everything, totally cool.
He just won't talk to any media because he knows they're all idiots.
But that's all a side issue.
In Devil's Advocate, the devil says, I'm a fan of man, I want to empower you.
And that is pure bull.
The spirit of the devil, whether you believe it's real or not, the idea, the archetype of Satan.
Wants to kill, steal and destroy and suppress you.
It's God and God's creation and a life force that's regenerative and good.
Beautiful sunshine, the stars, a child laughing, a babbling brook, hummingbirds outside your window at a morning glory, drinking nectar, the smell of ozone in the air on a spring morning, catching that big shark that comes up to the boat, hanging out with your buddies who you know are good friends and having the camaraderie of people you know you can trust, that kinship.
You know, the love of a woman in your arms, and that passion, and that intensity, and that goodness.
All of that is the shared experience of humanity.
To hear music for the first time that's so beautiful, or hear your child play music that they are doing on a keyboard that's impromptu, that's some of the best stuff you ever heard, and to know that they have the genetics of top concert pianist and violinist, and just to hear it coming out of them, and it's just so wonderful, and to want goodness for people, instead of going,
They're all weak and don't know the power we've got.
And we're going to control them and take them over because they tear you apart if you try to help them.
The only way for you to achieve your true destiny is to realize that and break away from these people.
The dark side only wants to recruit those of us that are good because they know as their evil comes in, we will as a law of nature, for every opposite, for every action,
You will have an equal and opposite reaction.
They know that those of us that don't sell out spiritually, that don't join with the hot flame of evil, that is very alluring because you're not tired, you don't feel weak anymore, you don't feel bad for people anymore, you don't have a conscience anymore, you can just feel the evil power and just join with it.
But then you realize
That it damns you off from all the great understanding and all of the love and all the compassion and all of the true art that you give up the deepness of your soul for the temporal power to be able to dominate on this planet.
You only have an intellect for things evil.
Only an intellect to dominate.
Only an intellect to, to, to, to, to commandeer good things and twist them.
They're blind.
They have no idea that the whole universe is before us.
We're at a literal historical jump gate to things the eye has not seen, ear has not heard, things we've not dreamed of.
But we've got to make this decision properly.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
We're now halfway into the global transmission, and I'm going to have open phones now for the second half on the culture of death, the dehumanization, the saying that children up to age three aren't humans, even healthy ones, saying past laws that your embryos have to be genetically screened and then killed.
If they have any problems, because we're going to have collectivized medicine, and you can't have other people paying for your child that's predisposed to cancer, or your child that has a chromosomal problem, or your child that has a cleft palate, or your child that's missing a foot.
And this is the new eugenicist Spartan plan, reborn 2,500 years later.
This is the Nazi program.
This is the plan.
The Nazis were only picking up on the British U.S.
eugenics program.
And eugenics comes right out of the Greek, set up by Galton in 1854.
I mean, this is all facts.
This is not my opinion.
You go see a movie like Superman Man of Steel where it's a planet where every baby is genetically engineered by the government for special tasks?
That's actually their plan.
They're telling you through movies like that.
Why do you think that's in the original Superman literature?
Why do you think that's in all the old literature?
Because that was the culture and that was rock and roll cool.
That was rock and roll cool!
In 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, until 1945, when everything Hitler was doing came out, he was just doing it quicker than other people were.
But he was doing it systematically against certain groups, and he had a plan to take over the world and bring in Planned Parenthood, and bring in forced abortion, and bring in social engineering, where you get welfare, because the state controls the economy, if you abort your children, if you go under social engineering, to phase people out incrementally so they wouldn't resist.
How to buy off the ruling classes of the Asians, and of the Latin Americans, and of all these other groups, and then to eliminate them, to get rid of them.
And they were going to go through all of Russia, and all of America, and pick out the children with quote, Aryan features.
Viking features is what Hitler liked best.
He thought the Germans were mongrels because of so many different influxes and invasions and was ashamed of the Germans.
And oh, he loved the English, who he thought were the superior type of mongrel Viking, as he described them.
It's all this craziness, ladies and gentlemen.
And he said the Germans deserve to lose and that's why they lost and flood the subways, kill hundreds of thousands of men, women and children hiding in the subways because the Russians were using the subways to come into Berlin.
And they said kill everyone in the tunnels?
He said kill them all!
That's what signing on to this stuff will do for all of you.
And by the way, you know, my dad's professor, the head of the botany department at UT, who'd known him, my dad, when he was in high school, because my dad scored the top 125 in the state and the top six.
And they took the top six aside and said, we're carrying out a eugenics program.
And it's not like the Nazis.
They only targeted one group.
You know, he was like, I breed moths and plants and I can tell you how great it is.
And here's the top people at the university.
And if you work for us, we're creating a technocratic elite.
And you'll be part of the New World Order and we're going to set up a worldwide scientific system of control.
How's that sound?
I mean, that's what the top six people in Texas got a speech in 1967 when my dad went to college.
And New Spear two years before that.
I mean, I remember when I was a kid driving through Austin and we'd, oh, that's Spear's house.
Yeah, we had dinner there a lot of times.
My dad was friends with him.
Out of all the different people that went through, my mom went to his classes.
He didn't like her.
He'd scream at her and, you know, say, my wife knew him too at UT and clean your, well, he knew my mom too.
I think he liked her.
The point was, you know, it was my wife told me the story, you know, clean your,
Clean your trowels and stuff in the botany department perfectly and you know all this other stuff.
So I guess that's two generations.
My wife and my parents knew him and he wasn't even what you call a bad guy.
My point is he was par for the course.
You don't get into... By the way, he was Jewish and for eugenics.
You don't get into these groups and these organizations unless you're part of this.
This is the religion.
And there are competing camps
There are competing organizations.
In that structure, they are debating it and fine-tuning it, and all the rest of it.
But make no mistake, this is a technocracy.
That's what the drones, the robots, the GMO, all of it is a giant laboratory.
And the sooner people figure that out, if we ever got the pro-life movement, as we're starting to do, by reaching out to them, I don't want to start getting more of the pro-life movement on.
The head of Life News, the head of
LifeNews.com, I want to get more of the mainline pro-life people on to say, do you know about eugenics?
Do you know about Margaret Sanger's plan to carry this out?
And they'll all go, of course we do!
Yes, yes, it's horrible, but I want to tell them we need to steer into exposing the larger, ultra-Hitlerian agenda that is connected to all of this.
Therein lies the answer.
To really countering this whole system.
Therein lies the answer to people getting the big picture and pulling back and understanding it.
And again, I didn't even know any of that stuff about UT until my mom came in one day at the old office, and it was on a Sunday, and we were going to a ballet recital for my daughters.
And she was meeting us there, my wife was meeting me there with the kids, and
She watched about 30 minutes of it.
