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Filename: 20131015_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 15, 2013
2627 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are locked and loaded and ready to go.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, the 15th day of October 2013 on this Tuesday edition.
We have Tosh Plumley, who was on Fox News last week after he'd been on our broadcast, and he says that they stabbed him in the back.
He is, of course, a high-level, really, whistleblower slash journalist.
He's a famous whistleblower from the church hearings and the Iran-Contra hearings, still doing CIA contract work.
On record.
And he went public on our broadcast about what really happened in Benghazi that concurs with our own inside sources telling us what happened.
And they're now threatening him and more.
He'll be popping in for about 10-15 minutes at the bottom of the next hour.
James Wesley Rawls will be joining us for the full third hour.
One of the top real survivalist experts in the country and in the world.
Accurately predicting that the unraveling would begin very, very soon.
With the EBT cards, the government shutdown, the default, all of it.
He's going to be joining us coming up in the third hour.
Best-selling author as well.
Fiction and non-fiction.
He'll be joining us coming up with key intel.
He is former Army intelligence in the third hour and has a lot of high-level sources.
In fact, he won't even allow his face to be seen now for the last decade or so.
That's how serious he is about what's coming down.
By the way, I've talked to a lot of people behind the scenes, folks, of his pay grade and way above, and they're all completely freaked out right now.
So when I've been up here and yesterday squeezed out a tear,
Talking about America being destroyed and falling to tyranny.
I saw some people on YouTube, I just happened to quickly look at some of the comments saying, oh, that's fake.
You know what, I wish that was fake.
I wish that, uh, I wish I had the power to just suddenly have my eyes fill full of tears and cry for this country.
But that's, that's not the case, folks.
It's real.
And you should be crying for this nation as well.
We're in deep trouble.
We're going to break it all down today, get into all the major news after the break, and then we're going to open the phones up, and I'm going to really try to go to your calls early in this hour.
First-time callers, I'd like to hear from vets that were out at the demonstrations that are ongoing this morning, tearing down the barricades again that the feds put back up.
They tore them down Sunday, of course, carried them to the White House, and then the police tried to attack
The Vets, I'd like to get your take on the Communist Chinese lecturing us on a default, as well as the head of the IMF, as America becomes like a third world country.
The EBT cards failing and the looting that went on.
Then the EBT cards turning back on and giving unlimited money.
Just all the other news that we've got up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The article that went viral last night that Watson put out, in California, where the transvestites, transgenders, all different types,
You imagine being a boy in high school and then being able to say you're transgender so you can go look at the girls in the bathroom?
I mean, I just can't imagine it.
The trouble that would have caused when I was in high school and in middle school for that matter.
And the girls say they're going in and harassing them and messing with them.
I personally have witnessed a very famous
Transvestite in Austin, Texas, Leslie Cochran, before he died, this is about a decade ago, at AXS TV.
By the way, he was thrown out of AXS over it.
They were as liberal as you could get.
They celebrated him, thanked him for being there.
He would come there with his buddies and go back and forth in both bathrooms and totally freak out families, kids, you name it.
They're like, well, let him go in both bathrooms, folks.
We're talking about doing drugs in the bathroom, vomiting all over the place.
I mean, if it was a redneck guy doing it, or an old woman doing it, everybody would be freaked out.
And this is freaking people out.
It's all part of the social manipulation to see what the establishment can get away with.
I don't make fun of Bradley Manning.
I think Bradley Manning's a hero.
And if he thinks he's a woman or whatever, and... What's it called?
Brandy Manning?
Chelsea Manning?
Doesn't matter.
I mean, I think the guy really did a good job releasing that information.
I don't sit there and make jokes about him and his sexual vision of himself or herself.
My point is, is that there's a lot of other people that just use it as a way to grandstand and take over society or the social engineers.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Well, more ice bombs are found at LAX near Plains.
Sounds like the TSA staging something so they can get more funding.
If not, it'll end up being some mentally ill security worker themselves doing it for attention.
It usually is.
We're also going to be looking at what's happening with the continued government shutdown.
We'll look at how the world government itself is hyping a
Collapse of world confidence, if we don't go deeper into debt, on our road to economic enslavement, this and more is all coming up today.
And we have James Wesley Rawls joining us, one of the top survivalist experts out there, who also studies the geopolitical.
He's going to be joining us coming up in the third hour today.
I want to give the toll-free number out.
And take your phone calls on any of the big issues that are taking place.
The government shutdown, the vets restorming, the shutdown memorials and tearing down the barricades yet again today.
We're going to be tracking and following that.
We're going to be just looking at all of the news here today.
And of course taking your phone calls.
First-time callers, long-time callers, people that agree, people that disagree.
I will give preferential treatment
to the social worker from Tennessee that called a few weeks ago celebrating how great his free health care would be and how great Obamacare was and how this is the triumph of socialism.
He was very proud of himself.
Now Forbes is reporting what Mike Adams reported here last week on the air and at InfoWars.com and NaturalNews.com
A whole slew of top programmers are in the Forbes article, they're also in a Fox News piece, saying indeed it's a fake website.
They know it doesn't work.
It doesn't work, period.
It's just there to get your data.
And so Forbes is reporting today exactly what we told you last week, that indeed it is simply a data mining, data theft,
I think?
The first round, four real Obamacare supporters.
I saw a Democratic Party operative yesterday in the news celebrating the shutdown of the World War II memorials, and again calling the World War II vets racist.
Anybody that you don't agree with as a socialist is a racist.
In fact, if a socialist or a communist or a control freak owned a restaurant, if you didn't like their food, you'd be a racist.
I mean, that's just the, it's the answer to everything in the world.
You don't have to be an intellectual to know how to tie your shoelaces, just call somebody a racist and talk about how great Mao Zedong is all day.
So, I won't open the phones up first, and then after I take a few of those, it'll be open to everybody, but the first five, six callers,
And by the way, we don't screen calls, but I want John Harmon to really screen these and make sure they don't start laughing, because half the calls that come in will be people joking.
I don't want jokes, okay?
And a guy in an NPR voice.
I want the real deal.
Now, the main way to tell them is they'll actually be laughing at you and be on a power trip and call you racist.
So, that's who I want on.
I want the real deal.
I want you to hear it because I see them on YouTube, I see the folks on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com in the comments celebrating and saying, you're just racist, you're just mad, you're just one percenter, you're just rich.
You know, James Woods is a one percenter, that's why he likes the vets being able to go to the memorials.
It's all just these weird class warfare, middle class envy people that really think anybody that's got a nicer car than them, anybody that works two jobs, anybody that's an entrepreneur, stole it.
And then they're allied with the most vicious criminal offshore mega banks that run giant Chinese and Indian basically slave camps and Mexican close to slave labor camps.
And robots replacing humans at Foxcom and suicide nets and forced abortions and children by the millions chained up to fences and light poles all day, begging for food till mommy comes out after 17 hours with maybe enough money to buy a bowl of rice and then give it to their child.
I mean, that's what we're competing with.
You can't compete with a slave state.
While the Communist Inner Party lives in giant command bases, with in some cases hundreds of mistresses, and helicopters, and just totally organic food, it's all on record, they don't take any of the shots, none of the GMO, their own secret farms for non-GMO, growing the food in greenhouses, so all the toxic fallout from all the huge chemical plants doesn't get it.
That's come out in mainstream news, that China has, and the Times of London's reported it, secret gardens for the Inner Party.
Suicide nets, mass execution, 7,000 riots a month, mobile execution vans, hell on earth.
You're not going to hear anything out of Al Gore, anything out of Trendy's, zero.
If you paid $10 more for an iPhone, I've seen the studies, that would make those people be paid $20 an hour.
Instead, they're just replacing them.
Instead, they're paid 20 cents an hour.
They're death camps, literal death camps, is what the Chinese slave cities are.
And they've got the liberal, trendy cities where the party members and inner party members are allowed to live, where they live in luxury and bullet trains and glistening high-tech systems, better than anywhere in the world, incredible medical advances, and they don't let all the poor people into those areas.
If a poor person gets caught coming into those key districts, they're beaten to death.
Or the Chinese police will cut a man's genitals off.
And then stab them a couple of times with precision trained stabbing just to make them, a time to make them bleed to death over two days.
And then the Chinese population's been trained, do not help the person or you're responsible for them.
So there's just villagers and farmers and poor people bleeding to death all over the streets.
I'm serious, this is in the news.
But back of the paper.
So I want to hear from you.
You think the people, the globalists that set up China, put Mao Zedong in power in 49, are using China to leverage out the whole world as a race to the bottom.
You think they want to give you something free because they love you.
I want to hear from you.
I want to hear from you.
They got mobile execution vans in some cities, 24, operating 24 hours a day, executing people.
You talk back to the police, you're executed.
You get caught shoplifting to get food for your children, you're executed.
You're taken to sports stadiums, and in the old days, and everybody comes and claps and they machine gun you.
Men, women, young children, you know, 10, 12 years old, there's photos and videos online.
YouTube tries to take them down because they love China so much and the communists, they don't want you to know, but you can still find them.
Just type in Chinese executions.
And guys, you don't need to do it.
People can look at it if they want to, watching us on TV.
You can see kids lined up, being AK-47 in the back of the head, and then the commies just have celebrations after they machine gun people, because they get off on it.
Now that's in the old days.
Now they load you on the execution vans, the organs are chopped out, flown into Japan, that's only an hour away, on average, and then there's rich Westerners there to get the goods.
They warehouse Falun Gong for practicing their Buddhism.
It's not really Buddhism, it's not even, it's one end of it's spiritual.
It's like Buddhism Light, or Zen Buddhist Lights, an exercise thing.
They don't eat GMO.
They try to be healthy.
They have healthy organs.
So they warehouse them, DNA type them, and then they, when the call comes in, just like the movie The Island, where they take you and take your organs, they actually do that.
You're taken and executed.
Everything is taken, including blood, tissue, you name it, and freeze-dried for the elite person.
It's also sold with it all in the same dumpling package to be shipped back to America or to Europe or to Japan.
Just total hell for us, and you need to understand the reason this is important is that the globalists, this is their ideal society, and they're actuaried it out to incrementally phase that in here.
Let me give you an example of what I went through today.
I'll either go swim in the river, the Colorado, or Barton Springs, or I'll run on the treadmill in my garage, or I will go to the hike and bike trail and jog.
We have one of the biggest hike and bike trails is the Giant Barton Creek Greenbelt Complex in the country.
It's farmers and ranchers property.
They took it gunpoint in the last 30 years.
First they don't let you use it, then they devalue the price, then they sold most of it off to the insiders and their friends.
But the 100,000 plus acres in just one area that they have is constantly off limits now if anything happens.
They just gate it up and then give people tickets if you enter it.
But people complained to the city, so I checked.
Actually, they have special green police units who aren't even police, who aren't even working with the city.
They're the ones that put up the tape.
In fact, this morning I got there and the tape had been torn down.
So there was eight members of a green police unit.
By the way, I have video of them.
These are citizen groups that put it back up and they said, look, that's Alex Jones.
They said he's not supposed to be in here.
And as I walked away, I heard the word police.
So I knew that when I ran,
A mile and a half out, that when I came back up, there'd be police.
And I shoot video, and this will be on the news tonight, with my iPhone, as I go up, I go, I expect, as I pass the green police, that they'll be waiting at the top with police.
And I get there and I go, oh no, police!
Three police cars whip in.
And they're looking at me like they have seen the Antichrist.
And then obviously the cops recognize me.
Then they start waving, and they go, no, no, we're not going to give you a ticket.
And I said, technically, I've checked.
That shouldn't be blocked.
And they go, that's right.
Only, only no kayaks on the creek right now.
I says, you won't give me a ticket.
I have this on video.
I go over the fence.
I said, did somebody call the police on you?
She goes, no, no one called us.
Don't really.
I've been coming to this very area 20 years and never seen you.
Then I went back down to run again because I was mad.
Thought I'll just run a couple more miles.
They followed me.
Have footage of that.
Had the police go jogging after me.
This is America.
This is the Stasi.
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Everybody knows!
The good guys lost.
Well, actually, not everybody knows.
The average Democrat out there absolutely loves every form of tyranny under the sun and the nanny state.
Remember, last week, the U.S.
Postal Service that had printed millions and millions of dollars worth of let's move
Stamps that show young people as stick figures playing golf, playing frisbee, playing football, playing soccer, playing baseball.
Well, they said that could be dangerous, so it's banned.
And all over the country they've already banned dodgeball.
Now they're banning any type of ball at recess.
Now they're banning any type of jogging or running.
Now they're banning even anything but walking at recess in many areas.
Government destroys dangerous sports stamps.
Kids playing tag, bad police, opening fire in public, good.
Her article then gets into the police shooting everybody, but that's okay.
And then this morning, I walked by people in green, state-funded, as I talked to some of them, repair group that supposedly repairs the green belts so they don't wash out.
