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Filename: 20121018_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 18, 2012
2485 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't think of a more important time in world history.
If you think the planet is in crisis now, if it continues along this line, we have not seen anything yet.
You know the song, you ain't seen nothing yet.
No, no, no, baby, you ain't seen nothing yet.
The future destiny of our species is being decided right now.
And our destiny is always being decided to a certain extent, but we're entering a real point of change at every level.
And the globalists are in there trying to grab as much power as they can and trying to bend the development of civilization towards their control system, towards their control freak ideology of eugenics and dehumanization.
We, those of us that love liberty and decency and beauty and honor and justice and creativity and life, we must get in there and wrestle against these forces that are in love with death.
Where to begin and where to start?
It is the beginning of the 2012 5th Annual Money Bomb.
And despite the fact that we reach probably, I don't know, close to twice as many people as we were just reaching, say, two years ago or more, less capital comes in per listener.
So thank God our listenership has exploded.
That's allowed more capital to come in to continue to sustain ourselves and to continue to be able to develop new ways to get information out to people.
The nightly news, the magazine, the films, all the things we've been working on here.
Because we're the best there is.
Doesn't mean we're that good either.
So I don't think of myself as that great.
But I'm doing the best job I can.
I beat myself up for not doing a better job sometimes.
It's important not to be arrogant.
Arrogance and know-it-allism is the true path to failure and enslavement.
So I try to keep it real, as they say, but we are the best there is.
When it comes to fighting the New World Order, not compromising, exposing the private Federal Reserve, exposing who really runs things, this is it!
This radio broadcast, the TV shows, all that we do are international national treasures because of the guest we have on.
The focal point for you, the listeners, I am the crazy traffic cop.
I think many times I'm the weak link to all of this, but you know, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
But here we are.
And you can go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
It is so important that you donate because they got top economists in the news today saying we're going into a global depression.
Well, yeah, the global depression has been going for a long time, but it's designed to be incremental with a big bang at the end.
We're going to be going over some of that today.
And we've got the next 48 hours, I guess not today, the next two days from now until Saturday at 11 a.m.
We may even go to noon, you know.
People are coming in on Saturday.
Why not just maybe do three days?
Who knows what'll happen?
We probably will have some surprise guests.
I went ahead this morning and started calling some of my celebrity friends.
I kind of got around to it at the last minute, but it looks like some of that's going to come through.
Celebrities are interesting if they're into Liberty.
Quite frankly, they're not usually even the most popular type guest we have on.
People like folks that are real and are passionate and know what they're talking about.
People like Gerald Solente.
People like Bob Chapman, rest his soul.
People like Max Keiser.
People like myself.
Believe it or not, we can get internet ratings and also station ratings and things.
And I am the most popular person on the Alex Jones Show.
I guess that's why it's called the Alex Jones Show.
I don't know why.
I personally like the guest, when I'm not interrupting him.
So the point is, we're going to have just a smorgasbord, the full rundown of who's coming up today.
And tomorrow is all at Infowarsmoneybomb.com.
And you want to go to Infowarsmoneybomb.com because right there at Infowarsmoneybomb.com, we have four different video feeds, depending on what type of computer system or browser you're using, video system, a player, I guess is the technical term, all up at Infowarsmoneybomb.com.
Help us spread that link to everyone you know.
If you want an American company with American products made by Americans, here is the Cal Ben Soap Company.
Alex and his staff have used these pure soap products for years.
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The worst drought in 50 years continues, and the first six months of 2012 marks the hottest half year on record.
78% of the Midwest corn belt is in drought conditions.
Not only corn, but soy, alfalfa, fruits, vegetables, and wheat are all impacted, raising prices.
The cost to feed livestock is forcing farmers and ranchers out of business, blowing up your food prices.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm rooting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime.
Because it's five o'clock.
The sands of time for the New World Order.
Running low!
It is the 18th day of October 2012.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we're gonna be here for the next 48 hours!
You heard me right and we are excited.
We are energized in the animating contest for liberty against the forces of tyranny.
It's like a ship without a storm.
The night without a dawn.
Evil is there to test and challenge the good.
And I know this, I am ready for the challenge.
Whatever the cost may be, we shall go on to the end, and we shall never surrender.
Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen.
We have an incredible 48-hour transmission that will end Saturday at 11 a.m.
I'm doing around, what is it, 20 hours of the transmitting.
And we've got amazing special guests, surprise guests, you name it, kicks off with, well, yours truly, Alex Jones, our syndicated radio transmission, what goes out for four hours a day.
I do three hours normally live.
For a while I did four hours, but I started doing the nightly news, so I went back to three hours about a year ago.
But a lot of stations still carry the fourth hour, which is the first hour we broadcast.
That'll be live today.
So that's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Eastern, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central kicked off with Alex Jones, then Congressman Walter Jones with some breaking news about treason going on inside the government.
Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina will be joining us, and then we're going to have Greg Palast, BBC, ABC News reporter, breaking news here today.
Of course, TV producer, actor,
We've got John Rappaport, investigative journalist, who popped in on Sunday.
He will be back today.
And then at four o'clock central, Mike Adams is going to guest host for two hours to give me a little breather.
I'm going to go run, actually, during that break.
I found if I go run instead of take a nap, I'll have more energy.
And then I'll cover news and take calls.
Then Dr. Webster Tarpley joins us.
George Norrie will be joining us for two hours.
It's hard to get George Norrie to come on.
He's a busy guy.
We really appreciate him.
Uh, well, it's usually hard to come on.
He agreed to come right on for two hours.
Very, very nice of him.
And, uh, speak of, uh... Speaking of George Norrie...
I'm going to be on his show, the first hour tonight, Coast2CoastAM.com, the second largest radio show in the world.
So that's exciting.
He invited me on yesterday.
And then he's on tomorrow.
Again, I'm going into tomorrow here.
No, no, no, this is today.
George Norrie's on today.
I guess he's on here and then I'm on his show.
Anyways, and then we've got...
We've got a bunch of special reports with Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton.
We've got Jakari Jackson.
We've got Dan Badondi.
We've got Syrian Girl and what's happening over there.
We've got Rob Dude, David Icke, Gerald Salente, Max Kaiser, Joseph Farah, Amber Lyon, the CNN whistleblower, Larry Pinckney, a real Black Panther, exposing what's going on today.
John B. Wells, another great Costa Costa host.
Joel Gilbert, dreams of my real father, pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
David Ortiz.
Actually guys, this printout I have is the old one.
Yeah, that's why this is not updated.
This doesn't have all of the stuff.
It doesn't matter.
I can just go to Infowarsmoneybomb.com and see the full rundown and information there.
I was noticing in my folder I had
I had Lord Christopher Monckton, Joel Skousen, David Knight, so many others, surprise guests, you name it.
A bunch of special reports.
We're going to go over some of the older reports, but also premiere some new ones, a full in-depth tour of the offices.
And if you're a radio listener, you can go to InfoWars.com.
About to get into the news here in a moment.
He's kicking off the 48-hour broadcast right here.
You can go to Infowars.com and then link over to Infowarsmoneybomb.com.
The entire top of Infowars.com is a giant link.
Two days to wake up the world.
Again, Infowarsmoneybomb.com up there on the site right now.
And why are we doing a 48-hour broadcast?
Going back five years ago, I was in a 3,000 square foot office.
And I had a couple of crew members in England, a crew member in Louisiana, a crew member in New Mexico, and I don't know, five, six people here.
We had about 10 people total, and we were already reaching around 3 million people a week.
And I noticed we were breaking national news.
We were having a big effect.
People were picking up on eugenics and the different things we were introducing to them that had always been there, but the general public wasn't aware of.
We were able to more and more set the zeitgeist.
I could make films, and they would be seen tens of millions of times for free online.
I mean, we were really having an effect.
And I had supported Ron Paul, and he had just been on the show five years ago.
It was about a year before the campaign ended, so it was about five years ago.
And Ron Paul came on the show, and he said, yeah, about half the contributions we've gotten have been from your show.
He raised about $15 million.
And listeners said, hey, you should have a money bomb and expand your operation.
And I was like, you know what?
I just want to stay where I'm at.
But then I realized that enemies were attacking me, and you have to get big or get eaten.
Big fish eat little fish.
And that people wanted me to fail in the power structure, in the national media, trolls, so many others that wanted to bring me down.
And I said, you know what?
I've got a responsibility in history to fully go all the way and try
To really change history at a greater level and really try to strike while the iron's hot.
There's a quote by William Shakespeare in his play Julius Caesar, where he says, there is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to fortune.
Well, I want to fully ride that wave, but my fortune is not money.
Money's important to be secure, to be strong, to be able to defend yourself, to be able to help others.
It's important.
The system always tries to tell liberty lovers not to amass any capital, not to sell a book, not to make a film, not to build anything, because they're scared of the entrepreneurial power.
They're scared of people voting with their dollars through free association and building communities and foundations of liberty.
And true freedom.
So they always demonized that.
So I'd always stayed small, not wanting to be big, almost thinking it was bad to be big, and I realized that was a mind control system.
And the fortune that I was after, that I wanted to take at the flood, was liberty in my time and in the future, and to defeat the eugenicist.
In fact, I had just finished Endgame five, six years ago.
That was part of it.
And I'd read all these hundreds of quotes.
I'd gotten the actual Margaret Sanger papers from the universities where she said, we're going to oppose as liberals.
We're going to take over.
We're going to break up the family.
We're going to create a scientific dictatorship.
And I read all these other quotes by globalists and I realized their plan.
I was like, wow, I've got two children at the time.
Now I have three.
I said, I've got a responsibility to commit
To life, and to go all the way against these people, and to just hit them as hard as I can, and to work myself to death, and to fearlessly never stop.
To just absolutely throw myself 110% against the enemy.
To commit to it.
I mean, if our ancestors, my ancestors, could fight and die at Goliad and Alamo and San Jacinto to create Texas, and if my ancestors could fight in 1776, and your ancestors, if my ancestors could brave the Atlantic, the North Atlantic, to come here on the Mayflower on my father and mother's side, the least I can do, as an original American,
Whose family has always been at the core of resistance to tyranny.
I must live up to that destiny now, and I must 110% fight the globalists no matter where it leads me.
And that is what I've done.
And in five years of really trying to go to the next level, we have gone from 3 million people a week to over 15 million and growing.
We are now recognized by major trade publications from Talkers to Radio Inc.
to Time Magazine, Newsweek, Nightline, New York Magazine, Rolling Stone as the biggest alternative media organization in the world.
I don't really call Drudge alternative media.
It's something even entirely outside of mainstream or alternative.
It's its own entity.
Five, probably four or five times has more reach than we do when it comes to being able to make people focus in on an important issue.
But when it comes to radio, everyday, TV, internet, everything we're doing, this is it.
And I'm not bragging, this is a great responsibility.
I am horrified by a lot of the things I do and say because I don't deliver it right.
But I'm trying my best, my heart's right.
And we have a responsibility to go to the next level.
And if you feel as we feel, if you know as we know that we must be all in against this, then do several things.
Spread the word about this radio show, whether you're listening on AM and FM, Global Shortwave, Satellite, XM166, internet streams at Infowars.com, the video streams at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Spread the word today about the 48-hour broadcast.
It's the exercise of telling people about liberty, resisting the power of the little people.
That's us working together for freedom.
is unstoppable.
Everybody, retweet our links to the video feeds at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com right now.
Create an even bigger viral explosion right now for this 48-hour broadcast.
Okay, when we come back, I'm gonna get right into the big economic news.
The worst drought in 50 years continues.
And the first six months of 2012 marks the hottest half year on record.
78% of the Midwest corn belt is in drought conditions.
Not only corn, but soy, alfalfa, fruits, vegetables, and wheat are all impacted, raising prices.
The cost to feed livestock is forcing farmers and ranchers out of business, blowing up your food prices.
The only strategy to counter this is to freeze your food cost at today's prices by getting your own supply of foods or meat foods direct now.
As the price of raw ingredients increases, eFoods will have to raise prices, too.
Now is the time to get your supply.
I recently increased my supply from eFoods Direct because we've all known this was coming.
You know about their delicious, long-term, storable foods.
The fact is, you can eat at any time to save money today.
And because it stores for 25 years, you're locking in today's prices and avoiding the rising food cost.
Don't wait!
Call 800-409-5633 or go to eFoodsDirect.com forward slash Alex.
Call 800-409-5633.
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I won't even turn my head.
