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Filename: 20121106_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 6, 2012
8772 lines.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
I am going to attempt to be focused today and go over all of the different facets of what we're dealing with here.
The election of 2012 here in the heart of the global world government empire,
the former United States is in full swing.
It is a political distraction overall to make people think the buck actually stops with presidents
and not the globalist special interests that have hijacked this nation and other nations.
But it is important in that it shows how the system is able to engage in overall election fraud,
black box voting, and it's important to see in the globalist evolution where both parties are taking us.
And that is very, very rapidly deeper into classical tyranny.
So we're going to be going over all the different facets today.
An incredible speech last night where Obama started crying.
He's been crying more today.
Absolute Oprah Winfrey deception garbage by a con artist trying to suck in his followers.
Romney, obviously a globalist deceptor and a deceiver and frontman,
but not giving us those types of theatrical events.
Obama said that he tells the truth.
Obama, you know I tell the truth.
That's the headline at info wars.com, an article I worked on this morning with Paul Watson that he just published.
You know when Obama is lying because his lips are moving.
A key article with the fact that Obama is a bigger liar than Bill Clinton.
Obama and his administration engage in lies that are mind blowing.
Here's an example.
They've put al-Qaeda in charge of Libya.
Now they're trying to have him dig over Syria.
Hillary is in the news today.
We have an article up at info wars.com saying that they've got to invade Syria because of al-Qaeda.
Because al-Qaeda is now in the country.
The al-Qaeda they publicly shipped in.
Hillary Clinton aims to rewrite history.
He says Islamic extremists hijack Syrian revolution.
By the way, we had Lieutenant Colonel Tony Schaefer on yesterday.
And off air, he said, yeah, the evidence points towards a hit on the ambassador to get rid of him because he didn't want to arm al-Qaeda in Syria.
And then on air, that wasn't in confidence.
He said I could talk about it on air.
He said, yeah, that's one of the options.
But bottom line, they ordered the stand down in Benghazi.
And I'm sorry, that's spin to claim neocons ordered al-Qaeda in.
When that al-Qaeda group was running security in Benghazi, and now we learn for seven hours, not five.
They had drones over while the firefight was going on.
The Alamo was going on with just a few guys and they're holding off hundreds with anti-aircraft guns.
You name it.
And that Obama ordered the stand down.
Now they've been relieving generals over and that's come out in the Washington Times.
In fact, guys, that's in my news stack from last night.
Can somebody jog over?
I mean, jog over.
It's a big little complex now.
The InfoWars campus and grab that off the other broadcast desk.
I think it's still sitting there.
Still loitering over there.
My stack of news from last night is a bunch of research.
We pulled together and I don't have it in the stack.
So when I actually have that, we're going to get into Obama.
Well, I mean, here's a clip of it.
Here's a clip of Obama saying he doesn't lie.
He says, I only tell the truth.
That's another lie.
Here it is.
Ruling out compromise, pledging to rubber-stamp the Tea Party's agenda in Congress, not change.
Changing the facts when they're inconvenient to your campaign.
That's not change.
At least not the kind of change you want out of your president.
You may not agree with every policy I've put forward.
There have been times where, by the way, Michelle doesn't agree with everything I do.
You may be frustrated sometimes with the pace of change.
I'm frustrated too sometimes.
But you know where I stand.
You know what I believe.
You know I tell the truth.
You know I tell the truth.
You know I tell the truth.
We've got an article documenting his lies.
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. It is election 2012.
It is, of course, the sixth day of November 2012.
And we're going to be here for the next three hours.
And then I will be back tonight, five central to past midnight, with the entire crew behind the scenes.
People like Chris Allines and CJ and Dan Badandi and Rob Dew and Aaron Dykes and Rob Jacobson and everybody in our operation that's behind the scenes that you don't hear about a lot.
And then some of them also have double duty as reporters.
Jakari Jackson, David Knight, Darren McBreen, Marcos Morales.
The list just goes on and on. Melissa Melton, Paul Watson, Steve Watson.
I want to start the broadcast here thanking the crew. The point is, is that they are working their butts off to really analyze and track what's happening.
And the accelerated talk of rioting if Obama loses, the different Democratic Party operatives putting out videos calling for U.S. cities to be burned.
Michael Moore, of course. We have just unbelievable behavior out of Bill Maher calling for racial attacks on whites.
Literally incitement if Obama doesn't win.
Everybody knows I don't like Mitt Romney, but just the behavior of the Democrats shows you they are a nasty group of authoritarians.
And they've just got a giant group of camp followers that are dependent and think governments, their mommy, their daddy and their, their granny all rolled into one.
And it is, it is Creepville off the chart.
You've got all the geopolitical things that are happening, the global meltdown moving quicker and quicker.
Bev Harris will just pop in for like 10 minutes at the bottom of the hour with the latest on any type of election chicanery.
Then she's back on Demara in the aftermath. They're still talking about a board of elections in New York extending voting for a couple days.
So I think it's 50-50 probably right now that they're going to postpone the election results for a couple days.
And then that, that's where I think you've got a chance of the real civil unrest if things are contested.
If Obama wins, I don't think you're going to see, I don't think you're going to see Romney supporters engaging in any type of criminal activity.
You may see a little bit of stuff.
I think that if Romney clearly wins, you're not going to see a lot out of Obama supporters.
Maybe a little bit of, you know, Windows being knocked out or a little bit of rioting, but I think it'll be moderate.
If this thing gets protracted and then there's allegations of election fraud on both sides, you could see both sides getting really, really nasty.
And the civil unrest could really go south quickly.
And I see so many Democrats in their tweets, but also on TV and radio and in print saying, oh, conservatives are scared.
They're scared. There's going to be rioting.
Like Bill Maher said, you know, black people, you need to go out and attack white people and basically hunt them down.
Charlie Skelton, the London Guardian has done an article for us pointing out that it's racism, implying that black people are going to do this and then trying to goad them to do it.
I mean, it's, it's really a form of terrorism being engaged in here.
And again, it's like picked your poison.
No matter who gets into office, I know the new world order is going to continue.
But Obama says he's going to try to ban handguns and rifles in the second debate.
We already knew that was the plan. I can't believe he admitted it.
He only tells the truth when he admits he wants socialism and to disarm the American people.
That's about the only time he tells the truth.
In the first campaign, he lied about it and said he believed the Second Amendment was going to leave it alone.
Now he says the Second Amendment means they have a right to take your guns.
That's the new lawyer speak.
He plans to expand taxpayer-funded abortion, making churches pay for it in their insurance packages.
A lot of really bad stuff they are announcing.
If you think 200 power plants shut down, how about a thousand plus?
We're talking about close to 1,100 coal power plants.
We've already seen power prices in many areas of the country double.
It's up 37% nationwide in the last four years.
Can you imagine if they shut down a thousand?
They shut down the two city-owned plants for the earth.
It was so big insiders could make more money with their coal power plants.
Our prices have doubled the last five years.
This is pre-Obama right through it.
If you imagine they shut down our final power plant, we'll have to buy it all from Mexico, strangely enough,
where they have totally dirty plants.
They're talking about another doubling.
You want to get gang raped by the globalists?
Don't worry.
All of you idiots that think Barack Obama is going to deliver you a free lunch
and that overall your life is going to get better under the destruction of this country
and the job shutting down and the shipping overseas,
you people are in for a rude awakening because you're going to still get your welfare checks.
You're still going to get your social security checks.
You're still going to get your food stamps.
They're just going to be devalued and you're not going to be able to buy as much with them.
I'm already digressing here.
We've got Bev Harris coming on.
I thought it'd be interesting to have David Icahn during the election just to cover things in the world.
Richard Belzer, the TV star and Hollywood star,
a few months ago, he was on and suddenly said,
hey, here's Christopher Walken on the show, on Skype.
And sure enough, there was Christopher Walken.
I think they had a few glasses of red wine that day.
So who knows what the surprises will be with Richard Belzer popping in.
And then tonight, I'm going to be in this radio slash TV studio, taking calls.
We're going to have Gerald Salente on at five o'clock central, Max Kaiser, Wayne Madsen,
Paul Craig Roberts, Lou Rockwell, Nomi Prince, Webster Tarbley and others.
And tomorrow, we're going to have special coverage.
If you go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com, if you're a radio listener,
you'll notice it's not the world map now as the header of the online newspaper.
It is a world map with just the U.S. on it and big red curtains,
like a puppet show with Obama and the other side of the coin,
Romney up there as wooden puppets or ventriloquist dolls.
So that is up there on the site.
And you can link through just by clicking that header and it takes you to a page
that has the free video feeds up there for everyone.
What prisonplanet.tv viewers and subscribers can see every day.
The radio show, five-camera shoot, the TV studio over there.
We're going to have our reporters giving you the latest news every 15 minutes.
The latest, most of it, of course, fraudulent numbers with both parties engaged
in all sorts of rigging of systems.
So it's a battle, like a football game over who can cheat the most.
And so we're going to be tracking all of that, the Senate races, the House races.
We're also going to have reporters in Austin, Texas out on the street with live video feeds
back to the studio interspersed with the guest.
And yes, I will also take some phone calls.
In fact, I want to open the phones up here for people specifically
that have seen election anomalies.
Or if you had no problem voting, if it was all quick and easy,
then you call in with your 30-second comment or a minute comment if you need to elaborate
on any type of fraud.
I've talked to people here in Austin where they want to have the University of Texas
have us now pay property taxes directly to them when they're worth over $500 billion plus.
It's unbelievable.
Just in their permanent fund, you know, they're talking about $4 billion just in cash.
But if you count all the investments and all of it, I mean, it's almost as wealthy as the state
of Texas itself with the comprehensive annual financial reports.
And magically people trying to click that I've talked to, no on Prop 1.
It's just saying you're done voting and flipping it that you voted for it.
So we'll also give the number out here to call in with any reports you've got on what's happening
with the election, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
We'll get into the latest on the aftermath of the breakdown of society and FEMA not really
helping anybody in New York and New Jersey, but citizens, Americans that did get prepared
and the churches that got prepared, they are buoying the community.
And that's in the local news.
It's also what our listeners are telling us.
FEMA, nowhere to be seen, cops are mainly writing tickets.
In Long Island, in Jersey Shore, in Manhattan, in Staten Island, they're out writing tickets.
There's looting at night.
They're also arresting people that try to bring gasoline to their neighbors.
And they're arresting people who, you know, pose, you know, in the news with a baseball bat.
You're not allowed to defend yourself.
So we're seeing what we saw in Katrina.
If New Yorkers had guns to confiscate, the police would be coming around confiscating their guns.
Now, most police departments aren't like that, but New York, Chicago, and places like New Orleans,
I'm sorry, they are criminal run.
No one, no one can, no one can deny that.
It's well known.
Now, let's go out to break with this clip.
When we come back, I'm going to cover it.
It's a very important article by my shelf and Paul Watson up at infowars.com.
Please retweet this.
We've tweeted it out at twitter.com forward slash real Alex Jones and follow us there.
Obama, you know, I tell the truth.
And it goes over all of it here where, well, let's go out to break or let's just play this clip again from last night
where he's crying saying, you know, I tell the truth.
I don't flip flop.
Here it is out of your president.
You may not agree with every policy I've put forward.
There have been times where, by the way, Michelle doesn't agree with everything I do.
You may be frustrated sometimes with the pace of change.
I'm frustrated too sometimes.
But you know where I stand.
You know what I believe.
You know, I tell the truth.
You know, I tell the truth.
I mean, is that some kind of sick joke?
I won't hire any lobbyist hired more than anybody ever had in history.
I won't have any signing statements.
Broke Bush's record first year he was in office with which he's claiming his law.
He can change the law right there, which he can't veto it or not veto it.
I said he closed Gitmo.
Didn't said he didn't torture.
Didn't said he was against the NDA when his people wrote it and then said he wouldn't sign it and did sign it.
You may just keep going on with this.
We're going to cover his lies, his flip flops and sure Mitt Romney does it too.
But Mitt Romney has never got up and said he's never changed his views.
He tries to twist why he's changed them.
Obama just says he's never flip flopped.
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You know that's the thing about these wars. We think we're winning these wars, but the foreign megabanks that run Europe, run England, run the United States, run Scotland, run Ireland, both northern and southern, that run New Zealand, that run Mexico,
they are sucking our energy out and empowering their world government while destroying our national sovereignty and destroying our individual sovereignty and training us that we have no rights that we're basically slaves.
And more and more as I people watch and study the science, the general public is like a bunch of lemmings. This morning I was exercising down at Barton Springs and when I came out there was like 20 school buses pulling in, I think for some big band event.
And the school buses were parking, but parents were also there with their own cars getting their kids out. And I was going like two miles an hour and these people in the middle of the big street would just walk out in front of a car.
I see people walking their kids to school who will get on a major highway and walk on the white line while giant trucks are one foot away from them.
But then they're scared to death of imaginary al-Qaeda or they're scared to death of another citizen having a gun, but they have no sense.
And you look the looks in people's faces, they have the look like when somebody's watching television has their mouth hanging open and are in a trance because they are in trances.
Medically, the IQs are dropping across the West. You can look this up for yourself. The brainwaves are dropping. That's what the new issue of InfoWars Magazine is about.
And we have to understand folks that we're in a lot of trouble.
Also, if you look at the video of the people behind Obama that's up at infowars.com in the article, Obama, you know, I tell the truth, close quote, that's the headline. They all have these shining smiles in their faces that are all looking at Obama and feeling real satisfied.
You can tell almost crying. They're so energized with reflected glory. So they're looking at a puppet who they believe is on their team and they're feeling powerful because the guy that runs the country is on their side.
It's the same thing with supporters of Mitt Romney by and large.
I mean, it's one thing if you say somebody's a lesser of two evils and support them, that's bad enough.
But if you really think the buck stops with these guys, that's what this whole pageant is about. So you think the election's real, so you don't realize it's all a facade, so you stay in the system.
Then people ask, Alex, you expose the left, right paradigm that you talk about left and right. Well, because there is a left and right within the left, right paradigm within that box and you've got to communicate to people.
We've probably gotten another 50 affiliates or 40 or so the last six months. We got a lot of new listeners who wouldn't even understand when I was talking about if I didn't use these terms.
And there are differences between the two, but only within that system.
I'm trying to get people to look outside that system, but there is political power within talking about the system as it is within the box to get people's attention to then use it as a teaching moment to expand outside the box.
And that's what I do. I go into the matrix to get people out of the matrix, but I'm in the matrix and I'm outside the matrix.
I am in the world, but not of the world, of this fake construct. I'm in the real world. I'm in the real universe.
Okay, and that's what I seek to get other people to tune into is that it doesn't mean I have some ultimate truth or some utopia.
Quite the contrary, being in the universe is getting away from the cruddy politicians and their lies and stop identifying with them and stop buying into the system.
And then stepping back and going, whoa, look at the universe around me. Look at the wonderment around me.
Look at how incredible the world is. Look how much good there is and not letting Madison Avenue make you feel inadequate so they can sell you slavery.
It's realizing how important you are. It's realizing your place in the universe. And then these people are a sick joke.
Let's play this clip one more time. Here's Obama saying that he tells the truth. He never flip-flops.
He says that in the full speech. Here it is. And then we'll, after we pose as a dilemma for Governor Romney.
But he's a very talented salesman. And in this campaign, he has tried as hard as he can to repackage the same old ideas and pretend they're new.
He's offering them up as change. Says he's the candidate of change.
Now, let me just say this. We know what change looks like and what he's selling, ain't it?
It ain't it. Giving more power back to the biggest banks, that's not change.
Another $5 trillion tax cut.
All right, we're going to go to Brexit. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
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It is election coverage or should I say selection coverage. 2012, it's election day. It is November 6, 2012 on this Super Tuesday as they call it.
And it's like going into a casino where you know everything's tilted and rigged for the house. I'm just not going to go gamble and be part of something that's designed to sucker me.
I know that there is some evidence that there's still some real election processes in some local areas in different regions of the United States.
But we have proven decades and decades and decades of fraud with Kennedy versus Nixon in 1960.
We know about the fraud to get LBJ into Congress in box 13. We know about the fraud in Ohio. We know about the fraud on both sides in 2000.
We know these machines codes have been made public where it's designed for fraud.
And still the companies operate and just change their name and that's what we go out and vote on.
Now that said, we can see where our country's gone. We've got Barack Obama openly saying he wants to go after handguns and rifles.
And churches should have to pay for insurance that pays for abortion.
But Romney that says he thinks Russia is a big enemy and wants to start some new wars, it is evil on the left, evil on the right, and a whole fraudulent system over it.
Now Bev Harris runs blackboxvoting.org. She's only popping in for about 10, 15 minutes today.
And then we're going to have her back on tomorrow and the aftermath and the days following that to track what's happening in our election process.
Because the establishment doesn't just spend billions of dollars controlling both candidates so they control the outcome that way.
They also obviously have their hands in there, the different power structures, the different management teams of the two parties that want first dibs at the government trough as king makers.
There is a fight going on to see who can be the CEO of Slavery Incorporated, two different management teams fighting over who will get the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated, as I said, 12 years ago in the film Waking Life.
And that's more true today than it's ever been.
And so Bev has got all of her moles out there tracking things around the country. What type of anomalies are we already seeing Bev Harris?
Well, you know, I want to actually jump ahead if you don't mind, Alex, to what people can do this particular today.
I'll tell you what we're doing, okay, because that's going to pull in the reports of the anomalies directly from the field from the people who are out there.
I am in contact with a network of different organizations, both Ron Paul supporters, progressives, people from all political walks of life, which is what we want.
Ordinary citizens from all political walks of life who are reporting in with what they see and also, you know, vetted stories that they may see on local news or local radio.
There's three different places for them to report it. And then what I'm doing is then pushing it out again to more media sources.
So if you're a Facebook fan, there's a Facebook page that's very active called Occupy Elections.
There's also the Black Box Voting Facebook page. There's also Watch the Vote 2012.
And we have people monitoring those pages. So if you post on those pages, we've got people monitoring those and kind of just filling out the cream of the crop and getting it to me.
There's also, if you want to make sure it's permanently archived because, you know, on Facebook it just sort of rolls off the page and then you never see it again.
On blackboxvoting.org, there's a button at the top that says go to your state and you simply push that and go to the location where it happens and post it there and it will stay there for years so that people can track what's happening different places.
And then what I'll be doing is taking the most important information and feeding it right back out to the media like you.
So that we can start having a method of flowing this information more systematically because I feel, as you mentioned yesterday, we're getting close to the tipping point with American public awareness.
And so we need to get the information out there as efficiently as we can this year.
Again, Bev Harris is our guest. I've got a bunch of special guests tonight. Gerald Solente, Max Kaiser, Wayne Madsen, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Lou Rockwell, Naomi Prince, Webster Tarpley.
But we've got some spaces in there tonight, Bev, so I hope that we can, if there's some breaking news, we'll be tracking blackboxvoting.org, showing it on the TV transmission.
Hopefully you can pop in.
Sure, you've got to track it. Sure, I'm just saying if there's any big breaking news, we'll be touching base with him.
I'd be happy to jump on it if we can match up our schedule. Sure. What about the classic thing of people showing up on even local elections? We're seeing this and trying to vote no on a bond proposal, but it votes yes instead and just says that's your vote.
Yeah, that's a programming. It's a feature of the programming. I don't care what the voting machine vendors say when they, or the election officials, and they say, oh, it needs to be recalibrated.
No, it is only doing what it's programmed to do. If you show up and you vote no, and it says yes on the screen, a programmer has put in there to report the wrong result.
And sometimes if you overwrite it several times, then it knows, okay, you know, the person needs to. But that's a classic symptom of a corrupted voting machine.
And just to be clear, they don't have to steal it every time. They have it programmed to shave what it needs. So most people are like, hey, it worked fine for me, but then only certain people does it do that too?
Yeah, I mean, classic election tampering is done by insiders and it involves shaving the vote. So it's not 100%. It's just a percentage.
And that's why you and I may disagree on this, but I think it is helpful to vote because you can, you know, shaving will only go so far in most cases.
And you can override that if enough votes show up or if it's stronger than the person who put in the algorithm expected it to be.
Well, sure. This is a complex issue. People say, Alex, you're saying go out and vote, but then you're saying it's a fraud.
Well, even if it's rigged, I don't have to go in a casino that's rigged, but my country's been taken over by foreign banking cartels that publicly brag about it.
They've been caught in all these other frauds and fractional reserve banking and selling bad derivatives that they knew were scams.
And so by voting and being involved from what I've read and what you've said, it's very hard for them to steal a landslide.
Also, you're now engaging and you're in there to continue to report on the fraud you're seeing.
And we're gaining headway in the polls, as you said, 80 to 90 percent, depending on the poll. Now, no, the fraud is real.
Ten years ago, it was the opposite number. And so we engage them over and over again to discredit their fraudulent system and restore the system.
And just briefly, and then we'll get an update tonight, a bigger update tomorrow, Bev Harris, and we'll be following blackboxvoting.org.
What would be a good election system that's pretty much bulletproof?
Well, you have four things you need to be able to authenticate. Who can vote? Who can vote? The counting of the vote in the chain of custody.
So that's the voter list, the poll list, the counting system, and the chain of custody. Ideally, you want to count it in public by hand in many cases.
It doesn't matter if it's by hand. It has to be a method that's in public. So it's not the mechanism that counts.
In public, before it travels anywhere, you don't want votes that are out of the public eye. You don't want them traveling from place to place before they're counted.
And you need to be able to know who voted and who's able to vote.
So it's not really as complicated as people make it. You know, pretty much all election fraud falls into those four categories.
It's not like they're going to limit themselves to one category to tamper with an election. They'll do whatever works and whatever they get asked to.
Sure. I mean, it's real simple. Correct me if I'm wrong. You have clear ballots, paper at the smallest little precinct unit.
It's publicly counted in front of everyone with all sides there. Then that's literally posted on the wall and then tallied in the precinct itself.
So you have a public number and then all those are tallied publicly. And then everyone is there aware of who really won.
And if there is any fraud at the top, there is a chain all the way down so you can reconstruct what happened very, very quickly.
Instead, they sell it as, oh, that takes too long. And oh, you know, that can be defrauded. Let's just have a black box with wires going into it owned by foreign companies and people.
And we'll just tell you who won.
Yeah. And by the way, people aren't going at the best time to go out and observe and catch them in the act, whether you voted or not.
The best time is immediately after the polls close, okay? Because that's when the stuff happens.
At the polling places, they're tallying things up and running results and sticking ballots in boxes and deciding what they're going to put fields on.
And at the central tabulation facility, they're bringing everything in. And if you go and videotape, and they tell you can't, then what you do is you videotape them telling you you can't.
Videotape the obstruction to your right to observe. If they get aggressive, I guess, sit down, keep your voice low so that they can't possibly misunderstand and claim that you were being aggressive.
So you just sit down, lower your voice, modulate it, and capture them on video being effective to your right to oversee.
Then get back to YouTube and good things will happen.
Well, Bev, we'll get an update from you by tonight. And then obviously tomorrow we'll know more about hotspots of potential fraud going on.
And we'll talk to you then. Thank you so much, Bev Harris.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, there she goes. And again, coming up today central at five o'clock central, six o'clock Eastern.
We will have free audio streams and video streams at infowars.com, prisonplanet.com and prisonplanet.tv with our real live election coverage.
And so please go to our Twitter account, twitter.com, forward slash real Alex Jones, send that address out to everybody and let them know that we're going to have live updates there as well.
And that they're on that site. We have links to the free audio and video feeds for everybody and our AM and FM affiliates across the country.
They're obviously going to have their own local coverage.
But if they would like to dial in and carry any of our coverage, any pieces of it or all of it, obviously our affiliates are more than welcome to pick up Gerald Salente, Bev Harris, Max Kaiser, Paul Craig Roberts, Lou Rockwell,
Nomi Prince, Webster Tarpley, and so many others that are going to be on with us five o'clock central to midnight.
We'll probably go past midnight. I think 10 hours on air will be enough for me and some of our other reporters will probably take over at that point. They'll also be reporting for us as well.
We're going to be going back and forth between the two studios we've got. We're building more studios right now here at the infowars headquarters, here at the infowars campus.
Believe it or not, we need them because we end up using the voiceover equipment, the video editing, all of it, the two studios, even though we have other workstations.
We just end up needing more spots to put out more because there's so much news and the globalists are moving on so many fronts. Every time we engage the globalists, we have victories.
The problem is that we can't engage the enemy on every issue because they're moving on so many fronts. That's why you need to get your own YouTube channel.
You need to go do your own local access show. You need to go get your own local radio show. And if you think it's hard, it's not as hard as you think.
You need to go engage the globalists. None of us are going to defeat this evil by ourselves. But with God's help and taking action, with what's right, and having little fights with these people every day, we will move against them.
You're never going to get anything done just sitting around. Now, again, I played parts of the clip. Here's the end part. It's up at infowars.com.
Obama, you know I tell the truth, and I want to read some of Paul Watson in my article that we put out that is so important up at presentplanet.com and infowars.com.
Obama, you know I tell the truth and just caught in massive lies. In fact, that's a great headline Paul has. That's the headline I told him.
I think we need to add Obama. You know I tell the truth. Fact check. We want to add fact check to that if we can. If Watson isn't listening, maybe Nemo or Don cannot do that.
I mean, he's caught red-handed in lies. I mean, I don't know how you get a strong enough headline here. We're going to play that clip one more time in case you just tuned in.
Here's Obama crying, totally staged, right out of Oprah Winfrey in the same speech he started crying. I mean, this is absolutely asinine.
I mean, sometimes I talk about abortion and I'll get a tear in my eye because I start thinking about my children and what if they would have been aborted?
It really shakes me up. People say, oh, that's fake. But let me tell you, Obama doing this, maybe it's real. Maybe he's crying thinking he's about to get kicked out.
Because again, I don't like Mitt Romney either. But Mitt Romney, this is the one reason I don't hate people that end up voting for Mitt Romney because I understand you're hitting the reset button.
I didn't hate people that voted for Obama. I said, I hope he does something better. It's like a man who's being held under water. You just want to get to the surface.
And spiritually, that's how this feels. Because I started to get a lung full of water yesterday morning and had to get up to the top real quick.
And it was kind of that panic feeling. And I thought, man, that's how I feel every day, deep down. It's kind of a controlled panic.
That's what you have on the show. I think it's why we're so successful is because we're real and people are picking up on the vibe that you're feeling as well.
It's fear. It's not even anger. I want out of this. I want my leg out of this bear trap, okay? I want this to stop. I want freedom. I want prosperity.
And Obama's not facing reelection. He gets reelected. And my gut tells me Mitt Romney and the people that run him are dangerous.
But my gut tells me that the Obama folks are going to go for a full takeover if they get in. And maybe that's what has to happen. Maybe that's good.
Again, just whatever happens, I'm going to do my best exposing these people. Here's this clip one more time.
At least not the kind of change you want out of your president. You may not agree with every policy I've put forward.
There have been times where, by the way, Michelle doesn't agree with everything I do. You may be frustrated sometimes with the pace of change.
I'm frustrated too sometimes. But you know where I stand. You know what I believe. You know I tell the truth.
Our tricaster that we use to do video is quite a piece of equipment. So it started playing another clip before that.
We're going to have to get something else. And that's part of the studio upgrade that we're doing right now.
But that means we actually have to do it. We actually have to get something in there that works. This is a big show.
Three million people a day. We kind of just, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.
And I guess the buck stops with me. So it's really my fault. And I will pledge to you it's not going to continue.
All right. Again, you just heard Obama right there saying that he doesn't lie to you, that he always tells the truth.
I'm going to go to break and I'm going to come back since you heard that. And we are going to get to on record in this Paul Joseph Watson
Alex Jones article what he's really done. Then we're going to get into the latest with the hurricane and the latest with the election
and all sorts of calls for more violence. We could see some pretty wild stuff tomorrow if Obama is not elected.
It's all rearranging deck chairs in the Titanic, but it is quite a spectacle. To behold, stay with us.
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Suck in the children's blood day by day.
Certainly is. This is a vampiric system.
So, Obama says, you know I tell the truth. Yeah, the attack on Libya and Syria is peace bombing. The drones radically expanded its peace bombing.
The waterboarding and torture is peaceful. The hiring nothing but lobbyists when you promise not to. That's not lying.
During a campaign event in New Hampshire last night, Barack Obama told an audience of his supporters, you know I tell the truth.
Here are 10 flagrant examples of where Obama has not told the truth and in fact has lied to cover up his own administration's failings or as a deliberate act of deception.
As part of the 2008 campaign pledge, Obama promised to close down Guantanamo Bay.
The Obama administration not only failed to close the infamous prison camp, they expanded its use to a larger torture camp to actually create alkytopatsis.
Number two, last year after campaigning to protect Habeas Corpus, again, he campaigned to protect it.
Obama promised not to sign the National Defense Authorization Act with his provisions for the indefinite detention of Americans, yet put his signature on the bill in the dead of night on New Year's Eve.
Indeed, it was Obama administration itself which argued for the removal of the language that would have protected Americans from the provisions.
And then had them reinstituted after a court had struck them down.
He's still fighting to keep it in place while claiming he was against it.
Just total deception, counting on you not paying attention and being stupid.
Number three, Obama has lied time and time again about Operation Fast and Furious, the program which saw guns delivered directly into the hands of Mexican drug lords.
Obama told a national television station the program had begun under Bush when it's fact it began under Obama's watch in October of 2009.
And we have links to all those documents.
Number four, emails sent shortly after the incident as well as CBS 60 Minutes interview from September 12th proved that the White House knew the assault on the U.S. Consulate Ms. Ngozi was a premeditated terrorist attack by guys they'd hired.
Yet the administration spent over a week claiming the incident was a protest against a YouTube video.
Number five, as part of a campaign pitch, Obama promised to not use signing statements as a way of doing an in-run around Congress.
Obama has issued no less than 19 signing statements since he took office.
In 2010, Obama said we've excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards or commissions. Not only have dozens of lobbyists had regular access to the White House, but Obama has hired over a dozen lobbyists breaking a campaign promise to ensure that lobbyists don't find a way into the White House.
Number seven, as part of efforts to bypass congressional authorization of the war on Libya, Obama gave a speech in which he promised there would be no boots on the ground in Libya.
That's a quote. The promise was broken within four uniform military personnel were sent to Libya in addition to widespread reports that U.S. Special Forces had arrived in Libya months before the overthrow of Qaddafi.
Yeah, it was actually thousands of U.S. troops, but Paul just links to one article.
Under Obama, number eight, under Obamacare, Obama claimed that there would be no state-funded abortions.
It later emerged that federally funded abortions would be expanded under Obamacare. And yeah, he's going to make churches pay for him. That's so sick.
Number nine, in 2008, Obama promised no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens just months after he took office.
Obama expanded Bush's warrantless wiretapping program to journalists and others.
The invasiveness of illegal wiretapping is worse under Obama than it was under Bush, as Chris Hedges has pointed out.
Number 10, before the passage of Obamacare, Obama claimed the bill was absolutely not a tax increase on all Americans.
When the Supreme Court rubber-stamped Obamacare, they were only able to do so by classifying it as a mandated tax. Yeah, the IRS runs it.
Otherwise, it would have been unconstitutional. Tell the truth, Obama doesn't know the meaning of the word. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us. I'm Alex Jones.
Part of our continued live coverage of the Globalist Selection of President 2012.
It doesn't mean that people shouldn't vote. It helps to expose fraud in different areas.
It helps to sometimes even not have fraud in some areas and get people into office who are patriots.
But we are going to be taking calls throughout the broadcast today. David Ike's coming up.
We also have Richard Belzer coming on. And then of course I'll be back on tonight at 5 to midnight with a special radio slash TV transmission.
5 to midnight central. And you can find all that information in infowars.com, the free audio streams, the video streams, all of it.
Right now let's go to some calls. Matthew in New Jersey, what are you seeing with voting in your area Matthew?
Hi Alex.
Yes sir.
Hey, I just got out of the voting polls for, I just voted for Gary Johnson.
And everyone's down there all got their 7-11 coffees. You know, everyone's got their Romney cup or their Obama cup.
I don't know if you know 7-11, they got this, you know, who you're going to vote for thing.
And they don't have the Johnson cup. I got a green cup and I put Gary on it.
But one thing I want to talk to you about, I don't know if you heard, IMSNBC,
I had an report where Romney's engaging in the niggerization of Obama.
And I haven't heard you talk about it. And it's very, very, very racy.
What are you talking about?
Well, let's not, listen, let's not use erogatory terms there. That's not an FCC term we can't use, but it's, who is saying that?
That type in niggerization, MSNBC. I'm not racist at all.
No, I mean, I just, I know that all they do is try to create racial division in this country.
MSNBC, I mean, I don't even really watch them ever anymore.
So I don't, yeah, I just don't see anything on that.
So send me a link to showtipsandinfowars.com, sir. I appreciate your call.
We'll look into that. Russell in Florida, you're on the air. Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex? Worldwide broadcast. How you doing today?
Good, good. Just to get what you're just talking about, about the races. I was just, they're failing horribly in Florida with that.
I was just out front smoking a cigarette and a black guy was just down the street and started talking to me.
Well, yeah, most people get along fine. That's why the media is trying to create all this racial division.
Did you try to vote? We opened the phones up for folks to see if they had any problems, anomalies, voting.
No, I'm not going to vote this year. It's just a crowning of a new globalist king.
There's no point in it. I think it's all rigged anyway.
Well, you know, I can see not voting for one of the two big candidates, but there's still elections locally.
And that's where we need to get in there and get patriots in, in my view. But thank you so much for calling.
And one more here. Let's talk to Vern in Wisconsin. Vern, did you go out and vote? Did you have any problems?
Yes, I did, Alex. And I'm a blind person and I'll have to talk to someone later because I know you don't have much time.
But I went to vote and I use a braille ballot because I refuse to use the voting machines.
Every time I use them, the handicap voting machines broke down.
Now I went to vote and usually my braille ballot is there.
I had the lady at the polling place talk to the city and, well, she actually talked to the city before I got there
and she was real upset because it wasn't there. We don't know what happened to it.
I talked to the city clerk and six years ago somebody had called up and said that I did not want my braille ballot.
Well, when I called up and complained about it, they told me to drop the whole issue that this should not even be looked into.
I should shut up. I have not shut up about it. This morning I get there. The braille ballot is not there.
We don't know what happened to it.
And I want to be able to keep in contact with you so that I can update you as to what's happening with this whole situation.
There's more to this story than I know that you have time to talk about.
But I have no idea where that ballot is and I just, I felt that I should call and let you know about it.
Yes, sir. We're going to continue to track all these different anomalies with calls and more. Thank you so much for calling.
We'll be right back with David Eich to get his take on all things geopolitical and talk about how he packed Wembley Stadium this last week in England. Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
He is November 6th, 2012. We are covering the 2012 presidential election and all the other elections.
The selection, no one can deny the globalist, own both the horses, the big horses in the big race for president, but they don't control every other person running for Congress or the Senate.
We're going to be tracking this here today, but also back tonight with free audio and video streams, infowars.com, infowars.netlynews, continual coverage, special transmission from 5 past midnight.
So all total today, I'll be on air more than 10 hours and then we have our other reporters and crew will probably push past midnight as we track all this.
Even though they're puppets, we still have to track this because they're trying to get a race war going.
I said that two weeks ago and I hope we can stop it and I think we will be able to because people are wise.
We've all got basically spirits and you've got good people, you've got bad people, you've got people that love good, you've got people that love evil.
You've really got different types of mindsets and souls out there. It's not about race or color.
And it is despicable to see people like Michael Moore saying if Romney wins, it's a fraud, burned down US cities.
He puts out videos showing seniors saying that and then saying in Spanish, yes we can.
You've got Bill Maher saying that if Romney is elected, that blacks should go out and find and attack white people.
And that's meant to create racial division. That's classic divide and conquer.
We're going to talk about that with David Ike, who's been the head of the Green Party in England, BBC News reporter, sports reporter.
He can certainly expose how they will have the Tories and Labor, Republican Democrat, conservatives, social Democrats in Germany.
Same story, different country. But here's some of the headlines.
Thousands of public housing tenants struggle to survive without heat, water and power a full week after Hurricane Sandy, New York Daily News.
And government's not helping them. It's churches and local New Yorkers.
And we've had callers about this, but it's also in the news confirming that New Yorkers that did get prepared are going in and helping people in the projects.
So there you go. And that's got to make MSNBC angry. That's why they're not covering it.
They hate to see whites and blacks and others helping each other.
So continuing here, Sandy price gouging probed $7 loaf of bread, $10 box of matches NBC, New York.
There are some people who were cashing in on it though.
Continuing, New York City residents still stuck in neutral over gas shortages.
And after about the hurricane, Sandy, they're now what, seven, eight days into this and government can't or won't help them, especially in areas where the public's been disarmed.
There is looting. There are attacks. Sandy victims beg for help.
The weekly standard and amazing compilation video I saw this morning where people are just begging and pleading and no help is coming.
Continuing, Giuliani says FEMA as bad as Katrina.
Yeah, no doubt about that. And people begging government to protect them poor folks more than half the population.
They estimate made no preparation.
Manhattan garbage days cut as sanitation workers head to Sandy stricken burrows.
So government shutting off the services, other areas to go try to dig folks out.
Grid down collapse, hard assets soaring value.
Another report we've got up at prisonplanet.com.
Continuing here, Chris Christie Institute's gas rationing system in New Jersey.
See all government can do is take control of things and then ration it.
That's just some of the reports that we have breaking that down and we're going to David Ike.
Let me just hit a few of the election news stories and we'll cover this first with him and then get into the big geopolitical developments.
Obama supporters mark election day with more threats to kill Romney.
Are these young people the vanguard of hope and change? And again, you've got all the Democratic Party operatives trying to invoke racism and trying to stir folks up into barring down their own neighborhoods.
Not a good idea.
Thousands of shocking threats of violence by Obama supporters on the eve of the election.
Another article from the economic collapse blog breaking all of that down.
Obama campaign to supporters don't panic over early exit polls.
Yeah, don't worry. The electronic voting machines will save you. Doesn't matter though.
Again, it's rearranging deck chairs in the Titanic.
But if it is contested, that's when you're going to see the social unrest.
Battleground tracking poll, dead heat, Politico.
Again, Romney's ahead in most of these battleground states, but don't think that that means he's really going to win.
Who knows? We're going to find out. Even if it is a staged horse race, it's still interesting.
JZ substitutes meant for a bitch while rapping at Obama rally. Excuse that term.
Des Moines store near Obama rally has message for the Secret Service.
We do not consent to our store being searched. It's not that there's anything illegal in here.
We just employ several Colombian prostitutes and don't want to tempt you guys.
Now, since when does the Secret Service sometimes come into whole neighborhoods?
I want to search everyone for the stupid puppet president.
All ideas to make you think the buck stops with the president.
Bob Dylan predicts Obama in a landslide.
We'll get to more of this later in the hour.
Ahead of Richard Bells are joining us.
I'm going to give us his take on what's happening.
He thinks if it's a contested or close election, there's going to be civil unrest as well.
TV movie star, also longtime listener and author writing about government coverups and false flags.
But we go to David Ike of davidike.com who packed Wembley Stadium.
They're in London in a historic event that got front page coverage in many British newspapers.
And I wanted to get him on. They called him a kook. They called him nuts.
They called him dangerous. They called him scum.
The issue is I agree with about 98% of what David Ike says.
And I know David believes what he's saying.
And I know that David has been proven right.
I mean, he said years ago on record that Savelle, that big BBC reporter, he used to work at BBC, David Ike,
that David's known since the 90s, that Savelle was part of a pedophile network.
Boom, that's all been confirmed.
And the highest levels of government.
He's talked about so much more, dozens of things that have come true.
In the last 20 years that he's been exposing things he's sold, I don't know,
millions of books worldwide, former champion goalie, BBC reporter in news and sports,
gave it all up when he had an awakening, an epiphany,
a Saul of Tartsis moment on his road to Damascus.
And he joins us now.
David, thank you for joining us.
I want to get into the election.
We'll also talk about your historic event and more in the 50 minutes or so we've got.
We'll get Belzer on at eight after next hour.
But David, you just heard me go over all these headlines,
all these things converging at once, military actions expanding,
our governments using Al Qaeda in the Middle East, drones being launched,
the world's financial meltdown, children being given RFID chips,
you know, to wear around their necks to go to school, all over the world.
I mean, it's like the dam has broken and evil is just rushing in.
David, I hear take on it all.
Well, the saddest thing Alex is that today in America doesn't really matter that much.
I think you've got on your website the puppet of choice.
And this is what people worldwide need to understand if they're going to get a grasp
and a grip on the world that they live in, because all these celebrities,
well, maybe not all of them, maybe not the Jay-Z's of this world,
but all these celebrities and all these people that work in the lower ranks of the parties
and get pulled out to, you know, people that rallies and knock on doors,
they will believe staggeringly on the face of the evidence
that there's some difference between the person they're supporting
and the person they're opposing.
And all they are, it literally is like the Pied Piper of Hamlin.
You know, he's going along with the pipe and the children are following,
oh, I'm Democrat children, oh, I'm Republican children,
oh, I'm Labor children, I'm conservative children.
And yet, when you go up the pyramid, up the structure of these parties,
eventually you end up with the same people.
America is a wonderful example, Alex, but this is what happens worldwide.
But in America, you've got the Republican Party,
and they're controlled quite demonstrably,
not least during the Bush administration by these people called the neocons,
the neo-conservatives, people like Pearl and Crystal and John Bolton and Wolfowitz and all these people.
And then you've got the Democratic Party,
and they are controlled by a similar group, which I call the Democons.
These people like Brazinski, Soros, Rami, Manuel, David Axelrod.
But then you go to the next level, and the Democons and the Neocons answer to the same master.
So at that point, it doesn't matter, that point in the hierarchy,
and by this time you're out of the public arena and you're in the shadows,
it doesn't matter who wins because they're the puppet of that always-in-power grouping,
time and time again, decade after decade.
It's happening all over the world.
I mean, we've had a guy here, Alex, called David Cameron, who's come in,
and there's a satirical magazine in Britain called Private Eye,
and some years ago they had a front page which was brilliant, summed the whole thing up.
It had a picture of Tony Blair, Labour Party, it says here,
and a picture of David Cameron, Conservative Party,
and the headline was, World's First Face Transplant, a Success.
Because he's just Tony Blair under another name, and this is what's happening all over the world.
And yes, we have to look at the Abomas and we have to look at the Romneys,
and we have to look at these people who are put forward to give us the illusion of choice,
but really what we need to really look at and really understand is this all-encompassing grouping
that controls all of them, because over the last 20 years or so,
I've uncovered this network and how it works, and it's real simple.
What you have is like a secret society, also Satanism and pedophilia, funnily enough,
version of a transnational corporation.
So you've got someone like McDonald's or, I don't know, Monsanto, any of them,
any of these transnational corporations, McDonald's is a wonderful example,
and you've got a headquarters somewhere in America.
You've got a state to the whole McDonald's global network.
So wherever you go in the world, you're going in basically the same McDonald's,
because it's the same corporate image, it's the same corporate way of working the same everything.
This grouping, this global grouping has created a structure of secret societies,
satanic societies, pedophilia networks, which operate in the same way.
In Europe, places like the city of London, Rome, Brussels, Paris, Berlin,
and of course the United States to a large extent as well,
but Europe's the real epicenter, not governments at the centre of this web,
and they dictate to their subsidiaries.
So in each country, you've got a network of families, interbreeding families under different names,
secret societies, satanic networks and pedophile networks,
and that grouping, they have the job of introducing in their country,
their spirit of influence, the central dictated agenda.
So as I've travelled around the world, more than 50 odd countries in the last 20 years,
what you find is the same blueprint in every country,
and this is why you go from country to country,
and you see the same things being introduced at the same time,
justified by the same excuses, because it's central dictated.
So what's happening in America today is that the next stage of the agenda
of the grouping that controls America, but is dictated to by this global epicenter,
this centre of the spider's web, is now deciding,
well, it's decided before, but it's going to officially decide
who is going to be its front man for the next four years,
but that's all that's going on, because the agenda will continue unchecked,
because that force that is in the background behind the Republicans and the Democrats
is just following the same agenda, election after election, party change after party change,
and that's why nothing changes, that's why the same agenda unfolds.
David, you're absolutely right.
So how do we break people out of this, because either people are waking up faster and faster,
or they're getting deeper into the trance?
Well, for me, the greatest statement that people could make today is not to vote.
Well, there's one thing they should vote on, in my view, and that's Proposition 37 in California.
If California today doesn't vote for GMO labelling, then the world is completely insane.
So I support that voting, but voting for Romney or voting for Obama.
So people say, well, if I don't vote for Obama, then Romney will get in.
For Romney, then Obama will get in. It doesn't matter,
because the same grouping, this hidden grouping behind both parties, is in control anyway,
and by voting, we are giving credence to a rigged system.
By not voting, you're saying, we know the system's rigged, and we're not having it anymore,
because otherwise, I mean, it's like in Australia, that it's compulsory to vote,
and all that does is give credence, because people vote,
not because they think they've got a choice most of the time, but they think, well, I get fine if I don't.
They keep the voting levels up, and therefore give credence to a rigged system.
In countries where that's not applicable, I would say in Australia, included,
don't vote in mass numbers, what they're going to do, but the thing is, don't vote.
I haven't voted for decades and decades and decades,
and it's not made any difference whether I vote or whether I don't vote,
because the same force has been in power, whether Labour or Conservatives.
Sure, I want to talk about how compartmentalization works and how they hired people in the system
who are into different types of criminal activity so they can know that they're compromised,
but why it's pedophiles at the top, they've obviously now have indicted the former head of Penn State for covering up,
and I mean, it's obvious that if Sandusky was raping children in broad daylight in the fieldhouse,
which is a college fieldhouse, is like an airport, there's so many people in it,
this was obviously open season on the children, it's always the same model,
and I see it coming out daily now where whether it's TSA agents or Homeland Security
or movie stars or politicians worldwide, they always run children's homes or children at risk.
Well, no kidding, these are literal ghouls who want power so they can abuse and attack everybody,
and this is what I've been saying about places like Bohemian Grove that goes on in some sectors of it,
this is the stuff that's connected to skull and bones, it's just a feeder group to these satanic rituals.
Every culture says there's bad people that like to come and chop folks up or drink their blood or sacrifice kids,
every culture sacrifice children, and if they can't get away with killing them, well, they'll rape them,
that's the next best thing, but I want to get into that here for a moment,
in fact, this is just all coming out now that that's who runs things, and we see HBO a few months ago,
and guys, don't show the news articles, I know it's in the news, but I'm not going to show it,
it shows four-year-old girls simulating sex with large sex toys.
This is what they now put on during the family hour, their religion is wrecking innocence, their religion is abortion,
their religion is death, poisoning, this is what they're into, they're now calling for two child policies in the West,
but I'm now ranting again, David, I guess our guest here, but I specifically wanted to talk about Prop 37.
I've seen this over and over again, a month ago it was two to one for it, everybody wants to be able to read on a label to make their choice,
it's very simple, and then they start running polls saying suddenly it's neck and neck, suddenly it's behind,
those are obviously fraudulent polls, they do that when they're getting ready to use the electronic machines,
and California is totally run by fraud to do that, and so people need to understand, folks,
just because these polls say something doesn't mean it's the case, I have been in the Republican primary repeatedly,
working in Austin to watch it, and seeing Pat Buchanan getting 60% of the vote, and then they announced he had 2% at the end of the night,
and I was walking around to all the tables as they put the Scantrons together, David, and shoved them in the machines back in 1996 and one other time,
and I talked to everybody, it was Pat Buchanan more than 50%, they said he got like 2% in Travis County or something,
I have witnessed it, so people need to grow up and understand that obviously people don't want GMO worldwide, we don't want it here either,
the GMO grows where it kills the honeybee, the honeybee can't eat what we're supposed to eat, or the bugs, so David, I'm ranting there,
but just on those topics.
Well, a few things there, Alex, I'll say as someone that I spent an enormous amount of time in America over the last 20 years,
but when I first realized coming in from Britain, which is far from perfect, my goodness me, are you kidding,
but when I came in and realized that you had voting machines and voting machines were being introduced more and more,
where you pressed a button and somehow electronically or through a computer, your vote was registered, I mean, I was absolutely horrified,
I mean, okay, you're sitting around a table, and you say okay, we're looking for suggestions on how best to rig an election,
well, the best way would be if we had voting machines, because then we'd just rig the computer, I mean, it's like, hello,
and you know, it's done on the basis of oh no, it's the latest technology, well, it's technology that is a piece of cake to rig,
you know, there's some things that need to stay as they were before, so that they can be much more easily or it'd be much more difficult to rig,
but voting machines, I mean, hello, it's just asking for trouble, it's shocking to me.
The other thing about Proposition 37 is this is just so simple what we're facing here in California.
You've got a group of transnational pure undiluted evil corporations who are devastating the health of America with genetically modified food,
who are saying we and they have put unbelievable amounts of money into a campaign to persuade you whose health they are targeting to vote against having labels on the food
so people can have a choice about whether they're going to eat it or not, a campaign to stop them saying that genetically modified food is natural.
Imagine, they make you say how much sugar is in it, but they won't let you know what's in an additive, they just call it an additive,
and they tell you how they want to take care of you all day when they knew in the 70s Aspartame gave tumors to the monkeys and now it's proven to make you obese.
David, I have talked to countless people, family, business people who said, man, I was 40, 50 pounds overweight.
I went to Germany or I went to Austria or I went to all sorts of countries in Europe, went to Russia, and they said I drank every night.
I ate like a pig and I lost 40, 50 pounds eating like a pig and drinking every day when I was on a health nut here and couldn't lose weight.
It's the additives, it's the crud, because the studies show that GMO across the board sterilizes and makes the rats obese and stupid.
Well, that's precisely what it's designed to do, and of course you've got the growth hormones which people are consuming that have been given to the animals,
and this crazy idea that this stuff does not cross from crops into people and from animals into people.
You know, one of the biggest explosions of health problems is food allergies.
Oh yeah, let's talk about allergies when we come back, absolutely.
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Now they're coming out with hundreds of other food crops because you could eat beets, you could eat peas, you could eat rutabaga, you could eat hundreds of things, Brussels sprouts that weren't GMO.
Sure, they're inorganic, they got pesticide on them, whatever, but they're still got some good stuff in them. Not anymore, everything, grasses, trees, all of it.
And here's the deal, when you hear GMO, it doesn't mean splicing two plants together, natural hybridization.
We're talking about insect genes in the food, we're talking about animal genes, we're talking about pigs and cows that now have human genes that are going on to your breakfast and dinner table and lunch tables.
I track this. I mean, they had human embryo clones 25 years ago and just admitted it a few years ago. This is all light years ahead.
I've had Dr. Begachan, how these are binary weapon systems. People say, well, it's hurting the globalists now. They will put one thing into us, but know that it's something else that activates it.
And that's why everyone I know across the United States, almost everyone, gets deathly ill now from allergies who have lived in certain areas their entire lives, eat the same diets, are healthy, take care of themselves,
because you're even breathing during the summer and spring, you're breathing the pollen of GMO now.
And a bunch of reports came out in the last two weeks of the National Institutes of Health, aspartame studies. 67% of female rats developed visible tumors at dozens of times.
I mean, just massive, thousands of percentage point increases faster than other rats. You can pull up that study, just type in aspartame cancer.
The link between aspartame and brain tumors, what the FDA never told you about artificial sweeteners, natural news, links to the National Institutes of Health.
Rat study ties artificial sweetener to weight gain. That's out of Reuters. This came out in 2008, because I just told them during the break, I said, hey, find me those studies.
They found studies, other ones here. They just had one last week, National Institute of Health, a big decade-long university study with rats.
Ladies and gentlemen, they fed them the same caloric intake, but gave them aspartame, and the rats got fatter, got tumors, and were dumb, lethargic.
Look at the public. We are under chemical and biological and radiological warfare. And who talked about it 20 years ago?
David Ike, to cloud your brain computer. It's like throwing up radar disturbances, so that radar-guided missiles can't come in or something.
The globalists are doing this, and it's come out that the Chinese elite, I can show you the articles, the Monsanto factories, their engineers have their own private cafeterias from the workers.
They will not eat GMO. All the royalty randomly picked Dutch or British royalty, randomly picked Chinese government, Canadian government, German government.
Type in German elite, eat organic. German elite get clean vaccine. Type in Monsanto doesn't have GMO in their cafeteria.
Type in Chinese Communist Party has secret farms for their food. That's London Telegraph. David, I've got you on here, but you say things that make me rant.
In fact, if we can, we try to keep David maybe 10 minutes to the next hour, 15 minutes, then it bells are moved up a little bit, because I've just got so much to talk to him about.
We're in the middle of this election, but I felt like this morning, word of honor, coming in here and talking about allergies, and how it's the sign that we're under chemical warfare.
Our immune systems are lowering. Everybody's basically getting the equivalent of AIDS now. Artificial HIV, that's what the studies are showing, is that's what all this is doing to us.
That's why cancer is exploding, because our immune system finally just gives up. David Ike, I mean, we're being killed. How bad is the killing going to get?
How many of us have to die before people wake up out of the trance that we're being soft killed? David Ike.
Well, I've been saying for a long, long time now, way, way back into the early 90s, that one of the great prime targets of this whole conspiracy is the human immune system, because it's very simple.
You can do this to the body, you can do that to the body, but if the immune system's strong, well, it's got a racket and it's hitting the ball back.
But if you can dilute, destroy, and undermine the immune system, then not only can the things that you're throwing at it, you'll manufacture this or manufacture that get through.
But actually, so can things that couldn't get through before, like so-called normal things that the immune system would deal with easily.
And another thing about the immune system and allergies is that because the immune system is reacting to threats to the body, what I would call threats to the operating system,
then if you can put into food things that the immune system picks up as a threat,
and my goodness me, where do you start with the stuff we call food today, then the immune system is going to see that food that you're consuming as a threat and it is going to attack it.
And thus you get the whole food allergy going.
And there's another big angle to this, very important one.
And that is that some of this genetically modified stuff is genetically modified to have its own insecticide.
And this insecticide punches holes in the bodies and the intestines of insects.
And it's part of the way it kills them.
And so because they say, oh no, but when humans consume it, it doesn't pass over.
Well, yes, it does, you liar or idiot, depending what level of the structure you're talking from.
It does.
And what it's doing, it's punching holes in the human intestine.
And when food, normal foods or foods that people would have never had a problem with before get through into the main body, if you like, then that's not where they should be.
And thus the immune system picks up that food in the wrong place as a threat.
And that goes into the immune system's database.
And the next time you eat that food and it enters the body, the immune system goes alarm bell, danger, danger.
And now suddenly you've got a problem with that food, an allergy to that food that you never had before.
This is how it's working.
And we talked at length for many years about the coal.
They want a massive coal of the global population.
Well, this is one of the key ways they're doing it because it's cumulative.
But with GMO, as we're now seeing with the catastrophic effects on American health in so many ways, this stuff really started dominating the diet because of course you get it in corn.
You've actually got it into almost everything.
It's cumulative, yes, but it's a quickening and quickening cumulative because it's starting to affect people in a very, very negative way faster and faster.
Because of course once your immune system's undermined by GMO, then it's undermined to be hit by the next lot of GMO and the next lot.
And the GMO is getting more and more power over rewiring the genetics of your body while your immune system is getting battered into submission.
This is what's happening.
And it's so important, America, they are killing you.
They want to kill all of us or the vast majority of people.
But in Europe, although they want the same thing, there's more resistance here and thus they're finding it more and more difficult to get it in.
But by the way, David, like a military, though, that they've caught them in Brazil and all over, Monsanto and others will go even when it's illegal and will plant little crops next to growth belts to infect things.
And they've bragged before I've seen them in National Geographic saying, our plan is to take over where you don't have a choice.
And it's the same company that brought us Aspartame, that brought us Agent Orange, that buried dioxin in neighborhoods.
Evil is their business, but expanding on that, I remember you more than a decade ago saying this is meant to rewire our genetics.
Big studies just came out, a couple of them this year, proving that GMO penetrates the cell walls with the new DNA in the plants.
There's also viruses, so it's RNA, and is causing mutations and rewriting us.
And of course, none of this is on accident. Why does every GMO in studies end up sterilizing rodents and end up giving them cancer?
Because they're stacking traits. We're told about one trait, that's why so many times the GMO doesn't even do what they tell the farmers it will, because it is a deployed weapon system.
That's exactly what it is. It's a deployed weapon system to attack the human immune system, rewire us genetically, and also there's a two-pronged attack in terms of dramatically reducing the world population.
One is killing people, and one is making them increasingly infertile, so more people don't come along at the other end.
And there comes a point. This is what catches people out. People still see the human population growing worldwide, or at least that's what the figures tell us.
But there comes a point, a tipping point, where the cumulative impact of all of this, because this is only part of it, you've got the chemtrails, which have multi-reasons for being there, and one is its effect on human health.
You have the electromagnetic soup that people live in, which is dramatically affecting human health, because we have electromagnetic fields, you distort them, you distort the body, which is an expression of that field.
And therefore, there comes a point where the cumulative buildup of all this is a tipping point, and that's when lots and lots of people start to die, and people are going, hey, what's going on? People are dying in this large number.
It's been building up for decades, mate. And now they're good at no one even noticing 3,000% increases in the U.S. in general cancers, over 10,000% in pediatric, the U.S. leading the world in neurological brain disorders, early onset diabetes, multi-thousand percentage.
