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Filename: 20130219_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 19, 2013
2527 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm always having such an incredible brainstorm.
Once I get off the radio each day, until late at night, and then as soon as I wake up in the morning, and then before I get on air here, reading the news, watching video clips, thinking about all the points I want to make on each little issue.
That is why I am a frustrated researcher.
I am a frustrated person who is trying to glean reality.
Because even though I focus my full intellect on it, it just becomes more fantastic by the day.
And then I see the general public taught to not even care about reality and just accept the tiny false spectrum projected by the masters of culture through the television set and then regurgitated out through other mediums.
It is truly mind-blowing.
Max Keiser on central banks buying the most gold that they've ever purchased in modern history is going to be joining us on that and a host of other economic issues.
He's predicted that you're going to see financial meltdown by the end of April.
An accelerated meltdown.
We're also going to get Wayne Madsen, formerly of the National Security Agency.
He's a journalist, of course, who's written for most of the major publications in the country.
He has waynemadsenreport.com.
I saw a story like this in the Daily Mail.
Former airline pilot and conspiracy theorist shot dead his two teenage children and his dog before turning the gun on himself.
And from what I know about Philip Marshall, he was tied into black ops and stuff.
And he wrote a book about Saudi intelligence involvement in 9-11, which they certainly were.
15 of the 19 hijackers from Saudi Arabia.
And he said that he was fearing for his life, but magically he reportedly shot his children.
He reportedly shot himself in the children, but he was fearing for his life.
Kind of like Gary Webb caught people breaking into his house, the Pulitzer Prize winner for Dark Alliance on CIA drug trafficking, and then got shot twice in the head.
One shot blew his jaw off where it was hanging by one connection, blew the mandible partially off, shot him in the side of the head with a shotgun.
And then they shot him, shot him in the back of the head.
So he obviously put up a fight, I guess, there at the end.
And the police immediately just said, oh, it's normal to shoot yourself twice.
I have another article here.
Out of the London Telegraph, police hunt two men after oil chief assassinated in Brussels, the European head of ExxonMobil.
That's arguably the biggest corporation in the world.
I know they say Walmart or Apple are, but ExxonMobil, when it comes to real power, is the top dog from my research.
Rex Tillerson, I think, still at its head, a Rockefeller-owned subsidiary.
Exxon Mobil.
And you gotta love this article.
Police are hunting for two men after a British executive working for the oil company Exxon Mobil was shot dead in front of his wife in the street in an assassination-style killing.
And the police within minutes of Nicholas Mockford, 60, said, oh, no, we don't think it was an assassination.
With motorcycle helmets, shot him three times execution style, punched his wife in the face when she tried to save him.
Jumped on the... that's trained killers.
Only killers that are paid to kill.
They have to pay extra for her to get killed.
Jumped on the motorcycle.
Probably, probably the police, usually who... really good governments and, you know, who are good at killing people and corporations actually hire the local hit team as the police.
Belgium police, though, have imposed a news blackout.
Well, because they've got to protect their officers.
I'd say they're the prime suspects, the way they're behaving.
After Nicholas Mockford, 60, was shot as he left an Italian restaurant in Niederover-Himbeek, a suburb of the capital.
He was shot execution style three times twice and they hit the ground and then once in the head Once he lay on the ground after leaving the Marcellio restaurant There at about 10 p.m.
So had his last meal and they're like instantly
We Breitbarted him.
Why don't they just say, like, Boutros Boutros Ghali, you know, claimed that the Pakistani president had fallen and hit her head.
Remember that?
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, the 19th day of February, 2013.
And I am blessed to be above ground.
I'm here to tell you, every day above ground is a good day.
Isn't it, Tony?
To quote Scarface, we are live, ladies and gentlemen.
And we're going to get into why the mega banks and ultra rich are buying gold at record levels, while busily telling the public to dump theirs.
We're going to look at the acceleration in the currency war that the G20 has been talking about with Max Keiser, always informative, always a popular guest.
In the third hour today, Wayne Madsen, former NSA officer, syndicated columnist,
He's got intel.
There's all sorts of political assassinations going on.
Meanwhile, police hunt for two men who killed the European head of Exxon Mobil execution style.
They say they don't think it's foul play, just a mugging or something.
That's why they killed him execution style.
It didn't steal anything.
Author and former intelligence contract pilot accused in murder-suicide.
Wayne's investigated that.
And says that it looks like he was taken out.
He was an author exposing Saudi intelligence involved in 9-11.
So he went bye-bye.
And you really learn who has the power when you're in the media and you criticize somebody like the Saudis.
And there's instant repercussions.
You put a YouTube video up criticizing him and within minutes YouTube bans it.
And puts a strike on you.
You really learn who's got a lot of power.
British royalty doesn't like being criticized either.
You know, they advertise all day that they don't have any power.
The opposite is the case.
Okay, here's the deal.
Let me just mention some of the headlines.
We'll see if I can do it without plunging into the first or second story I get into.
But we are going to roll through a lot of news today in the hour and a half or so before our guest joins us.
Breitbart has now gone in and totaled up, and so has WorldNetDaily, totaled up, we've been saying 1.75 billion bullets, 1,750,000,000.
Sorry, it's now over 2 billion bullets, but that has not stopped AP implying that I'm making this up.
But it doesn't matter.
They can try to shoot down the messenger.
The information is getting out there.
Why has the government bought enough bullets for a 24-year war in Iraq?
The troops used 5 million bullets a month at the height of the Iraq war.
So breaking those numbers down, it's enough for a 24-year Iraq war.
And that's just... Oh, I'm sorry.
Breitbart did the actual numbers crunching.
In the last 12 months, it's over 2 billion.
If you count what went back before that,
Because I've just been adding up what I've seen in the news.
I was saying 1.75 billion.
And as usual, it's worse than I said.
So, actually, it's true I am inaccurate.
It's worse than I said, which is the case almost every time.
Oh boy, okay, so there's that.
Meanwhile, a Seattle Times, they're saying, oh a misstep, we want to do home inspections, you know, and they have a bill to ban semi-autos.
And that's freak people out, the police will be coming in your house.
So they're saying we need to get the guns incrementally.
That's an article called Misstep and Gun Bill Could Defeat the Effort.
So they're very upset at themselves.
They're like, hey, we gotta sneak up on these people.
We don't want to have an open fight with them that were tyrants.
All gun shows halted in Maryland County.
They tried that in Travis County, named after...
William Barrett Travis, if you can believe that or not, right here in Austin, where I live, the county, they tried to ban having a gun show, period, even on private property.
That sounds like San Francisco next is banning gun shops in the city.
So there you go.
All gun shows halted.
No gun shows allowed.
WTOP television.
Here's another one we're going to be getting into along that front.
Mother of Virginia boy who was arrested over toy gun criticizes case and handling and she says, how is a toy orange gun
Brandishing a weapon when all he did was say, let's go after school and play with our toy guns.
My goodness, we all play with guns, toy guns at school.
And this is the mind control that we're dealing with as a society.
He has a probation officer.
And they're going ahead.
They're going ahead with the trial because the mother won't plead and put him on probation.
And they're going to put a jury up there and tell him he's guilty, a ten-year-old, of felony brandishing.
And they're trying to send him to Juvenile Hall.
You can go read the articles there.
They're very, very, very proud of this.
Ten-year-old arrested for toy gun as probation officer, lawyers, and second court date.
Could end up in permanent criminal record.
Could end up in jail is the goal.
He'll go to criminal college now at 10.
And people are like, well this is injustice.
That's the whole point.
I mean, if you can arrest a parent and give them $500 tickets or whatever for their 3-year-old urinating in the yard, do it!
If you can tell the jury this is brandishing of a weapon, it doesn't matter the statute has to say that it is a real weapon.
It doesn't matter the jury is so stupid and the judge is so evil and the prosecutor is so evil.
I see cases every day reading the news where people are sent to jail and spend hard time, hard time, in state pens and federal pens for things that aren't illegal.
Because the public doesn't know which end is up.
We're in a lot of trouble here.
And admitting this can reverse things.
Would you like a case point example of people doing hard time for things that aren't illegal?
I can give you a lot of them.
I bet you can think of some.
Last time I checked, it's now 16 states, it was just 14 a few months ago, that arrest people for filming police in public aggressively and charge them with wire tapping, which is illegally taping someone on their own property or tapping into a wire, which is what the government's doing with the smart meters and all the rest of it to show the hypocrisy and the paradox there and the hilarity of it if it wasn't so serious.
And there are people serving three, four, five year prison sentences all over the U.S.
Hundreds of them in Illinois.
The Chicago Tribune's done a bunch of reporting on it, saying it's a good idea, by the way.
And they even tried to put people in jail for life.
The state has actually put briefs in at the county level saying, yes, we want these individuals in jail for life.
For life.
For life!
One guy, it was five charges, 15 years apiece.
Now there it is, Massachusetts man charged with wiretapping for recording cops.
Guys, it's making me mad.
I can't remember the name of the guy.
Type in, man faces life in prison for filming police or taping police Illinois.
We've had him on, I just wanted to... And they had five consecutive 15-year sentences.
And they were having a real case when the state attorney came down to the county and they said, we really want this precedent.
Life in prison.
Now imagine the off-the-chart North Korean tyranny of that.
The off-the-chart that Michael Allison was his name, that's right.
There it is, Man Faces Life in Jail for recording police.
Then after he beat him in court, they would drive back by his house and pull up in his yard.
He lives on the edge of town and fixes classic cars.
He's like a rockabilly, but the real deal.
And, you know, making money on fixing up 57 Chevys.
It turned out they wanted a bunch of the cars.
Hauled them off his junk.
They were so valuable.
And so now they'll pull by and get out in his yard, and when he films them, they arrest him again.
Because they don't care.
They want life in prison, okay?
You are going to take your cars, you're going to prison for life.
And the state attorney came down and said, we want this precedent, judge.
Do not throw this out.
We want life in prison.
And the judge got so much pressure, he dismissed the case.
So they've now gone and tried to arrest him again with new filings.
Imagine, some guy with no criminal record in overalls,
Who fixes plastic cars, no criminal record, lives in the house his parents had, a junkyard behind it, and this guy, out in the country, films police taking his cars away until he faces life in prison.
That's America!
We have another clip today of a little girl crying.
The TSA tells the two-year-old, you can't have your dolly.
Men in uniforms are taking the two-year-old away.
I mean, my kids see cousins and uncles they haven't seen in a while, you know, when they're little and hide behind you, you know, and are scared at first.
That's normal instinct.
Imagine you're at a big bright lights.
People walk over.
They're going to grab your two-year-old.
They've got the dolly.
And they said, please, can they have, whatever Dolly's name was, it's in the article, it's like Binky or something.
When will you take her away to Frisker?
Can she have Binky?
And the woman's like, that's illegal to film me!
That's it!
Got a new video today.
Of course, it's not illegal to film.
I mean, that's why my wife's like, uh, I want to fly, I'm sick of this, I want to go places.
And I'm like, listen, what are you going to do when they grab our small daughter and drag her off?
I mean, they're going to target me at the Austin airport.
They do.
I mean, I walk up, they go, oh, Alex, okay, uh, you know, I mean, they all know who I am.
I'm going to go to a place where people are going to target my kids and drag them off.
And if they cry, it's all over folks.
They'll arrest little kids for crying.
That's evil.
You got peanut butter, they'll arrest you for terrorism.
It's all about... See, I'm not joking.
Life in prison for filming police in Illinois.
Now see, that's how my brain works.
That's why I get so frustrated, is I read an article about the mothers going, this is an overcharge.
You're going to put him in jail?
A 10 year old?
He's a good kid?
Had an orange toy gun in his backpack on the bus and said, let's go play cops and robbers?
And now the prosecutor's throwing the book at him?
The mother doesn't even know that it's not illegal.
And that they falsely charged and falsely applied the penal code
Of the Virginia state law.
He didn't brandish a weapon.
It has to be a weapon for brandishment.
It's a 10-year-old.
It's not applicable.
It doesn't matter.
He's, listen, he is prey.
This is the new slavery, is to get you in the criminal justice system, to get you in the welfare system, or to get you working for a megacorporation where they control you.
The name of the game is control.
Now I got through about five, six stories.
When we come back, the top stories.
The demonization of the Tea Party goes into ultra, ultra high gear.
Folks, WWE creates racist wrestler to demonize the Tea Party, and guess who he's a fan of?
Alex Jones.
On WWE, they're really getting desperate.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north and thrust your soul
Coming up in the next segment, I'll get to WWE creates racist wrestler to demonize Tea Party.