I'll be gone.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I am Alex Jones, your host, and that is our beloved Johnny Cash.
We are kicking off a 48-hour
Continued live transmission with incredible guest, special guest, guest host from Mike Adams to David Icke.
We've got George Norrie joining us, Gerald Salente, Max Keiser.
The list just goes on and on.
Our own Jakari Jackson, Linda West, Darren McBrain, so many.
Dan Badani are going to be in here hosting hours of the broadcast as well.
We are in the thick of the main regular radio transmission.
Shyamal casting free video for everyone at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com or InfoWars.com to find the feeds.
And again, spread the word now and tell people to spread the word about the 48-hour special transmission where we're covering the future of the geopolitical developments in this country and worldwide.
Where we are covering here on air the continued economic meltdown by design and by exposing the globalists that gives us hope of backing them off because they won't continue this if they get enough heat on them.
And what's happening of course in election 2012.
Coming up, we have Congressman Walter Jones joining us first at the bottom of the next hour, then ABC reporter breaking news here, Greg Pallast, Sean Stone, John Rappaport, Mike Adams, Webster Tarpley, George Norrie, James Wesley Rawls, Linda West, Sha'Carri Jackson, Russell Dowden, Dan Bodondi, and the list just goes on and on.
That's not even half the list.
InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com to see the full list.
Okay, wow.
Let me just start getting into the news right now, and I'm going to go ahead and give the number out, too, for callers.
And let's do first-time callers again, because we have millions of listeners tuning in in any one hour, and so many people don't ever get a chance to get involved on air.
So we'll do first-time calls again on any issue you want to raise.
I'm going to cover some news, hopefully you want to comment on some of that, but we don't screen your calls.
Unless we have a special guest on, it's for that person, and then no one follows the rules and brings up whatever they want.
You know, I could have Ron Paul on and somebody calling about gardening or something, but that's kind of the fun of it, that it is so unscripted.
There are no teleprompters, there are no talking points.
I mean, you're here with a maniac Texan who loves freedom and absolutely hates tyranny, going wild on the radio.
And just hammering the Globalist up one side and down the other.
And that really is the spectacle in the main.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And we will be live here again for the next 48 hours.
Well, I guess we're 27 minutes into it here.
And if you want to see us get the satellite uplinks and get these file sharing networks with the other media systems worldwide, there's a bunch of them we can subscribe to.
And then that's actually how people get vignettes we're going to do.
We're going to basically put the nightly news out soon, free to air.
Not just on Dish Network and other systems we're looking at.
Similar to what Glenn Beck's done.
This has been our plan forever.
He just basically beat us to it, which is great.
Well, I guess he didn't beat us to it having our own TV system and TV shows and networks online that cover the New World Order.
But, you know, getting it out on cable and things on our... Well, actually for about a year now we've been on... A British TV's been picking us up.
Uh, and, uh, two hours a week on the National Cable System.
Uh, and we've also been getting picked up on quite a few cable systems here in the U.S.
But what happens is, fans that run those systems, they go and download the high-def version after the show, and then they edit them up and do things with them, because it's already free to air.
And we've got to officially put out those contracts, because a lot of stations want contracts.
They're like, okay, sign this contract, we can use your stuff.
And I'm so embryonic,
That I don't even have the lawyers or the time or the money or the energy to go over and make sure it's all done right.
But we're getting close to that.
That's the next phase.
But the problem is we're doing the nightly news every night, and the radio show, and the films, and the promotions, and paying the bills, and dealing with all the little gremlins and things that any operation deals with.
I'm not complaining, it's the Great Animating Contest of Liberty.
It's just that we've got to like somehow get it all ready, get the new studio finished, get the sets finished, get it all in, we're very close, and then get it out.
It's like we've got over 70 publishers, people that put out, you know, one group puts out millions of magazines a month in Europe, is ready to put out InfoWars magazine in Europe.
With their own content inside of it.
We've got big publishers in California, in Canada, in Germany, in Australia.
I mean, and then I've got to like, okay, well, we're just beta testing it ourselves now.
We'll have that for you soon.
The point is, we're getting ready to blast off, folks.
You name it, we're coming out with it.
You name it.
Okay, but we're just at the launch pad.
We're launching.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Aaron Fullin here.
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That's fermentationfactor.com.
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That's www.fermentationfactor.com.
We got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
We're loaded up and truckin'.
Some never mind them brakes.
Thank you so much for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen.
We are 30 minutes into the 48-hour transmission, and if your local AM and FM is carrying the show, that's wonderful.
Please spread the word about the show.
If you're listening on XM on 166, please spread the word.
Tell your friends and family and co-workers and your email list and your Facebook and your Twitter.
That's how those of us that love liberty
Defeat the globalists as we go out and we proselytize the message of liberty and the story of freedom up against the globalists and their story of lies.
See, we have a narrative of truth, a narrative of personal
Empowerment, and family, and wholesomeness.
The globalists have their narrative of the nanny state, and the control freak system, and the staged terror, and all of their fear, and all of their lies, and how NAFTA and GATT were going to be great, and how fluoride in the water is great, and how vaccines are great, and how the Federal Reserve is great.
It's all a bunch of lies.
Congress has a 9% approval rating.
All over the world, governments are being exposed.
That's why they're trying to come in with tyranny.
Because the old power structure can either totally take over and bring an absolute despotism to stay in power, or they can step aside and get out of the way of humanity.
They can run on for a long time.
They can run on for a long time.
But sooner or later, God's going to cut them down.
And we cut them down in the info war.
We stand up to them, we have confidence, and we realize they are all running their own confidence game based in fraud.
We have the real confidence of liberty and freedom and standing up for what's right.
Let me hit the main news we're going to be breaking down here in the next
Three hours on the main radio show and then continuing with all these big guests coming up today.
Full list at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com and the video feeds.
If you've not been a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer and you're a radio lister and always hear us talking about show this on screen, show that on screen, well you can go get a flavor for it at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Okay, where to start here, ladies and gentlemen, with all of the incredible news?
Look at this economic news.
Let me just read to you these headlines.
Merkel urges tax cuts to boost German economy.
But last year she said raise taxes to pay banker bailout money to the mega banks and then blame it on Greece and Ireland and Spain and Portugal.
The pigs as they're called.
Now they're saying, oh, you over-raised them, so you're getting nothing now, so maybe cut them just so the vampire bankers can get something.
See, they love raising taxes to crush you.
We've gotten this out of Bilderberg Group Minute meetings from 2007.
They want to crush us and make us poor to control us, but if they do it too fast, people will notice and get angry, but they like prosperity at the same time.
It's kind of schizophrenic because they get so much corporate welfare cut off the top, the cream off the top.
Chancellor Merkel, but notice it's tax cuts for the elites as usual, said Tuesday German needs to stimulate domestic economic demand and urged opposition parties to stop blocking proposed tax cuts in the upper house of parliament.
So what happened is, you know, the
The vampire sucked too much blood and its victims kind of dying but it's only got this one little piggy to suck off of and so it's like oh my gosh let's let them have a little bit of their own blood let's give them some soup oh here you're sick let me get you some soup and maybe a glass of wine and you know let's let's build your blood up again and make you more healthy because it's so delicious so there's a bit of a fattening up here
of what they're doing here.
Continuing, Greece and Spain in depression.
Nobel winner Joseph Stiklitz.
We need to get him back on.
He's been on the show many times.
Now he says, no, they've been in really a depression for quite some time.
Well, yeah, so have we for four years, according to real economic numbers, not the new cooked ones they give you.
Oh, unemployment's historically low.
I was driving in my car.
And I was listening to Fox News Radio, a local AM 590, our affiliate, one of our affiliates locally, and they actually had statements out of the Federal Reserve, which isn't really the government, the private Federal Reserve about, well, because inflation is so low, that's why the Treasury Department, after two years of not giving you a COLA increase on your Social Security cost of living, it's going to give you this, you know, tiny little percentage point.
Was it 2% or something?
I said, because inflation is so incredibly low!
They will tell people anything.
I mean, wow!
I mean, they told people in the debate that Obama...
Day one said it was a terror attack in Benghazi, killed a U.S.
ambassador, even though for two weeks they were all over the news saying it wasn't a terror attack.
He just said in a speech, we'll stand up against terror, just in general, you know, that line.
Then going on and saying, you know, we don't know what happened in Benghazi, as his surrogates ran around saying it was not a terror attack.
And regardless of what you think about that, whether it's true or not,
of what really happened there.
They said it wasn't a terror attack for two weeks, and then they lied and said it wasn't.
I mean, it's just, you know, they think you're idiots, but I'm already digressing here.
Greece faces anti-austerity shutdown as EU meets.
The whole country's basically going on strike as the EU, well, they're selling, again, turning all power that's left in the nation states over to the private banks that run the unelected EU bureaucracy.
The EU is unelected.
Did you know that?
And there's a parliament, but they have no power.
They can vote on recommendations, but the permanent bureaucracy, that's why Van Rompuy and Barroso, Herman Van Rompuy and Barroso, never leave.
They were there 10 years ago, they'll be there in 10 years, or until they want to step down.
It's like, hey, we run things!
How's that sound?
And they work for the big megabanks, the same ones bragging they've conquered Europe, and now they're conquering us.
All right, continuing here with the economic news.
Guardian seriously discussing end to print edition London Telegraph.
You've got all these big newspapers, even successful ones like the Guardian, saying they may end print.
That is not a good idea.
Both readership being down for mainstream media and internet is what's killing print media.
We've gone back into print because when it's almost completely dead, they're going to start putting taxes on paper.
They've already called for this.
Carbon taxes at the UN.
And they want to have it where it's all digital, where they can erase everything.
And it's important to have hard copies of things.
You watch, this is going to become a bigger and bigger movement.
Continuing here, that's why we've launched InfoWars Magazine.
You can buy them at bulk, at cost, at Infowarshop.com.
And by the way, supporting us going into 2013 with the satellite uplinks, the crew in this depression, when you buy books, videos, subscribe, subscribe to PrisonPlanet.tv, that's what funds our operation.
So that's a donation right there as well.
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We do that because they end up getting taxpayer money and things the government takes from you and then gives to them.
We're here saying, hey, if you want us to really expand, like we've done the last four years, going into the fifth year, then here's your chance.
Listeners started the money bomb five years ago and I ignored it.
They kind of got mad, if you remember, and said, why aren't you promoting this?
And I said, okay, I will.
And then boom, you saw what happened.
So again, it's kind of become a, um,
Oh, what's the term?
An institution.
It's almost like a holiday.
It's like the Super Bowl or something.
And I said, well, why have 24 hours?
Why not 48?
So that's what's happening.
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Let me hit some really important news on the politics front.
Got some polls here.
Then I'll hit some military news, some police state news, and start going to your calls.
The Weekly Standard reached out to the Secret Service.
That was a good idea.
Instead of George Soros's Media Matters and ThinkProgress coming out and just saying that I basically made it up and was racist.
When it was in a bunch of other publications, we went and checked the tweets when Thomas Sowell was talking about it, The Economist, who's syndicated columnist with Creator Syndicate, one of the biggest out there.
We saw it in Chicago Now, we saw it in a bunch of other newspapers and publications, so we went and looked and said, yeah, there are thousands of people threatening to kill and burn and murder and kill Mitt Romney if he wins.
And we got attacked and basically some site called Death and Taxes, that's basically Democratic connected we've seen, they came out and just said I was purely lying.
And that I was scum of the earth and knew I was lying.
So, but the Weekly Standard, they contacted the Secret Service, they have their response here.
They are investigating the people death-threatening Mitt Romney and somebody should investigate the threats to riot.
So, there you have it.
Secret Service aware of threats against Romney.
But, I mean, don't tell George Soros readers.
Well, Media Matters is run by the White House.
That's on record.
They have weekly meetings with the White House.
The former transition head for Obama is the head of it.
And they just say...
You know, that we're basically evil and racist.
But I mean, you know, I guess the Secret Service is too, because they say they're investigating.
The Secret Service is aware of threats on Romney and says they are investigating.
The Secret Service is aware of this and will conduct appropriate follow-up if necessary.
Brian Leary, a spokesman for the United States Secret Service, says in an email, here is the small sampling compiled by Twitchy.
Twitchy isn't even political, but I guess they're evil too for daring to show people saying, if Romney's elected, I'm gonna assassinate him sniper style.
Wow, premeditated how you're gonna kill him.
That's 20 years in prison right there.
Boom, you're convicted, but watch, they're not gonna probably get a visit.
