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Filename: 20121217_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 17, 2012
3413 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have a corrupt banking empire that has seized control of our country.
These very same globalist interests have disarmed populations all over the world.
And they are now seeking to disarm the American people.
Now, yesterday on the syndicated broadcast, I went over the fact that 200-plus people die a year from deer jumping out in front of them, and 88 die on average from what is classified as a mass shooting.
Most of those are actually gangs killing each other.
I added up the numbers.
It's about 24 people killed in what's a real classic cold-blooded
Premeditated, just killing for killing's sake.
The gangs usually have some at least grievance on the surface and there's some rhyme and reason.
The goth, video game head, rich kid, Prozac head syndrome is the only one that we see that is not government authored.
There are some government operations where they've been caught red-handed staging mass shootings, especially in Europe, where our own government staged them via Operation Gladio and the NATO option.
That has been declassified.
That program went on from the 50s into the 1980s, including mass shootings at schools, train stations, blowing up school buses, shooting up school buses, and was used to take guns all over Europe.
And it has been declassified, partially by the US, completely by the Italians, that it was staged to take the liberties and disarm the people.
So this could be an Operation Gladio-Op.
Operation Ajax was mass shootings to take the guns, and I ran.
In 1953, our government with the British shot up a bunch of mosques and then paid the Muslim leadership to call for gun confiscation.
So there's been a lot of different things that have happened.
This fits the MO of it.
You have a masked guy come in, shoot the people, they exfiltrate, and then of course you have the drugged up patsy, you shoot in the head.
We saw that with the underwear bomber, drugged up, brought on the plane.
We broke the news with eyewitnesses that he was put on the plane by the US government.
That later came out in congressional hearings with the Undersecretary of State.
So this could be a staged event.
What we do know is staged is the crocodile tears
Ridiculous behavior of Obama milking this for every disgusting ounce he can get and he says he will use every executive power he has.
They did that on cyber security when Congress wouldn't pass it.
They did it on carbon taxes and shutting down the power plants.
They did it putting our military under NATO, UN command.
He's done it on every front.
And has been so duplicitous with his deception on the NDAA, Patriot Act, you name it.
So, I would expect, and you know, we said that three weeks ago in the magazine.
We said, this man wants your guns with an image of Obama sitting on top of the American flag, desecrating what it stands for.
And we explained he will use executive power, that's how the article opens, to ban all semi-autos, handguns, and rifles, and put you on a no-gun-by list.
The federal government will just say, you're on the list, turn in your guns or we're going to SWAT team you.
No judge, no jury, no reason given.
Just like no flight list.
They're now announcing all of that in the news today.
Now, how did I know?
Because the Violence Policy Center, Handgun Control Incorporated, Chuckie Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, the usual suspects, said how they would do this.
They said how they would do this from the beginning.
So all I'm doing is saying their war drums are going full blast.
Get ready.
Everyone I've talked to now says their Spidey sense is off the chart.
Not only over these 20 dead kids.
I told my wife that night and that morning that I felt physically ill.
And she said, what's going on?
I said, they're coming.
They're coming for everything.
I've talked to everybody around the office.
They've had the same feelings.
I know you're having it.
That's your gut instinct God gave you.
But intellectually, you can see what they're doing.
Politically, I mean, folks, we're entering the prime zone, as I said a month ago, of mass shootings, federal buildings being blown up.
They're going to blame it on the preppers and the patriots.
Stay with us.
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I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise.
We saw it coming from miles and miles and miles and miles.
We knew the insurance companies owned by the foreign megabanks, the derivatives fraudsters, wrote the Health Care Act to double premiums in the first year.
Premiums are now set to double according to the Associated Press and Bloomberg in the next 12 months.
It was already a 24% to 25% increase the last two years since Obamacare became law, just in preparation.
Wasn't hard to see that coming from miles and miles and miles.
Now the government's going to tell you what you can eat, what you can do, because we're now in a collective.
Now they're going to tell you you've got to have vaccines to get your medical care, just like they already do the welfare crowd they control, and who they want to kill deader than a hammer.
You see, we can see for miles and miles and miles.
The globalists have done what they're doing to us.
We're in the jaws of this crocodile.
They've done this in hundreds of countries.
There's over 195 nations, and they've done it in some countries three or four times in a row.
Places like Argentina, places like Nigeria, places like France, places like Communist China.
And now we're going into it.
We know what their model looks like.
Disarmed population with 80 plus percent taxes of one form or another.
France is the model.
It's a global standardized program and they're following an exact blueprint to get our guns.
Because the control freaks understand that if they can't disarm you, they can't jack up the crime rate, they can't ship in the narcotics into your neighborhood and then launder the money in their big mega banks.
They can't have you begging for more of a police state and basically martial law on the streets.
If you're not living in fear.
The 2nd Amendment is not only one of the few rights we've got left, with the 1st Amendment, 10th Amendment, you name it, under attack, the 4th and 5th, gone.
It is a beachhead against all of their tyranny.
It is a time bomb, a bulwark, a dam set up
against tyrants 230 plus years ago by the founders of this nation because our nation was born out of gun confiscation.
The Crown couldn't offer security from pirates on the coast or Native Americans to the West, but the government said you will turn in all your handguns and all of your rifles.
You will turn in your muskets.
And your long rifles.
You will turn them in.
And they tried gun confiscation up and down the East Coast from Virginia to Maine.
And people began fighting back everywhere so they called in more soldiers.
And they started hanging people and killing people.
And the war started.
My ancestors in Texas, in the 1830s, the Mexican government said, turn your guns in, and they said, come and take it.
And my ancestors in the town of Gonzales said, come and take it, and refused to turn their guns in.
And it all started there.
They tried to take the guns up in North Texas with Colonel Travis and a big fight started there.
That's the story of tyrants and people say, why do you care about your guns so much?
It's that a government that wants your guns.
is a government that wants to enslave you.
And by the way, the government we have is running mass murder operations in not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8, not 9, not 10.
More than 14 countries have so-called U.S.
Special Forces and troops there advising governments and rebels, depending on the case, engaging in unholy massacres.
Now it's over 60,000 dead.
Men, women, children lined up, shot, on video.
We try to show it here on air?
We try to show it on the TV show?
YouTube will ban our channel.
We're talking about NATO planes bombing villages with little girls missing their lower mandible with a big red tongue flapping around and blood spraying out and the howls of pain.
You think Obama's gonna give a press conference about that and have a little fake tear for you?
Obama is the slickest, demonic, New World Order liar I've ever seen.
He makes Bill Clinton look sorry in comparison.
Getting up there last Friday and then last night and acting like he's gonna cry and pausing and touching the corner of his eye.
This is the guy.
Let me explain this to you.
That his lawyers wrote the NDAA to use the army domestically and to secretly arrest the American people.
And to torture you.
And to kill you.
And it just came out again, the CIA grabbing innocent people and raping them because they like to rape people that get into the job.
Think about what you have to do to get into the CIA and then get into the black ops area and then get selected for the torture sites.
Gee, who do you think they hire for that?
Oh, we know they hire fired federal jail guards.
That's who they are.
People that have been caught raping people.
Oh, I was looking.
I actually found out some of the people that got kicked out of the Texas Youth Commission, they were raping kids and the rest of it.
Did you know they went and got contractor jobs?
I saw a blurb on that a few months ago.
Oh, yeah.
They're serving America right now with people's kids in dungeons right now.
They enjoy their work.
That's why they work so hard.
So this is not the American government.
This is a foreign banking government.
And Obama would even criticize Democratic and Republican senators about how, I want to take out the secret arrest and, you know, kill provision.
And they came out and they said, here's your White House letter with your lawyers saying you're demanding it.
Oh, that's national security.
You weren't supposed to release those letters.
Then he says, don't worry, I won't sign it when it passes.
So opposition wouldn't form.
Don't worry about fighting it.
Obama's not going to sign it.
And then it passed and he said, don't worry, I won't sign it.
And I said, he will sign it.
And he did sign it.
And Media Matters and Salon and all these other globalist organs that poses liberals who are really authoritarians, in many cases run by the White House, in the case of Media Matters on record, they literally make jokes and snicker.
Oh, Alex is making jokes about the drones again.
And then they make it a joke saying I'm making it a joke.
No, it's not funny.
They make these simpering jokes about 8 countries being hit by drones, more than 14 nations with all sorts of carnage going on.
I mean, it's now in the LA Times, in McClatchy, in the New York Times, that our government is backing Al-Qaeda in a 22-month operation in Syria.
Attacking on all sides out of three countries, backed up with missiles they were given, anti-aircraft missiles they can now use against our aircraft.
And they're going into houses and saying, we're going to kill your whole family if you don't drive this truck into that police station and blow it up.
And the dads say goodbye to their family, they're tied up.
They go get in the vehicle and they drive it and blow it up.
I mean, folks, the videos, I won't even watch them anymore, of them chopping people's heads off and blowing up churches and blowing up mosques.
And then I've got to sit there and I made a video about this titled Obama Caught Fake Crying and it's got a half million views.
And I noticed, I saw the Democrats saying, hey, let's circulate this video and downvote it.
So our videos usually are 96%, 97% positive.
It's only like 65% positive.
As they're in there trying to vote it down, going, you scum Republican, you're going to get it.
We're going to kill you with our guns.
And yeah, we're taking over.
Go read the comments.
You won't stop us.
They identify with the state.
They get, once we disarm the working people of America, black, white, hispanic, you name it.
Once we get the workers' guns, people that actually produce, we can really enslave you.
See, we're going the route, this has happened in every other country.
And the Obama supporters get this.
They like the fact he's secret arresting and drone attacking and murdering.
They think it's cute.
I'm reading their comments.
They say, thousands of tweets, kill the NRA president and all of their gun owners with guns.
And they say, these are real YouTube sites, real Twitter sites.
They say, we've written articles about it linking to them.
These are real sites with long histories.
They're saying... that...
That the state is going to use their 1.6 billion bullets on us.
That they're going to put us in re-education camps.
Ha ha, you Republicans, you're going to get it now.
I mean, these are sick people.
And you've got Obama going and sucking off the depths of these people and going.
They said, we want to privately meet with the families.
And you can see him eyeing them in that speech.
And literally using NLP because now I started looking into it and he was doing all of this programming stuff.
I talked to some people that went to the White House recently for a private deal and they said Obama would grab their hand and like give these commands.
And sit there, and they said it was like NLP.
Well, he was doing that in a speech last night.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, that on people that are already in a trance, completely, see, if you're not under a television-induced trance that most people are now in, a near sleep-like state, this doesn't work on you.
But when you're in it, it totally works.
These people aren't even conscious, and
The issue here is that he's there meeting now privately last night with the families trying to gauge them and find out who they can use as poster pushers to take our guns.
And you've seen all the announcements of the executive power, how they're going to use that to take our guns, all of it.
So make no mistake, the great war on the Second Amendment and on anybody who wants to be self-sufficient and doesn't want to be collectivized has begun.
I've got Daily Mail, Foreign Affairs, Washington Post, you've seen it, CNN, CBS, all saying Preppers did this.
Here's one of the headlines right here.
Newtown and the Doomsday Preppers.
Foreign Affairs, a division of the Washington Post, foreignpolicy.com.
I mean, this is absolutely incredible that all of this is going on.
They're coming after our basic liberties, ladies and gentlemen.
It's happening.
And they're going to pose as the saviors, and those of us that won't give up our liberties, we're the bad guys.
Hey, we see that they come and take the guns at Katrina, and take food and water, and put people in a giant superdome?
We're bad.
We see that for a month they couldn't help people in Sandy?
We want to get prepared?
You see, the government has lost the trust of the people.
We're bad.
And they know that.
So they're basically saying, anyone that doesn't trust us, and doesn't want to be robbed by the government, is a terrorist.
And I'm telling you, they're getting ready to stage more mass shootings and events.
Stay with us.
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There's a man going around taking names.
Everybody won't be treated just the same.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
There'll be a golden letter reaching down.
You notice that this happened in a government training center, in a model school of Homeland Security mass shooter drills, where they teach everybody to lock down and get in fatal positions to be killed.
You notice the federal government has gotten laws passed so that you can't arm the teachers and others, or even the principals, to make sure that public schools are advertised as the place to go kill a bunch of people and then have the cops kill you.
It's like an option.
The media has hyped up school shootings the last 25 years so much that it becomes an option for crazy people.
And then the government, who's running all these murderous operations worldwide, gutting the economy, putting sodium fluoride in the water, admitted in Harvard studies to be giving tens of thousands bone cancer a year, they can get up and cry and say they care about you.
More like crying with glee that he thinks he can dominate the American people.
These folks absolutely want to break this nation as the big prize.
They've already gotten almost all the guns everywhere else except Switzerland.
Who, by the way, has the lowest crime rate in Europe.
And they get to script themselves as the saviors who try to keep us safe by taking our guns, but we just won't let them.
This woman had to go get registered, do background checks, get thumbprints in Connecticut to own guns.
One of the most draconian gun law states in the United States.
It's number four.
Approaching number three.
And notice that that's where it happens, in the gun grabber haven.
That's where this goes on.
And so now they can turn the schools into little mini prisons and frisk mommy and daddy when they come in and have people biometrically enter them.
It's all about a culture.
With the airports to train the adults how to be prisoners and how to be suspects, people who aren't really criminals, inducing you into the prison culture.
It's a conversion of our culture into a prison culture.
They try to get you in the system under welfare, under criminal justice, under so many different ways to get you to lose your rights.
And if they can't do that, they'll train you in the public schools or they will train you via the TSA.
And that's what this is all about.
And we're going to break it down today and play part of Obama's speech last night.
When you know who this guy really is, it's so disgusting.
I mean, we've even got articles up at Infowars.com where Democratic Party operatives are openly saying, exploit the tragedy.
This is how they operate.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They're making statements on MSNBC like, let's not let this capital go to waste.
These are people that are authoritarians.
These are not leftists.
And that's why you see Rupert Murdoch, who claims he's a conservative, saying time to ban all automatics, which are already banned, folks.
You can't go buy them.
He means semi-auto, which is most guns.
That's why you're seeing Michael Moore.
That's why you're seeing all these people come out and say, now is the time to take the guns.
So the great war on self-defense has begun.
I wrote some notes this morning.
On preppers, on anybody who's not a collectivist.
This is the war on the individual.
I would like to point out, when we come back from break, and I'm going to go over the full waterfront on this issue, that Israel has M16s and handguns in all of their public schools, in lockers for each of the teachers.
Because, in the last few decades, they had a few cases of Palestinians getting in with firearms or knives and targeting them.
It all ended when they armed the schools, but you notice that the Israel lobby, Chuckie Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Rahm Emanuel, Bloomberg, you notice, and that is a big part of the Israel lobby, and I'm not against Israel particularly, I don't like any of these corrupt governments.
The point is that the Israel lobby knows to arm their people in Israel, and this needs to be pointed out.
In defense of the Second Amendment, you know, we need to bring all this stuff up, that it is an admitted dual citizenship crew of leftist, the leftist wing, in this country, who are saying we should have our guns taken, but have U.S.
taxpayers, and that's who pays for these programs, three plus billion dollars a year,
To arm the Israeli school teachers and principals.
And I say, fine, great!
I'm all for them having guns!
But don't then try to take my guns!
I mean, we need to call the Israeli lobby, who's a big part of the gun grabbing.
And I understand the U.S.
is paying the bill in Israel to a great extent.
And the left there wants to secure basically that paycheck by dominating our policy.
But listen, to the Israeli leftists, you're not getting our guns.
Do you understand that?
You're not getting it.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, Jesse Ventura's been joining us once a week the last few months.
It'll be his last visit for a few months today for about 30 minutes.
At the start of the next hour, we'll obviously get his take on the push to disarm the American people and set up a giant police state control grid.
Before I get to his speech and cover the waterfront on what we're facing here,
I want to show you an article if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.TV.
If you're not watching on PrisonPlanet.TV, just search engine, Reuters.
Pediatricians call to keep thimerosal in vaccines.
By the way, that's mercury.
A mercury-containing preservative rarely used in the United States should not be banned as an ingredient in vaccines.
They go on to say, because mercury is good for your brain, and quote a 2004 study,
That we have covered here.
You know that news clip I play, CBS News, where they say mercury-containing vaccines actually help children's brains, not hurt them as was first believed.
That was a study paid for by Big Pharma.
You have to understand, ladies and gentlemen, there's another report out today.
An additional 24 studies show that even one part per million of sodium fluoride massively reduces IQ and increases bone cancer sevenfold in men, threefold in women.
You might want to go to Infowars.com and read.
There's two different articles on that.
I mean, these are facts.
The people running things want to put
A type of acid, it's worse than sodium fluoride, based off that, in your water, that they know brain damages you, and that's why the general public can't fight back.
They are so brain damaged that they can't even think straight.
Those of us that are able to think straight would have been genius level, now we're just what normalcy used to be.
