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Filename: 20100722_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 22, 2010
2238 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he's the former head of the Green Party in England, championship goalie, international BBC presenter, multi-time best-selling author, and somebody who's really expanded people's paradigms and gotten them to look into a lot of very interesting places.
And so much of what David Icke predicted
More than 15 years ago, unfortunately, has unfolded.
I agree with him that we're on the verge of a world transformation, an awakening.
The system is panicking with divide and conquer.
There's no doubt they blew the oil well.
There's no doubt they're now admitting we're going into a depression, trying to start World War III.
They know they're losing control.
And let me tell you, this is the most important time in human history up to this point.
He's with us for the next hour.
David Icke, thank you for being on with us.
Pleasure, Alex.
Well, we were just talking during that one-minute break, and you were saying that you do believe this is the quickening or the beginning of the acceleration of a real paradigm shift.
There's a lot of issues I want to go over, but what's on David Icke's radar screen that you think is most important right now?
Well, I think, you know, what we're seeing on the surface, horrendous as it is, is a manifestation of something that's actually much, much deeper than this.
There's no doubt whatsoever.
I mean, I've seen it so blatantly over the last 20 years, gathering pace and gathering pace.
There is an awakening going on.
It's not the majority yet, but minds are opening.
Now, as minds are opening, they're seeing what they couldn't see before.
And what the cabal wants to do is keep those minds shut.
And one of the most effective ways of doing this
This is why we've got to stay really strong and focused in this period we're going through now.
There's going to be a number of years of major challenges.
The way that they are seeking to keep us from awakening, to keep our minds closed, is to keep us focused on fear, keep us focused on survival, keep us bewildered, keep us in a state of constant anxiety about what's happening, what about the future, what about the kids, what about the job, the way of life in the Gulf is gone, oh my goodness, a war in Iraq, in Iran now, what's going on, oh now there's an economic
I think so.
We're good.
Another war in Iran, another economic collapse, but all these things are orchestrated to fire at our minds, and our minds are the target, because from our state of perception of self and the world comes our behavior and our actions.
That's right, I've noticed the globalists dominate by just getting our attention and always creating new crisis so we watch the mainstream television, so we pay attention to them and they dominate how we dress and what we think and what we eat and just literally get us sucked into this false
Tapestry, this false reality that they are projecting, and now they're openly saying they want to start shutting off the web, which shows that they realize they wanted to use it as a tool of domination, but that it's backfiring against them.
That's the word, Alex.
It's a battle for our attention.
Because the idea is to hold humanity in a state where we are filtering and seeing ourselves in the world only through the five senses.
We are multi-dimensional consciousness awareness.
We are far, far greater
What we appear to be when we look in the mirror and say that's David Eichel, that's Alex Jones or that's Ethel Smith and what they want us to do is keep our attention on the five senses and that's what we do when we are in fear, when we are in anxiety, when we're worrying about the future, when we have this sense of fear of not surviving.
That pulls us into the five senses and that's what they're trying
And then the system poses as the saviors and says, we'll keep you safe, just let us run your life.
Stay there, David Icke, back in three minutes.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we've got David Icke with us for the rest of the hour.
He just joined us, former head of the UK Green Party, champion goalie, BBC presenter, best-selling author, and always interesting to get his perspective on things.
I always find it thought-provoking.
Very apropos of what's happening in our world.
We always find his perspective to be enlightening.
David, instead of us getting into generalities or myself getting into long diatribes about my view of what's happening, today I really want to try to sit back.
We'll see if I can do it because you bring up so many points that make me want to chime in and just throw out questions and get your take on it.
The globalist
Are overrunning the West with third world populations.
Why are they doing this?
Well, two things we need to know to get a perspective on the world is where this cabal wants to take the world and then the methods they use to take us there.
And where they want to take the world, of course, as we well know, is to a global fascist dictatorship with the end of countries, the end of borders, where basically you just have the world government dictating to massive regional blocs and anything below that is just irrelevant.
I think?
If they have a real sense of country, and I'm not saying that I'm into all this, but a lot of people are, and this is the point from the Cabal's point of view, they will resist giving that power away, say from the United States to the North American Union, in Britain to the European Union, and so the idea is to break down
That sense of culture by basically breaking down the culture.
And you do that by opening borders to other cultures.
Now I'm not saying one culture is better than another, I'm just trying to explain here what they're doing from their perspective.
And that you let different cultures pour into the same area and suddenly it becomes a cocktail.
And there is no single culture anymore that people can identify with and that is all the time
Loosening and weakening people's sense of need to resist the giving away of sovereignty to unions and to a world government because they've lost the sense of culture that they had before.
See, this is why what we're talking about here is happening all over the world because of course it's a global agenda.
In Europe, the European Union has brought down the borders all over Europe and every time another country comes into the European Union, their borders come down and their
I don't
And the globalists can also play those different groups off against each other.
Not only will they give up their rights, but then I see the trendies always counter back.
Oh, well, it's like Star Trek, which we know is predictive programming.
Oh, we'll all be unified in love.
But this isn't some loving world government that we decided to lovingly join.
This was covertly built.
They now admit it was a covertly built and it's authoritarian, dehumanizing, and it's admitted in game is global depopulation.
Yeah, exactly.
And this is a very, very interesting point, a very important point about playing one off against the other.
You know, the people that pour from the poorer countries into the richer countries through the borders coming down are just as much pawns in this game as those in the countries of the indigenous population that are affected by that.
It's not good guys and bad guys we're talking about here.
It's different aspects of the human race being used as pawns in the same game.
This is why, instead of fighting each other, we need to start looking at what unites us all, which is the fact that we're all the target of this cabal, this global fascist dictatorship in the making, in the very first making.
I mean, we have proof in this country.
A few months ago now, that during the Blair administration, they were allowing people immigration into Britain on a scale they weren't admitting to.
It came out, one of the people involved blew the whistle on this, and what they were actually saying is they wanted to
...have so much immigration into Britain that it would, this is the quote, change British society forever.
And in that one quote, we have the prime reason for bringing the borders down.
This is what they've done in Europe.
I mean, the government here now, the new government of Cameron, saying, oh, we must slow down immigration into Britain, but they don't say immigration.
They say non-EU immigration because they have absolutely no power whatsoever because of the European Union laws now and the giving away of sovereignty to stop anybody coming in from the European Union into Britain.
And that's exactly the position they want.
They're doing the same in America, of course.
Listeners to this program will well know, and so anyone that challenges this, in America for instance, they're called racist and they're targeted by the federal government, as we're seeing in some states of America have tried to make a stand on this, and it's all orchestrated to break down and destroy
And David, let me just add a brief caveat to that.
I mean, it's simple.
Whatever the globalists are for, whatever they're really promoting in their councils, we've got to be against.
If they're against disarming us, it doesn't mean there aren't some accidents and problems with having an armed society.
We've still got to be for it.
If they're trying to socialize health care, you get the legislation.
It's a eugenics takeover, lowering the quality, raising taxes.
We've got to be against it.
They want to launch a new war.
We've got to be against it.
They want open borders.
We've got to be against it.
I mean, it's very simple.
We know these are evil, anti-human, anti-freedom people, and we must stand against everything they stand for.
Now, we can intellectualize and then always go down the road and look at why that's the case, but their interests are not the interest of free humanity.
So it's very elementary for me.
That's a very, very good point.
Let's get it real straight.
These people not only don't care about us, they are antagonistic towards us.
They want to destroy the human race and bring it under the heel of their global fascist dictatorship.
They want to irrevocably change what humans are in our society, the family, everything, to we are just empty biological androids and their words that they program.
This is the end of humanity.
This is the extinction of humanity is their stated goal in every document I've got by their transhumanist futurist.
These are human hating scum.
This is what we're dealing with.
And therefore, as you quite rightly say, if they're for it, then it's bad for the human race.
And we've got to be a bit more kind of streetwise about this and not see everything in black and white.
The question of gun ownership.
I've never had a gun.
I don't want a gun.
I don't want to use a gun.
I'm not into any of that stuff.
A lot of people have guns in America.
The question that comes up is, should people have guns or should people not have guns?
And that's a debate, okay?
But it's not the debate that's at the heart of what's happening now.
The question should be, why do the people who have a deep hatred for humanity, why do they want to disarm the American population now?
That's the
That's the key thing we ought to be looking at.
We can have these debates about this and immigration.
The question is why does the cabal want to do it?
And the answer is always because it advances their agenda towards the global fascist dictatorship in which, as you rightly say, it won't just be an economic dictatorship, a political dictatorship.
We're talking about a genetic dictatorship where they will not only own our bodies and
Uh, literally lawful ownership on our bodies.
That's where they're going.
But they will genetically control us and control us through microchips.
That's where they want to go.
And if we're gonna get pulled away into diversions of debates about this and debates about that, there's one debate at the moment until we've sorted this.
Why do they want to do A, B, C, and D?
And that's the question we need to keep asking all the time to keep on top of where we're going.
And we know what they want.
They're so arrogant that they all write white papers on government health care, on the environment movement, on cap and trade.
They admit it's to shut down industry, bankrupt everyone, have a huge state that's the only thing that's funded, that literally absorbs humanity.
And begins accelerating their soft kill operations.
We know they've already been introducing poisons into our environment and into the vaccines and foods.
We've caught them.
We've got countless documents where they admit they're doing it.
Now they want to accelerate that up to a hot kill level like we've seen in areas of Africa.
And thank God you're out there exposing these people.
Well, you know, there are people that know there's a conspiracy.
There's people that know that there is a ridiculously few people who are pulling the strings of the world.
But we've still got a long way to go with a lot of people to fully understand the scale of what we're dealing with.
The rabbit hole goes so deep, it's staggering.
And we're not even
Well David, I'll say this...
Well, no, I agree with you because I've studied the elite and they believe they're in contact with entities.
I've been to Bohemian Grove.
I've covered Skull and Bones.
I've read the Pentagon's own writings.
They believe they're being given, every one of them, it says they're channeling things, that they're being directed at the highest levels.
At the mid-levels, it's hedonists, it's Satanists, it's people that want money and power.
At the top, these are very focused
People working 18 hours a day and they believe they're working for an entity that I can only describe as the devil.
People can call it whatever they want.
David, stay there.
Let's look at some other contemporary issues and from that window expand and go down the rabbit hole from different angles.
We'll be back with David Icke.
DavidIcke.com is his website.
I'm Alex Jones with Info.
I was a highway man.
David Icke is our guest as we got into the border issue and how they're overrunning sovereign nations because the globalists want to remake the world in their system.
So any culture, whether it's good or bad, they want it out of the way.
Or the corporate culture.
This is a short segment.
Let's get into the oil spill.
David Icke, the oil spill.
What's your research on that?
I think so.
I don't know.
He was a director of the Bank of Scotland in the run-up to the period where it crashed in 2008 and had to be bailed out by the taxpayer.
He's been on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.
He's a chairman of the Trilateral Commission.
He's a chairman of the London School of Economics.
I think so.
Non-executive chairman of BP.
You had a guy called Lord Brown, who got out before the stuff hit the fan over the Gulf of Mexico.
He was so appalling as chief executive of BP that Tony Blair described him as his favorite businessman, so you can see how bad he was.
And it was Lord Brown who instigated the policy of BP of cutting safety and cutting all
Yeah, they've got more violations in Houston alone.
I saw the number, it's like over a hundred times what other oil companies have combined, and they're the top fake environmentalist company that with Enron created the carbon tax scam with Al Gore.
Exactly, and this is how it all interfaces.
This is how the web works.
You see BP, but it's not just BP.
BP's connected to Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs is connected to Halliburton, and so it goes on.
And don't forget Queenie, she owns a big part of it.
Yeah, Lord Brown was chief executive of BP when you had that massive explosion at the refinery in Texas City, which people of course were killed in it, another environmental disaster in so many ways.
And he instigated this BP policy, not
All right.
When you look at Goldman Sachs again, as I mentioned with Peter D. Sutherland, selling 44% of its shares in BP in the run-up to what happened in the Gulf.
Tony Haywood, the chief executive of BP that followed Lord Brown, sold a lot of his shares in the run-up.
Yeah, over a third.
Obama dumped his Vanguard stocks in it.
They all dumped.
We've got so many red flags all over it.
A, prior knowledge, and B, the thing was a disaster, not waiting to happen.
The disaster was made to happen.
And then you look at what happened after that, and so many mysteries kind of fade away when you know the story and what the goal is.
So the next mystery in all this is why did
We're good to go.
...offer solutions like the carbon tax and all the rest of it.
Now their climate change scam has been falling apart.
But also there is a war by this cabal against the United States.
They want to destroy the United States militarily.
Destroy it.
I think so.
You've got the 10 regions, as the UN says, with the 10 global directors.
This has been on record since the 60s, which they're now moving towards.
And that's what's so amazing.
They use the U.S.
as their henchman, as their funding mechanism, while the U.S.
gets all the blame for the global imperial takeover.
And now, as they get ready to destroy us, they're moving towards devaluing the dollar.
The IMF, World Bank are criticizing our monetary systems.
The UN is posing as the savior with the global
Uh, cashless currency.
So, they used us for their dirty work, and then flush us down the toilet, uh, when they're done.
Stay there, David Icke.
Quick break.
I want you to come back, segue out of the BP, into all these announcements that, okay, we are in a depression, but don't worry, the same bankers that engineered it have got a global government that'll take care of it all for you.
They've got a fix.
David Icke, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, Fox News in New York, we're going to talk to David about this later in the hour, reported that they've got body scanners, car scanners, showed people being forced to drive through x-rays that shoot through cars with gamma rays.
I mean, this makes
This makes chest x-rays look tame in comparison.
Some of the units, the car is driven up and then it's scanned.
Others, they drive the car through it and I guess they tell the foolish troops to do it.
Oh, it's okay.
Go ahead and do it.
They're setting the precedent to literally microwave us in front of everyone.
Well, Watson did research, and he's got an amazing article here, New York National Guard involved in mass arrest of U.S.
citizens, and we got links now to mainstream news in part two, how great it is that the Guard has arrested 2,000 citizens for petty crimes, including gun possession.
I mean, this is martial law.
New York National Guard involved in mass arrest of U.S.
Troops assist in over 2,000 arrests last year alone as America sinks in a total martial law.
And the same thing's happening all over the country, and that's why we saw the mayor of Schenectady a few months ago call for martial law in that little sleepy town.
So we're going back to David Eichen a minute.
Don't forget, we have made films like Endgame,
Invisible Empire, A New Order to Find, and of course the Obama Deception that go into who these bankers are, how they're controlling society, and what their plan is.
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We'll get into this
Martial law, police state, cyber security.
Now they're admitting censorship of the internet with David in a moment.
But David, segwaying from the oil, where do you think that's going?
A, and B, the media has now shifted in Europe, as you know, England and the U.S.
to saying, okay, it is a depression.
After telling us we're in a recovery, now it's a depression.
What do you see unfolding with that leading into a possible strike on Iran?