She said, that's not true.
It's not that bad.
My mom's real smart.
She's read, you know, she has a degree in history and read literally probably a thousand history books and is obsessed with it.
More than a thousand history books.
Probably reads two or three a week.
And she goes, it's not that bad.
My dad said, no, actually it is.
A UT program I was brought into and just suddenly started reeling off the data.
And I even knew then that all the major universities were run by this.
It was just then hearing it from my dad.
Confirming it and telling my mother for five minutes about it.
And I was hearing all this and then later I talked about it on air and he said, I didn't say you could talk about that.
I said, you didn't say don't talk about it.
So now the, you know, the cat's out of the bag on that, but it's not that big of a deal.
That's just standard operating procedure out there.
So do you see how it all ties in?
We can't attack abortion about arguing whether it's a human or not.
We can't attack abortion where they throw in what about rape and all these special case things.
Okay, how about the case of rape?
Then you still can.
Kill the baby because somebody raped you.
How about you give it up for adoption?
No one tells them there's groups out there that will pay the woman money to have the baby.
I'm talking a middle-class living for three years and pay for everything to not murder their baby?
Because A, they care about the baby.
B, there's a line around the block for healthy babies for adoption.
They won't give you any of these numbers, any of these facts.
They won't tell you where it came from, who's behind it, who did it, where it's going, how have you dehumanized and demonized babies.
It then moves on to old people, infertile people, people with mental problems.
And I love how most of the top eugenicists from England and the US, there's documentaries out on this, the head of the Coal Springs Harbor and others, and then the next head of the Coal Springs Harbor had to be institutionalized later for being totally mentally ill, thinking they were God, one of them, the other one, eating as you-know-what.
I mean, these are people that are messes, people that hate other humans and want to control them and want to kill them and have an instinct to hurt them and have no empathy and think they're elitist because they have that attitude.
They are cancers, ladies and gentlemen.
Who believe that they're hyper-dominant.
The toll-free number to join us for the next hour and 20 minutes on your story of abortion, or what you think about abortion, or connections to abortion, or the anti-human dehumanization system.
Wide open phones for first-time callers, long-time callers, people that agree, disagree.
It's wide open.
Just have your point ready.
We're going to the next person.
Is the toll free number to join us?
And we will get you up and on the air.
I want to hear what you have to say 41 years today after this abomination ruling.
And they actually debated it and heard it.
I have the report here.
For one day in the year between when the case came in and they finally debated it for a day and then later released it on this date.
Everybody says this is the 41st anniversary.
The ruling says January 22nd.
But it's January 21st.
41 years ago, this week, this happened.
And it's a big deal.
Now, let's get into this little giblet of news first.
This is out of Databeat.
Secretly record your friends and enemies with handy pocket drone camera because camera phones weren't enough.
And they've now come out with these.
The Pentagon's been using these for a decade.
They now have official Air Force announcements and videos and animations.
These big, basically like a predator flies over and releases up to a thousand micro drones.
In some cases, millions of micro drones that they call smart dust.
And then they fly down.
And then they fly down.
And then basically surveil you and then they can even be fitted with firearms and kill you.
But see this is the total rollout of things that if we aren't moral are going to tear us apart.
And I want to shift gears to this incredible article.
I mentioned this yesterday because it happened at the end of the show.
London Independent reported on this along with others.
But Amazon plans to ship customers packages before they even order them by watching your mouse cursor in live time.
Amazon's sending that data back.
By what you click on, what you've bought, and other databases, they believe with 100% certainty, they know what you're gonna buy, even days before you buy it, and will have it packaged and ready to ship, or in some cases, shipping to you, before it gets to you.
Now, I told you Google said, this is the key.
They're all racing for this.
You can literally predict the future in mass movements, once everyone's programmed into smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Everyone literally syncs with that in a brain-human interface.
Human-brain-computer interface.
Now hooking you into the web, then with all the Google Glasses, smartphones, everything, it knows years ago, 93% weeks ahead, where you're going to eat on a certain date, what you're going to buy on a certain date.
What you're going to do on a certain date.
And they can also then artificially create stimuli to create fads and drive fads that will then have human adoption because we're designed to work together as individuals in a collective.
So this is the absolute heart of the end of free will and the heart of the takeover.
And even though I live and survive and fund this operation off online sales and info or store dot com and we don't track you with anything there.
It is absolutely essential and key for people to only shop online with mom-and-pops and Patriot and Liberty grips, but that's even bad compared to shopping at brick-and-mortar.
And I know they treat you bad at brick-and-mortar in their police states as well, but I'm telling you, this is a scientific grip.
When you go in Target, or you go into Walmart, or you go online to a big, you know, Amazon or whatever, we sell stuff on Amazon.
I think it's a protest we may pull off of Amazon.
People still sell our stuff on there, but...
I'm really considering that because, not even against Amazon, it's that this AI stuff predicting the future is the end of us.
The end of free will.
Because once you can predict free will, you can manipulate it with a stimuli.
It's like having a heads-up target display in an F-14, you know, 20 years ago, where you then lock on and the helmet guides with your eyes, and then missiles on, you fire.
We think of that as being high-tech, that's 40 years old.
That was old 20 years ago.
Now it's the brainwaves in the new aircraft.
But just like to control something and aim at something, you've got to be able to see it.
When they can see what you're going to do and know what you're going to do and understand what you can do, they can inter-stimuli and test moving you until the computer and the stimuli with the average unconscious person or semi-unconscious trans-state person that all the studies show the general public TV heads are in a near-sleep state, a mesmerized state.
That's why you take Ambient.
That's why you take Ambien, it came out in major medical studies last week.
We already knew this, and if you can stay up when you're on it, or you drink when you're on it, you are now a zombie.
And you have a dream that you go to Walmart with your gun, and it turned out this guy that shot a cop in Austin, I said when it happened, I said he's going to be on some type of psychotropic or Ambien, in a trance state, he's going to be a shoot-em-up video game head.
Roommate came out in the office of American Statesman.
He was on Ambient, drinking beer.
He's done this before, leaving for up to a day, not knowing who he is.
He's found in his car later.
The guy was a shoot-em-up video game head with a gun.
He took it, went into a trance state, just like Sergeant Bales, who was on it, and other drugs out in Afghanistan who killed 18 people.
Spent hours burning the little children's bodies, you name it.
Killing them with knives, shooting them.
You literally sleepwalk.
You know, when I was a kid a few times, my dad would hear me at 5 a.m.
going, I gotta catch the bus, I gotta catch the bus.
And I was like, you know, 10 years old, 11 years old.
And I would be in my underwear running down the stairs when he would catch me.
One time I was running out the front door, he said, and he was chasing me.
