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Filename: 20121107_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 7, 2012
4539 lines.
Big Brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want answers well so does he
he's Alex Jones on the GCN radio network and now live from Austin Texas Alex Jones
well it's official ladies and gentlemen we've got four more years of Barack
Hussein Obama or whatever his real name is and hey he's a puppet he's a front
man but he's a very important puppet because he gets people to buy in to
his fraud he gets people to buy into the myth that he's actually running things
and so people can blame him for bad things that happen and give him credit
for good things that happen when a president you know is not supposed to
really be involved at many levels of our economy and our society a president
is generally there for times of war and disputes between the courts and the
Congress legislative but but now everything is about government and how
it's going to manage and run our lives how it's going to tell parents what
their kids are gonna eat in school it's going to tell people who can travel and
who can have jobs outside of courts it's going to decide if you get your
retirement or not government is going to run your health care government is
here and it's growing like a cancer and the Republican Party lost I don't think
there was I mean we got Bev Harris gonna play there was probably some fraud on
both sides we're seeing evidence of that but they probably did lose because they
tried to play the part of the reluctant socialist collectivist and they're not
going to beat the Democrats when the Democrats are saying hey we'll take
everybody's money that's got a dollar more than you and give it to you do you
want a free ride and the answer is yes we want a free ride and they've said
we'll break down the borders bring in unlimited illegal aliens and give you
all free goodies if you'll vote to take the citizens guns and bring in total
control the answer is absolutely we're ready and so it is the countdown to the
total collapse of this country it's a foregone guaranteed conclusion on the
path we're going because the Republicans even though he wrote Obamacare even
though he's wants to ban semi-autos even though he loves abortion in the past he
had to act like he was against all those things and the Democrats by and large
don't like that they think it's a treat to be disarmed they think it's a treat
to live in a box and be controlled and be a chicken fed by the government they
think it's a treat and that it's loving and that they're these great moral
people they're very childlike and the Republicans by and large are childlike
as well they trust the Republican Party but the Republican Party is going to be
a thing of the past and you'll just have kind of the Communist Party and the
Socialist Party of the Democratic system the Democratic Party in the long dark
winter of tyranny with a fascistic global overlay with megabanks that are
exempt from the socialism and communism they foist on us if Republicans don't
get hardcore and and and move into states rights moving to nullification move
into having the state secure the borders it's over it's over you know Mexico has
a secure border with Guatemala for a reason unlimited people will pour in
from Latin America who are unskilled because there are skilled people in
Latin America but they get in legally and because they have skills they're
allowed to come in that's the same thing you should let skilled come in not
unskilled who just become political fodder and that's really what this
comes down to more and more so we'll be talking about some of that today but it
is the countdown to destruction you know if Mexico did just leave its southern
border basically open it they would have hundreds of millions of people coming
up from the rest of Latin America people that are unskilled poor people that
are criminals imagine if Mexico said hey all the country south of us will we'll
give you free health care come here and have your babies and then come up to
Mexico and vote to take the people's rights away but see Mexico's already
lost all its rights so it doesn't need to bring in people who for government
payoffs will vote to bring in tyranny as Mexico's already been a tyranny well for
hundreds of years we're gonna come back though and get into all the election
news what's happening in the economy with the big stock market sell-off and a
lot more straight ahead
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the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic it's Alex Jones
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. central we are here live that's
12 noon to 3 p.m. Eastern it is the day after the election it is Wednesday
November 7th 2012 and I would have been depressed and upset and disquieted if
either one of these men would have been elected but the fact that Obama was
elected signifies that the American people who've been dumbed down and
domesticated that a larger and larger swath of them are sheep like and do want
to be collectively controlled and live in little agenda 21 boxes that's not
saying Mitt Romney would have been any better but at least on the surface he
said you built your small business at least on the surface he said the second
amendment was a right on the surface he said that we didn't need carbon taxes on
the surface he said abortion was wrong on the surface he said things that are
common sense and constitutional and pro-freedom pro-family pro-small business
and are what America was founded on Obama who said if you have a small
business you didn't build that he said some similar things in his victory
speech in Chicago last night you know he said he I mean he talked about you
know we're not just our competitive individuals we're a collective and
that's because they're most worried about the individual who's figured out
the scam if we had loving robot you know systems or angels that sat there like
iRobot with Isaac Asimov giving us our food giving us our water running our
lives and collectively dividing it up it would be a prison it wouldn't be
exciting it wouldn't be the animating contest of liberty but it might be
generally biologically good for the general welfare until people lost their
competitors and became you know jellyfish basically have you seen the movie
Wally you know the future self-propelled stomachs a lounging on the on the
intergalactic cruise ship I mean that's where we're headed but you see that's
not where it's going though on the current path it's going that direction
except there's a deter there's a fork in the road where they plan on just getting
rid of the majority of people and that's what government health care is all
about that's why health care stocks the are the only stocks that are up today
because it means 35 million people will be forced to buy health care and the
insurance companies have already said it's going to increase it's already gone
up 20 something percent just in the passage a few years ago of eugenics
care Obamacare it's not even socialism if you're looking for a free lunch it's
it's it's not that you know it's like a coyote you give a poison poison biscuit
to you know they have those and then goes off and soft kills them it's a delayed
action but my point here is that none of this is being done to empower you the
collectivist pitfall is that the the mid-level and low-level collectivist are
generally childlike people even if they have high IQs they're not street smart
and they really just like the idea of they're part of a collective and they
all decide how to hand out the goodies and engineer society and that
collectively is their life work and I've studied these people I've watched them
they basically just mill around scared of guns scared of testosterone scared of
being a man the women dislike men that are part of this guild they're really
anti-human addled screwed up malfunctioning twisted people and I mean I
have to say that and for all the conservatives problems they still at
their core base want to be human beings and want to follow the natural order the
technocrats want to play god and rearrange human society and so they need
us to not be individuals they need us to be collective Borg hive mind idiots and
so that is the path we're on and no one can deny it and it's physical it's not
just educational where our IQs are dropping the brainwaves are dropping on
average the the vocabulary is dropping massively what what George Arwell wrote
about Eric Blair wrote about in 1984 in sock reducing the language you know he
didn't he didn't just write this incredible fiction and wow how'd he come
up with this he had worked under the Soviets before being an imperial police
officer in India and he had also then been a member of OSS in high-level
propaganda at the BBC and he totally freaked out and ran off to a island off
Scotland and wrote that book and died right after it got published probably was
killed believe me folks they did not want that book coming out that books not
fiction okay that's what they plan to do stage terror attacks blaming it on
fire enemies breaking up the family kids reporting on you that's real and oldest
Huxley who wrote Brave New World in 1932 have you read Brave New World books
written 80 something years ago you go read that and and it's what they're
setting up today and you see it in the headlines what's in that book go read the
book of course I don't just think this he wrote another book called Brave New
World revisited I've read and he gave a speech at Berkeley in 62 that we've
played on air multiple times where he was speaking to the graduate students and
professors and he said this is all real we're gonna integrate this plan that the
elite developed with a overlay of 1984 but it's gonna be about 70% Brave New
World 30% 1984 and this is a real plan and you're not gonna be able to escape
it you should just join us and he died a few months later himself you can say he
was killed or he knew he was gonna be dying so he went ahead and he was
laughing at them by the way while he talked about it you know I don't think
it's funny being laughed at about this being told I'm in a cage being told I'm
being poisoned to the food and water seeing the control grids that the
physical domination systems being put into place I was I'm gonna get a more
to the election in a minute but but I was driving to work this morning and way
up ahead on the frontage road when I exited to come down to our offices I
saw the cop with his lights on I saw him pull a car over 500 600 yards ahead I
saw the lights way ahead I saw the pull over onto the shoulder and traffic was
going kind of slow so about 20 miles an hour by the time I got up there he
already had the woman out of the car walking with her head down you know
clean cut look like just a regular you know working girl you know regular
business type head down ordering her into the back of the police car and it
was just that image you know where you know the state's bad now you don't know
if that guy had a reason to do that you don't know the story I just felt this
paying to pull over and and aid her like like like wolves were on a woman I
said I got to get to work I got a but the point is you know we're entering that
phase ladies and gentlemen we're we're entering that phase where you can't
just drive on by every time we've got to pick our battles but but we've got us
start observing we've got to start watching because the bottom is dropping
out right now it's going to get very bad they are announcing today they're
going to shut down over a thousand coal power plants as they said they would they
are announcing they are going to push a carbon tax on everything you do
electricity gasoline everything they are going to cripple us and they are
going to get everybody basically on welfare and food stamps that's the plan
that they were going to watch the absolute breaking of this country and
we're going to watch the general public begging for handouts from the people
that did it and I see the cynical speech of Obama that I watched last night and
if you know what you're listening to it is a declaration of war it's not the
slow new order takeover anymore he said we are going to seize the future and
then he indicted the individual and that's because these super predators
are threatened by the individual but I'm here to tell you we are we are in
deep trouble and again it's not that Romney would have saved us either it's
just that there's some elections rod Bev Harris is coming up later it looks
like it's on both sides but Obama won by I don't know a million two million
popular votes not done yet but looks like he won that he won not really by a
landslide but by a good margin the electoral college with 303 to 206 and
it just shows that the guy that said you didn't build that and the guy that ran
down small business people and who's the voice of the flag of
collectivism that we're going the way of Venezuela and it's going to get bad
folks and people won't notice they lose their standard of living they won't care
because they still get that little thing from the government and they're going
to use the giant disenfranchised dumbed-down masses they're going to
take everybody's property they're going to take our guns and they're going to
march paramilitary police and military on us and they're going to start a civil
war they're going to hunt us down they're going to kill us they're going to put
us in reeducation camps and I'm going to do whole reports where it's in the new
army manuals where the weathermen with Obama said that was their plan and the
banks are going to set off shore while they got this country up one side and
down the other now that's if they have their way here's the deal they're never
going to tell you we're winning we're winning on many fronts for five of their
zombies one real person that's awake it has more intellect more energy more
power than them we just have to turn it loose at the grassroots level and take
our society back and wake up as many zombies as we can we have to reach out
to everybody and we have to rediscover liberty and we have to just denounce the
collectivist and all the nightmares that they've created in their power trips
and we have to expose it we have to expose the global bankers that use
collectivism to control people we have to expose how pathetic and sad people are
that have been collectivized and how their dignity and humanity is stolen and
we have to understand this is a total war we've got to fight the info war so
it doesn't go physical you notice around half the public didn't vote you notice
congress has a nine percent approval rating we're actually winning the
hearts and minds but we're losing the control of the infrastructure because
the criminals already hijacked it everybody on the plane knows there's
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we are going to be opening the phones up for your quick response to what you've
seen out of the election where you think things are going toll free number to
join us is 800-259-9231 800-259-9231 we'll get Jesse Ventura back on coming
up later today to give us his take on the election and more we have Bev Harris
for 30 minutes in the third hour to give us the latest on types of election
fraud or scams that she is tracking over at blackboxvoting.org so that's all
coming up again I'm your host Alex Jones if you just joined us coming up up
after the break Obama may levy carbon tax to cut US deficit HSBC says of
course that's always been the plan there the Dow sell off on Obama election
win energy stocks decline coal mine top losers coal miners everything is going
down but the hospital stocks and we'll explain why because big big health care
which is run by big insurance companies and banks they wrote the bill and they
got Romney to pass it in Massachusetts and they got Obama to do it it allows
them to not cover pre-existing it allows them to control what health care you get
it takes control what your doctor can do it does set up the rationing death
panels and you've got all these idiots going man thank you Obama for my free
health care and you're not gonna get it you always had the emergency care you
I it's just to be informed and to watch these people how stupid they are and the
fact that they smile it and go I'll get over it your guy Romney didn't win I'm
like listen you idiot I knew Romney was New World Order 2 it just this the
establishment wanted Obama so don't sit there with that self-satisfied stupid
smirk on your face when you don't know the first thing about what you're
dealing with makes me sick it would make me angry at them if they weren't such
pathetic victims I mean heaven help these people Obama and the globalist
want agenda 21 to shut us down they hate you they want to eat your lunch they
got drones murdering people all over the world they're putting al-Qaeda in charge
of countries these are hardcore criminals and you idiots think they love you I'm
sick of it I'm sick all the liars that say collectivism is gonna deliver us to
heaven when it always delivers us to hell excuse me I'm gonna settle down for
just a moment just going into bondage like quicksand just slow death is just
horrible and it's world government there's no where to run and then there's
stuff like this Paul Watson has the article up at info wars.com it's been
since picked up by Breitbart and a bunch of others Chris Matthews hails
hurricane Sandy for aiding Obama re-election I'm so glad we had the
storm last week we're gonna play the full clip and then play the shorter clip
but I told you that Romney was gaining major momentum on Benghazi and on the
you didn't build it and the Obama phone lady and all of it and I told you that
would let him grandstand shut things down shut shut down coverage and make
himself look presidential and again it's all about how these puppets actually
run things it's about making you not to talk about the real ruling structure the
mega banks that actually want big government but here's Chris Matthews
with Maddow and the rest of them up there in their little fancy sets their
little fancy emperors new clothes perch to a tiny audience chirping about
chirping about about how you know wondrous the hurricane was that killed
lady people here it is good work for them good work for him a good day for
America I'm so glad we had that storm last week because I think the storm was
one of those things no politically I should say in terms of hurting people
the storm brought in possibilities for good politics okay there you go good
policies so I don't let a good crisis go to waste yeah and even if you have the
stage one and they they now they've told you Al Qaeda is not the threat it
it never was it's gun owners conservatives libertarians and they've
got the military the police everybody else publicly training to shut down even
small towns and come in and kick down your doors and take your guns that's an
army training drills that we show video of the manuals the news congress people
on state reps governors in police state for the rise of FEMA you can buy the
DVD at infowars.com but there's no need to do that it's free online you know for
heaven's sakes go get the film go watch it show it to everybody you know the
reason I say get the DVD a lot of people get sent some free film online even in
decent res they don't appreciate it cuz it's free you give them the DVD they'll
tend to watch it put it on access TV warn people again the government's
massing forces and training to make war on those of us that don't want to be
communist okay with mega banks offshore controlling communism is a control arm of
the of the robber barons to enslave us while they're exempt offshore that's
why they funded linen all of it let's go out to break the one more time what
Chris Matthews say he he loves the storm here's that short clip here he is I'm so
glad we had that storm last week I'm so glad we had that storm last week I'm so
glad we had that storm last week oh they're right back good we're on the March
the Empire's on the run Alex Jones and the GCN radio network
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we are on the March the Empire is on the run Alex Jones and the GCN radio
And it doesn't have much time
Cause at five o'clock they took me to the gallows pole
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen
And the sands of time for our republic are running low
There is no doubt about that
And it is going to be horrible
The authoritarians, the criminal crime syndicates worldwide have licked their lips
Just dreaming of fully gutting this country, arresting whoever they want
We already have the biggest prison population in the world
The greatest surveillance system the world's ever seen
The biggest government anyone's ever seen
The biggest military the world's ever seen
And it's all run by offshore eugenics-based bankers
Who literally want to put bio and chemical weapons into your body
Watch you degenerate and die and then suck all your savings out of you
At their death camp hospitals
That is their plan, that is their program
And that doesn't mean the average doctor is even bad
They are compartmentalized within this system
And it is only by waking up to the full horror of this
That we have any chance of beating it
And I think we're going to end up beating it
The question is how bad is it going to get
And I think unquestionably it's going to get really, really, really, really bad
Before anything gets better
And again, Romney would, if people would have voted for Romney
It would have been a slapdown of Obama's government run healthcare
A slapdown of saying churches are going to pay for abortions
And hiring people that aren't part of their religion
Total attack on the First Amendment, totally illegal
Which Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
I mean, you could have a religion saying that only men can marry men
And you can't have the government come and tell them
That they can't in their own religion call it marriage and do it
It just can't be state sponsored
Or you can have a religion saying you can marry all the women you want
Quite frankly, under the First Amendment
Whether you agree with that or not
If it's under religion, you can pretty much do whatever you want
And see, people don't like that
They don't like the real separation of church and state
Means government isn't involved in religion
If the Hopi Indians want to take mescaline, want to take peyote
And talk to their ancestors and run around the fire
That's their business
And if holy rollers want to dance around with rattlesnakes in their hands
And drink strict nine, that's their business
And if Muslims want to have minarets in Dearborn, Michigan
And if daily calls to prayer, that's their business
And if Baptist want to go and get in the river
And baptize their five-year-old, that's their business
And if Catholics want to take communion, that's their business
And if they don't want to hire Satanists, that's their business
I mean, do the Satanists have to hire Alex Jones?
No, I'm now ranting off into that issue
It just totally blows me away
And then I see Chris Matthews knowing he's a globalist
Knowing he's a eugenicist, knowing that he's a technocrat race pimp
And that's what collectivists do
They sit there, when they're on the air with you, I've interviewed many of them
And they'll say, oh, that's racism
You're like, hey, I don't want government healthcare, oh, that's racism
Well, how's it racism?
Ah, you know, John Burt's society talking points
You're like, what does that even have to do?
I mean, it's like a simple playbook they go through
And it's, those of us that are informed, it's mindless
But it's not mindless to childlike population out there
Because they have been so dumbed down
Let's play this one more time
The full video is up at infowars.com and prisonbundle.com
Chris Matthews hails Hurricane Sandy for aiding Obama reelection
You know, I said two weeks ago, I said that hurricane as it was coming
Was probably going to get Obama reelected
I said, currently Romney is getting in the lead
But I said this is going to take it out of the news
And this is going to let Obama look like a savior
And it's going to take Benghazi out of the news and some other issues
And here the Democrats are bragging about it
And 80 people dead, devastation, government can't and won't help people
They're busy arresting folks that try to bring gasoline into their neighbors
They're busy nickeling and dying people
Because government's there to keep the producers on the plantation
And say yes or boss
And there to let the criminals run wild and feed on us
So we beg for more police state
We're all managed on these big collectivist farms
And now the collectivists are like, hey, let's just gut the hog all the way
Let's just butcher the sheep, let's stop shearing them
Let's just go ahead and have a party
Because they know that in liberty is the seeds of their destruction
So they just want to get rid of it all
They want to wipe everything out
That's what they want, they destroy in Poland and in Ukraine
Other areas, the Soviets would just turn off all the infrastructure for years
That turn off five years till, you know, 15 million Ukrainians starve to death
And this is what they do
This is what they do
And you can call them communists, you can call them fascists
The Nazis did that in places they came in and took over, turned off the infrastructure
Started starving people out in Serbia and other areas
This is what they do, you know, I've studied warfare
I've studied history, and history is warfare
I've studied siege, I've studied economic blockades
I've studied physical blockades, I've studied it up one side and down the other
Through in and through out
And let me tell you, we're under attack
And just because you got a bunch of addled people stumbling around
Watching Oprah Winfrey, the male Oprah Winfrey up there crying
You know, the system does not care about you, it hates you
The Democratic Party
And Richard Belzer is pretty informed, he actually knew this when I had him on yesterday
Said we're going to stop putting on our white robes and having 500,000 clansmen march in D.C.
Now, that was in the 20s and 30s, we're going to say we're liberals
And we're going to take over, we're going to break up everybody's families
We're going to collectivize all these people
And we're going to convince the minorities to be our slaves again on the plantation
And we're going to break up their families and they've done it, they've done a great job
They've done a wonderful job and you can't get out of it
Because the Republicans are basically the same people too
The Republicans try to act like they're conservative enough and libertarian enough to get people to go with them
But that's not enough for the Democrats, if they came out and announced we love Lenin, we love Stalin
Arrest rich people, put them in FEMA camps, then Republicans would be elected in California
I mean, you got a bunch of losers milling around all day folks that when they see a nice car, they see a nice house
Or you even give people a big tip, they want to bash your brains out, okay
They want to throw your wife on the table, raper and killer
That's what a bunch of these collectivists are like, these are the scum of the earth
And then you've got the Dudley Do-Right idiots of the earth that are out there with them
And they're dangerous and they've done this in hundreds of countries in the last couple thousand years
Globalist do this, Jacobins in France, whatever you want to call them, we're in trouble
And I'm going to tell you folks, they're going to hurt you bad, okay
They're going to hurt you bad
But again, if it's their tool of statecraft, hey, 3,000 die from 9-11 to destroy the Republic to bring in the police state
80 die, hey, you know what, this hurricane, thank God for this hurricane, here's Chris Matthews one more time
Good work for them, good work for him, a good day for America
I'm so glad we had that storm last week, because I think the storm was one of those things
No, politically I should say, in terms of hurting people
The storm brought in possibilities for good politics
All right, let's just stop right there
The storm brought you to your knees so government could run around and have women, mainly single women
Daddy died or daddy got thrown out a long time ago, because I profiled these people
It's single women, big bosses, and they got their nice house
They're out there with their kids, you know, who are 25, 30 years old
I'm not knocking, you were taking care of your kids, but I'm profiling it
And they're out there and it's the proud woman going, I want my food, I want my gas
And Schumer, yes ma'am, here's my card, we're gonna get it
And they didn't get Jack Diddley squat and it failed on every front, but it doesn't matter
It's that image of that senator bowing to her, yes ma'am, I'm gonna take care of you
And that's what they want, and that's what NAFTA and GATT and globalism and tax incentives to move offshore
And bailouts to move General Motors overseas and Jeep planning to leave the country
All of this is about teaching you, you need them
That's what Agenda 21, all of it is, don't you get it?
Humans are so productive, so competitive, so dynamic
And the globalists have all written books about this, they talk about the economy overheating
So they try to increase, you know, taxes and things
They know increased taxes, shut the economy down
And they're announcing all these new taxes that are gonna kick in
And all the new carbon taxes, and all the new stuff
And you notice the stock market's plunging and things are shutting down
But that's okay, because that's part of the plan
Only thing going up is the banker run healthcare system
Written by the insurance companies to destroy healthcare and restrict the care you can get under government care
And the death panels and all the rest of it, which they now have
I can play Bill Gates admitting there's death panels and he supports them
But again, they said when they were trying to pass it, there's not death panels
That's a conspiracy theory when any moron could read
There's government panels of bioethicists that will tell in general forms what you can get
And they say, hey, you're over 65, you don't get eye surgery
You don't get knee surgery
And they're like, well, I guess I'm old, I'm now part of the collective
I get to go up the carousel like Logan's run and get blown into bits
And once they shut down the size of the pie, now everybody can fight over it
And who gets to referee that? The pimps
Under agenda 21, they're announcing they're not going to let most people build
All those old family resorts and little hotels up and down Jersey Shore
Were the only good things in the New Jersey economy
And now they're saying, oh, we're sorry, we're not going to let you rebuild
We're going to bring in big companies and you're all out of here
All those cool little places like you have up and down the Panhandle of Florida
They ever have a hurricane, they'll say you can't rebuild there
All those little boutique hotels, it's gone
You ain't building it, we're going to make you sell it for almost nothing
And we're going to bring in a multinational casino in here
Do you understand that scum? It's for the earth
Do you understand that scum?
Here's a microcosm of this
So Prop 1 passed, now what's next for Austin's Medical School?