What do you see from studying the globalist
uh... behavior in the past which is psychopathic and and and and they do it in patterns what do you see unfolding well on the gulf they want to get as bad as possible to so they can exploit it as much as possible with with uh... solutions to to the problem they've created in terms of the uh... the economic situation i've been saying since two thousand and eight that there's there's a three point plan here one was to crash the economy in two thousand and eight so people could see there was a major problem this uh...
I don't know.
We're good to go.
Nothing like the actual financial state of that bank.
But the second point in this three-stage plan that I was talking about since 2008 was to empty the coffers of governments in terms of reacting to the economic situation.
And we have reached that now.
I mean, what we're having in Britain
But the taxes go up, so a larger percentage of the taxes goes directly to the bankers, who were the ones that created the $600 trillion, conservatively, in fake assets.
And they won't tell Congress or Parliament where the money went.
The same is happening over here in Europe.
In Britain, during the Brown Labour government that was replaced recently, this amazing transfer of wealth went from taxpayers to the banking system and to the cabal network in general.
Unbelievable levels of cuts in public expenditure are being instigated because they say we're in so much trouble because of the debt.
Now, wait for this, mate.
I talked about earlier about everything connecting to everything else.
The David Cameron government that has replaced the Brown Labour government has appointed someone to oversee where the
We're good.
Well, that's like having all these former Goldman Sachs people running every position in the federal government, getting the bailout money and then giving it to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
I mean, it is a new level of crime and now in the U.S.
The Federal Reserve expansion and powers.
They're being given a new secret office with unlimited funds to quote take over any area of the economy they wish.
So they're being given dictatorial power right now.
And the same thing's being done in Greece and everywhere else.
This is their global coup d'etat.
They're going for it all.
And then that segues into the UN and the IMF announcing we need to start phasing out all the currencies and going to an SDR.
And we need a global government that you pay your carbon taxes to to finance this.
And who are the biggest investors in carbon credits?
Well, it's Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, BP, and a handful of others.
It's always the same inner cabal.
And you've got this guy in America who was the great new messiah, Obama, who, if anything, is worse than Bush in that whole period because it's speeding up now.
I mean, this man is not even subtle.
He's just agreeing to everything necessary to allow this to speed up and speed up and speed up.
And I say this to people, you know,
All that's happening now was predicted a long, long time ago.
Not because of people sitting in darkened rooms, smoking something and coming to some conclusions, but from hard research, from documents, from written material saying what these people were planning to do and it's unfolding now.
It wasn't prophecy, it was research.
Now we have to then decide
Where do we draw the line here?
We didn't draw it when it was first pointed out, because, oh, it's just conspiracy theorists.
Well, are we going to draw it now?
Or are we going to draw it a few months down the road when it's even worse?
A year or two down the road when what's happening today will be nothing compared with then?
When are we going to draw the line?
There's nothing, nothing in anybody's life, I don't care who they are, I don't care where they are, there's nothing more important in anybody's life
I'm focusing on what is going on and we coming together as a population irrespective of race, religion, color, creed, income bracket and saying what are we going to do together to stop this because at the moment we have got a tail actually at the core a tiny tail wagging a massive dog and
Unless we start focusing on this and cut out the diversions that are designed to stop us focusing on this, then it's just going to get worse.
But the power is still in our hands.
There are so many of us and so few of those in full knowledge who are actually manipulating us.
Come on, wake up!
Do something!
There's never nothing that we can do.
What can I do?
Sit down!
How can you make a contribution to this?
How can you communicate this information?
Even if it's calling into a radio show in the mainstream or something and just saying this is going on, go to this website, go to this radio program, they'll tell you what's going on.
There's nothing that...
There's already a huge awakening happening.
We've got to accelerate it because not only is that little tail wagging this giant dog, they're going to pose with their false solutions to the crisis they created.
That's their methodology, as you know.
Problem, reaction, solution to bring us deeper under their control.
Unless we're there every step of the way going, you're the crooks, you're the social engineers, you're the controllers, you're the one that did this.
How asinine to give the Federal Reserve that engineered this even more power.
How asinine to give the Bank of England who engineered this on record more power.
Look at your connections.
Look at how you're involved in this.
Look at what you've done.
We've got to be there.
That's why they want to shut down the Internet, because they're panicked.
Now, let's talk about that.
Chinese net style censorship now coming to Australia, coming to New Zealand, coming to Italy, coming to France.
Open announcements in our news that, yes, it's going to be more draconian, but to keep you safe, because Al Qaeda is about to shut the Internet down.
So we've got to have the power to shut it down to save it.
We're going to track everything you do.
We're going to block what websites you can visit.
AlreadyInfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com are already censored on the free broadband in many cities in Europe.
We've confirmed that.
The government here, the FCC, saying they're going to take it over.
Cass Sunstein saying he's going to censor it.
There's no doubt that line in the sand
If we don't stand up against tyrants, is whatever we'll put up with, as Thomas Jefferson said, they aren't going to push it to the limit.
And so, again, showing that we have power, David, doesn't that indicate that now they are moving against the web, even though that exposes them, because they realize that there is an accelerated awakening happening?
Well, let me give you an example, just a simple example, which is an example that can be expressed globally.
But again, part of the agenda is for social services and police to steal children from their parents in extraordinary numbers now in America, all over the world, in Britain, on the basis of fake... And it's now mainstream news in England, I mean for those that just tuned in, that they've actually got quotas before a baby's even born and they admit they trumpet up.
These are children snatchers.
They are.
At least in parts of America, like California, I think it's all over America, there are federal financial incentives for social services to take more and more children from their parents.
But the point I'm making here is that there's a lady named Maureen Spallack in Liverpool in England, and she had her children stolen, three of them, years ago now, and they were given away to foster parents by the social services.
And in the years since, the Liverpool Police and Social Services have run a vendetta against this woman as she tries to get her children back.
She was actually arrested.
This is just one example.
I could list a number of outrageous things that happened.
She was arrested and taken to court for sending a birthday card to one of the children that the state stole.
The other day, a few days ago,
The Liverpool police picked her up again for sending a text message to someone.
They put her in jail in Liverpool.
And the reason that the family courts that decide all this are held in secret is not to protect the children, as they claim, it's to protect the system and the satanists and the pedophiles
We're good to go.
A few hours later they let this lady go and they dropped the charges because their phone system crashed.
So many people rang in to complain of what they were doing to this lady that their whole phone system crashed.
They couldn't keep their child kidnapping going so they said open the phones up we got more kids to grab but it's actually come out in the Telegraph and it's actually come out here in the US that they have
Quotas on what color hair, eyes, that before a mother has a child, they're already planning the fake charges.
And it's come out over and over again that so many of the CPS workers are pedophiles because they can get away with everything.
They're pedophiles and they're Satanists.
Not all of them, nothing like all of them, but the people that run the show invariably are.
I've been researching this for decades.
No, I mean, it's in the newspaper every day that they catch top, top CPS workers.
The short point is, though, Alex, that when people, the public, phone this police station in large numbers and said, this is disgusting, we're not having it.
In other words, the secrecy and the shadow level that they do this on was taken away.
This lady was released and the charges were dropped.
We have the power.
They're terrified of the
That's why they're arming against us.
That's why they're surveilling.
That's why they're admitting they're surveilling now, because they know they've committed crimes, they know they're run by crooks, and they are scared.
Yes, but what we have to do is understand our power to change this.
You know, we're talking about a handful of people in full knowledge manipulating the lives of billions.
What are we doing?
Well, that's why you've written the new book, uh, Mankind Get Off Your Knees.
Yeah, Human Race Get Off Your Knees, it's called.
It's just out and the subtitle is The Lion Sleeps No More because within us is a lion.
It is the real human being being suppressed by the human being that has been programmed to think it has no power.
The human being to fear authority, to fear the consequences
I don't
They add the chemicals of the water to sterilize you and give you cancer.
We have all the government documents we've covered.
Even Fox News reported yesterday that Maryland has banned the Bicenol A that they're putting in the plastic products that does sterilize men.
I mean, the White House science czar admits they're doing this.
You are under attack, too.
And David, you've talked about compartmentalization.
We need to get the police and military to realize even if they consciously see themselves as on the winning team and part of the New World Order, they're not.
They are seen by the New World Order as an even bigger enemy than the general public in the globalist documents we've gotten.
This is a point I think is very important to stress to those in uniform and to those in the dark suits in government who are serving this system while not actually instigating it.
They're serving it.
You have no power.
I don't care if you're in the military.
I don't care if you've got how many stars on your uniform.
I don't care what level of the police force you're in.
I don't care if you're doing roadblocks.
I don't care if
You're pulling people off the street.
I don't care what you're doing.
You have no power.
Your uniform has the power.
Take your uniform off, okay?
Put it in the wardrobe.
Where's your power?
Go and get another job without that uniform.
Where's your power?
You have no power.
You are employed to animate that uniform, which is an extension of the state,
And that's all you are, and therefore you are expendable.
While you give your soul away, while you give your mind away, while you give your morals and decency away, advancing this fascist dictatorship, you will be okay with the fascists that you're serving.
But your children and your grandchildren have to live in the world you are creating.
And one day you're going to have to understand that and I don't envy you that moment because it's going to be horrific when it dawns upon you the world that you've actually created.
The people in uniform and the dark suits that administer the system while not being the originators of it, they have to start breaking ranks, okay?
Get some backbone, open your mind, look at what's going on and get some fricking backbone before you administer and impose and enforce
Yeah, you're not going to have to wait now for your kids to be destroyed.
And David, very well said there.
I want to try to keep you five minutes into the next hour before Sheriff Richard Max, so we have as much time as possible to go over issues.
But I really do see the denial lifting.
People, a lot of them don't have
I don't
Resistance is victory, and it's understanding the enemy, and it's everybody speaking out.
You know, one little cricket isn't very loud, but you get a field of those, it is a deafening roar, and we're a lot bigger and more powerful than a cricket, and we've all just got to do little things every day.
I think?
So many people that have become powerful off their system call me, contact me, talk to me off record, and they say, I wish I would have known this.
So many people that even work for the system are compartmentalized, and now through my broadcast, your work, and others, they can finally see the larger paradigm around them from the cog that they filled.
And so by getting that full-spectrum analysis, they can then see the full-spectrum dominance that the globalists have built.
I mean, Rothkopf, who we had on the show who wrote Superclass,
I've got two words to say.
Indra Arnason.
Who's come out and done so much great work exposing what BP are doing in the Gulf of Mexico, and how the whole cleanup stuff is a sham, how the fishermen and other people are being exploited and treated appallingly.
Now they've lost their way of life.
They have to search BP.
And BP's not sending them checks.
That was... Yeah.
She is a shining light of what can be done.
A few days ago, a week or so ago, she was a mother.
And now, she's standing up to these people and doing a magnificent job.
And anybody can do it.
It's just... And if they arrest her, it's gonna backfire.
And if they arrest her, it's gonna backfire.
Yeah, of course.
And, you know, no one said it was going to be easy.
I mean, this is the question.
Are we going to draw the line now, Alex, and take the challenges and sacrifices that that takes to say here and no further?
Or are we going to wait a bit longer until they get more and more control and try to do it then, when this agenda is further down the road than it is now?
Or then a bit further, and then when are we actually going to say enough?
You know?
Because, you know, it's like
That famous phrase by the Christian pastor after Nazi Germany, first they came for the Jews and I was not a Jew, so I did nothing.
Then they came for the trade unionists, I was not a trade unionist, so I did nothing.
Then they came for the communists, I was not a communist, so I did nothing.
You know, this is about all of us.
It's not about one group of people, one income bracket, one race, one religion.
We're good to go.
Well, the human race is getting up off its knees and that's why the system is howling with anger.
Let's get into the police state and the minutes we've got left, David, and I want to hold you five over if you can do it.
But, I mean, the police state, it's even shocking me how fast they're moving.
We have now discovered just today, this is unbelievably important news,
That all over the country, not just New York, but Illinois, you name it, the military, Marines, Army, National Guard are arresting citizens nationwide with police.
And this has been going on for several years and I wasn't even aware.
Now they're putting it out on TV like it's a good thing.
I mean, again, I didn't even know the magnitude, David.
This is incredible.
Yeah, and it is what I call over the years the totalitarian tiptoe, where you're at A and you know you're going to Z. But if you go in too big a leap, then people look up and say, what's going on?
Because the change in your society is so blatantly obvious.
So they do it in steps.
But of course, the nearer they get to the goal, the steps get quicker and quicker because it's a simple equation.
The more you centralize power, the more power you then have to centralize even quicker.
And that's why the momentum of centralization and dictatorship gets faster and faster.
Because the more power you have, the quicker you can push it on.
The more power you have, the quicker you can push it on.
And this is why we've reached the point now where they've
And they use every new crisis as a way to say no media, no local officials, no one's allowed, you know, you're not getting your checks for the fishing we've shut down, you know, you're not allowed to have a gun, you're not allowed to protect yourself, and we're like, where's the law?
And they said, we don't need any stinking law.
Yeah, what they've done in a series of steps, getting faster and faster, is take away the checks and balances, the checks and balances, the checks and balances.
They did it most blatantly with the checks and balances they took away to stop the free-for-all in the financial markets, the financial industry, and look what that led to.
And every single time one of these checks and balances has been suggested to be taken away, every time the people that could have stood up to that and thought, well, you know, I'm not even, can't be bothered all this, I have no power to do that, what can I do?
Then they have played a part in where we've reached now.
So can we learn from that, please?
Say, OK, we've made mistakes in the past when we didn't stand up to what we should have stood up to.
And so we better learn from those mistakes now and start standing up here.
Because if we don't, then it's going to be a lot more difficult down the road.
David Icke is our guest.
We're going to do five more minutes with him, and then Sheriff Richard Mack's coming on, and I've got a few other key quick questions for David, but the time with him has sure gone fast.
The new book is, of course, available at DavidIcke.com.
Our books, videos, materials are all available at InfoWars.com, and supporting the type of work we're doing is so vital.
You don't need to be told that, do you?
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
All right, we're in the final hour.
We've got Sheriff Richard Mack coming up after this break, but David Icke is our guest for another five minutes.
During the break, I said, what do you think is most important to finish off with?
And he said, Albert Pike's letter.
And I've read his book, Morals and Dogma.
Of course, this letter is reported to be at the British Naval Museum.
He was a Confederate general, the founder of the Klan.
A British agent trying to break up the U.S.
with the Civil War, and all of that's been confirmed.
But this letter is just amazing, the way it predicted everything they've done.
So go over some of that letter, the three phases, in the last five minutes.
David, go ahead.
Well, Albert Pike, who of course was a massive, massive Freemason, an absolute Freemasonic god.
His statue is in Washington, D.C.
right next to Washington, D.C.
police headquarters, which is quite appropriate, I would say.
We're dealing with Freemasonry.
And it's alleged that he wrote this letter to a guy called Mazzini, a very infamous Illuminati operative.
And he predicted in this letter three world wars that were coming.
It was alleged to have been sent or written in 1871.
And the First World War, he talks about the overthrow of the Tsars in Russia and making the country a fortress of atheist communism, etc.
He talks about bringing the British and Germanic empires into the war.
