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Filename: 20131225_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 25, 2013
2541 lines.
Ah, Christmas music!
Oh my gosh, bigoted religious austerity!
Ban it!
The status card!
Ban it!
Oh Lord!
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Writing a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is not Alex Jones, it is I, Here's Morgan, who openly came out
What was it last Friday about that Duck Dynasty bedraggled bearded buffoon?
And I said, I want him banned!
Here's my exact headline from that Friday.
Drudge Report ran it.
It says, Piers Morgan, First Amendment, shouldn't protect vile bigots like Phil Robertson.
And I am very pleased to announce to everyone, I have the headlines here in front of me, banning Christmas trees in Texas.
Banning everything.
Make it all illegal.
Here's the Newsmax headline.
Christmas trees burned at Texas school called Draconian.
I don't think it's Draconian for Dracool.
The symbol of my queen is a red dragon, and the red dragon sees Christ and any signet of the cross as an enemy to our overall operation.
Once we have taken your firearms, we will be able to sop on your liberties, your property,
Finally, your children!
As the great Savel has done, we are here broadcasting worldwide and I am the mighty, the tyrannical, the gigantic pig creature, Piers the Coward Morgan!
And I am here to let you all know that I agree with restricting the First Amendment
On this Christmas day, now that country bumpkin, pumpkin-headed, redneck, filthy, gigantic, ape-like Texan, who looks like a gorilla at feeding time at the zoo, has seen a giant bucket full of bananas, as he desires to be free upon the land, living in liberty, and not in my greater dungeon.
I heard that, that poor scene.
Pimp of freedom, promoting the night before Christmas.
And so I have demanded of my slave that he complete the night before Christmas and come back to you live on the other side of this Christmas Day audition the 25th of December 2013.
And know that in 2014 we will get your guns.
There will be more stage shootings.
We will start more wars.
We will fund out kind of gut every Christian in Africa.
North Africa into the Maghreb of the Middle East.
And our hellish forces will rise.
And we will talk in a trendy voice.
So that you think we're non-threatening.
That our true aim is total domination.
Excuse me.
I'm trendy and genteel.
And in the firearms.
So that we might be trendy.
Okay, my friend.
Let me bound your arms and legs, excuse me, so that we might be friendly.
And so that we won't be turning off our arms in the palace structure.
We won't be backing off at the least in any way.
Again, as I said, we're going to give you a break in a moment.
And just remember, the state is God.
Don't resist, don't speak up, don't get angry or raise your voice.
Oh, that discredits you!
Don't do that!
That is exactly what will defeat us.
I mean, excuse me, a rare truthfulness.
I should have had Alex back on, but I didn't because we defeated him so badly.
Record ratings for us.
We didn't have him back on because he discredited himself so well!
And we don't want to have him discredit himself again!
No, no.
No, no.
Not more of that blasphemous music.
Turn it off!
That is a dera... You there in the control room!
I will shut that racist, bigoted... Knives on a chalkboard, shut it down!
There's nothing worse than a redneck pumpkinhead...
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Life Fluoride Shield formulation.
Fusing six of the best documented ingredients from around the world to help the body remove not just toxic fluoride residues from the body, but a whole host of toxic substances.
Let's take a stand against the globalists.
By blocking their poisons with Fluoride Shield.
I use Fluoride Shield everyday.
Secure your Fluoride Shield and other pioneering formulations at InfoWarsLife.com today.
Let's start cleansing our bodies now and support the Info War at the same time.
That's InfoWarsLife.com
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
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Nascent Iodine is on record as one of the only safe ways to detox from fluoride poisoning.
Survival Shield Nascent Iodine.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade-grown Arabica beans.
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This coffee gives you a long, smooth pick-me-up for hours without the headaches and heartburn that so many other coffees give me personally.
Hands down, this is my favorite coffee, and it's taken us years to secure connections directly to the Chiapas Mexican farmers.
Drop by the site today, order a bag or two, and I don't think you're going to be disappointed.
Is this Christmas music?
This is censored.
This is illegal.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel.
Report this to her man security immediately.
If they are allowed to have any culture pre-globalist, they will resist us.
We must eradicate everything until they only worship corporate media.
Kanye West.
And anything other than mindlessness must be banned.
Justin Bieber must be the signet, the hero.
If they look upwards to the stars, if they honor trailblazers, they will escape us undoubtedly.
Oh, we just broke in there, ladies and gentlemen, took over from the New World Order.
That's part of our fairness doctrine, though, is to give them some of their own time.
To let the establishment come out and basically promote their own ideas.
And then we'll go back into promoting our ideas, which are liberty, freedom, human empowerment, and the fact that you have free will.
Doesn't mean I have to agree with your lifestyle or what you stand for, as long as you don't try to control my life and tell me what to do.
The problem is, in the name of equality, the system has created an incredible police state where they can hide their failures, cover up their lies, and then demonize those that are engaged in any type of opposition to what they're up to.
You know, I talked about this yesterday.
It is, by the way, again, Christmas Day, ladies and gentlemen.
And if you were listening in the last segment, that was not really Piers Morgan, that was yours truly.
Having a little bit of fun, because when I end up taping these special broadcasts for days like Christmas, we're not live, but at least it's original, I tend to do it at night after I've been working a long day, and well, I'm a little bit less
Inhibited in the evening and have some fun.
Because you've got to have gallows humor with all of this.
You've got to do it or you would literally go crazy.
But I see articles like this that I mentioned yesterday from Reuters.
Super bug bacteria widespread in U.S.
Consumer group has done a study and shows about half of the raw chicken breasts in nationwide sampling carried antibiotic resistant super bug bacteria.
A U.S.
consumer group said on Thursday, calling for stricter limits on the use of medicines on livestock.
It could make it more difficult to treat people if they became ill after eating chicken with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, said Consumer Reports, which describes itself as the world's largest independent product testing organization.
And let me just give you this gift on Christmas here.
I'm thankful for a lot of things.
And it's this.
The globalists know full well what they're doing and they're trying to produce super plagues naturally through antibiotics and over vaccination that they can then blame basically on a organic outbreak.
That is a natural outbreak.
So they don't get the final comeuppance and don't get the karmic weight of it.
And again, that's their mindset, their view of it.
A lot of them have written this, but they say the super plugs are coming and it's going to wipe everything out.
And my issue is, I have had a cousin die, my uncle be extremely ill in the hospital for weeks.
And I've seen a lot of people outside of Texas I know die.
And they've done the actual swabs.
And sent them off to all different private groups, you name it, the CDC won't return them.
I've talked to the doctors, I won't tell them what it is, but private labs have tested it, and it's some type of drug-resistant, antibiotics-resistant, microplasm, or microscopic, micro-microbacteria, basically.
And then I'm seeing articles saying, oh, it's flu, we think it's the flu, but then I even know people in the hospitals they're talking about.
In Tyler, Texas, outside Houston and other places.
So South Texas, Northeast Texas, Tyler.
I have family and friends that are in these.
I know they've done the test.
They do the flu test a couple days.
They didn't the flu.
They can't find regular bacteria.
They can't find other viruses.
It's a microplasm.
And then I'm reading, oh my gosh, you know, it's the flu.
Go get the flu shot, which only lowers your immune system in the major studies.
They never guess a year before the right flu.
And if you don't guess the right one, it doesn't do anything.
It's a fraud.
This is a government caught in all this secret testing against the population over and over and over again.
So why on earth would we believe anything they say or do now?
And then, I read about how half the chicken, that means you leave it on your countertop, you touch it, whatever, it makes salmonella look tame, have bacteria where the chickens have been fed the most powerful antibiotics to even make their kidneys fail.
So that in these infested, hellish, giant facilities where they can have a million birds in one building, where the people that work there wear respirators because of all the ammonia, the urine, and the feces, and these animals in hellish conditions, all of this factory farming is going to come back on us, the humans.
You create an artificial environment where they're even breeding chickens that don't have beaks, they're cutting their beaks off, they don't even have proper legs, they're in tiny cages being force-fed.
You know, and you pay a dollar less or something for a chicken that's bred like this and live like this instead of getting an open range one?
And I'm not some big animal rights activist, but I'm telling you folks, what you do to little things comes back on you.
And I am for humane raising them, animals, open air, and then humane slaughter.
And that's something that you can say that's truly liberal.
You reap what you sow.
What you do to things comes back on you.
And now they are feeding them these antibiotics to stop the super plagues of bacteria, viruses, mites.
I mean, I have been in turkey plants because I work for large animal vets and stuff and had buddies that worked at them.
They would say, look at this.
And I mean, I've been inside of them.
And it is a concentration camp from hell.
I mean, and look, I'm somebody that's been in a cow slaughterhouse, and they bring them in, they're all scared, they hit them with big gas-powered, you know, air-powered jacks in the head.
That I can handle, because we're slaughtering animals, we're eating them, at least they die in a few minutes.
And that's still inhumane, and I don't like it.
It's a lot better on the farm, where you take a cow, they don't know it's coming, you shoot them in the head, haul them up, and butcher them.
They die instantly.
But the issue here is they want to ban that instead of all the big factory farms.
And it's the factory farms actually lobbying in Europe and here to shut down regular family farms, the regulations, which is more humane so their operations can operate.
And I'm telling you, that's where this type of plague is coming from.
I want to be thankful on Christmas Day.
I want to be thankful for my family.
I want to be thankful for my health.
I want to be thankful to my God and Creator, Jesus Christ, for consciousness.
I want to be thankful for my forebearers who weren't perfect, but were trailblazers in liberty and brought us the freest, most wealthy country in world history, that of course got overrun by the corrupt.
They always take over whatever's the most powerful to use as their own system.
And I want to be thankful for all of you out there that have supported us over the years, and we just couldn't do any of this without you.
And I am a cracked and failed vessel in many levels, but I'm still willing, and I'm stupid and ignorant like Private Joker, but I've got guts, and guts is enough to quote Full Metal Jacket and the great Stanley Kubrick.
So, to all of you, I hope you've had a great Christmas.
Spend it with your family.
I'm honored you're tuning in on Christmas Day.
To all our friends in the alternative media, and you know who you are, thank you so much for all you've done for us, and the pitiful things I'm up to half the time.
But everyone's recognized that infowars and our crew, though pitiful at times, have also reached the heights of the stars in human liberty, and have really been uncensored and unscripted, and have done some amazing things together.
And so I have just been absolutely, incredibly, dynamically honored to be here and to talk to you.
And 2013 has been a great year for liberty, but a horrible year for tyranny.
The best of times, the worst of times.
For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
And we've seen all of that demonstrated here this year.
And we're really seeing the authoritarianism of the so-called left right now, who are about as left, about as liberal as Hitler.
Who, by the way, was a socialist.
These terms mean nothing.
It's about freedom.
It's about slavery.
It's about authoritarians and it's about libertarians.
It's about autocrat control freaks and it's about people lovers.
Man, I love people.
I love black people.
I love old people.
I love white people.
I love young people.
I love people from Europe.
I love people from Asia.
I love people from Latin America.
I love people from the North Pole.
I love straight people.
I love gay people.
I like everybody.
But I don't like the system claiming it represents different groups and playing us off against each other.
And I have had enough of people trying to govern my life and your life.
And I'm just here, not claiming I got all the answers.
But I'm here to tell you, the establishment has the answers.
The answer to their technotronic, technological, technocratic takeover.
And it's an answer that we aren't part of.
It's an equation we don't exist in.
And it's a fraud.
And these people are the last individuals that should be running our society.
So whether you're an atheist or an agnostic, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Zoroaster, Hindu, Buddhist, or a
Globalist Minion, I care about you and want you to have a future.
But if you're a transhumanist, anti-human, technocrat, control freak that thinks they're better than everybody, and has an overriding instinct to dominate and destroy diversity in the name of diversity, and override us with your plastic corporate garbage, I got some news for you.
As for me and mine, we know who you are, we know where you come from, and we know where you live.
Just like you know where we live with the NSA.
It's a small world and everybody knows where everybody lives.
And you're not gonna turn something like this loose.
You're not gonna bring in a tyranny like this and get away with it.
And in your bones, and in your guts, and in your sinew, you know that that is the case.
And as one human to another,
Man to man, I'm telling you!