Which is fine and dandy on a giant green belt.
Or you could just leave it wild and let people fend for themselves.
But the issue is, I walk by and they go, that's Alex Jones.
He just went past the yellow tape.
He's not supposed to do that.
And then I was fading off, walking away.
I heard the word police.
So, I come back up the hill after a couple mile jog.
I see him.
I start talking to him.
They go, hi, I have this on video.
Hi Alex Jones, I'm a listener.
I'm a fan.
I didn't count them all, it was eight or ten.
That was the first two that were down the hill, and I thought, okay, well maybe the police aren't at the top of the hill.
I get there, police pull in.
And they were looking at me real predatorily until I didn't really bow up, but I got real excited because I was going to explain to them how ridiculous it was, and hoping they'd give me a ticket, because I talked to somebody actually that said they were down there giving people tickets.
And I said, you know, I made some inquiries, I checked.
And these hike and bike trails are not closed.
And the lady cop goes, that's right.
She was like freaked out by it.
Cause she could have just written me a ticket and I could have gone to court and the jury would have been dumb and they'd have got me.
It's like, Oh my gosh, one that knew.
Oh, that's right.
It's just no watercraft on the, on the creek, which has already gone down to nothing.
And I went, were you called on me?
She goes, no, look at my screen.
This is a routine check.
And I went, really?
So then, they get out of their cars, and I jog back down and jog back up.
I was halfway up, so I was tired, and I was walking back up.
And here they come, doing their inspection.
And you have to understand how giant this green belt is.
I mean, it's half as big as the city.
All the people's land they've grabbed.
And the point is, they didn't used to do this before.
It's all part of, it's like shutting down the national parks.
I guarantee you, if they ever have a city shut down, hold people hostage, always grow in their tax base.
We have the worst zoning group.
It's all agenda 21.
They get UN awards.
They harass everybody.
The point is, things are changing.
Now, we're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back.
I want to hear from Obama supporters.
Who literally, if the globalists have their way, will be in the equivalent of Foxconn slave factories with suicide nets, being forced drugged, and they have forced abortions inside the factories.
That's come out in the news.
I mean, that's your dream world.
When the globalists are in control, that's what they do.
But as long as the leader says, I'm liberal, I'm liberal, it's okay.
I mean, the average trendy loves Communist China.
They love Mao.
In Austin, they have a bar called Mao, where all the trendies go.
They have them in Colorado, they have them in London, and they worship Mao.
I see all the rich yuppie kids wearing their commie shirts.
And I've said to them on tape, on the street, I say, you like communism?
They go, yeah, I do!
Capitalist pig!
And I go, so you're living on a trust fund, going to the University of Texas.
Yeah, I know who you are, conspiracy punk!
And I'm like, so, and then they'll go get in their BMW.
Just understand, they are the leaders!
They are in command!
And doesn't matter how dumb they are, as long as they love Mao, they're in charge like the seven White House czars that hail Mao publicly.
Al Gore went to public schools and said, you tell your parents what to do.
You know better than them.
We're taking over.
And the middle schoolers clapped.
They are the army.
They are the future.
I face green police today.
99% chance they call the police on me.
And I said, give me my ticket.
And she starts getting her ticket pad.
She goes, no, no, I'm not going to.
And I go, oh, it's not supposed to be closed, is it?
I have you now.
The Green Weenies put the tags up.
I know.
I know.
Because I pulled them down yesterday.
And when I got there, they were putting them back up.
They're not supposed to be doing it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you from FEMA, Region 6, formerly Austin, Texas.
Now, on their own official maps, we've been to the 2021 meetings.
They openly say we are the center of the takeover of the entire state, to turn it UN blue, basically.
I mean, they're military.
They're teaching everybody they're slaves.
And the whole attitude of government's changed everywhere.
And they want to shut things down.
They want to teach you.
Just like the times I've been to London.
Every time I'm there, they shut down major roads every day, randomly.
And they announce, if you're on a tour bus, because it's the Queen's pleasure.
She wants you to know she owns this road.
Because if you don't exercise a right, it doesn't exist.
So the Queen randomly shuts down rivers, streams, parks, palaces that are really public centers, museums, and major roads.
And that's all they're doing.
They're just teaching you that you're a slave.
And if you're foreigners on a tour bus the first day of the shutdown, you pull into Yellowstone, they're going to point guns at you and hold you in the hotel for two days.
Because they're here to let you know that you're a slave.
And I was just talking to Weldon Henson down at the water cooler, down at the probe here,
And he said, I got my socialist health care today instead of telling me the story about, he's been out of the Air Force, I guess, seven, eight years.
He's been working here seven years.
And he was just talking about how much worse the VA gets and how it's an example of socialist health care and how mean the police are and how they bug their eyes out at people and what else they were doing.
And just how every time he goes, it's worse.
Because to get your VA care, you've got to go every year and have blood taken so they can spy on you and put it in databases and see how the vaccines they injected in you and what those did to you.
Because they use them for guinea pigs on record.
That's on record.
Secret testing on the troops thousands of times.
Thousands of major projects, including lethal.
Lethal operations.
You are the number one enemy, a returning veteran.
So the number one enemy, how was it when you went to the VA today?
It's a pretty prime example of what a social health care system is.
You go in there, you take your number.
There's all sorts of people yelling at you, yelling out numbers.
Old vets are trying to stand up and get over to them.
The guy's like, you know, number 251, hurry up.
They're not quick enough.
You wait, you wait.
Well, you said the cops were bugging their eyes out at everybody, strutting around.
The cops walk around and they're all bugging their eyes out at you.
Repeat what you said about the water cooler.
Oh yeah, well, you know, you take two hours just to get, uh, you know, thirty seconds of blood drawn, and you wait in numbers, and everybody's confused, and, and then, uh, every time you walk in or leave, you know, they've got way more than enough, uh, police officers there.
I mean, they're just all just kinda...
You know.
Well, these are the vets.
These are men.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
These are the enemy.
We have an occupied government.
There's just a bunch of, for the most part, it's a bunch of like old veteran, uh, Vietnam veterans and stuff, kind of walking in on canes and stuff, you know, and they have these big military guys, way, way more than they need, just walking around, just gawking at you.
Well, you told me they bug their eyes out of you.
Oh, yeah.
Well, you know, I guess I'm kind of young and healthy looking, so they really want to bug their eyes out of me.
Well, they hate that.
Anybody that's got anything nowadays is bad.
Then I walk out in the parking lot and there's a Veterans Affairs police officer in his police car, really similar to the NSA vehicle that we had roll up on us, you remember that?
And he's writing parking tickets to people out there.
So I thought that was kind of humorous.
It's not funny, but... Were they parked wrong?
Was he running their plates?
Well, you know, one was a motorcycle, didn't have anywhere to park, so they kind of parked up front, and that was I guess a big no-no.
Oh, that's another thing.
These cops all just pulled up in the neighborhood blocking the street, too.
They just pulled up like they were God, parked out in the road, swaggered up.
As soon as I wasn't afraid, they all looked scared.
And they were given, I guess, you know, they have spots.
There's the big new VA outpatient clinic there in Austin, just opened a few months ago.
It's huge.
And they have, I guess, fuel-efficient vehicle parking only and stuff like that, so if you're not a fuel-efficient vehicle, you know, if I were to park my F-150 in there, I guess I'd have got a ticket.
Well, no, it's all about their protected classes are special.
Like in the public schools, the transvestites can go and look at the girls on the toilet and harass them, and if they complain, hate crime on the 12-year-old girl.
I just thought it was crazy I walk out and it's just a lot of veterans, good-meaning people.
I saw a bunch of good-meaning people just trying to get health care and they're sitting in there for hours waiting on simple health care and then you go out in the parking lot and there's these big
Veteran Affairs police officers, you know, bugging their eyes out of you and they're writing parking tickets to vet.
Because you're a nice fellow.
You say hi to people and stuff.
That's what I've noticed at national parks.
And more and more you say hi or even wave or whatever.
They just bug their eyes out of you because you're the enemy.
Every time I walk in there, I say hi to people.
I even let the cops in and they're all standing by the door, you know, and they're all looking like, you know, it's like they're ready for battle or something.
And I'm always like, hey, how's it going?
They're just like, hmm.
Well, it's because the foreign banks took over.
They got armored vehicles, helicopters.
It's time for war.
Listen, I've lived in Austin 25 years.
I've been on that hiking bike trail, I don't want to exaggerate, a thousand times.
I've never seen one I see.
There's now green police down there that will boss you around.
Tattletale citizens.
Yesterday a woman ran up 100 yards and said, you can't go on the trail.
It's closed and got mad when I said, I'm going to go anyways.
And she ran off.
It's like living in the twilight zone here in Austin, Texas.
There's no doubt about that.
Bunch of power-hungry goons.
It's a bunch of nobodies is what it is.
It's all pettiness.
It's just like people are more worried about trying to be powerful than anything else.
It's like they don't even want to be successful.
They just want to be powerful in their own little way.
We have those discussions, don't we?
It's like a virus or something where people don't want to actually be successful.
They want to imagine they're powerful and be obstructionist.
Like almost everybody that's an activist that have come from nowhere, that no one ever heard of.
We build them up, we give them a platform trying to build a resistance.
They then flip out and want to bring us down.
And say we've attacked them and we've done nothing, but give them just a carpet of gold politically.
It's not about being successful, it's about having your little petty power trip.
It's about tearing others down.
I'm telling you, this country's in deep trouble.
It's, uh... Well, that's what the so-called left wants with Obamacare.
They want to get rid of the middle class.
They want everybody poor.
Misery loves company.
I guess if they're going to be miserable, they want to make everybody... See, I can't handle it.
When cops are bugging their eyes out of me, I just start getting in their face.
I did today, those cop cars pulled up bugging their eyes out, I ran over to them.
I was like, give me a ticket, come on!
Why don't you do something about the real crime out there?
I know you got called here to henpeck me.
It was the same- I don't care what they do to me, too!
I'm sick of it!
And I'm going down to the Alamo, too, with the armed march this Saturday.
Sick of it!
Go ahead.
It was the same way when we were at the NSA last week, or was it a week and a half ago?
It was last week.
Last week.
They're going to show you.
That's kind of their attitude.
And it's because there's a criminal group in control at the top, and they want everybody authoritarian.
They want to get us in line.
They want to teach us we're slaves.
They go on MSNBC and say our children belong to them.
They actually say in your face, your kids are ours.
State of California says that in court.
You have no parental rights.
The state is everything.
It's amazing just doing day-to-day routines here in Austin, or if I'm just trying to go to the VA clinic, it's just like New World Order slave training.
My wife doesn't like to buy a lot of groceries now.
She'll buy for like a week out.
We had a dinner party Sunday.
She went and bought a bunch of short ribs and a bunch of other stuff.
She had a big giant thing full of Whole Foods.
She had multiple people come over and say, man, that's a lot of money.
And then the woman said, I'm not going to help you.
I'm going to help this guy over here in a line where he's getting one thing.
And it's all like socialism.
In fact, it's funny, before you came in you said, I'm kind of dressed down today, because, tell me what you said, before I even told you the story about my wife, because they come after you if you dress nice at the VA.
Yeah, kind of, you know, you get those looks and stuff.
So everything in America is, America's gone, is what this means.
I mean, we've gone commie.
I mean, this is it.
I mean I was in the grocery store the other day and you know and I guess you know the thing in Austin now you got to bring your own reusable bags and and people look at me like I'm crazy because I don't walk in with my bags and it's like whatever I'll just buy some of the plastic ones at the at the cash register and people look at me and just really look at me like I'm the biggest.
Oh no no no I get lectured.
And for years when they were nudging us getting us ready they would say you didn't bring your own bag?
So they got a law passed.
Meanwhile, they don't care about GMO.
They don't care about chemtrailing.
They don't care about anything.
They don't care about missing nukes.
They just want to sit around their little cult and say, we're the bosses.
It's a gang.
It's a mentality.
You know, it starts from the top and moves down.
I can remember being in the military and there were just people that just sat around trying to make rules all day and procedures and policies.
That's what they did.
They just sat around.
It's like, if you made the most policies and rules and you got like awards.
Like, you know, hey, we're gonna, when I, just the six years I was in, by the time I got out, I was like, man, wow, I'm so glad I'm getting out.
It's just like, it's like prison in here.
And it's like, people got awards for coming up with more rules and regulations.
You make up the most rules and regulations, here, here's a, here's a, here's an award.
That was kind of what it was.
All right, Weldon, thanks for coming in here, buddy.
Yeah, glad to be here.
You bet.
You're a very dangerous, evil person.
I look like it, I know.
All right, we'll see you later.
There goes Bolden Henson.
All right, I said I would go to Obama supporters, and then we're going to take calls 30 minutes to the next hour, and then Tosh Plumlee's going to pop in with a Fox News update.
He says they betrayed him when he went on Fox News last week.
