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Filename: 20130419_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 19, 2013
5217 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, what we are seeing right now is just unprecedented here in the United States.
Again, my friends, it is Friday, April 19, 2013.
I just talked to our reporter, Dan Badondi, that is at Lexington Green.
We're Oath Keepers.
We're trying to get through to Stewart Rhoades right now.
We're oath keepers.
Go ahead and get Dan Bodondi on if we can't get a hold of Stewart Rhoades.
We're there being told the police have revoked the permit for them to have a oath-taking ceremony to defend the Bill of Rights and Constitution because that is the enemy now that the occupiers hate.
Of course, they revoked their permit to demonstrate, but the anti-gun group that got their permit revoked, they are allowed to take Lexington Green and make all sorts of red coat, Bloombergian announcements.
That's happening while Boston and surrounding cities in Massachusetts into Connecticut have martial law declared.
They're calling it a civil emergency, but they're going to people's houses with machine guns.
I was watching the news, and you've seen it.
They're sitting there aiming guns at people as they drive down city streets.
The police are acting like the killer is under every table.
And again, people die every day of automobile accidents, you name it.
It's just, okay, somebody died.
But when somebody's shot, oh my gosh, it's over-dramatized.
And obviously, we feel bad for those that have been killed.
It's just that when they kill a whole bunch of people in a drone strike who were innocent,
They're like, oh, it's collateral damage, no big deal, because it's our loving government doing it.
And AP reporters reported that if they try to go out anywhere on the streets, basically in a multi-state area, in large areas of Massachusetts and Connecticut, the police come over and aim guns at them and say, you want to die?
Don't you film us.
You go back inside.
So we don't know if any of what we're being told is true.
Not by the uncle, not by the media, none of it.
Because we have footage of Navy SEALs
And other special ops, just everywhere around the bombing, right before it happens and right after, in control of the situation.
And they've lied about the drill they clearly had.
Witnesses said that they heard announcements of, be calm, it's a drill.
We know they're lying about that.
And here's the New York Times.
What does an inside job mean?
It runs a spectrum from provocateur-ed... Well, it runs the spectrum from knowing something's going to happen and letting it happen,
To provocateur-ing it and arming and aiding the people, to having globalist crime commanders who are overactual terrorists, who think they're fighting a jihad, to an absolutely staged event.
And that's the continuum it runs.
And standard procedure to have Arabs, to have Muslims, to have right-wingers, to have everybody in a false flag.
Same thing with Oklahoma City.
I said this on Monday.
Minutes into this happening, I said,
You'll probably end up having Muslims there, you'll have right-winger rednecks there, and you'll have military there.
And you'll have intelligence agencies there, if it's a false flag.
And then we will, you know, basically not know.
Ever really what happens.
It's the signs of the drill and the cover-up of the drill.
And now they can tell us whatever they want.
But remember the CIA for the last decade or more has been funding radical Chechens, Al-Qaeda affiliated groups all over Chechnya and surrounding areas.
Uh, these guys were getting scholarships and stuff.
It's always the same MO of double agents, triple agents.
We don't know.
Uh, and, and, I mean, there is a 1% chance, maybe a 3% chance, maybe even a 5% chance that they're real organic Muslim terrorists who kind of pick up on the hype.
I don't know.
And then you had another patsy.
They said they arrested and it was going to be the redneck.
And then they had to abandon that and go with plan B. And you've got meeting with the Saudi ambassador or foreign minister.
And, oh, I thought it was the right winger, the media said.
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If you go back to Monday afternoon when I went into overdrive on air to break down what I thought was going to end up happening at the Boston Marathon, you'll find that
As usual, we were on target with a spectrum of analysis because I've seen this over and over again.
I said, if there was a drill and if there's a bunch of federal agents around where the bombing happens, I pulled this article up.
And I read it on air.
Terrorist plots.
FBI hatched by the FBI.
Terrorist plots that were hatched by the FBI.
New York Times, April 28, 2012.
Which we've reported that on nauseam.
The FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, gave them the detonator with the first World Trade Center attack.
Did it mean that the guys that did it weren't radical Islamist nutjobs?
No, no, they were.
And they had like 75 IQs.
And instead of just stinging them and setting them up, they gave them real weapons and let them go ahead with it.
So the government could get more funding and take more of our liberties.
Our government on record has been funding for 20 years the Chechen rebels to bomb the Russians.
That's declassified.
Just like they created Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
And they're putting Al-Qaeda and Taliban in charge in Libya and Syria.
I have predicted
And it's actually happened over in the Middle East now, shooting and firing missiles and high caliber rifles at passenger aircraft.
I predicted the 10,000 heat-seeking missiles that Obama helped give Al-Qaeda in Benghazi in their takeover of Liberty.
I am predicting that you will see in the next few years, they will shoot down Western aircraft with those.
Real nutjob groups will.
And the government will grandstand during it.
And I will come out with the articles from 2011, 12, and 13.
Mainly 2012 and 13.
I'll say, look, here's where our government helped them get the missiles.
This was wrong.
Don't take my rights.
And there will be articles, like there are in the LA Times, calling me an anti-American dirtbag.
Now remember, we got Stuart Rhodes on the line.
We're about to go to him from Lexington Green.
And he's there with Larry Pratt.
Larry's gonna pop in in the next hour.
Ladies and gentlemen,
They were going to go with the right-wing Tea Party.
Axelrod on Tuesday night said it's going to be right-wing, it's lone wolf, it's one guy.
That's on record.
We're going to play those clips later in case you missed them.
Then they had all the Democratic operatives on Wednesday come out on MSNBC, CNN, you name it, and they said, ladies and gentlemen,
It is the right-wingers.
We're not at liberty to say exactly yet, but yes, it's a right-wing, probably a soldier.
I watched CNN and MSNBC last night, before I went on air, live on the Nightly News at 7, and I saw CNN with three different hosts and guests all say, it's going to be a veteran, it's going to be a Navy SEAL.
Now, do you understand that?
Where did you hear Navy SEAL first?
You heard it here.
You heard it here.
You heard it here.
You heard it here.
And then you saw it on Drudge.
You heard it here.
We didn't say the Navy SEALs did it.
The Navy SEALs were called out there in case they wanted to set them up to be standing out in plain view in their unofficial uniforms, which looks like Craft International, a sheep dip group, just like McVeigh.
And they were looking at setting up veterans in this country.
And that's what all the scum... You saw it on CNN and everywhere else.
They were all saying, oh, it's... By Tuesday night, they were saying,
We've confirmed and found the quotes.
They were saying it might be Navy SEALs.
So they were looking and setting up the rednecks in the audience with the big backpacks.
They were looking at the hillbilly types, the achy breaky heart look-a-like guys.
They were looking at setting up the military.
Is this how they always run this?
I've learned this from the First World Trade Center.
I had multiple groups there.
I've learned this from Oklahoma City, where I've interviewed the police, the detectives, all of them.
They had four different groups there.
They had Iraqis.
They had Iranians.
They had CIA.
They had German intelligence.
I guess there's more than that.
They had Elohim City white supremacists.
They had Army Special Forces.
I guess that's six groups.
And we know their names.
The FBI, good guys, went public and said, we've seen the footage of McVeigh with all these guys.
We know who was there.
So I'm going to go to Stuart Rhodes to get his take on this as a constitutional lawyer.
And because I'm gonna get more into this and walk through it all today, but we're being censored all over, all over the place.
Officially, this is pouring in, and we've tried to post our articles on Facebook, and they're being blocked.
People are getting errors posting our stuff to Facebook.
You cannot publish this link because it contains a dangerous link.
They're not saying we're dangerous.
Users tried to publish our article, Navy SEAL spotted at Boston Marathon.
We're getting all the screenshots of this, wearing suspicious backpacks.
We're showing this so they don't set up the Navy SEALs.
And I said that day one when we discovered this.
What was it, Wednesday?
Went up on Drudge.
Drudge was like, hey, look at this.
This is important.
And the LA Times is out saying there are no Navy SEALs.
And they have a graphic of me as a giant rat with my listeners as rats coming out of a sewer.
Okay, listen, there are dozens of videos and dozens of photos now of people with Navy SEAL insignias that look like Navy SEALs.
You know, look like, look like, you know, the high school star football players.
You know, it looks like any star football team.
They're all out there, out there.
They were told, be there for a drill.
We know went on from the eyewitnesses.
We know that, and we have the police scanners and all of it.
The drill happened.
They were put out there as cannon fodder, as a smoke screen, and there might have even been explosives in those backpacks.
Here, hold this.
We don't know, but we've seen this before.
That's how they set McVeigh up.
And again, they tell you, play the part of a drill, a drill to find bombs, they set you up.
Again, this is done over and over again.
But then, they weren't able.
They said, oh, make sure Stuart Rhodes is there, I'm going to him right now.
They've done this over and over again.
Where they'll have multiple fallbacks.
So we released these photos when they didn't think anybody noticed them.
Right as they're announcing, we've got our person.
CNN's like, we're told it's a right-wing lone wolf.
One man.
We've got the right-winger.
It's gonna come out.
He's arrested.
He's at the courthouse.
Then they panic and go, no, no, forget that.
There's no arrest.
Forget it.
And let's all go to sleep.
And let's evacuate the courthouse.
And forget you ever saw that.
And I said, they're going from the right-wingers, probably, to now they're gonna go with a Muslim.
And I said that.
Because why'd they have all these Muslims clearly crawling around there, obviously part of it with their body language and everything, probably thinking they're patriots, you know, who've been recruited out of colleges.
And these guys were clearly recruited out of colleges.
Now, could they be double agents for some Muslim group?
Yes, they could be real.
The point is...
Over a hundred cases the last 16, 17 years, I guess longer since 1993, that's 20 years, that are on record where the FBI finds mentally ill people, gives them the weapons, and then orders them to carry out the attack as their imam.
As their imam.
They have FBI agents and officers and minions that are fake imams that command these guys to do this stuff.
So they can take our liberty and set up martial law all over Boston, all the way into Connecticut, aiming guns at people at checkpoints, threatening to kill AP reporters, AP's reporting, going in houses, house to house, a giant martial law exercise, and now there was a shootout.
They're going to blame the Second Amendment.
He's leaving Lexington Green.
The police were going to block them.
But, I mean, Larry Pratt and Stewart said, you know, you're violating our rights.
And so they backed off.
But I want to get, as a constitutional lawyer, the head of Oath Keepers, and of course work for Ron Paul in Congress as well, I want to get your take on, is it not martial law when Fourth Amendment's suspended and they're pointing guns at everybody in a multi-state area and going in houses?
Stewart Rhodes, what are we seeing happen here, sir?
Well, it is actually the exact upside down of how it's supposed to be.
In the Founders era, if there was someone like that running around, you know, killing people, there would have been a hue and a cry gone up and the entire community would have turned out.
If that guy was outside shooting at cops, if that guy was outside my house shooting at cops, I'd slide my M4 out and kill him, exactly.
Yeah, exactly.
That's what should happen.
As I said in an alert I sent around a little while ago, we hope he shows up and likes to drink and we'll either kill or capture him.
So this is what we're supposed to be doing.
It's really sad.
So in response to this, it should be, we all turn it out and we hunt him down.
You know who your neighbors are.
You know who belongs and who don't.
And make a giant scene out of it.
I predict that if he was in an area of Texas, he'd already be dead.
That's absolutely right.
What you do, the answer is, let us have guns so we can turn out and go hunt him down.
And the same goes for a guy that likes to be in green.
It was absurd to have the town's electmen arguing that they can't provide protection to a bunch of current serving and retired military and police, a bunch of combat veterans, standing on the green as though we need their protection.
It's absolutely absurd.
Like, you're not even allowed to be on the green.
You know, Alex, this morning we were at Concord Bridge and there was a reenactment there.
A large crowd of folks watched the reenactment.
We were able to walk all over the place and do whatever we want.
Apparently, it wasn't the same emergency at Concord.
We're good to go.
So it was a nonsense argument that shut down their free speech.
This was insane.
The town selectmen used the exact same argument.
We petitioned, Blake Filippi of the 10th Amendment Center, followed an emergency petition yesterday for an injunction with the court.
The court ruled this morning against us, saying that because of the emergency situation that we had no merit in our claim.
Total nonsense.
We don't take care of ourselves.
And when we went to Lexington,
There's nothing going on in Lexington, except we're standing there to do a oath ceremony.
Luckily, the captain in charge, Captain Thurow, was sympathetic and respectful of our rights and let us stand in front of the cavern there on the green and do our oath ceremony.
Despite the fact he'd been told not to let you.
Well, we were not allowed to do the rally, but he let us do it.
We said this morning, we're going to go and do this.
We're going to go on Lichten Green.
I went there prepared to be arrested, as did a bunch of other veterans.
And our message to the police was, look, you can either let us take five minutes and do our own ceremony on the green, or you can process, you know, have some process, all of these veterans' retired costs.
I mean, is this a free country?
Is this a free country?
Stay there.
You can say they blink, but I think the way they can file cops, I think in fairness to them, they are respectful of our rights.
In fact, one of the points... All right, Stewart, stay there.
Gotta go to break.
Stay there.
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Well, the father of Tsarnaev says that if anything happens to his son, ABC News is reporting, all hell will break loose.
He says that from the country that's right next door to Chechnya.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
America shakes in its boots over one guy running around in multi-states.
Multi-states basically have martial law in place.
Can you imagine if a real civil war actually broke out in this country and they tried to take our guns?
I mean, you had just police everywhere in groups trying to engage us.
I mean, that's why 100,000 US troops couldn't keep and hold Baghdad.
That's why they had to stir up Shiites and Sunnis to kill each other to control the area.
And ladies and gentlemen, again, they bring in these foreigners at record numbers, give them scholarships, lined them up, allow them to attack, and that's a type of false flag.
You have this full spectrum.
From where they know something's gonna happen and let it happen, that's a false flag, to get what you want, to they provocateur it and nudge you and fund you, to where they purely provocateur where they command you and give you the bomb, give you the detonators, FBI's done that over a hundred times on record, to the government does it all itself or uses contractors and then blames the patsy.
And most of them are where they provocateur and wind the person up, but the big spectacular ones like 9-11,
That's a manufactured deal where they had some double agent cutouts and that came out that Mohamed Addad and all those guys worked for the CIA and that came out in Newsweek.
That people are ignorant and go, oh, right, conspiracy theorists.
These are facts.
Let me ask you this question, Stuart Rhodes.
You clearly got what looks like Kraft International.
It's their skull with the red Kraft on it.
And it looks like trucks they use.
And they're trying to keep this off the web everywhere.
The FBI said in the press conference, do not look at anything else but this.
And you've got the Navy SEALs
All standing, I mean, 20-30 feet from where the bomb goes off.
We've confirmed there was a drill, witnesses, the police scanners.
So they used the drill.
One could argue they were trying to stop the bombing, but why would they then lie about that?
They would say, we tried to stop it.
Plus, they weren't in the bearing of searching people.
They said, never mind the backpacks, this is a drill.
So they used a drill to make the cops stand down, so the backpacks could get in.
Again, whoever made that order, police, that's who is in control of this.
Stuart Rhodes, what do you say about the false flag angle of this?
Because they don't want us to look at these Navy SEALs and what looks like special forces of other branches crawling all over right before the bomb happened.
What do you say from your research?
Well, I mean, I can't, like I said the other day when I was talking to you, I can't tell by someone's clothing who they are.
But, as you said, this has been a pattern, this has been a well-established pattern of our government to set up people that they find to go do something and then they want to stop them before they commit the act and sometimes they get through.
That's happened before.
And so, that's all I would want to say about that.
I mean, sure, there have been real events.
I mean, you've got to say to the FBI, it's immoral that they go find mentally ill people and try to train them to blow stuff up.
And 99% of the time, they stop them before they do it.
But Oklahoma City, there was a drill and a bomb sting they claimed went bad.
And, of course, we know that's not what really happened.
So, that's why I'm saying we need to look at this as the number one.
Who stands to gain from this?
We know we're going to lose liberties because of this, Stuart.
Well, it's the thing, like I said the other day, you know, whether they turned out to be foreign or domestic, they're still going to use the, you know, it's a pretext to clamp down more on our freedom.
That's what we just saw.
Like I said, it's exactly upside down how it's supposed to be.
Constitutional Homeland Security is you and me, with our guns in our hands and our eyes and our ears wide open, and going to find out who the guy is.
That's the whole point of a militia.
That's the whole point of a posse.
That's the whole point of a hue and a cry.
Not to go close your doors and stay inside your house.
Let the professionals handle it.
That's fast backwards.
Alright, finishing your story.
So the police, we'd call it a victory in America that you can go to a public green.
I mean, what is this, Tiananmen Square?
But the police were not completely tyrannical, so that's good.
Well, they were, you know, the alternative to them, the captain in charge was very sympathetic and on our side.
And he let us stand in front of, what's his name, Kevin?
Buckman Tavern, which is part of the Green.
We stood in front of Buckman's Tavern and renewed our oaths there.
And we held a nice oath ceremony.
We were in Pratt with a prayer.
We had a Vietnam combat veteran Marine do the oath ceremony.
And I, you know, told we're here to follow the footsteps of the founding generation.
We had a militia company in 1798 stand on the Green and renew their oaths.
That's why we're there to do the same thing.
And so the police are respectful.
We're town councilmen, we're not.
And so we're fighting for them, not with the reconciled cops.
And again, what we always experience, the politicians are corrupt, while the reconciled police officers are not.
We're good to go.
We also have the crew here from Grey State.
They're filming everything that's going on.
We'll share the footage with you.
And they're doing it for the O'Keeffe Movie Project.
Good job!
Good job, Stuart!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is supposedly the young, skinny man that we all nationwide... Why not put the whole country under martial law?
Why not put 315 million people in prison because of this?
They are all over Boston, surrounding suburbs, into Connecticut at checkpoints, pointing their M4s at men and women in their cars, jerking people out, going in houses.
They're about to have a press conference.
I was just watching it out there.
With just incredible, off-the-chart, unbelievable grandstanding.
Grandstanding going on.
With just U.S.
Army troops, police, everything.
An orgy of martial law.
And now they're saying we're going to have TSA on every street corner.
We're going to search the malls.
None of you have due process.
None of you have any rights.
None of you have any future unless we keep you safe.
This is America being eaten by the security services.
This is land of the free, home of the brave, but the border's wide open.
I've been down to the Texas border, shot video of it, where illegal aliens just come back and forth, ride their horses across, and the border patrol's down there harassing University of Texas alumni who had a couple KERS lights in their cooler.
They were down there searching them and giving them tickets and taking them to jail, while illegal aliens just walked past, got in cars on our side and drove by.
The illegal aliens build the fake border fences, the illegal aliens get
Get to have their babies free.
They get to get out of jail free for drunk driving.
The citizens, we are the milk cows.
We are the food.
And there's just ever more men playing army.
Punch up InfoWars.com for me.
I want to show people this.
I mean, just look at this right here.
Men playing army, all festooned in their gear, treating us like garbage, saying they don't care what the law is, because they're going to keep us safe from the terrorists.
And then the media is so incredibly servile.
Let's show some of the Navy's... Let's show some of the Navy's sealed... What's not working right now?
Hey, well that's okay.
It's okay, it doesn't matter.
Let's show everybody the Navy SEALs they don't want people to see.
Let's go to that.
Oh, by the way, I've said there's been a mainstream media, dinosaur media blackout on this because the LA Times, document cam please, gentlemen, the LA Times is reporting
That I am basically a big, fat, giant, demonic rat.
It says internet sewer and shows a manhole sewer cover.
And it says right on schedule the vermin surface.
The US government orchestrated the Boston Marathon bombing.
Obama did it so he can take our guns.
He used Navy SEALS.
Backed up by flying monkeys from Oz.
That's the LA Times.
Oh, LA Times!
Alex Jones has a sick theory about the Boston Marathon bombings.
LA Times.
David Horsey.
Now, oh wait!
But I have a problem here for him.
What does this say?
For radio listeners, you can go to the Washington Post.
This is the Washington Times.
There's also a blurb in the Washington Post, men with backpacks at Boston Marathon, private contractors?
And it goes on to say that they've denied or won't comment, but that sure enough, these look like people wearing Kraft International uniforms, that is a sheep dip group, for Navy SEALs.
And they look like Navy SEALs.
Okay, the point is they're crawling all over right where the bombing goes off, and we know there was a drill, but they say there wasn't a drill, and they're desperate that no one see this.
And you have the FBI spokesman saying, do not look at anything else from in and around the bomb, but these two men, we're going to show you.
This is it.
This is what you look at.
Whatever you do, don't look at other stuff.
And I have all the evil photos and videos they say you're not supposed to look at up at InfoWars.com.
And as soon as Christy has those screenshots, because she said before the show she was getting them, so let's see if she's already probably emailed those over to us.
And don't worry about the CNN feed not working, guys.
Let's just shut that down and not worry about it, okay?
I want to get the feed of this.
To show everybody this.
People are getting errors posting our stuff to Facebook.
You cannot publish this link because it contains a dangerous link.
And I've seen this all over YouTube, people are commenting.
That user tried to publish our article, Navy SEAL spotted at Boston Marathon wearing suspicious backpacks.
And it goes on to say, customer service here at our office is being flooded with calls and emails saying the exact same thing.
So, they don't want this discussed.
Okay, because it fits the M.O.
of drills being run to protect the crazy patsies or the crazy wound-up goons, the provocateur lunatics, just like the Feds protected the two guys that drove the bomb that the Feds had cooked and given real detonators to bomb the World Trade Center.
In 1993.
And again, there it is.
In the Washington Times, Infowars.com reports that the photographs were sent to them by anonymous, along with photos of possible suspects the FBI asked media not to distribute.
Now, of course, we put this out.
Almost two days before they said don't distribute them.
And by the way, we did Google searches on these images.
You can do that function.
These are on real Facebook, real news sites.
So at first they said, help us look at all the photos.
We're like, OK, well, here are these.
Oh, no, don't look at those.
Whatever you do, because you've got these Navy SEALs or what looks like Navy SEALs with the police and the photos and videos pretty much in charge.
And it's clearly some type of drill going on 20, 30 feet from where the bombs go off.
And then you've got all the high-def photos of what looks like people that, you know, look like they've got the shape of the pressure cookers in the bags.
You can see the bulges.
You've got all these different patsy grips.
And I immediately identified that Tuesday, when Watson discovered all this.
I said, look at how they got the redneck patsies.
Look in the different direction, the body language.
Look at how they've got the Arab patsies.
Look at how they've got, and the seals are all standing around like, what are we doing?
And they just get a bunch of people in there, and then who knows who really planted the bombs?
It might have been, uh, Zarnav.
Is it Zardoz or something?
I mean, uh, science fiction names?
I mean, uh...
Yeah, Jokar.
Jokar is the one living.
And Czar Nav is the last name.
And Tamerlan is the supposed larger boxer brother who's dead.
I mean, who knows if any of it's true?
Maybe it's all true.
Maybe none of it's true.
All I know is...
You acted guilty of sin when drills and stand downs were brought up at those three press conferences.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, when we plugged InfoWars.com, whenever Dan Bodondi, our reporter, in the third press conference, after they canceled the others, and by the way, the police and FBI came over and said, you and InfoWars are going to be good now, right?
You're not going to cause a problem.
And why didn't they arrest him or throw him out?
They didn't want to make a scene in front of all the reporters.
They knew to just act like it's nothing and just talk over him.
He'd say, hey, I have photos here of all these others, what may be suspects, and why were there Navy SEALs there?
And they're like talking over him.
He goes, it's on Infowars.com.
That was on every channel in the Western world yesterday.
And we were, it's a testament to our IT people and our caching servers.
We were getting 100,000 new visitors every 60 seconds.
Not hits, visitors, for about an hour.
And the site stayed up.
100,000 visitors a minute.
I haven't had time to even look at all the analytics on this.
And the point is, if the system didn't want this to get out, it did, okay?
And it's been mentioned in the Washington Post as a tiny footnote and the Washington Times that, oh, who are these people?
They look like contractors.
Gee, you see them telling cops what to do with big black backpacks on, staring in the direction of where the bomb goes off, and then right around it right after it happens.
And again,
I have a limited crew, and I have a limited staff, and I already had interviews for upcoming films.
A lot of my crew's out in California right now.
But I need listeners to do this.
We need to get, and we have a bunch of these clips coming up.
We probably have, I don't know, let's not exaggerate, 15 clips of Chris Matthews on MSNBC, and CNN, and guests of our favorite red coat, Piers Morgan, and everybody, everybody,
On CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, even Fox saying, this will probably end up being military vets that are disgruntled, maybe even Navy SEALs.
I saw CNN and MSNBC four times, and believe me, I'm not watching the news, it's kind of on during breaks and on while I'm doing research or I'll see it on YouTube.
Four times say Navy SEALs.
In fact, before we saw these photos of Navy SEALs,
I guess it was Wednesday.
So we found out about this Wednesday.
Tuesday, I saw CNN and then I saw text of other shows saying, and people sent me transcripts of them going, yeah, it could be like disgruntled Navy SEALs.
So now that tells me, and these were like globalist operatives on TV, you know, top FBI analyst, you know, could be Navy SEALs.
So we've got to go dig all that creepiness up.
They were actually thinking about framing Navy SEALs.
Because, I mean, who would come up with Navy SEALS?
It's like all this stuff about the Patriot groups are going to work with Al-Qaeda to attack America and all these TV shows, not based in reality, but creating this narrative.
And you get the internal Homeland Security training manuals.
This is why I say all this.
And it's like, yes.
Yes, the Army War College is training that we're going to have to engage Christians working with Al Qaeda to bomb the police stations.
And they teach the state police this.
The state police go, the Christians are with Al Qaeda and are going to bomb us?
We need to confiscate their guns?
Fox News reported this two weeks ago.
And we've got it on screen if you're a TV viewer.
So I'm up here going, gee, if something happens and they try to blame patriots, and then it happened, and with no evidence, they start saying it's gonna be a lone wolf white person.
Media Matters is directly White House run on record.
Salon, heavily connected.
Slate, heavily connected.
Time Magazine, Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC.
MSNBC, half their hosts are Obama, former White House operatives.
But Gala on CNN.
And I mean, every time I turn it on or walk by to get coffee in the break, we got TVs all over the office with different channels on.
It is just 24.
You saw it.
You saw it.
You saw it.
And I surmise that because we showed the Patsy's and the Navy Seals by him.
Because we don't know what the truth is now, that they might shift on to another patsy.
And they'd already said, oh, we made an arrest, it's who we believe did it, hey, you know, pop the champagne, remember that Wednesday?
And then suddenly, oh my gosh, no, forget it, evacuate the courthouse, never mind, get the media out here, don't let people see who the guy is, oh my gosh, shift to another plan.
And now the plan is full martial law rollout, where these operatives they tried to set up,
Or did they have other special forces attack the police and they've already killed these brothers?
You don't know what happened!
Or maybe they really were!
Wind-up toy, Muslim extremist, in this country for over a decade.
All of this going on.
I want to get former NSA analyst Wayne Madsen on, guys.
Let's call him today.
I want to get him to pop in.
I want to get Joel Skousen.
I want to get him on.
I want Joel Skousen on.
We got Larry Pratt to give us his take, already coming up.
I want everybody.
I want to get all the different views on this.
Skousen agrees, false flag, day one.
Because the scripting, but the whole thing unraveled and they are in mega, mega panic mode.
Right now to to to say do not look at these photos and again I don't know everything when I was first looking at it.
Nobody does I was like Navy SEALs How dare you?
Try to imply a disgruntled Navy SEAL would go blow up the Boston Marathon and now I get it They're probably telling these Navy SEALs you keep your mouth shut or you're gonna go to jail
That's exactly how they work.
See, they weren't sure they'd get away with it with McVeigh at Oklahoma City.
Special Forces sheep dipped on record.
Highly decorated from the Gulf War.
They came out, he was, you know, sheep dip means put into black ops.
For those that don't know, they had the Arab contingency, both Iraqi and Iranian, actually in the city, checked in, part of it, we know the names, it was on local newscast, as another backup plan.
And, but because it went so well, they pinned it on Patriots.
And the word had been given Wednesday morning.
MSNBC, CNN, all of it.
I cannot stress the magnitude of this.
They're like, yep, okay.
Axelrod and others say it's Lone Wolf, right wing.
We told ya.
It's a white guy.
Get ready.
It's gonna be, the announcement's coming.
And then, yep, we've got him arrested.
You right wingers are in trouble.
And then it shifts to Muslims.
Who they might have wound up to do it and then they were gonna have some Navy SEALs and rednecks there and maybe blame all them.
Because they've said the number one enemy is now returning veterans.
Maybe Chris Kyle got word of this.
That whole Chris Kyle killing stinks to high heaven.
The guy that ran Kraft International and then his people because they're wearing Kraft uniforms.
It's a black shirt, the tan pants, tan boots, the Kraft hat, with the Punisher skull that's really a Vietnam symbol, that was adopted by the Seals a long time ago, that says Kraft on it.
Or they're framing Kraft.
And by the way, we've tried to put calls into Kraft.
I'm going to put more calls into them.
By the way, I should open the phones up specifically for people
I mean, here, I bet Kraft's listening right now.
