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Filename: 20131106_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 6, 2013
2605 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I wasn't going to start the broadcast with this, but it just popped into my head a realization.
I mean, I realize it all the time, but it really hit me how important it is.
Why do you think they're going after Rand Paul?
He's introduced legislation to where members of the House and Senate, members of the Congress, will have to be under whatever laws they put on the American people.
In almost every case, as you know, it's very common knowledge, Congress, but they also do this over in Europe, any socialist regime does it.
Any authoritarian regime does it.
Look at the book by Orwell, Animal Farm, where first they say four legs good, two legs bad, and by the end of it, the pigs, who are representing the tyrants, the humans, they start out fighting them.
They've now taken over the house, and they're now saying actually two legs good, four legs bad.
Yet again, the reverse of what they claimed the whole revolution had been about.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, as the Hussein.
So, we love to get fooled again and again and again and again, but it just hit me that until we... I was thinking about how they've got over 50% of the public now on some form of welfare or government assistance, and why that's game over for any society.
They will always end up collapsing, and I've got a bunch of news showing that today around the world.
But that the globalists have set it up to where they collapse all the rest of the economies they don't control, to consolidate it, and then exempt themselves from everything they're doing to everyone else.
Because the elites aren't going to let them go to 100% taxation on the middle class, like France has done to bankrupt everybody.
Unless they're exempt and outside of it, just like the Socialists have been caught.
Entire leadership with multi-billions of euros this year in foreign bank accounts.
And because they control the police and the prosecutors, no one got in trouble.
This is biblical level corruption.
When members of the Communist Party in China get caught doing this, they get executed.
They get executed.
Now sure, they let themselves get insider deals and get wealthy, but they pay the taxes.
You don't pay the taxes, you get executed.
There is unlimited level of implosion and degradation of society.
Thomas Jefferson was asked when he was president, he said, what is the level of absolute tyranny?
Because he was asked, what is your level of absolute liberty by a French philosopher?
I forget, I was reading a book a decade ago about it.
Like, what is total freedom?
And then Jefferson described his definition of that to a French statesman and philosopher that was visiting him at the White House.
And then he said, well, what is total tyranny?
He said, whatever you will put up with, someone will come along who has an appetite for that, and the worst will become the baseline.
To use my analogy, it's like a black hole, the absolute center of corruption, that is it.
So that's the issue here, is that we've got to talk about how Congress is exempt, the UN is exempt, Berkshire Hathaway is exempt from all these big taxes and regulations, and even uses that point to try to get more taxes passed, but doesn't regulate and doesn't move to get themselves taxed.
They even use that inequality as a way to jack up taxes on the middle class and new rich.
I mean, it's incredible.
And we've just got to get that message out to the middle class, the independently wealthy, the legitimately wealthy, that are the engine of liberty and innovation.
We've got to get the good middle class, the good working class, who want to become middle class and rich, and the good nouveau riche, there's even some good old money out there, to really understand we're under attack and not just go along with it.
Because so many people do the Atlas Shrugs thing.
So many successful people just punch out.
They stop innovating, they stop hiring, as if that's going to defeat
The usurpers.
The usurpers count on all the doctors to quit.
The usurpers count on all the business people to just quit.
They got enough money to never work again.
Sell their businesses off to the globalists.
But the globalists want that.
Don't do that.
Keep fighting.
It's the fighting spirit that will defeat them.
We've got the biggest news ever coming up after this break.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
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Take me through the centuries to supersonic years
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live and we are broadcasting worldwide.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the sixth day already of November 2013.
Before you know it, it'll be 2014.
It is Wednesday.
We're going to be here for the next three hours.
No guest today unless we get Mr. Bongino, the Secret Service agent on.
That's one of the top stories on DrugsReport.com right now.
Unless we get him on the broadcast, we're not going to have any guests.
Also, I am working on getting WorldNet Daily writer on F. Michael Maloof.
Who has just been talking to Major General after Major General, one of them Congressional Medal of Honor winners, one of the most respected, well the word is he's the most respected retired Army General, saying there is a purge of the top military if they will not carry out Obama's unconstitutional orders.
And the word is, folks, it is the litmus test that we broke.
Last year and then confirmed, triple confirmed this year and the last few weeks, quadruple confirmed from recently retired Navy SEALs talking to high-level officers like Ben Smith right through to our military police friends sending us video out of a briefing of military police in Arizona.
Absolutely, 100%
Undoubtedly, and it just hit me this morning, I walked into my TV reporters, to my print reporters, and I said, listen, just because we've been the experts on this and been out front on it, no one knows we've been reporting on this for a year.
We've got to really all write articles about this, including Paul Watson and Steve Watson, everybody, on every angle of this, because folks are finally talking, and the military now down to
Sergeants are being asked, will you fire on American citizens?
Are you ready?
And they have now fired upwards of 200, ladies and gentlemen, 200 top military brass, admirals, generals, and right down to colonels.
In fact, there's one of our articles from January on it, nine months ago, or I guess 11 months ago now.
Wow, time just flies.
Nobel Prize nominee Obama asked military leaders if they will fire on U.S.
And then I confirmed that that was in the new manuals.
We got the manuals, posted them, that they're training to carry out military operations, including seeing the American people as hostiles during cordoning of cities, gun confiscation.
Stuart Rhodes, the head of Oath Keepers, says that it's just flooding him with special warfare, saying that they're being prepared for it as well.
And they're freaking out.
I mean, as they should be.
And I told you, they're not going to just gear all this up and then not have a reason to launch troops against us.
They will stage mass shootings, they will bomb buildings, they will attack shopping malls, and they will blame us.
This is just basic ABCDEFG takeover operations.
This is how communists and subversives, when they're in control of the executive, do it.
They stage stuff, they blame it on you, and then they launch the military against you to find out who won't follow orders.
The military culls the resistance, the counterrevolutionaries, the American people, the red, white, and blue, the good guys,
They knock us out, tears up the military in the same process, then they purge the military.
Now, first they purge them in a non-bloody purge, historically.
It always works the same.
This has been done for thousands of years, and tyrants study it and know the most effective program.
So let me now, from a historical-based analysis, integrated with all the current info, all the pieces of the puzzle are now in place.
I just got chills.
I'm basically living in chills now.
I just cannot believe that we're in this much trouble.
I've actually got goosebumps, ladies and gentlemen, right now.
Zoom in.
You don't need to literally zoom into my ugly face, but the point is, this is real.
I'm not up here on the air just saying this because it's sensational.
Reality is sensational.
If I wanted to be on 500 radio stations instead of 160-something, I would have shut up a long time ago and been a mainline kind of libertarian Republican.
With DrudgeReport.com helping us as well, right there at the heart of it.
I hate to even admit that because the enemy knows that and freaks out about it every day on national television.
But the point is, and WorldNetDaily and now Glenn Beck's really getting on board and not making fun of us anymore.
I deserve an apology from Glenn on a lot of fronts over the years, but I don't even care.
I want to see everybody wake up.
Rush Limbaugh talking about our government running Al-Qaeda, staging chemical attacks.
I go on big syndicated shows all the time like Man Cow and others and now the callers, the listeners, the general managers, the network heads, they're all freaking out because they get this is all real, it's happening, it isn't a game and you got a bunch of Republican collaborators going along with this and it's when I say this is real to myself I get chills.
You're supposed to get chills when you realize the bad guys have absolutely taken control.
And those chills are your body getting ready for war, ladies and gentlemen.
That's your body flipping the switches for combat.
I mean, that's what it is.
And I'm not going out in a physical combat.
Never for an attack.
Knowledge and defense is what I use my aggressive killer instincts for.
And I use my killer instincts with the truth in the info war as viciously as I can.
Just firing the truth at the enemy over and over again, never backing down.
And the fact that we have been able to leverage the Libertarians, the Conservatives, the Real Tea Party, and now even what I'd call Libertarian Left,
To now wake up, and it's happening fast, Obama now has a 28%, 29% in a fake Gallup poll, it's more like 19%, even his own acolytes.
are now realizing what's happening and they've got Major General after Major General after Major General after Major General.
By the way, I could have gotten Boykin on six months ago, former head of Special Forces, incredibly highly decorated and for some reason he wanted me personally to call him and shut it up and I never did it.
Now John Bowne's in there calling him.
I just remembered I'm supposed to call Boykin first.
Yeah, you're getting his answering machine?
No, I was given a window in February to get him on and I didn't do it.
I was supposed to call him first because I had some folks reach out to me that work with him, that have made a film with him.
So just remind me at the end of the show, I just had that epiphany or that I just remembered I need to call Boykin.
The point is, is that
Is that, and again, the word from Boykin then was that that's what was going on.
And you see, I'm almost blind because I'm so close to this and so hyper-aware that there's a blind spot when you're hyper-aware where you become comfortable with all this stuff and then it's not even threatening anymore.
And that's actually the psychological warfare they use on the general public.
You ever wonder why they put in movies what they're planning before they do it?
They admit so your subconscious is prepared.
Well, it's the same thing.
I'm consciously and subconsciously lived with this for so long, and the reason I'm talking about myself is I know you've lived with this so long, military people, police, FBI folks that are being trained in all this, that even though you don't like it, they think that when things get bad enough, just under the peer pressure, you will go through the motions and carry out this treason.
Even when you know
The false flags that are going to happen don't add up.
But I've always known it's key to assault the false flag because even if some of these events are real and stuff happens and I go, oh, that's got to be real.
And then it comes out as a false flag.
And I'm like, well, I guess that they are false flaggers.
They stand to gain from it.
This is the history of it, I guess.
I mean, what do you expect?
Boston bombing, total false flags with set up patsies, just unbelievable mountains of evidence.
This new TSA thing?
It all points towards it.
The prescripting, the readying, the drills, the different stories, the guy in the TSA uniform.
I don't know though.
We haven't, I mean, we've searched our system.
This guy never bought anything from us.
Uh, this guy was never emailed us.
We've searched everything.
We spent an hour yesterday going through every database of people that have ordered, uh, folks that have emailed us.
We searched, uh, all that stuff and, and, uh, the supposed person that went and shot the people.
He's never trafficked with us.
So he's had no truck with us, as they say.
But I had AP calling me and every other thing you can imagine in the last few days, you know, wanting to get quotes and things.
And I just tell them, I say, look, make up whatever you're going to make up.
It's not that I don't respond to, you know, we got no comment from Jones, like I'm scared or I got something to hide.
I just tell them, look, make up whatever you're going to make up.
And I hope you enjoy what happens when everything implodes.
They're like, don't you want to respond to this?
And I'm like, no.
Make up whatever you're going to make up.
And I sent a local newspaper digging around trying to make stuff up.
I just said, look, the stuff you're trying to bring up from 15 years ago is made up.
Make up some more stuff.
There's my response.
It's not that I didn't respond.
I said you're not credible.
You're state run media.
Go to
I mean, Alex Jones may sound crazy, but still has 300 million YouTube, uh, well, he has 300 million people that have watched him on YouTube, and that sort of fringe, arch-conservative, uh, deeply, I think, racist strain is being tapped into.
No, you are deeply pushing racial division and hate my guts because I'm a unifier.
They blew Malcolm X away as soon as he stopped being a racist and came out for people to come together under liberty.
They do not want us coming together, witch!
And you're up there with a playbook.
They got a playbook, literally preying on their viewers.
People need to know that.
You watch MSNBC, they are preying on you, just like a white trash Klan leader preys on the local people in their area.
We'll be right back with the big news.
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Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
As you might remember, this is the company that stood up to the DHS and exposed FEMA's secret plan to begin hoarding emergency survival food.
It has always been my belief that it's key to stand behind companies who share the same values as their fellow Patriots.
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Show officially close to 200 top
Military commanders, 111 in the Navy only, so it's well over 200 actually, but the world on that daily list says 200, top officers have been removed.
And here's the big issue.
If they were removing them and giving reasons, it would still be suspicious because it's a record number.
The Associated Press reported two weeks ago, and Gucci already reported on it, when they fired the top nuke commander.
When they fired the top nuke commander, the Air Force Major General, when they fired him, and they fired his adjunct under him just a few weeks before, and they also fired a top naval commander over the next, an admiral, AP said that the White House did not want it known he'd been fired, they did not want the firings to be known, and that it had been leaked to them.
And talking to my high-level military sources, most of them that won't come on, a few of them have come on, like Colonel Schaefer, and then he gets reamed out because he's still connected to the Pentagon, you know, when he says too much, and it's threatened to not come on this show.
But I've got a lot of others that won't come on the show, and they are basically
Completely freaked out and just feel like the American people, half of them are on welfare and they know how collectivism works.
But let me break down how coups operate generally.
You generally have a soft coup at first where an elected leader like Hitler or Obama gets elected.
Hitler gets elected in 1933.
He then had a loyalty oath and publicly for the entire
German military, the Army, the Luftwaffe, the Navy.
And that's historical, it's all on record.
And then hundreds of top generals and admirals and then sub-officers were removed
Because they were not seen as loyal within about a month after that.
And then a few months after that, there was the firebombing of the Reichstag.
