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Filename: 20130307_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 7, 2013
2146 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
These are historic times, ladies and gentlemen, as they often are when republics fall, when things are crumbling and at an end.
Alex is still on vacation and I will try to do justice to the important things happening right now.
Of course, as you know, Eric Holder testified in the Senate yesterday.
Defending and claiming that the President has a right to use drones on American soil to kill Americans.
Of course, they have been ramping up to this for many years.
First killing Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who was claimed to be a terrorist.
We know him as a Pentagon asset.
And his 16-year-old son, also an American.
Also many other people on that drone strike list.
Now, yesterday, a dramatic filibuster from Senator Rand Paul out of Kentucky, the son of Ron Paul, the Congressman, and he, of course, spoke for almost 13 hours, a legendary stand for principle on the fact that these drone strikes and this claim that the President can simply kill whomever he wants
With just about any weapon he wants, at any time he wants, well it completely erodes almost all of the Bill of Rights, undoes all our checks and balances, and it represents the complete destruction of our Constitution, which as we well know has been a long time coming, a long time in the works.
But just saying they can use drones...
If they think it's necessary, of course, erodes all due process.
And there's a lot more that's wrong with it, of course.
And they've been ramping this up, and this really just farcical Department of Justice head, Eric Holder, continues on his spiel.
We will play those clips coming up.
We will touch more into detail on the Rand Paul, many other senators.
Of course, they are beginning to introduce gun control legislation today in the Senate.
The most draconian assault weapons bills are expected to fail, but they will also push for registration, ways to deal with PTSD, and really taking away the Second Amendment of our veterans, some of our most treasured Americans.
Texas is proposing one of the nation's most sweeping mobile privacy laws.
We'll get into that.
But we also have a jam-packed show.
Paul Joseph Watson, who's our most voluminous writer and has his finger on the pulse of most of these most important issues, will be joining us here in just a moment on the other side of the break.
Alex Jones, even though he's trying to rest and go on vacation, will be joining us
He's scheduled to come in and pop up at the beginning of the next hour.
We'll see when he calls in.
I'm sure he has a lot to say.
He's been making videos, of course, on his YouTube channel.
You can go see what he's been saying there from his vacation hold-offs.
And we'll be joined later in the program by several of our nightly news reporters.
Among them, Jakari Jackson, Melissa Melton, and David Ortiz.
They're going to cover the most important news happening.
Ortiz has been examining all the socialist nanny state maneuvers, new laws on abortion, and the big fight over whether or not we should have taxpayer-funded abortion, taxpayer-funded genocide, taxpayer-funded targeting of the black community.
Melissa Melton and David Ortiz went to a Bill Gates event yesterday and got to ask him a question about what's really going on with their vaccine programs.
And whether or not they consider the loss of life in places like India and Pakistan, Africa, Latin America to be just collateral damage.
So that's all coming up and we're going to debut her special report on that Bill Gates question.
It's going to come with a lot of documentation and we have some other clips to discuss that stuff.
And Jakari Jackson will also be joining us.
He's going to talk about his most recent report on the government's zombie drills, how they're conditioning us.
...to dehumanize each other and accept this greater government control, and accept things like drone strikes.
I mean, all they have to do is float a story that somebody's basically the next Chris Dorner, and then it's okay for them to just use lethal force outside of law.
And who knows?
We don't know what the scenario is.
Eric Holder says he can't imagine.
There's no intention of using these drone strikes, but they're going to destroy the Bill of Rights
I don't know.
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There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics.
In different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're back on the Alex Jones Radio Show, ladies and gentlemen, but I'm sitting in for Alex while he's on vacation.
I'm Aaron Dykes.
Joining me in just a moment is Paul Joseph Watson.
Now there's a lot going on in the world right now.
Fresh maneuvers from AIPAC and from the lobbies in Washington saying that we need to take out Iran.
We have military generals saying they have the plans to do it.
Chavez is dead.
What does that mean?
The Russians are calling for an investigation.
Syria thing continues to happen.
And, of course, we have North Korea menacing with a preemptive strike on the U.S.
But without a doubt, the biggest story in the world right now is Rand Paul's filibuster.
It's an outdated thing.
Nobody really does these filibusters anymore.
But he spoke for almost 13 hours on the floor of the Senate to stand against
Drone strikes, unless they would say they wouldn't use them on Americans on American soil.
How outrageous.
Are you there, Paul Joseph Watson?
Hi there, Aaron.
Good to be here.
Thanks for joining me.
Well, obviously we need to talk about Holder's testimony and the Rand Paul filibuster, so please take the floor.
Well, for those who don't know, and it would have been difficult to miss it, but yesterday, as you said, Rand Paul got up there, did a near 13-hour filibuster, ostensibly to oppose the nomination of John Brennan as CIA Director.
But primarily to draw attention to the issue of unconstitutional drone strikes because I looked at the media reaction afterwards and there's an article out recently actually from Krauthammer saying that this has truly launched Paul as a national figure.
But not surprisingly, probably a lot of the mainstream media buried the story.
It was kind of halfway down the news page on their websites.
And then CNN last night, as Paul was still doing his speech, came out and said that he was wasting time in delaying the confirmation of John Brennan, who of course was the architect of the drone program.
This is hilarious though because obviously a filibuster is meant to waste time.
It's supposed to be a wasting of time so they don't pass unconstitutional legislation.
It's one of the only final checks that the whole Senate's bought out and they're gonna, they pretty much confirm anyone including Satan himself if he's put up by the president.
Well exactly, and I mean, you know, he's up there for 12 hours, he's talking about Obama and Holder shredding the Constitution.
Twitter's on fire about it, the blogs are on fire about it.
But surprisingly, it was buried by the mainstream media on the front pages, and then CNN comes out and does a whitewash, says it was a waste of time.
But what I found even more egregious, which is the clip we're going to go to now, is National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vita.
Listen to what he said, let's go to that clip.
We have that clip, guys.
Yeah, we're pulling up that clip in just a moment.
And we have the other clips, too.
We're going to get to Holder's testimony where he makes this outrageous statement and just will not tell the Senate that he won't strike on Americans and tells them, well, I can't see the scenario.
There's no intention of using these drones.
But of course, we're going to authorize the president to use any kind of lethal force as long as somebody like John Brennan brings Obama a list to say they can kill somebody.
You guys let me know whenever that clip's ready.
But Watson, this is a complex story because Alex Jones, the alternative media, predicted that they would eventually use drone strikes on Americans, on American soil, and unfortunately it didn't take long at all.
It's only been a year or two.
Maybe we should pull up the articles where we're first talking about this, but as soon as they began drone striking in other countries, declaring war without declaring war on up to nine Middle Eastern countries, places like Yemen, really obscure countries that very, very few Americans can find on the map, places in Africa like Sudan.
We're just drone striking anywhere and everywhere.
It's totally outraged the Pakistan government.
It's really
Just let me know about that clip, please.
That's exactly the point of this clip, Aaron.
This is a guy, Tommy Vita, who worked with John Brennan.
So he's basically in his back pocket.
He was a National Security Council spokesman.
And he said that Rand Paul doing that filibuster yesterday was, quote, harmful to national security.
And he actually goes on to say that, this is a quote, John Brennan does his job to save lives, whether they're Americans or someone living... Saving lives by killing children with drones.
We do have that clip now, let's go to it guys.
Which is why we've been clear that we will not do this.
Senator Paul just needs to take yes for an answer here.
And so what I'd say is, you know, I've talked to the president about this.
He welcomes the debate around the legality and ethics of our counterterrorism policies.
And the irony here is that John Brennan has pushed the envelope on transparency and accountability and oversight of our CT programs more than anyone else in government.
But he's the daddy of the drone.
No, he's absolutely not the daddy of the run.
John Brennan does his job to save lives, whether they're Americans or they're someone living in Yemen who is threatened by Al Qaeda.
That's why John Brennan does his job, and he does it extraordinarily well, and he should be at the CIA doing his job today instead of being held up over an issue where Senator Paul needs to take yes for an answer.
Paul Watson, you wrote the story, you've been covering this issue, so I'm going to give you the floor, but saving lives means saving individual lives through this empirical, continued, never-ending war, but it also means saving our quality of life.
We set up our system to try to check and balance power, knowing that people, dictators, always seek power, always tend towards arbitrary power, and here we are supposed to sit down and shut up and hand them over complete
Arbitrary power to do virtually anything they want.
Drones is just an iconic formation of their overall power grab.
Paul Watson.
Well, the astounding thing about that clip that you just played is John Brennan is the architect of the drone program.
He oversees it.
So how many innocent people are slaughtered for every suspected terrorist killed as part of this drone program?
It's 50 to 1!
That's 98% of the people targeted and 5,000 people have been killed, hundreds of them children.
98% innocent people killed in these drone strikes overseen by Brennan are innocent civilians.
So how on earth can this guy get up on CNN and claim that Brennan's doing his job and that Rand Paul's wasting time by filibustering him and that Brennan's saving lives when 98% of the people killed in Obama's drone strikes overseen by Brennan are innocent civilians.
It's ludicrous.
And of course we've seen a complete abuse of the war powers in the Senate and the Congress have become ceremonial as Alex always says.
Certainly the Senate is very much a lapdog of Obama and so if they're going to go along with just confirming anyone John Brennan for the CIA and making an unconstitutional agency in my opinion even more unconstitutional and even more unaccountable
By appointing a head who represents a complete abandonment of law, when of course the CIA is not supposed to activate domestically on American soil, but they do covertly.
And here you have John Brennan abusing and abusing and abusing our foreign policy and our war powers through the drones.
Well, another way to look at it is, you remember how everyone was so shocked ten years ago when the Bush administration said that, you know, American citizens could be taken to a military brig locked up without charge, without trial?
The Jose Padilla case was the main one about ten years ago.
People were outraged that an American citizen could be taken to a brig
Possibly given a secret military trial, but held indefinitely without charge.
Now that's being codified by Obama under the NDAA.
And ten years later, we have a situation ten times worse than that, where Obama and his administration is claiming the power to carry out what amounts to state-sponsored execution of American citizens without even a secret trial.
I mean, even Bush gave him a secret trial, you know, with
Military judges, now you don't even get that under the Nobel Peace Prize President Obama.
I find that, I don't mean to interrupt Paul, I find that truly amazing because it was so controversial what they were doing with rendition and the secret torture and the black dungeon things, the Guantanamo Bay detention during the Bush years.
Everybody knew that was a controversy even if they went along with it, even if they pretended.
That it wasn't torture, even if they wanted to divide the issue off into defining whether or not waterboard specifically was a form of torture, but at least it was on the table as controversial.
It wasn't immediately acceptable, but we've been acclimated step-by-step to it to the point where when they passed NDAA and said they could do this to American citizens on American soil, if they're suspected of anything, of maybe being affiliated with a possible terrorist, that no one even raised an eyebrow.
Exactly, and everything you just mentioned with regard to the Bush administration, the torture, the waterboarding, secret renditions.
I mean, most of the conservatives who are now up in arms about this domestic drone assassination issue, most of them who are supporting Rand Paul, you know, the neocon Fox News set,
They were the very ones championing the secret arrests, the secret imprisonments under Bush.
So they have to share some of the blame because that was the foundation to where we are now with Obama.
And then you have the Democrats.
There's an interesting story just out where the actor John Cusack says, quote, where are the Democrats to stand up to regressive corporate warlord Obama?
And I think there was just one Democrat yesterday that was out there in support of Rand Paul.
So the left on this drone program offers
Mild criticism, you know, they oppose it.
They're not out in the streets demonstrating like they were under Bush.
The neocons who support Rand Paul helped lay the groundwork for all this by supporting the secret arrests under Bush in the first place.
Unfortunately, that's profoundly the case.
I admire the stand that Rand Paul took standing up in the Senate.
I am not that hopeful at that wing taking over the Republicans and having a new Constitutional Republicans.
Let's hope for the best.
Let's hold all of them accountable.
Let's get more into this on the other side.
Paul Joseph Watson riding with me.
Other reporters coming up.
Alex Jones will join us sometime at the top of the next hour.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com.
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We're back at Infowars.com.
Aaron Dykes.
I'm here with Paul Joseph Watson.
We have other reporters ahead.
Alex Jones.
But I say often enough that this is the best of times, this is the worst of times.
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You had Benjamin Rush from the founding days telling us that if we didn't institute medical freedom in the Constitution, there would become a medical tyranny.
And look what they're doing today.
They've centralized food production, depleted the soils, taken away the values of the food, and put us on a bunch of GMO crud.
Paul Watson, that is a diversion from our foreign policy discussions from the drones.
I want to play the Eric Holder clip where he talks about the authorization of drones in a moment.
But put this in perspective of the other foreign policy happenings.
