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Filename: 20131224_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 24, 2013
2311 lines.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
There is a war on for your mind.
On this Christmas Eve worldwide broadcast.
And that's why they want to bring down the basic icons of Christmas, which is even bigger than, quote, Christianity.
And by that I mean not more important, or not truly overshadowing Christ, but politically and socially, it is.
When John Lennon said we're bigger than Jesus, it was an arrogant statement he later apologized for.
As he tried to lose his ego and come back down to earth and speak out against those that wanted to reduce world population as fascist because he'd been led into the higher levels of the New World Order and rejected it.
My point is, is that in the secular world, Christmas is bigger than just Christianity.
But because it has its roots in Christianity and the birth of baby Jesus 2,000 plus years ago, in Israel today, the system wants to censor it and shut it down.
Because if they can do that, they can get away with anything.
If they can feed us superbug bacteria-infected chicken and have the federal government certify it, that's the Reuters headline, then they can get away with anything.
If they can give us flu via the flu shots and put sodium fluoride to brain damages in the water, the sky's the limit.
Why, they can pass Obamacare, written to double and triple and quadruple your rates, written to cut the quality of care, written to set up death panels, all on record!
And they denied it, knowing their idiot constituents, like lambs to the slaughter, would not go research the information, knowing that they would instead simply go along with it until it was too late.
And then even after they found that it was a screw job, they would just submit to it and the system, the war machine, the deindustrialization machine, the consolidation machine, would simply roll forward.
Well, the good news is humanity is awakening and you're listening to an original worldwide transmission on the 24th day of December 2013.
And I'll be popping in throughout the transmission with original recording that I made on what?
Friday the 20th day of December 2013.
So even though this fresh original recording for you
The great people that would tune in on Christmas Eve, uh, is not live.
What is live?
Most of my broadcasts are live, but soon it'll be 2014, then 2015, then 2027, and then 2058, and then 2198, and then 2274, and then 2020.
23, and then on and on until it's the year 3000, 5000, 10,000.
If humanity survives and moves forward.
Because time really is relative, isn't it?
We're all basically in the past, the present, and the future.
We're all part of creation, all part of reality.
And it's important to remember the universe and the individual mind.
Is bigger than all the bureaucrats and all the sandcastles they build that will crumble into the sea eventually, to quote the great Jimi Hendrix, the great poet Jimi Hendrix.
And off in the distance, the Wildcats were approaching.
And they heard the Wildcats howl.
Because the writers were approaching to paraphrase and butcher Jimi Hendrix.
Because it is teleprompter, talking point, free radio, TV, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, when we come back, we are going to have an original premiere here of InfoWars review of It's a Wonderful Life with Jimi Stewart.
With our own David Knight!
So, that is coming up, and then... Oh, I forgot it!
Will you guys bring me my print-off of the text of... It was the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a genetically engineered mouse.
So that is coming up as well.
And then we've got some big interviews the last month or so that we're going to be re-airing as well.
I want to commend the great crew for coming in to get all this done as well.
And of course you, the listeners, spending time with us on Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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I don't think so.
Available in original or with our immune support infusion blend.
You will be supporting a free press.
All the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee.
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This is thought crime.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
That's illegal.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The government is God.
The state and the bureaucrats that run it are king.
Call the FCC!
You're not allowed to speak nasty, dirty words that sting in the ears of our beloved Lord and Savior, Satan.
Pull down the Christmas trees, destroy the churches, and Al Qaeda spread throughout the world, not just Syria, and take on our enemies.
This satanic broadcast brought to you by Barack H. Obama and trendy loving liberalness.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's actually brought to you by the Infowar, and only a satanic, pig-like government would try to restrict free speech and attack Christianity.
But why is the system always after Christians?
Why is that happening?
Why is that going on?
It's because the tyrants fear liberty.
And if they can pull down the icons of our culture, they can replace it with anything.
And any conquered people have their religion destroyed and overwritten by the usurpers.
And so we are here speaking out against this today.
Again, it is the night before Christmas.
And I'm going to give you my rendition of the Night Before Christmas, literally unscripted.
I'm just going to read it and then make my little comments on it as we go.
But first, we have a review by the great David Knight of InfoWars Nightly News of It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart.
And so he's going to parallel this Christmas time special about the banksters, the gangsters,
the 100-year anniversary of the Federal Reserve that just passed yesterday and their occupational rule over us.
And then we're going to come back and I will give you my night before Christmas right off the top.
This is going to be original.
You know I do it.
And so that's coming up as well.
Thank you for joining us on this Christmas Eve.
Here is David Knight and his review of the great Christmastime special.
If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch it.
It's a wonderful life.
Over the last 100 years, the Federal Reserve has created bubbles and burst them, enslaved us with debt, and destroyed our purchasing power through inflation.
Yes, it's been a wonderful lie for the bankers.
There are striking parallels in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life to the lies and tricks that real bankers used to create the Federal Reserve.
Human nature doesn't change, and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013
Look and act a lot like Potter, the banker in the movie.
And many Americans are left like George Bailey, staring into the abyss as their dreams collapse and they face financial ruin.
Do we live in a country that looks a lot more like Pottersville than Bedford Falls?
What does Frank Capra's film show us about how we got here?
And how we can get out.
When the Federal Reserve was created two days before Christmas, a hundred years ago, it was a culmination of six years of fraud, fear, and manipulation.
I've never really seen one, but that's got all the earmarks of being a run.
The panic of 1907 was used to shape public support for the Fed.
The panic was triggered by rumors that two major banks were about to become insolvent, just as we see in the movie.
George, there is a rumor around town that you closed your doors.
Is that true?
I am going all out to help in this crisis.
I have just guaranteed the bank sufficient funds to meet their needs.
They will close up for a week and then reopen.
Just took over the bank.
I may lose a fortune, but I am willing to guarantee your people, too.
Just tell them to bring their shares over here, and I will pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Boy, you never miss a trick, do you, Potter?
Unfortunately, J.P.
Morgan got away with the deception, and was able to shut down competitors and snapped up assets at fire sale prices.
Now, take during the Depression, for instance.
You and I were the only ones that kept our heads.
You saved the building in loans,
You saved all the rest.
Yes, well, most people say you stole all the rest.
The envious ones say that, George.
The suckers!
Charles Lindbergh Sr.
warned people at the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve that it would not stop boom and bust cycles, but would actually create them in order to benefit its private owners.
Here's what he said.
To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the re-discount rate.
Producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market.
Then when businessmen are adjusted to these conditions, it can check prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest.
It can cause a pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth, or cause violent fluctuations by greater rate variation.
And in either case, it will possess inside information as to the financial conditions and advanced knowledge of the coming change, either up or down.
This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privileged class by any government that ever existed.
The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money.
They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage, and they know when to stop panic.
Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control the finance.
As we see in the movie, not all lending institutions have the same motivations.
Now you take this loan here, the Ernie Bishop.
You know, that fellow that sits around all day on his brains in his taxi, you know?
I happen to know the bank turned down this loan.
But he comes here, and we're building him a house worth $5,000!
Well, I handled that, Mr. Potter.
You have all the papers there, his salary, insurance.
I can personally vouch for his character.
Friend of yours?
Yes, sir.
You see, if you shoot pool with some employee here, you can come and borrow money.
What does that get us?
A discontented, lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class.
As a former FDIC chair said, all too often the large banks use their models and their algorithms, and if you don't fit in their boxes, you don't get the loan.
And Dodd-Frank legislation is tying the hands of small lenders, shutting out buyers, and shutting down lenders.
Today, there are fewer lenders than at any time the government has kept records.
10,000 banks disappeared between 1984 and 2011.
This town needs this measly one-horse institution, if only to have some place where people can come without crawling the potter.
In the movie, George gets to see what happens to the small town if Potter didn't have competition from credit unions and smaller lenders.
If it hadn't been for you... Yeah, if it hadn't been for me, everybody would be a lot better off.
My wife and my kids and my friends... Look, little fella, why don't you go off and haunt somebody else?
Yeah, so you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?
Oh, I don't know.
I guess you're right.
It's both been better if I'd never been born at all.
The only businesses thriving are vice.
People are angry.
The town is filled with signs like, keep moving, keep off the grass.
Bert the cop actually shoots at George when he's running away and is no threat to anyone.
Pottersville everyone is a renter no one has a stake.
Private property and everyone having a stake
is the antidote to Pottersville.
Here, you're all businessmen here.
Doesn't make them better citizens?
Doesn't make them better customers?
But whether it's the Trans-Pacific Partnership or a global carbon tax, the global elite don't see you as a stakeholder.
They want to turn us all into serfs and treat us like cattle.
Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community.
Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?
Anyway, my father didn't think so.
People were human beings to him, but to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.
Well, in my book, he died a much richer man than you'll ever be.
I'm not interested in your book.
I'm talking about the building and loans.
I know very well what you're talking about.
You're talking about something you can't get your fingers on.
Speaking of riches, do you find the salary amounts amusing when Potter tries to buy George off?
Just look at your size.
Young man, 27.
Make me say 40 a week.
George, I'll start you out at $20,000 a year.
$20,000 a year?
You wouldn't mind living in the nicest house in town?
Buying your wife a lot of fine clothes?
A couple of business trips to New York a year?
Maybe once in a while Europe?
You wouldn't mind that, would you, Jones?
Would I?
Even if George had saved a lot of his $20,000 salary, would it have bought much a couple of decades later?
By even the government's very conservative estimate of inflation, the dollar has lost 90% of its value since 1947, when the movie was made.
The Fed's deliberate inflation is devastating to anyone trying to accumulate wealth through hard work and saving.
So what is the answer to all the George Baileys out there a hundred years after the government gave control of our money supply to private bankers like Potter?
Well, Potter had more money than he could spend.
But would any of you want to be Potter?
You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money.
Well, it doesn't, Mr. Potter.
In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider.
George Bailey finally sees how rich his own life is.
As he sees the fruits of relationship, honesty, and compassion.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Potter!
Happy New Year to you!
In jail!
Go on home, they're waiting for you!
And if the public can awaken to the lies of the Federal Reserve...
If it could even be audited... Well, hello, Mr. Bank Examiner!
How are... It would be a huge step to breaking the chains that enslave all of us.
But ultimately, it is God that changes minds and changes hearts.
God hates oppression.
And we can, and should, confidently pray that he will stop it.
I owe everything to George Bailey.
Help him, dear father.
Joseph, Jesus, and Mary, help my friend, Mr. Bailey.
He never thinks about himself, God.
That's why he's in trouble.
George is a good guy.
Give him a break, God.
I love him, dear Lord.
Watch over him tonight.
Please, God.
Something's the matter with Daddy.
Please bring Daddy back.
Dear Father in Heaven, I'm not a praying man, but if you're up there and you can hear me,
For the InfoWars Nightly News, I'm David Knight.
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Christmas too?
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Look, I'll just be honest with everybody.
This is a short segment, you know, five, six minutes long.
I wanted to do some type of play on words about the police state and Obama and the New World Order with The Night Before Christmas, but I'm out of time.
So I'm just going to read it and then make comments after each paragraph.
I barely have time here.
But here it is on this Christmas Eve edition.
Well, even being able to read under Common Core is kind of racist.
2 plus 2 equals 5, and there's no spelling, so maybe I can't even read this.
Maybe that's actually the answer to comment on it.
"'Twas the night before Christmas."
Ooh, that's kind of Old English sounding.
That's racist.
T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house... Ooh, a house isn't good.
You can't have single-parent dwellings under, uh, agenda 21.
No, no, you can't do that at all.
So, uh, it should be, it was the night before X-mas, or, or governmentists, worshipesses, went all through the 200-square-foot coffin facility, where they raise the taxes so high up you can't even afford anything bigger, in the mega-compact city, as I was dying from cancer from the New World Order soft-killing me.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
"'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St.
Nicholas, uh, uh, Santa Claus, you don't say St.