And now they're just saying, get ready for half the population to have diabetes. And no one ever asks, why is it happening? It's always, oh, the government will tell you what you can eat now, and the school lunch is nothing but GMO.
Oh, but aspartame is good for you. Listen, expanding on this, David. Now we knew this was coming. Now I'm seeing headlines every day in newspapers going, hey, infertility's off the chart.
DNA is damaged for some reason. Don't worry. You're now going to go to the government under government healthcare in Europe and here, and they're going to even create a baby out of three parents if they have to, and they're going to cut out all the bad traits, David.
So things will have to be designer. They wreck our fertility, make us ill, and then we have to go to them to the genetic augmentation to even live or survive or procreate.
But in that we give up our procreation. Now the genetic engineers are in full control. This is the master plan.
Well, yeah, I mean, you know, I've been writing for a long, long time about ancient genetic manipulation of the human form and what the ancients talked about in terms of the manipulation of human genetics then is simply another expression of what's happening now.
The force that's behind all this is obsessed with human genetics, not least because it knows that human genetics is an information field or an energetic information construct, and the nature of that construct and the information it contains fundamentally impacts upon the person's perception of reality,
perception of self perception of the world. And therefore they are manipulating this so that we are constantly having our perceptions squeezed and squeezed and squeezed.
So when I say people that succumb to this, they get dumber. The range of things that they're actually interested in and take notice of get squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. It's like looking out of your eyes and seeing a massive panorama.
That's the natural state of human awareness. But suddenly it's getting squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. And now, instead of seeing a panorama, you're looking down the end of a telescope in terms of what you can perceive, what you're interested in, what you can understand.
This is what's happening. And the more that they can squeeze that range of perception, the more they can operate all around us and do whatever they like. And that perception will not see what's going on because if you're looking through a telescope, a telescope doesn't have peripheral vision.
It has the little dot at the end that you're looking at. And where the conspiracy goes on is in the peripheral vision. So it wants us focused on dots so that we don't see the greater picture of how the other dots exist and fit together.
So concentrate on your game, concentrate on your family, concentrate on your job, concentrate on whatever, but don't have peripheral vision. And what they're doing, Alex, is genetically and through chemical means is that they are also squeezing the range of our perception.
So that, you know, we're just looking down the end of a pipe, down the end of a telescope, and they can do it. To a television giving us all these destructive messages. Again, folks, I thought we'd have David Icon as part of the 2012 election coverage here of Puppet A or Puppet B so that we could bring some sanity to the insanity.
And so that's pretty funny because the mainstream media likes to call David Icon insane. He's probably one of the sanest people I know. And it's said some incredibly wild things over the years that turned out to be true.
Like giant pedophile rings run the British government and naming Mr. Savelle, which now it's come out was running a giant operation. But notice, we're not seeing the more arrest happening.
Now, we will get more into the election itself and all the things that are happening and the threats of violence in the next hour. And we have Richard Belzer, TV and Movistar, who's also knows about the New World Order and is an author exposing it, joining us.
And we will get to some calls. But tonight, five to midnight central, there's free audio and video streams you can get right now at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Please send this out to everybody you know and say, hey, you want to get some real coverage of what's going on? You want to break the matrix in this paradigm? Go to infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Now, David, expanding on all this just briefly because we're about to go to break and time always moves so fast when you're with us.
What is happening over in England? Because we're having our own pedophile scandal with the children's groups. It's been well known the CPS routinely kills kids and don't even get in trouble here in the U.S.
Exactly. I mean, there are so many thousands of scandals came out five, six years ago that thousands, three thousand plus kids were missing the CPS had.
It was even on seeing an end and they found a bunch of them dead. Then the story was shut down. Is this stuff brought out from time to time by the establishment during key blackmailing periods because it's always been going on.
Why is it servicing now?
Well, I think that there may be a number of reasons for that. But between about 1997 and well, well into 2000s, 2005, six, I did just the most fantastic amount of research worldwide on pedophilia,
satanism and this whole stuff that we're talking about now, mind control, mind control, massively important thing to understand and why people, including politicians, do certain things.
And what I found, Alex, is that you know that that structure I talked about earlier of the McDonald's type transnational corporation structure and the secrets that the three things I went into this in detail at Wembley,
the three recurring themes that are the cement that hold this whole thing together and, for instance, hold the one party state together.
Stay there. We're going to hear about those three things on the other side with this intriguing interview with David Eich and he'll explain what interlocking corporations are for those that don't know.
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The Texas Youth Commission was running stuff like that and the state police tried to stop it and they fired the director.
I mean, so the good news is the Texas Rangers were good guys and tried to stop it and they just got shut down.
And that's what's so incredible that David Ike now more than ever, the real evil at the top is being exposed.
So I want you to get into the three points that cement all this together and I agree with you.
I mean, you can call it Satanism, whatever you want. You know, these guys believe they're communicating with these entities.
You call them aliens, people say you're a kook, you call them demons. Well, you can go to the Baptist church and give a speech.
But the point is, regardless, I've studied them. They think they are, so they might as well be.
I mean, you are what you think you are in a way. But I mean, David, what are the three things that cement it?
And what do you make of it starting to come out? Because I know a lot of this is coming out because good people are blowing the whistle and are standing up against it.
Well, you know, the reason I talked in the Moneybomb show about the big reason why there's this obsession with sex and abuse of children is to do with a much bigger picture.
But if we keep it in the level of the political system and the system in general, they are wonderful people, pedophiles, to use in positions of power when you want to control that position of power.
Because let's not forget for a second the scale of blackmail that goes on worldwide, whereby once you compromise someone with this and you are providing their children for them, et cetera, et cetera.
Well, yeah, you'll keep doing that as long as they keep passing the legislation and pushing the agenda that you demand that they do.
Otherwise, they know that in 24 hours or less, you could be completely finished and, in fact, facing a very long jail sentence.
So what is happening in Britain at the moment, what is coming out is classic, and this is not Britain, this is worldwide, but Britain is a massive centre of all this, because it's a global centre of the whole cabal.
Jimmy Savile was a BBC presenter, a disc jockey. I don't know what he did really, but he was a very strange man.
But the BBC protected him when he was abusing children on BBC premises after BBC programmes in BBC dressing rooms and all this other stuff, and it never came out.
And he always used to boast that he was untouchable and he could do anything he wanted.
Well, the reason he could do that is that it's coming out now since a British television programme talked to some of these victims and this great explosion of other people have come forward and said what he did to them.
We're looking at a pedophile of just colossal proportions, but that's him as a pedophile.
But the reason he was protected was not that, but that he was providing children for the rich and famous, including royalty.
And by the way, that's now coming out that he's best buds with the top royalty, and he would brag the reports are saying that I can do whatever I want, I get things done, and he would call the little kids his little slaves, and now it's coming out that he was also hanging out in mortuaries.
I mean, and you look at him, we'll put him up on screen for TV viewers if not just to search the term Jimmy Savile, folks, and get ready.
A weird twisted old man with rotten teeth sitting around in his underwear with photos taken on the news in gold jumpsuits.
I mean, he is the art type in the encyclopedia Britannica next to pedophile, next to demon.
I mean, I would imagine Satan looks like Jimmy Savelle. I'm sorry, David.
Well, the thing is that he was providing children for the rich and famous, and it included royalty. This is why he was so extraordinarily close to royalty.
Stay there.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups. You want answers? Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network. And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you're watching on TV, you're seeing the headline, Jimmy Savile, met to lead sexual abuse complaints investigation.
And of course, you know, that that is obviously full of operatives for this cult.
But if you look at that image, CJ and their run on the board made the point that that's what kids would call the bad man.
Little kids would run from this guy, but he helped run the children's charities and would visit them, just like Jerry Sandusky.
And that's who these people are.
We've only got David for this segment and part of the next, and then I'll give you a recap on the election and then go to Richard Belzer.
But David, thank you for coming on. Oh, you're a busy guy.
When we come back in the next segment, I want to talk a little bit more about geopolitical stuff and also the Wembley event that I know sold out a Wimbly.
I can't pronounce anything right, you know, briefly on that because I want to say congratulations.
You really scared the establishment with that.
They absolutely gave you front page and a lot of newspapers freaking out.
And I noticed almost all the comments because I spent like an hour reading them on three different articles.
I saw almost everyone agreed with you.
So again, they're not in total control.
That's why they're turning up the game, but you were getting into the pedophile networks and why they use them.
David, do we have David?
Can we paw him up or did we lose his Skype?
His Skype, we're just talking to him during the break and he could hear us.
David, can you hear us?
Alright, I want him to be able to.
I can, yep.
Okay, great. We've got you back.
David, finishing up what you were saying at the end of the last segment.
Well, the thing is that what's happening in Britain is like what's coming to light is the blueprint of what happens in virtually every country.
And certainly in the United States and Canada.
Canada is obviously very connected to Britain because of the Commonwealth and what have you.
And Jimmy Savile was providing children for the rich and famous.
When you do that and you keep your mouth shut, then you are protected.
And this is why people are saying, well, there was this police investigation and that one and then it didn't go anywhere.
And then this person said that and why did they, somebody must have known what they did.
The other thing is that I said in the night in the time that I talked about being a pedophile.
I said that he was a necrophiliac.
He was sex with dead bodies.
This is why he used to volunteer to be a porter.
And that's now in the news years after you talked about it.
It got him into the mortuaries.
Now, what has happened now as this whole pedophile focus has expanded and exploded is that there's a television program called Newsnight.
I used to work for it, finally, enough years and years and years ago.
It's a current affairs program late at night and they were putting out, or some people from the program were putting out a few days ago,
that that night they were going to name a pedophile who was very much a well-known political name in the Thatcher government.
And when it got to it, they did the item, but they didn't name him.
And now it's all, who is it?
Well, I know who it is.
I've known it is since the 1990s.
And so we're now looking at a situation where they have announced, Cameron's announced, the Prime Minister,
they're going to have a reinvestigation into a massive abuse of children at children's homes in Wales,
which has already been investigated in the 1990s.
But part of that investigation was to stop the victims naming the famous people involved.
They were blocked and they were not allowed to go into the final report.
And the person who set that report up, this brings us to the relevance to many, many things that are happening,
was the, or set that inquiry up with those closed briefs to stop the total truth coming out,
was a man called William Hague.
He was Secretary of State for Wales at the time, which is why he was the one that instigated the inquiry when it came out.
He's now the Foreign Secretary.
He, in league with Cameron, is deciding whether to support NATO bombing in Libya.
Amazing. Stay there. I want to get into some geopolitical issues and your event as well.
We'll be right back.
We'll see you next time.
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Fittingly, we have David Icke with us.
They're on the line hearing election 2012 here in the United States
because the very same globalist interest run this country that run England.
And if you turn on the news now, you see them announcing
we're run by foreign banks, global governance is in charge, world government is here.
But aren't we lucky technocrats are now appointing who runs all these countries.
So we need to get past the illusion.
Sure, you can get sucked into debating who will be worse or who will be better, but that's part of the illusion.
David Icke, who do you think is going to win the U.S. a puppet election?
I mean, you've worked for the BBC, you've been the head of the Green Party, you've been in the U.S.
I don't know, probably 100 times.
Does it even matter?
I mean, who do you think the establishment is going to put back in tomorrow?
Well, they'll put the person in that they think will both best serve their interests.
What I would say is that they do tend to like two-term presidents
because they can run something over eight years without having to change the personnel in the middle of it.
Without facing reelection?
Yeah, of course, as people in America well know, once you don't face reelection, then what have you got to lose?
Whatever you do, it's then craziness on steroids and the agenda on steroids.
Once you cross that line into, I don't have to win another election.
So it's likely that Obama on that basis will be who they want.
But having said that, Romney is perfect as well because Romney would do anything.
At least someone like Obama has at least to play some lip service to the fact that he's supposed to be a man of the people.
Whereas Romney doesn't have to do that.
I mean, you've only got to see some of the things he said in the election campaign.
He'll just do anything.
He seems to have, I mean, they're both heartless people or they wouldn't be there.
But heart open people running for election.
That's their worst nightmare.
But Romney, you've bombed Iran, no problem.
Don't even question, bomb anybody and squeeze people and put them on the street and destroy their lives financially or not a problem to him.
And it will be the same with Obama, but he's got a bigger sell on that.
Well, here's the deal, looking at all the polls and people on the street.
People don't like Obama, but they put him in four years ago.
I think he did get popularly elected because people are like, we're sick of Bush.
We'll put you in record numbers of white folks voted for him.
Also, quote, proving to themselves they weren't racist showing that they did have racist tendencies.
They thought they had to vote for somebody because they were black instead of because they were a patriot or because they were what they thought was good.
But I think one reason they may put Obama in, and I said last week that I thought Romney will be the real winner.
Looking at all the numbers is because they can divide people along racial lines.
Earlier, I was doing a search before you came on because a caller told me about it inward.
In fact, I'm not going to say it on air, but it was inward MSNBC.
And the guy brought it up and said, what do you think? And I had done this been going on for a month and a half.
I went and looked it up. They get on there and call anyone that supports smaller government who's black.
They call them an inward on MSNBC.
But the point is that David, they openly now over here say, you need to riot if Romney is elected.
MoveOn.org puts out videos showing old white ladies saying we're going to burn things down, showing old black ladies saying they're going to physically attack Romney.
The government lets people on Twitter call for this. I'm concerned. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but they're certainly trying to get some type of civil unrest going.
I guess for further divide and conquerors, that's one more thing they like about Obama is they can say, oh, you don't like government-run health care.
You're a racist. Your comments on that, David.
Well, yeah, it's like, you know, if you're a conjurer doing a magic trick, then you want people looking in one direction while you're doing the trick bit in another place where you've diverted the eyes away from.
So the more divide and rule that they can create, the more focus, like on this phony war between Obama supporters and Romney supporters and all that stuff, black, white, sky-brew, bloody pink,
the more they can focus people on that stuff, the more, again, once you focus on something, you've lost peripheral vision, and thus they can do what they like in the peripheral vision,
and you're not seeing it because you're so focused on a meaningless fight.
So, I mean, obviously, anything that they can bring about divide and rule for is perfect for them because, you know, at Wembley last weekend,
6,000 people came together with open hearts and open minds, and there were thousands more watching live on the Internet.
And when you feel that energy and when you see those people who have refused to be divided and ruled, they were black, white, they were young, they were elderly,
they were every walk of life you can think of, they come together as one.
And it was unbelievable that the conspiracy could not work in that room because of the people or that arena, because of the people's mentality.
And that's the nightmare they want.
You know, this is why anyone that stands up over the years and said, we must come together and love each other, I mean, bang, bang, gone.
They don't want that.
They want people who they can play off against other people and create war, create conflict, create on all levels of life.
That's what they want.
And we must stop giving it to them because if we do, then the whole deal will go on and continue to go on.
And I say that this, Alex, in the time we've got left about this pedophile thing back here, this guy, William Hague, the Foreign Secretary,
needs to be questioned on why that Welsh inquiry into the massive pedophilia in Welsh children's homes was given the brief that it did.
And therefore, stop these kids talking about what happened to them.
And this is the big thing.
If the police investigation does not knock on the door of Buckingham Palace over this whole savel and the wider implications that are followed,
then it's a cover-up because the British royal family are fundamentally involved in this right to the top, right up to the people like Prince Philip and all these other people.
Because you look at it, I mean, you put the picture on the screen, Alex.
You describe what he looks like.
This man is an aging, sleazy, disjockey, right?
And he had complete access to the British royal family and they used him as an official go-between, Prince Charles and Princess Diana,
when they were falling out in their marriage.
And now it's come out this week that he was advising Prince Charles on aides to employ.
Why is this man so close or was so close for so long to the British royal family?
The answer to that will bring the British royal family down.
Wow, very, very dangerous stuff. And remember you years ago saying this about Savel and many others?
And it's just like the Sandusky situation.
Happy Valley was a child torture and rape valley in Pennsylvania.
And it's just everywhere because that's the type of scum that wants power and craves it.
And that's when you get tyranny. Every culture in every time had the elite demanding your firstborn to be sacrificed to idols.
Every culture got royalty that loved to literally bathe in the blood of children.
People don't know about that. It's well known, Transylvania and other areas.
Every culture had the legends, not just the history of the elites wanting to grab your kids.
Look out. Every authoritarian system tries to come and grab your kids because that's what they're into.
These are demons. Whether you believe in God or not, these are demons who want to torture children.
And there is no doubt about them. They're all around us. They have the TSA training us to have our children abused now.
They are pushing pedophilia on mainstream television, HBO, showing four-year-olds doing things I can't even say on the radio.
This is a war. I listened to some of the comedy radio shows just tuning through.
And now it's a cutesy thing to make jokes about pedophilia. That's the new cool thing.
And they're trying to turn us into them. And they are bombarding us scientifically.
David, I've got some stuff to talk to you about. I'm going to call you here in about 45 minutes when this show ends.
But I really appreciate that we got Richard Belzer coming up.
I appreciate your time in closing before we go to break and get Richard Belzer on about his new book and the election and some of the things he's been saying.
Where do they want to take us? Just quick answers. We've got like two minutes.
The imploding economy, the wars, the admissions our governments run al-Qaeda.
Where are things going in that temporal range in your view?
Well, the whole area that we're going into is to throw so many shocks at the human population from so many directions that basically we look to someone to save us.
And the idea is that the cabal comes forward to save us.
This is the only way of sorting out the economic situation, World Central Bank, single-world currency and all that stuff.
The only way to stop all this conflict is more and more and more and more control.
And this is an important point. You mentioned a few minutes ago, Alex, about bringing technocrats in.
In this whole pedophilia thing involving the political system of Britain and wider a field, it's important to remember this as this stuff comes out.
They want us to have so much disdain for the political system that we will be much more open to what they've got in Italy now.
One of the major countries in the world of a technocrat banker running the country as Prime Minister and the whole cabinet in Italy being technocrats.
We've had a technocrat in Greece as well at one point, Lucas Papademos and all these people are connected to Goldman Sachs and stuff.
And the media is saying it's good.
Yeah, this is the point. Let me just emphasize this to finish. Pedophilia, which is coming out involving political people, it doesn't end and begin with political people.
Those behind in the shadows are into this stuff big time and even more deeply.
First people in the shadows are the same people that control the technocrats. They want to replace the politics.
Well said, well said.
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Here's some of the news up at infowars.com as we track Election 2012.
Obviously the thick of it will be tomorrow in the aftermath, 11 to 2 central, noon to 3 eastern,
and of course tonight, tonight, 5 to midnight, we're going to be there with the returns coming in,
the audio streams at infowars.com, and free video stream boxes.
Or just click on the banner at the top that shows Obama and Romney as puppets, it'll take you right to the free video feed.
We're streaming video right now of the show as well.
It's going to be quite a lineup this evening.
Richard Belzer is going to be with us until the end of the hour.
I appreciate him coming on today.
He is the author of Dead Wrong, Straight Facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups.
A bunch of false flags, assassinations.
I'm going to tell you, it is a page turner.
We sell it at infowars.com.
This is your short segment, long segment coming up, where you can really break things down.
But I saw him make a comment last week that if the election's close, he thinks there could be civil unrest.
We're seeing preparations for that.
I hope that's not the case.
I try to be nonpartisan, though I'm pro-gun, so people think I'm a right-winger.
But I've seen Michael Moore put out videos saying burn this effort down if Romney wins and all this.
I mean, I'm wondering where all this is going.
I'm not trying to get you in trouble with all your Hollywood friends, who knows if Christopher Walken won't come sit in your lap this time.
That was hilarious.
But Richard Belzer doesn't need to be introduced here.
He plays Detective John Munch on Law and Order.
And of course, he's been in all the different TV shows, you name it, for decades, movies.
And he has also been studying the New World Order and stuff for decades, decades longer than I have been.
And he divides this time between France and New York and BelzerBook.com is a place where you can also find out more about his book or Ibelz, I-B-E-L-Z.com as well.
Thanks for coming on.
What do you make of what's happening in the election between the two choices we have, Mitt Romney and Obama, Richard?
Last time I was on your show, my book Made the New York Times Best Solar List, and I think it's directly attributable in part to your support of the book and me.
And I really appreciate that.
Oh, you got to be kidding.
I mean, this is a book I couldn't put down, buddy.
Thank you for coming on.
Well, thank you, sir.
And Chris says, hello, by the way, he's working right now.
But anyway, I think, as I've said before, the Republicans and the Democrats are like, it's like they're two, the president is a bus driver.
You know, Obama drives the bus and Romney drives the bus.
If we get on Romney's bus, you know, both buses are going off a cliff, in my view.
I think Republicans maybe are going 90 miles an hour, Democrats are going 70, 80 miles an hour.
It's, you know, presidents are part-time workers.
There's a much deeper thing going on here than just these two guys.
And I mean, I think they're, you know, they're both obvious.
I mean, Obama brought in all the worst banking cats that caused the problem in the first place.
So right away, that was suspicious.
And also, we don't know really too much about Romney.
So that's scary.
We don't know what he's going to do once he gets in.
We don't know what he's going to do.
We have no idea what he's going to do.
And as far as the gun issue, I was just in Washington recently addressing a thousand police chiefs and police officers.
I work for the National Police Memorial Museum.
And the consensus is, as we all know, who are familiar with law enforcement.
I mean, I play a cop, but I'm lucky to know a lot of people who actually are on the front lines.
And they know that no one can take everyone's guns away.
No one can.
Physically, first of all, it's impossible.
Legally, it's impossible.
The only thing a lot of the chiefs were saying was that there has to be more strupulous background checks, which everyone agrees on,
and that the limiting of certain types of military weapons for civilians.
But that's it. It's not like anyone's going in and banging on the door and taking my gun.
I mean, everyone has the right to have a gun.
That's a basic American right.
Sure, but there's not many countries left where you can have guns.
Look at Switzerland.
I mean, guns are a basic right of someone who's free.
But your analogy, in some ways, Ronny says he'll drive the bus off at 200 miles an hour with a war with Russia or China.
But then in other areas, like bankrupting the country, Obama's going 200 miles an hour.
I mean, really, it sticks one way, it's half a dozen another.
Arguably a photo finish, I have to agree, for different reasons.
Now, we're going to go to break. Long segment coming up.
I want to get into a whole host of issues, Richard Belzer here.
But I want to get your take on civil unrest, specifically why you're thinking we might see.
Okay, I will.
We're going to go to break. Richard Belzer is our guest.
Again, we're going to have open phones tonight, five to midnight central.
Plus, I'll be in studio right here.
But you'll need to go get the free audio and video feeds at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
If you're going to watch all this continual coverage, then we'll have highlights tomorrow.
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Richard Belzer, movie and TV star, but also a guy that doesn't trust the New World Order.
He's written the book Dead Wrong, Straight Facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups.
Richard Belzer and David Wayne, afterward by Jesse Ventura, who will be joining us tomorrow.
Jesse Ventura has not been doing any interviews.
I knew the reason why he's not ill, but he's taking care of some family that is.
And that's why you've seen him in the media the last month, but he is coming on our show.
So he was on with us last week. He's back on with us tomorrow in the aftermath of that.
We had David Icon earlier. You can get the book at infowarstore.com and support Belzer and us.
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So again, infowarstore.com.
Okay, Richard, you're here with us now.
Let's get into this, because that made national news last week when you said,
hey, you're worried about that there could be some civil unrest
if the election's closed, or what was your exact quote?
First of all, I'm not condoning or inciting anything.
I'm saying if the election is very close, either way,
and they find that in that state or that region,
there has been voter suppression or voter tampering, whatever you want to call it,
I think that could be a problem.
I wasn't by no means saying if so-and-so wins, there's going to be a riot.
That was the hardest thing for my mind.
I'm just worried as I was in 2004 about voting machines and how votes are counted,
and it's been proven in the last four years that it's very, very tricky.
And the college students have hacked into voting machines,
and so I think it's a concern for both sides.
I think that's what I was saying.
I certainly wasn't saying-
Listen, if you thought we implied you were saying that, no, no, no, we're talking about Michael Moore,
who I know you know, and I'm talking about some of these other people who are, it seems, trying to incite.
I said in the first hour today, I think if it's close, either way, that's when you could see some problems.
But look, the country's been in a depression for a while,
and we're already seeing college students over tuition that's too expensive
that they can't even get a job with already protesting or demonstrating or rioting
when cops get out of hand and they get out of hand.
We're already seeing skateboarders rioting, white skateboarders predominantly,
when they don't get to see the movie they wanted,
and we are seeing predominantly black youth, there's some white folks in Hispanics as well,
who are saying they want to use this as an excuse to go out and go wild.
I mean, that's kind of the new thing with social networks,
which the CIA has used to stir it up in the Middle East.
They like to stew it up here.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, you know, I'm so glad you brought that up,
and your previous guest is well-schooled in some of these things.
But, you know, for some reason, elements within our government foment dissension
and foment contention among different groups for their own purposes.
And to me, that's evil.
To use the arm, some arm of government or elements within that arm
to incite things that wouldn't normally be incited is a despicable treasonous thing, I believe.
And I think that's going on.
I agree with you.
I think a lot of things are exaggerated or provoked.
We know very well from history that a lot of FBI agents infiltrated the civil rights movement
and incited violence, whereas many people in the civil rights movement were in fact nonviolent,
but were perceived as violent because the FBI instigated violence.
So the government is not above making groups looking worse than they are
or making groups more contentious than they would normally be.
So, yeah, I'm with you on that.
And, you know, who taught us all that, of course, is all the rat line and the operation paper clip.
We brought so many Nazis into this country to teach us about psychological warfare under the guise
of using their scientific knowledge, you know, for rocketry and stuff.
A lot of those guys murdered people and were...
Yeah, they brought 28,000 high-level Nazis in to basically,
because they were the really cool bad guys for the intelligence agencies in England
and wherever else.
Oh, you know, like Darth Vader's school or Joseph Mengele monsters, and they put him in everywhere.
Expanding on this, though, here's some of the headlines at infowars.com.
Some of the breaking news reports of voting machine problems.
Vote flipping begin to pour in.
Steve Watson has an article and there's photos and snapshots people are putting up.
And I know people that have had problems here in Austin who were savvy when it comes to computers.
Also, we've got an info wars election poll up there.
So we also have video of voting machine flipping a vote for Obama, selects Romney instead.
There's video of votes for Romney flipping to Obama.
Just a lot of key information up at prisonplanet.com.
Yeah, American people, how can the American people trust this system?
You know, they say this is an important election.
And part of the reason is the technology of voting.
And first of all, they should totally get rid of the electoral college.
You know, someone could win by 50,000 votes and then not when the election is insane.
There should be, you know, direct one man, one woman, you know, one vote.
First of all, and voting should be expanded shouldn't just be on Tuesday.
It should be like a week.
I mean, everyone should vote.
And the voter suppression is, you know, that's a really serious, was ever doing it.
That gets the bottom of some of the uglier aspects.
You know, this is an open society and everyone has a voice.
And we may disagree, but, you know, at the end of the day, 20, 30, 40 years ago,
everyone from both sides of the aisle would get together over drinks somewhere
and cut up legislation in a gentlemanly way and then go to war again
the next day in the Senate or Congress floor.
That's over.
And that's, you know, it's not good.
It's not good.
Well, we got front row seats or whatever is going to happen.
Again, people get confused by my position on this.
More and more there is election fraud.
It's been proven over and over again by both parties in Europe and area.
More and more of our electronic black box systems are being exported.
And we're seeing a fraud over there.
But I'm saying people should vote, especially locally, so that you can prove the fraud.
And but when it comes to a Romney Obama, where both are bought and paid for by the same Goldman Sachs,
JP Morgan interest, I mean, I've got to be honest, Richard, I'm not voting for either one of them.
Just because, you know, I mean, I know I'd be a chump.
Are you going to vote?
Pardon me.
Are you going to vote for someone?
Well, well, again, I was going to say where we know it's a total fraud like Travis County.
What's the point?
I mean, I've proven the state elections board has admitted when I'm there challenging it that, OK, yeah, there was fraud in this election in 1998,
but we're still going to certify it.
So I'm still thinking about that right now.
But the point I'm getting at here is Richard is that I'm not saying we shouldn't vote.
But why do we get 60% turning out for a presidential race, but only 8% locally?
That's where you can really find real candidates.
You can even run yourself.
Yeah, that's a very good point.
People forget about down ticket and the other races.
You know, 90 million Americans aren't going to vote in this election.
That's astounding.
You know, black helicopters keep going by my apartment.
It's not that I'm crazy, but I swear there's no markings on them.
I photograph them.
I live on Hudson River, Alex, and I take a lot of photos of strange things.
But I swear in the last few days, there's been some serious black, you know, matte color, no markings.
And I have a good camera.
I can zoom in and see markings because I photograph the ships that go by and stuff.
Now, Richard, helicopter, black helicopters don't exist, even though they have urban warfare drills all over the country, terrorizing people.
You didn't see that. Everything's fine.
Now, I'm delusional.
They try to marginalize this, Alex.
But you know what you said something before about your magazine, which made me realize something I've said before.
People ask me why I'm an actor.
I'm comfortable.
I feel because of my celebrity, and I think you feel this too, that we have a civic responsibility to get information out.
Not just, you know, do what we do, which is, you know, what we want to do, but also because we have a voice that we're town criers and, you know, in a humble way.
So I respect that.
No, no, exactly.
I would rather go jump in a fire ant bed to be quite honest than sit here and even have to do this research every day.
I mean, it's intriguing. It's fun to break stories at one level.
But I mean, I'll be honest, you know, 15 years ago, I had a lot bigger ego because, you know, I mean, it was fun to become somebody.
But once you've become somebody like yourself, a movie and TV star, myself, you know, in the media, well known, then it actually becomes a negative in many ways, unless you use it for good.
Now, some people who get celebrity, you know, go into the ego maniac realm and destroy themselves.
But I almost miss my ego. You know, I come off as somebody who has a big ego, but it's really just aggression and anger and things like that.
It's more like a rhinoceros.
But I got to be honest, I wish I had some of that ego where I got off on being a big man I used to have.
Because let me tell you, that's got some energy behind it.
So I'm going to be honest.
I'm John Lennon wanted to lose his ego.
I'm trying to find mine, Richard.
Well, no, I think your ego got you to where you are, so it's more enlightenment.
You're evolving. You're not devolving, in my view.
I know, but I mean, there was some relish in, you know, when I hadn't had success getting it.
And now, that's...
Nothing better than getting, you know, in front of a line at a restaurant.
That's why I like to be a celebrity.
That's about one of the fringe benefits.
What about people buy you lunch, though?
That happens almost everywhere I go now.
I kind of don't like it. I'm like, well, thank you, but I'd like to buy my own lunch.
You know, they send me things, you know, and I, you know...
I worry where they, when I need it, is what I say usually.
But I mean, sorry to...
The reason I get into celebrity here with you is because so many people that don't have celebrity.
I mean, I'm sure you've seen...
Because I have a small celebrity compared to a lot of movie stars and people,
but so many people, like I was talking to a famous movie star and they were saying,
yeah, you ought to see Bill Clinton, Al Gore groveling on, you know, a six-hour flight to Hawaii with me.
You know, celebrity does strange things to people.
And the point is, is that the power of that, that Madison Avenue uses that to make people
who even have monetary or civic success or successful family,
which is the greatest success to be, you know, healthy and happy and nurtured.
People think they're missing something because they're not a celebrity
and they really don't understand that, that I've been there, I've done it.
It isn't Jack Krap.
I mean, do you agree with that statement?
I totally agree.
The difference between the top and the bottom, the only difference is the food's better at the top.
But everybody's the same, you know, personalities and everybody reveals themselves and who they are
at every level of society.
And no, I agree.
I totally agree.
But, you know, what happened, what I found was, since celebrities are people who make it,
my feeling is, the bigger you are, the more magnanimous you should be.
I know people who've made it and they've become meaner and greedier.
And it's like, that really perplexes me.
It's like, why not?
How much do you need and why can't you share?
And, you know, anyway, but that's all others.
Well, look at Lance Armstrong.
Look at his fall.
Well, that's a tragic baffling story, isn't it?
Who do you think's going to win tomorrow?
Well, I think Obama's going to win.
And I think it's because of women.
I think more women will vote.
In 2008, 21 million single low-information voters, women, did not vote.
And I think the perceived attack by some on the right of women's health issues is galvanizing
more women than a lot of people realize, women that aren't being polled, for instance.
And I also believe a lot of Republican women, whatever they tell their husbands, are also
kind of threatened by this imposition upon what choices they can make in their health.
So I think it'll boil down to women and women winning for Obama.
That's what I could do.
Well, here's my deal.
Look, with abortion, I know it's always gone in every culture.
I understand there's medical issues, things like that.
But abortion, but here's the thing.
Abortion is directed from the top to reduce the population.
It is eugenics-based.
I want the people at the top who are for abortion to be honest about it, that it's about population
reduction and about a hatred of humanity.
I agree with you in the 20s and 30s, some very wealthy families were really pushing eugenics.
And very few people know, I'm sure you know, the Nazis got the idea of eugenics from us.
So we're nothing to be proud of.
But I disagree, Alex.
I don't think everyone who is for birth control and prenatal counseling is cognizant.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I think 95% of people aren't.
I'm going to agree that they're not doing it because they want to kill people.
But I've been around globalists and their minions.
And believe me, they want to kill minorities.
That's what abortion is really all about.
Well, you know, there's a term that was used by the CIA scientist.
That was said by a Nazi scientist.
The term, you've heard it, I'm sure, useless feeders.
That's very much, that mentality is very much around.
You touch on something in your last segment about pedophilia, which is a subject that is incredibly difficult for us to talk about because we're parents.
But I was writing another book years ago about JFK.
Hey, I'll tell you what, we got to go to break.
We're going to come right back and we're going to get into this with Richard Belzer.
Stay with us.
With more election coverage coming up.
I'm President Barack Barrie Obama.
And you're watching continual coverage of the 2012 presidential election here on Infowars.com.
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Bob Dylan predicts Obama in a landslide.
Speaking of Bob Dylan, there's Bob Dylan. Right there.
Who's going to take away their license to kill?
You got interrupted by the break. Richard Belzer, author of Dead Wrong, New York Times bestseller.
Available at infowars.com is with us.
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Are there shows that are coming up from 5 to past midnight tonight with my shelf?
Harold Solente, Max Kaiser, Wayne Madsen, Paul Craig Roberts, Lou Rockwell, Nomi Prince, Webster Tarpoli and other surprise guests.
And we're going to open the phones up for the election fraud news.
It's pouring in from all sides. Obama being flipped to Romney.
Romney being flipped to Obama. People knocking down Republican signs.
I mean, it is just bedlam. It's all at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
But the video feeds and audio feeds are there.
If everybody that wants to be able to follow that, you'll be able to listen to the iPhone apps as well
and listen to the audio of the video.
Now, going back to Richard Belzer, you were getting into the pedophile issue that I was covering with David Eich.
It's blowing up here in the U.S. and England right now all over government and universities and things.
A cult of it. You were talking about you were writing another book.
Go ahead. That's where you left off.
Yes. Thank you. Here's the guy who's writing a book.
And there was one thing I left out of the book that I was afraid to put in
because it was about a bank, a front bank of the CIA that was also used to traffic children
for elites to have their way with.
And it was just such an amazing story at the time.
This is researching this in the 90s.
Was that the finders out of DC?
The Franklin Bank, I think.
Yeah, all of it. Yeah, unbelievable. Yeah, that's all. Yeah, unbelievable.
I was a little afraid of it then.
But then over the last 14 years or 15 years, as more and more evidence is coming out
that the highest levels of government and certain elements of NATO,
there's this weird child thing on our net is you couldn't write it.
You couldn't make it up.
It's so disturbing and true.
There are some researchers who, some believe, have lost their lives
for delving into that story.
No, you're right. You have courage even talking about it.
I mean, this...
Well, no, this BBC reporter that now has died and hundreds of people are coming out
and they're confirming it, he would go around bragging about it to reporters,
this Savelle guy, and he looks like a textbook demon.
Is he the one that was a host that got caught for years of...
Yes, yes.
He would brag about it in England, you mean?
Yeah, it turns out he was bragging to reporters about it, but they were scared to report it.
I mean, he was saying, I'm above the law.
These children are my little slaves, stuff like that.
Well, this is going to go right up to the royal family then,
because that guy was close to the royal family.
Yeah, he was inside of it.
So there's some dark...
Well, anyway, you know, this royal family, they're not even English.
They're Hanovers. They're Germans.
Who are really Transylvanians.
Yeah, well, I'm Transylvanian, so watch out.
Really? You're really Transylvanian?
My grandfather was from Romania, my grandmother was from Russia.
Yeah, but you're not related to Dracula.
It's not bad to be from Romania.
We're talking about... No, no, no, they're related to Dracula.
You mean the Count who...
Yeah, the bad guy. We're not saying Romanians are bad.
Vlad the Impaler.
Yes, Vlad the Impaler. I'm not kidding.
Look up Prince Charles, Vlad the Impaler.
He's actually moved into the castle.
Richard Belzer, amazing.
We'll get updates from you in the next few days.
I want to get your post-election.
Folks, get the free streams, infowars.com.
Thank you, Richard Belzer.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
We're back at Five Central.
Back at Five Central.
Find the streams at InfoWars.
Welcome to InfoWars.
Live coverage of the 2012 election.
The polls are not going to be closing
for another couple of hours,
but we've actually got some returns
from Dixville Notch. They're a little bit early.
They loved to be first in the nation.
And so they, every year,
or every four years in the presidential elections,
they meet at midnight
and they hold an election in Dixville Notch
and they release the results right away.
Now, this year, the results were tied.
Five for Romney, five for Obama,
and what they had in,
actually, in Hart's,
they had another election,
which is right there close by in New Hampshire.
They had 23 votes for Obama.
Romney got nine
and Gary Johnson got two.
But a few years ago,
I guess it was in 1992
when Andre Maroux was running
for Libertarian.
They actually did an experiment
with the Trump administration
to see if there was a chance
they actually did an experiment
in Dixville Notch.
And what they did was they
actually added,
sorry, let me get my earpiece here.
Rob, I'm getting a lot of echo on that.
Can you not get my feedback in here?
in 1992,
Andre Maroux was running as Libertarian
nominee for president,
and they did an experiment.
Dixville Notch, a subscription
to a Libertarian magazine for a year.
And the interesting thing was
that year Andre Maroux won.
Now, there's an interesting lesson in that.
I think one of the things
that we need to look at is just
how important education is
and, you know,
getting people the message
about the issues.
After people focused on the issues,
at least in that small town,
at least at that one time,
based on their Liberty philosophy.
Now, that's exactly what
we're trying to do with Info Wars.
It's what we're trying to do with the magazine.
And I think as we look at this 20 years down the road,
there was an Internet back in 1992,
but 20 years down the road,
we've got
a magazine that
I think really helps to focus things,
because now, even though we've got the Internet,
there is a lot of fragmentation
in the information stream.
So it's very difficult to get people's attention,
but here, when you've got a well-produced magazine
that can put out the story for Liberty,
I think it can really have an effect.
So today, we're going to be looking
at what the major parties
have picked for us.
And we don't really know
who they've picked so far,
but we're going to see that a little bit later.
Like I said, we've still got
a couple of hours before
returns start to come in,
but we do have some live polling that's going on
on Info Wars' website itself.
If you
go to our website,
you can participate in some polls,
and you can...
We've got a few things there asking you
if you think polls are important.
That is professional, quote-unquote,
scientific polls that everybody does,
or if you think it's just a way to manipulate people.
We've also got some
things there to see
who you voted for,
what issues you think are important.
Were you interested more
in the very important ballot issues
that are going to be decided?
And quite frankly, they're going to have
as much of an effect on our lives
as this presidential election is,
because these are some issues
that are going to affect
drug prohibition and civil liberties
with marijuana ballot initiatives
in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon.
There's also going to be
a very important ballot issue
in California,
Prop 37.
Prop 37 is going to...
It's truth and labeling law,
and the question is,
are we going to be able to know
what's in our food?
And we've got big agribusinesses
been spending over a million dollars a day
on this...
Prop 37 in California to try to feed it,
and I think we should all be wondering
why it's so important to them
to not let us know
what they're putting in our food.
Just, you know, don't tell the
folks in the Soylent Green, I guess.
But anyway, we've got a lot of polls there,
and if you would like to
participate in that, even if you would like
to add some questions of your own,
feel free to do that.
You can either email me, David K,
at infowars.com, or you can
tweet your questions to
Puppet Press.
That's a hashtag, Puppet Press, on Twitter.
And we'll take a look at those,
and we might possibly put your question up.
We've also got
news in terms of
the quality of voting
and the corruption that's going on.
Back in North Carolina, where I'm from,
we've had quite a few 112-year-olds
that have voted this time. It's over
3,000 of those people.
I guess you didn't know that we had
that many 112-year-olds in North Carolina.
We also have reports
on Facebook of a man who voted four times.
But even in
My Circle of Friends, we had
a poll in Garner
and was told that
someone from his household had just been there
and registered, and he lives alone.
And they told him
that his mother, who
died six years ago, had just been there
earlier and voted.
They got out the ballots
because in North Carolina, when you walk in,
they don't require any kind of ID.
Basically, all you have to do is give them a name
and an address, and you're able to vote.
But they do put a number on your ballot,
put a number next to your name,
so they're able to go back and retrieve the ballot.
And they found that
it was a straight Democrat ticket,
although his mother had been
a staunch Republican.
Of course, that wasn't her anyway.
But we're seeing a lot of reports of that.
That's the kind of thing that
Bev Harris at blackboxvoting.org
has talked about.
And although those are
incidents that really kind of
stir our imagination and get us angry,
the real
cheating that is very concerning
is the host cell cheating.
And there's an article on infowars.com
about voting machine tampering.
And as Bev Harris has pointed out,
there's having
valid voters
making sure that your voters are valid,
but then also making sure that the voting machines
themselves aren't tampered with,
making sure that the votes
don't disappear to the
custody issue until they are properly counted.
So basically, we've got four different steps there.
And those last steps
is where
the host cell cheating can come in
in a massive amount.
So that's the sort of thing we're looking at.
And like I said, on infowars.com,
there's an article
a lot of voting machine irregularities
where people cast a vote for one candidate
and it shows up for another candidate.
We've also got
an article here
I noticed that when I looked at the poll
earlier, most of the people who had voted
on infowars were
we asked who their presidential preference was.
Gary Johnson was winning that poll.
Chris Matthews, however,
seems to think that
that's not really a very
valid choice.
He actually went on a route.
Went on a rant about third party
But we'll be covering that
in just a few minutes. We're going to be coming back.
We're going to be doing live feeds from reporters
in the Austin area
talking to people as they're leaving
the polls. We're also going to be going around
to some of the political parties later tonight.
But right now, we're going to be going
back to Alex Jones.
All right, thank you
David Knight. And again, we're going to be here
past midnight tonight. We kicked off
a little bit late here because
really we're beta testing between this studio
and the other studio
and our crew, but it is
just a fabulous job that they're all doing
here tonight. I have
literal stacks of
news coming in, but we'll learn more
as the evening progresses.
This is what we know
right now. And then we're going to go to Gerald
Salente joining us from Ireland.
It's pretty late at night over there. What is it
midnight? And he's going to be joining us
the wonders of technology.
But right now
excitement is building, exit
polls. Economy is still
the number one issue in national exit
polls. Obama has
190 electoral votes with Romney
with 191
right now.
there is a report from
2004 that breaks down
the fact that exit polls are historically
inaccurate, but exit polls
are showing
that Romney has North Carolina and
Florida is leading
that Obama is
winning in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,
and other areas, a toss
up Ohio, Virginia,
Colorado, and
places like Indiana.
There's an interesting story here that I have
about a foreign policy. That's the subdivision
of the Washington Post saying
you in poll
watchers amazed us doesn't
require IDs
to vote
they're marveling on the trust system. Well, yeah, with the electronic
voting machines, no one else will accept
and the fact that you can
have retail fraud, it's just
amazing. So we're going to be breaking all of this
down here this evening
and we do have a
quite a laundry list of
amazing guests
coming up. First off, kicking it
off, we're really thankful for him spending time
and when he's over there speaking to a large conference and
he's back there, I guess in the back of the hall he can
see the big piles of chairs behind him
and then we have
Gerald Salente, then Max Kaiser also from
UK, he's joining us from England,
Wayne Madsen, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
Lou Rockwell, Naomi Prens, Webster Tarpley,
and many others tonight and we will have our reporters
out on the streets
giving you some of what the sheeple are saying.
Of course, a lot of people aren't sheeple now, they're waking up.
So joining us
right now is
Gerald Salente and Gerald,
tell us exactly where you are in Ireland
and what you're doing over there.
Alex, I'm in Dublin, Ireland
at the One World Chronicle
and I just flew in from Munich
two days ago
and I want to let you know
that in Germany and in Ireland
everyone has been telling me
when you talk to
Alex, tell them what great
fans we are.
very humbling
and I want to say hi to the
hundreds of thousands of people
that are tuning in one way or another right now
just to this special internet transmission.
So thank you Gerald
and say that I'd love to drink a pint
with all those great men and women there
in the background.
He said he would love to have a pint
with all of you great men and women over there
in the background.
Oh man
I'm glad we decided to do this.
Again Gerald, tell us what you're doing over in Ireland
and then give us your call.
I know you've been saying Obama
for months and it's neck and neck
but a lot of the pundits are saying
looks like four more years of
the man of peace who's launching all these wars.
Well what I'm doing
I was just at a metals conference
in Munich and the One World Chronicle
Conference over here in Ireland
they have a number of issues that they're dealing with
one of them of course
is the bailouts of the banks
which are totally illegal
just taking the money from the people
and giving them to the banks
but there's actually no deal made at all
between the banks that knew
what their risk would be
and then shaking down the people for all the money.
So there's a real, you know how I've been talking
Alex about direct democracy
well direct democracy
Ireland is taking hold
the people have fed up with it
they look, look what's going on
in the states. As you know
this is the first time I have not voted
in an election. Who could call
this a democratic election?
These clowns can't even count the votes
the whole game is rigged
the systems are breaking down
the people in Ireland are feeling it
they want no part of it anymore
and they're ready to rise up against it
and so what we're
I'm over here talking about
is the collapse of the currencies
the break up of the European
Union eventually
but more importantly
Ireland's joining with Switzerland
to start moving forth
with true democracy
where the people will have the right to vote
rather than it being controlled
by the gangs that are controlling it now.
We've got some of our reporters here
in Austin and holding places
like you just said are broken down not working
we're getting reports of
things flipped from Obama to Romney
Romney to Obama
we're like eight days into the hurricane
on the east coast where you'd normally be
Gerald and
still you know government can't and won't help the
where do you see this insanity going?
It's collapsing
it collapses around us you know what no one's talking about
with New York and you know me I'm a
New Yorker I know the gang
the entire infrastructure
of the United States is in
collapse and you get all these big mouth
politicians over there
shooting off their fat trap
saying about how we're going
to be there for the people
and don't forget that we're there for you
the entire United States
infrastructure is collapsing
we know the data coming out from the engineers
that are saying it's going to cause
an estimated 13
trillion dollars just
to get the thing back on track
that doesn't mean moving it into the 21st century
the entire nation
is in collapse and here's something
else Alex that the
prostitutes are not talking about
they're saying that an estimated 35
to 40 percent of the people
already voted correct?
all right now
what imbecile believes
that these clowns don't know what
the vote count is
this is the mafia
let's get this straight
they know what the vote count is
this whole game is rigged
what 3 year old does not believe
45 percent of the people have already
voted and no one
knows it's a secret
we promise
scouts on her
who are they kidding
so you're predicting
though that in this whole
war of the puppets we're going to get
Obama for four more years
that's still what you're predicting?
this is not one of the ones
that I'm going to base my reputation on
because again
anything could go
in a totally corrupt
government let's remember
who we're talking about
so nobody misunderstands this
this is the same government
where George W. Bush
hey haven't seen him on the campaign trail
what happened you know
how come he's not out there
like Bill Clinton
because this is the same
war criminal that lied
the country into war
of course they're going to lie about anything
they'll steal votes
they'll kill your son
they'll rob your money
they'll do anything that they can
who's going to win the election
what group of criminals
would be the best criminal on the block
I tell you it is exciting over there
from what I'm hearing from you Gerald
you've been there several times already this year to Europe
Europe and Ireland
are really waking up
give us the sense of what they think
about being under Bankster occupation
the people of that at Alex
you know I just came back from Ireland
last time I was here it was a little over a year ago
everywhere I look
there are signs
to let
for sale
everywhere you look
they're beating the people down into the ground
they got this clown
he fit really good in the US
this guy named Moonen
one of the bureaucrats over there
they're paying one of the criminal guys
who helped bring down
the system
the money from the people
check it out this is a country
of about four million people
this guy is getting
five hundred
pounds a year
in severance paid
for pulling off the criminal act
just the way they wanted
them to do it and you know what this clown
Moonen says
we can't do anything
that's already been done
we have to steal more of your money
that's right
look what's going on in Greece
hundreds of thousands of people out into the streets
look what's going on in Spain
millions of indignados
you know my saying Alex
when people lose everything
and have nothing left to lose
they lose it
and they're starting to lose it here in Ireland
you're finally seeing
the fighting iris spirit
now again
I agree with your point
that we don't know who's going to win
because it's a toss up between two different
criminal syndicates
through election fraud
and other systems trying to grab power
I mean I'm looking at this
thousands of dead Californians remain eligible to vote
we've got exit poll data
will be examined in quarantine room
and poll watchers amazed
US doesn't require IDs to vote
they're not here in Austin
it just goes on and on and on
what is happening
and the race is neck and neck
but it doesn't even matter
because Obama and Romney are bought
and paid for by the banksters
Gerald described though the differences
if you see any
the similarities and the differences
between these two men
because earlier today
they were crying
and saying you know I don't lie to you
I tell you the truth and we have an article
at infowars.com
going over all the facts that
was going to end torture continued it
was going to shut Gitmo expanded it
wasn't going to hire lobbyists broke the records
wasn't going to have signing statements
the list goes on and on was against the NDAA
turned out they wrote it and signed it
I mean it's incredible
how the standards have dropped
so what are the similarities between Obama
what are the differences
what is your incredible trends forecasting
someone's perspective everybody respects
that I know
what will be the difference between
the gangster chief
Obama and his group of criminals
and their management team
of slavery incorporated and Obama's
you know enemy over there
only on paper
Mitt Romney and his people
it won't be a lot of difference
let's go back to the debates
talk about foreign policy
listen to these little boys
talking about how they have to take out a sigh
let's remember Obama
that wonderful Nobel Peace Prize winner
you know the guy that
says predator drones
to blow up wedding parties
and kids collecting wood
how about that wonderful humanitarian mission
listen to that guy
Greg all the time
I took out
I said that if I had Osama
been locked in my sights
I'd pull the trigger
I mean come on this is a little boy scout
you heard Obama
talk about how he took out
and hearing the same thing with Romney
I don't believe however
that Romney
will also
out Obama
Obama on other
areas such as
giving more freedom to the
to rob us and steal
in a different way
Obama of course will make it up in other ways
by stealing more of our
constitutional rights
because you see Obama is a better liar
they both lie
but Obama you know he's a classier
actor so he could
pull it off better as he
did National Defense Authorization Act
so Obama will be able to
get away with it more
by taking us to the Constitution
for Romney
you know this guy is born on third base
and thought he had a triple
he's one of the white shoe boy
he'll be able to steal more of our money
so Obama will rob us of
our life
and Romney will rob us of our money
in the end we lose no matter
and both guys
again are bought and paid for by the same interest
people say Romney will launch more
wars and he's promised he will
but Obama launches wars
and calls him peace so
I don't really see the difference there
well that's what I was saying
Obama just lies better
but he'll rob us more of our constitutional
look Obama's the guy just in case
anybody's forgotten
you get arrested
having a drink or your bicycle bell
doesn't work properly
let's not forget that Obama
under the solicitor general
solicitor general
now if you get arrested take off your clothes
bend over
spread your legs
that's right that's Obama
Obama you mentioned
the National Defense Authorization Act
they could come and take you and me away
by having contacts
with alleged terrorists
no charges
no jury
no judge
no trial
that's Obama
Romney will rob all our money
this is the clown that
I'm a businessman
he's a hedge fund operator
he's the corporate vulture
I don't know what Eisenhower is saying
any man that seeks to presidency
is either an ego maniac
or crazy
this guy Romney has to stop
running since he's his little school boy
and he keeps
their ego maniacs and they're crazy
hedge funds
who the hell ever heard of hedge funds when we were growing up
this Romney
he put out a business all the entrepreneurs
that used to be in the
a very store business
he brags that he creates jobs
you want a job at Staples
wonderful he brags about it
you could make
62.50 a week
you could stock shelves
you could work all day long
but not enough to be a full-time worker
only a temporary worker
because shafty on benefits
yeah Romney wants
to build a defense budget even bigger
and screw everybody else
how could anybody vote
for either of these people
they should be ashamed of themselves
the casting of vote
for lesser of two evils
Gerald Salente is our guest
I'm Alex Jones we're going to be here
past 1 a.m. eastern
midnight tonight
and we will start getting into more of the election returns
and latest numbers
we got kicked off about 20 minutes late
just because there's some technical things between different studios
this is a live
beta test that you're seeing
we're talking to Gerald Salente
all the way out in Ireland
and I appreciate David Knight getting thrown
in the deep end with the sharks
thrown it to him first
it was supposed to be me up here tonight
but again we had some technical things
and some news gathering problems
that we were working on before the show started
but again this is infowars.com
true alternative
grassroots media
attempting to go out and engage the globalist
look at these headlines
CBS we covered this earlier today
video showing electronic voting machines
changing the vote
we'll now know what to look for
Gerald just 12 years ago
I would see national polls
where less than 10% of people
believe there was election fraud
now it's 80-90% depending on the poll
so people are getting more wise
they may get apathetic and just give up
but the point is at least people know
that the corruption is getting worse and worse
and the systems answer to that is a bigger police state
but what's it going to help the police
if their pensions are no good either
how do you see these
regardless of
which new puppet gets in
which new distraction gets in
where do you see things going now
here in the west
with some of the developments in the economy
Hillary is now saying in the news today
that we've got to go into
because Al Qaeda is there
and the media doesn't say wait
the State Department and NATO put them there
things have reached an absurdist
that I can't even believe now
it's really entering cuckoo
for Cocoa Puffs zone
let's talk about the wars
first of all
what's not making the news much
is China and Japan going at it
thanks to the United States
you remember what I said
how you keep playing back
great depression, currency wars
trade wars, world war
the trade wars are heating up
the United States lost in Afghanistan
they lost in Iraq
they're stabilizing now Syria
they've already destroyed Libya
they're moving wars now into
Mali and North Africa
and now they're refocusing into
Southeast Asia
and now China and Japan
are heating up
the world is heading to a war
before I go further I want to go back
on a solution
we've been hearing about this voting fraud
every damn election
every damn election
why wouldn't people think there's voter fraud
because we have two frauds
fronting pretending to be president
we have frauds
that are fronting playing
to be congressmen and senators
the whole system is a fraud
here is what I suggest
I keep suggesting it
over and over again
they move trillions of dollars
a day
around the globe
rarely are the banking systems
if we could bank online
we could vote online
there's only one
reason why
they don't want us to vote online
the reason is
it would show
that the people won't vote
for them
that's the reason they're keeping it
because we could have full transparency
of all the computer minds out there
being able to figure out
the algorithms
so that when cheating starts
everybody can see it
it would be totally transparent
this is the
United States of America
these clowns spend over
a trillion dollars a year
on defense
and defense related expenditures
who are they
BSing when they say
out of voting systems
are broken down
could you pull up your zipper
could you tie your shoes
instead we've got these computer systems
that are all compartmentalized
and secret and then they engage in fraud
the problem is
any system I think they're going to engage in fraud
I see your point about internet voting
getting everybody involved
my issue is
if we go back to paper ballots
counted at the precinct in front of everyone
then the numbers posted
then everything can be publicly put together
and then integrated via computer
but then it can all be
fact checked right there at the grassroots
I agree with that as well
I agree on your percent
and this is the global age
everything is moving in this direction
people are hooked on there
I listen
I that I
I you know
everything they have in their hand
they can't vote
you know let's make this real
and again at full transparency
total transparency
for everyone to monitor it
because the numbers don't lie
the liars lie
the whole game is rigged
they as I said they rob our money
they rob us of our lives
and now the great united states of America
these BS artists
that are always talking about exporting democracy
you don't even have it at home
you can't even vote
for one of the two criminal groups
well well we're going to be finding out here
pretty soon you know they're talking about
devastation on the east coast
you've been in Europe the last week
what is your take on hurricane sandy
the horrible response of government
they claimed all these great things as usual
couldn't deliver and it turned it out it was
community centers, churches and individuals
helping the public
but I saw numbers and I talked to listeners who confirmed it
in New York New Jersey and other areas
more than half the public made no preparation
even as they were told
the storm was coming in
if the depression continues to worsen
what's going to happen to all these people out there
that absolutely
have to be taken care of
or they're just going to go
and die basically
you know Alex look at the people by the way
as I said you have loads of fans
everywhere and a lot
of them are telling me boy
we're glad we're preparers
we're glad we're survivalists
hey how come they're not making fun of them
hey toilet paper
records suppose when I do pessimism
I guess you must be a porn dealer
if you're a prepper right
I saw that little clown
crudman bragging about
what a great job Obama is doing
even though he doesn't have electricity
in his house
the entire system is collapsing
they can't cope with it
let's put this in perspective
this was a category one hurricane
in real countries
you know what they have
they have floodgates in front of tunnels
you know what they have in real countries Alex
they have
subway systems that doesn't
make you feel that you're in the whole of Calcutta
when you go into the New York subway system
you know what they have in real
countries Alex
they have their power lines
buried beneath the ground
you know what they have in real
countries Alex
they have real civil defense systems
you know what they have in real
countries Alex
they take care of the people
the people everybody
makes fun of preppers
if you can't see
why you should be prepared now
you're never going to see it
now let's put this
into perspective fully
let's suppose
that there's a real
terror strike in Manhattan
or Atlanta
or in Washington or San Francisco
let's suppose
that because of the United States
foreign policy
you know they have those wonderful terror
Tuesdays when President Obama
signs off oh let's kill
that guy let's kill this one
and they kill a lot of innocent people
and someone wants to get even
suppose a dirty bomb goes off
suppose there's a
terror strike with a suitcase
sized nuke
suppose there's a biological
warfare weapon
you want to see the systems
break down
you want to see entire
sections of the country go off
the grid
they're ill prepared to handle it
what are they going to do
put Janet Napolitano
on a
on a horse
and drive out and save the day
they better get a Clydesdale
on a horse
Gerald what's going to happen
to the system though as not just here
but all over the world the fraud
of government and these corrupt insider monopoly
corporations comes out
I mean I guess they just think their police state
is going to protect them
yes that's it's glow
as I mentioned to the conference here tonight
is a leadership
vacuum worldwide
all the spade to spade
called these clowns who they are
and see how ignorant they are
and how everything
they've tried they failed at
you got Cameron over
in the UK and Kenny over here
you got Obama there
and you got Merkel over here
you got Rajoystick over there
and you got
Barroso now one of the
commissioners in Europe telling people
what to do you got
three in three card Monty
over in Italy
you got one loser after another
you got Ben Bernanke
you got one loser
after another
that's destroying the system in front of
everybody's eyes
and then they're telling us
give us more power
we know how to fix it
oh brilliant the same clowns
that messed it up are now
going to fix it
the systems are collapsing
oh I can't forget about China
of the Chinese companies
that are listed
are late in paying their bills
the Chinese government
is low at interest rates two times
within the last three weeks
to keep propping up the economy
they're dumping trillions of yuan
into the system
trying to pump up the failing
housing bubble
in Europe they came out with a new line
monetary transactions
the stupid people who can't
think we'll just call it
OMG isn't that a nice name
that needs dumping
more paper money on top of
other worthless paper money
to cover the other worthless paper money
that they can't cover
the entire systems are collapsing
here's my forecast Alex
I'm voting
for Obama to win
not that I'm voting for him
I'm not voting but I'm hoping
he wins you know why
because no one expects anything
of him so the
transparency of this
this fraud
could be shown really quickly
when there are no other plans
that he could come up with and then
we'll have to go into a new system
because the one that they're propping up
is going to collapse
and the hell ever wins
then you're going to hear
Romney has a plan
let's give him a chance
there we say the same crap after
the election so he'll get away with
it for several more months
so we can't wait several more months
because in several more months
they'll figure out how to steal
several trillion more dollars
from us and drive us deeper
into depression
so your view is Obama will come
in he'll make it worse even faster
and buy a new
puppet it'll take people to figure
out that Romney
is a complete fraud so in a way
worse is better and you know as a radio
host it's
predominantly conservative libertarian
that's I mean I'm a libertarian constitutionalist
but obviously don't like the republican
party that is
fake conservatives and so deceptive
but I sit there and I watch
them and as soon as Romney gets
elected they're all going to go to sleep
so from a cynical view
I'm like hey Obama
gets back in
people may actually wake up plus it's good
for my radio show but that's not how I think
I'm just so torn because
I wish there was some way out
within the system
it's like being told you got terminal cancer
or something you're wishing there was some way
out of it but it really is
just a comeuppance
that we're entering
you know Gerald Salente
I want you first to take some time
to talk about your website the trends journal
and the type of information people can get
there because it's so invaluable but then
spend about 10 minutes I'm going to give you
the floor in closing to kind of give
us a
breakdown of what you covered in Germany
in Ireland you know kind of give us a speech
if you've got time you can go 20 minutes
if you like them we'll go to David Knight with the latest
election news here
in our other studio but if you've
got the time I know it's late at night over there
you know tell us about the trends journal
and then
breakdown you know kind of your speech
kind of a little shortened
truncated version
well on the trends journal of course
you know we're looking at what's going to happen
before it happens just history before it happens
and the purpose of the trends
journals to prepare people
so that they can make plans just like
being a preparer survivalist
with many different fields
where is it going to be growth where is it
going to be decline where should you put
your money what should you consider doing
with it what are going to be the educational
opportunities what are going to be the
business advantages and that's
what the trends journal really does
and as you know Alex we make
it available to virtually everyone
we have a discount request page
we know people are going from difficult
times just fill out the information
there's nothing personal there and we will
do the very best we can
to make it available for everyone
so my what my
talks are about
in both Munich and in Dublin
here at the One World Chronicle
is beginning with
you know what trend forecasting is
and and how
you can really see
the face of the future you can't
forecast it no one can predict
that there are too many wild parts
but when you tell people
things that they don't like
because they're locked into a belief system
they don't want to believe them
but when you go to a doctor
and you get a diagnosis
that you don't care for
you don't get a lot of baloney
shooting back at the doctor for hearing
what you don't want to hear
but when people hear political, economic,
social news that you're not ready for
they really take it personally
they can't break out of their belief systems
so that's the first part
of the presentation
the second part of the presentation
is tracking trends
is an understanding of where we are
and you know from the work
of the Trends Journal what I do
we paint a picture of the president
like no one else does
and I'm not saying that because
oh we're doing it but the facts
stand on their own
and I make this very clear
we're only human, we make mistakes
but we're at this since 1981
and our track record
is unparalleled to anyone
be it in gourmet coffees
to clean water
to clean foods
to the panic of 08
and the crash of 1987
so it's one after another
we've been on the honey
so the purpose though
however is not so much
to say this is what we've done
and how good we're doing it
we're saying to people
get in touch so you can see
where it's going
and forecasting trends
is the knowledge of where we are
and the understanding
of where we were
how we got here
so let's talk for example about
the panic of 08
and where we are today
you can see that panic
was going to happen
when we first wrote about it
in 2004
and actually coined the term
recession and said
it would hit by late
and it did
how did we know?
again, looking back
we knew because
the dot com crash
of 2000
when that happened
we knew that there was going to be no recovery
9-11 happened
and they use 9-11
as an excuse
to juice the economy
we're under attack
they hit our freedom and liberty
and who comes to the rescue?
