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Filename: 20130730_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 30, 2013
2701 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us yet again on this 30th day of July 2013.
Coming up today, we're obviously going to cover all of the very important news taking place here in the U.S., North America, and around the world.
And we'll get an update from a young lady who's been joining us off and on since early last year.
Syrian girl, a refugee from Syria,
And of course, her family was formerly part of the ruling government, was anti-Assad.
That makes her even more credible, exposing the rebels that have been injected by the West and everything.
She ended up telling us a year and a half ago, is now unfortunately being proven correct and is now all in living color.
So she'll give us an update for 30 minutes at the start of the next hour.
And then Marty Hahn, as in Han Solo, gotta love that name.
Marty Hahn, the evil
Magician, being sarcastic, who the federal government was going to make him get a disaster preparedness plan and insurance and all this stuff to continue to have magic shows at birthday parties and things.
Well, he fought it and now the federal government's backing off, which just shows you have to fight the insanity.
That's in the Washington Post today.
We set him up last week, perfect timing to have him on today, because it was just announced that the USDA holds off on disaster plan required for animal exhibitors.
Until, of course, opposition goes away, so opposition must never go away.
And it reminded me of two years ago when they said, we're going to ban child labor on farms, and then we're going to ban kids carrying the trash out.
I mean, farms wouldn't run in this country, and you wouldn't have what's left of family farming, and it ain't much, if you weren't made when you're nine years old to go out and milk the cows at 5 a.m.
I mean, that's just a horrible idea to have your own family send you out to milk the cows.
Really get up at 5 a.m., have breakfast, go out, milk the cows, or feed the chickens, or throw some hay in range cubes to the cows if it's the wintertime and the cows are gonna starve, you don't drive out in the pasture and feed them.
I mean, that's how you learn how to do it.
And then, you end up learning how to work, and then when you get a job, you're not a lazy jellyfish like all these TV ads.
See, I'm already digressing and ranting.
Obviously, we await the fate of Bradley Manning.
I was just watching him be marched into the Pentagon Tribunal, Pentagon courtroom in a weird black uniform.
They had all these giant meatheads that looked like they'd had gallons of steroids injected into them, standing around with machine guns, just, you know, always displaying for everyone out there.
Just the idea of having paramilitary forces everywhere, like we live in a third world country.
It's all part of conditioning.
But whistleblower or traitor, Bradley Manning, the learned fate.
Well, I think he's a hero, ladies and gentlemen.
He said, sitting there as a drone operator, it was like watching children burn ants with a magnifying glass.
And they've had other drone operators testify who've done over 400 attacks, including attacks that have killed large groups of innocent people that
It's like a video game and they give the medals above the Purple Heart that my grandfather got multiple Purple Hearts in World War II.
Got one during a German air raid on their air base in North Africa and then got another one
Uh, injured while in the air and I guess, I guess he didn't have as much valor as some guy in Virginia or some guy in Utah or somebody in Arizona sitting in an air-conditioned trailer dropping bombs illegally on countries that Congress has not authorized military operations against.
I mean, I'm sorry.
And by the way, it won't be humans soon, so let's just get past that.
Let's give them the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I mean, forget Audie Murphy.
Give these guys Congressional Medal of Honor.
Because autonomous drones are already in the air, as of two years ago.
Okay, so humans won't be doing this.
They're using humans to train the computers right now.
That's on record.
We'll be back.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I don't screen phone calls.
Everybody knows that.
Except occasionally, I will ask that people call in on a particular subject, because I really want to get your take on it.
I think it's thought-provoking and important.
Do you think Bradley Manning is a whistleblower, a hero, or a traitor?
Do you think Snowden is a whistleblowing hero or a traitor?
And why do you think the Pentagon came out, I've been talking about this since Sunday, in a landmark case of candidness, the head of DOD Public Relations and PSYOPs, with all the head civilian and military counterparts, hundreds of them in an auditorium, there at Fort Meade, Maryland, at the NSA headquarters, that is a military base.
Saying, the public doesn't believe us, we've lost their confidence, we've got to stop lying to everyone.
And then they let officers get up and say, I don't want to lie anymore.
It was amazing.
Some people can say, well, that was just meant to get our confidence again.
No, the media didn't cover this.
This was meant to get the confidence of the military personnel there, that, hey, we're not the bad guys.
Because the military's now woken up that foreign criminal interests have gotten control of most of the government.
And there is now massive whistleblowing going on that never hits the light of day because no media even knows how to handle it.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I get stuff that I just say, sticking it in a shredder.
Because, I mean, even I've talked to constitutional lawyers, you name it.
I don't even know how to vet or figure this stuff out.
I know our whole office is under surveillance.
All of our email is as well.
And I am just completely overwhelmed.
I mean, I was given some whistle-blowing stuff hand-delivered last week.
This is the crisis of conscience going on right now in government and in corporate America, the private sector, that will decide the future of our society.
And it was an astounding press conference last Thursday that got no attention.
Press conference, press briefing, but there was a bunch of press there.
And that just means that some higher-up power that be had the kibosh put on it.
And does that mean that somebody organized this press event and then it got basically vetoed by a honcho higher-up?
I don't know, but it's a big deal.
There's no need to recap that.
Infowars.com covered it Sunday morning because we saw it on Drudge.
Drudge just linked to the Pentagon and their transcript and their video.
And the Pentagon obviously didn't come out and say, Drudge isn't credible, like the White House says.
They said, no, it's credible, basically, and it's scooping us over and over again.
And then went on to say, Drudge is now the acronym
Or the byword for real media that isn't state-run.
And when you talk about state-run, again, this is a chicken-or-an-egg scenario, and I want to telegraph this to people so it's easily understood, but the real world is also complex.
It's kind of like National Review had a hit piece a few weeks ago on me.
And said Alex Jones is incoherent and none of it makes any sense.
And so why is he so popular?
And well, I guess it shows we're still a free country because a lunatic like him can be on the radio all over the country.
And I thought about it.
I don't think that compartmentalized writer was saying I was incoherent.
Because they were being deceptive.
I think I am incoherent to people like that.
And they're not going to understand what I'm saying.
They're not going to understand what I'm doing.
I mean, here's an example, because I heard part of the rebroadcast last night.
It was about 11 o'clock.
I was laying in bed and I decided to tune in for five minutes to spot check my show.
And I was talking about Delta Force bribing police chiefs, mayors and others with hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece.
And how we first discovered that and then it had been in the Associated Press back in 1998.
And then I'd gone to investigate further and had interviews with police chiefs all over Texas, including the San Antonio police chief.
And that full interview in video is online on YouTube.
Years later we uploaded it and put it there.
But I aired that on the radio at the time.
When I've been with mainline reporters and I tell them something like that, they go, Delta Force?
Special Army?
Special Operations?
Most elite group?
Paying off police chiefs?
You're crazy!
Because it does sound like Martians are landing or something.
Why would they be paying off mayors and police chiefs?
They're like, what?
And I go,
Well, they just make the initial deal to compromise them, so they can then blackmail the officials, and then they can carry out covert military operations, and recruit members of the police department for murder for hire operations, narcotics trafficking, and then the reporter will always push back from the table and say, you're insane.
And then I'll sit there and go, do you have LexisNexis on your laptop?
And they go, yeah, I do.
Well, here, let's look up Thomson Reuters, or LexisNexis, or even Google, and they go, oh my goodness, it is an AP article about bribery and the police chief in Delta Force, and wait, you're in the article!
And you did interview all these police chiefs and break this.
And then they go, well, what does it mean?
And I go, okay, well, it starts with Hitler.
And they go, what does that mean?
Well, Hitler didn't really conquer France.
He paid off pretty much the entire French General Staff and their field marshals in a five-year program before, infiltrating them and promising them that they could run the government, which they did, and it's called Vichy France.
And then they go, oh, I do remember that.
They go, what's that have to do with this?
And I go, it's the same program.
But they've already covertly bought off all the police and mayors and even city council people.
Some of them are getting up to half a million dollars a year from the Department of Defense.
And I go, here, let's search 20 billion, 40 billion, 64 billion, 100 billion in the last decade of the Iraq War.
Tens of billions flown in on pallets every year of cash to the local governments and the local resistance.
They don't fight them.
They pay them off.
And they go, oh, I get it.
There's been a covert coup by the U.S.
But I go, ah, it's a private coup.
Private corporate interests have hijacked the government
And now they command the government and are using the military because they're the only ones trained to go in under force multiplication and infiltration designed to stop communism and to go in and buy off communist officials or socialists who are on the verge of going full communist in the Eastern Bloc or Vietnam, South Korea.
This was supposedly used to stop Bolshevik infiltration.
Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, depending on the variety.
Oh, they're going to come off for women, drugs, money, power.
We've got to fight fire with fire.
So the U.S.
military became experts even before World War II with this kind of stuff, but afterwards really got into it.
And the argument is, if we don't deal the drugs, the Soviets will.
They'll control the drug trade.
So it was authorized by 1947 to have the CIA officially, as a covert act of Congress, run the narcotics.
I mean, folks, that's how long we've been under it.
And again, I've had family involved in it.
So stop being so naive, ladies and gentlemen.
Stop being so stupid.
The biggest business in this country is narcotics trafficking.
Saying I've had family involved in the CIA that witnessed it is like saying I had family that worked for Disney or Frito-Lay or Ford Motor Company.
I mean, it's no big deal.
It's not all sexy and cool.
It's embarrassing.
The people that have told me about it are embarrassed about it.
It's not some sexy thing because television shows you government agents as being wonderful, cool, great people.
It isn't like that.
And so their national review, you say I'm incoherent about the military infiltrating America.
I just explained what happened.
But when I say there's been a military coup, it's not a military coup.
It is a private corporate offshore infiltration using the organs of government to illegally and unlawfully convert the country into a corporate dictatorship.
And presidents can come, presidents can go.
But the corrupt oligarchy stays in place and now they've gotten greedy.
They go, well, we'll just break up the family.
We'll just make everybody take vaccines if we want that are deadly to dumb them down and to make profits.
And then when they get sick, we'll make money off the treatments and we'll open the borders up and we'll...
Pay 101 million people free food stamps and welfare to bankrupt the country.
And we'll create trillions of derivatives and sign you on to it.
And we'll ship General Motors to China with your taxpayer money.
And we'll devalue the dollar.
And we'll come in with Agenda 21 and say everybody but us can't build on their own property now.
And we'll tell the police anybody that resists is a terrorist.
And we'll train to take your guns openly.
And put in army manuals that gun owners are terrorists to be rounded up and put in re-education camps.
This is all public!
Because we allowed corruption to take hold, and now 60 plus years later, the very worst elements in the corporate slash government combine, that's what it is, that's what they call it, a combine, they're in control.
And Hollywood knows this, you see a movie like The Shooter, where the old guy's laughing and going, you can't kill me and stop this, we're a combine, we're an entire system.
You cut one head off, more grows.
That's the problem.
It's like cancer, ladies and gentlemen.
But America knows the answer.
Record gun purchases, people digging in.
Anybody that's got a head on their shoulders is working to try to fix things politically while arming to the teeth and getting ready.
Because let me tell you something, when these things implode like this, it'll implode so bad that the globalists won't even be able to ship in food and stuff for themselves.
They're going to then go into predatory phase and literally put us in forced labor camps.
And they know that and are preparing for that when things collapse.
You're not going to ride around in a bunch of black war wagons and have your way with our wives.
When you start this, we're going to stomp your ass into the ground.
And we're not looking for this fight, but when you start it, you are going to get it!
Alright ladies and gentlemen, again I've been here for 18 years, 16 since I discovered this program to take over.
And now we're in the middle of it.
And the military is waking up to this because I've reverse engineered it historically and they know I'm accurate because they're living it.
And you've got a decision which side you're going to be on.
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Big broadcast lined up here today.
Syrian girl, the latest on the Al-Qaeda forces.
Our government is publicly funding to engage in mass murder all over the Middle East.
She's going to be popping in for 30 minutes.
Then Marty Hahn, who of course was told he had to have a disaster preparedness plan.
Insurance, all sorts of stuff to have public rabbit shows, magic trick shows.
There's been a federal development they're backing off for now on that front.
He's going to be popping in just to show how the regulations are designed to shut this country down.
And towards the last 30 minutes of the broadcast, we're going to have the second place in the Operation Paul Revere film contest on David Knight to play a few of the other runner-ups for second place and then to announce second place today.
I want to be clear when I start getting on air and talking about what's happened.
You notice Bill Clinton came in and this real takeover program with the Delta Force and buying off local police began.
And that's when they really used the CIA to infiltrate local government and really try to internationalize it, not even federalize it.
So the coup's been accelerating.
It continued under Bush, but actually kind of slowed down a little bit because they were mainly focused outward, but they did set up Homeland Security.
But that was still focused outward.
As soon as Obama got in, it flipped to gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans are the new terror threat.
And then Big Sis, when we released that document that Homeland Security sources gave us, we broke all that four and a half years ago, if you remember, the MIAC and Homeland Security reports, she came out and shocked everyone and said, no, that's true.
It is the veterans.
It is the gun owners.
They are the number one terror threat.
People went, well, you weren't lying.
What do you think, I get up here and lie on purpose?
I make mistakes every once in a while.
And we correct them.
I don't make that up.
I've received hundreds of Homeland Security documents that we've put on air.
Only a few of them have gone viral.
Usually because Drudge Report picks it up.
Or because our listeners figure out it's important and get it out to everybody.
I mean, you know, Army Manual says they're going to put gun owners in re-education camps.
And a lot of people go, well, I better shut up and not be involved.
No, you better be involved.
In fact, people don't believe it.
I'll give them the number, the FM number.
Put it on screen.
Just type in Army Re-education Camp Manual.