I had my book bag in my underwear, he was in his underwear, chasing me 200 yards down the street towards the bus stop at like 5.30 in the morning.
I remember him screaming, Alex, Alex, wake up!
It's the same deal.
When we say the public is sleepwalking, or Bob sleepwalks through life, a lot of people are literally sleepwalking.
And I've talked to top psychologists, top hypnotists, we're going to be getting some of them on the show soon.
These people that can make someone go Manchurian Candidate, think they're going to kill somebody on TV and it's real?
They find highly suggestive people, like when a magician calls up ten people before his show and then asks them questions and picks three of them, he knows how to ask questions of who's suggestible.
Who's already in a trance state.
And they'll tell you, the public is more... I've talked to old, we've had someone on the air, old magicians, people that have been magicians for 40 years, they say it's much easier now to do hypnotism.
Because the public's already hypnotized, folks.
And you give your little kids these iPads and iPods and all of it, they're already hypnotized.
They're already in a sleep state.
But you can't discredit the drug, you gotta put the guy in jail that killed the cop.
Will that bring that dead cop back?
Realizing what this does, in its own admissions it says it can cause sleep driving, getting out of bed and sleep driving, people also sleepwalk, prepped, eaten food, made phone calls or had sex while not fully awake.
Oh yeah, you give these to women, it's over.
Often these people do not remember these events.
The problem is called date rape, folks.
These people can be dangerous to you and others.
If you find out that you have done any of these activities... I forget that guy's name that shot the cop that was on it.
I bet he's in jail now.
What do you want to bet he was convicted?
I never followed the case.
What do you want to bet he was convicted and is already in jail instead of blaming the drug?
So that's what we're talking about here.
I'm going to take your calls when we come back all the way through the next hour on these subjects.
But this is a big deal.
This is the end of our civilization as we know it.
And for lack of a better term, even if I was an atheist, I would call what's coming the singularity, the tribulation.
Ten kingdoms, world government, shipping, total control, people losing their free will, zombie population, medically.
In fact, the mainstream scientist called it being a zombie in the article yesterday.
And they're giving us the archetype of you are zombies.
For those of us that are awake, we're meant to see everyone else as zombies and dehumanized and they have the Pentagon doing drills and training.
Where they don't do mass killing of U.S.
citizens now in drills.
That upsets people when folks get video.
They go, oh, it's a zombie, zombie drill where you practice shooting a thousand role players literally wearing Hank Williams Jr.
shirts and John Deere tractor hats.
I'm not kidding.
That's the uniforms they ship around in 18 wheelers for the drills are farmers saying, I need food.
And the military practice is mowing them down, but it's okay.
They're dehumanized zombies.
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Okay, I'm going to your phone calls now.
This is a short segment, but a lot of long segments are coming up in the next hour.
Interspersed with a ton of news, but I gotta get to the calls first.
Bottom line, what I tried to get into in the last hour, really, is that abortion and the abortion culture of death
Is about dehumanization.
And that goes without saying, but we tend to lose the forest for the trees.
This is part of an overall dehumanization.
The robots replacing humans at Apple Foxconn factories.
The women being given forced abortions there and put on psychotropic drugs to make them zombies so they'll work 18 hours a day for $2 a day.
The globalists have set up a predatory system with all of the excess population they see.
And we are losing our humanity.
And I see all these cases of people on Xanax, Ambien, you name it, going into trance-like states and killing people, and it's never even an issue in the trial.
Even though in that case in Austin I was mentioning at the Walmart, he was on Xanax, which can also do the same thing, and other psychotropic-type garbage.
Right now, again 41 years today, Roe v. Wade this week, what is your take on this and the culture of death, or do you disagree with me?
Do you think abortion is a necessary evil?
As many a liberal now says.
And how is it liberal to say a woman has a right to kill her baby when it's another human?
Because it is separate.
It has a different heart, different blood type in most cases.
That's why the feminists call it a parasite.
Those are usually women that don't have kids.
My children are not parasites.
Desmond Morris says that dogs are a parasite.
No, they're not.
I choose to have them.
I love my dogs.
I choose to love.
I have a soul.
I'm not just an animal that doesn't have any direction.
I can self-direct.
I have dreams.
I can resonate towards the good.
That's consciousness.
I am conscious.
Ludwig von Beethoven was conscious.
Magellan, that circumnavigated the world, was conscious.
Look at the art, the literature, all of it.
How dare you say I'm not conscious?
You know we're conscious.
You want me to be unconscious and seed the universe to you and hand everything over to you, who probably aren't conscious.
Conscious of good and evil.
You're only conscious of evil.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eric in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How's it going?
I'm doing all right.
What's your point on abortion?
Alright, well, two things.
One, I'm an Iraq war vet who took psychotropics when they put me on them back in 04 after I returned from my deployment to Fallujah.
And I ended up drinking on them once or twice, and it made me trip out.
But what made me really get off of them was when I would try to sleep because I have post-traumatic stress, they would put me into this weird dream state where I'd wake up and I'd feel like I was in hell.
It was very strange.
But after that, and not really getting the help I needed from them, I just kind of got off, and I haven't taken them since, and I never will.
Yeah, they try to get everybody on them, because there's already artificial chemicals in the food and water, so people are unbalanced.
And then they put you on one, you get worse.
They put you on two, you get worse.
They put you on three, you get worse.
They will institutionalize you if they can.
And you know, some people they actually work for that I've talked to.
But statistically, it's like playing Russian roulette.
It didn't work for me.
They gave me Ambien and Lexapro.
So, I got right off of them, though, after about six months.
Listen, I have girlfriends over the years, where I was married, that would go on this stuff, and after a few weeks, it was a different person.
And, uh, I mean, I just, you know, and again, I'm not saying for everybody it couldn't help sometimes, but they are toxic in and of themselves.
That is undebatable.
What's your take on abortion?
Well, after I got out of the Marine Corps, I met my wife, and we started dating, and within about the first three months, I got her pregnant.
Don't hang up.
I want to hear this.
Back in one minute, Eric.
Then we'll go to another Eric, John, another Eric, Mark, and others.
We're taking your call.
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You want answers?
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Doomsday Castle to premiere on National Geographic this January.
We're going to be talking about that coming up.
Getting everybody ready for Collapsal Society, EMPs, amazing.
Right now, let's go to your phone calls.
We're talking about 41 years later, Roe v. Wade, the culture of death.
That's what abortion is, 55 million dead.
Let's go ahead and go back to Eric.
So you got out of the Marine Corps, you got married, continue, we're talking about abortion.
Well, this is before we got married, but we ended up getting pregnant, and she wasn't very sure she wanted to stay with me at the time, so she ended up wanting to get an abortion.
And what this did for me was I was completely against it.