They call it Austin's Medical School
And there's Kirk Watson, the state senator who was the Austin mayor
Who took tens of thousands of acres of people's property forcibly
For pennies on the dollar, turned around and took the Agenda 21 restrictions off
And then let all his buddies develop it
There he is, Kirk Watson, what a joke
And they know the public's so done, they always say people call him senator instead of state senator
And there he is, of course Prop 1 passed, we have total election fraud in Travis County
And I hear people talking
I was exercising here, staying down on a hiking bike trail
And I heard all the little trendies and professor types walking around
Because I was sitting there stretching and they were all talking
Yes, I am voting for that, we need that medical school
We need it all, like they were somebody, like they were doing something
UT has over 400 billion in investments that are outside their budget
Just like county cities have the comprehensive manufacturing reports
They have close to 20 billion in other liquid funds and assets
They're the biggest landowner in Texas, oil wells everywhere
They own many of the top patents on oil exploration
On and on and on, conservatively they're worth over 500 billion
They got a billion and a half in gold, just gold bars
But they're saying it's $97 per person
That's on average, saying each home has three people
The average Austin home will pay $294 on top of all their other property taxes
That's the average little house
People in big houses are going to pay thousands on top of it
Little houses in East Austin are $2,000, $3,000 a year property taxes
Even Lulac, which is usually pretty socialist, came out and said we don't want this
Well, you know what you got it
And now it sets the precedent for property taxes, not just for the government training camps
But everything else, you've got university of Texas, the richest university in the world
Look it up
And they are now going to make everybody pay for their stinkin' medical school
Well, they could build tin
I mean, it's a joke
So that's how it works
That's how the New World Order works, that you give the money to the rich
So they can become billionaires and control trillions in the aggregate
While those of us that produce and try to hire people and try to actually be the real middle class
The real producers, the real generators of wealth, the real generators of upper mobility
The elites don't want that, they've never wanted that
And they're wiping it out
I got to pay for Formula One, we're paying for the whole thing out here
People get to pay for the big stadiums for these billionaires
It's a joke
And I hear these idiots going well we got a stadium, well we got Formula One
Well, we're getting the Iraqi oil, oil prices went up after Iraq
They shipped all that oil to Europe and Asia
They went in there because Saddam was selling too much oil, idiots
They went in there to shut the stinkin' oil off to charge you more with artificial scarcity
Grow up and learn
Grow up and learn and stop being idiots
I'm talking to collectivists out there, you make me want to throw up
Now let's go out to break with some of Obama
And I'll come back with more of it
Start playing at the Obama speech where he kind of attacks individuals here
Listen to this creepy speech here it is from last night
I have never been more hopeful about America
And I ask you to sustain that hope
Yeah, chumps
I'm not talking about blind optimism
No, no, just let me sucker you more for foreign banks
The enormity of the tasks ahead
Or the roadblocks that stand in our way
That's an enormous task to gut this country and shut down the coal power plants
I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines
Those idiots are never going to know other power prices roughly done
I always believe that hope is that stubborn thing inside us
Yeah, be stubborn, be hopeful, or abuse the hell out of you
That something better awaits us
So long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working
Mindlessly letting the globalist rob us, yeah
Keep believing governments for Fran while it shuts everything down
Fifty-one percent of your power comes from coal
I believe we can build on the progress we've made
Oh yeah, you will
Carbon taxes that won't be on Mexico and India and China
Gonna shut everything down, but then make you go get welfare from them
The promise of our founding
The idea that if you're willing to work hard
It doesn't matter who you are, or where you come from
Or what you look like, or where you love
It doesn't matter whether you're black, or white, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Native American
So then he claims pro-America, but that ties into race consciousness
Or able, disabled, gay, or straight
You can make it here in America if you're willing to try
But the idea is government's gonna do that, government's gonna take your jobs away
But then it's gonna give you the select insider jobs, picking winners
I believe we can seize this future together
She's a future
Because we are not as divided as our politics suggests
We're not as cynical as the pundits believe
We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions
Did you hear that?
And we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states
Hit plus, hit plus
Back it up, when we come back from America, I'm gonna play just that in part there again
Did you hear that?
We are not individuals
We are not individuals with our competitiveness
No, we are a greater collective
I mean, whoa, Borg, you will be assimilated
Danger, Will Robinson, I'm getting chills
Danger, danger, and you got those people in there
I mean, folks, they're announcing they're gonna shut down a thousand plus plants
In the next two years, he's announced it
It's not the Republicans saying it now
They're gonna shut your power down, folks
I mean, just get ready for your bills to skyrocket
Oh, yeah, they're gonna help you real good
Oh, man
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That's enough
And he says the best is yet to come
And from the social engineer control freak perspective, absolutely Obama, we know that the best or the worst from our perspective is yet to come
So again, you've got gullible people that really think Obama cares about them
And Bloomberg's reporting, they're moving forward
HSBC says, yeah, that's the word they've got from inside the Obama administration that they're going to have $20 charge
Per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent and raising about 6% a year could raise $154 billion
And that's just how they'll start it
And they say they have the moral authority now because of Hurricane Sandy
Yeah, I mean, any time there is any type of problem, it's, you know, hurricanes
Well, it must be because we're bad, so pay government more money
And that will further shut down our industry
While they're shutting down the coal power plants that supply more than half
While China and 100 plus other countries have no restrictions
So the jobs will go, this is an internal economic tariff
You know what bombers, German bombers against England and other areas of Europe, France would do
They would go in and bomb the power plants
Do you know what our bombers did?
They went over, people in the Army Air Corps like my dad's dad
They would go over and bomb power plants and bomb factories
They don't have to bomb them now, they just shut them down with regulations
And then the countries where the globalists have invested are all exempt
And it's all a big joke that they shut down us and then go work with the authoritarian communist generals in China
And the corrupt government of India and Mexico
And I mean, it's came over and you've got these people starry eyes like children
Believing Santa Claus is about to come down to the chimney
Looking at Obama when really Freddy Krueger is coming down the chimney
And it's so sad, I don't even hate these people
They are just such pathetic jellyfish
And I want to say this, and Paul Watson is doing an article on it
I hope the Republicans feel good, because all the national polls showed Ron Paul would have beaten
Because of his true credibility, his anti-war stance, his pro-civil liberties stance
Ron Paul would have beaten Obama hands down
The polls showed it was neck and neck or Obama above Romney and every other Republican
We wrote articles about it, so did mainstream media
And so I hope all you Republicans enjoyed treating Ron Paul and his supporters bad
And trying to throw him out and doing all the cheating and everything
And stealing Iowa and stealing Maine from him
I mean, I hope you enjoy yourselves, because let me tell you something
When the globalists get down, there's not going to be a Republican Party
There's going to be the Democratic Party, this is what they're planning, splitting into two new parties
And they're going to come and arrest you
And a lot of you are just going to run off seas with all overseas while you're stealing money
So, I mean, I hope you guys enjoyed selling out the country, good job
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Mitt Romney has fallen to the globalist scam artist, Male Oprah, Winfrey, Barack Obama
It's all a giant distraction, diversion, except for the fact that they're now selling the idea that you didn't build that
Socialism's good, that's the way forward, let's do it
Russia tried it, China tried it, now it's gotten away from it, and it just worked out so good when Mal collectivized everything
So let's go that way and raise taxes, which they know calls out the economy
The stock market, I don't know, guys, how far down is the stock market right now?
I mean, it doesn't matter, it's been up because it's run by devalued dollars
But we've got the stock market down quite a bit right now, down 297 points on the Dow Jones industrials
My question here is with all the new carbon taxes and all the new globalism coming in that other countries are exempt from
I wonder how our economy is going to do, oh, I guess we'll just go on food stamps and learn how to be under government control
Learn how to be domesticated, you remember Judge Tom had, a Texas judge said if Obama got reelected he needed more deputies
Because he knows Obama's going to come for the guns and they're going to have to resist
Well, Obama said in the second debate they are going to try to ban handguns and rifles, and that probably will start a civil war
Let's go ahead and play a clip of that, here is the judge
He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN
Okay, what's going to happen when that happens? I'm thinking worst case scenario
Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war, maybe, and we're not talking just a few riots here and demonstrations
We're talking Lexington Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy
Now what's going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that?
He's going to send in UN troops, I don't want them in Lubbock County
So I'm going to stand in front of their armed personnel carriers and say you're not coming in here
And the sheriff I've already asked him, I said you're going to back me, he said yeah, I'll back you
Well, I don't want a bunch of rookies back there, I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me
Okay, and by the way, the new thing, if you don't like Obamacare, you don't like world government as you're a racist
So when they're trying to send in paramilitaries, this could happen in the future
They're going to call us terrorists, they're going to call us racist
And the answer is to reach out to as many people as we can of every race, color, and creed and wake them up about the new world order
Because the globalists are the ones always introducing race into everything
You know, Ted Cruz, who won last night to be US Senator, who kind of came out of the Ron Paul movement
He's not been perfect, but he was a lot better than David Dewhurst, who's a globalist monster and even worked with a Nazi Klaus Barbie
Oh yeah, you didn't know that, look it up, you can't make this stuff up when he was in Central America, South America, both
It's really good to see constitutional Hispanics who can then go out there and wake people up to the new world order as well
Because you've got the Republicans with their corporate fascist model and you've got the Democrats with their socialist fascist model
It's all going the same direction, but the Democrats want to get everybody on food stamps, everybody dependent, so they can control them
Alright, we're going to go to break here and come back with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura who was on with us just a few weeks ago
And that was great because he hasn't been doing a lot of interviews, he's been taking time off with his family
So it's great to kind of have this exclusive with Governor Jesse Ventura coming up
I want to get his take on how we've rearranged Dick Chairs and the Titanic with the two gangs, he's got his new bestselling book out, he's a multi-time New York Times bestseller
What number one a few times, the books like Ain't Got Time to Bleed, we sell all three of his most recent books, along with Fletcher Proudy's book
The Secret Team that's been reissued by his publisher, great publishers up there at Sky Horse, so those are all available at infowarstore.com
And your purchase of books, videos, things like that also supports the broadcast and our truly alternative media system here that we've built
So we'll look at the election, the premiere of the TV show, I'm still not sure exactly which one is premiering tonight
Because I was told it was the Death Ray episode or maybe the David Ike episode, and I'm still wanting to know which one, so I'm going to find out
Right now, I haven't even talked to the governor yet, we just got him, I'm going to talk to him during the break and he'll be back with us live on the other side
All shows
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network
I was just up this morning on the conspiracy theory and a website on TruTV because up until just a few days ago they were still debating would it be the reptilians David Ike episode or would it be the Tesla Death Ray
And right after the wire they're saying it's going to be the David Ike special tonight and I was briefly interviewed for it when I was out doing another investigation with Governor Ventura at rocket bases outside Las Vegas
So I don't know the full context of it but I'm sad to hear the two guys tangle pretty bad but I'll certainly be watching it tonight
We're also going to have two hour special coverage tonight at infowarsnightlynews.com with our great reporter team
We had reporters out on the street last night, it was pretty amazing that we're getting to the level now where we are going to be able to challenge the establishment outfits like MSNBC
Governor Ventura has not been doing interviews last month except with us but he will be on Piers Morgan tonight, we've got some breaking news on that front, but first off with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, author Jesse Ventura with his demo Crips and Republicans book that's a bestseller
Let's talk about the election and your take on it because I talked to you during the break, you said that you did watch much of the election returns last night, you've got some comments also on some of the propositions
I watched because I was interested, actually what I hoped for didn't happen but it almost did and that was this, if you go back to 2000 if you remember, Al Gore won the popular vote by half a million but George Bush won the presidency because of the electoral college
and for a long time last night it looked like those two were going to reverse itself, it looked like President Obama was going to win the electoral college and for a great deal of the night it looked like Mitt Romney was going to win the popular vote which is what I was hoping would happen
and it did fall short, the president ended up winning the popular vote by a very slim margin and then of course won the electoral by a much wider margin and the reason I wanted that to happen was because I wanted to shoe on the other foot within a decade almost
because I'm an advocate to abolish the electoral college and I always have been, I don't understand its purpose anymore, it's outdated, it was put into play back when they had to go to Washington on horseback so it was the only way they could determine a president
well we live in an electronic age now where they can look into your backyard from a satellite, what the hell do we need with the electoral college, the presidency is the only election in this country that is decided by not the most popular vote, why?
Sure I think the argument is the states need to maintain their integral sovereignty within the union and so you do have a popular vote within the state and the popular vote renders up that particular number so that the states are still in control of it kind of like until they came along with the 17th amendment as you know in 1913
Governor the senators were elected by the legislature and were creatures of the state so that you had popular elected House members but senators sent by the legislature so that you as a governor could go to the legislature and say I don't like what that U.S. senators doing, recall them
yeah and I disagree with that too, you know I just don't buy the electoral college, to me how can you get the most votes and lose, that makes no sense to me, that you know we're one country, we're one nation and whoever gets the most votes, it would have no bearing on this current election because Obama ended up winning the popular vote
I mean Governor listen, this is the age old advocate that to abolish the electoral college, I don't agree with it, they didn't tell you well if you don't have the electoral college, candidates won't go to the little states, they'll only focus on the major metropolitan areas
i got news for you even with the electoral college that's all they do
that's a hollow statement when they say that because
if i were running for president surgeson the opportunity to go speak in
montana or california with the electoral college where am i going to go
california i'm going to go with the electoral votes are
so it's irrelevant it doesn't make any sense when they use that argument
naturally a candidate is going to go with the most masses of people can be
reached sure sure listen i get your perspective i'm not
disagreeing with you on that but uh expanding on it
uh colorado and other states said hey just decriminalize marijuana
all together that's one thing obama promised he would do is let the states
have their rights uh and i'm not even a big marijuana guy you know i don't use
it but my point is uh well not often i i have smoked it
um the awful answer of my life let's cry almighty i grew up in the 60s well sure
i'm not going to sit here and lie what about bill clinton saying he didn't
inhale what you're seeing there i couldn't be more ecstatic over that
i took my hat today i was gonna i'm glad you brought it up kudos to the people
of colorado kudos to the people of washington
for standing up and taking a major major step in ending this crazy war on drugs
and this is a major step now what will happen
here's what i would do alex let me offer this i saw the interview with the
colorado democratic governor and boy he didn't want to talk about this issue
at all he was skirting that he didn't know what to say
had i been the governor here's what i would have said
i would have said the people of colorado have spoken
they've taken a step towards ending this crazy war on drugs
now marijuana will still be illegal federally
but i is governor of colorado this is what i would say
i is governor of colorado will put no resources nor any manpower towards
arresting marijuana users or anything of that sort
so the only way in the state of colorado you will ever get arrested it will be
federal and federal only they will get no
assistance from state or local government and they will get no
financial aid or help in any type of investigation
or the courts well i agree with you and that's a
great stand we need to see that but that's one thing that you know obama
another one of the lies he told the night before the election he said look i
always tell the truth i don't lie we played that
clip over and over again and he's i mean think of all the lies governor
what lies can you think of you know that now we're looking at obama so we can
move past romney four more years of obama the reason i'm really concerned
about that he can launch wars but because he's the peace prize winner
they're not wars in libya and syria uh he can continue
warrantless spying chris hedges the bullet surprise winning big liberal
he says obama is far worse than bush on many fronts i mean are you concerned
about what obama can do now not facing i'm i'm not concerned about what obama
personally can do i'm concerned about what started with george
bush and was allowed to happen let's remember this stuff wasn't created by
barack obama this stuff went into effect under george
okay well then we should pressure him to get rid of it
criticize barack obama barack obama has expanded it
exactly so he's just doing what started a decade ago now we need to stop that
they need to speak out loudly and we as citizens need to stand up and we can
start with the drugs washington and colorado are two great places
they have the people of those states which i believe states should determine
what drugs are illegal or not legal should be up to the state
and uh if the federal now comes down hard on colorado and washington for this
we as the rest of the country need to step forward and say hey wait a minute
instead of sitting on our asses out there doing nothing
well i agree with you and and look you know tent amendment you as a governor
know it better than anybody this is the key and why we have states
it's time for the states to say hey we're going to do what our constitution and
our people say we're not going to have the distant
federal government run by a bunch of foreign banks
telling us what to do and again even though i'm not somebody
that you know uses marijuana as a recreational thing
my issue is i know it's a red herring fraud i know reefer madness is a fraud i
know it's got a lot of medical uses and i know that the feds have no business
as obama said it four years ago he was going to stop enforcing
federal stuff on recreational bigger issue than that alex the issue is this
in the supposed free society which we claim that we are
how can you commit a crime against yourself
yes follow me that's what drug usage is if you don't harm anybody else
and you simply ingest a drug how can they arrest you for that in a supposed
free society when you're only committing a crime
against yourself it's it's unconscionable to me
the concept that you can commit a crime against yourself
no i agree i'm just saying the mechanism of the state
is there that's why we have it to to be a check and balance against out of
control federal behavior right right but the big point is that
whether you agree with marijuana or not is irrelevant
it is the point of the matter of committing a crime against yourself
in a supposed free society no i agree with you not be able to be able to do
that i'm just saying even the marijuana phobics
out there need to understand this model of nullification
and using the states to block the feds when they're out of control
and in the tyranny department is something that's really working
yeah and that's why people should get on board and support
what colorado and washington did that they're the people of those states
determined on their own that they were going to now want to tax
marijuana they want to treat it the same as alcohol
they want the revenues from it and they don't want people putting jail over it
and that's the right way to go because again it's a step forward
in a free society of abolishing the ability of committing a crime against
yourself now if somebody smokes pot and
goes out and robs the bank we'll find and prosecute them
oh yeah well nobody's robbing banks that smoke and pot people drinking are doing
and using cocaine but but listen expanding on that we're about to go to
break but you bring up a really interesting
point there government as you know and you've written about your books has been
caught shipping the drugs in to begin with
oh that's well to certain facets of government
real facets of the cia and things so that they can finance their stuff because
it you know if an element in the government has to do something and
they get their money from congress well then they have to account for that
money and they have to give reports to congress and then it gets above
board well if they want to operate clandestinely
and don't want anybody to know about what they're doing then they're forced
to get an outside revenue source and that's what unfortunately drugs has been
yes we've created that as a revenue source where they can make tons of money
and that way they can apply that money to any
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he's the t-rex of political talk alex jones on the gcn radio network
i'm alex jones more postal election coverage four more years of barack obama
we're gonna open the phones up for you after governor ventura leaves us and
then bev harris is popping in for about 15 minutes to get into any
of reports of election fraud by both sides that she saw
but we're going to prop 37 defeated if you believe that in california oh
let's not label things but governor's second amendment you know you've
talked about the fact that you're a big supporter of the second
amendment it's for defense i want you to repeat what you've said privately to me
before and also what you've said on here but obama in the second debate said he
believes you shouldn't be able to own anything semi-automatic
handguns rifles we've got an article out at info wars dot com
gunstock surge after obama reelection and uh you know here's the deal
uh i mean i can tell you right now if the government tries to start
restricting law-abiding citizens guns uh people aren't going along with this
what is your take on the second amendment and what obama may try to do
with the expanded police state you're talking to me alex yes governor what
is your take on that uh well i i fully support the second
amendment i always have i always will uh the second amendment was put
into the constitution so that we as citizens would have the right to
defend ourselves basically if our government became abusive or
and if it ever got to that situation and it's also a good idea
because as a country no one will ever invade this country
because the citizenry is so well armed in this country it would be a suicide
mission to try to invade the united states of america because
of the second amendment which protects and gives us the right to bear arms
and any erosion of this right is simply uh i will oppose it completely
if obama tries to do it i will oppose him it doesn't matter to me
i'm a great follower of the constitution and a follower of the bill of rights
and these things were put in there for a reason
and until they amend the constitution or amend the bill of rights
uh it's that's the fabric of our nation
and that's what our nation stands for it's the glue that keeps it together
and we need to honor that as a military veteran and all veterans today
you take an oath stating that you will protect and defend the constitution
and bill of rights against all enemies foreign and domestic
and i live by that oath even today even though i've been discharged for
in 1975 i still live by the oath that i took
and that is i will defend the constitution and the bill of rights so
until they're properly changed in some manner
i will continue to defend them sure but i mean any government that tried to go
out and and have their electronic voting machines and some national
referendum say we now want to ban the guns i mean i mean that's just a
tyrannical move and look uh uh just in the last week and a half you probably
saw a minute alex to do anything like that to amend the constitution
also requires the ratification of two thirds of the states
sure that's what i meant by the national referendum strictly from a federal level
it would then go down to all the states voting on it
and it would require two thirds of the states to vote in approval of it
no i know but i believe there are two thirds of the states in this country
that would approve of eradicating that out of the second amendment but if they
bring in enough people and get them on welfare they will but
here's my issue with this and i want you to elaborate on this governor
first of all alex i'm going to jump on you again
right here social welfare pales compared to corporate welfare no if you look at
charts between social welfare and corporate welfare corporate welfare is
a hundred times more costly for welfare and it's left under the
radar screen so any chance i get to bring that out i always do
that corporate welfare is far worse ten times worse
than poor people on social welfare governor let me elaborate
i totally agree with you that that's why they give people a little bit of
welfare so they'll accept all the corporate bailouts
and the scams and the trillions and the 30 to 1 and some metrics
of corporate welfare i get all that i'm saying
people that tend to be on welfare will vote the democratic party line
which is the abolition of the civilian ownership of firearms
well the democrats don't have enough power to do that
it would require a republican cooperation
you're right buddy we know that they did that in the 68 gun control act what do
you make of these articles about to go to break here long segment coming up
governor um they now have two federal courts of rule they're going to have
police dogs come to your door without a warrant if they smell drugs or explosives
they're going to call that probable cause and come in on snooping
investigations well first of all let's continue where we
started with with the state to colorado and washington in our first step
towards ending the war on drugs yes let's battle it from that front and we
won't have to worry about dogs coming to our door
who can smell a pot or whatever it might be because it'll be legal
no i agree i'm just that's the mechanism there as far as the explosions and all
that look if they're going to pound us with martial law
they're going to do some post flag operations in which to implement it
that's what you got to look for i agree let's talk about that when we come back
and then i want to get into any other tidbits uh on the election i want to
get your take on prop 37 in california
hey they're saying you're we don't want to know what's in our food don't tell us
i don't believe that for a minute folks that's election fraud and more with the
one the only jessie ventura stay with us
we're on the march the empires on the run
alex jones and the gcn radio network
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the answer to 1984 is 1776 you're listening to the
alex jones show we are back ladies and gentlemen
jessy vintera his weathers were just talking about golf during the break
and uh why why he loves to play it so much we're gonna get into the tsa episode
uh canceled not gonna air of the new series he says he's gonna
bring that up on pierce morgan tonight i wonder if they'll edit it because it's
taped to air sometimes it's live i was live on the view that time so i could
say whatever i wanted uh university of mississippi students
riot over obama reelection that's from the
huffington post of all places i thought i was evil when i pointed out all
these people were saying they were going to do that on twitter
uh just absolute idiocy we're going to be
going over some of that uh but going back to governor vinter actually had
him print the article just so i could show this to you my point was
it's a normalcy bias uh or the learned helplessness mass Stockholm syndrome
whatever you want to call it we get more and more comfortable
you know you're not comfortable having weirdos grab your crotch i'm not
comfortable happening to me or my wife or
children so i can't fly uh at least with them
i mean i've had tsa when i flew back from one of the tv shows with you
uh you know a guy saying hey i listened to your
show yesterday heard this and that now i'm gonna grab your you know i'm gonna
grab your junk and i'm just like i'm gonna sue you if you do so he backed off
and didn't do it and i was gonna sue him even if he beats the
rap he won't beat the ride but i mean it's a joke when the guy
knows who you are you're wearing tight blue jeans they want to you know grab
you but but here's seen that news a division of cbs court
okay's warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras
and now it's going to supreme court and in arguments it sounds like they may
rule that they can put cameras on your land come on your land trespass
without warrants and film you and then again as i mentioned another federal
court uh ruled just last week that they're gonna just randomly
come down with police dogs at your door and just say the dog we all know they
got dogs that just want biscuits all day that'll alert on a ham sandwich saying
it's pcb and come in your house i mean you know enough's enough
how much are we going to put up with governor how bad is it going to get
because listen if obama said in the campaign
that he was going to come after and and try to ban not the sale
the ownership of all simianos and i mean they're going to try it governor and
i'm telling you it's going to start a civil war
and our normalcy bias where people just can't believe it's going to happen
who would have ever thought governor that i'd sit there and watch tsa female
you know people laugh and giggle and take photos of you at
atlanta you know as they grabbed all over your private parts i mean
look the nightmare is happening is what i'm saying governor
well you know again it's it's it's happening but it's only because we're
allowing it to happen and you know they're making us safe and we seem to
be acceptable of that that as long as we're safe they can do
anything and alex i just want to tell you that
you can threaten all the lawsuits you want against tsa i tried it you won't
get anywhere so if you sued that guy at tsa
it would simply get thrown out of court and it would cost you money like it did
me so the threat of what they they're not
under any fear of a lawsuit threat because
nobody can sue them my case proves that well you you tried to go through the
regular normal court which you should have but now they say it has to go to
administrative uh you know just because one suit gets thrown out
fraudulently doesn't mean we don't fire more
torpedoes but the problem is if you go
administrative you'll never be in front of a jury
you'll be in front of three judges and there's no discovery allowed
so it's not a real trial i don't know i agree
against you they'll simply rule against you and then you're done that way too
wow justice is is me alex if you go the route of administrative there's no
there's no discovery there's no anything that you can't call witnesses
there's you can't have a jury yeah but i mean i had a few judges i had a
lawyer in studio and then after the show a few months ago he said you know jesse
ventura should have followed that in administrative he followed that in the
wrong court and i hadn't talked to you yet i've since talked to you and i said
