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Filename: 20130314_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 14, 2013
3378 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's already, wow, hard to believe it, Thursday, the 14th day of March 2013, and I've been kind of hogging the broadcast the last few days, barely opening the phones up.
We did take some calls yesterday with George Norrie.
I want to open the phones up for listeners to talk about the incredible breaking news that we didn't predict it, but we were the first to break it in government documents that they would then just announce being white would be an act of terrorism to create racial division.
I mean right now the white supremacist roles and things are just swelling.
The record numbers, just like if they put you in prison and you're white or you're Hispanic or you're black, you better go be part of that gang because that's how they house you in the wings of the prison.
There's just not a choice.
The system forces you into it.
Really a masterstroke.
LA Times and others were regurgitating, along with MSNBC, the new Justice Department report put out by their private intelligence army, the Southern Poverty Law Center, their Merck Group, you know, saying being white is inherently racist.
And evil.
And terrorist.
I'm not joking.
And now they've got universities and groups.
If you want to basically get your tuition or get your scholarship, you've got to sign on to agree to go under Southern Poverty Law Center written manuals.
Aaron Dykes covered this last night.
I'm going to have him in today.
With their actual printouts, in Wisconsin and other states, whites are to wear a white armband or wristband, like Jews wearing yellow stars, to show your evil.
And then you quote have a minority, who is really the majority worldwide, now the majority in the US, follow you around and tell you how bad you are.
It actually says that.
America is a giant re-education camp, and again, it's about divide and conquer.
It's the government
Dividing and conquering and putting billboards up saying my people rise up in Spanish, Mexican flag, and then you know kids can't wear American flags in school because it's racist.
It's total control to say, give me government-run health care, give me gun control, you're a racist.
You're like, what's that have to do with it?
Oh, racist.
It's just a political tool.
See, they get you to be politically correct and feel all guilty.
I'm not guilty of jack squat, I'm 39 years old.
I grew up in Dallas, Texas.
My parents were what you'd call, uh, paleo-conservatives.
You'd call them liberals today.
But a mainline liberal's really a tyrant, so you wouldn't call them liberals.
But I was really brought up to be, you know, it's the character of someone's deeds and what they stand for.
And I was sophisticated enough to not buy into being forced into race-based politics, but that's the tool.
They want you in the big city model, where there's the black neighborhood, the Hispanic neighborhood, the white neighborhood, the rich white neighborhood, the rich black neighborhood.
You know, it's also a class system.
And then they play that and use communism as the only solution to get out of it, and then have the media push that, well, that's how you can get out of it, is a collectivization that's run by the globalists that are offshore.
I mean, was Che Guevara a guy with a lot of courage?
Was he a really interesting person?
But did he kill tens of thousands of innocent people personally and enjoy it?
To the point of Fidel Castro throwing him out of the country?
And Africa throwing him out?
And the Soviets throwing him out?
And the Bolivian Communists throwing him out?
Yeah, that's the point.
I mean, can I say Hitler had a lot of courage?
I mean, he had a Congressional Medal of Honor.
That was the equivalent.
He had the Iron Cross First Class.
That's the Congressional Medal of Honor.
They only handed out a handful of those in World War I. That's why everybody followed Hitler, because he was a big war hero.
And the point was, was he a real person who thought he was doing good?
But was he twisted and evil?
Well, wait a minute.
You don't like the New World Order and the megabanks, but you don't like Hugo Chavez.
Hugo Chavez has, like, $5 billion of gold, $2 billion in cash.
I know people who have their small businesses taken by.
See, the mega-rich want collectivization.
So, see, I didn't like Pinochet, a right-winger, and I didn't like a so-called left-winger like Che Guevara or a fascist like Hitler.
I don't like tyrants, and I'm going to explain that with all the big news and our guests coming up when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, coming up in studio, we did a special report on the nightly news about it last night.
Aaron Dykes is joining us.
Universities all over the United States are telling whites that they're inherently evil and bad and making them wear white armbands to symbolize that they're bad and having them agree under AmeriCorps and they have to agree then to get their tuition.
To be followed, quote, by a minority to explain to them how inherently bad it is to be white.
Now again, ladies and gentlemen, this is all run by big offshore mega-banks who divide and conquer.
The Romans were experts at it.
The British Empire was experts.
African kings have been experts.
If you're an authoritarian, you're an expert at divide and conquer.
And now as the mega-banks are sucking us dry, imploding the dollar, pumping $85 billion a month into foreign banks, your taxpayer money that you have to
Even pay interest on, you bail out the banks and then pay them interest.
They do this everywhere.
They go in, they have sociologists, anthropologists, it's what intelligence agencies do, just look it up.
And they bring in a system to absolutely break down as much of the society as they can so that everyone's fighting with each other.
And then it creates real tribal division.
Racism doesn't really exist.
It's called tribalism.
That's why you'll have one group of white tribes next to each other that hate each other and kill each other.
And then the Romans could show up from a different culture and group and one tribe would team up with them to kill the other.
Same thing with the UN showing up with white Belgian soldiers and, you know, in the Congo and half the tribes begging them to kill the other half.
We're Native Americans.
Humans are just humans.
We act the same way.
And in a primitive sense, this was 2,000 years ago in your area, tribalism made perfect sense.
That's what you'd be part of, your group, or you'd be dead.
And so it's real, but it's not real.
So when they talk about colorblind and pigment and all this stuff, yeah, that's real, but the system is saying, hey, lower your guard.
It's kind of like in Saving Private Ryan, where the guy's fighting, Tom Hanks is fighting with a German soldier, and then the German soldier says, oh, let's be friends, let's be friends, and then drives the knife into him.
But it's not like the system of politically correct said, be nice, let's all be friends, let's have equality.
And then that was always a double cross from the beginning.
There were always groups really saying that, Christians, abolitionists, others, all over the world.
You know, there were slaves in Germany, some of the German provinces, the Germania, Austrian-Hungarian Empire until the 1880s.
White slaves, but they were so culturally controlled that they were proud of their slavery.
Mercenary slaves, citizen soldiers raised from birth, Hessians, 10,000 of them were brought into one flotilla during the Revolutionary War.
This is real history and it's not taught there.
You're only taught America had slavery.
You're not taught about indentured servitude, you're not taught about sharecropping, slavery basically.
You're only taught about things to create a guilt narrative so that you're 15 years old and you're white, you feel like you're evil.
Or you're 39 like I am.
You know, brought up to be colorblind, brought up in multicultural Dallas, friends, everything great, but that was only in phase one.
Now the phase is the breakup of America into a larger North American Union with racial subgroups throughout it.
And that's Ford Foundation, that's Carnegie Endowment, that's congressional hearings, Anthony Sutton wrote about this, he worked for Congress.
It's all there.
That's the strategic plan because you've got
Less than 20 ruling global families worldwide over the Anglo-American establishment.
And it was called Anglo because that's what the British-Dutch Combined Empire was called.
You know, the Anglo-slash-Dutch Empire.
Saxe-Coburg-Gothas with the House of Orange.
It's also Gotha.
And it's not even really a German royal family, it's a Transylvanian royal family and an Austrian royal family.
Nothing against Transylvanians or Austrians.
I'm just breaking down, there is a Transylvanian family, it's like out of a movie, a vampire movie, that runs the globe, or most the globe, and is trying to mop up areas of Africa, Latin America, Asia, you name it.
And this is the program, you thought it was House of Windsor, it's Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
And it's merged with the House of Rothschild.
And that's just the fact.
I mean, that's what it is.
And it's all divide and conquer.
The globalists will finance the Arabs to attack Israel.
And the globalists will finance Israel to attack the Arabs.
And then they have full spectrum dominance.
Just like the globalists will finance the Pakistani Al-Qaeda and the Taliban Al-Qaeda.
And publicly, that's always been public.
That's always been in science journals.
That's always been in anthropology journals.
That's always been declassified.
That's always been public.
It was public on 9-11 that the hijackers trained at U.S.
bases and were U.S.
government agents.
It came out in AP, Reuters, Newsweek, but back of the paper, yeah, Mohammed and others trained at a base, but that's national security, just don't worry about it.
They're court-martialing the colonel that blew the whistle.
Never mind that.
You see, it's full-spectrum dominance.
It's globalist, above America, having America carry out its dirty work while we take the blame worldwide.
Well, we take the blame worldwide, and literally.
I was driving into work this morning.
I called in on 590 AM, my local AM affiliate, and I called in the morning show.
Mark, Ed, and Sergeant Sam.
Sergeant Sam's a really funny, great guy.
He's come by the office before.
We're friends a long time.
Mark Caesar's a nice guy.
The other guy's kind of a liberal Ed on there.
And, uh, I called and they put me on air, you know, and he goes, shout out and get to the point.
He was talking about basically, he was kind of the pro-abortion guy and the other guys were the anti-abortion guys.
And I was, cause I heard this black guy call and he goes, I'm a black guy in East Austin and there's too many kids and that's why we're going bankrupt.
And that's why we got a deficit.
We need to abort more kids.
They were talking about protests going on in Austin right now with little kids out there part of the protest.
And is it right to, you know, teach seven, eight-year-olds that they're aborting kids in there?
And I say, yes.
Know how evil it is.
Know these are humans that are dying.
So I call in about that to go, excuse me, Japan's 1.3, the U.S.
is 1.5, 1.6, Italy's 1.3.
For every two adults that were born, baby boomers in the late 40s, early 50s, worldwide, it doesn't matter what color you are, if it's an industrialized country, you're having a quarter less children than you need to just even replace people, and then societies collapse.
The actuaries are known.
And I explain the U.S.
has about a 1.5, except for giant immigrant influx.
You know, the system has a point.
You've got to bring in immigrants from everywhere.
The problem is they're put on welfare and then bankrupt the system.
That's a political takeover.
It's not really a replacement.
Whites aren't having children.
Blacks aren't having children.
52% of blacks are aborted.
And this guy was defending that, saying it was good, the caller.
So I called in, some of you probably heard it out there, just to point out the demographics.
Because I've been around so many black liberals, who aren't really liberals, they're authoritarians, but they believe they're liberals.
Black tribe across the river from me even though I'm black and have their exact genetics.
They're evil because they worship the, you know, the pelican and we worship the, you know, the stork or whatever.
You know, let's kill them.
It's like the Star Trek episode from the 60s where one guy's got black on one side of his face, the other guy on the other.
Even though they're exact same genetics, it's just, you know, one grips the rulers, the other... That's how things tend to organize around games.
Like, you're wearing a red hat, I'm gonna kill you.
It was just somebody in New York shot because he was wearing a wrong color hat.
Oh, you're wearing blue, I'm going to kill you.
I remember back in the early 90s, I'd be walking down the street with a blue baseball cap and had the cops pull over to me and say, and then that's an excuse, I'm really a crip wearing a blue baseball cap.
Again, everybody likes to organize, dumb people like to organize into gangs.
I mean, that's basically, not even so much dumb, just primitive, it's easy, and that's how the globalists are basically orchestrating
This entire thing and they people really think because that's why I've been at the Metro La Raza Hispanic Ku Klux Klan rallies that's what it is you know there's not just white Ku Klux Klan there's black racist groups all that but it's so mainline people think oh the city's paying for billboards that say this oh the
You know, there's TV ads how great this is.
Well, I mean, it's sponsored by Miller Beer and Diet Coke, you know, so you get diabetes and die.
You know, with the aspartame, that's on record.
It must be good.
Let me go join it.
And that's only because they want to create the balkanization.
The Democratic Party was out of power.
They were the party of the Klan and lynching blacks in gun control for blacks.
They didn't invent gun control.
After slaves were freed, the Democratic Party basically got laws in the South passed so blacks couldn't have guns.
So they could abuse them.
And then they started really failing.
And the Klan almost took Washington over.
It was actually big then with 500,000 people marching in D.C.
You can pull up the photos of Klan rallies in D.C.
in the 20s.
In fact, you guys could probably do that on horseback and stuff.
But they failed.
Because Christians, whites, across the country mainly, said no.
And Republicans, and I'm not saying Republicans are good today, they're just the placeholder for the dominant party, the Democrats.
So they said, Margaret Sanger's letters are public, type in Margaret Sanger's racist letters, that'll pull them up.
She said, we're losing, and these are minutes with John D. Rockefeller and others.
She said, we're losing the battle, if you give me a million dollars a month, and this was like in I think 1911.
She was a big family planner, euthanizer, you name it, there in New York City.
She said, I'll go buy off all the black, W.E.B.
Du Bois, and everybody.
I'll buy them off, we'll make them heroes, and we'll kill these people.
She said, we will eliminate the weeds.
And they have!
And I can sit there and talk to one of these black liberals, and they go, I'm glad they're killing 52%.
I'm going to get more money, because 52% of blacks are killed.
And you're racist because you're white.
And MSNBC will be like, good job.
You're absolutely right.
This is how the communists have taken over countries, ladies and gentlemen.
And so the Democratic Party figured out we've got to now be radical.
Radical and actually come out and say whites are inherently bad.
They did this then to fool all the minorities to think, oh my gosh, you must be really great people.
And it worked like a charm.
I mean, I've sat there at these Che Guevara type stuff with guys all wearing the same hats, same outfits, and they're like, we're gonna kill you when we take over.
I mean, they're wearing shirts that say, plan of San Diego to kill all whites over the age of 16.
It's been in the newspaper.
And I'll go, but they're aborting Hispanics.
Good, there are too many people.
So killing Hispanics is good, but being white is racist.
You're nobodies.
You're dumbed down moron idiots that don't see the big eugenics picture.
And I know I'm racist for not wanting to kill 52% of black people.
I understand MSNBC's mad.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
Aaron Dykes is coming in to talk about the new white guilt bracelets that you'll have to wear if you want to get college tuition supplemented.
And we're going to tie it into an incredible article that I mentioned yesterday, but I didn't read some of the passages.
What can be done to reverse this tide of belligerent ignorance?
Well, we can have the government form task forces and go after... wait for it...
They're not jihadists, they are white, right-wing Americans, nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns, who may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists.
That's why Homeland Security money needs to be moved from the hunt for foreign terrorists to the domestic white terrorists, the L.A.
I mean, you read something like that, and I knew that was coming because all the training manuals, all the training videos that we broke years ago was, whites are terrorists, minorities, you're going to report them.
And I guess go hunt them down.
And you're like, this is insane.
It's designed to make whites get totally freaked out and just become a reactionary, racially voting bloc under Republicans that then control them.
And then the Republicans will kind of act as a more honest racial party at one level.
While acting like they're trying to be inclusive, I mean, the globalists know what they're doing, and that's why they're in control, and that's why we're slaves, and that's why liberty and prosperity is being annihilated.
It's called divide and conquer, it's called balkanization, and it feels good, and everyone basically loves it.
Continuing, the new Pope,
Pope Francis, the first Latin American, first Jesuit, well that'll add to all the theories that the Jesuits really run the Catholic Church, and the first Pope, Francis, to lead the world's Catholics.
Reminds me of the quote from Stripes, where he goes, don't call me Francis, call me psycho or I'll kill ya.
He goes, okay, Francis.
If you haven't seen Stripes, I'm sorry.
I'm a fan of kind of those old, corny comedies.
It's not as good as Caddyshack, but it pops in my head.
So we've got that report.
Yeah, lighten up, Francis.
You're right, I didn't quote it properly.
That's exactly what he says.
He goes, all right, Francis.
And he goes, my name's Psycho.
You call me Francis again, I'll kill you.
The sergeant goes, lighten up, Francis.
Yeah, that's pretty good.
Thanks for reminding me.
John Ballin knows all this stuff.
All right, let me give you some of the other news that we'll cover after Aaron's in here with us.
And we do have Sean Siegel in studio, who is the head of a major vaccine awareness group and has just incredible scientists, doctors, you name it, on his radio show, VaxTruth.org.
I'm just very impressed with his research.
And he also works with Marcy Terry.
So we're going to get her on with us as well.
I want to get them on in the last hour, because that's a real public service announcement.
It's amazing on the racial front.
You can abort 30% of Hispanics roughly before they're born.
You can abort 25% of whites before they're born.
You can abort 52% of blacks before they're born.
And then say it's good for the economy, and then say, well, they'll just end up on welfare and in prison.
And I hear blacks and Hispanics call into the talk shows, and I've debated it on liberal radio shows, really fascist tyranny shows that call themselves liberal.
And they're like, what are you going to do with all these babies?
Remember the abortuary guy last year?
They go to his house, the abortion doctor, and he goes, who's going to take all these ugly black babies?
And he's an Asian guy.
And I'm telling you, that's standard Indian guy.
Well, technically that is Asia, my friend, pretty much.
So the point is, is that, you know, he says, who's going to, who's going to keep all these ugly black babies?
And that child is liberal.
I mean, if you call blacks ugly and evil and need to be killed, you are a liberal.
As long as you say whites are bad.
And then a lot of black folks will go, well, you're saying kill me, but you hate whites.
That's good.
It's a white person saying it to them.
I mean, it is just mind control.
And that's what Aldous Huxley talked about in his farewell speech before he died in 62 at Berkeley.