Big whistleblower on Benghazi.
He'll pop in for like 10 minutes.
But I want to open the phones up now for Obamanoid supporters.
Here's the toll-free number, 800-259-9231.
I'm not trying to be mean.
I know you've had a lot of fluoride, a lot of GMO, a lot of McDonald's growing up.
I understand you watch a lot of television, but if you happen to be listening and you want to call in and have a victory dance on the health care system being wrecked, because they're now saying, oh, this is our plan to wreck it to bring in total socialism.
Oh, yeah, the foreign banks that run all this, they really want to give you something free.
I'd like to hear from you now to call in and tell me I'm wrong.
Or maybe you want to admit we're right now, but 800-259-9231.
We want to hear from you on air and then after we take some Obama supporter calls.
Some Obamacare support.
I mean, are you proud of the riot police?
By the way, the Austin Parks police were wearing the same weird blue uniform that the riot police in D.C.
were wearing.
It's like UN blue on the top and then darker blue on the bottom.
Actually, the cops weren't that mean.
I mean, they had obviously been called there on me and then were like aghast that they'd been called in on the dangerous, evil Alex Jones.
Where again, I don't even bow up to cops, I just have, it's like a combination of laughing, that there's actual green police showing up, and I was laughing at them, and it's not like laughing on purpose to make them feel bad, I can't help it.
The three cop cars come shooting up, bugging their eyes out at me, and as soon as I started laughing, and turning my camera on, the seriousness went right off their faces, because this country's so screwed up and they know it.
They actually destroyed stamps that showed kids playing sports last week because the Thought Police said they're not allowed.
They're actually banning bringing Nerf balls to school to play before school, during recess, or after.
That's all we ever did!
Nerf footballs are banned!
They're evil!
If kids are seen playing with Nerf guns in their backyard, the Thought Police call the school, they know who to tattle, and the kid's kicked out of school!
And the police uphold it!
These are not ninnying liberals.
These are authoritarians.
They give you free laptops.
They're not free.
They're taxpayer paid for to watch you.
From Kansas, to Pennsylvania, to California, to Canada, to England, they've caught, to Germany, the free school laptops watching the kids.
Because it's a program.
Of course they're watching you over the built-in cameras and microphones.
It's now declassified.
They're total criminals.
The government is total criminal.
Doesn't mean the average mid-level minion's a bad person, but the bad guy is captaining the ship.
And it ain't Obama, it's El Diablo.
And I'm telling you, it's just gonna get more spacey and weird and out of control from here.
And the good news is, liberty is rising, humanity is waking up.
Harrington High School use laptop webcams to spy on students at home, suit alleges.
Yeah, there it is.
No, no, no, no.
The school did a promo video showing, showing that they were watching them in the shower.
They called the police on them because a girl was eating Skittles.
An 11-year-old was eating Skittles in her underwear.
Go look at the lawsuit.
And the media acted like, these parents are suing, how dare them?
They thought she was taking drugs!
It looked like pills!
Thank God they're watching her!
And then it cuts to the resource officers, how they first found out about it, going, yeah, we watch the kids, and if they're doing something bad at home, we take a picture and show it to them the next day and say, you shouldn't have done that.
And it's like, Twilight Zone, Twilight Zone, Twilight Zone.
It's like a case out of Kansas again.
This case was Tennessee.
No, no, no, no.
It was another one Kansas.
It was a case in Tennessee about seven years ago where the middle school girls basketball team came, walked in, got in the shower after the game, or they got on the buses.
I never took showers after football, whatever, I just stunk and went home, you know, and they would always give us junk food, hamburgers on the bus on the way back, but the point was, is that they go into the showers, some people did take showers, but the point is, is the 11 and 12 year old girls go in, they're taking showers, they see cameras in the showers, freak out, their parents are out waiting to pick them up, they freak out, there's almost a riot, and the police were in the news going, of course we watch you in the shower.
And everyone went, oh, you watch us in the shower.
The authority figure says, you watch us in the shower.
This is a cult, folks.
A cult.
And I don't even know if the green police, the green volunteers called the police on me.
Even though they talked about it, I heard them.
He's passed the tape.
Well, we need to put up more tape.
Police, as I'm going down the hill.
Maybe neighbors called the police on me.
Because again, you come up to a trailhead, there's a neighborhood nearby, and a woman in a car 100 yards away gets out, runs over and says, you don't go!
She was Asian, didn't have too good English.
She goes, you don't go!
It's closed!
And was like real angry, bugging her eyes out.
And I was like, looks like a 25 year old woman.
I was like, I'd seen her down there before.
I never even said anything to her, and I was like, well I ignore stuff like that.
I ignore bureaucracy.
And like ran off, and I thought she would call the police.
So I mean, who knows what's going on?
But I mean, this is how disgusting our country's gotten.
Now we got profit in Arizona who claims to support the overlord, the dear one, our God, our King, our Lord, our Savior, our lovey-dovey, Obama.
And if you don't say that, you're racist.
And then we're going to talk to Adolf in Michigan, pro-Obama.
Now we'll see if these are joke calls, Steve in Chicago, and others when we come back.
And then we'll take their calls for 30 minutes to the next hour and get to all the other news.
And then I'm going right to your calls when we come back.
Briefly, we sold out of the Nation Iodine again.
So more is on the way.
They're producing it at the top.
Organic lab in the country, and let me tell you, we tried to go get it from other suppliers, and I'm not knocking other people.
It tastes like rocket fuel, and it's terrible.
We've had it looked at.
It's breaking down.
It's not real nascent iodine.
I've been told by my sources, Dr. Grip and others, this is probably the only real nascent iodine in the country.
And I mean, that's why I did a year of research on this, went with them, but it's a smaller lab, so they are literally
At full capacity to produce this.
The other stuff, we've tried competitors, we can't sell it.
I'm not being mean, it's just, it's alcohol based, even the glycerin based ones, I don't know what's going on.
It tastes so horrible.
The group we use is so amazing.
And if you want to get it, it might be a couple weeks until you get it, but it's the only place to get it is InfoWarsLife.com.
InfoWarsStore.com also has it.
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With Fukushima continuing to melt down, the radiation levels going up in North America, in the Northern Hemisphere, I went with Dr. Groot, folks, after, well, really two years of research, but a year on iodine, as my top advisor, because he really is the best.
And he helped us formulate this for InfoWarsLife, InfoWarsLife.com, Survival Shield, and your person supports the broadcast.
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Don't take other iodine, folks.
I need to have a special video just on that.
Okay, the point is that this is the stuff right here.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Paul Watson's got a new article up on InfoWars.com.
Looks pretty suspicious.
Hidden messages, a new $100 bill.
Multinational Food Corporation wants to spy on you, Kurt Nemo.
EBT card users threaten Rodney King-style riots.
I know we have that video.
I'm gonna cue that up later after I take calls.
They say, look, you ever let this happen again, we're gonna burn this place down.
It's gonna be Rodney King riots, baby.
Gotta love it.
If you don't give the globalists power over your life, they'll stage terror attacks.
Don't give the welfare hordes all the free stuff, they'll burn your city down.
Life under terrorism.
Wouldn't pay the Roman Fire Department 2,000 years ago, they'd burn down your neighborhood.
In Rome.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Worse than healthcare.gov, EBT food stamp system crash is inevitable.
Mike Adams breaks it down.
Here's why.
Are food stamp riots coming?
Stores ransacked and torn apart during food stamp outage.
Obamacare's website is crashing because it doesn't want you to know how costly its plans are.
Forbes now concurs with their IT people with Mike Adams here last week at InfoWars.
Girls threatened with hate crime charges for complaining about transgender bathroom harassment.
That's right.
Don't like people looking through you through the stall?
Don't like, uh... Oh, you're bad.
And, uh, that's... Oh, there's also the article about Nanny State's bans running water.
They banned sports stamps, now they're banning being there running water.
I'm not kidding.
And then today the police were obviously called on me because I dared go back to the scene of my crime yesterday.
I'm admitting to the crime, folks.
Of course, there actually wasn't a city ordinance in effect over the green belt.
They just lied and put stuff up.
Gotta love it though, like they've locked down the national parks and they want to arrest you.
They want to put their mitts on you.
This is slavery.
They just brought slavery back in.
They have all these petty rules and things to get you in the system and feed off of you and keep you under their thumb.
Let's talk to, we've got a whole bunch of Obamanoids on the phone here.
Who should we talk to?
Steve, Joe, Prophet, Adolf, Kyle.
Which one sounds real, John Harmon?
Joe in New York.
Tell me, tell me about how great Obamacare is, sir.
I think Obamacare is a wonderful boost to the economy in Canada.
A lot of the industry has moved.
The United States moved to Canada because they have free health care and a boost to the economy and create a great system of free medicine for everything.
And when you redistribute the wealth, everything gets better and the economy improves.
And that's why we should have a 100% tax on it, a state tax.
And have a tax rate 70% the way it was in the 1950s.
Well, the Democrats do support that, but you know the ultra-rich put their money in tax-free foundations and offshore, so they want all the estate tax of the middle class to get rid of it.
Do you understand elites throughout history are at war with the middle class?
That's an admitted sociological, anthropological fact.
Are you aware of that?
Yes, but Obama is actually kind of a nice guy.
He should probably be president for life, and perhaps... Alright, you're being sarcastic.
Alright, who else is real here?
Who else do we have?
Is anybody real?
It's true that most Obama supporters cannot dial telephones.
Kyle in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
First of all, I think there's a lot of problems with the Obamacare plan the way that it is today, but I do think that in some way, shape, or form, the government needs to step in and set rules, set limits, and have there be
Some sort of overseeing body in the healthcare division.
Well, I mean, if the Archangel Gabriel was going to oversee a socialist system just for healthcare, I would support it.
But see, Satan basically oversees it.
The eugenicists oversee it.
And so, anything they give us will be a screwjob.
And the bigger it gets, the bigger the screwjob is.
Do you understand that criminal special interests wrote this?
Yeah, I absolutely understand that the insurance companies were involved in its inception, but I also think that as the health care plan gets implemented, and as we go along, once people see its inferior form today, there's going to be a resistance to it.
There you go, and then the demand to bring in full socialism.
That's the talking point I've heard.
I want to come back and hear that.
Stay there.
It's a plan, folks.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You want to know how bad the economy really is?
Walmart's having one of the worst years it's had since it was started.
We're going to be getting into that next.
That's really a gauge of what's happening to the working poor.
I'm about to go back to Obama supporters, Kyle and others, Adolf, Prophet, Steve, who say they support Obamacare and love what's happening.
Kyle's giving us a real answer, and I want to talk to him.
He's obviously a real Obama supporter.
We'll go back to him in a moment.
I was just reading, though, during the break, a video that just went up this morning.
Nanny state bans running water.
That report was on the nightly news last night.
I'm going to have this posted on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to tweet it out during the next break at Real Alex Jones.
Because, see, I know how they've done this in other countries, how they did it outside San Francisco, how they take over land.
First, they take farmers and ranchers' land outside development zones under the guise of saying it's going to be a greenbelt.
State, federal, or city park, or county park.
Then they ban the vehicles on the existing roads that were there, including paved roads.
Then they get the mountain bikers and the regular folks, the hikers, to call for a ban on cars.
Then they ban the cars.
Except for the police vehicles.
Then they have the hikers call for the ban of the mountain bikers.
And then they ban humans altogether.
And now they're banning, you heard it, national seashores.
You can't get in the water on the east and west coast in most areas.
Our affiliate, one of our affiliates out in Santa Cruz is always reporting on NOAA, the National Weather Service, going out and arresting surfers if they get within 100 yards of a whale.
There's always been whales out there.
It's just any way to get you off the land to teach you under feudalism, you have no right.
The average green cop doesn't know this.
And they always bring in the little green tattletales, who I ran into this morning.
And you see, I was there yesterday, did this video covering it, had a woman come up and tell me I shouldn't be on the green belt, because it rained the other day.
And then today I heard the green volunteer police say, hey, Alex Jones is here, hey, you know, he shouldn't cross over, hey, only we're allowed to be here, police.
I didn't hear what they said, and the cops showed up 20 minutes later.
But look at this comment, and I'm going to go to break and come back, because some stations don't carry this segment.
Kyle, so I want to let everybody hear you as a real Obama supporter, explain why you like it, then add off Prophet, Steve, and others.
I want to hear from Obama supporters.
The whole free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
But I want to read what FreedomQuest08 said, commenting on my video, Nanny State Bans Running Water.
Just like they banned stamp-showing sports last week for the National Postal Service.
By the way, I'm not joking.
We actually broke that.
Now it's mainstream news.
This is a takeover.
You're like, but it doesn't make sense.
It's absurd.
That's the point.
When pimps on shows about pimps and hoes say, I pay my bitches nothing, that's what this is all about.
It's about totally breaking you.
They're going to take your child to the airport.
