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Filename: 20100624_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 24, 2010
2766 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome fellow Infowarriors tuning in from across the globe.
It is Thursday, the 24th day of June 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
We'll be simulcasting the second, third, and fourth hour with the radio at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Judge Andrew Napolitano is scheduled to be popping in with us during the next hour to talk about government takeover of healthcare.
The new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan and her anti-Second Amendment, anti-free speech statements.
She'd be more at home in Nazi Germany via teleportation device.
The past, or in Cuba today, Lord Christopher Monckton will be joining us on the latest developments with the Neo-Eugenics Population Reduction Movement, the Neo-Feudal Surf Movement, known as the Environmental Movement, how their attempt to seize control of the entire infrastructure and enemy operations that they are engaged in.
And their attempt to seize control of the entire energy structure.
We will have Lord Christopher Monckton joining us coming up in the third hour today.
And then Officer Jack McClam pops in the last 30 minutes of the show to give us his take on what's happening with the oil spill.
So that is coming up today.
And of course, your phone calls.
I will be taking your phone calls on any issue you wish to discuss in this first hour.
Wide open phones.
On the McChrystal situation, the oil spill, the latest on Elena Kagan and her police state activities, the open announcements by the FCC, the Federal Trade Commission, and others that they are taking over the internet with a plan to end free speech, censor all web content, and surveil that warrants all activity in any digital communication system, including what you watch on television through these black boxes at the ISPs and in your home.
We'll be talking about it all today.
Obama may soon legalize illegal aliens by executive dictate or fiat.
Why not?
That's seizing control of the auto industry, many of the banks.
Why not?
And we've got a whole bunch of senators coming out and saying that's the scuttlebutt they're being told.
Pass open borders, pass the end of the United States, pass the North American Union, criminal integration, or we are going to simply legalize the 30 million illegals on our own.
GOP lawmakers warn of administration plan to grant amnesty to illegal aliens via executive fiat.
We've got another report here on that.
The Labor Department offers assistance to illegal immigrants facing wage disparities.
So, just total legalization already by fiat by the federal government.
They refuse to pick illegals up, according to the Houston Chronicle, who have committed murders.
They refuse to rapists, arsonists, just release them.
They will not deport them.
The Austin Police Department admits they pull a drunk driver over as an illegal alien.
They are released into Valhalla!
Not a citizen, not a milk cow, not a blood bag.
The vampire government sees citizens as blood bags, and the open border illegal aliens as kind of Renfield servants of Nosferatu.
In this whole takedown of the Republic, of course, they will become blood bags as well as soon as they've helped do their job.
But there are Renfield helpers who can come out during the day.
Obama may soon legalize millions of illegal aliens by executive dictate.
So we'll be covering what the hordes of Renfield servants are up to coming up.
Also, we're going to get into the economy.
Big poll, confidence waning in Obama, U.S.
His polls just continue to fall like a shooting star.
To the Gulf of Mexico.
And we'll also get into the latest situation with Iran.
War right on the horizon with the provocation of the Iranians saying they're going to run the Israeli-Gaza blockade and the Israelis saying they're going to start boarding Iranian ships.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Judge Andrew Napolitano coming up in the next hour, then Christopher Moncton, Lord Christopher Moncton, Jack McClam, earphone calls 1-800-259-9231.
Okay, let me just read to you from the top of the different stacks I have here in front of me today.
Obviously, you know Obama fires McChrystal, selects Petraeus to oversee opium fields in Afghanistan.
That's Kurt Nemo's headline at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And it's now public in the last year in the BBC and Fox News and the Associated Press that yes, our forces even help cultivate the opium.
Because if they don't grow it and ship it out to America, Al-Qaeda will and they'll get the money.
So that's a great new spin.
That's how dumb the establishment thinks the public is, that Al-Qaeda isn't a CIA front, that the Mujahideen wasn't created by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 79 to attack the Russians, to elicit their invasion.
It's all part of the record.
And so understand, this is a very important article, and that really is why we're there, is to get control of those key pipeline regions for Unicole and others.
That's why we have Mohammed Karzai, the former Unicole executive, being the El Jefe quasi-dictator of Afghanistan.
His brother, on record, the New York Times even admits this is the top narcotics trafficker in the nation, works closely with NATO, US, and British forces.
And so now Obama fires McChrystal, selects Petraeus to oversee opium fields in Afghanistan.
I've done some research, more research on McChrystal.
He was a special fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations before he was given really high-level command when he was taken out of special forces.
And he is a globalist, New World Order all the way.
He was instrumental
In the cover-up of the murder of Pat Tillman, the big NFL star who was the poster boy for recruitment, joining his brother in the Army and being part of the Rangers and then writing home about the opium production and how the war was a fraud and how he couldn't wait to get home and speak out against the war, and black ops said
That gets in the way of mission.
You are collateral damage.
And they claimed he'd fought Al-Qaeda up a hill and valiantly defeated them.
Turned out there wasn't any Al-Qaeda or Taliban for, you know, hundreds of miles in any direction, literally.
And that they'd gotten up close, shot him up close.
He'd hid behind a rock and begged and pleaded and even tried to get on a CB.
And they knew full well they walked up claiming they were going to give him aid and then shot him three times in the head at point-blank range.
So he was murdered.
And we've talked to the family and they believe that and they're on record saying it's covered up.
So everybody's putting McChrystal up there like some big giant wondrous hero who is going to save our society and he wanted more troops and he wanted to win the mission and Obama just couldn't handle a real warrior and was uncomfortable with him in meetings they had
McChrystal was chosen to play the hawkish end of the spectrum and call for 60,000 troops, so Obama could play the other end of the false choice and say only 30,000.
Now, Obama had already sent 45,000.
There was literally no fanfare on that, and then it was a false debate about, so the left would be pro-war.
Well, where was Obama?
He only wants 30,000.
McChrystal wants $60,000.
It's these theatrical events.
And two weeks ago, they had the stunt about a trillion dollars in lithium that's in the country.
And of course, that was in reports in the 80s.
That was in a World Bank report in 2003.
But it's that false idea of, you're going to get some of the Iraqi oil, American people.
Yeah, you're going to get some of the banker bailout money too, right?
And you're going to get some of the lithium money.
I guess maybe they'll take the lithium and put it in your water.
They've had studies to do that.
It's a toxic tranquilizer.
But other than that, that's the only way you're getting any of the Afghan lithium is in your water.
So sit down and shut up!
So it's all just being sold and pushed perpetually at you as
Diversions to keep you that small dwindling number of people that support it To feel like you have some skin in the game and that you're part of the soap opera that is Afghanistan So Obama is horrible George W Bush is horrible Mitt Romney is terrible McChrystal is horrible globalist CFR
Go read the CFR website.
I mean, he is a senior fellow.
They took him out of Special Forces when he was a colonel, sent him to school there for several years, and he is a CFR specialist, a globalist, a New World Orderite.
Now, it is true that they love Mr. Ph.D.
from the Woodrow Wilson New World Order School, globalist school, Betraeus.
General Petraeus, who does have seizures in public.
Hey, but that didn't stop Julius Caesar from conquering the known world.
He is their little heir apparent.
And you've got to ask yourself, why did McChrystal do what he did?
He's not stupid in talking to a
I think?
And so he is a real warrior compared to the person having seizures who's never been in combat, Betrayus.
Of course the globalists don't like a fourth-generation West Pointer who was in the Delta Force previously and sleeps four hours a night and eats one meal a day and runs seven miles a day.
I mean, they do not like that.
They would like to have Elena Kagan in a field marshal outfit with that giant jowl beneath her chin, and then she can come up and undo a spigot on the bottom of it and pour cream gravy out on chicken fried steaks.
I mean, that's their idea of a general is a pot-bellied woman who's about four foot nine with a jowl full of cream gravy.
And so yes, they're uncomfortable.
And yes, the aide, Anne McChrystal, talked about how uncomfortable Obama and these little mobster Chicago criminals are.
Because they're not disciplined.
They're running around snorting cocaine, partying, you know, carousing in Chicago, getting their homes and cars and apartments paid for by BP and Goldman Sachs.
You know, they're hanging out with Blagojevich.
They're a bunch of undisciplined, teleprompter-reading Harvard crooks.
Harvard lawyers, the same delicate geniuses that brought you derivatives.
So of course they hate someone who runs seven miles a day and sleeps four hours a night and runs around in the middle of the night stabbing and killing people in special forces.
I mean, they don't like BB guns, ladies and gentlemen.
They don't like rifles.
They don't like... They're afraid of anything.
I've talked about domesticated
A female reporter here with Chris Matthews to interview me, and she saw a firearm here in my studio.
In case anybody ever tries to bust in here and go postal on me, we're not going to just get down on our knees and beg.
No, God helps those that help themselves, and the woman started hyperventilating and crying and couldn't breathe.
This is the pre-programmed brainwashing.
This is the imperial conditioning that they put minions of the dehumanization through.
So, we don't know why McChrystal's gone.
He did a great job increasing opium production.
He did a great job angering the Pakistanis and Afghans to create an actual resistance, so the Pentagon has a pretext for the forever war, the never-ending war, you know, that'll definitely go into several decades in Afghanistan, a perfect system to dump
Uh, trillions of armament sales into every decade, hundreds of billions a year of oil and gas to be extracted, 500 billion a year in opium.
I mean, he was doing a pretty good job for him.
So maybe it is just thin-skinned, uh, you know, Obama.
According to Wayne Madsen, who I really trust, Obama, Bathhouse, uh, Hussein, Barry Sitaro.
I mean, it...
It just may be thin-skinned that they didn't like hearing some candid discussions about themselves.
But you've got to remember that it doesn't matter.
Matreus is a globalist.
McChrystal, the opium pimp, is a globalist on record.
Even army coroners went public and said there was a cover-up and that all evidence showed foul play and murder.
I mean, that's in the army report.
Because there were army doctors who refused to go along with the falsification of
General McChrystal.
And he was in command.
He was the man who would have given the order to pull the trigger on Pat Tillman, who'd gone from their dream poster boy to get all the young 18-year-olds out of high school to enlist for the meat grinder, to somebody who was saying, I'm not going to grow smack.
I'm not going to grow juice for people's veins.
I'm not going to be part of this fake war.
I'm coming home.
He'd written letters to
Anti-war people to his family.
He was coming home and they said, no you're not.
You're coming home in a pine box.
Pin my wings upon my chest.
Tell my mom I done my best.
McChrystal ordered the whacking of the soldier.
Tell my mom I done my best.
So I'm done talking about it.
It's a diversion.
The oil situation is horrible, is devastating, is obviously a false flag any way you look at it.
They gave the orders to Anadarko and to Halliburton, BP did, that they knew would cause a rupture.
The engineers are on record who took the orders and tried to refuse.
They had problems for two months.
The well had already ruptured.
That's all come out.
Now, we told you about it three weeks ago from the reports from the
Coast Guard, but in the last week it's come out mainstream news.
Reuters, BBC, AP.
And, uh, yeah, it's a big deal, but it itself is a diversion from the Iran situation.
We'll give you the latest developments on that front when we return after this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network, GCNlive.com.
I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made the grade.
Welcome, my friends.
Coming up, Judge Andrew Napolitano on a host of issues.
I'll be sure to bring this up with him.
Obama set to legalize millions of illegal aliens by executive dictate.
That's right, stroke of the pen, law of the land, kind of cool, as Begala said.
And this is what he's doing on the carbon taxes, it's what he's doing on the oil spill.
It's what he's doing on every front, seizing the auto industry, the bank situation.
So get ready for that.
Will the prostrate Congress stand up to him?
That is coming up.
Very, very serious treason.
I mean, that is treason.
If that isn't treason, I don't know what is.
Now, you know the former head of Mossad's calling for a strike on Iran.
You know that Benjamin Netanyahu
The Israeli Prime Minister is calling for it, saying they're going to intensify the blockade of Gaza, and that if anyone tries to get through it, they're going to get rougher with them.
They're going to intensify their response.
They were too easy, too lenient a month ago or so.
And continuing with that, Iran, of course, is officially going to send a blockade-busting ship to Gaza.
They say it is set to leave
Today, other ships left yesterday.
This is a whole bunch of other ships from Scotland and Ireland and France and Spain and Morocco and Iran, all steaming, all dieseling.
All sailing towards the coast.
Iran said it would send a blockade-busting ship carrying aid and pro-Palestinian activists to Gaza, feeling concern in Israel, where commandos were training for another possible confrontation at sea.
And then if the Iranians fire on them, the Israelis will sink the ship, and it will be a giant international issue.
Perfect springboard.
And Israel has three German-made Dolphin subs with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles in the
Persian Gulf openly!
This is going back two weeks ago in the Times of London and Haaretz and Jerusalem Post, saying they may preemptively nuke any day.
And the Israeli Air Force is training for bombing raids on hundreds of military sites.
Anything that could support the program, the nuclear program, whether you believe it's peaceful or not.
Power plants, water treatment plants, roads, naval forces, military forces, army forces, militia forces.
And of course, two years ago, the U.S.
battle plan was released by the Pentagon, including nuclear-tipped bunker busters.
They said, well, don't worry, this isn't your granddaddy's nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs.
This isn't your uncle's hydrogen bombs.
This is modern, smaller, low-yield.
But of course they do release giant plumes of radioactive waste ejected into the atmosphere and then raining back down to the jet stream across the world.
And if you live anywhere in California, Nevada, Arizona,
New Mexico, Texas.
If you look at the jet streams that come out of the Middle East and they go around the world, what happens in Iran and Iraq dumps directly in, generally, the jet stream varies from day to day, but generally dumps in right over New Mexico and Texas.
The toxic waste coming out of China, all of their dirty factories that have zero emissions controls rain down mainly in Texas.
It's interesting to look at the jet stream that goes right across the
All of you good old boys out there that are saying, nuke, nuke, nuke, green glass parking lot, kill, kill, kill, kill me some Iraners, Iraniers, Iranians.
Well, you're going to get what you want then.
You and your family will get to breathe all of the deadly fallout that will go up into the atmosphere at 30,000 feet and then come lovingly down into your cities.
A lot of people think there's so many allergies in Central Texas because of all of the plant and flora life around here.
We're supposedly the capital of allergies, but really that's exacerbated and causing, many doctors believe and allergists believe, by the fact that the toxic trade winds come from all over.
I mean, there's a bunch of different layers of bands around the globe of
of the jet streams, but the particular jet stream that goes right across some of the most toxic areas in the world, rains down right on me.
Why do I live here?
Why do I let my family breathe this?
Why don't I move to Montana?
Maybe I will move the entire operation to Montana.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Your phone calls are straight ahead.
And we'll get into some other news.
All right, let me hit some more of the top news.
We'll be going back into in more detail throughout the day when Lord Monckton joins us, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Officer Jack McClam and others.
You know about Maplewood, or Maywood, to lay off all city employees, dismantle police department, that's out of the LA Times.
But all over the country, hundreds and hundreds of counties and cities are laying off half of their police or more.
They're announcing they're not going to fix roads or sidewalks anymore.
But they're going to raise taxes.
What's wrong with this picture?
How did the cities get in a financial situation
Where now your taxes go up but then you don't get any of the government services.
Because the cities were sold derivatives by the central banks who are now making record profits.
This is a financial takeover.
They are treacherous, larcenous criminals.
And in so many cases you now see sheriffs and mayors saying, buy guns, arm yourselves.
In Ohio and other states.
In one city, they have 140 plus sheriff's deputies in one county, and they were cutting them down to 44.
And of those 44, most were administrative or at the jail, and three were designated as the shift.
One deputy per shift in the entire county.
All the rest for bureaucracy, all the rest for government compliance, all the rest to write tickets and suck off you.
Zero service.
And at least the sheriff in that town said, you better buy guns.
We are not allowed to help you.
We are only allowed to feed.
And the bankers have done this to hundreds of third world nations.
That's why they're third world.
The bankers don't want you having an engine of financial
Quarters based on our update of the broad index of U.S.
financial variables presented earlier this year by the U.S.
Monetary Policy Forum in the wake of our recent developments in Europe, increased stress in financial markets has pushed that index halfway back to its immediate post-Lehman crisis lows.
That's out of Deutsche Bank Peter Hopper's comments.
Biggest bank in Germany.
And they go to the 25 financial institutions most likely to default.
And it all will be consolidated down to one or two mega central banks.
Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, which of course own the stock in the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, the German Central Bank, the European Union Central Bank.
And they finance all the fake green economy behavior.
They finance all the new carbon taxes.
You notice that Australia got a new
Leader yesterday, and she swore, the last guy got thrown out because of his carbon tax, and they admitted on the news that the cattle farmers and sheep farmers would not be allowed to use the land anymore in over half the country.
Remember those newscasts we played, where the newscasts were saying it was good?
They said, yes, generations of farmers lived on this land, but they're no longer allowed to use it because all of this area is off limits because of the carbon footprint of cows and sheep's flatulence.
This is siege, shutting down society.
And she swears, she swears that she will ram it through.
You know, on a separate issue, I don't like to just get up here and bash police, because if we just do that, cops that are good,
And aren't going along with the police state thuggish, goonish directives they're being given.
Then psychologically feel alienated from the population of the country and so tend to gravitate into the gang psychosis that many police are under and that the system coaxes them to join
But every day without looking, I see mainstream media video, this one out of a New York courthouse, of the cops beating up a, quote, Army veteran of Iraq.
They always add that because they don't know what to do.
It's like, worship the police, worship the military.
Of course, when you're actually in trouble as a cop or a member of the military, they're not going to help you.
The system isn't.
But they point out that the cop beats him in the head with a billy club for literally no reason.
And then charges him, the video's up on Infowars.com, charges him with attacking the cop.
And then the cop lied and filed fake police reports.
Other cops filed it with him.
But strangely, the New York courthouse actually released the video and told the truth.
So I guess that's good, I mean.
But I've seen this over and over again.
I've had cops
Arrest me and then lie and talk about falsely charging me in front of me, laughing at me, but then not doing it.
Probably because I told him very calmly, okay, I'm going to sue you.
You're not going to get away with this.
I mean, I guess because I'm a media person, they think twice, but they get some average schmo out there.
More and more of them.
I mean, it is standard procedure.
For police to frame folks.
I mean, they'll even do it when they know there's a camera rolling now.
And that's a scary thing.
And it undermines the entire history of police in this country.
And it does create an us-against-them mentality.
And police need to speak out against this.
And this needs to be ostracized.
This type of behavior needs to be completely off-limits.
But instead, how many squad car videos have you seen or audio have you heard where the cops are so
Comfortable in their fraud that they they on the tape talk about how they're gonna frame somebody where they'll run into a woman or run into a man and Run into somebody on a bike.
Okay, this guy's a dead.
We're gonna say he pulled out in front of me.