You've got Iran, you've got Chavez in Venezuela, you've got Syria still happening, and these new menacing tactics from North Korea.
What do you think is going on?
Well, with regard to Syria, there's a new story out of Reuters today which is about how these Syrian rebels seized a convoy of UN peacekeepers near the Golan Heights.
So basically what happened is these terrorists, most of whom are foreign insurgents, they're not even Syrian according to the observers on the ground,
They kidnapped 20 UN observers before warning that they would be treated like prisoners unless their demands were met.
But suddenly, within hours, as soon as the media got hold of it, the story morphed and, you know, these friendly FSA terrorists, the Freedom Fighters, we're told they like to, you know, desecrate Christian churches and behead people while chanting Allah Akbar.
Freedom Fighters.
They said that the captured UN observers were merely their guests, and then the media went along with it, and now the Washington Post is reporting that the rebels actually rescued the UN observers from Assad's troops.
So it went from them capturing them as prisoners to now rescuing them in the space of a few hours.
But again, it all points to the fact that
Our taxpayer money is being sent to support known terrorists who have attacked schools, universities, desecrated churches.
Now they're talking about sending body armor and armored vehicles.
That's the public picture of it.
In reality, as Le Figaro reported on Sunday, U.S.
Special Forces are training these rebel terrorists in Jordan.
And the French newspaper also reported they're helping the insurgents prepare terrorist operations in support of Syrian rebels.
So our governments, while simultaneously saying that we need to suffer austerity because there's no money, are sending hundreds of millions of dollars, even billions probably now, to these jihadists from Libya, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, places like that.
To carry out terrorist attacks in Syria as they openly kidnap UN observers.
But you know what, Aaron?
It's all being done in the name of ending the violence.
Because that's a good way of ending the violence, isn't it?
By training terrorists.
Save the children, man!
Just save the children!
Yeah, the outrage, the deception is so grand, it's completely Orwellian.
They greased the skids.
As you said, the neocons cheered on all this destruction of Bill of Rights in the name of the War on Terror.
Now we are openly, and I mean openly, partnering with the al-Qaeda terrorists to overthrow Libya, to overthrow Syria.
I think?
Paul Joseph Watson remains with me.
Other reporters, David Ortiz, Jakari Jackson, Melissa Melton, up ahead, and Alex Jones.
Stay tuned on this InfoWars broadcast.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is the Infowars.com broadcast and today we have to make a stand.
Are we going to go along with that Washington machine?
Are we going to turn over all our personal power, all our state power, all our constitutional power?
Are we going to shred the Bill of Rights?
And sit by while the system destroys everything that we have.
Right now on Drudge Report, they're reporting on how John McCain and Senator Graham and all the other old bulls are booking Rand's big filibuster over the drone attacks.
And I don't think Rand Paul is perfect.
He signaled that he would go along with an Iran war, something that they clearly are still putting on the table.
But absolutely, saying no to drone strikes in America, saying there's a line in the sand that it will not stand by while you shred and destroy the Constitution, is a noble stand.
The filibuster has rarely been used.
It's that innocent, iconic image you saw in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, where Jimmy Stewart says, hey, you know, what's wrong with you guys?
And just passionately goes on a tirade.
against everyone's intentions for hours and hours and hours and they call it wasting time and so hilarious obviously a filibuster is designed to waste time ladies and gentlemen it's a stalling tactic but really it's just a stand to say what you're doing is wrong I realize that cannot individually stop it but I'm going to stand up and morally say no to it and Eric Holder in testimony
Couldn't say they wouldn't use drones on American soil.
We're going to get to that clip.
Paul Watson, what are your most recent thoughts on really some of the most warmongering, ridiculous neocons in the Senate, but who do have a lot of power, John McCain and Senator Graham, trying to ridicule Rand Paul, CNN trying to ridicule him?
Well, I'm not surprised that Mr. Bom-bom-bom Iran McCain's not in support of Rand Paul.
And, you know, they're supposed to represent Republicans, they're supposed to represent conservative voters, when it's conservatives who have been identified by the likes of the DHS
As domestic terrorists.
You know, Rand Paul also mentioned last night, who are the terrorists?
You know, people who buy storable food.
And the answer's yeah!
The FBI actually put out flyers listing people who buy food in bulk as potential terrorists.
You know, paying for a cup of coffee using cash.
You did the funny skit about that.
But it was based on a serious FBI flyer that they put out saying, buy a cup of coffee using cash, you may be a potential terrorist.
You know, those reverential of individual liberty, a DHS funded study came out last year and said that those people might be potential terrorists.
People who fly don't tread on me flags, Ron Paul supporters.
So they've re-characterized banal activity as potential terrorism and then instituted a program where the government can kill Americans with no trial based on the mere accusation that they're a terrorist.
And people wonder why we're concerned about this.
I mean, Obama's claimed a greater degree of dictatorial power than even someone like Kim Jong-un in North Korea has access to.
It's the system itself has declared dictatorial power.
Then on top of that, icing on the cake, the individual president has just absurdly declared even extra extrajudicial dictatorial power.
And just take, for example, somebody like FDR, who declared literally in his speech
Broad executive power and established all these new agencies.
Let's just assume for the sake of argument that he was well-meaning, wanted to uplift people.
Those powers that he seized from the Constitution illegitimately have absolutely been usurped
By subsequent presidents, others inside the executive branch who have no intention whatsoever of uplifting or helping anyone.
They just want power.
And of course, 1984 talks about how power seeks power.
Power is power.
The object of power is power.
And here we have Alex has a brand new video report.
Media caught working with White House in a giant hoax where they want Americans to have their hands tied behind their backs.
They want to ban assault weapons.
They want to do away with the Second Amendment.
They want to put preemptive suspicion on everyone, not only labeling them as potential terrorists for buying coffee with cash or being at an internet cafe, but also to say, you no longer have your God-given rights to self-defense.
You no longer have your enumerated second right amendment.
We're going to
Legislate that away, which is of course illegitimate.
We're going to establish drones, make them completely omnipresent in the country.
We're going to listen to phone conversations.
Your Fourth Amendment is gone.
And now, according to Eric Holder, according to the White House, your entire Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Amendments are gone.
They've been whittling away the 9th and 10th Amendments for many years now, and here they are claiming that you need to do away with your guns, your arms need to be tied behind your backs, you need to be placed under suspicion, you need to be patted down, including inside your pants, but the system, they're going to arm up, they're going to get 2 billion bullets, 2,700 tanks, they're going to collect all kinds of assault rifles, and empower literal agencies of that executive branch, which really, we're never supposed to have any power at all.
Paul Watson?
Well, yeah.
The hoax is very much in evidence now.
You just mentioned the DHS buying bullets.
I wrote an article about this a couple of days ago.
Media portrays DHS ammo purchases as conspiracy theory.
And, you know, it really goes to the heart of why now, according to this new poll, only 6% of Americans find the mainstream media very trustworthy.
Because they've admitted that the DHS has bought the two billion bullets, but then they've run this hoax that anyone who dares to express concern about that fact, whether it be Alex Jones, Sarah Palin, Lou Dobbs, whoever, is engaging in debunked paranoid conspiracy theories.
So, what they've tried to do is, and I document this in the article, you've got the likes of Media Matters, Atlantic Wire, Politico,
Every time this issue gets raised they claim it's a conspiracy theory and their source for making that claim is one Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security explains plan to purchase more than 1.6 billion bullets.
Buying in bulk is cheaper.
Now it turns out that that claim is a complete hoax, we'll get on to that in a minute, but their sole source for making the claim that concerns over this are debunked is a quote from one DHS official called Peggy Dixon, who basically downplays the whole issue, says it's no big deal.
So then that quote becomes the sole basis for all these subsequent articles claiming that the whole issue is being debunked.
So, basically the mainstream... Well, yeah, but it's been in the Associated Press as well.
They say, yeah, they're going to buy in bulk to save you money.
They're really drying up the ammo market to cut supply and drive up prices for individual gun owners.
Well, precisely.
And run around the Second Amendment.
Exactly, but now they're basically saying that by citing the glib statement of one government official, that debunks concerns about government behavior.
Do you see the problem?
It's just openly state-run media.
The government says it's not a problem, therefore your concerns about the government's behaviour are completely debunked.
Well, of course they're not going to say, oh yeah, it's because we're preparing for mass civil unrest, that's why we're buying all these bullets.
Of course they're going to deny it.
But then the Associated Press takes that as gospel, even though the DHS has been caught lying over and over again about a million different issues.
Paul, I've been obsessively reading some American history lately, and it's extremely clear that the founders, the prevailing founders, did not want standing armies because they saw the historical danger, how you can get a good leader who seems good for a while, but then he decides he wants more power and uses his army to conquer.
That's why they set up state militias.
That's why they said the military couldn't operate domestically.
Now they're literally arming executive agencies in the government.
Is that even by any stretch of the imagination part of the founder's vision?
Obviously not, as they continue to whittle away posse comitatus and use National Guard and regular army to patrol the streets of America with these bullets in participation with the backing of these executive government agencies on behalf of corporations.
Wall Street even.
When most of the bullets they purchased are hollow point rounds, which are more expensive than routine training bullets used at firing ranges.
You don't use hollow point bullets for training practice.
And there's a Marine Corps veteran who's just come out and backed that up with his own doubts about the DHS and that's the clip that we've got now.
Do we have the clip, guys?
Well, as they're getting that clip ready, I just want to say, at what point are we going to start taking this personal?
That's something to think about.
Nobody wants a war with the government, but they literally have their guns aimed at us.
They have their drones with a target over us.
Let's go to that clip now.
And now continuing coverage of the growing gun debate.
Supply of ammunition at many gun stores is running low, but not for the government.
There's a bullet buying spree going on right now by the Department of Homeland Security.
CBS 21's national correspondent, Christine Frizzell, takes a look into one part of the gun debate that very few people are talking about.
It's becoming a common problem at retail stores and ranges across the country.
They come in
Um, they want ammo.
We don't have ammo.
But the Department of Homeland Security appears to be on a buying spree.
Their most recent request is for 10 million rounds of hollow point bullets for a .40 caliber pistol.
Another 10 million rounds for a 9mm, plus 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets.
And that's just this year.
Last March, DHS bought 450 million bullets, and in September, another 200 million.
That's in addition to a reported 1.6 billion rounds they already have.
So during the height of the Iraq War, U.S.
soldiers used about five and a half million rounds of ammunition every month.
If you do the math here, that means the Department of Homeland Security has enough bullets to wage a full-scale war for the next 30 years.
DHS says the bullets are needed for training, but military veteran Richard Mason is doubtful.
We never trained with hollow points.
We didn't even really see hollow points my entire four and a half years in the Marine Corps.
Why would they need all those hollow points?
Why would they need all those ball rounds just for training?
It doesn't really make sense.
Sales manager Scott McRuley says it's been a hot topic of conversation at his gun range.
It takes a lot of ammunition to run.
15 million, I'll give you 20 million.
But when you start getting into billions in one year,
That's not training, that's excessive waste.
Even some lawmakers aren't convinced.
It serves one purpose, it's a sub-diffuse, it's to keep it from being able to get out to the public, to raise the cost up.
Within the first month of 2013, we're talking about the fiscal cliff, we're talking about... And so there you have it, it is admissible.
The government is stockpiling ammunition, so let's please end the denial, and obviously they're not trying to save us money as they wastefully expand every program under the sun, literally invite people onto food stamps and dependency who don't even need it, inviting illegal immigrants they're about to give amnesty to, all while some punk
in the Department of Justice says that, well, it's collateral damage if a border security guard is killed by drug cartels, even though we gave them the weapons to destabilize gun ownership, destabilize the southwest border, destabilize the entire sense of the drug war.
All those Mexicans killed by the tens of thousands, up to 50,000 and more and counting now, those are collateral damage because one punk in the Department of Justice says it's okay and now he says it's okay to use
We're good to go.
Paul, I'm just fired up today and I really want to play a clip from Eric Holder's testimony in the Senate yesterday when they ask him point-blank if they're going to use drones on American soil, if he feels the President's authorized to do that, if he feels it's constitutional.
Guys, do we have that clip?
Let's go to it right now.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And we've talked about the Office of Legal Counsel, memos on targeted killings.
I've been asking
We've had some for some time and you and I have had discussions about this and I realize the decision is not entirely in your hands but it may be brought to a head with a subpoena from this office, from this committee.
In your letter to Senator Paul, Senator, earlier this week you left open the possibility of using lethal force against American citizens in extraordinary circumstances on U.S.
You mentioned 9-11, Pearl Harbor, but you did not specifically mention armed drones.
Can you agree that there's no scenario where it would be appropriate to use an armed drone on U.S.
soil to strike an American citizen?
Well, what I said in the letter was that the government has no intention to carry out any drone strikes in the United States.