Nicholas, see they've erased that, you can't have religion anywhere, even personally, it's bigoted, so I'm gonna say, in the hopes that the guy that Coca-Cola advertises and sells their chemical weapon Diet Coke would appear.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Prozac and Ritalin danced in their brain-damaged heads, and Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap... Mother and father hurts people that don't come from regular families, so you can't say that.
When Mama and Mama, when Mama in her kerchief and Mama in her cap had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.
You don't need naps now with all the speed drugs they've got.
So, as we settled our brains for a nice convulsion, electroshock therapy, and black helicopters, and chemtrails, trendy, trendy, trendy, there you go.
This is more modern now.
I've only gotten through three paragraphs, there's like 15 more.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
We got even record snow.
Al Gore says the North Pole melted.
It's true.
So there can't be snow if everything melted, even if I see snow.
And record cold doesn't exist because Al Gore said it didn't exist.
There you go.
There you go.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen melted snow.
Gave the luster of midday to objects below.
You know, that of a full moon shining off snow.
Oh my god, so beautiful.
But you can't have beautiful literary things in Ingsoc, so this is banned under 1984.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
You shouldn't be looking outside, you should be watching television.
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.
Oh, that's animals in bondage.
That should be banned.
All animals that have been domesticated should be banned under PETA.
This is racist.
When a little old driver... Well, you can't call somebody old.
That makes old people feel bad.
When a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick.
There goes that thing about being a saint again.
This is outrageous!
The Catholic Church should pay for abortions in all their churches!
Oh, my racism!
Or whatever you call it.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came, and as he whistled and shouted, and they called them by name.
Oh my goodness.
Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen.
That's sexist to call it a vixen.
On Comet!
That's religious too.
On Cupid!
On Donner and Blitzen, to the top of the porch, to the top of the wall, now dash away, dash away, dash away all!
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, so up to the housetop, the coursers they flew, with the sleigh full of toys, and St.
Nicholas too,
They've got their own house.
Oh my gosh.
They like St.
What do you want to bet?
They're white and they're racist.
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof.
That's against, by the way, zoning to have reindeer on a roof.
I want to call the police immediately.
You know, neighbors nowadays would call the police.
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
And as I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney, St.
Nicholas came with a bound.
How much time do I have left in this segment?
15 seconds.
Folks, we're going out to break.
I'll have to cover the rest of this tomorrow because we've got a special guest coming on about the rise of the robots.
It's forbidden Christmas.
It's bad news.
And we apologize for this blasphemy against the New World Order's god, Baphomet, the old serpent, the devil, and his baby Krampus.
Oh dear.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight filling in for Alex.
We're going to be joined in just a minute by Dr. Noel Sharkey.
He's going to talk to us about his campaign to stop killer robots.
Tell you why you should be concerned about this rapid advance in technology and how it could be potentially abused into a very destructive weapon.
But before we do, I want to talk to you a little bit about Thanksgiving, about the original Thanksgiving.
Remember the Pilgrims when they came to this country?
They thought they were going to Virginia.
They thought they were going to kind of a warm climate.
I don't know how prepared they were to be farmers.
They were really coming from an urban environment.
But they certainly weren't expecting the harsh winter that they got when they landed in Massachusetts.
That kind of unexpected circumstance is something that could hit your family, could hit you.
You never know when the infrastructure is going to be taken down.
We have a very fragile infrastructure.
It's highly interconnected, very complicated, and the more interconnected and complicated that infrastructure is, the easier it is for something to malfunction at some point.
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Now we're joined right now with Dr. Noel Sharkey.
We were concerned that we might not be able to get him.
He is traveling the globe trying to wake people up to the dangers and the abuses of robotics technology.
He's actually a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics and he has now, after he had kind of an epiphany, we're gonna let him tell you about it, I won't try to describe it, his core research interest is now in the ethical applications of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Sharkey, can you hear me?
I can hear you very clearly, David.
So you found Wi-Fi in that monastery?
Great, great.
Yes, I did.
That's great.
Tell us a little bit about your epiphany.
When you went from, you were working in robotics, you were very much interested in the technology of it, but like so many of us who work in engineering or technology, you didn't realize exactly some of the dark ways it was being used.
I had my head in a bag kind of thing just getting on with my research.
No I didn't.
I was at a press conference in London about a government report on talking about robots worrying about housing benefits for robots of the future.
It was kind of a nutty report and it was the first report our government had put out about robotics.
And at the press conference, some journalist said to me, well, can you tell us a little bit about military robots?
And of course, I knew nothing about it.
Apart from a little bit about bomb disposal, because I'm from Northern Ireland and we know about bomb disposal.
I'd go off for the evening and just have a quick look at the internet, you know, an hour or so, sort of answer questions.
Seven months later, I finished that little look at the internet.
Having read, you know, through all the US plans from 2001 right up to the present at the time, which was five years, six years of plans.
All the US forces, the roadmaps, and they were all talking about the application of autonomous robots for killing people.
And I just thought, this is ridiculous, the way they were talking about it.
It was like science fiction.
They didn't seem to have an idea about the limitations.
And so I wrote an article for the Guardian newspaper in the UK then 2007 and it started there and it's been a whirlwind since.
I find it very alarming because I look at every week we see some kind of new robotic technology they're spinning it
I don't
That's some of the most obvious propaganda I've ever seen.
The media should be ashamed of itself for putting out these killer robots, these potential, these robotic projects that are being put out by the Defense Advanced Research Projects, DARPA.
DARPA has a research
A budget that is higher than they've got for the entire budget of North Korea.
We're supposed to be concerned about North Korea, yet North Korea's entire economy is about the same size as the DARPA research budget.
And DARPA is constantly, this seems to be their primary focus.
Well, Darby aren't accountable.
So their thing, and it's a good research agenda, their agenda is you just keep funding everything that's even slightly crazy.
And as long as one of them comes up and comes up trumps, then you're okay.
But I was laughing there because one of the
Reports I read from DARPA about these humanoid robots that are going to... They're going to carry wrenches and they talk about them going ahead of the forces.
Well, why would you have a pile of humanoid robots going ahead of the forces with wrenches?
Are they going to undo people's water pipes?
You know, fix the broken tanks.
This 6-foot, 330-pound robot may one day save your life.
Yeah, here's the headline.
That's talking about the Atlas robot.
And the troubling thing is, is that when the Atlas robot came out, I looked at it, I thought it was very frightening, the way that this thing is able to move around.
And the fact that it has these two long arms that essentially look like cylinders, where I could imagine them being guns of some sort.
And Ray Kurzweil comes out and says, that's great, now all he needs is a brain so he can act autonomously.
Oh God, yeah, that's really bad.
I think you're right though, I can see it.
The cylinders are going to become machine guns.
I would say it's no doubt about that at all.
Maybe not for a while, but that would be the general plan, I would think.
Why would DARPA be spending money on rescuing people when they've been in the business of rescue ever?
Yeah, and then we have these articles that are coming out now.
This was about a year ago.
This is from Wired's Danger Room.
It says the Pentagon doesn't trust its own robots.
They say that there's a cloud of distrust and misunderstanding hovering over robots that the Pentagon already has.
So they're looking at this and they're evaluating this and they don't really like it.
So we've got to conduct a media campaign.
I don't think so.
Yes, I mean, you're right about the profit.
I mean, just in terms of the drones, which we know about already, Israel made 4.8 billion in the last five years profit on those.
And the competition is so stiff.
So the idea is that you've got all the drones, how do you compete in that big market?
And the way you compete is let's add autonomy to it.
Let's make them work
We can make a lot more money.
And what we're trying to do is we're trying to preemptively ban them.
That means ban them before they get out and before there's too much investment.
Because once billions of dollars have been spent on it, it's going to be very difficult.
We're making very good headway at the UN actually.
Well, that's good.
I'm glad that you're going around and you're addressing the press, you're addressing governments, you're pointing out to them where this could head.
I see this.
You know, when we're talking about nuclear war, if some government presses the button and launches a bunch of nuclear weapons on someone,
There's going to be literally hell to pay for that.
There's going to be accountability for that.
But if they take a bunch of killer robots, as we've already seen with drones, we've seen how they can go in with drones, they can destroy a village, and there's no accountability.
Nobody is held responsible for that.
And it'll even be easier for them once these robots have...
They can basically say that they've got plausible deniability.
They can say, well, the software went wrong on it, or it was a hardware bug.
It wasn't me.
It wasn't the president.
It wasn't the general.
It wasn't the lieutenant.
It was just this crazy technology, so we'll fix it.
Meanwhile, they've killed
A lot of people.
And I can see them using this domestically as well as abroad.
So if you think that this is something... Historically, governments have killed more of their own people than they've killed in other countries.
It's called democide.
So if you think this is something that is simply going to be used against these people on the other side of the world that you don't like, you need to wake up about that as well.
I think really do.
And the thing is, what the United States and the high-tech nations like the UK, they have a problem understanding that this stuff will proliferate and everyone will have it.
And then where are we going to be?
And that's my biggest worry, is this idea that we'll keep ahead of the technology, we'll be the ones who'll use it, without thinking at all that everybody else is going to have it and they will all interact together and then it's going to be a real mess.
We've already seen countries like Iran setting up their own drones.
They're not that technologically advanced.
It didn't take them that long to get drones.
It's not going to take them long to get robots.
This is something, and what we're concerned about here, I have to say, Dr. Sharkey, we have a little bit different situation in the U.S.
is unique in the sense that now we have this massive program of bringing home weapons that have been used in Iraq,
And putting them in police departments here in America.
And we're already concerned about the fact that humans themselves are not being held accountable for their actions when they fire on a child with a toy gun.
What's going to happen when a robot does that?
Do you think there's going to be accountability for that?
Do you really think the United States police will start?
I mean, they certainly talk about arming robots with tasers.
That would be the start for it.
But tasers are kind of deadly.
I mean, 150 people died in the US within a period of two years from taser abuse.
So if you start arming robots with tasers, then I think it's only a short step to arming them with weapons, really.
Yes, yes.
They're very horrible non, quote-unquote, non-lethal weapons.
Very horrible ones.
It's not just tasers.
They have all kinds of things that they can beam at you to make you sick, to blind you, that sort of thing.
We just had, you talked about how they kill people.
We've got a teenager right here just south of Austin that was tasered by a cop in a school who was standing there, standing around a fight, and didn't get out of the way in time.
The cop tasered him, fell down and cracked his head.
He's now in a coma.
They believe he may die.
That happens all the time with tasers.
So when you talk about non-lethal force, you talk about shooting people with rubber bullets, you talk about using these gases on people, that's not something that we're looking forward to seeing happen in terms of crowd control.
That can be very, very oppressive.
Yes, but you don't have to worry too much because we're going to stop it.
Good, good.
So tell us about your campaign.
You're going around and you're talking to different governments.
I guess you're having public speeches where you're trying to inform the public.
How is your press coverage?
Well, press coverage has been very good, but we had a breakthrough recently at the United Nations.
There's a committee of the United Nations called the CCW, and that's the place where poisonous gases got banned, biological weapons got banned, chemical weapons, so that's the place for prohibiting new weapons.
And we spoke to the, the French have just taken up the presidency,
And we spoke to the French ambassador, then we spoke to the US delegation, and they've agreed with us that they would put this forward as a mandate for discussion in the UN.
And last Friday, two weeks ago,
They had 117 nations from the CCW met and one of those nations could be to it.
Russia were there, China were there.
There was a massive discussion and they accepted the mandate.
So next year the CCW committee are setting up an expert workshop to take this on board and discuss it.
Well that's great.
And your campaign is stopkillerrobots.org.
They can learn about that on the internet.
It's a campaign to stop killer robots.
Now you've taken this to the UN, you've taken it to other countries.
I'm a little bit more skeptical of the UN and these other countries.
Hopefully they will ban this and hopefully these other countries won't secretly develop this.
...on their own, worried that they're going to have some kind of a robot gap or something like that, like they've had weapons defensively do it because they're afraid the other guy might do it.
My big concern, and I think your campaign will be very effective at this as well, and that is to address the engineers and the scientists, to try to get them to understand, because that, I believe, is where we really need to go.