no i i think he said he wanted to go to the regular court and have a jury he
thinks that's a fraud which it is since when is everything administrative
it shouldn't be that's the way they loop the system
and for him to say i should have done the administrative
how do you do that until you have a case you can't go in front of the court of
appeals until you have a case
you can't just arbitrarily go in front of the court of appeals
no i know you've got a top right and a top flight lawyer i knew you did the
right thing i mean i remember you saying that that you were going to go
before the real court and that uh that if that was the case that you
might just end up leaving the united states and all of you remember saying
that about a year and a half ago when that suit started governor but uh
where do you stand now and where this country is going well you know i don't
know i'm very confused because you get mixed signals all the time you know
they tell you one thing but the the truth is you have to look at the
proofs in the pudding what are their actions what are their
actions of what they're doing not the words and what they're saying
because they'll tell you anything you want to hear
you got to look at what are they actually doing
and uh and so we'll go forward now and we'll see what obama does i'll be
interested like i said to see how he handles
colorado in washington the people voting for recreational marijuana
i'll be interested to see what comes through the wash on that
if they start cracking down more and busting more
well then that tells you that they they don't honor states rights of all and
that the battle is on yeah that's what he did in california so i mean they
he went hog wild they say he quadrupled enforcement
that bush had well it might be i don't know you know i don't live out there so
i couldn't answer that to know whether they did or did
yes sir it was in the news i know you're not out in california but i'm
but that is a fact speaking in california i want to get your take on this
electronic voting machines you know uh just a month ago or three weeks ago it
was two to one people wanting to label stuff that
it has gmo growing its own pesticides what have you
right you gotta tell you how much sugar how many carbohydrates but not if the
plant grows its own pesticide to kill the bugs and things like that or
and it says prop 37s defeat a major win for the
media's power of persuasion i don't agree i i saw them suddenly go oh it's
flipped now you know 60 percent are against it
i don't believe that californians didn't want to know
and if something i find that extremely hard to believe to
you gotta be kidding me that people don't want to know what's in their food
even china and russia do it exactly you know
in china and russia they do it and the people of california are going to say
no we don't want to know clearly i if they're using electronic voting machines
i right there i'm very suspect we must ban those things
go back to a paper ballot and go back to hand counting
yeah they they're a hundred percent um it's like five big companies i've had
voting experts on breaking it down they've got the new daibold company under
a new name is the biggest they've got harden or civics owned you know by the
neocons i mean it is just it's it's bad news
uh that that they're saying we will not let you know what's in this now eat it
i i mean i can't believe that that that that that would fail especially in a
state like california because california is extremely liberal
on most parts they seem to be from most of the time
and although i'm more proud of minnesota now than california
in minnesota gay marriage failed here they tried to protect and say it was for
a man and a woman only and it lost
and uh that didn't happen in california apparently i don't know if it's the
voting machines or not well my issue is is what wrong
and it didn't pass sure i disagree with ron paul it's up in the states
all this stuff is and that's the way it should be
what's that i'm saying i believe all this stuff should be decided at the
states oh i agree i agree totally but
but it needs to be done without electronic voting machines
well that's the problem how do you get rid of something because you can't vote
it out because it's been proven a fraud over and over again
well that it requires you to elect the proper officials who will get rid of it
but how do you elect them when you have to go through the fraudulent mechanism
yeah that's tough that's why you shouldn't get it that's why i'm so happy in
minnesota we still you got to sit down at a table
you take a pen or a pencil and you got to fill in the circle
yeah that's a lot better the old scantron because even though it goes
through computers you can still do real recounts because there's a physical
copy exactly you have a receipt
i bet money jesse ventura wouldn't get elected even if you actually were
showing a winning in the polls in a state run by
dybalt uh you might be right i don't know
you know you might be right because i don't trust the electronic voting
machines at all uh they can be hacked into just like any
computer can uh again they do not give a receipt
it's the equivalent i've said it many times it's like going to an atm
machine that didn't offer you a receipt nobody would do it
you you of course whether you take the receipt is up to you
but always an atm machine will offer you a receipt
well these electronic voting machines don't do that
and until they start to do that then we they need to be gotten rid of
sure uh governor's shifting gears into the tv show
you know just so i can make my statement on this i mean i i really respect you
i know you personally i've never met david i can person but i probably
interviewed him i don't know 50 times over the years
you know some of what he says is is you know it is is pretty far out there for
some but a lot of what he said i remember him saying 10 years ago
you know that uh savel was was a pedophile and now it's come out i mean
uh just so much of what he i used to i mean like 15 years ago
i called him the turd in the punch pole and i say that you know in the upcoming
tv show of that version of the edit i heard about is
still there i know they change the show all the time
and so it's it's it's it's another conundrum because
i understand why you you know on the show had some issues but at the same time
this is such a wild season compared to some of the other people i know
i mean i i i just why and i guess that's premiering tonight
tell us and i'm i mean obviously you can't give it all away 10 o'clock eastern
nine o'clock central uh what seven o'clock pacific eight o'clock
mountain i don't want to give it all away and i'm not even sure what's airing
uh really but i mean what happened here because it
bums me out because i like both you guys nothing happened
to david ike and i just met face to face and we didn't get along too good
i the i hold nothing against the guy i asked him some
very what i thought simple and real questions and
he loves to talk in circles and he didn't really answer them and
i tried to corner him on you know which is simple yeses and noes
and he doesn't do anything with the simple yes or no
uh david ike would make a great politician well he was the head of the
green party in england whatever well he would make a great one because he knows
how to double speak and i'm not speaking down on him
he just knows if he doesn't want to give a yes or no answer
he he go he he's a perfect politician he talks to you for four minutes
and at the end of the four minutes he ain't got a clue what he talked about
well you know i don't think he does that on purpose
he talked for 11 hours to a crowd of 6 000 a week and a half ago
i mean he he'll talk for 20 hours he is it's long form
i mean you know i mean i think it's kind of uh you know savant type deal
and that's really what it gets to he tries to tell me you got to listen to him
for eight hours and i'm looking at him like you can't just answer something
yes or no right now you're telling me i gotta sit
through a lecture for eight to ten hours
to get an answer well listen i like shawn stone but i see the clip up there on
the true tv site where they're running around with this woman in a field
and she's going ah the reptoids and you guys are being nice to her
yeah that's all there is to it whether you many people believe in psychics no
no hey i've i've had dreams that come true
alex the point of the matter is when you're doing a show looking for reptilian
you're going to run into some pretty strange people let me tell you that
yeah in fact you always say the best stuff off air
repeat what you tell me about the show and and your experiences with it
well doing these shows for the last three years has been a remarkable
experience because i thought i'd been there and done that done a lot of things
but three years of doing conspiracy theory the people i've met
strange people it has been just outstanding i mean
it's been very worldly to do this show because there were people in the
vents that i didn't even know existed and it opened doors to say wow
is this bizarre and you know i i don't take the shows overly
serious serious i don't live or die by them
it's just an entertaining show where we go out
and we pose a conspiracy question and we go talk to people
who believe in the particular conspiracy and it's extremely entertaining
and knowledgeable no i know and usually in the end alex it comes down to you the
viewer do you want to accept the belief or not
sure my only issue is you do talk to some well i mean some of the episodes are
groundbreaking like the fema camps tsa those get pulled from airing and then
the others we know why is time worn or happy i'm sure it'll be entertaining
but i mean let me tell you the first two seasons you guys got something on air
that remember we had a private bet we kind of agreed our bet against the
others that it wasn't gonna air we were proven wrong
except we were proven right when they pulled the fema episode
well let me tell you something alex we do shows that'll be just as groundbreaking
this year too oh i know i know quite a few of it
but it's just that we went out also when we did some bizarre ones
i mean the reptilian one i refused to do it at first
i said are you crazy you want me out looking for shape changing reptiles
and the only reason i did it was when they showed me
that it was in the top 10 believed conspiracies from time magazine
well you got there's a huge amount of people that buy into this
sure we got the that made it interesting well if there's that many people
that believe this or are interested in it
well naturally our show is going to go there then you're not going to take a
top 10 conspiracy and ignore it no i know and you got the
sleep stacks and land of the lost you've got the v the final battle
you've got uh they live with your buddy rowdy piper
i mean my only issue is if the religions believe in demons and
all these mainstream people think there's ufo's
i mean all david ike saying is all these ancient cultures
believe you know that these reptoids visited it's kind of like
exactly and i'm not saying hey i learned there's a lot of interesting stuff
you're going to learn from this show the reptile show
in fact let me throw this out at you alex look at the christian religion
how does the christian religion begin an upright snake
exactly is that not a reptile i think it is there you go so you got a man a
woman and a talking snake now let's look at something else
interesting the dinosaurs we all understand and this is all that i
you know not that i didn't know this but it added in when i did the reptile show
dinosaurs birds are direct descendants from dinosaur
sure we we acknowledge that that's a scientific fact correct
uh yes i mean well the crocodiles you don't think of this
what is the only thing out there you can teach to talk
a bird yes so you're back to the lizards again it's a
reptile a reptile is able to speak our language
no one else can not even monkeys and the human brain you know we have really
three brains the lower brain is basically a crocodile brain
well whatever they want to call it it's reptilian so we have rep that's
another point we have reptilian in our brains
which if you're a believer in science as i am
that means if you believe in evolution and go back far enough
way back we were together at one point and obviously separated
so i'll give this benefit of the doubt if we indeed separated at some point from
reptile to human or whatever it might have been
through thousands of years whatever it may have been
well who's to say the other side died out well see
see again i don't even go with the mainline evolution i don't go with
what the church is twist i mean it's something more they're now
looking at the dna and scientists are saying this dna that we thought 96
percent was junk it's all this other important stuff but here's my
issue and i'm glad we're talking about this here just because i'm always right
up front with everybody and i called david ike but i said hey i think you
ought to be in this show because we were having these discussions and like yeah
maybe we're gonna go look at it and then i find out it's all a big blow-up
and so i just had that's why i'm just bummed out because it sounds like
hey go be part of this and then i'm like the only reason it was a blow-up is
david ike's won't answer a simple questions watch the show and judge for
yourself no no i mean i just ask him simple questions
and apparently i'm too stupid and because i desire a simple answer
yeah he tries to make it seem like there is no simple answer
well i think i don't buy into that sure answer things yes or no
sure well i mean we'll we can stop talking about this because we have some
other issues to cover but just the interest of time was this video you know
that we've got live going out in this audio was obviously millions are
probably gonna end up watching it uh you know just want to know about this
especially once it airs tonight uh it's just that i want people to know jesse
ventura did go into this because i talked to him privately
we had this same discussion you just heard and i'm like yeah david they're
they know all about that stuff they they think you know they they just want to
get it answered and then david's the type where he said he was sitting there
for like an hour and and he's a real nice guy's like i want to go meet jesse
they're like no no you can't meet him he thought it was a rudeness
because i guess tv's changed since he was at the bbc 20 years ago
he was thinking he wasn't getting to meet you he didn't know that
this is reality tv they don't well they want you really meeting for the first
time so while they were fiddling with lights for an hour and a half
he got angry you'd been angry on the the train i i know and all the crud you had
to deal with not flying and a bunch of stuff so it's just like kind of two
sports guys kind of got at it in the room i think no i don't think so
you watch it and judge for yourself i haven't seen it so you don't need to
build it up that we both had bad days and so therefore the interview went bad
ah watch again i leave it up to the viewer watch the
interview listen to the questions that i asked david
and listen to his responses and see if you respond the same way i can't wait
alex it's this simple he beat around the bush
and didn't give me answers which i asked questions for
that is the only thing i got irritated over was that i traveled a long way
and i didn't and i couldn't get an answer plus it was very condescending
towards me sure i just talked to the crew afterwards
and tyrell called me right after it happened and then i talked to david
and kind of got the same story i just i just like both heavy and all i see in
my front the people i like fighting you know what we're not fighting
no no bikes and i are not if there's a fight it's on his end
i did a tv show it's over it's broader under the bridge
i don't look at him any differently today than i did before
no no i hear you i hear you but i just know it's going to become a controversy
alex you're too panic strict and relaxed good to have a beer
oh man hey we don't have beers we had we have cigars jesse you don't drink
well i'm telling you to have a beer please don't tell me that one
i have one on buddy you're the one that's all wired up over this episode relax it
ain't that big a deal no i know i know i it's it's just i'm always wired up
it's only one little portion of the show it's we go down i meet with the
apache indians it's much more intriguing than just simply
my little showdown with david i know i know i know
i am making a mountain out of a mullet doesn't matter let's just move on here
all right uh to uh what is your favorite episode if you have to say or like
what are two or three that are coming up give us a little uh
i do of course i i love the death ray one because it's so intriguing to me the
scientifics of it and they go like tesla and all of that stuff
i've been into that now for a little while so i find that one very interesting
the bizarre one is time travel you know is it real is it not real you know
dimensional things like that you got a little upset it's pretty heavy
yeah yeah you scientific this this trip around another couple of the episodes
well the first i guess the bottom line is this
and i'll put this out there the bottom line is this when you do conspiracy
theory you're not allowed to ask the government
a question today on anything and expect to get an answer
it's that simple and that's the most disturbing thing
about doing conspiracy theory is that when i do question
any government entity over any subject you literally get the door slammed in
your face and you're told it's none of your business
that's right and that's the part that's disturbing and that's what people should
take from conspiracy theory on a real level
is that today you are not allowed to ask your government a question
and that's outrageous because we pay the government they're supposed to work for
us it's not supposed to be the reverse we don't
work for them they're supposed to work for us
and i think that when we come to the government with a legitimate question on
any topic there's some mechanism should be provided
sure attempt to give a citizen an answer well they're becoming more and more
unaccountable shifting years back into obama briefly and i hope you have time
to tell one of your you know why you love golf so much because i find that
interesting uh do you think they'll try to impeach
obama over fast and furious and some of the things they're doing and now
hillary it was in the news two days ago shang
we need to invade physically uh syria because al-qaeda is there
when it's our government and nato that put them there
uh no they're not going to teach obama he's doing everything he's supposed to
do for him why would they impeach him
sure you know no i don't i don't see any impeachment
on the horizon for anything whatsoever that's just
the red flag bs from the you know that's going to fly around always like
the with every president it seems it gets in there
put it this way they all got some they all have dirty laundry when they get
there or they will get dirty laundry while they're there
that's a given just like today one of the reasons i don't think i can be
president alex you got to be able to lie
i believe that i believe the president has to be able to sit up there
keep a straight face and lie because they've all lied at one time or another
sure and and what was it a weekend to your governorship they they said hey
because people want to meet with you and it was 23
cia people in plain clothes from the community they're not so it was it was
they've they've bailed it under a cia training session
and it was up to me they didn't force me they asked if i would
go down and meet with them and i you know at the time
thought why not well you know let's see what this is about and so i did
but i mean they didn't force me and sure by any means
reason sure i'm just saying the cia is there training class or what
who knows but i did meet with 23 members of the cia
and all of their questions were geared to how did i get elected
sure governor we're almost out of time uh gulf why do you play so much golf
i play golf alex because i play a lot of it because i need the competition
with myself i'm a competitive person with myself i'm 61 now
i can't play other sports so i play it's me against the golf course
and i need that i need that for my physical release
i that's the way i am and so that's why i play so much golf
because it's me against the course i challenge the course every time i go
out there unfortunately the course usually wins
very interesting all right governor desi vinter i'll say bye to you during this
break thank you so much for joining us
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waging war on corruption alex jones on the gcm radio network
big brother mainstream media government cover-ups
you want answers well so does he
he's alex jones on the gcm radio network
and now live from austin texas alex jones
by the way governor ventura because of an illness in his family he was just on
with us we just joined us again i'm alex jones your host
he's not been doing interviews he's been turning down all radio tv
didn't do jay leno he's doing pierce morgan tonight
but he's going to be giving us weekly 30 minute updates every wednesday uh
for the next seven eight weeks until he leaves to mexico
so that's me interesting we got jesse ventura i mean i like jesse i don't
agree with some of the things he he supports and what he but he's a real
guy i've gotten to know him pretty good and
you know when real people is really something interesting in the middle of
this election aftermath is bev harrison now or is she up at the
bottom of the hour okay good so i can go to calls here after
the break uh jason david eric brice uh michael all
of you be ready again my whole deal is reason i brought the
david eich thing is um david's a busy guy
and uh there's not many people out there that i know are bonafide and real
uh and i don't agree with some things david says but i i i think he's really
a smart mind and i i like listening to him uh and i think he gets people to
think outside the box doesn't mean i agree with everything he says just like
ventura i like real interesting people and i mean
jesse ventura is one of them david eich's one of them and i've been invited
to his events before i never had time to go i think next time he's in the us i'm
going to go meeting uh but but you know my whole issue is
about 15 years ago i called him a turd in the punch bowl because i said i like
david eich it's very interesting but he's turned the punch ball
it was actually in my house they were rolling tape but i was back before i
didn't really understand mainstream television they were acting like they
weren't really filming i mean they weren't saying hey we're not filming but
they were kind of just got me talking for hours and i said turn to punch bowl
that's why it's kind of not a good shot it's in my house and you know i'm off at
a distance and uh you know it bummed people out that
like myself and david eich and over the years david would say no i don't
think alex is an operative i don't think alex is bad i think i i i can tell
reading people you know alex jones is a good guy he just he just you know he
he just hasn't expanded his horizons enough and i thought man that's really
taking the high road and i know the globalists are into satanism and think
they're talking to entities i don't believe in any of that stuff but you
know what they believe it so how do you attack david eich saying that's going
on from his research if the churches say you know that a talking snake talk to
adam and eve i don't you know get off into those wild
areas but i like david eich i like getting him on
and i like jesse ventura and you know um that they called me up they said hey we
can't get ahold of david eich we know you know him you'll get him on i said i
said well yeah the last two seasons were really good it was just going to be a
fair you know a fair deal uh you know you're gonna really listen to him and
they said yeah yeah no and i had the talks with him everything you heard
ventura say so hey man this is going to be really good this is one of the only
shows i've ever seen where it's really fair and good
and then they get me you know me up there to talk about it and i kind of not
even play devil's advocate i said i used to call the turret in the punch bowl
and it could make you feel powerless there's you know aliens
out there or whatever but i don't know if it's true or not but you got to go to
the you know you know the head of the snake david eich you know to find out
so i'm like launching a shot of you know that's what's going to air tonight
because time warner took the show away took the show away and edited a bunch
and so i so that's why it's it's not even me hyping the show it's a bummer
uh but you know you heard ventura they were open minded when they went into it
and it just i just think it'll make david eich fans not like jesse and then
it'll just create a fight and i know jesse's for real
he just you know can't accept that his blood-ranking lizards are running
things which i really can't accept either
you know but but again i'm not judging david eich for that things are so crazy
who knows you know so many cultures talk about this i mean
you've got prince charles goes to transylvania uh to uh you know and has
moved into dracula's castle i mean i'm not joking look this up
and and and has announced how he's transylvanian
uh so truth is stranger than fiction you got pedophile rings up there
god only knows what's really going on but that's a side issue it's it's it's
it's a tiny issue compared all the stuff going on in the world
but uh that's why i got ventura to open up and talk about it
uh just because uh i don't like i don't like infight
and it just kind of comes off you know kind of like that but in the end it'll
get people to find my shelf and david eich and all the stuff we're talking
about and it'll get people to think outside the box
you know sometimes it takes something so wild just to get people to question the
entire paradigm and that's why i think overall what david eich's doing is
healthy doesn't mean i agree with some of his stuff on religion you know i'm a
christian okay uh we're going to go to break
and we are going to come back with your phone calls it's election 2012 aftermath
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crashing through the lies and disinformation
it's alex jones on the gcn radio network
monday through friday from 11 a.m until 2 p.m central we are here live
uh you know i freaked out during the first hour
uh and then kind of settled down when jesse ventura was on
about obama look i know intellectually i know in my gut we're in deep trouble
uh and uh i agree with jesse they're not going to impeach obama he's doing
exactly what the foreign banks want he's got all the just pathetic gullible
idiots out there thinking he's going to save them look i didn't think that
romney was going to save us but he had to act like he wasn't a complete communist
the fact that people said hey we're rubber stamping this
looks like the election's official we like it yeah we didn't build that
obama phones and then he gave a speech in his
his victory speech about how you know we're not individuals
you know with with all the with ambition we were a collective
i mean creepville man makes me want to throw up
so you have it queued up don't you
let's play clip it on i'm going to your phone calls here it is
we are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions
and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states we are and
forever will be the united states of america and together with your
help and god's grace we will continue our journey forward and
remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth
thank you america god bless you oh yeah god bless you uh what god is that
obama you know you know the god of abortion the god of
death the god of turning our power plants off let me just mention some of the
news and i'm going to your calls obama may levy carbon tax to cut u.s
deficit hsbc big mega bank says that's what obama's
planning to do yeah no kidding they don't have the moral authority they say
moral authority because of the hurricane which they say is global warming
because bloomberg says so uh what is the dow sell off now i actually
need to look that up it was like 300 points uh last time i uh checked it's
244 right now plunge protection teams in there
and uh kremlin cheers obama election uh cameron urges reelection
reelected obama to put syrian intervention front and center and they
want boots on the ground to back al qaeda can't make this stuff up
not a zombie population why not run al qaeda while saying we got to take your
rights because of al qaeda i mean i just i just want out of this man stop
wake up sheep and i know our audience is awake but you got to start getting the
face of these sheep they are dumbered and the day is long man i got to tell you
right now all these glassy eyed little sheep like
obama obama and and david orteez was down there
interviewing down at the driscoll hotel the democratic party here in austin
thousands of people are running around just like the like they'd all just want
a 10 million dollar lottery and just stars their eyes i'm sorry republicans
you lost we won ah listen it's like those novels
that have two or three different endings but instead of pick your adventure
it's pick your nightmare it's not that romney was good
it's that obama is so openly anti-liberty
and that people would buy into it is is is the death of us
i mean i got kids man i live here i love this country i am i don't want to i'm
not bragging i just that i got deep roots in this country
and and and i've studied countries and there's nowhere else to go it's all
bad and you know my ancestors have been here from
the beginning and i hate watching the slow death of this country
and the slow death and the dumbing down of people and people giving up their
individuality and their dignity and becoming collective
borgs and the stinking corrupt banker run government that they think
is giving them stuff because they care about you
a crack dealer doesn't give 10-year-old kids free crack for a week because he
likes him he gives it to him to get them addicted
and they got to putting our kids on the prozac in the red land
and they're killing them we're getting cancer and they're killing us with gmo
does anybody believe californians voted no to put on the label
if it's genetically modified when the big companies ran fraud sending
letters out like they were the police saying the police say don't do it and
all this other crud okay i said i'd go to your calls
energy stocks decline coal miners top losers let me explain something
i see the democrats get excited even we're gonna shut down coal and i'm like
yeah that's like a pinto you're driving over there nothing against it but
you know you you don't have a lot of money are you ready to pay a lot more
for your i mean i mean listen i live in a town where in the last five years
the price of power doubled and they admit because they say it's for the earth
they make us pay more for foreign mega banks that own the coal plant
okay i'm already starting to ran i said i go to your calls
i said i'd go to your calls i said i'd go to your calls
it's just making me angry do you understand that hundreds over a hundred
and sixty i said a hundred last hour it's over a hundred and sixty countries
are exempt from these global rules the banks are putting in the banks come and
tell your country to only europe england the u.s australia
new zealand folks they've already put these in australia it is
devastating them it's meant to devastate you so you become poor and got to go
get a little chicken feed from the government
then they got more dependents more dependent lemmings to shake on the few
producers that are left until they start putting people in
forcework brigades like north korea
china did it they killed 60 to 80 million people nobody knows
i mean it and they got reeducation camp stuff in the new army manual
look i'm not going to your stinking reeducation camp where some perv is
over me and my family and it ain't happening
i get that cute up of that judge talking about rebellion of obama got reelected
we're going to talk about that let's go to let's go to jason in new york jason
thanks for holding uh there for so long as we ran out of time to go to calls and
then had ventura on what is your take on this election sir
thanks for having me Alex actually wanted to convey a story that i had last
night but i wasn't allowed to vote um my wife and i moved back to
new york from north carolina two years ago and we registered at the dmv at the
same time we went to the firehouse last night to vote
together she stepped up they checked her well she just signed they gave her her
ballot i stepped up and they said you're not on the list
and i said um so they sent me over to another lady she made a phone call to
somebody i don't know who and um said did you register i said yes did you
register at the dmv and i said yes and she said this is the 14th
case i've had tonight um apparently the dmv hasn't
forwarded all the registrations yeah and what they do is off facebook and
twitter they know your political affiliation this is come out the
bill de berg groups bragged about it's been in the news they then index all
that social network info and know who to purge off the rolls
absolutely and what would and she said i could go to the county judge
45 minutes away at 7 30 last night and he would court order me
the right to vote and i texted my buddy in the round and he said that was the
third story like mine he had heard and i was yeah that's all that
that's all i'm hearing and uh it looks like they've done the old carl rovian
trick the democrats to the republicans because the establishment wants obama
they're gonna that's why romney's you know just like uh
carrie knelt to bush he knelt quickly and he's been a good servant and uh
they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna drop the hammer now on us jason
it's gonna be a lot of fun living under this tyranny
well i understand that i'm not a sling state and you know i'm in new york so
my vote you know considering the city is being down here doesn't really
you know but it's still after serving in the marine corps you know from 2002
2006 it was just really upsetting that you know
my fundamental american rights were denied
that now i hear you i hear you and the more complex and computerized it gets
the more they throw everybody off because i need to go back to paper ballots
counted at the precinct in front of everyone and then it's very hard to
engage in fraud brice in missouri thanks for holding
you're on the air hey thanks alex for taking my
call i got a comment to make about last night's
results uh and also i wanted to follow up with you you asked me to send you and
your staff a link to a movie uh that was uh
shown to uh different churches and what have you
and i'm not sure if you you followed up with it or if you got to see it or not
but uh first of all uh it's no holds barred with these people
these globalists uh we're talking fifth gear here
and uh you know i'm hoping that because of