Okay, or Oh, I just ran into the back of this lady.
I'm gonna go ahead and arrest her for DWI Now she hadn't drinking but we're gonna say she is.
All right, okay.
And the argument is, you know, you're on the cops' side, or you're on the, you know, the cops are outgunned, and everybody's out to get us.
This is what they say internally.
So we've got to go ahead and cut some corners.
Well, that's how you become Nazi Germany.
And yeah, police have a tough job.
I certainly wouldn't want it, but, I mean, you can't just stop, start framing people.
So I'd like you to go watch the video up on InfoWars.com.
It's New York City Cop Beats War Veteran Senseless.
The headline should be, cop caught framing man he beats, because on the local newscast, they admit, and the police are now charging the cop, the grand jury is, that he beats the guy up for no reason, hit him in the head with a billy club, over and over and over again.
In fact, let's just play the news clip, because I forget how many times they say he hit him.
Let's go ahead and play this news clip, and then I'm going to go to your phone calls.
It's just, what do we do about this as a society?
Here it is.
The video shows London repeatedly hitting Harvin, ultimately delivering nearly 20 blows.
The videotape was shown Friday at the start of London's criminal trial.
The incident happened in 2008.
Harvin has filed a $35 million federal civil rights suit against London and the New York Police Department.
London is also accused of lying about the beating.
Prosecutors say he submitted reports saying Harvin had repeatedly kicked and punched the officers.
However, the videotape tells a different story.
Yeah, all the black Iraq war vet does is the cop starts jumping on him and grabbing him by the shoulders and the arms and the guy literally just pulls his hands away, which is an instinct to do.
And it's like the police go, good, I've got a reason to beat this guy in the head with a baton.
I mean, you can kill people punching them, folks.
What is it with cops just
Especially New York cops.
You've seen the footage of them beating the guy for like five minutes and the legs bloody just for fun.
Beating him and beating him and beating him and beating him and beating him and beating him.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, I mean, if somebody really hits you in the head hard with a billy club one time, there's a good chance it's going to kill you.
And you see these cops hauling off with all the force they got.
But it is usually wimp cops.
I mean, it usually is little scrawny or pot-bellied cops who do this.
And I guess they just get scared.
Hey, if you're scared of everything and want to beat somebody with a billy club because they talk back to you, you shouldn't be a cop.
I mean, you really, they really shouldn't be hiring all these wimps.
Because most of the time when you see somebody shot in the back by a cop or you see a cop beating somebody to death or half to death, it's some weakling.
And look, I'm not here against, you know, people who aren't strong.
But, I mean, don't be a cop, okay?
I mean, if you're just scared to death, so scared you're gonna beat people for no reason and shoot them because you got something to prove.
We do not need people with Napoleonic complexes as police.
Who got something to prove.
Alright, I'm done talking about it.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Annie in Oregon.
Annie, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
I'm just very sorry to say that we only found you two months ago, but very glad that we finally found you.
And we're busy listening to your archive shows.
I'm glad that you're having Jesse Ventura on tomorrow.
And as you know, I'm sure you're aware of that Jesse's conspiracy theory show just kind of suddenly disappeared.
Um, after TruTV had some major advertising campaigns promoting it.
And I called TruTV back in, I think, March or April.
And I asked what happened to the show and I received a very unusual response from the gal.
And the gal started whispering on the phone.
She whispered and she says, uh, do you want me to tell you what we're supposed to tell everyone?
Or do you want me to tell you what we've been told?
And I said, well, how about both?
So in a whisper, she says that, uh,
Well, we're supposed to tell everyone that calls that his season is over.
And I said, oh, only after five episodes?
And she says, yeah.
But she says, actually, it's been pulled.
We can't show it on reruns.
It's been pulled from the internet.
And she says, we've all been laid off, and we're going to be gone within 30 days.
Well, I wonder if you knew any more about this.
And people answering the phone, I'm surprised you could get somebody at a major network on the phone.
They have hundreds of different programs.
Dozens and dozens of shows.
I would guess 40, 50 different shows.
Maybe 100 other shows they're doing in reruns.
And the way television works, and by the way, the lady that told you that if she did is mistaken, is that you have production houses.
That make TV shows.
For television.
And then it gets picked up.
Now, Jesse Ventura's show, and he was on a few months ago to announce it here, has been picked up for another eight-part season.
It wasn't five parts, it was eight parts.
And it got record ratings on the True Network, the highest ratings of any new show they've ever had, formerly Court TV.
Uh, and it's the number one reality TV network.
There's four or five of them out there.
And Ventura's show got record ratings.
It got, uh, roughly four times the viewers of, say, a Chris Matthews.
And if you count it together in the aggregate, more than 20 million people watched, um, each episode.
Around 1.8 to 1.9 watched it as it premiered, and then each show aired more than 20 times again.
And Aaron was just telling me he saw it about a month ago in Replace.
So, people will also, operators at places will also get real smart mouth with people and make stuff up.
But you know what, I'll ask Jesse about the show tomorrow, but you see, I'm a consultant
on the show and i don't know everything about it and you know i just simply answer questions are they they run people by me and i give them my feedback on them i mean that's basically yet and and and i'm really not supposed to you know talk much more about the show uh... as a consultant on it uh... and also someone who appears on it but but no the show is in full production
With a somewhat larger budget, not a lot bigger, and it is one of their top shows, and the president of the network is extremely excited about it, and that's all I'm going to say.
See, I take a phone call, and that just completely threw me for a loop.
Well, Ventura didn't expect the last eight episodes to air because, you know, in every case he comes out and discovers global warming's a complete fraud and a criminal operation for eugenics.
Or he finds out that harp is a weapon.
And the show's extremely popular.
And nothing like this has ever been allowed to air on television.
But the system is struggling to stay in the game.
To stay relevant.
I mean, that's why Chris Matthews and MSNBC, all they talk about, more than half their programming, is bashing Tea Partiers and conspiracy theorists and anti-New World Order people, I chief amongst them.
I mean, they're talking about me every day now on MSNBC.
Because they're scared.
They know my info is powerful.
They know we have more listeners and viewers on the web than all of MSNBC combined.
Go look at the numbers.
They are a paper tiger.
It's a joke.
Rush Limbaugh's got 22 million listeners, conservatively, that's on rated stations that are in Arbitron.
He's got a lot of affiliates that don't subscribe to the book so it's not counted.
His internet and other media aggregates show about 2 million internet listeners a week, so that's 24 million.
Sean Hannity, 12 million.
George Norey, 16 million.
Michael Savage, 12 million.
This show, conservatively, 2 million on rated-M and FM stations.
That's a conservative.
It's more like 5, okay?
But let's just say 2.
Another million and a half to 2 million on the Internet.
Exponentially growing.
Every week, listening.
I mean, Chris Matthews is a joke!
His top shows have 500,000!
It's a joke!
But see, they put on these big airs and they sit there with fancy teleprompters and fancy sets and have all these big star-studded guests.
It's all a joke.
Having a Nobel Prize is a joke.
It's almost like being a convicted child molester now.
You've got Al Gore, this liar, caught lying in Climategate.
You've got the war criminal Henry Kissinger with one.
And having a show on MSNBC is like having
A syndicated show on five radio stations.
See, with talk radio, you may have three or four choices in a big city, one or two in a small town, and there's only three or four networks.
So you've got an audience for talk radio of conservatively 100 million Americans divided between four or five networks.
We're the smallest of the five.
See, that's conservative, dividing up 100 million listeners.
Then you've got cable with 500 plus channels.
It's a joke!
It's a mirage!
It's a hoax!
Annie, I appreciate your call, but that person, if you did talk to him, told you a, uh, load of feathers, poppycock.
I don't know if they want me to mention the name of their publication, but it's one of the most popular in England magazines.
It's the equivalent of the British Maxim.
And I walk out during the three-minute break, and boy, I tell you, that music is fitting.
I didn't intend to play that Bob Marley song where he's talking about the Babylon system is the vampire sucking the blood of the children dry.
And I walk out and they've got up on the computer screen a London Telegraph headline, big money to be made in the adoption trade.
And they said, do you know about this writer?
And the photographer, you know, saying that they're having their awakening right now.
I mean, look, when my dad, who's a physician, told me when I was 15, don't sign the organ donor card.
The word is some hospitals will kill you if you come in from a car wreck and are viable because they're going to get your organs.
And I rolled my eyes and didn't believe him.
And then a decade later or so, there was a big national news story about him literally not giving people treatment to get their organs and their eyes and their blood.
To literally a sanguiae, suck them dry.
There are criminal guilds operating everywhere.
And they do it through government and corporate deniability.
You know, through these... I mean, it's kind of like Goldman Sachs and others selling derivatives, but then having their subsidiary insurance companies certify it is good.
And so they just legitimize this whole thing.
And like with like, these groups of criminals mash together
But I was just reading this article in the last minute about a young lady who has a child and was horrified to receive a letter that told her before she was even going to have the child that they were going to take the baby.
And then it comes out in internal documents that they just have quotas.
Well, remember the state senator up in Georgia who we had on, who was about to release all the documents about how they actually have head-hunting quotas for even five, six, seven, eight-year-old blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls, green-eyed, dark-haired.
Oh, there could be $600,000 for those.
And they're in the schools, and they've got their operators who get kickbacks, the principals, the nurses, and they'll call your little first-grade daughter in, and they'll
They'll look on her knees and if she's got a scuff from running in the playground, she will be grabbed by the CPS network and will be delivered to the pedophile people that want her within just a few weeks.
It's all real!
The pedophiles go to the grocery store and it's like we're tomatoes or potatoes, they just get us off the shelf.
And they send men in uniforms to get us off the shelf for them.
We are nothing but meat to them.
We're nothing but animals.
We're fed on.
And it's just like young women would get in the car with Ted Bundy.
Over and over again he was driving a nice cute little Volkswagen, non-threatening.
He picked it because it was yellow.
He was wearing a little suit.
He would act real friendly to them.
And they couldn't believe five hours later they were in a shack with him electrocuting them, biting bloody chunks out of them and torturing them.
Because he had a short haircut and was well-spoken and going to law school.
And, you know, he'd torture them for a few hours and kill them.
And it's the same thing.
I mean, you know, the government grows the opium in Afghanistan.
DynCorp Halliburton are on record running giant child kidnapping rings.
It even comes out in the Chicago Tribune.
No one stops them.
Everywhere the U.N.
goes, they're caught running giant child kidnapping rings, snuff films, production, opium, cocaine shipments.
Just total evil.
And so when the guys asked me during the break, they said, do you know about this?
Yes, I know all about it.
And, uh, you know, it's taken me a lot to be able to face up just to how evil all this is.
But the longer we're naive, the worse it's going to get.
It's kind of like Jews and others that were able to flee Germany, the few that could, who would tell people, look, they got labor camps, they're working people to death, they're killing people, they're shooting them in pits.
People said, oh, Hitler's not doing that.
Shut up, conspiracy theorist.
Oh, yeah, people who said they were Lacosa Nostra until 54 were called conspiracy theorists.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're into hour number two and he's with us for 30 minutes.
Joining us from the Fox Business Studios, he has the number one show on Fox Business with its premiere.
The number one show because he's the hardest-hitting contributor on
He's the one guy that I can agree with 99% of the time.
I don't agree with myself hardly 99% of the time.
I'll tune into something I said a week ago and kind of go, I didn't mean the way that sounded.
But Judge Andrew Napolitano is just amazing.
Multi-time best-selling author, former federal judge, constitutional lawyer.
He's with us for 30 minutes to talk about Elena Kagan.
The more we learn about her,
And on the coal plants, now he wants to do it.
We've got eight senators telling us, that's in Fox News and Reuters and other publications, that he may use an executive order to legalize all the illegals, which is pretty unconstitutional.
So we're going to talk about it all with Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Judge, good to have you here with us.
Pleasure to be here, Alex.
Thank you for the kind things you said.
You actually promoted me.
I'm a former life tenured state judge.
How about grand U.N.
State judge!
Kagan would like to have us under U.N.
control, she said so.
You know, it's frightening to hear that she has said those things and one can only hope that they were the musings of a young lawyer because if she still holds those ideas
That we should have judges like they do in Europe who can outlaw certain types of speech and compel certain types of economic activities.
That authority comes nowhere from the Constitution.
You and I have criticized George Bush who claimed that he got authority as president from some source.
He wouldn't say what the source was other than the Constitution.
It was absurd and almost every time he claimed that, the court itself knocked him down.
Now we have a would-be and probably will-be member of the court who is claiming that the court has authority from some source other than the Constitution and that they should use it according to their political predilections.
This, and this alone, is enough to block her from being confirmed.
But the Democrats have 59 senators I'm sure she'll get in no matter what she says.
Well what about the quote from her 93 law review where she publicly wrote that if we don't like speech we will quote disappear it and now Obama openly announces the internet electronic kill switch under cyber security.
The FCC proposes black boxes in our homes that filter what we can see and that tracks everything we're doing.
I mean you talk about the bottom falling out that you've always warned about as a constitutional law scholar that once you go over that threshold
Alright, a couple things.
First of all, the concept of a box in the house.
Rings of the Chinese government, and rings of George Orwell's 1984.
And it is inconceivable that that could be constitutional under the law, because the threshold of your house makes you the king of your castle.
And if the constitution is going to be followed, the government can't enter directly, physically, or constructively without a search warrant from a judge.
That's the law.
I don't know that she would uphold it that way, but I believe that a majority of the Supreme Court will.
Secondly, regrettably, unfortunately, I believe that she will be confirmed simply because she is the nominee of a Democratic president and the Democrats have 59 votes in the Senate.
They don't care what she says.
She will, of course, tickle their ivories when she says progressive things.
That's with an uppercase T and progressive like you have just quoted her as having said because the Democrats don't believe in freedom and many Republicans are in the same boat.
The big government crap doesn't believe in freedom.
They believe in power and in conformity.
Let's get back into that when we return and I want to talk more about your TV show because this is so important.
I mean, liberty is what is most popular.
The message that Andrew Napolitano is putting out is winning in the court of ideas.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to be skipping this network break coming up, so Judge Andrew Napolitano had plenty of time with us.
He's with us until the bottom of the hour.
He just finished taping his show that will air Saturday on the Fox Business Channel.
It premiered last week to the highest ratings of any show on the Fox Business Network.
And, uh, my friends, I mean, I've said I can find no fault with Judge Andrew Napolitano.
I mean, he exposes the world government, he exposes the false left-right paradigm, he stands up for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, uh, no matter, you know, uh...
How politically incorrect
Of course.
That he's got top ratings, but I knew it was going to happen.
I mean, I told him off air last time I was on, I said, watch, you're going to be number one.
I said, guaranteed, because the people are hungry.
And so talk about the success, and then we're going to get into Obama's increasingly imperial presidency that, according to my research, is exceeding anything we've ever seen in this country.
But first, the second show coming up this Saturday.
Tell people about it and what the success of your transmission means.
Well, the success of our transmission means a couple things.
It means that you can take a show from the internet and bring it to the TV screen.
It means that there is a thirst out there for a focus on the government that has a bias in favor of human liberty, that believes that the individual is greater than the state, that the individual has natural rights and an immortal soul, and the government is just an artificial creation based on fear and force.
That the Constitution means what it says, that that government is best which governs least, that the people are entitled to a government that stays within the confines of the Constitution, and that the Constitution was written to keep the backs off the people.
None of those is a radical argument.
Those are words, for the most part, from founding fathers and statesmen throughout the country.
Unfortunately, they don't resonate to the government.
They resonate to people who watch the government, which is why I refer to myself, half seriously and half in jest on the show, as a night watchman.
My job is to watch the government under cover of darkness.
And report to whoever wants to watch the show when the government steals liberty and when the government steals property.
And as you know, Alex, and you've been a pioneer here, governments of both political parties, I should say government of the one big government party with its Republican branch and its Democratic branch, steal liberty and steal property every day.
When I attacked the Bush administration,
Uh, you know, there are a lot of Republicans who cut their noses out of joint.
For this?
This morning, when we taped our show for, uh, this weekend, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a right-down-the-middle conservative Republican from Southern California, former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, looked at me and said,
Almost all Republicans in the House of Representatives now believe that the war in Iraq was a mistake, that it was unlawful, that it was immoral, that it wasn't worth the lives lost or the trillions that will be spent.
Now, that is newsworthy that he would say it,
It is newsworthy that so many Republicans would change their mind.
It is newsworthy that people are starting to recognize that the government at almost all levels is out of control and there is a need for the Alex Jones Show and for Freedom Watch to remind people that when they know where to go, they will go to listen to what the government is doing to them.
Well, there's no doubt that on a level playing field where the ideas of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, our founders, common sense, when it's given a level playing field, we win every time.
It's like, you know, last year's Super Bowl team playing a group of five-year-old peewee, you know, football players.
And that's why Obama
Is openly coming out, the FCC, the Federal Trade Commission, and this isn't just on Freedom Watch or Infowars.com now, ladies and gentlemen, it's now in the AP, in the Financial Times of London, Obama to have Kill Switch, government to have Black Box in-house that watches everything you do and filters what you can see, government to have megaphone, government to have behavior placement, I mean, this is bona fide tyranny.
This is proposed by the Republican's favorite Democrat, Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, under the guise of, well, if we are attacked, if the power grid is attacked, if the internet is attacked, the President has to have the power to turn it off before the attackers can get... The power grid's not hooked up to the internet!
There's so much illogic in there, but put aside the illogic.
What about the Constitution?
What about if I want my laptop turned off?
I'll turn it off!
What about the fact that the laptop is just a modern way to exercise my freedom of speech?
And the whole purpose of the First Amendment, according to Justice William Brennan, one of the most liberal appointees of the 20th century, is to keep the government out of the business!
Of deciding what I read and what I watch and what I hear, and presumes that the individual is competent to decide what to read, watch, hear, and say.
There is absolutely no authority under the Constitution, whether under the guise of public safety or not.
And the government has always used public safety as the excuse to steal our liberties for the government to control the Internet.
Oh, how the government would love to have the power over the Internet that the Chinese government has over the Internet there.
The Internet has been the greatest tool of the exchange of ideas and of the search for truth since the invention of the printing press.
They can't control the printing press, so they want to control the Internet.
And expanding on that, they know they can't compete with our ideas.
That's why Cass Sunstein, the regulations are.
That's why the FCC's diversities are.
Praises censorship of Hugo Chavez.
I mean, I think Americans need to realize that we're dealing with bonafide despots and tyrants here.
And we see Obama, you know, as bad as Bush was, as bad as Clinton was.
It's just a progression.
But now, because they're
No, there's a huge awakening happening.
They are accelerating their takeover and we see him federalizing the auto industry, federalizing the banks.
We see him now, according to eight senators and Fox News and others are reporting, that Obama plans to sign an executive order legalizing all the illegal aliens.