Somebody needs to assassinate this mofo Romney.
That's a little different, but still it's a call for violence.
I'm gonna murder Romney right now.
I don't know.
I had some of the new graphics people, they've been here like three months, back there going, you really had the FBI come here before?
And I'm like, yeah, you think I make that up on air?
And they were listening back there.
You know, that's another reason I'm upset about this.
I mean, I get visits and get asked about Obama.
So how do you feel about Obama?
What's that poster on the wall that says Obama deception?
You know, a film?
It's online?
Or in that case, it was coming out in three days, you know.
Then calling employees.
They had like, what was it, like San Francisco FBI calling random numbers.
They're going, hi, this is agent Sosa says from the FBI.
And they check the caller ID, it's FBI.
I call back the FBI.
Why are you calling?
Oh, we're not allowed to say, just, I don't know, you know.
And meanwhile, people are saying, I'm gonna kill Romney with a sniper rifle.
And it's like, oh, big deal, Jones, you racist.
Come on, I mean, you're a piece of trash, Jones.
We all know you secretly wear Hitler underwear.
I mean, come on, buddy.
So, uh, there you go.
I mean, I just don't know what to say anymore.
I mean, people are like, well, how dare you defend Romney?
I'm not defending Romney.
I don't like, you know, over the years getting, I don't know, three or four secret service visits, phone calls on top of it, snooping around.
I guess I think they're gonna call up and I'm gonna just flip out and go, oh yes, I do want to do something.
I mean, come on, man!
I'm a syndicated radio host filmmaker.
I've been in major movies as an actor.
Just because Rick Linklater's a fan and called me up and put me in films with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder and Woody Harrelson.
Who's the guy that plays Iron Man?
I always forget his name.
I've met him a bunch.
I always call him Morton Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr.
That's why.
I mean, I'm not bragging here.
It's just like, you know, I'm not going to kill the president.
And everybody knows that.
So don't act like I am.
While you let people run around by the thousands with their names on real Twitter accounts, up there with their families and everything, saying they're going to kill people.
Pretty amazing, isn't it?
Okay, I said I'd go to your calls.
Coming up after calls, I haven't even gotten into the big news yet.
Former U.S.
comptroller says U.S.
faces fiscal abyss.
We're going to be getting into weekly job claims drop.
Proves to be short-lived.
Well, it was fake numbers.
Could only fake numbers because they've gone and checked with the companies and their orders and their own databases.
They're like, no, we didn't hire more people.
And no, our sales have dropped.
But the government said, I mean, they don't lie to us ever.
I mean, why not just say unemployment's at zero?
to get downgraded amid fiscal theater, Pemko says.
So another downgrade on our way to Weimar Republic, on our way to Zimbabwe, on our way.
I mean, that's where we're going.
That's where this train goes.
It's its destination.
I told you this years ago.
Oh, I was a fear porn peddler.
No, I wanted to expose the people so they couldn't execute this globalist takeover.
Breaking news!
Terrorist attempts to blow up Federal Reserve in New York with 1,000 pound car bomb.
That relieving suicide video pledging to destroy America.
How many hundreds of times has the government gone out and found an extremist nutcase loser, and then given them a bomb that they believe is going to blow things up?
A lot of times these guys are profiled as low-grade morons, barely operable, barely can tie their shoelaces, and then they are led by jihadis, who are their quote, emoms, who are really FBI agents.
And again, it's come out that's the case with this.
Atari militia just said, well I guess if the UN troops come in, was the exact quote,
They try to take our guns, we'll have to fight.
Off to jail.
Of course, they got out of jail because that wasn't a call for violence.
They said if foreign troops come in, we're going to have to fight.
I mean, that's said on the... G. Gordon Letty said if the ATF comes, shoot between the eyes.
I'm not saying that.
The point is, is that he probably could have got arrested for that.
They don't want to go after big targets.
And plus, it was hyperbole, everyone knows that.
With this guy, I mean, they get these... the guys that bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.
The FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, gave them the detonators, and the Ahmad Salam CIA asset from Egypt said, okay, let's bust them.
They said, no, let it go forward, and he figured out they were setting him up to be the mastermind, so he recorded them saying, let the bombing go forward, and went and gave a press conference.
It was on CBS News and New York Times, remember, if you look it up.
And so they ended up paying him a million two to go back to Egypt and shut up and it was swept under the rug.
They were going to set him up.
So you don't even know.
Again, if you are recruited, they can recruit police, military, you name it.
They've been sending special forces guys.
They've been creating a fake profile to say veterans are terrorists and active duty are terrorists.
It's always, you know, Baptist, blonde haired, blue eyed guys, the type they shut up.
And then some of these guys have said this in court.
They've even tried to say, well, I'm not supposed to, even in court defending themselves, they go, well, I'm under national security, and they go to jail, never violating their national security order.
And they tell them, all right, we want to put you on this plane out of North Carolina to Texas, carrying a pound of plastic explosives as a test.
Are you ready to do that, soldier, to the sergeant?
Yes, sir, I'm ready to do that for America.
And then they bust you, send you to jail.
I mean, I've seen two or three cases of that in the last year.
Don't be part of a drill.
This guy may have been a useful idiot, real terrorist, who got set up and, you know, pushed to do it.
I mean, they do some real stings like that that are more like entrapment.
But it could have just been a completely set up guy.
Well, they'll pick somebody who doesn't speak very good English, who's ignorant.
It's usually some professor type or student type who wants to, you know, grovel up to the system.
They'll put them on no-fly list and say, hey, be an informant for us.
Well, what do I do?
Make some videos saying you're going to blow stuff up to bring in other jihadis in New York.
You willing to do that?
And I've been saying they might do a false flag on the Federal Reserve to make it the victim.
Oh, it's the victim.
In fact, I've said they may have Patriot groups take responsibility for blowing up Federal Reserve buildings.
So everyone can go, oh, the poor Federal Reserve.
Those poor little angel cakes.
It's the 48-hour worldwide transmission.
Your calls are coming up.
And then I'm getting into the Iran news and all of it.
It's huge.
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This is the end
You know, I mentioned this yesterday, but I didn't really get into it.
And I'll cover it more in the next hour, briefly, before Congressman Jones joins us in North Carolina.
Breaking some big news here.
But the Green Party presidential candidate, you know in the past when presidential candidates from other parties show up at the debate,
They just lead them out.
What's wrong with them being there?
And that's bad enough.
We've got a two-party monopoly.
But now, you know, they arrest her and drag her off.
And I see articles here in the U.S.
where they taser people having seizures or they, in England, they tasered a clear old blind man because they thought his walking cane was a samurai sword.
And they didn't even say freeze, they just came up and tasered him.
And the cops not getting in trouble doing it.
It's this crazy, over-the-top thing where all these cops and bureaucrats
Are watching drama shows where there's terrorists everywhere and they're going out and simulating it in the real world on people having seizures and old people with a white cane going down the street.
You don't know what a blind person is.
And people called the cops because they saw the cane and thought it was a weapon.
I mean, it's the public is just absolutely into ninnying about anything and everything.
My son's got a birthmark on the side of his head.
It's clearly a birthmark.
And I can always tell when somebody's a liberal because they're not really liberals.
They'll come up at parks, restaurants.
I've been fishing before and they don't talk to you.
They come and they lean down to your kid and they go, did somebody hurt you?
What's wrong with your face?
And they'll go, what's my birthmark?
It's just a little red spot.
And they'll go, and then they'll act like a weird dog that's been, you know, like groveling or something.
They'll look at you and go, just checking, didn't mean anything.
Hi, how you doing?
They're just weird creeps.
And they're everywhere.
They're everywhere.
I've told a story of, um,
My dog Helmut, a dumped Labrador Retriever, and he loved to dig out under the fence and climb over things.
And he dug out, got hit by a car,
I happened to notice he'd gone, ran out in the neighborhood looking for him, actually saw a car stop that had hit him, knocked him up on the curb, and they wanted to cut his leg off at the vet, but they said his nerve endings may come back partially.
Well, it came back, but he had to swing his leg a little bit.
And I'm telling you folks, you take him to a park anywhere, people would come over, ignore you, and say, what's in your paw or right in front of you?
Did he do something to you?
I don't know.
That if it's my dog, and he's having to swing his leg, that there isn't some other issue.
Well, what's wrong with him?
Well, he got hit by a car.
Oh, okay.
And they start walking away, and I'd be like, no, no, no, no.
Let's not walk away.
Why'd you walk over and talk to my dog?
It was some mentally ill nanny state thing where you were acting like I was bad and you were good, and it was a way to attack me and act weird.
So let's talk about, you're a Democrat, aren't you?
You're some type of feminist liberal, aren't you?
And they'd be like,
I mean, these are mentally ill people, folks.
And run off.
That's why they're calling the cops on people everywhere when their kids are in the backyards now, or in the front yards, or in a cul-de-sac, and they're arresting people for kids in their front yard.
I'm talking 10-year-olds.
They're arresting people for cleaning their guns in rural areas on their back porch.
They are arresting people that have gun cases in their homes that are legal because the carpet cleaner comes to your house and calls the police on you.
Or the telephone repair person.
I mean, this is a cult of crazy people.
Oh my gosh, that old man has a samurai sword.
It's a white cane.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm going to go to your calls when we come back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we're going to get into the biggest news of the day after the break, and then more of your calls that we're about to go to.
The giant developments with the Iran situation.
We're going to be going over that.
Big developments on that front.
Three aircraft carriers getting in position right now.
It is a 48-hour special broadcast we're doing here.
Find out more and the full roster of guests and see the free video feed at Infowarsmoneybomb.com.
Bill, Ronald, Johnny, Anthony, Mark, we're getting to all of you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill in North Carolina, a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Good, sir.
Thanks for calling in.
Thank you Alex.
I wanted to just comment.
You mentioned earlier how you may be the weak link in this truth movement, but really you're the man for the job because we've got a nation of zombies and you're the one to wake us up with your loud voice.
So don't ever discount what you do.
It's very important and you do it.
No, I was being self-deprecating because it's important to stay humble.
But I mean, you know, my point is I'm trying the best I can.
I know sometimes it's excellent what I do.
Other times it looks like a bull in a china shop.
But, you know, I try my best is my point.
And that's what I was saying.
You know, being a parent who sends a kid to public schools, you receive correspondence from the county school system, and it's like being on the newsletter from hell.
They have a... Are you familiar with the lockdown drills?
Oh yeah, those are prisoner training drills.
They now do them at malls and businesses, and they're just training you to freeze and be a prisoner.
You should do a blog on YouTube.
You can, you know, disguise your face or whatever, but do a blog about the school and what they're doing.
Everybody needs to just talk about what they don't like that's going on yourselves, and that amount of chatter will annihilate them.
They need our acquiescence.
Tell us about the brainwashing.
Well, I've called the school.
I've spoken to the principal.
She directed me to the head of security for the county.
The guy, you know, he hung up on me eventually because he just, you know, didn't see how this could really affect... I mean, my son is five years old, Alex.
No, they come in with SWAT teams.
They point guns at them.
They scare them.
They have mock shootings.
They've not announced to teachers before it's drills.
And teachers have had to go to mental institutions over it and had breakdowns.
So have kids.
I mean, you know, I mean, it's incredible what they did.
But, well, the letter said that they turn the lights off and cram the kids into corners.
I didn't know that they actually have guys come in with machine guns and point them at the kids?
Yeah, sir, it depends the variant, but it's federal grants, and so there's three or four different scenarios they do that vary.
But they have drills where they come and blow up vehicles in the parking lot, they light them on fire, and they have flashbangs, and they lead the kids out and have other kids with fake blood all over them and say, we are Christian militia leaders here to kill you.
And they line them up and say we're now going to murder you.
And they do this to 5, 6, 7, 8 year olds.
They do it with the really young ones so they can't explain it to their parents.
That's in the Associated Press.
I know it sounds insane.
They've done it in Texas, Michigan, California, Oregon, or just a few.
I actually cover it in, I think, Police State 3, total enslavement.
Yes, sir.
They also have people come in with knives, and it's to traumatize the kids.
And they say, it's okay, the good officers are here.
And the lights come on, and the good officers come and lead away the bad guys.
It amazes me.
I said I was on a newsletter.
That's because the latest installment is the Drug Free America.
If I could just read this really quickly.
Teach him how to use drugs.
Go ahead.
So my kid doesn't even know what drugs are.
And here he is going to school to learn all about them.
So anyway, here's what it says.
