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Filename: 20121021_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 21, 2012
1542 lines.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live here.
Gerald Cilente with us.
Five minutes to the next hour.
He is the editor and publisher of the Trends Research Journal.
And you can visit his site at what?
TrendsJournal.com or TrendsResearch.com.
It's excellent.
You've got the Rothschilds and Rockefellers merging.
That happened a month ago, a sign that the whole world's coming together under this.
They're announcing a banking dictatorship worldwide.
They're butchering our liberties.
How does Iran tie into that?
And the storm clouds there.
And what do you see happening in the election?
Well, on Iran, I have to tell you, I'm quite upset about what I just saw.
In Florida, they're running ads, campaign ads, featuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warning about that red line, and no one wants to tell Israel that they have a red light, and how Iran's this great threat.
I want to read to you a quote from our
Autumn Trends Journal, it just went out last week.
Mr. Prime Minister, you want a crude, rude, unprecedented, reckless, and risky intervention into the U.S.
Who are you trying to replace?
The administration in Washington?
Or that of Tehran?
That, Alex,
Was from Shoal Mofaz, the head of Israel's Kadima party.
That's the second major party.
Could you imagine that a foreign power is injecting themselves into our American election?
Where are the prostitutes saying what an outrage this is?
That somebody should be running ads and telling us that we have to support Israel unconditionally.
This is running on, and I'm going to make this clear, I'm not an anti-Semite.
I'm not in favor of supporting anybody outside of America.
I'm Italian.
That's where my money would go first, but I don't want it going there either.
So to have this going on... So where is the election going?
It's right at the wire.
We had changed our forecast.
We had believed that Obama was going to win.
Now we don't know, and I'll tell you why.
Because it's all about performance.
Look at what happened.
Obama bombed.
He was lackluster in the first debate.
His poll numbers shot down.
Because it's the presidential reality show.
There is no substance.
So the second debate, he does better.
His poll numbers move up.
What did he say of substance?
What did Romney say of substance in the last debate?
How about nothing?
There was one guy, Obama, trying to defend a track record that's
Undefensible, and then we have Romney with a plan that has no plan.
So here's what the campaign debates have come down to.
They get asked a question, and then what they do is they repeat the question, and after they repeat the question they go, and, and kick into the same damn campaign speech we've been hearing over and over for over a year.
So all it is about is performance.
Look at the language that they use after that so-called debate that was hosted by Candy Crowley from the Cartoon News Network, CNN, featuring Mouse Blitzer, ACDC180, and the rest of the crowd clown crew.
Stay there.
Long segment coming up.
Gerald Cilente and I've been...
Up for more than 24 hours, so I'm a little dingy.
It's TrendsResearch.com and TrendsJournal.com.
TrendsResearch.com and TrendsJournal.com.
And you get the magazine there as well.
We'll be right back with Gerald Cilente to get into where he sees things going now.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Now listen, we covered this yesterday.
It's all over the news.
Nobel Prize winning for economics, Joseph Stiglitz, former head of the World Bank, chief economist there, says, hey, you know, it's the depression in Europe, it's going global.
Wow, but Gerald Flynn has been saying that for four and a half years, so have I. I mean, but they said we left the recession four years ago and everything's great and, oh, did you see those new unemployment numbers?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, it is literally ridiculous.
I mean, they could tell us the moon is made out of, you know, licorice next or Swiss cheese.
And here's Gerald Cilente of the Trends Journal, TrendsResearch.com, joining us.
And again, hands down, he is everybody's favorite guest.
And so you want him, you got him.
Right here, and we don't do pre-interviews, it's whatever he basically wants to cover and, you know, points I want to ask.
I just gotta ask you, I mean it's coming to a head with the TSA.
They're now at highway checkpoints taking people into trailers and grabbing their genitals.
I mean, I don't fly now basically unless I have to because of it.
I won't fly with my wife and kids because I can't put up with it.
And now they've got army checkpoints popping up, not just drills everywhere.
I mean, we're going into martial law.
They're just not going to call it that.
Jumbotrons going up at Mall of America, Walmart saying, don't trust anyone but Big Sis.
Obama announcements to people's phones.
I mean, we are going into a science fiction system.
Why is the ruling class turning the heat up a thousand times?
I mean, this is just, I feel like I'm in fantasy land right now.
Well, we said when the crash began and the panic of 08, that we said that after all of the recovery failed, they would take us to war.
And taking us to war takes its shape in different ways.
And the war now is to control the people.
Look at the numbers that just came out two days ago.
Oh, violent crime is up 18%.
What a shock!
Blow me away!
How could that have happened?
You know my saying, when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And by the way, before we go on, I want to thank you so much for all you are doing, for how hard you and your team are working, and how dedicated you all are.
And I'm listening to that lineup of guests that you have, and there's nothing in any of the media, mainstream or otherwise, that could match a ticket like that.
And so thank you very much for what you're doing.
And it also came into my mind many about four years ago about that you did that expose on Obama when everyone was still drinking the Kool-Aid called the Obama deception.
And I encourage everyone to take a look at that because it fit right in with our motto, the signature of the Trends Journal, history before it happens.
And that's what you did with the Obama deception.
With myself and others that were on there, we showed the history of how this would play out when he just started playing the role as Commander-in-Chief.
And then, before I answer your question,
Please, after I get off the air, we'd like to also contribute to keeping this money bomb growing so you could have the best equipment, the best satellite hookups, and get this message around the world.
Because as Joseph Stiglitz said, the Nobel Peace Prize winner,
Yeah, it's crashing over there in Europe.
No kidding.
I would have never guessed.
Couldn't be because they have 25% unemployment in Greeks.
Couldn't be because 80,000 people took to the streets yesterday in Greece, protesting again, the fourth one this month.
No, no, that had nothing to do with it.
Couldn't be because of those millions of Spanish that are taking to the streets virtually weekly, circling the Parliament because of the poverty that's being imposed upon them, the money being taken from them and given to the banks.
No, no, that would have nothing to do with the Depression.
They only have 25% unemployment.
Officially, over 50% unemployment for the young people in the country.
So the whole system is collapsing around the world.
Oh, I forgot.
The wars in Libya.
You remember that humanitarian mission?
Hey, I saw the commander-in-chief yucking it up.
With Jon Stewart.
I didn't watch it.
I only watched the clip.
The commander-in-chief sitting on a cheap 2-bit clown show talking about foreign policy.
Would you imagine Eisenhower sitting there?
That's how low the bar has fallen in America.
And check it out.
Obama says about Libya and the problems that they had.
We're gonna fix it.
Oh yeah, you're gonna fix it.
Hey, just like you fixed it in Afghanistan with the 30,000 troops that you sent over there.
And what did they do?
Oh, they got killed a lot of them, wiped out a lot of people.
Oh, oh, oh, it didn't make the front page of the toilet paper of record yesterday.
It was buried on page 12.
They killed another three little Afghan children.
But who cares?
Because it's the presidential reality show.
So the whole thing is collapsing, and what are they doing?
They're distracting us at every moment.
Last week it was Big Bird.
This week it's about Romney's binder.
And no one is speaking about the issues.
Both of these little boys are just going on all the talk shows, all the yucking it up.
I love the way they laugh.
They were criticizing Biden for his behavior when he was debating Ryan, you know, the Cheshire Cat against the mouse.
That's what it looked like to me.
And here's Biden.
Check it out.
Go to the look at the dinner that Obama, the Al Smith dinner and Romney were out yesterday.
And you see the picture there.
I used to work in politics.
That's what they do.
They're a bunch of phonies.