As long as there's an engineer or a scientist who will develop this kind of stuff for pay, who doesn't look at the ethics of their work, you're going to find some kind of a politician or a dictator somewhere who will do it, who will use those people, who will pay them large amounts of money, and who will break any treaty that comes up, won't you?
Well, the problem is, it's mainly the US, because they're a bit more cautious in Europe.
In the US, it's very difficult to not get funded by the military.
Most of the robotics labs are run by the military, are funded by the military, and people aren't necessarily making weapons and things, but when you're funded by the military, it stops you speaking up.
Yes, yes.
There's hope.
There's a professional magazine in the US called The Engineer and they ran a poll of the readership
Asking how many people would go for a complete ban, or how many people would just go for trying to make the weapons more perfect over time.
Only 3% of the readership said they would make their weapons go more perfect over time, and 73% said there should be a total ban.
So we're beginning to see a consciousness of it.
That's very helpful because
So many times we'll talk to, directly, Alex will talk to soldiers and policemen over the radio and say, understand that the kind of society that you allow to happen, if you allow and are part of this kind of abuse that we see happening in the streets, that's going to be the society that you live.
That could be your family that is brought under that.
And historically we've seen that always does happen.
It can't be contained and only limited to people who don't work for the government.
We need to have that kind of awareness with engineers, and as you pointed out, it's very difficult in America to get a job, if you're an engineer, that doesn't involve the military-industrial complex.
I know when I got out, it took me a while to find a job where I wasn't working for the military.
That was my degree initially.
So, I understand that, and it's good that people privately say that, and I think, I really applaud you for what you're doing, because getting the information out there,
People don't even believe that this could happen in so many cases.
They don't believe that the technology is there.
They think it's just the science fiction fantasy of the Terminator.
And we've been criticized for that here.
That we're talking about some wild thing.
Talk about how the technology is approaching rapidly.
Well, we've had 44 nations at the UN now speak up with concern, so people better believe you now.
It's not science fiction anymore when you have major countries like the US, Germany, Pakistan even, you know, all speaking up against killer robots or about them.
So it's definitely on course to happen.
There's no question of that unless we stop it.
You have to be very worried in the US as well about your privacy.
I mean, you've got the NSA there really doing a lot of nasty things, surveying people.
But you're starting to get a lot of drones.
And once the drones become autonomous, not even armed, they can be everywhere.
They're getting very small.
What worries me is not the current government you have, but these are legacy systems, so what does the next government do with them?
What does the next government do with them?
Because they just inherit them directly.
And if you ever wanted to create an authoritarian regime, you're going to have the right tools to do it.
And that is a great concern to me as well, this military stuff.
You hit the nail on the head.
What we are building in the United States right now is a perfect infrastructure for tyranny, and whether our current leadership uses it, or it's the next, or second administration down, that's what we're concerned about.
We're going to continue this discussion with Dr. Sharkey, and we're going to talk to him about what the current state of the art is.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Ivey, filling in for Alex, and I have on the phone with us Dr. Noel Sharkey.
He is a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics, and his focus now is on the ethical application of those technologies.
We have him just for one more segment, only about four minutes, and Dr. Sharkey, what I would like for you to talk about in this segment is the state-of-the-art in robotics.
People don't understand how imminent this problem is, how rapidly it's coming upon us.
Could you address that?
Yes, certainly.
Well, we've got lots of armed robots on the ground and in the air, as you know, that are remote controlled.
But what's happening now is a very rapid development of platforms that will carry the weapons.
The more we talk in the campaign about banning these weapon systems, the more we're driving them underground, it seems.
There's less talk about it now.
But, for instance, in the United States, you've got three devices I'd like to
mentioned to you.
One is called the X-47B, and that can land on an air- it's a fighter jet, a combat, unmanned combat aircraft, fast subsonic, just beneath the speed of sound.
It can land on an aircraft carrier, it can take off from an aircraft carrier, and it's going to be used in the Pacific.
It's got 10 times the range of one of your F-35 fighter jets, so that's really productive for them.
And it's just been tested two weeks ago in very windy conditions, and that's working very well.
That will be weaponized and used.
So it's like a super drone, but you don't need people involved at all in controlling it.
You've also got a prototype system called the Crusher and that's developed by Carnegie Mellon and DARPA again of course.
Of course they are.
The Crusher is a seven and a half ton truck and you can see it on if anybody wants to go on YouTube and just do Crusher CMU they will find it and they'll see it crushing Cadillacs and it's got a big gun up there on top of it.
Now the only device that you're making in the United States is on the HTV-2 program, again DARPA, and they've got an aircraft called the Falcon, and the idea is to be able to get an unmanned combat aircraft anywhere on the planet
Within that one hour window.
So this thing has been tested at 13,000 miles an hour.
So that's just the United States.
In the UK, we have the Tyrannus, which is actually supersonic, so it's even faster.
That's an intercontinental unmanned combat aircraft, fully autonomous, means that there's no human controlling it.
And that's been tested in Australia just in the last couple of months.
So these are progressing very quickly.
The Chinese have the invisible sword as the engine, and that's being designed and built for air-to-air combat.
Again, no human controlling it.
The Russians have the scat.
The Israelis are using one called the Guardian.
Well, you know, we can understand very quickly the implications of something like the Crusher that's going to crush vehicles domestically.
But even when it comes to these supersonic jet transports that are taking off from aircraft carriers that are unmanned aerial vehicles that are remotely controlled, that has a lot of danger in the sense that that's going to make our already aggressive government starting wars everywhere for very little justification and without congressional authorization.
That's going to make them even more likely to get involved in these wars.
And there's this thing called blowback.
You know, once you start a war somewhere else, it will come home to you one way or the other eventually.
It may be asymmetric warfare.
It may be terrorism with people coming to your country and blowing people up in shopping malls, which will then be used to send out the crusher robots.
But thank you so much, Professor Sharkey, for joining us.
We're out of time.
Good luck on your campaign.
Keep trying to educate people about these dangers.
It's a very important thing you're doing.
Thank you for having me on, spreading the word for us.
Thank you very much.
That's StopKillerRobots.org.
Thank you very much.
We're going to be right back after the break with Leanne McAdoo, so stay tuned.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with a few final calls with Max Keiser.
Then we're going to have another guest coming on.
We're going to go back to a few callers here and continue with others on in the next hour.
I guess Greg's up next and then Danny and a few... No, no, Danny's not up next.
It's William and then... I'm totally confused.
I know it's Greg.
I've seen he's been holding the longest.
And then it'll be Joe.
But Max Keiser, anything else you'd like to add?
Important points that you've forgotten to get out there to folks?
Well, you mentioned earlier the group of people.
I just want to reiterate this point.
Mark Faber and others are talking about 2014 being a watershed year, turning point in market chaos.
And I just want to reiterate that I'm putting my flag in the ground and saying that Bitcoin is
The phenomenon happening this year, and next year, we'll look back on 2013 and realize that Bitcoin was the black swan.
Bitcoin was the disruptive event that totally transformed the global economy.
And we won't be able to make that statement until this time next year, looking back and say that's truly what happened.
But I just want to make sure I go on record as saying that I believe that all those people are correct, but I believe they're missing.
The true elephant in the room, and that is Bitcoin.
They're missing the Bitcoin factor?
I believe they are, because they sense that there is this epic change coming.
I've talked about it on your show many times, as many have, but I think that the emergence of cryptography, as it has changed the surveillance industry, changed the global alliances, is bleeding into currencies, and that's a huge event.
It's the biggest event in currencies in hundreds of years.
Well, when you've got 85-to-1, 100-to-1, 200-to-1, profit-to-loss ratios, or you've got stock ratios where the company's making no money, but it's valued 100 times its supposed profits, we're in deep trouble.
Here's that Dave Stockman clip that we talked about from Bloomberg.
And the thing is, now what we talk about is even invading dinosaur media.
Here it is.
Alright, if ever I had a guy, you're my budget guy,
Tell me your impressions after combing through some of the numbers of what has been put forth by both parties yet to be voted on.
Well first, let's be clear.
It's a joke and a betrayal.
It's the final surrender of the House Republican leadership to beltway politics and to kicking the can and ignoring this budget monster that's hurtling down the road.
They're busting the caps.
And it's totally unnecessary.
It's going to add $70 billion to spending this year and next year, and then they're going to pretend to save it in 2022 and 2023.
All right, that's CNBC clip where he's saying something similar.
Let me actually read what he said here.
He said on Bloomberg, it's in our article, market valuation has lost every anchor of the real world.
I want to say that this kind of speculative frost that you get at the top of the cycle, where valuation losses any anchor in the real world, loses any anchor in the real world, that video's up on InfoWars.com.
This is what we're talking about here.
So, they can't criticize Bitcoin, claiming it's not connected to anything, when what they're pushing is connected to a bunch of debt that we know has negative value and was based in fraud, Max Keiser.
Well, they're basing their analysis, or their value structure, is tied to fiat money.
And fiat money, by definition, has no intrinsic value at all.
The dollars in your pocket are worthless, except for the paper that they're not printed on, as Gerald Solenti likes to say.
The Bitcoin, however, by comparison, is as you'd have to make the comparison to gold or silver.
It has real, genuine, intrinsic value, and then it has value on top of that as a means of exchange and as a store of value.
But he's absolutely correct.
Stock market and the bond market in particular, that's the key, is trading at 300-year highs in the UK and trading at 240-year highs in the United States.
We're out of time, Max.
Will it completely go 1929, or what will the ongoing implosion look like?
Slow molasses or lightning?
That's my answer.
Buy Bitcoin.
I know, but I understand you've said that, but I mean, how bad do you think it's going to get?
It's either going to be a complete and utter write-down of this bad debt and a deflationary depression, or they're going to go be like China and print a trillion dollars a month and it's hyperinflation.
And I think the answer is hyperinflation.
I don't think they're going to take their foot off the accelerator.
Max Keiser, thanks for the time.
We'll talk to you soon.
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We're going to keep you there as wild card callers if you want a hold.
If not, you can hang up.
Other folks can call in.
We appreciate you calling in though.
We ran out of time with Max Keiser.
Uh, but Stefan Molyneux can speak on basically any subject.
That's why I like watching his shows online or listening to them, because it's thought-provoking.
And I know a lot of history, so I can tell when somebody's got a wide-ranging knowledge.
Not that anybody knows that much.
There's so much info in the world.
The more you learn, the more you know.
How much you don't know...
Then it's frightening to see the content public and establishment believing they know so much, and see knowledge as a threat to their delusions.
But Stefan Molyneux is the founder of Freedom Domain Radio, the largest, most popular philosophical show in the world, with more than 2,400 podcasts.
Free Domain Radio with 2,400 podcasts, 10 books and 50 million downloads.
Stefan has spread the cause of liberty and philosophy to listeners throughout the world.
Prior to launching Free Domain Radio, Stefan built a thriving career as a software entrepreneur.
An executive in 2006, he left his work in the tech industry to devote his efforts to his radio show.
Now a self-identified full-time parent and philosopher, Stefan speaks regularly at Liberty-themed events all over North and South America.
Stefan is the author of two novels, Revolutions and The God of Atheists, as well as eight non-fiction books on relationships, government, and religion.
And he's with us for the rest of the hour.
I got a bunch of news I want to cover with him randomly.
You know, stuff that's broken today to get his take on different topics.
You know, different angles of things.
And as someone, I guess, who identifies as an atheist, I'm not mad at him or upset at him.
Uh, because he's a libertarian-minded person and believes in human liberty and I agree with so much of what he has to say.
So many times I see atheists and they're statists.
In fact, I would say on average most, at least the atheists I know and run into, they're big-time statists.
They think the state is God.
They've really created just another God.
And my whole argument is, even if you don't believe in spiritual realms or the eye can only see a tiny fraction of what's actually going on out there, there's a lot of mysteries in the universe, even if you don't believe in God, I like the Bill of Rights and Constitution because it has a higher power and people are on top than the states under us.
Well, the state always wants to get up there where God is above us.