The Red Ribbon Campaign.
As a parent, I'm getting this in my folder that I'm supposed to see his homework in.
The Red Ribbon Campaign started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered a DEA agent
No, no, they give you a story to feel sorry for someone.
It's propaganda.
It's a moral narrative of why they need to be there.
They're there, even if the officers are brainwashed and don't know, to create interest in children about drugs so they will use them.
You gotta hit them when they're 5 to 10, that's why these programs do that, so that they then dream of...
Think about drugs, so when they're first approached by the low-level dealer, who down the chain works for big banks but doesn't know it, so they'll use the drugs.
They've proven it.
Sex Eds, all of it, increases sex, increases drugs.
Stay there, I want you to read it.
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Now I want to get into Iran.
Congressman Walter Jones is coming up to get into that and a lot more.
I've got to get to your calls.
I said I was.
I'm going to do it.
In the last little segment, a father called in and said his son is in elementary school, Bill in North Carolina, and they have safety drills.
Now, we've actually made them ratchet some of these back in the last decade because, folks, they were going to schools.
I have video of it.
I've aired it.
It's in Police State 3, total enslavement.
Where the cops come in and say, we're the militia, we're gonna kill you, to elementary students and they cry and wet themselves and they come in with guys with knives with the lights off and say, we're gun owners.
You think I'm joking?
That's in the federal script.
AP picked it up a few years ago out of Michigan, the last time I saw it big in the news, where they blew up, set a car on fire in the parking lot, had the entire elementary school out, and then had guys in camos say, we're gonna kill you, we're the militia of homeschoolers against public education.
That's a quote.
In fact, John Bowne was out there looking and found a bunch of articles.
Go look it up!
Look up School Drills Scare Children, School Drills Anger Parents.
You'll see them everywhere!
And sometimes they don't even tell the parents it's gonna happen!
I mean, schools give kids forced inoculations from Alabama to California now without parental authorization.
It's totally illegal.
They give kids abortions and morning-after pills.
The government is out of control and is exercising this out-of-control power on people.
But up until 1940 or so, 35 states sterilized women who made less than B-minuses in public schools, high schools.
I made the film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
People woke up to eugenics, got mad, and reversed those laws and stopped it.
We can do that again here.
We've just got to learn to hate these people and know who they are and understand it.
And that is hate the globalists that are trying to engineer this.
Doesn't mean all the minions and people are... Police lockdown drill at school angers some.
Angers some, but we're still going to do it to your kids.
You were sitting there to come in and teach your five-year-old how to use drugs.
That's what the studies show.
The government's on record growing the opium in Afghanistan, shipping the drugs in from Mexico.
They only arrest low-level drug dealers that don't launder their money through the big megabanks.
That's on record.
So let's go back to Bill.
Finish your point, Bill, and we're going to go to Ronald, Johnny, Anthony, Mark, and others.
So I'll just read you really quickly what the insert on my son's homework folder was.
This is the last slide, and then I'll give you what they're doing Monday through Friday.
It says, the mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified, invisible commitment toward drug-free America.
I mean, that's a pretty lofty goal.
I mean, is that even possible?
Hold on, these are the same schools, sir, under the New Freedom Initiative written by Big Pharma that say all children should be put on Ritalin and Prozac because it increases their ability.
It's a total fraud.
I mean, the bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs are on the streets because it drives up the price.
That's why they made it illegal, so they can make money off of it.
Go ahead.
Right, so Monday, I'll just read you the Monday through Friday here, and take note on Friday, and the idiot that wrote this.
Monday, each classroom will recite the Red Ribbon Pledge, and will sign the pledge and wear a red day, so they wear a red shirt, and they have these signatures all along the hallways in the schools of all these kids, you know, that they're not going to do drugs.
Kids who don't even know what drugs are, some of them.
And then next, next, this is in what, first and second grade, sir?
Okay, kindergarten, because this is the pattern.
By the sixth grade, they have federally funded ATF and FBI local deputies.
They're local deputies, or police, but they're under FBI curriculum or ATF.
It is literally what's in mommy and daddy's medicine cabinet, and do they spank you?
So this is the process of taking your kids away from you.
You know the Department of Defense is in the schools, too.
Did you know that?
I would not surprise me to hear that.
I know that it's psychological.
I mean, because this is not about physical safety, because even, look, even if this is a possibility of somebody... Sir, the schools are re-education camps.
All the studies show.
Death education teaches kids to not commit suicide.
It enters the idea of suicide, and they teach them how to commit suicide, and then people go commit suicide.
That's even been on 2020, ABC News has admitted that.
The drug education increases drug use.
The sex education increases sex.
Folks, they're teaching six-year-olds, you can look this up nationwide under federal agreed curriculum, six-year-olds what sex is.
Folks, folks, kids aren't even thinking about that until they're 11, 12, 13 years old.
They are absolutely destroying their minds.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Okay, so Tuesday is tie one against drugs, so they wear ties.
Wednesday, sock it to drugs, so they wear mismatched drugs, or mismatched crazy socks.
Thursday, drugs and I don't mix day, so wear mismatched clothing.
This is like just really sapping the subconscious.
Now, here's what happens on Friday.
Announce over the loudspeaker what Warden would in a prison.
Top ten reasons to stay off drugs, and it says, this will be done like the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
It's not even Leno who does the top ten, it's Letterman!
These people are stupid!
Yeah, but you should stop right there.
This is a re-education camp program.
The schools are re-education camps.
The globalists say that in their own textbooks.
They say the family's a disease.
We're going to end it through the schools.
The average teacher, people even implementing this, are compartmentalized.
They don't know.
The cops don't know.
Yeah, there's BBC.
Sex education for six-year-olds.
That's in England.
It's the same thing here.
Same thing in Australia.
It's a global standardized system.
If you want to fight it, go to the PTA and point out the New Freedom Initiative articles from World Net Daily and others where they admit the plan is to put half the kids on prescription grade
Amphetamines and hallucinogens.
That's what Prozac-type drugs are.
And so you want kids to take hardcore stuff worse than most illegal drugs, but you're saying don't get on drugs.
Listen, when they put them on Ritalin and Prozac in major studies, they are three to seven times putting on which drug?
Just type this in when I say it.
The guys do it, they're amazed because I've seen this a hundred times.
That's why everything I talk about you can pull up.
You are three to seven times, some studies show higher, likely to go seek out illegal drugs.
Okay, they are turning your kids into drug addicts.
They ship the drugs in, sir.
God bless you.
Okay, it's a fact.
Okay, it's a fact.
It's been certified by Congress.
Again, I gave my uncle 200 copies of the
Infowars magazine when I was out visiting family at our East Texas ranch.
Family Ranch a few weeks ago, I gave them the financial collapse issue, and the ranchers and people really liked it, but they said, but Alex Jones is promoting marijuana and illegal drugs, because we have HempUSA.com as the back cover sponsor, and none of this has any THC in it.
It's not DTHC.
Most hemp has no THC.
This is the legal stuff that's been proven in so many studies, it makes your head spin, to just be a miracle plant.
Heart disease, you name it, it is a gift from God.
We're the only country in the world where growing it is illegal.
The non-THC type.
It has to be shipped in from Canada.
It's illegal to import it.
This is what all the rich people use.
The fanciest salons have hemp oil-based haircare products now.
And they literally, my uncle tried to explain to them, hemp is not marijuana.
And they just don't believe it.
That's why this country is in deep trouble.
You got guys wearing cowboy hats with ranches, who work hard and are good guys, but they're still so brainwashed, they think I'm selling marijuana in the back of a newspaper.
It's beyond Sheriff Roscoe Picotrain.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
Let's go to Ronald.
I'm gonna shut up here.
Ronald, you're on the air.
Yes, can you hear me?
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, I can.
Yeah, I'm a disabled veteran and I have to, um... Here we have a question.
How come the Alex Jones Show doesn't go more into the needs of the veterans?
There is more and more veterans out there that are disabled and barely getting by.
They're going ahead and fighting for their pension and the VA is refusing.
Well sir, when they devalue the dollar completely, your pension will be worth nothing anyways if we don't stop that.
So it's kind of like, if we don't stop the house from... You may have missed the show, I don't know how long you've been listening, and I should cover Veterans Affairs more.
Because I covered the fact that they steal your death benefits when you die.
I cover the fact that you're breathing DU.
I cover the fact that they say you're the number one terror threat, and they're teaching police you're the enemy.
Because they know when they take your pensions, you're going to go completely wild, some of you.
I know some of the veterans I've talked to are pretty angry.
So, we talk about how the VA is horrible and steals most of the money.
So, I don't know what show you're listening to.
How long have you been listening?
Approximately five years.
And you've never heard me talk about veterans issues for five years?
Yeah, yeah.
But the thing is, like with this, there's more and more veterans out there, especially disabled ones, coming back from
I won't call them wars, because the last war we had was... I'm gonna give you the floor when we come back about this.
What am I supposed to do?
By the way, you know what the top story is?
He's gonna break some, you know, news here when he comes back.
But we've got Walter Jones, congressman coming on, who is doing everything he can to bring the troops home, and to make sure that they get the medical care and things they need.
I had him on like a month ago, pushing for this.
I just, I don't think that's fair, overall.
We'll be right back though, I'll let you have your point.
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Since World War One, our veterans have been treated like absolute garbage.
There were some problems before that.
Our government's been taken over by foreign banks.
They hate the veterans.
Of course they're cheating you in every way they can while having all this propaganda on TV about how much they love you.
And people don't know how to differentiate the two things.
But I'm not all powerful.
I mean, in fact, I'm not very powerful.
It's pretty scary that we're about the biggest and best thing there is out there fighting the globalists.
That's why we've got a responsibility to grow.
But I mean, we just constantly... I was planning to talk about veterans being shafted with the congressman coming up.
You know, I could pay a lot of lip service and say, thank you for your service, oh I love you so much, and not talk about DU.
I've been told, don't talk about DU hurting the veterans, just say you love them.
I love you then, I love you.
I mean, it's all just empty.
This is a corrupt empire now.
And the whole world's melting down, and I don't know what to say.
I mean, our troops are over there fighting next to Al-Qaeda against Russians in Syria right now.
That's confirmed in the back of the paper, but it's not even a big news issue.
It's sensational.
So, Ronald, I mean, tell us, what can you say to help the veterans?
What do we do?
Well the big thing is, like with myself, I have a form of lung cancer called asbestosis.
Oh boy.
I contracted that in the service.
And it's kind of military funny in that I was denied disability for the asbestosis of that which is going to kill me, but because I have permanent hearing loss and a spinal injury due to time in Special Forces, we'll give it to her for that.
Yeah, well they don't want to admit they poisoned you.
Yeah, that's how Steve McQueen, that's what gave him cancer.
He died at 50.
Incredible actor.
I love Steve McQueen.
He died of asbestosis, cancer of the metastasized as well.
I know, and there's still some equipment that's got asbestos in it.
But folks, if you think asbestos is bad, try DU.
I mean, can you imagine with all these veterans having deformed children?
I've heard neocons laugh about Fallujah having 14-fold increase.
That's the British Medical Journal.
Birth defects.
Well, our troops have got a 4- to 5-fold increase.
You know, it's not funny.
I think it's sick.
I mean, what they're doing to current troops is going to make what happened to you, bro, look tame.
Actually, asbestosis, a lot of people don't comprehend this.
Asbestosis is a very painful, slow way to die.
I'm talking about, I'll get up four or five times a night not being able to breathe because my lungs fill up with fluid.
I'm sorry brother.
Veterans that are, they have served when I served back in the 80s.
They don't realize they got a death sentence because the majority of the posts
We're built back prior to them removing the asbestos out of buildings.
Some of the firefighters and police that I went to benefits for and tried to raise money for, first responders, you know, even New York Post called them ambulance chasers.
I would be there in the green room when they would have breathing oxygen masks on, would cough up blood and would go out and give a speech.
Some of those guys are dead now.
I mean, they were young.
And they finally admit it was asbestos and deadly dust.
I mean, again, they wouldn't even take care of the firemen, police and military.
I'm telling you, that's why I'm so angry about the globalists.
The government at the top is run by scum.
And I'm sorry, sir, that they're not giving you, you know, treatment and things for that.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I mean, they're shooting little kids up everywhere with deadly vaccines.
They're lying and saying it's the law to take shots.
I appreciate your call.
I don't know what I'm... That's why I get so angry.
We're building a civilization based on lies.
Let's talk to Johnny in New York.