And it says, for America, how we'll process our families, how they're going to re-educate us.
I mean, that's a Soviet term, and I know I keep repeating that.
Folks, the government is out of its mind illegitimate and hijacked, and they're commanding the military and police now.
Okay, this giant unconstitutional NSA spy grid, secret police grid we set up, it's FM3-39.40, interment resettlement operations, February 2010.
They're telling them, okay, it's for America.
Now, get your briefing on how we may go after Christians.
You know, the state police earlier this year.
Just one example.
Had a federal briefing.
They had to go to this federal training to get federal funds in Colorado.
And they called in literally hundreds of senior state police in the meeting.
It was in the Denver Post and other papers.
And they said, yeah, we're going to run over the fact we may have to confiscate guns from Christians.
And they went over how that's a targeted group of extremists, Christians period, we believe will resist during what's coming.
And the state police actually started getting up and saying, what are you talking about?
What is this, the Soviet Union?
And went public.
That's what you're supposed to do.
But see, they were there marking that down to see who was awake and who wasn't.
And then they were removed.
And then others that agreed to it, socialists and communists,
And again, it's not a communist conspiracy.
It's communists that fit into this plan, that only the state should be armed.
They're then rotated forward.
Then they start opening a ticket on if the state wants money, and that was make sure they control the commandant of the state police, to then you get written up, you get removed over the next few years.
And imagine they go into the meeting and they say, uh, veterans and are the main group and then also born-again Christians who believe in the second coming of Christ.
Remember Janet Reno said that anyone who believes in the second coming of Christ is a cult member on 60 Minutes and everybody freaked out in what, like 1998?
And if you're a new listener, folks, I'm not making this up, okay?
That's why when you watch the film Purge, that's one of the entries.
On the Paul Revere site, InfoWars.com forward slash Paul, about 95% of that film has actually already happened.
When you see it, and they're giving them briefings saying,
Veterans, Christians are the enemy.
That actually goes on.
And they actually have clipboards.
We have the videos.
I was given by state police in one case, another by firefighters that were made to go in Kansas City.
Just type into YouTube, FEMA teaches police that founding fathers are terrorists.
And they actually badmouthed George Washington, and they got one guy doing it with another guy with a clipboard watching him.
And they're not there to see who's crazy and hates George Washington.
They're there promoting whoever hates George Washington.
I mean, they're just, they're the enemy!
I mean, it's just ridiculous!
It's satirical!
What do you make of the Pentagon briefing saying they won't lie anymore?
What do you make of all the things that are happening?
Do you think Bradley Manning should be sent to life in prison like you're calling for?
Is he a hero or a zero?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Oh, there's another one!
Another plane just hit!
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Thomas Jefferson
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live with a toll-free number to join us.
Your take on why the Army PSYOPS head, well the DOD PSYOPS head, came out and admitted they've got to stop lying to the public and they've lost credibility and that the mainstream media is dying.
Why would they do that?
What do you think of Bradley Manning?
Should he be found guilty?
Obviously not from my perspective.
Obama has prosecuted more members of the press
And we're supposed to find out in the next hour and a half by one o'clock.
Eastern, so I guess that's really in about 30 minutes.
We're supposed to find out sometime after, sometime after 1 Eastern.
I guess it's 1134 Central, 1234 Eastern.
So anytime in the next 30 minutes to an hour, because they usually announce a little bit later than they say, we'll be able to tell you in the next hour or so exactly what's going on with that.
But I want your take on it, 800-259-9231.
And we'll go to your phone calls there.
But again, I specifically, from the listeners, wanna get your take on that question.
Now, separately, I'm gonna be honest.
I do this at red lights, and I've noticed that it's still causing me to be distracted.
But I see people almost running into me every day in Austin, Texas, who are driving while texting
And while watching television, I see people with televisions on next to them in the passenger seat, flipped down in the visor, watching it while they drive.
One time I saw a gas truck down by the coast.
We were going on a family vacation a few years ago.
I actually called the company on them.
Before I called the police, I didn't call the police because the company answered.
And this guy was in a gas truck in a two-lane road going over bridges, coming all the way out of his lane and over.
I thought he was having a stroke or something.
I pulled up beside him and he was watching television on a iPhone as he drove a truck full of natural gas that would have gone off like 50 pounds of TNT if it would have jumped over and exploded.
And texting while driving kills more teens annually than drinking and driving.
Yeah, the last number I saw is texting while driving with distractive driving is five times more dangerous, statistically, than drinking while driving.
Oh, but you drink one beer, they'll take you to jail that didn't do anything.
But, and they give the police waivers.
I see cops all the time driving while they're looking at their computer.
And they're like, well, they're trained to do it.
Nobody's trained to do it.
That's why you see record numbers of cops rear-ending people now.
They're on their computers.
Looking up, you know, that good-looking chick over there.
Let me run her plates.
And so I can find everything about her.
They just select, okay, I've already read her plates.
It's all instant.
The plate readers already have read everybody.
Let me just activate and, you know, run her.
And then boom, oh, okay, I see what she does.
Or maybe I'll pull her over.
And that happens a lot.
And what's happening is we're going into a technocracy and children's brains on record are being rewired.
Their IQs in most cases are actually being restricted because they're on computers, not just watching television all day.
And people are not
Developing human skills.
The language is shrinking.
The nomenclature is shrinking.
The type of words people use are simplifying.
Young people will speak to you in text speak.
They'll say, K. So, you're going to be able to do that work for me later today?
You'll be able to get that done?
And so what you have is people becoming wireheads, and this whole transhumanist thing is not empowering us, it's destroying our real perceptive humanity.
And I'm not anti-computer in and of itself, it's a double-edged sword.
It does a lot of good things, but it's also doing destructive things.
Like all the major studies, you can pull them up, show listening to radio increases IQ and cognitive ability because you have to image.
If I say the name Bradley Manning right now, and you're listening on the radio,
You have to then image what Bradley Manning looks like and that makes you connect synapses and develops your mind.
Reading increases cognitive function and neural connections and IQ on average and maintains people's cognitive abilities later into life because you have to image and you tend to associate what you read with experiences you've had to then personalize it.
That's why reading is so much more intense
When you're reading about something horrible that's happened and almost even seeing it, because you're having to image it, that makes it that much more real.
But when you're passively watching something, it's very, very destructive, lowers IQ, lowers cognitive ability.
Just type in, television viewing Alzheimer's.
You'll get over a hundred studies.
Last time I checked, BBC articles, you name it.
I just type in TV Alzheimer's and show viewers.
That's why my radio show, slash TV show,
The radio side boosts IQ and factoid awareness and connects things to different issues.
I take an article and then multi-facet connect it to other similar things but also disparate things to get people thinking on purpose.
See, they use media that's dumbed down to dumb you down.
By dumbing down the media, it dumbs you down.
Garbage in, garbage out.
I try to upgrade the info to the highest levels I'm able to.
Even though it's a feeble attempt sometimes and
You know, attempt to get you to widen your horizons.
There's the Daily Mail.
Can TV lead to Alzheimer's?
And then it goes over the studies saying, yes it can.
Okay, continuing here.
What am I getting at, ladies and gentlemen?
Humanity is devolving.
We're degenerating.
Every metric shows that.
The globalist society is engineering the singularity towards a societal collapse
I think?
To validate the homicidal control freak, bloodthirsty, vicious, jealous, envious, selfishness that they're engaged in.
And so I want to say to everybody, stop watching as much television.
Stop surfing mindless celebrity crap on the internet.
If you're going to be on the internet, try to make it edifying.
Try to make it multifaceted.
Try to look at things that you don't agree with to expand your awareness and to see other perspectives.
Don't stay just in your own little niche.
That's what the system wants.
That's what Google admits they're trying to do.
By giving you search results that they think you want.
Tailoring it to you to actually keep you on a digital reservation.
The singularity is coming.
It is real.
And they are riding it towards a very selfish end that will not go well for anyone.
And towards the fact that I see people in large transportation constantly distracted, and of course the government will use this now to have computers that monitor you, Mercedes and Lexus already have this, so that when you do distracted driving, enough times it calls the police on you.
So see, their answer will be, let all this happen and then bring in total control as the answer, and then have the robots drive the car.
Google's already announcing that.
We're only like five years away from them trying to force this.
We're okay, you can drive yourself, but you've got to be monitored by a robot that takes control if you haven't been a good driver, and you've got to pay extra.
And then pretty soon, it's robots driving you regardless.
And again, the robot is the car computer itself.
Just like the Google cars are already operating all 50 states without humans in them.
Just like you have the smart meter that's really a surveillance robot to control your life.
Sure, it doesn't have legs yet.
They're designing the future not to be wondrous and empowering, but to be dehumanizing and controlling, because they've already decided you're an ugly, dumb animal who wouldn't want to transcend.
Because they are ugly, dumb animals that run things.
They don't want to transcend.
The decision's been made to have an ugly future.
And I don't want that to happen.
And I want to have a real debate about this now.
But everybody serving the system needs to understand.
Just being aware of this and then joining it doesn't mean you're winning.
It means you're a fool.
The greatest fool of all knows the trap, goes into it, thinking that they're in control because they know it is a cultural, technological bear trap.
Knowing of the trap and then figuring out a way to get out of the trap is the answer.
And you're not going to karmically, and I don't mean that in the
You're not going to know of a trap, build it, and then get out of it, and then let others go into it and not have that come back on you.
It does not work that way.
That is a fundamental law of the universe.
Butcher of your father, the devil, many of you that serve evil, whether you believe the devil or not, the archetype of dominance, total control, total selfishness, murderous power,
You worship, like a moth to flame, the dark majesty of evil.
But it will burn you.
And finally, before I go to your phone calls, Spain train driver on phone at time of deadly crash.
This is just out via the BBC.
Train driver in last week's crash in Spain was talking on the phone when derailed investigators say the train was traveling 192 kilometers, 119 miles an hour at the time.
Investigators at the Court of Justice said Francisco Jose Garzon
Ammo, or Ammo, was speaking to members of the staff of the state-owned railway company.
Crash investigators have opened the train's black box data recorder to find the cause of the crash, which left 79 people dead.
Mr. Karzan is expected of reckless homicide, but he has not yet been formally charged.
He reportedly just kept driving into a turn that he knew he was supposed to slow down, but wasn't thinking.
Because people watch violence on television all day.
They watch wrecks all day on TV.
They don't understand that it could happen to them.
They don't understand consequences.
I found, and studies show this with computers, people will send violent emails to people, or threatening emails to their boss, because it's an email.
They wouldn't do it to somebody's face, but they'll do it via email.
See, you don't understand the danger you're in.
Thirty years ago, they didn't let reactors leak all over the world.
Now, from France to Japan to the U.S., 91% of reactors are leaking deadly radiation.
That's federal government's own numbers, atomic energy agency's numbers, the nuclear regulatory agency's numbers.
Look it up!
They just go, oh, we just turned the alarms off in Southern California.
Yeah, the reactors leak now.
We just don't have the alarms go off because, you know, we don't want to scare people.
Oh, we didn't used to let the troops use DU because we knew it would kill them until 1990.
But now we just don't care.
We say it's okay.
Yeah, we know that hundreds of millions of Americans were given cancer in the polio shots alone and it was done on purpose.
That's federal government's own documents.
It's admitted.
Just look it up.
It was in the news yesterday again.
It's like, so what?
What's the big deal?
Your mom and dad died.
We killed them.
But oh, isn't it scary a terrorist might blow you up?
Oh, let's take all your rights, even though honeybees kill three times more people each year than terrorists do.
There's a headline.
48 nuke sites in the U.S.
That's A.P.
That's old.
Now the latest number is, if you type in, over 90% of reactors leaking worldwide.
There's like 420-something official reactors, hundreds of experimental reactors.
There's two experimentals in Austin.
I have yuppies walk up to me and go, there's no reactor in Austin.
Because they don't want to believe there is.
Okay, there isn't.
There's one under UT downtown, another in North Austin, the J.J.
They have a public website, it's not debatable, but it doesn't exist, see?
Pickles Center.
Because you have magical powers!
If you say there's no Army manual that says they're building FEMA camps for you and your family, then there's no FEMA camp!
And Glenn Beck will tell you there isn't, so it must be true!
And if they tell you there's no reactor, you know, it's fine, there's not.
Alright, I'm gonna tell you about some amazing products here that also fund the broadcast
And then we are going to go to your phone calls here and then we're going to get some guests on.
Now let's get Syrian Girl on at the bottom of the next hour so I can go to calls.
I know she thinks she's on the first 30.
Let's do the second 30 because I want to have some time with her today coming up.
Tangy Tangerine, you just said K.
That's right, that's right.
CJ just said K to me.
He's the singularity there.
It's where we all just weigh 800 pounds.
He doesn't weigh 800 pounds.
But it's kind of like that movie WALL-E where we all fly around on the big ocean liner in the sky and weigh 800 pounds and can't talk and have robots bringing us Slurpees.
That's not how it's going to end, ladies and gentlemen.
They're just going to release a bioweapon and wipe us all out.
That's openly been debated by the UN, the Club of Rome, Bill Joy, all of them.
Uh, and, uh, all the Hollywood and billionaires are all clamoring at transhumanist conferences to, you know, be part of the group that doesn't get wiped out, and it's all like a big power trip for them with Ray Kurzweil, and I'm just here trying to warn you, but you may not want to listen, I understand.
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All right, folks, thanks for holding.
We're going to go to your phone calls in this segment and the next, then have Sirian Girl actually pop in at the bottom of the next hour.
So we'll be taking your calls to the bottom of the next hour and obviously announcing the verdict on Bradley Manning as soon as that comes out at InfoWars.com and here on the syndicated radio broadcast.
But my bottom line is this.