You're welcome to call in.
You're absolutely welcome.
In fact, I want to tell my reporters, David Knight and Ja'Kari Jackson and everybody else that's here, I want you to all call Kraft right now, officially, and get statements.
We need to be doing all this work right now.
We're going to get Joel Scowls in to pop back in.
We're going to get everybody to pop back in.
But I want to specifically open the phones up.
There are a lot of lieutenant colonels and people going public saying this is black ops they saw used to overthrow third world countries.
I mean, this is classic what you're seeing.
And as former black op commander, one of the founders of Delta Force, Sputnik said, definitely a staged event to smokescreen the congressional committee, bipartisan saying, yes, organized torture, including of children, serious war crime.
There needs to be indictments made of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
And you notice, the next day, all this happens.
And the New York Times wouldn't have published that unless there... It was bipartisan, saying Obama's a war criminal as well.
That wouldn't be done unless there was a huge fight going on inside the system, the magnitude of which we may have never seen.
And again, I cannot stress to you how big this is.
Imagine if
Dallas, Texas had one lone gunman on the loose and they locked the entire city down and then the suburbs that are a total of like six, seven million people in the DFW area.
And imagine you're driving and police are aiming M-16s at you and bugging their eyes out and just drama-queening everywhere.
I mean, is this what America's become?
I mean, in the old days,
There was a lone gunman somewhere.
If they didn't know exactly, sure, he'd lock down the area you thought he was in, but there's no point in saying, we paralyze everything.
I mean, and you know, it's Dorner, a crazy cop, and they burn him down in front of everybody and say, we're gonna burn him down.
Okay, get the fire.
We're burning him down and then say, you didn't hear that.
And now they've got guys that look like Green Berets, 50-something, you know, like super high level, above Delta Force running around out there.
I mean, I know the look of those real operators, folks.
You've got younger SEALs all over the place, Iraq vets.
You've got black backpacks, you've got a drill, you've got them telling people, be calm, don't worry about all these backpacks.
Then it all blows up, and I'm not supposed to discuss that?
And Facebook's trying to block us putting this out right now.
Because the key to what Obama and his controllers were trying is in that event around the bomb.
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Waging war on corruption.
I want to open the phones up until Larry Pratt joins us in about 30 minutes.
He's in.
He's in Massachusetts right now covering all this.
Head of Gun Owners of America in there to cover this from the Second Amendment perspective.
I want to hear from police in Massachusetts or Connecticut with this martial law going on.
I want to hear from Navy SEALs or Special Ops people about the photos we posted that are confirmed from the local news.
I mean, these photos have been in data caches and they do not want them seen.
Why is that?
Well, because it shows there was a drill going on at the very time, and they were clearly not trying to stop a bombing.
They did a drill so the police wouldn't think backpacks were an issue.
And they flooded it with a bunch of different Patsy's so that they would have confusion.
Now, that's my view on this.
That's the history.
And now you've got out of the stands, out of the CIA-run Chechen area, these new Patsy's.
And now the Boston police are saying, get ready for a controlled demolition or a controlled detonation today.
Just like in Madrid, they blew up the Patsy's that time.
It came out the government did do that on 3-3-3 back in 2003.
That was in the Spanish papers.
It came out that was staged.
See, they have a history of this.
Now, these may be real terrorists who they wound up and allowed to do this, though.
That's why they had the big drill going so they could walk right into the finish line and everybody would just think it was part of the drill.
You understand that, folks?
And then all it takes is people in Homeland Security to say, do a drill, and no one else knows but them.
So if their people get caught, oh, it's just a drill.
Do you understand?
That's why they do the drill.
The drill is the tell.
And then now they don't want these photos out.
I mean, that's the bigger tell.
It was crawling with operatives every five feet!
Now, breaking news, Adan Salazar is putting this up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
I have confirmed in my office, our social network lady has done it, and so has Adan, and so have our listeners.
Let's put it on screen right now for TV viewers, and it's free for everybody right now, InfoWars.com forward slash listen.
Let's punch that up on screen, his computer.
Niko's computer, let's punch it up.
Our TriCaster's been overheating the last few days, having big problems.
The articles are going to go up at InfoWars.com.
And it has all the screenshots right there, where Facebook says this is a dangerous link, you're not allowed to see it, and we're trying to post it to our Facebook, and it's not letting us post our older articles, and I'm guessing our new article.
So that just shows how controlled it is, and I think you can just hard hit those inputs in.
Chris, show them that trick where you can still just hard do switches.
There you go.
You can't post this because it has a blocked link.
The content you're trying to share includes a link that's been blocked for being spammy?
Oh, we're spammy, folks, or unsafe.
InfoWars.com forward slash Navy SEAL spotted at Boston Marathon wearing suspicious packages.
For more information, click here for the Help Center.
And we've gotten those messages.
This is outrageous, okay?
Those are real photos of minutes before and after the bombing with people in black backpacks all over the place.
And what is Facebook?
A globalist front group, Bilderberg front group, pump and dump, where he says his users are dumb effers.
So why are we using it?
Because that's where the fight is.
We are up there attempting to warn people.
And again, that article is going up on Infowars.com very, very soon.
You'll be able to see that for yourself, because again, they are running scared from this information.
And they've changed their story.
They arrest this Saudi.
They arrest that Saudi.
They grab these Saudis.
They fly these Saudis out of the country.
Then they're not going to.
Then they never said they would.
Then it turns out they did.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two here on this incredible Friday worldwide transmission.
Larry Pratt's going to be popping in at the bottom of the hour.
I'm working on getting a bunch of other analysts on with us, like Joel Skousen.
I want to open the phones up for police, for military...
For your take on this thing of turning Boston and surrounding cities and even into Connecticut martial law zones to get one guy, here's the article up on Infowars.com that just went up there.
Boston Bomber's Role of CIA in Chechen Terror, Islamic Terror from Caucasus, Next Phase of Plan to Undermine Our Liberty.
An excellent article.
Can we punch this up guys?
From Infowars.com.
And we're going to be breaking that article down when we come back, but I specifically want to hear from police, special forces, military, who've seen the photos that now the Washington Times and Washington Post have mentioned.
Here's the Washington Times headline, men with backpacks at Boston Marathon, private contractors.
Why is the FBI saying, do not look at anything else, only look at these two guys?
After they've already said, you know, we already have somebody arrested, and the media's like, oh, we hear it's right-wingers.
That was plan A. And I want to read a comment here from the Infowars.com article I was just mentioning that I agree with.
I want to read this here.
Plan A was the white Tea Party lone wolf gun owner.
But that was called off due to exposure.
So plan B was to get the Muslim guys.
Plan C might have been blacks or gays.
Actually, I don't agree with that now.
I know I said that day one was the pre-programming, it was even worse.
They were planning, or at least it was being discussed, to blame Navy SEALs.
Because, again, all over the news they kept saying, it's probably a disgruntled vet.
Like a Navy SEAL.
And we're going to compile all those videos where they said that.
Navy Seal.
Navy Seal.
We need your help doing it.
I know I've seen it.
I know I've seen it said.
I saw it last night at...
About 6.15, 6.30 Central, Dan Bodondi was bullhorning CNN.
I'm telling you what to find.
I know we were recording at the time, but I'm so shot and exhausted, and my crew's so small, that I haven't had time to dig it up.
Who's the lady who used to be on CNBC?
The attractive young lady, and now she's a CNN host.
So she was on at like 6.30 Central, 6.15 Central.
I was getting ready for, you know, to go live on 7 o'clock on my own TV show, and
Aaron Burnett and she's on there with this FBI guy and he says, you know, it's probably disgruntled vet like a seal.
And he had a backpack explaining how you can put, take another one out the backpack and then it's just, you know what exhausts me is I'm like trying to pull all the places I saw it.
You know how hard it is to do that with your memory?
It's just exhausting.
I'm not complaining, it's just that I've had sick children the last few days as well keeping me up all night and I am just about maxed out.
Oh God.
Excuse me.
Just had mental exhaustion there.
Sometimes I have like some in memory and I pulled up like the four or five spots I've seen them say Navy SEALs and it just gave me an instant headache.
Anyways, they're all over the news saying Navy SEALs, and you guys are going to have to take over tomorrow.
Paul Watson says he's so exhausted that he's got to take off tomorrow.
In fact, he just took off just now and told me.
He just punched out, and I'm going to have to, like, I'm going to have to take off tomorrow and get some R&R, and I've got to turn the engine off.
Because, again, I can't quit thinking, and it's just very exhausting, and I just, I'm getting the beginnings of a migraine headache, and I know when I've got to stop.
All right, we're going to come back and talk to police, military, you name it.
What's your take on seeing these photos?
And we will break it all down, the latest.
Martial law all over Boston on Patriots Day.
Talk about an operation in our face.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dzhokhar Zharnov, one man!
Has all of Boston, surrounding areas, even into Connecticut, locked down?
Listeners just sent us these photos.
If you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv for radio listeners, we're going to post them up on InfoWars.com.
Just sent us what you're seeing on the news.
Armored vehicles, troops in black, regular army, all together, like this is Baghdad or something.
I mean, this is just simply amazing what is going on in this country.
And we're going to be posting all of that on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now, I want to talk to military and police about what they see happening and what's breaking down and unfolding, but I also want to talk to people that are in Boston.
That are in Boston and surrounding areas.
What are you seeing?
Larry Pratt, who is in Massachusetts there for Patriot Day celebrations.
Patriot Day there is the 15th, but Patriots Day nationwide is the 19th.
He's going to be popping in at the bottom of the hour briefly, and we've got other folks that are saying this is clearly a false flag, like Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief.
We're lining him up as well.
Now, when I say false flag, that can mean they're simply a stand-down, they allow people to get through, criminal elements do, or it can mean government funds them, or it can mean private groups fund them, and then it's used to be blamed on another group.
Whenever the White House Chief of Staff said, we'll use crises to take your liberties, don't let a good crisis go to waste, that's a false flag.
If something real happens, and you use it to take somebody else's freedom, that's a frame-up.
That's a false flag.
That's a self-inflicted staged event.
Now, here is the New York Times from last April, then I'm going to your calls.
Terrorist plots hatched by the FBI.
And the article goes on, April 28th had meant they would go out and find mentally ill people, left-wing, right-wing, Muslim, you name it, and give them bombs, tell them that they're their imam, order them in the name of Islam to go do this, and then let them go do it.
I mean, I could go out and find schizophrenics on the street and convince them to do stuff, too.
That makes you culpable.
That's not a sting.
That is beyond that.
That is leading criminal actions to justify your existence.
So, when I say false flag, and I've explained this, it doesn't mean the government's there, you know, Obama with a plunger pushing it down.
It means criminal elements in there allow this to happen.
Now, what's the big tell-tale sign of he just joined us?
You saw them on Tuesday and Wednesday say, oh Axelrod says it's got, it is a lone wolf right winger, it'll be coming out soon.
Then they go, we have an arrest, we have him, it's, he's at the courthouse.
Then, no we don't, evacuate the courthouse, clearly to get the media out.
Army truck pulls in, with guys hanging off with guns, they go screeching off with whoever that patsy was.
You have Navy SEALs, or what looks like Navy SEALs, with Kraft International, all over
The area where the bombing happens, along with what look like older Green Berets, and others.
I just want to know how these people look, being around them.
But events over the years, and even the Washington Times runs the headline.
Scroll back to the headline.
I want to show TV viewers this and give it to the radio listeners.
Men with backpacks at Boston Marathon, private contractors.
Thank you, guys.
Now, it gets worse.
Now, Facebook will not let us share our original article picked up by Drudge Wednesday night, showing public photos and public news videos that show all the black ops and the drill, because they've denied there's a drill and there's a cover-up.
Now, again, why do you do a drill?
Why do you do a drill?
Because then if police actually catch the psychos that you've wound up, who you're going to let bomb, probably could be these guys from Chechnya, you're going to let them go do it, and then you're going to blame it on the militia, on the patriots, which the White House-run MSNBC and others were saying, we've got them, it's right-wingers.
Remember Wednesday?
It is the white right-wingers, the Tea Partiers, you murderers.
We got the photos of the Arabs and all the different groups and the Muslims and the Seals all in together.
They had to get rid of that.
Now, I had a click happen last hour, then I'm going to your calls, that is so horrible that it gave me the beginnings of a migraine headache, which I only get about once or twice a year, which is setting in right now.
It made me so physically sick when it all clicked.
That since Tuesday, I have seen CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC, and newspapers, and I need all of you to pull this up and help us.
I just mentioned 615, 630, something like that last night.
CNN, what's her name, Erin something?
What's her name?
The former CNBC host is on there with her expert, Erin Burnett, thank you, saying
It might be Navy SEALs, and this is the expert on there.
It could be Navy SEALs, it could be veterans.
They would, just like McVeigh was ordered as the Green Beret, Special Forces.
Affidavits have been signed, government documents came out.
He never left the Army.
He was there to infiltrate militias.
They set him up.
We know the names of the feds that were inside with the bombs.
He was a Lee Harvey Oswald.
My God!
They've said, veterans of the number one terror group, we've got to take their guns, and like the veterans have done nothing.
Why are you saying this?
And it all just clicked.
Target number one was the military.
Target number two was Tea Party patsies that were there.
And then Muslims were fallback.
And they probably used real Muslim terrorists who they greased up to go to do the bombing.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And that's how they always run these ops.
To a person that hasn't studied this, that sounds complex.
It's like, why are there all these groups?
That way you can go with whatever story you want.
Because they know these things always go crazy and there's always witnesses.
Stuff like this would, quote, get found out.
It always does.
It's just so confusing to the untrained mind.
And then the answer is roll the TSA out, roll the checkpoints out, roll the fear out.
Get everybody used to troops going door to door.
It's all happening.
I'm going to shut up now.
Larry Pratt at the bottom of the hour, guys.
We did have him at the 20 after.
We'll get him at the bottom of the hour.
Let's go to Eric in Tennessee, a police officer.
He says he has intelligence on the bombing photos.
You've seen these of what looks like Navy SEALs and others.
Why are they so scared of these being out?
What do you think's happening?
Basically, Alex, great to talk to you, by the way.
Sorry about your sick kids.
It looks to me as if the gunfight that they had going on, supposedly, they wouldn't let the press in.
You know, they were threatening the press.
They were telling them, you know, turn off the camera or lose your life.
Yeah, that's Associated Press reporting that.
Yeah, they're telling them even worse stuff we're now finding, but go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, you do not say that to the press.
I mean, you know, even as corrupt as things are, and they want you to know that they've captured these guys.
They would want press coverage of this.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, but in this case, it would be an absolute must.
They would want coverage of this.
They would want people to see this on every newspaper everywhere.
You know, we got them.
We got them.
Here's proof.
To me, it just seems like it's staged.
It seems like these guys are probably on their way out of the country at this point under new visas, you know, new lives with a new bank account, at least until the currency falls out.
I mean, it just seems to me like they absolutely
Do not want anybody to know what's going on at this point.
Because basically you broke the story yesterday.
Shattered the thing wide open.
They couldn't do anything else.
You left them back on their heels, man.
I'll tell you, I've never been more creeped out and felt the danger right now.
We're being blocked all over the internet.
They are scared to death of it.
I'm sure you've seen the photos they want censored that Facebook and others are blocking that, unfortunately, several newspapers have mentioned, so it's not like it's not credible.
Let me ask you this question.
As somebody, you know, that obviously thinks about this a lot, what do you see in the photos that they are telling people not to look at?
Me, the one thing that actually stands out, the guy in the blue jacket with the red shirt, the poor, poor looking guy, that the bag actually matches his straps that he's got over his arms, you know which one I'm talking about?
Yes, the FBI released the exploded bag remnants and it looks identical, a black backpack with a silver stripe on the strap.
Right, right.
Now, if you actually had a bag that you brought with you, okay, and you're in a big crowded area, you're going to carry your bag over your back.
You're going to carry it over your back.
You're not going to have it right there like you're about to drop it.
And he looks suspicious.
I mean, if I was a cop, at the end of the marathon, that's the guy I'd be searching.
He's the one that you would single out, you would pull him out of the crowd, you would try to figure out what's going on there, but in his case, he is holding that bag like he is holding every bit of the shame and guilt that he's ever had in his life.
His body language is, he feels like a total piece of crap and how did he get talked into this?
And if you look at the way other people are dressed around him, I mean, you know, you've got nicely dressed people there, I mean, you know... Well, he looks like the poor kind of mental patients they always set up.
Yep, they pulled him out, he's a patsy, he just looks completely and totally the part.
It just, it really jumps out at me that this was the guy.
Let me ask you a question, why do you think they're saying, I've seen it at least four times myself, where they've been saying, maybe Navy SEALS did the bombing, and then you've got what's clearly Navy SEALS there, standing around just to be implicated, obviously ordered to be there.
These guys most likely weren't Navy SEALS, they were most likely one of these security firms.
But sure, Kraft International is sheep-dipped Navy SEALs, yeah.
If they brought these guys in as either additional security or as backup to make sure everything goes off without a hitch to keep Obama from hitting the mainstream for everybody knowing that he's a crook, it basically looks like everything was set in place with a backup of a backup of a backup.
I mean, in government work, you don't do anything relying on one source.
I mean, you've got to have three or four backups going at the same time.
These guys, they're on pictures everywhere.
So for them to come out and say, you know, maybe a Navy SEAL did it, they're saying that just in case pictures get credibility and somebody somewhere in a position to make a difference actually speaks out and says, look at all these Navy SEALs everywhere.
You know, I mean, they're just, that's another way for, you know, mainstream media to cover their butt.
No, I agree.
And they're probably telling them right now, you keep your mouth shut or you're going to go to jail for this.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And I mean, those guys that, you know, those guys that were there, if you look at the expression on their faces after the explosion, they do run to help.
They do... Oh, no, they look... No, I've said that.
They look freaked out, like, what the hell?
They did not see this coming, I don't think.
Wow, I'm getting chills, man.
And I'm in the middle of this.
Oh, man.
Careful what you ask for, folks.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay there.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Alright, Alex Jones here back live.
We've got the Austin Police Chief's been scheduled for a week.
The one going around with Obama trying to get the guns.
He's scheduled to be in here.
So he should be arriving in about 20-30 minutes.
He's going to be in here.
But he can talk about this with us as well.
I know R. A. Cervantes as a person.
He's a likable guy.
I disagree with him on the guns.
But we'll have a nice talk on that subject and all the things that are happening.
It's going to be good to have a major police chief in here to give us his take on the situation in Boston.
We've got ex-Special Ops, Special Forces, Citizen in Boston, Army with intel on Blue Shirt Suspect.
Let's try to go quick to people and I'll try to shut up and get their quick take on things.
Chris, what's your info on what you see happening and why they don't want these photos out of what looks like Navy SEALs?
Well, my perspective as a former U.S.
Army Spec Ops is that the SEAL, prior SEALs in these groups working for CRAFT probably were very surprised.
What it looks like to me, they might have been given a sitrep that, hey guys, there's a very strong possibility of dirty bomb.
It looks like they were probably
In an active mode of doing a radiation detection thinking that they were you know actually working something that could be that's right We've confirmed the what looked the oldest one what looks like the guy in charge He's not wearing a backpack or anything the other guys are there kind of taking orders from so the police He's got a radiation detector in his hand.
We've confirmed it
Yeah, looking at all the photos, I'm familiar with those type of operations and nuclear weapons convoys I've been involved with prior.
But also, I do think that in their packs, they're probably very heavily armed.
So, the confusion to add, they were told, you know, to bring heavily armaments, you know, small caliber weapons or machine guns that they typically carry in the backpacks.
Uh, so they thought they were doing, you know, normal activities.
They don't want them out wearing them on their person to, you know, scare people.
Uh, so I do think they were very surprised.
Now, could there have been one or two factions or elements within the group that was actually a part of the op?
The bottom line is, is these spec op troops, SEALs, Rangers, Green Break,
All of us guys, we need to stop being involved with unconstitutional activities.
We need to do better due diligence on what are we being tasked to do.
We need to really wake up because I'm sorry I get very kicked when I see spec op troops.
You know, involved in activities.
Well, look at how we're seeing martial law demonstrated right now all over the place as if it's going to keep anybody safe.
And I look at these photos of right before the bomb goes off, you can just see all these groups of patsies and FBI watching people.
And you, I mean, it just looks like an intelligence banquet or something.
I mean, you've just got all these groups there, the classic four or five operations running at once.
So that nobody knows what's going on when the real bomb walks in.
If you've looked at these photos, the redneck ne'er-do-well guy, his backpack matches the shattered remains, and he's being looked at by a lot of people, and I think they had to abandon that plan.
Why do you think they're floating Navy SEALs here in the news saying maybe they did it?
What is that?
Well I definitely think that's one of the avenues of the asymmetrical story potentials.
Because on every op they want to have multiple exit points to take the story and push it.
So that was definitely probably one of the story points they wanted or agendas they wanted to push was.
Demonizing rogue, you know, ex-military people.
And they didn't like Chris Kyle because he's pro-Second Amendment and stuff.
So, you know, why not get the new Mercs on the block?
Why not have Kraft come out?
And it could be part of a backdoor way of starting to taint the reputation of Kraft.
But in the end, the bottom line is the removal of posse comitatus
The blending of military operations into civilian police operations.
It's all wrong.
That's not, you know, supposed to... That's not how our country's supposed to operate.
What does your gut tell you about what you've seen with this whole thing?
Let me ask you this.
Because it looks to me like they've been changing stories, going through different things, and that this is basically unraveled for them.
Well, I definitely think that the work that you guys did and the information came out completely has taken them off
Their original kind of train of approach with the media, you know, all the instruments they had working to start presenting their story they were going to sell.
I definitely think you guys have taken them off guard, but you can see on this asymmetrical capabilities they have and their very dynamic ability to change the story, they are very quick and very good at already having additional avenues of exit.
You know, when you go into the building, you don't want to only have one way to come out.
You want to have two or three, if possible.
Sure, it's the same deal with Oklahoma.
They had like six different groups there.
But they went with their... Yeah.
Now, the real hero, the real hero would be, and I appeal to all spec ops troops, and somebody that General Patton would be proud of, a true American.
You guys that know what happened, have the guts to come out now and tell us, what were you doing there?
You know, that's to me who's going to be the real hero.
God bless you, sir.
God bless you.
Great points.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I will be back live, Lord willing, this Sunday, 4 to 6 o'clock Central Standard Time.
Many stations air it live, others rebroadcast it, and, um...
I'll be doing live updates for YouTube at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv obviously tomorrow and this evening on the nightly news tonight.
We'll go into overdrive today with the audio and video feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash listen.
for everybody.
We'll get Jakari Jackson and David Knighton here.
I know we're chomping at the bit to talk about all the stuff they've got.
Larry Pratt, who is in Massachusetts for Patriots Day events, just spoke there and prayed at Lexington Green for restoration of our Republic with Oath Keepers, with a local gun group, anti-gun group, tried to block them from speaking, and even though they had a permit, they had it revoked.
What a free country!
And now they're going to speak somewhere else, but the police did not follow their orders to arrest them and keep them from doing that.
So the whole state has been turned into a martial law zone.
They've spilled into Connecticut.
This is just unprecedented.
And who knows what even the truth is.
There have been so many patsies.
You know, Larry Pratt, head of Governors of America, joining us via cell phone as you drive through Massachusetts that's going through semi-lockdown.
A, what can you tell us about what's happened overall?
And B, by Tuesday night Axelrod and others said, it's a lone guy by himself, a right-winger, we'll have more tomorrow.
And then they announced the arrest.
And they all lick their chops on CNN, MSNBC, saying it's a right-winger.
We got you, people.
And now it's reportedly jihadis out of, you know, out of the steps of Russia, out of areas where we've seen these attacks on Russia and things.
They're in the Caucasus.
They're from Chechnya.
Larry Pratt of Gunners of America, great to have you able to give us your take on this, sir.
Alex, good to be with you.
Yeah, I got thrown off of Lexington Green.
I was standing under the statue of John Parker, the minute man in charge that day when the battle took place on Lexington Green, and the cop came up and said, you have to move on.
Isn't that incredible?
What a free country.
Happily, the green also extends across the street to private, and it belongs to whoever now has that building there.
It was a tavern at one time.
And so we had our ceremony anyway, and actually we were on Lexington Green.
In spite of them.
Yeah, Stewart said he had to get to the point though even though you were there the cops are still gonna try to stop you because they're so afraid of assembly now in this police state because the local commissars said you couldn't.
What is your breakdown on the spectacle of martial law over much of the state you're in right now looking for one guy?
It's pretty extraordinary, and as you were saying when you let in, surprise, it was a Muslim or two Muslims.
That's what Muslims do.
It's the last person that they would ever conclude might have been involved in a terroristic act.
You know, Janet Napolitano mindset, where she was telling local police departments, watch out for those Constitutionalists, those pro-lifers, those Second Amendment guys, those property rights guys.
In other words, the conservative base of the Republican Party.
Those are potential terrorists.
Watch out.
We've got to watch out for them.
And that apparently is what was going on in Massachusetts.
And invariably, it turns out, no.
It's not somebody who believes in freedom.
It's somebody who believes anything but freedom.
That's what Muslims do.
Well, certainly the groups that have been radicalized, undoubtedly.
Larry Pratt, head of Gunners of America, I want to briefly get your take on the defeat of the gun grabbers.
They promised to come back.
Obama says executive orders.
We're going to get to that in a moment, but I came out Tuesday, I was still on the air when this happened, I went into overdrive, and I said, watch, they're going to blame Tea Party, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, and people are like, how dare you?
Newspapers that night said, how dare you say we're going to blame you?
But they'd already begun within an hour doing it, and I have seen at least four times, and I'm being sent transcription videos now, where since Tuesday they went further.
They said, we bet it's a Navy SEAL or a disgruntled vet.
What is this?
They're not just demonizing the Tea Party now.
What is this saying vets are going to blow stuff up with absolutely no evidence of that?
I mean, why are they trying to go after the military now?
This is really bizarre.
That's on Janet Napolitano's list of people that are suspected terrorists.
In fact, veterans may have been actually toward the very top of her list.
There is a hatred.
Of what made this country great, what makes this country still the best country in the world.
They do not like people who understand freedom and who have fought for freedom.
That's just not in their playbook.
And they take every opportunity.
And it's really embarrassing to them, I would think, except they're not going to report on their own embarrassment.
But you're right.
That was their call.
That's where they were heading.
And oops, turns out it was one of those Muslim guys.
Let's talk about the defeat of Harry Reid and him saying he doesn't like our black helicopter conspiracies.
Obama said that the pro-gun people are liars.
They're the liars.
They said they want to ban our guns once they're registered.
They're all on record.
Now they deny that.
They promised to not come after our guns in the campaign five years ago.
They've been caught lying about that four and a half years ago.
I mean, they are really hopping mad.
And here's the weekly standard.
Biden, the president, is already lining up some additional executive actions for guns.
Pelosi says tougher gun control is inevitable.
They're going to do it whether we like it or not.
That's the Hill.
What's their plan?
Ship more guns to Mexico to blame us for that, or what?
Evidently, but I tell you now, I will not obey the President's executive order.
If he thinks he can become our national legislature, worse.
But when the Senate was voting, they were playing as if they were a constitutional convention.
Shall not be infringed doesn't really leave much room for what they were doing.
And nevertheless, they were doing it, and I was quite prepared to tell people that I was going to look for a gun and buy it, quote-unquote, illegally, because I have a constitution.
Yeah, just because these crooks say we don't, it's like saying black people have got to be reattached to plows or something.
No, they have an inherent right to say no, so does everybody.
But let's stop right there.
What do you, what stops them?
Because they all, from Obama to Biden to Reid, go how dare you conspiracy theorists saying we're tyrants.
That is what really got to them.
What they try to discredit is what they're scared of, calling a tyrant a tyrant.
Do you agree with that?
Yeah, the truth of the matter is they are the folks that want to be tyrants.
They want to tell us what to do.
We should just shut up and do whatever they tell us to do.
That's clearly the way these people think and act.
And, by the way, that's why we have a Second Amendment.
For just like these kinds of folks who think and act the way they do, we are not going to roll over and play dead for them.
What I think they have done, Alex, I have, in all the years I've been involved in defending the Second Amendment, I have never seen the intensity that we're seeing now.
People are so fed up, and I'm not the only one saying they can pass this unconstitutional law if that's what they think they can do, but I'm not going to obey it.
People are just fed up, and they're increasingly rather public about it.
Well said.
What do you make of Master Sergeant C.J.
Grisham, highly decorated, no criminal record, out in an area I know, I have family in that area, totally rural, wild hogs, cougars, it's actually right by the ranch of Ted Nugent, and just out walking with an AR-15 with his son, and having his gun taken, and then we'll let you go because I know you gotta get places, we're gonna take calls.
That was so over the top.
Everybody involved in that needs to be fired.
That is just absolutely criminal activity on the part of a government agent.
What do you make of this arrogance where the police say, and we interviewed him by the way last night, the interview is up at InfoWars.com, the Master Sergeant,
Whenever they say, well, I don't care what the law is.
If people don't like your gun, we're going to take it.
You know, the day's going to come when that's going to lead to something really bad happening.