Johnny, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex, for being able to take my call.
God bless you, and best of luck on being able to do this money bomb.
I hope that millions come to you.
I would sure do a lot of millions, Deb, and if we raised a million, it'd be great.
I'd be happy if we raised $500,000.
I want to thank everybody that is donating.
Go ahead.
I am seeing such a huge outcry among young people.
I'm 25 and I use Facebook often and I have never seen in an election this tight where two people are so polarizing, especially with Obama.
I have lost so many people talking about all the things that you've educated your listeners and viewers about and
I'm just wondering from you, how do you see the young people in the next couple of years?
Trying to adapt to, uh, that there is such thing as a New World Order.
That, yes, we are in an economic crisis, because I speak to a lot of liberal people.
And a lot of my friends are liberal.
And one thing they don't like to do is debate.
And if you talk to them about, let's say, you have a conversation saying, oh, well, Obama, uh, has raised the...
I don't want to cut him short.
Stay there.
I want to hear how we wake up a liberal.
You know, it sounds like I attack Democrats all day.
A lot of them are well-meaning people.
They just don't get that the nanny state is not here to help you.
It's here to take your life over.
And so I get very angry with them, but we'll talk about that.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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That's right, ladies and gentlemen, and we've got Congressman Walter B. Jones joining us here in just a moment to cover a raft of different issues.
He joins us from North Carolina.
First thing I wanted to bring up to the Congressman is ban on Iranian TV channels in Europe.
They've just banned them and knocked them off TV.
They've taken them off British TV.
They've got three U.S.
aircraft carriers, two already there, one more about to arrive.
One week until U.S.
has three aircraft carriers facing Iran.
Potential for October surprise as tensions build.
Romney has now gone above Obama in many polls.
The big University of Colorado, who's been spot on, is predicting that Romney will win the popular vote.
And again, whether you think Romney's a puppet or not, or Obama,
This could feed into an October surprise.
Even ABC News a few weeks ago said Obama may stage an October surprise.
And you've got major saber-rattling going on.
You've got proxy wars taking place right now in Syria, already happened in Libya.
And Congressman Jones joins us to talk about that and a lot more.
Congressman, I saw an article out today talking about you and Ron Paul not planning to vote for Mr. Romney, Governor Romney.
We're going to be getting into that as well.
Also talk about your fight to try to end these wars and bring our troops home.
But what is your take and what is the sense of the Congress?
Because we've never seen them shut off the Iranian TV state-run media in Europe and England.
I see that as one of the final signs they're getting ready to strike.
What information can you give us that's not classified congressman?
Alex, before we
Came home for the October campaign, meaning before the November election, I had met with several different outside groups, meaning outside of Congress, who were concerned that there was definitely a wag the dog situation developing and that there could be an October surprise, which you just made reference to, and that could be some type of action taken against Iran.
Now since I've been home, obviously Congress is not in Washington, I have not had any classified briefings or anything else, but I know I left Washington in early October concerned that this country might find itself being supportive of some type of military action against Iran.
And Alex, you know I've said this many times on your show that I wish the American people
We'll start putting pressure on Congress to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.
I have the former Commandant, I'm getting back to Iran in just one moment.
The former Commandant is a friend of mine, has been my advisor on Afghanistan for three years, and let me explain that to your listeners.
I do not have a military background, so I went to this General, who I knew when he was an active duty Commandant, and said, General, will you advise me on Afghanistan?
Because I made a mistake.
We had no more business going into Iraq than I do of trying to fly myself from here to Florida without a plane.
And so he said, yes, now I'll get to the point.
On October, excuse me, September the 27th, I had reason to email him and ask another response from him regarding Afghanistan.
And I'll read this very quickly to your listeners.
At the end of the day,
I am more convinced than ever that we need to get out of Afghanistan.
When our friends turn out to be our enemy, it is time to pull the plug.
The idea that troops we have trained and equipped now turn that training and equipment on us is unconscionable.
Whether we leave tomorrow or 1,000 tomorrows from now, nothing will really change.
We are now nothing more than a recruiting post for every malcontent in the Middle East.
We need to wake up.
And I don't mind telling you, I was able to arrange for this Commandant to speak to Jim Talent, who is the former Senator from Missouri, last week.
And Jim Talent is advisor to the Romney campaign, and I told Jim,
That if Mr. Romney would come out next Monday night and say that I'm going to re-evaluate our commitment in Afghanistan, and if at all possible, I will start bringing our troops home in 2013, I said, Jim, he will get two solid points from the American people.
And I said, and we talked, Jim was very kind, he's a friend, and I said, will you talk to this Commandant?
So I know last week the Commandant, retired Commandant, spoke to Jim Talent for just about an hour.
And the commandant called me back and said, uh, Walt, I want you to know I have an hour of his time.
I think he understands, but whether he can get this to the top, I don't know.
Why do you think when most generals and experts are saying, you know, get out of Afghanistan in the last three or four years, it's been intensifying the drumbeat.
Why do you think Obama accelerated operations there, stirring up the hornet's nest, not just in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan?
You know, Alex, that is something I don't have any information that I can give you any answer except the whole thing is we have not, for the last 20 years, had a decent foreign policy.
And everything that we've done under Bush and Obama, that's why I went to the federal courts, that's why I put in the HCON Resolution 107 that you had me on your show a couple months ago, when a president
A Democrat or Republican decides that he knows best how to remove a dictator who might be an evil man, but he's done nothing to hurt America.
And then they just send the bombs in.
That's why we have so much hatred in the Middle East as it relates to America.
And my dear friend Ron Paul, and I agree with him totally, anytime that you start trying to dictate to a culture that has nothing in
There's no connection at all with how we think in America that you're going to create more problems than solutions.
Shifting gears from Afghanistan and Central Asia more to the Near East and the Middle East, it's now admitted that NATO in the West is putting Al-Qaeda in.
The New York Times admitted two days ago the main force is Al-Qaeda, is being armed.
We're talking about surface-to-air guided missiles being given to them, not just the stuff they got out of Libya.
This is the devil's game is what I would call it.
What are you told?
I mean, you're at the highest levels there in Congress.
What is the real policy?
Because I'm not saying Assad's a great guy or Qaddafi, but Assad compared to Qaddafi's a good guy, and Qaddafi compared to al-Qaida's a good guy.
There's no debate, al-Qaida's really nasty and bad.
I feel like I'm in an alternate universe here, Congressman Jones, because why is NATO, the UN, our government, helping al-Qaeda wreck Syria where they're admittedly slaughtering Christians and others?
Alex, whatever planet you're on, I'm up there with you.
I don't understand it either.
I don't know, and please understand, I don't blame the American people.
Many people are in financial problems.
We don't know what tomorrow is going to bring.
There are a lot of issues facing the American people.
But why in the world the American people are not putting pressure on Congress?
I don't even fault President Obama.
I fault the Congress.
Why in the world doesn't the Congress understand that the American people want us out of all these foreign countries, spend that money right here in America, rebuild our streets, rebuild our roads, our schools, and take care of people who cannot take care of themselves?
And here we are borrowing money from all around the world to be the big Superman of the world and it makes no sense.
You're right, and we're going bankrupt.
We now have almost 50 million people on food stamps.
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner, is in CNBC story today and others saying that Europe isn't a depression, we're going into one.
What is the real sense?
I mean, obviously Congress knows we're being fed fake economic numbers.
When you're there in the halls of power, what is the ruling class expecting to happen?
Because we're steering towards disaster here.
Well, Alex, I'm of the firm belief that the critical year for decisions to be made to save America are going to be 2013.
And with the growing debt and deficit of our nation, if we're not willing to make the tough decisions, then we're going to collapse is what's going to happen.
That's right.
All these special interest groups in and around Washington that feed money to the Republicans and the Democrats, and I'm part of the problem,
But I want you to listen carefully.
I'm also trying to be part of the solution by trying to be on bills that would create alternatives to the way we finance campaigns, because the way we finance campaigns, in my opinion, cheat the people.
Well, how would you change it then, Congressman?
Well, I think that the only way you can do it is to create some type of voluntary
Well, what about the Communist Chinese?
Because I saw it happen
I had not heard that, but I
Alex, the sad thing is, and you've been here for a long time, what I mean is, as a talk show host and one of the best in the country, you and I both know that I'm not surprised by anything anymore.
I wouldn't have said that to you 10 years ago.
But the things I've seen in the last two or three years in Washington, the lack of civility among good thinking people and being so anti each other because we got to stay the majority, we got to raise more money than the other group.
It's time for the American people to take back the government.
Well, what is your take on the debates?
I mean, even if we all know Romney is not really a true conservative or constitutionalist, the fact that they are skewing the debates, giving Obama more time every time, interrupting constantly, and Candy Crowley lying and saying that Obama had called it a terror attack.
What do you make about this whole election and concerns that there could be civil unrest either way, no matter who wins?
Well, I think that is a growing possibility and I do want one thing that I am supporting the entire Republican ticket.
The reason, what I didn't do, I did not endorse Mr. Romney because I don't know where he stands on foreign policy, but I am voting for Romney all the way down to our county commissioners.
Okay, so the media kind of misconstrued that you are voting Republican ticket.
I'm voting Republican, but... You're just not going to go cheerleading around for Romney because you don't know who he is?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I know more Monday night as to who's advising him.
And, of course, if he would follow the former Commandant's suggestion, I would probably be out there beating the drums all over the country for him.
But we'll just have to wait and see.
I mean, why doesn't he come out against the Afghan operation?
That would be a really good thing for him to do.
Alex, I don't know.
I don't know if it's the neocons who were the big advisors to Bush to get us into an unnecessary war.
I don't know the inside people we're from.
I tried to find the foreign policy type because I kept telling them I've got a way to help him win the election by getting the troops.
If he doesn't do anything else, Alex, but say I am willing to look at the possibility
Of bringing our troops home.
When you have the people you're training, that's what the Commandant said, the people you're training turn the guns on you, you're their teachers, and you shoot and kill them.
We've had three Marines from Moorstock, which is in my district, Camp Lejeune, they were killed two months ago by the people they were training.
We had a young African American kid from right here where my district office is in Greenville, North Carolina.
He and two of his Army buddies were shot and killed by the people they were training.
I went to the wake of this young man.
And it's certainly deteriorating fast.
I mean, it may become a point where the troops are hanging off the helicopter skids like the fall of Saigon.
That's what a lot of top brass are saying.
You have these politicians who just want to control the goodies coming out of the country.
Make no mistake, that's why they're keeping them there.
Expanding on that, what did you make, sir, of Obama?
This was the clearest thing we'd seen where he admitted he wants to ban semi-autos, and he went on to say that means handguns too, and he wants to just say people have mental illness extrajudicially, violating, you know, the 68 Gun Control Act.
I mean, that was very clear there, and the NRA says that they've talked to his advisors and that if Obama is elected, he's planning to sign an executive order to restrict the Second Amendment.
I mean, that would cause a civil war.
Well, there's no question about it, and that again is why I am very concerned.
Well, they've done these...
Breakdowns different think tanks have and that's why they haven't tried to totally ban guns yet because they know when they try it It is going to be very very dangerous situation and the thing is
Handgun Control Incorporated and others have said Obama has promised them that he will get the guns, quote, under the radar in the second term.
So that's a declaration of war against the Republic.
If it isn't bad enough, and I know you've got the bill in there to start the impeachment if it continues, God bless you, and the media of course didn't give it any attention, to say our military is under NATO.
Now, Congressman Jones, when I read in the newspaper about dead U.S.
troops, have you noticed most of the time it says NATO troops?
And when it does, I realize that it's probably 99% of the time is an American who was killed.
Because Alex, you and I both know that the other countries are slowly pulling the troops out.
And it's our young men and women that are walking the village roads and getting shot and blown up.
And where is the American outrage?
There was a lady that wrote, there was an article written when the 2000th American was killed.
Her son, Alex, very quickly was a Eagle Scout, graduate of Annapolis.
He was a young Marine officer.
He was killed several months ago.
And in the subtitle of this article about this lady, Ms.
Freeman is her name, Lisa Freeman is her son who was killed.
She says, where is the outrage from the American people?
Why are they willing to see young men and women die?
Why are they willing to borrow money to pay a crook to stay in power?
Well, that's another question.
Why are the main European, NATO and British troops, why do they stay in the bases and why is it almost always U.S.
troops that go out and do the fighting?
Since when do these countries not fight?
I mean, if they're going to be in a war?
Well, Alex, I can't speak from other countries, but I'll say this.