The world is changing.
The globalist controllers have decided that you're dumb, spoiled scum and that they're just going to weaponize media and dumb you down and make you a bunch of emasculated, self-centered chicken necks so that you'll just basically fade off into the compact city kill grid.
We're going into the process of dehumanization right now.
And we're losing our humanity and it's very, very sad.
And I hope that we can have a real debate about this.
Let's go to calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brendan in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I was just wondering what you thought about the major media coverage of Snowden now that things have somewhat died down and whether or not there was an agenda there, kind of like contingency planning or beta testing the public's reaction.
Oh, I agree.
Look, look, they make lemonade out of lemons.
When things come out, they weaponize it and learn how to gauge how we respond and how to spin it to be able to see how to deal with the public more later.
And they mainly use the NSA for industrial espionage against independent companies and individuals.
But then also to predict mass movement, future behavior.
I told you that over a decade ago, now it's admitted.
It was in MIT stuff before that.
But more importantly, it's about gauging if you're buying their propaganda and tweaking it.
But organically at a point, no matter how fancy the propaganda, or how fancy the brain damaging is from all the chemicals in the food and water, if you don't brain damage somebody to the point of not being able to talk,
Even their lower brain can still operate and know bad people are in control.
So they have the decision.
Wreck humanity where we can't even feed ourselves while trying to build their robot computer takeover system.
See, they still need us to finish the computer robot takeover before they kill everybody.
But if we wake up and take back control before they do that, then they're unable to go ahead and kill everybody because then it won't be able to be fully finished.
So they have a program they've got to follow.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, and that dovetails perfectly into my other question, which was, I just read about some new mind control techniques that are coming out of some research universities out of Arizona.
I sent that to JB and David yesterday, and I wondered if, I think that there's a race on.
I think that they're trying to effectively get
They're racing in a global Manhattan project to have the super weapons, the super technologies, the super propaganda
And, but they've used it on their own population to keep control of us, so we're so dysfunctional, their own military can't carry out operations anymore, and are just killing themselves, because they have humanity left in them, before the robot Skynet is in place to carry out the next phase.
So, things aren't going well for them.
And I just wish the public tuning in realized, this isn't science fiction, what we just talked about.
This is what we really
Are going through.
What do you think's going to end up happening, Brendan?
Do you think they're behind schedule?
Um, I think that they're behind schedule because there are always hiccups and new technologies like that.
Um, and it goes back to, uh, Gulf War One.
A lot of people, uh, let's just say I have, I used to date someone in the company and, and, uh, have a lot of friends in the Madison area that have discussed this.
I tell you what, I want to hear more about this.
Yeah, we'll come back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're awaiting the verdict in the military kangaroo court event.
We no longer have constitutional courts in the military, definitely.
They don't even follow their own military code.
They try people who've been tortured, you name it.
It's just complete garbage.
We're awaiting the Manning decision on the WikiLeaks situation right now.
And we will continue to cover that as things unfold here today.
And we're taking your phone calls.
But right now, we're going to go back to the calls.
I was just talking to a caller in
I don't think so.
You understand this is a compartmentalized, incremental shutdown of world civilization towards an exterminist program.
And some of these bioweapons developers and people that I've talked to, like Dr... What's the doctor at UT?
He'll pop in my head in a minute.
That came out and said, release airborne Ebola to kill 90% of the world population.
Dr. Pianca.
You know, I've had his graduate students that are now working in bioweapons send me threatening emails and things saying he only wants to kill 90%.
Many of us believe all humans must be exterminated and we await the great day.
And then I look up who they are and their PhD and there they are in a white lab cutting a bioweapons system.
I mean, you know, they are in control.
And at least they're honest about how they believe humans are evil and want to kill everybody.
But really, you look at them, they're always wild-eyed on just the ultimate power trip of, we're going to organize the killing of humanity, and the general public is so dumbed down under this technology that, you know, they hear this show and they go, man, this guy is whacked out.
No, I'm not whacked out.
Authoritarians are whacked out.
And we're dealing with a new world order on steroids here.
Let's go to John in California, then we'll go to Jack and Chad and Luke and Frank and everybody else.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, am I on?
Yeah, you are.
Hey Alex, I wanted to call and talk about, you know, obviously government is our problem.
The very existence of government, as Thomas Jefferson and our founders told us, you know, Thomas Jefferson was a minarchist, you know, wanted minimal government, and obviously that hasn't worked.
I'm wondering if you would do a show on anarcho-capitalism, which is, you know, eliminating rulers, eliminating government, and just having unfettered free markets.
Run the show, everything being competition, which is a worked out system, basically.
Worked out by Marie Rothbard and, you know, uh, etc, etc.
But, uh, some great books on that topic.
There's also a great, you were talking about the dehumanization of, uh, dehumanization of the human race or what have you.
There's a great article that listeners probably would enjoy and you would enjoy as well.
It's called, Jesus is an Anarchist.
It's not particularly, uh,
It's just about the Bible as whatever you want to take it as, literature or whatever, but one of the messages of the Bible being that government on earth is the domain of Satan, which is what you're saying frequently.
And by the way, clearly the whole Bible's about rebelling against corrupt government, and then they twist it and say the Bible's about submitting to it.
Absolute pure bull.
Go ahead.
So anyway, I was wondering if you would consider having a show.
I don't know how well informed you are or well read you are on the concept of anarcho-capitalism, but I think it's our way out.
We have to educate the public to consider this as a very real and intelligent, humane, logical solution.
It is very humane and logical, and if we had a nation of George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons, we could do it.
The problem is the general public is so spoiled, so greedy, so lazy, so evil, and the government's made up of those people, that I mean literally they would die by the billions if we weren't there wiping their noses.
And then you come full circle back to the globalist argument of, see they're a bunch of scum, kill them.
Yeah, but you helped make them scum.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, seconds to go.
They announced that Bradley Manning was found not guilty of the main charge, but found guilty of 15 lesser charges.
And we'll give you those details as the transcript comes out.
I don't want to get it wrong.
I was just watching it on Fox News out there in the studio.
But we will continue once we get the actual details for everyone here on air.
But not guilty of the main charges, but found
Guilty of 15 lesser charges and to start serving his sentence tomorrow.
And they do that because they know it looks bad to persecute this guy so they'll just throw him in jail for a couple decades instead of for life.
But we'll give you all the details as the text of it has not been released yet as that unfolds.
We're going to go back to your phone calls right now and then I'm going to get into
More of what's happening in the Obama administration as his entire agenda goes off the rails, from Obamacare to tax increases, you name it.
What type of tricks do we expect them to pull and how they're getting Hillary Clinton ready with all these made-for-TV, government-funded propaganda and telling us what a wonderful woman she is versus who she really is.
And plus, I've had a lot of people ask me about Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity
And the fact that rumors of their demise are greatly exaggerated.
Briefly, at the bottom of the hour, I'll give you the inside scoop on what's going on with Clear Channel and Cumulus and XM as well.
In fact, I've never seen a news article.
Maybe it's out now, but a few months ago I learned about this and didn't want to be the one breaking it just because I don't want to get in the middle of what all these big radio giants are doing because
I'm like a guy that works in the cracks on the mom and pop stations and on local stations and independently owned stations because I know how radio really works.
It's all really three big companies that own most of the stations and there's a few thousand out there they don't own and those are mom and pops they're trying to buy up that have survived the type of stations I'm on that Genesis is on.
And so you talk about 40 stations with Cumulus.
I mean, big deal.
They want more money.
They want more of the ads.
And the radio is losing a lot of money at the national level right now.
So Cumulus is saying no.
And then they make it in the media, in the controlled White House media, like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are in trouble.
No, it's that radio itself, because the economy is in trouble, is in trouble.
And this is just a squabble.
You know, it's kind of like XM is moving to basically get rid of all clear channel programming.
And I knew that two months ago.
And then no one else is talking about it.
In fact, it's supposed to already be off in like a week, maybe two weeks.
But also not just clear channel, basically all conservative are libertarian.
Talk is supposedly going to be off, including our show and Genesis shows.
And again, I happen to know, and I didn't even say it was secret, I happen to know basically a bunch of the details of this.
And then when the media reports on it, they don't even know what's happening with it.
I'm not even trying to know about all this stuff.
And I was told months ago that Cumulus was going to kick Clear Channel stuff off of it because Clear Channel wants more ads, more money.
And that Clear Channel, all Clear Channel programming is going to go off XM.
And that I don't want to be the one coming out and reporting it because it's almost like whoever brings the bad news gets their head cut off.
I'm quite frankly, I think it's so complex I don't even want to get into it.
It's just that, and then I heard other talk show hosts
This morning, who aren't associated with Clare Chandler, Cumulus, going, we need to lobby to get on these Cumulus stations.
Oh yeah, that's going to happen.
What are you going to do?
Pay them $50 million a year to get on there?
I mean, how do you think you get on these big marquee main stations in these cities?
The advertising and money is being paid.
Unbelievable, just the naivety of even radio hosts, of how radio works, absolutely blows my mind.
And that's why I've always targeted the internet.
AM and FM stations come, they go, we've grown, we're over 150 stations, that's a big deal.
We are dominant on the internet over Hannity, over everyone, over Limbaugh.
I mean, our numbers dwarf them.
500, 600,000 on podcast.
300,000 plus a day tuning in on streams.
Tens of millions a week watching us on YouTube.
Millions a week listening to us on terrestrial radio.
And of course they've had talkers and other groups go and look at those numbers and show that.
But I realize how fractured and compartmentalized and really how media is moving towards a singularity.
It's a big deal to have a million viewers on Discovery Channel or History Channel show.
It's really big to have 3 million.
It's huge to have 12 million like the Bible.
It's huge.
The Super Bowl, 65 million, that's huge.
In the old days, a news show would have 30 million viewers, one channel.
Now, CNN used to have 10 million viewers on Larry King Live back in the mid-1990s.
Now they've got 300,000, 400,000 in the same time slot with the red coat.
But everybody still thinks it's the media, it's the dominant thing.
And it's not!
And so there's shake-ups in radio going on, and Politico, and Media Matters saying, oh, Rush Limbaugh has fallen, Rush Limbaugh has fallen, and talk show hosts celebrating.
We need all these Rush Limbaugh stations!
Rush Limbaugh's got 600-plus radio stations.
Forty cumulus go, they just go to the next station and have just as many listeners the next week.
And again, I'm in direct competition with Rush Limbaugh, but I will not sit up here and have some fake victory dance over Rush Limbaugh's dead body when that is not what's happened.
I just cannot believe how stupid people are.
I just, I'm sorry.
I just, it marvels the mind.
Marvels the mind!
Ladies and gentlemen, as the rest of radio implodes, big radio is only going to get bigger.
Profits may not be as big all the time, but they're guaranteed to have bigger share.
As all the little guys die, as all the little systems implode.
I've tried to explain this to people.
There is a singularity happening in media as it fractures.
Everyone sinks, but the most competitive within the system get bigger.
You understand?
Drudge Report gets bigger.
Infowars.com gets bigger.
DrudgeReport.com gets bigger.
Limbaugh stays the same or gets bigger.
Because it's the last peaks.
It's like the singularity in media is like water rising.
And the smaller islands get covered up by it.
Okay, as everybody becomes media, as you get billions of choices a day, not millions of choices.
Used to be dozens of choices, then hundreds of choices, then thousands of choices, then millions of choices, now billions of choices.
And that's killed the old dinosaur media, because they weren't competitive, they were caught in lies, they still haven't figured it out yet.
They're that chutzpah, bravado, drunk.
Thank God, because if they figured it out, they could have fought us better.
Because everything to them as narcissists is that they're king of the earth and they've still got people around them telling them that.
But then you've got the old new media that's talk radio that always had bigger audiences than them.
That is having problems but is still dominant.
And then you've got the few things like InfoWars.com that are just exploding on every level.
I said I'd cover that at the bottom of the hour.
I just covered it.
And people are asking, why aren't you covering this?
Aren't you glad Limbaugh's going down?
I'm like... I always notice losers always, like, make it up that I've gone down, or it's the end, or coffin nails for Alex Jones, or Alex doesn't have any listeners, and, you know, they even have Fox executives and CNN executives put articles out that I don't have any listeners and all this.
Like, that makes it real.
It's like magical thinking that there's fairies living under the bed or something.
I mean, you guys are a joke.
Losers are the same everywhere.
They are delusional.
They lie to themselves about things.
I want reality.
I live trying to find reality.
And the truth is, I don't care about being a big shot.
I don't care about having the biggest salary and the biggest contract.
I care about having a future for humanity.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Chad in Kentucky.
What's your take on Snowden and the rest of it?
Yeah, I mean, I definitely think that Snowden and Manning are definitely heroes, but as you were saying, humanity is definitely devolving, and the public can't think for themselves, so they're only told what the news tells them, so they don't know what to think other than what Fox News tells them, so it's not good for whistleblowers.
The second thing on the DOD telling the truth,
I think they're going to be a little bit more truthful, and they're going to put more of a spin on it, but it's going to be more of the stuff like, yes, we are spying on you with drones, yes, we are doing this, just to create the fear factor.
And I've got one quick question if I've got time.
Sure, go ahead.
Can you explain to me why do you think that they would Breitbart Michael Hastings, but not do that to Adam Kokesh?
If all this information gets released and nothing ever happens, you know,
It just doesn't make sense that they would do that to Hastings, but not to Kokesh, because he's trying to get more of a movement going.
Well, it makes perfect sense.
They don't want to make a martyr out of a political guy that was being, trying to be like a warrior leader.
They want to kill the high credibility people like a Hastings who had bombshell info that could have sunk him.
And they only kill you when they absolutely have to.
They'd rather kill your credibility.