You ought to listen to it.
It's like an hour and a half long.
It's online.
I've played some clips of it in my film, Endgame.
He says, we've learned how to program you to love your servitude.
And we're going to end the family, and we're going to end society, as you know, and we're going to just get rid of the majority of you, and that's the plan.
And my brother runs the UN program to do it at UNESCO.
Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley's brother.
And they write books, they tell you you're doing it, and he said by 2000 they had most of this in.
They are 10 years behind, in the words of Brzezinski.
I don't think it's even further, because it is so crazy.
I mean, the French Revolution run by the Illuminati, look it up, the Jacobins, they wanted a nine-day work week, the end of the family, a return to barbarism.
It's all about playing God.
But I know I'm getting off into the history of people.
I'm going to run over some of the big news here, but the plan is have America carry out the globalist dirty work, and then blame us politically for it.
So, world poll, image of U.S.
declines, which was the plan I've always told you, while the globalists move to the EU and China and de-industrialize us.
When they're done with us, they'll implode us into a giant third world race war.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, you have found it, the front lines of the Infowar, trying to build a true, free, enlightened, renaissance society of true liberty, where we're judged by the character of our...
Daily activities, by what we build, by what we construct, not by numbers, not by groups.
The globalists are at war against the individual.
That's why they say gun owners are responsible for anybody that's killed, not the criminals using tools, like a baseball bat or a knife.
Is it the baseball bat or the knife?
No, they're saying we collectively did Sandy Hook.
And it's now coming out, in fact, Bloomberg's bragging about it.
And I sent a report on this yesterday, we're going to cover it in a moment.
Where he said, oh, I was all ready and set for the next shooting to exploit it to get the guns.
And that's what Feinstein said two weeks ago.
She said there will be more events and we're going to get this done.
They have a plan.
That's why Obama said we can't allow one more shooting.
We can't allow one more thing like this to happen.
You gotta turn your guns in or the kids will die.
Kids died?
Oh my gosh, it's your fault.
You know, a woman in New York, Manhattan mother jumps eight stories to her death with her infant son strapped to her chest.
Baby survives with minor injuries because she hit on her back and the baby was in a little carrier on her front so the baby bounced.
And she said she was a bad mother.
I bet a million dollars if somebody wants to wager that she was on antipsychotics, which actually make you psychotic, on the insert.
They call them antidepressants.
They're really antipsychotics and they make you psychotic.
I mean, it's always the same.
It just makes them whack out and do it.
You read about mothers chopping their kids' arms off, drowning them.
But actually, it's not her fault.
It's the building's fault.
Because, you know, it's the gun's fault.
Somebody got shot in New York for wearing a hat the wrong color.
That's also in the news yesterday.
By a gang.
But it's not gang mentality that's the fault.
It's the gun and the hat.
And also, she was white.
So that's another reason she's white.
So, according to the LA Times, when she's married to a... I mean, if you're a white guy, you're a terrorist, according to the LA Times.
So, I mean, that's the crazy logic they would have you believe.
Because, you know, she's not an individual.
It's not drugs she may have been on.
It's not her fault.
It's just... It's the fault of the eight-story window balcony she jumped off of.
I think that's reasonable.
I mean, it's the building did it.
An inanimate object.
I mean, it was that sheer face.
It was that base jump without a parachute that killed her.
Just like the gun.
And so I say, ban buildings above one story.
And make everyone... We'll see, that's where this logic goes.
That's where all of this is happening.
You know, they have the science fiction books written where they make everybody handicapped if anybody else is handicapped.
And people thought, oh, that's overdone.
No, no, that's where all this is going.
So we're going to be breaking all of that down.
We're going to get to the economic news.
Physicists say they have found the Higgs boson, which they plan to do at the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider.
So we're going to be getting into all of that.
This was in Alternative News a few days ago, now it's in Reuters today.
to let spy agencies scour American finances.
Of course, the headlines a few days ago were they've already been doing it, but now that's what his executive order last year did.
Congress wouldn't pass it, so he just did it.
They're just trying to quasi-legalize
uh... what they've already been criminally doing but I don't care if Obama signs an order and tells Congress they can't see it but now Congress is demanding to see it so we're told you know what spy agencies run by foreign globalists
Are watching everything you're doing with no warrant.
And guess what?
The new threat in Al Qaeda, it's white people, it's returning veterans, it's conservatives, it's libertarians.
And that's not racist at all.
And the government's teamed up with everybody else who are useful idiots if they join it.
Hey, let's get them!
Let's get those gun owners!
Yay, I'm turning my gun in!
They want you to associate racially
With having no rights and socialism under a fascist regime.
Socialism, grassroots fascism above it.
That's the real system.
They want you to associate your identity with being an idiot.
With being a chump.
With being a sucker.
With being a schmuck.
With being a mark.
With being a fool.
Well, I'm not your fool.
And everybody needs to get religion, get reality, get social engineering.
Most people that understand this go and join the dark side.
I've talked to a lot of people in the power structure and they just go, come on man, you know how the public is.
They're a bunch of idiots.
They're not going to listen.
They don't want your help.
They want to be slaves.
Come jump on the team and come in for the big win.
Well, you know what?
It doesn't look to me like you're jumped on a team and coming in for a big win.
Society is falling apart and no one is insulated from this craziness.
The big lie is when you screw somebody over, they're going to have the attitude to screw people over and it's all going to come back on you.
And I don't want that on my conscience.
I don't want that in my name, okay?
And I'm sick of the government and the social engineers and the power structure acting like they're the great high and mighty that hand down the law and they say what's racist and they say what's good and they say what's bad when they are a bunch of murdering, lying, eugenicists, social engineer globalists.
Who 24-7 go to Delphi Techniques seminars and stuff on how to manipulate and lie to you.
You know what I'm using?
My hardwired gut and instinct for liberty.
I don't need to go to your fancy schools.
I got the truth that trumps all your lies all day.
I don't need your psychopath silver tongue.
I've got the tongue for liberty.
I've got a tongue that wants to survive.
I've got the tongue that knows the truth.
And you know what?
The truth is self-evident.
It's not like it's some big secret.
But because it's laying all around us, people don't value it.
People don't value it.
They think evil and corruption is going to give them power, and it's not going to do that.
Now let me tell you.
As I said yesterday, we're going to go to Aaron, I'm going to start the next hour, go to your calls and cover news, toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231, first time callers, 800-259-9231.
But I want to say this here right now, I told you they would shift everything into a race war for homeland security, and I told you that 11 years ago.
I can see the writing on the wall, it's in my films, it's on record.
It's in Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 2002.
It's all broken down.
Because I've been to the drills, I've read the manuals, I've gotten the secret documents.
It's been national news probably 20 times or more.
It's on record, okay?
I know what I'm talking about.
But it's gotten totally obvious in the open the last two years.
Because this is the game plan.
It was all laid out.
Bush, Obama, the fix is in.
Romney to take the dive, all of it.
It's not that Obama's bad, so Romney's good.
It's all bad.
It's not that, you know, fascists are bad, so communists are good.
It's communists and fascists are bad.
Learn that it's not just the two choices they give you.
It's not, you know, globalists bad, so Che Guevara good.
No, it's all bad.
You need to understand that.
And you need to not just see boldness by the globalists as their right to rule.
Hitler was bold.
Stalin was bold.
Fidel Castro was bold.
Mao was very bold.
You know, Che Guevara was a follower of Mao and wanted forced collectivization that killed about a third of the Chinese people.
You're talking about mass death here, ladies and gentlemen.
But it's sexy, it's fun.
These young idiots out there, they just have this smile like, oh, you're scared of my power wearing some stupid iconic image when I actually want to free you.
Because if I don't free you, we're not getting out of this.
Because we've got to have a revolution of awakening to have any future.
And it's got to happen with you deciding to get out of your emotional garbage and to get outside the box with full spectrum analysis and see how you're being played.
And sure, they set things up in a racial, cultural, regional,
Divide and conquer so there are real people buying into it who are tribally coming against you if you're white or if you're any other color.
There is an opposing racist group and you see the racism and you're white and you're told it doesn't exist and you're inherently bad so it makes you mad so you become a white supremacist which is also globalist run just like a prison is broken up into racial groups.
If you don't have this awakening and this understanding they're already putting poison in our food and water no matter what color you are.
They're already setting up death panels.
They're already gearing up for all this.
We're all under attack and we've got to have a full shift awakening to this if we have any hope.
If a conservative said black babies were ugly, a doctor, it would be national news on MSNBC for six months straight and riots all over the country.
But when the establishment shoots a black youth in the back for no reason in New York, nothing's ever going to be done about it.
Or when every liberal I've ever talked to says, who's going to adopt the black babies?
Which actually there are groups to do that.
In fact, do you have the Black Baby clip?
Let's go ahead and play that clip, and then I'm going to get into the news and go to Aaron.
Here, here they are, here they, it's just, and you, there's Planned Parenthood tapes, Project Veritas about, I want to give money to get rid of the blacks.
Oh yes, we understand.
So, so let's go ahead and play this clip, but again, you'll never see this because, because again, an enemy, we had German soldiers in World War II that came to US bases dressed in US military uniforms who'd been brought up in the US and spoke fluent English.
Nowadays, people would salute them
They would salute a foreign Chinese general who was about to nuke America if he wore a uniform, even if they knew he was a communist general.
Because the uniform's what matters.
If hijackers put on the captain's uniform, they would salute him.
Women would probably slit their babies' throats under orders.
Because it's about serving the image.
You understand that?
And of course I'm being a little sarcastic here, but the globalists have hijacked.
They've taken everything over.
They're puppeting things with a hand puppet.
And you've got to have that epiphany.
You've got to have that quickening of understanding.
You've got to understand how this works if there's any future.
And again, it is a sacrament.
A sacrament to kill their babies.
And you're racist if you don't want to kill the minority, now majority, babies.
So see, I just want you to know that, and I know it hurts your ideology of race-based liberation theology you were taught if you're white, black, Hispanic, Asian, in public school, then in the college.
I understand this is freaking you out because your whole identity is about this.
But this is the reality.
And just admit who you are and admit what you are, and then there's hope for you.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
I'm not profiting.
I was a taxpayer.
Do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up and kill those people in Colorado.
Go ahead and pay for that.
Let me see you adopt one of those.
You've got evil whites, obviously terrorists, because the LA Times and they say being white is terrorism.
We played the ugly black baby part.
I heard it in there once.
I mean, there's more of it coming up.
We don't have time to play it all.
Just type in ugly black baby.
You'll get that in a bunch of other videos.
And the evil whites are there saying, let us adopt the baby.
They obviously don't want to be sent to a FEMA camp.
I mean, they're scum.
But the Indian guy from Asia, he's good.
He's a wise person.
And so?
He's obviously right.
Now, if the white Christians said, kill the ugly black babies, it'd be all over the news.
But see, that's because they're white.
They're bad people.
And you have to understand that.
And so if I put up a billboard saying, whites rise up, that's racist.
If the city of Austin pays for it for Hispanics, that's a good thing.
And there's no doublespeak there.
There's no 1984 there.
There's no, no, no.
And so here it is.
Government wants volunteers to wear white guilt bracelets.
Aaron Dykes is here to talk about that.
And the LA Times is also reporting again saying, quote, the new threat is not Al-Qaeda.
They're not jihadists.
They are white, right-wing Americans.
And that they believe in a New World Order conspiracy theory.
Doesn't matter.
World governments being openly set up everywhere.
And by the way, we don't just have the CNS News article on this.
We have what you do to learn in the re-education camp that's the college.
Or the AmeriCorps, if you want any of this government funding, and soon they're now announcing compulsory service where you have to go into AmeriCorps and FemaCorps to get out of high school or college.
In fact, they said four years ago it would be the law, but they haven't been able to do that, but they're trying.
And see, it's about social engineering.
Once you're in a collectivist system, we get to say what you eat.
Oh, well, if a bunch of blacks are on welfare, as a cliche, well, then we must be able to kill them, because we're paying for them.
See how that works?
It's not get you on welfare, force you on welfare.
Blacks had less illegitimacy than whites.
In the 1930s and 40s.
I mean, look it up.
Look at the demographics.
They had under 10% whites at a higher level.
Extremely religious.
Extremely conservative.
Extremely upright.
Extremely setting up powerful communities and businesses and threatening the power structure.
They just integrated.
And I'm not against integration.
It's a real integration.
A fake integration with cultural death programmed into it.
Now blacks are 93% illegitimate.
You go, what's wrong with single mothers?
That's the spin.
You're just four times more likely to be in prison or drugs.
No, no, no.
Yeah, I'm
I'm confident.
I don't need to put you down so I can be successful.
I want to build you up.
And hell, if you get built up higher than me, you'll just raise everything up.
The rising tide raises all ships.
I understand how the universe really works, because it's just prima facie.
It's in my soul, my gut, everything.
And in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
As a, I think it was a Protestant philosopher said about 400 years ago,
And people say, what does that mean?
Well, you can see it as the Illuminati perspective.
They want you culturally blind, spiritually blind, financially blind, because then you can be fully enslaved.
So I bring in Aaron Dykes, and while he's talking, I've got a document cam I can show PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, the actual mental model.
It says, addressing racial privilege, a mental model for white anti-racist.
And it shows them to see everything according to a group, not as individual, and like Jews, to start wearing the yellow star, but it's a white bracelet.
And Aaron Dykes, we're going to come back from break in a moment, but break down this amazing report.
It's up at InfoWars.com.
That's the thing, life is about individuals.
I take anybody from any background on, you know, with a basic respect until it's violated, no matter where they come from.
They do want us thinking in groups and they want us all brainwashed.
I am kind of a bleeding heart in terms of I don't like to see people downtrodden, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hand the reins of power over to big government who want everyone dependent, who want to debase people.
No, no, they want them dead!
Oh yeah, and they're like, I want to buy the fact that you're an inherently evil whitey.
I want to kill my babies!
I'm like, okay, go ahead and kill your babies then.
I've been personally attacked for not endorsing the black genocide.
I don't.
I won't endorse that.
That's because you're racist.
You're against blacks because you don't want them dead.
But this is the whole, like, sensitivity, brainwashing, you know, political correctness to an extreme, and anyone who follows these guidelines is not going to be respected by other race groups.
You're a racist.
They want you to deal with your white privilege and put on a white wristband and walk around and talk to people about how you're coming to terms with your white privilege.
It actually says that.
I'm going to show people a document camera right here.
And folks, the answer to this, we'll talk about that after the break, is to just stop buying into it.
We have to totally go against political correctness.
They used this in the Soviet Union.
They called it that.
Yeah, and they were all about that, but I'm not the first to point out that the slavery today is primarily economic.
We're all under the debt bubble burden and being controlled by the larger system.
Slavery is a horrible legacy, but it happened most... They want you to be obsessed with that so that you don't see the real current thing happening.
And they want people of color, as they call them here in this document.
I'm not necessarily... Which is even politically incorrect.
See, they can't even follow their strictures.
They want people from minority backgrounds not to embrace their rights and to think that the American Revolution is shameful because they were involved in slavery.
And it is, in aspects of slavery.
But we all have to embrace our rights.
It's too bad those rights weren't recognized for other groups sooner.
But they'll never look at the real history.
The point is they tried to get rid of it then, too, but...
History's criminal.
It's a side issue.
They want to guilt trip everyone.
The SPLC's involved in this.
All the cultural programming.
And like you said, this is being driven through schools, through AmeriCorps, through the college programs.
And they want everyone indoctrinated for the new society.
And again, they know that the ones they can get will join the socialist army because they attach this race stuff to, and you're a communist too to prove you're good.
They know the rest of the whites will run and become absolute racists, which is what they want.
They want everybody divided in groups instead of the culture being the liberty, Bill of Rights, private property.
They're deadly afraid of individualism.
They're pushing buttons.
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And again, the globalists aren't just trying to destroy the way humans have always operated and create this new technocracy by the basic divide-and-conquer type race stuff that's being engaged in.
They are also putting additives to food and water.
I mean, we're under scientific manipulation.
And only being aware of, kind of like the Truman Show, that there's a larger system outside of that.
And that's literally what it's becoming.
That's how the globalists describe it.
That we're like animals in an artificial habitat.
And they're sociologists, anthropologists, biologists studying us.
I mean, that's how they describe it in all their books.
Aaron, I know you've read over a hundred books and probably 300 or 400 of their manuals.
You've reviewed them on the nightly news the last few years.
You've been here almost seven years now looking at this.
You were going over to Charlotte Isserby, who was number two of the Department of Education under Reagan.
I mean, she's got the studies in there where they tried in the 50s and 60s to play brown hair against blonde hair in public schools as tests.
I mean, they want divide and conquer.
That's why they're always telling you about, let's come together so let's look at our differences.
They are exacerbating them.
And you alluded to the fact that the technocrats, the eugenicists, use data and the power of experts always to rule over us.
And it's always the experts telling us to do the family planning, the eugenics program.
And they have studied psychology and specifically applied it to their rulership.
And they're punching our buttons with race issues.
That's what they're doing.
The real racism has mainly died out, at least in my generation.