For those that aren't a constitutional lawyer like yourself or a former top state judge, Judge Andrew Napolitano, will you explain to them, because from my layman research, the president executes law and the legislative passes it.
That is treason.
That is an act of sedition against our republic to have the president say that
I'm going to launch a war without Congress's approval.
I'm going to legalize foreigners.
I mean, can you speak to that?
Sure, sure I can speak to it.
The President has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws.
When the President does things like intimidate the bondholders of GM and Chrysler during their bankruptcies to break the law, intimidate the banks to accept TARP monies that they don't want,
Intimidate BP to cough up $58-$20 billion flush fund that his political appointee can distribute however he wants.
Intimidate insurance company executives not to raise premiums until the law that prohibits the raise comes into effect.
He is effectively writing laws himself.
That is, on its face, unconstitutional.
Because the Constitution says only the Congress can write laws, and not the President.
The flip side of this is, when he says, we haven't heard this out of his mouth, but we've heard it from people around him, and they're not denying it, which is why Fox and other...
I don't
By changing the law.
Does the Congress have the power to change the law?
Does the President have the power to change the law?
So what could he do?
Well, he could, with the stroke of a pen, stop all arrests and stop all deportations.
Now that would have the practical effect.
And so he's aiding and abetting
Lawbreakers, because he's violating the law that the Congress has passed.
And so isn't that treason?
No, it's not treason under the Constitution, but it is such an egregious failure to perform his duties that in my opinion it would be an impeachable offense.
I mean, which is worse?
For Bill Clinton to lie under oath about sex with an intern, or for Barack Obama to admit openly, I don't like those laws so I'm not going to enforce them.
A lot of presidents have done that.
George Bush once signed a law making it a crime for federal agents to read your mail before you do without a search warrant.
At the very moment that he signed the law, he looked in the cameras and said, I have no intention of enforcing this.
Now at that point, he's violating his oath.
Because he took an oath to uphold the law.
President Obama, if he does this nonsense, this monstrosity of trying to grant amnesty to everybody that is here, will effectively be doing the same thing.
I would argue that the violation of the oath, the public acknowledgment of the failure to perform his job as president, is far more a grounds for impeachment than what Clinton said he did with the intern under oath.
Very well said.
I would imagine you're aware of this case, but it's been in the Salt Lake City papers.
Nat Hentoff has written about it for the Reading Eagle.
Philadelphia man indicted for using right to free speech, and I saw this a few months ago, but now they're going ahead with the three felonies, and the party's been charged for, he was watching an unemployment debate about getting rid of his benefits, and
His quote is that, are you crazy?
Are you all insane?
No checks equals no food for me.
Do you get it?
And he sent it as an email.
And under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, under section 1934, he did utilize a telecommunications device.
Whether or not communication ensued without disclosing his identity, it was his email, and with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, and harass any person who received the communication, and it says he would serve the three counts concurrently as much as 30 years federally in prison for calling the senator insane.
I would think that a federal judge would not permit such a prosecution.
I'm convinced absolutely that the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which is the federal appeals court that covers Pennsylvania, would invalidate it.
That court particularly has a tradition
Sure, but what does this say about the mindset of the people that are in these federal positions, these federal prosecutors?
I mean, now... I mean, that's an example of how they can pass a law and then not use it until 14 years later.
It's like...
The law is unconstitutionally vague, and quite frankly, Alex, there are Supreme Court opinions that say that the Congress cannot stop you from annoying or offensive speech because the First Amendment protects annoying or offensive speech, and the Supreme Court
For all of the wacky things that it's done, you know, it allowed slavery, it allowed abortion, it allows prosecutions of crimes that should exist.
Today, by a 9 to nothing vote, gave federal prosecutors the greatest rebuke
That they have ever had in modern times when it found unconstitutional their favorite tool, their favorite weapon, which is the Honest Services Law.
That law allowed federal prosecutors to prosecute even people who did the right thing if they harbored in their mind a desire to benefit from it themselves.
The mayor of Newark, New Jersey went to jail because he had sex with a real estate agent
Well, that's a thought crime.
I mean, that's controlling who we can associate with.
The Supreme Court today, with everybody from Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Antonin Scalia and the other seven in between agreeing, invalidated that and said to the feds, you cannot use language creatively to prosecute people.
You must use statutory language narrowly.
Now, at the risk of getting too into the weeds, I make this argument for you, Alex, because I am convinced
That this prosecution, about which you have rightly complained, and which you have wonderfully exposed in Philadelphia, ought never to occur.
And if it does occur, we'll be thrown out at the appellate level, especially after this case came down today.
But we should not even have people...
In a position of power.
In a position to decide who gets indicted and who gets prosecuted.
Who have a mindset that they can use the power of the government to punish speech.
Because if anything is sacrosanct in this country, is that you can say anything you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want, about anybody in the government.
That's what's so incredible about this is that we see countless videos of police beating somebody up and then charging the person they beat up with assaulting them.
You see countless videos of police going to the wrong house and killing somebody's chihuahua.
We see countless videos of police all over the country
Pulling a motorcycler over who has a camera mounted on his head because he's videotaping a YouTube video and indicting him for wiretapping when there's no reasonable perception of privacy.
I mean, more and more, the government is really showing us that they want to be tyrants, that this is real tyranny.
But the good news is,
And it's evidenced by your show being the number one show out of the gates on the Fox Business Network with its first premiere, is that the sleeping giant is awakening.
I cannot stress enough, Judge Andrew Napolitano, and for all the listeners out there, I want you to briefly comment on this because we're almost out of time, that when we say there's an awakening happening, I don't think the system even understands how big this is.
I think you're right, and I've been privileged to come along at the right time.
I show Freedom Watch, which can be seen on the Fox Business Network, 10 a.m.
and 8 p.m.
Eastern Time on Saturday, 7 p.m.
At 11 p.m.
Eastern on Sunday has sort of captured the crest of a wave.
If you ask people, and Ron Paul told me this and he's right, do you want to take care of yourself or do you want the government to take care of you?
Do you want to make decisions on your own or do you want the government to make decisions for you?
Do you want to be able to think as you please and say what you think and publish what you say or do you want the government to interfere with that?
When you put things to people like that, almost everyone comes down on the side of freedom.
And that's what's made Freedom Watch successful, that's what's made you successful, and that's what's made the government successful.
Well, there's nothing better the few times in my life when I've had a chance to go for a hike, a week-long hike, where you've got the backpack on, you've got your tent, you've got your food, and just to go out there and to rely on yourself.
And it's really an analogy of that.
I mean, I don't want a bunch of distant bureaucrats, who happen to be crooks nine times out of ten, running my life.
It's so fundamental.
They've bankrupted our society.
They've launched all these illegal wars.
Bush, three weeks ago, was out giving speeches about how he ordered torture.
Meanwhile, they sent people to prison who followed those orders.
I mean, this is tyranny!
And I keep saying that.
I mean, folks, do you know where tyranny leads?
And I think God's given us a chance.
I think, you know, history's giving us a chance, Judge, and I want you to speak to this.
We are at a crossroads.
And if good people like yourself and Ron Paul and many others, but also just the rank-and-file folks out there, stand up as leaders,
Speak up, point out the emperor is wearing no clothes, and rebuke this evil like Hitler should have been rebuked, like Stalin should have been rebuked, or Mao Zedong before they really got going.
We have a chance to avert a historical disaster because there's no doubt studying history that if we don't take America back right now, America won't lead us into the 21st century worldwide for liberty.
America will lead the way into a new dark age of despotism that dwarfs anything ever seen in the history of mankind.
I am reading a terrific book.
It's the second time I've read it in my life.
It's Hayek's, H-A-Y-E-K, F.A.
Hayek's The Road to Serfdom.
It was written in 1944, and it describes how Europe descended into serfdom as people like Mussolini and Hitler were popularly elected against legitimate opponents, and the public and the government gave them all the power that they had.
It is eerily, eerily reminiscent
Eerily predictive, because it was written 65 years ago, of exactly what's happening today.
Central planning by bureaucrats, not even by properly elected officials, but by bureaucrats.
The decision that power is more in the spotlight than liberty.
The decision that individuals should not be able to make choices for themselves.
Look, we have to be on the watch for the loss of liberty.
It doesn't happen overnight.
It happens slowly and it happens gradually.
And whenever anyone sees the loss of liberty, whether it's a cop preventing someone from taking a picture of what the cop is doing, or whether it's a prosecutor prosecuting someone for speaking the truth, whether it's a judge compromising liberty, or whether it's an elected official compromising liberty, it must be shouted from the rooftops.
They can send it to me at Fox News, and I'll get it on the air, and they can send it to you at InfoWars, and you'll get it on the air.
And it all makes sense.
Well, what about Obama?
People will see the truth.
What about Obama yesterday?
He weaseled it into his speech about, our democracy is about institutions, not about individuals.
And individuals, basically, he said, get in the way of America.
When we're not a democracy, we're a republic.
Can you speak to that disgusting statement?
Oh, sure.
I mean, he believes that we are a democracy, and he believes that we are not even a democracy of individuals, but a democracy of groups.
He believes in collectivism, which is that the groups to which we belong have rights.
We don't have rights as individuals, and whichever group speaks the loudest can take its claim on the government.
He does not believe in natural rights.
He does not believe that the individual is greater than the government.
And he believes in a progressive form of government, which is that the government knows best.
That would be the same government that told BP to drill in 5,000 feet instead of 500 feet, even though nobody had ever monitored a wellhead that exploded at that depth.
That would be the same government that relied on inaccurate computer models when they set out the process for BP filling out its forms for the permits.
That would be the same government that said to BP, don't worry about liability.
The maximum you'll ever have to spend is $75 million.
Judge Andrew, we are out of time.
God bless you.
The show again comes up every Saturday and is re-aired over the weekend on the Fox Business Network.
We look forward to talking to you again soon.
Great job.
God bless you.
You are a trailblazer.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll be back.
Alright, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen, and remember...
That I'm not financed by Fox.
I'm not financed by the Ford Foundation like MSNBC or by the bomb makers, General Electric that fund MSNBC.
We are funded by our sponsors and by you, the listeners, buying the t-shirts, the books, the ball caps, the videos, the information.
And it's a win-win because we've got the best t-shirts out there.
With a Liberty Freedom message, bar none, at Infowars.com.
And then that way, you meet like-minded people, you start conversations, a t-shirt's the way to go, a ball cap's the way to go, a bumper sticker's the way to go.
All the orders get a free pocket constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Founding Father quotes, difference between a democracy and a republic, and why the media always says democracy, and why it's so important to expose that.
And I know you know that, but the general public doesn't.
Now they're ready to listen.
The awakening is on.
I mean, look at Judge Andrew Napolitano.
He is a great guy.
He's anti-New World Order.
He's had me on his show, despite the fact he's been given national criticism for it.
He was just inviting me in the future on his television program.
And he's... Judge Andrew Napolitano is the closest thing to Alex Jones on national television.
And he's very well spoken, very intelligent.
He's hardcore.
And of course he's got number one ratings.
I'll guarantee you, they give him his own show on regular Fox, he will beat Glenn Beck within six months.
I mean, I was telling him a month ago, uh, actually about two, three months ago, I knew he was getting the show because he told me, you know, in confidence.
And I said, it's going to be top ratings.
And he said, well, we just hope to, you know, do okay.
And I said, no, you're going to be number one.
It's like I told Ventura, I said, your show's going to be number one on True Network, True TV.
It was number one, number one, number one show on the network that never had happened out of the gates.
Number one news show in their history.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, if the Times of India is reporting that their own government admits sodium fluoride is causing retardation and bone cancer nationwide in decade-long studies,
That's not going to be on CNN or MSNBC or even Fox.
I'm going to take the prestigious publication and I'm going to break that electronic Berlin Wall.
I'm going to read where it's conclusively hurting people.
Now, I already knew that, but the point is, is that now it's in mainstream news.
Indian children blinded, crippled by fluoride and water.
Government university studies show conclusively.
This is the real issue.
I don't care about being called a kook.
I don't care about being laughed at.
You think 12 years ago when I would go expose the CPS with bounties to kidnap kids that I cared if the media called me a nut and a liar?
Or when I, 13 years ago, exposed that at birth all U.S.
children had blood taken for a Pentagon bioweapons database?
Now all of that's been declassified?
You think I care about being laughed at?
It'd be like if I had a neighbor who I had seen hit a woman on the head and drag her into his basement
You know, let's say he had a storm cellar outside and I saw him hit a woman on the head, you know, when I got home from work at midnight, this is hypothetical, and I saw the woman screaming or get hit on the head and drug in, and I called the cops, and let's say he was the mayor, there's actually been cases like this, and so people didn't want to believe.
And the cops said there's no way that Mayor Johnson, Mayor John Doe, did this, and I would still know I saw him kill the woman.
I would go break in to prove it.
I mean, I'm just being honest with you.
And so I don't care if cops come to my door, if I saw the mayor kill a woman and tell me I'm a kook and a nut.
I don't care if the cops started threatening me because the mayor ordered him to in that hypothetical world.
It's the same thing.
How am I supposed to know all of this and then not tell you?
Perception is not reality, as the globalists have brainwashed and taught the population.
Perception is not reality.
If you put a blindfold on somebody and they're perceiving darkness, and they walk off the edge of a 50-story building, they're gonna die.
Or if you give somebody some LSD, and they're hallucinating that they're flying on a magic carpet, and they jump off a 50-story building, they're gonna die, folks.
Just because they have the perception that they are on a magic carpet does not mean they're on a magic carpet.
It doesn't exist.
They're hallucinating.
It's a chemical reaction in the brain.
And there's also cultural peer pressure hallucinations where the Aztecs thought it was cool to sacrifice people every day when the sun came up, when the sun went down.
The Nazis had a cultural hallucination that they were doing good killing off Jews and Seventh-day Adventists and gypsies and other groups and Christian scientists.
They had a cultural peer pressure hallucination.
See, humans are like dogs.
We're very pack-oriented.
And when we see the alpha leaders, the guys reading off teleprompters on Chris Matthews, you know, oh, well, if the alpha dog who looks sharp and is well-spoken says something, it must be true.
No, that will destroy you in this high-tech society, just like it would destroy you 1,000 years ago in the valley that is Mexico City today, or 65 years ago with Adolf Hitler.
Or 60 years ago with Stalin?
Or 50 years ago with Mao Zedong?
You must be willing to tell the truth and expose the emperor's wearing no clothes.
So I'm going to your calls, but I do want to have a little pit stop here and ask you for your support.
Plus, it's materials that wake people up.
Invisible Empire, New Order Defined, our newest film, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, Understand the Architecture of the Takeover, Road to Tyranny, Obama Deception.
Last night,
I was up here late at the office working with the guys, and they weren't hungry, so I jetted out over to Luby's to go to the cafeteria and eat something.
And I get in the line, and there's two people behind the counter, and two Hispanic Americans, and they both say, oh, we're fans of your show.
Well, first one guy says it, and he says, yeah, I watched The Obama Deception online for free last night.
And then we start going down and the lady that was checking me out, she goes, yeah, you're Alex Jones.
My cousin gave me the Obama deception a year ago.
I said, oh, what, on DVD?
Yeah, he was making copies.
Is that okay?
And I said, yes, it's okay.
And then I went over and they have servers that, you know, come and ask if we need ketchup or whatever.
And the lady came over, she was black, and she was a fan of the show.
And then I saw other women who were servers talking and they were fans and came over.
And I saw
All over the restaurant, people knew who I was.
Folks, this is all over the country now.
Do you realize?
And I'm not bragging or tooting my horn.
This is scary.
This is scary.
The effect we've had.
Of course they want to shut the web down.
Of course I can come in here in this little studio and reach more people than CNN and MSNBC with their top shows combined every day.
I mean, do you think they like that?
These control freaks that love running our society, that have committed all these crimes, and all these people that work for the system, that have been part of that?
They're scared!
So if you will financially support us by buying the books, the DVDs, the materials, the t-shirts, and then getting them out to people, again, A, you support us, but B, and more importantly, it gets the information out.
And here are our new t-shirts.
I knew these would be the best sellers of all time.
Legalize freedom of the American flag as barbed wire.
Great conversation piece to get people talking.
It says LegalizeFreedomInfoWars.com on the back.
Here's another one with Uncle Sam as a POW, MIA.
It says Legalize Freedom.
People will ask you about that.
Great job Phil did on making these new shirts.
What a great graphics guy here in-house.
Legalize Freedom.
And Janae did a great job on this one.
One of the guys in the back had the idea for a Don't Tread On Me Healthcare.
And it says on the back, Repeal Obamacare.
So, those are just, oh, and then there's the In The Fed one.
Will you guys bring that one in for me?
I saw one of the guys out there, the British media was looking at it earlier.
I wanted to go with an archetypal In The Fed.
There it is on screen.
In The Fed.
Save the Republic, and under that, InfoWars.com, and it says the same thing on the back.
People say, you know, Chris Matthews deceptively in his documentary two weeks ago said, they want an end to all of the government.
And then it cut to Rand Paul going, in the Fed, they know full well, in the Fed means in the private Federal Reserve, that poses as a federal agency and has hijacked Congress's control of the money supply.
They're scared, folks.
The audit passed in the House, they derailed it in the Senate.
But 25 years ago, Ron Paul couldn't get one co-sponsor.
Now it's passing the House by two-thirds majorities.
Next session, we're going to win.
You watch.
Unless they throw us into World War III with Iran, or further implode the economy, which they're racing to do.
They've got to destroy America now, so that you're so poor and destitute, you can't arrest them.
It's very simple, ladies and gentlemen.
You understand that?
All right, I said I'd go to your calls ahead of Lord Christopher Monckton joining us as we analyze the battlefront with the globalist attempt to seize the entire infrastructure and industrial system as well as taxing what humans exhale.
Just a seizure of all human activity, a complete
Penal takeover, a prison planet grid in their own words to devastate industrial societies, make everyone poor so they can carry out their eugenics operation.
Sky's the limit.
We're seen as animals that are farmed by them, and there's too many of us.
They want to cull our numbers down.
Lord Christopher Monckton joining us, coming up to track the latest information.
And guys, I printed it this morning and I've dug around during the last three breaks.
Will you guys print me the Reuters article that I IM'd you this morning about Australia elects new Prime Minister.
Her first agenda is carbon tax.
Of course, it's all about her being a woman.
Or it's all about it being a black man.
Those are all diversions.
Who cares what?
They're a man, a woman, whatever.
It's the character of their deeds.
And they threw out the last guy, Rudd, because he was a tyrant.
In fact, we played it about two months ago.
Can you dig up that clip off Australian TV where they're talking like it's reasonable?
It was about the guy on the hunger strike.
And it was, uh, his family's farmed here for many generations, but he's not allowed to farm anymore because of the carbon tax.