I was, you know, all for raising this child and everything, but I couldn't talk her out of it.
I offered to do it myself after the pregnancy, and eventually I ended up kind of caving, and I went with her to go do it.
And I just remember being there and feeling how evil that place felt.
I mean, it just made my skin crawl.
And you got married though?
Have you had any kids now?
Yeah, I have a three-year-old now.
I bet she regrets what she did to the other kid.
Yeah, definitely.
I mean, through the years we've talked about it and she definitely has that regret.
You know, just wondering how old that kid would be now and it's just one of the worst things I think that anybody can do.
Yeah, I wonder if it'd be a boy or a girl, wonder what their eyes would look like, their hair, how they'd come over and pat on you and say, I love you, Daddy.
But, yeah, I'm not trying to make you guilty.
I undoubtedly had girlfriends that ran off and got them as well.
That's why, you know, it's just a terrible situation.
I mean, I think we're all guilty one way or another in this sick culture.
And the important thing is we change the culture and reverse it, not totally embrace it even more and say it's a good thing.
Can I say one more thing?
Hey, I woke up about a year ago when my buddy turned me on to your show, and I want to say thank you to him and thank you to you.
I know you don't like thank yous, but... Well, no, shout... Say thank you to your buddy, because that's really taking action.
And those are the people that don't get thanked, is the people that spread the word about this key transmission.
Because you, you're the listeners, taking the info, giving us info.
You are the resistance.
You are the tip of the spear.
So shout out to your buddy.
And we are resisting.
Here's to you, Mike.
Appreciate your call, Eric.
Look, as long as you and your wife have your heart right, that child is with God forever.
And beyond all the stuff that's coming.
But I say, even though the world's getting to be a bad place, keep having kids.
That's what it's all about.
Facing up to it.
All our ancestors got it up.
You gotta commit and double down onto the future.
That's what I'm doing.
Double down.
Let's talk to John in Kansas.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
First time caller.
Uh, I had quite a thing happen to me, uh, back in three days before Christmas in 2011.
And I was given three dreams in a row, the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, right before Christmas.
And the first two had to do with an abortion I made a girlfriend have 34 years before.
And the first dream that came the 22nd, I relived
That night when she was crying and arguing and we don't need to have this abortion and and I was screaming at her you lied to me that you said you couldn't get pregnant and we don't have time for a child right now and and it was just a horrible night but boy I really had my kahunas going and I was really forcing it down her throat that this was what was going to happen.
When I woke up I was not a very happy camper.
The next
Morning at about three, four o'clock in the morning, the Lord put me in her place and let me know what I did to her.
How horrible I made her feel.
Sir, this is too powerful.
We gotta come back.
I want you to start over, okay?
Start over, tell the whole story, and we come back.
Alright, John?
We should do this all week.
We should just open the phones up from the start to finish and really talk about this.
I can tell he's starting to cry.
I get tears in my eyes.
Don't break down.
Tell the story.
God wants to hear this.
The people want to hear this.
And it's good to admit what we've done.
It's good to admit we've been evil.
It's good to repent.
That's the key.
That's the test.
We'll be right back.
All will be forgiven.
Stay with us.
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To those who can hear me I say, do not despair.
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed.
The bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.
The hate of men will pass and dictators die.
And the power they took from the people will return to the people.
And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright folks, we started going to calls, people telling their stories about abortion, their view on it, the culture of death.
That's really what this is, and it extends down to the children now, saying get rid of babies up to age 3, get rid of old people, kill granny, decide if somebody even lives, if they don't serve society, like so many socialists have said over the years.
These are really authoritarians.
And it sounded like a Charles Dickens Christmas carol or Christmas story that John in Kansas was starting to get into.
Three dreams he had about an abortion he was involved in decades later.
So start your story over, sir.
You've got the floor to tell your story.
Then we'll move on to Eric.
Eric, Mark and many others that are patiently holding.
Go ahead.
Well, she and I figured out she got pregnant because she
Ran a fireworks tent for several years and that summer I happened to be staying with her and we were so busy the night before the 4th of July that we just stayed all night in the tent.
Well, we didn't have any protection with us that night and things happened.
Well, so many months later we find out she's pregnant and she was all for an abortion until the night before the abortion was scheduled.
And that night was just awful, Alex.
She was crying, she was begging, she was pleading, and I just... No, you said you couldn't get pregnant.
We're not ready for a baby.
You are going through with this abortion.
And it was just a horrible night, and I got to relive it 34 years later.
The very next morning, at about approximately the same time, 3 or 4 in the morning, God put me
And she was never able to have children.
I was about to say, a lot of times abortions actually, they double the chances of cervical and uterine cancer.
That's on record.
Look it up, folks.
And it causes endometriosis in many of the cases.
And for those that don't know, that's the stuff in the body that causes the menstrual cycle to slough off the cells.
But then it starts eating their womb and other organs.
That's another gift.
They don't tell you at Planned Parenthood, you get
I think the number, you can look this up, is a 20 plus percent increase in endometriosis per abortion you get.
But folks, don't believe me, just check out Cancer Risk from Abortion, Endometriosis.
Please continue.
Well, it was just, when I woke up that morning, I was just, I felt so horrible because I'd never known what I'd really done to that woman.
And she was,
The woman of my dreams, and I blew it, and I never had as good a woman as that in my life again.
The third dream had nothing to do with the abortion.
It had to do with some close friends of mine, but those two dreams themselves just set the tone for Christmas, and I didn't have a very pleasant Christmas.
Yeah, I've had the worst Christmas of my life this last 2013 into this year, but you know that's because everybody's being challenged right now.
Bad stuff's happening everywhere.
Good stuff's happening as well, but we're in a quickening phase, a very important phase.
Anything else you'd like to add with that testimony, John?
Just that abortion should never have been legalized.
It's awful.
God bless you, brother.
It's dehumanization.
Thank you.
Yeah, I mean, I was never a super jerk.
But I'm a lot nicer than I was when I was 18, 20, 25.
And I think about how I was a jerk to my girlfriends, compared to the way I act towards women now.
And the weird thing is, women, as everyone knows, on average like being treated badly.
I mean, it's been proven scientifically, on average, like that's supposedly dominant, when it really isn't.
And I'm not saying all women are like that, but it's really screwed up society.
You know, in my cases, and I'll just say this on air, it would be girlfriends would then be mad at me after they had an abortion, and I wouldn't even know they had an abortion.
They would get really mad, and then they would go out a couple times and get an abortion and not see me for a month and later call and go, let's date again, but they'd still hate me after that and blame me for it, which I guess I was responsible in some way, obviously.
But God forgives us.
Loving another woman is not a crime, ladies and gentlemen.