It's hard for me to imagine a situation in which that would occur.
We have within the United States the ability to use our law enforcement capacity.
As I laid out in a speech I gave at Northwestern University with regard to the use of these kinds of lethal forces, one of the critical things was that the possibility, the feasibility of capture was difficult in foreign lands, Afghanistan, Pakistan, other parts of the Middle East.
That is not the same thing here in the United States with the possibility of capture.
Is obviously enhanced and as a result the use of drones is from my perspective something that is entirely, entirely hypothetical and what I tried to say in the letter to Senator Paul was exactly that.
And of course it was just about a month ago that the Department of Justice issued a white paper saying indeed it is legal to strike Americans even on American soil basically as long as a military commander okays it and it's outrageous there's obviously been letters with these senators back and forth since and there they are asking him about it and he just shirks it says well he can't imagine a scenario but of course we want to give the president
Any kind of lethal... It's outrageous.
Paul Watson, what's your reaction to this just blatant destruction of our system, disregard for the laws, and just usurpation by outright authoritarians?
Well, in his letter to Rand Paul, while he sounds very mealy-mouthed, you know, in front of a committee, he said it was, quote, possible that they would use drone strikes domestically.
So, you also have to look at the NDAA.
You know, that designated the entirety of the United States as a battleground under the rubric of the War on Terror.
So, a year and a half ago, they were saying they could apply the rules of the War on Terror domestically.
And then, of course, the NDAA secret kidnap provision.
People forget that it was the Obama administration itself, while Obama ran around claiming he was against it, they specifically demanded that it be applied to US citizens domestically, that they could kidnap whole people without charge.
We're going to break, Paul Watson, but we're going to have more on the other side.
And they literally have declared war on us.
NORTHCOM was established in the wake of 9-11.
They've done away with Posse Comitatus.
They've targeted us.
They've profiled us.
They're going to come after us, ladies and gentlemen.
What are you going to do?
Stay tuned.
Stay with us.
A lot more ahead.
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In constant sorrow through his day I am the man of constant sorrow
We are at Infowars.com broadcasting live.
We are in an information war.
There is a battle for our mind.
We must break through the deception, break out of that fear conditioning where they're trying to tell us that some kind of imminent threat means we must give up our rights, must give up the Constitution.
I want to thank the crew in there doing a great job behind the scenes, getting all our clips ready, coordinating over an entire ocean.
With Paul Joseph Watson who remains with us, John Bowne and many other fine crew members.
And I also want to thank our reporter researchers back there bringing me other good articles.
And indeed this drone thing has been building up for a long time.
We've heard for a long time about all these surveillance drones and how they're going to flip them over and use them as domestic control grids just as they're using them overseas to assassinate
You've got articles from at least a year ago, including things like One Man Death Panel, Obama's Counterterrorism Advisor, that of course is John Brennan, now he's going to head the CIA.
Very fine man for the job.
We have headlines like Drone Wars USA, Have You Heard of the Patriot Watch, Patriot Shield?
And Patriot S.W.O.R.D.
Most Americans are only recently becoming aware of a U.S.
government plan to field literally thousands of weaponized surveillance drones over the U.S.
in the next few years.
Do you realize this plan has long been in place?
Drones arrive in Austin and in law enforcement areas across the country.
More than 30,000 drones.
Portrait of a drone killer.
I have a duty and I execute my duty and that's one thing that makes it more alarming is the people executing their duty, executing individuals, executing collateral damage are very removed from the violence.
They're thinking about it in video game terms and we've seen the Prince of England use those terminology of how he likes doing drone strikes and messing with drones because
It's like playing a video game.
Paul Watson, I'm ranting here.
We've got Alex Jones joining us sometime at the beginning of the next hour.
We've got our InfoWars reporters bringing other news to us.
But please do go on about these important issues we're dealing with.
Well, just another one on the drones in the context of surveillance, because obviously that's how they're going to be used initially.
You know, 30,000 drones in American skies by 2020, according to the FAA.
On February 25th, I put out an article which was a...
A promo video for one of these companies that manufactures drones that are now being sold to police departments.
And in fact, Montgomery County, Texas, bought this very drone for half a million dollars, 250,000 of which was provided by a DHS grant.
And this is the Shadowhawk drone, which is a 50-pound kind of mini-helicopter.
It can be fitted by a Taser, grenade launchers, and 12-gauge shotguns.
But the promo video
For this drone which was put out by this corporation featured a drone spying on two individuals who just look like regular Americans meeting up in a desolate location and conducting a sale of a firearm.
So we put out the article saying these surveillance drones, according to the promotional material, are going to be used to conduct surveillance of gun sales.
And then of course, days later, it came out via the Second Amendment Foundation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
DHS documents released by Freedom of Information Act request that said the Predator B drones being prepared for domestic use quote shall be capable of identifying a standing human being at night as likely armed or not so that is
That's it Watson.
The whole agenda is coalescing together.
All the amendments, all the rights being destroyed at once.
We'll be back in just one minute on the other side of this short break in the second hour.
Paul Joseph Watson riding shotgun with me.
Alex Jones ahead.
Stay tuned.
And a premiere of the Bill Gates confrontation.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back.
It is the second hour of the InfoWars Alex Jones Radio Show broadcast and yet we've only begun to fight to save our rights and that's what we've got to do.
Paul Joseph Watson is still with us and he was just describing how the entire agenda is coalescing.
We've become accustomed to the surveillance by drones, by the NSA, by other entities in the name of catching a terrorist.
and yet now it's being used uh... in portrayals in demonstrations of catching a private gun sale on the act something that's legal but portrayed in law enforcement and uh... industry videos as being illegal so they're demonizing the second amendment
We're good to go.
Eradication of the Fourth Amendment, not to mention the new attacks in the Senate as they introduce legislation starting today, starting this week, to destroy the Second Amendment piece by piece.
And they of course know that Dianne Feinstein's odious, stinky, repugnant assault weapons ban will meet a lot of resistance in the Senate, so they're introducing separately the registration, the mental health bills, the PTSD
Veterans can't be armed even though we put them into a meat grinder and fed them prescription pills and sent them on five, six tours into a never-ending war on terror so we can use drones to take out people.
It's a weird sick cycle.
Paul Joseph Watson, please take the floor.
Yeah, related to the gun control issue again, while the DHS is buying two billion bullets and the media is telling you it's no big deal,
Here's an article out of Fox News.
Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers.
And this is legislation in Florida.
Critics say the latest example of local lawmakers reaching for constitutionally dubious solutions to the problem of gun violence.
So basically, the proposal would require ammo buyers to take the anger management courses every 10 years.
So not only are they demonising gun owners as angry, violent extremists, they're now trying to push through legislation where you have to take anger management courses to prove that you're a well-behaved citizen, to prove that you can own firearms and ammunition, while the Feds are buying it all up, causing mass shortages all over the country.
And of course, not only is that silly, but it infringes on rights, because then you're labeled as having some kind of mental health issue, and later on they're going to use that to restrict your ability to buy a weapon.
Well, precisely.
And then also there was the Obamacare thing, where the Obama administration clarified the fact that doctors could ask Americans about the guns that they owned as a precursor to getting Obamacare.
That came out a few weeks ago.
So, they're trying to tie all this mental health stuff into gun control, while still avoiding the primary mental health connection, the real connection to gun violence, which is of course SSRI drugs.
Nobody wants to talk about that, despite the fact that virtually every mass shooter over the past 20 years has been on Prozac or a derivative of one of those drugs.
So they don't want to talk about that, but they want you to take anger management courses if you want to buy bullets.
Because the pharmaceuticals have to own our country just as many people own our foreign policy.
It's all about ridiculing the Americans in the United States using our system against us.
It really makes me sick.
Now we're going to continue this discussion, Paul, but I just have to mention Alex is on the line.
He's about to pop in on the other side.
When we come back,
In just a few moments with breaking news, he's been covering how the media is perpetuating this hoax that the ammunition buys are no big deal.
It's just saving money, ladies and gentlemen.
And anyone concerned about those 2 billion bullets, 1.6 billion bullets, armored tanks, well, they're conspiracy theorists and they belong in the gulag after they take their anger management courses.
Thanks for listening.
Stay tuned.
A lot of news ahead.
Alex Jones on the other side.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back at InfoWars.com, ladies and gentlemen, and it is a historic day.
Rand Paul made a courageous stand in the Senate, filibustering the appointment of John Brennan and the new age of drones over America as they have established NORTHCOM, as they have destroyed Posse Comitatus, and as they try to continually eat out our substance.
Joining us now over the phone is Alex Jones.
He has breaking news.
Are you there, Alex?
Thank you so much.
Heard you and Paul do the first hour.
I know Paul's coming back with a bunch of other breaking news and special reports with our other reporters in the second and third hour today.
And of course, I rarely take off, but I've taken off the last week to spend time with my family and refocus.
Because it's important in this info war that all of us get some rest and relaxation.
But obviously I've been following DrudgeReport.com, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, The Nightly News, and it's just wonderful to see you and the team really growing and growing and even surpassing my skills in research and oratory activities on the radio and on The Nightly News.
I want to take the floor here for the 11 minutes we have left in this segment, and I'm going to turn the broadcast back over to you.
Obviously, I will be back Sunday live, 4 to 6, with the Sunday Show and then back Monday full-time.
I wanted to take our spring break a week early so we didn't take vacation with everybody else.
But that said, Alex Jones here reporting.
From the coastline of Texas, and now in the 10 minutes I have, I want to very, very calmly
Calmly because we break so much incredible information that it kind of gets lost sometimes in the background ambience of the extreme nature of the developments.
But I want people to really focus in with me on the spectacle that's taking place because one problem that InfoWars.com has, our entire crew, and one problem that I see with the rest of the real pro-liberty media
that is in this country is that we don't tend to break down our successes when they've happened.
And the problem with that is in a war, when you have victories, it's key for morale that you talk about those victories and talk about what made them successful.
So I want to break some really big news here on air for the listenership and call them to action as well because it's two-part.
There's what's happening with the giant unprecedented arms buildup by the occupation forces of the globalists here domestically.
There's their attempt
Not to turn the police and military against the population and the people against the police and military for a conflict organized and refereed by Homeland Security, a giant false flag, a civil war.
To counter our 10th Amendment redress of grievance that is constitutional, they need to counter strike and try to label opposition to tyranny as terrorist or as radicals.
Ahead of globalist programs getting so bad that it elicits the grassroots response at the state houses and the counties and cities by the population and good people that are in government that the social engineers know will resist.
So that said, I want to be very, very calm here and walk through this in this segment and perhaps the next because time's running out.
This is the heart of the matter.
Rand Paul and the filibuster we saw last night and through the early morning hours and the media's response is a microcosm of everything we face.
Simply standing up and recognizing the tyranny of our time.
We're good to go.
And oh, you know, that was a terrible thing.
Why didn't we do something?
We need to recognize the long train of abuses that we've already seen unfold is only the beginning of depths of corruption and oppression that will dwarf by many powers what we've already seen.
So you see Rand Paul come out and other senators join him because in the beginning a patriot is a scarce man hated and feared and scorned but in time when his cause succeeds the timid join him for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And that's the Sunshine Patriots.
But I want to point out here that when he brought up the Hitlerian aspects of Homeland Security, when he brought up the massive arms buildup against us, that is the heart of it.
That the government saying, give us your guns, while they're arming to the teeth
Is the ultimate argument that will defeat the foreign takeover, the globalist corporate takeover of America.
And that is why, and I bring us now to the hoax, that exposing the hoax is absolutely paramount.
Now, we first have to give credit, because it's important to recognize the effect we've had and our listeners have had, as a victory.
For further future victories, to understand, it was InfoWars.com.
Magnified by DrugsReport.com.
Let's just give the credit where it's due so we understand how to have further victories.
That has reversed so many of their operations.
On the TSA with the worst type of scanners being removed.
On so many other fronts.
TSA on the streets.
That's being pushed back from Houston to Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Minnesota.
And so many other victories, I won't get into them all.
It was InfoWars.com that led the charge and we were told that we do not grope you.
We do not take old ladies behind closed doors.
We do not take children away and strip them.
There is no radiation.
We don't save naked images.
All of that of course was a lie and a fraud.
Media matters of the White House, openly run by the White House, Politico, all of the enemy systems stonewalled the last three years and said none of this was real.
They finally have caved in and have discredited themselves.
They're still operating like there's no opposition, like there's no media that can challenge them.
They're still operating in a pre-internet
1990 style system.
Because they know they're losing, they just can't help it.
Because they're not all powerful.
It isn't written that they win.
We are men too.
We are women too.
They are just men and women.
We must seize the destiny of liberty.
Now that said...