Alan Greenspan
the guy that couldn't speak
one damn sentence
without making any sense
the same jerk
that every call that he ever made
was wrong
so he really
shafted it to everybody
he lowered interest rates
to 46 year lows
they conned people
into taking out loans
they couldn't afford
hey, you want to build that addition onto your house?
don't you know how much value
you have there?
we're going to give you a loan
have no income verification
don't worry about it
we'll give you the money
pay us back with friends
don't worry when you get the money
you give it to us
Alan Greenspan
that other little weasel
that other little fake creep
that other Bernanke clone
was the guy that set up
the whole system for failure
so we show people
how it happened
they conned everybody into taking out
bad loans
the loans went bad and we do this
we show where we were
and what did they do?
we went out with the big lie
the big lie was we had to bail out the banks
the two big to fails
because hey
after all they're better than you and I
they're too big to fail
if they fail we're no good
we'll all die
let's steal the people's money and give it to the banks
so what I do is I show people
by using a power point
long term decline
and I do it with pop culture
I show for example Duke Ellington
you know looking
as the Duke does
with a top hat
and a tuxedo
and playing a couple of bars of take the atrium
and then I show Kanye
yeah you remember Jay-Z
he was out there beating the band for Obama
out in Ohio
and he couldn't even fill the auditorium
and he said
who cares a damn with Jay-Z
or Bruce Springsteen
thinks about anything
I agree with you
you're getting continual coverage
of the real election
this is historical and I just want to commend
the amazing crew up here
and what they're doing tonight
I sit
and I watch all this unfold Gerald
and I see the corrupt globalist
fleeing the US
and they've engineered its collapse
and I commend the fact that you've said
you're going to stay here and fight it out
in the Info War and then
in other ways if need be
if we beat these people
folks will look back just like they look back
on the French resistance against the Nazis
or just like they look back on the polls
of the Ukrainians standing up against the Soviets
I just wish that
people that weren't historically or politically
I wish they understood this is not hyperbole
those of us that are staying here
do so at the threat of our lives
this is not a game, it's not a joke
and there's really three different groups
of people in this country
you can break it down into more but you've got
the small, tiny insider technocrat
parasite elite that knows the public's
unconscious and dumbed down
and then you've got the giant mass
of just people trying to work, muddle through
but they've been brought up to be continual
children, arrested development
literally don't know how to tie their shoe laces
so the television didn't tell them how
and then you've got people that are actually
aware of what's happening
and are horrified by it trying to wake up
the zombified
sheeple masses
and you've got the system
doing everything it can to further
dumb people down
you mentioned preppers, hey let's make fun of preppers
that were prepared in New Jersey
New York and other areas
Pennsylvania, Ohio, they're able to take care
of people now
and as usual government couldn't and wouldn't
and again it's this instinct
of the parasitic robber baron class
to want a bunch of victims
but then they destroy their own infrastructure
which they have now hijacked
in the process of this will
to power, this will to total
when the globalists all compete with each other over
who can be the most wicked, who can be
the most manipulative
and the most final equation it all blows back
on them as well, let me take
Prop 37, you know
most polls showed it two to one
people want to be able to know what's in their food
if it's GMO
cross species, rose its own
pesticide, makes bugs
guts burst but they say it's
safe for humans and then they come out and say
oh suddenly everybody's for it
that's all just a hoax ahead of electronic voting
machine fraud with that proposition
I've known that for a long time
this can only work so long
while they're killing us with this stuff
I'm kind of ranting here off of what you've said
but first speak to
if you agree with the kind of three basic grips of people
and what's going to happen
as the sheep and their master
as things collapse, try to escape
those of us that were proven right, I mean you were called a pessimist porn dealer
I've been demonized
and all these things constantly
but then everything we talk about unfortunately
is unfolding, we're not happy
to say the Titanic is listing and about to go under
get to the lifeboats
it's sad
I guess Orwell said
in the world of universal deceit
telling the truth is a revolutionary act
and I'm kind of ranting here
it's just that
you watch the general public
identifying with Romney as their savior
and their personal hero and what makes them have value in the world
or you watch the Obama supporters
and the Obama phone
and identifying with government
as their power
instead of themselves being their power
and it's just sad to watch
humanity drained
by a scientific tyranny
and to know we're going down this nightmare road
so I mean kind of in that rant
what groups do you see out there
and then your take on things like Prop 37
well it's what you said
yes there are the people that just follow
the three groups that you said
the elites and the others
and you asked me about my talk
and another part that I show them
the trends that are developing
where the economies are going
the great wars that are emerging
but really the crux of the entire
speech is that
everyone has to find the greatness
within them
this doesn't have to be the Ukraine
this doesn't have to be
the Soviet Union
this doesn't have to be
a police state
this doesn't have to be a revolution
of bullets and bombs
on the contrary
now as Einstein made it very clear
nothing comes of peace
brought by violence
that begins in violence
so my message is really
an intellectual and spiritual revolution
and there are a lot of wonderful people
every where I go
and when you show them
the power to clowns
and when you really break down
which I do
who the people are that are leading us
and how unqualified
and what psychopaths they are
that the only thing
that stops people from changing the future
are the people themselves
the people don't know
the power that they have
as you began this Alex
by talking about the small group
of elites
it's a small group of elites
they are powerless
without the police
being their power
and once the police
abandon them
they have no power
the power is with the people
but the people power
only comes about
as I believe it
when the people work to find the greatness
within them
so one of the messages that I say
what I talk about
is I'm a believer that
and I'm sure you are and everybody listening is
that each of us
have these unique gifts
bringing those unique gifts
that we have working on
because everybody knows
it takes a lot of work to hone your craft
when you keep doing that
you rise to higher levels
when you raise the bar
you don't accept mediocrity
and when the collective
when the individual changes
the collective consciousness
I have to say this Alex
with everything that I believe
and every ounce of
one truth and passion in me
the time has never been
better than now
and I'll tell you all
you mentioned earlier
that years ago when you say
12 years ago 10 years ago
there was vote of fraud
and then 8 years
a couple more people
didn't start believing
and as it keeps moving forward
and then you mentioned in numbers
80-90% of the people
you look at the numbers
of how many people no longer believe
in Congress
what is it like 16 or 17%
of the people believe in Congress
and those are the flunkies
that work for them to have the federal jobs
that's why they believe
some numbers are as low as
9% approval rating for Congress
9% approval rating for Congress
now here's the point
the vacuum has never been
it could be filled
with anything
the void is there
you have an empty suit
and a
stuffed shirt
that's vying for the White House
how transparent can it be
it could be filled
with anything
and my message is
let's fill it with greatness
the greatness of the people
the spirit of the people
the dignity of the people
the courage of the people
the respect of the people
the integrity of the people
and the passion of the people
those are unstoppable
that the politicians
are defenseless against
that's what I believe
and that's why I say
the time is now
well said
well listen to folks there in Ireland
what city are you in in Ireland
there Gerald
what city are you in in Ireland
I'm in Dublin
Dublin well hey
tell folks out there that I
salute the great Irish people
I've got quite a bit of Irish blood
coming through my veins I'm proud of that
I'm proud of all my ancestors
but I want to say this
if you go to Alexa.com
or you go to
Google Analytics
there is only one country
people would think that online
I would be rated number one
my highest ratings would be in the US
I'm like rated 480 something
which is huge
in the United States
last time I checked there's only one country
where infowars.com
is rated higher
and it's Ireland in fact maybe we can show that
if you go to Alexa.com and type in infowars.com
it'll show
country ratings
and last time I checked
it's been this way for years
Ireland is where we're most popular
and so I just want to say this we salute
all the folks over there that know the
Euro's a tyranny
that know the globalists are a tyranny and hate the bankers
and want sovereignty and freedom
so I salute the Irish right now
God bless them
let me tell them that
Alex said he salutes the Irish
he's a lot of Irish in him
in info wars is rated
higher in Ireland than anywhere else
in the world
and that he's against the tyranny
against the Euro
and wants you people to fight against
the bank of tyranny
and he is all on
your side Alex you should know this
and one other thing Alex
if you want to show how
disgusting it all is
imagine this
it's trying to introduce
genetically modified
potatoes into Ireland
unbelievable I saw that
how disgusting
how disgusting he said
they're not going to put up with that
he said you won't put up with that
you're right they're not
Alex is there anything that I could tell
the folks here in Ireland that they should know
about the election
what you're hearing
what I could tell them and what you see
coming out
sure it is still
neck and neck and we're going to have the great David
Knight one of our great reporters
breaking down some of those numbers
here in just a few minutes but Romney has won
the Associated Press and others reported
I'm getting a lot of this from infowars.com
and dredgerport.com where our team
Kurt Nemo and Adon Salazar and they're posting articles
Romney has won Indiana
Obama has won Vermont
enough let's count
currently popular vote
Romney 53
Obama 46 but it'll be the electoral college
that decides it
they're talking about if people can't vote in New York
postponing it
but we'll see what happens there
and this is what I wanted to raise to you
because you mentioned this
CBS News is reporting in New York
women are giving away sex
for gasoline
sandy gas woes continue
people trading gas for sex
on Craigslist and in vice versa
showing how
I'm a cook to be put in a gas tank at my house
and having a well and rainwater collection
and so are you Gerald for having a garden
but here it is
people within 7-8 days
giving sex for a can of gas
to run their generator so they can cook something
where's the almighty government
yeah Alex is saying
that people are reporting in New York
that women are selling themselves
to sex for gasoline
that they can't get gas
in the city
they may postpone
the voting in New York
they're without heat
and electricity now
it's going on 7 days
people are desperate doing anything
and as far as the election
is going
Romney's ahead 53%
in the popular vote
they're still counting the votes
and of course
the electoral votes so far
Romney is one
Kentucky and Indiana
Romney, Kentucky and Indiana
and Romney, Obama
in Vermont
is that right?
yes sir that is exactly
what's going on now just on the Ireland subject
it's usually Ireland's number one
I just checked today
probably because the election we're having more US visitors
but guys if you punch up Alexa.com
for TV viewers
here on my computer feed
I mean I haven't punched up
there it is
there is Alexa.com
and you can just put my feed up and I'll show people
okay that's fine
if you type in infowars.com to this
there you can see I'm rated in the US
465 in Ireland
495 but usually we're number one in Ireland
again we're most popular in Ireland
so that just shows that the great Irish people
are not naive
and are awake
and I'm proud of the fact that I've seen in the polls
out there they didn't want to be part of the Euro
but we're forced into it
and I hope that
I hope the great Irish people over there
get out of the Euro
and go back to the national sovereignty
and arrest all the foreign bankers
that have hijacked your country
Alex said that he hopes you go out of the Euro
get back into your sovereignty
and arrest all the foreign bankers
that have stolen your money
all right
well listen
again Gerald thank you so much
obviously we love having you on
you are hands down
our listeners favorite guest
there's a lot of great ones we have on great minds
men and women you're my mother's favorite guest
and I salute you and thank you
for staying up late
and seriously
you know tell all those folks
that we just appreciate them
and I wish I was there with you right now
and in closing anything else Gerald Salente
you'd like to add from Dublin
I think that's about it Alex
and Alex said he wishes he was here with you
and spoke to me coming
and visited you and said
that the reason that his number one
in all of the countries with the highest rating
is because the Irish people are
among the most awake
absolutely absolutely
we just showed those numbers very interesting
all right Gerald Salente
give out your website one more time
trendsjournal.com and Alex
thanks for all you're doing
beyond tonight all the best
you bet you bet thank you so much
all right there goes Gerald Salente
we're gonna throw it in about a minute
to David Knight and I'm gonna be honest about something tonight
I try to do too much
I ate breakfast this morning
and I've had allergies
a little bit under the weather
and then I was just so busy all day I never ate again
so I kind of had low blood sugar when I got here today
and well I mean
I'm left for about an hour went and exercised
my wild man came back
took a shower got ready got here to do the show
we had a few technical difficulties
and I'm not complaining about that
the fact is that I look at how I'm trying to go
as hard as I can
non-stop and then I see so much of the public
who even if they're awake
they're not involved
and it is such
an honor
to be working with people
here at the Info Wars crew
but also to get to know people like Gerald Salente
and Max Kaiser
who's coming up in about 40 minutes
and so many others
and it is so good
to know that the cream of the cream
the creme de la creme
of patriots worldwide
from Japan to Ireland
from Russia to Mexico
from Canada to the United States
from South Africa
to Chile
there are patriots
everywhere who have the love of liberty
beating in their breast
and who want to be free
and I just want to commend
the great job with the whole crew
because we're testing going to Ireland
the studio on one end of the building
interfacing with the other studio, video, audio streams
all the graphics people
and I know they don't want credit
but I just want to say our crew is awesome
I will tell you
in my gut, in my intellect, in my spirit
I have been very not depressed
but not even low
but more focused
the last six months, I think a lot of people have noticed that
and because I am so much more focused
I am pretty
pretty dark and a little bit nasty sometimes
on air and in person
because here's the deal folks
they are putting cancer viruses in the vaccines to kill us
they are putting GMO out there
to hurt us, they are spraying us with chemicals
they are doing all these tests
on us and I take it
very very personal
and I can't just slough it off
and take it personal
I really hate the New World Order
but I don't fight them because I hate them
I love good people so much
that when my four year old daughter
the image of innocence and goodness
looks into my eyes and is so good
it is like somebody is stabbing me
in the guts
and people
it's because I know the evil is there
and I feel like I don't have power
to stop them
I know you've got the power collectively
to move against these people
and I know their enemies of all of us
I know they must be crushed, they must be defeated
I know I'm right
I know it's far worse than I can even describe it
with my feeble intellect
and my feeble repertoire
of oratory
I do not have the words
to transmit to you
how dire our straights are
and that's not to create fear
that's to create
because this is real
ladies and gentlemen
and the eye has not seen the ears not heard
the full spectrum
an individual is too limited
to be able to fully even grasp this
but what I can grasp
and what you can grasp is impossible
to articulate
so even our tiny
that we can see of the New World Order
is overwhelming itself
not to mention what we don't know
anything you can imagine
is going on
I've learned that if I can imagine it
by staring into the minds of the evil ones
I can go
look it up online and they're doing it
and then up it again
up it again, up it again, up it again
and that's why I pour myself out here
trying to fight these people
and so it's going to be ugly sometimes
it's not going to be said well sometimes
because I'm literally
like somebody
who's just fighting for their life
I'm like somebody who's
a steel grate submerged in water trying to get out
and I know
humanity is being destroyed around me
and you're being annihilated as well
together we can bend these bars and get out of here
but you've got to understand folks
that's why when people call up and say
we're counting on you, thank God you're there
folks, thank God you're there
you are the power of info wars
that's why we are this imperfect
but you're imperfect as well
instrument this lens
through which we can focus your power
and I'm trying to live up to that
I'm trying to live up to that
but by saying
that and giving you this report on where we stand
and what we do
you need to live up to it too
because this is life and death
this is real, if we beat these people and the history books are written
this will be the example
for humans for all time to come
of what not to do
we're not allowed to be set up
we mindlessly trust foreign corporations
and globalists to run our elections
with no checks and balances
we mindlessly let eugenics companies
run GMO food
that kills insects when they eat it
feed it to us
we are beyond insanity right now
we are beyond
hell itself
this is a
a rending of everything
but there's so much good
we're gonna go to about a
10 minute report with
the David Knight
who was the first to be thrown into the fray
it was supposed to be me
but then we had technical stuff so we threw him on
and he had feedback into his earpiece
but he did a great job, I want viewers to know
you're seeing an experiment here
of what we plan to do more and more once we get up on the satellites
and we're building new sets, new studios
we are
fighting as hard as we can here for you
and that's why I want to thank all of you
when you spread the word about the audio feeds
the podcast, the video feeds
when you spread the word about Twitter
and what we're doing there, when you spread the word about Facebook
they're trying to kick us off of
when you spread the word about infowars.com and prismplutter.com
you are shoving this wagon uphill
against the globalists despite everything they've done
despite everything they've thrown at us
we are
still gaining ground on the enemy
and that's why they're so much more desperate
so understand
what we are in
we are in that
12th round like Muhammad Ali
and George Foreman
and George Foreman throwing everything you can
George Foreman is a good guy, I had to give him the part of the New World Order
but David Ackers talked to him off every day
he was giving me this analogy
they're throwing everything they can at us
in this 12th round
and pretty soon
they're not going to be able to raise their hands
and we're going to be able to continue
as their evil is exposed
we're fresh, they're played out
all you got to do is stand against these people
and they will fall
we'll also later do some feeds from on the streets
we also have those archive
we're going to be posting them up at infowars.com
and we're going to continue here
as I said with
Max Kaiser
and so many others
but here is David Knight from the other studio
about, I don't know what is it about
80 yards from where I sit
from the TV studio to give us some of the updates
on the latest
David Knight from Full Wars Nightly News
and the special election coverage
well thank you Alex
that was an interesting report from Ireland
it's good to know that people are waking up
worldwide especially
as many people as you've got to wake in Ireland
this just in we've had
six states
Closer Pole on the east coast at seven o'clock
that's about a half hour ago
and it looks like everything is coming in pretty tight
in Virginia
the exit polls still show that it's so tight
that they're not calling it for either candidate yet
so it looks like this is going to run fairly late
in the night
neither Romney or Obama have a slight lead
in Virginia
in Ohio, another crucial battleground
it's going to close
its polls right about now
about 7.30 p.m. so we should be getting those returns
in pretty quickly
but Romney has won Indiana
and Kentucky it's been called for him so far
and Obama
has won Vermont
now our theme for this election
is puppet press
and actually you can use the hashtag
puppet press
ask us questions
put poll questions on
and also to follow discussion
but we thought it would be kind of interesting to take a look at
some of the numbers
and see who's actually pulling their strings
see who's actually giving them the money
H.L. Meakin said that an election
is an advanced auction of stolen goods
they're not handing out tens
of millions of dollars to these candidates
just because they're civic minded
they expect that they're going to get something back for that
they give them millions of dollars
and they get back billions
sometimes trillions of dollars
in terms of contracts
in terms of preferential legislation
in terms of bailouts we've seen this happen many times before
compiled a lot of information about
sources of money
breaking it down by different sectors
and seeing where the money
is coming in from different sectors
so we thought it would be kind of interesting to take a look at that
and see who's getting what
now this first graphic we have up here
look at the amount of money
that's a little bit different than you typically hear
from the mainstream media
it sounds like Romney is the one with all the money
and yet he was outspent two to one
or outraised two to one by Obama
and he was very effective
just think about the fact
now this is about a billion dollars
a little bit over a billion dollars that the two of them
have taken in
going back to 1996
both presidential candidates
spent raised
$240 million
about a quarter of where it is right now
in 2000 it went up to 343 million
and in 2004
it went up to 655 million
and so
it went up there to billion
in just a couple of election cycles
and it's kind of scary
when you have as much power
as has concentrated in Washington
it's going to act like a black hole to money
because increasingly
the federal government is taking over
our economy
and if you want anything done
if you want money you've got to get permission
from Washington to do something
or they'll shut you down
and of course they're setting on a huge
pool so they're printing it well
the next graphic we've got up here
looks at sectors that are favoring
Romney and this again is from
and you look at it you can see that Romney's
that he raises more
from agribusiness construction
the energy and natural resources industries
but look at the finance industry
and banking
and to break that down Obama got 18 million
Romney got 52 million
and by far and away as we'll see
when we look at these it's the banks
that are contributing the most amount of money
if we look at the sectors that are favoring Obama
it's communications
and of course lawyers and lobbyists
that's he leads
and lawyers and lobbyists 25 million
to 13
now if you recall Obama said
that he really wasn't going to have any lobbyists
that was going to be
they were going to basically be banned out of the Obama White House
but that clearly hasn't happened
and they don't think that they're going to be thrown out
in his second term either
if we take a look at the sectors with
equal contributions
this is also kind of interesting
the two sectors where they were essentially
even were in defense
and in health
and we know that we watched the foreign policy debate
that there really wasn't much of a difference
in foreign policy between
Obama and Romney I don't remember how many times
Romney said he agreed with Obama
but it was really high
and he put together a video
showing all the times that he said
he has that exactly right
we're not going to see much difference in that
and we're going to see both of them ramp up
more and more wars
and more and more military spending
so the military industrial complex
really didn't spend that much money on either of them
and kind of gave it to them equally
because they're going to profit regardless of who's in there
the other thing that I thought was interesting was
if you look at the health industry
the health industry contributed
quite a bit of money
but they contributed it equally to both candidates
you've got a candidate who gave us
Obamacare and you've got Romney
who basically drafted Obamacare
for the state level
so clearly the health industries think
that they're sitting pretty good
with both of those candidates
and then if we look at the last graphic we've got here
the combined donations by sector
now take a look at this and we'll look at how
and finance
come down here, look at how finance
the donations based on all these
other industries that we took a look at
and that of course goes to Romney
but health
and lawyers and lobbyists
that is the next two bars there
those are both for Obama
so although Romney
took in about half as much as
he got a tremendous amount of
Bankster money
but it's not to say that Goldman Sachs
and the rest of the banks don't have
a friend in the White House now
Goldman Sachs has quite a few
people that are filling up
the cabinet and various other offices there
looks like it's going to be more of the same regardless
of who wins
and we've got Melissa Melton out in the field with report
Melissa are you there?
Yes, I'm here David
Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you
What have you got there for us?
I'm actually here at the Travis County Courthouse
where we've been talking to people who come out
Pickens are kind of slim but
so far we've seen a pretty overwhelming
support for Obama actually the last guy
I talked to said that
he voted for Obama because Obama did such
a great job on education
and when I went ahead and asked him
what do you think about Obama expanding the Patriot Act
and voting for
indefinite detention with the NDAA
he told me that those things don't
pertain to him and I said
well you are an American citizen
correct and he said yeah
but you can't get everything you want
and not everyone keeps all their promises
so so far that's what we're seeing
we actually did also see a guy who was just walking
up and down the sidewalk randomly throwing up
I'm assuming
he's getting sick and tired of having to choose between
Globalist Puppet A and Globalist Puppet B
in our American election circus
Yeah, he doesn't
think that trial indefinite trial
without due process
or any kind of charges put against him
he doesn't think that will ever affect him right
No he said that doesn't
pertain to him
I hope it doesn't pertain to him
I hope it doesn't pertain to us either
but we have to really be worried about a system
that's thrown that out
Yes we do
Well we've got Alex with another guest right now
so we're going to go right back to him over in the
radio studio
Hey David it's too early to tell
but it's a quick question for you
we've got almost no planning
our first beta test
we've got reporters on the ground
you're in the studio, we've got folks from Ireland
England and you're in there
and early it looks like
Mitt Romney's pulling ahead but you never know
in one of these horse races
plus in the final equation
what really matters is what voter news services does
but I tell you
if Romney does win
I think we're going to see some civil unrest
and I'm not looking forward to that
up haven't I?
And I don't know so much that Romney's pulling ahead
I mean the states that have come in so far
are states that people were expecting Romney
to do well in, we haven't really heard from
most of the northeastern states
and I guess it's going to be kind of interesting
to see what happens in New Jersey
and New York
I know that there's a report that just came across
a desk here saying that
in New Jersey they're trying to do
email ballots
and they're absolutely totally overwhelmed
by it as a catastrophe
they're sending out email ballots
for residents who've been displaced
by Superstorm Sandy
That just sounds like it's Taylor
made for fraud
Oh yeah, absolutely
and everybody is applying for these
it's not just people who are affected by Sandy
everybody is applying for them
they're all applying all at once
and so the New Jersey
just can't handle it
By the way David, we're going to Max Kaiser
who are kicking butt doing live
without teleprompters
and technical difficulties
I just want to say this, I am so glad to have you
here at the M-Full Wars operation
and we just really appreciate you
coming down here from North Carolina
Oh thanks, it's great to be here
Your honest assessment of this
lunatic asylum, what do you think of the operation?
It's doing great
I'm really excited to see the new sets
we just started construction today
of one of the new sets
It's going to be interesting to see how these things work out
I guess we're going to be doing that in the next week
Absolutely, in the next month
we're going to build like three new sets
Absolutely, and we're trying to go to the next level
and with people like you and Jakari Jackson
and Melissa Melton and everybody
I just keep marveling at the great job you guys are doing
I mean, you guys did internet contest
and there were so many great entries
we got like five, six reporters in here
and everybody's just been incredible
and it's good to see that the people have built something real
and we're giving them the globalists
to run for their money
the problem is they want to come in now
and try to censor all of that
with all of this new internet censorship
and cyber security
we'll talk about that with Max Kaiser
come up in about 40 minutes
with another update with David Knight
later Jakari Jackson is going to be in his chair
covering all of this
and then after midnight
the crew's probably going to continue
if they've got any juice left
with a round table discussion, I may join them
or I'm being sarcastic
we're actually voting for Romney
that's a joke too
I mean, it is like cyanide or arsenic
or some other poison
it really is just
how does each candidate destroy you
what's your take briefly
on what a Romney would do
versus an Obama
well, I agree with what you said earlier
when you're talking to General Salenty
I think on the issues that concern me
war and peace
destruction of due process
and the Constitution
I don't really see any difference between the two of them
but I think that
people are going to be more awake if Romney stays in
some people on the left
so you're saying if Romney gets in
it would wake up the left or Obama
no, I'm saying if Obama stays in
I think that
it's going to keep people on the right more engaged
and hopefully some people on the left
would wake up
we've already seen some of that happening
some people on the left are very upset about
things that Obama has done
continuing the torture in Gitmo
having a kill list
where he can on his orders
kill American citizens abroad
the NDAA that he was
that he lied back and forth about what he was going to do
and then signed something that basically takes away
our due process
so there are people on the left that are waking up
I'm just afraid that
we're going to go totally asleep
if Romney wins
so we're damned if we do, damned if we don't
okay, David Knight will talk to you again soon
great job
and again I do plan to open the phones up
we plan to have more reports from the street
as well but Austin is
predominantly Democrat
where we come to you from
so it's going to be mainly Obama supporters
vomiting all over the place drunk
sorry it's just ridiculous
as part of our live coverage
I know it's late at night over there
in Albion, Britannia
but he joins us
and Max Kaiser it's election 2012
and I was
flattered that we connected to your Skype
we could hear the audio of the video
and the background we're flattered that you are
following our coverage
here at maxkaiser.com
Max there's so much going on
what is front and center right now in this
selection on Max Kaiser's
radar TV host
former stockbroker inventor of the Hollywood Stock Exchange
what's your take on what's happening
right now Max Kaiser
well I always look at how
markets are trading to give me an idea
of what the big money is doing
what the smart money is doing
and the stock market
and the precious metals markets have been
strong all day
indicating that
Obama win
will bring in more gridlock
and more quantitative easing
more money printing
if there wasn't any chance at all that
Romney would win the markets would have
sold off pretty sharply
over the past couple of days
but they haven't because
there's never been less than a
55-60% chance that Obama would win
anywhere between 60-90%
chance that he would win
if you look at Betfair
or Intrade
these are all political markets
they've all called this for Obama
the Dow Jones
the gold market they've all basically called
this for Obama
so Romney's never really been in this
race as far as the markets
are concerned and since I've spent 25 years
in the markets I kind of
go with how they're going and that's
the way it's been
now if you want to talk about the big news
after the election it's going to be
a busting of
the biggest bubble
in the history of the past
240 years did you know
Alex Jones that
in America for the past 238
years during the entire time
of the existence of the United States
that the US 10-year Treasury
bond has never been
higher at 1.6
0.6% on the yield
on the 10-year level? Yes I did know that
because you have global quantitative easing
devaluation of currencies
to the bottom so people fleeing
into the dollar was on a sign of strength
but actually weakness so
Max Kaiser
is saying that the US Treasuries
are overvalued
I don't think anyone denies that
you get a tiny gain but they're overvalued
what does that mean? Well it's
in a historic bubble
you'd have to go back to the tulip bubble
or other historic
bubbles that are trading at
these incredible over
over valuations
and when this US government bond
bubble bursts
then that'll within now in the next
six months you know I'm still sticking to my
prediction of global paper
apocalypse between now
in the middle of April
so we're into the final six months
this prediction will cause
more massive gridlock
more massive money printing
I'm here in the UK where the economy
is rolling over where the
government is throwing up its arms
and basically throwing in the towel and giving up
where there's more
problems every single day
gold is making new highs
against the British pound it's made new highs
against the Euro the Swiss franc
as you know I'm here to witness
first hand
the collapse of the UK economy because
when the paper apocalypse
comes the
nations with the most gold are going to be
the ones that will survive
and the UK
has less we're really only about
300 tons of gold
it's one of the lowest positions of gold
of any of the G20 nations
the Eurozone by the way has over
12,000 tons
Italy's got over 2400 tons
the UK is only 300
tons of gold that means that they're going to go
to a gunfight
with a pea shooter they just
don't have enough gold
by the way it's not just
the Middle Eastern countries or
Venezuela a whole bunch of countries
are demanding their gold back from the US
and England what does that
signify that they think things are going to collapse
so bad and things are going to go to
different conflicts worldwide that they won't be able
to get their gold back
well starting in 2009 Alex
the central banks around the world reversed
a 30 year trend
they became buyers of gold
starting in 2009
Mexico has bought
increased their gold reserves
Korea has increased their gold reserves
by hundreds of percentage points
here's how you know
when the paper apocalypse is upon us Alex
this is a very simple concept
that once it happens
it will cause seismic
around the world central banks
around the world right now they print money
to buy bonds that's what a quantitative
easing is all about
when this thing hits the fan
central banks will begin to print
money to buy gold
that's the big difference
central banks printing money
to buy gold then
you see gold trading at $5,000 an
ounce overnight that's when you see the
US Treasury bond get crushed
by 50 60 70% in a
week that's what I'm talking about
between now and April
continue breaking that analysis down
well it's just
a matter of
the central banks
and the investment banks that do business
with them
have done nothing over the past
five years of this crisis
except expand
the level of derivatives trading
they've expanded the
complications of the
interbank dealing and
all of the unsound practices
that they've been involved with
HSBC the biggest bank in the UK
just got caught
in there being charged with another
500 million half a billion
for money laundering for Mexico
that brings a 1.6 billion
pound liability to HSBC
the LIBOR scandal the biggest
scandal in banking history
affects $300 trillion in securities
the lawsuits are piling up
like tobacco and asbestos
combined the LIBOR scandal
is going to completely decapitalize these
banks the Basel committee in Switzerland
is saying that banks must increase their
working capital by billions
hundreds of billions of dollars at the same time
that they're trying to pay down
debt so those two things are
completely opposed to each other
it doesn't add up except
to a massive crash which we're
heading into and this this election
in the US has
doesn't matter you could put Mickey
Mouse in the White House it won't
stop this paper
apocalypse from hitting in the next six
months it just doesn't make it doesn't matter
who you put in the White House
the freight train is at full speed
you can't stop it
our guest is
Max Kaiser and we've
done quite a bit tonight with us another
few minutes or so maybe a little bit longer
I would like to
open the phones up
here to our phone system for people
that want to report any
voting anomalies
and we'll do that here in a few minutes and we also have
reporters are going to be on the ground at Austin
and our own David Knight and Jakari
Jackson are going to be popping in with the latest
updates but when I
saw the bookies
over the weekend in Ireland
in England and even in Vegas by Monday
already paying out on
Obama but I'm looking at the
electoral college and I'm looking at the popular vote
Romney's winning
popular he's neck and neck in the
electoral college
again I mean quite frankly
either way
I like the fact that Romney claims
he's pro-gun and stuff but I know that's all
a bunch of talk so I'm not a big enough
schmuck or sucker or
you know a
rube or whatever word you use
to sit here and fantasize about this
but I mean it's scary
Obama calls war peace
I mean it's scary he gets peace prizes
it's scary he says he's going to ban my handguns
it's scary a lot of stuff
so I'm like am I wrong
not getting in this am I wrong
but then you know I pull back but
you know it's easy to go in there and
make bets that Obama's
going to win to skew it
if they're going to spend six billion dollars on this election
one way or the other as the New York Times reported
a few days ago
so I mean I don't think we can call this race
yet but you know Gerald Salento who I respect
he's been calling Obama
you've been calling Obama who I respect
for months
so I mean more and more I guess it's four more
years of Obama
we're going to find out I mean nobody knows yet
it's neck and neck right now but I mean
it's neck and neck and like in a rig casino
it's kind of like putting a carrot in front
of a donkey to making plow more
I mean it's a riddle inside
a smoke screen inside a hall of mirrors
you know that
we're getting our fortune told on the side of the highway
via some gypsy card
so who knows what even
reality is in this kingdom of lies
but you're saying
explain as a former now
retired top stockbroker
inventor of virtual trading
I mean describe in the
technicals Max Kaiser
why the markets did this and why
you're saying the markets
commodities gold silver and other things going up
why that signifies a big win
for the man who brought us the Obama phone
you're right
and that bookies in Europe
are paying out on an Obama win
already they started doing that yesterday
that's how
certain they are of an Obama win
that they're paying out on those bets
I believe it was patty power
or one of the other bookies
that was patty power a bunch of others
okay so they're already paying out
on this bet
the commodities markets
the gold market and the stock market to a large
degree they want more
of the same they want more quantitative easing
Romney you know the way
he talks now of course
when he gets into the White House
whether he would fulfill this promise
or not that's another story but the way
he was talking was that he would try
to get America's fiscal
house in order
that he would try to support the dollar
and that he would stop wasting money
overseas but you know
that would be good for the dollar
and that would be potentially a negative for gold
but nobody in the gold market ever believed
them Goldman Sachs doesn't believe them
nobody believes them because they kept
bidding up the price of stocks and gold
throughout this entire period and none more
so than today you saw
a massive rally in gold today up
33 bucks at one point because
it's clear that Obama is going
to create more gridlock
and there's going to be massive money printing
and there's going to be more
of the same in this massive banking crisis
which is yet to show
its final comeuppance because the system
knows what Obama and his crew
is going to do so this signifies
oh this means the inflationary
it's not that Romney would
even keep his promises it's just they know
the quantifiable power
of the structure of Obama
and they're saying okay that means commodities
are going to go up
absolutely and the markets are
discounting mechanisms
we can say that they are not
necessarily prediction
mechanisms but
the smart money the big money
will definitely move prices
and as they move that money around
and prices reflect where that money is going
you can see for example
going back to the George Bush
election when he won the election
six months before George Bush
won the first term
the tobacco stocks
and the nuclear energy stocks all
surged to new 52 week highs
because they knew that
that's where this country was going
and they knew that
massive amounts of money was going to go to tobacco
go to energy go to defense
and those stocks hitting new all time highs
so the market was telling you
which way this thing was going
the same thing with the gold and precious metals
it's a de feta complete
that this banking crisis
will precipitate massive
massive amounts of money printing
okay how did they know
how did they know Obama was going to win
when the wide spectrum of polls
showed neck and neck does that lean
towards the fix being in
now the
the best poll
is from Nate Silver
who looks at purely at the statistics
and Nate Silver
forget the name of his website
but he's been keeping
Obama ahead as the electoral college
yeah he's now saying
92% chance and that's who the New York Times uses
right so that's always been between
60 and 90%
and that's a
that's a poll that's a guy who's completely independent
what do you expect Obama to do
because one thing I don't like about Obama
and maybe it's just the power structure
because I know there are
frontmen but but there are different CEOs
of slavery incorporated
I mean TSA was not trying to grab
my wavos before
Obama got in but I mean maybe that was just a
coincidence but I mean if that trend
continues will there be full proctology
and you know the TSA openly
going after the
you know I mean
our families
as far as if you can bear
Obama in the context of civil
rights he's worse than Bush
I mean that will give you an idea
of how bad this guy is
you had the Obama deception film
four years ago
and that was a very
prescient film and it was a very accurate
film Obama is a disaster
he's got to be one of the worst presidents
ever but it doesn't mean he's not going
to win tonight
because the establishment's happy
with what he's doing
the establishment is making billions
of dollars
on the back of Obama
Wall Street's going to pay it's up
another 140 billion dollars
in bonuses this year I'm sure it'll be
a record year in bonuses like
for every year of Obama's
administration you know give or take
they've always made out like bandits
so why would you vote against that
Wow Max
I'm here asking a lot of the questions
Max Kaiser of the Kaiser report
on RT also BBC
you name it I mean he's got
shows in England he's got shows
other points that I'm not bringing
up that you think are important for the audience
I think
this is a complete
waste of everyone's time
in the
context of looking ahead to what's
going to be the reality starting
tomorrow and the next day which is
that the banks and the
economies are crumbling rapidly
and everything we've been saying is only
picking up speed and
the people need to be aware of that
and position themselves and protect
themselves and do the things we've been saying
Sure I mean people ask me this all the time
they say Alex if you say at the presidential level
elections are a farce at this point
and it's a left-right paradigm and the same global
is controlled both sides which they write books about
bragging it's not my opinion it's not like I'm
saying this people say oh how'd you know this
well they said it I mean they think we're so
they operate out in the open and I guess
in a way we are dumb because
most people don't
care to even read a newspaper I saw
a natural study two weeks ago that 23%
read newspapers period
I mean at any time others don't even touch
them and that's a whole other level
of propaganda even if you read the
newspaper but the general public is just
totally unaware of what's going on
people say then why are you
covering the election if it's a farce well
I'm honest about that
I can sit there
and hang out my shingle and say
we're covering the election
and get everybody in the matrix to tune
in and not just the
choir and then I can say by the way
the whole thing's a fraud
and show how it's all controlled I mean
you know it's it's really that simple people
like well why'd you do an Obama deception
if both sides are controlled well the
Obama deception shows that
we just use the cult of Obama
when he was you know 90%
approval rating God incarnate
to show people the fraud
he would be which has now been proven
it's just that
here's my problem
Max because I am
pro-life because
I am
pro-second amendment and pro-sovereignty
I know the Republicans are
against all that as well
but but they act like they're
you know for it
I have the Democrats and media
matters and all these groups
attacking me and doing things
and doing things behind the scenes
so all I know is they've
put me in the Republican
gang even if I'm not
part of that gang I'm part of the freedom
gang I want freedom I don't like
corruption I don't think it's cute to be
an insider you know I I want to make it on
my own and I want to empower others
so what do I do because
the word I've gotten is
that that
the Justice Department and the rest of those
fast and furious criminals
are going to really try to cinch things up
which is what the power structure wants
it's not just because they're Democrats
I've just found that the Democrats are a very
authoritarian crew
at the top
well you know as bad as it is
in the States for the reasons and everything
you've just described it's actually
in some ways a lot worse
in a country like Ireland now I was listening
to Gerald Solente
I just came back from a week in Ireland
and in Ireland it's
the situation is worse they
only have one broadcaster RTE
it's like the state
sponsored TV licensed
sponsored broadcaster
and all they do all day is report
on farm conditions and the weather
even though that you've got guys like
Noonan who was mentioned earlier
or you've got banking
guys like Sean Fitzpatrick and others
who have stolen billions
hundreds of billions of euros from the country
the media doesn't even
mention that in any context
at any time it's a complete
blank slate it's not even mentioned
so the people have been abandoned by the media
they've been abandoned by the banks
the Catholic Church has abandoned them
there's a huge scandal in Ireland
where the Irish government
has closed down their embassy at the Vatican
as part of a huge scandal
so they've lost their church
they've lost their banks
they've lost their media
they've been completely abandoned
these people are just wandering around
from county to county not knowing
what to do now in America
still you've got outlets like yourself
you've got other people that at least
have some alternative voice
but in some of these other countries
like Ireland and
down in Greece
it's just really unbelievable
what about this point did you know out of
170 plus countries
at www.thewebaratingsystem
guess where this show is normally
number one it's actually number two right now
because the election we're getting even more
visitors from the U.S.
we are consistently for a decade
my biggest audience
per capita is Ireland
they understand
that they've got to go outside to get news
and information
I've said on your show many times
that what I call
the global insurrection against
bank or occupation, the front line is in Athens and Dublin. And I believe that we should have,
and I'm there myself, but there should be permanent reporters from your organization
and others in Dublin, in Athens, who are reporting on the global insurrection. So that this is
the front line. I agree, folks. We don't have the capital, but we can vet good reporters
in Athens and in Dublin, not just have max nominees there. We need to get correspondence
there who can talk about what it's like to really be under the globalist because they're
two or three years ahead of us. Right. It would help the people there give them real
assistance. It would also help people in America see what the future is going to look like because
the U.S., as we've said before, is insulated to some degree because they have the U.S. dollar,
which is the World Reserve currency, which means that even in today's environment, the price of
food and energy on a relative basis are a lot cheaper than other places of the world. So America
has a good quote on quote compared to Greece, obviously. We're exporting our inflation.
All kinds of nasty bits are going back and forth and benefits that come with having the
World Reserve currency. But in two or three times, the benefit of having that currency will collapse
as all of the paper money collapses. Yeah. I saw a number that the per capita government and private
debt in the U.S. is the highest in the world of any industrialized country and was something like
30%. It's in my stack worse than Greece. What do they call it? They call that the fiscal cliff,
right? After the election, there's going to be a discussion about what about this fiscal cliff.
So this is what Ireland had to deal with three years ago when the government, on behalf of the
people, assumed 100% of one bank's liabilities, Anglo-Irish, and took the country from having no
deficit, no structural deficit, no problem paying any of the welfare programs to being hundreds of
billions or two or three times their GDP and debt. That happened in one week.
Max, let me raise that for people because they do this Bengali move, this mind control move,
where four and a half years ago, October 2008, it was admitted that 90 plus percent of this debt
we were signing on to was derivatives fraud, not the people's debt. Same thing in Iceland,
same thing that you reported on live from, same thing in Ireland, same thing in Greece,
same thing, it's 87% is not their debt in Spain, Portugal. But then by now, the media is like,
you're lazy and dumb, you need to work seven days a week, we're taking your pension fund,
you scum, you're the reason we're in debt. And I'm like, excuse me, they admit right here this
isn't the Irish people's debt, this isn't the Icelanders debt, this isn't the Greeks debt,
this isn't the Spanish debt. I mean, talk about perishing for lack of knowledge,
their criminal governments, sign them on to the bankers, give their tax money, the bankers,
to bail them out, the bankers come back and say, well, now because you gave us all this money,
you're in debt to us on that money, and we're going to shut everything down to increase your taxes
to pay us more. I mean, I'm like, hey, how about your ass gets thrown in prison? How's that sound?
Well, the debt that they're paying to this bank, Angle Irish, is by definition,
unsecured debt, which means that if there's inability of the debtor to pay, then the creditor
has to accept their losses. It's not even a secured debt, it's an unsecured debt,
and they're still going to be paying off billions of euros on an unsecured debt.
Sure. How do they sign me up for banks derivatives crap, too big to fail,
and then turn around and tell me I'm lazy and need to pay these bastard banks more money?
Okay. So that's Ireland is basically their goose is cooked. Now let's look at the UK for a second.
What is the debt to GDP ratio in the UK? Well, if you add up the national debt,
the personal debt, and the debt on the bank's balance sheet, the UK, the Britain has a debt
to GDP ratio of over 900%, which is incredibly high. It's about where Iceland was before Iceland
blew up. And there's no way that Britain can pay off this debt. That's why the British pound and
the British economy is Iceland on steroids. They're just walking into a machete. That's
why I'm here. I'm going to cover this live because this is going to be the most
spectacular flame out we've seen in 50 years or more. The US is not much better. I mean,
they've got huge problems include, but they have the military, they've got the Pentagon,
they've got the ability to launch wars. Got some nuclear weapons and a bunch of high tech
propaganda, but let's expand on that. I know I stated it, but I want you and your expert terms
to explain how, because I've seen the numbers even in the news,
on average 90% or so of the debt is the banksters. How do they transmute it like alchemy onto our
debt and then lecture us about how great they are all day and how great it is to be run by
their unelected technocrats? Well, he had a case study in this back in 2008. Remember Hank Paulson
went in front of Congress during the crisis and he said, you need to give us three quarters of a
trillion dollars to save your bank, the banking system. That means you need to guarantee three
quarters of a trillion dollars to bail out Goldman Sachs and Wall Street. And Congress said,
wait a minute, that sounds preposterous. You know, we're not going to do it. Well,
what did they do the next day? Hank Paulson hit the sell button and with program trading and
algorithmic trading and high frequency trading, they crashed the market in the way that I've
described on your show many times. The market crashed and then Congress said, oh, wait a minute,
we've changed our mind. Here's your three quarters of a trillion dollars. Same thing in Europe.
Every time one of these countries like Greece wants to have more money printing going out,
another big bailout of the banks, they crash the market. When Ireland needs more money,
they crash the market. When any time more money is needed to be printed, they crash the market.
And that market crash is not due to market conditions. It's a market crash that is orchestrated
by market participants to affect a political outcome. So they're holding a hostage. And as
you point out, you knew people that kept trading in the towers at places you worked,
even though they knew it was probably going to kill them, who died to make extra money. So
these banksters can't stop doing this. So where does it lead us if they hold us hostage into oblivion?
Well, I don't think there is any way out of it because there's nothing at this point anyone
can do to stop the inertia, the momentum. And so you have to look after this global crash
and decide where you want to be after the crash. For me, I want to be with as much gold and silver
as possible. But there's got to be no way that anyone or any organization or any government or
any group of government is going to be able to come together and stop this from happening.
Yeah, there's no way we're not going into increased inflation. They can manipulate it for a while.
They can play games with paper. That's why I bought gold at $200 and something an ounce never
sold it. That's why I bought silver at $5. Yeah, let me go just go back and review a fundamental
point here. The central banks, which are the repositories of the biggest hordes of cash and
credit in the world, starting in 2009, they stopped being sellers of gold and they started
being buyers of gold because they don't trust each other. And when you lose the confidence,
you lose everything that keeps a fiat money afloat. The trend for central banks, including
China, which is the world's biggest gold miner, they're the biggest gold buyer. A couple of things
are going to happen that are going to kick this off. China's going to announce probably at the end,
beginning of next year, that as of the end of this year, their reserves, gold reserves, have gone
from 1,000 tons to 2 or 2,500 tons of gold. That will freak out every central banker in the world
who will then scramble to buy gold. And then here's the kicker. They will engage in quantitative
easing. That is to print money not to buy bonds, but to buy gold. That's when this thing blows up.
That's when bonds crash. That's when paper money goes hyperinflationary, worthless. That's when
gold kicks off to a higher level. So that's the trigger. That's the trigger for the race of the
exits. Yes. Okay. Let me just give people some breaking news here. Romney takes early electoral
vote lead with Ohio and Virginia too close to call. Romney has carried West Virginia,
South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Fox News projects. That means Carl Rove projects.
New Jersey email voting suffers major glitches deadline extended to Friday. So
there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, they are now extending the election. Other media may
just call it. I mean, we are entering hyper bizarro. That is NBC News. Bloomberg suggests partial
evacuation ahead of a new storm. That's Wall Street Journal. The big nor'easter coming in.
Well, this is really biblical of the storm. Another storm. I mean, I mean, get ready for
some crazy, crazy times. Taking photos of your ballot is illegal in Illinois. You're not supposed
to show the electronic fraud. Everybody's pointing out. And we've got gold oil surge. Other commodities
post gains as ballots cast in major presidential election. Max Kaiser is our guest. Hey, you want
to talk to Max Kaiser? We've only got about 15 more minutes out of David Knight and a report.
And then we're going to have Wayne Madsen joining us as well as Paul Craig Roberts,
Lou Rockwell and many others. Ron Paul is on Friday. Jesse Ventura tomorrow during the main
radio show. And again, I want to thank all our guests and the crew and all you the viewers out
there. But here's the toll free number to join us 877-789 Alex 877-789-2539. Did you see election
fraud? Or do you have a quick comment on what's happening? This is too early to tell. It's all
a bunch of fraud anyway. So, you know, they're telling us it's like, it's like the, it's like
the roulette wheel in Vegas. I mean, how do you know it's not staged because, because Don Carleone
told you it wasn't. How do you know that's your daddy? Because your mama told you so. How do you
know? Aspartame's good for you because Monsanto told you so. Enjoy that brain tumor. So here we
are, ladies and gentlemen, 877-789-2539. Max Kaiser.com is the website of our guests. And Max,
what time is it over there in Britannia? What is it like midnight one in the morning?
It's time for everyone listening to your show to start following me on Twitter.
I agree. Give us your Twitter. It's Max Kaiser is my Twitter handle.
It's Twitter. Listen, I don't know how Twitter works.
Max Kaiser, K-E-I-S-E-R. You must follow me on Twitter. That is part of the salvation.
Listen, all I know is I didn't get on to Twitter and Facebook till a lot later.
And, you know, I've got a hundred thousand followers or more. I've only got like 37,000.
I want to be, if I get over Alex Jones and the number of followers that next week,
I'll give away 20 silver ounces to whoever gets me over that number.
Anyways, I'll be at 50 million followers. My whole point is, is that I'm sitting here and we need
everybody to go to real Alex Jones on Twitter as well and sign up for that because we're getting
censored on Facebook and on YouTube, not on Twitter yet. I need something where I don't have to,
you know, send out emails to everybody and that gets blocked by spam filters. I need people to
be on that. So when I'm out there at live reports or you need to get something out,
Twitter.com, forward slash real Alex Jones. Anytime you get to some game late, it's not good.
I don't know how I could put an article on Info Wars in any article. I think it's like a hundred
thousand readers. And then I can't get over 114,000. I guess 115,000 followers. Everybody
needs to be on there so that I can lustfully because it's not really lust, but it's the
clearest word I've got. I really want to get info into people's hands. So yes, follow Max Geyser.
I think the word you're looking for is actively.
Actively. Absolutely, sir.
Let me just tell you something in which you don't really understand this. Well,
I have to break it down for you. People in Ireland, as I explained it to you, they are in a media
vacuum. Alex Jones, wherever you go in Ireland, you can go to a farming town with only 20 people
and they know Alex Jones. People listen to you. You see the numbers on Alexa. That's not a freak
accident. You are huge in Ireland. You are huge in the UK. You are huge in the English-speaking
world. And there's got to be a way to leverage that as far as fighting back against the banksters.
You know, you're thinking in the bubble of America, and America is the last country to go under
because of the reserve dollar. You can build out that army of supporters in these other countries
and it'll give you more firepower to go against the banksters. In my opinion, that's just my opinion.
Max, all I want to do is defeat the globalists. Tell me how.
Well, in Ireland, it sounds like you're setting yourself up to have a lot more coverage with
reporters in different countries and things. And that sounds fantastic. If you had a permanently
somebody in Dublin and somebody in Athens and somebody in a couple of other key countries,
then what becomes clear is that this global banking crisis, this global insurrection against
banks is something everyone shares around the world. Canada, Australia, certainly in the English-speaking
world is the obvious connecting of all these countries. But all it takes is a couple of
reporters from these places to report now like HSBC or the LIBOR scandals global, the money
laundering scandal from HSBC with Mexico, and now it's huge, $100 billion. So this is all
connected. So it all can go through the headquarters and they're in Austin. You're the global nexus
of all this. And you already are. I'm just saying that, hey, there's a people out there in Ireland
who already are looking to you to get their news. So maybe bring out a couple of reporters,
as you've done in the U.S., maybe bring a couple on from these other countries to give it that
global footprint. No, I agree. But I'm just a regular guy trying to keep basic operations here
and build our central network. But I agree. I mean, I would just say to everybody-
You know this guy Watson, right? Watson is in the U.K. He's got the U.K. covered. You need a Watson
type guy in Dublin and one in Athens. That's my final suggestion. I agree. We've had some of the
groups on from there. They're great people. No, but I agree with you. We're all under the same
tyranny. I want to go to some calls here in the last 10 minutes with Max Kaiser. We're going to go
to an update with David Knight and some of our reporters on the ground. Let's go to
Labellus in Florida. You're on the air. Hey Alex, it's Labellus. I reported today on my show.
