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Filename: 20100519_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 19, 2010
3199 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have a message.
A message from the Tea Party.
A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words.
We've come to take our government back.
We've come to take our government back from the special interest who think that the federal government is their own personal ATM.
From the politicians who bring us oversized fake checks emblazoned with their signature as if it was their money to give.
Washington is horribly broken.
I think we stand on a precipice.
We are encountering a day of reckoning and this movement, this Tea Party movement, is a message to Washington that we're unhappy and that we want things done differently.
The Tea Party movement is huge.
The mandate of our victory tonight is huge.
What you have done and what we are doing can transform America.
I think America's greatness hinges on us doing something to save the country.
The Tea Party movement is about saving the country from a mountain of debt that is devouring our country and I think could lead to chaos.
We now have a president, though, who apologizes for America's greatness.
We have a president who went to Copenhagen and appeared with Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, and others, Evo Morales,
To apologize for the Industrial Revolution.
They say, these dictators, these petty dictators say, that to stop climate change, it's about ending capitalism.
They are explicit, and the President, by attending Copenhagen, gives credibility and credence to these folks, and he should not go.
America's a great country.
You were listening right there to Rand Paul, who is of course one down in Kentucky.
The Republican Senate primary statement from Mitch McConnell.
They panicked big time as soon as he started taking on the new world order and we have the rest of the speech.
We'll play it later in the broadcast.
What CNN censored, the fellow that beat
Oh, they played all of his speech, but not Rand Paul.
They are scared, ladies and gentlemen.
They are scared big time.
And the media is saying voters send a mixed message.
They're, you know, they're kicking Specter out and they're, but they're going for Rand Paul.
You know, they elected a Democrat over another Democrat or voted for him in the primary with Specter, but then they voted for a Republican against an establishment Republican.
Gee, we don't know what this means.
We know exactly what this means.
Anti-New World Order.
Rand Paul tops Ron Paul in Kentucky by a lot, and it's an article showing how many votes that Ron Paul got a few years ago versus his son now.
Very, very exciting.
Rand Paul won against the establishment Republican by more than 30%.
And every number I've looked at, every analysis of the state of Kentucky I've seen, shows Rand Paul annihilating his Democratic challenger.
If the election is fair.
And when he had a whopping 18 point lead, it was hard for him to steal the election.
Ended up winning by 30 plus points.
33 points.
A 33 point mega win.
And the same thing.
Bye-bye Spectre!
Oh, you don't know how happy I am about Mr. Lone Bullet.
I mean, that guy's been in Washington forever.
Uh, get rid of that crook.
I mean, this is so exciting.
We'll talk about it all coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're seeing the federal government and multiple states, cities like Los Angeles, Austin, Texas, engaging in economic terrorism against the state of Arizona, meddling in their affairs of Arizonans, violating states' rights.
We see all sorts of harassment.
Now they're talking about not buying power.
Other states not buying power that's generated inside the state of Arizona.
That's because the globalists must bust this country open.
They must dissolve the borders for the NAU.
The North American Union coming up in T-minus an hour and 52 minutes.
William Gein of Alipac will be joining us to cover all the latest developments on this front and the film Machete.
We have confirmed that the Texas Film Commission that funded this film told us the truth.
Last Thursday, when we called them and they said, yes, we're funding Machete with tax incentives, location incentives, and more, then I was called and emailed on Thursday evening and Friday, Rob Dua specifically, because he was the contact.
He first called the Film Commission when I was writing this article with Aaron Dyson, him, that then made national news in the Washington Post, Drudge Report, and other places.
And the press secretary for
The governor Rick Perry told us that no, we're not funding it that hasn't been decided yet Well, we went and looked at the facts they decide whether to fund a film in the early stages Just like a few years ago.
They refused to fund the Waco movie So they shot it in Louisiana instead and it's coming out in a few months And then we pulled up mainstream news articles from a year ago out of the San Antonio Express News and other publications
With the head of the Texas Film Commission saying that they were indeed funding Machete.
So, just more lies from Rick Perry.
Just continued deception from government over and over and over again.
Government just thinks it's okay at all levels to just lie to people.
And, you know, I wasn't calling for the funding to be cut.
I just simply pointed out to taxpayers that you're helping pay for this.
What do you think of that?
Okay, and it's my First Amendment to respond and to counter a film that seeks to create racial division in this nation.
If a movie was made where Hispanics were the bad guys and the white savior is a Jesus archetype who murders the evil Hispanics, this country would be up in arms and it should be.
Somebody can make that movie if they want, but people would be up in arms and they should be.
Well, it's the same way with it being Hispanics being angels and white people all being a bunch of racist devils.
This is New World Order, divide and conquer.
So we'll talk about that coming up in about two hours with William Geim of Alipac.
Always informative, of course he outed
uh... the big republican senator lindsey graham for basically being blackmailed over his homosexuality and within days of that uh... video going viral and making it in the news suddenly uh... they couldn't blackmail him anymore and graham said i'm not for the global warming taxes i'm not for the open borders uh... i'm not for uh... any of this anymore
Because they don't have anything to hold over his head.
And that's the issue.
I mean, if Lindsey Graham is gay, which is being reported by a lot of sources that are credible, that's his own issue.
I'm not judging him for that.
But when he wants to put a tax on the little bit of industry we've got left, when China and India and others won't have that tax on them, and we'll give them an unfair trade advantage, as if they don't already have an unfair one, and when he wants to get rid of my borders and my sovereignty and says America is more of an idea than a place, and when he votes for the government takeover of healthcare, he's my enemy.
I don't
New World Order operations, if you try to attack states' rights, if you violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution, I want you out of the Senate and the House.
We need to kick these people out of the state houses, out of the city councils, out of the townships, out of the county commissionerships.
Kick the criminals, the thugs, the slimeballs, the parasites out.
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Now, record primary win, record numbers, 30 plus percent margin of victory over the Neocons supported by Dick Cheney and Frum and Crystal.
Went to the hearing, spoke out against it, exposed the fact that this was a serious conflict of interest.
They were not able to engage in the vote rigging.
Because if you're watching for vote rigging, and you're aware of it, and you've got a big margin of victory in every major poll, some of them showed a 22% margin.
And I told you those were skewed.
When the rubber met the road, 30 plus percent mega victory.
30 plus points.
What is it, 32 or 33?
Now, the Magic Bullet staffer on the Warren Commission, he was a staffer then, I guess one of the little play things for the Congress people himself.
Arlen Specter shouted down at all the town halls a year ago, the media said they were hired by consultants.
No, they weren't.
The public is angry, over 80% now in polls against it.
The more they learn about the healthcare, the more angry they get.
He is gone.
And here is CNN's spin.
Specter's loss, Paul's victory.
Shake up murky political map.
And then they go on in the first line of the article.
Voters sent mixed signals in Tuesday's primary election in Pennsylvania.
They tossed out a veteran senator, nominated a Tea Party-backed candidate, and also chose a longtime aide to fill the U.S.
House seat vacant by the death of Democratic Representative John Murtha.
No, those aren't mixed signals.
Everybody feels sorry for Murtha, and he's had a very strong Democrat-Liberal area, so the aid gets in.
And then you've got Rand Paul trouncing the Establishment Republican, and then you've got the Establishment Democrat flipped from Republican, Arlen Specter thrown out for the Liberal.
But see, the people just want someone that will actually do what they say they're going to do.
They want someone who is seen as anti-establishment.
And that was only in the primary.
Now we'll see if this Democrat wins in Pennsylvania against the Republican.
Whoever is seen as anti-establishment is going to win.
That's why Rick Perry's running around talking about secession and putting out stories about how he's in the hill country of Austin, jogging in Westlake Hills, killing coyotes, and how he carries guns, and how he's, you know, anti-New World Order when he's a Bilderberg Group attendee.
That's the only reason Perry won, is because he posed as one of us.
And here's another big problem.
I told you this a year and a half ago because he's the top insider in the Republican Party right now when it comes to taking over political operations.
The Republicans in 1994 swept in.
They were going to cut taxes.
They were going to reverse gun-grabbing legislation.
They were going to really turn this country around.
So the Clinton boys bombed Oklahoma City, A, to demonize states' rights in the Patriot movement, but B, they sent in Gingrich to sabotage the Republicans.
Well, he's telling Politico and others, as I covered yesterday, that he is going to run for president in the next two years into 2012, that he's going to get all the establishment backing, and that he's going to try to lead this Republican takeover of the House and Senate that he says is an 80%
And I agree with him.
It's more than 80%.
The problem is we need to get Rand Paul-type Republicans in who are anti-war, anti-Patriot Act, pro-Bill of Rights, Constitution, anti-global warming taxes.
Pro-Second Amendment.
Who will
Basically, alert us to what's happening in the Senate, blow the whistle on what's going on up there, use that power as a U.S.
Senator, as a bully pulpit to educate everyone.
And to then show the population that true constitutionalists can win for even big races like governor.
Not just state legislature, but governor, and U.S.
Senator, and House member.
And this is the beginning of the collapse of the New World Order.
They are not invincible.
It is not written in stone that they must win.
We can be given a reprieve like Nineveh.
We can be given a reprieve, just like with Jonah.
We can be given a hundred year reprieve.
It is a mind game, a globalist mind control operation to say that it's the end of the world and we're about to all be raptured and that as Americans we have to just sit here and suck our thumbs.
This is supposedly a predominantly Protestant nation.
It was founded by Protestants, but all religions are welcome under the First Amendment.
And you wonder why there isn't going to be one Protestant on the court.
Well, that's because Protestants for 150 years have been waiting for the rapture to suck on their thumbs.
And it's this overall, globalist-funded, sit-in-your-house, wait-for-the-end, if you see somebody getting stabbed down the street, don't help them, because it's the end of the world anyways.
Or if you see corrupt thugs taking over your government and taking over your society, or the government shipping in narcotics, just go pray about it.
Well, Faith Without Works is dead, and again, there is this mind control out there that Christians are supposed to just not be involved in their society.
I know this.
I have duty.
Justice be done by the heavens fault.
I'm going to do my duty regardless if the end of the world is next week.
And it could be with the Hadron Collider and antimatter weapons and asteroids and everything else.
You never know.
The point is, I'm going to do the right thing.
You know, if my kid's playing in the street and about to get run over, I'm not going to say, well, it might be the end of the world next week anyway, so I'll let my kid get run over.
It's the same thing with everything else.
So we're going to break what these victories of political outsiders means and how it's panicking the system.
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We're back, my friends.
Rand Paul savages Obama's catastrophic green economy.
Very exciting.
That article's up at PrisonPlanet.com.
He came out and he said, I've got a message to Washington.
We're taking our government back.
We are going to defeat the globalists.
We are going to defeat the New World Order.
We are going to defeat the cap-and-trade global tax.
It doesn't get any better than that.
Specter's loss, Paul's victory, shakes up murky political map.
Then it says voters sent mixed signals in Tuesday's primary elections in Pennsylvania and Kentucky.
No, they didn't.
Anyone seen as an establishment whore, anyone seen as being old guard, Republican or Democrat, is out.
And Rand Paul, if we get behind him, is going to win the Senate in Kentucky in November.
Look at what happened in Utah with their Senate primaries.
Old guard Republican, pro-open borders, pro-globalism, gone.
Anti-New World Order candidate, wins.
Now he's got to defeat the Democrat.
Got a good chance of doing it in Utah.
This isn't just going to be Democrats being thrown out and then a bunch of neocon Republicans getting in, no.
And that's why the New World Order is so deadly dangerous right now.
They know they're losing and I've read their white papers recently on air.
We've covered UN documents, the Copenhagen Treaty.
They're panicking.
They're openly saying we don't have much time to set up our world government.
We have a new video coming up in the next
segment, it's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson's doing a detailed article that's going to be up in the next hour or so at PrisonPlanet.com on this important subject.
How many globalists, UN heads, EU heads, Gordon Brown before he was thrown out of office, are openly calling for world government right now?
How many?
A lot are calling for it.
How many clips have we played?
And see, this new video clip we have of Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of Obama's chief advisors.
In this video, he says, we've got a problem, as he's addressing the Council on Foreign Relations.
He says, we've got a problem.
Our global government is not completed yet.
He says the G20 is our best
Vehicle right now for world government, not the United Nations.
And he said, the problem we have is for the first time in human history, and this is true, for the first time in human history, the entire world is awake to the true nature of the political system.
That's why for 50 years, they've denied they were building a world government using the blood, sweat and tears and energy of the United States and Europe.
And he admits that.
He says it's been a global government based in and around the Atlantic system.
That means Europe, Western Europe, England, the United States, Canada.
Australia is an auxiliary in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
And he lays it all out and then says global government.
We don't have the global government yet and everybody has woken up to us.
That's what he says in this video and audio that's coming up in the next segment.
And then he talks about
He does it all in bureaucrat speak.
He's a great speaker, very intelligent, very wicked.
He's one of the chief planners of our world.
He's probably more of a master planner than even Henry Kissinger.
He is a master planner.
And he breaks down the true power structure of the world and says, for the first time, this is such a big deal, this is what we've been telling you, for the first time, the planet is awake to the true political structure of the globe.
That's why they'd always deny it was a children's game.
We could never have a real debate about this, they would just say on the news, anybody that says there's a global banking cartel and a world government being set up is a racist kook who wants to murder your children, basically.
And who wears swastika underwear.
Had nothing to do with that.
And the media would only give attention to white supremacist groups and others who were covering this information on HBO specials and CNN specials to falsely paint the picture that anyone that talks about freedom and liberty must be an extremist.
So that the general public would get scared away from it, so they could stall a real debate until it was too late.
But you know what?
Tens of millions of people globally didn't care what labels we were given.
Didn't care how we were demonized.
Didn't care how we were set up.
Didn't care how we were provocateured.
Didn't care.
We were going to expose these people knowing that as their system came out in the open, that would then bring them down.
And that has now happened.
And so he basically is up there, like in the movie They Live, telling the inner council they can see.
More and more people are putting on the sunglasses so they can see the real world hidden behind the veil of mind control.
Stay with us.
That's coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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CFR meetings of Bignam Brzezinski fears the global awakening is the headline.
The video's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Paul Watson's got a story he's writing that'll be out in the next 30 minutes to an hour.
Very important to get this out to everyone.
This is one of the top globalist tacticians.
He is at the highest levels of the global government system.
They control the world financial system.
They control the biggest military power on earth.
But they do not control our minds, and for the first time there is a massive worldwide awakening.
Now, he starts slow, and it's all couched in globalist lingo, but then he cuts to the chase with global government, and basically explains it's a problem for them.
And he basically states, you know, that the U.S.
has the best weapons, but we're checkmated by Russia.
And he goes on to say the U.N.
is only a debating society, that we can only push initiatives through when we have almost total agreement.
And he then discusses the U.N.
Security Council and how it has the real power.
And then he says, you know, our global government is not complete.
And that they're basically losing ground every day.
And the danger is they're going to launch a World War III type operation.
That's their number one ace in the hole against Iran.
That's going to the front burner right now.