And let's face it, Kokesh, I admire his courage, but smoking pot on air, acting crazy,
Yeah, but I mean, if all this information gets released and nothing ever gets done about it, it seems like he's still gonna be a thorn in their side.
You know, if no one's crying out for Michael Hastings, why not just take care of Adam the same way they did that?
Well, we've kind of reached that point.
They may start coming after me, too.
I mean, that's the point we've gotten to where the President signs the NDAA two years ago and says, we can kill any citizen we want and keep it secret.
We can torture people.
And put them on trial.
We can spy on anybody we want.
We're God.
We can take your bank accounts.
So, yeah, we're getting to that point.
But they know once that starts,
Then people start shooting back.
So that's why they don't want to cross that line.
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You look like an angel
Well, undoubtedly, Bradley Manning leaked things like Henry Kissinger in the 1980s at Bilderberg meetings, this is mainstream news, saying the illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little bit longer.
Because unconstitutional, you've got to get past people in public.
There is a war against checks and balances by the criminal class that wants to be able to play God.
And Bradley Manning is an incredible hero and a political prisoner, and we should all pray for him.
Bradley Manning's not guilty of aiding the enemy, but otherwise guilty of everything else, is what Gizmodo has to say about it.
Not guilty of that, but 15 other counts.
Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy in WikiLeaks case.
That's the star.
Reporting U.S.
Army, Bradley Manning, private, has been acquitted of aiding the enemy for giving secrets to WikiLeaks.
The much-anticipated verdict was delivered Tuesday afternoon to a crowd of international journalists who descended on Fort Meade, Maryland.
And they have all these private goons out there with their machine guns, getting used to the image of our securities, private security and machine guns everywhere.
So everybody looks at that and gets used to living in a third world country.
Everything's a psy-op.
Totally illegal, despicable.
It's all about raw king rat force.
That's manly in America.
But you can go to Guatemala and see that.
You could do that 50 years ago.
Everything is just an image of a criminal government.
Bradley Manning, not guilty of aiding the enemy over WikiLeaks, guilty of at least 15 lesser charges.
soldier Bradley Manning has been found guilty of the other counts, including espionage, computer fraud, theft charges, but not guilty of the most serious charge of aiding the enemy, which carried a possible life sentence.
He was found guilty of five espionage charges, the AP reports, and others.
And look at the image of the men waddling out with him.
I want to show some of the viewers this if you're watching us on.
PrisonPlanet.tv, but radio listeners have all seen the images out there over and over again of the swollen weightlifter guys, because this is the new status.
You don't live in a free country, you don't have a good pension fund, you don't have a future, you don't have health, but everybody can weigh 300 pounds and look like a linebacker and strut around with guys surrounding you with machine guns, bugging their eyes out, acting tough.
We'll see how tough all these guys are that are filled with GMO cancer right now.
You know, even top UFC fighters you hear about are not even able to walk a few years after and unable to get out of bed and stuff.
All the big mighty will fall.
So just remember that.
But again, I just see it.
America didn't used to have a bunch of guys with machine guns at a military trial, bugging their eyes out for the camera, acting tough, projecting dominance.
Nazi Germany didn't even do that.
That's really bad banana republics, people act and dress like this.
I mean, it's just the imagery of our country is so knuckle-dragging.
Oh man, it makes me sick.
Jack in Georgia, what's your take on this?
I'm doing alright.
I'm sad for Bradley Manning.
I mean, he did the right thing.
He exposed a lot of serious crime.
I actually can tell you two sides of seeing this go down.
I actually had a top-tier clearance while I was in the Navy.
At that time, they indoctrinate you so much to the fact that
You know what I mean?
If I was still in that mindset, I would be with how the media is portraying it, you know?
But I've been woken up since 2008, and the way I see it now, it makes me sick to my stomach.
I want to hear your inside take on this, but giving thumb drives to the Russians is treason.
Coming out and saying, we torture people, we set up innocent people, we murder innocent people.
That's your duty!
You're exactly correct.
I mean, but I'm telling you that if it's been this, they would have, you know, to even get that clearance, they make you sit through hours and hours and hours.
I just gave that one kid with the Russian thumb drive just as an example.
But they're spinning this so many different ways, and the key term, useful idiot, it works.
Well, I'll tell you the main crime here.
I'll tell you what, come back.
I want to let you finish, okay Jack?
Don't hang up.
Stay there and we'll get the Syrian girl and then other callers after you.
And then the last 30 minutes of the next hour we're getting the magician on who was told by the federal government he couldn't do his magic shows anymore without federal authorization because the feds want to run every aspect of our lives.
But the big issue here is a chilling effect on people in government not reporting criminal activities.
They're trying to build that as espionage.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're going to continue taking your phone calls and covering the news.
Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy, but found guilty of espionage.
Okay, that's clear.
And at least 15 other counts.
And when tyrants run the country, the best men rot in filthy jails while those that cry a piece a piece are hung by those they tried to please.
And we're going to be talking to Syrian girl here in just a moment.
Her family was a prominent family.
She's been on national Australian TV with her full name and her family.
After she'd been on this show a few times, she was trying to protect her identity.
And her family was part of the ruling party there, basically kicked out by the Assad folks.
So that makes her an even more credible source because
She's against what's happening in Syria, even though she doesn't like Assad.
Because it is a Western destabilization mass murder operation.
We're going to be talking to her in just a moment, because it's just the atrocities committed by the Al-Qaeda forces and the Al-Qaeda brigades.
They actually fly Al-Qaeda flags.
They call themselves the Al-Qaeda brigades, the Osama Bin Laden brigades.
And they're now in Egypt.
That's who the Egyptian military is shooting.
And I don't like the military shooting people, but it is...
It is an attempt to radically take over Egypt as well.
And why would our government be supporting this?
Again, because they want destabilization.
We're going to talk about that in a moment.
But Jack, somebody you say that worked in classified areas and saw the stuff going on.
Other points you'd like to add about what now Bradley Manning is facing decades in prison?
I'm not exactly on that.
I kind of wanted to tell you about something that happened to me a while ago in the Navy that you'd probably be interested in.
Sure, go ahead.
My helicopter got shot down in 2008 during a Pacific Partnership tour, like a Go America tour throughout Asia.
And what was crazy to me is that
Because it didn't fit their script.
This is what woke me up and I just had to get out of the military at this point.
Because no one ever heard about it.
And because it didn't fit their script, I mean, it was beyond me.
And then they shut down the ship and everyone got complete three hour briefings about secrecy.
It just blew my mind that I come back and no one's even heard about it and I can't even talk about it.
Well, now I'm way out, so it doesn't matter anymore.
But there's just a blip on a blog on the New York Times about it, and I was wondering if you even heard about that, and why you think that they would have silenced that at the time, you know?
Why do you think that was happening?
I mean, we were on a hospital ship doing a Go America Tour, which was really weird because every port we went to, we went to, we were actually the first boots in Vietnam since Vietnam War, and every port we'd go to, we'd drop off Project Smile, drop off Doctors, and, you know, do a Go America Tour, but then we'd have this massive party with all these high officials.
I have no idea.
We're good to go.
Did you ever do anything like the Delta Force does?
Where they go and, like, buy off?
Just say, be our friend, here's $200,000.
And then the police chief says, are you trying to bribe me?
Is this a setup?
No, no, here's a letter from the president.
We just want to give you $200,000 for being a nice guy.
And then a year later, the mafia comes.
And says, OK, now you're going to deal drugs for us or let us do it.
You took $200,000.
And these police chiefs are shocked.
They go, I thought my president told me to do this.
And they go, watch it, buddy.
You're involved.
Did you ever hear about stuff like that?
That sounds like economic hitmen type stuff.
No, I did combat search and rescue.
So you did real special forces type combat and rescue stuff, not infiltration?
Because you know special forces across the board, the higher up units, they are trained in infiltrating and influencing target countries with cash and things like that.
You've never heard of units that did stuff like that?
I will tell you this, Alex.
When we arrived in the Persian Gulf back, I mean, this is like 2004.
We dropped a SEAL unit, because we flew with SEAL all the time.
We were their helicopter skiff, you know?
You've got the boat guys, you've got the EOD guys, then you've got the helicopter guys.
Pretty much everyone is in unison.
And we dropped off a SEAL team unit.
And at this time, I didn't know what it was.
But now I know.
Opium fields.
It was like 2000... 2004, you know?
And then to come back and realize how the opium production skyrocketed around that 2002-2003 years, it was just mind-blowing to see how much I was a pawn in their scheme, you know?
Let me ask you this question and we'll go to our guest and I appreciate you calling in.
When I run into military on the street, no exaggeration, I'm walking by military, half the time they go, Alex Jones!
I shake my hand and we're waking up and I say, how many people are awake?
And they say 30, 50, 60, so I average it 45, 50% are awake.
To the fact that there's criminal interest to control the government, it's bigger than Obama, that they're being trained to take on the American people.
What percentage of people you talk to in special forces, I guess if it's the Navy, it'd be Navy SEALs, what percentage of them are starting to figure out, I mean we saw on Michael Savage last week, the father of one of the SEAL Team 6 people.
Whose helicopter blew up, saying they blew up the helicopter, they killed him.
Well I told people when it happened, that we have a family friend, whose son, who we've known for, I mean my dad's been good friends with him for like 20 years, I mean they've come over for barbecue.
His son's in SEAL Team, I'm not going to say what SEAL Team, it's not SEAL Team 6.
They said, no no, the families think that there was a bomb on board.
And that it was blown up.
And see, I didn't just say that, folks.
I mean, obviously they wouldn't come on air.
And this is somebody we know who just knew people who died.
And now that's on Savage with the dad saying that.
I mean, we're not making this stuff up, folks.
I don't just come and say, I have a source and they said this.
I mean, if I'm telling you something, I mean, it happened.
But what percentage would you say are awake or starting to wake up?
I will tell you this, I have friends that went through school with me that are now, two of them are in SEAL Team 5 and one of them actually made it to SEAL Team 6.
And I don't know how, do you know how they select you for SEAL Team 6?
Each team walks through a hall and they have a picture of the guy on the team and they put a check on whoever they want to progress to SEAL Team 6.
So it's a very small unit, but it's not just like
In one area, like Field Team 5, Field Team 1, you know, which is cross-coast.
Well, from what I know about it, I mean, and then they got units that are actually sheep dipped above it, just like Delta Force, they do the political weird stuff, assassinations, you know, some of the dirtier things, and that's why they've killed so many of them.
I mean, folks, you don't want to be involved in the super special units.
Believe me.
I've had family that have been involved in things like this, and they say it's
Once you even go beyond the military, and they go, you're now an agent of the CIA, and you're now former special forces associated with CIA and the National Security Council.
Once you get into that group, I mean, it is bad, man.
Those are the guys loading the drugs on the planes.
They're the ones guarding DynCorp when they're flying kids out.
I mean, it's unbelievably bad.
And most of them end up having a conscience problem, and they get killed.
Any comments on that?
I have a conscience problem because when I was shot down I suppressed fire and you know and this is Mindanao you know in Philippines which is a bunch of bunch of civilians and huts you know but my buddy that's in field team six
You know, I speak very freely with him.
He doesn't care, you know?
And there is a lot of anger towards the system and Obama, and I'll let you know that.
So do they know?
I mean, do they know what's going on?
It's always like at the tip of their tongue, you know?
And I'm not sure... I got counseled on my way out of the military because I woke up to you because someone graffitied InfoWars on a street sign.
And I was driving to work, I was like, what is that?
I don't recommend people doing that, but I bet it woke up so many people in San Diego when I was there.
But on my way out the door, I was starting to bring up certain questions to people.
Let's just say it wasn't a good salute out the door.
I counseled a few times.
Well sir, you left with your conscience and your life and people better figure out across the board that this is not a game.
There are thousands of army hit men alone who just kill people in the US.
And it's just so sad how naive the public is.
God bless you and I appreciate you calling into the show.
And I appreciate Syrian girl getting up early, this is the middle of the night, over in Australia to come on with us.
Again, her family was in the ruling party there, got run out by the Assad's.
So even though they don't like Assad or his son, she for about a year and a half has given us incredible intel that's all turned out to be absolutely true.
And since then she's gone public with her full name, but on national Australian television.
We'll just call her Syrian Girl here today with us.
Syrian Girl, I appreciate you holding, while I went to that caller, he was very important.
You've got the floor, the latest developments in Syria, the mass murder, but also the Al-Qaeda brigades killing Christians and Coptic Muslims and others, Coptic Christians and Alawites in other areas.
What is happening and what's the real state of the ongoing stalemate war in Syria right now?
Hi Alex, thanks for having me.
You're welcome to call me Mimi Elham if you like.
It's quite widespread.
Okay, fantastic.
Well, you know, the media has been sort of hyping up that there's this big split between the so-called moderate rebels, as they call them, and al-Qaeda, and they hyped up an assassination of one of the FSA insurgents and al-Qaeda, which is Jabhat al-Nusra.
The name is going by in Syria.
So, but in reality, you know, they choose their words very carefully because they say moderate rebels, they don't say secular rebels, and that's because they're...
No secular rebels.
Secular rebels are a very tiny minority.
And you know, moderate relative to what?
Like relative to Al-Qaeda?
And in Economist, you might bring up the table that was shown of the types of groups and the names of the groups that are part of the rebels.
This includes Ansar al-Islam, which is an Islamist group, and then you have Liwa al-Tawheed, which are under the umbrella of the moderate non-Al Qaeda rebels, but that's the same group that was responsible for strapping a bomb to a prisoner last year and trying to get him to drive through a checkpoint and become an unwilling suicide bomber.
So this is the groups that the US government are labeling as moderate groups.
And then you have, you know, Farrukh Battalion and Sawar al-Sham.