They're going to grab their genitals.
If you say you don't like it, they're going to arrest you.
It's their country now.
You got it?
Now let's get back to it.
They do this bleep with Boise, Idaho foothills as well.
But it's even worse here as there used to be roads.
First the BLM by proxy through lobbyist groups got the mountain bikers and the hikers to lobby to ban motorized vehicles.
Then they got the hikers to lobby and ban the mountain bikers.
Now when it rains they just close the trail to hikers because God forbid someone walks down the trail and makes a footprint in nature.
I omitted the expletives.
Get a job, you fat hippie.
That's what the next person says to someone saying we shouldn't be on there.
And again, Austin, in one swath, was it 1996, stole 40,000 acres that they'd already not let people use for a decade.
And they said, you know what, we still keep your property tax high.
Even though you sue us, sell us it for three cents on the dollar, we'll let you.
And they would turn part of it into a park, and then the rest they'd sell to literally the mayor's bank.
The mayor became the head of a bank, and then he owns it all.
And they got the cops, and they got the guns, and they're gonna take everything!
You got it?
It's redistribution, yeah!
We're gonna come back and talk to Kyle about Obamacare, then Adolf, Profit, Steve, and others.
I'm an extremist, I'm red-blooded, I'm a bad man!
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got big economic news, shutdown news, government default news.
We've got big Benghazi insider whistleblower, Tosh Plumlee, joining us.
He was on Megyn Kelly last week, and he says Fox News set him up.
He's going to be popping in at the bottom of the hour for 10 minutes, but I'm about to go to Obama supporters and their calls.
Kyle from PA, Adolf, Prophet, Chris, Steve, and others.
We're going to go to you in just a moment.
But first off,
Rachel Maddow, Janet Reno's daughter, I mean, excuse me, Big Sis' daughter, came out and demonized the vets.
Now, I covered this yesterday on Monday from the Sunday show the Democratic Party website actually calling the World War II vets racist because one person out of 10,000 plus, what's estimated to have shown up, so it was uncoordinated in different demonstrations, had a rebel flag patch on their jacket.
That could just mean you went through on a motorcycle trip to Georgia.
Usually it's just about pride and heritage and states' rights.
But regardless, you don't blame a whole group for wearing a rebel flag.
Off of that now, they're basically saying they're all racist.
And then Maddow lied, because I've checked and followed this.
The D.C.
police, the federal police, they are all being paid.
They're seen as essential services.
83% of the government is still operating. 83%.
Now the debt default is another issue entirely.
They could still put that off for months.
For three months they said that there was a 0% increase in the national debt because they hadn't passed the debt increase.
They could just do that again and just make it up and say, we don't need to default because there's been a zero increase.
It's all just made up fiat 1.5 quadrillion fake derivatives that Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of England, all of them made.
So they're holding us hostage.
But there's a little reality to a debt default down the road, which they hold us hostage with.
But she came out and said none of them were paid.
And the vets threw barricades at them.
We've looked at the footage.
The vets carried the barricades and took them to the White House as a gesture saying you're not going to block this.
And the vets, when the police were trying to billy club them, said we're non-violent and then pushed the cops back.
And the police wisely didn't beat their brains out like they normally would, because you know what's going to happen when you attack those veterans.
We've had enough.
We know there's tyranny in this country, and we're sick of it.
And now Forbes has had their tech people analyze the Obamacare exchange.
It's fake, like Mike Adams, who's a really smart programmer, folks.
I know people that know programming that know him and say he's genius level in many aspects.
He looked at it, broke it last week here.
That it's fake.
All it's doing is getting your data, and they've tracked where the data's going, the National Security Agency.
That's why their computers literally caught on fire last week with the traffic.
How about burning the lines up?
It got so hot in there with power surges, it blew the computers up.
So even their data snooping isn't working.
They're such greedy criminals to get all your data.
So we're going to go to Kyle, but I want to play for you Rachel Maddow, a lying pig, a lying disinfo agent.
This is a lying slob.
They've got other people on there that get up there and say, I'm deeply racist and behind the Boston bombing, and then show no proof.
My lawyer said, hands down, you will win this with a jury trial, but it'll cost hundreds of thousands, and they'll just pay it with tax money they get in stimulus money.
Do you want to spend all your time going to trial?
And I said, how long do I have?
He goes, two years.
And I said, nah, I'm not litigious.
But man, if any harm comes to me,
If one of your mental patient viewers, one of your low IQ viewers blows me away saying I'm a Klan member or something, I want it on record, I want all of you sued personally, okay?
If one of your wind-up, just like the Southern Poverty Law Center guy went in the Family Research Council and shot a bunch of people saying, because Southern Poverty Law Center said they were racist or whatever, that happens to me, you're going to be held accountable, you understand that?
One of your moron viewers, I mean you've got the dumbest viewers you sit there and lie to.
Make me sick.
We're going to go back to Kyle and others here in a minute, Obama supporters, but here's Rachel Maddow saying the cops aren't paid.
That's on record a lie.
And saying that the military, the veterans attacked these toilet attendant looking, I mean, these police are wearing the same uniform as the park police.
This is like the new Star Trek.
This is the liberal brigade outfit.
Here it is.
So the protesters rally with the two Republican senators who led the way for the shutdown.
Mike Lee and Ted Cruz expressing their outrage that the things they want to be open are closed now because of that shutdown.
They then picked up the barricades that were around the closed World War II memorial and dragged the barricades over to the White House and hurled the barricades at the White House.
Then the protesters went home, so the police, who through no fault of their own are working without being paid, the police had to pick up those barriers.
Let's stop right there.
Folks, I've tracked this and we've covered it, but let's pull it up to prove she's a liar.
I want an article done on this.
Those aren't DC police, but they're being paid essential service.
The federal police are being paid.
The federal security guards.
It's all on record that none of that's shut down.
This is absolute bull.
She's lying to reviewers again.
And then she said the Republicans don't like what they like being shut down.
They hired extra people to go put up barricades to keep people out of open malls.
I've been to D.C.
There's no one there but security guards to come over and harass you if you try to videotape.
I've been to the World War II Memorial.
There's two federal security guards there!
You liar!
Now there's like 50.
We've seen the live feeds.
We've had reporters there.
You are a dirtbag liar!
I'm calling you out, scum!
I'm sorry, go back to her.
Go back to it.
Go back.
...drag them back to where they came from and keep working their shifts without being paid because of the shutdown that these folks made happen.
Hit pause!
Hit pause!
Hit pause!
Did you notice they edited where the cop attacked the vet first?
And then the vet... Oh my gosh!
Just like NBC got caught editing the Trayvon... My... I didn't even pick that up the first time I saw it!
Play that again!
Play that again!
Man, these people are an enemy force!
They are really occupying the country!
Because of the shutdown that these folks made happen.
Back it up!
Back it up more!
Back it up, Tony!
Listen, if you're a TV viewer, it's the same footage we showed Sunday and analyzed.
The veterans come up, they're putting the fencing down, and the cops ram them so the veteran pushes back.
They edited that out!
That'd be like if they showed Reginald Denny having his head beat in and said that he'd assaulted the people.
Or that'd be like if they animated Rodney King beating cops with a club and then cut to the... I mean, it's just totally made up.
That would just have a graphic of, like, Kennedy firing machine guns.
That's why somebody shot him in the head.
They could do that with computer technology.
Kennedy was actually in a shootout in Dallas.
Did people know that?
He had a howitzer in the front of the car and was firing it.
Folks, this is the same group with Bill Gates involved and all the rest of it.
I'm actually having a meltdown right now in there.
I can't even believe what I just saw.
I need one of the writers to do a report on this.
NBC edits video.
NBC edits video.
...to frame veterans.
Play it again, because I just saw that.
They edit the clip where the cop attacks the veteran.
Play it.
...no fault of their own are working without being paid.
The police had to pick up those barriers, drag them back to where they came from, and keep working their shifts.
Back it up again, because I've seen that footage so much.
The cops push first.
Then the veteran and the cop push each other, and it appears to be edited.
We've got to check that.
Play that again.
Police, who through no fault of their own, are working without being paid.
The police had to pick up those barriers, drag them back to where they came from, and keep working their shifts without being paid because of the shutdown that these folks made happen.
Vaguely threatening, but... Right there is where they do it.
They don't show the whole exchange.
We have them now.
But it doesn't matter, their viewers don't even know.
Kyle, I'm sorry, go ahead and tell us why you support Obamacare.
I apologize for making you hold.
Go ahead, sir.
No, and, you know, let me just, and this might upset you, but I'm not an Obama supporter.
I'm much more along the lines of, like, Webster Tarpley, where I do think that there should be certain social safety nets for the population.
I mean, there's no reason that Dick Cheney should have an anatomical heart and no pulse, but if I were in the same situation, I would be dead.
And from my perspective, the only body, the only governing body that can sort of set the rules or equal things out is the government.
Because the insurance companies aren't going to do that.
Capitalism isn't going to do that.
Well here's the problem.
Socialism always ends up collapsing.
Well, never works in the end because the corruption creeps into it.
And if you look at Obamacare, written by the insurance companies, they didn't have a hand in it.
They bragged, they wrote the whole thing.
It's already doubled everyone I know's premiums, including poor people.
And it's pushing them out of the system where they'll just pay the fine and still have no health care, and then Charity Care will take care of them.
But you said before the break,
You said that, well, this will just wreck it further and then we'll finally get justice.
Listen, there's no amount of socialism that will end up giving the dependent class enough to take care of themselves and then it does create more dependency and then a source of entitlement and does degenerate societies.
Are you denying that?
Well, it's, it's, no, what I'm saying is
That Obamacare, in its flawed form that it is now, is, you know, for better or worse, a step in a direction where eventually, you know, when people's premiums do start to go up and they realize that Walmart has exceptions and, you know, McDonald's doesn't have to do this for their employees, that, you know, in a perfect world,
People would resist, and people would push back, and they would demand equality, and so that, no matter how much money you have, no matter, you know, what status you hold in the community, you get the same exact... No, no, no, you're absolutely right.
This is the thought process of people like you, who aren't bad folks, and you sound like you're pretty smart at a certain level.
You're not looking at history.
They're going to raise taxes on the middle class out of this, and it's going to take everything over, until...
Everyone is basically poor except for offshore banks.
And then you will get socialized death care like England.
You argue that unions and unions workers did not do great things for the wages of American workers.
Undoubtedly, if you go back in the last hundred years, unions did a lot of good, but now they've become corrupting forces that vote to open the borders up and drive down wages and support NAFTA and GATT and support shipping General Motors to China.
The unions are there to sell America out now, the big ones undoubtedly, and then in other areas of the country to harass people that are trying to hold on by their fingernails that aren't part of their mafia.
Alex Jones here, and I want to tell you about a longtime friend of the show, My Patriot Supply.
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Folks, we aired the live feed Sunday and then found the clip online of the police initiating force on the veterans that brought the gates, the fences to the wire houses in act of protest from the shutdown memorials.
And we now went and checked the raw footage.
MSNBC did indeed edit out the police initiating the attack on the veterans.
NBC News, to their credit, on Sunday actually aired where the police initiated it.
Matt Au, the entire thing she says in the Minute and a Half clip is a lie.
She says the police aren't paid, that they threw barricades at the police, which never happened, and that they attacked the police, and that Republicans
Only want things they want open.
No, they don't want five times to ten times the police, like the Grand Canyon or the World War II Memorial, called out to wire shut the fences and not let tourists in, you jackass, you liar.
Just like they worked with the French to block the Normandy beach so people couldn't go to it.
I mean, they bend over backwards, and we all know it about dirtbag bureaucrats.
You soulless people.
You're the type of folks that get in the fast lane and drive below the speed limit.
And you'll team up with somebody else to block someone in.
I know, because I've gone around in my younger days on the shoulder, they'll gun it and try to stop you.
They are so weak, and so passive-aggressive, and so pathetic, and so stupid, and so just weasel-like, that they live to hold down hard-working people.
I've had it with you, and I know who you are, and I'm sick of it.
And then it just makes me so mad to see Rachel Maddow.
I mean, this is the same network, the same group that edited the Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman 9-1-1 tapes, and are being sued over it.
To make it sound like he said, he's a black guy!
Get him off, black guy!
Truth was, he's like, yeah, there's a guy, he's got a hoodie, he's looking in cars, looking in houses.
Yeah, he's looking erratic, walking around in the rain, looks like he doesn't know where he's going, might be on drugs or something.
What color is he?
Is he black?
Is he white?
Is he Hispanic?
He looks like he might be black.
Yeah, I think he's black.
Yeah, there's a guy walking around with a hoodie, he's black!
Boy, I tell you, that's really magic how they do that.
So the cops, they come up, we build the clubs, hit veterans.
Well, MSNBC just takes that out and cuts the veteran pushing back.
You are the biggest slimebag I've ever seen.
But why not?