I don't want to get into an atheist debate here with Stefan.
I just wanted to throw out that
People say, well, you had a Jew on your show, or you had an atheist, you had a Catholic, you had a Protestant.
I'm not getting into all this infighting about what group somebody's in or what group to identify.
I identify with wanting to have a planet that survives, a good future, and my children having a good future, and I'm a fan of humanity.
And in Devil's Advocate, they have the devil character played by Al Pacino say, I'm a fan of man.
Well, the archetypal devil in a Jungian way wants to kill, steal, and destroy, and is not a fan of man, God's creation, made in God's image as a little creator.
So, the devil doesn't want you to succeed.
It isn't a fan of man.
It is a predatory system.
Not a virtuous economic model, as Max Keiser was talking about, but a vicious economic model where you enslave people to control them.
And so Stefan joins us.
There's so much to get into.
I want to get into a new vigil ad for one of these stimulant drugs they're pushing because it's so hilarious.
The video that goes along with it.
And get his take at the bottom of the hour on that and take calls.
I want to get into Obamacare.
The open collapse of the establishment with Al-Qaeda publicly working for the U.S.
government and NATO now.
What does that do to their narrative?
I want to get into where he thinks the world's going with China.
Because we know when governments get in trouble, they start big wars.
Well, you can't do that anymore.
They have nuclear weapons.
So, there's so much to talk about.
But, Stefan, out of the gates, what do you want to talk about first?
Or do you want to respond to anything I just said?
Well, I agree with you about, I call them statheists, or rather I want people to be statheists, which is, do not believe in the state.
There's this horrible thing that happens in history, as I'm sure you're aware.
It's sort of like you have a balloon, and you push one side of the balloon in and the other side bulges out.
If you look at the atheistic political philosophies, like communism,
They may carve out a deity from the hierarchy of human thought, and then like a giant vacuum, state power rushes in to replace that.
So I think that it's actually more dangerous, much more dangerous, to replace religion with the state, which seems to be the default position of most people who have secular concerns.
They tend to be socialists.
There's that traditional alignment of the left
We're good to go.
Well, as a guy that studies trends in history, where are we right now?
I mean, my gut tells me that Ron Paul was on yesterday.
He concurred.
We're at the crossroads right now.
Do you concur with that?
And what do we do during this flux point where more change happens in a decade than happens in the next hundred years?
What do we do?
I agree with Ron Paul.
We are.
I agree with you.
It is now or never.
I think this point in human history is the fulcrum.
It is now or never.
You ever played this game when you were a kid?
You have a sort of slide, a teeter-totter, and you sort of walk up one end and then it tips, you go down the other.
I think we're at that tipping point.
As far as what we do?
Well, most people have no ethical standards whatsoever.
That doesn't mean that they're evil or they're out there strangling hobos or anything.
It just means that they go with whatever is most comfortable.
Right, so if the media says, hey, Nelson Mandela is a hero, then everyone flies out and takes their self-pictures, they're smiling away at the funeral, and they call him a hero.
They'll just say whatever people tell them to.
You need the government for protection.
Our foreign policy is noble.
We're going to bring democracy to Iraq.
Whatever people hear that is convincing, that's what they will believe.
They just do what is most comfortable.
I think the goal, and this is all the way back to Socrates, the goal of thinkers
I think?
I think that we really need to work to make it less comfortable to be a compromise, to hit people with information and perspectives that are going to throw them out of the matrix, push their face into the static of propaganda that they've been bathed in since virtually the day they were born.
Have a good one.
Very well said.
Just some breaking news right now.
Just about five minutes ago, before we went live, or about six, seven minutes ago during the break, there's a Wichita, Kansas, bomb scare with the police and TSA and everyone up there saying they caught someone who was in a bomb plot.
It turns out, over a hundred times in the last few years, and the New York Times even reports, the FBI has found mentally ill people who aren't even connected to real terror cells.
The real terror cells work for the CIA and others.
I don't think so.
It'll be the same M.O.
Some A.D.I.Q.
mentally ill person, I'm predicting.
Wichita, Kansas.
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested the man as he used his airport access card.
So I guess he worked there.
He says the man was attempting to deliver what he believed to be a vehicle loaded with explosives, which he would detonate and take his own life in the process.
And you can bet money they approached him to lead the plot.
And so many times, folks, I've said this, if they ask you to be part of a drill, if you work at an airport, they will set you up, too, to make it, again, I don't mean to digress, Stefan, but what do you think about, honeybees kill more people, you can look it up, than terrorists every year, most of the terrorism staged, and then all the obvious pageantry and grandstanding that I need to have armored vehicles and checkpoints and be surveilled illegally, or bin Laden's gonna shove a hand grenade, you know, up my rear end, I mean, what do we do about this?
Well, like all things, Alex, we try to make decisions based upon facts, and we steadfastly resist the lemming horde plunge off the cliff of terrified propaganda.
What are the basic facts about terrorism?
The basic facts about terrorism are twofold.
The first is that you are seven times more likely to be killed by a cop
Then you are by a terrorist.
Even if we include the obvious gruesome outlier of 9-11, you are seven times more likely to be killed by a cop than you are by a terrorist.
So if we look at the numbers, we would say that arming cops to fight terrorists is going to put the civilian population in far more danger.
That's the first thing to understand.
Of course, the second thing to understand is that
Terrorists are created by terrorism.
Terrorism is a virus that breeds like any disease or virus in a Petri dish.
The 12-year war on terror has tripled the terrorism the Pentagon even admits.
Yeah, and they kill 35 innocent civilians to kill one person that they identify as a terrorist.
And how do they find out if he's a terrorist?
Well, some guy they're torturing or some guy they're going to throw in prison for 20 years under the threat of torture and imprisonment.
He says, oh, that guy, he's a terrorist.
And so they go and blow him up.
We don't know if he's a terrorist or not.
The rule of law has completely disintegrated.
Now they're just calling in drone strikes.
And they just, what is it, in Yemen recently, they just drone struck a wedding.
It's monstrous, and we're gonna just get more and more of this blowback until we learn the lesson that if you go poking a hornet's nest, you're gonna damn well get stung.
Fifteen people.
And then when they all attack, they then organize them and give part of Iraq to Al-Qaeda and turn them loose on Syria.
I'm not a fan of Syria, but I mean, Syria's not attacking anybody!
Well, where's the self-defense?
I mean, in international law, the only legitimate use of a military is in a case of imminent self-defense.
And which of the U.S.
wars have ever been based upon imminent self-defense?
Y'all, if I can use the phrase, y'all, have peaceful neighbors to the North and South.
You have giant oceans to the East and West.
When was the last time America was threatened with invasion?
1812, Canada.
It's been about 200 years.
I think it might be okay to lay down a few of the weapons and relax in a hammock for a while.
Well, instead they're building a giant army of Mordor to take over the planet and try to take my gun so they have the monopoly of force.
Stefan Malin, who's our guest, always amazing having him on.
Your phone calls are coming up as well, but we're going to cover a host of issues on the other side straight ahead.
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By the way, we caught up in the New York Times on screen earlier, breaking down all the fake terror plots the FBI has actually hatched.
In some cases, threatening people if they wouldn't carry out the attacks.
And this is all just used for a giant power grab while the government runs the real radical Muslims and other groups.
Going back to Stefan Malinow, philosopher, researcher, radio talk show host, all-around interesting guy.
This is only a six-minute segment.
Some of your call's coming up at the start of the next segment.
But looking at all this other news, as the public gets more unlogical, as the public gets more dumbed down,
Or as one segment of it does, we see a shifting by President Obama and the establishment towards propaganda and entertainment, and they admit this, and not even having news anymore, just getting rid of dinosaur press.
I don't know.
So it's really a war on reality by the establishment.
And more and more I realize they're engaged in a conscious war against common sense.
A. Do you agree with that?
And B. How do we counter it where there's a large minority of us who aren't perfect, but we know fraud when we see it.
And we know that free market and liberty works a lot better than collectivist tyranny.
How do we reach out to the zombified folks?
Because I know smart people.
That when they see a celebrity on TV start drooling and getting excited and would slit their throat if the celebrity, you know, came down from heaven and talked to them, if the celebrity told them to, how do you get them out of this programming?
Well, of course, the first fraud we need to talk about is the fact that the current pimp for Obamacare is Adam Levine, the singer, who was named Sexiest Man Alive, as if they've never seen you in a thong, Alex.
I mean, that's the first fraud, that you have not made the cover of People in something incredibly skimpy.
So that's the moment we can crack through the Matrix in that standpoint.
But what I say to people about Obamacare, it gives two very sort of brief points.
The first, of course, is that it's completely illegal.
The reason, of course, is that the executive in the United States, the president, has no power to pass laws.
He has no power to pass laws.
Only Congress has that power.
Now, they have written 30 times more regulations into Obamacare since it was originally passed, with no input from Congress whatsoever.
So, 30 times, even if we accept that Congress got the first law right when nobody read it and they lied about it anyway, 30 times the amount of law has been written since it, with no
No feedback, no input from Congress.
That makes the laws automatically invalid.
And they keep changing the rules all the time with no input from Congress.
This is a government by fiat.
This is fascistic in its essence.
The second thing is that over 1,300 organizations have been granted exemptions from Obamacare, including all of the unions and the public sector unions who were behind it to begin with.
They're all now begging to be let out of this little hamster cage from hell.
And so the reality is that in the Constitution very clearly spells out you must have equal treatment under the law the moment you pass a law, amend it afterwards with no input from Congress, and then you exempt 1,300 of your closest friends and closest friends' organizations from the application of the law.
Game over!
No need for further debate or discussion.
But of course the media doesn't tell anyone this basic stuff.
Exactly and you know for me I know why Oprah Winfrey and MSNBC push racism all day because in my life and in growing up what I see it really is getting a lot better.
I mean everybody's just coming together basically.
That's what I see in Austin, Texas and all over the country.
I see it all over the world and but they got to keep it going because the real discrimination is that all these special interest groups
Coupled with government aren't exempt and basically have diplomatic immunity from everything they're foisting on us.
It's a unified system.
That's the real discrimination.
And the real global civil rights movement is about not letting government and corporations be exempt from laws they pass or lobby for.
Yeah, I mean, white Western culture is really pretty good at fighting authority.
You know, all the way from the ancient Greeks, who were the first to come up with democracy and philosophy, all the way through the Romans, who tried their very best to limit the power of the state.
Of course, it broke through the bonds of what they called the Constitution at the time, just as the American government does.
All the way through all the struggles that went on to limit aristocratic power, the ending of the aristocracy throughout most of Europe, the fencing in England during the Glorious Revolution,
We've been pretty good, and I say we very loosely here, but sort of white Western culture has been pretty good at trying to fight centralized and coercive authority.
White Western culture has been, was not just at the forefront, but was the sole cultural force that worked and spent blood and treasure worldwide to end the worldwide practice of slavery.
Now we've stumbled and we've created all kinds of messes, but we are as a culture really quite good at trying to fight centralized coercive power.
And then of course, even though
Our ancestors, for want of a better phrase, worked really hard to end the worldwide practice of slavery.
Generally, only white racism is ever talked about, which historically, uh, is not exactly accurate.
That's where I want to go next, is... You need to look at lots of other groups first.
Yeah, I want you to come back and give me the floor on Mandela and that, because I've studied history, and I know slavery was worldwide, but then in the history books, we're taught slavery is a white invention, and that whites inherently are the devil, and, and why is that?
Well, because it's the Western culture.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
Your calls are coming up here in about five, six minutes from now.
I'll be back, Lord willing.
Good luck willing as well.
I'll be back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Live with the Sunday transmission.
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The very tip of the spear of true, non-state-run media.
And the White House-run media matters, who brags they're White House-run, who write the talking points for CNN and MSNBC, they are declaring war now on the alternative media.
They realize the dinosaur media, you know, Fox News, God love them, is, you know...
Mainly targeting people that are geriatric and are phasing out of this plane of consciousness.
And so what they're really targeting is the Internet.