They are going to stage terror attacks worldwide to blame on domestic groups that are anti-globalist.
Part of the worldwide revolt against the banking system.
Against the private corporate government.
It's simple.
The New World Order is a global corporate takeover of governments.
It is government by corrupt, piratical corporations.
That's all it is.
And they also want to set up their world government because their ideology is that they want to carry out eugenics, population reduction.
For the New World Order, global government is only the beginning, as we cover in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, that is such
Important viewing.
It is essential viewing for everyone.
Yes, you the listener out there have seen it, or read about it, or have seen the documents, but has your neighbor.
What is stopping you from warning your neighbors?
Putting it on AXS TV.
Getting all the films out to everyone.
They are the most effective tool we've got.
How many times have you opened the phones up and police are calling in, where their entire department is awake now to the New World Order because of our films.
Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Invisible Empire.
How many times do you hear military people call in, or contractors, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in other bases, in Japan, talking about one of my films being left in the recreation area, or the coffee room, or the mess hall, and then they pick it up, they watch it, then they make copies, and then they wake up their unit.
We are unstoppable, ladies and gentlemen.
All the fancy teleprompters, all the $3,000 suits and $500 ties, all of the fancy backgrounds and American flags the globalists like to give speeches in front of, to give them the image of authority and gravitas and power.
It's a fraud.
They have to keep reapplying their lies, reapplying their propaganda.
And they made a big miscalculation in the last 20 years as the alternative media rose through films and newsletters and books and pamphlets before the internet really got big in the last decade.
And then that just supercharged it.
We were there laying out exactly what was going to happen because we had their public plans.
This stuff was public.
They were so arrogant, they didn't hide RAND Corporation and Council on Foreign Relations and UN and Club of Rome programs.
They didn't hide congressional hearings about the world government and how they were going to set it up.
They thought you were so drunk on beer and entertainment and football that you weren't paying attention.
And so we had their exact blueprint.
We laid out exactly what they were going to do, how they would trigger the police state takeover with terror attacks they staged, how they would bring in a global carbon tax to shut down industry by design with their quote saying they were going to do it.
We would talk about it.
They would call us liars.
The public found out they were the liars and they've lost all credibility.
And now we're to the next phase, telling the public, okay, you like what NAFTA and GATT and globalization and
Are these trillions of dollars of taxes to give these bankers trillions of dollars to expand their global takeover?
Do you think this is a good future?
Do you like this?
Do you like what's happened so far?
You better choose a side.
It isn't enough to be anti-New World Order in your mind.
You've got to go out and wake others up.
You've got to take action.
You've got to put your awakening into action to awaken others and take action against the New World Order.
And a lot of people never take action because they want to formulate a big plan, or they want their presentation to be perfect, or they have endless planning meetings locally, and they never agree on what they're going to do.
Just get it done, okay?
Let me tell you, you just take the hill, ladies and gentlemen.
You put one foot in front of the other, and you commit that we're going to take down the New World Order.
That's it.
And as you take action, you'll get better and better.
You'll become a better speaker.
You'll become more authoritative.
You'll learn more.
You'll become more dynamic.
Why don't you start with a one-page flyer, with whatever simple message you want about the New World Order, with websites on it.
And post those on telephone poles all over town.
You'll reach thousands of people right there.
Why don't you start an AXS TV show?
Why don't you call in to talk radio every day?
Not my show, but controlled left, controlled right, New World Order paradigm programs.
We are the majority!
Show it!
Start activating!
Ever been walking through the woods in the spring or the fall when the glowworms are out mating?
And you just see the forest path completely glowing blue.
Each little worm by itself, you can barely even see its gleam.
But you see thousands of worms on the path.
The path is glowing.
Well, we're a lot bigger and more important and more articulate than a glow worm.
You ever seen swarms of fireflies?
Oh, their lights are small.
But when there's hundreds of them, it just lights up the night.
Lights up the glade.
Lights up the meadow.
And that little light in the darkness stands out so bright.
So bright!
That's how we're gonna beat these people, using their communist slogan against them.
Many hands make light work.
Do not screw around!
You know, when I pushed Ron Paul privately, and I wasn't trying to brag, he later came on air and said, half our early support came from your show, thanks for getting us off the launching pad.
Same thing with Rand, he's thanked us here on air.
Ron Paul didn't want to run because he knew he'd probably lose, then people would become disillusioned.
But I said on air, as we pushed, as we told people to call him and tell him to run, I said, he's going to run and he's probably going to lose, but he's going to be able to inject real conservatism into the debate.
He is going to help build our movement.
And so the $15 million or whatever it was that we the people gave him in record contributions
Record amount of contributions because not just a record amount, biggest ever day, six plus million in one day.
Nobody's ever broken that.
But also it was that they were small donations, what on average about 50 bucks.
It depended which money bomb it was, but I saw numbers of $25, $51.
The point is it was record donations and that also broke the record for them being small.
And that was an investment and then he lost and people came out and they had COINTELPRO, we've identified, you know, criticizing him, telling lies about him, you know, saying he didn't run a good campaign when he almost killed himself and is working so hard, broke his back, his wife had a freaking heart attack over the whole thing, working her butt off, flying all over the country with him.
And they tried to discredit him, but it didn't matter, because now the number one movement on the college campuses was the Patriot movement.
It wasn't liberal or fake conservative.
It wasn't establishment flavors of purple, you know, grape and cherry Kool-Aid.
It wasn't Kool-Aid, folks.
It was good, nutritive, healthy, fresh-squeezed orange juice to revive the Republic from the scurvy we've got.
We're dying because we've been fed Kool-Aid.
We're living off New World Order Kool-Aid.
Our teeth are falling out.
We need vitamin C. We need vitamin D. We need minerals.
We need the Bill of Rights.
We need good, quality people, and we've got them.
And so the movement expanded and grew, so that now that the New World Order is engaged in their banking takeover, that he talked about three years ago, everybody remembers he told the truth, he warned the people, and so now his credibility shot up to... No member of Congress has a higher approval rating, according to the Houston Chronicle, in a national poll.
It's over 80%.
He climbs the longer he's in office, not drops the longer, like every other establishment candidate.
And now Rand!
We need to pray for him that they don't blow up an airplane or kill him or play a dirty trick on him.
But they realize, and I saw defeat in Karl Rove's eyes two days ago when he was on Fox talking about Rand Paul, when he said he's probably going to win, you know, nothing can stop these people, and he looked upset and was basically stuttering around.
They understand there's nothing they can do.
If you keep taking action.
There's nothing they can do.
If they try to set off a nuke now, folks... I mean, it's so much in the popular culture, even the show Jericho was about a private contractor group in black ops staging nuke attacks to bring in martial law.
Almost all the troops I've talked to are fully aware of false flag now.
They're not stupid.
They already know Cheney got caught trying to steal two cruise missiles.
Out of the Dakotas.
Up there at Minot.
That was on record.
Look, Admiral Fox Fallon wouldn't launch an attack on Iran three years ago and step down over it, saying it could cause World War III.
The next guy they tried to get to do it stepped down.
Do you understand, ladies and gentlemen, that these people are not invincible?
And so you're not going to have instant victory against these people.
You're not going to get freedom like a Happy Meal with a 60-second wait out of a McDonald's drive-thru window.
It is going to take time, but we are going to win.
Let's start going to Zbigniew Brzezinski's video, audio clip, and it starts slow, but it really builds up.
Listen carefully.
Here he is talking to top globalists and saying, we're in trouble, this is the biggest awakening ever, this has never happened in modern history.
He's right.
It happened in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, in the last 400 years in Europe, but never globally.
They are in trouble.
They are not going to be able to carry this out.
Here it is.
Let me begin by making just a thumbnail definition of the geopolitical context in which we all find ourselves, including America.
And in my perspective, that geopolitical context
is very much defined by two new global realities.
The first is that global political leadership, by which I mean the role of certain leading powers in the world, has now become much more diversified, unlike what it was until relatively recently.
Relatively recently still, the world was dominated by the Atlantic world.
As it had been for many centuries.
It no longer is.
Today the rise of the Far East has created a new, but much more differentiated, global leadership.
One which in a nutshell involves, if one can hazard, an arbitrary list of the primary players in the world scene.
The United States, clearly.
Maybe next to it, but maybe, the European Union.
I say maybe because it is not yet a political entity.
Certainly, increasingly so, and visibly so, China.
Russia, mainly in one respect only, because it is a nuclear power co-equal to the United States, but otherwise very deficient in all of the major indices of what constitutes global power.
Behind Russia, perhaps individually, but to a much lesser extent, Germany, France, Great Britain,
Japan, certainly, although it does not have a politically assertive posture, India is rising.
And then in the background of that, we have the new entity of G20, a much more diversified global leadership, lacking internal unity, with many of its members in bilateral antagonisms.
That makes the context much more complicated.
The other major change in international affairs is that for the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened.
That's a total new reality.
Total new reality.
It has not been so for most of human history until the last 100 years.
And in the course of the last 100 years the whole world has become politically awakened.
And no matter where you go
Politics is a matter of social engagement, and most people know what is generally going on, generally going on in the world, and are consciously aware of global iniquities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation.
Mankind is now politically awakened and stirring.
The combination of the two, a diversified global leadership, politically awakened masses, makes a much more difficult context for any major power, including, currently, the leading world power.
Alright, hit pause.
Back that up, because then they go to the Q&A section, but back that up to that final point that he made about a minute ago, where he's talking about
Inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation.
Mankind is now politically awakened and stirring.
The combination of the two, a diversified global leadership, politically awakened masses, makes a much more difficult context for any major power, including, currently, the leading world power, the United States.
But the United States is the New World Order.
And here's a question and answer to him.
There should be such an organization.
The word should implies that there is a kind of moral imperative or need for it.
But it doesn't exist.
Why doesn't it exist?
Because we don't have a situation in which there is a concentrated source of power that has universal reach.
Not even America has that.
So the United Nations functions well in areas in which it is possible to generate consensus.
And that deals usually with elements pertaining to human suffering, or to well-being, or to health.
For example, the food organization, the health organization, the relief agencies, or arbitration of conflicts of secondary importance.
In which the international community can kind of endorse what the U.N.
is doing.
But the U.N.
is not a world government.
The U.N., when it comes to politics, is based on a fiction.
Namely, 190 states, which are members, each of which is co-equal with the others, except for the five that have the veto right.
In the Security Council.
We're gonna go to break and come back, but as you hear that, you know,
be our world government?
Can't the U.N.
And he says, well, it isn't yet, but we need one.
You see?
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Why is Herman von Ruppe, the head of the EU, and Gordon Brown, and Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the UN, and Zbigniew Brzezinski openly talking about world government?
Why is the CFR now talking about world government in their public televised meetings, something they've never done previously?
Because now we can have a real debate.
We've ignored them, we've said, shut up liars, we've read all your documents, we've read your internal documents, we know what you're setting up, and so they can't play the game anymore because we're awake.
For the first time in history, the planet is now awake.
We can start having a real debate.
Do we want an unelected, authoritarian, world government running our society?
Is this something that we want?
Now, they always push it at the university level, and I've literally gotten thousands of emails over the years.
I see it in comments on almost all our videos on YouTube and other video channels.
It's always the same thing.
I like Star Trek.
I mean, they had a global government in that, and this is about world unity and the end of wars and peace, and humans went from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian farmers to city-states to nations, and this is the next step.
Do you want Chinese or Germans or Russians deciding what America does?
No, you want to represent yourself.
You want to have your own country with your own culture.
Humans are tribal.
This is what we do.
I don't want to merge with the U.N.
with the hundred-plus dictators and thugs that are involved in the 190 members.
I don't want to be under their control.
The Pentagon created the U.N.
in 45 to set up their world government.
The Pentagon doesn't belong to America.
We have to realize this.
We have to understand that national sovereignty is a firewall against tyranny, against people like Hitler and Stalin.
What would have happened if there would have been a world government body that Hitler could have gotten control of?
What would have happened if he would have had the surveillance system we see now today?
Think about it, ladies and gentlemen.
Think about what Zbigniew Brzezinski was just saying.
Think about what he's pushing.
Think about how they're now out in the open saying, we're in trouble, our system's in trouble, people are awake politically, that's a bad thing.
They know now their bluff, their scam, their spell, their mind control, the haze they had over people has lifted.
And we're starting to have a real debate, and it's only going to accelerate.
It's only going to get worse for them.
It's only going to expand.
And so now they're openly coming out and not just admitting we're all government.
They're saying, yeah, we want to ban free speech.
Yeah, we want to take your private property.
Yeah, the government's going to run your health care.
Yeah, we're going to start new wars.
Yeah, we're going to secretly arrest citizens of all the major Western nations and let you disappear into a black hole.
Yeah, we're torturing people.
Yeah, we're getting rid of habeas corpus.
Yeah, we're growing the opium in Afghanistan.
Okay, you know we're growing the opium in Afghanistan?
You bet we are.
We'll put it on TV and try to preempt you and put a spin on it that it's good.
That's happening because they know they've lost control of people's brains.
They've lost control.
It's over.
It's over mentally.
Now do we physically put it into action to take our countries back?
That is the question.
And that is up to you, ladies and gentlemen.
And I want to encourage listeners at the end of this hour to not screw around, to go to the InfoWars armory at InfoWars.com on the online video, bookstore, shopping cart, and order Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
So we can relearn the Bill of Rights and Constitution and states' rights and the power of the sheriff.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number two.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Coming up in the next hour, William Geim of Alipac joins us to break down the latest developments in Mexico and the United States.
Mexican pirates attack American fishermen.
There's also been a massive increase every day, I googled the term machete, in machete attacks.
On the waves of Falcon Lake in Texas, attacking and hitting hard, San Antonio Express News, Mexican President rebukes U.S.
law at White House, Arizona immigration law is focusing our people to face discrimination.
You gotta love a foreign leader here talking about his people.
Well that's what this is, the globalists are breaking up our country.
We need to reach out to Hispanics.
Hispanic Americans love America, but the illegals that fly Mexican flags and want to be in Mexico... Well, if Mexico is so great, why would you want to turn this into Mexico?
We've got to reach out to these people.
But if they won't listen and want to violate the law, we've got to ship them out of here.
I'd much rather them, you know...
Saddle up and become patriots, but the problem is the big money, the big globalists own the Spanish radio and TV.
It's all banker financed.
I've looked at a bunch of the Spanish stations in Texas.
Goldman Sachs is involved in every stinking one of them.
And they're there to use these people as a political weapon.
And I'm sorry, the Republic comes first, so... The American people aren't intimidated anymore into coming out and telling the truth.
We don't care what names we get called anymore.
It's over.
You figure that out yet?
The Greeks don't care.
The Icelanders don't care.
The Germans don't care.
The Japanese are getting angry.
The number two man in their government's been on this radio show and talked about 9-11 being an inside job.
He's the deputy to the president.
He's the number one guy in their diet.
Number two in Japan!
On this show!
Andres von Bielow, former German defense minister, on this show saying 9-11's an inside job.
Writing a best-selling book in Germany.
It's over, okay?
