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Filename: 20130401_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 1, 2013
2334 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look at the Prince of Globalism.
Look at what it does.
Implode countries create giant masses of poor people.
And it operates via the hoax that the establishment wants to create prosperity when they want to create the exact opposite as a tool of control.
They are now talking about taking all of the money out of the people of Cyprus's bank accounts.
And why shouldn't they?
Why shouldn't foreign mega banks do something like that to back up their own losses in the bond market?
Because they have a paramilitary police force there.
That's just like a robber coming into the bank teller and saying, hands up, put the money in the bag if you want to live.
And the globalists have set up homeland security, secret police apparatuses all over the world to be able to carry this program out against humanity.
That's what's happening.
And we sit here watching all of this come true in slow motion, then in medium motion, now in fast motion, and then it's speeding up to light speed right now.
And I will tell you, and it's in the IMF World Bank document plans we've been warning you about for 12 years, or 11 years since 2002, early 2002,
That they do plan on doing this here.
And that's why they've announced, oh, the NSA and the Pentagon and the FBI and every other agency, they're in your bank account, live time, watching everything you do.
Gee, whatever happened to a warrant?
Oh, they got to stop drug trafficking.
When it's on record that the big six Federal Reserve Banks launder almost all drug money.
You hear about a smaller bank getting busted for drug money occasionally, it's because they were laundering money of local cowboys.
Local people, you know, shipping drugs in themselves, which the establishment doesn't cotton to.
The war on drugs, this is a no-brainer, people still don't get this, some of them, is about making drugs illegal so you can boost the price of the black market and go after your competition selectively.
And I don't get how the public doesn't understand that.
I don't understand how that is the case.
I just, it's a fact.
It's how the British brought down China over 50 years because the Chinese government made opium illegal a couple hundred years ago.
And within 50 years, they'd fully taken the country over via corruption.
You make drugs illegal, it boosts the price, and then you ship them in and then take control of the towns, cities, and then districts, and then finally China itself.
And then they have the Boxer Rebellion against that and the rest of its history, but absolutely hellish.
And this is the type of stuff being exercised upon us right now.
Now, obviously, we've got an incredibly important broadcast lined up, and I will cover all the news when we come back.
I did a rebroadcast yesterday on the Sunday Show because it was Sunday.
I will be back next Sunday, four to six live, by the way.
I've done two Sundays taped, just because a lot of stuff fell on those dates, but I'll be back next Sunday, four to six live, and I'll be here live this entire week.
Thursday, Mike Adams is coming in with a bunch of breaking news, but I'll be here Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then back Sunday.
And I just had a pretty interesting weekend here in Austin, Texas with family.
We kind of had a mini family reunion out at a little hotel.
Golf Course Resort.
We didn't play golf, but that was where we went outside Austin.
I have a very interesting story to tell about that.
We were all sitting in a hot tub, myself and three local Austin business people, by the pool at the hotel.
And I'll tell that story later.
I only bring that up because it was so amazing.
We were sitting there talking about bankrupting the dollar, the globalist takeover, the plan to confiscate our firearms.
And there was this guy sitting there for about 20 minutes while we were talking, watching us.
And he got up and he said, look,
We've taken over, you're not going to stop us.
It was a bizarre conversation, but basically MSNBC, he was regurgitating that, but he was such an authoritarian and laughing at us, saying our authoritarian takeover's here, you can't stop us.
I'm going to be breaking that down and a lot more today, the latest on the open borders push and the Second Amendment.
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We now take you live
To the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart of the resistance, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It is April 1st, 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
We had him on for about 20 minutes last week.
I'm getting him on for a full hour.
Always interesting.
Dr. Chief Steve Pachinick is going to be with us in the third hour.
We will open the phones up so you can have a chance to ask him a few questions during that period.
We're also going to have open phones in the first and second hour today.
interspersed with the news and information.
But here's what I want to say just out of the gates.
Just as North Korea lacks the technical ability to manufacture a automobile, just as North Korea lacks the technical capability to feed its own population, just as North Korea and authoritarianism in its purest form creates total collapse of human civilization, the total state is the collapse of everything.
But those that wish to inhabit the total state always have such a relish for dominating and controlling that they can't allow anyone in their system to be free or open, so the society rots.
But just as the West, not just China, but the West, ABB, the Swiss company that was headed up by Donald Rumsfeld at the time in 1996, transferred the nuclear reactors, sold them to them,
So they could produce fissile material for atomic and hydrogen bombs.
And that's on record that the West armed North Korea.
It's on record the West has moved our entire industrial capacity and capability to a large extent to the third world and predominantly China.
It is a fact that we have been economically slowly strangled and culturally strangled.
When you turn on the television, not just TV news, but any other system,
of establishment media, films, entertainment, you name it.
It is all anti-liberty, anti-human, anti-freedom messages so that the United States can be fully broken.
The globalists have always hated America because we were resistant to tyrants.
And we became the example of liberty worldwide and the opposite of authoritarian centralization.
Doesn't mean America has a perfect history, but the idea of rugged individualism is anathema to the enemy.
So, we are not just to be broken down, we are to be broken completely and, quote, re-educated.
That's why our food and water is poisoned, it's why we're dumbed down, it's why they lie all across the country and say it's the law to take vaccines and the new Canadian numbers just came out.
One in 55 children have autism.
They're killing us!
I was talking to the lead singer of Anthrax last night.
I'm going to get him on, by the way, guys.
You've got to remind me.
His number's in there in my phone.
I forgot to give it to you.
I was out to dinner with Dave Mustaine, and I was also out to dinner with the lead singer of Disturbed.
I'm not name-dropping.
The point is, is that Dave was staying at my house this weekend, here visiting, because they're moving to Texas.
And I've known Dave for years, but he's been out here looking at houses, staying at my house off and on with his wife and daughter, and when his son comes to visit...
But he comes out as well, and it's just they're all awake to the New World Order now.
And he was saying most people he knows in the music industry are awake to the New World Order, but then it's the higher-ups, the management and people, that are there basically pushing the establishment line and trying to not allow anybody to be successful who doesn't toe the line with the New World Order.
That's why you see
People coming out who were anti, who have been pro-gun, like Sylvester Stallone, and I saw his quote last week.
A month ago he said we're straight guns.
I saw the quote last week.
Can you pull that up for me again?
And he said, look, just get ready to turn them in.
We're going to have to go to people's houses and take them.
See, they're trying to break the ice here and just get you prepared to have your guns taken.
It's really happening.
And what am I getting at here?
Authoritarianism is real.
And it will overrun you like a staph infection, like a cancer.
It will overrun you like a person being fed into a wood chip or feet first.
And the pain is real.
The tyranny is real.
The wealth, the liberty is pouring out of us like someone who's had their legs chopped off.
And we've got to admit that this is happening to get tourniquets tied around our knees or we're going to bleed out, which is the plan.
And again, we're not
A person who can't regenerate their legs.
We can rise like the phoenix.
The idea of liberty can do that.
But we're bleeding to death right now.
We're going into shock right now.
And the globalists are doing everything they can to push us beneath the water to fully salt the earth.
Of this republic, and if you look at what big government has to offer, if you look at the cult of government, where people that work for government or corporations that are associated with it feel this reflected glory and sense of power through the system.
That's what they're doing.
And I run into people who say to me, we are taking over, we are the collectivist, and you have failed, and you are weak, and you are pathetic, and I don't take what you say as serious, I don't listen to you, you don't count.
And it's a mind game.
Like Karl Rove telling reporters, I control history, I control reality, I'll change reality tomorrow, and you will dutifully conform yourself to that because I am the establishment.
I am basically God.
And we've seen Robert Gibbs make similar statements about how we lie to the public on things that are verifiably provable and on record, and then laughed at everyone.
You know, when he talked about the drone program exists for many years, but I get up there and tell people in press conferences it doesn't exist, and then the media plays along with that.
I remember at the time and said, okay, it doesn't exist.
That's what I'm getting at here is, you either revolt mentally, psychologically, spiritually, and make a break with these people, or we become North Korea.
Because in North Korea, you watch the mass rallies and, you know, the inner party members that come out, and that's only a few percentage of the population that are even allowed in the major capital controlled cities.
The other people don't even know where they are.
They're basically living two centuries ago.
The men and women are put in cages,
When they're in estrus, when the women are, like you breed animals, and then the babies are taken at birth and sent to government facilities to be basically trained for whatever specialized area they're in.
And they've destroyed the basic human system there.
North Korea is a globalist, communist laboratory of destroying humanity, of a boot stomping on the human face forever.
And look, it's a third-generation, little, fat, pudgy, weak coward who grew up in the most luxury boarding school in the world for his entire life, and obsessed with Hollywood and entertainment, and then now he's the dictator over people, threatening to nuke Austin, Texas, where I live, and they can't even get an ICBM off the launch pad.
They're medium-range missiles.
Are, are, are, are, are, are rotting jokes.
But still, the globalists who are tyrants themselves need it as the supposed threat.
So my point is, if you don't refuse to absolutely
break with these people and if you don't refuse to buy any of their garbage and really hate them and disdain them and speak out against them continually you will be dominated by a horde of locusts on power trips who are useful idiots who are in some type of mass mob zombie psychology to overrun free societies and dominate them.
The establishment is going to take everything we've got because we have gotten in a broken position.
We have put ourselves in a position of a broken prostitute who got off the bus when she was 17, a runaway, you know, from Kansas in some place like Los Angeles or from Illinois.
And she gets off the bus and wants to be a movie star because of the narcissism of television and the culture.
She buys into that, and she goes out to Hollywood, and two years later, she's been all used up with cigarette burns all over, addicted to heroin because they addicted her to get control of her, and then she's just found dead in the back alley.
America is just like that woman, just like that young girl.
We buy into the culture, we buy into the Madison Avenue, we buy into the Hollywood, we buy into the Kim Kardashian, we buy into the fact that we're not whole unless we go to this undiscovered, grasses greener, Hollywood imaginary system.
And all it is is a weaponized construct really created by Edward Bernays
About 90 years ago is when they really started setting it up as a Department of War program to not just take over America, but the world.
And Bernays wrote books about it.
There's countless books.
I mean, that's a fact.
It's always been a tool of propaganda.
It's just that they couldn't sell their program as hardcore back then as they are now because people wouldn't buy into it.
They had to do it by incremental moves.
And now when you turn on the television, the ads, the news, the sitcoms, the dramas, all of it is high-tech propaganda.
Selling you that if you'll sign on to globalism, if you'll sign on to turning your guns in, and open borders, and high taxes on the rich, really the middle class, to transfer the money offshore, that somehow the economy will get kick-started again.
And instead, all we're doing is sticking our legs deeper down the woodchipper.
I mean, look at this article that just went up at Infowars.com.
World War Z scene changed to please Chinese censors.
We've gone in 10 years from criticizing China with forced abortion and infanticide and suicide nets and Falun Gong to our media.
From the New Red Dawn to the New World War Z.
Not even allowing, you know, to show an outbreak starting in China.
And I've read the book.
That's how it starts.
It's all a big martial law conditioning program.
It promotes world government.
It promotes Marxism in the book.
It says that the collectivist ultimate enemy is American gun owners who are exterminated.
And they actually are thankful for the zombies killing the American people.
The enemy of the UN.
And the U.N.'
's the good guy.
So again, this is a U.N.
propaganda film.
You got the Communist Chinese government openly saying, take American people's guns.
And then they now dictate what's in these propaganda films.
Of course they do.
It's global government.
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Okay, I'm going to get into the latest on the Second Amendment, the latest on total blanket amnesty in the North American Union's complete establishment.
That's what this amnesty deal is.
It will absolutely bankrupt the country and drive the wages down to nothing, which is the open gold of the UN and the globalists.
But I want to say something here.
I see things for what they are.
From a historical perspective, if what was going on right now was happening 200 years ago, you would say America and the West has been conquered by a private combine.
And that's what the British East India Company did.
They conquered most of China and they conquered India.
And they were in control of India for close to 300 years.
The British East India Company, it was also the Dutch East India Company, they basically merged later.
But the point is, and that's the Queen of England and the Queen of the Netherlands as well, that's British Petroleum, Dutch Royal Shell today, is just part of it.
And both of those families' wealth are national secrets.