They say I'm deeply racist and that I'm behind the Boston Bombing.
I mean, why not lie to their viewers?
It's all a complete lie.
Let's talk to Steve in Chicago.
Steve, do you love the Obama gang rape that's going on?
Jones, you're a putschist.
You're bent on a coup d'etat with your fractional Tea Party.
That's all they are, is fractional.
You guys don't want to admit this thing was passed in the Congress, signed by the President, and okayed by the Supreme Court.
You're just trying to subvert it.
And if you talk about the debt ceiling, why don't you real estate flip Arlington Cemetery?
I'm sure your real estate flippers that support this program can do that.
Also, the rare metals dealers.
Why don't you just melt down the Lincoln Memorial and the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia?
And that's what you guys are always talking money, money, money.
McGruff, McGruff, McGruff, hold on just a minute.
Socialism doesn't work.
This is worse than socialism.
This is globalism, where the elite are above the law, tax-exempt, create socialism, promise everybody something great, wreck it, and then, as I predicted months ago, you guys will clamor for even more, saying, you people wrecked our free Obamacare!
Is the exchange... Okay, so I'm... You said I'm subverting things.
I'm subverting healthcare.gov,
You're saying I'm the reason it's not working and it's a screw job.
Is that what you're saying?
I'm saying we didn't have this when Medicare came in with Senator Dirksen and McCormick.
I don't ever remember this kind of behavior.
And also, you talk about socialism.
Aren't you the guy that always had Bob Chapman on there and predicting the euro and Athens-Greece was going to fall?
Aren't you the guy that was predicting that Cyprus was going to fall?
It has, it has.
And who's gone?
I mean, what are you talking about?
Everything we've said is coming.
Yeah, Chapman is gone.
The euro is still there.
Well, that's because it's used as a unit.
Its founder said to rob everybody.
It's not our opinion.
Then they're going to roll it into the SDR Global Union.
That's all being announced.
Are you saying I'm wrong?
Okay, so I'm going to melt another Liberty Bell.
That's like saying Alex wants to hurt old ladies.
Okay, Alex wants to hurt old ladies.
Alex is the one that messed up Obamacare.
I knew a few people.
So you poor thing, you're really counting on some free health care, aren't you?
Yes, sir.
And you'd sell your own mother for a pair of shoes.
I would sell my own mother.
Her bare shoes, that's right.
Melt down everything to precious metals.
And then you can just whip it all the time.
McGruff, listen to me.
Can I hear McGruff the Crime Dog endorse Obamacare?
Can you do it?
I love Obamacare.
You're a piece of work.
You really are Obama's supporter.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Coming to you from Austin, Texas.
Resisting the Nanny State.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, I knew it!
We've got real Obama supporters calling in, and they're saying they want their free health care, even though they already have it under Medicare and Medicaid if they're poor, even though there's charity hospitals everywhere, even though my dad's worked in them, Ron Paul's worked in them, Dr. Blaylock's worked in them, even though I know more about health care management than 99.999999999% of people, because I've got a bunch of family that's been in it forever.
And I've interviewed all the experts.
The general public just calls in.
They've bought into Obamacare.
They believe they're getting a free deal.
And they don't care that the health exchange doesn't work.
They don't care it's all a giant fraud.
They want to believe it's real.
They want their free deal.
And they say, hey, let it wreck the whole thing.
Then I'll get real socialism.
Yeah, what you'll get is incredible.
Because the establishment is going to take anything we do and turn it into a screw job.
This is not the free market that did this.
We're going to have Tosh Plumlee on with us in just a moment to give us an update on what happened with Fox News selling down the river.
He talked about it on his Facebook site.
With his Benghazi info he gave them and they didn't turn it into that.
They took it and twisted it.
He says his life's basically in danger because of this.
So we're going to get a statement from him and an update on Benghazi in a moment in the aftermath of the Senate.
Intelligence Committee threatening him and more since he came on the show.
But speaking of mainstream media manipulation, Darren McBreen has got the footage because we captured it off the live feed.
And he's going to put it together with Rachel Maddow from last night, where she said the World War II vets and others attacked the police.
And she edited it when the cops attacked them with billy clubs.
They then push them back.
They just cut it off where the cops attack them.
This is the MSNBC and NBC who are on record.
This is the raw footage we're showing TV viewers.
Radio listeners can't see it, obviously, yet.
Where the cops shove them and the vets shove back.
Matt Outt cuts it off.
I mean, there's just no shame in these people.
And then she lied and said the cops weren't paid when we checked.
They're paid.
And the vets didn't throw the barricades at the police.
There's no footage of that.
Nobody to let.
She just sits there, just on a teleprompter, lying to her viewers.
And I know they lie, but I mean, this is getting bad.
This is going to be big national news when this breaks.
Don Salazar is working on the article.
We're getting a video put together with the original clip and her clip lying, with subtitles explaining to the dumbed-down sheep what's happening.
That is
That is coming up.
We've got some other breaking news as well.
Briefly here, we want to do some mid-air refueling.
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We don't get any taxpayer money.
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People ask why I get wound up and aggressive.
I just faced down eight green police and three cop cars today saying I couldn't go on the green belt when I checked.
There's no ordinance and it's not in effect right now that I can't be down there.
And I'm not saying I'm some hero either, but I'm in a war every day with the Communists here in Austin.
I mean, I'm done.
I have the big whistleblowers on on Benghazi.
I have the nuke, the missing nuke, whistleblower info.
I have the Navy SEAL families on.
I break it.
I cover it.
I do it.
I belly up.
I am a maniac.
Maybe I'm bad.
Maybe Obama's good.
Maybe Communism's good.
Maybe National Socialism's good.
Maybe Rachel Maddow's good.
Maybe I've been wrong, but I can't help it.
I will not be a Communist!
Now excuse me, I'm going to stop right there.
I am rabble-rousing for liberty.
We're in desperate straits.
You got all these fake talking heads up there, the prettiest face they can get, stick them up there like the nice girl next door, Megyn Kelly.
And then we get the connections done, get Tosh Plumlee on there, and they turn it into 15 seconds talking about how he worked with narco operations, almost implying he's a bad guy or something.
Well he's been working with the Mexican Marines and Joint Task Force 6 out of Fort Bliss, Texas to stop drugs.
While the black side of government, the dark side, is on record shipping them in.
And so I wanted to get him on with us to talk about...
What happened to him, because he put it out on his Facebook, that we'll put up on screen for folks, and I'll give them the address, that this is endangering his life.
And he, again, is a famous whistleblower of the Church Committee, if you just joined us, and then of Iran-Contra.
And you ask, how does he still work in government?
Because there's a light side of government.
He doesn't work in government, he's a private contractor.
Flying into the Middle East, you name it, and he exposed that the State Department was shipping guns directly to Al-Qaeda, that they weren't just getting Libyan arms.
That's what my intel has said as well.
This is somebody else confirming with a high-level NATO source and another source, we'll just leave it at that, at a military base, high-level, that this is indeed what happened.
And this is a famous whistleblower for folk, people don't know who,
Chuck Yeager is.
They don't even know who Neil Armstrong is.
And I'm not comparing Tosh Blumling to that.
He doesn't want to be called a hero.
But he's one of the most famous whistleblowers at 76 years old alive today.
He flew arms in the 50s to Fidel Castro for the CIA when he worked for the CIA under Eisenhower.
And he's also a veteran.
Never talked about that.
You know, Tosh, I know I'm ranting here.
We've got about nine minutes to break and we'll let you go.
I know you're a busy guy.
Tell us what happened with Fox News and why you're so upset.
And, you know, reading your Facebook post last Friday saying that this endangers your life, what they did.
Do we have Tosh Blumlin?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, you're on.
Okay, thank you for having me back on.
I do appreciate that.
You bet.
I know we have time restraints here, so I'll try to recap the best I can.
Some time back, I had 11 questions.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Also, I thought the situation with Kiki Camarena and his death came up, and I knew Kiki, I'd flown Kiki, and there was some documentation about the thing that Kiki had run into, Kiki Camarena, was killed in 1985, executed, he was actually ratted out by elements within the CIA, not because he had found a marijuana farm
We're good to go.
Uh, and, uh, a southern front was formed, um, and, uh, a secret air base was, uh, made down in, um, Santa Elena, Costa Rica.
Uh, weapons were going to Costa Rica.
Drugs were coming back from that area to finance the operation of the guns going south.
Two people found out about that.
Uh, Kiki Camarena, DEA agent, and also a Marine Colonel by the name of James Saboe out of Marine El Toro Naval Air Station.
His command had run into what they thought at first was a drug running operation going through El Toro, but later turned out that he found out about the gun.
This was what I thought we were going to talk about on Fox.
It got up to where I explained the details behind the Kiki Tamarino murder, uh, kidnapping.
Also, his pilot was shot right in front of Kiki.
Kiki was, uh, had to bury his pilot friend.
And they hit Kiki over the back of the shovel and broke the shovel and drug him in the house and tortured him for two days and kept him alive.
It was not over marijuana that that man was killed.
It was over the fact that he had found out about the CIA thing, the Mexico CIA thing known as Operation Penetrate.
That's what got Kiki Camarena killed.
That's what I was trying to tell Fox News.
Fox News, I thought I could trust.
I'm not mad at anybody.
I'm not upset.
I'm not going to let myself on your air get upset.
I'm going to try to relay exactly what happened.
Now tell people whose show you went on what happened.
Alright, I was filmed for 45 minutes telling basically everything I'm telling you.
And then when it aired it was cut out.
And it laced the impression to me and other people
That, uh, I was the CIA pilot.
No, I wasn't a CIA pilot.
I was THE pilot that had flown Quintero, Carl, from the Buffalo Ranch to Guatemala so that the DFF, the Mexican police, and our authorities would not get him.
So it appears that I was the drug pilot that had run Carl Quintero out of the country
And that's the way it came across.
The stuff about CIA, the information about what Kiki had run into and reported back to his superiors, was not recorded in that interview.
That upset me immensely.
It put me in some pretty bad situations with people inside Mexico because of the Task Force 7 operations that have been going on since 2009 through 2013, or the early part of this year.
And, uh, I reacted.
And, uh, so I started posting on Facebook.
I posted some very sensitive documents to confirm what I was saying, known as the Bareilles File.
I called it the Hector Bareilles and Bill Jordan.
They were already public on this.
My information does stay tied into those agents.
And, uh,
Well, you said in your Facebook post that I saw that this endangers your life.
Well, I mean, I think two and two can be figured.
I'm sure as hell not going to be going down to Mexico anytime soon.
I do think here.
I worked three years with a task force down there that was training out the Marinos to go in and take out the Zeta, who, by the way, has American arms and took the American arms from the Mexico arsenal that had been shipped by the direct commercial sales to Mexico.
This was a legal operation.
It was run by the State Department.
The reason that T.P.
Camarena came into this picture was because I said that the Benghazi situation was the same them all.
Sure, so you were trying to go on about your past and then Benghazi and the info and they just spun it and turned it into some total distraction that wasn't even accurate.
What I was trying to do was use the Kiki Camarena situation and the weapons smuggling to the southern front of the Iran-Contra, the secret air base in Santa Elena, Costa Rica.
I was trying to use that as an example that the same situation
Sure, you're trying to explain this is bigger than Iran-Contra, because now it's to Al-Qaeda type gribs, and that's a great way, but of course they taped it and butchered it down, and I knew exactly... Whatever they did, and for whatever reasons, number one, I was told it was going to be aired on another program that's still, I can't pronounce his last name, like Genesis or whatever, and then found out it was going to be cut and switched over to the new Megan
No, no, that's what they do.
Look, in closing...
We know what they do.
We know what they do.
We know what's going on.
I'm not a, you know, anyway, that's not important.
Well listen, we're almost out of time and we appreciate your courage.
Anything else from the Senate Intelligence Committee?
Any more threats?
Shut up.
Yeah, just tell me to shut the hell up.
That's all.
Anyway, I know we're out of time and I appreciate your opportunity.
No, but you say you've now been threatened again.
So first they said we'll see about that now?
Well, yeah, we'll see about that.
And then, uh, I'm messing with a national security matter, and it's being investigated, and I'm doing a lot of damage, and I'm, I'm, I'm putting people on the spot.
Hey, man, I'm on the spot.
I want my country back.
Simple as that.
I know you're out of time here.
I want my country back.
That's the only damn reason I'm talking to you, CBF, or anybody who wants to listen.
All I'm asking, answer those damned 11 questions.
No, I understand.
You're tired of playing games.
I am too.
Hey, I'm tired of the double talk.
We're losing our country!
Get off our ass and do something about it!
I hear you, we need more people, whistleblowers to go public, like Michael Asing said, and they blew his car up.
Alex, whatever you call them, whistleblowers or whatever the hell you call them, I call them American citizens.
Get off our butts and demand that these people do something that we've elected.