And Hitler didn't go after his political enemies first.
He went after the SA, which had been the street thugs.
And it's a fact, a homosexual cult under Ernst Röhm.
That's a historical fact.
They say about half the SA were gay.
There's books written about it, the Pink Swastika.
And that was the group they used to get control.
A lot of them were former prisoners, but also former highly decorated soldiers from World War I.
Lead by Ernst Röhm.
And they killed them all in Night of the Long Knives.
Ernst Röhm, they took him into a jail cell.
The SS walked in and he screamed, Heil Hitler, as they kept shooting him.
He flopped around on the ground saying, I love you, Adolf Hitler.
I love you, my sweetie cake, basically, with blood spraying everywhere.
Because Adolf Hitler was obviously bisexual and had a lot of fun with Ernst Röhm.
So Adolf had his boyfriend killed.
That's on record, by the way.
That came out in the Nuremberg trials.
In 1967, they declassified the Hitler files in the British dossier, The Mind of Adolf Hitler.
So anyways, let me just go back into how this works, just using the Hitler model, which is standard throughout history, including Julius Caesar, you name it.
First, they come in and they have a soft coup and a loyalty deal, and they assess who's doing what.
Then they come out and they start, you'll hear about suicides of top generals everywhere.
And people they've kicked out who they think might be able to organize a resistance.
And then they'll go out to the talk show host and the Congress people.
And a lot of Congress folks will grovel and go along.
They're going to be killed.
I'm not joking, by the way.
In a matter of days, they're going to track people down and kill them.
Of course, the problem is everybody's armed, everybody knows it's coming.
That's not going to go too well for the DHS mercenaries they've hired in the big armored vehicles they've pre-deployed to go take out folks on a list.
Because you may get the first wave of people, then once you've attacked, it becomes offensive defense strategy.
And all the special ops people say they're just going to go after the tip of the spear, the military and police trying this.
I'm not even going to get into all this.
The point is, anybody who knows about this kind of stuff knows what this is going to look like.
And it is not going to be pretty.
And I just want to be clear.
I'm political.
And I'm here covering what's going on as an American.
My country, under the Bill of Rights Constitution, but under the Geneva Convention, has been usurped, has been overthrown, under Declaration of Independence.
I have full authorization to do whatever I want militarily, but I'm not a military person.
I'm sure I could take care of a couple people, but that's not what I do.
I'm in the info war.
I will defend myself and my family from aggressors.
And that's my, again, right under common law, common sense, and U.S.
But we are just getting down to the point, ladies and gentlemen.
Where this all has to be discussed, because we are about to see, and all the indicators are Obama is going to try a red takeover.
And again, a lot of people say, oh no, that's coming down the road.
It probably will come down the road.
We're probably going to back him off.
But people need to know, if we don't get real serious, this is going to happen.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I haven't broken down how most slow motion coups take place historically.
The globalists don't want to have a third world coup where it's just overnight, that's too obvious.
Because after all, we're such a free country.
But you're seeing the rollout against free speech, the rollout against families, the rollout against guns, the rollout against Christians, the political enemies list with the IRS and others persecuting mainline Tea Party and Christian groups, the military being told you'll be arrested if you're an evangelical or a Tea Party and give money to these groups.
Obama should be in peace right there.
That's Southern Poverty Law Center showing what authoritarians they are.
These people are not for equality.
They are for converting us to their culture of no morals, so we will accept being run over.
This is social engineering.
This is a plan.
And you've got well over 200.
World Daily says 200.
It's well over 200.
Top military brass being purged.
And the big issue is, in most cases, they won't say why, and then they
Give them orders under national security to not say why.
And then I talk to high-level brass and they say, no, it's the litmus test.
Will you do gun confiscation during a collapse?
And they're pre-deploying the troops.
They're training them for unprecedented riot control.
They're training them, the Tea Party's their enemy.
That's in Forbes and AP.
I mean, it's all there is my point.
It dizzies my mind to try to think of all the public intel.
I mean, it is more than 100% documented.
You say, well, how can it be more than 100%?
There's so many angles to it, so many different plans within plans they've got.
There's like 500, 600% proof, because there's different battle plans and different variants and different stratas and different competing globalist groups and different operations.
We'd be like if a coach said, I'm trying to get you outside one-dimensional thinking or two-dimensional thinking, folks.
It'd be like if a coach said, yeah, we've got one play in the playbook.
That's one-dimensional.
They've got a whole playbook of stuff.
And we've got all their different plans.
People say, well, that's just plans.
Yeah, these are unprecedented plans.
And the enemy isn't the Russians.
It isn't the Chinese communists.
It isn't, no, it's the American people, folks, their own battle plans, their own main mission statements in Stars and Stripes and Army Times and
Everywhere is that the American people are the enemy, and now there is an unprecedented, in 236 years of US history, gigantor purge of anyone who is not seen as a total communist.
And they are putting absolute politicos in their place that are giant Democratic Party operatives on record, and then they're putting them over all the federal agencies.
And they're massively increasing funding to DHS and its militarization as a fifth branch of the military.
And you've got Marine Corps colonels going public?
Who then got threatened when they talked to the City Council so they haven't been heard from again?
I mean, folks, this is the real deal.
And I want to tell all the retired military people something.
You're not stupid, you know this.
If we don't face this down right now politically and get really aggressive,
I mean, banner hangs in your area, pirate radio if it's needed, going to public events, taking over public events peacefully to make a big scene.
If men of leadership and women of leadership... I can't do the leading around here, okay?
I'm doing as much as I can at 40 years old.
I've been in this fight 20 years, 18 years on air.
I've got a lot of skills, but I don't have them all.
I can't do this.
People aren't just going to hear this by osmosis and then we're going to get out of this.
We need the other talk show host.
This hit me this morning.
The last few years, I've publicly said to all the other big talk show hosts that attack me and stuff, I'm not in competition with you.
I'm in competition with tyranny.
I want to restore the Republic.
I don't want to be a slave.
This is really scary.
Please, the New World Order's real.
The FEMA camps are real.
The plans are real.
Here's the evidence.
I sent it to folks like Limbaugh, Beck, packages of info, and I haven't talked to them, but I've talked to some of their people off and on, and they now are freaked out and know it's all true.
So that's good.
But we need to get the so-called liberals to wake up, who aren't evil and who've been conned, and admit you've been conned.
Listen, this is not going to be good for anybody.
I'm not up here taking credit saying, look what we've done.
I'm just a guy from Texas that learned about tyranny, got upset about it, and started fighting it.
And that example is, you can do a lot more than I've done.
Especially former military generals, especially doctors that have been the heads of societies, lawyers that are prominent, journalists that have been prominent, anybody, pastors.
It's time to understand there's a foreign globalist takeover.
And we need to mobilize in free speech and expose the tyranny, and say we need a Bill of Rights culture again, and anything against that, whether it's Democrat or Republican, is the enemy.
We need to come together.
And they're going to go, racist, racist, racist, just to change the subject.
So you'll go, I'm not a racist, even though it has nothing to do with it.
It's meant to just get you to change the subject.
You just say, you're trying to create division.
Let's come together.
Everybody can feel it.
Obama's losing about five points a week right now.
And here's why I'm so worried.
Let me tell you how the coups work.
In a major civilization, not a third world country.
We don't really have flash coups here, but at the end it becomes a flash coup.
They do a litmus test with the military, kick a bunch of people out, then they stage some big terror attack or event, and a bunch of top generals suddenly get killed.
And you hear, oh, the general died, or he got shot in the chest, he committed suicide, or he got run over, and you go, man, there's like 20 of them in one day.
And then they'll kill like 20 or so to see what happens.
And then if people don't freak out and go out in the streets then speaking out, then they kill 500.
And then, oh, well, there were some arrests made.
There were some people planning terror attacks.
And then a nuke goes off.
Or a bioweapon gets released.
And everybody's panicking.
And, yeah, it was the right-wing alliance with Al-Qaeda.
And you're like, that makes no sense.
The right-wing in this country is Islamophobic, as it's said.
Totally, it doesn't matter.
All the Pentagon public training is that the Tea Party is going to merge with Al-Qaeda.
And you're like, that doesn't make sense.
Obama supporters will absolutely buy it.
If we haven't gotten to them first and explained how this works to them.
Because they'll be so scared when a major city's got a smoking, low-yield nuke go off in it, or a bioweapon, or a chem weapons release.
I'm telling you, the script, they operate like everybody's brain dead.
So the scripting and the pre-programming on something this big is like a D-Day invasion rollout, okay?
I mean, but it's an invasion against liberty.
And so the rollout's there, we just don't know when the attack's coming.
Okay, I mean, we're having drills, the Tea Party's gonna come shoot people in the line, and you saw it on the news, to get weak-minded people to think about that and implant that.
If they implant that in 315 million people, will a mentally ill person go shoot up?
See, that's one way they can false flag, is mind control.
The public is so highly suggestible, you put that in movies, TV shows, everywhere in the last six months, that the Tea Party's gonna go shoot up.
TSA and now, whether they staged it in a drill and killed some innocent guy and had a shooter up in the, you know, up in the...
Up in the ceiling tiles, you know, shooting people.
I mean, that's how they can do it.
I'm just speculating how they could do that from past operations we've exposed and reverse-engineered.
Or they just put out somebody's going to shoot TSA and then a weak-minded person gets the suggestion put in their mind and goes and does it.
Or it's a low chance people are mad by the tyranny and wrongfully went and did this.
You push people, you push the wrong people, they're going to push back.
That's why they're giving the cops orders that are meant to make the public push back.
Because if you were a globalist offshore banks that finance the Bolshevik revolution to take that over, the ultra-rich financing Bolshevik takeovers, how would you take down America exactly as they're doing it?
This is the only way.
Get the public dependent, divide and conquer them.
Start a purge of the military, a soft purge, ahead of the false flag, blamed on libertarians, conservatives, gun owners, anybody that doesn't like the foreign takeover, the banks, read any Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL demonization list, that's their enemy.
That's who they're going to come after.
And you'll also see the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, and others, right before they do this, guaranteed, everybody who lives around these installations, you need to be watching them.
If they all pull out and the parking lots are empty on a weekday and it's not a holiday, and the cars are gone a few days, they've all gone to Europe or something to sit this out.
That's another deal, because they're expecting those installations to get hit.
I'm telling you folks, this is a war, okay?
You are in a war right now.
You are living in the attempted takedown of America.
They've already used us to build the global empire, to set up the corporate New World Order.
They've already got us to the bankruptcy point.
They've de-industrialized us.
They're shutting our power plants off.
The student loan bubble's about to bust.
The real estate market's about to bust.
The commercial real estate market is about to bust.
Mainstream news, CNBC's reporting, rich families are leaving the U.S., hoarding cash.
I forgot to play that yesterday.
Get me that video, please.
I mean, it's all there.
Thousands of data points, and then you get the manuals, and it's 100% for war with us.
It's not me telling you this is my opinion.
We have got people that absolutely hate us.
Anybody who loves freedom, anybody who's Christian, anybody who's a gun owner, anybody who's got property, who isn't part of the mafia global system, we are the enemy, folks.
They want to crush this country once and for all, and they will crush the military and police.
They keep saying foreign troops are going to be used.
No, that's later.
They've got mercenaries on record.
They're deploying with top-secret security clearances by the thousands in each state.
Armored vehicles, tanks, weapons, flamethrowers, missile launchers, drones.
They've got, the military has over 50,000 drones.
25,000 of them are sitting there waiting with strike points prepared for this civil war.
It doesn't scare me because they're not going to be able to stop anybody.
But the whole point is, they can't even hold Iraq or Afghanistan with these things.
So the whole point is though, is that they really are looking for this.
So, you have a soft coup over the generals, start removing the ones you're really worried about.
Then stage the false flag of the crisis.
Then wipe out your opposition in a week or so.
Stage more events.
Pose that you're going to save everybody if you do what the state-run media says.
Then they move into the next phase, probably start some new military war, some conflict overseas, too, to get us to, you know, be patriotic, do what you said, because, you know, the Tea Party struck with Al-Qaeda at the same time, and we're fighting them overseas, and it won't matter if they're attacking Shiites or the opposite of Al-Qaeda, they'll just say it's Al-Qaeda.
I mean, that's how they operate.
And then there was another key data point I was going to go through.
So as all of a sudden winds, then the military and police, they find out who's who.
We all kill each other in a two, three year civil war.
Obama's the new Abraham Lincoln.
It's all been tested, all been put out.
I told you six years ago, he'll be the new Abraham Lincoln.
I could see that iconography.
I could see the archetype.
I could see the programming.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
You notice they're saying, well, if you want to nullify stuff, if you don't want to do Obamacare, if you don't want to do this, we'll just march troops in.
If Texas bans the TSA, we'll just put F-16s in the air and F-18s to force down all aircraft.
It's already there.
And look at all the other bold stuff they've done.
It can happen here.
It is happening here.
Now, here's the good news.
Well, let me finish this, then I'll get to the good news.
We all kill each other in a civil war, wipe things out, everybody's just tired of it, wants it to end, and then they bring in the International Stabilization Force.