It's always, ha ha ha, and all the stooges around them laugh on cue.
So it takes it to the bigger level about you talking about all these leaders in all these different positions that are leading us to destruction.
It's the same in Germany with that Merkel.
It's the same over there in Spain with Rajoy.
It's the same over there in Italy with Three Card Monty.
It's the same everywhere.
It's the club and they're destroying us.
And the big news today that, hey, we got to talk about Romney's binder.
Oh, oh, and I love the other one, his boy Tag.
Nick Tag.
I love the names.
Yeah, you're it.
He was gonna come down there swinging.
Oh yeah, swinging at Obama.
What was he gonna do?
Toss a swing at him?
These guys never fought a day in their lives!
Oh, they are a big mouth, so it's not making the news.
Just a minor little story.
Eh, doesn't make much difference.
They just did a deal yesterday, today, in Europe, in Brussels.
It's happened.
The banking systems have merged.
They have now taken control, sovereign control, over all of the banks throughout Europe and have now put it under the one bank in Brussels.
Now it's a new central bank.
There is a new world order.
Nah, it's not the Illuminati.
You don't have to go find it someplace hiding.
It's in front of everybody's eyes, Alex.
The new world order is the banking order.
It's an old world order.
They kind of try to cover it up, and they're covering it up again.
This is not news that's making the news.
As you said, it's in the paper, but in the back of it, it's like, oh, yeah, and now the country's all sovereignty will be given to the private bank.
And that's the way it is.
And you're going to take your taxes and pay it to foreign bankers and tell you how lazy you are.
How's that sound?
And they call it a world government and brag they've conquered us.
And the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, as you know, Financial Times has reported, they just merged their holdings.
So it's a global government, global merger happening right now.
We'll be back with Gerald Celente.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Gerald Cilente of the Trends Research Center, TrendsResearch.com, publisher of the Trends Journal, joins us.
And I love the new cover of the new journal that just came out.
It's a guy in a suit with a presidential-looking tie, the dark suit with two heads, and the two-headed ogre, of course, is Romney and Obama.
And never before have there been so little differences between
These two guys, Gerald, look, everything you saw coming many years ago, you know, been a best-selling author for several decades of forecasting trends.
I mean, I guess what is the number one New York Times bestseller before?
You've really proven that you understand where things are going because you've worked as a consultant, you worked I guess as a lobbyist, you've worked in government, you've
You've been a successful author.
You've done so many different things.
Where do you see it going specifically now that so much of what you've broken down has now been accurate, fine-tuning or looking out into the future?
More and more, it looks like the really bad scenario is where we're going instead of just the nasty scenario, really bad, really serious.
You've got a general decadence in a lot of people.
They're still hard-working, decent people that aren't criminals that are holding up society.
Government is becoming more and more insane and unaccountable.
I saw a case yesterday.
In fact, guys, I printed it.
You just type in child suspended iPad and the children were suspended, a bunch of them in the class.
I don't know.
And cops get there first.
They send a fire truck, you know, all this stuff now.
And they get there and they go, stop having a seizure and start tasering him until he had a heart attack.
Well, the guy was unconscious.
And they're not getting in trouble.
I mean, I saw an article out of England where it was like a, you know, almost 80 year old guy who had a stroke, no criminal record, a scientist with a white cane who's blind, can barely walk.
And the police didn't say, halt, stop, anything.
They just tasered him.
And they said, well, that's okay.
I mean, it's a bunch of sadist and crazy people in charge now.
They're pushing out any good people, and it's just getting crazier and crazier by the minute.
And I just don't see where it's going to go from this point.
I've seen other civilizations go through decadent cycles.
They're nothing like this, because technology is going to allow fraud to go so much further.
I'm not against technology, but it does have that manifestation that, I mean, I just can't believe everything that we've basically broken down is so accurate and that if there's any criticism of you or I and other experts we have on, because I have people on that are accurate and piercing and have records of being accurate, not establishment liars.
But still, it's sick to be right.
So, I mean, you get the gist of what I'm saying.
It's just a marvel at what we're witnessing.
No, we've never seen anything like it.
And again, you know, I'm talking about, I call it the Presidential Reality Show.
What American could be proud to be an American after watching these debates?
This is it?
An empty suit and a stuffed shirt?
An emperor with no clothes?
And a, uh, uh, uh...
A vulture capitalist that craves power?
Listen to what Eisenhower said.
That any man that seeks the presidency is either a egomaniac or crazy.
You don't seek this.
You like George Washington.
They want you.
You don't go seek it.
Romney's been running forever.
Is Obama really playing president?
I mean, this cat's out there with his sleeves rolled up every damn day doing a campaign gig.
You and I know.
I mean, we're running businesses.
You can't do this.
Who the hell's running his show?
You got a whole country to run, and this guy's on the campaign trail.
It's so serious, but people refuse to see it for what it is.
As I mentioned, when you looked at that debate, that so-called debate the other night, and look at all of the coverage, all it was about, you know, Obama came out swinging.
It was, you know, it was bitter from the beginning, and biting, and ba-ba-ba-ba.
But how about the policies?
What did they talk about?
What did they say that they were going to do?
And there's not a dime's worth of difference.
I can make a point to prove it.
Romney comes out and says, more clean coal!
Oh, clean coal, great.
That's like being almost pregnant, isn't it?
More fracking!
And Obama hasn't opened up enough public lands, I'm going to open it up for more fracking.
Oh, and more opening up of those pristine areas for drilling, and get that pipeline running down there from the tar sands through Canada.
What does Obama do?
He one ups him.
He calls out Romney for closing down a coal burning plant when he was governor of Massachusetts.
So this is what we have.
When it comes to more war, each one talks tougher than the other.
So when you're saying where is the nation going, it's right in front of us.
It's going down the crapper by two little boys that try to play tough out there on the stage that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
And this fat mouth Romney, I've had it with him.
Talking about bombing this country, bombing that country, while Romney spent two years running away from the draft in Vietnam.
Missionary Mitt in France.
Imagine being a Mormon missionary in wine-drinking, cigarette-smoking, caffeine-addicted, Brigitte Bardot-loving France.
No wonder why he got punched out when he was over there.
And he did!
So here's a draft dodger.
And telling us what we should do.
And by the way, here's my... Oh, and Obama.
I love when Obama goes into commander-in-chief mode.
Twice he reminded us, I got Osama bin Laden.
And by the way, who is this guy, Al Qaeda?
I thought Al-Qaeda was dead after they got Osama.
Well, I'll tell you where Al-Qaeda is.
They're putting them into Syria and Libya, and that's my question.
Romney's saying, hey, we're going to get you, Russia.
Our troops are in a proxy war in Syria.
That's now admitted.
Fighting with Al-Qaeda, even the New York Times, months after it was out, admitted it, you know, this Monday.
So now it's true, kind of like when Stiglitz says it's a depression.
Well, now, oh my gosh, it's true because they say so.
You know, because they control reality.
But I mean, the craziness of our troops fighting by Al-Qaeda in Syria, and then Hillary says, we've got to go into Syria, they're Al-Qaeda, and we've got to go into Iran, they're Al-Qaeda, knowing Iran is Shiite, archenemies of Al-Qaeda.
I'm not defending Iran.
They just, they talk to us because they know, Gerald, the general public doesn't know how to find their butt with both hands.
You got it.
You got it.
And that's what they do.
So where is it going?
Everybody knows that the day's unloaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed.
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich.
That's how it goes.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking.
Everybody knows the captain lied.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Oh, this is the other thing where I have a real beef.
