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Filename: 20110727_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 27, 2011
2714 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome and thank you for joining us.
It, of course, is Wednesday, the 27th day of July 2011.
We have an absolutely power-packed transmission for you today.
Unfortunately, everything that we've been predicting for more than 16 years is now coming to fruition.
Open world government
Run by the private banking cartel that has taken over every major sovereign nation on earth but a few third world countries and old world nations that they're busy mopping up.
Those are known as rogue nations.
Doesn't even mean those are good countries either.
People tend to think either the West is good or the East is bad or Gaddafi's good and we're bad or we're good and he's bad.
There are no more countries
They're ceremonial now.
We have to be honest about globalism and how much sovereignty we've lost if we're ever going to set about getting it.
You know, people talk about, oh my gosh, Russia Today was founded with Russian government money.
Of course it was.
Of course it's got an agenda.
But the issue is that people say, well, our media is American.
Our media is pro-American.
No, it's not.
Our media is predominantly European banker owned and run, and it has an anti-family, anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-sovereignty agenda, but they wrap that agenda in the American flag.
But they are globalist.
So the issue is...
You can look at all these different news channels, all these different competing English news channels globally, that's being done because more and more of the 21st century war is done through information.
I am someone who simply wants freedom.
I am someone who simply wants my constitutional republic back.
I am an American.
I am a constitutionalist.
And the people running our country are diametrically opposed to that and are enemies of our republic.
So just like when you watch Al Jazeera, you know that that's got a Middle Eastern bent.
Or when you watch BBC, it's the British Royal House and those big banking interests.
It's their perspective.
But when you watch MSNBC,
It is the policies of the private Federal Reserve that's hijacked this country.
It is alien.
It is anti-America.
And it's that realization that needs to get out there to people.
It's very simple.
You know, at the end of the day, if you research this information, there are very few interests out there in media that actually stand for the Republic, who actually stand for the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They'll discuss any issue in the world but the fact that the government is out of control and illegitimate.
They'll bring you a left-wing perspective, a right-wing perspective.
They'll bring you even libertarian perspectives.
But if you don't admit how fraudulent the entire system is, you have no hope of assessing the true magnitude and then making preparations to face it.
But when people really wake up to the off-the-charts corruption, we do have a chance of reversing things.
But it takes a full wake-up.
It takes a total, across-the-board, deep, deep, deep wake-up.
That's what we're talking about here on this broadcast.
Now, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury, is really an expert on this whole debt limit situation.
And he's called it as we've called it.
This is all a maneuver to train the public to have the power of the purse taken from Congress and given to the President and from the Congress to this new super Congress.
We're going to be discussing that.
Also, the big developments on the fast and furious perjury by the Attorney General.
This is big.
A lot of key news on human-slash-animal hybrid clones, the economy, it's all coming up.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're asking for more matches!
They're arsonists!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Wednesday, the 27th day of July 2011.
We're going to be here live for the next three hours.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of policy at the Department of Treasury, will be joining us to talk about the open moves to transfer the power of the purse.
From the Congress to the President and how we're basically being trained through this whole debt ceiling debate that our fortunes rise and fall according to the private central banks that have maneuvered this country into total economic bondage and servitude to the masters of fraud that have initiated the derivatives global meltdown black hole bubble.
So we're going to be going over that with Dr. Paul Kirk Roberts coming up in about an hour and a half from now.
I want to open the phones up because, again, I rarely can control myself and actually go to calls early in the broadcast, but I'm going to do it today.
I'm going to do it.
I'm not going to try and fail.
I'm going to do it.
But first, before I give the number out, I'm going to spend this segment just going over the top news today with brief
Analysis and comment and then throughout the broadcast going back into each section of this news in greater detail.
First off, we've got a big report coming out later in the day that I'm going to premiere here in the third hour for radio listeners.
We'll also post it after the show at InfoWars.com.
A detailed report dealing with just how far along the system is with not just human clones.
Yes, they admit, yes, the government's been secretly cloning humans.
Most major governments, the Chinese, the Australians, the British, the US.
And that's been going on for 20 years.
In fact, I thought it was 20.
Aaron found Time Life books admitting with incredible photos of human embryos in
Artificial wombs in time-life books in the 70s.
So our research for this piece has completely and totally blown me away.
A lot of people hear this show and they think, oh man, this guy's exaggerating.
This guy is, you know, saying things are worse than it is.
I'm going to be honest with you.
I don't consciously lie to people here on air.
But I have really analyzed myself and to be honest with you, I subconsciously water things down because I know that people aren't going to be able to handle the full magnitude.
And so I'm here to tell you that nine times out of ten,
Conservatively, when it all comes out in the wash, things are much worse than I even say.
Let's get that clear.
And I didn't know that the clone business and the human embryos being grown up to very large size in these timeline photos, they're very proud of it.
They admit it's eugenics.
They say they're going to end human reproductive activity.
That the medical system is going to take control of it.
They're already doing that with cesarean section and other things.
We're now half women in the U.S.
are having children via cesarean.
They're taking the normal birth process away.
Women not breastfeeding, you know, going to the formula that's half corn syrup.
They're already removing us from our normal state.
The brain's CC size is reducing because of the lack of nutrition.
Fertility across the world is plunging.
This has been designed, but to see it in time-life books in the 70s, here's a pig embryo that we're keeping alive with an artificial placenta feeding it, and here's a human, and it's a pretty good-sized baby in the artificial womb.
Now, I've been told about this by scientists, but it was classified so they wouldn't come on the air.
They said it's pretty freaky to watch the babies trying to nurse.
And, I mean, they're slaves.
They have no rights.
They're being tested on until they die.
And these are crimes that are beyond Joseph Mingala.
And it's just going on.
And that's the way it is, and now they think we're so psychologically bankrupt, and so psychologically blind, spiritually blind, that we can now just be told about it.
Oh, in one lab, the British government authorized it secretly to have 150 plus part human, part animal, part reptile, part insect creatures.
And we're implanting the creatures in cow uteruses and growing them up and harvesting their organs.
It's no big deal.
And folks are like, oh, it's so trendy.
But you take a monkey and slice its brain open and put microchips in it.
Oh, and people will firebomb your facility if you do that.
But it's like, oh, you're doing it to humans?
Humans are trash!
Humans are scum!
I mean, that's why for decades they've been caught radiating children to death in government experiments.
That's why they've been caught.
Well, see, I'm already getting into it.
I said third hour.
I'm getting into this in the third hour today.
The toll-free number, well, let me give you the news first and then I'll get the number out.
You can call in about whatever you want or ask if I
You know, work for the Easter Bunny or whatever.
It's just that I really want to try to focus in on issues here and actually talk about the real world and not just obsess over Alex Jones.
That's my one pet peeve because I'm desperately trying to get all these new listeners on these AM and FM stations that are tuning in to realize what's really happening in the world.
And, you know, I also don't want a bunch of calls today
And we don't screen your calls, but I'm not going to entertain these issues about InfoWars.com having problems.
Believe me, I know about it.
Every time we do updates to different WordPress plugins and things, because we're on multiple CDNs and...
uh... caching servers and things because the sites are big uh... it causes problems and i've spent a lot of money and a lot of consultants and a lot of time and believe me i know about the problems with info wars dot com that's why we have prison planet dot com
And that's why we have PrisonPlanet.tv and other auxiliary sites is because over the years, you know, sometimes we have problems.
We've got to have other platforms when one is having problems to get information out.
So yes, I do know about it.
We've been flooded with phone calls and emails, and I'm glad you're concerned.
Believe me, I'm concerned.
I was up late last night working on it.
I was up at 6 a.m.
today working on it.
A lot of my IT people have not slept, and it's up right now.
But it's having all sorts of weird problems, and believe me, we're trying to fix it at InfoWars.com.
But right now, PrisonPlanet.com, cross our fingers, is going off without a hitch right now.
I've already digressed off into GM, human-animal hybrids, emerging market for organs, babies, and big pharma.
And Aaron Dykes has a prelude report out on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that deals with that right now.
But again, the big report coming up in the third hour.
And this affects so many issues of human rights and superviruses that this is giving rise to.
And just so many issues I want to get into.
And the fact that this isn't an issue with most people.
That most people think, oh, that's the Rayleon cult.
They lied five years ago about making human clones.
Yeah, the media gave that attention, knowing that governments and corporations were creating clones, poor humans with no rights.
It just shows how we're all seen as animals, all seen as body parts, and we need to start standing up for ourselves, standing up for dignity.
I'm not a number.
I'm not an animal.
Don't treat me like one.
Don't forcibly drug me with cancer-causing sodium fluoride.
Don't GMO design the crops to reduce fertility and increase cancer.
I mean, there is a holocaust going on of soft kill.
The Nazis would take you to a slave camp.
And work you to death, and put fluoride in the water to make you docile.
And the Soviets would do that as well.
Now, they just brainwash you through the TV and the culture, poison you through the water and the food.
Then when you get sick, they come in and suck all the money out of you with their deadly toxic drugs.
This is cold-blooded.
And the average doctor is compartmentalized and doesn't understand this.
But we have reverse-engineered it.
We have their documents.
We have their statements.
We have their plans.
And don't think you ever know it all.
Because I shot two days ago this video that's gonna premiere today here on the TV slash radio show.
And I thought the cloning was admitted 20 years ago.
15 years ago they admitted that five years before they were creating human clones.
But that it was highly classified and they wouldn't give details.
A decade ago I learned about human clones brought to term that are part chimpanzee.
Okay, this is in the mainline scientific literature.
But now I learned this was going on in the 70s.
This gets more and more insane by the minute.
So, I don't know everything.
You know, people all the time call me on air and they say, why aren't you covering this?
Why aren't you covering that?
Well, a lot of times, either A, you didn't hear me cover it, or B, I'm not aware of it.
I'm not omnipresent.
Far from it.
I need your help.
Okay, just because you know about this stuff doesn't mean your neighbor does.
People don't learn about this stuff through osmosis.
And we've got to reach the public and show them how important all of this is, and how serious all of this information is.
Please, it's incredible.
Now, a smattering of some of the other news.
This is so big.
This is out of Cyber News Service.
It's also in Reuters.
White House staffer knew about gun running operation last fall.
Now we've already confirmed and the head of the ATF has confirmed that the Attorney General has perjured himself to Congress three separate times saying that they knew nothing about the program.
Ladies and gentlemen, it wasn't just the ATF, it was the FBI and DEA involved and it wasn't just guns to Mexico by the tens of thousands that have killed three Border Patrol agents and five cops now confirmed.
And a lot of citizens on both sides.
More people die a year in Mexico on the U.S.
border than died a year in Vietnam at the height of it.
That's confirmed.
30 plus thousand the last three years.
Thousands of them cops in Mexico.
It is unbelievable.
And this is about the big banks that have been caught laundering the hundreds of billions of dollars, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, and others.
I remember six years ago when they gave billions of dollars, the U.S.
government did to the Mexican government to quote, fight the drug cartels.
And they trained Los Zetas at U.S.
bases, like Fort Benning, Georgia, and sent them down there.
And we told you this would happen.
Now they've caught the Justice Department shipping guns into Miami, and shipping guns into Illinois, and shipping guns into L.A.
to gangs that work for the government that go then wipe out the rival gangs that aren't laundering their money with the U.S.
And then they've got the caveat of staging this crime wave of terror and fear, and then saying, we've got to have gun control.
And even though they got caught staging all this, even though they got caught staging it, they're still going ahead with the gun control because of it.
And now another top ATF agent, William Newell, has gone public, saying, no, the Justice Department gave us orders directly.
Obama needs to be arrested right now.
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We have a completely lawless criminal government 100% run by offshore ruthless banks that have a philosophy of hatred towards humankind and of total predatory
I don't know.
At least one person in the White House knew about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives gunrunning operation three months before weapons from the botched sting was not botched.
It was... They tell you it was to track guns.
They're arming all the major gangs that are paying them their cut, and it's to blame the Second Amendment.
That's what a high-ranking ATF official told Congress on Tuesday.
William Newell, the former ATF agent in charge of the Phoenix field office, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that he communicated with Kevin O'Reilly, a staffer on President Obama's National Security Council, about Operation Fast and Furious in September of 2010.
More than six months before the news broke.
Oh, they didn't know.
Folks, Congress is whitewashing this.
They're not going after the confirmed reports that are out there in Miami and other areas where they're shipping guns to gangs there and then shipping them out of the country.
This is like Iran-Contra, where the CIA was shipping drugs in and then shipping guns out to control the drug supply on the ground in Nicaragua, in Colombia, in other areas of Central and South America.
That all came out in Congress, in the Iran-Contra hearings.
By that time, at least 1,000 gun straw purchases in the U.S.
had been transferred to Mexican criminals.
Well, yeah, now they found mayors in New Mexico cities and other areas involved with the police.
This is all a big business.
Under the nose of ATF officials who intended but failed to track them to see where they ended up.
Yeah, sure.
First, ATF said they knew nothing about it and said our agents are lying.
They don't want to go along with this.
When cops started getting killed, then it turned out they ordered the gun shops to do it, had cameras surveilling it, and then helped get them across the border.
Of course they did.
This is only the tip of the iceberg here, and it shows you how criminal they are.
The Attorney General, the President, they all clearly ordered this.