Stop cheating humanity!
Stop cheating your ancestors!
Stop cheating this species!
Because you will NEVER get away with the crap you've pulled!
InfoWars.com on this Christmas Day, worldwide edition, playing the sacrilegious Christian music that makes the statist and their god of the state and all its devilish
Production, all its devilish fruit, get angry.
Yesterday, I only read about a third of The Night Before Christmas.
When we come back, I'll attempt to read the whole thing unfettered, with limited commentary.
Straight ahead!
The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive info
We're good to go.
By blocking their poisons with fluoride shield.
I use fluoride shield every day.
Secure your fluoride shield and other pioneering formulations at InfoWarsLife.com today.
Let's start cleansing our bodies now and support the Info War at the same time.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Oh, it's hard to turn music like that off.
Even if you don't like Christmas or Christianity, don't you like beauty?
I can go hear some Hindu song or some Jewish song or that Middle Eastern music.
I love that stuff.
I mean, I'm like, oh, that's offensive.
Turn that off.
I love Christmas.
You know, for so long, I was so focused on fighting the New World Order.
They commercialized Christmas so much, I turned my back on it.
But now, more than ever, the older I get, the more I love sentimentality.
The more I love memories.
The family and everything that happens.
Alright, look, I butchered this yesterday.
I did about a third of The Night Before Christmas and went into a histrionic rant.
Let me just read The Night Before Christmas, actually, without adding any comments, because it really is some good poetry.
I forget, who wrote The Night Before Christmas?
Let's look that up.
You can tell me in my ear in a minute.
"'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St.
Nicholas would soon be there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads, and Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter, and to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow gave the luster of midday to objects below, when what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But a miniature sleigh and a tiny reindeer.
With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment, it must be Saint Nick!
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came.
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen.
On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, on Blitzen.
To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall.
Now dash away, dash away, dash away all.
As dry leaves that before the wind hurricane fly.
When they met with an obstacle, mount to the sky, show up to the housetop.
The coursers they flew with a sleigh full of toys, and St.
Nicholas too.
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney St.
Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed in a fur from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bottle of toys he flung on his back, and he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.
His eyes how they twinkled, his dimples how merry.
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of his pipe he held tight in his teeth, and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He held a broad face and a little round belly that shook when he laughed like a bull full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right old jolly elf, and he laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work and filled all the stockings.
They turned with a jerk and laying his finger aside to his nose and giving a nod up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh to the team and gave a whistle.
And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, err, as he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
There is my reading of It Was the Night Before Christmas.
Clement Clarke Moore.
When was that written?
I love literature.
I love beauty.
I love it all.
And I will defend it to the end against the usurper.
And I know you join me in that.
They found the year, 1823.
All right, well, great job to the crew.
Coming up, we've got a bunch of key interviews and more on this Christmas Day.
John B. Wells will join us of Coast to Coast AM.
Gerald Salente and more on this Christmas Day worldwide transmission.
But I thought I would come in and record a bit so that we could be here live together.
I am so honored and so blessed.
That's why I hate it when you call in and say what a great job I'm doing.
I am just so humbled.
And so destroyed by your gaze and by your support that I don't ever imagine I can live up to all of your dreams.
Your dreams are wonderment and they are the answer to the evil.
Christ loves you all.
I love you all.
And I hope you've had a merry, merry Christmas with you and yours.
Great job, crew!
We'll see you back tomorrow with an original transmission worldwide.
More of the evil Christmas music.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The facts are in.
The studies are legion.
Sodium fluoride and other toxic members of the fluoride family are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the American people.
So why are the social engineers adding it to the water?
Dumb down the host population that the parasitic technocracy is feeding on.
We may not have been able to get fluoride out of the water supply yet, but we can help to get it out of our bodies.
I am extremely excited to announce the exclusive InfoWars Life Fluoride Shield formulation.
Fusing six of the best documented ingredients from around the world to help the body remove not just toxic fluoride residues from the body, but a whole host of toxic substances.
Let's take a stand against the globalists.
By blocking their poisons with fluoride shield.
I use fluoride shield every day.
Secure your fluoride shield and other pioneering formulations at InfoWarsLife.com today.
Let's start cleansing our bodies now and support the InfoWar at the same time.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
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And the councils of government,
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town.
And don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSTSA News 12's Jeff Farrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
In your apartments!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator clones.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not shutting down if you want to come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live on this Wednesday, the 11th day of December 2013, and John B. Wells, host of Coast to Coast AM, along with the great George Norrie and others, is a veteran radio host and voice actor with credits ranging from radio stations and TV shows to movies and advertisements, but I like him for his libertarian, constitutional
Classical, conservative views and just enjoy listening to his show.
One of my favorite times to listen to Coast to Coast AM.
And he's done advertisements and worked for big companies, you name it, in all seven continents.
He's also a musician, writer, composer, martial artist, and aviator.
In addition to serving as the announcer for CBS's Late Late Show with Craig Kilbourn, Wells has lent his voice to Oliver Stone's JFK, talk radio films,
It appeared in many other films.
He's also recently voiced promos for Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch and Gold Rush.
After frequently serving as a guest host on Coast to Coast to Him, he, the last few years now, has been hosting it.
It's very, very popular.
And so, in fact, one of the most popular time slots there.
So we're very excited to have him.
Caravan to Midnight.com, Jbwells.com are his websites.
And I saw him up there at the whole JFK 50th, and then he was
There was about four hours left, a little while before the police attacked us.
We thought it was all over before the deputies attacked us.
And so we had him on from the road there, went out to dinner, really enjoyed getting a chance to hang out with him.
So I invited him down to Austin, Texas.
So he hopped on a flight from Big D, like a 25 minute flight, and came in here and he's with us for the second half of the transmission.
And I told him, I said, what do you want to talk about this morning before he flew here?
He said, whatever you want to cover.
It's like when I go on his show and then I said, well, I mean, what do you want to cover?
He said, look, just throw out questions at me and then I'll try to give you my my take on them.
Now, you know, I am, John, as soon as I start talking or if you pause for me, I'll jump in.
So you're here.
I want you to be able to talk some and go over, you know, all these articles.
So I'm going to throw a lot of subjects out at you today and just randomly get your take on it.
Set up.
Nothing is, by the way, it's great to see you.
Good to see you, buddy.
Fabulous complex you have, and all your people are so nice and professionally get it done.
It's a really smoking crew.
I like it.
Well, we're really about to go to the next level, so we're running around like an anthill.
Yeah, this whole Bitcoin thing, I subscribe to the proposition that none of this stuff is by accident, and everything that we see, it's like, look the other way.
And the noise has come from over there.
Look that way.
That's where the action is.
So I started, I really, I was behind the curve pretty bad on Bitcoin because I don't play around with the financial markets.
I'm not interested in stock investment or any of that.
I just observe what's going on.
Hey, the market crashed.
Well, that's bad.
Market's up.
Oh yeah, there was that quantitative easing.
That's probably why the market's up.
And that's about the extent of it.
But Bitcoin started
Becoming a term more and more frequently used and I just thought this stuff is getting just a little bit too much play For it to be some really revolutionary idea in mercantilism and of course when it hit the papers yesterday, so to speak that JP Morgan is going to upgrade their patent on their version of Bitcoin from 1999
Oh, and then the little sub-headline was, persons could make transactions anonymously.
There's no such thing as an anonymous transaction over the internet.
That's just rubbish.
So to me it's like, okay, there's your one world currency in the making.
Particularly if JP Morgan's behind it, because...
They're behind everything that has anything to do with money and have been since there was a JPMorgan.
Well, I'm on record saying that this is the type of thing that I think JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs is behind.
And I'm not saying that unequivocally, but I've always not followed my gut.
Even though it's always been right, now I follow my gut.
And my life just gets better and better and better by the millisecond because the gut's running things now.
The brain already knows what's going on, and intellectually, I see a lot of stuff that's wrong with it.
And here's my issue.
They keep saying in the last five years, we need a new bubble.
They said we're going to come out with a new digital global currency, but we need to call it something other than SDRs, Strategic Drawing Rights.
They said they want $100 trillion in new liquidity from taxpayers.
So they run it out there like it's this new crypto thing against them.
A bunch of people jump on it like the tulip bubble, you know where tulips were going for the equivalent of a million dollars and then a month later were worth nothing in Europe.
People can look up that as a case.
It has all the signs.
I don't want the bad mojo, the bad karma, reap what you sow.
If my gut tells me there's something wrong with it, forgive me, I'm just saying danger Will Robinson.
You know, we have something approaching from the east, very large, very dangerous.
And I totally concur with what your gut is telling you.
And now it's, oh, they had a patent 14 years ago of something, and this comes out of Austria, and no one will say where it is, and it's been pumped in the Liberty Movement.
They may even destroy this and roll something else out and then blame us.
I'm not getting blamed when it all goes belly up.
The thing is, is that the most fundamental concept of capitalism is one that I believe most people don't understand.
And that is, these contractions have to occur.
If you just read the back of any credit card statement, any institution's specifics and the details of what your loan is going to cost you, you see that.
I mean, back in the 80s even, I thought, you know, we've got M1 and M2.
M1 is the cash and the checking accounts and savings accounts.
M2 is basically paper money.
Well, if a day came when all of that debt came due, there's not enough money in the entire system to pay it all.
So what happens is, we see these bubbles, you see expand, expand, expand, and then there's a contraction.
There's only one of two ways to manage your monetary system, and that is to collapse it every once in a while and throw a few players out.
They bankrupt them, they foreclose on them, they resell, and then the expansion starts again.
So, now that this globalistic economy has come into play,
Well, the danger factor goes even higher because now instead of just various markets and maybe even one country having a capitalistic contraction, now there's a possibility the entire world could have a capitalistic contraction.
And to salvage it, lots and lots of players will have to be thrown out, lots of foreclosures, lots of properties seized.
And the globalists have used fractional reserve banking and the boom-bust cycle to gain dominant control.
Now they openly say they're going to have one giant meltdown, poses the saviors during it, make us accept a new digital global currency that we pay carbon taxes to the back, that then surveils all human activity through the panoptagon NSA grid that's actually global.
And then they can selectively shut down all their competition with selective enforcement.
That is a high-tech total tyranny.
And that, John B. Wells, as you've accurately broken it down, is the New World Order capstone, the master plan.
And how do we get the general public, they're smart enough to watch SportsCenter and to know everything about the NFL.
They've got to learn about the world.
People aren't successful because you don't know how the world really works.
You know about your sitcom people and your football people.
You know, the male soap operas.
And I get football folks, I like it too.
The point is, is that I'm not that smart and I figured this out.
John's a smart guy, he figured it out.
And it's all coming towards...
A very bad design contraction.
So what do we do about it?
Well, I don't really know what we do about it because the other component is one that we've discussed before and that is taking some of the players out may equate to literally taking some of the players out.
In other words, big conflagration.
I was reading about the
You know, if there is a huge solar, what do you call it, coronal mass ejection and so forth that took down the grid, I mean, I believe it was on InfoWars, that the potential to eliminate nine out of ten people because of civil unrest and this and that and the other because your grid goes down, that's... Yeah, the Pentagon says that, and now they know on average every hundred years or so we get hit by one big enough
That when it hit last time, it blew out most of the electricity in large areas of the world.
Imagine if that hits now.
Well, the population is high, strong enough as it is.
I mean, they're as tight as a bowstring as it is.
Waiting for something bad to happen.
Oh, it's not just somebody, it's this entire group.
Well, which group?
I mean, is it the poor group?
Is it the patriot group?
Is it the conservative group?
Is it the liberal group?
Who's waiting for something to happen?
Everybody's waiting for something to happen.
You ask what can people do about it?
The thing is is train yourself to look in the opposite direction from where the noise is coming and I think we're gonna be I think we're a few months off from from determining how we're gonna survive let alone succeed maybe the success will come later but
I think we're looking at a scenario within the next six to eight months that could be quite dramatic.
I mean, all these antics from the executive office, this routine circumvention of the Constitution, this unbelievable militarization of the police departments, and these people are just running around shooting like ever before.
Now, people can say, well, you've got the internet now, so they can make a case for saying, no, that's just stuff that happened all the time, always has happened, and you're just hearing about it now because communications methods have improved.