Oh my gosh!
And first it'll be European troops that folks are historically more allied with, not just because they're European, but because we think of Europeans as being pro-America.
It's going to be British, it's going to be Dutch, it's going to be German, it's going to be Australian.
Hey mate, because I've been to these drills where they practice occupying San Francisco and occupying Alabama.
And it's foreign troops training to take over our neighborhoods with the Marines that have been questioned and will follow the orders.
So it's foreign groups, foreign platoons, and then brigade level after that, led by Marines, led by Army, led by military police, and led by mercenaries.
And FBI squads and ATF squads, just like you saw in Katrina, all broken up in different squads.
Mopping up.
But they're going to first have the police and military get wiped out in a civil war with gun owners.
And I don't know what you do when they come to take your guns.
I mean, I more and more think you bury most of your weapons, you turn in what they want, they just have to kill a bunch of cops and military.
And, uh, I'm not saying turn your guns in.
I'm just really trying to think how the Civil War doesn't happen.
But then they're going to try to take you in and interrogate you and take your family.
And it's just, I mean, you can't help it.
You try to avoid them, you try to wake them up now.
I mean, you better be talking to police and military right now, before we've got to, before Obama orders them to march in against us.
This is so horrible and they're going to sit up there and laugh and eat popcorn in Europe and overseas while all this is going on.
This is so funny to the New World Order what they're doing right now.
By the way, this is like a six minute clip or whatever.
We're not going to have time to air it all.
But, you know, the news said I am making it up that there's a new world order and that's a corporate world government.
Even though they brag that's happening.
Here's a few clips of world leaders talking about a new world order.
But if I talk about it and some guy that shoots a TSA agent, allegedly, has this in his bag, it's my fault.
And now Ron Paul's fault as well.
Here it is.
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order.
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the Congress.
This is actually the law of the jungle they have over us.
When we are successful.
And we will be.
And we will be.
We have a real chance at this new world order.
An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision.
By the way, they've just invaded Central Africa.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
But it's okay because Obama's black.
After 1989, President Bush said, and it's a phrase that I often use myself, that we needed a new world order.
There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster
To carry out what his father, a phrase his father used I think only once, and hasn't been used since, and that is a new world order.
So that the problem of the Bush presidency will be the emergence of a new international order.
Within the next four years we will see the emergence of a new international order.
The beginning, the beginning.
World currency being announced.
It's already happened.
The pieces are in flux.
SDR right now.
Soon they will settle again.
Before they do, let us reorder this world around us.
I think its task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created.
That's Kissinger on Obama.
It isn't just a crisis.
It's about the future of Europe and a new world order.
There's a need for a new world order, but it has different characteristics.
In different parts of the world.
All we've gotta do is realize that we are under attack.
We are now facing a common challenge.
And the challenge is how to build a world order
So, in conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, a new world is emerging.
It is a new world order with significantly different and radically new challenges.
The end of the family.
The end of everything.
The important task we have now is to actually create a new world order.
Enemy operations are now going into high gear.
British Prime Minister Gordon today... Red level, folks.
They are not playing games.
...global economic crisis.
We're going to be right back.
And the President outlined his vision of a new world order.
But again, none of this exists.
There is no new world order.
My friends Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
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I literally have several hundred incredibly important news articles that I will blitz through in the first 30 minutes of the next hour.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to focus.
I'm going to cover it.
But it's hard to get into anything else when you know there really is a military coup going on.
And when you've studied history and then you see their own manuals, just watching it from afar, you know we're in trouble.
But when you actually look into then the training and then it's not even hidden, no wonder the military is freaking out.
And it seems to only be the military that is really freaking out about this, so I will open the phones up in the third hour today, because we've got other guests and breaking news coming up in the next hour, for active duty military and police.
Because now it's reached a crescendo of debate under the new training.
The state police, you know, have spoken out in places like Colorado, where they tell them, you may have to take guns from all Christians.
And the state police came out six months ago, they started getting out of their chairs going, is this a joke?
They're like, no, it's not a joke!
Now sit down!
Or give me your resignation!
I mean, right there, that's authoritarianism!
That's Soviet Union, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, that's the thing, is that it's light years ahead of anything I can imagine.
You know that family in Colorado, where their daughter and other girls, there was a guy in there looking at them through the bathroom stalls, who said that he was, you know, transgender or whatever?
And the point is, it's just a way for people, in many cases, that want to push folks around, to dominate.
Now the police told them, we're watching you, and we might arrest you for hate.
And now Swedish cinemas take aim at gender bias with a new test to make sure that it promotes feminism.
And see, soon you won't be able to get on the air.
This is their plan, unless you promote what they want.
In Europe, they're making it illegal to criticize their brand of feminism, which means women running everything with the state as their man, which is the slave model.
Oh yeah, the house slaves in Rome and right here in the South were women.
Women running things.
They were the foreman.
You never see that in all these fake movies like Roots and stuff.
You know who actually was cracking the whip?
About a 350 pound woman.
That's a fact.
Black woman.
That's who was out there with that whip.
Get that work done right now!
That's your feminism right there, baby.
The Romans had that.
Don't think that came from just invented for black folks.
You're gonna learn though, everybody's gonna learn real good how all this really works.
When my dad picked cotton when he was a kid, and his parents would send him over to a neighboring farm to do it, it was white people and black people picking cotton.
And do you know who all the farmers were?
350 pound black women.
All right, I'm done, I'm gonna leave it right there.
Okay, let's continue, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got this big news on Fukushima coming up.
This is with the physicist and scientist David Suzuki.
We're going to break this down coming up.
Let's go ahead and go out with this clip.
Three out of the four plants were destroyed in the earthquake in the tsunami.
The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is there's another earthquake of a seven or above.
That that building will go and then all hell breaks loose.
And the probability of a seven or above earthquake in the next three years is over 95%.
Now what they've got in there is 1,300 rods of spent fuel that have to be kept in water all the time.
And they have no way of getting it out.
And as you know, they're pouring water in, and that water's leaking out.
And now they've got this cockamamie scheme of trying to freeze the soil so it'll form a frozen wall.
They don't know what to do.
And the thing we need is to get an international
We're gonna come back with the rest of this in the second hour.
Please stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
There's only two ways to avoid this.
Move south of the equator or properly protect your thyroid with nascent iodine.
Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
Nascent iodine is the purest, cleanest, absolute best form of iodine to protect yourself and your family.
It's made right here in the USA completely non-GMO.
I searched out the best quality and now have developed a double strength form of nascent iodine.
Exclusively available at Infowarslife.com.
Nascent Iodine is on record as one of the only safe ways to detox from fluoride poisoning.
Survival Shield Nascent Iodine.
Secure your super high quality Nascent Iodine today at Infowarslife.com.
That's Infowarslife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This news is the top story up on Infowars.com right now.
Top scientist, another Fukushima quake would mean U.S.
Bye-bye, Japan.
We linked two days ago to a Russia Today article about this, but now this is starting to get picked up and is becoming big news.
I'm not saying this is going to happen, but it is in the cards.
In fact, it's not even a remote possibility.
It is a possibility.
Though I wouldn't say probable, from my own research, but you can decide for yourself.
The article's up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to have Anthony Gucciardi joining us, and we should already show folks a NOAA radiation map.
This is put out by the federal government's National Oceanic Administration, or I forget what NOAA stands for, National Oceanic and Aeronautical, what does it stand for?
It'll pop in my head, but you know NOAA, that's the National Weather Service, and that's what their real name is, but they call it, they call it the National Weather Service, but it's NOAA.
And we have this radiation map that we can also add to Gucciardi's article that shows
Already, with the five of the six reactors that leaked and several of them exploded, already the radiation increasing across the world, particularly in the northern hemisphere.
And the government, the media does not tell you to get good iodine.
They do not tell you to protect yourself.
They don't tell you to go get Himalayan salt and have it in your food, which helps protect the thyroid.
They sure don't tell you that a leech, we had a, and I'm not allowed to say who, we had a major
Major cosmetics company buy masses of this and they want to buy as much as we can sell them.
The survival shield.
I wasn't meaning to plug this now, but might as well.
The special proprietary nascent iodine.
Now that's produced electricity and other technologies.
I'm not gonna, I'm not allowed to get into it all.
But you can see this is half empty because I take it.
This is my personal bottle of the Nascent Survival Shield dietary supplement that all the experts that we've had on, the doctors, the medical doctors, the scientists, the nutritionists, you know, said this is, this is the big secret product right here.
So I started taking it for a few months and was just blown away by it.
So I've now popularized this.
And again, we ran out of it, tried to find other suppliers.
And it was not really niacin iodine.
It's terrible tasting.
And group said, look, that's why I developed this 20 years ago.
20 years ago with these Russians at a lab that's been there for 40 years.
A very small lab, by the way.
I mean, it's medium sized, but compared to a lot of big ones.
And I rolled it out, and people getting it have been giving me nothing but stellar reviews.
Somebody will just plug now.
I didn't plug anything last hour.
It's how we fund ourselves as well.
We just got in a massive load of this last week.
Another huge load showing up today that will cover the back order we've got for about a week, and will give us enough at the current sales rate for another week.
And then it'll be back ordered for about three weeks again.
So ladies and gentlemen, if you want the Survival Shield InfoWars Life,
I don't know.
We have a lot of elites buying from us.
Because I learned the elite was already on this stuff.
That's why.
And I did a lot of research.
I'm going to come out with vitamins and minerals and stuff.
What is the best?
And I have other people on, like Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, that isn't even involved in this.
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Oh my gosh.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is bombshell news after bombshell news.
Up at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Let's go over some of the headlines.
Top scientist.
Another Fukushima quake would mean U.S.
Bye-bye, Japan.
Those are quotes, by the way.
Actually, there won't be evacuation.
No matter how high the radiation is, they'll tell you it's fine.
Serial liar.
Video of Obama blatantly lying 36 times.
I want to play that.
It's a compilation later.
DHS publicly denies preparation for riots, civil unrest.
That is so huge.
Their own Fed.biz.gov website has literally hundreds of solicitations a month that says for civil unrest riots.
And it's all over local newspapers around the country.
We covered it.
Where the military and police admit they've been ordered to get ready for it.
I mean, I could open the phones up right now and have unlimited police and military call in and say, no, we've been told get ready for imminent unrest.
Now, I don't know if that's going to happen when they cut back on some of the welfare and food stamps because they want to pay all that money to foreign banks.
And Obama's got, got reelected.
He's got, got you now.
He's going to double, triple your rates, not give you free health care, and then promise that if you just keep, you know, doing what he says, you'll get something free someday.
That's the plan.
But that is so huge.
But again, why shouldn't they lie?
We're the enemy.
They lie and say, there's no new world order, no corporate global government, anyone that says it is racist.
And then all these world leaders on C-SPAN are constantly calling for a corporate private world government that ends the family and basically turns us into like slaves.
It's so incredible.
They just go, there's no world government.
There's no mercury in your shot.
Fluoride's good for you.
Cancer rates aren't up, even though they're 3,000% plus.
Everything's fine.
Bisphenol A's not bad for you.
Bisphenol A's not bad for you.
Bisphenol A's not bad for you.
Then they go, oh, and it gave millions cancer.
No big deal.
We're going to keep it in there.
Or put something even worse in.
How's that sound?
I mean, it's, and then you find the white papers where they did it on purpose.
John P. Holdren.
It's so funny to them.
So incredibly funny that all of this is going on.
Now, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, with the news here.
Top scientist, another Fukushima quake would mean U.S.
Bye-bye, Japan.
Serial liar, video of Obama blatantly lying 36 times.
DHS publicly denies preparation for riots, civil unrest.
Man, I tell you, that's a big, that's a good one.
Kind of like Obama saying two days ago, I never said we would knock you off your insurance.
That's preposterous.
Bunch of racist liars.
InfoWars announces we will resist TSA and NSA tyranny.
10K film contest.
Democrat win in Virginia signals new attack on Second Amendment.
Oh yeah, they're going to get our guns in Texas and Virginia.
Bring in enough illegals, that's the official plan.
Let them vote, buy, buy guns.
Or have a civil war, which is what they really want.
And they're going to have it because they, well, they know how to run a commie takeover, don't they?
Continuing, families threatened with police monitoring over transgender complaints.
Yeah, you don't like men going in the women's and
Men's bathroom, and again, I've experienced this and I'm a pretty, you know, guy that isn't a shrieking violent.
I've told the story before, I'm not going to get into it again, but there was a famous transvestite, not transgender, who was just a singularly horrible person that was like some kind of monster out of a movie, who would wear thongs up and down the streets.
He had a TV show for a year at the AXS TV and I had to be around it.
And it wasn't that he wore cheerleader outfits.
Uh, that was disgusting.
It was that he would have, you know, feces dribbling down his leg and stuff.
And he would go in the men's and women's bathroom and hang out.
Because it's like, that's what they're into, is being in different bathrooms.
He'd have church groups and stuff there, and people, little kids would be freaked out with a bald-headed guy with like, long hair on the sides and a chillier outfit.