They say that the racist, because he's not just against open borders, he then says ridiculous things and his manager does, Jake Swagger.
The former real wrestler and football player and then they go out and say ridiculous things to demonize and I've been getting calls about this for a while but Watson actually got sent one of the clips and it has it has between 14 and 15 million viewers a week so to give you an idea that's something like 25-30 times the size of Piers Morgan's audience
People say, oh, wrestling, that's fake.
Nobody believes that.
I'd say about half the wrestling fans, I grew up in Dallas, Texas, folks, around it all, okay?
Oh, really?
You know, I'd go to the shopping mall, there'd be the Von Erics there, everybody yelling and screaming, running after them.
I'd say about half the kids in my neighborhood thought it was real.
And then they'd, you know, get to be teenagers and pile drive some neighbor kid and put him in a coma.
That actually happened.
They had to ban wrestling at the school during the lunch recess because people were body slamming each other.
They're like, I don't understand, they do it on TV!
It's like, hey, Bubba, you know, some redneck kid who just picked up some little kid and body slammed him.
Hey, it isn't real.
You body slam somebody like that, you kill them.
And watching shows the Twitter feeds, it was like, we'll get him, we'll get Alex Jones, these racist filth.
And it's meant to create, and then of course he battles the guy with the Mexican flag and Mexico wins.
He's the villain, see?
And he likes Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Glenn Beck.
We have all these clips coming up.
We're gonna get you evil Mexicans!
I love Alex Jones!
I mean, and it's because Vince McMahon's a big Republican, so is his wife, ran for Senate.
You've got, I'm already covering this I guess, you've got, I'm gonna get more to it in the next segment.
You've got his wife again running for Senate.
You've got Karl Rove demonizing the Tea Party, demonizing constitutionalist libertarians.
I mean, if you're not left of linen, Karl Rove doesn't like you now.
And so it's a full-on attack.
I mean even old line neocon style conservatives like Rush Limbaugh are being demonized by the Republican Party.
And Glenn Beck is being demonized.
And of course you know I am because what's happening is I'm pulling those guys more towards the Constitution and Bill of Rights and away from all this left right business.
I mean look I can't go to Mexico and get free health care.
I can't go to Mexico and get anything.
Mexico's got 110 million people in Mexico, 30 million Mexicans here that aren't U.S.
That's a conservative number.
The media says it's 15 million.
It's more than double that.
And they have been taught racial ideology attached to the socialism and collectivism of the Democratic Party.
And the Republican Party leadership is the very same megacorporations that want the cheap labor.
And this is part of a program.
And so it's now time
To just get rid of the borders, part of the North American Union that Bush signed.
With Vicente Fox, the Mexican President and the Canadian President back in 2005, just north of me in Waco, Texas at Baylor University.
And by the way, the treaty was secret for about three years, till Judicial Watch sued to get the Banff Canada meetings in 2007.
Took us two and a half years.
And these are on Judicial Watch's website.
They're in my film, Endgame.
And they had a copy of the treaty in the minutes of that meeting, and so they got the treaty.
And it's to get rid of the borders, only allow certain development zones and multinational corporations to operate who will be tax-exempt.
You and I will not be tax-exempt.
I have articles about that today, about Obama's development zones.
They're not Obama's development zones, they're the New World Order's development zones.
That's why the Republicans won't stop this.
And they've made it now a racial pride, Mexico.
See, Mexico's allowed to have its nationalism, the U.S.
But the globalists are just set-piecing to bring both countries down into each other, into a larger, global, corporate, colonized system.
And it will destroy the Mexicans, it will destroy Americans, I don't care what color or what, you know, quote, culture you come from.
And that's the mastermind stroke of the globalists.
I've got articles today where the top 100 corporations are totally tax-exempt.
Of course, that's on record as well.
The mega-families are tax-exempt.
Zuckerberg and his public offerings have been given over just a massive amount of money tax-exempt on their public offering.
It is incredible.
That's the real discrimination.
They're setting up inland ports that are tax-exempt, but your company isn't.
See, it's all about selective enforcement.
And meanwhile, all we're talking about is racial stuff.
And they're imploding the two countries into each other.
I'm going to cover this when we get back.
Then the incredible U.N.
news and the city of L.A.
says they're going to have me arrested.
I'm going to tell you about that.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones. 50,000!
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live transmitting worldwide.
Okay, let me just try to, as quickly as I can, get through this WWE thing and explain why it's so important.
And then I'm going to move into all the other world news.
And little important tidbits like this.
CBS News.
Artificial sweeteners tied to obesity, type 2 diabetes.
Gee, I've just been saying that for 17 years on air because they're studies.
It's not like I just put a doctor's
White coat on, and say that I know this, but they spin it like, oh well, it's artificial sweeteners.
And it says, high intensity sweetener changes metabolic response.
Yeah, if it's tricking your taste buds, it's doing other things.
And then it just goes into how it's screwing people up.
Have you ever noticed when you're at the shopping mall or whatever, the most obese people, who I feel sorry for, self-propelled stomachs, are drinking
Diet Cokes.
Well, this is now in thousands.
Let's be conservative.
It's over 10,000 foods when I've had experts on about it.
Over 10,000 foods in the US alone have this.
Every sugared gum you look at doesn't even say...
We'll have it.
I'm challenging you.
You have to mail order gum that doesn't have it.
I mean, it's very hard to find.
And it's a fact it causes macular degeneration.
It destroys sperm counts, gives you cancer, brain damage.
I mean, it breaks you down, for heaven's sakes, into wood alcohol.
And listen, you don't have to be a quantum physics mechanic to know that wood alcohol, you know, if you drink too much of it in one sitting, makes you go blind or die.
Now, do you think it's not a good idea to be eating wood alcohol?
Drinking wood alcohol?
I don't know.
Is that a good idea?
Of course, poisons are very addictive.
So, it's a drug.
And so, of course, they put a drug, a toxic drug, where it addicts you, where you won't use other products.
And so that's why all the gum products, and now a lot of the sugar candy has it, because, well, no one will ever eat the other sugar candy or gum again, or chew it, if they don't have the poison.
So they've got to compete.
And so it's in basically everything now.
See, this is just one little article here.
I've got other major studies out about television, lowering IQ, and the more television you watch, the more criminal you're apt to be, and they say they don't know why.
Well, it's not just the medium of television, it's that it's so degenerate what's on television.
Simulated murders, rape, death, everybody cheats on their wife, everybody cheats on their husband, everybody has a gay affair on the side, everybody is stealing at work, everybody's a bum, everybody's a joke, all men are bad role models, everybody gives up, everybody gives in, anybody who cares about liberty is a piece of filth terrorist.
The message is anti-human because the globalists want us screwed up so they can take over our society.
That's some of the news I've got there as well.
Now, the minute... I've been hearing about this, but I just didn't have time to track it down, that I'd been, hey, Alex, they've been trashing you on WWE.
I saw that on YouTube comments.
I saw it in a letter that was mailed here, and I'm just like, WWE, you know, worldwide wrestling, that doesn't even enter my brain, okay?
I mean, I just remember being 10 years old over at neighbor's houses watching Kabuki, you know, fight the Von Ericks or whatever, and being, you know, and the kids saying, I'm going to beat you up if you don't say it's, you know, real.
And then the neighbor kid punches you, and then you punch them, and then their parents throw you out of the house and say you're never invited back over again.
I mean, I remember dealing with people.
And so the minute Watson, I called Watson about 6 a.m.
this morning when I got up and got on the computer, Paul Watson, six hours ahead over in England, head of PrisonPlanet.com, and really the morning editor of Infowars.com, the workhorse, the number one workhorse of the operation, after myself, and I call Watson up at 6 a.m.
and I go, what you got going on?
And he said, well, do you know that Jack Swagger, the villain of the WWE, he said there's a bunch of videos.
I'm going to do a quick report on it.
They get up there and discredit the Tea Party with Gadsden flags and say really ridiculous stuff like, you know, all Mexicans are bad.
I love Alex Jones.
And his manager has a Yosemite Sam voice, like, White Rabbits!
But instead it's like, White Mexicans!
But I love me some Alex Jones!
Oh, you Mexican!
I love Rush Limbaugh!
That's absolute!
And I said, Watson, when you write this article, the comments are going to be, it's just entertainment!
What's the big deal?
On a bad day, it's got 14 million viewers.
14 million viewers.
On a good day, Piers Morgan has half a million.
The Piers Morgan thing was big because it got picked up on hundreds of outlets.
Jay Leno, you name it.
But Piers Morgan, half a million.
WWE, 14 million.
14 million with an audience of up to 50,000 people in there watching.
And some people go because it's a joke.
I totally get it.
I've thought about going to it for entertainment purposes.
You know, I just went to a monster truck deal.
I mean, it's fun to do that.
It's a big joke for most people.
But for a lot of people, WWE, it's not a joke.
And now their demographics are about half.
I saw this in the Wall Street Journal last year.
About half the WWE attendees and viewers are Hispanic.
Okay, so, because it's big down in Mexico, the whole fake wrestling thing.
They have a Jack Black movie about that.
You know, where a Catholic priest goes and becomes one.
So, it's big, okay?
And so, the new audience, and now I've learned it's not just Jack Swagger.
Most of the white people are now going to be idiot bad people who are racist and hate Hispanics, and then get defeated by guys with Mexican flags.
That's right.
Jack Swagger, we've got to do a whole video piece on this, he comes out every night and fights a Mexican guy with a Mexican flag who then defeats him.
Oh, I hate some Mexicans!
And then he gets beat up.
I mean, wow.
And that's Vince McMahon, who's a big establishment Rhino Republican.
He's a billionaire with his form of theater, men in tights, ballet.
And all of this is going on.
He got about, you know, a large portion of the audience that thinks it's real.
I've known adults that'll call in and go, it's real.
No, no, it's real.
It's real.
And I'm like, really?
I've seen somebody body slammed who was in a coma.
I mean, this is not real.
I'll assure you, grown men who are six foot eight, pounding each other in the face one time, blood's gonna be pouring everywhere.
No it ain't!
But almost all these folks have never been in a real fight.
They're like little arrested development, toddling pot bellies, you know, who are like, we're gonna go to them.
They're white, Hispanic, black.
It's like, it's the same.
They look the same.
They act the same.
Let's go watch the big guy fight!
It's real!
It's real!
I mean, most of them have got about 80 IQs.
They're borderline.
I mean, I'm very sad about this.
It's just a fact.
Okay, you got people that are there to laugh at it, and then you've got people there that think it's real.
And you don't really go to watch the wrestlers.
I know folks that are into this.
Billy Corrigan, you know, puts on wrestling and, you know, it's a big joke and fun for him, you know, the Smashing Pumpkins guy.
I'm going to get him back on, by the way, when he's out for South by Southwest.
The point is, is that if it's entertainment, that's great, but you've got the people there who don't understand half the audience is there to laugh at you.
You are the entertainment.
All right.
I'm digressing.
Let me just get to this and then get to all the other news.
Now, you've got in the last week,
CNN and Atlantic Wire, and others, both saying that I said the United States attacked Russia with secret space weapons, with a meteorite, when I said it was a comet or a stone meteorite.
Now the Russian government has officially said they've studied pieces of it.
They believe it was a rock and snow comet.
That's why it burned that bright, is the water will actually burn when it heats up like that.
I was correct as usual.
Not hard to know.
It could be a stone meteorite.
It could be a
Iron ore or nickel meteorite, or it can be what they call a comet, but they have another technical name for it that's escaping me.
Hold on, I even printed it up this morning from memory.
Yes, here it is.
The object was identified as a solitary 10-ton bolide, which is in the comet family.
We put articles out saying it's a comet or a stone meteorite.
On record, these other pieces are spurs.
That's why I think it was a stony and not a bolar, or a polar, or whatever they call it.
The point is, is that all this is going on.
They put out a report saying that
Well, I can show you the article.
They're like, yeah, our analysis is Alex will be Alex.
There he goes again saying the U.S.
attacked Russia with space weapons.
And then CNN the same day as last Friday, yeah, Alex Jones supports Dorner, the cop killer.
Yeah, he's a problem, isn't he, man?
Loving dead cops.
There's cops watching, seeing him going, Alex Jones wants to kill cops.
He likes Dorner.
When I was getting criticized for saying Dorner, if the story was true, is a monster, killing people's children to get at them.
That's the worst thing you can do.
That's no hero.
That's not a vigilante.
You don't kill somebody because you saw a cop beat somebody up and they didn't get fired, allegedly.
I'm sure there was more going on.
Doesn't matter what I really said.