There's a new hoax run the last 12 months or so saying there are no billions of bullets, there are no drones, Politico, Washington Post, even AP, Media Matters, Raw Story, Huffington Post with snotty articles
Saying there are no bullets, or it's an internet rumor, or it's an anonymous post, or Matt Drudge is insane, and Alex Jones is insane, and none of this is happening, and Kurt Nemo is a liar.
There's no drones watching farmers when we're just reading out of Wired Magazine, the Daily Mail, and the Billings Gazette.
So, they ran that pure propaganda system of this is not an assault while the Tet Offensive is happening and the rockets are shooting at us, okay?
So, they're burning up in front of us, just like when we got their Copenhagen Treaty four years ago.
We are devastating them on every front.
They are bleeding out right now, but we don't realize the victory we're having.
So, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, DrugsReport.com have forced
All the mainstream neocon talk show hosts to cover this now.
We have forced mainstream news to lie and say it didn't exist when it openly comes out it does exist and that Robert Gibbs moment.
I want to skip this network break.
This is too important.
This network break coming up we're going to skip it.
This is so key historically what's happening right now ladies and gentlemen.
Listen to me carefully.
I know I keep repeating that because I'm having trouble breathing.
This is so huge.
This is destiny.
This is history.
The enemy propaganda arms are not going to tell us how effective we are.
They're not going to trumpet our victories.
When Japan was almost burnt to the ground, millions dead, with thousands of sorties a day, they were announcing Tokyo Rose that the U.S.
had been defeated.
Baghdad Bob, as tanks were behind him one mile away and buildings were blowing up, was saying that U.S.
forces had been driven completely from Iraq.
Remember the clip of Gibbs?
Remember Gibbs saying two weeks ago, trying to make a joke out of it, trying to acclimate, trying to get, oh, I was told to lie about a program that was admitted to exist, ha ha ha, like the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain, ha, isn't it funny?
You see, they know they're being discredited, being given orders.
To basically walk into political machine gun fire and say there are no drones, there are no checkpoints, there are no tanks, there are no military drills, there is not two billion rounds of bullets.
Everyone's saying it's a liar.
Everyone's saying it's a terrorist.
Everyone's saying it's a criminal.
Everyone's saying it's a racist.
There are no death panels.
Now, they admit death panels.
There is no doubling of rates on premiums.
Now, they admit it.
Everyone's feeling the lie now because offshore banks are sanguinating, imploding, sucking us dry like a spider sucks its prey dry after it's tied them up.
And Obama and all these whores, all these teleprompter readers, all these media people, they're just mercenaries
Left behind during the scorched earth looting process.
They're not the real masters.
The masters don't care if Obama's discredited.
They don't care if their system's discredited.
They want to start a civil war while they sit offshore and watch this.
Does everyone hear the magnitude of what I'm laying out here?
This is history happening.
We have forced into the mainstream corporate controlled media
And there's so much still legitimate media, McClatchy and local papers who won't lie, who do see the local drone, or the local army checkpoint, or the billion bullets bought in the last six months and a billion before that, who are reporting.
See, it isn't total lies in the mainstream.
The main organs, CNN, MSNBC, Politico, they are operating
We're good to go.
Pardon me, Aaron?
I just want to back you up, because I'm not sitting here to agree with you.
That's it.
Your analysis tends towards correct, usually almost on a daily basis.
You make a few mistakes, of course, but often you are profoundly correct.
And it is true about history, because historians will have no doubt.
Look at the analysis of Roman history by the British, by the Enlightenment folks, and by our founding fathers.
It's just, they got taken over in such and such year.
Such and such emperor took over.
That's what's happening now, especially since 9-11.
All this other stuff, the denial there's no drones, is fog of war to distract us who are living here and now.
Historians will have absolutely no hesitation in recognizing what's happening and we shouldn't either.
I'll let you have the floor.
No, no, exactly.
I'm going to talk about four or five more minutes than let you and Paul wrap up because I know Paul's leaving and you've got a bunch of special reports coming up.
I said I'd be calm and I shot a video that's up on InfoWars.com titled, Media Caught Working with White House in Giant Oaks.
So here's what I'm saying.
They are bankrupting the pension funds.
They are devaluing the dollar.
That's why oil prices and other commodities in the stock market are going up, because it's devalued dollars that are purchasing it.
The stock market isn't really up, folks.
And the criminals are scared that if they don't maintain control of America and Europe during this implosion, they're all going to get arrested, like so many of them already have been in Iceland and Italy and Greece.
So this is a desperate gamble.
All or nothing by the oligarchs, because the oligarchs aren't in control of themselves, and they can't even control their more avarice-driven members, and so the worst of their group are what drives their agenda.
So they're not in control in this total takeover.
It is a will to power.
It is a instinct.
This is deep stuff, folks.
I hope you're listening to me, okay?
I eat, drink, and sleep this.
Listen to me.
They can't control their takeover now.
They can't pull back now.
It's like a jihad, a crusade, a war.
Their most wild people, their suicide bankers as Max Keiser calls them, are in control.
And so this thing is going ahead, but we're going to end up snatching victory from the jaws of defeat because they thought we would just sit back and buy their propaganda.
Their propaganda is folding right now.
And so, when you read the article that Paul Watson did, that's linked under my video, Media Caught Working with White House in Giant Hoax, under it it says, related, media portrays DHS ammo purchases as a conspiracy theory.
Politico, Salon, and a bunch of others actually come out and now say they're getting more desperate.
Before they would just say, oh, it was only 200,000 bullets, not a billion.
We're good to go.
So now they're saying doesn't exist, doesn't exist, and it's absolutely discrediting them.
I just saw on InfoWars.com local newscasts covering the bullets.
Police, Marines getting concerned.
And then I went and searched the term and suddenly there's hundreds of local news stations covering it.
Where people have kids, folks, that run these stations, they now get, whoa, they're arming to the teeth saying gun owners and conservatives and returning veterans of the terrorists
So, InfoWars.com, DrudgeReport.com.
I don't give the credit for credit.
The point is, we are forcing, and have forced, everyone to look at TSA, NDAA, Patriot Act, secret arrest, government drug dealing, government hidden cameras, where some city had, you know, 500 secret cameras even watching the government people.
That just came out today.
It's at the lower left-hand corner of Drudge Report.
All of this is coming out now, and as people freak out about it, we've got to say, see, it's the New World Order.
Obama and his puppets have been ordered to do this.
And as we see Cruz, and as we see Paul, and other senators, they need our support and our political cover to be able to openly broach all this and say, you're a Nazi, Obama.
You act like an authoritarian.
You're a tyrant.
You are arming against us.
And when the establishment media goes, how dare you?
You're discredited!
Laugh in their face and say, like the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, when they said, why do you go on Alex Jones and the local paper?
You're discredited.
He said, you know what?
You don't control reality.
I'll talk to who I want.
You're the people that are kooks, wanting to take our guns.
When more guns means less crime, here's the statistics.
We stopped letting them dictate to us.
They fully get discredited.
We have the White House daily through Media Matters, Politico, Raw Story and others countering us.
Saying we're liars, we're liars, we're liars when we're telling truth, truth, truth, truth, truth from hardcore research in our heart and a historical lexicon.
And we have now forced this, these issues of the secret military arms buildup of NORTHCOM and Homeland Security against the American people.
We've now forced a debate, forced decompartmentalization where the police, the military, the bureaucrats, the feds,
The Senate, the House, the world is now watching and we, and this is super dangerous folks so pray for us, we are now the tip of the spear historically forcing real debates and system analysis
And shaping the future battlefield in the info war.
Ladies and gentlemen, the enemy is not going to tell us we're doing this.
You look at the prima facie evidence, it is 100% happening.
We are now driving the news cycles.
We are now setting the agenda.
The enemy is imploding, but they may stage false flags.
They may stage massive crises to try to make us go back under their control.
So understand, the drone announcements
I don't
All over the country.
They're already starting the gun confiscation.
So, even though we're winning the info war, the enemy doesn't care.
They're moving forward with an accelerated timetable because they know we're going to beat them long term.
They want to accelerate it.
So we've got to scream bloody murder what tyrants they are and expose their entire system.
This exposes them when they come out and say there aren't armored vehicles.
DHS isn't buying giant black armored vehicles and we photographed them in Austin and then they spin it and say the Marines are getting them too.
Well, they're getting them too.
What does that mean?
They're operating domestically.
They are using psych warfare and it doesn't matter how sophisticated it is because once you realize it's psych warfare...
It's all over.
It's all a load of crap and the Republican Party works for the same people but they have some good people in there who we've got to support so they can quote radicalize America and reverse this like an enzyme chain reaction.
We're at a tipping point, a flipping point.
I feel it.
I intellectually see it.
I spiritually discern it because everyone knows we're in deep trouble because the hammer is now being dropped.
You either wake up or
Restore the Republic, get really aggressive folks, or it is all over.
These authoritarians pose as liberals.
They are not authoritarians.
They are tyrants.
History is happening.
We have the initiative.
We can win if you realize the power you have.
If you realize you are the resistance and you are Paul Revere.
If you realize the magnitude of what's happening historically right now and that these enemies are arming to the teeth
Yes, sir.
We'll be back with more at Infowars.com.
Alex Jones, ladies and gentlemen, check out his video.
We'll be right back.
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Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back from break at Infowars.com.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones remains on the line.
We got caught off by break.
We already skipped one break, but he's pointing out how history cycles, and we are at an extremely critical juncture.
If we're going to awaken it all, it must be right now.
Alex, are you still with us?
Yes, I know you have David Ortiz coming up with some key victories we're having on the right-to-life front.
You've got amazing reports with Melissa Melton.
I believe Sha'Carri Jackson's coming up.
Paul Watson did a great job in the first hour.
I want to thank him.
I wanted to be calm when I came on air here today and just go over this basic info for people, but I just can't help it.
This is so historical.
Ladies and gentlemen, a foreign mega group of banks that have taken the planet over through fraudulent derivatives
Thank you.
There's always been competing forces.
The good, the bad, the ugly, the twisted, the phony tough, the crazy brave.
There's always been different competing factions in history.
And somehow we decided with television, the modern culture, that we would be spectators.
That we would just accept whatever mama and papa government.
I mean, I said decades ago, 15 years ago, that Democrats especially see the government as their mommy and their daddy.
And now we've seen Chris Rock and all these other people say the government is our daddy, it's our mommy.
Obama is our daddy.
No, he's not my daddy.
He's a foreign hatchet man of mega banks that have imploded Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, who are carrying out
These aren't words, ladies and gentlemen.
The reason I'm on over 150 stations now, and XM, 166, and number one when it comes to radio and podcasting on the internet, is because truth is stranger than fiction.
And I've done thousands of radio interviews and written books and made films that everybody laughed at and said was crazy.
And then it's all coming true.
And now people are going, wait a minute, this guy knows what he's talking about.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't about Alex Jones being right.
I would love to be wrong.
This is about understanding.
This is not my opinion.
Do you understand that?
Do you hear me out there?
Okay, I'm dead if these people win.
That's why I'm in this fight so hard now.
You, maybe you'll live for a while.
You don't take the shots, but they're trying to make mandatory.
What I'm trying to say to you is,
The reason this freaks me out so bad is we've always had lying by mainstream media and twisting.
They are now unified, lying more than ever in giant hoaxes saying there are no bullets being bought, there are no armored vehicles, there are no drones domestically.
As it's all admitted, they're engaged in psych warfare.
It is a magnitude worse than anything I have ever seen.
Okay, and it's desperate, because it's not working.
But see, they're getting to a point, Brzezinski wrote this last year in his new book, echoing what he said at the CFR two years ago, that it's easier and cheaper to kill a million people than to propagandize them.
You see, just because everybody wakes up that they're criminals, doesn't mean they're going to back off.
That's why police and military need to understand, this isn't rhetoric.
This isn't hype, and you know it isn't in your gut.
Evil people are in control.
It's a lot bigger than Obama.
And there is no future for you and your family if you don't jump on the team and come in for the big win against the New World Order.
Now in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, I pray that you will wake up and get up off your spiritual fat bottoms.
And I'm talking to the general public out there, not just the police.
I harp on the police and military all day because you're where the rubber meets the road.
But this isn't a game here, okay?
These globalists are criminals.
Of course they staged Sandy Hook.
The evidence is overwhelming.
Of course.
At least they provocateured it.
We know they staged Aurora.
I mean, learn about Sirhan Sirhan.
Learn about staged events.
Grow up, folks.
Realize how much danger we're in.
Don't underestimate how evil these people are.
The fact that they're getting the orders to be so blatantly deceptive and that they're testing the EAS systems and everything else.
It's a thousand other points.
I'm going to throw it back to you guys.
It's just that history is happening and the good news is
We're not bystanders.
We're not spectators.
Get in the game, folks.
This is going on now.
Discredit the system.
Support the real media.