And they will have started it.
And I think it's important that we make sure that if and when the bad things do happen,
That it's very clear that they are the ones known to have fired first.
They are the ones known to have broken the law.
That is really important.
That's what was...
So important about Lexington.
The message that the world got was that the British thugs fired first.
The problem that the South had right from the get-go was they fired first.
And it's just essential that we, the good guys, be prepared to take the first round.
That's right.
Of course, Bill Ayers and people would say they'll just stage something and blame it on us.
And that's why we've got to be worried about false flags.
As you said, Fast and Furious was a false flag.
CBS got the memo to blame the Second Amendment.
Thank you.
You, that killed some 400, well, we're complicit in the killing of some 400 Mexicans and a couple of our federal agents.
You have the moral authority to approve what I do?
You of the Chicago, you of the Chicago Mafia.
Larry Pratt, get to your meeting.
Be safe up there in Massachusetts and we'll talk to you again soon.
Oh, last point before I go.
These calls, some people are holding.
How do you expect... Yeah, go ahead.
Let me just point out, I'm actually going to Springfield, Massachusetts, and I'm in the vehicle driven by the head of the Oath Keepers in Rhode Island.
So we are, I tell you what, we're just all Constitution 24-7.
You're in good company.
Lastly, how do you expect him to come back now against the Second Amendment?
I mean, obviously, executive order.
What else?
It's going to be interesting to see what he's going to do with the executive order.
The problem is, he can only really jerk the chain of gun stores.
So how is he going to try to do something if I want to sell you a gun?
There's just no way they're going to be able to get their nose into that.
So I think, well, it's going to be interesting to see what he thinks he can do.
I know what he's going to do.
He's going to stage another mass shooting.
Larry Pratt, we'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you for the time, sir.
All right, be safe.
All right, there goes Larry Pratt, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go to your calls.
I appreciate you holding.
Let's talk.
We're going to go to James, who's the resident boss in a moment.
But first, Jake, who's Special Forces, he says, and then Jason, who's Army Intel on Blue Shirt, and then James, and then Michael and Bill.
We'll get to all of you before this hour ends.
Let's talk to Jake in California real fast.
What's your take on all the stuff that's happening?
And now the news saying Navy SEALs might have done it.
You know, before they said it was these Chechens.
What's your take on that?
Well, I think that what we have to realize right now is the city of Boston is on a complete lockdown.
Now, out here in California, we had a rogue cop who was trained.
He was in the Navy.
He was trained by the LAPD.
He was on the run and the city of LA was not on lockdown.
And I think that instead of going back and being consumed with hindsight, Alex,
You need to be consumed with the fact that a major metropolitan city is on shelter-in-place for a 19-year-old with a gun.
Perhaps there's a lot more to this than we know.
They want to cover up what really happened.
That's what all our sources are saying.
This is a cover-up in action.
What do you think happened?
Because they were going to go with the right-wing angle.
They'd already announced it.
They couldn't help themselves.
They had the arrested right-winger.
Then it all stopped when these photos got released.
What do you think's happening?
I think that the photos reveal that the Feds may have been tipped off.
Hence, the guys on the ground, in the blast zone, knew where it was going to go down.
They were watching.
They knew to get out of the zone before the explosion.
They also had radioactive detective gear with them.
So, the point is that they knew something was going to go down.
They didn't know that, say, 4chan was going to assemble that photo compilation and it was going to go viral and we were going to see what happened.
And so now that we've seen that, we know, and now we see the massive response.
We know that something huge is taking place.
Now, have we speculated?
Could there be something even bigger in play here?
Could there be something radioactive?
I mean, why were those guys there?
Not that it may have been an op or an inside job, but this may be legit.
And we know that Chechnyans have had a history of all sorts.
They are the radiation guys.
Oh, wait a minute.
No, no, I agree.
The body language of the Seals, to me, is they were just told to be there for a drill and didn't know.
And because, I mean, I've looked at now, there's a ton of these photos and videos.
They look, you know, and I see some other guys that look, you know, like older special ops, like back, look totally freaked out.
You know, like, whoa, what just happened minutes after the blast?
My issue is it started clicking last night.
I've seen them four times since Tuesday.
Say, maybe it's a former military, like a Navy SEAL, when they have these creepy FBI and Southern Borderly Law Center type guys on.
And so, are they looking at framing the SEALs, or what is that?
Let me point out one other thing.
You see, of course you've seen the images, because you mirrored them.
You've seen the images.
Remember the guy who looks kind of older?
He's wearing the blue jacket.
He's got the backpack on his forearm.
Look at that image.
Push in on him.
Tell me he possibly doesn't look Eastern European.
Could that guy also be Russian?
I mean, because he does look suspicious.
He is holding that backpack suspicious.
Is there more people in play?
Look at the turnout.
That's what my gut, that's what my gut, well half the people there are spies.
You can look at the body language.
It's obvious.
All I know is I believe it's that photo that freaked them out.
Us, us, and again they said they had the guy, they had the guy, and then that whole story changed.
This, I have never seen an operation unravel like this.
Well, it's not just that it's unraveling, it's that it's unfolding, man.
We're seeing this turn up.
Listen, the city of Boston is on shelter-in-place.
was not shelter-in-place during Christopher Dorner.
The city of Boston effectively is shut down.
All the transit, everything.
Something is in place.
And they're telling media, the police are saying, we'll kill you if you show what's happening.
They could be hunting down special ops people that have blown the whistle.
Well, they could be.
Who knows?
Hey, one more thing.
Uh, Dan Badondi, he has a titanium pair.
To ask the questions he has in the front, in front of the world, I mean the guy's not even a reporter.
You know what we say about Dan Badondi?
Whenever, whenever I hired him and then he had obviously his young son and some people get homesick, that happens.
You send him back home to be a reporter there, and he's still employed here.
We, do you know what we privately say about Badondi when we send him on a mission?
Release the Kraken.
Dude, well, if Badandi's listening right now, you know what, man, there's a whole bunch of people that appreciate you just asking a couple of the questions that you did and being as, you know, the tenacity that you have.
It was awesome.
Well, thank you.
We're going to get him on in overdrive.
Guys, set Badandi up at three, if he can do it.
Let's get Badandi on.
We should have Badandi on.
The Austin Police Chief's coming in to add to the bizarreness of this day.
Is Ace Veda showed up?
He usually shows up right on time.
All dudded up.
I think he should start wearing a full emperor outfit.
Everyone can bow to him.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back with more calls, I promise.
We're going to get to Jason, and then I'm going to go to James, and then I'm going to go to Michael and Bill.
We've got to hurry, straight ahead.
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I was back there in the TV control room with a bunch of TVs on and they were announcing, it was on Fox, that Dianne Feinstein is wanting everybody's guns.
That's the answer now.
We've seen what guns do with terrorists.
That's their angle.
Gotta turn your guns in because the government brings in all these Chechens.
By the way, we have an article up on Infowars.com about our government arming tens of thousands of Chechens to blow up Russian stuff.
So, it's just like the globalist-funded Al-Qaeda.
Wait till Al-Qaeda start shooting down airliners while the heat-seekers our government helped them get in Libya.
And when I talk about it, when they do it, I'll be the traitor because I told you it was all coming.
I'll be bad because I was right.
By the way, Facebook, the article's up where you're blocking us posting articles about the Navy SEALs and other security people.
That's the key to all this.
And by the way, you haven't stopped us.
It's in a couple of major newspapers.
So how dare you say it isn't a real story?
Unbelievable, folks.
Get our articles out to everybody.
Let's go to Pat in Mass.
It was a block down the road from the shootout and explosions.
Then we'll go to James and a bunch of other police and special forces like Michael and Jason and Bill that are holding.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
You're on the air.
Pat, tell us what you saw and heard.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm not doing too good, actually.
This is... It's not fun being at the front of this.
Go ahead.
No, it's not.
Well, I'll tell you, I'm an electrician and I work at a secure site probably about a block away from where the shootout happened.
And, you know, we're in a big building and we heard the explosions and I kind of brushed it off as being, you know, maybe like the HVAC system backfiring, something like that.
By the time we were ready to leave, about 1.15, um, some guys came upstairs and said, you know, that the police are outside, not allowing anybody to leave the building.
Um, and then, uh, by the time we got downstairs, the entire area was flanked by Boston PD.
And, um, we attempted to leave.
Um, they were scouring the area, guns drawn, uh, with the flashlights out, and, uh, weren't allowing us to leave.
We were able to get out
Probably about 45 minutes later after some of the police presence had died down.
It was a really wild scene.
What is your take on all this?
We were told it was right-wingers and now we're being told it's Chechens.
Well, to be honest with you, Alex, the whole situation seems really strange for two young guys to have no apparent motive to
Well, exactly.
By the way, it's not just what looks like Navy SEALs and Special Forces all around right before the bombing goes off, and we know there was a drill happening, which they've denied and been caught lying about.
There's also all sorts of what look like Feds.
I mean, it was like a third of the people when the bomb went off, but, you know, back, were Feds watching.
And I just don't think they want it coming out that they probably knew what these guys were going to do and let them do it.
I mean, that's the New York Times reported on last year.
This is the FBI specialty.
And bare minimum, that's what happened.
What do you think?
It's probably worse.
Well, I'll tell you, Alex, it didn't.
I mean, it looked like a pretty real scenario to me last night.
You know, it didn't have any, you know,
Kind of false flag, sort of.
Well, they always change the story, don't they?
I mean, it seems like they come out with...
Um, my gut instinct is probably not, to be honest with you.
That's why we don't screen your calls.
We want to hear what you have to say.
This could be the one in a million where it hadn't been staged.
But then why were there feds crawling all around right before the bomb went off?
And why are they lying about it?
It certainly seems strange.
I mean, you would think under any circumstances that that kind of event
It certainly would have.
Now, I've seen those pictures that you posted of the supposed SEAL team guys and I don't understand what those guys are doing there.
Well, and why is the media saying I'm lying and it doesn't exist?
That's another thing.
Why are they on the news saying SEALs might have done it?
Have you seen them say that?
I have.
I have.
I've told people where they said it last night, like 6 o'clock, 6.15.
Alright, well good to hear from you.
We got more calls coming up from the scene, and then sometime in the next 20 minutes, the police chief's supposed to show up.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, alright, just let me have it.
Good job.
Good job.
Okay, we're tracking that.
Yeah, I know.
Good job, guys.
I'm doing a lot of work during the breaks here.
Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen, on this Friday edition.
It looks like Jahar's
Twitter account is now up on Gawker, and they're saying he was a 9-11 truther.
And now he's got family coming out saying he's been set up.
He's got friends that said there's no way he's involved in this.
So, I mean, the way they've got everything locked down, telling press they'll kill him.
You heard that police officer earlier.
He said that sounds incredibly suspicious to him.
We're going to go to James, who's a Boston resident, right now, and then to others.
Then we're going to get to Jason.
Bill and Michael and Sebastian.
Says, friend in Boston arrested for leaving home.
Man, this is martial law, folks.
James, James in Boston.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Tell us what you're saying.
All right.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
It's crazy, man.
Go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
Look, I have never seen anything this absurd.
And this is so much media sensationalism.
This is unheard of.
I was born and raised in Boston.
I'm 45 years old.
Never have I seen anything this crazy.
This is martial law?
They're training you to have trips on the streets and get arrested if you leave your home?
Essentially, that is what they're portraying on the local media.
Channel 7, WHDB, whatever the heck they are.
They are so proud of all this craziness.
Now this is the nanny state.
This is it.
One 19-year-old.
Look, they're busy hunting down the patsies.
I'm telling you that's what this is.
They gotta make sure they're dead.
Just like the 7-7 deal where they killed a bunch of the guys.
Go ahead.
Well, what's really strange is I have never seen anything this
This aggressive for some supposed 19-year-old?
I mean, they're this worried about some kid that's running the streets?
Yet, yet...
Let's put it this way.
If it's just this one guy, why does it take so many police and FBI and SWAT team and bomb ballistics?
Because it's all part of the coup d'etat against America.
It's all part of just the total takeover of everything.
I mean, I can't go to the Kite Festival without National Guard out there.
They have TSA in downtown Austin searching bags without warrants.
It's about a criminal state takeover.
Right, right.
Yeah, well, again, I just, I felt, I've been listening to you over the past couple years, and more importantly, most recently, over the few months, and I felt compelled today to actually speak out.
This was the last straw.
Well, I will go to City Council after all the grandstanding, and the police need to get in trouble for telling AP reporters, we'll kill you if you don't stop videotaping us.
I mean, that's just unprecedented grandstanding.
I see families driving through, and they're pointing guns at them all over the city.
It's not like they think he's in one block and they're doing that.
That I can see.
Just a hole into other cities?
Just an excuse to get your hands on everybody.
Get everybody conditioned, and that's why they're doing this, and just cops parading around in just giant huge numbers like they're all totally scared to death.
And I'm not bragging about my life.
I grew up kind of rough for whatever reason.
I've had people pull guns on me and stuff.
I've seen violence.
I mean, I was 14 years old and crap my pants like this.
I mean, this, I mean, are the police taking it serious?
Because I look on the news, they're all laughing and standing around and stuff.
I know people have been killed as well.
But I mean, you know, just to be, I mean, to think citywide that, you know, he's under every chair and it's the end of the world.
What do you say to that?
Right, right.
No, the area with which they've encompassed and sort of infiltrated their presence upon is extraordinary.
I mean, literally, I watch you and sometimes I say, Alex, you know, all right, a little much, a little much.
You would not freaking believe this.
I'm telling you, from a Bostonian, a hardcore Bostonian, they would... No, no, no.
The New World Order has re-invaded Boston on Patriots Day.
I mean, that's what this is.
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By the way, resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
By the way, it is, yes.
Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, operating on very little sleep here, taking your phone calls, the Austin Police Chief is scheduled to be here.
I know that walking back and forth in front of TVs the last three days, I've heard them say, it's probably a military veteran, it could be a military person, it could be military training, foreign military that's bombed us.
And then I remember hearing that last night right before I went on the air, but they actually found the transcript and what they said is this type of thing that a soldier, now that doesn't mean it's a U.S.
soldier, that means it's someone who probably has experience, it could be a U.S.
So on that particular show I was talking about, that's not what they said, but I know I've seen them say that.
So help us dig that up.
In fact, they had it one yesterday from another CNN show.
I never got to it, so they're re-digging that back up.
I know I've seen them basically say it's probably a veteran, it could be a
A disgruntled U.S.
veteran is a thing I've heard them say repeatedly.
And of course, we have all the clips.
There's no need to even...
Re-air those where they, Chris Matthews, the Young Turks, Axelrod, you know, saying it's probably a domestic right winger and then they were all giddy Wednesday saying, oh yeah, it is, it is, that's what it is, a lone person.
Well, it's not a lone person.
And then who is it that they supposedly arrested?
And here's the thing that listeners are all freaked out about.
Why do they have most of Boston and surrounding cities totally locked down saying, don't leave your house or we'll arrest you?
And speaking of that, we just had a guest on hold saying that their neighbor or their friend got arrested, but I guess they hung up.
I want to hear what they have to say.
We're gonna go to everybody right now.
Jason in Wisconsin is Army and says they have intel on blue shirt suspect everybody's talking about.
Go ahead, Jason.
I expected to get cut off or my house drone strike before I even get on the air.
Look at this.
You don't want your kids to die, right?
I got kids too.
I don't want them to die.
I'm speaking out and decloaking on Facebook.
You want to know about the guy with the hat or the hair?
The old guy with the hair, the blue shirt carrying a backpack with two hands does look a little heavy on this big giant shoulder.
On Facebook, Sean.
Knights Malta go hide behind Red Cross.
That's why they were, that's why Bush was laughing.
Give me your money.
Well listen brother, do me this.
Send us an email at ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com with specifically what you're talking about and where on Facebook we'll look it up.
Thank you so much.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill, ex-Navy Special Operation Projects he says.
Bill, what's your take on what you're saying?
Alex, I think you're dead correct.
I think it's a false flag.
I mean, I spent 20 years in the military, and I haven't seen anything like this before since probably 9-11 or 7-7.
You know, you conduct drills when the real stuff happens, and wham!
There's suspicion.
It's not a conspiracy, it's just suspicion.
It ought to be investigated.
Are you there?
Well I think don't look at other photos means
We're going to present you with the evidence that we want you to observe, and we don't want you to observe any other evidence.
No, no, that's actually almost a word-for-word quote of what he said.
He said, we'll give you the evidence, nothing else is credible.
He said that.
But the thing is, you and your staff put a cog in the wheel.
When you came up with those photos, and you presented them online, it made them delay
The news briefs, it delayed the conferences, and they had to change your story because of you and your news staff.
It took them a day to do it.
Well, I don't want all the credit.
It's too dangerous.
Actually, other people did that.
I am getting a lot of death threats right now, but go ahead.
Okay, I'd just like to throw a couple things at you, if that's okay.
And I think there was, I think there was premeditated plans of blame, and it goes right along with what you're saying, and this is my opinion after 20 years of military service.
I think they, I think they intended on blaming it on a white supremacist, gun-owning arcanist.
Number one.
Number two, I think they planted on
Tossing it to a disgruntled vet, if the first one didn't work.
And number three, I think they planned on tossing it to Iran, China, Russia, or maybe even North Korea.
So they could have another reason to implement another conflict.
And I gotta tell you, Mr. Badandi has got
A sack of steel, without a doubt.
I was listening to you live on the audio feed, on the internet, and you just broke the record.
I mean, you broke the record that you broke two days before that.
Yeah, we were having 100,000 new individual visitors per minute.
And that's stacking up on each other.
And I haven't had time to look at the whole graph, but it looks like at one time we had like 7 million people on the website.
Yeah, I don't think that, actually I had trouble accessing your website because it was so overloaded with people trying to do research on it.
I don't think that Piers Morgan, I don't think that
Never mind.
Forget Piers Morgan.
Anyway, there's a couple other things I'd like to say that, based on my past four or five days of an investigation, I've come up with a couple different things and there's at least one that I think you might have missed and if your staff has the time and opportunity to check it out.
I did some research on the internet and came up with a file that said that President Obama
met with a Saudi Arabian foreign minister.
No, no, no.
Sir, that's AP Reuters and it was a secret meeting.
They call it a walk-by where they say it's an accident so they don't put a record of it, but it's still leaked.
You're absolutely right.
No, no, that's true.
I'm going to jump to one more, two more calls before the police chief who have TV viewers.
We can punch him up out there.
He's come to confiscate our guns.
So look at him, he's been hanging out with old Biden.
He's powered, he has a glow to him now.
Been hanging out with Biden up there.
Been hanging out with El Gangster.
So anyways, he's here to confiscate our firearms.
But anyways, that is coming up.
Look at the crew out there.
I'm gonna ask what he thinks of Boston though and martial law.
Thank you so much for the call, Bill.
Let's talk to
Jeff, who wants to give his analysis as military.
Jeff in Canada, what's your take on this?
Alex, thank you so much.
I'm going to be as brief as I can.
Thank you.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes sir, I can.
At approximately 4.10 this morning, I woke up, as I sleep with one eye open usually these days, and began to watch what I call Phase 2 of your operation, which I call Operation Terror Storm x2.
Very good.
What happened at approximately 4.10 this morning was, of course, there was a press conference, and they had a press conference announcing that they had approximately 12 victims in the hospital.
This was the first press conference they did in the hospital after the second shooting of an officer.
This is when they began phase two of announcing there was a DHS, former Department of Homeland Security, security analyst, as they call themselves, on CNN.
She was literally reading, and if you go back to that footage, you can see around 4.30 in the morning, she's literally reading out what's going to happen this whole afternoon.
By the way, she said at 4.30 this morning, 5 o'clock this morning,
This could go all day.
This could go two days.
So we're in a two-day marathon here.
Now it's all a martial law deal on Patriot State.
It teaches to be good slaves.
And they even have said, later today, on the menu, as part of your vacation, we will have a controlled demolition of an explosive.
So be ready for that.
And we'll kill any media we see following us, because we're busy exterminating our patsies right now.
You know, Alex, I did get up at 410 this morning.
It didn't take you very long to get right up to speed, and you were literally right up to speed.
This is a sanitation exercise right now.
We are going after the patsies.
They obviously don't want these people to talk.
You're now dragging out the family members out of their homes, putting them in front of the cameras.
Uh, those families are now going to go through a living hell.
But let's get right back to the script being fed by Department of Homeland Security, former Department of Homeland Security, right to these CNN reporters, by the way.
They were on from 4.30 this morning till about 8 o'clock.
I ask your viewers, who are these two reporters?
Have you ever seen them in your life?
I watch CNN all the time.
Look at 9-11, there was suddenly all these new reporters.
I'm telling you, this is their big move.
And they were going to go with the right-wing deal, but that got screwed up because of the drill being exposed.
And now they've moved to these Chechen cutouts that everybody knows Chechnya is like a CIA-run proxy state against the Russians.
I mean, this is amazing.
Where do you see this ending in closing?
Well, you know, Alex, I just wanted to interject one more thing here.
You have a carjacking, you have a crazy sideways story that the media has tried to juggle between 4.30 this morning and about 8 o'clock this morning until it was really obvious to me that we are in martial law.
They announced a no-fly zone over Boston.
By the way, I had all these military calls on Tuesday.
Do you remember that?
Saying they've been told get ready for martial law to start in Boston on Friday.
And then we had scowls and say there's no way they have that intel.
But when you get ready to go with the soft martial law to condition everybody, you finally gotta tell the troops.
All right, amazing points.
I just remembered those calls Tuesday and Wednesday.
All right, we're going to get Chief Art Acevedo in here, part of Bloomberg's, well he's like Bloomberg's Emperor Palpatine.
He's Darth Vader.
So, and I'm, I'm, I guess,
Newt Gunray.
I'm like, oh, Lord Vader, you are here to help me, but for the Emperor.
All right, so they're all, he's got his, he's got his protection.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Art Acevedo, the Austin Police Chief, now in service to the Sith Lord, Obama, and Michael Moore, as well as Bloomberg.
No, no, he's here, he's a really nice guy, even though he wants to confiscate my firearms.
You were saying during the break, you don't want to take my guns.
Tell me about it.
Okay, that's why I need to come to see you.
I do not believe in gun confiscations of law-abiding Americans of sound minds.
Every time you say that, I challenge you on Twitter to show me where I've ever said we should confiscate guns.
Yeah, but you're there and... But you ignored me.
You didn't answer that because you will not find a soundbite.
You will not find an article.
You won't find anywhere.
Well, I'll be honest.
I didn't see the tweet.
Well, it's on your Twitter.
I tweeted you.
I mean, I can't keep track of all this.
I follow you, Jones, and that's me.
I know.
You plan to put me in a FEMA camp.
I never.
No, no, no, seriously.
Look, look, I joked around because I know you fled communism in Cuba.
And said you ought to move back to Cuba.
Absolutely not.
Because you're, and I'm in it tongue in cheek, but you're, I had to like smoke you out to come down here and confront me.
I know you're not a chicken, you want to come down here and confront me.
No, I just want to get the record straight.
Even though you're like a karate champion, I hear, I better not challenge you to a boxing match like I did with Piers Morgan.
You already did.
No, it's, Piers Morgan was 1776, Piers, that's all I remember.
I have never laughed so hard.
That guy could not handle you at all.
Well, I was a little under the weather when I was there, too, but let's... I want to get into Boston with you and the whole gun control deal, but at the very event you were at, the city councilman, you know, guys had a sign saying, no gun ban.
He said, hey, when we do this, we're going to register you, but then we're going to get your guns later, don't worry.
But that's not what he said.
That's not what he said.
Here's what happened.
But that is the plan.
Register him and then get the guns.
I think that's the fear.
I think that's the fear.
I can tell you right now that this police chief and this police department will never, ever participate in the mass confiscation of firearms of law-abiding Americans.
It'll be done in phases?
No, in zero phase.
We will never participate in that.
It's against our constitution.
You told me the sky would be falling before troops were in Austin.
Why do I always see National Guard and State Guard doing the crowd control now?
No, you said, uh, I told, you talked about troops doing some kind of martial law type thing and it's never happened here.
What's going on in Boston right now?
Uh, you know what, I'm not sure because I'm not there, I'm here.
But isn't that martial law where they're locking most of the city down and saying don't come out and we'll kill the press?
No, the press is there.
No, AP was told.
I'll pull up AP.
They were told you're dead if you come out.
I heard something live on CNN when I was watching where there were some gunshots going on.
They said be careful, you're in the line of fire.
I have not heard anything like that.
The bottom line is what's going on in Boston is they're looking for one more suspect as far as I know from the media reports and they've asked the people in the entire city of Boston to stay indoors.
Would you ever do that in Austin?
For like one guy?
I don't want to be critical because I don't know what we think is for one guy.
We don't have all the information.
I'm sure they have good reason.
It would take a lot for us to tell the entire city of almost a million people here in the city of Boston to everybody stay in.
And Boston's even bigger.
No, we're actually bigger.
We're much more spread.
Yeah, I mean that's the thing that's so frustrating.
I guess we've grown so fast.
We are the fastest growing city and region in the nation.
We're 838,000 folks, probably more like
Closer to 900,000.
We're a region of almost 2 million people.
We're over 300 square miles.
Boston, I think, is about 90.
We're a colony of California.
I don't know about you.
I'm a Texan.
Well, but listen, let's get back to the guns briefly.
Let's be honest, okay?
Crime has dropped 49% violent crime in the last 20 years directly.
Even the FBI has to admit because of gun ownership increasing.
Criminals are scared.
And I can show you those statistics.
Guys, will you roll there the 49% drop in crime rates for the police chief?
We'll show you the numbers from FBI.gov here in a moment.
I mean, explain to me how I have to be penalized because of bad people.
But how are you being penalized?
When you go buy a firearm right now from a licensed dealer, which is where I presume that's where you get your guns, because as a consumer... I don't have any guns.
As a consumer... Only a couple under the counter right here.
Yeah, right, sure.
I got one too.
I know.
As a consumer, you want to protect yourself, make sure you get it from a licensed person so it's not stolen, so you make sure that you're getting something that you can rightfully own.
Listen, it's about, to me, universal background checks is about making sure that the person getting that firearm, we have illegal aliens right now, illegal immigrants that can go into gun shows
Go to a private seller, buy whatever they want.
But they're going to get it anyways!
It's always used to harass.
Here's my issue.
Maybe you really want to do it for law and order and I actually get some of the arguments.
The problem is up top they want the list to take the guns.
Do you know Obama's on record saying he wants to confiscate guns when he was a state senator?
Did you know the Attorney General is?
But that will never happen, Alex.
The Constitution of the United States, the Second Amendment is very clear that we have the right to bear arms.
I know it's a real concern of fear, and rightfully so.
I mean, government needs to be kept in check.
Did Fidel let your parents on guns?
No, absolutely not.
My dad used to actually run guns against Fidel.
You know, my uncle here who is in his eighties is still a CHL holder.
I really believe in that.
Gun running?
My father in Cuba, absolutely.
Well, that's moral to do it against Fidel, but what about Fast and Furious?
That was two different administrations, not just Obama.
But the thing is, when you call me a communist, that really irks me because half of my father's friends were executed by Fidel Castro.
Because only Fidel had the guns.
Only Fidel?
Well, no.
The anti-rebels had guns.
No, but I mean, he ended up getting most of the guns.
Why did Fidel want people's guns?
To control them, obviously.
We'll be right back with the awesome police chief, Art Acevedo.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're good to go.
Alright, Chief R.D.
Cerveda is here with us in studio and we're going to do a whole fourth hour of overdrive.
I know we've got a lot of police and military and people in Boston on the line 800-259-9031 who are going through all this crazy martial law garbage.
Hey, you know Chief, I'm going to get back into guns for a moment, but did you know that
I got all the photos from Anonymous, which we did Google searches on, you can do that search, they're real photos, of Navy SEALs and Feds everywhere, like 20 feet from the bombers.
And there's multiple teams of bombers there.
What are you talking about, Boston?
Yes, Boston.
There's multiple teams of bombers and they are freaking out right now over the photos we've released.
And you know that's why they cancelled the first press conference, they were going to blame it on a right winger.
Now they're busy hunting down the second tier of Patsy's.
What do you say to that?
Well, I don't have all the details, so I'll wait to get more information, but that's the first I've heard of that.
I mean, I've been following a lot of footage, looking into a lot of things.
There's the Washington Times on our story.
Washington who?
The Washington Times.
Where's that from?
That's from Washington.
It's a captured area by foreign banks on the Potomac, on the East Coast.
Can I keep this?
Valuable intelligence.
Thank you very much.
See, I focus very much on Austin.
That's my biggest concern.
Why does the Justice Department love you so much?
Because I think most of the anti-gun police chiefs do act like they can't talk even.
Well, listen, I don't know if they love me or don't love me, but I think that part of our responsibility as law enforcement professionals is to weigh in on public, on matters of public safety.
And, you know, the Major State Chiefs has a position paper on gun policy, and there's, I think the assault weapon ban is something that's supported.
I like to focus not on the guns themselves, but on the prohibited purchasers, the prohibited people that shouldn't have them.
So you're saying you support the assault of this man?