Because CNN and MSNBC and all these other outfits are preying on their audience just like Vince McMahon and his establishment Republican wife.
And so you and I, who know how silly this is, we're sitting there watching this going, this is ridiculous.
But you imagine, folks, this is what's taught in Mexico, where they hand out maps about how to get to the U.S.
They teach the Southwest belonged to Mexico.
Yeah, it did for about 20 years.
Belonged to the Russians, belonged to Spain, belonged to the French.
No one could hold it.
Western settlers came in and were able to hold it.
That's what happened.
It's the six flags of Texas.
But the point is, they teach, you're poor because America took Texas and California.
No, you're poor because you never got out from under colonialism and never had a 1776.
I want Mexico to be free.
I want Mexico to be prosperous.
But there is a virulent
Anti-American, anti-white system pushed in Mexico.
Let's just be honest about it.
And now in Spanish media, owned by globalists, owned by white guys predominantly, they teach it in the dramas, the sitcoms, everywhere.
My wife speaks Spanish.
She grew up in Spain.
She goes, look at that billboard.
Listen to that radio.
I mean, when I first married her, she didn't really know about all this stuff.
She's like, oh, are you kidding?
And then she sees Mexican, you know, grocery stores about for those in the race, you're welcome to come in the Raza, you know, low Raza, those in the race, everything, those outside the race, nothing.
This is Ku Klux Klan stuff.
I've gone and protested the Ku Klux Klan.
Why is it acceptable to have this where they have a fake white guy play the part of discrediting wanting to have sovereignty and wanting to have the same rules on immigration that Mexico has that are, well not even the same, theirs are draconian, and the idea of you don't totally give in to the globalists for a North American Union that won't help Mexico.
NAFTA and GATS destroyed them as well.
And then you get all the Mexican drug gangs, and almost 60,000 dead in the last few years, and all of this, and then all this racial identity, when you can't have nationalism or racial identity in America, period, if you're white.
And you're told all day how white people are inherently bad, and Arabs are saying, ban the Lego Star Wars set.
Jabba the Hutt's supposed to be an Arab.
It's racist.
It had nothing to do with Arabs.
But it's not meant to make sense.
It's meant to put you on the defensive, and then also make you become racially based, so the globalists can then play us off against each other, just like when they have a prison.
America is the model of a prison.
America is the model of a prison.
Where they have the Asian gangs, the Mexican gangs, the Latino gangs that have been separated from each other.
You have several blocks of the black gangs and the white area.
And they're all racially motivated.
And if you don't get the Nazi tats, you're going to be gang raped the first day if you get in a serious penitentiary.
You will join the Nazis and probably bend over for them.
Or you're going to be knifed to death.
And the jail guards run the operation and bring drugs into them to sell.
That's the same thing.
You will join the black gang or you're going to be knifed that day and, you know, everything else.
You will join the Mexican gang.
This is how they want culture set up.
The Romans divided Rome, the city of Rome, up into districts and played the groups off against each other and then had a stronger militarized brigade over the city that controlled them.
This is ancient great game imperial management systems.
And so imagine, you've got the Republican leadership saying how dare the Tea Party not want a totally open border and total socialism and to turn their guns in.
And you've got Karl Rove out there saying that.
And then you've got Karl Rove attacking Alex Jones, now even Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck.
You know, coming out saying, these groups are bad, these groups are radical, let us run things, the new Republican Party, you'll lose if you don't do this, you'll lose if you don't go along with this.
And they've got scripted, because I know people at WWE, it's all scripted and approved what they say, what they do.
It's all choreographed for a full four or five days ahead of time, word for word, and approved by the control freak, Vince McMahon.
So you're seeing scripted every week, Jack Swagger, we're going to play some of this after the break, running around saying, and his manager saying, every problem is the Mexicans, which is just obviously ridiculous and racist.
America's perfect if it wasn't for the illegal aliens!
And mixing the two together.
And the commentators are like, yeah, Jack Swagger gets that Alex Jones fan mail.
Limbaugh likes him too.
And you're like, well, it's just, it's a joke.
No, it's not.
The viewers out there watching it, mainly illegal aliens, about half their audience, are sitting there really believing it's real and really believing that I'm sending fan mail to Jack Swagger.
Okay, so, and it's everywhere.
It's sitcoms, it's dramas, it's four TV shows demonizing the former Founding Fathers and anybody that's a gun owner today saying we're racist, we're killers.
You talk about Kim Trails on a drama, you're sick of looking at Nerve Gas New York.
And of course it's not real, but you've got the general public, the yuppies, you've got yuppie shows, the hospital shows, you've got the wrestling shows.
For every demographic, and every demographic is, Alex Jones wants to kill cops.
Alex Jones likes
Christopher Dorner.
Alex Jones says America attacked Russia with a meteorite.
Alex Jones lied about bullets.
Alex Jones hates Mexicans.
Alex Jones, you see?
Who are they attacking?
And it's the Republican Party!
The Republican Party leadership, I mean he spent tens of millions.
How much did she spend running in the Senate?
It was some record number.
Is it 50, 60 million?
Look up how much McMahon's wife spent on her Senate run for him.
I think it was like 60 million or something, memory serves.
The point is,
She couldn't even get in, and so now they're just throwing themselves at the power structure's feet.
Look, we'll do whatever you say.
So now, on Mainline TV, nothing has 15 million viewers but the NFL now.
30 million viewers per show.
Super Bowl, 75 million.
She spent 100 million, that's New York Times, excuse me.
One, I guess when I saw the last number it was 60.
One hundred million dollars.
Trying to crawl up the hind end of the New World Order.
I mean, this is beyond brown dozing.
I'm sorry, that's what's going on here.
You witch bucket of pus!
And I'm telling everybody, boycott the WWE and the rest of it.
They are anti-American filth!
We're out there trying to imply anybody that wants sovereignty and doesn't want this country bankrupted.
Illegal aliens are being brought in here to vote to take our guns, folks.
I'd rather convert them and turn them over to liberty.
But let me tell you, that's not happening.
The globalists want the illegals here.
I don't want them here.
It's simple.
Globalists are for it, I'm against it.
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The article is up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And it's very important.
Everybody goes and sees it.
WWE creates racist wrestler to demonize Tea Party.
This is meant to demonize anybody that's pro-gun.
You name it.
And I'm going to get more into world news when we come back and then take your phone calls ahead of our next guest joining us.
But you know, aspartame and things really hits Hispanics worse than it hits anybody else the studies show.
But nobody's going to care about that in the Hispanic razzagribs about why is everybody dying or how they're sterilizing little Mexican children in Mexico.
That's in the news.
No, no, no, no, no.
It's just learn to hate white people because the globalists want to divide and conquer so they can attack everybody.
Let's go to Paul Watson's report on this travesty.
Here it is.
World Wrestling Entertainment has created an immigrant-bashing, Bill of Rights-loving, don't-tread-on-me-flag-waving, racist character who, according to WWE commentators, receives fan mail from Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck.
Jack Swagger and his manager Zeb Coulter appeared on Monday Night Raw last night and were booed by the audience as they talked about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and illegal immigration.
The state of our union is pathetic!
But real Americans are not to blame.
The blame lies solely on the shoulders of the millions and millions of people living in this country illegally.
Those people live in our country, but they don't have any qualms about taking our medical care, taking our jobs, our educations, and our freedom.
And here on President's Day, I think it's high time that we put a stop to it.
So then later in the show, the WWE commentators said that these two racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant hate figures received fan mail from none other than Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Alex Jones.
So here was some of the response on Twitter last night.
I've seen the WWE's crapping all over the Tea Party right now with the Jack Swagger gimmick.
Here's another one.
WWE promoting a racist, immigrant-hating Tea Party character versus a Mexican wrestler.
Unfortunately, not an all-time low, but top five low point.
So Swagger and Partner is racist and their match at WrestleMania is against a Mexican.
The WWE is back to being racist.
The real American against the wealthy Mexican who's fighting for the poor.
And it goes on.
So the WWE announcers just said Jack Swagger is like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.
They had a Don't Tread On Me poster.
So everybody was freaking out about this in the aftermath on Twitter.
So this is a continuation of the divide and conquer tactic of cultural subversion to manufacture racial division and to characterize the Tea Party, Conservatives, Libertarians, opponents of uncontrolled illegal immigration and Constitutionalists as racist extremist radicals who should be pushed to the fringes of the political discourse.
The rest of his video report and more videos up at Infowars.com.
Breaking all of this down.
But this is how desperate the system is.
They are targeting and trying to create division.
And it's like this in movies, dramas, everywhere.
White people are bad.
Anyone else is good.
Gun-owning Southerners.
Well, I mean, you've got Rangel saying we've got to overcome Southerners in the Constitution.
So, see, white people are taught, your badge, and whites are like, you're right, so they're beating themselves over the head with a baseball bat.
I'm scum, I'm filth.
And the system's like, by the way, we're in a race, we're gonna take over La Reconquista.
You gonna take that scumbag?
That's right.
And they script it, and it's put out by rich white Republicans who wanna gut this country.
Vince the Traitor McMahon.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, here's what's going to happen.
I'm going to news blitz through a bunch of headlines, which means I'll get to about two or three and then stop on one in the next segment.
Then we're going to take some phone calls, and Wayne Madsen's popping in for about 20 minutes, and I'll continue with calls, and then Max Keiser's joining us.
Google passes $800 billion in total value.
Government pink slips printed as Congress vacations.
Daring, mega high snits, 500 million in raw diamonds, another business visited by Obama closes, changes in tax structure, creating angst among the low, middle class, well yeah, it's designed to get rid of the, make the poor even poorer, get rid of the middle class, because Obama's a nice guy, I mean, he's not racist, he's, he's not, he's, you know, he's part, only half of him's racist, he's half white, that, but you know, still, he wouldn't lie to you, because he's liberal, I mean, he's,
USDA to illegal aliens.
Don't worry, food stamps won't affect citizenship chances.
Can I go to Mexico and get some food stamps?
No, but I'm a racist.
I don't even have a right to speak.
I mean, whites are the devil.
Russian foreign minister finally takes care of his call.
We're going to get into all that.
Kremlin accuses a Texas mother of killing adopted son.
Son trashes Ted Turner in race.
That's amazing.
Of course, I'm reading off the Drudge Report.
The really important news is Robert Plant hints he's open to Zeppelin reunion.
How are you going to do that without John Bonham?
Jason Bonham.
Well, you're John Bowne.
We'll call him Jason Bonham.
Yeah, John Bonham's son.
By the way, Robert Plant hints he's open to Zeppelin reunion.
See, they're talking to me sometimes.
That's why you'll hear me talking to myself.
Perhaps I need Prozac.
Perhaps I'm crazy.
So that's some of the news up at themightydrugreport.com.
Look at this headline.
Man burned to death.
May have spontaneously combusted.
And of course, Drudge was linked yesterday to our article about the announcement that yes, we're going to have drones for, quote, public safety reasons.
Unlike the surveillance cameras are for public safety, the TSA dragging your two-year-old away to a private room for personal inspection, that's for public
Safety, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's just some of the news that is up at DrugsReport.com.
Also, Colorado College advises vomiting or urinating to stop rapists.
That's actually better than scissors.
But I guess the liberals that wrote those policies think that normal people are as neurotic as them and can just vomit on command.
That does sound like some whacked out authoritarian that calls himself a liberal who can like projectile vomit on command like a semi-automatic vomit machine.
You're trying to rape me like you're a bird or something and you just vomit on somebody.
What about Homeland Security?
If someone starts shooting up your house or business, fight them off with scissors.
Scissors are okay, see, because that can't fight a tyrannical government.
Guns for self-defense, not good.
Plus, Senator John Allen retiring was nominee for NATO's Supreme Allied Commander post.
Yeah, they're purging the military at about one top brass a week.
Where she saw the last SecDef nominee, Hagel, saying that the military's not following Obama's orders and isn't under their New World Order control.
And the media, the left media, spun that like, oh, that means they're war hawks and Obama can't control them.
No, no, it's the opposite.
They don't want to attack Iran.
They don't want to be arming Al-Qaeda.
They've been saying no to all these new wars.
They've been saying no to false flags.
That's the real scoop.
Okay, we're going to come back and get into all of Obama's golfing, because, you know, you need to work harder so you can pay more taxes to the foreign banks.
All right, we are going to come back here, and there's also another report I need to get to at Dovetails with mainstream news admitting the Sweeteners are hurting people, the artificial sweeteners, about TV dumbing kids down.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There are mysterious deaths taking place, not just here in the United States, but all over the world.
Assassinations, fake suicides, you name it.