Everybody was friends with everybody.
It was very cosmopolitan, very diverse, at least at my school.
I know it's not like that everywhere.
That was phase one.
But the point is, they're not just doing it with race.
That's phase one.
In the studies from education and the things they did in experimental fashions as far back as the 60s, ISRB has it all documented.
They put estrogen in the plastic and it's in government documents and the White House science czar admits it.
They literally attack our testicles.
I know that.
But that's racist too, to say they shouldn't do it.
All the black leaders have gone along with the eugenics, the Chinese leaders have gone along with the eugenics, Indian leaders, everybody.
This is the global government!
The people who rise to the top have agreed to the eugenics pact, agreed to the new world order, went along with the technocracy.
Bloomberg talks about how much he uses data to rule over and make his decisions.
Oh no, he's- tell people about that article, we're going to get to more of that in the next hour, where he admits, I was ready for the next shooting, I'm going to tell you what to drink, what to eat, because I care about you, I control you.
Bizarre articles.
Yeah, of course they were waiting for the next tragedy because that's all they can do is like vultures just wait.
Well, that's how within two minutes of all these events they're on it.
That's the sign they're at the starting line.
In fact, sometimes they jump the gun like Building 7.
They reported it had fallen before it did.
Yeah, so they're always pushing our buttons.
How do you jump the gun, Aaron?
I don't know, you know, because... How did they print Lee Harvey Oswald's photo and name in Asian and Australian newspapers hours before he was even arrested?
How did they start showing Bin Laden's face minutes after the towers fell?
You know, it's... Oh, oh, oh, but... I mean, it would mean that we're having to do it.
Oops, that's... Oh, the government is... Well, that's racist, because you're talking about... I mean, he's Irish.
Oh, yeah, you're right, I guess.
Why are you racist?
Yeah, but the point is they're pushing... I mean, you don't want to turn your guns in?
That's racist.
You don't want a ham sandwich?
I mean, that's evil.
Well, they've driven up the race issue during Obama because that's his only cover.
Because everybody would be angry... No, they're in ten African countries lining blacks up and shooting them.
But they won't talk on the television.
But that's liberal.
Those are ugly black babies, though.
About killing black people in Libya... Say black babies are ugly and you'll be a liberal.
Yeah, well, I'm not going along with that genocide.
The point is... So you're a racist?
They're using that racial thing.
God, you're a racist.
No, no, and that's why we need to talk about it with everybody.
Get it out in the open.
People need to stop being uncomfortable about government-sponsored terror, about deadly vaccines.
They're trying to force those on us.
We're all under attack.
We've got to just get this out in the open.
And if we want to kill each other later after we've defeated the New World Order, that's fine.
That's what you're into?
But my thing is, that's why I can't stand all these race groups, white supremacists, all of them.
They will never talk about eugenics.
They will never talk about the real scientific technocracy.
It's all, Catholics are bad, Jews are bad, blacks are bad, Mexicans are bad.
It's always this group or that group runs it all.
Or the, you know, the masons, the reptoids.
Instead of, how about systems of divide and conquer, systems of collectivization.
Let's talk about Bloomberg.
I actually have those articles when we come back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Aaron Dice.
Aaron Dice is with us.
Alex Jones.
That's right, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
I'm gonna go to your calls coming up here in the next segment, and then later I will get more into this, but let's talk about it some right now.
Actually looking around in my stack for it.
You did a special report on it.
Oh, you have it?
The whole Bloomberg thing.
I mean, talk about bizarre.
He comes out in newspapers and it's like, he cares so much.
That's why he's going to run your life with data.
And he's so smart.
He's an idiot savant.
And that's why he was premeditatedly waiting for the next shooting to get your guns.
That leads me to Dianne Feinstein saying, there will be, two weeks ago, there will be other events, she smiled, there will be other events, and we're going to get the guns.
Mr. and Mrs. America, get ready to turn them in.
And they're just going to make it like, Aaron, you own a gun, you killed the next person, when there's always going to be death.
There's always going to be bad guys.
It's the people, Aaron.
Well, this gets into the whole Tavistock Institute issue, which is a whole other subject, but it's related.
These psychologists throughout history, from Germany, from Britain, for the last 150 years, have gotten together, shared their research, and figured out how can they use that hierarchy of needs?
How can they use reward and punishment behaviorism to control the masses?
They've applied it through people like Edward Bernays, who of course was related
to Sigmund Freud, through Carl Jung's findings, to keep people down, to punch their buttons.
They've figured out how people are programmed, how they're likely to react, at least statistically, and they've learned to manipulate societies through it.
Bloomberg, Bill Gates, these people are playing off of what the Fabian Socialists did, Aldous Huxley, people in Skull & Bones.
And it's like, which learned that from the first German proto-psychiatrist in the late 1700s and 1800s, but expanding on that, exactly, it's like a slow Loris attack
With hacking, it's not so much a denial of service.
It just keeps doing a master command over and over again.
It just keeps asking, like extending the hand, but never shaking it.
Like, oh, shake my hand, and then you comb your hair.
It's like, hey, the black helicopter's ready to town today.
No, they didn't.
Yeah, it was on the news.
We all saw it.
No, we didn't, crazy.
And then they gaslight, and they'll go, you didn't see it.
You didn't see it.
There's no bullets.
There's no, you know.
And you're like, well, yeah, it is.
And it doesn't matter if you're informed.
And no, the sheep go.
And they'll start, like a five-year-old, start laughing like, haha, you are wrong!
I mean, you have an elephant in your living room and if David Rockefeller said it's not there, the general public goes, it's not there, it's not there.
I mean, it's like five-year-old behavior.
Well, people get mad and call you racist for talking about Margaret Sanger's Negro Project and trying to buy off black people.
They'll go, that word's racist!
Don't tell me they want to kill me!
Words are racist!
They arrest people in England for saying homosexual.
A scientific word.
I know they do.
Robin Page, BBC.
That's part of the behaviorism they're trying to push on us.
But then you read Edward Bernays.
I've actually read it.
I know what he talks about.
Buying off leaders.
Buying off pastors.
Buying off magazine heads.
So you can push your message top down and people will buy it because they're in splintered groups and they're into it.
And it's peer pressure.
The key is stop caring what people think.
And then look at this study that they did in schools in the 60s, 70s, whatever.
They took people with blonde hair, put them in one group, they said, today we're going to do an exercise.
You're blonde, you get on this side of the room.
You're brown-headed, the majority of the room, you get on this side of the room.
And the brown-headed people are going to taunt and make fun of and put down the blonde-haired people.
They did this all day throughout the exercise.
When the exercise is over, they flip it.
They reward the blonde-headed people with candy or treats or whatever.
And deny them to the brown-headed people so they then have, you know, there's a cross-referencing of denial of privilege.
Oh, it's Pavlovian and Skinnerism.
Explicitly, that's explicitly what they were doing in the classroom.
And so get it folks, they're putting stuff in your water, they're killing all of us, and they're telling us whites are racist terrorists in the LA Times with straight faces because it says we imagine a world government that's all being announced.
Financial Times, world government is here, run by banks, and now for world government.
It's all... Davos, 100 trillion in taxpayer money in the next decade will fund our world government.
They're exempt from taxes.
You're like... The ADL's like, that's pretty racist.
So, you see how with the blonde, uh, brown hair example, it's a pushing of the button.
It's a card they play in the deck of cards.
Whenever people get mad about what Obama's doing against the Constitution, play the race card.
It'll divide everyone.
All it is is just like wolves are chasing you and throwing a bone over your shoulder.
It's a cyanide bone.
But it's not even a bone.
And then people get to where they value it.
The only thing they know is how to identify racially.
And the globalists are the ones in the media that punch that.
They have stimuli that they can respond to.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hi, this is John Napolitano with the Office of Homeland Security.
Our new Southern Barbary Law Center report says that white men with guns are the number one terror threat and just believing in a new world order conspiracy theory or the second coming of Christ is an act of terrorism.
We are going to establish a task force to deal with all of you.
Again, thank you for listening and remember white people are terrorists unless you're a communist.
Again, if you just joined us, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not joking.
Peril from patriots.
The U.S.
needs to keep a close watch on growing threat of homegrown extremist groups.
And it goes on to say, what can be done with the rise of the tide of belligerent ignorance?
No, they're not jihadists.
They're white, right-wing Americans, nearly all of which obsessively attach to guns.
Nearly all that obsessive attachment to guns.
See, they want us to have an obsessive attachment with race.
They are scared to death of obsessive attachment to individualism.
Obsessive attachment to family.
Obsessive attachment to private property.
Obsessive attachment to privacy.
Obsessive attachment to wealth that comes from freedom.
They want you to be obsessed on race, and then they can tie that to socialism and collectivism, which the big mega banks have created because they're exempt from it all.
Came out two days ago, more than, what was it, 15, 16 major companies?
Hundreds of billions a piece, 108 billion.
In fact, show viewers that.
108 billion General Electric has offshore tax-free.
If you make a few million dollars, say you sell a restaurant or something, somebody that this happened to, went to mainline lawyers, moved about a million dollars of it to a Caribbean mainline island where they wanted to build a retirement home, the government just called it all illegal, even though it was after-tax money, and took it all.
You're not going to move a million dollars down to the Bahamas or to the Caribbean somewhere to live.
You're not going to move that into a Swiss bank after you've paid taxes because you know they may take it later.
They're putting currency and capital controls in.
But if you are just one of their low-level minions like Mitt Romney, you want to have hundreds of millions offshore?
Go ahead, baby!
Go ahead, baby!
Just type in 108 billion offshore, General Electric, AP, International Business Times, Business Insider.
We showed it yesterday.
The point is, Aaron Dykes, I'm going to go to calls here, but you were getting into now
Everybody saw it.
Through AmeriCorps, which they're saying you're going to have to go to high school or college, you've got to wear white bracelets and read that we're a, quote, minority.
That's the new God class, but not really.
Since you survived abortion and type 2 diabetes and all their chemical weapons, now you'll be used as cannon fodder to henpeck people because of their guilt.
You'll be receptive.
I'll do whatever you say.
Teach me how I'm bad so you'll learn to, okay, I only identify as a group.
See, it's not about, it's the opposite of what Martin Luther King said.
Not the color of skin, but the character of your deeds.
I mean, this is wild mind control.
Aaron, the whole office is asking, will we wear bracelets saying we're bad?
Oh, well, I don't know, you know, but it's so weird and so far beyond the idea of can't we all just get along or something like that.
It's write notes to yourself every day, reminding yourself of your white privilege, wear a white wristband, document your privilege, and as a personal commitment to explain
Why are you
And these people use it as a political weapon.
And then again, the Hispanics, blacks and others, they associate their new power with the state that dictates all this.
See, the Pavlovian stimulus, you're the dog in the cage, they ring the bell, they give you the meat.
You feel powerful when you grovel, they feel power when they say...
La Reconquista, which is all funded by Ford Foundation.
Because the last thing they want is for people to embrace the Bill of Rights Constitution as a unifier.
They want to erase the rights and they never want to talk about how the whole, the way that people stay downtrodden is by getting dependent on government welfare handouts.
Because then they can tell you whether or not you're going to have that baby, whether or not you're going to get that abortion, how you're never going to... How you're going to get hundreds of vaccines now and wonder why you get cancer and both your legs sawed off with diabetes.
You know, why is all this happening?
Well, it's in their own manuals.
They're killing you.
But they're liberal.
Oh, hi, I'm wearing sandals.
Let me give you this shot.
You have a nice day now.
Ugly black baby.
Just like the liberals say.
Let's kill the black babies and that's liberal.
That's creepy.
And you've got some of the top black leaders.
Admit killing black babies is liberal.
No, it's liberal like Hitler liberal.
No, no.
He was a National Socialist.
He was liberal.
Admit you were wrong.
And agree with that abortionist.
Saying that Nazism is National Socialism, that's racism too.
I know, they actually say that.
You have to wear the white bracelet like Jews had to wear the yellow star, but if you talk bad about it, that's racist.
Well, and if your mom makes a pastry that looks like a gun, wasn't even a gun, you're going to be kicked out of school.
And if somebody pulls a gun on a bus, well, it's meant to just be whatever crazy order we give you.
I've explained Marine Corps brainwashing.
They don't do it anymore because, you know, it was too bizarre.
And it did create, it was a Prussian model of brainwashing.
They developed the shaved head, the soldiers.
That's where the psychology comes from.
No, the lack of sleep.
Yeah, exactly.
The Prussians had the best German slaves to sell, white military slaves, Prussian Hessians.
Well, they came from both places, but the point is a sub-district.
And if you look at that, and if you look at what they did, it's the same thing happening today.
Yeah, it is.
And this is just weird brainwashing.
This is not going to foster respect between different communities.
This is only going to create new weird thoughts in people, like wearing a white wristband.
But they're doing this to teachers.
I forgot the whole source wasn't even CNS News, who always break great stuff.
It was some other group.
I'm sorry, I don't remember their name.
They're doing a whole documentary on how the teachers in Wisconsin are being brainwashed to deal with their white privilege and how they're not ready to teach minority students.
Until they admit and come to terms with the shame of being white.
How weird is that?
That's why when you see you know they hired that former real Marine Corps drill sergeant most that was impromptu in Stanley Kubrick's full metal jacket where they're walking around grabbing their genitals in a really a sexual ceremony saying this is my rifle this is my gun this is for fighting this is for fun and they taught him sexual Pavlovian connection to the rifle.
So that there would actually be a sexual hormone release in the brain, pre-sexual, I forget the name of the exact hormone, but the ancients, you know, knew this as well.
The ninjas used sex to train people in Japan to go train for 10 years to be an assassin, go kill your target, then commit seppuku yourself, like a kamikaze, so that no one can find out who hired the killer.
I mean, just with sex they train people to kill.
It's like they can train Muslims to blow themselves up thinking it's for Allah.
You don't just need drugs for mind control.
But that's what it's all about, is that they create a Pavlovian connection to it.
So it's a Pavlovian trigger where...
You know, I don't think I want troops on the street racist.
I don't think I want socialism racist.
Guns are racist.
What's your argument?
They're not racist.
And they smile.
They're literally psych warfare chiefs who know they're psych warfare chiefs.
Most of these even mid-level liberals are actually fascist, exterminist eugenicists.
They don't just want to kill black people.
They want to kill everybody.
It's like when my dad got called in because he was top of his class at UT.
Because he was in all these national science programs and giving science speeches and all this other stuff, so he was on the fast track and all this.
People say, well then why, if he was doing particle acceleration when he was 16, did he get out of it?
Because, you know, it freaked him out.
And then he just went and got the fastest track to making money being a dentist.
My mom got pregnant, you know, in college.
But to make a long story short on all this, he was building particle beams when he was 16 with government grants because they knew most stuff was being developed in garages.
But I told that story a few days ago, people couldn't believe it because they just don't know how.
They can't even imagine I snuck into Bohemian Grove.
They don't think this show's real.
Aaron, they don't think you operate on your own.
They don't think you have any individual power.
It's not just the race divide.
This collectivism, the general public's never done anything outside of a system.
They don't know what they can do.
They have no idea.
Uh, that the guy that started Nike tennis shoes, you know, made them out of the back of a car and sold them on the street.
They don't know that, you know, the guy that created Paul Mitchell, tens of billions of dollars, created himself when he was homeless.
They literally can't believe you're doing anything, I'm doing... It must all be fake!
We must be government agents because nothing can be real!
But the side issue, when they called my dad in, when he was still in high school, a junior when he was brought to UT to be tested with all these kids, and then he was out of hundreds, just the few they brought in, and it was, we're going to carry out eugenics, you're the elite, do you like that idea?
And by the way, this isn't like Hitler.
The head of the botany department was running it.
Professor Speer, I'm Jewish, he said, this isn't like Hitler.
We're going after everybody that's inferior.
My dad was like, eh, but he still went to UT later, but then got out of all that.
He was never really in it, but, you know, it was, well, you went there, you know about it.
Yeah, and looking back at UT, there's a lot of creepy professors and agendas going on.
But, you know, they always co-opt the leaders.
They've done that in the black community.
Talk about race issues, and it's hurtful, I guess, to talk about for some people.
They have sold out some of the top... Well no, they create a pain.
They bring it up so that you can't live your new life.
So I can't be somebody free of guilt.
Somebody who's another color can't be free of guilt and be a real human.
It's a prison.
A neurotic prison where you say a key word and someone falls into a trance.
I mean, that's why they use it.
I mean, it's a weapon!
And I know I've gone fully off into this.
We got calls and a bunch of news coming up.
It's just such mind control.
Listen, did our predictions not come true?
They're now saying whites just being white is terrorism, and whites are going to blow everything up, and Homeland Security's new op ought to be against white gun owners.
And why were you able to predict it?
Because you've read history, because you follow the news, this stuff follows patterns, it follows archetypes.
We could see the programming!
And it's a prison of the mind.
As soon as you begin to look into it for yourself and read stuff, you'll begin to get out of that prison, see things for yourself, and become a stronger individual, and realize your identity, your purpose, is not in the collective system.