These are people that sat on top of the world imperial wealth.
And so when we talk about world government, it's not the new world order, it's the old world order.
And they have conquered China, the U.S.
government at the end of World War II, 1949, put Mao Zedong into power.
And the communist Chinese over there have made deals with literal slave factories,
No environmental laws, no insurance, no regulations.
The parents chain their children.
You can type this in.
Children in China chained to lampposts.
Where they may get one meal a day while their parents work up to 24 hours, and the little children sit there and go to the bathroom over the side of the curb in the dirt road, and they chain their children, I'm talking three-year-olds, four-year-olds, to poles.
Now as soon as they're five or six, they're ready.
Imagine, they want to go work in a slave factory, because that's better than being chained to a pole all day.
You wanna know why folks come here from China and work so hard and get, you know, top of their class A pluses and all the rest of it?
Because they've lived in literal hell.
There it is, heartbreaking pictures of Chinese toddlers tied up all day because their parents can't afford childcare.
Let's scroll down and show that.
In fact, there's a famous photo from like three years ago that shows a road with a fence on it, a chain link cyclone fence, and there's hundreds of kids chained up.
Now, you think when they put in Agenda 21 that basically makes it impossible for us to operate businesses here?
With inspectors, you know, on purpose removing the authorization to build, say, a deck on your restaurant on South Congress.
You spend $500,000 to build it.
It's to total specs.
And they come and withdraw it and order you to tear it apart.
My lawyer, Eric Tabb, beat him locally for that local bar and restaurant.
I mean, that's just an example.
And it was the only time the city had been beaten in the last decade or something.
It's about ruining you and making sure no one can operate in America or Europe or Canada or New Zealand or Australia unless they're insiders.
If you're a big insider oil company, you can dump toxic waste right in the river.
If you're General Electric, you don't have to even run a clean power plant and your competition is totally clean, they're shut down.
This is all on record.
You're a big globalist company, you're exempt from Obamacare.
And they're hiring bureaucrats that hate our guts.
They are imploding us.
This is what I'm trying to get at before we come back and really get into the big news.
China now owns the majority of our supposed debt.
But if you look at it, Americans have been signed on to over $600 trillion of the $1.5 quadrillion global that's not even our debt.
So, China owns most of the $16 trillion debt, or the largest piece, that Americans really do owe in the government.
You notice government wants to bankrupt things as fast as possible, because $16 trillion is not that much when you realize the faith and credit of this country that's still left.
They're just telling you now all this debt is yours, and then pointing at the welfare class as if they got us into this debt, when the welfare class is a very small percentage of this, but I'm still against it because it's very dangerous and they now feel like they're part of the state.
They've never done anything in their life.
We pay their salaries, the welfare class, the governing class, all of them, but they don't care.
Because they are on a power trip through government.
So now every Hollywood movie doesn't just have to get Pentagon approval and all this other government approval at the highest levels.
There's no law, that's just how it is.
Now we have to get approval if there's any criticism
I mean, I've seen cases with Spider-Man and Batman and stuff where there's just one Chinese police officer shown as corrupt, so they have to edit it.
The American people don't have any special interests working for us, but foreign communists that run giant death camps now control our media.
We'll talk about it when we come back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central we're here live.
We have the InfoWars Nightly News.
Seven o'clock central every evening at Infowarsnews.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I mean, I'll just be honest with you.
I am mourning our constitutional republic, completely captured by rapacious, predatory, anti-human, eugenics, transhumanist adherents who fully control
Most of the world's resources and have control of fractional reserve banking and fiat currency so they can just create unlimited money to impoverish us.
They use the fiat not to empower because of mechanization and industrialization.
All these supposed symbols of wealth are actually very, very easy to be delivered to the public.
They are building a nightmare anti-human system of mass culling.
And just to have it hit you that Communist China, wildly authoritarian, wildly abusive, and you don't even hear that in the news anymore.
And it's because globalism has taken over.
The globalists are now able to not just have the foreign IMF and World Bank and Federal Reserve control our currency, our credit.
and the nation's credit rating and future and sign us onto their debt through economic conquest as they're doing other countries.
They have teamed up with the communist Chinese with a billion three hundred plus million people who are a eugenics death panel society as as as as collectivist and you know basically barbarous as you can get
And now they have movies coming out where the UN is exterminating not just zombies, but any humans that won't accept global government.
And it's called World War Z. And the Communist Chinese don't like the fact that the outbreak happens in China.
And so that's been edited so that the Communist Party is happy.
I mean, of course they told me we couldn't hand out magazines anywhere in downtown Austin a few weeks ago.
Of course they said we can't have Infowars.com on our car now.
The police with straight faces.
Riding tickets.
Of course the police chief where I live says ban, you know, semi-autos or anything with 10 round mags as a start and don't have private sales because they want to confiscate them.
Of course we live in authoritarianism.
You don't get a job now unless you're going to do what the authoritarians say.
And it's always going to be more by increment.
And here I sit in America, and the Communist Chinese, under just direct orders, said you can't have Red Dawn showing Communist Chinese invading via Mexico, where by the way the Chinese military is massing.
But it won't be the Chinese invading us, they'll be invited in under globalism.
I mean they actually have drills like NLE 9, 10 and 11 under FEMA in 2009, 10 and 11.
Where the Chinese military openly trained, along with 15 other countries, to quote, take on domestic extremists, and then we got the training manuals, wrote articles about it, and it was to go after gun owners.
Our military, and the 5th Branch Homeland Security, operating domestically, trains now, and says in the news, this is now headlines, to take on gun owning, conservative, libertarian, returning veterans, and quote, white men.
And see, that's the unifying thing.
Collectivism, anti-gun, anti-family.
Just say it's anti-white and then sell it as racial branding.
And you turn on MSNBC.
I mean, this is so over the top, ladies and gentlemen, I can't even believe it.
And they say if you don't support everything the collectivists are doing, if you don't support banker bailouts, if you don't support turning your guns in, if you don't support total open borders, if you don't support massive tax increases, you are a racist.
People say, well, I don't buy into that propaganda.
It doesn't matter.
They are selling it as politically correct to the minorities, that are really the majority, that it is good and they aren't good people if they don't dislike white people.
I mean, this is open, organized divide and conquer.
And of course, the ultra-rich white people and others that own and run this, they're never going to be touched.
They're never going to know.
It's all about getting all of us, while they implode the economy, while they bring down our society, getting us all fighting with each other, where we see what color we are, or what region we're from, as the only issue, and not, hey, why is 85 billion a month
In a robbery, because they're going to make us pay this back in taxes and regulations and inflation.
Why is that going to the private Federal Reserve and more than half of that to foreign European banks?
I mean, that's on record that half the 85 billion, roughly, or a little more than half, goes to foreign European banks.
But the Federal Reserve will not tell the Senate and House Banking Committee where the money goes.
I could play you the intro from the Obama deception.
Where the different senators are selling, tell us where the bailout money went.
No, I won't tell you, says Ben Bernanke.
No, I won't tell you, says the Treasury Secretary at the time, Paulson.
And it's the same thing every week.
If you watch the hearings every month, it's the same story.
I live in a country where the Communist Chinese, who own the biggest factories in the world and are billionaires, every one of the inner party members, up team billionaires, living in giant fortress palaces,
Helicoptering out to their weekend retreats with giant greenhouses obsessively with only the purest non-GMO seeds and water.
That's even in the news.
Communist Chinese insiders, you know, eat organic food.
I don't know.
Humanoids, animals, cows that produce human milk.
They had that eight years ago.
Rhesus monkey pets that glow in the dark that are part jellyfish.
That's 15 years ago.
I mean, Pepsi factories with human fetal cells flavoring.
I mean, this is all on record.
Just beyond Blade Runner.
And we're here in America watching sitcoms, watching dramas.
We're in every sitcom and every drama and every cop show and every thriller.
Every one of them!
You are listening that watch TV out there, you know this is true.
Every show.
If you don't like vaccines, you're a terrorist, child molester.
If you care about guns, you're secretly Al-Qaeda.
If you're white, you're all secretly racist.
Total... Every show, the father's scum.
Men are dumb.
Men are foolish.
Women run everything.
I mean, this is full-on war.
How do you think the Globalists would bring in world authoritarianism?
They'd do it like they're doing it right now.
And does that tell you how important this broadcast is?
I talked to Dr. Pachinik and I talked to other big insiders.
I talked to...
I don't even have time to do it now.
Every day, it's incredible.
I'm not bragging.
I'm saying I haven't even realized who we are and how important this broadcast is.
And I'll be quite honest, by the grace of God and your prayers, are we even alive and on the air right now.
But there's coming a time when the globalists probably are just so arrogant down the open, they're not going to care.
They'll want to smash Alex Jones right in front of you.
Because it's just... I mean, they're now saying, we took 10%, we took 40%.
Now we may just take 100% of everybody's bank accounts.
And it turns out, the president of Cyprus, you know, the leaders of their parliament, all the insiders months ago got all their money out.
Of course they did.
I mean, if you're a maid who saved their whole life, or a school teacher, now they're saying, well, you know what, we just took 40% of your money, you know what, I think we're going to take 60% and maybe everything.
And they won't let you get your money out of your bank account.
They're going to take everything, folks.
Thomas Jefferson said the level of tyranny you will live under is the exact level that you will accept.
I told you they were going to take everything out of your bank account.
I told you they were going to bankrupt every city in the United States and put it under emergency receivership to the globalists that created the fake debt bubble and got your cities to invest in bad derivatives.
They wanted the cities to invest in derivatives.
Then hold everyone hostage saying, too big to fail, all the pension funds, all the city funds, all the county, all the funds will go under.
If you don't prop all of this up, and then you shine on to the 1.5 quadrillion globally,
And then your cities go bankrupt anyways because it was designed to.
They sold the cities, the counties, the cop pension funds, the firefighter pension funds.
They sold everybody this stuff because they had to destroy you to make you dependent.
There's so much wealth in a free society, in a free market.
The IMF and World Bank and Ex-Im Bank, all they talk about is getting rid of wealth that's privately held.
Killing, overheating economies as they call it.
If we have a 4% growth rate,
They call it overheating but China can have a 14-15% and they don't call it overheating.
Because the globalists have overheated it with slave labor that centralized the wealth transfer.
It didn't go to the people to burn out the rest of the world's economic system.
There was China at some times with 14% on average 11% growth rates according to Western Cook numbers.
That kept it down because they were using our numbers to crunch it.
More like 25% growth rates.
Red hot, white hot economy.
That was only a economic military system to shut us down.
You know, I was telling my wife this morning,
I said, you know, sometimes to see something super far away is almost bad because as it gets closer to you, you become comfortable with it and get over your concern and the fight or flight instinct to actually do something.
So I saw the ship over the horizon, you know, with basically spidey sense, historical sense, it wasn't even that, it's just out in the open radar, but for the general blind public, I saw it over the horizon.
And I warned everybody, just 2 plus 2 equals 4, and they said that was a conspiracy theory.
And now, the New World Order ship is turned, is broadsiding us.
We're on fire.
But the public has gotten so comfortable with it.
But even myself, I saw it coming 20 years ago.
And so, now it's here.
And it's going to get even closer.
I mean, they're only firing for the first time now.
Say they're a galleon, a pirate galleon.
They're only doing their first broadside right now, trying to take out our rudders and our main mast.
They're going to come back around, wreck the other side.
We don't even know we're under attack.
We're drooling.
Drunk on TV and culture on the deck.
We've been psychologically warfareed into just jellyfish, you know, spinelessness.
Next, they're going to come up and throw tow cables on.
And they're going to come on board, folks, and they're going to throw us all into the ocean.
There's your daily analogy.
And I'm looking across while they're, you know, reloading these big guns and then cannons are jumping in their tackle.
And I can see their eyes now and they are crazed with daggers in their teeth and sabers in their hands and pistols all loaded in their waistcoats.
And I'm going, we've got to do something.
The Communist Chinese now run our media.
Homeland Security is openly saying Al-Qaeda is not the threat.
It's white gut owners.
I mean, it is just biblical what is preparing to unfold.
And then I'm talking to all these different former high-level people in government and current ones.
And they tell me that they go to CFR meetings and they go to Pentagon meetings.
And most of the people there are listeners and are all upset about what's happening and they don't know what to do.