On a personal level, no.
I don't support it.
Oh, so the mayor tells you to, like, that's the policy of Austin?
Once again, I've never, I've never supported, uh... Okay, because, yeah, I mean, a semi-auto's hardly committed any of the crimes, as you know.
Listen, I support common sense, universal background checks.
Or use the Commission of Crime, yeah.
Closing the loophole on criminals.
There are people, look, greed, it's human nature.
People will sell their own mothers if the price is right.
But I mean, Lanza stole his guns.
Most of these guys steal their guns.
But 40% of the guns out there, they're bought from private citizens and I just think we need to close that loophole.
Oh, we're going to hear about these supposed terrorists where they got their guns.
I'm sure we will.
Oh yeah, this is the next false flag against the Second Amendment.
What really concerns me, Alex, is that you protect the Second Amendment.
Listen, if we don't do things to do better in terms of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals,
And other prohibited purchases like people that are getting ready to go do a, uh, with extreme mental illness.
Sooner or later, there'll be the point of, well, we can rock bottom and everything that everybody fears, the, you know, the assault weapons bans and things of that nature, confiscations, may come true if we don't do the right thing, which is, I think universal background checks is the way to go.
Ooh, that's a new spin!
Give us a little or we'll take them all!
Like you told my reporters!
No, no, no.
You said, my reporter, you said, well we already could do door-to-door confiscation if we wanted to.
I said what?
You told my reporter, you said, we could already do door-to-door confiscation.
No, no, that's not what I said.
Yeah, you did.
No, no, what I said, no, what I said was this, and I remember that, he's a great reporter, I really like that kid.
You really had some good young people around you.
What I said was that the fear of the slippery slope keeps being used by certain people to not have universal background checks.
Because if you do universal background checks, then there'll be a registry and that will lead to confiscations.
And what I said was, the day the government decides to confiscate guns, with or without a registry, they're just going to go door to door.
I mean, if that's what they decide to do, which is not realistic, we have millions of guns already in our neighborhoods, that's never going to happen.
You know what would happen if they tried that?
So why are you worried about something that everybody with half a brain knows, A, is not going to happen?
Because they've already done it in many states and counties and cities incrementally.
Sure, it's not going to float like Wrangel has said in the evil South and the Midwest, but everywhere else they pretty much already have taken a lot of the guns and have created the hell holes like Chicago and New York where the crime bosses perch up there on everybody.
And the problem is that those places like Chicago still allow gun violence because it's too easy to get with the loophole in other places.
But why isn't crime higher here?
You can get guns even easier.
The criminals go there because they know there's victims that can't... Why has the... Do you dispute the FBI number of a 49% drop in violent crime since 1991?
No, and then you have to go back to what happened since 1991.
We had the cops bill that added 100,000 police officers, we had the three-strike law, so a lot went into it.
Sure, they locked up a bunch of people, but gun ownership in many university studies, it went up, crime went down.
And after concealed carry goes in, muggings and carjackings plummet because these crooks are scared.
You're making my point.
We have a lot more in common in terms of our views on gun ownership.
I'm all for the CHL process.
It's a tremendous process.
Texans, they're for the Second Amendment, but they're also for responsible gun ownership.
Not just letting any Tom, Dick and Harry run down the street with a bunch of... What you're not listening to is that... Guys, cue up before we go to Mike Martinez, the City Councilman.
I was there, and let me tell you what happened.
Okay, cue him up.
Cue up Mike Martinez.
Go ahead.
I'll give you the play-by-play.
What, if you just, what happened was Mike goes up there to talk, right?
And then there's a guy, there was a big old guy.
He's just saying it's cute.
Go ahead.
I thought they said cute, man.
I said, well, thank you very much.
So there's a big old guy that was a pro-Second Amendment guy standing in the front.
Then there was the guy with that sign, no gun bans.
And the second Council Member Martinez started talking, this big guy yells, you effing liar.
And I don't know if I can say the big, but he used the actual word.
And, uh, then everybody, you know, starts scurrying around and they came up to the guy and... Actually, Martinez said, we're going to make your sign legitimate.
But that's what, I'm not... Ah, we have the video.
I don't think he did.
But, but, but, but I'm telling you what led up to it.
So after the guy tells Mike Martinez that, you know, you're an effing liar.
And then there's a little scuttle down there.
I went down there and said, hey, we're not going to have any problems.
No, a lady came up and hit the guy in the back.
Well, I didn't see that.
We have it all on video.
I don't see this cussing you're claiming.
Oh no, I was there.
I was there.
I was there.
And so, so then Mike sees the sign and made that comment.
But, when you listen to the rest of it, uh, I think he did that.
I was like, we're not going to take your guns right now, but after we finish this work, registration, we are going to need that sign because we're going to make that a reality for you.
I think if you look at that specific, if you took just that sound bite, it would make you believe that he wants to take everybody's guns.
But if you listen to everything he had to say... The Violence Policy Center and Mayors Against Gun Violence, they have all said the abolition of civilian ownership of firearms is the goal.
The UN UNIDIR Treaty, when they tried to pass it in 2001, said there must be an abolition of the civilian ownership of firearms because, I'm quoting, it threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
I can tell you that in this country that'll never happen.
I would never be supportive of it.
And when you talk about gun bans, you can tell people that I'm in favor of gun bans.
I have to call you out because I'm not.
Well, here's the deal.
You're going around with Bloomberg and Joe Biden.
I'm not going around with Bloomberg.
Come on, man.
Joe Biden is a gangster.
Did you have dinner with Joe?
Was Don Carligoni there?
Don Corleone is a character.
No, I know, but Joe Biden is the real thing.
You know what, the Vice President's position, I actually got to meet with him in his office with 11 other police chiefs, and I don't believe for a minute that he would support a total government.
What about him saying go out and shoot a shotgun?
In most areas that's illegal.
Kill your neighbors.
Yeah, I don't know about that.
And says women can't have AR-15s?
They can't use them?
What the hell is he talking about?
That's the best gun for a woman.
I can just tell you that in my meetings with him, person to person, not on the internet or anywhere else, he absolutely, what he's advocating for is not a total gun ban.
He cares about the kids?
Let me ask you a question.
Do you own an AR-15?
No, but I have one assigned to me.
I have an M&P 15.
M&P 15, which is a really nice firearm.
I like guns and I like firearms.
I've always liked to shoot even as a kid.
Hey guys, will you go get the crew?
Bring in the Black 50.
It's unloaded, don't worry.
Bring in the Black Barrett.
I think the police chief wants to see it.
Have Weldon bring it.
You're not scared of a citizen with a gun, are you?
Absolutely not.
It's unloaded, don't worry.
Or any criminals with a gun.
And that's what I support.
To me, subjecting myself to showing an ID and having somebody run a background check that takes three minutes.
You know why I had to say bring in the Black Barrett?
Because we have all these little beauties in our stable.
Where's the bombshell throughout, so I need to go?
When it all starts, the apocalypse, I don't even know where to go, Jones.
Well, you know, when they plunge, they are gearing up.
They're digging in.
Why is the government buying billions of bullets and armored vehicles?
And I have army manuals where they're training for gun confiscation, and they use the term re-education camp of libertarians.
I haven't seen that, so I can't... Okay, well, let's play Mike Martinez first, since I mentioned it.
Here it is for radio and TV viewers.
Here it is.
Are we on TV, too?
Yes, yes, we're on TV, too, and our computer system has been having major heart attacks, but... That must be the federal government, right?
No, no, no, it's this piece.
Here it is.
I've got a proclamation on behalf of the Mayor and City Council that we want to present, but I want to say a couple of words, and I'll be brief.
Thank you so much.
First of all, to the gentleman who's dying for attention, someone needs to inform him that there is no gun ban currently, but...
Mom, the work that we're doing here today, we will make your side win.
I don't ever see him or hear him.
Alex Jones here for InfoWars.com.
Okay, there you go.
Who's that guy?
Now guys, then next, cue up Dianne Feinstein, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
You have that cued up, tell me when you're ready, go ahead.
But you didn't, that was, that clip doesn't show the other, the gentleman that you saw with the hat on, the glasses, is the one that said... We have it in high def everywhere and cannot hear him saying that.
You know what, show me the unedited version of that, because I was there, and I guarantee you it's there.
Well, I mean, from behind, you hear him say something after... Oh, okay, now I hear... No, no, no, no, no, after... No, but I can't hear what he's saying.
Martinez says, hey, he says something like, you hear that wants attention, then he says something.
No, no, no, no, the guy told me I'm a liar, and that's when Mike said that.
And you know what, Mike... Why would he say I'm a liar before he even talked?
The guy clearly says...
Because that was after the little verbal altercation.
Here's Dianne Feinstein.
Let's expand on this.
If she had the votes, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn your assault rifles in.
60 minutes.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Here it is.
I could not do that.
The votes weren't here.
Hey, anyways, you wanna go out and shoot it sometime?
At the real Steiner Ranch.
Absolutely, yeah.
Yeah, let me know.
The 12,000 acre one out by Bastrop.
Let me know, I'd love to go.
You wanna go?
And then, you know what's funny is that I watch and I follow you.
You get beat up for being too nice for me.
Then some people beat me up for... That's too heavy for me, man.
Oh no, it's not.
And then some people beat me up for spending time with you, but I think that the amendment that means a lot to me, too, is the First Amendment.
I believe in diversity, too.
Bring in the Brown Barrett!
Oh, Jones.
Black, brown, white, children, silver, all living together in freedom.
You're a good way to end the week.
So I believe in your First Amendment.
Hey, you told me you're going to see a movie today.
I want to go see Oblivion today with Tom Cruise.
That does look like a good movie.
Yeah, we'll see how it looks like.
I'll give you a review.
Why do you think Bloomberg can have 15 security detail but he doesn't want his citizens of New York to have guns?
You know what?
I don't know.
Are you, is the Bloomberg in you a little uncomfortable right now?
You got a loaded gun, huh?
No, absolutely.
I do have a loaded gun.
You never know when I might have to defend myself.
Here, let's do a brief.
I don't see a fellow, a slave with a gun scary, but see.
We're gonna take you out and see if you can shoot a hundred rounds through this.
All right, we'll do it.
Actually, it doesn't even kick that bad.
You know what kicks?
Is the single shot ones that don't have the spring recoil.
Is what?
Now that kicks.
The single shot, uh, what, uh, fifties?
Fifties, yeah.
Yeah, like a, like a grizzly.
You do agree that A, I'm not a communist.
I want for the record your listeners to know that I'm not a communist.
You're going to take that back.
You know I'm not a communist.
And B, I've never supported gun bans.
Listen, I don't think you're probably a bad guy.
What kind of budget do you guys have?
How can you afford all this?
I'm telling you, this is a good operation.
Let me ask you a question.
How much does this run?
How much does this run?
Uh, when I got it, $5,000.
It's worth about... Oh my gosh!
No, no, no.
Hey, I am going to... I want you to... Guess how much it's worth now.
How much is it now?
Oh my goodness.
You're going to need security just for your arsenal.
I don't have an arsenal.
That's actually pretty sweet.
Yeah, so which one do you like?
The first one.
This is what the Coast Guard uses for helicopters on a sling so they can shoot through ships and sink them.
Well, let me tell you something about the Supreme Court.
Don't you feel safer knowing I'm here?
Of the Martians invade?
Let me tell you something.
I know where I'm coming to get my arsenal.
When the Walking Dead comes true, I'm coming to Alex Jones' house, bunker, his ranch, wherever he's at.
I'm going to find him and I'm going to get some ammo from him.
No, no, seriously, I knew with the gun grabbing that these would only go up in price, so that's why I got them.
It's an investment.
Seriously, how much do they run for?
Uh, $25,000 now.
Are you serious?
Yeah, I bought this for $5,000.
And that one, $5,000, that's $10,000, so right now I'm looking at $10,000.
How many of these do we have?
I'm not going to tell Bloomberg that.
Anyways, I'm just breaking the taboo here.
But no, let's get serious here for a minute.
Let's talk about the Supreme Court.
I think overall that you're playing ball politically and you can argue, hey, if we controlled guns that might actually be a good thing.
The problem is it's not being done from on high from that perspective.
They are harassing... Did you see the veteran up by Temple in the middle of nowhere walking with a gun?
And they arrest him.
Have you seen that viral video?
No, but... Of the Master Sergeant?
A guy being arrested?
We don't know what it's about.
No, no, no.
He's walking down a rural road with his son with a rifle.
And so, how do you know it's not for warrant or something?
No, no.
They say on the video.
His son videotapes it.
And he says, it's only legal to carry a loaded rifle.
And he goes, well, you scared people, so we're not going to let you walk down the rural road.
I don't know anything about it.
But back to the, uh, I just wanted, I want to see if I heard this right on KOBJ when the Donner thing was going on in LA, Christopher Donner.
I remember hearing you on KOBJ saying that the Austin Police Department is a model police department and the rest of the nation should be like us.
Uh, yes.
Yes, I did say that.
You remember that?
Only... Well, look at me now.
I want you to... Well, no, no, because they're so bad.
I mean, I mean, I mean, it's like, kind of like... We're pretty darn good.
It's like if there were like 20 latrines at the, uh, you know, at the NASCAR race.
Well, ours flush, right?
And, and, exactly.
And like one of them has not, you know, been overflowed yet.
So it's kind of like the choice.
No, no, I mean, I'll tell you, I know a lot of Austin police.
I've been all over the country.
Police are scary in New York.
They're scary.
They're in your face.
They look like goons out of a movie.
So I will say Austin police are about as good as I've run into.
Thank you very much.
And we appreciate you.
And you've got a lot of fans in the Austin Police Department.
I'm one of them.
Well all I know is how did you get sucked into the White House to literally be the salacious crumb to Obama?
Because... You know he is the guy that sits on Jabba's leg.
You know what, because I really believe that we, it's my duty as a peace officer to weigh in on matters and policy of public safety.
And what I keep telling folks is if we did a better job keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and crazy people, we wouldn't be talking about assault weapons bans or any weapons bans.
It just would not happen.
But the issue is crazies will always get guns and Dianne Feinstein says her ultimate goal is to register to then confiscate.
They've done this everywhere else.
I'm not, I will never be in favor of confiscation.
But you're not the one that's going to be running things.
I'm just telling you that neither of the vast majority are American.
How long are you going to be in Austin?
How long do you take the Justice Department job as the head of the ATF?
I'm never going to, I don't want to work anywhere.
I like it here.
I want your job when I, I want to be the next Alex Jones.
Hey, you promise to go shoot 50 cows with us for the gun show?
I will.
Yeah, I will go with you.
Let's go!
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Cervedo is here, the Austin Police Chief.
I'm doing a whole other hour with your phone calls.
You can all beat me up after I leave.
By the way, my reporter just came in here, and I was going from memory.
See, that guy tricked you.
A guy behind him said... Well, that's another... Nephew.
We had a longer conversation.
There was more than one nephew.
There's more than one FU.
But I'm not here making it up that the guy didn't cuss.
I haven't seen that on the video.
Yeah, no, no, that's it.
I know you gotta go see a Tom Cruise movie.
You're welcome to go watch the raw footage.
No, I mean, I was there.
The raw footage is right here, brother.
So are you a Scientologist now?
I'm joking.
That's a joke.
Hey, seriously, you wanted to talk about the Supreme Court ruling.
I just, look, I get beat up all the time.
Listen, let me just say this to your listeners.
We are a nation of laws, and as a nation of laws, we have to operate under the rule of law.
And here's the deal.
The Supreme Court SCOTUS, right, gets to decide and interpret the law.
I get beat up for my no refusal weekends on drunk drivers I have no use for, where it's a violation of the Fourth Amendment!
Violation of the Fourth Amendment!
Like the Travis County DA driving the wrong way down the road?
They actually took blood on her with a search warrant.
Should the footage be released of her?
Yes, and I think it will be.
Should she resign?
I don't know, because I haven't seen the... Well, she sounded drunk when she got up the next day.
I'll just leave it at that.
She's my friend, so I'd rather not... A fellow gun-grabbing Democrat?
I don't know what her position is.
I don't know.
She's a Democrat!
Are you a Democrat?
How about Gun Grabbers Anonymous?
I could help you and Piers Morgan join it.
I'm not a gun grabber.
Stop saying that.
Hey, you like that 50, don't you?
Yeah, I do, actually.
We're going to go out.
We are going shooting.
You're not afraid of Bloomberg to see you?
Listen, you have to understand something.
Part of the thing that by weighing in on those issues, you get to keep people a little bit more to the center, not too far to the left.
I think that life's about moderation.
I don't like anything too far to the right or too far to the left.
But only in Transylvania during full moon!
No, only when you're out there.
But once again, they reaffirmed the fact that regardless of what people's personal views are on the Fourth Amendment or the Fifth Amendment or whatever they want to invoke, that the Supreme Court once again has made it very clear that there are no refusal weekends where when we get a search warrant,
We are able, legally, constitutionally, to draw your blood.
The second piece is, that this police chief, because I believe in the rule of law, and I believe in our constitution, and I believe in our institutions, the second that ruling came out, we stopped relying on the transportation code, and I told my folks, we will no longer do, immediately, effective immediately, we will no longer do non-consensual, warrantless blood draws.
I don't care what the... But you still tried it.
Did we try it?
Well, because it was... Well, here's my issue.
You did it before.
I work late a lot.
I drove home at 5 a.m.
You told me that story and you were weaving.
No, I wasn't.
I don't remember the whole story.
What story was that?
One day you were driving home at... One day you were driving home at 5 a.m.
and this cop from the Austin PD came out of nowhere and stopped you for suspicious drunk driving.
I drove home at 5 a.m.
the other day.
Oh no, you told me another one.
This is like my fifth time with you, so... I know, but the point is, there's like cops everywhere.
And the point is, it's not illegal to drive late at night.
Not like I've been driving by neighborhoods, by garages or something.
So what happened?
Yeah, but you got cops pulled behind you and run your plates and stuff like that.
Okay, and so what do you think we're supposed to do?
Well, they need to be arresting Obama for Fast and Furious.
We don't, what started under the new administration, but here's the deal.
Let me tell you something.
We get paid to try to prevent crime from occurring.
We get paid to try to
Well, let me ask you this, it's coming out that the illegal aliens are allowed to drink and drive.
Do you arrest illegals when they're drunk?
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I think so.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones.
Hey, we've got Police Chief Harding here.
I'm talking over my own intro.
Hey, your dad ran guns, you're saying, against the Communists.
I admire that.
And now, Obama is literally a weatherman, and you're here trying to help him get everybody's guns.
Listen, I've listened to all the President's statements and what he's really supporting is trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
That's my opinion.
You know, his health care plan doubles the rates for people.
See, now, I'm not going to talk about policy has nothing to do with it.
But, I mean, Obama is horrible.
Well, then don't vote for him.
I mean, that's just the way it is.
Whether you like a president or not, he... Well, you're always nice to come in.
What do you think about the Boston situation?
How they said, we have someone arrested and we think, did it?
Oh, now we're not having a press conference and now it's these guys.
Listen, Ed Davis, the commissioner, is a friend of mine.
He's a real honorable man.
When those things happen... Is that the giant guy?
Well, he's not.
I love you, man.
I think he's got Fred Flintstone as deputy chief.
I don't know.
Listen, when those things happen, a lot of information comes out.
Half of it's the media runs with stuff.
They hear a rumor that's unconfirmed and they start reporting it as gospel.
There's a lot of chaos.
There's a lot of confusion.
And so I can tell you that I know that at some point I will get from Ed Davis a very in-depth briefing.
Lessons learned, what went right, what went wrong.
I'm just thankful that not that many people were injured or killed.
My heart goes out to all the victims.
We had about 26 members of our department running.
Oh wow, that's terrible.
At the finish line.
Barely missed it.
It's terrible.
Good thing they missed it.
Let me ask you this.
If there was an event, God forbid, like that in Austin, let's say the Capital 10K or something had a bombing like that, would you lock the city down?
Are they now going to have proctology exams at any public event in Austin?
No, but I think here's what we have to be cognizant of.
You know, at airports, people wouldn't just leave a bag and walk away from it.
And unfortunately, if you go to our races, especially at the beginning, at the finish and the starting line, you'll see bags all over the place.
But you're never going to... Listen, they had 400 troops, thousands of police.
You can't stop it.
You can't stop it.
I mean, in fact, if I was a terrorist and there was a security line, I would go to it.
Yeah, you can't stop everything, but I think when you do, Austin, we're so laid back, we just got to be a little bit more aware and just be a little bit more responsible.
And at the end of the day, a little more aware, people are trying to get our guns, a little more aware.
Yeah, I'm not in favor of that.
And I don't know of anybody that, I don't know of anything in the legislation that other than the assault weapons piece that I'm, like I said, I'm opposed to.
Let me ask you this, this is my final point on that.
No, the last version that I saw, you could go to a panel of doctors to actually go to appeal it.
A Bloomberg panel?
No, not a Bloomberg panel.
But again, remember,
But see, that's not adjudicated.
I want a court to rule someone is insane.
I think that that's what it is.
That is exactly what it is, is the last version I saw, where you have to be legally adjudicated as being mentally... And at some point, if you get better, you can actually go back and have your rights restored.
So, I'm not afraid of it.
What about the dad whose son says, I'm going to shoot people with a water gun, so they take all his guns?
Did you see that?
I don't know anything about that.
I don't think that shooting someone with a water gun is the end of the world.
I'm not worried about that.
I know, but see, it's the nanny state weirdos that run everything.
Life's about moderation.
Everything in moderation, everything in moderation is good.
Things to the extremes and anything is not good.
Well, let me ask you this.
When are we going to go shoot the 50 cows?
Uh, let me, you know, let me know.
And, uh, anytime.
Now, I mean, I know you're, I mean, I know that the Justice Department may not like that.
I'm not worried about that.
You know what?
I'm being sarcastic.
What about, I mean, your PR lady does not seem excited about it.
Listen, here's the deal.
Here's what's funny is that you and I actually, I like you, I think you're a great American, but you're going to get beat up because you're too nice to me and I'm going to get beat up from some people for being too nice to you, but hey, that's life.
I happen to like you and I enjoy you.
Well, I think you're a nice guy, too.
I just hope you're not, like, deep cover New World Order sleeper cell.
You sure you're not working for Fidel?
I hope that son of a gun is dead.
It's a joke.
He's dead.
It's a joke.
He's the guy at Weekend at Bernie's.
I think he is dead.
They just roll him out and they just do this and send him back in.
Chief, thanks for coming in with us.
You bet.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hard to believe it's already the 20th anniversary of Waco.
It's been more than 20 years since the Feds cooked a bomb, trained the driver, and carried out the attack on the World Trade Center with their two idiot patsies.
Source on that, New York Times, CBS News.
In fact, guys, I didn't play that days ago.
I had the guys re-put the CBS News cast in there.
I know we got a bunch of clips I haven't played.
We're in overdrive right now.
I apologize.
Everybody had to hold.
And I'm glad the police chief came in, but he was scheduled like a week ago.
And that guy is so unbelievably charming and quite frankly manipulative, it's hard to even be mean to him.
He's got a theme behind the scenes.
That guy will probably end up being the dictator of the country or something.
No, I'm joking.
Anyways, we're going to think about shooting and we're going to turn him over to the Republic side.
We'll have Art...
Ace DeVito wearing a tri-cornered hat before we're done with him.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Michael in Illinois Air Force.
Let's talk about Boston and drill in Chicago.
Thanks for holding, sir.
You're on the air.
I completely agree with your assessment of what transpired in Boston.
It was definitely a drill, and with these types of operations, I mean, you clearly have any number of players in the mix.
So for instance, with the Kraft
No, that's why there's a cover-up and they were going to go with the redneck
The leftist media couldn't help it and said, yes, it's a lone redneck, we've got you.
And then we release the photos and they go, oh no, now we're not.
And then they went with the Arab angle, which, knowing them, that's how they run operations.
Just because that's what they do over and over again.
They had all these multiple avenues with other groups of patsies there.
But I mean, who knows if that's even true?
They've got Boston locked down to hunt down and get rid of the patsies.
That's what I believe is the most probable scenario unfolding from the pathological behavior I've seen from these people before.
What do you think?
Oh, I think you're spot on and I was just listening to an interview with Sybil Edmonds the other day and she was, you know, talking about Gladio version 2 and this completely fits that scenario.
I mean, she even talked about the, you know, the Chechnyan guys and the Russian connection and all that good stuff.
She talked about this before it even came out?
Let's get Sybil Edmonds back on ASAP, folks.
I think it's like...
Frog something, Boiling Frogs is her website.
But yeah, she was an FBI translator who heard the government running Al Qaeda on 9-11.
If Gladio has been declassified by the Italians, partially by the Germans, and partially by the U.S., over 200 bombings carried out across Western Europe, blowing up school buses, trains, you name it, to blame political enemies, anytime people got uppity, then why wouldn't NATO do it now?
That's my question.
Who stands to gain from this?
Can I go on?
Yes, sir.
Oh, okay.
So the next piece I wanted to toss out there in light of Gladio, in light of the unfolding events in Boston, is information I picked up yesterday.
So here in Chicago, Cybele refers to Chicago many, many times as a major hub of operations for Gladio version 2.
And yesterday there was a DHS seminar, if you will, at one of the large towers in Chicago, and it was called Violence in the Workplace.
And when the folks went to it, they were surprised that it was really in reference to terrorism in the workplace, and the possibility of an event occurring in Chicago.
And the officials went on to state that there is a command post in this particular tower, and there will be a significant drill in May, like on a Sunday.
So everyone's ears are like, you know, completely up on this, and just want the shot.
Oh yeah, stay away from all drills.
And again, usually there's not an event.
But they practice also lying to the public.
I've been to a drill in Temple, Texas, that's in my film Road to Tyranny.
And they, we knew about it beforehand, and the Army Bomb Squad comes over and goes, get out of here.
And we go, no, we're not going to.
And they had Marines there.
And the police were there and threatened us.
And they go on the news and say Temple was hit by terrorists.
And then the next day, it's in the paper that Temple was hit by terrorists.
But in the last line, they admit it was just a drill to, like, psyop people.
I mean, this is beyond bizarre.
And again, it's all about creating this perception of something that doesn't really exist.
And that's what these active shooter drills are, and schools, all of it.
Look, if they'll drone a whole village, you know, to get, quote, one bad guy on a couple of stuff they do, they'll do anything.
Thank you very much, Michael.
Let's talk to Kevin in Boston.
Thanks for holding.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you, buddy.
You know, downtown area and Cambridge, which is very close to Boston and Watertown, it's all on lockdown.
The streets look like a ghost town.
The reason I'm calling is I was up all night listening to the police scanner and watching the news and seeing how things were unfolding.
Over at MIT, there was a police officer shot, and the police scanner said,
That the individuals got into a black Mercedes and were driving towards Watertown, which is, I believe, northwest of Cambridge.
Yeah, where did college students get all this money?
Yeah, and the gun.
Go ahead.
The thing that concerns me is what I picked up on the police scanner was the police saying that there are shots being fired
from a stolen state police SUV and the reports of the automatic gunfire or semi-automatic gunfire didn't happen until they reported that you know these individuals were in the stolen state police SUV and the explosions that they say were going on is I mean I'm just speculating here
But if this was a black SUV, that was a state police SUV, it might have been a special forces, and they might have had an automatic weapon, a semi-automatic weapon in there, and they also might have had grenades in there.
I mean, I'm speculating.
No, sure, but they're saying, they said the Mercedes, they said the SUV, that much I know.
We should look into it being, look up state police SUV stolen.
And yeah, I was hearing grenades.
I mean, you don't, grenades are incredibly hard to get.
I mean, those are super well-guarded.
And yeah, they were describing hand grenades being thrown like a James Bond movie.
Look, it's all speculation at this point, but they may be mopping up special forces they were planning to burn.
You have no... I mean, that probably is a hunter-killer operation.
You know, they tell the cops, that's the terrorist.
Get him.
And there were reports they got a naked guy and then shot him.
I mean, they're just... God only knows what they're really doing in the city right now.
And it's despicable.
And it shows how we're becoming a third world country.
Because when there's no rule of law, a bunch of strong men just take over.
It's good to hear from you, glad you're doing okay there in Boston.
Let's talk to Mel, also listening in Massachusetts.
Where are you in Mass, sir?
How you doing?
I'm about 40 miles away, but my daughter, she's in Watertown, and she said there's police everywhere, on lockdown, and the MBT's closed.
Notice lockdown!
Now we have prison planet terms.
We're now in lockdown.
We're now prisoners.
Go ahead.
No, but it is.
That's what martial law is, is lockdown.
It's normal.
Civil law is suspended and it's ruled by military force.
This is martial law, period.
I got a couple of talking points if you don't mind.
Sure, go ahead.
Alright, I got an answer to one of your questions I've been hearing you ask a couple times today.
You're asking why are they going after the returning vets?
Well, my theory is because they trained them so they know what they're capable of and in the future it's to keep the other, you know, soldiers subordinate, pretty much.
And another thing with the Department of Homeland Security
I mean, they've had 12 years since 9-11.
I mean, how many people have they caught?
Other than, you know, jockstraps and underwear and, you know, groping everybody.