You've got three agencies, ATF, FBI, DEA, all involved inside the United States as well.
It's total criminality out in the open, just like Henry Paulson.
Three and a half years ago, back in October of 2008, testifying in Congress and a House member.
We're bringing it up.
They said, who gave you the waiver to give yourself 200 plus million dollars of the bailout money?
You gave hundreds of billions to Goldman Sachs and then you gave yourself, the former director of Goldman Sachs, you gave yourself 200 plus million dollars.
Who gave you the waiver?
And he started coughing and turned red and couldn't hardly talk.
Couldn't believe they dare call out his real criminal activity.
He was like, you're not allowed to do this to me.
And he said, I gave myself a waiver.
And they said, really?
So, again, they're open criminals.
It's illegal for the head of the Treasury to give themselves $200 million of bailout money directly to his own bank account.
And if people can't figure that out, then I can't help you.
And they're just out in the open.
Yeah, we shipped the guns into Mexico to then blame the Second Amendment.
We're going to go ahead and do it.
And outside of law, the ATF is now ordering gun shops all over the Southwest, from Texas to California,
To report rifles they sell people.
Well, they already know it's being reported.
They just say, you've got to call us yourself, even though it's going to the FBI NIC system.
And people say, well, that doesn't sound too bad.
Well, why do they want it reported?
Because it's outside of law.
There's no law.
They're just saying, you call us when you sell somebody a rifle.
And then they use that report, and I've talked to people in my office, and I've talked to friends who get ATF and FBI visits.
I'm talking about retired veterans and people with no criminal record.
They go, why did you buy two AR-15s?
They go, well, I'm a gun enthusiast, and they were on sale, and I'm a gun collector.
Well, why are you here at my house?
And they're now going to people's houses that buy more than 1,000 rounds of ammo.
People are like, well, why do you buy that?
Well, that's how you get half off.
And if you go out and shoot a lot, it's easy to shoot 1,000 rounds of ammo.
I mean, I've gone out to my own farm, family farm before, with four or five friends.
I've shot thousands of rounds of ammo in a single day.
I've gone out skeet shooting and shot 500 shotgun shells off in an afternoon.
I think so.
I'm going to come back and go to your calls.
I want to get your take on all this.
I haven't even gotten into the economic news, the latest Norway shooting news.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he is.
I don't like it any more than you do.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, I want to just hit a few more of the news items that I've got here in front of me.
And then we'll go to your calls and then back into this news in more detail.
But this Fast and Furious situation, I mean, we've really caught the government with their pants down.
And this is an Iran-Contra type situation where they're giving guns to rebels to protect the cocaine and then ship the cocaine into the United States.
And that came out in 86.
It came out again in 96 when they had other congressional hearings on it.
Well, this is going on, but now in the U.S.
they're giving guns to the drug gangs.
That's come out in Florida and Illinois.
And they are lying about it to Congress.
I mean, this makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy compared to what Barack Obama's done.
And it shows.
I'll never forget that letter that went public where his cousin
Odinga had lost the prime ministership run.
He's a Muslim, the minority there in Kenya.
And Obama sent him a letter, this is public, on Senate letterhead saying, instigate riots and demand that since you didn't win the presidency, they create a prime ministership for you, and they did.
I mean, this is a hardcore criminal.
And, you know, I talk about Obama being a puppet.
He is a puppet who reads off a teleprompter and does what he's told, but he himself is just ruthless and very cunning and very willing to break the law.
And, you know, it's scary to get up here and call for their indictment because these are gangsters.
I mean, these are Al Capones.
I mean, look at the Chicago mob.
Look at the mob boss, Emanuel.
I mean, his dad was the head of the Israeli Eargun.
Blowing up hotels and killing civilians.
These are terrorists!
These are terrorist, criminal, mafia people, and we're in a lot of trouble.
They run the country, they run the purse strings, they've stolen working with the Republican leadership, with Bush, in total synergy since Bush left office, $27 trillion and growing.
We haven't gotten a new number in a year.
And they've committed so many crimes that they're not going to stop.
You know, when they get caught shipping guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment, they don't care that they got caught.
They don't care that they've been caught perjuring themselves.
But they can't stop us all standing up and admitting who they are.
Now the truth is, the government's been corrupt for a long time.
We just now are learning how corrupt it is, and so they're saying, yeah, we don't care.
Came out a year ago that they take all the death benefits of troops from World War II through current.
You take money out of your check, put it in a life insurance deal through the military with big insurance companies.
When you die, they use some paperwork manipulations and steal your money.
And the US government agreed 12 years ago secretly to allow that.
These are hard core criminals.
And again, they might as well go for broke.
They've already committed so many felonies.
It's like if you've already are on the run for robbing a bank and killing a cop, why not rob 20 other banks?
That's why police say once somebody's fleeing for capital murder, they're the most dangerous type of
Fugitive, because they don't care!
They've already killed one cop!
Well, the Obama administration's killed five cops and three border patrol with these guns.
They don't care!
They've already committed so many crimes they don't care.
They don't care.
They're armed and dangerous with our nuclear weapons.
They've got control of the treasury.
They've already stolen all the death benefits of the troops.
You die in a car wreck, die of cancer, die of a brain tumor, whatever it is.
You're 55 years old, you're a veteran, your wife doesn't get jack squat and they don't care!
And by the way, they hope you get mad and go attack a government building.
Because they've already told all the feds that retired military is going to attack you.
And they've done things that they know are going to cause you to go postal.
And when you go postal, they're going to target all the veterans.
Bill Clinton signed a deal, it never got implemented, to not let vets own guns.
Remember that?
These people are gangster criminals!
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
Gold strikes new high, a new record high on U.S.
default fears and the United States is now dictated to by ratings agencies.
credit rating rides on S&P London view of politics on Capitol Hill.
It's the same banks that put their people into the head of Moody's and S&P and others, the big three rating agencies.
Who then have maneuvered us and they say, go deeper into debt to the private bankers.
Go deeper into debt and we will not say that you're bankrupt.
Well, the Chinese already aren't buying our debt.
The Arabs aren't.
Everybody already knows we've already defaulted through inflation, through devaluation of currencies.
They already know.
And so the only people that haven't gotten the message is the American people.
It's why gold and oil is going up.
It's why food prices are going up.
It's why they're telling police departments and fire departments and unions, OK, give us half your pension and then maybe you'll get the other half.
I told you this is a program they're carrying out.
Continuing here, U.S.
credit rating rides on S&P London.
View of politics on Capitol Hill.
Obama strikes fear into Americans while reassuring big banks.
He says, hey, don't worry, you know.
And again, they're just getting us ready for debt default.
And they're implying that, oh, we defaulted and went bankrupt because we didn't give the bankers enough money, not because the bankers created this fractional reserve banking fraudulent system.
So we've got that.
Also, another chilling sign I meant to get to yesterday.
You notice George Soros is getting out of holding people's money.
He's returned people's money.
And the head of Tyco's done that.
And the heads of a bunch of these big brokerage firms have been returning people's money in the last six months, saying, we're getting out.
We're still privately going to do some stuff individually, but we're not managing your money anymore.
Another big sign.
Soros to close quantum funds to outsiders.
Well, yeah, because they're the insiders.
Soros gets direct banker bailout money.
So does MSNBC.
So I'm going to your calls.
I wanted to just right now mention to listeners that if you want to support the broadcast so we can continue to expand and pay for our servers and our IT people and the crew and the TV folks and everything, we're supported by you that are listeners.
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Also, you have ending in just a few days, the special that we're running, where you can get two of my films on one DVD, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, The Order of Death, getting into what really goes on in Bohemian Grove.
They end the Bohemian Grove meetings in three days.
You can get that.
And you can get free the Big Brother, The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, a great book on the whole police state takeover and just how Orwellian things have gotten.
And you can also get Burmese's excellent full-length feature film, Invisible Empire, New Order Defined, that really integrates and is a complement to
Uh, the secret ruling class meetings at Bohemian Grove.
So you get three films and a book, 1995.
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Okay, I haven't even scratched the surface on the other news.
What's really behind the debt ceiling?
What's happening with the Libya situation?
Also, they wanted to come on at the time, but I hadn't researched it enough a few months ago to have them on.
They're both famous rock stars who became Christians.
And World Net Daily's got the article.
It's up at DrudgeReport.com right now.
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, sued for defamation.
And they called me at the time and said, we did not say execute homosexuals.
And that's not true.
And we've asked for them to retract.
And I said, look, I haven't looked into this, so I need to.
And then I meant to look into it and then forgot and never looked into it.
Well, now I've looked into it.
And MSNBC refused to issue a retraction, and they filed a $50 million lawsuit against MSNBC and Rachel Maddow.
And so we're going to get them to pop in on the show today or tomorrow.
This is big national news.
They are Genesis Radio talk show hosts.
And reportedly they gave a prayer at the opening of the Minnesota Legislature.
And so that freaked out MSNBC.
So they made stuff up.
And it wouldn't be the last time or the first time.
I've had MSNBC edit what I've said to make it sound like on their Rise of the Right special that I was calling for violence.
And they said Ron Paul was too.
But I don't have time for lawsuits.
I'm not saying it's bad that they're suing them.
I just don't like lawsuits.
I just really don't like lawsuits, but at a certain point, what are you going to do when Vanity Fair for the White House comes out and says that WorldNetDaily has pulled their book off the shelf, where's the birth certificate, and it destroyed sales as it was meant to do, and that Joseph Farah had come out and renounced the book and said, money back guarantee.
For the published price.
That means, you know, they sell the book for $6 to a big, big bookstore.
They sell it for $20.
That's about how it works in the publishing business.
And they're saying, oh, we'll give you $20 back.
I mean, that is designed to ruin World Net Daily.
And just like I'm against Rupert Murdoch and his dirty tricks in England, well, what about Media Matter saying in memos, get hired at conservative and libertarian outfits like Fox News.
And they didn't mention the others, but we know we're it.
Get in their offices, sabotage them, destroy them.
I mean, that's criminal.
That's hardcore felonies.
And so, I guess this is what you gotta do to MSNBC.
But they don't care.
I mean, they're funded by hundreds of millions of banker bailout money.
They'll just pay you with their own tax dollars back.
That's why they're so ruthless.
Okay, let's go to calls.
Frank in Indiana, then Jonathan, Steve, Ezekiel, Dan, and others.
You're on the air.
I've covered some of the news.
What did you call in about today?
I wanted to call in and talk about the Fast and the Furious, but first and foremost, I know you don't like people bragging on you, but I just wanted to say you woke me up two and a half years ago, and in my opinion, you're the Neo Thomas Jefferson.
I was a present planet subscriber and my subscription ended, and I want to get back with that again, so maybe when I get off the phone with you, someone could talk to me and I could use my debit card to renew that.
Just want to tell everyone, become a member of PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's amazing, droves of information.
Thank you, sir.
You can sign up right there on the site, or if you do call our office, we now take the calls directly here in my office.
It's a toll-free number, 888-253-3139, and they can help you when you call.
Sign up for PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, sounds good.
I'm ready for Rod Serling to step out of the wings and introduce America's, you know, new fascist Twilight Zone episode.
The whole Fast and the Furious deal, you know, first you had Obama, Libya, Yemen, still bombing Pakistan, why he hasn't been impeached, and now you have the government shipping guns into Mexico and different places within the United States.
These guns are killing American people.
And Honduras and Miami.
Sorry, go ahead.
Oh yeah, I just don't understand.
It's like, you know, everybody's a zombie in this country.
Why is Washington being stormed right now and demanding that these people be brought to justice?
Well, here's the deal.
Washington is listening to the phones.
In fact, they're in the news admitting they listen to the phones without warrants.
Yeah, no kidding.
They have giant NSA offices in every phone company hub.
They listen to everything.
Every count of that is something like 25 years in prison, felony charge.
Again, it's lawlessness.
And they've tried to get the rest of the government trained that we're lawless, but thank God these ATF officers saw cops being killed, so blew the whistle.
Then the White House lied and said you weren't ordered to do this, and now they've been caught lying.
But going back to Fast and Furious here, it isn't that Americans are zombies.
They feel like they're alone.
They feel like they're the only ones that are awake.
They feel powerless.
Call into talk radio.
Do your own YouTube videos.
Do your own local newsletter.
Everybody who's awake has got to get active and reach out to others.
I mean, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I went to the mall this weekend.
I don't
I saw big homemade stickers on like brand new Lexuses even, you know, saying, legalize the Constitution, Ron Paul, Alex Jones.
It was all over the place at the shopping mall and I was mobbed.
Those folks have to get together somehow.
We are the majority.
Now, I'm sorry, go ahead and make your point, sir.
Oh, no, I just, you know, you've said it well and just a few things that I would like to suggest to some listeners, you know.
I've made up bumper stickers, you know, Infowars.com.
I've bought bumper stickers.
I make plaques.
I put them up in places that are legal.
Usually, you know, even on telephone poles, right, by stop signs.
Everybody does it here.
We're way past legal at this point, yeah.
I believe that, you know, I mean, like Thomas Paine was a pamphleteer.
We need blogleteers.
I had a YouTube channel that I just got rid of because YouTube got to the point to where they wouldn't even let me post.
I would plug InfoWars.com.
I was especially hammering the Obama 212 election campaign.
