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Filename: 20101026_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 26, 2010
2256 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live, and I'm your host, Paul Joseph Watson, editor and writer for PrisonPlanet.com.
Alex is flying back from California today, so I'll be your fill-in host for the first hour.
In the second two hours, we're going to replay some of the best interviews from the Alex Jones Show over the past couple of weeks.
And we're going to be taking your calls in the next segment if you want to load up the board.
The number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
And we're going to talk about whatever you like.
But of course, we're on the eve of the midterm elections and there's already evidence of not only debate fraud, people cheating during political debates,
But also now vote fraud.
That's right, we have Fox News 5 reporting voters suspicious of fraud at ballot box.
Some voters in Boulder City said they are concerned about fraud at the electronic ballot box.
Voter Joyce Ferrara said that when they went to vote for Republican Sharon Angle, her Democratic opponent Senator Harry Reid's name was already checked.
Oh really?
And here's another.
Voter reports problem with ballot machine.
New Bern Sun-Journal.
Sam Laffinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked.
Oh, he cleared the screen, tried again and then the article goes on to explain how it took him five separate attempts until he was allowed to vote for who he wanted.
So it seems the establishment is looking at playing its ace in the hole and resorting to this vote fraud.
Of course we've had months and months of endless contrived smears against Sharon Angle and Rand Paul
None of which have had any effect whatsoever, and in fact, the polls show have helped the chances of both candidates.
So now we're going to see dirtier and dirtier tricks from this discredited and desperate establishment.
And lo and behold, that's right, it's a new month, so that must mean a new Rand Paul smear!
And the latest is a Rand Paul supporter video shows stomped on a George Soros activist Autobot representative of the Move On Foundation during Rand Paul's debate with his Democratic opponent Jack Conway yesterday.
So, I guess now that just means that Rand Paul likes to go around stomping on Liberals who disagree with him.
That's the cry from the liberal blogs and forums at the moment.
So we go to this clip now.
Play the clip.
A member of moveon.org pushed her way through a crowd of ranpauled supporters with a sign.
Police say she wanted to get her sign close to the candidate.
As he entered KET Studios so a picture could be taken and posted on the website.
In this video, it appears someone grabbed her wig and she tripped and fell.
That's what a man wearing a Rand Paul t-shirt stepped on her.
She refused treatment from emergency workers.
Police are trying to identify the man in that video and are trying to determine if he stepped on her intentionally.
She has filed an assault report.
So far, because they have not identified the man, police have made no arrest.
Now, according to all the leftist blogs, anyone who supports the Tea Party is also now a brown shirt.
So that's right.
That's right.
You know, these establishment-funded liberals bang on all day about the disgrace of anyone other than them invoking Nazis and Hitler in the course of a political debate.
And then there's one incident like this and the Nazi rhetoric comes out in full force.
But I mean, you know, look out the window.
I don't see Tea Party activists burning down synagogues or, you know, abducting liberals from their houses as they sleep, which is what the brown shirts did.
Now, this guy who stomps on the girl in the video is obviously a complete moron and he needs to be charged with assault.
But did we see leftists up in arms when people like Kenneth Gladney was attacked and called the N-word for handing out dough?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's Paul Joseph Watson filling in for Alex Jones on this Tuesday, October 26th.
Now we've got so much to talk about we're basically running over the breaks.
I'd like to hear what you want to discuss on the program today at 800-259-9231.
And we played the clip just before the break there of this
Move on operative who was attempting to have a confrontation with Rand Paul.
She was stopped by Rand Paul supporters and one of them later appeared to stomp on her head or at least on her neck.
Now as we were saying obviously this guy needs to be hit with assault charges immediately.
But what's interesting about the reaction from the leftist blogosphere is the fact that they're now trotting out this, um, all Tea Party supporters are brown shirt, you know, angry right-wingers who want to engage in violence.
And yet, almost every example that we've documented thus far shows that it's the leftists, in fact, that are the most violent and unwieldy people engaging in extremist activities in the course of this, uh,
Midterm election.
For example, Kenneth Gladney, this was the guy who wasn't even a member of the Tea Party at the time, who was handing out Don't Tread On Me flags at a political function.
He was called the N-word by these union thug operatives, these Obama supporters, and he was beat up.
Didn't see them spewing brown shirt rhetoric when that happened.
Didn't see them spewing that rhetoric when an Obama supporter down in North Carolina punched a conservative full in the face for simply speaking out against our dear leader and the bailout.
And of course you remember it was last November when ANSA hired thugs viciously attacked Dave Colquitt of Floridans for Immigration Enforcement.
Again, leftist thugs engaging in brutal violence in pursuit of their political agenda.
But there were no cries of brownshirts from the Liberals who are saying that today in response to this Rand Paul incident.
And in fact, this is the very first example I can recall of Tea Party supporters ever engaging in any violence whatsoever!
I mean, the Obamanoids are on the rampage every week!
Punching people in the face, beating them up with their signs.
And yet you don't hear the George Soros-funded mouthpieces like Media Matters and Think Progress complaining about a black man being called the N-word and then beaten up, unless it's carried out by Tea Party activists.
Which of course hasn't happened, but when the loving Liberals do it, the silence is deafening.
And that's because, you know, you can't sell a fear-mongering campaign about the rise of the angry right, as MSNBC labelled it, and how critics of Obama are racist extremists intent on violence, when the only racist extremists actually carrying out the violence are all leftist Obama supporters!
But you know, I guess we should at least be thankful for the fact that Think Progress, which is one of these media organisations pushing this story today, admits to quote, driving the White House's message and agenda.
That's right, their own director, Jennifer Palmieri, admitted that.
This is a group that claims on its own website that it's non-partisan.
It's bankrolled by a think tank headed up by John Podesta, head of Barack Obama's presidential transition team.
And it's committed to, quote, driving the White House message and agenda.
How very non-partisan.
It's like saying that, you know, Karl Rove's non-partisan to Republicans.
On the other hand, Media Matters, which is kind of a sister organisation, they all sit on the same boards, they're behind the same activist projects as Think Progress.
Media Matters is still trying to cling to the conviction that they're not another front for George Soros and the Obama administration.
Last week Alex was talking about how somebody from Media Matters who was interviewing him
Point Blank denied the fact that the organisation took any funds from George Soros.
And then just days later, it made worldwide headlines that Soros had donated a million dollars to media matters.
And of course, you know, they're joined at the hip with ThinkProgress.
They run a, you know, educational outreach called Progressive Media, which is again headed by John Podesta, this Obama administration transition chief.
So these White House front groups, like Media Matters and ThinkProgress, who are aggressively pushing these smears against Rand Paul, Sharon Angle and other Tea Party members, receive millions in donations from these billionaires like Soros and other wealthy elites, people linked to Hillary Clinton, people like that.
And all the money is going towards, number one, attacking, of course, Glenn Beck,
But now several times a week, every time we look on the Media Matters website, they're attacking Alex Jones!
He's become the number two target behind only Glenn Beck.
And if Media Matters are not attacking Alex, then Think Progress is.
And of course, driving home the White House's message and agenda is all part of the relentless smear campaign against not only Rand Paul, but also Sharon Angle, because both have a very real chance of defeating the incumbent politicians in the upcoming midterm elections.
So now we've got liberals everywhere flogging this new non-story.
Rand Paul supporters are all now brown shirts who want to beat up their political adversaries.
I mean we've got a running joke here in editing and posting stories to prisonplanet.com every day.
Every day we get up in the morning, do a Google News search to find out what Rand Paul has not done today.
What he has not done.
And, uh, what was it the other day?
Rand Paul didn't, Rand Paul didn't put his name to newsletters that said, quote, monkeys gave birth to black babies.
That's right, Rolling Stone magazine just casually threw it out there that Rand Paul was involved in these newsletters.
Of course, his name's not on any of them.
There's no connection whatsoever.
But, you know, what the hell?
We'll just throw it out there anyway.
Just like, you know, Rand Paul kidnaps women against their will, drugs them, and forces them to worship false gods!
Ah yes, the disgraceful Aqua Buddha scandal!
The serious, grave Aqua Buddha scandal, the 30-year-old college prank, in which the woman who was involved
Almost immediately after the story broke, retracted, said the whole thing was, quote, no big deal, but the Washington Post still, to this day, maintains that Rand Paul's involvement in this 30-year-old hazing trick, which was about a hundred times milder than anything George W. Bush or John Kerry engaged in, with their skull and bones initiation,
That it has a, you know, a major bearing on a senatorial campaign 30 years later!
And they're still obsessing about it to this day!
They dreaded Aqua Buddha!
Meanwhile, ignoring the fact that the people funding Jack Conway's campaign, Paul's opponent, also tipped off his brother, Conway's brother, to the fact that he was being investigated for drug trafficking.
We got that story posted on PrisonPlanet.com today.
Where's media matters or think progress on that one?
Imagine if Rand Paul's campaign had been funded by people allegedly engaged in conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, you know, in a drug trafficking investigation.
But no, it's all about the aqua Buddha.
The aqua Buddha reigns supreme.
How can that be a bigger controversy than criminal money allegedly funding Conway's campaign?
Imagine if that had come out about Rand Paul.
But again, it's all about the aqua butter.
It has been for the past couple of months and it still is.
I want to hear what you think about this new smear against Rand Paul.
We're going to go to your calls and the first caller is Christopher in Alabama.
Christopher, go ahead.
How are you doing today?
Great, Christopher.
What's on your mind today?
Well, I want to use you to hopefully get to Alex Jones or his producer.
I've been trying to get in touch with Alex now for almost two years.
It really bothered me the other day.
I heard on his show on Thursday that he had the guy on.
I know he talked to the guy that had terminal cancer.
You know who I'm talking about?
Was this the guest that was on Alex's show?
Oh, you're talking about Lindsey Williams' source.
Yeah, his source that has terminal cancer.
We could very easily save his life, um, if you guys are interested.
And I want to talk to you out there to give you some really interesting information.
Um, I have twins that have a very rare disease called PKU, which will never eat protein the rest of their life.
No milk, no chicken, no cheese, no fish, no birthday cake, no ice cream, nothing that has protein.
Um, if they take it in, it becomes very toxic, goes to the brain and eats up the brain and causes extreme mental retardation.
Um, because of my twins,
I decided to go out and try to find a cure for their PKU in the process of doing it.
We found many different cures for everything on the planet.
Rediscovered them.
They've been there forever.
It's just our government has covered them up.
And it is beyond sad.
And in the process of studying PKU, my children's levels continued to go up and we couldn't figure out why.
And being that I was in the gym business and owned quite a few health clubs, I thought I knew a lot about nutrition.
And then I was forced to study nutrition and things I found out would beyond frustrate you.
To start with, aspartame.
Because of my children, on the back of every diet product in the country, it says, it's a Kenton oil.
It contains phenylalanine.
For my children, if they drink that diet drink, it will eat up their brain instantaneously.
It does the same thing for all your listeners that drink diet drink.
It just takes a much slower process and it's one of those soft kill weapons that they use against us.
Um, and it's beyond sad that we have technology, that we've had over 30,000 terminal cancer patients, hepatitis, Lyme, TB, that we've completely... But the FDA says that aspartame's good for us.
I mean, all the studies that say it's good for us are funded by the same organisations putting aspartame in the food.
Can't we trust them?
We're gonna move on to the next call.
Send me an email.
We're gonna head into the break now.
Send me an email with your information and I'll look over it.
Jonathan in Kansas, Julio in Illinois.
You're up next.
Stay tuned.
It's the Alex Jones Show LIVE!
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It's the Alex Jones Show live.
I'm your host for today, Paul Joseph Watson.
Going to more of your calls shortly.
I was talking before the break about Media Matters, this organisation that's tied at the hip with the John Podesta, Obama White House controlled Think Progress, this organisation, Media Matters, that just received a million dollars from billionaire globalist George Soros.
I said that
Their number one target was Glenn Beck with Alex Jones number two.
Maybe I have to revise that position because their top story on their website today, Beck and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones are two of a kind!
And in this article they attempt to use the claims that Alex has made to discredit Glenn Beck, basically by saying that they're espousing the same incorrect rhetoric.