The enemy is sunk, but that doesn't mean they're not going to try to bring us down with them.
And it's that understanding that we can beat these people, if we get the spirit of liberty going, that can stop them.
Now, I won't open the phones up on Rand Paul's incredible victory, a slimeball, Spectre going down.
What this signals is a serious revolt against incumbents and globalists and New World Order trash.
I want to get your take on all the world government announcements.
Zbigniew Brzezinski coming out.
If you just tuned in, we played the video, the audio last hour of him saying, yeah, the world government's in trouble.
For the first time, the world is now awake to us.
And so now they're just having open discussions about it.
See now, they don't deny they want to secretly arrest you now.
They don't deny they want to get rid of the borders now.
They don't deny they want to get rid of the internet and freedom now.
They're right out in the open because they know you see them.
And I'm looking at their body language at the CFR.
They look scared while Brzezinski's talking.
Because they're a bunch of elitist crooks.
You understand that?
For your treason and your criminal activity, I'm gonna make sure your butts get locked up in prison!
Now if the jury finds you not guilty, good!
But when those juries find you guilty, pal, you want to arrest us secretly?
And let us disappear into a black hole dungeon of torture?
You've got all the legislation and Congress to do it?
You got your people all over TV trying to scare the public and push it?
Ahead of your next terror attack?
Well, listen here, pal!
I want you to have a jury trial, because I want all your crimes to come out!
And we're going to televise all of it!
I'd say of the 4,000 CFR members, more than half of them are consciously aware of what they're doing, and you're gonna be going to prison!
You understand that?
I may not live to see it, but you're going to prison!
You understand that?
They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Our money?
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So, I want to open the phones up about the fact that world government's now out in the open.
Brzezinski, top global planner.
He's probably the number one top planner who's currently in government with Obama.
He's been in every administration.
Openly calls for world government, brags about how he helped fund Pol Pot to kill 30% of their population.
I mean, just a truly evil person.
CFR meetings, Abigny Brzezinski fears the global awakening.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in the last two and a half hours.
The show's coming up in about 20 minutes.
When we go live, I'll play that video for people that are watching and the audio again of him calling for world government and saying, unfortunately, the planet's woken up to them.
And here's AP today.
It's also an AFP.
Canada campaigns against global bank tax.
See, the world government's now out in the open.
Here's another one out of Bloomberg.
Volcker says time is running out for U.S.
to tackle fiscal woes.
Carbon tax, financial VAT tax, and national VAT tax on top of the income tax and the new stealth FEMA national
What does he want?
Property tax that 40 plus percent of the country is now under with the floodplain insurance you've got to buy from them.
We've had insiders on in the FEMA meetings where they talk about this being a national property tax.
Also, naked scanners may increase cancer risk.
We already knew that, but now it's in mainstream news.
It just continues.
TSA agent accused of stealing cash from wheelchair-bound woman.
He's been arrested.
I mean, they just hire thugs.
Not all of them, but, I mean, a lot of them.
I mean, just look at the craziness.
Every control freak you can imagine, who can't even get a job as a toilet attendant, now has all this power to squeeze your wife's goods.
So, that's all coming up.
Also, KTVU Television, UC Berkeley asking incoming students for DNA.
And they're trying to pass that law in the House right now, when they arrest you for any reason, to take your blood.
Well, why not?
They're just getting you ready for global DNA databases they've already set up.
I've been covering this for 14 years, but finally six years ago in Australia, it's a global program under the UN.
The Pentagon holds the samples here in the US, along with major universities.
They've had murder cases where they go, don't worry, we already have his blood.
We already have it.
You know, he's 30 years old.
We got this 30 years ago he was born.
They take your blood at birth for 38 years?
We've been in a global government for 38 years!
Everything started 38 years ago, 37 years ago.
They started the global echelon system then, spying on everyone.
We're already under a world government that dominates Europe,
The Mediterranean, North America, much of Asia, and of course Australia and New Zealand.
It's all ready here.
And they've sold derivatives to all these other governments to bankrupt them so the financial system can come in and take them over through economic domination, economic conquest.
This is an economic infusora, an invasion.
And we must come together.
That's why Hollywood's throwing out all the stops with racial division, all these movies coming out of your pro-Second Amendment, pro-sovereignty, you're a racist that wants to kill people.
They are just trying to divide us, but it isn't going to work.
Their only hope is staging wars, terror attacks, and divide-and-conquer, balkanization division.
So I want to put the phones up on that subject.
And again, just such incredible news.
Rand Paul savages Obama as catastrophic green economy, global government.
30 plus percentage points.
30 plus percentage point mega win.
30 plus points on top of the establishment candidate who had all the banker money.
AIG, Goldman Sachs just flooding him.
All the big neocon publications attacking Rand Paul, trying to drag me into it because he comes on the show.
Didn't work.
It ain't gonna work.
Go ahead, attack him!
Say he's a radical.
Say he's bad.
Lie about him.
People know you're such discredited frauds that when you attack him, that's the seal of Bonafide.
Meanwhile, Mexican pirates attacking fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico and in Texas lakes.
It's getting serious.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jonathan in Kansas.
You're on the air.
Yes, I want to talk about that.
We're good to go.
Uh, did you notice that he labeled all Latin people as being one people without their own cultures or anything?
Don't you think that's hypocritical?
No, he's telling you, you're under me, you're not with the RAZA if you're not a communist.
It's just a political weapon and that's what the Ford Foundation...
With 40 plus billion dollars on record, they fund that in the universities with grants.
They don't want the Latin people to say, I want private property, I'm hardworking and smart, I want to have guns to protect myself.
I don't want a, I don't know what the word means, but Tony Montana says it, a Chavano on every corner, you know, telling you what to do, what to eat, what to wear, when to sleep.
You know, you a sheep?
I mean, basically they want to be able to tell
Yes, I also want to say two other things real quickly.
One, are you aware that the 2008 election was the first time two candidates were born outside of America?
John McCain was born in Panama.
Yes, I was aware of that.
John McCain lied.
And again, this is all about setting precedence.
He lied and said he was born at a base, so it would have been legal.
The base didn't exist until 20-plus years after he was born.
He was born on a naval ship in the Panama Canal, and at that time, they've now since changed the rules for military overseas, which I think is fine, to where he wasn't eligible.
With Bush.
Both Bush and Cheney were from Texas on their tax returns.
That's illegal to have the president and vice presidential nominees from the same state.
They did that.
Again, they desecrate our laws.
Obama violated Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution to become the first U.S.
sitting president to be the head of the U.N.
Security Council and swear an oath to him.
That's totally illegal.
Again, that's why they had Kissinger and Brzezinski in the audience, and they were all gasping and smiling like they had just passed some magic threshold, because they're there desecrating our laws, setting legal precedent.
And so, yes sir, and there's no doubt McCain was not born in the U.S.
and was ineligible, and there's no doubt Obama gave up his citizenship in Indonesia, and all the evidence shows he was born in Kenya.
Okay, okay, one more thing.
This is about DARPA.
Are you aware of Project Aspen Movie Map?
Say that again?
Project Aspen, as in Aspen, Colorado.
Aspen Movie Map.
Well, that's basically, in my opinion, it looks like the precursor to Google Street View.
We all know that CIA and NSA
I don't know.
Well, they also created the code for Google.
I appreciate your call.
Now, we first broke here five years ago with a CIA officer, Mr. Steele, that Google was a CIA front.
Now it's completely admitted.
In-Q-Tel, of course, gave him a lot of the funding as well, an admitted CIA funding consortium through DARPA.
Let's talk to Fred in Oklahoma.
Fred, you're on the air.
Alex, good to talk to you, sir.
One of the main little items that says that we are waking up everybody was Miss Oklahoma spouting the two most magical words ever, which was states rights.
in the uh... beauty contest last week well you know we covered this on monday uh... the larry conquista judge asked her if she was against the arizona law and a few people booed and he said don't boo yet and then she said well i support state's rights and it was ten to one cheers you could barely hear the boos and then she and again i never watch beauty pageants but sunday night
When it was live, I ended my Sunday show at six.
I went in, I was going to stay late and do some other work.
I'd ordered a pizza for the crew.
The pizza had just gotten here.
I turned on the television set and the first channel was the channel that had it on, so I watched about five minutes.
One of the IT guys was back there with me.
Yes, we are.
I wasn't even aware on Monday when we played her clip that she'd been the runner-up and had lost to the other lady and I think the Lebanese woman was beautiful but I mean I'm telling you nothing compared to the other one and later the judge admitted he voted against her because of that so she would have won
If she would have betrayed America and betrayed the state's rights, and so that's the message.
That's why those beauty queens always have to get up and say, I love the UN, I love world government, oh, I'm against the Second Amendment, and boom, they win.
I mean, they could run Elena Kagan.
uh... up against those other beauty queen people she looks like a toad and if you know if she went out there and spoke for open borders she'd be the beauty queen uh... now the other woman's better looking than Elena Kagan but uh... you know i think that uh... clearly i think miss oklahoma should have won uh... and it's disgusting any other comments i do think that she did win by being standing up for the constitution because that's the number one thing that she could have done well we want to get her on the show we want to get her on the show
We haven't heard anything from her or about her in Oklahoma.
Of course, we're a little proud of her, but it's like they had put her in a box and kept her locked away.
I think that she really stepped on some toes on that one.
Well, it's like the other woman that lost the contest and they admitted it because she said she was against, you know, gay marriage.
And that's her opinion, that's her right.
And by the way, in America, over 70% of Americans in polls agree with that.
Whether you agree with it or not, the issue is, she should be able to have her view.
Why is this political?
And the message is, you don't get to make the millions of dollars as Miss USA or Miss America unless you're anti-America.
I appreciate your call.
But yeah, it's brainwashing.
It's peer pressure.
It's manipulation.
Johnny, Eric, James and others.
I hope somebody wants to talk about this global government situation and what happened with Rand Paul as well.
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We're here live 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Eastern, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Time.
I come back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with an abbreviated Global Transmission.
Continuing with your phone calls, William Geam of Alipac joins us to break down what's happening on the border, what's going on with Arizona in the next hour.
We'll have open phones then as well.
And we're going to continue with a whole bunch of other important news.
But if you just tuned in...
The establishment is in panic.
Every incumbent Republican and Democrat out there, and every candidate seen as establishment, whether it's Arlen Specter or Trey Grayson in Kentucky, is losing in the primaries.
Same thing happened two weeks ago in Utah with a Republican establishment candidate losing the primary to a Tea Partier, a real Tea Partier.
See, the Republican Party said we've got to take over
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
Hello Alex.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm half Thai and I grew up in California and I've been living in Thailand for the last six years and I saw the article Thailand's Toxins, Shinawatra, Marxist and the NWO on Infowars.com and
I have a little special insight about what's going on in Thailand.
Let me say this.
We've published articles on both sides and the phones are open and we don't know exactly what's going on.
One of our geopolitical experts says that it's murky and that both sides have issues and that the Thais themselves are angry.
But now give us your perspective.
Yeah, alright.
In Thailand,
There's a red-yellow paradigm, just like the left, uh, the left-right paradigm here in the West, and pretty much, uh, the red shirts, um, they're for the poor farmers, and, you know, they have little education, and they're paid by, uh, the former Prime Minister taxing Shinawatra 1,000 baht per day to demonstrate on the front lines, and, uh, the government right now, it's the yellow government,
And they represent pretty much like the middle class and the Bangkok elite that support the king and the royal family.
And like in Thailand, the king has like a godlike status.
Sometimes literally like worship him.
It's ridiculous.
Like at Thai schools,
At an early age, kids go to school and they're taught to love the king.
I understand.
I've met Thai folks here in town and been to their houses and they've got photographs of the king up there and they literally just revere him.
But expanding on that in the limited time we have here, because this isn't really on subject, specifically give us your bottom line on what's really happening in Thailand.
The yellow government, they pretty much own the Thai mainstream media, and the yellows control all the universities, and pretty much if you speak out against the king or the yellows or the royal family, you know, you're labeled as, like, not a real Thai, you're labeled as a traitor to the Thai race, pretty much labeled as scum, and if somebody hears you, they can call the police.
And you can be hauled off to jail for expressing these views.
Yeah, I've read that, and I think that's wrong.
But at a geopolitical level, the globalists are trying to throw out the monarchy to bring in their banker monarchy.
So I think ties have to ask themselves which form of tyranny they want, whether they want to work in the system to reform it or become vassals.
Alex, you know the King has...
Has ties to the Rockefellers, the World Bank, the IMF... Oh yeah, the globalists are going to work with whoever's in power.
Look, I've tried to study Thailand and what's happening in Bangkok, and I'll just be honest with you, that's why I've deferred on this, because history and societies and cultures aren't just something you can claim you're an expert on.
I mean, I know more than probably 95% of people about Thailand.
I've done some research.
We've had guests on about it.
I mean, no, I've said that there's a lot of corruption on the yellow side, but it looks pretty corrupt what the red side's doing.
And see, that's the issue.
People have this mindset that it's either one side's good, the other side's bad.
Iran is run by pretty oppressive, corrupt people.
But our government is run by even more evil people, and it's wrong to want to attack Iran.
It's like, I don't like Hugo Chavez, but I don't like our government trying to overthrow them.
So, it's...
It's evil in high places is the problem.
But I appreciate your call, sir.
More calls straight ahead to Eric James, Ronnie, Chris, and others.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Alright, we're back live my friends.
William Gein joining us in the next hour.
I want to go back to your phone calls.
But I wanted to play a clip one more time of Zbigniew Brzezinski making quite an admission.
And I'm seeing similar admissions from the Rand Corporation, the UN, the Club of Rome, the State Department and others.
That they tried to lie to the public and deny they were forming a global corporate government for the administrative convenience of central bankers.
Which they believe is much better than the former auto-determination of nation-states.
That's basically a quote from David Rockefeller.
I'm paraphrasing there, almost word for word.
In fact, just pull me up the David Rockefeller quotes, so I'm exact.
David Rockefeller, world government quote.
There's a bunch of them, but it's the one about a world government for the administrative convenience of world bankers.
Private central bankers.
There's many variants of that.
The point is that they would deny all this was going on forever, and now they're not denying it.
So I want to get back into that, take your phone calls, and talk about what's happening to incumbents, both Republican and Democrat, in primaries from Utah to Pennsylvania to Kentucky.
You name it, this is a big deal.
But before I go any further here today,
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I cannot describe to you how big of a deal it is to have Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN, Herman Van Rompuy, unelected head of the EU,
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Al Gore, all these world leaders coming out and saying, we're setting up a world government based on global carbon taxes, a global constitution of the G20, controlling the planet's currencies.
National currencies that are under the auspices and are pegged to the SDRs.
Now why have they done that?
This was a big thing for them in the last two years to shift from denying they were setting up oral government for the last 50 as they were setting it up.
Thousands of their internal documents fell into our hands.
They published many of them in scholarly reports knowing you wouldn't be reading them.
That's how arrogant they are.
Thinking all you care about is baseball and football and partying.