You know, I mean, 12 years and they didn't get it right this time.
Nobody know, all these bomb-sniffing dogs and thousands of people and nobody saw anybody, you know, leave a backpack.
Oh yeah, I mean, the place is crawling.
Crawling with special ops and police right where the bomb goes off.
And then they don't want to talk about that.
Like, we had people on the spot trying to stop it.
We failed.
That makes them heroes.
No, they don't want to discuss because there was a drill.
And why do you run a drill?
To stop the regular police from going up and talking to the suspicious ne'er-do-wells.
Because normally you would go question those people at the finish line.
Looking incredibly shifty.
That's why you do a drill, so you can get the bombs in place.
They've done it in Madrid, and in London, and in Mali, and in Dubai, and they do it over, and over, and over again.
I am so sick of it.
And then the media comes out, they have the LA Times here, sir, saying that I am a giant fat rat with a huge, and then I say flying monkeys were there, that's a quote, with Navy SEALs.
Thinking their readers are dumb.
This Alex Jones guy says there were flying monkeys and Navy SEALs.
There it is.
What a loon!
Alex Jones says Navy SEALs were there, backed up by flying monkeys.
And that I'm a rat coming out of a sewer.
And then a whole article saying I'm completely insane.
And that there are no Navy SEALs, okay?
So there you go, folks!
And they're blocking these photos everywhere because they want to destroy my name and say I'm a liar when all I'm doing... And it's too late because it's already in newspapers now about who are the private security people.
Good to hear from you, sir.
We're going to skip this network break because we're already in overdrive here.
Let's go to Steve in Washington.
Thanks for holding your on the air, Steve.
How you doing today?
Yeah, Alex.
That's a crazy world, man.
Crazy life.
It is.
Long time listener.
First time caller.
In fact, I've listened to you for so long, I feel like I almost know you.
I'm ex-military.
Spent five years with the 82nd.
I've been awake for a long, long time.
I come from a grandfather who was actually pretty high up in the Masons, and he woke me up a long time ago.
But just a comment on this whole Boston bombing, you know.
I think, honestly, one thing that is important to look at through all this is
With the whole changing of the script, obviously we know they were probably going to come after the veteran, the Constitutionalist, to lock us down even further.
And I think one reason they've flipped the script so hard is to directly but indirectly try and discredit you and your amazing team and everything you've done by exposing these photos, the questions Dan was asking, you know, at the press conferences.
Absolutely fabulous job.
So kudos to you and your team.
Thank you.
God bless you for everything you do.
Thank you.
Yeah, guys, let's get Dan Bodondi on the roll.
I want to get him on now.
I want to get him on after we take some more calls to try to go ahead and get him lined up.
Dan Bodondi, I mean, it takes a lot of courage to march in there with the FBI, ATF, all these globalists knowing who they are, and then just take over their press conference with real questions.
You know, to Michael Savage's credit, I didn't hear it.
Paul Watson listens to it when he's doing updates at night.
I listen sometimes, usually I don't have time.
He's a writer who listens to Savage over the internet when he's in England.
And he said Savage was going, of course you want to ask who these Navy SEALs are.
You want to ask who all this security is right by the bomb.
I mean, of course this should be brought up.
Of course there's witnesses with a drill.
I mean, that is a normal thing.
And now, they are all over the news today just saying, I am despicable, I am the scum of the earth.
I've never seen them on my website saying, we're coming for you, we're going to put our boots on your neck, we're going to kill you.
Look, I already know you killed that little eight-year-old kid.
I mean, I know you can come kill me.
I mean, I hate to take it away from you guys out there, but I mean, I know the danger I'm in.
So you don't scare me.
I mean, I hope you get that through your head.
I mean, somebody's got to stand up to you.
And look, you're not going to shut me down by making me a rat on the cover of the LA Times.
You're not going to shut me down by killing me.
The info goes forward because ideas are bulletproof.
And I want you to get that through your little brain.
Anything else, Steve?
No, you know, someone who has a master's degree in communication studies, you know, I watch these news events and I see the government goon squads right now in Boston going through the neighborhoods, you know, completely geared up.
These are the real terrorists.
I mean, they're inflicting just as much terror on that city right now as the actual bombs that went off, you know, back on Monday.
No, no, it's traumatic mind control.
It's planting their flag on everybody and urinating all over them.
And the average cop doesn't even know that.
But I mean, it's just pure mob psychology.
Get everybody used to troops going in and out of houses and saying, you're on lockdown.
This is martial law.
And now I think to the calls Tuesday and Wednesday of military, who sound incredible to me, going, we're getting ready.
We're being told to get ready to start rolling out Friday.
And of course, they tell them that to see if they'll do it.
It's also to gauge.
But I had call after call for military, current active duty, saying we're getting told ready to roll out on Friday.
Go ahead.
You know, I spent five years with the 82nd Airborne from 94 to 99.
And even back then, I could tell they were testing the waters with us to see how far we would go and do things, you know, as far as, you know, violating posse comitatus and doing things against the American citizenry.
You know, it's absolutely ridiculous what they've done to our military, what they're doing to our republic, the Constitutional Republic.
And every time I hear any of our politicians get up there and talk about the democracy we live in, I just want to puke.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
I've read a lot of criminology.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, let's just say, this isn't a democracy, this is a constitutional republic.
You're right, it is.
You know, obviously, you know, when you hear the words democracy come out of their mouths, they have absolutely no idea on the original founding of this country.
Well, they mean democracy.
If 51% says, take our guns, we do.
If 51% say, get rid of the borders, we do.
If 51% say, we have no rights, we have no rights.
You can't take my rights.
You can't vote my rights away.
God bless you, sir.
It's that simple.
And, you know, here's the problem the collectivists have.
They may have a large portion of people sheep-like, scared, cowardly, dumbed down.
But there's a large portion of us that aren't, and we know what's going on.
And look, I've studied a lot of history, I've studied a lot of manhunts, a lot of things like that.
If you really wanted this, you would set up checkpoints only at key areas you thought the person was in.
There's no point in checkpoints citywide and bringing everything to a stop.
It's ridiculous.
The guy will just stay in one spot.
You can't search a city of 700,000 people or whatever it is.
It's asinine.
And what you do is you put undercover people out everywhere and you'd ask the public for help.
You wouldn't have just big groups of men marching around behind armored vehicles bulging their eyeballs out.
I mean, it is just pure
These are the jail guards.
You're on lockdown and they're parading around in their riot gear inside the prison.
This is pure prison psychology.
Prison planet.
Let's go to Chris in Utah.
Go ahead.
What's your point?
You're on the air.
All right, Alex, thank you.
Good morning, or good afternoon, actually.
Listen, I've got two things I'd like to bring up.
One of them is no mention of the other three explosive devices that were supposedly found almost within four or five hours after the devices were exploded.
Or the JFK Library.
Now, this whole thing's a giant cover-up of what really happened.
One of those devices, I mean, they named the location.
Now, I don't know the suburbs around Boston, but, you know, I think that implies in and of itself that there were other actors that were involved in all of this.
The other thing I'd like to share with a 43-year career, both clinically and as an executive working in a hospital,
involves the decedent's body this morning as he was laying in the street.
I listened to a physician, I don't know if it was the coroner or a trauma physician at one of the local hospitals, but he described that he had gunshot wounds, blast wounds, and had been apparently run over by the auto of the younger brother.
Yet when you look at the
Uh, the remains of the body.
Uh, he's laying in a perfectly prone position as the police would place you in.
But look at the film of his hands.
His fingers are totally hyper-extended.
When, when your body, um, expires, your hands go into what they call a position of function.
Yeah, rigor mortis.
Well, but see it takes a while for that to set in.
What I'm saying is the position of function is like you're holding a Coke can, but in a very limp way.
And your hands would never be hyperextended unless rigor had started to set in.
So that is just simply an observation.
The other thing is... Sure, there's no way he's dead with his hands hyperextended.
He's obviously alive saying, I've seen the photo you're talking about now.
They said that may be somebody else.
Go ahead.
No, if he'd been shot several times, had blast injuries, as this physician was describing, and had been hit by an auto, he would be totally unconscious.
The other thing is that when you expire, your eyes are always open.
And I'll tell you that that's experienced from being a Vietnam-era Navy Corpsman that served with the Marine Corps, one of the first EMTs in the country, later a nurse, critical care background,
I will tell you that when people expire, their eyelids are open and their hands are limp.
Sure, everybody knows that.
I mean, I'm not a medical person and I know that.
But I mean, it's just an observation because this individual, the older brother, was supposedly already expired.
Sir, nothing about this is true.
They've been lying the whole time.
That's my point.
They're known liars, now involved in a flaunting of martial law power.
All part of the takeover because they're getting ready to implode the economy and they've got to have us prepared and ready for martial law.
And Obama executive orders for gun confiscations.
This is a lunatic takeover and they want us to have cops everywhere see this and get it normalized and the public to get normalized.
Great points Chris.
Let's go to Dan Bodondi who everyone is just marveling at taking over
Just with info, real questions.
The media tries to call him a heckler.
No, I mean, why are there the drill?
Why'd you lie about the drill?
Who are all these troops?
Dan, great job.
What do you want to say about what you've witnessed today and what's happening now in Massachusetts to the area that you're from?
Yeah, so far it's been a long day.
I still gotta go over to West Springfield to the Dunlop bar.
I went to Lexington first.
The police wiped off all the area and they told everybody if you step on that line, you'll be arrested.
Now, we were there with the Oath Keepers.
Nobody wanted to go through that.
I mean, sure, while the rest, there's martial law in the state, Oath Keepers can't be on the green.
Yeah, it's because they can't have real Americans on the green.
Now, give me your take on taking over the press conferences.
I think it's just a victory for InfoWars here and a victory for freedom and truth because no matter how they came out tonight, it's evidence.
I mean, like you said, InfoWars got hit with 100,000 hits a minute and people are now questioning,
He ran into people that thought it was the government.
Yeah, and they didn't come on camera.
And one media guy said he does agree with us, but he said he can't come on camera because... Hey, let me ask you this.
What about when I heard you bullhorning CNN?
You took that over, too.
Oh yeah, I was charged up when I left there, as you could hear me last night.
I was charged up and I told my guys, you know what?
Hold on, we've got Dan Bodondi, also known as the Kraken.
Release the Kraken.
Your secret nickname is now public.
We'll come right back to you in more callers.
The Kraken is our guest.
Release the Kraken.
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks around.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking to.
I'll be gone.
I'll be gone, like I said.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
if we're in overdrive right now, we're here live.
Say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
And then we'll be back tonight at 7 o'clock central.
I'm going to have Jakari Jackson and David Knight come in here with a bunch of other reporting because I tend to get burnout.
Then they'll cover everything.
They'll come in here all fresh in about 30 minutes and continue to take your calls and cover news for a couple hours.
We have audio and video streams at Infowars.com forward slash listen.
And we do appreciate all your support out there.
We're just trying to fight the globalists just like you are.
And trying to build a platform to stand up against the New World Order and all the things they're doing.
It's really that simple.
But going back to Dan Badani, then I'll go to all these other callers.
Dan, what do you make... Tell us more of what was happening, but try to speak a little bit lower, because you're overdriving your cell phone.
Tell us what else you witnessed.
You're out there bullhorning.
Did the police try to violate your First Amendment?
They came over to our cell.
What happened?
You can't be in the street.
We got on the sidewalk.
They said you need to commit to be on the sidewalk.
I'm like, excuse me, you said the rest of the press was here.
I'm with the press too.
And they made every excuse in the world.
So what they did, I had two shadow camera guys with me.
They, you know, they did the, you know, familiar police tactic.
They got in the middle of us to try to separate us because they were about to arrest us.
They were eyeing to arrest us, and I got close to my camera guy again, and they're trying to hold us apart.
And I told them, the only thing that saved my thought, is I told them we're on a live transmission feed right now.
They backed off quick.
They said we have to go down the other end of the street.
They were ready to arrest us.
Well, if they were to arrest you, it would be a major incident because they don't want attention to get out about what we're covering.
Now, you told me you had people come over and try to stop you at the press conference, too, bringing up a pertinent question.
Who are all these private security right around where the bomb went off?
Why do you say there wasn't a drill?
Tell us what happened behind the scenes.
Alright, um, basically I sat down, uh, my, uh, buddy got up there a little bit late, but he gave me photographs.
Yeah, I could tell it was the guy next to me, or behind me, I mean, he was, uh, fed, you know, disguised as a reporter.
He's loose, he's peeking over my shoulder, everything, the time I made a text message.
Well, anyway, I got handed photographs.
He jumps up, he throws some guy in the back, and I guess I heard in the hallway, where, you know, they came out, um, they got photographs.
So, a woman comes out, and she gets on the podium and says, the conference is gonna be doing about five minutes of getting things together.
That's right, you had printouts of the people of interest.
Trying to show them and they said you only come to us.
We're the only credible people in the world.
Look at nothing else.
I mean how?
Ridiculous, and when they did that everybody went to info wars.com instead.
It's like whatever you do Don't look under my bed.
Just look anywhere you want.
Don't look there
That's right, and the photos were one of the Navy SEALs?
We're not afraid of you.
I said, well you better be afraid of truth and liberty because it's coming your way and you criminals are going to jail for killing innocent people.
And they backed off.
And I stood my ground.
And the media come over to me.
I had an entourage of media.
And we showed the photos.
We were saying, go to Influence.com for more information.
And we were basically explaining what the photos are.
And this is why the FBI stated, do not go anywhere else for photos but there.
And that made them look bad.
I mean, I see nauticals and whatnot in London.
Boy, they're not used to that.
They're not used to that when you say, hey, I think you're involved in a false flag.
They're so used to everybody being so scared.
And it's not that we're stupid.
I mean, we know the price we can pay.
I know you know as a father.
But in the final equation, Dan, why are you doing what you're doing?
Because I have a responsibility that, uh, you know, that parchment paper that's written by a father of fathers says, those who have the ability have responsibility and duty to, um, you know, to do what we're doing, man.
You got that, I got that, and everybody else here for once has got that, and that's what we're doing.
We know we're risking our lives right now.
I know, I mean, I was nervous driving home when I dropped my parties off.
I was driving down the highway, a black hawk may not know what the heck was gonna hit me, and I mean, and, uh, I was gonna be running off the road.
I come here, I'm at, uh, Cambridge Street now,
When I got out of the car, I had almost every fed, the FBI, just staring at me like I was Satan himself.
And I had a provocateur with a camera in my face, like most of the time, you know, yelling insults about you and Infowars and trying to provoke a fight with me and, you know, he's causing a big frenzy over there.
I mean, he's causing a big scene over there.
Yeah, well undoubtedly there'll probably be repercussions against all of us for this, but you know, there'll be repercussions by God against people that do things to us.
Because, look, we're sick of the government letting terrorists attack us, putting the underwear bomber on the plane, that's on record, we broke that, that was confirmed.
This is clearly provocateur.
Dan Bodondi, InfoWars.com reporter, let me ask you my friend, what do you, immersed in all this, being in Boston,
In closing, and then anything else you want to add, we're going back to calls.
What do you think is really going on there in Boston?
The story's changing, and the Saudi ambassadors, and now the Chechen CIA cutouts.
I mean, what do you think's going on?
They're doing door-to-door, they're saying every house in Boston.
And folks, it's a major city.
It is going to be searched.
I interviewed a couple of the neighbors that lived down the street.
They said the FBI knocked at the door.
They were told evacuate the house.
Wasn't given the reason why.
They've been out here since 7 o'clock this morning with no information.
They can't go back to their homes.
They got it all on video.
And I'm in the midst of all this going on between here, Boston, Lexington.
I'm telling you right now, the New World Order is laying the hammers out.
And what we're doing now is, God willing, God's hand, they're exposing us and holding us to the New World Order facts because they are laying the hammers out.
And I'm in the midst of this evil right now.
And, uh, you know, the only thing that's keeping me sane and safe because God says, if I am with you, who could be against you?
And that's the only security that I have and I trust.
And, uh, you know, because I'm in the midst of these, like, I get scooped out by FBI agents all day and, uh, provocateurs.
And, I mean, it's nuts.
They're out to attack us because we talk the truth.
And I have mainstream media reporters on the sidelines there.
Oh, I guess there's a conspiracy too, you know, saying, uh, cocky remarks like that.
Alright, anything else you'd like to add, my friend?
Um, yeah, people investigate those pictures, man.
InfoOne.com, and we get the pictures on the website, and that's why hundreds of thousands of people have gone to this website.
And, uh, everybody, folks, we're not mainstream media.
We need your help to get these reports done.
It costs a lot of money, and it's from you people out there, the grassroots.
So, buy our DVDs, our videos, great stuff from Alex, the Prison Players subscription.
It helps us out because we don't get corporate sponsorship from, like, CNN does.
But thank you, Alex, and I'll talk to you soon.
Alright, great job Dan.
Just a superlative job and be sure to send us all your receipts and everything too.
You deserve to stay in a nice hotel tonight, so be sure to take care of yourself.
Alright, great job folks.
Pray for Dan Badandi, I tell ya.
I've done stuff like he's doing now, but I've never done anything that big myself.
I mean, I've crashed some big press conferences and exposed Janet Reno for murder at Waco, and I've confronted presidents who've been arrested, and I've been, you know, I mean, I've done stuff, but nothing where it's a press conference that's, you know, on every TV in North America and most of the ones in Europe.
I mean, listen, 100,000 visitors.
A minute for hours to Infowars.com.
100,000 visitors a minute.
And I haven't even looked at the graph.
I looked at it yesterday and I was like, what?
I mean, it was just like, it was real traffic too.
All because he got Infowars.com out during that press conference.
And this is a duty.
I want people to understand, you know, I get up here and we joke around and have some fun and stuff.
This is just beyond anything.
I mean, this is getting so over the top, I don't even know what to say anymore.
But I think it's important just to know that we are at a position now that is just unprecedented in the history of the new media revolution.
And a lot of it goes to you, the listeners, to the good Lord above, to our sponsors, our supporters, my doggedness, my crew's doggedness.
DrudgeReport.com, link into our stories.
No mainstream media picked up the Navy SEAL photos and stuff.
Drudge did it Wednesday.
And then Washington Times now did a thing on it, and Washington Post had a small mention.
But at the same time, you've got L.A.
Times showing me as a rat and then saying he used Navy SEALs, Obama did, backed up by flying monkeys from Oz with a serious article.
And they say that I'm, you know, basically said the Navy SEALs did it in the article.
I didn't say that.
I mean, there might have been an operator from some other group in with them, but I don't think that's probably the case.
See, they misrepresent.
They prey on their audience.
They prey on their readers.
And it must feel good to just be cowards and just work with whatever you're told and just read off a teleprompter.
They told the media, don't cover this for two days now.
We're two days plus into this since this news broke.
And none of them have covered it, but the Washington Times had a good report.
People bash the Washington Times all day long, but that's, you know, and of course its founder was a little strange and stuff, but the point is it's a truly independent publication, in my view, compared to other stuff out there.
I mean, so many times they cover.
West Point comes out and Army College comes out and says, we're training to take on the Tea Party.
That's an official thing.
Washington Times covers it.
Forbes covers it.
Forbes does some good work.
But they wouldn't get any traffic if it wasn't for DrugsReport.com.
Uh, you know, we've got our own traffic from radio listeners and people, but, you know, when Drudge links to us, it doubles or triples our traffic.
I mean, I just... I mean, I'm just telling you who's out there, because let me tell you, it's pretty lonely.
Um, I wish there were more people... I wish there were more people, you know, out there.
I mean, man, Glenn Beck came out against the Army vet.
The active duty was walking with his rifle and of course he was walking with his rifle because it happened to his buddy and it was an active sergeant and they took his guns in that same area.
Fort Hood's right there.
And so, you know, and they're like, oh, he did it to make a point.
You know, so now he's a bad guy.
I mean, it's like, man, that's what.
That's what loyal opposition is.
And I'm not even getting, it's just, it's creepy that on the libertarian flank, we've got the enemy coming down on us, we know who they are, and then there's just constantly this bayonet being stabbed in our stomach.
I'm sick of it, man.
I'm tired of it.
We need to like circle the wagons against the globalists big time here.
And you know Bill O'Reilly is another one who did pieces on JFK and E. Howard Hyde like 25 years ago when he was on Extra or was it Hard Copy?
And this is kind of bad audio because somebody shot it off their television screen but Bill O'Reilly came out and attacked Alex Jones for Family Guy and Dan Bodondi for asking a question and they only cover us when they can say we're lying.
And all we did was Watson did a blurb about a clip.
He went and checked the original Family Guy, you know, thing.
It was two clips from the same episode showing how he runs over people at the Boston Marathon.
Then they say, how'd you do it?
How'd you win?
And he shows him detonating two bombs.
He then goes on to blow up the Golden Gate Bridge, too.
And it's called a Turban Cowboy, a Tea Partier that joins Al-Qaeda.
That's the whole thing.
And they came out on CNN and Fox there and said, we're just liars, that it never happened.
I mean, that's how dumb they think you are.
And of course, that was just a minor blurb we put out, so they chose to focus on that.
And then censored and blocked our videos online, so you couldn't see what we really said.
You know, they take down what we really said, they're blocking the Navy SEAL stuff and all the other suspects on Facebook.
That article's up at InfoWars.com.
They do not want this information getting out there.
So, here's the Bill O'Reilly clip.
Back in the book segment tonight, did you see that?
We begin with a March 17th episode of The Family Guy.
I'm Bob Costas, here with Boston Marathon winner Peter Griffin.
Peter, how did you do it?
Damn phones busted.
Maybe I dialed wrong.
Now that didn't actually happen on television.
That was doctored.
I mean, you know, you know the way people are.
People are crazy.
That was so just, I mean, it's so ironic that that aired March 17th.
Now, how could somebody do that?
Two separate storylines in one show.
Here, hit pause and back it up.
These are sick people out there.
No, no, no, no, no.
Hit pause and back it up ten seconds.
So, first they say it didn't happen.
Then she says it aired March 19th.
They show him running over people to get to the front of the Boston Marathon and winning with piles of dead bodies and blood everywhere.
And then they go, how do you do it?
And he detonates a bomb, blowing stuff up.
And then he also blows up other stuff.
So our point is, it's about terror attacks with cars and bombs.
And then they sit there and say we're a liar.
And then say it never happened.
Harold, let's back it up and play it from there.
Here it is.
Go ahead and play it.
That's good, guys.
Whenever you're ready.
Okay, that's eerie enough.
But then they go in, these internet geeks, and they twisted it around.
That's not what people saw on TV.
No, no, no.
They took two separate storylines in the same show.
They spliced it together.
They spliced it together.
Yeah, and it does look very convincing.
Now, he is wearing... But how do you do that?
How can you do that?
I don't know.
I'm not good at that.
They took it, and then they put it up online.
You can do anything online.
You can take anything and slice it down.
You know that.
It's easy to do that.
What kind of person would do that?
What kind of person would blow up the Boston Marathon and kill innocent people?
What kind of person would blow up the Boston Marathon?
That's why she's got that job as a New World Order propagandist.
There she's saying, basically, we blew up the Boston Marathon.
You know, the people that would do that, and they get to us in a moment, we would blow up the Boston Marathon.
No, no, it's you that reads off the teleprompter.
It's you that knows about all this and then gets up there and does this as if you're the only ones that can be listened to.
Let's go back to this clip.
You know that.
It's easy to do that.
What kind of a person would do that?
What kind of a person would blow up the Boston Marathon and kill innocent people?
Yeah, I know, but that's a different situation.
Trying to capitalize in this way... We live in a very disturbing world.
I think it's too easy of an opportunity for some sickos out there to take advantage of that.
You think that's disturbing?
Look at this.
Governor Deval Patrick, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, having a press conference.
What will it take?
Is this another false flag state attack to take our civil liberties and promote homelessness?
Are you sticking your hands down on the streets?
Next question.
Dan, good job getting your question to the governors and others.
No doubt you shut down their press conferences.
What can you tell us about behind the scenes, Dan Bodondi?
Um, Susan asked a question and I, you know, asked again, and they wouldn't answer the question, and I got the look of death from every federal agency that was there, the government officials, everything, and I knew where to run.
I grabbed my camera quick, you know, as soon as the press conference was over, because the woman gets right on the stage, obviously, at the press conference, and everybody's, you know, gives me the look of death, so I grabbed my equipment and I jumped right out of there.
That's not a joke.
That's a real talk show host and this idiot in a car.
And what they're saying is it's an inside job.
The U.S.
government bombed the people in Boston.
The talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
He's kind of like the guru, the king of the conspiracy theorists.
And he's been on the air since day one saying this is a job of the FBI, it's a false flag job.
You heard the reporter question us whether it was a false flag job, meaning, you know, if it's just, you know, they're twisting it around to make it look like it's something else, another entity, but really it's the government.
It's so sick, and this guy's an idiot, and, you know, the people at the press conference totally ignored it.
They didn't throw him out.
I think it is.
I think that this internet stuff, with this access now that people have, has made more crazy people.
Because people who were borderline crazy now go in there and become crazy.
We don't buy your crap anymore.
Yeah, you hate it, don't you, lady?
Alright, there you go.
I mean, that is the type of crud.
That is the type of crud, and if you want to see the video, a little bit better quality, it's up on InfoWars.com in the article dealing with that.
I mean, you know, you've got all these patsies there.
They're saying right-wingers are about to blow stuff up.
We're going to get your guns.
You're about to blow stuff up.
And I'm like, no, we're not.
You see it all built up.
You see the patsies.
We release the photos.
They release the same photos the next day.
Does anybody say we broke that?
There's Navy SEALs and others crawling all over this, right around where the bomb goes off, looking right where the bomb is.
It's so obvious.
Now they've got a city shut down in martial law in other cities, door-to-door, locked down.
This country is in a battle for its heart and soul.
And we send a reporter to a meeting to go, hey, you were running a drill, the witnesses say this, there's what looks like Navy SEALs there, what do you have to say?
And their answer is, we need to throw you out of the press conference.
Because you're supposed to sit there and fold your hands in your lap,
And the FBI spokesman says, you only look at our photos we give you.
Is that understood?
Look at nothing else.
Only believe us.
I mean, that's like Jim Jones crap.
That's like cult stuff.
You know, listen, I'm not in the government cult.
I'm done believing whatever you say.
It doesn't mean I just don't, you know, then believe nothing and go make stuff up.
I go research.
I go research, and I've been saying, get ready, get ready, and they were going to blame the right wing, and now they've switched off into Muslims.
But watch, they could say Muslims connected to gun owners or something.
I mean, because they've been trying that behind the scenes.
They are coming after our liberties, period.
The globalists have committed incredible amounts of crimes, and they know they're going to end up going to jail if they don't fully take over.
Okay, so, anybody who doesn't know we're in trouble, and you've heard, I don't screen your calls.
Cops, military citizens, we're on AM and FM's all over this country.
Internet, satellite, XM, you name it.
Everyone, except one guy, has called in and said inside job.
One guy.
So look, you've lost, okay?
I mean, you are... Bill O'Reilly has 3 million viewers a night.
Oh my gosh, and he gets $10 million a year or whatever it is.
Bill, this show has 3 million listeners a day, you egomaniac.
Yesterday, we haven't even looked at the graphs yet, it was 100,000 new people piled on top of the others that were on the site every minute.
Every minute.
And again, I'm only telling you that because you're little egomaniacs.
Talk to your geriatric audience.
Nothing against old people.
But talk to your, you know, scared, mainline, elderly audience.
A lot of elderly folks are actually awake.
But talk to the people.
I mean, look at the ads on Fox.
It's diaper ads, man.
And, you know, you're sitting there telling people, you know, we're 85 years old, God bless them, about how evil Alex Jones is trying to scare old ladies.
And it's just fine.
I mean, sit there and act like a handsome young man to the old ladies, man.
We're going to talk to the young people.
We're going to talk to the military.
We're going to talk to the police.
We're going to talk to people that actually are competent and know what's going on, and we're not going to let you take over.
You got that, jackass?
So sit there and say I'm full of crap all you want, okay?
I mean, you are a piece of work.
You know, I dare you, O'Reilly, to have me in studio with you, because I've seen you get like this with your other guests and stuff.
I challenge you, Bill O'Reilly, to a boxing match.
Heard your dad used to beat the hell out of you pretty good, so I bet you're a tough guy.
Doesn't matter, man.
The more you beat me, the meaner I get.
I challenge you, you cowardly punk, to a boxing match.
How's that sound?
There you go.
It's kind of a joke, folks.
I'm not really serious.
He'd beat me up, probably.
Anyways, the whole point is hatred of America would come through.
What we need is the O'Reilly sex tape, but I guess all that got classified.
That's when O'Reilly really got bad, became like this liberal, socialist, globulate of scum.
Let's go ahead, you know, with him and his sex tapes, perverting around with the women at the office.
Let's go to Rod in Oregon.
You're on the air.
Welcome, Rod.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
One thing I want to say is that you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, are a raving lunatic, and let me explain why.
This is a quote that was put out by Denton James, and he says, The truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.
And when a well-packed web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth is totally, utterly preposterous, and its speaker is a raving lunatic.
So that's why I say you're a raping lunatic.