You don't let them stop you.
You just start more accounts, more accounts.
You know, every time YouTube censors us, I just fire at them more because they know that's where the people are.
We've got to stay in there.
YouTube is a main attack point.
Exactly, and I suggest to people to go on your site InfoWars.com and buy bulk InfoWars stickers and place them on a plaque and just put them places, give them to people.
I'll say this, if somebody gave us $100,000, I would 100% donate all of it to mail whoever wanted a box of InfoWars stickers, a box of them.
I mean, I'm ready.
I'm ready to give everything away for free.
That's why I say make copies of my films.
I want to really go up against these people.
Folks, don't wait.
Frank, great points.
Anything else?
I just, you've inspired me, and I just, you know, call the people to peaceful action, and God bless you, you and your family, your kids, your wife, are in my prayers on a regular basis, and keep up the great work.
Thank you, I'm trying.
We're gonna do, and we're gonna do it.
In fact, I've been meaning to plug it the last week.
We're doing a special roundtable interview discussion tomorrow night, 7 o'clock central, that'll be streamed live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's not the new TV show.
That launches September 1st.
It'll be 30 minutes, highly produced every day, or five days a week, weeknights.
We're also going to start doing special roundtable discussions.
We'll have Skype interviews in studio, phone calls, but this is really a beta test tomorrow night.
7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern, PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm Alex Jones, waging war on corruption.
We'll be right back.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Number two.
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Number 4.
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Well, I said I'd take a lot of calls and I've taken one.
Let's go ahead and try to get through these calls because I love the different angles folks bring up.
Jonathan in Kansas, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I have three things to speak to you about.
One, there's this new video on YouTube and it's called
Billions of taxpayer dollars going to the Taliban.
I think it's a good clip you may want to look up.
Yes, I've seen the clip.
We posted it on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com a couple days ago.
But again, they always report on themselves like it's an accident.
Oops, we ship guns into Mexico and Honduras and to drug gangs in Miami and in Chicago.
Oops, Wells Fargo got caught with
Three hundred plus billion dollars in drug money.
Oops, you don't get in trouble.
I mean, this is all done on purpose.
They created the Taliban in 79.
They gave them the weapons.
Then when they invaded Afghanistan, it was totally staged.
The Taliban, that was CIA, would conscript 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 year olds.
This is confirmed and admitted.
Stick them in front line trenches.
The United States would then, who was compartmentalized, the troops didn't know, had gunships and artillery kill the young people.
Then the Taliban showed up at airfields with chests of gold.
This is Times of London Newsweek Magazine.
They didn't even tell the slaves.
Gave them the chest of gold and flew them to Pakistan.
It's all completely staged.
Al Qaeda's CIA, it's all staged.
Underwear Bomber was a drugged out idiot that, you know, the dad didn't like because he was basically mentally retarded.
And so, you know, they just handed him over, you know, to have that done.
And they just take a mentally retarded person on the plane and that's the end of it.
I mean, this is, and then everybody has to be body scanned.
By the way, the body scanners I was reading are now going to be made in China.
So, you know, this is how they operate.
I mean, you've got a gullible population that'll put up with anything.
Of course, the U.S.
military helps grow the opium.
So it went from 10% of world opium production pre-2001 to 93% now, and they have the Marines go, yeah, we help grow the opium.
And we interdict it once it gets to America.
They throw it in our face and people are like, we gotta keep the drug war going, you know, because Al Qaeda will get us.
Just, again, wake up, folks.
If you don't wake up to the corruption, they're going to steal everything.
They think they've got you.
Anything else, Jonathan?
Remember in the Sunday Times, October 29, 2002, essentially
The ex-MI5 agent, David Shaler, his court case revealed how IRA had links to Libya.
Well, on top of that, you have Lord James of Blackheath, his speech about Foundation X, where he goes in and he laughs and jokes about how he funds the North African terrorists through
The IRA and he's laundering the money in the Bank of England.
No, it's all public.
It's all completely public that Al-Qaeda is the group.
In fact, in the news today, Libyan embassy staff expelled from UK as rebels formally recognized.
And the five rebel leaders, four of them are top Al-Qaeda commanders, who openly admit that they have been in Iraq killing US and British soldiers.
What do you expect?
Well, I mean, of course.
I mean, again, and now, if you don't support Al-Qaeda, you're un-American, you're un-British.
And I'm glad you mentioned the speeches in the House of Lords admitting all of this.
I mean, it's in the news today.
NSA admits it tracks America via cell phone calls in live time without warrants.
It's completely illegal.
They're criminals.
They do it.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, open phones for the next 30 minutes.
A bunch of news interspersed and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us.
I've been saying with the debt ceiling in the last month that Obama is openly making noises about using Civil War reconstruction powers to nix the power of Congress and take the power of the purse.
Now they're confirming that.
Dim lawmaker, nobody I know has seen the Reid plan.
Democratic leader in the House urges Obama to raise debt ceiling without congressional approval.
Well, Congress controls the purse.
I mean, this is... But he launches wars without congressional approval.
Why not?
He's got the ATF telling gun shops about new rules that aren't law.
Obama secretly signals to banks, no default, threatens veto of House plan.
Why not?
If election was held today, Obama would lose in landslide.
These stories are all up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
ATF manager says he shared Fast and Furious info with White House.
Italian-Spanish bonds drop on concern European aid may not be high enough.
Gold strikes new record high.
That's just some of the news we're going to be breaking down.
TSA agents poses as cop to harass woman.
A new video out of a woman begging and pleading as they grab her breast and genitals.
Incident highlights concerns about federal agency becoming domestic security force.
Oh yeah, they're already at parades and things.
They have weird little Hitlerjugend boy scouts out.
Ordering adults around.
I mean, we're entering the vortex of a cross between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
And it always happens everywhere else.
It's happening here.
Folks are going to get hurt real bad.
A lot of folks will cowardly admit to themselves we're in a tyranny and run groveling to the system.
We could just wake up and say no to all this and legalize the Constitution and legalize freedom and it all be over.
But you know what?
Folks got to get hurt real bad first.
Well, you're going to get hurt.
I'm going to get hurt.
Folks on fixed incomes with inflation are getting hurt.
The lying liars say, hey, there's no inflation.
We're in a great economy, too.
Steve in New York, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, three points.
First, I want to I want to let you know that how grateful we are for you.
And you're in our prayers every evening.
Thank you.
The the first point is there's a snake in a woodpile when it comes to Steve Pchenik.
Second, we've spotted drones in remote parts of New York.
You've got drones all over you, and they've got high atmosphere blimps, body scanning, they've got heat resonance scanners.
Oh yeah, I mean the military industrial complex makes money while they bankrupt the country putting their slave grid in.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, that's quite all right.
Yeah, and when it comes to drones, I am a veteran.
I've died once.
I'm not afraid to die again.
I'm not going to give up this fight.
You've ignited a passion that has since been long dormant in me for our Republic.
And most importantly, the third point is on YouTube.
I don't know if you have covered this.
I've discovered it by doing my research as you recommend to people.
And I've uncovered a video called Damning Revelation.
I don't know if you've covered this, but it covers eight times from 2003 to 2008 that members of Congress tried to modify the Constitution, Article 2, Section 8, Clause 5, natural-born citizens.
Yes, sir.
I am aware that they've been introducing it over and over again to get rid of the 22nd Amendment.
Uh, and to allow Schwarzenegger, they first said was the reason what in 2004 was one reason they were pushing it.
And every month now, they try to originate spending bills in the Senate and just set the precedent.
They are criminals.
They are assaulting every check and balance to block them.
And, uh, you know, I haven't died like a lot of people have and come back.
They say that really makes you not fear death and really gives you more of the sense, as they say it.
But I have almost died repeatedly.
And I tell ya, it does make you not fear death as much.
Uh, what did you die in combat and were resuscitated?
That's amazing.
Um, alright, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Number 5.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, people who don't believe in God, I feel sorry for them.
They haven't had the experiences that some of us have had.
But look at the universe all around us.
We're on a planet hurtling through space around a big sun.
Our eyes, our senses only see a very narrow band of the spectrum that mathematics and quantum physics have proven.
And I talk to so many people like Dr.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is coming up.
Colonel Craig Roberts, who died for ten minutes, died repeatedly, and was completely dead for ten minutes.
Most people can't survive six minutes, or even four minutes.
Most people have brain death in four and a half minutes, and his guardian angel there with his hand on him, the decision to send him back,
And then they go into other cultures, even with native tribes in New Guinea and places and major studies that were conducted by atheist groups and secular scientists.
And a lot of them then get spiritual because they've done these experiences with near-death or death experiences.
And every culture has the same thing.
The portal of light, the guardian angel that's there with their hand on your shoulder that you know has been there your whole life, the imaginary friend when you're a kid, it's recorded everything you've done, and then the decision to be sent back, or people that have been going the other direction.
And then get sent back.
Boy, let me tell you.
And the reason I raise that, you may have not heard the last caller.
Steve is a veteran who was shot in combat and died and was resuscitated.
And he was saying he doesn't fear death now because of it.
I had a story, you know, a story I've told.
I'm not even going to get into it today.
I mean, the point is, is that
There are certain events in your life that change you forever and that really give you a window into things.
And I guess a lot of folks aren't awake to that.
They're not attuned to that.
They just don't know.
Okay, I said I'm taking your calls.
There is just so much incredible news.
There is just a huge fight in D.C.
over the raising the debt limit.
We're going to be breaking it down with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts coming up here in about 25 minutes.
We now have new dictators in this country.
It's the private rating agencies that have already been lying for a long time and telling us that we're not defunct and that we haven't really lost our AAA rating.
But the fact is they've already defaulted on the quality of the dollar.
They've already defaulted on treasury bonds that are denominated in dollars.
And they're transferring that default on to the American people with purchasing power being destroyed.
And it's already wreaking havoc.
And as the economy shuts down, as people have less money because it's all going to gas and fuel and food, it will kill every other sector of the economy.
And this has all been planned.
That's what's so frustrating is that we told you exactly what they would do when they got rid of Glass-Steagall.
They've done the same thing in third world countries.
These banks take over.
And they are waging war against wealth, against the free market.
They are monopoly men.
And the Republicans are debating, oh we want to make some cuts.
And the cuts they want to make are to entitlements.
Now I'm against entitlements because it makes you dependent.
And it gets you on the government largesse.
And now the government, owned by foreign banks, run by foreign banks, hijacked by foreign banks is the proper way to put it, puppeteered by the foreign banks, probably even more specific,
They know exactly what they're doing.
And now Obama can get up and say, 80 million of you depend on checks every two weeks.
And if you don't raise the debt ceiling, and if you don't go deeper into debt, we're going to lose our AAA rating and go bankrupt.
And that's true!
But if you do continue to spend more, we'll go even more bankrupt when we go completely bankrupt.
So they're just getting us deeper and deeper into it like a crack dealer with an addict.
And we're being brought into bondage.
We've been signed on to the thousands of trillions, over 1,500 trillion that we don't owe.
Remember, too big to fail?
That's the debt.
And so the Republicans are saying, cut Social Security, cut welfare, cut all the, you know, and sure, great, get rid of the Department of Education, get rid of all this.
Still, you could cut it all.
If we don't say no to the derivatives, nothing.
You could cut everything.
It won't fix anything.
But they're going to get the public by, well, just give us half your pension fund.
And if you don't give us half the pension fund, then you'll get nothing.
Same thing's been done in Argentina, in Costa Rica, in Nigeria, in Greece, in Ireland, and I told you it was coming because six years ago, that was in 2005, they changed the rules so they could take private pension funds, public pension funds, and then they sell everybody that, well, you don't deserve your government pension fund.
Well, sure, it may be a form of government largesse and has helped bankrupt things, but the point is, if you set the precedent where you can start taking people's pension funds, they're going to take private too, and now they're talking about that.
Oh, the government will take over pension funds, they say, to protect them.
And then the more they protect us with banker bailouts, the further we get down this rat hole, the worse things get.
And the Republicans are not telling you that, unless it's Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
They're not telling you that.
They're going with the banker plan of austerity, cutting all the services and letting the taxes be kept the same or raised, and then the lion's share of the money goes to the bankers who created the fraudulent debt and are the criminals.
Now, I know the listeners know this, but we've got to get this out to everybody.
And so we're being held hostage by the ratings agencies saying, you raise the debt ceiling or we will lower your credit rating.
And these rating agencies are openly run by the big six banks.
We're in a lot of trouble here.
And it just absolutely boggles my mind that this is happening.
And we'll be talking to Dr. Roberts about the fact that they're now saying, hey, don't worry.
The President will just do this on his own.
Just like he launched the wars on his own.
And that's now in the news today.
The President just doing it and saying Congress doesn't matter.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Ezekiel in Kentucky.
Dan, Otter, Brent, and Sarah.
Go ahead, Ezekiel.
Good to talk to you.
I'm a Marine Corps veteran.
I've been listening to you since 9-11.
And I'm glad to finally get to talk to you.
Good to have you on, sir.
I've got my glasses on, Alex.
We sleep, they live.
There's something I want to talk about.
Two things I want to bring up.
One was my experience in the Marine Corps with vaccinations and the other is the Norway shooting.
With the vaccinations, I was looking at my medical record and I've got a series of vaccinations that I cannot figure out what they are.