That if they're smart enough to see that they don't need to send their young men and women to die, why are we so stupid that we do it?
I agree.
That's well said.
Folks, we're over there to sit on top of the OPM.
Let's not let anybody lie about that.
It was, what, 9% of world production pre-2001.
Now it's 93% of world production.
And that's what it's all about.
It's about sitting on top of all that smack.
Congressman Jones, do one more segment with us.
I also want to give out your website.
You've got some important press releases.
I want to cover some other topics we haven't gotten into yet with you.
Final segment with the Congressman, then I promise I'm getting to Johnny.
I'm getting to Chris, Evan, Anthony, Mark.
In fact, Anthony's next after Johnny.
When we go to your calls, stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
48-hour broadcast.
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We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
Gonna be broadcasting for 48 hours.
We're now a little less than two hours into it.
Jones.house.gov is Walter B. Jones' excellent site.
Very important.
Alex, I said that any nation
That was founded on Judeo-Christian values, and that's the foundation of America.
Any nation that forgets the words in the Bible and the words in the Constitution will fail.
If you do not revere and respect the Bible and the Constitution, whatever you believe will fail.
Expand on that.
Well, I mean, I look at the fact in America that our military chaplains
I look at the fact that
Presidents will not even come to Congress.
They would rather just have the authority to bomb another country because they don't like the dictator.
That goes from the Bible chaplain to a president that does not revere or respect the Constitution.
I said to the Romney people, if he would make this statement in one of the debates, that if I become the President of the United States, I, Mitt Romney, will promise you I will follow the Constitution.
Because I swear to uphold the Constitution, I will follow the Constitution.
Alex, that's just like Afghanistan.
He would get... Ron Paul's people, people like you and me, we would go wild to hear some president say that.
They don't even say that anymore.
On the point of collapse, is there any way to avert the economic collapse that we're going into?
And what will the decadent mobs of people do if the collapse gets really serious?
I'm not optimistic at this point that we can withstall a collapse.
I hope that I'm wrong.
I hope that you're wrong.
But when you have a country that has to borrow money from the Chinese, the Japanese, to pay the debts of a nation, and when you're paying $1 billion a day just to pay the interest on the debt, it can't keep going on.
And I think the corrupt in government know that.
That's why they're digging in, buying 1.6 billion bullets now, and putting troops on the streets in different parts of the country.
I mean, the system knows, and they think they're gonna just, I guess, take over during the collapse, Congressman.
Your take on all the massive bullet purchases?
I, like any God-fearing person and man who believes that we, the American people who are law-abiding citizens, have every right to our freedoms, I'm concerned about it.
We've only got about a minute left, Congressman.
Any other points you'd like to add?
I really would like to ask your listeners to please pick up the phones and call their members of Congress.
Every one of them is home during this three weeks before the election.
And tell them to, for God's sakes, bring the kids home before 2014.
That's Obama's date, December 2014.
How many more have to die, lose their legs, lose their arms?
It's just not fair to them.
Well, they've already had other pullout dates.
They're probably just going to move it down the road again.
Well, that's one of the concerns of a few Republicans and a few Democrats, is that 2014 can become 2015, and before you know it, you're talking about 2016.
And it can happen that way, Alex, you're exactly right.
It can happen.
If the American people do not let their voices be heard,
Absolutely, folks.
People are always asking me, Alex, do something.
Folks, you've got the power.
You've got all the power.
Congressman will let you go, and please come back on soon to talk about your bill to allow citizens on U.S.
They're closing as part of their U.N.
There's so much we didn't get into.
It's all at jones.house.gov.
Alex, let's talk after the election and see where we're going.
Yes, sir.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back, folks.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Wow, we're already two hours into the 48-hour marathon transmission.
See the full list and breakdown at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
I haven't checked in a little while on the donations coming in, but we'll be talking more about that.
Quite frankly, we do these Money Bomb 24-hour, 48-hour transmissions once a year.
This is our first 48-hour, and I don't even sit there and hype it enough.
I don't think they've updated.
It doesn't update in real time.
This has been $34,000 for about an hour.
It's important, I can tell the guys, to update that as fast as they can.
Because we need to show people what's happening.
The free video feed is all there as well.
Let's go back to Johnny.
And I promise I'll move quick through calls now.
Anthony and Mark and others that have been holding for an eon.
You were making the point earlier we had to hold you over for those that just joined us.
We'll just recap what you were saying and then get to your question.
I mean yeah Alex, it's just a lot of young people, I'm 25 like I said, who are for some reason, especially in the last couple of years, they don't want to hear anything bad about Obama.
God forbid you say anything about Obama.
It's like they're literally shooting you.
It's very, very, very bad stuff.
And then when you pick a conversation with them, especially the liberals, they'll be, uh, if you mentioned, oh, Obama had a, uh, he raised the debt ceiling by $6 trillion.
And then they'll say, uh, well, this conversation's over, but we're having a conversation about how he raised
Well, they think you're then totally loving Romney and all his corruption.
See, that's what the left-right paradigm is.
It doesn't mean there's not real debates between the two sides, or there's not a real fight going on over the power structure, but it limits it.
That's what the paradigm is, is that, well, you're a Republican, so a Democrat can't listen to you, or you're a Democrat, so a Republican can't listen to you, and both sides, you know, at the grassroots, say some things that make sense sometimes.
But then it's a false choice because they're bought and paid for by the same people, so then it's just rhetoric.
But yeah, Democrats and Republicans, to a great extent, will not listen to the other side because they are so locked into like their gang.
And Republicans are bad, but I'll tell you, Democrats, it is cult-like.
And they get this little grin on their face, they laugh at you, because they're like children.
Their identity
Is that they are a Democrat.
Their identity is they're winning.
Their identity is it's their sports team.
And it's like trying to tell two sports fans who are sitting there going, yeah, did you see that game?
Yeah, did you see that call?
Yo, you're like, hey guys, there's more important things in the world.
They look at you like you're crazy.
So they think you're trying to dumb them down.
They think you're trying to say they're wrong.
Uh, and, uh, you know, sometimes you just gotta move on to people that care.
Because it's never been a majority that changes things.
There's an evil minority and an evil, uh, you know, group that wants control, and then there's good groups.
And the problem is good's not normally organized.
There's always more good guys that are actually, you know, willing to take action, but we're all...
Basically, you know, taught from birth that we don't have any power.
So we kind of stand down.
And then we don't get organized.
Or if we do get organized, they try to infiltrate us or they cause infighting.
So, I mean, it's a complex issue, but you're out in California.
And, you know, they've got a narrative, especially out there.
I mean, look at California.
It's a beautiful state.
A lot of resources, it's falling apart because of corruption and big government.
And no matter how nice the state is, you know, there's an exodus out of it now.
So they'll just have to, you know, they'll have to grow up and actually, you know, find out how things really work.
People gotta understand, Alex, that there is, and this is how I look at government ever since I've woken up.
There are seven pillars of New World Order governance.
You have the general population in the bottom, you've got the police state on top, you've got the Justitial Branch, the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, then you have the shadow government, which is the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and then the big kahuna, obviously, the Bilderberg Group.
And this is how
Everything is concocted.
This is how everybody regulates what people think about, how we get influenced.
Obama's just so polarized.
We're going to come back with more calls straight ahead.
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Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
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There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Here's Freedom!
I got involved in radio and TV as well as filmmaking 17 years ago.
Because I didn't like the direction I saw our country and our world going in.
The attacks on basic freedoms, like the Second Amendment.
The move towards collectivism in the nanny state.
And over the last decade and a half, Infowars.com and my radio show and the films have become really part of the core resistance to tyranny worldwide.
It seems like yesterday, but it was more than five years ago that I was sitting in my small office of about 3,000 square feet and realized that we were already reaching millions of people a week and that we had a responsibility to expand our operations in the face of the globalists.
It was listeners five years ago that demanded we have a money bomb and expand our operations.
We've gone from less than 10 crew members to more than 50 today.
Five years ago, I was reaching about 3 million people a week.
Now it's 15 million a week, conservatively.
Imagine what will happen if you just tell one person a day about InfoWars.com or our news reports that are online.
Imagine what will happen if you donate just five or ten dollars to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com and allow us to go to the next level and put the nightly news out on free-to-air satellite worldwide.
No, that one action won't save the world.
But it will trigger brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere that will bring down the globalist and restore humanity on the right path of justice and liberty and a level playing field.
We have a choice.
The globalist dark age of control freak technocracy or 1776 worldwide.
This October 18th and 19th, from Thursday morning right through into Saturday morning,
InfoWars Money Bomb 2012.
48 hours to change the world.
I'll see you live with the free video and audio streams emanating from PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
I'm Alex Jones, defending liberty, resisting tyranny.
That's right, and there's the promo video we put out a few days ago.
Again, I came from nowhere on AXS TV 17 years ago.
Within about six months, got a local radio show that was offered to me because the program director saw the show and said, hey, you want a Saturday show?
It became popular.
In about six months, I got a weeknight show.
And then it got syndicated back in 1998.
And was a limited syndication.
We've been as many as 100 stations before.
You know, as few as 30 or 40.
Now we're over 130.
It goes up and down.
The broadcast is really exploding.
Because what we've talked about is becoming evident.
But I'm not with some big giant network.
I'm not.
I mean, I'm running the show here.
And it is the donations once a year that help us budget in
And this is our most important expansion ever.
And quite frankly, I don't like getting up here asking for money.
I'd rather just promote products and things.
I think it's important to promote our local AM and FM stations.
Sponsor them.
I mean, listen, the government's going to end up shutting everything down and taking your power away.
They're scared of you using your money to basically vote with your dollars.
On so many issues.
And they love taking your money and then using it against you.
They take your tax money and use it on TV shows and movies to promote Obamacare.
That came out a few weeks ago.
Billions of dollars.
They take your money and use it for anti-gun messages.
Anti-family messages.
See, we're here saying, hey, spread the word about the show, buy the products.
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But quite frankly, you've got to sell a lot of DVDs and a lot of t-shirts to have a newspaper, to make films, to syndicated news production.
We're building a news organization to put out even more quality, crafted information.
This is a platform for all these amazing people fighting tyranny to come on.
I mean, this is it.
So go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com or link through at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
The whole top of the sites are banners that go there and donate on PayPal, credit card.
You can also call and make a donation.
I should point that out.
And there'll be members of the crew here for the next 48 hours.
Now the next, you know, 46 or so.
Or 43 and time is really flying by.
I don't know.
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Plus, it makes the globalists really, really angry.
You know, George Soros groups out there.
Uh, media matters run by the White House and funded by George Soros, the ThinkProgress and stuff.
They always pull their hair out about our audience and that we're reaching more people and, oh, isn't it horrible?
And, you know, let's shut down their funding and let's do this and that.
And there's all sorts of dirty tricks behind the scenes.
They cannot stand that little people give donations or spread the word.
And it can't be some big international banker like Soros, you know, with one big, big, big
You know, milky to feed their whole operation.
It's lots of you out there supporting us that is enabling us to reach so many more people.
And going into this depression, who knows how bad it's going to get?
You know, that's one thing.
I could exhaust a little bit of backup we've got.
Money to run this place for a few months if everything was turned off and expand.
But then I can't do that really.
I guess I could hustle and turn the show into an infomercial.
I don't do a lot of plugging compared to a lot of shows.
I could do that, I guess.
The point is we're going to pay for this one way or another.
And the money bombs have been a very important part of this.
And I want to thank all of you that have given.
But if you haven't gone to Infowars Money Bomb and donated, down the road, I mean, I hope we beat the globalist.
I mean, I guess if people don't want to donate, that's kind of running up the white flag.
So, you know, what's the point?
We have a good chance of beating these people.
Things are pretty much probably going to collapse to a certain extent.
But if we expose the globalists, then they're going to get the blame for it and get thrown out and run out of town.
If we don't, they're going to use the crisis to totally take over.
And that's their plan.
OK, enough of me ranting and raving.
Let's go to Anthony in New York.
Thanks for holding, sir.
You're on the air.
How you doing now?
Thanks for everything, man.
I appreciate you.
I appreciate it.
I want to bring up two quick points, sir.
Two quick things real quick.
Talk about this race riot.
I remember about a month and a half, two months ago, you had Doug Hegman on your show talking about the very same thing that they were going to try to provocateur.
I'd forgotten Hagman came on and said that his FBI source was saying that the White House was planning a false flag.
And I said, what is it?
And he said it's civil unrest.