Police hunt for two men after oil chief, the European head of Exxon Mobil, executed in the streets of the Brussels capital.
And we're going to talk about how that ties into author and former intelligence contract pilot accused in murder-suicide.
That's their favorite way to kill you and your family and then blame it on you.
Absolutely the height of total wickedness.
That way they demonize whoever they assassinate.
I don't think so.
Uh, has a guy that tries to discredit the Tea Party, Jack Swagger, uh, and then his manager, uh, saying, you know, basically that if you don't have open borders, uh, you're a racist.
That's basically, they come out and put out ridiculous debates that are pro Tea Party
Meaning to demonize the Tea Party.
And again, that's a big Republican outfit broadcast on Fox Television and Sky Television in Europe.
And it's all tied to the Republican Party and Karl Rove to demonize, well, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck.
They have these guys say horrible things and then talk about what fans they are of Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh.
It's a big deal.
It's a big deal.
It's done for propaganda purposes.
WWE creates racist wrestler to demonize Tea Party.
Prominent American scientist calls for eco-dictatorship worldwide under UN rule.
A city of LA targets info wars over illegally posted signs.
This is a very important article because it shows the end of due process.
And you won't believe who's getting away with paying zero taxes.
All the middle class gets hammered.
All the big money is tax-exempt.
And then they lobby.
Gee, us rich people don't pay enough taxes.
Better raise them, because they get your money in banker bailout and corporate welfare.
Maryland County bans gun shows.
Pretty amazing information.
TSA screeners continue to lie to passengers about legality of recording at checkpoints.
And another big article.
Democrats introduced a bill to allow police to search homes of gun owners in Seattle.
Well, for the state of Washington itself.
And it just shows how draconian it is.
Fifteen, sixteen states now have bills introduced, Democratic Party supporting them, to physically ban all semi-autos.
But they're saying, hey, nobody wants your guns, it's a conspiracy theory.
Don't read the fine print.
Trust us, we're nice people.
We're liberals.
We're liberals.
Never mind those drones, never mind the checkpoints, never mind what we just bought.
They're now reporting, I'm sorry, I said 1.75 billion, that was the latest numbers I had.
I hadn't added all the purchases up.
World Net Daily and Breitbart have.
It's over, and I went and looked at it.
It's true.
It's $2 billion plus in the last just year.
It's not counting what they bought in 2011.
So, I've been underestimating.
I apologize.
Of course, the media says I made it up.
There's no bullets.
And they have fine print that I'm correct, but still I'm a conspiracy theorist.
It'd be like if somebody walked up and gave you
You know, 100-carat diamond for free, and it turned out it was a real diamond.
You know, you just say, oh, it's not real and throw it in the ditch, you know.
That's kind of how it works.
Let me go over some of this other news.
I've told you this about a hundred times, but here it is.
Childhood TV addicts more likely to commit crime.
Major study shows out of New Zealand, the University of Otago, tracked 1,000 children born in the 70s through to today.
And they found that much more likely to be involved in crime, violent mental illness, you name it.
And the reason that is, they don't know why,
Really, all the simulated violence and murder and killing, they're not real people, to a great extent.
They're biological programmed androids, as the globalists in the 40s said they would do with TV.
You can read the books written, I think one of them is The Five Arguments for the Abolition of Television.
I read that book many years ago, it was The Four Arguments, exposing how it was done.
Bernays talked about it.
I mean, it's on record that it's not even so much the medium
That's part of it, that it's a spectator thing.
But you just start seeing everything is not real.
And then through that medium, the murders, the death, the killings.
I mean, there's a reason almost every mass shooter has been a white, goth, devil worshipper, shoot-em-up, first-person video game head.
And I'm not persecuting goths.
I'm not saying you're all guilty.
I'm saying in a profile, can you argue with the fact?
They're programmed by the goth, devil, vampire, death culture that permeates the last 20 years.
That's artificially force-fed.
It's artificially force-fed.
And they play first-person shoot-em-ups.
They get depressed.
They're unhappy.
They're not climbing hills.
They're not getting in fistfights.
They're not catching fish.
They're not whitewater rafting down the rapids.
They're not getting turned down by a girl, but getting accepted by a girl.
They're not going through adversity.
Uh, they're not going to even, I even respect gangs that go to old-fashioned gang street fights, you know.
At least it's something real.
Not that I ever was part of anything like that, but the point is, is that, is that they've never lived in the real world, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, they are absolutely disconnected from reality.
And then, so the only reality is, mass shootings, death, murder, blood, Satanism, Harris, Kleibold.
About 9 out of 10 times, I've only found a few where they're not, they are into nihilistic death cult vampirism.
Hitler loving.
They're like, well these kids were Jewish, why'd they love Hitler?
Because it's the worst thing, you know, it's like preacher's daughters are well known to be the wildest thing you could ever imagine.
It's the old joke of, yeah I just moved to this small town, I want to find a hot date, I'm gonna go to church.
My dad used to tell me about that when I was a kid and I didn't believe him.
That's amazing.
You can go pick the preacher's daughter up in about 30 seconds.
And it's like the Jewish kids are into Hitler.
You know, the preacher's daughter is into doing crazy things in the back seat of the car.
But the issue is, is that that's what's happening.
These aren't real people anymore.
They're just programmed by what's the most shocking, what's the most evil, what thrills them.
They're attracted to darkness.
They're attracted to evil.
And, you know, I'm profiling where this comes from.
I mean, there's profiles, there's archetypes at the media programs.
White kids?
You're gonna be into vampires and goth and the occult.
Hispanic kids, you're going to be into hating white people who are the racist and the worst people on earth.
Black kids, you're going to be into gangbanging and killing each other.
Asian kids, you're going to be into computer programming.
I mean, the media is literally trying to put people into these boxes and these programmed areas.
I said I would give the number out and take calls, but what's the point?
I don't even know if I'll get to your calls if I do.
Let me continue here with some of the other headlines.
That's just one article out of literally about 150.
Oh, new Red Link.
DHS supplier provides shooting targets of American gun owners.
I wish Watson would have called me when he learned this.
Holy mackerel.
Company produces cardboard cutouts of non-traditional threats.
Pregnant women, elderly, and children.
See, I told you the Marines and Army would do these urban warfare drills where they practice shooting.
Wow, they're really getting ready.
Where they practice shooting human waves of U.S.
citizens, mainly dressed as Southerners, as rednecks.
White, urban people are okay.
It's white, rural, must be killed.
And I noticed that they used the zombie motif as a cover.
And now they have huge mass fire drills where the Army and the Marines, but also Naval,
Security and, uh, Air Force security practice mowing people down in John Deere hats and overalls but dressed up like zombies so then it's okay.
And the media goes, oh, they're having fun, they're practicing killing zombies!
But now they're being given non-traditional threats for the police of a little boy with a gun.
And a pregnant woman.
I'll never forget the Homeland Security AP, right after Homeland Security got set up in 2002.
They said, in our training, we train them that priests can't be trusted, or pregnant women, or men wearing blue jeans, or who have cell phones.
Oh, a mother with her child!
No more hesitation.
Young mother on playground.
Kill her.
This is just... See, I already knew this was going on.
Guys, print this for me.
Oh, you just handed it to me.
You know what?
I've got to get Watson.
Oh, a mother in her, uh, or a middle-aged woman in her robe in the bathroom.
Or is that the garage?
I gotta call Watson.
He probably has it in there.
He's so sharp.
But he should, he should point out they're now doing zombie killing raids again.
And then we can put Lynch to police at 2000 where it wasn't zombies.
And folks were like, you're practicing mowing down unarmed people who are rushing to a sign saying you can't take my guns or, or I, I want food.
No more hesitation.
Young, school-aged girl.
Yeah, see, that's to train cops in instinctive shooting where you don't think.
See, video games got developed by the Pentagon in the 60s because about half the troops wouldn't kill somebody up close.
And if you don't kill somebody up close, you become dead marine, to quote Full Metal Jacket.
You must hone your killer instinct.
You must kill him before he kills you!
Oh, the old good ol' boy with the 12-gauge shot.
I love how all these people are white.
Well, you know who needs to be dealt with.
I mean, it's the white people.
The new white Al-Qaeda.
All the training videos is minorities, who are the majority now, reporting on the whites.
The whites.
And now Gianna Politano says the number one threat is white people.
It's white gun owners!
It's not Al-Qaeda!
They- Globalists run them now!
It's white people!
They're going to kill us!
Look at that evil lady.
I mean, that is an evil white lady.
Can we see more of the evil whites, please?
Oh my gosh.
Man, I tell you, these will be popular at the- Oh, evil white man?
Good, get rid of him immediately.
No more hesitation.
The little- the little white kid?
Nothing worse than a little white kid.
Ah, hates white kids!
Nothing good.
Fill them full of lead.
Yosemite Sam's gonna commit suicide.
He's white and everybody knows he's bad.
He'll burn down the orphanage and shut down the old lady's home.
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See, everybody keeps wondering why every one of these mass shooters has been a first-person shooter video game addict.
In every case.
And they've been on serotonin reuptake inhibitors or other psychotropic drugs.
You mix those things together, they then, people then give in to the prevailing youth culture of devil worship and destruction, and then they think it's really cool to go kill little kids.
And then you've got other cases where it's not a goth, but more of a drugged out person they're using as a graduate student who's got a DARPA mind control $30,000 a year grant.
And then that, of course, is the Batman event.
And the media goes, why does Jones keep connecting shootings to the Batman after the fact and finding clues like Sandy Hook?
We said before the movie came out that it was going to be a trigger.
For events.
I recognize programming when I see it.
People say, well, how do you know?
It's like an eye of somebody who's into horses.
There's only a few of these guys out there who can go and tell you that's the stud horse you want to use, or that's the horse you want to race.
They're like, well, how do you know that?
I just, I watched him.
He's never been in a race before.
We were going to use him for stud.
I'm telling you, have that horse in there.
And they will tell us why.
I can't tell you why.
I've learned the enemy.
And everybody's been like the last few years, why does the military practice repelling zombie attacks and official drills?
Because they know you're weak-minded and the troops are weak-minded, and it's conditioning to mow down groups of unarmed Americans and to dehumanize us.
And you're like, wow, yeah, doesn't that make sense?
Of course that's what it is.
Because I know the whole psychology behind it.
I'm not smart, folks.
I've studied these people.
That's what's so frustrating is that they, in the 60s, they had pop-up targets for the troops of, okay, enemy, okay, non-enemy, okay, to try to get them to instinctively shoot from playing a game with a real firearm in a reactive situation, going through a building, so that when they went out to have a real firefight and the enemy popped up, they just saw a helmet, you kill them.
Now they have been trying to get everybody ready to just kill the average American.
So I've been to the urban warfare drills since 1997.
Let's not exaggerate.
I've probably been to 25 drills or so.
I've had footage sent to me from hundreds.
I've made four films about them.
And the Army and the Marines train with special units to test and create the leadership who were then sheep-dipped out to be cops, police chiefs and others a decade later.
We've tracked this pattern to who will kill people dressed up like my grandfather dressed on the farm.
Overalls, coveralls, John Deere hat.
This is America!
You can't... They take them down.
They shoot them.
They line them up.
And Marines that say, I'm not going to do this.
Well, they're just transferred out to hardcore combat and got a big vaccine lineup for you.
Hope you enjoy getting enough shots to kill an elephant.
Bye bye, Sergeant Johnson.
Of course, those taking part of it don't even see the compartmentalization.
Okay, and then they've created their giant army to do this, Brigade Homeland, which is a 378,000 auxiliary force, that's army times, three years ago, look it up, Brigade Homeland, starts to her, what is it, November 1st is the headline, and how they plan to beef it up to 370,000 plus by 2013, and now we're 2013, well that was 2011 or 2010 they said that.
And now the big, this isn't some little site, this is Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.
which touts themselves as one of the largest sellers of targets, industrial level, and look at the targets here.
No more hesitation, pregnant woman threat.
Punch this up for people here.
Company produces cardboard cutouts of non-traditional threats, pregnant women, elderly, and children.
Or we could punch it up on InfoWars.com if the computer isn't working.
A provider of realistic shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies for their 1.6, I'm sorry, now it's 2 billion bullets, has created a line of non-traditional threat targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds, guys, go have Weldon right now order a bunch of these.
I want to order a bunch of these right now for the shooting show as we go illustrate this.
And elderly American gun owners.
Oh, gotta take them out.
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.
is a 21-year designer and full service provider of training targets for the DHS and the Department of Homeland Security.
And of course, another law enforcement agency in another country.
Yeah, you don't want a Taliban figure or a bank robber figure or a bad guy figure.