So, they've lowered the bar.
And that's confirmed too.
25 studies prove fluoride reduces your IQ.
I'm sorry, I thought it was 24.
And that's just one of the reports.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, they're on the news saying mercury injected into your blood, despite all the studies showing it causes massive brain damage, injected right into the blood.
They're saying that we want mercury for kids.
These are the same pediatricians paid off by the globalists to say, oh, we think it's good that foster children, 67 to 69% of them, are on an average of seven psychotropics.
We think it's good thousands of foster kids die every year from psychotropic drug overdoses.
That's on record.
Pull those articles up if you'd like.
I mean, they're so cold-blooded, they're so evil, they could care less about you, the worst of the worst.
This is a federal government.
Since the 1940s through the 90s, the last time stuff got declassified, under U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B, states they can do lethal testing on you.
For any law enforcement or research reason.
They say in law they can kill you.
They kill our troops.
And they do.
They kill foster children.
Even New York Daily News reported on them.
Grabbing little black kids in New York and testing pesticides on them until they die.
And how the foster workers got upset because the little kids were begging.
One little seven-year-old would beg every day as they, you know, gave him the pesticide until he died.
They murder children strapped down to gurneys right now.
They call it research.
They have CIA bases where they rape people's children in front of them on record.
Army zone reports.
Oh, but Obama's crying!
Oh, he's so sad!
And some of these idiots in the video that I did called Obama caught fake crying.
Are like, how dare you?
I hope you get shot!
Of course Obama really cares.
I mean, this is a guy who wrote the NDAA, a declaration of war against all freedom, saying they'll secretly disappear you and arrest you and kill you if they want.
While they run torture camps all over the world, that's continuing and expanding, and people are like, how dare you say he's fake crying when any idiot could see that he was fake crying and doing these fake pauses.
I mean, this is, they're running drone attacks where they've said in federal court, we're happy to kill 200 innocents, collateral damage if it kills one person.
They'll go to a wedding?
Or a birthday party, or a meeting, or bomb a whole apartment building and kill everybody to kill one guy, they say, is a terrorist, while they publicly run the real Al-Qaeda in Libya, Syria, and other countries.
I mean, it's a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
They've given over 10,000 missiles to Al-Qaeda that can shoot down our aircraft.
Mainstream news!
Oh, but he's so sad for the children in the victim disarmament state, in the victim disarmament center in Connecticut, and now they're gonna push these poor little dead children, where all of us that have had children, it tears our guts out.
They are totally and completely manipulating us.
So, let's just go over some of the headlines right here.
Did paranoia, Gunn-Cray's mother, trigger son's killing spree?
Friends say she believed the world was on the edge of collapse.
She was a prepper.
And God forbid there be a bunch of craziness with 2012 coming up Friday.
Obviously it's not going to be the end of the world, but there might be some crazies going nuts.
Look at that article.
Here's another one.
War on Preppers.
New scapegoat for the school massacre.
Collectivists exploit mass shooting to demonize their political adversaries.
Paul Watson and Alex Jones at Infowars.com.
Very important article.
Look at this.
Armed SWAT teams to patrol streets in Arkansas City.
This is happening all over the country.
They're announcing daytime-nighttime curfews and setting up checkpoints where they come up and aim guns at you.
Government can't and won't protect you.
They've lost their credibility.
Now they're trying to get it back by grandstanding.
Here it is, Newtown and the Doomsday Preppers.
Foreign policy, put out by the Washington Post.
Oh my gosh, it's the Doomsday Preppers.
And who are the Preppers?
Who are the Preppers?
The Preppers are people that don't trust the government because of Katrina and Sandy and all the other examples, and people that are informed
And people that don't want to be collectivists, who don't want to go to the Superdome and get gang raped during a crisis.
We're the people who obviously aren't programmed.
So, they say it's returning veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, preppers, survivalists.
That's who the police are taught all day they're going to have a war with.
And then right out of central casting,
Remember what all the White House advisers said.
Democratic operatives urged Obama to seize on attacks, exploiting bloodshed to reconnect with the American people.
That was July 24, 2012.
And it breaks down all these advisers saying we need big mass attacks, we need dead people.
And I said like a dead child, like in Oklahoma City, that image.
And we said get ready for mass shootings and bombings of federal buildings.
They will stage or they'll find mentally ill people and give them the weapons.
Even mainstream news was reported on that to have them carry out the attacks.
Okay, continuing here.
I want to go over Obama's speech.
Ventura's coming up, but I've got to start getting to some of this.
Obama talks about love.
All you need is love.
All you need.
What did John Lennon say about the globalists?
He said they're Illuminati devil worshippers before he was killed.
Wrote songs on that, look it up.
And he said the world's not overpopulated and the world's run by people that want to depopulate.
Pretty smart guy!
He knows what's going on, knew what was going on.
Obama, all you need is love, grandstanding there, sucking on those people while he's got drones, killing kids, stuff so horrible I can't even show it, arms, legs blown off.
But it's a peace prize.
It's a liberal doing it.
I mean, stuff with the lower mandible blown off with the tongue and blood spewing out, a little girl screaming and then dying.
Video, video, video, video, video.
But it's peace bombing, it's peace bombing.
So remember, the government can't and won't take care of you.
And so, the public's waking up, Congress has a 9% approval rating on average, the system is panicking, it's run by foreign banks that have looted Europe and are now looting us, engaged in all sorts of crime in front of us, arming to the teeth against us with armored vehicles and tanks, bringing cash in every town and city, martial law being incrementally turned on, TSA on the streets,
All of this being done in the name of Al-Qaeda, then they flip the script and say, no, no, no, it's for preppers, it's for conservatives.
Now the rollout starts, and they create the simulation, 20 dead kids from some person under psychiatric care, undoubtedly on drugs, video game head.
Suicide, now the number one cause of death in the United States, I really think it's hospitals, but they say, showed ABC News yesterday, why is there record suicide?
Because we're at record numbers of taking drugs that the insert says,
A 2,400% increase in suicide, depending on the drug.
Because folks, if you're on these drugs and you have the compulsion to commit suicide, you'll do it.
It takes away the compulsion, not just in humans, but in prairie dogs and in shrimp.
They've done studies.
Prairie dogs will walk right up to a wolf, be eaten.
Shrimp will swim right up to a fish.
Pull up the studies.
It takes away inhibition.
It turns women into nymphomaniacs.
Suicides replace auto crashes as top cause of injury death.
ABC News.
Injury death means unnatural causes.
Okay, let's continue.
No amount of control can make you safe.
No amount of highway checkpoints, TSA checkpoints, no amount of that.
Plus, they don't want to make you safe.
They're the ones who put the underwear bomber on the plane.
Again, the system needs to be relevant.
It needs to be able to grandstand and make you watch it.
The mainstream media needs this because no one watches them unless there's a big mass shooting.
And then Obama, whose normal White House videos get about 10,000 views, if you go to White House official channel on YouTube, gets about 10,000 views.
His videos?
Oh, he gets to have four or five million now on his videos when this happens, see?
That's why his advisor said we need big crises, mass shootings, bombings, so you can be relevant.
That's their quote.
So again, I want to say this clearly to the establishment.
America has woken up and does not trust you and knows who you are.
Sure, you've got a sports fan mentality group that thinks, you know, Obama won, beat Romney, wow, they're winners, they don't know the whole thing was rigged.
Man, you're going to get your collectivism, you associate your personal power with the government.
That's probably 25% of the public.
Half the public voted, half of them voted for Obama.
Clearly election fraud as well, but it didn't matter.
The fix was him and Romney.
So all of this is going on.
All of this is happening.
We don't trust you.
We know you're bad.
All the polls, all the statistics show that.
And so people know the banks are engineering us for collapse.
They know the government's building underground bases and getting caches of food and weapons.
And we knew Obama was coming after our guns when Sarah Brady bragged, don't worry, in his second term he's going to ban them.
We knew this was coming!
And you know, my gut tells me, because of what we know about other shooters, and that being swept under the rug, and report of a guy in a mask, and then reports of other shooters, and then who this guy's dad was, high-level GE exec, and we're getting some intel right now, it looks bad.
They probably had some globalist grease mommy, get him wound up, drugged out, get him in there, shoot him, because this has been done before, then have your real group that did it exit.
But even if that's not the case, it's cultural mind control, the television, the shooter video games designed by the Pentagon to make you kill instinctively and uncaringly in a program-trained fashion.
He was clearly under psychiatric care, that's now confirmed.
They're not releasing his file, guaranteed he was on drugs.
Just like Sergeant Bales killed 16 people.
Turns out he was on malaria drugs, steroids, and an unnamed psychotropic.
Now we learn from the trial.
Of course, I mean, you don't just climb over the base wall and go in in some night terror and kill and then burn the bodies of 16 men, women, and children.
The guy was full-on hallucinating.
But they can't blame the drugs, so they're gonna send that guy to prison!
A guy who had his foot blown off and had a prosthesis and begged not to go back and was in psychiatric care and who was arrested blowing up in the, what was it, Oregon.
And they put him on a plane and said, you're going to go back and command people.
And then an armored vehicle got blown up with a bunch of his friends on it that day.
And he was on a hallucinogenic malaria drug they've had to pull, steroids, antipsychotropic.
Holy Toledo.
Oh, but you've got to dig to find that.
You've got to dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig.
Why are we having a seven-fold increase versus the worst numbers previously in Vietnam of suicides?
Gee, you make people do four, five, six, seven tours, and you put them on psychotropics when they want out?
They're gonna kill themselves.
They're men trained with firearms.
Their control, their governor's been removed.
Their wife's leaving them.
Their bills are stacking up.
Their foot's blown off.
The guy, half his foot was a prosthesis.
They've got guys serving their fourth tour, who should probably be in a mental institution, with part of their foot blown off, the whole front of his foot blown off, begging not to go back.
And they sent him.
Again, you're going to hear nothing about drugs.
You're going to hear nothing about drugs that on the insert says makes you engage in mass murder, mania, psychosis, increased suicide, and they knew it in 1980 with the first trials of the first SSRIs.
And SRIs.
I mean, my goodness, put the military on suicide pills, they're going to start committing suicide!
Put the American people, 20% of us now, on it.
Put the American people on suicide pills.
Suicides basically doubled the last two decades.
Look it up.
You give people suicide pills, they commit suicide!
You put some autistic, idiot, savant, video game head, spoiled brat on suicide pills, mass murder pills.
But there's no discussion.
It's how the NRA is to blame.
They're going to have marches on the NRA and how
I'm to blame.
You ought to go read these comments on Infowars.com and on the YouTube and the Twitter and stuff.
It's how I need to be killed.
And these weirdos talk about how they're going to shoot me.
See, it's all tribalism.
Demonize the Second Amendment.
Look at this.
Kurt Nemo.
NRA running scared after Sandy Hook shootings.
They've always been loyal opposition.
Oh boy.
Kurt Nimmel breaks it down.
Folks, you're going to see the Republicans come out against the guns now.
This gives them cover because they're bought and paid for by the same people.
You're going to see the Democrats.
I mean, they're here.
They're saying ban them all.
Ban everything.
It's on.
And remember Hollywood that puts out senseless mass violence.
And Jamie Foxx saying, woo, I love this movie!
I kill all the white people!
Everybody's like, ahhh!
And all the shoot-em-up games, and all the carnage, and all the death, and none of you have responsibility, no.
No, Michael Moore and the Weinstein brothers, and...
All these other people get to come out with their anti-gun statements while they've all got armed bodyguards protecting them, while they push a total culture of death on us.
Milking it for every drop they can get.
And Obama going and meeting with the families, trying to get them on board to come out against the Second Amendment.
And they're coming.
And he says, I'll use executive power to do it.
And then they will start arresting citizens saying we're terrorists and we're planning to turn our guns in.
They want a war with the American people.
And the globalists could care less how many cops get killed and how many military get killed in the gun confiscation.
And I'm going to tell you,
There's a good chance when they start taking the guns, the feds are going to blow up their own federal buildings to get a full-on civil war going.
And Obama has already been billed as the new Lincoln.
They are planning to stage a civil war.
Only exposing it can stop it.
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If you think Obama is really crying for real, and if you think Obama isn't an authoritarian scumbag of the globalist, a foreign occupation viceroy,
Well then I got some oceanfront property in Arizona.
And from my front porch you can see the sea.
They hate the American people.
The globalists want to collectivize this nation.
And now all over the news, they're like, good Americans flock to police stations and gun buyback programs, which they use as a way to show guns being handed in as an image of that's the right thing to do.
All over the country, people flock to turn their guns in.
And I saw another CBS News reporter, how dare the gun show still be full despite this?
That's right!
People want guns to protect themselves from the criminal government and your Prozac heads.
And other weirdos that are in DARPA mind control programs who obviously have assistance and are protected and under Air Force psych warfare chiefs control.
Kind of like McVeigh had Jolly and West in the MKUltra hearings in Congress in the 70s was his personal physician from the time he was arrested till execution.
They think you're so stupid.
They have famous mind control handlers, and McVeigh said he was under mind control, over these guys.
Now, I don't know if that's what this is, because the culture itself is mind control.
Hollywood, the video games, the Prozac, all of it.
But here's the newsflash, folks.
They're coming for our guns.
And they're not just talking about banning the sale or manufacture.
They say you're going to turn them in.
And all of you that said, you know, when they come to get them, look out.
A lot of you are going to go ahead and turn them in.
And other people, they're going to Waco and burn down your house.
These are authoritarians and they're coming.
Oh, look at all these good citizens turning in their guns.
That's enough of it.
I can't even look at it.
Let's expand on this.
This is the government wanting our guns while it's getting tanks and billions of bullets for war with us.
Oh, gee, have I heard of this before?
And remember, the globalists are all going to go to jail.
If they don't go to authoritarianism, because they have a 9% approval rating, people now know about what's going on.
The vast majority of people are waking up.
The globalists have committed all these crimes that are national security.
They need to really...
Get control of the states and the people or they're going to lose it all.
I have never intellectually, but also in my gut, been on more on the edge of my seat.
So here's the deal.
OK, they're coming.
They're coming.
They're coming.
They're coming.
They are going to pull false flags like you've never seen.
They are going to use other events and maximize them.
They are coming.
They are going to jihadi Al Qaeda.
They're going to have Al Qaeda shoot down aircraft with missiles they gave them.
It won't matter.
The news won't report on that when it happens.
They are going to try to break your will.
They are going to search your house without warrants.
They are going to search you on the highways at checkpoints.
The government organized crime syndicate is declaring war on what's left of America.
We are entering a red alert situation.
And why are they declaring war on the preppers?
Anybody who's individualistic prepared.
Because they're collectivist.
And the Soviets and the fascists, everywhere they've been, they shut off the economy and bankrupt everything to make you go under government control.
And to get everybody in line.
They're following a blueprint.
And it gets in their way that patriots have seen it coming and have gotten food, water, firearms, and friends.
And that we're ready.
We're the people that know what's going on.
So we're designated the enemy by the foreign occupiers.
The government is illegitimate.
The government does countless experiments, declassified killing U.S.
Of course there are prime suspects in these shootings.
But regardless of that, they're using it.
They're using it.
They're coming.
They're coming.
They're announcing world government.
They're in Reuters saying inject children with mercury.
Pediatricians calling for Marisol and vaccines.
They want more.
They operate in plain view.
They're eugenicists.
They want you dead.
Of course Obama's crying is fake.
These people are monsters!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Jesse Ventura is scheduled to pop in for a couple of segments, as he does every Monday for the last few months.
This will be the last visit for a while.
Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, I wish tyranny wasn't spreading so fast.
They don't want to just take the guns here, like they've done in Europe, to enslave us.
They want to fully take this country down.
America's always been the globalist number one enemy.
Americans turning their guns after school massacre.
Crowds flock.
To buy back programs nationwide in response to Connecticut shooting and Paul Watson points out that you know you got a thousand showing up to turn their guns in with anonymous donor.
I bet money it's George Soros.
I love this commenter.
He says crowds people turning in their guns hundreds people buying guns millions enough said.
That's what Ben says in that article at InfoWars.com.
Well said Ben.
I gotta tell you, not just intellectually, not just politically in my gut, I just, man, I've never had more energy.
I've never had more energy than I have right now.
And it's so much energy, I don't know what to do with it.
I mean, it's just absolutely clear the type of pure evil we've got.
The election was a fraud.
Romney was a fraud.
It was a fraud at every level.
Obama didn't really win.
All the numbers are out there.
Bev Harris has documented that.
It's just total fraud now.
There'll never be another real election again.
None of it's real.
We have been swallowed up by pure crime.
There's more medical experiments on people, more hospitals killing people for their organs, death panels in healthcare, doubling of the premiums being announced this next year.
I mean, they are just gutting us seven ways to Sunday.
And only being super honest about how bad things are and are going to get,
Do we have any chance of beating these people?