And it cuts to the politicians going, yes, 50 plus percent of it is all off limits.
I mean, this is murderous financial assault on you and your family.
We need to continue to support and grow the alternative media and support the free internet so we can beat these people.
And I'll go back to pointing out, get the books, the videos, the materials, Infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
We've got some of the films as low as $5.95, actually $4.95.
Some of the t-shirts as low as $6.95.
We barely even make any profit.
The main message, that's the key, is just to get our message out to everybody.
It's so important, and we couldn't do it without you.
You can also download all the films, zipper high quality, at prisonplanet.tv.
Yeah, here it is, Australia gets first woman prime minister.
It's not about what she stands for, it's not about, and people are desperately, not just in Europe or England or the US or Canada, but in Australia they're voting for, I mean, South Carolina hasn't elected a black Republican ever.
But they just did in the primary against Strom Thurmond.
Or is it North Carolina?
The point is, people are like, you know, we'll vote for a black man, we'll vote for a woman, we'll vote for... I bet if somebody had, like, blue polka dots, people would even vote for them more.
They just want, they want the criminals out.
They'll do anything, put anybody in.
This is about freedom.
Australia gets first woman Prime Minister.
Australia appointed its first woman Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who vowed Thursday to end division over a controversial mining tax.
One of the main industries there.
Resurrect a carbon trade scheme and call elections within months.
Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made an emotional and ignominious exit, quitting just before the centre-left Labour Party was to dump him in the internal ballot in less than three years after a stunning election victory.
Well, we need to throw this new crone out who wants to literally have the climate cops they have now in Australia, which they're trying to set up here.
Who just, merciless control freaks, dumbed down, who want savage control over you, coming in your house, bossing you around.
I mean, this is a dangerous group of control freak criminals.
They must be held at bay.
And they know full well carbon dioxide is what plants breathe.
They pick something that is non-toxic, that everyone is releasing, so they have an excuse to be involved in every facet of your life.
It is the control freaks
Alex, two years ago, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said, as long as the dollar is pegged to China's currency, the U.S.
economy is okay.
But when China decouples from the dollar, watch out.
And over the weekend, China de-pegged the yuan from the dollar.
I think it would be interesting to hear what Dr. Roberts has to say.
Well, they are moving further into the basket.
So they are kind of creeping towards the exit so everyone doesn't stampede.
You ever been in a movie and the credits are about to roll and the first few get up and then others want to race them out?
And so China and others start creeping for the door, but then the bankers go, oh yeah, we're going to bring the euro down because they control it all.
And China goes, oh, maybe we're with the dollar.
And then the euro goes back up and they start bringing the dollar down.
So it's all a control, and the G20 admits this, a control lowering
All right.
And so, yes, the beginning of the end has begun.
We must blame the bankers, blame the culprits, identify them as criminals, not your local bank that's being consolidated by this, but JPMorgan, Chase, Goldman Sachs, you know, the top kingpins, people that put Obama in and control Mitt Romney.
The fact that they're pushing him now is a hard conservative on Fox.
I mean, this is a guy who wrote the socialist healthcare in Massachusetts.
O'Reilly is.
This is the... I mean...
Might as well leave a Barack Obama in.
Mitt Romney, again, he's good-looking like Obama, so it must be okay.
And again, they make you hate Bush, so Obama looks good.
They make you hate Obama, so Mitt Romney looks good.
Elect a Ron Paul.
Elect a Judge Andrew Napolitano.
These are people that have never strayed off their core values.
You want someone who's steadfast.
Even if someone isn't perfect, and some of these people are not perfect, as long as you know they're steadfast, you know what you can expect.
Yes, for those that don't understand the basic economics, all we have left is the dollar.
And it's being devalued at an accelerated rate, but still people don't notice in months and years.
And when the dollar finally goes, it could be an explosive depression, a complete collapse
Which is exactly what the bankers want.
They've got us completely leveraged.
But the bankers have always said, even at Davos and other public statements, they want a controlled collapse of Western society as they designed it.
But they've done such a good job in polaxing our society that
That it's starting to unravel a little faster than they thought and as in Dame, you know, the black hole's so deadly that it's sucking them in and sucking their minions in and sucking in mid-level minions who were like, I was promised I'd be part of this.
I was, I thought I was a ruling elite.
And the upper level are saying, well, you weren't.
Walk the plank.
And so, that's where this is going.
Anything else?
That's it.
Alright, God bless you.
Yeah, let's get him on about... I did see China moving more away from the dollar over the weekend.
I don't know if you'd call that an unpeg.
Guys, will search engine China unpegs from dollar?
I don't doubt the caller.
He sounds credible, but I have to look into this.
Okay, we'll come back and talk to John, Tim, Michael, Taylor.
Try to go to you quickly when we come back.
Which means, of course, I'll fail, but we'll try.
Have your points ready.
And, uh, I'm wound up for liberty, ladies and gentlemen.
I am fired up for freedom.
I know I'm only alive once.
I know my destiny is to resist tyranny.
As Thomas Jefferson said, I have sworn on the altar of God eternal resistance...
Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
John in Illinois, you're on the air, welcome!
Yes Alex, I got three points real quick then you can respond to them afterwards.
First of all, Monckton was in Chicago a few weeks ago and our co-founder of We Are Change Chicago had an extended interview with him.
He broached the subject of 9-11
And Montan refused to take the Architects and Engineers DVD.
He claimed they are not scientists.
He doesn't believe it.
He won't watch the DVD.
I know he's not coming out about 9-11, but if you could get this information to him through the back channels, we would appreciate it.
Second point, I did a Freedom of Information Act request for the city of Lake Forest, Illinois.
Any building permits pulled by the post office up there
They were listed as one of the post offices that had these clandestine interrogation sorting rooms and the city of Lake Forest told me that no building permits
Had been pulled, but of course that doesn't mean they weren't building something.
It is totally clandestine, most likely.
Well, no, they admit, I mean, I have mainstream news articles that they build interrogation rooms for the employees and to surveil the people in the sorting centers in these, but it's secondarily we have news articles where they admit they will also use these facilities for forced inoculation centers.
So, I mean, that's on record.
Yes, indeed, but at least no, no permits had been pulled recently.
And a third programming point, Jim Rickards of Omnus, I heard him on King World News a few weeks ago, and he came right out and said they are setting up a one world currency, period.
This guy's a Wall Street insider.
He goes all the way back to long-term capital.
No, no, no.
He is.
Send me an email with the specifics to showtipsandinfowars.com and we'll work on getting him on.
I appreciate your call.
Look, it's on Financial Times of London, AP, Reuters.
They admit global currency.
It'll be cashless.
SDRs that all the other currencies are denominated in and backed up by.
But, you know, we have Moncton on about the global warming issue.
That's the big fight.
And I don't expect people, you know, to join me, you know, in 9-11 Truth.
I don't push and spur people.
I didn't push Jesse Ventura to do it.
He called.
He wanted to come on the show and go public.
I didn't, you know, Charlie Sheen called me.
Willie Nelson called me.
So I don't push people to do that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Nevada.
Tim, you're on the air.
This is professional wrestler Tenacious Tim Anderson.
Hey, Alex.
I'm back in America for a little bit.
And you know, Alex, your likeness and your message is spreading because you're a revolutionary and truth is popular, man.
Just like you said, it's a chemical reaction in the brain, dude.
It's horrible when complete strangers listen to you and believe you, but your family does not.
And I have two points.
One was about the police thing you were saying earlier, how they, not all police are bad, but you got those ones that are programmed.
Um, back in March, my last time I called into your show, uh, I had a show in Sonoma County, California in Fairfield.
Bohemian Grove territory.
Oh my God, man.
Those police there, uh, I had an argument with the promoter on the, on the cell phone.
Uh, I came out of the store and sheriffs and highway patrol were waiting for me.
I told them, you know, that if I wasn't a part of a criminal investigation and if I wasn't being charged with anything, that they didn't have the right to identify me, they didn't have the right to... Why were they waiting on you?
Because you talked about the satanic rituals?
Uh, because I was basically, I guess, talking at an escalated level to this promoter because he wouldn't pay me, and I was pissed off, and I walk out of the store and they're there waiting for me.
Somebody called the cops on me while I was in the store buying things.
I'm sorry to hear that and I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back with Lord Christopher Monckton on the other side of this quick break and then we got Jack McClam coming on to talk about VP in the last 30 minutes of the radio broadcast today.
We'll try to get to your calls but specifically this is going to be on the global warming takeover of society that is taking place and the new Australian
Prime Minister vows that she will put our people under siege.
She will bring them to heel.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are honored to be joined by the third Viscount, uh, Monckton and Brentley, or Christopher Monckton, journalist, scientist, uh, researcher.
And you have to pick one man.
Uh, who is the nemesis or the polar opposite, whereas Al Gore symbolizes fraud, lack of integrity, man-bear-pig, uh, selling NAFTA and GATT, selling globalism, selling deindustrialization.
He is a swindler.
He is a carnival barker who sells every, uh, projection and con game and fraud under the sun.
You have Lord Monckton on the other side.
Integrity, focus, documented, because I've done a lot of research on global warming and anthropogenic global warming and the neo-feudalist move and how this system will cause untold hundreds of millions to starve.
Monckton has the incredible research news site where he documents it all and we'll go over that with him today and we'll talk about the new Australian
Prime Minister, one is thrown out for his global carbon tax.
That's the main thing that Australians cited.
Then, like shark teeth, another scallywag rolls forward, saying that's our number one agenda, neo-feudalism.
We'll talk about Gore and what he's up to.
We'll talk about how the UN is trying to reorganize their global tax.
It's all coming up.
Lord Monckton, good to have you here with us.
It's a real pleasure to be back with you and God bless America.
God bless England and everybody who's fighting for liberty against the EU takeover.
Lord Monckton, out of the gates, what's most important in your mind?
I think the thing that broke today is the news that Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister of Australia, who was swept to office on the one central pledge that he was going to introduce cap and trade, or cap and tax.
He has failed because he was overambitious and he's now the second Australian politician
To have lost office because of his belief, naive as it is, in the global warming scare.
The first one, of course, was Malcolm Turnbull, the former leader of the opposition to Kevin Rudd, who was turfed out by his own party because he had wanted to go along with Rudd's emissions trading scheme.
So he got the boot.
Tony Abbott took over from him, and that was several months ago.
And now, Rudd himself has got the boot, once again, because of his naive enthusiasm for what is now the collapsed scientific notion that the world is doomed because we've added a tiny fraction of extra CO2 to the atmosphere.
Well, Lord Monckton, you forced them to now admit that we haven't been heating in 15 years, we've been cooling for a decade, they've been caught in premeditated fraud.
I don't really think these people are naive.
The leadership knows this is just a giant new taxing scheme and a way for government
To, quote, end our industrialized society and deliver humanity into the hands of this despotic elite as feudal serfs.
I think it's quite worth remembering how it is that they concealed, for as long as they did, the fact that since the turn of the millennium on the 1st of January 2001, the trend of global temperatures has been a downtrend.
Not a very significant downtrend, but it certainly hasn't been an uptrend.
And as you rightly pointed out a moment ago,
For about 15 years, there's now been barely significant global warming.
How did these facts eventually come to light?
Well, the BBC got in touch with me after the Climategate scandal broke, and they said, what questions would I put?
If I were interviewing Dr. Jones, who ran this unit, whose emails leaked all over the world, and he's the one that compiles one of these global temperature data sets that tells us whether temperature is going up or down worldwide.
And so the BBC took my questions and put them to Professor Jones, and one of those questions was, have we or have we not had a global cooling trend since the turn of the millennium?
Ward Monckton, gotta interrupt you.
We'll come back and get to the punchline on this straight ahead.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he is a tireless voice exposing the fact that anthropogenic, or man-made global warming, is a manifest fraud.
And we're getting an important update.
He joins us every month or two.
And we really appreciate his time.
Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Monckton and Brenchley, of course the chief, one of the chief advisors to Margaret Thatcher, a journalist, a scientist, inventor.
And he is with us for the balance of the hour.
We have routed for now the carbon taxers in the court of public opinion, but they're still implementing through states, counties, cities, regions, their carbon tax.
We're going to talk about how they've regrouped, how they're deceptively counter-striking, how they're changing their nomenclature with new lies for old.
They've also got some organized counter-strikes on Moncton with straw men.
I don't know.
You wouldn't expect me to go there because I try to confine myself to the science and economics of this question.
What we can say is that Al Gore, whether he lied to his wife or not, I haven't the faintest idea, nor am I interested.
What he has done is lie over and over again to the American people and the people of the world for great personal profit about the global warming scare.
But if it does come out that he did this... Al, baby, if you're listening to this,
I've now been trying to get you to debate with me on international television on global warming for nearly four years.
Every broadcast I do, I make the same challenge.
Step up to the plate or go away into your collapsing armchair forever.
Leave the field free for us real men.
And so far, Al Baby, you haven't shown the courage of your conviction.
Absolutely, because there's clear evidence of that.
This could be completely made up that he groped this woman, though I tend to believe it just at a gut level regardless.
Well, I'm not going there.
I mean, I've made that very plain to you.
That's not what I do.
What I do is the science and the economics.
And the science and the economics say that Al Gore is wrong.
He's running scared.
Fewer and fewer people are listening to him.
He now charges a fee.
The Singapore government paid him a few months ago a fee of $300,000 to make one rambling, disappointing, diffuse speech about global warming.
Nobody except the Singaporean government would now pay that kind of fee to him.
But he is a busted flush as far as global warming is concerned.
Nobody takes him seriously on that subject anymore.
And indeed, nobody now takes the official bodies on this seriously.
The official scientific bodies who have seen this as a way of making enormous money in rent-seeking subsidies from taxpayers.
They're all discredited now.
They've all passed from being scientific bodies to mere self-serving political pressure groups.
They too are now discredited.
We have just this week the United Nations Climate Panel, which is an enormous and growing bureaucracy.
Which has just announced that this time, because of the criticism that it's been terribly one-sided in its previous report, it's going to widen the number of scientists it gets writing its next report.
But it's not actually going to widen their opinions.
It's still only going to choose those who believe the line which it wishes to peddle.
They're still not going to ask the real scientists who've done the real work, showing what complete nonsense the official line actually is.
Now, Lord Monckton, I want to go back to Al Gore and criminal prosecutions, and then I want to look at how they're regrouping, how they're trying to counter-strike, and get your forecast, as the leading general against these eugenicists, of where you see them striking next.
But going back to criminal prosecutions, where are we on Pachari?
Where are we on Jones?
You got cut off on the break.
Let's do Jones first of all.
He has been exonerated by the House of Commons.
No surprises there, because our Parliament is the most true believing of half-witted, credulous believers in this new religion of global warming.
And they were not prepared to admit that they'd got it wrong by finding him wrong.
So they, of course, washed their hands of it and said he was a suspended fellow, really.
Which he isn't.
He had destroyed data and procured the destruction of data from other scientists in a series of emails, none of which is denied, for the sake of avoiding getting anyone to check his figures and see just how much they were simply made up.
So, the fact that the House of Commons looked the other way is a very good indication of how the political establishment worldwide is not yet willing to admit what a colossal mistake it made.
It's just like DDT all over again.
However, there is, of course, the splendid Mr. Cuccinelli in Virginia, the Attorney General there.
Who is busy chasing after Professor Mann at the Penn State University to find out whether he, for the sake of getting grants, had in any way been improperly handling or using or processing official data.
And that inquiry is still very much continuing.
Pachauri was being investigated by the UK Charity Commission for having filed bogus accounts three years in a row in a charity in the UK, of which he is the sole trustee, and it's the trustees' job it is to file correct accounts.
The Charity Commission, likewise part of the establishment, has now said, well, actually we're not going to go after him.
We're not even going to ask him to produce accounts for the year in which irregularities were proved by the complainant.
We're going to make him produce accounts for a year that was two years later than the year in which the problem arose.
So clearly, the most extraordinary lengths are being gone to by the public authorities worldwide to cover up
We're good to go.
Well, Lord Monckton, what do we do then with this quandary or this paradox of government stands to have the biggest increase in tax funding in human history?
A new form of total feudalism and serfdom is openly being established, so how can the government
That is the beneficiary robber class, the new kings and queens, you know, the new global lords of the people.
How, then, can this group ever judge their own minions, their own operatives, if they're cutting off their own new global religion and funding mechanism?
Well, there you're asking one of the oldest questions in the history of the philosophy of government.
And in Latin, it was quis custodiet, ipsos custodes.
Who will watch over those who are supposed to be watching over us?
Who will be the policeman of the policeman?
And that's one of the most difficult questions to answer.
However, in a democracy, which you still have in America, and we don't have here in Europe because we are now governed by unelected commissars,
But you still have a Congress, and the only people who can make laws for you are your elected Congressmen and Senators under Article 1, Section 1 of your Constitution.
Three magic words will tell you what to do with these wretches.
Well, that brings me to my next issue.
I think?
The establishment, especially in the parliamentary system, tends to put an even more extreme person in, but here in the US, every incumbent and everyone who's seen as an establishment candidate in all the off-year elections and primaries are being defeated by giant record margins, and the people are so angry that we've never had a political realignment
Where it was against the entire political system since 1776.
And other political scientists agree with me.
The polls show it.
Usually one party's in favor, another is out of favor.
This is a total realignment against the entire system.
And the system is coming in with Obama saying, well, I'll just restrict your free speech.
I'll just put in Chinese-style net censorship.
I'll put black boxes in your house.
We'll make it illegal
As Cass Sunstein has said at the White House to say, I don't believe in anthropogenic global warming.
I mean, they are, instead of backing off, they're throwing the gauntlet down and saying, I am tyrannous.
I'm coming after you.
That's right.
However, the Republicans are beginning to respond to this.
They've begun to realize that the Tea Party movement is directed as much at them as it is at the Democrats.
Telling both parties to raise their game.
The Democrats are resorting to insult and, as you say, to police state measures taking away your Fifth Amendment, not your Fifth Amendment rights, the First Amendment right to free speech by saying that you won't in future be allowed to say that global warming isn't a problem.
That kind of thing is intolerable in a free society.
And there is absolutely no way Obama is going to get away with that, because the Republicans are beginning at last to wake up.
I've spent a lot of time in Congress over the last year talking to members of both houses, testifying in front of committees of Congress, and one of the things that's become quite apparent is the Republicans, who were at first a year ago saying,
We're very happy to argue this on the economics, because it makes no sense to do anything about this, even if the problem is as big as the UN says it is.
We can all see that.
But we don't think we dare get into the science.
Now, I said to them very bluntly, I said, look, you don't get into the science.
The other side will simply say, ah, but the planet is at risk, and therefore whatever the economic cost, whatever the economic damage, we have to save the planet, and therefore you have to deal with the science.