I saw some really underhanded stuff at my polling place. You've got the poll workers wearing
Obama campaign t-shirts, coffee mugs, and you know, I go up to get my ballot and they want my photo ID
and proof of residence and everything else. But there are several black people that come up behind
me and they don't ask them for any of that. We're seeing reports of retail fraud everywhere.
You know, they've got the markers outside the polling place, you know, showing here in Florida
you can't have any campaign material within 100 feet of the polling place. And you know,
you walk in, in my precinct anyway, and you know, here's all this Obama stuff.
Tell me your precinct because that would be national news poll workers and Obama
outfits. It's district 14.
District 14 where? In Hillsborough County. In Hillsborough County, Florida, there are people
running things wearing Obama outfits. It was in the Houston Chronicle that the NAACP is running
the polls there and it is also in the news that they have the new Black Panther Party in Philadelphia
there with baseball bats like last time. Pretty amazing. I tell you man, this country's in a
lot of trouble. I've also seen other reports in other cities. I think Chicago was one where one
of the judges there was wearing his Obama ball cap. Unbelievable. All I can say is I would
videotape something like that by hook or by crook because that needs to be exposed and I'm not
saying you're lying. It's just unbelievable that this is all going on. Thank you for the call.
Labelist Max Kaiser, any comments on what he just said? Yeah, sure. As far as voting fraud goes in
the United States, why would anyone be surprised that the basic tenant of democracy voting is
totally corrupt? Look at the other metrics of how America is doing. On the competitiveness table,
America has just crashed down. It's not even in the top 10. It's not in the top 15. It's number 17
in terms of competitiveness in the world. On the human rights front, they passed NDAA,
total abolishment of human rights. How are they doing on the Gini coefficient, which is the
measure of the wealth gap between the richest and the poorest? Well, according to this number,
the US is doing quite poorly as well, crashing down that table. How about press freedom? Well,
according to reports without borders, press freedom in America is crashing. So if all the basic
measures of a democracy and of a thriving society are all crashing, why would we expect the polling
institution to be any less corrupt and any less pathetic? Of course, it's going to be equally
pathetic. Every institution in the country is crashing. And everything's gang mentality.
You know, as long as your gang's winning, let's talk to Jerry in New York here on the air with Max
Kaiser. Hey, how are you? Hey, buddy, thank you for joining us during special puppet election
coverage. Yeah, I've been looking to you for years. You're the best. And Max Kaiser, he kind of has
the same perspective as Gerald Solante. He said there will be a bubble. And what's your take
on the relationship between Iran, America and Israel? And what do you think? When do you think
precisely will it turn to effect after the election? Because there's a hold on by Benjamin
Daniel to attempt to do something. Yeah, that's right. The deal was made that they would strike
Iran after the election. We were also told by a lot of our sources, they would stage a fake
enrichment hold announcement that did happen Max Kaiser. Well, the countries with the independent
oil supplies are vulnerable. We saw in Iraq, we see it in Iran. And that's when you have the global
oil business dominated by Exxon and others. These countries are vulnerable. And so if in fact,
they can plausibly get in there. Remember when they went into Iraq, it was going to be, it was
going to cost something like $20 or $30 billion. And the invasion would pay for itself from the
oil revenues from those oil fields. Well, a million innocent lives later and $2 trillion later,
you know, they're finally now starting maybe to get something back. But of course, a lot of that's
now going to foreign competitors and not even because they're globalists. I mean, I talked to
so many good old boys who said, Alex, we need the oil, shut up. I'm like idiot. If they'll kill a
million Iraqis to get this, you're not going to get the oil jack. It's, and I went further. I said,
you know, they were mad at Saddam in 1990, because he was over pumping to pay off his debts, driving
down prices. OPEC was mad. You know, the bankers will make more money restricting oil. You do get
artificial scarcity and you'd hear, you know, crickets chirping in the background. People just
don't get it. They don't get that Obama can make more money shutting down coal power plants, not
owned by General Electric, so they can double charge people. There's more than one way to take over.
And people just don't get this new economy of total piracy.
Right. Well, getting back to the banking end of this, of course, you have the Saddam Hussein was
going to price the oil in euros and not dollars. So that freaked people out. Iran wanted to price
their energy resources in euros. That precipitated, you know, and endangered and inflamed the conflict.
You know, and going back, you know, you haven't mentioned Libya at all, but Libya was a very
interesting country in that they had a very, very large gold supply, bigger than Greece,
bigger than a lot of countries. And Gaddafi was talking about launching a gold-backed currency
for Africa, which, you know, it makes a lot of sense for the reasons we've talked about,
why any country should back their currency by gold. Here, he was actually doing it.
And he brought in consultants, including the likes of Tony Blair from former Prime Minister of Britain,
who, after within six months of leaving Downing Street and being a consultant for JP Morgan,
getting his $3 million a year as a consultant for JP Morgan, Gaddafi, you know, found himself at the
end of a, you know, a pipe dead. So that'll give you an idea of who the bigger threat is in the
world today, Muammar Gaddafi or Tony Blair. I would posit that Tony Blair is the greater evil in
that equation. Sure. It comes down to just absolute criminal despotism. And Libya invested its money
with the globalists. They just killed Gaddafi, took the money, put al-Qaeda in. And now they
said they've got to invade Libya because al-Qaeda is there. Hillary today was in the news. I have
the article here in the stack saying, we've got to invade Syria because they're with al-Qaeda.
Doesn't matter if the West publicly put al-Qaeda in. It is unbelievable.
Kaelin in North Carolina, you're on the air with Max Kaiser. Go ahead. I just have one,
I have really two questions. One, I'm looking at this website that's showing the presidential
right-end rules. It's from 2008, but I'm looking at some of these rules and it's kind of scary
because the way they've got them written, it seems, because you know with Ron Paul not getting their
public nominee after the RNC screwed him over, it seems that the way these rules are written,
it seems that they're not even allowing right-ends to even count at all.
Yeah, no, they don't. If it's not on the ballot, it's not on the ballot. And everything they're
doing is to keep third parties or any other voice out of things. Any comments on that, Max Kaiser?
I didn't vote this year. I'm not going to be
suckered into taking this thing seriously. Don't vote. Don't vote at all. It's a joke.
America has been euthanized by big money, big banks. So it's like,
you know, I don't want to mention the name of the poor woman, but there was a case in America
a few years ago where this poor woman was in a vegetable state for years and it became a huge
story. But this is America. America is a vegetable. They're keeping it alive with artificial money
printing. But by every medical definition, it's dead. So why am I going to waste time voting
for a dead duck? It's a complete waste. It's gone. So just let the rest of these other banks
collapse and let's see what we have on the other end of this collapse and what we can salvage
at the other end of this global collapse. But there's nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Well, that's what Ron Paul says. You know, things are going to collapse. We need to be pointing out
who did it. So the people that did it can't pose as saviors once everything collapses.
Well, you know, Ron Paul, as we've said many times, he is a student of all of this historically
speaking in the banks and the central banks and he speaks wise words, you know, but of course,
they wouldn't let him debate, would they? They wouldn't let him get on the ballot, would they?
Because my God, what if Ron Paul was actually President of the United States, you'd have like
a sound dollar, you'd have competitiveness, you'd have common sense, but that all of that is not
profitable. If you're a bankster, you don't want any of that because you want to be able to continue
to roll over bad debts, collect fees and start wars. Max Kaiser, thank you so much for spending
time with us. Obviously, we'll get updates from you very soon as all of this unfolds. We'll continue
with calls from Jessica, Tommy, Sean, Mike and many others that are patiently holding after we
get a update on the latest numbers in the puppet selection from our own David Knight and coming
up Jakari Jackson. We're also going to be talking to Wayne Madsen and continuing with your calls.
Max Kaiser, as always, thank you for spending time with us. When are you coming on my show?
Anytime you want, buddy. All right, I'll hold you to that. See ya. There goes Max Kaiser.
A really good sky body of the day or tonight. I guess it's two in the morning over there in
England time or one 30 in the morning. I don't know. Look, we got a lot more coming up here and
things will get clearer and clearer throughout the night. What's going on? What the globalists are
going to do? It looks like this might drag on into tomorrow. That's contention. And if the longer
things go, the more chances you've got for civil unrest because people riot over their stupid football
or baseball or basketball teams winning or losing. And this has all become very Coke, Pepsi, Ford,
Chevy, Rah, Rah, Romney, Obama. And you've had, as I've pointed out, this is really the big issue.
You've had globalist operatives like Michael Moore and Bill Maher, calling for violence,
calling for racial attacks. White guys trying to incite people into this part of their divide
and conquer program. Because if we ever lived together in peace and had freedom, well, they'd
be out of a job posing as the guy is protecting us all from racism. And so they're really pushing
for that. If Obama gets back in, look out. If Romney gets in, look out. I personally really
don't like Eric Holder and the Justice Department and the fast and furious and things they've done.
And I don't like a president not facing reelection. But now the polls are closed across
much of the country. They're not closed out in California yet. And again, it doesn't matter
who we communicate with, who we talk to, the final equation, the globalists will make that
decision. We're going to go to a break here, correct? And then we're going to come back
in about two minutes, three minutes with David Knight. And then he's going to be throwing it
to some of the reporters out there on the ground as well in Austin, Texas. And then we will tea
up for the live transmission of Wayne Madsen. And then as I said, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
we're going to have Lou Rockwell, Nomi Prince, and so many others. Webster Tarpley. We end
with Webster Tarpley. And then, as I said, I have been on the air, I don't know, like five,
six hours today. And I'll be honest with you, it is exhausting. But it's also exhilarating to be
alive and focused. So I will continue as long as I can. I don't know, I've got to be here for
Tarpley because we're going to hear all about the Mormon Mafia. And so I look forward to that being
sarcastic. Yeah, yes, Leppen the Hood, up to no good. In fact, we should go to YouTube. We should
come in in with that with him doing the Leppen the Hood is up to no good. If you don't know what
I'm talking about, you will see it if the Skeleton Crew is able to get that done.
You know, I planned some of this and I was like, let's do some live feeds on the streets. So they
sent like half the reporters out to live feeds, which we're not even really going to. But those
are being archived as well at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com. We'll continue with these guests.
It's important for all of you out there to continue to spread the word about the free audio
and video feeds. There is a giant audience for not being on broadcast radio right now
that is tuned into those video and audio feeds right now at prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
Okay, the tire I get the more I run on, we're going to go to break and come back with David Knight
in the TV studio giving us some of the latest numbers and more right here. It's infowars.com
coverage, true grassroots, real analysis. Somebody had to do it and you know what,
we're trying our best to stay with us. I'm President Barack Barrie Obama and you're
watching continual coverage of the 2012 presidential election here on infowars.com.
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Welcome back. We're here with some live election news. Now Alex is covering the real story and
what's really happening in the world with his guests like Max Kaiser and Gerald Slenty. He's
got several more guests lined up. But we're here to tell you what's going on in the beauty contest
of this puppet election. And we've got some interesting news, something that a little bit
different that we have been reported so far. In New Jersey, they haven't called it for Romney yet,
but right now he's leading Obama 54 to 43%. So that's a bit of a surprise. The rest of the map
is not really very much of a surprise because what you're seeing on the rest of the map is
Illinois and the other northeastern states going for Obama as expected. The southern states have
reported and throughout the starting to go over towards the Midwest, they're starting to close
polls over there. So far the states that have been called are kind of what people expected.
So no surprises there except for possibly New Jersey, but of course they haven't called that yet.
Now, when Alex was on, he had a caller who called him from Tampa complaining about some
irregularities at the polling place saying that they had Obama paraphernalia inside the polling
place. And it's pretty standard throughout the country, certainly in Florida, it's a law that
you don't have any campaign literature for either party within 100 feet of the polling place. But
inside the polling place, he reported seeing Obama literature and things like that. But that's
something that actually Drudge has reported on that. And again in Tampa, I don't know if it's
the same precinct that this fellow was calling from, but there's actually a large Obama poster
in the precinct in Tampa. And then also in Philadelphia, they had a very large Obama poster
that they partially covered. We've got a picture of that coming up. There it is right there.
They partially covered that poster of Obama. The other thing that was interesting is
an article that Drudge had was you and observers are amazed that we don't require ID at polling
places. Well, guess what? Most of us Americans are also equally amazed that there is no
identification process. You may not have caught the beginning of the broadcast. We're having a
little bit of technical difficulties. But as I pointed out, someone that we know back in North
Carolina just had a situation where he went in to vote and his dead mother had just immediately
preceded him in voting according to the Board of Elections. And they were able to pull that ballot
out. But we're seeing that happen quite a lot, especially in North Carolina. They're notorious
for the 112-year-old voters who are voting that spent 3,000 or 4,000 of those that have voted.
Interestingly enough, 90% of those are within just four of the 100 counties in North Carolina.
That's where we're seeing that kind of corruption. But there's all kinds of retail corruption in
terms of invalid voters not being purged from the rolls, people being allowed to vote without any
identification. We also have some interesting, like I said, we had some glitches, some other
people possibly having glitches. At KPHO, they put up a graphic that showed Obama with 43% of
the vote and Romney with 40% of the vote with 99 precincts reporting, left that up for about 17
seconds. Again, that could be a glitch just testing out a screen or something, live feeds like that.
But more interesting, possibly, is something Aaron Dykes reported on on InfoWars. And that is that
earlier in the night, Fox put up a graphic showing Obama quite ahead in the voting. They had him,
actually, at that time, it was 6.20 p.m. Central. They posted a graphic that showed 42 million
votes for Obama, 32 million for Romney under the title, It's a Wrap. Campanning has done Romney
Obama await the verdict. Interesting because Fox News, unlike most of the other news outlets that
seem to be, it's a close election, CNN, MSNBC are calling it for Obama, whereas Fox is adamantly
asserting that Romney is going to win according to their polls and their analysts and that sort
of thing. So it's kind of interesting that they would put up a graphic showing Obama winning.
And then, of course, Chris Matthews had a rant. Title was, Chris Matthews goes unobnoxious rant
against idiots who vote for a third party or stay home that was on media type. And he said,
basically, if you vote for one of these numbskulls and a third or fourth party candidate like the
libertarian candidate Gary Johnson or Green Party candidate Jill Sein and say, I was surprised at
what happened, no, you shouldn't be because idiots like you voted for third or fourth party
candidates and they don't know how the system works. He said, I'm really bothered. He continued,
I said, I'm really bothered by people who thought, oh, I thought I would vote for
John Anderson or I really like Ralph Nader and what he stands for that has nothing to do with
the presidency. He says, nothing to do with it. Well, I don't think so. And I think a lot of our
viewers on Infowars don't think so either. We've got some polls that we put up. There's a page
that we've set up on infowars.com where we ask viewers a few questions. And one of those questions
we asked was who you voted for, for president or did you vote? Interestingly enough, Johnson got
38% of the people who voted in it. It's not scientific. It's just something that people
volunteer to do on our site. So it's kind of reflective maybe of our audience. Johnson got
38%. Romney, 26%. Ron Paul, 15%. That's 15% of the people who wrote him in.
About the same number of people that didn't vote, which is 15%. And Obama only got 3%.
Now, actually, there's some other interesting questions on that poll,
on some of those polls. Some of them, there was one question we asked that if you voted in the
presidential race, did you vote enthusiastically for someone or vote reluctantly for the lesser
of two evils? Interestingly enough, about 60% of the people said they voted for someone,
as opposed to just voting for the lesser of two evils. Also, I think interesting in a poll is
the fact that we asked, is there something other than president that you thought was important
as a reason to vote? And ballot initiative was on there for 34% of the people. And we know that
there's a very important ballot initiative in California that's on the ballot there about
GMO labeling and requiring truth and labeling on food. We have extensive labeling for everything
that we eat except for genetically modified organisms or things that are added to the food.
And we would just like to have honest food, but evidently agribusiness doesn't want to see that
happening. And it's interesting, earlier in the broadcast, we had some graphics that we created
off the raw data from OpenSecrets.org that showed how different segments were contributing to the
political candidates. And agribusiness, really, although they gave most of their money to Romney,
they really didn't contribute that much. But if you look at what they were giving, it really
put this contribution to the ballot initiative in California about GMO. That really put that in
perspective because that's huge compared to what they actually spent on the presidential election.
They're spending way more on that Prop 37 than they did to influence presidency.
But we've got a live report now coming up from David Ortiz out in the street here in Austin
talking to people about the election. David, can you hear me?
Hey, David, how are you?
You're great. What'd you sign?
What are people telling you out there about how they're voting?
Well, David, I mean, Austin, full disclosure, Austin is a democratic city from what I'm told.
But believe it or not, given that reality, it seems that Mitt Romney seems to be doing well here.
I'm here at Austin City Hall in downtown Austin, the heart of the city. And so far, I have nine
people voting for Obama, seven people voting for Mitt Romney, and one for Gary Johnson.
Was that you?
No, that wasn't me. I still had to mail in my ballot to New Jersey.
There you go. We've also got some ballot initiatives here in Austin, right?
Did you get any information about that or any pulse from people, what they think about the
ballot initiatives?
Well, there are two ballot initiatives. There could be even more. But the biggest ballot
initiative is called Prop 3 and Prop 1. Prop 1 is basically allocating the University of Texas
wants to build a medical school. And it's basically requesting that if the public wants to pay each
taxpayer $107 over the course of the next year to help loan the University of Texas money to
build a medical school. Now, the University of Texas is one of the wealthiest schools,
one of the wealthiest universities in the United States. It has about $20 billion in assets.
That's with a B. Yet they're still asking the taxpayers here for money to help them
build a medical school. And I did speak to someone earlier who said she voted for Obama,
that she did support that initiative, that proposition, because she thinks we need the jobs,
we need more physicians here in Austin. So, yeah, it's called Prop 1. And there's also
another proposition as well.
What's that other proposition?
That other proposition is Prop 3. And actually, I've been hearing from the libertarian headquarters
that it has a lot of try-partisan, if that's even how you say it, support among libertarians,
Republicans, and Democrats. They think it's going to pass tonight. And it's basically a proposition
that says they want local residents to redistrict the district. They don't want congressional
officials deciding what a congressional representative represents. They want to have
a committee, a non-partisan committee, that decides how this town, how this city should
be redistricted. And they say that's very important. Also, as part of that proposition,
they want to have 10 council representatives as opposed to seven. And they want to make sure
that each one of those council representatives represents no more than 10% of the community.
And they have to live in that community. They really want to give local residents as much
power as possible. They want to make sure that residents have quick access to that
council representative. Right now, they just have seven council representatives,
but they don't have to live in your district. And they want more. They want 10 as opposed to seven.
Well, that's an interesting idea. It's one of the things I think that's happened to get Congress
out of control. It used to be it was intended as a house of representatives to represent the people.
And if you look at the number of people that are represented by each congressman,
it's up to nearly 600,000 people now. Originally, they were looking at capping it at about 50,000
when they were talking about in the early draft of the Constitution. It's something that people have
suggested as a possible reform for the federal level. And that it would be to there's nothing
magic about 435 representatives, but it got capped at that number early in the 20th century.
So I think it'd be a great thing to see, you know, once you have more representatives,
once you've got more councilmen, for example, in Austin, then power is distributed among
more people and you don't have that much opportunity for concentration of power and
corruption, that sort of thing. Yeah, absolutely. And a lot of these congressional
representatives are very slick when they redraw their district. They make sure that their party
wins, that they redraw a district that's favorable to their party. So with this proposition,
they're going to make sure that the people, if it has to be redistricted, they're going to make
sure that a nonpartisan committee does that. Well, that's interesting because I know in North
Carolina, North Carolina has been predominantly Democrat for a long time. And we've had some
Republican governors and some Republican senators, but pretty much the rest, the congressional
delegation, as well as all the state representatives and senators were always Democrat.
In this last election at 2010, they had a Republican swing. And so that was the big
plum that they were going to be able to redistrict everything to help themselves in congressional
races to get that. Interesting. And also, David, just as far as the environment here is concerned,
there was literally about 1,000 people waiting online for about an hour and a half. So despite
the fact that the two-party system is obviously in my estimation a fraud, I speak for myself,
it is nice to see that Americans still on some level do care. They're waiting for about an hour
and a half. And the feel here is that they're excited. They're excited. Well, that's great.
Well, thank you very much, David. It was a great report. And people do want to have some say in
their government. And we want people to understand how that can happen. And one of the ways that
has to happen is for us to get rid of the massive fraud that is being perpetuated as part of the
vote taking and vote registration, that sort of thing. One more quick look at the map. Right now,
they're giving 78 votes to Obama and 88 to Romney in terms of electoral votes. And again,
the map is filling in with a central and southern part turning all red for Romney and
the northeast, with the exception of New Jersey. Well, they've now called New Jersey for Obama,
I see. They've switched that. That was almost exactly the opposite of what it was a little
while ago. So maybe it was a typo, who knows? Or maybe they just changed the machines.
Well, we've got, do we have Alex ready to go? Yes, David. Amazing, amazing hearing you break
all that down. Great job. We'll have more calls coming up. We're going to get a quick update
from Aaron Dykes. And then we're going to have Wayne Madsen on them. We'll continue with phone
calls and back to you one more time before Jakari Jackson gets in there and starts reporting
on the latest numbers. Thank you very much, David. All right, Aaron Dykes in here,
you've been going over the news intensely the last few hours. What are you noticing
developed in FullWars.com reporter Aaron Dykes in here on the selection of the New Supreme
Puppet so we can feel like they're actually running things instead of foreign banks that
have occupied and taken this country over? Well, it is a farce, of course, Alex. And we know it's
going to be business as usual regardless of which president gets into office or remains in office
because war with Iran remains very possible. We know that GMO friendly administrations will
continue. We know that Wall Street friendly administrations will continue if Bernanke
isn't retained. It'll be someone just like him continuing QE infinity. And so we've really
got the same system already locked in by selection process. But in terms of the election itself,
we started covering this yesterday how key Ohio will be to the final election results.
There have already been lawsuits filed and I really don't see Ohio being settled. As of yesterday,
the polls were completely dead, even 49-49 for either candidate. And you've got the Secretary
of State there who has put in, quote, experimental patches into the electronic voting machine.
Well, that's good. They're helping. There's a huge and people in New Jersey can mail in their
ballots or do them by email. I think that's good. Yeah. And on the New Jersey and New York front,
they've ordered more evacuations over the northeastern storm that's coming in overnight into
tomorrow. So there's a lot of voters who've been ordered to evacuate. Now, while neither New Jersey
or New York or our swing states, it may prove important. And why are they being ordered to
evacuate from a winter storm? I mean, folks up there, I want to deal with the winter. I guess
they don't have power. I mean, it may cause more flooding, but I think a lot of it's just kind
of alarmism, but there's a lot of potential for chaos. And you've got these headlines here
from NBC, other major news sources that the voting system is suffering major glitches. The
deadline's been extended to Friday. And yeah, like you said, people are mailing in ballots,
they're faxing them in. That's going to be real strange stuff. And whether or not that affects
something important local to those states, I guess we'll find out. You don't think there'd be any
fraud? Oh no. It's just that whole case of both sides are obviously cheating. And we'll find out
who cheats more. But I mean, literally, it's like, are you going to be shot in the head with a shotgun
or a high-powered rifle? It's like, it doesn't matter who gets elected, you're just wanting to
know which new puppet president's going to be in there. But again, this whole pageant about the
president is about making us think they actually run something when the foreign banks can't control
themselves bragging that they've conquered us. I think the gravity of the two-party system remains
very interesting. I mean, we covered this in Obama deception. We had the little extra where the two
pillars Republican Democrat come together to form that pyramid. They're opposing forces.
But they prop each other up. Do we have Wayne Madsen?
We're going to go to Wayne just in a moment. We've gotten a little bit behind tonight. Obviously
about 15 minutes behind. I apologize to our guest, but we're going to get to Wayne Madsen,
formerly the National Security Agency, great investigative journalist in a moment.
Aaron, hit your other points. You're going to have you back in soon too after the next visit
with David Knight to give us more breaking news. But what else you got there?
Well, it's just interesting how little people approved of Romney in the primary process,
but now they've gotten behind him because of fear of Obama. And on the other side,
so many people disenfranchised with Obama because of his lies and broken promises,
but because they don't want to see Romney. Well, it's basic psychology. It's like the
bankers would fund the Soviets and the US, but then get both countries to go into tyranny,
the name of fighting the other, where they were being handled and run by the same people.
Yeah. And it's crazy. I mean, this election has a lot of different rules with provisional
ballots. You can vote at all these different locations. They've got a lot of chaos at these
polls, you know, far as it is, but we'll see what happens. But, you know, the one message
I want to get out there tonight that I haven't really talked enough about, because thinking
about this election, I thought we're going to do live coverage. I'm going to cover it on the radio,
kind of get greedy and book so many guests and never get to all, you know, get to all my points.
But you vote with your dollars when you buy organic food. You vote with your dollars when
you buy firearms. You vote with your dollars when you shop local and buy local. And none of us are
perfect, but there's still the jury. There's jury elification. There's the grand jury. There's
still your free speech. We've got to discredit this system because it is predatory and out of
control. And we've got to realize there's more ways to vote than just every four years.
I agree. I mean, the GMO issue in California, Prop 37, has been a huge spending measure.
There's been a lot of focus on it because everyone realizes it could tip into the whole country.
It could lead to real federal. And again, you had two to one, you know, four labeling a month
ago when they say, oh, suddenly it's flipped the other way. They're just getting folks ready for
fraud. I agree. And I put like an article. It's like 90% of Californians vote to kill themselves.
Yes, it's true. You voted to die. Why don't have 100% announced that we all want to slit our
throats? It's all horse crap. And you've seen all kinds of major papers throughout California
nationally lying through their teeth saying the stuff has been tested and approved and that
people are okay with GMOs and that nobody's that concerned and that it's going to lead everybody
loves it and everybody loves vaccines. They're frivolous litigation. And it's just absurd,
but they are preparing the public for that measure to be defeated. I published an article on that
today and they're saying now that yeah, two thirds of California was going to approve it. Now it's
down to 39% allegedly. How about zero? Everyone loves Big Brother and Oceania.
Are you concerned about the Iran war games, Alex, the idea that whatever presidents elected,
they may stage something in the immediate aftermath and make either candidate go with this
wider war? But it's not war because Obama has a peace price. Well, they dropped bombs over Libya
for six months. That was peaceful. Well, yeah. And Hillary said today we've got to go into Syria
because Al Qaeda's there. You know, even though they publicly put them there. Right. You know,
always at war, never at war. They were, but to see the general public is in La La land is how
they can get away with this air. I agree. And more on the Obama front, we've got the whole fight over
coal. It was quietly published a day or two ago that the EPA is lining up brand new regulations.
They're going to release them in that lame duck cycle. If Obama is not reelected to put new
restrictions on the coal industry, try to push through all their green measures and everything.
Hey, good for the sheeple. You like your power prices being increased, your industry shut down,
then enjoy yourselves. Aaron Dykes, thank you so much. We'll talk to you again coming up soon.
I'm cynical too. Thanks. Oh, come on. These are good people. Thank goodness we've got such leaders
that care about us. I want to take good care of us. We take you now to Washington, D.C. and Wayne
Madsen of WayneMadsenReports.com. He worked in submarine warfare before joining the National
Security Agency and he's written for some of the biggest publications in the country and
well, reports daily from Capitol Hill. Wayne Madsen, good to have you here. Thank you for
coming on. Sorry, we're behind a little bit tonight. We're having to kind of, you know,
focus in here as we get more and more guest on on the time. But who are you calling for this
election? What's your latest intel? What's your scoop on what really happened in Benghazi? We haven't
talked to you in three or four months. It's good to have you back, Wayne. Yeah, we lost his audio.
We'll try to get that potted up and see what happens. Good to be with you, Alex.
Hey, good to have you. Good to have you with us. Yes, sir, go ahead.
Yes, I'm here. I'm here. Could you hear my lengthy question about...
Okay, well, I, yes, yes, I heard it and I think it's too early to call this. This is going to be a
close one because as we've heard before, there's a lot of problems in voting. I think there's more
problems in this election that we saw in 2008 and probably this is more like 2004. A lot of
problems in Ohio with John Hustead, the Secretary of State Republican there. It looks like he's
actually trying to become worse than Ken Blackwell was in 2004. I don't think we're going to really
know the results of a lot of the states. Florida is too close. North Carolina is too close.
And frankly, I saw NBC call and CNN call South Carolina. I think they called that too soon
because I'm looking at the results from South Carolina. It's quite clear what I have been
hearing earlier in the day that these Christian fundamentalist leaders said, oh, okay, we've
been telling you Mormonism is a cult, but we've decided that it isn't now. Well, you should
go remote to Romney. So these people are Pentecostal, Southern Baptist.
Well, I want to be able to hear what you have to say. We're going to put Wayne on hold. We had good
Skype. It's degraded down to like transmitting from the Forbidden Zone. So we're going to reconnect
with Wayne because I really want to hear what he has to say. But yeah, this is a very close
election with fraud going on by both sides. I think we're seeing a clear image of that
coming out. Obama has now admitted he has a consistent speech ready. That is some breaking news
out of CBS. Obama has a concession speech ready, AP expressing confidence but leaving
nothing to chance, including having a concession speech ready. President Barack Obama indulges
his superstitions by engaging in a tradition of election day base basketball game with friends
as the race that will determine his political future was finally in the hands of the voters.
And what they do here is they imply that the puppet Obama Romney is really concerned here
and doesn't know what's going to happen. And I guess from the frauds, this bad, they don't even
know. I mean, it's just whoever can snatch and grab and run the most networks and announce who
the winner is and have people can accept it and then have the Supreme Court say and then
that's the end of it. Do we have Wayne Madsen back? We do have audio back of Wayne. Wayne,
start over. You're seeing very close election and we have seen a flip-flop by the Christian and
evangelicals. Now, they have been supporting Lord Romney. But I mean, I just see it as two different
types of poison. Either one is just another frontman for the globalist.
Your take on that, Wayne. Oh, absolutely. You know, yes, absolutely. And the reason I think I'm at
the National Press Club and everybody's hogging up the Wi-Fi here. So let's probably grab some
problems. Big crowd here tonight. But I don't think we're going to know because Ohio is like
before. Kenville, 2000. Blackwell was the Secretary of State. Republican in 2004 was involved in a
lot of fraud then. Election, tabulation, problem, you know, machines flipping votes. And now we have
John Hustead, another Secretary of State. Same thing. Uncertified software patches, all kinds of
problems in Ohio. But close in Florida, we got another situation here with Governor Rick Scott.
Again, I mean, these guys not keep their hands off of the election prime.
Look, Wayne, yeah, you're there at the National Press Club and people are hogging the Wi-Fi.
It's usually clear from there. I would like to try your cell phone. But I don't know if that's
going to be relayed or we're going to get that number. We've actually got a cell phone number
in the computer. It's always good to have a backup number with things like this. And we will see
about getting him on. Let's go to a phone call while this is going on. Let's go ahead and talk to
Mike in New York. Mike, you're on the air. Welcome. Go ahead. Hi, Alex. Thanks for having me on.
Sure. Yeah, they're just messing with Wayne. We'll have to get Wayne on tomorrow. Thanks,
guys. I'll let that threes the charm. We're done. Okay. Go ahead, Mike. You're on the air.
Hi, Alex. Thanks for having me on. Just wanted to make an observation. I've been listening to
you for about nine years now. And, you know, I'm more awake than ever. It's almost,
it's almost scary how much I am awake. And when you're so awake, you can see everything from
every angle. And it's just real hard for people to throw one by. And, you know, I live in Florida,
but up here in New York is where I'm originally from. And I've been up here for a few months.
And I've been trying to educate my family about, you know, this global government, the New World
Order, and, you know, just everything that's going on that we know is bad that all your listeners
know is real and true. And I actually sat down with my family and had them watch the Obama
deception from front to back. And it still amazed me after having intelligent, articulate
discussions about the New World Order, about globalization, and all the plans that they would
still tower to vote for Mitt Romney and try to persuade me that what I was talking about was
wrong, even though I could see it in their eyes now. Well, that's because it gives them a venue to
feel like they have power and that something simple can fix things. They'll understand it was a long
complex rat nest to get here. And it's going to be a long complex rat nest to get out of this.
And, you know, at least they're trying to be involved and trying to be informed.
A lot of the population literally can't wait to get six feet under. I mean, they just,
they don't even know they can't find their butt with both hands.
Absolutely, Alex. But I just want to tell you that, you know, thank you for everything you've
done over the last nine years. I'm going to pledge you and all your listeners and everybody
that's listening. I'm never going to give up, you know, in this fight for truth and reality.
I'll never give it a tyranny and oppression. Just, you know, thank you, brother, from the bottom of
my heart. Well, thank you, Mike, from New York. Let me ask one more question. I mean, I mean, look,
we would already be in a much greater tyranny if people hadn't stood up. I mean, that's the history
of civilization is normal people that just want to live their lives and control free criminals
that get a propaganda corps and start telling folks how great it is to be slaves.
And so without you out there doing what you're doing, we wouldn't even have any future right now.
And so as we conduct this filibuster here tonight against tyranny, you know, it is part of
engaging the spectacle, engaging the fraud, but actually waiting into the stench that we're able
to wake people up. There are a lot of people that know what's going on, but they kind of put white
gloves on and stay back from it. And it's people like you, Mike in New York and others around the
country that are going to make it or break it. So understand this, those that criticize those
of us that are involved trying to wake people up and trying to fight tyranny and say, oh,
there's no point. Oh, you're pathetic. Oh, what are you going to do? They don't realize it's
those of us out there fighting that are holding all of this back. And the moment we ever give up
and give in, you're going to get a Soviet slash Nazi type nightmare as fast as you can turn around
because there are millions of parasites and control freaks and dominators and bullies and
sickos and filth that has a thousand different perversions and desires who want to be turned
loose through a big government that siphoned off the energy of the good, hardworking people
to build these juggernauts of domination. They want to have a heyday on us. And thank God for
our forebearers in the Second Amendment that we have that bulwark that even if a small percentage
ever resist during a true tyranny, we will defeat this enemy. So I salute our forebearers. They
weren't perfect, but they were, they were, you know, heads above other men in history. And so I
salute them. But how are things going in your area of New York? Things are going good. I'm upstate
in Albany, so we didn't really get hit by Sandy as much as some family down in Breezy Point in
Brooklyn who got hit pretty hard, but they're making it through the storms. My cousin down in
Brooklyn said that FEMA's not being very cooperative and they're running real short on
supplies and he's kind of set up with the whole operation down there. Basically everything you've
already been reporting is obviously accurate. But yeah, it's upstate New York hasn't felt the
wrath just like New York City. God bless that. But Alex, it's amazing to me and I wonder this all
the time, what is it going to take for everybody to truly snap out of it and wake up? You know,
do people truly really need to hit rock bottom? Do they need, you know, I was in the military from
2001 to 2007. I was in the Air Force and went to Iraq and Afghanistan. I've seen war zones with my
own eyes and I can tell everybody that hasn't seen one. Believe me, you don't want to see one. It's
something you don't want to ever have to experience, but I'm wondering is that what people have to
really experience for that, for that lightball really to go on for them to really understand
what this is all about. And Alex, I gotta tell you, I don't know if that has to happen, but it
looks like it may have to happen in order for people to really understand what they're doing.
No, no, I hear you. And look, Afghans are tough people. As you know, you've been there. I haven't,
but I've talked to family that's been there and I've historically researched it. And Iraqis are
pretty tough people. Americans used to be the toughest. I'm not saying Iraqis or Afghans are
better than us, but Liberty gave us such milk and honey that we've gotten pretty pampered.
Can you imagine Americans for years living like Afghans or Iraqis do in war zones?
I mean, do you think Americans are going to handle it as well as they do?
As of right now, no, because it would be such a shock. It would be like the analogy of throwing
a frog into a boiling pot of water from no water. You know, you can get the frog to die if you just
put it in there lukewarm and gradually turn the heat up. But if you just land a shock like that,
like if it was all of a sudden just martial law and all of a sudden no food and stores and all
of a sudden no supplies anywhere, I mean, I mean, I don't even want to speculate out how bad that
could actually be. And that's why exactly, and that's a real possibility now. I mean, a depression
is a fact. We're in it. The question is how bad will it get? But a real breakdown is now in the
cards. And all I know is thank God I live in the country and got a pile of ammunition and guns
under my butt. And I know how to use them. I feel so bad for people in big compact cities who don't
know how to defend themselves. It's a very good chance things are going to get very, very nasty.
God bless you. And it's good to hear from you. Great caller there, Mike in New York. Now we
have him third times the charm, joining us from the National Press Club, Wayne Madsen. Wayne,
you've got the floor. I'm just going to shut up and let you roll on the election and then give
us your take on what really happened in Benghazi and other points for the next 20 minutes.
Wayne Madsen and WayneMadsenreports.com joins us. I hope his cell phone works. Go ahead.
Yes, sorry. We've got a large crowd here all on their cell phones, chewing up the
Wi-Fi here at the National Press Club downtown, D.C. But it's very apparent that this was an
election that was brought with problems. Ohio was the Secretary of State, Republican John,
who said real problems with installing uncertified patches to computers,
voting computers in 39 Ohio counties. Although Obama's ahead in Ohio right now,
who knows? That could change. I think looking at some of the results, too,
I think the CNN and NBC called South Carolina way too soon. I'm looking at the results there.
What I was saying before, and I probably didn't get this all through, but we had these Christian
fundamentalist churches for many, many years called their parishioners. Their members look,
Mormonism is a cult. It's a terrible thing. Don't get involved with it. All of a sudden,
their leaders change their mind in this campaign and say, oh, well, Romney, you should vote for him.
Bygones be bygones. Billy Graham scrubbed his website. Got the cult business off of there
about the Mormons. I don't think that really sank in because the voter turnout amongst these
individuals, these Christian fundamentalists, evangelicals in South Carolina was very,
very low. Now you look at the results in South Carolina, you see a lot of counties
where Obama's ahead because of turnout. Now, of course, that's African-Americans voting, but
you've got a big African-American turnout, and you have basically a lot of the white evangelicals
that the heck with it, we're going to stay at home. Another thing I've noticed, too, is the third
party, being a third party candidate, being a spoiler, being spoilers in a selection, looking
at Maine where you would think that there might be libertarian support. I'm not seeing it from the
results. I'm seeing maybe maximum 2% going to third parties like libertarian. The only one I see
at one of the southern counties in West Virginia, around 13% for the libertarian candidate, Gary
Johnson. Sure, let me raise this question. Right now, Romney wins. They're reporting Alabama, Arizona,
Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Obama wins, Connecticut wins,
D.C., Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont.
Trying to remember my abbreviations of states. What's WH? They're already trying to say Wyoming.
What's WH? Well, they have them, I think, winning Wyoming. Yeah, I guess I was right. I'm just
going from these abbreviations. But, you know, we're tracking all of this. I mean, it's just like
pick your poison. You know, I think four more years of Obama, people might actually wake up.
There's this thing of putting in Romney. People will go back to sleep for a while,
you know, learning the new puppet, the new administration. But then I say, hey, don't let
Obama have a second term where he's not facing reelection, has the power of the pardons. I mean,
who do you think's really going to win here? Right now, I think it's way too close to call.
I mean, there's no surprises in the states that Romney has won, except I think Virginia.
I'm looking at the Virginia results, and Obama's not winning by the large majority that he got in
08 Northern Virginia, where you've got a lot of the population. I don't see him, for example,
Prince William County, which is part of the DC suburbs in Northern Virginia.
Romney's ahead there. I believe Obama carried that last time, not by much. But even the numbers in
Arlington and Fairfax, it looks like there wasn't a big turnout. Of course, Obama's ahead,
but he's not getting the numbers. And I would say that Virginia looks like one state
that could go to Romney. Sure, let me expand on that. Just like we knew Obama was going to be bad
four years ago, there's still a secret hope that maybe he'll actually try to be a president,
and things will get better, because we can all hope. It's the same thing with Romney. I think a
lot of Americans are going to vote for Romney just because they're desperately hitting a reset
button, kind of like a lot of Republicans voted for Obama. A lot of Democrats are going to end up
voting for Romney. But then there's all the fraud involved. So who even knows? But what do you
think about that point about just rearranging deck chairs in the Titanic? People are getting
desperate here. And I saw the polls. I don't just believe polls, but I looked at a wide spectrum
of scientific polls the last month. I mean, Romney was winning the popular vote. He was starting to
get ahead in some swing stage. Then the hurricane came, and suddenly some of those gains were lost.
But again, we objectively tend to look at polls and voting numbers as if they're real.
You work for the NSA. I mean, you've worked in computer science. You know about election
fraud, Wayne. You've talked about it. What do you think the truth is? I mean, in a kingdom of lies,
I mean, I'm saying the public can't find their butt with both hands.
You know, I mean, how can anybody find anything in this storm, this fog of war?
Well, I think the fact is that these secretaries of state who are also heads of their campaign,
the presidential campaigns for their states, I think that's a conflict of interest.
I think we have to make the secretary of state job a non-artisan position.
We saw what happened with Ken Blackwell in 2004 in Ohio and the wonderful Katherine Harris,
I remember her in Florida in 2000. These both of these individuals were
officials, co-chairs of the Bush campaign. This job is much too important to have political hacks
in there. And as far as these electronic voting machines, these companies that own these run
these machines and run these elections are tied to one particular party for the most part.
And we've got one outfit in Ohio that's very much connected to the intelligence community,
to Booz Allen and Hamilton, this company called CIDL, which is actually headquartered
in Barcelona, Spain. So what are we doing now? Are we outsourcing our elections overseas?
They've got to clean this mess up. They've got to get the political hacks out of these
secretary of state jobs, just make them non-partisan and get these private companies
out of the picture because we know that how they can throw these elections. And although Ohio,
I'm noticing that Obama is still ahead in Ohio. We've seen this kind of thing change
and that Florida is going back and forth. What about delays in New Jersey and New York and
then people mailing in their internet ballots or emailing them in and talk of the election
commissions keeping voting going the next few days? Like we get a close election and suddenly
New York or New Jersey is out there contested or some other state. And then what about all these
calls? Have you talked about that for civil unrest? We've seen Michael Moore putting out
videos that people saying if Romney gets elected, we'll burn this mother effer down.
Excuse my French. And then we've got in classic race baiting by Bill Maher saying,
hey, blacks are going to hunt down whites. I mean, just incredible stuff that is such,
I think is racist towards black people, like having the weird white commentator saying,
you go get the whitey. If our guy doesn't get elected, almost like you sick of dog on somebody.
It seems like that's what seems like that's what these poverty pimps on the George Soros
bandwagon are doing. What's your take on that? Well, I think there's the, you know,
I mean, you hear a lot of people here in Washington talk about how politics has just become such a
blood sport now that, you know, nobody can get along with the other side. And, you know, they
talk about what, you know, when Lyndon Johnson was president, he was a Democrat committed,
but, you know, he got to lose legislation through by inviting the Senate minority leader,
Everett Dirksen, up to the White House, so they get drunk together. And then it passed
legislation, figure out how to get the civil rights and voting rights and all these other
bills passed. And that's been largely lost. Even Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill used to get together
and cut these deals. Now, I don't see that changing, whether Romney or Obama is the president
for the next four years. I think this well is poisoned here. So obviously you're going to get
these rhetorical flourishes by people from both sides to, you know, get people all hot under
the collar. And, but, you know, Michael Moore, I mean, he's a blow already, you know, I mean,
you know, he's trying to expose some things with some of his documentaries. But, you know,
look, these guys have to remain relevant. Why does they in culture always say these
awful things? So she gets invited back on to these programs because, you know, if she doesn't,
you know, in, you know, in a couple of years, she's just going to be considered some has been
in an old bag, you know, and they're not going to care about her anymore. So people have to.
So a lot of it is they just say radical things for detention. All right, I want to give you the
floor for the 10 minutes we have or so. And we're going to get an update from our own David Knight
and also take some phone calls. We're going to open the phone system up again. The number to
join us is 877-789. Alex, 877-789-2539. Have you seen elections fraud? Have you seen numbers
flipped for Obama or Romney? We'd like to hear your reports here. I think we have a Tamako or
some I have to learn how to read English here in a minute. A Tamio, we're going to get to him and
others here. But I want to give you the floor, Wayne, here for you to give us because I don't
even know what your take is. What is your take on what happened in Benghazi? Was it a hit of the
ambassador because he wasn't going along with arms deals to Syria? I had heard this line by
people I respect that it was a neocon hit to embarrass Obama, but now we learn it's seven
hours, Obama knew in order to stand down. They're relieving generals. I don't know what the truth
is about this. Wayne, I know you have a lot of sources. What is your breakdown on Benghazi?
The upcoming Iran attack? What's happening in Syria that you visited? What's going on in Libya?
Give us 10 minutes on your geopolitical breakdown. Yeah, you know, there's several places around
the globe where you look at the U.S. embassy staff and normally it's the deputy chief omission.
They wear two hats. Yeah, they're with the State Department. They may be deputy chief
omission. They may be even ambassador yet at the same time they're working for another agency.
And, you know, we all know who that is, the good old Black Knights of the Potomac up in Langley.
And I'm looking at Stephen's background. I think it's highly likely that, yes, he was an ambassador,
but I also think he was acting as a CIA agent over in Benghazi. I think he wasn't definitely
involved. And we know arming the rebels. And there was this intent, obviously, to buy back
or get back these shoulder-launched missiles. And I think Stephen's, when they used to throw
diplomats out of other countries during the Cold War, they'd say, well, we're throwing out this
ambassador or this deputy chief omission because their activities were not in concert with their
diplomatic status. And they were declared persona non grata. And I basically think that whatever
Stephen's was involved with, it became very well known to these terrorists, these radicals,
who he may have been dealing with, that he was more than just an ambassador. I think he was
targeted. And I think the reason that the military was told to stand down is what the military,
we know, I think still goes on between the Pentagon and the CIA. And if the CIA is up to
something, they don't want the military involved. And I think that's what we had in Benghazi.
I think this was a CIA operation. And I don't care how many Marines were off the coast.
They were not going to be called in. And again, Obama, basically, this gets back to what I wrote,
this guy comes from the CIA family. He has a background. He knows when he's responsible
for his CIA operation. He's not going to say a word about it. And he'll remain silent for seven
hours, eight hours, or however long it takes. And he'll stand back the military at the same time.
And I think that's what we saw here.
So Benghazi, I think, was, you know, we don't know what the details are yet.
Obviously, now we know that the Libyan rebels are the biggest source of money
and arms for the Syrian rebels. You know, somebody ought to lose their job over,
bringing down Qaddafi. He might not have been a great guy, but, you know,
he did keep these radical Islamists out of Libya. He tried to tell us, look,
why in the world are you supporting Al Qaeda? These are the guys that are trying to oust me.
And now we've got President Assad and Syria saying the same thing. What are you going to
turn over Syria, these guys? You know, it's time to play hardball with the Saudis and the Qataris
who support these people. But Hillary Clinton, she fell in love with these radicals. And I
think she has the call to account. I think this was her operation. And I think she knew Darnwell
that Stevens was wearing two hats, that he was, yes, he was an ambassador,
ostensibly and officially a diplomat. But we know many, many places where the ambassadors
or the deputy chief omission is also working for the Central Intelligence Agency.
Well, you know, here's my issue. You're up there in D.C. You're talking to the media
and other sources. I mean, I've studied history. I've been on air for 17 years,
but I don't think I know a lot. In fact, I know enough to know I don't know much.
But it does seem the ruling class is becoming more and more
decadent, more and more disconnected from reality to think that they can, you know,
put Al Qaeda in charge. I'm sure you saw it in the newspapers today and have Hillary come out and
say, we've got to invade Syria because Al Qaeda is there. When the West on record put them there
and you've recently visited along with Dr. Tarpoli who's coming up. I mean, sure, even if the
brain dead American people on average are buying that, the rest of the world is saying, who are
these lunatics? And I understand they're all up there showing off to each other in D.C. and
walking around in the big marble buildings feeling like they're all Darth Vader. But these guys
aren't Darth Vader. Darth Vader isn't real. And I've studied enough history to know that power
elites always become megalomaniacs and then that's right when they fall. I don't care how much Google
spying software they've got. I see this whole thing really retrograding, rotting very quickly.
Give me your take on the on geopolitically where the American Empire is.
Well, I'll tell you, I was in Beijing for most of September. I was in China, Beijing, Guangzhou,
and I'd spoken to Chinese government people and they were saying, why is Hillary Clinton over
here all the time rattling sabers on our borders? And it's quite clear that the pivot age is another
attempt to extend or maintain U.S. influence in the Asia Pacific region. But we can't maintain
influence in all these places around the world. We're basically broke. And the Chinese are very
well aware of how broke we are because they're holding our debt. And for us to be going over
there and supporting Japan, or at least not cracking down on Japan trying to grab them.
Yeah, what is that about? Japan doesn't do anything it's not told to do by the global
world. Why is Japan, I'm not against Japan. I don't have a dog in this fight. Why is Japan
picking a fight with China? Well, it's historical, but also Japan lost its number two economic power
status to China. China is now the world's second largest economic power. U.S. is still first place.
I don't think that's going to hold very long. I think China is well on its way to becoming
the largest economic power. But Japan feels like they got vested by the Chinese. And so all these
old defendancy that goes back even before World War II, but the other thing is the islands,
the Senkakus is the Japanese column, the Ours is the Chinese column. There's oil and there's natural
gas in that area. And this is a fight for energy supplies. The same thing that we see China's
taking claims in the South China Sea. And why is the United States taking sides? Well, it's the
oil companies. The oil companies that this government is beholden to, that they see, well,
look, it's better to make a deal with the Japanese. We get in there, we know them. And
seeing a Chinese national oil company start to drill for oil and natural gas in these islands.
And so that it is, it gets down to the basic common denominator. Oil, why did we invade
Iraq? Oil, why are we in the Persian Gulf oil? All right, Wayne Madsen, you're saying too close
to call. We'll have to watch it throughout the night and tomorrow. Wayne Madsen, WayneMadsenreport.com.
Thank you so much for spending time with us. Okay, watch Florida. There's only about a 2,000
boat difference right now. What's your gut tell you? I know you don't have to go on a limb,
but I mean, do you think Romney's going to win? I think we're not going to know till the wee hours
of the morning. I think Hawaii will report in for Obama. And we still won't know who won this
election. I think we're looking at seven, eight in the morning. And I'm not even counting court
challenges. We could see court challenges in other numbers. States, Florida, frankly,
is as close now as it was in 2000. Oh yeah, no, no, I agree. My gut just looking at this says
this is going to get drug out for a while. Yeah, we're not going to know. We're not going to know.
I think this is going to be a long night. Okay, thank you so much, Wayne Madsen.
Thanks, Alex. Yeah, I think we've gotten some of the best info the night. It's all
been excellent with Gerald Salente, Max Kaiser, and now, of course, Wayne Madsen. We're going to go
to report with David Knight. And then we're going to come back and take some of your phone calls.
And get Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. We're already 30 minutes behind, aren't we? It's
time to get Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on right now, isn't it? Yes, it is. Okay, let's do a quick five
minute report with David Knight and then Jakari Jackson's coming in because we've got to get back
on schedule. Let Roberts know. Let's go ahead and get Roberts on the line here.
Former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. I really want to hear what he has to
say about all this and the economy. And then we'll take calls and then Jakari Jackson.
So that's coming up. And then Lou Rockwell because these guests have been so great. We've
been going over a few minutes with them over the last four hours or so. And it's been almost four
hours. But now you know what happens with time. The more you get behind, the more you get behind.
And pretty soon it adds up. So we're going to throw you to the other studio and the great
info wars crew. They're supporting David Knight. We've also got reporters on the ground as well,
who will be popping in with David Knight. What's the latest on the election numbers we've got here
in the United States? Well, Alex, it looks like we've got about 153 electoral votes right now
for Romney, 143 for Obama. It's hanging pretty close to the popular vote, about 50 to 48.
We don't know about that missing 2%. They don't report what third party candidates get. It'd be
interesting to see that because we know that Johnson is hoping to get 5% because that would
change a lot of things in terms of ballot access and open up federal matching funds, which are
things that, especially the ballot access issue is a way that they control the election and control,
make sure their voices aren't heard. Other than that, it's shaping up pretty much as we expect
that I think, looking at the map here, South Carolina and most of the South is being called for
Romney. North Carolina and Virginia, they have not called yet. So those are pretty close as well
as Florida. Those polls have been closed. All three of those states for quite some time and New
Hampshire still not being called. All those have been closed for some time. Florida's neck and
neck. So this is going basically with what had been predicted by the pollsters and computers,
but it won't really matter, I guess, whenever states like California and others go to Obama.
So you're saying if it's following the line of reasoning we saw previously, does that put Romney
in or is it still too close to tell? It looks like it's still too close to tell. The votes are
still coming in and we've got a lot to hear from out west. Ohio is still a toss-up. They haven't
called that yet for anybody. So we're still waiting to see. The other thing is that it looks like
things aren't going to change as far as the Senate and House goes. It looks like things are trending
towards the Democrats keeping control of the Senate and Republicans keeping control of the House.
But that could change, I guess, the dynamics quite a bit. If Romney gets in, he's going to have
a lot more leverage to do what he wants to with the House. But I guess perhaps maybe the best
we could hope for, in my opinion, would be some kind of divided thing here on either Obama or on
Romney. We don't want to see one of them enact an agenda fully. Well, my concern is if it is a
contested election, and it's not just my view. I mean, it's many people's view that have studied
this and I want your take on it briefly here, David. If it's contested and lawyers get involved,
that's when you may see civil unrest by both sides. Right-wingers are the types that might
shoot some things up, things like that. We'll kind of see the liberals classically like to burn
things down and run around looting and beating all ladies over the head. So there's no telling,
but I tell you, more and more just looking at it, what they're talking about, well, they're already
saying in New York and New Jersey, they're going to extend voting through Friday. So if those states
are contested or needed in this vote, then we see this going on for a while. This is going to become
quite a spectacle. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, you think back to the election where Florida was
contested and went on for so long. I think that, you know, people are still very angry about that
on the left. That's kind of been simmering there. I think that's a lot of what you're seeing with
these tweets threatening Romney with physical violence. But yeah, I think that there's a very
good chance that that can erupt. I think there's a very good chance there could be a false flag
attack. That would be something that, you know, the government is always looking for some way to,
you know, declare an emergency or seize power. Exactly. They could say some right winger blows
up a federal building and Obama's got to take over for our safety. I tell you, we are in one of
those critical times, though, when so much historically happens. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
Yeah. Right now they're, oh, look at this. They just changed the electoral count. They've got
Obama up now for the first time, 157 to 153 over Romney right now. What is it that just
flipped here, Rob? Did you see which? Oh, looks like they put Wisconsin in Obama's column. So
that flipped it up to put him just slightly ahead of Romney. Oh, yeah, that's a key battleground
state. So President Obama getting closer every minute to his four more years, which I dread
either way. It's really crazy to dread it either way to think whether you're going to be dropped
a thousand feet on the razor blades or spikes. It just, it really doesn't matter. Well, we may
do one more update with you after some calls with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in a moment than
Jacarie Jackson is coming in to continue to give us the numbers. David Knight, thank you so much.
Thank you. All right, we go now to the former head of policy at the Department of the Treasury.
The father of Reaganomics accomplished economist and he also, of course, is a syndicated columnist.
He's been the editor at the Wall Street Journal and he writes great articles at his website that
we'll be putting on on screen. We also carry them in our monthly magazine and at infowars.com
and prisonplot.com for our regular viewers. He needs no introduction. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Well, I could ask a lot of questions, Doc, but I love to throw this at you out of the gates. What's
on your mind first up? The election or is it a diversion? What's happening in the economic realm?
What's on Dr. Roberts mind? Well, you know, what's on my mind right now is that it doesn't
really matter from the standpoint of American people, which of these two candidates wins because
they're both for war. They're both for the police state and all the two parties are fighting over
Alex is who gets to be the whore for the interest groups. If you get to the party that wins the
election gets to be the whore for the Israel lobby, for Wall Street, for the military security
complex, for agribusiness, for oil timber and mine. And that's very lucrative because when you get
through serving those people, they reward you with huge incomes and wealth. And so the two
parties are really fighting over who gets to be the prostitute and the American people are deluded.
They think there's some kind of policy difference between the parties. There's not any policy
difference. From that standpoint, it doesn't matter who wins, except that the Republicans,
I think, are meaner. They have they have no compassion for for ordinary people. They've got
theirs. And they're just mean and mean spirited. And so the policy won't be any different,
whether a Romney wins or Obama, but the mean spiritedness of the Republicans
will be very pronounced. And you know, if you look at at the two of them, the only other difference
is that Romney has already been to Israel, crawling on his belly, groveling. I supposedly
wear a superpower, but here is the man who wants to be president and he's crawling on his belly
in the ground kissing Netanyahu's feet. Well, at least Obama had more dignity than to do that.