Loving a woman, loving a person, the whole issue here is that
Is that when we then dehumanize those babies and just, you know, say it's a parasite, it's really feminist, the greatest thing a woman can do is abort their baby.
And these are quotes I'm giving you that have come out of the mouths of these feminists.
Just look it up.
I mean, it's I've suppressed a lot of the stuff I've read because it's so sick.
And it's a sacrament of the Democratic Party and the eugenicist.
They love killing kids.
It's a sacrifice.
They love it.
And you're always hearing about abortionists that are into the occult and are devil worshippers and keeping the baby's bodies.
Folks, they're into this.
I mean, you've got to be into it.
Let me tell you something.
Doing real medical procedures and helping people, even though it's incredibly stressful, these professionals like doing it because they really like doing a good service.
Medical procedures are grueling.
I've worked as a small animal vet, large animal vet, dental assistant.
I've talked to a lot of surgeons.
I've watched, you know, the medical channel.
I've seen this.
I mean, these are professionals who really are dedicated and I admire them.
But most abortionists are... A lot of people get into it by leaving it.
They only do it for a year and quit and become pro-life.
In fact, the biggest pro-life movement is a lot of former abortionists and people that were for it.
Because it really gets to them.
They discover it's not fun.
And the horror stories
Alex, how are you doing today?
My take on abortion is, I got three quick things.
I don't think it should be allowed, period, except for in a rape case or within the first two weeks before any cells are formed, before any pain, anything can be harmed.
Yeah, I mean, I'll be honest with you, but see, that's the creeping deal.
If somebody did it in the first month or two, you know, that's God's creature, it's going to grow into a human, it is the beginnings of a human, but they want to keep partial birth going nine months.
The baby could just be cut open in a cesarean and given to adoption.
Go ahead.
Right, I have to agree with you on that, too.
I never understood that.
Even your comment with, you know, Democrats like death, that surprises me.
Why don't they like guns if they like death so much?
You know, it's like, if we could just take out these liberals, like, uh, have a, take a liberal shooting day, sponsored by Cuomo, I would techno.
Um, just to, just to, if we could all reach out at this point in our lives, where we are in our country.
And just help each other and don't seclude ourselves in.
I mean, we have to reach out with each other right now more than ever.
You need to take a liberal out and a mainline Republican out shooting and waking them up and talking to them.
I agree.
The last thing they want us doing is engaging each other.
We're going to take the world back in little decisions and doing the right thing.
I mean, I can't tell you how many times, you know, I'll be on a road trip or doing something and a beautiful woman tries to hook up with me and I don't do it, you know, because I care about my family and my wife and everybody.
But as a man, it's hard to do the right thing.
But it feels good after doing the right thing.
And I'm not saying I'm perfect.
But, you know, just this attitude of anything goes.
Well, then now we're going to kill our children.
Fifty five million of them.
God bless you.
Real quick.
Go ahead.
A lot of people that take these Ambien's and these psychotropic drugs, um, I was a proud Navy Spec Op guy for six years.
Um, honorable discharge, went to college afterwards, got a bachelor's, all that fine and dandy.
Um, I tried taking Ambien a few times and I'll be honest with you, I think it will help some people but I would say for a lot of people we should be on these.
For example, when I was taking it,
I think it'll bring out the real, true personality in somebody.
For example, um, when I took it, I ended up, my fiancé was really mad at me because I ended up waking up at like 2 o'clock in the morning and I was giving our two guinea pigs a haircut.
And she's like, what in the hell are you doing?
And I said, oh, I was just giving the guinea pigs a haircut.
Nothing, I wasn't harming them.
Just very strange.
It can do strange things to a lot of different people.
And that's what I think doctors need to really watch with some people that are unstable.
There's a lot of people out there that do really need help, and we need to really help them if we can, whatever we can do.
I know it's a confusing world, but thank you.
That's all I had.
Thank you for... Thank you so much, sir.
God bless you.
Yeah, no, I talk to people that, you know, need to sleep when they get on an airplane or whatever, and they take that, and I'll hear about these stories.
People I know where, you know, they'll be trying to walk into the...
I mean, it's just... I mean, you're sleepwalking!
And thank God I haven't done any sleepwalking since I was about 14.
Last time I was at my grandmother's house, they had a big 42 game dominoes, like five tables going in there.
Because you know, Baptists can't play cards, but they can play dominoes and bet, of course.
That's all right, because it's not cards.
It's not evil.
You know, you had to tell a Baptist.
My grandma was really a Methodist, but a lot of them was Baptists.
They don't say hi to each other when they're passing each other at the liquor store.
And you know what they call bottle openers in Texas?
They call them Baptist church keys.
Anyways, the whole point is, the last time I was sleepwalking, I'll tell this story, they were going about 11 o'clock at night, and I was tired, I'd been working on the ranch all day, had like a 13, 14 hour day, I was staying there, and there was a little room off the side I was asleep in, and they woke me up, and I walked in, up to the corner, in front of everybody, turned into a potted plant, and peed in it.
And they woke me up and realized, but I mean, that's my sleepwalking story.
Well, you put people on these drugs, they do that artificially.
That's the last time I sleptwalk.
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Sleepwalking is more common in young people because their brains are wiring, they're more active.
Also, the most common form of sleepwalking is walking, thinking you're walking to the bathroom because you've got to go to the bathroom, and not being fully awake.
And I guess that's what happened the last time I sleepwalked when I was 14 years old.
And of course, it turned into a big joke, you know, there at the farmhouse when I was living with my grandmother off and on several years.
Keep me out of trouble in Dallas.
My dad would send me down there for six months, hit a pop.
To work me there on the farm, the ranch, then I worked for a large animal vet.
God, that guy worked hard.
Sometimes it'd be like 16 hours a day until like a 65 year old vet.
I want to go home, man.
It's 8 o'clock at night.
He'd be like, if you don't like it, quit.
This is the job.
We got calls, we go to them.
Then we go back and take care of his cows, nine o'clock at night.
I did quit finally.
I said, I'm not doing this anymore.
I'd work for him off and on twice.
But anyways, that was what built America was that type of work ethic.
And I'm telling you folks, this country's in deep trouble.
Everybody knows that.
We're having a discussion about our nation's greatest sin.
We're going right back to your calls here.
And that is abortion.
I think that is undoubtedly when the hedge of protection began to be lowered.
On this country.
But Chris Jordan was telling the story about his grandmother who had no mental problems, had hip surgery and they put her on Ambien.
That's kind of become this side issue here.
How many people kill folks on it and sleepwalk on it.
The sleeping aid.
And he was telling us some stories about that.
So briefly tell folks that story.
Well it was my mom a few years ago actually.
Was your mom misunderstood like your grandmother?
She's had numerous surgeries.
She's literally the bionic woman.
Fake knee, two artificial
And, uh, yeah, when she was...