Well, Brzezinski explains why, and I'm seeing this in more and more reports, why they've now, and of course I said this years ago, the last two years they've shifted from denying all of this to admitting that it's real because they've passed that cost-benefit point.
We're good to go.
Scores of articles, Time Magazine, Newsweek, but especially the Financial Times of London said, and now for world government.
That was the headline.
And now for world government.
And why did they say, and now for world government?
Well, he goes on to say, we built it quietly.
We built it in stealth.
Yes, it's authoritarian.
You don't know what's good for you.
This is to save the earth.
And yes, the Bilderberg Group's real.
So, not only do they admit it's a world government, but that it's unelected and unaccountable to you because they know better.
And then, of course, in every case, they rob you with this system they've built.
And torture and secret arrest and DNA databases is what these people put in to place in every country they control.
They are tyrants.
They don't want free speech.
They don't want private property for the general public, only for themselves.
It's all selectively enforced.
It's a super elite destroying anybody who has two cents to rub together.
You have all that going on.
And you have Zbigniew Brzezinski at a televised CFR meeting admitting there's been a global awakening to the new world order.
The G20 is our best shot at world government, but it's infighting.
And we already played that part of the clip.
It's a long clip last hour.
The full unedited clip is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
But then the first question he gets is, you know, don't we need to use the U.N.
as a world government?
And he goes on to explain that it's basically impotent, that yes, they want a world government, but there's no single power big enough to enforce the world government.
So he also admits the U.S.
is the main bulldog and the main engine of the world government, destroying our sovereignty while we're used to destroy other people's sovereignty.
With economic warfare, with invasions, selling rebels' weapons, selling neighboring countries' weapons, State Department Random 200, where Kissinger talks about selling weapons to a neighboring country to attack the next country, to create population reduction.
I mean, this is ruthless.
And this is the great game where they play nations and groups and people off against each other.
That's what racist films like Machete are about.
Getting us all fighting with each other.
Because if the globalists can't make us infight, they're going to lose.
But his big admission is, the people are now awake.
As I said two years ago, they made a decision that wasn't announced, but you can see the decision.
Suddenly, hundreds of articles a week admitting it's authoritarian world government, but that it's for your own good.
Remember that.
For the world government and telling you it's good.
And yes, they've been trying to set it up.
And poor them, they're having trouble because people are awake.
Clearly, they passed that point where lying about it was only discrediting them.
So now they shifted into telling you, okay, world government is a good thing, but they still think cops are dumber than the general public because they still teach police in all their training manuals that it doesn't exist and that if you talk about it, the person talking about world government wants to kill cops.
It's just very elementary brainwashing.
Hey, if you hear somebody saying there's a banking takeover, a world government, be careful, they want to kill you.
That's in all the different ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, MIAC, Homeland Security reports that we received from law enforcement a year and a half ago.
Now, that's all public.
So, but they've almost completely converted over from saying it doesn't exist to admitting it exists because for the first time in history, and I agree with him, the Renaissance was only localized via the printing press.
Again, information.
That's what the Gutenberg press generated that.
The other major change in international affairs is that for the first time in all of human history,
Mankind is politically awakened.
That's a total new reality.
Total new reality.
It has not been so for most of human history until the last 100 years.
And in the course of the last 100 years, the whole world has become politically awakened.
And no matter where you go, politics is a matter of social engagement,
And most people know what is generally going on, generally going on in the world, and are consciously aware of global iniquities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation.
Mankind is now politically awakened and stirring.
The combination of the two, a diversified global leadership, politically awakened masses, makes a much more difficult context for any major power, including, currently, the leading world power, the United States.
I really enjoyed your presentation, but I'm wondering, how would you rate the United Nations in helping solve some of the geopolitical problems we've had?
Some people say they're, you know, they're not adding a lot of solutions, and some people even say we should have another organization internationally that can do the job that the United Nations should be doing.
And even people are talking about one-world governments.
I mean, how do you view the UN right now?
Well, you know, there should be such an organization.
The word should implies that
There is a kind of moral imperative or need for it.
But it doesn't exist.
Why doesn't it exist?
Because we don't have a situation in which there is a concentrated source of power that has universal reach.
Not even America has that.
So the United Nations functions well in areas in which it is possible to generate consensus.
And that deals usually with elements pertaining to human suffering, or to well-being, or to health.
For example, the food organization, the health organization, the relief agencies, or arbitration of... Okay.
...conflicts of...
And basically earlier he talked about the G20 is the best mode they've got for the world government.
And imagine how outrageous this is.
Private central banks that have engineered the financial collapse on record, that's now public knowledge, are saying we're going to form a world government that issues a magic digital currency that you've got to buy from us with interest backed up by real assets.
I mean, why not just go pick some wino off the street corner and make them God?
And, you know, put their face on some money, and then we have to pay them interest to have it.
Think about that.
And that's why, if we point out that they're illegitimate, autocratic, authoritarian, and that it's immoral what they're doing,
Then there's no way they can put this into place.
And that's why they're so scared.
And that's why they're going, okay, there is a world government.
You know, we're trying to set it up for your own good.
It's God's work.
It's a moral imperative.
A moral imperative.
This is a guy who brags about how he funded in the
Later administration of Jimmy Carter, the operations with Pol Pot that killed 30% of the population conservatively.
These guys are in to what they do.
These are eugenicists at every level who want you dead.
They don't just want your property, they want you and your kids off of it.
Skulls out there on the back 40.
And that's the next level of awakening.
The public is now awoken to the fact there is a world government run by banks.
The public had better wake up fast to the fact that this world government is murderous and that they compete with each other in the power structure, in the pyramidal system for who is the most cunning, the most ruthless.
They believe in social Darwinism, survival of the fittest.
They believe whatever they do to murder and kill and steal and poison is a moral reflection of their sickening humanism, their form of humanism.
Now here's a David Rockefeller quote.
The super national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practice in past centuries.
Here's another one from his book, Memoirs, published five years ago.
For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family,
For the inordinate influence they claim we wailed over American political and economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal, well we know you are, working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalist and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political economic structure, one world if you will.
If that is the charge, I stand guilty and proud of it.
So, that's what's going on here.
And we actually own that book.
It's here in the office.
I want to go back to your calls here, but I want to go back to what's happening nationwide.
The media is really starting to flounder and panic and they're saying, oh my gosh, the fact that
All these anti-incumbent, anti-establishment candidates are winning, whether they're Democrats or Republicans, in both Republican and Democratic primaries.
Whoever is an incumbent or seen as an establishment candidate is losing.
Senator Robert F. Bennett, a few weeks ago in Utah, way more money in media time, and the media got behind him, he still lost to an anti-globalist, a Tea Partier.
33 points above Grayson in Kentucky.
Same thing.
Ran poll.
The polls showed he was going to win between 22 points and 15 points.
The average was about 18.
Well, you see, it was even bigger than that.
And the polls now show he is going to murder, politically, the Democrat.
And so if he doesn't win, we know it's rigged in Kentucky.
Arlen Specter, gone, gone in the Democratic primary.
And I would imagine the Democrat will be seen associated with Obama in Pennsylvania and will probably lose against the Republican.
Same thing happening in all the other races.
In every race, these people are in trouble.
And what did Rand Paul get up and say in his victory speech for the primary?
That was the big hurdle.
He said this is a measure for Washington.
We're taking our government back and we're not going to have your carbon taxes for your world government over in Copenhagen.
Those videos are up on Infowars.com right now.
So this is so important that everyone get this information out to everyone they know.
Rand Paul, again, has really thrown down the gauntlet and the more hardcore
Our rhetoric is, the more truthful it is, the more we just throw the gauntlet down and tell it like it is, the faster we're going to defeat these people.
They are not invincible, they are scared, they have miscalculated, they are illegitimate, and they will be defeated.
In fact, Paul Watson has now just posted an article dealing with this key C-SPAN Zbigniew Brzezinski clip.
It's Brzezinski decries global political awakening during CFR speech.
It is a very important article that Paul Joseph Watson has written at PrisonPlanet.com, so I want to ask everyone to go and get this article, Brzezinski decries global political awakening during CFR speech.
I mean, this is an enemy communique.
Because even though they know we're awake, and now they're just trying to go public with it, the arrogance comes out.
They still don't understand how we're going to use this clip, and the clip of Cheney at the CFR on C-SPAN saying,
You know, I used to head up the Council on Foreign Relations, but I covered that up when I was back home in Wyoming.
Everybody laughed.
Oh, it's so... Like when Bill Gates laughs about, we gotta vaccinate everybody to cut population by half, and the whole audience of sickos clap and giggle on their little demonic murdering power trip.
Those monkeys don't know we're watching them.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
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Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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Okay, let's go back to your phone calls in this segment, the next, and William Gein is joining us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Kansas.
Eric, you're on the air.
Alex, you are Paul Revere redo, and it's not every day that you get to talk to an American hero, so I really appreciate the time.
I know you don't like people kissing up to you, so I'll get right into it.
I want everybody out there to rejoice and be merry for a moment.
Slap backs and congratulate each other, but it's right back to work, okay?
Well, yeah, that's what dogs do when they catch a rabbit.
They'll all spin around and celebrate and then go after more rabbits.
We need to beat the drums and, you know, we've had a victory bigger than Trenton and just, ah, the incumbents are falling.
Well, they were practicing for it already, but that's a unrelated thing.
Google terror drills, nuclear drill practice in Los Angeles and Indiana just the last few days.
So, they're gearing up.
But we will win, Alex, and I'm so passionate.
I'm 31 years old.
I have, I'm working on my second and third degree in college, and I do not, my voice is quivering right now, because I do not want to lose America by the time I'm ready to just jump in it with both feet.
And for those of you out there who thought the future looked grim, Rand Paul's battle was one that we won, and this war that we have against good Americans on truth and sovereignty, this is going to continue against us.
And everybody out there should be just raging.
The blood needs to rage turbulently through your American veins, pounding within your muscles and flesh.
And I agree, Eric, and people need to realize we're not going to win overnight, we're not going to win in a year, we're not going to win in five years.
It is that total commitment, realizing we're not going to stop, but it's not just the Rand Paul victory in this key primary.
It's in every primary, whoever the incumbent is,
is losing every time and JD Hayworth is gonna he's not perfect but he's an angel compared to John McCain and he's gone from 20 points behind to being even with him two weeks ago to now in almost every poll being four points ahead of him and by the time they have what what's the date August 23rd
Uh, 24th.
Uh, by that Republican primary date, I predict, unless there's a major election fraud and Arizona's bad about it, that John Stinkin' McCain is going down just like Specter.
Yeah, baby!
Yeah, takin' scalps!
All right, I appreciate your call.
Hey, back this up.
I want to play a clip of Ben-Hur.
They found it.
This is us, ladies and gentlemen.
Attack speed!
Ramming speed!
Boom, boom, boom!
I mean, look, let's go!
Let's go!
Crank it up!
Yeah, they're just cruising right now.
This is the 2007-2008.
Attack speed.
Attack speed.
We're at attack speed right now.
Now we're going to ramming.
Look at the Info Warriors.
That's how we're going to get off this ship is defeating the enemy.
Ramming speed!
We're going to go to break.
Remember old Charlton Heston?
Got to interview him.
Talked to him off air a few times too.
We'll be right back ladies and gentlemen with the next hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
Attack speed!
Want answers?
Well, so does he.
Ramming speed!
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are going
In, through, and beyond, we are going to defeat the New World Order.
You just joined us.
Incumbent and establishment candidates in the Republican and Democratic Party in every case are losing their nominations for their party.
Not just Rand Paul smashing the neocon by 33 points on top of the victory number.
Blowing him out of the water.
Republican Senator Robert Bennett imploding.
McCain, he's not going to win if there's a real election.
He's now behind.
This is exciting.
Specter, gone.
Arlen, Specter, gone.
There is a God.
James in Ohio, you're on the air.
James, we need to get you up to ramming speed here, buddy.
I let him go, because James wasn't even there polling at the horse.
Ronnie in Texas.
Ronnie, go ahead.
Hallelujah, sir.
I totally agree with you, and ditto the previous callers rejoicing.
There's evidence here.
Now, we will continue to win back the Republic, but the work just starts here over the big party Republican War Party scum.
But, you know, Dr. Rand Paul's victory was a huge victory, but it's not unrelated to the meltdown, the criminal
Political meltdown of longtime traitor Arlen Miracle Bullet Specter.
Who, as you know, not only dreamt up the farcical Miracle Bullet Theory to explain away the hogwash about Oswald, the so-called lone gunman in the JFK assassination, but he also personally hijacked the conviction and elimination of former president, still predator, slick, truly evil Clint Trader.
Thereby gifting us all with Ms.
Ronny, I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Chris in Kentucky, where Rand Paul smashed the enemy.
Go ahead, Chris.
Oh, he certainly did, and it was just really a lot of exciting people out here.
You're in the Sunday Courier-Journal, there's a little paragraph, an attack ad on you.
No, they're running attack ad TV ads against Rand Paul because he comes on this show, and then some of the neocons that are trying to infiltrate are like, oh, don't be involved with Alex Jones.
The Pauls aren't stupid.
They know when the system attacks them of being kook conspiracy terrorists, that only makes them more popular.
When the media attacks somebody, the public knows they're good.
It doesn't work anymore.
No, it isn't going to work anymore.
And then when they see your name on here and a lot of people have never heard of you, you're probably going to get some hits now.
They want to know the truth.
We are getting a couple hits.
Yeah, we are getting a few visitors.
That's good.
It was like 2 million visitors a week.
Now it's a million a day.
So yeah, the sites are growing.
Oh, that's incredible.
And you know, like the Kansas caller said,
We'd still have to keep the... There's hope, but there's still a lot of work to do.
We still have to get these films out.
I'm still burning copies of the Obama... Still a lot of work to do.
We're not even winning the war yet.
We've won some battles.
But they won so many battles before we got in the fight.
But what we've learned is, every time we fight, we win.
Resistance is victory.
The spirit of resistance, with liberty, animating it, is invincible.
Now, the globalists are mad, though.
They're going to wreck the economy faster.
They're going to steal everything.
Even if we kick them out, they'd probably set off some nukes as they left.
I mean, they're very upset.
So this isn't going to be fun.
You know, it's like when you break your leg and a bone's sticking out the side.
You gotta go in and get surgery, and it feels bad, but at least, you know, you save your leg.
And so it's not gonna be fun, ladies and gentlemen, but we're going to win, win, win, and our great-grandchildren are gonna remember when we've got Moon bases and Mars bases and our first, you know,
Off-world craft reach Andromeda.
We're going to remember this time when humanity stood up on its hind legs.
We're going to remember how we defeated the eugenicist
We shall return on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us!
And you're subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
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It really says that the state is God.
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WilliamGein.com, Alipac.us.
He heads up American for Legal Immigration PAC, the biggest in the country, and the No Compromise group.
A month ago, here on the show, he outed what is well known in Washington,
They're not even making an issue out of this with the anti-free speech, pro-open border, anti-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan.
But that's how they bribe them, that's how they extort them, that's how they compromise them.
Look what they do in their bedrooms, their issue.