And one of the things they cite is, quote,
Beck and Jones repeat same falsehoods about Holdren, and this of course relates to John P. Holdren, the White House Science Czar.
And it says that Alex Jones claims Holdren says forced abortions and mass sterilizations are needed to save the planet.
And Media Matters reprints this as if, just by printing it, that it immediately discredits it.
We've got John Holdren's 1977 textbook, Ecoscience.
We've got the screenshots from the textbook where he openly advocates forced abortions, mass sterilization programs, even devices
Mandatory implants implanted in women to prevent them from becoming pregnant until they receive government permission.
That's not our words, that's in his own book!
And they don't even try to disprove it!
They don't even have an argument!
And it just goes through a litany of examples.
Cass Sunstein
It denies the fact that Cass Sunstein called for infiltrating conspiracy websites, which is exactly what he called for in his own 2008 white paper.
Perhaps media matters.
And they don't put a name on this article.
There's some coward, some anonymous coward hiding behind it because they don't have any information to back up their claims.
But maybe the coward that wrote this article should have read the 50-odd page Holdren white paper, as I did, in which he explicitly states that the government needs to infiltrate conspiracy theorist websites.
I mean, get it straight.
You don't have any credibility when you're tied at the hip with George Soros and the White House.
You're not non-partisan.
I mean, this is the group that's engaged in the educational outreach program, Progressive Media, with ThinkProgress, that's headed up by John Podesta, who worked directly for Obama, was the head of his presidential transition team.
These smears, not only on Rand Paul and Sharon Angle, as we've seen today, but also on our very own Alex Jones, are coming through these media organisations that are nothing more than propaganda fronts for the Obama administration, as we've proven that.
And I'm basically going to document this all in an article that will come out either later today or tomorrow.
But what do you think about this?
We're going to go to another caller, Jonathan in Kansas.
Jonathan, go ahead.
Jonathan, you're on the air.
No, we lost him.
Julio in Illinois.
Go ahead, Julio.
Paul Joseph, it's always great to talk to fellow freedom fighters from across the pond.
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Paul, my question about the Mockingbird Media, I've been asking Alex about this, and I think you write unbelievable articles.
If we could do something, if we could get like a mass
...collection of videos, clips, articles of the Mockingbird Media, and get a Google search term, put it to number one.
I mean, I'm at Media Matters right now, and I mean, they talk about Beck and Jones embrace a new world order, and they promote, uh, the invisible... Uh, Dom, hello?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, sorry, I thought I lost you there for a second.
I mean, if people at Media Matters go to Invisible Empire, the movie, they will obviously see that Media Matters is nothing but a joke, and they will hear George Bush speaking to the army at a ceremony about the New World Order on September 11, 1991.
The Mockingbird Media really disgusts me, and me being a broadcasting major at my university, looking at third-party
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Welcome back, it's the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about ThinkProgress and Media Matters, these White House propaganda fronts.
Media Matters, again today, engaged in a smear against Alex Jones.
This happens now on an almost daily basis.
Now there's a segment in their article called, Beck and Jones fearmonger over global governance.
And it says, Jones, Copenhagen Climate Summit designed to create global government using carbon taxes in a video posted to YouTube.
Jones claimed that the climate conference in Copenhagen had as part of its agenda a plan to create global government and global governance using carbon taxes.
And Media Matters reprints this as if it's some kind of conspiracy theory.
I mean, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon wrote in a Los Angeles Times, it was actually an interview with the Los Angeles Times, this was shortly before the Copenhagen Climate Conference, quote, we will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this.
So that's the UN Secretary General saying it.
It's not Alex Jones saying it.
It's not Glenn Beck.
And yet they reprint this as if it's a claim, as if it's a conspiracy theory that Copenhagen was about trying to get a carbon tax through.
And the UN Secretary General said it in an interview with the LA Times a few days before the conference.
I mean, they say that the fact that Alex talks about a New World Order creating a network of international laws to regulate and control and dominate nations is another conspiracy theory.
Oh really?
We've only got hundreds of elitists and power brokers saying that exact thing almost every single day.
We've got a clip here of the EU Commission President Van Rompuy when he was sworn in saying that very thing.
Play the clip.
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.
Oh, the global management of our planet!
But, you know, creating a network of international laws to regulate, control and dominate nations, that's a conspiracy theory according to Media Matters, despite the fact that, you know, the head of the EU, the head of the UN, Gordon Brown, Sarkozy, anyone else you care to mention on any given day is saying precisely that.
I mean, how dumb do they take their readers for?
I mean, no surprise that the writer of this article has chosen to remain an anonymous coward, because all his claims are completely without any foundation whatsoever.
What do you think about this?
Julio in Illinois, go ahead.
Yeah, Paul, they also have about the Council on Foreign Relations about geoengineering, about that being conspiracy.
If anyone goes on Google and looks up indirect and semi-direct aerosol campaigns, there's a link, the third or fourth link, from the Council on Foreign Relations promoting aerosol campaigns, chemtrails, for climate change.
Again, these people think we're
I think we the people are ignorant and we need to do an article and put a search term number one.
And Paul, how is it across the pond in Chemtrails?
Do people care?
Are people aware?
Or are they too busy at the pubs watching English Premier League soccer?
I know here people are just concerned with college football and the NFL.
How is it in Great Britain?
Well, to respond to your first point, I mean, they...
They've got a section on Beck, Jones and the CFR and they say that Jones has attacked the CFR and talked about how the CFR have advocated quote geoengineering projects and they reprint it again with no qualifying explanation for why it's a conspiracy theory without mentioning the fact that
The Council on Foreign Relations released a whole report, a PDF document, in May 2008 called Geoengineering Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering.
It's in their own documents!
They released a report saying it needed to be done!
But when Jones talks about it, it's a conspiracy theory.
And, you know,
When Glenn Beck, Glenn Beck doesn't even talk about geoengineering but they're using Alex, they're trying to tie Alex to Beck to discredit Beck when everything that Alex talks about is laid out in the documents that the CFO themselves released.
I mean it's amazing.
With regard to people waking up to chemtrails in Britain,
There's a lady in Ireland, I think the Sovereign Independent website has reported on this on a regular basis, who is going to the Irish Parliament regularly to protest chemtrails.
And I think you'll only see that movement, you know, emerge as it becomes more and more obvious that these trails linger for hours and hours.
I mean, I can see it for myself.
I'm right over the flight path of Birmingham Airport.
And I mean, you know, you barely get a sunny day at all, it's always hazy.
And all the investigations into chemtrails, um, the news, the local news TV station that did the investigation found barium and these other heavy metal compounds that had emerged from these chemtrails that had dropped to the ground.
And then you read about the fact that they're advocating injecting the atmosphere with sulphur
And it plays directly into what we're seeing in the skies.
Of course, side effects of sulfur, the health effects, are just dreadful, including reducing the power of the immune system.
So I mean, this is...
You know when they're talking about whether we should do geoengineering, that they're already doing it.
And we're seeing the evidence for ourselves in the skies above us.
And like I said, more and more people are becoming aware of it.
We're going to move on to Liz in Illinois.
Liz, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I don't know.
Sorry if this is a little bit off topic.
I don't know, I think it needs to be said.
I majored in philosophy, but did take a number of women's studies classes that were actually very anti-globalization, especially on the corporate end.
But I wanted to speak about the negatives of globalism from a feminist point of view.
I learned that globalization affects women, in most countries, the worst.
Like, for example, in Faskeries,
They usually use female laborers because they're believed to be docile.
NAFTA and GATT have caused mass migrations from Mexico and southern countries because they can't find work that isn't just slave wages.
They come here.
And when women are really at the bottom rung of their society, like in a lot of countries, and in a globalized economy, when it's falling apart,
It's worse for the women in countries where they're considered less than men.
Um... And, you know, and we women in the West are manipulated into thinking we're ugly.
It convinces us to starve ourselves to death.
To send clothing that was most likely made by a woman in a third world country.
Paid slave wages.
And then Walmart sells the clothing and treats their women badly.
But I really think that real feminism is breaking from
The system that oppresses humanity as a whole, not bringing women into the system to work for it, to vote for it, and to pay taxes to it.
Well that's exactly right, I mean, take for example Aaron Russo, who of course was close friends with Nick Rockefeller, and Rockefeller told him directly that the early feminist movement was directly funded by the elite, not to empower women, not to, you know,
Encourage the growth of a fairer society.
It was done to turn them into tax slaves.
They only were able to tax 50% of the population at the time.
After feminism, you know, not to say that women can't have careers, but what it did do for the elite, and this was the stated purpose,
As Rockefeller told Russo, was that it got women out of the house, it broke up families even more, divorce rates went through the roof, and of course they were able to tax another 50% of the population.
And as you've said, globalisation is about basically shipping your job off to a third world country where slaves who are treated like dirt, a lot of them women,
Do your job for peanuts, and that's the destruction that globalization has wrought on the economy.
Thanks for the call, Liz.
Mike in Minnesota, go ahead Mike.
Hi, how are you doing?
I think all the politicians have perverted our political system.
We need to restructure this government where the bankers
Can't get their fingers into the cookie jar.
Our jobs... I don't know if you know, like, from 15 years ago, we had a very strong country.
20 years ago, even stronger.
But, um, I don't know if people remember this when Ross Perot ran for president.
He said, if this NAFTA thing goes through, you're gonna hear a sucking sound of all the jobs leaving this country.
And pretty much that's what's happened.
The sucking jobs have left the country.
And then it started off with our politicians letting all these illegals into the country, and they knew most of the mass population of the United States did not like it.
They wanted them to stop it, but they did nothing to stop it.
And then once our country got diluted with illegal aliens, and then they turn around, and now they're shipping all the jobs to China.
We're prisoners, not just women.
Prisoners are taking your job.
You no longer have a job, if you're listening to me, because of this.
And then all the factories are moving there.
And now it's just a collapse.
We're in a collapse right now.
And in England, what they did when this happened way back, they would go after the king and kill him.
What do you think about that?
Well, I mean, it's like what Max Keiser said in France, you know, they beheaded people.
But, you know, I mean, you're not only using your jobs to prisoners in China, you're losing them to prisoners in America.
There's a whole industry based around it.
So that sucking sound is very clear as we approach 2011, as globalisation has wrought its deadly consequences on America and the rest of the world.
Thanks for the call.
Corey in France.
Go ahead, Corey.
Hey Paul, I'm a first-time caller.
I'm originally from Wisconsin, but now I live here in France.
Where do you live in France, Corey?
I'm not sure if you've probably heard a lot about the protests going on here in France, huh?
Where are you based in France?
Well, I got some interesting information.
I speak French, so I get to read the newspapers and online stuff, and one of the guys from the left party, the Socialist Party, he's actually the chairman, he came out and he's saying that
Agent provocateurs have been infiltrating the protests and causing violence.
No, yeah, we wrote an article about it last week.
Basically, he said that these black balaclava-wearing anarchists who are from the schools were basically completely discrediting the unions.
Burning cars and throwing rocks through Starbucks front windows doesn't really do an awful lot to stop the government moving ahead.
Blockading fuel depots
Certainly does get their attention, but as we've explained all along, these black bloc anarchists are nothing but useful idiots that the establishment exploits on a regular basis to its own ends, you know.
The support rate for the unions was running at 70-80% in the media when these protests began.
As soon as you had all the images of
I'm here in Lille, France, which is about an hour north of Paris, so I'm really far north of France.
Most, a lot of the gas stations here ran out of gas a couple days ago, but they've got more fuel now, but I don't have a car, but the gas station next to my house, they were out of fuel for a couple days.
But I just wanted to add about what this guy said.
He said that people witnessed people in plain clothes going in the crowd, throwing stones, smashing windows, and then they would walk out and put their police armband on.
So they were actually, you know, they were plainclothes people protesting.
They would go smash windows, break things, and then they would walk out with the riot police.
And he has a picture on his blog with two gentlemen in plainclothes that have armbands on right next to riot police and they have their faces covered up and the hoods over their heads.
And was this reported in the mainstream news?
I'm sorry?
Was this reported in mainstream news?
Yeah, it actually was.