I mean, we're dealing with a criminal establishment that is testing to see, right now, and they've got Republicans lining up to physically ban handguns and rifles.
We're going to get Jesse Ventura on for two segments, then we're going to open your phones up.
Are you going to turn your guns in?
Police out there!
You know, what do you think about this?
You have these shootings in gun control zones, like Connecticut.
Twice the number of people die every year from automobile accidents with deer than die in, quote, mass shootings.
And most of that 88 number of mass shootings is gang-related.
And I'm not saying those shootings don't matter, but it's groups of people killing each other over drug turf, not little kids.
This thing has PSYOP written all over it, the timing, all the rest of it.
But all I know is they're PSYOPing with it.
They're not letting a good crisis go to waste.
And Katie, Katie, bar the door, is all I can say.
Because the great war against the Second Amendment is on.
And they're going to try to take all of our guns and put us on no-gun-by list.
Without judge or jury, that's all being announced.
In fact, will you guys queue up Rahm Emanuel for later, after I get to the Obama speech?
Rahm Emanuel says, uh, take people's guns who are on no-fly list, which is a no-gun-buy list.
It's Rahm Emanuel on No Gun By Less.
It's a clip we've played probably a hundred times.
It's probably in our archive.
But that's all coming up after Jesse Ventura joins us.
And we will take your calls.
I'll give the number out before he leaves us.
But we'll have open phones in the end of this hour and the third hour today.
They're coming for everything.
Smart meters spying on everything we do.
NSA spying on us.
Drones, checkpoints on the highways.
Gun bans of almost all firearms.
Secret arrest of citizens.
And all of it with a bunch of fake crying from Obama.
So fake it makes me want to throw up.
And going in grandstanding off of all this.
You've lost the trust of the American people.
But it doesn't matter.
Those that can think.
Those that can tie their shoelaces.
And it's on.
The collectivist minions of the system that want to just show how subservient and groveling they are versus those of us that would rather, as Jesse Ventura has said, face the danger and have liberty than give up our liberty and be slaves.
All right, we're going to come right back and go to our guest.
And we're going to get into a ton of news as well.
But the trumpet has been blown.
The charge has begun.
The collectivists run by foreign banks are coming for the guns.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, the last five or six weeks, he's been joining us once a week to talk about the upcoming show.
And tonight, it's going to be Mind Control.
The Brain Invaders, 10 o'clock Central on TruTV.
If they don't move the show again, dealing with the declassification of Mind Control.
Pretty powerful information and I couldn't think of a better time to discuss this.
Our listeners are chomping at the bit with the police reports of multiple shooters and his dad being a high-level banking executive with General Electric and their banking division and the mother having shadowy ties and you know multi-millionaires and and the reports that this was a gun you know free control zone.
All I know is they're seizing on it to go after our Second Amendment.
So Jesse Ventura, former Minnesota governor, best-selling author, a host of conspiracy theory, he joins us.
He was on with us last week saying, yeah, they're coming after our guns.
That was a quote by Governor Ventura, because I know that's what we gave the video headline on YouTube.
Democrats are coming after our guns, as he said that they come after that side of our freedom.
And I don't know his take.
In fact, I was asking during the break and he said let me just say it fresh on air because this is Governor Ventura's first time since the shooting on Friday to be on the air.
So here is the exclusive because I want to hear your take.
Governor, thanks for coming on.
Great to be here, Alex.
Let me start off by saying this.
The media coverage of this event was the worst I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Because we were pumped out so much information early on
That all these media outlets sold to us, and then a half a day later, after telling us 30 times, we find out it's not true.
And I think someone needs to hold the media accountable, for when a tragedy like this occurs, that they quit looking for ratings points, and they wait until they get official word, and official
What went on?
Who is who?
Until they talked to the authorities.
And I was so confused by 12 hours later that I don't know what to believe anymore.
Because I was fed so much false information initially.
Do you follow that, Alex?
Well, not just that, but we were first told that the perpetrator's mom worked at the school.
We were told that for a half a day.
And it turns out she had no connection to the school whatsoever.
They first said it was his brother.
Because they said it was Ryan who had done all this for six to eight hours and then all of a sudden it changed.
And that's one of the things I have a great concern over besides the tragedy itself, is the fact that our news media
Did not care whether they were reporting fact or fiction.
You could clearly see they were like sharks in the bleeding water, wanting to speak to Trump, any other media, with any type of thing they were told.
Because clearly, they were pumping out information that had not been substantiated in any way, shape, or form.
And it makes it so confusing that when the truth, if the truth does come out, how are you going to know what you can believe and what you can't believe when you've been fed so much false information right out of the get-go?
Now, having said that, let's move forward to the gun control.
Now they're going to... I said something when I was in office that I'd like to change a little bit.
I made a famous quote that you can't legislate stupidity.
Well, I'd like to change that quote to, you can't legislate stupidity or insanity.
There's nothing you can do, there's no laws you can pass that can control those things.
It's all part of living in a free society.
Now, if the government wants to come down with this massive gun control on us, I think that they should have to first set the example themselves.
And that is, we are without a doubt the largest arms sales country in the world.
We sell arms to everybody.
All those arms we sell, what is the fatality rate in the end?
All this third world weapons that we send throughout the world from the United States.
How many people die because of all that?
So if the government wants to impose gun control on us, they should start with themselves.
They should lead by example.
They should truly turn the United States into the peace nation and stop this massive building of armaments that we propel throughout the world on a daily basis.
Well said, Governor Ventura.
Let me get your take on this.
Obama has launched drone strikes now in eight countries, but he's a peace prize winner, so it's okay.
Now they admit, even the L.A.
Times and the New York Times admits, our government's funding Al-Qaeda to attack Syria.
And then he goes and looks like he was fake crying to me.
The point is... Well, the point is, it ain't even him.
We got the same thing under George Bush.
That's the point, Alex.
The President's just a figurehead, in my opinion.
Nothing more.
And because we had all these... Like, I laugh on this big investigation out of Libya, right?
They're investigating because they initially made the wrong statement on what the attack was about.
So now McCain's out there demanding this big congressional investigation over the tragedy shooting in Libya.
Those four people died.
Where was John McCain and where were all these elected politicians after the Trump got phony information we got on Iraq?
All the lies we were told that turned out to be lies.
Weapons of mass destruction.
Ties to Al-Qaeda.
The murder of the football player Pat Tillman.
The rescue of Jessica Lynch.
All lies.
Where's the outrage on that, Alex?
Where's the congressional investigation on the trumped-up intelligence that we were fed?
The lies we were fed when we were put into the Iraq War.
I totally agree with you.
Well, I totally agree with you.
Getting back to the shooting, though.
You've been a governor.
We've seen these calls to disarm NFL football players.
It gets more and more ridiculous.
How do I lose my rights because somebody else does something wrong?
That sounds like an authoritarian country.
At this event now, it's time to do something, correct?
That's what we're all hearing.
This is the final straw.
The straw's broken.
It's time to do something.
I told them after Columbine, when I first became governor, I told them what needed to be done.
No one would listen to me, and you know what that was?
Tell us.
We have hundreds and thousands of well-qualified military and police personnel out there that are retired.
Qualified people.
Train these people.
Put them in the schools.
And you do it in a covering manner.
You hire them as Bob the Janitor.
The kids don't need to know.
But that janitor carries a weapon at all times concealed.
One or two.
I don't care how many you need.
Three or four.
Whatever it takes.
And they work as janitors in the school while still providing security.
When you look, if I'm a bad guy today, the first place I'm going to look to wreak havoc is to go to somewhere where I know I can get away with it.
Yeah, they advertise the public schools and they teach the kids to huddle in a ball so it's easier to shoot them.
It isn't just that.
They advertise that there's no protection.
We have that problem here in Minnesota.
We passed a conceal and carry.
And, but yet stores put up signs stating no guns allowed in here.
Wait, whatever I do into those places, I always turn to the person and I say, do you realize how stupid that sign is?
For two reasons.
Number one, it lets any perpetrator know there's nobody in here that can harm them.
And number two, it takes a law-abiding citizen and separates them from their weapon.
That's right.
You know, I...
I remember now, Dr. Columbine, seeing you on the news saying that, and I probably subconsciously was just thinking about what you had said, but I said on my Sunday show yesterday, the answer is, because the feds say no guns in schools, well they can't stop the sheriff's department.
Sheriffs can deputize retired police officers.
I mean, because we trust them to have guns as cops.
And then you can have them where they work a few days a week.
You'll have tons in every town that want to volunteer.
They're like the old guys you see who volunteer to be crosswalkers for the kids.
Hey, I got a better idea, Alex.
Let's bring our men and women home and end these wars and we'll have enough money where we won't need volunteers.
No, I agree with you.
I'm just saying... Let's start taking care of our country.
Obviously, we have major problems right here at home.
It's time for the United States of America to pay attention to its own backyard instead of worrying about all the yards throughout this world.
I'm just saying, they're going to say, hand in all semi-autos, handguns and rifles.
I agree with you.
They're now announcing they want to physically take them, Governor.
They're now announcing they're just going to put you on a no-gun-by list and then make you turn them in, no judge or jury.
What is your take on these announcements being made by these Senators and others that have their own bodyguards?
Well, of course, they're blowing smoke right now and they're talking to me.
If it's a politician saying it, rest assured he's saying it to secure his re-election.
Because that's the only thing that the Dems and Repubs care about, is getting re-elected and maintaining their power, their two-party dictatorship.
But the point of the matter is, as I stated earlier, Alex, if they're going to impose any type of gun control on us, the citizens, then they need to impose it upon themselves first.
They need to set by example.
I'm all for living in a peace world.
You know?
But until they can convince me, I also stand... And all this garbage they tell you about the Second Amendment won't affect your hunting and fishing and all that nonsense, it wasn't written for that.
People never bring up the true reason it was written.
It was written so that we, the citizens, would have a way to defend ourselves if our government became abusive.
Well sure, you stay down in Mexico four or five months out of the year, and I know you've spoken to the fact that they have a total gun ban for the citizens down there, and a violent crime rate about four times what the United States has.
Almost 55,000 people dead in the last three or four years, Governor.
Yeah, exactly.
And Mexico, those big signs when you cross the border, you can't even bring bullets in there.
The control is beyond, and they have checkpoints.
When I drive down the Baja, I have to go through six army checkpoints.
And that's what they're checking for.
And yet, the violence in Mexico, in many places, not all of Mexico, don't get me wrong, I don't want to throw a blanket, the country's beautiful, it's a wonderful country, wonderful people.
This violence in places in Mexico is just out of control.
And there's a country that practices gun control to the extreme.
And so you clearly see it does not work.
Well Governor, our last issue of the magazine on the cover says this man wants your guns and it's an image of Obama on the cover and we said, this came out three weeks ago, we said they will introduce the legislation and we show their quotes where I understand, I hope it's smoke, but I've got to give you the bad news.
They are claiming, and I've got the quotes in the magazine, that they are going to try to physically ban semi-auto handguns and rifles and make them be turned in.
A, what is your take on that?
And B, I believe it's going to cause a civil war if they try it.
I've always laughingly said when I have a gun safe that I've never come home.
Let's see about 30,000.
There's probably more people die of that than they do guns.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the statistics.
Well, okay.
Now, are we going to hold Ford Motor Company responsible because some idiot out there decides to drink and drive and kill someone because they misused that two-ton projector that can go 100 miles an hour and is technically more lethal than any gun?
Now, you don't hear them going after the car companies, you don't hear them saying we're gonna ban automotives, automobiles, because they're misused at times, which they are!
Now, granted, they're trying to do things to eliminate drunk driving, and kudos for doing that, but ultimately, what does it all come down to, Alex?
It comes down to us as individuals.
We have to make those decisions, and we bear complete responsibility for them.
If you choose to use a gun wrong, you're the one at fault, not the gun.
If you drive a car, and you get drunk and tired and kill somebody on a street corner because you're so glitched and inebriated, it isn't the car's fault.
It's the person driving the car.
I agree.
Let me raise this point with you.
It's been said by many that blaming guns for shootings is like blaming spoons for people being fat.
Or did we ban dog ownership because Michael Vick was fighting dogs?
I mean, that's this line of reasoning.
And the states that have more gun control have higher crime rates because the criminals know they're safe.
But let me give you the statistic.
It's ABC News.
Can you guys pull it back up?
Last year and this year, we crossed the Rubicon.
Now the number one cause of death is not automobile accident.
It's now suicide.
They put our troops on psychotropics known to cause suicide.
The insert admits it.
There's ABC headlines.
Suicide replaces auto crashes.
A stop cause of death.
And expanding now, we wonder why so many of these mass shooters are on the psychotropics that will make you a psychotic killer a percentage of the time.
So why aren't we hearing anything about how dangerous Prozac and other drugs like this are?
Well, because naturally they're sold by the big pharmaceutical companies who are making huge profits.
Can you imagine the headlines if they could prove that this kid was on pot when he did it?
Oh my gosh.
That's all you'd hear then.
But yet if this kid was taking some type of pill from the pharmacy to control his psychotic behavior, well, it's never the pill's fault, is it?
No, it's never the pill's fault.
And they admit he was under psychiatric care, but they won't.
I mean, they drug everybody now.
And again, here we go.
And I know I'm sounding repetitious, Alex, but if we weren't involved in these wars, all the money we would have for healthcare, and healthcare also includes psychiatric care.
Because the only way you're going to stop this type of behavior, you have to get to the root of the problem.
And the root of the problem is not gun.
Well, now they say his mother was a prepper, and so it's the fault of anybody that's prepared.
Since when is being prepared bad?
Look at Sandy!
I mean, a month later, power was off in some areas.
Look at Katrina!
I mean, Governor, can government take care of us?
Well, they can if they lock us up.
That's what people remember what Benjamin Franklin said.
Those that will give up their liberty for security shall have and deserve neither.
The only way government can protect you in this life is to imprison you.
Take away your freedoms, and put us under martial law.
Now, and you, I know you said my quote at the beginning.
I personally love my freedoms too much, and I'll put up with the, I'll put up with the, with the fact that yes, you know, bad things happen.
And the horrible things, I don't wish them on anyone.
I wish we could live in a world that bad things didn't happen.
But unfortunately they do.
But I still will not give up my freedom to somehow, it's like the cartoon I saw where it's the mother and the father and the two children sitting at the dinner table and they're all exclaiming at the same time, boy I feel safe now.
And then you look at the cartoon and they're all inside a barred cell.
Well that's a quote from 1958 from Eisenhower.
He said, security, I can give you security at Columbia University.
Let's pull up Eisenhower's quote real quick on security and safety.
He said, I can put you in a prison.
But we all know that prisons aren't safe places to be.
Any government claiming I'm going to take your rights to keep you safe, look out.
Exactly, because freedom is security.
People need to understand that.
You don't, if you don't live under freedom, then you're not secure at all, because that means, and this idea that we should all rely on our government to do everything for us is just ridiculous.
It's just like I was talking to one of my
He's a former bodyguard, a state trooper with the Minnesota who's still bodyguarding the current governor, Governor Dayton.
His father was a state police officer his whole life.
Like he told me unequivocally, he said, cops don't stop crimes, we investigate them.
That's right.
You know, we don't have the ability, unless it's dumb luck.
If you go up to any police officer,
Well I was about to say, I mean I've lived in big cities and been all over and I've only seen crimes being committed a few times.
We all drive around just like cops.
How many crimes do we see being committed?
Yeah, on a regular basis.
I'm lucky if I see one a year.
I can't even think of a crime that I've seen on the top of my head right now.
Hey, listen, I'm not going to twist your arm, but we got to do like 10 more minutes on the other side because this is one of our last interviews probably with you this year before you go back down to Mexico.
We got to come back and briefly talk about the TV show and also any other issues that we're going to break right now.
But again, 10 o'clock central tonight.
When we come back with Governor Ventura we'll talk about the TV show that deals with mind control briefly and then he is off into the sunset until he returns back after the hard Minnesota winter from Baja, Mexico.
Wish I could be down there broadcasting.
So we'll be right back with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura for just a few minutes after this quick break and then we'll go to your phone calls and Obama's speech last night where he said they're coming after our Second Amendment because some Prozac head went haywire.
Stay with us.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, this is going to be our last little visit while he goes away for the winter, but I was talking to Jesse.
We may be able to twist his arm into one more little visit next week, but we'll see.
He's got a lot to get done winterizing things before he goes to Mexico, obviously.
Folks, there is so much to talk about.
I'm going to give the number out after the governor leaves us here in six or seven minutes.
I'm going to get into the other news, but it is so opportunistic from my perspective, and I want to get to the TV show briefly.
To know that Obama, because it's bad enough when Bush is warmongering.
You know I was a huge critic of Bush.
I'm more of a libertarian, so I tend to lean towards the rhetoric of the Republicans.
But like Governor Ventura says, they're all part of the same globalist club.
It's all going the same direction.