We're risking our lives here.
Spread the word about InfoWars.com and those that help us like DrudgeReport.com that have put their neck out there.
Believe me, every day the White House is now responding to us.
Every day they're countering us and us alone.
We're their only real opposition.
But that doesn't mean that we're small.
I'm small.
Aaron Dice is small.
David Ortiz is small.
Paul Watson is small.
You know, George Norrie is small, but he'll speak out against this stuff when nobody else would.
Gotta give him credit if it goes to coastam.com.
The point is, is that we're getting people thinking.
But together we're strong.
And together we have power.
And together with individual understanding, we can counter their collective.
With an individualistic collective of ideas unified under the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
You have the power.
And I don't get up here and tell you all this to scare you.
I get up here because I respect you.
And I know that when you're faced with a real threat, you'll understand that we're cornered.
We're not going to lay down and lick boots and get out of this.
We've got to go through these people.
We need to do it in the Infowar now instead of going physical.
If we do go physical, the Infowar is key now to expand our numbers and discredit the enemy.
And believe me, the people running our government are our greatest enemies.
Sure, the Mullahs are out of control.
Sure, Putin's probably a bad guy.
They're not in our country taking over, bankrupting us with death panels, forcing deadly shots on pregnant women.
It's all happening.
They're bum-rushing us from a thousand different points.
Obama's out there rallying his useful idiot soccer moms and socialists to attack and to go to the state houses and politically demand to take our guns.
You see, he needs to rally people as well.
This is a fight, folks.
That's what I want to say.
You're in the fight of your lives.
The time we're going into will govern the future of humanity.
And again, we're having major victories right now.
We're having huge victories right now, and that's what I want to get across to people.
They're being forced to blatantly lie just to confuse the issue.
And it's hurting them more than it's helping them, but they can't stop because it's their nature.
But again, just because people now are waking up that they're bad, that isn't enough.
We need impeachment.
And believe me, if you get behind Rand Paul and this quickening, this, this, uh, what's the term I want to use?
Uh, this, this tipping point.
If everybody gets behind this right now.
Believe me, it will only grow into bigger things and folks that are cowards, or not cowards, just haven't seen themselves as leaders or think it's arrogant to stand up and be a leader.
It's not arrogant.
Stop being so shy.
This is your family you're talking about here.
We don't have a culture.
We have a fake football entertainment culture.
The real culture is battling for liberty
We have all this wealth because our forebearers were tough as nails and wouldn't be pushed around.
Okay, Americans were the roughest, toughest, meanest group of pirates the world ever saw.
Doesn't mean we were perfect, but we had guts, ladies and gentlemen.
And nobody could push us around.
And that's why we were so great.
If you act like a bunch of cowardly, boot-licking, domesticated sheep who think the nanny state's gonna take care of you, you will be overrun.
You will be dominated.
Everything you've got will be taken.
All right, David Ortiz, Aaron Dykes, you guys take it away.
God bless you all and I'll be back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
I'll probably call in tomorrow as well when Catherine Albrecht's in there.
And just God bless you and God bless the Republic.
1776 worldwide, the enemy is the New World Order, the enemy is the Rockefellers, the enemy is the New World Order.
God bless you.
Godspeed, Alex.
Thanks for joining us.
And again, I profoundly agree with the things that Alex was saying about this historical tipping point.
I've been doing a study on Patrick Henry, one of our founding fathers, of course, who said, give me liberty or give me death.
He also said, quote, I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.
I know no way of judging the future, but by the past.
And what I'm trying to say is that our founders were fluent in Latin and Greek.
They studied how the Roman Republic fell to tyranny, was taken over by emperors, and it's happened over and over again in history.
Henry's quote is deliberately reflexive of the Bible, which itself has an entire history of the cycling and cycling of tyranny, of the bad things that kings did.
Going against the vision God had for his people.
Again and again tyranny takes over.
History repeats unless we learn from history and put a stop to it while we are here and now in this time.
And I don't agree with Napoleon who says that history is written by the winners.
I think historians see clearly when tyranny takes over, but we have to do something now.
The technocrats of this age, of the eugenicists, people like Alex Huxley have declared that theirs will be the ultimate revolution, the final revolution, that things done by Hitler, Stalin, etc.
will be child's play stepping stones to their total tyranny they intend to put in place by drugging us up, getting us to love our servitude, and getting us to celebrate our own death
Going along with genocide and abortions, cheering for the destruction of our people, dividing ourselves against each other.
David Ortiz, you've been following the new news with abortion laws, wasteful government spending, on and on.
We're going to be joined later in the show by Jakari Jackson, Melissa Melton's coming up.
But tell us what you've been analyzing right here and now, David Ortiz.
Hey, Aaron.
Yeah, Alex talked a couple minutes ago about how we're at a tipping point in society, and there's actually not only a war on guns going on right now, but there's actually a war against abortion going on that really hasn't been in the forefront.
The media's not talking too much about it, but recently the state of Arkansas
They just passed a bill that would prohibit abortion past the twelfth week.
And they're one of nine states that have passed similar bills.
Some of those bills happen to be for midterm pregnancies.
But there's definitely a growing number of states that are saying enough is enough.
At the very least, we need to have some restrictions.
And I believe it was yesterday, Arkansas lawmakers, they backed the nation's most restrictive abortion bill.
You cannot have an abortion
After the 12th week now, that's obviously going to be brought before probably the Arkansas State Supreme Court.
They might, you know, vote against it, or they might uphold it, but all these State Supreme Courts cannot strike down all these bills.
I mean, some of these states are going to be able to uphold these laws.
So, there's definitely a war going on against abortion as well, that's good to see.
Well, it's a new developing area where the states are fighting back against that Supreme Court decision, of course, Roe v. Wade 1973, where by the way, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that they passed it so that we could have something to do with this.
She's part of that eugenics, genocidal clique, and as much as they would like to couch abortion and women's rights, the right to choose, they do not uphold women's rights.
They have
They have enshrined abortion as a way to sell genocide.
They put these clinics in predominantly black neighborhoods.
They've gotten abortion put in third world developing countries where if they can't sterilize the women and dump them in a field, they'll induce them into abortions.
It is morally repugnant at some point and we have to recognize the fact that life is also in the hands of the developing baby and the fetus as they'd like to
De-personify it.
And it has more to do with the so-called woman's right to choose.
That is a wedge issue to get us to buy into our own destruction.
At least that's my view.
And it's important to know, some people might know this, others might not, but we keep on hearing Roe v. Wade, Roe v. Wade.
Roe is a woman by the name of Norma McCorvey, I believe is how you pronounce her name.
She's actually a pro-life advocate now.
So a lot of people don't know that Roe is a pro-life actor.
Yeah, you know I saw a documentary on that because she wasn't just a woman who wanted an abortion, she worked in abortion clinics and was at that time indoctrinated into those beliefs but at a certain point she saw them stuffing fetuses into freezers and throwing them out in garbage cans and she had a...
A turning point, I guess, where she became disgusted with it, and now she is actually a pro-life activist.
Yeah, a lot of people don't know that.
Yeah, so it seems that Idaho recently struck down a similar abortion bill, but truth of the matter is, what's most important is that pro-lifers are on the offensive, and that's a good thing.
I know a lot of libertarians, about two-thirds of libertarians, are pro-choice.
Um, about a third are pro-life, such as Ron Paul and myself.
Um, I believe that, uh, the moment you're conceived, you have the right to, uh, pursue, uh, liberty and happiness, and no one has the right to, uh, prevent you from that.
But, um, it's a contentious issue, but it's important to note that there is a war going on against abortion.
I'm happy to see that war.
Some libertarians probably aren't so happy, but it's important to note that it is going on.
In my view, after studying a lot of eugenics, it is Rockefeller's choice.
He's thrown more money at the abortion issue, the birth control issue, the sterilization issue, the formal eugenics issue, the covert eugenics issue, than you can shake a stick at.
More money than anyone can individually hope to have in their life, save a few billionaires here and there.
And at the very least, I think we should all support restrictions.
I mean, I don't think, I think the vast majority of Americans are against abortion after, say, the sixth month.
Have you seen the white papers where, on the other side of the coin, so-called bioethicists say we should be able to terminate a child up to age three, where Obama has referred to a newborn child as a fetus outside of the womb?
It's amazing.
There's actually a bill in Colorado that was passed recently where a church was showing images of aborted fetuses.
It's very, very graphic, but the state Supreme Court said they can't show that at a church because the children in the church might have psychological damage if they see those photos.
So they're not against the actual practice, but they are against you viewing photos of aborted fetuses.
But on to other news, and speaking of tyranny, it seems that the state of Michigan is going to pretty much run the city of Detroit.
The finances in Detroit are hellish.
They have a $327 million budget deficit.
They owe more than $14 billion.
They have more than $14 billion in debt.
About a third of the state is living in poverty.
Unemployment rate over 18%.
So now the state of Michigan wants to... 18% in Michigan or in Detroit?
I'm sorry, Detroit.
Detroit has over 18%.
I thought they were at somewhere near 50% unemployment.
No, not that.
I mean, there's part, if you include partial unemployment, partial employment and unemployment, maybe that is true.
But according to the New American
Unemployment's about over 18%.
You know what happened in Detroit.
It became an imploded black hole when they pulled out all the industry and sent it all over overseas to China and other places like that.
Yeah, absolutely.
It used to be prosperous for all kinds of ethnic groups, all kinds of middle-class Americans.
They had great jobs, well-paying, good benefits.
The city was actually one of the pillars of our country at a time in the 50s and kind of a shining light.
And that has been completely turned around by these globalist trade policies.
From 1950 until now, the population in Detroit has decreased by an estimated 60%.
And now they're talking about bulldozing the city.
Yeah, absolutely.
But let's hope that there's a revival there, but this is all part of socialism.
This is exactly what socialism does.
We'll be back with more on that on the other side of the bridge.
Zachari Jackson ahead and Melissa Melton will premiere her encounter with Bill Gates.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com.
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We're back at Infowars.com.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Aaron Dyk sitting in.
You heard Alex earlier on the broadcast.
He'll be back next week taking some much-deserved time off.
But history doesn't stop.
History waits for no man.
Things are happening.
Our Bill of Rights are being destroyed.
And there's a lot of important domestic news as well.
David Ortiz joins us, Jakari Jackson still ahead, and Melissa Mellon will tell us what happened in her encounter with Bill Gates yesterday.
By the way, I believe he's still in town today, so if anyone out there in the Austin area would like to try to join his event, ask him questions about his global vaccine program, or even protest him, I'd encourage you to do so.
I don't have the information.
But David, let's get back into the news we were covering.
Well, in gun news, New York State, it seems that their assault weapons ban, there is a 50-50 chance, may be overturned by the courts.
And there are two lawsuits, one of them is going to be ruled on, I believe, early next week, and the second one in late April.
The first lawsuit is saying that New York State, the state legislature, passed that assault weapons bill way too quick.
Normally the public has about three days to hear the matter.
But they passed it in less than three days.
So activists are suing the state saying that if they're going to do this, they have to give the public at least three days, which is not a lot of time, but at least three days to voice their opinion on the assault weapons ban.
So it could be overturned via the courts.
And there's another lawsuit regarding the assault weapons ban in late April, basically saying that it's unconstitutional.
Well obviously it's unconstitutional, but of course there's such tyrants they're going to violate procedure too.
But it is interesting to use that as a basis to oppose it.
What else is in your stack?
Well this is just laughable.
I mean, one of the ways to stop tyranny is to sometimes mock it.
And these are real bills that are being passed, I'm not kidding.
Just to show you how ridiculous some legislators are, in Florida there's a bill that's being drafted, or it's been presented by Senator Audrey Gibson, that would basically say it would require ammo buyers to take anger management courses every 10 years.
It's pretty amazing.
Hey, but we covered this with Paul Watson, and it's really no laughing matter, because when you take classes that are marked for mental health, you become marked in the files as someone with a mental health issue, whether you have it or not.
And so down the road, if they get the most draconian legislation they want, where anyone who's had any kind of treatment, any kind of prescriptions, can't buy a gun, the fact that you took an anger management course may be used to disbar your Second Amendment.
Right, you know, and these legislators, if you were to tell them, hey, listen, before you're sworn in, you have to take a financial literacy course, I wonder what they would say.
I mean, when prisoners get out of prison, they sometimes have to take anger management courses.
That has a status on their record, besides the fact they're felons.
That's complete lunacy.
Now I don't know exactly, because I was in the other room, exactly what you and Paul talked about on every issue, but there's some cases taking place where kids in Florida, there was a kid on a bus who was trying to break up a fight.
One of the students pointed a gun at another student.
He said he was going to shoot him.
So one kid intervened and he was suspended from school as a result of that.
He was on the bus, he saw a fight breaking out, the kid whips out a gun.