He only bows to the Saudi king. Perhaps so perhaps Romney should publicly kiss Netanyahu's butt
and then and then and then he could be elected. That's the only real difference. Maybe that's
that who's wearing in. It's not a Bible, but Netanyahu bends over and then and I'm sorry,
you shouldn't have got me going there. But but really, you see, that's that's the difference.
And yet, all over the internet, you know, for years, we've had all this car of
propaganda, the Republicans send it to each other. It never has it's never has any source or site,
but Obama is a Marxist. Obama is a Muslim. And the people who send this that don't have enough
sense to understand that he's a Muslim. Why is he killing Muslims in seven countries?
If he's a Marxist wanted Wall Street in the Israel lobby, put him in the White House,
it's just also absurd that the American people have a clue about anything that affects them.
And as I say, the policy won't be any different, whether Obama's in there or Romney,
any more than it may mean the difference between Bush and who do you think they're getting ready
to put in, though? I don't think they care because whoever they put in, they control, they own,
they own them both. So it's like Don King owning both both boxers or all the horses.
Okay, so let me shift gears then. What's happening in the economy since we talked a couple months
ago? I mean, it looks like things are deteriorating even faster. That's right. There's no recovery.
The jobs growth continues to lag the population growth. The numbers are not exactly rigged,
but what happens is the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses all of these models that don't really work
except in normal times. So when they make these projections and they're all
loaded for times that are normal and the economy is growing and jobs are growing.
And so there's no recovery. There's not going to be one. I suspect that doing these next four years,
we're going to see real problems with the dollar. We're going to see probably finally the inflation
break loose and they don't have any policies to deal with that. So the chances are whoever wins
this election, that party is likely to be destroyed by the economic crisis that's sitting there waiting
on the victor. Getting back to the election, they've been trying to hype civil unrest if the
elections contested. Why do you think some of the establishment quarters have been pushing that?
Well, I think that the Republicans intend to steal the election because they own the voting
machines and they own the proprietary software. And I think that they intend to steal them.
And it really depends on how close the election is. It's easy to steal a close election. It's hard
to steal one that's not close because the exit polls, to the extent they still have them,
are a check on the vote count. You know, like if you have a vote count that varies
considerably from the exit poll, it raises eyebrows. This is what happened in the 2004
election, where the exit polls show that Kerry had won, but the vote count. And this is a very
unusual thing. So I think that they intend to steal it, but it may not be as close as they are
counting on, in which case the machines won't be programmed to steal enough votes to throw the
election to the Republicans. But I think that's what Karl Rove and the Republican machine
intense that they, but it doesn't really matter because the policies are not going to be
any different. As I said, all the two parties are fighting for is who gets to be the whore,
the prostitute for the interest groups. But what about my Obama phone? Look,
I'm just, I think that whoever wins, it's a disaster for the country. And probably everybody
should have voted for Ronald Reagan. We, as a dead man, he'd be a better president than the two
choices. Now, of course, you always have these third party candidates and any of them would be
far better, but the Americans are not yet ready to vote for a third party. So that's just my view.
It's not anything that we can hope for the future because both parties have the same policies because
they represent the same interest groups. You know, in the old system, when the unions were still
strong, and the Democrats had independent sources of financing. And so there was some
difference in the policies between the parties. But with the offshoring of all the manufacturing
jobs, the decline in union members and power and money, the Democrats now dependent on the same
campaign contribution. Sure. So it's really two different management teams. It's just two
management teams fighting over who gets to be the whore. That's all it's about. It's not about
policy or... So it's like two hookers in a parking lot fighting over a John. That's exactly what it
is. And the American people are just so out of it, they haven't a clue. How does the music stop
in all this though? Because government's getting more insane. The police are getting more insane.
The public's getting more insane. Government's getting more insane. I mean, where does it end?
Because, you know, we've talked a lot about this, how they used Al Qaeda against Libya. Now, Syria
and Hillary was in the news today saying, we've got to go into Syria because Al Qaeda is there.
So, I mean, you know, I mean, it's just, it's now, and I talked to people about this on the
street and they go, well, yeah, we got to get Al Qaeda. I'm like, the government put Al Qaeda in
there and they just go, but it's Al Qaeda. So, I mean, I guess it is America was, I guess by her
prosperity was turned into the giant jellyfish. Well, that's right. I think where it ends is
when the dollar goes, because when the dollar goes, the power goes, we can't, you see, the only way
we function now is because the dollar is the world reserve currency, we can pay out bills
by printing money. No other country can do that. But when the dollar goes, you can't pay your bills
and it's all over. And because the country's bankrupt and it survives because they can create
money, they can print money. And the world will not accept it once it loses the reserve currency
roll. So, I think that's when it ends or else it will end the nuclear war, because we've been so
aggressive toward Russia and China. And if you pay any attention to the news that comes out of
Russia, you see they are upgrading all of their intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles,
they're putting them to sea, upgrading their submarines, their seaborne platforms. We're
forcing two other powers to become, to respond to our aggressiveness toward them.
But wait a minute. When Fukushima blew up and higher radiation clouds came over, they just had the
EPA raise the level of what they said was safe. Couldn't they just put out a government policy
report if all our cities got nuked that nuclear weapons no longer destroy cities in the air
burst at 2,000 feet? Yeah, they'll probably do something like that. But when one of those things
goes off, the city will be destroyed. But not if government says, I'll never forget,
Perino or whatever her name was under Bush when they were devaluing the dollar in 2008.
And they kept saying in the press conference, has the dollar been devalued? Of course, the news
could anytime they want to go point out that it was being devalued. And she said, I'm not going
to comment on that. I'm not going to say. And they said, well, we don't know if it is because
they didn't say. So my question is if a nuke went off in DC, if the media said it didn't go off,
did it go off? Well, DC wouldn't be there. I don't know. Carl Rove says they control reality.
Well, if a nuke goes off in Washington, we'll be rid of the worst people in the country.
Well, there's a conspiracy theory. He claims a nuke would destroy a city. That's his opinion.
We all know where government comes from. It comes from our heavenly creator and the oxygen we
breathe comes out of the tailpipe of politicians. Well, actually, actually, you know, all of this
aggressiveness is the neoconservative ideology. You know, the project for the new American
century that we, we are the indispensable people, we have the right to rule the others and to
bend them to our will. And this is a very powerful and strong ideology. It's, it's
a completely represented in both parties, particularly in the Republican Party now.
And it's, it's, it leads to war. It presses other countries to respond
to the military aggression. You can't go build all kinds of missile bases around Russia and not
expect a reaction. And you can't establish all kinds of new naval and air and land bases
threatening China and without expecting a reaction. And so what I mean, what is the policy,
though, because the globalists that run this country, you know, the corporations, this gaggle
of special interest, they're busy off sourcing everything to China while trying to gear up
for war with China. I mean, I, I guess they're just using them as a market factor to destroy
their economic enemies here while also wanting to destroy them. I mean, I guess the, the, the
new world order model, the globalist model is overturn every, every foundation, every building,
every stone they attack the family, they attack, they attack the Amish, they attack people selling
lemonade. I mean, I guess it is just basically a crazed gorilla on PCP running around beating
everybody's brains up. Well, there, there are different factions. You say that the corporations
are not the new world order. They're just increasing their profits and manager of bonuses
and shareholder returns. So the new world order is kind of like a conductor with a bunch of pirates
out of control, swarming under its, its, its wings. Well, it, it, it may be trying to conduct them,
but they're independent action and the corporations in Wall Street are getting
rich out of substituting cheap labor for expensive. And the wars are, are rewarding to the
military security complex because they make billions and billions of profits. And the, the,
the war on terror is rewarding to the police state aspects. We now have this Department of Homeland
Security, which is creating its own army. And, and, and we have, you know, CIA loves this because
its power goes way up. So it is a lawlessness, a will to power that Nietzsche talked about
by all the special interest, where they're in control of everything but themselves,
running around in 800 different directions, just robbing and looting and stealing everything.
That's about it. Yes. You can see the lawlessness. I mean, look, look what Bush and Cheney did,
the law, I mean, they destroyed the constitution, the bill of rights, all of our legal protections.
They violated U S statutory laws.
Well, wait a minute, sir. FEMA says the founders were bad. So isn't it good to get rid of due process?
Oh, let's start. They don't start being silly. Hey, I know I'm being silly, but that's actually
what they're saying. So I think on the, I think on the whole that the country has become lawless
because that's what the government did. And when you have lawlessness, you end up with the power
and the executive. And that's what the Republican society that wanted the unitary executive,
the power and the executive. And so that's what we're getting in. The president is being transformed
into a Caesar and he's not accountable. Look what Bush did. He violated U S law against torture.
He violated the FISA Act against buying Americans without warrants. He
violated the due process requirement of the constitution, habeas corpus. And he was not
held accountable for any of this. And he went to war based on fabrications and lies. He knew he was
lying. And this is a crime. And they've committed war crimes. And these are crimes under the Geneva
conventions to which we are the main creator of. And there was no accountability. And so Obama
comes in and what did he do? He didn't hold them accountable either. He said, Oh, I like all these
powers. Well, we'll make, we'll make them legal. And Republicans identify with the Republicans
and get a power trip. The Democrats identify with the Democrats get a power trip. In summation,
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, how does it end then? I mean, I guess nuclear war or, or the glorious
rule of the neocons. Well, I don't, I don't think the United States will be able to prevail over
Russia and China. If you look at, you know, we were 11 years in Afghanistan and apparently have
been defeated. We were what eight years in Iraq and achieved nothing. So if we can't occupy Baghdad,
we can't defeat a few thousand Taliban armed with AK-47s, we're not going to be able to
defeat Russia and China. They hold more cards. And so if we keep pressing, we're going to come up
against these two powers and they're certainly going to resist. And it's not going to go well
for the United States or the world. And we also have the problem of the dollar. They,
the treasury continues to pour out over a trillion dollars in bonds every year.
And the Federal Reserve continues to print the money to buy the bonds. And so the dollar cannot
survive as the world reserve currency under that type of. And that was my next and final question.
Max Kaiser says he thinks the dollars going to start dying by April. Lindsay Williams says this
year, I remember you on the show like five years ago saying it'll take a lot longer than people say
the late great Bob Chapman said the same thing, a lot of others. But here we are five years later.
And you said, you know, more like five, six years. I mean, I mean, now we are getting closer to that
point, even if it's two, three years away. I mean, how long can this go? As they implode the economy,
people keep racing into the dollar. It's still sinking, but not as fast as all the other currencies.
I know that's an oversimplification. But I mean, is the comeuppance coming and what are
different ways it could fall apart? Well, it's hard to know, but I think it can't go on forever.
I'd give it another two years, three at the most. And I think that you see right now,
because of the euro crisis, which I think is largely hype, and we're behind it because it
protects the dollar. But you see the Chinese economy now is essentially the equal of our own.
And in many ways, superior, for example, we've got like 12 million people working in manufacturing.
And China has 120 million. In other words, the manufacturing workforce of China is equal to
the entire workforce of the United States. Manufacturing is power.
And if you look at Russia, it's got all the energy it needs, exports energy. And it really
holds the cards over Europe. If they wanted to get tough and just say, okay, if you continue with
NATO, you continue supporting the Americans, turn the gas off, we're going to turn it off.
And so I just, I don't, I think the aggressiveness of the Americans does not
serve our interests because it makes these other countries realize that they're threatened.
And when they realize that, they take offsetting action. So I think that, as I said, I think the
next four years is going to be extremely hard on whoever's in office. I wouldn't want to be
there. And even if you had a really good man, a really good woman, a really good president
in there, it's going to be extremely hard. Now, for the two that we were choosing between,
and neither of them is up to this type of challenge. And I think that Romney is up to
even less because he's so cocksure and so aggressive. And I think that he'll have even
a harder time than Obama would. But whoever's going to be in office for the next four years,
it's going to be a failure. Problems are just going to overwhelm them. You know, the economy's
not recovering. It's on the verge of falling off again. So then what happens to the deficit?
It gets bigger. What they have to create more debt. They have to print more money.
Sure. It's just not... Let's talk about solutions, Dr. Roberts. You know,
you charted the Reagan course, which undoubtedly was successful. If people really study it,
despite the Democrats demonizing it, you know, you're a realist here. And I'm going to give you
the floor in five closing minutes and we're going to let you get to bed. I know it's later.
Get back to watching the news or our coverage or whatever you're doing. What would you do
if you were president and you could somehow convince the House and Senate to go along with you?
What would you do if you were, say, elected president for four years?
I'd stop the wars because I would save hundreds of billions of dollars instantly.
And I would get through... I would tax corporations according to where they added value to their
product. If they add value in China, they'd have a very high tax rate. If they add value in the
United States, they'd have a low tax rate. That would bring them back here and we'd be able to
get the jobs back and the careers back. We could recreate a middle class and recreate the ladders
of upward mobility that gave us social stability. And that's what I would do and nothing else would
work. And actually with all the powers the president has now, I would need the House and Senate. I
could just say this is part of the wall of terror and I don't have to give any accountability to
the House and Senate or to the courts. And if you give me too much trouble, I'll have to decide
you're a terrorist and arrest. But any president can do that now. I mean, because of the way Bush
and Cheney and Obama have developed this, the president really can do whatever he wants. He
doesn't have to pay the law. He doesn't have to pay attention to separation of powers. He declares
a war when he wants to. It's like it's already evolving into a dictatorship.
And expanding on that, Ron Paul said, look, if I got elected president, I'm not going to use these
unconstitutional powers. So don't expect me to be able to fix things. And that's the old
thing of Gandalf when they offer him the ring of power. He says, don't offer me that. It would be
turned to bad. I mean, obviously, if you were president, you wouldn't use the dictatorial powers.
The problem is the bureaucracy itself behaves in a dictatorial way right now. I mean, we see this
with sheriff's deputies and bureaucrats and code enforcers. And we see census takers busting
down doors and raping women. I mean, that's what's so scary about a tyranny is it empowers
all these other little scumlings to do whatever they want. And here's what's different between
America and Germany or Russia or Cambodia or any of these tyrannies. There are 170 million gun
owners, roughly. There are 400 million guns of newer manufacturer last 50 years. If just one
percent of those people stand up, you're talking about a million 700,000 people. And I'm here to
tell you a lot of people are not looking for trouble, but if stuff really unravels, they're
not going to FEMA camps. They're not going to work centers. They're just going to die at their house,
so they're going to go out and find some trouble. I don't think the bureaucrats understand their
real threats not going to be Russia and China. If they really push this over the edge with all
these desperate people, I think they're taking the restraint of constitutionalists and veterans
and people as weakness when I think it's really the opposite. The average person out there who is
really informed understands the average copper military security person. It's just a minion
that isn't their enemy, but it doesn't matter. If that minion of the system marches out against you,
well, then it's a whole other ball of wax. And I'm looking at civil war in this country. Dr.
Roberts, if this continues. Well, I don't know about that, Alex. I think the people are a long
ways from that. They'll have to be hungry first and oppressed in ways that they realize. And I
think where the trouble will come will be they're going to run into trouble with Iran, with Russia,
with China, and with the dollar. And I think that's going to overwhelm their power and their confidence.
And I think that's how this comes to an end. I don't think it will be from gun owners or
civil war, but I don't really know. Maybe you may be right.
All right. Well, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, thank you so much for the time tonight. We'll have to
continue to check in with you. The website is PaulCraigRoberts.org. Excellent site, excellent
articles. And again, you have the Joseph Stalin quote up there today. He who cast the vote decides
nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything. So I guess there is a democracy within the Republic
in that the different crime syndicates are trying to steal as many votes as they can. So there is
a type of criminal fraud free market there. That's it. Thank you, Dr. Glad to be with you, Alex.
Great. Thank you, sir. Have a good night as well. We'll continue to track this right past midnight
tonight. Jacarie Jackson will be in next with reports. Let's get a final update from our own
David Knight. Then I'm going to take a raft of phone calls before going back to Jacarie Jackson.
I've got my list here. Yeah, we're going to get a final report from David Knight. He's done a great
job tonight tracking all this with the rest of our election research crew. These are extremists,
by the way. We actually read government documents that are informed that don't have teleprompters.
We can just talk for hours and hours without them. We're bad people. We don't like world
government either or unelected government. And then we're going to have Jacarie Jackson
in giving us reports. I promise we're going to go to Itamio. I'm going to get it right the 10th
time. How do you say it? Itamio. Paul, Kim, Cody, Josh, John, and others before we go to Jacarie.
But first, let's get an update from our own David Knight. Now, we've got reporters out on the street.
We're filing reports to infowars.com as well. David, a final report from you tonight, sir.
Well, Alex, it's still pretty much tied up. It looks like it's dead even. As a matter of fact,
in Florida, at 85% of the vote in, it was 49.7 for Obama, 49.4 for Romney. At one point, when it was
back in the 60% end, they were only separated by about 115 votes. So in my take, I think the real
story here is the voting machines and the integrity of the political process. When I look at these
voting machines, I look at this article that Steve Watson wrote earlier today about all the problems
that were happening. It looks to me like the voting machines are a perfect metaphor for government.
They're expensive. They give you the opposite of what you choose. They generally don't work,
and they're easily corrupted. We've got reports from Iowa that says that machines failed operate
there for 45 minutes in North Carolina. They had vote flipping in Greensboro and Charlotte
in Missouri. They had voters also claiming machines were flipping their votes in Northern Virginia.
They had hundreds of voters turned away because so many machines were failing to operate.
Yeah, we can learn just to interject here in Austin. They've had high schools and grocery
stores that have voting just where it's not working, period.
Right. And that's what happened in Northern Virginia. The machines didn't work, and they only
had 50 paper ballots to give people, and they were turning hundreds of people away.
Same thing in Spartanburg. They twice ran out of paper ballots in South Carolina.
And then all these other places where they've just got general failing, where the machines had to
be reset. They didn't work for hours. That's in Ohio and Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Tennessee,
Georgia, Virginia, Arkansas. I mean, it's a real problem. Hopefully people will wake up and understand
that we don't need these expensive non-functioning machines that are so easily tricked. I think
that's a big part of this story here. Well, they've been proven to be frauds over and over again.
And how dare you say we shouldn't have these foreign-owned voting machines that they say are
proprietary and have been proven to be frauds, and their own codes have been released at
Diabol that it's designed for fraud, and their own engineers have gone public saying it's a fraud,
and people have been convicted of fraud. I mean, that's extreme, David, that you're saying we
shouldn't just completely trust these. That's right. And you can go on the Internet and just
look on YouTube and look at all the examples that people have gone in and hacked machines,
and they show you how easy it is to hack it, how you can essentially transfer it from one
machine to the other, and how these viruses will essentially erase themselves so there's no trace.
They'll even print out the tests correctly and then start flipping votes.
Yeah, perfectly designed for fraud on record, and they've been caught,
but the government wouldn't do that, and corporations wouldn't do that. I mean,
there's not powerful people, David, that want power. I mean, I think we should turn our guns in
and go live in giant Agenda 21 plastic cities where a computer tells us what food and water we get
like the zeitgeist people call for. Well, that's the vision they have for us.
But I think we had some polls that we put on infowars.com, and one of them was asking people
what they thought was the most effective way to affect change. And interestingly enough,
for the people who go to info wars, 51% picked educating other people. There was only, if you
look at, we had several options that would have revolved around the electoral process,
like running for office, helping with a campaign, even putting ballot initiatives on.
All together, those were getting about 15% of the vote. State nullification was second by itself,
and it got about 12% of the vote. I guess the one thing I was surprised and disappointed in was
that jury nullification was only down to about 3%. And I think as we look at, that's a very important
thing that not much has been talked about, because that's a very important device that's
basically just kind of fallen by the wayside for citizens. When you look at how corrupt the
electoral process is, and you look at how easily that has changed. In a jury, it only takes one
educated person to shut down these laws and keep somebody from going to jail unjustly.
You know what, that's a great idea, because I talked about this earlier tonight. You should
do a report, David, to hear for info wars. You do such great reports on all the different ways we
can vote, juries, grand juries, voting with our dollars, voting with our speech, outside of the
system they've taken over. Because you notice when everything they can to shut down, take
Prop 37, how dare you be able to know what's in your food. Let's put a blindfold on you.
I think that's a very important report to do of what we can do outside of this fraudulent system.
I know you've been working about 13 hours today. So far, we've got Jakari Jackson
coming up with more reports than the chair you're in, but I look forward to having both of you
tomorrow with whatever information you co-late popping in on the daytime radio show, 12 noon
to 3pm. Thank you so much for your work today, David. Great. Thank you, Alex. All right, there
goes David Knight. I'm telling you, I am really liking this where I'm in this studio and they're
in that studio. This is really cool. And at beta test tonight, folks, we have done this
whole thing. It would have gone off with a hitch if we would have had a few issues right at the
start. But again, very, very, very, very excited about what's happening. Aaron Dykes will be
popping in as well. Let's get to some of your phone calls and then we're going to get an update
on the news coming up in about 15, 20 minutes from Jakari Jackson before we get Lou Rockwell on.
Because we see we're already getting behind. Perhaps we're going to get Jakari on then
during that break after Lou Rockwell. I guess that's what's going to happen right there. So we'll
move that up to about get Rockwell on at about 9.30 central. And then when he leaves us right at 10,
get Jakari in for his first update. And I'm going to say this because I won't be
operable tomorrow if I don't leave here about midnight. I do want to be here for Dr. Tarpley
at 1130 central. And I want to continue. I mean, I like to stay up all night and call the election.
Problem is it'll probably still be going tomorrow. So I have to be here for the radio and have some
sleep. But I do want to just tell the crew that if you guys want to have a big round table in here
or wherever, we're welcome to that after midnight. If we want to take calls and stuff, because we
should just be here just taking call after call after call. Okay, I've said this like eight
different ways in the hour the person's been holding, and we're going to go to them now.
I Tameo in California. Did I get that right?
E-tameo, close. I have a small brain, but great name, sir. I apologize. Go ahead.
Oh, thank you very much. Well, I just want to make a comment on the geopolitical sphere we
have right now. I think that this whole situation is just it's ridiculous. And I have to agree with
Max Kaiser when he said, why would I vote? It's just a dog and pony show. I think voting at the
local level and at the state levels are far more important. And I myself have to say that at the
federal level, it's just all a shell game. I mean, if you vote in Hitler, you still get Hitler.
It's really not making much of a difference. Well, at least I voted. Well, you still have a
murderous dictator. Exactly. And every president gets worse. And I'm always thinking it's this
person that's bad. It's that the system is getting away with more and more. And so I see Obama
just getting away with stuff. I mean, you know, we've had Christopher Hedges on who is a Pulitzer
Prize winning super liberal, but a real liberal. And he says Obama is twice as bad as Bush.
And, you know, Bush was worse than Clinton in many ways. And now Obama is worse. And I mean,
how it just gets worse and worse and worse. And we're meant to think it's just president because
they can come and go. Meanwhile, the power structure continues to move forward. And so the question
is how do we get around that? Because even though I'm aware I'm the guy that came up with the term
left right paradigm, I know all this. I'm still desperate. I'm like hoping for some change.
I'm, I'm, I'm wishing things would get better. I didn't endorse Obama, but I said, I hope he keeps
some of his promises. Some of them are good. You know, some of his platform is good, like ending
torture, ending wars. And now it's just, we've gotten to the point of, of we know it's only
going to get worse. So what do we do? Well, in my opinion, I mean, the entire system has to change.
I mean, you can have someone like Ron Paul, who can come in for eight years. And I mean,
it'll be terrific. He may completely reform the way our government works. But then the next
election, you can have some Satanist who comes in and completely destroys everything within two
years by getting us into a nuclear war. So I think the system itself and the people
need to change. I myself have outlined a change in government system where there wouldn't be
any elections, but at the upper level of government, it will be professionally. You know, where are,
where are our astrophysicists? Where are our marine biologists, our computer programmers,
our mechanical engineers? Listen, nobody was perfect in any country. But 200 years ago,
whether it was Japan, or Europe, or Mexico, the rock stars were scientists and inventors.
People knew, hey, a guy that figures out a better engine, or a lady that figures out a better plant,
or George Washington Carver that figures out a better way to grow crops,
they're going to make our life better. That's the rock star. And now they've made our rock stars,
you know, fake James Bond and all this other garbage. And it's a total distraction. And that's
why it freaks me out when people call up here saying, oh, Alex, you're great. Hey, I'm not great.
Humanity is great. And God empowering us is great. Wow, did Romney just surge ahead? Is that new
numbers? I just see some new numbers there. I'd say this is killing me. Have you ever seen an
election where it's back and forth like this? They are really rigging this to make us think it's
real. God bless you, sir, from California. I appreciate your call. Paul in Maryland, you're
on the air ahead of our next guest that is coming on the broadcast. That'll be Lou Rockwell. Go ahead,
Paul. All right. I wanted to say, first of all, God bless you. I've been listening to you since
like 09 for a second. I think I think you talk about like a lot of good things. But one thing you
said like mentioned is, you know, these people that's elite, they're really under the covers like,
you know, and in spirit wise, they're they're the fallen angels and they're all spring, you know,
the nephelium or aninaki or whatever other name they're I'll say this. They aren't like us, buddy.
They aren't like us. No, no, I hear you. They're not like us because let me tell you something.
I would, I would die right now before I do something to an innocent child. A normal person
wants you to protect little children. These globalists love to hurt them. And so yes,
they're not like us. You can call them whatever you want to call them. They're not batting for
teen humanity as Gerald Salente says. Exactly. I've seen a lot of your movies too. Like,
you know, with that Obama deception, that's the one that really like, you know, intrigued me the
most because that's when I first woke up. And I was like, Oh, seven. But before that, like,
right, because I was in an army at Oh, seven. And, you know, I only stayed in 10 months.
I got an honorable discharge, but I didn't want to stay in because they were trying to send me
to Iraq. And I wasn't mentally stable. I was, you know, a young kid at that time. But, you know,
I went in thinking that I was going to be able to go to school because the recruiter,
you know, they tricked these kids. No, I know when I was 18, I was somewhat responsible compared
to most of them, but I was still a look back. I was a crazy animal at 18. And I could not imagine
someone throwing a gun in my hands and training and saying, go out and kill people. And I was 18.
I mean, I, I mean, I cannot, I'm surprised we don't have more disasters with what's going on
with the young people and this modern warfare. Exactly. And, you know, so, but that, that movie
definitely woke me up. And ever since then, I've been on it and I just been exposing them on my
Facebook or, you know, other means that just by talking about it. Listen, Paul, you're doing a
great job. But let me ask you this real fast. The interest of time, each puppet gives me a shiver
up my spine, Romney Obama in your gut, which one, obviously they're puppets, but, but, but
doesn't matter. It's like, you know, it's kind of a figurehead on the ship or like on the Viking
ship, you know, it still means something like which team it is in your gut. Which group is scarier?
I think the, the, the Democrats, I mean, Republicans, they, they show a lot, but Democrats
being on their, you know, silent tip, even a little bit more there. I think they're hiding a
little bit more, you know, basically. And I think Obama actually, in my opinion, if, if something
ends up happening to him, you know, whether it be, you know, I don't know, something that happens to
his head or whatever, then that's just going to prove, because I believe in God and I have faith
in him. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You're talking about the antichrist. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you gotta,
I mean, you look at all the stuff in Syria and the threats on Russia. I tell you the whole
thing's scary. I know, I know. Yeah, that's the thing. I'm always telling my wife, oh no,
I believe in revelation, but it's coming down the road. It's the year about school kids getting
RFIDs around their necks nationwide. It's kind of like, man, when is this going to end? When is
it going to get better? Why does it just get crazier and crazier and crazier by the moment?
Yeah, it makes my head spin. Great, great points, Paul. Kim in California, you're on the air. Welcome.
Hello. Hi. Hi. I got all nervous all of a sudden. I think the whole thing is rigged. I think they're
trying to do a neck and neck kind of deal. So then when they do the, the, the ballots that they're
going to extend so they could just put a bomb back in. No, I hear you. Look, I've really,
for 17 years, studied election fraud, interviewed all the experts. And in the old days, like 15
years ago or 20 years ago, you could, you could have the media announce the winner and then just
ignore what the real results were later. Now, because people are watching for fraud, the fraud
is in different regions, but Democrats control certain areas. Republicans control others. It's
kind of like Lance Armstrong and his teammates, you know, said in private meetings, he said,
look, we got to cheat. Everybody else is cheating. Well, the Democrats are cheating. So the Republicans
got to cheat. Well, the Republicans are cheating. So the Democrats got to cheat. And that's how
corruption works. Everybody just goes ahead and does it. But, but looking at this, I don't even
know if the establishment now knows who's going to win because the fraud is all broken up. And
some areas have real voting. Some areas don't. You know, I mean, it's, it's a big job to engage
in fraud like this because there's over a dozen major companies with a voting machine. So it,
it's kind of a cobbled together deal. That's why instead they just go make sure they own both,
both candidates, but you think they're getting ready to put Obama back in.
That's what you think, Kim?
I think she made her point and hung up. Okay. Thank you, Kim. We'll see if you're right.
I don't even think it matters at this point. Again, as just a primitive person at a non-intellectual
level, I, even though I know Obama's a puppet, I still think get rid of him and that'll make him
change management teams and it'll take Romney a few months to get organized. That'll buy us some
time. But then the other side of my mind says, but that'll, may everybody go back to sleep because
there's a new puppet, just like Obama did for a couple of years. Maybe we keep Obama in. It gets
worse. Look, God's in control. We just do the right thing, expose these people and move forward.
My make-it-or-break-it issue is this. Obama is funding abortion worldwide.
And they're doing it, they're doing it in countries where people don't have food to eat,
they've had their food cut off and they're telling them, get an abortion, get sterilized,
we'll give you $2,000. I do that all over Africa. And it's not that I'm in some
bleeding heart thing for Africa. Look, I don't want to know my heart and my soul,
that they're killing babies in Africa. Okay. I mean, it just comes down to that. My soul
cannot sign on to that. And that's why it's so irritating to hear all day how I'm a racist because
I don't like Obama. When Obama is expanding all of this, it's very, frauds make me mad. Just open
oxymoron total scams where the reality is 180 degrees. That makes me very upset.
But the truth is, when Republicans get into office, they don't get rid of abortion either.
And they sell it to women like it's some wonderful right. Look, I'm not judging some woman out there
if she was 16 years old and got an abortion. All I'm saying is stop using abortion for contraception.
Stop saying it isn't a baby. Okay. If you're going to do it, be honest about it. For heaven's
sakes, don't wait till the third trimester when the baby's seven pounds and chop it up. And I
hear women email me and I get calls. Don't talk about chopping it up. Well, hey, you don't like
hearing about it. That kid got chopped up. Okay. And I as a human know that if you can chop up
the innocent, man, my kids are next. I'm next. Okay. It's called empathy. You ever been out
somewhere and seen somebody walk out in the street and get hit by a car and die? I've seen it five
times. I've seen people die in car wrecks, seen them get run over five times. I saw it. I saw
people race past me on I 30 once and their cars collide and flip and blow up and I pulled over
to help them and they were heads chopped off and blood spraying out of necks. And let me tell you
something. I got nauseous. I was trying to help people and I was throwing up. And you know why
I was throwing up? I'd seen violence on TV folks. This was, this was real. I could smell their blood.
I could see fire ants crawling on their bodies and I had a sympathetic response.
You know what a sympathetic response is? Like if you see somebody vomit, you feel
like you need to vomit. I mean, you know, you're seeing people around you with one guy with his
hand flopping around with blood shooting out of it. Well, look at a deep, it's not because I'm some
good guy folks. It's that it hurts me to see this type of stuff going on. And I know it's only
going to get worse when I read about them surrounding Fallujah. When I read about them
for months, bombarding it and the birth of X 14 times what they were previously in our own troops
had five to six times increases and how they were just mowing women down and stories of a woman
walking with a three year old in her hand and the troops shooter in the head with a 50 cal at
three, you know, 3,000 or whatever yards away just to see and laugh at her head blowing off.
Man that the troops could blow her head off while her child was holding her hand and just use her
like a target like her head was a pumpkin. I realized that that spirit, of course those troops firing
that DU, you know, rifle, they don't even know that what they're firing is probably going to kill
them. I mean, it's a craziness. It's a, it's a disconnect with reality. And it's incredibly
dangerous and it's getting worse by the minute. And that's why I'm here today broadcasting 10,
11 hours straight is because when we're dead, we can rest. But now is the time to realize that folks
good people have stood down and so evil has taken over. And I know why good people stand down. It's
not even from fear. Good people are humble and good people go, well, I don't want to be up there
up at East speaking out. I don't want to be out in front of everybody. I don't want to go tell
people what I think. You know, I don't want to, you've got to stop being so humble folks.
You've got to continue to be humble, but you've got to manifest your true humility by sacrificing
your energy and your time resisting the globalist. You've got to something right word to say,
don't be humble. You've got to get out of a position of being passive and you've got to
get aggressive. And you've got to realize that if you know evils going on and you don't do
something about it, it's on your hands. And I see converse from that. Lou Rockwell is coming up
it for a quick five minute report here in a moment with Jacari Jackson. He'll be back with a more
extended report after Lou leaves us. And I promise I'll go to Cody, Josh, John and others that are
holding here tonight. If you've got any reports of election fraud or your take on the election,
it's 877-789-2539. We're hoping the phone's up again in a moment. 877-789-2539. We're going to
get to all of you. But I'm here ranting just about the philosophy of good versus evil. It's
just that so many people want to over calculate things and come up with some perfect master plan
to defeat the New World Order. That's not how things work. You've got to start small and then
have successes and then build on that. That's why I am at this point of where we finally are having
a real success. And I can see where infowars could lead that I'm not choking, but it is quite a
realization to come to this point, to know that there is a fight between good and evil.
We can all affect change for something good, but you can't just lazily do it saying Obama's
slogan sound better or Mitt Romney's slogan sound better. And the system has these two candidates
so close together in who they really are, but they make it look like there's these big differences.
Both men have supported abortion. Both men have supported open borders. Both men have
supported carbon taxes. Both men have supported banning semi-automatic firearms. Both men have
supported NDAA. Both men have supported torture. Both men have supported all of this. Now Romney
to make you think you have a choice for the illusion has to act like he's against it. And maybe he is,
but it doesn't matter. But there's also the point now that the election is going to be decided one
way or the other, I can say it, it feels immoral to just sit there and say they're both the same
because they're not. Obama is playing the role of the guy that takes you further down the path
and then Romney's the placeholder to make you think that there's really a change. Let's get a
five minute report from our own Jacarie Jackson and the M4's Nightly News studios. I'm in the radio
studios and we have huge record video and audio because we're internet only tonight, viewers and
listeners. Thanks to you spreading the word about the transmission. Thank you so much. Please continue
to spread the link. We'll have more live coverage tomorrow on the radio with the link that you have,
the video and audio link, and tomorrow night more lengthy coverage of this as it unfolds.
Jacarie, give us a quick update and then we're going to come back to you there in the studio.
All right. Thanks, Alex. Now, if we can take a look at the map right here,
we scroll down a little bit here. We see Obama at 157 and Mitt Romney at 173.
If we scroll down a little bit, you see a lot of red on that map. We, of course, see Ohio is not
decided. Neither is Florida. We know that Tag Romney has the voting machines in Ohio, although
they claim that has nothing to do with the voter turnout. We'll see how that turns out to be.
And the close just closed on the West Coast. Is that right, guys? At nine o'clock?
Our time. So we'll be seeing what happens in the West Coast coming up here pretty soon. We want to
find out what turns out with Proposition 37 and also things such as marijuana. That seems to be a
hot topic going on these days. But if you're watching this, go check out our Twitter page
at Puppet Press. If we can pull that up and take a look at a few of the posts that we have right
there. Let's see, Free Thought, Obama for Prez. Okay, so he thinks Mitt and Barack are the same
guy, which I really wouldn't disagree with. So scroll down there a little bit more. We see,
are you a zombie? I'm nervous. And some other Twitter posts on there. So definitely check us
out at Puppet Press on the Twitter page. And that's our most recent updates. And because, you know,
we have the Puppet election going on. And that's why you see all these great graphics
made by our Melissa Melton, Darren McBreen, Marcos Morales. They're bringing you all those
puppet graphics. So actually we do have a video we like to throw to. This is from
We Are Chained San Antonio. This is a group that I've actually had a chance to meet when I went down
to San Antonio. So if we can cue that up, guys, go ahead and play it whenever you're ready.
Just a car. We'll do that in a moment. Did you just give out McBrain's secret nickname on air?
What is it? Puppet Press? Oh, no, no, no. I don't think I gave away any secret information right
there. Did you just call him McBreenie? Did I call him McBreenie? I don't recall that.
I thought I heard that. Maybe now when I hear McBreen, I hear his nickname McBreenie. I'm sorry.
We love McBreen. Well, you spilled the bean, Alex. I mean, I think you were just hopping to say
McBreenie. You know what it is? McBreen is the best. We got incredible graphics. What I gotta say,
he is the best we've got. They're all incredible. But he is also a great reporter. But he doesn't
like to be in front of the camera. So we're going to make him, I think I'm going to call McBreen in
here right now and make him get here in studio in a moment. He's out on the streets with Ortiz.
Isn't that right, guys? Yeah, he's out on the streets. And so we notice Ortiz is now in front
of the camera. McBreen is behind the camera. That is very much true, Alex. But Ortiz is doing a great
job out there. No, he is. He is doing an incredible job. Yeah, but yeah, we'll get McBreen in here
a little bit more. You know, he likes the, the JFK stuff. So exactly. He loves to do JFK reports,
which is intriguing. Listen, you're gut. I know you got a promo you're going to go to
when we are changed. Who do you think is going to win? I mean, who do you think the globalists
are going to select here? Well, before I saw these recent polls, I was going to say Barack
Obama, but now it's looking like Mitt Romney. I see a lot of red on that map when I take a look
at it, but I thought it was going to be Obama. I thought they had their hooks pretty good into him,
and they were just going to manipulate him. I think the, the, the people's perception,
or at least what I thought before the polls came out was that Obama was the guy. They
did a pretty good job demonizing Mitt Romney from, from what I saw. And a lot of Obama supporters
were pretty much keen to vote for him regardless of what he did. We saw the video, Rob showed us
a video earlier that Luke Redalski did, where he asked people, you know, what if Mitt Romney did
this and what if Mitt Romney did that? And people said, Oh, that's terrible. I hate Mitt Romney.
And then Luke said, well, not only is Barack Obama talking about doing these things, he's
already implemented them, things such as the NDAA. So it's no, exactly. But I mean, that's what's
interesting is that people, but it's the same thing. You can tell Romney supporters about
something Obama did. And they say it's horrible, but then Mitt Romney supports it. But listen,
they haven't gotten to the West Coast yet. And so I think it's still going to be neck and neck here.
But all these bookies and stuff saying it wasn't going to be close at all. They were clearly just
trying to throw stuff. But again, I mean, it's like watching a rigged horse race. It is so ridiculous
that we're one of the only groups out there pointing out this whole thing's a fraud. Most of them,
Jacar, you're acting like it's completely real. And, you know, it really matters.
Oh, yeah, they push off this voter fraud as if it's some kind of myth. You know, we have the
documents. We've been documenting for the past several weeks, if not longer than that, telling
you about all the voter fraud. Like I just mentioned, Tag Romney, only the voting machines in Ohio,
even though they say they bought those voting machines before Tag, you know, bought his.
But I mean, I think they have to get scheduled maintenance at least every now and then. And
it's just it's examples like that, you know, votes disappearing. And it's been said before. And I
don't think voter fraud is a myth. It's very much something that's alive in this country today.
Well, it certainly is. You know, we're getting lined up on Skype right now,
Lou Rockwell for about 25 minutes. We'll come back to you, Jacar, and then phone calls. But
I mean, they've been caught over and over again doing it. We would be naive. But I mean, people
know what's going on now. So and there's more reports this year than I think I've ever seen. So
you've seen the reports where people, they go in and they hit the button that says, you know,
Barack or Mitt or whatever their choice is, and it comes up the other candidate.
It's completely ridiculous. And even with the paper ballots, I mean, they can just
scrap the paper ballots, either paper ballots, whatever they want to do with them.
And you've talked about earlier how dead people are voting. You said, talked about the guy who's
dead mother was voting right before he did. So there's plenty of fraud out there, Alex.
Jacar, we're going to go to Lou Rockwell. Again, we have just a massive audience out there watching
us on the internet, listening to the streams. We are just getting up on our hind legs right now,
learning how to walk here. This is just the beginning of info wars nightly news. This is
just the beginning. Everything we've done by the grace of God and our listeners, supporters
out there spreading the word and supporting us. This is just the beginning. And it's a great
example of free association. We don't get funded like MSNBC by Banker bailout money. We don't get
funded by George Soros. We are funded by the viewers, the listeners, the freedom lovers
out there across the United States, but also all over the world, people that have a hunger for
freedom and a hunger for a true level of playing field in a true free market. And it is just so
exciting to know that we've been successful with prisonplena.com, with infowars.com. We've been
successful with the new magazine. We've been successful with the nightly news, the radio show
now reaching 15 million people a week. And thanks to you, Jacari Jackson, David Ortiz, Dan Badandi,
Melissa Melton, Darren McBrain, all the other reporters, David Knight, the whole crew here,
at infowars. Now, 51 Strong, we are affecting change for the better. And it's a testament
to everybody out there who doesn't think that they have power. You have power. Let your voice
be heard. You have power. Absolutely. Oh, yeah, the TSA, I have power. Yeah.
Yeah, just like you said, Alex, I mean, because everybody, I meet a lot of people,
well, I say, I talk to a lot of people and, you know, about the show and, and they say, well,
I really wish you guys would report on this or you would report on that or you'd come to my
town. I say, don't wait for infowars. Don't wait for Alex Jones to report on your issue. You can
affect change. Go to your city council meetings, your student council meetings, whatever the issue
may be. Get, get heard. You know, don't wait for us to get a story or get reported to your location.
Go out and affect change for yourself. No, I mean, exactly. People all the time say,
why haven't you covered this shit? Well, they're just now telling us about it. And we're regular
people too. The point is we think of specialist and government as being the answer when they can't
even get aid to people in Katrina or New York or New Jersey. Jakari Jackson, we'll be back to you
in about 30 minutes. Thank you so much. Thank you, Alex. All right, folks, there goes Jakari Jackson.
And again, this is real independent media. We're getting our satellite uplinks and more. We already
have them for the radio show. And it's just so exciting to know that, yeah, I've been on air
now, I don't know, 10 hours today. And I'm still going here and I'm teleprompter free. Thank God.
And speaking of somebody else who's teleprompter free, he heads up lourockwell.com. And by the
way, his name is Lou Rockwell. He's the founder and head of the Von Mies Institute. And he is also
the former chief of staff for Congressman Ron Paul. He's an author and researcher and a true
brain trust for liberty. And I want to thank him. I guess he's out there on the east coast,
I think right now at, you know, 1037 for joining us 937 central to break down this giant puppet
show. I know we know that, but I want his take on where it's all, where it's all going. Lou Rockwell,
thank you so much for coming on, sir. Alex, great to be with you. Wow, so much is happening. I've
got a million questions, but out of the gates, what is on Lou Rockwell's mind? Well, it's interesting
to me. And I guess we've known this for some time that apparently Obama is the choice of the
oligarchy to be the button on their lapel for the next four years. We shouldn't assume that the
president actually is running things. He's being run. He's given a schedule every day that he follows.
It's the oligarchy that runs things. So they've decided that they're better off with another
four years of Obama than four years of Romney. These two men are really two peas in a pod. I mean,
one is a fascistic socialist, the other is a socialistic fascist, but there really is not
significant difference, except some of the interest groups that grow rich and powerful
off their presidencies are different. I mean, that's true that some big farmer may do better
under Romney, but maybe not. It does very well under Obama, military industrial complex.
Certainly, we'll do well under both of them. So this is all just a game. I mean, the Romans
had their bread and circuses. We've got our elections and welfare system. So this is all
just a trick. It's suddenly discouraging to see how many Americans fall for it, although
we should always remember that far more Americans refuse to vote than vote either Republican or
Democratic, because they realize it's all a fraud. It's just a joke. Their vote makes no
difference. It's a pain in the neck, of course, to go vote. And when you vote, you're sort of
giving endorsement to the whole system. So a huge number of Americans, perhaps 45 percent
of the potential electorate, don't vote. So that's good news. But the majority of people
are caught up in this. I think there's actually something to be achieved by having either Romney
or Obama, when they both represent the same group of plutocrats and the oligarchy of government.
Parties are different, as Gerald Saletti would tell us. There's a difference between the bananas
and the gambinoes. They really do fight each other. But for the rest of us, there's not too
much of a difference. So the Republicans and Democrats, there's two wings to the same bird
of prey, as Butler Schaefer always puts it. I know that not only do you study economics,
you study history. Again, if you're joining us listening on the radio, it's Lew Rockwell,
LewRockwell.com. Obviously, TV viewers can see right there on our screen joining us via Skype.
As a person who studied history, myself, I've decided to try to weather the storm,
stay here in America. It's not perfect, but there's nowhere really to run. I mean,
there's big government and tyranny all over the world. Unfortunately, the U.S. now has fallen in
the ranks to not one of the best places economically to live or politically. But what is your view on
the future of America? I mean, privately, when you're sitting around, say, talking to Ron Paul,
like you were a few weekends ago at your big event, you guys had. Where do you really see us
going? And where do you see this ruling class going? Because we see all these court rulings
saying, we're going to come into your house, and if the drug dog without a warrant smells drugs,
we're going to randomly walk up and down your street, we're going to bust down your door.
And we're going to put GPS on your car without a warrant. And we're going to pull you over and
download your phone. And we're going to have the TSA download your laptop. And we're going to
have the NSA spying you without warrants. And we're going to put cameras in your backyard and
watch you without warrants. I mean, it's absurdist how tyrannical it's getting. And it's just getting
going fast. So, so, so what's happening to America? Where do you see it? Blue Rockwell.
Well, Alex, you're certainly right. This is a police state. It's not a Soviet or a Nazi police
state yet, but it's headed in that direction, especially if we consider what was the case just,
you know, 15 or 20 years ago. There were many bad things that went on, but it's not like today.
And of course, kill lists and the drones and the war, the perpetual wars. So I think that
the tremendously bad things going on politically, but there's also the economic disaster. So I don't
know when this whole system is going to come down. We've never had anything like the current
economic system in the history of the world where you have every single country with a central bank
massively printing up fiat currency, increasing the money supply, doing everything for the banks.
That's true in Europe. It's true here. It's true in Asia. They're all bankocracies and the regular
people are being ripped off for the benefit of the banks, but it's being done in such a way
that it's going to have horrific economic consequences. So I think the short term look out
for America, for Spain, for England, for France, for Japan, for countries all over the world
is very bad. I do think that the human race has a good future. I think that mankind will end up
trying to think over this, but I think we're going to have some very rough times. And I hope people
are preparing themselves. We can take a look at what's happened in Manhattan. And some of those
people were prepared to those words. We all have to be prepared in terms of whether it's a
governmentally caused disaster or a natural disaster. That's important. It's important that you have
some money out of the bank. It's important that you have gold and silver in your own possession.
Other things you can do, cut down on your debts and that sort of thing. But these are difficult
times. Professor Jack Douglass said today that we're living in the lull before the social unrest
is coming. So we have, I think, a lot of troubles ahead. On the other hand, the market is still great.
Still many great entrepreneurs, many great working people. Many of the American people are still
great people. They've been brainwashed. They've been fooled. But they can come back. It is possible
for people to change their minds. It is possible. We only have to look at the impact that Ron Paul
had with the media shutting him out, demonizing him, smearing him, the Republican Party stealing
all of those votes and so forth. Because we wonder how many votes are being stolen on both sides
tonight. But against all that, those odds, we saw what Ron Paul was able to do. There's a key
and Ron Paul and his sorts of ideas have an appeal all over the world, not just in this country.
Exactly. America used to be an example of freedom. Now it's become an example of tyranny. But people
all over the world now can say, hey, Americans aren't bad. Look at Ron Paul. And by the way,
I had lost contact with some of my contacts to Ron Paul. Thank you for getting Ron Paul in
touch with us. He's on the show Friday. Yeah, he's delighted to be on and it's so great for you
to have him on and for him to be on. Oh, you bet. We're glad to have it. It's been a few months,
like three or four or longer since he's been on the show. Continuing here, I mean, I hate to
sit here and just say bad news, bad news, bad news. But in my experience, it's not admitting how much
trouble we're in that's gotten us into this. You talk about civil unrest. It's really two worlds.
You've either got people that are more awake, working harder than ever, and more productive
than ever, almost survival of the fittest, versus slobs everywhere. And let's be honest,
they're out there, zombie like people. And then the predatory minions in government,
and then the crony capitalists that feed at that. And clearly they're moving towards
more authoritarianism because tyranny doesn't work. They're destroying the golden goose.
So their answer is don't go back to liberty. Let's just bring in pure tyranny.
It's that same ham fisted trait. Why do you think the establishment is going light speed
towards tyranny? Is that a sign of their strength or a sign of their weakness?
Well, I think it's, I think it's a sign of the nature of government. I think every government
would like to be a totalitarian state if they can get away with it. And after 9-11,
we saw a huge pullback by the American people in their opposition to government power. And
throughout human history, we can look at, it's always a battle between market and power between
the government and the coercive forces. In the private sector, we call them criminals and we
call them politicians. And when they work for the government, between those people and the
productive people. So there's, there's, there are many great people in this country, as you point
out. Many great people all point out in the underground economy and do everything they can
to stay away from government regulations, stay away from government in every sense. And they
just add a tremendous amount to human productivity and human flourishing in this country. And again,
great businessmen, great entrepreneurs. The market can't be actually put out of business
by the government. Even the Soviet Union, even Mao Zedong's China, even, even Pol Pot's Cambodia
could not put the market out of business. And just to interrupt, because you're so right,
I guess the government estimates 50 million people are out of the system. I think it's more.
I know a lot of these really dynamic software engineers, business owners, and they have made
the decision, even though it's harder for them to not be sucked off by parasites, that they,
they are almost completely out of the system. And you notice this whole casualist society system
that you've talked so much about, it is obsessed with shutting down the art types of the lemonade
stands, the Amish, the people selling pumpkins, the people selling bonsai trees, the people selling
handmade woodwork, the harassing the farmers markets. This whole new world order that's so big
and bad, Lou, explain this to us. Why are they so scared to death of even little small markets that
aren't under their control? Well, they're scared because they represent lies and we represent the
truth. And a little lemonade stand represents economic truth as versus the lies of the government.
And there was just a recent report from the Federal Reserve taking great alarm at the
vastly increasing number of Americans who are, as they put it, unbanked and non-banked.
People who either are too poor to use banks or just don't want to, and other people who just
want to use the banks. So it's, it's, it's one of the things we can all do if we want to strike back
at the system that it's strangling us, strangling our liberties, do everything you can to live
outside the banks. Yeah, I've thought about paying my employees. Something to do with the banks,
but we don't have to keep all our money in the banks to get that, what, one eighth of a percent
interest or whatever they're paying us. Sure. So why is the system so scared of cash? Like you
said, they have billboards up all over the country now saying cash is dirty. Have you seen those?
No, I haven't, but I'm not surprised, but it's because the banking system is a fraudulent system.
It's based on fractional reserves. Your money is not actually in there so that it doesn't take
very many customers trying to get their money out of the banks that if, if they didn't get supplied
by the, by the Federal Reserve, they would go out of business. Every single bank in this country,
no matter how big, how small, is actually bankrupt by normal business standards. They're kept in
existence by the Fed, but they are, they, they make their money and they're all based on having as
much money within the system that they can then pyramid on. So to the extent we take our money
out of the banks, it hurts them. You only have to see what I'm talking about. Try to go take a
couple thousand dollars, let's say, out of your bank because you want to pay your bills and cash
for some period of time. They treat you like a criminal. What, what, how dare you take your money
to the bank? They don't like it. So there's a, there's a saying that you ought to be doing it.
So, and also you ought to be reading. I mean, to the, one of the great advantages we have now is
versus say, under Franklin Roosevelt, when we had the first fascist American government,
far more Americans understand economics, far more Americans understand real history, far more
Americans understand real principles of politics and political philosophy. They understand libertarianism
and they understand anarchism for that matter. So they, they're just far more Americans,
especially among young people, young people don't trust the government. They don't trust the
establishment. When they see a typical professor get up in the classroom, they might as well have
a little flashing sign on their forehead saying liar, liar, because of course that's, they don't
believe these people. They're looking for the truth. They're finding the truth, by the way. I'm
very optimistic about, about, about the younger generation, the Ron Paul generation. It's quite
something. So the, us older people maybe were for the, the most part lost, but that's not true
as you go down the age spectrum. So there's real change. I was about to say, real change. I've
seen the numbers as you have. We're not just hyping this. If you look at young people who the media
claims are a bunch of idiots and don't know anything, those that are politically aware
are really getting it that you can't trust the system. They don't like the government.
In fact, we've gone out and interviewed people and so have other reporters. Even Obama supporters
know he's horrible now. They just say, well, he's better than Romney. And, and, and, and sure,
Republicans say we know Romney's bad. He's better than Obama, but at least Democrats who are usually,
as you know, extremely cult-like, they now at least don't think Obama is the second coming of Christ.
And of course, as you always point out, there, these are artificial divisions, Democrat,
Republican, liberal, conservative, and so forth, that they, uh, black, white, male, female,
worker, capitalist, and so forth. These are all, these are all artificial distinctions
that are put out by the government in order to split us up. Uh, so that we, in order to divide
and rule the same reason they want to break up Iraq or Syria or Iran or whatever. Uh, uh, it's,
it's the old imperial principle of divide and rule. And of course applies to the people they're most
concerned with controlling. And that's the American people. They're afraid of us. Uh, they don't,
they don't trust us. They don't like us. They want to, of course, they want to have us as their milk
cows. Uh, well, that's true. What you just said is deep. I want you to elaborate on that. You know,
some good old boys are like, oh, we're going to get free oil from Iraq, as if the globalists
are going to give you oil, they steal. But, but I mean, speaking to the American people,
if the, if the new world order hates wild, you know, uh, Afghans because they can't be controlled,
imagine how much they hate us. And I've read the writings that you have
of different collectivist and globalist. They've always said we're the target to take down.
Don't people get that? That socialism does not work and delivers hell on earth. I mean,
it is such an easy thing to understand. Well, it's true. And of course, that's why actually,
yeah, maybe they've actually learned something. It's tough to believe the people, the elite and
the, and the government have actually learned something, but it's really why they prefer
fascism today than, than communism because fascism is slightly more economically productive than
communism and gives therefore them more money to live it up. Uh, cause of course they want to, uh,
they want to live it up. But the thing we always have to keep in mind is that the power elite
is necessarily a tiny minority. And those of us who are being ripped off by them,
who are being ruled by them, lied to by them, oppressed by them,
felt up by them at the airport, all the rest of the things the government does to us.
We are the vast majority. We don't have to put up with it so that the more that we learn ourselves,
the more that we, that we, uh, talk to others, the more we read, the more we become beacons of
liberty ourselves and people are drawn to us and they become beacons of liberty. This is very
much feared by the government. It wouldn't seem that this great fortress of, of, of government
could be threatened, but they are threatened by the truth. They're threatened by, by, uh,
people who are productive and don't believe them, who don't give them their consent,
who withhold their consent, who, who are loyal to their, to their God and to their family and to
their business, to their neighborhood and their community and their, and, uh, other, other
organizations in private society, not to the government. Government, of course, wants us to
be loyal only to it and therefore to the government. That was my next question. I've got a great crew
and I do have some good moments, but overall I, I find my show, except when I have great guests on,
uh, you know, unlistenable at times, but still, because it is organic and isn't teleprompter
controlled and is real, it grows by leaps and bounds. Just like Ron Paul has been growing,
this, this broadcast is now on the latest numbers coming in probably over 140 AM and FM stations.
And that's a lot with this message and a lot of them are big stations now. And, and, and the message
is getting number one ratings in many cities, you know, even up against mainline neocon types.
And so I'm now at the point of realizing, well, freedom is popular, like Ron Paul and you have
said. And so my, my point here is we've got so many good things that are happening, but so many
bad things. But I see the move towards censorship, the cyber security, the fairness doctrine,
it's got to make the system mad that they can spend 300, 400 million a year to run MSNBC.
And for five and a half million, I can run something. This isn't hype. If you go to Alexa.com,
if you go to Google analytics, we have more listeners than MSNBC with its million top show.
We have three million during the radio show. We have a million plus people coming to the
websites today and it's growing all total 15 million a week. And that's an example of freedom
and free market. Five and a half million versus 300 million. And they've got these giant fancy sets
and thousands of crew members and they cannot get the hearts and minds. I'm just waiting for
everybody else to come in for the big victory against these slobs because, you know, if my
dumb ass can be kicking their butt, what can, you know, the really powerful people that I know are
out there do if they'll just start thinking of themselves as leaders, Lou? Well, Alex, of course,
you've got a tremendous audience and they do fear you. They fear anybody who's speaking the truth.
They fear anybody who's not going along with the party line and pretending that the Republicans
instead of the Democrats or the Democrats instead of the Republicans and the rest of the lies they
tell us. So again, we can never forget we have the truth on our side. And as bad as things are
right now, imagine if we were serfs in the days of the Pharaoh when the government was exactly
the way they liked it to be. God, that's what they would like. They would like the government
is actually God. So they always are in competition with God. It's why they don't like religion.