They mainly talked about just the accusations of him saying that police are doing this.
But it's in, like, the French Press Agency, the TF1, the 20 Minutes, but I haven't found anything about it in English-speaking news agencies, just French-speaking news.
If you could send me an email, Watson at PrisonPlanet.com, with those links and that information, I'll definitely be interested in doing a story on that.
Thanks for the call.
We're going to John in Ohio, who disagrees.
Go ahead, John.
Yes, I was interested in the last caller because he mentioned that the exposure of police agent provocateurs and government provocateurs, really false flag terrorism,
was exposed by a socialist organization in France.
I think that people ought to realize that we've been lied to about the nature of left and socialist organizations.
I used to listen to Alex Jones and loved the populism, the anti-establishmentism, but lately my disagreements with, which was originally, they're copying the IMF and the World Bank and the Wall Street policies of
Attacking any kind of social assistance program, any kind of welfare safety net programs as some despicable nanny state exactly copied the plans across the world now to impose this kind of slashing of these programs and all living standards to funnel the money into the World Bank and the Wall Street vultures.
And I'm also very concerned that this has even worsened now that
This support for Rand Paul, the fact that Media Matters is a front, often for the White House, doesn't obscure the fact that there are good reasons to oppose Rand Paul.
The fact that he is really a neocon Zionist who supported very servilely everything that Israel has done in instigating, trying to instigate war against Iran, sending out a post to all of his supporters saying that
Anything that Israel wants to do, including war against anyone in the region and against Iran, is perfectly supportable.
This is the line of the Zionists.
This guy may not be their favorite neocon, but he is an absolute neocon, and it violates everything that I think...
Alex Jones, who I agree on some of his positions, but not on his right-wing positions, says he's opposed to in these wars against Iran and Iraq and the rest of it.
Rand Paul is directly on the other side, and I think it's sort of discretionary.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, Sharon Angle, Rand Paul, they've got...
Proposals, they've got policies that not all of us agree with.
But the fact that the Obama administration media front groups are viciously attacking them on a daily basis suggests that they see them as a threat.
Now we've wrote countless articles about how the higher echelons of the Tea Party has completely been infiltrated by Republicans.
Yet there are still some candidates who aren't part of that takeover.
I firmly believe that Rand Paul and Sharon Angle are two of them.
I may not agree with their geopolitical policies, but I think if they got into office, that's something we could certainly turn their ear on.
They do get into office.
We'll be going to the rest of your calls.
Ronald in Jersey, Mark in Florida, Alex Jones Show live.
Stay tuned.
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It's the final second of the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, Tuesday, sorry, October 26, 2010.
Now, caller before the break was talking about Rand Paul's support for Israel.
Now to be sure, Rand Paul has come out with some curse rhetoric on his website about a so-called special relationship between the United States and Israel.
Basically he's playing politics to get the support of Republican voters.
Go back to his original newsletters, things that he actually did write about, unlike the things that the mainstream media says he wrote about, which he had nothing to do with whatsoever.
You read what Ron Paul actually said.
Quote, by far the most powerful lobby in Washington of the bad sort is the Israeli government.
And he said that the goal of the Zionist movement was to stifle criticism of Israel.
So that's what Rand Paul said in his own independent political newsletter back in the early 90s.
So just because he comes out with some terse statement saying he supports, you know, America's allies, he's playing politics to get votes.
I mean, come on!
Look at his dad, look at his newsletters from the early 90s.
I think the true foundation of Rand Paul's geopolitical outlook would quickly become clear if he was elected and that would be of the limited viewpoint of defence and not occupying foreign countries that's similar to that embraced by his father Ron Paul.
So, I mean, just go back and look at what Rand Paul actually wrote and the documents, the ideas that were the foundational basis of his entry into politics in the first place.
We're going to go to Ronald in Jersey.
Sorry, yeah, Ronald in Jersey.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Ronald.
Hey Paul, how you doing today?
Fine, go ahead, Ron.
What's on your mind?
It's a little bit off topic, but I wanted to talk about this a little bit.
I know a lot of people appreciate it in the country because it's an endemic problem.
When I was 17 years old, I was told that I needed to go to college and that getting a college degree, regardless of basically what it was in, was important.
And my parents signed a student loan, signed a promissory note jointly.
And basically now that the globalism has helped crash the system, you know, we've
subsidize our own failure and we've been convinced that low prices and buying cheap products for China would benefit us.
You know, um, you know, I'm unable to pay this debt and, you know, it's been, I've been put in such a position where, you know, debt is not even dismissible in bankruptcy court.
It's basically a surf to, um, you know, the bankers and they took this, they take this promissory note and just like the mortgage fraud, they sell it to
Um, they sell it ten and twelve times over and make money up and down and I'm expected to pay this debt for the rest of my life and can't get from under it.
So, I wanted to see if you had any specific information about student loans and, you know, the fraud that's behind them as well as most other debt instruments in our country.
Well that's right, I mean in the UK a lot of people think you can get away from student loans by simply moving out.
I'm afraid that's not the case.
As he said, they hound you down.
And it's this whole process of, you know, getting you into debt simply to be indoctrinated to become a servant of the establishment, which is what university is all about.
I went to university and it's
It's about parroting what they tell you.
The best university student is somebody who can regurgitate wholesale what's fed into them.
They don't teach you how to think.
And if you go to YouTube and watch Valedictorian Speaks out against schooling, I think that will exemplify exactly what I'm talking about in that context.
Final caller, Martin Florida, quickly.
30 seconds, go ahead.
You were talking about how there's debate fraud, and it's true.
In Florida, there's a Libertarian Senate candidate who's being restrained from being in the debates due to the fact that the three candidates plus the media... We've got the story on the website.
Stay tuned.
Alex is back tomorrow.
Alex Jones Show.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, last week, Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs,
Dr. Paul, Craig Roberts, Max Keiser, Gerald Solente, they've all predicted what's now happening financial, to our financial system.
But Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, multi-times over, of richdad.com, going back five years, he's been breaking down everything that is happening and unfolding in our society as well.
And his new book out, Conspiracy of the Rich, The Eight New Rules of Money, richdad.com.
He's just finished another book, An Unfair Advantage, which is soon to be released.
He is an American investor, businessman, self-help, offer, and motivational speaker.
Kiyosaki is best known for Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of motivational books.
He has written over 15 books, which have combined sales of over 26 million copies.
And he is somebody who really tells it like it is, and he's with us for the next hour here today.
And Robert, good to have you here with us.
Hey, thank you.
I'm honored to be on your program.
Well, honored to have you.
This is a short segment, but you told everybody what was going to happen.
How did you know?
What did you say was going to unfold?
And where are we going from here?
Well, the pieces came together back in 1972.
I was a Marine Corps pilot flying over Vietnam, and I saw the Vietnamese people panicking.
And they wouldn't accept U.S.
dollars, and they wouldn't accept piaster, their currency.
And all they wanted was gold.
And I knew something was up at that point, and over the years, the pieces just kept coming together.
So that's where it started for me.
That's when you really started to learn how monetary systems really work?
Well, the pieces.
Like I said, I wish I could say I knew.
I mean, even today, as much as I know, there's still smoke and mirrors as far as I'm concerned.
But going back just in the last five, six years, you've predicted exactly what's happening now.
Yeah, well, that's not hard to do.
I mean, all you do is listen to what Greenspan was saying and Bernanke was saying and Clinton and Bush.
And you kind of get the idea that you're being, you know, screwed.
So it wasn't that hard to figure it out.
I think the toughest thing for people is what can I do?
What can I as an individual do?
And I think that's where my company, Rich Dad, comes in, is we teach people how to avoid the pitfalls of falling prey to the ultra-rich.
Let's get into falling prey to the ultra-rich, this system they've created to destroy our wealth and transfer it to themselves.
Then we'll get into your solutions after the break.
But when you talk about falling prey to them, how are people falling prey to them?
What are their traps they're laying?
Well, the idea of saving money, that's ridiculous.
After 71, when Nixon broke the Brentwoods Agreement and put us on the dollar standard, not the gold standard, then anybody who was saving money was the biggest loser.
And then in 1974, the government passed ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
And the reason they did that, as best I can tell, is because my father's generation, the World War II generation, wasn't in the stock market because they got hammered during the Great Depression.
So guys like my dad, you know, he wouldn't go into the stock market.
So in 1974, they passed ERISA, which is now the 401K.
And now they require most employees to put their money into mutual funds.
And I don't know if you know the ratio, but John Bogle of Vanguard says, you put up 100% of the money, you take 100% of the risk, and they take 80% of the profits.
And this compounding expenses just rips the little guy apart.
They don't have a prayer for their retirement.
But they have all these well-paid pitchmen out there to give people, you know, the illusion that they're making a smart investment.
Right, and then what happens in our schools is the bankers go to the schools and tell your kids to save money.
At the same time, the Fed made Obama print at, what, $1.9 trillion?
And then they keep telling you to invest for the long term in the stock market.
And as you know, long term investors for the last 10 years have made zero.
They've actually lost money.
But gold's up fourfold, though they try to suppress it.
Robert Kiyosaki, richdad.com, an icon out there.
No need to really introduce him.
We're going to come back from this quick break and give him the floor to walk through the pitfalls of the elite, the scam investments versus what he does with his money to great success.
He'll be with us for the next 55 minutes.
We're honored to have him.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
If I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and mistake has no use for your pride!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We are live, hour number three, nine minutes, fifteen seconds in.
Icon Robert Kiyosaki is our guest.
RichDad.com, he's here to talk about how the ultra-rich have set up a scam to transfer your wealth to them.
He's going to go over the different types of corruption and manipulation that are going on and then ways to avoid this and protect yourself.
He has charted and chronicled and predicted everything we see unfolding today and that's the type of guest we have on.
Not all the big paid for mercenaries, financial mercenaries on TV and radio that give you disinfo.
We have people on who've got a track record of being accurate.
And he's one of the most accurate out there.
Again, our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Robert, you started getting into some of the ways they transfer our wealth.
Let's go over that and then ways to protect ourselves and then where you see this society and economy going.
Well, when you say to your child, go to school, get good grades, and get a safe, secure job, the moment you've done that, you've programmed to pay taxes at that point.
So the harder you work, the higher percentage of taxes you pay.
And then they tell you to save money, and the problem with saving money, as you know from the, you know, the fractional reserve system, the Fed and the Treasury are allowed to print money, so your money is devalued in the savings plan.
The third, when they print money, you're eaten alive by inflation, and you can see inflation creeping up at food right now.
And then the fourth way is they tell you to put it into a retirement plan filled with mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and things like that.
And what happens is the taxes go against the person who does that, but also their money is flowing to the rich.
Now, I'm not saying it's wrong.
Because, you know, every coin has two sides.
So the money is always flowing to guys like me.
So when I write Rich Dad Poor Dad and all this, I'm saying, look, that money in savings is going to me.
Your money in your 401k is going to me.
And when you pay taxes, that money goes to me.
So that's why I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, was to wake people up and say, look, you only have basically two choices.
And I do mean me.
You're either going to make the money or have your money stolen.
And that's the system.
It's terrible.
Well, earlier you were talking about the pension funds and the ratio and 401Ks, the mutual funds.
Now they're openly, and this is already happening in Europe, it's called austerity, where almost all the taxes we pay goes to service debt that they made out of nothing via fractional reserve banking and now the derivative scam that even leverages it further.
And we know
It's fascism, that's what it is.
It's not even socialism anymore.
You know, fascism was where the government does it at the point of a gun to force you to do things.
And that's what, you know, I fought in Vietnam twice.
And I didn't fight for fascism or socialism, I fought for capitalism.
And I think that's what's being robbed from us is a free capitalist society.
Go through the basics and talk about some of your new books, Conspiracy of the Rich, Eight Ways, The Eight New Rules of Money, and Unfair Advantage, one of the newest books.
Go through specifically then, quantify what you mean by when you pay taxes.
It goes to Ben Bernanke.
When you make money, they get it.
How do you make money and keep it?
Explain that.
Well, let me explain.
There's always two sides to a coin.
I've never seen a one-sided coin yet.
So the tax laws
are really designed to make the rich richer.