They're spending, this baloney, nothing, moronic, presidential reality show, they're spending 2.5 billion, billion with a B, in advertising.
You know where the advertising's going?
That's to pay the prostitutes.
You pay the prostitutes to do your dirty work.
So, here we have the prostitutes.
Whether it's the guy Lear, or Candy Crowley, or the last one.
Where do they come up with, I've got the questions, and I decide what I'm going to ask.
Hey, how about the rest of us?
What do you mean?
Hey, don't talk mad about Aleister Crowley.
He's got a lot of followers.
I'll call her Alistair Crowley.
No, I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous.
Here they are, Alex.
The networks are running the campaigns.
Let's get this straight.
They're getting all the money to run the ads.
All the debates are being run by the networks.
They used to be the debates.
Most people are too young to remember.
They used to be run by the League of Women Voters.
That's right.
Before the Democratic and Republican mafia took it over.
This is just a stage two bitch show.
They're delivering nothing.
Nothing of substance comes out of these.
Again, it's the same campaign rhetoric.
So where's it going?
I mentioned the rise in crime.
It's up 18%.
Violent crime is up 18%.
How about the new housing numbers that came out today?
They're down almost 2%.
You look at the unemployment numbers that you keep mentioning and just mention.
Oh, they readjusted them, they went back up again.
You're looking, what, about 388,000 people a week?
A week going on unemployment?
You look at one issue after the other, there is no recovery, it's a cover-up.
So now let's see what else is going on.
Oh, isn't it great?
They have China and Japan fighting each other.
Hey, sound familiar?
Couldn't be because the United States is opening up bases over there in Australia.
They've announced that they're, after being defeated in Afghanistan and Iraq, destabilizing the Middle East.
Hey, let's take on China!
They got thousands of nukes and a million, three hundred million people.
Let's start a fight with them!
We failed over there.
Let's fail real big.
Let's get Japan, our little proxy puppet over there, and have them steal a two-bit island, say that they paid for it, so they could start clashing between each other.
And boy, this thing's coming down big.
The Chinese aren't letting it go away.
And think of the stupidity of the psychopaths.
China's one of Japan's biggest markets.
Now the people in China aren't buying Japanese stuff.
And remember what I said, and you see it happening.
The crash of
29, the panic of 08, same.
The panic's followed by depression.
We're in a depression.
Oh, even Stiglitz says it now.
Currency wars.
Listen to the head of the financial, the head of the Brazilian government, the finance minister, Montego.
We're in a currency war.
The United States, Europe, China, they're all devaluing their currencies.
China just lowered interest rates twice in the last week and a half.
They're flooding money into the system to prop it up.
Currency wars, same thing.
Panic of 08, crash of 29.
Depression, currency wars.
Trade wars.
You hear Mittens and you hear Obama bashing China.
The trade wars are heating up.
World War.
How many more pieces have to be put together?
We talked about what's going on in Spain, what's going on in Greece, what's going on in Portugal.
Millions of people are taking to the streets in desperation.
They have nothing.
They have nothing.
Oh, and this banking deal that was just done in Brussels?
You know what the European Stability Mechanism means in outside-of-white-shoe-boy language.
It's very simple.
We're going to tax you more, we're going to cut your pensions, your benefits, we're going to raise your retirement age until after you die, we're going to take every penny that you have, we're going to buy worthless bonds with the money, oh, and we're going to deposit it directly into the accounts of the bankers.
And we're going to pay an interest for the money they lost in between.
Explain that slowly though.
We bail out the mega banks.
The media tells us we're lazy and that we're in debt.
90 plus percent of the money goes directly to the bankers who then bail us out but then the money goes back to them because we bailed them out.
It's fraud within fraud within fraud.
It makes Bernie Madoff look like a saint and the general public doesn't care because they think Al Qaeda is hiding in their underwear.
Yeah, exactly.
And then keep piling on to that one.
And then we heard the grand madame Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF.
You're not working hard enough, you scumbag people in Greece!
Enough of your kids aren't starving to death!
Your tourism hasn't imploded enough!
Give me more money!
You need to work six, seven days a week!
And pay your taxes as she doesn't pay a penny in taxes!
Oh, because the EU wrote the rules where the bureaucrats don't pay taxes!
Just like the big banks don't pay taxes!
You used the word, by the way, also in the debate, the issues that they talked about, none of the major issues, and you just used the word so now I could say it.
What they talked about in that last debate, so much about gun control, people have no jobs, they're losing their homes, elderly people can't pay their property taxes, school taxes, they're throwing them out of their houses, they're taking them.
Kids are going to college, 50% of them are getting out and they're taking, they get to jobs, have jobs that are paying
High school level wages.
These are facts.
And we know they're talking about gun control.
Let's talk about 20 minutes on gun control and contraception.
And I realized why Obama and Romney spoke so much about contraception.
Because the word you just used.
Both of them are scumbags.
That's what they talk about.
None of the big issues.
So, as we're looking around the world and what's going on, we're at war.
There's a war in Yemen, a war in Bahrain.
They've destroyed Syria!
And who's destroying it?
The United States and the Arab Little League.
And by the way, IMF is International Mafia Federation.
That's what it is.
They take your money.
They're the loan sharks of last resort.
Then you have, as I mentioned, all the other wars going on.
They're taking us to war.
You keep talking about it over and over again, how they grope us, how they surveil us, how they demean us, how they keep pushing us down, so we have no dignity, courage, respect, or integrity left, and bow to their wishes.
That's what's going on!
It's in front of everyone's eyes, but no one wants to call a spade a spade.
And it's building towards a crescendo now.
I mean, they're rolling out the trips on the streets, the TSA, and the forced inoculations of kids.
That's totally illegal.
All over the country, they're just shooting kids out of public schools.
I mean, government has put out the green light.
They're not going to get in trouble for Fast and Furious.
They've just put the green light out.
Hey, it's time to just go crazy.
Yeah, and nobody gets... you haven't seen any heads roll on Wall Street.
I love it.
They're all talking about, you know, what has to be done on... they have a free hand!
Oh, and by the way, one of the reasons that's given why John the Slime Cozine was never even brought in for questioning, besides him being a bundler for Obama, besides him being the former CEO of the Goldman Sachs gang, besides him being the Senator and Governor of New Jersey,
The same law firm that represents MF Global is the white-collar law syndicate, one of the top ones in the country.
And you know who used to work there?
It's such a surprise.
Eric Holder, our attorney general.
Yeah, couldn't be, no.
How dare you insinuate that?
He's a good man!
Yeah, and just because they're doing business with MF Global, and that's the law firm that he came from.
The whole thing is one club.
It's not a revolving door.
It's one door.
It's the banking door.
Hey, you know that cover that we had on the Trends Journal that got so much popularity?
That wonderful Anthony Frieda?
Yes, we'll punch it up.
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Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy, home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
But here's some good news.
Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing fermented foods legally and privately in their own homes.
Since it's still legal to make these foods as long as you can make them yourself.
For more information, check out fermentationfactor.com.
That's fermentationfactor.com.
It's easy to create your own powerful fermented foods.
And you can do it by going to www.fermentationfactor.com.
That's www.fermentationfactor.com.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So we're here, we're live.
A very upsetting interview with David Icke.
It's painful because so much of what he's getting into with Jerry Sandusky and other top BBC, you know, hosts and people caught in giant pedophile networks, connected to the royal family, mainstream news.
I mean, it's just confirming everything.
Prince Charles saying basically he's Dracula reincarnated.
I mean, it's just all, it's way too crazy.
And it's all right there.