Though I don't want to look at Elena Kagan, it makes me physically nauseous, so does looking at these other people, just because they're such demonic tyrants.
He outed
Lindsey Graham and then Lindsey Graham and Mr. Gein has also worked in Congress, suddenly backed off open borders, suddenly backed off carbon taxes, suddenly apologized for health care, because they were bribing him the whole time.
They were extorting him clearly.
I guess bribe's not the right word.
It's a reverse of that.
Blackmailing him and a big weight lifted off of Graham.
Because now they come out and out him in the mainstream media, it's only going to point out that they knew all along.
So these people just need to come out of the closet so they can't be blackmailed.
That's why it's wrong to have this going on up there in Washington.
But that's a separate issue.
I wanted to talk to him about the fact that Specter has fallen.
Senator Robert F. Bennett of Utah has fallen.
Hayworth has come from 20 points behind in most polls.
A dead heat with McCain and some polls now passing McCain.
We've got until late August for the Republican primary in Arizona.
That is a key fight.
We have Rand Paul, who is for border security and sovereignty, trouncing the neocon candidate.
So in Kentucky, very, very exciting.
And we're going to have open phones for John, Tim, Steve, Jason, and others who are patiently holding today.
And there's new news out.
Here, Mexican pirates attack American fishermen.
San Antonio Express News.
In fact, we'll put that up on screen.
Here it is out of the San Antonio Express News.
Pirates, again, applying the waves of Falcon Lake.
Mexican president rebukes U.S.
law at White House, says Arizona immigration law is forcing our people to face discrimination.
So, his people in America.
Imagine if we had an American president with 30 million people in Mexico saying, my people, you better do this, telling us what to do in America.
And to the point of Hispanic students, that later came out, they were Hispanic, three of the five, can't wear American flags and San Francisco shirts because it's so upsetting to the people that see themselves as Mexican citizens so much, 200 miles from the border, that they become enraged.
And all over the country, illegals, every time they have big rallies, pulling down American flags at post offices and police stations and at businesses, while the cops sit there sucking their thumbs.
So we're going to discuss all of this today.
By the way, speaking of San Antonio Express News, give me a document cam shot of this, please, boys.
Texas film incentives mainly are benefiting Austin, Dallas.
And this is from last year.
This is from 11-28-09, or in November of last year.
And it has the head of the Texas Film Commission, this is run by Perry, but the head of the commission itself saying, we are funding Machete.
Now, we called the film commission, this race war film, last Thursday before we published our article, it was in the Washington Post, Drudge, and other publications.
We got three million, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, three million additional readers from that one story.
Three million.
Very, very exciting on that, and that's not counting all the thousands of sites that copied our story.
And the headline was, Racist Phil Machete Funded in Part with Taxpayer Funds.
The Governor's Press Secretary then called and wrote to us and said, well, it is in the queue to be funded, but we haven't funded it yet.
I then pulled up that the way it works is they agree to funding at the beginning after they've seen the script.
And then there's a final review, so that's a lie from Rick Perry,
And I tell you, it's too bad there isn't a better candidate against him.
I wish Medina would have won, but he is a patriot in name only.
But it says in this article, Texas film incentives are mainly benefiting Austin, Dallas, and I have other articles that say the same thing.
Austin was also the site of the production of the Rodriguez-directed movie Machete.
The project was announced shortly after the film incentives were created, and Higgins said the announcement was symbolic for the incentive program.
And that's the Higgins, or
Huggins, excuse me, is the head of it.
Rodriguez's Austin-based production company, Troublemaker Studios, is also filming the movie Predators, a continuation of the series Predator Films in Austin.
Then we have another one here out of Slackerwood, reporting that Machete is being funded by the Film Commission.
So, caught lying, and we did add the Governor's statement in our article that he sent us, and we need to do another article exposing the fact that there's a cover-up.
You know, Rodriguez has his free speech to make this film.
He has his free speech to make this film.
But you can't then use our tax money for it.
I mean, can the Klan get some tax money for a movie?
I'm totally against that.
Make whatever racist crap you want, Ku Klux Klan, but do not take my money to do it.
Just like I don't want to pay for abortions with my tax money.
Let's go to William Gein of Alipac.
I've thrown out some of the issues we're going to discuss.
Good to have you here with us, sir.
Hey, Alex, I want to thank you again for your coverage on that Lindsey Graham situation.
You know, after going through a ring of fire on that, you know, coming on your show, I got such a great, great response from people that understood what had happened there, understood the heat that I took, and understood that, you know, I'm the guy that hit Lindsey Graham and he backed away from Obama and Napolitano, giving everybody a little bit more time right now.
So, I really appreciate that, and I also want to thank you for being so on the mark and on the money about this movie, Machete.
I know you get a lot of emails and communications like I do, and I know a lot of people are waking up, a lot of people are taking action, a lot of people are very focused.
But it also seems to me, also, there's almost like a panic out there.
You know, like, there's so many things that are hitting the public at once now and there.
A lot of, you know, confusion, and people, almost like some type of state of panic.
And when you look at something like Machete, you know, your job and my job at Alipac has been bringing people information that a lot of times they really, they don't want to hear it.
They don't want to deal with it.
They feel powerless about dealing with it.
And looking at Machete, knowing what you know about illegal immigration and the people behind it, and me looking at the trailer, knowing what I know about the inner workings behind it, I saw it and I told people, I said, look, you know, I see a lot of horrific stuff involving machete massacres, decapitated bodies, gang rapes, mass murder, destruction of nations, and it takes a lot these days to get my blood pressure up.
But when I saw that trailer,
And I knew what it meant.
I knew that if that movie is like the trailer was created for the release on May 1st with the message to Arizona, I was like, people are going to die over this film.
People will die because of this film.
And, you know, it was everything I could do to fight the urge to send out a national press release, you know, encouraging all Americans to take all reasonable steps to protect themselves and
Well, let me fill you in.
I don't know if you've seen part two we did, but after I was contacted by Hispanic members of his crew, I then received the script, and this is directly from his manager's office.
His manager didn't give it to me, but it's marked, you know, it's his manager's office copy.
It's the official script.
It's worse than the trailer.
It's worse than the trailer.
Have you seen that video?
I've seen the trailer video, but I haven't seen the script.
I saw some mention of it, but I apologize with the rush of information.
I know, I understand you're busy.
Let me just fill you in then while we're here.
The video...
It's got about 210,000 views right now.
I show the script highlighted.
It starts with Minutemen killing Hispanics who were then crucified as Christ.
Minutemen then murdering Catholic priests, torturing them to death, burning down Catholic churches, which is meant to invoke good conservative Hispanics to become angry.
It shows
I think?
Machete Cortez in the Spy Kids movies, so he's already a kid hero.
That was pointed out to me, and I went and watched the films.
It's true.
So it's a children character.
People were watching ten years ago when the first Spy Kids came out.
Now they're adults, so their childhood hero is now killing the evil racist gringo who deserves to die.
And it's got race war, battles.
I mean, it is incredible.
Well, you know, it's the next step.
It's the next encroachment.
It's the next level.
You know, they're prodding the fat and aging America.
They're prodding the people that are sick and fat and aging and confused and, you know, pacified.
And they're just saying, here we are, and here we are, and here we are.
And after seeing that video, I'm absolutely convinced that that's coming to everybody's door eventually.
It's coming.
To and through the door.
Now me, I'm a peaceful, political guy who's running out of time here.
The good news, you've already mentioned the good news.
The good news is, you know, I've stormed all across the country saying, revolution now, revolution now America.
You've got to stand up.
You've got to get involved.
And it's not just getting out in the streets with the Tea Parties and just standing in the streets.
You've got, everybody has got to do what the people in Utah are trying to do.
What some of the people in Pennsylvania and Arizona are trying to do all across this country.
Get involved.
With every single federal and state campaign and election you can right now.
I don't care if you've never worked on a campaign before in your life and you don't know what you're doing.
Just pick up the phone and start.
That's all you've got to do is pick up that phone and start because we really do have a chance.
Yeah, no, they're saying it's a political message, and it's September 3rd, and look at how she was the runner-up, they now admit she would have won, the judge, a Larry Conquista guy for Miss USA, voted against her because she said, I support states' rights.
That's how militant these groups are.
You're not going to wear an American flag in school, and you're not going to say you're for states' rights, or you're going to pay!
You're going to pay, and the movie Machete sends the message that if we don't get our way politically, you're going to pay all the way.
You're going to pay with your lives.
You're going to pay with your destruction.
You're going to pay.
In a way that Americans have never paid before, because when you picture something like the movie Machete, 12 plus million, and there's also some other books, we even saw a book on this, there's other reinforcing factors.
Communications are being sent, not just with this movie, but other channels, through books and radio broadcasts, all priming these illegals in our midst for this possible burning of Rome from within.
Stay there, William, because in the script, it says they rise up with their tools of their trade, with their pickaxes.
That was written two years ago in the script.
Now it's a movie.
They've completed it.
And then you have the woman saying, I'm going to rise up with my pickaxes.
I'm going to kill you.
This is pre-programming going on everywhere.
Stay there.
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You're subject to other police action.
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And what's so evil about the media is saying if you're against government health care, you're a racist.
If you're against anything Obama does, you're a racist.
You can see they use it as a weapon.
And when they invoke racism, it actually creates it in the other groups thinking that Whitey is out to get them.
When Mexico has some of the most draconian laws in the country,
I don't
The sidewalks, and you know, Kevin's more what you'd call liberal.
And he said to me, he said, my God, it's like a third world country.
And all over the nation, everything is folding.
They're shutting state parks, national parks.
Everything's going bankrupt.
And then you've got hundreds of millions of people south of the border saying, this is our country.
Get out.
Don't wear American flags.
Shut up.
And now Rodriguez is going to make a whole string of films creating this cult icon guy.
It's just horrible.
William Gein of Alipac.
So much is happening.
But again, the good news is the American people are awake.
Hispanic Americans are awake.
And they're saying, look, I choose America.
I choose the Republic.
I'm not going to be intimidated into racial politics.
Your comments on that, William?
Well, I think you're right about waking up.
Look at some of the things that hit their consciousness recently.
That Ron Gocha speech that we released through Alipac back in early 2008.
Someone grabbed a copy of it.
And thank goodness, Drudge Report linked into the new copy.
And once that happened, it went right up the flagpole.
It was mentioned on Fox and everything.
And had hundreds of thousands of views.
And the whole country's watching this instructor from California stand there and tell his student minions that they're part of the global Hispanic Front inside of America.
The Revolutionary Front.
You know, they're soldiers.
So, because he was speaking in English and because the timing was right and the right communications tapped in there, America got a little glimpse of the lethal and revolutionary zeal infesting the illegal immigration population.
You know, we've tried to point out, those of us that have been steeped in it, illegal immigration is no longer just a political tool.
It's a form
Of warfare against this country, and it's being conducted, made entirely possible by the fact that the American public, we've been compromised at the top.
The top control mechanisms of the corporation groups and government out of D.C.
has been compromised by our enemies, and now they're pumping in enough people that hate our guts to deal with us inside of our own country.
That's what's going on here.
I truly believe that.
I wish that wasn't the case.
I wish it wasn't my job to tell people that.
Well, no, that's the facts, and that's what globalization is, is playing ribs off against each other.
And look at how the PNAC, you know, information, look at the MIAC report, the Homeland Security report, the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center reports, they demonize everybody.
In there, they say the Tea Parties are violent and want to overthrow America.
When we want to save America, we're not doing anything violent.
You've got union thugs attacking Tea Party people.
The national media covers that up.
Meanwhile, you've got all over Spanish radio, all over Spanish TV, but in Spanish, the same stuff we heard Gochez say.
So what's happening is the public is now finding out what's really going on.
Well, I've been telling people, look, don't look for your savior with man.
And don't look for your leaders on television.
You're not going to find your leaders for this mess on television.
And part of the problem we're having here too, you know, there are racist groups in America.
And sometimes, like I've had some recent dealings with an event we're trying to put on down in Arizona, and it's hard to tell sometimes
Whether these people who try to paint a big racist target on good people, you know, the Tea Party's 99.5 plus percent of them are all non-extreme people.
But then these people try to get in the middle of it, paint a target on them, and sometimes it looks like they're real racist.
And sometimes it's like, who's really paying these people for this?
Who is really behind this?
Because I am seeing a pattern of
People that either are racist or are pretending to be racist, like skinheads and neo-Nazis and stuff, beelining it for people like Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Russell Pierce and Teddy Hayworth down in Arizona.
These folks are trying to get in the picture with them, like, you know, jump in front of the car and take a picture as if they posed with them and all this other stuff.
And it's really hard to tell.
Well, let me stop you.
Let me give you some intel.
It broke even on the Drudge Report a month ago.
It was in the Associated Press, AP.
That democratic operatives all over the country said we're going to go out with racist signs at tea parties to make them look racist and we've caught white supremacist leaders being coming out that they were feds.
And so let's talk about that when we come back because actually, sir, they've been caught doing this.
So your instinct was absolutely right.
Well, I wanted to mention a name real quick, talk radio guy that we had to keep pulling stuff off our website named Hal Turner, who was constantly putting out stuff about the North American Union, the Euro, and this other stuff, and this stuff turned out being, you know, crud.
It was, like, legitimate looking on the surface, but then we come to find out that after he was arrested, this guy was on the FBI payroll.
Yeah, stay there!
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm so excited to be able to offer you Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
Tyranny is upon us, but liberty and the sleeping giant that is the American people is rising.
A new tool in the Info War.
Don't tread on me.
Order it at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free 888-253-3139 and support independent patriotic liberty films.
Folks, I'm somebody who was brought up to be colorblind.
Grew up in Dallas, a very diverse area.
And then in college, I was told America was bad.
They had to cancel the Texas Independence Day rally at UT.
Pro-Texas isn't even allowed.
It had nothing to do with the border.
And then I learned about the plan of San Diego, and Mecha, and La Raza, and Azadlan, and I literally saw the mayor of Austin, Gus Garcia at the time, have a proclamation where he said Hispanics are a God race descended from aliens.
I couldn't find that video last week, but Steve Mason's actually bringing it in today, so we should have it tomorrow.
I mean, bizarre stuff!
And we should criticize the Klan when they're trying to radicalize and get white people to be racist, but there's not 30 million Klan members.
And there are 30 million illegals in this country.
And we need to really point out, this is dangerous.
And when Fox Studios, 20th Century Fox, is funding a film like Machete...
We've got a big problem here, and so we need to get this out in the open now.
William Gein of Alipac.us is our guest, and I've been ranting and raving, but I wanted him to be able to go over other issues he wanted to cover, things that he thinks is important before we go to calls.
And then also I wanted to go over Mexican pirates attack American fishermen, San Antonio Express News.
But William, you've got the floor for other key info people need to be made aware of.
Well, one of the things that we've been doing, and we've been doing all along, Alex, is that we've been asking Hispanic and black Americans to unify with white and Asian Americans against this threat from illegal immigration.
And at the same time, while we're telling more radical elements in the white community that appear here and there to stay back and not
Um, target people based on race.