And we're all thankful for you because you've probably been the spearhead of this whole country basically on the information that you've been able to gather and stuff so it doesn't matter.
Now by the way, I don't like to actually have to admit that we are the tip of the spear right now and it's super creepy.
I don't like it.
Well, I can appreciate that, ma'am, but you're appreciated by millions of people across this country and we all see, but I can say one thing, especially your audience, not that I have all the answers, but I do know one thing, that we are going to overtake and we are going to win and we're going to get on the right side of history and all these thug and criminals in the District of Criminals up there and these turncoats that have
We're good to go.
Now we've got them on the run and if they do set me up or kill me or anything, I want you all to continue InfoWars.
I want my operation to continue.
I want to be able to just have them defeated.
Go out, confront them at press conferences.
Confront them everywhere.
Take over the InfoWars.
Never back down.
Look, they're not going to stop us.
The only reason they haven't killed me, believe it, they love to, they kill people all the time, is they know it would probably turbocharge everything.
Be like in Road Warrior when they turn the nitrous oxide on and the vehicle goes into doubles its speed in mere seconds.
So, whatever.
Hell, I'm so damn exhausted sometimes they come after you and I don't even worry about it.
I'll be like, oh really, you're about to get me out of my work?
I'll never commit suicide though, I love life.
Alright, I'm going to go home and see my family.
The crew's coming in here.
Overdrive at InfoWars.com forward slash listen.
See the video feeds.
Thank you for listening to the A.N.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest A gun on my hip and the right to rest I'm a guy who's a boss on this highway So watch out what you're doing when you're driving my way If you break the law you'll hear from me I know I'm working for the state on my highway patrol
Well, you know me when you see me, cause my door is painted white, with my sirena springing out... Alright, Alex Jones here, back in commercial-free, worldwide broadcast, ladies and gentlemen.
And you've got martial law going on in Boston and surrounding cities, as the government just parades their martial law tendency in a giant police state, basically, riot.
Guns being pointed at families.
Just running around in intense fear.
I mean, if I knew there was somebody in the building coming to try to kill me, I would get adrenaline rush, get my gun, and try to find a place to hide and wait for them.
But I wouldn't be just running around, marching around.
I don't know how these cops march around like little kids in these uniforms, bugging their eyes out, acting tough like ten hours at a time.
It's like some weird narcissistic mental illness or something.
I just don't even get it.
I kind of get white knuckled when I'm driving down a one lane road on each side at like 70 and it's at night and there's deer and stuff and you notice somebody could have a blowout and go right into your lane.
You're going 70, they're going 70.
That's a 140 mile an hour collision.
You're dead.
Like 99% of the time.
And that's when I'll actually try to get over in the shoulder and try to stay away from because I realize that's a danger.
I mean, just like a city of 600,000 or whatever is just running around in total abject, complete, you know, bonkers fear.
Everything else you can imagine makes absolutely no sense.
Unless you realize it's a power grab.
And there is a major cover-up going on.
Their whole narrative has unraveled.
They're just counting on the public being so dumb.
It's like Dorner.
We're now in the 21st century.
They're like, we're gonna burn him down.
Burn that cabin down.
Yeah, kill him.
Okay, get the fire.
I've got it.
The fire's lit.
We're placing it.
Okay, we got fire.
Mission completed.
And they go, number one, that's an internet rumor.
We burned him down.
There's no audio of that.
Oh, actually got it from six different sources, different people saying it.
We didn't mean burn it down.
We didn't mean burn it down.
We didn't mean burn it down.
Talking to you like you are a low-grade moron.
Now we're going to re-air this on the Nightly News again tonight.
Really great report.
He's looking at some of the recent drone stuff, even from their whitewash.
It's clear they're lying about the numbers being killed by drones when Obama talks about anybody using a bomb to kill innocent civilians is a terrorist.
And I tend to agree with you.
And are there real Chechen terrorists?
Yeah, they're funded by the CIA most of the time, but there's a chance these could be real Chechen terrorists.
I want to know why there was a drill they're lying about, and all those intelligence agencies right there when it happened, looking right where the bombing was, using the drill for the stand-down.
That's the evidence of the false flag.
And if this is proven to not be a false flag, which I think it's gone from 1% chance to maybe 5% chance, I will eat my hat and apologize and be very pleased.
I mean, I would do cartwheels and probably go on vacation for a week and run around popping champagne bottles.
Because I really want to believe that the government is not this evil.
I really want to believe they didn't do thousands of lethal tests on foster kids, and black people, and Native Americans, and poor communities, and abolations, and Jewish kids in Israel, you know, the ringworm kids radiating them to death.
I mean, I know about all that, and it's like, oh yeah, the government killed 4,000 kids here, and 5,000 there, and 1,000 here, and injected people with syphilis over 45 years, and yeah, last year the UN gave
You know, millions of kids, this polio vaccine, it killed a bunch of them, and 60,000 got paralyzed or whatever, but yeah, Gardasil kills the kids, blah, blah, blah, yeah, autism's from 1 in 30,000, or 1 in 25,000, 30 years ago to 1 in 50, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And there's all these false flags and all these admissions, and I'm supposed to just ignore all of that.
Now I got the next crew coming in here.
And they're going to be in there for about two hours, and we're going to have the nightly news tonight that they're going to do, because I'm getting out of here.
Well, actually, I'm not getting out of here.
I've got to go work on the magazine for an hour, and then I've got to go.
I've got to get out of here.
I mean, the problem is I'm so worked up that I can't even sleep.
In fact, I stopped drinking coffee yesterday at about 3 o'clock, and I went home, went to bed about 10, and woke up at 3 a.m.
So that's some of the best sleep I've had all week.
Uh, so actually I'm, all reason I say that is so you know I'm not, you know, I'm not fully operational here.
Uh, because I'm going to start getting burnt out.
Well, we got Chris Matthews saying the bombing might be emotional, a domestic attack in response to Tax Day, CNN warns of right-wing extremists behind Boston bombings, Young Turks, we got even more clips than that.
We've got other clips here you guys can play.
I never even got to the Austin DA with the police chief, good job having that clip.
We have a bunch of other clips here with Napolitano saying the drudge report is incredible.
I got a bunch of clips if the guys want to play them.
And just continual updates at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Like I said, I already, a month ago, had it set up to send John Bowne and Rob Jacobson, two of our great crew, out to California to do two or three interviews for an upcoming film.
So I couldn't cancel that.
Aaron Dykes, God bless him, great guy.
He and Melissa Melton have gone off to do their own journalistic endeavor, which I think is just fine with me.
That's great.
People like to do their own thing.
I understand that.
Very exciting.
I back what they're doing.
I wish them all the well.
I hope they've been doing some great reports.
We hope to link to them and try to support them like we've done other people.
And what is it?
Troopstreammedia.com, I think is their website.
And I'm trying to get more reporters hired in the chamber here to fire on the enemy.
And we've got Jakari Jackson, we've got David Knight, Paul Watson, his wife, his brother, all the great team, all in political science.
We've got Marcos Morales, we've got Rob Dube.
We've got this whole crew in here with CJ and Chris and Chris and Nico.
We've got Kurt Nemo and Adon Salazar.
We've got Dan Badandi.
Again, Dan Badandi came down here and then, you know, it's like he wanted to stay, but then I see the family issues with a son.
And then, you know, things don't work out moving down here.
I'm kind of like, go back to your family.
And it's the same thing with one of the other reporters.
I'm not gonna.
I just, you know, issues with family and stuff, too.
But I'm trying to expand the operation so we can go 24 hours a day.
I woke up at 3 a.m.
and went to the computer.
After I took care of a sick child, at about 4 a.m.
I get on the computer, headache from hell, and I see people on YouTube going, why isn't Alex covering the shootout?
Well, I went to bed at 9.
The shootout started at 10.30.
I got to sleep, folks.
I don't have a 24-hour crew.
We're trying to hire more journalist writers to work overnight and have a night shift.
I need money to do that.
It takes a lot of money to hire people and run this operation.
I've been so busy, I haven't even plugged books, videos, products.
Our bandwidth bill is going to be off the charts right now.
IT said, you want to turn all these servers on?
Because we got all these clouds and CDNs they can just flick on.
But I got to pay for it.
I'd imagine we'll probably have a...
70, $80,000 bill from the video and the extra audio and all the servers.
I mean, we're talking about 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 million people a day now with a graphic heavy site.
I mean, it's just bonkers.
I don't know, what's an extra 100,000 people a minute for about two and a half hours piling on compounding?
I mean, that was just yesterday.
So, be sure and donate to us.
So we can be strong and robust and have vets on, you know, for their legal defense when they're having their guns confiscated for no reason in Texas.
Uh, you know, this is a major aircraft carrier in the fight against the globalists.
We are not that big a mothership, but we're the biggest ship we've got, and when we're able to fire on the enemy with history and common sense, we're about all there is out there engaging them.
We're about all there is.
Uh, and, uh, again, I'm gonna go to this report by, uh, Leanne McAdoo on drones, five minutes, and then it's gonna be Ja'Kari Jackson, uh, and, uh, David Knight.
And just to switch things around, we'll put Ja'Kari Jackson over there, uh, in the shotgun seat, and put David Knight right here.
They've both just been absolutely kicking butt.
Uh, and, um, that's it.
If stuff breaks or there's more false flags, you're seeing chemical plants blow up.
You're seeing weird killings, shootouts.
It looks like there's some kind of government coup thing going on.
That's what a lot of analysts believe.
A lot of people.
There's lieutenant colonels going public.
A general's gone public.
Uh, you've got Pchenik gone public.
I mean, this is just bonkers stuff going on right now.
So, we'll continue, and then we'll have a more refocused event, maybe with a roundtable tonight, 7 o'clock.
And again, Rob Dew, the shipping crew, the graphics people, from Jhene Meadows to the rest of the crew, you're all kicking butt.
It's like when you're jogging a marathon talking.
You can't stop because you're so exhausted.
All right, so we're going to just leave it at that.
Support us.
Buy books.
Buy videos.
Prisonplanet.tv memberships.
The video streams are free right now, but we need people to be subscribers to help pay for all that bandwidth for everybody else because as of Sunday or Monday, I'm going to turn it off and not have the free streams because it's really starting to go viral and the bill is going to be gargantuan.
Alright, we're going to go to this report on drones and then we're going to come back with the host Jakari Jackson and David Knight.
Stay with us.
This was a heinous and cowardly act and given what we now know about what took place, the FBI is investigating it as an act of terrorism.
Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror.
I'm Leanne McAdoo and this is an InfoWars special report.
The Obama administration has insisted that drone strikes are authorized only against specific senior Al Qaeda leaders and their associates that were directly involved with the September 11th terror attacks and those who pose an imminent threat to America.
This is in direct contrast to the findings reported last week by McClatchy, who reviewed top-secret intelligence documents obtained by their national security reporter.
The documents show that drone strikes in Pakistan over a four-year period didn't meet those standards of authorization and at times the CIA killed people who were only suspected or who probably belonged to militant groups.
McClatchy found that during a 12-month period ending September 2011, at least 265 of the 482 people estimated to have been killed
I'm good.
The report also lists killing of Afghan insurgents whose organization wasn't on the U.S.
list of suspected terrorist groups at the time of the 9-11 strikes.
43 of 95 drone strikes reviewed for that period hit groups including unidentified individuals described as foreign fighters and other militants.
In a June 2011 talk at John Hopkins University in Washington, CIA head and drone mastermind John Brennan said that the U.S.
is exceptionally precise and surgical in terms of addressing the terrorist threat.
And by that I mean, if there are terrorists who are within an area where there are women and children or others, you know, we do not take such action that might put those innocent men, women and children in danger.
He added that in the last year, there hadn't been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we've been able to develop.
Accordingly, the reports McClatchy reviewed estimated there was a single civilian casualty, an individual killed in an April 22, 2011 strike in North Waziristan.
However, according to a report by the BBC of that exact strike, out of the 25 casualties, 5 women and 4 children were killed in a nearby house.
A 2011 investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found at least 10 individual attacks in which 45 or more civilians appeared to have died.
Pitch Interactive created this graphic showing the casualties of children,
We only authorize a particular operation against a specific individual if we have a high degree of confidence that the individual being targeted is indeed the terrorist we are pursuing.
Contrary to the CIA's position that civilian casualties have been exceedingly rare, the documents show that drone operators weren't always certain who they were killing.
In light of these facts, the deadly potentiality of domestic drones is even more pressing.
The mass introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles is set to sweep the national airspace by 2015.
Yet our government has yet to set the rules by which the President is authorized to target civilians on American soil.
The 12-hour filibuster in March by Senator Rand Paul highlighted this issue.
I think we should all judge as inadequate
The President's response when he says he hasn't killed Americans in America yet, he doesn't intend to, but that he might.
I don't think that that is a response that we should tolerate.
We also know that we have targeted people for sympathizing with the enemy.
We've had many people who have dissented in our country.
We've had people in our country who have been against the Afghan war, against the Iraq war.
I was opposed to the Iraq war.
What are the criteria for who will be killed?
Could political dissent be part of the standard for drone strikes?
And you say, well, that's ridiculous.
We have listed people already on websites and said that they were risk for terrorism for their political beliefs.
Considering the recent media spin targeting patriots and then lumping them in the same category as Al-Qaeda, are we not setting the stage for drones to be used freely on American soil against those with dissenting opinions?
Can you kill non-combatants?
And people say, well, a president would never kill non-combatants.
The problem is, is that's who we're killing overseas.
Reports show that 98% of the casualties from U.S.
drone strikes are civilians.
Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror.
So by his own definition, does Obama consider himself a terrorist?
I'm Leanne McAdoo, and this has been an InfoWars Special Report.
Yes, these men and their hypnotized followers call this a new war.
It is not new, and it is not on us.
All right, and welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm Jakari Jackson filling in.
I will be joined by David Knight in just a few minutes.
He's actually over in the TV studio conducting an interview.
And I just want to take a moment and pause from this Boston News.
We'll definitely be talking about that a little bit later on when David Knight gets here in studio.
But this weekend we, I wouldn't say we celebrate, but we observe the anniversaries of Waco and Oklahoma City and even these
The new situation in Waco with the fertilizer plant and also I guess the Boston bombing as well.
This is a very jam-packed week and other definitely incidents that have happened during this week in history.
I would like to start, there's something that came to my attention a little bit earlier today.
This is something that you can find on InfoWars.com.
Facebook blocks InfoWars posts on suspicious men wearing backpacks.
Now, I was reading through the tip line earlier today, the show tips at InfoWars.
We do read those.
I was reading those before we came in and got a lot of tips off of it.
This was one of them.
And basically you can find this article at InfoWars.com and it talks about
Facebook is blocking our post on Facebook allow myself to introduce myself but not just there also on YouTube there's a video I put up a couple weeks not a couple weeks a couple days ago on the Alex Jones YouTube page it was from my nightly news segment a couple nights ago and people kept questioning why is this is this post blocked there is no explicit content in that video except for the truth I believe it's now off the
I don't think so.
Maybe like homosexual group or you know some type of group they've deemed as a minority those people would be targeted but with when it's a white terrorist there is no targeted group but you know as I pointed out in that article it targets Timothy McVeigh when Oklahoma City bombings and so on and so forth so I'm not exactly sure why that happened but there has been some censorship
We're good to go.
Say, you know, Dan and Alex are sewer rats and, you know, all this other silliness.
But if the guys can get ready, there's a clip of the naked man.
And what this is, I believe it was CNN, ran a clip earlier today, earlier this morning I believe it was.
After the shootout at MIT concerning the Boston situation, there was a shootout and a car chase.
And after that, they produced a, I guess it was a suspect at the time, a naked gentleman who was told to strip naked by police or FBI, whoever it was, and was escorted into a car.
And guys, just let me know when you have that.
And my question is, who is this naked man?
Because there have been conflicting reports that he was a suspect, and then he was let go.
I'm not exactly sure if he's still in custody or what happened to the guy.
Okay, so we do have that clip, so we'll just go to that right now, then talk about it afterwards.
So you saw him right there.
He was a naked, uh, fairly in shape guy.
They placed him into the police car after telling him to strip himself butt naked and conflicting reports.
Some people say he's still in custody.
Some people say he has been released.
But when we open the phone lines up a little bit later when David Knight gets in here, we definitely want to hear from you.
If you have any information who this guy is, if you live in Boston, especially if you're one of the people who have your
You're in one of those lockdown situations where your house is being searched.
You're told don't go outside or all that other stuff.
So we want to hear from you when we open the phone lines up in a little bit.
And David Knight's going to touch on this when he gets in here, but I want to talk a little bit about the Branch Davidian compound at Waco that was raided some 20 years ago.
Now is back in a few, not a few years ago, but back
Or the officers climbing onto the roof and busting out the windows and throwing incendiaries and all kinds of other madness.
It was this tear gas canister, just like we saw in the Chris Dorner case, where, you know, they can fill the flashbang and the burner, which burns your whole house down, apparently, even though we heard him on the radio saying, burn that mother effort down.
It was the tear gas, it was the flashbang grenades, and not anything else.
And David Knight, I believe, is actually conducting an interview over the Waco massacre, and he'll have much more on that in a second.
But in the meantime, let's talk about the current situation in Waco.
That is the fire that has 12 dead confirmed and 60 still missing in the city of West.
Now this happened just a few days ago.
It started at a fertilizer plant.
We haven't been talking much about this because, you know, it's hard to get these things in the news when we have manhunts and so forth going on.
But I definitely want to take the time to point it out.
And also we'll take calls on this as well.
The fertilizer plant, the Branch Davidian situation, Oklahoma City, all that stuff.
We want to make sure all of our callers can call in and address those situations.
But here in West, the fertilizer plant went up in smoke.
The investigation is still ongoing.
Definitely have a fume situation out there.
And it was just very curious to me, I'm not saying this is directly related, but it's a very convenient thing that they had this fire at the fertilizer plant right around the same time as the Waco, I'm not sure if anniversary is the right word, but the Waco Remembrance.
And so that's going to scare a lot of people away because even David Knight was talking about going down there.
And then we got, you know, of course, inundated with the Boston News and the other news in the Senate.
But there were talks about going out to Waco and, you know, with the cherry on top of the
Fume situation I guess you would call it we didn't have a chance to get out there But we definitely want to take your calls on that in the upcoming segments So do we have the phone lines open?
Can we open those up?
Okay, we'll get those open in just a second.
So let's go through some more of these news items here in the stack.
Also, somebody called in yesterday and I wanted to address this.
A gentleman called in, I believe it was a gentleman, called in and said, hey, have you guys seen these pictures online of the alleged unit Kraft?
at the Boston Marathon and you know we've had some of those on our website on InfoWars.com but he says hey if you take a look at this website I can't remember the name of the website you can check it out and see these gentlemen all crowded around a particular vehicle well Mike Adams the health ranger he called me last night he said hey I followed up that lead from that caller and it does indeed seem to be true and you can find that on NaturalNews.com Mike Adams article about the the gentleman
Uh, who, you know, appear to be affiliated with Kraft around a vehicle huddled around that vehicle.
So, uh, it's a very good question.
You know, I believe we are on the case trying to find out if Kraft was indeed there or not.
And if they were there, what were they doing there?
So that's another call we got off the tip line.
Also the, uh, the naked man, somebody sent me that.
I was searching for that video and then I saw it in our show tips at InfoWars.
So we definitely use that just like we got the, uh, the image of the guy having his papers checked in Boston.
That was off the tip line as well, so definitely give us your tips at ShowTipsAtInfoWars.
Yeah, of course there is a lot going on on that website or excuse me on that email, but we get to stuff we can and we do the best we can to shift through that.
So you guys let me know when you're ready to go with that.
So let's look at this.
Police going door-to-door and hunt for second marathon bomb suspect.
It just makes me think when you have situations like this bombing in Boston, the Chris Dorner situation, one man or I guess in this case two men in Boston pretty much shut down a city or at least a suburb in the case of Boston in a more rural area.
Okay, I guess we'll give out the phone number right now.
It's the 877 number.
The guys are telling me we're ready.
So it's gonna be 877-789-ALEX.
That is 877-789-2539.
And we'll take your calls and get you on the air.
But back to the point I was making with the lockdown situation.
You have a situation where two guys in Boston and one guy in California can pretty much shut down the city, send the police, the FBI, and all these other agencies into a panic.
And it brings the notion, brings the question, what if there was more people?
If 10 people decide to go off and do this, how would they be able to handle this?
They can't handle one guy in LA and two guys in Boston.
I mean, what are we paying these people for?
And don't get me wrong, the police definitely have a difficult job of implementing pretty much martial law.
Checking house to house, you know, show us your papers kind of deal.
That's what the city comes to, or I guess what the country comes to, when you have one or two people out there highly motivated to inflict harm.
And definitely, regardless if you believe the complete stories of the Chris Dorner situation or this Boston situation, I don't believe the official story on either one of them.
I'm not saying there aren't elements of truth, but we saw the aunt of the suspects on TV saying,
I want to see the footage.
I'm not exactly sure why that is.
I don't think it's disrespectful to the family to at least show the guys placing the bomb down and then there were the pretty much ridiculous reports that these guys have multiple backpacks and backpacks like they're pulling rabbits out of hats.
They're pulling bomb backpacks out of bomb backpacks.
The colors don't match but you know CNN had a nice analysis.
Yes, go ahead Kyle.
I was curious.
I don't know if you guys had been paying attention to it, but earlier this morning when they released the names of the suspects and all that, my wife had went on to see if the guy had a Facebook page.
And she noticed a couple things that were peculiar, and the page did not stay up very long.
And I took several photos of it.
It was kind of a wing-ding, or kind of a whiz-bang kind of thing, because I pulled it down right away.
Uh, but there was a bunch of pictures that were dated from like October, January, April or whatever that were supposedly on this guy's page.
But if you looked at the little clock right next to it, they were all posted this morning.
There was a, yeah, there was a gal who had called that out and within four minutes of her calling that out, cause I just got up to go check it out cause my wife had,
Got me and I was busy, so I didn't go to it right that second.
I was like, quick, print off a bunch of that, take pictures, da da da.
I did that.
By the time I got there, the guy's whole, or one of the suspects that's still alive, his whole Facebook profile was taken down.
It was replaced with a different one, same pictures, and all these pictures
He had a bunch of weird, like, mugshot-looking pictures.
Yeah, I was going to ask you about that.
Well, since you brought that up, let's talk about that now.
About the mugshot-looking pictures, because when I was first watching the news today and they announced, once they identified the guy's name and identity, they said, here's a picture of him.
My first question was, where did they get that picture?
It looked like a mugshot.
And then one of our reporters, Leanne McAdoo, she said, they got that off his Facebook page.
Now I've seen some pretty silly looking pictures on Facebook, but I haven't seen one that looks that much like a mug shot.
Yeah, yeah.
On Aaron Dykes' Facebook page, because I'm his buddy on there, I actually sent him a private message and I posted a bunch of the pictures on his timeline of the ones we took down.
And there's a few more.
We printed off a few of the comments and stuff that were on there, like when the girl was calling that guy out and everything.
But the whole thing with his Facebook URL, it had his name in there, so if they created a fake Facebook, he never had one before, or it was somebody trolling that had his exact same name.
Now, when they took it down and put it back up again, it was, you know, in the URL, or the Facebook, it was some chick.
I have to pull it up here, but it was...
Well, the thing about Facebook, Lexer, I haven't seen the particular page you're talking about, and like I said, it was taken down, so I can't really address that situation myself.
But, you know, anybody can make a Facebook, someone can make a Jakari Jackson Facebook, you know, so you have to be aware of those situations.
No, I understand that, because the way it was done seemed, it just seemed really fishy that all of a sudden this Facebook page got pulled down.
We're good to go.
Um, and in his first initial Facebook, it looked legitimate because it had a whole timeline and everything to it.
It wasn't just like, oh, I just put up a Facebook page today.
There's a whole history on there.
She checked that out because she wanted to see what this guy was about.
Yeah, yeah.
And then all of a sudden, the next one is just a bunch of mug shots and all of a sudden his, he apparently, he, she, or whatever apparently lived in Chicago and changed their address to Boston and then all of a sudden, boom, that was gone too.
But she, the full write-up, and it's a rough, it's a rough write-up, it's like a rough draft.
But I wanted to get it out, but it's on Aaron's Facebook page.
Okay, well definitely, if you're listening to Aaron, check that out.
But you can also send it to us at ShowTipsAtInfoWars, and we'll try to take a look at that.
Thank you for your call, we're going to move on now to Jeremy in Texas.
Hi, how are you today, sir?
Doing very well, how are you?
I'm doing very well, thank you for asking.
I want to preface this with 90% of all warfare is psychological.
And so the war that we see fought on our streets is not the war to be concerned about.
Everything's a testbed.
And I called on earlier and said that we have to have multiple exit points, so that's what the FBI does.
I don't know.
Quite keen on that, but I really feel like whenever it really goes down, you're going to see events happen all over the country.
And when that happens, you'll have martial law happen all over the country.
People will beg for it.
Yeah, and just like you said, because they think of big events like 9-11 or the Oklahoma City bombing and, you know, those things are, you know, huge events, but they happen, you know, with good spaces in between, but now you have these small
There is a line being drawn in the sand right now and that line is those who think for themselves and those who do not
That's an excellent point.
What's really concerned about is, do you think for yourself or do you not?
And it's up to us.
It is our duty not just to do things to stop this, but to get into contact and to build our community as an equal force of opposition against what it is that we believe we're facing.
Excellent point.
Thank you.
We'll finish your point, sir.
Yeah, and so I want to just make one quick point on Seth McFarlane because he's a joke.
He says it's not so bad that we're running overall against these Boston Runners.
Had someone done that, then it would have been bad.
But since it didn't happen, it's okay.
So Seth McFarlane, if you're listening, you're a joke and that's all I have to say.
Thank you, Jeremy.
He is referencing two things there.
One, the Immortal Technique interview Alex did, I believe it was one or two months ago, on the InfoWars Nightly News.
So you can definitely check that out on PrisonPlanet.tv or even on the YouTube archives.
And as far as the family guy situation, you know, people will take that as what they will.
We do have the Bill O'Reilly clip.
Let's cue that back up since the guy mentioned it.
I'll give you guys a little time to do that.
But the Family Guy clip, for the people who haven't seen it, it was a Boston Marathon episode.
I believe it aired maybe about a month ago, where the main character, Peter Griffin, won the Boston Marathon by mowing people down in his vehicle.
And they had blood and guts and all that stuff hanging around.
And Paul Joseph Watson spliced that two ends of an episode together, so then you can see
Peter Griffin using a cell phone to detonate bombs and Fox came out and said, oh this is outrageous, this has nothing to do with the bombing.
I'm not saying it does, you know, either, but it was definitely an eerie coincidence.
Let's go ahead and roll that clip.
Back at the book segment tonight, did you see that?
We begin with a March 17th episode of The Family Guy.
I'm Bob Costas here with Boston Marathon winner Peter Griffin.
Peter, how did you do it?
Maybe I dialed wrong.
That's enough, that's enough.
So you saw that, that episode was called Turban Cowboys and Peter Griffin, I believe, is a Tea Partier, teamed up with some type of extremist group and was doing some ill deeds.
So you can take that as what you will, like the clip they showed right there was spliced together, but it was from the same episode.
That was one of the earlier criticisms that, you know, Paul Joseph Watson took these different pieces from different episodes, now it's the same episode, he just put them together for the
For the sense of simplicity, and you can take that as what you will, but anybody who is not familiar with the Family Guy show, they have all kinds of outrageous scenarios, demonizing religious groups and so forth.
Somewhat similar to South Park.
South Park is a little more extreme in that aspect, but you know, you can watch that and make your own conclusion.
We'll move on to Laura in California.
Thanks for having me on.
And I want to say, first of all, that you and your partner there are excellent.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, thank you, miss.
I love hearing you guys, and I just recently started, so I wanted to make sure I said that.
You really complement each other.
You both have nice, deep voices, and it just sounds real professional.
Oh, thank you.
Okay, so, anyway, I work at a sheriff's department.
I won't say which one.
But the question has come up about the media and the police and the sheriff's department and how they handle things.
Let me tell you, I handle the media.
And I am under strict instructions never to ever let anything out until they have the exact information to give the media.
That they would put all this stuff on the media about this whole event and then pull it back and change it and change it and change it.
I said, this does not make sense.
Laura, can you hold on for just one second?
I just want to talk to the guys for one second.
Can you guys queue up the clip, Boston Cop Intimidation?
It should be in the new folder.
Go ahead, Laura.
I don't know that because, you know, unless an event is completely staged like I suspect Sandy Hook was, to some extent, to what extent I don't know, but they may have been able to get support through threatening officers or whatnot.
Go ahead, Laura.
Certainly, I know Eric Holder came in under the cuff.
It was reported through, I think it was ABC or NBC, I have the document on that.
And he came in and talked to the first responders.
What do you want to talk to first responders for?
I'm no first responders.
And, uh, you know, there'd be no reason for him to do that unless there's some other thing going on.
But anyway, I did want to mention that.
And, uh, also when they, in the beginning of the Boston race, and all the Special Ops people that we saw there, and we know they were there, as soon as that happened, within so many feet, even if it was 20 or 40 feet, they would have gone in the direction of a gun,
And they would have had an immediate lockdown in a vicinity of that area.