That is a dying system, and they want us all to die, because they want to take the power, they want to suck it mentally, psychically out of us, and we don't need to give in to that.
I don't want to live in the world they're building.
They plan to kill 99% of us.
Their public documents are 90, because, you know, their minions would freak out if they realized the math.
You know, this eugenics cult, if you had to estimate its numbers, I bet there's probably 50 million people that know they're in on it.
But have reflected glory, they're not really in on it.
There's only a few thousand in on it, and I'd say almost every liberal I talk to, mid-level, they know.
They know they're an exterminist.
They're scientists.
They're beyond race.
They are programming us.
Aaron, thank you very much.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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I think so.
Folks, Alex Jones here back live.
The government's arming to the teeth against us, and Michael Moore, you know, came out yesterday and said how to finish off the NRAs.
The quote, show photos of the dead kids at Sandy Hook.
You know, it was three days before.
Dianne Feinstein came out and said, I've seen the photos, I know details, and did that demonic smirk.
I mean, that woman is so overtly evil.
I mean, looks like the Goblin King or something.
I mean, just pure evil, and her actions are pure evil.
You guys need to kill that mic.
Thanks, that mic's on over there.
Anyways, getting back to what I was saying there, this is just overwhelming what's going on.
And they're not going to show dead kids killed by governments.
They're not going to show the Communist Chinese who have the guns mowing down people en masse.
You can type in Communist Chinese executions.
It's on Google, on the photos.
Young people having their heads blown off.
Men, women, children.
They're not going to show any of that.
That's why they always say Hitler wasn't for gun control.
Don't show people being shot by Hitler.
Hitler wasn't for gun control because they know that's powerful.
Seeing gun control victims.
They're going to bring out the little dead kids that were probably killed by black ops teams.
There's major evidence.
And this just shows how vicious they are.
This is their psych warfare.
And they're testing to see if this will work for them.
Or they'll just stage another one.
So, good job killers.
And your little front man, just unbelievable.
I want Michael Moore to be wrong about new time crime scene photos.
That's just some of the photos.
You must not look away, and he's on the news right now during the break, saying, hey, we're going to release these photos and we're going to show you.
Hey, let's release the crime scene photos.
The little black kid got shot by the police the other day.
Oh, you don't want that, because that's real government violence.
And they also want to have laws to not show dead, aborted babies.
They don't want you to see that they're chopping up.
Man, these people are sick.
These people are sick.
Let's talk to Brian in Canada.
Let's talk about Divide and Conquer.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, love you to death, and I've been giddy ever since you appeared on Piers Morgan's show in early January.
It was one of those striking TV moments.
So I love you.
I've been listening to you since 1996 on shortwave radio, so I am a fan.
But what I've come to decide after listening to you the last couple of days is that you, Alex, use this divide and conquer strategy so effectively as part of the info war
That it's starting to kind of bug me, because while you talk about the globalists using divide and conquer strategies, and I know they do, you have perfected it, my man, to the point where, again, it's become so obvious that you use this same identical strategy, fear, divide, and conquer.
You know, I disagree with you.
There are fake memes put out there.
I push fear.
That is your perception.
I mean, if something's already coming down on you, knowing about it, you know, when bad news comes to the office or something like that, I want it immediately.
I want to face it head-on.
I don't want to ignore it.
So, it's a perception issue, because I'm not here trying to manipulate.
I'm here letting it all hang out, out of control, obviously, stream of consciousness.
And so, if you take it as fear, that's your issue.
And that is a problem with my articulation, but nobody's perfect.
Now, on the subject of divide and conquer, I want to hear how I'm dividing and conquering, but I've always said this.
You're not listening.
The very nature of having to respond to their divide-and-conquer, and having to describe it, will create divide-and-conquer.
So even though I'm against racial division, which I call tribalism, the globalists call it that, because it's mindless, and it's used as a tool by the mega-elite to control.
Still, it's real when someone, if you're a black guy walking down the street and white guys get in your face, or if you're a white guy and it happens.
Okay, and I've experienced racial, you know, attacks, man.
I mean, I didn't think of it as that.
I saw it as gang.
Instinctively, as a teenager, I knew I'd had groups of, we didn't call them rednecks, and I was kind of one myself, but we called them crap kickers.
Well, actually a cuss word.
You know, cowboy hats, boots.
You go to the wrong party, they'd say, where are you?
We're going to beat you up.
Just for whatever reason, that culture, it was fights every day.
And I'd go to the neighborhood to play football or basketball with friends.
There'd be some other black guys there.
Like, who's these white guys?
Let's have a fight.
And there'd be a couple of my black buddies fighting some other black guys.
You know, I saw it always as tribal and as gang related.
And, you know, as people in gang mentalities.
Uh, you know, I mean, I'd be a dairy queen when visiting my grandma when I was 16 down in East Texas and we'd be talking to girls in there trying to get them to go swimming with us, you know, skinny dipping or something.
And, uh, you know, two trucks pull up and white guys jump out and go, we're going to kick your ass, Yankee.
You know, I could.
I don't
Roman legions that invaded white areas.
And believe me, the white people being invaded by legions that had blacks in some of them who were Roman citizens, they didn't think that's a black guy.
The race didn't even exist.
It was what country or tribe you were in and who you were allied with.
I mean, does that answer your question?
And again, forgive me for calling from multicultural Canada.
Sure, yeah.
I'll tell you what, I'm going to come back to you.
I'm going to come back to you to try to understand this.
Look, all I have is my word.
And my, well you know what Tony Montana says.
And so, I have no guilt.
I'm a really good guy.
I'm trying to free humanity.
So take it how you want it.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right we're going back to one quick phone call and then we've got a special guest surprise guest here in studio in just one moment.
Brian in Canada you said I used a vicious divide and conquer uh and so explain to me no I explained divide and conquer
Show hypocrisy and then try to get people to think outside the box.
That's my intent.
My intent is not to create fear.
My intent is, hey, there's a hurricane coming, you better put boards up on your house instead of like, don't fear monger.
I'm like, no, it's going 200 miles an hour.
It's probably going to knock out all your windows.
Shut up, fear monger.
I'm like, OK, I just said you might.
It's on the news.
You might want to put some.
It's going to hit tomorrow night.
Why would selling out down at Home Depot?
Shut up, racist.
What are you implying?
I need to do, uh, you know, menial labor or something?
I mean, it just...
I had a story I'll tell later when I was down at Moody Gardens.
Somebody thought I was saying something about them.
And I could tell they were mad at me, and I didn't know what they were, and then later it clicked.
And it's just, political correctness is about getting everybody freaked out, looking for things that don't exist or exaggerating them, and then missing the big, giant stuff going on all around you.
The real discrimination of the globalists that we pay $85 billion a month to.
We're going to be talking about that with our special guest here in just a moment.
So it's just classic divide-and-conquer.
I know I've harped on that, but they're going into race war, race pimp, overdrive, just to create fear and division so the government can play the part of the arbiter, of the referee, of the divide-and-conquer group, of the good guy, of the mommy.
President Obama, Chris Rock said, is our daddy.
So let's go ahead and go back to Brian.
Brian, tell me how I fearmonger, or tell me how I divide-and-conquer.
I don't want to upset you, Alex.
You're not upsetting me.
Tell me, please, please.
I really want to know.
I will, I will.
All I'm saying is that I think that the entire production team sits around probably and says, what can we talk about?
And underlying all of that is how can we be provocative?
How can we stir the emotion, which is a human circumstance?
And I'm not... You just misrepresented.
Well, what really goes on is out of all this real sensational stuff going on,
What are we going to cover?
And how do we hijack mindless cultural memes that don't matter and attach reality to them?
That's culture jamming, culture hijacking.
We don't have enough of those meetings.
90 plus percent of the time my crew does whatever they want because I hired folks that I overall trust and just get it and know what's going on.
And sometimes I go, this isn't sensational enough because we tend to water down our headlines.
I mean, Aaron Dykes in an article said, has political correctness gone too far making whites wear white bracelets?
I mean, I didn't call Aaron.
I'm doing it now.
It does a great job.
It's worse than that.
It's totally creating a color-obsessed society instead of a color-blind society.
I mean, it's the opposite, okay?
And, oh my gosh.
I mean, no, you're wrong about how we run things up here.
Okay, I cannot describe how crazy things are, sir.
Do you want to know about the two billion bullets?
How is that fear-mongering?
That's really going on.
And I always get to get the criticism first, because I'm... I mean, look, I told you Piers Morgan and a bunch of his colleagues have been arrested.
Now the five people under him were arrested today.
I mean, Piers Morgan is a gangster.
And, you know, it doesn't feel good to be a gangster for my position.
I don't want to be a gangster, but he wants to be a gangster.
I mean, you know, I'm here straight shooting.
Show me money.
Show me the proof.
Show me the fear-mongering.
Show me the divide and conquer.
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!
Come on!
He hung up.
He dropped off.
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!
I mean, you know, my wife ran in and said, there's guys breaking in the garage.
I wouldn't say, oh my gosh, you're a fear monger.
I'd say, thank you, maybe jump up, boom, into the instant access pistol safe, semi-auto shotgun, locked, loaded.
I mean, the way I get fired, I probably kick down the garage door, and if you don't hit the ground in about two seconds, you're dead.
I mean, I don't... I mean, I just don't get it.
There have actually been people nowadays that are in such denial that a neighbor will call and say, your house is on fire, and people get mad at them and deny it.
There's a real culture of denial.
Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't plug any products last hour.
That's how we fund ourselves.
Plus, I picked the very best products out there.
I'm not fear-mongering.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid is not linked.
It's been confirmed by 20 Harvard studies.
It just came out last year.
Just type in Harvard study, and then it's 20.
Guys, type that in.
Seven-fold increase in cancer.
Of course, there were literally hundreds of studies on the same subject all over the world.
A hundred?
Ladies and gentlemen, listen to me carefully.
There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, probably in the thousands of studies.
I mean, there's like a couple hundred Chinese studies alone.
Hundreds of Japanese, hundreds of American.
Seven-fold increase in one type of bone cancer.
Every other cancer off the chart when they test them.
These are human studies where they've been able to track what water they're drinking because of it.
Because they have demographics on that.
Brain cancers, diabetes, fluorosis, kidney failure.
Harvard study finds fluoride lowers IQ and then it goes into all the cancer and the rest of it.
Boom, Reuters.
You might want to listen to me.
But, oh, that's fear-mongering.
I sell the best gravity-fed filters at the lowest price that then funds my operation or everybody else.
It's called win-win-win-win-win.
You know, my gold sponsor, one of the few A-plus better business bureaus, the biggest companies.
Go look it up.
There's hardly any other gold companies that have even an A rating.
I can't find one that has an A-plus, because we get all these offers constantly, and we get offers in the magazine.
I can't ever find a reputable gold company.
To be a sponsor, because Ted is my exclusive on the radio, but I don't have a rule to do that.
But I mean, he's the only guy that's A+.
He's been around 30 years, 16 with his company Midas.
I've known the guy for 17 years.
He came down to visit me in Austin, stayed at my house last night, we were talking in the car.
1996 is when I first talked to Ted Anderson.
17 years ago, ladies and gentlemen, coming up on 18.
And go look, Better Business Bureau.
Better Business Bureau, A-plus rating.
You can't even find that that I know of anywhere.
I mean, sure, I'm selling gold.
It went from $260 an ounce to $2,000, gone back down to $1,600 and something.
Man, that's a win-win-win.
The stock market's at $14,500.
It's with devalued dollars.
That's inflation, folks.
It might hit.
It might hit 100,000, you know, if the hyperinflation accelerates, it might hit 300,000.
Hell, the Dow might hit a billion if it goes Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic.
I mean, look at Ted Anderson, sponsor right here with us, but I've got him to talk about issues and he's also doing some interviews on the Nightly News with us.
He said, come down and visit me, haven't seen you in about six months in person.
And Ted Anderson,
Him with a deal with a free Obama Deception, a free American Dream, great animated cartoon that even kids can watch, a little racy, maybe twelve and up.
It looks like something can be on Adult Swim, it's so good, or even better than that.
I mean, it's theatrical quality film on the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
I mean, it'll wake anybody up.
That's free, that's twenty bucks.
Obama Deception, twenty bucks.
And two silver dollars from the turn of the last century that have numismatic value, but he sells them
At cost, with free shipping, so it's below cost.
That shipping's about $10, two silver dollars, $70.
Two films, a book, free shipping, two silver dollars, $72.
That's over $140 value, conservatively.
$72 at MidasResources.com, a link up at InfoWars.com, right at the top of the page.
You can see it there on the right-hand side.
I'm not even getting the ear to plug.
My point is just explaining to that last guy how I work.
I go out and find the best deals I can get.
That's a loss leader.
So you get the stuff, make a relationship, and then buy more gold and silver from Ted.
And by the way, Ted's so competitive that even though he's the fifth largest gold and silver dealer in the country, he really, in the last few years, has made almost no profit.
He owns Genesis Network.
It's done very, very well.
Over a thousand plus affiliates right now.
We should probably talk about that sum with Ted.
In fact, it's way more than that.
Explosive growth.
Getting new stations every week just on this show, but all his other shows exploding.
And I've known Ted from the beginning before he even had a radio network when he was just my gold sponsor, because I shopped around and found a place that had bullion right at close to melt and real numismatic at fair prices.
A lot of numismatic companies have triple markup.
A coin should be $600, it's $1800.
Not with Ted Anderson.
He's got the best brokers, the best people.
Ted, I didn't get you here over this.
I wanted to get you here to have some other meetings with us and work on some longevity stuff we're doing with Infowars Health and for the Nightly News.
Here you are, I've gone into this whole rant.
Do you think it's fear-mongering, Ted, to say, they're going to devalue the dollar, go $260, get into it, and ten years later it's $1,600?
Is that fear-mongering to say, there's drones, there's bullets, and then they said I was a liar, but now it's all admitted?
Is it fear-mongering to be right?
I mean, is it fear-mongering, you know, for your doctor to say, you better quit drinking a half bottle of vodka, your liver's going to fail?
Well, obviously not, Alex.
And some people just want to pick on you.
And for whatever reason, I mean, it's like, hey, the guy is just soaring through the clouds.
I mean, your show is just doing fantastic.
And you have people that draw these images of fear-mongering.
I mean, come on.
The Federal Reserve System is creating $85 billion every month and lending it to themselves.
And we end up having to pay the taxes to serve its service interest on debt.
I mean, come on.
We're not talking about fear-mongering here.
We're just talking about some of the obvious facts that we have to take advantage of and work with.
No, apologize for saying get gold at $2.60 and it's $16 plus hundred.
Apologize for saying get silver at $4 and it's $30 something.
Well... Apologize for being right!
Okay, I apologize for being right.
I apologize for breaking thousands of major stories.
Yeah, I just need to tell you... That are confirmed.
I mean, people would be foolish to think that you can create paper and not increase productivity and have the same value there.
It's just not going to happen.
I helped Ted write a radio ad we're going to run, or a TV ad.
Can you guys go get the script of that I wrote with Ted at like 9 a.m.
I want to read that on air because that's what we really think.
this morning?
Weldon Henson's got it back there.
Will you guys run somebody and get that back in the shipping department?
I want to read that on air.
Go ahead, Ted.
Go ahead, extremist.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
I mean, if you're going to create paper, and obviously paper is just developed from gold in the first place.
People deposited their gold at suppositories and got certificates that were exchangeable back for the gold again.
That's how paper money came into existence.
And now all of a sudden they think, hey, we're just going to remove the gold from the thing, and we're just going to print as much paper as we want to.
As much as we feel that is necessary in order to get the economy going.
They put the gold in the suppository?
Yeah, the depository.
No, I've done that too myself.
That's where you're hiding the gold.
That's where they hid the gold watch in Pulp Fiction.
I'm sorry.
So there you go.
So you have a certificate that says it's redeemable in gold, and even the United States adopted this concept when it was originally formed.
It's in the Constitution.
Look, just type in heavyweights buy gold, Russian government, UT.
Soros doubles down every month, buys masses of gold, while bad-mouthing it and using paper naked shorts.
Well, people like him to drive it down.
Talk about naked shorting, what's been happening.
I see all this as a buying opportunity.
Well, I mean, the thing about it is, Alex, to suppress the price of gold, I mean, a few ways you can go about doing that.
You can go into the futures market, you can sell your gold short, you don't have the gold, you're suppressing the price.
They're trading in the EFT markets.
Germans ask for their gold, told sorry, got to get it in 10-year increments?
Because the Easter Bunny has it?
Right, exactly.
I mean, the whole thing is a papered-over mess.
No, no, no.
LIBOR admits all that.
It's now admitted that the private central banks collude to implode economies and fix interest rates, giving themselves free credit and raking in some of the coals.
All confirmed, we're right, world government announced, but Southern Poverty Law Center says it doesn't exist and we're racist.
See, we don't even know what the value of... Racist!
I don't want to hear your facts!
White racist!
White racist!
White racist!
White racist!
Shut up racist!
Shut up racist!
I've actually gone and protested abortion clinics back, you know, when I did that like 17 years ago, 16 years ago.