You don't know what to do?
You listen to my show?
And you're just, quote, glad I'm there?
Glad I'm here?
I'm going, hey, pirate ship, it's firing on us.
And you're all going, yeah, you're right.
Ben, Alex, you're great.
You recognize the pirate ship right as a cannonball takes off somebody's head.
And it's because the public is so soft and so stupid, even people that want to do something.
At this point, we've just got to dig in and try to salvage something.
And just get the word out as fast as we can, as things begin to implode, so that people understand why all this is going to happen.
To now know that they are openly announcing plans in Congress to start going over the bank accounts, stealing our money, virtual added taxes, Tobin taxes, well-head taxes, and the design is to destroy us.
We are being conquered.
We're under total psychological warfare and economic bombardment.
The government has been shipping drugs in as fast as they could and distributing them since the 40s.
And now they finally got an America so culturally rotten and so decadent and so disconnected that people have become nihilistic.
And, you know, say, well then fine, let it all collapse, even though they don't know what it'll be like once it really collapses.
There's this dazed, you know, joking attitude with some people out there that, you know, so what?
This is all real, folks.
It's all now happening exactly as we said.
And I'm not pleased by that.
It'd be like if I was up in the crow's nest and I said, you know, to use the ship analogy, uh, you know, looks like a big galleon, the one that got stolen a year ago off of Hispaniola.
I, you know, by my eye, I've seen that ship before, before it was taken by pirates.
Looks like Blackbeard's ship.
And the pennant at the top looks black.
I think I see white on it.
I believe it's the Jolly Roger.
Makes sail.
They're like, what's makes sail?
And then now the pirate ship is right there with a big black flag.
Skull and crossbones on it, man.
Taking us down.
Hammering us hard!
Hammering us hard!
And you see all the traitors.
It's so painful to see all the traitors showing who they are.
All the big Protestant Catholic churches, police chiefs that have been pro-gun saying, turn your guns in.
The great time of evil is here.
And when we come back, I'll briefly tell the story.
Start the next hour and take your calls and get into all this news.
Again, I had family in town this weekend.
Kind of a small family reunion out at a little, you know, a resort outside Austin.
And I went to that, and I was there about half the time because I had company at my house.
And I just was in the hot tub, and all three of these guys were listeners.
One guy was from Portland, Oregon, an engineer.
The other two were businessmen.
One was in construction, the other was in other kind of business.
I forget.
We just had a discussion about how do we fix America?
How do we wake folks up to the bankrupting, you know, the banks stealing the money in Cyprus?
This guy gets out of the pool and looks at us and says, we're gonna get you and you can't stop us.
It was just so creepy.
Like it was a pirate right there.
You know, the natural thing to do.
Man, these people are dangerous.
They're dangerous.
And they know.
They know what they're doing.
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Is important.
People say, well, you know, give us solutions.
We've talked about 10th Amendment nullification.
We've talked about impeachment.
We've talked about... I mean, bottom line though, America has to wake up and realize that things are being destroyed by design.
And that we're being impoverished by design under a managed economy system.
In fact, there's a big article out today that's getting a lot of attention where David Stockman, the former head of one of the most important offices, the Office of Management and Budget under President Reagan, says, we've been taken over by a criminal cabal that is robbing us and destroying us.
They've had two Federal Reserve presidents of Dallas and Kansas City.
Come out.
That's a big deal.
And say, crony capitalism is taking over.
We're going to be bankrupted by design.
I mean, there is no future here.
Do you understand?
We're being destroyed, arsoned right now.
And the communist Chinese drill... I mean, remember last year they had the Russians drilling to quote, take on domestic extremists in Colorado.
And I was reading the Denver Post and people thought I was lying on air.
And hey, I don't blame you.
You know why?
Because that sounds crazy.
This is crazy.
To have the communist Chinese telling us what we can do.
And you know, I told the guys in the hot tub after this establishment authoritarian collaborator left,
I was in that hot tub.
I gave him Rob Dues email because he's good at reading his email and I said, later in the week we'll get a couple of you guys on if you want to tell the story of what you saw because it's so unbelievable.
We're all calmly sitting there in a hot tub going, I don't know how we bring together the country.
I don't know how we unify people around the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Cyprus situation.
They're going to suck our accounts dry here.
You know, it's the Federal Reserve, it's the crony capitalist.
You know, how do we get our industry back?
And, you know, one guy worked in utility contracting.
He was talking about how they were shutting the power plants down.
And it was all about saving America and unity.
These guys were all successful.
One was an electrical engineer.
The other guys were successful in business.
You know, one guy, you know, has a payroll of a quarter million dollars a month.
The other guy, you know, he paid $300,000, he was saying, in taxes to
You know, to the feds last year and we're sitting there in the hot tub.
I'm watching my kids off running around and stuff at the pool.
My wife's over there in the pool.
And this guy gets in the tub, and I said, man, that guy's an authoritarian.
The way, he was about 67 years old, he said he was, later when we talked to him.
He had a baseball cap on, and he was sitting there very elitist, and I was talking about China, and, you know, the suicide nets, and the mass extermination, and he goes, hey, China's doing a great job.
It's not a problem.
Have you read this professor's book?
And, you know, we're bringing in globalism to end the violence.
Of course, there'll be some problems on the road to it.
And I was like, whoa, you mean Fabian socialism?
You know, to bring in the world government, there'll be violence, but after it'll all be fixed.
And he didn't know who I was, or he said he didn't.
And he gets out of the hot tub and he leans over and he goes, the age of the white man is over.
We're taking over.
The demographics have changed and we're going to get everything.
We're going to get your guns, everything.
And he said, you've lost.
And we're like, we've lost?
We're talking about mega banks draining everybody's accounts.
We want to build productivity and that.
And because it was four white guys in the hot tub.
And I'm like, you're here at a resort enjoying the free market.
This stuff doesn't exist in socialist countries and places that have become corrupt.
It falls apart.
And he said, like I said, what you say doesn't matter.
We control things now.
We control the narrative.
And I went, what do you do?
And he goes, I'm a government scientist in viruses.
And he smiles, and I go, oh my God, you think there's too many people.
And he's like, you bet there is.
And I went, oh my gosh.
He goes, I don't know who you are, and you don't count.
And the other guy said, obviously he meant, he knew who I was.
He just wanted to say, you don't exist to me.
Like, it's where they speak down to us.
This was an actual authoritarian enemy operative.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're down to hour number two.
I will open the phones up in the next segment.
I'm going to get the number out then.
They're not open yet.
We're going to get into the incredible world government takeover and what it looks like, what its plans are, and the fact that it's 100% clear they're going ahead with their program to bankrupt all independent private wealth not controlled by the crime syndicate in this orgy of authoritarianism that is now starting to take place.
I think so.
And there's five white guys.
You know, there were other quote, you know, quote, groups of people out there, but that'd be five white guys in this hot tub over at Tang's.
There were two hot tubs.
And we're sitting there talking about how, you know, the globalists are shutting down America, how both parties are corrupt.
About how, you know, crony capitalists are able to use government to shut down their competition, how they're trying to bankrupt us by design.
So it was really a serious, heartfelt discussion.
One guy's like, man, let's talk about the Rangers, because I hadn't brought it up.
These guys were listeners.
A couple of them had heard of me, but a couple were hardcore listeners.
And another guy gets in the hot tub and is listening.
And this wasn't like that evil Obama, you know, these bad minorities.
It was not even a discussion about that.
But a white guy gets in there.
You know, it looked like about retirement age.
He said he was 67 later.
He said, the age of white men is over.
You'll all, you know, won't be here soon.
One guy said, well, how old are you?
And he goes, 67.
He goes, we got nine years on me.
But the whole point was we were having a heartfelt, yeah, you know, the globalists are going to bankrupt us.
And, you know, they're working with China to leverage things out on the poor Chinese people.
Did you hear about this and that?
Yeah, and I'm sitting there talking to the engineer, and the guy's sitting there, and he starts defending Communist China.
And I went, so you're a collectivist?
He goes, yes I am.
He goes, I work for the government.
I work in pure research in viruses.
And we go, so we pay your salary.
And he goes, it doesn't matter.
And he goes, you know, we're taking over.
And he gets out of the hot tub, and we're being real nice to him.
We thought he was joking.
And he stands there for like 20 minutes.
Pointing his finger at us with the most ridiculous.
It'd be like a five-year-old kid going to WWF or WWE wrestling and standing by one of the, you know, fake, you know, muscle guys.
Or, you know, you know, you know, fake tough guys or whatever.
I'm sure they are tough guys, but you know, it's like ballet.
One of the actors.
And actually, you know, little kids feel powerful, reflected glory, standing at the knee of a big man.
I mean, I've seen my son, you know, I guess he's healthy, so he admires his father.
So we don't let him watch mainstream television.
He'd disdain me.
That's the message.
You know, he feels strong when he's around me.
But it was just watching, like, yes, I'm an authoritarian, a collectivist, and yes, the state's taking over, and you individuals will be defeated.
And he was laughing with, like, really evil pleasure.
This was like a movie.
And all these serious guys that have all these employees and are smart, and they're going, I employ a lot of people.
Obamacare raised taxes on people's payroll.
And one guy, he's like, oh, whatever.
He goes, that's all part of the takeover.
It'll be different once you've been dealt with.
And like, you know, one guy starts going, why don't you just get out of here then?
And the guy's like, you bet I will, enjoy your time!
And it was like, he was like an anti-white racist who was a white guy.
And again, it's like a football team.
White, black, whatever, they're playing us off against each other.
It's globalism, we're all being targeted.
But it's like this delusion now with the Democratic Party, and I'm not even a Republican, people know that, but
They play the part of the other choice, which is so close to the Democrats, it doesn't matter.
And that's the issue.
They're going to open the borders up now.
They're saying, well, that's the way it is on Fox News.
Everyone agrees we have to do this.
What, legalize the 30 million illegals?
It's not 15 million or 11 million.
Who then are highly nationalistic and taught not to want a Bill of Rights and Constitution, but to see the government as their friend.
And then there's a racial affiliation that's force-fed.
I mean, it is pure balkanization.
And this guy was so creepy and on a power trip.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're into the second hour here today.
I want to go over a bunch of the top stories, and then go to your phone calls.
I want first-time callers, again, to give you a chance to call in, and I want to get your take specifically.
We don't screen your calls when you call in, but we ask you sometimes that when I want your take on something, I'd like to have you call in on that particular subject.
So please humor me there.
They're now bankrupting cities all over the United States by signing the cities onto global derivatives.
In the last four years, pension funds, public and private, have been ordered outside of law.
But if you don't, the regulators shut you down and send you to jail for having a crooked toenail.
The regulations are written where it's impossible to follow the laws.
They've ordered all the big pension funds to invest in the failed derivatives.
Not to bail the derivatives out, but they've already been triaged.
But to destroy the wealth.
Because they want to be able to come in and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar and social engineer
After the economy has been destroyed.
Because remember, the globalists are exempt from all of their own regulations.
So I'd like to get your take on this, as they announce that they are going to quote federalize the pension funds all over the world, including in the United States.
When they announce all these new taxes that they already have in place, but they're going to expand them on after-tax money.
Investments that they're going to ratchet that up.
Do you realize the Republicans are openly pushing right now, with the Democrats, for total amnesty, when you're not going to get amnesty going down to Mexico, or going down to Guatemala, or going to one of these countries.
You have to go through their system.
No other country in the world tells foreigners, except Europe, European countries, come here, have your baby free, have everything paid for.
This again is designed to bankrupt the country, then have groups of people that see themselves as clients of the state.
And as I was told by a scientist who says he works for the government in viruses, the demographics have changed.
We are going to get your guns.
See, I mean, if we brought foreigners in here and trained them in the Bill of Rights Constitution, had a free market, created wealth, created workers, it would be a good thing.
But it's not because it's a globalist program.
They always sell us on, let's turn the guns in for the children.
And we're like, more guns actually lowered crime.
Never mind that.
Turn your guns in.
When actually they want our guns so they can authoritatively dominate us.
And I know you know that, but it's the narrative of the gullible public.
We're in a North American Union.
Europe is being imploded into larger unions.
The sovereignty is being removed.
We are being conquered.
And I want to get your take on this.
Here are some of the headlines.