It's like, not really.
There is a greater frequency of cops shooting people that should not have been shot.
I mean, this guy that shot this kid with the BB gun is back on duty.
Now, the one that shot at the car in New Mexico, he gets fired.
But the one who killed the kid is back on duty.
Well, we all see the videos where a lab jumps out of the car because the cop opens it.
The tail's wagging.
Anybody knows a dog that's friendly.
And then the cop just shoots it.
I mean, what is this?
Why is this happening?
Why are the policemen that we trusted, when they showed up, it was like, oh good, relief, help is here, they'll help us.
I mean, to me, it's almost as though every confrontation with the police officer is potentially life-threatening now.
Well, that's because they've been trained to be warriors, and if a Marine doesn't act first, he'll be dead Marine.
That's what this guy that shot the 13-year-old with the airsoft gun said in SWAT Magazine.
He said, you've got to act even if you don't know what you're doing.
Just some action is good.
Well, that's not true.
Well, that's not public service either.
But I mean, he's not fighting the Taliban.
It's not like he was in Afghanistan and the guy had something that looked like a rifle and turned around and he shot him.
You'd be like, yeah, it's a war zone.
It's a rural area of Northern California with a kid with a plastic pellet gun.
It's just beyond anything I've ever seen.
I don't understand why you can't pull your pistol out and march up going, put your hands in plain sight or I'm going to start shooting.
I'm warning you, don't do anything else.
And then if somebody makes a threatening move, it's like, well, there's always a kneecap or a leg or an arm or shoulder or something.
You don't have to dump your whole magazine in the person.
Well, they train them in instinctive shooting to kill them immediately.
But I think they do that.
That's why we had a case in Austin where a guy with no criminal record got pulled over.
Officer said, you know, get out of the car from his little loudspeaker or whatever.
And the guy gets out with his wallet in his hand and the cop just instantly, like he was a gunslinger, starts firing at him.
Listen, I had an Austin cop pull me over for speeding about 10 miles an hour in Northwest Hills when I was a senior in high school.
My mom said, go get me frozen yogurt.
And I said, OK.
Because, you know, them helping me get a car meant that I would do errands for him constantly.
Which I like doing.
So I go up and get a thing.
And my weight belt's sitting in the front of the seat.
Green Mustang.
Cop pulls me over right by my house, like 300 yards away.
He walks up, hey, how you doing?
License and registration?
You know your speed?
All of a sudden, hands on the wheel!
He had the gun to my head!
He was like, get out, get out!
He was like, oh, never mind.
And luckily, nowadays, they'd beat me up or something because they were wrong and proved they were.
He goes, oh, it's a white belt.
Oh, OK, well, I thought it was a knife scabbard or a gun.
And I was just like, OK.
And he let me go.
But I mean, the thing was, I was more calm with him with a gun to my head, screaming.
He was, and he's holding the gun.
I mean, obviously, a guy pulls up, I'm like, hey, yeah, I saw, you know, boom, gun, you know, like, I mean, what is that?
That's what it is.
Well, if they're so afraid, they shouldn't be a cop.
That's correct.
Absolutely correct.
I mean,
DPS officers, Texas State Police, they typically don't act that way.
Now, I'm not saying they're angels.
You don't mess with the DPS.
They're not.
They really are.
These are serious cats.
But they've got a calm demeanor about them.
And now, as what happened in Fort Worth, Texas some years ago, the DPS says, stop what you're doing, and you speed off, and he's on your truck, and he goes, stop the vehicle, and the guy doesn't do it, so he goes, boom.
Well, that's different.
That's asking for it, you know.
A Texas State Policeman that's clinging to your vehicle is telling you to stop the vehicle.
Well, that's life-threatening.
That's different.
But just to flip out because of a weight belt in the seat, it's like, what's wrong with you?
And I think a lot of these guys are probably ex-military, and when they come back from being in the stuff over there, what are they going to do?
How can they apply those skills?
And they're already jacked up.
Well I would be completely exhausted every day if I just ran around with my eyes bugged out thinking everybody was out to get me.
I did some competitive shooting and it was more than half of them were cops involved and I got out of it because they were so whacked out.
And literally just acting like Rambo.
And just thinking people are hiding under the, you know... Well, you know, a lot of people drink.
A lot of people take Prozac-based antidepressants.
A lot of these police are under... I think part of the problem is that the society is so big now, I mean, literally in numbers, physical numbers, that they are exposed to so much ugliness that it affects you.
You can't see somebody... Oh, I agree!
Just reading the news every day, I've become pretty crazy.
Yeah, it's enough to make you walk on the side of your head... We'll be right back, John.
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They don't want to see us tonight.
All they want us to do is
CaravanToMidnight.com is the excellent website of John B. Wells.
You can hear him Saturday nights on Coast to Coast AM on over, what is it, 600 stations or something around the country.
And many stations that we're also carried by.
And he's here in studio with us.
We're going to open the phones up in the next hour.
We're going to get into the state of the media.
He was asking during the break, how long will they let us continue to do this?
That's the big question.
We're going to talk about that.
We're going to get into Obama and his executive power grabs, the Middle East, the government funding Al Qaeda, all of this and a bunch of news I haven't covered yet.
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So a lot of unprecedented stuff up there on the site.
John, this is a quick segment obviously.
I want to get into the subjects you raised, but you were talking about wanting to get into Mandela a little bit.
What's your take on Nelson Mandela and that collection of communist and socialist leaders and dictators meeting and nobody in our media pointing it out, really?
Well, this mainstream media of ours, we know it's bought and paid for.
We know that it is.
Gals like Amber Lyon, who said we were paid to run some stories, we were paid not to run some stories.
That pretty much says it all, and they're all doing it.
400,000 to not run a story by the government of Qatar.
That's right.
And what happened to the story about Iceland in 08?
This goes back to May of 2012.
Not 08.
May of 2012, they threw out their whole government.
They rewrote the constitution to preclude any corporate fraud.
They're refunding to every household.
There's only 320,000 people.
Okay, I understand that.
But that's a small GDP too.
They signed them on to hundreds of billions that wasn't their debt.
That's right.
And they just said no.
And they stopped it.
And CNN's like, oh, well, we're following the story.
It's like, well, why don't you follow a little bit closer?
Because it's over a year old.
Now, what would happen if in this country,
That went out over mainstream media.
That's like, these people threw out their government.
They arrested the banksters.
Threw them out.
They seized their assets.
They jailed them.
They rewrote the Constitution so that this cannot happen again.
And that's how it is.
We wouldn't want any Americans getting those sorts of ideas, now would we?
They're right.
Iceland is the model.
And just like in Greece and everywhere else, it turned out over 90% of the debt they've been signed on to was actually British bank debt.
No connection to them.
Remember, the British government was trying to arrest people for terrorism or not letting them leave Iceland or use British airways.
Then it turned around.
It was all a fraud.
And you said it was a short segment, so we'll get to Mandela later.
Everything we're being presented with is a borderline fraud.
I mean, they just want us to toe the line, go forward, be good little boys and girls, and don't ask questions.
In other words, they don't care what you know.
All they care about is how much you care.
That's right.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm going to give the number out in the next segment and start taking calls at about 24 after.
I got a ton of news that I want to get to and get John B. Wells' quick take on.
We're going to talk about...
Mandela in the next segment, the attack on the free press.
What else do you want to get into?
There's a lot to talk about.
There's a lot to talk about and one of the things would be Snowden.
How he was the runner-up for Person of the Year by Time magazine and they went with the Pope instead.
And I want to believe that Edward Snowden is as he appears to be, but my first question is, one more time, why is he alive?
Why has he not dropped off the scope?
Why did he not
And Assange, it looks like he's not going to be prosecuted either.
So I want Snowden to be on the level, I do.
But, I just... Dr. Pachinik says it's all staged to have a public debate about the NSA and to only dole out a little bit because they know they can't hide it anymore.
And so now they're going to decide to just put it out themselves and kind of inoculate us psychologically.
Well, I would agree with Pachinik on this one, for sure.
And there are some things with Steve that I disagree with, but I've got to roll with him on this.
It's just a little bit too visible to be real.
By the way, I already knew all this because they'd already had AT&T whistleblowers six years ago.
Other ones, they had one decade ago.
James Bamford, I was having... They had NSA whistleblowers that were the EU Parliament 15 years ago.
People like Wayne Madsen.
But he thinks Snowden's good.
Well, I want him to be.
I'm just still looking.
But now all this stuff has come forward.
I mean, this has been going on for 10 years, but the FBI can turn on your webcam without turning on the little green light that indicates to you that it's on.
They've been able to do that since, I don't know, 2004, 2005?
Well, they designed all of it that way.
It's all been designed with the technology.
I mean, the technology company, people come out all the time and go, I've been told to build a back door in the webcam.
That was in the mid-1990s.
Wouldn't it be strange if the reason that all of this is being done is under the auspices of fighting terrorism, but it's really just to find an excuse to separate you from your money and your property.
And nothing more.
It's the defense contractors taking over this market.
No, that's it.
They're literally re-engineering the society.
It has nothing to do with fighting crime.
It has nothing to do with defeating terrorism.
It's all about the Benjamins again.
I mean, that's sick.
It really is.
I mean, it goes right back to the scriptures, you know, the root of all evil is the love of money.
That's right.
And that's it.
It's not, it's not having money.
It's good when good people have money to be able to defend themselves and build a good society.
It's the love of it when you put it up top as the golden calf.
That's right.
That's right.
And I've heard people say this about, I had heard this guy say this about his little sister.
Oh, she loves money.
She'll do anything.
Well, as the years have gone by, it's like, this is a real serious gal.
You need to steer clear of her.
Keep your hand on your wallet.
Oh, I've seen women before, when there's a big stack of money, they actually, a lot of them get excited.
And it's just literally dirty, nothing.
Well, it's not exclusive to them.
I get excited when I see a stack of money, too.
Yeah, but I mean, it's just like, I mean, but all it is is a fiat fraud, a symbol of energy.
And these globalists, people will kill.
Or just a little bit of money?
Well, and the thing is, is that Matt... It's, uh... Who's the guy who played Boris the Blade in Snatch?
He always plays the evil Russian in every movie.
It's the same guy.
I don't even know his name, but you'll spot him anywhere.
He was in a show called MI5.
They call it Spooks Overseas.
It's off the air now, but this guy said, you're insane.
He says, no.
No, it's the vast sums of money.
I do what I want.
The vast sums of money make everything possible.
And that's true.
The vast sums of money make everything possible.
But I take the vast sums of money to build the operation.
Well, exactly.
Like the average talk show host at this level is flying around on a private jet, you know, and literally at the country club.
That's all boring.
Changing history is what's important.
Oh, it's true.
Defeating commies.
Yes, and there is a huge communist element.
Everybody got pretty burned out on, uh, we got to defeat communism, because that went on for the 50s and the 60s and the 70s, and then it kind of went away in the 80s and 90s.
Now they're called progressives.
That's how I see it.
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Are you?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
John B. Wells is with us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to open the phones up.
The toll-free number to join us for first-time callers is 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 for any questions or comments you have for John B. Wells.
I, of course, am your host, Alex Jones.
His website is caravan2midnight.com.
You can hear him Saturday nights on Coast to Coast AM, reaching tens of millions of people.
And he's just a great libertarian patriot who's aware of what's going on.
I like listening to his show and I'm glad we're friends.
He's a fellow Texan right here with us.
This just went up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Cops trained to kill people at traffic stops.
In the new drills, federally sponsored, they walk up to people at traffic stops and aim guns at everyone's heads.
This is the standardized federal training like Boston and like we saw a few weeks ago in L.A.
where they were walking up at checkpoints putting guns to people's heads.
This is totally criminal and you can see all that up on InfoWars.com.
In fact, Paul's going to add the photos and videos from that earlier article to this.
We're going to cover that.
Coming up.
But John B. Wells, for those that just joined us, we were talking about communism.
And again, what I've seen is the Rockefellers and others funded Lenin.
That's been in congressional hearings in the 70s.
The CIA helped put Mao in power in 49.
That's now been declassified about a decade ago again.
People can look all this up.
Our government, people running it, they want dictatorships all over the world.