The problem is if you go to school and get a job or become a doctor or a lawyer, the tax then flows to the rich.
So a guy like me, I have never made, I have made more money in the last three years, 2007 to 2010, tax free.
And so debt and taxes work with those with financial education.
Okay, explain that to people.
Well, there's two kinds of people.
You get to park your money, which is savings and pensions, and people who move their money.
In my world of finance, it's called the velocity of money.
I want my money back as soon as possible so I can buy another asset.
And I mean an asset, not stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
So I'm constantly moving my money.
And what the system, the banking system, does is programs you to park your money.
So you put it into savings, and you, you know,
Save, save, save, save, and then you put it in a retirement plan, let's say starting at 25, and you hope it's there at 65.
I do not do that.
And a financial education would teach you how debt and taxes make the rich richer.
And that's all I'm saying to people when I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad.
I said, your house is not an asset.
It's the bank's asset.
I don't know.
And your books quantify that down to fine detail, but give people the basics.
What is this Robert talking about?
What is he saying here?
Tell us what you do with your money and what the rich do with their money.
Okay, first of all, there's two books people should read if they want to understand Rich Dad.
Rich Dad Poor Dad was really the basics, and Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book on accounting, but it sold 24 million copies because it explains what our school system doesn't teach you, even in accounting classes.
And the second book is a book called The Cash Flow Quadrant, and the Quadrant is the four people that make up the world of money.
The E-Quadrant stands for employees, so you could be a CEO or a janitor.
The trouble with the E-Quadrant is, that's the highest, the second highest tax of all the quadrants.
That started in 1943 with the Current Tax Payment Act, which went against the Constitution.
And they could tax, the government got paid before the employee got paid.
Now, the next quadrant is the S quadrant, which stands for Small Business Self-Employed or Specialist, like a doctor or a lawyer.
The tax laws changed for them in 1986 with the Tax Reform Act.
And they were just, you know, that was part of the Reagan thing.
They were trying to collect more taxes.
On the right side of the quadrant, there's B. B stands for Big Business, 500 employees or more.
And I stands for Investor.
There's an investor class.
Many people invest, like they invest in a
Uh, mutual fund, but they're not, they invest, but they're not investors.
Investors are pure capitalists because they're always raising capital.
So for a guy like me, since I have more than 500 employees, and I'm always raising capital via debt and things like that, I pay no tax.
See, if you look at the tax code, the Internal Revenue Tax Code, most of the code is how to avoid taxes.
But the trouble is, if you go to school and you're taught by the socialists of the school system, they're actually teaching you to be the proletariat, the working class, working for the bourgeois, the rich.
And I don't want to be bourgeois, I just want to be a capitalist.
I don't want to pay all that tax.
See, the government needs guys like me who provides jobs.
And I have large apartment houses.
And I have oil wells.
I produce constantly.
So the tax laws are written for me, except the school system doesn't tell you about the other side of a coin.
So, how are you, you know, physically, you know, live in nice houses, have a lot of money, sell, you know, tens of millions of bucks, but then not pay any taxes?
Well, because debt and taxes are written for people on the B and the I side of the quadrant.
You see, you have to... 1973, I came back from Vietnam.
I was a Marine helicopter pilot.
Went down three times.
I refused to fight anymore.
I'd had it.
Because I knew I was being lied to by my government.
So I come home and I ask my poor dad, the head of education, what should I do?
He says, why don't you go fly for the airlines?
And I said, well, then I'd become a part of the system.
So with that, I went to listen to my rich dad and became an entrepreneur because I did understand a little bit about tax incentives and
Investing it like this.
So I took up real estate courses starting in 1973 because you have to learn to manage debt.
Because as you know, it's after 71 that the dollar became debt.
So you have to learn to manage debt.
So today I borrow millions of dollars tax-free.
I buy these apartment houses.
They're 100% finance.
And I've done this most of my life.
I have no equity into the property.
And the more I use bank money, OPM,
The less I pay in taxes, then I get things like depreciation, amortization, and those other tax incentives because I provide large apartment houses because the government needs housing for people.
Also, I get tax incentives for oil production.
I don't buy oil stocks, like I would never touch Exxon or BP shares.
What I want is a percentage of the production.
So when the prices of oil go up, I make more money.
It goes down, I still make money.
Because the moment, let's say I invest $100,000 in oil production, I get a 28% return on my capital instantaneously.
Tell you what, stay there.
Let's continue to quantify this with Robert Kiyosaki of RichDad.com.
I'm Alex Jones of PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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Robert Kiyosaki is our guest.
Robert, you know, for the average person who can't buy oil well operations or drilling operations, the average person who can't buy big apartment houses, and most people actually know in Austin who've done well over time, that's exactly what they do, what does the average person start doing to get in the right quadrant?
That's a great question.
My whole shtick is why don't we have financial education in our schools?
You see, that's where it starts, and that's where the brainwashing begins.
You know, you talk about InfoWars... Oh, oh, oh!
When I was in public school, that's all they taught me was how to write 401Ks.
I'm sorry, you said that's where the InfoWars starts.
No, it's like, you know, the NEA, the National Education Association, forms calls for the National Extortion Association.
And they really are agents of the ultra-risk to prevent people from knowing
How the tax and debt systems work.
So all I did was having a rich dad who didn't go to school, my best friend's father.
He kind of helped me crack the code.
And I began to understand why, you know, why there's no financial education in our schools.
Why do they try and control the media all the time?
And I got to be very suspicious.
And I'm not against our troops, but I went to Vietnam twice and I realized I was being lied to.
And so that's when I kind of woke up and said, okay, I'm going to listen to my rich dad.
I'm going to find out what's really going on.
So that's all I do.
When I write rich dad, poor dad, I say your house is not an asset.
I got hate mail from my friends who are realtors.
You know, I didn't say don't buy a house.
It's not an asset.
And, and, you know, in 19, I mean, 2002, I wrote Rich Dad's Prophecy.
I remember!
Yeah, I get crucified by those guys.
And then today, our school systems still bring in the bankers and tell you to save money, and they still bring in the financial planners and tell you to put your money in a 401k for the long term.
And I'm saying that the other side to that, that's where I make my money, is on ignorance.
And all I do at Rich Dads is say, this is the other side.
It's a free country.
Make your choice.
Okay, so you're somebody making $200,000 a year, keeping about $100,000 after taxes.
What does Robert Kiyosaki do?
I would take a class, you know, in 1973, I took classes on real estate.
I don't, you know, residential real estate.
I meet these idiots, like, in my account.
He says, yeah, I'm a real estate investor.
I said, no, you're a consumer.
I own a house.
You're not an investor.
No, I'm an investor.
But they're such morons.
They know nothing about tax code and all this stuff and property management and all the things that make you rich.
So I started off back in 1973, a little one-bedroom, one-bath condo on the beach of Maui.
And that's where it began.
Today, I own about 4,000 units, five golf courses, luxury hotels, oil production throughout the world, and business throughout the world, gold mines and silver mines.
But I didn't listen to the school system, and that's the difference.
Well, that's like 10 years ago.
They said, do not buy gold and silver.
It's a bad investment.
They're still saying it.
But to 1980 inflation, it's supposed to be 2,500 an ounce.
And when it does, gold's going to the moon.
And right now, if you don't have much money, and I've been saying this for years because I'm actually a silver buff, silver is the best investment of all because it's a consumable precious metal, whereas gold is hoarded.
For the first time in the history of the world, there is more gold than silver on planet Earth.
So silver is a bargain.
Even at 25 bucks, and I hear some morons tell me, I don't have any money.
I said, Jesus, you know, 25 bucks, you don't have that.
You're in big trouble.
Well, what, silver was five and a half, six dollars ten years ago.
It's at almost 25 an ounce right now.
I'd say that's a pretty good investment and anybody, anybody could start buying one silver dollar a month.
I mean, come on.
Yes, exactly right.
And I think silver is the biggest sleeper of all.
I've been saying this for years.
And, you know, everybody watches gold.
I have lots of gold.
I have a gold mine in China.
I have a silver mine in South America.
But silver, because I'm in the industry, I understand who buys my silver.
It's industry.
That's right, it's used in manufacturing, you name it.
Water purification, electronics, every computer, every cell phone.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read a lot of numbers and statistics and seen reports that they're now selling more gold than they are mining each year for the first time, but it's even worse with silver, that they can't find the silver they need to supply.
You're exactly correct, and I'm in the industry, I can tell you that.
Wow, well start getting into that, that's really interesting.
Well, again, it's really simple.
You don't have to go to college for this.
Silver is consumed.
Silver is like oil.
You know, it's burned up.
It doesn't come back.
So silver is being burned up at higher speeds, and the more we shift to the information age, you know, the more iPads and Apple comes out with that.
It's like lithium in Afghanistan.
I mean, we know why we're there.
Yeah, lithium mines.
I'm sure Robert Kiyosaki will probably be in that.
Long segment coming up.
We're going to come back.
Sorry about that break.
We got to go to it.
Let's get into why they told us don't buy gold and silver.
I mean, they knew the rich were in there buying it.
They wanted it for themselves.
We'll be right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, researcher, investor, businessman, self-help.
He is our guest.
We got about 25 minutes left with him, richdad.com is the website.
Robert, continuing with gold and silver, starting out a few decades ago there in your little bungalow in Hawaii, now to owning, you know,
It's just a matter of financial education.
You know, I mean, some guys are hiding, running into the hills, joining different, you know, resistance groups.
I just decided to become a capitalist and play by the same rules they were playing.
Because I fought in Vietnam twice for capitalism.
I didn't fight for fascism, which we have right now, or socialism.
You know, this idea of Robin Hood, you know, you take from the rich and you give to the poor, just creates more poor people.
But that's what our school system teaches kids.
They want serfs.
They want to give a man fish, not teach him how to fish.
And we're just creating, we're just mass-producing, mass-manufacturing poor people.
Where do you see... No financial education in school is not, you know,
Where do you see gold and silver going?
Well, I caution people on gold and silver because I started when gold was around $2.65 an ounce.
I was in gold and silver at $85 back in the 70s.
I watch it go up and down, and I think they've got to watch out for its interest rates.
If this guy Bernanke gets desperate, he jacks interest rates, let's say to 10%, gold and silver crash.
So you really just don't buy gold and silver.
You've got to understand the dynamics that causes prices to go up or down.
But they're signaling they're going to continue with the lower interest rates and they're going to hyperinflate the currency.
That would be a major indicator of it going up.
It would be, but I don't trust them.
I don't, you know, how do you tell when they're lying?
It's when their lips are moving.
So people have got to be ready to dump their gold and silver if the indicators come out.
No, it's not that.
I think you and I are holding gold and silver at a very, very good price.
But I think what I'm concerned about is the guys that come in with a gold, let's say, passing $3,000.
They're the ones who are going to take the ham.
That's what I tell listeners, just from my gut, is that if inflation to 1980 is 2,500 an ounce, I'm going to start getting real nervous when it gets up there.
I tend to agree.
Yes, 2,500 is, I think, I think you're pretty accurate on that.
It's time to start pulling in your horns and look at something else.
Like, right now, I'm actually pulling in my horns on gold once it passes the 1,100.
It's a little too rich for me.
I still bought silver.
But now I'm investing in my solar company.
So, because I think, you know, like you guys are saying, that's the way it's going to go.
So that's where I'm invested.
So you basically look at the trends and hedge your bets throughout the trends and don't just plump your money down the bank getting almost 0%?
That's correct.
And the thing I watch for, I mean, my father, my poor dad was a politician.
I don't trust those guys.
I mean, I love my dad, but...
They don't know Jack.
There is no correlation between politics and business.
Well, wisdom today is buying into whatever the establishment says and they're there to fleece you.
Right, and the reason I want to be on your show is because of InfoWars.
I agree 100%.
They want to control what you hear and what you think.
And they will censor you.
There's no censorship.
It's a bunch of bull.
You will be censored in this country.
So that's the thing I'm saying.
You've got to understand that you have to be smarter.
You know, what I'm terrified of right now, there's going to be what they call, you know, when it goes parabolic, when gold passes $3,000, and everybody will roll in there and then they're going to get suckered out again.