No, no, no, no.
You know, the guy with the scruffy beard with a gun out to a little kid.
No, no, no, no.
See, practice shooting him in the head.
No, no, no.
It's grandpa.
It's a pregnant woman.
Learn how to kill a pregnant woman.
To Pavlovian, have instinctive shooting so that when you see the woman, you kill her.
And of course, targets have always been about who are we demonizing.
You know, the famous Osama Bin Laden targets.
Well, now it's the pregnant woman.
And don't worry, every single one of these evil people is white.
And that's the most important part about all the new Homeland Security videos.
The training videos are everyone is white as a terrorist, everyone who's not white is the good guy reporting them.
And then you've got all the TV shows to back it up, the dramas where the terrorists are white gun owners, and the WWE says Alex Jones is an evil white person as well.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The United States and the rest of the world is literally bathed in anti-human, anti-family division and propaganda.
And the establishment is fully trying to declare the Tea Party discredited, demonized, destroyed, because even though it's not been perfect, it was founded really by Ron Paul, myself, and others, and taken over by the Republicans.
They tried to infiltrate it.
They have failed, and it's getting a lot of constitutionalists elected to Congress who are pro-Constitution and even anti-war, in the case of people like Walter Jones.
Who's really woken up.
And so you've got Karl Rove, the whole system coming after it.
And that's why you've got CNN, WWE wrestling run by the McMahons, Republicans.
You've got Karl Rove all over Fox, Fox broadcasting WWE wrestling, demonizing myself, but even Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck saying we're racist.
And then the Mexican with the Mexican flag defeats, you know, our champion.
This is meant to create division, just like they have prisons set up along racial lines to control the population.
America and the rest of the world is becoming one giant prison.
That's why we say PrisonPlanet.com.
But this new DHS supplier provides shooting targets of American gun owners.
Company produces cardboard cutouts of non-traditional threats.
Pregnant women, old men, farmers, who've got to be killed by the police.
And again, paper targets of images were created in the 40s to create instinctive shooting, and by the 60s, video games to make people not hesitate and kill.
Because they can't move to combat robots on the ground quick enough, and all the aircraft being combat drones where you're just killing a blip on a screen.
So before they get to that point, they need to dehumanize and prepare for the new domestic ground war.
That Homeland Security has been pushing with now over 2 billion bullets.
Now we're going to talk about very mysterious murders and murder-suicides and the fact that now within minutes of Breitbart being killed, they said, oh, it's natural causes when no doctor had ever said that and he wasn't even cold yet, less than an hour after he died.
They killed so many people.
I'm going to talk about it in a moment with Wayne Madsen.
Pulitzer Prize winners exposing things.
This is how they'll kill me.
And I will never commit suicide.
I will never hurt my family.
I barely, even over the years, spanked my children.
And I would never even enter my mind in a trillion years.
But the thing they do is they kill you and they kill your family.
And they're doing this more and more.
So we're going to be talking about that with former NSA officer and syndicated columnist Wayne Matson of WayneMatsonReport.com here in just a moment.
Wow, there is so much to get to here.
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But just remember,
The more you buy from us, the more you support us, the more you support our sponsors, I can hire more crew, I can make more films, more powerful nightly news, more powerful research.
We are the best there is.
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But we are the best there is, and that means we've got a very serious responsibility
To fight the globalists as hard as we can.
Plus, they could kill me anytime.
And I don't think that'll happen because of your prayers, and because of the fact that I'm so vocal and clear about all this.
But they don't care.
They'll burn down Dorner's...
I think so.
On national TV, on the stage at the Super Bowl, he could blow my head off and then say, Alex just blew his own head off and killed his family.
That's the level of mind control that some of the public is under.
And they're trying to get to that lawless point where they can do whatever they want.
You know, Gary Webb, six months before he died, I'd had him on a few times to pull a surprise winner and I called him up because I was doing my own producing at the time.
You know, setting up, in radio, it's not like, in TV the producer owns the show and finances it, in radio the producer sets up the guests, basically.
And I was producing my own show, and I called him up and he said, oh yeah, listen, I don't want to come on for about six months, my book's gonna come out, you know, that totally proves government drug dealing, you know, they tried to discredit me and stuff, but I never backed down from my Pulitzer Prize and the Dark Alliance, and he said,
And then he talked to some of his friends and family who I was talking to about a film.
They're like, yeah, Gary's really freaked out right now.
He caught guys climbing out of his house, special forces types, sliding down from the second floor, commando style on the water drains.
Definitely special ops.
He's getting threats, but he's going to get this book out.
And about a month before the book came out, they shot him twice in the head.
And the police instantly said, he killed himself, here's the suicide note.
Same thing with the D.C.
madam, fake suicide note, I haven't got a copy of her handwriting, wasn't even close.
The Arkin sighting with Fannie Malick, where people would be shot 15 times, you have their arms and legs cut off, and he'd rule it a suicide.
You know, little kids killed.
And he'd rule it, you know, little kids with gunshot wounds in them and laid on railroad tracks.
Because Amina, Arkansas, and I've interviewed the people that were there.
You know, the guy that wrote the book about it, Terry Reid, who was there and witnessed the government, the cocaine and Bill Clinton and the aircraft and all the rest of it.
There at Amina.
And he's only alive because he wrote a book.
And he waited, got it out, kept quiet until the book came out.
So, we're in a business here of defending liberty.
That is absolute life and death.
I mean, I want you to understand, this isn't a game.
Wayne Madsen, who worked at the NSA, he does the Capitol beat and National Security, you see him on C-SPAN a lot, National Press Club.
He had to leave last year for about three or four months because he was told by his government sources, they've got a head out on you.
And just by going public and then leaving for that window, that protected him.
And I've had people call up, just to be clear how real the New World Order is, myself and my wife, and tell us things we were just talking about so they know it's serious.
This has happened to me three or four times, happened to her three or four times.
Actually more than that.
And, you know, it's just like a movie.
They'll go, you were just talking about this with your mother.
Now do you understand I'll cut your frickin' head off, you understand, you bitch?
We're gonna kill you and your family!
I mean that's the kind of stuff this is.
That's who runs this country, okay?
With special ops designed to scare you as much as they can.
Now that little dog's in the backyard, I'd like to chop your head off, bitch!
That's, and you're like, they see my dog, they know my dog, they're listening right now.
Okay, I hope your dad dies in the hospital!
They like to call, too, you've had a tragedy because they're trying to cause a chain reaction.
That's who runs America.
Let's just stop being naive about this, okay?
People that make Linda Blair look like a Sweetie Cake run the country.
Okay, people with a direct line to Beelzebub run the country.
They run Al-Qaeda.
They run the New World Order.
Look at the television.
Everything wholesome, they demonize.
Everything evil, they promote.
Abortion is a right.
Oh, it's so wonderful.
Let's chop up some babies.
Now, that said, we're going to have Wayne for five minutes to the next hour, then Max Keiser.
Let me give you the background on this.
Document Cam shot police.
Former airline pilot and conspiracy theorist.
See, it's okay, because he's a conspiracy theorist.
He didn't trust the government.
He wrote a book.
He worked as a contract pilot for Black Ops.
That's why they had government people that mainstream admits take everything out of his house after he was dead.
National Security came and took everything out of the house.
Former airline pilot and conspiracy theorist shot dead his two teenage children and his dog before turning the gun on himself.
Because the police say so!
The neighbors all say he was great and super nice and didn't even keep his gun loaded and said he was being followed because of his book, The Big Bamboozle, Philip Marshall, about Saudi Arabian intelligence tied into the U.S.
government carrying out 9-11.
Which is admitted!
I've had the head of the U.S.
Embassy on who said they were ordered Springman.
To let the head of the visa unit, let him in because they were really CIA agents.
They were trained at U.S.
I talked to Colonel Marshall, the Defense Language School.
He said, all I know is Mohammed had a train in my class.
And he believed he was in danger and he told people, I'll never commit suicide.
And then look at his sweet little kids.
Can you guys document cam this or actually punch it up?
Sweet, beautiful, wonderful children.
Loving, kind eyes.
He has loving, kind eyes.
Not enough.
You didn't want to kill him down the street.
You wanted to discredit his book.
Just like a drone.
Obama says they can kill 200 people at a wedding to get one bad guy, they claim.
Well, it's the same thing, collateral damage.
You're going to kill Haji's all day, demonize them.
How about the little redhead girl and her brother, huh?
Let's grease them, huh?
I bet they begged for you, splattered their brains all over the place after you'd already killed daddy.
I bet they screamed and cried, oh, because the good guys run America.
Oh, such good guys.
Yeah, let's show him mowing the yard with his son.
They come to your house and they grease you and your family.
This is what they do.
Isn't that Joe?
Look at him with his baby son there.
Because this guy knew too much and he flew and he was in black ops.
And he was starting to speak out.
So it's not enough to kill him!
No, let's kill his family too!
Excuse me.
And then that ties into this article.
Police hunt two men after oil chief assassinated in Brussels and within minutes of the ExxonMobil head of Europe.
Involving all the big green energy stuff.
That's probably why he was killed because that's a big scam.
The head of it, men on motorcycles are waiting, they shoot him twice in the head, he hits the ground, they make sure he's dead, they jump on motorcycles and speed away, and the police say, we think it was just a mugging, even though they stole nothing.
Precision assassination.
Don't kill the wife, just punch her, because they weren't paid to kill her.
Probably police department.
Or people working for them.
Because the real hit teams are usually on police departments.
I give you Wayne Madsen on WayneMadsenReport.com.
I know I'm ranting here, sir.
You've got the floor until we got a break.
What is going on with these cases and the background?
Because, you know, there's not many folks out there that experience this.
You and I worked for the DC Madam.
You warned her, I warned her.
You know, we've interviewed a lot of people who end up dead.
You get the death threats, I get the death threats.
The audience out there doesn't understand.
This is real.
Wayne Madsen.
Well, I went out to Calaveras County, Alex, very skeptical about what the police said, in this case, Calaveras County Sheriff.
Coming back, there is absolutely no way that this man, Phil Marshall, killed his two kids, his 17-year-old son, his 14-year-old daughter himself, and his little pet Shih Tzu dog, Suki.
All dead, a single gunshot to each.
Marshall's was in the left side of his head.
Police said even before they had finished investigating the case, they permitted professional cleaners to come into the Marshall home to clean the premises.
After that, there were two sets of vehicles seen at the Marshall home, still conducting the investigation after the home was professionally cleaned.
Now this guy's background in black ops, I mean, I think that's why they were so scared of him.
Yeah, he worked at a lakefront airport before joining Eastern Airlines in the early 80s.
He worked with Barry Seal, the DEA CIA courier turned informant who was brutally shot to death multiple times, shot multiple times.
Uh, in his car in Baton Rouge on February 19, 1986.
Seale was getting ready to testify about CIA drug money, uh, drug money and cocaine smuggling and arms smuggling, and they found in the trunk of Barry Seale's car the private phone number, of course, of then-Vice President George H.W.
Phil Marshall was SEAL's pilot after the government revoked SEAL's pilot's license.
He flew him around and I found a photograph of a very young Phil Marshall, probably about 24, 25, standing next to the CIA Learjet parked at Mina, Arkansas.
So they were really worried.
This guy put out a 9-11 truth book, really fingering the Saudis for being heavily involved.
It's in the news that he was worried for his life.
And you're talking to local cops.
I guess they're so cowardly, they're going to go along with the official story.
Well, the sheriff, they're not talking to the press.
They're in complete sealed lips mode.
I talked to several of Phil Marshall's friends and neighbors.
Unfortunately, you know, he was estranged from his wife, but it was very amicable.
The thing that really is puzzling is they
He told people that he had this 9mm Glock, but he said, a lot of good it'll do me.
I don't have any bullets for it.
It was registered, so they knew he had it.
But they found the sheriff.
The only thing the sheriff leaked out was that they found Phil Marshall's wedding ring on a box of that 9mm ammo at the scene.
And everybody who knew him told me, they said, Phil hasn't worn a wedding
I mean, I saw this with that state senator.
We need to look up her name.
She called me.
Redhead, nice lady.
She was fighting the CPS, taking kids.
She said, I have the proof.
And she called.
I have the documents, the bounties on kids.
I'm ready to come on next week.
She called the producer.
And that was a Thursday.
She said, I'm ready to come on next week.
They have a bounty on certain kids.
I have the proof.
We've got them.
We're going to save the kids.
Her and her husband shot and killed themselves that Saturday at their house.
I mean, I see this all the time, Wayne, and it's very, very dangerous.
I mean, they kill you, they kill your family, and then they blame you for it.