It's like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
But with the Democrats calling themselves peaceniks, calling themselves liberal,
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
Obama, the puppet, is no liberal.
I mean, I would think of myself really as a liberal.
I mean, I want more freedom.
That means individual freedom.
This nanny state is not liberalism from my perspective and the grandstanding
You know, we read the headlines.
They're introducing legislation to ban holding guns.
Most guns are, quote, an assault rifle.
They describe any semi-auto as an assault rifle.
The ATF last year introduced a rulemaking saying they want to ban all bottom-loading...
That's over 60% of those manufactured.
We've shown you those press releases.
They're going to go after the guns, and Governor, my take is, does that hypocrisy strike you, with Obama being such a warmonger, and then having a peace prize?
I mean, why not give him an Oscar for his crying?
What's your take on that?
Well, again, our behavior, we talk about peace and all that to our own people and our own country, but throughout the world,
Who do you think's behind these uprisings?
Who do you think supplies the weapons to all of these, whether they be guerrillas or established dictatorships or whatever it is?
We do.
So how can they on one hand tell us to be passive, tell us to give up our guns, give up our weapons, while our own government
No, that's actually true.
If you look at the numbers, the U.S.
exports more than half, depending on the year, it's about 55% of total arms, period, worldwide.
So if they want to come after our Second Amendment, let's eliminate that 55% of the weapons we send throughout the world that kill people.
And trust me, these weapons we're sending out there, do you think that only soldiers are being killed by them?
The majority in all wars and uprisings are innocent civilian people.
And how many children die?
How many children do we... Of course, our media won't report on it, but if you go to Al Jazeera, you'll learn about it.
Oh, I've seen in the Libya bombardment, a little girl with her lower mandible blown off, with her tongue flapping all over the place, crying, and about the same age as one of my small daughters, and it tears my guts out.
And again, of all governments worldwide, all countries, all armaments, the U.S.
is more than half of total world arms sales.
And so if our government wants to lead by example, I'm all for it.
If our government wants to lead by example, let them go first.
Show us the example!
Well, then, you know, that's the point.
Anyway, quickly get into the TV show tonight.
It's gonna be a real good one.
I encourage people to...
Absorb it up because it's going to entertain the hell out of you.
It deals with mind control and are there ways out there that bad people are able to do this?
And believe me, when you see some of the people that I meet on this show, whether it's real or not, you're going to have great sympathy for these people because these people have been targeted.
They believe they have.
And so it's a very interesting show tonight.
I encourage people to tune in with an open mind and see what's offered to you and take from it what they do on my shows.
Uh, getting into the TV show being censored, uh, I was told about that writer for the Atlantic Magazine.
You did talk to him and he was thankful for that.
But I've yet to see that published.
We should go look that up.
It may have been.
Well, I also, let me go on the record and state this too, Alex.
As much as we've said bad things about TruTV, I told that writer from Atlantic when I spoke with him, I said, I also want, I want to commend TruTV for having courage.
Well, I want to be clear.
I want to be clear, A. Smith Co., Michael Braverman working with you guys three seasons, great production company, and so I don't want to criticize them.
In fact, I hope they're not mad at me.
And again, TruTV put them on, Alex.
You know, 23 of these 24 shows saw the light of day.
No, I know, but I mean, now you're kind of, I mean, you've always pointed... No, I'm not, you know, like I said, I'll take the, do I wish they'd be showing them all?
Absolutely, I do.
Do I wish that they would have kept me in one time slot all three years?
Absolutely I do.
But I still want to give them credit because I never believed these shows would ever be aired.
No, no, no.
I totally agree with you that it's a victory that ever gone on.
My only question is, because I haven't even called them, I mean, I hope the production company isn't mad at me for bad-mouthing it.
No, I mean, I'm just frustrated that two of the best episodes got pulled, the FEMA camp and the TSA, but I was surprised, like you said, that they ever allowed this on air, and we had that private bet against the rest of the people on the show.
I agree with you that none of it would ever air, so I agree it's a big victory.
Finally, I just googled your name, search engine your name, to see if they ever ran that Atlantic story.
They haven't yet, because I'm told it may be in the physical magazine.
But here it is, Pioneer Press.
Jesse Ventura lawsuit.
He and Navy SEAL each claim the other is lying.
But again, has the media covered the fact he has no eyewitnesses, but you do?
I doubt it.
I don't know if they have or not.
You know, that was in the... I didn't even read it.
It was in the Pioneer Press.
I think somebody told me on Friday.
I didn't even bother with it because, again, when it comes to my court case, I'm not going to try my case in the media.
I'm trying my case in a courtroom.
When people are under oath, and when people are sworn to tell the truth, because Alex, I have truth on my side.
Nothing happened.
The event never happened.
And it's pretty difficult to perpetrate a lie in a courtroom.
And so, I just leave it at that.
Let's go to court.
Let the jury decide who's telling the truth, he or I. When are we going to find out, I mean, when is this finally going to wash?
A while?
Well, no, we're scheduled to be in federal court, I think, in June.
To an actual trial.
Unless, of course, there's a settlement in some manner, but we're on the docket for some time in June.
Well, I want to commend you for going after this guy for your good name, because they're trying to demonize all of us truth seekers.
And they're really scared of you, obviously, in a 2016 run.
That's why they've been trying to demonize you.
And, you know, News Corp, Rupert Murdoch, who says we should turn our guns in, they're behind this.
They published the book.
And it's just despicable how they've tried to assassinate
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Keep talking.
Keep pumping it out there.
You know, we still got our First Amendment temporarily.
I'll know if I come back and you're off the air, then that's probably gone too.
Alright, see you Governor.
Alright, there goes Jesse Ventura.
What an interesting person.
Man, I'm really upset.
I mean, I'm going to be honest with you.
I'm totally freaked out.
And I told you this last week before the shooting.
And again, my whole life I haven't gone off my feelings.
And every time I don't follow my feelings, it's bad.
Every time I follow my feelings, it's right.
And man, I've told you, used to I was getting chills like maybe twice a year when I saw something happening.
Then I started getting chills every week, then every day.
Now it's just one big chill.
And something bad's about to happen.
Believe me, the tears that I start getting in my eyes are tears of bracing.
You know, like when you see something incredible, you'll get tears in your eyes.
You ever heard a piece of music at a live symphony and you get tears in your eyes?
It's so powerful.
I'm not saying I'm getting tears in my eyes because it's a good thing.
It's more than like I'm sad or it's fear.
It's more like, get ready.
Watch your six.
I said that a few weeks ago.
I just said, man, I feel like the angel of death flapping around.
And maybe it's that I'm in danger, but
I just commit myself in the hands of God, that's all I can say.
And I want to say this, I keep meaning to say a prayer on air, but I don't feel worthy to say a prayer on air.
I feel humble.
I just love my children so much, and I love my children so much in their innocence.
I love other people's children.
And I know what everybody's thinking and saying, who's got children.
That's why the globalists use the murder of children to control us.
And it makes me so mad at the Democrats who are just murdering children everywhere, with ones in abandon, trying to force women in India.
And China and Africa and Latin America to have abortions and they are forcing them.
The Apple factories where they do forced abortions.
That's mainstream news.
And then I've got to be lectured all day by them about how much they love kids.
I mean, it just... I know they're criminal dirtbag filth!
I know they got it out for us, okay?
I know intellectually, I know geopolitically, they're bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
The Democrats and liberals are the vanguard of the New World Order.
The Republicans are their camp follower placeholders meant to fool us to think there's opposition so we don't really get involved.
The Republicans are horrible Benedict Arnold stinking compromisers.
Okay, so I don't like them either.
But the Democrats are the ones that want to collectivize.
I mean, you can pull it up.
Obama took the funding off three and a half years ago that, to his credit, Ronald Reagan had killed to force women to have abortions in Africa.
And it's not some bleedy heart thing, okay, about I'm trendy so I don't kill the black people.
Man, let me tell you, folks, if they can abort those women's kids forcibly, they can get me.
Again, you understand, and it's not that, it's not that I intellectually make that decision to get upset.
I can, just at gut level, I'm threatened by that, and then I can analyze, why is your gut threatened by that?
Because the gut knows.
The gut, the gut knows everything.
The gut, and it's not even the gut, it's the heart.
People call it the gut.
It's right here in my heart.
I know things.
I feel things.
I was talking to one of the reporters who's moved down here and his family still hadn't been able to move down here yet because Austin's so hard to get into.
It's boomtown compared to the rest of the country.
And I came in that morning before we even knew about the, you know, I walked in, they said, we heard about the shooting.
And I said, yeah, I heard there's a shooting, you know, one dead.
You know, at first it wasn't,
Wasn't all being reported.
And I told my wife that night, I said, I'm having dread.
I told, I told, and I walked in, I said, bad stuff's about to happen.
And one of our reporters, I didn't ask permission, and I don't know if he wants me to tell the story, but I'll, I won't, I won't tell it unless he wants to tell it.
He said, you know, I talked to my wife.
She had a horrible nightmare that night of men rappelling down into a school and shooting little kids.
And his wife's a teacher.
And it was one of those dreams that upset her so bad she called her friends about it.
See, I've had dreams that actually come true before that I've told people about and then they come true six months later.
And as I walked around the corner and this guy tried to mug me, I had a sick feeling walking around the corner going, I've been here before.
And it was the dream and the guy and the shirt and everything.
But again, I'm not getting off into mumbo-jumbo here.
The point is that I told everybody I'm physically sick.
That whole week I said I had something bad.
And it's not just the murder of these three little precious children.
It's that they're launching.
This is the bugles sounding.
The charge is on.
They're coming.
What did I say last week on the show?
They're coming.
I think on Monday's show I used the Lord of the Rings analogy, Fellowship of the Ring, when they're in the Mines of Moria and they're reading the book about, you know, drums, drums in the deep, they are coming, they are coming, and they hear the drums.
Drums, drums in the deep.
And they're like, get ready.
And I said, get ready.
Get ready, get ready.
I mean, we've got instincts that God gave us, ladies and gentlemen.
And my instincts are just going off like bloody murder right now.
Bloody murder.
And it isn't just these 20 kids.
I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, things are about to get really bad.
I've never
Ever, ever felt anything even close to this.
And I'm, remember I went on air and said they're going to blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on Bin Laden, July 25th.
And Jimmy Vaughn is one of my witnesses, the blues singer, he saw that and that's what woke him up to the show, because then two months later he saw the attack.
And of course there's the video of me on AXS TV saying it too, and I did it on the radio.
But the point is, is that I had a gut feeling about that, also I could see all the preparations.
So it's a combination.
And it's not like something I can even control.
It's not like my brain says, there's gold buried in that field.
Go dig it up.
Or, you know, I know the lottery ticket.
It's not that.
I only have discernment, folks, on things that are big and affect humanity.
And let me tell you something.
What I'm feeling is 10 times anything I've ever felt.
Maybe 20 times.
I mean, it's such a feeling of concern, I can't even describe it to you.
And I just pray that this country and this world repent for the abortions and all the bad things we've done.
And I pray that people will open their eyes, but will also put that into action to stand up against evil, because it's coming in like a flood.
And I pray that the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
Please, God, there are so many innocents in this country, and I know we're evil, but the enemy has just gotten us with the television and high-tech systems of control, and I know that we're like dirty rags, but please, please give this country and this world a second chance.
Whatever is about to happen, just please, please, please give us a chance, like Nineveh was given when your prophet Jonah was sent there, and give us a reprieve
If we'll humble ourselves and repent.
I mean, that's my simple prayer, ladies and gentlemen, but... Being this awake is exhausting.
I mean, I'll just tell you right now, because... And it's frustrating to know how wicked these Democratic Party operatives are, how bad they are.
How evil they are.
How duplicitous, how murderous.
And you know, I try to hold back.
My gut tells me the White House, people controlling the government were involved in this.
That's what my gut tells me.
And I told you that on Batman, and it came out he was in a mind control program, Department of Defense, had a Department of Defense psychiatrist assigned to him.
People said folks let him in.
Smoke bombs from both sides.
He told people in the jail he was under mind control.
I mean, that came out too.
I mean, they're doing it.
They're doing it.
They're staging it.
That's what my gut tells me.
It's never been wrong.
But I'm not gonna just sit here on air and lie to you about how I'm feeling right now.
For all we know, I mean, they're demonizing this goth guy they profiled and set up.
He may not even be hit.
He was under psychiatric care again.
We don't know.
They reported multiple shooters.
All I know is they're using it to come after our guns, and this is the beginning.
They're probably going to blow up federal buildings and blame it on us, the globalists.
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They are coming.
They are coming.
Drums in the deep.
They are coming.
They are coming.
The only way to defeat these globalists is to come straight on.
Come straight on, these opportunistic vampires, using another tragedy while they're killing thousands of children every month worldwide, handing them over to Al-Qaeda, bombing their villages, blowing their arms and legs off, blowing their lower mandibles off as children run screaming, their tongues hanging out like Colombian neckties, crying for mommy, and a slurping sound.
Listen to that little girl in that video, she's going...
The Arabic name for mother, the report was saying.
She's saying it over and over again.
And it's slurping and slothing out of the hole in her throat.
Oh, did Obama cry about that?
No, he didn't cry about that.
Handing over a country to Al Qaeda.
By the way, folks, I don't know if this was staged or not.
It has a lot of the signs.
The Batman thing had even more.
And now, I mean, come on, DARPA, mind control program, mainstream news, telling people in jail he was under mind control, on and on and on.
But even mainstream news has been reporting on that now.
But in this case, the globalists will always get something in your face.
And in the dark night rises, and we're going to put this up on screen, I'll plug the YouTube channel it's on, if you minimize that, and then I'm going to get a Don Salazar to do a report on this.
The only thing you can read on the
The map from Cybertribe Network, from a clip from the film, is Sandy Hook.
And they're talking about how they're going to bring it down.
They're from the Dark Knight Rises.
And again, they ran six months before 9-11, where the government hijacks a jet by remote control to blame it on Al-Qaeda, using a terror drill as the cover to fly the jumbo jet in the World Trade Center so they can attack Afghanistan.
Sandy Hook.
Let's go ahead and play what they break down here.
Here it is.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna play it on air.
That's why I was saying, we're gonna play it on air.
The video of it.
Okay, just whenever you're ready.
Talking about a plane in the movie.
You see him pointing there, right there by the walkie-talkies.
Well, if you get a close zoom up on the shot, before he puts his hand on the actual map, you see it here.
What does it say?
Sandy Hook.
It's the only thing that you can read out of the whole map on this particular scene.
Don't you guys think that's a little strange?
Look at that.
Sandy Hook.
This is the dark
The Dark Knight Rises Batman movie.
And I think they've made a number of references.
Yeah, that could be a coincidence, but not the hundreds of TV shows and things where 9-11 is an attack that's coming for years before 9-11 or where the government hijacks a jet to blame it on Al-Qaeda by remote control to fly it in the World Trade Center to blame Afghanistan.
This is all preconditioning.
And this is what the globalists are into.
It's all a giant public occult ritual.
They call it lesser magic.
They need to tell you about what they're gonna do over and over again before they actually do it.
Okay, I'm gonna have open phones in the third hour, and we'll get into some of Obama's speech.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And we will get you up and on the air 800-259-9231.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we got open phones at 800-259-99231.
We're gonna go to Bill, Mike, Michael, and others.
I'm gonna recap it all, but they're coming after our guns.
And I told you on air, actually, the last few weeks.
Get ready, they're coming after our guns.
That's the cover of the December issue of the magazine.
I said he'd use executive order to do it.
That's what they're announcing now.
We're in a lot of trouble, and there's gonna be more.
There's going to be more.
And I believe the evidence is overwhelming.
We know they staged some of these things.
If they'll do medical experiments on little kids and kill them, the people running our government, they'll stage shootings and kill somebody they've drugged up under the psychiatric care and have the real shooter slip out the back door.
And when they keep changing stories like they've done, as much as they've done, that's another telltale sign.
And they'll do it in a place like Connecticut where they've got total globalist control.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill in California.
You're on the air watching us via PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go ahead.
Hello there.
I think it's time to talk about individuals' role in this and their responsibilities to take care of themselves, their family, and their neighbors.
First of all, they need to get their own principles in order.
Start with the Golden Rule.
Measure everything you see by the Golden Rule.
And the corollary to that is the Non-Aggression Principle.
Then get out there, talk to your neighbors, get to know them.
You may not like them, but at least you get to know them.
And then prepare yourself and your family.
And don't take anybody else's word for when to start resistance.
Draw your line.
Know where your own line is.
So my line is this.
I am completely defensive.
No offensive action.
But I'm not going to a FEMA camp and I'm not turning my guns in.
That's the way to do it.
But you know, if you held your hand up when they put you in a pit to shoot you, that'll be called resistance and terrorism.
I mean, in Nazi Germany, if you tried to shield a child they were shooting, you were called an extremist.
I mean, this government is so evil.
Do you agree with me, though?