When she was in the hospital talking about having her hip done, they actually put her on Ambien and we had to tell them to take her off of it because she was on the third floor of the hospital seeing little people outside of her window, people talking to her from inside the TV at night.
At one point, she actually, the day after her surgery, was in the elevator at 3 a.m.
Saying that she'd heard the fire marshal on the announcement intercom saying there was a fire in the building.
And when somebody gets on this stuff and goes and shoots a cop, they go to jail instead of stopping the psychotropics and other drugs that are clearly on the inserts say they do this.
But the pharmaceutical companies have no liability, and now they're trying to put kids on it.
Alright, let's go back to your phone calls, Eric, and then we're going to go to Mark, and then Rodney, and Monica, and David, your stories of abortion, or your take on abortion, 41 years later, Roe v. Wade, today, 55 million chopped up children.
Eric, you're on the air from Connecticut.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, first time, long time.
How you doing?
I'm doing alright, brother.
So what's your take on this?
You know, I've always kind of supported abortion, but you know, I've been changing my views a lot lately, and I kind of believe that man's greatest gift is love, and God's greatest gift is life, and to destroy life, the destruction of life, is just, is abhorrent to me.
You know, how can you take a gift and just smash it on the ground like that?
It's just, it's terrible.
Well, sure, and I mean, and if it went on some, that'd be one issue bad enough.
It's the embracing and saying it's good.
Well, now it's good to kill grandma.
And see, if we debate it from that angle, we win the debate.
If we just say, you women don't have a right to do that, and you're blah, blah, blah, or you men, when it's usually men making women have abortions, then we don't have the moral high ground.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and I just believe, depending on context, if you look at the universe, and if in the infinite universe there's no other life except on this planet, I think people might look at life a little differently.
Exactly, that's like spoiled people.
You know, you spoil kids, you spoil your husband, spoil your wife, you know, it always ends badly because they don't appreciate anything.
We are just wallowing in life and beauty and art and incredible things, going, we're bored, there's nothing fun, I want to do evil stuff because it's deviant.
Yeah, let's have abortions, let's have devil worship.
I don't appreciate it.
Well, you'll really appreciate life if somebody took you up in a spaceship and threw you out there into the vacuum.
Exactly, and I just think people should revere life, all life, more.
You know, people are just, like you said, they're so complacent with the way things are.
And I just don't, you know, I don't know if abortion should be legalized, but if it's legal, and now with socialized medicine, you know, you're going to be forced abortion, forced medicated.
You know, as you often say, you know, it could very well be the end of humanity if we just let this kind of destruction continue.
Very well said.
I really appreciate your call.
You know, I don't go hunting because I like to kill animals, and I don't go hunting a lot now, but my son's young.
It's that time.
Biologically, he likes to do it.
But we use whatever we hunt, whether it's an alligator that's overpopulated, eating people's dogs.
We turn it into boots.
We turn it into things.
Whether it's a deer, we eat the meat, turn it into chili.
We hunt because it's a natural biological thing for us, but we hunt prey animals.
And we do it because it's a natural human expression, not because we want to kill an animal in a cage in some caged hunt.
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Hey, I'll show you politics in America.
Here it is, right here.
I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.
I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.
Hey, wait a minute.
There's one guy holding up both puppets.
Shut up!
Go back to bed, America.
Your government is in control.
Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm gonna do this again tomorrow.
For at least an hour and throughout the week to talk about abortion and have a larger debate about it.
Because most listeners of this show are against it.
You hear a caller like that who was for it before because of the way it was presented, but now is against it.
And that's because there's good people out there that have been lied to and deceived, and we can't hate them and get in their face and call them evil.
Most of them don't know what they're doing is bad.
That's what Christ said, forgive them father they know not what they do.
Now, the people running the show, they know exactly what they're doing.
And see, I could argue, well, you got raped, okay, it's first trimester, you know, do what you gotta do.
The problem is that it leads to third trimester.
The day the baby's gonna be born, kill it.
Kill up to age three.
Kill the old people.
Certify the embryo's government run.
That's where it goes.
There's a reason we don't have warrantless spying.
There's a reason we don't have neighborhood spy networks, though now we do.
Because it always goes bad.
It is bad.
The road to hell isn't paved by good intentions.
The road to hell is paved by evil technocrats and psychological manipulators getting good people to go out and be the road crew to lay the road to perdition.
The road to hell
Is paved by mind-controlled goody-two-shoes that mean well with good intentions.
So I guess it's true.
But the guy that owns the company that's doing the road is pure evil.
And by the way, that's why it's so important to financially support this broadcast, so we can be strong going into the trials and tribulations.
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And so thank you for all your support.
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I mean, I could sell you pills and stuff, you know, B vitamins.
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I mean just to give you an example we look at all the quote competitors we study it all and it's like I almost cannot even bring you products because the industry is so bad.
I mean, I want to have 20 products right now, funder operation, help people, help get the word out, win-win, and I just can't even do it.
We're going to come out with a vitamin D with a vitamin K from the folks we've talked to, that'll supercharge immune system health, you name it, and just to get them both together in a truly organic form is hard.
I mean, we've got to certify the stuff from Germany.
You know, that they end up making the gelatin out of and to not use animal gelatin.
And I might just go with the cow gelatin or whatever and just say, you know, here it is.
You know, it's because we can't be totally neurotic about it.
I just think I'll be honest about it.
Hey Alex.
Thank you brother.
Alex, you know, it's certainly true and well documented that the most preferred sacrifice of those who worship the devil, those who worship Satan, is a newborn baby.
Of course, the partial birth abortion fulfills that role, so to speak, and I agree with you that in the mind of most abortionists, if not all of them, that it is a satanic sacrifice.
I think it's really important that we look at this from God's point of view, and in his word in the Holy Bible, he states very specifically, very plainly, that putting our children into the fires of Moloch, which is also inclusive of abortion, it's just another form of it, is an abomination to him.
And when a nation commits an abomination,
Legalizing an abomination as happened in 1973 with Roe vs. Wade.
I think that is the inception at that date 41 years ago of God's judgment coming upon this country, the form of which has taken away the protection from evil, which he blessed this country with.
And we have seen the fruits of abortion manifested
And the deterioration of everything that's good in our country.
No, that's right.
It was the giant battering ram that opened the city gates, and we've been overrun by evil and every form of wickedness since then, and now we're really going to fall.
And everyone that dehumanized those children and didn't repent, everyone who loves and dances in the blood of the innocent, they are going to be brought to judgment.
It won't be very long either, Alex, and I just want to thank you so much for bringing this topic up at such a propitious time today on the 41st anniversary of the beginning of judgment on America.
And God bless you and yours and even their loved ones.
I just admire you so much.