We've got to ask blacks and Hispanics to do the same thing.
They've got the exact same thing going on, except it's being tolerated and it's not being suppressed like it is in the white community.
Now, some of the white hate groups, or neo-Nazi groups and whatnot, they believe that moderates and the moderate people in America, you know, we're out of time.
Basically, they know the history on this thing from the Weimar Republic, where it ends up
With their people versus the communists in the streets.
They don't mind going there, Alex.
They don't mind going back to that because they know how it often pans out when it's them versus the communists in the streets.
So, we're trying to keep it from going there.
And for it to not go there, people like me and others that are concerned about illegal immigration need to watch our affiliations, do the very best we can to keep people who are being racist out of the political debate.
And we need the help of black and hispanic leaders.
I've said it a hundred times in the
Of course, the smear groups will never give me credit for it.
I've said that, you know, my goal is to unify, and this is what I think they fear the most, unify the 80% of Americans that keep showing up in these polls that feel a certain way.
They don't want us to unify.
That's right.
America isn't 80% white.
It's roughly 50%.
So what's that other 30%?
That's Hispanics and blacks and Asians.
They want private property.
They want the Second Amendment.
They don't want to live in the third world.
Well, the way we see it, over 80% of white Americans want the border secured and illegal immigration reversed.
Over 65% of black Americans feel the same way.
And somewhere between 54 and 56% of America's legal Hispanics feel that way.
Now, unfortunately, over half the Hispanics in the country right now are here illegally, so that reduces the Hispanics that are with Americans down to under 30%.
Yeah, I've seen Gallup polls of 79% of Hispanics want more border security, so I guess that must be a poll of people that are citizens.
Well, I'm not sure.
We're very guarded about Gallup.
We've seen Gallup come out with some readings that are very far off from the other poll medians on readings like this.
But what I'm trying to say is, the elites that are responsible for what's happening here in the country do not want William Gein, Alex Jones, or anybody else to unify the public against them.
And so that's why
The racial canards are being thrown out left and right to try to keep that from happening.
That is their game.
That's how they play it.
And if there's no racism to be found on a group or individual, they'll either make it up or try to send somebody in to label them like that, which is what we were talking about before the end of the last break.
One of the biggest racists had a radio station in the country last year when he was finally arrested in court.
It turned out he was on the FBI payroll.
And they had all the emails where the feds are going, good job, bring him out, you know, make him look extreme.
He's like, don't worry, I'm getting him for you.
And it turned out he was the highest level FBI agent, but then that looks like it's classified.
Then they said asset, but at national security level.
It was above counterterrorism.
He went right after the North American Union, and it kept floating bogus claims.
I know a lot of people out there listening probably saw in their emails, claiming that he had documentation of the Amaro, the new currency for America, and that a certain number of Amaros and gold had been shipped to China, and he had evidence of it.
You know, over at Alipac.us, the largest archive of information on these topics, you know, we tell people to keep a grain of salt handy, but we do our very best, especially when we see something going viral on the web,
No, exactly.
He would say computers found with a tracker chip, instead of covering all the real admissions of tracking, and then it would be discredited.
Or he said, I got this from the Mint.
When it was a joke coin, we pointed out the Mint in Colorado that actually made it as an anti-North American Union.
So instead of looking at all the real SPP documents that Judicial Watch got, instead of looking at all the facts that I was covering, you were covering, that Lou Dobbs was covering, instead the media could say, look at this AmeroCoin hoax.
Hal Turner, who was on the payroll of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, broadcasting racial hatred and racial animosity, was also broadcasting disinformation about illegal immigration in the North American Union and One Currency.
He was putting it out intentionally.
He had masters and handlers that were paying him to do it.
And so, you know, we know that there's a game afoot here.
I just think that the problem we're having right now, Alex, is getting some of these agents are all around
Uh, the immigration enforcement movement, they're on the inside.
They're all around and on the inside of the team party movement.
They have, you know, infiltrated and we've got to do something.
We have got to do something, Alex, to get the true blue people here together and soon to strengthen and improve communication and cooperation in a way that cannot be derailed by the infiltrators and the crazies.
Well, you know, the best way to deal with it is to call it out when you see it.
But to all, and to follow the people to their car, get their license number, you'll then discover they're a Fed, or they're working for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and that's come out.
But to also just continue to point out the AP article, where these Democratic operatives in all 50 states organized and did go out, and it was also in New Mexico news, they even admitted to the news, they would dress up like Nazis with racist signs, and they even admitted they were doing it.
As long as we explain to the public that most of this is provocateured, I think that's the most important message.
Well, we're going to basically, the Tea Parties have been important and strong up to this point, but we're going to basically steer people away from the rally thing into the campaigns and elections because we don't, for one, we feel that it's the number one place that the public can make the difference that it needs to make.
Yeah, we need to have Tea Parties inside the State House in hearings, inside the County Commissioner's Court, inside the City Council, not just dissipating all of our energy standing around in the street.
Well, each campaign for public office that's active right now is a mini-organization in itself that needs money and people.
And the candidates, I don't think that the Feds and the Democrats and others have a lot of agent provocateurs that are posing as candidates right now, and it's too late for them to create them.
They are able to get activists out there, people at events and events.
I don't know.
Well said, my friend.
Other points you want to get out there to the public.
Let's talk about Mexico being a failed state and collapsing, and the acceleration of crime and murder, especially racial murder, including piracy now in places in Texas bordering Mexico.
Well, you know, I've just recently heard about some of the piracy, you know, some of the piracy I would describe as illegal immigration itself as a form of piracy of the American citizenry in many ways.
Mexico, you know, the death count, and the situation there.
I'll tell you a story that I think you'll appreciate, Alex.
A guy that pops on my website every now and then says he's a young man in Mexico who likes video games.
We're good to go.
Where 5 to 15 cars rolled into this little town at 5.30am and apparently the government or the federales had some digital cameras set up that documented all this.
And they got out and they blocked the roads and secured the access in a paramilitary fashion with their ski masks and their assault rifles all converged on a villa of some drug lord or something and started firing through the windows or whatever.
And he wanted to know what I thought of the tactics of lost status.
And I said the tactics of Las Vegas are horrible and what you see here in this film is horrific.
However, what you see here in this film could not happen in over half of America because there are more armed men with more firepower than you see in this video within a one mile radius of my house due to a thing called the Second Amendment.
I see where you're going with this.
This is the way they threaten you.
I get the same stuff.
What do you think of this?
What do you think of how we'll kill you?
Oh, are you concerned about that as a form of intimidation?
So that's what it is, a threat?
It is, but it's also, my response is that because I live in the United States, and because I'm a free American with First and Second Amendment rights, that if they came into my neighborhood, or still over half the neighborhoods in America, and tried that, they wouldn't get out scot-free.
Or they wouldn't get away with it more than once.
You know, the citizenry of America is armed, and we are arming ourselves in greater capacities every day, especially after watching trailers for films like Machete.
And therefore, we, the people of the United States, are empowered.
In Mexico, the government has guns, the gangs have guns, the people have none.
And so they are perpetual victims.
What do you think of the Mexican president, we're going to play this clip in a moment, coming out and talking about his people in America, his people and how they're being abused.
This is a foreign power openly in the U.S.
telling us what to do in our country.
What's your take on that?
Well, I think that we should, uh, every time he tries to step in the White House, he should be presented with a bill for his people and our country.
An estimated bill.
And each time he comes back, he should be handed the increased total bill and explained that he's not going to be allowed in the United States or in the White House or any other government institution.
Much less, a couple years ago, Alex, he didn't even bother with stopping by the White House.
Well just imagine if, say, there were 30 million French in Germany.
And the French President went to Germany and told the German government what to do and told the 30 million French to manipulate the political process in that country.
That is an act of war.
That is an act of subterfuge.
That is an act of military overthrow, of conquest, of infusora.
And no other country would put up with this, but because the globalists want this, it is allowed in our media
Doesn't point out how outrageous this is.
Let's go ahead and play a clip from the news covering this information.
For his part, the Mexican president said some things that were a bit more restrained than what he said in his own country, which he called the Arizona law, which has not yet to go into effect.
An opening to hate and discrimination in that state.
Here's what he said about Arizona's immigration law on the South Lawn.
We can't do so with a community that will promote a dignifying life in an orderly way for both our countries, who are, some of them, still living here in the shadows, with such laws as the Arizona law that is placing our people to face discrimination.
Face discrimination in Arizona.
It's one of the reasons the Mexican government has issued a travel warning.
Any Mexicans who may travel to Arizona, even though, as I said, the law has yet to be... And now you've got these seditious boycotts by the city of Austin, and I... and listen...
I do tell people, even though I live here, boycott Austin, because they're boycotting.
And you should call the Austin City Council, if you live in Texas or other areas, and say, we're going to boycott you until you stop boycotting Arizona.
And California's doing this.
They're talking about not buying power from Arizona, because the elites want to bust this country open.
But while I have William Gein with us for this segment, the next, maybe five minutes to the next hour, if he can do it, because I'm going to take a few calls.
I'm sure Mr. Gein already knows this because he's so well researched, but what I've discovered living in Austin and in other articles around the country...
uh... city council members brothers in the past and and others the larry conquista leaders in my town have been busted in the past one of them was caught beating within an inch of their life some people they'd smuggled in as a coyote who hadn't paid all their cash others have been caught running whores in others have been caught running drugs in uh... and so really this is just the mexican mafia el jefe's who were here
Just over their people.
They don't want them speaking English.
They don't want them getting the Second Amendment.
They want to keep them as slaves like they do in Mexico.
And a lot of these Laurie Conquista leaders are just mafia criminals who are in political office.
Well, I think you're absolutely right.
One of the things, you know, here we have the president of a failed state trying to tell us how to run our business.
But I gotta tell you, I hope he will keep issuing advisories for Mexicans and Mexico to stay out of Arizona.
Matter of fact, at this point, until we get this thing settled and our people calm down and their people calm down, I'd like for Mexico, the Mexican government, to issue travel advisories against anybody coming to the United States.
Like, we're issuing travel advisories against anybody going to Mexico.
Right now, anybody that goes to Mexico
For a non-emergency reason.
It's either massively misinformed, uninformed, or an idiot.
And they need to stay out.
Our dollars need to stay at home.
Our people need to stay out.
Mexico needs to stay out of here.
I like the fact they're telling people not to go to Arizona.
That works just fine for me.
And another thing I want to point out, Alex, is that the reason that you see so many cities boycotting
I think so.
You have to be a liberal and you have to have a lot of money to get on the city councils to run a place like Boston and Los Angeles and New York.
So these are the places where they're globalist, no boundaries, no borders.
And Texas is moving.
Texas and other states are moving to do the same thing.
So the globalists are panicking.
They thought they had America dead.
They thought they were going to overrun the country and destroy it.
But the giant is rising.
We'll be right back with William Gein.
Stay with us.
Your call straight ahead.
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I think so.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule, two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land, they think they own our water, children, our education, our money.
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
You're being warned.
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Incredible pressure is brought to bear on anyone that won't let them erase the borders and set up the NAU.
You know, Lou Dobbs is partially flip-flopped because of his house getting shot up and death threats and things.
That's why this is such a fight, folks.
And not everybody, when they get a chance to leave the Alamo, is going to leave.
But William Gein is not going to leave, and the American people are standing together.
This has to be done.
I'm not trying to win popularity contests.
I'm trying to save this country from the globalists.
I want to go to Tim, Jason, Keith, Pastor John, and a few others, but how do folks get involved with Alipac.us?
How do they get involved in a real group that's no compromise defending America?
I do like the term no compromise because that's where, you know, Lou Dobbs said he was willing to compromise.
We are not going to compromise.
America is already too compromised.
Our main form of communication with our people across the country, over 30,000 strong, is through our email alerts list at www.alipac.us.
Alright, and you know you talked about that threatening video you were sent.
What do you think of this office getting shot up?
We knew five years ago Los Zetas is the CIA-contracted hitmen, former Mexican military, that they're using to kill off the cartels that aren't laundering their money through U.S.
And now they admit on Fox News, NAP, that our own troops are being made to grow the opium.
So if you're getting Los Zetas-veiled threats, that's a threat from the U.S.
government, just so you know.
Well, the thing is, there's only a couple things that I think that keep me safe, Alex, and that is my relationship with God.
That's number one.
And also the fact that so many people are counting on me on this as one of the last hopes in this country that this can all be worked out peacefully and politically.
If something, you know, awful happens to me.
You know, this is what we talked about the last time we were on the show, and I saw a video.
I don't know how many people saw the video.
At the last time we talked, Alex, I saw a video that you put out, because apparently you and I reached a point in our conversations in front of the public like this, where we were like, you were like, look, William, you know, you better make it very clear to everybody you're not suicidal.
And I said, I am not suicidal.
I am heterosexual.
I love my family.
I don't mess with hookers or heroin.
You know, you put out a video
I don't think so.
The bottom line to it is that if anything untoward happens to me or my family or my friends or anything like that, you know, I'm one of the last people that, you know, a lot of people are hanging in there for, you know, holding themselves at bay and staying on the peaceful political process.
If things start happening to me or people like me in the country, then what happens next won't be political and it won't be peaceful and I won't be able to control it and neither will you or anybody else.
And it's not going to end like the movie Machete?
No, because these are Americans we're talking about.
We're talking about Americans that have, you know, some of the best people in the world.
Despite all of our problems, despite the loss of morality that has decayed this country so badly, I still believe that we have
And it's not all going to be very pleasant, I'm afraid.
We're going to do five more minutes, take a call or two for William Gein, then Big News Blitz coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, folks, I got a bunch of business stuff I gotta take care of.
I'm so busy.
Jason Bermas is gonna be sitting in.
News Blitz and Key Info on the Google Police State Info, on government narcotics trafficking in Afghanistan, Mainstream News.
A lot of big new developments coming up with Jason and your phone calls for those that are holding.
William Gein is our guest.
Imagine, foreign group here in the country with government backing saying we're gonna rise up and kill you.
Movies that push this message.
I mean, they really want to set each other's throat.
That is the goal.
And we need to not go along with this.
Tim in Oregon, you're on the air with William Gein.
Go ahead.
Okay, go ahead, Kevin.
Hey, I just wanted to point out the media backlash against Ron Paul, or Rand Paul.
I got a bunch of headlines here.
I got one from Newsweek that's the conservative backlash against Rand Paul.
I got the New York Times saying... No, I've seen it.
It's a big backlash.
He won by 33 points over his other competitor and now they're gonna come after him because he's a symbol, but it isn't gonna work because when the media attacks somebody now, the public knows that person's good.
Go ahead, caller.
I'm sorry if I sound a little shaken up here, but while I was waiting on the phone here, I got a call from Oregon Department of Revenue and they threatened to throw me in prison if I don't pay a past debt.
A little shaken up, but yeah, I'm pretty excited about this whole Rand Paul thing.
Well, they're scared.
They're scared, and I appreciate your call.
We've got to move quick, but yeah, they're really going to come after Rand Paul now because he's a shoe-in to win that Senator seat.