He breaks up that fight, saves the life of another teen, and he was suspended for that.
Pretty amazing.
Well, they don't want us to have self-defense.
They want to use those tragedies to restrict our rights.
And in Michigan, recently there was a former student, he was 21 years old, he went to visit his high school because he wanted to speak to a counselor, get a reference letter from a former counselor.
He walked into the school wearing his camouflage uniform, because I believe he's a military individual.
He was wearing a camouflage uniform, a flak jacket, and an empty gun holster.
And as a result, the school was evacuated.
You know, the students.
They're going crazy and they're doing it on purpose to debase our culture.
We'll be back on the other side of the break.
Stay there.
We're coming up on the third hour.
Big premiere video still ahead and a lot more news.
Our InfoWars reporters join us.
Stay tuned.
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Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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The spirit of 1776 versus the mindset of 1984.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back.
It is the second hour of the InfoWars Alex Jones Radio Show broadcast and yet we've only begun to fight to save our rights.
And that's what we've got to do.
Paul Joseph Watson is still with us and he was just describing how the entire agenda is coalescing.
We've become accustomed to the surveillance by drones, by the NSA, by other entities in the name of catching a terrorist, and yet now it's being used in portrayals, in demonstrations of catching a private gun sale on the act.
Something that's legal, but portrayed in law enforcement and industry videos as being illegal.
So they're demonizing the Second Amendment
And showing how drones can be used to catch Second Amendment transactions in action.
All while you've got the Senate and the White House lining up to demonize Rand Paul for using his First Amendment to speak out against the destruction of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments, as well as the continued eradication of the Fourth Amendment, not to mention the new attacks in the Senate as they introduce legislation starting today, starting this week,
to destroy the Second Amendment piece by piece and they of course know that Dianne Feinstein's odious, stinky, repugnant assault weapons ban will meet a lot of resistance in the Senate so they're introducing separately the registration, the mental health bills, the PTSD, veterans can't be armed even though we put them into a meat grinder and fed them prescription pills and sent them on five, six tours into a never-ending war on terror so we can use drones to take out people
It's a weird sick cycle.
Paul Joseph Watson, please take the floor.
Yeah, related to the gun control issue again, while the DHS is buying two billion bullets and the media is telling you it's no big deal, there's an article out of Fox News, Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers.
And this is legislation in Florida.
Critics say his latest example of local lawmakers reaching for constitutionally dubious solutions to the problem of gun violence.
So basically the proposal would require ammo buyers to take the anger management courses every 10 years.
So not only are they demonising gun owners as angry, violent extremists, they're now trying to push through legislation where you have to take anger management courses to prove that you're a well-behaved citizen, to prove that you can own firearms and ammunition, while the Feds are buying it all up, causing mass shortages all over the country.
And of course, not only is that silly, but it infringes on rights because then you're labeled as having some kind of mental health issue and later on they're going to use that to restrict your ability to buy a weapon.
Well, precisely.
And then also there was the Obamacare thing where the Obama administration clarified the fact that doctors could ask Americans about the guns that they owned as a precursor to getting Obamacare.
That came out a few weeks ago.
So, they're trying to tie all this mental health stuff into gun control, while still avoiding the primary mental health connection, the real connection to gun violence, which is of course SSRI drugs.
Nobody wants to talk about that, despite the fact that virtually every mass shooter over the past 20 years has been on Prozac or a derivative of one of those drugs.
So they don't want to talk about that, but they want you to take anger management courses if you want to buy bullets.
Because the pharmaceuticals have to own our country just as many people own our foreign policy.
It's all about ridiculing the Americans in the United States using our system against us.
It really makes me sick.
Now we're going to continue this discussion, Paul, but I just have to mention
Alex is on the line he's about to pop in on the other side when we come back in just a few moments with breaking news he's been covering how the media is perpetuating this hoax that the ammunition buys our new big deal it's just saving money ladies and gentlemen and anyone concerned about those two billion bullets 1.6 billion bullets armored tanks and
Well, they're conspiracy theorists and they belong in the gulag after they take their anger management courses.
Thanks for listening.
Stay tuned.
A lot of news ahead.
Alex Jones on the other side.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have entered the third hour as we try to save our country from entering hell.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm of course not Alex, I'm Aaron, and I'm joined by David Ortiz and a host of other reporters.
You notice most talk show hosts, many TV shows will just go to rebroadcast anytime they want when the boss is off for vacation.
We don't do that here, at least not usually, at InfoWars.
Even when Alex is on vacation, really needs a break sometimes, he's still calling in to give us critical information and we're here trying to report and cover issues as best we can because things are happening by the minute, by the hour, and certainly by the day.
Now, David, we've covered a smattering of domestic news, a lot of weird nanny stage social conditioning matters.
And it seems one major epicenter for that is always New York City and the just glorious Mayor Bloomberg.
He could be our emperor someday.
Absolutely, absolutely.
He could buy the presidency and just be our emperor.
Well, he could definitely buy the presidency.
There's no question that he has enough funds to do so, but the nanny state is getting completely out of control in New York City and recently the mayor has announced that he will set aside some funds to promote the cause of
Health officials are planning a social media campaign to warn young people about the risk of losing their hearing from listening to music at high volume on personal MP3 players.
The iPod generation is the first to use buds that are inserted directly into the ears, and modern music players are more of a threat to hearing than the Sony Walkman of the 1980s, experts say.
So basically, he's starting a campaign, a social media campaign,
To make sure that people watch the volume of their earbuds, but it always starts that way and pretty soon this will become legislation.
Once he sees that he's not getting his way, he's going to start regulating this issue as well, in my estimation.
This is bizarre because obviously if anything's a personal choice of how loud you want to listen to music, it's an individual's choice, especially with something like earbuds.
There's no pretense of disrupting society or the neighborhoods or something.
I mean, really, Bloomberg has been on a tirade.
Let's just recall some of the things he's done for years.
He's tried to ban salts and trans fats in New York City.
He's taxed cigarettes ridiculously high.
He's taxed cigarettes, which they do everywhere, but he's been definitely part of it.
And a big stir over his banning of 16 ounce or greater sodas.
Yeah, absolutely.
Now you can't get a 16 ounce, so people are just getting two of the mid-size ounces.
So of course he doesn't want us to have our guns either, because he's a billionaire and he knows what's best for us.
Yeah, not only that, but at hospitals he's basically saying that women have to breastfeed.
You know, they can only get formula if they cannot breastfeed, because he wants to promote breastfeeding.
Well, what do you think is going on?
Because in the UK, they've been a few years ahead of us.
They have what's known as anti-social behavior laws, and they have these megaphones that will bark at you on the streets if you litter, or if you jaywalk, or if you're a suspect.
Now they have this actually in New Jersey and some American cities.
They'll shoot you with a red spotlight and, you know, try to show the police, like, the suspect is here in this zone.
And it's this behaviorism, this trying to control the things we do.
That's my take.
What do you think is going on?
Well, absolutely.
The police state is growing.
New York works very closely with London.
Actually, the mayor travels to London at least twice a year and they talk shop, you know, and that's why those are two of the biggest police cities in the world.
But it's one thing to enforce the law, it's another to try to correct someone's behavior, especially from a government post.
And it's one thing to go on a tirade and lecture people about what you think is moral, but how can he legislate policies, even at the city level, to affect someone's behavior?
Well, I think one way that he's getting away with it is simply people aren't challenging him.
A lot of people are in a coma.
They're just going on with their lives.
They say they're against these initiatives, but no one is suing the mayor on these initiatives.
I know that the soda industry is going to sue him regarding that, but he's not being sued and he should.
Okay, this was the short break.
We're going to be back in the long segment on the other side.
Stay with us, David.
We're also going to be joined by Jakari Jackson coming up.
I want to get a little bit more into the nanny state and what I think is going on.
I'm going to talk to you about collectivism, which I know you rail against as well.
Stay tuned.
We've got to expose the system.
We've got to see through the deception, folks.
InfoWars.com, we'll be back.
Alex will be back next week.
Big InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the InfoWar.
Of course, information pours in by the minute.
I've just been given breaking news by our Don Salazar.
The White House has responded to Rand Paul's long filibuster saying, will you or won't you strike drones in America on soil?
They have issued the answer, no.
Attorney General Eric Holder wrote Senator Rand Paul to confirm that the President does not have the authority to kill an American on U.S.
soil in a non-combat situation.
But of course, they've declared under NDAA, under NORTHCOM, that really we are in a combat situation.
So it's more legal skirting, but they've had a moral defeat.
They've been put on the spot.
His long filibuster, dramatic motion to say
No, unconstitutional.
I want a line in the sand.
You're going to give me an answer.
They did at least have to respond.
And again, Alex brought it up.
He's brought it up in the past.
Robert Gibbs was told from the White House not to even acknowledge that there was a drone program for many years.
Now I want to tell you about InfoWarsHealth.com once again.
So many things are happening in the world.
All these nanny state tyrants like Bloomberg want to tell you how to behave.
What to do with your own health, but of course that means they want you to take vaccines.
They want you to eat GMOs for the good of the earth.
I say do otherwise.
Educate yourself.
You go find out what you think is most vital for your health.
If that's vitamin supplements, that's your choice to make.
I decided to try out the Longevity products we have at InfoWars Health.
I had a great response and I'll tell people because I get this question all the time.
People tell me about their own successes and also ask how they can have it.
I use the Longevity Healthy Blood Sugar Pack.
And it comes with four components.
The Biontangy Tangerine, which has 90 essential vitamins and nutrients.
It comes with the EFA Plus, which is omega-3 and 6 fats.
It comes with Osteo FX, which has calcium, magnesium, and a lot of vitamin D3.
And it also comes with Slender FX Sweeties which has chromium and vanadium.
Now what that does is help control your blood sugar when you eat at meals or if you indulge in a snack or dessert.
That will help you from spiking your system and really getting attacked from their completely un-nutritional products that are available in the world today.
Now we're here not of course to plug products but we do support the broadcast that way.
But we're in the middle of talking about Mayor Bloomberg, this big nanny state.
I'm going to tell you how to behave.
And I just wanted to say, David, that, and Jakari, who's now joining us, that that comes out of the portrayal, the archetype we have of George Orwell's 1984, right?
That's the Big Brother Society.
They're going to watch you do everything, tell you what to do, ration your food.
Well, I've studied it.
George Orwell, I believe, I'm convinced, was critiquing oligarchical collectivism.
As represented by the Fabian Socialists and all these other globalists who are part of this big cartel to take over our lives, control economies, and eventually get down to the point of telling us whether we can have a soda or not.
We need to make that choice for ourselves.
Clearly, soda's not healthy, but we don't need some tyrant in a business suit telling us what to do.
Real quick, I want to read this quote and then let's have y'all's discussion.
Fabian Socialist and eugenicist George Bernard Shaw said that under socialism,
Which is oligarchical collectivism.
That means fascism.
That means all kinds of things considered patriotism.
You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not.
But if it were discovered you had not the character and industry to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner.
And that is socialism.
That's Obamacare.
That's the death panels.
It's come home to roost.
It's here.
We have to face that issue and we have to make a stand on that as well.
What do you guys have to say about that?
That's where it leads to.
No, absolutely.
And in the next segment, Melissa Melton is going to talk a little bit about Bill Gates and her encounter.
But it's important to note that it all starts off sweet and harmless.
But Mayor Michael Bloomberg has also donated over $100 million to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And they want to raise at least $5.5 billion to eradicate polio.
You know, a lot of these, a lot of these vaccinations are obviously... Right, so Big Brother Bloomberg is not only going to tell you what to drink in the city of New York, he's going to contribute to making people, sometimes at the point of gunpoint in Africa and India and Pakistan, take vaccines.
And as you may have seen in the wires, a lot of Pakistanis and Indians are not happy with that.
They see it as an invasion of their sovereignty.
There have been cases of shooting vaccine workers.
But here's Bloomberg in combine with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and all their billionaire pledges.
And of course, he also meets in secret at these billionaire clubs in bid to curb overpopulation.
I don't know if we could show the screen.
Bill Gates
David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner of CNN, who donated a billion dollars to the United Nations, two curb population, they all meet and talk about what they can do to stop the fertility, to end people's lives, to make those choices for them.
Rockefeller's choice.
Yeah, absolutely.
Exactly, you're talking about Ted Turner and I believe it was We Are Change got the interview with Ted Turner where they asked Mr. Turner, what do you feel about population control?
I think his number conservatively was 95% and people say, you know, well, these people who are just concerned about population, they just don't want any more kids.
I mean, if he wants to reduce population by 95% in his lifetime, he's an older gentleman, some people are going to have to be knocked off.
It's not just new people coming along, it's people on the planet being, you know,
Dealt with.