Otherwise, however sensible your economic argument, the other side will... The science is the key because it takes the moral high ground away from them and shows them to premeditated fraudsters.
And that is the point which the Republicans have now got very, very firmly on board.
There are now many senior figures in both houses, I'm not going to name names because it's not fair to them, they will go public as and when they think it right, who are very clearly understanding that the science doesn't add up anymore, that they have failed and failed and failed again on the other side to produce convincing arguments.
And they are now not going to tolerate any form of cap and trade, and they've made that quite plain to the Democrats, which is why cap and trade has been reduced.
All right, Mort Monson, stay there.
Stay there.
Come back and tell us more of what the insiders told you and how you see the eugenicists, the feudalists, the feudal lords striking back at us on the other side.
We've got to go to break.
A real shift in opinion on the Republican side.
Of course the Tea Party movement doesn't believe in the global warming nonsense.
And now the Republicans are beginning to realise that they have to tackle the science, they can't ignore it.
They have to take the moral high ground away from these creeps.
And they're beginning to do it.
They're beginning to get into the science.
They're beginning to ask questions of the administration that the administration either can't answer or is answering in a way which we can easily prove to be dishonest.
And that has begun to make them realise that this is a gigantic global fraud and they don't like the smell of it and they're not going to pass cap and trade even if the oil spill goes on being terrible and makes a mess of the coastline there.
They're not going to give in just because of that.
That is not a good excuse for rushing for cap-and-trade.
So they're going to stand very firm on this and there will be no nonsense.
And if Obama tries to reintroduce cap-and-trade in the Senate, he will fail again.
But he's doing the same thing now.
It's been confirmed the White House is not retracting it.
Just like two weeks before, the White House admitted it.
They said, you know, we're going to sue Arizona.
And then later the White House admitted that.
Now he's saying he's going to sign an executive order to just open up the borders completely, which literally is an act of treason against our sovereignty.
And he's now promised to have the EPA implement a whole
I know, and the more he does this, and the more the people who listen to your show and the others who point out what's going on hear this and talk to one another about it, the more certain it is that in the midterm elections
He will, perhaps, more or less certainly lose the House.
And the way he's going, he could even lose the Senate as well, though that'll be harder, I think.
But he's certainly no longer going to have control of Congress.
And therefore, he is increasingly being driven back on the realisation that his days of passing grand legislative projects like healthcare reform are over.
Cap-and-trade is not going to go through the Senate, and therefore he will have to increasingly try to rule by decree, because that's what an executive order is.
However, executive orders are not legislation.
They can be reversed by the next incoming president overnight.
And all the Republicans have to do is to say that whoever they choose as president, every single one of these high-handed executive orders will simply be cancelled by a single executive order nullifying the lot.
And that will be the end of that.
So, the fact that he can't now control Congress means that he's becoming increasingly desperate, and the more desperate he becomes, the more he will lash out, because he is very petulant.
I mean, he's behaved, if you look at the way he dismissed General McChrystal, who's a very good general.
And put in General Petraeus, who is a formidable general, so at least we've now got another very good general on the spot.
But that kind of behaviour is calculated to demoralise your troops on the ground.
OK, so the general made some incautious remarks which weren't very polite about the administration.
Just get used to it, Obama.
You're in politics.
Sometimes even your own troops are going to say things that maybe they shouldn't say.
But if you go around sacking them just because they exercise their right of free speech and you're the Commander-in-Chief, well, yes, you have the constitutional power to do that, but the electorate has the constitutional power to do it to you.
So, Obama, because of that action against the military, because of these threats of making executive orders, because of your
You're utter failure to deal with the BP oil spill in an efficient way.
You, sir, are going to be dismissed by your commander-in-chief, which is the voters of the United States of America.
We're going to get into BP after the break, but briefly, how is the UN regrouping?
I mean, we know they're trying to get cap-and-trade in at an even regional level, having the bureaucracy come in and in one case get the city of Austin to more than triple power prices in the next three years to pay some nebulous organization.
But when we come back, but go ahead and get started now, how are they internationally regrouping right now?
Oh, that's a very interesting one, yes.
We'll certainly deal with that when we come back.
And then specifically, how we counter them with Lord Monckton.
In the 30 seconds we've got left, tell folks some of the material that we'll learn at your website.
The most important things we do are a series of scientific papers which come out at regular intervals, all written in plain language so that a layman can understand it, explaining why, on various aspects, the science of climate change is not a problem.
And it's scienceandpublicpolicy.org.
It's important to learn the science and you'll understand the type of frauds that we're talking about.
Lore Christopher Monckton's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is our website.
Stay with us.
That's Lord Monckton's powerful website.
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our websites.
We're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
You can also listen to the podcast for free and the iPhone app at InfoWars.com.
Just download those whenever you'd like and listen how you want, where you want, when you want.
Lord Monckton, I want to move quickly now through some of the points that we foreshadowed.
But first off, I just want to commend you here on air.
Because you are a testament of somebody for close to two decades who tirelessly recognized a threat before others, stood up against them, and went only on the facts, and have not single-handedly, but if you have to give the credit to one person,
Our work isn't done though.
How satisfying would it be to see the people promoting world government, and now they have to admit that they are trying to set this up, to see them fully routed and fully defeated?
Please speak to that.
Yes, certainly.
First of all, you're very kind, perhaps too kind.
I'm one of the Johnny-come-latelys in this.
I've only been really active in the last three or four years in trying to expose this because I came under unexpectedly savage attack four years ago when I first went public with a major article in a British Sunday newspaper, the Sunday Telegraph, and the international climate extremist left.
began a vicious series of attacks on the newspapers, on the blogosphere, all over the place.
And I thought this was very strange, because all I'd done was a quiet, quite large article.
It got a certain amount of prominence.
The website of the newspaper actually crashed, because 127,000 people tried to access it in two hours after it was published.
So it was very popular.
But even so, this very extreme reaction
I've never seen this before.
We're desperate.
They wanted to set a precedent that anyone that spoke up would be torn apart.
Anybody who was a professor would lose their tenure.
But going back, sir, I mean, you're not kind to yourself.
I've seen writings of you 20 plus years ago fighting the fake environmental movement, 20 plus years ago fighting the international communist movement.
See, I see that as one contiguous
Oh, certainly, yes.
I mean, I've been battling against, for instance, the European dictatorship.
We no longer have democracy in Europe now.
I've been fighting that for 20 or 30 years.
I've been fighting communism.
I was one of those who played a small part in bringing the Berlin Wall down.
Because I worked for Margaret Thatcher and I knew Ron Reagan as well.
We did that.
And I was very honoured to be a tiny, tiny cog in the great governmental machine of Margaret Thatcher for four years in No.
10 Downing Street.
But it's got to be satisfying, I mean, it's got to be satisfying.
Well, satisfying is the wrong word.
I think what is nice is how many kind people write to me out of the blue saying they've seen some vicious attack on me somewhere by the international climate extremist movement.
And they say, you know, the fact that you're still here after all these attacks on you tells us you must be doing something right.
And you mustn't think that these people represent how people generally think.
And a lot of people are very, very kind in getting in touch.
Just a short email here or there saying, you know, we are so grateful that you are standing up and speaking out because somebody's got to.
And you're using your platform, and they're very sweet about it.
And it makes a lot of difference, that, because it's actually quite hard being in the firing line all the time and having the most unspeakable things done by people who ought to know better in journalism, in academia and elsewhere.
And so I am very grateful to you and to others who do speak the occasional kind word, because it cheers me up no end.
But again, it's not just about talking about Lord Monkton today.
I'm just holding you up because you deserve it as somebody who has gone through the fire and come out better on the other side.
I mean, this is a giant, criminal, premeditated seizure of all of human society, and you are traveling.
I mean, I'm pretty young, and I'm in good shape, and I get exhausted when I fly around a bunch of places.
I mean, you have been to the four corners of the earth, I have watched your labors, and I have seen you devastate the enemy.
And so I just can't help but at a very instinctive, primitive level, someone who's fighting against people who literally want to cut the resources off to my family, and who I know are a bunch of eugenics, control freak, population reducers, all I can do is say, you know, hail Lord Monckton, we appreciate you.
Well, bless you, that's very, very kind.
I mean, that is the most satisfying part about it, that wherever I go, very large crowds turn up.
I mean, I did a tour of Australia earlier this year, which played, I think, a small part in bringing Kevin Rudd down, because he was so stupid.
I did offer to go and see him and explain why the climate isn't in the trouble he thinks it is, but he wouldn't see me.
But, I mean, huge audiences turned up everywhere, thousands at a time.
And they came from out of the bush, they came from out of the towns and cities, they came from out of the mines, and they just came, and you know, the miners in particular in Newcastle, which is the mining district just north of Sydney, they came in huge numbers.
We booked a medium-sized room in the town hall, we had to jack that in and go for the main town hall building.
That wasn't big enough, so we took over the gallery, and there were still people in line outside when I started talking.
Wonderful crowd.
So we found Australia is just on fire with Liberty, really waking up.
Canada, the US, England, Europe, this is so exciting.
Now, in the time we've got left, finishing up that question I asked before the break, specifically, what is their international stratagem to deceptively try to, because we know these people never give up, to try to force through this global tax?
Well, what they're going to do is to continue to address the arguments from now on, more or less exclusively, to the governing class.
The people who are doing this are no longer going to try to get the support of the public.
They know that we have won the argument as far as the public are concerned.
The general public no longer buys global warming.
They've had enough of it.
They don't want to be bored with it anymore.
You'll see it less and less often now in even the most extreme left-wing media.
They're just all realising the public are simply tired of hearing people crying wolf.
So they're now addressing themselves very quietly and very furtively and very invisibly.
To the governing class worldwide.
I've just come back from Bonn, for instance, where there was yet another conference in preparation for the Cancun Climate Change Treaty, which will be the next step in the road towards world government.
Unelected world government, of course.
And it was quite clear what was going on there, the UN's officials and the odd scientists murmuring into the ears of international delegates, one by one, to persuade them that this is all absolutely terrible.
And of course I was there too, murmuring into the other ear of the delegates.
And interestingly, this time around,
For instance, a delegate from a leading Southern African country, when I said to him, the trouble is, even if the UN is right on the science, economically the stupidest possible way to do this is interfering in the right of countries, particularly poor countries, to emit as much carbon dioxide by using fossil fuels as they need to lift their people out of poverty.
He said,
Why have you chosen to speak to me?
I think I've spoken to all sorts of delegates.
You're just the next one on the list.
He said, well, I've been saying exactly what you're saying.
You're so right.
The idea of trying to curb CO2, we all know our own scientists tell us it makes no difference to the climate.
He said the thing that makes the difference is to adapt to any climate change that might result, in whatever direction it might result, as and when we need to.
He said that's going to be so much cheaper and more efficient.
And of course, that's the correct point.
Well, look at the sun right now!
I'm not saying that.
Well look at the sun right now.
First it heated up, now it's cooling off.
Now NASA says they believe from their studies, of course they can't know 100%, that it's about to go wild.
What does SUVs or a family having a high-calorie diet have to do with the sun?
Well, of course, nothing whatever.
This is just more scare stories.
It's very difficult to tell which way the sun's going to go next.
We simply don't know enough about it, and to try to pretend otherwise is futile.
It did go through a very quiet period for three years.
Now it seems to be quite agitated again.
But whether it stays agitated or not, or just collapses back into quietude in a few years' time, it's anybody's guess, frankly.
Nobody is able to predict yet.
Which way the sun is going to go.
If you look at the forecast from the leading solar physicists, they're all over the place.
They don't disagree with one another.
Yet again, there is no consensus.
Because there can't be.
Because our information on just about every aspect of the climate is so woefully incomplete.
It's incredible the tireless Christopher Monckton joins us.
I don't know.
This week saying Obama told him behind closed doors he's leaving the border open 20 plus thousand dead just Mexico's collapsed officially.
So that everyone is terrorized into just granting them amnesty that's a form of terrorism of holding us hostage and that's what Senator Kyle said it were that he admitted he's holding us hostage same thing on the oil
And very early on, I warned people, because I know they're M.O., that they were blocking the berms, blocking the barges, not taking the Dutch or the Norwegian giant tankers that can scoop it all up, if they would have been allowed to go there early.
Now it's spread out.
And still, it's in the news every day, where they won't let people block the estuaries.
They won't let them put the berms up.
And Obama came out and said, cap-and-trade is the answer.
I mean, this is
It is very strange that the various methods that are available to bring this to an end very quickly are not being adopted.
Particularly the use of supertankers with the enormous pumps that they have on board.
They can just go along literally vacuuming this stuff off the surface of the ocean.
And you can run it, once you've taken it out with a pump, you can run it through what's called a centrifuge, which will separate out the seawater and leave you with the crude oil, which you then put straight into the tanks.
And then you take it along to the refinery.
It's perfectly good oil.
Oil and water don't mix.
Nothing wrong with it.
All you've got to do is separate them by a centrifuge and you can use the oil and put the water back in the sea.
And they're not doing it.
They're not doing it because I think Obama wanted to do what the left so often do.
They want to teach the oil industry a lesson and say, well, you've made this mess, we're not going to allow it to be cleaned up so that everybody sees what a big mess it is.
Now, that may sound a little bit extreme.
But look at it this way.
There are methods they could have used to put an end to this a long time ago.
There are methods they could certainly be using to protect the estuaries, to protect the shorelines.
And yet, somehow, quite a lot of it that ought to be happening isn't happening.
And, you know, there are stories emerging from all the way along the coastline.
No, they're blocking them!
No, they're blocking them!
That we are being let into the secret of how this is being run or why it's being run the way it is.
And again, in a democracy, call me old-fashioned, but I think when something like this happens, there should be daily briefings in detail about what is being done and what is not being done, and why it is or is not being done.
And I don't think we're getting the frankness
Not so much from BP, as from Obama and his administration, as I would expect in a democracy.
And part of the reason for this is that the mainstream media, of course, are all rooting for Obama, and they don't want to bring their hero down by showing how useless he is in the crisis.
Or, as it may be, how much he's trying to exploit the crisis.
Now, I hesitate to say that that is what he is trying to do.
But I am unhappy at the course of events, and it certainly raises that question in one's mind.
Well, Lord Monckton, I mean, I don't know if you've, you probably haven't seen the video, but it's got hundreds of thousands of views.
Senator Kyle has also put out a statement that yes, he was in a meeting with Obama and Obama said, I'm not going to stop the crime.
I'm not going to put troops down there.
We have foreigners.
They've shut down national parks 80 and 100 miles into Arizona.
I mean, it is war zone bedlam.
And Obama said, I like that.
I want that to continue so I get amnesty.
I mean, he told a senator this.
And we know the chief of staff, Emanuel, says on Wall Street Journal television, don't let a good crisis go to waste.
So this is their modus operandi.
I mean, this is what they do.
Well, it's certainly worrying, and I would think that if President Obama actually said to the Senator what the Senator reports him as having said, and again, I wasn't there, so I don't know whether it was true, but I have no reason to suppose the Senator isn't telling the truth, then I think there is certainly a stateable case that Obama has committed high treason.
I don't know.
But it's even more than that.
Kyle said he was in the meeting and Obama said we're not going to let this crisis go away.
The murder!
I mean, Mexico is a failed state.
I'm sure you've seen it.
It's a tragedy what's been going on there.
And of course people want to escape it and they want to escape to their kindlier neighbor to the north.
All of that one understands and indeed one sympathizes.
But it is not for the president.
We're running out of time, and one of the biggest subjects is how they're counter-striking at you, who really is the, I mean now, who has come to the fore as the leader of the anti-man-made global warming fraud.
And so we're going to go to break, but you've got about two minutes now, then we'll come back in the final segment and have you go over this breakdown, their latest
Manufactured assault on you, Lord Monton.
Right, eight months ago, I made a rather well-known speech in St.
Paul, Minnesota, to a businessman's audience, to the Minnesota Free Market Institute, in which I explained my doubts about the science of climate change and economics,
And also I tacked on a four minute segment which has been very widely viewed.
I think two and a half million people on the main website and another two and a half million scattered over the internet have seen this peroration where I set out the world government plans of the UN quoting from the actual treaty draft of September the 15th last year.
Treaty draft for Copenhagen which failed I'm glad to say.
But that speech has attracted so much attention.
That whoever it is that's behind this global warming scare seems to have decided that they wanted me to be personally discredited because of that particular speech.
And so a professor at a Bible college in Minnesota called St.
Thomas University, a Professor Abraham,
Who is not even a climate scientist, he's a professor of fluid mechanics or something, um, in the engineering department, decided to do an 83 minute show, uh, slideshow with, uh, him talking over 115 slides, which he's put out all over the internet and all the climate extremist websites are running it.
Basically saying that everything I said was nonsense from start to finish, and it's very detailed, and it's very vicious.
You know, he accuses me of misrepresentation, of making stuff up.
All right, Lord Monckton, when we come back, and maybe I can twist your arm, unless you have another show coming up, for five minutes to the next hour, so you have ten minutes, I'm going to try to give you the floor, because you've got this big paper coming out that we'll post at InfoWars.com as soon as it's out, where you go through and just document the straw man baloney.
Lord Christopher Monckton's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another flash
Scienceandpublicpolicy.org is the website.
Lord Monckton, in the interest of time, go through this assault, because it's another example of understanding their tactics, and we can actually use their assaults to illustrate the deception, and it can be quite informative.
So you've got the floor.
Break down what happened.
Well, thank you very much.
Yes, Professor Abraham from the St.
Thomas Bible College in Minnesota.
Decided that he would produce this very long, 83 minutes with 115 slides, attempt at a rebuttal of my talk in St.
Paul, Minnesota, eight months ago, which has gone viral all over the web.
And he wanted to tear this down because, I don't know whether he's working with the people who are driving this scare, who try to discredit anyone who dares to suggest there might be another side to the story, or whether he did it on his own bat, I don't know.
However, I wrote to him about two weeks ago, and I said, look, here are several hundred questions.
About what you've said.
Questions about why you have misstated what I said, passed on those misstatements to scientists elsewhere, got them to attack the misstatements, and then printed their attacks on me as though they were attacking my words and not his words.
And he's also got his own mathematics wrong.
He doesn't know any of the science of climate change.
And all of that, he says, you know, I'm the professor here among tons of laymen.
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's paid by the denialist industry.
He's paid by fossil fuel industries, which I'm not, but that's what he says.
The whole thing is lies from start to finish.
What's interesting about this one, though?
Is that I have provided an unusually detailed refutation, point by point, of every single one of the several hundred lies, and I mean several hundred, deliberate falsehoods that Abraham has perpetrated.
This man is a liar, a cheat.
I mean, he makes Al Gore look like a saint.
He's utterly, utterly corrupt.
This is not a man who deserves to hold any academic office whatsoever.