There's no name on it.
It's just a string of numbers I've been trying to figure out.
I can't get any answers.
And I remember one particular incident where right after I was vaccinated, the night of,
Woke up in the middle of the night in the barracks and my eyes were encrusted shut so I couldn't open them and they were secreting some weird green crap and I had to have someone help me get it out of my head.
I had a metallic taste in my mouth for weeks after that.
There was other people who experienced the same thing.
I met Rick Perry in 2007.
Rick Perry's
Chief of Media came to Endgame and he goes, Alex, Rick Perry's a good man.
And he was a clean cut, nice guy, didn't get a bad vibe off of him, but almost got like a mind control vibe.
He goes, but I want you to know, I know this film's real.
And, you know, Rick's not a bad guy.
The governor wants you to know he's a good guy.
And I went and looked the guy up later.
He gave me his card.
He really was who he said he was.
And I'd since seen him on TV at press conferences with Perry.
And he said, I was a medic at Fort Sam Houston.
And they brought troops in from Fort Bragg.
We were ordered to inject them.
And they all died, Alex.
And then we had to disinfect the entire medical area.
He said, so I know something.
I go, why don't you get the governor to talk about that?
Meanwhile, the governor came out six months later and announced forced inoculations for Texas schoolgirls.
And it turned out he didn't have the power to do it and had to back off.
But I mean, creepy.
I mean, you know, creepy.
This guy tells me, works for Rick Perry, that he was a medic a decade before and watched the government
Kill troops that they sent from Fort Bragdown to be murdered at Fort Sam Houston Medical Division.
There's admitted thousands of tests, radiating, nerve gassing our troops, Project Shad, injecting little kids with syphilis.
You know, Hillary just had to apologize for that a few months ago.
The UN's caught every year giving kids live polio.
Just search UN polio shots kill kids.
And still we trust the government.
We still join the military.
And yes, sir, I don't mean to scare you, but and there's ways to try to detox it and things.
But what they do is they inject you with all sorts of soft kill.
And my God, it's just hellish when you look at what they do to the troops.
See, they know you're going to wake up later, and so they test all sorts of crud on you.
And of course that's come out, but I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
What do the other Marines think about this?
Are they concerned?
There's two types of veterans when you come home.
You either continue to go to sleep or you start to wake up and the ones who wake up are the ones that they believe are going to be the terrorists because we've caught them.
We know what they've done to us.
But I've had other veteran friends who developed schizophrenia from the military.
Well, you know heavy metals are the number one cause of schizophrenia.
That's why they have the term.
Most schizophrenia is a chemical reaction, a chemical allergy to mercury and lead as well.
And that's why they have the saying, mad as a hatter.
You know, because the guys that did the weaving of the hats, they were doing it with mercury.
And yes, that's one big issue with the mental illness exploding.
And instead of telling you to detox, they put you on toxic drugs.
They want to treat you with more poison.
There's no doubt about that.
The other point I wanted to talk about was Norway.
Really fast here, I come from a military family and my dad and grandfather were Marines and Masons and I was a DMA and I went through the Blue Lodge and the Scottish Rite and the AMORC and I'm no longer active and I believe these orders are generally corrupt.
But I think there's another way to look at the Norway attack.
I'm not trying to defend the Masons or the Templars or anything because
These groups are so big and they're so shadowy and they've been infiltrated by so many different people.
I don't know what's going on at the top.
I don't know what the 33rds are doing.
I think somebody who was behind this war was trying to demonize the Masons and the Templars for some reason, whoever was behind this.
Because it just doesn't make sense.
The rhetoric of the fake documentary and the fake manifest, it doesn't match Masonic doctrine too much.
It just doesn't make sense.
The whole thing just doesn't make sense.
No, I hear you.
I mean, masonry is a very diverse, complex situation, and mainly it's the secrecy in it is used for other cults to be set up.
We'll be right back.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time.
In the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive.
Coming up on Friday, we've got Al Jorgensen of Ministry joining us on the show.
So I certainly look forward to that interview.
I remember listening to Ministry in like 1989, 1990, and they had all their songs about the New World Order and global government and genetic engineering and warfare.
I mean, this guy, I can't wait to talk to him.
And, you know, they've also put out music videos exposing government-sponsored terror recently.
Government drug dealing.
So he's the founder of Ministry and I can't wait to interview him coming up on Friday.
Let's go back to your calls.
I had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to really give us the skinny on what's happening with the debt ceiling situation and talk of making Obama Supreme Ruler.
Let's go ahead and talk to Otter because Otter was holding S.K.
We never got to him.
Then Dan, Brent, Sarah and others.
Otter in mass.
You're on the air.
Hey, how are you, Alex?
So, uh, I'm here in vacation land.
I'm on Martha's Vineyard off of Cape Cod.
And the reason your buddy in the military that just called mentioned the drones, because this turns into a military camp during that 10-12 day period.
I've seen it three years running.
You've got the stealth helicopters coming in.
Right now we're being infiltrated by the SS goons that are coming in.
We've noticed the last couple months the chemtrails have stopped, but they might have blown that one because our beaches, the waters are polluted and they're more and more being shut down.
I think, you know, a combination of Fukushima, what they're not telling us about that, the fact that the meteorological evidence is different than what historically
I've got asthma, I'm sorry.
So you've got stuff coming directly across and right on the same parallel with us.
The EPA, two months ago, raised the level of isotopes, in some cases 100,000 times higher radiation.
Hey, but don't worry!
They say it's good for you.
And government doesn't lie.
I mean, like they tell the troops, DU's good for them.
I mean, they know in their own manuals it's a death sentence, but now they even use DU at military shooting ranges near big cities.
And it's getting into the water.
But, you know, everybody's...
Being poisoned by it?
But so what?
The government loves us, sir!
They're good people!
I mean... Looks like they're trying to curb it because you know they want him to come here.
It's an interesting thing when it comes down because we basically turn into a military base.
When Clinton came years ago, he was right out there in the open with his suburbans.
We're good to go!
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Two, it's good, but I mean, it's 100% real gold and silver.
But yeah, there are a lot of fly-by-night startup companies out there, and I have seen those reports of that going on.
That's why I go with Midas Resources, because number one, they're patriots, big Ron Paul supporters.
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Both of the two largest companies, which are the two that are really historically said to be the best of graders and the best as far as legitimacy, have been found to have put out countless since 2005.
I've never seen that.
That would be quite a big scandal.
Why don't you send me something to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Let's jam in one more call here.
Let's talk to Ezekiel in Kentucky.
You're on the air.
He dropped.
Dan in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex, you there?
Kudos to you and everybody, prison planet member for years.
I was just wondering if you have in your stack there the executive order that Sotoro signed on the 24th, when effective on the 25th of July 2011, the executive order blocking property of transnational criminal organizations, basically putting us into a national emergency?
Yes, I did see an article about that and I should have covered it.
I tell you what, I don't even have a pen in front of me.
Some gremlin is taking the pens out of here.
Give me that, give John Harmon that executive order.
Or I can just search it.
Obama signs executive order on transnational criminal organizations.
Thank you so much.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts coming up.
I'll look that up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we're going to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to break down what's really happening with the state of the economy and the debt ceiling debate and now open talk about having the President bypass Congress and transfer the power of the purse.
We saw Senator Mitch McConnell call for that a week ago and then we've also seen Democrats today
That's up on Infowars.com and DrudgeReport.com have links to top Democrats in the House calling to have the President just act like a dictator.
And we have this executive order blocking property of transnational criminal organizations.
An executive order signed on the 25th by Obama.
Uh, going into effect on Monday.
Uh, that has language in it.
Uh, Caller mentioned this and they are correct.
Has language in it.
Uh, and the Constitutional Scholars are looking at it.
Uh, basically saying we're in an emergency financially.
Uh, and that he can do this, uh, to block criminal activity.
And that's at whitehouse.gov.
So we'll be talking to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts here in just one moment.
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Now, Paul Craig Roberts is a economist, former Wall Street Journal editor, former head of policy department of the Treasury, father of Reaganomics.
He's written for Businessweek, Scripps Howard News Service, the list goes on and on.
And he has written a bunch of detailed reports that are published at InfoWars.com and many other great sites.
The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis.
We are being had.
That's the latest.
Also, an economy destroyed.
The enemy is Washington.
And he's been really breaking down what's happening here.
And weeks ago said, this is a bunch of theater to transfer power of the purse from Congress to the executive.
And that's in the news today.
Democrats, in fact, you can go to Drudge and read the articles, are saying, hey, President, just do this on your own.
Obama talking to La Raza, the group of the race.
Two days ago said he'd like to do things on his own.
House Democratic leader urges Obama to raise debt ceiling without Congress.
We've got all of this happening and here to make sense of it is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Thank you for joining us today, sir.
Doctor, we've lost your audio.
We're going to get you faded up and try to get you on air right now.
Go ahead again, sir.
You've lost my audio?
Okay, you're back now.
Start over.
Thank you for joining us.
Okay, I'm pleased to be with you, Alex.
Let me just run through it briefly.
A debt ceiling increase is just a routine thing, normally.
It's an opportunity for a few Republicans and maybe one or two Democrats to give a speech to an empty chamber about the burdens we're
We're piling on our grandchildren.
But other than that, they vote the increase.
And they don't really have any alternative because they spent the money.
This time, there is a very ill-considered effort by Republicans to make a serious issue out of it.
It's the wrong time for a number of reasons.
One, of course, is that the rest of the world is already disturbed about American financial credibility as a result of the financial crisis and everything else.
And so this is the wrong time to show more uncertainty and irresponsible behavior.
It's also the wrong time because we're at war.
We've got troops in the field.
The debt funds 43% of the current operating budget of the United States government.
So it's not like it's a small amount that they can cancel or put on leave non-essential government.
Yeah, you can't leave troops in the field without supplies and that sort of thing.
And so they are what they are risking.
is a continuation of the power grabs that were serious under the Bush-Cheney regime, in which they simply ignored Congress on a range of issues and grabbed power on the basis of the unitary doctrine of presidential powers.
And they are now set up for this to happen again.
Because Obama, or no president, could possibly allow the kind of disruption that a default or an inability to finance the operations of the government at this time would cause.
And there are already presidential directives, national security directives, executive orders on the books put there by Bush.
That Obama can invoke to give him the legitimate authority to declare a national emergency or even a catastrophic emergency and set aside the debt receiving limit and proceed to issue debt.
And as you said, what we would see is that the power of the purse would pass from Congress
to the executive just as the power to go to war has passed from Congress to the executive.
And so we would have another giant step in the process of the American president becoming a Caesar.
And we've talked about that before.
So this is a huge risk.
Why would the Republicans bring this risk to the table at this time?
Maybe it's an intention, but why would Congress want to give up more of its power?
I mean, it's already becoming superfluous.
So we could say, well, it's just unclear thinking, or that they're so committed to getting entitlements under control that they're willing to take this risk.
What will Obama do?
Well, we don't really know because we don't know whether he's part of the political theater.
It may well be that Obama is very aligned with financial interests and would like to see reductions in the scope of Medicare and Social Security in order that elements could be privatized and turned over to Wall Street, to his buddies there who
Who did so much of the funding of his presidential campaign, so it could simply be a theater.
So Obama can say, I'm forced to the wall.
I've either got to leave the troops unsupplied in Afghanistan and Iraq, or I've got to give in to the Republicans and cut Social Security and Medicare.
And so I've taken the least bad of the two choices that the Republicans gave me.
So he could do that.
So this could simply be a way to get rid of
Entitlements that otherwise are politically impossible to get rid of.
We don't know.
Or it may just all be hype and confusion and at the last minute they make the deal.
So that remains to be seen.
But the real point is there is no reason for this debt ceiling crisis.
They just happen routinely.
There have been many of them during my professional life.
And I believe it was only Newton Gingrich back during the 1990s who made an issue of one of them.
And they shut down the government for a few days.
It had no real consequence because they simply closed things like national parks and federal workers who were not absolutely necessary and that sort of thing.
But of course this time the amount of funding is a much greater share of the budget and so they can't get by with just cutting non-essential services.
Okay, I'd like to bring up a few issues here.
And I meant to get to it yesterday, but it was posted on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
News stories, CBS News, RT, you name it, from 2008, where they admitted Brigade Homeland, 20,000 troops deployed to the streets of America for economic collapse.
I don't
As one of the first executive orders and we wrote about that.
Here's our article from January 18, 2010.
PDD 51 and the new executive order give Obama dictator power and they basically cite this now whenever he launches Libya wars.
And all of this.
And we had Congressman DeFazio going to Bush at the time and saying, I want the full text of PDD 51.
The cover sheet says you can take over for any reason.
Well, I want to see the full plan.
And they would never give even the Homeland Security Committee director of the House that information.
So right there, it's the presidency really flexing its dictatorial muscles.
And now we see Politico today.
In fact, let me just read that headline to listeners.
Politico has come out with a top Democrat in the House.
Obama urged to invoke 14th Amendment as debt ceiling deadline.
And that was a 14th Amendment interpretation by Ulysses S. Grant during Reconstruction against the states.
They're threatening this against the Congress.
And we saw foreshadowing of this where they were talking about
Alex, you and I talked about this at great length back when Bush issued these directives.