You know, we got to get Hagman back on.
There's a few blocks we've got where it says I'm doing news.
But one of those open slots today or tomorrow, I want to leave a few open for special guests, but let's get Hagman on.
But see, it's not powerful if I don't play him saying that on the nightly news.
I remember him saying it two months ago.
And then I don't ever have the crew to go get all these clips of where our guests are breaking this down.
But yes, thanks for reminding me.
Yeah, thanks for reminding me.
Also, I want to bring up is I'd like to proudly announce that I'm part of Infowar.
I just went to my public access channel and I'm starting my own alternative media show.
I don't know.
Sir, I have to be honest with you, I even turned down BBC and ABC News and People Now when they want to come here, just because if I do all those big interviews, they cut them up anyways to make me look bad, and they want hours and hours of my time.
I still do big syndicated radio shows, not because I'm important, it's that I literally some days work 18 hours.
And I've committed to spend at least three hours a day with my children.
I still do things like Man Cow Show, Coast to Coast AM, with John B. Wells and George Norrie, people like that.
I would love to do shows.
That's part of the reason I've hired, we've now got like eight or nine reporters, is that I'm putting them through the paces.
They're all doing really great.
You know, kind of giving them some of the do's and don'ts and pitfalls so they can come on your shows.
But I do need to try to do that.
It's just there isn't time in the day.
One of my greatest frustrations is I spend so much of my time just trying to fund this operation and messing with all sorts of, you know, little dirty deeds that go on and little sneaky attacks and other things.
But by the grace of God, we just keep going forward.
But when does your show start or tell us what cable system it is?
Um, this will be on Time Warner Cable, Rochester, New York, channel 15.
And I'm starting to show them in exactly, probably like six weeks, that go through the, you know, learn how to use our equipment and everything.
Sure, you have to go to the orientation, which is a great way to get trained quick on cameras and editing.
God bless you.
Good to hear that.
Yeah, everybody should use AXS TV while it's still around.
They're trying to shut it down everywhere.
I mean, there are big audiences.
It's on basic cable.
Even in small towns they've got nice audiences.
You know, globalists will fly thousands of miles to talk to 200 people at a Rotary Club to influence.
They spend all their time, the Federal Reserve has thousands of agents out there, you know, brainwashing at public schools and colleges and events and Rotary Clubs and Masonic Halls.
Well, let me tell you something, folks.
I started out on AXS TV.
You do an AXS show and do a pretty good job, you can use that to go get a local talk station for no pay, but you can usually have a product or something you sell to do a Sunday or Saturday show.
Just try.
And then if you do good there, you're going to find yourself in a year filling in for the local host.
And then you're going to find yourself hosting.
I'm telling you, so much of this world is just taking action.
And there are so many great patriots out there who are well-spoken, informed, who have passion.
Get an access show.
Get a local radio show.
I've told business owners,
Hey, you're well-spoken.
Go into the local talk station and say, hey, I'll sponsor, you know, my tile company or my lumber company or my restaurant, but I'd like with my buddy, you know, to do a one-hour radio show.
Just give it a try.
Yeah, okay, we got some open slots, you know, Sunday morning.
You want to do it?
Go in there, talk about topics, take calls.
Hey, you want two hours?
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Alright, continuing with your phone calls.
Here today we have BBC and ABC News reporter Greg Pallast joining us with some big breaking news.
And I will continue with your calls right into the fourth hour, the fifth hour, the sixth hour.
We got a bunch of special guests coming up.
Really, this show is about getting out of the trance.
It's about caring.
It's about believing that we can turn things around.
I know we can't, but we have to stop being a bunch of jellyfish followers and really put our money where our mouth is, put our energy where our mouth is.
It's fun to fight tyranny.
What's not fun is to lay down to it.
Let's go to Mark in Tennessee.
I appreciate you holding, Mark.
Welcome to the Airwaves, sir.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Mr. Jones, for taking my call.
I just wanted to let you know this is my first time.
I'm a first-time caller.
I've been listening to you guys for roughly about a year now, and I'm out of FEMA Region No.
Speaking of FEMA Region No.
2, I just wanted to
Maybe, you know, through your social network, or the people that you're in contact with.
Have you heard anything about the extra beef up, you know, security as far as, you know, our borders, with our way stations, with TSA?
Last month, I'm an over-the-road truck driver, and last month, twice now I've been stopped on Interstate 40 coming out of Arkansas, on Interstate 40, and then coming southbound out of Kentucky, getting stopped at the way stations there.
I've noticed that TSA is, you know, more adamant or more
In Tennessee that I've noticed, you know, because I drive out west to the Midwest.
Yes sir, yes sir, actually in our film Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, we spend in two and a half hours probably 30 minutes on Tennessee.
Tennessee, they're worried about people in Tennessee because they know you're independent and you're wily and you're not idiots.
It was mainly Tennesseans.
It was some Alabamans and Carolinians as well.
It was mainly Tennesseans.
That's why it's called the Volunteer State that came down and founded Texas.
Most of the people that died at the Alamo were Tennesseans.
So, the globalists absolutely hate your guts.
They see you as Americana as it gets, and they absolutely hate you.
And if they can break Tennessee, they can break anybody.
And for, I had a state, no, I had a congressman on from there and a state rep.
They have army checkpoints.
But TSA commands them.
And they're now setting up these, these grope rooms where they're dragging families in.
They're not just doing commercial vehicles.
They have, you haven't run through the ones that have been in Tennessee news yet, where they actually stop everybody.
And TSA does a full throw-your-stuff-out-everywhere, violates the Fourth Amendment, the Tenth Amendment.
They're also not sworn peace officers on top of it, and it's just the feds coming in there.
They also do Tennessee and the four states around you, but they admit Tennessee is their test ground for that type of activity.
And yeah, no, but hey, buddy, don't feel bad.
They're also now having TSA north of Austin.
They've had them in Round Rock, we've now confirmed.
They have army checkpoints, sometimes down in Kyle.
And they have TSA on the streets in Dallas, Houston.
And then they have MPs on the streets in San Antonio, who are arresting citizens.
So, it's on.
And it's just all getting us ready for the total collapse.
What's incredible is the TSA has these big scanners, too.
And they'll be out there with the Army or National Guard, and they drive you under the scanners.
And these are high-powered.
These are many times.
I've had radiologists on there about ten times the power of a chest X-ray.
Some of the units they've shown on the news.
And they have TSA standing out under it all day, and they drive you under it.
It's totally illegal, but they don't care.
You see, it's all time to die now.
It's time to be radiated.
It's time to take vaccines.
It's time to just get everybody used.
Everybody's starting to get cancer.
And these troops in TSA just stand around all day under high-powered x-rays that shoot through cars, quote, looking for weapons and drugs and terrorists.
Terrorists that they openly run in Libya and Syria.
So you say you're really getting to enjoy the TSA there, huh?
Oh yeah, it's just wonderful.
It's great losing my liberties and, you know, being controlled by somebody other than myself.
You know, our Constitution allows us to be controllers of ourselves, you know, guided by God, not by, you know, the people or the government.
And now you are guilty, guilty, guilty.
It's not even guilty until proven innocent.
It's slave.
And you're going to be henpecked by Potbelly, GSA, and that's the end of it.
That's the new freedom.
Because after all, Al-Qaeda might get us.
What is it like whenever you run into them?
Well, whenever I was coming out of Kentucky on 75,
I had one of the TSA officers actually come up into my truck.
They're not officers by the way, they're goons.
Well, right, they're not sworn officers, of course they're not, but you know, they act like they're in control.
Come up into my truck, ask me questions.
Of course, I had your radio station on in my truck, you know, and instantly I had to turn it off because they were asking me questions about that, which just gave them, you know, more info.
Hold on, they were asking you questions about my show?
Absolutely, yes.
Well, I told him it's a well-informed radio station.
It's an alternative radio station.
I listen to, you know, besides listening to Fox News.
Hold on.
You know what?
I got Greg Powell's coming up, but can you just briefly finish the story?
We'll get Greg online, but I've got to hear this.
I mean, yeah.
I mean, folks, this country's in deep trouble.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
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And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
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Don't dare call a conspiracy by Gary Allen, the book that woke me up.
We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Corey.
This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
It is the special 48-hour broadcast.
He'll be with us a little bit into the next hour.
Greg Palast, BBC, ABC reporter, best-selling investigative journalist, author.
Mitt Romney's bailout bonanza, we'll be looking at that in his new book.
I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I've looked at the graphics and cartoons and it looks pretty cool.
Billionaires and bailout bandits, how to steal an election in nine easy steps.
So we're going to hear from him on that perspective.
I know he's a non-partisan guy, but we want to hear the scoop on both parties and what's going on.
Before we go to him, I want to go back to Mark in Tennessee, who's a truck driver, who says he's constantly going through TSA checkpoints.
And that's on the news, but they have the TSA going back three or four years.
I have a newscast of this.
It's in my film.
I don't think so.
And we have footage of it, but this poor guy, he has my radio show on, he's sitting there at the TSA checkpoint, the guy climbs in and says, what is that?
Well, obviously, the TSA all know who I am.
I just was getting some threatening letter from the TSA just the other day.
They're actually now threatening us.
I'm going to get to that later.
I'm talking to my lawyers first.
The point is, is that they want you to sit down and shut up.
And I told you 10 years ago, they're going to be on the streets, they're going to be on the malls, and they're going to wave a wand for any police and say you're now allowed to violate people's rights because they're unsworn, federal, out-of-control bureaucrats.
They're pirates.
Individual TSA agents
Aren't really agents.
May not be evil themselves, but the system is a occupation takeover.
Dog training takeover.
So, briefly as we're going to Greg Palast, finishing your story, Mark, because I know they do have the checkpoints like nowhere else all over the place in Tennessee where sometimes they shut down whole highways and don't just search, quote, transportation vehicles that have waived their rights.
Uh, so he climbs up in your cab.
I mean, what was it about my show he heard that he instantly didn't like?
Because I guess in America, you know, the political officers are like, what are you listening to?
What do you think this is, America?
So, I mean, describe how that happened.
Then we're going to Greg Pallast.
Alright, well, real quickly, brief, to be perfectly honest with you, I believe what set the whole atmosphere is on my truck, on both the passenger and the driver's side, I have stickers on my truck that, you know, that says Patriot on board.
So I believe that's probably what started, you know, the... No, no, that's good!
We need to shove it in their face!
Because they say we're the terrorists, people that are real Americans, in the new manuals, the veterans, we are the evil people.
Show, show, alright, so we clown...
Of course, you know, I've got the radio station, and I've turned it down so that they can, you know, we can, you know, communicate back and forth.
And, you know, they hear it, and they're, well, what is this?
Well, it's Mr. Alex Jones.
What radio station?
You know, Infowars.
And, you know, they're screaming and yelling, well, we need to see your driver's license.
We need to see your... Wait a minute, so when they heard my name, it was like vampires at high noon?
I think they're, you know, fangs into my neck and draw every bit of my patriot blood out of me.
You know, so, you know, so they get up in my truck, you know, and of course, you know, I got a few things in there and they're like, well, you're traveling pretty loud.
I mean, just, just, just stupid stuff.
They were trying to imply you were a terrorist next.
Well, you're traveling pretty loud, boy!
It's not about not even having a criminal record.
It's about you're scum, they're God, get used to it.
So what else happened at the end of it?
What happened at the end of it?
Well, basically, you know, and I'm trying to handle my logbook, letting them know, you know, that I am abiding by the law.
They didn't want to see my logbook.
They just took my license.
They didn't even go back to the car or do anything or go back into the building and check, you know, check me out.
They really didn't want any information.
They know you're good.
It's why they don't like you.
It was the Patriot on board on the side of my truck.
And I believe that's what started the whole
You know, the whole catastrophe is basically.
And then, of course, they held me up for a good 45 minutes to an hour for nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
No, no, no.
They've told my crew, you don't want to be put in the microwave oven.
You're going to wait an hour and miss your flight.
And then we just start talking real loud about the tyranny.
They don't want to get the other sheep aware.
So then they move you through.
It's all about a gang of nobodies sticking their hands down your wife's pants.
I appreciate your call.
All right, let's go to Greg Pallas.
He'll be with us a little bit in the next hour.
Then we're going to get Sean Stone on.
Continued 48-hour broadcast.
Can't wait to sit down and read this little book, Billionaires and Bailout Bandits.
Greg Pallas investigates the Koch gang, Karl Rove, and their Buck buddies.