And what he did was deliberately to divorce his talk from mine, so that unless you were watching my talk at the same time as his, you wouldn't realize how clever his lies were.
It took him months to put this together.
And it took me a week to write him an 84-page letter with several hundred, I think it's 450 questions in it.
And it's that letter, which I'm going to let you have on your website in a few days' time, I'm going to let him have one more chance, because I'm very fair to people when they do this sort of thing, to reply properly.
But so far, his reply says nothing more than the following.
This is my 84-page letter that I sent to him.
He says, I'm replying to your letter on behalf of myself and on behalf of Father Dennis Dease, who is the president of the university to whom I'd also written, complaining about Abraham and asking for him to be investigated.
And Father Dennis Dease is washing his hands of it, just like Pontius Pilate.
And the university, therefore, is not going to investigate any of this.
And Abraham simply says, I stand by my original position.
So let's have a look at Abraham's original position.
The first thing that struck me as odd is that he didn't even tell me he was doing this in eight months.
Time and time again in his attack on me, he says, well, he doesn't even tell us what his sources are.
At no time did he lift the phone or send me an email and ask me what my sources were.
That's what an academic would normally do.
So there's clear bad faith there.
Bad faith also in Abraham's failure to let me know he was going to do this before he published it, so that I would have the chance to publish a contemporaneous and detailed refutation.
No, he wanted to get a clear run at it, so that he could get all the lettering websites to tear down my reputation, and the newspaper blogs over here saying I am the fallen idol of the climate skeptics, this kind of thing.
There was also malice.
I mean... But they always do those hoaxes.
They always say... Yeah.
I mean, they just... I mean, they've said that the ice caps completely melted.
I mean, they... And what he says is, he says, you know, that this man is guilty of slight of hand, fabrication, shady... Well, stay there.
Back in one minute, Lord Monton.
Stay back.
Stay there until we come back.
We are now into hour number four on this Thursday edition.
Lord Monson will be with us until about 15 after because it's important for him to be able to finish what he was covering.
Recapping for stations that just joined us.
They had a university professor, hydrologist I guess, write this straw man attack that got a lot of collectivist parasite coverage, saying that he'd been discredited.
But then when you look at the slideshow, none of it
Is what Lord Christopher Monckton has ever said at scienceandpublicpolicy.org.
And when he talks about world government being announced, that's all over the news.
So, Lord Monckton, in this segment and the next, you've got the floor.
Run through the strawman attack he used, the tactics he used.
So first of all, we've dealt with bad faith, where he didn't tell me he was doing this.
And the absolute academic rule is, if you're going to attack somebody, particularly by accusing him of misrepresentation and dodgy data and straw men and sleight of hand and other things he's hurled at me, then it's very important you let the person know you're going to do this, so that he can mount a reply at more or less the same time.
That he didn't do.
And that, on its own, would be an offense for which he would be dismissed from a real university.
But then he only belongs to this half-assed Catholic Bible College, whose president, Father Dennis J. Deese, whose email address is djdease at stthomas.edu.
That's djdease at stthomas.edu.
And now the honor of Lord Monckton is in question, I dare say.
I want everyone who is listening to that, take that email address down and write to Father Dease, telling him that he must investigate the matters I have drawn to his attention.
But doesn't he know that you've, I mean to interrupt, but I want you to get into this, that you've routed all these other fraudulent professors and that he's picked a fight with a quite large dragon?
I don't think he's realized yet.
I think he thinks he can get away with this, but I'm already talking to some of the university's largest funders, and they are going to start cutting off funding unless he gets on and gets off his bottom and does his job as president of the university and has this man, Abraham, hauled up in front of a committee of his peers to examine whether or not I am telling the truth or he is telling the truth.
Okay, well let's go through the laundry list.
All right, let's have a look at what he does.
First of all, he says, I'm the professor here, among tons of laymen, being paid by fossil fuel interest.
Well, no, I'm not.
I received no payment whatsoever for my talk at St.
Paul, Minnesota, the one that he's attacking me for.
I don't receive any payment from fossil fuel interest.
And all of that was simply a lie.
But apparently, in this Bible college, lying is part of what they regard as their Christian mission.
I've already written to the Bishop about it, but of course the Bishop, likewise, these days, probably so busy sorting out the problems with little boys that he hasn't got time to deal with this one.
I haven't had a reply from the Bishop.
But Abraham starts off by... He can't even get his own math right.
Time and time again he gets his sums wrong and then blames me.
Then he tells the main thing that's really serious about this.
It's lie after lie after lie after lie.
What he does is he keeps on saying that I've said things about work by scientists which I haven't in fact said.
He then gets on to the scientist concern and says, Monckton said this about you.
What do you think of that?
The scientist said, that guy Monckton's absolutely terrible.
I never said anything of the kind.
And then he repeats that in his talk.
And here's an example.
He falsely led, this is Abraham, this wretched little man from poor Minnesota, falsely led a third party scientist, David Hathaway, who's a solar physicist, to believe that I had misrepresented Hathaway as having suggested that variations in the sun play a dominant role in climate change.
Which you've never said that!
I've never said that!
You've just said it's known to be a... I've never said it!
I absolutely never said that.
That's what he's done.
It's outrageous.
And this fellow, Abraham, knew that I had not, in this talk that he said he was attacking, I had not cited any opinion of Hathaway whatsoever.
I had shown a graph by him.
I had drawn my own conclusion from that graph, not in any way attributing my conclusion to Hathaway, and I had then cited the conclusion of an eminent pair of scientists, Cafetta and West, to the effect that two-thirds of the recent global warming was solar.
That was not... Stay there!
Stay there!
Stay there!
We're coming right back!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Now we're now eight minutes into this fourth and final hour today.
I'll be back of course tomorrow 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Eastern back Sunday live 4 to 6 p.m.
abbreviated Sunday broadcast.
There's so much news and information.
We're going to cover news and take your calls if your Lord Christopher Monckton leaves us.
Jack McLam is popping in about the BP situation as well.
Lord Monckton,
We've got an 80-plus page breakdown that you sent him two weeks ago.
He won't respond.
And so I guess you're starting an opening salvo here.
You said in the next few days, one more chance.
You're going to publish it.
We're going to put it up on Infowars.com.
And I understand you're flabbergasted by just the complete fabrication.
But sometimes they say, Hitler said, the bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.
But also the bigger the lie, the faster it'll fall.
So just run over some of the other deceptions.
Let's just take one example.
He said that I had misrepresented the work of Dr. David Barber, who's a climate researcher.
Now, there's just one problem with that.
I had not cited that researcher's work at any point in my talk, nor indeed have I ever done so.
He just made it up.
Then he did, he said that I had conducted and then misrepresented the results of a Google Scholar search for scientific papers containing all the words global, climate and change between 2004 and 2007.
Abraham also alleged that the quantity of scientific papers retrieved in the search, I said it was 539, had been a complete fabrication.
He's accusing me of a lie.
Uh, because he says there were far more than that.
Now, Abraham knew, when he said his lie, because I had said so in the talk he was commenting on and made clear in the relevant slide, that the search hadn't been done by me.
It had been done by Klaus Martin Schulte, a very distinguished researcher.
Mr. Schulte's search result had been reported in 2006 in a peer-reviewed journal from which I had quite legitimately and accurately cited a key result.
The database searched was not Google Scholar, but the ISI Web of Science database.
The search was not for all of the words global climate change, but for the exact phrase, global climate change, because that phrase is a standard one used in searches of this kind.
The search period hadn't been 2004 to 2007, but 2004 to mid-February 2007, which makes a difference the number of papers.
So basically he just made up whatever he wanted.
And that contrary to the allegation of complete fabrication, Mrs. Schultz's search had indeed retrieved 539 scientific papers and not the several thousand that Abraham's Google Scholar search had turned up on a completely different subject.
So he had got wrong the database we searched, the search term we used, the period over which the search was conducted.
Everything that had been plainly and accurately stated in my talk.
He just lies about it and then says that I am guilty of a complete fabrication.
Well, sir, you know the British is even more intense, stronger, but under U.S.
law, the definition of defamation, libel, or slander is premeditatedly manufacturing lies about someone to damage them, and this, just from the preliminary hearing, it goes on and on, sounds like it fits the very definition of that.
I mean, I think we are going to be looking at a legal case if we can't get any sense out of the President of the University, who, again, if you're listening to this, I want you to email this creep of a President, Father Dennis J. Dees, that's D-J-D-E-A-S for sugar, E, at stthomas.edu, D-J-D-E-A-S for sugar, E,
Well, this is an assault on you.
I mean, this is an assault on you to create this scurrilous list of fiction and then say it's real.
I mean, run through some more of it.
Yes, here's another one.
He said that I'd misrepresented the findings in a paper by Dr. Lloyd Keegwin.
Now, in fact, I had merely reproduced a graph by Dr. Keegwin showing that there was evidence that in that graph the medieval warm period had been warmer than the present.
But everyone admits that.
Everyone admits that going back to the Maxim back in the start of the Bronze Age, what 8,000 years ago, that was going on.
I mean, look, even the mainstream media admits you've been right about the cooling for nine years.
I mean, you've overturned their entire fraud.
Here's another wonderful one.
Abraham falsely represented me as having misrepresented the results of a paper by Noon et al.
Although, Abraham knew when he told this lie in his talk that I had correctly reproduced a graph from that paper, which was about Antarctica.
And Abraham then also knew that a comment on the internet from one of the authors of the paper to the effect that the Arctic is today warming rapidly had no bearing whatsoever on my use of a graph from that paper which was demonstrating the reality of the medieval warm period in Antarctica.
This guy, Abraham, knows so little climate science he can't even tell the difference between the medieval warm period and the present, or the Antarctic and the Arctic.
So he was floating around at thousand-year, multi-thousand-year, 500-year intervals, not even knowing where he was.
Uh, not even knowing the difference exactly.
Not even knowing the difference between Arctic and Antarctic.
Wait a minute, he didn't even know what the medieval warm period when they had grapes in England?
He doesn't appear to have understood that at all, because I was citing a paper that was looking at that period.
He then gets hold of one of the authors and finds on their website a statement about the Arctic today.
Well, that has nothing to do with the Antarctic in the medieval warm period a thousand years ago.
Well, the Antarctic is the southern and the Arctic's the north.
He didn't even know that?
He didn't even know that.
Um, and he stands... Excuse me, my six-year-old knows that, Lord Monckton.
That's right, I wrote to him and I gave him a copy of, or at least the President of the University gave him a copy of my letter to the President of the University pointing that one out, and he stands by his position that the Antarctic and the Arctic are the same.
I mean, that's what he says when he says, I stand by my position.
He's standing by all these lies.
I'm sorry, but that one blew me away.
He doesn't... I mean, I could go on and on and on and on.
There are so... I mean, there are literally hundreds of these.
And what I've done is I've done a very long letter, it's 84 pages long, to Abraham himself, which he hasn't replied to except to say he stands by his position.
He stands by all these lies, even though it's plain and absurd that they're lies.
It's quite clear that they're lies.
And, of course, this discredits him utterly in the eyes of his colleagues, in the eyes of academia generally, and he's about to be made a big fool of.
And turnabout's fair play.
I mean, you are a formidable intellect.
If you've done your research, I mean, you're one of the few people who's going to be addressing the World Federation of Scientists, who is a layman, and I think this guy has no idea that he's got a tiger by the tail.
I think he has every idea of that now, which is why he's, I think, on legal advice.
He's decided not to dig himself any further in.
You see, if he admits he got it wrong, I'd be willing to say, fine, admit you got it wrong, put up a, you know, take this down.
This is being broadcast on the university's web server, and every slide has the imprint of the university.
I saw it, I saw it a few weeks ago and I've ignored it just because, I mean, I've seen these people lie continually and... Yeah.
I mean, he ought to get hired by... The reason why this one's interesting is that this is clearly, a lot of money has been spent on this and it wasn't his money.
Somebody has backed this and somebody has organized it and it's been very artfully done.
So if you first look at it, you think, oh my God, what a complete lunatic Monkton is.
He doesn't know the first thing about anything.
It's only when you've seen my letter to Abraham, which just goes through it point by point by inexorable point, that you see just what a liar this man is, and just how very foolish the President of the University, Father DJ Deeks, is not to investigate the matter.
And if you're listening to this, and you want to help out here and get the truth,
We'll also, Lord Monckton, get a story out about this in the next few days and we'll put the phone numbers up there because I know the standard of libel, slander, defamation because I'm a radio host and when I first got into radio I had to, you know, sit there with lawyers and be taught all this in quite a few little
Well, they are indeed, and I'm just waiting to... I'm giving them every chance, because the courts don't like this to be a sort of political football.
So what I like to do is... because I have had to sue for libel on two or three occasions before.
I've always succeeded.
I've never lost.
You sent him a tort letter, basically.
You're... No, I haven't.
But I mean, that's what your letter is.
I haven't yet.
I'm not saying I have these questions.
I'd be grateful if you'd answer.
And in the meantime, please take it off the web.
They haven't done that.
Because what I'm doing is I'm creating a paper trail where the judge will look and he'll say, look, I've behaved on the whole pretty reasonably.
The other side hasn't.
And if the other side, in those circumstances, had lied, had the lies fairly drawn to its attention, had had a month to get these lies put straight, and had simply refused to tackle it at all, then that's the point at which the judge will award enormous damages.
Now, as you know, under the Freedom of Speech Convention, the constitutional amendment, you can say what you like about somebody, but if you stray into fact,
And you state facts that are not true and then draw from those facts a conclusion about somebody's character, which are strongly adverse to that person.
That, even in American law, is libel.
Look, you can't say a public figure is a murderer if they're not.
That's right.
And this is much more serious than that because it's going to my professional reputation.
It's saying I've gone around the world making these speeches and essentially the whole thing's made up.
It's all nonsense.
I don't know what I'm talking about or where I do know what I'm talking about.
I'm lying.
You can't get nastier than that.
And for him simply to refuse to answer my letter because he basically can't.
I mean, it's an unanswerable letter, as you'll see when you see it.
It's very detailed.
But it's very interesting.
It's actually worth dipping into it.
It's not a thing to be read in one go.
It's too long for that.
But it's worth just dipping into it and seeing the staggering dishonesty.
And I've got all the pictures of my slides and his slides in reply, and his statements about me, and then my questions to him about why he says the things he says.
And in those questions, I convey the information that makes it very plain to the reader exactly how it is and how frequently he has simply lied.
Lord Monckton, amazing.
All right.
We'll have to watch the aftermath of this.
We look forward to getting your paper and publishing it at InfoWars.com.
Keep up the great work.
Your integrity has been proven in spades.
We are routing the enemy.
God bless you.
Thank you very much, and God bless you too, and God bless America.
All right.
We'll be back.
We got Jack McClann popping in with some key intel on BP.
I had a caller call me, what, two, three days ago, saying Jack McClam's on his show on Genesis saying he has sources, he has a lot in the police and military, because police and military against the New World Order, that he's had for more than 25 years now, saying that the
Bureau of Land Management went on board and did an inspection and planted a bomb on it and blew it up.
I know that BLM was there.
I know a strange, unauthorized alteration was made that wasn't permitted and wasn't kosher.
The word they used wasn't regulation and wasn't a standard part.
And then it happened.
And then I did a search on it and found some guy with an oil company saying it.
I think Zimmerman Oil and some other sites saying it.
So we'll talk to him, because I respect Jack McClam, and get his intel on that front.
Right now, let's go to Michael Taylor, Michael, Kate, Mason, and others.
Michael, you're on the air from Canada.
Michelle, I can't read.
Go ahead.
That's okay.
I know my name.
Just want to let you know, I've been a subscriber to your site and listener for about three years.
Saying the word Bilderberg and one search led to another.
But anyway, I'm looking forward to your chemtrail film, too.
I was hoping to speak to Mr. Monckton, but anyway, it is about the carbon credits and all that stuff.
In British Columbia, our trader, Provincial Premier Gordon Campbell, who was an attendee at Bilderberg this year with Peter Mansbridge... And so was General McChrystal, by the way.
Yes, actually I read that this morning.
Anyways, he imposed a provincial carbon tax on us about a year and a half ago or so.
Now what I'm curious about is, I know that he may be up for federal leadership going to Bilderberg as did Stephen Harper, but what I'm interested in your take on this is, what do you think his ultimate plan is other than that?
Are they going to increase, do you think, the carbon tax?
Because this whole carbon thing and the recycling and the whole green movement is really sickening out here with all the tree huggers and everything we have, right?
Or do you think they're looking at a federal carbon tax prior to the global carbon tax?
Well let me tell you, I mean it varies region to region and I study this all the time, but if I tell you specifically everything about Canada, you know more than I do.
I read the Canadian news, I know that multiple states, namely the one you're talking about, did put this tax in locally.
They are adding new gas taxes.
They are adding new home inspection rules.
The EU has announced that you won't be allowed to have single-family dwellings, period, within nine years.
Within six years, they won't be able to be given new permits.
I mean, this controls everything.
And so, take Austin.
They can't get the Congress to pass it, even with their oil spill, so Obama says he's just going to implement it by executive order.
In Austin, the city council has gotten a U.N.
The U.N.
announced on the floor two months ago, praising Austin, when they passed $2.6 billion in taxes on us, has nothing to do.
They just say, it's green!
Your power bill went up!
It's green!
So they're going to rape us every angle they can.
Tracker boxes on our cars that tax us.
England's already starting it.
Texas is already paying drivers to be part of a test program to do it.
So, I mean, they're just gonna, the sky's the limit.
Whatever they can pass, they're gonna do.
They're gonna throw every bit of mud they can against the wall and know that some of it's gonna stick, and they never stop.
I mean, that's the thing about these crooks.
Two, two different, uh,
Prime Ministers have been thrown out in Australia, one just in England over this, and the next person that comes in, whether it's Australia, England, the Prime Minister of Canada, you know, three, four years ago before he was Prime Minister, he would criticize carbon taxes, now he's for it.
I mean, look at the new Labour leader.
Over in England.
He supports it.
Look at the new Tory, who's the Prime Minister.
He supports carbon tax.
This is what the globalists want.
This is their whole program.
And so I don't know.
I mean, it's just whatever they can get, they're going to do.
That's exactly what they've done with the HST here as well, this harmonized sales tax.
We've already got a municipal tax, provincial tax, federal tax.
Now this HST, what it's going to do is give the corporations power
To attack everything.
This is restaurants, everything you buy, everything you eat to survive.
They're going to pass on the savings to us, of course.
Of course, my, you know what.
But this is what we're doing here.
And again, Michelle, what does James Bond say to Goldfinger?
He says, do you expect me to talk?
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
This is about shutting us down, bankrupting us, and then coming in with the soft kill weapons.
I appreciate your call, Michelle.