And of course, they don't need to invoke the 14th Amendment because of the directives that you point out and that we pointed out at the time that Bush has already on the books.
So there's no doubt that if the Republicans push their intransigence right into the deadline,
That Obama has to decide, if he's not going to cave in to them, he has to decide, does he let the default take place?
Does he let the dollar go?
Does he let the credit rating of the United States government go?
Does he let the power of the country evaporate?
Or does he evoke the Bush presidential and national security directives and set aside Congress?
I suspect
That the pressure from within the administration, from within the military security complex, would force him, even if he didn't want to, to invoke the Bush presidential directive and set aside Congress.
So I think it's for certain that that will happen if the Republicans continue
And demanding no tax increase, cuts in entitlements, and the Democrats say, well, we just can't do that.
We can't betray our constituencies to that extent.
We control the Senate and the White House.
Why do you think we're going to submit to the House Republicans' demands?
So if it comes to that, yes, we will see more powers leave the Congress, and I think they will be permanent.
They're not going to go, they're not going to go back.
And so it's a serious situation.
And the question we have to wonder about is, are the Republicans unaware of this?
Are they in on it?
Do they want it to happen?
Well, I'm not as sure as you are about that.
I think the outcome may be the same.
But you have to, if I was Wall Street,
But as power accumulates in the presidency, that control deserts the oligarchs.
The executive branch has it and brings them under their thumb.
You know, this is kind of the way Rome transitioned.
I don't know that
Accumulating more power in the presidency is to the advantage of the oligarchy.
I think he then rises not merely as a countervailing power, but eventually as the overwhelming power.
But they have vetted people that they have dirt on who they believe they can control.
And you've got the Israeli special interest and others there.
And so this could be a multinational, even foreign, coup through the presidency with Rahm Emanuel and the rest of them.
And I really do see that.
We're in grave danger.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is our guest.
I want to talk about the true state of the economy when we come back.
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All Americans should be concerned.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
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Number 4.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I see total, flawless integration between the special interests that run the Republicans and the Democrats.
But as Dr. Roberts, former head of policy at the Treasury, former Wall Street Journal editor, has broken down, and he's been listed by Forbes and other publications as one of the top ten economists out there, it doesn't matter.
The outcome is the same thing.
All of this.
They started training the military to take over the U.S.
right when they got rid of Glass-Steagall.
We got IMF World Bank plans back in 2002, where they talked about imploding the Western world.
And it's here.
But Dr. Roberts, my issue is, do you agree with Dr. Ron Paul, Congressman Ron Paul, but also the Chinese government in the last six months?
They've said, look, you're already starting to default by monetizing your treasuries.
You're already moving towards hyperinflation.
And we're not going to buy your treasury bonds anymore.
We're going to cut back on what we're buying.
And so, I mean, that's why many people have said, go ahead and let them up the debt, because it will just kind of back this off.
We will implode if you don't up it, but then we'll implode if we don't, because you've pointed out we've been de-industrialized by globalism, which is the opposite of what they call free or fair trade.
I mean, I've got articles here where General Electric's using government bailout money to move their x-ray factories to China.
Well, we can talk about the economy because it's the real problem and not the debt ceiling crisis.
And I think you're right to move us to that topic.
First, I'm going to very briefly make the point that if the United States government does default and it has any of the terrible consequences that have been predicted,
Who are the gainers?
Iran, Russia, and China.
Those are the ones who will come out ahead.
And so it's really not in any American interest of the power groups to default.
So I think for that reason it will be awarded.
Now, as for the economy, as we have discussed many times, Alex, the crisis of the American economy is that the middle class jobs have been moved offshore and given to the Chinese, Indians, Indonesians, and others.
And the American middle class is left without these jobs and without the income growth that supported the growth in consumer demand, the housing market, and the economy.
And which was tax base.
So one of the reasons we have such huge deficits is that we have today roughly, what, 10 million fewer people employed than a decade ago?
Despite the growth in the population of 10%?
So when you give away your GDP, your tax base, the jobs for the middle class, both manufacturing jobs and professional service jobs, like many fields of engineering, research, design, you are destroying your own economy.
And that's what has been going on with offshoring.
For about 20 years.
And there is no discussion of this yet today.
I've been going on about it for years and years.
And I have been joined by Ralph Gomory, the distinguished mathematician and economist.
And recently, as we, I think, discussed on your program, we had a Nobel Laureate economist come out and reproduce my arguments.
And now the Chamber of Commerce says move everything we've got left to South Korea!
And that's right.
So even though a few knowledgeable and distinguished people have picked up my argument, it's still ignored by the policymakers and by the vested interest because they all know they can increase their short-term profits
They can increase their quarterly bonuses by continuing to move American jobs offshore because it lowers the labor cost, increases the profits, and therefore they qualify for their bonus payments.
Dr. Roberts, I know you've got to go, but one minute break.
I want to come back and have you finish that point.
Then we're going to shift gears into other subjects.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, into hour number three.
Your phone call's coming up.
A lot of other news.
I want to get into the cloning.
Aaron finished the special report this morning, but it's in high def, so it's not encoding quickly.
Who knows if it'll, we'll be able to air it before the show ends today.
If not, it'll be premiered tomorrow.
But going back to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
It's admitted that the multinationals use the U.S.
for their muscle.
What are they planning to do once they've fully sucked the United States dry and totally bankrupted us?
What are they, I mean, I guess as Ron Paul said, they're going to lean on nuclear weapons?
I mean, at a certain point, they are destroying their own command base, Dr. Roberts, with this de-industrialization you talked about.
That's right.
It's short run.
They are thinking short run.
You know, most CEOs are only there a few years.
It's not a lifetime job.
They're there a few years, generally just before retirement age, and they use the opportunity to maximize their short-run incomes, their short-term incomes.
And then they retire with multi-millions and are comfortable.
And that way of running a country is not the way the Chinese and Japanese run their country.
And so we're losing out and there's nothing that can be done about it given the structure of the incentives.
But to get back to where we were before your break, let me say something that's unequivocal.
The debt ceiling crisis is of no real consequence compared to the offshoring of American jobs and to the financial deregulation.
Unless the financial deregulation is largely reversed, and unless something can be done not just to stop the offshoring of jobs, but to bring back the millions that have been offshored,
There's no possibility of the United States being able to continue the kinds of expenditures that it's used to.
It can't have wars at all.
It can't have a military security complex at all.
It may not be able to have any old age
I don't
And unless they find some way to bring those jobs back and to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs, which as you pointed out, they are continuing now with the Korean Free Trade Agreement.
This is insanity.
Unless they stop this, the whole game is up.
That's simply a fact.
This is not a partisan statement.
It's not a hysterical statement.
It's not an opinion.
It's a simple fact.
Doctor, what's the time frame in closing?
I know you don't want to put exact times on it, but you said three years ago, during the 2008, you said no.
Two, three, four years out is when I'd have to guesstimate the real collapse, Alex.
These things take longer.
And I think you've been proven right.
But here we are three years later.
Are we a lot closer to two minutes to midnight?
Yes, we are.
Look, the other day the U.S.
dollar hit yet another new low against the Swiss franc.
One U.S.
super dollar is equal to 80 Swiss cents.
When I was a young man,
A dollar was worth 420 Swiss cents.
Today, 80.
This collapse has been accelerating during this year.
Look at the price of gold and silver.
Look at the increased criticism of the United States from foreign governments.
As you pointed out, China itself.
So I think the, uh, the acceleration of the collapse is underway.
Sure, we've only got 20 seconds.
So what's the time frame to where, because they're now admitting we're really in a depression more and more.
Are you talking about another year?
How long until it's really evident?
I think by the end of the year, we'll realize we're in a deeper recession.
And I don't know what hysterical response is that we call.
Dr. Roberts, thank you so much for spending time with us.
All right.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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Tim Geithner?
They're asking for more matches!
They're arsonists!
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Brent, Sarah, Carl, Thomas, Preston, we're gonna get to all your calls and more.
Also, coming up, I have the Genesis talk show host coming on that are suing Rachel Maddow for claiming that they were saying kill gay people, which they never said, and they told MSNBC this and showed them proof and they didn't stop.
And that's the kind of stuff that's going to happen to MSNBC when they willfully and knowingly try to hurt people just for fun.
It's one thing if you say something and you're proven wrong, but it wasn't on purpose.
But when you do it with malice of forethought, with intent to do harm, you will be found liable in the courts.
We're going to be having those guys pop in towards the end of the broadcast.
And by the way, I'm going to have to go into overdrive today.
For the radio audience, you'll be able to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com at 4 or 5 o'clock today and see this big, special report.
And I'll be able to give you the name of the report soon.
But I don't want to give it out until the article's up.
But we're going to premiere it for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We're just going to keep the radio show going.
We're another 30 minutes into the next hour, but it won't be on your local AM and FM dial, it'll just be PrisonPlanet.tv only, and the audio streams, because we've been, we've taken the last two, three days to put this together, and it's really a big issue, and it needs to get out there, and so we're going to premiere it.
To the PrisonPlanet.tv folks when we go into overdrive.
Now, by the end of the show, if it isn't done encoding, these computers drive me insane.
Sometimes a 15-minute presentation might take 30 minutes to encode because it's high def.
Sometimes it might take three hours, and it's been doing that today.
It's been encoding since about 10 o'clock this morning.
So I thought we'd be able to premiere it in this hour.
But for radio listeners, you'll be able to, after the show, later today, we'll put it up on the YouTube channel first.
But we're going to put it on prisonpanda.tv first, coming up.
And this deals with human clones.
And the governments have kept secret.
Now they admit they've been splicing them with animals for at least 15 years that I know about.
Well, they admitted 15 years ago they were doing it, five years before, so 20.
And Aaron, he knows I'll rant information out in these research pieces.
He then has to take keywords that I say.
Because a lot of times when I do a special presentation, I'll sit down for 20 minutes, search keywords of articles I know I've read over the years.
I'll find five or six of hundreds I've seen.
I'll walk off, shoot the presentation, hand it to Aaron.
And then it's always worse than when I say on the video, and he's like, we might have to reshoot this, Alex, that they're admitting cloned humans in artificial wombs in the 70s, and there's photos of them in Time Life books, and they admit eugenics, and they admit that the government's gonna take control of the entire reproductive cycle, and basically sterilize everybody with chemicals, and then you'll have to go to the government to be able to get reproductive stuff done.
You'll pay to have your genetics taken and spliced with your wife.
That's how they'll have, they have like,
We're good.
I think so.
We're good to go.
We think it'll be airing next hour.
I can't even guarantee that.
But I've been building this up for the last few days because we need to, like, say this is important.
Out of all the other crazy things happening, this is what's important.
Like Dr. Roberts just agreed with the Communist Chinese and Ron Paul, and with Nobel Prize winning economists, the debt ceiling is a debate about debt chairs on the Titanic.
The ship is on its side, about to go under.
We've been maneuvered into this position.
They've got NORTHCOM and the military ready, and executive orders for financial martial law.
They've already stolen the pension funds, public and private.
They've already stolen the military's pension funds.
That's why they're now telling you you're not going to get anything.
And right now they're just training us to raise taxes, cut benefits, gut things further, pay everything to the bankers, so they can buy up all the commodities and all the real estate and all the defense companies.
And they don't need us anymore.
They don't need an economy.
The globalists constantly talk about, well, they have five kids and private jets and, you know, billion-dollar estates, about how we're scum and how they want to kill us.
And the psychopaths have created this eugenics cosmology to really incorporate and give structure just to their psychopathic power-tripping ways.
And we are in a red-level emergency.
A red level emergency.
I wish I was wrong, but everything the globalists said they would do in white papers, written 100 years ago, 70 years ago, 25 years ago, 5 years ago, everything they say they do, from poison in the water supply, to GMO that sterilizes you, to vaccines laced with cancer viruses, they've done it.
And we just muddle through doubling in cancer the last decade, doubling of diabetes, I mean they're murdering us hardcore.
And they're running around with our blood all over their hands.
They're shifting the terror apparatus from Muslims to the other populations, as I told you they do.
And they're getting ready to start blowing things up and shooting up shopping malls.
And then you'll know why the telescreens are up saying, watch your neighbor.
I mean, they are about to hammer us hard.
You think they'd carry out all these crimes without a plan?
You think they would ship guns to Mexico and to gangs in Miami to control the drug trade?
I mean, the big banks launder drug money publicly and don't get in trouble.
They are going for broke.
They are coming on down.
They are overrunning us.
They are bum-rushing us.
They're dropping the hammer.
And you can't get in a fetal position and think they're going to walk over you.
Just like the people at that island with the globalist killer, you know, cowering and hoping he wouldn't kill him.
It'd have done better to, you know, hide behind a rock and, you know, run up behind him and, you know, at least if he's going to shoot you, get your adrenaline going.
Believe me, you turn your adrenaline on.
And you're going to take some hits, but unless they're absolutely placed perfectly, you're going to get even more fired up when those bullets start hitting you.
You're going to find that real ape power all of us has got to actually tear arms out of people's sockets.
And you know, that's what happened in the old days when you had a shooter.
People would just gut up, charge them, take them out.
But we've been taught just lay down helplessly and wait for the police.
Ladies and gentlemen, the government is run by criminals.