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the fascist and the political Zionists, and he talks about things that happened then.
But the point that it leads to is the Third World War, which really, I mean, I've been saying for years that's the plan, which it is.
And the description in the letter of the Third World War is absolutely describing the period we're going through now.
The Third World War must be fermented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenteur of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the Muslim-Arabic world, and political Zionism, the State of Israel, mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.
We shall unleash the nihilists and atheists.
We shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere the citizens
We're good.
...will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement, which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
And he talks about the fact that they're going to make, in effect, the global society so full of turmoil, so full of upheaval,
That the people will turn to the few, the cabal, and say, save us from it.
And the cabal will then say, well, to do that, we must do this.
And we know in 1919, these are confirmed, Lord Milner repeated it about creating a Germanic super state to start a new war.
And we know they used World War I for the League of Nations.
We have the Carnegie documents about World War II being engineered.
I mean, this is real.
Yeah, I mean, Milner was the head of a secret society in London called the Roundtable, which spawned the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
It spawned, of course, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, eventually.
And David, we're almost out of time.
Do you agree?
House of Rockchild is at the absolute center of this in the human world, if you like.
And Dave, we're almost out of time.
You've agreed to come back on sooner rather than later.
I'd like to keep you on the next month because a quickening is happening.
But do you agree, briefly, we are on the cusp of what could be World War III?
They are pushing us in that direction.
Oh, exactly.
That's always been the plan.
Three world wars to change the world to a global fascist dictatorship.
We do not have to play their game.
It's time to say no.
No more.
David, amazing.
I look forward to speaking to you in the near future.
Let me say bye to you during this break.
Sheriff Richard Mack with solutions on taking back our county.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, for the next 52 minutes, we're joined by Bill Still.
I remember I was already awake.
I knew what was going on.
I'd been on the air about two years.
And I saw the documentary film, The Money Masters, and we played clips on it over and over again on my radio show and my local access television show.
I started out here in Austin and we sell the film.
It's over three hours long.
The Money Masters, how banks create the world's money and use it to take over the planet.
And the banks, by the way, are run by eugenicists.
So that's why it's even more dangerous.
I think?
Really a secret message about the banking cartel.
Well, I know it's not a secret message and the film explains that.
Actually, it's a play from the 1890s that exposes.
In fact, I've actually read the original play.
It's very similar to the film, but admits it's about the Wizard of Oz and the bankers behind the curtain creating the fraud.
And getting rid of the gold standard and the Yellow Brick Road.
So the film exposes these scallywags, these Ponzi scheme operators, who have now brought us to the point of world government run by them through their fraud and the devaluation of the dollar.
And so it's important to expose what they've done, but it's also important to expose alternatives to their predatory financial black hole system that is designed to destroy societies.
And this film is incredible.
It just came out on DVD.
We've got it.
It's available at InfoWars.com.
The Secret of Oz.
We'll put the shopping cart image up there for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
And you can get 25% off the Money Masters when you order it with
I don't know.
And it has solutions.
So it shows you who the enemy is, what they've done, and the alternative.
And people are now, more than ever, ready for this information.
So get the new film at InfoWars.com.
I want to play the little four-minute trailer, or part of it, to The Secret of Oz.
Then we're going to go to Bill Still, the amazing filmmaker.
Here it is.
What's going on with the American economy?
Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing, and it looks like this may only be the beginning.
What can government do?
The sad answer is, under our current monetary system, nothing.
It's not going to get any better until the root cause of the problem is understood and addressed.
There isn't enough stimulus money in the entire world to get us out of this hole.
Well, you can't borrow yourself out of debt no more than, like I said before, you cannot drink yourself sober.
And so we're going to have a massive, massive recession, or let's call it a depression, while the economy rebalances away from a service sector economy towards a good producing economy.
But could it be that all these problems were foreseen a hundred years ago by L. Frank Baum, the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
Well, the principal and most powerful symbolic reference is, of course, the Yellow Brick Road.
And the silver slippers.
In the book version of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's slippers are made of silver.
As opposed to in the film version, where Dorothy's slippers are made of ruby.
You take away the silver slippers on the Gold or Yellow Brick Road, and all of the other symbolism tends to be lost.
Well, it's no secret to any American that we're living in very precarious times.
Americans are being robbed blind, and they don't even know who's doing the robbing.
Our government should never go into debt.
It doesn't need to go into debt.
Our government can issue the money it needs.
Nobody in the government, in either party, is looking at solving the debt problem, then the answer is, it's going to go into a depression as far as the eye can see.
We can't get from where we are to where we need to be without a severe depression.
The government's mentality in general seems to be, we'll do what we have to do and we'll worry about paying for it later.
But what you could do is pay for it now.
In other words, you don't have to pay for it later.
You don't have to pay for it with debt.
You can just pay for it with money.
Nobody's even talking about the debt problem as such.
They're talking about the fact that, gee, the bankers aren't making enough money to live in the way that they're accustomed to.
Remember, all this money we're giving them is at interest.
Money we are borrowing to give to the banks.
Then these very same banks have the audacity to loan this money back to us at more interest.
In 2009, the interest we paid on the national debt in one year was more than we spent totally on the Iraq War.
This system has got to go.
Why haven't we heard this before?
Because most of the media and Congress are beholding to the big banks for loans.
Yes, Congress still appropriates money, but where do they get it?
Again, what they can't raise from taxes, they borrow from banks.
In 2009, Congress will spend over $4 trillion, but they will have to borrow half of it.
The worst part is, we aren't just giving the money away, we're borrowing it to give it away.
I think we need to reconsider and rethink, perhaps, the very foundations of our economic and monetary system.
You want a new cause to embrace?
You want to do something good for humanity?
How about one simple reform that will fix most of the bad things in this world, like hunger, poverty, disease, and misery?
This is the ultimate civil rights struggle.
Humankind's escape from serfdom.
The solution is the secret that's been hidden from us for over a hundred years.
Alright folks, that's part of the trailer.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You can get The Secret of Oz or get the Money Masters with it if you'd like.
Again, InfoWars.com or 888-253-3139.
You can also write to us at PO Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And remember, just because you've known this for decades doesn't mean others do.
And now the world is falling to these bankers who are able to just take over the planet with all this fiat currency.
This message is the stake that can be driven through their heart.
It literally is the silver bullet that can kill the werewolves.
It is the holy water that will burn Count Dracula's face off if you will get it and get it out to everyone you know and have viewings and give copies to members of Congress and get aggressive.
The Secret of Oz by the amazing filmmaker Bill Still.
And Bill, it is so great to see your work over the last 15 years.
I was going from memory, but you corrected me.
It was 1900 when this original novel came out.
Go over the time period they were having then with the bankers, what the novel itself covers versus the film, and why your new documentary is so important.
Oh gosh, well there's a mouthful.
Al Frank Baum wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1900 as a result of the failure of essentially the Greenbacker movement to capture the presidency when William Jennings Bryan ran for president in 1896.
Bob saw that the movement was dying.
He saw that the bankers and their gold money system was winning.
And so he wrote The Wizard of Oz just as though he was firing a flare up into the night of history, hoping somebody somewhere down the line, generations later, would catch on to what was going on and pick up the banner.
And that's what I've done.
Alex, the inspiration for The Secret of Oz came from you the last time I was on your show.
I had never heard this before.
Wow, I didn't know that.
And so you went and did the research.
And to correct one more thing, I support gold and silver because fiat currencies can be debased.
And at the time, the bankers were using the hoarding of gold to manipulate the market.
So it's not an all or nothing.
You believe in a fiat system issued by Congress
Which will be able to pay off the debt and truly empower the population.
And I think your system is a great system because now the bankers have hoarded all the gold.
And once they're done killing the fiat system, if we go back to a gold system, then they'll have the monopoly all over again.
Well, it's funny, I saw Peter Schiff on TV just yesterday or the day before, and I love Peter Schiff and Ron Paul.
Let me say that right up front because we agree on 95% of the stuff, but, you know, I just think they're dead wrong on the whole gold thing.
And Peter Schiff was asked, well, gee, if you believe that gold is the answer, well, then the United States is in great shape because the U.S.
Treasury owns so much gold.
And Peter kind of goes, well,
Yeah, but it hasn't been audited recently, and they all poo-pooed that, but that's absolutely correct.
Fort Knox was unloaded in the late 1960s and early 1970s, even though the Treasury still keeps this massive amount, thousands of tons of gold on their books, but it's not there!
So, there's just a tremendous amount of disinformation on this whole thing.
Well, let's go over the facts and how the monetary system works briefly and where the bankers have taken us, you know, at this point.
And then let's get into the solutions that are in your film.
But I think the allegory of the wonderful Wizard of Oz is the best place to start as your film does.
We're about to go to break, but let's start getting into that right now.
The parallels in the book.
Well, like it said in the trailer, the biggest piece of symbolism is the silver slippers on the yellow brick road.
Dorothy's slippers were only made to be ruby in 1939 when the film was made, because that's when the technical process was new, and so they changed the silver slippers, which is what it was in the book,
We're good to go.
All right, stay there.
We're going to go to the Emerald City, the man behind the curtain, all of it, straight ahead.
Stay with us, folks.
This is key information.
The Secret of Oz, straight ahead.
If you go back to the founding of this country, they were fighting fractional reserve bankers and money manipulators.
Go back to Christ's time, just fighting the money changers.
Now you go study ancient Chinese history, 3,000 years ago they were having revolts over this, the manipulation of money.
If you look at Abraham Lincoln, and before that, Andrew Jackson, it was all about the banks.
The Wizard of Oz is about the banks and money.
This is the issue, because if you let private groups control your issuance of currency and credit through different manipulations, you will be a slave.
What did Thomas Jefferson say?
Have we ever let private banks and the corporations that grow up around them control the issuance of currency and credit?
Our children will grow up homeless on the continent their forefathers conquered.
This is what we're talking about, and Bill Still, the maker of the new film, The Secret of Oz, he is such an excellent filmmaker, such a great researcher.
Continue, you've gotten up to the silver slippers on the Yellow Brick Road.
Well, let me continue with what you were just saying.
And yet, all of these things throughout history have disappeared from history books.
So you have to ask yourself why.
And the reason is that the banks control so much through loans.
And that's why I have a friend who was just laid off from a major television network and he's so mad at Morgan Bank because it came down to whether this TV network was going to pay the interest on their loans
Or they're gonna lay off, like, the top 20 or 30 execs in this TV network, and so they laid off the execs.
So, you know, that's how banks control the media.
They don't necessarily have to own them.
But if, as long as you're mortgaged out to the max, any business that's mortgaged out to the max can't go against the bankers.
That's why you see, essentially, rule-by-banker in this country right now.
It happened for hundreds of years when farmers would start revolting and speaking out.
The banks would just call their loans.
Which is why it's so amazing that we have, and we'll talk about it later, this wonderful example of a correct banking system with the State Bank of North Dakota.
And another thing that you said, this is such an important issue.
As I pointed out in the trailer, this is the ultimate civil rights struggle.
This ability of bankers to loan governments money.
The absolute total solution to this is government borrowing should absolutely be forbidden by every nation on the planet.
Nations have... Governments don't need to borrow like Lincoln and Kennedy said.
They issue the currency.
It's backed up by them.
That's right.
That's exactly right.
And that's their most sovereign responsibility, according to Abraham Lincoln.
Not defending the nation, not doing this or that.
It's to have control of the money system.
That's the most important thing of a nation.
And it's to the point where we've reached debt saturation.
Let me interrupt.
This is a short segment, a long one coming up.
And you can roll with all your great info.
But Bill,
Even a lot of our listeners probably go, you mean the government borrows money from bankers, but it says U.S.
No it doesn't.
It says Federal Reserve Note.
Well, that's why you always see people saying, oh, the government's printing too much money.
They're not printing it.
They're borrowing it.
That's twice as bad.
Explain that in layman's terms.
The government is not printing money.
It's borrowing money by the issuance of U.S.
Every single dollar in your pocket is created as a debt in this country.
It's the debt money system.
That's what they try to hide.
That's why they try to have their politicians continually say, oh, we're going to pay down the national debt.
Well, you cannot possibly pay down the national debt because to eliminate the national debt would be to eliminate your money.
To eliminate a portion of the national debt would be to eliminate a portion of your money.
We need to go to a non-debt money system where the government issues the money debt-free without the interest.
It's the interest that
That's killing us.
And that's what the Constitution says their job is.
Congress shall control the issuance of currency and credit.
But I watched Bernanke before Congress telling Ron Paul, you're not allowed to even know what we're doing because you're not supposed to be involved in it.
I mean, this is completely 180 degrees the opposite of the truth.
That's exactly right, and it boils down to a question of whether you want bankers in control or you want Congress in control.
Despite the fact that Congress might be corrupt, etc., etc., government is all we've got.
It's a blessing from God given us to try to control the banking establishment.
That is the essential
Yeah, if we had a real government like Thomas Jefferson, Kennedy tried to block him, they killed him.
Look, look, you need honest, fair money as the agreed-upon mode of exchange, and then goods and services and ideas are what have the value, instead of this parasite economy waging war against the real economy.
Notice it's the big mega-bankers that fund all the eugenicists and the fake environmentalists, and it's the carbon tax they're going to use.
To destroy our society.
They are at war against real wealth.
It is a black hole that you mathematically cannot pay back.
And that's what your film explains.
These people, it's either us or them, ladies and gentlemen.
Bill Stills, our guest, Secret of Oz, available on DVD at Infowars.com.
You get it right now.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GN Radio Network.
This is the end, beautiful friend.
This is the end, my only friend.
The end of all your love, friend.
Love's the end.
Boy, this is fitting music.
On this 2010 July 4th that's coming up, we're at the crossroads, the total end of our republic, absolute bondage to offshore money-changing corrupt banks, being conquered fully and bankrupt as a tool of poverty and control.
Or a crossroads to bring them down and bring them to justice.
And the momentum is starting to turn against them.
I mean, when do you think you'd see my articles being quoted in major Australian newspapers in the Drudge Report?
Like Dollar Plunge, after a UN call to ditch Greenback, replace it with a new global cashless SDR.
I don't
I think?
The film that I'm in, that we're carrying, Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, How to Take the States Back, The Counties, The Sheriffs, How to Peacefully Take Our Nation Back from this Corporate Takeover, I'm promoting it.
That's also available at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139 or write to us at PO Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
But before we go back to Bill Still, I also want to tell you about a few of the sponsors that made today's radio broadcast possible.
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It's all available at acolablue.com or 800-691-6043.
Okay, going back to Bill Still, the maker of The Secret of Oz, if we just let these bankers
Bill, put it this way and then let's get back into the film.
I've read and scanned over and had Ron Paul on yesterday the Banker Reform Act that's passed the House and the Senate but they have a different version so it's, they say it's going to pass in the next two weeks.
It's in conference right now for those that just tuned in.
Even the Washington Post admits, but said it was a good thing, that the Federal Reserve will be given near-complete power and autonomy to take over any financial institutions they want.
There's smaller competition, state banks, local banks.
And there is $600 trillion in derivatives, and this will fix it.
TARP did a year and a half ago.