the waning of the republican party i'm hoping people will pick up more to
independence and constitutionalists uh and hopefully 2016 we can get somebody
like ventura or or somebody that was well the
good news is a lot of ron paul libertarians got into
office uh into the senate the house and the state
offices and so that's what we need is people to point out
that collectivism isn't the answer and that the republican party again
plays along with all of this now now what's the film you're talking about
uh yeah about a few months ago i talked to you about this film
i understand you talked to me about it then tell me the name
panacea the cure for humankind oh yeah i need to yeah you've called before about
that yeah yeah i didn't know if you actually
check it out or not i've been in contact with other people
through facebook and what have you uh because it's really waking
christians up a lot of these people are asleep and they're just going to their
sunday school and and their services and to lay down
and uh it's time to actually uh start taking responsibility that's not in the
bible all the prophets everybody they stood up against evil roman's 13 has
been distorted plus that in america we are the
caesar and then god is above us we're supposed to follow god's
commandments that's why this republic is so special
the separation of church and state is that the government cannot be involved in
religion instead it's telling churches you don't even criticize abortion
now because that's political no it's not you shut up you stinking criminal
soviet style nazi style government you have no jurisdiction in churches you
pigs you new world order trash you globalist murderers
you you you you you you death pushers and i'm so sick of it i know the first
of it i haven't memorized i know what the court rulings are i know and they
flip it around and say that means you can't have any
churches involved in the community no it's the opposite and they've tricked the
churches to become 501c3 charities and i'm telling you
churches everywhere now they are marching the reason the churches are
starting to wake up is they're bringing in rockefeller funded
change agents delphi technique operatives they call them consultants
and they go here's your new preacher uh you know uh they're a husband and wife
team turns out they're not even married they're operatives and these are
soldiers they're running psych warfare operations and they're hitting
everybody churches all over are removing their crosses
churches all over are announcing bill gates is our savior
bill i mean abortion is good i mean it is just turn your guns in it's for
jesus it's a wall-to-wall globalist takeover they're
going for broke ladies and gentlemen they're pulling out all the stops
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in constant sorrow
folks i'm not just up here on air saying we're in trouble i mean we are in
trouble they're announcing they're gonna shut down
over a thousand power plants they've only shut down 200
the last three and a half years four years of obama and it has massively
increased power prices and there you go it's for the earth we're shutting down
this giant clean burning coal plant and but in all the documents that i've
done reports on this showing it it's so general electric and a handful of
others can just charge a lot more for electricity and then they just end up
generating more and they just totally rip you off and there's
all these starry-eyed idiots going oh thank you
thank you but look at what judge tom head said
i mean even jesse ventura said he's not turning his guns in
uh and i'm telling you folks obama said he's coming after our handguns and
rifles and he got elected he doesn't just
want to ban for importation they want to physically
take them the nra's reported that as well he told us this
and people elected him not that mit romney would have saved us either but
he at least wasn't openly saying that this is an endorsement take our guns
well let me tell you something this isn't a democracy just because 51 of the
people that voted of the half the population that voted a quarter of the
population just because you think i shouldn't be able to
on a gun doesn't mean you get my guns you disgusting parasites i want to make
me your slave ain't happening ain't happening and
people are going to wake up and i want after this all comes down i want to
make sure the globalists get brought to justice right now i mean we are going
to bring them to justice uh but let's go to judge head
months ago saying he needs more sheriff's deputies in a major city of texas
lubbock uh because uh and again that's the like the head of the county that's
like the head of the city council uh that's what they call it in counties
that county judge this is him talking with the police chief the sheriff and
um the uh host of the show here it is he's going to try to hand over the
sovereignty of the united states to the un
okay what's going to happen when that happens i'm thinking worst case scenario
right right i understand civil unrest civil disobedience civil war
maybe and we're not talking just a few riots here and
demonstrations we're talking we're talking lexington concord take up arms
and get rid of the guy okay now what's going to happen if we do that if the
public decides to do that he's going to stand in
un troops i don't want him in luba county okay so i'm going to stand in front
of their first armor personnel carrier so you're not coming in here
and the sheriff i've already asked him i said you're going to back me he said
yeah i'm at you well i don't want a bunch of rookies back there
i want trained equipped seasoned veteran officers to back me
and by the way folks the reeducation camps are built i can in fact but donnie
we pull up the actual uh new army manual that's public
and it says reeducation camp they use the soviet term they could have called it
something else and they're trained the military to come in
cordon towns and take our guns and the new army war college we've had uh
you know the documents here on air it's made national news washington times
reported on it um that that they the main enemy is the tea
party and they have to be prepared to arrest us
leak us army document outlines plans for reeducation camps in america
fm 3-39.40 and it says how to take our social security numbers how to take our
kids away from us and then they list uh in the
accompanying documents uh who the enemy is and it's gun owners and veterans and
people that aren't communist i mean it's not that we want a civil war
we ain't going to any of your stinking camps i mean okay
and we're not turning our guns in either okay it's just it's coming
down to it and you got all these little idiots out there
that think it's all cute and funny the military better decide whose side they're
on right now i'm tired of playing games
eric in colorado eric you're on the air go ahead
alex say uh i think you're completely in this reading the situation here uh
this election wasn't about guns it it wasn't even about the economy or
obama care which both you know weren't pulling
well at all it the fact of the matter is it was about
social issues and i i think you're gonna have to accept that
the white male era of america is over is this pea brain
no okay well there's some guy calls from colorado that we call pea brain
everyone's while he gets through sounds like this
show show and i had a guest on last night that when i was saying i don't want
to turn my guns in and they're like the white male era is over so
so i guess the private property era is over so it's a it's a white male thing
to not just say hey i'm unlimited illegals come in
and the government's going to give you welfare and you're going to vote to take
everybody's guns and property and then it's about a white male really alex are
you familiar with the dream act have you heard about the dream
uh yes it's to let the illegal alien kids uh do whatever they want get
everything paid for i mean i understand all of it yeah
get to serve in the military who you know yeah because the military's biggest
biggest recruiting area is out of foreign countries now
eastern europe and latin america yeah i know all about it listen listen i got a
guest coming up but you've been holding i'd like to come back to you she's only
updating us for about 10 minutes if you'll stay there because you know what i
really i mean folks you're hearing if you'll stay there eric don't hang up
the essence of what we're dealing with um it's usually white males that talk
like this it's like it's like a cult when i went to college
all they talked about was how bad white people were and how soon will all be
gone and how great it is and i mean you know if that doesn't
shock you it's it's a self-loathing thing we're on the march the empires on the
run alex jones and the gcn radio network
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we're gonna get a quick 15 minute update from Mav Harris and then go back to
your calls Eric, David, Michael
and others that are holding Jeff listing on XM-166 I'm about to go to
Mav Harris so one of the the preeminent experts in
election fraud to give us her a preliminary breakdown
there's still ballot counting going on even though
Barack Obama is the admitted winner here but I'm gonna go back to that caller
he's holding because I'm talking about how they're gonna shut down over a
thousand coal power plants and how we're being deindustrialized
and the guy says Alex you need to face it the era of the white male is over
and I'm like sitting here going uh see it's total racial politics now
I'm gonna talk about this because it's just unbelievable you could say I want
a turkey sandwich and people on the so-called left would say what is that
you know why are you being racist I mean it's like a
all these people think about and I quite frankly and just I cannot even
connect with them because it's so bizarre I just can't wait to talk to him
he's being nice enough he's going to teach me
how I'm bad and and the glories of the of the fact that perhaps we should all
just kill ourselves if we're right males I mean learning how bad I truly am
for not wanting our coal power plants shut down what has to do with race I'm
not sure but Bev Harris I know you've had a busy last
night and today a blackbox voting.org what is your
preliminary info that you've got ma'am
well you know uh for the 48 hours after elections the
problems with what really happened come flooding in
and so I've uh I've had so many coming in this morning that might even crash
and I'm just restoring that and getting going but you know
the most poignant moment for me last night watching the coverage was
something that really I didn't expect um Carl Rowe comes on Fox now I'm not a
big fan of Carl Rowe but one thing I think we all agree on is Carl Rowe knows
his numbers and he says this is almost amazing
interchange he says you know what we've got um half a million votes
built out in Ohio and it's a hundred thousand separating them and I'm sorry
to interrupt you but your audio is not as good as it usually is are you on
speaker pardon are you on speakerphone
no but uh it just may be a bad connection that happens sometimes no no
are you on hands-free actually no I'm on the same phone I always use so oh no
that's great you're closer now I'm sorry start over I'm sorry go ahead okay
okay so the most amazing thing to me with Carl Rowe who
you know I think we can all agree at least knows his numbers
he starts he comes on Fox to issue a rebuttal
to their numbers and they they turn to him and they say
well now it's a science and so that your numbers are just wrong
you know listen we have the networks all going to one
operation the national national election pool
NEP which gives them numbers and this is without counting the votes and then they
just say this is the winner and so in this odd
odd interchange you have Carl Rowe on there saying wait a minute we've got a
half a million votes that haven't been counted yet
and many of those are in wrongly strongholds how come you've called
Ohio for Obama and they said it's a science it's a science just it's like
shut up don't talk about actually counting the votes
which I think was really emblematic of what we were seeing last night
we saw them I watched them call Tennessee
11 minutes after the polls closed without a single vote counted and with no
exit polls how did they do that I mean it's
they're they're clear-voting so they're just setting the precedent
now to just instead of having more transparency just
totally put things into la la land where maybe they'll close the polls a day
before the election now oh yeah well listen you know the
the places that they canceled the exit polls they did it because
pre-election polls they said that they knew who was going to win from
pre-election polls they didn't even wait for exit polls
California 25 percent of the votes aren't even counted yet and they are you
know there's very controversial proposition on there they're oh yeah
as well this is the one that won I didn't even mail my ballot yesterday until
two o'clock in the afternoon Washington state is all absentee about 40
percent of the ballots weren't even in yet and they're
visually calling the election they can't exit poll absentee but so it's a
total hoax so I mean did Obama really get elected
oh that's the thing nobody knows anything about elections nowadays
what we are doing is we're watching the tv networks
announced to us who the winner is based on a single
private organization called NEP
you know they aren't even going so far as to look at the
tapes that come out of the voting machines they're just telling us before
the voting machines even spit out their tapes this is the winner
unbelievable so again Bev Harris a documentary hacking democracy you know
caught him repeatedly you know criminally
she's telling you now it's just polls closed they announced the winner with no
ballots counted in Tennessee they're just announcing in other places when
in a more than half the stuff hasn't been counted it has now gotten
then I think from what you're saying the worst ever just just absolutely
in everyone's face oh yeah I mean look at this in Florida
you know it's just and the anomalies are
flooding in in Florida this happens every election
the power goes out midstream and then all of a sudden the trend changes you know
it's like they're counting votes counting votes
after the it's like in the uh who done it movie that goes out how come on it's
like the who done it movie where the light goes off and somebody's got a
steak knife in their neck and it's actually kind of a metaphor isn't it
it's like the lights go off oh here's the winner
you know it's it's really and then Pinellas County which is
by Tampa they they basically now get this Florida
they were calling Florida for Obama it was separated by 40 000 votes
Pinellas County hadn't just announced we've set aside 10 000 ballots that we
won't count until tomorrow
I mean nobody just you know this is the stuff that's really going on there were
400 000 uncounted provisional ballots in Arizona
and there were massive meltdowns in Pima County which is Tucson and Maricopa
which is um Phoenix so we are just now beginning to unravel
what was really happening during this election
and when people say well do you really think that Obama won I
I have to say well that is actually not the point because we can't
know who won because of the way the system is the regardless of who
benefited is this the system we want
to show awareness according to the polls
is at all-time highs of the fraud but now it's like they
doesn't matter because how do you get rid of it because you can't vote it out
because they have the fraud machines in well and they don't even get to the
machines I mean what I saw last night was really
they didn't even get to the point of even looking at the voting machine results
which whoever whatever those are they simply announced what the results
were going to be before the voting machine results were even counted
and understand this was not based on exit polls
in so many locations they didn't even have they decided not to do the
exit polls so they came out and they announced then they said it's a science
so they're not even counting that they're not even doing exit polls now
they just say we know we're God we're Carnac the magnificent like
Johnny Carson used to you know hold the envelope up to his head and know what
it was I mean I mean I mean I guess well why
do you think they're doing this they just don't care
well they don't even want anyone looking at the voting machines at this point
they just want people to accept it as a foregone conclusion
and I really thought it was a poignant moment when you had
Karl Rove on there saying well wait a minute my numbers don't match that at
all and they said it's a science it was just like shut up go away
well Bev Bev looking at this then and obviously you'll be gracious and come
back with us the next few days as you learn even more specifics but
now it's not even we're usually digging around and catching them doing it or
you know finding the code and their people admit they're engaged in fraud
like with Daibold or whatever now it's just oh we didn't even count the
balance but we know we know who's won and I'm not even
really seeing media coverage of this right and and you know we will well
we're going to be unraveling a lot of it it'll show where a lot of the fraud
happened in the voting machines I mean we had a guy in Pennsylvania who video
takes the machine transposing his vote over to the
other candidate so we know that that stuff happened
but I thought what was so interesting this time is that they put so much
emphasis away from even waiting for the vote to be counted
so if we're going to accept that look folks if we're going to accept the idea
that they could just tell us who won without counting any votes
and then I don't know you know do we deserve this
and by the way Bev Harris they're just going to say that you must be a
Republican saying this if your memory serves you at least in the past have
been a Democrat and you're not a I mean you're
nonpartisan you're just trying to ferret out the truth
and I'm an independent anyway I just can't stomach what I see
you know it's just uh all I want is for the public to restore its control
over its own government that's all I want is that too much to ask
well how dare you not want companies known to run fraud do this look look
I everybody I talked to in Austin 90% of them were against this prop one to give
$300 a year for the average home to the University of Texas the richest
university in the world with hundreds of billions in assets and you know 20
billion in a liquid fund I mean it's joke level
how much money they've got and now it's going to go to build a medical school
they could build hundreds I mean I mean they're so rich it's pathetic
but they got rich because they own most the oil most the land in the state
I mean it's crazy that that the rich guys get everything paid for
and of course the machines magically said prop one passed
uh I mean I've been there at the state when the state certified the election
and then later admitted yeah we found it was fraudulent
Mr. Jones's complaint we're still certifying it so so I've been through
this and now it's just it's just oh we're not even
counting it we're just saying who's winning I mean we've entered a zone here
where it's over the top what about prop 37 where in polls it was
two to one against it they said oh the polls now show people don't want to know
what's in their food I mean no one I know is buying
that Californians really voted no on prop 37 right I am well and and and
remember 25 of all ballots in California have not
been counted yet and won't be counted for three weeks
so you're talking about one quarter of all the what's you know millions of votes
that is that haven't even been counted and they did not
exit polls because these are absentee votes you know so
they're just again they're just saying we're going to tell you what the result
is trust us take our word for it and shut up
wow well listen I know you're putting reports together at blackboxvoting.org
we're going to be covering on the not be news tonight but uh
when do you think is the best time for us to have you on for like 30 minutes to
really go through a whole bunch of more specifics
well really from now through the end of the week it's going to be pouring in
and I'll be compiling and analyzing and putting it up so I
if there's still any interest because people immediately lose interest after
elections are announced to them but I really think that we're looking at
Monday and at that point I think we're going to have some pretty
interesting and amazing stuff yeah well let's get you on Monday or
Tuesday uh but that's good great anything else you'd like to add
no I think we've about said it we've been told who the victor is
now go away nothing to see here well we we we're not going to buy that these
are the droids we're looking for so we'll be talking to you
next week and if Bev something breaks a police contact us up because we'd love
to hear your amazing research oh yeah I would love to do that okay
thanks a lot Alex all right there goes Bev Harris folks I mean it's gone from
them hiding it now and she's got it all up on her site
they're like we're not counting it this is it and again I'm not
saying I said there was fraud with the Al Gore thing not that I like Al Gore I
hate him I said there was fraud I mean this is fraud
constantly I I mean who knows if Obama even got
reelected it doesn't even matter because we're in a lot of trouble
folks and then I get a call from Eric and you know he
sounds like a joke and he may be joking I'm gonna ask him to be
joking but I see this on Twitter Facebook I hear it
when I went to ACC for a couple years I was about to pony up and go to UT and I
said well I don't need to go here and be told the same thing
it didn't matter what class it was I'd be sitting there in an anthropology class
or a or a psychology class I was taking a bunch of stuff to see what I was
you know into a Texas history class a US history it
they would get up they were all white professors
I had one black teacher I guess they weren't professors and she was the
only one that didn't talk about how white people were evil all day
and she'd actually would go to Africa on these aid missions and talked about
how bad the conditions were but the point was
and I guess that was in some calculus class or something but the point is
is that I'm sitting there looking at this and they would get up before the
class they go by the way you know whites are evil
and the great thing is whites will soon not be around and blah blah blah
and again I wasn't somebody brought up to be you know in the big racial identity
stuff so I was like what is this I go man this is like
divide and conquer authoritarianism I've read about this in the history books
and I mean I just couldn't couldn't deal with it anymore
and so you think these people are joking like Eric
but he calls in he goes Alex it's always that condescension just the savoring
that their identity with the state Alex it's about social issues
don't you get it the era of the white male is over
really you've seen a Davos Switzerland meeting that's a public Bilderberg
group meeting 95% white you and I don't take pride in that by
the way these are scary globalist you've seen a people driving into
Bilderberg 95% white you've seen a you've seen
a globalist confab I mean these are people using divide and conquer and
using racial tribal politics to get us all fighting with each
other while the bankers rob us and and you call in with
relish in your voice I mean if you're not one of these
trendies then you're a great you know researcher who's actually been around
them because I hear of the self satisfaction and it's all an illusion
brother okay I mean listen the the era of the white male is over
the new world order eugenicist white males
have injected people with HIV in Africa some countries in Africa have 45%
people with HIV they're murder let me tell you something
the age of the super white male there's much other evil Chinese work with them
they find evil Africans there's evil people at the top but
but Europe developed these systems eugenics and so you're telling me
with savoring it that that it's the end of you're probably white
uh and I mean this is what I hear and if people just joined us I'm gonna go back
to him here uh do you've got the floor for a couple minutes tell me
how the era of the white male is over and and and because I was told last night
it's racist and bad you know people don't want their guns it's part of the
evil white male thing so I mean I guess you know it's great to move to areas of
Chicago where nobody can defend themselves I mean how does
me wanting to have a gun how is that evil bitter cleaner white male I mean
explain to me how I'm bad explain to me the glorious end of the white male
of uh please uh Eric but let me just let me just
let me just are you joking I mean are you serious no
I'm I'm 100 serious okay go ahead I suppose that was some pretty extreme
terms but what I mean to say Alex is that Republicans
and Liberty lovers wrongful included are going to have to start
acknowledging women and uh Hispanics and if they want to win
presidential elections I mean that's just the bottom line
you have to and pushing abortion and breaking up the family is is recognizing
women and having totally open borders that no other
latin-american company has so they'd be overrun by poor people and criminals
we that means opening the borders sensible immigration reform like the
dream act and other policies sure 800 plus cities don't even
uh illegals are above the law illegals can have
20 welfare checks if they want and and and 20 tax IDs
they have they have one at home in austin got
something like 80 million dollars or something I mean the illegals are god
sir if you're an illegal you are a god are you a god
am I no no I'm a you know what drugs you know what they say uh in the
guzzbusters you know what zool says you're not a god
I tell you what just you know what stay right there we're going to come back to
you I mean I just hear the the satisfaction you're
having right now finally the the collective
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you know people are so one-dimensional now
they're so one-dimensional now
that they tell them hey we're gonna shut down your coal power plants it's for
the earth oh great shut those down well why is that really happening
is because special entrants want their competition shut down
big oil once coal shut down i mean that's a fact uh and these people go you
must work for big oil i'm like it's two separate
techno uh energy divisions basically and people say well why don't we just be
nice we have the most open borders of anywhere
it's there for show it's there to keep citizens from getting out now the irs is
saying you can't leave if they say total tyranny capital controls
there's 30 million illegals think they're total sanctuary they're allowed to drunk
drive allowed to do whatever they want it's all on record
uh and that's because it's a client group to undermine and drive down wages
when immigrants used to come to this country and a lot of the immigrants do
work hard no matter where they come from but a lot of them
worked the system used to there was no welfare and so it and it was exploited
and it helped build the country now people come in they get on welfare
and they're like here's your welfare check and you're part of the group now
we're going to take the guns we're going to take the private property you
understand the government's going to give you more
the government's going to share that wealth do you understand
doesn't matter if 90 of it goes in the bankers as long as a little shave off
comes and so it's not an issue they go oh it
must be racial that you don't want open borders folks
let me tell you all those latin american countries they don't have open borders
mexico has barbed wire fences and machine guns
they don't let Guatemalans come over you know why because the
Guatemalans with skill are either in wealthy areas of Guatemala or they're
going to the first world first world wants skilled people no matter where
they're from okay we want skilled people no matter
where they're from they're just people but you do not want people going i have
nothing i got four kids and and and i'm pregnant and pay for it
pay for it all and you're like well we can't do that and you're like
take down your american flag you know run up Mexican flags it's like man whoa
shut up you know you're racist and it's just all a political liberation
theology funded out of the ford foundation 50 years ago to break down
the us and you know what it's probably gonna work
where the whole country is going to collapse great
you know people that have skills are still going to be okay for everybody
else the general public there isn't going to be any coming up
you're all going to be poor and you're going to live like people do in Mexico
so get ready there's going to be no el norte
it's gone you understand that gone new world order wins
you understand roll up your sleeves hit some shots go abort your babies
because that's how you show white man he's going down
and like yeah mothers take their kid in a blender
you know what if it fights the white man i'm gonna have an abortion
it's liberal it's my social issue i'm gonna kill my baby
because i'm gonna show white i'm gonna show it man he don't tell me what to do
it's a load of crud we need to get freedom all over the world
we need to export liberty not become the center of tyranny
go ahead and close out there i'll let you have the final uh comment there uh
eric in colorado go ahead well you know you you bring up abortion alex and
this is something i strongly disagree with you and wrong
fall on i mean don't you think that abortion like our our right to our bodies is an essential
liberty guaranteed by the constitution listen what you don't get is the globalist push it
not as a liberty but as a way to kill people you can't have it but listen listen they got
abortion passed so they could kill brown babies so you don't have the you know the moral race
pimp race pimp garbage high ground with me buddy
oh no if my sister you know if i really was a racist
i think abortion's great we should fund it we should fund plant parenthood and all
those brown areas but no no no then i'd be
held up and carried carried by the the minority majority oh alex we love you all
your Lloyd doggie oh i was like helping shove Mexican
babies into blenders it'd be like oh yo thank you
oh yeah oh go alex oh oh you're so liberal uh instead you don't want to kill Mexican babies
you're a racist you're a racist you're a racist it's the end of the white male
oh man roll your sleeves up take some government vaccines
thank you for listening to GCN visit gcnlive.com today
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all right i gotta give david a quick comment michael but eric uh they have on the board trendy
holding over i apologize look you've been very nice putting up with me i apologize i do want to
support plant parenthood in every minority area because i'm liberal you're right i agree with
the woman's right i think it's good um of course i'm being sarcastic but go ahead sir explain to
me how things work i mean i think it's a constitutional right i think people have a
constitutional right to their own bodies and if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy that is
all right how is that not a freedom uh dr peter singer and all these bioethesis say take your
three-year-old out back and you know shotgun him in the head that's your property too the state says
get rid of old people you know it's a life in there in the womb and people use it as contraception
and you know they say what about the the life of the mother anytime there's a life of the
mother it's not called an abortion it's called it's called a surgery it's it's all red herring
crud see me and millions and millions of other americans just simply disagree with you exactly
and the whole thing and go to hell in a hand basket you know hey hitler liked abortion i
appreciate your call i just uh i just you just people love it it's their sacrament and it is
the sacrament of doom we will collapse we will fall don't worry all of what you want is what
you will get david in georgia thanks for holding uh thank you go ahead what's on your mind today
hello alex thank you for taking my call hey how are you doing today i'm good i just hope
that all these people that have well let me let me back up i voted for daddy george bush and held
my nose i voted for his boy and held my nose i voted for john mccain and nearly threw up
and i wouldn't even vote yesterday or any other time for this election because i didn't think
that neither candidate and neither party was worthy of my vote i agree more and more people
are getting to that point uh and and a record number of evil white devils are just not voting
and people are misunderstanding that it's the end of the reign of the evil white devil and they
don't understand it's it's not that the voting is going on at the gun shops the illuminous uh
none dare call it conspiracy i believe is where i read this they'd taken an apple
and take a bite off of it and turn it over and take a bite and turn it over and take a bite
in the end you eat the entire apple yes do nothing yet one time to upset the populace
to the point of reacting it is time for us to react i agree sir and people are voting
by buying guns they're voting by criticizing the government i mean we are under a tyranny though
and i don't i don't we'll talk more in the days to come about what we do i got one more thing to
say the leaders of the republican party and the democratic party and the the anybody there between
when these people finally wake up to the tyranny that we're facing and they start putting them
in the FEMA camps and the reeducation camps i will allow them to call the leaders of their party
to see if they'll get any help now what you'll get is arrested most of the cowards will line up and
support it they're going to collapse society so they put us in reeducation camps they call
relocation centers that's their sick plan thank you sir real quick a michael in new hampshire
your take on thanks alex thank you for taking my call uh i've been waiting for two hours so i really
appreciate it um yeah i mean racism it you know it's being used to keep people divided race
uh gender ideology uh all these talking points in in the left and right they're just playing
ping pong with us back and forth and they give us this uh false paradigm election um the people
that are engaged in the paradigm uh they're trained to paint the opposition uh to the right of ideology
with a broad brush and uh immunize them doing so um what the the big thing we got to overcome
is the mainstream media we got to find a way to stop them or force them into reporting the truth
and that's it we've got to build and support the real alternative media like info wars nightly news
going to be a two hour special seven to nine to nine live god bless you sir thanks to all the other
callers we're out of time for this part of the transmission just even turn a lot more coming
up info wars dot com
Welcome to the Info Wars Live postmortem coverage of the zombie election.