And you've got this Jimmy Savelle, the guy that helped children in England, who was an obvious pervert, weirdo, called the kids little slaves, sordid, boasts the dark truth about a friend, Jimmy Savelle, by the biographer who tried to unmask him, and now it's all coming out.
It just absolutely blows me away.
That we've let evil people get into positions of power.
That's why you end up getting human sacrifice in every culture.
It's because the very, very worst get into control.
And they just seek to do absolutely horrible things.
And now all the wars and the torture and the secret arrest and the warrantless wiretapping and the...
All of it coming to a head.
By the way, we covered the headline yesterday.
Joseph Stiglitz has come out, the Nobel Prize winner, and said Europe's in a depression.
I thought Gerald Salenta and I were pessimist porn dealers for pointing out this was happening.
So more and more of it is all admitted, and they're really gearing up towards Iran.
They've cut off the Iranian cable network in Europe.
All the previous saber-rattling, that didn't happen.
So, that's a big sign and you've got the big proxy war to bring down Syria, then they go into Iran, that's always been the plan.
It looks like we're headed into very serious times, whether it's this year or early next year.
It'll all basically implode.
By April, but you could have cities burning and then, you know, whatever.
And then the news would say, you know, unemployment's at zero percent and government loves you and everything's fine.
This is the greatest time of your life.
I mean, they could be lowering your dead kid into a coffin in the ground and they'd say, look, your child's dancing beautifully.
You know, it's just just all pure lies shoveled at us.
An empire of lies by a bunch of control freaks and Jerry Sandusky types running around having their way with us.
I mean, I personally have had enough.
I personally have had enough on so many fronts that I don't even know, you know, what to say anymore.
It's just over the top.
And we're going to be talking with Gerald Salento.
He's been gracious enough to join us coming up in a moment.
I'm a jolly banker.
Or the banker's lament.
You can call it either one you want to.
And, uh, let's see here how that goes.
I'll try to sing you this.
My name is Tom Cranker and I'm a jolly banker.
I'm a jolly banker, jolly banker, and I...
I safeguard the farmers and widows and orphans Singing I'm a jolly banker, jolly banker am I When dust storms are sailing and crops they are failing I'm a jolly banker, jolly banker am I
Uh, Gerald, is that the, uh, song you're talking about, Jolly Banker?
Vice, what is it?
Christ for President is the song.
That's the name of the song, Christ for President.
Christ for President, well we'll find that one.
Yeah, this is Woody Guthrie, Jolly Banker, but we'll find Christ for President and play that later.
Gerald, continuing here, I mean, there's so much to talk about.
What's your take on the Iran thing?
I mean, how fast that could happen?
I guess they want to get Syria out of the way and get Al-Qaeda in charge there.
And then I guess in a year after that, they'll be bombing Syria again to get rid of the Al-Qaeda they put in.
That's already started in Libya.
I mean, where do you see this military madness going?
Well, again, it's World War III.
Will they attack Iran?
I don't know.
Who knows?
But as I say, if they do, our lives won't be worth anything anymore.
Because, you know how they say, Alex, that generals always fight the last war?
They're doing it again.
They're fighting the last war.
If there's a war against Iran, these are the Persians.
There's 70 million of them.
Very intelligent people.
This isn't Iraq, with 26 million people and a very different country.
This is a very sophisticated society.
You're gonna see weapons... You know, when I wrote Trends 2000 back in 1996, I wrote about all the weapons of mass destruction, all the suitcase-sized nukes that were being sold on the black market when the Soviet Union fell apart.
They're still out there.
And they're more sophisticated.
So the next war is going to go, you know, boom goes London, boom Paris.
You're going to see suitcase-sized nukes blowing off.
You're going to see dirty bombs.
You're going to see weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare.
It's going to be uncontrollable.
Gerald, if you were on, you know, national TV, which isn't what it used to be, the ratings have dropped, but let's say you were talking to
You know, millions of people, which you are.
But folks that weren't informed, what would you say, in the five minutes we have left, what would you say to them about, you know, changing the direction we're going or where it's going if we don't change it?
I will say that, but I just want to finish that thought I had to say about the big deal when the ambassador gets killed.
You know, when Sergeant Rodriguez gets blown up and gets killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan,
When Tammy White gets her brains blown out by a sniper in Afghanistan.
When somebody else, you know, Michael Smith, the lieutenant, he gets killed by a rocket-propelled grenade.
The President, the Secretary of State, nobody shows up.
They don't even show the coffins on TV.
But when the ambassador gets killed, boy oh boy, the whole crew comes out, the world stops, the embassies are all... But when we, anything happens to us,
It doesn't matter.
And I'm saying that because it leads into your next question, what could change it?
The whole system is built upon making them look better than you or me.
And what I say to everyone right now, that the only way that the change is going to come is when you make the change.
It has to start with the individual.
We all have unique gifts.
You have yours.
They're our parents.
And everybody has to rise up to keep making your unique gift greater and greater.
I have a friend of mine, Sonny Rollins, the great jazz saxophonist.
He's in his 80s.
He gave me a quote from one of my books, What Zizzy Gave Honey Boy.
He practices every day.
He practices every day.
Getting better at his trade.
You don't hope for things to happen.
I say this because we're in this campaign cycle that's ending.
We're going to be left with a choice of a lesser of two evils.
And I'm saying I don't go out with evils.
I don't deal with evils.
I don't do business with evils.
I don't hang out with evils.
Why would I vote for an evil to run my life or run my country?
So I'm saying that because people don't have the belief that they are as least good as their leaders.
So I suggest this.
If Clinton can, if Bush can,
If Obama can, and Romney can, then you can, and I can.
Unless, of course, you think that their mother's better than yours.
Just speaking for myself, they're not superior to me.
Their red carpets all saluting, I salute, I got one for you!
Save it!
You're not better than me, and your mother's not better than mine!
Let's just call it equal so this doesn't get out of hand.
So people have to find within themselves to stop buying into the baloney, raise themselves to the highest levels, because when the collective consciousness changes, Alex, to me, that's the only way it changes.
No, no, I agree.
It's these so-called elites that are dragging us down, and they know it.
They're just willing to do horrible things that normal, good, virtuous people aren't.
They have desires that we don't have.
They're like cancer.
Like you said, they're anti, you know, Team Humanity, and it's time to stop bowing down to them.
It's time to get in their face and tell them they're scum and filth.
I do that.
In fact, my mother's a lot better than them.
I don't come from inbred parasites that suck off people.
My mother's better than theirs.
Well, I was just telling you to try to keep it equal.
You know, that's what I mean.
Yeah, of course.
What do you think, their mother was a cuckoo?
I mean, these globalists come from a bunch of murdering inbred scum, most of them.
Their mothers were pigs.
All right.
Hey, Gerald Salente, you're awesome.
Trends Journal.
Everybody can find out more right there at TrendsResearch.com.
Thank you, my friend, for all the time.
Thank you.
Keep it up, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much.
We'll be back.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are joined by the one, the only George Norrie, who is nipping at Rush Limbaugh's heels.
Not that we're against Rush Limbaugh overall, it's just that it's interesting that he's been the reigning king of talk radio here in the U.S.
and worldwide for more than 20 years.
And now here comes George Norrie, overnights with Coast to Coast AM.
Which is a time where you've got generally about 10% of the regular audience, but he's almost got as many listeners as Rush Limbaugh now.
He's fighting an uphill battle at night when there's about 10% of the listeners.
He is still absolutely kicking butt because, well, he's got the courage to bring crazy people.
Some would say like me on nine years ago.