What they're targeting is InfoWars and Drudge and WorldNetDaily and anybody else who isn't a total communist.
So very, very, very, very important.
That story's up on InfoWars.com.
Now, Stefan, I want to get into
The media wars, I think the genie's out of the bottle.
No matter what they try, they're not going to succeed.
But we have CISPA and SOPA and all these other partnerships and attempts to censor the press using fake copyright.
I want your take on the media wars that are coming, where you think that's going.
But first, Mandela.
I've studied a lot about South Africa, and it seems to me they traded one evil out for another.
And I saw your video you did on it last week and thought it was spot on.
And you were starting to allude to it.
Now if you really study history...
Everyone basically had a caste system, or what you call slavery, from India to China to Japan.
If a samurai had a new sword, wanted to test it out, they'd go chop a villager up.
That was their divine right.
Wanted to have sex with you, you had to roll over and let them.
And they were kind of a more cultured group of tyranny, you could say.
I'm not knocking Japanese culture.
Every culture had slaves.
Romans had white slaves, had black slaves, you name it.
Some Greek societies had what you call slaves, others didn't, and would fight with them over it.
There were riots 500 years ago in the transatlantic slave trade, because they phased out some white slavery in Europe, so they went on to grabbing blacks.
Uh, which they picked up from the Arabs, not demonizing Arabs, it's just a fact.
The Arabs are still running slavery in North Africa, but that's trendy and cool.
Uh, we're told it's a different type of slavery.
All I hear all day is I'm bad, Western culture's bad, and, and, and Western culture is dying, and the Western elite are helping kill it.
Why are they doing that?
You've got the floor.
Well, there's a small topic to deal with.
Well, I mean, very briefly, of course, as you know, whites did not go to Africa and go into the country and capture, you know, the peaceful slaves, peaceful blacks and drag them off in slavery.
Whites couldn't survive in Africa.
I think?
All nasty stuff.
I mean, slavery is a fundamental moral abomination.
Nobody has any argument with that.
I read the British reports from 300 years ago where on average a third of the ship would die of the white sailors just going to pick up slaves.
And that was why the first multicultural pirate ships were created.
It wasn't that they wanted to even revolt.
It was a death sentence if you came back on a second mission.
Go ahead.
Well, and the whites who were sailing the ships were themselves slaves.
They were press ganged into this.
I mean, it was the government power, which is evil all over the world, pretty much, which needs to be fought.
So what happened, of course, was with a sort of an awakening consciousness, which came out of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, egalitarianism, the spirit of man, the universality of ethics and so on, which was, of course, in the Declaration of Independence and was supposed to be a more foundational part of the U.S.
They started to say, well, maybe owning other human beings like livestock is not really that great an idea.
And the Royal Navy sails around the seas, not in terms of conquest, there certainly was that element to it, but they were out there trying to catch slavers and trying to end the practice of slavery.
The British government bribed many Arabic governments to have them stop.
Cover of night!
They had to steal on the ships to do this.
This is how committed they were to ending this moral abomination called slavery.
And this is nowhere taught, this is nowhere understood, because I think fundamentally white guilt is a very profitable resource for people to tweak.
You know, you make a white person feel guilty, they'll be like, oh here's some benefits, here's affirmative action, here's taxes, here's whatever you want, just stop making me feel guilty.
And then that hamstrings the people that are getting the handouts.
And then that hamstrings the people that are becoming dependent.
Yeah, and of course in Africa now, South Africa in particular, I mean it's monstrous.
Apartheid, of course, was immoral and racist and so on, but we do have to look to some degree at the relative ethics at the time.
All of the other blacks in Africa were dying to get into South Africa.
I visited there a few times and have a little bit of experience there.
People were trying to get into South Africa.
60% of blacks and whites now say that they were better off under apartheid.
And if you're saying that you're better off under apartheid, that is not exactly a ringing endorsement of your current system.
South Africa is the rape and murder capital of the world at the moment.
It is a disintegrating country, and I think it's partly because they didn't really go back and learn the lessons of the American Revolution.
And you had a bunch of communists, of which Nelson Mandela was first and foremost.
He wrote a treatise in his youth called How to Be a Good Communist.
Explicitly reject these views and so the virus of socialism landed in Africa in the same way that it landed after the Raj ended in 1949.
Did not
In India you get all these socialists who go out there and try and set up this central planning communist socialist dystopia and then things go to heck in a handbasket and nobody sits there and says well it's because people aren't free to trade and own property and government interfering with everything.
It's the same lesson that we learned brutally for hundreds of years and we've forgotten to teach other people.
Well, George Orwell valiantly joined the Communists because he'd been a member of the British Imperial Police, Eric Blair was his real name, until he went and fought in the Abraham Lincoln Brigades and got shot in the throat in the Spanish Civil War against Hitler's forces.
And then he wrote about in his books, I read them, how the Communist leaders were actually just like bank robber criminal rapists who were using all the well-meaning Communists to set up and just take over.
And that they couldn't beat the Nazis because the communists were just so criminal, they couldn't even organize.
The Nazis were actually ideologues who believed what they were doing.
And it's just incredible.
There is this belief that we have, you know, ordinary criminals like pickpockets and so on, and then we have organized criminals like the Mafia and so on, and then above those people, like this archway above society, is this glowing godhood of statism that protects us from all these Nazi little people.
I think that the historically accurate, if not currently accurate view, is that the incompetent criminals are out there picking your pockets.
The more competent criminals are organizing into mobs.
But the most competent criminals run for office and end up in charge of the state.
They are the best of the best.
They're not there to protect you from criminals because they're kind of pursuing the same methodology, but better.
And that's what Zbigniew Brzezinski has said in three of his books.
He admits that they run every criminal operation to control it for our own good though, Stefan.
We've got to be thankful they laundered the drug money and run the little kids and, you know, do everything.
We've got to be thankful they made drugs illegal to make larger profits.
See how they helped us?
Well, of course, you hear this argument all the time.
Without the government and the police, who on earth would protect your property, Alex?
First of all, if you're allowed to own your own weaponry, your property is pretty safe to begin with.
And secondly, how can I claim that somebody is there to protect my property when they take over 50% of it at source, and not even counting unfunded liabilities, debts, and deficits, when they take about 50% of my money?
That's right.
How can they be said to be protecting my money?
The average cop can be a really good person.
That's right.
On average, I've actually found them to be, you know, a lot of mars servants.
But it doesn't matter.
The big state is there to support, as you've said, and protect the farm animals from rogue wolves and coyotes that might try to come snack on a pig or a goat or a sheep or a chicken or, you know, stop a weasel.
The larger weasel is guarding the hen house from other weasels that aren't in his employ.
The system is there to protect their racket over us.
And now they're getting greedy.
And have created an Agenda 21 cosmology nomenclature where they fantasize that social engineering is looting us to reduce us down to the level of beggars to save the earth while they themselves are the ones with government mismanagement allowing the degradation of the environment.
It's incredible!
I mean, the fruits of these people is literally liquid death.
Well, you know, one of the great tragedies of history, Alex, is that a truly free market doesn't have much use for sophists and sociopaths and all of the predatory wordsmiths of the upper classes.
And so when there's a free market, you know what you have to do.
You do this with your show.
I do this with my show.
We go out and we try to produce value to people on a voluntary basis.
If they don't like us, they can just switch us off.
If they find us offensive, they can turn us off.
But we still have to go out there and provide truth on a voluntary basis.
But if you're a politician, everyone's going to listen to you because you're in charge of all the weaponry in the known universe and beyond.
So when you have a truly free market, all of the verbally adept, sociopathic, busybodies who want to tell everyone else what to do can't really do it because they can try and boss you around.
You're like, click, turn them off, don't care.
And so these kinds of people can't really adapt to the free market.
They want to retain the power, the political power, to push everyone around.
And, you know, the
That's right, and
It literally becomes an ether in which unnatural people that no one would want to associate with can now attain power and success.
Instead of the natural virtuous way, whoever is the most hardworking, the most loving, the most creative, the most beautiful, the most honorable becomes the example of society that others emulate that.
And you go to Alpha Centauri, and to the next level of human development.
But if you go with who has the most weapons, the most thugs, the most intimidation, the best BS, you build systems of BS, to where the public then mimics that, civilization collapses.
And then it restarts over with virtue again, then we become decadent and corrupt.
The problem is, we can't go through that cycle again, because they're going to destroy the planet with the weaponry this time.
They must be stopped.
Well, I agree with that.
And there is this awful thing that is fundamental where people say, well, Barack Obama or Sarkozy or Putin or whoever it is, they should be in charge.
They should be telling everyone what to do.
They know the way things should be.
And I would love to see a world, Alex, where these guys had the power of, say, an advice column.
You know, where you could write into these guys and say, Barack Obama, how should I deal with my health care?
And he'd say, well, I, as a constitutional law professor, I believe that you should do x, y, and whatever, right?
I'd love to just see them have the power of an advice column.
Or, you know, they have a hotline.
You'd call them up and say, Barack, I don't really know what to do with 50% of my income.
What do you think I should do?
He'd say, well, you should spend it on this, this, this, and this.
That's what I want.
They don't have the power to compel our obedience, but they actually have to win us over with reason and evidence.
Wouldn't that be a beautiful world?
Instead, they blow stuff up, or let people blow stuff up, and then fear monger until we give up all of our rights.
Let me ask you this before we go to phone calls.
Where do you, Stefan Molyneux, where do you think
This battle in your gut, just as your staunt is going, is Liberty losing or winning?
And will the Globals blow stuff up?
You are going to get flecks of foam on your webcam because this is a topic I actually feel quite passionate about.
So, I will give you my very, very brief answer to that.
There is no momentum in history.
There is no great movement of history that pushes us around.
We are not pinballs in the endless bumper.
Sorry, for your younger audience, you'll have to ask your parents what that means.
We're not pinballs bumping around the bumpers of some giant cosmic pinball machine.
Where the world goes is where committed, passionate, knowledgeable communicators make it go.
It's where you make it go, it's where I make it go, it's where your listeners make it go in their conversations, in their lives.
Where does history go?
Where is the momentum of human history?
In the willpower of committed individuals and in no other place.
Now, it's true that if
Committed people of intelligence and integrity and willpower do nothing, then yes.
The worst tends to overcome the better.
Like if you sit on your couch, you get fatter, not leaner.
And if we do nothing, then yes, evil wins.
But all we have to do is get off our butts and make the world uncomfortable for the compromise, which provokes them into thinking like you sharpen a sword against a spinning sand wheel.
Then we just go and make the world uncomfortable.
We push the world where we want it to go.
We make the world go where we want it to go because we have the better arguments, we have the greater evidence.
And the accumulated evidence of history is completely on our side.
I agree.
And the statists all say this.
Cass Sunstein says, we'll infiltrate the alternative media, discredit it by acting, you know, bad, putting out racism, disinfo.
And they say we've got to just keep pushing, pushing, pushing.
They even admit in their own papers, oh, they all want freedom.
The average person wants to be a libertarian or beyond.
But we've got to act like they're all alone.
We've got to just just dominate them, whip them, break their will.
And so the crazy thing is they write all these books like we're not reading them.
I think their arrogance is going to undo them.
So we have to make them uncomfortable everywhere, just like they do us.
And that's what I do.
And it's not a tiring thing, folks.
Once you start doing this, it's like, finally breathing.
Oh, I was supposed to do this.
This is the animating contest of liberty that Jefferson talked about.
Yes, and don't you remember when you were a kid and you did something bad or did something wrong, which basically meant you disagreed with the authority and ease of the powers that be in your school or wherever?
What would they say to you?
They'd say, Alex Jones, young Alex Jones, this is going to go on your permanent record.
And those words were like, oh my goodness, it's going to be tattooed on my forehead and so on.
And now, of course, we all have a genuine permanent record called
Everything we ever do on the internet or in a bank machine or using a credit card through the NSA.
And what has it done?
It has done fundamentally nothing to us other than give us more ammunition to push back against this encroaching tyranny.
Call their bluff.