It's a long list of maybe not Al-Qaeda level insanity, but certainly religious groups.
And in Syria, religious-based political parties aren't allowed.
And there's a reason for that, because we have many religious groups.
And when you have religious parties, everybody will start to vote
For their own religious party, and then you have something that's exactly like Lebanon, where the society is so fractured and split, and they've had multiple civil wars.
Sure, there's a separation of church and state, you don't have religious parties, we don't have that here either.
I mean, you can go have one, but once they get in government, it can't be a religious-based government.
And I think that's really sensible, you know, religion, there's nothing wrong or inherently evil about any of the religions, but religion in politics just creates many, many problems.
And, you know, just because they're moderate
Compared to Al-Qaeda.
Doesn't mean they're not Islamic.
Doesn't mean that they don't steal from people.
Doesn't mean that they don't kick people out of their homes.
Doesn't mean that... Doesn't mean they're not constantly killing each other.
So let me ask you this question.
What is the current real state of the battlefield situation from your sources inside Syria right now?
Well, if things carry on as they are, and the rebels or insurgents aren't giving any weapons, then the army has a sure victory.
The fact that Qusayr fell in Homs, that is kind of like the Stalingrad of Syria, because
Homs, the city Homs, has all the roads to all the major cities around Syria, so it's a control point.
So now that the Syrian military controls that control point, everything else will follow through.
But unfortunately, you know, you have people like Carly Lavigne meeting up with Salim Idris,
And talking about not caring about the consequences, but definitely wanting to give weapons.
And the thing is, what I'd also like to mention is that, you know, this rivalry is hyped up in the media between the FSA and the Al-Qaeda groups.
But in fact, you know, there was an article written by Andrew McCarthy, which highlights the fact that the split between Al-Qaeda and the FSA is not so deep, because in an Al Jazeera report, Colonel Abdul Rahman, he's calling himself a colonel, which is a member of the rebels' Supreme Military
military council said that Al-Qaeda was welcome in Syria to help fight the regime.
But even the CFR admits about 60% of the fighters are jihadis out of Saudi Arabia who affiliate with Al-Qaeda.
They even have Al-Qaeda uniforms.
They wave Al-Qaeda flags.
I've seen in Egypt the people throwing the secular folks off buildings are waving Al-Qaeda flags.
I mean, this is Al-Qaeda.
It's, you know, it's all out in the open.
They haven't really
You know, what manner of treason is it to welcome Al-Qaeda or foreigners into your land to kill your people?
The only group that's fighting Al-Qaeda in Syria right now is the Syrian army.
The FSA are not fighting Al-Qaeda.
They are weak compared to Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is the biggest fighting group fighting the Syrian army in Syria.
And, you know, around the same time, and this is very important, Al Jazeera also reported two weeks ago, they interviewed a leader in Al-Qaeda in Syria, and he said that the FSA was actually selling them weapons.
So, of course, when the U.S.
is going to give
these rebels' weapons, it's going to end up in the hands of Al-Qaeda.
And even now, they've admitted recently that in Aspen Security Forum, they're actually giving them a wage of $150 a month.
This came out a few days ago.
And if you check my YouTube channel, I also point out that I caught one guy that was interviewed by Channel 4 News in the UK, an Al-Qaeda guy, saying that he also receives $150 a month.
So you wonder if it's coming from the same distributor.
And when the EU lifted an oil embargo in Syria, in the northern part of Syria, where Al-Raqqa, actually the group that controls Raqqa and controls the oil flow is Al-Qaeda.
That's right, they've got control of that oil pipeline, stay there.
Well that's our government, as usual, funding Al-Qaeda, while using them to take all of our liberties away.
So next time the TSA wants to stick their hands down your pants, say, how dare you, your government works for Al-Qaeda.
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Folks, Alex Jones back live on this Tuesday edition.
We've got a Syrian girl joining us with a report on what's happening over there from all her sources.
It's proven very accurate.
Now you see her on Australian and international television, you know, breaking it down.
But looking at this, you know, the most important news you've covered in the last month or two since we had you on InfoWars Nightly News or on the Daily Radio Show, what is most important for people to know about what's happening?
We had Israel hit Syria and blow up some of their defensive missiles.
The Russians reportedly lost people that were there and they're now threatening Israel.
I mean, we see Israel helping gang up to support handing over that area to the radical Islamists because Israel's allied like the U.S.
with Saudi Arabia.
I mean, how is Israel going to have that fly aiding Al-Qaeda?
Well, with Israel, you know, the whole agenda of Israel is to cut Syria up because
You know, under Zionism they want to control everything from the Nile to the Euphrates, so they see Syria and Iran as, you know, a rival or a threat to their ideology, or if Syria wants the occupied land back, which is the Golan Heights, which Israel currently occupies, that's a problem for Israel.
So what's the best idea?
Divide and conquer.
And the whole agenda, even in 2006,
Gondoleza Rise outlined the project for a new Middle East, and it showed that Iran and Iraq and Syria were divided.
And Syria and Iraq in particular were divided into threes.
In Iraq, North, South and Middle.
North being the Kurdish part.
And in Syria, they wanted to create an Alawite and Christian coast, separate to everything else.
And, you know, Al-Qaeda's ideology is Wahhabism, and some of these people in Wahhabism feel that they cannot tolerate any other religion in the area that they are in.
And they also think that if there's a majority of Muslims anywhere, then that land belongs to them.
Like, Pakistanis who are Wahhabi are coming to Syria and saying, this is our land, Syrians out.
Because if these Syrians aren't
You know, Wahhabis, then they've got to go.
You can kill them to get them out.
Yeah, so they're really a colonialist.
That's exactly what it is.
You know, it's exploiting religion to... It's Muslim, it's Muslim colonists, radical Muslim colonists who colonize other peaceful Muslim nations, and that's why the globalists are funding them, because they want to spread radical Islam worldwide as a tool of destabilization.
It's like a reverse crusade, you know, so to speak.
So, like, as a Muslim, it doesn't matter to me if my Syrian friend is a Christian, because we're both Syrian, you know, we're neighbours, we grew up in the same land, we've got the same kind of mentality and the same culture.
So of course I'm going to be caring about what happens to my Syrian compatriots
More so than, you know, some foreigner coming to my land to kill them.
And again, that's the key.
Even though you're a Sunni, you're not a Wahhabist, you're not supporting what's happening to Syria because it's a foreign invasion.
And that's why the Globalist Fund radical Wahhabist Islam is that it is a way to basically attack nation states.
It's another international arm they use.
Wahhabism never existed in Syria before this time.
So it goes to show you how this ideology has been exported into Syria and it doesn't really mesh with our society.
I mean, we've been like this, secular, forever since we began 7,000-10,000 years ago.
Well, I tell you, it is a real crime against humanity.
What do you think of the Peace Prize winner Obama funding Al-Qaeda to come in and mass murder men, women, and children?
What do you want to say to the American people?
I want to say that I don't like to interfere with people's internal affairs.
I respect the American people.
I think they're great people.
But unfortunately, the government is way out of line.
They've been attacking countries all over the place.
They've been supporting dictatorships.
They've been supporting apartheid.
And I think Obama is a traitor to his people and to his country.
Yeah, but he's really not an American, so he can't be a traitor.
But if he was an American, he would be a traitor.
Back in 60 seconds.
Stay there.
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We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're now into hour number three.
We'll continue with your phone calls.
We've got a guest popping in who was told he couldn't do his magic shows anymore by the federal government.
We're going to have the number two winner second place in the Paul Revere contest popping in as well.
We're going to be announcing that at the bottom of the hour and continue with calls.
Syrian Girl, who for a year and a half has been giving us amazingly accurate reporting, joins us again from Australia.
And in a way, he's almost become a spokesman for the Syrian people that are under siege.
Now going from the internet speaking out to being on national and international television shows in Australia, Europe, you name it.
Another testament to taking action.
So Syrian girl continuing here with any other important points to pass along to people.
First we heard Obama was going to send in even heavier arms.
Then Congress said, hey, we vote, don't do that.
Because they realize politically, because we're exposing, you're exposing the fact that it's Al Qaeda, they're going to get in trouble when Al Qaeda uses those heat-seeking missiles and stuff to shoot down Western aircraft.
Or maybe they think we're so dumb that it'll become treason to not support Al Qaeda and the police will come arrest us if we don't support Al Qaeda in America.
I mean, maybe we're that evil.
I don't know.
You know, George Orwell said that in a place, when a police state, the police state thinks it can just switch the flags of the enemy and nobody's supposed to notice.
And if you notice, you're a traitor, basically.
But, you know, when Congress says it's worried about weapons getting into the wrong hands,
They don't just mean Al-Qaeda, they actually really mean the Syrian army, which is quite possible if they kill the rebels that they will capture the weapons.
And, you know, let's say that there might be very real turf rivalries between the FSA and Al-Qaeda, but even if these groups start fighting each other, Al-Qaeda will be easily, because they're stronger now, be able to kill these rebel groups and capture these heavier weapons.
So, you know, they're going to be used against capital cities now.
The only things that haven't been really destroyed and smashed are the capital cities.
And there will be the absolute decimation of Syria.
But that's okay for the globalist agenda to take place.
They don't really care about our lives.
But, you know, the thing is that
They want to keep things under control because they can't have any group become so powerful that they start to have a mind of their own.
And Al-Qaeda is part of that because even though the heads of Al-Qaeda might be controlled by the CIA, the low-level ones have no idea of this.
They think that they're fighting America.
But the most comical thing, my last point would be, the most comical thing was the suggestion by the insurgents and by David Cameron's government that
The weapons can go on loan and will be returned later after the Syrian government is defeated.
And this was said in British Parliament as one of the things that could happen to prevent groups getting too powerful.
Wow, I know it's painful for you having family there to watch all this going on.
But I mean, how long can it go?
It's what, two and a half years now?
How long can this crime go on?
Now Obama's talking about stalemate being a victory, which I guess means Al Qaeda takes over part of the country and they break it up.
I think that was the agenda from the beginning, in fact.
And as I said, you know, in 2006, Condoleezza Rice's project for a new Middle East showed exactly the map that they wanted to draw up, and that is a divided Syria.
And, you know, I'd rather die than see that happen.
And, you know, people are dying.
What can I say?
Half of my family have escaped the country.
I've still got half the family there, so hopefully we'll all come back to a unified country and rebuild it.
That's what we're hoping for.
I think it's time to form a militia and just mash everybody and go in there and take out Al-Qaeda.
It's already happened.
There's now a national defense force, militia, that's formed alongside the army.
So what happens is the army advances and the militia holds, and the militia is made up of people from the area that live there.
Absolutely, but it's time for human wave attacks.
People just got to get geared up and go in there and take Al-Qaeda out.
Syrian Girl, we'll talk to you soon.
I think I want to come back and plug your Facebook and everything else.
Stay there.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we're finishing up with Mimi Al-Ahem, known as Syrian Girl.
I think?
Contacts in Syria.
Her family was from the old ruling party there in Syria.
They don't like the Assad's.
They left most of them, or half of them.
She's in Australia, but still she's against what's happening there because it's Al-Qaeda coming in, engaging in mass murder, and our so-called government is running it.
Now again, this is important, not just do the right thing and get out of Syria.
The whole narrative of we're taking your rights because of Muslim extremists.
Ladies and gentlemen, Al-Qaeda
is out of Saudi Arabia.
Our government is deep in bed with them.
They helped create Al-Qaeda.
The British intelligence helped create the Wahhabist.
This is on record.
And so when I go to the TSA and they ask me if I'm a terrorist or whatever, I just start saying, you know, our government ships the drugs in, you know, our government runs Al-Qaeda.
And they'll go, yeah, we know.
Go on through.
Or, you know, at the border, they go, in customs, when I flew back from England, do you have any drugs on you?
And I go, no, I don't use drugs and I don't have any criminal record.
You know that.
You just swipe my passport.
You know the government ships the drugs in.
They go, yeah, we know.
I mean, it's just like, stop going along with this whole facade that we're all suspects.
Get on through.
And oh, it's not Al Qaeda now.
It's the gun owners and the veterans.
And again, when I say 9-11 is an inside job, criminal elements in our government, bare minimum, allowed what happened to happen.
And that's been confirmed.
They're like, how dare you traitors say that?
It's a fact!
Now, I wanted to get her on just for any closing comments.
You can follow her at... Well, I'll let her give out the best websites, best YouTubes, best Facebooks for people in closing.
But I remember, like a year ago, the Syrian army forced back the 60-something thousand Al-Qaeda forces in one area back into Turkey, and Turkey for three days opened up with US-made howitzer cannons, killing them.
I mean, that's the type of evil
uh... that is going on in Israel's been bombing them and people say hey you're being anti-israel what anti-israel?
I'd be against Al-Qaeda attacking Israel if our government was shipping Al-Qaeda into Israel to attack them I'd be... they were shipping them against South Africa they were shipping them in against Russia which they are it's so evil it's so evil uh... so Syrian girl give out your different uh... websites and stuff for people and any other closing comments
Thanks a lot.
I wanted to plug the Syrian Electronic Army Twitter account.
It's at official underscore C12.
Because they've been telling me that they've actually found something interesting going through the White House emails, which is that the White House openly communicates with Facebook.
And you know, I think that's interesting under the prison context.
And they're always exposing the NSA and applications on your telephone that spy on you, such as Viber and Facebook as well.
So I would plug the official C12.
That's the Syrian Electronic Army Twitter.
And I guess my own YouTube account is SyrianGirlPartisan, all one word.
And I want to thank you a lot for this interview.
If I can plug anything else, it would be my Twitter account, PartisanGirl, and my Facebook account, PartisanGirl as well.
And thanks a lot for everything you're doing and for fighting for the truth.
Well, we are against Al-Qaeda here.