Let me just read you some of the headlines here.
Mega-rich withdrew millions from Cyprus before looting.
And that's a InfoWars.com story that's linked on DrudgeReport.com.
On the lower left-hand side, there's a bunch of news right there.
It's all also up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Mega Rich withdrew money from Cyprus before looting.
News that Cypriot president's family moved 21 million euros to London days before the bank accounts of his people were looted as part of the bailout deal serves as another reminder that while the media portrays the victims of Cyprus haircut as the mega rich and wealthy Russian oligarchs, the real victims are middle class families and small business owners.
Well, yeah, the Russians got it out months before.
Now the Russians are saying, we're not going to bail out any of our bank holders.
Just like they have with the FDIC here.
Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation.
It's all a big joke.
Folks, this has been done over and over again.
How many Mexican presidents steal billions of dollars after they sell their country out, and then run to Switzerland to live in, you know, $500 million houses?
Look it up.
And it's the same thing.
Our leaders in Europe and here in the US, in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, are doing the same thing that Latin American leaders have done to their people, the same thing Asian leaders have done.
And the President of Cyprus will be allowed to run off of $21 million.
He'll be allowed to run back to the City of London, the city within the city, the private city that's above the law.
And they've got all these other subsidiary companies.
I mean, $21 million is nothing.
But one, Salinas, Mexican president, what was it, back in the 90s, ran off of like $30 billion himself or something.
And he's got places in New York and he can still go to Mexico.
I mean, he totally committed crimes.
But see, the society now is just going to collapse.
Because, well, if the president's going to steal that, why shouldn't I steal?
Or if the government doesn't pay its own taxes, rich people, why should I pay?
And the whole society falls apart.
And that's all this New World Order is, is just a system of crooks that exempt themselves from the laws that they themselves have written by their minions.
And now they've taken 40% of the bank accounts.
Now they're saying they may just take everything.
And now they're going, oh yeah!
This is the model for Europe.
In fact, that's in the BBC today.
That indeed, what I told you weeks ago, it's a no-brainer.
Oh yeah!
This was a test by the EU to do it in other countries.
Of course it was.
And they sent in British troops and British mercenaries to guard the banks while they keep them shut down and extract everybody's money.
And they've all got psychological warfare actuaried out.
Where they let them get 300 euros a day when the banks are open, which is not most of the time.
It'll be closed a week, then open a day, then closed.
And then there's actual guys with machine guns in there.
They're there robbing you.
Imagine the guns pointed out of the tellers' boxes.
It's a reverse bank robbery.
And that's actually how most bank robberies happen.
And then they're gonna go to Spain, and Italy, and Portugal, and France, and all the other countries, and then they'll go to Germany, and then they'll run up the line into Northern Europe.
And then they're gonna rob England, and then they're gonna rob Canada, and the United States, New Zealand, Australia.
And you have to understand, they're going to take everything you've got.
That's what Homeland Security's for, I kept telling you.
Homeland Security is there to take your pension funds.
And they know, folks, that veterans, a lot of people that served 25 years,
Oh yeah, there it is.
Cyprus crisis.
Limit on bank withdrawals to last about a month.
Yeah, that's out of London Guardian until all your money's gone.
And they've got armed police, armed British mercenaries.
Because again, Britain's at the heart of this New World Order.
And they're going to take everything.
And again, you read the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, they've got similar groups in Europe.
If you even talk about a bank-run world government and a banking plan to implode the world economy, and a banking plan to establish world government, because we're just following their own official plans, the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, New York Times come out and say, it doesn't exist, you're insane.
And of course, that's a military tactic to tell you none of this exists.
Let me just go over some more of these headlines.
Total free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Mega rich withdraw money from Cyprus before looting.
Let's just go through these headlines quickly here.
Well, of course the mega-rich did that.
Here's another one.
California Bankruptcies Report warns more cities at risk of going under.
At risk?
They were all signed on to derivatives to steal your money.
Because you're gullible chumps, they think.
They think you're so weak.
Of course they want all the guns now and the demonized guns.
Folks, the UN says in the official treaty that that threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
A power monopoly is called a dictatorship for you to have a gun.
They're not just going to take the guns.
And see, there's all these cowards that even if they lose their bank accounts in their future, they don't care.
They're going to run to the government and worship it because they have Stockholm Syndrome.
They're cowards, folks.
They're so cowardly, they don't want to admit this.
And they get off on you being disarmed, and then the state only being armed, and they literally go up, I've seen them, and grovel to police, grovel to government.
This is what it looks like to be a fallen joke of a people.
And I don't say that to put us down.
I'm really sad.
I had nightmares after I talked to that guy Saturday night.
I woke up, I don't really usually have nightmares.
Or if I have a scary dream, it's more like entertainment.
I woke up just in a sweat, so sad for how evil that guy is and how pathetic he was.
Like I had sorrow in the dream for how pathetic these people are.
That they're so horrible and so weak and so evil and so dangerous and so pathetic and that they're going to have their way.
They're going to bring America down.
They're going to wreck everything because they hate goodness.
They hate success.
They hate wealth because they're nobodies.
They could only have a job through government or big megacorporations with government contracts.
They hate those of us that are strong, those of us that are beautiful, those of us that are virtuous, those of us that are talented, those of us that are hardworking.
We're the enemy.
And they love playing the great game of divide and conquer, and they're going to bankrupt everything.
And they're going to dominate us and run our lives.
And they're going to set up checkpoints and break our families up, and rape our wives in front of us in FEMA camps, and kick our brains out, and torture our children in front of us.
Just like they do at all the military bases, hundreds of them worldwide, black sites, where they torture small children in front of their parents.
Now, we're not going to get to that point because there's going to be a civil war in this country.
And they know that too.
And they're so drunk on power, they don't care.
So I'm going to tell the police and military and all of you that are going to side on the side of this thing, you are going to be destroyed in this.
And that's part of the plan.
You're going into a trap.
And I wish that you weren't going to be part of this.
But I understand you've been brought up to be childlike and to have fantasies and to watch fantasy movies and imagine yourself as Rambo and your children.
And that's why we're going to have this get so bad.
We'll come back with your phone call.
Stay with us.
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Again, all major Hollywood movies now have to get script approval from Communist China and the Communist Party.
That's official.
And I'm reading the comments on Infowars.com.
A couple people are like, hey, you don't want to make a billion dollar or a billion person market upset at you.
No, you do want to have your free speech across the board to get everybody used to hearing free speech.
Or then you can't say or do anything because it might hurt someone's feelings.
And by the way, I've read the book.
It just shows outbreaks in different regions of the world, and actually is pretty pro-communist Chinese, and actually endorses Marx and collectivism, and praises the Chinese government.
But see, then, oh, well, we don't even want to show something bad in China now.
You see, it then turns to that, so they re-edit the film, they re-edit the trailer.
And then it's only, you know, Chinese can only be shown as good guys and you as bad guys.
Oh, and you can't criticize China's record.
You can't say China is producing too much GMO.
You can't say China has got unfair tariffs against us with their currency kept low.
No, you just can't say anything.
And then Americans are like, well, that's good.
It's good to have a foreign government, Chinese Party, Communist Party, tell us what to do.
I mean, you tell people 10 years ago the Communist Chinese will control what we do in our country and will own our debt and will put out public memos in the People's Daily saying we want to help Obama disarm the American people and quote, this is a quote, wage a war on American gun owners.
And it's not even news.
And then they have drills with troops from Russia, China, Germany, you name it, in the Denver Post.
Going, oh, they're having drills of taking on local extremists!
And you read in LE09 particularly, on FEMA's website, and it said, troops from 15 nations practice taking on domestic extremists.
Our government has a deal.
The first one they did was about 12 years ago, and it was in the Washington Post, with Canada and Mexico to, quote, deal with American extremists during a civil war.
And then you notice they had the Olympics a few years ago in Canada.
troops were in Canada patrolling their streets and searching people.
Martial law!
And they just do it!
See, U.S.
troops and Mexican troops will go to Canada.
We'll go to Mexico.
troops in Mexico, make no mistake.
And there's U.S.
That's why a lot of them are getting killed now.
Only occasionally does it end up coming out in the news.
Like, how dare they shoot up the Marines?
Part of a diplomatic detail.
You know, driving through the town.
And what happens when the Mexican mafia, working for the globalists, starts killing the police around here?
Well, they'll just roll over and do whatever they say.
It's like they have in Mexico.
This is how countries fall, and then all the other organized crime gangs are coming in, and no one can say no to them.
Everyone is just cowards.
And in a nation of cowards who just give in to corruption, man, you lose everything.
America's had its problems, but
People, you know, in the old days, if some robber baron or the railroad tried to take everybody's property, people would just get together and go have a gunfight with them.
There were thousands of sagebrush battles from Texas to Colorado to Washington State, and the only reason we have any wealth or money or any due process is because our ancestors would kill people if people pushed them around.
And the globalists know that and remember that, and they're getting ready to take everything.
To arrest patriots, torture sinners.
I mean, they've got it all planned.
And they're coming out in the culture, and all the movies, the video games.
All the major shoot-em-up video games in America now.
I went and checked like five of them a few months ago.
You torture militia members in America.
Pull our teeth out.
Just, you know what?
You're anti-UN takeover?
You practice ripping our teeth out.
Kids are all simulating killing us right now.
Simulated murder games.
It's a total scientific full-spectrum takeover.
But if you are just aware of the full-spectrum takeover, it's over.
But the average coward will go see a movie like Olympus Has Fallen and really believe that that's all real.
You notice North Korea said they'd blow up the White House right as that movie came out.
See, China runs North Korea and the New World Order runs China, to a great extent.
It's all scripted.
You know, they may nuke something.
I mean, you don't know what script they'll follow.
Oh, look at the LA Times.
Is China exerting undue influence on Hollywood films?
I don't know, does Smokey the Bear, you know, use the bathroom in the woods?
I mean, this is ridiculous, man.
I said I'd go to your calls and I will.
I just this is so horrible and I'm not trying to be you know I have trouble even doing this radio show right now okay I mean it's just over the top folks and if you'll put up with this it's over it's over okay you're seeing the takeover of America
I mean, what does David Stockman, the former head of the Office of Management and Budget for the federal government say?
We have been lied to, robbed and misled.
There has been a criminal takeover of America.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
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It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I said I'd go to your phone calls, and we are.
Just look at these headlines.
Mega-rich withdrew money from Cyprus before looting.
And then they sold it that they were going to take the mega-rich's people's money.
They always use...
This whole social class warfare infighting, and it's always the ultra-rich that are totally cold-blooded, robbing the middle class.
And the poor never figure this out.
They figured it out in America, so we got wealthy and powerful.
Everywhere else, poor people say, take the rich guy's money, and that's somebody that makes $5 more than them a month.
And then you destroy the engine of the money making and it all falls apart.
Cyprus president family transferred tens of millions to London days before deposits were taken.
President of Cyprus' country was a Euro experiment.
And they're planning to do it all over the European Union.
And that's been their plan since 2002.
Bankster Squad.
What's happening in Cyprus?
Has put terror into the hearts of all who live under the unaccountable rule of politician bankers.
That's out of the Winnipeg Sun.
We live under a global government run by private bankers.
And what are the police taught by the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL?
If someone says the Federal Reserve is private, they are a terrorist.
They're publicly private, folks.
They think the cops are so dumb, they tell them it isn't.
By the way, we have that clip that we're all slaves to the bankers?
Yeah, we're going to play that then in a moment.
Continuing, Department of Homeland Security can seize gold, silver guns in safety deposit boxes.
Investment Watch reports that, yeah, they're just, the feds are announcing we'll just take anything we want.
That's why cops will pull $4,000 out of an old lady's purse if they have it, saying, prove it isn't drug money.
I mean, there's just no due process.
It's all gone.
Due process will now completely be gone.
And don't worry, cops, you're going to have your stuff taken too.
That's the good part about evil.
Everybody's going to get a special amount of it.
Everybody gets to share in this curse.
Here they are last year saying, aren't we all just slaves to the bankers?
Here it is.
Now the question is, do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address tonight.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bank?
Alright, well, of course the clip doesn't play, when does it?