If you have to throw all the babies out with the bathwater, then just throw them out.
Start all over again.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness... Well, I don't know what just happened.
We had a bunch of Obama supporters on the line, listening on AM and FM stations in places like Michigan and California on XM244.
They all just hung up during that break.
I guess it was mean to call them Obamanoids.
I'm sorry.
Smart guys.
How's that sound?
We had a lot of smart guys.
Wise guys.
I hate to be mean.
It's just that, look, I was against Bush and he was horrible.
Obama is like five times worse.
I can't even believe it.
I mean, just butchering everything.
And I know it's because of the season we're in.
I know it's because the tyranny is getting worse.
If it was a Republican, they'd probably be just as bad.
But the Democrats go, well, he's a Democrat, so I'm on the winning team.
As you're being raped, as the big insurance companies laugh about all this, you still think you're going to get a free deal.
It's like you buy a lottery ticket, it doesn't work, so you buy another and buy another.
I predicted all this because I know the mentality.
That's why they thought they could get away with this.
Toll-free number four Obama supporters.
Four smart people to explain to me a dumb racist.
How I am racist.
I mean, Rachel Maddow said so.
Prophet, in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Enlighten me, Prophet.
Enlighten me, oh gracious one.
Okay, this is a series called Battle Bomber, so just let me finish.
I totally disagree with your decision to push back the release date of the Obama Deception 2 until March, and I have a couple of suggestions.
Number one, the best way to end the Obama Deception 2 is with mugshots of all his puppet master controllers.
You should put a black and white photo of the globalist banksters holding that little sign under their chin.
Okay, I really want their names and home addresses
To be put on a little placard under their chin instead of, you know... So let me guess, you lied.
You're not really an Obama supporter.
Well, I asked John if I could go slightly off topic in a second hour.
So let me just finish, please.
You put a booking number under their chin as if they're already in jail.
And I'm talking about the home addresses for David Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros.
Henry Kissinger, Ziggy Brzezinski, Maury Strong.
Number two, I also think they should put Obama's birth certificate in Obama Deception 2.
People like that.
Brother, I gotta jump.
You're not an Obama supporter.
You're a smart guy, though.
You're a real wise guy.
He actually guessed how we're looking at ending the film.
I can't put it out any earlier.
Because I gotta have time to produce the DVDs, promote it, everything, and I'm still not done with it.
And I'm not gonna... If I put it out now, it's very powerful.
If I finish it in December, have it mastered and manufactured in, say, late January, pre-sales in February, have it come out in March, it'll sell less than if I release it in December, but I don't care about that.
I care about when I air it on PrisonPlanet.tv, and the DVDs go out, people are going to have watching parties with it and stuff, and give it to Obama victims, Obama slaves, Obama zombies, Obama sheep, Obama!
Then when it goes on YouTube, because it'll go on YouTube, you know, a day after I put it on PrisonBlock.tv.
I mean, I don't try to make money off it.
It's not that it's bad to make money.
I make money selling other stuff that you need to put these weapons out.
And it is a weapons system, and I want 20 million views on it.
On YouTube and other platforms in the first month.
So... And believe me, if I start putting their home addresses and things, then it really pushes the... I'm already asking for it, okay?
Believe me.
Believe me.
I'm already asking for it.
You want me to push any harder?
I mean, I'm... My problem is I can't control myself.
I probably will.
I mean, it's just... Whatever.
I'm kind of like Tosh Plumlee.
I'm just like, let's just go.
You scum want it?
I didn't know they could stack crap that high.
That's all I can say.
And all their snot-nosed supporters.
I mean, the dumbest people I've ever seen in my life.
And I just want them to be free.
But they think they're on the winning team.
Like the Nazis did.
A bunch of idiots.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got some chilling news coming up in the next segment.
Senate says right to keep and bear arms is debatable, and they need to go ahead and ban it.
We've got autocrat Feinstein defends high-tech Stasi surveillance state, an op-ed.
Military coalition rallies demands end to government shutdown.
That's just some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now the former San Diego mayor has been charged with felony false imprisonment and battery.
All right, let's go ahead and go back to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Adolph in Michigan, listening on 94.5 FM.
And Adolph, I'm sorry for making you hold so long.
Thank you for being on the air with us.
Tell me about Obamacare.
Well, Alex, I've been on hold for a while, so I'll try to summarize everything I wanted to say real quick.
Number one, U.S.
taxpayers have financed the globe.
And number two, the U.S.
corporations that are being global have no allegiance to their own country.
Number three, capitalism or socialism don't have to be an all-or-nothing thing.
And number four, Barack Obama is my president.
He's president of the United States, and I support the president.
Well, I hate to be mean to you.
You sound like a really nice guy who's probably down and out and just is hoping for something.
Let me try to just be clear here with you.
The multinationals that are raping this country wrote this.
And of course, when it wrecks it, you're gonna want more and then go for the next thing as they dangle the carrot and you follow it off the edge of the cliff.
I predicted exactly how all this would go, because they've done it in countless countries.
They're following... You know, it'd be like if I saw my wife making pancakes and I predicted the ingredients.
I didn't predict anything.
I know what's on the box of instant pancake mix.
Shake and bake!
Like Ricky Bobby says.
And this is shake and bake here, my friend.
This is... This is...
This is a predetermined plan, and they know your mentality, and you say it's not an all-or-nothing thing.
They're not going to give you the free healthcare.
The free healthcare was already there on Medicare and Medicaid.
Healthcare has gotten screwed up since government got involved in the last 50 years.
Most places that have socialist healthcare, like England, are hellholes.
A few places have it pretty good because in Northern Europe they will actually administer things properly.
And still, it's like 75% taxes, but you do have real, free, decent health care.
The problem is now they're phasing in eugenics and privatizing to do it.
We're going right to the privatization like England's now doing, where it's double gang rape.
In fact, it shouldn't be called Obamacare, it should be called double gang rape care.
I mean, Affordable Care Act?
How about Affordable Rape Act?
I mean, this is a raping.
And the poor Obama supporters call in and go, you know, we finance the world.
We finance the bankers.
We bail out trillions.
Can't I have something?
And the thing is, they're not going to give you anything because you don't have an army.
You don't have billions to lobby.
You don't run black op squads.
I mean, you just... The Bill of Rights and Constitution and due process and an active involved people was supposed to support you and give you a free market so you had a chance in a market to get the health care you wanted.
The big insurance companies came in, took it over, gamed it, cheated the whole system, and now they've decided, hey, these sheep will put up with anything.
Let's double their premiums and take away their health care.
How's that sound?
You just touched the tip of the iceberg.
But Obama's your president.
And, I mean, are you really an Obama supporter?
I voted for him.
He's not going to be able to run again.
And I'm worried about who we're going to have sex from.
OK, but you understand you've been conned.
You understand Obama does this on everything.
It hasn't been Obama.
It's been a lot of people that have conned me.
So you forgive him.
Well, see, that's why he's a good president, then.
As long as you feel good.
It's like the Japanese saying, if you're going to be raped, go ahead and lay down and enjoy it.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Chaos is hanging around.
Put your ear to the ground.
And shut it from sound.
The death machine ain't slowing down.
It's gaining pound for pound.
We've got top survivalist guru James Leslie Rawls best-selling author joining us to give us an update his take on the EBT cards going down and the default and all the rest of it that he said years ago and then even months ago here on the show would be the build-up towards something big middle of next year is what he's predicting.
I want to go back to Obama supporters here in just a moment.
That's Shooter Jennings great patriot and listener of the show bringing us into this hour.
I've got to basically break a few things down here, folks.
Listening to these Obama supporters, if you just tuned in, you missed them.
They really are desperate.
They're like, Obama's my president.
He cares about me.
It would have been bad with another president.
I know healthcare.gov doesn't work.
I know it's terrible.
This is meant to bring the system down, so I'll finally get socialism.
And I'm explaining, you don't have any lobbyists.
You don't even have any special interest for your socialism.
That's bad enough, because it always gets taken over.
This has already been taken over, and it will destroy this society and culture.
And they don't know what to say.
It's very, very sad.
And these are real Obama supporters that have been calling in.
We've had a few people being sarcastic, but it's going exactly as I thought it would go, because they've done this in country after country before us.
The globalists know what they're doing.
Chris and Mash, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Here's my take on this, because I actually do support Obama.
You know, I'm not going to be sarcastic.
I'm not a big caller.
Sorry, it kind of sounds like an NPR voice, but there are people around.
I really want... I didn't want Romney to get in, and I did want Obama to get in, mostly because...
People need to feel some pain before anything changes.
And I knew I could see Obama.
I'm a big Gerald Cilenti fan.
I could see that Obama was going to be destructive.
I could see what he was going to do.
And I want him to do it.
Because like Jesse Ventura says, for example, he wants to reinstate the draft because people aren't feeling any pain from the wars.
And can you at least agree with me that if
Yes, yes, I understand.
And even Ron Paul said this last Friday.
We've tried to defeat Obamacare.
We've been moral.
Their constituents are too dumbed down and too confused and too desperate and too wanting and just too gullible.
They're just, they're chumps.
I feel sorry for them, actually.
It's very sad, actually, how conned they are.
And they just can't believe they've been conned.
So they'll go deeper into the con.
And the harder you try to pull out of the con, the harder it ties down around your arm.
You never get out of it.
So go ahead and let them have it now.
The problem is they'll still blame it.
On people that don't support it.
You cannot underestimate how desperate and wanting, and quite frankly, pathetic the welfare class is.
I mean, it's very, very sad, but... I mean, do you think anything would be bad enough?
I'm not sure, but I really... I have one question that I've been dying to ask you, actually.
You're obviously a smart guy.
You're an informed guy.
You know what's going on.
And I need to know how somebody like you could have, I believe you have three children.
How could you have children?
You know this is a slave society.
You can see into the future the destruction of the economy.
How could you possibly justify having children and putting them in front of that with the knowledge that you have?
Well, I think it's my duty.
In fact, I appreciate your call.
I want to have more children.
Because we always go through adversity and a lot of times the best children are people that have gone through adversity.
And I'm not going to give up my life for it just because the rest of society is falling down around me.
I want to build a core of people to rebuild the future and to capture the future and to go to space.
And so they may be destroyed.
But this, you know, this attitude of smart people, informed people don't have kids because we're outnumbered by all the dumbed down welfare people and everything else.
That's just giving that system the future.
That's giving up.
I haven't given up.
I'm telling people how negative stuff is and how bad it is so we can change course.
I'm not.
They're trying to demoralize people.
I think a lot of people misgage what I'm saying when I talk about how evil the system is.
They say, why are you trying to scare us?
And I'm not trying to scare anybody.
I'm trying to tell you it's already happening.
You should be scared to not take action.
Look at this headline, Fox News.
Army defines Christian ministers as domestic hate group.
I mean, this is what the U.S.
Army is now like, basically might as well be captured by Kim Jong-un.
This is the type of frustrating garbage we're dealing with here.
Now I know we have Joshua there.
We're going to go to Mike in California who says he's an Obama supporter.
Then we're going to go to our guest who we're getting on the Skype line right now.
Mike in California, you claim to be an Obama supporter.
I will know instantly if you sound desperate and beaten and crushed and are just hoping or if you're someone lying to get through on air to make fun of Obamacare or expose it.
Mike, go ahead.
Ah ha!
You're so funny, Mr. Jones.
You know, I do support Obama.
Uh, I am a socialist.
I'm a democrat.
I support Obamacare.
You are obviously a double agent.
I saw you on the, uh, Piers Morgan interview and, oh, the bathrooms are dirty and you're jumping around all crazy, acting like a fool.
You brought a lot of discredit to yourself and your so-called movement.
So hold on a minute, hold on a minute.
That is now seen by many sociologists and media watchers as one of the biggest things in TV in decades.
They admitted they had double the regular viewers that night and that the higher exec said don't have him on, he crushed us too bad.
I actually talked to Piers, I went and confronted Piers Morgan, jumped out in Houston, they let me in the back door at a gun range.
He totally freaked out.
I talked to their head producer.
And they said, no, you did beat us, and they're afraid to have you back on.
We want to have you back on.
I shook people out of their coma.
Just because you say I failed, because I told him, you want our guns to enslave us, and if you try it again, 1776 will commence.
That's what made us win in 1775, 1776, in 1836.
I'm going to go down to an armed march in San Antonio at the Alamo this Saturday.
I'll be there, buddy.
And you call in and tell me I'm a failure?
You're a failure.
You're a socialist because you want to suck off other people.
And you got Warren Buffett, the big banker behind it all, who's the biggest recipient of bailout money, lobbying to raise taxes on the middle class.
And Obamacare is a giant scam, and you're mad that it hasn't worked.
So you call in and do the classic thing that Cass Sunstein, the cognitive infiltrator, said.
Claim I'm an agent.
Well, if I'm an agent, we need more of them like it.