And now I talk about it on air, but I've been out there many times.
And they would actually have the socialists come over and go, a lot of times it was quote minorities, they'd go, shut up racist!
Go home racist!
And it's like, it's like,
Back then I was like, I'm not a racist, but the fact is it's a psych warfare thing.
They're in there cutting up black babies, and they need to get that white supremacist operation run, and they're not going to allow me to stop it.
I know, I know, and that's the thing, I mean the black babies... Racist!
I guess it's not racist... Racist!
Anyway... Racist!
But just as I was trying to say, I mean, we no longer know the value of money.
If you go deposit... RACIST!
Don't worry about the bullets, the drones, the imploding economy, the cancer viruses, the diabetes exploding, the people dying, the mass abortions, the war, the death, the government running Al-Qaeda.
You sound like you have some passion with that, Alex, and I can tell...
I'm sorry.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
And now, young Jedi, you will die.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, no, that's right.
Anyways, I mean, think about it.
If we're going to deposit our money in the bank, and we're going to get a half a percent return, and the Federal Reserve System is going to make $85 billion a month to try to keep the interest rates suppressed and low, isn't that manipulation?
No, it's not happening.
Nothing's happening.
There is no Federal Reserve.
There are no bullets.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
I mean, just even... You're not even here, Ted!
You just fell down and hit your head!
Wake up, Ted!
You know, that's gaslighting.
The public is so suggestive now, you can tell the average public that and they think they've fallen down.
Well, you know, that's the thing.
Oh, racist!
People are blind to what's really going on.
They're blind to your racism!
The racism card is always being pulled, but I can tell you right now, you know, it makes absolutely no sense to stay in paper.
And to watch the Dow Jones Industrial Average go up, just like you're saying.
It's happening because they're manipulating the interest rates and keeping them down.
We're just going to continue to print money that Al Jones is going to go up forever?
Money is not what- I'm not listening to you, that's racist.
Well anyways, so I'm just telling you at this point in time we are sitting here on the edge of a collapse and they're trying to solve the collapsing problem by printing paper.
Let me read from the New York Times and the LA Times here.
It says, wanting to keep your guns and believing in this is what can be done to reverse the tide of belligerent ignorance of white men.
And it doesn't say who wrote it.
So, why are you belligerent and not admitting you're a racist?
It's funny, that's stuff that they come up with, isn't it?
I mean, you just look at that and you go, man, how could this be printed?
I mean, what's the point?
I mean, what, does a black man get to have guns, white men don't?
You know?
It's absolutely crazy.
And then you're talking about the abortions, and most of the abortions are black kids.
Well, and if you're against it, it's racist.
And it's not killing people, you know.
I mean, it just, the whole thing, I mean just, everything is just twisted and turned and turned upside down and the monetary system is...
Just as much into it as any... By the way, who wrote that headline?
Because they got it even better than the headline I came up for with Nemo.
Put that back on screen.
White men... See, that's what I'm talking about with my writers.
The reality of that article is worse than the LA Times saying white men are the new terrorists.
I couldn't come up with it.
And I said it's worse than that.
The guy accused me of fear mongering.
It's worse... LA Times says conservative white men worse than terrorists need monitoring.
That is exactly what they really said.
The Examiner?
Who's that from?
Who's that writer?
Joe Newby needs to be my headline writer.
See, it's... Oh.
Anyways, Alex, like you say, everything is twisted, it's turned, it's backwards, it's inside out, and how can anybody make sense of it?
If you just follow what's being told to us by the mainstream media and our federal government and the government above the federal government called the Federal Reserve System, they're going to tell you what we need to do is print money to get the economy moving.
I got news for you.
Printing money is not creating wealth.
Creating wealth is getting out there and working and creating something.
That's what I expect a racist to say.
Alright, we'll be back with more of the Racist Hour here.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Chad Anderson's our guest.
We have a special guest, surprise guest in studio after that.
I know I said I'd go to your phone calls.
If everybody wants to hang up, they can, or you can stay on hold.
I'll try to get to you.
I get a little bit wound up here on air during the fear-mongering and divide-and-conquer operations.
Getting serious, though, actually not getting serious, David Ortiz back there just made the joke, one of our reporters, that, well, obviously, you know, the white smoke coming out
Of the Vatican, that's a sign of racism.
And the Pope wears white.
Everything's racist except what's really racist.
Or globalists shutting everything down.
Now, here's an ad we wrote for a TV ad script.
That we're putting together for Ted while he's down here in town.
But I think this says it all.
You know, Ted and I agreed, collaborated on this this morning and wrote this.
Hi, I'm Ted Anderson, but I'm actually Alex Jones.
Ted's right there.
While I'm reading this, we'll aim the camera at Ted.
Hi, I'm Ted Anderson, president of Minus Resources.
With more than 30 years of experience in precious metals industry, I can unequivocally tell you that this is the most volatility
A volatile and dangerous time for our economy that we have ever seen.
Not just in the United States, but worldwide.
We are now only entering the edge of a global financial superstorm the likes of which the planet has never seen.
Here in the United States, the private Federal Reserve is giving more than 85 billion dollars of taxpayer money a month to themselves and other foreign offshore banks.
And the worst part is, taxpayers are being forced to pay interest through high taxes on the money we give them.
Did you hear that?
That's the really rich part.
The fun part.
He goes on, continuing, there is now a race worldwide, that's code for racism, there is now a race worldwide between central banks to see who can devalue their currencies the fastest.
We are already seeing big increases in inflation.
In every case in history, this road leads to hyperinflation.
More than a dozen top globalists like George Soros, we're going to put all those articles in, have been buying record amounts of gold while at the same time bad-mouthing it to the public.
Don't just listen to what they say, watch what they do.
For more than 6,000 years, gold has been the ultimate hedge against uncertain times and inflation.
While it's important to be diversified, I personally, that's Ted Anderson writing with me and others that are typing, I have more than 50% of my savings and investments in precious metals.
Before getting into metals, it's important to do your research and find a reputable company.
Midas Resources has the greatest
And highest Better Business Bureau rating of A+.
Unfortunately, very few precious metal companies can boast that.
That is unfortunate.
Midas Resources, we couldn't actually find any, but we assume they're there, so we just said most.
So there I am, like, cutting it back.
I don't really exaggerate, I usually cut back.
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Now is the time to investigate gold and silver.
Call 800-686-2237 and we will mail you 10 reasons to own gold book.
Need to add that it's a book, I think.
He said book there.
I thought I wrote that.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, final segment with Ted Anderson, and we've got our next guest coming in, but I will jam in before we get to the guest.
Jared and Jimmy and Jason Williams-Skye, because I appreciate you holding, and we're going to really get into vaccines with a special guest who's a grandfather.
We've had a lot of scientists, doctors, brain surgeons on exposing deadly vaccines, but this is a guy who's just really articulate.
I really enjoy listening to him on the radio locally.
Here on 90.1 and I mean I'll get him on the Sunday show.
We also have that 4 to 6 p.m.
That's on 590 a.m.
Here in town Ted.
I've been ranting.
I kind of got a little bit of a you know a fun mood manic mood They call it that but that's not what it is kind of a brainstorm mood Seriously, what else do you want to add about what's happening in the world?
The spot that you're reading covers it quite a bit, but I mean, the thing about it is we're watching the money being printed by the Federal Reserve System, stimulating the economy, pushing the stock market up, without adding true value to the economy, you know that the value of the currency is going to suffer from it.
And the problem with the whole thing is it's all smoke and mirrors.
They're destroying the value, the very essence of what... It's like white is becoming black and black is becoming white.
What is supposed to go up is now going down.
What is supposed to go down is now going up.
It confuses the market.
And having all that going on, I mean, how are you going to ever make a good decision financially?
And one of the things that you can do is you know darn well that if you put your money into gold and silver, you're going to be able to count on the fact that that gold and silver will be able to buy something 10 years from now, 20 years from now.
All this manipulation and trickery and smoke and mirrors is just...
You're causing people to have a fog, you know, to make decisions that are not really the correct decisions.
Why would you get into the stock market if the Federal Reserve System is printing money and forcing the market down?
But what about the cynicalness of hundreds of newspapers saying there's no world government, there's not two billion bullets, there's no drones?
What do you make of that tactic?
Because I've never seen such open hoaxing.
Is that a sign of desperation?
Well, you know, Alex, I think they're still trying to keep the smoke in the eyes of the people.
I mean, it's easier to defend an argument like that by saying these people are crazy, they're conspiracy theorists.
I mean, it's an enemy attack.
They don't want us to know they're gearing up.
However, you can see the G20 meeting, the G7 meeting, these bankers get together and they decide what they're going to do economically and also whether we're going to fight wars across the United States, you know, across the world.
All these different plans happen.
It's real.
It does happen.
And even our politicians admit that it happens.
But yet, if you bring it up, they try to paint you as some sort of a conspiracy person.
You know, the fact of the matter is they're manipulating, they're trying to keep the people... And that's all admitted.
I mean, I don't see people buying into it anymore.
That's why they're now trying to inject all this rice stuff just to confuse everything.
Right, it's like a whole other argument.
It's a way to add water to the milk and to... I bet it would work.
with a politically correct person who's not actually an engineer, you know, a manipulator, but actually buys into it a bleeding heart.
If you walk, if the guy walked in and found his wife with another, let's say it's a white guy with a white woman, and the white guy walks in and catches his wife, if the guy with the wife just jumped up and said racist,
Then the other white guy would probably bow down and ask him to blow his head off or something.
I mean, he wouldn't even get upset.
He would like, say, here, take my blood.
Take my house.
I mean, kill me.
Take my wife.
I mean, it literally just works on people.
That's why they're doing it.
We laugh at it because we're awake, but it's not funny.
No, it really isn't funny, Alex, and it's obvious that it's happening, and everybody knows it.
But yet, still, if you talk about this on air, in the media like you do, you're going to get a whole bunch of pushback.
Well, I mean, take Obama deception.
You know, all the stuff he's done.
He said, I will not raise your payroll tax unless you make a quarter million dollars a year.
He raised it on people making less than $30,000.
I was correct, it's like $22,000 a year.
I kept saying $30,000 because I saw that in a news article.
$22,000 a year, you got a payroll increase.
And then they said, you're racist if you don't support Obamacare.
What does that have to do with race?
It's just they... Why are these people able to run things?
They're a bunch of crunks!
I know.
And it's all about deception.
Again, Alex, if they can't make a good argument, they just try to paint it with a different color.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, as you know, Michael Moore is saying he's going to finish off the Second Amendment and the NRA.
By trying to get the photos released and Dianne Feinstein's been licking her lips about that.
Watch a hacker get them or something.
And they're just going to throw them up there and show them.
It'll all be photoshopped.
This is looking more and more like a staged deal.
I mean, they've staged other mass killings, the globalists have.
And it has all the telltale signs.
Aurora, no doubt was.
And we know they staged Fast and Furious.
And now it's admitted our government runs Al Qaeda and Taliban, not just in Libya and Syria, which they admit.
uh... but uh... also in afghanistan that's all coming out now uh... so and our average military and police are good people they're compartmentalized so are we we gotta break out of the compartmentalization come together under liberty the bill of rights the constitution so america you must not look away how to finish off the NRA this is a guy who's had his bodyguards arrested in areas that's illegal to have guns like airports this is a guy who owns guns himself this is a pig
This is a pig-like authoritarian scumbag.
Okay, basically a fascist posing as a socialist communist who wants your wealth and works for the big banks that conduit our wealth overseas.
So we're going to talk to Sean Siegel and Marcy Terry in just a moment.
He's in studio.
She's via video Skype.
I promise to get to your calls.
I appreciate you holding one minute apiece and we'll get to our guests on some of the most important information out there.
I don't care what color you are.
The vaccines are killing people en masse.
They know what they're doing.
I've had a lot of scientists and doctors on, and Mr. Siegel and his guests are some of the most articulate on the facts I already knew.
And I say that out to say I'm smart.
I know they know what they're talking about.
And so you need to listen to them about how crazy this whole vaccine situation is.
I mean, there's hundreds and hundreds of studies, 20 new ones by Harvard over 20 years.
They had to study every year and looked at all these other studies and said cancer, brain damage, you know, all of it.
I mean, we already knew that.
Why is it in my water?
It's one thing if it's topical occasionally, you know, it does strengthen teeth topically.
You don't drink sunscreen to, you know, have sun protection.
But we're going to look at, and that's the sodium fluoride, not the hydrofluorosilic acid or calcium fluoride, but I'm already digressing.
Real fast, Jared in Ohio, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Alex, thanks.
With all due respect to your last caller, I've been following you since 2006.
I researched some of the stories when I first started looking at your stuff.
It's solid.
It is actually worse than you guys make it out to be.
So, just big props on all the work you do.
Well, thank you, sir.
Oh, absolutely.
I salute you.
In my studies, and I think, I mean, you're on fire today.
In my studies, what I've been focused on is the role of narrative.
I think it's so interesting how the role of narrative and how it makes our reality, it makes sense of our world and actually how it
I hear you.
I mean, it's just getting crazier and crazier.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I just keep up the great work, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, Jared.
Let's talk to Skye.
And we're also going to be getting some headphones for our guests.
You can hear the guests over Skype here in a moment, so it's fortuitous.
We're going to calls first.
Skye in Alabama, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I'm going to make a couple of points and then I'm going to get to why I called.
First off, Glenn Beck, I wouldn't worry too much about what he says about you.
He's got four yes-men behind him that are paying to laugh at everything he says.
I think he's going down in flames and he's desperate to get libertarians to like him now.
My second thing is,
As far as, you're always trying to educate minorities, blacks and Hispanics, about what's going on.
But it seems like so many people in the libertarian movement or the awake, the patriot movement, we leave out the white supremacists.
But I feel sorry for a lot of those people as being ignorant.
They don't understand that the FBI runs the Klan.
They don't understand that
You know they're just being manipulated and I think um you know I like sometimes you touch on that and you try to get white supremacists and those people to understand what's going on but most of the time people don't even touch that and one more last thing is a lot of the reason those people don't like you is they say you distance yourself from the real truth of
That was a joke with Ted Anderson.
I know, I know.
I buy from NIDA's resources.
I was just saying, but if you ever try to have that conversation about... But listen, here's the issue, okay, and I appreciate your call.
There's all sorts of mafias, and sure there's a Jewish mafia and a lot of stuff and all these other mafias.
My whole issue is, the system is using divide and conquer.
How do you describe the eugenics system that's targeting everybody?
And that Hitler was an offshoot of.
It's an evil system of social control.
Any group can have groups within it that are involved in that.
And again, I get attacked by the black supremacists, the white supremacists, the Hispanic supremacists, because I'm not in the supremacist game.
And I just, I try to stay out of it and bring people together under basic liberty and a basic code, so that we can have a future.
Uh, you know, I mean, I remember people saying bad things about Aaron Russo.
Made all those films exposing the New World War and the Federal Reserve because he was Jewish.
And then, you know, uh, people saying horrible things about me whenever I have Jewish people on the show that just Jews are inherently evil.
Uh, and it's just, it's mindless.
And it's an oversimplification of any such thing.
White people are evil because whites once had slaves.
Every culture had slaves.
But they were told that to create the division.
I'm here to try to get Florida out of the water, to expose the vaccines are deadly.
I'm here to try to get Bisphenol A that's feminizing and giving people cancer out and cause women to get breast cancer.
And then if I do make a film and expose the USS Liberty,
As a false flag run by Israel and LBJ, all the white supremacists go crazy and say that I'm covering up for Israel because I point out the Norad, I mean the Pentagon was in control because I interviewed the admirals.
They were involved in the stand down too.
It was a set up.
That proves it was a set up to blame it on Egypt.
It doesn't absolve Israel, it proves the whole thing.
I interviewed Moore, who was later chairman of Joint Chiefs, and the head of the JAG officers, and the admiral who was on the ship, and the first mate, and all these people before they died.
They're almost all dead now.
I mean, I probably did 30 shows on it, and for the white supremacist, it was all about how they're good and I'm bad, so they got really mad at that film.
So it's just mental illness.
I mean, it's just... And I see the same vicious vitriol out of all the race groups.
And the system's using that and controlling it to then try to paint everything that's good as that.
It's very sophisticated.
Let's go to Jason, and then we're going to our guests, and then to more calls.
And then to Jimmy and others.
Jason, you want to talk about false flag attack.
I see all the preparations for it, and they're now going to blame white gun owners.
They say, that's who's going to stage the terror attack.
We need to have FBI come after all of us, LA Times, New York Times, MSNBC, CNN.
We're going to blow things up any minute.
Gee, we better be looking at who's saying that and knows the bombing's coming.
If I was the cops, that's the first group I'd go talk to.
Go ahead, Jason.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Look, I want to make a couple points here.
You know how usually Hollywood is always putting out dates in their movies before they actually have an event or something, and you go back to the money, how they put the trade centers on that before it actually blew up.
But on the Dark Knight movie, they actually have the date of 3-2-2.
Yes sir, I mean the media asked, Alex is crazy connecting it to Batman.