They put Saddam in.
They created Al Qaeda.
They want oppression because it's easier for the big corporations to run things that well, that way, and rob things.
So when we talk about communism, as Carol Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope, and he was an insider, they want fascism, they want authoritarianism, they want communism, as long as it's autocratic.
And that's why they're using communism to make people dependent, to enslave you through monetary control.
They're doing it, and all the people that were communist,
People really were sick of it by the 80s and saw that people couldn't even get some sausage or nylons or whatever standing around the block.
That it was horrible, that it was corrupt, that the communists were all rich on the top.
People were sick of it.
It failed.
Then they came out and said, we're liberal.
And they play the race card and all this stuff.
And then South Africa gets taken over by a communist.
They go from one evil apartheid.
And I look this up.
In Africa, the blacks on average in polls say, we want apartheid back.
I don't want apartheid back.
If they would have gotten free market instead of communism, they'd all be rich over there by now.
Instead, most estimates are five times worse than it was.
Rape, murder capital of the world, outside of Chicago.
You've got the floor, my friend.
I'm ranting to talk about Mandela, the progressives, Obama, everything tying this together and where you see the world going.
Well, I've got a good story for you on South Africa.
Kathy Lee Crosby, remember her?
Her dad, Lew Crosby, was the voice of Lexington cigarettes for 20 years.
And I guess the lobster and the king clip and the cigarettes and everything else got to him, but the music producer for that brand, they actually run movie trailers over there, so they came at the end of the movies, and he would do these beautiful nature things, which is unbelievable about Etosha and this and that.
His son was at the, he's deceased now, but his son was at Denton School of Music.
And, uh, he was on his way to recast for the voice of Lexington Cigarettes and see his son at the same time.
Well, guess who he cast?
So I went over to South Africa every year from 1984 until, uh, about 93.
They decided it would not be good for me to go over there after the clerk and his crew got thrown out.
Effectively thrown out.
During the time that I spent over there, first of all, there was razor wire and electric wire to keep people out because they wanted in.
Because everything outside of South Africa was absolute chaos.
I've been up through Namibia before, up toward Uganda.
It was just wholesale murder in Uganda.
I was there the very month, or the very week, that some 16-year war had ended in Mozambique.
So we were able to get in there and look around.
So I got to speak with real no kidding.
These aren't African Americans.
These are African Africans.
And what they had to say was far different from anything this news media has ever said.
First of all, Nelson Mandela was part of the leader of the armed wing of the African National Congress, which everybody says is nothing but, you know, the Communist Party and African garb.
And it was true.
Winnie Mandela, remember when she came up on charges that were really lame charges for torturing and then killing some teenagers that she suspected being unfaithful to the cause?
So, if people say, well, you're a racist because you don't like Obama, or you're a racist because you don't like Mandela, it's like, no, but you are a racialist because you're using racial issues to push forward your agenda.
Well, I'm going to pull it up.
There was an article by Lou Rockwell that we added some photos to, not by Lou Rockwell, but from lourockwell.com, where we showed all these photos of him at the Communist Party meetings when he was president.
And with the leader of the Communist Party that he went to college with.
And these are people that targeted children.
And I looked it up.
They did target police's children, putting tires over their heads.
And black kids that wouldn't go do terror attacks, they would hang a tire over their head and kill them.
And then him on television saying, kill all the whites in the white areas.
And so the whole issue is, is that the globalist Prince Charles and people came and put him in.
So they could just murder and slaughter everybody, and now that's happening.
We're not defending what was there before.
The difference is, it was an oasis compared to the rest of Africa, is what you're saying.
And I can tell you that Africans have killed more Africans than any of the horrible white racist South African police or defense forces, either one.
I mean, it's just the plain truth of it.
If you do your research, which I know you do, I mean, the people at large, if you look into this, you'll find that's just how it is.
I'm going to punch up on screen this article, Useful Idiots 2013, and go through it.
But I mean, keep talking about your experiences in South Africa and what you saw.
Because, you know, you see almost all those world leaders that went to his event, then they bust in all these communists and government workers.
They couldn't even fill the whole stadium to jump up and down and say how great he was.
And then, I know the politics of it.
I've studied it.
And what they've done, and how these communists live like kings, and just how anti-liberty they are, and how they disarmed the black tribes that weren't part of their group, the white groups, and then just slaughtered them.
And then there's photos of Nelson Mandela with his militia commanders, in fact, I'll scroll down, who are the only ones that are allowed to be armed, and then go out and carry out all these different operations.
I mean, it's just the standard deal.
And you can see they want to use this racial division program of, you didn't build your business, somebody else did that.
Here, this is their plan.
That's absolutely correct.
You have to have a boogeyman, and the boogeyman is communism.
But when you realize that you are the boogeyman, and the policies that you're fomenting and trying to force on the people are in fact communist policies, I mean it goes back to Lenin and John D. Rockefeller, that you have to have the first step to get the people under your control is a what?
National healthcare system.
I mean, can you believe that... It's amazing, though.
They funded the boogeyman of communism so they could turn us into a police state to counter it, and meanwhile turned us into that.
I mean, it's like you become what you beheld in contempt and with loathing.
You are now that.
And then, I suppose, the cycle reverses, the polls flip, and when they become what you appeared to be before, well, then you're the enemy of that.
So it's just... It's the human being's insatiable desire for conflict and the money that goes with it.
As Moriarty said.
Expanding on that, you were talking about the press.
And you were putting out the hypothetical, how long can this go on?
They're bringing in cyber security to curtail the web, to tax it, to track it.
They want a fairness doctrine for talk radio.
They're trying to buy it up.
They're trying to persecute the press.
They're using the IRS on the Tea Party.
That tells you who the good guys are right there.
It is the real Tea Party that's trying to reverse this.
And they have the Republican and Democratic leadership led by Boehner.
John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, trying right now to literally beat the Libertarians into submission.
Alex, this is what's so unbelievable to me, is that the 12-year-old girl, within the last week I saw an article about the 12-year-old, a story on a 12-year-old girl that traced the lineage of all the presidents, and it was either Van Buren or Buchanan, one of those two, started with a B. He was the only one whose bloodline was not traced all the way back to King John Lachlan Plantagenet.
Now what does this tell us?
About pre-selection.
What does it tell us about, we think we live in a two-party system, but the moment that a third-party candidate comes anywhere near a national election, the first thing that happens is a wave of ridicule, and they run him off, just like they did Ron Paul.
His own conservative group ejected him from the proceedings and for a while there he had a real chance.
And by the way, Obama is multiple cousins with Cheney.
Cheney is related to Bush.
Bush is related to John Kerry and then they're both from the same fraternity that only has like 15 graduates a year.
And then you start learning it's all interconnected.
It is unbelievable.
It is.
And then you learn that's not even really a British bloodline.
It's not even a German bloodline.
It's a Transylvanian bloodline.
And then you realize most world leaders are related to Vlad the Impaler or Count Dracula.
And then you're really in cuckoo land.
Well, it seems to me that that gene pool could use, what?
A little chlorine.
Because if Barack Obama is related distantly
To King John Lachlan Plantagenet.
These leaders are pre-selected.
And as a matter of fact, it appears that they are even groomed from birth.
Which makes sense, because their fathers would be doing the grooming.
Just like with Joe Kennedy.
John F. Kennedy was never meant to be President.
It was supposed to be Joe Jr.
But he was killed in World War II.
And they went back to Irish royalty.
That's it.
That's absolutely correct.
I mean, the rulers, their lines have never faded away.
So this whole thing about anybody can grow up and be President of the United States, well that's just not true.
Only if it is decreed by blood.
You're absolutely right, and of course they've been inbreeding so long that even in mainline news it looks like they have a different strand of DNA because of the inbreeding.
I mean, these people are unbelievable.
Now you're getting into unsealed Alien Files territory, which by the way, it's a pleasure to narrate that program.
You know, check it out sometime.
It's a good one.
They're talking about alien DNA going all the way back to Akhenaten.
Well, I tell you, I've been to some of those Egypt things to see those mummies and those people without their heads being bound.
They look like space aliens.
Oh, I absolutely do, because their heads really were that shape.
And they wasn't deformed that way.
They were... formed.
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I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles.
You hear that New World Order?
We know about the little trick you play.
John B. Wells is here with us, one of my favorite talk show hosts.
I love listening to George Nari as well.
I tell you, what a great lineup they've got there, coast to coast.
Your phone calls are coming up in the next segment.
John M., Greg, Ashley, David, and many others.
Your calls are coming up.
When you hear somebody hang up, it's your chance to call in.
We're doing first-time callers here.
This is only a six-minute segment.
Long segments coming up.
But, John, we've talked about so much here today.
There's a new video up on Infowars.com that shows police training, quote, to shoot and kill drivers, and we were looking at it during the break, and the photo of them just walking up to people in drills, and now it's not even checkpoints, and sticking guns to their head.
And, I mean, I gotta be honest with you.
This is literal prisoner training.
It's what they have the kids come out during the drills with their hands up.
They're training us for a takeover.
John B. Wells, seeing these photos and these videos, what do you make of this?
Well, first of all, what I make of it is I have to control my anger at this, because this is inexcusable.
I mean, we all saw that Clint Eastwood movie, got an Academy Award for it, Unforgiven, where little Bill comes up on English Bob and all his deputies who are a bunch of cowards, and he's a sadist.
That's Hackman, played the sadist, little Bill.
They're all pointing their rifles, all of them pointing rifles and pistols and shotguns at one guy, and his little meek biographer.
And that's what's happening here.
I think Eastwood was actually trying to tell us that this is what you get when you disarm the population.
And, you know, I don't want to go too far.
Oh, that was the duck of death.
The duck of death.
He was calling him the duke of death.
He joked when he stomped his head in and called him the duck of death.
Because he was showing this is the real psychopath running the town while you have the fake wannabe psycho.
That's right.
I believe you're absolutely correct.
We are being conditioned to accept this, and I don't think that we should.
Look, it seems to me that any time the citizenry pushes back against the government, and has that look on their face like we're really not going to have this, the government goes, no, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
And they back off.
But the longer we let them do this, they're just going to escalate.
And by the way, that's scientific.
Three years ago, when Drudge Report and others helped us promote the opt-out for Thanksgiving week, they just said scanners are turned off, which in documents came out, there's no threat.
It's conditioning.
They didn't want us to have a victory like blacks going in and sitting at the lunch counter and eating and defeating it.
They'd have just been smart back then and said, here, come on in and eat.
Today, but not in the tomorrow, you see.
That's what they do now with our civil rights, though, is they're smart about their evil.
Is that they, okay, you can do it this week, but we're going to come back next time.
I think it's going to be just exactly like V for Vendetta.
There's already an article up on a website somewhere.
Is America headed for its own version of the Arab Spring?
Like maybe this coming spring.
And then they gave them the order and they backed off when I was, and I was, I'm going to be honest, I was going to attack 50 riot police, personally.
I mean, I, I, as a man, them attacking that girl, it's just like in V for Vendetta.
They're going to pull something like that and that's when it's going to start.
They're going to hit a kid or they're going to kill a woman or something like that.
They're going to do it on the wrong day and they're going to taste some real pain, as well they should.
We do a pretty good job of policing ourselves.
Black people, that's what.
Now, is Ben Carson?
Oh, well, he's just a little bit too white to be accepted by the mainstream black community.
No, he's a leader.
And Ben tries to go back and help his community.
He does a lot of things for people.
Colin Powell?
Not so much.
He didn't go back.
Who's that little gal who was the National Security Advisor?
She didn't go back.
Bill Cosby, look how he was vilified for being too white.
This is media doing this.
Look, it's just exactly what Abbie Hoffman said.
And I don't normally quote radicals.
Well, actually I do.
You don't normally quote commies.
The truth isn't what you say, it's how many people you can say it to.
That's where you get your real effect.
And Hoffman was correct.
Because we are being fed the rules of their game.
And all they have to do is continue to repeat it, and many people just nod and say, OK.
Oh, it's so cynical when you turn on MSNBC.
That is pure race hustling, race baiting.
A five-year-old should be able to tell it, but they raise everybody in it.
And of course, they want to keep everybody down.
They don't want people to be an individual.
They want them to be black or white.