You know, with his buddies in there using drugs and vomiting everywhere.
And they finally kicked him out.
And it was like, oh my gosh, we might come after you for being mean.
And we've even had like newspapers and stuff call us up and say, oh, are you talking bad about the icon we're going to build?
And it's like, it's like, OK, whatever.
I mean, get.
Get Rumpelstiltskin in a dress, and it's still Rumpelstiltskin.
And you know, that's the issue here, is that you'd walk into the bathroom, I'd walk in there like once to comb my hair and put a sports jacket on.
He didn't have changing rooms in there.
And there he'd be, lounging, looking at me.
And then going, I'm nothing much.
And I'd go over and sit there at the urinal while him and his buddy were staring at me.
And I'd just, whatever, wash my hands, walk out.
But let me tell you, the church groups, they didn't like it.
You know, the passing out in the bathroom and the vomiting everywhere.
Anyways, um, why did I just go off into that?
It's just like, it's like... Yeah, yeah, they have transgender bathrooms, not just in California, it's in Colorado, it's everywhere now.
And... Again, if they can get away with that, they can do anything, ladies and gentlemen.
And then they're like, we hate you now, we don't want...
Ender's Game to come out as a movie because the writer isn't for gay marriage.
Well, even if you disagree with him, don't try to shut down his art.
I mean, these people are authoritarians, ladies and gentlemen, and they're not going to stop.
And they make their civil rights movement about things like that because everybody's going to lose their privacy.
Everybody's going to lose their money, their private property, their future.
They're making war upon the family.
But they have to have the high ground and say, we're going to do all this to you because you haven't accepted our lifestyle.
You must adopt it.
You must adopt euthanasia.
Now we're going to tell your kids if they want to commit suicide, they can for the earth.
We'll arrest you if you try to stop.
Jenny, kill yourself for the bunny rabbits.
I mean, this is actually going on in Northern Europe.
This is a scientific program in the major university studies.
We cover it in Endgame 2.0.
The university studies where they admitted that the plan to annihilate society
This is a plan, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a program.
Coming up, we've got Anthony Gucciardi coming in about this amazing clip.
I want to cue it back up and play it in a moment.
By David Suzuki.
Top scientist, another Fukushima quake would mean U.S.
evacuation, bye-bye Japan.
Award-winning scientist David Suzuki has gone on record in a public talk posted online just days ago and saying in the event of another seven or above earthquake, which he says has about a 95% chance of occurring over the next three years, that's what the seismologists are saying, it's on the most active volcanic region in the world.
Very smart to build the reactors there.
Uh, in a tsunami zone as well.
Uh, it would mean a complete evacuation of North America and bye-bye Japan.
And, uh, here is... That if, in fact, the fourth planet goes under an earthquake, and those rods are exposed, it's bye-bye Japan.
And everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate.
Now, if that isn't terrifying, I don't know what is.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, I was brought up pretty conservative, liberal on some issues, but I was brought up nuclear power is the greatest thing since Christmas.
I mean, it is just wonderful.
It's clean.
It's great.
It's safe.
My dad is even against it now because they won't run it properly.
They build them in the wrong spots.
They dump the waste wherever they want.
They hide disasters.
The number of disasters is off the chart because all over the country they've turned off the alarms that you hear of the sirens starting a few years ago in San Diego.
Because it was scaring folks when it was going off all the time.
They said, you know what?
We're just not going to turn that alarm on anymore.
Just like until 1990 they wouldn't let US troops use DU.
That they had as a weapon system since 1946.
I've had Dr. Doug Rocky, head of the DU Pentagon program, on about it.
And no one would let them use it.
Because they said, well, it's a death sentence.
It ignites going out the barrel.
But whoever breathes it, if you breathe just a little bit of this, it's going to reduce your lifespan.
It's an incredible weapon.
It's going to burn out your kidneys where it precipitates out in your lungs.
This is a death sentence.
And in 1990, they went, you know what?
Use it!
And now Israel uses it, firing into Gaza and the winds prevailing right off the Mediterranean, blow right in.
I mean, that's valuable land, even if Israel wants to take the Gaza Strip or something, let's just say from a purely Zionist perspective.
If Israel wanted to take, I mean, why would you?
Because it's just, again, it's a madness.
The Germans don't care if it's leaking.
The French don't care.
The Japanese don't care.
Israel doesn't care.
The U.S.
doesn't care.
It's crazy land.
You know who won't use DU up until now is the Russians and the Chinese.
I mean, why would you use something that's a death sentence to your troops?
And now under pressure because they need it to fight back, there's an arms race that they're now starting to manufacture it.
The Chinese and the Russians.
Because suddenly it's like, well, let's just suspend the rules of physics, suspend the rules of science and medicine, and let's just say DU is safe.
I mean, that's what I'm talking about, folks.
There's 420-something reactors, 91% of them are leaking.
You can pull up those numbers.
That's the Atomic Energy Agency.
From the test.
They're leaking.
They're rotting.
Their average age is 37 years old.
They're supposed to be retired after 30.
They are disaster zones.
Do you know what radiation does to those buildings?
Oh my gosh.
You want the heat?
Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is collective madness.
And we come back, a bunch of the other news.
The new mayor of New York City is a socialist on record.
Three gun companies are now leaving New York because of the state laws basically restricting them.
New Jersey holds a Turn Yourself In program for fugitives.
And it goes on and on and on.
Report, we covered this yesterday, but now it's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Report, now that CBS is covering it, anally probed eight times after traffic stopped because they said it looked like he was clenching his butt cheeks.
They didn't need a warrant.
That was probable cause, because I think that may be the new, I see a cop actually, especially in Texas.
I mean, that's what you got to do.
I mean, you've got to, like, run like Pepe Le Pew's chasing you.
And I shouldn't joke.
They savaged him for three hours with giant probes and did forced enemas and x-ray after x-ray.
And they didn't say they were sorry, and they charged him for the hospital torture.
We'll be right back, folks.
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And if things don't change soon, he will.
Oh, man has invented his doom.
First step was touching the moon.
Now there's a woman on my block.
She'll just sit there as the night grows still.
The story, if you want to watch the video on your radio listener, is up on grudgereport.com, right in the middle of the article.
We're also going to get it posted up at infowars.com.
It's from the Daily Caller.
Sebelius is back in the hot seat right now.
She says delay is not an option, even though that was the plan the whole time.
And then there's the video, admits felons can become navigators.
We told you this a couple months ago.
That they were hiring a bunch of acorn-type groups with criminal records to run this.
Well, that's what the Democratic Party is, is a street-level mafia group run by foreign banks.
And, of course, they're going to loot and steal the money and get your Social Security numbers.
That's what the Obamacare website is for, is to find out who doesn't have the health care so they can take your tax return, your tax refund.
And now they admit that, by the way.
That's what the bill says.
That's how they're going to get it.
And they're going to garnish your bank account.
And they're going to also fine you.
So there's your free health care.
And this has all been done by design.
But let's play Sebelius up there arrogantly telling people that yes, felons can come to your house and basically threaten you.
Say you're from the government.
You're supposed to bow to them.
I mean, I've had
Thirteen years ago in the 2000 census, they kept coming to my door banging on it.
My girlfriend was there, my wife now.
And I said, next time they come, you know, just tell them come back when I'm there.
And the guy came back and he had a plastic badge and he said, listen, I can have you arrested if you don't fill this out.
And I said, listen, buddy, you can ask me how many people live here under the law.
I know the law and the federal rulings.
You can't ask me 50-something questions because I got the community survey.
How much money I've got, what type of toilet, do I own guns?
I said, you get off my property right now before I physically kick you off of it.
And he goes, I'll call the police.
I said, good.
Call them, punk.
And I walked outside and followed him, and he was parked in the middle of the street, the neighborhood street.
Not even cops park like that, just like he was God.
And I'm telling you, you're gonna have felons
And they're already doing it and saying, are you enrolled?
Well, you better.
The average person will just grovel.
It's the law.
Let them in.
And just like you've had census people raping and robbing people, I predict, well it's already started, they're already stealing the money, that it's going to be absolute kleptocracy.
Because that was the plan!
Gotta give the crew some little stuff to have fun on the suckers.
It's all about ganging up on the suckers.
It's all about running game.
Isn't it true that there is no federal requirement for navigators to undergo a criminal background check even though they will receive personal, sensitive personal information from the individuals they help sign up for the Affordable Care Act?
That is true.
States could add an additional background checks and other features, but it is not part of the federal requirement.
So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual unbeknownst to them?
That is possible.
No, that's not possible.
The groups they've already hired are famous for stealing millions of dollars per city under previous government programs where they're supposed to go out and be community organizers.
See, Obama's an expert on this.
These community organizers are government and corporate funded.
To come into an unpolitically organized system where we're just taught to watch TV all day and organize rent-a-mobs to call for taking our guns, breaking up our families, arresting people if your 10-year-old girl doesn't like a boy in the bathroom with her.
This is their cult takeover!
I mean, do you understand that?
This is a cult of criminals.
And they wrote this bill to bust this country wide open.
Obama has now shut down over 500 reactors.
Excuse me, 500 power plants, coal power plants, at a Freudian slip.
We're talking about reactors in the next segment.
That sounds like the ravings of a fascist.
Oh no, we're not going to.
Listen, we have a truce with Glenn Beck, guys.
I'm serious.
Glenn's been doing a really good job.
Really getting hardcore.
And I know it's fun to play that clip, John.
Don't think you got the memo.
All right?
We're going to leave Glenn Beck alone.
Seriously, I've been taking the high road.
He's been taking the high road.
And so, let me tell you, we got bigger fish to fry.
One more time, and we're never going to play it again until he breaks the truce.
Because, I mean, it does sound like the ravings of a fascist.
I guess if I'm quoting all their tyranny,
It does sound like turnings.
Let's go out with... I didn't get the memo, Alex.
Here we go.
You didn't get the memo?
This is the last one.
I haven't seen it yet.
That sounds like the ravings of a fascist.
He was talking about me there.
Alright, folks.
We're gonna be... That sounds like the ravings of my number one competition.
That's what he's really saying.
I actually like Glenn Beck.
I think he's doing a good job.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Stay with us in 4Wars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to have open phones in the third hour for active duty military and currently serving police who are all over the news saying that they're being asked, will they fire on Americans?
Will they confiscate guns?
The manuals are being leaked to the public.
The Pentagon is confirming that the manuals are real.
We've been covering it.
Mainstream news has started to cover it.
And now DHS has publicly denied preparation for riots, civil unrest.
While their public bid process for mercenaries with top-secret security clearances, they're actually hiring XZ and folks to guard all the federal buildings during a economic disaster, collapse, or rioting.
These are quotes.
Literally hundreds of these solicitations, because it's happening in every state, in every major city.
New York, Texas, California, they are doing this.
It is
It is truly, absolutely, unprecedented what is unfolding right now.
And we're going to be discussing that coming up in the next hour and opening the phones up.
But I've got all this other news.
Finishing up with the Obamacare situation.
It was their plan to wreck healthcare, have a doctor shortage, and then socialize it for the people, charge us unlimited amounts of money.
But then on top of that, then transfer the profits to the offshore banks.
But they've overdone it this time.
And what's really going to make people angry is that Congress is exempt.
The unions are going to be made exempt.
Already 2,000 plus major companies are exempt.
Obama promised to get rid of the exemptions, never got rid of them.
They play that game, folks, of lying, lying, lying, lying.
Saying, I never said you'd be kicked off your health plan.
I never said that.
Two days ago, he said, I never said that.
That's lies by the racist right-wingers!
Did I tell you about race again?
Now they're talking about indicting George Zimmerman, the Justice Department does, the criminals there.
Again, to create more racial fighting.
If they hype it enough, there can be more racial conflict.
This is total divide and conquer.
But now we learn, trick or treat, unions may get health law tax relief.
Loyal Obama supporters lose insurance, but they're okay with it because it's for their dear leader.
And then expanding on that, if you go to GeorgeReport.com, ex-Obama Secret Service agent, it's worse than people know.
I'm not trying to scare you, he goes on to say, and we're going to get him back on here in the next few days.
But the video is up there on InfoWars.com as well.
And you can see his last interview with us as well.
We've added to the article since the number one news site in the world, DrudgeReport.com, link to it.
But I have been told by IT, and they're very proud of themselves, that the website is staying up.
This is the most traffic InfoWars has ever received.
I don't know why.
I mean, it's important.
Bongino signed national security agreements because he was the number one guy over Obama's foreign trips and he said the stuff he heard was so evil he had to quit.
And he's now getting his house broken into, business broken into, car messed with, family threatened.
Because obviously what he knows, and I've told him, you better go ahead and say it.
And he's like, well, it's not completely criminal.
So because it was completely criminal, I'd have to go public because no one's going to prosecute him at the Justice Department.
He said, it's worse than people know, and I'm not trying to scare you either.
But basically he said, it's open Marxism.
And bring down America, cloward and pivot.
I mean, they're in there, Obama's walking around going, I'm good at killing people, we're taking over, we'll get those bitter clinger, scum, we're going to break up everybody's families.