Will the polls show it?
That America, by and large, has woken up to the fact we have an evil government.
The election wasn't real.
None of this is real anymore.
That's right.
But you have to have your own line and your own house.
And my line is don't let them move you or your family.
Stay where you are.
It's better to die where you are than to go to a camp.
Well, all I know is they've built the camps, and they've got the billion six bullets, and they've got the... They're announcing martial law all over the country in towns, having checkpoints and guys with machine guns because of this shooting.
I mean, how ridiculous?
Deer kill three or four times a year what mass shootings do.
I showed those statistics yesterday.
I mean, they're totally hyping it.
There's no doubt this is all hyped.
And the fact still remains that individuals with firearms stop more crimes than they commit.
Well, that's right.
I was corrected a few weeks ago.
I said, you know, 20-something times a gun's used to stop a crime more than it's used in a crime.
And then I was sent by everybody mainstream news articles at something like 80-something times.
So I was incorrect.
I don't know where the numbers I had were from some other study, but
The point is, it's not debatable that, but at the same time, even though mass shootings are flat, there's still a tragedy.
It's just that they're making it personal.
They're personalizing these little kids.
Why doesn't the news show us the kids that I've gone and watched?
And we tried to put it on YouTube once and they took our channel down so, you know, I'm not going to blow our whole channel.
People should go look up children in ERs under Libya bombardment.
And folks, you won't want to watch zombie movies again and stuff where it's simulated.
I mean, you see little kids with arms and legs blown off begging for mama and their faces blown off.
That isn't some dehumanized zombie.
That's a little four-year-old girl with her face blown off, wondering where her lower mandible is, with her tongue all over the place.
That'll get you religion real quick.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was reading press reports about the coroner
In the Connecticut school shooting breaking down when they were examining the 20 dead little children, the kindergartners and others, who had on an average 3 to 11 bullets in them apiece.
That's hundreds of bullets this one guy supposedly fired into them without his firearm jamming.
But the media is giving it almost no attention.
There was a San Antonio shooting where an off-duty police officer had his gun, everybody else was barred from having one, and shot the guy who just shot a couple people.
And there was the case in Oregon where a citizen had his concealed carry in the mall.
The guy started shooting, and as soon as he saw the guy behind a pillar aiming the gun, he shoved the gun in his mouth and killed himself.
And in mind control, they call that the disposal mechanism.
Because they're not meant to be captured.
Computer Brain Interface Mind Control Program with the Department of Defense and had a top Air Force, she'd run all the San Antonio psychiatric facilities, assigned out there and she was over him meeting multiple times a week with a notebook.
I mean, red flags are just boing, boing, boing.
Danger Will Robinson.
Danger Will Robinson in every sense of the matter.
Remember Robbie the Robot?
Danger Will Robinson, there is an enemy approaching from the east.
And it goes on and on from there.
Sirhan Sirhan, CNN, Associated Press, the police at the time said his gun never hit RFK.
That it wasn't the same caliber.
That his arm had been pinned down.
Sirhan Sirhan was witnessed being drugged in his drink by the one with the polka dot dress.
Sirhan Sirhan's lawyers now say that.
The police say that.
The police say he didn't do it.
We know the CIA guy that shot Kennedy.
Talk about JFK being open and shut.
RFK is so open and shut, it will make your head spin.
You know, in the RFK case, oh, I'm not going to get off into it, I'm going to go to your phone calls.
It's just, if the government's done this stuff before, what is the government?
It's a mafia that took control of the country with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act to a beachhead extent, then expanded with the National Security Act of 47, where megabanks could operate behind national security
With diplomatic immunity, with unlimited taxpayer funds.
Gee, you think there might be some corruption going on there?
And now the U.N.
has diplomatic immunity, and the President tells the Congress, see, it's all the stuff that's happening.
We're under U.N.
They're announcing world government.
They're saying don't worry.
We're going to register and take all the semi-autos.
The NRA said, hey, they're coming after the guns in the new year.
We've been warned.
The anti-gun groups make the announcement.
We see a huge buildup.
Did you know five nights in a row in the buildup?
Well, the first four nights, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then, of course, Friday, the four nights leading up to the shooting last Friday, I went, I heard about this from listeners.
I went and looked it up.
It was true.
CNN and MSNBC, both, for the four nights leading up, were doing gun control, we've got to ban the semi-autos.
I mean, how much more obvious does this get?
There's 315 million people in this country.
Keep saying 312, it's 315 plus, and that's the last census, so it's probably 320 million.
You're going to have
People getting shot every day, just like there's car wrecks every day, just like people drowned every day.
But they get everybody so scared of the image of the gun.
People who are ignorant of the gun.
But what's happening is the gun culture is wanting, because people are going out and buying guns at record numbers, and they're finding out, wow, this makes me feel safe, wow, this is easy to use, wow, this is no big deal.
And then, every day in local papers, never national, people are getting robbed, defend themselves with guns, store gets robbed, defend yourself with a gun, woman jogging, has a fanny pack, man tries to rape her, shoots him.
I mean, I kept saying 20 plus times for every crime, people defend themselves against crime with a gun.
I was wrong.
I was sent the numbers last week, it's 80 plus times.
And the system knows this, so they're in an irrational race to demonize the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms.
They are in a totally irrational race to blame the NRA and say the NRA or the Ku Klux Klan, that's Fox Sports, three weeks ago, and that we've got to ban the guns, that anytime there's a crime with a gun, it's your fault!
Because somebody did something bad, like Jesse Ventura said last hour.
Do we blame somebody when they run someone over with a car?
Do we blame Ford or General Motors?
No, we don't.
So see, the collectivists have this idea that they're going to be safe once the guns are gone.
No, you'll be in the highest crime rate areas because the criminals will always have the guns.
And I know those of us that are gun owners know this.
Or if somebody does hurt us with a gun, we don't blame the gun.
That's a criminal.
You know, they had an Austin cop this year shot at a Walmart in total cold blood.
The guy, it turned out, was on psychotropic drugs and alcohol.
They don't mix.
Cop walks in, guy shoots him for no reason in cold blood.
Didn't even know who he was.
They're still charging him with murder one, last time I read.
Premeditated capital murder.
Folks, okay, execute the guy.
The point is, that's not going to bring that police officer back.
The sergeant bails on the psychotropics and steroids and a malaria drug.
It's now come out.
Oh, but in the back of the paper.
We covered it yesterday.
The guy that snuck over the wall in Afghanistan, four tours, and went and killed, shot and stabbed 16 people, most of them children, and burned their bodies, had been under psychiatric care and didn't want to be sent back.
He shouldn't be going to jail.
He should be suing the military for putting him on those drugs.
Well, they said he wasn't supposed to be on the steroids.
They put him on the other stuff.
The malaria drug can make you go psychopathic.
I'm not trying to get people out of jail, but if somebody's on PCP, you charge them for being on an illegal drug and manslaughter because they didn't mean it.
I mean, you can't charge someone on PCP that kills somebody for premeditatedly doing it.
They're on PCP.
You can't blame some army sergeant who goes haywire on a bunch of drugs.
The law is you've got to be doing it on purpose.
If somebody slipped you five hits of acid in your drink at a bar, you'd probably get really whacked out.
And if somebody looked at you wrong, you might kill them.
Are you going to go to jail?
You're going to be civilly liable to the family for killing their family member.
You might be able to get manslaughter, but you didn't do it on purpose!
And it's the same thing.
We now lead the world in suicide, and we lead the world in serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
I'm going to shut up now.
We're going to go to Michael in Texas, listening on our big DFW station, 1630 AM, KKGM.
Michael, thank you for holding.
What is your take on this situation, sir?
Hi, Alex.
Um, well I just, I thought I noticed something funny the other day.
Um, I was listening to the president addressing the nation, and he was crying, and he was talking about how, you know, sad it was, the loss of life, and the future that they were going to have, and all the loss, and you never hear him say anything about that about abortion.
And there's 2,000 plus abortions every day, and UN policies would kill a billion people if the carbon taxes were put in place.
This is a guy... I'm sorry, go ahead and make your point.
You're right.
Oh no, that's my point.
I just... I mean, I'll blow you off the air.
I just wanted to put that out there, because I... I hear so many people who are pro-abortion talking about house absences today, and I want to know what their reasoning is for why that's a loss of life.
But another one is not.
I hear you.
I appreciate your point.
Yeah, what's happening is you got a bunch of bandwagon people who are turning their guns in today all over the country and crying and saying, how dare you say he's not really crying.
They want to believe they're part of something.
Well, be part of something real, not part of Obama, a certified duplicitous snake-like teleprompter reader who is proven to be an incredibly deceptive person.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I can't agree more.
I'm so freaked out.
Just sit here and watch the media just hype up and basically just call out all the mass murderers like, hey we're ready to give you all the credit in the world for what you're doing.
Oh yeah, they're begging to cause a Cascade copycat.
They want it so bad it's making their heads spin.
Yeah, but they'll give no credit to a 22-year-old who was totally within the law at the Clackamas Town Center who saved lives.
They didn't want to talk about that.
Why is Obama giving him a peace prize?
Or does he have to ship 20 handguns and grenades into Mexico to kill much people?
Well yeah, don't forget they staged, Larry Pratt said they may have staged the Batman because they staged Fast and Furious.
It came out to blame the Second Amendment.
20,000 handguns and rifles and a bunch of hand grenades and stuff you can't even get at gun shops.
They shipped it in there to cause havoc.
Thousands have died, including hundreds of children.
Yeah, is Obama gonna come out and cry about that?
No, again, these are cold-blooded mafias who want to dominate America.
They hate America.
They hate your freedom.
It's a bad example to the rest of the world that we're still able to own guns.
They've got their U.N.
soldiers busy murdering and raping in dozens of countries.
Anything else, sir?
Well, all I have to say to all the people out there is let's
Let's just think about gun safety and let's remember that those tears of Obama were basically tears of joy because he can't wait to go out on an anti-gun run here in a second.
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Well, in different towns around the country, armed SWAT teams have patrolled streets in Arkansas City.
They said, we're going to run checkpoints, search your vehicles, have curfews.
Perigold, Arkansas Mayor Mike Gaskell and the Police Chief Todd Stovall announced a December 14th town hall meeting.
The beginning of the 2013 streets of their city were going to be patrolled by police officers wearing SWAT gear and AR-15s.
If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask you why you're out walking, and check your ID.
Wow, that's called martial law right there.
But the border's wide open, and the police are ordered to let illegal aliens drunk drive and do whatever they want.
Cops admit it, because it's all a joke.
It's about making sure you know you're a slave.
We've got the newscast link too.
It's like, the news is like, it's great, they're keeping us safe.
And I've seen a town in Oklahoma and another in Arkansas.
Because when they first told me about this article, Paul Watson did, I thought, oh, you mean this town?
They go, no, no, no, it's another town.
And imagine you just walk out of a store and a cop walks over, let me see your ID.
You're like, why do I look like somebody fitting a description?
No, I want to see yours.
Well, then you don't have a right to.
What's your probable cause?
What's your reasonable suspicion?
You know, what are you doing, cop?
I mean, let me look what's in your squad car.
Well, how dare you say I'm doing something wrong?
How dare you say I'm doing something wrong?
Folks, historically, we know what tyranny looks like, and that's what this looks like.
That's why I got pulled over last week by the state police.
They said going eight miles over the speed limit.
I'm going to challenge it.
I don't even know if that's true.
Principle of it.
You know who I am, don't you?
And he just smiled.
I'm just like, come on, man.
Come on.
Let's not play the game where I'm the terrorist and you're the good guy, because I dress up in the uniform because you say so.
That's what all this TSA, all this gun business is.
They're now saying the NRA or Ku Klux Klan all over the news, and they're saying preppers are terrorists all over the place.
We have articles linking to it at InfoWars.com.
I told you, they're just rebranding it onto us now.
It's been the plan all along.
And they just take some Prozac head, or it might have been staged, who knows, so many different stories now, and just go, well, it's your fault, gun owners, because, oh, because I guess it's America, we have the right to keep our arms?
It's our fault there's a bad person?
Knives kill more people every year than guns, I looked it up, but that'll never be on the news.
Listen, you better listen.
They're going to try to use hype to get you to feel guilty.
Oh, I guess take my guns.
You've got to call the scumbag Obama and call the media.
And I told you it's time to boycott any media that promotes taking your rights.
It's time to get really angry about this.
It's time for you to become an activist or we lose it all.
It's not going to be a slow loss of liberty now.
It's going to be fast.
Let's go to Tommy in North Carolina.
Go ahead, Tommy.
Hey Alex, this is Tommy.
First time caller, probably a little nervous.
It's okay brother, go ahead.
I'll try to work around that.
I agree with a lot of stuff you're saying out there and some of your last callers and everything.
Yeah, I agree with you.
Why do we have to give up our rights when other people like us out here, you know,
You never know.
See, these congressmen and senators don't have to live out here like we do.
We have to live around them.
Listen, they know you got a better chance of being killed by a deer than by a gun in a mass shooting, okay?
I'm going to show, I think I'm going to dig that out of my stack and cover it in the next segment briefly.
They know that, sir.
They're opportunists that want your guns to make you a slave.
You're the food to the government.
You're the human resource.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, you're exactly right.
Just like, you know, like you're talking about how the police
Going around pulling people over, you know, just searching, seeing, you know, I've had that happen to me.
You know, I'll be going back, coming back from work right there.
They'll be saying, what are you doing out?
I'll say, well, uh, sir, I just come back from work.
Well, I'm going to have to search your car and see what you got on you.
That happened to me in Tennessee.
I lived in Tennessee and moved over here to North Carolina.
Well, listen, sir.
You need to make them search illegally and then sue them.
It's all part of this game.
I said to the cop, I said, you're ordered to let illegal aliens go, aren't you?
He goes, yeah.
I mean, I'm just like, but you know who I am and you're asking me questions like I'm, I just, man, you're an idiot.
I mean, but they're all being watched by the surveillance camera in the car and the audio mic on them, so they're told do this or you don't have a job.
And it's time for the police unions, if there's any use for them, to say we're not going to be part of this.
Anything else, sir?
Well, I'm just going to say I'm a very
I'm a very big supporter of the Second Amendment and I'll support all y'all, whatever, best I can, whatever if I can.
What did you say to the guy after he searched your car illegally and didn't find anything?
Well, I had a buddy of mine with me and he said, well, my dog hit on something or other.
I said, well, you know, a buddy of mine actually said something because he actually goes to church and a lot of people that
Go to church with him.
Seen him shook down like he was a prisoner or something.
You know, they had him sprawled out just like me on the car.
Both hands.
That's what it's all about.
Teaching you you're a prisoner.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, I'm really proud of the fact that we take video clips of Eric Holder saying he wants to brainwash the Second Amendment, and now that's mainstream news.
Or we dig up the clips our listeners do of Rahm Emanuel saying, we're just going to put you on no-gun-by list, no judge, no jury, and take your guns.
That's now being picked up by the news.
People are really figuring this out.
Now that isn't stopping the mind-numbed zombies and the people on Facebook, kind of the teenager teeny-bopper types, saying they're mean, turn them in.
The answer is just keep spreading the gun culture.
Because you notice the globalists don't just attack guns, they attack the culture.
They've tried to get rid of every culture out there, everything Americana, and replace it with globalism.
Being pushed by Hollywood.
So they're threatened by the gun culture because it's part of the individualistic culture.
It's part of the male culture.
The female culture of taking care of yourself.
Let's put DrudgeReport.com up on screen for TV viewers.
Because I mean, you gotta love these headlines.
Shooting doesn't deter huge turnout at gun show.
More crowded than in the past.
Flashback holder.
We need to brainwash people to think differently about guns.
That's a quote with the video.
And it just goes on from there.
And keep scrolling down.
It breaks down.
NRA shuts down Facebook, Twitter activity since shooting.
And president members receive death threats.
Click on that.
Click on that second story right there, please.
And again, Town Hall's reporting on that today.
We reported on that on Friday, Melissa Melton.
And we, and again, I'm just glad it's getting out there.
Because we're getting them too.
And I told my writers, hey, it's newsworthy that people are saying kill us.
I mean, on the YouTube, on the Facebook, on the Twitter.
And you go to their channel, sometimes they have hundreds of videos, thousands of tweets.
These are real people.
Photos with them with their kids and stuff saying I'm going to kill you or you need to be killed because I own guns.
NRA leaders and members getting death threats and it goes over Twitchy and others reporting where they say we're going to kill you.
And now they're saying they're going to protest.
There's a big liberal, progressive, communist protest of the NRA headquarters.
And you notice the union heads have been saying, attack people, and that's been happening.
They want a divide and conquer.
They want to cause the Civil War.
Let me show you a few headlines.
I'm going to play some Obama clips and go back to your calls.
Look at this right here, because I don't want to just mention this and then not actually get to it.
This is out of the Insurance Journal.