Happens every time.
Happened in real estate a while ago.
That's what my gut tells me is when to get out of the bubble at the right time.
Yeah, but also it's not so much when you get out, it's when you get in.
And getting in is when your profits are made when you buy.
And so you look at all the suckers right now, it's the same thing.
I see all these guys, we buy gold, we buy gold, we buy, you know, turn it in.
You know the bubble's coming.
And all the suckers will roll into the market.
Well, when you've got 2% of the population in gold, and they're talking about maybe 10% in the next two years, that's when you know there's a serious situation.
But I think there's a long time, and this is my personal view, until they do try to deflate the bubble.
Yeah, and that's why, you know, gold at $13, gold at $15, gold at $2, I would say not a bad buy, but I'd be very cautious because desperate people do desperate things.
I mean, you thought what Bernanke said a few days ago.
He says, I don't understand the price movement in gold.
Bernanke, you're the guy printing that stuff.
We can also see wild gyrations up and down before it's all over.
So we could see a false popping in the bubble.
I have lots of gold and lots of silver.
I'm just cautioning people.
Don't come in late.
No, I agree.
I agree, Robert.
You talk about info wars.
You talk about how we're being lied to.
When we look at this military industrial complex owned by the big mega six banks, they're now openly saying that they're going to start taking pension funds and taxing them.
We talked about that.
So desperate people do do desperate things.
At your bottom line, looking into your crystal ball, where do you see society?
I mean, do you see this recession, depression getting worse?
Where do you see this going?
Well, it's all relative.
You know, I mean, there's an old saying, if your neighbor loses a job, it's in a recession.
If you lose your job, you're in a depression.
For the other part, we're Rich Dad, where I personally stand from, if you understand the rules of the rich.
It's really a good time to get rich.
You know, I'm not saying being poor is bad.
I just don't look good in poor clothing.
Yeah, there's ways to make money in any market.
Yeah, so if you stood in there listening to what your mommy and daddy told you, you know, was go to school and get a job, work hard, save money, buy a house, purchase an asset, and give your money to Wall Street through a 401k, you're probably going to get fleeced.
Well, Robert...
We're honored to have you here today, and I've got a bunch of other questions I want to throw at you in rapid succession, but what's the main knowledge you want to impart to our listeners?
Basically, you have to understand the rules of the rich.
I'm not saying they're good or bad, a lot of greedy poor people, a lot of greedy rich people, but the smarter you are, you don't become a victim to it.
You need to take control.
Exactly what Alex Jones is saying, you need to take control of what you put inside your head.
You know, if you don't control that, you're screwed.
You've got to take control of what you put into your head.
So if you listen to those garbage the school system puts out, and politicians put out, and Wall Street puts out, and banks put out, you don't get hammered.
I've seen breakdowns of the average CNBC host with their predictions.
They're wrong over 87% of the time.
Somebody like yourself and others we have on are right more than 90% of the time.
But it's not that a lot of those pundits are stupid.
They're there selling a fraud.
They know what they're doing.
They have to say what they say.
If they say what I said or what you said, they'd be fired.
It's that simple.
I mean, they're not bad people.
That's kind of what I'm putting out there.
We're not bad people.
We're just...
We haven't taken control of the information in our brain.
And there is that lie of advertising that perception is reality.
Well, no, if you stumble off a thousand foot cliff and you think there's water at the bottom and there isn't, your perception that you saw water at the bottom isn't going to save you.
No, I'm not just reading this little, it's from Smart Money Magazine.
Those guys really hate me, but anyway.
Oh, they had this poor guy, he's 58 years old, he says, I don't have a pension, what should I do?
They said, save money and get a 401k.
I mean, it's the same dogma from the guys that brought you this financial crisis.
Oh, they're now saying, give them more power over the entire world financial system and they'll save us.
Yes, exactly.
I mean, that's like... You've got to take control of what you put in your head.
Let's talk about your overall view of politics and the direction the world's going.
There's a large awakening happening, correct me if you disagree.
Speak about that, but also things like other lies.
What do you think of government-sponsored terrorism?
What do you think of the Gulf of Tonkin being staged to get us into the Vietnam War?
What's your view on some of the rabbits they may pull out of their hat?
I wouldn't put it past any of them.
I don't know if they're true or not true.
I always say to people, take care of myself.
God helps those that help themselves.
I help myself, and I watch what they say.
I always know there's self-interest.
There's always self-interest.
So I just watch them.
Why are we in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I don't understand that.
And when I say that, a lot of times, they say, well, you're not a patriotic.
I say, hey, moron.
I went to Vietnam twice.
What did you do?
I've seen war.
Bush and Clinton never saw war.
And that's why they sent them.
Well, it's not patriotic to be used to expand a corporate empire and to kill a million Iraqis.
Yep, all in the name of what I don't know.
You and I are on the same page.
You've got to take control of what you put in your head.
You know, what I didn't like about school is I didn't really have much choice of what I could learn.
It was kind of government-sanctioned propaganda.
So, you know, I was in my third year of calculus and I nearly flunked it out.
I go, when am I ever going to use this stuff?
When am I going to use calculus?
The teacher said, I don't know.
So then why am I studying it?
Well, there's a war on for our minds.
That's our slogan.
And that's why there's a war.
But you are ultimately the person that decides.
Yeah, I think about the general public who are starting to wake up a little bit, but they still have no clue how deep this almost hologram of disinformation is that's projected into society, and then we repeat the disinfo, and that gives it that tangible reality, but it's not reality.
Yeah, well let me ask you this.
What do you think if the Fed, like right now we're at about 96% debt to GDP, you know what I mean?
And we're the biggest debtor nation in the world.
What do you think is going to happen if they print more money?
It is going to hyper-inflate the currency, drive up prices, but then the new debts and fractional reserve banking calculations that are made will be made in the new denomination and value, and so we'll just stay in debt and actually get into worse debt.
So, what kind of action are you taking?
That's what they'll probably do.
And I think what you're saying and what I'm saying is not so much what they're going to do as what are you and I going to do.
Well, I know what I'm doing.
My main mission is just to wake people up so they know how they're being hammered, because the big central banks have openly stated their plan was to engineer all this, collapse society.
And then use the social unrest as a pretext to swing around the homeland security grid on the American people.
And that's already now coming from behind the curtain into plain view.
And so I'm simply pouring almost all of our assets into this information warfare operation to counter the system.
So I guess I'm kind of like a
For lack of a better term, you know, kind of like flying my information warfare plane into the deck of their biggest capital ship, just trying to get people to realize what's happening.
And we've got emergency backup to fund the operation with gold and silver investments.
I'm trying to intensify the amount of films and material I'm putting out, but that's basically it.
That's outstanding.
Thank you for doing that.
Because that's really what it's going to take is that somebody has to stand up.
And the more people stand up and wake up, the less power the opposition has.
Well, what I do as Rich Dad is I explain how the rich play the game.
And that way I have a choice of games.
I just, you know, I wouldn't send my kid to school to get a job.
Because you're just being programmed to be proletariat, working class.
I'd rather have my kid learn to be a capitalist.
You know, and that's what I fought for.
That's all I'm saying.
I fought for capitalism.
And we have a bunch of fascist Nazis running the show.
They're not even socialists.
Yeah, socialism's bad enough, but at least theoretically some of the stolen loot gets to somebody.
But here it just all goes offshore to these people and they just get away with more and more.
I mean, it's scary to know there's this much hubris in the ruling class.
Well, what frightens me is when the government has that much... When I fear my own government, that's not a good sign.
Tell us about the most important books people can order from richdad.com and what your latest book covers.
You talk about An Unfair Advantage, The Conspiracy of the Rich, The Eight New Rules of Money.
Talk about that.
Well, The Conspiracy of the Rich was the last book, and it explains what a lot of people already know.
It's how the Fed started, you know, the Bretton Woods, but why we don't have a big section of this, why there's no financial education at school.
So that goes back to 1904 with John D. Rockefeller.
And they take the money out of your paycheck for most Americans, so you don't even really notice how much they're grabbing.
Right, that was in 1943.
It was called the Current Tax Payment Act in 86.
We're good to go.
Yeah, as England goes, so goes the rest of the world with all this tyranny.
Have you noticed in the last month the government's announced that all paychecks will now be deposited with the government first and then they will pay you digitally to your bank account what they wish?
They really want to get us on this cashless system so they can really target the entire black market economy and shut it down.
I haven't heard that, but that's why I say it's not socialism, it's fascism.
When you fear your own government, we have a problem.
We have a very big problem.
And what I was saying just before the last break, there's no correlation between government and business.
There are two different worlds.
That's why Obama has less than 7% of his staff with any real world business experience.
They don't know anything else but to help themselves.
By taking our money.
Well, the best way is take care of yourself.
You know, everybody wants to change the government, which is almost fundamentally impossible.
There's too many people making too much money with exactly the way it is.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs being one of them.
But I can change me.
And what you've been hearing me say is that I play by the rules of the rich.
But if you don't know what those rules are, you're in trouble.
So conspiracy of the rich is where it kind of starts.
And this was the first, I didn't know my publicist had released it.
But my next book, An Unfair Advantage, The Power of Financial Education, goes into how debt and taxes make guys like me rich.
But our school system will never teach you that, because they don't want you to know that.
So I just explain the rules of the rich, and I watch out for myself.
And that way, and I make a lot of people rich and all this, but if I don't take care of myself, I can't save anybody else.
So that's kind of my ground.
My father was a political animal.
He ran for governor of the state of Hawaii, you know, and that was the most horrifying, ugly thing I've ever seen in my whole life.
So I don't have any faith in the two-party system.
I don't have any faith in government, because as you and I know, the Fed and the central banks control the world.
There was a Washington Times article about the only city in the nation to becoming even richer and expanding in jobs is D.C.
The cancer is growing.
Yes, and that's why I'm not political, you know, I would just rather
Be an independent like a coyote running around the place.
Well certainly for you individually that's good and it's wonderful to see people to be rugged individualists like you are, Robert.
But they're just adding more and more taxes, more and more controls, more and more selective enforcement.
I see this down the road where they're going to start trying to selectively change rules or selectively enforce them to try to shut down the cowboys like yourself.
Yeah, but they can't afford to.
See, if you understand really the rules, they'd have to shut themselves down.
My best defense is to play on their side.
So you know the inside baseball rules, you basically are with the owners of the casino because you know their blueprint so you're safe?
And that's what Rich Dad stands for.
I just teach you there's two sides to a coin.
And these people who are sending their kids to school, the biggest communist thing I've ever seen, you know, the kids just get brainwashed there.
And they don't learn anything about money.
I'm not against education, I'm against brainwashing.
They just turn their children over to the system.
That's correct.
Where they train the kids to tattle on you, to spy on you, that the environment's dying.
Have you seen the TV ad they're running in England?
Where the school teacher asks the sixth graders, what will you do for the environment?
And when some of the kids say, I'll do nothing, she murders them.
Anyway, you know... I mean, that sounds crazy, but that was put out by the 1010 Project.
I promise you, it's called Splattergate.
Just Google it.
Guys, did you find the London Guardian article about government to take British paychecks?
Okay, yeah, there it is on the headline.
British government to seize all paychecks.
What do you think of that, Robert?
Well, it doesn't surprise me.
Like I said, this goes on in our country, too.
1943, Current Tax Payment Act.
1986, Tax Reform Act.
Just understand that my new book that's coming out is called An Unfair Advantage.
It may be out in a month or two, but the first time it's been announced.
But in there, I explain how the taxes and debt make me rich.
You have to know how to use debt, and you have to know how to use taxes in your favor.
But to try and change those rules, I don't put much faith in it.
They're going to always take from the poor and give to the rich.
That's what's going on.
And I'd rather just be rich and not be part of the poor.
And they've got so many of the poor tricked into thinking they lobby government to protect them from the ultra-rich, when the ultra-rich finance the government.
That's why when they repealed McCain-Feingold, I knew it was all over.
See, what McCain and Feingold were trying to do was limit campaign contributions.
Well, that was thrown out the window.
So now, when people think, well, it's one man, one vote, that's not true.