I've got my call this way across the room on a big computer screen, and I guess my eyesight's failing me, so I apologize for calling you, Michael.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Officer Jack McLam, the founder of police and military against the new world order more than 25 years ago, is our guest to balance the broadcast.
I will attempt, and probably succeed, in going to Taylor, Michael, Kate, Mason, and Esteban.
While our guest is on with us, but before we go any further, I want to thank the sponsors that made today's radio transmission possible.
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Awesome folks.
All right, he doesn't need really any introduction.
He's a Genesis Talk Show host here in the evenings and a good guy.
Been on with us probably a hundred times over the last 15 years.
And he's been out there for more than two decades.
Most highly decorated police officer in Phoenix, Arizona history.
Of course, also a military veteran.
And he joins us today
Back in the days of the newsletter, he was one of the icons out there, you know, before there was the computers, warning police and military, with his Operation Vampire Killer 2000 and other publications.
And he has the sources.
Now, he was the first to report on this.
Now I've separately seen a gentleman with Zimmerman Oil talking about it.
I've seen other news articles out there by a bunch of publications, you know, saying this is the word.
But I wanted to go specifically to Jack McGlam.
You know, after we see this footage out of Phoenix, Arizona, of Senator Kyle,
And I talked about this with Lord Monk to the last hour, coming out and saying, look, I was in a private meeting with Obama, President Obama, and he told me, I'm going to leave the border open as a way to hold the American people hostage with all the crime and murder down there, so they'll pass amnesty, which is just legalization.
And that's what they're doing.
So, yeah, they'll let a crisis go to, you know, they won't let a good crisis go to waste.
We know they're blocking all the oil skimmers, blocking the estuary dams, blocking the sand berms.
I mean, out there actually blocking it.
So, we know they're blocking it premeditatedly and using a crisis, so they're now aiding and abetting and becoming part of the event.
So that's the same thing as staging it.
And we know they gave Anadarko and Halliburton the orders that's in the Coast Guard testimony from the people on board to do things that aren't done on oil rigs that they knew would blow up.
But more and more the evidence is that there was an unscheduled change two hours before, something that wasn't authorized.
And now we'll get that intel from Officer Jack McLam from his sources that obviously will go unnamed because they don't want to get a bullet in the head.
That's what he told me during the break.
Jack, good to have you on with us.
Good to be on with you, Alex.
Thanks for all you do for God and country.
Well, I try, and thank you, sir.
Okay, as much as you can tell us, because you've been saying this since really early on, you were the first, what did your intel sources and federal law enforcement, local police, and military tell you about what's really going on in the Gulf?
Well, it's all staged.
It's all staged.
They had, as you said, very strange, the Bureau of Land Management on there two hours before the bomb went off.
And they were doing a very uncharacteristic inspection of an oil rig, which the Bureau of Land Management doesn't do.
Yeah, I think so.
The oil barons make more money and stop the finding of oil in these offshore oil rigs.
Because they're monopoly men.
Just like BP gets 80% of the Alaskan oil.
And of course they're the big carbon tax pushers.
But was this a military source?
A police source?
Multiple sources?
Was it one source?
I mean, give us an idea.
It was multiple sources.
And let me get my timeline right.
When did you first start getting this intel?
Oh, about a month ago.
Yeah, about a month ago.
And all the people that I talked to and contacted, and they contacted me, are scared to death of being executed if anybody finds out that they talked to me about it.
And as you say, Zach Zimmerman is the one that put out that the Bureau of Land Management did an uncharacteristic surprise inspection the day the oil rig blew up.
And they were on that oil rig.
The Bureau of Land Management doesn't do oil rig inspections, but they were on this one, and two hours after they left, it blew up.
So, these sources that have contacted me
I believe that it was all a false flag operation to also fill the concentration camps.
They're talking about picking up 40 to 50,000 people.
Reuters and others are reporting that people are getting sick.
Two of the workers have died.
A captain's committed suicide.
So we know they've been lying about the toxicity.
But my intel is they are at least exacerbating this to get their carbon tax passed and now Obama
Barry Sitaro is out promoting that.
It's also a smokescreen for the Iran attack they've got geared up.
But specifically, you know, you have broken many government documents in the past, literally hundreds of times.
The Phoenix memo back in 98 saying patriots and gun owners were terrorists.
Well, they just said that they were in meetings where this was talked about, blowing up this oil rig.
Of course, the oil barons are part of the Communist-Zionist controllers of our nation today, and they were in meetings talking about they were going to blow this thing up.
So we had Wachovia, who is owned by Wells Fargo Bank, sell two and a half million shares two weeks before it blew up.
We're good to go.
The CEO of BP, that's been on the news a lot today, sold all of his stock, 1.4 million worth of BP stock, just a couple weeks before the bomb went off.
So it's the same as 9-11, brother.
I thought it was 33%, but then I read he had sold even more later.
And Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their stock.
Now, when you talk about Israel involvement, I hadn't really, I mean, federal government, BLM, I mean, this whole combine of interests wanting to push for it.
But I do see it as a distraction, as Israel and U.S.
forces do openly say they may nuke Iran.
And boy, that's just going to be terrible.
And then the Iranians say they're going to try to break the Gaza blockade, which is insane.
And I mean, we don't want war here.
We want all these sides to
How they were going to.
This was before it happened.
And so Halliburton was on that oil rig just hours before it blew up, and the Bureau of Land Management was there too.
So one of those organizations planted the bomb on the oil rig, according to my sources.
Well, I wish those sources could... I would think they'd be in more danger not speaking out.
I mean, I can't imagine government or corporate espionage groups having more than three or four people in a meeting where this would be discussed.
That's something you'd keep compartmentalized, so... Oh, yes, it's definitely compartmentalized, but I have contacts.
I had a top-secret clearance during the Vietnam War and was back on the secret intel basis
And made a lot of contacts with intel people.
Weren't you in Cambodia?
No, I never went to Cambodia.
Oh no, that was, that was, uh, Butch Paul was in Black Ops in Cambodia, that's right.
Right, yeah.
No, I, I wanted to, uh, I was 17, 18 years of age when I was, uh, I enlisted when I was 17 and I was the first American 16 year old that was
We're good to go.
Recruiter, and I told him that I was certified in scuba gear by the Navy divers that wanted to be part of the UDT, the underwater demolition team.
They're called the SEALs today.
Yeah, that's Jesse Ventura, yeah.
Yeah, and they said, the recruiter says, sure, sign here.
So I was stupid enough to sign up, and then they put me back in these intel bases in the jungle with a top secret clearance.
And it helped because I met a lot of people
No, no, Jack, we know that.
I mean, you've had the premier organization, Police and Military Against the New World Order and all these sources.
I just, this is pretty big.
I mean, I, I mean, I believe you have these sources and you, I mean, it's just, it's amazing, uh, to be here talking to you and you're saying you've got multiple sources, uh, who, who, I mean, one source to be specific, who said they were in on a meeting when the government was discussing, uh, sabotaging it with an explosive or two people or do you have?
Well, I was called the other day and was told I was going to get an email and I got an email that Cheney and Bush
And Halliburton purchased a oil cleaning firm two weeks before the blow-up of the oil platform.
Yeah, Boots and Coots, that's confirmed.
And so, I'm getting some good information.
And then, now we have a scared BP insider predicted that it was blown up on purpose, you know?
We have Dennis Whitney.
Now, he didn't give us his name, but we went and traced his IP address back to Dennis Whitney, so he may end up dead.
Well, that's not too good to talk about.
Yeah, he's really scared.
He's a BP insider, and he said that it was blown up on purpose.
A false flag operation.
Okay, well they can also IP spoofs, we'll have to look into that.
Wow, Jack McGlam is our guest.
This is just getting crazier by the moment.
Well, there's no doubt we're going into tyranny.
They're openly talking about shutting the web off.
They're openly talking about arresting dissidents.
They've got Southern Poverty Law Center reports.
The Southern Poverty Law Center called me by my first name.
They said, oh, Alex isn't calling for violence, but what he's saying will cause his followers to.
I mean, they must really be concerned about us if they're trying to demonize us.
I mean, Jack, we've never called for violence, have we?
No, I haven't called for violence, and you haven't either, Alex.
But the Southern Poverty Pimp Law Center is a Communist-Zionist-led organization, and they hate America, just like the ADL hates America, and they want to see it destroyed.
So they're doing everything they can to destroy you, me, and everybody they can to... that's trying to help save America.
Yeah, Jack, my whole issue on that front is
I don't think everybody that believes Israel has a right to exist though is part of the overall New World Order operation.
I mean there are different variants and different groups out there.
That's true, Alex.
Very true.
I mean, that's another issue, though, is that I know Betrayus is bad news, General Betrayus, and known as Betrayus.
But this other guy, McChrystal, was fingered as the one that covered up the Pat Tillman murder.
We know that was a murder.
That's right.
I mean, it's come out that it was a cover-up and a lie, and the Army Coroners have said it was a murder.
So we have that going on.
Shot at a distance, and they came up and shot him three times in the head to make sure he was dead.
Well, I think that from what I'm hearing, that McChrystal couldn't be trusted.
You know, he was siding with America against
Yeah, I wonder if
That's true.
That's true.
They're scared of McChrystal and so they've gotten rid of him and he may end up dead, according to my sources.
I asked Jack because he's a big teddy bear.
He's a really nice guy.
I asked him, I said, why don't you give this BP insider that sent you an email's name out?
And he said, well, because the...
His name was on the IP address and the government reads all the email that comes into my office, which of course they do.
They want to know what law enforcement and military are thinking.
That's why if you're going to send an email, folks, you need to send it from a dummy account or something else.
And so that's a good point Jack made, that he's trying to protect that person.
But who knows, that could have been a spoof name as well.
There's all sorts of tricks on the web.
When we've gotten law enforcement, military, intel type stuff, we first call, make phone calls, confirm it's accurate, and then we erase all the material.
You know, the communications we received.
Believe me, you get an FBI document, you call the FBI agents names up with a control number, they start freaking out.
And then you know it's real.
Plus, you know how to read this stuff after a while and tell if it's real.
But we'll continue to investigate this overall.
But Officer Jack McLam is our guest.
Don't forget, my websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And don't think it's because you're awake to what's happening, your friends and family are.
They're ready to be awakened.
Now is the time and it's life and death that we expose this system.
I mean, America finally realizes we're going into tyranny, and you've got all these corrupt special interests that are just in a free-for-all, looting this country and other nations.
I just hope people pray for this nation.
I hope they do, too.
I ask them every day on my show to pray for the nation.
Let me say something, Alex.
I'm really happy
That you said what you did about there's a lot of good Jews out there and I have five websites written by millions and millions of Jews against the Communist Zionists.
We have JewsvsZionists.wordpress.com We've got JewsAgainstZionists.com JewsNotZionists.org
And so millions and millions of Jews have gotten together to stand up and talk against the Communist Zionists who are, have been in control of Israel since 1948 and are still in control of them today and are causing all the wars and causing all the violence over there.
They created Hamas 20 years ago to bomb them regularly every few weeks.
And they created the Hamas organization to bomb them so that they could destroy the Palestinians.
Jack, here's my issue, though, is that I've run into different groups that say Catholics are all evil and run everything or Jews are all evil and run everything.
I'm just trying to fight the New World Order and trying to get everybody together against the New World Order.
And one of those sites you mentioned makes up outlandish things that are 100% false.
uh... about me and so you know that's my issue is criticizing israel and some of the different veins of zionism is for me in the research there's a lot of different flavors of it uh... you know that's one thing and we have guest on the do that uh... you know my only other issue is is that i've seen from the camp that thinks literally israel is the lc bob uh... i've seen a lot of dishonesty uh... from you know those crowds and just as you know just amazing stuff but uh... there's no doubt israel
Well, God bless you so much, Alex, for what you do for our country.
My nine grandchildren thank you, too, brother.
Well, we appreciate you, Jack.
Let me say bye to you here at the end of the show.
There's some separate stuff I wanted to talk to you.
I wanted to ask you how, uh, how that fellow that snuck into Bohemian Grove that was your webmaster is doing, because they set him up and put him in prison.
This is not a bed of roses, what we do here, foes.
This is really a hardcore, hardcore situation.
Retransmission starts now.
See you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
Mort Monckton coming up.
Judge Andrew Napolitano and more.
Farrah, David Icke, Naomi Wolf, G. Edward Griffin, Doug McIntyre, Mark Crispin Miller, Mickey Z, Doug Casey, David McElhaney, and myself, Alex Jones.
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We're good to go.
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A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got an 80-plus page breakdown that you sent him two weeks ago.
He won't respond.
And so I guess you're starting an opening salvo here.
You said in the next few days, one more chance.
You're going to publish it.
We're going to put it up on InfoWars.com.
And I understand you're flabbergasted by just the complete fabrication.
But sometimes they say, Hitler said, the bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.
But also the bigger the lie, the faster it'll fall.
So just run over some of the other deceptions.
Let's just take one example.
He said that I had misrepresented the work of Dr. David Barber, who's a climate researcher.
Now, there's just one problem with that.
I had not cited that researcher's work at any point in my talk, nor indeed have I ever done so.
He just made it up.
Then he did, he said that I had conducted and then misrepresented the results of a Google Scholar search for scientific papers containing all the words global, climate and change between 2004 and 2007.
Abraham also alleged that the quantity of scientific papers retrieved in the search, I said it was 539, had been a complete fabrication.
He's accusing me of a lie.
Because he says there were far more than that.
Now, Abraham knew, when he said his lie, because I had said so in the talk he was commenting on and made clear in the relevant slide, that the search hadn't been done by me, it had been done by Klaus Martin Schulter, a very distinguished researcher.
Mr Schulte's search results had been reported in 2006 in a peer-reviewed journal from which I had quite legitimately and accurately cited a key result.
The database searched was not Google Scholar, but the ISI Web of Science database.
The search was not for all of the words global climate and change, but for the exact phrase, global climate change, because that phrase is a standard one used in searches of this kind.
The search period hadn't been 2004 to 2007, but 2004 to mid-February 2007, which makes a difference in the number of papers.
So basically he just made up whatever he wanted.
And, contrary to the allegation of complete fabrication, Mr. Shulter's search had indeed retrieved 539 scientific papers, and not the several thousand that Abraham's Google Scholar search had turned up on a completely different subject.
So he had got wrong the database we searched, the search term we used, the period over which the search was conducted.
Everything that had been plainly and accurately stated in my talk.
He just lies about it and then says that I am guilty of a complete fabrication.
Well, sir, you know the British is even more intense, stronger, but under U.S.
law, the definition of defamation, libel, or slander is premeditatedly manufacturing lies about someone to damage them.
And this, just from the preliminary hearing, it goes on and on, sounds like it fits the very definition of that.
I mean, I think we are going to be looking at a legal case if we can't get any sense out of the President of the University, who, again, if you're listening to this, I want you to email this creep of a President, Father Dennis J. Dease.
That's D-J-D-E-A-S for sugar, E, at stthomas.edu.
D-J-D-E-A-S for sugar, E, at stthomas.edu.
Well, this is an assault on you!
I mean, this is an assault on you to create this scurrilous list of fiction and then say it's real.
I mean, run through some more of it.
Yes, here's another one.
He said that I'd misrepresented the findings in a paper by Dr. Lloyd Keegwin.
Now, in fact, I had merely reproduced a graph by Dr. Keegwin showing that there was evidence that in that graph the medieval warm period had been warmer than the present.
But everyone admits that.
Everyone admits that going back to the Maxim back in the start of the Bronze Age, what 8,000 years ago, that was going on.
I mean, look, even the mainstream media admits you've been right about the cooling for nine years.
I mean, you've overturned their entire fraud.
Here's another wonderful one.
Abraham falsely represented me as having misrepresented the results of a paper by Noon et al.
Although, Abraham knew when he told this lie in his talk that I had correctly reproduced a graph from that paper, which was about Antarctica.
And Abraham then also knew that a comment on the internet from one of the authors of the paper to the effect that the Arctic is today warming rapidly had no bearing whatsoever on my use of a graph from that paper which was demonstrating the reality of the medieval warm period in Antarctica.
This guy, Abraham, knows so little climate science, he can't even tell the difference between the medieval warm period and the present, or the Antarctic and the Arctic.
So he was floating around at thousand-year, multi-thousand-year, 500-year intervals, not even knowing where he was.
Uh, not even knowing the difference exactly.
Not even knowing the difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic.
Wait a minute, he didn't even know what the medieval warm period when they had grapes in England?
He doesn't appear to have understood that at all, because I was citing a paper that was looking at that period.
He then gets hold of one of the authors and finds on their website a statement about the Arctic today.
Well, that has nothing to do with the Antarctic and the medieval warm period a thousand years ago.
Well, the Antarctic is the southern and the Arctic's the north.
He didn't even know that?
He didn't even know that.
Excuse me, my six-year-old knows that, Lord Monckton.
That's right, I wrote to him and I gave him a copy of, or at least the President of the University gave him a copy of my letter to the President of the University, pointing that one out, and he stands by his position that the Antarctic and the Arctic are the same.
I mean, that's what he says when he says, I stand by my position.
He's standing by all these lies.
I'm sorry, but that one blew me away.
I mean, I could go on and on and on and on.
He doesn't know!
I mean, there are literally hundreds of these.
And what I've done is I've done a very long letter, it's 84 pages long, to Abraham himself, which he hasn't replied to except to say he stands by his position.
He stands by all these lies, even though it's plain and absurd that they're lies.
It's quite clear that they're lies.
And, of course, this discredits him utterly in the eyes of his colleagues, in the eyes of academia generally, and he's about to be made a big fool of.
And turnabout's fair play.
I mean, you are a formidable intellect.
If you've done your research, I mean, you're one of the few people who's going to be addressing the World Federation of Scientists, who is a layman, and I think this guy has no idea that he's got a tiger by the tail.
I think he has every idea of that now, which is why he's, I think, on legal advice.
He's decided not to dig himself any further in.
You see, if he admits he got it wrong, I'd be willing to say, fine, admit you got it wrong, put up a, you know, take this... This is being broadcast on the university's web server, and every slide has the imprint of the university.
I saw it a few weeks ago and I've ignored it just because, I mean, I've seen these people lie continually.
I mean, he ought to get hired by... The reason why this one's interesting is that this is clearly, a lot of money has been spent on this and it wasn't his money.
Somebody has backed this and somebody has organized it and it's been very artfully done.
So if you first look at it, you think, oh my God, what a complete lunatic Monkton is.
He doesn't know the first thing about anything.
It's only when you've seen my letter to Abraham, which just goes through it point by point by inexorable point.
That you see just what a liar this man is, and just how very foolish the president of the university, Father DJ Deeks, is not to investigate the matter.
And if you're listening to this, and you want to help out here and get the truth to register once again in academia, then email djdeas4sugare at stthomas.edu.