Double down on life.
Get crazed!
I mean, humans are meant to be wild and full of life!
Instead of just waddling around wearing sports jerseys, you know, watching steroid heads push each other around and grab each other's butts.
I mean, it's just, there's so much more in the universe than watching Obama, or watching John Boehner, or watching all these people.
That's what I hate, is how the statists make us look at them, make us talk about them, even to block them.
We need to make them where they're the joke they are.
Do you agree with that?
Yeah, look, I mean, what are we as a species?
We evolved as hunter-gatherers.
How did we evolve?
Now, we've all just kind of thrown the hunter side aside, you know, and we've just become these gatherers.
Like, oh look, there's some nuts called welfare or the military-industrial complex.
I'll finish that thought.
Stay there!
We're gonna be right back.
When the music's playing, they can't hear me.
We're gonna be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
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Call me the hunter!
We're going to hunt them.
Alright, folks, let's go back to Stefan Mahler in a little bit of overdrive and take these calls.
I apologize to the callers.
I've been hogging all the guests today.
I'm really the bad guy.
Alright, Stefan, finish your point about that.
Yeah, just that we've lost our, I think to some degree, masculinity.
Bring back the masculinity, bring back the spine.
We've just become these gatherers looking for the rotten fruits of power that drip down on our tables and going, ah, like what a great meal.
Let's go out and hunt ourselves some freedom.
It's all language, it's all reason, it's all evidence.
There's no weaponry that's going to set us free because the real prison, the real state, the real tyranny is in the minds.
But we can blow through that stuff with reason
And once you shift into the hunter mode... And bring down a big predator called freedom.
Go ahead, sorry.
Once we shift into hunter mode against the enemy, that's combat mode as well, they're shifted into that with deceit, we shift into the hunter mode with liberty, we're gonna kick their butt.
No, no, I agree.
And we all love combat.
Are you talking about sports?
Sports is combat.
I mean, how well do combat movies show?
We all love combat.
It's invigorating.
The great mistake, of course, has been to try to get a fight with weapons rather than with language, rather than with philosophy, rather than with reason and evidence.
But when you get into that mode, it's really invigorating.
People look at that and say, oh, there's so much fighting, it's so tense, it must be so stressful.
It's kind of what we're built for, people.
This is why we're not in the caves.
This is why we're not jellyfish or amoeba anymore.
I mean, most of us.
So I think that it's really, I invite people to take on the combat.
It's what Andrew Breitbart used to say.
Walk towards the fire.
Walk towards the fire.
Because if you run away, it's going to catch you only with your back turned.
God bless you.
That's very well said.
God bless the atheism.
It's a good, endearing term.
Let's talk to Greg in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding, brother.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello there, gentlemen.
I'd like to throw something out there that nobody has talked about.
It would be the farm bill and, you know, the role and what the farmers would play in things as they progress.
And, you know, I'm a small farmer.
Uh, I work, I have to work a 50 hour a week job just to keep the farm going and keep everything going and it's just, uh, I'd just like to get your take on the farm bill and, or I guess you could call it the food stamp bill, and uh, what uh, what would be a good, what's, yeah.
Well I'll be honest with you, I've read some about it but it's always changing.
You're the expert, give us your brief take on it and then we'll get Stefan's take.
Well, from what I read of it, it's basically a food stamp bill.
Eighty percent of it is food stamps, and none of it that I know helps me, a small farmer.
Yeah, well, that's what they do.
They always get control of the economy and then call it one thing and do another.
American farmers were much more prosperous, there were more of them, before government got involved.
I know this.
They're replacing it with Big Agra.
Only Big Agra knows how to get the incentives and the free deals.
Let's get Stefan's take on that.
God bless you, Greg.
Good question.
Well, on the right, the Republican Party gets an average donation of about $50 each.
In other words, small farmers can help the Republican Party.
On the left, the Democratic Party has refused to release the size of their average donation because I'm not even going out on a limb to guess that it's far larger than that because it comes from a lot of rich elites in the media and in the entertainment industry and so on.
So one of the problems is the people on the left
They want bigger and bigger organizations, because the small people, they like to fund parties that are focusing on smaller government free trade, like the Republican Party.
So when you get big aggregate groups together, that tends to benefit the left.
And so when you start to give farm subsidies, then you start to make it more profitable to lobby politicians and all... This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All I know is this.
We have an authoritarian directive in Washington that's bipartisan because of a lot of corruption going on.
They want a police state.
And it's up to all of us to exercise our Second Amendment.
That's why I love the open carries that have not caused any problems nationwide like we had at the Alamo, is because it shows, hey, it's not dirty that I have a gun.
And I liken it to Martin Luther King going into the places where you couldn't
If you were black, the bathrooms, the hotels, the restaurants...
All I can say is
Just beware of the police out there.
I don't know where it's going.
We're trying to push and trying to push and trying to get something done.
But all I can say is just pray for us.
We're trying to work.
We're trying to get something solved for this.
I mean, I just saw the new New York police chief came out and said, trust us, you know, we're your friends.
Why are they having to talk like that?
Because the police are being given political directives that are unconstitutional and aren't common law and aren't common sense.
The police are wildly popular when they have good departments and follow the Bill of Rights.
So the police, you know, you're saying, again, talking to your lawyer, Shannon Braley, you know, both your police were in Atlanta.
Yeah, I was an officer for seven years.
You know, a lot of times people in the community, they will contact the City Council and make complaints, and then they'll complain to the
The white shirts, the upper echelon, and they'll be like, instead of thinking and having thoughtful dialogue with the officers, they'll be like, give me bodies, give me bodies.
And you know, this is, again, you know, like I said before, this is a job that requires thought, like being a surgeon or anything else.
So, you know, this isn't putting on parts to a machine at a factory.
It requires thought to every single situation, and they don't encourage that.
They just say, give me bodies.
And, you know, I believe that it's going to take, you know,
You know people you're bringing things like this to light that yes, you know, it's terrible to have crime Yes, we want the bad guys to be arrested but not at the sacrifice of
You know, basic, fundamental, you know, human rights we have.
But they knew he had a concealed carry.
I mean, they knew he didn't have a criminal record.
They knew he was a good guy.
And they still just said, OK, instead of saying they were wrong, which they weren't even wrong, instead of just saying, OK, false alarm, have a nice day, they had to take him to jail.
It's that idea of, well, you know, a lot of departments don't want to hire intelligent police now.
And that's because the establishment wants a tyranny.
And you know, he knew he was wrong.
That's why he turned up the radio on the way to the jail.
He knew he was wrong.
He didn't want to feel guilted by, you know, Mr. Lee.
And, you know, they count on people, get sweeping things under the rug, like an arrest is no big deal.
Well, it was a big deal for Aaron.
And, you know, and it was a big deal that they continued to hold the property.
So, um, I think... Oh yeah, that's the big issue.
Still hadn't got his gun back.
They continue to endorse this behavior.
Well, you're a good lawyer, Shannon Briley.
If I was ever in Georgia and needed one, I'll give you a call.
Are there websites we can visit?
Are there ways we can support you guys?
You can go to www.brileylaw.com.
That's B-R-I-L-E-Y.
L-A-W dot com.
And I have a Facebook page.
It's Facebook dot com backslash Riley Law.
And I'm sorry, I've been sick this week, so that's why my voice is hoarse.
Oh, you sound great.
Thank you.
Listen, Eric Lee, God bless you for what you're doing.
We'll check in with you again as the lawsuit develops, sir.
Okay, thank you.
Alright, there's folks fighting back against just out-of-control government, folks.
Thank you.
I'm telling you, this government is out of control.
I want America back.
Stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, I've studied history.
It's not hard to do.
Tyrants do the same things over and over again.
Their playbook's actually pretty small.
And they call slavery different things, but it's basically the same thing.
And we know that we're already deep into social engineering, the collapse of society, and I've been hammering it the last, I don't know, three, four years, it's been really obvious, Obama's been in now for six years, that he is becoming a dictator.
And I remember having Pastor David Manning on, Pastor James David Manning, I don't know, six, seven years ago when he was first talking about Obama.
And he was saying, he's going to become a dictator.
He's not going to leave.
I tell you, he's pure evil.
And I'm like, come on, he's just a front man to push their agenda.
Presidents are puppets.
Come on, let's not.
Come on, that's going to add to the division here.
We need to, you know, they're trying to sell him as the second coming of Christ and Abraham Lincoln all rolled into one, but can't be that bad.
And now I've got to say that Manning has been correct and I have been wrong in understating how bad Obama would be.
Let me explain something.
He put our military under NATO-UN command and when Congress threatened him and said this is unconstitutional and illegal, he sent him letters and had the Joint Chiefs testify belligerently that they get their orders from the UN and NATO.
He played that audio.
Three separate hearings.
House and Senate Armed Services Committees.
Three times.
In the last three years.
The heat is shutting down.
It's over 500 now.
They're shutting down 500 more.
Coal power plants that are totally clean supply 50 plus percent of our power.
Well they did now.
Plants supply like 30 something.
They're shutting us down.
And then General Electric can scale up and make more money.
They're exempt.
That's martial law.
He's legalizing all the illegals, basically.
This is in the news, by fiat, without even an order.
He just tells them on the phone what to do.
Like he's beyond Kim Jong Il of North Korea, Kim Jong Un.
At least they'll even do a fake order on paper and put a fake stamp on it.
He just says, hey, my word is God.
God Emperor.
He's now doing it with Obamacare.
They're saying, yes, make him a dictator, he'll fix it.
Now Democrats are saying, let's make him president for a third term, or let's just suspend things, or let's just... And it's a whole bunch of areas, folks, and they've gotten away with fast and furious.
The IRS persecuting Christians and gun groups and pro-lifers and the FBI covering it up.
And I mean, Benghazi and fast and furious.
It goes on and on and on and on.
And then I realized,
Libya and invading Africa with UN armies that are just murdering people in mass, backed by Muslims and animists, killing Christians everywhere.
I mean, if it's evil, they're doing it.
They don't even do it for an interest now, except to further evil.
Again, it's scary when you've got corrupt boss hog politicians that do bad stuff for power, but when they're doing it, even though it's destroying Obama, even though it's making him be hated, they don't care because it is a mission to bankrupt America.
Obamacare, all of it, is on record to bring this country down.
Now the architect of it, Ezekiel Emanuel, admits it.
So he joins us via phone at the bottom of the hour with a quick pop-in.
I want to get him for a full hour soon via video Skype from his ATLA
Well Alex, thank you for having me today.
Well, thank you.
I mean, you've got the floor for the little bit of time we've got.
He is a dictator now.
Now the question is, is he making the office a dictatorship?
Will he leave?
That we need to understand Obama in terms of modern dictatorship.
Generally when we think about dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, or Lenin, or others, we think about them using the military to deploy their policies and to keep people in control.
Obama has found a way to use economic, racial, and social policies as if the military, in other words,
That's what Obama does with these policies, with economics, with racism, which is the undergirding of his presidency.
And then social issues, which are anti-Christian, anti-God, many of them very communist and very Marxist, is his new army.
And so he's a modern dictator.
We have to think about him in those terms.
Man, you really are smart.
I mean, the way you crystallize things, that's it.
Obama is the modern 2.0 dictator.
Oh, absolutely.
And I think the next thing we need to begin to think about is what are we going to do about him?
In your opening piece, you stated that I stated six years ago that he would not leave office and that he would become a dictator.
In fact, he came in as a dictator.
What we need to think about now is how are we going to move him if we're going to save America?
How are we going to get him out of office because he has such power over the courts, Alex?
I mean, the very fact that Obamacare was approved by Judge Roberts indicates this man has power over the courts.
Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the courts so he could get his policies through.
All Obama has to do is pick up the phone and his policies are approved.
So how are we going to get him out of office?
What are we going to do?
We can't rely upon the Republicans or the Conservatives or whoever it is that is supposed to be opposing him because they're not doing that.
If we're going to save this nation and stop Obama from trashing it and doing what he wants to do with it, we have to start thinking about strategies and not relying upon the electoral system or the Republicans or the media, which is the other part of his government, to be able to save America.