Hard to believe it's now been nine years since George Norrie first brought Alex Jones on the show.
And you know, of all the people,
that have helped Infowars.com, which was already reaching millions of people with the films and my little syndicated radio show, probably on 30-something stations when George first had me on, or a little more than that.
To where we are today, if people ask who really gave you a break, it's George Norrie.
It is George Norrie.
Now in the last five years or so, Matt Drudge, the number one, you know, sensation when it comes to internet news worldwide, he has really helped get us out as well.
But George Norrie,
And Matt Drudge, and of course right in between that overall, you the listener, spread the word.
You're the reason we're able to do this and have now 10 reporters and 50 plus crew members and reaching 15 million people a week on internet and talk radio and through films.
George reaches 16 to 20 million a week just on terrestrial radio and tens of millions overall every month on the internet.
And it is just such an honor that he would spend an hour and a half or so with us tonight.
And he said, hey, I want to take calls, Alex.
So come out in about 30, 40 minutes.
We'll give the number out and take your calls on any subject.
I said, what do you want to cover?
And he said, hey, everything.
He goes, I'm concerned about this prepper.
Confirmed to be banned to fly as he criticized the NDAA.
This is the new that's how they do that with Jews in Germany They said well you criticize the government you can't have a business or travel and we're gonna get into Iran situation the election So much more with George Norey of coast-to-coast am.com Where I'll be on with him in the first hour tonight now midnight to 1 a.m.
Central I guess 10 to 11
Oh, my pleasure, Alex.
I wanted to tell you a real funny Matt Drudge story.
Matt and I are very close.
And some time ago, he contacted me, sent me a little email and said, George, I've got to get a hold of Alex.
Can you get me his number?
And I said, yeah, sure.
So I went to Tommy, my producer, and I said, look, I need you to get Alex's number over to Matt Drudge.
I don't know what he wants, but he wants to talk to him.
So I have noticed that a lot of your stories appear on the Drudge Report.
And he's interested.
You know, what's kind of funny, Alex, is what was conspiratorial years ago with things that you did and things that I did, they're beginning to become mainstream now.
Isn't that amazing?
Yeah, thanks to you.
I mean, I'm not groveling.
I only give credit where it's due.
You, we were already growing, would have broken out, had some success, but I'm telling you, you were the nitrous oxide.
You know in the Road Warrior where they got the cars going 200, but then Humongous turns it on nitrous oxide and goes, boom!
It's like George Norrie was boom!
And then Matt Drudge, boom!
Just like really sending us into the stratosphere.
So thank you, my friend, because most people in media are egomaniacs.
They're not like you and Drudge who really care about the information.
No, not at all.
You're absolutely right about that.
And I'm also in jubilation tonight because my Detroit Tigers, that's where I was born, they're going to the World Series.
They beat the Yankees four games to none.
And of course, as you know, Alex, I spend a lot of time between St.
Louis and L.A., my other place, and St.
Louis is almost World Series bond.
So I may have a chance to see both teams in the World Series.
Talk about a dream come true, rooting for teams for your whole life, and now both of them could be up against each other.
Yep, absolutely.
Now who would I pick?
Well, you gotta pick Detroit, cause it's a boy thing.
My son was born in St.
Louis, he's gonna pick the Cardinals, so we'll see what happens.
Very, very exciting.
George, wow, where should we start tonight with the hundreds of incredible topics out there?
Why don't we talk a little bit about the Iranian situation?
Yeah, that's getting wild.
Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy, home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
But here's some good news.
Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing fermented foods legally and privately in their own homes.
Since it's still legal to make these foods as long as you can make them yourself.
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That's fermentationfactor.com.
It's easy to create your own powerful fermented foods.
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That's www.fermentationfactor.com.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
You know, I've had Jerry Corsi on the show for at least a year and a half, where we have talked about the Iranian situation, and both of us felt that there'd be some kind of military conflict against Iran about a year and a half ago.
It hasn't happened yet.
I think it's getting close.
My prediction is something's going to happen after the election.
I do not believe that the powers that be want anything to
Get involved with the election one way or another.
I think they're a little confused over what candidate would benefit from some kind of military intervention in Iran.
But I think something's going to happen.
We have seen Iranian hackers attacking the bank system successfully, shutting down websites and things like that.
And that's just what we know.
We don't know what we don't know.
But I just have this gut feeling, Alex, that something is going to happen.
It's going to be very, very soon, and all hell could break loose.
Let's hope to God it's not as bad as I think it could be.
But I think something's going to happen.
And it's the double-edged sword.
There's a problem here.
There's no question that Iran is working on nuclear weaponry, along with their nuclear program.
I mean, they're doing that.
So you have to be concerned over a nation like that, that spouts the kind of rhetoric and hatred that they have toward America.
Well, just to interrupt, which you know I'm the king of, that's it, you know I'm anti-war.
And I don't try to take sides in all this, but I mean, the Iranian president every week says, and I went and looked at the translation, he's saying it, we're going to blow Israel off the map.
You got a country like Israel with all these nukes.
Iran's getting nukes.
They want to be able to deploy them.
And then they're saying, I'm going to nuke you.
It's like some guy that weighs, you know, 50 pounds threatening the UFC champion.
Why is Iran asking for it?
Because I don't want this war.
I don't want $10 a gallon gas.
But why is Iran just asking for it?
These people are insane.
I've got a lot of friends who were Iranians who came here after the Shah of Iran situation, who by the way was no Boy Scout, and we can talk about that a little bit later on.
I've got one source who has told me weeks before anything happens in Iran, and I've had it on coast-to-coast, he'll say, look, people are upset that the valuation of our royal is going to go down, that that's their currency.
And sure enough, a week or two later, it goes down.
He's been spot on.
He said the people in Iran love the United States overall.
He said we want that kind of government.
We want to live that way.
We buy blue jeans.
We buy cell phones.
We like that style.
It's the mullahs, these insane people, who are out there.
Spouting this hatred, spouting this rhetoric.
I mean, you know, we've got nukes and yes, we used them during World War II and we stopped the war.
We can argue whether it was right or wrong to use it.
But I haven't heard the United States threaten to use nukes against any other country ever since.
Even in the Cold War, during the Soviet Union, back in the 60s.
I mean, we didn't say, you know, we're gonna launch against you.
I mean, the Iranians, the government, talks in terms of using this stuff.
Well, you know, when you have a neighbor that says, we're gonna blow you off the map, we want a regime change, we want you gone.
Oh, listen, if I had a neighbor that got in my face and said, I'm gonna kick your butt, and then he was menacing me with an axe, I'd kick his ass.
I think so.
You weigh all that, I have got to assume that there's going to be some kind of conflict to take out... But Iran, like I said, Israel is an absolutely armed camp.
It's got the United States backing it up.
Why is Iran playing into that?
I mean, I don't want this war.
I'm not against Iran.
Like you said, polls show 70 plus percent of Iranians love America and hate the mullahs.
Show, you know, a lot of people in our government don't want to attack Iran either.
They think it could, I mean, it's just horrible that this could happen.
I think what they've been hoping is an Arab Spring by bringing the Iranian economy down so far that the people would just go ballistic and would do what they have to do.
But they can't do that.
The mullahs are too strong.
They're too entrenched with their revolutionary guard.
Those people are not going to give up oil money power that easily, and they're going to hang in there for as long as they can.
I mean, look at Assad in Syria, holding on as long as he can, butchering his own people, and they don't have those kind of resources.
Syria's not an oil-rich nation.
The Iranians are rich, they're powerful, and the 70-some people who are controlling the destiny of that country don't want to give it up.