Right, and there was no suicide note in his case.
And everyone who knew Phil Marshall said he was an easy-going guy.
But the interesting thing I picked up is that he told a very good friend of his that he said, wait till you see my next book that's coming out.
I really got some shocking stuff in it.
He was working on yet another book.
The question is, what happened to his computer?
What happened to his files?
I went to the front of his home and there, right by the front door, were a bunch of empty bankers boxes.
I took a photo of it, I got it up on the website, but either they had one too many boxes to haul the files out, or they had taken the files from these boxes and left the empty ones in front of the house.
Why slaughter the kids now?
Now that they like to kill the family now that they can.
Is it to demonize the subject or be able to shut the whole scene down?
Yeah, it's to make the murder-suicide look plausible.
That you've got a guy who's a ticking time bomb.
Some of the local papers were terribly vicious against Marshall.
The Union Democrat out of Sonora called him, you know, a killer.
It's a great way to demonize 9-11 truthers and quote conspiracy theorists.
Well, another victory for the New World Order.
I bet they really enjoyed killing those little kids.
Just like the drones do every day, it's all part of the freedom.
But the government loves us, I forgot.
The two billion bullets are to take care of us.
Stay there, Wayne Madsen.
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Our investigator Wayne Madsen
Traveled to the home of Philip Marshall, who was a clandestine black ops pilot with the CIA, that's undoubted.
And he had written a book, The Big Bamboozle, United States Intelligence Community.
And for that, his children have been murdered.
And he has been framed.
Some of the headlines at InfoWars.com.
Before we go back to Wayne, Sheriff Warrens of Second American Revolution.
If gun grabbers get their way.
Very powerful video.
Very powerful article.
Reporting on our interview yesterday, DHS supplier provides shooting targets of American gun owners.
It is preparing for the gun confiscation war.
Homeland Security, this is one of their vendors, police claim Lanza in direct competition with Norwegian shooter Brevik.
Democrats introduced a bill to allow police to search homes of gun owners without warrants.
WWE creates racist wrestler to demonize Tea Party and Alex Jones.
That's just some of the insane stuff happening.
Wayne, I want to talk to you more about this guy in this short segment, the little segment we have ahead of Max Keiser joining us.
Invaluable information.
You've dealt with this.
I've dealt with this.
Many people we've known, like Gary Webb, the DC Madam, they murder.
I mean, it's really creepy.
And it seems like there's an increase in murders going on this way.
In a larger area, what do you think's happening?
Then we'll get back into this case and you traveling there and getting the dirt on what happened.
Well, I'm afraid what we're becoming, we're becoming like Argentina in the 1970s with people who were disappeared in plain sight.
Hundreds and hundreds of journalists, politicians, priests, you name it.
And that's NDAA.
I noticed since he did that, we're seeing more of it.
I guess they tell them it's legal to kill us now.
So my fear is that that's what's happening here and we've got this complicit press media.
I mean, there's a couple of small papers out there, as I mentioned, one in Sonora, the Union Democrat really went after Marshall.
Oh, they love it.
The other paper, the Calaveras Enterprise, I thought was as fair as they could possibly be with limited resources.
I mean, it's a 150-year-old paper that's struggling.
You can't officially say government might have killed him because government only gives, you know, people little sweetie kisses, you know, at bed at night.
But, I mean, it's despicable.
They could do this to you or I.
Oh, absolutely.
And, you know, as you said, I got a couple of these threats myself, and I always have to look out for myself.
And I have to say that Marshall did tell some of his friends that, you know, he wasn't a paranoid person, but on occasion he would mildly say, yeah, I gotta always look behind me.
I gotta always worry about my safety.
And one of the things, too, is that some of the talent, although his friends, Marshall's friends, say there's no way this man
He killed his two kids, who he did everything for, and himself.
Some people in the community, obviously being tipped off by the police, are putting the word out.
I'm reading from a posting on a local website out there.
It says, if you're asked, and this is to members of the press, you tell them that Phil Marshall was diagnosed as a mentally ill person who got his hands on a gun.
So the establishment's putting out talking points now?
Phil Marshall was not diagnosed in any sort.
He did have a little issue with depression some years ago, but the only thing he had been treated for with any sort of medication recently was a bad knee.
Look, here's the bottom line.
Look at the mobile executive being killed, and within minutes he's killed execution style, and the police go, no, there's nothing suspicious, it's a mugging.
Well, absolutely.
And the fact is, Marshall was a little different.
After all, he had written these two books about 9-11.
He had written this book about the CIA and DEA out of Lakefront Airport.
One of his friends said that
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
I want to invite him back up today on the Nightly News for a commercial-free 30-minute interview so we can really get into all this properly, or tomorrow, whenever he can do it.
Wayne, again, we've only got five minutes left.
What other tidbits do you think are important for people to know?
You've got the floor.
Well, the biggest one of all, Sean Payton was the coach of the New Orleans Saints.
When he was let go or suspended for rules violations, Phil Marshall was such a fan of the Saints and Sean Payton, he personally hired planes to fly over Saints games and multiple stadium venues trailing a banner that said, Free Sean Payton.
Now, the fact is that he would have committed suicide and killed his two kids two days before the Super Bowl was held at the Saints home field at the Superdome in New Orleans.
That alone made people say, there's no way he did it.
And that's just a, that's just a, you know, I'm not a big football fan, but people who were football fans said there's no way he could have done this.
But I mean, look, he had a book out.
And I haven't read the book, but I read about it.
I read the synopsis.
Saudi intelligence tied into the globalist Karloff Group.
Spot on what happened.
And he had another book coming out.
They were scared of him.
He knew secrets.
And man, in the old days, they just kill you.
Now they kill your kids.
And it just shows how degenerate the system is.
Wayne, if they keep killing people, you know this road goes two ways.
Oh, absolutely, and I'm afraid that what we're going to see here, as I said, is the termination with extreme prejudice that we saw our cronies in Latin America carrying out in the 1970s.
Yeah, but how long are people going to put up with that?
Well, you know, I mean, you know, it's hard to say, but people, I gotta say, people out in that little county out there are scared and mad.
So they're both.
They're mad that this happened to their friend Phil Marshall.
How long did you spend there?
So they know they whacked him.
And it's the kids.
It's whacking the kids.
I was there eight days.
I was there a little over a week.
So what percentage of the neighbors and people you talk to know that they got those kids and blew their heads off?
Of those who knew Phil Marshall personally and worked with him, 100%.
Of those who only knew him through the children, you know, going to the high school, there's a lot more who believe the official Sheriff's Department story.
But that's, as I said, because the local media has really, except in one case, the one Calaveras paper, the local media has really been saying he was a cold-blooded killer who snapped.
Yeah, right.
You know, I'm getting demonized at, I don't know, let's not exaggerate, 500% more than I've ever been demonized, Wayne.
And I know you get demonized in things.
And all the people that serve the system need to know something.
They're going to take the pension funds, everything very soon.
We're going to lose everything because all of you complied with this evil and were such cowards.
Right, and I have to say that I was there on February 13th, that evening someone broke into Phil Marshall's house through the back sliding door and was looking for something.
Somebody is after something that he has, and I think whatever it is, you know, it was so important, it was worth killing him and his two kids for.
Listen, are you back in D.C.? ?
Yes, yes, I'm back.
Well, you got good Skype, Wayne.
I want to get you back on the Nightly News tonight.
Okay, sounds good.
No, no, that's fine.
He is scheduled for the Nightly News.
You guys were one step ahead of me.
Okay, who's doing the Nightly News tonight?
Alright, good.
Jakari Jackson's doing it.
I've got a special report I'm going to do, too.
Wayne, we've only got 30 seconds left.
I mean, this is really making me angry at the New World Order killing those kids.
Yeah, the kids were really good kids.
Look, if there was anything going on inside the family, I was told the older son, Alex, 17, by kids he knew in high school, they said, look, this kid wore his emotions on his sleeve.
If there was anything going on inside the house, it would have been noticeable and nobody noticed any change in behavior.
So there again, we have these kids just being eliminated with their father and the pet dog.
And you get to demonize a father, a 9-11 truther, and a gun owner all at the same time.
Wayne Madsen, we'll talk to you tonight.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
On the turning away
That's right.
The turning away.
You either fight the evil, and you're part of the solution, or you submit to the evil.
And what happens with corruption is people give in to it, they make excuses for it when it's small, and then it becomes bigger and bigger, and pretty soon it's taking over everything, but still you're making excuses for it.
Look at the mainstream media and the way they're caught lying and deceiving and twisting.
Look at what the police will go along with.
Look at what parents will go along with, and teachers.
Look at our culture.
Bombarded with psychological warfare poison to turn us into a cross between a game show, a gulag, and a casino.
It's Max Keiser who coined the term the casino gulag, but I would add to it, it's
It's like a game show casino gulag.
And the dumbing down and the propaganda in every movie, every TV show, whether it's the new Die Hard movie or now WWE, every night when it's on to a record audience of 14, 15 million, Alex Jones is racist.
And the Jack Swaggers are racist and he loves Alex Jones.
That's running man level bizarreness.
And the government murdering 9-11 truthers, and buying 2 billion bullets, and launching drones, and checkpoints, and now they're announcing what we knew!
Massive tax increases, getting rid of pre-existing coverage, bankrupting people, doubling the insurance premiums, giant payroll tax increases on poor, just like they've done in Europe with austerity.
Criminals at every level of government and corporations encouraging each other to just in mass attack us at every level to gain as much ground as they can get to break our will.
And you see the turning away.
You see people building the wall to use another Pink Floyd analogy or allegory.
And then the worms, the worms, they enter your brain.
You just stop caring.
You just give in.
You just say, so many people get abused and they become abusers, I've noticed.
Whether it's financial, or spiritual, or cultural abuse.
I always, if I got abused, I learned how to fight back against it.
If somebody did something wrong to me, I sure didn't go do it to other people.
Like, I've been robbed, I've been cheated, so I'll start cheating people.
But that's the prevailing false wisdom, and it makes me sick.
There's no doubt.
Max Keiser's prediction has come true.
He said that about three years ago, he said you would see the collapse accelerate within three years.
He's a former top stockbroker, inventor of the Hollywood Stock Exchange virtual trading system.
It's the basis of what's used on most stock exchanges today.
And he said about six months ago, he said by April of next year, the collapse will be completely evident that it's accelerating.
And they're not going to tell you there's a collapse, but there's currency crises.
They're already raiding public and private pension funds.
The consumer confidence is imploding.
They're going after people's 401ks.
Obamacare has a 401k 3.8% tax in it.
And my dad's in health care management.
He said this is designed to hurt poor people.
He said it's unbelievable.
How it's meant to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid and then make you get insurance and it doubles the first year and then, you know, $5,000 a year.
I mean, that's just devastating.
And it's so brutal to understand this tyranny.
It's not just a tyranny that has tyranny to be in power.
You've had a lot of tyrannies like that and they're bad.
This is a scientific tyranny where they've decided to go all the way and just be so evil no one can overthrow them.
And they call that the final revolution.
Bertrand Russell and others.
George Orwell, who was part of the Fabian Socialists and led into their group, real name Eric Blair, he wrote about O'Brien, again it's an allegory, torturing O'Brien, that's the symbol of the British press, into submission and saying it doesn't matter, it's trampling and being trampled on, a boot stomping on the human face.
You think, you know, gravity matters?
We could create a parallel system to suspend gravity and have people believe it.
We are the priests of power.
We want to tear everything apart because that's what we like.
The journey is the destination.
And this is false mental illness being projected onto us by unhappy, inbred, mentally ill aristocracy and the bureaucracies they've created that are fully weaponized and fully turned over to darkness.
Now, I've got some of the financial news here.
I'm going to mention some headlines and go to Max Keiser at maxkeiser.com, TV and syndicated radio host.
G20 summit to focus on currency war, threat to economy.
These are the people, this is like the foxes having a meeting about the hens that got killed last night.
So they can then act like the saviors and give you more solutions, more power for them.
Funds run low for health insurance in state high-risk pools.
The banks that own the insurance companies wrote it.
And again, it's so incredible that people are being raped by Obama, who's a puppet, and they're thanking him for it because he's fighting the Tea Party racist.
Frustrated Madoff, now second-guessing his guilty plea, pointing out that everything he does is what the mainstream banks do.
Yeah, but you're a low-level guy, buddy.
They needed somebody to go to jail.
Central banks buy the most gold since 1964, as Kaiser predicted.
Higher taxes puts the brakes on retail shopping.
See, of course, and again, I saw John Paul DeGioia, who's a self-made billionaire, going, Obama, when you raise taxes, it's going to hurt the economy.