I mean, that's the word from other Secret Service.
I have another, I don't even want to say it, folks.
We have secret service agents inside the White House, okay?
And I mean, I think that just needs to be known, okay?
Through my intermediaries, I'll just leave it at that, because they know how to contact me without it going through telephones and stuff.
They say, you're absolutely correct.
It is unbelievable, and they cry at night.
They cry.
You've heard the military officers call in and say that their officers are crying.
And it's not that they're wimps, folks.
When you're, like, standing around the whole country, standing there, and there's an absolute guy trying to become dictator, it's like Hitler in 1934 or something.
I mean, this is... I'm telling you, I'm not usually wrong.
I didn't think Obama would be this bad.
I thought he'd be bad, come after our guns, be Bill Clinton or something.
This is bad.
I mean, this is bad.
And that's what Bongino's saying.
He's saying, you have no idea.
That's what he said here.
I go, what is it?
He goes, I just imagine.
Everything you see in public and then some.
Remember Hillary Clinton had like Stalin and Lenin on the Christmas tree and crack pipes?
And then she got confronted about it back in the mid-90s and said, big deal.
They're like perverts.
It's like, who wants to hang crack pipes on a Christmas tree?
They, like, get off on bad stuff.
They, like, I guess they like leaking nuclear reactors, and they like flesh-eating bacteria spreading everywhere, and they're like devils.
Well, they're not like devils, because people are devils!
So that story's up on InfoWars.com.
And now the Democrats have got a win in Virginia.
They're going after the guns there.
I mean, these people have got us and they think that, you know, that this is their season.
They know people are waking up to them.
So their job is to wreck the country as fast as possible.
And I guess wreck the planet as fast as possible.
I mean, it's criminal intent.
It's criminal energy.
It's not criminals that steal just to get wealthy.
There's different types of criminals and criminology.
There's that type.
But then there's people that like criminal activity.
I mean, that's what we're dealing with here, okay?
Just like they're letting criminals get jobs to get your data, because they're Democratic Party operatives that launder that money, folks.
Akron and all that?
You can walk into any Akron office and go, I'm running children, sex slaves.
Great, we'll sign you right up.
Just go to the next office, I'm running sex slaves.
Good, we'll tell you how to run it with the folks so you don't get in any trouble.
Let's get that cash going right now.
I mean, you know, it is...
Now, Anthony Gucciardi's here with huge Monsanto news, but first...
It is so evil.
This story came out a few days ago, and we mentioned it, we have the clip, we're going to play it in a moment, if you just joined us, by the man voted most popular, like the man of Canada, David Suzuki, has gone on record, and then he mentioned in the papers, in the reports, we've dug these up, because we've covered these.
These are scientific reports, what scientists have said, the probability of an earthquake, and what it'll do if there's full meltdown of the fuel rods stored there.
When the ground's all spongy and eroding into a huge sinkhole and another tsunami, a 7.2 earthquake, it's over.
And it just shows the insanity of the power structure.
And now they're getting ready to start removing the fuel rods.
That, statistically, they believe, will probably cause them to bang together and catch on fire.
And then you've got a full meltdown on your hands.
So, Anthony Gucciardi, who's really our expert on Fukushima, covering the latest information, joins us in studio to talk about the madness of these people.
His article is the top story on InfoWars.com right now.
And, Anthony, tell us the situation.
Well, you notice how they craft the debate.
Now it's about the TSA agent and should they be armed.
Meanwhile, we have top generals saying, yes, the nuclear weapons are, you know, they're missing and we have major problems.
Obama is getting rid of all the top guys who will not listen to him and play ball.
And now we have this scientist, this internationally recognized scientist.
He hosts his own television show, actually.
And yes, he was the number five guy in Canada, the number one living man in Canada, the most popular, had the most votes.
Everyone loves him.
And he went to this forum, and thankfully someone captured it with their iPhone, or else we would never know, and he was alerting them, kind of like a behind-the-scenes deal, saying, listen, you know, this is about water ecology, this conference, this symposium, but the real thing is Fukushima.
And he was saying if just one more earthquake, 7.0 or higher, happens, and he said there's a 95% chance that it will happen over the next three years, then Fukushima would just absolutely melt down, and the U.S.
would have to be evacuated, and then that Japan would go quote-unquote bye-bye.
So he's basically saying everyone in Japan would die.
And he's a physicist and a bunch of other stuff.
Yeah, and it's not like we're saying this or we're making this up.
This is a direct quote.
He's saying there's a 95% chance this will happen in the next three years if we don't do something about it.
And I agree with that because that's our own analysis from Dr. Busby and other top folks we've had on.
We either, I mean there should be 50,000 people there in radiation suits
Rotating in and out in lead suits in a world emergency to clean that out right now.
Instead I've read that they can't get workers to go in.
The starfish are melting and dying.
The butterflies are dying and are mutated.
The kids are dropping dead.
People are staying there to take care of their horses and livestock.
They're dying.
And the answer is just let it happen.
No, there's still plenty of people living in the Fukushima region.
Well, Ann Coulter says they should be thankful.
No, they should be.
No, that whole idea is that if you have a little bit of radiation, you get immunized like a vaccine.
But no, the concept here is that TEPCO is now going in.
Are you racist against radiation?
I'm absolutely racist against radiation.
I don't want to take Ann Coulter radiation pills, but maybe we should start promoting that.
So, I think the key thing here is they call it the Tepco Mafia now because they're just so bad at what they do.
They're either incompetent or nefarious.
No one really knows.
I mean, they're taping things up with duct tape.
The reactor 4, extracting some fuel rods, because they said that one was actually not melted down.
The other ones have volatile, toxic elements inside of them all.
But the thing here, and there's 1,400 of them, if just two touch at all, they will blow up.
And it could mean the entire explosion of the entire facility.
Could just mean a massive amount of radiation leakage into the facility.
Yeah, for folks that don't know, bombs are bad, but they dissipate and are cleaner when they detonate.
There's less... I mean, you're talking about a small ball of it.
Well, they admitted.
Well actually, TEPCO didn't admit.
First they lied and they said that it was just a bit of radiation.
Then an independent study in Japan found it was two and a half times the amount of radiation initially released, and that 70% of all the cesium and radioactive waste went into the Pacific Ocean, on purpose.
By the way, I'm going to be honest.
This is what I've said when I've talked about the nascent iodine that we've produced and we shall, because all the scientists and doctors say this is the best thing for protecting your thyroid, but that's not a silver bullet.
The only thing I can do
If this really blows up is I've got to go to the Southern Hemisphere.
I guess I'll tell the crew come with me if you want to go and we're gonna have to like try to I mean this is like unbelievable.
This is unbelievable.
And notice it was the Canadian version of Huffington Post where I found this guy's video.
It has a hundred something thousand views now we're publicizing it majorly but this wasn't even in the mainstream press.
It's like Fukushima is going to blow up, the U.S.
is going to be evacuated, Japan, everyone in Japan.
By the way, he's reading scientific papers that we've listed in the article.
This is what the scientists, from bad to worse, they look at the different scenarios.
There's not a good scenario unless you have like 100,000 people, they work by the thousands.
One week on, you give them some huge amount of pay to do it.
In lead suits, you go in.
In an emergency situation, you extract everything out of there, but nobody wants it, so everybody passes the buck as the time bomb just ticks down.
This is the perfect psychology of these delusional people.
That's it.
These people are insane!
And there's numerous ways they could do it with cement and everything.
They could have this, you know, a massive expansion that could protect everything to some degree, but they're just not doing it.
They're like, oh, we'll just go in and remove those rocks.
That's right.
It's been recommended that, say, 20 miles away with trucks, you bring it to a giant quarry and you have big sections where you get them, pour concrete over them, seal them, and then move on.
But they won't do that either.
And then you ask, what are you even going to do with those rods when you extract them?
Shoot them into space is most likely the answer.
And then meanwhile, Obama's recommending we build all of these nuclear power plants in the United States along the coastline.
I mean, this is just complete insanity, just complete and utter chaos, which I guess they want.
I mean, that's the joke from Dr. Busby, is that it's like an alien race is secretly running things, and they want higher radiation to live in, and they're terraforming us with radiation.
I mean, that's the only plausible, and I'm not saying that, I'm saying it's that crazy.
Fertility's going down, everything, yeah.
But I mean, it's madness.
Where do these elites think they're going to live?
Well, it ties into this next story, too, with Washington and the GMO labeling, because they're, number one, destroying the environment, they're destroying the oceans with Fukushima, but then they're manipulating, beyond repair, the food supply with their Arctic vaults that have the only actual heirloom organic seeds.
They're just wasting the food supply, just destroying it and obliterating it, destroying the oceans.
Every single piece of our biosphere is under attack, including ourselves.
And then they've got all these fake environmental things, tax carbon dioxide that's actually the lowest level ever recorded.
And all the scientists on record say a massive boost of this would actually accelerate life and help the planet.
It's like we're almost becoming Mars and we're losing our atmosphere.
They think all the nuke testing blew holes in it.
Maybe they are aliens that are here to destroy us.
I mean, I don't know.
I mean, it gets to the point where it's so insane you just have to reach for something because it doesn't make any sense.
It's just either belligerent insanity or nefarious just intent on wrecking this planet like a golf ball just smashing it with a hammer.
I mean, we're not just talking about maybe there's not enough food.
We're talking about genetically impure food and the contamination of it on record over and over again in Washington.
That within three generations sterilizes and mutates every mammal that eats it.
Yes, massive tumors to the point where rats can't walk.
And that's what we're eating right now.
Guaranteed death sentence.
And Monsanto has their own clean facilities with no GMO.
They will not eat it.
All the elite have secret gardens that's come out from China to Europe.
It's all a plan.
But they can't even... And I guess the alien is the spirit of Satan possessing them.
I mean, what do you think happens when we burn the GMO corn?
And what do you think happens with the chemtrails in the sky?
They can only shelter themselves so much.
They're going down with the ship.
They don't even understand it, maybe, but they're killing themselves, too.
They can't escape that.
It's everywhere.
If they're going to unleash this Pandora's box, I think they're being conned, too.
I don't know... Well, I mean, they just want to have, like, men in girls' bathrooms.
That's what they're into.
No, that's the real mainstream media agenda is allowing 50-year-old men without any surgeries into an 8-year-old girl's locker room because of his rights.
You know, his rights begin where his emotions start coming into play.
Our rights end when his emotions begin.
Because he wants to be in a room with our daughters.
But then, you know, Fukushima blowing up and us having to evacuate, the food supply being completely contaminated.
And look at this, $22 million was spent on destroying GMO labeling in Washington.
Take a guess how much came from residents if you haven't read this article.
You'd say maybe $100,000?
No, $500.
Of 22 million dollars came from residents of Washington.
The rest was, it has the list here on USA Today.
They can't even cover it up anymore.
It was Monsanto, DuPont, Dow AgroSciences and Bayer CropScience.
Every time.
It's a propaganda tyranny machine and they're crushing reality.
Bayer are the same folks that knowingly put HIV in the Factor VIII for kids.
Oh, and Monsanto, the same folks that worked with Dow AgroSciences to make Agent Orange.
500,000 killed, multiple birth defects.
That's conservative estimates.
You know, Dow AgroScience working on biopharmaceutical crops.
Yeah, we're going to throw the experimental anthrax vaccine, which kills kids.
They have new corn coming out.
I read it has like pigs in it.
Pig genes.
Oh, yeah.
Well, that's how they use it to make these biopharmaceutical crops.
They splice the genes and then they put a vaccine component or an antibiotic or an antidepressant.
That's the new thing.
And they've been caught stacking other secret goodies in.
Yeah, antidepressant crops on your dinner table.
There's no way the FDA is going to label it.
They're just going to say it's good.
They'll put statins in there, just like they're trying to do it in the water.
By the way, we're not saying this.
It's all official.
They're saying it.
I want to come back and talk more about Monsanto and its latest development there with the vote.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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Ladies and gentlemen, everything that globalists do is insane and degenerate and evil.
Everything they do is where they have the moral high ground and they care about you and they're doing a great thing.
I've been researching GMOs for about 18 years and I've had all these top scientists on who are making millions of dollars a year and morally saw the rats dying and getting sick eating this stuff and saying there's a eugenics component and they're hiding stuff in these.
And this is like stuff 10, 15 years ago that's nothing compared to what's come out now.
And then you look at what it does to people on record.
You look at the effect that it's having.
Because humans are in a generation every 20, 30 years.
With rats, it can be a couple times a year.
They know in guinea pigs.
They know in rats.
Look up GMO studies in rats.
GMO studies in guinea pigs.
I mean, we're talking about eyeballs twice the size, hair growing out their mouths, giant tumors everywhere, 99% sterilization by three generations, totally retarded, and then you look at all the statistics, we're one generation in.
It's devastating us.
Gut, gut disorders, and I guess this is all their... Anthony, what do you think is at the heart of this whole GMO takeover?
Well, we can look at it as a whole paradigm of this government system.