That's s-t-t-h-o-m-a-s.edu.
We'll also, Lord Monckton, get a story out about this in the next few days, and we'll put the phone numbers up there, because I know the standard of libel, slander, defamation, because I'm a radio host, and when I first got into radio, I had to, you know, sit there with lawyers and be taught all this in quite a few little classes, but the fact, if they're lawyers telling them to not retract,
Their lawyer's not telling them the right thing.
If they premeditatedly lied about you, the only hope they've got is to reverse and apologize.
If they keep it out there, they are going to be sunk.
Well, they are indeed.
And I'm just waiting.
I'm giving them every chance because the courts don't like this to be a sort of political football.
So what I like to do is, because I have had to sue for libel on two or three occasions before, I've always succeeded.
I've never lost.
You sent him a tort letter, basically.
No, no, no, I haven't.
I haven't yet.
But I mean, that's what your letter is.
I'm not saying I have these questions.
I'd be grateful if you'd answer.
And in the meantime, please take it off the web.
They haven't done that.
Because what I'm doing is I'm creating a paper trail where a judge will look, he'll say, look, I've behaved on the whole pretty reasonably.
The other side hasn't.
And if the other side, in those circumstances, had lied, had the lies fairly drawn to its attention, had had a month to get these lies put straight, and had simply refused to tackle it at all, then that's the point at which the judge will award enormous damages.
Now, as you know, under the Freedom of Speech Convention, the Constitutional Amendment, you can say what you like about somebody, but if you stray into fact,
Look, you can't say a public figure is a murderer if they're not.
That's right.
And this is much more serious than that because it's going to my professional reputation.
It's saying I've gone around the world making these speeches and essentially the whole thing's made up.
It's all nonsense.
I don't know what I'm talking about or where I do know what I'm talking about.
I'm lying.
You can't get nastier than that.
And for him simply to refuse to answer my letter because he basically can't.
I mean, it's an unanswerable letter, as you'll see when you see it.
It's very detailed.
But it's very interesting.
It's actually worth dipping into it.
It's not a thing to be read in one go.
It's too long for that.
But it's worth just dipping into it and seeing the staggering dishonesty.
And I've got all the pictures of my slides and his slides in reply, and his statements about me, and then my questions to him about why he says the things he says.
And in those questions, I convey the information that makes it very plain to the reader exactly how it is and how frequently he has simply lied.
All right.
Lord Monckton, amazing.
We'll have to watch the aftermath of this.
We look forward to getting your paper and publishing it at InfoWars.com.
Keep up the great work.
Your integrity has been proven in spades.
We are routing the enemy.
God bless you.
Thank you very much, and God bless you too, and God bless America.
All right.
We'll be back.
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They helped to create a New World Order.
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The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
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We got Jack McClann popping in with some key intel on BP.
I had a caller call me, what, two, three days ago, saying Jack McClam's on his show on Genesis saying he has sources, he has a lot in the police and military, because police and military against the New World Order, he's had for more than 25 years now, saying that the...
Bureau of Land Management went on board and did an inspection and planted a bomb on it and blew it up.
I know that BLM was there.
I know a strange, unauthorized alteration was made that wasn't permitted and wasn't kosher.
The word they used wasn't regulation and wasn't a standard part.
And then it happened.
And then I did a search on it and found some guy with an oil company saying it.
I think Zimmerman Oil and some other sites saying it.
So we'll talk to him, because I respect Jack McClam, and get his intel on that front.
Right now, let's go to Michael Taylor, Michael, Kate, Mason, and others.
Michael, you're on the air from Canada.
Thank you, Michael.
Michelle, I can't read.
Go ahead.
That's okay.
I know my name.
Just want to let you know, I've been a subscriber to your site and listener for about three years.
Saying the word Bilderberg and one search led to another.
But anyway, I'm looking forward to your chemtrail film, too.
I was hoping to speak to Mr. Monckton, but anyway, it is about the carbon credits and all that stuff.
In British Columbia, our trader, Provincial Premier Gordon Campbell, who was an attendee at Bilderberg this year with Peter Mansbridge... And so was General McChrystal, by the way.
Yes, actually I read that this morning.
Anyways, he imposed a provincial carbon tax on us about a year and a half ago or so.
Now what I'm curious about is, I know that he may be up for federal leadership going to Bilderberg as did Stephen Harper, but what I'm interested in your take on this is, what do you think his ultimate plan is other than that?
Are they going to increase, do you think, the
Well let me tell you, I mean it varies region to region, and I study this all the time, but if I tell you specifically everything about Canada, you know more than I do.
I read the Canadian news,
I know that multiple states, namely the one you're talking about, did put this tax in locally.
They are adding new gas taxes.
They are adding new home inspection rules.
The EU has announced that you won't be allowed to have single-family dwellings, period, within nine years.
Within six years, they won't be able to be given new permits.
I mean, this controls everything.
And so, take Austin.
They can't get the Congress to pass it, even with their oil spill, so Obama says he's just going to implement it by executive order.
In Austin, the city council has gotten a U.N.
The U.N.
announced on the floor two months ago, praising Austin, when they passed $2.6 billion in taxes on us, has nothing to do.
They just say, it's green!
Your power bill went up!
It's green!
So they're going to rape us every angle they can.
Tracker boxes on our cars that Texas, England's already starting it.
Texas is already paying drivers to be part of a test program to do it.
So, I mean, they're just gonna, the sky's the limit.
Whatever they can pass, they're gonna do.
They're gonna throw every bit of mud they can against the wall and know that some of it's gonna stick, and they never stop.
I mean, that's the thing about these crooks.
Two, two different, uh,
Prime Ministers have been thrown out in Australia, one just in England over this, and the next person that comes in, whether it's Australia, England, the Prime Minister of Canada, you know, three, four years ago before he was Prime Minister, he would criticize carbon taxes, now he's for it.
I mean, look at the new Labour leader.
Uh, over in England.
Uh, you know, he supports it.
Look at the new Tory, who's the Prime Minister.
He supports carbon tax.
Uh, this is what the globalists want.
This is their whole program.
And so, I don't know.
I mean, it's just whatever they can get, they're going to do.
That's exactly what they've done with the HST here as well, this harmonized sales tax.
We've already got a municipal tax, provincial tax, uh, federal tax.
Now this HST, what it's going to do is give the corporations power
I think?
They're gonna pass on the savings to us, of course.
Of course, my, my, you know what?
But this is what they're doing here.
And again, Michelle, what does James Bond say to Goldfinger?
He says, do you expect me to talk?
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
This is about shutting us down, bankrupting us, and then coming in with the soft kill weapons.
I appreciate your call, Michelle.
I've got my call this way across the room on a big computer screen, and I guess my eyesight's failing me, so I apologize for calling you, Michael.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Officer Jack McLamb, the founder of police and military against the new world order more than 25 years ago, is our guest to balance the broadcast and I will attempt and probably succeed in going to Taylor, Michael, Kate, Mason and Esteban.
We're good to go.
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All right, he doesn't need really any introduction.
He's a Genesis Talk Show host here in the evenings and a good guy.
Been on with us probably a hundred times over the last 15 years.
And he's been out there for more than two decades.
Most highly decorated police officer in Phoenix, Arizona history.
Of course, also a military veteran.
And he joins us today.
Back in the days of the newsletter, he was one of the icons out there, you know, before there was the computers, warning police and military, with his Operation Vampire Killer 2000 and other publications.
And he has the sources.
Now, he was the first to report on this.
Now I've separately seen a gentleman with Zimmerman Oil talking about it.
I've seen other news articles out there by a bunch of publications, you know, saying this is the word.
But I wanted to go specifically to Jack McGlam.
You know, after we see this footage out of Phoenix, Arizona, of Senator Kyle,
And I talked about this with Lord Monk to the last hour, coming out and saying, look, I was in a private meeting with Obama, President Obama, and he told me I'm going to leave the border open as a way to hold the American people hostage with all the crime and murder down there, so they'll pass amnesty, which is just legalization.
And that's what they're doing.
So, yeah, they'll let a crisis go to, you know, they won't let a good crisis go to waste.
We know they're blocking all the oil skimmers, blocking the estuary dams, blocking the sand berms.
I mean, out there actually blocking it.
So, we know they're blocking it premeditatedly and using a crisis, so they're now aiding and abetting and becoming part of the event.
So that's
And now we'll get that intel from Officer Jack McLam from his sources that obviously will go unnamed because they don't want to get a bullet in the head.
That's what he told me during the break.
Jack, good to have you on with us.
Good to be on with you, Alex.
Thanks for all you do for God and country.
Well, I try, and thank you, sir.
Okay, as much as you can tell us, because you've been saying this since really early on, you were the first, what did your intel sources and federal law enforcement, local police, and military tell you about what's really going on in the Gulf?
Well, it's all staged.
It's all staged.
They had, as you said, very strange, the Bureau of Land Management on there two hours before the bomb went off.
And they were doing a very uncharacteristic inspection of an oil rig, which the Bureau of Land Management doesn't do.
And then two hours after they left, the bomb went off and blew up the oil rig.
You know, so it was all a false flag operation to help the oil barons make more money.
And stop the finding of oil in these offshore oil rigs.
It was multiple sources.
Oh, about a month ago.
Yeah, about a month ago.
And all the people that I talked to and contacted, and they contacted me, are scared to death of being executed if anybody finds out that they talked to me about it.
And as you say, Zach Zimmerman is the one that put out that the Bureau of Land Management did an uncharacteristic surprise inspection the day the oil rig blew up.
And they were on that oil rig.
The Bureau of Land Management doesn't do oil rig inspections, but they were on this one, and two hours after they left, it blew up.
So these sources that have contacted me
Believe that it was all a false flag operation to also fill the concentration camps.
They're talking about picking up 40,000 to 50,000 people.
They're putting them in these Halliburton concentration camps.
Reuters and others are reporting that people are getting sick.
Two of the workers have died.
A captain's committed suicide.
So we know they've been lying about the toxicity.
But my intel is they are at least exacerbating this to get their carbon tax passed.
And now Obama
Barry Sitaro is out promoting that.
It's also a smokescreen for the Iran attack they've got geared up.
But specifically, you know, you have broken many government documents in the past, literally hundreds of times.
The Phoenix memo back in 98 saying patriots and gun owners were terrorists.
You know, just a new version of that we got from law enforcement last year, MIAC and Homeland Security reports.
Uh, so, I mean, Jack, you have broken a lot of key news, and we respect your sources, but I mean, any other details that they can, uh, that your sources gave you?
I mean, were these eyewitnesses, or were they told by other law enforcement?
Or, I mean, give us as much specifics as you can.
Well, they just said that they were in meetings where this was talked about, blowing up this oil rig, and, uh, of course, the oil barons are part of the Communist-Zionist
Uh, controllers of our nation today, and they were in meeting talking about they were going to blow this thing up.
So we had Wachovia, who is owned by Wells Fargo Bank, sell two and a half million shares two weeks before it blew up.
Swiss Bank UBS sold two million shares, 97% of their stock.
Wachovia sold 98% of their BP stock, and Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their BP stock, and Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP that's been on the news a lot today, sold all of his stock, 1.4 million worth of BP stock, just a couple weeks before the bomb went off.
So it's the same as 9-11, brother.
I thought it was 33%, but then I read he had sold even more later.
And Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their stock.
Now, when you talk about Israel involvement, I hadn't really, I mean, federal government, BLM, I mean, this whole combine of interests wanting to push for it.
But I do see it as a distraction, as Israel and U.S.
forces do openly say they may nuke Iran.
And boy, that's just going to be terrible.
And then the Iranians say they're going to try to break the Gaza blockade, which is insane.
And I mean, we don't want war here.
We want all these sides to
How they were going to.
This was before it happened.
And so Halliburton was on that oil rig just hours before it blew up, and the Bureau of Land Management was there too.
So one of those organizations planted the bomb on the oil rig, according to my sources.
Wow, I wish those sources could... I would think they'd be in more danger not speaking out.
I mean, I can't imagine government or corporate espionage groups having more than three or four people in a meeting where this would be discussed.
That's something you'd keep compartmentalized, so... Oh, yes, it's definitely compartmentalized, but I have contacts.
I had a top-secret clearance during the Vietnam War and was back on the secret intel bases
And made a lot of contacts with intel people.
Weren't you in Cambodia?
No, I never went to Cambodia.
Oh no, that was, that was, uh, Butch Paul was in Black Ops in Cambodia, that's right.
Right, yeah.
No, I, I wanted to, uh, I was 17, 18 years of age when I was, uh, I enlisted when I was 17 and I was the first American 16 year old that was
I don't know.
Recruiter, and I told him that I was certified in scuba gear by the Navy divers that wanted to be part of the UDT, the underwater demolition team.
They're called the SEALs today.
Yeah, that's Jesse Ventura, yeah.
Yeah, and they said, the recruiter says, sure, sign here.
So I was stupid enough to sign up, and then they put me back in these intel bases in the jungle with a top secret clearance, and it helped because I met a lot of people
No, no, Jack, we know that.
I mean, you've had the premier organization, Police and Military Against the New World Order, and all these sources.
This is pretty big.
I mean, I believe you have these sources.
I mean, it's just amazing to be here talking to you, and you're saying you've got multiple sources?
I mean, one source, to be specific, who said they were in on a meeting when the government was discussing sabotaging it with an explosive?
Or two people?
Yeah, two people.
Well, I was called the other day and was told I was going to get an email and I got an email that Cheney and Bush
And Halliburton purchased a oil cleaning firm two weeks before the blow-up of the oil platform.
Yeah, boots and coots, you know, that's confirmed.
Yeah, right.
And so, I'm getting some good information, it's just... And then, now we have a scared BP insider predicted that it was blown up on purpose, you know?
We have Dennis Whitney.
Now, he didn't give us his name, but we went and traced his IP address back to Dennis Whitney, so he may end up dead.
Well, that's not too good to talk about.
Yeah, he's really scared.
He's a BP insider, and he said that it was blown up on purpose.
A false flag operation.
Okay, well they can also IP spoofs, we'll have to look into that.
Wow, Jack McGlam is our guest.
This is just getting crazier by the moment.
Well, there's no doubt we're going into tyranny.
They're openly talking about shutting the web off.
They're openly talking about arresting dissidents.
They've got Southern Poverty Law Center reports.
The Southern Poverty Law Center called me by my first name.
They said, oh, Alex isn't calling for violence, but what he's saying will cause his followers to.
I mean, they must really be concerned about us if they're trying to demonize us.
I mean, Jack, we've never called for violence, have we?
No, I haven't called for violence, and you haven't either, Alex.
But the Southern Poverty Pimp Law Center is a Communist-Zionist-led organization.
And they hate America, just like the ADL hates America, and they want to see it destroyed.
So they're doing everything they can to destroy you, me, and everybody they can to... that's trying to help save America.
Yeah, Jack, my whole issue on that front is
I don't think everybody that believes Israel has a right to exist, though, is part of the overall New World Order operation.
I mean there are different variants and different groups out there.
That's true, Alex.
Very true.
I mean, that's another issue, though, is that I know Betrayus is bad news, General Betrayus, and known as Betrayus, but this other guy, McChrystal, was fingered as the one that covered up the Pat Tillman murder.
We know that was a murder.
That's right.
I mean, it's come out that it was a cover-up and a lie, and the Army Coroners have said it was a murder.
So we have that going on.
Shot at a distance, and they came up and shot him three times in the head to make sure he was dead.
Well, I think that, from what I'm hearing, that McChrystal couldn't be trusted.
You know, he was siding with America against
Yeah, I wonder if
That's true.
That's true.
They're scared of McChrystal and so they've gotten rid of him and he may end up dead, according to my sources.
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Thank you.
I asked Jack because he's a big teddy bear.
He's a really nice guy.
I asked him, I said, why did you give this PP inside of it sent you an email's name out?
And he said, well, because the...
His name was on the IP address and the government reads all the email that comes into my office, which of course they do.
They want to know what law enforcement and military are thinking.
That's why if you're going to send an email, folks, you need to send it from a dummy account or something else.
And so that's a good point Jack made, that he's trying to protect that person.
But who knows, that could have been a spoof name as well.
There's all sorts of tricks on the web.
When we've gotten law enforcement, military, intel type stuff, we first call, make phone calls, confirm it's accurate, and then we erase all the material.
You know, the communications we received.
Believe me, you get an FBI document, you call the FBI agents names up with a control number, they start freaking out.
And then you know it's real.
Plus, you know how to read this stuff after a while and tell if it's real.
But we'll continue to investigate this overall.
But Officer Jack McLam is our guest.
Don't forget, my websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And don't think it's because you're awake to what's happening, your friends and family are.
They're ready to be awakened.
Now is the time, and it's life and death that we expose this system.
I mean, America finally realizes we're going into tyranny, and you've got all these corrupt special interests that are just in a free-for-all, looting this country and other nations.
I just hope people pray for this nation.
I hope they do, too.
I ask them every day on my show to pray for the nation.
Let me say something, Alex.
I'm really happy
That you said what you did about there's a lot of good Jews out there, and I have five websites written by millions and millions of Jews against the Communist Zionists.
We have JewsvsZionists.wordpress.com.
We've got JewsAgainstZionists.com.
And so millions and millions of Jews have gotten together to stand up and talk against the Communist Zionists who are, have been in control of Israel since 1948 and are still in control of them today and are causing all the wars and causing all the violence over there.
They created Hamas 20 years ago to bomb them regularly every few weeks.
And they created the Hamas organization to bomb them so that they could destroy the Palestinians.
Jack, here's my issue, though, is that I've run into different groups that say Catholics are all evil and run everything or Jews are all evil and run everything.
I'm just trying to fight the New World Order and trying to get everybody together against the New World Order.
And one of those sites you mentioned makes up outlandish things that are 100% false.
uh... about me and so you know that's my issue is criticizing israel and some of the different veins of zionism is for me in the research there's a lot of different flavors of it uh... you know that's one thing and we have guest on the do that uh... you know my only other issue is is that i've seen from the camp that thinks literally israel is the lc bob uh... i've seen a lot of dishonesty uh... from you know those crowds and just as you know just amazing stuff but then there's no doubt israel
Well, God bless you so much, Alex, for what you do for our country.
My nine grandchildren thank you, too, brother.
Well, we appreciate you, Jack.
Let me say bye to you here at the end of the show.
There's some separate stuff I wanted to talk to you.
I wanted to ask you how, uh, how that fellow that snuck into Bohemian Grove that was your webmaster is doing, because they set him up and put him in prison.
This is not a bed of roses, what we do here, folks.
This is really a hardcore, hardcore situation.
Retransmission starts now.
God bless you all.
See you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Great job, crew.
Lord Monckton coming up.
Judge Andrew Napolitano and more.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
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