It's why they don't like families. They're in competition with anything that stands
as the late Robert Nisbitt, the great libertarian sociologist pointed out,
anything that stands between the naked individual in the state. They hate churches,
they hate businesses, they hate radio shows like yours, they hate the family, they hate the neighborhood,
they hate it. So they want to break all this down. They hate anything organic.
Well, they do. But you know what? There's a revolution coming, an intellectual revolution.
More and more people are saying they're not going to put up with it. More and more people are
learning. Ron Paul always says that really people like us are born libertarians. We're born loving
freedom. So that the whole process is a matter of discovery for us. It's not so much a process
of conversion. And again, we only need a minority. Everything for good or ill is done by motivated
minorities. We only need a minority. We already have a tremendous minority.
A motivated minority to set brush fires in the minds of men as Thomas Jefferson said of
I'm paraphrasing the right founding fathers. But I'm getting back to my little rant.
My question to you is, at what point have they gotten to? Because if you look at mainstream
media, as you know, 10 years ago, before they had real competition, 15 years ago, 20 years ago,
they were dominant. They're still playing the old game. Have they figured out yet that intellectually,
with people that can actually tie their shoelaces, they've already lost?
Well, I think they're concerned. And although they still pretend that we're all being run by
the New York Times or the Washington Post or the other antique mediums, so that they live in the
past. They are afraid. They revel in their power. I also think they tend to be crazy. I mean,
I think there's a crazy gene in these people. We're not meant. Man is not meant to rule over
others like that. It's not a natural thing. It's not a good thing. No normal decent person
wants to do that. But the people will have what's in Augustine called the libido da monande, the lust
to rule the perverted desire for power over others and to rule others.
There's something crazy about them. It's not only are they evil. They're crazy. So
we have sanity on our side as well as the truth. So I think they're right to be worried.
I always think of the analogy is, think of the people as like a huge dog. And those guys are
like a bunch of fleas. And they're on the dog. They're sort of running the dog. But every moment
they're afraid the dog's going to scratch them off. And you know what? The dog can scratch them off.
So I think the future can be very bright, even though there's some serious economic troubles
coming in the interim. But when I look at that younger generation or when Alex, I look at the
size of your audience, I can't help but feel helpful for the future. Absolutely. In closing in the
five minutes we've got left with Lou Rockwell, lourockwell.com. It is so important for viewers
out there to spread the word about lourockwell.com or campaign for liberty or infowords.com or
prisonplanet.com because it is your power voting with your time and energy spreading the word.
You already know this stuff. Who have you reached today? You know, that's why I put the magazine
out. We put over a hundred thousand of them out a month down. That's just the beta test.
And when I go to the park or I go to a business or I go to get my hair cut, I keep hundreds in
my vehicle. And even though I'm already putting 80,000 on the streets of Austin mailing out 30,000
to listeners, I still drop them everywhere because it's a real pleasure and almost a ritual
to plant those seeds doing this because it's fun to sabotage the tyrants because the tyrants,
they count on us just going along and feeling powerless. Let me ask you this. Why are you
concerned about civil unrest? What do you see happening economically in the short and mid and
long term future briefly? And then I want to ask you one final question. Why were you saying you
think the establishment has chosen Obama? You can take either question in order.
Well, I think first of all, I think I'm afraid if we have the kind of economic troubles we're
going to have, but we have an actual demise of the dollar of the federal treasury bonds,
of the whole apparatus, the banking system and so forth, which is I think on very loose legs
at the moment. And they continue, of course, to print the money, do things that are unimaginably
disastrous from an economic standpoint. When there's a crash and something that makes 2008
look like a picnic, I think just as in any economic crisis, there can be civil unrest,
there can be people who decide that they want to eliminate the middleman, the government,
and just go ahead and take it directly. Because, of course, the government acts as a thief,
the thief-in-chief for a whole lot of recipients. When those recipients are not getting their
checks anymore, or when those checks don't buy anything, then I think we have to worry about,
yes, about civil unrest. It's also why it's important for every honest person to be armed,
for every woman to be armed, for every man to be armed, to know how to use their guns.
That is the great object. That is the great object. Why did they pick Obama? Because they
feel that he's better for them. He can fool people more effectively than Romney. That's
one of the key things these guys have to do. They have to fool people for the plutocracy.
So they feel, and I don't know what calculus goes into it entirely, but they feel that Obama
can keep the game going longer than Romney might have been able to. Because people maybe saw
Romney as himself a plutocrat. And they say Obama, this is ridiculous, of course, because Obama
was also a member of the power elite, of course. But a lot of people see him as like a regular guy
who made good, whereas they think of Romney in a different way. So I think the fact that
Romney was so wealthy and made his money, maybe a lot of it legitimately, maybe a lot of it not
legitimately. Of course, Goldman Sachs was his big backer. But it plays into the class warfare
narrative. By the way, Obama, they're now calling California for Barack Hussein Obama. He's got 244
electoral votes in the puppet college versus 193 against Mitt Romney. So I guess your prediction
is coming true here right in front of us. I don't see much of a chance now. If he gets,
it's what what's 44 to 70? How many? How many is that 20 and then six 2626 more electoral votes
and Barack Obama is in for four more years. What do you expect Obama to do with four more years?
Well, I hope he's not going to bomb Iran. I mean, maybe that's the one thing that we might say good
about him as versus as versus Romney. He does. He has seen more reluctant to bomb Iran. Whereas
Romney probably would have done that. But first day he was in office. He's a very bloodthirsty guy.
Not that Obama is a blood because they're both bloodthirsty, but maybe Obama's just
a slight bit less. So he knows the knuckle ladies on the head militarily, not gonna start a fight
with a junkyard dog. No. And also, of course, what also he's going to do more rewarding a big
pharma, which is what his, which is what Obamacare is. It's a, it's rewards to the big hospital
complex, the big doctor complex, especially the big drug complex who actually wrote Obamacare,
the drug companies are at least the parts of it that apply to the pharmaceutical industry.
So he's going to do that. He's going to do more regulating. And by the way, every time that
whatever their excuses, whenever there are new regulations, some new government action,
somebody is making a huge amount of money out of it. You may not be able to see it right away
who it is. They're not doing this for the public good or for the poor or whatever the, you know,
their excuses are. George Soros or the other, the other oligarchs who are in back of Obama
will do very well from the next four years, just as the oligarchs in back of Romney would have done
very well if he'd been in office. But I think they all made the decision that it should be,
should be Obama, that they're better off with Obama. That's, that's all they care about, of
course. They couldn't care less about us, except to fear us and to want to, and to want to loot
every time from us that they possibly can. Well said. And that was answering my question of what
they'll do in the next four years. I was now forgetting the one final question. Lou Rockwell,
thank you so much for the time tonight. Of all the questions I've posed here,
are there any other points you think are important to our audience out there watching?
Alex, I just want to congratulate you on the show tonight and on everything else you do.
You are indeed having a real impact. Well, Lou, we want to thank you. You're having a
real impact. And I don't want to sound like I'm bragging with shows getting bigger. I'm actually,
it's actually humbling. I just, if just little old me can have an effect like this,
imagine what others can do, like, like you've been doing. And Ron Paul, I think the message is,
get out there. And Ron Paul said this in 2003 at a speech he gave in Austin, Texas that I
videotaped and put in a film I made called Matrix of Evil. And he said, look, the big challenge in
the next 10 to 15 years, and boy was he prescient, will be when they collapse things. And he said,
it will collapse because of the derivatives and the dollar and all the rest of it. Will the
collectivist be able to pose his saviors and act like they didn't do this and bring in total
tyranny? Or will we get the word out now so that people understand there's an alternative? And I'd
like you to spend two minutes closing on that, Lou. I know it's late at night. We appreciate your
time. But I mean, Ron Paul, I've really, I'm not just saying this. I've studied politics. I've studied
economics. I've studied history. People say, oh, that's that mean free market thing. You know,
that'll do this and that. Look, you know, socialism and collectivism doesn't deliver. But I mean,
how did Ron Paul, I know you spoke about this too. So, you know, I mean, prescient, you know,
10 years ago, you know, he's, he is indeed prescient. He's also the great communicator. Forget
Ronald Reagan. Ron Paul is the great communicator. And he's been able to communicate economic
truths and historical truths, political truths in a way that I've, that I've never seen before.
But again, we, we do have the truth on our side. And we are all of us, you, of course, Ron, are
doing such a great job of spreading this truth. And it's having a tremendous effect. So we're
making the bad guys fear us. That's good. They're continuing with all their stuff. We're, they're
like the big army, with all their divisions, marching into battle, like the British maybe in
the time of George III. We're the gorillas. But you know, we don't have to have as many
soldiers as the big guys do. Because we're faster, we're smarter, maybe we're better, you know,
sharp shooters with our ideas. And we're able to pinpoint what's wrong with the government,
what's wrong with the current economic system, and why the free market is best. I'll just leave
with this one point. We've had this horrible gasoline shortage. When people need gasoline,
so desperately for their cars and for their generators in New Jersey and in New York and
Connecticut and so forth. So what did the government do? It actually caused a shortage
by introducing these so-called anti-price gouging laws. So at a time when gasoline is worth far
more, and people are happy to pay far more for it, the government says you can't charge more,
you have to charge the old price. And so that caused a shortage because the actual market price
was much higher than what the price of the gasoline stations were able to use. So they
caused such havoc. I noticed on MSNBC they were always talking about this disaster of
Sandy shows why we need government. Well, what exactly has government done except, of course,
loot people strung around in uniforms telling us how great they are, telling us how important
government is, and otherwise making everything worse, taking this horrific disaster of Sandy
and making it much, much worse for all regular people, whether it's on Staten Island or in New
Jersey or wherever else it is. So this is government. You know, I'm glad you raised that
point. They crush people. Exactly. They say you can't have but three people in a car,
you've got to do all these rules. That was one question I actually had written down I never
got to. Whether it's Katrina or Sandy, it's the churches and individuals that got ready that
they admit that are keeping society going, and government's not even anywhere to be seen.
My listeners in Long Island and in Staten Island have called in, and I've seen in the news,
the cops, they've ordered them to be out there writing tickets for people running red lights
that don't have power to them. I mean, that just shows the total disconnect of government.
You know what I noticed? There was a case in Piedmont, Oklahoma today for a cop who gave
a $2,500 ticket to a mother because they're a three-year-old little boy peeing in his own
front yard. Yeah, $2,500. So, you know, these people are out of control, but the more they do
this sort of thing, the more they lose the support of the American people, the more the
opposition grows. And it's this great stuff going on under the surface. And I just hope that people
learn from things like Katrina or from what FEMA has done in this disaster with Sandy as well as
in Katrina. They just make everything worse. I remember in Katrina when the government was going
to get everybody bags of ice. So, what happened was they had these vast warehouses full of what
turned out to be bags of water. And after the Katrina disaster, they invited Walmart to come
and explain to FEMA how they were able to get bags of ice in their stores without any trouble.
Well, of course, the market can do it. Private property can do it. People with a profit motive
can do it. This is capitalism. Of course, they can get the ice to the people who need it. It's
just a good thing there wasn't a nice price control. If they said, well, you can't sell the ice for
more than what you used to be able to sell it, then they would have stopped it. So, this is
government. Everything they do is damaging. Everything they do makes trouble. They want
more and more of our money. They want more and more control over us. They want to be able to
kill us if they'd like to without saying a boo to anybody else. That's what they want. They're
vicious and a parasitical bunch. But the majority of people are decent people. They care about their
own families. They care about their work, care about their neighborhoods, their churches,
and they want to build something for their children. The government is taking away not only
their livelihoods, but their children and their grandchildren's livelihoods. We all know our
children face more futures than we've had. So, that's why people are waking up. Alex, thanks
for everything you do to wake people up. And I'll tell you, it's working.
Well, Lou, please don't thank me. Thank you for helping with myself and
so many others. We'll talk to you again as soon as you can join us. Thank you so much for the
work you're doing over at LewRockwell.com and the Von Mies Institute. And we'll be talking to Ron
Paul on Friday. Thanks to your help. God bless you. Thank you, Alex. All right, there goes Lew
Rockwell, a powerful 35-minute interview with him. And we've got more guests coming up. You know,
we could go to Jacarie Jackson here in about 10, 15 minutes with an update almost happening with
the election. The Nomi Prince used to be managing the record. Goldman Sachs is going to be joining
us. And Dr. Webster Griffin-Tarpley will also come on to talk about his take on the election.
He was not a supporter of Obama four years ago. He is today. So, I guess he's going to be pleased
right now. As things are shaking up more and more, it looks like it's Obama. And I mean,
who knows whether he really got elected or not. That's the problem with the fraud. I mean, I just,
it doesn't even matter. I mean, quite frankly, I'm morally, just because he said he was pro-abortion
and anti-gun, I had to like say, well, I don't like him. I'm not saying Ron, he's good, but Obama
really bad. But quite frankly, Obama's getting back in. At least we're not sure right now.
But it's leaning in that direction. And so let's just get it as bad as it can get. Just come on.
Just come on. Just shut down the coal plants, shut down the factories,
shut it all down and hand out Obama phones, everybody. And Count Dracula will recede off for
four years. Obama is now at 250 and Mitt Romney is at 203. Obama is what, 20, 20 votes away
from a lock. It's 270, isn't it? Yeah. Oh, man. And you know what? If Mitt Romney was
winning right now, I'd be, I'd be, it's like being told, we're going to kill you with a hatchet
or we're going to kill you with a sword. I mean, it's like, what's the difference? You're going
to hack me up here. I don't like either one. It's just so amazing, though, because I knew
John McCain was bad four years ago. And so I was like, well, Obama's going to be bad,
but let's just see what he does. But now I know Obama and I hate him because I know he's a wicked
puppet and I know Mitt Romney's a globalist as well. Oh boy. What are we going to do?
Toll free number to join us. 877-789-ALEX-877-789-2539. I'll try to go to more of your calls.
Cody in Canada, then Josh in Wisconsin and others. Cody, you're on the air with, well,
yours truly. Go ahead. Hey, Alex, how are you tonight? I'm doing good, brother.
Oh, that's good. I've been a listener since 2007. And this is the first time I've called. So
I'm pretty excited to ask you a question here. Well, you're on the air, sir. Thank you.
All right. It's an election, it's an election question pertaining to foreign policy. Now,
I mean, I know the whole charade is nothing more than plastic packaged crap, but uh,
bear with me here for a bit. I, uh, I had listened to Romney's rhetoric concerning the
Keystone pipeline and he says he supports it. I've like, I mean, during Obama's presidency,
he stopped the deal from going through. My question to you is how will the Keystone pipeline be
affected depending on the election outcome? And do you believe that the oil from the oil sands up
here would have a benefit to the U.S. in the long run, or would it be detrimental? And is it just
another piece of the whole NAFTA North American Union puzzle? Well, it's a great point. I mean,
it's a very complex issue and I've studied it quite a bit and probably can't give you
a completely accurate answer because no one really knows. It sticks one way, half a dozen or
another. Uh, there are tar sands and other alluvial deposits of oil and gas all over
the United States. Canada obviously has richer deposits, but you'd have to talk to a petroleum
geologist who specialized in the general canvassing of North America itself to come up with a
proper prospectus on the overall analysis, aggregate breakdown in those distillates.
But I have looked at it and there's more oil overall in Canada than probably even in the
United States of that type, probably general crude itself, but that's not counting. That's
contiguous U.S. not counting Alaska. So if you look at Alaska, it may have total more oil than
even the Gigantor Canada. And then, of course, the oceans up and around Canada are full of it.
The best I can tell, they killed that Keystone pipeline because George Soros
and in a railway he controls, this is like right out of Atlas Shrugged, it can now train all that
out to tanker ships on the west coast of Canada to China and to Japan that desperately need it
at a higher price. And that's kind of like 80 percent under agreement since the 70s of the
oil come out of Alaska. It doesn't go in the one pipeline to the west coast, that's 20 percent.
80 percent ends up going to Asia. And so the issue with oil is there's actually plenty of oil.
There's a lot of oil. And so the megacorporations, this has come out in oil company documents,
even the Associated Press has reported on, are all about acting like environmentalists
are stopping the development of it. Oh my gosh, Obama is now at 268 to Obama's 203. We are about
to see Obama landslide the way this is going. And we're giving the numbers from AP Reuters,
you name it. This is like watching a fictional movie, but it still is exciting.
But I hope that basic analysis gives you an answer. They don't want the U.S. Energy Independent,
they want to use China and Japan to leverage our industry out. And so they're going to subsidize
them with our oil and our gas. So does that answer your question? Yeah, that does. And that's the
way I had seen it because, I mean, you've got the whole government dependency with citizens,
citizens depending on government. My theory was that this whole North American Union naff the
superhighway system that breaks up the free market is designed to make other countries
dependent on each other. Well, no, I mean, I mean, that's what they admitted in the movie.
Oh, what's it called with James Cahn? It's an excellent movie, Rollerball
in the 70s. That's about globalism where they only let certain countries do certain things.
So everybody's dependent on the mega corporations that control it. That's globalism. It's a monopoly.
It's cronyism. It's the opposite of freedom. It's fascism at the top, socialism at the bottom.
Thank you. Great points. Yeah, let's put those numbers back up. It looks like I can go to
bed early tonight, ladies and gentlemen, unless this ends up being contested. Now, we've seen
it called for Al Gore and then it was George Bush. It just means what public will have to
stare at the media endlessly obsessed over. Somebody popped my ear a minute ago. Aaron, come on in
here. Come on in here before we go to Jakarta Jackson. After we take, I like to say, on Obama's
rollout, I am Optimus Prime, the cube. I'd also like to say Jakarta Jackson, coolest name ever.
Aaron Dykes, you were in here with us right now. Yeah, Obama is at 268 to Romney's 203, 270 to win,
unless this ends up getting contested. And that's the Huffington Post calling that.
Of course, MSNBC already called it for Obama this morning. Let's go look at DrudgeReport.com.
Let's see what that's saying from other news sources. And let's go look at Fox News.
Fox News, they have given Obama, Ohio, but it's still at 65% reporting and it's still pretty close.
And how many goodies, how many electoral votes is Ohio? 18. And so Florida is right on the line.
They're at somewhere between 90, not quite at 100% votes counted. It's how many juicies does it have?
A half a percentage, I want to say. Last time I checked. How many electoral does Florida is 29.
So will Florida be another recount as in past elections? Could Ohio, I mean, you heard about
all the mess with Ohio. I mean, there's already lawsuits been filed. Man, I hope there's not
a recount because that's when the civil unrest is going to start. I agree. They're already going
crazy in the live feeds of the Obama supporters and, you know, people ride after ball games are
won and lost. And so we don't know what could happen with that. But Ohio is... So it isn't over yet.
We already knew that Ohio... Will the Easter Bunny or will the Kiebler Elf be elected?
There will be lawsuits over those provisional ballots who's allowed to file absentees. Military
votes could come into play. Oh, they admittedly blocked almost all the military votes. Yeah.
So it looks like it's going to be contested. I mean, I think that's where this has been on the
whole time. You want to call it contested? They're going to claim Obama wins, but then
it's going to be contested and somebody might try to steal it. I mean, you never know.
That's going to spell riot city. I mean, like you said earlier, it's Carl Rove versus, you know,
Rahm Emanuel type people and all the other people. Oh, I mean, it's disgusting. Were you there that
time in the restaurant? We had to leave as Carl Rove was in there. Yeah. Cackling like a demon
right behind me. That was multiple encounters with Rove there. Oh yeah. You've been arrested
for asking him a question. Yeah. So we thought it was probably a better idea to leave the restaurant
with Rove. Oh yeah. Cause part of your probation has had that sulfur smell in there. Not to kind
of quote Chavez. Uh, yeah. Chavez will save us. Uh, see people think of it as Chavez good,
Carl Rove bad. How about Carl Rove bad, Chavez bad, Okma denigine bad. Yeah, they're all control
freaks. Aaron, I am really sick of having to count how many pimples are on the butt of these
politicians. I agree. I mean, I am sick of looking at them. I'm sick of hearing about them and all
they do is take our money and spend it and tell us how to live our lives. And then the globalists
want to think that these two idiots, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are actually running something.
As bad as Romney has been, I have a complete distaste for them because both candidates are
involved in shipping jobs to China, destroying our economy. And that alone is going to ruin our
economy in the long term, if not in the short term, but that second term, they love these second
term presidents because no, no, I agree. That's why. And then I said, I, in a way, I said,
I hope Romney gets elected. People are like, how dare you endorse him? You right wing extremists.
We knew you were a filthy globalist from the start. He's an Israel operative. All I'm saying is
Obama is going to have free reign. Just get ready. Obama just won according to, uh, uh,
Huffington poop, uh, George Soros, AOL, Time Warner, uh, 275 to 203, uh, with a what state
sending him over the edge? Here, let's go to the almighty, uh, drudge here instead of a George Soros
operation. Let's see what that has to say here tonight. And, uh, Romney 50, Obama 49% of the
popular vote, that's what they're saying. And that links through to AP breaking all of that down.
We're going to get Jacarie Jackson to break all this down. Republicans have kept control of the
house. I'm always for division and gridlock. That's constitutional. I was like, we need to get things
done. But then you got boner in there who will just, uh, and they don't know about the Senate,
but saying it looks like the Democrats are picking up seats there. Oh, that's absolutely
horrible. They're coming after our guns. Let me tell you something folks. Everybody wants to talk
about how they're ready to get it, get it on the government. Obama said in that second debate,
he wants to ban your handguns and rifles. I mean, ban them physically. He wants, I mean,
we just unbelievable. I mean, you didn't build that business there. And I haven't sat here for
10 hours today on air. I mean, I didn't government did this. I mean, there's like a gun. There's
like an Obama, uh, battery shoved up my, I mean, you know, my, well, I got a, I'm as a government
battery. It's like energizer, like the bunny powered by energizer. Is it Duracell? I'm powered by
Obama. Everything is, I got Obama phone. I'm sorry. Go ahead. Well, you've used that metaphor
since the time I started working here about changing the bird cage liner. They always want to
change it out, you know, clean out the filth. Everybody's held their nose in this election,
but it's kind of, if you go to an outdoor event where they've got porta potties,
you don't want to use them at the end of the event when they're all filled up and filthy.
You want to use a little earlier on, even if neither one is particularly tasteful, excuse the
metaphor. That's the problem with these two term presidents, completely unaccountable.
We know his ambitions with guns, immigration, everything is horrible agenda and still,
if we think Obama's been pooping on, let's get ready. I mean, I hate to,
that's pretty much what the system is though. Hey, the people want it.
I mean, I believe Monsanto. No one wants to know there's GMO in their food. I think that's real.
Have you heard the latest in California, what they did? I just found out about this. They sent
out these flyers, a group for Democrats, which is a big deal in California because it's such
a left leaning state saying vote no on 37. They made up a fake cop voters guide, told them to
vote no on 37. Well, yeah, cause I mean, Riv Roosevelt said so. I mean, Roosevelt said so,
jump into a meat grinder and look, we have cops voter guide. Oh, the cops. They got caught with
this. Where's the document cam shot at? Where do I put these? Here's the headline for that.
Where's the camera aim? Just let me know guys. Okay, here it is. Here you go. You just aim
over here and there you go. Yeah, if you want to read that headline, they made up at least four
front groups who mailed out flyers saying vote no on prop 37 if you support the cops. No, no,
they ended up using fake FDA seals, which I see the FDA that means it's a deadly poison.
But I mean, they're singing a food and drug administration says you don't want things labeled.
And then they attacked the people who wanted labeling for complaining about it and said
they were the crazy ones. And all you gotta do is say crazy. I mean, literally next time somebody
robs the bank, they just walk in and say, give me the money. And they say, you don't really want
to do this robbery. Go conspiracy theory. And if they shoot them and they're in the cops show up
just go there, you killed somebody go conspiracy theory and the cops will all kneel. And just
cause and everyone will just say nothing happened. Like I told Dr. Roberts, they could nuke the U.S.
and the media could just announce it wasn't an attack. And as cities like blow up and burn,
they could just say it wasn't true. For all the zombies and morons though, Alex, we do have to
look on the positive side. We've talked about voting with your dollars. We've seen the grounds,
swell grassroots support. The system has seen an awakening. Now they've stopped it politically
because they own that system. They've jammed it. I mean, I studied in college and political
science courses how the Democrats, the Republicans make the party rules. That's why you never get
a third party. Good, bad, or indifferent. If you like, Liberty. No, that's why they're setting up
FEMA camps, drones, helicopters, checkpoints, torture, secret arrest, NSA spy hubs is because
they know we're awake. The problem is you've got people endorsing fraudulent checks. Obama now has
an endorsed fraudulent blank check to go all the way to the goal line. I mean, yeah, Romney would
have been a little bit of gridlock, even though they represent the same basic evil system.
So that's why Romney would be new. He'd have to rearrange stuff. The Democrats would suddenly
not like torture and secret arrest and they love so much. He's got to get up there and give a speech
about why he wants to do these things and why it's okay under these circumstances. Obama,
you've already heard from him. He doesn't really have to say anything. Hey, all I can say is,
you know, all the idiot Democrats and people are going to get what they want. So yeah,
it's kind of a sick joke, man. But on that prop 37 issue, that's how
afraid they were of just labeling foods to let people, consumers in this country know what's
in foods. I'll just tell you this. Well, I think extremists shouldn't know what's in their food.
Listen, I just know this. My gut told me Obama was the elite's choice and he was going to be
much worse. I've said that as bad as Romney is. Look out, folks. Get ready. Now, that's the
Huffington Post. I mean, let's go see the opposite of that layer. Let's go see Fox News and we'll
go to Jakari Jackson and our next guest. Now, let's go to Fox News and give you the numbers off
of what they're saying, which they just grab out of the air as well from the States reporting it
and the new name of voter news services. And they got Obama at 275 to 203. So they're going
with exactly, if you guys will punch my computer up, I can actually show people what's going on
in here. There's a, there's a feed to my computer that's absolutely paramount that people be able
to get that. There you go. So there you go. Four more years. Fox News is calling it Barack
Obama reelected supreme leader. And we got David Ortiz live at the convention center
with the Democrats in a orgasmic glee at their free goodies and all the cancer viruses they'll get
and all the free abortions and everything else. So let's go to Jakari Jackson to bring us into
that and then talk to David Ortiz. Jakari Jackson in the Info Wars Nightly News Command Center.
I'll stay with us. Hello, Jakari. We're all very pleased here. Obama is now officially,
because Carl Rose Fox News has declared him emperor for four more years. I know I feel safer.
Yeah, four more years. He's coming for my guns and a lot of other stuff.
There's pretty much what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be
Obama. I didn't think Romney was a real good guy to convince the Republican party. I should say
convince the nation and you can see the map right there. 275 for Obama, 203. So actually,
we do have David Ortiz on scene at a Democratic party here in Austin. David, can you hear me?
Hey, Jakari. I'm actually here with two Obama supporters. They just came to the camera. They
said that they wanted to speak. They got the celebratory glasses there. Very quickly, guys.
What are you guys feeling? How are you feeling right now? Unbelievable. It is amazing that we
finally won when we were supposed to win. Did you think you were going to win tonight?
You know, I knew Obama would win. I absolutely knew it. And I just want you to know that I
really wanted to see Jones on AM radio whenever I have the opportunity driving around. And I knew
Obama would win. I don't think it was a conspiracy, but I knew he would win.
Take extra vaccines, lady. That's why we drive to work separately is because I don't listen to
Alex Jones all the time, but I still agree with her all the way. Thanks, guys. And congrats on
the political victory. Oh, my God, I'm being mean to them. I guess we'll tell them to free again.
Alex, David at the same time. I'm sorry. Hold on. Hold on, David. Talk to more of these idiots.
Yeah, Jakari, I want to I'm going to like Mystery Science Theater. No, I'd say this about
Republicans too, but I mean, she's a nice lady. If you can catch anybody, but I'll just talk in
the meantime, so you can get interesting. Hold on. Tell me when you want me to go. You're live,
my friend. Okay. Who am I speaking with? Donald Matthews. All right, Donald. How are you feeling
right now, buddy? Oh, I'm feeling great. I'm feeling great. Make history again. Oh, yeah. Oh, I feel
so good right now. We got to do it. It was it was close. It was real close, but he said care
business. So now we want to get another four more years. We won again. It's like when the football
team wins. We won. He wants to the people. He wants to the people that sit there and help us out,
the middle class, people that don't have all that extra money. He's willing to sit there and help
those little class people out and not just worry about everybody else that got millions of dollars.
So he want to he want to go ahead and help the other people out. Let me play devil's advocate.
What do you say to those people that say, Oh, come on, he couldn't revive the economy. You said
he would. Well, yeah, I mean, I mean, he only had four years to try to get a chance to do that
compared to like those first eight years before he got to office. It was a lot of stuff. He had
to take care of a lot of debris out there. But he was going to try to handle, but he did the best
job he could. They got another four years to go. So he can go ahead and take care of that.
One more thing. What's the first issue you'd like to see him address in the second term?
The issues with health care. Just keep the health care for people that can't afford it
to help them out to where they can go ahead and afford it written by the insurance companies.
It's more GMO. That'll take care of it.
Working more, you know, just keep on doing what he did with the nice guy.
Just like that lady earlier. They're nice people. They're gullible as hell. They have no idea what's
happening to him. He's going to boost it up to the foreign banks. He's helping those trillionaires,
buddy. What do you have to say to Romney supporters and Republicans?
Well, I'm sorry to say.
You got another four years to go ahead and try to step the game up.
We're taking this home again once again.
Taking the trophy home. Thank you. Hey, tell our teams, guys. Tell our teams to go show the
conclave of Democrats.
Okay. Well, I guess this is a good time. No, no, no, no, no, no. We're going to keep going. This
is good. Tell them to carry, tell them to large hand and show the hive of minions celebrating.
Tell them to give us some general shots. Okay. You guys are going to have to go mobile.
Alex wants you to move around. If your camera gets a little off center, that's okay. But just
take a look around and show us what's going on over there. Show us the celebrations here.
The Obama phone origin. We're about to go mobile here, folks. Teleprompter free.
Okay. So anyway, really, let me tell you something. The party is upstairs. We actually had to move
because it was like a Rolling Stones concert. I mean, there was like 2000 people. Hey, David,
is there any way you can get upstairs? Yeah, that's the Driscoll, isn't it? We can go upstairs.
Okay. Alex wants you to go upstairs. Hey, are you at the Driscoll? After this is the Driscoll.
I'll take a minute though. We're going to go live or we're going to come back? Yeah, he was at the
Driscoll. Alex, he is at the Driscoll. Okay. He's at the Driscoll. Okay. Okay. Fine. Yeah. Tell him,
go up to the bar and I want to see the worship and the minionship. Okay. Walk up with the camera.
I don't care how shaky it is. I want to see the celebration of our God, Barack Obama.
Can you hear that, David? Go up to the bar upstairs. If your camera gets shaky, that's okay,
but go now and we'll cut to some articles and what do we have to do and you just let us know.
No, no, I want to see you going up the stairs. Okay. Hey, we'll live, live. We'll tell them from the
free. If we can go back to that shot, guys, get mobile in there. I'm feeling like out of victory right now.
Okay. All right. So let's go. All right. Now, now, please guys. All right, we're live. Okay,
we're live. I'm loving this. This technology is incredible. We're going to go upstairs to the bar.
Okay, they're trying to. We're going to see Obama knowing that they're running up the stairs. I mean,
look at them. They're prancing and they're just, they're absolutely having a great time. Oh,
they're winners. Oh, yes. Give us a minute here. I mean, these people literally have chicken necks.
I mean, Alex, I think they're trying to gather their gear, but as fast as you can, guys.
It's okay. They just picked the whole camera. Yes. Yes. If you can, David, here we go. Here we go.
Here we go. We're going up. We're going to see a celebration. Obama for more years. Yeah. David,
don't be afraid to help them out. We're on live right now. Oh my gosh. This is I'm entering heaven
right now. This is like when you enter Valhalla or if you're al-Qaeda and blow yourself up, you get
40 virgins. Well, when you vote for Obama, you get to go and just this is a celebration. Nothing
vulgar. Nothing vulgar. Money doesn't buy an election. Money doesn't buy an election. All right.
Okay. This is, this is awesome. This is rough. We're a total prompt to free. They're literally,
oh my gosh, they're, they're coming down all at once. They're all getting Obama phones.
Okay. We're almost there. Okay. They all are loving their government eugenics health care.
This is basically, it's a huge room. It's about two to 3,000 people
milling around mindlessly celebrating communism. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear
you. Go ahead. Yeah. Let's talk. Hey, Darren, can we pan around the room? Let's just park it right
there. This is awesome. Yes, David. Also, if you can grab anybody and get a, get a comment,
that'd be great. Anybody want to be on camera and talk about Obama? Give us, give us one second
here. Okay. Go ahead and get your camera pan. David Ortiz live at the Driscoll Hotel.
Hold on. We're still panning around. Okay, that's all right. Literally just kind of partying.
And now there's a sign away. Okay. One second. Yes, he will reign for another four years.
Four more years of Obama. So what do you, how do you, how are you feeling right now? Oh, yeah,
yeah. I'm feeling pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, great election. I'm from Chicago. I wish I was
back home right now. I was there. No, it wouldn't happen. It'd be great to be back there right now.
Okay. Oh, why are you so happy? Oh, I just love it. Obama launched all these drone attacks and
increased the torture and bombed all these countries. You know, man, it's a piece. I'm
feeling really good right now. Goldman Sachs runs both of them. You know,
I'm gonna take more shots, drink more fluoride. What I want to hear. I'd love to see him go on
to address healthcare because he's been working so hard on that. And I'm glad that he won because
I'm tired of the flip flopping in politics where Obama is a genius when it comes to politics.
Yeah. And then there's been this trend to just go to the other side and nothing ever gets accomplished
that way because it just negates what they've been working towards. Delicious band of guns.
Worship Stalin. Are you happy with his first four years? What he accomplished in his first
four years? Some of it. I mean, I'm very bipartisan. I prefer Obama to Romney. But yeah, most of what
he's done, I was very happy with. Like the NDAA? Does he like the NDAA? Yeah, ask you about that.
NDAA or these? There are a few things that are questionable to me. I have my own hesitations
about the whole Osama bin Laden murder because I mean, there was no body. Elaborate. Elaborate,
please. Elaborate on that. I'd rather not. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Oh, my God. So he's a smart guy and still likes Obama. Info wars. We actually believe a lot of that,
you know, of that philosophy. There's a lot of stuff that they don't tell you. Such ass.
I mean, there's so many things like there's people that believe that George Bush was responsible
for the 9-11 attacks and stupid stuff like that. And I don't personally believe that. But I mean,
we're live right now, ladies and gentlemen. Besides word of mouth that we got of Osama,
I mean, that's all I'm going to leave it at that. Okay, one last thing and then I'll let you go.
What do you think about the fact that both President Obama supports the NDAA bill? Do you
know what that is, NDAA? That's basically a bill that will enable him... Not to spy, right?
Well, that's a patriarch, but the NDAA bill, and Romney supported it also. It's a bill that will
enable the president to throw an American in jail for as long as they want if they deem you a terrorist.
So trial. So trial. What do you think about that? I kind of think that's bullshit, but I mean,
it's a lesser and two evils with that if they both support... What's getting we're live, ladies and
gentlemen? I mean, because under that kind of a bill, you can... Ask him if he knows about
cancer viruses and the vaccines and the government wants to murder him. They deem it that way.
Hey, David, since he's from Chicago, ask him about us. He's eating rodent
droppings in the Chicago schools. Yeah, ask him about... You're from Chicago. Say that again,
Chicago? Ask him about students eating... Since he's concerned about health care, ask him about
students in Chicago eating rodent droppings because they keep feeling their lunchroom
and lunchroom evaluations. He's eating rodent droppings in Chicago. You know, you're for
health care. Obviously, President Obama's health care in Chicago... So people know I'm not making
that up. Students in schools didn't want to eat their vegetables, so they eat rodent...
They were eating rodent droppings. What do you think about... I mean,
I can't comment on children, man. No, no, no. The rats got in the food and dropped their
droppings, man. It's not my place to talk about that. I understand. What were you saying?
Oh, no, that's fine. That's fine. Thank you so much. All right, can you guys get any more shots?
Yeah, give us a pan of the celebrating minions.
Right behind you. Look, turn around. David, turn around.
Captain America, can I speak to you? Hold on, he's here. I'm excited for the next four years.
Why don't you have to hear Rami? I'm so glad Obama won, proving that it's not just a fad. He was
the actual president that captured the hearts of the American people. So he's a great person.
Obama's following, he gave us a following. He's going to do more. I'm so happy right now. I'm so
happy right now. Oh, my God. What did you expect Obama to do in the new term?
I'm pressing. Now, he's going to do it again. What has he done that so good? He's proven leadership.
He's proven that, in spite of it all, he's not a perfect man, but he is a leader. And that's what
I appreciate about the fact that the 44th president of the United States, we elect.
And what was the first thing you'd like to see him address in his second term?
I'd like to see him address more things of education and make it easy for people to get to
college and to help the Latinos that are in this country that need a little boost to get
their citizenship in the United States. All right, thanks a lot, buddy. All right.
All right, great job, David. Anything else you'd like to give from David Alex?
No, just tell David we've got about 2,000 people here. We can't really grasp the enormity of how
big it was, but they would cheer. We had a chance to speak with Paul Sadler. If that's the way you
pronounce his name, Senator Cruz is opponent. Now Senator Cruz is opponent. And he was basically
saying that he is concerned over the fact that Obama imports the Patriot Act and NDA.
Oh, did Senator Cruz win? The president is privy to information that we're not. So I really
don't want to comment. Yeah, Senator Cruz is anti-New World Order. So Cruz won.
Lastly, it does look like Prop 1 is going to pass here.
Okay. All right, great job. David Ortiz live on scene at a Democratic party right here in Austin.
And David, if you guys could go outside and maybe get a reaction, maybe interview or two
with some of the happy Obama people. Yeah, we're going to come back to him. We're going to come
back to him for Nomi Prince. Okay, so we're about to go back to Nomi Prince. Rob, did you ever find
that video? Okay, so we're actually just a short clip for our viewers out there who may not have
seen this report I did last week talking about how students in Chicago were actually eating
road and driving. This is not hype. This is not something I'm making up. If we can roll that video
right now, whenever you are ready. Several Chicago schools have earned a failing grade
in the cafeteria. Since 2011, 244 of Chicago's 681 public schools failed at least one inspection.
At Cameron Elementary, inspectors found a mice-dropping infestation in the main kitchen.
Delicious. With more than 600 scatterspots.
Michelle says it's good for you. The Red Cross Metro High School
mice got into some nachos and several students actually got sick eating rodent droppings.
They're excited today. That's a real report. And even if you don't believe me, you can believe
the ladies. She looks like a very, very respectable lady. But anyway, Alex, if you're ready, we'll
throw it back to you and you can continue your coverage. Thank you, Jacari. We'll come back to
you and David Ortiz there in the Obama victory orgy coming up. Nomi Prince was what, a managing
director with Goldman Sachs, I don't know, 10 years ago, blew the whistle, written a couple of best
selling books. We're getting her on about 15 minutes late. I apologize, but we're a little bit
behind tonight, obviously here. And I've been on the air more than 10 hours now. I want to just
say great job. The entire crew. Hey, I'm really liking this with reporters out on the street,
the crew over there, everybody. This is great job, crew. I just want to say that.
And hey, I'm feeling good because I'm getting a free Obama phone.
All right. It doesn't even matter. I mean, literally it was like, do I want to be flayed
alive with Romney or putting a meat grinder under Obama? I'm just glad this stuff is moving
towards the close. Now the New York Times is not saying it's done yet. Fox News and what's it called
over there, the Huffington Post, the George Soros Time Warner AOL post. They are, oh my gosh,
Obama is getting a landslide, man. They're now saying 284 electoral juicies versus Mitt Romney's
203. Looks like the evangelical Christians stayed home and not that it matters. I mean,
it is just listen, Obama's coming after your guns. Romney was going to try to start war with
Russia. I don't know which one's worse. I mean, this is entering the realm of total insanity.
Nomi Prince, bestselling author, researcher, whistleblower, insider joins us. Nomi, what do
you make of this ridiculous spectacle here on election night? Well, I think like you, I'm glad
it's over. It was a spectacle. It is a spectacle. I'm, I think I feel disappointed not because
Obama won because had Romney won, I would have felt equally disappointed because throughout the
campaigning and throughout the debates and throughout the coverage of them, there were so
very little attention paid to any factual detail. Not about the economy, not as I'm sure you've
talked about national security and other issues. But where I focus on the Wall Street aspect,
the insurance company aspect, the Federal Reserve aspect, there was almost nothing mentioned about
those items. And when it was, it wasn't true from either side. Romney did a bad job of calling out
Obama lying. Obama did a bad job of skirting through and not even knowing what his administration did
or didn't do, or at least pretending he didn't. And it was just disappointing. So I think what we
have now is more of what we had yesterday without all of the fanfare. I agree with you. I mean,
obviously this could still be contested with what we put the map up there, Florida, Virginia,
Nevada, Colorado. That's it. You got four states still in play because I mean, you know when Fox
News is agreeing with the Huffington Post, their maps, their maps, in fact, guys go from your map
on Huffington Post to my map here on Fox News. I mean, when, you know, the folks that called it for
Bush when Al Gore, the evidence show was probably the winner. If they're saying it looks like the
establishment wants four more years of Obama, go ahead, Nomi. Yeah, I was flipping back and forth
between CNN and Fox just because I do that. And yeah, within 30 seconds of CNN announcing Obama
had won, actually Fox did. I was surprised to see that Fox had conceded as fast as they did. But
it just again shows you how very little is really at stake here that, you know, at the margin, both
of those sort of same but presenting themselves as polar media institutions say the same thing at
the same time kind of is another indication of how this whole show went down. What are you expecting
knowing of the same megabanks? I mean, talk about your Goldman Sachs experience or was it JP Morgan?
I forget I didn't have your full bio tonight. I'm a little bit tired being on air more than 10 hours.
It was Goldman Sachs, right? I was at Goldman, I was at Barrow. You're at a bunch. I mean,
so from your experience and what was it managing director or whatever of this type of stuff,
where are they going? Because they're gutting Europe, they're gutting us, they're launching
more wars. I mean, it's like watching Caligula run around and marry a horse or something. I mean,
we are seeing the latest insanity or do you disagree with that statement? No, absolutely.
One thing I realized this morning, well, I knew it, but I checked it was that Europe had fallen
off the map of our media because of the election. Now, Europe is in a completely cataclysmic state
as we are, but we've hidden it so well with so much money from the Treasury Department creating
debt from the Federal Reserve and keeping excess debt on its books that Wall Street basically
utilizes in the form of their zero interest rate policy, which only helps the financial
institutions keep their flow and their show going and hasn't funneled its way into the rest of the
country, not in terms of reducing loans, not in terms of mortgages, not in terms of anything.
So all of that basically is something that we're still dealing with. And the fact that Obama during
his campaigning and he doesn't even need to mention this anymore, because it's kind of done,
has said he has reformed Wall Street, it is laughable. And the fact that Romney didn't call
him up on it was also laughable. So they were both at fault for that, but we're stuck with Obama
pretending and getting most of the population or at least the half that voted for him to believe
that he somehow contained Wall Street, which he did not. They're still not showing what's truly
on their books. They're still floating on zero interest rates, which aren't funneling into the
rest of the economy. More than half of the $5 trillion of debt that the Treasury Department
never bothered to explain and wasn't asked. And that Romney didn't ask about either and just assumed
it was, you know, because of quote, I don't know, big government was because it was used to float
Wall Street. Almost $2 trillion of that is still in the Fed's books. It's in a $1.6 trillion of
Treasury bonds, debt created to do nothing. All of these things are part of the philosophies we're
going to inherit that Wall Street is floating upon. And their next game, aside from decimating
Europe, and I mentioned this on the show before, is looking at how Latin America is the next area
of opportunity for Wall Street. When they say area of opportunity, it means area to basically
take advantage of because they didn't do it the first time, i.e. when the housing crisis was being
created and when the European crisis was created on the back of that. Now it's kind of funneling
into Latin America. That's the next step. Health insurance is a next step. There are some mega
mergers that have happened in the wake of quote, Obamacare, which isn't care. And that is because
these insurance companies are basically merging together to consolidate and take competition
away from insurance rather than do what Obamacare says it was supposed to do, which is create more
competitive rates for people to choose from and to reduce premiums. So all of that stuff, and I
just said a lot. You'll probably unpack it for me, but all of that stuff has not changed and will
not change. It's just been put beneath a media story that's focused on sound bites and the campaign,
which is focused on smaller sound bites. And now we're left with the remains of that going
forward into four more years. Yeah. I mean, Obama can sit here and loot us for foreign mega banks
better than Romney can because when Obama orders torture, it's loving. When he orders the bombing
of Libya or Syria, it's loving. When he puts Al Qaeda into a country, it's loving. When he
offs an ambassador using Al Qaeda, it's trendy. When he wire taps, it's cool. Whenever he does
a banker bail out, it's fun. And so the system's like, hey, we like this. Maybe from now on,
we'll quote have minority presidents forever because, I mean, it just seems to work. I mean,
white liberals say, hey, do whatever you want. I'm not racist and quote minorities say, hey,
this is great. This guy looks like me. I mean, it's just completely absolutely shallow. Obama
now is just absolutely sweeping. They're now saying over at Fox News and over at George Soros,
Media Matters, whatever you call it, having imposed 290 votes, electoral votes to 203.
So this is a, this is a land slide right now. These numbers prove accurate.
Yes. It's landslide, you know, electorally on a popular vote, it's, it's pretty close. Last I
looked, it was actually sliding towards Romney. And I don't know where the final vote is going
to be. It's going to be very, very close on a popular vote, which, which is indicative of the
division in the country. And it's obviously a landslide and a win on the electoral side,
which also tells you a lot about how the electoral college doesn't represent the country.
But, but again, I think a lot of why Obama has won and has particularly won the swing states that
he won is because he did manage to convince people and Romney did not manage to have an
alternative or convince people otherwise are asked the right questions or whatever it was
that said, Hey, I bailed out the auto industry, I fixed Wall Street, and I'm going to provide
lower cost healthcare for everyone. And the thing is, even if he truly believed he was doing those
things, they haven't happened, which meant he either didn't believe it and he said he did it,
or he does believe it and it won't happen. And either way, we're left with the same situation,
which is an unregulated Wall Street sitting on a mound of our debt and with zero interest rates,
which are going to go on forever and at some point create more inflation, which they already
have for things like food for things like gas for things like education for things like health
insurance. And he has a health insurance policy by which insurance companies that already
increase their premiums for us by 15% since he declared the public since the policy was passed
and they're continuing to merge and consolidate and will reduce competition rather than increase
competition. And nobody's noticing not an either party not in the news. And then the third thing
that the auto bailout, at the end of the day, that was a bailout that was started by Bush,
it was continued by default by Obama. And the fact of the matter is that both GM and Chrysler
declared bankruptcy in June and April of 2009. They did go bankrupt. So the whole argument about
who helped the industry or didn't help the industry, it still went through a bankruptcy and it still
came out with actually a total of fewer jobs. And this is according to GM's own books. So a lot
of what was said didn't actually happen. And this is where I get really annoyed at the whole telling
of it. I know me before we let you go and obviously get updates from you soon and go to these phone
calls from Harminder in Hong Kong, Lester in Arkansas, Lewis in Oklahoma, Nick in California,
Noel in Virginia. We're going to get to everybody in a moment before we go back to Jakari Jackson,
our reporters on the ground. Washington is Obama, people celebrate. I want to get any other points
you'd like to add about where you think things are going from your substantive research and
understanding of these things. But first, watching people mindlessly get behind Romney and get that
glaze in their eye and watching Obama people do it, not knowing that they're bought and paid for
by the same interest, which is so elementary to anyone who's done research, it's sad. And you
almost can't even debate them. It's like talking to a child when I was watching our reporter out
there about, so you've come here to the mall to see Santa Claus. They're like, yes, Santa Claus,
he won. Santa Claus, we're doing good. Santa Claus is my friend. He bring me presents.
And you almost just can't even argue with them. They just don't even get it. And I think that's
what the establishment realizes is that you've got, I don't say this with a pleasure because I
don't think of myself as particularly the greatest person around. It's actually saddening that more
and more people I talk to are, the mothers will already be in a grave. I mean, they're not even
alive. They have no mind. They're just idiots. They're just, they're just mindless little trendy
vassals. And I have no idea what they're going to do as things continue to rot and fall apart.
And as they continue to cling to the lies and feel that they've been fulfilled by these,
you know, empty delusions of grandeur. Well, that's the thing is this entire
spectacle is about the degree of shallowness in the political system. And yes, it has devolved
and gotten more shallow. And yes, the media has been a part of that. And everything has
become a sound bite without a lot of content or facts or evidence. I mean, when I do my work,
I'm looking at publicly available information. I'm looking at Treasury Department documents.
I'm looking at the Federal Reserve's books. I'm looking at, you know, the SEC filings of companies.
I'm not, you know, making this stop up. And I know that that's why it is so frustrating
that people don't see this. And I think either they're so demoralized that the idea of two choices
actually seems like choice rather than just sort of, you know, two heads of the same coin or, you
know, not a heads and a tails. They actually are the same. And I think that's sad because we,
I believe that Americans can be smarter than that and can actually look at more informative
dialogue. But we're just, but it's just not happening. And I think not just the results
of this election, it was obviously going to go to Obama or to Romney and went to Obama. But the
way in which the entire election was packaged, the lack of clarity on the issues, the lack of
questions, the lack of data, the lack of just anything of content was something that I just
haven't seen in all the other elections that I've been alive. Well, yeah, they had to do that because
they were so close to each other in reality. They were so close. Their foreign policy was, you
know, nearly identical, if not identical. Their Wall Street policy, and I wrote a piece about
this, how Wall Street won this election before we had it, was identical. Obama said he regulated
Wall Street and didn't. Romney said we should regulate Wall Street and didn't realize it wasn't
re-regulated. So it didn't matter. They were on the same side of that issue. You know, they were
on the same side. You know, we have Obama who basically will continue what he has done, which is
to act as if he has saved things like Wall Street's malice towards the rest of society, like healthcare,
like the auto industry, when in fact there's really no deep analysis as to how that happened.
There's no deep analysis as to why we have the debt that we have. It's just there. And now we
don't even have an opportunity to pretend to have it in presidential debates. It's just going to
sort of go into the ether. And we're going to be in the next phase of this financial crisis
because everything that has been created, the way the banks have operated, the way the insurance
companies, which are banks, are acting more and more like banks every day, are operating, is on
the wake of the last crisis, on having money that's to them available for free, on sitting back
while everything else is inflated and the price of everything is inflated for the rest of the
population, middle class, upper class, poor class, the gamut, and that's what we're going to be left
of. There's no need at this point for Obama to do anything else. The vote has been cast. The
expectation to him is that he doesn't need to do anything, even if he wanted to, because whatever
he did that wasn't enough, was enough to get reelected. NomiFriends.com is the website,
and I noticed you're writing a new book, All the President's Bankers. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. I'm
going to all the archives. I'm getting all the original documents for the past 100 years of
the presidents, the bankers that surrounded them, all the relationships, the dealings,
how it affected us. It's really, it's a lot of work, but it's very exciting. I hope it will
be good when it's all sorted. What's your prediction in the next four years? I mean,
obviously more tyranny. Will the bad guys just continue to win? Or, I mean, I do see someone
of an awakening happening, because either people are getting deeper into a coma or they're waking
up more and more. What does NomiFriends, a whistleblower from inside Goldman Sachs,
where do you see things going? I truly believe that the financial system has not been healthy,
and when I say that, it's the international financial system, not just our bigger banks,
and I think that's something that's been ignored in this election period. Their numbers are not
representative of what's actually going on. There's still a lot of fakery in the books.
There's still a lot of floating on zero interest rates. The feds in this position where if they
raise rates, it's going to tank the banks, which is going to tank the economy further,
which is going to tank the stock market and so forth, which is going to be very negative.
And if they don't raise rates, they're basically going to at some point have the inflation that
they say isn't happening, catch up with them. In the meantime, we as individuals are seeing
that every day, inflated prices for everything. I think this continues. There's no way out of it.
So I think it continues, and I think it gets worse, and I think it has become, it is a global
problem between the United States and Europe, and I think it will also encapsulate Latin America.
There's a lot of countries there that have been ignored, such as Argentina, etc., that will be
the next Spain that have real crises in front of them. And I just think we're going to see
another leg of what we saw in late 2008 that's been plastered over by the Federal Reserve
policy by creating debt to cover it, but you can only go along. And the globalists have been
exporting the inflation, exporting the collapse, but it's creeping back here. I mean, when the
chickens do come home to roost, how bad will it be? And what do you see the time frame as being?
Well, I think it happens within the next four years. I think it's happening. It's just we're
not paying attention to it because in Europe, debt is being created to cover up the negative
situation. Here, trillions of dollars have been created, and I think with Obama, more will be
created. So I think it's going to be two to three years before we see a massive change. I think
it's going to be, and I've said this before, a more of a slow burn. It's going to be more numbers
not quite accurate. I do believe we're going to see fraud and bad things coming out of the health
insurance industry after this wave of mergers that nobody is paying attention to, but that
Wall Street is making a lot of money out of while nobody is paying attention to it. Just like we saw
with Enron and WorldCom in the beginning of 2001 and 2002, I think there's this other industry,
which is health and insurance, which is going to have some of that fraud, in addition to the
financial crisis that will remanifest in the next few years, but we'll be slowly burning
anyway until that time. I think we've got a few years of a burn and then a bigger spike in the
crisis financially. All right. Well, Nomi Prince, thank you for your insight, and unless they can
test this or Florida does something weird, it looks like, well, it doesn't look like it unless
the numbers Fox News are putting out as well. It's now 281 at Fox News to 203 with Mitt Romney.
So just a devastating landslide there. Of course, I put a video out a few days ago saying Mitt
Romney wins. Question mark because they were all saying Obama wins in a landslide. I was
saying it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy with fraud. I don't have a dog in this fight. I like
Romney's rhetoric better on Second Amendment and things, but I mean, I know that it's just
rhetoric. So I've always stated it's just rhetoric. It's just the projection I'm hearing from Romney
sounded better, but like a person held underwater, anything looks good.
But I quite frankly, for this radio show, if I was a globalist from a cynical perspective,
look out the info wars about to go into high gear because talk radio is intrinsically
conservative and libertarian. And I've been to this before and I was bashing Bill Clinton.
I got up to a hundred radio stations. And then as soon as I got back on the air when Bush got in
and was bashing him, I went down to about 35 radio stations in six months and then slowly,
you know, built back up to over a hundred. Now we're going over 140 or so on big stations.
And so it's a very sick feeling to have exposed Obama. And as long as I bash Obama and I'm bashing
Romney, it's okay. Well, now Romney's gone. I'm going to be going after Obama because he's the
front guy, but it's just so sick how partisan baloney works because now, even though I didn't
want Obama to get elected, I didn't want Romney to get elected, but it just feels dirty to know that
now this country is going to be in the fight of its life no matter who got in, but really under
Obama and they're going to come after the guns. They're going to come out. I mean,
they're coming after the churches with mandates. They're coming after the energy sector. I mean,
it is going to be a three ring circus. The Republicans are going to try to impeach you and
get ready for that on Fast and Furious and on the Benghazi situation. It is going to be
massive fireworks, closing comments on that statement. If you agree or disagree, know me.
I think it is. I think, I think the other one thing I'd add is the accountability
for the economy, for these issues, just if there was ever going to be any,
has really gone out the window. And that's really just sad for the general, the economic
state of the country as well as civil liberties and everything else. And I just, I mean, I've
said this, it's not a question of bashing. It's a question of wanting leaders to be accountable
for what they're doing and not pretend they aren't doing it and hope that everyone will believe
that. And unfortunately, what we saw in this election is that many, many people will. And
from my perspective, I just see a lot of things happening as all these acts getting passed,
whether it's Obamacare or the Dodd-Frank Act, saying they're doing things that they're not doing.
I don't mind agreeing or disagreeing with things, but when you just don't even have
a platform of sort of a common truth to start from, it's really frustrating. And I,
sure it's total fraud, wrapped within scams, wrapped within lies. It is diversion within
diversion. And this is a mandate for more tyranny, not that Romney was good, but if they kicked Obama
out, it would be a mandate for change. They're saying, no, we like the way this is going,
if you believe the election results. And quite frankly, there are so many people that want their
free goodies, even though it destroys their future, that it might even be a real election.
Noamie Trens, thank you so much for the time. You were going to say something?
I was saying Longstreet's on top of that heap of wanting their good. I mean, it's throughout the
system. That's the issue. Noamie, thank you so much for the time. Thank you. We've got Harmander,
Lester, Lewis, Nick, Noel, and others. I will get to you. I'm going to take like a five minute
break here because I'm exhausted, obviously. And I want to be able to listen to your questions
and pay attention to them. The toll-free number to join us is 877-789. Alex, 877-789.
2539 on election night. We're going to take a bunch of calls, but I want to go to
Jacarie Jackson and David Ortiz with their latest info and their David Downtown Austin at the
Driscoll Hotel, Old Cavalman Hotel, my favorite hotel in Austin. We had our honeymoon there. Nice
place. But the point is, is that we're going to get some more of the Obama zombies down there.
And the Republicans are zombies too, but I wanted to give you a couple pieces of news.