I mean, it's incredible.
So the group that's engineered this, let's give them even more power.
So it's not just, you know, we've got to beat them now.
If we don't expose them now and give real solutions, they're going to use the crisis they created for even more power.
Yeah, it's ruled by banks.
I mean, this isn't going to fix the crisis.
For example, a June 25th Newsweek article by Michael Hirsch put it this way, the bill, quote, effectively anoints the existing banking elite.
The bill makes it likely that they will be the future giants of banking as well, for all time.
For example, do you know who the biggest investor in BP is?
Oh, yes, Goldman Sachs.
Oh, J.P.
Oh, they were the biggest, but they dumped some of their stock right before, I forgot.
Right, well, you know, and everybody's jumping on Goldman Sachs.
I mean, they should get a lot of blame, but J.P.
Morgan, in the derivatives mess, is like 50 times bigger than Goldman Sachs.
Dwarfing Goldman Sachs.
Morgan is the center of this whole black hole.
And also, I want to say something else.
I just came back from a trip to Sweden, Germany, and Iceland, and I do want to talk about Iceland.
I know you had Berejta on a couple days ago, but you're big, and there are people in Sweden and Iceland right now listening to this program right now.
Your name is well known over there.
Well, worldwide, people are waking up thanks to your work.
You certainly helped educate me.
How many years ago did the Money Masters come out?
Uh, it was 14 to 15 years now.
I just happened to mention that there was some type of symbolism related to the Wizard of Oz, and I'd never heard that before.
I couldn't believe how somehow I had missed this.
And so I jumped on the web and immediately saw that this had been the talk in economics academia for about 20 years.
And so I said, oh yeah, this is the perfect vehicle, because to me, the Money Masters, well, I've always been looking for a way to re-film it, because we did it so long ago, it was even before digital.
I mean, it was filmed in Hi-8, for example, and it's just getting, you know, a little worn out looking, if you ask me.
And also, it's too long, and I couldn't figure out, you know, how can we do this in a shorter format so it's a more effective political tool?
And that's, I think, what we've done.
Here, we filmed The Secret of Oz on HD.
Well, I mean, the Money Masters is an authoritative classic, and it's deep in history and the whole system.
I mean, I can't believe you're kind of knocking your masterpiece there.
Well, I just, I think this is a more effective political tool.
I mean, it takes somebody pretty dedicated to sit down for three hours and 23 minutes, you know.
Now this, you can sit down and spend 100 minutes and get the same story.
Well, it does.
I mean, it does look crisp because it's shot in high def, but I mean, I just got to commend all of it because I know I'm instrumental.
But I am the type of guy that will sit down and watch C-SPAN for three hours, so I guess I get your point.
But you travel all over the world for this.
Let's talk about some more of what the film covers.
I want to say something first of all about uh... I want people to be hopeful here and uh... you know I think the good part that's going on right now is these guys always get way over arrogant with their power.
I think Obama
The whole Obama thing, they've totally overplayed their hand.
They're trying to bite off way too much.
The American people is way hip to this whole thing, and they're going to crush him.
The bad news is, although we might win, we might push a lot of the bad guys out... The bankers have wrecked the hell out of us.
We might push a lot of them out of the next election.
That's still not going to fix it unless we fix the monetary system, unless we fix the debt problem.
We're never going to fix this under the current scheme of things.
We have to go at the debt money system and the ability of the banks to create 98% of our money.
And you went to Iceland to show how the same groups are robbing them.
Same groups in Greece.
Look at Greece.
They're telling them, you've got to give up your pensions, everything.
Germany, Spain, Portugal.
And the people don't owe this money.
And then on top of it, if you look at the case of Greece, 600 plus islands, their roads, their infrastructure, having to give it to the very private banks that set them up.
They should be arresting.
We'll never beat them in those two countries.
There's only two countries where we have a shot, and that's the United States and Iceland.
I've been in Iceland.
The reason we have a shot there is because the people are mad.
Iceland is the home of the Vikings.
They're very proud of their country, and they are mad right now.
You know what I found out once I got in country?
That not only were their interest rates indexed to inflation, but
Yeah, the bankers wrote it just to rob everybody.
Describe what you saw on the ground in Iceland.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
There's now a movement that has sprung up, which goes out and surrounds a person's house that's about to be foreclosed on, and they've been very successful.
An absurdist party just took control of the capital city of Renkovink, called the Best Party, and we formed a monetary reform working group.
When we're over in Iceland, or help to form it, and we're presenting an idea called the Best Bank, based on the Bank of North Dakota, to them next week.
We have an excellent chance.
I spoke to three members of parliament when I was there.
We have an excellent chance.
I'm bringing about a right money system in Iceland, because these people are so mad and so fiercely independent.
And I urge you, Alex, and everybody in the sound of my voice, to support Icelandic products at this point, just to help them, to be sure that Americans are going to support them in this effort.
And the way you can do that is you can go to the Nordic Store, nordicstore.com.
Whole Foods also carries a lot of Icelandic products.
And, you know, buy Icelandic, buy Icelandic.
Yeah, because they are literally the Alamo in the fight against the bankers.
They are the front line, and they are standing up against this evil when every other country is falling.
Yeah, that's right, and they're one of the smallest economies, and so it's going to be a battle royale, but they're willing to fight it, and America has to support them, and the way we can really support them is to buy their products.
Well, as you said, time is running out for the bankers, but...
They have already ruined our economy so badly.
Briefly describe, because I know you have this at the end of the Money Masters and a similar plan in this one, a very well-researched program to extricate ourselves from this fraudulent money system and get back on a constitutional system that built this nation.
Until the bankers took over in 1913, we had almost zero inflation, sometimes deflation, with our currencies, our savings were strong, and on average a 10.1% yearly growth rate in the economy.
We don't have that anymore.
So, we built our nation without the income tax that came the same year as the Federal Reserve.
You know, that's part of the Communist Manifesto these bankers created.
That's right, the bankers created communism to sucker everybody back into slavery.
Communism is serfdom.
Globalism is treason.
I mean, let's go over your plan, the plan to rectify things.
Well, basically you have to eliminate the ability, number one, job one, is to eliminate the ability of governments to borrow.
National debt should be absolutely illegal.
And there's a couple of approaches that we can use to do that.
You can create debt-free money, issue it from Congress.
Uh, issued into the economy as the new money comes in and we pay off the national debt with the new money, we gradually raise bank reserve requirements.
So at the end we have no national debt and we have banks only able to loan out money they actually have.
That way banks no longer can create money
And only the government creates money.
We don't want to eliminate commercial banks, just as they've done with the Bank of North Dakota.
The State Bank of North Dakota works in cooperation with the local banking community.
The local banking community loves them.
The State Bank of North Dakota kind of serves as a mini Federal Reserve, completely outside of the federal system.
This model can be used in every state in the union, and can go a long way towards eliminating every state deficit in this country.
I urge everybody to go on the State Bank of North Dakota website, and probably in every state in this nation right now, there are people in your state attempting to bring about, in the state legislature, the State Bank of North Dakota concept.
Find them, if you can't find them, start your own group.
That's the thing that... Let's look at the other side of this.
Because of industrialization, because of technology, we could all be living like literal kings.
And when you read what Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, the UN, Club of Rome, they all finance it.
They say, we want carbon tax to shut down the industrialized society.
They know
They've dolled up their neo-serfdom and feudalism as something beautiful and good.
So if we don't stop them, their goal is to make us debt slaves.
I mean, these are premeditated, wicked people.
Can you speak to your research along that line?
Their goal is to return us to a state of serfdom, and that is the key fight through all the history of humanity, is whether or not humanity will be able to escape serfdom.
And that's why government is such a precious gift, because it is
The only thing that stands between us and serfdom, they want to eliminate that.
That's why they love to corrupt government and make government look bad.
And that's why Congress has such low ratings.
And they say privatize it, but that's another form of corporate governance.
See, we only see enemies as nations like Russia or China, but really it's a corporate takeover.
That's the treason.
I am for small government.
I'm for a republic that then guards us because we are the government and guards our freedom.
Centralization of power at every level is a bad thing.
Decentralization of power at every level is almost always a great thing.
And that's what the whole concept of state government in the U.S.
federal system.
Remain sovereign, that the states have plenty of power, and of course that's what Obama is directly attacking.
We have to decentralize power.
We have to get the U.S.
out of the U.N.
for the most part, get it out of all these international banking agreements, etc., etc.
Decentralization is a good thing.
Well, you're absolutely right, and I think people are beginning to discover that because I've seen the banks push a kind of fake libertarianism of, oh, see, government's bad.
Let us privatize it.
But that's not privatization to take roads we built with our money and then give it to bankers to put toll roads on it.
That's not free market.
Well, you know, another thing we could do in the interim period, this Tobin tax, is really a great thing.
That hits at the heart of the high-frequency trading.
If you just put a 1% tax on all of these high-frequency trades, you know, it could raise approximately between $5 and $7 trillion
But again, the income tax goes to interest of the bankers.
This is the tax rates just on the income tax in six months that go up.
10% bracket goes up to 15.
That's poor people, folks.
25% bracket goes to 28, 28 goes to 31, 33 to 36, 35 to 39.6, basically 40.
And they've gotten rid of most of the exemptions and they're raising all these other taxes.
I mean, and almost all of this is going to the bankers.
Well, you know, you're absolutely right in that we stand at such a critical juncture right now.
They're trying to seal their deal to make it impossible for us to escape, but they've way overplayed their hand.
And now we've learned the secret of prosperity, and that is just eliminate their ability to collect interest from us on our very money.
We don't have to rent our money into existence.
Stay there, stay there.
Final segment straight ahead.
The film is...
A lot of key news up at GCNLive.com.
Scientists amid chemtrails are creating artificial clouds.
Mainstream news.
Dollar plunges after U.N.
call to ditch greenback.
That's up at GCNLive.com.
We've got our Ron Paul interview from yesterday posted up at GCNlive.com and an amazing article, Popular Music is the Babylon System, another mainstream London Guardian article that Watson wrote about it, where they admit that world government and Illuminati is being promoted all over
The media, by Lady Gaga, everything.
That's all at GCNLive.com and of course backed up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'll be back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
and of course on Monday, but this Fourth of July, you know, I meant to get into the Declaration of Independence and I'll probably get into it Sunday, but everybody should read this because this is what the Fourth of July is all about.
And they understood the type of tyranny they were facing.
And quite frankly, it's nothing compared to what we're facing.
This is more scientific, dehumanizing.
The globalists admit they're transhumanists who want us to be feudal slaves.
They admit they're not going to give us any quarter.
They admit they want to bankrupt us.
I mean, they constantly brag about it.
But if we just put out the alternative to their tyranny,
They will fall, and that's why Bill Still's new film, The Secret of Oz, is so important.
Again, it's available at Infowars.com.
We've got four minutes left, sir.
Going out, you've got the floor.
Closing comments about your new amazing film.
Alright, well I would just boil this down to three quick sound bites as far as what to do, what to take it from here.
On the international level, support Iceland.
Iceland is our best shot to get a toehold for a correct money system in the world system.
Once we get it in Iceland,
Then I was in Sweden.
I could have pointed to Iceland from Sweden and Sweden would have paid more attention.
The way you do that is you go to Icelandnaturally.com, NordicStore.com, or Whole Foods.
It sells a lot of Icelandic stuff.
I don't
Uh, the, the state bank issue will come up.
Uh, what, what that means is that states no longer have to borrow them and no longer have to float bond issues.
They're totally saved all the interest payments and put it, their, their money is put more in their control.
On the national level, it all boils down to just one phrase.
One phrase fixes everything on the national level, and that's no more national debt.
If you eliminated the ability of the government to borrow, they would have to face the political consequences of spending immediately, because they'd have to raise taxes.
So that would solve everything else.
We'd have to eliminate the entire national debt, and that's my solution in three quick steps.
Well, I'll say it again.
There's no more time to screw around.
It's us or them.
The world government's out in the open.
They're telling you the solution is the same banks that ripped you off will now have a world government.
You'll pay carbon taxes to them and the dollar will be under its control.
Unelected bankers.
They've already got our banking system here.
Now they want to bring it openly to the offshore corporations.
And it's the magnitude of this.
I know a lot of people didn't want to believe it.
The media would demonize you a decade ago if you talked about the Federal Reserve being private.
And as Ron Paul and others have said, the globalists are now very upset because even though they were able to kill his audit the Fed bill,
It got massive co-sponsorship, and people are now at universities and everywhere talking about the corporate illegitimate takeover of America, and now the elite is being recognized as the enemy.
The puppet presidents, people are realizing, are just that, puppets.
Go ahead.
If I could say one more thing, and that's eliminating the Fed will not fix the problem.
National debt is the solution.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, I'm back with you.
This is Ted Anderson.
Actually, Alex is taking some much-needed R&R, building a studio, a television full blown-out studio like you find over at Fox and places like that.
Really working his tailbone off to make this message come to you.
And I need to say, I know he appreciates all of you for listening, and I certainly do too.
I've been very blessed to have Alex Jones as a partner in business for so many years, and I just need to say that he's been an excellent addition to the Genesis Communications Network, and I am forever grateful.
Much needed R&R though, his kids are growing up, everything's happening in his life, he needs to have a little time off, he's doing a Sunday, and then Monday through Friday show, it's just
A little too much every now and then you need to take a break.
I just wanted to get back to you.
I know I've got a lot of people that are asking me about this $600 reporting thing when you're buying gold in 2012.
Now leave it to the politicians to pass a healthcare bill
And then they take away our liberty.
Now they want to have a 1099 form and have a microscope on what we're buying, especially in the gold and silver market.
No thanks to Barack Obama and all the Congress that passed the health care bill.
You know, it's just one more huge cut against our liberty.
And for those of you who haven't had a chance to see this, it's all over the place on the Internet, but we have a hard copy of it.
There is a representative, his name is Dan Lundgren.
He's trying to pass H.R.
I suggest that you support this.
He has 80 co-sponsors.
If they do pass this thing, it'll strip it right out of the health care bill and we'll no longer have to worry about having the government have a microscope on our transactions for gold and silver.
For those of you who like to have the privacy, not have the government in their life and in their business, I mean, what do you think is next?
It's just terrible that they're doing what they're doing.
Again, Alex asked me to put this up for you, and I need to tell you, right now the frank is at $265, and we're giving you a full year subscription to the International Forecaster.
Here, Bob Chapman up here every Friday and he's talking about the economic conditions and once again, you know, you want to know more about this health care reform bill and how in the world do you get reporting gold and silver in a health care reform bill?
Well, it's there and you should know more about it.
So call us at 1-800-686-2237 and get your copy of this $600, you know, reporting
I don't
And it shouldn't be there.
The United States people should be able to buy with their money, if it's their money, without having to have the government, big brother, standing over their back trying to figure out what they're trying to do with it.
This whole show has been about today, about the Federal Reserve System, the national debt, and what the United States is doing to our currency.
And now they're trying to plug a loophole that makes it so they can watch to see if you're buying gold and silver.
Why do you think they want to know that?