Alright, we'll go to YouTube, or I will, just like bankers declare they've enslaved the world, it's on YouTube, it's where it's always been, there's a full clip, and we'll get that clip and we'll play that clip on air for everybody.
Oh, God help us.
It doesn't matter.
If we could have them all in the boardroom admitting they did it to us, people beg to be destroyed.
When the public becomes like a rotten possum in the sun, dumbed down on Prozac and Ritalin and everything else, they just want to be destroyed.
It's what people want.
It's what they need.
Let's go to Woody in Washington.
Woody, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I just wanted to make a note.
Bob Chapman, before he passed away, talked about how the sovereign debt crisis in Europe would give the Central Bank, European Central Bank, more control and more influence in taking over countries.
And how this ties in with how the Cyprus situation
is really becoming a financial oligarchy model for how the rest of the world is going to be taken over and how the wealth is going to be confiscated.
And people don't realize that once you set a president, how that just magnifies and grows like a metastasized cancer.
And Bob Chapman, who I think was a common man genius, saw that coming.
I hear you, man.
I hear you.
Where do you think it's all going?
Well, it's like what George Collins said, when your neighbor loses their job and their house and their car, it's a recession.
And when you lose your job and your house and your car, it's a depression.
I mean, you know the public on average is now brain damaged.
That's major studies.
There's early onset of Alzheimer's because of all the TV watching.
The average person is in a trance now.
I mean, we're done.
We're done.
The public doesn't talk.
They're in trances.
They watch TV shows where people that are awake are terrorists all day.
So it's just going to all implode because people want it to.
They can't help it.
They can't help it.
People have a will to fail and fall when civilizations go into this.
I mean, my God, they now are saying they're going to start killing babies up to age three if parents want to kill your children.
But if you want to raise your kids good and spank them, if they try to walk out in the street the third time, they will try to take your kids.
When there's no law, you can't spank your children.
I mean, I mean, I mean, things are totally upside down now.
Things are totally and completely upside down now.
Enlighten people about that.
Man, I'm trying my best, Woody.
I appreciate it.
They say they grabbed the clip off YouTube again.
I want to watch it before we play it.
Oh, we actually did find it in our computer?
Yeah, when I saw that clip earlier, I said, that's not the clip.
Because that's from some weird nightly news thing they had with a boxer on it.
Yeah, the original clip's four and a half minutes long.
It's the whole deal of them saying we're all slaves.
But simultaneously, this doesn't...
Doesn't exist on CNBC.
Okay, let's try to roll this time.
Here it is.
I think that right now the question is, do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address to our guest tonight.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
Jim, Jim Urio, you say we've got some downside here, a correction in the markets.
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
Aren't we all just counting on the fact that there's a Bernanke pot
That's enough.
It goes on for like four more minutes.
We've played it over and over again.
I just want to remind people that.
And so cops are listening right now.
If you want to know who's taking over America, Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, other groups, you're openly paid by foreign banks and consortiums, big tax-free foundations.
Hundreds of millions a year, you know, handed out to these different groups.
They say none of that exists.
There is no global governance, even though it's all being announced.
There are no foreign banks.
So how can we stop the foreign takeover of America, where there's a consortium of globalists with the Communist Chinese at the core, who make seven-year-olds work 18 hours a day
Till their fingers bleed in slave camps.
How do you think you're going to compete against that?
And now the hardable authoritarians that run North Korea, China does, and that run those people, now run and get script approval and final cut approval.
Final cut approval of films.
Let me tell you how final cut approval works.
I have been around
When a major director says, I, okay I'll tell you right now, Richard Linkletter, a scanner darkly that I consulted on, it's got Keanu Reeves in it, Woody Harrelson, you name it, I'm in the film, but my main role was consulting on it with Tommy Pallotta, who's a great producer and a great mind.
Worked for Microsoft, you name it, in some incredible areas.
I need to get him on.
He won't talk about it, though.
He certainly knows this show's for real.
I'll put it to you that way.
That was written in the 70s, but they kind of updated some of it, and... Was it Warner Brothers put that out?
Yeah, yeah.
Fox put out the other link letter film I'm in.
Fox Searchlight.
This was Warner Brothers.
Guys, just because it's memory and I'm kind of dingy today, I'm so depressed over everything that's going on, I can hardly even...
I say I can hardly even talk and I won't shut up and take calls.
Type in a scanner darkly.
I think it was Warner Brothers.
I'm going from memory, but the point is, the, um... You know, they said, we don't like the fact that a cop blows somebody's head off at a stop, a road stop, and we want it cut.
But you've got Final Cut in your, um, if he brings the film in on time and on budget, you've got your Final Cut.
You know, something like Rick Linklater.
Yeah, it's Warner Brothers.
I just wanted to double-check for memory.
I knew that.
And they told him, take that out.
And then, if you don't take it out, they just don't promote it.
And I've been told that by rock stars, rap stars, newspaper people, everybody.
That's why America's like this.
And now, the communist Chinese are saying what can and can't be in movies.
They don't want to show an outbreak in China.
Even though the film is a communist UN film where, in the book, communism saves the world and the enemy is gun owners that must be mowed down.
I did a review of it.
And our article is up at Infowars.com right now.
World War Z scene changed to please Chinese censors.
Mega rich withdraw money from Cyprus before looting.
Cyprus Parliament President says no future.
Calls for Iceland solution.
Yeah, that's not, most of it's not their debt.
Just say you're not signed on to it.
But you won't because they've got paramilitary there.
The military's there to steal everything you got.
Truth is offensive, Paul Greg Roberts article.
CO2 myth busted.
Why we need more carbon dioxide to grow food in forests.
Yeah, they're now saying get rid of, I'm not kidding, now they want to pesticide earthworms because earthworms pass gas.
Everybody knows earthworms, the higher their biomass, the more jungly, the better the soil.
But if they can tell you earthworms are bad, you'll buy any.
Obama urges quick adoption of arms trade treaty by UN General Assembly.
Dodgeball now banned in public schools as an anti-state goes insane.
It's not going insane.
You're a prisoner.
They want you as docile as possible.
You may learn a fighting spirit if you play dodgeball.
Scientists claim 40% of the population is infected with mind control parasite.
Of course we are.
Oh my God, we're in such trouble.
And they've got, they announced a decade ago, these vaccines they give you that are really nanotech that reprogram the brain to where people can't get upset anymore.
And I, from what I've looked at, we know they found some interesting carrier viruses in the H1N1 shot they gave and all that.
That's what I've seen in the public.
People look so bad now.
And they're not like people anymore.
You can't even talk to them.
And they admit to flicker screens.
I mean, we're in a science fiction body snatcher movie, basically.
But it's our own species that's the body snatchers.
And I guess that's just the end of it, I mean.
I guess let them take over, dumb us down, and bioweapon us out, and then they'll enjoy all the future technologies and stuff.
You know, Bill Joy, they've all told us that's the plan.
Yeah, one of the new programs funded by Bill Gates by the foundation is a sterilization program that we use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed at men's scrotums to render them infertile.
And then of course, if you want welfare, you've got to get it.
But you're like, well, good, sterilize the welfare folks.
When they shut everything down, we're all going to be on welfare.
Let's go to Robert in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Robert.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Hey Alex, I'm a huge fan.
I just wanted to ask you, um, how do I approach people with this information?
I mean, I get ridiculed, I get laughed at, people think I'm crazy, Alex.
Just, hey, exactly.
No, no, no, it's crazy to say they're taking people's bank accounts.
It doesn't exist.
Um, sounds like you're hanging around with a bunch of morons.
I mean, you know, it's not your fault that they're cowardly, dumbed down, low IQed fools.
And they've never counted in history.
Just find the like-minded people and organize against it and run for local office and do things like that.
Yeah, you know, I just wanted to also tell you, Alex, you know, you really touched my life for the positive.
You know, I was raised Jewish and I've recently become born again and you've helped me to find Jesus, Alex, and I really just wanted to thank you for that.
Thank you, brother.
Well, thank you, Robert.
What's your take on just... I mean, people look back on other authoritarian regimes, and they seem crazy.
How did that happen?
People just get to where they accept it, and then by increments, people will accept anything.
And people can hear that I have a real sense of dread.
People say, well, it's depressing.
It's not depressing if we realize just how far we've gone down this path.
That's what I'm trying to do here.
Well, like you said before, Alex, you know, we've had it good for so long, people are just, you know, in this daze.
It's, uh, it's just, it's difficult.
It's, uh, you know, it's depressing.
But, I mean, you know, we get through it, you know, we gotta, you know, I try to encourage people to find Jesus, to find the Lord, you know, whatever they think, uh, their higher power, you know, I'm a strong believer in that, you know, it's really, you know, I found myself in a depression like six months ago, but, you know,
I found religion, and I can honestly believe that religion really helps.
It really changed my life.
Well, I mean, if it's not the artificial Christianoid stuff, where they're all just there to make everybody feel good, and not get people to be world changers.
I mean, that's really what this comes down to.
My whole mission, that's why I try to instinctively bring in other reporters, build them up, put them out there, is because I'm trying to do my best to give other people the knowledge I've accrued.
Because it's really self-evident.
This stuff is not rocket science.
It's history, but very few people really get the fact that there is evil, and there's organized evil, and you've got to face it down.
I appreciate your call.
It's good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Anonymous in Kentucky, listening on XM 166.
Anonymous, you're on the air.
How you doing?
I've got two questions.
One, I'm thinking about relocating to Texas for the family values and legacies and stuff you have.
I'm wondering if your advice is good on that.
And secondly, you have a list compiled of 200, 300 people that are orchestrating this whole thing.
Why in the world can we not be like Switzerland?
And take them down.
I don't understand that.
The Swiss don't just have automatic weapons.
Anybody who wants them has rocket launchers.
They have armored redoubts for the whole public.
The Swiss decided this is our thing.
They're not stupid.
Our model came off the Swiss.
And the Swiss, of course, are the richest, most powerful people in the world.
Uh, because they don't allow the globalist infection.
Uh, and so the globalists have to run there.
It's the only pool the globalists haven't been, uh, you know, defiling.
Uh, so the globalists come there with their money because it's the only place they haven't wrecked, one of the only places.
America has never been perfect, but no, Swiss are described in Europe as the rednecks of Europe, and are actually, you know, halfway made fun of by the French and others, and really they're just a bunch of German slash, you know, northern Italians, and they're just people that aren't getting messed with.
And they've got state government.
See, they have cantons that have a limited small federal government, and the states are in charge.
Our states, until the 17th Amendment, we, the legislatures, voted for the U.S.
The feds were totally our creatures.
We have an imperial government now.
And we allowed it, so we're in deep trouble.
And now the criminals have just gotten away with more and more to where now they can get away with anything.
So, I mean, does that answer your question?
Yes, to a degree, but we've got people like, you've got people like that I admire, like Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, and all these other people are starting to stand up.
If they don't get physically eliminated by some means or whatever, why is it more people can't follow that example?
I tell you what, stay there.
I'm going to come back and talk to you about this.
This is super important.
Don't hang up.
We'll be back with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
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Alright, I'll continue with your calls going back to Anonymous in Kentucky, but here's the issue.
They run these giant hoaxes like everybody knows America should take anybody from any country and give them free welfare and pay for their kids to be born there and that America's bad and that
Guns are bad.
America has decided they want collectivism.
America has decided that they love Obama.
And then people that are losers, who want to feel like they're winners, they sign on to something so that they have an extension of feeling like they're part of something.
And folks, that's what being a sports fan is all about.
I'm not saying it's bad to like a team or enjoy that you're off time, but that then becomes unbalanced and becomes your whole world.
And so Republicans would support Bush and any evil he was involved in because that was their guy and they felt powerful through him by extension.
And it's the same thing with Democrats now.
They're saying on Fox News, I was watching it this morning,
Dave Mustaine's sitting in my living room.
He's flying back today.
Back to California.
And we're sitting there watching and they're like, well, Republican leadership say now's the time for amnesty and this is a good immigration deal.
They won't let anybody see the details right now, but you know, everybody's behind it and that's just the way it is.
So you create a bandwagon effect.
And so it's the idea of that's just the way it is.
And so, oh, that's just the way it is.
Everybody's going to turn their guns in.
Oh boy, I tell you, everybody really feels good getting free health care in Obamacare, which actually doubles your premiums the first year and doesn't give anybody free health care, unless they walk into the emergency room, which citizens get turned away, but illegals don't, because that's part of a government client deal to try to bring the third world to America.