Oh, please don't.
I'm up here fighting for the unborn.
Come on, man.
If they're not safe, I'm not safe.
My kids aren't safe.
I mean, everybody thanks me, folks, and that's nice, and I want to thank you, but this is not something we should be thanked for.
My children.
We should really be angry at those that aren't fighting the evil because it's going to take over.
We're all in danger.
It's like if I had a little boat and I was two miles from shore, three miles from shore, it was freezing water and my family was in the boat because I could, you know, swim into the shore even if it was pretty cold maybe, but I knew my kids weren't going to make it and I was in a boat with 20 people and I was bailing and people are looking at me going, thank you for bailing.
I'd be like, you know, and they're bailing too.
Thank you, Alex, for bailing.
I'm like, why are you thanking me for bailing?
We're going to go into icy, below zero water.
Salt water can go below zero before it freezes.
We're going to die in a matter of minutes if we go into that water.
Everybody bail like your life depends on it, because it does.
We need people bailing, ladies and gentlemen.
But while we also pull for the shore, trying to be moral good people.
I mean, I cannot express to you how it's hit me to be a moral person.
And again, they tell you moral, don't go play cards with your buddies, or moral, don't drink a beer.
That's all fake church stuff, so they can make you feel bad about little stuff, while they're promoting the government, not fighting evil, not getting people energized, pushing the system, while they're consciously in bed with the state, consciously not telling their megachurches to go fight abortion.
Oh, that's political!
Not telling their megachurches, don't upset people.
They're conscious devils in most of these big churches.
It's all about how they're a good man, and their wife's a good woman, and they're examples to everyone, and they'll do tough love with your family member.
Oh, you know, your wife's drinking and won't quit?
Divorce her!
It's of the Lord!
They're a bunch of devilish people that just want to be mean to everybody and do whatever they want.
I'm telling you, the church is where you find the devil in this country now.
The big churches, they want to throw up.
Rodney in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey buddy.
Hey, uh, yeah, my wife, I've been married for 20 years this, uh, this July, but my wife over 30 years ago had an abortion.
I didn't know about it until we were discussing it one evening not long ago.
And I can see that she was really disturbed by that.
And the only thing that I could think to say at the time, cause I was shocked to be honest with you, um, because I'd known her for 20 years and she'd never mentioned it.
And we've talked about abortion many times.
But the only thing I could think to say was that I'm sorry that you weren't supported and that you weren't consoled and that no one was there for you because, you know, as she explained it to me, that she was a young kid still in school and she was scared to death and her boyfriend at the time wouldn't support her and she didn't know what her family was going to think.
So, you know, women in those positions need support.
I mean, if you're a man enough to, you know,
Appropriate a child then you should be man enough to stand up and stand by that woman and Exactly I'm gonna try to keep my two daughters away from men And it's always the aggressive thug men that go after young girls first when they're like 14 15 or even younger That's criminal, but but the point is I'm gonna try to keep them away from men and boys But if they ever were to get pregnant
I mean, we won't, it'll be, well, that's not good, but it doesn't matter.
This is a blessing.
This is going to be like more children.
This is, this is a wondrous thing.
Even if the kids are poor, if they have love, they have everything.
One more thing too, Alex.
Um, I was, uh, I had a back injury, had a spinal injury about five years ago and they put me on Ambien and I took that Ambien for a couple of nights.
But like the second night that I took that Ambien, I had, I had this most horrific dream
Where I was fighting, believe it or not, I was fighting the devil in it there.
The only way you can understand the fear is actually having to experience fighting another human being that you know is trying to kill you.
And the only way to survive is to kill him.
And that's what I was experiencing.
And if people say, well, it's whatever you have with you is going to happen.
It's true in studies that taking hallucinogens, pure LSD, mushrooms can boost IQ and it's been in a cure depression, you name it.
But that's if you're already, you know, a centered person.
It doesn't, it's not that actually makes you smarter on paper.
I believe it opens you up to what was already there.
You see what I'm saying?
And one more thing too, Alex, Daniel 2, you know, these prophecies are just falling one after another, just coming so fast now, but I'd like to point out that Daniel 2, 43 specifies the end, he calls it the great and terrible beast, but it specifies the mixing of whoever they are and the woman's seed.
It says that they, whoever they are, I mean, not men,
As you saw, iron mixed with chromatic clay, or ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
Like they're taking three men now, and making a baby for gay couples.
We want to mandate him, put three men together.
Can you imagine what that's going to do?
The type of mutations, the type of weirdness.
You know, will it have a soul, or two women and a man?
All forms of abomination.
All forms.
You go, abomination, schmomination.
Look at what it comes out.
They can have a sheep that's 100% the same genetics as the sheep before it, but something's wrong with it.
They can't ever make the clones tick.
They don't have vigor, because they don't have the spark.
They don't have the soul.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go to Monica in Ohio.
Monica, welcome.
I'm alright.
How are you?
Go ahead.
I'm calling about the abortion thing because I actually experienced one of those and now I'm a mother.
So, my personal experience with that is, you know, like 10 years, 12 years later, you have a moral scar that sits on your heart.
I mean, it morally pains you more than anything.
I think the procedure itself is pretty simple, but they never warn you about the scars it leaves internally.
And that's... When I look at my daughter, I was blessed.
I was lucky I didn't have complications, but sometimes she'll say to me how she wants a sister or brother, and it makes me think back to that.
So I always have that moral scar that follows me, and about every October, I have a couple days where I just sit and wallow and think back to those times, because that's when
My baby would have been born that I had an abortion with.
It's kind of sad.
Oh, it's definitely sad.
But at least now you feel bad and you repent.
Hardening your heart and buying into it and worshipping Gloria Steinem, that's when you better watch out.
Yeah, and you know my cousin, now she's 20, she just found out she was pregnant and she asked my opinion on it and I looked at her and I said,
Look, I know you're young and it's overwhelming, and I don't think anybody's ever planning for that.
And I gave her my personal experience with it, and I said, the one thing I can tell you that will lead to right is to shut off all these facts and these statistics and what everybody's opinion is, and follow your heart.
Because your heart always tells you where to go.
And your heart tells you... Exactly.
Very well said, ma'am.
Thank you for calling.
Your heart says don't do it.
Don't do it.
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You know, no brag, just fact, and I try to live up to it.
My family's genealogy on both sides and goes back quite a bit like everybody else's.
And my family on both sides was always involved founding things.
And I have a real instinct to want to build space-based colonies that go for the long march to star systems and build just like my ancestors got on the Mayflower after leaving the Netherlands to try to find religious freedom.
And what, was that 1601, 1602?
I forget, when did the Mayflower arrive?
And they weren't perfect people by any stretch of the imagination, but they wanted to try to carve something out and do something new and get away from the oppressive system.