We'll be right back with John B. Wells.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
John B. Wells, our guest in the studio.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
His website's caravan2midnight.com.
Some of the top stories up on infowars.com.
And this story is linked on Drudge now.
Russia warns America we will respond with nukes and that's been in the Russian news for about half a day.
You would think the so-called state-run media over here would want to pick that up.
It's really a shame that InfoWars noticed that, put that up and now Drudge is carrying it.
That just shows how far behind the curve the dinosaur media is.
I want to talk about the media briefly with John B. Wells and hit a few other headlines and get his take on it and then go directly to your calls.
John, people would think that I would be happy not having a lot of competition.
Like most talk show hosts obviously don't have other talk show hosts on.
But you guys have me on because we care about liberty.
And it's the same thing with...
The way that I promote WorldNetDaily or DrugsReport.com or other things, it's good to have company that just wants to be good old-fashioned good guys and pro-America and pro-liberty and who don't want to be criminals and who don't want to be part of a new world order.
I mean, really, we're just talking about basic liberty here.
They've tried to paint us as bad, but that's not working anymore.
But they didn't report it back when Russia threatened to nuke Europe in 2008 over the Georgia thing, and I'm not romanticizing Putin or Russia.
You know you're in trouble when you look at somebody like Putin, who's pro-family and stuff, and he looks like a better guy than what we've got.
It's not that he's even good, it's that our leaders are so evil.
I couldn't agree with you more.
When Vladimir Putin looks like the good guy, I think we have a problem.
And as far as the dinosaur media is concerned, you know, let's take the guy who really is pretty much the godfather of talk radio.
His first name begins with an R. Big guy, you know?
It's not that I disagree.
I agree with much of what he says.
But the thing is, he's been saying it for so long that you're almost numb to it.
Look, this is not a one-man movement.
There's got to be an... Exactly.
How do you get people out of their trance?
You know what?
I think what you do is convince them, first of all, you are not a victim.
You have been
Lead to believe you are a victim, but you're not.
You have power.
You have most assuredly have power.
And when the authorities that are there to act in your interest begin to oppress you...
Watch what happens when you push back.
Oh, there'll be a lot of bluster and a lot of bowing up and a lot of swagger.
And then they're going to do something stupid.
And when they do, the citizenry has to take responsibility for its actions.
And they must respond.
And when they do, you'll see the unjust authoritarian state back off real quick.
And it's always happened that way.
They'll try and crush you with power.
But you don't let them in the first time that they fail and you don't retreat because you got sick to your stomach and you gave up too early in the fight.
When you advance, if you take your weapon...
And they back off.
Don't you back off.
You advance.
You cannot attack and defend at the same time.
If they attack you, yield to it.
But when that force is done, you go back.
You go back through the courts.
You go back through whatever means is necessary as granted you by the Constitution.
And don't you ever let this Constitution go.
Because if you do, you're done.
And don't let go of your faith.
Because if you do, it'll be replaced with anything they want to replace it with.
I mean, and it has to start at the schools.
How can we do this?
You become your own little intelligence network.
You look around your neighborhood and say, what are these cameras doing here?
Then you get the rest of the neighbors and just go on down to City Hall and go to a council meeting.
Cause a disruption.
Ask them, why are you doing this?
We don't have any crime in our neighborhood.
Why are you monitoring us?
We want these down now or we're going to fire every one of you next election.
And then if they don't take them down, I guess sometimes cameras get broken.
Sometimes they do.
You know, things happen.
We have large pieces of hail that fall from the sky, and sometimes they break things like that.
But it bothers me to drive down just a regular street where nobody's doing anything.
It's not a high-crime area.
No gang members milling around flashing signs at each other.
And I see a camera up there that's got a badge on it and says, Police.
And it's one of those multiple cameras.
I can see all that.
I'm just like... And I remember when they were first putting them in, they said, Oh, it's for traffic.
But it will always... And again,
I can drive to an area of Austin right now and find hookers and crack.
They're not stopping.
They just keep it in an area and then they use it to go around and take all the rest of the rights.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, at the top it's rotten.
We're not saying people mid-level, low-level, or bad on average.
In fact, that's what's been holding it back is they can't get the military and police to carry all this out.
But just by repetitive pushing, they're doing it.
I want to go to calls, but I said I would go through some of this other news.
Here's just some of it, okay?
Colin Powell endorsed a single-payer healthcare system.
Some members of Congress want to take Obamacare a step further.
And now you get Republican leaders and others joining with Bernie Sanders, who's a socialist, basically a communist, wanting to bring in, this was always the plan, mess up the old system.
And we said this, we're proving right now, and they're doing it.
Yeah, mess up the old system, which was... Every system has its problems.
But you mess up the old system, and now it's destroyed.
So, here, let's try this.
This is a stopgap measure.
It needs some work, but it'll be fine for now.
It's not fine for now.
It's not fine at all.
Well, they messed it up with government to begin with.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And any time, look, it's become cliché.
And this is another one of those clichés, Alex, I don't think anybody pays attention to.
When government starts running things, it gets messed up.
Because you don't have choice anymore to go across the street to a better hospital.
It's all run by the same, they crave running our lives.
And you don't have the initiative to improve anything because it's government now, so it's permanent.
And you, oh, you can't fight City Hall, and you certainly can't fight Capitol Hill.
So, uh, might as well just roll with it.
It is like communism because, I mean, look at the alcoholism rate under the Soviet Union.
90% of the men were hardcore alcoholics because there was no reason, there was no motivation to do anything, or dream anything, or create anything, or produce a good product.
There was only the threat of being beaten if you didn't do the minimums.
But there was no reason, no motivation whatsoever to go the extra mile in any department.
Same thing happened in South Africa.
And the technocrats have already created their offshore systems where they're exempt.
Where they live in total freedom.
No taxes, no regulations above the law.
And they put us under this.
It's a no-brainer we shouldn't be going under this.
People, you have power.
You have much more power than you think.
But be judicious in the use of your power.
Don't use the stupid power.
Use the smart power.
We're going to rush through more news, but first calls.
John M., who's a police officer.
I should have gone to him earlier.
And then Greg, Ashley, David, and others.
Up first is David, then we'll go to M. David in Kentucky, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling in.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Hey John.
Basically I wanted to, with the latest stuff coming out about the NSA and World of Warcraft and them spying on that, people aren't realizing whenever they're accepting permissions such as downloading Angry Birds Star Wars, they ask for permission for, to turn on your camera without your knowledge.
I mean it gets you to the point where on my Android phone I have black electrical tape on both my cameras.
I mean it's getting pretty bad and people are just
Giving in to this stuff just so they can play a game and they don't really realize it because half the people don't even read the permissions.
You know... No, I know.
All the time I see messages on the... It's not a phone.
It's a computer tracker system.
A hundred times bigger than the biggest mainframe twenty years ago.
And more powerful.
It says, permission to turn on your webcam whenever you want.
And they still just do it.
This is a Trojan horse.
Now, I at least admit it and use it against them to shoot videos on the road and stuff, but this is how they ubiquitously build it into everything.
And it was in the Telecommunications Act in 96.
I warned everybody because I could read it.
But people are like, oh, the phone isn't going to listen to us even when it's off.
Shut up, you crazy nut.
I'm like, here's the document.
Shut up, you un-American.
Stop saying my government would do something like that.
And now it's like, OK, they need to listen to us.
Yeah, well, you don't need the device anyway.
I mean, really, who needs to play Angry Birds?
I got an idea.
Read a history book.
Read a book.
Try and get one that hasn't been read.
Go climb up a hill.
Go out on a date.
Go to take a cooking class.
Remember the bloody thing?
You want a camera?
Get a little camera.
You don't need a phone.
It tracks you, it listens to you, it photographs you.
You can't believe the stuff that goes on with my phone and phones of my close associates.
Well, you can, but people would just say, oh, you're making this stuff up.
It's like, no, I have actually seen text messages go to my assistant's phone that I didn't send.
Pardon me, I had it backwards.
I got texts from my assistant that the moment that I read that, I had the story reversed.
I'm sorry, that was another incident.
I muddled it.
I said, this was not sent by this person.
I said, did you send this?
I said, well, I got them right here.
And I said, let me see your phone.
When we got back together, I said, look at this.
And it was, one of them was, I'm in class.
And I thought, class?
And then the next one was, sorry, busy now, call back later.
And I thought, that is not a message this person would have sent me, worded like that.
But there it was.
Also, they built a second internet to spy on us with, so it also screws everything up, because all the spy tech, it's having to do two things.
They also, that's what Dr. Stallman talks about, one of the top experts on this, is it's all screwed up, and you have to pay the extra price when the thing's really designed to control your life.
So it should cost half as much.
Yeah, well, I'm with ya.
Hey, just talking on the instinct of shooting.
I've been a police officer for 16 years.
I'm a constitutional police officer.
I work in a smaller community, so I work one-on-one with a lot of my community members.
I live there in the community, so I'm vested.
I'm an old-time copper.
I got into the line of work to serve my... You change old ladies' tires, you go to domestic disturbances, you're a servant of the people.
Well, you know, and that's the thing is these big city coppers, a lot of them are good guys, but they laugh.
I mean, for instance, a couple weeks ago, I made the paper because I pushed a lady that her electric wheelchair broke down.
I pushed her a quarter mile to her house and she was about 300 pounds.
I mean, I was tired at the end, but you know what?
Most of us cops, we do stuff like that.
The negative stuff is the stuff that's reported.
The positive stuff is rare.
You rarely hear about.
I was at the beach and an old woman who was paralyzing her legs, her thing had conked out and gotten stuck.
It turned out it was broken.
And I drug her about 300 yards through the sand and almost probably had a heart attack.
It was really hard.
I couldn't imagine doing it as far as you did.
But again, it's a normal thing to want to help an old lady.
It's not like it's something heroic, but good job.
But see, being normal now is heroic.
Well, and that's the thing, fellas, is, listen, I got into this work to be a servant, and that's how I look at myself.
I'm a public servant.
And with the instinct of shooting, listen, back in 1998, a fellow officer of mine hesitated on shooting a guy that pulled guns on him, because he thought they were cap guns, and he lost his life.
The backup officer luckily shot the guy, didn't kill him, but put two in his chest.
Now the guy's doing life but listen when we see a threat I mean a lot of those airsoft guns look real and I don't care if you're
40 years old or, you know, 15.
If you point a weapon at me, listen, I'm going to take care of business.
And we are trained to put bullets downrange until the threat is gone.
No, I know.
And I mean, you're not a devil-worshipping Democrat either, because you had instinct of shooting video games.
With devil-worship and being a part of the Democratic Party, your Adam Lanza and almost every other mass shooter was a Democrat.
And I'm not even a Republican or Democrat.
I'm just sick of these Democrats saying, I understand the police are not devil-worshipping Democrats.
Who then take instincts of shooting.
I just read this guy in the SWAT magazine saying do something even if it isn't right and I'm just like and I mean I get I get it I understand that okay but this particular airsoft did not look real it had a middle that was clear and all this but I guess it didn't look enough like it my whole point is is that
It's a screwed up society, and I mean, look at how neighbors call the cops on people if they see them putting a gun in their car, even though the gun's legal.
I mean, I'm sure you probably get those calls, don't you?
We get all kinds of calls.
I mean, it's just... But I want you guys to understand something, is that...
The society has changed, and the role of a police officer has changed.
We're not only there to protect and serve anymore.
I mean, we're counselors, we're dads, we're best friends.
You know, people call us for everything.
And this is what I was taught when I first started in law enforcement in 94.
Know by what authority you act.
It's never right to do wrong.
So when in doubt, you don't do it.
It's common sense.
Let me ask you a question.
Have you ever run into anybody
In a police officer's uniform that you were convinced has joined the force as a legal method of killing people in your 16 years.
Have you run into any psychos that eventually got kind of ushered out of the departments?
Because we know human beings.
I mean, just because you're a policeman doesn't mean that, you know, the heavenly orchestra sang as you were anointed with your badge.
I mean, we know that you're people.
Those Dallas Sheriff's deputies look like thugs.
But have you run into anybody that you felt like had gotten into the force because he stood a good chance of being able to cap somebody, kill them, and get away with it?
I wouldn't say that.