I'm saying and suggesting to you guys that they would have found him.
They would have gotten a guy at that time.
So, you know, all this is really, really kind of murky, isn't it?
All the information we're getting and I feel that they would have caught him.
Also, I wondered,
Did you hear, Jakarty, that he was with his brother, the younger brother, apparently got away.
Now, how do you get away when there's so many people there?
They kill your brother.
Oh, you're referring to after the shootout?
Is that what you're talking about, miss?
After the shootout, and after they got his brother, they apparently escaped in a car, right?
And then did they, and they shot and killed his brother, but then I heard a report that he left or got away.
I find that interesting.
I heard that as well.
You know, like I said, the story is ever-changing, and I'll thank you for your call.
We'll have to move on.
But that situation, I heard it earlier this morning, probably about 8.30 this morning.
I was at the gym, and I was running on the treadmill, and they had the TVs in there, and they said the younger brother actually ran over.
The older brother and you know it has that changed since 8 30 this morning I'm not exactly sure there were reports like we just showed you the report earlier of the naked man being placed into a police car so I'm not exactly sure what that ties in if that was the older brother I mean he to me he looked somewhat like him but you know it's not the best quality of video so it's definitely a iffy situation I am like you
If these people were as armed and as dangerous as they were, you know, hyped up to be, I think there would have been more of a police presence.
But in the meantime, let's go to something that she alluded to, the cop intimidation factor.
So let's play that clip right now.
Here's a police officer pointing an M4 at a reporter's face.
Just so you guys don't think I'm wrong, pointing an M4 at the cameraman's face.
Look, here he is.
Who's this guy?
Who is this guy?
Looks like a terrorist.
Looks like a terrorist.
Look at this guy.
He's just running around with his M4.
Okay, if you guys can get that clip ready again, I want to play it from the beginning.
So people can clearly see that the back of his jacket does say police on it.
This is something after the Boston bombing.
I'm not exactly sure at what point, but after the Boston bombing, you saw the officer there running around recklessly, endangering people.
You can see it right there on your screen if you're on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now, there it is right there.
Here's a police officer pointing an M4 at a reporter's face.
Look, here he is.
Just so you guys don't think I'm wrong, pointing an M4 at the cameraman.
Can we roll it back and freeze it when he puts the gun in his face?
You can cut out if you have to, but let's freeze it right when he puts the gun in the guy's face.
And slow to play.
And we'll freeze it when he gets there.
Here's the police officer pointing an M4
No, wait until we get to the camera.
Right there, right there.
Okay, so if you're watching on InfoWars.com forward slash listen, I'll leave it up for a second.
This is a police officer.
You saw him with the police on his back.
He's holding an M4 rifle according to the person reviewing this video.
You can see the cameraman there with his camera.
I can't see what the cameraman guy's face looks like, but just from the back he doesn't appear to be one of the suspects.
So why is this officer running around recklessly endangering people, showing his firearm in their faces?
That is called menacing, as you saw in the Project Veritas video.
And the guy goes to the police station, he says, well, can I be like Joe Biden and, you know, wave my shotgun around and to scare people?
And the woman said, no, that's called menacing.
You will go to jail if you do what the vice president tells you.
And there is a guy said, I call that guy a terrorist.
He is terrorizing the media there.
You know, we've heard reports of media having their their cameras confiscated.
We've heard reports of death threats, even in some cases, I believe AP reported that against different media personnel.
And there you go.
You're your martial law at its finest your police state at its finest somebody having a gun shoved in their face By the police not these terrorists, but you know some police officer who I'd say was terrorizing the people in that situation We'll move on now to Steven in Florida
Yeah, hey, good afternoon.
I wanted to say, first of all, on the heels of what the lady caller said, you know, I think that listening to you and David and Darren and the others there, you guys epitomize what news reporters and media people should be.
And so I just wanted to commend you for your professionalism.
And I think the key is that you deal in truth and not fiction, unlike the dinosaur so-called mainstream media.
It's coming out more and more, just like you saw the Bill O'Reilly clip.
And if you want to see some more Bill O'Reilly clips, you can go look at his stuff from, what is it?
He was on Hard Copy or some show back in the day.
He's yelling and freaking out at people.
But yeah, that's what it is.
So anyway, but thank you for your comments there, but go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to say, you were mentioning about the situation in Waco with this fertilizer plan.
You're harkening back to Waco.
You might want to check into this.
Alex will probably know about this because he's good friends with a guy named Tex Mars that's also there.
I know a lot of Tex Mars.
Yeah, and years ago after that incident occurred there with the Branch Division, the whole debacle, he came out with some intel that said that
Janet Reno, the Pitbull nickname, was the one that gave the order for the, you know, ATF, and it was a whole military operation of basically murdering those people, but then it was given at the behest of Hillary Clinton.
And that's the angle I've never heard really covered in the whole thing about, you know, the whole thing that happened at Waco.
So she had her own personal agenda, I guess, is what the way text was putting it.
And so you guys might want to
Kind of check into that angle.
I wouldn't be that surprised if that's true, knowing the history of the Clintons and how ruthless they are on the murder trail that's in the wake of everything that's been involved and how many people have died, you know, because of them.
But, you know, I just wanted to say, too, I'm a runner and I was just thinking about this.
I went out and ran today.
I'm wondering how long it's going to be until we get to the point where somebody like me is just going to be running along the road, you know, and all of a sudden a cop's going to pull me over and I'm suspicious just because I'm running.
You know, just because of what happened in Boston.
I mean, I go out to a lot of races and there's a lot of people that come out there with backpack type of bags where they carry all their gear.
I'm really leery of seeing the day.
I'm kind of expecting it now where they're going to try, not just the major races like Boston or New York or Chicago, but even smaller ones.
We always have police out there just directing traffic, but when it's going to come down to it, they're going to want to be going through everybody's gear that comes out there to participate.
I don't think that's a very far-fetched statement.
I definitely appreciate your call, sir.
Like you were saying, the bombing in Boston, and he's thinking that the day could come that, you know, everybody's going to be searched just for showing up, and I think that is a very real possibility, especially with your school events.
I think that definitely could easily happen.
Like, I've told the story, I went to my niece's, not funeral, good God, forgive me, I went to my niece's graduation, she is very much alive, I went to my niece's graduation a few years ago and
They were checking people's bags to get into the graduation.
Now, when I graduated, it was an open event.
Anybody could just walk in the building.
I think they may have had a metal detector or something, but that was it.
They weren't checking anybody's bags.
They weren't patting anybody down.
It was just, you know, come as you are, as long as you don't leave the Roscoe at home.
And you could come in, but you had to have a ticket to get into the graduation.
You know, that's the new thing.
You have to have your back searched and all that.
So I definitely think that is a possibility.
I believe it was the the Illuminati card game or something along those lines.
They had that picture of the jogging.
This is nobody expects a jogger to have a bomb or have a gun or whatever the card said and you know, that's gonna be a new thing.
It's just gonna be
Anybody can be a terrorist at any time for doing anything just like they got the Saudi guy now I'm not exactly sure what the situation is with the the Saudi national if he was the terror threat or not But it seems you know like a very probable cause it or like probable case I should say that they just saw a dark-skinned man
I don't know.
Hi, how are you doing today?
I just kind of wanted to weigh in on my thoughts on the fact that West Texas is kind of taking away attention from the Boston bombing.
Boston bombing really took attention away from the fact that they burned up the JFK library.
And then while in the midst of all this going on, we've got CISPA being passed through the House of Representatives and different things that are taking our attention away from the things that we really, you know,
Should be focusing on especially the fact that Bush and Cheney and Obama Have been indicted for war crimes.
No one's really focusing on these things and I just kind of wanted to weigh in on that Yeah, we talked about that yesterday and also the day before with Dr. Steve Pichiniki was on referencing that so you can go dig in the archives for that stuff but that stuff is very much important David Knight has spoken at length about
CISPA and some of the other things going on because people think well we won we won the gun debate well like Obama said he just put it on hiatus I'm pretty sure he's gonna come forward with some executive order so you know don't even rest on the gun issue but just like the gentleman said there are plenty of things going on in the world you know we have Waco and Oklahoma City those those memorials and in many other things so definitely be vigilant of those then sir do you have anything in particular you want to talk about with the JFK library?
That was it.
I just wanted to let everyone understand that we can't just be focused on one thing, that there are multiple avenues that we have to explore, multiple things that we have to focus on when we're fighting for our freedoms.
Because they're not just attacking on one issue, they're focused on multiple issues.
So, you know, just remember to stay vigilant and focusing on everything that's going on, not just one or two issues.
All right.
Appreciate your call, sir.
Yes, and we're taking calls on numerous topics.
It doesn't have to be about Boston.
You know, that's one of the hot-button issues right now.
But you can call about Waco.
You can call about the JFK Library.
You can call about whatever you want.
You can call about GMOs or anything else.
So just let us know what you want to talk about.
We'll move on to Jason in California.
Yeah, it's a pleasure to finally talk to somebody at the InfoWars team.
Long time listener, been calling a lot, never got through.
Well, congratulations, today's the day.
Well, yeah, it's a happy day here in California for me.
But that's the only thing I'm happy about.
What I'm curious about is if anybody, I'm sure it's talked about there in the office with all of the InfoWars team, but with the numbers growing of people
That are opening their eyes, essentially, of things that are going on and that questions that go unanswered.
Is there any sense of an endgame?
We're finally going to get somewhere and people will answer for whether it be war crimes, lies, whatever.
Well the big thing is, is people just don't want to hold their public officials responsible for things.
Because you take a look at, just use Obama for example, you know he has Fast and Furious and Benghazi and multiple drone strikes that have killed children, but he hides behind the Sandy Hook kids and you know other people saying, hey well I'm trying to help these people out and you can, you know, debate whether he's trying to really help them or not.
But these are the people I'm working on and I don't care about
I mean, why doesn't he fly around with the parents of the children that died in drone strikes or, you know, of course, the other things I've referenced, Fast and Furious and so on.
So it's really up to the people to hold these people accountable.
Every press conference, every book signing or wherever else these people may be.
Go there, say, hey, don't just, you know, do the flowery answer.
Oh, I'm so thankful you're doing this stuff about Sandy Hook.
Go in there, hey, what about this?
What about that?
Eric Holder, what about Fast and Furious?
Mrs. Clinton, what about Benghazi?
That's what it's going to take.
You have to go in there and you can do it a little more eloquently than maybe Alex Jones or Dan Vodonti, but definitely get these issues out there.
That's what it takes.
And remind your friends that anytime somebody wants to talk about
Mrs. Clinton.
Oh, I love Mrs. Clinton.
Well, did you know that Benghazi or whatever the situation is?
And you just have to keep reminding people because people often forget.
You brought up Alex and Mr. Mundini.
People with that attitude, what I've always said, they have a place.
They do.
A perfect example is Alex on Piers Morgan.
I wouldn't have expected anything else from Alex, and he got his point across.
And I guess what I'm trying to get to with so many of us, I mean, I can't remember the exact numbers that Alex brought up about as far as unique website visits and all of that information, but with so many millions of people daily, sooner or later we're going to get to a point where we're going to have, I mean comparable to a political party, we're going to have enough numbers where we can say,
Answer this.
Why were there Navy SEALs at the Boston Marathon?
Why do you kill civilians in drone strikes?
You know, any number of things.
And I'm just, I'm trying to be an optimist, but surely, someday, we're going to get there.
Where the criminals and liars have to answer.
And it's just like you said, I just wish there was a way other than
Being a fan of InfoWars and talking to an individual, I wish there were more ways that weren't just... But don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in Second Amendment, but... Right.
...that just weren't only Second Amendment rallies or something, you know, something like that.
I think we spend too much time concentrating on, especially since Sandy Hood, concentrating on Second Amendment, and not enough time concentrating on all ten.
Just as a group, as a group of people that are opening their eyes.
I'm just curious what your thoughts on it were, if we're ever going to get somewhere with it.
I hope that we will, but I also wanted to ask if there's anything that I personally, and a large group of my friends, I'll accept that he's trying to get to maybe a 24-hour status.
We live in California.
I know you've got a few people that work with you guys out here, but we're willing to do stuff for free just to get the word out there, and I'm sure a lot of people across the country are.
So, anything we can do, you or Alex or Mr. Knight, whoever, say the word, and you're gonna get people to help you.
So, I just want you to keep up the good work.
Thank you for your call.
All right.
All right.
And as far as what the caller was addressing, people who want to be active, I mean, you don't have to wait for, you know, InfoWars to tell you, you know, we'd like to do something like we have the bumper sticker contest.
We have the Paul Revere contest.
And those things are great.
Uh, you know, you want to make a video and put Infowars in the title, but more than anything, just be active because it's one thing to, uh, you write your friends on Facebook and Twitter and you put out articles.
I mean, and that does help.
That may wake a few people up, but the big deal is go out there and confront these people.
It doesn't, like I said, you know, I'm not bashing Alex and Dan Badani when I say, you know, you don't have to do their tactics, but the reason I say that is not everybody is, you know, up to
Not everybody's bold enough to go stand in the front row and yell at the FBI.
Not everybody's bold enough to go yell at President Bush like Alex does.
You don't have to do those things.
I mean, those things are great.
They're great news pieces if you do those things.
But just anything.
Just be active in your community.
You can go hand out flyers on the corner.
I mean, you have to engage people personally.
That'd be the only advice I'd give to people because I meet people when we do various things around town.
They say, hey, what would you recommend?
I'm not sure.
Oh, yeah, it's Darren.
I'm from New York.
I was just trying to touch up on a little bit of the Boston and what I've been seeing compared to the news media and then the photos that people have been sending about the whole entire police force basically taking their own people and putting them as prisoners, basically, I see in my eye.
I haven't seen that.
Oh, go ahead.
I have a couple of family members down there and thank God they left before all this happened,
When, uh, before the main event started, they tried going home to go get some of their stuff, and, uh, after the shootout and everything, there was a blockade set up along, uh, I forget what exit it was, but the police basically told them to get out of their cars, they searched everything, asked for their identification, and my sister-in-law, she didn't have her identification, so they took her to, you know, like, the drug king type deal and interrogated her for what seemed like almost hours, she said, but
All it ended up being was the police force patting down the kids and the whole entire family and basically calling it a good day and told them that they can't get in the city.
You said they patted down the kids?
They patted down the kids?
What's up?
Yeah, they patted down everyone that was in the vehicle this morning.
This morning?
You said this morning?
What's up?
You said this morning?
They did that this morning?
Oh, it was like basically a couple hours after the shootout and whatnot.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, I'm in the service and stuff like that.
So, I mean, when I heard about InfoWars, it was back in 2011.
I was like, oh, this is a bunch of hoopla, because I was like, you know, the government can do no wrong.
But after this happened, I kind of opened my eyes a little bit, and I kind of started talking to the people in the company, and I was like, this seems like more than just this.
And then there's been a lot of soldiers, like, dude, they're like, this looks like if the government wants to try doing something with this, it's like we're on the brink of almost what seems like a civil war.
And man, I wouldn't believe it a little bit more if a couple of guys are saying it, because they're like, watch, these people in Boston, they're going to get tired of being locked up.
And next thing you know, it's going to take that one guy to actually get shot by a cop or something.
And next thing you know, you're going to have a whole town basically trying to riot against the police.
So we might have an L.A.
riot on our hands if the government's not too careful trying to finish up that comic book story.
Well, I definitely, you know, I think nonviolence is the best thing in this situation.
But I do agree that the people of Boston will soon be very fed up, if they're not already, with the police presence there and the police state telling them to remain in their homes and having their papers checked when they want to go out to the grocery store and whatnot.
But I definitely hope for a peaceful solution.
Thank you for your call, Darren.
We'll move on to Ronald in Texas.
Hello, Ronald?
Yes, can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Okay, good afternoon.
How are you doing?
Very well, sir.
Thank you.
Yeah, now there's a couple things I wanted to bring up.
I don't know if you noticed that photo of that supposed leg injury victim from the bombing?
I'm sorry, sir.
Go ahead.
Have you noticed the photo of that leg injury?
After the bombing attack?
I saw a picture of a victim who was hit by shrapnel, supposedly.
It was on one of the big New York newspapers, if I recall, and that photo was doctored.
Are you referring to a different picture, sir?
I'm not sure which one you saw.
It shows this individual, supposedly, with a severe traumatic leg injury.
Now, I spent three years Special Forces as a medic.
I worked as an RN, yadda yadda, shock trauma, you name it.
Now, number one, if you have your legs are blown off like that, you're going to have to have a tourniquet.
There's no tourniquet.
Number two, you'd be bleeding profusely.
Number three, you would not be wide awake.
You'd be actually in shock.
And yet here he is sitting up.
He's awake.
There's no blood.
The rescue workers had no blood on him.
So that was all a staged event.
Are you talking about that particular image that you saw?
Yes, exactly.
And I have a lot of friends of mine that are on Facebook.
I use it to get the word out, because I also write for your InfoWars Prison Planet.
And a lot of them are also in journalism, and so they've been forwarding me photographs, etc.
Like, you know, what's going on up there in Boston, and so on.
Now, a lot of people aren't bringing up the fact that they're using the military there
Now, it's my understanding, sir, I guess I can ask you, it's my understanding that, and I'm not making an excuse for it, but people like the National Guard can be active and on the streets if requested by the governor.
Is that accurate, sir?
Yes and no.
They can aid in rescue work, but they cannot aid in place work.
Because that's what the Pacheco Matadas Act was meant for, is a separation of the military from doing civilian work.
In other words, they can't go in and we're going to police this area like we did in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Now the other thing I would like to bring up is the fact that you notice that the Obama and multiple others were indicted and then suddenly you had the bombing and next Obama said, oh, this one white guy sent
The only thing is, to manufacture ricin in large enough quantities to kill a human, you need at least in excess of over 200 pounds of castor beans.
And you'd actually have to remove the beans out of the husk and then scrape the white powder, the fibers, and then you have to process that, dehydrate it, so on.
You have to have almost a degree in chemistry to manufacture it.
And yet, here the people are believing this.
Well sir, I'll ask you, have you seen the Alex Jones interview where he talks to John McAfee?
Yes I have.
How he went ahead and John McAfee actually brought up that.
And the bad thing was when Alex Jones ups, you know, he's going kind of nutty, and I thought, no, you can always tell when a person's serious by their voice.
And here he suddenly went from, ha ha, I'm joking, to deadly serious.
Now I'm not saying it was the Belize government or the Colombians or whoever, but
It goes back to that point, the same with the anthrax scare.
You know, it was weaponized anthrax.
Well, here we're going to need to create a Patsy, all in the name of stripping away our rights.
Oh yeah, I definitely believe that all this stuff is about stripping away our rights there.
And like myself, as a disabled veteran, and I've talked with a lot of veterans here where I live in East Texas.
We're not going to go down quietly in the night.
If they try to bring in martial law or they try to bring in the UN peacekeepers or whatever to take away our guns, we're not going to just
Go off and whisper and hide and, you know, turn everything over.
And many veterans are saying that.
I definitely appreciate your call, sir.
I want to read this article.
This was from a few days ago.
War veteran arrested for rudely displaying rifle.
I do believe Alex talked to this guy yesterday or the day before, and this was a gentleman.
He was outside with his son hiking, and they have some wild game in that area.
I believe some cougars and wild hogs and so forth.
He's approached by the police, a war veteran, and the police say, hey, why do you have this rifle?
He says, you know, there's a wild game out here.
You know that.
You live in this area, or at least you police this area.
And you can see it right there if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWars.com, forward slash, listen, then the police are, they have a guy up against the police car and why do you have this gun and so forth.
And veterans aren't going to put up with this.
You know, I'm definitely not advocating any type of violence, but I do believe there's a very,
I don't think so.
The number to call in is 877-789-ALEX.
That is 877-789-2539.
Is David Knight out there?
Is he still in the back studio?
Okay, that's fine.
We'll continue on.
We'll move on to Barbara in Virginia.
How are you today?
I'm very well.
I'm actually very disturbed at everything that I'm seeing on CNN since this morning.
I mean, I turned on the news this morning and I see the picture of the older brother and it said dead and I'm like, what?
Wait, you know?
Yeah, how did that happen?
Right, it happened overnight.
And the whole thing, I mean, I saw a movie years ago and it basically had to do with government corruption and it was called Double Take.
I don't recall that, but go ahead.
It's like, this had double-take, like, just painted all over it.
Meaning, they're showing you one thing, but what's really happening is something completely different.
And what's been aggravating me since this morning is that everywhere, all these reporters on CNN are like, oh, well, police believe that these two are the suspects who
For the bombing in Boston.
Like, okay, so basically you gunned a guy down on a belief.
Whatever happened to evidence?
That's the question everybody keeps asking.
You know, they say, if these are the two guys and you're confident that these are the two guys, why can't we see them placing the bomb down?
I mean, they show other times when there's something accurately happening.
They show you things.
Now this time, oh, there's no footage.
There's nothing.
A few minutes ago I actually saw that their mother came out and she was speaking.
It was just her voice and she said that the eldest brother had been followed around by the FBI for like over three years.
Are you referring to his mother, their mother, or their aunt?
I saw their aunt.
Did you see something else?
No, it was their mother.
She said anybody would know who, how these boys are would be her.
And the aunt had came out previously and had said, you know, you say that they did it, where's the evidence?
Show me the proof.
She said she's a lawyer from back home, from their country, and she says you can't just show me what you, you know, you're showing me this, you're showing me that.
Where is the proof that they did it?
Everybody wants the proof.
They haven't produced any proof besides the FBI's testimony that these guys were the culprits in this situation, or at least have reason to suspect these guys were the culprits in the situation.
They have shown us no bomb drop, no bloody hands, or whatever the case may be.
They just say they did it and we're supposed to abide by that.
We're just supposed to believe they did it because they told us to believe that they did it.
You know, and you know, and it just, it's, it's, what's to keep them from being, from anyone who was there to be pointed out and say, well you know you were walking down the street and you had this so you must have did it, you know?
At this point there is no, there is no documented proof that they actually did it.
All you see is them walking down the street casually and, you know, and then disappearing.
Um, the other thing that is,
I see on the CNN ticker that comes up every once in a while because of the fact that they put so many news statements on the ticker.
And it says...
That there will be a controlled explosion in Cambridge.
When is that?
You guys know, have they updated that situation of when that is supposed to happen?
Do we know anything about that?
Okay, the guys are checking on it.
Yes, I saw that earlier this morning and my reaction to that was, don't they have bomb sniffing dogs and robots that can dismantle bombs and so forth, but they're just going to blow up a scene and then go in afterwards?
Yes, this is true.
This doesn't make any sense to me.
You have, and you know, they're sitting here, you know, they're ready to sit there and take guns from everyone who, oh well, you have an assault rifle, you have a rifle, you know, and we want to take it away.
But all these people, you know, policing every innocent, you know, bystander just in their hounds, oh well, you can't leave or you're going to get shot.
So you're not, they're not, they don't believe they're creating terror on a town?
Oh, they definitely are.
Okay, we have an article on.
Definitely are.
Thank you for your call, Miss.
We're going to move on.
FBI evidence photo shows Boston bomb suspect standing near child later killed in marathon blast.
Okay, so we can see Mr. White Hat standing.
Is that the eight-year-old who died?
Is that him?
Okay, so there's the 18-year-old who died, if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, and Mr. White Hat, suspect number two, as they're calling him.
Okay, and the lady brought up a very valid point talking about how the police are mishandling the situation, in some cases harassing innocent people.
We showed you the clip earlier of the officer menacing people with his rifle, menacing people who are obviously reporters, or if not, you know, reporters, these people who are running around with camera equipment and the police are menacing them with their rifles.
So the number to call in is 877-789-ALEX.
That is 877-789-ALEX.
2539, and you can call in on any topic.
Many people want to talk about the Boston situation, and that's perfectly fine.
If you want to talk about GMOs or whatever else the situation may be in your area, you are welcome to do that as well.
We'll move on to Marcus in California.
Hello, Jotari.
Great to be on.
Oh, yes.
Thank you.
The last lady, Barbara, she nailed it right on the head with the cops.
And actually, I noticed that they mentioned that it's a voluntary lockdown.
They kept emphasizing that on CNN.
And they had somebody on there saying, it's just, you know, it's a voluntary lockdown.
Yeah, I heard them say that, and then I was listening to the police scanner a little bit earlier.
I believe they had taken down most of the police scanners, but we found one, and I was monitoring it before I came on air, and they said there was some lady who worked at an animal shelter, and she was trying to get to the animal shelter, but she had to get permission from the police just to, you know, go to her job to feed the animals there.
So it doesn't sound too voluntary to me.
And I also wanted to mention that CNN showed an interview of the father of the boys, the alleged suspects.
And he was convinced, the first thing he said is that they were framed.
And he said that, you know, the coward police killed his other son and they're probably going to kill the other son.
He wants to see justice.
And it was really interesting.
And then when they went back to the anchor, he added it was very interesting after they conducted that interview that some Russian government officials came in to question him and took him away.
They questioned the father?
That's correct.
No, I didn't hear that part.
I did see the interview you're referring to, but I didn't know that he had been detained by Russian officials.
The reporter who queued up the interview, after the interview, he came, you know, he said, oh, it's also interesting to note, he was talking to Anderson Cooper, it's also interesting to note that some Russian government officials came to further question him and they took him away.
Well, we'll definitely have to look into that.
I was not aware of that, but we'll definitely take a look at that.
Thanks for your call, sir.
We'll move on to Josh in Ohio.
Hello, Josh.
Yes, go ahead.
This is something that nobody has really touched on.
Now, I know Alex has said he doesn't really know what's going on in Waco.
Does anybody know about Operation Black Rain?
I've not.
The scheduled drill.
Black Rain, no.
Have you heard of it?
No, tell me about this.
You haven't heard of it.
You have not heard about this.
I have a screenshot on my cell phone from the Regional Full Scale ENTF.
It's for Texas.
It's their response team.
But it's supposed to be April 17th, 9am to Thursday, April 18th at 5.
I'm sorry, can you give me those dates again?
April 17th to what?
To April 18th.
And there's a video on YouTube of a guy
In Waco, on the 17th, before the fertilizer plant explosion happened, and this is what's creeping, he took a video of a bunch of government vehicles, FEMA trucks, first responders, all staying at a Marriott Hotel in Waco, when the drill was scheduled for a town 60 miles away.
Since the real explosion did happen, they've since cancelled the drill and all of the people that were scheduled to do the drill are assistant.
And you guys looked that up, you said Black Rain?
Yeah, it's called Operation Black Rain, and I sent three different links.
The original page from the people that organized the event, and then two other pages that had just touched on it.
But I wanted to send you the official links, that way the other ones weren't like... Yeah, send it.
If you can send it right now, put the headline in the... Put what you said in the headline, Operation Black Rain, and put that... Now, one other thing.
The screenshot I was talking about myself, they took down this logo from the site.
I figured they would cut the whole site, but they didn't.
But the logo had TSA on it.
It was this weird symbol.
It was a black and yellow circle, and my buddy has it on his iPhone.
We might be able to send that picture too, but it was taken down from the page.
Yeah, we just saw they had it on the screenshot.
It said FEMA in Texas, and I couldn't see the whole article, but it definitely looked interesting.
Yeah, if you have those, send those to showtips at InfoWars and also writers at InfoWars, and we'll definitely take a look at those.
Thank you for your call, sir.
We'll move on to Steve in Nevada.
How you doing?
Very well, sir.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to draw everyone's attention back to an article that Paul Joseph Watson wrote, Boston Bombing Culprits Identified.
In that article on April 17th, there was these pictures of the Navy SEALs and all those guys, but there was also a screenshot from a guy named Anonymous.
And he said that laws were being written to screw you.
He said, I work on a security commission and I just received word to start campaigning on a campaign we've been working on for the last two months and that'll make sense.
He goes down and says they're going to pin this event on a male in his late teens to early twenties.
And he said he's going to do it because he's unstable.
Uh, he said one person in that screenshot, but what we have here now are two people, one in his teens and one in his late, in his early, well, in his twenties.
He's a young guy.
And so then he goes on to saying that, uh, there's, they're going to find firearms and an X-ray book in his home and they're going to use, uh, reloading powder for the explosion and, um, that the reloading powder shouldn't be on sale for the public and, um, because he can make ammunition with and all that.
So I just want everyone to go back
To that article that Paul Joseph Watson wrote on April 17th called Boston Bombing Culprits Identified and look at that screenshot that that anonymous guy put up where he wrote that out because some of that sort of seems to be playing out because what's really interesting in that what he wrote there he said they won't find the suspect till later this week the raid is issued to occur Friday so that's today
Is that the actual article, guys?
I can't see it from this distance, but that is the article we have on screen.
Yeah, that's it.
That's very interesting to me.
I'm wondering, did this guy have a tip?
Did he know something was going on?
Yeah, we have addressed that earlier.
That was brought to our attention a day or so ago, but I'm definitely glad you brought that back up.
People can scroll up to the top so guys can see that headline.
Even if they planned to do something like this, or he did have
Secondary information and he wasn't exactly accurate.