And on the other side, George, we've got the West sending in a bunch of Saudi Arabian jihadis against Syria.
It runs from bad to worse, and it's all coming to a head.
What do you make of Joseph Stiklitz in the Washington Post today, former head of the World Bank as the economist there?
I don't think so.
But I'm not waiting for some award or a pat on the back for being right.
Instead, we still get criticized, but it's all coming true.
It's all coming true.
I mean, if you and I had a crystal ball years ago and we were able to look into the future, Alex, we are looking exactly at what we had seen.
We knew this.
We predicted this.
We talked about it.
We both had specialized guests on the air talking about the things that would happen.
And it's all coming true.
I mean, I don't like the fact that it's happening, but it's happening.
And the name of the game is control.
You know, when Zygmunt Brzezinski said about a year and a half ago that they, being us, are becoming more aware of what the plan is,
We have to act and act fast.
We have to do this quickly.
And that's what they're doing.
They are operating and working as if they are running out of time.
And you know what?
I think they are!
And so that's why they're pushing all these agendas so fast.
One thing they never anticipated.
They didn't expect people to push back.
And that's what's beginning to happen.
And it's happening in all walks of life.
And people are fed up.
You can feel it.
You can talk to your friends, your neighbors.
They just don't feel comfortable anymore.
And they're pushing back.
And I think that pushback is healthy.
Because that is what's going to keep people in line eventually.
That's what's going to keep these
Well, you know, I was in the Navy nine years, Alex, and I'm not an advocate of any kind of conflict.
You've got to protest.
You've got to do what you can do in the voting booth, even though, you know, the old adage is, you know, it doesn't matter, every candidate's the same, or they'll change eventually.
Violence is not a way to get it done.
You have to protect yourself.
I'm a guns rights activist.
I'm a concealed weapons permit holder.
You do that for safety purposes.
You don't do that for aggressive purposes.
But you've just got to continue
To tell your friends, tell your family members what is going on and hopefully that this mission that we've all been on for these years will continue to grow.
I mean, years ago people didn't believe us when we talked about things like that.
They thought we were nuts.
They don't think that anymore.
I mean, now the camp that we're in is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
But with great power comes great responsibility, and that's what's so frustrating, is trying to figure out all the angles when even the power structure isn't in control.
It's an amazing thing to see, but I've studied, as you have, other countries, and whether it was the Nazis, or the Communist Chinese, or the Russians, or Pol Pot, or any of them, fascist, communist, authoritarian, doesn't matter, all basically the same thing.
Different flavors of the same thing.
The same end result, total tyranny.
A bunch of crooks taking control.
The fact that our founders did put that Second Amendment in there, it slows down the riots, it slows down the corruption, it's a check made against tyranny.
That is such a bulwark, even in a collapse.
Basically like bulkhead doors or floodgates.
The term I guess would be, what do you call it?
That Second Amendment is just so important and is such a wild card.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going into a controlled depression.
What do you expect to happen, George, from all the different guests and experts you talk to in the next six months to a year?
Well, if you listen to people like Gerald Cilente, and he's been on your program as well as mine, you know, we're at the cusp of collapse.
I'm not sure it's that bad, I still think.
That these fiat net money people are going to prop up this economy for several years.
We're going to get hit with some downturns.
But they're going to keep printing money.
The problem, Alex, is eventually your kids and my kids or my grandchildren, they're going to pay the piper.
That's where it's going to be bad.
It's going to be bad 5, 10, 15 years out from now.
Uh, we may get by over the next couple years with these ups and these downs.
I mean, if gasoline prices ever get back to anything that was respectable, you know, auto sales will pick up even higher than they've been going lately.
But I'm more concerned about the future of your kids, the future of mine, and what's going to happen to them.
You know, it's like a race.
You know, when you're in a four-person race, and you're in a team, and you hand the baton off to the guy, when you come around the circle, and he runs, you want to give him a pretty darn good head start.
Because that'll help ensure some victory.
Well, we're not passing the baton off to our people, to our young people.
We're not giving them that head start anymore, Alex.
If anything, we're giving them laps and laps behind the leaders.
And they're not going to have that opportunity that you and I have had over these years.
You know, my son got a degree in criminal justice.
He was not able to use it in that chosen field.
He ended up working as a casino host in St.
He got transferred to Vegas.
He didn't like it.
He felt that they bait and switched him.
He moved back to St.
I'm helping him out there.
You know, people are looking for work.
I get emails every day from listeners.
Every day!
Can you help me with this?
Can you help me with that?
Can you do this for, you know, can you find me a job?
I mean, it's amazing what's going on in society.
One of the things I'm going to do, because I think it's gotten so bad out there, is I'm working on a project which I cannot announce yet, but I will with you when the time comes.
And I'm going to set up a foundation and help our coast-to-coast listeners who are financially stressed
The show has been very good to me, and I'm going to set this up at the time that we start rolling along with this project that I'll announce hopefully within 30 days.
And if any coast-to-coast listeners or even InfoWar listeners are in serious trouble,
And they need some money for utilities and things like that.
We're going to help them out.
I did that with our book sales.
And, you know, we didn't give out a lot of money because we didn't get a lot of requests.
But I think we're at a point now where people need help.
And we're going to do it.
It's the honor system.
I'm going to have my producer, Tom, handle it for me.
And you know what?
We could get burned once in a while with someone who just wants to put a few hundred bucks in their pocket.
But so be it.
It's well worth the chance.
Well, that's what it's all about.
We've got to be all in.
And George, you told me about some of your plans.
They're just simply amazing.
But this is a planned implosion.
And if we don't try to take care of each other, if we don't promote people that promote liberty, if we don't stand up for what we believe in, we're going to lose it all.
Because the ruling class is so disconnected from reality.
They're public about it.
They think they're going to organize and control and ride this tiger of economic collapse.
But historically, every elite thinks that because they're living in these armored redoubts and feel insulated.
I mean, this is not the way America was supposed to be.
Greed got us there, Alex, when it was cheaper to send your products out to get made to China or Mexico or Indonesia.
Cheaper to make it out there, cheaper to ship it all back into the country, and not use U.S.
labor to do that.
That's when it started to happen.
And it was a systematic plan to increase shareholder value for most of these companies.
Hey, you know what?
I'm all for profit.
I'm all for profit.
I think if you're running a business, you need to make a profit.
At what point do you say, this is not right?
So I'm going to lower my profit, but I'm going to employ more Americans.
I'm going to keep people working.
I'm going to do the old Henry Ford routine, and that simply was
You know what?
You're working for me.
Support us.
Buy our goods.
And let's push this product.
Let's push this company.
And let's get going.
Well, they didn't do that.
Instead, they all decided to go to China.
And that's what has hurt us.
And until we get to a point where we can be competitive again, truly competitive in the marketplace, it's not going to come back.
My daughter,
We're good to go.
The way it looked, I said to her, you are using little children to make these products.
And she started laughing.
But that's what they do in all these other countries.
They're using that kind of labor, that minimal cost labor, to generate products and things like that.
And it's just abominable.
I wish I had the answer.
I wish I had, you know, that special answer to get this thing solved and done.
Both presidential main candidates, you know what?
They all try.
You know, Alex, you know where I come from.
I think most of these people are nice people, well-intentioned.
All they want to do is minimize it, make it look good, until they get in and out of office and they're out of there.
And, you know, hand the baton off to the next guy or woman and let them worry about it.
Hey, by the way, George, I've got to stop you right now.
Your daughter is a sponsor of InfoWars.com.