It's November 7th, 2012.
I'm David Knight.
I'm going to be joined here tonight with Aaron Dykes, Melissa Melton, David Ortiz,
McCarrie Jackson, and Dan Bedondi, and we're going to be looking at a lot of aspects of
this last election.
One thing we're not going to be talking a lot about is Obama and Romney.
We'll be talking about some other effects of the election because we know that if you're
like us, you're pretty sick of hearing it.
You're probably about ready to cry like the little girl in the viral video if you've seen
One of the things that we've been following is initiatives, and there's several initiatives.
We've got an article on infowars.com that is looking at 10 states that are voting on
nullification measures this week.
This has some, a lot of people on the Info Wars poll that we had said they were more
interested in ballot initiatives than they were in the presidential election.
Certainly these particular issues are something that are going to be very interesting in the
months to come because what they're doing is they're setting up power conflicts between
the states and the federal government in certain areas.
In one area, we've got Obamacare.
There were five ballot initiatives in various states that had to do with limiting Obamacare.
Now, in Florida, they had two initiatives.
One would limit Obamacare, the individual mandate, as well as public funding of abortion.
Now, those both failed, but in Wyoming, Alabama, and Montana, ballot initiatives that would
limit the individual mandate and passed.
And in Wyoming, they actually said that they actually are going to put it in the Constitution
that they have a right to make their own health care decisions.
Imagine that, that we have a right to make our own health care decisions.
It's really gotten to a bad state of affairs, hasn't it, when we have to assert our rights
because we've taken the assumption that everything is prohibited unless expressly permitted by
our federal government.
So we've also had some other initiatives on medical marijuana.
And interesting, because there's several states, there's about 16 states that currently
have medical marijuana available.
The first one in Montana, they actually put some additional restrictions on medical marijuana,
which is going to make it tighter.
Arkansas failed to pass a medical marijuana initiative, but in Massachusetts, they passed
The interesting thing was there's three states, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington, where they
actually legalized marijuana.
They went beyond just medical marijuana use to full legalization.
Oregon did not pass it, but they do still have medical marijuana available in Oregon.
But in Colorado and Washington, recreational use of marijuana has been passed.
So that's going to be real interesting to see what happens when the federal government
starts to come in and assert their DEA authority, which they don't really have constitutional
authority to do that.
Also in five Michigan cities, marijuana legalization and decriminalization went five for five.
In Detroit, Measure M removed criminal penalties for possession of less than an ounce.
Same thing in Flint, decriminalized possession of less than an ounce.
Both of those measures passed by about 60%.
In Kalamazoo, they're going to allow three medical marijuana dispensaries.
That got 64% of the vote.
In Grand Rapids, they have an initiative that makes possession of marijuana a civil rather
than a criminal offense.
That got 59% of the vote.
And in Ypsilanti, Michigan, they have a measure that says enforcement of marijuana laws will
be the city's, quote, lowest law enforcement priority.
Now, that's interesting because if you look at the, actually it was just on October the
29th, the FBI released some statistics that said that there's a marijuana arrest in this
country once every 47 seconds.
And half of all drug related arrests involve marijuana, and 82% of all drug arrests were
for small amounts.
So that's going to have effect on everybody.
We all have to pay, whether we use marijuana or not, we all have to pay for the court system,
the law enforcement system, and to lock people up.
And we really have to think, is that really something that is a good use of our money
in these tough financial times?
But it's also a constitutional issue.
I care about this not because I have really a dog in the fight for marijuana.
We don't have anybody that's sick in our family that needs it.
We don't use it recreationally.
But it's a constitutional issue.
The 18th Amendment was required to prohibit alcohol.
Where is the constitutional amendment to prohibit marijuana?
Okay, it's not there.
It's something that we all should be upset about.
And I think as I look at the drug war, we've gone from a situation, the drug war was pretty
much characterized by the confiscation of property without due process.
That was kind of a hallmark of the war on drugs.
Now we've gone to the war on terror.
And what we're doing now is we're arresting people.
We're taking people away without due process, not just their property.
The related story, Prop 37 doesn't really set up any conflict between the states and
the federal government.
But Prop 37 was something that we were all watching very carefully here at Info Wars
because we cared deeply about the quality of our food and the freedom to make informed
Prop 37 in California would have required labeling that would truthfully tell people what's
in their food.
If they have GMO in the food, it would be required to say that just as they're required
to tell us if they've got sugar or they've got salt or if they've got any other chemicals
in it.
And yet we're told that that did not pass in California, that people really don't care
to know what's in their food.
And yet, perhaps that is true.
Maybe it really wasn't a rigged election because in California they voted for both
death and taxes and other propositions.
They voted Prop 30, they voted to increase their tax rates on income and sales tax.
And in Prop 34, they voted against banning the death penalty.
So if they're for death and taxes, maybe they don't really want to know what's in
their food.
But we were all hoping that it would be a landmark decision that once it was a law in
California that they would have to truthfully label all the ingredients and the quality
of the ingredients in their products that would trickle down the rest of the country.
But that was defeated.
And at the last minute, it had a huge lead, but just before the election, the polls pulled
even, which makes it very easy to rig an election.
And one of the things we looked at last night, we looked at OpenSecrets.org, which looks
at the money trail on candidates.
And we saw that in agribusiness, they didn't actually, agribusiness didn't actually contribute
that much in the aggregate to Obama and to Romney.
Their combined contributions to both candidates were only about $8 million.
And yet in California, they spent over $45 million.
And that's just six companies out of the agribusiness sector.
Six companies spent over $45 million to keep people from knowing what they're putting in
your food.
That's really a sad situation.
But as Bev Harris pointed out earlier today in an interview with Alex Jones, we still
don't necessarily know because there's 25% of the votes that haven't even been counted
yet in California.
That's just part of the concern that we have with the election.
A lot of people are looking at, did Obama win, did Romney win?
Which states that they win?
I think the big story here is the actual voting process, the actual election fraud.
We hear all these stories about voter ID.
There's no identification in most locations of voters when they walk in.
They just give a name and an address.
My former home state of North Carolina, some people that we knew indirectly, the fellow
came in to vote and he was told that his deceased mother had just been in and voted.
She died six years earlier.
There's 112 year old voters who are voting by thousands in North Carolina because not
purging the rolls.
But the real thing that is the real story here are the voting machines.
The mainstream media is covering all the long lines and broken machines and the vote flipping
that is happening.
With that, people vote for one candidate and they get another candidate.
As I said last night, it's really kind of a metaphor for the elections themselves and
for government itself.
It's very complicated.
These voting machines are very complicated, they're very expensive.
They give you the opposite of what you pick and they're very easily corrupted.
It's unfortunate that we can't go to a much simpler, more transparent system than these
complicated hidden voting machines.
I think that elections are probably the least effective way for us to control government
at this point.
The dishonest elections start way before we get to the voting booth.
As we've all seen, especially with Ron Paul inside the GOP, we saw the corruption that
was happening during the primaries.
A lot of people don't see what happens to people who are outside of the parties.
It's the ballot access laws, it's the debate access restrictions that are enacted that basically
shut down debate.
You know, if you have just a two-party system, you can get this Hegelian dialectic that's
very easy control and you can also paint the other guy as a demon so that even if you don't
like your own candidate of your party, if you're one of the two parties, you're afraid
that the other guy is going to win.
That dynamic would completely change if you had three or four candidates in there.
You can't just paint the other guy as a bad guy.
You actually have to talk somewhat about issues.
So it would be a great thing to reform the political system if we could open it up.
But we might even say, even for people who think that we should only have two parties,
at this point we might need to say, are these two parties the right two parties?
The Green Party, for instance, could replace the Democrat Party or the Libertarian Party
to replace the GOP, but that's just simply not going to happen because of the corruption
and the power that's in these two systems.
In a related article to that, the Lou Rockwell blog had a writer, Ryan McMakin, this article
is on Infowars.
And he talks about the GOP being in deep trouble and how good Ron Paul is looking after this
And he writes, Romney lost today to a guy who is overseeing a horrible economy, prosecuting
on popular wars, and who can barely string five words together without a teleprompter.
This is the best the Republican Party can do.
Not only are the Republicans evil, they're evil and contemptible losers, which is far
And he thinks that the winner in yesterday's election really is the Ron Paul movement.
He says the Ron Paul movement is the big winner here.
The GOP told Libertarians in the party to get lost and the GOP paid for it.
Interestingly, both Iowa and Nevada, where Ron Paul supporters gain control of the state
party, both went to Obama after the Romney campaign actively fought to disenfranchise
Ron Paul supporters.
I guess the GOP got what it wanted.
Well, if you remember, there was quite a bit of scandal in both Iowa and Nevada in terms
of the way the votes were rigged and not counted properly.
And in both of those areas, they put Ron Paul people as chairman of the GOP in those states
to kind of assuage people's anger.
But in Nevada, after they put a Ron Paul person in as chairman of the party, they actually
created a shadow party.
And they defunded the regular GOP party and ran their own separate party, told people
not to contribute to that.
So all that kind of stuff kind of came back on them.
But it's a really sad situation.
And I got a tweet from a friend of my son, who's about 20, 21 years old, and he said
the Republican Party on a national level is dead unless something breathes new life
into it.
I doubt it will ever win a presidential election again.
The American majority is now a center-left constituency that doesn't relate to their
Well, I agree with him that they basically have become dead at the national level.
But I don't think it's, you know, he's looking at this from the typical left-right paradigm.
He's not looking at the broader, you know, paradigm.
Let's say if you're familiar with the Nolan chart, you have like a two-dimensional space
rather than just a single line of left and right.
And actually Reagan kind of referred to that when he said the choices before us were not
left and right, but up and down, up towards freedom or down towards tyranny.
And that's really what the Nolan chart reflects.
You know, if you go back and you look at this election, Ron Paul was bringing in people
from both the typical quote-unquote left and from the typical quote-unquote right.
He was unifying people.
And as he said, liberty brings people together.
And on the issues that he was talking about, people were coming together.
And they were getting past this left-right paradigm, the Democrat-Republican paradigm.
But unfortunately, that movement was cut short, I think, by a lot of things that we all understand
were dishonest in the primaries.
So it's not really any surprise for us to see that in the general election.
And one last thing, the GOP lost seats even in the Senate.
So that's going to be important.
And that's going to have effect on how things play out with Supreme Court appointments as
well as other people in the cabinet positions.
And we've got Aaron Dykes who's going to give us kind of an analysis of what people
have been talking about in terms of Supreme Court picks and in terms of possible cabinet
appointments and how things might change and what impact that might have on us.
Aaron, are you there?
I'm here.
Thanks, David.
Are we ready to go on this camera?
This is our first live test in two different studios.
Very exciting InfoWars nightly news.
Now Obama obviously has been re-elected.
The people who wanted less government, who wanted to change the establishment, had been
heard, had been speaking out throughout the past several years.
We're one of many people speaking for those groups, but we were not in the actual election.
The choice was Obama.
The choice was Romney.
Obama was re-elected.
So what does it mean?
We saw immediately the next day the stock market went down.
It tanked.
We saw, on the other hand, health insurance skyrocketed.
The price of gold skyrocketed.
The gun stocks skyrocketed.
These are all significant factors in the direction of our country, as Obama has promised
to be a bigger and better collectivist governor over this country, trying to transform our
country even more into a dependent state where the big federal family rules over your
And to analyze this a little bit more, we'll go to Alex's discussion earlier, analyzing
Obama's speech, his victory speech last night, and then I will add some to that.
Do we have that now?
Okay, let's go to that speech clip right now.
Start playing the Obama speech, where he kind of attacks individuals here.
Listen to this creepy speech here it is from last night.
I have never been more hopeful about America, and I ask you to sustain that hope.
Yeah, chumps.
I'm not talking about blind optimism.
No, no.
No, no, just let me suck her even more from far and wide.
The norm is the enormity of the tasks ahead, or the roadblocks that stand in our way.
That's an enormous task to gut this country and shut down the coal power plants.
I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines
before shook from a fight.
Are never going to know other power prices roughly done.
I always believe that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that is just about all the
evidence to the dollar.
That something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to
keep working.
Mindlessly letting the globalist rob us, yeah.
Keep believing governments are trying while it shuts everything down.
Fifteen-one percent of your power comes from coal.
I believe we can build on the progress we've made.
Oh yeah, you will.
We can just get a fight for new jobs, a new opportunity, a new security for the middle
Just shut everything down, but then make you go get welfare from them.
I believe we can keep the promise of our founding.
The idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are, or where you
come from, or what you look like, or where you love.
It doesn't matter whether you're black, or white, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Native American.
So then he claims pro-America, but that ties into race consciousness.
You are able, disabled, gay, or straight.
You can make it here in America if you're willing to try.
But the idea is governments going to do that.
Governments going to take your jobs away, but then it's going to give you the select
insider jobs picking winners.
I believe we can seize this future together.
Because we are not as divided as our politics suggests, we're not as cynical as the pundits
We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection
of red states and blue states.
We are, and for others, we are.
Back it up.
When we come back from back, I'm going to play just that in part there again.
Did you hear that?
We are not individuals.
We are not individuals with our competitiveness.
No, we are a greater collective.
I mean, whoa, Borg, you will be assimilated.
Danger, Will Robinson.
I'm getting chills.
Danger, danger.
And you got those people in there.
I mean, folks, they're announcing they're going to shut down 1,000-plus plants in the
next two years.
He's announced it.
It's not the Republicans saying it now.
They're going to shut your power down, folks.
So what are we talking about here?
What has Alex pulled out of this speech?
We're not individuals.
We're part of this collectivist big government system.
But it's not just socialism where Obama has weaned in people who are dependent for one
reason or another.
It's not just the USDA encouraging people to sign up for food stamps, including foreign
Mexican nationals.
It's not just getting more people on the welfare rules and telling them that it will be government
stepping in to change their lives.
It's not just the divide that we do, in fact, see in the country between people who want
to be generally left alone, who want to remain individuals, people who are still part of
independent businesses, and don't want to be part of a strictly federal government.
We're talking about a larger centralized government here, whereas the founders envisioned
a separation of powers, state power, federal power balanced against each other with individual
rights guaranteed and retained under the Bill of Rights.
That is the dream of this country, and it's slipping away.
Not just because Barack Obama is some kind of socialist president, but because he's
a collectivist.
It's a one to punch.
First you invite in hordes of the population to accept handouts, to be dependent on government.
That's the socialism part of it.
It could have been the fascist side of the Republican Party that we've seen under George
W. Bush and the other spokespersons, but this time it's the Barack Obama, Bill Clinton side
of things.
And it's all managed up above that, whether fascist, whether socialist, or under some
other name, by the bankers who, as Alex has pointed out, have taken over the economy.
They've shipped out the manufacturing jobs not overnight, not under Obama, not under
any one president, but over 30, 40 years in this country, intentionally deindustrializing
all of the United States.
If you go back to the middle of the century, places like Detroit where the shining example
were all races, all people were generally employed, it was one of the highest employment
rates we ever saw.
They had good jobs in factories, making cars, other kinds of work, and that slipped away
as they shipped it over to China.
And President Obama's jobs council is headed by people like Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, and
others who are involved directly in shipping these jobs overseas.
Romney's been part of the same game, so that part doesn't change.
It's all run by these collectivist bankers, run through the derivative scams, and you
name it.
So you've got the socialist pressures, eating away at the system, the legitimate raising
of taxes under a fairly limited government compared with where we're headed, all whittled
away, all ledgered away by these bankers on the global market.
So we're captured because of that, and you've got the Reuters analysis, victory puts Obama
in position to expand government's reach, and what we're seeing here is, sure, the
Republicans held onto the House, the Democrats are picking up the Senate, you still have
a little bit of the gridlock as designed by the founders.
But all that is undermined by the way Obama has already been governing when he was still
facing election, where he began using the agencies to implement the policies he would
have liked to see.
And we saw this most notably with the EPA, when they tried very hard to pass carbon
taxes through Congress and failed.
We saw the EPA began to go around regulating, shutting down coal plants, and they were just
getting started.
He did it in all other sectors as well, and we're going to see more and more of this
now that Obama does not have to face reelection.
He's already gotten the ball rolling with legislating by fiat from the executive branch
and through the many bloated, well-funded agencies that run this country.
Now I want to get more into the coal plants because there are going to be new carbon taxes.
Kurt Nemo's got the article, you were just seeing some of the graphic, let's go back
to that.
I'll flick it back up to the beginning of it.
Obama floats carbon tax the day after election victory, and Kurt points out how less than
24 hours after winning the election, he's already indicating his plans to further impose carbon
They are devastating to the economy.
It's going to be a minimum of a trillion dollars in direct cost, but the regulations, the impediment
to business, the extra paperwork, the bureaucracy, all of this slows the economy, doesn't allow
it to recover.
It allows it to fall more into that captured mode as the globalists who literally set this
policy from up above control the means of production more and more, whether it's under
the socialist coloration and figureheads, or under some other collectivist model, it's
This is the New World Order.
This is how they're doing things, and Obama will be kind of a petty dictator advancing
his part of the game.
Later on, we'll probably see a Republican part of that as well.
But you look more closely at the carbon taxes, and they are funded by people like the Rockefeller
Brothers Fund, by HP, by Shell, by GE, the Energy Foundation, Alcoa, all of basically
the polluters are running the climate and energy solutions, the Center for Climate and
Energy Solutions that are imposing these carbon taxes.
We've got to ask, why are they running both sides of the game?
Well, that's their Hegelian model.
And then you see also involved in Obama's new proposed carbon taxes, which he will
implement administratively through the executive branch is HSBC, HSBC, HSBC, weren't they
involved in, oh, that's right, money laundering.
They're facing the biggest ever record fines for admitted money laundering.
I know we have a graphic for that, if we can pull it up, HSBC holdings, they're facing
1.1 billion in fines over admittedly laundering money for drug cartels, for terrorists, for
rogue states, they testified in Congress, they explained away how they're planning to
fix it in the future, and they may be heavily penalized, but HSBC, well, they're just another
player in the game among many.
We've seen Wachovia, we've seen Wells Fargo, all of them laundering money for the drug
cartels, it all ties in with the larger policy, Fast and Furious to demonize the Second Amendment,
yet allowing the drug cartels to ship in the drugs, feed the black market that's run by
the CIA, it's kind of a complicated system, but at the same time, it's just run through
the banking ledgers.
They bring in the money from the black market, circulate it back out to the phony Wall Street
market through the derivatives, and they capture and hold the real industries of this country,
and that is how they are going to crumble this economy and impose austerity upon us.
And just one little taste of that is in an article I did today, it's really just kind
of a blurb, but it's very telling, you see how ATM guilt is now beginning to appear,
your paper receipt is destroying the earth, they tell you, and this is the mega banks
who want you to go cashless, who've tried to ban cash in Louisiana, in numerous states
in Europe, and more and more trying to get you on these Google wallet systems, these
purely electronic systems, if not credit cards, and now at ATM terminals, they're telling
you don't get a receipt, you can reduce your carbon footprint by.49 grams of carbon just
by refusing the receipt, I took this picture at a terminal here in Texas, but they're
all across the country now, and it's part of this new ironic push where you're supposed
to believe you're helping to save the planet by feeding into the very banks who sell you
the carbon credits, who profiteer off of them, who trade them on the derivatives market,
and allow the industries, they also own a control to continue polluting while you pay
for it, and that's the kind of thing that's coming under these carbon taxes, they really
want you to buy into the propaganda of it while they're really running the show, and
just you're captured on the cash machine, if you want to get cash, you got to pay the
fee, that's not good enough, if you don't want to use cash, you're still paying credit
card fees and you're on their grid system, and you basically more and more won't be able
to get outside of it, you're going to be guilty, furthermore with this economic, not
only with the economic austerity that's coming in the crumbling markets, but with this environmental
austerity, even as you're doing less economically, you want to do even less because it's going
to help save the earth, see how they kind of feed into seemingly opposing agendas,
how they feed into each other, and that is not all, Obama had prepared a sneak November
surprise, they were calling it, new coal plant shutdown regulations through the EPA, as I
pointed out, the things that couldn't get through Congress, despite the gridlock that
was in place, Obama will pursue, as I've said, through agencies, his policies, he will use
executive fiat, and here you have more and more bureaucrats than ever before working
on these big standards that won't allow new coal plants, they're shutting down coal plants,
they were caught in their campaign materials listing the energy vision for America and
how coal doesn't even show up on the charts, love or hate coal, that's what we've got,
it's 50 plus percent of our electricity in this country, we have huge stores of it, there
are ways to do it clean, many of those factories are already clean, we need to embrace a clean
coal, not reject it, and feed into slander scandals for solar where they're really just
scheming the money behind the scenes, where we're overseas fighting for oil and geopolitical
positions, none of this is sustainable, this is what's going to crumble America and put
us in ruins and push towards this economic collapse, which the system wants because
they can get more control out of that, now turning back to the election itself, we have
a clip from Bev Harris from earlier, who is explaining a lot of the voter fraud that
she's found that they've looked into, and there's a lot of areas, sure it may not have
been in the end a close election between Obama and Romney, Electoral College wise, but there's
plenty of other scheming going on in the election, let's go to that now.
So the most amazing thing to me with Carl Rowe, who I think we can all agree at least
knows his numbers, he starts, he comes on Fox to issue a rebuttal to their numbers, and
they turn to him and they say, well, now it's a science, and so your numbers are just wrong.
Listen, we have the networks all going to one operation, the National Election Pool,
AEP, which gives them numbers, and this is without counting the votes, and then they
just say this is the winner.
And so in this odd interchange, you have Carl Rowe on there saying, wait a minute, we've
got a half a million votes that haven't been counted yet, and many of those are in Romney
strongholds, how come you've called Ohio for Obama?
And they said, it's a science, it's a science, it's like shut up, don't talk about actually
counting the votes, which I think was really emblematic of what we were seeing last night.
We saw them, I watched them call Tennessee 11 minutes after the polls closed without
a single vote counted and with no exit polls.
How did they do that, I mean it's- They're clairvotant.
So they're just setting the precedent now to just, instead of having more transparency,
just totally put things in a la-la land where maybe they'll close the polls a day before
the election now.