I'm a red-blooded
America and my family on my mother's and father's side came over on the Mayflower.
My family was involved in the whole Texas Revolution like nobody else you can find.
If I want to, I can go to the special memorial things at the Alamo by the Dollars Roll Book of Texas.
Be down there with Davy Crockett's descendants and people.
You sit there and you tell me I'm a failure?
You're pathetic!
I'm out point, my name's Alexander Emmerich Jones, I'm fearless in the face of the New World Order, like my ancestors were against other tyrants, and you've got the nerve to call in and call me an agent?
How dare you!
Now go ahead, give us more!
Hey, do you like your Obamacare?
Tell me right now!
I can't tell him that.
I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or if he's being real.
I don't think he's an Obama supporter.
I think he's a hater of this broadcast.
All right, listen, I'm going to let you go.
We've got our guest on the line.
Shifting gears now, James Wesley Rawls has been one of the top survivalist experts out there.
He's a best-selling fiction and non-fiction writer.
He's with us until about 45 after, and he's a very busy fellow.
We appreciate him coming on.
We're going to break here in a few minutes, but I wanted you to come on, sir, because you, a few years ago on the show and then a month ago on the show, you said, expect to see welfare problems, expect to see the EBTs.
Expect to see them move towards default middle of next year.
And I wanted you to talk now about what we saw with just a minor glitch.
The EBT folks in California said, one more glitch, we burn Los Angeles.
So they're conscious of their role as the brigades of the socialist takeover.
And do you think this was a test to see what would happen?
Suddenly the EBT's had unlimited money on them in some areas.
What does James Wesley Rawls think is going on?
Well Alex, I don't think it was necessarily a test.
It may have been a glitch just as they claimed.
But it certainly was illustrative of what we'll face in the event of a grid down collapse.
If the power grids go down, the EBT system will go down simultaneously.
And that one factor just by itself, not to mention all the other multitude of factors,
Uh, associated with the power grid failure, but just the EBT system failure alone will be enough to spark major rioting at all the major cities in the United States.
Undoubtedly, and now we see massive armored vehicles, brand new ones, not just surplus, by the scores to each major city as they openly train to take on Christians.
That's the Fox News headline today.
This is really the coming out of their plan.
Does that signify that they may be preparing to actually execute some type of purge, or what is it?
Well, the military vehicle
Release has been more to do with the peace dividend of the scale back of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan than anything else.
They essentially overpurchased and in typical government fashion, they're releasing those for pennies on the dollar in effect.
These police departments are getting them basically just for the cost of transport.
In fact, they can even go pick them up if they'd like, rather than pay to have them.
What was the book you wrote in the early 90s predicting the collapse and the globalist takeover and all that?
Because in that, you described all the armored vehicles that the police would be given.
Well, yeah.
The number of vehicles has definitely increased.
It's all, of course, at taxpayers' expense.
Hold on.
Stay there.
I want to get your key.
Stay there.
I know.
Stay there, James.
I'm going to come back.
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Folks, at 45 after, when Mr. Rawls leaves us, I will go to Joshua, Frank, and John, who are Obama supporters.
I'm giving you guys a chance today to tell me how evil I am, because I want to stop your free healthcare.
Even as it fails, and now you say, well, don't worry, it'll get fixed, because Obama loves you.
That's coming up.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up with James Wesley Rawls, top survivalist expert, geopolitically studying what's happening.
I know you've got points that you're going to want to make because I want to ask you what's front and center on your radar and I want to get into preparedness and how important doing that is in this collectivist system now more than ever.
That's the tool these tyrants have always used on people is the fact that they're
Dependent on the system, but James Wesley Rawls, what do you make of the IMF, the Communist Chinese lecturing us, saying the world market will plunge if we don't go deeper into debt, if we don't support Obamacare?
We really are under globalism now where we're told every day that foreigners run our lives like we're a third world country under the IMF and World Bank.
And what do you make of all the debt limit talk and the government shutdown?
Where do you see all this going?
What do you think's happening behind the scenes?
Okay, well Alex, just to back up a little bit, we were talking about military vehicles going out to police departments.
Yeah, she got caught off.
I think the more important issue, rather than try to look at it from a conspiratorial standpoint, is if anything, our government now recognizes the threat of IEDs, and for the last 10 years,
We've been having servicemen returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with a tremendous amount of knowledge of IEDs.
And I'm sure that knowledge scares the powers that be to death.
And I'm sure they would love to all be running around in armored limousines and love to see all the police departments fully equipped with mine protective vehicles.
Because there may come a time when they need them.
There's now 10 years worth of returned servicemen now in the civilian world with that body of knowledge.
They spent 10 years detecting and disarming IEDs.
They know them inside and out.
No, I think that's the bigger issue.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
In fact, they said three years ago, they said every department will, the FBI told departments, will face IED.
Veterans are the number one threat.
They will bomb you.
In fact, we can pull that report up.
I think that was Associated Press.
So that's what you're alluding to.
Now they could also false flag at the start of civil war.
Knowing the globalists, being an army intelligence, being a guy people respect, you're a smart guy.
What's the position they're in right now?
Are things going well for them?
Because I see folks waking up, but they don't care.
They're just moving forward.
Well, I think the powers that be are kind of running scared at this point because they've created an economic monster that they may not be able to escape themselves.
They may be hoping to create a crisis, but in fact they're going to create a crash and it's going to come back to bite them.
And there's going to be a tremendous groundswell of conservative, patriotic,
Well I will say this, the power structure looks completely scared right now.
And they should be scared because they've robbed everything blind and set up a fraudulent system that's so kleptocratic that there's no way to hold it up no matter how much they raise taxes.
What do you think the Obama supporters are going to do when they don't get their free Obamacare now and it actually wrecks what they had?
Well we could very well see more civil unrest.
I think there'll be a growing realization that we simply cannot afford Obamacare.
It is so huge and so all-encompassing and will affect so many segments of our economy that it's absolutely unaffordable.
And as tax revenues continue to crumble and as interest rates go up, that's the real killer,
Our national debt will not be affordable, especially with Obamacare.
There very well could be some chaos that comes out of this.
Sure, but I mean, they always plan to bring in this and wreck it fully and then further nationalize it but have the profits of select corporations.
But I mean, what are they going to do now that they've been so good at their fraud that it's like overdone?
Yeah, at this point, I think the people are realizing what Obamacare really means.
People were thinking that it was, you know, one of those money for nothing kind of things, but in effect, it's just a very heavy and regressive tax on the middle class and upper class in this country.
The middle class is going to get absolutely hammered by the Obamacare expenses.
And even the leftists who supported Obamacare, when they see their cost of insurance each year jumping to $10,000 to $15,000 a year, even they will be dissuaded.
But then they'll just be listed as extremists, so that makes it okay.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You are either with the Republic or against it.
James Leslie Rolls, best-selling author is our guest.
SurvivalBlog.com is his site.
InfoWars.com is ours.
He'll leave us in about 12 minutes or so.
I'll hit some news and take your phone calls.
There is some breaking news.
Alright, you got cut off again by the break, James.
Looking at this, I've been asking some of my questions.
I want to give you the floor here to talk about whatever you think is most important and get back into the EBT cards and where society is.
We have news clips where the folks in Los Angeles said, if you ever have our EBT cards not work again,
That's kind of like if you missed a payroll, if your employee said, well burn your office down, or if the check didn't get deposited right, or if somebody didn't send me a bill, or if I didn't pay somebody a few days later, they called me up and said, you didn't pay me for those products, I'm going to burn your office down.
We have the video clips up on InfoWars.com where folks are on the news saying, we're going to go Rodney King and burn down LA if you're ever late again.
I mean, we really are living hostage to this now.
And Michael Moore wants to make sure everybody has their guns taken so nobody can protect themselves.
But James Wesley Rawls, I wanted to give you the floor to talk about whatever else you think is most important here.
Well, I think the key issue is the whole concept of wealth redistribution and theft.
Every month our wallets are being emptied under color of law.
at or wealth transfer that's going to people who have no intention of finding work and the expectation that has developed amongst those people over decades even generations uh... is that that that money was a get a continue to come and the with that expectation uh... or of entitlement uh...
There is a tremendous animus that's developed and basically biting the hand that's feeding.
And I think that we can only expect that to grow worse with time.
The animosity that exists is palpable.
And if you look at what happened on Saturday evening in Louisiana at those two Walmart stores,
It went beyond just indifference.
It was absolutely spiteful.
When they announced over the loudspeaker that the EBT system had been restored, and everyone who had been busy stealing food with the knowledge that they only had a couple of dollars on their EBT cards and they had hundreds of dollars worth of food in their shopping carts, instead of putting that food back on the shelves like any rational and moral person would do,
They threw up their hands and walked away, leaving thousands and thousands of dollars of perishable, in some case frozen foods, sitting in grocery carts.
It shows the level of animus that exists.
And if and when we do see a long-term outage of EBT payments, SNAP payments, in a large number of cities, we are going to see
The real rough underbelly.
We're going to see what I like to refer to as the smelly underlayers of the onion being pulled back.
We're going to see human nature at its very worst exposed.
And the socialists, the controllers, the globalists, they're fully aware of this.
They've done this in country after country.
And they're now, uh, don't want anybody coming together.
They say the Tea Party's racist, so that minorities won't go be part of the Liberty Movement, even though minorities are.
Uh, it's a clear divide-and-conquer strategy, but I don't see it working for them.
They're trying to sandwich old Roman-style control mechanisms over areas they controlled, like the city of Rome itself that was diverse.
We're good
You were on a month or so ago.
You said you see the middle of next year as a really bad time.
I mean, what do you expect societally, not just short-term, but long-term?
How will this all unravel?
What will happen if you've got 101 million people on food assistance who think anybody with money needs to be murdered?
Well, Alex, it's definitely difficult to time everything.
As I mentioned before, it's all predicated upon interest rates at this point.
Because once interest rates spike,
The game will be over.
The national debt payments will be essentially unaffordable.
And the foreign creditors are no longer going to trust American paper.
They're going to demand ridiculously high rates of return to keep rolling over their Treasury paper.
And at that point, the game will be over.
For a personal planning standpoint, I think that your listeners need to recognize that that spike in interest rates is probably going to take place within the next year, and they need to get their beans, bullets, and band-aids squared away.
I think that we're going to be going through some very traumatic times, and people need to really be ready to hunker down.
They need to get to know their neighbors.
It's time to team up with your neighbors, to train up with your neighbors, and to stock up with your neighbors, because supplies are going to be very tight.
The purchasing value of the U.S.
dollar is going to absolutely plummet overnight.
We're going to see mass inflation.
And unless you have your money primarily in tangibles, folks are going to see themselves wiped out overnight.
You know, in my gut, I've been prepared.
Firearms, food, you know, basic training, skin a buck, run a trot line.
Just growing up as a Texan, and most Americans that grew up in rural areas, or at least had family that were from rural areas, understand being self-sufficient is just second nature.
But I've always halfway been embarrassed having our main sponsors be survival stuff, because even though I knew it was important and people should do it, I wasn't sure it would ever be needed by everybody.
Certainly in certain circumstances, people are always going to use something.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, problems.
But in the last few years I felt better and better about, you know, promoting stuff because it's just essential.
They want us dependent.
It's clear that we need to be independent.
But I've gone from thinking maybe 20, 30, 40 percent chance that I was going to need to use my food and medicine and things to now like 90 percent.
The only question is when will it all kick off?
When will it all fall through?
And all the different Pentagon and British Ministry of Defense reports
They're all concurring and basically quietly getting ready as well.
Is there any way to stop collapse A and B?
What's the gamut it runs of the level of type collapse we could be under?
Well, I think there's no way to really prevent a collapse completely.
They might be able to delay it for up to several more years.
One possibility that I've considered
Is that there could be a major crisis in Europe that is going to virtually destroy the purchasing power of the Euro and the European credit system.
And if that were to happen before there was something comparable in the United States, there could be a huge rush of funds from Europe and from east of the Caucasus into the United States.
So, we could actually be the short-term beneficiaries of a crisis, whether it's a manufactured crisis or just an unavoidable crisis in Europe for a couple of years.
And that could kind of prop things up for the American credit system temporarily.
Only because we would be a relative safe haven.
The US dollar is trashed just like the euro, but if the perception is that the dollar is slightly safer than the euro, then the money may come rushing to the United States if there is a crisis in Europe.
So we may have a couple of years if that were to happen.
If interest rates spike before a European crisis,
No, I think we'll see the crisis in the in the United States first and things could very well fall apart within the next year.
If there's a credit crisis that spawned in Europe and it very well could come out of the recent news from Mrs. Lagarde that they're talking about a 10% levy of all bank accounts in Europe.
You know, that very well could spark a crisis in Europe that could benefit the dollar in the short term.
And that has been kind of the Anglo-American establishment's rule, create crises other places to put off the implosion here while they prepare for the implosion and try to capitalize off of all the crises they've helped exacerbate or create.