It's all extremely cold-blooded.
And it's all happening right now.
I mean, look at these articles here, where they came out a month ago, and they said, oh, yeah, the government's looking at all your bank accounts without warrants, says the Department of Defense, and they're sharing it with other agencies.
That's just the way it is.
They're tracking everybody, figuring out what they're going to steal.
And they're going to do it, if you let them.
And folks, if they come and say we're taking 10% on everybody's bank account in America, all the globalists like Mitt Romney and people, they're all offshore.
They're exempt.
They'll get up and support it.
Obama will support it.
This happens and we'll lose all the 401Ks.
And we'll lose all the pensions and most people will go, I guess take it out of mine so I keep my other 90%.
And then a year later they'll take another 20.
And then you'll put up with that and they'll take 100%.
Because you will.
They're lawless.
And it's because you're going along with them.
It's because you're acting gullible.
It's because you're a pushover.
But they know some veterans, if they have their military pension taken, will get violent.
They're already going to have you all surveilled and ready for you.
And then, yeah, they don't care you go kill some people.
They're just going to go after all veterans and all gun owners.
And they're going to try to have a domestic war that's also used to shut down the economy.
So how do you fix that?
You expose the whole paradigm, the whole program, the whole show, the whole play, and you warn people about it before it happens so you have credibility.
And we've done that.
We've got a chance to beat this.
This is a very bold plan.
Cyprus may now say the debt isn't theirs because most of it isn't and say no to it and get their country back.
We can do what the people did in Iceland as well.
Cyprus is talking about it.
You either break with the New World Order and globalism.
Globalism is the Communist Chinese telling us what to do.
Somebody would have told you 20 years ago that the Communist Chinese
Would be dictating movies.
Couldn't even have anything mildly against the Communist Party.
I mean, that puts us under the Communist Party China.
But that's so over-the-top, people can't believe it.
Even though it's real and admitted, we are now under the New World Order Communist Party, with bankers exempt from and above.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There can be no good outcome because the globalists have seized control.
And now the velvet's coming off the iron fist, and they're just admitting that private megabanks worldwide control all the governments of the West, and they're just going to take our money.
And there's evidence the Russian government was involved, and a month before got their money out as well, and isn't going to give it back to their own people.
And this just, and you're like, but that'll destroy confidence, it'll destroy the economy.
That's the plan, folks!
They know what they're doing.
And I'm trying not to be too depressed today.
You know, I get upbeat sometimes.
It's just that... To sit there and talk, you know, to people this weekend, talking to a group of people, you know, just there at a hotel at a family reunion, and just be out at the pool talking to some people about, yeah, man, it's scary how they're taking the bank accounts, yeah, the New World Order, and, you know, talking to, like, successful guys who
Are now really awake.
And then to have one of the collectivists just laugh and say, it's over for you, we're gonna get you.
It's just, man, really creepy.
And that's what authoritarians do, they like wrecking everything.
They hate strong men, ladies and gentlemen.
And I guess we're not strong as we put up with them and we let them run all over us.
But I'll tell you this, it's not gonna be easy.
And all of you that think you're just going to march the cops and the military up against us?
The patriots of this country are going to do their best.
Their best to stay out of the way of the police and military during what's coming.
We need to do our best to get the military and police to realize what's happened and not to join the American people, just to join common sense.
I mean, this is so over the top what's happening.
It shouldn't be happening.
But history repeats itself.
I mean, it shouldn't repeat itself.
And it's getting close now, folks.
I'm really freaked out.
It's moving so quick.
I want to believe Joel Skousen and people, you know, there's five, ten years off.
We've held them back.
They're about ten years behind.
Anonymous in Kentucky, does this, I mean, answer your question of why things are like this?
We've got a bandwagon, peer pressure driven, junior high mentality,
country where the average man associates their tribalness with a football team or a baseball team or a hockey team and just kind of waddles around and you know might flip somebody off at a red light that's as manly as they get and a man obviously is informed about geopolitical issues if the information is available you know the dreams of our poor ancestors were to know how to read and write and be free and have a renaissance
Now all the evidence is at our fingertips, but you know, people are just too lazy.
They don't respect themselves.
They don't imagine that they can put up a fight.
A lot of the public's so pathetic, you know, even people that are awake think this show couldn't be real, because there couldn't be any real opposition.
People just don't respect themselves.
Anything else you want to add, sir?
Yeah, I do.
I, for one, well, my earlier question about wanting to move to Texas for the family values and things.
Well, Texas isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it is one of the better states.
And secondly, I've patterned my life after not having credit cards, paying in cash, not following sports.
You know, I must... I was born that way, but, you know, it's just... I've gone around in public and gone to, you know, like truck stops and whatnot, seen military people, and asked them, you know, are you planning on arresting me or shooting me?
And they go, why?
And I say, because, you know, the LA Times says I'm a terrorist.
And they just kind of laugh at me, like that's ridiculous.
Those are low-level compartmentalized people, probably the highest-level sergeant.
Go talk to an Army War College general.
And they'll freak out on you.
Absolutely, but no, no, no, exactly.
We have to decompartmentalize this so their plan is broken.
That's the key.
More calls coming up.
We're going to get Dr. Petchenik on about where he sees the state of the world right now.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
We're into hour number three, and if I sound really negative and dark,
It's because that's how I personally feel.
But I'm negative about the corruption and about, not just the corruption, but the passiveness of the public.
But if you study history and you study the psychology of cultures that are in decadent decline, this is exactly what you would expect.
But here's the difference.
We have a lot of different high-tech things that are involved that are really wild cards for good, for bad, and for the ugly.
But if we don't get people really concerned and involved and active, this country's done, and the whole world is going to go into war.
That's what every major analyst is saying.
While we have these disconnected globalists that, you know, follow this whole transhumanist, eugenics-based global governance template, but at the same time, they're busy cheating each other as well.
And they're trying to create racial division, divide and conquer,
While $85 billion a month is given to private central banks and people like Peter Singer.
It's amazing.
And if we allow corruption to grow, what's going to stop General Electric having Obama shut down 200 power plants every couple years that they don't own?
Massively increasing their profits.
See, people tend to think of making profits by
Going and writing a book, or producing a new widget, or coming out with a new product that everybody wants.
And that's how you innovate civilizations.
But in command and control economies, you have insiders that just shut down their competition.
And I know I talk about this ad nauseum, and you notice that the former head of the Office of Management and Budget, David Stockman, that's one of the most important offices economically in the federal government, under Reagan,
He has come out and said, quote, we've been lied to, robbed and misled.
And he goes on to say in an hour long TV interview that there's an authoritarian takeover happening.
What did the head of the Dallas Federal Reserve say two weeks ago?
What did the head of the Kansas City Fed?
And I mean, these are insiders, but they understood.
They said crony capitalists have taken over.
And they're basically using economic warfare to shut down their competition.
And now the communist Chinese.
Have come out and they killed Red Dawn and made them re-edit that movie at the cost of five million dollars.
The new Red Dawn.
And now World War Z scene, and I've read the book, it's pro-Marxist.
The UN takes over and kills American gun owners.
There have been re-edits.
I don't know if this is in the film.
I had an early script and I did a 15 minute presentation on that.
Secrets of World War Z leaked.
But the communist Chinese government demanded that they cut scenes.
They get final edit.
It used to be a scandal if the Pentagon was involved, or the FBI wanted a certain message.
I mean, think about that.
Now the communist Chinese have 10,000 scientists inside NASA.
Everything's penetrated.
Everything's infiltrated.
Hundreds of thousands of private contractors.
We're gone, folks.
We're done.
And there's no organization to this.
America is literally like a whore that's being sold out for a nickel on the side of them.
And there's guys around the block here.
Same thing with Europeans.
They're now announcing, I read the articles last hour, they're just going to take everything out of the bank accounts now and give it to offshore banks.
And this is like Hitler's blitzkrieg, but it's an economic blitzkrieg.
And Dr. Steve Pachinick, I wanted to get him on last week, because he was only on for about 20 minutes, to cover the waterfront with us, because he talked about false flag mass shootings.
And I wanted to get him back on to elaborate on that, because he ran psychological warfare operations for the State Department and advised the U.S.
Army and others, and has been involved in overthrowing major governments.
You can look that up.
He doesn't talk about it, but you can look it up.
It's in major newspapers.
StevePachinick.com, he also wrote a bunch of books with Tom Clancy that have been turned into major Hollywood films.
And the good news, he told us last week, is he goes to major Pentagon meetings, and he still lectures there at different military colleges.
Uh, to the brass.
And, you know, he said a lot of them are listeners.
I already know that separately myself.
So that's a good indicator that, you know, they're concerned about what's happening and resonate with our message here.
It's not like it's a rocket science message.
The communist Chinese now dictate.
Domestic media policy, not just movies.
I mean, this just shows how we're wide open.
I mean, this is joke level.
And so I want to get his take on that, what's happening in Cyprus, what's happening in the power structure of Fishers, because he's been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations as well.
Dr. Steve Pachinik, great to have you on with us here today.
And I told you I want to cover the waterfront.
What do you make, because I'm almost doing a ghost dance here.
I mean, I'm just kind of, you know, as a psychiatrist, as a doctor, as a military man, what is the psychology?
I'm going through grief.
I mean, the collectivists are saying, you're done, we're going to wreck you.
They're celebrating the defacing of our free country.
They're celebrating the balkanization.
The public's in a trance, or those that are awake don't know what to do.
The public's voting by buying 10 million guns a month.
Homeland Security's arming against us.
I mean, what are we seeing build up here?
Well, Alex, let me rephrase the entire thing.
One of the reasons you and I get along so well and I do respect you is, number one, you do talk about the truth, but I can understand why you're feeling depressed.
The truth is, I am not.
Ironically, as much as you know and as much as I know, let me rephrase it for your audience so you'll understand why I'm not depressed.
Hey, doc, your cell phone or your landline is breaking up a tiny bit.
Can you talk right into the receiver?
The truth of the matter is I am not depressed.
Several things happened today that I think indicates the American public is listening to you and they're listening basically to their own hearts.
Let me give you an example.
Today, the prosecutors, who've done a brilliant job in Colorado and Aurora, and had what we call a gag order.
That means that no one, but no one, including the President of the United States, the defense attorneys, or anyone, could talk about the killings that occurred with James Holmes when he killed, and had killed 12 people.
I think so.
I think so.
And if you go in and you kill people, they don't suddenly talk about gun control.
What happens is, if you don't give the individual a label, as they did in Sandy Hook, where they said he has Asperger's, which he didn't have, and a person existed in Mr. Holmes that did not exist in a new town, and a whole story was fabricated by FEMA in Sandy Hook, where it was not fabricated in Aurora,
What happened in Aurora is that the people of Colorado spoke and they said it's enough.
We don't want to hear about gun control.
We don't want to hear about psychiatric diagnosis.
We don't want to hear about the mentally ill.
And I am very proud to say that I may have indirectly contributed to that concept, that determination, but I think it is a very important determination that James Hong get the death penalty.
The reason for it is
I have had plainly insane people, and then they say, oh, that's not fair, you know, it's inhumane to put them in the gas chamber or to give them sodium amytal.
That's not inhumane.
What is inhumane is to put somebody in prison for 233 years consecutively, and it means absolutely nothing.
What we're doing is just warehousing prisoners at the cost of $65,000 for the rest of their life.
In this case, the prosecutors of Colorado, including the FBI, including many people on the federal level, worked very efficiently to make sure that the defense attorney did not have any excuse, and they could have had a psychiatric diagnosis.
But what happened, and this is why I'm very impressed, Alex, and I think your audience should be impressed, what happened is that because the defense lawyers did not do well, and they broke what we call a gag order, the same way the President of the United States broke the gag order,
At the state and federal level, working with FBI, with U.S.
attorneys, and with local prosecutors in Denver, Colorado, this is a major victory.
It marginalizes the absurdity of psychiatric diagnosis that allow literally killers to get away with murder.
And I run those units, and they were totally worthless.
Alright, let me stop you for a moment.
We've got a break here in about a minute and a half, but again, Dr. Steve Pachinik joins us here, always interesting and very informative.