Your comments on that, William?
Oh, I think he's definitely proceeding forward there, but everybody out there has to remember,
People like Rand Paul didn't win, and Bennett didn't lose, and Spexer didn't lose.
Organizations that need people and funding, volunteers, and people to get involved.
And so if you've never done it before in your life, and if you're looking for the best groups in the country right now to join to fight for secure borders and against illegal immigration, I would say even more importantly than joining Alipac is to join your local congressional and U.S.
Senate or State House and Senate candidate campaigns that you know are with us against amnesty and
Absolutely, folks.
Boots on the ground.
Keith in Texas, you're on the air.
Alex, great to talk to you again.
It's Keith with Funkmaster5.
I got a chance to talk to Dennis Miller this morning about Rand Paul, and I talked to him about how a lot of people are disappointed with the neocons taking over the Tea Party, and I also was able to plug Invisible Empire a couple times on his show.
Get him to talk to me about it a little bit.
I'll have the video up here in a few days.
What else is on your mind, Keith?
Well, I just think that Rand Paul's thing is going to make ripples.
I think it's really important for people to get on shows, call like I did, talk about it, and just get the word out there.
God bless you, Keith.
Bill in St.
Louis, last caller for William Gein.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How are you doing, bud?
Alright, buddy.
Mr. Gein, how are you doing?
Great, great, great interview.
Great show.
Answer me this question.
Where's the Minutemen?
What did they dry up and disappear?
Well, you become a Minuteman.
Where's the Minutemen?
You go down there and watch the border when you see crime and murder and death.
The Minutemen are down there.
Call the police.
They just get demonized and infiltrated and attacked.
We've only got about 30 seconds left.
William Gein, I mean, where's the Minutemen?
You're looking in the mirror.
Go ahead.
Well, most of the Minutemen groups, there's still a couple ones out there, but they haven't had any border operations running for a while and they've sort of dissipated and had some inner conflicts and other stuff like that.
They're not a real, you know, political presence.
But the other national groups, FAIR, NumbersUSA, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, the larger groups that have been more diversely involved in the fight against illegal immigration, we're all still humming even though it's a really, really bad economy.
But then also a lot of people who are involved with the Minutemen are now part of the Tea Party.
That's right, William, we're out of time.
Look forward to talking to you again soon.
Don't forget, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thanks, Alex.
This new film, Don't Tread on Me, is now at PrisonPlanet.tv for members.
God bless.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
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When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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That's www.SilverLungs.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting in for the final hour.
Coming up, I really want to discuss the new developments in Afghanistan and Camp Gecko that interconnect with Hamid Karzai's warlord CIA-funded, openly for the last eight years, brother
We're good.
And Opium Dealer, because there's a lot more going on there.
It really explains the system of plausible deniability.
It explains how they use pseudonyms, Colonel John, Colonel Johnny.
It also explains how they use Lockheed Martin of the military-industrial complex.
So we're going to be getting to that.
And another huge, huge story we need to talk about.
I talked about this on my show over the weekend.
Google, over the past several years, they're not telling us how many years, it means more than a few,
Okay, so more than three years with Google Street Views where they said, hey, we're just going to be taking pictures and mapping out society and it's going to be great for everybody.
Now, if you look at this Times Online headline, Eric Schmidt says Google should not be prosecuted for Wi-Fi records.
It actually shows you a car with a device mounted on the top.
Now, that's not used to take pictures.
See, photographs are taken from cameras.
Now they said over the last several years, accidentally, they were taking all the wireless information.
And if you're part of the dumbed-down masses, and you read the local headlines that were basically in the back of the paper, and not made out to be a big deal, you might believe that if you didn't read three, four paragraphs in, when you realize, hey, wait a minute, taking pictures has nothing to do with data mining all of the information surrounding them wirelessly.
And now Schmidt is pleading with the international and American community not to prosecute him.
The chief executive of Google admitted to major privacy mistakes, mistakes please, today as regulators prepare to launch probes into the company for recording personal communication sent over unsecured wireless networks in people's homes.
Now Eric Schmidt is featured ever so shortly in Invisible Empire and we're going to play that clip briefly coming up, not right now.
But he clearly discusses how he wants to talk about what's going on in the world, where we're going.
The New World Order, as they call it, referring to the elitist he works with.
He is a very intricate part of the military-industrial complex at this point.
Eric Schmidt said that the company had not authorized the activity of its streetcar views, give me a break, didn't authorize it, which have been collecting snippets of people's online activities broadcast over unprotected home and business Wi-Fi networks.
Which, depending on the year, we're about 70-80% of the wireless networks out there.
And this is what he said.
No harm, no foul.
Hey Eric, it's not a basketball game, brother.
It's real life!
Speaking at Google's Zeitgeist Conference at the Grove Hilton in Hertfordshire, Mr. Schmidt said that the greater damage had been done to the company's reputation rather than to the individuals themselves.
And then he said, oh, it was just a relatively small amount of data that was collected and it was not authorized.
We stopped driving immediately.
Total lie!
This just came out this week.
Most of the country has been mapped with Google Street Views.
They didn't stop anything.
There appears to be no use of data.
It's sitting on a hard drive.
And then he goes on to say, we will not delete the collected data until ordered to do so.
And again, because it's a military industrial complex company, they work with the NSA.
They're part of a NASA program out there, folks.
The UK Information Commissioner's Office has said that the Data Protection Act appeared to have been breached, but that after receiving assurances from Google that it would delete the data as soon as reasonably possible.
So again, they were aware that they were collecting data.
The UK Information Commissioner's Office knew that this wasn't just about street views, it was about maintaining
All of this wireless data, whether that be your emails, your bank accounts, your passwords, the websites you visited, all tracked, traced, and database on another level with a private company called Google!
That's the reality!
And the UK Information Commissioner's office was aware of it, but they were assured, oh, they're going to delete the data as soon as they collect it.
They talk to you like you're five-year-old children.
The company admitted last week that the car's radio antenna obtained emails and other bits of information when the vehicles passed through towns and cities.
Google said the data was mistakenly collected and only in short bursts as the vehicles passed by and was never used.
We're continually struggling with the questions, said Schmidt.
We have to decide what is and what isn't appropriate in the privacy sphere.
Each government and company will decide differently.
I don't agree.
They're not deciding differently.
They're beta testing separate programs across the world.
In my film, Invisible Empire, I chronicle how the UK, for the last year plus, has been putting CCTV cameras
In other words, their CPS decides what families are bad, and now they're surveilled in their homes with CCTV cameras.
This is just another step.
We also expose an invisible empire.
AT&T and all the other large telecommunication companies out there, which Google is becoming a part of, folks, with their Android phone, with their Chrome software.
Chrome is another internet browser.
It revealed that, oh, they are also
Taking all of the information and dumping it into a secret room on a private server.
Everything you've done on the internet for the past 10 years.
Get with reality.
Alright, I want to play this clip briefly.
Do we not have it yet?
Alright, so we'll play it in the next segment.
I don't know.
And attend to this situation as front page news.
90% of you out there have Google as your homepage.
We use it on a daily basis.
The word is now synonymous with the web.
It is ingrained in not only pop culture, but culture in general.
And I want to move on to another tech story because Pakistan is now blocking Facebook.
If you don't understand why we get on the air, we talk about the Cyber Security Act, the Cyber Bullying Act, Obama's plans, and he openly talked about this months and months and months ago to set up a Cyber Security Office with a Cyber Security Czar, CNN playing these wacko scenarios where Michael Chertoff and others are talking about regulating the Internet as though it's real.
Oh my God, a crisis has happened, and you know what?
If the people don't like it, that's too damn bad.
And you know what?
If the governors don't like the National Guard being on the streets with U.S.
military, that's too damn bad, too.
Watch it for yourself.
So Muslim anger prompts Pakistan to block Facebook, and this is how the media plays us off against one another, how they really divide cultures.
Pakistan's government ordered internet service providers to block
I think?
The Facebook page at the center of the dispute, Everybody Draw Muhammad Day, encourages users to post the images of the Prophet on May 20th to protest threads made by a radical Muslim group against the creators of South Park for depicting Muhammad in a bear suit during an episode earlier this year.
Now if you're unaware of this whole South Park situation, before 9-11,
South Park did an episode called The Super Best Friends.
It was kind of a rip-off of Wonder Woman and Superman, but instead it was all these different religious figures.
And then they didn't know it wasn't proper to show an image of Muhammad.
So, the network didn't know.
The South Park guys didn't know.
They showed Muhammad.
No one made a big deal about it.
He was on screen for 22 plus minutes.
No one said a word.
Not a word.
So then, ten plus years later, after 9-11, they want to use the same character, and now they have a huge censored box, you can't hear him, you can't see him, they're just showing you the absurdity about not being able to satirize a very public figure in Muhammad, a very public religious figure.
And now it's all over the place and it's used for division, and it has prompted Pakistan to block Facebook.
Can you imagine living in a country, much like China, where they just block YouTube, they block Facebook?
You no longer have a way to get open source information.
That's why the internet is so important in this info war.
Without it, we couldn't put films like Don't Tread on Me, the latest film from Gary Franchi and William Lewis, over at PrisonPlanet.tv for subscribers.
We wouldn't be able to put Invisible Empire up on YouTube for free with over 360,000 views on just one link.
There's another full link out there with 50,000 views.
The thing has been seen by over half a million people easily.
Easily in the last month.
That's how we have victories.
People become aware of the issues and then involved and then they go to the voting booths and they vote Rand Paul and they vote Arlen Warren Commission Specter out of office after all these years.
This is a guy that's been around forever.
Specter is about as limited hangout as you can get if you are unaware of this individual.
He also headed up the Able Danger hearings, which really
We're supposed to shine light on this black ops program headed by Tony Schaffer who's done this show now several times and his unit with Eric Clinesmith and others that they had found Ada and three of the other cells prior to 9-11 and tried to go to the FBI 70 plus times and you know what?
Arlen Block, the truth specter does, he sits up there and panders to the situation and talks about, oh it must be because of posse commentatus.
Posse commentatus is a bad thing.
No, posse commentatus is a good thing.
It's a separation of the military and police.
We have it for a reason.
Posse commentatus had nothing to do with able danger and they were
Very willing to break that premise at the G20 in Pittsburgh when they put troops on the street.
So goodbye Arlen Specter and hello Liberty!
Let's get Rand Paul into the Senate.
Let's take this to the next level.
Let's scream from the mountaintops that we can have victories.
Let people know that Google isn't the savior.
It doesn't have your best interests at heart.
On the other side, I really want to get into this situation in Afghanistan because some of the headlines are out there.
Oh no, the Taliban's attacking U.S.
Wait a minute, we hire Taliban, we created Al-Qaeda, we run the militant groups.
That and much, much more coming up.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
We are back live, folks.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burma, sitting in for the final hour of the Alex Jones program.
We're going to be taking calls in the next segment and wrapping up what I had to say about Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, denying
That Google was actively taking this data and information and telling prosecutors not to investigate is absolutely obscene and absolutely absurd.
They were out there to take photographs and they were data mining the entire country and putting this information on a hard drive.
They say they didn't use it.
Oh no, they never used it!
But we're going to play this clip, and this is from the finale, the credits of Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
So you might hear another couple New World Order quotes, including one from James Woolsey, the ex-director of the CIA.
But we're also going to show you Eric Schmidt talking about what?
The New World Order, the system in which he is a part of.
So let's hit that clip.
A lot about that today.
Let's take the New World Order.
It's an interesting phrase.
I've been thinking a little bit about the structure of the world, right?
The New World Order, as everybody says.
There it is right there, and then here comes Saakashvili.
So there he is.
The New World Order.
Schmidt is talking, what about the structure of the world?
The New World Order!
As they call it.
And he's talking about the elitist in which he works with to track, trace, and database our lives.
Before I get to Afghanistan, I just have to do this story which is completely absurd.
There is a county out there in Denver that is now going to be charging 50 cents a bus ride.
50 cents a bus ride for your children.
Now that's a dollar a day, folks!
Now you already pay your school taxes, you pay your state taxes.
What could they be using this for?
Well, you're not going to believe it until I tell you.
But they're using it for a program to put GPS systems in all of the buses in that school's county.
Isn't that lovely?
You not only pay the school taxes, but you're also going to be paying a dollar a day per child on top of that towards a GPS system in all of the buses in which your child will be given a card and he will swipe.
So they're going to be tracking, tracing, and databasing your child on the school bus.
Let me repeat that for you.
On the school bus, there is nowhere to go.
And meanwhile, we just have President Obama inviting the Mexican president to stand on the White House lawn and denounce Arizona's state law.
So let me just read this article really quickly and then we're going to get into the situation in Afghanistan.
Douglas County votes to charge fees for school bus rides.
This passed 5-0.
Parents in Colorado's third largest school district, the third largest school district, are being asked to pay if their kids want to ride the school bus.
Think about that.
Most of these kids with parents with jobs need to ride the school bus.
They have to go to work.
The Douglas County School Board voted 5-0 Tuesday night to approve a 50 cent per ride transportation fee starting next school year.
So a dollar a day to get
to school and back home.
The buses will have Zoner GPS units to track student ridership.
They admit it about tracking, tracing, and databasing your kids.
Students will have to use a card or a Z-Pass that will track their use of the bus.
Douglas County schools will have to pay $221,000 in three equal installments over the next three years
So about $700,000 a year for the next three years.
$2.1 million to fully implement the GPS tracking technology.
That cost covers the system as a whole.
Oh, we get to pay for our slavery.
How lovely!
And that kind of dovetails in with UC Berkeley asking incoming students for DNA.
If you're going to Berkeley, folks, refuse the DNA.
Just say no.
Say, you know what, I don't think I'm going to be part of that.
If you really want me to spend $40,000 this year or this semester at your school, maybe you don't take the cotton swab.
All right.
Now let's get into Afghanistan.
Alex Jones, last week on his program, played the Geraldo Fox news clip in which they just come out and admit, yeah, we're protecting the opium fields, we're working with the farmers to protect you from Al-Qaeda.
Meanwhile, it is literally the same network that was caught in the Iran-Contra affair.
Do you not understand?
Robert Gates was involved in that, and now he's our Secretary of Defense.
We're not leaving anytime soon.
And this is going to continue.
Afghan prosecutor issues arrest warrant for U.S.
Army officer over killing police.
So why is this important?
Well, this dovetails into it.
Any of the local authorities that try to put a stop to any of these militant activities that are ruining their country, they just get gunned down by who?
By U.S.-backed militant forces.
What do you mean U.S.-backed militant forces?
Well, these forces
that went in and shot the local police chief, guess where they were training?
Camp Gekko!
What is Camp Gekko?
Oh, it's just the spot for the CIA and US Special Forces to run their operations and clothe and militarize and give tanks to these very criminal militants.
We're going to come back after this.
I am Jason Burma sitting in for the final hour.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We are live at InfoWars.com and streaming at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back!
You found it!
It is the tip of the spear in the InfoWars, the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burma, sitting in for the final hour.
If you missed any of the program, remember we rebroadcast in about 27 minutes only at InfoWars.com.