Oh yeah, well listen, you know, the places that they canceled the exit polls, they did
it because pre-election polls, they said that they knew who was going to win from pre-election
That's a good way for exit polls, California 25% of the votes aren't even counted yet,
and they are, you know, there's very controversial proposition on there, they're, oh yes, well
this is the one that won.
I didn't even mail my ballot yesterday until two o'clock in the afternoon, Washington state
is all absentee, about 40% of the ballots weren't even in yet, and they're visually calling
the election, and they can't exit poll absentee votes.
So it's a total hoax, so I mean, did Obama really get elected?
Oh, that's the thing, nobody knows anything about elections nowadays.
What we are doing is we're watching the TV networks announce to us who the winner is
based on a single private organization called NEP.
You know, they aren't even going so far as to look at the tapes that come out of the
voting machines, they're just telling us before the voting machines even sit out their tapes,
this is the winner.
So again, Bev Harris, a documentary hacking democracy, caught them repeatedly, you know,
criminally, she's telling you now, it's just polls closed, they announced the winner with
no ballots counted in Tennessee, they're just announcing in other places when, you know,
more than half the stuff hasn't been counted, it has now gotten, then I think from what
you're saying, the worst ever, just absolutely in everyone's face.
Oh yeah, I mean, look at this, in Florida, you know, it's just, and the anomalies are
flooding in, in Florida this happens every election, the power goes out, midstream, and
then all of a sudden the trend changes, you know, it's like they're counting votes, counting
votes after the vote.
It's like in the Who Done It movie, it's like the Who Done It movie where the light goes
off and somebody's got a steak knife in their neck.
And it's actually kind of a metaphor, isn't it, it's like the lights go off, oh, here's
the winner, you know, it's really, and then Pinellas County, which is by Tampa, they basically
now get this, Florida, they were calling Florida for Obama, it was separated by 40,000 votes,
Pinellas County hadn't just announced, we've set aside 10,000 ballots that we won't count
until tomorrow.
I mean, nobody just, you know, this is the stuff that's really going on.
There were 400,000 uncounted provisional ballots in Arizona, and there were massive meltdowns
in Pinellas County, which is Tucson and Maricopa, which is Phoenix.
So we are just now beginning to unravel what was really happening during this election.
And when people say, well, do you really think that Obama won, I have to say, well, that
is actually not the point, because we can't know who won, because of the way the system
Regardless of who benefited, is this the system we want?
And that is the real question, what is the system, not necessarily who actually won the
quote elections, the selection process, but how game is our system, well, it's game every
step of the way Republicans and Democrats write the rules for elections internally, they write
the rules for their own party.
If you don't tow the party line, you're going to have a hard time advancing, you're going
to have a hard time getting legislation passed.
Third parties are completely written out of the books.
You can theoretically run as a third party, but it's extremely difficult to get on the
ballot, to get into the debates, but that's just the beginning.
Then you've got the controlled media cycle that she's also talking about.
You've got pundits from clearly biased media sources telling you who it's going to be,
telling you how it is, telling you what choices are important.
But these are limited choices, you've got what, four or five major slanted media outlets,
MSNBC, if you lean left, Fox News, if you lean right, the other channels, a little bit
in the middle, and it's just ridiculous.
Then the actual voting process is so game, so unaccountable, we can never really know
if we're even having real elections, and I would argue that we're not.
All of this is a centralization of power, the founding fathers have to be rolling over
in our graves, and again, either side of the collectivist model are just giving more power
to FEMA, more power to Homeland Security, more power to the EPA to regulate our economy,
putting in these carbon taxes that are understood by economists to be a total gridlock against
They're going to just grind us down and make us so subservient on government, it's absurd,
and we have seen a number of states fighting back against healthcare, one of the biggest
new taxes the country has ever seen, but by and large, here's Obama re-elected for four
years, able to push this stuff through, and yet there's a number of important changes
that are going on inside his cabinet, he's got to kind of change those colorations out
as well, he's got to filter in different corporate interests, and here we have one of the first
major ones, Tiny Tim Geithner, who comes from the New York Federal Reserve, who's a complete
bottom paid for stooge, and who is a minion of Larry Summers and Robert Rubin, who of
course did away with Glass-Steagall and helped a lot of the derivative scandals to get going
decade, decade and a half ago, he comes from that camp, he of course has been Treasury
Secretary throughout the Obama administration, he's taken a lot of heat though, because of
course the economy has not recovered, and everyone kind of understands what a tool he
is, so they're going to rotate him out, so the obvious thought would be, here's from
Death and Taxes Magazine, Obama's next Treasury Secretary shouldn't be a Wall Street stooge,
kind of sounds like common sense, but that's not even being considered, here we have the
list of who wants Geithner's job, it's Obama's short list for the next Treasury Secretary,
and it's really just this insider club, I don't think any of these names are going to
be household names for the people watching out there, but it's the kind of names that
we need to begin to look up, we need to figure out who they're connected to, and the short
answer, they're connected to the same old schemers on Wall Street, to the power structure,
who again have bought out our economy and leveraged it on the global market, and are
using that tension to buy up assets, to buy up power control over this country, this election
is about a big power shift, I think Mitt Romney represented that same power shift, but of
course the rhetoric was different, so under Obama on the other hand, we're going to see
a naked power grab, we're going to see it for what it is.
Now who are they considering for Treasury?
The first name is Jacob Blue, he's the current White House Chief of Staff, Obama has rotated
four of them through now, he comes before that from the Office of Management and Budget,
that's a very bland sounding office, not something people talk about and analyze all the time,
but they're in the nitty-gritty, they have important, very important purse string ties
to policy, they really decide where a lot of stuff gets budgeted and they have so much
power over the other agencies, who as we have discussed, are doing the real policy setting
and legislating in this country, Congress again has been gridlocked, they've been reduced,
they've been made to go along with the system that's put in place, they rarely question
it, but real policies are being set inside the executive branch ever since the days
of FDR, this has been ratcheting up, FDR who said we want broad executive power, then during
the Great Depression, now it's coming full circle, pushing us back into a depression,
such as Jacob Blue.
Next on the list, Gary Gensler, now this is the kind of guy you've heard Gerald Salente
railing about back in the John Corzine, MF Global Scandal, he was intimately connected
to that, blame for not doing enough, he of course is Chairman of the U.S. Commodities
Future Trading Commission and he very happily, according to the articles on him, is presiding
over more than $648 trillion of derivative swaps on the market, those are outstanding
swaps again, we're talking about a figure of $650 trillion with a T, Gary Gensler is
over this kind of financial regulation, obviously a go along, get along type, outrageously in
favor of the existing power structure, letting them loot and again, leveraging the entire
economy, entire manufacturing bases, entire corporations that employ so much of this country,
all kinds of government offices, all these pension funds you've heard about, all this
stuff is leveraged through this more than $648 trillion of admitted derivatives, the
real figures are in the quadrillions of course, so they're considering Gary Gensler for the
Treasury Secretary, that would be outrageous, but really we've got a short list of purely
outrageous people to begin with, next is Larry Fink, F-I-N-K, he represents the assets
at BlackRock, this is a big Bilderberg related firm, they're directly part of Blackstone
set up by Peter Peterson and Swartzman over there, and they again, they manage these asset
funds, they manage the pensions, that all these state employees have their money tied
up to, and all these other systems, and he manages trillions and trillions of dollars
of the economy, and I've got some articles here about how Larry Fink, when the economy
went belly up, was really a key point man for the entire bailout, you've got people
from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns, all these other firms, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan
Chase, they came to Larry Fink to see what could be done, make sure the arrangements
for the bailout were coming to them, and he really monitors more than $12 trillion worldwide,
again for that system that controls our collectivist government, it's not for the people, and these
are the people they're about to put in charge of the Treasury policies, who do nothing more
than green light the Federal Reserve's stranglehold over this country, tied in with this larger
Wall Street market, very dangerous system, Larry Fink could not be a worse choice, but
he of course is being heavily considered, Roger Altman is the founder and chairman of
Evercore, and a number of other high level financial and asset related funds, just like
the others, he is an annual Bilderberg attendee, he was there in 2012, he's been there in other
years as well, they at one time considered having him replace Larry Summers in some of
the bailout related, let's put on a good face and pretend we're fixing the economy while
we loot and steal and collect assets in the background, one of those divisions that Obama
set up after the bailout, he wasn't put in then but he's being considered as well for
Treasury Secretary, then you've got Erskine Bowles, definitely an insider, maybe kind
of the more conservative choice among them, he's a former Clinton Chief of Staff, he's
considered a moderate Democrat, so he may be more easy to get confirmed, you know, particularly
with the Republicans and everything, but also a dangerous choice, so Treasury, excuse me,
Secretary of Treasury about to change faces, Geithner going to step down, but you're going
to get someone inside the system in favor of more Federal Reserve printing, completely
behind anything Bernanke may decide to do and really running scrimmage for that derivatives
asset grab scam, such an important system, I'm not the best to break down the overall
economic scheming going on, but if you've heard Gerald Salente, if you've heard Max
Kaiser, Alex Jones, Bob Chapman when he was still alive, this has been a huge ongoing
scam since they collapsed in 2008 and they're still picking up the pieces.
Now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is also expecting to step down, she was basically
given that position as kind of a concessionary thing when she didn't win the presidency but
put up a good fight and they said, well, we're going to go with the black man Obama, he's
going to kind of revolutionize the voting block and give people this new energy for
their head of state, let them buy into big government, so Hillary got the side job of
Secretary of State, which was great, it gave her a lot of power to work with Al Qaeda to
put them in in these smaller countries and to manage these proxy wars.
Now I guess she's going to go back to the private sector, I mean the black ops sector
along with her husband and run some of those things, so they're going to put in a new face.
Well, what kind of change are we going to see there?
They're telling us we have two choices, John Kerry, that is the senator from Massachusetts,
the cousin of Bush, the Skull and Bones member who was put up as a fall guy in 2004, so George
W. Bush could be re-elected with more power, well, you know what's interesting, as they're
considering him for Secretary of State, he's involved with CFR, he's involved in trilateral,
he's been to Bilderberg, he doesn't go that often, but he was there this year in 2012.
John Kerry was at Bilderberg, did it have to do with him being tapped to be the next
Secretary of State, obviously as a member of Skull and Bones, already intimately involved
with foreign policy, he's on the important executive committees inside the Senate, and
of course will play a similar game, they don't know if they're going to go with them.
The other choice is Susan Rice, who's already been in as US Ambassador to the UN, very close
to the Clinton factions as well as the Obama people, and she's very much part of the power
structure too.
She had a big role to play in the Libya war and the other little smaller wars, the Syria
thing that's going on and whether or not that erupts into a larger regional conflict.
She's also one of these legacy kids because she's the daughter of a former governor of
the Federal Reserve Board.
Her father was only the second governor in all of history to be on the Federal Reserve
and clearly part of the power structure, so that's some of the change we're going to see
And it's just amazing who they pick, we can't get someone good into this cabinet, obviously.
Now this part shocked me, I didn't know about this until I read thoroughly through all these
articles, Eric Holder may have to step down.
He's taken a lot of heat for Fast and Furious, the Republican side of things, Daryl Issa
have held him accountable for clearly lying about what and when and who he knew about
Fast and Furious.
Huge scandal resulting in the death of Brian Terry and other government factions.
Government caught red-handed giving guns to drug cartels, again as these larger banks
launder their money and let them into the country as the CIA factions work with them
to spread this stuff on the black market, but nevertheless Eric Holder may have to face
accountability in the sense of stepping down for being Attorney General, very corrupt,
very much part of those Clinton years, Waco and all the other scandals.
So who might replace Eric Holder?
None other than Janet Napolitano, Dung Beetle Napolitano who is head of Homeland Security.
Can you believe it?
An unconstitutional, obviously fraudulent agency, a power-grabbing occupying force who
got their power after 9-11 on the backs of the terrorism, using the sympathy of the country
being hit to build up an occupying takeover force that now considers patriots to be potential
domestic terrorists, considers Ron Paul and third party supporters to be enemies of this
country and who have continuity of government plans to take everything over as soon as an
economic crisis or any other disaster that's big enough comes into play.
She may be become Attorney General, oh, but that's not all.
She's being considered for one of those Supreme Court nominee slots.
They may put Janet Napolitano of Homeland Security in your Supreme Court and she's
only 54 years old and she'll be there for life.
And ironically, she used to be the lawyer for Anita Hill, the person who made the sexual
allegations against Clarence Thomas who is still in the Supreme Court, wouldn't that
be interesting?
Anyway, just a look at some of the more on the surface in your face changes to the Obama
Again, as I would argue, he's about to make a pure power grab.
We know he has talked about reigning in gun rights.
We know he's talked about blanket amnesty, bringing more immigrants into this country
to break it economically and in some senses culturally.
He's promised so much to the dependent classes and he's going for broke with these new carbon
taxes and everything else.
I'm just shocked.
Are you still over there, David Knight, because I got to talk about some of these issues with
We've got to flesh out where we are having victories with stage rights.
We've got to talk about how to get more of those victories because the vision set up
by the founders of this country, the limited, the beautiful constitution, never perfect,
but seeing how much tyrants get into power, seeing how much people fall into power just
by being in positions, try to split that power, try to pit opposing groups against each other.
But that's all been broken down over the years.
And now we have basically a naked executive dictator, a Caesar, in power.
And it could have been a Republican, but it happens to be Obama in his second term.
I mean, what is your take on all the stuff I've been breaking down?
Well, you look at what Bev Harris said in that clip she had, talking about how they're
picking and pre-announcing who the victors are.
We saw this in the primaries.
Remember at the Republican, even at the Republican convention, remember how Boehner was caught
with the teleprompter and he was reading off the voice vote result off of the teleprompter.
They had scripted the voice vote.
They had already decided who was going to win the voice vote when they changed the rules.
And basically that was about-
I don't mean to interrupt, but there's our next Supreme Court justice, maybe the top
lawyer in the entire country, maybe the attorney general.
Yeah, there she goes.
That was Dung Beetle and Napolitano.
I mean, we need to kind of pay some reverence for a minute.
I mean, she's powerful.
That's right.
She doesn't have to get elected.
She doesn't even have to go through the fraudulent voter machines.
That's only if she's running for governor in Arizona.
But once she gets into the real power agency's Homeland Security, Supreme Court, there's
no elections for that.
You don't have to have voter fraud.
You see what I'm saying?
Oh yeah, it's hard to imagine somebody that has more contempt for civil liberties than
I mean, it's just, it's amazing to think that somebody like that could be in the Supreme
If people who will do anything for power, David, that's what makes her so dangerous.
It's not that, you know, her ideologies may have originally started if she has true ideologies
with something good she wanted to accomplish, maybe, but she's shown she'll do anything
for power, same with all these other minions.
It's how they got to the top.
That's right.
These scum rise to the top and there's no accountability.
You look at these things, I mean, we hope that the elections are gonna protect our civil
liberties and we're gonna get good people in there.
We hope that they're gonna put in somebody in the Supreme Court that's gonna look out
for our liberties.
But, you know, the reality of this is that, you know, we have to do it ourselves.
And even though we have some victories on some of these ballot initiatives, you know, when
I look at the legalization of marijuana, for example, it was only about two weeks ago
that New Jersey weed man won a unanimous acquittal based on jury nullification.
Because you know, when you go to a jury, if you will have the guts to take your case
towards a jury, what he calculated was he knew that about half the people in this country
believed that marijuana should not be a crime.
And so he didn't say that he had, he didn't make any bones about the fact that he had
violated the New Jersey law.
What he did was he pointed out to the jurors that in the New Jersey Constitution, it explicitly
says that they're not just to judge the facts of the case, but to judge the law itself.
And he told them, he said, you know, the law is wrong.
I'm a cancer patient.
I need this stuff.
And you know, it's a ridiculous law.
You should judge this law.
And they did.
And you know, if it only, if only one out of 12 people will come up and stand against
unjust laws, that's a much better way to protect our liberties than to hope that we're
going to get somebody elected as president that's going to point somebody as Supreme
Court justice who's going to maybe, you know, support our liberties.
We have to do it ourselves and we can do it ourselves.
It only takes one person on a jury.
The kind of catch 22, though, is that for so long, you know, juries have not been functioning
as real jurors that people are afraid to, you know, go before a jury.
And so 95 plus percent of the cases that come up are plea bargain because people are afraid
that the jurors aren't going to stand up for their, for their rights.
But you know, we have to, through education, we have to tell people about these powerful
That's something that doesn't require that they can't cheat us on.
You know, if people know what the truth is, the judges will lie, the judges will intimidate.
But if people really know what their rights and their duties are, they will stand up
for that.
That's one example of where we can put this thing down.
I just want to point out, too, it's about the nullification factor.
It's about taking power back that was usurped by the federal government, giving it back
to states and individuals.
Marijuana itself, I mean, a lot of people despise the drug culture and look down upon anyone
caught up in that system, but you've got a lot of people caught up.
I mean, you've got how many people in prison?
It's a record population that makes the rest of the world a pale in comparison.
It's a shame of our nation.
You've got so many minorities caught up in that system who are being harmed by it from
a black president who claimed he wasn't going to aggressively pursue marijuana, who admitted
he smoked it himself, that he inhaled, that was the point, he said.
And yet they aggressively pursued California, who were kind of the iconic main place in
the nation where it had been legalized, the dispensaries have their own controversies.
But he sent in the DEA to shut those places down to teach him a lesson.
Now this election has been a brushing back of that you served federal power in Colorado,
in Washington, to a lesser extent in the other states.
I don't remember them offhand, but we've covered them.
And the point is-
That's going to be interesting.
It doesn't have to be marijuana.
It's about the power of the drug war.
It's taken over this country.
That's right.
And it's going to be interesting to see if he pushes this, you know, you've actually
legalized it in two states now.
So it's going to be interesting to see what Obama and the feds do with that.
What the DEA does with that, if they're going to challenge that like they did in California.
Now, one of the aspects of California, it was just medical marijuana, and they allowed
a lot of discretion at the local level.
So in LA, people are getting, you know, getting the law enforcement to come down on them really
hard, but in other places like Oakland, they let it go.
So it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out in those two states, how it
plays out, for example, in Michigan.
It's going to be interesting to see how that goes.
But, you know, you mentioned the Secretary and Secretary of the Treasury people.
One of those names was somebody that I know something about.
I didn't know about most of them, but Erskine Bowles is somebody that hails from North Carolina.
He's run for Senate twice there.
And of course, as you mentioned, he was Chief of Staff of the Clinton administration.
Now, he was deeply embedded in the financial, he was a real player in the financial community
in Charlotte.
Nation's Bank was a very large bank.
And if you remember, in the early 90s, or early part of the Clinton administration, I believe
is when it happened, there was a merger between Nation's Bank and Bank of America.
And Bank of America was in California.
They merged the two together.
And even though they took the name Bank of America, it was really, they went to the headquarters
of Nation's Bank in Charlotte.
They moved all their operations to Charlotte.
Charlotte became a huge financial center.
But most importantly, it was the largest merger they'd ever had, and it really set a precedent.
And once that happened, all these other banks started merging, and what we got was too big
to fail.
And in less than, in about 10 years, we had this massive catastrophe.
Now, the same thing, now, he was a player and all that, the same thing is happening
again, talking about the power companies, the same thing is happening again in North
Again, you've got somebody, this guy is Jim Rogers.
And just like Erskine Bowles, he's a very well-connected player in the Democrat Party.
They just gave a loan guarantee, the power company did, to the Democrat National Convention.
When they had their convention in Charlotte, they gave them a loan guarantee of $10 million.
He downplayed that saying, well, it's just a loan guarantee, but they actually did use
that line of credit.
Now this guy has been very controversial, has gone into all these different alternative
energy schemes that cost a fortune compared to the traditional ways of getting energy
and don't work very well.
But they've merged, and now again, they've created the largest power company in the country.
And that, I think, is going to be, I think we're going to see something play out along
those lines, kind of like what we did with the free for all with the bank mergers.
And once we see that, that's going to be a lot of pressure for these large, just a few
large companies are going to wind up controlling all the energy.
And they've already got things like these renewable mandates and stuff, and just one
last thing I wanted to say about that.
You know, if you look at this, this carbon tax credit thing, it looks exactly like the
Federal Reserve Act 100 years ago in a sense, right?
You had all these guys come together, and they say they're going to create the Federal
Reserve, and we're all going to pay them interest, you know, to this private corporation.
We're going to pay them interest for the money that they're going to print.
And now we've got this carbon tax thing, right?
It's going to be privately owned.
We don't know who's going to own it, but we're all going to pay them money.
Pay them to rig the market.
Yeah, pay them to rig the money.
I mean, it's a classic Bankster takeover, but now they've moved from the national level
to the global level.
And this carbon tax thing is going to do to us on a global level what the Federal Reserve
has done to our money.
But it's also going to make energy incredibly expensive, as yet another way they're going
to attack energy.
You know, first they're going to consolidate into a few companies, then they're going
to move it to some kind of a global tax.
And you know, if you look at energy, the one thing that affects our standard of living,
both in terms of the quality of our life, and also, you can show by studies, the quantity
of our life is a availability of cheap energy.
And we have more coal in this country than the Middle East has oil, but we're not allowed
to use it.
As you pointed out, Erin, you know, there's cheap, there's clean ways to burn that coal.
But of course, they want to shut that down because they want to shut down American energy.
And I don't want to pollute either.
I want clean coal if coal is what we're going to use, but it's a game system.
But what you said is exactly correct.
I don't know if you know about this.
I have a feeling you probably do.
There's a documentary very well produced, extremely well researched, based on a book
that examined all the facts, and they have real audio recordings in this documentary.
It is, of course, Enron, the smartest guys in the room.
Today we know Enron is one of the biggest scam firms around.
Their assets weren't where they claimed to be.
They gamed the market.
But what they did in California was they got, I want to say, of a Schwarzenegger, regardless
of who's one of the governors, who deregulated the power rules, and they went in there and
controlled that system and artificially shut down supplies so they could jack up prices.
Not three times, not four times, not ten times.
In many documented cases, 50 times the market price of energy.
And they sucked money out of Granny's bank accounts, and they're on tape laughing about
it, cursing about it, joking with each other about, can we shut down the power again today?
Oh yeah, I'll come up with an excuse.
And that's exactly what we see throughout this whole corrupt system you're describing.
There was just another case last week where they got caught gaming the energy supply system
from one of these big banks that received, of course, bailout funds.
They all did.
And the people we're talking about for Treasury Secretary, the figures you're talking about
who are involved in gaming energy, and everything else, these are criminals.
These are the people in the back room.
They are top suspects, but instead, we're lining them up to be honored.
And given this title of you are Secretary of Treasury, you really know something about
the economy in this country, and we're really going to look to you and pretend to care about
what you say.
I mean, Tim Geithner has been a joke in Congress.
His blatantly ridiculous excuses have just been a stunt, a stunning act to bat you over
the head to keep you from going after the real criminals before you realize how badly
you've been raped and looted.
It just goes on and on from there, but you know the kind of people I'm talking about.
We need to be investigating these people.
John Corzine was governor before he was part of MF Global.
They're all part of criminal scams that are hidden behind that criminal line because there's
bureaucracy, red tape, paperwork, because the public can't follow these details, David.
That's right.
It's usual suspects, isn't it?
And they're controlling the food markets and everything else we're talking about.
That's right.
There's a few people getting control of everything.
I mean, that's what we see over and over again, and now they're moving from the national
level to the global level.
Well, that brings us to our quote of the day.
Our quote of the day, and we got that ready, guys.
Our quote of the day is, there we are.
We'll try to cooperate fully with the IRS because as citizens, we feel a strong patriotic
duty not to go to jail.
Dave Berry, one of my favorite political commentaries.
He's always got an interesting take on things.
We're going to be right back after a short break.
We're going to be right back with Melissa Melton to give us her take on the election.
I'm President Barack Barry Obama, and you're watching continual coverage of the 2012 presidential
election here on Infowars.com.
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Welcome back.
We're joined tonight here in the studio with by Melissa Melton.
Now, Melissa was covering elections last night live on location, and we're going to talk
to her a little bit about that.
David Ortiz is also doing that.
We'll be talking to him later.
Melissa, tell us a little bit about your coverage last night.
Well, I was at a polling station for a while, and then I ended up going over to the Travis
County Republican Party's election night, Shindig.
So for a while, I just mainly talked to people as they came out after voting, and I seemed
to get a majority of Obama voters.
And I think overall what really worried me about the night was that all of the Romney
voters, Romney people at the party seemed to feel like he was going to bring in really
small government, and all of the people who were going to vote for Obama had absolutely
no idea what the NDAA was.
And so the whole thing just was worrisome, basically, but we're going to go to a couple
of clips.
It's kind of sad, too, that they put everything on just those two offices, because we had
a Senate race in Texas, and the Republicans had something to cheer about there, but it
sounds like they were pretty upset.