It seems to be unfolding and sort of like he was showing and you know that the plan can always be changed.
Um, but it seems like he knew something.
He had some kind of, he knew something.
He had some type of tip.
Yes, we were informed of that the other day and thank you for bringing that back up.
You can go to that article and see it there for yourselves.
It's definitely chilling to us and it's folding just like the article had pointed out.
Thank you for your call, sir.
So everybody go to that if you, uh, if you're ever in doubt, you can go check that out and see it for yourself.
I've just been joined in studio by one Mr. David Knight.
Hey Adrikar, how you doing?
So you just did an interview about Waco, is that correct?
Yes, actually, uh, it's going to be on tonight's Nightly News, and I just talked to Mike... I can't hear him in my earpiece.
I don't know if you guys are having any audio difficulty, but go ahead.
He's got me.
Okay, I can hear him now.
Am I online?
Well, I was just interviewing Mike McNulty.
It's an interview that's going to be on tonight on the Nightly News.
And for those of you who don't know him, you may know his films.
He did Waco, Rules of Engagement, and he also did Waco, A New Revelation.
And we actually have that.
Right here in the InfoWars shop.
That's right.
This is a new version.
Check that out.
He also did a third film that kind of came out.
The second film caused a lot of stir within the administrations.
Cause some a revelation of some flare tapes that's forward-looking infrared that shows some thermal imagery.
So he did a third documentary about that.
This package right here has those two most recent documentaries there.
And it's really interesting because this is someone, he's looked at the Waco incident over the last 20 years.
This is the 20th anniversary of the ending of it, where so many children and men and women died in a fiery conclusion to that.
And he's looked at this, but you know what we talked about in the interview was how much things really haven't changed the way the government deals with these types of things.
How it comes out of nowhere, essentially.
Sometimes it's hard to tell where the malevolence ends and the incompetence begins.
You know, it's kind of this thing going back and forth, and the way that
They manipulate the public opinion and the way they manipulate the press and the stories that are set up to cover that kind of incompetence.
And so it's really important and very pertinent to today's debate for people to take a look at this.
And if you look at what happened with Waco, if you look at what happened with Ruby Ridge, if you look at what happened with the Oklahoma City bombing, all these different things, you realize that there's a pattern of behavior here, and that's why we were so quick to jump out and say some of the things that we did, that they just were not adding up, and that it looked like a pattern of behavior.
And what we saw at the time this all happened in 1993, the internet wasn't there, but I was involved with a group of people in the Libertarian Party, and we were passing around information on bulletin boards,
And just as we see today with the internet, we were sharing information with people who were on site, and we were seeing very different information than was being presented to the public.
And the people who are in power right now at the FBI and at CNN and Fox News, they don't want you to see this stuff.
They've got a very narrow-focused story.
Only look here, nothing else.
And they're desperate about that now.
Because it really was a seminal moment for those of us who are looking at it at that point and it was it was just Because again, it was it was a wake-up moment and for people my age that were active at that time it's really a bigger deal than September 11th because we see the whole framework of
We're good to go.
That is CopsProductions.com.
And if you go there and look at his editorials, you'll see, it's essentially overflow information, but he talks about, and we talked about this in the interview tonight, when they come for the guns, you can do one of three things.
You can either turn them in, you can wait for them to come to your house and have a firefight like the Branch Davidians did, and we'll see how that ends, or you can do a third thing, and we talked about that third thing tonight.
If you want to see it, you can tune in to the Nightly News tonight.
Alright, nice plug for that.
Can we show the
The video on the shop site, Waco, a new revelation.
So people can check that out on the Info Wars store.
So guys, just throw that up whenever you get a chance.
Now, David, Waco is something that's very near and dear to your heart.
Why is that?
Why is this one so important to you?
Well, like I said at the interview, you know,
It was really a crossing of the Rubicon.
I could see public opinion absolutely turned against these people, even evangelical Christians ten years ago, especially because they... This was a guy who had messianic fantasies.
He believed he was some kind of reincarnation of Jesus.
I don't know exactly what his theology was, because it didn't really matter to me.
No matter how bad his theology was, there was no excuse to burn him and a bunch of women and children to death.
I don't know.
For political reasons, for funding reasons, because they were trying to extend their jurisdiction and their control, and because they were trying to pull back some of the bad PR that they had gotten in the Ruby Ridge investigation.
And so, when they came in and they started doing this, things immediately came out.
They said, well, we came after him because he had a fully automatic machine gun.
Well, it turned out that he just hadn't paid a license.
That was the technicality that was there.
And so one of the things that we learned about that was that gun laws can be so complex and so lethal that we need to be really careful about infringing on the Second Amendment.
You know, if you infringe on the Second Amendment and you make it a big issue out of a gun crime, people die frequently because of that.
And so that was part of it.
But it was also for me, I guess, a seminal moment because I saw how the
The press and the government were able to manipulate opinion from evangelicals to actually, I heard so many of them say, well, he deserved it anyway.
He was a child molester or whatever.
Child molestation is not the jurisdiction of the ATF.
They did not start all of that because of child molestation.
No, not at all.
And if there was child molestation, give the guy due process.
But we hear today that if somebody is adjudicated or some psychiatrist, I should say, has an
That somebody is dangerous, then that person ought to have their guns taken away from them by force if necessary.
Lethally confiscated if necessary.
That's the implication of that, right?
That is something that can happen.
And yet, here we are 20 years later, and who is in the crosshairs?
of the government.
It's those same evangelicals, right?
Now, 20 years later, and I said it at the time, it's that old cliche that you heard out of Nazi Germany, the guy said, when they came for this group, I did nothing.
When they came for that group, I did nothing.
When they came for me, there was no one left.
We were telling people that over and over again 20 years ago.
And, like I said, some of the people who were the biggest to criticize the Davidians and who had the least sympathy for what happened there were the evangelicals.
And now we're seeing people like Lieutenant Colonel Frank Rich sending out this email to his subordinates saying that...
Uh, the Family Research Council and the American Family Association, two of the most mainstream evangelical organizations out there, are hate groups.
That is so close to calling them terrorists and justifying what you want to do to them and telling his subordinates
They do not share our army values.
And I mean, this is in a document where he is talking about radical revolutionaries.
I mean, we're talking about white supremacist groups and Ku Klux Klan and Islamic terrorists and everything.
And he's lumping the American Family Research Council and the American Family Association into those categories.
And so if we do not stand together for the Bill of Rights, all the Bill of Rights, not just the Second Amendment, we're all going to be in this together.
And that's the thing that really stands out to me, how that all unfolded and as we see now in just 20 years.
And we see the same people in place as well.
Eric Holder had a big role in the Waco subsequent investigations.
Yeah, and not just Waco, also Oklahoma City this week.
And I'll just tell my Oklahoma City story.
When Oklahoma City happened, I was in third grade.
David Knight smiling over there.
I guess he's thinking about how old he was at the time.
And I lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which is about a little over an hour from Oklahoma City.
And I've, you know, been to the memorial out there.
And all the teachers were scared and, you know, a little freaked out about the whole situation.
The official story is that Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols handled that situation even though there have been multiple tests.
You can see it in a noble eye that we have here that the bomb, as the official story says, was constructed, could not bring down a building of that magnitude and cause that kind of damage.
Also in the noble eye, you can see the then governor of Oklahoma saying that there were multiple bombs found inside
The Murrah building, nobody wants to talk about that.
And how did those bombs get there?
Because the official story says that neither Timothy McVeigh nor Terry Nichols ever stepped foot inside that building.
So if they didn't step foot inside those buildings, inside the building, and bombs were found inside, that tells you at least one other person had to be involved to place those bombs in there, but nobody wants to talk about that.
And I remember when that happened, the New American, which is the publication of the John Birch Society.
Had an article from a retired general whose specialty was demolition.
And he said there was absolutely no way that a single car bomb could have caused, A, that much damage to that building, and B, it would not have done a blast pattern in that particular, you know, it took off the, sheared off the whole front of the building, essentially.
He said it would have been concentric going out.
That was very convincing for me.
Very convincing.
And that documentary, A Noble Lie, goes, there's a lot more to that story.
I mean, that right there was, you can look at something and when they're,
That's why we call BS on a lot of these things.
When you look at some of these lies, they are so profound that you say, OK, all right, I don't believe what they're telling me about this.
And at that point, you've got to start doing the research.
And it's going to take a long time for us to get to the bottom of what really happened here at the Boston Marathon bombing, just as it did for Oklahoma City, just as it did for Waco.
But we can tell already that the government is giving us an inconsistent and a dishonest story about this.
And the thing that you've highlighted there with Boston, Oklahoma City and Waco...
Evidence was destroyed.
Because we just heard them say they want to destroy the crime scene in Boston.
They burned down the Waco compound and they demolished the Oklahoma City building even though, you know, there's plenty of evidence to be found.
Same thing in 9-11.
They got the evidence.
They knocked down the buildings and they quickly escorted the remains away from the scene.
There are certain, like you said, and it's why it's important for people to look at this Waco documentary.
There is a certain pattern of behavior involved with these quote-unquote investigations that lays the groundwork for deception and dishonesty.
And, you know, they're not being transparent with people, they're not being honest, they're changing their story, they're covering up and removing evidence.
And when they do that, you know they're up to something.
And usually what follows with that is they then turn around and use that official narrative story
As the basis to fundamentally transform our society in some way.
We've seen it happen over and over and over again and that's what we're calling right here.
We don't have all the answers.
All the answers didn't come out for Waco for over a decade.
But when he started uncovering this, doing his research, doing his Freedom of Information Act, it had profound implications for Janet Reno and other people, although they were never brought to justice.
As a matter of fact, they're now in charge of justice, if you want to call it that way, the Justice Department, which is not really justice.
But, you know, Eric Holder has been, you know, very well rewarded for his toeing the line for the bureaucracy.
And one of the things that Mike McNulty said in the interview was that we often think of dictatorships as being centered around an individual, around Adolf Hitler or Stalin or Julius Caesar or whatever, but it's really centered in our country around these bureaucracies.
They're the ones that have this, and unfortunately,
These bureaucracies never die.
They just get bigger.
You know, they're almost like a corporation that never dies.
There's a lot of... You know, the names change, but the game stays the same.
That's right.
That's right.
Okay, thank you for that.
Dave, we'll move on to our calls.
Did we already talk to Steve in Nevada, or is he still holding?
Okay, let's go to Steve in Nevada.
Well, I'm still, I was your previous caller.
I just wanted to stay on the line, but I wanted to interject something to what he was saying about Oklahoma.
I think the furthest column, according to the blast information, would have only been receiving 23 pounds per square inch of pressure from that blast.
Alright, thank you Steve.
We'll move on to Michael in Nevada.
Is that me?
So, long-time listener, first-time caller, finally got an opportunity because you're running all day.
I'm a mathematician, software engineer, inventor, 165 IQ guy, and the subject of proof is what you've brought up again and again, and one of my interests, it's a very strong interest, I've had it since I was a teenager, and I'm in my 60s now, is a field called Horary Astrology.
That's where you look at the event as it's described by the time and place where it occurs, and you can tell what's going on, circumstantial-wise, it's told actually in the event itself.
And if you look at the event for the bombing in Boston, it's an extremely clear astrological event.
Why don't you tell us your findings, sir?
Why don't you tell us your findings?
Yeah, well, it's clearly where we did it to ourselves, that is to say, the ruler of the first is in the eighth, Mercury, it's a communication by the people who did it to us.
In other words, it's not a foreigner, it's the people themselves.
There are a number of elements.
Sun and Mars are both in the eighth house of death.
In other words, it was going to be a fiery event.
I already had it on my calendar as a very dangerous day.
I was going to stay off the road, so to speak, because it was tax day, a day where everybody gets crazy anyway, and that particular conjunction was something that
It was easy to see coming a long time before.
Can you give us your ultimate findings?
It looks like people in very high authority did the action.
Public servants, people in very high authority, liars who deliberately caused the event and did so in order to improve their power, improve their authority.
Well, thank you very much.
I appreciate that.
We'll move on to Fred in Oregon.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, go ahead.
I just want to talk about a brief similarity between the Aurora shootings and Boston bombing.
Sure, go ahead.
Alex Jones talks a lot about how
People about the elites have their own beliefs about Luciferianism and that sort of thing, and that's what they believe and not what he believes, and I'm the same way.
But you'll notice that the guy that did the shootings at Aurora, he associated himself with the Joker, and he painted his hair all orange and, you know, associated himself with the Joker, and the Joker is a symbol of Revelations 9-11, Napoleon.
It's kind of like this
Yeah, I'm having a difficult time pronouncing that name, but we'll go with that pronunciation.
Go ahead, sir.
There's the side of it, you've got to do the info side, well I mean it's all info, but the more realistic side and more tangible stuff and all, but these elite people also have these spiritual beliefs that are really messed up and I think if you look into the spiritual side of all this and
I think so.
Hey guys.
Hey, how are you doing?
First off, this is separate from my comment.
Common denominator to all of this is Eric Holder.
You guys are talking about him.
He is the common denominator.
But really quickly, I'm going to run through these points.
It's only three of them, and then you guys comment.
Alright, what was the administration's original story?
A man's freedom of speech through YouTube in America caused riots in the world that led to the death of our ambassador.
You're cutting out a little bit, sir.
I'm sorry Sam, we're losing you.
I'm sorry.
We're about to let you go.
I think I know where he's going.
What he's saying is that they're commonly, the common thread here is that they're trying to blame, you know, like you said with Benghazi, oh it was somebody doing a really incredibly bad movie in Hollywood that precipitated all of that.
They're very quick to blame us for our freedoms.
You know, we like to say the Muslims are attacking us because of our freedoms.
It's like, no they're not.
Yeah, they're trying to say Bin Laden and his crew hate us because we have big screen TVs and Hummers and all that stuff.
I'm like, I don't think that's what the cause is.
I don't think the Republicans hate our freedoms as much as the Feds hate our freedoms.
Yeah, that's a very good point.
We'll move on to Allen.
It just says South.
I don't know if it's South Carolina or wherever.
Hello, Allen.
Hey, this is Allen.
Yes, I'm glad I'm glad getting through guys.
I just got a little bit of info here that I wanted to cover real quick.
The guys that were seen with the black backpacks and the Navy SEAL looking guys there.
If you look it up online, you'll find that these guys, what it's stating was that they were National Guard CST teams, a civilian support team.
I saw something about that.
Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, if you search it, you can search it on Google Images and it'll pull up the image of the guys and it'll show them actually walking later in a group and you can see them all standing there.
A couple of them have their CST vests on.
There is an article, I can't remember the name of the article, but there is an article that was stating that they were scheduled to be there and they were there during the running.
I don't know if that was those guys.
One more quick point I wanted to make about the Kraft International guys.
Craft International does not have operatives.
They're not a private security contracting company.
They're a training company.
They're basically like a firearms training company.
They teach civilians, law enforcement, military, but they are not a contracting company.
Now, if one of these guys attended a class and bought a hat or something like that, I don't know, but I do know that Craft is not a contracting company.
They do not do private security.
Okay, thank you sir.
I had heard the possibility about these guys being in National Guard, as he pointed out, and I'm not too familiar with the Kraft organization.
I was familiar with the logo, but not too much with their organization.
Yeah, we went to their site and we have requested information from them, a public statement.
They have not responded to that.
And they also, there's a lot of people who are asking them the same question on their Facebook site.
They're not responding there either.
We've also sent in a request to them there.
So they're kind of closed.
I mean, when you go to most companies, they'll give you a phone contact or something like that.
They only have info at thecraft.com to send them information.
So they're not really, you know, they're kind of a bit secretive, probably, where these guys came from.
There's pictures of some of the trainers there that look exactly like what these guys look like.
These guys did not look, as Alex has said, they look like they came from the craft or from former Navy SEALs or current Navy SEALs.
They did not look like National Guardsmen.
Sure, when you see all the Kraft photos and their own training videos online, that's what they wear.
And then it's the Punisher that the SEALs all use, but then it looks like the red Kraft there, as you see.
That's why we're saying, so we call them.
And sure, I know they're for training.
Maybe they were hired as part of the exercise.
And again, I don't think they were involved in the body language.
I think they were part of the drill.
So that's what we're saying.
Yeah, we didn't say that they were, you know, complicitly involved in, you know, the bombing.
Yeah, exactly.
And I'm not, and I said day one, the different Saudi Arabians, the redneck, all those people, I believe they were Patsy's too.
Now we're seeing Photoshop stuff, because I've been looking at it pretty clear in the media, of the guy, you know, they're now chasing around.
Where it looks like he's standing behind a little kid that got blown up.
I mean, this is disinfo heaven.
And that's what I'm saying.
That's what you see time and time again in a false flag, is this swirling confusion.
So you don't know what's real.
That's what they want.
And that's why all the operators have called in and said, no, that's how it is.
Well, that's how it was in Oklahoma City.
I said five groups.
It's six groups they had there.
Six groups.
So that they always should just keep falling back to the next Patsy.
If you go back and you look at YouTube and look at the 7-7 bombings in London,
They were interviewing a guy and he was with a security organization.
He was saying, this is just amazing.
We were here training with our security organization.
The exact same scenario at the exact same time in the exact same place.
What are the chances of that?
Well, it turns out the chances are like astronomically zero.
So it's the sort of thing when we saw that one and that's why Dan pressed them so hard on is this a drill is this a drill and they would not give us a clear answer they avoided that question the police chief avoid that question when he asked him that because that is a real telling sign that's a telltale sign and it's not to say that the people who are involved in the drill are aware of it just as
As I said, it was an amazing thing to that guy who was with a security organization there in London on the 7-7 bombing.
He was absolutely amazed himself.
These people, if they were involved with the craft there for training, you know, as part of an exercise, that's why, you know, we're not saying that they're involved with it.
But we're also not able to get any confirmation from them one way or the other whether they're participating in it in any way.
Yes, I hope we answered your question, Alan.
We're not saying that they were involved in pulling the trigger or anything.
We're just wondering why they were there.
We'll move on now to Dusty in Michigan.
Hey, how you doing there?
Very well, sir.
I'm calling from the Michigan General Gerald Assembly.
Pretty good.
We were talking 45 minutes ago with a couple of guys about what we can do.
Take back our country?
That's what we're involved with.
What's your take on it?
My take is we've got to stand up and take our country back.
We've got to get rid of these criminals and there's nobody going to do it but us.
How do you propose we go about that, sir?
Forming lawful assemblies in all states.
Taking back our governments.
Get together with your friends and your neighbors and learn the laws of the land and hold these people accountable.
Sounds good.
Dave, did you have any thoughts?
Well, I was just curious what he meant by a lawful assembly.
Is that something that is outside of the electoral system?
Yes, it is.
It's completely constitutional.
Do you have anything?
You said you're involved in a group.
Is that what you do in your group?
It's not a group.
It's a lawful assembly.
We're about 400 people strong in Michigan and we're working with the other 50 states.
Do you have a website where people can get information on how you formed your assembly?
And you can also hit the contact us and send a message and we can connect you with an assembly in your state.
That was Michigan what?
Michigan DeJure.
All right.
Thank you for your call, sir.
I will move on to Jamie in Washington.
Hello, Jamie.
Regarding the police radio at the time just after the bombing that you have linked in your archives on the 17th, deeper into the recording there's a possible transmission that could be an operative talking.
I have sent the dialogue and the timestamps to Showchips, but I'd like to go over the timestamps that are of interest and think it would be very powerful to play these segments for the audience to hear as well.
Sure, that'd be great.
There's a long silence and then someone pretty upset says, I'm dumping, I'm dumping.
I'm not getting near there.
I just got to dump and run.
I'm dumping and running.
Lady breaks in.
I'm sorry, Stanley.
We can't hear what you're saying.
I'm dumping and running.
I'm not, I can't see the pro.
I can't see the what?
The pro.
I just gotta get going here.
Is that okay?
I gotta go.
And the lady goes, yes, go!
So that, to me, is pretty worth listening to.
And just a quick second tip, at 255.45, it sounds like an officer,
He says, bleachers over here and the library.
But the note to think about here is the library explosion announced at the first press conference by the Boston mayor or police around 5.15 p.m.
Eastern on the day of the bombings that the library explosion had only happened about 30 minutes ago.
So why did the cops know about it at 2.55 and are directing others to that location besides the bleachers?
So thank you and I hope this cracks things more.
All right, thank you.
That's interesting information.
Thank you so much.
And as far as that, resend that to ShowTips and put BlogDogTimeStamp in the headline.
Thank you.
No, gentlemen, I'm just looking for my keys.
No, we do this quite often.
If anybody out there knows where Alex Jones' keys are, call him.
I don't know.
This is almost a daily game.
We get to play Find Alex's Keys and Find Alex's Phone.
It's usually the phone.
I'm working around here.
Yeah, he's a busy guy.
Bigger things on his mind.
Like a bumblebee.
Alright, the number to call in is 877-789-ALEX.
That is 877-789-2539.
You can call about whatever topic you want to.
You don't have to talk about the Boston bombing, but that's a hot topic, and if that's what you want to talk about, that's perfectly fine.
We'll move on to Chuck in Oregon.
Yes, go ahead.
How are you doing?
Yeah, I just wanted to mention that my brothers and I have a program on Blog Talk Radio, if I'm allowed to say that, and we received an email today after our program saying that we might not be able to, because of the situation in Boston, we may not be able to have our regularly scheduled programs this next week.
Why would that be?
Are you there?
Are you located anywhere near there?
No, I'm in Oregon.
Oh, wow.
So they just said because of the situation in Boston you can't have a broadcast is basically what they said.
I'm just curious, sir, what type of programming do you have?
Basically, you know, we go over the
The headlines, the news of the day, the situation in the circle.
So did they give you any reason for that?
Or they just said that you might not be able to have it simply because of what's going on in Boston?
That's the only reason?
Yeah, I thought that was very strange.
That is very strange.
Well, you know, we have seen situations all across the country the day after this bombing happened.
USA Today had pictures of essentially martial law type of things going on in cities all the way across the country, all the way out to L.A.
And I mean, we looked at it and we were just absolutely amazed, weren't we?
Yeah, even today I was watching CNN and they had a Hummer or a Humvee, whatever you call it, parked on a city street just like it's a mailbox or something, like it was supposed to be there.
And that's what we're so concerned about, is that this is being used to fundamentally transform our society.
To take these military drills which have been occurring in big cities on a more and more frequent basis to do this even more in the open and make it more of our day-to-day life and to use this as a justification well because it was a bombing in Boston no longer will you be allowed to openly congregate without turning this area into a police state you know we're wherever you are we're gonna do a TSA number on you and we know the TSA has been building up for this for quite some time they've been stockpiling
The tools to do this.
They've been running test runs with Viper at various public places, typically having to do with transportation, things like train stations and bus stations and that sort of thing.
But they've also been at sporting events, which has absolutely nothing to do with transportation.
Not at all.
At Romney rallies and the other candidates during the election.
So they're aching, aching to expand their jurisdiction and their little bureaucratic empire.
And that's exactly the types of things, as we said before,
Let's see.
I guess you could just contact Blog Talk Radio, but I'd like to know if this has happened to anybody else that has program on.
Yeah, anybody else who's on Blog Talk or any affiliate and they say, hey, my show's been canned, at least temporarily, because of the situation, we want to hear from you.
Thank you for your call, Chuck.
We'll move on to Drew in Indiana.
Hello, Drew.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I had two questions.
One, whatever happened with the Oath Keepers at Lexington?
And two, there's a woman walking in front of the two guys that her face is bleeped out like the Fed that's putting this wire in.
Yeah, I noticed that.
And her balloons go up like it's signaling the second bomb to go off.
Well, I'd have to look at the images again.
I remember when I was watching that CNN, that clip, well, when I first saw it was on CNN, the FBI footage, was, you could see some people, not just that woman you were referring to, but some people had their faces blurred, but some people didn't.
And I thought that was very strange.
If you're going to blur, you know, this kind of crowd, why don't you just blur everybody's face?
You know, I mean, you're the FBI, you should have the resources to, you know, blur people's faces.
So I thought that was odd.
And what was your other point, sir?
What ever happened with Lexington today with the Oath Keepers?
Did they show up?
Well, they essentially declared, I think, some sort of martial law there, and we were hearing that they were telling reporters they couldn't come out and cover things.
So, I've been in and out of the situation today.
Like I said, I was working on other aspects of the show, so I'm not really sure, but Alex was talking to Stewart Rhodes earlier, and I believe that they weren't letting anybody meet anywhere.
They essentially had the whole area in lockdown because they've got this manhunt going on.
The narrative is that they're hurling bombs at people and... Yeah, they're sitting there driving down the street throwing bombs out the back of their truck.
Sir, if you want to find out more about that, I believe you can either do... I'm not sure if... Was Stuart on earlier today?
I know he was on yesterday.
I was busy... Oh, he was on today, okay.
I was busy monitoring the radio traffic of the Boston situation.
So, you can check the archives of earlier today and you can hear it from Stuart himself.
Alright, thanks for your call, sir.
We'll move to Jay in Texas.
What legal authority?
I'm looking at Fox News and all this, telling people to leave their homes immediately and then they go in there.
Don't they need a warrant?
What's going on?
It's called martial law.
Did they declare martial law?
No, they haven't declared it, but they're acting like it.
It's a state of emergency, I believe.
I mean, how many times have they declared an actual war in all the wars that we've had that we've been involved in, right?
They don't necessarily get a declaration of war, they just do it.
And they don't necessarily get a declaration of martial law, they just do it.
And that's what they're doing right now.
They don't follow these rules that we're...
Yeah, I mean, I am blown away by this.
I can't believe it.
And just in perspective, we've had shootings and other bombings.
I mean, it's not, I hate to say it, but it's not, you know, the most uncommon thing in the world.
And they don't shut down cities and go house to house and get out shots.
I do agree they should have some type of a warrant, but they're just doing whatever they want to do pretty much.
And that's what we were saying from the very beginning.
And that's what the mainstream press was saying.
They said this is going to be a transformational event.
Just like September 11th.
And we were saying, yeah, and it's going to transform us into the next level of tyranny, which is what we're seeing happening right now today in Boston.
Yeah, and when it first happened, I was just calling, you know, calling out to obviously going to have checkpoints and all that, which they did, having troops check your papers on the streets and so forth.
And they went even beyond that.
We're going to come into your home and you need to stay outside until we get done.
I really don't have an answer to your question, sir, but I do agree with you that they shouldn't be doing those type of things.
All right.
All right, thank you.
And is that Fabian in Indiana?
Yes, sir.
OK, go ahead.
Hi there.
Been wanting to call you guys.
I was wanting to specifically talk with David Knight because I heard him mention Mike Golden the other night.
The Radio Rebel.
Mike Golden?
I'm not sure.
Mike Golden?
That doesn't ring a bell.
David, I mentioned him the other night, just two or three nights ago.
Did I?
He was a radio rebel out of North Carolina and was wondering if he had heard that Mike had been found dead.
No, I didn't know that.
Actually, I am from North Carolina, but I don't recall, the name doesn't ring a bell, and I don't, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but yeah, well definitely.
It was one of these late evening, you know, after the daily, you know, when you guys take over after the 3 o'clock or 4 o'clock.
But what I wanted to say was ask you too, do you know who Rod Class is?
No, that's not familiar to me.
Rodney Class, you guys really need to have him on as a guest.
Him and Mike Golden as well have been just exposing the system and we've got to attack this system from every angle available to us.
And who is, what exactly is Mr. Glass?
It's Class.
Oh, Class.
What exactly is his area of expertise?
Well, he considers himself a PAG, which is a personal attorney general.
The North Carolina courts, they had a tiger by the tail here recently.
Tell us about Mike Golden.
You said he was found dead.
What were the circumstances?
I didn't know that much about him.
I had heard about it through Rod Class.
Uh, and he feels like that, uh, his death was under mysterious circumstances.
I did an internet search and tried to find out something about it.
And the only thing I saw was a blog somewhere that said, um, you know, Mike passed away at home.
Uh, but, uh, Rod Class, he holds these conference calls that are,
on the internet through AIB radio on TalkShoe.com and he said that the family has told him that Mr. Golden died under mysterious circumstances.
Well, we'll look into that.
Thank you for your call, Ms.
Just about out of time, so thank you for your call.
We actually got through all of our calls today, so pride ourselves on the back for that.
So, stay tuned, InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 p.m.
We'll have a lot more information for you at that time.
David, any final thoughts?
Well, yeah, we just want to reiterate what we said at the beginning when I came in, and that is, look at the patterns.
Look at what's been happening.
We've seen these patterns over and over again.
We see certain things like this happening, even though it can take a very long time, like it has in the case of Waco, or it has in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing.
These inconsistencies that we see here are going to eventually be found out.
The truth will eventually come out.
And it has come out about those two things.
And I would really encourage people to take a look at this Waco, A New Revelation, because that's a lot of research that Mike McNulty has done.
Excellent research.
And if you like this broadcast, you want it to continue, we've been running the extra, extra overdrive.
Consider becoming a member of PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can get yourself a 15-day free trial.
It supports the broadcast and allows us to do things like we've been doing lately.
So, uh, and for more slightly news tonight, 7 p.m.
We're good.