We're very un-American, and we tend to not like to attack innocent countries that are murdering Christians and others en masse.
We're extremists here on the air.
We're informed.
And, you know, we're extremists.
We try to study issues.
And I don't think Assad's a good guy, just like you don't.
But in the final equation, what's happening is, I'd say, a hundred times worse.
And it's meant to wreck the whole region and just bring in incredible tyranny.
And I forgot that the Syrian
Electronic Army has actually hacked into government channels, broken a lot of stuff, and is that Syrians, or have you heard, or is that Russians, going as the Syrian Free Army, or does, or does, or the Syrian Electronic Army, excuse me.
I mean, is that group, I mean, does the Syrian government have hackers that good?
They're not even government hackers, they're just teenage boys, so, and they're inside Syria, and I can vouch for that.
Well tell us about that group briefly.
They're just Syrian patriots who kind of like, they're very young, they're hackers basically and they see that the media is manipulating the truth and that's how the group began to begin with, it's just to fight the media.
And it might have grown slightly beyond that, but their number one priority is just to hijack different media groups, like routers and CNN, hijack their Twitter accounts, their Facebooks, and put out, like, real media.
And I believe they also put out InfoWars reports.
So it's called cultural jamming, what they're really doing.
And I want to agree with you, the Syrian government is corrupt, like many governments are, but they were draconian and people had a reason to be pissed off with the government.
And unfortunately though, foreign agendas took advantage of that to create this horrible war.
And a patriotic person has to stand with their country in a time of war, especially
When Israel is constantly throwing rockets at us, which was completely illegal and the United Nations should step into something like that, but they don't.
Amazing, absolutely.
I don't know how Israel, the people of Israel, could go along with this.
Israel aiding al-Qaeda to try to take your country over.
And I'm not anti-Israel either.
It's just absolutely outrageous.
Syrian girl, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, truly, truly amazing.
All right, shifting gears.
You saw this article a few days ago on InfoWars.com.
Homeland Security is now regulating live entertainment.
DHS demands restaurant owner get permit to play live music.
That is the type of stuff we're dealing with.
Well, now we're going to be talking about this evil creature right here.
Yes, that is a white bunny rabbit with brown and black ears.
And we have the owner or the papa of the cute little creature joining us today.
We were setting him up last week for the show.
Didn't know this big announcement would come today.
USDA holds off on disaster plan required for animal exhibitors.
This is the Washington Post out with that news.
And of course, Marty Hahn, Marty the Magician.
His website is martythemagician.com.
He is there in Missouri.
And he spoke out against this, so they're backing off from now.
The same group tried to come out and say that kids couldn't do farm chores or even house chores if they had their way.
So Obama administration requires Magician to submit a 32-page disaster plan for his rabbit.
And Marty, thanks for coming on the broadcast today to tell people about the federal government
That won't control our borders and funds Al Qaeda, but they are keeping track of you and your rabbit.
So thank goodness the federal government is regulating magicians now.
Tell us about that, sir.
Good afternoon.
Yes, I'm glad to know they have their priorities set.
Well, the rabbit could have a bomb.
I mean, maybe.
That's right.
Yes, I now have the safest rabbit in America, thanks to my 30-page disaster plan.
Does TSA let you take your hat on board the plane, or do they believe you can just make things like guns just appear out of it?
It's funny, when they opened my bags, they have so many strange things.
They recently took out a yellow and red plastic squeaking device, because that squeaker they thought might scare somebody.
Oh, so they took that.
Well, good.
I knew there'd be something evil there.
Everything's terrorism but terrorist.
That's right.
Everything's bad but the bad people.
Trust the government, not the people.
Well, tell us about the magic show you do, the name of this rabbit, and what happened.
Yes, I've been a full-time magician for about 27 years and I've used rabbits for 30 years probably.
Of course, that's a classic thing in a magic show to make a live bunny rabbit appear and my wife was a good farm girl and so 30 years ago she taught me how to get a rabbit into our magic act.
For the first 22 years it's been a lot of fun and kids just get knocked out by the rabbit.
It's always a great memory for them and then back in 2005 I was
Rudely informed during a magic show by a surprise inspector that I needed a license for my rabbit.
Absolutely, land of the free, home of the brave, and now tell us where the saga has gone.
Yeah, so it went from 2005 needing a license for my rabbit and paying licensing fees and taking my rabbit to the vet, faxing my travel itinerary to the USDA if I'm going to be out of town for more than 48 hours, and also
The thing I especially enjoy is surprise inspections of my home whenever they'd like to check on the rabbit.
I've been coming to those hoops since about 2005.
Maybe if we said the illegal aliens were rabbits, the government would do something about them then.
That's right, yeah.
So those requirements were met enough and then finally about a month ago, the latest requirement they decided to add was that I needed to have a written disaster plan in place for my bunny rabbit.
Well, I think the answer is don't comply with any of this like everybody else.
I mean, I think the answer is it's all unconstitutional.
Don't do it.
I've got the Census Bureau now yearly telling me to answer hundreds of questions, and I just told them it's called the Fifth Amendment.
They can go jump in the lake.
Yes, and you know, if I had to do it over again back in 2005, that's what I would have done.
They intimidate you.
They catch you off balance.
I had finished my magic show and I was trying to sign autographs.
I had little children shaking my hands.
Moms taking pictures of me with their kids.
Just having a nice meet and greet session.
And could the inspector wait five minutes?
She barged through the crowd and in front of everyone whipped out a badge and threw it at my face.
Oh yeah, it's all about the exercise of power.
And they want to pick the most non-threatening, non-criminal people.
Because they don't want to go after real criminals.
I mean, you know, the big banks are getting all that laundered money.
They don't want to mess with that.
That's right, and I've never forgotten how that made me feel, that show and the embarrassment and the problems it caused me.
I was working for a series of libraries all across the state of Missouri.
Oh, so they tried to destroy your career as well?
You're an evil guy doing magic tricks for kids!
Well, you deserve it!
I mean, folks, everybody knows that this is a danger to our homeland!
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Marty Hahn, ladies and gentlemen, the evil magician in Missouri, with a woman with a badge.
I mean, now you'll be out fishing on a pier.
It's happened to me.
And they'll have a woman in body armor march up, and I was just seeing videos of these online the other day, and they'll march up and go, let me see your ID!
Let me see the fishing licenses!
And I'm getting to the point where I'm gonna go, talk to me like I'm a human being!
There's only so much I can take from you!
It's like these crazy people all on power trips to get in our business and run our lives.
And if you look at all these regulations and stuff, there's not even a law most of the time when it comes to a rabbit you use.
And then all the regulations for farming that are written by Big Agro that they're exempt from, on record, to shut down your business.
And it would take an hour to go over all the evidence of that, but Tyson Chicken pioneered that.
Walmart has pioneered that.
And they want to make it impossible for the little guy.
And these agents only mess with little guys.
I've seen it.
All these bureaucrats, they are told, you get those little guys and you shut them down.
And what do you make now of them?
See, because now that you spoke out, it caused a furor, and now, a week after you speak out, boom, they say they're holding off on disaster plan requirements for animal exhibitors.
Absolutely amazing.
What's your take on that, Marty the Magician?
Well you know there's a new sheriff in town and it's called social media and thanks to the support of people like you and others the story went viral and I think it's created a huge embarrassment for them and so now the law that took seven years to write is now going to be reviewed and who knows how long that review is going to take and what will ultimately happen but
I'm just pleased that, you know, sometimes the little guy thinks that we have no voice, but luckily, the way the world works nowadays with the internet, maybe we still do have a voice.
Well, I want to know why somebody shows up with a badge, makes a big scene.
If I was a librarian, it's like, it's over your rabbit not having a license.
Well, that's un-American to make you do something like that and act rude, even if it was reasonable.
You know, I wouldn't send an email out, don't work with Marty.
I mean, it's the same deal.
When the system, I mean, it's like Amish.
They'll for a year move in next door to them, spend a million and a half bucks in one case.
To show them undercover, getting them to sell the neighbor milk.
They didn't want to sell them milk.
It wasn't even illegal to then have them go, now I'm going to sell, I'm going to give this to my cousin across state lines.
The Amish didn't know what that meant.
So they could SWAT team them to create the illusion that the Amish were bad.
To then sell the idea that Amish are criminals because the USDA wanted to start harassing Amish.
I mean, how would you get the cops to act like that and put on a magic show of their own?
I mean, as an entertainer, do you see what I'm saying?
They're putting on a show as well to act like you're bad, and why did people buy into that?
Yes, luckily my reputation is such that I was able to nip that in the bud.
We're good to go.
Waved her finger in my face and said, you're no different than they are.
And I said, one three-pound rabbit is no different than four tigers.
By the way, I've read the law.
I've read the law.
That's a law on zoos, and it's on the transport, and how they got it passed was big animals like tigers.
Have lawyers told you, because when I looked at it, I'm no lawyer, but I looked at it, that your rabbit's really exempt?
According to the USDA, my rabbit is not exempt.
It's funny, the rule book has a picture of an orca whale, a lion, a tiger, a bear, a dog, a cat, a hamster, and a rabbit, and those all have the same exact license.
And I think what's happened is they've hired extra inspectors.
My inspectors told me they've hired more inspectors, and I believe they don't have enough work to do, so they've dropped down to lower-level people like me.
Well, they're not allowed to go after the big guys.
Tyson Chicken, I remember it was in the Associated Press back in 97, would have thousands of violations at one facility and not get in trouble.
A smaller plant would have one, and they'd shut them down and arrest them.
And you know why?
Tyson Chicken ran Clinton.
That's right.
Well, it's time to only support mom and pops whenever you can.
It's time to go eat local.
It's always better anyways.
Go to the farmer's market.
Support the local magician.
Get back to building an economy for everybody.
And Marty, I hope folks up there in Missouri will hire you out.
They go to martythemagician.com.
And who knows, if you're ever coming down Texas way, maybe I should.
My kids are having a birthday party or something.
Get you down to get you down here to do a magic show for us.
Love to, yeah.
Austin's a great town.
I love Austin.
Folks can also call you toll free, can't they?
I see it on the website.
How many states do you go to?
I guess if they pay for your plane ticket and stuff, you'll go anywhere.
That's right, we'll go anywhere.
I've gone as far as New Zealand and Singapore even, but primarily in the U.S., but we'll go anywhere.
How dare you?
Oh, man, you're so bad.
Well, I want to apologize to the listeners who are talking to such a hardened, evil person like Marty the Magician.
Marty Hahn.
We appreciate you, sir.
God bless you.
Thanks for speaking out.
My pleasure.
Thanks so much.
Thank you, sir.
He spoke out and won.
Others speak out and get gang-raped by the government.
What are you going to do?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Oh, there's another one!
Another plane just hit!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
I think so.
All right, that's Rockin' Report.
Not a finalist, but give you an idea, one of the music videos that came in over 600.
And that's pretty good, but everybody that took action in resisting the globalists was a huge success.
We're going to give you the second place winner in the Paul Revere contest and also show some of the runners-up to second place.
You know, some of the ones that were behind second and third place.
First place will be announced tomorrow sometime during the three hours.
I haven't decided when yet.
Before we go to David Knight...
Uh, with the second place winner and some other, uh, film clips we want to play.
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I want to thank all of you.
I don't know.
As David Knight said yesterday, who's been helping honcho this contest for me the last few months, General Electric had a year last year with a $100,000 contest.
We're going to do another one, too.
It'll probably be a year next time, because that's a great way to do it.
But I wanted to do this to see what got produced and then to, out of that body of people, find folks to work with on InfoWars films that I've been wanting to launch forever, because I'm just too busy to make films.
And I want to be able to be a producer and maybe a co-writer, perhaps, on some documentaries or even fiction films, but I don't have time in amongst everything else to just sit there and do it, because I want to make really good films, which I can do, but with the time I've got, I've got to literally not see my children to do it.
I mean, make an Obama deception too, especially now, I'm going to be seeing my children maybe half a day a week.
And when I'm around him anyways, I'm already thinking about work.
And I've got so much other stuff, devil darts as I call them, little things going on, that I have to deal with.
Just please pray for this operation.
It is a literal miracle that we're still on the air.
It is a literal miracle that I'm not dead.
It is a miracle that InfoWars has been able to do this.
And we are under demonic attack.
Make no mistake, even if you don't believe in God, just the mindset of the corrupt world, you see what's happening all over the place.
Society is degenerating.
And we try to stand up for those that love liberty and stand up for freedom.
We hope you'll stand right beside us and support us as well.
And this is a pure research project we've done where you can say what you want about InfoWars.com or Alex Jones or my crew.
A diverse crowd of really hard-working people.
And by diverse, I mean their mindsets, their understandings, their talents that they bring to the game of liberty and life and awakening the sleeping giant that is America and is the world with the spirit of Paul Revere.
But it's a great responsibility we have being right at the tip of the spear.
And you're right there with us when you support us.
David Knight, tell us about some of these other honorable mentions, and then I'll let you announce who the second place winner here is for $10,000.
Yesterday was third place announcement with Political Earth.
Today will be second place tomorrow, the $100,000 grand prize.
David Knight, reporter for InfoWars Nightly News, and formerly a contestant who lost on the reporter contest, but you were a runner-up.
That's right.
You know, it was very difficult to decide these, as we've said every time, because you've got such a wide diversity of topics and approaches.
And they just did a great job.
And it's even harder to pick something to put on the radio, because so many of these things are really good visually.
And they, of course, the really good ones are going to tie in things visually with the dialogue.
But I pulled in a couple of these things to show just about one minute excerpts from a couple of these films, but there's some really excellent films like Clandestine, Game Over, Beta Test, 2027 that I don't have a clip for those yet to run today and they may not work on the radio, but you know we're promoting these things on the Nightly News, we're promoting it on our website, and of course the entire online virtual film festival is at YouTube.