After Obama was declared the winner, nobody would even barely speak to me.
I got one guy, and we're going to show him.
But yeah, after he was the winner, there was just angry faces, and people wanted to leave.
They didn't even want to speak to us.
That's interesting.
Well, let's take a look at some of the clips here, I guess.
Guys got some clips for us.
Well, five things that you think Obama did well as president.
I think he did a good job reaching across the aisle.
I think that he was more of a unifying president than George Bush was.
I'm a supporter of Obamacare all the way.
He, under his watch, he decreased piracy, he killed Osama bin Laden.
So how many is that?
Yeah, and he also worked on the AFME through the auto bailout, and also the Dodd-Frank Act
and decreasing bailouts to corporations that were circumventing the law.
So those are, I mean, a nutshell, there's a thing.
Wasn't the auto bailout a bailout to corporations?
The auto bailout was, yes, I mean, by definition, it was to save jobs and to save the industry.
The auto job, to ship to China?
They actually, GM used the money to ship our job to China.
According to who?
By sight, I mean, tell me, what are you sighting here?
That's on record.
Like, they've actually used the money from, like, just all you have to do is Google it.
You just have to Google GM bailout.
I don't know.
I would if I had a computer.
What are five things you think Obama did well as president?
Will you help me on this one?
What's one thing you think he did well?
Honestly, I think that trying to be partisan was really an important gesture, although
it ended up, yeah, being undermining, I think, the change that he hopes to, or he projected
that he might make.
But I think that was important.
Yeah, major, and the health care reform, and like, I feel like one of those he passed,
Lily led better.
Lily led better, yeah.
So what's your favorite thing about President Obama?
Did they just announce it?
Well, there you have it.
According to what we're watching here, we got another four years of Barack Obama.
We have another four years of the establishment, getting their puppets to basically do whatever
it is that they want.
Everybody out here is apparently ecstatic, because they have no idea what kind of tyranny
we're about to further slide into.
I almost really want to cry right now.
I think I'm going to have to cut in a second so that I can go do that, because I'm just
really sad, although if for anyone, I'd probably be doing the same thing.
This is Melissa Mountain reporting for Infowars Nightly News, and I'm going to go be sick.
What do you think about the fact that they're calling it for Obama?
Well, so quite disappointing.
Obviously, America's made a choice.
They want a wealth distribution as opposed to more jobs.
Very disappointing for your average working American.
Very disappointing for unemployed people.
Ironically, unemployed people are voting for a candidate who won't deliver them the
highest standard of living.
I don't understand it.
What do you think is going to happen to America under four more years of Obama?
Not a lot this could.
You're burying yourself under a mountain of debt here.
Regulation is killing jobs, and Romney had a plan to dig America out, and it looks like
it's not going to happen now.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Well, that last guy seemed like he had it until he said Romney had a plan.
He lost me at that point.
I mean, everybody's tied into the two-party system.
They don't think there's any other options, so it's just the lesser of two evils.
And again, it's like, well, how do you feel voting for evil?
Yeah, yeah.
And they're just kind of repeating soundbites of the year.
Think about that one lady who said, yeah, he was trying to be partisan.
It's like, well, he actually was pretty partisan, I think.
I think she meant bipartisan, yeah.
But the fact that the guy didn't realize that, you know, said he had decreased bailouts,
didn't realize that he had bailed out General Motors,
and then when he said he'd shipped the job to China,
he doesn't realize that the automobile manufacturing plants have moved to China.
Well, as a matter of fact, after the camera got cut, that guy goes,
oh, wait, you're with InfoWars?
Oh, like suddenly because we're with InfoWars,
we don't have any kind of facts to back up what we're saying.
Right, right, yeah.
Well, I mean, we're not the only ones to report that China's been getting
our automobile factories after the bailout.
That's amazing.
But what other issues were you following?
Well, I mean, for me, I mean, I knew either way it was going to be Romney or Obama,
or Bombney, it's hard to say it, Romney or Obama.
And so it really wasn't going to matter,
because the establishment was going to continue with their plan.
But the saddest thing for me about last night was Prop 37's defeat.
I really cannot believe that that actually was defeated in any legitimate way.
Yeah, because you covered that quite extensively.
You did a long special report on that, yeah.
Well, I mean, they spent, the opposition spent what, $45 million?
And they claimed it was because they were going to save Californian families 400.
It makes no sense.
You have American Academy of Pediatrics coming out saying organic food's not good for your kids,
and there's no scientific proof that pesticide is bad for you.
And it's just like, where are we living?
What matrix are we in?
Well, and it's not just the amount of money that they spent, you know,
spending like a million dollars a day there.
But they were spending it telling people lies.
I mean, it was like, it was not even white propaganda, it was black propaganda.
You know, they were deliberately telling people lies.
The Democrat Party was supporting that measure in California,
putting out a flyer saying something about California Democrats against, you know,
truth and labeling or whatever.
I didn't call truth and labeling because they wouldn't do that.
But, you know, they posed as that.
They posed as law enforcement officers against GMO labeling.
Why would law enforcement officers even have a position on that?
I mean, you know, they're not going to be going around arresting people for that.
And this whole thing about $400, I mean, you know, we have labels there, you know,
but even if that were true, Californians passed a tax increase on themselves.
You know, so it's just what, I mean, you know, one of the measures that passed,
you know, Gary Brown came to them and said, you know, he wanted a tax increase
and they gave him an income tax increase.
They gave him a sales tax increase for one of the other propositions.
So it absolutely makes no sense to me.
And, you know, like Bev Harris said, you know, they still haven't even counted 25% of the votes.
So we don't know.
We don't know what they're calling, right?
We don't even know if it's exactly.
We don't know that it's honestly being counted, just like all the other elections.
And, you know, the agribusiness had a lot more money involved in this,
a lot more at stake in this than they did in the presidential election.
And we know how things have been rigged in the presidential election.
Well, speaking of junk and food, I brought this in here with me.
I came across this at a store, Save the Earth Gum.
Save the Earth.
It says, Products for Good, Project 7, Products for Good.
And I decided to turn it over and actually look at the label and look at what was in it.
And I found a lot of interesting information about this.
So I decided to file this special report.
We're going to go to.
I'm Melissa Melton reporting for Infowars Nightly News.
Project 7, a non-profit organization, has come out with a trendy new gum product
that it claims you can save the earth if you buy it.
And while saving the earth might sound like a wonderful thing to do,
on further inspection, things are not what they seem with this wonderful new gum.
This gum contains deadly food additives such as aspartame, neotame,
and genetically modified soy lecatin.
Aspartame has been linked in studies to causing everything from blindness to liver damage to seizures.
It's been linked to different cancers such as lymphoma,
and it even eats holes in the brains of lab animals that it's tested on,
and eventually causes death.
Neotame is far worse, and in long-term studies causes cell death.
Now, soy lecatin has been shown to mimic estrogen in the body,
causing everything from reproductive issues to cancer to impeding brain development
and people who ingest it.
In addition, Project 7 has partnered with and given thousands of dollars to
Coney 2012 war propagandists, Invisible Children.
Now, if you'll recall, they put out a whole call for military intervention into Uganda
to go after warlord Joseph Coney, who hadn't even been seen in the country for years.
In addition, there's a little bit of an issue with some of the management there at Invisible Children,
as we'll see as we go to these clips.
That's not your average crazy person going on a naked, obscenity-filled rant
in the middle of the day. It's Jason Russell.
Now, in analyzing that, you'll see Jason Russell, co-founder of Invisible Children,
going on a drug-induced naked tirade through town, shortly following his Coney 2012 video release.
We want a million dollars, so...
There's here 100,000 for Haiti and 900,000 extra for me.
In that clip, you just saw Jedediah Jenkins, Invisible Children director of ideology,
drinking vodka and talking about how he just got a $1 million grant for children's relief
after the Haiti earthquake, of which $100,000 would go to the children,
and $900,000 he would keep for himself.
It really makes you feel like you want to donate money to these guys.
Now, in addition, Project 7 has also partnered and funds two organizations that are co-funded
by known elite eugenicist Bill Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
and Oprah has recently been seen giving out water from Project 7 at some of her events.
As you might recall, Oprah likes to take part in secret meetings with known eugenicists,
Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, and David Rockefeller and Bill Gates,
where population control seems to be the constant topic of discussion.
So there you have it.
Companies like to sell you the trendy idea of saving the earth,
that you're going to do something great, it's going to be really good.
And in the meantime, you're also co-funding eugenicist organizations
and organizations run by corrupt people and basically killing yourself with deadly chemicals.
So check those labels, guys.
I'm Melissa Mellton reporting for Infowars Nightly News.
Wow, that's pretty amazing.
I wonder what the GMO people are concerned about.
I mean, people still buy this stuff even though it's got all those products.
This is actually being sold at 1,500 Walmart super centers across the country.
That's who they first started selling it through and then other big box stores.
And it doesn't just have Aspartame.
It has Neotame, which is so much worse.
It has everything that Aspartame has in it plus even more chemicals.
And there have been no independent studies on it.
So the only, speaking of Prop 37, the only companies that have done studies on it
are Monsanto and Monsanto Consultant Groups.
We can trust them, right?
So basically, you can plant a tree, but you're probably going to kill yourself.
Well, it operates exactly like these carbon taxes and credits.
Getting people very guilty and kind of giving them something to assuage their guilt
by to buy their product or that sort of thing.
Exactly what Aaron was talking about.
Save the earth, kill yourself.
That's right.
And we've got Aaron now back in the other studio.
And he's with David Ortiz, who was also doing live remotes last night during the zombie election.
And so, Aaron, are you there?
We are here.
Thank you, David.
And of course, I am joined by David Ortiz.
We talked about the election at the presidential level last night.
We've analyzed the rhetoric, but beyond the rhetoric of who's going to be president
and what that supposedly means, we live on the ground.
There's a grassroots political movement taking shape.
We depend on our water systems, on our transportation systems.
And there's a lot of politics over that as well.
So I'm going to turn now to David to analyze just a few of those issues.
And what have you been noticing?
And what kind of issues are you following right now, David?
There's a lot of issues, but very quickly, I actually saw this piece of paper here.
Hail Caesar.
Oh, Caesar.
It's pretty amazing how happy people are that President Barack Obama is our lord for the
next four years.
So that was pretty amazing.
I'm not going to go into the New York Post, but focusing on other issues that have just
been going on.
Obviously, one of our concerns is the growing police state and how it may go to overdrive.
You were talking about the election or issues that...
Yeah, we're talking about your story.
Yeah, the growing police state is obviously a concern of ours.
We think that it's going to go into overdrive now that America has chosen its next president.
And here in Baltimore, Baltimore is now recording conversations on city buses.
And that's according to an article on The New American.
And essentially, Maryland Transit Administration has installed microphones in 10 buses to record
passenger conversations.
The microphones which the city plans to install and 330 more buses by next summer are attached
to the existing video surveillance system monitoring the city's public transportation.
And according to an MTA administrator, she was quoted as saying, quote, we want to make
sure people feel safe.
And this builds up our arsenal of tools to keep our patrons safe.
How nice.
And later on, by the way, a liberal drafted this.
I thought liberals were for civil liberties.
We're against the Patriot Act.
George Bush was evil.
No, that's the thing, David.
It doesn't matter who becomes president at what parties in power, they always have to
endorse the power grab, especially if it takes over your life, especially if it spies on
I mean, that's what the TSA has been all about.
Yeah, that's why it's so amazing when liberals are drafting this legislation.
But let me let you know what a state legislator by the name of Melvin Stoops, a liberal, had
to say, quote, this is not your bathroom.
This is not your bedroom.
I'm just trying to clean up problems and provide a more congenial, more cordial ride.
You know, so he obviously thinks that, you know, these conversations need to be recorded
because according to the MTA, dispatchers receive 45 to 100 calls daily for assistance
from bus drivers for everything from an unhappy rider to criminal activity.
So this is going to grow.
They plan on taking this to court.
Some liberals in the state, I do commend them, are acting like liberals and they plan on
taking this to court.
They they think it's unconstitutional.
But the mere fact that we have to have this conversation in 2012 as to whether people
should our conversations should be recorded on a bus stop just shows how lost our public
officials really are.
Orwell warned us for a long time.
But that's the thing.
They're alluding to kind of sad people on buses, low income people, people without a lot of
hope in yet another broken down, formal industrialized city Baltimore that really has just been
overtaken by poverty.
And of course, there's bad behavior on buses.
There's ways to deal with that already.
They're trying to use that as a face to sell us a more tyranny.
As you know, I think you've got it in your stack as well.
The TSA has announced Homeland Security has announced they are coming to our bus systems.
They're coming to trains.
They're going to be in the malls, the shopping centers.
And already in Houston, they beta tested, but locally, activist groups pushed back against
They were doing random bag checks.
They had under covers from Homeland Security and TSA on the buses.
They were working with the local Metro departments telling you you have no constitutional rights
because you're on a public transit system.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.
And according to that article that you were talking about about TSA, it's on infowars.com.
There's a security expert that's quoted.
His name is Ed Daly.
And he basically says that there's going to be software now that can instantly read, record,
and categorize everything about your person from face to face, from your face to your license plate,
he says.
And he says that that must be expanded to all public buildings and modes of transportations,
airplanes, to trains, buses, and subways.
So the growing police state is here, and now that we've got the presidential election out of the way,
you can expect them to double down on infringing upon our civil liberties.
Well, first it's because you might be a terrorist, but then it's because you might be committing petty crime.
You might be fighting on the bus or getting on without paying your bus ticket or something.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's all about security.
It's all about we're doing this for your security.
And this is basically going to come down to the courts.
This is basically going to come down to the courts.
These issues will be tried.
And it's going to be interesting to see if the courts side with the people or with the legislatures.
But yeah, that's going on in Baltimore right now.
They're basically have the ability to record your conversations.
They're going to expand it throughout the city.
And their justification for it is they want to have evidence just in case something criminal happens on the buses.
So we should thank Baltimore for that.
They obviously care about the American people.
It's pre-crime.
Pre-crime monitoring.
Just like Orwell warned about.
I mean, it's the system they've gradually built up over 100 years.
In fact, Alex was talking on the show earlier about where does George Orwell's philosophy come from?
Why does it counter people like Aldous Huxley who wrote Brave New World?
These are the Fabian socialists.
That means they believed in gradual, incremental, continued implementation of their socialist policies.
A little bit at a time, just a little bit, but always moving it forward.
So nobody ever really says no and you just learn to accept you're being surveilled.
You're scum.
You could be a terrorist.
You don't have rights out in public anymore.
It's very sad, but it just rolls forward.
Yeah, conditioning.
Let's push the issue as far as possible.
And when we get some blowback, we'll just pull back and we'll say, we're good like that.
We honor your civil liberties.
But then once the public goes back to sleep again,
here comes the move, the push forward.
So yeah, it's all about conditioning.
Oh, I agree.
It's conditioning.
What else do you have for us?
Well, just in some good news, we want to focus on the patriots, things that have, positive things that have occurred.
Some libertarians, some constitutionalists did win yesterday.
They were supported by Ron Paul.
Some of the Ron Paul endorsed candidates didn't win, but let's just do a run through of some of the Ron Paul endorsed candidates who did win.
Obviously, the most popular one is a gentleman by the name of Justin Amash.
He's the guy that people are saying is going to take the mantle.
I'm not so convinced of that, the Ron Paul mantle.
He's a young guy, 32 years old.
He's in Michigan, the third district, and he was reelected by a margin of 58 to 39%.
So obviously, that's good to see.
Then we have a gentleman by the name of Thomas Massey.
He's also very popular as well.
He won in Kentucky, the fourth district, by a margin of 62 to 35.
His name is Thomas Massey.
He's out in Kentucky.
Again, these individuals were all supported by Congressman Ron Paul.
There's a gentleman by the name of Kerry Benton.
I hope I'm pronouncing this right.
Benton Violo.
He's in Michigan as well.
So it's good to see that the state of Michigan is not completely lost, as we see in the city of Detroit.
They have some patriots up there.
He's in district 11 in Michigan.
Congressman Steve Stockman in Texas, 36 district.
He was elected.
He's endorsed by the Congressman Paul.
Businessman Randy Weber.
He's in Texas' 14th congressional district.
He won by a margin of 53 to 45.
A gentleman by the name of Ted Yohu.
He's in Florida, third congressional district.
He won a gentleman in Arizona, six district by the name of David.
This is not an easy last name.
Also, Schweikert.
He won Congressman Walter Jones.
Obviously, the gentleman who Alex has interviewed at length, he's drafted the bill to impeach Obama for going...
Or any president who doesn't recognize the constitutional limits when it comes to going to war, dealing with the United Nations, all kinds of issues.
Yeah, notice how that bill...
And he's not perfect.
Probably none of these people are, but it's about moving towards liberty, back towards the Constitution.
Right, absolutely.
He's basically saying that the President, President Obama, went to, took action in Libya without congressional approval.
A complete violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Obviously, the mainstream media doesn't even talk about it.
They don't even talk about Congressman Walter Jones' bill.
I haven't even heard about this bill outside of Alex's show.
But he's a patriot.
He was elected.
He's out of North Carolina, their third district.
It's about a dozen people in total.
A Ron Paul candidate got clobbered in the U.S. Senate.
Out in Minnesota.
Well, Ted Cruz won. Ted Cruz won. He's out in Texas.
And he won.
Congressman Paul did endorse him.
The gentleman who I was talking about a second ago, his name is Kurt Bills, and he lost by a hefty margin.
Yeah, these are some of the people that lost, but we don't want to focus too much on that.
It seems that about eight to ten Ron Paul representatives in Congress won.
So it's good to see.
It's not all pure tier.
And again, that's at the congressional level, at the local level, people probably listening to this show,
people who've learned and listened from Ron Paul's message, other people in the Liberty Movement,
they ran for smaller offices.
You could do it.
People out there watching right now, you could run next time.
Sure, it may cost a lot to try to get into Congress or your state Senate,
but there's something you can run for and make a difference and at least be heard.
And we saw a big grassroots movement.
The system heard it.
They knew that Ron Paul was backed by a large portion of masses, people who are educated,
who want to talk about the Constitution.
And a lot of these candidates I've heard about, I'm not fully in support of any of them necessarily per se.
I like where they're trying to move.
You get a lot of co-optation, a lot of people who are power hungry trying to latch onto the Liberty Movement.
I'm not referring to these candidates in particular, but the overall movement for freedom has been heard.
It's encouraging.
It's exciting.
We saw the system shut us out of this election and say, no, Ron Paul can't be a legitimate candidate.
Your supporters aren't welcome at the GOP.
You're not welcome in this process.
And a lot of them are licking their wounds now because they wanted to, by end of the system,
see a Romney-type win.
And what did they get?
Do you think they could have used an extra 4% support last night?
Yeah, you think 4% is all the people behind Ron Paul?
I think we know it's much larger than that.
And they've been shutting down the polls.
They've been keeping them off of the television.
They've been pointing cameras away from their signs.
They've been trying to exclude their candidates and their representatives and their lobbyists.
By lobbyists, I just mean people who are out there talking about the issues, not paid lobbyists like we see in Washington, necessarily.
The point is, the system hurt us.
They framed the debate so that the rest of the zombies watching TV wouldn't hear it, hopefully, not yet.
But we're on the march.
Not only that, but he would have siphoned off some votes.
Had they embraced the GOP as Ron Paul, they would have taken some votes away from the Democratic Party also.
And just so you know, I think it was a Chuck Scarborough, the congressman on MSNBC, the former congressman,
when they were licking their wounds today and they went to him.
He's the Republican representative.
They asked him, what do you think about the election?
And it's on video.
But the more I went out there on the campaign trail to support Romney, this election season,
the more I realized this country is becoming more and more libertarian.
Oh, yeah, it's a big streak.
Now, let's talk about what happened on the ballot with fluoride this time.
I believe it's Wichita, Kansas, was kind of the big watershed moment, I guess pun intended, with our water supply system.
Why don't you go ahead and tell us what's going on with that?
Well, Wichita, Kansas, a relatively large city.
Basically, they voted down, they rejected fluoridated water.
And that's nice to see because it's few and far in between.
About 75% of the country, according to the Wichita Eagle, has fluoridated water.
So it's good to see that a quarter of the country still hasn't bought it in, bought into fluoridating our water.
Basically, there's not too many cities now, aside from Wichita, that have done this.
But some of the cities, according to fluoridealert.org, have not fluoridated their water.
Large cities, Honolulu, Hawaii, has held out, that's good.
Pinellas County, Florida.
Well, that was a big victory.
That was some of our listeners who went to their city council, said no.
They said, hell no.
And then when they got their voices heard, they got the fluoride out real quick,
and they had to send in lawyers to try to get it back in.
All of a sudden, no amount of money is too much to bring in dental experts and people who tell you how good it is for your teeth
and how all the masses need to be drinking this mass-medicated water with effects on our endocrine system,
on our pineal gland, on different parts of the body.
It's very damaging.
There's been studies, the Harvard studies, showing that it lowers IQ.
And yet we're told, don't do it.
But you've got Wichita, a huge victory.
It was a large population, one of the largest population holdouts on the fluoride issue.
Wichita, they've put it on the ballot, I think, three or four times.
That's what a city of half a million people almost.
They keep on voting it down.
In 64, they voted it down.
In 78, they voted it down.
And then they voted it down again.
And I know some of our listeners here at InfoWars, we are change groups,
fought in Wichita, Kansas over this issue.
They were at their city council, and here they've made a difference.
They had a ballot victory, and they make those hard.
And now, from what I understand, in local council chambers,
the experts are now refuting that Harvard study.
Is that right?
Have you heard about that, where they're now refuting the Harvard study?
They are arguing over a very minute point.
See what happened was they tested it on Chinese populations,
and they said fluoride at this particular level reduces IQ.
I think it was 1.5 parts per million.
I'm going from memory.
I don't have the study in front of me.
The point is, it was a certain threshold.
And they said, well, that was a high threshold.
So if you only have 0.7 parts per million fluoride in your water,
surely that won't reduce IQ, even though it's a cumulative effect.
You're going to not drink one glass of water.
You're going to drink hundreds, thousands of glasses of water,
tens of thousands.
I don't know the real number.
Over your lifetime, if you're part of a fluoridated water supply,
this stuff is going to catch up on you.
Yeah, absolutely.
But again, it's good to see that at least Wichita, Kansas did it, folks.
So there are some cities we are winning.
Obviously, we'd like to win a lot more.
But there you go.
And another city that has held out, a large city, Albuquerque, New Mexico also.
And parts of the country where you still find free people,
people who want to be independent from the centralized government.
I'd like to see this kind of victory happen in the big mega urban centers.
A New York City might be too big of a prize for right now.
But those kind of larger cities, we're going to begin to have victories there.
The Pinellas County example you had,
I think that was a population approaching, yeah, 700,000,
almost a million people in that county regional area.
And they got the fluoride out.
Now, as I mentioned, the bureaucrats are trying to get it back in.
But we're going to roll this thing back.
People are being educated about it.
And when you read into the history of fluoride, who's behind it?
It's going to shock you.
Yeah, absolutely.
We also have a story.
I don't know how we're doing in terms of time.
But we have a story that I wanted to touch base on very quickly.
David Knight touched base on it.
It's California passed a major, major tax hike because they, you know,
they care about the public $6 billion, $6 billion.
And it's basically a tax for individuals who make over $250,000 a year.
It's going to be for the next seven years.
And they're basically saying it's being done to prevent spending cuts
because we don't want those.
That would be horrible.
To the state's universities and public school system.
Of course, because the school system is doing so good.
60% of our children can't even read or do math proficiently.
Insisting that-
But always the solution is more funding.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, no, no. Go ahead. Absolutely.
Yeah, that's always, they always double down on the funding,
despite the fact that private schools, their proficiency rates are at 90%.
And they spend less money.
We need to double down on public schools.
But it's basically for the public school system,
insisting that rejecting Prop 30 would translate into a $6 billion spending cut
to schools, to universities, K through 12.
So there you go. Jerry Brown increased taxes by $6 billion.
It won by about $8 billion.
They'll do it everywhere.
Doesn't matter how bad the economy is, how much people don't want more taxes,
how much more freedom they might want.
I know the ballot here in Austin, they split up nearly half a billion dollars
in bond measures, over 7 to 10 measures.
And said, do you want to spend $100 million for this?
$30 million for this?
How about $12 million for this?
It becomes voter fatigue after a while.
You can't follow the details.
People get in the habit of just pushing yes.
They approve these measures all the time.
Just more power, more money for any government, anywhere.
Anyway, I know we have a clip from last night.
Let's take a look at it right now.