Very well said, and I think we've got to communicate to people that it's a modern form of technocratic dictatorship, and I was thinking they were setting up dictatorial divisions and systems so that the office could be dictatorial, but they are acting like they don't care what we think now, and that they are trying to bring the country down and bankrupt it so that he can then pose as a savior.
How do you expect him to try to stay in office?
Because for the first time, I'm starting to think that may be the plan.
Well, I suspect
That he's most probably going to have some sort of a false flag.
I think he's going to need martial law.
He's going to need the military in order to be able to stay in office.
And there's no telling what he'll do in terms of some sort of a false flag that he'll create.
Maybe a crisis within America, some sort of a possible racial crisis, while I don't think that might be it.
On the other hand, Alex, the thing that we have to be very mindful of is that there are a large number of Americans who are ready now to revolt, and they very well may give him what he wants.
On the other hand, we need a revolution at the station.
So we want to be like Lexington or Concord.
We want to work to not let it get physical and win the info war, the war of ideas.
But if they start stuff, I think we should be more, you know, Christ-like and at key points.
Well, I'm not so sure we should be so Christ-like unless we're going to be the Christ of the sword that I preach for the most part.
Well let me just finish the statement.
Let me just finish the statement so you know where I'm coming from.
I'm saying we have to wait for the right time to where morally they fire first and then we have the moral high ground.
We don't want them to trick us into something preemptive.
The problem is they'll blow up another federal building like OKC, the same Attorney General was deputy then, clearly involved, to then blame it on the Liberty Movement.
So I understand
I understand that we may have to defend ourselves.
My problem is that they may blow something up and blame it on us.
So the last thing we want to do is offensively do anything.
Go ahead.
Well, you definitely don't want that to happen.
You don't want them to blame us on 9-11 or some other event or the Oklahoma event.
That we don't want to have happen.
What we also have to think about, Alex, is that Obama controls the economy.
He controls Wall Street.
So we're going to need economic power, not just military power or revolutionary power.
We need economic power, and that's the thing that we're lacking most in.
I mean, all of America is armed to the teeth.
There are people all over America that are ready to rise up if they have to to save this nation.
Not because they're belligerent, not because they hate the nation, not because they're just warmongering, but they realize that we need to be able to save this nation militarily.
The problem is this, is that we don't have the kind of economic power or the media power to be able to withstand an Obama attack, which is what he's doing now.
So how do we get that together?
How do we do that, is the question.
I think you're right.
People better support alternative real media like never before, whether it's what you're doing at Otla.
We're going to give that site out in just a moment.
We'll put it up on screen or InfoWars or Drudge or any of the sites.
In fact, Richard, will you scroll down so I can put his site up on the air for folks?
It's otla.org.
O-R-G-A-T-L-A-H dot O-R-G.
It's an excellent site.
We need to do that.
I think we need to just get the word out.
I was talking to an Army officer just yesterday.
But I'll tell you this.
I'll just leave it at that.
And he said 98% of the military knows what's going on now.
Now just six months ago he said it was about 80%.
He said 98% know that there's an attempt to overthrow the country and to bring in tyranny.
I think we need to get the word out that we're not alone, but we're not connected because we don't have the media and we don't have the financial system.
So it's really a bizarre situation, almost like a Mexican standoff.
Well, I think we're going to have to attack the media as the first line of Obama defense.
The media serves as his pawns or as his bishops.
We're going to have to go after the media.
We're going to have to support media like you.
And I'm not patronizing you, Alex, but we're going to have to begin to listen to sources like you and other sources that are out there.
But we're going to have to attack as the first line of defense.
All of the media, whether it's conservative or liberal media, they all do the exact same thing.
I agree.
No, you're right.
It's the idea of the loyal opposition.
When those guys are all part of the same power structure, and they're all so scared, I mean, those big people, it's really hard people that are already part of the system to stand up.
But look at how they're going after Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
You can always tell who's real by who they attack.
You absolutely can.
And I think that if we began to work on that strategy, and look at how the politicians are attacking, look at what Fox News does, or what the liberal, or what MBC does, if we began to consider that, if we're going to have a revolution, let's do it the way Obama has taken the nation.
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This is a short segment.
And then we have Pastor James David Manning joining us for part of the next.
Then we have a bunch of big news I've got to get to.
But I tell you, if I lived in Harlem, I know whose church I'd be going to.
If we had more preachers in this country like Pastor Manning, we would not be in the shape we are.
People have just become so complacent they've got to find their spirit of resistance before things really go to hell in a handbasket.
Because Homeland Security
All of these top generals and colonels at the Navy War College, the Army War College, you name it, West Point.
We have links to it up on Infowars.com or saying, we're preparing for war with gun owners.
We're going to come after you.
We will take your gun from your cold dead hand.
And the military is totally waking up because they're being told prepare for war with America.
So I think they've miscalculated.
I mean, the military is not afraid to go to war.
And, uh, I mean, the military people I know that are multi-generation military are the most honorable people in my family.
And let me tell you, they're not looking for a fight, folks.
They're very sad about everything.
But now the resolve is beginning to be, OK, it's going to be a civil war.
I just feel sorry for the police and all the idiots.
They're going to be part of the New World Order who want to have this civil war.
I mean, look at this headline.
Colonel who vowed to disarm Americans works with Homeland Security.
He teaches at West Point.
And it says, oath-violating colonel also made veiled death threats against bloggers.
Well, my goodness, if you read his article in Esquire, it sounds like a little kid.
Like, oh yeah, we'll kill you, we got the army, we're big, we're tough.
I mean, this is obviously somebody who I don't think has seen a lot of combat, or he's nuts.
Because all the combat vets I know, and I mean special forces people, I mean people that have been in 28 years and seen stuff, I mean, just unbelievable, they would never.
I mean, I know people that have worked in and around the boys from Virginia, and I don't mean the CIA, the Virginia boys are like plainclothes military above Delta Force.
And all I can... Pastor Manning, I've got you here to talk.
I'm going to shut up.
We've got four minutes until break.
You hear what I'm saying.
This is getting so bad.
Do you think Obama's bit off more than he can chew?
Or do you think that this is part of the plan?
Well, absolutely not.
He has not bit off more than he can chew.
And I think his plan is in place and working right now perfectly.
The problem that we've got to deal with is that we're in the game very late.
And if there is a military coup, I know there are many generals and people within the military who recognize what's happening to this nation and would love to be able to save it.
But I don't think they're going to get the kind of support that they need in order to be able to do it.
And I don't think that a coup in the military would deliver us from the economic power
That Obama is possessing.
And there's another thing that we're not observing as well in terms of the social and racial issue.
I'm becoming very concerned about Obama's alliance with Pope Francis.
I'm very concerned about them walking along the same social, if you will, liberal path that destroys the integrity of the Word of God and puts these two powers together.
Alex, I'm very concerned about that and whether a military response can handle where we are right now.
I hear you.
No, I'm just, we're just, I can't believe that the president has become a dictator and they're starting to have a few hearings but it's still not a big deal.
I mean, because this is what happens historically.
Countries get to where they put up with evil and then we empower the dictator to become a Hitler or a Mao.
Pastor Manning, do you think we can turn this around?
I'm confident that we can, but we must acknowledge what I said just a few moments ago.
We're late to the game, but we have the majority on our side.
We have the morality on our side.
We have all of the issues that we need on our side.
We just need to acknowledge what they are and put together a plan.
Obama has been planning this with the New World Order and others for years.
We're late to the game.
We're just getting in here.
But we can win, and we can win handily.
There's no way we should be defeated.
So yes, but we need to get started, and we need to get started immediately, if not beyond before that.
Well you say not use their tactics but beat them knowing their game.
What's your idea?
We've got to take down the media, Alex.
I mean, we have got to take down what I refer to as the dunghead media, because they've got people pacified into thinking that Washington Republicans or whoever, or politicians, are going to solve our problems.
We've got to stop people from thinking that, wake them up to the fact that they need to get into the streets, not necessarily with arms or with margin, but they need to get into the program
Sure, well somebody can kick your butt if you lay down and let them.
We just gotta stand up.
I want to come back and go over some issues with you and pick your brain because I'll tell you, you're just really a smart guy.
And I mean that seriously.
Pastor Manning really saw stuff long before I did.
We're on the march.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
This is the perfect song for Obama.
Let's let it roll for a minute.
And you can see the masterly evil
Of the establishment grooming Obama, we now know from a very young age, just like it's out of a horror movie, where they're grooming, you know, the Antichrist.
It's Rosemary's Baby.
It really is the stuff of legend.
How his whole family's CIA... Pastor Manning's had the CIA and FBI come to his office and threaten him.
We've had the same thing.
FBI, Secret Service, you name it.
All sorts of things behind the scenes.
I mean, the minute, the minute they can, folks, they want to come after everybody and basically force a civil war.
That's probably going to be their plan.
And we just need to not have it happen.
And again, it sounds real wimpy on air to say, you know, I don't want a military coup or I think we should lay down to an attack by these people.
This isn't about a military fight.
If we don't respond when they attack us in the first wave of a purge, even with a controlled press, the message will get out that they did it.
But here's the deal.
They're not going to do that.
If they try a purge, they will blow up federal buildings filled with daycare children.
We know the names of who did Oklahoma City.
I've interviewed the police officers, the head of the K-9 unit, Don Browning, from Oklahoma City.
He knew the feds did it.
They came to his office, and he's listed their names on there, and said, we're going to kill you and your wife if you don't shut up.
By the way, I got death threats when I had him on, and I mean the real ones.
Because you know the people that did that run the Justice Department right now.
And again, I literally, it's like stepping on the edge of a cliff whenever I get on air and talk about this kind of stuff, okay?
So when I say we need to have restraint, it's not that I'm not willing to get in a fight, it's that not going to hurt the New World Order.
to have a shootout with the state police.
We've got, before we're going to kill these people, we really need to go out and try to wake them up.
That's the point, and that's what Manning's getting at, is we have got to absolutely reach out to police and military right now.
The military has really woken up.
Police are starting to, but they kind of pick them to where they'll follow orders, so that they see the rest of the story and get uncompartmentalized.
Now, Manning, Pastor Manning, I want to give you the last six, seven minutes here.
You've got the floor.
Don't pause for me.
Any other ideas how we turn this around, where you see this going?
You know how we how I mean maybe citizens that are at Obama events yell out things I mean little stuff like you're a liar in Congress We don't know there's all sorts of little things that could that could bring down the facade
Well, when we talk about a coup and a military confrontation, we have to keep in mind that Obama comes from a very violent background, though he tries to present himself as the boy next door.
Obama's the product of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn and all that weather underground crowd.
He comes from a very violent background.
Keep that in mind.
His association with Islam is very violent.
But I think in terms of strategy, Alex,
One of the things that we probably would look at after we take down the media, and we need to do that, because without that we're going to continually be beat by Obama.
We need to go after Obamacare.
That is McKinley's heel.
It's a massive tax program that's unconstitutional, that's socialist, that's communist at its core.
But it needs young people to be able to register and be a part of that process.
If young people don't register, Obamacare falls apart.
Now, the whole business with the rollout and the fact that the computer did not work, they're going to get that together at some point in time.
But if we can go out and launch a national campaign with a broadcast such as yours and others to reach young people that they don't sign up, that they're not cowed into signing up for Obamacare, if that can happen, then the whole thing falls apart.
Because at that point, Obama will not have the financing to be able to keep Obamacare alive.
And what he'll have to do at that point is do something more dictatorial than he's doing right now.
So I would suggest that what we would do, number one, is take down the media.
Number two is take down Obamacare.
And doing it through the people, pardon me,
Doing it through the young people who don't want Obamacare, and then turning them around against him.
Because they were all for him at one point in time, but not anymore.
And they're definitely not going to sign up for Obamacare.
If we do those two things, at least we'll begin to put a crack in his armor, and we'll begin to educate the people, and we can take him down economically the way he's trying to take us down economically.