This is from a state of California, some really bad news. And of course, it's all fraud. I mean,
the polls didn't really show this. Genetically engineered labeling foods,
1,423,159 votes, 41.7. Want to label them? How dares you want to know what's in your food you
scum? And 58.3 or 1.988.887 or 1.9 million. Do not want, imagine, you really believe that.
I do not want to know what's in the food. I don't want to know what have sugar or whatever,
but I don't want to know if it's got pesticide in it that grows in the corn.
I don't want to know. I want my kids to eat whatever Big Pharma says because they're run
by you, Genesis, sworn to kill me and my family. I just think it's a no one buys this. No one
believes this. But they knew of California, their bellwether state got reconquered by the people
that it would sweep things. I guess some good news because it's for states' rights,
whether you're pro marijuana or not. Amendment 64 passes Colorado, legalizes marijuana for
recreational use. About 36% of precincts reporting at the time of publishing.
News 9 and Fox 31 report the amendment 64 has passed. I'm an overwhelming majority, so not just
for medical use, which the feds then try to ban. I thought Obama, that's another flip-flop he did.
He said he was going to let medical marijuana happen and he's been more of an enforcer than
Bush. I mean, again, I mean, he's just such a stinking fraud and these idiots make comments
on YouTube and send me emails and you're just a racist. It's usually some white yuppie twit.
You idiots, I'm way beyond that. I watch the sunrise in the morning. I was out there this
morning with a cormorant or cormorant, however you pronounce those little birds. I have some
Freudian lack of being able to pronounce it right. Cormorant, how do you pronounce those little,
they look like a loons. Cormorant, no, that's still not right. Anyways, the point is,
Cormorant, it's still not right. The 50th trial would be the thing. I'm swimming in a natural pool
pouring out of the Colorado River this morning at like 6.30 in the morning and I wish I had a
video camera. I have a little waterproof camera. I shot video and the light, the sun, was always
about 7.30 by then the sun had come up. It was shooting down into the water and I was watching
this Cormorant. I know I'm mispronouncing that. It's like, where would you know you're mispronouncing
a word, but then it doesn't matter. This bird, this water bird, was going down into reeds like 25
feet under and would stand there for like two minutes and was chasing fish through the reeds
and they were like bass. I'm telling you, this would be on like, nobody's seen this on TV. I'm
talking 25, 30 pound, these are world record bass. They're bass this long and this fat were chasing
it when it was helping flush other fish and it was just so magic to be watching this with the
sun rays coming through in the early morning. I mean, it was like heaven and I just want everybody
to know I have transcended Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Okay. I mean, words do not describe what
I saw this morning again and beauty is all around me and nobody can steal that. Not all your GMO,
not all your poison. You cannot take my soul, New World Order. Let's go to Jacarie Jackson with a
update with David Ortiz out there and then we're going to take your phone calls from Hong Kong to
Colorado, from California to Oklahoma, from Tennessee to Arkansas, coming up in the final stretch
and then Webster Griffin Darbley. I'm sure he'll be celebrating. Like he said about Mitt Romney,
lepping the hood up to no good. Do you think I'm joking? I was like, what are you talking about?
We guys go to YouTube. It's on our YouTube channel. I think it's Webster Darbley tells
us secret or something. He starts quoting Leprechaun 4. So the star of Leprechaun 4 will be
joining us as well coming up. But here's our own Jacarie Jackson. Jacarie, I know you and David
Ortiz are celebrating right now, aren't you? Yeah, we're celebrating. We're trying to get
David on the line. I think we lost connection with him. But Obama for another four years, so more
NDA, more Patriot Act, more wiretapping. And if we can go to the map, pull that up real quick.
We'll take a look. Come on, let's see. 290. Oh, that's the bird. Well, now he's up to 290.
See, Mitt hit 2.03. It's like he just stopped. He gave us a phone. And now he's going to do more.
Yeah, he's going to do more like take your phone or tap your phone. You know, that's how they caught
the family who the Sopranos is based off of. They gave them all free phones that had the
wiretaps built into them. This is back in the day when you actually had to tap your phones.
That's how real the phones all are admitted to have wiretaps built into them. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
So anyway, you take it away. I'm going to take a five minute break and take a break. Alex,
take a break. I'm not going to go. I'm not going to go take a piss or anything. I'm sorry.
No problem for free. All right. Let's go to the Twitter page, the hashtag PuppetFresh.
Yes, we can follow our election coverage and we'll take a look at a few of the tweets here.
No puppet left behind. Obama wants us killed. Let's see. Oh, praise tyranny. Praise the oppressor.
Kenny Suicide. Take a look at a few more here. He's extremely dangerous, controlled by his
corporations. And see hearing people talk about which candidate they prefer is like listening
to a child talk about seeing Santa Claus at the mall. So that pretty much sums it up right there.
Whether you like Obama, you like Romney, you're pretty much voting for the same guy with different
rhetoric. The only thing I can say Obama has over Romney, I think he's a little cooler.
You know, he's, he's a slick cat. But anyway, since Alex is off to the lavatory, Rob, if you can
pull up that video, we try to play early about we are change and whenever you get that ready,
just let me know. So anyway, in the meantime, I have an article or two I would like to share
with you and you guys just let me know whenever you're ready. Headline after Sandy. Are you ready,
Rob? Okay. After Sandy Bloomberg refused national guards help because they have guns. Now we're
switching a little bit from the from the election coverage to talk about the storm for a little
bit. But this is still a pressing issue. And in this article, it says Mayor Bloomberg didn't
want help from the National Guard because quote, the NYPD is the only people we want on the street
with guns. So if you're dying of starvation or you're cold or your area is flooded, then, you
know, that's too bad because the National Guard has guns. And we know the only people in New York
who have guns are the police and the criminals. Some people say they're one the same, but whatever.
But anyway, if you guys are ready with that clip, we will roll it now from
we are change and this is we are change San Antonio. They came in contact with some police
officers in San Antonio when they are trying to promote their their beliefs for a third party.
So let's take a look at that clip or tease 1732 because yeah, he's shining light in my face.
Man, I want to listen, but he's right between us. I mean, we go to sidewalk. That's what you want.
All right. Thank you. Ortiz. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah. Wow. Wow, Ortiz.
Okay, so you saw the video right there. People just peacefully they weren't even protesting.
They were giving away things. How dare you give away something in the United States of America,
giving out free information, free DVDs or whatever they had on them at the time,
just promoting the idea of a third party candidate, whichever candidate they may that may be for you.
And the police come over and harass. You see officer Ortiz there harassing the people with a
guy was trying to talk to another officer and Ortiz comes and shines his light in the guy's
face. And then when the guy said, Hey, if you're going to shine light on me, I'm going to get
you on camera Ortiz is, you know, I don't know what that was. It was pretty childish if you ask
me. But, you know, I've had my experiences down to San Antonio. So I can't say that I'm surprised.
But it's good to see the guys and we are changed. I had a chance to meet some of them at the student
RFID protests. They've been active. They've been in our videos a few times here at info wars.
So good to you guys. We are changed San Antonio. Keep up the good work. And
okay, now we actually have update on the weed amendment in Colorado, the marijuana.
That's the amendment 64 passes Colorado legalizes marijuana for recreational use. And you heard
Alex talk about that just one second ago. That's a nice cute picture. All right. So you can get
your Rocky Mountain high on in Colorado. They passed it for recreational use. So I guess it's
going to get a little, little sticky up there in Colorado. We'll keep you up to date on the,
the latest pot developments. I think Washington is still counting county votes as well as some
other places will keep you up to date with proposition 37 and all the other things that
are going on in California. Do we have that? Okay. Let's see proposition trailing in early
returns. Okay. A high profile measure to require new labels on food was trailing in early returns
Tuesday. So there's still more to be counted on that and say, we see spending on proposition 37
exceeded $50 million. The yes campaign raised at least 8.9 million while no side raised at least
45.6 million. So we'll see what happens with that. It's been getting a lot of support from
Monsanto saying it's no, you do not need any labels on your GMO foods. Monsanto, of course,
just wants to push the agenda of genetically modified foods. And why wouldn't you want to
know what's in your food? Even if you don't care, if you don't care that this or that,
I mean, come on, we need to not know what's in our food. They have to label everything else.
But if it grows its own pesticide or has insect genes in it, or even rat droppings,
for that matter, how dare you? Do you believe you're on the air actually advocating that things
be listed on food? This fear mongering that I don't want my children, I don't have children,
but if I lived in the city of Chicago, I would not want my children to eat rad droppings,
or especially from a GMO rat, because guys pull out that picture of that GMO rat. They won't
believe it. You know what I'm talking about. But anyway, I don't want my kids to eat rat droppings
or any other things that come from these GMO rats. So Alex, if that makes me a bad person,
then I'm just a bad person. And hey, I'm going down to the Driscoll to party right now. I'm
feeling pretty darn good right now. It looks like a pretty happening party. I think that's where
we should, but I think we should have our round table at the Driscoll party. I think that would
be a good idea. We'll just go out there and run around screaming and yelling about how great the
Obama phone is or something. All right, Jakari, great job with your reporting. We're going to come
back to you GMO rats. Yeah, very healthy. Very healthy. Get a rat dropping from that and then
put that in your school lunch. And that'll be exactly what you need. Cause you know in Chicago,
they don't want you to pack your own lunches. And now she said that's spreading that there are more
places that don't allow that. Yeah, no, it's under new federal guidelines that kind of use
Michelle Obama. Our gracious fear, fear, fear, let what do you call the female fear of the fear
of what you would call it, the furor frow, the frow of your, I don't know what you call that,
the Liebling, fear, let your go light something. I don't know. But listen, Jakari, great job. We're
coming back to you one more time in closing after Webster Tarpley coming up and get Aaron to pop in
here as well. In fact, I'm going to bring Aaron. I think in here, you guys can do kind of a round
table at the end. I'm going to take a four or five calls and talk to Tarpley. And then I'm going to
go get my drive home and then get up. I always get up at like five a.m. 530. Even if I go to bed
at like two in the morning, I'll get up at five thirty six. No, I'm not a beast. I wish I could
stay asleep now. But I'm a drug addict for coffee. So I'll wake up. One thing since we're on the
topic of our new furor or how do you say that word? We have the Obama deception at the info
wars shop. You can also get it with dreams of my real father by Joel Gilbert Gilbert. You can see
it's on sale right there for nineteen ninety five to power packed films for nineteen ninety five.
Check that out at the info wars shop. And by the way, those films are now going to stay popular.
We have to. We have to. Oh, yes. I mean, if nothing else, Alex, we got four more years to
sell an old bomber deception. So something good came out of this. But again, it's not like I'm
for Obama or for Romney. It's like either way. It's like it's horrible. Well, I think Ortiz
was talking about it. He said he wants new trash. He doesn't want the trash at the dump. So he just
wants the trash he fills up at his house. So that that's pretty much what we got going on here. And
any other analogies, the porta potty analogies or whatever else you wanted. Yeah, I think that's
it. It would have been fun to beat up on Romney the puppet for a while. You know, I think with
Obama, we may have a chance to actually wake people up because now we have a track record.
So when he gets into it, he's like, he's had four years to fix this or that,
and he still hasn't done it. So now that excuse is going to start wearing off because he saw even
some of the people Ortiz had a chance to interview a few minutes ago. They said, well, he's cleaning
up all the stuff from the past eight years. So we'll see where we are eight years of Obama.
And then hopefully that'll wake a person up. Man, I'll tell you, I hear you. It's crazy,
Jacarie. Thank you so much. There's Jacarie Jackson, David Ortiz and the rest of the crew
doing a great job. All right, let's go to Harminder in Hong Kong, Mike Lester, Louis, Nick
and others. Thank you for being patient. Harminder in Hong Kong. We're honored to have you here
tonight. If you're still there, Rob, can you hear me? Yes, I'll a second here. You can hear me.
Yes, sir. What is your take on all this? Is there a celebration right now in Hong Kong?
Oh, dear God, yes. It's Obama Central in the Hong Kong. Everybody falls for the Kool-Aid.
All they do is talk about how great he is, what a leader he is and how he'll lead America into
prosperity. I'm like, where have you been for the last four years? Show me this prosperity.
I know. And it's not like round me would be good either. But if people think this is good,
at least if you hit the reset button, you're mandating that you don't like what happened.
This is like, hey, we want more Fast and Furious.
Yeah, but that's the thing. They don't report on stuff like Fast and Furious here. They don't
report on stuff like NDAA here. All they talk about is how great Obama is, what an international
leader he is and all that. They don't talk about Syria, the United States government supporting
the Al Qaeda rebels there. They don't talk about the blacks being murdered in Libya.
They don't talk about any of it. It's just whatever is on NBC, CBS, it's just rehashed here and say
that's international news. There's no analysis. Local news is fine. They do a better job on local
news. But I have to pay to watch RT at least to get an alternative view. I have to go on your
website after I'm a PrisonPlanet.tv member. That's where I get my news. But if I have to
watch CNN International, even Fox News directly out of the States, it makes me want to throw up
because of how biased the news is. It just goes one way, that the world is the way we say it is,
not this alternative, what they say, the conspiracy theory. And it makes me sick.
And all my friends on Facebook, not one person is woken up. It's all about, thank God, Obama has
another four years to put the country and the world into the toilet, in my opinion.
Now, I hear you. Good to hear from you in Hong Kong. All I can say is this. We are not a democracy.
In a democracy, 51% can vote to make the other 49% slaves. We are a republic. We're private property,
the family, the Second Amendment, stuff like that's protected. And I got news to all the little
parasites that think Obama cares about them. A, he doesn't. And B, you're not getting my guns,
and you can go straight to Hades if you think you're getting them.
And Obama may try to start the Civil War. He may try to march the
military and police in against the American people. And, you know, there's enough of us
that aren't going to go along with it, but it doesn't matter. Romney would try the same thing,
too. It's just not as, I'm sick of it. I mean, do we have to go the way Nazi Germany and Russian
went? I mean, do we really? Because let me tell you something. It's not my opinion. We're going
into terror. Anybody that knows history knows this is walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.
We're in trouble. It's a lot bigger than Obama. It's just that the fact that they're putting
Obama back in after he said you didn't build that is just a mandate for everything that
is destructive. Let's talk to Kim in Indiana. Kim, you're on the air.
Hi. I'm trying to get prepared here for what may or may not happen, worst case scenarios and whatnot.
And I got a limited budget. I'm thinking, what is the point of buying a firearm if
it's just going to be taken away from me? Well, number one, people say exactly. No,
no, no. And that's true. People say, why have children? They could take them from you. Well,
over my dead body. Why have some gold and silver? You get robbed. Why even live? You could die.
I mean, I would get a firearm. I'd learn how to use it. You can go to a gun show before they
shut them down. And there were people with private sales who were just privately legally selling
their gun. And, you know, you can get say, you know, double barrel shotgun, you can get a revolver.
And I mean, let me tell you, women make some of the best shots, better than men on average
with Olympic shooting. It's like a stereotype in movies where the old woman shoots the, you know,
the 45 and there are the 357 and flies back. I mean, let me say I can handheld hold 10 round
50 cows and sit there, you know, shooting man size targets at 100 yards with it handheld.
Like I'm going to do this on camera here pretty soon. I've got, okay, get into it. I got multiple
50s. The point is, is that, is that, uh, yeah, I mean, absolutely they can take everything from you.
But there's, you could have anything you want. You just better not take it from me.
You got to start getting that frontier attitude of I'm just not listening or following any of
this crap anymore. You're a bunch of illegitimate crooks. I mean, I go right into gun stores and
buy guns, uh, you know, because I'm obviously a big target if they're coming, they're coming.
Um, you know, I'm kind of like, forget the maneuvers, go straight at them. But, uh,
yeah, no, I mean, I hear your point about guns. Well, the thing is, they only have so much money
to spend and that's saying money I could spend on camping supplies or something. I would rather
die free in the woods than, you know, in a FEMA camp or something.
Ma'am, here's the deal. What's the quote I keep reading that's posthumous and not just posthumous,
it's, it's unattributed. It's, it's hundreds of years old. It's really over a thousand in
different permutations. No one knows where it came from, but, uh, when freedom fails,
good men rot in filthy jails and those that cry the peace of peace are hung by those they tried
to please. And I'm not a tough guy. Okay. And I didn't grow up. I'm a real sweet guy, but I grew
up in Dallas and my dad was old fashioned. Same thing with him when he grew up getting beat up.
And I'd come home with black guys and stuff. And my dad say, well, I don't want to hear about it.
You better stand up for yourself. And, uh, like his dad told him when he used to get beat up,
you know, and he was in like sixth grade, he said, well, I don't care if you climb them like a tree.
I don't want to hear about it. And he'll maybe, maybe that's old fashioned and wrong. But let me
tell you something. I didn't just learn how to fight back. I learned how to enjoy it. And, and,
and when, and what I've learned about bullies is they are going to pick on people that are easy
targets. Uh, whether you politically, economically, physically fight back, believe me folks,
you know, uh, the, the, the attirents aren't happy about it. So the answer is exercise our,
our freedoms, expose the globalist. It's a life and death situation now to expose them.
I mean, authoritarianism has taken over every country in the world. Now it's trying here.
Uh, and so, uh, yeah, uh, ma'am, they're already killing you with the GMO, the vaccines, all of it.
Uh, that's what government healthcare is about imploding things and forcing them into their
kill grid. Uh, so, you know, that's what's going on here. All right. Well, thanks for your, uh,
opinion. I'll probably go with it. Well, ma'am, you do whatever you think's right.
Uh, I just know one thing. It, it, it is not because of fear that I have a 357 Magnum
right below this desk right now. Uh, it is not because of fear that, uh, I've got 50 caliber
rifles, uh, or Reaper 308s. It, it, it, uh, it, it is not out of fear. It is out of power.
And that's what it's all about. You exercise it or you are overrun. Uh, and that is the
story of the world. Uh, big fish eat little fish. Well, I'm not one to eat little fish.
I want my family to be safe. So I'm putting on the pure hardest defense I can. Doesn't mean it's
perfect. And I'm telling you, we're fighting a bunch of corrupt globalists who are on the edge of
collapsing anyways. Like I've never wanted this country to collapse even though it's bank or run
because it's going to be hard. But now I realize that's one of our only hopes is we collapse like
the Soviet Union. So these globalists get shook off us like a fever, like a high fever. You know,
people think give your kid a bunch of, you know, Tylenol because they're, they're having,
you know, you know, they're sick with a fever. You want the fever. The body heats up for a reason
to kill the bacteria or to kill the viral replication. And, and we need to have a bad
fever folks. We need to roll around for three days, vomiting on the floor and sweating this out. And
I mean that figuratively, I mean, we need to, we need to repent myself included. I mean,
we're all weak. We've had so much freedom. We don't realize how good it is until it's gone.
You don't know what you've got until it's gone. All the cliches ring true because they're not
cliches. They're truth. And I'm just glad to know which new puppet I've got to deal with because
you know, the whole thing's a fantasy land. We got Tarpley on the line.
All right, we're going to go to him in a minute. We're getting him lined up right now. Who's up
next here? Mike in Colorado. Mike in Colorado, you're on the air ahead of Webster Tarpley. Go
ahead. Hey Alex, could I see you and the crew? I've been watching the networks and you at the
same time and you totally did it. Much better coverage. Well, thank you. We tried our best.
Apparently next week I get a bipod at seven 11 and I can buy Cheetos at the same time. So,
you know, that's got to work, but absolutely. Yeah, they, uh, yeah.
But my whole point is you just said it two seconds before, at least we know which devil
we're dealing with. The weather vein is pointing towards the O and we know where they're coming
from and we know how to fight that. And let me tell you, it's going to be bad because the globalist
used communism as their ground level takeover. Well, they're exempt offshore. It's going to get
bad. I mean, their goal, their goal, his advisors, we can play these clubs, came out in federal trials.
They want to back then in the seventies and eighties, they wanted to put 50 million in camps
and kill 25 million of us. That number's more like 70 million in camps, 35 and they want to kill us.
So make no mistake. Since they've doubled down tonight by giving him a second term,
that tells me that I need to double down to support you and people like us just as much.
Well, brother, we appreciate it because let me tell you, we're double down. We're putting all
our capital into more reporters, more operations, and we're just, it feels good though. I mean,
I, I told Rob do last week, I said, listen, man, we're under attack now. We've got to make sure
everything we do is accurate. We've got to double check everything. We're like X-wings going
against the Death Star and they got their big turbo lasers aimed at us and do look to me and
he goes, that's a good feeling. And it is because we're living, we're real. We're not zombies obsessed
with the NFL. We know what's going on. We're aware. And this is incredible time to be alive.
And I'm not leaving the country. Like Gerald Salente says, I'm all in against the globalist.
I'm putting it all down and, and, and this fight hasn't even started there. Again, they, they
control both candidates. They control the machines. It's all a fraud. Yeah, you got a bunch of
domesticated children. Did you see those Obama supporters we show with David Ortiz? I mean,
those weren't bad people. Those were like five year olds. Those people have never seen anything
real in their lives. And, and, and they, they're not even bad people. They're children and wait
till the government doesn't, I talked to so many people I know that live in New York and New Jersey,
including one of my crew members, parents who were pro government. Now they know the government
isn't their friend after it didn't deliver. Just like New Orleans knows. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
No, and tonight they turned it up. They showed their hand. They showed you what they want to do.
And so that gives us the chance to say, okay, this is what you want.
More of Obama fine. We're going to go this way.
Well, yeah. And, and, and before we go to Tarpley, God bless you. Great points, Mike. We, we're
going to pull up Emperor Palpatine. He is pleased that his, his minion. I mean, it's kind of like
Darth Tyranus versus Darth Vader, you know, both work for the Emperor, but Mitt Romney has been,
Mitt Romney has been dealt with. And now Darth Vader, he goes, he goes, rise Lord Vader. That's
basically what's happening with puppet Obama because they love using political correctness
all day on people. No, what I don't want Emperor Palpatine. I want lep in the hood up to no good
because Tarpley, I had been told has leprechaun four memorized Dr. Webster Tarpley and, and a
leprechaun five. Okay. Okay. I haven't seen it. I just was told. And we have a YouTube video.
It's something like Webster Tarpley tells us his secret or something. We're going to find this
tonight before the transmission ends because, well, hell, he can do it right now for us. Webster,
I would imagine that you are in sublime ecstasy right now. Oh, you're still trying to get him up?
I thought you had him five minutes ago. You said you had him on skypes. That's why I was,
no, I don't mind. It's just always fun. Like we've got Tarpley and then like we don't have Tarpley
and, you know, and then I'm sitting here. But remember, I'm on the air. I understand out there
is your own bubble world where you're working hard. But Aaron, come on in here.
Aaron, can you find lep in the hood up to no good?
It's on the Alex Jones channel. It absolutely is. Yeah. During the Bilderberg coverage.
That Mike's been on the whole time. They just turned that on.
They just turned it on. Yeah. Can you go find lep in the hood up to no good? I'm going to make
an executive decision because this is going on for hours sometimes. Instead of him on video skype,
we will just go with phone. Oh my gosh, ladies and gentlemen, we have web forgiven Tarpley.
Thank you, Aaron. Listen, will you go help them find lep in the hood up to no good? Ohio could be
interesting. Ohio, but I mean, that wouldn't win it for him. I mean, he's already so far ahead.
Maybe Romney's going to save us. There's a chance. Oh, Romney. I'm actually wearing Mitt Romney
underwear. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm like, I mean, let me tell you, when I get home tonight,
I'm going to roll around in tears like the crying game. When I realized that I just,
I'm really upset right now. Let me tell you.
Oh, ridiculous. We have to sit here and debate all this meaninglessness,
but we do that to bring people in to teach them how it's a bunch of bull.
Ladies and gentlemen, do I have Tarpley? Does it work?
No, I know it is incredibly fun to play with the sky. I'm going to say it again.
I can walk off the air and do it. I go to his telephone.
And every time I say go to telephone, they go, oh, there we go. And then, and then it's never
there. It's just like building and building and building and building and building.
Hey, I shouldn't be complaining. It's like Star Trek. We can talk to Maryland up there
with all the government little mushroom heads. And like teleporting in Tarpley,
I would imagine right now, doctor of history, economist, I would imagine right now you're
savoring this victory over what you call the Mormon mafia. How is it feeling right now,
Webster? And, and I'm sure you've had your flu shot this season and you're probably having
a Diet Coke to celebrate it all. Well, Webster, good to have you with us.
That's right, Alex. And I don't live in the fear that the end of the world is going to
take place every week. And I don't, I generally try not to live in fear. And I don't take
counsel of my fears as much as I can. I'm going on. Let's talk about that. What is that open
ended state because I'm just joking around here with you. Can we light you up a little better?
You like Nosferatu and you can't have any light in there. Hang on.
I'm just going to be mean to Tarpley, the entire show now, because Tarpley, I'm sorry,
I don't like Mark Sordlund and or Ingalls, but I don't, I don't, you're like,
It's not the John Birch Society or what? Oh my gosh. Oh yeah, they're really evil.
Hey, listen, listen, you know, you look great. Let's just stop for a minute. And I want to
apologize for not being, being nice to you. You are the star of Leprechaun 5. He did the voice.
Can you please give us as a celebratory note, lep in the hood up to no good.
I'll give it to you at the end. No, no, no, I must have payment up front.
We've done enough deals together that I can receive payment up front, not at the end.
May I please have my payment? What do I get in return?
We have the YouTube club we can play right now. Can we please have a live Tarpley?
I'm asking you if I do what you want. What do I get in return?
I will only interrupt you have as much as I'm planning.
And how long do we go on here? Just to judge as long as you want. Oh, great leader.
So what do you want to hear? I want to hear a police quote leprechaun 5.
You want me gold? Yeah, I want to see the power right now.
Ron Paul's campaign motto and his campaign song is lep in the hood out to do no good.
Words to live by. You did not do that with one tenth of your gravitas.
That night we were sharing it and by being in vino.
Right. Next time, next time provide the drinks.
Tarpley, let's just start over. You were prescient.
Okay. In the Obama deception and everything you talked about in the film and our other
guests talked about came true, just in triplicate. But then you would get angry at me like I was
supporting Romney because I was simply hoping people would throw Obama out as a symbol of saying,
we don't give big government the bankers a mandate. I know Romney was bad.
I'm tired of Obama's left cover for torture, wars, Libya, Syria,
a warrantless wiretapping the left in a catatonic state.
And you're like, no, you know, blah, blah, blah. It's bad. So I mean, I respect that.
Let me just tell you what should happen now. The time now is to fight Obama on the terrain of
austerity. And this means Obama wants to impose genocidal austerity during the lame duck session
with this grand bargain. But I thought he was going to save me.
What first explain why Obama's moins give us Valhalla. Let's get to the heart of the matter
here. The whole point was I had a whole meeting in New York City 10 days ago of the United Front
against austerity. And that is against Romney and against Obama. We're ready to fight whoever wins
the election. Looks like Obama won the election. Now we've got to fight Obama. This poses special
problems. But the main thing is the economic. Why did you like Obama over Lord Romney? Let me
just finish. We want the economic rights of the American people. And Obama will be coming after
them with an attempted grand bargain sometime during November, December. So we want to fight.
We want to fight Obama to a standstill. And we want to defeat this this planned austerity. Now
the problem for people in the libertarian world is that they think austerity is a great thing.
And that they're going to criticize Obama that he doesn't have enough genocidal austerity in the
program, right? He's not, you know, he's not as he doesn't have any killer cuts in the program as
Ron Paul, right? A lot of these people wanted to completely abolish social security. Remember
the difference between Romney and Obama. Obama is the death of a thousand cuts. Romney is the
Texas Chainsaw Massacre where you're a bloody pulp within just a few minutes. So it is different,
but it's also harder to defend against because with Romney, we would have had an immediate large
scale vocal opposition, right? A hedge fund hyena, a vulture capital. That's right. That's right.
Let me add this point here because I'm going to have a real discussion here terribly. Listen,
the establishment wanted Obama on almost every front because he can sell the fraud better.
No, I don't think so because in order to do that, you'd have to say, what about the warm welcome
that Romney got at the Bilderberger group? What about the fact that Wall Street money went to
Romney over Obama? Do you know he was really there? I never saw proof of that. Yes, well,
you know, it's as proven as anything else in such a meeting that Wall Street gave more money,
if you count the PACs, the super PACs and the Romney campaign, he had more money.
And the Federal Reserve, did the Federal Reserve lift a finger to get Obama reelected?
I don't think so. You get QE3 about 30, 40 days before the election, whatever it was,
two months at the most. And that's not time enough to get the uptick that would have allowed
Obama to cruise more effectively. So I don't see any evidence that the ruling class wanted Obama.
It's all rearranging deck chairs. Where do you see it going now? Here's the difference. I'll
tell you what the difference is. It's a very important difference. With Romney, the Republican
party is demographically doomed in the sense that it's the party of reactionary white men
who are bigots and who are anti-foreigner. And don't forget, don't want to turn their guns in.
I don't care about that. We'll get their guns, those white bastards. Yeah, yeah, those white
filth. Whatever their hobby is. I don't care about their hobbies. This who they are. Hold on,
Tarbley. The hobby of wanting to have guns when every other culture has been disarmed to be slaves.
I don't care about this issue one way or another. It's extraneous.
The Supreme Soviet will rise once the enemy has been disarmed, yes.
And the John Birch Society on the other side, because that's...
Hey, listen, Obama says he wants to ban handguns and rifles. Every tyranny wants the guns.
Tarbley, why don't you endorse the Second Amendment? You claim you endorse the American
hold. You claim that you endorse the American system, Tarbley. I want to hear you endorse
the right to keep bare arms. Sure. Whatever the state decides, right? Some places don't want it.
Whatever the state, you mean the sub-state? The state, right? New York City doesn't want it.
Massachusetts doesn't want it. I don't care about this. This is a wedge issue. Okay? The more we
focus on this, the bigger dupes and cretins we are. Here's what the plan was with Romney.
Since the Republican Party is doomed to dwindle as this racist,
anti-foreigner reactionary thing, and with a candidate is a hedge fund hyena and an asset
stripper, they figured if they could seize the White House now, what could they do? If Romney
had won, he probably would have won the Senate and the House. Then they would have been able to
pack the Supreme Court with fascist judges. They've got Citizens United. They can use money to
win elections, although it's not as effective as they thought. They would have busted every union,
smashed all opposition, and then they would have begun to restrict the franchise. They'd say the
Voting Rights Act of 1964 is no good and it has to go. So you'd get southern states and many other
states would be reducing the possibilities of people to vote, using voter ID, using harassment,
intimidation. The stuff we saw today, it's really interesting. The Republicans tried to take away
the right to vote and people got angry. People never value something as much as when they think
somebody wants to take it away from them. So that would have been the Karl Rove 40-year austerity
dictatorship plus wars. Because around Romney, you had the nastiest, most aggressive, angry
neocons, right? Bolton, Kagan, Dan Sr., Robert Joseph, Dov Zakim, the whole neocon crew thought
they were going to make a comeback with Romney. So thank God we have avoided that. Those problems
we don't have, and that would have been harder in many ways. Thank God for Obama, yeah. State.
That would have been a police state. I'm amazed that you can't see that that's the actual danger
of dictatorship. What's going on in Michigan, right? If they can take over Benton Harbor,
and we're still waiting for those Michigan ballot questions, if the fascist governor of
Michigan can put a little Hitler in Benton Harbor and Flint and Pontiac, then they can do it to
states, they can do it to the whole country. That's called creeping fascism. Looks like we have some
respite on it. Webster, you don't even get it. I don't like Mitt Romney either. I made a film with
you exposing Obama as a globalist puppet. They were both puppets. The agenda moves forward.
Hold on a minute. Let me talk. You're acting like there's some massive difference here,
and everybody's running around celebrating Obama. There is a significant difference,
and it's the permanent austerity dictatorship of people like Romney, Scalia. These reactionary
swine, frankly, right? That's to what would have been, and they would have tried to have
an authoritarian dictatorship. But Obamacare isn't even some type of free deal or welfare
program, general welfare. It's written by insurance companies to bring in eugenics care.
Fine. So let's get inside that and fight. The problem with you guys is you're always on the
outside, and you don't want to touch anything. If you want to have a reform agenda, have a reform
agenda. What should happen? It's like we're always left with the idea that radical evil has taken
over the universe, and there's nothing we can do. Well, there's plenty we can do. Get out there and
fight, and the demands are simple. You want to organize students, a student loan amnesty. You
want to organize middle-class people in the suburbs, a freeze on all foreclosures. Foreclosures stop
on primary residences. Jobless benefits are open-ended. Food stamps are open-ended,
and so forth, right? To preserve our labor power, and then we seize the Federal Reserve. You seize
control of the Federal Reserve, and you start putting out these slices of $1 trillion each
of 0% 100-year credit. Sure, sure. If we're going to give the bankers $40-something trillion,
we can give people free credit. Listen, I agree with all that. Webster, and I get the U.S. bank
type deal back to the government. I get all that. Separately, I really respect your view,
because this is where you're really accurate. What's coming? What do you see our new Lord
and Savior, Obama, doing now? He will now try for an austerity package. He'll try to make it,
he'll try to have you, instead of being able to retire at 66 or 67 with social security,
he'll try to push that to 70 to 72. The reactionary Republicans will say, no, 75, 80, 85.
Then he'll also try to tamper with the social security mechanism so that inflation is understated,
so that the actual social security benefit dwindles. We know that the Republicans want to
attack food stamps. This is the ag bill, right, the farm bill that has not been passed yet,
very important bill. The farm bill contains the food stamp provisions. The Republicans want to
cut it by, I don't know what, a half, a third? Obama wants to cut it by 10 or 15.
Well, Webster, let's talk about this. Listen, I get the states taking care of people.
I get churches in the states helping people that are hungry. But I mean, come on, is it good that
food stamps have roughly doubled in five years? They're there because otherwise all those people
would die. And that's the choice. Bush brought on the crash. Bush created the depression. Of course,
Clinton set the stage. That's also clear. But by the time you get to 2007, 2008,
you're in a collapsing bubble. There's a world derivativeist panic, a world banking panic.
No, I got it. They'll be on the streets. They'll be robbing. They'll be starving.
No, I get, I was about to say the globalist engineered it. So you got to take care of them.
But I mean, where does it go from there? It just gets worse.
No, because you can, you can organize the recovery. We know how to do it.
Lend lease, organize the recovery. We can actually even do better than lend lease.
You can, you can have a recovery anytime you want it. All you've got to do is get on the phone with
helicopter, Ben, and tell him we want those trillion dollar tranches. Here's what you do.
Let me ask this. Why do the globalist bankers, the oligarchs, not want to get a recovery?
We had a capitalized recovery is you have a mass movement that says to Bernanke,
here's what you're going to do. We're the mass movement. We're surrounding the Federal Reserve.
You're going to start putting out trillion dollar slices of credit because we want
infrastructure in the states, right? The states, the governors of states,
the legislatures of states, and lots and lots of contractors, lots and lots of small and medium
capitalist enterprises will benefit from this stuff. We got to build the New York to Los Angeles
super duper maglev. You got to rebuild the interstate highway system.
Sure. Well, listen, we've talked about this plan 20 times in the year.
But we haven't done it. You got to propaganda. You don't just say it once. You keep hammering
until it happens. No, I know, but, but they're not going in that direction. It's all about us.
We're always so worried about what the enemy is doing. Let's see what we're doing.
Well, in my book Webster, people don't know about the globalist.
I mean, you know, I mean, I still haven't won that war yet. You know, we have to expose
the big picture. That's why even debating Obama Romney and, you know, all this
perseverating over Mormon Mafia is, I mean, look where we are now. We've now got the Obama Mafia.
If it was Mitt Romney, I'd be saying prepare to face him. And I mean, I mean, do you see any way
that Obama is not going to be the president now right now? I mean, what's he got guys?
Let's put that up on screen. The numbers we've got.
I mean, you've got 303 electoral votes to 203 with Romney. That is a gigantic whopping landslide.
Webster, have you ever seen a landslide like this? A landslide is like, you know, 60% to 40%.
Landslide is what go, what Johnson did to Goldwater. That, that is not, that's not a landslide.
And it's, it's not a really a mandate for anything. Obama is guaranteed to come out and say,
now I can finally make a deal with these fascists in the Tea Party and give them part of what they
want. And it'll be some tiny little tax increase for the super rich, which will practically not
disturb their luxuries and their, their excesses, but it'll cut deeply into the needs, right? The,
the actual necessities of the poor. That's the kind of thing that Obama has in mind because Obama's
a Wall Street puppet, but there are Wall Street puppets and Wall Street puppets. And again,
the death of a thousand cuts gives you a chance to fight back. The Texas chainsaw massacre with,
with Romney, I'm afraid, not so good. So there is a difference. And I think the situation is actually
now somewhat better that we got rid of Romney. Also, think of the degradation of the American
people. If the American people had been willing to accept a hedge fund hyena, a Wall Street asset
stripper, a vulture capitalist, a guy with Wall Street, instead of a puppet of those people,
yeah, right? That would, how degraded would that be? Now Obama is also in many ways a spent force,
right? Obama is, you saw him in the first debate, right? He's exhausted. He's tired. A new administration
comes in with tremendous criminal energy. And you would have had the neocons coming in saying,
we've got to vindicate our neocon faction because Bush left under a cloud and we're going to have
a new aggressive war to rehabilitate ourselves for the last aggressive war in Iraq that didn't,
didn't go so well. So that would have been them. And then you would have had this Mormon mafia,
right? You would have had Michael Leavitt and the rest of these people. You would have had a
guaranteed Mormon on the Supreme Court, meaning a raving reactionary, somebody like Senator Mike
Lee of Utah, who says that child labor laws are unconstitutional. I mean, the guys from the Middle
Ages, right? Hey, Webster, are you for the labor department shutting down people on farms,
learning how to work? Because I did that. It was really good for me. Don't bring in red herrings.
The point is, there has to be the right to organize and have a union. Okay. And the reason the labor
movement is distorted is because it's so weak. And what does that have to do with child labor laws?
Child labor laws are obviously, they're legal and they're constitutional. And the Senator Lee
of Utah, sorry, is completely unacceptable. And in fact, one of the interesting things
should be able to have my eight year old carry trash out. I don't know. So I shouldn't tell my
eight year old on Saturday morning, take this trash outside. He's talking points, Alex. Where
do you know these aren't talking points? They're trying to say this sounds like the state wants
to take over kids. And I'm asking you, is it a good idea to have the Department of Labor,
the Department of Agriculture come out and say, children cannot work on their parents farms.
This is the main problem. Obviously, this is a distortion and this should not happen.
No, I read the thing. I worked on a farm country where we have 7% of labor in the private sector
unionized. That's just crazy. It's just crazy. You've lost the big picture. If you think that's
the main thing that's happening now, because that's not it. That's somebody's talking point.
Should they use your bunny have to be unionized catch brothers? How about them? Is that where
it comes from? I don't know. And then there's the ridiculous implication that I am
getting information from the catch brothers. Well, I don't know where you get this stuff.
If you think that's reality, it's not reality. No, I read the Labor Department
regulation earlier in the year and it was going to ban any type of farm chores for children.
Here's what's just happened in the United States. In Wisconsin, the union movement was
partially smashed. In Indiana, it was totally smashed by the fascist Republican Mitch Daniels.
In Ohio, Kasech tried to smash it and he was defeated in a river. And in Michigan tonight,
the big story tonight in Michigan is statewide proposal A and B. A is no more emergency management
law. Note to that. And B is you do have a right to collective bargaining. Let me ask you, Alex,
do we have a right to collective bargaining? Do we? Oh, absolutely. I think people have a right
to organize together and for association. And I think that's the big picture. There's other stuff.
Well, Webster, when you start foaming, I'm going to be honest with you because I'm a friendly
towards you, but you've been in a really aggressive mode the last year or so. I mean, come on. I did
read the Labor Department deal. The federal government doesn't want you to be able to spank
your kids. I mean, give me a break. Michelle Obama is saying what we can eat now. And I mean,
look, I'm tired of it. I like your plan. Michelle Obama has no power to dictate what you eat. I
know, but she's like the figurehead for the new government regulations. But listen, what I do like
is free credit to the states. I do like the idea. If you're going to have big work projects to really
have them be disseminated to small businesses, I have the National Small Business Association guy,
what is the name? Lloyd Chapman all the time. So I mean, I get that if we're going to be in a
government system, it should be disseminating it down to the real producers and the grassroots. I
mean, I get all this in the models that are available. I get there's no real free market
in the globalist, collectivist, corporate fascist model. My issue is, is that you look at the
Democratic Party, they're just telling me how beautiful abortion is all day and how horrible,
the ugly the family is and how great GMO is all day. So I just, I'm not really into that group
of people just like I'm not into the Republicans. The decisive, the decisive issue right now,
the life and death kitchen table issue with mass traction is economic survival of the middle class
and a bubble of the 50 million who have no job. They have no welfare. They have no unemployment
benefit. They have no healthcare. They're living on food stamps. And we had a candidate, Ron Paul,
who said cut food stamps by 63%. And that is just disgraceful. That's anti-American. It's an
abomination in the eyes of God and man to want to do that to people that are reduced by damn wall
street in a depression. Let's kick them while they're down. Let's take away their food stamps.
In other words, there's a moral framework of reference that's got to be reestablished. I have
to say I'm very sorry. The people who supported Ron Paul have been dragged into, I don't know what,
and they've never really been able to bounce back. And part of it is this idea that Romney
is somehow benign. Romney is the face of wall street. No, we don't listen. People don't think
it's benign. Listen, Webster, to be fair intellectually, there's the argument that
collectivism has developed some of the biggest nightmares we've seen. But where do we see
collectivism? Where's collectivism? Who represents collectivism? The Soviets. Yeah, I know, but
what, this is all long gone. Now, Nazis. In the United States today, where is it?
And all I know is a bunch of government bureaucrats deciding who eats and who dies is not a good
idea. But let me put it the other, since you brought up the Nazis, look, if you look at Romney
and that permanent dictatorship that I talked about, if you look at Hitler and Mussolini,
the common thing with Hitler and Mussolini is once they have power, they destroy all unions,
and they impose an austerity of about 40 to 50 to 60%. Now, you look at large parts of the Republican
Party want to do that, right? They want to destroy the unions. And they want, I would say Romney
was offering about 30% austerity for starters. The other thing in the United States is if you are
a racist, if you're anti-foreigner and all the rest of this, then you begin to have a race theory.
And with that, and then if you try to... Hey, Webster, how about Hispanic American kids can't
wear American flags in San Francisco? What is this? These are cultural populist wedge issues.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're giving me the romantic
divide and conquer, liberation, liberation theology, Ford Foundation about people that
don't want to get rid of their sovereignty when the UN and the globalist want to get rid of borders,
not to empower people coming in, but to use them as political weapons to bring in what the bankers
fund is a fake collectivism. But let's just stop there. I don't want to argue with you tonight.
Let me pose a few questions here. We're coming to the end here and give you the floor to talk
about them. I really want to get your take on where you see the world financial meltdown going
versus where you'd like it to go because I've been thinking you're a good guy. I don't think you're a
bad guy. I want your perspective. That's why you're here. Let's just stop fighting. Hold on. I want
your take on that. And then Ben Ghazi, because you and Pachinic got on here and both of you in
the same day, you didn't know you were on together, but you were on together, said that this was a
neocon coup to make Obama look bad. And I was like, okay, maybe that's a Mormon mafia coup.
Mormon mafia, of course. And I said, okay, maybe that's true. Now it's, they admit that Obama for
five to seven hours knew they had feeds of all this and stood down. So how does the Mormon mafia
operate from Kola or whatever? How do they, how do they make up there? How do they make
Obama have all that stand down? And then why did Obama play into all of it?
I don't, I don't know exactly what you're referring to that Obama has been proven to know
something. And what's the documentation on that? Here's what I know is that Fox News reported
what 10, 12 days ago, that the CIA command structure itself told those those CIA guys to
stand down. So we've got 12 CIA at this annex, their special forces, they could make a military
difference. The guy attacking is Kumu. He's a CIA asset. The other CIA asset is the 17th of February
Martyrs Brigade. They don't do anything. So it comes down to these, these, these CIA people,
and they get a formal order to stand down. And that comes from the CIA command structure.
Now look, if you, unless you want to join Lyndon LaRouche out there in, you know, what can I say,
the amen corner for Langley, the people who are responsible, Hillary Clinton is responsible for
the State Department. She has ministerial responsibility for what goes on in the State
Department. This consulate seems more and more to represent a CIA post. In this case, the guy
that you haven't heard of, General David Petraeus becomes the obvious person who needs to resign
either one or the other. It's either Petraeus or Hillary or both or a mixture of the two. Yes,
both should resign. But I just I don't see how you get this to the White House in the sense that
there's some, there's some huge conspiracy. I saw there was a press conference here at the,
at the press club on Friday, and one of these characters was saying, oh, Obama's got impeachable
crimes. They could not cite an impeachable crime except the bombing of Libya. And that took place
last year. So I just don't see that what I see is the CIA Mormon mafia doing what it could to get
Romney elected. Now, getting Romney elected is not easy, because he's probably the worst candidate
we've seen in many, many cycles, right? He's rich. He's got horses. He's got this wife. He's, he's
out of touch, right? He's so he's so rich. It's like he lives on Kolob, right with a quarter
billion dollars in the bank. It just just been found by the way that he he was scamming through
the Netherlands. He was it's called the double the double Irish with a Dutch sandwich. So you
invest in Ireland, and then you recycle the money through Holland twice. And Romney was doing that.
So he's got every tax scam in the book. And this is why he wouldn't reveal his,
his tax return. So I just don't I don't see how you get from all of this to to Obama. This is
directed against Obama. Now, you might say, why doesn't Obama come out and say this is the CIA
Mormon mafia? Well, because he's a coward, because he's a puppet, because he's Obama, all the things
we know. Now you were asking about the perspective for the world financial system. Now here's the
other thing that people have got to understand. The banking community can always keep a bubble
going and they can always prop up zombie banks as long as they can impose the austerity they want.
Because when they take that austerity, that's like taking the real economy and people's standards
of living, their very lives, their very body, and squeeze it like a lemon. And what comes out
can be used to prop up the system. So you have to say, as long as austerity is not broken,
there is a very significant capability of the ruling class to keep these derivatives,
structures and other fictitious capital structures going. So you have to look at both sides of that
equation. There's a class struggle element. If the bankers are winning, if they're smashing labor,
they're wiping out unions, lowering wages, cutting social services, all the things they've been doing
in Greece and Spain and Britain and elsewhere. That's what they want to bring here. And if they
can do that, they can go on for a while longer. Ultimately, the logic leads to concentration
camp economics. But of course, we have that too. We have the prison industrial complex.
We've got all kinds of people, especially black, Hispanic, poor, Appalachian, whatever,
all in jail, and they're getting put through the meat grinder of the prison industrial complex.
But the main thing is, there are no financial deadlines, except the ones that are imposed by
well, by a mass movement, putting a stop to the primitive accumulation and the looting.
So obviously, we're always skating along the brink of a financial collapse. But I wouldn't
look at that so much. And again, I think this is really important. The thing that should concern
us are the 30 million plus unemployed in this country, 40 million plus in Europe, similarly
around the world. That's the depression. And the only way to deal with that is to get out of the
depression. And this requires real economic remedies. It requires the closing of the zombie banks,
the cancellation of most derivatives. Most derivatives should be shredded, deleted.
The derivatives should be outlawed, many of them, the collateralized debt obligations,
the credit default swaps, various energy derivatives. That's what's driving up the price of gasoline.
So that's all there. But the main thing is, get control of the Federal Reserve. We can say
nationalize it, seize it, deprivatize it, because it's already been privatized. Get it back out of
the control of the clique of bankers and put it out in the sunlight. And this can be done again.
Right now, it can be done by a mass movement. In other words, if you don't like what you're
getting, get out there and say, the Federal Reserve... Okay, that said, what do you expect now to really
come out of this? We've talked about what they're planning. What about geopolitically?
This is my perspective. It goes like this. Now that we have the Republican Party defeated,
and this is... It's an unbelievable zoo, the Republican Party. I mean, you look at these people.
This was absolutely off the wall, right? We had Murdoch the Moorlach. We had Aiken, right?
These people, they're out of some kind of a horror comic book. This has now been defeated for
the moment. I expect that the Republicans will now tie each other up in knots for quite a while.
They'll say, you weren't fascist enough. You should have been more anti-immigrant,
or you weren't racist enough. Let them do that. Some of them are already saying that they needed
a real Tea Party presidential candidate, right? A real lunatic, right, as presidential candidate.
Then they do better. Hey, Webster, I mean, that's all MSNBC does is push race stuff all day.
Yeah, but come on, come on. The whole voting pattern, the voter suppression, voter suppression,
right? You should be concerned about this. They're trying to take the right to vote away from who?
Black, Hispanic, old, young, and poor. Really, what's the proof of that?
Did you see the lines in Ohio? Did you see the lines in Florida? They had lines in, like,
wealthy areas of Austin today. I mean, really? Anyway, again, it's all a matter of...
Really? Okay. I'll just count whatever you say. Come on. To argue that it's typical of rich areas
to have weight-long lines, I think, is simply flying in the face of reality. Anyway, what's
going to happen with the Democrats now? This is an interesting part. What I hope will happen with
the Democrats is that they'll split into two parts. One is the Wall Street Democrats, with Obama,
and with Schumer, and with Durbin, and with so many of them, right? You know who? Pelosi
and her husband. But on the other side now, we got the beginning of some kind of populist
ferment. Something's happening, right? Elizabeth Warren, as I called her, Ms. Prim,
she still succeeded in winning the Senate. This was the most outspoken anti-Wall Street candidate.
So that's something. Then we got Sherrod Brown in Ohio, populist, blue collar, pro-union,
Marcy Captur in Ohio, DeFazio, a bunch of others. That could be a split, or at least a faction,
of the Democratic Party that would split from Obama, especially now, because Obama will come
with the grand bargain, killer austerity against the Americans.
Sure, I'd get all that to pay the bankers money, but Webster, the unions, where there are good
ideas of counterbalance against the robber barons, you know, 100 years ago, it could be a good idea
today, they're a bunch of globalists arguing to ship jobs overseas and take my guns.
Well, why don't we... No, I see what they put out. You laugh, and that's what they do.
I'm afraid it gets us away from reality. I would say the main thing is you want to promote fighting
among these groups. In other words, as you know, I subscribe to Machiavelli's discourses.
No, no, no. I mean, I agree. We want gridlocked. We want gridlocked. We want divided government.
If we had had Romney tonight, we probably would have had a Republican Senate and a Republican
House, and that would be back to Bush number one. Sure. By the way, you're not saying this is a
landslide, right? I mean, Obama has exactly one-third more than Romney. It is 60-40 right now.
That's the electoral college is designed to magnify a very small lead in the popular vote
and make that look impressive. It's one of the stable features of the electoral college,
but it's also an optical illusion, right? Because, you know, if you go back and figure,
right, how many, if you transferred, how many votes, right, 100,000, 200,000, probably the real
margin for Romney is certainly less than half a million votes out of quite a few votes. So,
and of course, we'd also have to see the turnout. They say the turnout is higher,
but I'd like to see what the turnout... No, no, I get it magnifies it, but I've seen
other elections. This is a big electoral win. Well, again, look at Bush. Bush, the elder,
got something like 425, 435 electoral votes, and even that was hardly a landslide.
Landslide is Roosevelt 1936 and Johnson in 1964. Anyway, the point of this is
the Republican Party, I think, is now going to dwindle. They're going to become more extreme.
They're going to do everything wrong. They're going to dwindle. They're going to become a party,
a regional party in the Deep South, and that will then explode the contradictions of the Democratic
Party. And the thing to do is to try to favor this kind of a differentiation between the Obama
Wall Street Democrats and try to revolve some kind of New Deal Democrat, which I'm doing from the
outside, right? Aren't you going to ask me who I voted for, Alex? We know who you voted for, Lord.
I voted for the Green Party, and I'll tell you why. The Green Party because of Sherry Honkala.
I don't know anything about the Green Party presidential candidate, but Sherry Honkala,
this is a fighter out of all the people on the ballot, was the only one I could tell you,
is actually a fighter. Somebody who has done a public service. She ran last year for sheriff
of Philadelphia, and she said, elect me sheriff of Philadelphia, foreclosures will stop because I
won't carry them out. Now, there's a fighter. That's the spirit we need. Make those Wall Street
bums pay for the depression they caused. Let them eat the losses on these foreclosures,
but American people stay in their house because you have a right to a house and a right to health
care, right? We have a whole series of rights, and Franklin D. Roosevelt's economic bill of
rights, and we want our rights. And I think, again, the chances of that are somewhat better
tonight. I mean, here's the problem. Soviet Russia, North Korea, I mean, I mean, all these places,
it creates hell on earth when you get a bunch of people together saying, give us our piece of the
pie. I mean, what we need. Republican Party. That's, that's, you know, Jack Abramoff, Jack Abramoff,
Grover Norquist, and the rest of them say, we want our piece of the pie. And Rand Paul is in
there too. He wants his piece of the pie. No, I understand all that. So, Tarpley, you really
believe government in a big state is going to deliver. I believe mass movement is necessary.
I say nothing works without a mass movement. And it's got to be a populist mass movement,
anti Wall Street, anti Federal Reserve, anti party, to be sure. But we need a mass movement.
The only conceivable way to get a mass movement is on the economic issues that I've said.
All right, listen, we've gone for 45 minutes. We're almost, we're almost out of time. And I
promise to go to Noel, Nick Lewis and Lester to close the South and to get a final report from
Jacarie Jackson. Is Jacarie still over there waiting for us to go to him? Let's go to a quick
break with some latest election numbers from Jacarie Jackson for about five minutes. Webster,
you can cool your heels there for a minute. I want to come back and really get your view on
geopolitically where things are going versus the utopias that we were discussing.
I understand. I'm talking practical reform. I have a people's agenda. I have a strategy.
I got it. But I mean, I want to get your view on the geopolitical
front. So stay with us. We stay with us five minutes while we go to Jacarie Jackson.
Okay. And we'll get Jacarie's quick final update here on some of the numbers coming in.
Victoria's leader, Obama, he actually runs things. He actually writes the legislation. He
actually fought the NDA and is against lobbyist and close Gitmo ended all the wars and is a
peace man of peace. Jacarie Jackson, I'm sorry, Tarbley had something to say.
I said, I don't know what you're trying to tell me. I'm for the United Front against austerity.
The United Front. We're going to go back to you in a minute. But Tarbley, let's go to Jacarie
Jackson. Jacarie. Hey, Alex, a great interview with Tarbley. As always, if we could pull up the
last, the last poll numbers here, we'll take a look. Okay. So we see it hasn't changed. Well,
actually, Romney has bumped up another 3% to 206 and Rom and Obama is strong with the 303.
So there it is right there. Obama, your next president, you can see the map right there.
Is Florida still undecided? What is that? Okay. So it looks like Florida is still undecided,
but largely and also was it Alaska as well? So, but largely it looks like it's going to be Obama.
So that's your president for the next four years. Love it. I hate it. And afterwards,
I do believe after the Webster Tarbley interview, we will have a brief roundtable discussion with
myself, Melissa Melton, David Ortiz and Aaron Dykes. So stay tuned after the Webster Tarbley
interview for that. And you can see Melissa's right here. I guess we can get a quick update
since you're here. Melissa, how was it out on the street? Oh, wow. Well, a lot of people were
largely in support of Obama. They couldn't tell me why they supported Obama, but people in support
of Obama pretty much. That's what I saw. Okay. And you also streamed some live videos to Justin TV?
I did stream a few live videos to Justin TV. Basically, I tried to ask Obama supporters
if they could list five things. They thought Obama did well. Then I realized that was too
many things. So then I asked if they could list one thing. That got interesting. I couldn't really
get a whole lot of straight answers. And the things that they did tell me were things that I
would not expect like he decreased piracy. I don't know if it's actual pirates that he decreased,
or he decreased DVDs being illegally burned. I'm not really sure. But apparently, I was a major
concern. Hey, Obama took out the Easter Bunny in that Navy Seal Raid. Hey, well, Obama took out
the Easter Bunny, okay? So maybe they got the Keyblade Elf as well. Then you said you actually
got an argument with somebody on the street? Yeah, I had one guy tell me that Obama was
wonderful because he did the auto bailout. But then later on, he told me he was really good
because he didn't give bailouts to corrupt corporations. And I said, well, what about the
fact that GM actually used the auto bailout to ship our jobs overseas to China? How does that
factor in? And when I asked him that, he said, based on what? I said, based on that's what happened,
Google it. He's like, you Google it. It's like, if I had a computer, I would, sir, but I don't.
So, but it happened. Well, they think if you're talking about Obama, you support
ramen, they don't get that you don't want to go with either ridiculous new World Order grip.
We're gonna go back to you guys in about five, six minutes and also hit a few phone calls for
folks that are holding. But I take us now back to the illustrious, the grand Puba himself from
Klandathu. He joins us, Webster Griffin Tarpley. All right, Webster. Can I just ask your people there?
Texas went for Romney as far as I know. Did you ask any leading questions about Romney?
Did they have anything positive about Romney? Melissa? The best I could get out of anybody
who supported Romney was that he was for less government, but they couldn't explain to me
exactly how that was. No, no, Webster was implying that we were being partisan. He doesn't understand
where in Austin and that there weren't a lot of Romney supporters. It was concerning the bailouts.