And I think of children like that, the 55 million killed in the last
41 years, Roe v. Wade anniversary today, of just all the destinies that were destroyed and snuffed out, all the opportunities, all the amazing things.
And people say, oh, most of them are poor babies, they'll wreck society.
Just that attitude that they're trash makes them trash.
And all the people that helped me when I was young and did so many things for me, I was a prodigal son.
I mean, I wasn't an evil person, but I mean, you know, hundreds of girlfriends constantly fighting.
You were looking for a fight, you came to the right place.
You know, you name it, just... And my family stayed there by me, helped me through it all, and I made it through those trials and tribulations.
And then the prodigal son comes home, and his other brother, who's been totally good, says, why are you throwing the biggest party ever and slaughtering the best calf and everything?
Well, how much do I love you?
We didn't lose him.
And I think about all the good people we're losing here.
And just the spiritual idea that they're crap makes us all crap.
Do you understand that?
We're over, folks.
We're done.
Of course they got death camps.
We already killed 55 million kids in death camps.
Of course they're putting poison in the food and water.
A government that wants to kill babies will kill everybody.
You don't play games with this stuff.
You don't make deals with this thing.
You can't sell out to it.
That's why I'll never sell out to the New World Order.
I can't sell out to it.
You can't make a deal with the devil.
It comes down to that.
I'm going to do five minutes overdrive, even though I've got a meeting at 2.30 I've got to go to.
So I'm going to race out of here right when this is over.
This segment, a little bit of overdrive.
David in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, hey, and thank you so much for what you do for us.
I have an abortion story.
25 years ago, I was a junior in college, having the time of my life.
I met the woman that I knew I was going to marry and asked her to marry me.
And we were students at Liberty University, which is the epicenter of the Christian conservative mindset and the moral majority and all that stuff.
So, you know, you kind of try to not have sex before marriage and that's what's expected of you and all that, but it didn't turn out that way and she ended up pregnant.
And I remember sitting in the parking lot of school in her car and she's crying and I'm crying.
Uh, just, you know, faced with the shame and all that and, um, the abortion issue came up and, and, uh, it was, we were talking seriously about it because you can just sweep all this under the rug.
And, uh, but man, um, we decided not to do it and, uh, I quit school, married her and, uh, and I'm getting emotional.
Um, I,
My daughter was the absolute joy of my life.
I had to become a man real quick.
I had to get a job.
They don't want you to have kids because it makes your brain turn on and makes you grow up.
They want to keep you as a rest of development.
Is that what happened?
Now looking back, there was no choice at all, right?
You made the right choice.
No, she's 25 years old.
She graduated UNC.
Can you imagine if you would have killed her?
We'll be right back.
God bless you, sir.
More calls.
I've got to get to the last ones.
We're going to race through your calls.
Coming back in one minute.
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Are you?
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Well Alex, abortion can include a miscarriage, but it's more properly termed aborticide when it's willfully induced abortion, whether it's surgery or herbs or RU-486.
And when it comes to ultrasound, as they're currently being employed, they can be dangerous.
There's a site...
No, no, there's undoubtedly the sound waves are doing stuff to the kids.
But it's a cost-benefit analysis because you can find out so much, you know, about if the baby's the wrong way, you know, they've got to do a cesarean.
But they can do that with x-rays.
I tend to agree with you.
I think they should probably go x-rays better, you know, rather than ultrasound.
But they're getting some better systems in.
Well, knowing that sound can kill and sound can heal bones and tissue, it's just a matter of frequency and amplitude, maybe ultrasound could be made safe.
No, no, because I've done research on it before I allowed my children to be ultrasound.
You do not do it in the first four months.
They didn't used to.
They try to make you do it at two months now.
And that is baloney.
I've done the research on that.
You do not want them to ultrasound a baby in the first trimester.
Or even the second, multiple second trimester ultrasound.
I hear you.
I gotta jump.
We're gonna do this again tomorrow, Chris.
I apologize.
I'm trying to get to everybody now.
Alex in Illinois, go ahead.
Your points.
Yeah, I have my own abortion story that I was on hold for, but it seems to reflect what everybody else is saying.
But I wanted to ask you, do you think that what's going on with young people nowadays is just another form of abortion, how you just destroy their lives?
In fact, I was thinking that earlier and never said it.
That's right.
We abort their minds with all the drugs, the Ritalin, the Prozac, the Adderall.
We abort the culture.
If they can't kill them, they're going to try to kill their mind.
They're going to try to soft kill them.
And that's exactly what's going on.
One more point though.
On a different note, I called a couple months ago regarding the police state buildup and you asked for a picture regarding the
Military Trucks from Oshkosh.
And I sent that to you today under the subject Miltrucks, one word.
You sent it to ShowTipsAndInfoWorks.com?
Yeah, M-I-L-T-R-U-X.
And it has probably a couple thousand trucks on there.
Miltrucks is the subject line?
Yeah, M-I-L-T-R-U-X.
Also sent it to your writing.
Alright, I'll try to get them to do something on it.
Thank you so much, sir.
Janning and Inquist, sorry I'm having to hurry.
Phil in Florida, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to say I went to medical school and I thought I wanted to be a pathologist and then they kept sending, you know, aborted fetuses down.
It got to the point where the sections I would put in would be like handprints and footprints I had to leave and I switched over to family medicine from that.
So it was, I just couldn't take it, you know, and it was the whole thing personified the culture of death.
Yeah, I've seen a deer that was pregnant and just seeing a baby deer in utero makes you get upset.
Or I've seen baby fish in a fish and you don't like it.
I mean, you're not supposed to like to see dead babies.
And it's just unbelievable.
I mean, I know doctors that have lost babies in surgeries and they go home and cry because they're humans, even though they have to try to harden their heart to do their work.
What were the people that were doing abortions like that you were around?
I mean, were they making jokes about it and stuff?
No, because I was usually in there doing the gross anatomy by myself.
You know, it was just, you're only gross like two days a week.
And they would send them down from the GYN clinics and stuff.
They'd send them in because in Connecticut, where I was at at the time, the law was that the foot had to be shorter than a certain amount or else they could prosecute the
The gynecologist, and believe me, I would try to measure them as close as I could, but they were legal abortions, unfortunately, but I had to get out of there.
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
Sorry to Robert, Charlie, John, Phil.
We just got to that caller.
We're going to come back tomorrow, Lord willing, at 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon Eastern, InfoWars.com.
Thanks for putting up with me.
That's what I always tell people when I say, oh, good to meet you on the street.
Well, thanks for putting up with me.
Thanks for the crew putting up with it.
They did a great job today.
We're going to talk more about abortion tomorrow as well and hear your stories.
55 million dead babies.
We need to talk about them.