We said Batman was a trigger before Aurora, and before Sandy Hook, and then we'd have triggers look for it, and then we found Sandy Hook, 3-2-2, mind control, maps sent out saying Rise, with Sandy Hook listed.
Because they like to brag to each other.
They call it lesser magic.
The globalists believe that if you model something for small and openly show it, it's like counting coo to the Native Americans, where they conk you on the head three times before they actually kill you.
It shows I could have killed you three times before I actually killed you.
That's when you get a feather.
Okay, you don't just get a feather.
You got to kill somebody by counting coo to get a feather.
Everybody's got to witness it.
Okay, and you've got a whole bunch of feathers.
How many people have you killed?
And it's counting coups.
Sorry, go ahead.
Big, deep secret right there.
But, yeah, like I said, in the movie, The Dark Knight, they actually have that physical date, and that date is actually coming up.
But you've got Obama going to Israel.
You've got the Georgia Guidestones that was erected March 22, 1980, which will be exactly 33 years.
You've got the RFID coming out this month.
Um, you know, all these things are coming in and I would say... 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve!
You've got, you've got, uh, uh, the gentleman that put a video out on, uh, on YouTube and it, and it breaks down the, the, the money system, how they, you know, bragged about 9-11.
Well, he also has the new $50 bill and it, and it shows, uh, the old 50 with the picture of the Hoover Dam.
And you can see on the new 50 and it looks like the Hoover Dam has actually exploded.
No, I've seen that.
I'll pull it up.
New 50 Hoover Dam.
Let me see.
And I'll pull it up for, uh,
I'll pull it up for people.
Hey, one of the big video games, I forget the name, but we played clips of it on air.
We're gonna go to break, come back with our guests.
In one of those games, it's one of the real famous ones, I can pull it up during the break.
Came out three months before the sneak attack by NATO against Russia and South Ossetia and Abkhazia in L.A.
They had that exact fight in that very area and those areas in the video game three months before it happened.
And again, it's just all about flaunting it in our face, I hear you.
So what do you think is going to happen?
I think that if there's going to be a possible false flag, that would be, you know, they're kind of bragging about it before time and we usually see these things after the fact.
I don't know.
I mean...
I've also said he's Christ when he was running.
We'll be back with our guest.
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We've got our guests with us for about 45 minutes or 40 minutes here, but I may... Is there a talk show host in their own right?
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Okay, we've got Sean Siegel and Marcy Terry on.
I don't normally have lay people, I'm lay myself, I have medical,
Medical doctors, brain surgeons, epidemiologists, virologists, scientists, you know, the head of the EU virus program, Dr. Wolfgang Wudarg, all of them, I have them all.
They say what this guy says, but I listen to him, I hear him all the time on the weekend, he's on Local 90.1 here in Austin, and I hear him, and I just, they know what they're talking about, vaxtruth.org.
So, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, but tell us about vaxtruth.org, Sean Siegel, and tell us about
And also the lady that we're going to have on with you, Marcy Terry, who's on via video.
Scott, people can see her in just a moment.
What woke you up?
Because you're just very articulate, you know what you're talking about, and just the way you calmly talk about things really touches me.
There's a poignance to your voice.
You're not trying to do it, but it just always moves my intellect and my heart when you're just saying, this is happening to our children.
I mean, tell people why you got involved.
Okay, and I sure appreciate the opportunity, Alex.
I'm a grandfather here in Austin, Texas, and I was 64 years old four years ago when I first found out that a vaccine could literally kill or debilitate a child for life.
That kind of blew me away.
At about the same time, I found myself in a kind of closed little seminar with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
And she informed me and the rest of us, about eight or nine of us there in the group, that the CDC changed the definition of polio the year the vaccine was introduced.
That did not sit well with me at all, because that's trickery, that's a magic trick, that's not disease eradication, that's disease elimination through the stroke of a pen.
And that started me researching, especially having my three kids in town.
I now have four grandkids.
That's right, when Bill Gates damages 40-something thousand kids and 60,000 in India, they don't call it polio, they call it paralysis.
Explain what they did to claim the polio vaccine worked.
I'll explain the whole thing.
What they did was they changed the definition of paralytic polio.
There's two components, this is critical.
They changed the definition of paralytic polio from a presence of slight paralysis or partial paralysis over 24 hours
to paralysis over 60 days.
What most folks don't know is that even paralytic polio self-recovered in two to three weeks.
So, that knocked out upwards of two-thirds of the cases that would thenceforth be labeled polio.
Now, the other component, second component, there's actually three in total, second component is critical and unbelievable and it demonstrates the hubris you always mention on the air just perfectly.
Non-paralytic polio.
It made up 55% of the cases in the years preceding the introduction of the polio vaccine, 52, 53, 54.
And it made up 55% of the cases reported as polio.
Non-paralytic polio.
Non-paralytic polio is like a bad cold.
And we're showing graphs from the CDC on screen for viewers.
Non-paralytic polio is akin to a mild cold.
They don't come and tell you that.
They never tell you that paralytic polio, upwards of two-thirds of those cases, would self-recover within two to three weeks.
But then it gets worse.
I'm not just going off what you say.
This is well known for vaccine research.
You know, the rock of Gibraltar is out in the ocean.
If you look at this, there was this little goody in the polio vaccine that hundreds of millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of foreigners got that had something that killed people deader than a hammer in it, SV40 cancer virus.
SV40 was detected in 1960.
It was on purpose.
Go ahead.
In 1960.
The most egregious thing there was, even after it was detected, they never even pulled the batches in which they knew the SP40 was present.
And we have the clip of one of the inventors of it laughing and saying, well there are too many people.
And laughing.
And he laughs with PBS.
It's very funny.
Well, this is, you know, the statistics... Most people you know, folks, that died of cancer, all these rare cancers that became suddenly super common, you can thank the government.
They murdered your family.
Hope you enjoy it.
Go ahead.
Okay, the statistics are one thing, and Marcy Terry will speak to those.
She's an excellent researcher.
I go with the issue of trust because that's what struck me that day with Sherry Tenpenny.
That's what started me on my original research journey.
The third, the point is between the paralytic
The changes made to paralytic polio and non-paralytic polio and what they do with non-paralytic is they literally changed the definition of non-paralytic polio.
Stay there, we'll expose the giant hoax and we'll have your co-host Marci Terry on with us right after this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here.
It came to me when I tried to classify your species.
I realized that you're not actually mammals.
Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not.
You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed.
The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.
There is another organism on this planet.
We've got to get rid of the people.
It follows the same pattern.
They're racist.
You know what it is?
A virus.
A virus?
Human beings are a disease.
To the elite who want everything.
Cancer of this planet.
The elite are really the cancer.
We are the cure.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here.
We're into the third hour right now.
Okay, Sean Siegel, grandfather, again, researching vaccines, talk show host, Marcy Terry is co-host.
We haven't introduced Marcy yet, and I haven't really gotten much into you guys' bio, but keep rolling with the statistics and then introduce Marcy, and you guys kind of have the floor here for a little while.
Okay, thanks.
Yeah, I was at Non-Paralytic Polio.
They did the most amazing, magical trick and pulled the incredible rabbit out of the hat.
We are told that meningitis is one disease.
Actually, there are two.
There's aseptic and viral.
So you have a bacterial version and a viral version.
And we're also told that polio is a disease that is caused by the polio virus.
Ostensibly, you should be able to look into a microscope and tell somebody exactly what it is they have.
What they did was, they completely re-labeled between 1955 and 56, and in 65, about a decade, they re-labeled all cases of non-paralytic polio as aseptic meningitis.
And this comes from Canada, where they had the exact same move, and I wouldn't doubt that the lady who allowed this in their publication got fired for doing so.
But I'll read it.
It says, it may be noted, this is from 1959 by the way, it's called Poliomyelitis Trends 1958.
It may be noted that the Canadian Council of Health at its 74th meeting in October of 58 recommended that for the purposes of national reporting and statistics, the term non-paralytic poliomyelitis be replaced by meningitis, viral or aseptic.
This is phenomenal.
They erased a diagnosis from the medical dictionary.
And when they did that, they erased 55% of the cases of polio that had been reported on an annual basis before the vaccine was introduced.
Between the changes to the paralytic polio and the non-paralytic polio, it left about 10% of the cases.
So, strokes of the pen eliminated 90% and then the coup de grace
The CDC mandated that, henceforth, all cases of suspected polio go to them, to the CDC, for final analysis.
Just like vaccine damage that they cover up?
It's damage control.
In this case, the damage, as far as they're concerned, is any diagnosis of actual polio.
And that's what happened.
And, you know, we have a very firm... Yeah, what do they call it now?
Guillain-Barré, Bell's Palsy, Acute Flaccid Paralysis... Which they talk about record neurological disorders!
It never disappeared.
You know, what happened to polio?
Nothing happened to polio.
The symptoms are still there.
There are hundreds, probably thousands of people in the country, as you just said, that are now diagnosed with Guillain-Barré or Bell's Palsy or Acute Flaccid Paralysis, who before the vaccine was introduced...
It's also another fraud.
I think what's happening is his mic's up too high because he's not up on it, and then I'm over here.
That's just a little thing we've noticed.
Anyways, getting back to what I was breaking down here, and we're going to introduce your co-host, it's very, very important to understand that
There's so many frauds, it'll make your head spin.
So we're just hitting some of the highlights here.
But it's the same in Australia, Europe here.
I've seen all the graphs, mainland government graphs.
I've heard you talk about it.
Maybe I'm having that big stack in the graphics we're showing for TV viewers, but for radio listeners, it was the advent of sewage treatment.
It was the advent of lights.
It was the advent of better food.
And you see all sorts of diseases go way down.
Then vaccines become popularized, forties, fifties, and actual diseases bump up some, but not to the previous level before high
I mean, people used to dump their crap in the streets.
Well, they also don't make a big deal out of all the people they're killing with the vaccines now.
Let's bring Marcy Terry in.
I know you've been chomping at the bit, Marcy, joining us via video Skype.
Marcy, how did you get into this?
And go over some of the statistics for people.
I mean, you guys kind of talk here.
Well, hi Alex, thanks for having us.
Going over some of the statistics.
Well, let me just start with how I got into this.
I'm a mother and I'm also a grandmother.
I live in Indiana and I have a daughter who was vaccine injured and who had a very serious vaccine injury and almost died a few years back.
And a couple of years ago,
Just before school started here, there was an article in the paper that was written in the Evansville Courier and Press, and on the front page of the paper, it said, it declared, the title was sticking to the schedule, you know, and if you don't, basically it was this, you know, what's published in mainstream news all over the place at the beginning of the school years, if your child is not up to date on their vaccines, they can't go to school.
And they lie and hoax and say it's the law when it's not.
Exactly and so I tried to be nice and I tried to play and be a good girl and I called and I said you know can you please just do a follow-up story because you know people need to know that they do have rights.
They have the right to religious exemption in the state of Indiana and they also have the right to medical exemption so if their child has a medical reason not to get a vaccine then
They don't have to get them.
They just flat out refused.
They weren't going to... And again, every year before school, every paper in the country that I see runs hoax article after hoax article, sometimes three in the same issue, saying it's the law, you'll be arrested.
And I read some this year before the school year, out of like a Dallas paper and stuff, saying there's never been a problem.
It's a conspiracy theory.
There are no side effects.
And the insert says it can kill you.
And I showed the inserts.
I mean, it's criminal lying.
They need to be sued.
Well, exactly.
It is criminal lying, and I think they do need to be sued.
And I think, you know, if we started holding the news stations... These are people that want to make sure they kill your kid.
I mean, they kill people with a papilloma shot all the time.
They just love it.
They're just murdering us.
You know, in Nazi Germany or Russia, they put you in a pit and shot you.
Now they just shoot you up and laugh about it.
Yes, yeah.
What happened to your daughter?
What did she take?
You know, my uncle almost died from a tetanus shot back in the 60s.
He didn't have to be told not to take it.
My mom got super sick from a flu shot.
She didn't have to be told.
What are they going to do as the armies of people with dead kids or kids that have convulsions or get neurolyzed?
I mean, that's their problem.
As the army of the people they've damaged or killed grows, what are they going to do?
Well that's exactly it and that's the reason why we're here today and that's the reason why Vax Truth became an entity at all because all I started out to do was I just wanted to let people in my area know that it wasn't true because I could see
You know, these people scrambling to go get their kids up to date on vaccines and the Tdap or the diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine, it's DTaP for young kids and then it's Tdap for older kids.
That was added to the schedule here in Indiana a few years ago and that's the one that almost killed my daughter.
She had a grandma seizure three hours after she got it and that's the only vaccine she got that day.
How old was she when that happened?
She was 15.
Now, see, that probably made them mad.
If she'd have been six months when they usually had it, they'd have done a scan or blood on the brain.
They could have the fun of not just killing her.
Usually that happens.
The infant death syndrome, they could have thrown you in jail and had a double goody.
So I guess that was kind of upsetting that she survived and is doing better and that they couldn't throw you in jail.
Because she was 15 and could say, Mommy didn't beat me.
Well, that's true.
And the other thing is, is that when, as we're, you know, as they're adding these vaccines to the schedule for older, um, older children and adolescents, it's, it's different from when you have a vaccine injury in a young child, because they're not talking yet.
They don't have school records.
They don't have the, you know, they're not athletes.
They don't have this history that they carry with them already that shows that they were neurologically intact.
They were developing.
That's why they want to hurt them as young as possible.
They found it's hard to cover it up when the, um,
Plus, they can't frame you.
That's the real problem for the police and everybody.
They want to throw you in jail.
That's an extra fun part.
Well, I'm sorry.
I'm not going to dare them.
Let's talk about SIDS.
Now they're having to admit it's the vaccines.
It really is getting to them now that they can't throw all those parents in jail after they kill their kids.
Yeah, there's still a lot of them sitting in jail right now.
SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrome.
You know, that all of a sudden these wonderful parents who never had any kind of indication that they were abusive to their children, they have older children that have never been abused, and all of a sudden they have a child that dies within three days of having vaccines, and generally it's after the Pertussis vaccine.
And the doctors know that full well, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, they know it, but there's so much money involved.
There's too much money.
Yeah, this is interesting.
One of the guests we had on the show was Dr. Vera Scheibner from Australia.
And 20 years ago, she, with her husband, developed a computerized monitor.
That's why I got you on!
Here's what's going to happen.
You've got the floor, and if you guys can do it, I'm going to give you the fourth hour, which is a large audience, probably a million people.
It's three million regularly an hour.
Because I'm doing this now with really cool people, just giving them the fourth hour, kind of the overdrive.
I'm going to give you guys the floor to really drill into that.
Can you guys do the next hour?
Give people a little fore view.
Because I heard the doctor.
I heard you cover it.
That's why I had him call you also.
I want to get her on because they knew what was happening.
Go ahead.
Oh, it's excellent.
She and her husband developed what they call the cot watch study because in Australia it's called a cot death instead of SIDS.
They wanted to find out what was happening and they found out.
And parents wanted to find out what was happening, so they hired Dr. Scheibner and her husband to run this monitor from birth, right?
And it was a perfect control situation, as Dr. Scheibner described, where for the first two months, with all these little babies, there was no break in the breathing pattern that was detected by the machine.
But, seven hours after the first vaccination, it was a pattern.
Seven hours after the first vaccination, and again about 24 hours later, again a week or 10 days later, again five days after that, there was a pattern.
The kids experienced a 95% loss of intake of air.
I mean, how critical can you get?
Well, it's designed chemical warfare.
It's like the UN got caught adding the hormone to the tetanus shot.
These are all tailor-made.
Well, and you can see why a baby that is 95% compromised
Laying face down on any surface, on a mattress, is in terrible trouble, is in potentially... And you inject them with a chemical weapon and it's causing brainstem neurological motor controls.
Break down what they found.
And what they found was, and Dr. Scheibner did her homework, she went to the Australian government, got the statistics which they had by day by day, and found out that the SIDS incidents matched eerily with the incidents of these 95%
Well, of course.
And see, now they're saying abort kids up to three.
Have you heard that?
That's the Journal of Pediatrics says it's a great idea.
No, no, no.
That was Journal of Bioethics last year.
And so, and euthanasia death panels.
Those are tests to see, can we kill kids and cover it up and blame them?
This is all a bioweapon attack.
It certainly feels like that.
Very loving.
But we approach it from trust.
I trust that the parents out there who are listening to our show, and by the way, the name of the show is The Vaccine Myth, An Issue of Trust, and we are on logosradionetwork.com every Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m.
Central Daylight Time at this point.
Central Time.
Except, we started doing, I think that's the show you heard last time you listened, was on the first Sunday of every month we now have the Mythopalooza, which is a four hour show.
Yeah, well what you need is people to go and record your show, get it off the archive and put it on YouTube.
We need people, more importantly than nowadays and the way media works, it's not even saying when your show is on, though that's important, is for the activist to push it out to people.
We have it.
We have a vaccine myth.
It's very, very exciting.
No, no, no, no.
We have a YouTube channel.
It's HTTPS, the secure, secure, S for secure, colon, backslash, slash, slash, www.youtube.com, slash, user, slash, the vaccine myth.