Why don't you wake up?
Don't you care?
Of course he knows!
This is scorched earth!
Bankrupt us!
Bring us into submission!
Overrun us with illegals who'll work for nothing!
Not even bashing the illegals!
They're part of the cold-blooded tool!
They've already forced them off their land all over Mexico, made them go to Mexico City to live in hell, to force them up here.
And then play us off against each other.
And it just goes on and on.
I bring you Max Keiser.
Max, we could be like Argentina, which is where we're going, or Greece.
They'll still tell us we left the recession four years ago.
I want you to break down the latest news, where we are on the DEFCON clock here.
Have we gone to the highest DEFCON yet?
Max Keiser.
Hey Alex, great to be on with you, with your global audience of millions.
Well, as you know, seven months ago or so, I made a very aggressive prediction of a huge collapse by April of this year.
So, we've got two months left on that prediction.
It's a very aggressive prediction.
What we have in the mix right now, we do have the currency wars.
That has become
A headline that is splashed all over newspapers around the world.
The various countries are trying to debase their own currency.
They are in effect, it's a firing squad lined up in a circle.
It's a race to the bottom, exactly as Ross Perot warned us.
Yeah, and now at the G20 meeting they all explained how this was a good thing because they're just helping each other's export business and it's not about a trade war and it won't devolve into a hot war.
But of course that's false.
The truth of the reality here is that they're still allowing the Japanese yen to collapse more than any other currency because it provides the cheapest
A source of funds for these governments to engage in buying each other's sovereign debt.
Because since the collapse of 2007-2008, since the Lehman Brothers collapse, there is one market that has been kept artificially afloat these past five years, and that is the bond market and the sovereign bond market.
And it's been kept afloat by things like quantitative easing and by governments buying each other's bonds.
And that's the bubble you predicted will blow up by late April?
This is the bubble that is yet to blow up, and it'll be the most spectacular bubble.
Another development since we spoke last is that you've got two currencies that have been identified as possibly the next two currencies to go down an Argentinian-like rabbit hole of destruction.
One is the Japanese yen, for the reasons we just discussed, and now people are talking about the British pound.
Alright, Max, your Skype is breaking up a bit.
Start back over.
You said the British Pound.
Alright, how's this?
Yes, sir.
British Pound, is this better?
Alright, so the British Pound was seen as a safe haven, but now with the Euro doing better, people are pulling out of the British Pound, and you've got people like George Soros and other hedge fund managers publicly saying they are now in full attack mode against the British Pound.
Yes, sir.
And this means that the British Pound's credit rating will be downgraded.
And what's going to happen here in Britain and why we moved to Britain, because we knew this was going to come, is they're going to have to have a full-scale currency debasement or downgrading, a revaluation by 30 or 40 percent, which means that inflation will skyrocket here.
And it's already a huge problem, Alex.
And here, the big story the past week has been about horse meat.
They have discovered horse meat in all of the beef products.
That's how they're trying to keep inflation down is debasing everything, you know, turning the cigarettes into sawdust and fake chocolate and synthetic gin, aka 1984.
You also have a story about Maker's Mark.
Whiskey, I guess it is, in the U.S.
has been caught watering down their whiskey.
But this is an inflation story, where you see substitution for cheaper meat, in this case horse meat, for beef.
And because the agricultural industry can't keep prices down anymore, they've gone through their genetically modified organism
Series of price deductions.
They've gone through globalization and the price deductions.
But starting two or three years ago and starting post-crisis and starting with that speculation that we've seen in agricultural commodities that led to the Arab Spring and the revolution in Egypt, food prices and fuel prices, gas prices, are now inescapably starting to edge higher in ways that are out of control.
And it doesn't matter how much quantitative easing or any of these other programs are in place, the wheels are coming off.
I hear the music introducing the commercials, so I guess we're segwaying into a break.
Am I correct?
You're absolutely right, and you said it would happen in England, you said it would happen with the currency market, and with the bonds, and we're gonna look at what's coming next with Max Keiser straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Alright, Max Keiser is our guest for the Balance of the Hour and I've got a bunch of news items I want to go over with him.
You've been over in Europe, you were over in France, you've been over in Greece doing live reporting, you're in England right now, there with your radio show and TV show.
All the details of that are at MaxKeiser.com, but Max,
I mean, clearly governments are arming to the teeth everywhere.
It's not just the U.S.
government now buying 2 billion rounds of hollow point illegal for warfare under Geneva Convention bullets, armored vehicles, drones launching.
I mean, it's not just, hey, we're going to become authoritarian.
It's like this is a party or something.
And it's the same thing in Europe.
Just absolutely, you know, the head of the IMF saying, you know, six days a week isn't enough work.
More money, Greeks, when she's exempt from the taxes under EU bureaucracy.
All the mega banks are exempt from taxes.
I mean, but the general public is still so mesmerized by the gulag casino model.
That the 20 or 30 percent of us that are awake, we're being demonized?
I mean, this is like the world going crazy.
This is more than just a corrupt establishment.
Is it not the supine, servile, sycophantic public, begging to be absolutely financially and physically overrun and gang-raped?
Isn't that only inviting the predators?
You now have a generation that has come and doesn't understand what financial independence is anymore.
So you have an entire generation in America that has been dependent on the government.
So they've lost the memory of what being financially independent is all about.
And that's key.
And that's what the people who want to continue to destroy the system are banking on.
They want to destroy the memory.
They want to get rid of this.
My generation was the last generation, I think, that really had an appreciation for economic and financial freedom.
But now the current crop has lost touch completely.
They don't understand that
They have it within their own means, according to the Constitution of the United States anyway, to be independent of the core procrecy and the government.
So they've lost touch completely.
So they've lost... How are they going to mount any kind of resistance?
They have no idea even what you're talking about anymore.
It's become abstract because this has been going on...
Quite seriously for 20 years, quite with a heart of gold.
Now in Europe, of course, it's a different situation because it's a very government-controlled situation.
In France, you know, the government controls something like 65% of the economy.
Here in the UK, the government now controls just under 50% of the economy, just 49.5%.
It's creeping up higher and higher.
And there's never enough, never enough, because select corporations want that, because the government then gives them control.
I just had an epiphany.
And of course, this is in Wall-E and the Matrix and everywhere.
But we are devolving into proto...
Matrix-like little blobs that watch TV all day and are very, very physically weak and pathetic and mindless and IQs are dropping.
And so for large parts of people, it's scary to have a job or invent things or work.
The government's their mommy.
They really believe it loves them.
They're like Arrested Development half-wit children.
Who are proto-matrix wireheads who will be inserted into the virtual reality.
They're ready to plug themselves in.
They're ready to have the government wipe their butts.
Well, social networking is turning out to being a way to harness the population in a matrix-like fashion.
So the social media networks are providing data.
And you see this now being captured by large corporations like IBM, International
To harness social networks to sell into these networks products that they have figured out by using what they call predictive analysis.
So for example.
I don't
Sure, the NSA isn't really spying on terrorists.
The globalists run those.
They know what they're doing.
It's spying on what the new trend is, like strawberries.
And I'm throwing out a fake trend there, but just as an example.
And now on YouTube and stuff, they're putting you in your niche, not to give you what you want.
They're trying to put people in boxes to then program those boxes.
They talk about predictive crime technology, which gets the headlines.
But there's another side to this, which is predictive marketing, using social networks to figure out where you'll be, when, and what your mood will be, and how susceptible you are to what type of advertising message, and how access you have to... That's right, that's right.
Google admits they can now predict the future in mass movements, and know where you're gonna stop to eat before you do.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I want to get more into the economy with Max Keiser and open the phones up if you have financial questions for him.
I want to talk about why are central banks buying so much gold while using the media to demonize it.
That's all coming up.
If you want to get a question into Max Keiser, I'd love to hear from you.
First-time callers, financial questions or other questions for Max Keiser.
Before we go back to Max, I want to get his take on this.
About four or five months ago, somebody had hung up homemade signs.
They don't even say where.
No photo, no proof, no nothing.
Somewhere in L.A.
talking about, you know, victory against tyranny.
And so they sent me three different notices over a thousand dollars total, no judge, no jury, saying you'll be arrested or have a civil lawsuit or bad credit if you don't pay us.
Now that's illegal when you don't have the authority or the statutory power to just say you will pay us or we will arrest you.
No arresting officer, no citation, no nothing.
We send them letters going, there is Obama.
We're going to show this article at InfoWars.com, because I want to actually show people at InfoWars.com.
That's why I had Paul Watson today actually add some examples into the article.
You guys can actually just punch up my screen if you'd like.
And if you look here, it's people painting hope on a wall.
That's somebody's door that a tagger put President Obama on it.
Now, is President Obama going to get bills for people that tag his bumper stickers or signs or his face on walls or doorways or fences?
And the answer is no.
I'll never forget about five, six years ago, a city of New Zealand sent me a letter and said that I would be billed the next time someone spray-painted InfoWars.com on a building.
And they actually showed an old six, seven story building that someone had sprayed InfoWars on that was set to be demolished, they even admitted.
And it made the news that someone got up on the old building and sprayed InfoWars.com.
I mean, that's just, they're afraid of you communicating.
They're afraid of you getting outside the matrix.
They're afraid of real memes they can't control, so it's the ultimate evil.
But again, we even, we sell bumper stickers, there's a pledge on there that by buying these you pledge to only post these in legal and lawful areas like your own property or give them to friends and family.
But it's not my issue.
But this wasn't even something we sold one of our stickers.
They don't even give a proof of what it is.
It's something about victory.
You are not alone.
We had a poster contest for victory symbols and to post it on your own property.
So they tell us, you can go read the letters.
You're going to be arrested or we're going to sue you.
And listen, they don't care.
If they sue me and I sue them and win, which I've talked to my lawyer, we could win.
I mean, they're breaking a bunch of laws.
They don't care.
They'll just use taxpayer money.
And they want to bankrupt California.
See, they've got it set up.
Where they can do whatever they want until they're arrested.
And Antonio Villaraigosa is a La Raza, Hispanic Klan member.
I mean, just a horrible person.
And he doesn't care.
And so imagine, Obama, I mean, imagine if somebody put City of L.A.
stickers up, you know, dot, dot, gov, would they send themselves bills?
And they won't respond to our letters, there's no judge, there's no jury, there's no arrest, there's no nothing, there's no proof, there's no nothing.
It's just, you will pay us money or
Now if I sent letters out saying, you will pay me a thousand dollars or I will sue you, and gave no proof or reason, that's called extortion.
And when government does it, it's even more illegal.
And I break it all down in the article.
I'm going to go to Max Keiser on this, but it says, this is my comment.
This is a conscious fraud.
The city of Los Angeles knows full well that we are not liable for someone else's activities.
There's no due process, no evidence, no citation, nothing.
The city of Los Angeles is engaging in unconstitutional extortion using terroristic threats of civil and criminal penalties and threatening our credit.
If we don't pay them more than $1,000 by simply searching the term Obama Street Art LA, you can find hundreds of murals, signs, and other street art depicting Obama in a favorable light.
Under Los Angeles delusional legal control freak theories, I would add, Barack Obama must immediately pay hundreds of dollars for each infraction.
They'll probably claim this is illegal, too, because they're God, and it's our job to roll over, and, you know, they burn down a house and say they didn't, and we're going to burn it down!
Here's the deal.
Burn it down!
You know, somebody's saying, oh, burn that house down!
Burn him down!
Oh, you didn't hear that, you liver-livid, little, long-haired galoot!
Shut up and pay me the money!
I'll sue you!
I'll arrest you!
I'll give you bad credit!
I mean, you know, how much of this are we going to put up with?
I mean, it's just a bunch of, burn down that cannon!
Hey, I saw you burn that down, Yosemite!
You didn't see no such thing!
Alright, I'm sorry, Max Geyser's holding, waiting.
Here's their phone number for Antonio Villaraigosa, the king, the Hispanic clan member of the South.
Here is the phone number for this guy.
And you should call him up at their god-like number and say, so, I saw Obama signs on the wall.
Are you going to send him a bill?
And direct him to InfoWars.com.
Get their attention.
They're not God.
Yes, go ahead.
Show a document cam of that.
There you go.
There's the number.
Request for service.
Uh, just 800-996-CITY.
Maybe you want a SWAT team to drop by and burn your house down.
You can call that number.
Uh, like, uh, one of their other great people, Dorner.
Uh, so 800-996-CITY.
Or, uh, TDD.
What does that mean?
And you can call any of these people, the President, the Vice President, the President Pro Teum, the Commissioner, the Commissioner, City of Los Angeles, the Mayor!