Your average low-level government person is just a dumb ignoramus like everybody else who isn't awake.
And it's time for people to get awake and realize what's happening.
Now, you know, on the economic front, there is no silver bullet.
But I have tried to encourage people to understand the laws of economics.
And that when they go into QE1, QE2, and now QE3, that it's going to increase the price of stocks, because they're a commodity at the end of the day, a financial instrument, a store of, quote, wealth, another fiat currency.
They're going to go up, so you're going to think your stocks are going up.
They're not really.
Every other commodity, gold, silver, oil, all going up.
But you look at the Swiss franc, it's flat with gold because the franc is sovereign and isn't being devalued.
Their country isn't run by complete criminals who could care less about the nation's future.
These globalists are in there one-upping each other on who can be the most ruthless.
Oh, you think you're slick stealing all the death benefits of troops?
We'll ship guns directly to drug dealers and get caught and not get in trouble.
You know, this is the attitude that we're seeing, and I wanted to briefly, as we got a break and come back with your calls, go to Ted Anderson.
I drug him in here today.
I don't even know what the offers are.
I know the prices are steadily going up because, you know, you were buying gold and silver he bought two months ago when it was really low.
And then you were buying stuff you bought a month ago, and that's running out.
And so it'll just keep going up and up and up.
I would take advantage of it now, because if the gold and silver are exploding in the middle of the summer, this has never happened in my experience, imagine the fall.
You think it's high at $1,622 right now, and silver at $41 or whatever, you ain't seen nothing yet.
So Ted, briefly, give folks the latest news on today's silver and gold offer.
Well, Bloomberg is quoting right now that gold futures hit a high of $1,631.20 today.
Delivery gold hit a peak of $1,629.80.
That just means the contracts that are coming due at this moment.
Currently, right now, I'm holding the prices I had on Monday, even though the prices have gone up like crazy.
Franks are at $3.54.
Gold, British sovereigns are at $4.44.
Uh, one of the things that you can pick up, and I'm just, I can't say this one enough, get two silver dollars and the American Dream video for $85 delivered.
I mean, you're not going to buy the videos.
I mean, the videos are hardly that.
The silver dollars are way over that.
Now, I mean, silver hit a peak today of $41.55.
That's the delivered price.
Obviously, the futures are higher.
You're right about that, Alex.
We haven't seen the fall yet.
Here we are sitting in July, which is usually the lowest point in gold and silver, and we have this budget impasse going on, and the question is, is are we going to kill the country by raising the debt ceiling, or are we going to kill the country by defaulting on debt?
I mean, what difference does it make?
You're better off having physical gold and silver than you are having this funny fiat money that they have that they're giving to us and expecting it to be good.
I would really suggest that people take advantage of that book and take the American Dream.
Why don't
To have a small piece of gold that's divisible and portable and something that you can carry with you.
I mean, they used to sew these in the collars of the Air Force.
You know, the people who fly the airplanes in World War II, because if they got shot down, they'd have a piece of gold in their collar they could use to negotiate their way to freedom.
You know, it's just, it makes sense.
I mean, the central banks of the world use gold and silver as a reserve currency for themselves.
Absolutely, Teb, we're out of time, but people on the deal with the silver dollars and the free book and video, you can't beat that anywhere.
The Franks, the Sovereigns, the other gold coins, you've got a whole list of radio specials.
People, when they call, need to say, what's the Alex Jones Radio Specials?
The regular deals
Are smoking hot and great, but these are lost leaders.
You cannot beat these prices.
Ted, how long can you hold these deals?
Just till tonight, midnight.
We'll look tomorrow again.
We'll go up tomorrow.
Don't wait.
Thank you, Ted.
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By the way, that video didn't finish encoding.
We could air it right now, but now I have guests coming up in the next segment.
We'll see what happens.
This is getting crazier by the minute.
This human cloning genetic engineering subject is the Big Kahuna.
It is the greatest threat to humanity and
It just shows the madness of the ruling class.
They think they're in control, but they're not in control of themselves.
And they get us obsessing over, you know, fake terror alerts and things, when meanwhile, the elite are just running completely mad.
Brent in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Yes, hello, AJ.
How you doing?
I spoke to you, like, long last fall.
I was just calling.
Nothing new, um, but update on the military complex.
I guess in, um, New Freeport, PA, a Lockheed Martin, uh, surveillance blimp had been launched from Akron, Ohio at like 5 o'clock in the morning and like, went down and crashed over in, like I said, Freeport, um, Pennsylvania.
Yeah, they got giant surveillance blimps everywhere.
Yeah, I know.
I'm aware of that.
I mean, I read about it 12 years ago and people still don't believe it.
I mean, it's just completely out of control.
Relaying, like, all the questions to local state police barracks and, like, nothing's being admitted about right now or nothing.
Well, no, they've conditioned people that even when incredible danger is admitted, people just take it like jellyfish.
I mean, they now admit they've been splicing humans with animals and then torturing these poor creatures for decades, and it's not even an issue.
You tell adults about it, they go, yeah, but the NFL.
I mean, do people have any idea?
Hey, they stole the troops' pension funds.
Eh, so what?
Hey, Obama shipped guns to the drug gangs to blame the Second Amendment.
Well, I'll just turn my guns in.
I appreciate your call, Brent.
But again, you're always going to have folks that are zombies and don't care.
We have a giant core of people worldwide and here in the U.S.
that are awake and do know what time it is.
So let's just ignore the brain-dead sheep, move forward.
The globalists don't have a right to be doing these things to us.
We're going to stand up and call them out for the scumbags they are.
See, it's a mind game.
It's a confidence game.
Sarah in Kentucky, thanks for holding.
Hey, how are you?
Good, thanks for holding.
I was calling because I live in Kentucky and my husband works for a small business here.
They're a contracting business and they did some business out of town a couple months ago and when he came home he said that one of the workers for Hewlett Packard had told him about some government contract through FEMA.
They made a lot of money selling some laptops to FEMA, and they were for relocation camps in the southeastern United States.
And so, like, since he had the, you know, the passcode to get onto the website or whatever, we went ahead and looked at all the other bids, you know, that were out there, and people who don't believe that those relocation centers are real, they're wrong, they are real,
There's a bunch of them, and they're staffing them right now.
And they've been there for a long time.
Some of them have been there and operational for a lot of years.
And, you know, we were looking at it and we were like, why didn't they use those in Hurricane Katrina?
You know, if that's what they're really for is for disasters.
Some of them were already open and operational.
Three one million man camps funded in 95, excuse me, 2005.
They admit they've built these emergency centers, but they say they're not concentration camps, they're emergency relocation.
But yes, I've been to the urban warfare drills where they break up the families and give you shots and do interrogate you and, you know, do have to beat some people.
And it's all for when things collapse.
And they've just been getting ready, getting us in debt, getting us ready for the collapse.
And now more and more they're introducing us to the idea, and they'll say to the hundred-plus million on different forms of assistance, you're not going to get your checks unless you support us rounding up all these right-wingers.
And they're going to say, take their guns!
And the government's going to go, that's right.
And would you welfare folks and others, would you like to be given automatic weapons to fight the white al-Qaeda?
And they're going to say, yes.
And I was sent an internal document.
I told Kurt to post it a few days ago.
I never saw it on the site.
He may have.
But we were sent internal DPS documents in their hiring.
And it's like, do not let anyone know this.
We're only trying to hire military, you know, ahead of issues.
And yes, they're just massively building up.
And the police are going to follow orders from the bankers that did all this.
This is a criminal takeover.
And the police will sit there lovingly watching the bankers that destroyed America, give them orders on the news, and when you watch FEMA drills on TV, it's all...
Military people that are there, and they'll, like New Orleans, they'll tell them to go get the guns.
military will march in.
The U.S.
You give them a problem, they'll just cut you in half, high five.
That's how you defend America.
And they're ready to roll.
But anyways, some of those purchase orders have been made public, and the hiring the hundreds of thousands of relocation officers.
But stay there.
After our guests leave, I want to come back to you and finish up with more on those loving relocation centers.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, we're going to go back to the lady calling in whose husband and others were working on the Hewlett-Packard and all the FEMA Camp Relocation Center contracts.
Those are public.
I mean, she said she saw others that weren't public, but I'd like to be sent those.
Send them to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com with your tips.
But I remember, and we've written articles about, where they came out just last year and wanted to hire 100,000 relocation specialists for here in the United States.
And then the government pulled it once it got attention.
And they had the other document, of course, that came out where they were funding three one million person camps.
And then, of course, they had the Emergency Centers Act that was a law they tried to pass last year that just funded further and made public and put into law that the former military bases have been retrofitted to hold people during emergencies, including terror attacks, including political dissonance.
And we want to be able to round them up and put them in them.
And we need more funding to do it.
And they'll also be emergency centers during collapse.
And then you say, well, you're building these, and they say, yeah, but those are for emergencies.
These aren't concentration camps.
Though we have the Rex 84 documents, and that's exactly what they are.
So we'll be talking more about that, and then I will get into the big cloning special.
It'll be for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers only, and audio stream listeners.
I'll just continue the show into the fourth hour.
I've got to quit doing this someday, because starting September 1st, I start the weeknight TV show.
That's why I cut the fourth hour a year ago or so, so I could get around to doing all this.
But then once I'm hot on the trail of something, like a beagle chasing a fox or something, there's no stopping us here.
Now, I got contacted.
A month or two ago when this first happened, and I was aware of their show here on the Genesis Network, syndicated by Genesis, on AM and FM stations around the country, and I meant to get them on, but I said, well not today, Ted, the owner of Genesis, I want to look at the case first.
And then time passed and I forgot to look at the case, but since then I have.
And headline WorldNetDaily, it's also up at the Drudge Report today.
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, sued for defamation.
Left-wing television commentators must be made to respect the law.
And I remember hearing about a supposed speech, a prayer at the Minnesota Legislature, and that they'd said in the news, they said, kill gay people.
And then I went and found the text of it, and they didn't say anything like that.
It was really weird.
And then they ran around ninnying all over TV about it, freaking out about the Tea Parties want to kill us and all this stuff.
And it just shows the division.
Hey, you don't want government health care?
You want to kill black people.
You know, you don't like black people.
They just throw this nonsensical stuff in there and, you know, in the rise of the right, rise of the new right that they aired last year and again this year, that they've aired more than 10 times on MSNBC, it ends saying that Ron Paul and I want violence.
They took out of context what we said about the founders and, you know, edited the clips together.
And I guess I could sue them for that, but... And I'm not blaming these guys for suing them.
I understand why they are.
I don't blame WorldNetDaily for suing Vanity Fair for lying and saying their book had been recalled.
I mean, that's economic devastation.
But where are the lawsuits against Media Matters saying they're going to infiltrate Fox News, News Corp., and other, quote, libertarian and conservative news sites?
You know, if that means Glenn Beck, Alex Jones.
We're the folks they attack every day on that George Soros-funded outfit.
And, I mean, they're saying, and the memo came out in Politico, now four months ago, and Politico is very supportive of it, they love it.
It was basically, we're going to infiltrate, get involved in companies and destroy them from within.
I mean, that is, that is felony time.
So, where is the charges?
Well, where are the charges on Obama's people for shipping guns to Mexico and lying about it?
And that's now been testified in Congress, that yes, the White House was informed and was in command of it.
Well, of course they were!
The FBI and DEA were involved, not just ATF.
We have that clip, later we have time we'll play that, from the actual situation.
But joining us from New York, they're normally in Minneapolis-St.
Paul, but they're there right now for their lawsuit against Ms.
Are the folks involved in this suit, Bradley Dean and Jake McMillan, other listeners of the show, they've sent me their books and music before.
It's really interesting information.
And the Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rests.
Sons of Liberty Radio Show.
Well about a year ago Alex, thanks for having us by the way.
We were actually making a comment on the radio
And the comment was basically, how would I say it, I once made a reference to how even Muslims oppose homosexuality under Sharia law.
But at no point did I suggest that I condone the methods that radical Muslims use to enforce Sharia law.
And what happened is they took what I said, and what I said is the Muslims are calling for the execution of homosexuals in America from Washington D.C.
Yeah, that's funny.
They won't criticize the radical Muslims for that, because that's taboo in political correctness.
They'll only criticize Christians if you say, don't teach my five-year-old how to, you know, have any type of sex, leave our kids alone, and then they twist that and knowingly convoluted with malice of forethought with attempt to do harm.
That's exactly right.
And really what this is not about, I want to say this right up front, is this isn't about attacking any particular people.
It's about protecting a particular people that are being attacked, namely the young in public high schools.
And that's what this is really about, and what they want to do is they want to keep me on the defense so they can stay on the offense, and they want to create a monster so they can continue
All over the country it is a fact, and I wouldn't want heterosexuals recruiting seven-year-olds.
They target children, and I can't even say on the radio what's been for 20 years taught, but they teach people sexual acts that can kill you.
I mean, we're talking about, well, fisting, ladies and gentlemen.
Things like that are taught to seven-year-olds.
Please continue.
Okay, and basically what happened is I put a disclaimer out once the accusation came out through a George Soros outlet.
And once that came out, we put the disclaimer out.
It was out there the next day, before we knew it, we were up on Rachel Maddow's, uh, you know, her outlet, and what she had did is basically pulled up my disclaimer, denouncing what they were saying that I was advocating.