You know, this Alan Wiener in New York is saying that the government does not have the power nor the control to come in and take your gold from you.
Well, I got news for you.
In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt did exactly that.
He paid $20 an ounce for gold and then raised the price of gold just months later up to $30 an ounce.
You know, it was $36 an ounce for gold.
And, you know, just a big hit to the people that turned in their gold.
It is just an attack on our liberty.
The United States people should not stand for this.
And, you know, let's not let this happen.
This Dan Lundgren's got 5141.
Call your Senator and Congressman.
Tell them you want to get that now.
And if you need a copy of this bill or what's going on with this, call us at 800-686-8000.
2-2-3-7 and get a copy for you and then pass it around to everybody you know.
We need to be able to trade a currency here in the United States without having Big Brother on our back.
Thanks for listening.
We have a really great show lined up for you.
Continue to listen.
Alex will be back very soon and you'll be able to hear the next part.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the Wall Street Journal is now reporting that they believe the United States will completely collapse by next year.
We're going to be going over that headline.
MSNBC has guest analysts on saying, buy guns, barbed wire, and farmland.
More and more people are sounding just like Gerald Salente, who's been predicting exactly what's happening right now for at least the last six to seven years with precision.
He called it in 2008.
He said by 2010 the stimulus would have run out.
By the middle of 2010 it would be clear that the establishment knew full well what was happening.
That's now unfolding.
And I have incredible news here.
We actually got the MSNBC script for the Rise of the New Right special.
They're going to be airing over and over again starting next Wednesday, hosted by Chris Matthews.
They lied to me, but I knew they were lying.
I told them, I said, this will be me cut into neo-Nazis and malicious, and you will demonize Ron Paul and Rand Paul.
And they said, no, no, we're just profiling you, and it's all friendly.
We want to know the Tea Party.
Well, I have the script.
None of what I said was in there.
Basically, it's all distorted.
Nothing about reaching out to the controlled left, explaining to them that, you know, the false left-right paradigm.
None of it.
It is worse than I thought, and the article is up on PrisonPlanet.com, MSNBC hit piece, smears Tea Party as neo-Nazis.
This is so important.
And so we're going to get Gerald Cilente's take on that, on the economy, on the Iran situation, the Israeli flotilla, all of it.
Really, Gerald Cilente needs no introduction.
I can look at our PrisonPlanet.tv numbers, our web streaming numbers, just the phone calls we get, the YouTube channel.
This is the most popular guest we have on a monthly
Monthly Basics
And he really doesn't need any introduction, but he is the Trends Research Institute, founded in 1980.
TrendsResearch.com has a long, illustrious bio.
Find out more at TrendsResearch.com or in the past interviews we've done with him at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Gerald, so much is happening, so much is unfolding.
Good to have you here with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
I've said this before, that in the mainstream media and a number of these talk show blowhards out there, they keep calling what's going on in America socialism, the ones that don't like Obama.
We've made it very clear that the merger of state and corporate powers, by definition, is called fascism.
So what we're seeing is first we're seeing the merger of state and corporate powers like never before, with the whole guise of the too-big-to-fails.
And look at the facts.
You go back to the early 1990s, the top banks, the top six banks, had about 15% of the action out there.
Now, the top six banks control 65% of all the financial assets in the United States.
So as we become more fascist, what you're seeing now is the squeezing of the little people.
Oh, those dangerous Amish, you have to really watch out for them.
You never know when their horse and buggies will be taking over another town.
And it's squeezed the little people at every end.
Look what they're doing to the small farmers, making it almost impossible for them to compete as they're becoming more popular.
Look at the numbers.
What is the IRS doing?
They're cracking down on the little people as they're turning a blind eye to the big corporations.
So that's what's going on, and as you pointed out, how the MSNBC did a snow job on you, they do it with everybody, in making the Tea Party look like as though it's a right-wing fanatical movement of right-wing nuts.
And it's the same story.
Let's go back over the history.
In 2007, in the Trends Journal, our top trend for that year, while Bush was president, was that we were going to see the emergence of major tax revolts.
What did they do?
They ignored it.
In 2009, the first Tea Parties in tow protests, tax protests, what did they do in the mainstream media?
They ridiculed it.
They said it was going nowhere.
And then, as they could no longer turn a blind eye to it, and it started gaining momentum, what do they do next?
They demonize it.
So it's a very familiar pattern.
We know where they're going, and they're not going to be able to stop it.
It has a life of its own.
Well, that's my next point.
We see three weeks of a hoax saying that Rand Paul wants to get rid of the Civil Rights Act, which he never even talked about, is not on his platform.
He said, no, I don't.
And they said, no, yes, you do.
And his approval rating went up.
In one poll was 16 percent.
It went up to 20 percent.
Another poll was 20 percent.
It went up to 25 percent.
He gained between three to six points in a whole index of polls after three weeks of 24-7, basically saying he was the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
So what does that say to Chris Matthews and others?
That's what I told Politico.
I said, look, if you want to hurt Rand Paul, endorse him.
You guys are shooting an empty gun.
More and more, there's less and less people that believe a word that comes out of your stinking mouth.
Of course, it's the same old Washington Beltway circle jerk.
Turn them on!
It's the same guys over and over and the same tired old faces saying the same old things.
The only people that are listening to them are themselves.
The whole nation is going in another direction.
Again, we'll only stick with the facts.
They ridiculed the Tea Party.
They said it would go nowhere.
The lefties hate them.
They've turned them into, you know, again, a stereotype that does not encompass the full meaning of the movement.
So just as they do, Alex, when there's a mass demonstration like the ones they just had in Greece.
Or the ones they have in the U.S.
They throw in the agents provocateurs to make it seem as though the whole thing is nothing but an anarchist movement.
They're doing the same thing by demonizing the Tea Party.
Sure, there are lunatics in there, unlike the respectable lunatics in the Democratic Party, like President Obama.
Who has sent more troops into Afghanistan?
Who has expanded the mass murder in Pakistan?
Oh, well, they're respectable.
Because, as you've heard me say, they're among the elites.
The Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Bullets, Bombs and Banks group.
They only do things with pinkies up in a dignified way.
They kill you with drones.
God forbid!
They would never have an AK-47.
So what they do is they make it seem as though the people of the movement are all out of their minds.
They're all head to the hills with pork and beans and barricade yourself in because the end of the world is coming movement.
Rather than admitting to the depth and breadth of this movement.
It's not going to be the Tea Party that really brings forth the change, but it's the first element of something very big.
I've said this over and over again, and I'll say it again.
It's the same sore to pop out to show us that the country is very sick.
That's right.
Yeah, again, it's the beginning of the second American Revolution.
It's underway.
The Chris Matthews, the Obermans, the rest of them are not going to stop it.
It's happening.
They can ridicule it all they want.
Again, it's the same Washington Beltway circle jerk.
You know, I go into these websites, you know, the liberal ones, like Raw Story.
Oh, they're so proud of calling themselves progressives.
Progressives, every day in there they have what Jon Stewart said, what Stephen Colbert said, how about what Bozo the Clown said?
They're clowns, that's it.
And these are the ones they look up to.
So the liberals look up
To the clowns, the Colberts, and the Stewarts, and they make fun of the rest.
It's incredible, and then the right wing thinks Sarah Palin's going to save them, but that's not going to happen.
And the other good news is every incumbent, whether Republican or Democrat, whether it's Arlen, Specter, or Grayson, they are all being thrown out by the more extreme.
The more extreme you are, according to mainstream media, because they're up on the hill like Buddha, pronouncing what reality is, the more extreme you are, the more the mainstream media demonizes you, the faster you get put into office.
You know, again, look at the people that just won the elections yesterday.
Oh, you're real fireballs out there in California for governor and senator, you know.
I mean, come on, look at these people.
What did this woman Whitman spend, $80 million?
Yeah, I mean, what are they?
What do they do so great?
What do they say that's so enlightening?
You put somebody in office to run against them, like a Rand Paul, that brought the Tea Party to a whole level that was never admitted to before, they can't withstand it.
So what do they do?
They take the cheap shots.
Look what just happened with this woman, Helen Thomas.
We're 89 years old.
Boy, do they beat her up!
Boy, do they show how tough she is!
They are.
And what did they do?
They defused the whole atrocity that Israel committed by boarding the Turkish ships in international waters.
Out of the news!
And instead, they hung 89-year-old Helen Thomas up as someone to show, don't mess around with them!
Yeah, that's right.
We'll put out the pasture.
Old Cal can't even stand up.
Darryl Salente, stay there.
All alone, a lonesome highway.
We're gonna come back.
Gerald Cilente is our guest on the radio, also simulcasting on television at PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
The entire next half hour, the first half hour of the next hour will be your phone calls for Gerald Cilente.
The toll free number to join us with specific questions for him.
You can also send questions to our Twitter account, twitter.com forward slash RealAlexJones.
And I'll also bring up some of those questions later in this hour.
But the first 30 minutes of the next hour, questions for Gerald Cilente.
I want to get back into what's happening with North Korea.
The media is saying, Ben Laden's now in Iran.
He's like a chess piece they move.
I mean, they could move him, I guess, to the Amish property they're trying to take right now and say, you know, Ben Laden's in a Pennsylvania Amish community.
We've got to drop nukes on them.
I want to discuss that, what's happening in North Korea.
But before we go any further, your trends forecast on the economy.
Investment banker, it's going to get nasty.
Buy land, barb wire.
That's CNBC.
Here's the Wall Street Journal headline.
Tax hikes and the 2011 economic collapse.
Today's corporate profits reflected income shift in 2010.
These profits will tumble next year.
Proceeded, most likely, by the stock market.
And North comes in the news today, Gerald, saying, Al-Qaeda's gonna hit!
We gotta put army on the streets!
Yeah, well, it is collapsing, and there's nothing that they could do to stop it.
We saw what's going on in Europe with the Greek tragedy, the trillion dollars that they just spent to help bail out Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and others.
And then we heard Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, say that this is only a temporary measure.
It's not going to fix the problem.
Of course it's not.
Put on more debt on top of old debt to revive an economy and then plus putting austerity measures into place.
So we're looking at the collapse of the crash of 2010.
It's going to happen before the clock strikes 2011.
Let's look at the facts, Alex.
As you mentioned, we said that in 2010 the stimulus money would start to run out.
Last week we saw the unemployment numbers come in.
They expected 150,000 to 160,000 jobs to be created in the private sector.
41,000 were created.
Out of 95, 95% of all the jobs created in May were census workers.
Temporary jobs... And to interrupt, Gerald, that's even using rigged numbers.
We learn at least a half a million people are fired and hired each month in the census and then counted as new jobs.
So even with cooked books, 95% are government.
And then they're going to be gone by the end of the summer.
Then what?
And I think what you're saying is what we're saying, and that is when all else fails, they lead you to war.
And just as we're seeing the ineptitude of the government by dealing with this tragedy in the Gulf with the oil spill, just as we saw their Katrina-quality rescue skills, just as they keep fighting losing wars on drugs,
Just as they fail to improve the education system with leaving no child left behind or any other scheme, just as they lose with health care reform, just as they lose with financial reform,
The military are losers, too.
This week we lost, what, 17 U.S.
troops in Afghanistan in a losing war that's costing hundreds of billions, that's going to cost more lost lives, and that's going to be a losing war at the end.
So, to divert our attention, Iran looks like the next war that they will start and lose
So that they can't admit to their other failures.
Gerald, the CIA, as you know, two weeks ago bragged to the Washington Post that they had put out fake bin Laden videos.
So that's now confirmed.
We already knew that, but now it's admitted.
Now they've got a known Israeli propaganda front saying that
Bin Laden is in Iran with no proof.
They're just saying this right on time for World War III with Iran.
Yes, and this whole Spring Trends Journal is the great war that the United States and our, quote, allies are leading us to.
Look, a couple of weeks ago, we saw the German president resign.
And why did he resign?
He admitted why they're in Afghanistan and that they're going from baby steps to ghost steps.
Alright, stay there, stay there.
Let's come back with the Great War with Gerald Cilente and he's saying he sees the total meltdown this year.
So that's less than six months.
Stay with us, this is Vital Infos.
This is the end.
By the way, in the last 30 minutes of the show today, I'm going to go through the Chris Matthews hit piece, because this is a new level in demonization and propaganda of Rand Paul, myself, and others.
I may even have to go into overdrive at the end of the show.
This is for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and InternetInfoWars.com listeners, because that information is so important.
But we'll probably have time to cover it during regular broadcast time in the last 30 minutes after Gerald Cilente leaves us.
Before we go back to Gerald Cilente and his incredibly valuable
Crystal ball level analysis.
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uh... at p.o box one nine five four nine austin texas seven eight seven six zero uh... and uh... order the books videos and materials and if you want to order by mail you can also call the toll-free number and ask questions about different specials and combos some of the films are as low as four ninety five apiece like loose change final cut okay enough of me here ranting about the documentaries let's go back to gerald solenti but speaking of solutions uh... you know i
I think Evergreen is the name of the game in really convincing people.
When somebody sees a film I made like Road to Tyranny eight years ago and everything in it came true, I found my older films are even more effective than my new ones sometimes because people can go, this guy, how did he know this eight years ago?
Or they can watch my first film made 13 years ago.
America destroyed by design.
And they say, how did this guy know this?
It's the same thing with the Trends Journal.
You know, it's great to get the latest Trends Journal, which is important to get on how they're trying to start a war, and how they're going to totally implode the economy soon.
But it's also good to get back journals.
So tell folks how they get a subscription to the latest journal, but how do they get back journals so they can really get an understanding of how important your view of the world is, Gerald Solente.
Well, our website, they could go to TrendsJournal.com and just request the back Trends Journals and we send them to you.
It's as simple as that.
What are some key journals from the past that you would recommend for people to order?
Well, you know, one of them in 2004, I came out and said that in 2007, we would enter, quote, the Great Recession.
So we saw it back then.
And we also saw back in 2001, we knew that gold prices would go to
Record highs and we call the bottom at $275 an ounce.
It's very simple to see.
And that was it was by knowing that they would begin to lower interest rates to 46 year lows.
So you can't keep printing this digital money.
Not worth the paper.
It's not printed on.
We're good to go.
But not anymore.
More and more people want the truth, they want the facts.
The motto, by the way, of the Trends Research Institute is think for yourself.
I don't tell people what to believe, and nobody tells me what to believe.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, who is Chris Matthews?
What has this guy ever done?
What is he, a PR guy?
For a congressman or a senator or something?
Before this?
I mean, they're nothing.
Tim Russett.
Everybody used to bow down to him.
Another PR flack.
That's all they are.
They're all yes-men.
There's not a man among them.
They all work in the Washington Beltway circle, jerk.
None of them stands up and stands out.
Even this guy, Bill Mayer, who, oh, you know, he's a wise guy, this or that.
I remember when he retracted his statement when he said the one thing you couldn't call the terrorists on 9-11 were cowards.
They're cowards.
The paycheck comes first.
There's not a man among them.
There's not a man in the White House.
There never has been in my lifetime, other than Eisenhower.
Well, I want to get into the war, and when you see the economy imploding in more detail, that's in the current Trends Forecast Journal.