It really is.
One million dollars, one vote.
I'm not telling anybody anything new.
The rich always control it.
So I just chose, when I came back in 1973 from Vietnam, I said, I'm just going to be on the rich side.
I don't want to be like my poor dad, a school teacher fighting the system.
You have no power when you have no money.
You have no power when the taxes are just eating you alive.
Okay, well let's say we got a 71-year-old person who's got a million dollars in their retirement fund.
What would you do with that million dollars?
I'd buy real estate.
You can't do that because
You know, I've been trained for all these years.
Yeah, that's the problem, because you've got to have the specific knowledge, not just the money.
Exactly, and that's why I said, again, 1973, I started taking real estate courses.
Not because of real estate, but I have to learn to manage debt.
Yeah, knowledge is power, and so even if people have money, if they don't have the knowledge or the time to implement it, they can't do it.
But you have studiously built and built and built until now.
I mean, how much is your total empire worth, Ballpark?
I don't know, but I make more than two million a month without working.
So it's not a lot of money.
I'm not Donald Trump or stuff like that, but two million a month tax-free is pretty good.
Well, not to mention your books.
Yeah, that's not including my books or anything else.
That's just from income from my real estate, my investments.
But 26 million plus copies of books.
Yeah, I just wrote those books after I was already rich.
No, I understand that, trying to impart that.
And that's really something revolutionary you've done that's really contributed to people understanding what's happening.
And I've seen the success stories of people that have put your system into motion.
They have become fabulously wealthy as well.
Well, it's not so much wealthy as they now have control over their lives.
You see, if you learn the rules of the rich, which is get in debt, you will get richer.
You see, it's knowledge is power, but misinformation is damaging.
And so all of these guys who are trying to, you know, save their house and save money for their retirement and all this, I think that's good if you have no information.
But if you want to beat the system, you've got to get smarter.
I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal a few months ago where they admitted that it's the people worth over $10 million, they're the first to walk away from a house that's upside down, but then a blue collar person, they'll go down with the ship.
Yes, but that's changing right now, because I was at my local Italian restaurant and the three cooks came out and said, hey, can we ask you a question?
I said, yes.
We haven't paid our mortgage in 18 months.
And I said, why'd you stop?
He said, because the mortgage was greater than our house.
I said, well, you're pretty smart.
I said, you're so far behind, you're now ahead.
Robert, thank you so much for spending time with us.
I hope that you'll come back with us in the future, and I'm flattered that you're aware of the show and the work we do here.
I've heard a lot of good things about you.
I heard you're causing a lot of trouble, so that's why I had to call up.
Well, sir, hopefully we can have you on every few months and really get into, you know, in-depth on the important work you're doing.
Robert, thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
All right, Robert Kiyosaki, just an amazing interview there.
This hour is almost over.
And I tend to agree with Robert.
I mean, I think when gold goes above 25 right now, that's when it becomes a bubble and dangerous.
But I do agree with him.
I have so many people who don't have a lot of money ask me, where do I get in?
Well, you get in with silver dollars and silver half dollars.
And I have the man.
On the phone, who months and months ago bought silver when it was two, three dollars under what it is an ounce right now, who bought a whole bunch of it, and he's still got that great deal for you.
It's gone up a little bit, but Ted, briefly, tell folks about those silver half dollars.
Yeah, the silver half dollars are $11.77, and of course, the least expensive way to get the silver dollar is the creature from Jekyll Island.
You get one for free.
Just, yeah, the silver's a good buy.
You can get into the junk silver, bars of silver.
There's a lot of forms of silver you can buy.
How much are those silver half dollars?
$11.70 something?
Alex, that price is going to go up.
It really is.
I mean, right now... And then you got the deal for the silver dollar and a 1995 book for $26.
That includes shipping.
That doesn't take a...
I mean, you don't have to be, you know, the inventor of the A-bomb to know that's a super good deal.
Get into silver today, folks.
Yeah, Alex, people need to be motivated right now.
There's no question about it.
Sitting in paper is not the right choice.
So, 800-686-2237 is how you take advantage of those offers.
Well, if they don't listen to Robert Kiyosaki ten years ago, or yourself,
They'd have bought silver when it was $5 an ounce, gold when it was $280 an ounce, but now's the time to get into silver, folks, and I agree with what Robert was saying earlier.
Retransmission starts now with the free streams at Infowars.com.
See you back live, we're rolling tomorrow.
Great job, crew.
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877-327-0365 Waging war on corruption Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the 5th day of October 2010.
I'm honored that former Minnesota governor, movie star, mayor, talk show host, and the star of the
Number one hit on True TV, Conspiracy Theory back for its second season premiering here in just about a week and a half.
Governor Jesse Ventura joins us.
He kicked off the promotion yesterday with a USA Today interview and talking to some major newspapers.
But this is his first big radio interview as he gets ready to promote the television show.
Of course, I know a lot about the show, but most of it is secret.
And so he joins us today to be able to talk about as much as he can, some of the harassment they've gone through, what's coming up in the episodes.
We'll also get into all these new terror alerts just ahead of the election.
We're going to talk about the economy, a host of issues with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Jesse, good to have you with us.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
See, should I get off on the right foot with all you Texans?
What the hell happened when you played UCLA?
Yeah, UT didn't do too well, did they?
Well, I forgot to mention, you did XFL and NFL, didn't you?
Football's football, you know?
It's just played at different levels by the professionals that do it.
But it's still the same game, whether you're playing it at junior high or high school or all the way to the pros.
When we were down in New Orleans after we were done doing our investigation, I had to fly out the next morning.
You were there for a few more days to continue your investigation.
Did you ever get a chance to go to that Vikings and Saints game?
Well, I had the opportunity to go, but unfortunately the show came first and we had gone out that day way out to the tip of the Gulf, which is a few hours drive from New Orleans.
And unfortunately, I didn't get back until they were actually kicking it off.
And by then, you know, you shot with us in the heat down there.
I was pretty exhausted, so I took the easy way out.
I just went up to my hotel room and watched it on TV.
Well, Gov, a lot is happening.
We're going to get a break in a moment, but I want to get into the show.
I mean, obviously, I've been a consultant, and I appear in quite a few of the episodes that are coming up.
But I have to say, the last season was shocking and informative.
From what I've seen, it looks like this one's shaping up to even be more hardcore.
I think so.
I think the topics are even, I don't know how you say they're better, but more exciting even.
The other thing on the production end, on our end of it, any time you go from your first season to your second season, you're going to iron out some of the rough edges.
You're going to do better on the focus of what you're trying to accomplish.
And so a second season is always the first season of doing a show like this.
You kind of fly by the seat of your pants.
The second season you have a good idea of what works and what doesn't work and how to go about getting the information we need to get.
So I think it's always a work in progress and hopefully always an improved work in progress.
When we come back, we'll get into as many of the episodes as we can and squeeze as much info as we can out of you, Governor.
But a quick question, what's your favorite episode right now?
Well, I suppose my favorite would have to be JFK because that's the one that, you know, has had my passion for 30 odd years now of reading and studying about it.
So that's the one that really strikes home with me.
And also because my feelings about JFK are this.
If a coup d'etat could happen, if you can remove a president, our president, and get away with it, well, what can't you do then?
See, that's what to me lays the table for anything that comes later.
If you can do that, Alex, what can't you do?
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest for the full hour.
We're going to come right back and continue with the JFK investigation he's conducted.
He's got some groundbreaking information.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is here with us today kicking off the promotion.
We're honored to have him for the second season of Conspiracy Theory.
Here's USA Today's headline.
Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory raises further
Uh, questions, and it's a pretty, uh, balanced, uh, report here.
It's gonna be kicking off October 15th, uh, 10 p.m.
Eastern Time, 9 p.m.
Central on TruTV.
It was the number one hit show last year, and I had so many people saying, only eight episodes!
We want more!
I've gotten so many emails, so many calls, uh, so many, uh, you know, people on the street have said, you know, bring back the show, and, and now that the second season's been announced, people are calling me saying, will there be a third season, Jesse?
I don't know.
You know, again, this is cable or satellite television, so it runs differently than regular network TV in the fact that they buy them by, for lack of a better term, the lots.
Like, they bought seven and then they bought eight.
And that's the way they do it there.
It's not like a yearly thing like network TV does and all that.
Whether they could order another 8 of them at any moment.
They could do it today or they could wait until the conclusion or whatever.
Because that's the way it's done in cable television.
You're going to put me to replace Larry King, right?
Well, what have you got offered?
A broadcast television show.
Would you even accept it?
Or is Mexico too much fun?
I don't know.
You know, again, it's one of those hypotheticals, Alex, that until it happens I'm not going to even bother thinking about it because there's nothing, you know, happening right now that indicates that.
And so I just keep doing what I do and now if it does rear its head, well then I'll have to sit down and make a decision on what I prefer to do.
Getting back into the television show, for stations that just joined us, we were talking about your favorite of the eight episodes of your investigations being the JFK, and I'm privy to some of the groundbreaking research you guys have done.
I don't know how much you can get into, but you were making the point that if they can kill a president in broad daylight and get away with it, they can do anything, and that's basically what Bruce Willis told Vanity Fair last year.
He said, you know, my whole view's changed since I researched JFK, because clearly the same people that killed him are in control today.
Well, it seems so.
You're going to see a lot of tie-ins.
I'll just say this, and I'll be real open about it.
Through a great majority of our investigations and shows, these eight shows, in a great deal of them, at some point, at some point during the investigation, Paliburton shows up.
It's amazing the tentacles that this company has.
Into our foreign affairs and things that are going on with our country.
It seems along with our country right below the United States comes the word halibut.
And of course we all know who operates and runs that.
Good old Mr. Chaney.
And I mean it's amazing.
Every time I do a conspiracy theory, a great majority of them
At some point, paperwork will lead us to Halliburton.
When you were down here in Texas, I don't know how much we can get into ahead of the show, but I'll tell you, that was amazing at that particular facility.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
They all are.
And you know, I'll go into like in the JFK situation, people, I want them to tune in the show because they will hear the first confession.
And believe me, Lee Oswald's been dead for a long time, so it certainly isn't him, would it be?
So, you know, that's the main thing I answer on JFK, is the big question is, well, what will your show show this year that's new?
And I think the confession is pretty dynamic.
Doing your in-depth, I mean you've been studying the JFK assassination for decades, your new book's got several very informative chapters, American conspiracies, that by the way we carry at Infowars.com if folks want to get it, but did your investigation just confirm your previous research or did it cause you to question?
No, I think it confirmed what I've believed in studying that particular conspiracy for many, many years.
I felt very vindicated and kind of sat back and thought, gee, I was right.
You know, I noticed consulting and traveling around the country to a few places with you, and here in Texas, that over and over again it was a mirror of last season, like when you were at HAARP, when they hide inside the buildings and won't come out.
I mean, they act very suspicious.
Oh, it's terrible.
I mean, we went to one place that they call a residence.
And, uh, I mean, I've been a governor and I've traveled to state prisons before and I could not distinguish between the two except for the name on the front of the building.
Yeah, and that was the real, and then the response is no comment.
I mean, the thing that I hope people get out of this is that we can't even ask our government a question, let alone expect them to give us an answer.
That's the great big story I'm learning and doing this show.
And I find that very offensive, Alex, because we are the ones that pay.
We're the taxpayers.
And I'm sure I can compare South Minneapolis to Texas.
So therefore, we should be the boss.
Now, I understand that, sure, you've got national security issues.
Sure, you've got things that you have to protect as a government.
I've been on both sides of the fence.
But, the point is, unless it deals with something of total national security, why can't we?
We don't have to know the details.
But certainly, they can admit to what things are.
Like I'll tie it in with Area 51.
I mean, everybody knows there's a base there, yet the government officially denies one exists.
Now what type of nonsense is that?
My tax dollars pay for that secret base out there, and I think I have every right to know it exists, and I think I have every right to be protected from it.
This base out there has no gate, it has no distinguished markings that indicate that you're trespassing on a government base, and yet there's a sign there that says they can use lethal force.
Well, look at what's happened.
That's very disturbing, Alex.
They can kill you for trespassing.