I say I run into what we call badge-heavy guys who get into it because, and I agree with Alex who said this in the past, guys who were picked on in school or, you know, feel like I've got some power.
At least in my area, the area I work, those guys don't really, they don't make it because they end up violating policy and then they're ushered out.
But I haven't personally met
Yeah, well, I've found usually smaller departments are better on average.
Then you can also get a boss hog department.
It's the big ones that are either good or bad, I've seen.
And I mean, you know, take New York.
I run a lot of cops with their little listers, but also I've been to big events and the cops act like goons.
I mean, hats on sideways, smoking cigarettes.
I mean, with their bellies hanging out.
I mean, it's just like, and this is what unions end up doing.
And I think that's the issue is the unaccountability and bad guys being protected.
All right.
Good to hear from you.
Appreciate the call, M.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Greg in Oklahoma.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Greg.
Do you want to talk about FEMA camps?
All right.
You there, buddy?
Greg is gone.
Let's maybe come back in a minute.
Ashley in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon.
Um, I would just say that I feel very blessed to talk to you two gentlemen this afternoon.
Um, I'm up here in Wisconsin and it's very, very cold.
Yeah, record low temperatures, but Al Gore says that's proof of global warming.
Of course, of course.
Polar bears can't swim.
Polar bears are dying in masses.
Yes, I know.
No, he says if it melts, they're going to die.
So I'm sorry.
A year and a half ago, and thankfully, I started to wake up spiritually, and then my mind started to unlock.
I was away from the body of Christ for a long time, but I'm back, and now I consider myself a soldier for Christ, and I'm full of fight every single day.
But John, I was going to ask you, I was reading that you're into martial arts, and since I've woken up, I've definitely had a lot more aggression.
I like to channel in a lot of healthier ways.
Do you know of any accredited places in Wisconsin that are Patriot supported?
I get the question, thanks for the call ma'am.
She wants to know what kind of martial arts you like, what kind of group that's national that might be in her area that you think is a good place to go.
Well, here's the thing.
Now, I'm not an authority on this, but to me, the best martial art is the traditional martial art.
I study Yang style, long form, Tai Chi, Chan, Kung Fu.
It's relaxing, and violence and aggression is discouraged.
It's the last thing that you do.
It's mind, body, and spirit coordination and calming and equilibrium.
Of course, as part of the human condition, you should be able to defend yourself, but that's the last thing you do.
Number one, avoid.
Number two, block.
Third, gloves off.
Here we go.
That's right, because the key to winning a fight is trying to stay out of it to begin with.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
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We're just gonna do a little five minutes of overdrive for internet only.
While some stations carry it to finish up everybody's calls.
I got all this other news I want to get to.
There's just so much of it here.
200,000 people apply to be first to live on Mars.
That's all from CNN.
I'd go if it wasn't communist or socialist.
I mean, that's just legalized theft going.
If you have ambitions for being one of the first people on Mars, listen up.
A Dutch company says it's moving along its plan to send four lucky earthlings to colonize the red planet.
Yeah, I think the first mission won't fare too well.
The catch, they won't ever come back.
Yeah, no kidding.
What do you make of that, John?
Because there's a breakaway civilization, as we know.
We know that the government's 40 years ahead of what they show us.
They use our money to play God and underground bases, all of it.
What do you make of all this?
I mean, how advanced do you think they really are?
Because they act like they don't even care that we exist now.
You mean how advanced do I think the government really is?
Look, I really believe this.
I'm going to go way out there on a limb and people are going to roll their eyes at this one, but it's like I'm serious about this.
This UFO thing is undeniable.
And the Nazis did have some major, major projects going on that have turned into many of the modern aircraft.
My grandfather saw jet airplanes when he was flying bombers over Europe.
They were attacked by jet airplanes.
You wouldn't tell me anything else.
The thing is, is those are some smart cats.
And they, uh, wasn't it Kammler?
I think his name was.
He, uh, they reverse engineered this thing that crashed out there in 37 or 38, maybe even as early as 36.
And there have been bell-shaped dogs.
DeGlocka, this thing, they had one of them come down in, uh, in the United States.
So I believe that we are not only working with alien technology.
I think we're probably working with the aliens themselves.
And I have seen these, uh, photographs.
In fact, I'll show it, uh, I'll show it to you later.
It's on, I've got it on my iPhone.
Somebody near and dear to me.
Credibility absolutely beyond reproach.
There's nothing faked about this when you see this you're gonna go now There's something you don't see every day and indeed that is true, so I took a photo Just of the sky.
I think it was pretty it took like six or seven of them and You can look at it, and it's like a planetoid.
It's not a lens flare You can see stuff on it, and then it's gone after I took like five photos of that.
I've got the photo It's just really weird
It was there, then it disappeared, and then it began to glow in the same spot, and then here came these little streaks of light going across.
They look like somebody operating a spotlight really quick, but you can't operate a spotlight that quick and cover that kind of track at that range to make that spotlight.
These are not spotlights.
Well, here's an example.
They lined up and all fed into this thing.
Here's an example.
We were driving from Fairfield, Texas, where we've got a ranch nearby.
Back to Dallas when I was about six or seven visiting grandma and my dad saw this they were having like I never saw army tanks on the street tearing up some of the asphalt on the on the shoulder and troops and and then we saw stealth fighters this is like decades before the stealth fighter came out but even longer but now that I have that image always of two of them turning their afterburners but they were flying over a field like 500 yards away
And I was like, what is that?
My dad goes, some kind of secret aircraft.
But the point is, is that, is that, that was, I was like six years old.
That was like 30 something, five years ago.
We tried to get the director of the United States Air Force Space Command on the program, on coast one night.
And, uh, Jag said, uh, no, without a PR officer there, no.
So, those guys have been busy.
They got an unlimited budget.
And I suspect that, uh, there's a reason we have the United States Air Force Space Command.
There's probably a lot of, you know, space cadets and commanders flying around up there on a regular basis.
No, there aren't.
Space Command is... I talked to a Marine Corps captain who later started a computer company.
He was in Space Command.
He goes, look, man, it's all crazy.
And that's the thing.
He says there's just... NASA is a complete front.
They're like, oh, there's no more space program, huh?
I go back to sleep.
Well, that was the PR deal, was that.
No, we're going to, the Air Force is getting rid of it.
We're going to give it to NASA and we're not going to do anything.
By the way, when I talk about Space Command, folks think I'm making it up.
You can go to the Space Command website.
Well, DARPA is Air Force, with a little bit of Navy.
But mostly Air Force, so there it is.
I think they're 50 years out, Alex, at least.
Yeah, because if I was 5, 6, I don't know, 6, 7 years old, and these were like,
Gray and green.
They didn't look like the stealth fighters you see now.
They looked even bigger.
They weren't stealth bombers.
Just like, and then all of a sudden, turned their burners on and were just gone.
Buy planes to jets back in the 30s and 40s and not even 10 years.
And now nothing develops, nothing advances except for little spy... This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, standing in for Alex on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
We're going to be joined in the next segment by Gerald Salenti, Trends Journal, and he's going to analyze for us what he sees happening in China.
We're going to talk a little bit about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the rise of Chinese hegemony, what they're doing with their Navy, and we're also going to talk about what's going on in Iran, so don't miss that.
Stay tuned for this.
Now, we've had a lot of information, like I mentioned just before the break, about how
Obama and company are dictating to the American public exactly what they can and cannot do.
And we had a caller, or actually somebody wasn't a caller, somebody who talked to Alex and made him want to call in and talk to us about how they were concerned that we were very negative about things, made them feel bad because we pointed out what was really happening in the world.
And we've had Dr. Sharkion just talking about killer robots.
Do you not want to know what's happening in the world?
Do you just want to go whistling through the graveyard?
Or do you want to be informed so you can actually do something about it?
We talked yesterday and today about juries.
Listen to this particular case here.
We've got a 16-year-old who was jailed at Rikers Island in New York for three years without a trial.
This is why the legal system is important.
This is a teen who spent three years, 400 days of it, in solitary confinement.
Now, he is now filing a lawsuit in New York City, and he was just mysteriously let go.
He said that they brought him into case.
First of all, he was arrested because they suspected him of being involved in a robbery as he was walking home from a party in the Bronx.
So he was arrested, taken to Rikers Island, which is a pretty rough prison in New York.
And he was held because he couldn't pay the $10,000 bail.
He went to court on several occasions, but he was never scheduled for trial.
And after 33 months in jail, he said a judge offered him freedom in exchange for a guilty plea, threatening that if he didn't take the plea bargain, that he could face 15 years in jail if convicted.
But he refused.
And then one day, they came in, they never gave him a trial, they never even charged him with anything, they held him for three years.
One day they came in and just released him with no explanation.
He said they dismissed the case and they think it's alright.
No apology, no nothing.
Well, good for him, he's suing them, but we need to hold these people accountable.
When we see things happening with police abuse, at the very least, that police department needs to have fines that are taken out in lawsuits.
That needs to come out of their budget.
As it is right now, it's the taxpayers who are being penalized, who are having to pay for these lawsuits because of abuses of the police.
The police are not getting any personal fines as they should, and the police department itself is not even getting any fines.
But this guy, this 16-year-old hung tough.
He did not take the plea bargain.
People need to do that.
They need to stand up for their rights.
They need to demand a jury trial.
They need to not take a plea bargain.
They realized at this point, I think, after 33 months of holding this guy in jail, they realized that, hey, this is really going to blow up in our face.
We need to get this guy to sign a paper, we'll let him go, and it'll just disappear.
Because they didn't, they never charged him with anything and he never got his jury trial.
And so many people, when faced with, they're telling him, you're going to stay in jail for another 15 years because we're going to find you guilty.
He knew they couldn't find him guilty.
He had that kind of confidence and that enough confidence in the system of jurors.
Do you think he would have thought that he would be found guilty if he was just going to be standing before a single judge?
And yet that's what we see increasingly happening in America, in all levels.
We see that it's just a single judge.
It's not a jury trial, as the Constitution demands.
We have single judges in tax court, or in traffic court, or whatever.
You need to demand a jury trial.
But the most frightening thing is not just that they're intimidating people into waiving their jury rights and taking a plea bargain, but the most frightening thing to me is that we have this secretive FISA court.
Which meets in secret, which creates edicts in secret that they pretend alter the Constitution, and the public is never even allowed to see it, and there's no one arguing the other side of the case, and there's no jury, and yet what's on trial are basic fundamental constitutional rights.
We'll be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
Stay tuned.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, filling in for Alex on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
And today we have Gerald Salenti, who has graciously agreed to come on our show on this busy holiday weekend.
He's an American trends forecaster, no stranger to you if you're a listener of the show.
He publishes Trends Journal.
You can find that at TrendsResearch.com.
Gerald is somebody that you want to talk to if you want to know what's going on in the world.
I interviewed him about a week or so ago, and we were talking about his experiences with Governor Connolly, who was, as you remember, involved in the shooting of the JFK assassination.
But one of the things I thought was most interesting about that was the reason that he met
Governor Connolly.
And that was because he had written a book three years prior to that time, saying that Ross Perot was likely to be the person who would run, saying that there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the two-party system, and that he thought that Ross Perot would be the guy that would step up into that gap.
And at that time that he met with Governor Connolly, Governor Connolly wanted to know how he knew that.
Gerald is very astute, and he really does see the trends.
He describes himself as a political atheist.
I guess, Gerald, that would mean that you don't necessarily buy into something just because it's put out by one political party or the other.
You're a little bit skeptical, right?
I guess you could be called a... You gotta be careful.
You could be called a conspiracy theorist if you're skeptical of the two main parties, right?
Yeah, well, first of all, thank you for having me on, David, and happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone.
Always a pleasure.
I'm a political atheist.
I don't believe in the political system.
Just like someone would not believe in a religion, I don't believe in the bloods in the crypts.
That, to me, is who they are.
And I don't say that in jest.
By their deeds, you shall know them.
Look at the people that they murder because they want to go to war.
That's, I mean, that really is way beyond what the Bloods and Crips could pull off.
How about, you know, the official half million people that were killed in Iraq by the United States in a war that was fought over lives?
And as far as, you know, of course there's murder and there's thievery.
Look at the money they steal from us every day.