When I say I'm bummed out, I'm not physically depressed.
I mean, I feel great when I'm with my wife or my children.
I'm so sick of analyzing the accelerated rot, and I'll be honest with you, I see a lot of evidence of false flag at Sandy Hook.
I see even more when he's got a DARPA contract, he's on all these drugs, they want to give him truth serum to quote, make him tell the truth on the, you know, to plead guilty.
I see false flag all over the place, not just at Sandy Hook.
Well, let's limit it just to Sandy Hook because that's very important.
That was literally where the President took his ground and put a line in the sand and said, this is where I stand.
These poor kids who were never killed, who were never present, and he created a total absurd scenario which made no sense, had no credibility, was inconsistent, used all these female executives
We've been in Texas in your area, Mr. Gene Rosen, Susan Collins, who wrote A Hunger Games, and this worth $600 million who wrote this type of scenario.
This is the beginning of the end of the false flags for FEMA, for CIA, and others.
So I see the upside to this, Alex.
And you know I'm not an optimist.
I'm a realist.
On a realistic level, I think we're going to do much better.
And we'll get into North Korea and China and why we're going to do much better there in the next hour, and I'll explain it to you.
Okay, well explain to me your geopolitical perspective and what you're hearing from top brass and people, but here's what I want to understand.
I get they do false flags, okay?
But my issue is specifically as being somebody who
It has basically covered false flags and worked in the government.
As an expert on this, what you're seeing that tells you that no one was killed.
Because in my experience, when they do false flags, why not kill some kids?
I mean, they have more fun.
I mean, they enjoy their work.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I was talking to Dr. Steve Pchenik during the break and I was asking him specifically why he thinks Sandy Hook had evidence of being a false flag and I'd like him now to repeat that information to you.
Then I want to look at the geopolitical ramifications from his geopolitical perspective and his context on what's really happening in the world right now from Cyprus to North Korea and China and he's also worked in the financial sector so he can comment on that.
So Doc, what is your take on
What's your take as an expert on this?
Well, this is a total script.
It would have come out of a woman who lives in Sandy Hook, who's worth $600 million, and you can call her up.
You can interview her named Susan Collins.
She's written all the Hunger Games movies and the Hunger Games books.
And literally, it comes out of her script, the assassination of children in schools, assassination of children in a dystopic society, the fact that she had no comment, the fact that this almost came out of her own books on children in war,
And secondly, you had a whole group of actors, Gene Rosen, who came out of the Crisis Actors Group.
I always referred my readers to IS42, Social Media Emergency Management, the official course launched in summer by Emergency Management Institute, which you and I pay for.
It has how the public perceives community key organizations.
In other words, there's a whole school
We're good.
We're good to go.
There is no evidence of a murder or a killing, and in fact what you had is a violation of a gag order, which is a prosecutorial evidence, and everyone violated the gag order, in contrast to Aurora, where the president respected it, the prosecutors respected the defense attorney, and here you had a scripted story about some kid who had Asperger's.
I don't think so.
Well, if you're going to stage Fast and Furious to blame the Second Amendment, why not do that?
And Obama urges quick adoption of the U.N.
Small Arms Treaty today.
This is all happening right now.
Why do they want our guns so bad, Doc?
Obama is a very ineffectual man.
From day one, one of the reasons I continually said I voted for Obama the first time was I wanted the public to see what happened.
It's not just Obama.
When you have a sociopath like Clinton who lied, you had Bush Jr.
who lied and brought us to war, to two wars, and Scottman, whom I've known to death, correctly said he bankrupted the country.
I wanted America to see again what happens when you have a sociopath born and bred
Of the CIA, of Chicago, of crony capitalism, of the Pritzker family, of the Daley family, and what happens when you have people like this, be they Republican or Democrat, and they come and destroy our American system.
It's not a question whether he's a birther or not, the question is he's not confident to serve as the President of the United States.
Nor was Bush Jr., nor was Clinton.
And what we're having is a degradation of the people going into politics, and the explosion of the federal bureaucracy, which is totally dysfunctional, and causing us to get into a major recession and a very... and self-destructiveness.
Like Bush Jr., Obama's very self-destructive.
He created the Osama bin Laden lie, he created the Benghazi lie, he created so many lies, he doesn't even know where he's going now.
He's totally incompetent.
The only thing I would recommend is impeachment, or get him out of it.
But unfortunately, Biden, who's the stupidest and ashtrayest, as Roger Ailes, my friend, said, is also in line.
So we have incompetent people in the federal government.
However, having said that, let me go to the converse of what I was about to tell you in our break, which is, no, I'm not worried about China, and I'm not worried about our banking system.
Let me go around the world after having told you how incompetent the President is.
North Korea, which seems to be an incredible threat, but in fact is going through a kabuki that has been going on for over 30 years that I was involved with.
The present leader, doesn't matter his name, Kim Jong-un and his grandfather Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, all of those family members, I knew they went through the same thing.
If they don't like what they're hearing, they like to throw a tantrum, they threaten America, they threaten South Korea, but the truth of the matter is there's so much
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll cover when we come back from break.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, Dr. Pachanek was a major hostage negotiator and helped write the policy of the State Department on that.
He helped negotiate
One of the only programs out there that was actually effective in getting a Mideast peace deal, then of course they just assassinated the leader of Egypt.
And when he starts talking about Sandy Hook, seeing all the signs that it was totally staged, it just blows me away because, you know, I can't prove it either way.
There's a lot of suspicious signs there and a lot of issues, but I also see that on the Aurora front.
I just know this, they know that guns have made violent crime go down 49%.
They know that.
And they want our guns so that we can be politically dominated.
And Doc, I want to look at the geopolitical
Because obviously, when I say I'm concerned about China, I'm concerned about the globalists using China to leverage out our industry, letting the communist Chinese dictate things.
And I'm talking about the establishment here that is raising taxes, raising payroll taxes on poor people, California trying to bankrupt their state.
Just all of the aggressive stuff that we're seeing
I think
Collectivism's a good idea, when obviously it always creates a nightmare.
But plus the collectivists lie and say it's not crony capitalism, which is even worse with a bunch of insiders above the law.
That's my point.
So I wanted to ask you, you were telling me off-air that a lot of people you talk to at high levels of the military and others
You know, that they recognize your voice just from being on this show when you're walking around talking, you know, in the corridors that you travel.
And so I see that as a good sign that people in the power structure know there's a problem.
But major societies, major empires don't usually get overthrown.
They commit suicide.
And I see the elite committing suicide politically.
I see them just wrecking everything.
And are you saying I'm wrong on that front?
Because I'm not just talking about geopolitical issues.
I understand China's a teetering basket case and all that.
I understand North Korea's a basket case.
My issue is that I see our establishment acting more and more delusional like Kim Jong-un.
I mean, I'm just sick of it.
Go ahead.
I got you.
I don't disagree with you.
What you're really talking about, Alex, and what most of us despise, and I do too, and that's why I go on your show and I've done that for 10 years, is that our federal power has exceeded the capacity to really be functional.
It's self-destructive.
It started about 30 years ago under Clinton.
It went through Bush.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Forget California, it will always be a basket case.
Forget New York, forget Illinois, forget Michigan.
There's a demographic shift that's happening by nature of the fact that we have to have areas where we don't have taxes at the state level, at the local level, and where local communities are really functioning.
And we see that in many of the major states.
So I'm not that pessimistic as you are.
Do I see crony capitalism?
JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, I've been asking him over 10 years.
I think he's a disaster.
I think JPMorgan should have been in prison.
The whole bank, I think Goldman Sachs, Blankfein, Rubin, all of them should have been in prison.
But they've been part of the crony capitalism of every congressman and senator I could name, including the presidents Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama.
But once we get federal prosecutors in there, once we get it at the state level, we can break it into that system, and we can devolve the power.
In other words, the governors have to become more important, the local communities have to become important.
And in that sense, when you really understand America, having lived in Montana and other states, you see that the real power, you don't call the federal government to have your sewage system cleaned up or built.
You call up your local commissioner.
And that's the power in Texas.
And we say in Texas often, and I remember working for Secretary of State Baker, you have the Republic of Texas.
I mean, the Governor wasn't kidding when he said, I can secede from the Union.
There is in fact a de facto secession from the Union as the federal establishment becomes too big and unable to control itself.
So what you're seeing is the federal establishment under Obama
I think?
There are actions on the derivatives and the options and the repos.
All these fancy things.
I had been an investment banker.
My job was to take down Kidder Peabody in six months.
We took down $600 million and we cleaned it out.
1986, I was brought in by the SNLs in Maryland.
I cleaned out the entire SNL system and all of those in the Resolution Trust in the 80s.
We cleaned it out from Maryland all the way down to Texas.
And by the way, it wasn't an accident that the SNL scandal was started by Neil and Marvin Bush.
So you've got a lot of your Texas boys getting us into trouble on the other end, and then our Texas boys getting us into trouble on the federal end.
So you've got to clean out your own house down there.
But I'm much more optimistic because we're a big country, and we have a lot of resources.
And at the local level, you cannot take those guns away.
You can dream about it, you can put whatever you want on legislation, but Nancy Pelosi
And all the others who are liberals, who are very wealthy, crony capitalists from Maryland and from San Francisco, they can dream on that there's never going to be legislation to take away our guns.
There's never going to be a capability to take away our guns.
There's never going to be an ability to act at the local level.
That's why we are a huge local country.
And we're based on local values and local principles.
That's why we're so diversified.
The other part of it, ironically, even though you feel very depressed and really, you know, concerned, and I understand it, we're doing better than Europe.
Let me give you an example.
Cyprus has always been known to many of us in the national security area as a dumping spot for black money for the Russians.
Putin did it.
All the oligarchs did it.
Basically, these were Russian Jewish oligarchs who came in under Yeltsin when we broke up the Soviet Union.
We've made a mistake.
We should have gotten rid of all those guys, but they were given out.
All the ex-KGB guys were given out parts of UCOL, of Gazprom, all the basic companies, and they didn't know how to run it.
The Russians, by nature, are not great managers.
By nature, they're very good at mathematics.
They have a great education system, but they're corrupt.
The system is corrupt.
Now Russia has to deal with a system that's corrupt, but we're maintaining Russia and Putin.
And how do we do that?
Because the people down in Texas, if they maintain the price of gas and oil at $60 to $70 per barrel, then Putin stays in power.
If we want to take him out of power, we bring it down to $40 and $30 a barrel, and he's out of power.
Because the only thing that sustains Putin
We're good to go.
France made an attempt through the Maastricht Agreement in 1950s and 60s up to 1980 when I was in France.
I knew this wouldn't work and France tried to corner Germany by saying we're all going to unify, we're all going to get away of our printing prices and we're going to get one currency called the euro.
It never worked.
The reason it doesn't work is because each country needs its own printing machine in order to get out of deflation.
And what happened in effect was that Germany under Angela Merkel, who came out of East Germany, we knew a lot about her because her father was a Lutheran who worked with our CIA.
And by the way, Putin
...was trained by the East Germans in the Stasi, and he was more German than he was Russian, so Angela Merkel and Putin are very close together.
They understand the problem, and Merkel has been intimidating France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy to such an extent that she's forcing them to get into an austerity program where you already have unemployment of 25-30%.
That means millions of young people are out of work.
Here in the United States, we have an unemployment of people who are not working fully, but we're able to bring up our machinery very quickly because we're based on one concept that no government and no amount of legislation can rid of, and that's what I believe in, and you believe in, Alex, and our people believe in, and that's entrepreneurship.
We're a country based on individualism, entrepreneurship, and the ability to take risks.
Europe is not.
There is not one country in Europe, and I've been through all of them, that's based on risk, on calculated risk, and the ability to start over again.
Sure, but let me ask you this question.
I mean, it's a big deal to have the globalists so invested, the Anglo-American establishment in China, to where now they openly control what can be in movies and things.
And I'm saying long term, or even in the midterm, where do you see all this going?
Well, I honestly, you know how critical I've been of our presidents, but I've never been critical of our country.
Number one, no country is in worse shape than China, my dear friend.
And I say that with glee, because I know the Chinese funds, the days of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin.
They have now a technocrat who spent time in Indiana, Qi Tong.
And the problem with China is two things only.
One is political stability.