I mean, this is the biggest case of criminal white-collar crime there could possibly be.
Let's talk about that!
It's simply as basic as this, Alex.
We can't even have a paper trail.
We can't even get a receipt.
Like going to an ATM.
An ATM at least offers you a receipt.
Something that you can have in the palm of your hand that says you did what you did.
We can't even get a receipt from our government over the millions and trillions of dollars.
And I have to laugh when the debate gets to healthcare and they talk about paying for it.
Alex, if we just accounted for all the money in these two wars and all the rest of it they spend on this crap, we could pay for healthcare to where we'd all probably have our own doctor living in the garage.
Well, yeah, that's true.
The total defense budget is $2 trillion every year, $1.1 trillion on record, and another $800 plus billion on top of that.
Governor, speaking about secrecy in all of this, we were talking about Congress keeps asking the banks, where's the money?
And they say, we won't tell you.
You did do a big investigation on Wall Street.
Talk about that.
Wall Street was the one that I thought was going to be the most difficult show because it's so... I mean, these power brokers and their money, they know how to put up the smokescreens.
They are professional at doing that, of making things so convoluted, so...
Hard to understand.
And that's how they get away with it.
But it turns out, from all indication, people are telling me the Wall Street Show could be the best of the lot.
Because they said we managed to break it down into a simplistic form to where everyone out there will truly understand what happened.
Give us as much of an insight into the episode as you can without giving it all away.
Well, just that we go out there and we deal with people.
Some of them are going to prison.
And these are people that are, at best, mid-level.
And yet we're made to believe that these are the culprits.
Remember this about the whole Wall Street diabolical.
The people going to jail are not the ones truly responsible.
Most of them were caught up in the middle of all this mess and really have no way to get out of it.
And they're the ones that are going to fall on the sword and go to the slammer.
Well, they always burn a few underlings.
And that's what you're going to see on our show.
We talk to a few of these underlings and I'll tell you they're very vocal because they're not very happy that they're the ones that are going to jail and the big criminals are walking away scot-free and more wealthy.
Well, I know a little bit about the show and the research.
It's bombshell.
Are you worried, again, like you were last year?
Do you have any private bets with the crew that this may not air?
I have full confidence.
I'll be stunned this year if it doesn't.
They put everything on last year and there's no indication I've forgotten whatsoever.
In fact, Mark Juris, who's the head of TruTV,
He told me, when I told him about my gentleman's debt, he told me eye to eye.
He said, I can assure you, Governor, there wasn't one discussion about your show not going on.
Well, because...
Alex, they're so arrogant now because we sit back and I guess they figure there's nothing we can do about it anyway.
That's the only conclusion I can come to.
I agree with you, but I think it's several things.
It's also that the alternative media has now overall displaced even the mainstream media, and they can't deny this anymore.
So to keep any credibility, they just have to basically admit some of this.
I would agree with you on that aspect, too.
Sure, certainly.
Alternative media is the only hope we got.
And that was my next question.
I'm sure you've seen in the news, but it was in the BBC last week.
Inventor of the Internet, no it's not Al Gore, the real inventor, came out.
In fact, guys, Google that and put it on screen for me.
Inventor of Internet came out and said the Internet is being shut down incrementally with this cyber security.
And I noticed that they admit now in the media that Israel launched this worm that attacked Iran.
Oh, of course.
That's standard operating procedure.
You know, people need to understand clearly
That whenever government tells you they're going to protect you and keep you safe, the only way they can achieve that is by putting you under, uh, by taking your freedoms.
And I personally, and I'm speaking only for myself, I would rather have my freedoms and face the fears of life than I would to be given this cozy safety net underneath a domain that allows me no freedom.
There's a new report out from Tennessee where a guy in the county didn't pay a $75 fire department tax, so they came out and watched his house burn, but then put the neighbors out because that house then caught the neighbor's house on fire.
Whatever happened to the laws about failure to render aid?
If I'm driving down the street and somebody's just had a car wreck and I don't stop and help them, I can go to prison.
But now under privatization, our taxes go up, but they're laying off police, firemen, and they're saying, if you don't pay all these new fees, when your house is burning, we're not going to put it out.
Well, indeed, that's a total shame, and we should be embarrassed that something like that could happen.
Well, read what I brought up in my USA Today article, Alex.
I mean, I'm sure I'm going to get plenty of flack over this.
I said far more important than building a mosque in New York City is I would like to ask why religion doesn't have to pay property taxes for the services that they receive and that are rendered on an equal basis that all the rest of us have to pay for, which is fire, police, and the maintenance of your streets.
How come churches get that for free?
Well, I'll say this.
And all the rest of us have to pay when they're kidding me.
I mean, if someone disrupts church, a policeman will come in at the call and take care of it.
If the church catches on fire, the fire department will put it out.
And if they need their roach plowed up in Minnesota, the public plows do it.
How come they don't have to pay and everybody else does?
Well, I'll say this, because in the First Amendment it says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting it for exercise thereof, and I... I don't... It has nothing to do with that!
This is called getting services from the public domain on a piece of property!
Well, I'll be honest... It doesn't have nothing to do with restricting religion!
No, no, I'll be honest with you.
Well, the power to tax is the power to destroy.
I didn't know that churches didn't have to pay for the fire department.
Wow, that's... They don't have to pay for nothing!
At least in Minnesota, maybe in Texas they do, but I can unequivocally tell you in Minnesota, the way our property tax system, and I think it's the same everywhere, religious places don't have to pay nothing.
The reason they didn't want that, because if the government starts having taxes, they can then have tax incentives, like George Bush's faith-based initiative, where the government starts paying churches, and this is... But Alex, this is apples and oranges.
This is owning property and getting public services brought to that property.
No, no, I understand what you're saying.
To me, you can't absolve them of that just for fear of the other.
That shouldn't happen.
These are buildings.
These are properties that get services from the public domain, which we all chip in and pay for.
Okay, if you're an atheist, why should your tax dollars, if you don't believe in God and you don't believe in any of that, why should your tax dollars go to pay for those places to get services
No, no, I see your point.
Just like in Travis County, why should I have to pay money to pay for elective abortions?
And that's the problem.
Once we get a big government, period, then a lot of us are forced to be paying for things that we don't want.
Well, no, it's not even don't want.
It's if it's out there, anyone that uses it should be required to participate.
That's the difference, Alex.
They're using it, it's being provided, and they're not having to pay for that participation.
Why do they get off free?
Why does all the rest of us have to pay?
And like I said, if you're an atheist,
You have to pay and this entity doesn't.
And it's not getting an abortion or anything like that.
It's doing daily things that happen in life that are required to be done.
How come they get a free ride on it?
Well, it's a powerful lobby, but I do see your point.
Shifting gears to another subject, you talk about your father, even before people were protesting the Vietnam War, and of course he was a highly decorated World War II veteran, he was criticizing the Vietnam War beforehand.
You talk about your father in USA Today.
Oh yeah, no, I just told them the story about how my dad, I would come home with the teachings that they were teaching me in school and my father and I would be at the dinner table and have battles over it because he didn't feel we were being told the real truth in school and it turned out he was correct.
And I always like to laugh about it today.
My dad died in 91, but I always tell people, you know, it's amazing.
He died in 91, but he gets smarter every day.
Because the things he told me growing up, now that I'm 59 years old, I'm looking back and remembering how extremely bright this man was about world affairs.
And here's a guy that only went to 8th grade, he was a World War II veteran, and worked his whole life as a street laborer.
And yet he knew a lot of stuff.
Well, it's sad that so many of that great generation are dying off.
Both my grandfathers, of course, World War II veterans.
And when we're out on the road, driving around or in airports, you talk a lot about your dad and those lessons he taught you.
Briefly, get into that story about he was really too old to even join the military and all the combat he saw.
Well, my dad went in at age 36, which was the oldest he could possibly be.
Yeah, I think so.
When he got into his latter 60s, my aunt went back to Pennsylvania, to the coal mining towns where he was born, and they discovered his birth certificate that turned out he was a year older than he thought he was.
So he was too old to even be in, really?
Yeah, he technically was too old to be allowed in the military, or maybe he knew and just lied to go anyway.
I don't know, you know.
And your mom was in the war, too?
Yeah, my mom was a nurse in North Africa.
And she served in North Africa and the amazing thing about her was as she got old, every night they'd do the reruns of Bash and she would watch the evening news and never miss Bash right after it before she'd go to bed.
Which was probably very similar because Bash was Korea and it was probably very similar to, you know, just a few years earlier in North Africa.
Yeah, that's what they say, you know, on the knowledge that I have of it.
And, you know, knowing that my mom and dad were both in North Africa against Rommel, who was probably the best Nazi general by all accounts.
I mean, didn't Hitler have him killed in the end or something?
He was jealous of him because Rommel was secretly trying to work with folks to get rid of Hitler.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
The new show premieres the 15th of October.
We're gonna come back, get more into the show, a bunch of the news, all these new fake terror alerts.
Stay with us.
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Hi, this is former Governor Jesse Ventura, and this is the Alex Jones Show.
I recommend you all pay attention to Alex, because Alex and I are teaming up again this fall for a second season of Conspiracy Theory, where we will attempt to get to the bottom of these conspiracies.
Until then, keep watching and listening to Alex.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the man himself, the iconic Jesse Ventura is our guest for the rest of this hour.
And we appreciate him giving us the first radio interview as he kicks off the promotion for the second season of Conspiracy Theory.
Jesse, do you know yet what the first episode is going to be?
What they're going to air for?
I can't tell you it's in stone, but I think the first one is Plum Island.
Let's talk about Plum Island, then we'll get into water.
That's another episode.
Yeah, well, Plum Island, what's interesting about that, of course, is it's located right on the end of Long Island.
And really what intrigues you about it is to go into the history of it.
It's a biological center where our government tests out biological diseases on animals, like hoof and mouth and things like that, to prevent it.
That's the upfront story about Plum Island.
Now, the conspiracy in Plum Island is this.
Uh, Lyme disease, the first recorded case was found in Lyme, Connecticut, which is right across the water from Plum Island.
And then you go into the history of Plum Island and you learn this.
The godfather of Plum Island is a Nazi named Erich Traub.
And at the end of World War II, he was right underneath Himmler.
And his expertise
Was creating biological warfare using ticks and mosquitoes and inflicting them upon another country with devastation of biological warfare.
Well, he probably should have stood trial at Nuremberg, but of course we all know at the end of World War II there was a battle between us and the Soviets of how many scientists we could all get.
And he's one that made it here.
And now, we're good to that.
We got Wernher von Braun, who's the godfather of our space program at NASA.
But we also got Eric Traub, whose expertise was biological warfare using ticks and mosquitoes.
He is the godfather of Plum Island.
He is the man that created this place.
So, I mean, call me, you know, Paranoid Alex, but anytime I know that a Nazi created something, and we're now using it, my suspicion rate goes up.
Is that a logical thing to do?
Well absolutely and as you know they're now building 36 level 4 bioweapons labs in the middle of nowhere but also in major cities like San Antonio, Texas and in places like that and there's a lot of evidence that not just Lyme disease came from Plum Island.
But also that the West Nile virus and so many other zoological type things and now we're gonna put this on screen I'm sure you it came out a few days ago that not only did they give black men syphilis for 40 plus years and kill them and let them spread it but now they've apologized for the US government in secret testing injecting thousands of Guatemalans with syphilis I mean
Alex, am I missing something or would we classify that terrorism?
It is terrorism, yes.
We are.
I mean, how come our country can do things that are terrorist and we're not called?
I mean, I got in trouble.
You know, Fox TV won't have me on anymore.
Because I made the statement on there when I was on months ago.
I said that why are we so shocked that we would get attacked by terrorists when our country's been practicing terrorism for going on 50 years?
We just call it foreign policy.
And they got angry and asked me to cite an example of the quick one that came into my head.
I said, well, what about Cuba?
I said, we've attempted to assassinate their leader on multiple occasions.
I said, we've tried to destroy their game fields.
We've bombed ships in their harbor.
And of course, we all know, you and I, about the nice guy Orlando Bosch.
He's a guy that blew up a Cuban civilian aircraft with a hundred and some people on board and was pardoned by George Bush Senior.