Thought we'd look some over at the neocon.
I don't think so.
Well, I gotta tell you, you know, I did some stories on total information awareness.
Remember that?
Remember they had that, you know, the pyramid, the Illuminati pyramid?
Run by Poindexter, yeah.
With the eyeball in the middle of the forehead.
I mean, it was like, it was, you know, you know what that was?
It's all about making money, Alex.
Follow the money.
You had big companies like Choice Point, like this billionaire Ken Langone, all mobbed up with the politicians, and they got billions and billions of dollars in no-bid contracts to, you know, basically say, you and your mommy and your neighbor, we're all suspects.
You know, like, I thought that we were, on September 11th, we were all the victims.
But on September 12th, we all became the suspect.
Well, that's right.
That Senate report came out last week.
You've written about that, where they admitted not one terrorist ever caught.
Tens of millions of us now on list as terrorists.
So they have these terrorist lists, you know, so it keeps them in business.
And that's the game.
I mean, a lot of guys are cranking a lot of money out of this.
I mean, you know, there's other aspects that you cover about civil liberties.
But, you know, I'm an economic investigator and I'm following... Because you're a former federal white-collar crime investigator at the highest levels.
Yeah, well, but since the federal government is now run by white-collar criminals, I kind of am out of a job there, so I went to journalism.
That's a joke, but it's not that funny.
No, it's not a joke.
You know how to read?
You're even worse than that last guy listening to the radio.
Yeah, I mean, that was amazing, that story.
But you know, that's the thing.
I'm very, very concerned that people are making too much money by taking away our liberties.
Yeah, let's write that down, because that's actually...
You get into that in your book, how they use these computer programs to disenfranchise voters, you name it.
Get into billionaires and bailout bandits and our loving government.
Yeah, well, this is a book put out by my foundation.
It's basically a blast at both parties and their billionaires and the way that they shoplift votes.
So, for example, it's very, you know, for example, by the way, a lot of people talk about the Koch brothers as big Republican funders.
That's this week.
David Koch was going to run.
The four Koch brothers, by the way, are between them.
They're worth a little over $50 billion.
David Koch was going to run for governor of Kansas as a Democrat, by the way.
And Bill Clinton, you know, that guy that everyone now thinks is just a wonderful bum.
Oh yeah, Bill Clinton, yeah.
Anyway, where did he come from?
How do you become, go from Governor of Dogpatch and come out of Dogpatch, Arkansas and become President of the United States in four years?
And the answer is that he wrote something called the Democratic Leadership Council.
Now, who created the Democratic Leadership Council?
It started with a $150,000 donation from the Koch brothers.
At the same time, they gave $150,000 to Bob Dole, his opponent, who got caught because they gave it to Dole's Foundation, Foundation for a Better America, and he thought America would be better off with him as president.
That was illegal, he had to give the money back.
These guys are playing, they don't bet on horses, Alex.
They own the whole darn racetrack.
That's right, you own all the sides like Don King in a heavyweight boxing match, you can't lose.
Exactly, that's how it's played.
And that's alright if they weren't getting something in return, and that's what I'm concerned about.
Who's picking up their bills?
What do you think?
As Ken Langone, that guy I was talking about, who's making money off the total information awareness stuff, as he said, he just gave a million dollars to Mitt Romney.
He's not a Republican.
He said, you know, I don't make donations to political candidates.
I'm not giving Romney a million because it's a donation.
I'm making an investment.
I invest in him like I do any other product.
And, you know, what's the return there?
That's what I'm very concerned about.
And obviously, then there's a chapter in Billionaires and Ballot Bandits called Pennies from Heaven.
Where did Barack Obama come from?
By the way, you know, it means Barack Obama means the blessed one we've been waiting for.
Well, Alex, who was waiting for him?
Have you ever heard of anyone going from like the swamp of the State Senate of Illinois, right?
Which is a total swamp.
And four years later, he's in the White House.
How does that happen?
The answer is Penny Pritzker.
She's worth $4 billion, was worth $4 billion, but then the feds hit her for a $400 million fine for predatory banking practices, fraud, predation.
She's a loan shark.
She's a convicted loan shark.
She's a convicted loan shark.
$400 million fine.
I don't think anyone's ever been fined that much.
Who are the victims?
The people in Obama's district, mainly.
And then what does she do?
Does Obama go after her?
Not at all!
In fact, she tells Obama, you'd make a terrific-looking senator, and loads him up.
She was in charge of the fundraising for Obama for president.
She raised three-quarters of a billion dollars.
Her friends on the Gold Coast shifted his district from poor black district to the Gold Coast along Lakeshore Drive in Chicago.
She got her $400 million fine, but then she hooked him up with a group that she calls literally the ladies that lunch.
So they munched and lunched on Obama, and then they turned him over to Citibank, Robert Rubin, and Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan.
So you basically ended up with a banker president called Obama.
That's what I love about you, though, is you're one of the few journalists out there that goes after the dirt period and attacks them all, because then you realize it's like a Don King match.
They own Romney, they own Obama, but I want to get your take, then, on the differences that if either man wins, what you expect to happen, just briefly, from your considerable political and journalistic gravitas.
What is Greg Powell's thing's going to happen if we get a Romney versus if we get Obama?
There is a huge, you know, this is the first time in my career that I've ever seen the elite split in half the way it is, by the way, Alex.
This is something very new.
You've got a huge split.
You've got these big bankers, Citibank, Bank of America, JP Morgan.
Goldman Sachs is kind of a switch hitter on this one.
And on one side, they're backing Obama.
They still are.
That's not just from 2008.
They're still in with Obama big, big time in Penny Pritzker.
But then on the other side are these billionaire hedge fund sharks.
And there's a rumble in the jungle, in the financial jungle between them, which we haven't seen before.
They were not split in 08.
All of the finance guys are on Obama's side.
Now they're splitting up.
So you're confirming what all my other experts are saying.
There is a major power structure fight happening, very rare.
Yeah, with jets and sharks, but you know, it's hidden from the American people.
I mean, one of their big battles, for example, is over Argentina.
Argentina told the bankers to go fly.
You know, the IMF and the World Bank kind of took control of Argentina.
They sold off the water system to Enron, and everyone stopped having water.
You know, that type of thing.
And Argentina came back some as they finally kicked them out.
Yeah, they kicked out the bankers.
They said, we're not paying the IMF, you know, screw you.
But what happened was the banks quietly, people don't understand this, the banks quietly cut their deal with Argentina.
Argentina came back roaring because they didn't have to pay these serious
Oh, yes.
Moves in, finds all these old Argentina bonds that are sitting around that don't mean anything anymore.
And he suddenly says, you know what?
I own Argentina.
That's mine now.
And not only that do I own Argentina, but I own Bank of America.
I own Citibank.
I own JP Morgan.
Give me.
And he's looking for tens of billions of dollars.
It might go up to as much as $200 billion by the time he's done with his operation.
He can bring down not only Argentina,
But he can bring down, and I spoke to the Argentine ambassador, he says, you know, what are we going to do?
We'll just turn into like a non-state, you know, and Hezbollah will be running around here in charge.
And which, because they've moved in from the Mideast into Argentina.
And but the big banks in New York could go down too.
And so there's a there's a blood battle between these groups.
So what's happened is
Not because of Argentina's request or the countries that have been destroyed by Paul Singer, like Greece and the Congo.
What's happened is that Citibank and JP Morgan complained to Obama and the United Bank of Switzerland.
Obama was golfing with the head of the United Bank of Switzerland in America.
UBS has a lot more influence than you do, Alex, I'm sorry to say.
UBS said to Obama, this stuff's gotta stop.
So Obama went into federal court with Hillary Clinton.
No one has followed this at all.
It's like done very much in the dark.
And they said, we want Paul the vulture singer put out of business.
And there's this provision of the United States Constitution
We're good.
Singer's reaction was very simple.
Okay, Mr. Obama, you want to put me out of business?
I put you out of business.
Suddenly, Singer's line of 37, count them, 37 billionaires, an organization he calls Restore Our Future, has suddenly backed Mitt Romney.
A guy, by the way, he wouldn't spit on last year.
He can't stand Romney, Singer.
But now, Romney's got to be his boy to carry his water to reverse
Well, here's my question.
What do these bankers and globalists fighting with each other think they're going to do when they wreck everything?
I know they've created this Agenda 21 system where they think they're just going to consolidate, you know, things and use the crisis to take over as they've done in third world countries.
But people now know that they're running the puppets, as Bigni Brzezinski has written in his book this year and three years ago pointed out that the people are actually now aware of the puppetry to a great extent and so that the elite is in trouble.
But then I see people like John Corzine, you know, billions disappear.
He lies to Congress, gets caught, doesn't get in trouble.
Then the reports are, you know, he's getting the money for JP Morgan.
I mean, these guys are getting more and more reckless.
What are they doing making 40-to-1 bets with other people's money?
I mean, am I wrong in saying the recklessness is coming to a head in even an already bravado-filled, chutzpah-driven group of wild men?
Well, that's the good guys.
And you've got really wild men.
JPMorgan, for example, you know, and when I heard our president say that after JPMorgan got caught, by the way, breaking the law, the new law prevents JPMorgan from losing that $10 billion that they lost.
Number one, it's our money, right?
That's TARP money, okay?
They took our public money and they went to the casinos.
If every bank had a manager like Jamie Dimon.
And you even once said, why shouldn't we punish Jamie Dimon?
Mr. President, if you don't know why I have to punish Jamie Dimon, you shouldn't be in the Oval Office.
But that's the thing, is that they're all so reckless, so they're one-upping each other.
I mean, is there any end to what they'll do?
Yes, now that's what happened.
Morgan went to Obama with UBS, Citibank, and Bank of America and said, these other guys, these ultra-crazy billionaires, are going to bring us all down unless you do something.
Even J.P.
So, you think J.P.
Morgan's crazy?
These guys make them, you know, look like bankers.
I want to hear the details of this.
You've got all the documents as well.
You've got a big article out today.
In the nation, Mitt Romney's bailout bonanza.
We're going to look at some of that straight ahead.
Your calls are coming up too.
Stay with us.
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That's right, folks.
Greg Powell is with us about 15 minutes to the next hour.
I will continue with your calls.
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We're going to be here for 48 hours myself and a huge roster of guests.
Find the details at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
We've raised, they're updating, at about $50,000.
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And again, we have free video feeds up there at Infowarsmoneybomb.com as well.
Okay, let's go back to Greg Pallas.
Greg, we've got a brief segment here now, but getting into this, I've seen these reports, a few of them in the news, about this fight and about Obama going after these hedge fund people.
Where do you expect this fight to go now?
We lose, Alex.
That's why I do hope, by the way, I know you're not asking me to do this.
Please help keep Alex on the air.
Where else are you going to get my reports, man?
You think that the big boys are going to let me talk about what's in their underpants?
That ain't happening.
Okay, so that's my free commercial for you, Alex.
You need this outlet.
I just don't know where else.
I mean, I'm on the nightly news in the rest of the world.
In America, if I don't have Alex, I'm not on, guys.
Well, we always love having you.
To be clear, we'll still be on the air if we don't reach our goal.
We just won't be able to expand and get on the air with people that have never heard us worldwide with free-to-air.
That costs a lot of money, and it will reach people.
See, our goal is reaching people.
It's not just making money.
It's not bad to want to make money, as long as it's done morally.
It's just that we really want to be able to reach more people.
Go ahead, Greg.
Let's talk about immoral money then.
So, yeah, so, you know, I, I do, you know, my biggest fear is that these guys are going to kiss and make up the, the banking establishment and the, and the billionaire sharks, uh, speculators.
Um, that's my great fear that they're actually going to make up.
But anyway, at the moment, uh, Paul, the vulture singer, so he's in war with Obama and, and his banker buddies.
So what he did was he, uh, he and two other vulture fund operators,
I don't
Not political parties, Alex.
So, these three billionaires, Loeb, Singer the Vulture, as he's known, and John Paulson, they bought Delphi Company.
Now, what is Delphi?
Delphi is the old GM-Delco auto parts unit.
It makes most of the parts.
It used to make most of the parts for GM.
It went into bankruptcy ahead of GM.
These guys bought up the entire auto parts division of General Motors for $0.67 a share through an extraordinary flimflam.
But just let me know that they got it for $0.67 a share.
They sold it.
They flipped it back for $22 a share because they got $12 billion from TARP.
Stay there.
Back in 60 seconds with Greg Palast and your phone calls and more.
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