And now they're telling us that our $17 trillion debt's not the problem.
It's that we're not getting more debt quick enough to the bankers.
Yeah, they're frantically trying to reinflate a bubble right now.
They're trying to reinflate both the commercial and the residential real estate market debt bubble in the United States, and all the mini-bubbles that go along with those.
Actually, the deflationary forces are winning out in the short term.
I think the amazing thing will be watching the rapid turnover from deflation to inflation practically overnight.
The American people are going to feel so whipsawed by that.
It's going to just absolutely blindside those people because they currently have the expectation of low inflation and in fact deflation on some things.
But practically overnight, once interest rates start to spike, as we have a repeat of the 2008 global credit crisis, people are suddenly going to be faced with the situation of gasoline jumping from $3 a gallon to $15 a gallon, and the same for milk.
$15 a gallon milk?
That can't go on too long before there won't be absolute blood in the streets here in America.
Today I took calls from Obama supporters, and most of them were serious.
They weren't sarcastic.
Some were sarcastic callers.
And they would literally call in and go, I'm poor, I need something free.
And I would go, you could have already gotten Medicare, Medicaid, or charity care.
This gets rid of that.
I've read the legislation.
It was written by the worst insurance companies to shut down their competition, to lower the quality of care.
Now it's 50 million people that don't have it get it.
It's a tax.
Healthcare.gov isn't designed to work.
We broke that last week.
Now it's confirmed.
This is a giant fraud.
You know, Obama signed NDAA, said he wouldn't.
Obama said the NSA wasn't spying.
Obama said he wasn't arming Al-Qaeda.
They were.
He is.
He's there to con you.
Do you understand this?
And they just go, no, he likes me.
It's free.
I'm getting it.
Well, OK, he's smart.
This will wreck it.
And he'll bring in socialism.
I mean, they really are useful idiots.
And I feel sorry for them.
I mean, what will they do during another Great Depression?
For those that don't know, they've hyped the bubble up so big, folks.
There's no way to get out of this now.
It's kind of like drawing straws, ten different ways to be chopped up in pieces.
And then the government is saying, anybody who's prepared and good and virtuous, we're the enemy.
Historically, government will try to come dig us out of our holes and make us be their slaves, which is all they know how to do.
But they'll be so busy with their own minions burning everything.
I mean, this is really a hellish scenario now.
And what I'm saying is, James, is I've gone from knowing this was a possibility, but thinking, oh, no, it won't happen, to now realizing it's a probability, and now becoming a certainty.
And it's just really a horrible realization that you've been right, and Joel Skousen's been right, and so many others have been.
And now I see like troops constantly on the streets of Austin and checkpoints and stuff.
They're getting ready.
I mean, I can't believe they really did this to us.
Well, yes, you're right.
I'm not the only one saying this.
Joel Skousen's one.
Mark Fauber is another.
Peter Schiff is another.
We've all been warning people that this was coming.
But the realization is now that it's coming a lot quicker than we thought.
And I think it's going to come unraveled more quickly when it does than we thought.
Partly because they've been re-inflating these credit bubbles artificially with the zero interest rate program, for example, or zero interest rate policy, ZERP.
When the inevitable crisis does happen, it's going to be far, far worse now than it would have been, simply because they've created an artificial recovery.
We really have had no real recovery since 2008.
What we've had is an artificial recovery, and when things do fall apart, they're going to fall apart so spectacularly
And so quickly that it's going to astound most people.
And even the powers that be that are trying to manipulate all this to fulfill their own agenda, I think are going to be taken by surprise by the severity of the
Unrest that takes place.
This is going to make Occupy New York and Occupy Wall Street look very small by comparison.
It'll be a thousand times bigger and real.
Oh, of course.
And of course, Rachel Maddow, who we have the footage, the police attacking the vets and the vets fight back.
She edited that off and said the vets attack them.
When all this goes down, they're going to lie about everything.
Folks have to know that you think we see weaponized media now.
It's about to get ten times worse.
It very well could.
I think we could see a situation that could spiral completely out of control.
And as I mentioned in a previous interview with you, the real linchpin is the three western power grids and them staying up.
If they go down, all bets are off.
Is it a good idea that they're going to be testing and turning on and off the eastern power grid in a FEMA drill next month?
Yeah, I've read about that.
I think it's legitimate.
I don't think it's going to be used as cover for a false flag attack, although it conceivably could be.
Or, I mean, as screwed up as the federal government is now, they can turn it off and turn it back on.
Your new book, Sal, is already a bestseller.
Expatriates, a novel of the coming global collapse.
You can get it at Amazon.com.
We sold out of it.
We got some of it.
I look forward to talking to you again very soon, sir.
Thank you for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you and your listeners.
God bless you, too.
Man, I wish that this wasn't all so horrible.
But hey, it's good news.
We're here, we're aware of what's probably coming, and we're getting ready, trying to hold it back.
People are always, it hadn't got as bad as you said yet, but it's pretty bad, but isn't it as bad?
We're like, yeah, we're trying to hold it back.
And then when it all finally hammers down, they'll say, you never said it was going to collapse.
This country's already collapsing.
Our health is collapsing.
Our families are collapsing.
Detroit, L.A., it's all collapsing.
mayor has said they're collapsing.
The L.A.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it came out last week, under the new government shutdown and all the Great Depression that's being set up, that women more and more are going into prostitution, getting sugar daddies to pay their bills, including government women.
And now report American women are selling hair, breast milk, eggs to make hen's meat because of the great prosperity.
Of course, Walmart came out and said it's some of the worst business they've ever seen.
Of course, the real economy is going into a major depression, but that doesn't matter.
Rachel Maddow says it's wonderful.
And Palin says defaulting on international debt is an impeachable offense.
You bet it is.
The Republicans have brought Obama everything he wanted, and he knows how dumb his constituents are.
So now he's demanding even more, or he won't increase the debt limit, he won't sign off.
So he doesn't want his Obamacare to go in right now.
He wants to crash stuff so he can tell his constituents that the Republicans stole it from them.
Joshua, then Frank and John.
Joshua says you support Obama.
Go ahead, you're on the air, sir.
Enlighten me.
Okay, well, I want to say first, I don't like everything Obama does, but I'll focus on what I really do like about Obama.
You're going to tingle up your leg when you see him?
You know, I like the way he talks.
I like the way he looks.
I don't know if you've noticed, but Obama looks a lot like the bust of Akhenaten, and his wife looks like the bust of the mother.
So he's God, basically.
And the flies like him, too.
And so when I see that, and I see that image being portrayed, you know, I look at the history of that, and I think of, you know, who was the son, you know, King Tut came afterwards, and I think of who King Tut's mother was, you know, Nefertiti.
And so I look and see, do you know who looks just like Nefertiti?
Who's that?
Well, there's actually a couple people.
One's more of a lookalike and one actually looks identical.
Winona Ryder actually looks exactly like Nefertiti.
If you look at the bust and you look at pictures of her.
Are you an actual Obama supporter?
You sound like a fruitcake.
You probably are.
Well, I mean, maybe I am a fruitcake, but I mean, if you look at, you know, well, he had other wives as well, like Kia, for example.
I appreciate your call.
I get it.
He's God.
I get it.
Let's talk to Frank in Wisconsin.
You're on the air about the Affordable Care Act.
Go ahead.
What a joke, that name.
Like the Patriot Act.
How about the Dumbass Act?
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Frank.
Alex, love you, love your show.
What am I supposed to do?
I'm a truck driver.
I make about $50,000 a year.
I got a wife at home, three kids.
Well, you're going to double your premiums in gang rape.
That's a good deal.
I cannot afford $200 a week for the family health care that my job provides, so I got the state care.
Now, they're dumping us off for that.
Now, what am I supposed to do?
I'm kind of like, fuck!
No, I know, but you're not going to get it under this, either, is what you need to understand.
I can't afford $200 a week that I pay in taxes.
I can't afford the provided health care.
What am I supposed to do?
Sure, but they don't give you, you already got it under Medicare and Medicaid.
You can only make $50,000 a year with a wife and all those kids, and it's charity care.
They just don't tell you how to sign up for it.
So you think you're going to get better and freer health care under rape care?
I mean, Akhenaten care?
I don't know, but what am I supposed to do?
I don't know.
But you know, I'm sorry, I'm really upset right now.
They just locked down my kids' school because of a domestic dispute like three blocks away.
They got the whole SWAT team out there.
Because they're keeping you safe, Frank.
I appreciate your call.
Come on, don't be an extremist.
I feel sorry for him.
Obama supporter, XM244, John in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Hi, Alex.
I appreciate all your good work.
How you doing, man?
I did vote for Obama in a week, but you know what?
I'm disappointed.
I am disappointed.
The reason why I'm disappointed is because I don't
I don't appreciate the fact that I gotta be forced to take something.
Because that's what this system... Hold on, I gotta go on a break.
I'm gonna come back to you, John.
You've been holding.
I'm gonna go to you.
We got a racist here.
He just said he doesn't like Obama now, even though he voted for him, because he doesn't like to be made to do something.
What's wrong with paying taxes to foreign banks that own insurance companies?
The foreign banks wrote this bill, Obamacare, because they love you.
They care.
We'll be right back in Overdrive, Inforwarch.com, Forward Slash Show, Other Extremist.
Stay with us.
This is so racist right now.
This is so racist.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I should have been asking all of these Obozo people.
I shouldn't be so mean.
They're just victims.
I shouldn't be asking them, you know, if they like it.
I should be asking if they've been able to sign up, because no one's been able to.
The 10% a week ago that thought they were, those were idiots that took a poll and thought they had.
No one signs up.
It's an NSA database.
Just a total vicious fraud, not a screwed up system.
Even Forbes is now confirming it's all fake.
It's just a way for insurance companies to double premiums on everybody, and the whole system... And then Medicare and Medicaid now will go bankrupt, and then they will fully nationalize it, cut healthcare quality, and you people won't be able to tell the difference.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, just America is done if people continue to be this gullible.
But finishing up with John, so you were a supporter earlier on.
And then now you don't like being made to do something.
Well, what about made to pay taxes to the Federal Reserve through the IRS that's private?
The Federal Reserve's private.
What about how we've been conquered by these fraudsters?
And people don't even know that.
What about how the Supreme Court ruled, as I said years ago, before they ruled, it is a tax.
And the power to tax, as George Washington said, is the power to destroy.
In fact, one of the quotes is, there is no weapon of war greater than the power to tax.
It is the desolator.
It is the total siege.
You said it all along.
Okay, you said it all along.
It was the globalists that put all this mass upon people, and then they undercover, they hid it underneath the healthcare.
They're underneath it.
I was deceived, just like a lot of other people were, in 08.
Well, when we got elected the second time, I didn't vote for him.
Because I didn't want to be forced and then fined on something that I can't afford.
If I can't afford it, then why fine me?
There's nothing free about that.
I'm in America, okay?
America that was once a nation under God at one point in time.
But that's no longer.
And what I'm seeing is like they're coining us into what you have been saying all along.
They're coining us, they're backing us down to where we're going to be forced to accept what this liberalist union is going to put forth.
Well, why?
And that goes with the IMF, the World Bank.
They're advising each individual country.
That is exactly where it's going, and God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Your phone's too bad.
I gotta go.
I can barely understand it, but the points you're making, I do understand.
That is the plan.
They wreck it with big insurance companies and HMOs over 50 years.
The best healthcare system in the world.
The most innovative.
The best care for everybody.
The model of the world.
They wreck it in 50 years with insiders gaming it, overcharging people, denying people, screwing it up.
They're desperate.
They're spending everything they got for healthcare.
The so-called charity care is cruddy.
It gets worse and worse.
All right, you'll fix it.
I want it.
Gets even worse.
Oh, come on.
You'll make it better?
It's just a con game.
The Nigerian email.
It's been around for almost 20 years, folks.
The Nigerian email's been around since about 1995.
So it's almost 20 years.
Hard to believe that time flies like that.
And they send it out, and people get, oh, I give $5,000, I get $10 million, or, you know, it varies.
They give the $5,000, they wire it, the money doesn't come, we need $10.
They don't want to admit they got conned, so they send $10.
And then a lot of people I know that were conned by it are mad at me, because I told them they were conned.
And they go, no, Prince Abubi or whatever name it was, he was arrested or something.
I was sent a photo of my beloved prince.
Now they have Nigerian scam princes in Austin running around everywhere.
My dad's seen them.
And I've seen them.
Everyone bows down, oh, it's the prince!
They don't even have royalty in Nigeria.
Everyone goes, oh, Abubi!
And that's what this is, it's Obama!
The Obama phone lady was here and she's like, I better get my free stuff soon!
I haven't got it!
And I'm like, honey, you're not gonna get it.
I mean, it's just gonna get worse and worse and worse.
Peddling false dreams.
It's what the con artist does.