Yeah, the Cuban Olympic team and that's admitted that he was CIA contracted.
Yeah, now is that not an act of terrorism?
Well, let me bring this up to you then.
If that's not, then explain to me the difference.
Well, there's two issues here, and I want to get back into the government-sponsored terror.
Both the stuff they staged, but the open terror that they call foreign policy.
A thousand drones bombing Pakistan, and they admit if they kill one person of interest that may be a terrorist, they claim, it's okay to kill a hundred innocent people at a wedding.
And I want you to speak to that, Governor, but separately, you're saying specifically, because that's big news.
Well, they don't officially tell me, but they won't book me.
The last time I went, you know, it used to be I could at least get on with Hannity.
Now I can't even get on with him.
Back Hannity, O'Reilly, and all of them.
See, they're the kind of guys that they thrive upon being able to bully people.
And the problem is I can't be bullied, usually.
Well, that's the issue, is that Glenn Beck calls you stupid, but I know you well.
You're extremely smart, but also street smart.
Glenn Beck calls me stupid?
Yeah, guys, YouTube, Glenn Beck calls Jesse Ventura stupid.
He does an imitation of you.
He says, yeah, I was in a dressing room with him.
Wait, Alex, this comes from a guy who's only claimed fame in his entire life.
History is being a top 40 disc jockey?
And he calls and he says I'm stupid, huh?
Well, I'm gonna try to pull this clip up.
No, I don't care.
I consider the source, but I mean, coming from a disc, a guy, and nothing against disc jockeys, you know?
I have nothing against that profession.
It's an honor.
But I know you well.
But you can't hardly call yourself a foreign policy specialist if your entire background is being a disc jockey.
Oh, that's true.
I intimidate all the people at Fox.
He joins a good company called O'Reilly, Hannity, and the rest of them.
Well, I was going to expand on that.
I mean, I've seen you with Hannity where he completely capitulates and they're just unable to dominate you, but you're not bullying them.
You're very calm and just lay out the facts.
The thing is, you have to remember something, Alex.
You have to treat journalists in different ways because each one of them thrives on being successful in a certain manner.
And the Fox people thrive on being bullies.
So the key to interviewing with them is to show them they can't bully you and that, you know, you in turn bully them.
Did you see when Jon Stewart was on with O'Reilly?
I mean, Jon Stewart destroyed O'Reilly.
It's the first time I've seen O'Reilly lose control of his show.
Jon Stewart had full control of O'Reilly's show.
And O'Reilly was just pumping in little bits and pieces when he could.
Yes, I have seen that.
And if anybody is a bully, it's O'Reilly.
All of them are.
He'll cut off people's mics.
He'll get in their face and tell them to shut up.
They all are.
It isn't just him.
They're all that way.
That's the persona there.
People need to understand Fox News is not Fox News.
It's Fox Entertainment.
Well, since we raised this, I want you to hear it and be able to comment.
Here's Glenn Beck talking about Governor Jesse Ventura.
Here it is.
I heard Jesse Ventura.
What a dope this guy is.
I heard Jesse Ventura, who's nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully.
And trust me, I know.
Um, he tried to intimidate me in the makeup room one day before a CNN show.
And he's just a bully.
He's big, he's dumb, he's slow, he's definitely a big dumb animal.
And he is a bully.
That's it.
You know the only offense I take out of that, Alex?
The only offense I take, how dare Glenn Beck call me fat?
How dare him?
I'm not in the shape that I was in when I was at the peak of my pro wrestling career at the height of athleticism, but I still am in pretty good shape.
The defense I take from that is having Glenn Beck call me fat.
When's the last time he looked into a mirror?
Well, he certainly is an effeminate twerp.
But, I mean, to be serious here, I remember right after you had your hip surgery, you came down and visited me in Austin, and that was the biggest you'd ever been.
Maybe 10 pounds overweight.
But, you know, when we were flying around the country, I saw you pull your shirt off a few times.
We were changing and stuff.
And, I mean, for somebody who's 59, I've never seen anybody with ripped muscles like you, Governor.
Well, I'm not the best built 59-year-old in the world.
I'm not going to claim that, but I train every day.
I work out constantly.
If you're going to go down and attempt to surf in Mexico, do you think you can do it being big and fat as Glenn Beckwith?
I can't believe him, of all people, could call me fat?
That right there should kill Glenn Beck's credibility completely.
No, no, no.
I'm laughing about it, Alex.
It's good humor.
I'm not irate or nothing about that.
I consider the source.
Well, you know, Glenn is covering a lot of world government stuff, but then he blames it on low-level communist professors instead of admitting our Pentagon, I have the RAND Corporation documents, I have the global trends, 2025, a transformed world.
The policy of the megabanks that run the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about is to have corporate welfare
Well, you know what?
He won't care.
He's made his money.
You know, he's become exceptionally wealthy for what he does because of, and let me throw that out to the people of the United States, because of the millions of lemmings out there that could take someone like Glenn Beck and make him a messiah.
I mean, what does he care for, Alex?
He's made a ton, a ton of money.
Well I think that's the establishment joke.
They got an effeminate, and I was reading the New York Times article, they admitted he's effeminate and said that's good.
And they admit he constantly flip-flops and they said they're proud of that in this New York Times piece.
And so the face of the anti-New World Order
Well, you know, again, I'm more disappointed in the people of this country than I am him.
You know, how could they be led by the nose by somebody who's as unqualified at anything as him?
He's never done anything.
He found a niche.
In the radio world, in the TV world, and he found a niche of people that he could lead.
I mean, you know, remember that people are easily led, you know?
Well, he criticizes Obama, which is fair for reading off a teleprompter, but he admits he uses a teleprompter.
Everybody does.
The teleprompter's a marvelous thing.
I think the only jealousy comes from the fact that George Bush couldn't read one.
All the rest of us can!
We're running out of time, and this interview is really getting powerful here, but I want to get back into the episodes.
Let's talk about the water episode, because I was asking you in the break, I said, what do you think is the most scary?
And you said water, and I tend to agree with you, because he's multinational as well.
I mean, tell folks what you discovered.
Well, let me just say this.
I go out with the Native American chief, and we go to Lake Mead.
By Hoover Dam, you know the water source from Las Vegas?
Let me finish with this.
I got news for you people.
Within the decade, Las Vegas is going to have no water.
Lake Mead is down 125 feet.
Let me repeat that.
125 feet down.
I stood on a plateau there 60 feet below the ledge where docks were still up there where less than a decade ago kids were fishing off them.
The water was now 60 feet below where I was standing at.
And the water show that we do, if it does not terrify the people of this country, then nothing will.
And of course you interviewed me for that.
You came to Austin to investigate it.
But how much more of the investigation can you talk about?
I mean, clearly you show how these... That's enough, Alex.
Just to say, it leads us to the northern peninsula of Michigan and the Great Lakes, which is home to 20%.
And who gets to have the water?
We don't get to have it, but somebody else does.
What can you say about the police state camps show?
Well, I will say this, it again reaffirms, y'all remember when Michael Moore spoke to Congressman Conyers and he sat Michael Moore down and said, let me tell you something, we don't even read the bills we vote on.
You will be reassured of that again.
Because I sit down with a congressman who assures me up and down that there are no FEMA internment camps being built in the country.
And when we, you should see how funny it is on camera, when we then show him the bill he was co-sponsor of, of Homeland Security, which states that they would be building no less than six of them.
And that's on top of the other camps they've got under- But he didn't even know what was in the bill!
That's the point.
These people are not reading what they vote on.
They're being told by their political parties how to vote.
Let's get into another episode.
What can you say about the oil spill?
I mean, this is really powerful.
Well, again, the oil spill, we investigate conspiracies, and to be blunt and straightforward, there's a strong suspicion and a lot of circumstantial evidence that that oil spill was done intentionally.
Exactly, because the stuff they're using down there is dispersant.
It has four lethal chemicals in it, including, I think, cadmium and arsenic and two other lovely things.
And I'm, for the life of me, trying to figure out how adding billions of barrels of lethal chemicals to already saturated oil water is a good thing.
I can't figure that out now.
I am not a scientist, but it doesn't make sense to me that by adding poison to the water is going to be beneficial more so than just the oil in the water.
Now you've got two of them in there.
We're going to come back with our final segment with Governor Jesse Ventura.
I might twist his arm and do five more minutes in the next hour.
And we'll get into all this hyping of staged terror, and we'll talk about another 9-11 investigation they're doing with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Don't forget, folks, his book, American Conspiracies, No.
4, New York Times Bestseller.
We've got it discounted at InfoWars.com.
Get a free copy of The Obama Deception with American Conspiracies at InfoWars.com.
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Well, Gov hurt my feelings.
He usually gives us more than an hour, but he's got a tee time.
I guess it's almost too cold to keep playing golf, but he did say he'll come back one more time with us before he heads down to Mexico.
Correct, Gov?
I got a tee time, and they don't hold them for anybody, not even me.
How many holes are you going to play?
That's why I got to be out there.
You know, the days are getting shorter.
It's getting cold up here in Minnesota, and the window of golf is slowly closing, and that tells me it's time to start surfing then.
What are you shooting in golf?
Oh, I'm just a... You know, if I'm shooting well, I shoot in the 80s.
If I'm shooting not so well, I play in the 90s.
Well, that's pretty good.
You gotta get you down here and play our producer, Jaron.
He's a pretty good guy.
Now, Governor, we've only got about four minutes left.
I'm sure you've seen the hype.
You know, the terrorists.
We have specific targets in Europe.
In the U.S., turns out they had drills planned two months ago.
It's a global drill.
It just so happens it was scheduled for this week, and we have all these White House people, even under Obama, saying, we need a terror attack, that's in the Financial Times of London, to make people trust their government again.
You know, Governor Ridge admitted they issued fake terror alerts under Bush.
Is that not psychological terrorism?
Yeah, well it also, you know, if they're talking like that, then it kind of winds back to 9-11, shouldn't we start questioning it?
You know, if it takes a terror attack to bring the country together, then the country is in pretty bad shape, in my opinion.
And, you know, the timing of these things, they always do them.
Look at the elections, where all of a sudden, right before the election, we did an Osama Bin Laden tape.
I guess the best thing I can say is to the people out there is wake up and smell the coffee.
Start paying attention a little bit more and start looking beyond the soundbite news for your answers.
But then again, I'm on the Alex Jones Show, so essentially I'm preaching to the choir.
Well, we have a lot of new listeners, Governor.
Well, no, but so many don't listen to you, Alex, and so many don't listen beyond the soundbite news, and it's those people we have to try to reach.
Well, the 9-11 episode, the most exciting part of it will be that I speak to a woman who was right in there when the alleged plane hit, and you will hear an eyewitness account from someone who was right in there, and she says some very startling things.
Has this verified your suspicions?
Oh yeah, it's reaffirmed by, yes, very much so.
It took it that way rather than the other way.
Whenever you talk 9-11 long enough, Alex, eventually you start doubting yourself.
You start questioning yourself.
And when I speak to a woman who survived the Pentagon and was right in there, and she reaffirms my suspicions,
Well, that's good for me too.
I need that every now and then because it just seems you're out there fighting the unwinnable war and occasionally you need an ally.
But clearly people are starting to wake up.
I mean, not everybody, but I mean, you've been around the country.
I hope so.
But see, wake up doesn't mean the Tea Party.
I don't know where the wake up is going to take place.
I really don't.
But hopefully people are starting to question more.
The things they're told, and not just this self-blinding belief that they, with our egos, that the government can't lie to us, that the government can be bad.
They can be, because government is merely people, and we need to lose the ego that quite possibly evil people can be elected to powerful positions.
You need only look at Germany in the 1930s to clearly understand that.
Well, the show's premiering at 10 p.m.
Eastern, October 15th.
That's a Friday, isn't it, Gov?
Yeah, Friday night, so there'll be no conflicting baseball games.
All right, well, let me say bye to you in the break, and I'll let you get to your tea time.
We'll come back next hour.
We've got another big guest joining us on a lot of news.
That's Governor Jesse Ventura giving us the exclusive first radio interview.
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