We're going to get to the latest information on
On Afghanistan, on CIA involvement with the Taliban, with Al-Qaeda in just a moment.
But first I want to thank a couple of sponsors.
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Now we're going to go to your calls.
But first, I really feel we need to hit these two big mainline stories that everybody seems to be ignoring.
This was out of The Guardian over the weekend.
Afghan prosecutor issues arrest warrant for U.S.
Army officer over police killing.
See, they're trying to go to the source, the heart of the issue.
The U.S.
military officer
That is training these militants and authorizing these assassinations and much worse.
Afghan soldiers patrol a Taliban stronghold in Kandahar.
An Afghan prosecutor has issued an arrest warrant for a U.S.
Special Forces officer over the murder
of a police chief by U.S.
trained militia forces.
Brigadier General Ghalam Ranjabar, the chief military prosecutor in Kabul, has accused the U.S.
of creating an outlaw militia.
See, they use proxy networks for plausible deniability so they don't have to get their hands dirty directly.
Which allegedly, yes, right, allegedly, shot dead Maktoula Katei, the chief of police in the city of Kandahar.
He accused American officials of refusing to hand over evidence or to permit his investigators to interview the special forces commander.
And what's his name?
Known to Afghans only as John or Johnny.
He alleges sanctioned the raid.
So they don't even say, I'm a colonel, I'm a general, this is my name.
They give out one of the dozens of aliases to the masses.
So again, they're not prosecutable.
They cannot be traced back to the crime.
This is standard operating procedure and has been for over half a century.
The arrest warrant which has been circulated to border posts and airports is an embarrassment for the U.S.
military, which is facing growing criticism for its links to militias controlled by who?
And of course the head warlord is Waleed Ahmed Karzai, Ahmed Karzai's brother!
And the lead opium dealer, supported by who?
The CIA, for the last eight years, superseding both the Bush and Obama administrations.
In Kandahar, the militias have been accused of murder, rape, and extortion.
Ranjeevar said an investigation found the force that killed Qatar operated from where?
Camp Gecko!
military training facility!
In the hills outside of Kandahar, a base for both U.S.
Special Forces and who?
The CIA!
There it is right there, folks, for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers!
If you go to Kandahar, people say these guys pretend to be interpreters, but they carry out night raids and assassinations, said Ranjabar.
We hear lots of strange and shocking stories.
But according to the Afghan account, the militia known locally as Kandahar Strike Force, or the Kandahar Special Group, arrived in the courthouse last June with US-supplied uniforms, vehicles, and weapons!
And who are they linked to?
Again, Karzai's brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai.
It's all here in black and white.
When are we going to wake up?
And then the New York Times does this puff piece which intercedes with this information.
Despite doubts, U.S.
still uses private spies.
Where were you doubting this?
The military industrial complex always uses Blackwater, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon.
to carry out some of their dirty work.
Top military officials have continued to rely on a secret network of private spies who have produced hundreds of reports from deep inside Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to American officials and businessmen, despite concerns among some in the military about the legality of the operation, because it is illegal!
Earlier this year, government officials admitted that the military had sent a group of former Central Intelligence Agency officers, notice that former Central Intelligence Agency officers, and retired special operations troops, mercenaries folks, into the region to collect information, some of which was used to track and kill people suspected of being militants.
Interviews with more than a dozen current and former government officials and businessmen, and an examination of government documents, tell the story!
Under Pentagon rules, the Army is not allowed to hire contractors for spying, but they are!
But of course, military officials said that General David H. Petraeus, the top commander in the region, signed off on the operation in January of 2009.
There were prohibitions against intelligence gathering, including hiring agents to provide information about enemy positions in Pakistan.
And again, if you watch Invisible Empire, we have one of the main contractors there talking about the contracting, talking about Petraeus' coin strategy.
And what part of coin strategy are they talking about?
Oh, biometrically taking the scans of everybody in a combat zone and hiring local nationals, aka the Taliban.
And he admits that they work with the Taliban there, but the Taliban are our enemies, Jason.
How does this work?
And then they go on to say that this is managed, and zoom in here, managed by who?
Lockheed Martin!
Lockheed Martin and supervised by the Pentagon Office in Charge of Special Operations Policy.
Lockheed Martin running the secret spy network that interconnects with U.S.
Special Forces and the CIA where they go murder local police officials.
All right, I said I'd go to your calls, so we're going to hit it up.
We're taking your calls.
Pastor in Ohio.
Pastor, you're online.
Yes, I was calling earlier when Alex had his guest on, but
One of the things, I was listening to what you were saying, one of the things you were talking about, deception, we just, our Columbus, Ohio Mayor just met with Barack Obama about closed doors, as a matter of fact, him and Newark, New Jersey Mayor and Minneapolis, Minnesota Mayor, they all met with him this past week.
Yesterday, talking about terrorism.
Now they're bringing up Somalians that live in the Columbus area and stuff, but the problem is, it's all, it was a matter of national security.
And with all the things that, you know, you guys have been allowing us, the people, to know, I mean, you guys are sharing your knowledge with us, as far as everything that's going on around the world.
You know, I just want,
First of all, praise you guys for what you're doing because more and more people are waking up.
Yeah, I've been waiting to talk to Alex too, but I can talk to you in a minute or two, just wouldn't it be silly to think that my disagreements on certain points could be developed that way.
Something like WSWS.org or Workers.org, having a program uninterrupted for a year might do it, but I wanted to make the point that I think
Alex and this program is really fighting the IMF, the World Bank, the CIA, the military-industrial complex on half of its positions, but is absolutely strongly supporting them on the other half.
Hold on, let's stop.
What are we possibly supporting on the IMF?
What are we possibly supporting on global governance?
What are we possibly supporting?
You're not going to have that much time, so give me at least one well-put example, sir.
Well, I've got about ten, but if you're talking about when Alex uses an example of
Oh, come on!
Let's stop John!
Chavez is a dictator!
Out and out he's stopped media companies throughout his country over the last 12 months openly.
I feature him as one of my dictators very briefly in Invisible Empire.
Has Chavez done some good things?
Sure he's done some good things out there, but he is a dictator!
You can't vote him out of power.
That's not freedom.
That's not a constitutional republic.
I'm not pro-communist, man.
And neither is Alex Jones.
So that's not running for the IMF and the World Bank to point out that he's not good either.
That Ahmadinejad, although he speaks some truth, he talks 9-11 truth, he talks about some truth, he should be able to be a sovereign nation and be left alone.
He's not great either.
I just can't agree with this stuff, John.
I'm sorry.
Nick in Arkansas, you're online.
Yes, sir.
Jason, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Sorry about that.
Listen, I just want to tell you, I just saw Invisible Empire.
We got the DVD burners fired up.
Great movie.
For anybody who hasn't watched it or doesn't really know much about the New World Order, this is super crash course in the New World Order.
And I'm really excited about what's going on.
Rand Paul winning in Kentucky.
That is so awesome.
It's awesome!
I don't know.
Not off the bat in Arkansas but I will say this we are having great victories and with Arlen Specter out Arlen Specter has been a staple of the Senate for decades right now that is a huge victory it shows the global awakening is also taking place not just around the globe but in this country
And all the subversion by Fox News trying to take over the Tea Party events isn't going to work.
We're going to continue to put our people into office and at these rallies, it would be great if people got a copy of Don't Tread On Me and Invisible Empire and made copies of those films and handed out hundreds and thousands of those films because that's how we're going to get the information out.
That's how we show what the quote-unquote New World Order is, how it is a push, an ideal
For a global government.
Who was talking about that global government today?
And of course, Brzezinski is featured in the film.
Appreciate the call, Nick.
Stephen, in Florida.
Stephen, you're online.
Yeah, hey, good afternoon, Jason.
Hang on.
Okay, there we go.
Alright, what's on your mind, Stephen?
Hey, a couple things.
First of all, Alex had Gary Franchi with Restore the Republic on a couple days ago and did a really good interview.
And I get Gary's reality report.
It's an email report he sends out.
It's really good.
And in the latest one, I wanted to ask you about this, see what you think.
He was talking about the Arizona immigration bill, and he said after further looking into it, he's changed his position and believes based on the wording in that bill, it's actually a backdoor for the federal government to come in
Do what that bill calls for for immigrants, for illegals, for anybody in the United States, just like the Patriot Act does with so-called terrorists.
I don't know.
As far as I know, the way it's being carried out right now, if they pull somebody over and they appear to be an illegal immigrant, I don't think it's a bad thing to check if they have a consular matricular card or they indeed are a citizen.
And if not, they send them over the border.
I think that is a good thing.
Appreciate the call.
Before I go to Jim in Illinois and Dalton in Georgia,
I want to go back to that caller that was pro-communist for a moment.
This is what happens with communism.
This headline, China organ trafficking trial exposes grisly trade.
And throughout this, they try to make it look, you know, kind of sexy.
And this guy who was trafficking organs, he's a good guy, actually.
He never sold bad organs.
And it tells you a Beijing court is prosecuting a man for illegal organ trafficking.
Local media reported putting the spotlight on a grisly black market in body parts in a country where the demand for transplants far outstrips supply.
And he's a big hero and he's being prosecuted by the government.
But at the end, they admit where is the most organ harvesting coming from?
Well, from prisons in China!
However, the majority of organs from transplant are still where?
Harvested from executed criminals, the paper said.
Beijing hopes the new system will end both live transplants and taking organs from prisoners, which makes senior officials uncomfortable.
Hi, thanks.
I've heard recently here about the illegal immigration thing.
You know, I live in Chicago and you guys, uh, I don't know if you've had any calls from people from Chicago or not, but let me just tell you something.
It's so bad here where I live that they'll intimidate you until you pretty much move out of the area.
Unless you stand up and say, no, I'm not going to have any of that.
I'm not going to be the victim and I'm not going to be the criminal.
Um, and recently here I was listening to,
Two states policemen and an off-duty judge or off-duty cop and a judge and a guy from the National Guard talking about you will be processed one way or another.
One way either is a victim or another way either is you standing up and saying no I won't have any more of this.
I totally put my foot down.
I'm not going to be the victim anymore.
And in that case when you stand up for your rights and say no
Uh, you're a criminal.
Um, and they laughed about it.
And the thing was that they were all talking about how the state police and Illinois National Guard here, uh, have been, uh, working in conjunction with Mayor Daley's office.
And that, that I'm going to tell you this right now, and this is a prediction and I hope you guys are recording this.
Illinois is going to be the first police state in the United States.
And how do I know that?
Because the judge that was sitting at that bar,
at that local establishment.
It wasn't a bar, but it was like a drinking and dining establishment.
He said that he sees this happening within the next 2.5 years.
And probably even before that, within eight months, was the other guy's... Jim, I appreciate the call and we will definitely keep our eye on Illinois.
Dalton in Georgia.
Dalton, you're online.
Let's go to Justin in Colorado.
Justin, you're online.
Hey, how's it going?
Okay, yes, I have a document.
This is just following up on that bus thing you were saying in Colorado.
Yes, yes.
Yes, I got this.
There's this notice I got from the school district for my sister.
It's saying that every student district in Colorado is required to report to the Colorado Department of Education each year.
Um, the federal government recently changed the reporting categories for student data to more accurately reflect the diversity of the country's present population.
Under the new system, you will now be asked to indicate both the ethnicity and the racial categories for your children.
On the data sheet, um, it has a couple, there's a new question, I've never seen this on any kind of ethnic question, it's this number one, ethnicity, are you Hispanic or Latino?
Yes or no?
And if you're not,
uh... indicate which ethnicity you are which i'm thinking now uh... that they want to uh...
They want to profile everybody.
They want to profile areas, man.
Listen, they want to charge you for it.
They want to track, trace, and database you.
Once you're in the database, that's when the massive profiling begins.
They'll have individual profiles, community profiles, they'll have county profiles, and of course, statewide profiles.
And they'll use this profiling information to divide and conquer.
That's the idea, while they tax you for it.
While they tax you for it, they are going to divide and conquer with your information, while they enslave your children before your very eyes.
It's the Alex Jones Show, final segment coming in.
I am Jason Burma, sitting in InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
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We are back!
It's the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas, sitting in for the final hour.
Alex coming back up in the rebroadcast in just about six minutes.
Before I go to some final calls, there were two other stories I really wanted to hit up.
We often talk about the elite's search for immortality, and a lot of people will laugh at you and say, oh Jason, that's just science fiction.
Genes that let you live to 100.
This is Times Online.
They're calling them the Methuselah genes, after the biblical character
I think?
Yes, cancer vaccines that can kill tumors and in some cases, they're saying, within the next 10 years will prevent cancer altogether.
Be very wary of this.
When they gave out the polio vaccination, folks, they put SV40 in it.
That's simian virus 40, which was a live cancer virus which people sued over after family members died and were maimed and paralyzed and all sorts of other horrific things and won those lawsuits.
So be very cautious as they tell you, oh, we have a vaccine for cancer now.
Andrea in Kentucky, you're on the line.
Yes, Andrea.
Hi, bravo on Invisible Empire.
What an awesome movie.
Oh, thank you.
I just wanted to say the victory of Rand Paul here in Kentucky.
Everybody is so hyped up.
The local media is already saying how Jack Conway, which is his Democratic opponent, how he's going to have to run a perfect campaign.
And he is, because he is up against
He's up against real liberty, Andrea.
He's up against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
He's up against the people, and quite frankly, I don't think he stands a chance.
I think it is so exciting that Rand Paul ran away with the primary in Kentucky, and now we have to get him into office.
Appreciate the call.
Gotta jump, Jim, in New York.
Jim, you're online.
Yes, Jason.
My name is Jim.
I'm trying to make this as concise as possible.
You know, I'm listening to this day after day.
I'm saying to myself, what is the central theme if there is one that can coalesce our movement?
Because they've got us running in 40 different directions, whether it's environmental or all this other nonsense.
I won't go through it.
But I received some letter today out of Nassau County.
And, uh, Capital Improvement Project.
And I thought that was... I find these humorous, you know?
It's nonsense.
Jim, the bottom line is they are going to hit you from all angles, whether it be the war on terror, endless wars in the Middle East for a Eurasian Union that benefit who?
The elite class and the military-industrial complex, a false environmental movement, a move to
Literally taxing you to breathe on all levels, to taxing you on how many cars you have, how many kids you have, how big your home is, how much garbage you produce, your carbon footprint, demonizing a life force, carbon dioxide, here on the planet.
So yes, it is
Literally from all angles, blowing out the economy with banksters running around consolidating power with the IMF and the World Bank under the G20 globalist system.
Yes, it's not an easy fix.
Yes, we are going to have to branch out.
There is no one solution, but I gotta tell you folks, I am so encouraged to see Rand Paul
And as the Kentucky primary winner.
Let's get him into Senate.
Let's get other like-minded patriots out there.
We've got the rebroadcast coming up in about 60 seconds.
Don't miss it.
Alex Jones was in live for the first three hours.
I covered the last hour.
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We covered Google.
We covered the elections.
We covered what's happening in Arizona and so much more.
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