Exactly, just like you said, I believe it was during the TED conference where Bill Gates said, conservatively, he wants to reduce world population using vaccines and other methods by 10%.
I mean, he says this blatantly, you know, in the TED conference and people get up and they clap and they cheer and they say, yeah, let's reduce world population.
I mean, it makes me think, like, what makes you think he's not talking about you?
Just because you're in this room with them, you know, with your invitation only, you think he's not talking about you or your children or possibly your children's children?
They think they're part of the crowd.
Oh, they don't.
That's why they're clapping.
Always at these events, it's such sycophantic crowds.
They just praise their leader, and they just love the fact that someone's up there authoritatively telling it like it is.
Bill Gates has no authority on this planet.
He just has a lot of money, and he didn't even finish college.
He's just from an elitist family that believes in eugenics, so that's what he's going to use his money towards.
And he wants to set policy not only for nations, but for the entire globe.
There's a study out there that shows you can comfortably fit the world's population inside of California and Texas.
So this nonsense that the world is overpopulating is not true.
Do you have to keep in mind when people say it's overpopulated, it's these big billionaires, you know, who own massive amounts of land and they don't want to share their land with anybody else.
Let's say, yeah, I own enough land in the U.S.
to own my own state and I don't want anybody else in it.
So, in their opinion, yeah, the world is overpopulated from their perspective.
And they don't want competition, I think.
What do you guys think about this talk of collectivism, the stuff George Bernard Shaw said?
Do you think collectivism, getting everyone under one tent, is a good way to enforce eugenics policies?
Or just simply Big Brother policies, where if they can get you in the system, on welfare, can they then put conditional strings and tell you what to do?
Oh, exactly.
If you have everybody under the same umbrella, as you put it, it's easy to pull the strings.
You know, if you say, if you want your food stamps this week, if everybody's on food stamps, you have to come get this shot.
You have to come get sterilized.
You have to come do what we say.
To get your allotment this week.
And they've done it.
They've really done that stuff too.
And if you look at the communities that receive the most federal assistance, they're the ones that are in the most poverty.
The number one community in the United States that gets the most federal assistance is the Native American community.
And they're the community struggling most with poverty.
Number two is the African American community.
So they're the number two community struggling most with poverty.
The number three community is the Hispanic community.
They're the ones that receive the third amount of federal funds.
And they're the third most poverty stricken group in this country.
So there's definitely a correlation.
And we've shown the videos, it was years ago before you guys were working here, about how they sterilized up to 40% of Native American women.
They've heavily targeted those communities.
And again, they're on assistance.
So they can say, and they've made threats in many cases to people on assistance, if you want your food stamps, you're going to get that daughter to have an abortion, you're going to get her sterilized because there's too many and we don't want to support you and the state doesn't want to pay for your babies.
And I believe Native Americans represent, I think, about 1% of our population currently.
So it's a very, very sad thing to see that they've been targeted in that aspect.
But it's not just them.
It's any group.
Because people say, well, I'm not this race, or I'm not that faith, so they're not coming after me.
It's like, no, if you're not in their elite club, if you don't have dinners with Bill Gates and Ted Turner, you're not one of them.
So that's something that people need to understand.
Yeah, you didn't get the memo not to drink the water or take the shots, which again, you alluded to the birth control, not the birth control shots, but how the vaccines are used to reduce populations.
The Rockefeller Foundation, which works in lockstep with Bill Gates, developed in the 80s a
HCG vaccine, where it's a... HCG is a hormone that's needed for healthy pregnancy.
It's actually a sign of pregnancy.
But covertly, geniusly, evilly, they put it in the vaccines with the tetanus toxoid so that the body gets the tetanus shot, starts the autoimmune response to the tetanus to immunize against tetanus, but in the process immunizes against HCG, preventing pregnancy.
And that's been found to have been deployed in the third world, in Africa, in the Philippines, I believe, or other Pacific American countries.
It's like mercury that they put in the shots.
And I mean, why would you do that?
Because for years it was, never give a pregnant woman mercury.
Now it's like, shoot them up with mercury.
You know, they weren't even supposed to eat things that contain mercury.
Now they're getting shots that contain it.
It's totally insane, as they add more and more shots to the vaccine regimen.
What other news did you bring to the stack?
Well, I brought some news that I covered actually earlier this week, and this all ties into the government waste of money.
Because people have heard, and I believe there's something recently this week, where we had a FEMA drill.
Well, it hasn't happened yet, but it came out that FEMA was sponsoring a new zombie drill.
We'd seen these zombie drills
And I believe it was San Diego just a few months ago.
I believe it was in October.
They had a zombie drill in San Diego.
Alright, zombie drills.
We're coming up on the break.
I just wanted a little teaser preview from you.
Hold that thought.
Also, the Bill Gates encounter will preview later in this hour.
And stay tuned tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News.
It's gonna be big.
We're gonna bring you some important news.
And Alex will be back soon.
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This is Infowars.com.
We are rapidly pacing to the end of the show, but not yet.
We still have a big premiere ahead.
Jakari Jackson's with us.
David Ortiz is still with us.
You brought up zombie drills.
It's been argued that they're trying to dehumanize us against military conditioning.
We know that the Pentagon developed video games to try to take them
Out of that moral conflict, drones really puts them in that places.
They've done surveys like the 1994 Palms, 29 Palms survey, where they asked soldiers, would you fire on Americans?
And would they kill innocent people in foreign countries with drones?
Well, we've seen it start happening.
We've seen some people willing to do it.
What do you think is behind zombie drills?
Is it just hype?
I don't think it's just hype.
I think it's, like you said, it's a dehumanization drill.
Because some people are looking at it, well, it's just another drill, and there just happen to be zombies.
Even if it is just another drill, why are they training in U.S.
You think about it, the military, they train for scenarios or places that they plan to be.
They may go out to the desert and train in the desert if they're planning to go to a foreign desert, but why are they in a populated American city such as San Diego and other cities where we've seen these drills if they're not planning to come for some type of urban unrest here domestically is the point, you know, I want to make with these zombie drills.
And like I said, the newest one that we know of is scheduled to happen on the 27th of April in Idaho.
And I actually contacted a FEMA representative in that region, I believe it's FEMA Region 10, and he said he was unaware of any such developments.
I don't know if you guys can get a dot-cam shot, but on this right here, you can see clearly it says FEMA.gov.
So maybe he was not informed of this drill, but it was an official, at least FEMA was aware of it, because it's on their own website, FEMA.gov.
It says it right there on the page.
Oh, they're securing our homeland.
They've got to know about these drills.
They're securing our homeland.
I just thought it was ridiculous.
It's a zombie UFO crash.
So now we have alien zombies.
That's the scenario, huh?
And even if it is just, you know, it's just zombie hype.
I mean, they're still training in American cities.
But the CDC put out a publication with a theory where a pandemic turns into zombies and the military has to take control.
That was back in 2011.
Mike Adams did an article.
CDC warns Americans to prepare for zombie apocalypse.
And that's just one of many zombie alert issued by Homeland Security last year.
And my deal is, what scenario are you training for?
Is this just a big waste of money or is there something that you're really training for?
If you're really training for something, that could be some type of biological epidemic.
I think you might want to warn the American people.
Instead of acting like it's a joke and trying to blur reality.
Well, they could know that there's an economic collapse soon to occur.
Our very own Max Keiser says that he expects an economic collapse within the next month or so.
And you see now that the stock market is soaring.
That's usually what happens with bubbles.
Right before things collapse, the stock market does wonderfully.
Well, they're preparing for unrest, that's for sure.
That's why they're training in the cities, that's why they established NORTHCOM, and they're using it as a loophole to get around the restrictions to using military on domestic soil.
Exactly, exactly.
And it just goes deeper into the whole, you know, sequester deal.
Just government waste of money, because we saw the article earlier this week.
Homeland Security Chief threatens terror attacks if budget cuts go through.
Now, this is Napolitano saying that, hey, if we have budget cuts, you guys better watch out.
She says, I'm not here to scare people.
I'm here to inform and let people begin to plan.
Plan for what?
You know, we're going to have some new terror attack if we cut $85 billion.
I mean, think about how much we spend on a war each year.
I mean, $85 billion, that may sound like a lot, it's really nothing.
And it just goes on to show that maybe it's good if we did cut something like, you know, something like the TSA.
Because we have people doing the checkpoints at Super Bowls, we have the Viper teams going around.
There'd be a party bigger than the Super Bowl.
Man, it's just so ridiculous and that's just one of many.
Keeping with the sequester cuts, we have this article.
Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised and this article points out that how the White House cut their staff in the White House to give tours, guided tours.
So now you can't take a tour of the White House anymore because of these dreadful sequester cuts.
Cut $85 billion.
Meanwhile, the Obama family still takes $7 million vacations.
They take separate vacations.
They go play golf with Tiger Woods and whoever else.
But you can't go take a tour of the White House.
You can't take your son to the White House, David, because of these sequester cuts.
And it just goes on from there.
And I got, man, I got a whole bunch here.
And let's see what the next one we have.
TSA sealed $50 million sequester Eve to buy a new uniform.
So they buy a new uniform for the TSA.
They're just lying about saving money.
They're not trying to save any money.
And I believe it was David Knight who pointed out this equates to much more than is needed for a individual TSA agent.
So he thinks it's either going to go someplace else or, you know, something's going to happen to this money or they're going to hire more people.
Oh, I bet they're going to hire more.
They're going to do more.
And this is just another example of how money is being wasted.
DHS to release 10,000 illegals while building new detention centers.
That's right, they set the illegals free.
Yeah, we're going to let them go and then go catch them later.
They're going to pretend security while eating out our substance and destroying everything that protects us.
We're going to be back on the other side.
Melissa Melton is about to premiere her Bill Gates confrontation.
That's coming up.
Stay tuned.
Tonight on the Infowars Nightly News, more Focus Reports.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at is good and evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in the final half hour of today's Saga broadcast.
We've covered the spectrum, the destruction of our civil rights, our Bill of Rights, as they try to project drones over us.
Rand Paul's bold stand has filibustered for almost 13 full hours in the Senate, protesting the nomination of John Brennan and the use of drones.
People like Holder saying they can use them on Americans.
Has been responded to.
We're having an effect.
We just have to focus on the issues, cut through the deception and get to the truth.
And with that in mind, we're going to talk about in this half hour Bill Gates, who, of course, runs the biggest charitable philanthropic foundation, which is tax free, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And I just want to point out leading into it, they are explicitly in lockstep with the Rockefeller Foundation and completely continuing
What has been a century long saga of eugenics, social engineering, collectivism and destruction of all independence.
They're pushing GMOs in all sectors of the world.
You know what's going on domestically.
Hopefully you've heard about how they're pushing it into African communities in India, in Latin America.
They're destroying local agriculture.
While forcing people to take food aid or grow GMOs that are destructive to their health according to all the studies, they're ignoring all the warning signs and putting more and more money behind it while literally paying propaganda to portray them as our saviors and those who are saving us not only money but lives.
I covered this last year, January 31st, 2012.
Bill Gates pays media to portray him as a saint.
And you notice how every article always mentions that he's saving lives, how he's doing something great for the world by pushing vaccines and calling to curb population.
His famous TED speech, he talked about lowering the world's population by at least 15% with vaccinations as a key vector for that.
And I exposed how NPR, ABC, the London Guardian, BBC,
The Alliance for Green Revolution, Gavi, Monsanto, Cargill, all these industries, all these media outlets, all these corporate entities are locked together with the Bill Gates and Rockefeller Foundation to deceive the world to force dangerous vaccinations and food upon us and to consolidate, frankly, a staggering, disturbing amount of money.
Final note I'll add is that the whole rise of foundations was in response to the outrage over monopolies at the turn of the 20th century.
The Rockefellers, the Carnegie's, the Harriman's amassed more money than anyone ever had.
They monopolized the rail, the oil, and the steel industries.
They developed and used antitrust laws to try to strike them down.
But they went underground, they went sophisticated, and it was revealed at least at the time that
Nelson Rockefeller was being appointed as Vice President, the extent to which they had to use hundreds, maybe thousands, of tax-free entities to put their money offshore, out of reach, while pushing the most un-American, most disturbing, most anti-human programs under the sun.
They investigated it in Congress in 1953, and Charlotte Isserby will tell you
They tried to even destroy the records of those hearings, though they were non-binding.
ISRB was able to save those documents.
That's why we know so much today.
I just want to give that as a backdrop to the level of deception and why it's important that we confront people like Bill Gates.
Now, Melissa Melton, you went down with David Ortiz yesterday to the University of Texas.
Bill Gates was speaking.
They all applauded him.
They were all buying into how he's saving lives and helping the world.
But you know different, right?
Because you've been investigating these matters.
Tell us what happened.
Tell us why you went down there.
And then let's go to that video.