Whether it's giving it to their buddies in the banks, or stealing it in the name of taxes and giving it to their friends in the military or the cyber-industrial complex, and I could go on and on.
So it's, it is, I do not believe in murder or criminality, so why should I believe in their corrupt system?
So, I am a political atheist, I have nothing to do with them.
I want to get your take on what's going on with this UN-Iran deal that's being talked about so much in the press.
I guess the first two things that stick out to me, as we're looking at it kind of from a journalistic perspective, is the fact that the Iranians are coming out and claiming that the White House has put out a different version of the deal than they agreed to.
Doesn't that sound like the way that Obama always operates?
He tells one group one thing, he tells another group something completely different, and he thinks that he's not going to get caught in it.
Well, it's what they all do.
Again, it's been going off ever.
Like I just talked about, you know, the Iraq War.
You know, Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaeda, I tell you.
You know, it's one lie after another.
So, as far as I see this, this could, to me, this is the most positive thing that Obama has ever done, if we could have peace with Iran.
And I want to put this into perspective.
What has Iran done to us other than the incident, of course, that happened with the takeover of the U.S.
Embassy that most people don't remember the facts of and don't know the details behind it or what happened before?
That's the key thing.
It's not understanding what happened before.
There was a long history.
That's when most people in America began to first start thinking about Iran was when they saw the embassy taken over.
But go ahead.
You were just going to talk about the long history of that.
Well, as you well know, you know, the United States and the UK, the CIA and the, what is it, the MI6 or MI5, they overthrew the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh in 1953.
And you know why?
He had the nerve, could you imagine this, to nationalize the oil fields, that's right, to call the Iranian oil their oil and not Anglo-Iranian, better known
Boys and girls, as BP, those wonderful people that pollute the planet.
Hey, had any shrimp lately from the Gulf?
And then of course the other company that was in there that was monopolizing the fields, Standard Oil.
Those wonderful people, better known today as ExxonMobil.
So, they overthrew him and put in this dictator, the Shah.
And if you read about what was going on during those times, as I did, this guy, you know, a guy like me, I'd be tortured and probably dead by now if I lived in Iran and spoke out against them.
So when the overthrow happened,
They kept telling America to leave, to get out.
You're not going to tell us to get out though, you know who we are?
Says Jimmy Carter, who came back from spending New Year's Eve with his wife and the Shaw and his wife, and comes back to America, trots up against, in those days it was a big deal when the president went overseas.
Kind of like when George Bush left the country, you know, it was a big deal.
He goes up to the microphones and he announces to the American people that the Shah is the island of stability in the Middle East.
By the way, that's when I became a political atheist.
Because I was in Washington.
I was between Washington and Chicago in those days.
I was working as a government affairs specialist for the chemical industry.
As a young guy, I'm staying at the Willard Hotel, putting my meetings on at the Hay-Adams.
So I was there in the middle of it, at a pretty good level.
So anyway...
I began buying gold and silver, excuse me, gold and oil, trading gold and oil, because I knew that Carter was full of baloney, to make it clear.
So, that was the only incident.
We're still holding this over, you know, come on, let's get over this.
This is back in 1978-79.
I want to interject something there, too, out of my personal experience, Gerald.
I was in university at the time.
I was studying engineering, and we have a lot of Iranian students that were in engineering.
And before the Shah was taken out, they used to regularly demonstrate against the Shah
And it was the first time I'd ever seen people walking around wearing head covering.
And since so many of them were in engineering, I asked some of these guys afterwards, I said, why are you guys covering your face?
And they educated me about the SAVAK that the CIA had trained in Iran.
They said, we're worried that they're going to see who we are.
This is before we have all the facial recognition and biometrics that we have now today.
But they were very busy even back then.
They were there at every demonstration they had against the brutality of the Shah of Iran.
And they were taking pictures of people's faces.
And these students were afraid that they were going to take recriminations on their families back home.
They were protesting the brutality of the Shaw in America.
That's the kind of person that the CIA put into office.
That's the kind of person that Carter and Brzezinski were supporting in office.
So go ahead, tell us.
Well, you know the facts.
Again, I forgot all about the CIVAC, the secret police.
They were second to the SS.
You know, so anyway, so now here we are all these years later.
And, you know, what's going on here?
And I'll tell you as I see it, the reason they're making a deal with Iran, it's all about money.
The American economy is in the crapper.
Everybody knows it.
As you look at, for example, median household income is 8.3%, 2007 levels.
I mean, we could go on with the data forever about how the, you know, 1% has, you know,
Got all the gains and the rest of us are stagnant or declining.
And how many young people can't get jobs and the 95% of the jobs that are created don't pay a living wage or a part-time.
So, the economy's in trouble.
Here we are now, 70% of our GDP is based on consumer spending.
We used to be a manufacturing country, but that's another story.
All the dough that's going into the gas tank and going to heating your homes is not going into retailers cash registers.
There's a glut of oil on the market, particularly when Iran gets back in the game.
You're already seeing oil prices going lower.
This could be a good temporary boost for the economy.
It could also be the kind of thing where the Fed could use it as an excuse for tapering, because they're saying the economy is boosting.
David, it's always about money.
And this is a bottom line deal as I see it.
And look at the way now the United States is pulling away from Saudi Arabia.
Because they're not going to rely on them that much, because Iran is sitting on all of this oil.
You go back to several years ago, they're putting out, what, about 4.5 million barrels a day.
And now Iran's putting out about 1.2.
So, they need the dough.
America needs to bring oil prices down.
I see this nothing more than a deal for oil, a deal for the economy.
It has nothing to do, as none of it ever does have to do, with real democracy or geopolitical needs.
And this is being portrayed as the very existence of Israel being threatened and yet we see Saudi Arabia joining with Israel and opposing this deal.
That's pretty interesting.
I find what you're just saying about the bringing oil down, of course Saudi Arabia
Would not want that to happen.
You would think if this was simply ideologically and religiously based that the Saudis would be siding with Iran instead of siding with the Israelis.
But Saudi Arabia wants to keep oil high.
They don't want to see the price go low if the Iranian supplies are brought onto the market.
And they want to control the market as they have.
You know, they're the number one player there and they're calling the shots.
That wonderful kingdom of Saudi Arabia, yeah, where they chop your head off in public really slowly.
That's right, our favorite theocracy.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Salenti right after the break, so stay tuned.
We're going to talk about China and about the Trans-Pacific Partnership as well.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're joined on the phone with Gerald Salenti.
We were just talking about Iran and what Gerald analyzes that to be.
He's the publisher of Trends Journal and that's at TrendsResearch.com.
I was just looking during the break at this article that Kurt Nimmo put up on InfoWars about Obama telling his Hollywood allies to cut movie violence.
He says they need to think long and hard about what they're going to do.
So here we have the dictator-in-chief telling them what kind of movies they're going to make.
We got Bloomberg telling you what kind of food to eat.
We got Obama telling you what kind of insurance you're going to buy, what kind of movies you're going to watch.
We got the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation determining
How your children are going to be educated.
What they're going to be taught.
And of course they don't care much for religion.
But we have these people whose religion seems to be that of the omnipotent state.
And he's joined along with Senator Lieberman who has proposed a bill that would allow the government to find companies that advertise violent movies to children.
Because always it's about the children.
Well, you're not going to be able to distinguish whether they're advertising it to children or to adults, and so that's the way the tyranny always creeps in.
But I bring that up because one of the things about this Iranian deal, Gerald, is that, from my standpoint, I thought was interesting was that both the Associated Press and the Iranian press, the Al-Monitor,
We're working with their respective governments to do exactly what the governments wanted to.
They kept this secret since March.
They've known about this.
The AP says that they didn't know about it.
Almonitor says, well, we weren't really sure of the details and so forth.
But there's a reporter, Laura Rosen, who says that both her journal and the AP had the story and kept quiet about it for months to help the Obama administration.
It's pretty amazing the censorship, the dictatorship, and how the mainstream media plays ball with these people.
Well, that's why I call them prostitutes.
That's what they do.
And they send us to war.
You know, you're talking about the gun violence, by the way, as you're going, reading, as you're mentioning all these things.
Hey, it's no good for the kids, but a couple of drones, you know, wiping out some Yemeni kids, the Pakistanis, or Afghan kids, they don't count.
Oh, and all those kids that were slaughtered in Iraq?
Oh, you want to talk about gun violence?
Let's talk about real gun violence.
Hey, how about a little depleted uranium?
Does that count as gun violence?
How about those guys up there in the helicopter that Bradley Manning is in jail for shooting innocent people and joking about it?
Is that gun violence?
Yeah, the irony is just amazing, isn't it?
That he would do all of these things and then complain about these fictional characters.
But one of the things about that, Gerald, is that they're depicting in movies individuals having guns.
He wants a world where only the government has the guns, right?
Yeah, exactly, is what I'm saying.
And you were talking about all these, you know, how they're watching over everything that they're doing about us.
I gotta tell you, I'm fed up with the cops, man.
I've had it.
You know, the other night I went up to, well, I'm in Kingston, Colonial Kingston, and about 20 minutes from here is Woodstock.
And they had the New Orleans Preservation Hall Jazz Band at Bearsville Theater.
So I go up with my friend to go see, I'm a real jazz fan.
Everywhere you look, man, there's the cops.
There's the cops.
If you don't have that little light on under your license plate, they're pulling you over.
If you don't have your signal light on, your seatbelt on, they're busting everybody's chops, man.
You want to talk about the militarization of this country?
How about all of these vehicles that the Defense Department isn't using anymore that we pay an arm and a leg for from these military contractors that are now going to rural police departments?
You want to talk about the loss of our rights?
I've had it with this crap.
You know, I remember going out at night on a Friday and Saturday night, and you sound old enough to remember too, when the roads used to be packed with people.
And now they're empty.
Because they're out there, they're watching everything.
Hey, but boy,
Where are all these tough cops going after the Jamie Diamonds?
Or the Lloyd Blankfeins?
Or the other big criminals?
Oh, you know why they don't go after them?
Because they only commit misdeeds!
Yeah, that's right!
Or they missold!
No, it's never grand larceny.
It's never robbery or burglary.
You know, we need the cops to go after the slime, whether it's John the Slime Corzine or these gangbangers.
And leave us alone!
We were told by the Justice Department these guys are too big to jail.
HSBC, UBS, they were too big to jail.
We couldn't do anything to those companies.
We had to give them a pass.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Salenti.
We're going to talk about China.
We're going to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Things are heating up between the U.S.
and China.
China's trying to build a navy.
is trying to push back against them in Asia.
The U.S.
We're going to see what happens with that, but Gerald's got some ideas on that and we'll join him right after the break.
Stay tuned.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
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I was just handed an article from Kit Daniels.
This is breaking new news going up on the website.
Proof that gun registration leads to confiscation.
We were just talking in the previous segment, Gerald and I, about the amazing hypocrisy of Obama lecturing Hollywood about violent movies when he's killing people with drones around the world.
This is a case in New York where they've had people register their guns and now they're sending out these notifications.
It appears that you are in possession of a rifle and or shotgun listed below.
Just as I was saying, you know, it's...
Yeah, yeah, you screw the little people.
They're taking all our rights away from us.
They're watching everything.
Who could have ever would imagine that this would have happened to our nation?
Oh, absolutely.
Let's turn back to international
I think
At the same time that China is building up a massive deep-water navy and asserting that they own certain Japanese islands, certain islands around Korea, and yesterday the US flew B-52s in defiance of what the
Chinese had just said the U.S.
sends two B-52 bombers into the air zone, claimed by China, according to the New York Times, defying China.
Two long-range American bombers flew through contested airspace in the East China Sea.
Now, of course, the American officials said, oh, no, we were not being provocative.
They were being provocative.
And maybe that's true.
You know, when somebody puts something in your face, maybe you stand up to them.
I don't know.
How do you read this buildup between China and the U.S.? ?
Well, it's part of that Pivot Asia that's part of the Obama program.
And I think we really need to step back from all of it.
What are we doing over there?
What's the United States doing any place other than... How come that we're not at home?
We don't need a military, we need a defense force.
This is insanity.
Here, the country is going down in every level.
What is the latest numbers out now?