Car and deer collisions cause 200 deaths and cost $4 billion a year on average.
On average, and it goes up, there's actually a little more than 200, they rounded it down.
200 deaths from deer.
Do you see Obama up there crying about deer?
Okay, 200 deaths a year.
Now, let's look.
Now, this is using liberal numbers from the Nation Anti-Gun publication.
mass shootings happened in 2012, leaving at least 88 dead.
16 U.S.
I spent an hour yesterday trying to get the real numbers on this, but more than half of these were gangs shooting at each other, and they call those mass shootings
When gangs are shooting back and forth at each other.
So it's way less than 88.
But there's the Justice Department's numbers that say we should be brainwashed.
88 deaths versus 200.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, there are hundreds of thousands of people who die every year from flesh-eating bacteria and other hospital complications.
But they don't add that to the statistics of cause of death.
They don't put that in the column of unnatural death.
Unnatural death, and I want to show you this next article.
Here's ABC News, of unnatural death, or death caused by injury as they call it.
Number one cause of death.
Suicide replaces auto crashes as top cause of injury death.
Number one cause.
Didn't used to be that way.
It's because of all the Prozac type drugs people are on that says on the insert, makes you kill yourself.
Oh, you're a little depressed?
Here, take some of this.
This will fix the problem.
Here's another one.
Suicides now America's leading cause of death.
Huffington Post.
London Guardian.
Happy Drug Prozac can bring on impulse to commit suicide.
That's why the government a decade ago banned it for people under 18.
Oh, but I've got articles where they're putting one-year-olds in the U.S.
on it.
Eli Lilly knew Prozac had 1,200 times higher suicide rate than other antidepressants.
That was in 1980.
I went and looked it up.
Some are double the Prozac, if you think it's bad.
2,400 times.
Oh, shrimp!
And I couldn't find the prairie dog when I saw yours ago.
Shrimp will swim up to fish when they're on Prozac or other serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
And that's Fox News, AP, Reuters, you name it.
This is MNN, this article.
Prozac faces ban over suicide fear.
Daily Mail.
Continuing, Afghanistan slaying, Sgt.
Bales had used steroids.
Times, Army says, Sgt.
Bales on malaria drug known to cause hallucinations.
Bales under psychiatric care on psychotropics.
You want me to keep going on here?
You want me to keep going here?
I mean, no kidding.
Oh, let's take somebody under psychiatric care, put them on a drug, let's put them on three drugs.
Let's put him in prison.
Oh, and don't forget how much the government loves you!
1 in 25,000 getting autism 30 years ago, now 1 in 58.
Oh, Reuters!
Pediatricians call to keep thimerosal in vaccines.
The mercury-containing preservative, rarely used in the U.S., not true, should not be banned as an ingredient in vaccines.
Pediatricians cite a government-funded 2004 study
They call it independent.
That's a joke.
We went and looked it up.
Saying it actually helps you.
That's right.
That's right.
That's right.
They say it helps your behavior.
And in a weird way, that's true.
Yeah, brain damage usually makes you more stupid.
That's why they won't hire cops now with over 100 IQ.
They want people really stupid.
You ever talk to cops?
I mean, you talk to a smart cop, it's like normal, and you can talk to them, but it's really scary when you talk to a dumb one, and you're like, show the illegal aliens you're not allowed to arrest them, or you're reprimanded, but you're telling me you want to search my car.
And you're like, but isn't that wrong?
I mean, you know, it's frightening.
The army of idiots the government's trying to create.
Oh boy!
Let's go ahead now and let's start with Obama talking about love.
We're going to put a video together for the nightly news tonight.
Then we'll go to your calls.
Where we show, well, you know what, they'll let you see dead children on TV here, but they won't show you the pictures of the kids overseas.
And if we do show you that, we can show it to you at PrisonPlanet.TV.
If it's put on YouTube, they will ban us.
Now, they'll let terrorists killing kids be on there if it's pro-war, but if it shows what the love the President is doing, it's not allowed to be seen.
But you can still go out there and find it.
Just type Emergency Rooms, Libya.
Or Emergency Rooms, Syria.
You want to see?
Or Al-Qaeda cutting fathers' heads off that won't suicide bomb for them?
Or blowing up churches?
You think you can watch it?
Because it's out there.
And let me tell you, it has the same effect on me that hearing about these 20 dead kids does.
So here's Obama talking about love, and I mean, after all, only white people can be hateful and evil.
He's supposedly part black, so it's okay.
And he's got a peace prize.
Why not give him five more?
Eight more.
How about giving 14 peace prizes for every country he's attacking outside international and national law, where collateral damage is no big deal to kill unlimited kids?
How about that?
You know, I had an article here where a drone pilot
Here's the article right here.
Did we just kill a kid?
The six words that ended a drone pilot's career.
If you say, on the record, we killed a kid, then you get in trouble.
And the military chimed back in and said, no, that's a dog.
You'll change your report.
And then when he didn't,
Well, you know what happened.
Again, the only crime in America is recognizing when the police shoot a kid in the back, or they taser somebody and they die, or when the government's being evil.
There's no crying about that.
You're taught when to cry when the government says, oh, the guns are bad, they did it, let's ban them.
I'm crying.
It's about love, Obama says.
It's about love.
When they lined up tens of thousands of blacks that live in Libya and killed them when Al-Qaeda out of Saudi Arabia ethnically cleansed them, you didn't hear one black leader say a word about it because it was cute.
Obama, he gave us a phone.
He's gonna do more.
And now, people are like, yeah, we won, Obama won, we're taking your guns, ah, we're gonna kill you!
And I'm getting these emails and these tweets and these Facebooks and these YouTubes, and it's just like a bunch of crazy people, like it's their sports team.
Ah, you're just mad your team lost.
I'm like, no, no, no, no, both teams were bad, but you're part of the chosen team.
We're being taken over.
Ah, shut up, we're gonna kill you.
We are a decadent, slob-like nation, on average.
There are a lot of great people, but the good news is a hard-working, smart person, regardless of what race, color, or creed you are, when you stand up against an evil, globalist blob, you're like a hundred people for every one of us.
So, you better get aggressive, you better get focused, because we're in trouble.
Society is crumbling right in front of our eyes, and banning the guns is not going to
Fix that fact.
Guns are one of the few things in areas where the police are standing down.
The honest police are saying, you better buy guns all over the country.
And you better lock your doors and buy guns because they're cutting our force in half and we're being told just to revenue generate.
Can't get a cop to respond to your house in many cities to 30 plus crimes in Oakland, but you can sure see them out there radar gunning all day to make some money.
Let's go ahead and go to Obama talking about love.
And just image all the kids blown in half.
One thing we can be sure of.
And that is the love that we have.
For our children.
For our families.
For each other.
The warmth of a small child's embrace.
That is true.
The memories we have of them.
They do actually use the blood trails from the children, and people running with wounded children are actually used as blood trails to target the full family to kill them.
Like Private Gruckheimer talked about how they would go into areas of Afghanistan and kill everyone in the village, and the Army clarified on Fox News and said, well, only certain villages.
But yeah, they kill everyone.
Babies, everyone.
And you know, that last breath, that warm embrace, I think that's probably what Mr. Satan is talking about here.
I mean, these people are evil, folks, okay?
So let's go back to him trying to manipulate the families and create a relationship with them, because he had a private meeting with them afterwards to try to get them to crusade against guns like Sarah Brady.
So he's like trying to reach out to them, that last warm embrace, trying to make them break down and cry.
And you can see it, he's a total demon psycho while he's doing this, just feeding off the pain.
I've been at CPS hearings where they're taking innocent kids, and the parents cry, and the judge just demonically just shakes going, oh I'm sucking up so much pain right now!
Hail Satan!
I mean, it's just, it's total Linda Blair exorcist stuff, okay?
Let's go back to the demon, here it is.
The wonder we see through their eyes.
We know we're always doing right.
When we're taking care of them.
We're teaching them well.
We're showing acts of kindness.
We don't go wrong when we do that.
That's what we can be sure of.
That's what you, the people of Newtown, have reminded us.
That's how you've inspired us.
You've inspired us?
Oh, you're the... You remind us what matters.
You're the martyrs now.
You're gonna be used.
Wave the bloody shirt.
Take the guns.
And that's what should drive us forward in everything we do.
All the drone attacks.
All the murders.
The ground that God sees fit to keep us on this earth.
All the little kids with their lower mandibles missing, crying for mommy with blood spraying everywhere.
Let the little children come to me, Jesus said.
Oh, so you can abort them.
Do not hinder them.
Do not hinder the abortuaries and make taxpayers pay to chop up babies inside the womb all day long.
He's going to read the names.
What about the 2,000 aborted today?
Why don't you read that, you vampire demon?
How many Dylans and Annas got aborted today?
How many got killed by drones?
How many got killed by DU?
How many kids died from heroin shipped in?
Alright, that's enough.
He's going to use their names as weapons.
Can we cue up the fake crying, please?
We're going to queue up the fake crying and then show you Bill Clinton doing fake crying with Ron Brown.
If you're a radio listener, I'm going to have an article put together with all this.
Of Ron Brown, who later came out, the Air Force Coroners, had been shot in the head.
Then they blew up the plane after Special Forces jumped out.
Bain style, to helo, or was it hi-lo, out.
We've endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years.
And each time I learn the news,
I react not as a president, but as anybody else would.
As a parent.
And that was especially true today.
Taxpayer-funded abortion?
Is that it?
I know there's not a parent in America who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief that I do.
His only grief is that... The majority of those who died today were children.
Beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.
Well, but you have a grief that the vaccine didn't, like, kill them slowly, or what?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, fake tear.
Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh, their lower mandibles.
They had their entire lives ahead of them.
And I couldn't start doing them.
Birthdays, graduations, weddings.
Kids of their own.
Taxes to pay me and the foreign banks.
Then he cries out the other eye.
Among the fallen were also teachers, men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams.
They're in the victim shooting center.
So our hearts are broken today.
Okay, that's enough.
Yeah, our hearts are broken, so let me now demonize the Second Amendment the country was founded on.
I mean, these are total opportunists.
Remember, he said the NDAA was bad.
Turned out he wrote it.
Then he said, don't worry, I won't sign it, and did.
It's all just duplicitous scum.
And the globalists need you to believe in them so they can have universal forced abortion.
That's their next step.
They're now calling for that.
And then they can cry about abortion clinics that people protest and violate their first amendment and not let people do that.
So these are eugenicists, lovers of death, and lovers of their father, Satan.
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Life's getting better.
We put him in control.
And put him in control.
Watch the state become God.
Watch him become a God.
Watch people's heads a-roll.
Watch people's heads a-roll.
Hey, we might get Dave Mustaine in the studio, son.
Of course, Mike Judge said he'd come in studio, too, about a month ago.
Of course, I need to call him to get him on.
Let the Prozac heads loose.
Just like the CIA shipped in the drugs of destruction.
Acting like a robot.
The Prozac heads brain corrodes.
Its metal brain corrodes.
Yeah, you try to take its pulse.
You try to take its pulse.
Before the head.
Before the head explodes.
I want to go over to this Rush Limbaugh clip here, but here are some of the headlines up at InfoWars.com.
Right now, mainstream media declares war on the Second Amendment.
Armed citizen, not police.
Prevented massacre in Oregon.
NRA running scared after Sandy Hook shooting.
Yeah, I mean, get used to death threats.
We get them around here all the time.
Be proud of it.
Americans turn in their guns after school massacre.
Gunmen targeting nursery school 20 miles from Newtown.
Just more false alarm stuff.
War on Preppers.
New scapegoat for school massacre.
Armed SWAT teams patrol streets in Arkansas city under martial law.
And a big story, 2013, the year America dies that Paul Watson and I put together.
It's a question mark.
It won't die if you don't want it to, but you've got to admit that these globalist tyrants who have a history of pure evil are going to pull on your heartstrings to get you to give up your guns so they can enslave you.
You need guns because there are crazies out there.
The crazies go find the areas they know have been federally made a gun-free zone to have their way with people.
The answer to their 1984 tyranny is 1776.
Alright, Obama, totally fake crime.
Totally sick.
More Oprah Winfrey stuff.
He did it on the campaign trail.
It's just absolutely fake.
Well, here's Clinton where he got caught even worse.
Here's Limbaugh back in the mid-90s after Ron Brown got killed.
Walking, he's smiling, start rolling it.
Here it is.
Let's look at Clinton walking the walk from last Thursday at his memorial service for Ron Brown.
Go ahead and roll that tape if we have it.
This is the one where he's laughing, telling a big joke, sees the camera, oh no, let's cry.
Have you seen this?
It's ridiculous.
Is this not incredible?
Have you all seen that before?
How many of you had seen this before this program?
This is last Thursday, ladies and gentlemen.
Some of them haven't seen it.
I bet many of you haven't either.
Last Thursday, there's a memorial service for Ron Brown.
Bill Clinton is leaving it and he's laughing it up, telling big-time jokes with his Secret Service person, whoever is standing next to him, and spots a camera way over there and just...
Watch it in slow motion and you'll see it.
Here it is, once again, bright sunny day, look at everybody smiling here, see the president, you'll see him in just a moment, laughing, telling a joke, spots the camera, watch the face.
And then he even does it like there's a tear.
Watch this, now here comes a tear.
We got a tear here.
And listen, listen, we're all supposed to buy into this.
And now Kronger, you know what?
I'll turn my gut in.
Cancer virus is the next thing.
It's fluoride in the water.
You mean the kids need mercury?
You mean the White House Zions are says you want to kill us?
You mean you want to make women get abortions now?
Oh, you're forced abortion funding in China?
You care about the children!
The New World Order cares about them!
I love Kim Jong-il!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Calls coming up!
Calls coming up!
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Just because a lot of people out there are begging for tyranny doesn't mean they get to have it.
We're a republic, not a democracy, and 51% of you vote to be thrown into woodchippers.
Well, I don't have to go.
That's why we're a republic.
Let's talk to Ron, former New York police.
Is this the old Ron been calling for a decade?
Ron, what's your take on this?
Well, my take on this is the following, as reported in the New York Times yesterday, so people get some idea of what's going on.
The Justice Department, it seems over the last year, has made a recommendation that all agencies that pay out benefit checks
to people, should in fact, and I think this is what the administration, one of the things they're going to put into effect real quick under his executive authority, executive powers authority, want these agencies that pay out checks to people to report the medical information concerning these people into the FBI database.
So you're going to have the medical experts, and of course that's sarcastic when I say that, at the FBI.
You're now going to have the information of everybody that gets some type of... Oh, no, no, your medical records are going to be shared with all of Homeland Security.
That's 37 agencies.
IRS, they're all going to have your medical records.
Right, and they're going to use them in punitive ways against you.
So now what they've been doing to veterans for the last 13 years will now be done to Social Security recipients, pension recipients... You know what?
This is too important.
Hold on, hold on, Ron.
We're going into overdrive.
We're going to keep rolling here, okay?
A lot of stations still carry the fourth hour.
I did it live for years, so stations are set to carry it.
First hour gets re-aired in the fourth hour.
We're going to continue, Ron.
I'm going to put you on hold.
This is so important.
I want to give you the floor when we come back and talk about this, because some stations don't carry this segment, okay?
I'm going to put you on hold.
We're just going to continue rolling out through the hour here today, because this is too important.
And I've got some other news I want to hit on as well, and there's a big nightly news coming up tonight.
You know, I've been so busy, I haven't even plugged things, like it's still not too late to give Christmas gifts that'll wake people up this holiday season.
You can get 10 memberships to PrisonPlanet.tv.
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So you give yourself the gift, you give us the gift of helping pay for the bandwidth, and then you give the gift to ten other people.
Because it's 11 people, actually, is how we said it, can be simultaneously logged in.
You and 10 others.
I was corrected.
It's 11.
So it's really 11 memberships for the price of one, but whatever.
You can be logged on with 10 other people, 11 memberships, so that's less than $0.59 a month.
So, there you go, for what it's worth.
I'd say it really supports us.
I mean, I guess it might pay for some of the bandwidth, but, you know, 10 membership for the price of one, we're not making any money there.
Not that it's bad to make money, but my goal is to make money to expand our operation in the face of globalists.
Believe me, folks, most people don't get on the air and say the type of things I say because they don't want to get killed or put in a prison.
And it is by the very grace of God that I'm alive right now.
Believe me, I know it is God above is why I'm alive, and I'm just not even afraid of being killed or put in prison.
Because I know the government is running all sorts of evil operations against children, you name it.
I do what I do for the children.
Because I know about the CIA torture rings, I know about the sex rings, I know about all the evil, and I am throwing myself against these people.
Not because I'm a hero, my very guts cry out against the New World Order.
Uh, and, uh, it's gotta be done.
And I'm here to get other people to resonate with what I stand for, to understand that they've gotta get in the fight.
And I'm here to declare war on the New World Order.
They declared war on us.