Well, yesterday, Bill Gates was here to unveil a new building that he helped donate to the University of Texas.
And he was giving a closed, very controlled, very secured speech to a bunch of computer science majors, which was supposed to be about computer science.
But actually, it ended up being a lot of it was about vaccines and health care and not really about computers at all.
Side issue, almost.
And it had been closed off for several weeks now, and there was a waiting list to even get in it to begin with, but we were able to purchase a ticket from a student that I was able to get in.
And I immediately noticed there was a microphone, so I decided to sit next to that, because I figured, what the heck, I should try.
Somebody needs to ask him a real question.
And what have you been studying that makes you want to ask him a question?
You know, what do you think are the most important Bill Gates issues?
One of the first things I did when I started researching Bill Gates, one of the first things I found out was that through his foundation and through the Gavi Alliance, they've been doing all these tests and developing nations that are hurting people, they're killing people, and he's putting millions and millions of dollars into this.
And I even have a quote here that I'm going to read later, but people are wondering why is it that he's spending so much money on these vaccines?
Millions and millions, hundreds of millions of dollars on these vaccines that are literally killing children in other countries.
Is it safe to say he has an obsession and might kind of have a mental health disorder over it?
After being in the room with him, yeah, I'd say that's pretty safe to say.
But I decided to get up and ask him about that, because no one ever seems to ask him about that, or when they've tried, he always evades the question.
And I figured, I have him, I'm gonna ask.
Well, people in these third world countries are calling it genocide.
They're literally running, in some cases, from these shots.
In some cases, they're killing the people who are sending the vaccines.
Oh yeah, in Pakistan, Nigeria, and all these countries, they're actually killing them.
They're saying, they've said on record, they think they're coming there to kill their children.
And Bill Gates cares so much about these vaccines, he won't even save the lives of the workers who are dispensing the vaccines by withdrawing those programs.
He just wants to continue them no matter what.
Yeah, he's just going to keep it going.
He doesn't care.
And it just keeps happening.
Well, are you ready to go to the video or do you want to set this up?
No, I think we're ready to go.
I think it's going to stand for itself.
Okay, our crew's been doing great work back there.
Can you let me know, are we ready to go to that video, gentlemen?
Okay, let's go to that video right now.
Bill Gates at University of Texas.
On a global basis, why I'm here in the United States is the envy of other countries because it is able to try out things, innovative and diverse things, although with a very high failure rate, although with enough of a success rate to really come up with big breakthroughs.
I'm Melissa Melton reporting for the InfoWars Nightly News.
Multiple overseas media outlets have reported on the fact that polio vaccines linked to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and his Gavi Alliance have on record caused nearly 48,000 children in India to suffer neurological damage and become permanently paralyzed.
Most recently, over 50 African children from Chad also began convulsing after receiving a Gates Foundation-funded meningitis vaccine that specifically targets African people.
Those children, some as young as seven, have also subsequently become paralyzed.
Yesterday, Bill Gates appeared at a highly controlled speaking engagement to address computer science majors at his new Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex building on the University of Texas campus.
I was able to purchase a ticket from a student and attend the meeting.
Though no cameras or recording equipment were allowed inside the meeting, fellow reporter David Ortiz was able to capture a live stream being fed to an adjacent room.
When the floor got open for questions, I decided to ask Mr. Gates a real one.
What do you say to critics who claim your global vaccination program is nothing more than a eugenics program?
A huge... Eugenics.
Over 48,000 children in India have been paralyzed due to polio vaccines linked to your foundation.
No, no, I mean, nothing has saved...
More lives than vaccination.
The key figure that we think about in terms of what we're prioritizing is the tragic death of young people.
But if you go back to about the time I was born, more than 20 million kids under five were dying every year.
Smallpox, measles, a variety of things.
By 1990, even though the number of children were up because the population growth had gone up, that number had come down from over 20 million to about 12 million.
And because of the work that the Foundation has been at the center of, we now got that down from 12 million to less than 7 million.
And the goal is to get it down to well under three million, by which time the disparity between what happens with poor children and what happens with rich children will have largely been eliminated.
So, you know, vaccines are about saving lives, improving lives.
There's no better tool that mankind's ever invented for absolutely those things.
And, you know, polio, the whole idea is to reduce
To zero, the number of kids who are being paralyzed.
And it's during the, between now and 2018, if things go well, we expect that'll become the second disease ever eradicated.
Smallpox, back in the 1970s, by 1979, that was certified as the very first and so far the only disease that has been eradicated.
So we're pretty close on polio, but what it's about is every year having less and less kids
Whether die or paralyzed, last year was 232.
Not only did Bill Gates fail to directly answer my question, but let's review.
Mr. Gates' father was a known eugenicist and the head of Planned Parenthood.
He admits in this clip from a 2003 PBS interview with Bill Moyers that he likes to focus on population control.
The issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population, reproductive health.
But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual?
When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things.
My dad was head of Planned Parenthood.
It was very controversial to be involved with that.
He went on to say, and maybe the most interesting thing I learned is this thing that's still surprising when I tell other people, which is that as you improve health in a society, population growth goes down.
In the past, Mr. Gates has openly advocated withholding end-of-life care to the elderly and using those funds to instead hire more teachers.
And so the access that used to be available to the middle class or whatever is just rapidly going away.
That's a trade-off society is making because of very, very high medical costs.
And a lack of willingness to say, you know, is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient
Okay, we are dealing with a technical issue there, but that is most of the report.
The entire report is, of course, going to be up on YouTube at the Alex Jones Channel.
It will be on InfoWars, and it's going to premiere again tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
And, Melissa Melton, you've been working on another report as well, right?
Yeah, actually, I've been researching into the Rockefeller Foundation, their Population Council, the UNFPA, World Health Organization, USAID, and how there's just this huge global conglomeration of corporations, organizations that are getting together to basically control population in other countries.
I'm going to premiere it tonight.
But it's about 15 minutes long.
And that kind of led me into some of the research on Bill Gates.
Because he really is, as you said, a continuation of the entire Rockefeller eugenics program.
And you said that he spoke about the Rockefeller Foundation at the speech.
Actually, yes.
I wasn't able to get footage of that, but the question that was asked right before mine had to do with philanthropy.
And he went on for, I don't know, probably five minutes just lauding all of the wonderful things that the Rockefellers have done for humanity and how awesome they are.
And he even threw the Carnegie's in there, too.
Now this is what's key about the Bill Gates confrontation because he is so afraid that you're going to see through his literally paid propaganda claim of saving lives with vaccines and with GMOs that he has literally launched a task force to troll the internet for what he calls disinformation about vaccines and they have a counter propaganda team that's supposed to go target and try to dissuade people away from I guess conspiracy websites that might be warning
But what's even more incredible about the question you asked him, is vaccines linked to eugenics?
He acted like he didn't even know what the term eugenics was and that is completely uncredible.
Bill Gates goes to the Bilderberg meetings, meets privately
with David Rockefeller and as I mentioned earlier with Michael Bloomberg with Ted Turner who's given money and set up a foundation at the United Nations for population control for eugenics and here's some of those headlines here meeting of America's richest about quote need attendees says
Mind you, that's the paid propaganda of ABC News, while the London Times has the headline that is more telling, Billionaire Club and Bid to Curb Overpopulation.
But we have clips of Bill Gates talking about how his father was the head, he was on the National Board for Planned Parenthood, which is not only abortion but outright eugenics.
And I also have a Salon.com article from 1998
Only about two years after he set up his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the foundations that preceded it, headline, is Bill Gates a closet liberal?
And they detail how Bill Gates' father was involved in Planned Parenthood, but furthermore, Bill Gates gave money to biotech investments, setting up a new
I don't know.
And on and on.
And they also talk about, in the article, how he joins the ranks of people like Buffett, Turner, and Rockefeller, who are explicitly into population control.
The article reads in part, whatever you call it, population control or family planning, it's not just a billionaire fad for the Gates family.
So he's deeply into this issue is what I'm saying.
Well, that clip that I played at the very beginning of that report where you hear his voice, he actually says, Philanthropy in the U.S.
has other countries beat because we're able to try out innovative things, although with a very high failure rate, with enough of a success rate to come up with some big breakthroughs.
So he's trading.
It's trading off this huge high failure rate, whatever that means, for a few big breakthroughs.
Well, he believes the experts, those with money, those in control, should set the agenda.
And again, under collectivism, under the Fabian Socialists, under the Bloomberg nanny state model, should tell us how to behave, and even how many children to have, and even whether or not we get to live or die.
Death panels.
There's a clip where he talks about death panels.
But we talk all the time about Bill Gates' father being head of Planned Parenthood.
People don't believe us because they can't read anymore.
We have that clip.
Can you guys pull that up?
Is that clip ready?
Bill Gates' father.
Can we please play it?
This is Bill Gates in 2003 with Bill Moyers.
The issue that really grabbed me as urgent was issues related to population, reproductive health.
But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual?
When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various
Uh, volunteer things.
My dad was, uh, head of Planned Parenthood.
And it was very controversial, uh, to be involved with that.
Now Planned Parenthood, again, abortion's been turned into a wedge issue, but it's a form of genocide which has been targeted at specific ethnic neighborhoods, at people considered undesirable, people who frankly don't have the wealth to protect themselves with bodyguards or otherwise, as these billionaires do.
Well, on one hand, you have people who say, well, some of the people in poor neighborhoods wouldn't have access to these kinds of health care for women.
But what we've actually seen is that back in the beginning of Planned Parenthood, it was started by a known eugenicist, Margaret Sanger.
She's on record going to KKK meetings and talking about human waste in reference to poor people, in reference to minority populations.
And even today, the majority of Planned Parenthoods are in high minority neighborhoods.
So that's where they are.
And we have MAFA 21 that exposes that in detail.
Of course, the Rockefellers funded Margaret Sanger from the beginning.
We'll be back.
Stay tuned tonight.
Infowars Nightly News.
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We're back at Infowars.com, end of the show here, but we're going to go back to the rest of that report.
You have no idea how people are working around the clock to get clips working, to finish edits.
It's very stressful.
We're trying to bring you the best news.
The reason Bill Gates, his foundation, the Rockefellers are so important is this whole system of collectivism.
Where they tell us, under the New World Order, we're going to control you through technology, tell you what's best, we're going to analyze things and make decisions on who lives and dies, what kind of food you can eat, but we decide your freedom is gone.
Let's go back to that clip.
And so the access that used to be available to the middle class or whatever is just rapidly going away.
That's a trade-off society is making because of very, very high medical costs.
And a lack of willingness to say, you know, is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off?
Those 10 teachers, that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
And he's also announced that the goal of vaccines is to reduce the population by 10 to 15 percent.
So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
That's back from high school algebra.
But let's take a look.
First, we've got population.
The world today has 6.8 billion people.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
So what does it matter if 48,000 children suffered permanent neurological damage and were paralyzed if it's in the name of philanthropy?
But the problem is these vaccines have actually been shown to cause the very diseases they're supposed to prevent.
Bill Gates is a billionaire technocrat obsessed with population control and the idea that vaccinating the world is doing, in his words, God's work.
But who's God and at what cost?
Trading lives for lives?
What kind of world is that?
When we devalue one human life, we devalue everyone's life.
For InfoWars Nightly News, I'm Melissa Melton.
Polio, the whole idea is to reduce to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
And that's the rest of the report.
Again, you'll see it again tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News up at YouTube.
Melissa Melton, you had a lot of points you wanted to make.
We didn't have time.
Well, I mean, it's just, if I went into your house and I permanently brain damaged your child and paralyzed him forever, I would go to prison, and rightfully so.
This man can hide behind his cutesy organizations and initiatives with all of his billions of dollars and paralyze tens of thousands of children, and it's fine?
Nothing happens?
It makes no sense.
And even if we see that vaccines are safe and effective and the most wonderful thing, it's saving lives, like he says, even though obviously on record they are not.
But even if we did, how is
Pushing one old lady out in front of a bus to save the life of another old lady, okay.
You know?
It's not.
It's rationing care and it's trying to do these trade-offs.
Well, you made all the points in your video.
Well, it's that, and also looking further into Bill Gates, this is just a few things I wanted to mention to our audience.
He's got a thing called Great Challenges, and he gives out money to different professors and scientists all across the country for different sets of initiatives that he wants them to fulfill.
And here's just a few of the things that I found in looking that he's funding right now.
Vaccinating fetuses, vaccines through rice, genetically engineered rice that has a vaccine in it.
Edible vaccines.
It goes on and on.
He funds all kinds of stuff.
We're out of time.
Rebroadcast, Alex Jones ahead, Paul Joseph Watson.
But make sure you watch the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Melissa Melton hosting.
Stay tuned for rebroadcast.
Get the word out.
Ladies and gentlemen, save the republic.