What do you think about the president's track record on civil liberties?
On civil liberties?
Yes, like the Patriot Act.
And he signed both candidates support the Patriot Act.
Both candidates support a bill called NDAA,
which would basically enable the president to throw someone in jail for as long as they want
without a trial if they deemed them a terrorist.
What are your thoughts on that?
Both candidates supported.
You know, I'm going to have to answer that really diplomatically,
is that I'm unfamiliar with those issues,
and so I don't think I can speak really intelligently.
Really, I'm just looking for, you know, a president like President Obama,
who has a cool head and makes rational decisions.
You know, is it going to make any, you know, rash decisions
and, you know, will maintain world peace, I hope.
I think he's done a pretty amazing job dealing with the hostile Congress.
Would you say to those who say he's not very good on civil liberties,
the Democrats always criticize Bush with the Patriot Act,
but he supports the Patriot Act, NDAA, things like that?
Yeah, that's probably true.
I mean, I think there probably isn't, you know,
as much of a distinction between Obama and Bush as a lot of us would like.
I think you're right.
I think to a large extent Obama has kind of towed the Bush line on that,
so I'm hoping, you know, in President Obama's next term,
that he can perhaps work on that issue.
President Obama has done so much for diversity and tolerance
and gay marriage and issues that promote diversity and equality.
Now, what do you think, lastly, what do you think about his record on civil liberties?
Democrats bashed Bush a lot when he was in office with Patriot Act,
but it seems that Obama supports the Patriot Act, NDAA.
What's your take on that?
Nothing's happened in the last four years.
No attacks in this country.
And he got bin Laden, which Bush failed to do.
He got bin Laden, which Bush failed to do.
So there you go.
You have, you know, supporters of Obama saying that he's so different
despite the fact that he's a clone of Mitt Romney.
One thing I noticed when I was there at the Democratic headquarters
was they kept on talking about women's rights, women's right to choose.
And oh, we love women so much because of the abortion issue.
When 40% of women are pro-life, when these are...
Are life givers.
When they're basically killing future women, millions of future women.
And when 75% of the country is either pro-life or they don't want to see anything past the first trimester.
David, you can read, these are TV watchers that women made clear.
They're very familiar with what they're told top down on television.
They can't think, David, they don't know anything other than how to regurgitate what's been said.
They don't know what a civil liberty is.
They don't know what the NDAA is.
You saw it in the clip.
They don't know what's really going on in this country.
Where the power dynamic is.
And that's why you hear these talking points.
It's really shocking.
I hadn't seen this clip.
Reproductive rights.
There's no reproducing going on if you have an abortion.
So I have no idea what they're talking about.
It's these little phrases that I don't understand.
A gallop is either a pew or gallop shows that 75% of Americans, this is a poll, are either pro-life
or they don't want an abortion past the first trimester.
Yet you keep on hearing about this reproductive rights, reproductive rights.
It's amazing.
And it's all about conning you.
They love you if you kill them.
That's what you see with abortion.
Or you really love someone if you make them dependent on the government.
So I just don't understand these mantras, but yeah, they sounded pretty ridiculous when we were there.
And now we're going to go to his last name is Sadler.
I forgot his first name, Sadler.
He ran against a now U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz, and we actually pulled him aside and we got a one-on-one with him.
He was a very nice man.
You had to give President Barack Obama a grade for his first term. From an A to an F, what would you give him?
You know what? I think grades are unfair.
And so I'm not even going to answer that question.
In terms of civil liberties, both President Bush and President Obama had their critics because they both agreed with the Patriot Act, NDAA.
Your thoughts on the fact that both parties support NDAA and the Patriot Act?
Well, you know, it's puzzling to me because the President ran so strong on that issue last time.
And the only thing that I can say is I'm not and nor are you privy to all the security information they have.
And so I'm just not in a position where I'm going to criticize that at this stage.
So there you go. I'm not privy, so maybe it's justifiable.
You know, that's a Republican say that with war.
Maybe we should have gone to war with Iraq because the President was privy to information. We were not.
It's just continual justification. Whenever my team, whenever my gang violates the Constitution, I'm going to look the other way.
But when your gang violates the Constitution, you're evil.
It is an endorsement of the black ops culture that has taken over this country.
We're not privy to anything in this country. We're not educated about it unless we seek that information out ourselves.
And at the congressional and Senate level, when they do make them privy to information, they make them sign away their rights to talk about it.
They're told it's classified. They feel let in on the culture of being in on the black ops takeover government.
And I could rant about it, but I won't. I'll go now to David Knight. We've got more news over there.
Chikari also in the office. David.
Yeah, there you go. If they told you they'd have to kill you. It's kind of what people did with the Nazis, basically, right?
You just obey authority. Whatever the authority figures tell you, you do that.
I'm glad to see that Sadler didn't win for Senate there.
But yeah, we're continuing. And as we saw this lady who says she can't speak to the NDAA and these people really don't know the issues.
That's why we call it the zombie election. And we're here with our live post-mortem.
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I'm here in the studio with Chikari Jackson, and he was here last night covering the election.
Chikari, you've got some more post-mortem stuff here about this election.
Yes, I do. Just a comment on that piece that David Ortiz did.
It just makes me laugh when I hear people say, I support Obama, but they never heard of the NDAA.
They're not sure, like the guy said, he's not privy to all the information.
Well, I'm sure he knows, but other people in the clip, they've never heard of this.
You know the same thing with Melissa Mellon's clip, but we're not going to tear you on that.
I actually have some articles here, guys. If you can get ready, we're going to blow through these pretty quick.
Headline, University of Mississippi students riot over Obama re-election.
Now, we've been reporting for weeks here at M4 Wars that a potential for riots did exist,
and as we see in this article, it is a very real and something that actually did happen.
Now, to the credit of the naysayers that say people don't riot over elections,
this wasn't the biggest riot. It's about 300 to 400 students is over by midnight.
So, enough time for them to get back to bed and to class in the morning.
But I mean, people did go out. There were a few small fires, and it was a public disturbance.
And that ties into this other article I have here, cops dismiss election night riot claims.
Now, to the credit of this article, I will give you credit.
It talks about Obama supporters, and these weren't Obama supporters that went out and rioted.
These were Romney supporters, or at least people who were anti-Obama went out to the streets to riot.
So, I guess mainstream you are technically correct saying that we were wrong talking about these riots
because they weren't Obama supporters, but Romney supporters or whoever else did go out there and riot.
So, I just definitely want to take the time to point that out.
Now, I'll move on here to another story.
This is about a ex-con being elected as a state representative in Detroit.
Now, this is something that was interesting to me because people were making a lot of big hubbub
about this gentleman, Brian Banks, who was a eight-time felon.
But his felons include pretty much petty stuff, things like writing bad checks, credit card fraud,
he went on to win the election by 68%, which I guess, I don't know if that says something about the city of Detroit.
I'm sure there are many fine people there.
But just in case you're wondering, you can't have office in Detroit,
or actually maybe I should say the state of Michigan if you've had a felony in the past 20 years.
If that felony is directly related to the office that you're going to be taking,
I guess, credit card fraud and bad checks isn't exactly related to this guy, Mr. Banks's function.
But it makes me think, this is a guy who's been convicted of petty felonies, but we just re-elected.
Re-elected a president who, in my opinion, is guilty of many felonies that are way worse than writing bad checks.
We have a president who sends drones and they kill innocent people.
And it's an article, we don't have it pulled up, don't worry about pulling up right here, guys.
But you can check it for yourself if you're a viewer. It's from Russia today.
And Obama said, if you're a male of military age and you're around when a drone strikes, you're an enemy combatant.
So if you just, hey, if they blow up the building next to you and it falls down on you, well, that's your fault.
You're a male of military age. You shouldn't have been there.
We have a president that re-signed the Patriot Act. That's wiretapping, Guantanamo Bay still going on.
All the things going on, the NDAA, and I mean just a laundry list. And it's not just Obama.
These are things that have been going on for years.
Well, the NDAA is something new under Obama.
But as far as I'm concerned, we have a president that has done many worse things than Mr. Brian Banks.
And we'll go on to our next article here.
Puerto Rico votes become a state in referendum and tight elections.
Now, this is something that's been voted on a few times over the past few years.
The Puerto Rico wants to become a state. Well, they've voted to become a state.
Now, it still needs congressional approval.
And President Obama says if Puerto Ricans want it, he's going to stand by and let it happen.
I don't have any opinion either way.
So that's just something to be aware of that Puerto Rico could be the 51st state coming up here pretty soon, David.
And I have one last article. This is something I recently picked up.
Proposition 36 passes will modify California three strikes law.
Now, I'm pretty sure many of our viewers are familiar with the California three strikes law.
This is saying basically if you get three felonies, you're going to prison for life in the state of California.
Now, I'm very happy to see that they modify this.
And I actually used to work in a county jail.
And I see that too many people are going to prison for nonviolent offenses.
So I was happy to see that for the California three strikes law, they've included a,
they amended it to include violent offenses.
So you have to be convicted of at least one violent felony to go to prison for life,
which I mean, not even necessarily all violent offenses deserve prison time in my opinion, especially not in life terms.
But I'm glad to see some leeway being made in that area.
Yeah, I mean, we've seen because of mandatory minimums that were put in with the drug war,
we've seen violent offenders let out so they can put in people who have a certain amount of marijuana based on the amount of marijuana they find.
They're going to get five years, 10 years, 15 years or whatever.
And the judge had absolutely no discretion about it.
I mean, it could be their first offense, but they had these mandatory federal minimums and they were getting the prisons so overcrowded,
they were turning out violent felons.
That was part of what caused these three strike laws.
Government will create yet another problem instead of fixing the original problem,
which is what was in there.
One point that we had a chance to make yesterday when we talked about these states like Colorado, Washington legalizing marijuana.
And I've had a chance, I've talked to many people, like I said, I used to work at a county jail.
And I said, if we treated marijuana, like I'm not a drug advocate, let me throw that out there first.
But if we treated marijuana like we treat alcohol, we would not have half the problems that we have in our jails, in our prisons.
Because if we can have somebody come off the street, stone, drunk with a beer in their hand, they lock them up into the city of Tulsa, Tulsa County.
You get a 16 hour sitout for a public intox.
But you second, and you can do that multiple times, I'm not exaggerating, there are people who have dozens of public intox offenses.
But I mean, your second time with a little bit of weed, they want to lock you up.
You know, they want to send you to the big house.
So I'm like, I'm not a drug advocate, but I just make the realization that if we treated marijuana like we treated alcohol,
we would not have the problems that we have in our judicial system.
Well, we're going to find out about that because now that's essentially what they've done.
In Colorado and Washington state, they've decriminalized it.
So we'll see exactly.
That's going to be basically treated like it is with alcohol.
They're going to tax it.
They're going to control it.
And if people abuse it and they're doing something in public that's kind of crazy, they'll take care of that too.
I don't think they're going to make Puerto Rico a state because, like I told you before, they're going to change all the flags.
Everybody loves their flags.
Some people want it.
Some people don't.
So it may not pass.
And they've done this before.
They've gotten to the point and it's not gone through.
So it will.
They won't say, you know, I don't have an opinion either way.
But, you know, it's something that could possibly happen.
Well, great.
Thank you very much.
That's a great report.
We're going to go back to Aaron Dykes and he's there with Dan Baddandi.
And Dan Baddandi has got an update on some information for us.
We're up at bottle 11.
Thanks, David.
We're going to go in a different direction.
I want to submit that this election, we've heard a lot about the dependent welfare classes, impoverished people who have become wards of the state.
But we don't talk enough about the real welfare class, the elite welfare, the real welfare queens, you know, like the queen herself, her spouse, Prince Philip, their son, Prince Charles, who are sucking off that system like a vampire who just really make their population
subjugate to their will. And well, the point is we're getting into some occultic stuff because it's in the news about how Prince Charles himself is a literal heir to Dracula.
Dan Baddandi, tell us where this is going.
It sounds crazy.
It really does.
But yeah, it was in the London Telegraph about Prince Charles heir to Dracula's bloodline.
Now, regardless of if you believe in vampires, and that's not the point, the article goes on to state at links between the royal family and Vlad the Impala, the 15th century nobleman whose deeds inspired the vampire legend being exploited in an attempt to lure tourists to the eastern European countries.
Basically, what they're trying to do is it's a scam to bring people to the countries, you know, for tourists and everything else.
But the article goes on to say that Prince Charles himself appears in a video being used to promote the country in which he claims distant kinship with Vlad the Impala, the 15th century Wallachian ruler of whom the Irish noveltist Brom Stoker bases Dracula on.
And Prince Charles stated that Transylvania is in my blood, he says.
He jokes in an interview first shown on the satellite television show last year.
The genealogy states shows I am a descendant of Vlad the Impala.
So do I have a bit of a stake in this country?
The stake is that a pawn?
Stake in his heart.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
And according to the Royal Highness, which is a book published in 1982 by Sir Ian McCreef, the former chairman of Debrets, the prince is a great grandson 16 times removed from Vlad III.
I don't know what the hell 16 times means.
But anyway, he can trace his lineage back to his great grandmother, which was Queen Mary, the concert of George V to Vlad IV, the half-brother of the notorious ruler.
I mean, to simplify, they're proud of their lineage to some of the most wicked figures in history.
And there's a good reason for it, because these occultic figures, Vlad the Impala, known as Dracula, they're tied to very important occultic orders, a real power line, both hereditary, but also in the power structure.
And then known as noblemen, I mean, these guys get praised and everything else and it's sickening.
And the article goes on to state, it has been claimed that porphyria, which is the iron deficiency in the blood, which is thought to be the lie behind the vampire myth, has run in the royal family.
And the vampire legend is said to have been inspired by his predilection, I'm sorry, for eating bread dipped in his victim's blood.
And Dracula means, it's a Romanian term for son of the devil, in which Vlad, we're going to get to his father in a minute, and you got some information on Vlad's family.
Well, you know more about his occultic ties, I think, than I do, but I've seen a lot of the mainline documentaries.
I mean, Vlad the Impaler, known as Dracula, was a real figure. He had a castle.
He was over, of course, in Transylvania in the Romanian area, which was the eastern front of the whole European Empire, the various kingdoms below it.
And one reason they honored him is because of his brutalness, his willingness towards sadistic tactics.
The fact that he would have tens of thousands of people impaled on Poles dead or dying and just laying out for days, for weeks, for a month at a time.
It was such a disgusting sight. He liked to cook people in these ovens and everything.
This became actually a weapon of empire because you had the Muslim forces, the Ottoman Empire, trying to encroach on Europe, trying to take over the western forces that had power there.
And a lot of these Christian-based empires endorsed and readily backed Vlad the Impaler.
Because he was so wicked that he had all these people on stakes, people didn't want to come to that town.
They couldn't stand to physically be there because it was disgusting and it stunk and it was wretched. He loved it.
But it allowed them, in many ways, to keep back the Ottoman Empire.
Vlad's brother actually became adopted by the Sultan at the time.
So the family itself kind of had some split power in its own right.
I mean, this is some of the mainline history now that fits in with it.
Oh, yeah. And you notice how all these people rules that kings, queens, some noblemen, whatever.
But Vlad's father now, again, he was a member of, which is called the Order of Dragons,
which is also known, which is the official name, Autodraconius.
That's the official name for the Order of the Dragon.
Now it was created in 1408 by the Holy Roman Emperor, Sigmund, which is far from holy folks.
The Order of the Dragon is what's known today as the Illuminati and Masonry.
They are a mix of the Illuminati and Masonry put together.
These people were savages. Now this is exactly where this all ties in, folks.
The son of the devil, which is known as Dracula.
Now Vlad's father was into this order.
Very satanic, sick order.
What they used to do is they used to drink the blood of a fallen angel in the ritual ceremony.
They would raise a fallen angel and drink the blood of this angel.
And it would transform on the inside.
In other words, indoctrate and pull in demonic, unclean spirits into the bodies.
And they would have, they used to lie that, you know, they had little iron in the blood, which was a lie.
But what happened was they had to feast on blood.
Now vampirism, I mean, you don't turn into a bat, you know, the Hollywood fictitious it a lot.
But what happens is it transforms you from the inside and you need, you crave blood.
Now this is a high occult. I mean, willfulism and all that stuff, it ties into the same thing as well.
It's very violent and very occultic.
Regardless, if you believe this now, folks, this is what the elite do.
That's why they stay in the same bloodline, same, you know, family and everything.
They end to marry with a neural family because they need to preserve the bloodlines.
And speaking of bloodlines, bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is on infowarstore.com,
this explains a lot about the bloodlines.
Now the bloodlines go further back, but this gives you, I'd say, up-to-date history,
sort of like last couple generations of the bloodlines of the Illuminati.
Now the bloodlines go all the way back to King of the, you know, the Garden of Eden.
And, you know, from the serpent and all that.
And that's another story altogether.
But what this all ties into, where this is going here, now the bloodline,
now it's not a coincidence that Prince Charles, and we got a picture of that too,
Prince Charles with the bloodline, they're related, directly related to George Bush, Obama,
Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and the picture right there.
I mean, if you do the research yourself, folks, I challenge you, do the research.
You will find that every one of those people, even more related, happens to be,
that they're all famous people, noblemen, princes, queens, kings, presidents, prime ministers,
the royal bloodline, folks, and look, and there's a vlog right there on the bottom left.
It's not a coincidence that all these people are in high positions of power,
because the Illuminati, they need to keep their bloodlines,
what they do is they spoil you with riches and fame.
And there's always good apples off the bunch like the JFK family,
you know, very corrupt Illuminati bloodline, except for JFK, you know,
he was the good apple on a tree.
And there's another story altogether.
Well, I mean, Dan, I mean, just a backup for a second.
We're talking about supernatural things.
You know, we could debate if it exists or to what extent.
But the point is, these people were into these rituals.
They believed it's going on.
And it was a vehicle for power, this secret society and others that integrated with them.
And the people we know from history who were in power, as a matter of fact,
came out of these circles and they thought they were into it.
That's what's so strange about it.
Oh, it is.
And people, regardless what you believe, you could be atheists, Mormon, God bless you.
Whatever you are, God bless you, but the thing is, and it doesn't matter where we believe,
the elite of the world do this, folks.
They do blood sacrificial rituals, Eagle Rock in Los Angeles for Hollywood,
which is like a bohemian grove for the Hollywood stars.
I mean, this stuff goes on all over the world, folks.
And we had Bill Schnoblin on former Illuminati about the, you know, the Halloween and everything,
the rituals that happened.
I mean, we're being nice about this.
I mean, I could get to sick, sick details and I'm not going to go there with not much time,
but I got to move on.
But basically, the whole bloodline, this is why this whole article here is basically telling,
you know, people, we're part of the same blue bloodline and they brag about it and they act like
Vlad wasn't, you know, I'm proud to be a relative of Vlad.
Well, I mean, these people were barbarians.
I mean, no other word to describe it.
And basically, this moves in right and right dirt into the right wing left wing false paradigm.
And now folks, you got to understand, it's not a coincidence, okay,
that the right wing represents the red and the left represents the blue.
Now, all they just call it, no they're not.
They're done specifically, scientifically done that way for a reason.
Now, again, in America, when America's first founded,
now, yeah, not all the founder fathers were Christians.
No, they weren't.
They weren't to the cult, whatever, but the majority of America was Christians.
And religion and politics were like this.
Before political meetings, they had prayers and everything.
Now, what's the number one thing today they tell you, don't talk about religion,
don't talk about politics because they don't want you to unite the two.
Now, what they did was they separated church and state.
They destroyed religion.
We're going to not get into that right now.
In politics, George Washington's farewell address said, do not get involved with political parties.
Do not, because he knew the corruption of this.
Now, what they did was they established a Republican Democratic Party
to split oblige state and to divide America politically after they divided America
in all different ways with religion and everything.
So they divide America politically to corrupt the system.
Now, again, it's a right, it's red, left is blue.
Now, anybody that's involved to the cult, low levels don't know this in the cult.
But basically, when you get to a path, I mean, it's the same thing with the red and white,
the equality, duality thing, but red and blue, the same thing.
It's like the glasses, the 3D glasses, you get the red and the blue.
That's what the world wants you to believe.
When you born, they put these glasses on your 3D glasses.
There's only two colors, two years ago.
Now, picture a giant round table, just a wall.
It's a wall, like it's the size of a shape of a giant round table.
When you come to this wall, which way do I go?
They say, oh, you can go that way to the right, or you can go to the left.
But the thing is, they both lead to the same place.
They don't tell you, well, there's this middle door.
They want you to follow these occultic things.
I've got anybody seen the movie Pan-20, the Labrith?
I think it's called...
But when the kids came to the Labrith, they had two paths to go to.
The right was which is red, that coincidence, and the left was blue.
Now, again, occultists, Illuminati, banksters,
founded the Republican Democratic parties in America for the purpose,
because they wanted to destroy America from inside.
They know they can destroy America on the front, so they had to get inside to corrupt it.
Now, the whole right-wing, left-wing paradigm is designed specifically to destroy America.
They don't want people united, and that's why I tell...
If you're a liberal, I'm a die-hard conservative.
You're a die-hard idiot, okay?
Founder fathers were not...
Okay, they were not Republicans and Democrats as we are today.
And Thomas Jefferson, that was a real liberal.
Not what a liberal is today.
A real conservative was somebody like George Washington.
Not what a conservative is today.
We need to unite, like I tell the chief parties all the time.
To make a change, we need to unite.
Never mind this Republican Democratic crap.
We need to unite as one.
When I found the fathers were libertarian, independent constitutionalists.
That's what America needs to be, and that's the only change we've got to come upon.
And we need to eliminate the Republican Democratic parties,
but I guess we don't have much time.
I just want to get a little more...
What you're saying, as a practical matter, if you build it, they will come.
If you control the mic, if you control the house where the debate is had,
you control most of those candidates.
You control what's said, you control the way they oppose the other side.
The choice people think they're buying into.
It's just what Chris Matthews said this week.
You only have two choices.
Don't go third party, don't go fourth party.
You're wasting your vote, you're an idiot.
Buy into that system.
Give into that power. That's what they want.
Absolutely. This really disturbs me.
I got friends and family who do this.
They say, oh, I'll have to go with the lesser two evils.
I have to vote.
If you feel the obligation to vote, which is over now,
but if you felt the obligation to vote for a third party,
vote for your own name and somebody else's,
you do not support evil.
I don't care what you think.
I mean, there's some churches out there, some pastors that talk,
oh, you know, we have to go with the lesser evil.
What does God say about that?
You don't support evil, period.
Bottom line, it's important.
Anybody right now that knows the stuff,
if you voted for Obama or Romney, okay,
you don't deserve to call yourself an American.
I'm telling you right now,
because you have helped destroy this country.
Now, I don't blame the elite no more.
I blame you, the gullible sheep out there,
who fall every four years for the same thing.
Left and right, left and right.
That's right.
Wake the hell up.
Don't you realize they tip both ways to stop the tipping
when you stand in the middle?
And just to bring it back around, Dan,
we're talking about how these royal families,
how these people in power are related to Dracula,
son of Draco, the dragon,
will look at Prince Charles' father, Prince Philip.
He said he wanted to come back as a virus
so he could wipe out the excess of humans' population.
That's the nature.
That's the level.
That's the height of control freaks that they are.
It's just incredible.
I appreciate it, Dan.
We're going to close the show now.
And you've seen, folks, this was our first live beta test.
I want to thank David Knight for hosting
and our other studio, all the great reporters,
Jakari Jackson, Melissa Melton, David Ortiz.
You've seen what we can all do working as a team.
We've covered so many issues,
not just Obama and Romney, but the sub-issues,
where we had victories in the states,
where we're going from here,
what we're going to do to take back our society.
We're having the conversation here at infowars.com.
You can support us in that conversation
financially at prisonplanet.tv.
You can get a membership.
You can share it with your close friends and family.
You can take the fight to Planet InfoWars.
You can have your own debates,
create your own little mini-websites,
get the issues out.
We must mobilize on the issues.
You think are most important.
That means education.
We've got to study the issues.
But we've also got to get out there on the streets,
take on fights.
We can win.
And we've got to push back against the Caesar effect.
When Caesar crossed the Rubicon,
that was the official death of,
and you see there from the New York Post,
when Caesar crossed the Rubicon,
when he became a dictator out of control,
that was the death of the Republic of Rome.
Our Republic in the United States has fallen.
We can get it back by following the wisdom of the Constitution.
I want to thank everybody who contributed tonight,
the crew working in the background, Rob Do,
and the others who've helped us,
and Alex Jones who's given us a platform to pursue truth
and try to develop ourselves as freedom fighters
in our own right.
We're going to do this together.
And I think everyone watching out there,
please spread the word.
We can save this country.
Thanks. Good night.