As you said on your radio, and I've said it repeatedly, in a good year, a good year in China, you have over 75,000 riots on corruption alone.
This year alone, you will have over 150,000 riots that have to do with corruption.
The second biggest problem for China that they cannot geopolitically fix, and that will damn them to the end of their civilization, and they know that, that's why they're in trouble, and that is water.
No one has the water in China the way we had water in the United States.
We have the Mississippi.
We have the Ohio.
We have all our rivers and mountains.
In China, you only have one major river.
That's the Yangtze River.
That divides China into the North and the South, and they've got to build all their industries, Harbin and Haibin.
All along the Yangtze River, you've got 1.3 billion people who have to depend on a Yalu River and a Yangtze.
It doesn't work.
They know it.
Our national security team knows it, which has gone back 30, 40 years, all the way to Kissinger.
I know it.
And we know that half a billion people in China have no water in the Gobi Desert, and that China is already choking to the brim.
So whatever they want to do here in terms of
Changing our software or doing cyber attacks.
They're basically playing on the fiddle while Rome is burning.
Because I can guarantee you in Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, all those areas, you will have riots because the students who are coming out with degrees in electronic engineers are porters.
And they have even another problem, the students don't want to work.
Because these are the princelings that they had from before, where they had a one-child policy.
When you have a one-child policy, and they've been totally enamored and indentured to the fact that they don't have to do anything.
The entitlement of these kids, they don't want to go to the military, they don't want to work at jobs that they weren't entitled to, and you don't have the resources.
So when you don't have water, you don't have a capacity to grow, and you're having a make-believe economy that they made up in numbers saying 7% growth.
There is no 7% growth, because on a technical level, when they loan out all their money from their central banks, they don't market the market.
That means if they loan out a million dollars, they claim that it's a million dollars worth of goods.
The truth is, if they loan out a million dollars, they don't collect a dollar.
And I was there when they were building houses, and they were empty, incomplete, and disastrous.
I'm very optimistic America will exceed and dominate all of China.
Our Navy has the ability to deny them access to any lane that they want, including the Straits of Malacca.
So I'm not worried about that.
I'm not worried about Europe.
The run on Europe will not affect the United States.
Hopefully it will take down some of our biggest banks.
JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, all the crony capitalism banks, but not our local and regional banks or our credit unions.
And in turn, what happens is we will grow at the local level, not at the federal level.
Yeah, but if you look at what they did in the bailout, I mean, they've written it to take over the local banks to prop up the big ones.
But I agree, this could actually be used like a fever to kind of burn out the infection and get us into a better
What do you see the big anti-gun push?
The big picture is that we will not have a presidential candidate who is really effective.
Everybody's talking about Hillary Clinton.
Obama is pretty much the last of the sociopaths that will come in line.
He's lied his way right into self-destruction.
That's why I wanted the people to see this.
It began with Clinton.
It got on with Hillary Clinton.
It went on with Bush Jr., with Cheney, with Rumsfeld.
We're tired.
Well, what's happening is there are governors all over the state, including your own governors in Florida, elsewhere, where the governors are saying, you know what, let the federal government do what they do.
We're going to raise our own capacity, we're going to give tax credit, and we're going to build cars in Carolinas.
No, no, no, I agree you're seeing a major nullification 10th Amendment move and that's what I've called for, a second American revolution based on just pulling out and a velvet revolution of ideas.
It's just my issue is Homeland Security has its entire system arrayed and now is uncloaked and admits
Let me put it this way.
Homeland Security is a disaster.
Napolitano is a disaster.
I just talked to somebody from Homeland Security who's pretty high up this past weekend, and this person reaffirmed for me, it is a total foobar.
Hold on, Doc.
Can't talk like that.
We've got to delay that.
Because it cannot function.
You can't have Secret Service, which is totally worthless.
You can't have the Marshal Service.
All of these services are totally dysfunctional.
They will not survive within a system which is based on entrepreneurship and free markets.
We don't need it.
And they can do whatever they try to do.
FEMA didn't work.
They didn't work in the storms.
They weren't able to handle New Jersey.
They weren't able to handle New York.
So by attrition and by incompetence, that's the beauty of America.
Is that really the best message here?
Is that people know government can't and won't protect them?
And so people more and more are voting.
I mean, I think that's a positive sign.
Ten million guns being sold a month and people not trusting the system.
That's what America was founded on.
And they're calling it extremism.
But people really are getting back to common sense.
And you're saying that it's a hoax.
That collectivism is really taking over and has won.
That's just their attempt to create a bandwagon effect.
That's correct.
I mean, basically, it's the incompetent saying that we can do things when, in fact, they're showing that they're completely self-destructive.
Every time they do a black ops or they try to do a simulation, like a FEMA exercise, it blows back.
In the world of technology and high tech, when you have a country as big as we are, I mean, we are huge.
It is very hard for the federal government to implement any type of
Uh, law, if you don't have a national police force.
And we do not have a national police force.
And they're trying to set that up, though, so the answer is... They won't do it.
And on a local level, I've worked with a lot of local police, God bless our local police, because they will never tolerate, and I wrote it in the state of emergency, where we had in Nye County, Nevada, where we had a standoff between local, uh, Nevada police state troopers versus federal troopers.
And we won.
The states won.
What's happening again is a recapitulation of the Civil War, but in a much more economic fashion.
The states will succeed in a de facto way, not in a de jure.
No, I agree.
That's actually what I've called for.
Let's take a few calls for Dr. Steve Pichanik on the other side of this quick break.
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All right, Mel, thanks for holding.
You got a question for myself or Dr. Pachenik.
Go ahead and throw that out there real quick, sir.
How you doing, Alex?
I actually had a couple questions, if it was possible.
One for Mr. Pachenik.
I was just wondering if
They, uh, financially it never did, you know, happen here.
If, uh, you think that we would, uh, follow, you know, like Cyprus and Iceland, if they would, uh, follow Iceland's rule and, uh, arrest the bankers.
We had it in 1986 when we had to shut down the SNLs and we were quickly able to resolve it.
In 2008, when Bush created the financial crisis, we were able to bail out the banks.
I'm not a big believer in the banks.
I don't think we need the big banks.
They're totally there for their own profit and have no real value versus their capacity and their network.
They should be taken down systematically and all we really need is transfer of funds.
Quite frankly, without complicating the issue, there's a whole new currency on the Internet, and many of your followers may know that.
It's called Bitcoin, which means that we can use any other type of currency if we want to, instead of the dollar.
The gold is now securitized as a piece of paper.
So, in terms of banking, it's an antiquated system.
What you have in banking, basically, is a bunch of binary numbers, 1 and 0, going up to the cloud.
We're cloud computing, and then some bank like TD or Bank of America tells you you're secure, but the truth of the matter is you're not.
Anybody can access it, and they're not anything more than just a binary collector.
There's no value to bankers and banks in itself, so I wouldn't worry about it, but we do have the capacity to basically barter any commodity we want.
In other words, information, goods, trades,
You know, I like what you're saying, but bottom line, there's a revolution going on, and all the tyranny we see is the establishment trying to put the brakes on things.
My issue is, is if we don't get active, they're going to end up succeeding in suppressing a new renaissance, but that's a really good question.
I agree with Alex.
I think there is a revolution going on on all fronts.
Banking, entrepreneurship and business.
But I don't think this government will succeed or any federal government because by nature they're there to please each other and they're totally incompetent.
They've been there for 36 years.
The average time of a senator or congressman they're afraid to go out into business.
And we're basically an entrepreneur.
Are they trying to start a civil war coming after our guns?
Well, I think they don't even think of that in terms of a civil war.
If they did, there would be a civil war, but they can't even... You know, this is not Abraham Lincoln who created a civil war.
What I call the Northern Invasion.
I mean, he's deified.
I don't particularly think he is a great president.
I think he was what was said about Wilkes Booth, who sent us to run.
He basically suppressed our freedom.
I think?
No, but you're right, the so-called left authoritarians, they fantasize about a new civil war, and MSNBC, I called them the new Ku Klux Klan, and it made huge headlines, because all they do is talk about race, and the Klan was a Democratic Party group around race, the Democrats now are trying to base everything on racial division, hence Ku Klux Klan.
Well, I get what you mean, but I don't think there's any validity anymore to Republican or Democrat.
No, no, I agree, but I'm saying the Democrats are trying to create a racial... No, I understand, but basically race now is almost... The one thing that Obama may have done is that there's no more excuse for anybody to say, I'm black and therefore I cannot do anything.
Once you have a president who's black, that pretty much erases the notion that everybody was suppressed, it was black.
I tell you what, let's come back and take a few calls.
I'm just so sick of hearing about race.
Sick of it.
I'm sick of it.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Stay with us.
Keebler Elves coming up.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
What is America's underlying core that's made us so successful?
Don't tread on me.
We need to rediscover that or we'll be slaves.
Dr. Pachinik was talking about it earlier in the break.
Speaking of Doc, Dr. D, you disagree with Dr. Pachinik of StevePachinik.com, best-selling author.
You can find out stuff there at the site.
Dr. D, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, thank you for taking my call.
How are you doing today?
Dr. Pachinik here.
Alex, it's a privilege to speak with you today.
It's a privilege having you, sir.
Go ahead.
I want to first of all thank you for being an alternative to the low-grade moron Slime Stream Media.
We have to applaud you for that.
As far as that Nobama character, not Obama, Nobama, I was early in the game of attacking Obama because I see him for the fraud he was, like his cousin Bush and Cheney.
I think Alex is well founded in his concerns about China, and I would look at the past history of China, the 1839 Opium War, where they took control recently over China, and the majority of the Chinese, or a large segment I would say, was very angry with America about that, 200 and some years later almost.
I think China is totally ruthless enough.
Let me just stop you here.
The issue for water for China will not be directed towards us.
It will be directed towards another country, but you hit on a very good point, Dr. D, and that was
China's next war, if there is to be a war, and it may well be a war, it will not be with the United States.
It will be with India.
Because the only source of water that China has isn't Tibet.
So the issue of Tibet is not about the Dalai Lama, as everybody thought, or Richard Gere's concern whether the Dalai Lama is alive or not.
It really is about
The Kilimanjaro, the mountains of the Himalayas that have the snow and the capacity to allow the waters to come down into China and particularly into the Damned Lake.
So I predict that what will happen within the next five years is you're going to see conflagrations between China and India more than you will with the China and the United States because China is divided north and south and it's divided between the rich and the poor.
And that's why we see Pakistan being driven in the arms of the Communist Chinese.
I care about the Chinese people.
And I look at Al Gore and his Foxconn factories.
It's all disgusting.
Dr. D, did you have a comeback to that?
Yes, sir.
My thing, Alex, is there is going to be a greater war in terms of conflict.
China is definitely going to have to come out of China.
And there's going to be a conflict about resources.
I do not perceive the Chinese as going to allow themselves to be flunkies and check bullies.
For the Zionist enemies that's in large control in large parts of this world.
That's where I see the conflict coming.
I see this slow mission creeping through the western hemisphere.
And I think when that time comes, that they have an expeditionary force here, I think it will become clear to all these so-called intelligence people who couldn't find their tailbones with both hands.
Very interesting point.
Let me get Dr. Bucinic's final word on that.
I'm not worried about China.
I'm not worried about Zionists.
All of these things are gone by the wayside.
We're moving at a very fast pace now in the United States.
Information capability and cyber war are the initial issues for us.
I'm worried about the singularity and humans letting this get out of control and all this genetic engineering.
I'm worried about major disasters with that stuff unchecked.
Well, I don't know about genetic engineering, but the one thing that could create a major disaster is a flu virus that we can't control like we have right now in Shanghai that comes onto a plane and it spreads very quickly.
But we can't look at disaster scenarios.
You'd go nuts if you looked at it all day long.
What you have to look at is basically why we are so big and capable of growing so quickly and changing.
No other country can do that.
Neither China, India, Russia, or anyone in the European
All right, listen, very thought-provoking talk.
Thank you so much.
Dr. Steve Pacheco will say bye to you during this break.
Tonight, 7 o'clock, InfoWars Nightly News.
A lot of key special reports.
I'm just trying to get people awake and not just watching television or playing video games or watching sports all day because the world is rapidly changing and I want to remain free.
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That's our bottom line mission.