There's a reason the top generals are being purged.
Why is that?
They're not playing ball with Obama.
Why then are there so many people coming out from these biotech companies emailing me and telling me information, insiders telling me what's going on?
Because the same deal.
Monsanto and these other companies are purging the employees and the top executives and the top PR guys who aren't willing to go to the next level.
The next level is biopharmaceutical crops.
The next level is the vaccine components in your food.
GMOs are nothing, almost.
I mean, it's the implemental blueprint to get us to accept this whole paradigm.
They're going to force it down our throats because we're not.
Except I think we can defeat it in many ways.
But after that becomes biopharmaceutical crops.
It becomes genetic clones of animals.
It becomes biopharmaceutical... Well, there's already cloned animals on the shelves.
Yeah, exactly, but it's going mainstream.
And then we're talking things like the 2045 project, if you're familiar with that, which is essentially that everyone will be genetically modified holograms of themselves.
And it sounds insane, but this is what these biotech companies are moving towards.
No, no, no.
The New York Times will make fun of me when I quote Google execs and Ray Kurzweil saying I said it.
I mean, exactly.
No, no.
This is their plan.
They're the ones launching secret black barges.
They're the ones saying they're going to be gods, not me.
I think they should all be rounded up, basically.
Bill Gates, in an interview, said, they said, you know, what are you going to do before you die?
He said, I'm not going to die.
And it was real smug, like, I'm not going to die.
They think they're going to live forever in these genetically modified bodies.
That's what they believe.
No, no, exactly.
They said they're going to merge with silicone so the radiation isn't going to hurt them.
And they don't think they need food or sustenance anymore because they'll just... And they're poisoning everything to wipe us out!
And they'll program their brains into this genetically modified artificial body, put a chip in, and that's their consciousness.
They believe they can transport our memories and everything into an artificial being and... And by the way, it's not like it's a couple of them.
This is all they say at the TED Conference.
All the top people do.
This is their religion!
They have major transhumanistic conferences.
The head guys at Google are into it.
Bill Gates is into it.
Ray Kurzweil's been predicting it for decades.
But look up 2045 program.
The Russian scientists were developing this idea that first you have, by 2045, you have the ultimate hologram, artificial GMO.
No, no, we've covered it, yeah.
Yeah, by 2015, the beginnings of it.
And they give a timetable that's actually further out so folks don't get concerned.
And you have to be a billionaire to get into it.
You have to pay millions upon millions of dollars.
It'll be the elite class that gets it.
And the peasantry, us, we'll be able to work for them to get enough money to have... And we'll get the facsimile, the control stuff.
It'll be the new bling.
Everyone wants it.
I got my augmenter.
I'm totally cool.
I've got a 6 and 9 4 3 chip.
Oh yeah... And Lady Gaga will have it, or whatever the new idiot is.
I mean, not that everyone... We want your souls, what they're saying.
Stay there.
I want to finish up.
Then we're going to give the phone number out and talk to military and police about the purge that is taking place.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Yeah, I saw ABC News this morning.
They were promoting that we'll all soon have chips on our skin and then chips in our brains and it's gonna be sold as the trendy thing.
The cool thing to do, Anthony Gucciardi is our guest.
I'm going to give the toll-free number off for military and police, active duty folks, on what I covered in the first hour, where now you don't just have us, you have retired major generals, former special forces commanders, you name it, going public.
That there is a massive purge.
In fact, this is the latest Rolling Daily article.
You guys give me the first one about all this.
Confirming our reports.
It's, it's, it's... Yeah, from two days ago.
This is purge surge.
Obama fires another commander.
It's linked in this article.
It has the listing of some of the top major generals, brigadier generals, and lieutenant generals.
And rear admirals, you name it, that are going public.
And they're being told, Obama's about to give some orders that are going to be unpopular.
Will you go along with them?
And I just can't believe it's gotten to this point.
But Anthony, getting back to the general madness, for folks that don't know, this is what Monsanto says.
But then you find out, going back to 99, they will not have it in their own cafeterias.
Oh, no way.
They're eating organic foods.
Yeah, of course.
Their executives would never touch it.
And that's why you have also, though, the executives going in, just like you said with the generals, and saying, hey guys, are you okay with biopharmaceutical crops?
Are you okay with genetically engineering the human genome?
And the guys that say no, they get the boot.
And that's why we get these emails from these crazy people.
One that's 100% confirmed, I talked a long time ago with Mike Adams about on this very show.
We premiered it here was the email from the biotech scientist who told me that it's a good thing that the crops he's working on are killing people and giving people tumors like we saw in the rat studies because there's too many people on this planet and he was happy he said it was quote-unquote awesome that it was killing people.
We premiered that here, and I was able to verify it was from one of those biotech companies.
They were just talking and raving about, oh, if I'm an enemy of humanity, that's amazing, because I want to... No, no, no.
I had some of the Russian scientists on that were like 20 years ago.
They noticed when they fed the rats the GMO feed, they were all becoming sterilized and dying.
So they did a study and noticed it didn't kill the ones when they fed them the normal feed.
And then the head director came in and said, well, that's actually piggyback.
That's the plan.
This is a famous case.
Oh, there's too many people, so shut up.
And the studies, by the way, it's a combined effect of every single thing that's hitting us all at once.
The GMOs are a prime suspect.
But at the same time, you have infertility because of things like BPM.
Well, it's just like the Batman episode or movie, where you put on one cosmetic and then the other, and then it activates.
It's binary weapons.
And they do that so they can just avoid one of them if they have to, and it doesn't hit them as hard.
They've known forever there's no such thing as junk DNA.
They know how to target that junk.
Well, it just got confirmed earlier this year that these GMOs do cause mutagenic effects in the DNA, not just in the overall tissues.
It's reprogramming us.
The key has always been the junk DNA, which they now admit is actually the most important thing.
It's because it's before your immunity.
That determines if you're going to get sick.
The power of your junk DNA.
And that's what they're targeting over and over and over again and hitting.
And that's why, generationally, we do have these problems.
But then, it's like I was saying, the GMOs are just one part of the culmination of the attack.
The BPA is really what's hitting the infertility.
The GMOs are just destroying your immune system and ability to fight it.
To the point where it's just a KO, KO, KO.
It's like headshot, headshot, headshot.
It's on humanity.
Over and over and over again.
That's right, and they now know that in the so-called junk DNA is basically the race memory of the species and that's where all the good mutations are coming from.
The resistance, so they are literally, I mean if I was an alien species that came here I would take over the elite and run this plant.
I mean, this is a pure anti-human plan.
That's why I say the elite might as well be foreign aliens.
These people aren't even human in my view.
And they say we're not human.
They've dehumanized us.
They've declared war on humanity.
They are the enemy.
Well, they think they're not human, because statistically, there's actually been things in the Daily Mail.
They've been interbreeding for so long, their DNA's... They have a third group.
Yes, and they think that makes them gods, but in reality, it's actually just degenerative interbreeding.
And there's different ways to look at it, but basically, the Daily Mail, you know, and others were saying it's amazing.
Look, we found this amazing scientific discovery.
These certain types of people have different DNA.
They believe they are gods and we are peons to be killed.
That's what they really believe.
But at the same time, they're killing themselves.
They think they're going to have these artificial bodies.
Hold on, I want to finish up on Fukushima and then we're going to go to phone calls.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There is an unprecedented purge of now more than 200 top military brass, and the key is the Associated Press reported now
A few weeks ago we wrote about it, and covered it here on air, that it's secret.
That AP had to be leaked.
That Obama doesn't want people knowing that he's firing the top brass across the board, basically.
And he doesn't want it known why.
And then we learned that it's simply the President has no confidence in you.
So this is purge material.
And it's unprecedented, and it lines up with everything else.
But Homeland Security's come out and said, we're not doing any urban warfare training.
We're not doing any riot control training.
We're not preparing for that.
They're always preparing for it.
The point is that they're massively accelerating it now, on record.
It's in the news everywhere.
The military commanders have been told to be truthful about it.
It's been in the local Fort Hood newspaper.
They're preparing for a new enemy, us.
I've played the newscast here.
That's a quote.
Their new enemy, us.
And then they come out and say, we're not doing that.
Kurt Nemo's written a story, Obama's unprecedented purge of the U.S.
military, breaking down what's currently happening and getting into some of the history of it.
We've got Backward Society, sombrero, Halloween costume, branded offensive while 9-11 attack costume, wins award.
Man, you talk about control, folks.
I mean, this is just... See, they've got a list.
Everything is racism, so they can make you the bad guy.
This is total, total authoritarianism.
But I want to finish up with what we were getting into.
If you just joined us, Anthony Gucciardi of NaturalSociety.com, StoryLeak.com.
He comes in and contributes on a routine basis, because he lives here in Austin, just like Mike Adams does, to InfoWars.com.
And he was mentioning how the elite do think they're different from us and that we're animals.
And they thought this throughout history.
The Egyptians were interbreeding, could hardly talk, their leadership.
Fifteen was old.
I've gone and seen Egyptian mummies, completely deformed heads.
But they get insane and psychopathic, like any breed of dog you overbreed.
It's the hybrid vigor of the hybridization that makes us really strong historically.
But the whole point is, is that they're totally inbred from original dominant genetics.
Their ancestors were powerful, you know, conquerors, but then they interbreed and it makes this insanity.
Here's the BBC, since he mentioned that, I wanted to back him up.
Human species may split in two, and it just goes on to say the elite believe that they'll be beautiful and smart and wonderful and quote, we will be little goblin creatures.
And it shows someone that actually looks like the Queen of England or the elite, or Dianne Feinstein.
So that's actually what you look like.
So see, they want to make us like them.
In fact, there it is, evolve into
Ugly, dim-witted, squat, goblin-like creatures.
So, well, that's the case.
Go goblins!
Because, you know, the New World Order thinks we're so dumb they can now set up checkpoints and do giant anal probes on people without search warrants.
I mean, I'm telling you, the police car should change the thing from protect and serve to vicious
Vicious butt pirate rapers.
I mean, I'm not even making a joke about this.
This is how far our country has fallen today, that they're having debates about, TSA may have to do a proctology exam.
What you didn't like is grabbing your genitals?
Well, how about we take you to private screening?
So, and if you criticize them while you're behind the shooting, and now they're not just saying I'm behind the shooting of the poor TSA agent, and by the way, I'm against that, as you know.
I'm against offensive violence, only defense.
But they're now blaming
Ron Paul, Glenn Beck, Matt Drudge, and just anybody else.
If you don't like having your genitals groped and put in a microwave oven where they naked body scan you, you're a terrorist!
So, there you go, and it just gets crazier and crazier and crazier.
And then we're going to play the clip, we haven't played it yet here in this hour.
Top scientists, another Fukushima quake would mean US evacuation, bye-bye Japan.
And the IAEA only has a seven level for nuclear disaster.
Fukushima's a level seven, they're about to go to a level eight, which demands international action.
Yeah, I mean, this is a real emergency.
The whole world should be in there helping Japan, volunteering to get that stuff out of there, but this is a world where everybody just passes the buck.
And it is truly disgusting.
We'll get back to that in a moment.
But, Anthony, finishing up on Monsanto, and the public's totally waking up to GMO.
The next level is pharmacological crops, where Bill Gates and others and Bayer admit they're going to make you be docile with what they're engineering.
They're going to make you behave yourself.
They're going to make you have statins in the squash.
I mean, this is all being rolled out right now.
It's ultimate control.
Threatened at first, now they're on the assault.
They want to go after the threat of real media.
So they mock it, they try to be it, and when they've failed like that, specifically, I call out Bloomberg every time, they're trying to be alternative media.
But when they've failed at it, then they must kill alternative media.
And that's what they're going for right now.
This is the same thing we're seeing with Monsanto.
They tried at first to propagandize it and say, oh, GMOs are great, they're good, it works.
It wasn't working.
The citizens said absolutely not, down with Monsanto 100 million times.
So now instead they're throwing millions of dollars to lie and slander these people that want GMO labeling like myself.
22 million dollars.
Now I did the math.
I mentioned earlier that only 500 dollars came from residents of the 22 million dollars pushed by Monsanto and others to defeat GMO labeling.
We did the math.
That equates to 0.0025%.
Of people actually supporting the attack on GMO labeling.
So .0025% supported Monsanto.
Now on the flip side, 30% of all contributions for GMO labeling came from people in Washington for the statewide initiative to label GMOs in Washington.
You know that's election fraud, though.
I mean, you know that that's gaming the system, that we can't get it labeled.
Oh, those are just the public numbers.
I mean, I'm sure it was actually overwhelming support, but Obama, of course, pays off, I mean, Monsanto, Freudian slip, pays off the judges.
The U.S.
State Department pays for DVDs and pamphlets for Monsanto to distribute overseas.
The taxpayer dollars.
Well, it's eugenics, they admit.
Get it over there and sterilize it.
Bill Gates is supporting it, and all the donations are going to Monsanto to fuel the GMO crop trade over in Africa.
To just absolutely sterilize everything.
And if you're against it, you're racist!
Oh absolutely, if you're against it, you're not feeding the world.