Alright, I'm going to go to Max Keiser.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
It's invoice number 201-2000-4913.
Tell them you need help on that invoice number.
Ladies and gentlemen, they'll probably try to sue me over that.
You want to fight?
You got one!
But most people get these threats and pay up.
What if somebody went out and put McDonald's stuff everywhere?
They'd know it was a false flag.
How you can false flag somebody with this?
Antonio Villalago said no one doing it.
Max Keiser, thank you for joining us from MaxKeiser.com.
What is your take on the arbitrariness of drones will just kill you if you want.
We'll secretly arrest you and torture you if you want.
We'll have NATO over the military because we want.
Government just doing whatever it wants.
What do you call that Max Keiser?
They're being harassed by the federal government.
So, you know, you're on the harassing of the week, or of the month.
You know, they're just going to harass you, man.
You know, Los Angeles, of course, is a one-industry town, and that industry is the film industry.
So, pick a film that's going to open in a few months and start a grassroots campaign right now why people should not go to that film as a way to hit L.A.
where it hurts in the film industry.
If you're upset that Aaron Schwartz was killed, as his dad said, by Chris Dodd of the MPAA, murdered his kid, if you're upset that the Hollywood industry has monopolized copyright and destroyed the creative industries in America,
Pick a film that's gonna open in a few months and get a grassroots campaign going right now so that that film does doodly squat in business as a way to fight back this harassment from L.A.
to Austin.
That's right.
is long tentacle, slimy tentacle of the corrupt Los Angeles reaching into Texas trying to get my money.
Yeah, so fight back!
You know, there's got to be a film that's opening up in a few months, and just start, you know, reverse propaganda!
They're harassing you, harass them!
Just start talking about why the film stinks, why nobody should go see it, why it's a scourge on society, and see if you can't take a hundred dollars... Well, I do help out Machete and the Charlie Sheen TV show.
I guess I do give my gifts to Hollywood.
Well, now you gotta work it in reverse, you know?
Like, uh, kill it.
You gotta kill one of these film projects that's coming out in a few months.
Yeah, let's take down World War Z. Because it's an anti-human film about mowing down humanity and how great we'll be when human life is reduced and how great Marxism is.
We've actually done a review of that.
Let's take down World War Z. Well, you did a great review on the Batman film where you predicted the event.
What about this Hunger Games film?
This Hunger Games film's coming out.
It's the most
cynical film I've seen in 20 years, where they're just setting up kids to be gunned down for the amusement of the cartel lobby in Hollywood.
The people who are killing the kids in Hunger Games are the executives in Hollywood.
Oh, that then puts the idea out that it's fun to go kill kids.
They're actually... That's right!
That's hyper subliminal, open subliminal programming.
That's right.
Let's take it down.
Let's make sure that film does no business.
It's a complete failure.
Put those producers out of business.
Well, Hunger Games is the casino gulag system they want to create, Max.
That's exactly right.
So there's no reason why the people who support the cartel of copyrights who murdered Aaron Swartz by basically threatening him to put him in the gulag for 30 years.
It's a constitutionally guaranteed right to share copyrighted material under fair use.
They killed him, as his dad said.
These people are... There are two major industries in America that are tied in with... I agree.
I want to shift gears with you, because I want to go to... One is the banking industry, and one is the copyright industry.
These two industries are the frickin' frack of what's destroying the economy in the U.S.
We talk about bankers all the time.
Let's talk about the copyright industry.
I agree, and listen, we can go into overdrive if you want, because it's always interesting to have you here, but I want to go to some calls, but let me just ask you briefly.
What do you make of the new Homeland Security targets of pregnant women with little kids to be shot?
They call it No More Hesitation.
That's up at Infowars.com.
And the military training to quote, take out zombie hordes.
And the media goes, oh, it's a joke.
No, it's the cover to practice mowing down human waves of Americans.
The government is training to kill us en masse.
Do you think the bankers are going to really be successful with that?
Well, you know, they'll never want to kill the fetuses.
I have a good idea, actually.
This is a good doofer for people who are anti-abortion and pro-guns.
Give fetuses guns.
This way, if someone tries to abort them, they can shoot their way out of the womb.
All right, Max, that's actually a very interesting idea that you have there, Doctor.
Let's expand on that, though.
Seriously, the insane arms race of now two billion bullets they've bought, the checkpoints on the highways now in Austin, where I live, how much crazier will it get?
All this parading around, I don't see it actually intimidating the awake public.
I said on your show two years ago when we were talking about inflation hedges, we talked about gold and we talked about whiskey and we talked about bullets.
That's right.
Man, it really is like a society run by the devil.
I mean, I don't know how else to describe this.
Just look at the economics of it, and that was always the weak spot in the U.S.
You know, they've got the cheap food, they've got everything is very cheap, cheap because they import from slave labor in China.
But the bullets, you know, that was always going to be a spot where if you let too many of these things circulate, it would be potentially dangerous.
So by hoarding all the bullets, by buying billions of bullets, they're going to make a black market in bullets.
I was about to say, the government's trying to buy them up to hoard them because they're scared because of all their crimes.
But also, but also...
I was about to say, but to also... The black market in drugs!
The black market in guns!
You know, fast and furious!
They're going to have a black market in bullets!
It's the same crooked insiders on Wall Street and Washington!
But that's what I was going to say, is that they're so out of control, Max, that by buying two billion bullets to try to squeeze out the market, all they're doing is paying to have all the factories size up to an even greater production level.
Well, I think that the factories will hit a wall and then they'll start to close down because they're going to, just like you have any bubble, you have a bullet bubble.
When the bullet bubble bursts, then you won't be able to buy bolts at any price because the manufacturing is going to tail off, just like natural gas fracking in America.
Natural gas fracking only lasts about five years, and they're scaling up to do all this fracking up and down across the coast to coast.
Well, fracking only lasts about 5 years.
It's not like a well that you can tap for 50 or 60 years.
That's going to blow up in 5 or 6 years.
It's a bond bubble.
This is a bullet bubble.
The bullet bubble is going to pop, and the government is going to have all the bullets.
You'll have a gun, but no bullets.
They're going to put a spitball in there.
You're going to have a spitball fight with your MAC-10 or TAC-9 or whatever you got.
I disagree with you.
We've already gotten way more than we even need.
I mean, it's an armed camp now.
I think the founders left that little time bomb for the New World Order.
I want to take some calls here, Max, but what do you make of the report here?
I'm trying to dig it out.
Central banks buy the most gold since 1964, and the source on that is the New York Stock Exchange and the commodity and metals trading
Yeah, they started doing that in 2009.
There was a 40-year reversal where the central banks became net buyers, they had been net sellers.
And the reason why is because they are all selling massive amounts of bonds to degrade their own currencies as part of the currency war.
They don't trust each other, so they are buying gold because they realize that the bond bubble and currency bubbles are popping and the gold will once again resume as being the world reserve currency as it has been before and will again.
So the central banks are buying gold.
Now here's where things are going to get interesting, because right now central banks are floating money to buy bonds.
They're also buying gold.
But at some point they're going to switch.
They're going to print money to buy gold.
And then you'll see a hyperbolic move in gold, but it'll happen very quickly.
When do you expect that to happen?
Well, I think my friend Jim Rickards, who I think is the smartest guy in the world when it comes to gold and currencies, he predicts that when China comes out and announces that they have 4,000 tons of gold, right now they officially have 1,500, but we know that they've been buying very aggressively for a number of years, and they should have close to or over 4,000 tons of gold.
Once China says, and it's known, that they have 4,000 tons of gold, which on a percentage to their reserves and their population is critical,
Then you'll see panic buying in gold around the world.
The central banks will triple and quadruple their panic buying.
But they've probably already reached that.
They've just been keeping it quiet, per Globalist's request.
I agree.
So it's, you know, I think, as you know, that we could happen any day, a massive kind of trap doors open beneath the bond market and gold prices skyrocket.
What's going to happen to places like Southern California when we really go into the depression?
Well, price of gas goes higher, and we saw when price of oil went to $1.47 a barrel, you had people in the suburbs, in the exurbs of California, running out of gas and calling the police and saying, what do I do?
They didn't make the connection between empty gas tank and no forward motion.
That's how unprepared they are.
You're so helpless.
Yeah, so we know what's going to happen.
It's not going to be pleasant.
You know, I don't mean to laugh evilly, it actually hurts me, but these gullible idiots that love the government and love socialism, they just really are the dumbest people on the planet.
Look, there's a percentage of the population that's not going to make it past this crisis, and we can't be too sentimental about it, but there's just a big piece of the, you know, make your friends and do what you have to do, but a lot of the percentage of the population is just not going to make it.
Yeah, cause sucking your thumb's not gonna get you through what's coming.
Oh man, I just, it's, it's... Folks, if you think things are crazy now, you ain't seen nothing yet.
We are... Here's a good example.
You were talking about being prepared and being laughed at, and then the hurricanes hit, and the people who actually had the canned food actually did very well.
Stay there, Max Kohl's coming up.
Stay with us, Max Keiser.
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You know, this hour is brought to you by the Squatty Putty.
It's actually not one of my sponsors, but Max Keiser's in there.
Now you're not going to get any serious news out of him because you heard the Squatty Putty ad.
So ridiculous.
Anyways, I find myself laughing more and more because stuff's getting so crazy.
And now I realize I've been right about almost everything and it's going to get as bad as I think it's going to get.
He still has no idea.
I said we'd take a few calls here in just this short segment and a little bit of overdrive because he's got to go give some nighttime speech.
He's doing stand-up now, if he's not joking.
Are you seriously going to do a stand-up speech tonight in London or are you really going to secretly be in there using a Squatty Potty?
Look, I'm combining the Squatty Potty with my own compost generating mechanism.
You've got to get both.
It's a combo deal.
You make your own compost with your Squatty Potty.
And this is how to be sustainable.
This is what the true... Al Gore probably has a Squatty Potty.
That's enough.
Let's go to Joe in Florida.
Joe, you're on the air with the inventor of the Squatty Potty.
Go ahead.
Are you there?
We're on Squatty Potty, both of us.
Yes, sir.
I'm going to stop now.
Yes, you're on the air with Max Keiser.
Go ahead.
I wanted to thank you for the Saggity Sam cheer up.
I'm glad to hear you're cheering up, Alex.
It's great.
Hey, the whole world's going to hell in a handbasket!
And Obama raised taxes on the poor people because he loves them!
Nice guy!
I'm sorry.
Well, I can eat my peas.
You know, I wanted to talk about the gun manufacturing across the world, globally.
And what I wanted to talk about... Alright, well go quick, because we're almost out of time.
I mean, you had a question for Max Keiser?
Yeah, you gave me a question.
On the industrial aspects of the firearms and all these names like Remington who say America's oldest gun maker and now they're actually made all across the world like Belgium and Turkey and we're supposed to go to Gander Mountain and support places like China and Russia.
America's oldest gun maker like Remington, are you kidding me?
I live up in Dunster, BC and I watch you all the time on RT.
Uh, and as well on press TV through a satellite, uh, called the free-to-air system.
Yes, sir, Mr. Squatty Potty.
Do you have a question for Max Keiser?
I think he's trying to say that he likes my show best, better than any other show.
That's right, that's what it is.
That's a good point, and I'd like to emphasize that point.
Let's get serious.
When he heard that ad, folks, Max is a funny guy, it was over at that point.
Now we're, he's gone into after-work mode.
I guess it is late over there in England.
Caller, you got a question for Max, because, you know, it's past his bedtime.
Yeah, I wanted to talk about silver.
And the movement that I've been doing in my life is, of course, rather than being paid in debt, which would be paper, I like to be paid in silver.
Of course, I've had to remove myself from the social insurance system, but I think, wouldn't that be a real good resolution to the system, rather than everyone being... I agree.
Alternate currencies.
Get out of the paper as much as you can.
Get out of the system.
Max Keiser, how do we bring down the globalist?
I believe, and I've been talking to silver miners and gold miners, they could be a huge kind of plus to the global economy and everyone if they started paying dividends in bullion.
So if you bought a gold core or Endeavor Silver
Uh, which is the Canadian companies.
Instead of getting a dollar every quarter in cash, you got the equivalent in bullion.
That would take those stocks higher, it would move money into that sector, it would recognize gold and silver as a currency, and I've been lobbying behind the scenes for this to happen, but, you know, they haven't done it yet, they should.
Alright, InfoWars.com, PresidentBonded.tv, MaxKaiser.com, follow him at Twitter at MaxKaiser, and me at RealAlexJones.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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