I'm here to let everybody know, like Paul Revere, hey, you're under attack!
They declared war on us!
Shields up!
So be aware of it.
A lot of people say, man, you're trying to scare folks.
I don't think you're cowards.
I think the globalists are already attacking you.
So why not know they're attacking?
I know it's scary to admit it, but it is what it is.
We've got to defend ourselves.
These globalists are pure evil.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live here in our own in-house firearms expert and instructor, Matt Williams, is going to pop in in the next segment.
He taught a few firearms classes this weekend, said it was just quiet as a church mouse, nobody talking, gun shops overflowing with people, but ninja silent.
This is the PSYOP where gun owners even feel guilty.
Your guns murdered these kids!
You did it!
And yeah, the new Ku Klux Klan is the NRA.
People need to kill them!
There's mainstream news articles now covering, yeah, we're gonna march on you, and we're gonna take you down, and Alex Jones, we're gonna get your guns, we're gonna shoot you.
I'm like, really, you're gonna shoot me because guns are bad.
And again, Jesse Ventura was on earlier, he pointed out, he goes, when people kill folks with cars on purpose all the time, do we blame Ford?
Do you blame Ginsu knives when somebody stabs someone with them?
I mean, knives kill more than guns every year, sorry.
Mass killings, 88 this year.
200 plus, according to insurance, I covered it last hour, from deer jumping in front of your car.
But the media doesn't make it all scary and all the reporters on the news, oh we're so sad everyone's struggling with this right now.
Look at this little child.
Turn your guns in now.
Meanwhile, we're predator-droning and using Al-Qaeda and lining up little African children and hack... You've seen the kids in Libya hacked up with machetes, because the bullets are too expensive, while the Al-Qaeda folks are chopping up little black kids?
Why don't you go, oh, but Obama didn't go, I'll launch the Libyan operation!
And Al-Qaeda we put in, is chopping up begging children with machetes!
I mean, it's as fake as those North Koreans crying at Kim Jong-il's funeral.
I'm sick of it!
It is a giant PSYOP against the American people.
A psychological warfare operation.
I told you three weeks ago, the December issue of the magazine came out.
It's sold out now, folks.
And I said, this man wants your guns.
He's going to use executive power to do it.
Headline today.
President set to use executive power to restrict guns.
Importation, ban all.
Not just sale, but possession of surplus ammo.
Oh, it's bad.
Wait till Matt Williams gets in here.
Let's go to a former New York police officer.
He's given us a lot of good intel.
I think Ron's been calling since about 1999, so I guess 13 years he's been a listener.
And he gets through every once in a while, always gives us great info.
In fact, what he was saying earlier, if you just tuned in, I can confirm everything he's saying.
Ron, you got three minutes before I go to other calls.
Tell folks the new mental health system and your doctor spying on you and how they're going to take all the veterans' guns.
Rahm Emanuel has made the announcement.
Go ahead.
Well, they're expanding it even beyond the veterans now.
What they've been doing to the veterans since 1999 and what they're going to do to all Americans.
This plan was on the shelf for the last year.
The Obama administration didn't put it into effect because of the election and probably they were waiting for an incident to exploit or an incident that they fomented to happen to exploit.
But now they want any of the government agencies, all agencies, that give out benefits, like the Social Security Administration, but not limited to the Social Security Administration, to turn your medical records over to the FBI NICS database.
So there goes medical privacy.
And the Justice Department has the audacity to justify itself, as stated in this article, that this is lawful and proper.
Now these organizations, Social Security and more,
I think so.
Uh, to get access to the database of people, their medical record, database their medical records, and turn them over to a law enforcement agency.
Now the historical examples of when that happened, that we know because this has happened through history, have been catastrophic when that happens, when they start databasing people's medical records.
Hitler brought in all his tyranny in 33-34 with medical tyranny.
And Ron Emanuel said as White House Chief of Staff, remember we played the video like 20 times, I won't play it again folks, but I'll play it tonight on the news when we have time.
He said, Ron, he said we're just going to put you on a list now where you can't own a gun if we say so.
I mean, it's totally dictatorial.
And these idiot Obama supporters don't understand they could already get free health care under the emergency clauses of state law.
Again, my dad's a physician, I've had physicians on.
They're that ignorant.
The illegal aliens knew it.
They don't even know.
It doesn't give them that.
And it gets rid of pre-existing conditions, doesn't cover that, and it's doubling the premiums as reported by Aetna and others.
Folks, the screw job is going into light speed right now, Ron.
Ron, what do you see happening?
I mean, I've talked about my trepidation, what I feel, not just what I see.
Is your spidey sense telling you, get ready for the hammer?
Well, you know, Spidey Sense has been telling me that for the last few years, and I'm going to tell you right now, the second they start to organize medical records into a law enforcement database, the National Police Database, the FBI, you are going to be in for big problems.
It's going to impact your Second Amendment rights, but you are, you are kidding yourself if you think it stops there.
This will metastasize like a cancer that metastasizes and reach out into other areas of social and public life.
The TSA has grown tenfold.
And the information will be passed along there.
The bottom line is this is eugenic in nature.
There's no doubt about it.
The parallels in history are exact.
And we should really be speaking out about this.
And this was already on the back burner for the last year.
He was just waiting for the right opportunity.
If you oppose giving your guns up, you're Ku Klux Klan.
If you oppose communism, you're Ku Klux Klan.
They're using the exact communist model.
Foreign megabanks are going to use communism to collectivize our wealth and conduit it offshore, Ron.
Something else here, Alex, too, as it concerns the NRA, alright?
I don't want to really pounce on them, but I'm going to say something that I think people need to keep their radar up with that organization, alright?
And I think they need to contact them, and let's just say give them a little encouragement to do the right thing, because the NRA has gone into the tank with certain political elements they shouldn't in the past, and you and I have discussed that, such as the 2007 so-called Nicks Improvement Act, which was anything but an improvement.
Now, today, in today's New York Times, there's a report there that from the Cato Institute Brain Trust, which is referred to as a right-wing brain trust of some sort, there's more or less a diplomatic double-talk.
And of course, the Cato Institute and there's some connection.
The Republicans are going to cave in on inheritance taxes, on all the new VAT, on investment, everything.
No, no, no.
Because it's a globalist agenda.
Is that what you're about to say?
I didn't read the Cato report.
The Republicans are bending us over right now.
Let me finish my remark.
The Cato report more or less indicated that we should go along on this thing of turning medical records over to the FBI.
That if there's something that needs to be sacrificed for the sake of something else, that that's the thing that they... No, I knew it.
I got to jump to other callers.
No, I knew it.
No, no.
The Republican signals are
Come on, bring us down.
I mean, they're bought and paid for.
We're following a global plan.
They've done this in other countries, but that's why I know the next phase.
It's going to be hammered down, folks.
They're going to stage terror attacks and laymen on us.
They're going to just, it's going to be battling.
They'll probably release a bioweapon.
Who knows how bad it'll be?
It's just, pray to God, is all I can say.
Because let me tell you something, I would not be up here on air.
I would be hightailing it to Ireland or Switzerland.
Not that they're perfect, but I would be, you know, doing the show every day from a studio in Europe.
Only because I'm a target here.
If I wasn't trusting in God right now, folks, I would be evacuating right now.
I mean, this is a real tyranny.
This is an evil, illegitimate government that's built re-education camps and bought 1.6 billion bullets, okay?
Ron, good to hear from you.
Great points.
Let's talk to Gio in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Gio.
Hi, Alex.
This is my first time calling in.
I just wanted to make a couple points, especially against the zombie propaganda.
You end up watching any of these series on TV now.
Uh, whenever they're killing a child, a zombie child, they put it, so it's okay, they slow it down, you know, they drag it out, drag it out more than other, uh, you know, adult zombies.
No, no, that's the new fetish is killing children.
They use zombies as a pretext to show cops milling down citizens, getting you ready for civil war collapse.
It's used as a simulant to prepare the mind.
And, you know, the second thing, didn't the NRA back in the day ban human-shaped targets at gun ranges?
Yes, the NRA was founded by the Army after the Civil War, because Northerners couldn't shoot as good as Southerners because they were more urban.
And the NRA has been a Judas Code organization, according to Larry Pratt and others, and I agree with them, until recently they've gotten a better board.
And we're going to have an NRA board member on in a couple days.
I'll just leave it at that.
We've had many other board members on.
But we need to keep the NRA honest.
Thank you so much for the call.
Great point.
Let's talk to Mike in Tennessee.
Mike, you ready to turn your guns in because Obama says he loves you?
Well, if you remember back in the 1800s, they used the demonization of the wolves in this country to carry out what was a cultural genocide against Native Americans, who at that time were occupying, you know, mineral-rich lands.
Yeah, they're now demonizing patriots?
And they put a bounty on the wolves and started the extermination.
Well then, when the people were conditioned to killing something that had never killed anybody in this country, they accused Native Americans of invading.
Sir, is that a wolf?
That's my doorbell.
Yes, he hears something, but yes.
Sorry about that.
But anyway, they utilize this creature to demonize another group of creature.
Sir, I'm going to let you go.
I'll put you on hold.
I got to find out what's going on.
That's a prank call or whatever.
Anyway, that didn't sound like a wolf to me.
Yes, they're saying gun owners.
Think of how asinine that is.
Gun owners, you're the Klan.
Gun owners, you need to die.
NRA needs to have their director killed.
That's in the news right now.
People are like, that's right, let's kill them with guns.
Yeah, and again, this is the new thing.
Demonize gun owners, demonize them, because it's their last gasp.
The gun culture is beginning to percolate up and win, and so they're panicking and are going to seize on anything they can.
We're going to get a quick update after this break.
On the other side with Matt Williams, our resident gun expert, and he's going to break down the attack legislatively that we can expect that's been announced, including taking your ammo.
All this and more straight ahead.
Turn your guns in.
The government wants to protect you and loves you.
They're good people.
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You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Matt Williams, I don't know, about a year ago, he said, watch, they're gonna ban these semi-auto shotguns imported from Russia.
Boom, they banned it.
ATF's saying they're gonna ban most shotguns, anything that's bottom-loaded.
They just say they don't need laws, they just make a rule.
And they're announcing executive action on our guns.
Matt, you've got a lot of gun shop connections, you've got connections into law enforcement, and you also teach concealed carry classes.
This is a short segment.
Tell people what to expect with the UN treaty and the rest of it.
Basically, like I was telling you earlier, expect Clinton revisited, but TSA style.
They're going to go after a wider spectrum.
of course.
And by the way, they've already, as you were saying, sold out of almost every assault weapon made.
The distributors are emptied out.
They're waiting for manufacturers.
But I thought people were conspiracy theorists that they were going to restrict our guns.
Yeah, well, you know, honesty's brutal.
At the end of the day... What are the gun shops like now?
Tell me what you told me.
It takes an hour just to get a hello from a sales representative to get a gun.
Thankfully I know a lot of people in the area and I sort of, you know, whittle around my way and get what I need, but it's a rush.
It's been a panic since the election.
This has just made them all quiet.
You go into a gun shop and instead of like a lot of jovial, you know, fellowship of gun owners, now you have a whole bunch of people who are almost made to feel ashamed of buying a gun.
I think it's more than that.
I think it's dawning on people that we've got real authoritarians in charge.
I mean, it's hammered down.
And you watch how mindless Obama supporters are.
They're going, I get something free.
And I'm like, it's going to double your insurance, you idiot.
That's one of my biggest fears.
And they're so stupid.
Well, they're going to go after mindlessly after our guns, too.
I mean, like you said, they're going to go after pump action shotguns.
They're saying you're the Klan if you have guns.
I don't
One of the things I listen to you talk a lot about is the red flag events.
I can easily see, you know, we have Nick's background check system set up throughout the entire country.
You know, this is supposed to cover for criminals, this is supposed to cover for mentally, what they call mentally defective people, a whole host of people.
It's easy to overlook these kind of checks and just allow things to happen.
And that's where I start seeing a lot of what's going on compared to your red flag events is...
You know, the system that's put into place isn't being turned on.
And it's giving them the excuse because under hard times, people are doing crazy stuff like this.
It's going to happen and they know it.
So they allow it to happen and ultimately gives them an opportunity to create these new laws and new bills and new bans and new regulation and job security for big government.
And it just gets crazy.
Do you think they'll be able to ram through?
Because they're saying they want physically people to turn them in.
So they're asking for a million miles, hoping to get a 500,000.
There's definitely going to be a ban.
Assault rifles are going to take a huge hit.
If you see any kind of assault rifle, quote-unquote, come in from overseas, forget about it.
They're going to go after that and they'll probably get that.
One of the things that's going to be set a precedence is they'll probably go after the M4, which has been commonly used in the school shooting, as well as the Colorado shooting.
Same type, weapon type.
It'll set a precedence because it'll be the first time that the government goes after a U.S.
Army-issued weapon.
You're talking about the semi-automatic copy of a Colt?
The Bushmaster that they used, yes.
But that would be like them going after a 1903 Springfield or an M1 Garand or an M1A.
That is a representation of the M14 that we used in Korea and Vietnam.
So this is the first time they're actually going to go after guns that are made here in America.
Well, you notice they're dumping the medical records in now.
So, they're just going to say, oh, you went to a psychologist once, you can't own a gun.
Well, they have a lot of that already up.
That's part of the NICS.
The Medical Advisory Board for each state actually has this.
As a physician, if you have anyone that you're prescribing certain drugs to, whether it be psychotropic drugs or painkillers or sedatives, you have to report them.
And by the way, he was refused, we now learn, not three, five times he tried to get guns.
Well, he got them from his mom.
At this point, from what I hear.
Do you even believe any of this?
I tell you what, stay there.
We're coming back with calls.
Get some headphones on, Admiral.
Get locked in.
We're coming back straight ahead in defense of the Republic.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, transmitting worldwide.
It is 2, 29, and 36 seconds deep in the heart of former Texas, FEMA Region 6, New Orleans Occupied Territory.
The transmission continues from Occupied Zone 6.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This man wants your guns.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are in overdrive here taking your phone calls.
Again, I'm not just saying this to everybody hyped up a new exciting radio.
The worst of the worst is coming true.
This is a totally coordinated psy-op against the Second Amendment that literally kicked off the starting of this country when they came to take the guns.
Texas was founded when Santa Ana come to take the guns from what David Ayers, one of my ancestors.
You know, the same story over and over again.
And here's the deal.
People aren't going to turn them in.
They're going to try to use the new Homeland Security paramilitary force, because the real training is all about American gun owners.
Gun owners returning veterans, constitutionalists, that's in all the Homeland Security documents.
Matt, I want to go back to calls here, but looking at the architecture of this, the good news is we've reached out to so many police.
They're starting to wake up, but again, they use events like this as psyops to just supercharge.
I mean, when they're putting on Fox Sports and NBC News that gun owners are, quote, Ku Klux Klan and need to be killed, when they are, I mean, this is some vicious rhetoric.
People got to get back in the face of this.
You were telling me off air.
Well, I mean, tell folks what you told me off air about that.
You know, a lot of these individuals, a lot of the shootings that have been happening throughout the year, you know, they're hitting high schools in some cases, movie theaters, things like that, and it's horrible.
But when you hit one of our nurseries where our children were innocent lives, just completely
It's pure evil.
Well, that's punching the programming of a mammal!
It doesn't matter what your beliefs are, what your stance is, it impacts you.
Everyone is hurting right now because of this.
You know about Operation Gladio, when our government targeted children in Europe as a pretext to demonize their political enemies and they framed Patsy?
No, I wasn't aware of that.
Sorry, go ahead.
But yeah, now it's gotten to a point where you're even having pro-gunners sort of laying down their arms saying, you know what, a ban at least is worthy of talking about.
So, as you said... And then there'll be more shootings and they'll give up more, more, more.
There's a blueprint to this.
I looked at a list the other day on Yahoo News and it was a list of a timeline for 2012 shootings.
And one of the shootings they put in there was the Empire State Building shooting.
The one that was started by the cops.
The ones where the cops shot nine people and the other guy was trying to get away.
That's a whole other... Well, no, they say... Yeah, no, that's the Nation Magazine and the Justice Department.
88 dead.
Most of them gang-related.
30-something real mass shootings.
Deer killed 200 people.
But again, it's irrational.
It's like when the media says, this is what you're supposed to do, they just say, open my wrist.
You're a racist if you don't like Obamacare.
It's the same thing.
It's an evil and in poor taste response.
Give me all the money in your wallet or you're a racist.
Well, ultimately... No, no, no, I'm serious.
Matt Williams, you're a racist if you don't give me your money.
I thought I was a nationalist.
Okay, you are racist.
Well, the point is I'm broke.
Give me your money or you're a racist.
Give me your money or you're a racist.
Folks, I want it witnessed right here.
Give me your car or you're a racist.
I'm serious.
Listen, I don't want to hear it.
Give me your guns or you're a racist.
That's what they're going to start telling you.