Even though the IASTD, 900 scientists from the UN, were sent out to say that GMOs saved the world and saved the food supply, but they found organic crops and traditional crops outperformed GMOs, and that GMOs,
Well, I have family that are farmers, and they say in most cases you end up getting bankrupt, but they lie to you.
All this Monsanto Roundup stuff, it doesn't, in the end, it bankrupts you and kills the soil.
It's all a fraud, just like the flu shot has never protected anybody from the flu.
It gives you the flu.
That's all on record.
Indian suicides every 30 minutes.
Farmer suicides in India every 30 minutes.
Main reason?
They say it's like signing a deal with the devil.
Their yields go down.
Their crops are resistant to their pesticides.
They have to buy more of the herbicides.
They have to buy more and more.
It doesn't work until they drink the very own herbicides that Monsanto gave them and killed themselves.
What's the numbers?
How many hundreds of thousands?
A lot.
It's every 30 minutes a farmer kills himself.
But I saw some number like a couple years ago, like close to 100,000.
It's called the Suicide Belt of the World in India.
I mean, because Monsanto went in the beginning when they were launching in the... Why are you racist, Anthony?
Yeah, it's racist now.
Don't even say the name Indian.
Yeah, it's racist to even identify countries now and say, hey, maybe we should help protect these people.
They're like, no, no, you don't want to feed the world.
You don't like Monsanto.
Well, you know, when I was a kid, we'd go to Mexico and I'd buy a sombrero and hang it on my wall.
It looked neat.
And I'd run around wearing it.
That was because I was racist.
Well, now you would be expelled from school, apparently.
Fukushima is not a problem.
Oh, no.
It's brown bags.
Brown bags!
Yeah, I mean, radiation that could cause a U.S.
evacuation is not a big deal to the mainstream media.
It's nothing.
I mean, that's not even worth mentioning besides a little blog post on the Canadian version of Huffington Post.
I mean, it's not even in the news.
RT's reporting on it, but they report on all the Fukushima stuff.
By the way, speaking of Fukushima, let's play the clip of award-winning scientist David Suzuki has gone on record in public.
Top scientist, another Fukushima quake would mean U.S.
evacuation on the West Coast.
Bye-bye Japan.
If, in fact, the fourth planet goes under an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it's bye-bye Japan.
And everybody on the West Coast of North America should evacuate.
That isn't terrifying, I don't know what is.
And by the way, we've had Dr. Busby on, we've had other physicists on, this is a real possibility.
No, there's no question.
I mean, if there was another earthquake at the direct site of Fukushima, I mean, this is a top scientist who's researching this, and this was a water ecology symposium.
In fact, what's the hydrology term they use where it's all spongy and it's all sinkholing?
It's a form of erosion that happens, and basically... Liquefaction.
No, exactly.
They've already destroyed the Pacific anyway, and there's so much toxic debris and contaminants in the Pacific Ocean that it's just swallowing the whole of Fukushima.
God forbid there is another earthquake.
He says there's a 95% chance in the next three years there'll be one.
But one thing we didn't even mention, by the way, I'm not even as concerned about the earthquake.
I'm concerned about TEPCO going in with those 1,400 spent fuel rods and two of them coming together.
I think there's a much bigger probability of that happening, and that's happening now this month.
In two weeks they're starting the test protocols for that.
And we have someone quoted here speaking
On that, Dr. Helen Caldecott says that two rods could touch each other in this process, which has been done before, and there could be a fission reaction and a very large release of radiation just from two rods.
I have less faith in TEPCO than I do... I agree.
Well, your article's up on...
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'd like to hear from active police in the United States about all the riot control training that is going on on record.
I would like to hear from active duty military about riot control preparations, about the litmus test, will you confiscate guns for American citizens.
We've had Navy SEALs on the show.
We have had basically military police with video of them being told they're under FEMA command and that gun confiscation may happen if Obama suspends the Constitution.
That is the type of information that we have.
And we separately, on top of that, we separately
Have all of our articles dealing with the purging of the top military brass, like retired Army Major General Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S.
Military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, said that top officers that he's talked to say President Obama's agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S.
ranks to the point where members no longer feel prepared to fight or to have the desire to win.
There's no doubt he, Obama, is on tent on emaciating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him over such issues as homosexuals, women, and foxholes.
The Obama sequester, Brady told WorldNet Daily.
They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job, just keep your mouth shut, one source told WorldNet Daily.
Not only are military service members demoralized in the ranks, overall readiness being reduced by the Obama administration.
It goes through that.
Retired Army Lieutenant General William G. Jerry Boykin
Who was with Delta Force.
We found a Delta Force.
And later, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under President Bush says it's worrying that four-star generals are being retired at the rate that has occurred under Obama.
They're being fired.
Over the past three years, it's unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty and not necessarily relieved for cause, Boykin said.
I believe there is a purging of the military.
He said the problem is worse than we have ever seen.
Yeah, that's undoubted.
And folks, we know that
AP reported that they were told not to report this information, that it had to be leaked to them, and that Obama does not want people knowing this is going on.
So, I want to hear from people in the Department of Defense, civilians, active duty military officers, recently out officers, military police, and active police.
Because if you study history, this is unprecedented what's happening.
This is a big, big deal, and it's getting crazier and crazier.
And they're already using the IRS to persecute the Tea Party, Christians, mainline groups.
We already have all the new army manuals bad-mouthing the Founding Fathers.
All of the Founding Father-type material is being taken off the uniforms.
They're talking about getting rid of George Washington on the Purple Heart.
I mean, that's the type of stuff that's happening.
They're getting the don't tread on me off the Navy uniforms.
There it is, CBS News, Army vet mother banned, yeah I saw that this morning, from daughter's school for posting concealed weapons permit on Facebook.
And now imagine, the Army vet mother, on her own Facebook, just post her concealed carry permit, just showing it to somebody, it's totally legal and lawful, and then they're banned from the school.
Oh yeah, I mean if your dad's in the Marines and you bring a photo of your dad with his sidearm on, that was the case, the kid is kicked out for a photo of a gun.
This is the authoritarianism and you think, oh these people are idiots.
They're not idiots, it's upheld.
They kicked a kid out of school for having a Nerf gun in his backyard playing tag.
A neighbor called the school.
The school's meant to run your life.
It's the takeover arm in their own documents.
So we're going to go to break and come back with your phone calls at 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, and we will get you up and on the air.
I want to hear what you have to say about the officers being purged out of the military, what the military thinks about this, and of course it's meant to ruin the military to put women in frontline combat.
Nobody does that.
Of course it's going to cause incredible problems and fraternization.
Of course, women, they're having to lower the standards.
I can't carry some 70-pound pack on 20-mile runs.
I mean, I couldn't carry a 70-pound pack, I couldn't run a mile, unless I had to, like, save my family or something.
I mean, I could jog, like, three, four miles.
I mean, imagine that.
Imagine a woman carrying an average woman, and they're already lowering the standards.
It's not about equality, folks.
It's about wrecking institutions.
Wrecking... The name Mother and Father has been banned in France in government documents.
Now they're banning it in the U.S.
The federal government tells its employees, don't invite married couples.
You know, saying, oh, we're gonna have a couples party.
That's hurtful.
See, it's not about inclusion, it's about exclusion of us.
It's about discrimination against men, against women, against families.
There it is.
France bans the words mother and father.
I mean, this is their program.
These are authoritarians that know that they can take over.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, the show has a bigger audience than it's ever had.
But we've had a bunch of people call in that are retired, Department of Defense, or out of the military wanting to comment about the purge.
On any given day, not even on subject, military calls in to talk about the purge.
But we've not gotten any calls from active duty military or police talking about preparations for riot control, talking about preparations for economic collapse.
I mean, we've got all the documents.
In fact, here are some of the articles.
DHS publicly denies preparation for riots, civil unrest, flip-flop while admitting equipment and armed guards for, quote, civil disturbances.
Federal agency claims otherwise.
Remember the TSA would like be videotaped hundreds of times sticking their hands in the pants?
And they would say, we don't do that.
That's a lie.
Responding to an inquiry by the International Business Times regarding the recent purchase of riot control equipment that we broke, that Drudge carried, pepper spray launchers, pepper spray projectiles, as well as the hiring of armed guards with top-secret security clearances, I should add, to protect government buildings, the DHS dismissed reports primarily from InfoWars, which such activity was related to preparations for domestic disorder.
These reports are false.
The reference Federal Protective Services acquisition request, including automatic pepper spray guns, requested for protective security officers will replace an existing contract due to expire November 2014, which provides security and screening within federal facilities throughout the upstate New York area.
So they used one of many examples.
And you heard them, there's also no drones over America, even though there are, and there's no Somarisol in the vaccines, even though there are.
It just goes on and on.
There's all these admissions, even in mainstream state-run media, that this is going on, and they're busy telling us it's not.
So, there was an article in the Fort Hood paper last week we wrote about where they were admitting it was for domestic unrest.
I mean, this is all over the news.
So, I'd like to hear from police, military, active duty, on the purge, on the civil unrest build-up.
What do you make of this latest lie?
And I see a lot of calls coming in there, but none of them are calling in on the specific of that.
So again, I'm going to give out the toll-free number 800-259-9231.
But first, while those calls are coming in,
I wanted to play a New World Order clip that I only played part of in the first hour today that was just a few clips put together by my crew.
We could put hours of these out.
In fact, I think it was the extra from Fabled Enemies.
That was the next Burmese film we produced.
Where we just had hours, hours, if we wanted to use it all, of them announcing global government, New World Order, and defining the current New World Order definition as a planetary corporate government that is above the law.
So I want to play this clip, and then we'll come back and go to your phone calls.
Again, the toll-free number, and we'll also open it up for folks who want to talk about Obamacare or any other news.
But we'll try to get those military calls in.
And just open the phones entirely up there.
So we do have some military calls coming in.
We'll go to those, then the other calls.
But right now, they blamed us a few days ago and yesterday that I believe in the New World Order.
I made that up.
And this imaginary thing made the guy reportedly go shoot the TSA people.
Shooting and wounding six, killing one.
Folks, the New World Order is what they call the New Global Order of... When they use the term New World Order, they mean a new global power structure run by them.
Planetary government is what their definition of it means, in all the big white papers.
But they'll still act like no one's even using this term.
I mean, for over a decade the media has said that I'm insane, no one's even using this term.
So let's go to that clip.
President Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon today calling for a new world order to tackle our global economic crisis.
And the President outlined his vision of a new world order in which the U.S.
would participate fully.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
So I see a world order in the future with a multi-polar world order.
I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.
But in a globalized economy.
We are going to have to take global responsibilities, and there is going to have to be some semblance of global governance.
Never before has a new world order had to be assembled from so many different perceptions, or on so global a scale.
Nor has any previous order had to combine the attributes of the historic balance of power system with global democratic opinion and the exploding technology of the contemporary period.
And I strongly believe India will be a central actor in the new world order.
There also exists an extraordinary opportunity to form, for the first time in history, a truly global society.
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen
It's another step towards the global management of our planet.
New World Order is the headline in the Globe and Mail in Canada.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
Of course we are!
We are absolutely slaves to central banks!
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order.
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order.
An order in which a credible United Nations, where the globalists are above the law, can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a New World Order.
After 1989, President Bush said, and it's a phrase that I often use myself, that we needed a new world order.
There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father, a phrase his father used I think only once, and hasn't been used since, and that is a new world order.
So that the problem of the Bush presidency will be the emergence of a new international order.
Within the next four years, we will see the emergence of a new international order.
The beginning of a new international order.
The pieces are in flux.
Soon they will settle again.
Before they do...
Let us reorder this world around us.
I think its task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created.
It's a great opportunity.
It isn't just a crisis.
It's about the future of Europe and a new world order.
There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts.
But today, with Asia already outproducing Europe, India and China are clearly becoming part of our new order.
We are now facing a common challenge.
And the challenge is how to build a world order for the first time in history on a global basis.
So, in conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, a new world is emerging.
It is a new world order with significantly different and radically new challenges.
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order.
Good evening everybody, President Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon today calling for a new world order to tackle our global economic crisis.
And the President outlined his vision of a new world order in which the U.S.
would participate fully.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
So I see a world order in the future with a multipolar world order.
So there you go, folks.
We could keep playing that for hours.
We have clips of where they define it as the state is God, the New World Order is the state is God, the New World Order is a above-the-law planetary corporate system like out of rollerball with James Caan, where it doesn't matter he's the top football player in the world, a top exec wants his wife and he has to hand her over.
This is the new royalty, ladies and gentlemen.
And, by the way, they don't want to just enslave you.
They're going to use world government to turn the resources off to get you on state-run pensions.
And state-run welfare with all these big factories and GMO systems displacing your jobs and then you're a war to the state so they can phase you out and then euthanize you as they go on to merge with the machines and become God.
Now I'm not saying their plan is going to work.
Here it is in the BBC though.
Human species is split into the elite and the subspecies goblin-like creature.
That's the quote.
So that is their plan.