Well, a year later, you know, just most recently, a couple months back, she comes back out on the radio again, or on our television program, and then she says that I'm advocating the execution of homosexuals.
And what she said this time around was that we were bloodthirsty and we were calling for the upping of the bloodshed of America's culture wars by omitting my disclaimer this time around, Alex.
She said, since Christians weren't doing enough to kill gays and lesbians.
Yeah, she said that as if you had said it.
It wasn't anywhere near what you'd said.
And correct me if I'm wrong, that was a few months ago when you had a prayer at the Minnesota Legislature.
So she spun that you were giving prayers saying, kill, kill people at the Statehouse.
I mean, just total and complete psyops, directly funded with banker bailout money by Barack Hussein Obama.
No, no, it was on the news that you gave a prayer at the legislature saying murder gay people.
Now expanding on this, from what I've read in the press releases and things, you guys contacted them, you made it clear over and over again, and they just demonically snickered.
I think that's part of the point of this suit.
When is enough?
And we're sick of people saying, you know, it's so evil, it's so bad what they do, and taking no action.
And that is the importance of this case.
Because number one, it's protecting our future prosperity, our next generation.
We're putting our walk where our talk is.
And we're saying, this is enough.
You need to be held accountable.
Nobody should get away with this.
No matter what.
We don't care if it's MSNBC, Fox News, any of those sources.
Media cannot be covered like this.
Because if they didn't have a lie, they would have nothing to prop up.
We need to have upright coverage.
We believe in people's First Amendment rights.
That's why you're on the radio, Alex.
That's why we're on the radio at sonsoflibertyradio.com.
This is to set a precedent to bring media to accountability to the First Amendment.
You can't just say what you want to do.
You know, I've had to sue somebody once because just out of the blue they said I was a drug dealer.
I mean, I've never even, I mean, I barely even experimented with drugs in high school.
I was a jock.
I mean, you know, I smoked marijuana here and there, tried this or that, never liked it.
And, and, and, you know, here, and I'm very honest about that.
And here's somebody just because they're jealous or whatever makes up that I'm a, you know,
And I was forced to do something there.
I had a stalker messing with my sister.
The police wouldn't do anything.
I had to sue them.
So I can't be a hypocrite and tell you that I don't like lawsuits.
I still don't like them.
But I understand when somebody really drags your name to the mud, and you guys have talked about this, this really hurts you.
I mean, folks think that you're calling for the murder of people when you never did anything like that.
And so tell us about the lawsuit.
Where is this going?
Just your name, Infowars, is important.
It's an information war.
And when one side is just telling lies constantly and they're not held accountable for it, gee, I wonder who's going to come up with the most creative disaster.
About information, it has to be truth and it has to be upright.
This suit, its purpose, nobody wants to do lawsuits.
We're not looking forward to this.
This isn't fun to us.
That's not what this is about.
We need, actually, we're a non-profit organization, so we need folks to help even carry this out, but we have to set a precedent.
That is the importance of this issue.
The suit started right now, and we filed a complaint this morning in Washington, D.C.
Our attorney is Larry Klayman, who is the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and he's a heavy hitter.
And he's somebody that believes in our faith, our morals, and our values, and believes in the First Amendment right as well.
The suit now will continue, obviously.
These things generally get long time and drug out, but it's important for folks like you, and we appreciate you having us on the show, Alex, to be able to get the exposure out to people out there so they know what's really going on.
Well, look, I mean, when they... I mean, I've seen Matthews play clips of a woman complaining about
The jet fleet of Congress, and I saw the full clip in Texas, then she cut to talking about how they've increased spending at the White House.
They're telling us, tie our belts.
And they said, well, that woman said that because she doesn't like Michelle Obama because she's black.
I mean, that right there is saying you're a racist.
That can really hurt you in life and business.
I mean, they throw this stuff around saying you want to murder people, you're calling for bloody wars.
They're saying other people are racist out of a clear blue sky.
And they do it with this demonic, race-pimping giggle.
They know full well they're just cold-bloodedly playing people off against each other.
And whether you win, lose, or draw, this will definitely make Rachel Maddow think twice about the type of stuff she does.
That's exactly the signal.
They are accountable for it, and justice is going to send it the best way, Alex.
So all of your listeners listening right now, maybe they're in situations like this too.
Look, just because we're right, and just because we have the truth, does not mean that you fall down and play victim to, or allow them to play the victim to what you're doing.
There's a time where you have to stand up and do something again.
Bradley, our mission with SonsOfLibertyRadio.com is to reach this next generation.
We don't want them to look at us as, you know, conservatives, as people of faith, as people that have morals and values that believe in the Constitution, as a bunch of weaklings that weren't willing to stand up for the next generation.
Bradley's done a great job of doing that.
You saw it through the Capitol Prayer.
You can see all the footage of that at SonsOfLibertyRadio.com.
But we need to stand up for those things, as you are, Alex, and your radio show, and all of your new ventures that you're into.
We applaud you as well.
Well, all I know is that they want to keep the debate off into these distractions and diversions and playing us off against each other.
And you've got to sue her, I guess, because, you know, you guys didn't say this.
You were quoting somebody else and making a point.
And why doesn't Rachel Maddow talk about what the radical Muslims said instead of lying and saying that Christians did it?
There's one issue I think you should make front and center in all of this.
When it hadn't been, and when they knew it hadn't been, unless they were desperate.
I mean, they're really trying to play their mafia tactics against us.
I hope she enjoys the depositions.
I hope she enjoys it all.
I hope the executives over there enjoy it, because even if they beat the rap, they're not going to beat the ride.
Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us.
We look forward to speaking to you again very, very soon.
You bet, and we'll watch this.
Thank you.
We'll watch this as it unfolds.
Yeah, saying that someone is calling for killing people is their favorite tactic.
I've played the clips here where they take out of context what I said about the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment, what Ron Paul said, and then they said that we were calling for violence.
Anyone who knows the show knows that we're calling for the opposite of that.
We're trying to fix things peacefully.
And we're against the violence of the state trying to force us to, you know, take part in all of their corruption.
Now, I want to go back to Sarah in Kentucky.
Sarah, specifically, because I'm always ranting and raving and interrupting, you know, when somebody mentions a subject.
Go back into this.
So you guys got, we're doing a contract for Hewlett-Packard with FEMA.
You got into their purchase orders for emergency relocation centers.
I pointed out that that stuff's actually come out in the news separately with their
Internment specialists in new camps.
They just don't call them concentration camps.
They go, there are no camps, Kooks.
There's emergency relocation centers.
We have the Emergency Relocation Act.
And they play these games, but they've been maneuvering us towards economic collapse.
So the crisis of dependent, non-self-sufficient people is so bad, they can really break our back and bring us into total communitarianism and agenda 21.
So recap exactly what these documents said and what you saw.
Now, I didn't read a whole lot of it.
He was on there and, you know, it's kind of confusing because it's tiny, but it basically goes through each individual bid.
It's just a whole long list of bids, and they were for different locations, all of them in southeastern, in the southeastern part of the United States, and we counted up as many as we could, and there were about 35 different centers.
You know, it wasn't like
You know, here's a link for this or a link for that.
It was just basically a straight line bid.
You know, there's a bid out for this, there's a bid out for that.
And it was scary to look at because he didn't even want to tell me about it.
He knows I listen to you, he knows I've watched in-game, he watched Camp FEMA with me, and so he didn't even want to tell me about it.
And what is his view of this?
I mean, if they come to pick up us and our families, I guess the American people will have American flags out and spit on patriots.
Maybe Ron Paul will be in chains.
I guess America will go along with that?
I don't know what his view on it is, to be honest.
I know that he's waking up.
He's not really all the way there.
He's not as enthusiastic and as
Sure about it as I am.
I've kind of been breaking him in.
Now again, you were in an internal bid system as contractors and were able to see this.
Quite a few of those have leaked out.
We need more folks to publish those and go public.
You had something else to add?
Well, I was going to also add that I work for Public Health in Kentucky and we've got a major immigration program going on where we're bringing in
Hundreds of refugees from Malaysia... Yeah, I know.
It's incredible.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I'm going to jam in some more calls in this segment, and the main radio show ends.
We'll be back tomorrow, 11am to 2pm.
We're going to continue with 30 minutes into the next hour, though, for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and folks listening on the internet, the audio streams, and I wanted to air this in the main show, but computer issues.
It wasn't done encoding this special report.
It's going to be up on Infowars.com in a few hours on YouTube.
We're going to premiere it for PrisonPlanet.tv members coming up.
It's titled Genetic Armageddon.
Genetic Armageddon.
Humanity's greatest threat.
And it's 15 minutes long, and I cannot describe to you how important this is.
You know, that's what's frustrating and why I got mad at Glenn Beck.
Because I want to believe in Glenn Beck.
I mean, I promote Lou Dobbs.
He's not perfect.
Judge Napolitano.
Because they're the same year to year, like Ron Paul.
I mean, that's what they're real.
I don't even have to totally agree with somebody on every issue.
I do with Ron Paul.
As long as you're real and are a good person.
And I want to get off into Glenn Beck.
It's just that we sent him emails.
We sent him packages, the purchase orders for the camps, the admissions, the Rex 84 congressional hearings.
I know folks in his organization did see it.
I was told.
I sent a letter to Beck and I was told by another Fox News host.
He got mad.
It was that public letter, but an open letter to Glenn Beck, where I was really heartfelt and said, don't be a traitor.
Maybe you're ignorant.
Supposedly he got really angry by it.
And he came out and said FEMA camps aren't real after building it up for a month saying it wasn't.
I mean, saying it was real.
And then I've got the Houston Chronicle on it.
I've got the Wall Street Journal.
I've got the purchase orders.
And I mean, it's not funny.
I've been to urban warfare drills 12 years ago where they practiced to take our guns in America.
This isn't a game!
And it's public the troops are trying to take guns.
Two years ago, the Army Times had a quote saying, Northcom's preparing to pull triggers on Americans.
Read the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
Look at what's happening!
This isn't a game!
We're all in danger!
Our children!
Our future!
Every time I look at my children, my blood boils.
Because they're innocent, they're good, they're sweet, they're loving, and the whole world wants to wreck their innocence, and wreck their future, and wreck your children's future.
And it's the naivete, it's not even the evil that's destroying our world.
As Thomas Jefferson said, it's not the evil, it's that good men do nothing.
And you've got to start respecting yourself.
I am not even that smart.
I am not the best there is.
But I'm somebody who's ready to fight.
Ready to get involved.
I don't care what people think about me.
I don't care what people say about me, or make fun of me, or attack me, or lie about me at the end of the day.
Because I know I'm right and I'm on a mission to expose these criminals.
And if you don't have chills running up and down the back of your spine out there at the things that are happening, you don't have any type of common sense or any type of survival instinct and no discernment.
And if you think of fighting tyranny as a hassle, it's not a hassle.
It's an absolute compulsion to not want to be a slave and to see tyranny as a threat and to instinctively be threatened by it.
You know, tyranny, as I've said a hundred times, doesn't just sit at one spot.
It either gets worse or it gets reversed.
It either is on its heels or it's coming down like a hurricane.
And government is a dangerous servant, a fearful master, like fire, as George Washington said.
God love him.
And we are repeating history right now.
We are repeating history right now.
Oh, you think it's corny to love George Washington?
You don't know about George Washington and Andrew Jackson, who weren't perfect men, but they were real folks.
And they did love freedom, and they did care about the idea of liberty.
George Washington was offered to be king, and he said, I don't want that.
I want to go to my farm.
That's the kind of leaders we need.
People that take the responsibility of leadership because they care about people, not because they're a bunch of preening control freak scum who get off on committing crime.
The globalists enjoy running us into the ground.
They enjoy hiring criminals.
They enjoy dominating.
They're a bunch of scum, and it's time for real men and women to stand up and defeat them!
This main broadcast is over.
We'll be back.
PrisonPlanet.tv only in 60 seconds.
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The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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End of America 3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Here's some of the insane news, all up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, as well as Drudge.
New Hampshire activists head to Texas, beg Perry to run.
What idiots!
Oh, you're so conservative, used to work for Al Gore for forced inoculations.
Now the superhighways, double the size of Texas government.
Oh, we love you.
Oh, we're morons.
Continuing, Obama support waning, even among liberal mass.
Yeah, poor idiots thought they'd get a free ride from Obama.
Now they've learned that the pimp's gonna put cigarettes out on them collectively.
Shock poll, 46% think most are corrupt in Congress.
Report congressional members net worth up 3,669%.
Detroit to ration city services.
Oh yeah, you're still gonna pay your taxes, but you're not gonna get the services.
Welcome to slavery.
Based on condition of neighborhoods, wealthier parts deemed demonstration areas.
Breivik's explosives cache destroyed at farm.
They always do that now when it's shady.
They don't use it as evidence.
They destroy it.
Rachel Maddow sued for defamation.
That's just some of the news there.
Reid plans and vows to kill House GOP debt plan.
Democratic lawmaker nobody I know has seen Reid plan.
Al Franken.
Josh is on Senate floor.
Welcome terrorist.
House Democratic Leader Urges Obama to Raise Debt Ceiling Without Congressional Approval.
Give us a dictatorship.
A dictator can fix it.
You go to Infowars.com.