No, no, they're now doing that.
They're asking for a death online.
I mean, I'm seeing it.
And the NRA is shutting their websites down and cowering.
Everyone is.
I'm not!
Well, exactly.
But, I mean, you have their mainstream people who are just part of the game, who are just laying it down saying, you know, it's done in such poor taste, I have no defense for yourself, because this is such a horrible incident.
And it's like you did this, gun owners.
We're supposed to go, okay, here's my guns.
We're being blamed for doing this.
I didn't want to be in the Klan because I own guns.
I never, I never, I never liked the Klan, but you said I'm a member of it.
Here's my guns.
What does it even have to do with it?
Used car salesmen should walk out and say, buy my car, buy this car, you're a racist.
Yes, sir.
It's apparently a good tactic.
It's been working for a couple decades.
Give me your watch or you're a racist.
Come on, prove you're not.
Give it to me.
Oh, no.
Just to illustrate.
Come on, you know you're racist.
Oh, come on.
You're going to prove you're not racist?
My Latino friend got this for me.
What are you bragging?
Anyways, the point is, look at this, ladies and gentlemen.
He proved he's not a racist.
Good, you've proven yourself.
Anyways, that's what they're doing.
No, it's to the point where they're just kicking us in the teeth.
Did you see Obama's fake crying?
Yeah, I didn't understand why he was trying to flick his tears out in the audience.
Well, no, no, no, no.
Well, at first it was a... I'll be honest, if I was in his position, it'd be like a waterfall.
I couldn't imagine having to go and talk to all those families and then be put on TV.
It's like in Spies Like Us when they're caught cheating in the exam and they're going, heart attack!
They're falling down going, hug scoop, pin please!
Yeah, no, it was well scripted.
But that's what happens when you vote in paid actors, you know?
Well, Obama actually really cares about us.
That's why these idiots have no idea.
Anyways, I want to go to phone calls, but here's the deal.
We better get organized because they're going to take everything you've got.
A lot of people are like, well, I'll turn my guns in.
I don't care.
They want the guns because politically they're going to do things so horrible.
They know that's going to cause a response.
Well, I mean, if you want to, just a quick briefing, what to look for if you're going to go out and buy stuff is anything that's imported that can hold 10 rounds or more.
Any kind of NATO caliber ammo, whether it be 9mm, 5.56, also the 7.62, which is NATO caliber rounds.
In retrospect, also the Soviet ammo, 5.45mm by 39 as well as 7.62 by 39.
All those importations are at risk.
Uh, any kind of gun that's manufactured that is capable of holding ten or more rounds within the next six months are going to be at risk.
Stateside, the M4.
If you're ever interested in owning an M4 type, military type.
For those that don't know, that's an M16 semi-auto.
Yeah, it's an M4.
Well, there's an M16.
Second one would be the M16A2, then the M16A3, and then they designated the M4.
But yes, it's basically a Eugene Stoner design.
If you want one, buy one, because they're not going to be around long.
Um, shotguns.
Anything semi-automatic.
By the way, it is the AR-15 that that witch, uh, Feinstein, is holding up, going, we're gonna get this!
I'll get you and your little dog, too!
She's been carrying a gun since she's been talking about not carrying a gun.
She's been carrying one.
It's been on record, yeah.
Yeah, she's a CHL holder.
She's a pig.
Yeah, she's a slob.
She's basically... Let me ask this question.
Israel gets our tax money to put M-16s in lockers in all the classrooms so the Palestinians know to target a school.
Why can the Israelis have M-16s in schools but we can't?
That's what Pigstein should be asked.
I don't think they give their kids a medal for participating and at the same time, as I said, the generation has been spanked.
So that's what we face.
We have a lot of Americans who, frankly, in the last 30 or so years have just become weak.
Something with the mentality and the environment.
But I mean, they know, right now, have the sheriff train and deputize whoever wants to be in the school, and then that's the end of it.
That would be logical to actually implement a deputy officer.
I went to a really bad high school, so we actually had a substation in our high school.
It didn't stop shootings.
It didn't stop sabbings.
It didn't stop drug activity.
You were in, what was it, Miami?
South Miami.
Southridge Senior High.
It was back in the 80s in South Florida, so it had its problems all together.
E. Howard Hunt always called it Miami, so that's why I called it.
My grandma called it that.
She's from Texas.
Let's go ahead and go to some phone calls here.
Let's talk to who's been holding the longest.
Rob in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Are you looking forward to turning your gun in because Obama cares about the children?
Sounds like he is.
He's already left to go turn them in.
Rob, go ahead, sir.
I'm here, buddy.
I'm here.
Okay, we're not screening your call.
You go right on air.
I wanted to say that my sister lives in Connecticut.
She's a school teacher, probably about 24 miles away from the shooting that happened.
Glad she's alright.
I wanted to say that I'm sad for the victims.
I also wanted to say or ask some questions about, you know,
What am I supposed to do if they come for my guns or come for my neighbor's guns?
I mean, what are we supposed to do?
Prove you're a good citizen and go down in the pit like they did in Nazi Germany and just open your shirt up and say, please, please kill me.
I mean, that's what a patriot does is you turn your guns in and you worship communism.
I mean, that's freedom, sir.
No, I mean, we fight politically now to expose this illegitimate government and we make them fight for every inch.
We've been reversing them on the Second Amendment.
That's why they've been so desperate and are coming after the guns now and are going to do it in an authoritarian fashion.
The gun culture's been winning.
All the women's magazines are women with guns now and shooting.
Matt, talk about that.
I mean, hasn't the gun culture been the only beachhead of liberty left?
It really has been, because once you take that away and kiss your First Amendment... But I mean, that's where we've been gaining ground.
The gun culture's been taking over.
Yeah, I mean, it's been a steady decline of support of any kind of anti-gun measures.
Ever since 1968, it's been, you know, it went from like 76% or 72% and dropped all the way down.
Now we're currently at an anti-gun culture of only like 36 or 37%.
That's right.
Wow, you know your stuff.
That's right.
But then they're going to try this hoax of, oh, it's a mandate.
Everyone wants to turn their guns in.
The polls don't show that.
The point is you're not getting our gun dirtbags.
You're voting for someone.
They're getting into office and then ultimately they just joined the good ol' boys club and they're sitting there.
And the Republicans are trial ballooning taking your guns.
It's not even the Republicans.
It's not just the Democrats.
It's all of them.
Exactly, but the Democrats are the tip of the spear.
And I'm saying there's only a few Republicans speaking out like Gohmert of Texas.
They're like, how dare you say arm the teachers!
That's insane!
When I keep on seeing, you know, laws being passed and how they explain how laws are being passed and how it goes from one, you know, legislation over to another legislation, I just don't believe it.
I adamantly think, feel, and have seen certain things been done and handled like a drug deal, to the point where they're just handing over money to get stuff done.
And that's exactly... Exactly, and they want our guns so they can really take our freedom.
And if they had any good taste about them, they would at least allow a time to mourn these poor children that died.
No, they jump right on it with Obama like a wolf wanting to use those kids.
Let's say the names now.
Hopefully their lives will mean something by getting the guns.
What I read on one of the reports is that the mother has actually was
State required to go through a parenting education course.
Now, if that was the case, that should red flag them on NICS.
She had three guns.
She had an assault rifle, she had two handguns.
NICS is supposed to pick up stuff like that.
How come it didn't?
Look, it's ridiculous.
It's totally ridiculous.
That's the FBI.
They are the fourth strongest state on gun control.
Well, and ironically, that's where most of them are manufactured.
Well, here's the deal.
You better let the gun lobby know we want absolute defense of the Second Amendment.
Number one, I've shown the statistic like five times.
I've got it right here in my stack.
You have a almost three times better chance of dying from a deer jumping in front of your car than from a gun in a mass shooting.
You have a better chance of being shot by a cop than dying in a mass shooting.
Yeah, I mean, it's crazy.
It's crazy.
The cop that got killed at Walmart here.
The guy was on a bunch of psychotropics that came out later.
They always are!
I mean, a cop just walks in, you just shoot him for no reason?
Of course they're whacked out of their brain!
Even if you're an evil person, you're gonna get killed or go to jail!
These people, when some sergeant climbs the wall at night and goes and kills 16 people, I said he'll be on drugs.
Turned out, psychotropic steroids and that malaria drug that they took off the market because it makes you crazy.
You know, the more I keep looking at everything and hearing everything and seeing all these reports coming in, different types of violence, whether it be done by this person or that person, you know, I sometimes feel bad because I become part of the problem and turn into a zombie and walk into my house and just close the door because I just, I just want quiet.
Yeah, well, you know what?
These globalists aren't getting our guns.
No, no, no.
And we got Larry Pratt on tomorrow.
We're gonna stop him.
Let's go to George in Connecticut.
George, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
I have a personal connection, but before I wanted to go into that with the incident, I want to make some suggestions.
Why don't we ask some of your listeners in Israel to do interviews over there, what they do in the similar circumstances in schools, have videos, and also maybe in Switzerland with everybody's packing guns, what they do there, which I have Swiss friends and I have Swiss heritage.
They have the lowest crime rate in Europe and one of the lowest in the world and the answer is everyone by law is required to have full auto and then they've all got underground bases with hand grenades and rocket launchers and no one would dare invade them.
I'm good.
You should hook up with people who are basically going against us and saying, look, this is a drug thing.
Gary Knoll, which is out of New York and California, your friend, what is it, the health ranger or whatever he is, he has a connection with him.
He was talking about this for about 15 minutes.
A flaming liberal, really good guy, but he was saying, look,
95% of these incidents all around the world have been proven that when they shoot up people and kids and things like that, they were all drug related.
Why aren't we focusing on the drugs?
No, no, I agree.
We need to say, listen, you come after our guns.
This is a war against the serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Listen, they're trying to make 50% of the kids go on the drugs now.
That's under a new freedom initiative.
And then look, suicide is rising.
The more people go on these drugs, because it says on the insert, makes you commit suicide.
We're giving people suicide pills!
Or homicide pills.
Well, they do that too, it's... Remember Shantix?
Okay, I quit smoking on the first time.
When I quit smoking, I did it on Shantix.
But I would be in situations where literally, I mean, I'm not even going to describe how I lost my temper, but I was losing my temper.
And then one day I was watching a commercial and it says, oh, may cause psychotic episodes.
No, no, no, no.
All these SSRIs and SRIs, they say psychotic episodes.
They are murder, death, kill pills.
Here, let's give everybody murder, death, kill pills, and then wonder why it's not 95, it's like 99.
I was trying to find a case where there was a mass school shooting where they weren't on these drugs.
Notice they try to keep it quiet now.
Well, you know he was under psychiatric care.
Great point, sir.
What was your other point?
Okay, so if you took that, those two points, and started mailing this to these people, whether Schumer or whatever, the reporters that are all trying to say we should disarm, I think that's a powerful point.
On the personal point, my best friend was actually dating one of the...
I will guarantee you that if I heard gunshots coming out of a school and I had a gun nearby, there's no stop.
Matt, what would you have done if you were driving by and saw this?
I would have gone in.
Anybody, I mean anybody of decency would have gone in there.
Even if you didn't have a gun.
What would you do if you were on an airplane and guys pulled box cutters out?
You know, I would first probably cry because all the TSA stuff I had to go through to get on that damn plane, but after that I would probably really lose my temper to the point where I would be what we call chemically unstable.
Well, I mean, my point is, is that, I mean, I've been in a lot, I'm not saying I'm a tough guy, but I've been in a lot of big knockdown drag outs.
I know somebody pulls a knife on me, I'm going to stomp their, I mean, it's like, oh, you just pulled out a weapon.
You just gave me King Kong power.
Oh, yeah.
Because when people got weapons, it's, I mean, I, it's carte blanche at this point.
I mean, my issue is I've been in judicial office.
When I got in fights with people my size, when they started it even, I couldn't get going.
Well, when a couple big guys attack me, look out!
That's the thing.
We come from a generation where we were told, hey, never throw the first punch, but you better throw the last.
And, you know, just because they're that big, they hit the ground that much harder.
So, I mean, yeah, you pull out a gun or a knife, I've been stabbed, I've been shot at, so let's go.
Anyways, great points, sir.
Appreciate your call.
We'll jam in a few final ones here in this next segment, Healthcare News and Shooter and CIA.
Yeah, we're getting reports the dad is this high up banker at
G.E., which has a big banking division, and the mother has some shadowy connections.
We haven't confirmed it yet, but it looks like, well, they're saying she was a CIA analyst.
You know the Batman shooter?
He was in a government mind control program?
On record, a DARPA program.
Fully paid.
Was it DARPA?
Yeah, Department of Defense.
And then they put an Air Force top psychiatrist over him.
That's crazy.
Oh no, that definitely staged, man.
DARPA is, you know, they'll give us the microwave and then they'll give us the psychotic fat man.
These people, they need direction.
Man, I tell you, one thing's for sure, this isn't a boring town to be alive.
I'm telling you right now, ladies and gentlemen, we are facing some crazy times.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Get ready America!
The collectivists do want to bring this country down, and once they get our guns, they're going to put you in a forced labor camp.
That's in the new army manual, that's what they trained for.
And it's all part of, you know, oh, this patriot killed some children after the gun ban, put them all in a camp.
I mean, if it's for the children, I guess we better go to the camp.
I'm showing up willfully.
Put me in the forced labor, I want to prove I'm good.
Like those people in Nazi Germany, you've seen the films where they'll have their hat and bow politely to the soldiers as they run into the pit with other dead bodies and are polite.
Okay, shoot me now.
And to show you're patriotic, that's what you should do.
You should send Obama a postcard saying, put me in a forced labor camp, blow my head off, just like Bill Ayers talked about doing 25 million Americans.
I want to prove I love you.
Murder me.
How does that sound, Matt?
I'd rather take self-immolation.
Man, I'm just out of control.
By the way, we went all over Austin when we put 70,000 of these on the streets.
We had our distributor go to dozens and dozens and dozens of locations.
Almost all of them were gone.
But we were able to get 3,000 off the streets of Austin.
Because they're such a... well, these sold out.
We pulled the ones out of San Antonio, they sold out.
At cost, this man wants your guns, the December issue, at cost, in bulk, there's 5,000, um, no, no, no, 3,000 left of those, and then 600 they held back for a few more subscriptions.
I forget, the point is, Weldon Henson just told us during the break.
How many did he say?
He said 3,000.
Did I tell you the story about my daughter when she picked one of those up and brought one of those home?
No, you didn't.
She comes home with one of those, she throws it down on the table with the cover pointing up, and she's like, look, daddy, still causing problems.
And that was two weeks ago.
And she just turned nine.
My nine-year-old can recognize this.
She can recognize the enemy?
Yeah, and there's over 50% of America that can't.
Don't you want to be collectivized?
I'm not going to let her become that way.
No, but the government loves you.
All those medical experiments on children?
Those were done because they care about us.
Okay, so we got 3,000.
And 600 they pulled back to sell as part of the subscription.
If you want it that way, infowarestore.com.
Let's fight these people.
Let's expose them.
Let's have our fighting spirit.
Let's not give up the Second Amendment because Lord Obama said so and cried.
But he cried!
Let's turn it in while he smart drones everybody.
Ryan in California, Healthcare News.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to let you know about a really disturbing trend that's been happening that Peter Stein and I actually set as a precedent.
They've been denying medical marijuana patients transplants and this whole electronic health care record thing is really
Oh yeah, I saw that.
Well, this is the new system.
Don't you don't like the government having all your records and then mixing them with other databases?
I mean, Nixon almost went to jail for having health care records.
What's wrong with every agency having it?
It's freedom!
It's liberal!
What are you mad Mitt Romney lost, huh?
Has nothing to do with anything, they just say that.
They go, we won, you lost, ha ha!
He smart-droned you, ha ha!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, they offered up to $55,000 for the new healthcare, or EMR, electronic medical records initiative through the stimulus package.
And I recently spoke with someone who's a Medicare patient who was being questioned by one of the major healthcare networks about whether or not they use medical marijuana for their Medicare records.
So they're really trying to push down on this.
Well listen, Obama tripled the rates on California marijuana because he's cool!
I mean, he is so cool!
He got a Peace Prize, Matt, did you hear?
Lookin' too, they say.
Well, did you hear?
He got a Peace Prize!
They gave him a Peace Prize.
No, I mean, he's a good man.
He cares about the kids.
When they smart-bomb him and blow their lower mandible off to give Al-Qaeda control of Libya and they scream for mommy out of a bloody hole in their face.
He loves them!
Don't you have a heart, Matt?
I mean, Obama wants your guns because he cares, and so does... so does Bloomberg.
I mean, they're not tyrants.
These are good men.
I hate actors.
No, no.
Turn your guns in.
I will.
Remember, they were never going to come for him, but now they are.
We were wrong about that because we were right.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Drums, drums in the deep.
They are coming.
Drums, drums in the deep.
Warn everyone!