And they are completely megalomaniacal like Marie Antoinette let them eat cake out of their minds and extremely, absolutely dangerous.
Now, I do want to go to your phone calls.
We've got military callers calling in, but they don't want to say if they're in the military.
That's how scared people are in this country.
But Bill, we've got a Bill, then Tim, then Evan, then Simon and Jason, then I've got some other breaking news I should just mention here.
Adam Kokesh, WJLA is reporting, has pled guilty to weapon and drug charges for marijuana and having illegal weapons in the District of Criminals.
So there you go.
He had said he was set up and he called me privately from jail saying he wasn't ready to come on the air, but that he had been totally set up and stuff was planted on him, but basically that he didn't know what he was going to do because he couldn't prove that, so I guess he just wanted out of there.
We'll try to get Adam Kokesh on the Nightly News tonight, or we'll see if he wants to come on the show.
I don't know.
So we'll see what unfolds with that.
Second Amendment activist clearly set up, folks.
Let's go to Bill in Illinois.
Bill, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'm a first-time caller in Chicago here.
How are you doing today?
Good, good, good.
Well, welcome, sir.
I was actually downtown today and I see people walking around looking at their cell phones like robots walking in front of cars and all that kind of stuff.
It's pretty crazy.
So you called in about the purge of the top military?
Actually, no.
I called in because I don't believe our history books because 9-11
You go, uh, 40 minutes after that happened, the official story was laid out, um, 100 years from now.
In the history books, it's gonna say that's still gonna be the official story, right?
Go ahead.
You believe that, sir?
I was actually not listening to you.
I was asking John if you called in about the Purge because it says on my screen you called in about the Purge.
I don't screen calls.
You can call in when we have open lines.
I'm sick of people when I say that I'm talking about a Purge saying, did you tell him you were calling in about the Purge?
I did not.
No, I told him that specifically.
I said it would be an interesting caller.
Well, listen, I don't even care about that because I'm not going to screen your call here on air.
I missed what you said.
I was just asking real quick.
Ask your question again about 9-11.
Well, the official story was laid out 40 minutes after it happened, right?
You're asking me if I believe the official story about 9-11?
No, no, absolutely not.
I said the official story was laid out 40 minutes after it happened.
Sure, it was totally scripted, all staged.
It was an inside job, yeah.
No, sir.
I mean, I am undoubtedly the founder of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
I'm the guy that's put false flag on the map.
If I've done anything, it's that.
And I've made five films on 9-11 being an inside job.
And absolutely, it was a staged event to radically re-engineer America.
Bipartisan criminal action.
We don't know exactly what happened, but we know the official story is a complete fairy tale.
And they blew up Building 7 and it was controlled demolitions.
And I heard them on CBS Radio say they were going to blow up Building 7.
And then we found the videos later, years later, when they finally archived BBC and CNN from live.
They go, get ready for the controlled demolition.
And then folks said, how do you get ready for a controlled demolition in the middle of this?
And they go, we're not going to talk about it.
We didn't blow it up.
They blew it up.
They were caught with their pants down.
The hijackers were U.S.
government agents.
We don't know if they were triple agents or what even really happened.
We just know there's a cover-up.
We know enough to put a bunch of people in handcuffs and bring them in as suspects.
In this government.
I mean, is that your point of your question or what do you want to ask me?
Just put an exclamation point on it.
Military police send us videos that have gone viral.
Those have been reposted in Kurt Nimmo's article.
Obama's unprecedented purge of the U.S.
military accelerates.
I think we should add the word accelerates to Kurt's headline because that's what his article's about.
And we have the proof right there.
That's a big deal.
And it's just funny because usually I get all these military calls and I'm out looking for them and now I'm not getting any.
Let's talk to Tim in Maine.
Tim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
This is such an honor to talk to you.
Honor to talk to you, brother.
Well, listen, you... I don't think people really understand the magnitude of the information that you are providing with your resources.
Ten years ago, I thought, this guy, he's way off base.
I have followed you, and I am so surprised at how right you are with everything.
And I use your words.
I don't believe you.
I go find out for myself, and I am so impressed.
This is very scary times, Alex.
And, uh, I can tell you that I've been watching what's been going on, I listen to you, I do my own homework, and I make my own decisions.
And, uh, this is difficult to believe what's going on.
Now, the next step with DHS, I've been watching what you're talking about, and then I see in the news exactly what is going on.
We have such a large population here that are sheep that are going to go along with this.
I am scared to death of what's going on with DHS.
With the next step, and they keep throttling it up, Alex, they're not going to stop until they have us all in cages.
They're already coming out and saying we're not going to let you release a movie unless it's feminist and gay approved with these certifications.
The big banks are saying we're going to, I mean it's like putting yellow stars on Jews so they couldn't do business.
It's political correctness as a weapon to shut down all their competition and the term gay and lesbian is just a litmus test to go after conservatives and libertarians.
And then, you know, let us teach your five-year-old how to have anal sex or you're a bigot.
And I'll know we're against pedophilia.
And so they're using political correctness as a license to get their little mitts on our children.
And, you know, folks aren't buying this.
The Digital Journal has a great article out that says op-ed.
I actually asked Watson to do this article yesterday.
He's a great guy.
Like, like, like, you know, why?
He's hadn't done it yet.
I think I even said, I said, we need an article like
Why LAX could be a false flag and then use all the anomalies and issues?
And that's basically what this article did.
Showing the history of staged terror.
Why government staged terror.
This government's done it before.
Show their suspects they have a motive to get power.
Arm the TSA.
The official story doesn't add up.
They did the story.
It says we know they exist.
We know our government's done them before.
So they're a big suspect.
Common sense.
So, I'm just going to have this article posted up on Infowars.com.
This is absolutely, literally what I was thinking and somebody else has done it.
That's when you know there's a big awakening going on, folks.
This is exciting.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supplies.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
My name is Frank Bates, and I got a confession to make.
Just a few days ago, FEMA went directly to my supplier and tried to buy my entire stockpile of high-quality survival food.
It sounds crazy, but I'll show you the exact letter they sent in a minute.
Revealing FEMA's plot could land me in hot water, and I think you deserve to know exactly what they're doing.
Go to FEMAHatesThis.com to see undeniable video proof that the government is on the hunt for as much survival food as they can grab in 24 hours.
Be warned, it's really disturbing because the fact is FEMA must know something we don't.
Go to FEMAHatesThis.com to see why survival food is the number one item to hoard right now.
I don't know.
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Folks, I haven't plugged this and I should have.
It's a five minute video up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
InfoWars announces We Will Resist TSA and NSA Tyranny $10,000 film contest.
You've got the next month and a half to produce a documentary, short film, commercial, investigative report, parody.
The TSA says if you joke about them, they will arrest you.
They will arrest you if you make a parody TSA t-shirt.
They have YouTube remove our parody YouTube videos.
Michael Moore had a video making fun of him for our contest removed.
We had that added back in a court battle.
Not really a court battle.
They filed on them.
So we're just going to have a film contest.
We'll probably have 500 videos that get made.
A couple hundred will end up being good.
There'll be one winner, one place.
First place, $10,000.
You'll get paid out in January.
We've had more than 20 contests over the years.
I had one with $115,000 in prizes.
I just don't have the money to do that obviously right now.
My first love is exposing tyranny and that film contest, the videos got seen tens of millions of times.
Everyone that entered it was a winner.
So they don't like you making fun of the NSA.
They threaten to arrest people that make fun of them now.
We can all cower in fear or we can all
Exercise our First Amendment and see how the tyrants like it.
That's the answer to these bullies.
Infowars.com has the article and the video.
TSA, NSA, we will resist their tyranny.
10K film contest.
They do not like being criticized.
They link my criticism of what they do.
That's poor guy being shot.
They're attacking Ron Paul.
They do not like us saying no to them.
So, we will only intensify.
And this won't save the world, this contest, but the action of resisting will.
So please go get that video.
I'm going to tweet it out at RealAlexJones.
I forgot to do that today.
And please send this video out to everyone you know.
I'm going to go back to Evan and Jason and others that are holding here in just a moment.
A little bit of overdrive coming up.
Briefly, ladies and gentlemen, with all the background radiation increasing and all the problems and the reactors leaking, not just here but Fukushima,
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A lot of other great products at InfowarsLives.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
My friends, Alex Jones here to tell you about some of the most important information concerning you and your family's health.
Radiation levels have more than doubled in the last 60 years in the Northern Hemisphere from all of the nuclear testing and radiological accidents.
Radioactive contamination is now in most of the food supply.
There's only two ways to avoid this.
Move south of the equator or properly protect your thyroid with nascent iodine.
Looking to protect my family, I've done deep research.
Nascent iodine is the purest, cleanest, absolute best form of iodine to protect yourself and your family.
It's made right here in the USA, completely non-GMO.
I searched out the best quality and now have developed a double strength form of nascent iodine.
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Nascent Iodine is on record as one of the only safe ways to detox from fluoride poisoning.
Survival Shield Nascent Iodine.
Secure your super high quality Nascent Iodine today at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's go to Evan in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how are you doing?
Good, brother.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, I wanted to talk to you about that charlatan we have in office that we call a president, right?
Here's my theory, Alex.
With the 9th and 10th Amendment under our Bill of Rights, these acts as bookends, right?
And it gives us the order that although it may not be said, it's up to us to restore order if men choose to pervert.
Well yeah, that's what the Declaration of Independence says.
No, but that's why they now teach at West Point the Declaration of Independence is a terrorist document.
Oh, clearly.
Well, my point is here is I was seriously considering going down myself and arresting Eric Holder for President Obama by myself.
The problem that I seem to run into, I don't know anybody that would actually charge them.
Well, sure.
No, no, no.
They've got the major courts, the Injustice Department, which is a terrorist organization at the top.
Um, there's plenty of people in the Justice Department, I guarantee you, that know all this is true.
The whole government's not bad.
I want to be clear about that.
It is a coup.
It is criminal groups.
And people do like to try to arrest Karl Rove and stuff.
That actually has an effect.
He ends up not wanting to go to a bunch of countries now and has been indicted and stuff.
And same thing with Henry Kissinger, uh, you know, for stuff he's done.
And so it's the same deal is that
Uh, when Obama comes to town, say like he's up in Dallas, if you can get in front of the cameras and handcuffs and say, I'm here to arrest Obama.
I'm here to arrest him for, you know, high crimes and misdemeanors or letting felons get our personal data with Obamacare.
You know, I'm here to arrest him for Fast and Furious.
That is a good stunt.
But, and just that idea does move the ball down the road.
State legislatures should be convened in emergency session to call for special state prosecutors to move with investigations and move for state grand juries to indict the president.
And just the moral authority of that is something that needs to be done.
I mean, listen, Congress needs to be having investigations about the purge of the military.
Or hearings about why they say NATO's over our military.
Or why our government's funding Al Qaeda.
Or Fast and Furious, but they're not, are they?
Unfortunately, and that's the point.
You know, who do we go to if the people that are supposed to hold these clowns accountable won't hold them accountable?
Well, who the heck do we go to?
I mean, you can't just lock people in.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
They're using our tax money against us, and for anybody that's running a small operation or can, now I really feel guilty even paying taxes to the Federal Reserve, because I know it's not used to run the country.
But I have to, because I'm in the spotlight running a media operation.
I mean, I personally, I'm not giving advice.
It's time, though, I believe, to withdraw consent from the system.
I mean, because they're going to tax us to a point where we go bankrupt, that's the plan.
Under Cloward and Piven, I mean, the architect of Obamacare admits on Fox it's meant to bankrupt the country.
So, we have a duty now to not pay off student loans to big six banks.
We have a duty, I mean, I'm not saying do this, this is your decision, but more and more you have a duty.
You've not heard me say we need to attack red light cameras until recently.
I'm not saying do that, I'm just saying sometimes they get hurt.
Sometimes the camera falls down.
I mean, at a certain point, we gotta push back a little bit here.
I don't want a civil war, physical civil war, so we better do everything up to that now to stop that.
Because the last thing I want to do, because see, I know the globalists are going to sit offshore while we all kill each other.
I really am sick of them winning.
We're going to lose.
We lose when that TSA guy gets shot, because people are mad.
If you believe that wasn't staged, it probably was.
But regardless, we lose.
That's why they stage stuff, because it's not good.
It's terrible.
That makes them look good.
But the tyranny is so great, no amount of that is going to put it back together again.
Thank you, Evan.
I'm sorry to Jason.
I've got to go.
And I'm sorry to Simon and Alan and Rasheed and others.
If you call me back tomorrow, I promise I'll go to you.
We'll put you to the front of the line tomorrow when we take phone calls.
If I'm back tomorrow, you never know nowadays.
Man, this country is in deep trouble.
They ship in the drugs and destabilize things and give them an excuse to militarize police.
Then they stage terror attacks, blame it on Muslims, or let Muslims do it, so that they can then set up a domestic checkpoint system, and then they flip it to the Tea Party.
I mean, it's very elementary.
They said they would always do it.
That's how I told you.
I didn't predict all this.
It's all public.
It's all public.
Back tonight, 7 o'clock.