I think the Koch brothers were getting his orders. You want a bailout auto, but you don't
want to bail out banks. I think that makes perfect sense. That's what the guy's trying to say.
Bailout auto, not Obama. Good Romney bad. Don't get in the way of Tarpley savoring.
What are you talking about? This is our chance to speak directly to Mr. Tarpley.
I want to know if he can do the impression. No, I'm not. I'm just not embracing Lyndon here tonight.
Listen, Webster, do we have the YouTube of Webster ready? Hold on. I'm going to play a clip here
real quick before I go back to Webster. We're going to come back to Chikari and Melissa Melton
in the roundtable here in just a moment here tonight. I've been on the air more than 10 hours
today. So I'm a little bit dingy and I am quite intimidated actually just looking at Tarpley. I
feel like I'm in a James Bond movie right now. Like going, hello, sector 12. We're preparing to
energize the moon beam. And then Webster says, ah, yes. Look at him right there. Anyways,
he's ridiculous. That's the fun part about doing this show. I got to know all these funny,
interesting people. Ladies and gentlemen, hold on, Tarpley. Hold on, Tarpley. Oh my God. Here is
Tarpley. Here we go. A friend with weed is a friend indeed, but a friend with gold is the best
I'm told Ron Paul's program in synthesis. So he's a devil weed dealer. Well, draw your own conclusions.
If the shoe fits, wear it. So what does he watch the Leprechaun 5? Lep in the hood out to do no good.
Yes. Words to live by. So watch out for somebody who is promising gold. Webster, give us, tell us how
you learn Leprechaun's secret powers. Actually, I wrote the script. You know, the script. Hold on,
guys. We're doing a deep interview. I love the Italian guy that's willing the Italian government
official is here at the script. By the way, people thought I was drunk there. I had had like two
glasses of wine, but that wasn't I've been bullhorning like eight hours at Bilderberg. But
Tarpley, wait. Oh, illustrious one. I'm going to give you the floor here to describe to us how
you wrote Leprechaun 5. Now, seriously, geopolitically, where do you see things going? What do you
think about Hillary saying we've got to invade Syria because Al Qaeda is there? I mean, all these
big developments that have happened lately, other stuff rather than the savoring the defeat of
Romney. I think important is in Syria, as far as I can see, the Syrian army has defeated the
death squads to a very significant degree. The Syrian rebels, the death squads, they are militarily
in very bad shape. I don't see them able to hold parts of cities anymore. I don't see them able to
hold parts of the countryside, even in northern Syria, even fairly near the Turkish border. They're
reduced now to political assassinations of generals and officials. They can do low to medium grade
terrorism pretty much every day. They can do large scale terrorism with car bombs and things that
they've done lately. But the Syrian rebels would appear to be defeated militarily. And I think also
they're defeated politically in the sense that the Syrian National Council, supported by the US,
the French and others, is a laughing stock. It is so discredited that the US is now in the process
of dumping the Syrian National Council. Those people, that was that woman who came to the
Bilderberg. We saw her through the window of her car there. She was the Syrian National Council.
Those people only wanted to live in hotels and jet around the world. The US now, in a day or two,
in Qatar, Hillary Clinton is organizing a new meeting of the Syrian puppets, of political puppets
and indeed al-Qaeda types. There's no other way to put it, or frontmen for al-Qaeda. And this is
supposed to create a new puppet Syrian Council under the control of the US. And Hillary Clinton
is very clear. She says, we want to have the fighting men, the people who are on the ground
fighting the Syrian army. They have to be more represented in the Syrian puppet council. They'll
have a new name for it, I'm sure. So what she's really saying is, we want the al-Qaeda people,
al-Qaeda, under 99 different disguises, will make up the vast majority of this council,
which is more or less what happened in Libya. And you see what happens in Libya.
Parenthetically, I'm afraid Ambassador Stevens was there to organize new shipments of al-Qaeda
fighters and props of weapons to Turkey and then into Syria. His last conversation was with the
Turkish official. It's tragic that the guy got killed, of course, but we shouldn't have any
illusions about what he was doing there. One of his colleagues, one of the people that Stevens
would have worked closely with, is Ambassador Ford. And Ambassador Ford is the former US Ambassador
to Syria was kicked out. He's going to be the dominant person at this meeting in Qatar. And he,
of course, is another guy like Stevens, a contact man for these al-Qaeda people
in the death squads, right? He's worked very, very closely with them. You remember that Ford
is the disciple of Negroponte. And Negroponte had become associated with this concept of the death
squads in Latin America already in the 80s and Central America the 80s and 90s. He then went
on to bring this concept to Iraq in the past decade. And his primary disciple is Ford. So you
can see what they're trying to do. But on the whole, this is a strategy of weakness. In
the words, it's a strategy of military defeat and it's a strategy of political disarray. The only
way that some of the death squads have remained in the field is that the CIA has been telling them
keep fighting because after the US election, we will begin shipping you more weapons and we'll
get another wave. And by the way, we're going to continue after this interrupt for a moment.
The celebrations are reaching rapture point right now with the Obamanoids. We're going to have four
more years of buying and braing. We would have been making fun of Romney. If you had Romney,
you'd have a bunch of blue bloods and bloodsuckers in Paris. Well, I was going to finish. I was going
to say we'd have fun laughing at them. But I mean, this is a pretty pathetic crew. I mean,
look at this, waiting for Obama, their corporate New World Order minion. See, Webster, you're
presented with two different puppets and you need to believe within the spectrum that you're
somehow engaging in and that one thing is a victory. I understand that I'm ruining like the
delicious seventh course French cuisine sherbet that is being brought out to you. But I mean,
this is going to be a nightmare. And I agree. All I can do is gloat on the patheticness of
these people and reflected glory, worshiping a New World Order puppet. I mean, I'm sorry,
I just have to do it. What's what's the percentage in that? The point is, these are two,
two unacceptable candidates to put it mildly. But there are differences. And just this idea,
again, our Wall Street hedge fund hyena in this day and age, right after that crash,
that would have been so degrading. I think you can you can see that.
No, I agree. It's better to have Obama run by the exact same people. This is a lawyer.
Obama is a candidate. He has outlived his usefulness in many ways. He has a spent force in many
ways. And remember, the goal in these elections is not the candidates. You want to fight the ruling
class. No, I got it. Okay. Well, why did the ruling class you disagree? You think the ruling class
was for Romney? Yes, I do. I think the ruling, the basic thing was Romney says, I'll give you 30%
cut in the standard of living. Obama says, I'll give you a 15% cut in the standard of living.
But then the difference is with Romney, you immediately have a big blowback, right? A lot
of strikes, a lot of ferment, big opposition. I was in many ways tempted by that perspective,
because that would be a chance to organize, right? And we're not getting any younger.
On the other hand, with Obama, it's a more subtle process of betrayal. And the knife goes in,
not so obviously. But the big thing that Obama offers is that there won't be that much opposition.
That's what he's hoping. Exactly. More fast and furious going after my guns. I like that. I like
that. There will be such an opposition. I'm going to try to do what I can to create a class-based
opposition against austerity and against Obama. It'll be against austerity and therefore against
Obama. And I would urge you to look back at that whole Ron Paul experience and search your conscience
and look at what Ron Paul actually represented. The fact is austerity is genocide. We can't have
any more austerity. And that's what the ruling class wants. Hold on. Let's fade this up, though.
Hold on. We're hearing a celebration right now. Fade it up for a moment. What do we care about
these people? Oh, this is an incredible celebration. Don't cut it on this moment of democracy,
Webster. This is a moment of savor. I mean, you can't savor this with me. Alex, you're too fixated
on this stuff. You got to get a perspective, right? A mass struggle perspective and a programmatic
perspective. You know, it's not my fault if I love Obama, Webster. And I wish you would dash
my dreams. Look at Syriza in Greece. Come on. Be serious. Look at Syriza in Greece. That gets
well together. Different groups for a serious opposition. That's right. That's what you need
to do. But in terms of the war stuff, it's going to be interesting to see now. Oh, my God, look
at that guy with the American flag. I mean, that is the art title. Alex, if you're going to get
interested in them, we're going to have to say good night, okay? If I'm not interested in Syriza?
I can't compete with the big demonstration. I understand. I understand you can't, Webster.
We'll just close in comment then, Webster, and we'll let you savor your victory.
Alex, you got to basically pull yourself off that limb where the leprechaun has left many.
I would say right now, people should be, you know, not full of fear, but confident now. We
know what it is. Obama is going to come with killer austerity, and we're going to fight back.
And if you want to be part of humanity, you got to fight back against killer austerity,
and you'll be linking up with the European labor movement, people in Greece, in Spain,
and elsewhere. That's what real populism is, right? Populism is not to strip people of their
economic rights. Union busting is not populism. This whole libertarian construct has collapsed,
and it's discredited. The American people tonight said no to the Tea Party. The Tea Party had pulled
the Republican Party so far in this extremely... Well, the Tea Party was taken over by the Neocons,
but let's just stop right there. Webster, I know you're a smart guy, but you like Aspartame. I've
seen you. You like McDonald's. What does this have to do with anything? And you think it's like a
proletariat thing that you're with the people taking the flu shot? Look, what are we? Do we
want to be mass leaders, or do we want to be lifestyle freaks and petty bourgeois food
fatists? So you like... It's like a macho thing that you can take the flu shot every year and
still walk. My God. Why are we so obsessed with trivia? Too obsessed with trivia? You think GMO
and vaccines is trivia? That's where they're getting us, Webster. I'm looking at the issues
where it's possible to organize a mass-based... No, no, Webster. The real revolution is against
the injections the eugenicists are hitting us with. How many flu shots have you had, Webster?
Alex, get serious, or I gotta go... I know you gotta go. No, you've told me I should get my flu
shot in the car. You've proselytized me. So what? So what? Is that heresy? I mean, maybe you're a
damn Martian and there's like Martian viruses in there. You want me to join your space cult?
All of those things are calculations, right? Everything has a plus and a minus. You know
how many people die of the flu each year? It's more like 2,000. They claim it's 35,000. It's a
fraudulent number. Is it? Well, I don't know. But I don't believe the world is ending next week,
and I don't live in fear, and I don't take counsel of my fears. And I think it's a pretty clear
perspective. Well, then why not drink cyanide? I'd go, I'm not fearing. And just like, you know, how
about jump off a thousand foot bridge and say, I don't fear. To imply that we know GMO is bad,
we know vaccines are bad, we know the new world order. And I have the White House science
are his own book that you did a review of where he says they're going to jack the water supply.
That's right. You know about it. You better be ready to fight him. But you never saw who Romney
had, right? Romney probably had some concentration camp commandant left over from the last days
of war. I mean, my God, Ben, you're your king has won. Obama is now in and we're not talking about
Romney. Nobody, nobody, nobody in the world has done more than me to expose Obama. I exposed
Obama. I exposed Romney. The one enemy of this ruling class is me. That's my record. And I didn't
support any damn Republican all the way through this cycle who was proposing genocide against
the American people because that's where I do the line. So there it is. My record, I stand on my
record. I'm proud of my record. Did you take your flu shot this year? Come on, Alex, get serious.
Get serious. Have you stopped beating your wife? This is, these are questions that people. I didn't
say in a car with you, you better beat your wife car please. What are you talking about? You've
lectured me that I need to take my government injections because it's proof that I'm part of
the, you are obsessed with trivia. Get the big picture. You have, you have literally told me
I should drink diet coke and I should inject Merck pharmaceuticals. If you are on the road,
you do what you have to do. Alex, are you a, let me say good night to you, Alex. All right,
Webster, have a good evening. There you go. It's lepping the hood up to no good. So there goes
Webster. I mean, look, I like Webster, but he's gotten more wild over the years. I mean, this
constant thing about where did you get that? Did you get that from the Koch brothers? So I'm just,
you know, I mean, I like Webster, but man, I mean, we're talking about totally, he's a good guy.
But, you know, it's just like any points. It's just, it's just endless condescension.
Let's talk to Lester in Arkansas than Lewis, Nick and Noel, and that's it for the special
transmission tonight. And you just heard Tarpoli. We're pretty darn evil folks. I mean, actually,
I like Tarpoli, but I do want to get him on sometime and like, have this debate about vaccines
because he was like, tell me, you should get your flu shot and it's very good for you. I was like,
well, let me show you some studies. Oh, I don't want to hear that Robinson Caruso. That's a quote.
You need to get your shot. So, you know, I haven't ever called him on that, but he like,
knows about eugenics and all these things like, I'm with the people. It's tough. They're getting it.
I'm getting it. And I'm like, well, you know what, I ain't getting it. I can read the insert on,
oh, these are just small pleasantries. And I'm not fighting with Tarpoli.
I mean, I'm not. It's just that, you know what, I'm not going to eat GMO and I'm not going,
I mean, he thinks marijuana is a narcotic and not even smoked marijuana. But I mean,
you know, I'm not, he's for drug loss folks. And I mean, there's just some things with Tarpoli that
are just kind of, kind of, kind of, and I tried to debate him, you know, I'm not here getting him
off the air and then talking about him. He hung up. He's like, good evening. Because he wants to go
watch television and savor this. Let me tell you what Tarpoli is doing right now in Maryland and
his townhouse. He's got that television on, sitting back, getting into the trance state,
the cerebral disconnect. And he is savoring this victory. You see, I wouldn't be savoring. Oh,
turn him up please. Can we please hear the Supreme Leader? Ladies and gentlemen, North Korean leader
Kim Jong-il, the third. This is a great victory. Turn it up. He's going to talk about unifying
America now. And this is for all Americans, this victory. And this is a great day. You're all going
to get Obama phones and cancer viruses in your vaccines. The government's going to run your
healthcare written by big insurance companies. But that's okay. Because, you know, the unions are
making sure your jobs go to China and the bailout went to China. And, well, he's going to torture
you and secretly rush you in the TSA. He's going to play ping pong in your pants. But don't worry,
you can ride the train where they won't grab you, but they actually will be grabbing you. And,
again, I'm not supposed to celebrate this. I'm supposed to just absolutely love this right now.
Here we go. Oh my gosh. Ladies and gentlemen, he's alive. He's alive. Get ready. Get ready.
My personal power is increasing. I invested in Obama. I'm winning. I'm winning. I'm winning.
Oh my gosh. Oh, I'm powerful now. Obama phone. Obama phone. Obama phone. Sorry,
Lester Lewis, Nick. Go back to it. The feed cut out right there at the moment of absolute rapture.
At the moment of absolute rapture, you deny me Valhalla reverence to my leader.
Get Obama back on now. We have only won the right to determine its own destiny. Oh, yeah.
Get your guns of perfecting our union. Moves forward. Moves forward. He's going to tell your
kids what to eat. He's going to get your guns. You're going to inject you and abortions to
because of you. Moving forward, Catholics, you're going to pay for abortions. It moves forward
because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression. And we're going to shut
down a thousand coal-plier plants that has lifted this country from... And Romney was done the saying.
The belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are an American family
and we rise or fall together as one nation. In other words, you didn't build that. Tonight in
this election, Webster is celebrating and he is in our hearts. The American people
reminded us that while our road has been hard, we're going to get the guns from these damn red
neck races. You heard it earlier. If you want guns, you're white scum and we're going to get you.
I'm sorry. I'm going to tell you about Obama was an earlier guest.
You don't want government health carriers to come too.
Yay! We're domesticated. Yay! That's what probably wanted to get off. He wanted to
savor the little speech. Whether you voted for the very first
time or waited in line for a very long time. We're going to get the American people's guns and
take their property, put them in reeducation camps. You will stomp the brains out of the American
people. You will have the power you never had working hard at a real job. You will wear black
uniforms. You will grab their genitals. You will proctology exam them. You will slam their heads
into walls. I will have predator drones murder people on seven continents. We will invade
everywhere and have forced abortions in Africa, murdering as many blacks as we can. Because
I'm black and it's okay. And you made a difference. Made a difference. We're going to murder all of
you. I just spoke with Governor Romney and I congratulated him and Paul Ryan on a hard fought
campaign. I'm working with the same globalist scum that I did.
We may have battled fiercely, but it's only because we love this country deep.
And we're fighting over destroying America. All right, that's enough. I can't hear any more of this.
I would have been unhappy either way. It's just a total spectacle of filth.
Let's take a few final calls here. No more of this victory lap. They're coming after our guns.
Get ready. And I'm supposed to just turn them in because you don't. You've heard it's racist.
Don't want to have your guns. Lester in Arkansas, you're on the air, sir. Welcome. I'm sorry to
put you on hold during our dear leader, our dear furor speaking. Go ahead.
Sounds like you're listening to the same thing I was.
Thank you, Lester. Have a good day. Lewis in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex. Great show, man. I'm glad you're covering the election.
Well, I'm kind of being lazy about it though. We're only into 11, 12 hours.
Yes. Yeah, I know you're tired and everything. Hey, I got a couple of points I want to make.
I've been involved here in the politics in Oklahoma and there's been a lot of people waking up.
I mean, like at the state convention, about half of them was Ron Paul folks.
And I got a little strategy here on a local level. Now, some of you patriots out there,
if you're in a obaminoid state, you might want to move to a Romanoid state because
you know, this is, I mean, this could be one of the, I think they actually made a mistake
installing Obama again because, you know, now you have the Romanoids can join with the
Liberty people that are really awake. And when the federal government
totally overplays its hand to where these legislators in your state government,
you know, the ones that are being paid off by like the Chamber of Commerce and,
you know, a couple of global bankers you might have hanging around your state.
When they realize that their way of life is being threatened, all of a sudden,
what's going to happen is going to be a big mass flop over to the Liberty side. And,
you know, these guys that have been dishonest and, you know, they get these,
you know, like these, you know, three-figured jobs, you know, from the chamber and different banks
and, you know, revolving door type stuff we have here locally, they're going to realize it doesn't
matter how much money they have or what they're doing, that their whole doggone country is getting
sucked down the tubes. Well, that's right. You know, that's right. And collectivism doesn't
work. I don't care what stuff we hear from people that want to manage things and claim they can
make everything better that way. But we don't even have a government at this point to protect us from
the ravaging activities of the foreign pirates as well. So we're just in a lot of trouble,
but great points to hear from you. Lewis and Oklahoma, Nick and California in the Noelle,
and I'm out of here. Go ahead. We've got a roundtable coming up though. Go ahead. I'm going
to get five greedy hours of sleep. Nick and California, go ahead.
All right. Thanks, Alex. I got that comment and then a question. It looks over now, but I wanted
to respond to your question. You asked a call earlier about, you know, in your gut, who do you
think is more dangerous in Obama or Romney? In my gut, I kind of felt like Romney would be worse,
but in my mind, I think, you know, the establishment's choice was Obama, which means you've got to be
the worst one. Yeah, but it's like being at the edge of a cliff and one thing's 400 feet,
the other's a 500 foot drop. You know, you don't want to jump off either side of it.
And, you know, that's why I was getting mad at Tarpley. I mean, I don't like Romney. Everybody
knows that. And it was like, why don't we talk about Romney and how he's bad? Romney lost, man.
I'm looking at Obama. And I mean, I'm sorry. I just don't believe in big government. And it
doesn't matter. It's all going to collapse anyways. Everybody's going to get what they want. So.
But I wanted to bring up something I called in about before, and that's about organized stalking,
gang stalking, because I talked with other targeted individuals and we're,
you were all universally sort of disappointed in your response, you know, basically saying that
it's mostly schizophrenia. But I've never heard it mentioned on your show before and then a month
later or so, you mentioned it gang stalking in your Sean Stone interview. And we just wish you
would give it some coverage because it is real. It is going on. I know there's all sorts of government
and other corporate manipulations and gang type stuff. I'm just saying some of it is like crazy
people because I've seen it on YouTube. It's, it's sadly entertaining. You know, people think
I'm a cable repair man outside is coming to get them. I mean, you know, but I mean, in this crazy
world, who knows what's true? And I hear you. I appreciate your call. No, well, in Virginia,
you're on the year. Go ahead. I'm laughing because you got me on snitches. First of all,
I want to tell you for you and your staff, you did an excellent job. I really enjoyed this election.
Okay. I enjoyed it because it was so, it was so much information you were giving me while
seeing that. And you know, I had an omni was just the same old thing. You know, it's sad tonight
for the American people because I saw the interview. American people don't even know what's going on
in this world with their own country. It's a shame that we've been so blind to the truth.
You know, I've been studying a little law like UCC 1308 and the black law book and the baron
banking. I'm starting to get to know that I have rights and I have to exercise it. Nobody else
going to do it. I have to stand up for what I believe. You know, and you know what I mean,
Alex? Yes, sir. Exactly. There's these multinationals who know what's going on. They're robbing us
and we're individuals that have to stand up and exercise. It doesn't mean we can't band together,
but you're absolutely right. There's a whole world out there and trying to work within this
corrupt system. That's one thing we can do, but we've got to work also without it because the
cyst, it's like I work in the matrix, but I'm without it. Yeah, I'm in it, but I'm also outside
of it. And that's what's so sad because no matter, sure, you could have some system that tried to
help people, but when the system is eugenics-based, like what I said to Tarpley, I said, well,
this is eugenics-based. We can't trust government healthcare when it's run by a bunch of people
that created the Nazis and he's like, well, but what about Romney? I'm like, what the hell are you
talking about? I'm not talking about Obama or Romney. They're just frontmen. We've got to talk
about the larger system of who controls this and I'm not trying to bash Tarpley. It's just that
you know, when I knew him like 10 years ago, he was even more anti-New World Order. Now,
I guess he sees things coming down to the wire. He thinks the government is going to fix things,
and maybe it could have good people were in there. The problem is, it's so full of bad people. What
do you think? Yeah, absolutely. Listen, the only way I feel, and I think this is how you feel,
I think we have to go back to the forefathers in 1776. I think the American people should wake up
and take back our sovereign. I mean, people don't know the history of this country. And they just
took time to research. If you see 1860, it was a bunch of men that made this
corporation called the United States of America. And we have a dude, citizens, said one is called
America and the other one is the United States Corporation. And people just wake up and see
that it's a corporation. And now the country that we are buying the contracts that we don't even know
what we're signing today. No, you're exactly right. We're giving our rights without them
even putting a gun yet. So imagine when they come down to my bar with a gun to say, get out of my
house. I mean, it's ridiculous. I mean, look at those, look at these people waving the flags
and all this and don't even know that that's a CEO guy that you just voted in to continue the
program. Exactly. And I mean, both guys are bad. And then it's like, well, you got to choose a side
or you're, you're bad. No. I mean, if they're both controlled, then it's all bad. Listen, great
point, great way to end my part of the transmission. I'm going to hand it over to Jakari Jackson and
Melissa Melton and the rest of the crew that's in there. Just great job to the entire crew here
tonight with the coverage. I'm going to go home and get a few hours sleep. So I can come back
tomorrow on the big radio show 12 noon to 3 p.m. Eastern. But you know, we, we know where all
this is leading and it's not leading to a nice place. And you know, people are, I see them on
the Twitter's and the Facebook. Ah, you lost Alex. No, I didn't. I was not supporting Romney.
I just hope that as dumb as the public is, they would vote in somebody else as some desperate
reset button. You know, when your computer won't work, you're just banging it. But I mean, the fact
that they're endorsing what they know Obama is the front man for, I was going to go after Romney
day one when he got elected. I've been going after him, but now Obama doesn't face reelection.
I was already planning in four years to go after, you know, Romney so he wouldn't get
reelected because I mean, I knew what he was going to do. And it's just, I see all these people
associating their personal power with the new world order and it's, it's hollow. It's empty.
Aaron Dice, before we go to Jacare Jackson and crew in a round table discussion for 30 minutes,
any other points? I was, I know you're out there with a large stack of stuff. I mean,
you heard the Tarpley interview, God blessing, left the hood up to no good. But
is this just me or is, I mean, I guess Tarpley's just desperate because he thinks things are
shutting down and he thinks we can like fix things to the government. But the continued attacks on
Ron Paul, because Ron Paul legitimately thinks government's not the answer. Let people keep
their own money. It's not starve everybody. Let the states take care of people. I mean,
look at the federal government in Katrina and New York and New Jersey. They can't take care of people.
I mean, this is an evil government. I mean, sure, some people have been deindustrialized,
shut down by the globalist. So they need food stamps. They need welfare. We're not even talking
about that. But if we can't ever get rid of the globalist, how do we restore anything?
Well, I think Tarpley's focusing on the economy. He thinks that's the big Apple. He sees
centralization as a foregone conclusion. Personally, I'm looking towards anything that
can decentralize a little bit, a lot, anything towards the state's individuals. And that's
something I want to bring up in the round table or whatever it is we're calling this next segment.
You know, Michael Bolden at the 10th Amendment Center, they published 10 big votes on nullification
this week, six out of 10 passed. And so a lot of them were marijuana issues. That's at least
challenging some lep in the hood up to no good. A lot of states said no to Obamacare. Of course,
Obama will be in another four years. That might be an interesting fight, but at least some states
are trying to say no, no, no, things are going in a great move. Tarpley was announcing the state
has come. The state has won. You're a racist. If you don't accept it, I mean, as if some Valhalla
is going to be livered by a new American Soviet. Hey, I tell you what, are you going to be on
the round table on that side? I think they're saying on this. Yeah, you get right over here.
We'll keep you on this side and they can all be over there in that area. That way we've got
plenty of seats here. And I'm going to punch out this time because I've been on the air
a lot, I don't know, like 11 hours. What is what is like 530 roughly when I got on till
one in the morning? What is the number? You're looking at seven and a half hours.
That's seven and a half. And then I had the three on the radio. So that's
a you've done well today. I have done well, but I didn't, but I didn't build it. What was that, Dan?
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to throw it to Jacarie Jackson, the round table on there and Aaron will
come sit right here in the evil cook brother nest and we will continue our transmission here while
savoring. I don't feel good because of anything I've built or thing I've done in my life. I'm
feeling good because Obama got elected right now and I'm going to go watch him and I'm going to
feel good Aaron right now about my accomplishments in life. This country is in a lot of trouble.
I mean, maybe it is a little bit better because many people already understand how bad Obama is.
I mean, Romney. Well, I'm having a deja vu like we had this before. Listen, no, no, no, my God,
I had a nightmare about it. Let's go ahead of the nightmare. It's like different nightmares. It's
kind of like where we were talking. It's like those story books where like it has different
endings, but they're all the nightmares. Like there's the Romney ending. There's the Obama ending.
And yeah, it wasn't going to end good tonight. I mean, we all knew that.
Yeah, but the fact that it's probably all fraud anyways, probably both of them.
Here's Jacarie Jackson. Jacarie, what can you tell us about the supreme victory of our
great dear leader, Kim Jong-il, the fourth?
You summed it up better than I could. We actually had a few articles that don't actually tie
into the presidential election of Marcos. If you can pull those up for us right now,
we took a look at some of the marijuana findings and we see amendment 64 passes in Colorado
and they legalized marijuana for recreational use. So there you go, Colorado. And also,
this is Obama wins second term voters approve. I was at Washington state and we got I 502 to
legalize marijuana and that's the Seattle times. And I believe you also have another article from
Oregon. So if we can take a look at that. Okay, but anyway, my understanding, here we go. Okay,
Oregon stays put on pot while other states may take historic changes. So Oregon not set to,
you know, change their views on pot. But hey, if you like your pot, you can go to Colorado and
Washington, not that I'm advocating that kind of deal. And let's see, Massachusetts voters approve.
Oh, medicinal marijuana. So there you go. Now we're going to give the guys in the other studio
a chance to get set. They'll be joining us here in a few minutes. Aaron Dykes, David Ortiz,
I have Melissa Milton here with me. So we'll go to a short break and be back with other guys for
our roundtable discussion. I'm President Barack Barry Obama. And you're watching continual coverage
of the 2012 presidential election here on info wars.com.
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All right, and welcome back to our election coverage. As you know, by now,
Barack Obama has been elected president for the his second term. So get ready for four more years
of NDAA and Patriot Act and drones. And if you get hit by drone, Obama said if you happen to be
in the area, you're an enemy combatant. If you're a male of military age. But anyway, aside from all
that, I'm gonna go now to Miss Melissa Melton. How are you doing tonight, Melissa? I'm doing okay.
I think Alex summed it up really well when he said it's like the choose your own adventure books
except a nightmare. It's like choose your own nightmare. Right. Yeah. So just flip through
the pages, pick one. It's all the same. Now, hearing about the election, did you have any
idea which way it was going to go? Was it going to go Obama? Was it going to go third party? Was
it going to go Romney? What were your thoughts before this night? I don't know. I kept going back
and forth. I think towards the end, I really thought it was probably going to be Obama just
because I mean, even just a couple of days ago, we saw on Twitter, people were hashtagging
hail Obama. Hail Obama was trending. So that's not even just I think Obama is awesome. That's
I hail him. I'm going to get down on my knees and worship him. He is my king. I mean, that was
trending on Twitter. So but people that I talked to even tonight, it's like they feel like they
know him personally. He's my president. I know him. He's mine. It's like, what? Okay. Yeah,
just like we saw the people just moment. There it is right there live. These people out. What is
that? Chicago where he's at? People out there standing outside. I'm sure it's not the warmest
place to be. Waving their flags. And I mean, hey, you're you're guy one. So I mean, I can't say
anything about it. A lot of arm reps, because those people have been waving flags for what
like a straight three hours or something just way about that. My arm would get tired after
about five minutes. Let's not be very dedicated. Well, if you're Obama support, I guess that
gives you extra strength. Whenever the guys are ready in the other studio, just let me know.
But for right now, you have a few articles here. Melissa Melton, what do you have?
Not really. I was just looking at some of the different ways that Obama and Romney were the
same. And some of the things that are going to continue. I mean, we've got unmanned drone strikes.
We've got secret kill list that we know have American citizens on there that Obama has
damed himself the exalter of like he's just going to control that he gets to decide who lives and
dies. No due process, no charge, no trial. The NDA where he can definitely detain citizens. I know
he signed a little thing saying he's not going to do that. But I mean, he signs a lot of little
things. It really doesn't he signs a lot of things. He says a lot of things. We saw the video of him
earlier this morning saying that he doesn't lie. He doesn't. But he he cried. He had like that one
tear. He like had a tear. I don't lie. I mean, I don't care if the guy cried or not. It's what
he's saying. We have to finish what we started. It's like, no, it's what you started. It's been
four years. You didn't finish. What did you finish? You finished expanding the Patriot Act. You
finished signing NDA so you can indefinitely detain us and completely throw the Constitution out
the window. You finished signing like a bajillion and a half executive orders. Exactly. Now if we
can scroll back up, we can put that article back on screen guys and scroll to the top for the headline.
17 year old girl included on Obama's secret kill list. So for everybody says we make up this stuff
that there's no such thing as an Obama secret kill list. You can check that out just one of many
articles. So definitely take a look at that. Are we ready in the other studio guys? Yes. We are
here. Okay. So we're going to throw it now to Aaron Dykes and David Ortiz in our radio studio guys.
Hey, it's good to talk to you, Jacari and Melissa. I think you really made a good point there.
So many people identify with who becomes president throughout the 20th century yet. That's our guy
or it's not our guy. We've got to return to the Constitution, believe in ourselves. We were never
supposed to in this country concentrate power in a dictator's hands, but that's what we've built
over the years, allowing these agencies to build up, allowing ourselves to buy into somebody who
doesn't even represent us, may or may not look like us, but really they're doing huge power grabs.
Now, I'll go to David Ortiz in just a second. Mike Adams has obviously been up on his site
at Natural News and he's got a list of 10 dire consequences for Obama's reelection victory,
but I guess the asterisks is most of these would apply to Romney as well had he won.
Let me read these real quick. A huge expansion of TSA in the surveillance state.
You know, that's coming. They want to be in shopping malls on bus, on bus terminals,
other transportation. They're not going away from the airport at this point.
Expansion of secret arrest of Americans. Y'all were touching on that with the NDAA.
The acceleration of the national debt blowout and endless fiat creation currency.
You've got Ben Bernanke printing tens of billions of dollars a month without any plans to stop.
An expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion. They did not pass Prop 37 in California.
Really bad news. Increasing dictatorial government health care control.
Obamacare remains a big issue. Of course, immediate surge in the sale of guns and ammo.
That's definitely something that has been centered around Obama.
He's been called the best gun salesman in history. And of course, an accelerated erosion
of the Bill of Rights and civil liberties. Continued destruction and looting of the economy.
Giant sucking sound of employers leaving America because they can't pay Obamacare
for their employees and more attacks on veterans and preppers.
That's just the beginning. I'm sure we could easily come up with 100.
What was your reaction tonight, David? What do you think are the most important issues?
Overall, what did you see coming? I was saddened in all honesty. First off,
I thought I'm shocked that Mitt Romney didn't win. I mean, it really doesn't matter. It's just,
you know, a different flavor of cyanide had Mitt Romney won. But I was really saddened because
as I went through the Democratic headquarters over in Austin, people saying, oh, he sticks up
for me. He sticks up for the little guy. He's going to take care of us. He takes care. Well,
the reason why you need to be taken care of is because the state has bankrupted you so much,
whether it be through the Federal Reserve, the inflation of money, but definitely the welfare
state, socialism, the socialistic mindset, it's becoming part of our fabric in my estimation.
And I find that to be very, very sad. Americans now, they definitely want to be taken care of.
And it's not because they're bad people. It's because in my estimation, they've been brainwashed
and also they've been financially raped. So now they need the government's assistance.
It's just crazy how much power they have centralized. Now, I'm going to go back
to Jacarie and Melissa and let them add their points. But I do want to get into in just a moment
10 states who voted on nullification measures this week. It was a big article from the 10th
Amendment Center. Of course, it didn't get a lot of play in the media because everyone's been so
caught up in Obama versus Romney. But several states voting on whether or not to reject Obamacare
and pass their own state limitations on the implementation of health insurance
and a number of states with issues related to marijuana legalizing it. It passed in both
Washington state and Colorado and other states allowing for medical use, potentially a big blow
against the drug war, which has just sucked billions and billions and really is leading
towards a true warfare state with Mexico, the drug gangs, vast and furious plays into that.
There's a lot of issues going on. And unfortunately, Obama has gotten that mandate to move forward
with all the power grabs he's already started.
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, Obama will absolutely imprison you for smoking marijuana,
despite the fact that he's done it himself. But it's good to see that the dominoes are slowly
falling. That's probably for Liberty lovers. The only moral victory I think we've gotten tonight
was those marijuana referendums in Oregon and in Washington. It's good to see. I think that the
marijuana war, it will soon officially be lost within 10 years.
Yeah, it's probably going to be a turning point. What did y'all think on the other side over there
in the other studio? Well, you know, Aaron, it's definitely something that some people in our
office are very happy about. The use of a marijuana, not just for medicinal purposes,
but for recreational use. And I mean, you know, I'm not a drug advocate. I've said that on this
show many times. I am a, I guess, a freedom advocate. I mean, if you, if that's what you
choose to do, I mean, that's your choice. Just like I choose to be a gun owner. That's my thing.
If you choose to smoke marijuana, that's your thing. Well, jacari, jacari, man, it's not about
sitting at home and smoking. It's about the way they built up the drug war into this huge institution
empowered these very evil drug gangs. They've killed like what 30,000 people a year in Mexico
over this drug war issue. We've given the federal government all this power to crack down. And we
really need to take that power back and say, no, individuals need to decide what they're going to
do if you're not having some complex. Yeah, Aaron, just like you said, I mean, it's this whole war
on drugs in which I'm definitely against. It's been a huge failure. We see just exploding. Yeah,
not to mention the large body count and the, the, all the money that goes to the black market of
these drugs. So I definitely recognize those as being issues. Yeah, I hope that the yuppies and
the poverty pimps can finally be quiet already with America being this racist nation. The poverty
pimps and the yuppies were constantly telling us Americans would never vote for a black president.
They did. Then they said, well, that's because the economy was so horrible. So they did it out
of pity. They just wanted to break the glass. Well, they've reelected another African American
president and Barack Obama won Iowa today, a heavily Caucasian state. You know, I just hope
that the yuppies and the poverty pimps can stop with this race baiting. Racism does exist,
but in my estimation, it's greatly over exaggerated. And I think that's proof that President Barack
Obama won today. You know, another troubling issue. And I'd like to get Charles response on the other
side. This came out before the election, I guess, supposing what if Obama didn't win re-election,
the November surprise where the EPA is planning major post election anti coal regulation. So
sitting in the wings, we've got the EPA already kind of pushed back on regulating the environment,
their carbon taxes, all the things they try to get through the previous House and Senate sessions
and failed. They appear to be making new big moves on. So that's just one of the areas we need to
look at in Obama's next term. And all his statements about taking guns, not to mention the continued
economic collapse, everything else that remains important. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, President
Barack Obama in an interview recently said that our debt is not an imminent threat. It's not an
imminent threat. So, you know, that shows how out of touch he is. But um, yeah, I mean, in four years,
it's going to be very interesting to see where we're going to be. And the democratic basis argument
is it takes eight years to rectify what Bush did to resolve what Bush did. So they're really not
going to have any excuses after this second term. You know, Aaron, just like you were talking about
on the the coal plants, unless you're welcome to China, chiming on this as well. Obama is very
adamant about shutting down these coal powered plants. He's already said publicly he wants to
bankrupt these people, wants to bankrupt the industry, get these plants out of the US. And
I think that's definitely going to continue in his next four years. You know, it's a really
complicated issue because I would like to see alternative energy come into play. I'm not a
huge fan of fossil fuels. At the same time, there have been clean coal plants, but love it or hate
it. It's providing 50% or more of our national power. We've got huge reserves in coal that we can
tap natural gas. And yet we're fighting these foreign wars supposedly for oil and for natural
resources as well as geopolitical reasons. Why can't we find some way to provide our energy at home
and not implement it in a way that starves people? This is an austerity measure to shut down coal
plants. It's a way of saying you're going to pay more for less. It happened with Enron and the other
companies. Exactly. I mean, you made an excellent point. I mean, they have tried alternative forms
of energy. I'm not sure what happened to these big wind farms. Who was that boon pickings who was
this big wind farm thing going on? I'm not sure what happened to that. And these alternative
things that they had going on. But just like you said, love it or hate it. That's what we have right
now. And we do have clean coal power plants. And Alex always points out this stuff isn't
as dangerous. Everybody thinks it is. A lot of this stuff is just a condensation that makes it up
into the sky. And I'd like to just point out too, really quick, that when Obama put up his
re-election campaign website, he put on an infographic that had all the different kinds of
energy resources that we get in this country. And he didn't even put coal on it. It wasn't
even on there. And they had a whole investigation panel where they asked, why is coal not on here?
And the lady couldn't even answer that question. And then it was like a week later,
they finally added clean coal. But he didn't even put it on there. He had no plans to even discuss
it. So even though we do get about 50% of our power in this country from coal still,
he wasn't even going to put it on the graphic. Right. Exactly. And if you're just tuning in,
this isn't a Romney love fest. We're not advocating Mitt Romney or anything like that.
So if you're just tuning in, this is not what it is. We're not pro-Obama. We're not pro-Romney.
I myself, I'm not even necessarily concerned. I mean, I'm convinced by any of the third party
candidates. Myself being an Oklahoma resident, I just recently moved to Texas and still hold
Oklahoma residency. So I couldn't write in my vote because I didn't want to vote for either
Obama or Romney. So I didn't vote for the presidential cycle.
I voted Jacari, but I skipped that presidential slot. I just voted for local people that I
thought were important. Yes, that's, that's a good point. You can still vote for your local,
you know, local issues and local concerns. I just chose not to vote for, you know, the presidency
because I didn't have a chance to write in the candidate, which I would have voted for Gary
Johnson had I had the chance, but I was not going to vote for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama.
And now I would like to hear David's, David's reason, because talking around the office
and not to single him out, but he's one of the few guys who actually thought Romney was going
to win. Not saying that he thought Romney was better or superior. He just thought
it was a staunch Gary Johnson. Yes, he is a staunch Gary Johnson supporter.
Yeah, he did a couple of big interviews with Gary Johnson. So I was just curious,
David, why did you think Mitt Romney was going to win?
Just on the ground floor, I thought the Republican base was really fired up to take this guy out
President Barack Obama. Everyone I spoke to, even liberals didn't look very confident.
And so just everyone who I spoke to, and you heard the fire breathing neocons on the on the air,
I mean, it really looked like the Republicans were going to win. Also, the economy was bad,
so the Democrats didn't have much legs to stand on. So I'm shocked, but I'm in the minority,
I guess, because everyone around me was saying Obama's going to win. But I really thought Mitt
Romney would win. You know, I just want to say, though, I think the system really favors two
term presidents because of the tyranny you can get because it goes on autopilot. Once you're
reelected, people have already kind of identified and and formed their opinion on that particular
president. And things just move forward. I mean, look, Reagan had two terms. Bush failed to get
reelected because of his no taxes pledge. But Clinton had two terms. George W. Bush had two
terms. And now Obama will have two terms. It's a real way where they could push things forward
in a stealth mode. Very few people are going to pay attention. Certainly there will be outcries over
something as big as banning guns or granting blanket amnesty. But at the same time, there's
not a mechanism to stop it. The Democrats are going to have the Senate, the Republicans are
going to control the House. Last I saw on the issue, but there's no there's no vote to look
forward to. You don't have to worry about what the population really thinks about it because
you've already got those mechanisms of power. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, the president definitely
becomes a celebrity after four years. I mean, and the power of the bully pulpit really helps him out.
But usually the people who served as one term are people who have done, you know,
you hear that phrase, it's the economy's stupid. The name of the book. Well, I mean,
I guess it's not about the economy because Barack Obama is our president once again,
you know, Jimmy Carter served one term, you know, presidents that, you know, really do
poor with the economy don't get a second term, but Barack Obama seems to be the first in modern
day history. Exactly. And actually, on our side, we have a few articles on Proposition 37. If you
guys can pull that up, I'd like to take a look at that and let our viewers know what's going on out
there in California. Okay. Well, while we're pulling up articles, Aaron, what was your thought
on Proposition 37? You know, I've just been disgusted because it seemed like a no brainer issue. We
really need to get labeling in this country. People have a right to know what's in their food. And
right now we have cloaked, hidden stealth GMOs and almost all the processed foods we have in this
country. Corn, soy, canola, cotton seed oil are all at or around 90% or more of all the products
on the U.S. market. They're very dominant on the world market as well. And they're mixed into all
the pancake mixes or the, well, I mean, I just, I don't know about pancakes in particular, but all
these different products have the corn and soy in particular derivatives in there and they're
almost all GMO. We really need to know, but we've saw the media, fueled by Monsanto, DuPont, Pepsicola,
spending $50 million, buying up all these papers, writing these hit pieces, saying how ridiculous
it was just to label it. And just today, I came across the article where they had set up fake
front groups where they had a fake pro-cop group saying vote no on 37. This is in California,
mind you, a pro-democrat group, a very heavy Democrat state, sending out a fake
mailer saying vote no on Prop 37. A lot of dirty tricks. Do we know what the margin was on that?
Like how bad did it lose? It was like 58 to 42 last I saw. And at one point it was more than 60%
in favor of labeling in California. Exactly. Now, Melissa, you did an article about the labeling
of GMOs, talking about how these big companies just want to save you money. Can you elaborate on
that? Well, because they spent millions upon millions of dollars and then they put up a prop,
no on Prop 37 website, where basically they told everybody the reason they're doing this is because
labeling is going to cost the average Californian family $400 more in groceries a year. So they're
spending millions of dollars, it makes total sense, right, that they would spend millions of dollars
to save the average family $400 a year. And how much money are they going to save people in medical
bills after they eat GMO and get cancer? Exactly. And what exactly was their rationale that it's
going to cost you more money? Where did that come from? They paid a firm to do a report,
which is basically one of those firms that you buy off that will write whatever report you want.
It didn't really have any basis. I glanced through the report. I didn't see anything in there that
could really prove anything either way. But it's the same firm that was hired by soda companies
earlier to fight recycling initiatives. So they basically hire the same firm and they'll write
whatever report you want. So they just wrote a report that said it would cost more. Yeah. And
you're going to go write a report right now that says whatever I want. It's kind of like that.
So I mean, think about over the years how the rules have changed about the ingredients you
have to list, the nutritional content. I don't remember what year, but there was a point in
our lifetimes where you had to suddenly list all the percentages and list all the different
ingredients, but you somehow don't have to label GMO whenever they discover some packaging all the
time. Yeah, whenever they decide it's good for your heart or good for omega three oils or something,
they change the packaging immediately. Yeah, it's quite baffling why Prop 37 didn't pass also.
I mean, that was doing relatively well in the polls. I don't know what it is when people get
behind that, you know, in that simple matter of $50 million. Yeah, I know, but it was doing pretty
good in the polls up until two weeks ago. I want to say though, Dr. Joseph Merkula,
we've had him on the program. He was the lead donator trying to get Prop 37 passed. He raised
over a million dollars. He's a hero. He tried to save this country. So are people like Mike Adams,
people like Jeffrey M. Smith, Alex for the spotlight he's put on the issue. We're going
to have to win this issue because it's going to affect everyone if we keep eating these
foods that cause organ damage, gut inflammation, new allergies, sterility, and this passed down
infertility. This could affect everyone in the world if we allow ourselves to keep eating GMOs
again with four staple crops right now, but they're moving towards hundreds of GMO products being
approved through these fast-track processes. And the whole idea that they're being tested
for safety is a complete illusion. The FDA just rubber stamps it and lets these biotech firms do
their own tests and they're all skewed. I've read the books. It's a very boring read, but these
studies show how skewed these results are. Exactly. Now Melissa and Erin, you guys both did a report
about GMO foods for our new viewers who may not be too up on Proposition 37 and what GMO foods
are. Can you do like a brief analysis of what they are? On what are GMO foods? Yes. Well,
genetically modified foods are created in a laboratory. They isolate genes through bacteria
for new traits they want. Pesticide is the most popular one. They have some other traits as well.
Plants that are either resistant to pesticides or that produce their own pesticides in every cell
of the organism and you eat it. And they inject it randomly into the existing plant structures
and it causes all kinds of random damage, predictable damage, all while you're consuming
more and more of these pesticides. And it's affecting the livestock who are fed it. It's
affecting the humans who eat it. Everything in the food chain is affected by this.
Exactly. I don't know if Melissa wants to expand on that.
Actually, that was a really good explanation. What I was about to bring up, first, I just
want to say honestly, I mean, the last.0002% of faith I had in this crumbling, corrupt, broken
system was totally dashed tonight on the fact that Proposition 37 did not pass. Actually,
it went around back to having faith in the system, then back around to having zero again.
That's how much I have no faith in this now. I cannot believe this didn't pass. I'm completely
outraged. And about a week before Proposition 37 came to the vote, actually, I did an article about
this, the American Academy of Pediatrics put out a statement saying that organic food is not better
for your kids. And they said that because there are no conclusive scientific studies to show that
eating less pesticide is healthy for you, they can't prove that, so they can't say that. So
if we don't have a scientific study to tell us eating less pesticide is bad for us, then we don't
know it. Yeah, I remember that report. I actually referenced it. I don't think that's the one, guys.
But that is a good report. GMO companies just want to save you money. That's what Melissa
Chronicles, where they just say they don't want GMO labeling because it will cost you money.
So that's why Monsanto spent $8.1 million to defeat this proposition, which was almost exactly
as much as the entire yes to Prop 37 was able to get together. Exactly. They want to save you
money. That's why they love you. That's why. This is Emperor Obama's big night, so I don't want to
focus on something else other than Obama and his glory, but I do want to point out there's a-
That's right. I do love Obama. Yeah, exactly. There's another front in this battle, and it
remains the consumer choice. They've already seen that people avoid GMOs when they know
they're in the foods, that people choose organics when they can afford it and get access to it.
That's why there's this whole new fight with the natural foods, which are marketed and placed
next to organic foods. And I've seen not just stores like Whole Foods, but regular stores,
H-E-B, Kroger, you name it, starting to market towards these healthy foods saying now truth,
honest foods. They know people crave that, but there's still another level of deception that
we've got to educate people on and start to drive consumer forces to reject natural brands
unless they certify they don't contain GMOs and to accept and promote more organic foods.
Well, are there any other states on the horizon that have talked about having a similar
referendum as California did today? That's a great question. I don't have that answer for you.
Massachusetts tried. Massachusetts, I believe it was, was it Massachusetts that tried,
but then they got threatened with a lawsuit by Monsanto. Was that Vermont, maybe? Oh, Vermont.
That was right. It was Vermont. It was Vermont. That's right. It's a late night, so who knows.
So, yeah, it's been a long day. Sorry. Well, speaking of, uh, Vermont. Speaking of
Emperor Obama, just on a very conversational level, where do you think he's going to bring
the country? What do you think the country will be in four years as a result of his administration?
Police state. So we have war, police state. What do you, what do you guys think over there?
I think we're going to turn this thing around. I think we're all going to have nice, fat wallets
and return to good times. Eat some GMO. I mean, do you think we're going to see a war with Iran
or like a major war? That is a good question. I don't know about a major war. I think he's
definitely going to crack down here at home. Like I said, we have things such as the Patriot Act,
the NDAA, we have domestic drones, uh, wiretapping. He admits openly that he's coming for your guns.
I don't know why Obama supporters keep saying he's not coming for your guns. He said openly in the
debate, he's coming for your guns. I don't know what else. Yeah. I mean, somebody's saying,
yeah, I'm going to rob this bank. You know, I'm going to say Obama, Obama and Hillary are kind
of masters and the other guys that work in their administration masters of disguising war as the
smaller proxy conflicts, as these regional things, Libya, Syria, you name it. Yeah, humanitarian
actions, kinetic actions, whereas Bush really had to take heat for the Iraq war, not so much for
the Afghanistan war, but they were known as wars, as illegitimate wars and you name it. But even
going back to the Clinton administration, those guys very similarly to the Obama administration
were great at disguising it. Yeah, as humanitarian, as a small scale proxy thing, like, well, we're
going to intervene and change a few factors. But let's not get into calling it a war. It's not
something the US is engaged in. So they get a lot more done with smaller chess pieces.
Now, whether or not they're going to bite off Iran, we don't know. There's been serious war
games run by Israel, one that the scenario takes place a few days after today, the election.
And whether or not something like that could happen, we don't know. It'd be horrendous.
And that's an issue that has to be addressed immediately. I mean, that's no longer an issue
that we can tippy toe around. Either we got to let it go or, you know, the neocons are going to,
you know, pressure Obama to do something. And he has stated he hasn't taken military strikes
off the table. That is an issue that will absolutely be addressed thoroughly in his next
administration. I actually had somebody argue with me tonight that the president of the United
States does not need Congress to declare war. Well, he's been saying that for a while now.
I mean, so his supporters feel that way. So he's got them believing it.
And it's just one of those things. I mean, when I try to explain this to people,
it doesn't matter if you're for Obama or Romney, if you're for Bush or Kerry or whoever else.
I mean, once you get these powers to a president, Barack Obama is not going to be president forever,
at least we hope. I mean, unless they change something in the next four years. But I mean,
once you give these powers to a person, it's going to go on to the next person after them
and the next person after them. So even if you do support blindly Barack Obama or the Democratic
Party or Romney in the Republican Party, that person is not always going to be in power and
all the presidents from then on have these powers. You know, so this is things I try to stress to
people when they say, oh, it's okay for Obama. It's okay for Obama did it. If Obama says he
doesn't need Congress or Obama wants to send drones or Obama has a secret kill list, it's okay.
Is the Constitution is toilet paper? That's that's fine. Yeah, that's what you know. Yeah,
people always protect their party. Exactly. Whenever there's a violation, I was speaking
to people today about NDAA, the Patriot Act. And I said, you know, Mitt Romney supports these
things. What do you think about it? Oh, that's horrible. That's terrible. That's one reason why
I didn't vote for him. And I would say, well, so does Obama. And then they hummed and hawed and
they said, well, you know, he's the lesser of two. You know, people just they really kind of
did they like voting for evil? Yeah, exactly. I asked people that kept saying it's the lesser
of two evils, you know, I got to vote for this because it's Romney's the lesser of two evils,
I got told. And it's like, hmm, how do you like voting for evil? Because that's what you're doing.
It's the evil of two lessers to quote dead press. One thing that I
Hey, all right. Yeah, go ahead. One thing that I definitely see one direction. I definitely see
this country going and absolutely I see it happening is the nanny state with food.
That's a big that's a big liberal, you know, tenant, you know, you see it with Michael Bloomberg,
you see it with Michelle Obama, telling people what they can digest. And now with the with the
health care plan. That's one thing I'm very concerned about the nanny state with with food
is really going to grow over the next four years. You know, exactly. I recently did a report on that
not to cut you off there. And they actually played an excerpt of it earlier tonight, when you
interviewed the gentleman David at the Democratic Party, where we show the the footage of a school
will not a school several schools in Chicago, where students actually had to shift through
rodent dropping to eat their school lunches and we're not going to cut to it now for the sake
of time. But you're definitely correcting that that the nanny state is going to tighten up on
what you're going to eat. And what were you about to say, Aaron? Yeah, I kind of had a mouth full.
I mean, it's maybe beyond the scope. But but you're right, there's a very big problem with food,
which I think we probably taken for granted in our life. But when socialist dictators in particular
or any centralized system takes over food, there's always shortages when they try to control the
supply and dictate who's going to produce it. There's been starvation is not only from Stalin
and Mao and other key dictators in the 20th century, but throughout history, I was reading
up on the French Illuminati. And when Robes Pierre took over, he declared two thirds of the
population of France to be enemies who were to be exterminated. He wanted to kill 14 to 15
million French people after and because he took control of the food supply, told people who could
grow who could sell. And they found in most cases, when the free market produces food,
there's an abundance, you get export money on food. But when you take over with state controls,
anyway, it's a big issue. But you're right. And we've been subsidizing corn and other food
production, paying farmers not to grow in this country, all to produce what junk food that's
now GMO that's put into Doritos bags and stuff. This is not food. And it's definitely beyond
the scope of Obama or Romney. But I think it is a big issue. It definitely is. And actually,
we're coming to the end of our segment here. So I'd like to pose one last question to the
round table. Third party candidates. I know David Jura, avid third party guys. So what were your
thoughts? I believe it was 2% split between all the third party candidates. How'd you feel about that?
I felt so horrible. I felt so horrible. But you know what? I actually, I still have faith. And
sadly, I think the advancement is going to be made within the Republican Party. I think that
Iran, Paul like libertarian will run as a Republican in four years. So I don't think third party
candidates, sadly, sadly, don't have a future in this country. But I do think the libertarian
movement within the Republican Party does have a future in this country. I could jump in and read
something Chris Matthews said when he called third party voters idiots. He said, if you don't
vote, you're an idiot. And if you're one of those who voted for a numbskull third or fourth party
candidate like Gary Johnson or Jill Stein and say, oh, a surprise at what happened, no, you
shouldn't be because idiots like you voted for third and fourth party candidates and they don't
know how the system work. You have two choices. I mean, that's a game system. That's a dictatorship.
Aren't they supposed to be the party of choice? Is it over Pepsi? Yeah, yeah, I mean, I thought
they were supposed to be the party of choice. Aren't they supposed to be liberals also? That
means freedom. So they're not liberal. They don't want you to have a choice.
No, there's no freedom in America. Choice in America. You just get to be stuck in it in the
two party system in this left right paradigm. And that's all you get. You get two choices.
And there's there's another horrible comment that he said later on in that article. Do you
have that there? I think there's a stub, but I think everything he says is a horrible comment.
Very well said. And while he's looking at that up, I just want to point out this was not a close
election. Obama took it easily. So the focus was taken away from potential voter fraud.
And yet this was a very messy election. A lot of abnormalities went on a lot of new provisional
ballot measures, a lot of new policies going on and probably a lot of election fraud with these
electronic voting machines. And they were putting a focus on Ohio saying that could
a very close vote and that that could be fraud. Well, the secretary, the secretary of state
in question, their website did go down. There was contested results over that vote. And there's
been lawsuits filed. And while there may not be a lot of focus on that, because Obama clearly did
win reelection in terms of Obama versus Romney, we probably do have some big issues. They may
recount Florida, New Jersey and New York, at least parts of them are still outstanding because of
the storms. Exactly. Well, David, did you find that quote you were looking for? No, I did. And
if someone could, well, it was another quote that Chris Matthews had stated. It was pretty
okay. We'll have to we'll have to catch up on that tomorrow. That's it for our show tonight.
We are out of time. Definitely want to thank everybody. Aaron Dykes, Melissa Miltzen, David
Ortiz, David Knight, Alex Jones himself, all the great guests that popped in. We definitely
appreciate your time. Wester, Wester Griffin, Griffin Tarpley. They're talking in my ear a
little bit. Check out our site tomorrow, Princeton Planet Dye TV. We'll have free streams. And also
check out our election fallout coverage tomorrow night from seven to nine. Alex Jones will be
back on the radio seven, not seven, 11 a.m. It's been a long night here at Info Wars. Lord
willing, if he wakes up in time and we'll be back tomorrow. So definitely check us out. If you're
watching this on YouTube after the fact, check us out at prismplanet.tv. You can subscribe. It
helps our operation and also check out the Info Wars shop. Many great products on there. You
can check out the Obama deception and also dreams my real father, something that you're going to
need over the next four years. So definitely get that for your loved ones. They are both on sale.
You can get them both together for 20 bucks. So for the Info Wars Nightly News, I'm Jakari Jackson
and we'll see you back tomorrow night. I'm President Barack Barrie Obama and you're watching
continual coverage of the 2012 presidential election here on info wars.com.
Just the cost
I hope that someone gets