So that was really the
And by the way, these things are going from 10,000 to 50,000 to 100,000 to 200,000 to 300,000 to 400,000 to 500,000 to 600,000.
You can just see so many of these 600 films are really growing and will just have lives of their own to influence people, to wake them up.
It's beautiful.
We want to help people to find an audience.
That's right.
We want to help them to get their films out in front of people, to tell their story, to wake people up.
So we've got films that, even like this very first one, Horsemeat,
It was not something that they went out and shot a lot of films with, but they did very good research, very good editing, it's got great content, and it's about abortion.
And a different approach about abortion.
We got a clip of that right now.
They sell baby body parts.
That's what it's all about.
Yeah, you give them the initial fee for the abortion, and they make a little bit off of that.
But they make their real money from the baby body parts.
They sell the eyes for about a thousand dollars a pair.
They sell the brain for about $2,000.
They sell the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys.
And they even sell the arms and the legs.
They're selling your aborted baby.
Your own flesh and blood.
You think about that.
This is something that people don't usually hear about.
It's hidden in the industry.
They don't want you to know about this.
And they use this kind of terminology.
One-time medical termination.
One-time... It only takes one time to be born a child.
And you know, they're really smart, because all people only care about horse meat, they don't care about dead babies.
And they don't, that's why as women learn this.
Last, late last month, two bioethicists, Dr. Alberto, you believe... And then we're playing a little bit more, but people can see the full film up at Operation Paul Revere.
Give them the name again.
Horse meat and babies.
That's Edward Greekove.
Infowars.com forward slash Paul to find it.
And then they point out people care about horse meat, but not about babies, basically.
And here's the deal.
They're getting upwards of $10,000 per baby for your baby.
So you think, oh, I'm getting to kill my baby for $3,000 or at a fancy clinic as low as $100 at some of the city-funded ones or whatever.
If they think you think it's expensive, they'll charge you thousands.
But in a lot of countries, they're actually paying women who figured this out to come in.
And so that's pretty good money, folks.
Sell your own child.
You pay them $300 and then they sell it for $10,000 so they can use it for medical experiments, whatever.
This is absolutely abhorrent.
But it just shows how dehumanized we've gotten.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
And there was a special report that Leanne McAdoo did last week about
Organs being taken out of Chinese prisoners and the tie-in with these body exhibits that are going around the plasticized bodies.
Turns out they're Falun Gong.
That's right.
Now our next one here is called Dear Diabo and it's about a fellow who's imprisoned by the New World Order and he's writing a letter to his son.
Dear Giabo, my son, I write you this letter as a final testament to truth I've known.
I write you this letter to save a dangerous history that will do everything in their power to suppress.
But more, my son, I write you this letter so you may know why I have been away and shall not return.
I had always lived as a simple man.
I never interfered.
I minded my own business.
But that was another life.
That was before the calling.
Every drop of time pushes the thoughts of the calling further to the front of my mind.
Every dam I construct gives way.
Soon I'm drowning.
Uh, that's a pretty powerful film.
It's a quasi-animated live-action film, and it's a Jedi who's reporting back to his master.
He's been sent to America to look at Land of the Free, and he's reporting back what he sees.
All right, here it is.
Apprentice, report.
I'm confused.
For my trials, I was sent to the United States of America to experience the wonders of a true democracy.
You were?
What is the issue?
There is much to tell of.
Behind you, Apprentice.
No need to worry.
It's a zombie.
A zombie?
Yes, Master.
A large portion of the population has become so.
However, it will not harm me as long as I refrain from forming an intelligent thought.
The total surveillance grid tracked me and I was stopped at a roadside checkpoint.
Is that legal?
I was unlawfully searched, resulting in another weapon seizure.
Apprentice, watch out!
It's okay, Master.
Just a gang member.
Defend yourself now!
I should.
That will result in my arrest.
It is better to give them what they want.
The gangs and the illegals seem to have more rights than the law-abiding citizens.
What happened next?
With the checkpoint, mind rub, these guards seem to have been exposed to the same mind-numbing tactics as the civilians.
Why would someone poison their own force?
Because they will be next.
I was surveilled by a drone.
A drone?
Unmanned aircraft.
There are thousands patrolling the sky.
This is madness!
They are also planning to defeat the Republic via the economy.
The corporations have gone unchecked.
They have the rights of people and money equals free speak.
The elected officials have been purchased.
Indeed, operating under the guise of a two-party system and serving corporate and banker interests while crushing the public with fraudulent debt resulting in a reduction in quality of life.
Have you tracked this source of evil?
I have.
There are many heads to this serpent.
I confronted a dark lord.
I am unsure whether it was the master or the apprentice.
It was fun to do stuff like that and he covered a lot of different issues and he did it in an entertaining way and you know it's good to have the real meat documentaries out there and to cover the issues very carefully.
We wanted to show that there's other approaches too that are going to work with different types of people.
So there's something like this, there's a whole spectrum where you can get people involved and get them to work.
Now, I'm going to do some overdrive today so I can get to these callers that are patiently holding Frank and Martin and Sean and Jim and Blaze.
We'll get to all of you.
I promise.
We're going to come back in the final segment of this hour and give you the $10,000 second prize, second place winner for the Operation Paul Revere film contest.
But these are over 600 weapons to attack lies and to get people thinking on every subject you can imagine.
In documentary form, fiction form, comedy, animated, music video, rap, country, rock and roll, you name it, it's there.
Infowars.com forward slash Paul to find the top 35 then link through to all of them and we'll announce the $100,000 winner tomorrow.
Briefly shifting gears, what do you make of Bradley Manning being found not guilty of aiding a foreign enemy but found guilty of espionage and now facing decades in prison?
Well, I think that's a real travesty.
I think, as you mentioned before, he didn't harm the security of America.
What he did was enhance the integrity of government by exposing what a lot of these political leaders, like you mentioned the quote from Henry Kissinger that was brought out, that the illegal we do right away, the unconstitutional takes a little bit longer.
He made the criminals uncomfortable.
He hurt their security.
You know there's a distinction there has to be a distinction made between Bradley Manning and Snowden who are exposing the criminal actions and look at how the government reacts always saying we've got to tighten things down we got to stop these leakers they don't want to go after the criminals and you've had a former senator from New Hampshire speak out about that and say he write a letter to Snowden saying how disappointed he was
I mean, they're speaking out about crimes the government's committing.
They're heroes.
And they spin it around like they're the bad guys.
But no other president's ever went after... If you leak something that exposed criminal actions, you got awards under Nixon, under Bush, under Clinton.
Now you go to prison.
Well, it's okay because Obama's black.
See, he can bomb you and he gets a peace prize.
It's the triumph of fake liberal packaging.
It's really sickening authoritarianism.
Oh, absolutely.
It's just amazing.
It's like exposing somebody that's committed murder, and then they say, well, we gotta...
Make sure that people don't have a way to do that anymore.
Well, they're saying we're going to kill you under national security and if our own people blow the whistle, they're going to go to jail.
So as long as it's national security, they can take your bank account.
They can kill you.
They can put cancer viruses in your vaccine.
It's called authoritarianism.
We'll be back with the second place winner.
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By the way,
I might even play this coming up in the next hour.
We're going to continue into the fourth hour.
Obamacare supporters sign petition for mandatory euthanasia of senior citizens.
And there's video of that.
Ladies and gentlemen, he doesn't even edit these.
I mean, when people don't talk to him, he cuts it out.
But I mean, he'll show you what really happened.
Mark Dice can go up for 15 minutes.
It's almost as bad in Austin, but not as bad.
If you go to a trendy area, it's as bad.
You could say, let's kill anybody that doesn't have their guns in.
Yes, let's kill everyone.
It's for Obama.
Let's kill the old people.
A petition for mandatory euthanasia for senior citizens.
People eagerly sign up, as activists tell them, we're going to put them to sleep like you do your dog.
And they go on to say this, you will help Obama by killing the old people, and they sign it.
I'm signing it there too.
I signed his death warrant.
Yeah, it's an older guy signing it, but it's like if it's for Obama.
Like we're gonna bomb five countries and put Al Qaeda for Obama.
We're gonna do this for Obama.
We're gonna take all your rights and give foreign banks trillions for Obama.
We're gonna shut down all the power plants for Obama.
I mean, they're in a trance, David.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
It's unbelievable.
All right, without further ado, drumroll please.
The second place winner of the Operation Paul Revere contest.
Well, let me read you the description here, because we're just talking about drones.
It says, haunted by a mission gone wrong, U.S.
drone sensor operator begins to feel suspicious about drone warfare and the implications it can have on freedom domestically.
When his suspicions turn into reality, he's forced to act.
This is from Johan A. Du Toit.
I hope I pronounced his name correctly.
It's American drone, and we've got a clip of that right now.
All right, here it is.
The drone is about to bomb a family for radio listeners.
Target is in the shed.
Permission to prosecute?
Circle the compound and stand by.
Did we get a PID on the target?
Uh, that's what we're working on.
Stand by.
Okay, Jackboot 84.
Go ahead and, uh, prosecute the target.
Master armed.
Sensor, you ready?
Establishing track.
Track established.
Launching Hellfire.
3... 2... 1... Rifle.
Impact in 10 seconds.
Whoa, whoa.
What's that?
Is that a kid?
I guess we just killed a kid.
Ground Command, did you see this?
Ground Command, did you see...
Here's a purple heart.
Yeah, that's right.
And you catch that little play on words there.
They said, uh, we killed a kid, and they go, it was a goat.
Absolutely, because a kid is a baby goat.
Now, that's a really well done film.
Great acting, great shots, great storyline.
It touches on the drone kill list.
It touches on PTSD.
And he's number two, but he probably would have got first place if his film, The Futurist, would have not have been made before the contest.
And that's on our YouTube channel.
It's amazing.
Honorable mention, he made that back in September, and he couldn't get that on any film festivals.
They would not play that.
And it only had a thousand viewers on his YouTube.
It's called The Futurist.
It's on our YouTube channel.
We posted it this morning on Infowars.com.
It's in the News Feed area.
Get The Futurist and get it out to everybody.
It's also on the Paul Revere site.
So $10,000!
You are the winner of $10,000.
Of course, after the Feds take it, you're the winner of $6,000.
That'll be sent $4,000 to foreign banks.
That's right.
So, sorry, that's how it works.
But it's a great film.
He touched on a lot of things.
He touched on whistleblowers, he touched on the prosecution of journalists, not just the drone war.
Yeah, because that's a clip of the film, and we did some clipping, that's why it looked like bad edits, because we were just getting them ready for the show.
But go see it, excellent film.
The drone film, give them the name.
It's American drone.
And it's the winner, and then he also made the Futurist, which is also extremely important.
All at InfoWars.com forward slash Paul.
Overdrive, your calls, and a lot more coming up.
Great job, David Knight.
Back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Follow us at InfoWars.com.
At Twitter, at RealAlexJones.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, not many hosts make people sit on hold as long as I do sometimes, but other hosts don't go into a fourth hour of overdrive to get into the calls either.
We just had three guests on, that's why we're going to you a little bit late.
Thank you so much, Frank in Michigan.
Here on the air, welcome to the Airwaves.
Hey, how you doing Alex?
Pretty good brother, talking to you.
That's good, hey.
I appreciate you taking my call, and I want to be sincere when I tell you this, that my whole family
They pray for you and your family and all your crew and we appreciate everything you do.
Brother, I appreciate you.
Well, you know, I just had to shout it out there.
I have a couple comments.
One about the Bradley Manning verdict and a very short story I thought you would be interested in that happened to me yesterday.
The thing that really bothers me about the Bradley Manning verdict today, I really think that the DOJ kind of put themselves in a trick bag with this, and I'll explain why.
Eric Holder, he sent a letter to Putin saying that Snowden would be treated fairly and everything would be great if he
Came back to the U.S.
and you see a verdict like this and then you see a public relations video saying everybody has to come out with the truth because alternative media is getting us on this.
But what's interesting about the public relations video, my take on it, it's very contradictory.
Because it's saying, you know, we want the truth, but from today's verdict, we're going to prosecute anyone who tries to expose the truth.
No, I agree with you.
It is a scion, but it shows they're collapsing if they're having to go, we know you know we're liars, but we promise we'll be truthful now.
It was more about internal
Because the average person in PsyOps thinks they're manipulating things for a greater good.
Now they know that's not true.
And it doesn't matter how many robots or combat drones they've got, once they've lost the moral authority, a tyranny cannot continue unless you're carrying out a Roman extermination model.
And many ancient cultures did this, where they're going to just kill most people.
And that's what Brzezinski wrote in his book that came out this year.
He said, I forget the exact quote, you can search it and it comes up, it was quoted in newspapers.
It used to be, you know, the time has now come where it's less expensive to kill a million people than to convince them.
And he goes on to say, we can't convince them anymore, we gotta look at killing everybody.
And people are like, that sounds crazy, this guy's crazy.
I didn't say that.
Brzezinski said that.
People better figure this out.
He helped orchestrate the Khmer Rouge, and bragged and wrote two books I've read, and the quotes are public about, I couldn't fund the Khmer Rouge to kill, you know, three million people, but, or no, no, I couldn't fund them, but I let another group fund them, or something like that.
You know, he brags that, like, you know, like, I didn't, oh, I forget the exact quote, something like,
I won't kill three million people, and America won't, but we'll fund the Khmer Rouge to do it, basically.
I mean, you can go look that stuff up, and it's all these little games they play, but great points, Frank.
Anything else?
Well, I think it validates Snowden's concern about coming back to the U.S.
I really do, and I hope Putin, you know, takes all this into account, especially today.