And if you go to InfoWorks.com about a third of the way down or halfway down there's a jewelry ad and I didn't tell anybody at the office because you know the guys running the show they don't know what's going on in sales that your daughter was a sponsor a small sponsor but she's been a good sponsor for about two years or so and I clicked on it and Chris who's in there running the board and the cameras because we're also streaming video said hey I love that site I bought
Jewelry for my wife, and now she just absolutely loves it.
He was just saying this in my ear while you were talking, so... No, no, he didn't even know it was your daughter.
It's just funny that he bought some.
It's tulipcopia-jewelry.com.
Hey, that's what it's all about.
And then it creates this incredible industry in the country, instead globalism.
Look, it's not bad to go in a box store and buy something, if you buy something that's also original.
But it's when everything is a box store and everything's from China, hey folks, you know, it's not a good deal.
Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
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Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing fermented foods legally and privately in their own homes.
Since it's still legal to make these foods as long as you can make them yourself.
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That's fermentationfactor.com.
It's easy to create your own powerful fermented foods, and you can do it by going to www.fermentationfactor.com.
That's www.fermentationfactor.com.
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Sick of the globalist eugenicist control freaks adding poison to your water and laughing as you get sick and die?
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have the one, the only David Icke joining us here in just a moment.
And David didn't request this, but I just want to do something different.
I'm going to talk to him just four or five minutes, bring up a few topics, and then I'm going to step back and then we're going to have David Icke just absolutely wide open.
I had a good idea what David would want to get into first.
I was talking to him this morning and I said, what do you want to get into?
And he said, the Jimmy Savelle sex abuse scandal.
And because David has researched and exposed, it's undoubtedly that it's a pedophile network at the top worldwide.
I mean, you saw that with Jerry Sandusky and of course it went higher up and we told you that a long time ago.
Now that's come out.
I remember John DeCamp on the show more than a decade ago saying that there was sex abuse at Penn State in the football program and I remember shutting him down because I'd never been in the news and I don't want to get sued.
And you've had all the cases in Europe where, you know, they find little kids dead in dungeons and it turns out judges and people are running them.
We had the Texas Youth Commission here in Texas where they would have the judges and police go in and have sex with little kids in the CPS and also in the juvenile halls and that got all swept under the rug.
I mean, these are really creepy people.
I mean beyond creepy and this is their world.
They admit the CPS are in this country seven times more likely to sexually abuse children than any other group.
Five times more likely to physically abuse them.
You can look those numbers up.
They put two-thirds of the kids plus on psychotropic drugs, seven on average.
So, it's all about hurting the children.
And they can't get away with chopping their hearts out like every other culture did.
Well, they do the other thing.
So, we're going to tie that into former IMF head lived a life of eyes wide shut.
That's what the New York Times said.
Down in underground, you know, grottos and mass sex orgies.
That's just the gateway to all this.
I've talked to high-level Hollywood people who have been in underground caves in England.
And in satanic orgies, and then of course it's off-record, I'm not allowed to say who, but that's as a journalist.
None of it was illegal, I was told about.
It was adults, but that's just the gateway into all of this.
We're going to be going over all of that, and I said I'd cover this Wednesday, and then Thursday never did.
Meet Manza Musa.
The richest human being in all history, but number two of the Rothschilds, that was London Independent, and it's a big list, the 26 richest people in history.
And actually a pretty accurate list from my research, so we're going to be going over that and talking about Iran, Joseph Stiglitz saying Europe's in a depression, no kidding, we're being proven right there.
The stupid presidential reality show, all of it, with the one and only David Icke.
Now before we go to David, he's got his big event coming up.
They're at one of the most famous stadiums in the world, not just in Britannia or Albion, they're over in the UK and it is so important that everyone who lives in Europe or England or great time of year to travel to England if you're planning to go on a vacation or visit family or whatever, get to his historic event because it's already getting a lot of media attention and it's important that it be big and it's important to call the media and tell them to give it attention because in 12 hours
It's going to be historic, but never fear, David is going to provide.
I don't know how he's going to do this, because it's killing us to give out free video streams we've got right now.
It's kind of like the snake eating itself.
We're bringing in money, but then putting out the free video streams to hundreds and hundreds of thousands that have tuned into those is quite expensive.
But he's going to offer, I think it's free to everybody, a video feed.
And he said for several months it'll then be free.
So it sounds like David is all in.
And that's what we're doing.
We're all in, but go to DavidIke.com, get your ticket, sign up, but call the media, spread the words, your Facebook, your Twitter, tell people about the Wembley Arena, October 27th.
Notice he's doing it right before Samhain or Halloween, the big globalist occult day, to really kind of counter their darkness.
David Icke dot com.
David Icke.
David, D-A-V-I-D-I-C-K-E dot com.
All right.
Without further ado, again, I want to thank everybody.
I want to thank all the guests.
I want to thank David Icke.
I want to tell you to go to David Icke dot com and get behind what he's doing.
And David, before we get into the big pedophile scandals, the war, the economy, all of that, and I'm just going to step back, but
Up front, spend a few minutes telling us about the Wembley event and why it's so important.
I mean, I know why it's so important, but in your own words, why is it so important?
Well, Alex, in many ways, it's where my life's been going since I started on this road.
I didn't realize it was until the last year or so.
It's the culmination of the work that I've done and the research that I've done up to this point.
It's not the end of it, it's the start of a new era, but it's a culmination of nearly 25 years of research in 50-odd countries.
And I wanted to get a large number of people together to make a statement to not just the mainstream media, but mainstream society, that something's changing.
You know, I can remember not that long ago when the number of people that were coming to my events was in hundreds.
And not long before that, it was on, you know, you could count them on two hands.
You know, I talked in Chicago to eight people
I think so.
Thousands of more watching around the world and what I'm going to do is connect an absolute massive number of dots because I guess you know what my contribution to all this over the years has been to take apparently unconnected people, historical events, modern events, everything from food additives to
I don't
Over the table or over the floor.
And you can pick up an individual piece and it, you know, this is interesting.
It's a nice shape.
It's a nice colors.
It's interesting in and of itself.
But you put it together with the other pieces.
And the true relevance of that one piece, when connected to all the others, is seen with crystal clarity.
And that's what I'm going to do over an event.
The event's going to last 12 hours.
I'm going to be talking for about nine and a half, with about 1,500 images and videos, and there'll be music and everything.
But it's the dot connecting that's vital.
The first two and a half hours where I'm talking about the nature of reality, the reality that we're experiencing, is absolutely vital, because I would suggest I could, you know, talk a bit about that in this hour you've given me, but it's absolutely vital to understand the nature of the reality that we're experiencing, because without that we cannot even begin to understand
Conspiracy and the manipulation that we are being subjected to hour by hour because at the core of the core of the core of those who are at the center of these networks that are behind that, they understand what the nature of reality is.
They understand how we interact with it.
Thank you.
appear completely unconnected, uh, and must be connected for the picture to be seen.
This is why science is a waste of space, mainstream science, because it's a series of disciplines where each discipline is focused on its own discipline, often competing with other disciplines for funding and prestige and all the rest of it, and they're not connecting the dots even of what they know.
And when you do, you see a very, very different world.
This is why, and a very different explanation of the world to mainstream science.
This is why some even mainstream scientists with a bit more of an open mind are starting to look at some of the things I've been talking about all these years and realize that they do provide answers to apparently unanswerable great questions and great mysteries.
They're not mysteries!
They're mysteries only because the dots are not connected.
It's so simple.
And so over this nine and a half hours that I'll be speaking, I'll be strand by strand by strand putting the tapestry together.