But before we do that, we were talking during the break about how Chris Matthews, on a best night, has 500,000 viewers, and how medium-sized syndicated shows like this one have millions, several million conservatively, about a million more each week on the internet, about three million total.
Chris Matthews is a legend in his own mind, but because there's a teleprompter, because there's a fancy suit, because there's a bunch of reporters, still some people watching it think it has all this gravitas and authority, but that illusion is now dying, but Chris Matthews and others still think their propaganda is working, and that's a big deal that whoever they attack
Suddenly goes up in the polls.
I mean, don't these delusional monkeys get and understand that their free ride lying to people and bamboozling and scamming and hoodwinking is coming to an end?
Not until they get fired and the ratings keep slipping.
Look what's happened to CNN.
You know, I've just come up with a new pledge.
I'm not going on any more of these shows anymore.
I'm very selective.
And if any of them want to do it, they could come over to my place and they could interview me.
And they're not going to edit it.
We're going to do it live because I know the game.
I've been around a long time.
When you're in charge of the controls, like they are, you can make it look like anything.
So why should I give my valuable time up to them?
What have they ever accomplished?
What have they ever done?
They're broadcast blowhards and suck-ups to the political system.
So why should I go on their shows to boost their ratings?
Well, yeah, that's the headline.
CNN has lost more than half its viewers in one year.
They lost half their viewers the year before that.
I mean, they're going to be down to 50,000 viewers on their lowest show, 200,000 on their biggest, if the trend continues in six months, according to the Associated Press.
Their top show, Larry King has a million.
By the way, it's going to be a hot show tonight.
I talked to Ventura a few days ago, and I can now talk about it.
He's been on there with Oliver Stone, talking about New World Order.
So now they're forced to let Ventura and Stone on, who will actually talk about real issues, desperately to keep any viewers, so that's actually smart of Larry King.
You mean, is Larry King live?
Or Larry King almost dead?
I mean, come on!
You know, when are they going to try something new?
They're not going to do anything.
They don't want it.
I know the inside scoop.
They want no one with a personality.
They're white bread through and through.
It hurts the advertisers.
Let's get to the bottom line here.
A guy like me, I'm bad for business.
I'm telling people, don't buy anything you don't need.
I'm telling people that
You're going to keep buying stocks in a market like this as they bring out all these shills on CNBC and other places saying, this is a good buying opportunity.
Stocks are at a low.
Yeah, stocks are at a low.
They're at a 1999 low.
Remember they told you, Alex,
You know, you have to stay in it for the long term.
Hey, wasn't the Nasdaq in 2000 at $5,000?
And now it's touching $2,000?
What is the long term?
A couple of generations?
Oh, and how about those wonderful legacy stocks like Lehman Brothers?
And General Motors.
No, they don't want me on.
I'm not going on anymore.
I'm telling you, I'm very selective.
I get requests, I turn them down.
I don't need them.
Well, I've noticed I only see you now.
I notice the YouTubes I see of recent, because I don't watch TV.
I end up watching aggregate clips.
I don't watch a lot of TV, to be accurate.
But I notice I only see you on Fox, mainly, when it's live.
Yes, exactly.
I won't go on any tape shows because they do what they do to you.
They sandbag you.
You can do anything with editing.
And again, these aren't men.
There's not a man among them.
They're big mouths when they're in their little power bases, just like politicians.
The red carpet crowd, you know, they show up in these huge airplanes, you know, they salute, they walk down the gangplank, a red carpet comes out, they strike up the band and they have a parade, and they have all their guards around them, and the crowd is, you know, a hundred yards away.
Let's talk man-to-man over here.
You'll never get one of them do it, because they're little babies.
They're only tough in their own arena.
If they want to come over and talk to me man-to-man, we could have a man-to-man conversation.
They'll never do it.
There's not a man among them.
They're political suck-ups.
All of them.
Well, when you have a bunch of cowards running your society who say yes to everything, the worst is going to gravitate to the top, and they're going to become disconnected from reality, and they're going to destroy their own tyranny.
That's the good news is they've created such a tsunami of robbing and looting and stealing that Merkel two weeks ago had to put her own blocks in to stop the Wall Street and London banks bringing Germany down.
And that brings me back to, you got cut off by the last break and we went off into another subject because I went there.
Gerald, you're talking about war sooner rather than later.
You're saying you believe the full collapse will come by the end of 2010.
Give us the full breakdown.
Let's go through this.
The crash of 2010 is happening.
We saw it with the Dow taking a dive and continue to do so as the rest of the world equity markets.
The United States has spent, lent, and guaranteed $13 trillion to bail out this system, including bailing out the commercial real estate sector.
This has gone on worldwide.
The whole EU has done it with their cheap money.
Australia, the UK, Japan, South Korea, and China, of course.
But China could afford to do it because they have surpluses.
It's all running out now.
So now we're going to start seeing the collapse.
That's why gold prices are what now?
What, $1,200?
About $40?
That's world record.
World record in Europe.
World record here.
And the Europeans know the deal and they're going to keep buying more of it.
Then we're going to see more talk about war.
And that's how they divert the attention.
History is only repeating itself.
The same thing happened in the late 1920s.
Markets crash.
Depressions, recessions set in, social unrest builds, and what do they do?
They take you to war!
But we have to have nuclear war!
We have to have nuclear war!
I mean, they told us forget about Bin Laden for five years, but now he's in Iran!
They said so!
We've got to have nuclear war, Gerald!
Bin Laden!
And how about that Saddam Hussein?
Remember his weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda?
And remember the Gulf of Tom Kitten?
Remember the Maine?
Bin Laden was on the Maine!
Bin Laden was on the Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, Gerald, come on!
There are no conspiracy theories.
Yeah, you're right.
And you know, you were talking before, we were talking about these wimps.
Look at Obama, the cheap trick with him going out there.
I'm gonna kick ass.
Yeah, he's gonna throw sharp elbows on the- Well, the word on him is all he does is hang around in bathhouses.
So, I mean, this whole thing is a disgusting spectacle, and the people need to realize who's in control.
Remember the guys in high school and college that wanted to be the class presidents and the head of the student council?
The guys that, you know, were suck-ups, that were brown-nosers, that were never sincere, glad-handers, and only out for themselves?
The people that you couldn't stand, here they are.
And these are now our senators, our secretaries of this and that, our presidents.
That's all they are.
The same people we couldn't stand in high school and college are now telling us what to do.
And the reason they get away with it again, it's the red carpet crowd.
It's the pump that they keep showing the public.
I mean, you talk about going into Iran.
How do you see that unfolding?
A, and then B, you did say the stimulus would run out in 2010.
You called it the O-8 situation two, three years before.
You've called that accurately, and some of the other great economists we've had on have been accurate.
So that's what's scary is, is that all the experts are agreeing, and you can see, and now the mainstream media is finally admitting an implosion is accelerating.
And so, I mean, you're saying you see this really happening by the end of this year.
Clearly the economy's already on its back like a turtle that can't get up.
But, I mean, describe that in detail, how you see it unfolding.
Alright, first on the war.
Iran is talking about now bringing the ship into Gaza of relief goods.
That could be a conflict right there.
Israel is on the edge continually looking for an excuse, as is being reported, to invade Iran to knock out their nuclear capabilities at any level.
The United States keeps demonizing Iran continually.
And so we see something happening as a flashpoint, and of course it'll be a false flag.
We will put no credence in it at all if there's an attack against Iran.
That's the worst scenario.
And that's the one we think is going to unfold.
On the economic level, there are a million wild cards out there.
Europe looks like the best one now, but there could be a huge collapse.
By the way, Alex, every Saturday morning, you pick up the newspaper and buried in on the bottom somewhere is another five banks that fail.
All right, stay there.
We're going to come back with a segment on the economy with Gerald Cilente.
Then your phone calls are coming up for the next 30 minutes.
He's been gracious to spend this much time with us, Gerald Cilente.
And we'll also give you his website as well when we come back.
Of course, if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, you can see it right behind him.
But it's just such valuable information.
Gerald Cilente, I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
By the way, he is part of two of my films.
I appreciate him appearing in them.
One of the key analysts we have in Fall of the Republic and The Obama Deception.
Both of these films break down who the globalists are, how they set up the banking scam, how they're taking over, and what their plan was going to be into this year and the next.
So this is kind of a video trends forecast.
I hope you'll get them both at InfoWars.com and the new film we just released, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
Knowledge is power.
So important.
And it's also important in these rough times to support the alternative media.
That's a separate subject I'm going to bring up with Gerald in the next hour.
The open calls everywhere to shut down the internet, to censor talk radio, to have government licenses to be a journalist.
I mean, the system is in trouble.
Yes, the Federal Reserve is effectively bankrupt.
And what we're saying is that when there is a terrorist strike, and there will be, we're forecasting one of 9-11 magnitude, this time they're going to close the banks.
The last time they closed Wall Street.
But of course, the last time in 2001, you know, we were getting over the dot-com bubble bursting and the conditions were very bad, but nothing like today.
So they were able to lower interest rates back then.
Now they're at near zero.
I mean, I know they're talking about negative interest rates, but it's not going to work.
So this time, in order to stop the panic, we believe they're going to close the banks.
But the point being is that the banks are already in trouble.
There is not going to be a recovery.
It shows up in the job numbers.
And then you have these analysts saying, well, it's a jobless recovery.
Yeah, how about being almost pregnant, as I say?
You know, there's no such thing.
You have to create jobs with 72% consumer-oriented society.
No jobs, no consumption.
And then what we're looking at, as I said, as when they can no longer hide the failures, they take us to war.
And the war looks like it's going to be, at this point, with Iran.
And when it does happen, we don't believe the reasons they give us will be real.
It'll be a false flag, as it was with weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaeda, the Gulf of Tonkin, and others.
But, in the Gulf of Tonkin in 64, Bin Laden was there.
You know, that's another question.
Why are they getting so arrogant to have the CIA in Spy Talk, in the Washington Post weekly column, admit they put out fake Bin Laden videos?
Why is Handlebar Mustache Geraldo Rivera talking to the Marine Corps Colonel, admitting that our government has the troops growing the opium?
Before, they would at least lie.
More and more, they're going, yeah, we shipped the opium out.
Yeah, we're putting fake videos out.
Yeah, we won't tell you where the trillions in bailout money went.
I mean, it looks like they've almost shifted tactics to just, like, hiding it in plain view now.
You know, as I said before, these aren't the brightest people.
They're given too much credit.
They're losers.
Again, everything they touch, they turn to rot.
Whether it's education, healthcare, wars, environment, you name it, food.
So yeah, they're not the brightest people.
And look, the CIA is admitting that they're waging a war with these predator drones in Pakistan.
Since when did the CIA get into the war business overtly?
And since when is it not against international law to perform extrajudicial killings by killing, quote, suspected terrorists in sovereign countries by sending drones in?
So it's their arrogance and also possibly their ignorance.
Well, Gerald Salente, the Trends Research Analyst, the founder of Trends Research, is our guest for another 30 minutes.
We're going to take your calls, go to Twitter, questions, and a lot more straight ahead when we begin the fourth hour.
And, you know, we talk about this so much.
I don't want people to get mental fatigue when we're discussing depression and wars, because it's already ongoing.
It's going to get worse.
Wow, Gerald Salente saying he thinks they're probably going to stage an attack of some type as a false flag to go into Iran.
These are the times that try folks souls.
This is real.
This is happening.
And I catch myself all the time just kind of getting comfortable with the idea of depression.
Comfortable with the idea of World War III.
We need to get angry.
We need to get upset.
We need to get involved.
Gerald Solente, I want to take some calls, but when we come back in the next segment, I want to hear your idea for solutions, 9th, 10th Amendment.
We know where the globalists are going, but how you see the Tea Party movement
Unfolding into the wider Second American Revolution, 1776, all over again.
So that's coming up with Gerald Salente of Trends Research Journal.
But let's go to Chris in Indiana.
First question for Gerald Salente.
Go ahead, Chris.
Gerald, Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Question is, with the oil volcano going on in the Gulf of Mexico right now,
I read an article this morning where the PSI coming out of that hole could be 20,000 PSI or greater and they may not be able to cap it.
Can that event, being very catastrophic with the toxins, the fishing industry getting destroyed, the tourism, can that event cause the collapse to happen earlier rather than later in your six month prediction?
Uh, probably not.
It's a terrible event, but there are much bigger economic issues around it.
But the other part of that is that to get the people's mind off that, war will do that.
I agree, I agree.
They're using the oil as a nice distraction while they're getting their war ready.
And it would go back to when the oil spill first began, and then we saw that Times Square bomber pop up.
And the oil went out of the media.
And that's what can happen again.
So if there's a terrorist strike or a war or something of that nature, this thing will be flushed out of the news very quickly.
Yeah, they decide, but more and more they're losing control of the media, and we'll talk about their attempt at media censorship later, but look at Haiti.
200,000 plus dead.
Thousands, I've seen numbers, thousands dying a week.
The total collapse of society.
You don't hear about Haiti anymore.
No, you don't.
And again, this tragedy that's going on in the Gulf, it looks like it's going to continue going on.
And the implications are exactly what the Koalas said, are very far-reaching.
Whether it's the feed supplies, it just keeps going on and on.
The fish, the oysters, most of our seafood, oysters and shrimp is coming out of the Gulf.
I mean, the tourism.
I mean, this is going to decimate Florida and Louisiana and Mississippi.
And then they show the tidal forces.
It's going to go around Florida and up the East Coast.
And meanwhile, the feds are so tightly controlling this.
Now they're talking about using nuclear weapons to stop it.
I mean, this is insane.
Yeah, oh, the other part of the food chain is, you know, the fish meal and all the residue from the fish that are used for, you know, for feeds and for fertilizers.
So this thing just keeps going on and on.
But again, we believe there's going to be a 9-11 magnitude terror strike before this year is over.
And that the concept of war will become more and more of a given as we get closer to financial disaster.
And again, just turn on the news, look what's going on with the world equity markets.
Regardless of all this baloney you're hearing about being a good buying opportunity and profit margins are still very high, the collapse is coming.
Well said.
We're going to come back and go to Pete in Calgary, Alberta, Mark in Oregon, Mark in California, Greg in Kansas, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We've got only about 45 seconds, but what about media censorship, Gerald?
We're really seeing them start to hype that the American way is to shut down free speech.
Well, we heard President Obama say that in so many words when he warned about all these other voices out there that you have to be careful about because you're getting them over the internet and not from the mainstream media as though they're the ones that you should believe.
Let's finish up talking about the attempt at media censorship that's being promoted right now and then we'll go to your calls and a lot more.
Stay there.
But Gerald Solente, 9-11 magnitude attack sometime in the next six to seven months.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Oh yeah!
Big brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
Power number four!
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Trends Research, one word, trendsresearch.com is the invaluable Trends Research Institute website.
And Gerald Cilente is with us until the bottom of the hour, going to your phone calls.
Think of how un-American it is that they have Neocon from, and they have White House officials Cass Sunstein, Elena Kagan in her papers, which they've now declared basically national security on, or trying to block the full release of.