Sure, nobody can write that down.
I'm telling you.
I mean, just say Vax Truth on YouTube.
Yeah, absolutely.
Sorry about that.
No, no, no, I'm just trying to... Everybody always tries to get out the whole URL, nobody can... I appreciate that.
Yes, indeed.
Go to The Vaccine Myth, and we have had Dr. Andy Wakefield, we've had Dr. Sherry Tenpenny several times, one of her good friends, a nephrologist, who, after being quite dismayed after finding out what her kidney patients were suffering after vaccines in the hospital, ended up becoming a homeopath.
Well, I like what you guys are doing because it shows you're fighting back.
Marcy, what do you want to say while we're here talking?
You're going to have the whole next hour here to talk about these studies and the big stack of stuff you've got.
What else do you want to impart to people out there?
I think this is a giant hoax.
Can you trust them if they say it's the law to take it when it's not?
And then they're now moving to make it the law.
Well, exactly.
And what's happening, Alex, is, as you said, that the army of parents who have vaccine-injured children is growing, and it's growing exponentially, and it's growing along.
I mean, if you just look at the correlation between as the childhood schedule goes up, the number of children who are injured goes up.
And the number of parents and family members who watch what happens is also going up.
So as those parents, you know, parents talk to their friends.
Parents talk to other parents.
Doctors aren't listening to us.
The public health entities aren't listening to us.
The government certainly isn't listening to us.
So we're talking to each other.
And when they kill your kid, they're going to also throw you in a dungeon.
So even if you're not going to listen to us now, when your child has the convulsion, quits breathing, and dies, and the cops are putting you in handcuffs, demand the autopsy and the autoimmune response, blood on the brain.
Okay, bring that up, because, you know, I mean, they've already had the victory of killing your kid, you didn't listen to us, or brain damaging him.
You're going to need to stay out of prison, or they're going to try to take your other kids.
Well, that's happening now, Alex, as well, and this is a continuum.
It starts actually before the birth of the child with the administration of the flu vaccine during pregnancy, and then hepatitis B vaccine on the first day of life, and then the first two years, children are injected with 115 different
Let's talk about that, because until four years ago, every insert, every doctor worldwide, you don't give a pregnant woman shots.
They knew it caused miscarriages and brain damage.
Now they say, oh, they need extra.
In fact, they're now saying two flu shots.
And now the doctors are being told, it's normal to have a convulsion now.
Oh, the blood's running out your nose.
That's part of the change coming.
It'll be okay.
Take some time on all.
It'll be alright.
It's part of the change.
It's glorious.
So yes, we're going to go to break and come back and get into that in the next hour.
What are some of the stuff, you guys, for people listening?
Some stations don't carry it.
Internet only, PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com, AudioPodcast, all that.
A lot of stations do.
I want people to really hear your truth.
We'll get into it.
VaxTruth.org, Sean Siegel, and of course Marcy Terry.
Both here with us.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com and of course we do have 11 memberships for $5.95 to see the radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv and your purchase allows us to fund this launch base to fight the eugenicists that are engaged in mass extermination with soft kill weapons.
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Well, you were sleeping They came and took it all away
Alright, putting some bookends on the main transmission.
We're going to an hour of overdrive, which a lot of stations do carry.
I'm here with our guest, Sean Siegel.
And, of course, Marcy Terry, just very articulate people I've probably listened to 10, 15 times, and everything they talk about is just dead-on, hardcore, the truth, they really get it.
And, you know, I get really nasty about this.
I mean, let me tell you something.
I know people who've had their kids brain damaged and had the cops come and say, you must have beaten your kid and stuff, you must have... And this was in more recent times, so then the vaccine issue's known, so the hospital may go, well, it might have been a reaction, but they have a secret payout fund where they pay it out.
By secret.
It's never on the news.
The Vaccine Damage Fund.
They know.
And the heads of hospitals know.
I mean, I had nurses.
Last child I had, she's five now.
Pressure us to take shots.
And at the end of it, they go, oh yeah, we're listeners.
Our kids don't take them.
I mean, they all know.
They're told to do this.
And so now they want to make, they have a Texas bill to get into the bills to make everybody take shots.
All of it.
You guys are going to have the floor.
You were getting into something really powerful, Marcy, as we went to break.
Do you remember what that was?
Because I've talked so much I forget.
What was that last point you were trying to get into when we went to break?
Well, what I was saying is that it's really a continuum and what's happening is that those children who emerge from the first two years in which they get the 115 vaccine antigens, not to even talk about the toxins that are in the vaccine.
Oh, you look at them, they're zombies.
The kids are zombies now.
And then they get to kindergarten and they survive another onslaught.
But a lot of them are really vaccine damaged.
They're vaccine injured.
We have a whole continuum of neurological and immune system disorders.
And these kids have gastrointestinal problems.
They have all kinds of physical problems.
They have circulatory problems.
They have digestive issues.
They have excretory problems.
If they can't get you in the criminal system, the judiciary, they're getting you in the medical system.
Well, they get you out.
If your kid is so sick that they can't go to school, then they get you out of the job market, so you're at home 24-7.
Foreign globalists took over and are engaged in soft kill operations that John P. Holden wrote about in the White House book, Ecoscience.
You guys are going to have the floor in the next hour.
I want you to go back through all of this in more detail.
You'll have the floor.
But Mr. Siegel, this is painful for us.
Don't people realize this isn't a game if you're a new listener?
It is very, very painful.
I'll just point out one particular instance.
A fellow we had on the air.
He's present every time because his music fills the air as we come on the second hour.
The song he sings, the group is called The Refusers, by the way, and the song Mr. Belkin sings is of the death of his five-week-old daughter.
Good God!
What happened was, at that point, 1998, there was no mandated day-of-birth hep B vaccine, so his daughter, Lila Rose, was healthy, a beautiful, vibrant little girl at five weeks, got a hep B vaccine, and 15 hours later was dead.
And two days later, two days later, the coroner office called the house and told them they had found brain damage.
Brain damage is expected as a vaccine injury.
It's on the insert!
The Merck manual lists vaccines as a cause of encephalitis.
But they won't do it!
Well, talk about insult to injury.
Two days later, Mr. Belkin found himself in front of the very same woman who had told him that on the phone, being told by her while being monitored by her supervisor.
That they had changed their minds that they were going to list it as a SIDS death, which they did.
And subsequently, in the years since, there has been no sign anywhere of the brain damage.
They erased it from the books.
And that's the part that everybody has to realize, is the insidious.
The criminal cover-up!
They know!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Sean Siegel, the host of the Vaccine Myth and Issue of Trust, which is indeed on Logos Radio Network from 2 to 4 p.m.
That's at logosradionetwork.com every Sunday Central Daylight Time.
I'm here with Marcy.
Marcy, you still with us?
Marcy Terry should be here with me.
I'm not quite sure why she isn't, but hopefully she will be joining us back here in just a few minutes.
I'm here, Sean.
Can you see me or hear me?
Oh, dynamite.
Yeah, I can hear you at the moment.
I can't see you.
All right, I'm here.
Okay, I would like you to continue.
We never got really into the story of VaxTruth and the billboards that were the result of parents, indeed, who were in greater and greater numbers experiencing damage to their children by vaccines, which led you to your billboard campaign.
Would you get into that?
Yes, well, what I was saying is in August of 2011, so a little bit more than a year and a half ago, they were gearing up for the beginning of the school year, as they do every year, and the newspaper ran an article on the front page that was entitled, Sticking to the Shots, or no, Sticking to the Schedule, I'm sorry, and what it stated was,
What newspapers across the country and major news outlets, television outlets and that kind of thing, say every year your child cannot go to school if they are not fully vaccinated according to the CDC schedule.
That's not true.
In 48 states, parents are entitled to religious exemptions from vaccinations and in about 20 to 25 states, I'm not exactly sure how many is at this moment, there are also philosophical exemptions.
The only two states in the United States that do not provide religious exemptions are Mississippi and West Virginia.
So, living in Indiana, I know that we have religious exemptions from vaccines and my daughter has, both my daughters have religious exemptions.
I was slow to wake up.
My daughter almost died as a result of my slow learning curve.
And that's a great sign we're looking at right now.
No shots, no school, not true.
Well, what happened was I tried to get the newspaper to print a retraction or to at least do a follow-up story letting people know, letting parents know that they don't have to race out and get their kids vaccinated, you know, in such a rush because they have to go to school.
I mean, parents, there are a lot of single-parent families.
There are a lot of families who are, you know, they can't, they don't have the option to stay home and homeschool.
They have to work and their kids have to go to school.
And so when the newspaper puts something out that says, you know, your kids can't go to school unless they're fully vaccinated, parents go in droves to the health department and they get their kids vaccinated and then don't look into it.
They're not making informed decisions.
And putting it out there like that is coercion.
It's like holding a gun to your head and saying you have to vaccinate or else.
And that's just not right.
It's a misrepresentation of the law by the very people whom your tax dollars are supporting.
Which should be criminal in itself.
They're giving you half the law.
They're not telling you that what they first say actually is countered by the rest of the law.
They don't tell you about the religious exemption and indeed in 20 or 25 of the states.
Including Texas at the philosophical exemption as well, and it's it's insidious that Parents because IMD some of the some of the billboards up here You've seen the one that says no shots.
No school.
Not true vaccines can damage I put that up here in Austin last year, and it wasn't it was covered by KI news that that night It was very well covered, but what in the world are we doing?
What are we doing where parents have to do the job of the government?
Okay, it's shameful is what it is.
And it's the story of the trust.
That's why we call the show The Vaccine Myth an issue of trust.
You cannot trust the CDC.
You cannot trust all those powers that be that are giving you misinformation, disinformation, and suppressing a lot of information.
This is InfoWars.com.
We'll be back after a short break.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, welcome back to the Overdrive Hour on InfoWars.com.
I am Sean Siegel.
I'm the host of the Vaccine Myth and Issue of Trust.
It's a weekly radio internet show and you can access our archives by going to YouTube and looking up the Vaccine Myth channel.
And you'll see all of our individual audio interviews, such as with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, many more, Nutrition Pharmacist, Dr., not Dr., but Ben Fuchs,
All of these folks, of course, you've seen and heard on Alex's show.
Marcy, you were talking about the billboards, and how many billboards now have there been around the country?
Well, I was counting the other day.
I think we have 12 or 13 billboards that we have put up.
We've got another one going up that will go up this month in Loganport, Indiana.
We've had, it started out in Evansville.
We had two billboards in Evansville that ran for nine days in August of 2011.
And then there was the billboard in Austin that you spearheaded for us.
Then there was a billboard that was in Colorado.
And they stayed up for like five or six weeks, is that correct?
No, the ones in Los Angeles, I wish we could have afforded five or six weeks.
The ones in Los Angeles were for one week.
They were for one week.
That's a very expensive market and we're so small.
So I'm really glad and thankful that we have this opportunity to be on InfoWars because it helps to get the word out.
And our goal, as I was saying, my goal initially as a mother was just to try to
We're good to go.
For them to misrepresent the truth about vaccines and education in schools, children being able to go to schools, was just unacceptable to me.
So my goal was, again, just to put up billboards because they weren't going to do it.
And so I asked my Facebook friends to help me.
I got some amazing help from an angel named Max.
We hear you.
Go ahead.
Max is a little boy.
Max is a little boy or was a little boy.
He was 22 months old when he died as a result of vaccine injuries.
And thanks to Max and his father, I was able to raise enough money in 24 hours to put up the billboards in Evansville, which interestingly,
The total fee for that was $1,984.
Phenomenal coincidence.
Folks out there, you have to appreciate this.
Marcy, and certainly I was participating, Marcy was raising money through Facebook from other parents to put up billboards around the country to give parents the information that should
Should, by any responsible public authority, have been provided them without this sort of absurd participation by the parents.
It's just incredible that putting in five, ten bucks at a time from how many people and once in a while getting a larger donation be able to put up the monies here.
I, for instance, funded the first one here and I believe I was repaid by
Some of it, at least, from monies that were given to VaxTruth.org.
And that's why VaxTruth.org started.
I want to go back to just one issue of trust.
And indeed, the vaccine myth and issue of trust is dedicated to issues of trust.
That is, we should expect, we do expect, as parents, as grandparents, we demand
That our public health authorities, that our school systems, that our doctors, that the CDC, that the AEP, that the folks at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia be honest with us and give all the information that is due apparent under the precept of informed consent.
Informed consent is a huge issue and I'd like to touch on that just for a minute.
Please do.
We were talking about, as Alex was talking about, vaccine injuries and I mentioned that my daughter, you know, the thing that precipitated this for me was my daughter's vaccine injury.
It was very significant.
It happened within the major, the last one, the last vaccine injury for her was within three hours of receiving a Tdap vaccine and she had a grand mal seizure.
She fell off the bed and hit her head.
She stopped breathing while I held her head in my hands.
Thankfully, she was resuscitated and we went to the hospital in an ambulance.
And while we were in the ambulance, I called our family doctor who had given her the vaccine.
And I called his office and I said, I want this reported to VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, as a vaccine injury.
We went to the hospital.
They knew it was a vaccine injury.
I told them what happened.
It was months later that I realized that it had not been reported.
When I called my doctor's office, I said, you know, why didn't you report this?
And they said, well, you didn't bring her back here.
They said, we didn't have to report it because you didn't bring her back here.
I said, I didn't bring her back there because she stopped breathing.
We went to the hospital in an ambulance.
And so they said, well, it was the hospital that should have reported it.
So I called the hospital and I said, well, why didn't you report it?
And they said, well, we didn't administer the vaccine.
The administering physician should have reported it.
So the hot potato showed up.
So I called VAERS.
Well, I called the Health and Human Services and the VAERS office.
And I asked the woman who answered the phone.
I said, so whose responsibility is it to report vaccine injuries?
And she said, well, either one.
And I told her the situation.
She said, either one should have reported.
And I said, well, isn't that mandatory according to the law?
And she said, yes.
And I said, so what are the consequences when physicians fail to report?
She said, well, there are no consequences.
I said, that's not a law.
If there are no consequences, that's a suggestion.
That's not a law.
And for this reason, because it's not enforced and there are no consequences,
The number of vaccine injuries, the percentage is somewhere estimated to be between one and 10% and it's probably between one and 2% of vaccine injuries that are reported.
So when you're talking about informed consent, informed consent for vaccination requires that you have the information that you need in order to make an accurate risk benefit analysis.
Right, and for your own child.
If we don't have the information about how common vaccine injuries are, because there are no consequences for physicians who fail to report them, even in situations where the vaccine
Clearly is the cause of the injury, as in it happened within hours or minutes.
You know, a child gets a vaccination and falls dead in the doctor's office and the doctors don't report it as a vaccine injury?
Well, that's just a coincidence.
Yeah, it should be.
It should be indictable.
It should be indictable.
And until that law is enforced, we don't have the information we need to make accurate risk-benefit analyses.
If we can't make accurate risk-benefit analyses, then we don't have informed consent, which means we are being coerced, we are being lied to, and we are making decisions that are uninformed.
As parents, we're making decisions that are uninformed because
And through no fault of our own.
And we're simultaneously being told, you have to do this or your kid can't go to school.
And in some cases, we're being told, parents are being threatened by physicians, by pediatricians.
They go to the pediatrician's office and the pediatrician says, if you don't comply, I'm going to call CPS.
Those threats are happening every day.
And in some cases, they're following through on those threats.
Parents are scared.
They're scared to the point where they're not even taking their kids to the doctor because doctors are threatening them with taking their kids away.
And this is happening not only with vaccines at the one end of the spectrum.
What I was trying to say is we've got kids whose parents already have vaccine-injured children and they've learned their lesson and they've done their research and so now they have new children.
And they're trying to find doctors to cover their care, just their basic care.
And they can't take them to pediatricians because pediatricians are firing them from practice.
So they're leaving them without care.
And that's against the AAP's own statement, their own policy.
But it's happening all the time.
So parents are left trying to find doctors.
Now they've got kids who are vaccine injured and have serious medical problems.
And their children are not being treated for those medical problems.
These children who have autism diagnoses and who have gastrointestinal problems and who have immune system problems and who...
We have all of these systemic train wreck issues.
Their parents are scared to take them to the doctors because doctors are turning his parents into CPS because they're refusing treatment.
This is what's happening right now in Chicago with a young man named Alex Sportalakis whose mother has been trying for almost four weeks now to get him adequate treatment for his gastrointestinal problems.
The doctors aren't treating his gastrointestinal problems.
He's had vomiting and diarrhea, has been stuck for almost two weeks in the ER department without ever going to a room, chained to a bed, because he's aggressive.
He's 14 years old.
He's non-verbal.
He has autism.
And his gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea and vomiting, he hasn't even been evaluated for that.
And of course he's aggressive.
He has terrible, terrible physical problems.
Of course he's aggressive.
He's in pain.
He's in pain.
He can't express himself.
He's 14 years old, he's probably strong, and so he's presenting a problem.