And whoa, will it make, um, will it make the world look different?
But also, and this is my, I can say this with confidence because I've seen it happen to so many people all around the world when they've heard this information put together.
They will, um, see the world with a clarity that they couldn't see before.
Because the idea of the conspiracy is to keep the dots apart.
Keep the dots apart, and then they won't see the picture.
Keep the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle unconnected, and they won't see the picture.
And then they are banking on the fact that we will never see the picture.
Well, we have.
It's there to be seen.
And when it is, whoa, um, the world looks a very different place.
Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
But here's some good news.
Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing fermented foods legally and privately in their own homes.
Since it's still legal to make these foods as long as you can make them yourself.
For more information, check out fermentationfactor.com.
That's fermentationfactor.com.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Okay, I've been on this road for nearly 25 years, and I've walked the path with an open mind.
Not a naive mind, an open mind.
A mind that says, I'm not going to reject something just because it sounds far out.
I'm not going to reject something because it is at odds with my belief system.
I am going to let the information that I come across be my guide on what I accept to be true and what I do not.
And it's a blank sheet of paper.
What goes on there justifies its place, but I'm not going to deny anything a place on that piece of paper just because it's different to the norms that humanity has been programmed to believe is real.
I'll just put this story together in simple this way I can in the time we have.
And at the Wembley Arena, I'm going to be going into this and so much more in great detail.
Okay, the first thing that I think we need to understand to understand the world is what is the world?
You know, we were born into the world and we tend to accept the world as it is when we're born into it.
So, yeah, well, everyone knows that, mate.
It's always been like that.
Well, maybe it hasn't.
And maybe you've always thought it's like that, because that's the only information you've ever been given.
Let's look at it.
Where'd you get your information from, okay?
You're born, yeah?
You come out of the womb, and you come into a family.
Now, the family, your parents, have been through the same system that you're about to go through, and overwhelmingly, there are, hallelujah, exceptions, but overwhelmingly they will have accepted what the system told them was real about history, about life, about reality, about all of it.
Now, they're not being nasty people to you.
And telling you something they believe not to be true just because they don't like you.
They're going to tell you in your formative years what they have been, I would say, programmed to believe is real.
So they're doing it because they think what they're saying is right because the system's told them it's right.
You, you then go into school and you go through the smaller schools and the bigger schools and then into college and university and through all that time
At different levels are academics, professors and teachers, who've been through the same system and then some to get to that level in academia, and therefore they have taken on the same belief systems that the system has told them is real, be it science, be it academia, be it medicine, whatever.
And now through your life, your young life, they, all those people, system people, system software, are going to then tell you what is right, based on what they believe is right and what the curriculum has told them is right, and they have to follow the curriculum.
If you accept that version of reality, and you've got a good memory, you can be very good at passing exams, and the system will reward you then.
It will say, oh yes, here's a degree, and oh, Johnny's done ever so good at school.
How has he done well at school?
Well, he's told the system what it told him to believe, and he repeated it, and the system loves that, yeah.
What happens if you challenge the system?
Well, the authority figure, the teacher, all the rest of it, is jumping in straight away.
You know, you conform in the education system because it's programming you and preparing you to conform for the rest of your adult life.
So, where I'm going with this, initially, is where do we get these belief systems from that we then take on for the rest of our lives is real, and then anyone like me who challenges that, sometimes majorly challenges it,
He's gotta be mad or crazy or something.
No, no.
I've just not accepted the system's version of events.
And by system, I mean religious version of events, I mean science version of events, all of it.
I've let the blank sheet of paper be my guide on what I believe based on the information justifying itself there.
And when you do that, and you erase what the system's told you, and you don't let the system's version of events be a constant 24-7 sensor for anything outside of it, then the world looks a very different place, and your mind can now move.
It's no longer in the prison cell of conformity.
It's moving.
It's expanding.
It's getting insights.
It's seeing things it didn't see before.
And I found it very interesting that in
1984, in George Orwell's book, he made the point about history.
And to summarize, he was basically saying, if you control history, you control the present.
Because if you can manipulate and distort and outright lie about where we've come from, what we call history,
Then you are going to give people a totally distorted view of where they are.
Because they're going to see where they are as the culmination of where we've come from.
So, hijacking history has been fundamentally important.
You look at the detailed evidence of the background, the Rockefellers and all these people hijacked the writing of history.
So, that blank sheet of paper I'm talking about also has history erased from it on the basis of what the system's version of history is, and history has to earn its place on the paper by evidence, by credible evidence, not by the system's version of events that we have to follow.
And understanding history is fundamental to understanding where we are and what's going on and what's really behind this global conspiracy.
So let me go through a story which I will back up with evidence at Wembley and in massive, massive evidence in my books.
First of all, we need to, like I say, understand or appreciate the basics of the reality we're experiencing, even before we can understand the historical part of it.
Look in the mirror and we think that we're looking at a body and the body is us.
We look around the world and we think it's all very solid and all the rest of it.
It's not solid.
The world's not solid.
You look at quantum physics and it will show you the world's not solid.
It's supposed to be made up of atoms.
This is what this solid desk is supposed to be, made up of atoms.
Anyone seen an inside of an atom?
It has no solidity whatsoever.
You know, someone rightly said that if you take an atom to be the size of a cathedral, then the nucleus of the atom will be about the size of a 10 cent piece.
And then you've got the electrons flying around the nucleus, and there is no solidity.
It's just a pocket of energy, if you like.
So, how can the world be solid when it's made, we're told, of atoms that have no solidity?
This is why what's happened with quantum physics, where they've shown this to be the case, that basically, if you look at it, the rest of mainstream science just goes on
That's crazy.
In its disciplines, as if quantum physics doesn't exist!
I know the world's not solid, but it's gonna be a lot of problem for all our belief system in science if we accept that it's not solid, so we'll carry on as if it is.
You know, that's exactly what's happened, it's crazy!
And thus, when you look deeper at it...
The world is not solid.
It is like, it is like, I call it the cosmic internet.
If you look at a room, you're sitting in a room, and they've got the wireless internet.
Where is it?
You can't see it.
I tell you this, if you didn't have a computer to tune into that wireless internet and pull that information onto the screen as a reality, then people would ridicule anyone that said, you know in this room, there's a wireless internet.
It's a whole information field that can be accessed anywhere on the planet.
You're mad!
I can't see it!
There is a cosmic internet, which is based on the same basic principles, and it's an energetic field and fields of information.
And we, through the human form, which is a biological computer, are picking up and tuning in to that information field, and we're bringing it in to what we call the world, the solid world.
You can look at the internet on a computer screen going from website to website and things can look very, very solid, but what you're looking at is simply decoded information, nothing else.
Tell me about the internet.
Well, it's graphics and pictures and text on a screen.
Well, yes it is.
But only on the screen.
Everywhere else the internet is electronic information and circuits.
Only on the screen does it look like we think of the internet.
Okay, tell me about television.
Well, it's moving pictures on a screen.
Well, yes it is.
But only on the screen.
Everywhere else it's information fields, be digital or frequency fields, whatever version it is.
And the only place...
That this world that we think is outside of us and we think is so solid, the only place it exists is on our screen.
Uh, David, I look forward to watching your event and then having you on in the aftermath after it.
I'd like to talk to you.
But thank you so much for your courage, David.
And, uh, we're... The world is a much better place because you're in it.
Well, that's very kind of you, mate.
You just do your best and tomorrow you do your best even more.
That's all you can do.
And then what happens, happens.
But, um, come on, we can do this.