But the ones we have, she's saying, no Second Amendment, no free speech, the state can restrict whatever speech it wants.
If it's in the best interest of the state.
Sounds like Stalin.
We are the state.
We're the people.
First Amendment.
Open talk of taking over talk radio, the internet, the FTC, in the news, saying we want to fund mainline newspapers and TV with taxes on the internet and iPhones.
I mean this is an amazing development.
They finally realized they've lost all credibility, so now they're everywhere sending up trial balloons telling us how American it is to ban our free speech.
I mean, this is tyranny!
As they keep losing more and more control, they will exert more and more control.
That's what's going on.
They know they're losing it.
As I said, and I will say it again, the merger of state and corporate powers, just as you pointed out, by giving our taxpayer money to whether it's the media or the banks or the too-big-to-fails, is called fascism.
And fascism has come to America.
They will do anything they can to stop their loss of power, and they're losing it by the seconds.
Well, it's a criminal buy-off!
I mean, remember in Congress in hearings just last year, it came out that the Democratic Party went and looked at records, and if your Chevy dealership, one of them was set up in like 1916 in Minnesota in one case was on the news, if you hadn't given money to the Democrats,
And you were a Republican to show the infighting.
The government took your dealership, literally in one case, worth tens of millions of dollars, and gave it to a Democrat contributor.
I mean, this is Chicago mob, and now it's coming out that the White House Chief of Staff, who we notice is laying lower on the manual, that this guy, for years as a congressman, had a donor paying for his house in D.C.
I mean, ten years ago you went to prison for that.
Now they just say, hey, we're gangsters.
Yeah, the only people that go to prison and do hard time are we the people.
The word justice is misspelled.
It's J-U-S-T-U-S.
Just us, not them.
The game is rigged.
Again, it's Harvard, Princeton, Yale.
You mentioned Kagan.
What am I, a moron?
That the whole Supreme Court is stacked with Harvard and Yale?
The head of the Fed is from Princeton?
They're all better than we are.
Just us.
Not them.
We're the only ones that pay the fines, that get hit by the tax collectors.
You go through, you have two drinks, two glasses of wine, and they breathalyze you.
And if you're a half a meter over it, they'll handcuff you and throw you in jail.
Well, here's an article right here.
You know, I mentioned this and we're going back to calls, but at the start of the show, Amish farming draws rare government scrutiny.
And it says you would think with their simplistic living, they'd be good.
But no, the cows defecating is seen as pollution now.
And it goes on to admit that the feds don't even go inspect big, giant, dirty Tyson's facilities.
But now they're harassing the little Amish.
I see reports every week where they're arresting people selling eggs and watermelons on the side of the road with SWAT teams.
They're sending SWAT teams to little farmers' houses who get caught selling watermelons.
I mean, this is the most
I saw an article last year where a city council in Oklahoma is trying to pass a law that you have to have a license to have a garden.
I mean, these people are crooks!
What's happening, Alex, is the agricultural industry is understanding that a lot of people are buying family farm food and buying local.
It's eroding their profit margins.
By the way, as we saw with this oil spill disaster and we continue to see, they call it a revolving door.
People from business going into government and government going into business.
It's not a revolving door.
It's a wide open door and it's run by the big corporations.
It's not revolving.
So anytime they see a loss going on, they're going to clamp down.
They have the goon squads to do it.
They're going to clamp down on the little people.
That's why the second American Revolution is underway.
It's incredible.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Pete in Alberta, Canada.
All right.
You're on the air.
Thanks, gentlemen.
Some of the other cosmic forecasters like Arch Crawford and Cliff High seem to feel strongly that the collapse is going to start in July.
I'm just wondering two things.
If you might make your best guess on what the trigger event might be, and then whether the Eurasian Alliance is actually standing up against the Anglo-American Empire.
Or if they're just waiting to join together.
Is there a real split between Russia, China, and the Western powers?
And what do you see as a trigger for the total collapse?
As far as the alliance goes, it's all about money.
Whoever cuts the best deal are going to do business with each other.
They'll fight whoever they want.
It's all about money.
So that's the name of that game.
China's only interested in getting money.
And so are the Russians and so are the Americans.
They use democracy and human rights.
Those are phony issues.
What can be the trigger?
We believe it's going to be a currency trigger.
That's our best guess.
Whether it's the collapse of the Euro, gold prices skyrocketing could be one of the triggers.
Yeah, that's in the New York Times today.
They're admitting that gold going up is exposing derivatives and fake instruments of the central banks.
I mean, it's like holy water to Count Dracula.
So that's what we see it as.
Mostly a financial crisis in terms of currencies and defaults on bonds.
And by the way, why are these people so angry in Europe about paying the bondholders?
Who are the bondholders if a country goes to fault?
Yeah, the big banks!
That's the ones... That's right!
The taxpayer money goes into the country, 100%, I mean literally in many cases 100%, goes back out to the banks, and then the banks take the country's AAA rating away, because they had to bail the banks out, and the banks loan the money back to the country!
Again, you know, it's the same club in control.
It's all about money.
That's why I said, whatever the alliances are going to be, it's only about money, whatever the best deal is.
Well, from what I've studied, it's China, the U.S.
and Europe are teamed up, and Russia knows it's the odd man out.
I'm not saying Russia isn't corrupt, all these governments are, but Russia is the wild card for my breakdown.
Gerald, what's your take on that?
That's pretty fair.
But again, you know, the Chinese are going to go, they'll go anywhere.
And if they're not doing enough trade, they'll go where they get the most trade.
Look how they're moving into Africa now and buying up so much.
They're taking over everywhere.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark in Oregon.
You're on the air with Gerald Cilente.
Good afternoon, Alex and Gerald.
Great to speak with you.
I have a very quick comment and question for both of you.
Go, go, good, go.
And that is, I think I figured out why Osama Bin Laden and his lieutenants are hiding over in Iraq.
I think they're tired of being killed, don't you think?
They've died two or three times already.
And I'd want to hide, too.
I think I'd get tiresome after the first time.
But A.C.
Griffith, Alex and Gerald, who is a former NSA CIA worker,
He's reported over the last week that FEMA is amassing the infrastructure to displace or evacuate some 40 million people from the Gulf area as well as the East Coast as this oil disaster makes its way up the East Coast.
And he also reported, according to his information on a scientific level, that
Uh, it will drift over the Atlantic Ocean, this, this oil contamination, of course, which is really a dispersant contamination, isolating the benzene, which is very dangerous for health, all the way to Europe and then eventually around the world.
Well, no, that's what the, that's what the currents show from satellite.
Let me, let me get Gerald Celente's take on this.
Well yeah, I mean, I agree.
It could be a huge disaster and there may be a huge displacement of people.
This is kind of, this kind of fits into those prophecy things that have been made about 2012.
Well look at the volcano!
The last time they had a big volcano was the French Revolution.
The last time an Icelandic volcano did this.
Sorry, go ahead, you were making your point.
No, no, that is the point.
The point is that we're going to see one catastrophe after another, whether it's man-made, natural disaster, financial, environmental, it's all collapsing on itself.
And we've noticed historically, for some reason,
That, for some reason, natural disasters seem to follow times of implosion as well.
It's like my grandma- It depends on its own momentum.
There are so many other forces that we don't know about that are interacting to cause a confluence that we're looking at now.
That's why we're saying that 2010 is the breaking year.
Well, my grandfather told my dad, he wouldn't tell many war stories, about landing in Italy while Vesuvius was exploding, while they were being shot at, because he was in the Army Air Corps, but they were leaving North Africa and actually landing them in the landings, with the Germans shooting at them, with Vesuvius exploding.
And it's just weird how all that stuff seems to run together.
It's strange, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
Gerald Salente is our guest.
Let's jam in one more before we get a break.
Mark in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my question.
My question revolves around the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty, and I'm wondering how the Gulf Spill will impact the ongoing debate in Congress, and I'll take my answer off there.
Thanks, guys.
I'm wondering how the Law of the Sea Treaty debate is going on.
Yes, Law of the Sea Treaty moving through to turn the oceans over to the UN, which they'll then turn into a giant taxing grid.
Gerald Salente is our guest.
We'll be right back with him here in just a moment.
TrendsResearch.com is the website.
He is the leading trends forecaster in the world, and we're very honored that he spends so much time with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Well, the time goes by very quick when Gerald Cilente is our guest.
We appreciate him joining us at least once a month.
I twist his arm to come on more often because as things get more and more hectic, as the quickening accelerates, he's an invaluable source of information.
Let's go ahead and go back to your phone calls.
Up next is Greg in Kansas.
Greg, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex, if I can get straight to my question.
Mr. Solenti, could a possible way to mitigate the economic downturn be for communities who have their own currencies focused around silver?
You know, it's too complicated, and as I keep hearing about these communities trying to do that, it's not really the issue.
The issue is we need a productive capacity.
We have to make things.
We're 300 million people strong, and they've put it in our minds that we are unable to manufacture and do business with each other.
Well, plus humans aren't happy unless they're digging in the dirt or working on things or hammering nails.
We're meant to build things.
We're meant to pick apples.
We're meant to pick figs.
We're meant to be out getting chicken eggs.
We're supposed to be out there working.
Exactly, we've gone from a nation of craftsmen and manufacturers to clerks and cashiers.
Think of the word service sector.
Try servitude.
How about cert?
Does servant fit in well?
That's what they've done to this country.
So the productive capacity that we see, once again, current events form future trends.
We have this atrocity going on in the Gulf of Mexico.
How about a real alternative energy?
We spend $22 billion in today's currency
to develop the atom bomb and Bill Los Alamos.
If they were putting the energy and intelligence into having an alternative energy, that could be the kind of...
Even though taxpayers paid for it and isn't letting anybody have it.
It is a fact.
They are suppressing, as you know, just the Valhalla of energy.
Because they want us dependent on them.
And the other point is, look what got us out of the 1990s recession.
It was a productive capacity.
It's simple.
The internet revolution.
I mean, here we are on Skype.
Look at how the world changed since the mid-1990s.
Products were invented, designed, manufactured.
And now with cyber security, they say every IT person will be government certified, the entire internet and all computers will be under government certification for what you can build.
They're creating a new dark age there!
They've taken over healthcare, they're taking over the ranches, the farms, they're taking over the Amish.
These people are a bunch of crooks!
No they're not, they're fascists.
They're fascist crooks!
No, I agree with you.
It's just unspeakable.
Let's jam in one more call.
This is just incredible.
George in Connecticut.
Hi, Gerald.
You're on the air.
I think an idea I've had.
Why don't we have a simulcast of all the free thinkers like Alex and Gary Knoll that you've been on.
The guys that are growing an audience and that also have an idea.
Can you also give us the best battle plans to bring down these bankers and basically short-circuit this possible war they want to have?
Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do because we're almost out of time.
Gerald, I know I'm twisting your arm here, but can we go on a break and come back with just five minutes without calls so you can cover solutions?
Because I keep getting emails and calls off-air saying solutions.
Let's jam in one more call before we go to break, and we'll come back with five minutes of solutions, and I'm getting into other news here, because we've got to let Gerald go.
Okay, great.
He's got work to do.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Alberta.
Dan, you're on the air.
Hey, I'd just like to ask Gerald what he thinks about BP and Goldman Sachs selling their shares during the slower part of the year, and also if he thinks this Guantanamo Bay will finally be moved if Cuba is covered in oil.
And thanks for taking my call.
You know, that BP issue is very, very significant.
And, you know, I don't believe this guy Tony Hayward, the president, that little slimy cat out there, has sold, what, a couple of hundred thousand shares just before all this happened.
Yeah, he sold 35% of his stock days before.
Goldman Sachs sold 44% of his.
A record sale.
It's still coincidental.
Nobody's that great a speculator.
And the other... I mean, did you hear this guy?
VP will make it right, will fix it.
Who are they kidding with this stuff?
No, it's an inside job at some level.
It's all an inside job.
The only way you make hundreds of millions of dollars is being on the inside and knowing how the game is rigged.
So that's the way I see it.
Well, well said.
I mean, the way they want anybody to fix it.
Obama wants to get his carbon tax now.
And saying, oh, it's a tax to clean up the Gulf.
Total baloney.
We'll be back with Gerald Salenta to get some final solution points from him.
Stay with us.
Well, Ted Nugent is joining us here in just a moment.
Can't wait to talk to him about a host of issues.
But first off, don't forget that we are supported not by these big global corporations, or the New World Order, or the socialists.
We're supported by you, the listeners.
The news websites, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, the syndicated radio broadcasts, the films I make.
And plus, these videos are what are waking this country up.
All available at InfoWars.com.
The Obama Deception, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, The Secret of Oz, Exposing the Private Federal Reserve System, Don't Tread on Me with Sheriff Richard Mack, and How We're Going to Take Our States Back.
Key information that every sheriff needs to see.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are joined by Ted Nugent.
I don't need to really introduce him.
Everybody knows who Ted Nugent is.
But his latest book was the number one New York Times bestseller, Ted Nugent, Red, White, and Blue.
And we really appreciate him joining us, The Nugent Manifesto.
And he's also on tour right now.
The website is tednugent.com.
And, Ted, it is great to have you here with us.
Yeah, back at you, Alex.
Greetings from the Nugent family and certainly the band and my crew and all my guides and outfitters and all my hunting and fishing and trapping and NRA blood brothers out there.
We bring you a salute for staying true to logic, common sense, self-evident truth, and the American way.
You're doing God's work, man.
Well, thank you, Ted.
Thank you.
Before we get into all the things that are happening with Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama, the Arizona situation, before we get into all of that, the oil spill, you name it, tell us about the book that, of course, is a number one New York Times bestseller, now coming out in paperback.
Well, I wrote Ted White and Blue, the Newton Manifesto, a few years ago as an ongoing attempt, and a successful one on my part, to raise hell.
To actually have the audacity to participate in this sacred experiment in self-government.
I believe, Alex, that what is in the pages of Ted White and Blue, the Newton Manifesto, and certainly what you do on the radio every day, and what more and more people are waking up to the reality of, is that in order to earn
Your Americanism, you have to actually participate and be engaged in this very responsible and very critical duty of a self-experimented self-government.
I realized way back in the 60s when I was attacked on hippie rock and roll radio for not doing their drugs and not drooling and puking like all the other zombie dips out there.
And they would attack me for carrying a gun and believing in self-defense and hunting and fishing and trapping and all these perfect environmental positives that the Newton family celebrates.
Then I realized that, boy, the left are brain dead!
They're dangerous.
They literally celebrate the bad and the evil while I try to maximize the good.
So I started maximizing the good in an attempt to destroy the bad and the ugly.
And it's been very successful because I gotta tell you, Alex, I'm a gregarious guy.
I travel this country.
We have an incredible tour right now.
50 years later it's called Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead.
I got the greatest band in the world.
We're selling out every night all these years later and the positive energy
The goodwill, the decency, the logic that Alex Jones represents, the logic that is in Ted White and Blue, the Newton Manifesto, and my weekly articles on humanevents.com and washingtontimes.com, that I'm not the weirdo.
The left are the weirdo.