Well, geez, you know, he's got some valid points.
But I want to give you a quick story, if I could.
And this is kind of off topic, but I have two small children.
I have a 10-year-old and I have a 15-year-old, two daughters.
And yesterday I took them to my dentist.
Hold on, don't hang up.
Don't hang up.
I'm going to come back to you, Frank, and tell your story.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're taking your phone calls right now, then I've got a few big tidbits of news I want to head on here briefly.
Stuff like this.
Police let gypsy families stay in couples.
That's about $50,000.
Stolen caravan.
Because moving them out will breach their human rights.
In fact, if you click on the link, we can even show people the photo of their travel wagon that got snatched.
That's right.
And in England, if you fight back in your own home while being murdered, you're arrested.
I mean, I'm not joking.
This is the social engineering.
And there was their travel trailer.
Bye-bye, that ain't yours no more.
Oh, hey.
Don't be bigoted.
It's not yours anymore.
Let's go to Frank in Michigan.
Frank, you're on the air, sir.
You were starting to tell a story about taking your children to the dentist.
Go ahead.
Yes sir.
I took my two daughters to the dentist yesterday for a basic checkup and they wanted to give them fluoride treatments and I told them absolutely not.
I'm not allowing it and you're not going to do it.
All of a sudden when I rose this up I probably had six people come to the front desk
Telling me that this is something that has to be done and you know it's great for their teeth and it promotes tooth decay.
Uh, fluoride actually gets into the teeth and can harden them, but when you do it internally, and the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association now admit this for seven years, it actually causes dental fluorosis, and in development of children, a chalkiness to the teeth, because it overdoes it, plus the type they put in the water is the toxic hydrofluorosilic
Sodium fluoride, not the calcium fluoride.
Like, beyond Tangy Tangerine, I don't think it says it on the label, but it's got some, you know, microscopic amounts of calcium fluoride, which you actually need.
You need some of the naturally occurring forms in just super-microscopic amounts of things like arsenic, apples, and the seeds in them have a cyanide-based system.
That's why they say take the
Different type of plant seeds like cherry pits.
They turned those into an anti-cancer drug that actually works because it's got an organic molecule associated with cyanide that kills fast-growing cells.
So there's a lot of stuff there.
But overall, they got fluoride mandated, what, 20-something years ago in Canada.
I'm telling you for an informational for new audiences.
And the guy got it promoted saying you need some more regular fluoride.
He didn't know it was the toxic fluoride.
So now that famous dentist that got it passed in Canada has been against it the last few years.
That's why it's getting repealed all over Canada.
But go ahead.
So they come over and start saying, you got to do this, you got to do this.
What happens next?
And I said, well, you know, I'll tell you what, because I kind of prepared for this.
So I already had one of your YouTube videos set up.
And I said, well, I want you to watch this and then you tell me whether or not I should do this to my kids.
So I played a short video.
It was about a five minute video about
About fluoridation and, you know, dealing with fluoride treatments.
And it completely counteracted everything they were trying to tell me.
The funny part was, there was about 10 people in the waiting room and they all were listening to it.
And there you go.
And if we would all just do that, we'd win in a matter of months.
If we all got loud in public, or just gave people informationals, or gave them Infowars magazines, or played them videos, if not mind somebody else's, with medical doctors, you know, talking about fluoride.
And again, there's always a grain of truth to it.
If you didn't have some calcium fluoride in your diet, you will end up getting degenerative diseases and dying.
So you do need some fluoride, but not hundreds and hundreds of times what the recommended dose is, and not the wrong kind from chemical plants.
I mean, it's amazing.
Well, so, yeah.
The type of fluoride they were treating my children with, so I was very leery about it.
So once I played this,
And people in the waiting room started hearing it.
They're like, hey, wait a minute.
My kids are supposed to get that today.
Hey, wait a minute.
No, we don't want that either.
So there's about eight people that came up to the desk and said, uh-uh, we're not doing this either.
Well, I remember when I was in kindergarten.
And my dad had just graduated from dental school.
I remember that.
And I remember they would give us little red pills a few times a year as a fluoride treatment to put in our mouth and suck on.
And I remember always my mom picking me up after school in that silver Super Beetle they had.
Uh, and, and, uh, you know, Volkswagen.
And I remember whenever I would get those, like, not being able to walk, falling down, my mother having to come get me one time.
I mean, how obvious is that?
And, and I was like, oh, red candy.
Here, let me suck on that.
Throwing up on the ground an hour later.
God bless you, sir.
Good job.
That's an exciting phone call right there.
Martin in Illinois.
Oh, by the way, on the Illinois News, they have begun gun confiscation in Illinois.
I hadn't got to that, but it's on Infowars.com.
Uh, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Good brother, thanks for holding.
I appreciate everything you do.
I'm actually a Michigan native.
I'm in Illinois right now pushing a petition and this place is a mess.
The people here have been such brainwashed for so long that it's acceptable.
For people's constitutional rights to be taken away and disregarded to the point where even petitioning in this state is harassed by police every day.
Yeah, I've had cops in Chicago on the street corner.
When I was there a few years ago, I walk over and go, you can't videotape here.
And I said, well, I've got a right to.
And he said, listen, I'm not going to tell you again.
And I could tell.
And I wanted to get on down the road, so I didn't make an issue out of it at that time, because I had somewhere I had to be.
I had to be on a radio show.
It was actually a Man Cow's radio show.
But the point was, he looked at me, and it wasn't even like he was a mindless, you know, young cop or something.
He looked like he was 45.
I could tell he was going to beat my head in.
I went, really?
I went, well, you've got to live in this country too, bud.
And I just put it down and started walking off.
I was just getting shots of buildings and stuff.
And he walked over and went, turn that off.
And I went, why?
And he goes, look, I just told you to, buddy.
And don't turn it on again.
And I could tell he was going to beat my head in.
He was going to assault me as a criminal.
I just went, man, you've got to live in this country too.
And he acted like, yeah, OK, fine.
And can you imagine a nation run by people like that?
It's crazy.
The police officer... The point was I could tell he meant it.
I could tell he meant it.
I was going to be eating concrete.
I mean, what a screwed up person.
Does he want to live in a country like that?
Don't they get when they do something to us, they do it to themselves?
Don't they understand that?
I don't think they care.
Um, the police officer I talked to today, I've been standing in front of a post office on the city sidewalk where I'm, uh, well within my First Amendment rights petition.
Um, they've approached me three times in the last two days to check my ID, to check to make sure I don't have warrants, ask me what I'm petitioning for, why I'm here, if I'm paid or if I'm a volunteer.
Um, and the guy earlier I talked to this morning that approached me, the officer,
He told me that, uh, he said, look, I don't care if it's within your rights or not.
He said, I'll arrest you and throw you in jail and you'll sit there tonight.
Tomorrow the judge can decide if I'm wrong or not, but it's still going to cost you a day in jail.
See, I didn't even know you called about this.
Did we screen your call?
Now, we don't screen calls.
What do you call having your call screened?
Well, he asked me what I was calling about.
Oh yeah, if you volunteer that, you can put it on the screen, but screening calls, they don't let you on air.
We let you on air.
Oh yes, yes.
Let me just give you radio lingo.
According to radio, you can call it lightly screened, but it's mainly, what's your name, where are you calling from, and then if you want to say your issue, we put you on air.
Okay, and I guess earlier today I did say it was about Bradley Manning, but nobody called in about what I said, so I guess today we kind of screen calls.
We don't screen calls according to industry standards.
You know, where you call in and they go, okay, well thank you, we've got enough on that view today, and they hang up on you.
That's normal call screening.
It's where they get what they want and put it on air.
My point is, I didn't know you were going to come on and tell this story when I just told my Illinois story before you did.
It just shows how the police come in houses now in Illinois without warrants.
And it's super creepy.
Anything else, sir?
So how did that end?
He told me he'd see me again tomorrow and if I didn't see him, I'd see another police officer.
So I guess you left rather than be arrested?
No, he said, I think you're within your rights.
I guess you're okay today.
But it'll be different tomorrow.
We'll be out here tomorrow to do the same thing again.
If it's not me, it'll be another police officer.
I've been kicked out of the state DMV here.
I was in the parking lot.
They told me it was state-owned property, but I was not allowed to commission on state-owned property.
Um, and if I wanted to petition, I could petition on their front sidewalk and that was it.
The front sidewalk, the front entrance to this whole building is closed down.
So they basically told me, hey, you can go... No, no, no, no, no.
The only crime in America is being a good American.
I appreciate your call.
And speaking of that, let's look at England, and we're going to go to Brian and come back with more calls.
Police let gypsy family stay in couples £30,000.
That's over $50,000.
Stolen, basically Winnebago, you know, travel trailer.
A couple whose 30,000-pound dream caravan was stolen have been told the police have no powers to remove the Gypsy family now living in it because it would breach their human rights.
Kathleen McLeeland and her partner, Michael Curry, bought it with their savings.
A 26-foot-long Bailey, Louisiana camper and a further $10,000 knitting it out before it was stolen by thieves from Hampshire Village.
10,000 pounds and that was done a while back and they're just told the gypsies can stay in it now now now my issue for bringing this up is that now in England they're saying let gypsies are allowed to rob you it's their culture and then if you say that's a bad culture because it's so trendy
Then you get arrested for hate speech.
So I want to say, I think the Gypsies should be able to kill them and their whole family and bathe in their blood.
We'll be right back, because I'm trendy.
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Alright, the full video is up on InfoWars.com.
I'm just going to play a short clip of this.
Obamacare supporters sign petition for mandatory euthanasia of senior citizens.
If you tell them it's for Obama, they'll do anything.
I remember the cover of Newsweek said, the case for killing Granny with an image of pulling the plug out on a lady.
So this is the religion.
Let's play a short clip.
I mean, this is incredible.
This is not cherry-picked, by the way.
This is what these people are all saying, one after the other.
Here's the clip.
Yeah, to keep the health care costs down.
So, a birth date for a mandatory euthanasia program.
It'll help keep the costs down.
It'll keep the traffic reduced, too.
Just a kind of a mandatory, you know, putting them to sleep.
The guy signed the petition nodding.
I don't want to.
Thank you.
I'm cool with that.
I don't want to hang out.
The guy said he wants to die.
We're gonna support.
It's a mandatory euthanasia program.
Are you serious?
I'm joking.
I'm sorry.
We were doing a little candid camera.
He ran into one guy.
We thought he'd show you one guy.
And so it's a mandatory euthanasia program to just kind of
Keep the health care costs down and we're just going to be putting the old people to sleep.
Yeah, birthday.
We're just going to be putting the old people to sleep.
Alright, that's enough.
This needs to go viral.
I'm going to tweet the article out during the next break at Real Alex Jones.
Please retweet it, folks.
Jim in Illinois, you're on the air, sir.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Anyway, as far as Manning and Snowden, I'd say their action is as constitutional patriots.
Also, last week there was the vote in the House in Washington for the refunding of, or the continued funding of NDAA.
I called both my congressperson, Sherry Bustos, that's the 17th district.
He calls your congress Critter, sir, is the proper name for them.
Call him whatever you want, but I do these things, and I also called Aaron Schock, 18th congressional district.
He's not mine, but he's a Republican.
What I found interesting was when I checked,
Neither one of them voted on that refunding or reauthorization.
And I do these things because we have to continue to build a case against these criminals.
And they are criminals.
And I have no doubt about it.
Oh yeah.
No, you're right.
You need to get them all on record.
I'm glad the House voted to keep illegal spying going.
I'm glad we know, on record, who supports those crimes.
You know, yeah, on record, there are those who voted against it and those who voted for it, and these two that I just mentioned didn't even show up.
They didn't even suit up or show up for the game.
So you wanted to find out if they supported it or not?
Uh, no, they didn't.
They didn't vote.
No, I understand.
So you wanted to get where they stood.
Yeah, oh yeah, but you know, of course they denied me that.
Anyway, uh, I, uh, also, you know, uh, uh,
When it gets down to this, we have to stay on top of this.
And I'm glad you synthesized just all the information.
I mean, because it is almost overwhelming to see what the CFR, the trilateralists, the Federal Reserve... Oh yeah, I know.
I mean, it's meant to be overpowering.
Listen, brother, great points.
God bless you.
I'm going to keep jamming some in here real fast.
Sean in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, I just want to let you know Hitler was in Chattanooga today.
Well, you know who I mean.
The devil himself, speaking of the devil.
And what was your lordship, our lordship, our peace prize winner doing?
Oh, well, he was giving one of his usual phony baloney speeches over near, uh, I guess, I don't know, I guess you're familiar with the area here in Chattanooga and all, but, uh, kind of over close to the shopping area, the mall, whatever, and it is out of books or Amazon or something.
And, you know, given his speech about the economy and stuff of how he can help jobs grow here in Chattanooga and all this.
Oh yeah, I love that.
When he's done everything he can publicly to shut the economy off, he's going to give you a job.
Imagine a country where you tune in and it's all about what the government's going to do.
Free countries aren't like that.
North Korea's like that.
Our whole life forced to focus on these disgusting weenies on their red carpets.
And what about Wienergate?
We've got another article going up, the 20 top wiener jokes.
It's no ending to like the joke scum that rules over us, brother.
Well, you know, they're Obama worshippers.
That's pretty much all there is to it here.
You know?
And I'm surprised, I would guess the silent majority, I don't know where they were.
I know they can't stand Obama.
Well, look, they're all in their churches telling them stand down and do nothing.
God bless you.
Look, the good news, people are waking up.
Uh, Andrews, now we gotta take action.
I'll be back on the news tonight, folks.
Great job with the career.
Retransmission starts now.
A bunch of big guests coming up, uh, in the audio feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And I'm gonna tweet this article out right now on Real Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.