BATF Admits Gun Walking Under Fast and Furious.
Well, the big announcement is they've been caught red-handed perjuring themselves, and we've got that video.
I'm going to have Curt Nemo add that.
To his article, it may even be there.
A TSA agent poses as cop to harass woman.
Welcome to the Reich.
NSA admits it tracks Americans via cell phones without warrants.
Norwegian police unable to find link between Breivik and far right.
The political theater and debt ceiling crisis are we being had, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Obama strikes fear into Americans while reassuring big banks.
Alan Watt, Oslo gunman massacre, a designed ritual of mind control.
Another one, citizen spies, brutal torture foreshadow the domestic war on terror.
Huffington Post admits we're in a depression as if we needed George Soros' outfit to tell us.
Of course, you know George Soros is now not going to take private money because he knows the economy is being imploded by design and doesn't want to be left holding the bag like Bernie Madoff.
That's just some of the news, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm sorry to callers, we're just out of time for those.
We did get to more calls today, did a little bit better job of that.
We'll, of course, be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
When we come back from this break, we're going to premiere here for radio listeners that are listening on the streams, because this fourth hour is actually on the satellites.
Some stations do carry this to be technical.
But we don't do the fourth hour every day, as you know.
Ahead of the new TV show that we'll watch September 1st.
But we're going to premiere here for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
If you're a radio listener and want to see this as it premieres, just go over and sign up right now at PrisonPlanet.TV.
It's 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month, and your purchase and support funds this operation and the type of filmmaking and special reports and TV shows and books and future films and radio show and research and all we do.
We are something rare here, a truly independent alternative media operation that understands the score, understands who the globalists are, and has been attempting with some success, and it's intensifying, to wake people up to the real geopolitical paradigm.
And this issue of genetic engineering is more dangerous than nuclear weapons, it is more dangerous than anything we face, and it's being done absolutely pell-mell across the world right now.
And this video, premiering here when we come back from break, is titled Genetic Armageddon slash Humanity's Greatest Threat.
And we need you to get this video out to everybody.
Download it as we stream it live.
It'll then be posted on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Later in the day, we're gonna post it to YouTube.
And we want you to get it and get it out to everyone you know.
Because still, half the folks I run into go, I like your show, but there's no such thing as human clones.
They're not crossing humans with clones, and there's not spider goats, and there's not human milk being produced by cows, and there's no danger even if they are.
Get ready folks, this report is absolutely key.
We've got to show some moral outrage over this or we're done.
We'll be right back.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, and carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
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Yes, my friends, evil is rising.
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Cloned and genetically modified cows that can produce milk containing the same health properties as human breast milk.
These glow-in-the-dark cats could help develop treatments for diseases, for animals, and for humans.
Yes, you did hear that correctly.
He has put a spider gene into a goat.
Transgenic fish.
So the fish actually have what appear to be six-pack abs that we see in humans.
My friends, I am here to warn you.
I am here to alert you to the greatest threat to our species and our civilization on this planet.
Humanity in just the last hundred years has increased its technological and scientific knowledge thousands and thousands of times what it was.
But we are still the same species that we were.
Capable of magnificent heights, but also of horrifying lows.
I want to talk to you about the greatest threat to human civilization and society today.
Already irrevocably changing the genetic code of the biospheres on this planet.
And that is genetic engineering.
Now, I love science and technology.
I know that it's a neutral thing and that man can use it for good or bad.
But that said, the controllers and engineers of our society, for more than a hundred years, have believed that if they can discover the secrets of life, DNA, that they will have the keys to immortality.
And now you see all the different news articles where they openly brag about this, and the elite says, we don't need a giant population anymore to run our technological systems.
We're now phasing into robotics, where the military's aircraft will be drone, where combat robots will do the fighting, where manufacturing will be carried on and executed by non-biological systems.
So there is an arms race going on.
And a technological race going on right now, dealing with genetic engineering.
And recently, the FDA has put into effect new policies.
That allow genetic engineering companies, a predominantly big agra, to put on the market any GMO organism they wish, without even consulting the public.
Now, when you look at this, it's not just GMO grass that takes less water, it's not just GMO tomatoes that last longer on the shelf.
Every genetic engineer I've talked to who worked at these large companies said that in the different studies of GMO potatoes, rice, you name it, that there would be the side effect of reducing fertility in the rodents, the rats, the mice, the guinea pigs, that they tested it on.
Those that ate the genetically engineered toy, they didn't actually show the problems in the first generation.
The second generation was slower growth, slower onset for maturity, but by the third generation, that's when nearly all of the adults had lost the ability to have babies.
And then later in primate studies with monkeys and apes, the same thing happened.
And that along with the public trait that these organisms are being engineered for, there are other traits quietly being built in as a Trojan horse that cause biological changes in the body, that increase cancer, that reduce fertility.
And these developments are a lot further along than the public has even been told.
The information is available, but it's not an issue that gets a lot of media play.
And even when I have the news articles and cover them on air, I get emails and phone calls saying I'm a liar.
I'll never forget years ago covering news articles about spider goats.
Part spider, part goat to produce body armor in their udders, in their mammary glands that can then be used as an industrial product, a special component.
This is the very life force of the planet, the very building blocks of the planet being scrambled together.
And people would call me and couldn't believe it.
Even today, I see news articles about spider goats and salmon that are mixed with other insects and fish that will, within 40 generations, extinct the natural salmon that are in the ocean, according to university studies.
People just seem to not care.
We are being fed this stuff.
GMO crops have been infecting other crops but also other plants that are growing naturally and haven't been developed through hybridization.
When there's a nuclear disaster, it increases cancer, it causes a lot of illnesses, but it tends to dissipate over time.
But with genetically engineered and altered organisms, it doesn't go away.
It mixes with other species.
And that's what I'm here to talk to you about.
What is the greatest threat to our species?
It is unchecked, out of control,
Genetic engineering being carried out by thousands of companies in tens of thousands of laboratories across the world.
I remember seven or eight years ago seeing in the Washington Post just a footnote in an article in their science section where they admitted that in Costa Rica there is widespread human-animal clones being made.
And yes, my friends, you heard me right.
In fact, if you go back to the BBC News articles from more than a decade ago, they admitted that they weren't just cloning humans, that they were splicing them, in one case, with cow genetics, bovine genetics, so that the cow would not reject the human fetus growing inside of its uterus.
Now why are they doing this?
They are growing the fetuses up to close to term, reportedly, and this is what we know about, so that their organs can be harvested.
You have your clone produced with cal genetics in it, so that
Your clone can be grown in a cow, nearing the time that you need the liver transplant, or kidney transplant, or blood transfusions, whatever the case is, and then your clone is harvested from the womb of the cow, or the artificial wombs that they've been developing, and harvested so that you can have an extended life.
And the issue here is we need to have a debate about this.
People see this as science fiction because in movies back in the 50s and 60s and 70s or in The Island of Dr. Maru, this was written about many decades before that.
And so people have been preconditioned that this is fantasy and that this doesn't exist.
This is very real.
And I thought that I would raise this issue again because over the weekend I saw in the news of Australia human-animal hybrids created amid Frankenstein warnings.
Scientists in the UK have reportedly created more than 150
Human-animal hybrid embryos in controversial secretive lab experiments that spread over three years.
And there's another report here out of the Daily Mail who also reported on this issue.
A lot of things concern me, and hopefully concern you with all of this, but one issue is the media.
Every time I've seen this reported in the last 15 years, it's always the first time it's being reported, and they always say it's been going on for three to five years.
Well, the first time I saw this confirmed, that human clones had been created, but terminated before term, before they were born, was in the BBC.
95-96, you can pull it up.
I saw it again in 97, 98, 99.
I've seen it in scientific publications.
And in China, they have totally embraced this system.
They're not only creating human animal clones that resemble humans, they've also created cows that are part human and create human breast milk in their udders.
In the last hundred years, governments began working on bioweapons.
The Imperial Japanese, the Germans, England, the United States, France, many other governments.
And they always centered in and around race-specific bioweapons that would wipe out a certain, quote, race of people.
Whether it was blacks, Arabs, Jews, governments have worked on them all.
The problem in this research is they find that humans are so interconnected and share our genetics across the board that this is unfeasible.
Until now.
Now, the number one danger here is that governments, when they began to work on bioweapons, first tried to take zoological bioweapons.
Like Ebola that affected apes and monkeys and cross it over to humans.
And there's evidence that that's what's happened with Ebola.
Now governments in the name of defense are working on airborne Ebola that will kill 99% of us that it comes in contact with.
Then you discover that the ruling elite are obsessed with world government being a mechanism to carry out the orderly extermination of the global population.
We cover that in my seminal film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, free here on the web at YouTube.
At least for now, we're being censored more and more.
Please get that film, get out to everyone you know.
So you've got insects, animal genes, reptile genes being engineered into fish and being released open water.
You've got human cross-species clones growing inside of cows so they can harvest the organs.
Ladies and gentlemen, they talk about animal rights.
What about human rights?
They're mixing plant and animal with human.
And this will allow cross-species diseases
To spread easier into populations.
It will give rise to mutant viruses and other mutagenic microorganisms that could create plagues the likes of which this earth has never seen.
And there are thousands of different laboratories across the world working on these systems.
We're already seeing clear evidence.
That genetically engineered crops are what's causing all these incredible allergies.
It's what's destroying our immune systems.
More and more, governments are moving to not even let the public know when they're eating GMO food.
Alright, we'll be back with a conclusion of Genetic Armageddon, Humanity's Greatest Threat, on the other side.
Please spread this video to everyone you know.
Great job Aaron Dykes producing this.
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That genetically engineered crops are what's causing all of these incredible allergies.
It's what's destroying our immune systems.
More and more, governments are moving to not even let the public know when they're eating GMO food.
They're coming out with cloned beef, cloned chicken, cloned fish, but not just cloned, cross-species.
When you read the industry publications of these biotech companies bragging about the part human, part animal creatures they're creating,
They say that it was essential from the beginning that they do this so that the clones not have rights.
When they mix chimpanzee with a human embryo and play God, they then claim that these poor creatures they've created have no rights.
And listen to me carefully here.
If this has been going on for 15 years and is now only being introduced to the public, can you imagine what's been going on in secret in government laboratories and private corporate laboratories across the planet?
That's why the global engineers are so arrogant.
They have been playing God for a long time.
They are taking the successes from their research and shelving it under national security for themselves.
If humanity survives,
When the history of this time is written, our progeny will marvel that we ever survived.
They will marvel at the unmitigated recklessness of the ruling class and what they're doing.
The rates of cancers and diabetes have doubled in the last decade.
We are being tested upon.
This is such a nightmare by these psychopathic technocrats.
The same government and corporate institutions that are caught worldwide giving children live polio and syphilis shots.
The same people caught funding forced abortions in China.
They are engaged in this mad testing in a race for the fountain of youth, while they endanger the entire species and the planet in the process.
This is the threat, not fake terrorism, not mass shootings, not all of these diversions that they use to sell us on having government take over our lives.
The threat is this globalist banking cartel in control of the scientific method and almost all research funds on the planet playing God.
This makes nuclear weapons look like child's play and the psychopathic ruling class.
is selling all of this as inevitable.
You will be assimilated by the board, basically.
That transhumanism set up by the eugenicist Aldous Huxley is the way to go and that they're just going to do this and it doesn't matter.
They have thrown it in our face and we're not even having a debate or a discussion about it.
We are being poisoned and manipulated to the food and the water.
It is admitted.
We are under attack.
There is a revolution against free humanity through the eugenicist mindset of the globalist.
I'm Alex Jones reporting from the front lines of the Info War.
You have been warned.
Now please warn others.
Ask yourselves, what are you doing in this time of great challenge?
What are you doing to unlock minds?
Go to infowars.com and presentplanet.tv for the latest headlines and cutting-edge information.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live and we're going to post an article titled, Genetic Armageddon, Humanity's Greatest Threat.
And I hope that you will get that YouTube video out and make it go super viral to everyone.
We sleep, they live.
We are unconscious.
Worried about this false habitat, false reality created by the image makers of Britney Spears and Winehouse and O.J.
Simpson, LeBron James, Bill Clinton.
These are just front people.
The scientific elite are in a race to test on us
To develop systems for their families, not ours.
So they're testing systems to dumb us down, to poison us, but in the process developing life extension systems for themselves.
I mean, A, that's what the documentation and the history and the facts show 100%.
But B,
That's also common sense.
What would unlimitedly wealthy, powerful people be into?
Life extension.
And what is Ray Kurzweil and the whole transcendent man thing doing?
He says he doesn't believe in God yet.
He's going to be a god.
The elite are going to be gods.
Anywhere feasible or not, even living, quote, you know, thousands of years like he says they will.
The issue is they believe it.
And they're selling us the junk end of what they're developing.
That, oh, this is inevitable, it will be assimilated, buy into it, this is the way it is, just accept it, and you'll be advanced and you'll be transcendent.
When the systems they're rolling out to us are really the antique stuff, the...
The junk they didn't use.
And everything we're given has Trojan horses and back doors built into it.
I don't know if this species is going to survive.
I don't know what our future is if we can't have a real debate about this stuff.
If we can't even get the public to understand that this is going on.
It's such incredible dehumanization.
The rest is up to you.
Help spread the word.