History has proven that everything Barack Obama stands for and is implementing has destroyed
We're good.
We're good to go.
Well, expanding on that, liberty and freedom and building our republic and saving it from the jaws of collectivism and globalism, this is not a spectator sport.
And that's what's so good about you, Ted, is I know you've been persecuted, but it didn't make you cry and go into the shadows.
It didn't make you sell out to these people.
You stood up to them and became even more successful despite the fact in the last three decades that you didn't submit to their propaganda and brainwashing.
And as you said,
You have now succeeded doing it your way as a true American, whereas they have failed.
You are popular.
Your message is stronger now, not weaker.
Their message is weakening by the day.
They are bleeding out like, you know, some wildcat that Ted Nugent's just blasted.
Well, you know, for years I've been attacked as being an extremist and a radical and out of control and to all those accusations I would like to plead alive on the Alex Jones Radio Show.
You're damn right!
I'm right, I'm an extremist.
I'm extremely free.
I'm not kind of free.
I don't have, I don't kind of have individual rights.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Paul Stevens, Sonia Sotomayor, you racist punk, Stephen Breyer, these subhuman anti-American punks in black robes in the Supreme Court of the United States who actually wrote, Alex, help me through this, if I have an aneurysm on your radio
Because we have four Americans, and I'm being generous with the term, who have actually written a Supreme Court statement that American citizens have no fundamental right to self-defense.
They didn't even say Second Amendment or keep and bear arms.
These four subhuman Supreme Court punks
I don't believe that American citizens have a basic right to self-defense.
I'm a creative guy, Alex.
I'm an imaginative guy.
I not only wrote Wang Dang Sweet Poon Dang, I mean it every night when I sing it.
But my creative juices pale and come to a screeching halt trying to come up with something more offensive, more anti-human, and for
Punk anti-justices on the Supreme Court who don't think American citizens have the right to self-defense.
I recommend they dial 1-800-EAT-ME.
Ted Nugent, I mean, this really is an act of treason, of sedition.
It's so dangerous.
I mean, Obama is now going to probably get a couple more justices in, and instead of them ruling that we have a limited Second Amendment, which is bad enough, they're going to rule we have no right.
And we know Attorney General Holder, in cases, has argued that he believes in the UN's policy
That Bill Clinton signed on to with the UNIDIR documents and the UN treaty that no citizen is allowed to have any firearm and that only the state can own guns as a quote power monopoly.
That's a quote the power monopoly of the state.
These people really are Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung rolled into one.
They know that political power goes out of the barrel of the gun.
They know that we will be we the people as long as we're armed as that ultimate check against tyranny.
And that's why they hunger and lust after our precious guns.
And I will remind them that in 1775 in Lexington and Concord, the war was kicked off that led to 1776 and the Declaration of Independence and July 4th and mom and apple pie and everything good about this country.
When the British came to take the guns and the ammo, and I remind them again, that the day they try to actually say we can't own our guns is the day they're in a lot of trouble.
They are a bunch of wannabe Joe Stalins.
They are criminals!
I couldn't have said it better myself, Alex.
God bless you for that.
That kind of inescapable historical evidence that you just articulated with the proper passion.
Alex, feel good today in 2010.
That spirit, that most critical and important American genetic trait of defiance is alive and well and growing out of the cesspool of apathy that allowed American citizens to bend over to the unforgivable degree to allow the Mao Zedong fan club into the White House.
And a lot of people out there are like, ah, Alex Jones and Ted Nuda, it's hyperbole.
Six of his R's have praised Mao!
Every word you say, every word I wrote in Ted White and Blue, the Nugent Manifesto, my weekly columns at HumanEvents.com and WashingtonTimes.com.
Thank you, Alex.
You've got to connect with my website, TedNugent.com.
I've got thousands of articles I've written that no one can argue with.
In fact, here's the beauty of it, Alex.
Here's what my critics do when they attack me, even on those websites, those conservative websites.
They constantly repeat the Saul Alinsky, Cloward Piven, Modus Operandi everywhere I write an article.
This is so beautiful I can hardly stand myself.
I'm more proud of what I'm about to tell you, Alex, than anything in my life.
Every time I stand up and write an article or speak at two interviews, the left goes berserk and they call me a draft dodger.
I did not dodge the draft.
I had a one-way deferment.
They call me a child molester and a sex offender.
I've never been charged with or convicted of any of those evil accusations, but based on the Saul Alinsky playbook that Hillary Clinton did her three season college on, they need to attack with the most vicious and hateful lies they can.
Ted, you should be proud.
That's a badge of honor.
Well, listen, I mean, they've had national TV and Chris Matthews claim that I'm calling for violence when I've never called for violence.
I've said we have a right to defend ourselves against criminals.
I mean, it's insane how much they lie.
But but shifting gears into another area that follows that line, I want to read you a quote here.
This is the definition of high treason.
Participating in a war against one's country, attempting to overthrow its government, spying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret services for a hostile foreign power.
Now, what is it?
By definition, to have Obama violate the 9th, 10th, and 11th Amendment.
The 11th Amendment says the federal government cannot sue a state or an individual on behalf of a foreign power or state, and cannot sue an individual citizen on behalf of a foreign power, state, or individual.
So that's the 11th, not just the 10th Amendment.
All the scholars have looked at it and said that all the Arizona law does is, it's a copy of the federal law, and it says if we have first contact with a drunk driving illegal alien,
Or if we come to a crime scene and they're an illegal alien with no ID, we're going to take them to jail.
So, it's okay to throw the book at citizens.
In Colorado, two days ago, a 82-year-old veteran was being robbed at his house.
They were stealing his vehicle, his trailer.
They tried to run over him.
He shot one of the illegals.
The illegal pled guilty.
The police released the wounded illegal and his cohort, and they're charging him with murder, and he's facing life in prison.
The border has collapsed.
Sheriffs are begging for help.
80 plus miles into Arizona is literally run by illegals.
There's signs up saying don't drive down this road, don't go on this national park, don't go on the state park.
Arizona's begging for help and Obama sends the feds in to sue him to block the state trying to restore law and order that is lawful and it's worse.
Senator Kyle meets with Obama and Obama says I want that crisis to get worse, to force through amnesty.
If that isn't high treason Ted Nugent, what is it?
Well, by all common sense and logic, the President of the United States and most of his czars, many of his administration, are guilty of all the crimes you just outlined.
Anybody who doesn't get that is either brain dead or have their heads so far up their asses not to have seen daylight that last century.
I believe that the good Governor Brewer is doing God's work in Arizona.
I believe that the good citizens of Arizona... I was down there when the good rancher was murdered by illegal invaders.
And that our government did nothing.
Did nothing in response to an American being murdered by Mexican invaders.
This wouldn't even qualify as a bad script for Planet of the Apes, Alex.
But I have confidence.
I'm on tour right now.
I've already done like 20-some cities and I've got another 40 to go.
And I communicate with the heroes of law enforcement, our border patrol agents, all arms of the U.S.
military, at every concert.
We have a little powwow, we drink a little ginger ale, and eat a little guacamole backstage every night, and we talk about the important issues.
And I believe that there is a growing activism, there's a growing re-engagement of we the people.
We are once again identifying the self-evident truth that is articulated and guaranteed in the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, certainly that America is based on the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, and in overall excellence being the vehicle by which you achieve the American Dream.
That's now starting to become a fist-pounding
Communication, a little bit more passion, more like Alex Jones would do, like Ted Nugent would do.
I see a growing fervor and a growing enlightenment and communication amongst families at the workplace, at church, at school, where we're starting to identify that the President hates America, that the President hates the American Dream, that the President of the United States is waging war
On the American Dream, Entrepreneurialism, and Excellence.
He literally is implementing policies that are clear and present danger, that are acts of treason, and I believe that come November, like we did up in Massachusetts and a few other midterm elections recently, the incumbents and the Fedzilla-crats, the corruption, the entrenched abuse of power that is rampant in our government today, is going to get a rude awakening
I believe that we're going to take this country back in a non-violent way.
I believe that the very fact that there are more guns per capita in the United States, more ARs, more ammo than any society in recorded history, Alex.
The statistics are irrefutable.
That that is an entrenchment statement.
Don't tread on me.
You better hope.
We take this country back non-violently because we can and we will, but the alternative will accomplish the same thing.
Well, the system knows that.
Law enforcement sent us the MIAC and Homeland Security reports.
We broke that back in January of last year.
And they're not worried about people wearing turbans in caves.
That's what they sell the public on.
The entire federal apparatus under Lord Obama is for returning veterans, gun owners, conservatives, people like Ron Paul, people even like the Libertarian presidential candidate that's pretty much milquetoast, Bob Barr.
They're saying if somebody has an American flag or get us out of the UN sticker on their car, that they want to kill cops.
I mean, this really shows the treason that basically those reports, if you boil them down, say that if you've got a portrait of John Wayne or Ted Nugent hanging in your house, you're a terrorist.
Yeah, it's phenomenal.
If you listen to the President and his Attorney General, his Secretary of Treasury, the entire administration, if you listen to 9 out of 10 bureaucrats out there right now, you literally are hearing, without flinching, their hatred for America, their support for illegal invaders,
They're intentional dismantling of this American dream, this American experiment of self-government.
So again, the Tea Party is but the tip of a cultural war spear that is being sharpened as we speak, Alex.
Again, I think the prognosis is better than it was a few years ago.
The line drawn in the sand has never been more obvious and more defined.
I believe that more and more Americans are waking up, that we have it, we the people,
are the cause of all this.
We let the rats into our house for the last 50 years, but it took a really stinking, communist, toxic rat like Barack Hussein Obama and his Mao Zedong fan club to finally wake up Americans that this man, this community organizer-in-chief hates America, and he would be just
Tickled pink if America turned into his Indonesian dream.
But we the people are waking up.
The Tea Party is the tip of the iceberg.
And I believe that we're going to vote these bastards out ASAP.
I believe that the next few years' elections are going to be a shocking wake-up call.
To these abuse-of-power monsters that trickle down from the President of the United States.
So, we do have to turn up the heat.
Anybody right now, Alex, in America who's not in constant communication with their elected officials, their senator, their congressman, their mayor, their government, their governor, saying, stop, attack, and burn.
Stop with this insanity of forbidding entrepreneurs from digging for the end.
The BP spill is but .000128% of faults by BP and the drilling industry, whereas the FEDZILLAcrats are guilty 99.8% of the time of abusing their power.
BP's the enemy.
FEDZILLA is the enemy.
Well, I mean, expanding on that, of all the oil companies, and I'm pro-energy, pro-cheap energy, and I am pro-drill baby drill, BP are the one oil company that pushed the carbon tax.
They're one of the biggest contributors to Obama.
They met with Ken Lay of Enron and Al Gore back in 1995 to come up with the carbon trading scheme, and I'm very suspicious.
Ted, of this whole thing and the way Obama has been blocking the relief effort, and not letting those skimmer ships and other things come in, and blocking the states from building berms.
I think he wants this to be as bad as possible, and he now admits he wants to get a carbon tax with it.
Well, I think your suspicions are well-founded, and I think that, again, Alex, the job of an American citizen is to remain suspicious.
To turn up the heat and the pressure and the probing and the scrutiny of our elected officials and our government constantly.
So I join you in that suspicion, but I was stating a statistic regarding BP's, you know, spill rate and their so-called accident rate.
I'm still not sure whether it was an accident or negligence.
I gotta tell you, you know, I've never been attacked in my home, but I got a gun in every corner.
I've never had a fire in my house, but I've got a...
Well, regardless, the rest of the industry shouldn't be punished for BP's bad record.
They do have the worst record.
I mean, that's communism.
They won't be punished.
We will be.
So, I mean, look, if my neighbor commits a crime, I don't go to jail with him.
That's communism.
Well, welcome to the Marxist fan club of Barack Hussein Obama.
Well, God bless you, Alex, for raising the hell that you're raising.
And I know your listeners are passionate, and God bless you being right here in the epicenter of the greatest republic in the nation.
I mean, Texas isn't perfect, but boy, at least my governor shoots coyotes.
Ted Nugent, we're almost out of time.
We've only got about four minutes left with you and then you've got to go jump on a plane.
But a few other questions that I wanted to raise with Ted Nugent.
While he's with us, TedNugent.com, our site of course, is Infowars.com.
What is your overall view on the government takeover of healthcare?
Now we're finding out it doesn't cover the uninsured.
Now we find out the insurance companies wrote it.
Now we find out the big offshore banks were involved.
Now we find out it's just another banker bailout.
Well, again, God bless guys like Glenn Beck.
I've never seen anybody spotlight more cockroaches than Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.
And he's bringing forth these videos and showing the statements, the unflinching statements.
By the Barack Obama cronies out there who have articulated that the takeover of the healthcare industry is merely one of their baby steps, although it could be a giant step, much like cap and trade and the taking over of General Motors and the Fedzilla intrusion into private business across this country.
That's all part of his market agenda.
You really examine the voting record of Barack Obama
Who is basically a clueless rookie whose only credentials is a community organizer, which pretty much any hippie could do.
The president's agenda is his czar's agenda, his administration's agenda.
Van Jones was thrown out, but Alex, we all know that everybody around the president is a Van Jones.
And they're putting on their shirt and tie, and they're backing down their extremist revolutionary rhetoric so that they can be more palatable.
Well, it's now come out that John P. Holdren wrote that he wants, just a few years ago, the complete transfer of our wealth globally.
I mean, these guys are very dangerous.
But my last question for Ted Nugent is this.
Ted, everybody I talk to gets the same intel.
And we see not just Democrats being voted out, but pro-establishment Republicans in every primary.
So it's the incumbent establishment people that are being voted out.
This is a political realignment
I'm 62 years old this year, Alex, and you're correct, I'm seeing a turbocharged awakening across this country, and most relievingly from the heroes of law enforcement and military, where I believe, and this is the deciding factor, Alex, and this is a great point to celebrate, that if the
Oh, there's a military term that I'll give you the first two syllables on your show.
It's a cluster.
It's a cluster-whack, so to speak.
That when and if...
These Mao Zedong fan clubbers in the White House and the czars and the administration of Barack Hussein Obama, if they dare continue down the road they're going, and if all hell breaks loose, I am convinced that the majority of law enforcement and the majority of military personnel
We'll be on the side of we, the people.
If that doesn't tell you something, that they voluntarily offer that testimony everywhere I go, that's an indicator to bring me great hope.
Because I believe that we're going to take back this country in a non-violent, voting way.
It's going to be a huge takeover.
You're right, the incumbents, they're all guilty to some degree.
We need to watch and make sure that we keep the good guys in there.
We got some good guys like Mike Cox and Mike Rogers in Michigan.
We got good guys here in Texas like Governor Rick Perry and some of the Republicans.
There's actually a few Democrats out there that still pretend they're not the same camp as Nancy Pelosi.
We wish them well.
But we the people are in charge.
And if we continue with the apathy, America's going to hell.
If we re-engage and function as we the people,
All right, Ted Nugent, thank you so much for the time.
He's on tour.
Find out at tednugent.com.
Thank you, Ted.