Our infrastructure is going to take four trillion just to repair.
And now, of course, what is about a week ago, Reuters reported that they can't find 8.5 trillion that the Pentagon spent since 1996.
What are we doing over there?
We imagine if this was a role reversal and there was a disputed island between, let's say, United States and Mexico, and the Chinese came over and flew over it.
You know, what are we doing over there?
Enough of this.
Oh, the military, they're really brilliant in this country.
Hey, that's a great war they won over there in Iraq, wasn't it?
Hey, David, how about that winner in Afghanistan?
You know, the longest war in American history?
Longer than World War I and World War II put together?
And we're going to be there another 10 years.
They just came out this week and said, and perhaps beyond.
And it was back in 2006, a British commander said, we're going to be there for 20 years.
Yeah, and didn't El Presidente say during the presidential campaign that we were going to be out of there by 2014?
And now the date is ostensibly 2024.
So what I'm saying is whether it's Vietnam, whether it's Korean War, whether it's... What are they doing here?
You know, it's a provocation.
It's none of our business.
And if anybody does think it's their business, pack up your gear and go over there and fight it.
Also, send your money, because I don't want to send my money for this stuff.
Of course, it's all set up to enrich the military-industrial complex.
That's right.
And now there are these same globalist corporations that have been robbing us blind so that we could have continuous war ever since World War II.
There's an article now that came out on, let's see, what was this?
This was the Telegraph, and this is from Ambrose Evans Pritchard.
And here's the title.
He says, China-Japan rearmament is a Keynesian stimulus, if it doesn't go horribly wrong.
So there you go.
Now, not only should the U.S.
build up because we're threatened by the Chinese, but the Chinese are threatened by the U.S., so now we can sell weapons to both of those sides, and it's a good thing because it's a Keynesian stimulus.
Yeah, this is a sickle for you.
Here, I want to read a quote.
This is from, um, Monday.
The US military will continue conducting flight operations in the region, including with our allies and partners, and will not in any way change how we conduct our operations as a result of this policy said
Colonel Stephen C. Warren of the Pentagon.
Now let me get this straight.
We were talking before about Iran and the problems the United States had with it, with the hostage takeover.
Of course, no one was really killed in that thing.
But when you go back to World War II, let me get this straight.
He's the Japanese, huh Pearl Harbor?
Oh, they're our good buddies now, like the Vietnamese, right?
And the Germans.
That's right, just like 1984 where they keep changing sides.
Play this song, listen to this.
What's that?
I can't hear it, can you guys hear that?
In the streak of yellow from this sneaky little fellow and you think a cyclone hit him when he's through it.
We'll take this duffel crosser to the old woodshed.
Well, that's politically incorrect.
We'll start on his bottom and go to his head.
When we get through with him, he'll wish that he was dead.
We gotta slap the dirty little devil.
There we go.
And now today they... What was going on?
If we could be allies with Japan, oh, not to mention, you know, Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a side thing, you know.
We have a big issue here with Iran?
I don't get it.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, look at what was going on back then, the hatred between the two countries.
And this was a war.
This is when, you know, hundreds of thousands, not millions of people, hundreds of thousands of the United States, millions around the world were killed.
There was nothing like this with Iran and the United States.
But anyway, now we're their allies, and this is what they said after they sent the B-2s over.
The B-52s.
Pentagon spokesman Colonel Stephen Warren told the media, quote, We've conducted operations in the area.
We have continued to follow our normal procedures, which include not filing flight plans, not radioing ahead, and not registering our frequencies.
Of course, that's not provocative.
And of course, the Chinese are provocative as well.
But this isn't our fight!
And that's what is so upsetting, is that, again, here we are, the United States of America, built on a foundation from the Founding Fathers, a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, that is totally against this kind of behavior.
And yet, it's being broadcast and talked about in the major media as though we have every right to be doing this.
How about minding your own business?
How about taking care of America?
I got an idea.
Fix Detroit.
After you do that, then get involved over there in China.
And yet, what we see happening is, of course, this is an opportunity for the military-industrial complex to make money with China can build up their giant navy.
And then we can have a new defense project where we come up with new surface-to-sea missiles, and the military-industrial complex is going to be very, very happy about that.
We can even, China might even loan us the money to go into these new defense projects, right?
You got a good one there, that's a good point.
And again, when we really talk about the Chinese Navy, they have one aircraft carrier, and it's a retrofitted Ukrainian ship.
But, Gerald, you should be very, very afraid of that.
See, that's what the press is telling you.
They're just learning how to fly the planes on me, you know?
I mean, it's a joke.
But if they're going to do this, just as they, look, just as they used communism during the Cold War, now it's terrorism during the War on Terror to keep us in fear.
And the next charge is going to be the Chinese.
Because here's the deal.
Japan is in a lot of trouble.
Their economy stinks.
Abenomics isn't working.
They've devalued the yen.
They're trying everything they can to boost their economy up.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
Go over to China, same thing there.
They're running a massive deficit to GDP.
They have real problems.
Their lending rates are going up.
Let me interject something right there.
We just had an article yesterday.
Yesterday that was on Infowars.com, and it pointed out that China is on a debt binge and a buying spree unlike anything the world has ever seen.
What you just said there, in terms of talking about the massive debt that they're incurring, they said they've had an unprecedented explosion of debt.
They've added $15 trillion.
So they've added more in just a couple of years, in the past five years, they've added more debt than any country in history has.
So the Chinese are going into debt to the bankers as well, aren't they?
You know what China's biggest fear is, Bayou?
It's not Japan or the United States.
It's the Chinese people.
They've got 1.2 billion of them.
A lot of them start going nuts.
They can't handle the deal.
And that's what you're going to start seeing happening.
There's a demographic component to that too, as well.
There's a massive imbalance between men and women in China because of their one-child policy.
So many families, when they kept a child, so many American families have adopted young girls from China because the families are giving up girls.
If they're the first child, they're waiting for a boy.
So you've got this massive imbalance.
Exactly, and also, 25% of the college grads in China can't find jobs.
So they have real problems going on over there.
Yes, yes.
Kind of like here.
Like here.
And that's what I'm saying.
Oh, and by the way, the numbers that you just mentioned about the Chinese Central Bank...
Dumping all this dough into the system.
This is unprecedented, not only there but worldwide.
This is the only thing that's keeping the global economies going.
Whether it's the QE coming out of the United States, the tens of trillions of dollars that the Federal Reserve has pumped into the system since 2008, plus what's going on with the central banks, the ECB,
Keeping interest rates.
Now what they're doing with it, they're going to have minus interest rates to boost the economy?
This is unprecedented.
Which goes, again, it all ties together.
And just to divert just a little bit, that's why I'm still bullish on gold.
That this Ponzi scheme is going to have to end at some point.
And when it does, you're going to see gold again start, as I believe it, as a trend forecaster.
I'm not a financial advisor.
I'm not telling people what to do.
But when you start putting all of this together, this is unprecedented in world history, where so many major countries are printing all of this paper money back by nothing.
So it goes back to the wars again.
Because the best way you get the people's minds off the terrible economy is you take them to war.
Oh, absolutely.
And that's what we've had.
We've had continuous war since we ended World War II.
And of course, the military-industrial complex doesn't just want to build arms, they actually want to use them.
Because when those bombs are blown up, they get to sell more bombs.
Yeah, and what they can't sell they give to the local police department.
That's really scary.
Yeah, it's become a lot more Barney Fife and a lot less Sheriff Andy Taylor, hasn't it, too?
And it's pretty scary to see these guys going out there.
I mean, imagine an army full of Barney Fifes with the latest state-of-the-art military equipment and they've got this kind of bullying mentality that we see over and over again in police brutality cases.
Nobody is held accountable to this.
Again, I'm a trend forecaster.
And my work is to stay on top of the current events that are forming future trends.
I could go back to 2003.
When these soldiers started coming back from Afghanistan, and in 2005, when they started coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, after doing repeated tours of duty, which was new by the way, they used to send you once and that was it, and they didn't keep sending you back.
That's right.
And coming back with a lot of mental problems, whacked out on a lot of drugs, and the warning was that they were going to go into corrections and the police force.
Oh, we lost the audio there.
Okay, we lost the audio there.
Yeah, he's exactly right, and that's what's very scary, is to see that these guys coming back, stressed out, PTSD, drugged up by the VA, that they're now going into corrections in the military.
It's exactly what we showed from Clockwork Orange, if you're familiar with that movie by, uh, that came up because of the interview that Alex had with Vivian Kubrick, daughter of Stanley Kubrick.
That's a great interview.
If you haven't seen it, look for that on
Thurston Planet TV, if you're a subscriber.
If you're not a subscriber, you ought to become a subscriber.
Hand that out to your friends and family.
You can give that as a gift.
Very cheap way to support our operation here.
But you can also see that particular interview is now up on YouTube.
It's a great interview.
But if you remember that movie...
You had this gang of thugs that went around creating violence, rape, murder, beating people up.
One of them goes to prison.
His other friends, his droogs as he calls them, they become police officers and continue the same thing.
And that's exactly what Gerald was talking about.
We're going to get him back on the line.
He's going to join us in the next segment.
We're going to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
This is the new comprehensive treaty that's being negotiated, negotiating away our rights.
We'll be right back, stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Ignite, filling in for Alex today, this Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
And Gerald Salenti has been joining us in this last hour.
We've got one more segment, and we want to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Now, in the last segment, we were talking about the buildup in forces between the U.S.
and China and Japan, and how Ambrose Evans Pritchard of the
This is the Telegraph said that the Chinese-Japanese rearmament is just simply Keynesian stimulus.
That's pretty amazing.
I mean, I've heard many people say that, you know, the World War II brought us out of the Great Depression.
Well, if that's the case, then somebody needs to reevaluate their definition of depression, because once we got into the war,
I remember that there was rationing.
I mean, I wasn't alive at that time, but I know my history well enough to know that there was severe rationing.
So, to me, depression means... ending a depression means that you start to end the economic privation of people, and that's not what happened.
It actually got worse.
All it did was build a giant military-industrial complex that's been preying on people since then.
But, Gerald, I want to talk to you about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, this agreement that's being negotiated in secret with
Hundreds, over 600 corporate lawyers are going in and negotiating this and our lawmakers are not allowed to even see what's in the agreement because it's now on the fast track trade agreement.
What do you think about this?
Well, first of all, I love the name.
It's a lovely little name, isn't it?
Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You feel like you've got a piece of the action, right?
Except we're not stakeholders in this.
No, as a partnership.
You're not a partner.
I mean, it's just, you know, you said it all.
600 corporate negotiators, Congress being kept in secret, Obama fast-tracking it.
It's another day in what's happened to this country.
Again, I always say it, four words prove that this is not capitalism.
It's fascism.
Too big to fail.
And this is a perfect fascist program.
Because under this new fascist partnership with Asia, the United States will not have any power in government regulations over these multinationals.
Or transnationals, whatever you'd like to call them.
And that's what this really is.
They use the term globalization.
This isn't globalization, it's multinationalism.
It's a multinational takeover.
It's elevating these corporations to the level of the government, because they have these tribunals, these state corporation tribunals, where one of the arbiters is picked by the corporation, one by the government, and one by them mutually.
So they elevate them to the same level, and then we, the taxpayers, have to pay if the government does something to affect the profits of these multinational corporations.
It's absolutely amazing.
You pointed it out exactly.
It is exactly fascism.
It's not socialism.
And that's what we've been seeing from Obama all the way along through this administration.
Yes, and again, I wouldn't say that it's the government and the multinationals making the decisions.
They're one.
They're the same thing.
The politicians are only wise guys for the multinational mafia.
They're just little spokespeople.
You buy them off with campaign contributions and a little of this and a little of that, give them a free ride here, give them a vacation there, and they're happy.
I mean, so it's only the multinationals that are in charge, whether it's in the manufacturing or the banking, whether it's in agriculture or pharmaceutical, whether it's in
It's going to give the bankers exactly what they want, Big Pharma exactly what they want, and so Obamacare extended to all aspects of our life.
Thank you so much for joining us today, Gerald Cilenti.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
I know you've got a very busy schedule.
Thanks for doing it on the day before Thanksgiving.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's TrendsResearch.com.
Gerald Cilenti will be back.