Again, you pause for me and interject, but everything you're saying is just spot on with the research and great ideas, and I just thank God for your leadership and many others, and I wish there were more people out there who understood all these different nuances, because it's scary to know people are waking up, but that there's not that many prominent people that are willing to...
We come up with a battle plan, but let me ask you this question.
I've noticed evil loves to betray its own minions, historically, and I don't understand that as a person that doesn't know betrayal.
I don't like betraying even people that are enemies and bad.
In fact, crushing them...
It feels like a betrayal, even though I'm not betraying them.
I'm standing up for myself.
But with Obama, he loves... I mean, here's an example.
I went down there two months ago.
Barton Springs.
There's a big open pool.
They've got like 20 lifeguards.
One of the biggest natural pools in the U.S.
Spring Fed.
And one after the other, they walked over and apologized.
And they said, I thought you were wrong about Obamacare.
They just cut me from 40 hours to 20.
And they take more money out of my check now.
And I work another job, and I go to UT, and I eat ramen noodle.
My parents are poor.
I don't have any money.
They're taking like $50 more out of my check.
Like you said, they lied on the news.
And everywhere, the poor Obama people apologized.
How could the communists
I think the thing we have to always keep in focus about communism and socialism and Marxism and Islam.
Is that it has never worked.
There is no nation on the planet where it has worked, where it has proven to win the love of the people, where we in a democracy and capitalism here love our nation for what it is.
Most communist people that are at the bottom of the communist rung don't care for communism and want to get out from underneath it.
And it takes the military to keep communism going.
So I think that when we look at what Obama's trying to do and what the New World Order thinks that they can accomplish, however they're using more hot technology now than they've used in perhaps the Mao Zedong or in Lenin's communism, we're going to have to recognize that communism really at the heart of the matter with people doesn't work.
So how do we get the message out?
Rather than talking about a different political ideal, such as a Republican versus a Democrat, we've got to tell people about the ills of communism.
We've got to go into, I think our fourth program would be, we've got to get into the universities and then to the schools, because that's where they're indoctrinating our young people into thinking that communism is a good thing and that Obama's program is a good thing.
We have to do these basic things.
We win!
If we don't do them, we're definitely losing.
Well, I want to be clear.
I mean, when you see how Obama tries to take the radical Islamist Al-Qaeda people from Saudi Arabia, and to inject them into Syria for two and a half years, and then call that peace, I mean, it really does show that this particular elite we have, I mean, look how the NFL promotes him.
Look at how the whole system's giving their power to him, showing the power structures behind him.
Do you think Obama's paying off the way they thought?
Because as you said, if Obamacare is blowing up in their face, well, they knew it was going to blow up in their face.
So he's got to become a dictator because his whole agenda is going to backfire.
They're going to end up losing a whole generation to believing in communism because they're giving them a taste of it before they have full dictatorship in.
Well, if you look at the stock market, well, Obamacare is blowing up in its face.
But if you look at the stock market, he is greatly rewarding people that have invested in him.
If you're talking about major people in the movies or in business and entrepreneurship, they are reaping great rewards.
The greatest in the history of this nation, they're reaping their financial rewards for supporting him.
But they're just a small percentage of the population.
And they're not in control.
And it's in fiat devalued dollars.
And it's not going to be worth anything.
It's all a fraud.
It's all hot air.
That's true.
That's true.
And I think that the American people need to wake up and begin to, and of course, prepare themselves for when the financial collapse comes.
And it will come, whether Obama's in power or not.
That's coming.
And that will be another opportunity, once the financial collapse comes, for those of us who've been out here on the battlefield to take the power.
The power reigns at that time, when the economy is weak and people have depended on their billions to be able to give them power.
We have power by our commitment.
We have power by our love for this nation.
We have power by our love for one another.
That's our power, and we're rich in the billions in that, and we ought to use it as much as we possibly can.
I can feel your power, Pastor Manning, because you have love.
I agree.
And I can hear it and see it in other people's voices.
I just feel sad for the average person who doesn't seem to have any discernment.
I mean, you can take one look at Obama and tell he's a devil.
I just didn't know how bad.
What in your spirit told you six, seven years ago, or even longer, that Obama was so bad?
Yeah, well, you remember I was on your show very early on, and talking to you about Obama being the son of Satan.
A lot of people call him the Antichrist, and that will work.
You certainly don't want to throw that out.
But Obama is inherently evil.
When you listen to what he is saying over against a reality of where we are as a people, you know that he is lying, and that he is lying profusely.
Obama did this one thing, Alex.
He promised the world, not just America,
But he promised the world what they wanted to hear and knew that he could not deliver it.
He promised the world you were going to have peace and you're going to have prosperity.
We're going to have a unity of the people.
We're going to bring all the nations to the table.
We're going to have a unity between Muslims and Jews.
We're going to have a unity between blacks and whites.
We're going to have a wealth where everybody has got wealth and power and prosperity.
He promised that, not just to America.
But to the world.
And that's why people fail for him.
But the opposite of that is to look at that and know that he can't deliver that.
He cannot.
So he's lying.
Well he's delivered the opposite.
He's delivered the opposite.
And that's my point.
I knew that's exactly what he was going to do.
So we have to recognize that anyone that would lie like that to the American people and to the world
I don't know.
We're good to go.
And you can really now see on Obama a super evil design, one of the most evil I've ever even heard of in history, with a high-tech integration.
And I shudder to think what we're going to see out of this figurehead.
You know, out of this production, out of everything behind him, out of all the evil behind him.
I wish you would send me the clip of what you just said.
I'd love to play it on our broadcast every day because it puts succinctly
What we need to be aware of.
Now that you've said that and you've demonstrated that truth, how do we educate the people?
How do we get out there and tell the people who are still hoping against hope that Obama's going to change?
That he's going to make the world a great place?
Even though they see themselves without jobs, they see themselves losing their income, they see themselves losing their family, losing their children, losing this nation, and yet they're still hoping that somehow or another
Well, you look at it, he's dangling again.
It's coming, hope's around the corner.
Give me more power, I'll fix it.
And then they consciously try to wreck the country.
It's not like they're screwing things up on accident.
They want to screw it up.
You know they're doing it.
I guess you just explained to people that you better follow your gut and your heart and your eyes.
I mean, the thing is,
It's all right there.
And I think people are afraid of the responsibility.
They want to, like you said earlier, think that the Republicans are going to save them.
And they better figure out that praying to God is going to save them.
Because if people pray to God and repent and get on their knees and seek a reprieve of the nation, then God will change their heart and give them discernment and rise them up
In little ways, but also in big ways, depending on who you are and where you're at.
And together, just like evil works through Obama and his people, we have to ask God to use us as vessels against them in this battle.
But God knows there's free will, so gives us free will.
The devil manipulates against free will.
We have to consciously and spiritually ask God to cleanse us and use us and sanctify us every day and put on the armor against the enemy.
There's an event in the Bible where there were two prophets, the prophet Elisha and a young protégé working with him, and they were surrounded by a mighty army that were outside of the canyon where they were at, and getting ready to come in to kill the prophet and the young man.
And the prophet, the young boy said, they're going to kill us, they're going to kill us.
The prophet prayed that the young boy's eyes would be open so he could see the mighty host
I don't know.
God will heal our land.
But beyond that, I am convinced, Alex, that if we launch a campaign of praying for people that God would open their eyes, when they see Obama, they will see unadulterated evil in its purest and most evil form.
There's never been anybody in America, in leadership, as evil as this man is.
And of course, his beauty dazzles everybody.
And so therefore, they're not able to get to the core of who he is spiritually.
People's eyes just need to be open to how evil this man is that has taken over our nation and is seeking to destroy it.
But I will say this, I know we're going to win.
God has not established this man to give it to Obama.
I just lost audio to the network.
Can you guys hear me?
Yes, we can hear you, Alex.
Pastor Manning is still on?
Yes, I'm still here.
Pastor Manning, you said that we are going to win, and I agree with you.
Go ahead and finish up.
I think so.
We are going to win.
God's not going to give this nation over to Obama, even though many people are asserting that, well, we've been so wicked.
Yes, sir.
Well, Pastor Manning, I think this is the most powerful interview I've ever done with you or heard, period.
I think definitely the Spirit of the Lord's with us today.
Let's just agree together, and I'll have you back soon, that we should both, to our audiences, promote praying that the eyes of America and the world be open, and that we say that prayer, and I know I'll say that during the break, and I know you'll say it, Pastor Manning.
Thank you.
Will you stay there and come back and say a prayer on air in the final segment?
Okay, and the show's over in 10 minutes, so we're gonna come back, you'll say the prayer, and then I'll hit a few final news stories with David.
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Folks, they have a false love that they sell everybody, but it's all about betrayal and tyranny.
We've got to rediscover the Bill of Rights and Constitution, a new process and individual liberty.
Evil always sells you the idea that it's going to bring you empowerment and individuality, but it really brings collectivism and slavery.
Some of the headlines up on Infowars.com are just incredible.
Colonel who vowed to disarm Americans works with Homeland Security and threatens bloggers.
I mean, these people are just roaring with their tyranny.
And you look at photos of this colonel, he just looks
Like a power crazed narcissist.
Also, an army officer says we will pry your guns from your cold dead fingers.
I mean, just taunting us.
Mandela Lovefest ignores dark side of legacy.
We've got an article up there about things that, I mean, it's just a fact.
They traded one evil for another.
Homeland Security searches vehicles at Ferry Crossing Checkpoint.
We've got an article up on DrudgeReport.com on the right-hand side, red-linked, or it was red-linked earlier, where they're going to make you go through biometric scanners and, like, prison cells at the airport.
It's all prisoner training.
But Pastor Manning, I'm going to let you get out of here.
I know you're a busy man.
AH World Ministries, they're in Harlem, and God bless you for the work you do, but please just give us a brief or heartfelt prayer, it could be long or whatever, about opening the eyes, and I think everybody should say this prayer daily, and really think about it and tell others about it, that the spell, the evil spell of deception be lifted from our eyes so that we can really see good from evil.
Thank you, Alex, and thank you again for having me on your broadcast today.
I really, really appreciate it.
But let's go to the Lord in prayer.
Heavenly Father, we thank you so very much for allowing us to be in this great nation, to be born here, to be officially born here, to have our birth certificate here, to know and to be a part of the process that has made this nation great.
We recognize, Almighty God, that it is you that has blessed us against many of the nations that we see around the world that don't have our joy, don't have our prosperity, don't have our love, and all the things that you've made such a pinnacle in such a city on a hill.
Now, Heavenly Father, there's a great darkness and deception that has come over our nation in the person of Obama, and it is my prayer, and I unite with everyone else today, that an appeal to you to open the eyes of the people
Open their eyes, Lord, that they might see this awful evil that is now seated in Washington at the White House.
And then open their hearts, Almighty God, and give them the courage to be able to stand up for truth, and to stand up for the unborn, and to stand up for those that have worked so hard to make this great nation what it is.
To stand up for those that are being maligned by and duped and pimped.
Thank you.
And that's why that particular preacher that had his own prayer breakfast and mildly criticized Obama, they audited him and came after him and it came out that it was ordered.
And it just shows they're afraid of true men of God, true women of God who follow that.
And folks, you know, this is not a preacher show, but in great times of evil, we have to just get down to the very bottom here.
This is a spiritual battle.
Pastor Manning, thank you so much for the time.
We'll talk to you again soon.
There he goes.
He was only going to be on for 20 minutes.
He was very busy, but he was able to stay the whole hour with us.
We'll get him back on because we got him on on short notice.
But I tell you folks, the evil is real.
We're going to do a little bit of overdrive to finish some news, but in the 40 seconds out to break, David Knight riding shotgun.
That was pretty powerful info.
It was very powerful, and you know when he's talking about how evil Obama is, it's just what we were talking about yesterday, the way he's betraying these people who are at the bottom of the wage pyramid, and at the same time he's taking them down with Obamacare, he's also putting on, uh, saying that he's for their minimum wage being wage.
Explain that!