But the problem is that they are not dealing with what you, Marcy, and eventually we'll get into this, what you are beginning to deal with, which is the fact that all these sensory process disorders, autism, all of these neurological disorders can be treated.
They are medical problems, they are not genetic problems, they are medical problems.
It's not mental, it's physical.
We'll be back in just a few seconds.
There will be a break soon.
And when we come back, I'll tell you what it is that no one told you that should have been trumpeted, should have been trumpeted internationally on headlines everywhere because that's the news that came out of that experiment that should have been told and wasn't.
We'll be right back.
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I was a highwayman.
Along the coach roads I did ride.
Okay, you are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're in the fourth overdrive hour.
Alex's websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and you can watch everything live
I am Sean Siegel.
I am the host of the weekly radio-slash-internet show, The Vaccine Myth and Issue of Trust.
I'm here with Marcy Piper Turrey.
She is a researcher extraordinaire.
She's the mom of a vaccine-damaged daughter.
And she is the founder and director of VaxTruth.org.
Before I go back to the Dr. Wakefield issue I was going to cover, let me talk one moment about VAERS that Marcia spoke to just a few minutes ago.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System was set up with the legislation in, I believe it was 1974, that took the liability for vaccine damage out of the hands of the vaccine manufacturers.
It ostensibly is a recording mechanism that is essential, otherwise they wouldn't have set it up.
It's supposed to record and monitor all of those longer-term reactions, the adverse reactions to vaccines.
At the moment, there are over 5,000 reported suspected vaccine-associated deaths
In the VAERS system.
There are something like 7,000 permanent injuries.
There are close to 10,000 hospitalizations.
And in the tens of thousands of prolonged hospitalizations and trips to the emergency room.
Doctors will tell you and public health officials will tell you that in regards to those various reports that correlation doesn't equal causation.
Well, strictly speaking that is true, but ethically speaking it is not.
A correlation, as we all know, both by common sense and by the definition of correlation,
Is a relationship not expected to exist on the basis of chance alone.
It's not expected, statistically speaking, to be a coincidence.
When you put on top of that the fact that, as Marcia said before, and the Journal of the American Medical Association printed years ago in one of their articles, it was the conclusion of a study that was 1% of actual serious adverse vaccine reactions ever get reported.
So, what's the possibility?
How many deaths actually have occurred from vaccines?
5,000 are listed as suspected.
And you have to assume, if you're going to make an assumption at all, because of the nature of correlation, you have to assume, unless you have proof to the contrary, in every particular instance, that every one of those is indeed causally related to the vaccines.
Sean, I'd like to just say, too, that when you're talking about deaths from vaccines, the hepatitis B vaccine alone, the hepatitis B vaccine, which is a vaccination for... Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease.
It's transmitted the same way as other sexually transmitted diseases that are blood-borne illnesses.
It's through sex and through sharing of needles.
There is absolutely no rationale for giving Hepatitis B vaccine to infants, particularly if their mothers are not positive for Hepatitis B. Right, which is by far the most common.
They know if the mother is positive or not.
But the Hepatitis B vaccine alone, the last time I looked, and it's been a while, I think it was December the last time I looked at it, but there were more than 800 deaths in infants under the age of 3.
And most of those, 90 something percent of those were in infants under the age of six months.
Those are deaths that have been reported from the hepatitis B vaccine.
The other thing I want to say about that is, there was, and I haven't been able to find this article again, but I remember not, it's been a while back, but there was an article that was written by a former emergency room physician.
And he was a practicing physician, I think for about 20 years.
And he wrote this article that stated that during the time when he was an emergency room physician he never once made a report to VAERS for vaccine injury.
After leaving the emergency room and learning about vaccine injuries, and I'm not sure how
Learned about them.
Doctors aren't taught what vaccine injury looks like.
They're not taught to look for it.
They're not taught to report it.
None of that.
So I'm not sure if it was a personal experience or what it was.
But after he left the emergency room and learned what vaccine injuries really look like, in his article he stated that looking back, in hindsight, he could have made at least one or two reports per week to this.
That's incredible.
I mean, you can't even begin to add up.
And that's only one person, one person working in one particular room, and there are hundreds, thousands of those nationwide.
Okay, we hear the music.
We're coming up to another break for a few minutes.
When we get back, we'll get back into the Wakefield and into the good news.
And this will bring us back into March's current interest.
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I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain
To see if I could still feel, that certainly goes to all those kids who are suffering from autism and similar neurological disorders as a result of vaccine damage.
Once again, you're listening to the Overdrive Hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Sean Siegel.
I'm the host of the Vaccine Myth and Issue of Trust.
I'm here with Marcella Piper-Terry.
Marcy is the founder and director of VaxTruth.org.
I'll sum up the VAERS with one sentence.
Correlation does not equal causation, but correlation does
Suppressing, just simply not informing us and giving us the information that we as parents and grandparents demand from our public health authorities.
But back to Dr. Wakefield.
When Dr. Wakefield and the crew, he worked with 12 other people at the Royal Free Hospital in London.
They diagnosed, they examined 12 kids, all of whom were autistic and had severe gastrointestinal problems.
They found inflamed bowel disease.
They actually found the measles virus inhabiting the guts of these kids.
What's not told is that when they were treated for the inflammation, the symptoms of autism were ameliorated.
And in some cases, almost miraculously.
Kids who hadn't spoken for months or a year or more began speaking.
And to me, the most heartening thing about it, just amazing, is that
From all accounts, these kids, if they were, say, 4 years old or 5 years old, and they had stopped speaking when they were 3, when they began speaking, began using the words at the level of a 4 or 5 year old.
The kids were growing internally.
The kids were intellectually developing while to the outside world they had disappeared.
And Marcy, you need to take the floor, man, because you are now studying to be a biomedical consultant and I'd like to tell you, I'd like for you, excuse me, to tell the folks exactly all the good news about how autism and other neurological disorders can be treated.
Okay, well, I actually have been a biomedical consultant since 2007.
I should correct you.
That's okay.
I've been a biomedical consultant since 2007.
I was allowed to, I applied to take the clinical training through Defeat Autism Now, which is a branch, out branch of the Autism Research Institute in San Diego.
Which is started by the wonderful, amazing Bernie Rimland.
And I applied to take the clinical training because I live in an area of the country where there really wasn't, there was no access to Defeat Autism Now doctors or those who were practicing the biomedical approach to autism and the treatment of autism.
And I was allowed to attend.
I had to submit letters of recommendation and that kind of thing.
So prior to that, I was already doing biomedical interventions.
Before I ever knew that biomedical interventions existed or what they were called, I was researching and learning about orthomolecular medicine and orthomolecular psychiatry.
And I was in a private practice, a psychiatry private practice, and was
It was pretty standard, not standard by any means.
It was not standard by any means.
Very comprehensive, very holistic practice, a wellness center.
And we were treating patients, of course the psychiatrist does use
Thank you so much!
We did comprehensive digestive stool analyses, all of those things before I ever went to the DAN training.
So I had a really good baseline in that and saw amazing results when those issues were addressed.
After I attended the training, that's when I went out on my own and became a biomedical consultant and was working.
What I would do is I would meet with parents and their children.
I have a 20-page developmental history
And then would work with their family physicians.
I would make recommendations based on the family history, based on the child's individual medical history, based on the parent report of the child's development, and taking all of those things.
And most important, spending an average of about three hours with the parent, with the child, listening and learning from
What the parent had to say about their child.
Because the parent is the expert about the child.
No doctor who walks into an exam room with a patient, with a parent, with a child who has serious, complex, system-wide problems, no doctor is going to understand in three minutes or less what's going on with that kid.
The expert is the parent.
You have to listen.
If you can't put your own ego in your own... If you walk into an exam room and you think you know what's going on, then what's going to come of that?
That's ridiculous.
So at any rate, what I would do is I work with families and with their physicians, which is not always easy because it's difficult to find physicians that are willing to listen, willing to think outside the box, and willing to work with someone who is not a licensed physician.
So that can be a challenge in itself, but it's not an insurmountable challenge, and children get better.
They get better, and they get amazingly better.
It's kind of like when you get a tune-up for your car.
You can put gas in your car, but if there's no oil in it,
It's not going to run right.
There's no fluid in it.
It's not going to run right.
You have to assess all of those things in order for it to run.
And that's kind of a very simplified way of looking at what biomedical is.
So it is very exciting.
It's also very frustrating because the mainstream medical model is the norm.
Children's needs are being ignored because they have an autism diagnosis.
And when
I think what is so heartbreaking for so many of us this week as we learned about what was going on with Alex at Loyola Medical Center, Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, so many of us have been through biomedical interventions with our children.
It's very costly in many cases.
It doesn't necessarily have to be and there's a lot that parents can do without a physician.
I don't know.
The stabbing in the dark kind of thing, the trial and error sort of stuff, there's some really good comprehensive labs.
What's the best way for parents who may be, or grandparents, relatives, who may be listening and are getting interested in the fact that there is a positive side to this, that such neurological damage can be treated successfully for them to locate biomedical consultation?
Well, that is becoming a problem, actually.
It's not as easy to find doctors who are willing to pursue this anymore because the more children are injured and the more parents are refusing vaccines and the more people are looking for doctors to help their children, the more the pharmaceutical industry is striking back.
There are doctors throughout the United States who've been helping these children.
Who have been targeted.
There's actually, I've not seen this, but there are rumors, and I think they're true, that there's a list, it's a hit list of doctors, and they systematically are doing the same thing to these doctors that they did to Dr. Wakefield.
The goal is to take away their medical license.
And to discredit them and to shut them down because it's about money.
It's not about helping these kids.
It's about money.
And so it is very difficult.
I'm actually in a pretty good position because I don't treat children and I just review their histories and based on their histories and their family histories and that kind of thing, I work with physicians who are willing to work with me.
I don't know.
I think?
I think so.
And if the gut is damaged, then the gut can't produce the building blocks for neurotransmitters, so the brain doesn't work right.
Autism is not a brain disease.
Autism is a body illness.
Autism is the behavioral manifestations of a systems-wide body illness.
When you treat the body, you address the illness,
Then the brain starts working the way it's supposed to, and the manifestations of autism, quote-unquote, disappear.
And that is such wonderful news.
And that's what should be broadcast and trumpeted internationally.
And is.
It is through shows such as this.
It's Alex's show, and we certainly appreciate this opportunity from Alex to provide the message to everybody.
And as with Dr. Wakefield, I have to mention too, it wasn't only the ability to speak that came back to these kids who, after being treated for their bowel inflammations, began improving and their symptoms of autism began to disappear.
They began to sleep at night when they hadn't slept for a long time.
They began to recognize and bond with their parents and their siblings whom they had not
Uh, recognized or bonded with for years in some cases, where, I mean, you actually got the personal, familial, uh, recognition and bond back.
Just by dealing with their gut.
I want to tell you something about the first child that I treated.
I'll try to make this short, but the first child that I treated who had an autism diagnosis was actually referred to me for neuropsychological evaluation, which is something else I did.
One of the other hats I wore.
And her mother brought her to me because she was, she's 13 years old.
She was aggressive toward others in the school environment and the school was saying she can't come here anymore.
She has to, she's going to have to go to an inpatient hospital setting where she can stay for the rest of her schooling.
She's 13 years old.
She had an autism, moderate autism, moderate mental retardation at that time.
That's what they called it.
Now it's moderate mental handicap.
I don't
3 or 4 times that I met with them.
The first time, I had to jump back pretty quick because I almost got hit in the face with a fist.
The second time, I didn't get that close, but she was absolutely not going to work with me.
It was hands across the chest and no, we're not doing this.
So after the third or fourth time, I just told the mom, I said, you know, I hate to keep taking your money because I don't know that I can help you.
I mean, I can't test if she's not going to
That's why children with autism, quote-unquote, get diagnosed as having mental handicaps because the tests that are being used are very heavily weighted for language and for attention and motivation.
And if they're not cooperating and they can't cooperate, they can't communicate with you, then they end up with these scores that make them look like they're mentally handicapped and they're not.
Some of these kids are absolutely brilliant.
And a lot of them are.
Well, what happened anyway was after the fourth time, mom says, you know, I'm going to keep bringing her because I think you can help her.
So I said, well, let's go sit down and go over the, you know, we're missing something here.
Let's go over the developmental history.
So we started looking at it and I said, okay, tell me about the constipation.
How bad is this?
She said, well, it's pretty bad.
We've been to the hospital four times for impactions.
I was like, oh my gosh, you know, okay, so sometimes she goes for up to a month without having a bowel movement.
The doctor says, the pediatrician says, well some kids that's normal.
That is not normal.
Having a bowel movement once a week or once every two weeks or even once every two or three days is not normal.
That's the way the body clears itself of toxins.
That's not normal.
That's your immune system working.
That is the everyday workings of the immune system at play.
To clear toxins.
To clear toxins.
And eventually we'll get into that too.
It turns out that one of the more egregious acts of the vaccine industry is to slander disease.
Disease is simply the extension of the everyday working of the immune system when the toxicity, which needs to be removed from the body, has grown too great for the daily machination to accomplish.
And at that point, the body takes advantage of whatever viruses or bacteria are available.
It begins an infection.
The infection gets rid of the toxicity, which as one of the doctors we've spoken to on the show says, is a dirty word basically.
In medical language, because you can't be specific with it.
You can't give it a drug.
You can't charge for it.
But there it is.
That's what happens.
It's not a coincidence.
It's not a coincidence that every time you've been sick in your life, you got well.
The question is, and you think about it, it's a fascinating question.
Did you get well in spite of the disease?
Or did you get well because of the disease?
And, you know, that's where we ended up going with our issues of trust, was basically trust in Mother Nature.
And what you are doing, Marci, is fantastic, and all the other people like you who are working in this around the country and around the world.
Because you're learning to support Mother Nature in her support of the immune system and allow it to do its job.
If I can just finish really quick, Sean, I want to tell you what happened with this girl.
Do it.
I sent mom home after, when we talked about the constipation, I sent her home with a protocol to clear out this kid's GI tract, to clear the constipation.
And we scheduled a four-week follow-up.
I told her, I said, I don't know if this is going to work.
This is the first, you know, I've done this with my kids, but this is what I want you to do.
Two weeks later, the physician I was working with says, oh I heard from mom today, the girl you were testing, the one that's not verbal, she's talking.
And two weeks later she came back, she met me at the bottom of the elevator as I was going out to take my little dog for a break.
She met me at the elevator, she's standing there with her hands on her hips and she looks at me and she says,
I'm ready to cooperate.
Alright, hang on a second.
There's a break coming up.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
We're good to go.
We need your help to spread the word like never before.
They wish to hide themselves during this tectonic battle between the forces of freedom and darkness.
You are the response to the globalist technocrats and their program of global eugenics dehumanization and ultimate extermination.
The war is here.
It's an info war.
The spirit of 1776 versus the mindset of 1984.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Okay, we're in the last segment.
This is a short segment, Marcy.
We've just got a few minutes.
We'll be wrapping up here in our overdrive hour on the Alex Jones Show.
Again, Alex's sites are Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and of course you can watch his shows live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Basically, I just want to say that there's no reason to fear disease.
For those of you out there who are still vaccinating, perhaps, there's no reason to.
The industry works on fear.
They have morphed
What used to be, by the middle of the 20th century, considered just rites of passage, medical rites of passage.
Chickenpox, mumps, measles have been turned into the plague when they are simply, for any child that has a modicum of health, of general health and immune system health, they are no problem recovering from those diseases.
And they are rites of passage.
The immune system actually strengthens through use, like any system.
It's like you know if we what we're what we have done what we have done as a society to our children through vaccination for things like measles and chickenpox is we are denying their immune systems the the experience that it that the immune system needs in order to strengthen it when when every time the immune system fights off an illness and fights off a disease it becomes stronger and then it is more able to respond in the future to similar
It's criminal.
What we as a society and those who are in charge in a society have done to our children.
Absolutely, it's cruel.
It's iatrogenic illness.
It is iatrogenic illness and it is caused by vaccines.
Absolutely, it's cruel and unusual punishment.
Do not fear disease and vaccination is not immunization.
Very basic.
Vaccination, if anything, is auto-immunization because the immune system is indeed the infectious disease.
The immune system is located in the gut, respiratory tract, eyes, nose, throat, some on your skin.
It's where Mother Nature, over the eons, has expected every human to be introduced
I think?
Who are immune, which means low susceptibility to specific infections, who are immune without any antibody production whatsoever.
That after their exposure to the particular potentially infectious agent, their immune system reacted on the other level, on the cellular level, and that was enough to give them the immunity they needed.
The antibody is not indicative necessarily at all of immunity.
And by bypassing the immune system, it induces, it triggers a bastardized reaction.
It is not a full immune reaction because it's not being inhaled or ingested or on your skin.
And you end up with chronic diseases such as Marcy was mentioning, chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders, asthma.
I was just going to say, there's a really great video on the Vax Truth website called, We Need to Talk.
And that video goes through exactly what you were just talking about, Sean.
VaxTruth.org and the Vaccine Myth and Issue of Trust.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Sure appreciate the opportunity, Alex.
Y'all take care.
Thank you.
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